
=== jeiworth_ is now known as jeiworth
slestakanyone in the know got an opinion on kvm network bridge setup getting any easier or reliable?  I am at a decision point in a potential p2v covnversion of several machibes, but i am killing way too much time in configuring fraking br004:20
slestakvbox and vmware seem to have it pretty brainless.  ive gotten 2 workdays (not full, but a good bit) intil pythin mbuilder, and proper host bridging has been the biggest hangup04:22
slestakseems like i have seen a couple of workarounds to get it working (this one worked) http://blog.loftninjas.org/2009/04/06/quick-bridging-with-kvm-on-ubuntu-jaunty/  but i really like the idea of templated builds for our dev team.  i havn't seen a way to get the br-ifup script knitted into the libvirtxml.templ.  may not be possible.04:26
slestakdoesanyone havr it working?  i cant be the only onewith difficulty here04:27
MTecknologyAnyone know of any nice walkthroughs for setting up an email server with multiple domains that doesn't use actual system user accounts (virtual domains/users instead)?05:25
keshiki'd like to know of one as well that supports pop/smtp and webmail, MTeck05:29
MTecknologyThis looks pretty solid... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto05:32
keshikthanks for the information, MT05:33
arrrghhhhey, has anyone deployed openchange server on their ubuntu installation?  i found it was in the repo's for 9.04...05:45
MTecknologySo... I setup postfix and everything along with it for filtering and I never need to think about dovecot. It's not until I want to start reading email that dovecot matters, right?06:54
HaliFax´t gotten to that part06:56
HaliFaxi keep getting the relay error06:56
MTecknologyI haven't touched anything yet - just reading06:56
HaliFaxyeah well i get that error i'll check again in the morning07:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #377322 in openssh (main) "my sftp conncection breaks spontaneously after a while, I have to re-login to fix it." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37732208:31
ivoksnxvl: you have 25670 new emails12:58
slestakquiet this morning.  does anyone have python-vmbuilder created vm + bridged networking working?  I have it working kinda, but what i have will be hard to duplicate (which is the whole point of the templated setup)13:47
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ttxivoks: where are you dude ?15:07
Rafael_i am trying to make backups from my ubuntu server into a NAS linksys, somebody told me on this chat to mount as: mount -t cifs -o username=foo host:/share /mnt/point), but my question is if i have samba already install i should still do the same command?15:14
infekteddeathim using mydns and in the terminal i get servfails trying to reach my site can anyone help16:02
giovaniis your dns server running?16:03
giovaniand the port is open?16:04
infekteddeathim using mydns and ispconfig316:05
giovanidid you set up dns for your domain properly?16:05
giovaniI don't know what ispconfig3 is16:05
infekteddeathits web gui control panel16:05
giovaniok, I can't help you with that16:05
infekteddeathwell i dont think its a web gui problem16:06
infekteddeathi think mydns isnt configured proprerly or something16:07
giovanican you give me the dns server ip, and the domain you're trying to resolve?16:07
giovaniwhat's the dns server address?16:07
infekteddeathim trying to completely run my .com nameservers, mail, everything16:09
giovaniyep, you probably misconfigured the mydns config16:09
infekteddeathhave any idea how i can fix this16:10
giovaniI've never used mydns though, it's not a common dns server16:10
giovanitry #mydns16:10
giovanior try looking for a syntax-checking option in it16:10
giovanito see if it can tell you where the error is16:10
infekteddeathwhats a common dns server16:14
giovaniby far the most common dns server16:17
infekteddeathsorry for buggin again but could having no virtual host be bad?16:23
Rafael_can somebody tell me how to do to see samba shares from the command line16:33
Rafael_can somebody tell me how to do to see samba shares from the command line in ubuntu16:35
giovaniRafael_: mount -t cifs -o username=user,password=pass //server/share /path/to/mount16:36
Rafael_giovani: this is to mount or to see network places16:37
pmatulisRafael_: install smbclient package and then man this stuff: '$ dpkg -L smbclient | grep bin/'16:38
giovaniRafael_: that mounts -- it's like smblient -L //server or something to get shares16:39
giovanias pmatulis said -- man smbclient16:39
Rafael_if i have installe samba before do i have still to install or just do the mount16:40
giovaniyou said you wanted to browse shares16:40
giovaniwe've told you what tool you need, and where to read about its options16:40
ackersneed shell TO UPLOAD, please pm me. willing to buy now17:49
ackersneed shell TO UPLOAD, please pm me. willing to buy now17:49
ackersi want to buy shell. please do pm me. if u have for sale17:53
ackersi want to buy shell. please do pm me. if u have for sale17:53
ackersi want to buy shell. please do pm me. if u have for sale17:53
niekieackers: Uh. We don't sell "shells" here.17:53
ackerswhere can i get17:56
ackerscan u direct me to a room/channel17:56
ackersi want to buy shell. please do pm me. if u have for sale18:02
weiserHey, I have an Ubuntu server 8.04 (Hardy) and want to run this command "sudo /usr/local/devmon/devmon --readbbhosts >>/var/log/devmon-readbbhosts.log" but I get a "-bash: /var/log/devmon-readbbhosts.log: Permission denied". Is it Apparmor? And if it is do it have a log where I can see what it is blocking?18:09
ackersi want to buy shell. please do pm me. if u have for sale18:16
ackersi want to buy shell. please do pm me. if u have for sale18:16
weiserhmm, sometimes I just want to kick my self, it helps to change the premissions to write acces to the log file...18:16
incorrect*cough* has anyone tried getting windows 7 running under kvm?18:54
giovaniincorrect: google has18:54
incorrecti know google has18:54
giovaniwell google's first result happens to be on Ubuntu Intrepid18:55
giovaniand the answer is yes it works18:55
giovaniso I figure the answer is yes18:55
incorrecti know it works, there seem to be a fair number of different experiences18:57
giovanihmm, ok18:58
incorrectI was thinking about using it to test builds18:59
giovanitest builds of?18:59
incorrectjust some code i am working on18:59
giovaniI'd stick with virtualization software that's more tested for that18:59
incorrectit is not super important to be stable19:00
giovaniok, why testing on windows 7?19:00
incorrectfor giggles19:00
jetoledoes anyone know of a cheap humidity monitor that I can plug into a server?19:37
jetoleor that I can somehow query remotely?19:38
giovanijetole: cheap? no19:49
MTecknologyWhat's that app that sends you regular system log data19:57
MTecknologyI think it just sends you a message daily from when you got from the end of what you got the day before19:58
MTecknologyHeading to nappy ville - please hilight me if you guys have any answer.19:59
giovaniMTecknology: you may mean logwatch20:26
akahey guys I am trying to get PATH_INFO working with apache2 which is installed from the ubunutu package.  I have AcceptPathInfo directive in my httpd conf file but it still isn't pulling.  I am wondering if there is a known issue or quick way to get PATH_INFO available?20:30
jetoleMTecknology: logwatch?20:52
jetolegiovani said it20:52
sivanghi all21:18
baranhi! I added second ethernet card on vmware but when I write ifconfig I can't see the second one22:26
baranwhat should I do?22:27
Nicke_does it show if you run ifconfig -a ?22:29
baranyes :)22:30
baranbut there is no ip22:30
baranhow can I take ip from dhcp or how can I config ip address22:31
Nicke_check the file /etc/network/interfaces22:31
Nicke_where that can be configured22:31
Nicke_(also see "man interfaces")22:31
baranthanks alot now it is OK :D22:36
Nicke_nice :)22:37
baranis there a web gui for iptables?22:37
Nicke_I have no idea22:37
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MianoSMno there is no web gui for iptables natively.23:53
giovaniebox appears to have an iptables management feature23:54
giovaninot sure if it's part of the default ebox install though23:54
MianoSMas does webmin ;)23:56

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