
myxo_zzeiss: virtual box00:00
Pici!register | uukrul00:00
ubottuuukrul: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode00:00
VCoolio1sladen: you're a usplash hero? Then plz look at this thread, there are issues changing it on Jaunty: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115647200:00
Myrtti!exploit > sladen00:00
King_Of_WormsIs there anyone who can help me adding an OS to the grub menu, I've tried the instructions I've found online, but couldn't get it to work :(00:00
vigoHello. how do I set up or activate a Control Key on Ubuntu 8.04.1? A control key is used for ASCII and such.00:00
ubottusladen, please see my private message00:00
uukrul!register | uukrul00:00
ubottuuukrul, please see my private message00:00
myxo_zzeiss: reading a guide on it right now, just need to know how to setup a bunch of diff OSs seamlessly00:00
Zzeissmyxo_: Virtualbox is _easy_.   There is a guide on the SUN website, and after reading that, I had no problems.  Or just try it.00:00
ofasdDCC SEND "a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a" 1370673706 3500 400:01
gracisassHello I am getting a grub Error 17 can anyone help me with this?00:01
myxo_zzeiss: yea reading one now, link me to yours in case mine doenst work out? =p00:01
Zzeissmyxo_: What do you mean by "seamlessly"?00:01
myxo_zzeiss: just smoothly, with my hardware it shouldnt be an issue.00:01
charitwo!ops ofasd00:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops ofasd00:01
Zzeissmyxo_: I just use the one on the SUN website.  I don't have a URL handy.  One read, and everything became obvious.  :)00:01
th0rKing_Of_Worms: pastebin your menu.lst file00:01
myxo_zzeiss: i am confused at the booting aspect of vbox, i don't know what to do to make it boot up, i get errors00:01
myxo_zzeiss really just a balck screen, with one error, not errors, lol00:02
vigoKing_0f_Worms: Is there a Win partition on it also?00:02
King_Of_Wormsth0r: pastebin?00:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:02
nithdoes anyone know any projects that allow a computer to act as a usb storage device to another computer?00:02
landongSo it's worth doing it?00:02
SeaPhori have created a "live USB" from the Ubuntu 9.04 menu, if i make an .iso image of that- is that the same as the iso download of the image to make a cd?00:02
King_Of_Wormsvigo: so far I have a ubuntu entry and an XP entry, I'm trying to add one for 9800:03
gracisasshey why i fdisk and i print my partition table, It doesn't show the partitions of the extended partitions00:03
gracisasswhy is that?00:03
donavan01myxo_  zzeiss is right vbox is a cake walk... hardest part is getting a seperate launcher for each OS... which isnt really even that bad00:03
nithlandong: yes, so long as you know about the last-good-boot thing00:03
gracisassCan someone help me with my problem?00:03
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, did you get something like a "hit F12 to select boot media" down at the bottom?00:03
giovaniif I wanted to install ubuntu "desktop" without Gnome (or any other window manager by default) -- is there a good way to do that?00:03
landongnith: I just have to remember that00:03
myxo_zzeiss: yes00:03
Zzeissmyxo_: and then that goes away and you have a blank screen?00:03
myxo_donavan01 i hope so =)00:03
nithgiovani: the server installs do that00:03
myxo_zzeiss: yep. i tried to set it up without a guide lol00:03
landongnith: Think I should check if my second OS works as well?00:03
myxo_zzeiss i hope it would be that easy, i was wrong haha00:03
giovaninith: the server installs do different kernels, etc00:03
nithlandong: it will but no harm in checking00:04
mrwesnith: have you shared the drive?00:04
Zzeissmyxo_: OK.  No problem.   It _is_ easy.  You just have to put a virtual boot CDROM into the virtual drive.  :)00:04
nithgiovani: you can change the kernel by installing a diff one using apt00:04
donavan01myxo_  if you need any help just  PM me I will do what I can ... but the vbox channel guys are really helpful00:04
landongnith: Is it the same command that it was in grub1? Any changes?00:04
myxo_zzeiss: meaning a physical cd? that i'd have to burn?00:04
myxo_donavan01 could you give me that #?00:04
linuxghosthi all00:04
sladenVCoolio1: no idea, I've read the thread but don't see an obvious question in it.  Certainly, any theme will need recompiling to match the usplash version (the theme is an executable library)00:04
giovaninith: yes, but I presume I'm missing other desktop-esque packages as well ... like gtk and qt libraries, etc00:04
nithlandong: after you hit the 'b'; did you get a list of options?00:04
Zzeissmyxo_: which you can do easily enough- or map the virtual cd to a .iso somewhere in your hard drive.    Either works, but the hard drive is faster.00:04
landongnith: Yeah00:05
myxo_zzeiss: does it have to be a windows .iso or ??? i don't understand the concept00:05
landongnith: But none ore my second os00:05
Zzeissmyxo_: Do you have a .iso of the operating system you want to load into the empty virtual machine?00:05
nithmrwes: what do you mean?00:05
vigoKing_Of_Worms: Look at computerhope.com or some like sight, since win is in the MBR or is the MBR that is what needs to be edited. In GRUB or Lilo it is 'e' or edit commands, or something like that, I am still very unfamiliar with any Ubuntu Linux commands.00:05
donavan01myxo_ ... you can just us an ISO.... and the channel is just #vbox00:05
nightrid3r!ops | sdfahlsdjkfh00:05
ubottusdfahlsdjkfh: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:05
nithlandong: well that poses a bit of an issue00:05
myxo_zzeiss: hmmm i have an x64 pro iso in the other room00:05
VCoolio1sladen: I compiled a theme from source but there is a big black rectangle on the splash screen.00:05
myxo_zzeiss windows00:05
bazhangnightrid3r, he is gone00:06
nithlandong: let me check how to boot it00:06
th0rKing_Of_Worms: what partition of the second drive did you put 98 on?00:06
Zzeissmyxo_: one important concept you might be missing: a virtual machine is the _same_ as a real copper-and-silicon machine.  It knows _nothing_ till you boot and install the operating system.00:06
MattCampbellIs there an explanation somewhere about why Ubuntu continues to use PulseAudio even though many users apparently consider it more trouble than it's worth?00:06
linuxghosthi all00:06
Zzeissmyxo_: for XP?  Or for Ubuntu?  Or what?00:06
King_Of_Wormsth0r: the second one00:06
myxo_donavan01 thanks... i have tons of questions, things you may consider basic seem difficult to me until u understand them00:06
nithgiovani: do you want it to simply not boot into a window manager or that you not have one?00:06
SeaPhor!hi | linuxghost00:06
ubottulinuxghost: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:06
donavan01myxo_.... been there myself so no problem at all00:06
Zzeissmyxo_: a .iso is the image of a CD you have on a hard drive.... it's the equivalent of the CD, but not yet turned into pits in the plastic.00:07
myxo_zzeiss: i mean i have a windows xp 64 corp edition disc, is that what u meant?00:07
giovaninith: I'd like to use a window manager that isn't provided by any of the *buntu distros00:07
th0rKing_Of_Worms: it looks ok...what happens when you try to access 98?00:07
myxo_zzeiss i know, i could get one, just take a few mins00:07
SeaPhor!ask | linuxghost00:07
ubottulinuxghost: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:07
linuxghostdoes someone knows how to resize HDD with Ubuntu and XP using GParted?00:07
myxo_zzeiss: i need one of those for each new OS i want to experiment with?00:07
King_Of_Wormsit says "loading..." (i think) and then it just sits there, doing nothing00:07
giovaninith: and I'd rather not have bloat sitting there that I have to go and remove -- i.e. a window manager I won't use00:07
th0rgiovani: you can install as many window managers as you like...and choose which to use when you log in00:07
Zzeissmyxo_: sure.  That would work.  Or your Ubuntu CD.  Maybe start with Ubuntu first, bfcause you already have it running and you know how it works.00:07
giovanith0r: yes, I'm aware00:07
myxo_donavan01 haha i installed linux knowing this was all coming but its all so daunting00:07
VCoolio1sladen: just copypasting existing usplash themes doesn't work at all and compiling has these issues; that's the problem at hand. Any ideas on that black box showing up on a splash screen?00:07
myxo_zzeiss create a virtual ubuntu?00:07
myxo_zzeiss in ubuntu? lol xD00:08
SeaPhorlinuxghost, yes, but are you on live cd or installed ubuntu?00:08
th0rgiovani: why not install gnome, then install your wm, then remove gnome?00:08
giovanith0r: I don't want gnome/kde bloat on my machine -- the packages won't be easily removed because ubuntu-desktop will depend on them00:08
sladenVCoolio1: the black box is probably the outline for drawing the progress bar, or debug message into00:08
giovanith0r: because you won't be able to cleanly remove the dependencies for it because of the dependency chain from ubuntu-desktop00:08
donavan01myxo_   its gotten a lot better over the past few years ... especially with ubuntu ... I have tried them all and got pissed with most of them but ubuntu finally got it right00:08
th0rKing_Of_Worms: give me a sec to check on something00:08
Zzeissmyxo_: Yep.  That's what I do when I want to play.  If you hose the virtual machine, no harm/no foul, you delete it (or revert it to a snapshot) and the hosage goes magically away.  Meanwhile, you can be IRCing safely along in another VM.  :)00:08
GaveUpfwiw, I've figured out my problem.  dmraid wasn't activating the array because the dm-raid4-5 module needed to be loaded00:08
linuxghostSeaPhor; i have live Cd but im afraid of losing my data00:09
landongnith: Well, I added the same command line to menu.lst, and it booted fine, which is a good sign00:09
sladenVCoolio1: probably the ABI (the header files) changed, and so any extra fields will also need adding00:09
harujaiWhat would cause this fglrxinfo output http://paste.ubuntu.com/179077/?00:09
landongnith: I mean for my second os00:09
nithgiovani: ubuntu-desktop is a psudo package, you don't loose anything when it is 'uninstalled'00:09
jerknextdoorcan anyone help me with a openoffice Calc question in 8.10?00:09
nithlandong: that excellent but grub2 might overwrite menu.lst later00:09
Zzeissmyxo_: So that's why I say "try it with Ubuntu in the virtual machine first".00:09
VCoolio1sladen: progress bar is fine; debug message has it's own element in the usplash screen? Then I'll look into that00:09
vigogiovani: XFCE is a very lightweight or something desktop/windows manager.00:09
landongnith: but this shows that it should still work though, right?00:09
giovaninith: I thought it was a metapackage, and therefore, when removed, you lose the ability to do an apt purge to remove packages that were installed due to dependency on, for example, gnome00:09
giovanivigo: I'm aware, so?00:09
nithlandong: grub2 uses /etc/grub.d/ to generate a menu.lst00:09
SeaPhorlinuxghost, this could get lengthy, mind if i PM you00:10
Zzeissmyxo_: (note- I have to do this with my wife, so we can have her running XP in a VM in her Mac and we can ditch the Dell boat anchor!)00:10
nithlandong: yes00:10
landongnith: I thought it was some config.cfg00:10
linuxghostSeaPhor, i didnt understand00:10
SeaPhorlinuxghost, this could get lengthy, mind if i Private Message you00:10
Zzeissmyxo_: Anyway, wanna give this a spin?00:10
NightStrikeany suggestions on how to fix this for ubuntu-dapper? >> http://pastebin.com/m51a7c2a100:10
myxo_zzeiss sure, what do i need firstly?00:11
vigogiovani: I was just suggesting a lightweight manager, or compile a new one.00:11
linuxghostSeaPhor , do it00:11
Zzeissmyxo_: Got your Ubuntu install CD?00:11
myxo_zzeiss my ubuntu disc image?00:11
myxo_zeiss o crap its a 32 bit image00:11
giovanivigo: yes, I already know what window manager I want -- that's not the issue -- getting a clean ubuntu desktop install is00:11
Zzeissmyxo_: Yep.  the .iso you downloaded works fine.00:11
linuxghostSeaPhor, PVT ME00:11
Zzeissmyxo_: No problem.  32 or 64, both work under VB.00:11
th0rKing_Of_Worms: apparently there is some glitch with 98. Check this url....http://forum.soft32.com/linux2/Windows-98-Windows-XP-Ubuntu-Linux-ftopict50559.html00:11
myxo_zzeiss would 32bit work ? ok00:11
MattCampbellAnyone know how to configure Skype to work on Ubuntu with PulseAudio?00:11
nithgiovani: why not simply purge all of ubuntu-desktop then reinstall gtk and qt?00:11
Zzeissmyxo_: is it on your hard drive now?  Or do you want to grab the CD you used?00:12
myxo_ziess okay i have it up, create new i assume, its on my HDD now, in documents00:12
nithgiovani: also, is your other wm a debian package or are you managing dependecies manually?00:12
giovaninith: because I figure I'll also miss other things00:12
myxo_zzeiss sry i keep spelling ur name wrong00:12
giovaninith: it's an ubuntu package00:12
myxo_zzeiss got it on my clipboard now lol00:12
myxo_zzeiss a lot better00:12
linuxghost/join #seaphor00:12
donavan01myxo_  im going to be rebooting and might be out for a bit but I should be back in a little bit00:12
velcroshoozgiovani: the least bloat possible is going to be the server install, and whatever apps you install are going to get only the libraries they need whether they are gtk/qt .. ubuntu might not be the best choice for a made from scratch build00:12
myxo_donavan01 alright! i'll see u shortly =)00:12
boss_mcMattCampbell: under sound devices there's an option for pulse00:13
Zzeissmyxo_: No problem with the name.  :)  Yes, create a new virtual machine.  Give it 10 gigabytes of disk, to be created as needed, and 1 gig of RAM00:13
myxo_zzeiss ok, 1 sec00:13
oxocoffeeI am trying to build some C sample code and it is complainint that atoi is not available. I did installed build build-essential00:13
VulpesVulpesHello from Russia :)00:13
Zzeissmyxo_: how much disk and RAM does your real machine have?00:13
vigogiovani: Ok I came in after you had stated what or which desktop you proffered  to use or activate, did you check at Launchpad?00:13
myxo_zzeiss 4gb00:13
giovanivelcroshooz: yes, I realize this -- it means installing a lot of "desktop" packages by hand, not just gtk/qt00:13
myxo_zzeiss 360gb00:13
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, plenty.  :)00:13
giovanivigo: I don't see how launchpad is relevant -- this is an ubuntu install issue, not a package for my wm issue -- my wm has a package in ubuntu00:13
boss_mcoxocoffee: that's a bit weird, is it saying undefined symbol (during link) or undefined fuction (during compile)?00:14
samdwhats the best filesystem for a solid state drive?00:14
MattCampbellIf I set all three sound device settings in Skype to pulse, then sound plays fine, but recording doesn't work; the other end gets background noise instead of my voice.00:14
nithgiovani: so what you want is to remove gnome, maintain the ability to apt purge ubuntu-desktop metapackage, and hold on to all of the gtk apps that gnome provides?00:14
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, do you have VirtualBox OSE installed on the real machine?00:14
DopeGhotiAhoy- Just came across an EEE900HD; it'd got a Celeron M, not an Atom, no NBR is no good for me.. how is the hardware/softkey support for it; has anyone heard/experienced anything?00:14
myxo_zzeiss u mean the program, yea00:14
myxo_zzeiss i'm at the part where i select amount of disc space00:15
boss_mcMattCampbell: you might want to set line in to the hardware name (hwX:Y)00:15
Soren123shouldn't an XP install disk automatically start installation on strtup? I keep getting to the screen that wants me to choose Ubuntu or XP00:15
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, what version of VBox?  (00:15
myxo_zzeiss 2,1,400:15
DopeGhotiSoftCoder1, not all Windows CDs are bootable.00:15
Zzeissmyxo_: perfect.  We're in sync.00:15
King_Of_Wormsso, seems like i need to reinstall grub :/00:15
giovaninith: nah, not even -- I don't care about the gtk apps that come specifically for gnome (i.e. its config utilities) -- I just wanted a login manager, and desktop-related packages installed, as well as firefox, etc just without gnome, kde, or xfce specific packages00:15
DopeGhotiSoren123, not all Windows CDs are bootable00:15
th0rSoren123: is the computer set to boot from cd before hd?00:15
Zzeissmyxo_: I'll be working along with you on this.  :)00:15
bigpreshSoren123: Only if CD is higher up the list of boot devices than the HD00:15
boss_mcMattCampbell: won't allow you to use skype and another pulseaudio recording simultaneously00:15
DopeGhotiSoftCoder1, sorry, tab failed me :)00:15
bigpreshSoren123: (or you hit a key for a "boot menu" allowing you to select what to boot from)00:16
Zzeissmyxo: "Machine" pulldown, click NEW.00:16
VulpesVulpesбля, как отсуда выйти?00:16
giovaniI guess I'm stuck with a xubuntu install, and removing xfce stuff -- since it's got the least to remove00:16
myxo_zzeiss Linux > Ubuntu > 1000mb > disc space? 10gb?00:16
Zzeissmyxo_: Did you give your machine a name yet?00:16
th0rKing_Of_Worms: there was also some mention of 98 requiring a primary partition...did you catch that?00:16
DopeGhoti!ru | VulpesVulpes00:16
ubottuVulpesVulpes: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:16
myxo_zzeiss i called it myxo3200:16
Soren123I changed the boot order to CD, Removable, HDD, Network00:16
myxo_zzeiss probably should have said something about ubuntu but oh well00:16
Zzeissmyxo_: and linux/ubuntu?00:16
loner__oxocoffee : did you include stdlib.h ?00:16
myxo_zzeiss yes00:16
nithgiovani: I'm sorry but I don't understand 'desktop-related packages'00:16
boss_mcgiovani: you could install off of debootstrap and install ubuntu-minimal, xserver-xorg and gdm00:17
King_Of_WormsI saw that, but didn't quite understand . . .98 has to be on the first partition or . . . . . ?00:17
giovaninith: firefox, a graphical login manager, etc00:17
MasterVipi from argentina00:17
frankS2oh really00:17
frankS2tell me more about that00:17
Zzeissmyxo_: and what did you set on the next window after that, where it says "boot disk (primary)00:17
giovaniboss_mc: yeah, ok -- I can just do that from server00:17
th0rKing_Of_Worms: the way I read it 98 requires a primary partition instead of an extended partition. I am not sure how you partitioned the second drive, but suspect the first two partitions were primary00:17
bazhang!ar | MasterVip00:17
ubottuMasterVip: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe00:17
VulpesVulpesMasterVip: i from Russia! :)00:17
giovaniboss_mc: I wanted something clean to deploy on a lot of desktops00:17
boss_mcgiovani: server has other things (e.g. apache) installed00:18
myxo_zzeiss nothing yet, it has the box checked that says "boot hard disc (primary master)" called "virtualmyxo.vdi(normal,400.00MB)"00:18
bazhangVulpesVulpes, #ubuntu-ru00:18
vigoSoren123: You might need to hold a key down to get into Repair or Install mode, usually is like an F# key, on some delete works. If XP is showing in the MBR or GRUB then it is in the MBR it may just need to be repaired.00:18
King_Of_Wormsth0r: is there a way i can check?00:18
Zzeissonly 400 MB?  Up it to 8 gb.00:18
myxo_zzeiss do i make a new one? 10,000mb?00:18
giovaniboss_mc: no, server doesn't install apache by default at all, not even openssh-server is installed by default00:18
boss_mcgiovani: doesn't the alternative install cd have a minimal install?00:18
VulpesVulpesbazhang: ok, ok...00:18
donavan01myxo  just incase you wondered if you create a VM and you find the drive is too small there is a way to increase the size but it is a little tricky but there is a good howto on it00:18
pirintoI got this 500Gb SATA disk connected to an ubuntu machine through an USB2 hdd-case, Ubuntu gives me I/O errors and the disk is not accessible. Problem started right after upgrading to 8.04 (The disk has no hardware errors I've checked twice with the manufacturers' diagnostic tool)00:18
giovaniboss_mc: does it? if so -- that'd be great00:18
boss_mcgiovani: really?00:18
Zzeissmyxo_: Yeah, make a new one.  give it 8 gigs of disk.00:18
th0rKing_Of_Worms: gparted should tell you what partitions are primary and which are extended00:18
Soren123F10 gets me to setup00:18
giovaniboss_mc: yes, really -- why would someone ever want apache by default? that'd be AWFUL00:19
nithgiovani: would removing 'libgnome2-0 and libgnome2-common' do what you want? firefox and gdm are not removed as a result00:19
Zzeissmyxo_: yes, you canincrease it later, but let's keep it easy for now.00:19
myxo_zzeiss its doing a progress bar00:19
boss_mcgiovani: I assumed that was the default server install (LAMP and all)00:19
myxo_zzeiss moving pretty quick, 10%00:19
ownercan u play steam on wine?00:19
giovaniboss_mc: god no ... if it were, I'd leave ubuntu00:19
myxo_zzeiss is that area of my HDD inaccessible while that OS exists?00:19
landongnith: Sorry, but real quick, where was the line I had to comment out after kernel update? Im trying to make a list00:19
th0rKing_Of_Worms: try commenting out that chainloader command in the 98 section....just a guess on my part00:19
giovaninith: possibily, I'll look into that00:19
boss_mcgiovani: meh, I've never used the server version...00:19
Zzeissmyxo_: Oh, you preallocated then.  I don't usually do that... I let it allocate as needed.00:19
ownercan u play steam on wine?00:20
myxo_zzeiss so you didn't do "fixed space"? you did expanding?00:20
Zzeissmyxo_: Yes, the space taken up is not usable by the main machine (it's consumed on the filespace).00:20
King_Of_Wormshmm . . . . . thanks00:20
giovaniboss_mc: server installs should be lean -- and not presume that any network services be offered unless explicitly asked for -- which is exactly what debian and ubuntu presume00:20
King_Of_WormsI'll see what I can do00:20
boss_mcowner: yes,00:20
=== reason098_ is now known as reason099
King_Of_WormsThanks for your help th0r, et al00:20
boss_mcgiovani: good point00:20
giovanior rather, they do not presume00:20
nithlandong: /etc/kernel/prerm.d/last-good-boot has 3 lines in it, I comment out all of them so that when I install a new kernel, it works00:20
Zzeissmyxo_: That's what I usually do.  It seems to work OK for me.  :)00:20
giovanicentos on the other hand bloats their server install something awful :)00:20
myxo_zzeiss ah ok, i was trying to cancel to sync up with you but its being stubborn and i don't want to kill it00:21
myxo_zzeiss 66%00:21
Zzeissmyxo_: No problem00:21
Zzeissmyxo_: We have time.  The net result will be yours will run a bit faster.  :)00:21
giovaniok ... so we need an xmonabuntu :)00:21
nithdoes anyone know of a package/project that allows one computer to act as a usb storage device to another?00:21
giovanithen I'll be happy00:21
myxo_zzeiss anyway my system is dual intel 2.4ghz, 4gb ram & 9700gt nvidia00:21
myxo_zzeiss so i think i should be okay00:21
helperhello, what sync do00:21
Zzeissmyxo_: whoa.  Beefy.  :)00:21
boss_mcnith, won't samba do that?00:21
owen1can i get advice before going to Fry's to buy video card? i need support for 2 monitors and don't play games.00:21
myxo_zzeiss i only say because u asked of RAM earlier00:21
Zzeissmyxo_: Core 2 duo?00:21
myxo_zzeiss yea00:22
landongnith: Perfect, thanks00:22
boss_mcowen1: AGP or PCIe?00:22
myxo_zzeiss its my first laptop lol, i'm approaching the end of college and been saving a bit for it00:22
Zzeissmyxo_: should be fine then.  What's your status bar at?00:22
macman_ yes i can view the dave matthews link .. thanks my sound works .. whoever gave me the link00:22
myxo_zzeiss finished00:22
nithboss_mc: samba shares files, it won't do USB-storage specifically00:22
Zzeissmyxo_: What kind of laptop?00:22
myxo_zzeiss ASUS00:22
owen1boss_mc: i don't know. i have Nvidia now.00:22
boss_mcnith, true but why do you want USB?00:22
myxo_zzeiss ok the OS is now Finished, its selectable in the sidebar now00:22
m1dlghow do I give myself permission to mount or umount a drive, and keep that permission after reboot00:22
boss_mcowen1: Is the computer very old/new?00:23
nithboss_mc: embeded device running ubuntu without network access00:23
Zzeissmyxo_: OK.  Nice HW.  Anyway, you should now have a machine listed in the sidebar.  Click on it once, then click "settings" (the orange gear).00:23
Soren123I cannot get my XP install disk to boot.............I used it ia week ago and it doesn't look damaged00:23
nithboss_mc: ability to use it like a usb-key would kick some ritous ...00:23
myxo_zzeiss done00:23
owen1boss_mc: pentium 4, hp. will it help if i'll tell you the output of lspci and lshw+00:23
ZzeissYou now can set up the hardware the virtual machine has.00:23
boss_mcnith: ah, would be nice00:23
boss_mcowen1: pastebin them00:23
myxo_zzeiss what do you set yours at?00:23
giovaninith: doubtful something like that exists -- why is that so much better than using a real usb device?00:24
bazhangSoren123, what about asking for xp support in ##windows please00:24
th0rSoren123: do you need to reinstall windows, or just the boot loader?00:24
myxo_zzeiss i gave it 25% of my VRAM, 32mb, enabled 3d accel00:24
Soren123th0r, reinstall XP00:24
nithgiovani: less things I have to carry around with me00:24
Zzeissmyxo_: I would leave most of it alone... but lessee...  General > Basic, give it 32 MB of vram,00:24
owen1boss_mc: http://pastebin.com/m5bba173e00:24
th0rSoren123: can you get into an os on the computer now?00:25
myxo_zzeiss i read your mind =p00:25
boss_mcowen1: AGP00:25
giovaninith: fewer* -- a usb stick is tiny ... smaller than a laptop, that's for sure -- but yeah, I'll google a bit for something like that00:25
=== CyclAway is now known as ashka
boss_mcowen1: I'd stick with nVidia, the ATI drivers are pretty weak atm for linux00:25
Soren123th03, I can get into XP and Ubuntu00:25
owen1boss_mc: so any AGP driver will work?00:25
myxo_zzeiss ok all that is done, whats all this jazz about the .iso now =)00:25
helperhello, what sync do00:25
nithgiovani: this embedded device will be with me all day, and I'll be moving between many different computers, usb device lets me not worry about OS or network status of a computer00:26
giovaninith: unfortunately, I wonder if this is a limitation of the USB hardware itself00:26
boss_mcowen1: make sure it's AGP, not PCIe (I've made that mistake...)00:26
Zzeissmyxo_: General>advanced,  checkoff "Floppy, CDROM, Hard Disk", enable ACPI, enable VTx, enable nested paging, enable NX00:26
th0rSoren123: try booting into xp and then looking at the install disk. First to see if it even reads, then to see if there is a setup.exe file in the root. If so, try running that00:26
Zzeissmyxo_: no other changes on General.00:26
giovaninith: ok, guess I don't follow the use case exactly00:26
Zzeissmyxo_: Hard Disks: no changes.00:26
Soren123th0r ok00:26
owen1boss_mc: ok. the current monitor has VGA cable. the new one might have something else. it matters what kind, right?00:26
th0rSoren123: you do understand when you reinstall xp you will lose ubuntu, right?00:26
myxo_zzeiss ok checked now is hard disc, acpi, vt, nested paging and NX00:26
boss_mcowen1: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=221271&C=SO&U=strat15 for example has VGA and DVI output00:27
Soren123th0r, I thought I would still have Ubuntu but need to do some GRUB thing00:27
boss_mcowen1: and DVI -> VGA adaptors are easy to get00:27
Zzeissmyxo_: CD/DVD > HERE is where you have to set the boot media.  Either point it at the CDROM (andput your Ubuntu CD in) or point it at the .iso on the hard drive.).   This is the magic part.  :)00:27
th0rSoren123: right....if you reinstall grub you will get access to ubuntu again00:27
boss_mcowen1: That's the card I'm using right now, it's nice00:27
th0rSoren123: make sure you don't format the entire drive <smile>00:27
boss_mcowen1: got portal running through wine on it00:27
killenhoescan some one help me run counter strike on ubuntu 9.04?00:27
owen1boss_mc: what's portal? a game?00:28
myxo_zzeiss k its mounted00:28
killenhoesi got wine but i cant even figure out how to rune it00:28
yurii upgraded from  xubuntu 8.04 to UNR 9.04 - its great. but how do i get rid of the old xubuntu files?00:28
boss_mcowen1: yeah, it's a fun version of Half Life 200:28
Zzeissmyxo_: OK.  Lemme check the rest of settings...00:28
owen1boss_mc: and it's vista-ready!00:28
boss_mckillenhoes: you should just be able to download the installer for steam and run that00:28
myxo_zzeiss does that mean if i created a new windows machine the first time i boot it up i will have to go through the "windows install" procedure? lol00:28
boss_mcowen1: indeedly!00:28
boss_mcowen1: Although I havn't tried it out in that capacity yet...00:29
killenhoeswill some one offer me some help00:29
boss_mckillenhoes: I just did00:29
m1dlghow do I give myself permission to mount or umount a drive, and keep that permission after reboot00:29
Zzeissmyxo_: you might want to enable audio.  :-)  And yes,  a new Windoze machine needs to go thru the install procedure- and the WGA authentication!  So write down the volume ID and Ethernet MAC because you might need to recreate it.00:29
myxo_zzeiss thats hilarious00:29
myxo_zzeiss i have some windows cd's that ummm... skip WGA, lol00:30
landongnith: So you said the menu is automatically updated from grub.d, so I can't add anything to the conf file00:30
myxo_zzeiss ;-)00:30
Zzeissmyxo_: Yeah.  That's the way ti goes.  :)00:30
owen1boss_mc: so i can get AGP, and it can have 2 DVI outputs (and i'll have to get adapter for VGA) or 1 DVI and 1 VGA?00:30
boss_mckillenhoes: could you use highlighting, this channel moves fast (just start things with the name of the person they're directed to)00:30
landongnith: or menu.cfg, so where should I add it to00:30
myxo_zzeiss ok, going to try to start it00:30
Zzeissmyxo_: Wish I had one.  I have licenses.  But the f***** WGA annoys the heck out of me, which is another reason I run Linux.  :)00:30
boss_mcowen1: the one I showed you has one of each, I don't know of any AGP cards with two DVI outputs00:30
myxo_zzeiss sec i will recommend u an iso to try out.00:31
owen1boss_mc: and if i'll replace the current monitor to VDI as well, will i still be able to use this video card?00:31
m1dlgboss_mc: I have a saphire AGP card with 2 DVI ports00:31
Zzeissmyxo_: anyway, you should be ready.  Click "OK" to exit settings, then (assuming the new VM is still highlighted) click the green START arrow, and off it should boot!00:31
nithlandong: what OS is the secondary os?00:31
boss_mcm1dlg: ok, they do exist00:31
finitesetubuntu upgraded itself and now when I try to install skype it says wrong architecture!!! it was working fine before the upgrade... whats wrong?00:31
boss_mcm1dlg: I never looked for them00:31
myxo_zzeiss http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/77327617/windows+black?tab=comments00:32
nithlandong:  I'm wondering why it is not automatically detected.00:32
myxo_zzeiss just in case u want a copy of windows without WGA00:32
Zzeissmyxo_: it will produce a window that looks just like Ubuntu doing a virgin install - which it is, inside the virtual disk you already created.  Don't let it scare ya; the virtual machine cannot get outside of that.00:32
myxo_zzeiss alright going to try00:32
m1dlgboss_mc: I have one on this machine, was working great till I upgreaded00:32
Zzeissmyxo_: tell me later.  :)00:32
=== gustavo is now known as gubuntero
boss_mcfiniteset: have you changed your medibuntu source to be jaunty, not intrepid?00:32
boss_mcm1dlg: yeah, I had the same problem with my X1550, so I bought an nVidia card to replace it...00:33
landongnith: Hmm...one sec00:33
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, how's it working?00:33
owen1boss_mc:and if i'll replace the current monitor to VDI as well, will i still be able to use this video card?00:33
myxo_zzeiss says no bootable medium... mustve made an error, looking over things00:33
finitesetboss_mc: I did not change anything manually... there was a message taht do u want to upgrade to 9.04? and I said yes..It did everything automatically and when I restarted skype was gone...00:33
boss_mcowen1: nope00:33
m1dlghow do I give myself permission to mount or umount a drive, and keep that permission after reboot, I kind of need this one, I dual boot, and it make games fun with games on left and ventrillo/teamspeak/ cleints on the right.00:33
Shockratesdoes youporn have viruses?00:33
Zzeissmyxo_: Yeah.  go back to Settings>CD/DVDROM00:34
owen1boss_mc: mmm..so maybe it's better to get 2 DVI with adapter..00:34
boss_mcfiniteset: It's because it's not in the standard ubuntu repositories, you have to add the medibuntu ones that correspond to jaunty00:34
=== rocky_ is now known as rocky|
landongnith: yeah, its not automatic00:34
boss_mc!medibuntu | finiteset00:34
ubottufiniteset: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:34
myxo_zzeiss yea, looking over it but it all seems to be right00:34
myxo_zzeiss still looking00:34
Zzeissmyxo_: Tell me what you have in Settings>DVDROM.00:34
m1dlgshockrates: only those that make your hand quiver and your vission impaiered00:34
Shockratesthe good ones00:34
rocky|is there a replacement for skype that has audio, video, and text messaging?00:34
rocky|*and is cross platform?00:35
landongnith: And if I edit the menu.cfg file, do you think it'll just overwrite itself again?00:35
Zzeissmyxo_: er, tell me what you have in Settings > CD/DVD-ROM ?00:35
myxo_zzeiss Mount is checked, and the second selection is chosen with the browse set to the .iso00:35
nithlandong: what about when you "sudo update-grub2" (this will overwrite menu.cfg)00:35
owen1boss_mc: is this one good for me as well? EVGA 6200MB 256MB AGP Video Card00:35
finitesetboss_mc: how do I do that?00:35
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, that's right.00:35
boss_mcowen1: sounds fair, remember that most screens will take both VGA and DVI inputs (my right screen is VGA computer DVI PS3)00:35
landongnith: Sure, let me give it a try00:35
myxo_zzeiss thought so... do i need to f12 when it boots or no?00:35
m1dlgAnyone know how I can get permission to mount and umount my drives and keep this permmission after a reboot?00:35
nithlandong: it will overwrite itself; if not now then when you install a new kernel00:35
boss_mcfiniteset: follow the link ubotto gave you, and go to 'Adding the Repositories'00:36
Zzeissmyxo_: OK, back to General > Advanced.  What's your boot order- and is CD/DVD checked off?00:36
Zzeissmyxo_: (you might need to move CD/DVD to the top of the list.  )00:36
Shockrateswho is a porn expert here?00:36
myxo_zzeiss it was unchecked00:36
myxo_zzeiss and third00:36
finitesetboss_mc: and then?00:36
landongnith: It said that Mac OSX is not yet supported, but it did find it00:36
Zzeissmyxo_: no you don't need to F12.  Just check the CD/DVD and it will find it.00:36
landongnith: Restarted now to seee if it00:36
myxo_zzeiss it booted =)00:36
boss_mcfiniteset: follow the instructions on screen (use the ones for jaunty...)00:36
landongit's there00:36
myxo_zzeiss had to check CD and set it to the first00:36
landongJeeze, I hate this keyboard00:37
landongnith: And it's not there00:37
nithoh, interesting00:37
Zzeissmyxo_: isn't it an absolute GAS to see the bootup sequence happening in that little window?  :)00:37
m1dlgshockrates, this is #ubuntu, not #porn00:37
boss_mcowen1: it looks like that card has 1xVGA and 1xDVI00:37
landongLet's see if I just add it00:37
Shockratesm1dlg: i believe its the same, cause your distro sucks00:37
myxo_zzeiss its hilarious lol00:37
=== [o_O] is now known as danopia
myxo_zzeiss gotta try this with a 64 bit windows now =p00:38
Zzeissmyxo_: yeah.  It's a gas.  :)00:38
myxo_zzeiss could i run vbox in a vbox...00:38
owen1boss_mc: just like yours, i guess i'll get it.00:38
Zzeissmyxo_: Just be sure to take snapshots and back up those snapshots!00:38
myxo_zzeiss so i boot back to exactly where i left off?00:38
boss_mcowen1: 10$ rebate from Fry's on your one00:38
nithlandong: technically you could create your own file in /etc/grub.d/... like 10_custom and then add the lines you want to00:38
Zzeissmyxo_: Yes, you can.  One guy I know got something like twenty levels deep before he got bored.  :)00:38
nithlandong: 05_debian_theme line 7 to 10 is something similar to what you want to do00:39
Zzeissmyxo_: actually, the snapshot is NOT bootable.  It is _resumeable_, so essentially it's insta-boot (like resuming from suspend-to-RAM).00:39
ShockratesUbuntu is for fucking noobs00:39
Shockratesfucking n00bs00:39
Shockratesi say00:39
FloodBot1Shockrates: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
Shockratesok wait00:39
syvahello, is it possible to remove items from the right-click menu when using the terminal00:39
Zzeissmyxo_: you don't even need to go thru the bootup sequence... it wakes up exactly where you left off.00:39
erUSUL!ops | Shockrates00:39
ubottuShockrates: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:39
fidelitysystemhey somebody know what port fowarding for vnc?00:40
rocky|is there a cross platform app that has video, audio, and text messaging?00:40
bazhangerUSUL, thanks :)00:40
nithwow, ubuntu is getting trolled. I can't say I've seen that00:40
owen1boss_mc: do i just plug it in instead of my old nvidia and turn on my ubuntu?00:40
erUSULbazhang: sorry... :P00:40
m1dlgit kind of doesn't work here00:40
boss_mcowen1: yep00:40
rocky|nith: you can now!00:40
finitesetboss_mc: I followed the instructions..but I still get the error "wrong architecture" from skype.deb00:41
boss_mcowen1: ubuntu should just work (tm)00:41
boss_mcfiniteset: did you download the .deb from skype's site?00:41
owen1boss_mc: nice!00:41
nithlandong: I'm sorry but I've got to go. If you create a new script in /etc/grub2.d/ then it should work whenever update-grub2 is run00:41
landongnith: Heh, I can't even edit the grub.cfg file00:41
finitesetboss_mc: yes00:41
nithlandong: sudo before doing it00:41
landongThanks nith for all your help!00:41
landongDid that00:42
niththen why can't you edit it?00:42
finitesetboss_mc: I have a 64bit kernel00:42
myxo_zzeiss omg my mouse got locked into my vbox00:42
boss_mcfiniteset: ok, I think you downloaded the 64bit one rather than the 32bit one (or vice versa)00:42
ZzeissOK, anybody here running Ubuntu on a 13" macbook and have Bluetooth working?  If so, can you spare me a minute of your time to do an LSPCI and an LSUSB?00:42
myxo_zzeiss i was trapped, trying every shortcut possible! lol00:42
landongDon't know, just no option to save, only save as00:42
Raylzwhat are the minimum requirements of jaunty? will it run on 600mhz cpu, 2gb ram and intel chip?00:42
boss_mcfiniteset: but you can now just install it through synaptic/apt-get/aptitude00:42
mzzRaylz: probably (assuming jaunty supports the gpu)00:42
finitesetboss_mc: the problem is that there is only one version00:42
bazhangRaylz, yes it will00:42
mzzRaylz: that's a lot of ram for that slow a cpu though.00:42
landongI know right00:42
Zzeissmyxo_: Oh, shoulda warned you about that.  Down in the lower right corner there is a logo that tells you what button will release the mouse and KB.00:42
boss_mcfiniteset: and have it autoupdate (which is nice)00:42
landongBut anyway, I00:42
Raylzmzz: netbook :)00:42
nithlandong: if you've got notes, add the entry manually; new kernels don't come frequently00:43
landongI'll figure it out, thanks nith!00:43
myxo_zzeiss yea i noticed that eventually lol00:43
bazhangRaylz, check /msg ubottu intel for info00:43
* nith is off00:43
finitesetboss_mc: let me try that00:43
lucaxhey guys, one question, i dont know how to enter the password of my wireless rotuer, i do sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid XXX key s:WAP-PASSWORD and i get an error, what am i doin wrong?00:43
Zzeissmyxo_: also, the first time it happens on any VM, it pops a warning box you have to click thru that says "here is how you un-capture the mouse".00:43
syvahmm, there's this keyboard/mouse shortcut in terminal that detaches the current tab, i keep pressing it accidentally but can't work out what it is that causes it, any ideas? it's kind of annoying00:43
boss_mcfiniteset: good point, I think they fail....00:43
mzzRaylz: (that's a good thing, imho having 512 mb (preferably more) of ram is more important for a usable system than having a speedy cpu)00:43
myxo_zzeiss lol00:43
m1dlgAnyone know how I can get permission to mount and umount my drives and keep this permmission after a reboot?00:44
myxo_zzeiss so i just tap Right Control to switch mice?00:44
myxo_zzeiss to release i mean00:44
Zzeissmyxo_: Lemme guess, you clicked thru the clickthru box.00:44
Zzeissmyxo_: Depends on what you have it set for.  You can change it.  I have mine set for "right ALT" here on the MB.00:44
mzzZzeiss: it's a bit unfortunate that whatever the fullscreen shortcut was can't do the same thing :)00:44
Raylzmzz: yes, i upgraded it manually :)00:44
jefincin jaunty did they get rid of the "sessions" option?00:44
myxo_zzeiss ah ok00:45
mzzRaylz: I'm not surprised00:45
myxo_zzeiss can i boot x64 while i'm booting ubuntu2?00:45
mzzmyxo_: also, it'll get more convenient once you have guest additions installed00:45
jefincnevermind found it, renamed00:45
finitesetboss_mc: it actually worked... thanks for the help00:45
Raylzmzz: rofl, xubuntu is listed as being more cpu intensive than ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements00:45
Zzeissmyxo_: You should be able to.  It might get a little slow but it should still work.  Give it a try- if it fails, delete the virtual machine and try again .00:45
boss_mcfiniteset: good, no00:45
boss_mcfiniteset: ...problem00:46
myxo_zzeiss i like to push things until they crash, i think thats a sympton of Linux.00:46
mzzRaylz: no clue what's up with that. cpu really isn't critical, it'll work just fine on a really slow cpu if you're patient. That isn't quite true for ram (you can only use swap for ram up to a point)00:46
Zzeissmyxo_: note- BE CAREFUL to always use the menu to add/delete virtual machines, don't use "rm" from the command line, because there's a lot of bookkeeping inside VBox that depends on the filenames being intact and there.00:46
amseidlerHow to you make a new partition?00:46
myxo_zzeiss i dont know how to use rm anyway, my friend roy warned me about it00:46
myxo_zzeiss honestly i dont know that command00:46
Raylzmzz: yep, with 2gig ram you dont need swap :)00:47
mzzRaylz: it's not ubuntu, but I run linux on a 133 mhz p1 laptop currently. The 48mb of ram is what makes it difficult (had 32mb before, that was really cramped). The cpu is less of an issue.00:47
amseidlerHot do you make a new partition?00:47
rocky|amseidler: get gparted00:47
boss_mcamseidler: gparted00:47
rocky|C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER00:47
bazhangamseidler, using gparted, or gparted live cd00:47
FloodBot1rocky|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
mzzRaylz: (although I was a bit disappointed to find out copying files around over scp is cpu-bound)00:47
amseidlerbazhang: Where?00:47
boss_mcbusted rocky|00:47
rocky|amseidler: google00:47
amseidlersudo apt-get gparted?00:47
amseidlerWould that work?00:47
bazhangamseidler, the live cd or the app00:48
boss_mcamseidler: yep00:48
ruadhckserv identify 20055000:48
rocky|amseidler: I prefer livecd00:48
Raylzmzz: i somehow failed to install arch due to ext4 issues :P00:48
boss_mcamseidler: well, sudo apt-get install gparted00:48
Zzeissmyxo_: No problem then.  To delete the virtual disks, you use VirtualBox > File > Virtual Media Manager " and do it in there.  That keeps all of the pointers correct.00:48
amseidlerboss_mc: Okay00:48
rocky|amseidler: because that way I can edit all partitions00:48
* blendmaster1024 is away: Gone away for now00:48
rocky|(with livecd)00:48
bazhangruadh, do that in a server window00:48
Raylzbtw, a feature in installation where you coudl deselect optional packages would be really nice00:48
lucaxhow do i use iwconfig to type a wap password??00:48
amseidlerrocky|: Okay00:48
amseidlerrocky|: I got this message:00:49
amseidlerErrors were encountered while processing:00:49
amseidler unetbootin00:49
amseidlerE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:49
FloodBot1amseidler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
syvaah okay my problem was being caused by this: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52990800:49
syvasucks :(00:49
* blendmaster1024 is back.00:49
myxo_zzeiss alright00:49
myxo_zzeiss i'm getting the same error as i got before, omg i'm dumb the disc is on my desk....00:49
myxo_zzeiss ignore that00:49
rocky|amseidler: http://partedmagic.com/download.html00:49
rocky|try that00:49
* blendmaster1024 is away:00:49
Zzeissmyxo_: No problem.  :)  We all have our little moments like that.  :)00:50
bazhangruadh, yes00:50
myxo_zzeiss hmm it says the disc is corrupt, that doesnt sound right00:50
myxo_zzeiss i guess it could be, an error you've ever seen?00:50
* blendmaster1024 is back.00:50
Zzeissmyxo_: You know, in a way, I feel kinda bad that I'm helping you get XP running in Vbox.  I feel like I'm loaning you money to buy crack cocaine or something...00:50
bazhangblendmaster1024, please disable that script00:50
amseidlerrocky|: Which one do I get: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=248002&package_id=302801&release_id=68138400:50
Zzeissmyxo_: This is your XP disk?00:50
ruadhbazhang I'll come in using freenode next time00:51
lucaxpleeease dont know how to enter my wap-password on my wifi rotuer with iwconfig!!!00:51
syvahey, i recently completely purged firefox from my system and then reinstalled it, however now clicking links in other application does not trigger firefox, instead it does nothing00:51
syvaany idea how to fix00:51
amseidlerrocky|: Which do I download? http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=248002&package_id=302801&release_id=68138400:51
rocky|amseidler: depends on how you want to install it00:51
amseidlerrocky|: Which do you recommend?00:51
myxo_zzeiss i tried it too fast00:51
alturickAnyone know if there is a good spot for ubuntu information for the Asus 1000he00:51
myxo_zzeiss working now00:51
boss_mcsyva: look at preferred applications, make sure a browser is set00:51
m1dlgAnyone know how I can get permission to mount and umount my drives and keep this permmission after a reboot?00:51
myxo_zzeiss did it before disc was detected00:52
syvaboss_mc, will check it, thanks :)00:52
rocky|amseidler: usb or livecd00:52
boss_mcalturick: check out #eeepc00:52
Zzeissmyxo_: Oh.... that would do it.00:52
alturickThanks boss00:52
Raylzhow much space will a normal installation take?00:52
amseidlerrocky|: That's not on this page: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=248002&package_id=302801&release_id=68138400:52
boss_mcalturick: np00:52
syvaboss_mc, w00t, fixed. thank you :X00:52
myxo_zzeiss its installing now00:52
Dr_Willissyva:  try  'sudo  update-alternatives  --config  x-www-browser00:52
myxo_zzeiss beside linux, which is booting, lol00:52
rocky|amseidler: it was for me00:52
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myxo_zzeiss so that ubuntu partition would be a good place to say... hey i wonder if this would break my computer.... type stuff?00:53
rocky|amseidler: look at the file names00:53
syvaDr_Willis, solved now, cheers anyways :x00:53
amseidlerrocky|: Ok, i'll get usb00:53
boss_mcDr_Willis: I can never remember the syntax od that command...00:53
Zzeissmyxo_: Yep.  That's one of the great things about it.  Also it00:54
myxo_zzeiss rofl, Xchat on one side of my cube, Torrents & FFox on another, Windows x64 on another and Ubuntu on the last.00:54
Zzeissmyxo_: Also because you can snapshot it and roll back to the snapshot, it's a great place for experimenting.00:55
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Zzeissmyxo_: that's the way computers _should_ be.  Psychotic, in a nice way.  :)00:55
myxo_zzeiss what would happen if i had four machines running with 1000mb set as their max RAM?00:55
woddf2I had a usplash problem earlier...00:56
myxo_zzeiss would my computer run like .... well, crap?00:56
Zzeissmyxo_: depends on Vbox, but I think that you'll end up paging like crazy, and yes, it will run like crap.00:56
woddf2What you told me to do did not work.00:56
myxo_zzeiss well i'm going to have some fun with this anyway00:56
myxo_zzeiss thanks for all the help =)00:56
Zzeissmyxo_: Glad to be of service.  :)00:56
myxo_zzeiss can i play games in these vbox's taht linux can't run? like.... ummm, supreme commander?00:57
inkd0tis there a reason why i can't find the bitchx package ?00:57
bazhangmyxo_, check the appdb for wine00:57
Zzeissmyxo_: Usually.  You might need to check the checkbox to allow the game to access your 3d card, if it is that kind of game.00:57
bazhanginkd0t, its no longer supported try irssi instead00:57
myxo_bazhang wine? what does that mean?00:57
myxo_zzeiss ah ok00:57
bazhang!appdb | myxo_00:57
ubottumyxo_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:57
inkd0tbazhang, really ?! do you know why ?00:58
Zzeissmyxo_: but I haven't been able to try that, since the Macbook Nvidia 9400M is NOT supported AT ALL, even by the Nvidia binary blob, so I am running in vESA mode.00:58
Zzeissmyxo_: But if you can run the game in WINE, that might be simpler.  :)00:58
bazhanghttp://dy.fi/afb inkd0t00:58
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myxo_zzeiss ubottu bazhang so wine is a separate application not related to vbox?00:59
Zzeissmyxo_: and if you can run it in WINE, it will be a lot more secure.  Remember, even a VBox virtual XP machine can get virused just as easily as a real XP machine.  Which, if you ask me sucks, but it is proof that it's a real XP and not an emulator.00:59
myxo_zzeiss adds some comic effect, lol00:59
Zzeissmyxo_: Yes, WINE is an emulator for Windows.  That's how I played Portal thru to the end.  :)00:59
myxo_zzeiss ah ok, is it free?01:00
bazhangmyxo_, correct, can do games that vbox will not support (gpu, etc)01:00
myxo_zzeiss why am i asking, i can do some research lol01:00
bazhangmyxo_, in the repos01:00
myxo_zzeiss google is my friend =p01:00
Zzeissmyxo_: Yep.  And, I believe, comes with 9.04 standard.01:00
bazhangsudo apt-get install wine myxo_01:00
myxo_bazhang repos means repositories? alright i'll do that01:00
steelehey does ubuntu studio edition handle internet differently?  its not connecting like it did in normal ubuntu desktop01:00
myxo_bazhang that is one of the... three commands i know =(01:00
inkd0tbazhang, i see.. shame.. thank you01:00
steelei installed some uhh network manager from add/remove01:01
esdeSo, i and to use PGP encryption, preferably 1024bit, on my external hard drive. i am on Ubuntu 9.04. ideas on programs and tut on how to do this please? i have about 10g or so i need to encrypt. and it needs to be hella secure.01:01
steeleand tried to put it in but its not automatically detecting wireless networks or notifying me normally01:01
steelefor anyone interested in helping01:01
Guest4184Hi! My front panel's headphones socket doesn't work since I upgraded Ubuntu to Intrepid (it works perfectly under Windows though). Sound from the back-panel works fine though. I have an integrated Intel soundcard in a G33 motherboard.01:01
woddf2Does anyone remember me from earlier? http://woddfellow2.pastebin.com/f57804afc01:01
woddf2I still have the problem.01:01
Zzeissesde: The big problem is you will have to "whiten" the disk where the un-encrypted copy lived.01:01
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myxo_bazhang zzeiss i've been looking for a good terminal tutorial but haven't found one yet01:01
Zzeissesde: Fortunately, there is a command that does that now.... called "shred".01:02
esdeZzeiss: thats what im worried about, i need to "wipe" my HDD from the old stuff and my external01:02
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bazhangmyxo_, bash commands?01:02
bazhang!rute | myxo_01:02
ubottumyxo_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:02
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sterilegenieWINE is NOT an emulator01:02
diego_Hi! My front panel's headphones socket doesn't work since I upgraded Ubuntu to Intrepid (it works perfectly under Windows though). Sound from the back-panel works fine though. I have an integrated Intel soundcard in a G33 motherboard.01:02
steelecompatibility layer01:02
esdeWine Is Note an Emulator. DUH01:02
pouchedfoxno but its an enabler for many pleasurable things01:02
dreamymy ubunto is 8.04.. is it the hardy ? or hardy heron ?01:02
woddf2I ran update-usplash-theme and it did not work.01:03
bazhangmyxo_, also the http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html free ebook01:03
woddf2How do I fix it?01:03
ePaxDreamglider: Hardy Heron known as shortly Hardy01:03
Zzeissesde: If you need a real wipe, take the disk apart, put some sand inside, and then bash the disks with a hammer till they are in pieces.  Nothing else is REALLY secure.  (the DOD uses "run over it with a tank and then use it for rifle practice" but the end effect is the same).01:03
dreamyePax: The 8.04..? .. k thanks01:03
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myxo_bazhang im not sure what the bash command is, but i do know its a command01:03
DreamgliderePax,  !01:04
esdeZzeiss: nice sarcasm but seriously whats the best tool for pgp?01:04
woddf2The usplash at halt is correct (Ubuntu), but the usplash at boot is still not correct (Kubuntu). How do I fix this?01:04
pouchedfoxgui or cli?01:04
ePaxDreamglider: yes01:04
Zzeissesde: If you can't wipe the old data, then don't bother with PGP.  "dd" can pull the data off the disk with a single command.01:05
DreamgliderePax, whøt ?01:05
mzzwoddf2: I'm going to wildly guess "run update-initramfs"01:05
pouchedfoxI dont know what the best is. but I know gpg is the gnu cli version, and seahorse is the standard gui control for it (both come with ubuntu)01:05
woddf2mzz: What would that do?01:05
esderight i get that, but how do i do this, encrypt then shred the freespace?01:05
Zzeissesde: the real question you need to answer is this: "If someone decrypts this data, would I be willing to pay $100 to have that UN_happen?"01:05
ePaxDreamglider: Nothing. You mentioned my nick so i responded.01:05
VCoolio1woddf2: remember my option? install updatemanager (afterwards run with update-manager or find it in the system menu) and point towards ubuntu-theme), or do you want to try commands?01:05
woootwcan share my 3g conection using my wifi ???01:05
dreamyePax: it looks like mine , lol01:06
esdeZzeiss: "UN_happen"?01:06
DreamgliderePax, you mentioned my nick and i responded ! :P01:06
mzzwoddf2: update the initramfs (file living in /boot) which is used to display a splash screen and set things up before your root partition is mounted01:06
pouchedfoxnot sure01:06
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ePaxSorry then01:06
Zzeissesde: Un-happen means make it like it never happened in the first place.  Like that guy on HEROES goes back in time and makes sure it never happened.01:06
DreamgliderePax, Np :)01:06
mzzwoddf2: err, update-initramfs is apparently run by update-usplash-theme, so huh.01:06
ePaxdreamy: I wastalking to you ;D01:07
esdeah, no its things i dont want people do get their hands on. i want like 1024but01:07
dreamyi cant add e17 to my repos :( :(01:07
mzzwoddf2: was your /boot partition not mounted when you ran it, or is there something else odd about your initrd/initramfs/bootloader setup?01:07
woddf2As I said, the usplash at halt is correct.01:07
Zzeissesde: anyway, if you would pay the cost of the disk to make it UNhappen, then buy a new disk that holds the encrypted version and then destroy the original.01:07
esdeoh i see now.01:07
woddf2It is all one partition except for swap.01:07
mzzwoddf2: yep, but the initramfs isn't used anymore at shutdown (your root partition is definitely mounted by then)01:07
Zzeissesde: OK... so long as you won't be doing time in Federal Prison if it gets decrypted or read from the freespace... no problem.01:07
mzzwoddf2: bootloader is the usual grub?01:07
VCoolio1dreamy: you know the howto on ubuntuforums or do you want the link?01:08
myxo_bazhang thanks for that ebook, i'll read it shortly01:08
bazhangmyxo_, no problem :)01:08
mzzwoddf2: can you check the initrd it is configured to use has a change time corresponding to when you ran update-usplash-theme?01:08
dreamyVCoolio1: im cheking on the web ..01:08
woddf2mzz: How do I do that?01:08
myxo_hey zzeiss01:08
VCoolio1dreamỳ: what repo did you (try to) add?01:08
imbezoli just rebooted my system and my soundblast audigy 2 is not working anymore.. anyone seen this issue lately? it's worked fine forever01:08
woootwcan share my 3g conection using my wifi ???01:08
Zzeissesde: note that if the disk uses sector reallocation if a sector seems wonky, then encrypting the freespace is NOT gauranteed to get rid of everything.  The only solution is to destroy the media (hence, that's why DoD always destroys media).01:09
myxo_zzeiss what does a "snapshot" do, is it a restore point?01:09
mzzwoddf2: read /boot/grub/menu.lst, check "ls -l /boot" for change times01:09
esdeZzeiss: its stuff i dont want the feds getting, no CP but a LOT of cracked stuff etc etc.01:09
dreamyVCoolio1: the dumewind01:09
dreamyVCoolio1: The dunewind01:09
Zzeissmyxo_: I believe so.01:09
myxo_zzeiss ah ok01:09
myxo_zzeiss so i do that A: right when its all configured and B: before i do something stupid01:09
Zzeissesde: If you can do prison time because of it, do like the DoD.  Encrypt to new media, then physical destruction of old media.01:09
esdewell thanks Zzeiss what nets on are you on socially?01:09
woddf2mzz It said today.01:10
VCoolio1I have E17 running on Jaunty with deb http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os tinwoodman main / deb http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os hungrytiger main01:10
dreamyVCoolio1: it cant find the directory .. for "hardy"01:10
VCoolio1dreamy: ah, you're on Hardy?01:10
Zzeissmyxo_: I believe so.  That's what I would do, though I usually just create new VMs.  But the book has a whole chapter on it.01:10
dreamyVCoolio1: yes..01:10
myxo_bazhang why did u type !rute | myxo before?01:10
mzzwoddf2: then I'm not familiar enough with ubuntu to conveniently dig further, so ask the channel again. Sorry.01:10
Zzeissesde: This _is_ my social net.  :)01:10
dreamyVCoolio1: what im sure about is that its the "8.04"01:10
woddf2Thanks anyway01:11
ePaxdreamy: You are on Hardy01:11
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ePaxwrite it down :D01:11
Zzeissesde: Now a word of advice: Don't bother with cracked media.  If you don't have physical media, don't use it.  This is _why_ I much prefer free software: no need to fear a raid.01:12
VCoolio1dreamy: yes that's Hardy. Check this out, follow until the part where they say to install oz-desktop: http://cafelinux.org/OzOs/content/how-install-ozos-desktop-existing-os01:12
woddf2I ran update-initramfs and it just gave me options.01:12
woddf2>>You must specify at least one of -c, -u, or -d.<<01:13
VCoolio1dreamy: nice people, good forum with quick help, but you don't need to install all of ozos-desktop, just use their repo to install e17 and update etc, works nice for me01:13
myxo_zzeiss i've always wondered what certain scripts in autoit would do, vbox seems a good place to experiment01:13
dreamyVCoolio1: ok thanks01:13
Zzeissesde: once I got the "BSA Audit" letter when I had a small biz.  "We want to audit you".  I told them "Sure, but since it's a firing offense to run non-open-source software in this company without my signature OKing it, and I haven't OKed it, you are wasting your time."  They did not call back.  :)01:13
Zzeissmyxo_: Exactly so.  Especially since if you screw it up, you can toss back to a snapshot and then it UNhappens.  :)01:14
woddf2edse quit ("Lost terminal").01:14
rocky|how do I know what to put into sdxx for a drive?01:14
woddf2What option[s] do I use in update-initramfs?01:14
woddf2It said "You must specify at least one of -c, -u, or -d.".01:16
VCoolio1woddf2: run update-initramfs --help and check the options; I would go for -u01:17
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woddf2Is that it?01:18
VCoolio1woddf2: about the usplash? no idea; as said use startupmanager it runs these difficult parts for you.01:19
NavY-Sealany sugestions i am trying to install ubuntu and i get like 14 sh: cant open /etc/rcS.d/s11mount..... Input/Output error and in the end init: rc-default main procces 3094 terminated with status 127 any one has any sugestions the PC is a HP Pavilion 745n P401:20
myxo_zzeiss any idea how i can get the vbox to support resolutions like mine? 13xx X 7xx? (i think)01:20
woddf2I will see if it works this time.01:20
Zzeissmyxo_: Yes.  You get the inside machine to request that size, and then VBox will resize to it.  Magically.  :)01:21
harri_inside ubuntu i have to format my xp c colen it is possible01:21
myxo_zzeiss ah ok01:21
rocky|hey, how do I find out what a drive has been assigned to (sdxx: what values to use for the x's)01:21
boss_mcharri_: if by that you mean format your XP main Hard drive then yes01:21
boss_mcRockj_: df -h gives sizes01:22
rocky|I'll try that01:22
boss_mcRockj_: or just mount them and look at the files inside...01:22
myxo_zzeiss what u mean i do it from the windows desktop?01:22
harri_please tell how to format xp c collen01:22
myxo_zzeiss its not listed in the options01:22
boss_mcharri_: are you running the liveCD? or a full install of ubuntu?01:23
geirhaNavY-Seal: Is that when booting the CD or booting the newly installed system?01:23
harri_boss yes i have installed fully01:23
sterilegenieis there a frontend to mkisofs?01:23
boss_mcharri_: install and run gparted01:24
boss_mcharri_: That will let you format the partitions on your machine01:24
boss_mcharri_: np01:24
NavY-Sealgeirha: when booting the CD01:25
harri_inside ubuntu itself we can format?01:25
geirhaNavY-Seal: Have you tried the "Check CD for defects" on the CDs boot menu? Because it sounds like a bad burn.01:25
boss_mcharri_: yes, so long as you're not formatting a mounted drive (e.g. ubuntu root drive...)01:25
harri_i did not no any thing in ubuntu i am new to ubuntu01:26
denonanyone have recommendations on an ftpd that can authenticate it's users off a simple list (not local users, db, etc). Just looking to use it for basic administrative stuff, don't want a lot of bloat01:26
boss_mcharri_: that's fine, how are you getting on?01:27
NavY-Sealgeirha: i tryed and sais its fine and its the same error with mythbuntu i dont know maybe there is an issue with both the iso maybe a curopted thing is there a netinstall package for ubuntu01:27
harri_i can able to format inside the bios but i want to format without going to it01:27
Zzeissmyxo_: Hmmm... dunno.... maybe install the driver or the addon extras for XP?  I've only done it inside Linux.01:27
laetzerhi all. i have this problem that i attached a beamer to my notebook, ubuntu 9.04 asked me to change settings for me, I said yes, it worked, but it changed my tft's resolution as well, and now I can't get my normal resolution back (1366px)01:27
laetzerwhere to look?01:27
boss_mcharri_: serious? That's a powerful bios01:27
ZzeissI gotta run...01:27
rocky|boss_mc: lol01:27
boss_mcrocky|: Crazy stuff01:28
dreamyePax: but.. one question.. is the e17 "third part software" .. can i place it at that secction?01:28
Zzeissye for now01:28
SevenlancesUmm I am a total moron with this but I accidentally unmounted my partition and I am wondering how I fix that?01:28
geirhaNavY-Seal: Might be a problem with the CD drive? Do you have a 1GB or larger USB-stick? You can use that.01:28
boss_mcSevenlances: which partition?01:28
SevenlancesI think it is my /home01:28
boss_mcboss_mc: if it was mounted on boot just sudo mount -a01:28
Sevenlancesbecause it wont load anymore ><01:28
boss_mcSevenlances: sudo mount -a01:29
harri_k. but my monitor acer 15.9 inch did not support bios thats why to change another moniter and format thats why i am asking any other short cut01:29
SevenlancesOkay ^_^01:29
SevenlancesThanks i'll try it01:29
boss_mcSevenlances: that mounts everything in fstab, which you'd hope would include your /home folder ;-)01:29
landongHey, anyone know how to change from grub2 back to grub2?01:29
NavY-SealMy machine does not boot on usb and i tryed another DVDRom since i have 2 in the machine01:29
landonggrub2 to grub101:29
myxo_zzeiss ahh ok01:29
SevenlancesHow would I know if it worked? WOuld I have to restart and try or could I check using the terminal?01:30
rocky|landong: oh, lol01:30
myxo_zzeiss im getting out of here for a bit, thanks for all the hel01:30
myxo_zzeiss help01:30
boss_mcharri_: A monitor has nothing and I mean nothing to do with a BIOS....01:30
landongrocky|: Hahaha, sorry01:30
rocky|landong: I can't help you :(01:30
landongrocky|: Its alrigth, thanks though01:30
landongrocky|: Its alrigth, thanks though?01:31
harri_monitor did not support 800*600 resolution it is soing as input device not supported01:31
landongSorry, anyone else, grub 2 to grub 101:31
woddf2It still did not work.01:31
woddf2update-initramfs did not work.01:32
harri_any way to boot os from pendrive01:32
Dr_Willislandong:  just remove grub2 and reinstall grub? then you may need to make/get a new menu.lst (ive not tried grub2 yet, dident even reslize it was in the repos)01:32
geirhaNavY-Seal: Well, Input/Output error usually means it is having problem reading from the CD ... Anyway, here's a list of other ways to install Ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation01:32
woddf2It still displays the wrong usplash at boot.01:32
VCoolio1woddf2: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntu.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so01:33
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:33
landongDr_Willis: Did that, but its still booting from grub2, even though its no longer there01:33
rocky|harri_: i would try parted magic01:33
VCoolio1woddf2: that will set ubuntu-theme to use01:33
VCoolio1woddf2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`01:33
epicreviewshey how do I add button packages in Gnome?01:33
woddf2I will try that.01:33
VCoolio1woddf2: that will run a update, seems necessary; then reboot and see01:33
rocky|harri_: although I don't know how you would select to boot from usb if you can't see the bios01:33
Dr_Willislandong:  you may have needed to manyually reran the 'update-grub' command, or some how got grub 1 back onto the MBR. i dont think just installing grub would  'run the grub installer' (makes sence)01:34
landongWell, did the update-grub command, and retried, still nothing01:34
landongHow would I go about editing MBR?01:34
geirhalandong, Dr_Willis: man grub-install01:34
harri_i want to get into the xp without giving password01:34
epicreviewshow do I install a button package with Gnome?01:35
landonggeirha: Thanks, I'll try it01:35
boss_mcepicreviews: what's a button package?01:35
epicreviewsthis: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Glassy+Button+for+Gnomenu?content=10544901:35
epicreviewsIt looked cool, I want to try it lol01:35
harri_i need short cut keys in ubuntu01:36
harri_short cutkeys for ubuntu01:36
boss_mcepicreviews: drop the .tar.gz file onto the theme chooser at System->Preferences->Appearences01:36
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Dr_Willisepicreviews:  it says --> back to Ubuntu Glassy Button for Gnomenu  -  You using gnomenu ?01:36
boss_mcepicreviews: or go there, hit install and choose the theme tar01:36
zhuraisystem -> preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts01:36
zhuraierr  that was to harri_01:37
epicreviewsboss_mc: "Ubuntu_Button_Gnomenu" does not appear to be a valid theme.01:37
Dr_Willisgnomenu - is a alternative 'menu' item you can ad to the panel.01:37
eseven73Took me the longest time to realize how to do that drag-drop tar file to theme manager lol01:37
epicreviewshow do I do so Dr_Willis?01:37
boss_mcepicreviews: it's a theme for gnomenu, as Dr_Willis points out01:37
landonggeirha: Do you know the command?01:37
harri_err means01:37
zhuraiquestion: how big usb do I need to make a live-cd/live-usb for ubuntu?01:38
harri_zhurai means01:38
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  install/use gnomenu.. or go explore other themes. :)01:38
harri_zhurai err means01:38
boss_mcharri_: he said system -> preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts01:38
epicreviewsDr_Willis: where can I find Gno Menu?01:38
geirhalandong: Should just be sudo grub-install /dev/sda to install it on the MBR of the first drive01:38
zhuraion the gnome menu bar01:38
epicreviewsIs there a comand in terminal I can use?01:38
velcroshoozzhurai: just the cd size01:39
zhuraik, so 700 MB's =_=01:39
velcroshoozzhurai: yup01:39
zhuraicause my CD-ROM drive on this laptop doesn't work that's why >_> hehe...01:39
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  its not in the repos last i looked.. and it dident work very well when i tried it from source..01:39
VCoolio1epicreviews: google says https://launchpad.net/gnomenu01:40
dreamyif id be addding e17 to the repo whould i choose secction third party software?01:40
Dr_Willis!find gnomenu01:40
ubottuFile gnomenu found in fpc-source, gnome-dev-doc01:40
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VCoolio1dreamy: yes01:40
harri_boss if i went to xp and came back the short cut keys are going to default01:40
epicreviewswow this looks amazing I'll give it a shot01:40
disappearedngHey what do I have to install to play wma files?01:40
boss_mcharri_: is that a question? if so, no, the shortcuts persist over reboots01:41
zhurai<disappearedng> Hey what do I have to install to play wma files? <-- it's a restricted format.01:41
disappearedngsudo apt-get install ... ?01:41
burnerdisappearedng: vlc will probably do it... ubuntu-restricted-extras probably includes wma playback as well01:41
disappearedngoh so i can't be played on ubuntu?01:41
Guest5422hey is there a way to check computer for bugs01:41
zhuraierr gimme a sec01:41
burnerdisappearedng: it can be01:41
zhuraisudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:41
zhuraiI believe01:41
burnerit sucks as a format, but it can be played ;)01:41
zhuraiburner: it's lolwindows format =_=01:42
disappearedngalready installed01:42
disappearedngcan't play01:42
epicreviewsok so I'm d/l the gnomenu, how will I install it?01:42
landonggeirha: Hmm...no, that didnt do it01:42
zhurainot sure atm, what are you using for playing it anyhow?01:42
burnerdisappearedng: what are you trying to play it back with?  rhythmbox?  totem?  try vlc?01:42
landongAnyone know how to update the MBR?01:42
* zhurai uses mplayer+smplayer >_>01:42
geirhadisappearedng: Are they perhaps DRM infested?01:42
burnerlandong: to reinstall grub?01:42
disappearedngI played with vlc and no sound either01:42
woddf2It worked!01:43
boss_mcepicreviews: did you try to install it from repos?01:43
burnerdisappearedng: you get sound with other files I assume?  try w32codecs from medibuntu?01:43
epicreviewsboss_mc: I downloaded it from link someone else gave01:43
burner!medibuntu | disappearedng01:43
ubottudisappearedng: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:43
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  actually gnomenu was rather dissapoiinting when i tried it.01:43
landongburner: I uninstalled grub2 and reinstalled grub1, but it's still using grub 201:43
Juzman-EeePCHey guys, I been looking around everywhere. Is there a way to set the icons on the desktop to list view, or make them all smaller at once?01:43
boss_mc!find gnomenu | epicreviews01:43
ubottuepicreviews: File gnomenu found in fpc-source, gnome-dev-doc01:43
* burner is not hip enough to even know about grub 1... grub 2 doesn't cut it?01:43
epicreviewsDr_Willis: I'd like to make that decision for myself01:43
boss_mctry them first...01:43
geirhalandong: Check what drive the BIOS boots first01:44
epicreviewsI don't get it boss_mc01:44
landonggeirha: There's only one drive01:44
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  download the debs and isntall them.. then add it to your panel. good luck.01:44
harri_i want to enter into the os without giving password01:44
harpreet_harri_: you can01:45
Dr_Willisgnomenu is not in the default ubuntu repos. its too 'new' :)01:45
harpreet_harri_: what OS?01:45
harpreet_harri_: is it ubuntu or kubuntu?01:45
epicreviewsDr_Willis: How do you install?01:45
denonanyone know if ubuntu's pureftpd package has virtual users enabled?01:45
denonI add em, made the pdb, etc01:45
harpreet_harri_: please no windows here, it is ubuntu forum01:45
denonbut it doesnt seem to let me login01:45
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  download, double click the deb.. :) hard eh? :)01:45
boss_mcepicreviews: double click01:45
harri_ubuntu 9.0401:46
VCoolio1epicreviews: epicreviews download this deb: http://launchpad.net/gnomenu/trunk/1.9-final/+download/gnomenu_1.9.6-6_all.deb01:46
harpreet_harri_:  you said XP before, didn't you?01:46
harpreet_harri_:  and please refer to the person you are talking to so it becomes easier to know if you are asking something.01:46
burnerharri_: system -> admin -> login window... Security tab and check enable automatic login and pick the user you want to login01:47
epicreviewsthx evry101:47
harpreet_harri_: be clear is it xp or ubuntu01:47
harri_harpet thanks,and sorry i am new to this01:47
geirhalandong: How did you install grub2 btw?01:47
burnerharri_: i won't even bitch at you before I answer ;)01:47
epicreviews"Failed to install package"01:47
burnerharri_: system -> admin -> login window... Security tab and check enable automatic login and pick the user you want to login01:47
geirhalandong: Oh, right, it's in the repos.01:48
ArmedeusHello :-)01:48
bobbob1016I'm going to buy something with paypal, but I'm a bit paranoid.  If I get the green thing in the address bar saying "PayPal, Inc. (US)", it's safe, right?01:48
harpreet_harri_: be clear is it xp or ubuntu01:48
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  their packages.. have .. issues it seems.01:48
epicreviewswell if it did work, do I just restart?01:48
harpreet_harri_: you got your answer from burner01:48
harri_harpreet it is ubuntu01:48
harpreet_go to system, login window01:49
charitwobobbob1016: yes01:49
ArmedeusCan anyone help an almost newbie with network printing issues please?01:49
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  i did get  the package gnomenu_1.9.6-6_all.deb    to install and work01:49
charitwoalways check certificates01:49
harri_harpreet thanks01:49
harpreet_harri_: you are welcome,01:49
harpreet_Armedeus: yes, what is it?01:50
devilhi guys!!!!!!!!!!01:50
harpreet_devil: hi01:50
boss_mchi devil01:50
bobbob1016charitwo: Thanks, just wanted to be 100% before I enter my paypal info.  I always check for the green thing.  I just wasn't sure if that was an automatic check or if I had to do more.01:50
devilhapreet,boss_nc:how are u01:50
Armedeusharpreet, thankyou. I have a ubuntu running through virtualbox on my laptop and the laptop has wirless access to my router which has a HP network printer attached.01:51
boss_mcdevil: good, you01:51
charitwobobbob1016: as long as you can see the valid certificate and it has paypal.com in the address bar, you should be good to go01:51
MikazeAnyone know how to install Ubuntu while visually impared?  I can't find a URL to get anything talking.01:51
sterilegenieis there a GUI for mkisofs01:51
ArmedeusI do not know how to find and install it01:51
epicreviewswell it didn't install01:51
epicreviewsoh well01:51
devili use ktorrent default settings i wanna change its loction where it saves pls help me01:52
bobbob1016charitwo: Ok, the certificate is the green thing I guess then.  Thanks.01:52
syvadoes anyone get this thing, where after about 2 hours of working with gedit, you get "could not save file " followed by lots of weird characters01:52
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  thats odd.. but it could be i have some other dependencies allready installed that it wants.01:52
devilboss_mc:i am also fine01:52
boss_mcsyva, are you working over ftp?01:52
syvaboss_mc nope01:52
harri_can i use yahoo and gtalk in ubuntu01:52
lstarnesharri_: yes, via pidgin01:52
harpreet_Armedeus: what computer is connected to the printer , i mean what operating system01:53
syvaboss_mc happens on different computers i use, and also in both gutsy and intrepid :s01:53
devilcan we have two or more than two id in pidgin01:53
boss_mcsyva: hmmm, no idea then, I used gedit over ftp to edit some files on my webserver and it failed to save, crashed and deleted the remote file....01:53
charitwobobbob1016: if you click on it, you should see more information01:53
lstarnesdevil: yes01:53
geirhaArmedeus: System -> Administration -> Printers -> New Printer, choose Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) as the connection, type in the IP of the printer in the Host field and click the Find Queue button. What happens?01:53
jezzaHi Guys - need some help with graphics on Ubuntu 9.04!!!! HELP/11101:53
boss_mcjezza, what graphics card?01:54
MaT-dgI tried to run a progrom with wine but failed. I removed wine and the .wine folder in the home directory but wine and al the programs are stil in Applications > wine. How do I completely remove every wine related thing?01:54
devillstarnes:let me chek it out how it works??01:54
Armedeusharpreet, I have Vista on the laptop. The printer is designed to be able to directly connect to the wirelessrouter using Cat5 network cable.01:54
jezzaBOSS ATI Radion 340001:54
lstarnesdevil: just add more accounts into it01:54
Mikazeapt-get purge wine01:54
jezzaBOSS - on Sony Vaio laptop01:55
Armedeusharpreet I have a HP photosmart C518001:55
harpreet_Armedeus: so you have vista installed and you have ubuntu installed on top of that?01:55
harri_lstarnes in that what is local alias01:55
boss_mcjezza, you'll have to stick to the open source ati drivers, the proprietary ones don't support your card01:55
Armedeusharpreet, yes01:55
MaT-dgMikaze: I did that but it's still there01:55
bobbob1016charitwo: "Web site:  www.paypal.com    Owner:   PayPal, Inc.    Verified by:  VeriSign, Inc."    168 bit Encryption01:55
boss_mcbobbob1016: sounds good01:56
charitwobobbob1016: perfect01:56
lstarnesharri_: it's probably what you want the account to be shown as in the account list01:56
VCoolio1MaT-dg: probably it's still in the database used by applications menu; same happens if after installing a run application command doesn't work yet. Login again and see if it's still there.01:56
Morphohey there01:56
MikazeMaT-dg: rm -r ~/.wine01:56
bobbob1016boss_mc, charitwo:  Thanks a lot.  Being overparanoid can help at times, and prevent ID theft I guess.01:56
jezzaBOSS - Ok, problem is I installed ATI prop ones (latest from ATI web, then from Hardare Driver util in Ubuntu01:57
charitwobobbob1016: never hurts to double check :)01:57
Morphoi know this is probably not the right place for posting this01:57
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  the wine 'icons' in the menus do not come from the .wine directory01:57
boss_mcjezza: and you want to remove them?01:57
Morphobut you would really help me with clicking this link: please help me just by visiting this page, its no virus or anything, i just want to push the article's counter, thx in advance: http://cgi.ebay.de/Gem%E4lde-von-Karl-Friedrich-Brust-aus-der-Zen-49-Zeit_W0QQitemZ180354895379QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090509?IMSfp=TL090509123004r1651301:57
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  they exist in  ~/.config/menus/applications-merged01:57
jezzaBOSS - now I cant log in!! waiting in recovery menu... - yes01:57
MaT-dgVCoolio1: Mikaze: Dr_Willis: gonna logout and login again and see if they are gone01:58
boss_mcbobbob1016: Paranoia is perfectly acceptible01:58
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  remove those files if you want to clean out the menus.  (the menu editor may let you do it with a gui) not sure.01:58
bobbob1016boss_mc, charitwo:  I was a bit concerned when I saw the company logo at the top, in a frame.01:58
Dr_WillisMaT-dg: i doubt if they vanish :)01:58
harpreet_Armedeus: so you want to print from Ubuntu onto the printer that is connected to same computer or to other computer on the network?01:58
jezzaBoss -actually it was working fine with prop driver befor i tried to update to one from ati (9.5 i think)01:58
charitwobobbob1016: nothing to worry about01:58
=== phuzion` is now known as phuzion
geirhaharpreet_: it's a network printer01:58
harpreet_Armedeus: do this, open terminal in ubuntu and type, sudo apt-get install cups01:58
MaT-dgDr_Willis: oh well, they gone with deleting those files :) thx01:59
boss_mcjezza, yeah, ATI dropped most old cards between X1.5 (hardy) and X1.6(jaunty)01:59
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Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  ive seen this asked about once a week in here. :)01:59
boss_mcjezza: you need to dpkg --purge xserver-xorg-video-fglrx fglrx-amdcccle01:59
devillstarnes:i am not able to add a single id01:59
jezzaBoss - ok but this is a new laptop (7 months new)02:00
MikazeIs there an accible installation method for the blind with Ubuntu?  I can't find a URL.02:00
velcroshooz3400 is a new card02:00
Armedeusharpreet, I want to be able to install the drivers and print from ubuntu. I would like to not have to use vista as much as possible02:00
harpreet_Armedeus: system, admin, printing, server, connect and give path to the printer02:00
jezza- ok - i did this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver02:00
denonanyone know if ubuntu's pureftpd package has virtual users enabled?02:00
MaT-dgDr_Willis: shouldn't those files be removed when u purge wine?02:00
jezzaBoSS - will try again02:00
devillasternes:it says invalid user name however i provided the evrything it required02:00
harpreet_Armedeus: hp is usually very flexible with ubuntu02:00
velcroshoozjezza, the drivers support it i just dont think they are that great quite yet, gettting better i hear, they have monthly updates from ati02:00
geirhaArmedeus: According to this, it should work well with the hpijs driver: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersHp02:01
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  NO.. think about it.. if your admin removes a program like 'firefox' should it also automatically remove EVERYONES bookmarks and extensions? - Not a good idea.02:01
MikazeYou can purge wine, but any local config files will still exist in the local home dirs..  Use 'rm -r ~/.wine' to remove those.02:01
boss_mcjezza: do you mean 3400HD?02:02
MaT-dgDr_Willis: but those programs are only installed for the current user in the home directory right? and so are those files02:02
velcroshoozboss_mc, yeah thats what hes talking about02:03
Armedeusharpreet, yes I was able to find the drivers OK, but I do not know how or what to put into the windows that appear when I try to add the printer. I am not sure if or where I need to put the printers IP address and which or what 'HOST' to use to find the printer.02:03
Juzman-EeePCArmedeus: I have a HP C7100 series, and works fine in Ubuntu02:03
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  wine is a system wide app... apt-get 'perge' removes the system configs.. not user settings...02:03
harpreet_Armedeus: you will have to put the printer path02:03
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harpreet_/machine name/printer02:04
harri_please tell how to create account in buddy list02:04
epicreviewswhere can I get more login screens?02:04
geirhaArmedeus: Choose Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) as the connection type, and type in the IP of the printer in the Host field. Then click the check queue button02:04
denonok, anyone in here even used pureftpd? :)02:04
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  user settings should NEVER be touched by the admin/tools/ :)02:04
harpreet_harri_: what are you talking about02:04
velcroshoozepicreviews, gnome-look.org02:04
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  go check out the 'gnome-art' tool. its a gui for themes and stuff. (from gnome-look.org)02:04
VCoolio1epicreviews: find gdm-themes there02:04
boss_mcjezza, velcroshooz: that makes a fairly substantial difference...02:04
boss_mcjezza: That means it should be supported....02:04
geirhaamgarching: "Find Queue" I mean, not check queue02:04
epicreviewsthx V02:04
Juzman-EeePCArmedeus: When I add a new printer, there was an option on the left "network printing device", and it had the C7100 in there02:05
Dr_Willis!info gnome-look02:05
velcroshoozboss_mc, afaik the X series never went that high x2800 or so02:05
ubottuPackage gnome-look does not exist in jaunty02:05
harri_harpreet please tell how to use pidgin instant messenger02:05
Dr_Willis!info gnome-art02:05
ubottugnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 204 kB02:05
myxojezza: big fan of Top Gear? =p02:05
MikazeMaT-dg: You also have to get rid of the home dir configs to reset the wine configurations.  There's a .wine directory in your home dir that needs to be wiped.02:05
boss_mcvelcroshooz: but the xxxx series went back to 100002:05
MaT-dgMikaze: that folder is gone02:06
epicreviewshow would one make a login screen?02:06
FloridaGuyhttp://pastebin.com/m663b8ebe    ..... can not install anything....02:06
Juzman-EeePCI've been looking around everywhere. Is there a way to set the icons on the desktop to list view, or make them all smaller at once?02:06
velcroshoozboss_mc, im just saying the only one with a 3400 badge has to be the HD02:06
MikazeMaT-dg: Then you should be able to reinstall wine and try to install the windows package again from the home user account.02:07
boss_mcvelcroshooz: fair nuf, I was being stupid02:07
geirhaJuzman-EeePC: I've seen a bug-report on that02:07
MaT-dgDr_Willis: So, u can never remove a program 100%? I don't need a wine menu when I removed wine...02:07
boss_mcvelcroshooz: to not be it would have to be about 12 years old...02:07
rgs__hi, I am on Jaunty and I need fwbuilder 3.0.4 which is only available for Karmic.. is it a bad idea to try to hand-install the deb anyways?02:08
jezzza2Boss - im back02:08
MikazeMaT-dg: There is a system wide config for wine for all users, and a local user config for each user.  Linux is a multi-user operating system.02:08
MaT-dgDr_Willis: when I remove firefox, it is also removed in the menu... but wine leaves those things02:08
Armedeusharpreet OK be back in a while02:08
jezzza2just ran your string - fglrx is not installed02:08
boss_mcare jezza and jezzza2 the same person?02:08
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  let me repeate.. the normal admin tools/ (apt-get and so forth) do NOT touch the users settings in their home dir.. thats how it should be...  You are thinking in terms of 'windows and how it does things, and always asking 'do you want to remove your settings' - :)   using the package manager should never touch anything in the users home dirs.. thats the task of the users.. not the admin.02:08
jezzza2BOSS sorry - yes had to log in again02:09
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  if the admin wanted he could do some scripoting i guess and search/remove the stuff from the users home dirs.. (bad idea)02:09
boss_mcjezzza2: but jezza is still signed on...02:09
velcroshoozhe'll time out02:09
boss_mcjezzza2: whatever, as I was saying, your card should still be supported02:10
harpreet_harri_: what do you want to use it for? Yahoo or Msn?02:10
jezzza2Boss - when i start up ubuntu i dont get to startup (login) screen - just a mess of colors02:10
boss_mccheck out http://cchtml.com for installation instructions (they're all done from command line02:10
Linuz20091how do I use torrents?02:10
boss_mcsounds a bit like you removed the vesa/mesa drives but don't have fglrx in you xorg.conf...02:11
asushello all02:11
jezzza2Boss - ok, will do - I think i need to reset x settings02:11
boss_mcjezzza2: pastebin your xorg.conf02:11
harpreet_harri_: what do you want to use it for? Yahoo or Msn?02:11
VCoolio1Linuz20091: open with client like transmission or deluge, they'll dl them for you02:11
asuswould anyone like a free website .. u can use joomla, wordpress etc...02:11
myxoanyone here ever deal with volume issues for an ASUS laptop?02:11
MikazeLast time I used wine, with Forte Agent, I ran the Agent installation program and everything  was set up for the local user.  To wipe it, I had to 'rm -r ~/.wine' to wipe it02:11
myxoi'm using the G50 mobo and the sound is impossibly low02:12
jezzza2Boss - have my laptop in root from recovery bootup02:12
asusanyone want or need a website ?02:12
jezzza2Boss - how do i acces / recordthat file02:12
jezzza2Boss - how do i acces / recordthat file/02:12
asusi have a nice hosting server that is just looking for users02:12
thandrranyone know how to activiate nvdia on 64 bit02:12
boss_mcwhich file?02:12
Linuz20091VCoolio1: you mean the program called Transmission BitTorrent client?02:12
boss_mcjezzza2: the link?02:12
harri_harpreet i want for yahoo02:13
VCoolio1Linuz20091: yep02:13
thandrrdisplay looks hrribleon new computer with ubuntu02:13
Dr_Willisthandrr:  i just used the normal system -> admin ->hardware drivers tool. like on 32bit02:13
VCoolio1boss_mc: /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:13
FloridaGuyneed help please!!!!.....   http://pastebin.com/m663b8ebe02:13
Linuz20091VCoolio1: okay, so can you tell me what to do next?02:13
jefincI have problems getting multipul audio streams... I have alsa-oss installed but am not sure what I have to do to set it up?02:13
jezzza2Boss - xorg.conf - how to get in . terminal02:13
geirhaJuzman-EeePC: Sorry, wasn't a bug I'd seen, but an idea on brainstorm. http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/17683/02:13
boss_mcVCoolio1: ha, yeah, getting tired02:13
VCoolio1Linuz20091: sorry, specify02:13
jezzza2ok- will try02:13
christopherthe buttons, mouth and eyes of my gus stays still when i try to animate02:13
boss_mcjezzza2: it's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:13
Linuz20091VCoolio1: where can I download stuff?02:14
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christopheroh sorry wrong room02:14
dreamyVCoolio1: cafelinux is a nice site.. cool !02:14
MaT-dgMikaze: Dr_Willis: OK, I understand why tools cannot touch the home directories. But how do other programs remove their menu items then?02:14
VCoolio1Linuz20091: that's a question that can't be answered here; it's a support channel02:14
thandrrused to be there but cannot see the hardware tools02:15
VCoolio1dreamy: yeah, sign up for the forums and join the fun02:15
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  the system menus are generated by various .desktop files in the proper system dirs.02:15
dreamyVCoolio1: do u know too that the dunewind dowsnt works?02:15
harri_ harpreet i want for yahoo02:15
jezzza2Boss - sorry - new to comand line & linux! - how do i open /paste that file - have cd to it now02:15
boss_mcjezzza2: nano xorg.conf02:15
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  see http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/02:15
jezzza2Boss - ok02:15
thandrrNVDIA Cuda drivers .. not working pleas ehelp02:15
dreamyVCoolio1: im using it for e17.. has a repo02:15
MikazeMaT-dg: Removal is usually a manual effort by going into the ~/.wine config dirs and editing and deleting.02:15
harpreet_harri_: you have to start pidgin and play around with it. you have to add your id in specific messenger service02:15
Juzman-EeePCgeirha: Hmmm, wish it would be implemented02:16
VCoolio1dreamy: I just it a year ago but I read there were issues; in Jaunty I use the ozos stuff, works perfectly and one can use help with e1702:16
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dreamyok VCoolio102:16
geirhaJuzman-EeePC: Give it a vote, and it might just be ;)02:16
shiftelevenI'm running do-release-upgrade, and during the process the script is asking me if I want to keep a config, replace it, and whatnot; however, I try entering in a response and it doesn't respond.  any suggestions?02:16
Linuz20091VCoolio1: then can you tell me what does the program do (Transmission BitTorrent Client)02:16
Raylzhi my ubuntu install fails at 33% every time02:17
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  for example firefox -->  /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop (look at that file with an editor)02:17
boss_mcjezza: you should have Driver "fglrx" in the Device section02:17
Raylzit says that an error has ocurred while copying to the disk02:17
boss_mcRaylz: have you checked the disc for errors?02:17
VCoolio1Linuz20091: it opens the .torrent file, reads the info and then connects to seeds and peers; it manages download and upload02:17
Raylzboss_mc: its an ssd, how?02:17
Raylzboss_mc: fsck /dev/sda102:17
Linuz20091VCoolio1: whats "seed"?02:18
jezzza2Boss - no - device has - identifier "configured Video Device"02:18
dreamyVCoolio1: i dont know whats ozOs but im installing it ..lol02:18
geirhaLinuz20091: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent02:18
boss_mcRaylz: I mean the CD02:18
dreamyseems like something that works02:18
jezzza2BOSS  - then just configured monitor02:18
VCoolio1dreamy:  it's a complete desktop environment, also with office packages and whole shabang, have fun, like to hear from you if it's good02:18
Raylzboss_mc: its an usb stick02:19
dreamyok nice02:19
mariorzdoes ubuntu desktop come preconfigured with any kind of firewall protection?02:19
Linuz20091geirha: thanks for the link02:19
Raylzboss_mc: i used unetbootin02:19
mariorziptables says no rules, alas i cant access the webserver or ssh in02:19
Raylztried it twice already02:19
denonah well one more try, anyone know anything about getting virtual users working with pureftpd on jaunty?02:19
boss_mcjezzza2: ok, you'll want to follow the instructions on http://cchtml.com (under Ubuntu 9.04 -> Installing manually)02:19
jezzza2Boss - default screen, configured monitor, configured video device02:19
mariorzi can ping the machine from the network and ssh form it to other machines02:19
mariorzquite frustrating02:19
* Mikaze uses arno's IP tables firewall.02:19
boss_mcRaylz: unetbootin doesn't include the check for errors command (which is dumb imho but still...)02:20
jezzza2BoSS - ok will have a look - this is frustrating!!02:20
Betushi, good nigth, i have a problem, I cant listen any sound, and I cant reproduce music in all software. My english is very poor02:20
mariorzso no defualt firewall right?02:20
rocky|I like it when I can help people.....02:20
harri_harpreet thanks02:21
boss_mcjezzza2: have you got xserver-xgl installed?02:21
boss_mcjezzza2: that should be the fallback graphics driver if fglrx doesn;t work02:22
jezzza2Boss - um I dont know.....02:22
bartekHi there. Has anyone experieced crazy CPU usage spikes with Firefox in Jaunty? When I load a page like Google Reader, CPU spikes to 40% and the entire thing lags for a good few seconds. Eventually, FF becomes incredibly slow. This doesn't happen if I use say, Chromium02:22
dreamyVCoolio1: i have feeling .. it can have bit of danger :S ? i almost did the install with e16 still here02:22
jinettehola a todos02:22
bartekI didn't really have a huge problem with FF being slow until I upgraded to Jaunty. I think it's my flash install because flash for me right now also sucks horribly but I don't know02:22
boss_mcjezzza2: well, try apt-get install xserver-xgl02:22
dreamyVCoolio1: for has long i can reverse ill do it .. :S02:22
harri_ harpreet thanks02:22
jezzza2Boss - which method of install would you recomnent02:22
Raylzboss_mc: do you think the ssd is damaged?02:23
boss_mcjezzza2: you're limited to the manual method02:23
dreamyVCoolio1: i think im following the insttrucitions and do it ..02:23
VCoolio1dreamy: no don't, you can still load gnome if e17 doesn't work; you choose enlightenment in your login window02:23
boss_mcRaylz: It sounds like either the ssd is damaged or one of the files on th eusb in corrupt02:23
jezzza2Boss - from the cchtml page - ok - of the ATI drivers right?02:23
boss_mcjezzza2: yep02:24
boss_mcjezzza2: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_drivers_manually02:24
jezzza2Boss - ok - will be back in 1002:24
dreamyVCoolio1: ill be safe..02:24
dreamyVCoolio1: ok im doing it02:25
epicreviewshow do I install this: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Conky+%5BJamesHardy88%5D?content=10481402:25
VCoolio1dreamy: go for it, I like it.02:25
* Mikaze wonders if there's an accible installation method for the visually impared.02:25
VCoolio1epicreviews: probably that's a config file. Install conky and run: conky -c /path/to/that/file02:26
ewsubachconky is awsome02:26
epicreviewsthis is conky, isn't it?02:26
Betusanybody can helpme, I cant listen any sound, and I cant reproduce music in all software.02:26
Raylzboss_mc: ill try to install it via vm and usb-creator on the usb stick02:26
VCoolio1epicreviews: yes02:26
Dr_Willisconky with gnome.. can take some tweaking..02:26
epicreviews@Dr_Willis - Care to guide me through it?02:27
VCoolio1epicreviews: it takes a LOT of tweaking02:27
boss_mcRaylz: or install it with debootstrap (SLOW!)02:27
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  step #1 - go to conky web site.. read its docs. :) i spend better part of a week+ playing with conky02:28
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ewsubachepicreviews: yes lots of tweaking, but you can find good config files on the internet. here is one i like: http://www.quicktweaks.com/2008/09/27/gmail-weather-beauty-right-on-your-ubuntu-desktop/02:28
Raylzboss_mc: i used to install debian with debootstrapping, too much PITA02:28
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boss_mcJezza3: any luck?02:29
Jezza3Boss - im Jezza302:29
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  i cant quite figure out what that file is yo pasted a liunk to either.. it dont seem to be a conky config02:29
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  aha! its a .tgz - its missnamed.. :)02:29
Jezza3Boss - am doing this from root terminal02:29
Jezza3from startup in recovery02:29
epicreviewsit's conky's install02:29
boss_mcJezza3: aye02:30
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  err...  'install' ?02:30
Jezza3so to be honest im out of my depth!!02:30
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  conky is in the repos..02:30
epicreviewssry, wrong word02:30
epicreviewsit is?02:30
Jezza3BOSS - says it cant find package cdbs02:30
boss_mcJezza3: I assume you're IRCing from a different PC?02:30
Jezza3Boss - yes02:31
PeterFASo, I have a laptop that always is in Fn mode when Xorg is running. I can't figure out how to turn it off. Anyone know how?02:31
epicreviewsok it says it's installed now what?02:31
Raylzboss_mc: btw, are there any md5 sums available for the live cds?02:31
boss_mcJezza3: cdbs is probably unneeded02:31
boss_mcRaylz: yes02:31
boss_mcRaylz: 1 min02:31
epicreviewshow do I get conky to work?02:31
Jezza3BOss - i dont know how to read & edit and save a file in teminal02:31
jefincmy digital sound worked fine in hardy but now does not work in jaunty, suggestions?02:32
Dr_Willisepicreviews:   run 'conky' :)02:32
VCoolio1epicreviews: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3528480&postcount=788 has an example and a good config file with explanation what each option does.02:32
zaccourthe repositories for gnome-do don't work, is there a way to fix this?02:32
boss_mcRaylz: http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/releases/02:32
MikazeHave you tried running alsamixer?02:32
boss_mcJezza3: use nano on the file, then ctrl+x = save and ctrl+c = quit02:32
ewsubachFor some reason I can only connect to last.fm via WINE firefox and not in Ubuntu firefox? anyone have a solution?02:33
Jezza3Boss - ok i will try the next bit of the install procedure on the cdhtml02:33
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  that package you gave the url to is a 'tar & gzipped archive' you extraxt it with tar xzvf whatever.gz (and yes it has a wrong extension)02:33
Raylzboss_mc: ty02:33
boss_mcRaylz: np02:33
FLJohnHello.  I just downloaded Tremulis and as soon as I started playing the computer locked up.  I rebooted and opened again and tried to play again.  The Computer rebooted 15 seconds in.  any thoughts?02:33
epicreviewsok where do I edit conky config file?02:33
boss_mcepicreviews: .conkyrc02:34
VCoolio1epicreviews: if you run conky it will use /.conkyrc, but you can use any file with conky -c /path/to/file and like that open several conky's at a time02:35
dreamyVCoolio1: but id just like to ask to be shure.. im not endangering the whole system ? :S02:35
zaccourthe repositories for gnome-do don't work, is there a way to fix this?02:35
JackGrayzaccour: what do you mean don't work?02:36
dreamyVCoolio1 : ill still have gnome..02:36
JackGrayzaccour: they work fine here02:36
epicreviewsVCoolito1: I still don't get how to find the config file02:36
zaccourJackGray, invalid02:36
JackGrayzaccour: version + deb line please?02:36
ewsubachFor some reason I can only connect to last.fm via WINE firefox and not in Ubuntu firefox? anyone have a solution?02:36
zaccourhold on lemme find them02:36
VCoolio1dreamy: no dangers like that02:36
dreamyk cool ;)02:37
JackGrayewsubach: what problem do you have?02:37
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  that packatge you gave the link to has some very specific install directions also. :)02:37
VCoolio1epicreviews: ah, I think you need a command to create a .conkyrc in your home folder02:37
ewsubachJackGray: it just won't even load the page...it has nothing to do with sound not player. when I ty it in avant-window-manager, it can't connect either02:37
deciohelo! I have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and the web console provided by the hosting company is showing a disk usage of 80% but im sure im not using all that. is there a app i can use to manage my disk usage trough shell02:37
tommyvc1hello, how do i check if opengl is installed02:38
ewsubachJackGray: same thing with fire.fm plugin...there is always a connection issue02:38
VCoolio1epicreviews: just copypaste one from the links we gave and name that .conkyrc and put it in home02:38
zaccourJackGray, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/do-core/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main02:38
zaccourdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/do-core/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main02:38
zaccourJackGray, is that what you got?02:39
boss_mcJezza3: getting anywhere?02:39
JackGrayzaccour: yup, maybe they're down lemme check02:39
leeshionZJR ,chinese?02:39
deciohelo! I have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and the web console provided by the hosting company is showing a disk usage of 80% but im sure im not using all that. is there a app i can use to manage my disk usage trough shell02:39
epicreviewsConky: /home/lyle/.conkyrc: 62: no such configuration: 'draw_shade'02:39
epicreviewsConky: use_spacer should have an argument of left, right, or none.  'yes' seems to be some form of 'true', so defaulting to right.02:39
epicreviewsConky: desktop window (14000a6) is subwindow of root window (ab)02:39
epicreviewsConky: window type - normal02:39
epicreviewsConky: drawing to created window (0x3e00001)02:39
FloodBot1epicreviews: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:39
epicreviewsConky: drawing to double buffer02:39
zaccourJackGray, perhaps i need to delete "jaunty main" from the url?02:40
prayiihowdy all02:40
VCoolio1dreamy: only thing is I keep losing window borders in gnome and it MIGHT have to do with enlightenment, not sure. If you have that, install emerald and use that for window borders02:40
boss_mcasus, what's the deal for the free website?02:40
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  so?: ) I got it working here.. heh..02:40
JackGrayzaccour: if you're on jaunty then no you should have that there02:40
VCoolio1epicreviews: that's all good except the first one02:40
dreamyVCoolio1: ok :S02:40
zaccourJackGray, that belongs in the url?02:40
laxa8831does suspend mode count as uptime?02:40
epicreviewsI got a prob http://paste.ubuntu.com/179212/02:40
dreamyVCoolio1: Whats the main reason for it to have 180 megs02:40
JackGrayzaccour: it's not a url, you have that in your sources.list right?02:40
hipitihopI created a jaunty usb boot flash drive but when I boot from it I get "Buffer I/I error on device fd0" can someone help ?02:41
zaccourJackGray, i had it in my third party software sources02:41
VCoolio1dreamy: I don;'t know, you consider that much or not?02:41
zaccoursystem>administration>software sources02:41
JackGrayzaccour: oh ok you're using synaptic, yeah that should be there02:41
dreamyVCoolio1: its fine.. not has small has e16 .. that taken 5 mins.. :)02:41
zaccourJackGray, are the repos just down or what?02:41
JackGrayzaccour: gimme one sec lemme check if they are02:42
zaccourok i'll just try it again02:42
deciohelo! I have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and the web console provided by the hosting company is showing a disk usage of 80% but im sure im not using all that. is there a app i can use to manage my disk usage trough shell02:42
Raylzboss_mc: md5sum is correct02:42
epicreviewsdid you guys get that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/179212/02:42
boss_mcRaylz: sufficient space in partition?02:43
ghindodecio: df?02:43
spencerim a college student that recently downloaded 9.04, and im now looking to buy a wifi card for internet on campus. So I went to verizon and their wifi card is called the "broadband air cards, VSB760 Modem". The software to get it working is .exe though. Is there a way i can get the card working without using the .exe files from the software?02:43
Mr_Orangedoes ubuntu have a version of opera in the repos?02:43
JackGrayzaccour: nope they're working fine here, can you try from a terminal to install and see if you get any error?02:43
Raylzboss_mc: its a 4gb ssd02:43
ghindoMr_Orange: Nope.02:43
deciowhat ??? what is df ???02:43
zaccourJackGray, how do i do that?02:43
Raylzboss_mc: it crashed again at 45 %02:43
Bob_DoleI found that... Running the windows version of FireFox and Flash under WINE gives better performance for sites heavy on flash than the native versions..what?02:43
Mr_Orangewhy not?02:43
boss_mcRaylz: is it on an eeepc by any chance?02:43
Laundrywhat causes this error when compiling something with make02:44
Laundry/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lruby02:44
Raylzboss_mc: yes02:44
epicreviewscan anyone help me with conky? http://paste.ubuntu.com/179212/02:44
Raylzboss_mc: first model02:44
VCoolio1epicreviews: line 62 is a config misstype; the 2nd line is solvable by adding a correct argument like it says; the 7th line is because there is a command called that your system doesn't have. 3-6 are normal output02:44
ghindodecio: df is a terminal command which tells how much disk space you have free.  Try "df -h" in the command line.02:44
boss_mcRaylz: try asking in #eeepc02:44
JackGrayzaccour: Applications>Accessories>Terminal, type sudo apt-get update02:44
ewsubachBob_Dole: I get the same exact thing..in fact, some flash sites only work with WINE02:44
deciook! hold on02:44
zaccourJackGray, here is the error i get W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 28A8205077558DD002:44
ghindoMr_Orange: Because it's a closed source, proprietary application.  Opera should have some sort of package for ubuntu02:44
^Cheekyhi, i am about to install the new ubuntu and was wondering about partition arrangements for it .. i have a 160 GB hdd was wondering whats the best memory allocation for root and the rest for home thank you02:44
JackGrayzaccour: ah ok good, so the repos is working fine, you just need the key02:44
ghindo!opera | Mr_Orange02:44
ubottuMr_Orange: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:44
NCS_OneLaundry: ruby library is not found02:45
Bob_Doleewsubach, That's what I was trying to do, actually. It works fine with the ff and flash under wine thing02:45
JackGrayzaccour: follow these instructions and you should be good: https://launchpad.net/~do-core/+archive/ppa02:45
ghindo^Cheeky: You could always let the installer automatically partition everything.02:45
ewsubachBob_Dole: some people have suggested it is my hardware. the drivers may not be the best because i am on a laptop02:45
JackGrayzaccour: where it says This repos is signed with...02:45
Mr_Orangethanks ghindo !02:45
ghindoMr_Orange: No problem.02:45
LaundryNCS_One: what package do i need to install that02:46
^Cheekyghindo, that would mean it wold use up the whole hdd and no partition at all ..02:46
Laundryi'm pretty sure i installed all the ruby dev files and library stuff02:46
deciohere is what i got ----/dev/simfs            9.5G  7.4G  2.2G  78% /02:46
Bob_Doleewsubach, I have 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo, 4GB PC6400 DDR2 RAM, and a ATI Radeon HD 3850. My hardware isn't under-specced in any sense.02:46
VCoolio1epicreviews: in line 62 make it "draw_shades", so add an 's'02:46
ghindo^Cheeky: The automatic installer should create one partition for the entire hard drive and should take care of everything for you.02:47
ewsubachBob_Dole: I don't mean specs...in fact yours is similar in power to mine. it is the drivers that cause problems because we are limited to the propriety ones02:47
^Cheekyghindo, but i would like my root to be different and home on another partition02:47
ghindodecio: It looks like you have two gigs of space left...02:47
Raylzboss_mc: memtest shows me over 300 errors til now02:47
ghindo^Cheeky: How come?02:47
boss_mcRaylz: I saw02:48
blendmaster1024hey i need a little help: what package do i install to get the system V init system?\02:48
myxoI don't get wine, i install it and there is no option to run a program called "wine"02:48
ewsubachBob_Dole: so essentially the hardware acceleration isn't the best. at least that is what i have been told02:48
zaccourJackGray, it doesn't really make sense02:48
boss_mcmyxo: you run it with other programs02:48
myxoif i type "wine" into the terminal i get a confusing prompt with no explanation, if i read their faq they assume i already know how to launch it...02:48
JackGrayzaccour: what are you having trouble with02:48
ghindoblendmaster1024: What do you need that for?02:48
acfrazierI'm having a problem installing packages. I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/179215/ I tried deleting said file to see if it would regenerate, but no go.02:48
blendmaster1024hey i need a little help: what package do i install to get the system V init system? i need to get rid of upstart and use systemv init so that XUbuntu will work on my XO02:48
^Cheekyghindo, well if my home folder goes corrupt then i dont need to take down the whole hdd ..02:48
ewsubachmyxo: it should be under the applications02:48
Bob_Doleflash is mostly CPU, and I'd imagine it to perform worse if it's running under WINE if it's trying to use accel02:48
myxoboss_mc hmm seems that would be something to mention in the faq...02:48
boss_mcmyxo: you run windowsprogram.exe by typing 'wine windowsprogram.exe'02:48
myxoboss_mc but how can i run it if it isn't installed? i was trying to get d2 to work, the iso downloads just completed02:49
ewsubachmyxo: you can also right click a program and open with WINE, might have to edit properties02:49
zaccourJackGray, is that paragraph of letters the public key?02:49
myxoewsubach yes it is, but no explanation as how to use it.. or an interface or anything, i'm trying to figure out what im missing with you and boss_mc02:49
Armedeusharpreet and the other guys who are still around who threw a few helpful suggestions in... a grt big thnx :-) Printer is now up and running. You guys are legends.02:50
blendmaster1024must i repeat that?02:50
jezzaBoss - I m back - no luck02:50
boss_mcmyxo: there isn't an interface as such, it runs other programs02:50
decioI want to know wich directories are using more space them they should02:50
VCoolio1dreamy: the script is running right? Like the howto says, it takes an hour or so, they are not kidding. Just let it play.02:50
Bob_DoleAlso... how do I make a windows compiled version of IceCat? Dx02:50
cgkadesanyone know why running firefox over an ssh session runs on the local comptuer instead of the remote one like all the other apps do02:50
jezzaBOSS - Jezza is now jman02:50
boss_mcjezza: did you follow all the instructions?02:50
ghindo^Cheeky: So you want a separate /root partition for that?  It sounds like you'd be better off with a separate /home partition.02:50
ewsubachmyxo: when u run a wine program it looks like any other program in a window02:50
ghindo^Cheeky: I would dedicate 5 GB to / and 155 GB to /home.02:51
hipitihopcan someone tell me how to setup a boot from usb but have home drive, installed packages etc on a NAS mount ?02:51
myxoboss_mc erg, i'm configuring it now the configuration guide consists of... "Configure wine using the winecfg   command. For most people wine should now be usable. "02:51
myxoboss_mc how is that helpful? lol....02:51
blendmaster1024hey i need a little help: what package do i install to get the system V init system? i need to get rid of upstart and use systemv init so that XUbuntu will work on my XO02:51
boss_mcjman, how far have you got?02:51
Dr_Willisepicreviews:  :) that conky script is sort of neat in how it does things.. time co convert it to puppylinux02:51
jezzaBoss - wanted to check - im runnin from live cd on the machine - do i have to run terminal from inside the file system on the HD?02:51
JackGrayzaccour: go here http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x28A8205077558DD0        copy that into your clipboard, open up gedit and paste that into a file and save it, then go into system>administration>software sources            click authentication             press import key file and choose that file from gedit02:51
brodymcdwireless card doesn't come on at boot - can someone help me get that to turn on?02:52
myxoewsubach soooo. i get that i run it with other programs but i've still no idea how to...02:52
ewsubachmyxo: like i said right click the .exe file and click open with WINE02:52
myxoewsubach alright02:52
myxoewsubach sorry chat is hectic02:52
^Cheekyghindo, ubuntu so light only 5 .. ehehe thank you man02:52
hipitihopbrodymcd: consider installing wicd02:52
boss_mcjezza: you'll have to run the dpkg command from a terminal in the real machine (or do a choot if you're comfortable with those...)02:52
epicreviewsI don't see where the i8k thing comes into play02:53
VCoolio1epicreviews: somewhere under TEXT02:53
JackGrayzaccour: make sure you only copy only from the part that says begin pgp public key and on and not the top line that says public key server -- get...02:53
zaccourJackGray, where is the clipboard and gedit?02:53
jezzaBoss  - the live cd is 8.01 too, not 9,04... i doubt i can run commands from the terminal in the live cd & have it update in the real file sys02:53
blendmaster1024hey i need a little help: what package do i install to get the system V init system? i need to get rid of upstart and use systemv init so that XUbuntu will work on my XO02:53
jezzaBoss - can I open a terminal from withing the real file sys?02:53
boss_mcjezza: that's what a chroot is02:54
ghindo!patience | blendmaster102402:54
ubottublendmaster1024: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:54
jezzaBoss - ok - how do they work ----02:54
JackGrayzaccour: highlight the text from ---begin pgp all the way till the end with your mouse. then press ctrl-c to copy02:54
boss_mcjezza: mount the HD, chroot to it's location and you are effectively in that machine02:54
boss_mcjezza: e.g. chroot /media/disk02:54
jezzaBoss - thanks -02:55
brodymcdhipitihop -  will that turn my card on at boot?02:55
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jocyvanalguem BR por ai?02:55
JackGrayzaccour: then go to accessories>text editor (that's called gedit) and paste it there02:55
blendmaster1024ghindo: i just thought people hadn't noticed because the channel is so busy02:55
boss_mcjezza: can you use my full name please, it get's highlighted and I'm less likely to miss your posts02:55
brodymcdhipitihop - I'm using 8.10 because upgrade to 9.04 stopped my wifi from working at all - would wicd help that, too?02:55
myxohow could i try to run a program through Wine using the Terminal? i try to run something and it just never does anything.02:56
myxocurious what its doing02:56
jezzaBoss_MC - sorry - so i enter chroot in terminal?02:56
boss_mcmyxo just type wine programname.exe02:56
JackGraymyxo: wine windowsprogramname.exe02:56
boss_mcjezza: yep02:56
robdigmyxo: wine path/to/program/to/run02:56
boss_mcjezza: needs sudo02:56
zaccourJackGray, where do i paste that text? i figured adding repositories would work somethin ain't right02:56
Armedeuscya and thnx again for the help02:56
boss_mcjezza: or work from rescue console...02:57
harri_can i install flashget in ubuntu02:57
myxothe program i am looking to run is on an mounted .iso, hwo could i navigate to that?02:57
deciosomething is not right i only have the os itself installed on that server apache/php and torrentflux-b4rt02:57
U-b-u-n-t-ubrodymcd try making a usb 9.04 and run it and see if your wifi works then you might need a fresh install02:57
U-b-u-n-t-uI had a problem like that02:57
JackGrayzaccour: did you open text editor? paste it there and save that file to your desktop02:58
U-b-u-n-t-ubut after the fresh install not the upgrade the wifi worked02:58
^Cheekyif i ever want to install windows in the future for dual boot reasons .. i would have to install it first and then ubuntu ?02:58
evocallaghanHowdy, Where abouts is the path to the xen kernel on the latest ubuntu ISO ?02:58
amseidlerrocky|: please PM me02:58
U-b-u-n-t-u^Cheeky you can change boot managers02:58
robdigmyxo: type the path starting at the mount point02:58
zaccourJackGray, i pasted it to the authorizations, now i'm tryin repositories again02:58
^Cheekyoh cool ..02:58
^Cheekythank you02:59
myxorobdig not sure what that means02:59
myxorobdig sorry learning =(02:59
robdigmyxo: where did you mount the iso?02:59
Ubuntudadcan someone tell me if the home directory is encrypted by default or not?02:59
boss_mcUbuntudad: nope02:59
myxorobdig it just shows on my desktop, the original file is on a folder on my desktop02:59
harri_can i install flashget in  ubuntu02:59
Ubuntudadboss_mc, why isn't it default and then why is an encrypted swap by default being considered?03:00
boss_mcharri_: you can't, use downthemall instead (http://www.downthemall.net/)03:00
U-b-u-n-t-u^Cheeky,  there is a free apps for windows in you install windows after ubuntu I am looking for it now03:00
^Cheekyi just burned the iso file for ubuntu 9.04 but when i inserted the cd it asked me to open with packet manager .. is there something different with 9.04 that you have to boot to install it ?03:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ppakeys03:00
boss_mcUbuntudad: there are performance questions, along with other reasons that you might not want an encrypted home directory03:00
boss_mcUbuntudad: but an encrypted swap sounds like a sensible idea03:01
robdigmyxo: but you typed a command to mount it, right?03:01
myxorobdig no, not sure how to mount through the terminal03:01
Raylzdid i post this kernel bug in the right place? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ports-meta/+bug/37949403:01
zaccourJackGray, where did you find that authorization key?03:01
myxorobdig just through r click commands03:01
^CheekyU-b-u-n-t-u, no man its cool , i dont want to install windows .. just wondering if i should coz all i need windows is to play star craft 2 when ever it comes out ! :P03:01
Ubuntudadboss_mc, do you know of  a way to do it after the install? i was under the impression that it had been adopted and would hate to do a whole new install again03:01
harri_boss when i am disconnected while downloading all the data has been lost what can i do03:01
JackGrayzaccour: on the launchpad site for gnome-do03:02
bluejeans^Cheeky, you will have to reboot with the disc in your drive03:02
U-b-u-n-t-u^Cheeky, install windows inside of ubuntu with a virtual box03:02
epicreviewsI keep getting this error03:02
epicreviewsConky: MPD error: problems getting a response from "localhost" on port 6600 : Connection refused03:02
robdigmyxo: ok. in the terminal, type the command mount03:02
robdigmyxo: this will show you everything that is mounted03:02
myxorobdig o ok03:03
^Cheekybluejeans, is coz it will install the new ext4 system ?03:03
boss_mcUbuntudad: you can encrypt your home directory whenever, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder03:03
^CheekyU-b-u-n-t-u, yeah thats what i will do but doubt it will run a game smooth03:03
U-b-u-n-t-uit runs lord of the rings battle for middle earth II for me03:03
zaccourJackGray, i mean, where did you find that on the first page? i didn't see the link03:03
evocallaghananyone got a live cd booted they can `find /boot -name *xen*` for them then ?03:04
Ubuntudadboss_mc, thanks, that will not cause data loss correct?03:04
bluejeans^Cheeky, i haven't tested it yet but i'm sure its ext4 compatible03:04
brodymcdU-b-u-n-t-u: I did also do a fresh install and nothing. nothing from live cd03:04
epicreviewsI keep getting Conky: MPD error: problems getting a response from "localhost" on port 6600 : Connection refused03:04
JackGrayzaccour: you click the first link on the line that says this repository is signed with... then you click the keyID on the next page (77558DD0)03:04
boss_mcUbuntudad: shouldn't03:04
boss_mcUbuntudad: the instructions advice a backup first though03:05
Ubuntudadboss_mc, great, and this will mount/unmount automatically?03:05
aliendude5300hi guys, I need help setting up remote logins through an VNC server...03:05
jezzaBoss_mc - having trouble with chroot -my hd is disk-1 in nautilus in the media folder03:06
bluejeansepicreviews, i assume you are trying to run a script within conky.. check the script in the conkyrc for errors03:06
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^Cheekyboot time !!03:06
^Cheeky^_^ thank yu03:06
bluejeans^see you on the other side03:06
aliendude5300I followed a guide on the forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197964 to set up VNC remote logins but its not working :(03:07
jezzaBoss_MC sorry - irc was stuck -   so would command be su chroot /media/disk-1?03:07
VCoolio1epicreviews: that's maybe lyricsdownloader (line 87)? It's something trying to connect to internet, dunno if this uses that port by default03:07
boss_mcjezza: yes03:07
aliendude5300I get an error that says read: Connection reset by peer (104)03:07
Ubuntudadboss_mc, FATAL: Module fuse not found.03:07
evocallaghan^Cheeky: You one a livecd now?03:07
Ubuntudadboss_mc, that is interesting03:07
aliendude5300any ideas how to fix that?03:07
boss_mcepicreviews: it's a line that monitor's the music playing daemon (mpd) which listens on port 660003:07
myxoif an iso is shown mounted on my desktop, how do i navigate to such an iso using my terminal?03:07
zaccourJackGray, is openpgp always required with repositories?03:08
^Cheekyevocallaghan, not yet03:08
jezzaBoss_MC - hmm i thought so - term says unknown id!!03:08
boss_mcUbuntudad: sudo aptitude install libpam-encfs fuse03:08
^Cheekyevocallaghan, about to be03:08
evocallaghan^Cheeky: OK, are you booting into a livecd now?03:08
felix__http://www.archive.org/details/cdc273_Flack_You_Cant_Handle_the_Commodore ,, for melancolyc ones :)03:08
Ubuntudadboss_mc, just did that03:08
zaccourJackGray, thanks for your help, i'm a little smarter today03:08
boss_mcjezza: sudo, not su03:08
aliendude5300Anyone? :/03:08
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage is Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:08
evocallaghan^Cheeky: Good, can you tell me what the output of `find /boot -name *xen*` is please03:08
zaccourdo repositories always require an OpenPGP key?03:08
JackGrayzaccour: no problem, do you mean do you always need to add a repos keys?03:08
boss_mcUbuntudad: including the fuse at the end?03:08
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage is Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:09
^Cheekyevocallaghan, ok will do gimme a sec to boot03:09
^Cheekyill come here03:09
jezzaBoss_mc - kool im in03:09
zaccourJackGray, what i'm asking is do repositories always need OpenPGP keys also?03:09
evocallaghanthank you!03:09
^Cheekyany time03:09
Ubuntudadboss_mc, Couldn't find package "fuse".  However, the following03:10
Ubuntudadpackages contain "fuse" in their name:03:10
JackGrayzaccour: no, you can just add the repos without the keys, but if you trust the repos you should add the keys because: (from the help.launchpad.net site): PPA keys make sure that the packages you're downloading haven't been altered since Launchpad built them and that you are downloading from the PPA you wanted03:10
boss_mcUbuntudad: ah, those instructions are outdated...03:10
Ubuntudadboss_mc, that is what i am getting03:10
aliendude5300sigh... nobody knows how to set up remote logins with VNC?03:10
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:10
Ubuntudadboss_mc, do you know a workaround?03:10
hipitihopbrodymcd: sorry ran off for breakfast.... just try wicd and see what it solves for you, it is way better then normal network manager and in most cases just works03:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:10
eseven73LjL, aren't you an op?03:11
KiraI messed up my upgrade from Hardy to Jaunty03:11
qazavuldoes anyone here play urban terror03:11
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:11
boss_mcUbuntudad: hmmm, nothing is jumping out at me03:11
KiraSo I have installed Jaunty server from scratch onto another harddisk.03:11
Ubuntudadboss_mc, that stinks i travel with this netbook a lot and would love the extra protection03:12
KiraHow hard would it be to mount my old harddisk (with the failed Jaunty upgrade) to recover my files?03:12
FlannelKira: Not difficult at all03:12
jezzaBoss mc - should i go for Catalyst 9.4 or Cat 9.503:12
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:12
qazavulwho plays urban terror03:12
qazavuli need help03:13
boss_mcjezza: You'll have to go for 9.5 (9.4 doesn't support X-1.6 which jaunty uses)03:13
=== michael is now known as mikeyfbi
jezzaBoss MC - ok, thanks  - is there any way to test the setup once its done ?03:14
qazavulcan anyone help me03:14
mikeyfbihey, im trying to install the black_white-2 style icons, but the download was a .tar and not recognized.. now im confused and stumped03:14
boss_mcjezza: boot into it?03:14
mikeyfbican anyone help me install these icons - http://dbgthekafu.deviantart.com/art/black-white-2-Style-7327675503:15
qazavuli need help wit urbanterro03:15
qazavulurban terror03:15
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:16
Kirawhy remove the ban so soon?03:16
aliendude5300hi guys, I need help setting up remote logins through an VNC server...03:16
qazavuli need help03:16
aliendude5300I get an error that says read: Connection reset by peer (104)03:16
Ubuntudadboss_mc, i sent an email to the last person that updated that wiki, maybe they know something03:17
boss_mcUbuntudad: good plan03:17
Ubuntudadboss_mc, hopefully it was not to correct a spelling error :)03:17
=== b2ke is now known as B2Ke
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:17
ngabrielcan anyone recommend a program that can be used to join two dvd images? (previously DVD9 split to 2 DVD4.7 discs)03:17
boss_mcUbuntudad: no, the package has moved and I couldn't find the kernel module they were discussing elsewhere so I think a new approach is needed03:18
dreamyVCoolio1: whats cvs .. and Ozos ?03:18
boss_mcUbuntudad: It it doable though...03:18
jezzaBoss MC - get to build pkg bit and get error of permission denied03:18
Ubuntudadboss_mc, i am sure it is, i just need to find how to do it03:18
boss_mcjezza, where did you download the .bin file to?03:19
qazavulanyone here play Nexuiz03:19
jootUbuntudad, will this help?  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/03:20
jezzaBoss-mc to Home>Useraccount>documents>downloads03:20
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:20
bazhangqazavul, offtopic chat about gaming in #ubuntu-offtopic please03:20
qazavulits not off topic03:20
qazavulim trying to get some help03:20
jezzaBOSS-MC - should i moove it to temp or somthing?03:20
bazhangqazavul, then ask a support question03:20
Ubuntudadboss_mc, this looks to be getting over my head quick03:20
boss_mcjezza: and then you cd'd there and ran the command?03:20
jezzaBOSS - yes03:21
kalsriv__Hi I want some help on video capture03:21
boss_mcUbuntudad: the sourceforge page will only help if you're willing to build from source...03:21
myxoi need to just sit in here and read all day long. finding problems just to fix them as others do03:21
Ubuntudadboss_mc, i am not the best at that, only done it once or twice03:21
boss_mcjezza: strange, you should have write permissions03:21
kalsriv__anyone to help me on video capture device03:21
decioI have ubuntu 8.10 installed in a VPS and i whant a app that can help me manage its Disk usage trough sell. Any ideas03:22
bazhangkalsriv__, screencast?03:22
kalsriv__waht is screencast?03:22
bazhangvideo capture of your computer activities03:22
robdigdecio: maybe the du command?03:22
decioi used that already03:23
kalsriv__no I mean live video capture not the screen activity03:23
jezzaBoss mc - i dont have permissions for any folders on the HD--- how can i get permissions?03:23
boss_mcjezza: I'd advise switching to the recovery console for the rest of the commands (at least until you have to edit files again)03:23
boss_mcjezza: they must be mounted with write permission turned off03:24
kalsriv__I have jaunty working on my computer03:24
aliendude5300sigh... is anyone online who can help me?03:24
jezzaBoss  - how can i remount with write permisiion?03:24
decioany other ideas03:24
boss_mckalsriv__: tried cheese?03:24
skierKyleHi, just wondering is this working?03:25
kalsriv__great boss. But what does it do03:25
aliendude5300is what working skier?03:25
FlannelskierKyle: Yep.  Howdy.03:25
skierKyleA you got it then03:25
kalsriv__Is it universal by nature03:25
aliendude5300... yep.03:25
kalsriv__Can I integrate any camera and have live picture on my laptop03:26
hipitihopcan someone point me at how to setup a usb flash boot but have settings and home drive pointed to an external mount03:26
skierKyleseeing if irssi was working right thanks.03:26
aliendude5300irssi is the best... :D03:26
boss_mckalsriv__: ah, I see, I would assume so, but I have no idea!03:26
boss_mckalsriv__: sorry03:26
kalsriv__ok.. any tips on installation atleast03:26
robdigdecio: how about the disk usage analyzer? Applications->Accessories->Disk Usage Analyzer03:27
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.03:27
skierKyleIts pretty slick once you get it set up03:27
Ubuntudadboss_mc, yeah its above my head03:27
nikolazhello, i know this may sound stupid.. but something very stupid is holding me from updating my  laptop to a new one i bought.. i can't back up everything.03:27
Ubuntudadboss_mc, i got as far as extracting it, but it has me playing with the kernel03:27
nikolazso FF save all my passwords, i never memorize them, and some of them i don't have anyway to recover them.. so i always click my id.. and then password come automatically like this ******* so i cant see it! how can i back up a complete FF with all this memory about my passwords? Any idea? lol03:27
aliendude5300skier -- you might want to register your name... /msg nickserv register password email03:27
Ubuntudadnikolaz, you can just write them down...03:28
nikolazUbuntudad: what you mean? i don't know what he passwords are, how can i write them down?03:29
boss_mcnikolaz: go to settings->privacy->show saved passwords03:29
tzangerGood evening03:29
tzangerI'm trying to understand a little more about ubuntu's internals03:29
skierKylealiendude, I think i just did register, could you check again?03:29
Ubuntudadnikolaz, boss beat me to it, thats is what to do03:29
tzangerI'm not a new user to Linux at all, but I've also never had to worry about this stuff before :-)03:29
boss_mcnikolaz: sorry, security not privacy03:30
tzangerUbuntu seems to use runlevel 1 for single-user mode and runlevel 2 for normal operation.  If that's the case, why on earth are there rc3.d through rc5.d (6 is reboot on most systems) ?03:30
tzangerI mean if they were empty I'd understand, but they're not03:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel03:31
velcroshooztheres some link explaining it03:31
boss_mctzanger: rc2-6 are the same on ubuntu03:31
tzangerboss_mc: I was just about to say that 2,3,4,5 look identical.  haven't checked 6 yet :-)03:31
boss_mctzanger: they're only there is you want to create a special runlevel (for testing etc...)03:31
boss_mcoh, 6 is shutdown03:32
tzangerboss_mc: gotcha, thank you03:32
boss_mcso it will be different...03:32
tzanger6 is usually reboot and 0/S shutdown03:32
tzangeractually rcS.d looks different03:32
tzangerS is single user I suppose03:33
velcroshoozboy the driver the kernel is using for my macbook wireless is flaky as hell03:33
tzangerS still loads gdm03:33
Ubuntudadboss_mc, i got it doing "make" right now03:33
lstarnestzanger: 1 is single=-user03:33
Ubuntudadboss_mc, lets cross our fingers03:33
tzangerlstarnes: yes, but what's S for then?03:34
tzangerS is startup, 1 is single-user?03:34
lstarnestzanger: it's some sort of special runlevel03:34
Bob_DoleI switched to Linux because I needed a faster computer, didn't want windows, couldn't afford a mac, was fairly familiar with ubuntu. iMac hasn't been turned on in a couple months :303:34
velcroshoozBob_Dole, just install ubuntu on the imac too ;p03:35
tzangerBob_Dole: I run Linux because I find it superior to the others03:35
jezzaBoss- MC Hi - is there any way to mound the HD with full permissions?03:35
Ubuntudadboss_mc, hmmm it installed yet i still cannot run the sudo modprobe fuse command03:35
tzangerlstarnes: yeah it seems to be a startup runlevel03:35
jrolland-ubuntuHelp! I can't take eth0 down03:35
tzangerbut the 'runlevel' command seems to indicate that it didn't run on normal startup03:35
tzangeri.e. it prints "N 2" on my particular system, meaning init went right to runlevel 2, there was no previous one03:36
jrolland-ubuntueth0 is definitely my internet connection interface, per ifconfig03:36
jrolland-ubuntuI get the error "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured"03:37
lynxxxxhow i can install yahoo messenger03:37
kalsriv__hi how to download screencast in jaunty03:37
RHorsejrolland-ubuntu use ifconfig to configure03:37
jrolland-ubuntuI'm using intrepid03:37
jrolland-ubuntuifconfig says eth0 is already my interface03:38
jrolland-ubuntuHow do I do that?03:38
AussieGuymy system wide bash.bashrc variables dont seem to be available in bash scripts?03:38
Paddy_EIRE_is ubottu down?03:39
jrolland-ubuntuRHorse: Thx03:39
bazhangubottu, lag03:39
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag03:39
boss_mc!pm | jezza03:39
ubottujezza: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:39
RHorsejrolland-ubuntu try sudo ifconfig eth0 up03:39
dreamyVCoolio1: enlightenmnet worked fine.. im exploring it rigth now03:40
ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password>03:40
jrolland-ubuntuRHorse: Yes, it worked. Thanks you so much!03:41
RHorsejrolland-ubuntu np!03:41
kalsriv__hi how to download and install scrren cast03:41
Cheekyumm hi ... does anyone have a link how to set up ubuntu advance mode  for separate partitions .. i dunno my order or what i need to choose to partition my hdd03:41
Ubuntudadubottu really thinks it rude to be sent a pm? how strange03:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:41
nikolazboss_mc: thanks a lot a nice tip about the passwords!03:41
bazhang!screencast | kalsriv__03:41
ubottukalsriv__: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.03:41
Ubuntudadboss_mc, thanks for the help, i hope to solve this one day03:42
boss_mcnikolaz: it's amazing how many people don't know about that...03:42
nikolazboss_mc: it's dangerous lol03:42
boss_mcUbuntudad: np03:42
boss_mcnikolaz: very03:42
boss_mcnikolaz: many facebook profiles have been defaced due to it!03:42
nikolazboss_mc: mo shocked that they allow that easily, specially public computers03:43
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Kirathe heck...03:43
=== Paddy_EIRE_ is now known as Paddy_EIRE
KiraI can't ping my newly installed Jaunty server from my LAN.03:43
boss_mcnikolaz: the point is that if the password is saved, then it can be used in the site easily so there's no point protecting the passwords...03:44
KiraAnd I can't SSH into it either, even though sshd is clearly running.03:44
boss_mcKira are you using IP address or name?03:45
Kiraboss_mc: IP address03:45
KiraI used ifconfig in my new server to get it's LAN IP.03:45
RHorseKira may want to check any firewalls03:45
boss_mcKira: you've not got strong ufw rules in place03:45
boss_mcKira: what RHorse said03:46
KiraIt's a vanilla Jaunty server installation03:46
Kiraso I don't think any strong ufw rule is in place.03:46
RHorseKira are ssh_config and sshd_config on the same port, 22?03:47
Kira(well, vanilla in that I chose to install LAMP, OpenSSH, Mail server, DNS server, and Tomcat during the OS installation.03:47
Mackhow would i go about installing DNS Server03:48
MackKira: you seem to know03:48
=== prayii_ is now known as prayii
lstarnesMack: install and configure bind03:50
Mackapt-get install bind?03:50
lstarnesMack: it's actually bind903:50
Mackso apt-get install bind903:50
Mackwell suod03:50
lstarnesMack: try iot and see if it works03:50
* Mack ssh's in03:50
Macklstarnes: seems to be working03:52
Macklstarnes: now how i set it up w/ bind9utils or w/e03:52
lstarnesMack: bind9utils?03:53
MackThe following NEW packages will be installed:03:53
Mack  bind9 bind9utils03:53
thdevhello all03:53
lstarnesMack: which version of ubuntu are you using?03:53
Mack9.04 desktop03:54
Mackaccidentally got desktop instead of server03:54
lstarnesthdev: I wasn't asking you03:54
Mackmayhbe thdev just was in a talking mood :P03:54
psycoborggot excited thedev??03:54
lstarnesMack: there are many guides available for setting up bind903:55
thdevyeah. i was eager to try out this irc mode in emacs03:55
Dr_Willisthdev:  now all emacs needs is a good text editor! :)03:55
* robdig wonders if emacs can still edit files03:55
Mackthdev: not irssi?03:55
thdevi might try that out03:55
thdevi have xchat and zenirc03:56
thdevirssi is good?03:56
lstarnesthdev: it is03:56
Mackits ok03:56
lstarnesthdev: it's terminal-based03:56
Dam0my eggdrop works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf   but when i try to connect it normaly it wont connect to a irc server03:56
Jamedirssi is the best :)03:56
MackDam0: i dont get eggdrop :P03:56
Macktried it03:56
Mackcant get it to work03:56
Dam0i have done b403:56
Dam0im gaving this problem now03:56
metalforeverwhat is it.03:57
=== mack_ is now known as Mack|irssi
Mack|irssiirssi is ok03:57
Mack|irssieasy to install in ubuntu03:57
psycoborgit is like an orc bot03:57
Mack|irssisudo apt-get install irssi :P03:57
lstarnespsycoborg: it is an irc bot03:57
metalforevergod someone is broadcasting in here.03:57
lstarnespsycoborg: never mind, read that as a question03:57
Dr_WillisDam0:  clarify wha tyou mean by 'connect  it normally'03:57
psycoborgsee i wuz right...lol03:57
metalforeverDam0: problem is?03:57
MackJamed: can u do scripting in irssi?03:57
* Mack|irssi will try03:58
Dam0Dr_Willis: it wont connect to a irc server but it will connect if i type ./eggdrop -n dolmio.conf03:58
psycoborgno i meany irc..03:58
gluonmanCan anyone advise me on the best method of clearing disc space without having to delete files I need?03:58
MackDam0: mine connects to irc, but wont join channels, nor respond to query03:58
Mackidk how to dcc chat03:58
robdiggluonman: delete the ones you don't need :)03:58
Mackcan irssi do that?03:58
lstarnesMack: yes03:58
Dam0Mack>: telnet to it mate03:59
Mackdam0 what port?03:59
Dam0u set it bro03:59
gluonmanrobdig, I'd appreciate it if you don't treat me like I'm stupid. I always delete what I don't need.03:59
Dam0its in your conf03:59
Mackso like telnet localhost PORT03:59
Dr_WillisDam0:  that dident really answer what i asked...   :)  if that command works.. you could just make it an alias/script to run the thing as you need.     or check the docs and see what default conf file it looks for and copy dolmio.conf to it.03:59
Dam0telnet: your ip port03:59
Dr_WillisTelnet - thats scary. :)04:00
thdev_using irssi now04:00
MackDam0: wut about quitting it04:00
steelehey has anyone dealt with the aurora GTK engine?  i installed the bz2 from gnome-look.org, but i still get the "you need aurora for this theme to look the way it should" error in appearance04:00
Mackis it jsut killall04:00
Mackor theres a better way04:00
lstarnesMack: ctrl+D04:00
Macklstarnes: its not in no backround tho04:01
zeromodGreetings all04:01
lstarnesMack: that works in foreground04:01
zeromodAny server gurus here? lol04:01
metalforevernot a guru04:01
Bob_DoleDon't ask that sort of question, just ask the question04:01
metalforeverbubut whats up04:01
lstarnesMack: it sends an End-Of-File to the telnet client, causing it to end the connection04:01
Mackis it ok if i bring my eggdrop here to test it?04:02
Macklstarnes: i meant quit eggdrop04:02
lstarnesMack: not here.  Create your own channel for it04:02
tzangerhmm, which event.d/ script is run on initial boot?04:02
Mackill just use irc.mackgoodstein.net then04:02
zeromodWas trying to break the ice Bob and not come in and start popping off questions, it's rude in some culture.04:02
lstarnesMack: the safest way to kill it would probably be via a command sent to it through dcc or telnet04:02
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Macklstarnes: ok04:02
lstarnestzanger: rc-default04:02
tzangeri.e. I know that the system starts at runlevel 2, but grub does not pass this along in any way to the kernel, so how does the kernel start init and tell it that runlevel 2 is the one that's desired?04:02
=== Guest51257 is now known as gsteinert
zeromodWas just wondering if anyone could lend some advice on how to access local shares on a ubuntu server I have setup04:02
tzangerdammit, right in front of my eyes, I did not see that file04:03
tzangerthanks :-)04:03
=== amseidler is now known as Adam_S
Mackok one last thing04:05
Mackwhere do i set my admin user/pass?04:05
metalforeveruser settings04:05
Macktelnet asks me for it04:05
metalforeverchoose root, type a password.04:05
metalforeverim kinda eyeballing this in my head though because im not actually using ubuntu.04:06
metalforevermake sure you tell me if you got it04:06
zeromodI have a badger server running on an old duron and it has a second drive on it that is an ntfs partition. I would like to be able to access the files there and copy them to a local machine via ssh. Or even just access them and burn them using the command line I would be fine with that. I am ssh into that box now and was wondering if someone could help walk me through locating the ntfs drive and mounting the drive and getting read04:06
Mackoh well i give up on this stuff04:06
Macktime for somethign more productive04:06
Jamedzeromod: sudo fdisk -l04:07
zeromodhave don't think it lists that drive though04:07
zeromodsec output04:07
Jamedit does04:07
zeromodDisk /dev/sdc: 62 MB, 62128128 bytes04:07
zeromod8 heads, 32 sectors/track, 474 cylinders04:07
zeromodUnits = cylinders of 256 * 512 = 131072 bytes04:07
zeromodthats my flash drive04:08
zeromodhas a little flash card in it and it's finding that04:08
Macklstarnes: damn i forgot my pw04:08
zeromodthere is a second 40gb drive though that isn't listed04:08
Mackhow many guesses i get?04:08
lstarnesMack: which password?04:08
Mackim in telnet now04:08
Macktrying to get in04:08
lstarnesMack: I would assume infinite.  There might be a way to remove or purge the database manually04:09
Macki am in the database04:09
Jamedzeromod: if the hd is not broken fdisk should list it04:09
Macki just dont no how to create a new one, and idk wut hash it uses to change it04:09
zeromoddef not broken ill try again04:09
lstarnesMack: it might be in the config somewhere04:09
zeromodahh sudo lol04:10
zeromodim so out of touch04:10
Macknothing on hash in the config04:10
Mackill assume md504:10
Mackhow do i md5 in ubuntu :P04:10
neogizmoalguien sabe como sincronizar un nokia 3500 con evolution????04:10
Mackill use osx for this :P04:10
zeromodok so now i see my dev , if mem serves me correct. I need to mkdir in mnt name it the dev/hd* and then mount that correct?04:10
lstarnes!es | neogizmo04:10
ubottuneogizmo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:10
SetiAmonj #kubuntu04:11
Kirawow, I'm such a noob with KDE...04:11
zeromodthat sounded very yucky and non technical lol04:11
Jamedmkdir any dir you want04:11
Jamedthen sudo mount /dev/sdXY /any/dir04:11
KiraSo I installed kde and xinit on my Jaunty server, using aptitude04:11
SetiAmonKira:I JUST DID THAT04:12
SetiAmonthis is my first session with KDE04:12
zeromodgotcha /dev/sdXY being my drive with the ntfs and then ls the dir "anydir" that I make and that will be the contents of the drive correct?04:12
KiraI can't find the file manager, the shell, and the package manager when I log into KDE.04:12
zeromodawesome thanks for the refresher jamed it's been sitting there since I installed breezy on release and i just want to back the files up and then I'm going to open it up for the server to use :)04:13
robinpi just installed XP and now the kubuntu installer doesn't recognise the partition - what do I need to do to fix this ?04:13
Jamednp zeromod04:13
SetiAmonKira:I'm trying to figure out everything also04:14
Iron_Chefhow can i use apt to downgrade to a previous version?04:15
robdig!downgrade | Iron_Chef04:15
ubottuIron_Chef: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.04:15
zeromodjamed still there?04:15
ajax4Hey guys...I just ran the update-manager to update all my packages. It installed a bunch of security updates, including some new kernels...but now it boots straight into the grub> prompt and I get no boot menu. Why is this happening?04:15
Iron_Chefrobdig, not the whole OS, just an application04:15
zeromodneed to specify a filesystem type for mount. so sudo mount -ntfs /dev/hdetc ?04:15
lstarneszeromod: -t ntfs04:15
zeromodawesome thanks lstarnes04:16
Iron_ChefI need to use eclipse 3.0 and apt installs 3.2 by default04:16
lstarneszeromod: also, man mount04:16
Iron_Chefthere are no books on 3.2 yet :-P04:16
boss_mczeromod: -t ntfs-3g (for read write capabilities)04:16
zeromodI know im lazy :P04:16
zeromodmore flags? lol ok04:17
robdigIron_Chef: i think you would have to remove current version, and then install previous version if still in repos...not sure if there is any other way04:17
vossajax choose the previous kernel in boot menu04:18
a-stray-catany recommendations for a good torrent app?04:18
ajax4voss: I get no boot menu at all. It boots straight to "grub>" prompt and I don't know what to do.04:18
steeletransmission worked for me04:18
Storm_Bugsome one play mod-x04:18
vosswhich version?04:19
zeromoda-stray-kat gnome or kde?04:19
steelehey i uhh installed aurora from the package gnome-look.org gave me, but appearance settings still gives me an error saying i need it, and parts of my theme arent the way they should be, anyone dealt with this before?04:19
zeromodvuze is decent04:19
macabredarkhouris there anyone that is willing to help with an internet connection issue?04:19
lstarnesmacabredarkhour: that depends on what the issue is04:20
tzangerhmm interesting04:20
ajax4voss: The version of on the system was 8.0404:20
tzangerrc-default will invoke "telinit S" if single is seen on the kernel command line04:20
macabredarkhourinternet works fine if its the only pc plugged into network..i plug another in and they all work but it doesnt04:20
AdemoSI'm thinking about buying the Epson Perfection 4490, but I want to know if it will work out of the box. This thread gives instructions to follow, but it's for an older version of Ubuntu. ------------- So I was wondering if the process for this scanner has been simplied to plug-and-play yet.04:20
bullgard4man ifup: "bring a network interface up." Does this include a wireless network interface?04:20
Storm_Bugback track 4 is   kubuntu, or not04:20
tzangerhowever the debian system admin docs suggest against using 'S" for single user mode, preferring instead to use '1'04:20
burvowskias far as performance goes, do either rhythmbox or banshee have an advantage over the other?04:21
vossajax does apt-get work/04:21
AdemoSoh the "Epson Perfection 4490" is a scanner04:21
robdigbullgard4: yes04:21
ajax4voss: Nope, I don't get any kind of BASH prompt, it puts me straight to the grub prompt ("grub>")04:21
zeromodOk so the -t ntfs flag properly specifies the filesytem type to mount a local ntfs drive however adding -3g produces the error "invalid option --3"04:22
lstarnesmacabredarkhour: are you using a router?04:22
zeromodman speaks of gid is this the g?04:22
lstarnesmacabredarkhour: it's either a bug in the router, or two computers trying to use the same IP04:22
macabredarkhourthe internet worked fine with both pc's when they both had windows04:22
Jamedburvowski: i don't think so, try moc if you really need performance04:22
burvowskiJamed thanks04:23
Storm_Bugmount -t ntfs-3g04:23
KiraSetiAmon: I wonder if I just have to install kubuntu-desktop from aptitude in order to get pretty much the same things as the regular Kubuntu.04:23
zeromodstorm bug could my version of mount be dated? i am trying  mount -t ntfs -3g /dev/hdca1/ /home/zeromod/hermes/04:24
vossanyone have an idea on ajax'es problem04:24
zeromodi can mount it to hermes without the additional -3g flags04:24
Bob_DoleKira, I did that with ubuntu(going from xubuntu to ubuntu) Not a perfect transition when I did.04:24
^cheekyhi, i just installed the latest ubuntu but strange thing happened i tried to install Virtual box and i did the installation of dkms but towards the end it asks me if i should delete old vboxdrv kernal modules? how could this be coz its a fresh install of ubuntu 9.0404:24
Jamedzeromod: no space between ntfs and -3g04:24
Bob_DoleMostly yes, but it didn't replace -all- the xubuntu art :/04:24
Jamedzeromod: -f ntfs-3g04:25
Bob_Dole(still starts saying xubuntu)04:25
zeromodthought that too but then it says "invalid filesystem ntfs-3g"04:25
a-stray-catgnome, sorry was folding laundry :X04:25
KiraBob_Dole: I just want a workable KDE environment on my Jaunty server that I can use whenever I feel extremely lazy.04:25
Jamedzeromod: maybe this needs some extra package i'm not sure...04:25
Storm_Bugmount -t ntfs-3g04:25
zeromodcan my mount be dated?>04:25
Storm_Bug-o force04:25
Bob_DoleKira, then yeah, It'll work.04:25
zeromodits is a breezy badger server lol04:26
Storm_Bugin the end04:26
dhruvasagarHi everyone!04:26
zeromodill try that bug04:26
vossgrub> kernel /boot/ try that04:26
dhruvasagarhey does anybody use guake?04:26
Jamed-o force can't replace a non existing file system driver04:27
zeromodtried to force and it's already mounted, tried to umount and it's busy lol looks like a reboot is needed04:27
zeromodthats what i was thinking but im the one asking so not gonna argue lol. I'll look into it and see if perhaps mount can be updated it's a rather old distro.04:28
kellyhzeromod: you can find out whats using it with lsof (iirc)04:28
Jamedzeromod: better use -o force,ro to make sure you don't damage the fs04:28
kalsrivhi folks I got another question04:28
kalsrivI got one USB based TV tuner04:28
kalsrivit is not hauppauge04:28
Jamedzeromod: forcing can be dangerous04:29
zeromodI'm not crazy about the force flag so im gonna skip that04:29
kalsrivhow to make it run on jaunty04:29
zeromodshould be able to do this without the -o04:29
zeromodi agree04:29
zeromodonly thing I could think of is that mount is dated? I assume that's what would have the heaviest hand in this working or not, but it mounts it just fine without the -3g added to ntfs04:30
zeromodI don't see 3g in man only a gid reference. Is anyone familiar if it's really needed for read write of ntfs mount?04:30
kellyhzeromod: might well be the kernel outdated rather than mount04:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ndure04:30
zeromodoh i hope not I don't feel like building a kernel tonight lol04:30
zeromodntfs access isn't that new though04:31
Jamedzeromod: i think 3g only gives you better write support04:31
kalsrivanyone got answer?04:31
metalsiloAnyone heard about ndure... its the xbox softmod thing..  if not  Is it possible to put linux onto my exbox through ubuntu?04:31
Jamedzeromod: but i'm not sure...04:31
bullgard4robdig: Thank you for answering.04:31
lstarneszeromod: ntfs-3g is implemented using fuse, so it runs as a separate program instead of part of mount04:31
zeromodwow frigging sshd died it didn't like me doing that lol04:31
robdigbullgard4: np04:31
zeromodso ill skip the -3g flag04:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox04:32
zeromodI probably don't have fuse then04:32
Storm_Bugmount -t etc***** etc**** ntfs-3f 0 0 force04:32
zeromodit's a minimal breezy server install04:32
lstarneszeromod: -3g isn't a flag04:32
lstarneszeromod: it's part of its name04:32
Bllasaeisn't it illegal to mod your xbox?04:32
lstarneszeromod: you might need to install it04:32
metalsilowhy would it be?04:32
JamedBllasae: no04:32
lstarnesBllasae: it might violate the warranty04:32
kalsrivhi does anyone got answer to my question04:32
metalsilois does violat the warrenty04:33
metalsilostill wnat to do it04:33
=== marco_ is now known as marco00
kalsrivi want to run a tv tuner that is usb04:33
Bllasaeit's illegal to mod it, and then use it online, though, right?04:33
metalsiloguess il have to google it04:33
lstarnesBllasae: no04:33
lstarnesBllasae: it's not illegal04:33
lstarnesBllasae: but it may break terms of use04:33
Jamedi have to go now. good luck zeromod :)04:33
zeromodthanks jamed ill get it :)04:34
Bllasaeso it's "illegal"04:34
tzangerit's not illegal04:34
R1cochetis there an app similar to k9copy but for gtk?04:34
bullgard4What does it mean if the green LED of my NETGEAR wireless PC card WG511 lights? What does it mean if the amber LED of my NETGEAR wireless PC card WG511 lights?04:34
tzangerit is against the user agreement04:34
tzangerthere is a world of difference04:34
lstarnesBllasae: it doesn't break any laws, just a contract04:34
Storm_Buganyone play MOD-X war game?04:34
tzangerdoing something that is illegal makes you a criminal04:34
Bllasaebut you can get banned04:34
Bllasaefor using a modded xbox04:34
tzangerpissing off a company does not make you a criminal04:34
metalsilo..... So no one knows what to do?04:34
zeromodit's illegal if you are playing games you don't own which is why you would mod it in the first place because xbox has crap for homebrew community. SIlly argument04:34
tzangerBllasae: yes, but that is not illegal04:34
marco00heh my screens04:34
tzangerzeromod: xbox makes a great mythtv frontend04:35
RHorsebullgard4 my DWL-G630 hasn't had working led's in years - it works fine04:35
tzangerzeromod: I don't play games at all on mine04:35
tzangerit is there simply to give a cheap SDTV frontend in the basement04:35
tzangerzeromod: no, original xbox04:35
yaris123456789hey im trying to get a dedicated server...is debian 4 similiar to ubuntu? ease of use ? or should i use centos 4....04:35
zeromodthat's a different story then. I say f'em mod it04:35
tzangerxbox360 has some other interesting things to play with when modded, but yes, it's an expensive toy04:35
lstarnesyaris123456789: ubuntu is derived from debian04:36
metalsilowould a locked drive matter to ubuntu?04:36
tzangerIIRC you can mod an xbox360 to get a blueray key so you can play the blueray disks you own on your linux box.04:36
velcroshoozyaris123456789, debian is up to 5 now btw04:36
soreau! jaunty04:36
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents04:36
zeromodI loved the dc myself it has a ton of cool stuff to tinker with04:36
yaris123456789what is software raid 0/1, hardware 0/104:36
zeromodbut nds has the best homebrew community imho04:36
tzangerzeromod: I have a homebrew'd wii04:36
tzangeralthough I really avhent' the time to play with it04:36
soreau! torrents04:36
tzangerthe kids mainly play it :-)04:36
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).04:36
yaris123456789Atom servers any good ?04:36
XPS_M1330does anyone have experience with ieee1394 (firewire) ports&04:36
zeromodI will say this though, the dev of ndslinux is a tool. Waay full of himself04:37
bullgard4RHorse: My concern is different: I have no reason to believe that they are malfunctioning.04:37
R1cochetis there a gtk based app similar to k9copy?04:37
zeromodcongrats buddy you can run sash on a portable. You can run sash on a friggin toaster04:37
velcroshoozR1cochet, run k9copy under gnome .. .unless you dont want to install all the kde libraries for it04:37
Storm_Bugtem algum Brasileiro aqui04:37
ajax4voss: Didn't work. I tried some other stuff I looked up on the web but nothing works.04:37
robdig!br | Storm_Bug04:38
ubottuStorm_Bug: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:38
metalsiloIf i got my xbox hd unlocked could i throw ubuntu to it and it would run?04:38
kellyhmodded Xboxs make good XBMC machines :)04:38
kellyhmetalsilo: no. you'd need to relock it for the xbox bios to see it04:39
Storm_Bugxbox is a trash04:39
R1cochet velcroshooz no i dont want to dl kde libraries if i dont have to. but would like an app tha will allow me to choose which titles to copy.04:39
Storm_Buggood is a radeon 487004:39
metalsilokellyh: well if i unlocked it i can lock it back04:39
RHorsebullgard4 different drivers will light the leds differently if at all. All my cards light up differently depending on what puter they're in and what router they connect to. I wouldn't put too much stock in the lights.04:39
vossajax, you dont even get the grub "hit esc"04:39
robdigyaris123456789: raid 0 is striping across disks, doesn't give you any redundancy. raid 1 is mirroring. hardware/software is how it is implemented, hardware is faster and more expensive04:40
kellyhmetalsilo: yep, though doubt ubuntu would run on it04:40
bullgard4RHorse: Ah! An interesting observation. I will keep that in mind.04:41
metalsiloIm looking at a software right now... thats linux based. http://www.instructables.com/id/EAKTMMWOBCEWT1KBJW/04:41
yaris123456789robdig: what if i dont use raid....will it hurt performance04:41
metalsilopossible xbox crack there04:41
bujini have a question i have a webcam and everything is working fine I just want to know whats the path to the device where my cam is installed04:41
kellyhsoftware raid is slower and more cpu intensive, but it has the advantage of being controller/chipset agnostic04:41
RHorsebullgard4 just get a dwl-g630 or dwl-g650 - guaranteed.04:41
kellyhmetalsilo: been a while since i looked at xbox modding, i just use XBMC and nothing else pretty much04:41
robdigyaris123456789: depends on what you are doing, but for most people it won't hurt performance. raid 1 does give you safety of not loosing your data if a disk goes bad...04:42
metalsilowell if i could eeven get that on their... its linux based right?04:42
metalsilokellyh:  ^^04:42
bujinhow can i know whats is the device path where my webcam is installed?04:42
kellyhmetalsilo: no dont think so04:42
metalsiloehhh... :?04:42
yaris123456789robdig: well i am writing lot of files04:43
yaris123456789robdig: several million files04:43
bullgard4RHorse: I do not understand your last message as it is no Standard English.04:43
metalsilohaha i just got a bug in mid air04:43
velcroshooztheyve got xbmc for linux but originally it was for the xboxes04:43
kellyhmetalsilo: it runs as an XBOX application, its not Linux as far as i know04:43
zeromodgot quiet04:43
zeromodor I didn't scroll lol04:43
kellyhvelcroshooz: for Linux, Windows, OS X as well as XBOX04:43
jaypur_mbZeroBeholder, watchin ufc :)04:43
metalsilokellyh: well thanks to what ive been doing my dashboard wont open anymore its sitting right now with the xbox logo and microsoft under it04:44
RHorsebullgard4 a little less lip and a little more work might get it going for you.04:44
zeromodjaypur watching the grudge match with hughes?04:44
R1cochetis there a feature rich alternative to k9copy?04:44
metalsilokellyh: what could that mean?04:44
kellyhmetalsilo: best ask on a xbox forum04:44
kellyhyaris123456789: are these small or large files? cos that makes a difference as to what filesystem on top of the raid you use04:45
bullgard4RHorse: :-)04:46
robdigyaris123456789: hmm...so are you backing these up all the time? if so, raid 0 may give you a boost, but i'm not an expert here. if not backing up, i'd think about raid 1 or 504:46
kellyhobviously also, the speed of the drives and interface make a big difference, SCSI will always be faster than IDE etc04:46
ShivamI'm trying to download/install GIMP 2.6 through terminal and its telling me permission denied04:47
robdigShivam: did you use sudo?04:47
Shivam1 minute04:47
Shivamhah thanks04:48
robdigShivam: np, good luck04:48
yaris123456789kellyh: fairly small 50~100kb each file04:49
KiraWhat's the proper way to start the dolphin file manager with root privileges?04:50
Kira"kdesudo dolphin"?04:50
XPS_M1330what's a module and how can I load it?04:50
gymophettAnyone here using Crunchbang?04:52
WIGGMPkCan anyone solve why Brasero keeps failing to burn DVD images. Here is the log: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d12458c2b04:52
bazhang!ot | gymophett04:52
ubottugymophett: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire04:52
zeromodsorry gymophett that was funny04:52
* zeromod enters room04:52
robdigXPS_M1330: a module is similar to a driver. you can use insmod to load them. be aware, you can kill your system if not careful04:52
gymophettzeromod: haha, its fine. but Crunchbang is Ubuntu. :P04:52
zeromodhey anyone here use xp04:52
Bllasaei do04:53
zeromodnot really04:53
bazhanggymophett, no its not. not supported here.04:53
zeromodthat's like saying ubuntu is debian04:53
Bllasaei dual-boot Ubuntu and XP04:53
robdigXPS_M1330: well, freeze is probably a better word than kill04:53
zeromodwas a joke bllasae but thanks04:53
XPS_M1330oh that ain't so bad04:53
Bllasaeno problem, anyways04:53
XPS_M1330I need to load raw1394 to get the firewire port working04:53
jasonmchristosdoes anyone have any idea why my wireless would work out of the box on jaunty then later just quit working, presario c76004:54
gymophettbazhang: how so? Crunchbang uses everything Ubuntu does, same repos, etc. If I said I have Ubuntu with OpenBox are you going to tell me it's not supported?04:54
zeromodcould be a number of things jason what does ifconfig show you?04:54
robdigXPS_M1330: modprobe is probably a better choice :) my memory must be failing04:54
bazhanggymophett, correct. there is a crunchbang channel for support. Ubuntu-based is not ubuntu04:54
zeromodlike debian based is not debian04:55
gymophettbazhang: in that case, I'm running Ubuntu with OpenBox, so I supported.04:55
gymophettWhats the Crunchbang channel then?04:55
thiebaudegymophett, me too04:55
gymophettthiebaude: you use crunch too? or openbox with UBuntu?04:56
bazhang#crunchbang gymophett04:56
zeromodbet they have a website04:56
gymophettbazhang: thanks.04:56
XPS_M1330FATAL: Error inserting raw1394 (/lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/kernel/drivers/ieee1394/raw1394.ko): Operation not permitted04:56
gymophettthiebaude: I don't see why people thing Ubuntu using openbox and Crunchbang are different?04:56
bazhangXPS_M1330, sudo modprobe module-name04:57
gymophettCrunchbang is just Ubuntu preconfigured for Openbox.04:57
XPS_M1330bazhang:  it doesn't display anything04:57
thiebaudegymophett, i'll have to check it out04:57
zeromodregardless it's not the same distro.04:58
XPS_M1330you would think when you buy a computer with an OS preinstalled all it's components would work out of the box04:58
gymophettthiebaude: its really nice... I didn't like OpenBox when trying to install it on Ubuntu because you had to do tons of installing an configuring of things.04:59
bazhanggymophett, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic04:59
gymophettzeromod: guess you are right, but... I just don't see a difference.04:59
gymophettbazhang: leaving.04:59
thiebaudegymophett, i still have my ubuntu menus on ubuntu 9.0404:59
zeromodnot a minimal install by default lots of changes04:59
ludditeoh i see no need for irc #ubuntu anymore. windows xp with blackbox shell ;-)05:00
robdigXPS_M1330: if no error, then it worked05:00
zeromodblackbox shell lolz05:00
zeromodyou can paint a gremlin fire engine orange and chrome it up, but its still a gremlin.05:00
gymophettthiebaude: what are you talking about? :P05:01
XPS_M1330what worked?05:01
thiebaudegymophett, wow, im using 83mb out of 512mb in openbox on ubuntu05:01
XPS_M1330isn't modprobe supposed to display info about a module?05:01
robdigXPS_M1330: depends on your usage of it. it can install, list, remove, etc.05:02
zeromodyeah you can use it for example to see if your nvidia drivers are running correctly05:02
gymophettthiebaude: I have 3GB of ram, so OpenBox isn't really needed for me or anything, I just love it. :)05:02
XPS_M1330I don't have nvidia05:02
zeromodjust an example05:02
XPS_M1330but I do have a firewire port that doesn't work05:03
zeromodport itself or a device on it?05:04
william7Can someone please help me with a PPP connection?     when I do a  "ifconfig"  I keep getting   inet addr: 10.x.x.x (valid IP)   and  P-t-P:       I don't understand what's going wrong, but I think I can't do anything online due to the169.x.x.x address ....05:05
thiebaudesebsebseb, you here05:05
zeromodppp or pppoe?>05:06
XPS_M1330ZeroBeholder:  port itself05:06
william7zeromod:  well, I'm using   "pon"  to intiate the  pppd call... so I think ppp    (it's a mobile phone bluetooth connection.... )05:06
XPS_M1330well I think the software doesn't work05:06
disismtHi guys, how do I disable the NetworkManager? I renamed the script in rc5.d to start with K but still it is starting05:06
j03lar50n  I'm compiling easygeotagger via https://trac.biodiversityinformatics.amnh.org/projects/easygeotagger/wiki/BuildInstructions_Linux stuck on this http://mibbit.com/pb/6hkhmd05:06
j03lar50nkind of a GIS question...05:07
zeromodyeah eek that one has to go to someone more knowledgeable to be honest. PPPoe I can do all day05:07
pilif12pHow do I install 9.04 NTBK Remix on my SD Card?05:07
william7zeromod:  I have the  /etc/ppp/peers   file and  /etc/chatscripts/  file   mostly working...       Can you tell me what the diff is between PPPoe and PPP ?05:07
spencerlinux rocks05:07
zeromodethernet lol05:07
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I am going to remove Vista and currently have Ubuntu installed using Wubi and I am currently booted into Ubuntu right now and want to make a backup of the important stuff so that I when I reformat and install just Ubuntu that I can get my system back to a similar state to how it is in Wubi.  Does anyone know a program or method I can use to do this? I look on google but a lot of them seem to recommend using tar w05:07
fuzzybunny69yhich will create one big file which I can't use because I am backing stuff up to a external hardrive that is using FAT so it cannot copy files that are around 30gb in size. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks05:07
pilif12pIts downloaded, now, how do i get it on there05:07
pilif12pjust copy it? or what?05:07
zenxrspencer: duh :p05:07
sadrisDid Jaunty change the number of virtual terminals? my X server is now only visible in Ctrl+Alt+F9 instead of F7...05:07
william7zeromod:  I think the problem is focused into  LCP  (Link Control Protocol)   ....05:07
spencerI don't know what i'm doing...good bye xD05:08
MarcATLI just installed Ubuntu today myself, just installed this software actually...this is all new to me05:08
spencerchecking out the apps on xubuntu05:08
william7zeromod: ok thanks for responding tho..   I'll keep trying... been at this for 4 days so far lol05:08
spencerha ha05:08
MarcATLHow do I get the sound to work?05:08
spencersee ya later05:08
spencergood luck05:08
zeromodknow your pain william I'll trade you, I'm backing up an ntfs drive by hand on a breezy server lol05:08
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Harakenis it possible to share my printer over the internet?  I've had it shared using a local network for a while, but I needed to move my server/desktop to a public ip.05:09
binnyktI have cairo dock in intrepid and it keeps staying above windows? soln anyone?05:09
MarcATLIs Jaunty = Ubunto 9.04?05:09
FLJohnMy Freaking computer keeps rebooting when playing games05:09
lstarnesMarcATL: yes05:10
pilif12pubottu: install 9.04 on flash05:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:10
MarcATLThanks Lstanred05:10
pilif12perm, okay...05:10
pilif12panyone know how?05:10
zenxrGuys, i'm using nUbuntu 8.12 (ubuntu 8.10's kernel I think). I prefer wicd as my network manager and it has been working fine until about 5 hours ago. At the moment i'm manually configured with iwconfig but I'd like wicd to work again. The issue that I have is my connection stops at "obtaining IP address". It validates the authentication and everything. I'm not 100% sure what the issue is with..05:10
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:10
MarcATLI want to install a new theme XGL/ Compiz...how do I go about doint that?05:10
zenxrCan anybody help? the encryption type is WEP05:10
MarcATLAlso...I want to install Flash...how do I do that?05:10
pilif12pcan i just do it on an SD card?05:10
zeromodjohn that sounds like an overheated video card05:10
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:10
FLJohnFlash did not work right for me in 9.04 so I reverted back to 8.04 this AM05:11
zeromodor stressing the power supply.05:11
pilif12pi get this error when i try to install05:11
pilif12pE: Couldn't find package usb-creator05:11
MarcATLThanks Ubotto...will check it out05:11
zeromodJohn do you have a dedicated video card?05:11
robdigdisismt: what i did was edit the file /etc/init.d/NetworkManager and put an exit 0 in it up at the top05:11
thiebaudeMarcATL, i just goto the adobe website and download the .deb for flash05:11
FLJohnzeromod: that sucks cause its intergrated05:11
zenxrMarcATL: ubotto is a bot..05:11
zeromodwell that might explain it05:12
zeromodis it only when gaming?>05:12
MarcATLhow do I install the DEB file?05:12
MarcATLthis is all new to me05:12
MarcATLhow does it work?05:12
lstarnesMarcATL: double-click on it05:12
thiebaudeMarcATL, just click on it and it installs automatically05:12
pilif12pso, how do i correct this error? E: Couldn't find package usb-creator05:12
FLJohnIts was a bearbones from visionman05:12
bullgard4What does it mean if the green LED of my NETGEAR wireless PC card WG511 lights? What does it mean if the amber LED of my NETGEAR wireless PC card WG511 lights?05:12
zeromodintegrated cards aren't geared toward enthusiast gaming. However it may not be the card. I would suggest grabbing a live cd of linux and running memtest just to be safe. however memory failure often would cause issues even if you weren't gaming.05:12
FLJohnzeromod: yes it is only when gaming05:13
pilif12pim not good with OS, but i am good with Firefox05:13
lstarnesMarcATL: or enter a terminal and use sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb05:13
zeromodthe longer you run memtest the better. But im willing to bet you get a real card and youd be ok05:13
thiebaudeMarcATL, or visit a website that requires flash, just like in XP05:13
owen1i just connected a second monitor. how do i tell ubuntu to display stuff on it?05:13
lstarnespilif12p: which version of ubuntu are you using?05:13
j03lar50nstuck on this http://mibbit.com/pb/6hkhmd anyone have any ideas?05:13
zeromodjust make sure if its a high end card that you  have a power supply to match. Thats beyond the scope of this tutorial though *wink*05:13
FLJohnthanks zeromod,  I have another system here.  I will add memory to this and see what happens.  I am not a gamer05:13
pilif12plstarnes: im using 8.0405:13
zeromodout of curiousity is it a laptop?05:14
zeromodwhat game and what kind of integrated card>?05:14
lstarnespilif12p: usb-creator is not in the official repos for 8.0405:14
zeromodthis isnt' really ubuntu related but ill swing05:14
lstarnespilif12p: it is for 8.10 and 9.0405:14
FLJohnthat is the system05:15
keshikdoes anyone know of a piece of software that can monitor if a server is up?  as in, a tool that constantly pings and gives a green light when a ping is returned, red when it times out?  I've had quite a few on windows...05:15
nellmathewhey guys, how do i install spumux? (i did apt-get install dvdauthor), i'm trying to add subtitles to a mpeg2 i made with ffmpeg..05:15
thiebaudeFLJohn, nice looking05:15
XpistosHey everybody. I need a little guidance. When I logging to Ubuntu intrepid, I get a prompt that the nm-applet can hit the default keyring and asks me for the password. When I look at Encryption and Keyrings there is now default key that I can choose. Any Suggestions?05:16
WIGGMPkCan anyone solve why Brasero keeps failing to burn DVD images. Here is the log: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d12458c2b05:16
=== Scumfuk is now known as BattleToadz
metalsiloIm just guessing but a hard drive subject to an eletrical shock might as well be considered toast... especialy since its an exbox drive??? (it still runns and still reads and writes05:16
FLJohnThans thiebaude.  I installed a 30 gig Solid state drive and this thing boogies05:16
thiebaudeFLJohn, less than 500 bucks not bad05:16
eseven73keshik, webmin can email you when a service goes down, like FTP, Apache, and stuff, Ubuntu doesn't support it, but it works for about 97% of the services05:16
BattleToadzi've got an issue with the automatic login in jaunty05:17
zeromodhmm well id still say stress since it's certainly no gaming card. You have pci express slot availabe grab a card for it if you are gonna game. SInce it's only when you are gaming id say thats the cause if you upgrade watch that psu though because the 12+ rails probably dont carry much since the price tag is a bit low05:17
BattleToadzhad it working in intrepid, now it doesnt work in jaunty05:17
eseven73keshik, it also can play a sound, if the service goes down05:17
eseven73it's pretty neat05:17
^Kiy^okay, question time:  i have a mouse with left/right navigationn buttion, any way i can make them a global hotkey to switch between workspaces?05:18
zeromodif it starts giving you issues outside of gaming shoot me an email. I'll pm it to you it's my site.05:18
GNUixkeshik: zenoss, nagios, webmin, and a simple shell script will all accomplish what you are looking for05:18
nellmathewhey guys, anyone know how do i install spumux? (i did apt-get install dvdauthor).. i'm trying to add subtitles to a mpeg2/dvd i made with ffmpeg..05:19
eseven73I couldn't get zenoss going, havent tried nagios yet. I set mine to execute a .wav (warning.wav) when FTP server goes down, and stuff :D05:19
keshikthanks for the information, eseven/gnuix - much appreciated.  I'd like to do that in addition to a "screenlet" type device on my desktop that shows basic server connectivity in addition05:19
eseven73my webmin that is05:19
keshik-in addition05:19
FLJohnthanks zeromod05:19
eseven73it's web based05:19
zeromodnp shoot me a mail if you hit any hardware snags that's kind of what i do lol.05:20
NavY-Sealanyone ever had the chance to install ubuntu on a MS-6577 V2.x cant get the damn thing to start the installation i get a lot of i/o errors05:20
keshikare you talking about a script that monitors remote processes and plays a sound on my LOCAL computer when they fail?05:21
tyegood evening folks.05:21
dbboltonwhich package contains the schumacher clean font?05:22
byte^Where is application data typically stored in Ubuntu? Is it generally on the home directory, hidden... does it vary often or what?05:22
eseven73keshik, well I have it set up to monitor localhost, and the sound is local too, ummmm im not sure if it's able to do remote05:22
robdigbullgard4: did you get an answer to your question on WG511 lights?05:22
=== opop is now known as umpop
byte^Or, another words, if I wanted to back up application data in Linux, how would I do it.05:22
Bllasaein other* words?05:22
keshike7: thanks for the tip, i'll check it out05:22
slestakanyone using kvm + bridged network succesfully with python-vmbuilder?05:22
byte^In other words.05:22
byte^I'm a bit tired.05:22
byte^Is it generally hidden in the home/user directory?05:23
dbboltonbyte^ yes. a period followed by the program name05:23
eseven73byte^, yeah most of your configurations are going to be hidden in /home05:23
byte^Alright, cool, another question then...05:24
bullgard4robdig: In another IRC channel a helpful man hinted me a link to a manual. I am just downloading it. Let me see if it includes the answer that I was looking for.05:24
dsdeizis 3ddesk still available in ubuntu? :S05:24
byte^If I was to, say, copy this data of a ext3 partition onto a NTFS partition for backup, and then had to later retrieve it back onto the ext3, would anything be affected?05:24
robdigbullgard4: if not, steady green means connected. blinking green means trying to connect, but unable to do so. amber on/blinking means connected/data transfer in progress. amber off means no data being transferred05:24
byte^I mean, the data is the same although the partition is formatted differently, right?05:24
matt098Hello, dose anyone have an ati radeon hd 4870 and has the new ati 9.5 drivers working on intrepid or janty???05:24
slestakim following the howto's from several sources, checking faqs, ubuntu forums.  kvm + bridged host seems to be a nogo05:24
robdigbullgard4: ok. i found an online manual too...good luck05:25
matt098also with the option to adjust fan speed?05:25
bullgard4robdig: Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.05:25
robdigbullgard4: page 3-11 :)05:25
robdigbullgard4: np good luck05:25
Bllasaehow come Ubuntu has to load set and configure things every time it starts up?05:26
zeromodsame reason windows does.05:26
Bllasaeyeah but windows does stuff where i can't see it05:26
Dam0i have aeggdrop running on ubuntu 9.04. It my works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf & joins my channel  but when i try to connect it with ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf  it wont connect to a irc server and i cannot telnet to it05:26
BllasaeIt always makes me think "Oh, crap. What do I do?"05:26
zeromodBllasae it's loading the dameons services and drivers options you configured etc. same as windows. You can enable a splash screen if you prefer to be in the dark.05:27
zeromodubuntu obscures this by default i believe unless you are running server05:27
Dam0i have aeggdrop running on ubuntu 9.04. It my works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf & joins my channel  but when i try to connect it with ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf  it wont connect to a irc server and i cannot telnet to it05:28
BllasaeHow do I use a splash screen?05:28
zeromodcan anyone confirm that cdrecord does work over a ssh connection?05:28
Flannel!repeat | Dam005:28
ubottuDam0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:28
zeromodBlasted server is driving me insane.05:28
zeromodbllasae are you running ubuntu?05:29
matt098anyone here running an ATI RADEON HD 4870 Video Card05:29
zeromodubuntu has a nice little logo that hides all of the jargon on boot by default.05:29
NavY-SealDam0: thats an eggdrop issue not a ubuntu/linux issue05:29
zeromodare you logging into a graphical desktop. x >?05:29
Bllasaei assume so05:30
Bllasaethere's a background and icons05:30
zeromodYou get a desktop right?05:30
zeromodok then yes05:30
zeromodthen where are you seeing all of this then?05:30
MrNazif i want to mount a ntfs partition on my linux OS, is there a way to get info on the partitions that exist on the disk so i can determine which partition is the one i want to load ?05:30
Bllasaeafter I press "Enter" to load Ubuntu instead of Windows05:31
iterMrNaz: fdisk -l05:31
zeromodfdisk -l then you will see ntfs05:31
itermrnaz: or if you want gui, gparted05:31
MrNazfdisk -l returns nothing05:31
zeromodsudo fdisk -l05:31
MrNazthere we go :)05:31
zeromodnow the way i did this was mkdir /home/whatever05:32
aliendude5300can you guys tell me what this code does? someone told me to run it and I don't know if it's safe... but it looks suspicious.05:32
felix__c-cpp-reference isnt translated to other languajes? in ubuntu repos05:32
zeromodthen sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/yourdrive/ /home/whatever/05:32
XPS_M1330I figured I can access my raw1394 module as a superuser. therefore I can capture the video from my camera by running kino using sudo kino. Is there a way I can make that module available to the user?05:32
rickbHello, I have running a pptpd client on Ubuntu 9.04, I can setup the vpn under the network-manager, but I cannot ping other clients on the network.. Any ideas?05:32
zeromodthen you can just cd to the dir you made and ls will show the ntfs files there as it is mounted05:33
zeromodim backing up an ntfs drive over ssh as we speak lol05:33
MarcATLHey guys...anybody knows how to solve the too low volume problem on Toshiba Laptops?05:33
Bllasaeas we speak, I'm attempting to play a movie05:34
zeromodspeaking of mounted ntfs drives and backups. Can anyone confirm for me that cdrecord works over a ssh connection?05:34
iterwhy the eff would you do that05:34
zeromodconfirm or deny05:34
iterdo you mean ssh into a machine and run cdrecord?05:35
iterthat will work05:35
zeromodmarcatl go to properties in alsa mixer and make sure its all cranked up05:35
aliendude5300can you guys tell me what this code does? someone told me to run it and I don't know if it's safe... but it looks suspicious. http://pastebay.com/1761605:35
zeromodyeah iter05:35
zethero1is it just me or does Kubuntu seem to run a little inferior to Ubuntu ?!?05:35
MarcATLALSA Mixer?05:35
tzangerzethero1: define inferior05:35
tzangerI love kubuntu but I'm also a KDE fan05:35
MarcATLThis is my first time using Ubuntu05:35
MarcATLlike, only hours05:35
tzangerMarcATL: welcome05:35
MarcATLmost of which I was racking my brains trying to get my wireless to work05:35
itertzanger, zethero1: define troll :)05:35
zeromodjust right click on the volume icon at top panel marc05:35
tzangerI use ubuntu as the base system for my "intro to linux" courses05:35
tzangeriter: haha05:35
tzangerI always like to hear the arguments05:36
tzangersometimes they're valid05:36
MarcATLI ended up running to walmart and buying an ethernet card...after hours of headbanging05:36
zethero1tzanger: Knetwork-manager .... program crashes .... installed apps not showing up in menus ....05:36
tzangerI mean KDE has its warts for sure05:36
MarcATLethernet CORD05:36
zethero1just to start05:36
zeromodthen click volume control and check that they are turned up real good05:36
tzangerzethero1: networkmanager's a piece of shit05:36
tzangerzethero1: install wicd05:36
FloodBot1tzanger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:36
zeromodits not just the laptop alsa mix is about medium it seems on all installs05:36
MarcATLIs ALSA MIXER a default application that comes with Ubuntu 9.04?05:36
tzangerFloodBot1: you need to adapt your algorithm; I wasn't flooding :-)05:36
zeromodubuntu devs want us to have good ears :)05:36
zethero1tzanger: it works well for me on all these machines in Ubuntu ... but in Kubuntu I have no end of troubles ...05:36
zethero1tzanger: and whats with installed apps not showing in the K-menu?05:37
Bllasaemy computer is too slow to play movies05:37
tzangerzethero1: yes, and again networkmanager's garbage... why they decided to totally go their own route instead of using the tried-and-true /etc/network/interfaces mode... who knows.05:37
zeromoditer were you able to confirm that for me? I'm having issues and getting confilictin info. I need to cdrecord from secure shell over local network05:37
zethero1tzanger: Why does Ubuntu run faster than Kubuntu (fresh installs)05:37
Bllasaethis is just sad05:37
tzangernow it is working reasonably well and in 8.04 it worked fine in KDE, but something's busted again, I just installed wicd and I'm happy05:37
zeromodzethero cooler name05:37
tzangerzethero1: I don't have that problem05:37
iterzeromod: I can definitely ssh to my workstation and run cdrecord05:38
zethero1tzanger: Why is it that I get sigfaults occuring on just abotu every machine once or twice a day?05:38
tzangerzethero1: run faster? do you have quantative data or is it just feel?05:38
zeromodcrap thanks iter. then cdrecord is being a pain for me05:38
zeromodI've even rooted in05:38
tzangerzethero1: have you run memtest86?05:38
XPS_M1330wicd's not even in the repos05:38
zeromodtime for a cig05:38
tzangerzeromod: I've run 9.04 since a week after its release, it's stable05:38
alpery76__zethero1: same here.. segfaults all over the place05:38
zeromodwhat are you talking about zanger?05:39
tzanger$ dpkg --get-selections | grep wicd05:39
tzangerwicd                                            install05:39
zethero1tzanger: I know several people who run Ubuntu and Kubuntu and they also say that Kubuntu runs a bit slower ... they say its because there are more processes running in Kubuntu05:39
FloodBot1tzanger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
tzangerseems to be for me05:39
MarcATLtzanger: I don't seem to have this ALSA installed05:39
MarcATLShould I install it or is there some other method?05:39
zethero1alpery76__: there you go ... tzanger05:39
tzangerzethero1: funny, the number of processes is about the same05:39
zeromodoh I see, that was a joke you asked why ubuntu was faster than kubuntu. I said cooler name.05:39
tzangerI think it has more to do with plasma than anything else, but if you disable all that stuff it seems pretty zippy05:39
sebmckHi can anyone help me with a problem im having i was just browsing the web happily and it logged off by itself and when i logged back in there was no minimize/maximize/close buttons or even that strip for a matter of a fact05:39
tzangerzeromod: there I go what?05:40
alpery76__zethero1: also epiphany-browser and pidgin crash randomly05:40
dsdeizwhen i compile it says that it needs "imlib-config"05:40
dsdeizany ideas?05:40
zeromodtzanger what are you talking about guy?05:40
MarcATLtzanger: are you still there?05:40
tzangerdsdeiz: sounds like you need imlib-config.. .quite possibly located in a package aong the lines of imlib-dev05:40
tzangerMarcATL: sure I am05:40
tzangerwhy are you asking me about alsa?05:40
zethero1tzanger: ha great ... Ubuntu with Desktop Effects is faster and more stable than Kubuntu without Desktop Effects ...05:40
MarcATLtzanger: you said alsa is what I need to turn up the stuff...I don't have it...now what?05:41
tzangerzethero1: ? ubuntu has *no* desktop effects installed out of the box05:41
tzangerI just did 15 fresh from cd installs last week05:41
WIGGMPkCan anyone solve why Brasero keeps failing to burn DVD images. Here is the log: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d12458c2b   Anyone???05:41
zethero1tzanger: I mean even the effects in Kubuntu are glitchy and not at all smooth05:41
zethero1tzanger: you don't know Ubuntu then ...05:41
zethero1tzanger: what are Wobbly Windows?05:41
tzangerzethero1: again, seems to work okay for me, I'm running 9.04 ubuntu upgraded to kubuntu with the xorg intel driver (now with a bleeding edge intel driver since the one in 9.04 standard is total garbage)05:41
MarcATLanybody know about XGL/Compiz?05:42
sebmckzethero1: There windows that wobble like jelly when moved.05:42
tzangerzethero1: I don't know ubuntu? how do you come to that conclusion?05:42
zethero1tzanger: I tried enabling Wobbly windows in Kubuntu Jauunty and it was not at all smooth05:42
tzangerwobbly windows? I have that specific effect installed05:42
SetiAmonXubuntu looks like gnome,whats the difference?05:42
tzangerIt makes the windows look like jellow when you move them or resize them05:42
zethero1sebmck: it was a retorical question -- ha05:42
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tzanger(it also makes them a little transparent, unless that's another effect I have doing that)05:42
SetiAmonWobbly windows?is that the jello effect when moving windows around?05:42
MarcATLtzanger: help05:42
Bllasaeubuntu ftw05:42
tzangerMarcATL: I do not know about htese things05:42
zethero1tzanger: its a desktop effect05:42
tzangerstop asking me directly05:42
Bllasaealthough I don't know many of the commands05:42
tzangerzethero1: did I not just explain that?05:43
Bllasaeany, really, I think it's pretty cool05:43
sebmckzethero1: oh ...woops05:43
MarcATLtzanger: lol05:43
zethero1tzanger: so don't say that Ubuntu does not have any desktop effects05:43
=== fword is now known as master_Ephwyrd
tzangerzethero1: I said they are not enabled out of the box05:43
tzangerif yu're going to quote me, do it properly05:43
zethero1tzanger: and ?05:43
zeromodyou kids want to go argue in private?05:43
tzangerin other news, my 'o' key seems sticky05:43
XPS_M1330zeromod:  I find ubuntu takes about same time to boot with gnome or KDE05:43
tzangerzeromod: sorry I am mis-tab-completing05:43
zethero1tzanger: what does that have to do with a lack of performance in Kubuntu as opposed to the performace in Ubuntu?05:44
tzangerzethero1: again, if you're going to quote me, do it properly. misquoting me and then telling me I don't know what I"m talking about based on your misquote is ... assinine.05:44
zethero1tzanger: well then explain yourself ...05:44
MarcATLI use Ubuntu 9.04 and I can't use the Desktop Effects, says something about no drivers available or something05:44
tzangerzethero1: and again, I am asking you to cite specific things, and if you've got quantative data... and you don't.  some of the things you stated are true, but don't equate to "kde sucks, gnome rocks" which is what I was asking about05:45
tzangerexplain myself in what sense, exactly?05:45
dsdeizoh mehn, i can't install 3ddesktop05:45
RedSocrates!ot | tzanger05:45
dsdeizis it still in the repo?05:45
ubottutzanger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:45
RedSocrates!ot | zethero105:45
ubottuzethero1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:45
SetiAmonMarcATL: I had that also,i downloaded drivers from nvidia05:45
zeromodyou need 3d accellerated drivers marc. Depends on your video card and since it's a laptop not all cards are supported by vendors or otherwise05:45
zethero1I for one am tired of hearing Kubuntu users say that Ubuntu should be terminated because of its looks ... the OS runs smooth, fast and stable ,,,, and I would rather that then a swanky looking glitchy OS05:45
=== master_Ephwyrd is now known as fwyrd
tzangerMarcATL: it sounds like you need to use a driver which supports the "composite" extension05:45
dsdeizanyone? :D05:46
tzangerthe driver you're currently running does not appear to have that extension, so none of the eyecandy will work05:46
MarcATLSetiAmon: I have a Toshiba Laptop, AMD, Turion X2, ATI ?Radeon, do I still need that?05:46
tzangerzethero1: did I state that?05:46
zeromoddsdeiz can you compile it yourself?05:46
zethero1tzanger: I already said specifics ... and you just walk around them ...05:46
dsdeizzeromod: i get a lot of errors05:46
MarcATLtzanger: where do I get such drivers?05:46
zethero1tzanger: no you did not ... and I did not quote you there as you might have noticed05:46
tzangerzethero1: did I state that?  honestly, if you're pissed off at kubuntu users, fine, but don't paint us all in that light05:46
dsdeizalthough doing ./configure already went smoothly05:46
RedSocratesCome on guys, seriously05:46
tzangerMarcATL: depends entirely on what video card you're running05:46
zeromodprobably dependencies can you give me the output in pm of what you are doing in terminal>05:46
zethero1tzanger: so I installed sound-recorder ... its not in the menu ... where is it?05:46
matt098dose ne one on use an radeon hd 4870 video carD?05:46
tzangerzethero1: I walked around them?  I said that because YOU had a specific issue doesn't mean that EVERYONE does. that's it.05:47
dsdeiznow i am having trouble doing make05:47
zenxrdsdeiz: are you doing it as root?05:47
zeromod3ddesktop you said correct?05:47
tzangerzethero1: again, ask in #kubuntu; I am guessing there is a very simple and straightforward answer to that05:47
dsdeizyes zeromod05:47
SetiAmonMarcATL:well you need whatever drivers for your graphics card.go on over to ATI and get it.oh wait check hardware drivers section of system->administration i belive it is in gnome05:47
zethero1tzanger: someone else here mentioned constant crashes and sigfaults as well .. did you catch that?05:47
dsdeizyes zenxr05:47
tzangerzethero1: I certainly did not have any issues like that, and I have installed hundreds of megs of extra packages05:47
tzangerzethero1: yes I did, and I asked if they'd run memtest86.  no answer.05:48
zethero1tzanger: your the Kubuntu user and you cannot help me out here? ... I have been asking in the Kubuntu channel and nothing ...05:48
Bllasaei just made my first jigsaw puzzle that was correct05:48
bullgard4NetworkManager applet > left-click shows me 3 radio network items. All three are shown with a symbol to the left of the field strength symbol. It seems to symbolize a monopole antenna radiation pattern and something unidentifiable in the lower right. What does this symbol (icon) mean?05:48
zethero1tzanger: do you install Gnome packages?05:48
tzangerzethero1: I started with ubuntu 9.0405:48
tzangerI downloaded it instead of kubuntu by accident05:48
zethero1tzanger: why would you have to run memtest?05:48
arrrghhhhas anyone used/installed openchange?05:48
zenxrdsdeiz: can you post the make error?05:49
zethero1if Ubuntu works perfectly on a machine and then you put Kubuntu and get crashes ... why should you have to run memtest?05:49
tzangerzethero1: random segfaults are almost always related to memory issues. I've been using linux for close to 13 years now and in almost every instance weird/random segfaults have come down to either heat, power or bad memory.05:49
arrrghhhopenchange seems to be in the repo's now.  i installed it, but i don't get what to do with it.05:49
dsdeizzenxr: uhm, it's kinda long.. i'll put it on a pastey, 1sec05:49
aliendude5300can you guys tell me what this code does? someone told me to run it and I don't know if it's safe... but it looks suspicious. http://pastebay.com/1761605:50
tzangerzethero1: different use cases.  Why is it that a system will run perfectly fine but gcc will crash out in weird places with weird errors? that's also a very good pointer toward memory issues; it's the use case that happens to "trip" these things sometimes05:50
zethero1tzanger: well it makes no sense in my situation with 5 PC's running Linux ... and they all have issues with Kubuntu but not with Ubuntu ...05:50
tzangerzethero1: that is unusual, I will admit05:50
tzangerzethero1: I have certainly not run into that circumstance05:50
zethero1tzanger: unusual .. maybe ... but its common05:50
tzangeraliendude5300: don't run that05:50
arrrghhhzethero1, meh i have no issues with kubuntu.  kde just keeps gettin better.05:50
tzangerzethero1: again the plural of anecdote is not evidence.05:51
zethero1arrrghhh: happy for you ...05:51
aliendude5300tzanger: what does it do?05:51
zethero1arrrghhh: Desktop or Laptop?05:51
Dam0i have aeggdrop running on ubuntu 9.04. It my works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf & joins my channel  but when i try to connect it with ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf  it wont connect to a irc server and i cannot telnet to it05:51
losheraliendude5300: I would *not* run that. What did they say it was supposed to do?05:51
zethero1tzanger: Desktop or Laptop?05:51
tzangerzethero1: it doesn't work on your system(s). Ok. I get it. It works great on mine. I've never suggested ubuntu go away.05:51
arrrghhhzethero1, i had a windows fanboy tellin me his new win7 was bluescreenin and i laughed.  i guess his 9.04 install was lockin up hard too.  i said it was hw, but he claimed everything worked with 8.04 and XP.05:51
aliendude5300fix a problem with VNC or something...05:51
tzangerzethero1: both actually.  everything from little single core intel to multicore amd64 systems, anywhere from 512M RAM to 4G05:51
aliendude5300thats why I asked... cuz it looks completely irrelevant05:51
arrrghhhzethero1, i have a server, 2 desktops and 2 laptops running kubuntu.  well i guess the server not so much, d'oh.05:51
david_does anyone know how to get Evolution to retrieve the send/recieve password without having the keyring passwords constantly being typed05:52
BllasaeI'm watching a movie...on my computer05:52
tzangeraliendude5300: it will blow away your system drive after presenting you with nastiness on the speakers05:52
Bllasaemy slow computer at that05:52
losheraliendude5300: I can't think of anything this would fix05:52
RedSocratesaliendude5300: The last line within the while block will write random characters to your hard drive05:52
tzangeraliendude5300: first dd if=/dev/urandom will spew garbage to the sound card... and when you hit ^C the secnd will run, and that will spew random data to the hard drive.05:52
bullgard4david_: Do not use a keyring. Then Evolution will remember your e-mail provider password and will not need to type it in often.05:53
mudittuliupdated my ubuntu last night, and my screen resolution is screwed up!05:53
losheraliendude5300: looks like a nasty piece of work by someone.05:53
dsdeizzenxr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179296/05:53
mudittuliubuntu Hardy05:53
bullgard4david_: Do not use a keyring. Then Evolution will remember your e-mail provider password and you will not need to type it in often.05:53
tzangerzethero1: honestly though the difference between kubuntu/ubuntu should not have anything to do with hardware, as the kernel and drivers are the same for both.  hell even X and its drivers are common for both05:53
david_how do i get it not to use the keyring?05:53
RedSocratesaliendude5300: Nice work coming here to ask05:53
zethero1tzanger, arrrghhh: I have been using Linux for only 2 years ... but I will never revert back to Windows ... won't touch the stuff - ha ... but here I have 3 laptops and 2 desktops ... the laptops are 2 Thinkpads and 1 HP Pavilion ... all good strong machines with good specs etc ... the desktops are also strong machines ... C2D and plenty of RAM ... the Desktops take to Kubuntu better than the laptops for sure ...05:53
aliendude5300it will only corrupt hdd if you hit ctrl+C05:53
unkocan some one please tell me why songbird won't launch? i just installed it via .deb and it won't even launch05:53
arrrghhhzethero1, what version of kde?05:54
mudittuliupdated my ubuntu hardy last night, and my screen resolution is screwed up!05:54
zethero1tzanger, arrrghhh: latest ... everything the latest05:54
tzangerI always ran slackware and then kubuntu on my thinkpad.  the laptop I'm on right now is a core 2 solo (intel video)... toshiba u300 I think05:54
thiebaudeunko, type songbird in a terminal05:54
WIGGMPkDoes anyone know why this keeps happening in Brasero, I just want to burn some DVD images... Bring back nautilus-cd-burner:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d12458c2b05:54
unkothiebaude, ight hold on05:54
arrrghhhzethero1, and if you don't like kde, there's tons of other window managers etc.  obviously gnome or xfce, plus a lot of others if you like tweaking.05:54
Bob_DoleI have 15 machines under my administration here, I -own- 12 of them. ALl that I -own- run linux, 2/3 I don't own run windows. 1 runs OS X 10.3.905:55
tzangerzethero1: now I will be the *first* person to say that I think KDE4 is a step BACKWARD from 3.5.x05:55
zethero1tzanger, arrrghhh: so now I am running Linux Mint (KDE) on one Thinkpad and its only segfaulted once in 2 days ... which is good ... hehe05:55
MarcATLSetiAmon: I don't have GNOME...what now?05:55
zenxrdsdeiz: there's an issue in the source code.. uhh05:55
unkothiebaude, here : http://pastie.org/48781705:55
tzangerplasma is unstable, for starters05:55
tzangerbut again, I like the way KDE looks and works, which is why I use it over gnome.05:55
Bob_DoleExcluding my mac.. it runs OS X 10.4.11, and ubuntu, but ubuntu doesn't like my wireless keyboard much.05:55
david_Bullgard4: how do i get it not to use the keyring?05:55
arrrghhhzethero1, segfaults are no good... i agree, usually memory.  and plasma has been getting a ton better, but definitely needs more work.  still not close to the rock solid 3.5...05:55
tzangerBob_Dole: really? that should show up as a normal HID device05:56
zethero1tzanger: see that is what I am talking about ... I like its looks ... as does my wife .. and the others who see it ... but its just not happy05:56
Bob_Doletzanger, it's bluetooth. :/05:56
Bob_DoleIt won't pair with it05:56
bullgard4david_: I do not know.05:56
tzangerBob_Dole: hmm, that should still be a bluetooth HID device05:56
thiebaudeunko, not sure what to do with that05:56
zethero1arrrghhh: all my memory is good05:56
notlisteningAny ideas where to look to fix my audio, lol have had it working twice on 9.04 done nothing and then it stopped and can't get it back05:56
tzangerBob_Dole: now I have had issues with bluetoth and linux for a while.. I can mak eit work but it takes some tinkering05:56
Bob_Dolesees it, then fails to pair, over and over, tzanger05:56
unkothiebaude, is it because im using aurora engine?05:56
losherWIGGMPk: looks like growisofs threw an error. Brasero just reported it. How big is TESTING.ISO ?05:56
tzangerzethero1: I had a 2G DIMM go bad on me... really weird segfaults and spontaneous reboots05:56
arrrghhhzethero1, well if gnome or xfce work, then use those.  you can try to go back to 3.5 or something but it's going to be rough.05:57
zethero1arrrghhh, tzanger: I make it a habit to run Memtest on my machines routinely ... so I know my RAM in the machines is good05:57
notlisteninggoing through HDMI on an ATI card05:57
thiebaudeunko, im not sure05:57
tzangermemtest86 ran for no more than 30 seconds before identifying the RAM as problematic :-)05:57
arrrghhhzethero1, how long do you run them for?05:57
WIGGMPklosher: 4.1GB05:57
Bob_DoleI think my iMac has some bad RAM too, only see errors with folding@home though.05:57
zenxrdsdeiz: i'd try redoing the untarring if possible05:57
SolarisBoyany applications to use my web cam with on yahoo for ubuntu?05:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yahoo05:57
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:57
tzangerBob_Dole: memtest86 booting off of a CD or USB key is *great* for that kind of thing.  I generally say that if it makes it 10 minutes without error the memory is LIKELY good, but to leave it run overnight just to give it a good go05:58
arrrghhhtzanger, zethero1, i've always seen memtest light up like a christmas tree within 30 secs with bad ram, but i had a machine that memtest would lock up on - that was interesting.  bad sectors of the higher addresses in the ram.  good ole memtest.05:58
zethero1arrrghhh, tzanger: I leave the Memtest going overnight ... usually about 5-8 hours ... depending on when I go to bed - ha05:58
losherWIGGMPk: I would run it by hand next...05:58
LycusOk, I need some help--I'm running GParted from a live disk, but when trying to create a new ext2 partition it says /dev/sda1 is apparent in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!05:58
reinieri have a dell mini 9 with hardy, anyone in the room who could help me with some issues?05:58
tzangeranyway I should get back to my work here.. :-)05:58
SolarisBoyfs could be dirty and need to be checked..05:58
Kalmi!anyone | reinier05:58
ubottureinier: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:58
notlisteningMemtest can give problems if the processor is faulty/damaged too just watch that05:59
arrrghhhso no one using openchange?  i had my ppc syncing with mail2web, but they went to exchange 2007 and evidently can't provide the sync service for free anymore grrrrr05:59
WIGGMPklosher: I have been stupefied by the use of the GUI, can you point me in the right direction?05:59
zethero1arrrghhh, tzanger: so no idea of where these Gnome apps go when installed? ... I mean theur shortcuts at least05:59
arrrghhhzethero1, i don't know what "gnome apps" you're speaking of...05:59
tzangerzethero1: no, not off hand05:59
losherWIGGMPk: sure. Step 1: Open a terminal....05:59
tzangermy gnome apps show up in my menu05:59
zethero1arrrghhh: sound recorder05:59
WIGGMPklosher: hehehe.. got ya.. I just need the command really lol06:00
tzangerzethero1: it's not in the multimedia menu?06:00
KalmiLycus, you might have mounted it... try unmounting it from gparted... right click on the partition and unmount06:00
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
arrrghhhzethero1, what about sound recorder, you can't find the shortcut?06:00
zethero1tzanger: no ...06:00
reiniergreat thx my one of cpu is 100% why?06:00
arrrghhhzethero1, if you want it to run on startup you should just add it to the startup.06:00
zethero1arrrghhh: yes ... no menu entry06:00
lstarnesreinier: something must be using 100% of it06:00
LycusKalmi: The unmount option is greyed-ou06:00
tzangerreinier: run top and then type a capital P, that will sort by CPU use06:00
zethero1arrrghhh: no man .. I want to just run it like a normal app06:00
tzangerlet it run for a few seconds (a few refreshes of the screen) and your culprit should be at the top06:01
losherWIGGMPk: ok, it should be: growisofs  -speed=4 -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cdrom=/home/wiggmpk/Videos/Burn/TESTING.ISO06:01
LycusWhen I try to mount it, it says the volume is locked.06:01
arrrghhhzethero1, so you don't want it to startup every time you login?06:01
KalmiLycus, what kind of partition is it?06:01
tzanger(q exits top)06:01
reinierthx istarnes06:01
zethero1arrrghhh: no why would I want sound recorder to startup with logon?06:01
LycusIt's blank now, it was previously ext2, Kalmi06:01
WIGGMPklosher: i will give it a shot, i appreciate your help06:01
Bob_Doleoh, q? I've just been doing ctrl-c Dx06:01
arrrghhhzethero1, i guess i was thinking it was something else06:01
arrrghhh1 sec06:01
unkocan some one help me with songbird? i installed it via .deb on my jaunty x64 and songbird won't launch. i get a bunch of errors in terminal06:01
losherWIGGMPk: come back if it doesn't work...06:02
reinierthx tzanger06:02
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:02
zethero1arrrghhh: another one is grabcd-rip06:02
KalmiLycus, you are having trouble unmounting an unformatted partition?06:02
arrrghhhzethero1, i'm guessing running these from alt-f2 is not desirable?06:02
LycusEr, I'm having trouble formatting an unmounted partition...06:02
zethero1arrrghhh: where is the Kmenu properties?06:02
KalmiLycus, :S06:03
zethero1arrrghhh: no ...06:03
KalmiLycus, try restarting gparted... :S06:03
reinierits the dell launcher06:03
LycusI'm going to reboot and see if I can format it from another utility.06:03
HaliFaxhey how about some help with setting up an email server06:03
WIGGMPklosher: so question.. can you walk me through the commands... i understand the growisofs, the -speed=4.. what is the -dvd-compat and the -Z and i suppose /dev/cdrom= says media is not recognized as recordable06:04
reiniertzanger are u still around?06:04
bullgard4NetworkManager applet > left-click shows me 3 radio network items. All three are shown with a symbol to the left of the field strength symbol. It seems to symbolize a monopole antenna radiation pattern and something unidentifiable in the lower right. What does this symbol (icon) mean?06:04
Bllasaeare there any good games on the add/remove list?06:04
arrrghhhzethero1, what's wrong with right clicking applications and going to "edit menus"?06:04
saikiwhere can I go for wine help?06:05
e4I need to install a package on a Gutsy Gibbon install, is there a way to do it manually given that the repos are already deactivated?06:05
DaZ#wine ?06:05
arrrghhhsaiki, i think there's a #wine?06:05
zethero1arrrghhh: got in there now ... cannot see the entry ... maybe I will have to manually add it06:05
Bob_DoleI think... yeah, I'm too slow. wine has a channel.06:05
arrrghhhe4, wth are you running gutsy for?06:05
saiki* You have been kicked from #wine by ChanServ (Invite only channel)06:05
arrrghhhzethero1, uh... yea if it's not there then you add it...06:06
Bllasaeoh wait06:06
Bob_Dole#winehq apparently06:06
Bllasaeit's #winehq06:06
arrrghhhzethero1, i figured that would/should have been obvious....06:06
saikiya, thx06:06
zethero1arrrghhh: a bit lame06:06
mobi-sheepe4: It's moved to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/06:06
Bob_DoleIt forwarded me there06:06
losherWIGGMPk: most of it is covered in the man page for growisofs. Did you put in a new blank dvd? The existing one is probably trashed by the previous write attempt.06:06
zethero1arrrghhh: never ever needed to do that in Ubuntu06:06
arrrghhhzethero1, oh no, adding menu entries one time is lame?  what do you want?06:06
BllasaeI HAS CHESS!06:06
zethero1arrrghhh: most I ever had to do was enable/disable the entry06:06
zhurai=_= ook...um....  apparently can't connect via wireless again for unknown reasons =_=06:07
arrrghhhzethero1, not *all* apps get automagically added.  blame the person/group that packaged it, not ubuntu.06:07
WIGGMPklosher: yea, im reading the main page now.. Its a brand new DVD, but should /dev/cdrom be /media/cdrom?06:07
arrrghhhWIGGMPk, /dev is where the device lies, /media is where devices mount.06:07
zethero1arrrghhh: like I said .. in 2 years I have NEVER had to manually add an entry in the menu06:07
zhuraiMay 23 22:04:19 zhurai-laptop kernel: [  107.350786] wlan0: mismatch in privacy configuration and mixed-cell disabled - abort association06:07
zhuraiMay 23 22:04:19 zhurai-laptop kernel: [  107.550128] wlan0: privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate06:07
zethero1arrrghhh: in Ubuntu06:07
arrrghhhzethero1, that's great.06:07
losherWIGGMPk: this can vary from system to system. Does 'eject /dev/cdrom' eject the medium? If so, it's correct06:07
zethero1arrrghhh: I know06:07
arrrghhhzethero1, i don't care.  just suck it up.06:07
saikiBob_Dole, it just kicked me lol06:08
zethero1arrrghhh: HA .. thats what it comes down to doesn't it ...06:08
Bllasaethat was a quick game06:08
WIGGMPklosher: lol it acctually ejects my second drive06:08
=== hunter is now known as Guest25808
arrrghhh30 seconds of work for a permanent menu entry?  why are you whining?06:08
tzangerreinier: what the hell is the dell launcher??06:08
WIGGMPklosher: so I am thinking its /dev/cdrom106:08
zethero1arrrghhh: the Kubuntu guys say "tell us what is wrong specifically and we will sort it out for you" ... but then its like "well we cannot so you just have to suck it up" ... ha06:08
losherWIGGMPk: ok, then you attempted to write the one drive, which accounts for the failure. Try eject /dev/cdrom106:09
arrrghhhanyhooo... has anyone deployed openchange to ubuntu?  it seems to be in the repo's but i don't get where it installed or how to configure it...06:09
losherWIGGMPk: one -> wrong06:09
Bllasaeit says that I can't go into 3d mode because No Python OpenGL support and No Python GTKGLExt support06:09
arrrghhhzethero1, i sorted it out, didn't i?  sheesh.06:09
zethero1arrrghhh: NOT!06:09
saikiguess I'll ask my question here too, maybe someone knows how to fix it06:09
saiki<saiki> anyone hve trouble networking a Windows Pc and a wine app together (aka starcraft) on the same network?06:09
arrrghhhzethero1, you have your precious menu entry, yes?06:09
kbuelhey does anyone know if there is a channel for help with packaging?06:09
wanna_learncan i know the name of xen-kernel on ubuntu jaunty?06:10
reinierdell launcher is using 100% of my cpu, any clues?06:10
zethero1arrrghhh: you told me nothing new ... and you did not fix the real problem ... that the menu entries are not getting in there by themselves ... this is one reason way I say Kubuntu is in a way inferior to Ubuntu06:10
arrrghhhreinier, never heard of it... how is "dell launcher" part of linux or ubuntu again?06:10
zethero1arrrghhh: so you just have to "suck it up" ... ha06:10
dSlaMkbuel: i saw something about that in my rss feeds lately, wait06:10
arrrghhhzethero1, did you not read what i said?  blame the people who setup the package, not the OS.  it's up to THEM to add the menu entires on installation.06:11
WIGGMPklosher: i think I need to restart.. the eject /dev/cdrom1 worked.. so Ill give the growisofs another shot in the terminal06:11
rgmzwhat does the hide command do in GRUB?06:11
arrrghhhreinier, how is that an answer to my question?06:11
kbueldSlaM: thanks06:11
losherWIGGMPk: agreed...06:12
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen06:12
losherWIGGMPk: ok, it should be: growisofs  -speed=4 -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cdrom1=/home/wiggmpk/Videos/Burn/TESTING.ISO06:12
zethero1arrrghhh: so Gnome apps do not add well to the Kmenu ... but KDE apps add fine to the Gnome menu ...06:12
reinierdell released a bunch of laptops with ubuntu heron06:12
rgmzwhat does the hide command do in GRUB?06:12
arrrghhhzethero1, some apps do, some don't.06:12
arrrghhhreinier, i'm sorry.06:12
reinierthats ok06:12
saikirgmz, try hide --help ?06:13
Kalmireinier, It seems that it is part of the laptop remix06:13
reinierwhat can i do?06:13
saiki<saiki> anyone hve trouble networking a Windows Pc and a wine app together (aka starcraft) on the same network?06:13
arrrghhhzethero1, again, depends on the packagae maintainer.06:13
rgmzok thanks06:13
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more06:13
arrrghhhsaiki, asking that question in here will probably get you nowhere.  especially pasting the same question again and again.06:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openchange06:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about open-xchange06:14
saikiarrrghhh, not getting me anyhwere in winehq either06:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail06:14
zethero1arrrghhh: so more package maintainers are making sure that things work 100% with Ubuntu, whereas only some are seeing to it that the same goes for Kubuntu  ...06:14
lilyi can't find the start menu, where is it?06:15
zethero1arrrghhh: ok here is another question ... what is the default app in Kubuntu for recording sound?06:15
matt098there is no stat menu in ubuntu06:15
arrrghhhzethero1, so you expect gnome package maintainers to setup their software for every window manager?06:15
arrrghhhzethero1, dunno, never have.  google is your friend :D06:16
lilywhere are the programs installed?06:16
reinieranyone in the room with a dell mini 9?06:16
zethero1arrrghhh: so Ubuntu has a sound recorder app installed by default ... and Kubuntu just left that out ... hmm06:16
zethero1another one bites the dust06:16
e4mobi_sheep:  Thanks, that did the trick.06:16
kulawendWhile playing some fullscreen games such as "Glest" on my widescreen laptop, the bottom is cut off and I cannot see it. Does anyone know a solution?06:16
Kalmireinier, maybe you could try on #ubuntu-laptop , however there are only a few people there...06:17
arrrghhhzethero1, i've never recorded sound on a computer... not since i was like 12.  so i don't know.  there probably is one, i've never used it.  dude, you're worse then hemroids.06:17
reinierthx kalmi06:17
zethero1arrrghhh: ha ... and your not doing a very good job of making Kubuntu look up to scratch ...06:17
fuzzybunny69yhey guys I am wiping vista and am wanting to backup my settings in Ubuntu before doing a clean install. Does anyond know how I might go about this?06:17
dSlaMkbuel: can't find it sorry, but there is a guide on the official website, seems not up to date but hope that helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html06:18
losherrgmz: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm then search for hide/unhide06:18
e4arrrghhh:  How insightful :p06:18
mike15I'm having issues after the initial install of Ubuntu 9.04 running on Parallels.  Has anyone experienced a login problem?06:18
Xerxes32can ubuntu be booted from a external usb hd?06:18
arrrghhhzethero1, i don't care, it's not like it's my job.  i came in here for help with openchange, not to make you feel good about kubuntu.06:18
zethero1arrrghhh: many people use a sound recorder app to test out their input audio devices and hardware ...06:18
arrrghhhXerxes32, it really depends if the hardware supports it.  any os can be booted from a usb hdd if the BIOS supports it.06:18
dSlaM(ps: wtf am i doing here ??? is it new xchat connects here automatically???)06:18
arrrghhhzethero1, k... i don't use input devices?06:18
Xerxes32sounds good enough for me, shopping atm for my new hdd..06:18
Kalmiarrrghhh, Xerxes32, um... no... windows can't :)06:19
arrrghhhKalmi, yes, it can...06:19
zethero1arrrghhh: ok .. well that changes everything ... :)06:19
e4Kalmi:  Yes, it can.06:19
Kalmiarrrghhh, e4, with trickery? or it just works?06:19
mudittuliafter last ubuntu update, my screen resolution is messed up!, how to correct it06:20
arrrghhhKalmi, it works, so long as the HARDWARE (ie BIOS...) supports it.06:20
e4Kalmi:  Most of the people that whine about Windows not being able to do stuff simply don't know how to get into the guts of it.06:20
arrrghhhKalmi, he's talking HDD not flash drive.06:20
Kalmiarrrghhh, so do I...06:20
arrrghhhand you can get win to run on a flash drive... just not as easy as linux :D06:20
beatlesfanhey all06:20
e4arrrghhh:  No, I'm talking any USB device.06:20
arrrghhhe4, i think Xerxes32 was talking about a hdd specifically, which is trivial if the hardware supports it.06:21
beatlesfando you think Ubuntu 9.04 will run on my box... it's got a Pentium 4 2.4Ghz CPU with 2GB RAM06:21
libtechbeatlesfan: heck yes06:21
dSlaMwhy would it not ???06:21
mudittuliafter last ubuntu update, my screen resolution is messed up!, how to correct it ?06:21
rgmzthanks losher06:21
Xerxes32any thoughts of hdd drive: http://cgi.ebay.com/120GB-7200RPM-External-Hard-Drive-USB-2-0-Vista-Ready_W0QQitemZ350204496893QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCC_Drives_Storage_Internal?hash=item5189d08bfd&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A5006:21
beatlesfanI thought maybe you would need at least dualcore06:21
libtechi run ubuntu on my little netbook just fine06:21
dSlaMhell no06:21
RedSocratesbeatlesfan: It will definitely run on that system.  It can run on much less06:21
beatlesfanwhat about with KDE desktop?06:22
e4Xerxes32:  Why would you buy a used HD, especially one that's in an enclosure.  That sounds like dataloss waiting to happen.06:22
beatlesfaninstead of Gnome06:22
libtechthat should be fine06:22
libtechi ran KDE on my old dell06:22
beatlesfancan a KDE app run on Gnome?06:22
beatlesfanor vice versa?06:22
dSlaMbeatlesfan: from my experience gnome is better suited for an old computer though06:23
beatlesfandslam, thanks06:23
arrrghhhbeatlesfan, uh yea that's insane stats for ubuntu to handle, kde or otherwise.  and kde/gnome apps work better with eachother than they have in the past, but it's not perfect.06:23
Kalmiarrrghhh, e4, the windows 7 rc installer told me to leave it alone with my external hdd... and all the tutorials (for older Windows versions) on the Internet mess with the installer....06:23
matt098what is the big diff between kde and gnome?06:23
arrrghhhbeatlesfan, dSlaM xfce even more06:23
libtechwindows 7 is great06:23
jootI have a number of hard drives installed with ubuntu what are the06:23
dSlaMarrrghhh: i agree with that ;)06:23
jootSorry will try again06:24
beatlesfanI just wish there was a decent personal finance app for Gnome.. don't like that Gnucash06:24
WIGGMPklosher: im afraid im having some trouble with growisofs. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6b7488b406:24
arrrghhhwindows 7 is OK... i'd say vista is the new ME.  7 is better than vista, but still not as stable or as fast as my XP installs.  i kinda miss 2kpro, but too much won't run on it now.06:24
losherXerxes32: pretty much all drives are the same. What matters is if your *bios* supports booting via usb06:24
arrrghhhXerxes32, we went over that, losher hit the nail on the head.06:24
jootI have a number of hard drives installed with ubuntu what are the % chance of them booting without installing again??06:24
dSlaMarrrghhh: hehe 2K was the better ms system :)06:25
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arrrghhhjoot, ubuntu/linux doesn't care much about hardware.  you may have some network interface adjustments to make, but other than that nothing really.  not like winblows when you switch the hardware time to reinstall it!06:25
beatlesfando you need a firewall when running Ubuntu?06:25
arrrghhhi completely swapped the mobo in  my server, didn't have any issues.  some network interface adjustments like i said, but that was it!06:25
libtechwindows 7 is much faster and prettier than my xp install06:26
arrrghhhbeatlesfan, by default there's no open ports...06:26
arrrghhhlibtech, i'm so glad it's pretty...06:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:26
arrrghhhthank you06:26
bullgard4NetworkManager applet > left-click shows me 3 radio network items. All three are shown with a symbol to the left of the field strength symbol. It seems to symbolize a monopole antenna radiation pattern and something unidentifiable in the lower right. What does this symbol (icon) mean?06:26
jootarrrghhh, Cool, I though that may be case but wanted to check.. Many thanks. :-)06:26
losherWIGGMPk: it's the same issue. Also, the estimated write times look preposterous. So have these burners ever worked? Cos it now looks like a hardware issue.06:26
dSlaMjoot: i'll answer with a litte experience of mine, switched from  athlon 2000+ and msi sommethin 3 month ago, to asus p5ql intel core 2 duo 7200 + sata drives, no reinstall needed :)06:26
arrrghhhjoot, np.06:26
libtechi use windows for gaming, it better have some eye candy06:26
dSlaM(in fact too lazy to reinstall)06:27
dSlaMworked great06:27
arrrghhhlibtech, we don't care.  this is #ubuntu.06:27
beatlesfan <<<< downloading Ubuntu 9.04 now06:27
RedSocratesbullgard4: It indicates that the network you're seeing is protected with some form of encryption; the lower right symbol is a shield06:27
jootdslam, Thank you.. ;-)06:27
mudittuliafter last ubuntu update, my screen resolution is messed up!, how to correct it ?06:27
libtechhow can i access itunes daap shares in linux>06:27
* arrrghhh thinks libtech is a troll.... 06:27
FloodBot1libtech: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
mudittulianyone for help ?06:27
beatlesfanI like that ubuntu gives you much more flexibility in your hard drive setup06:27
WIGGMPklosher: well, they worked in Hardy & Intrepid, but I have been having trouble with Jaunty. The burner works fine in Vista06:27
arrrghhhlibtech, songbird, rhythymbox, i think there's others.06:27
* dSlaM looooooooves this fucking OS, sorry guys06:28
arrrghhhdSlaM, please don't curse.06:28
RedSocrates!language | dSlaM06:28
ubottudSlaM: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:28
bullgard4RedSocrates: Ah, I see. --  And what is the name of this symbol (icon)?06:28
libtecharrrghhh: ive tried them both, both cant access itunes shares06:28
dSlaMwoops sorry06:28
arrrghhhno one is fornicating this OS.06:28
RedSocratesbullgard4: No idea there, sorry06:28
arrrghhhlibtech, songbird needs a DAAP plugin/extension.06:28
bullgard4RedSocrates: Thank you very much for your help.06:28
dSlaMarrrghhh: i would if i could XD06:28
losherWIGGMPk: frankly, I'd downgrade. I'm a fan of 8.04.2 LTS myself....06:28
RedSocratesbullgard4: No prob, good luck06:29
arrrghhhlibtech, as i recall rhythymbox just hooked right up... i use firefly tho, i dunno if that makes a difference.06:29
libtecharrrghhh: i know that, i used the daap client in songbird. something with apple doesnt allow third parties to access the daap protocol06:29
Armedeusheeelllllllpppppp pleasssssssssssssssssse. I have followed every instruction I can find on  the net about enabling codecs and stuff and I still can not play DVDs on totem :-(06:29
WIGGMPklosher: but the boot times... and the new kernel =*(06:29
arrrghhhlibtech, like i said, i use firefly... i hate itunes.06:29
cxTactic1hey guys, anybody successul here for bridge network for 9.04 on vmware fusion?.06:29
dSlaMnot ubuntu relatded, anyone with mysql admin experience here ?06:29
libtechoohh ok06:29
lstarnesArmedeus: have you tried vlc or mplayer?06:29
beatlesfandslam, no mysql but lots of Oracle experience06:29
jootArmedeus, Use Ogle it just works06:30
RedSocratesvlc +106:30
blzDoes anybody know if it's safe to upgrade mythbuntu 8.10 to mythbuntu 9.04?06:30
Armedeuslstarnes, no I havent06:30
libtecharrrghhh: ill look into it, thank you.06:30
mudittuliArmedeus: use vlC06:30
arrrghhhfirefly uses the itunes DAAP protocol however.06:30
losherWIGGMPk: but the dvd burning issue, the sound problems, the ext4 problems and the flash problem....06:30
tzangerblz: if you are running intel video, I don't recommend it06:30
beatlesfananyone know how big the base Ubuntu 9.04 install is?06:30
tzangerat least not without moving on to xorg-edgers or xorg-update repos right away06:30
ArmedeusOK I will try vlc and brb and let you know06:30
arrrghhhit's relatively "open"... like CUPS.  i was very surprised when i saw the apple copyright at the bottom of the CUPS admin page.06:30
beatlesfanI have a 20GB partition set up06:31
beatlesfanshould that be enough?06:31
tzangerbeatlesfan: that should be plenty of space06:31
dSlaMbeatlesfan: ok here is the question... at work we run a website (with LAMP), searches take about 40 seconds to deliver the results, could you think of something we might do to improve this ?06:31
tzangerthe otu of box install fits on a signle CD06:31
arrrghhhbeatlesfan, that's plenty.  you can install it on less than 6gb if you really want to press it.06:31
blztzanger;  forgive my noobishnes, but if I'm running an NVIDIA graphics card, then I'm not running intel video, correct?  (sanity check)06:31
tzangernot DVD06:31
beatlesfandslam,  yes06:31
tzangerblz: that is correct, you're running nVidia graphics :-)06:31
arrrghhhblz, yes... that would make sense.06:31
mzzbeatlesfan: I wouldn't actually install it in 6gb or less if you can avoid it, because it makes upgrades a bit annoying06:31
beatlesfandslam, you might think about indexing the columns that are being querieid06:31
arrrghhhmzz, of course, but you could do it if you wanted to lol.06:31
blztzanger, arrrghhh:  figured that was the case, but I've gotten some pretty simple stuff wrong before =)06:31
kholerabbican I make ubuntu play music at the login screen?06:32
dSlaMbeatlesfan: indexes are alreadys setted up06:32
tzangerblz: no worries, we were all newbs at some point06:32
arrrghhhsleepy time.  gonna deal with openchange later.06:32
arrrghhhkholerabbi, kinda.  if you ssh'd into it lol.06:32
arrrghhhon that note, i'm out.06:32
losherWIGGMPk: just a thought, some incompatibility about your particular model of burner maybe? You have 2 burners? Try the other one?06:32
blznext embarrasing question... what's the command to do an in-place update again?  I'd rather not use the update manager as I run my myth box via ssh06:32
beatlesfandslam, make sure the list of tables in the "FROM" clause start with the table with the least number of rows06:33
dSlaMbeatlesfan: actually, the query we have diffculties about are on about 15 tables, making tmp tables with ~ 8millions rows06:33
tzangerblz: someone else should back me up on this, but I'm pretty sure it's "apt-get dist-upgrade"06:33
tzangerbeatlesfan: I don't think SQL has short-circuits like that06:33
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:33
dSlaMbeatlesfan: ok thanks that's a start06:33
joottzanger, yes06:33
beatlesfantzanger, of course it does06:33
beatlesfanit's not a short circuit06:33
blztzanger:  that's what I thought too, but it doesn't work... oddly enough06:33
tzangerbeatlesfan: i.e. the FROM a,b,c,d does not necessarily query from a first, then b, c, d06:33
tzangerbeatlesfan: yeah, short circuit's the wrong term, I was thinking WHERE but typing FROM :-)06:34
RedSocratesblz: do-release-upgrade06:34
beatlesfanin Oracle it does06:34
RedSocratesI think06:34
blzRedSocrates:  thx.  google check time =)06:34
beatlesfandslam, your query creates TMP tables??06:34
RedSocratesblz: No rpb06:35
losherblz: Not sure what you mean by 'run my myth box via ssh' but a mythtv installation might not survive an upgrade. At the very least, backup your DB and anything else you can't live without *before* fiddling with your system06:35
beatlesfanyou have "insert into" clause?06:35
felix__http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Command_Line LOL06:35
tzangerlosher: amen. and since it's myth, back up your DB on a regular basis, period.06:35
blzlosher:  I just mean that I do administrative stuff at the command line (updates, installing packages, etc...)06:35
dSlaMbeatlesfan: actually mysql creates tmp tables, aka tables in RAM06:35
blzand good pint06:35
tzanger<-- been running myth for ... 5 years now?06:35
dSlaMbeatlesfan: it's not *real* tables06:35
tzangerblz: pints are good too :-)06:35
beatlesfandslam, ok, make sure that you're not running any queries that do whole table scans06:36
dSlaMbeatlesfan: it's just the way mysql work "backwards"06:36
blztzanger:  yeah they're part of the reason my typing is horrid tonight06:36
beatlesfandoes mysql have an "explain" plan option?06:36
loshertzanger: me too, about 5 years of mythtv06:36
tzangerblz: ahh.. dist upgrades while under the influence. you ARE brave, son.06:36
dSlaMbeatlesfan: by working with primary keys and indexes right ?06:36
beatlesfandslam, primary keys are always indexed06:36
dSlaMbeatlesfan: yep it does06:36
beatlesfandslam, it's the other columns, the non-key columns that you have to worry about06:36
blztzanger:  through the power bestowed upon me by the series of tubes, i have lrn2brave06:37
tzangerlosher: awesome, ain't it. the wife even loves it for the most part :-)06:37
tzangerblz: heh06:37
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almostDBO: its been a while how;s the coffee plantation?06:37
losherblz: So is the backend/frontend on the machine you're upgrading or not? If it is, you need to back it all up06:37
beatlesfanif you are selecting non-key columns... index those too06:37
DBOthe coffee plantation?06:37
=== Guest35246 is now known as Spica__-_
blzlosher:  yeah it's a combined backend/frontend06:37
tzangerDBO: it must have been quite a while :-)06:38
beatlesfandslam, look at explain plan... make sure there are no whole-table scans06:38
beatlesfanif there are... add an index to that column06:38
losherblz: back it all up baby. What release are you upgrading from/to ?06:38
dSlaMbeatlesfan: i got a course the other day, the guy explained to us, when a query is more than 1 sec in mysql, "you're doing the wrong way", that's why i'm worrying about it, my superiors want to switch to postgresql, but i'm a true fan of mysql, and i'm sure we can do better than that06:38
blzlosher:  8.10 to 9.0406:38
tzangerdSlaM: hahaha06:38
almostDBO: sorry maybe wrong nick last time I was here there was a guy always reccomending diffrent cofffee brands while chatting about ubuntu06:38
beatlesfandslam, check out explain plan...06:38
dSlaMthx, will do06:38
losherblz: why bother?06:38
beatlesfanI'm not sure what the equivalent is in Mysql06:38
tzangerdSlaM: I've run into real-world queries which are fully optimized and take a good 15 minutes to run06:38
blzlosher:  honestly?  because i can.  The system's getting replaced in like 2 weeks anyway06:39
beatlesfantzanger, depends on how much data and what system too06:39
tzangerbeatlesfan: well for sure06:39
tzangerthis was on... informix I want to say, but I'm not 100% sure06:39
phoe6not actually a ubuntu doubt;  I have setup a squid proxy running at port 3128; I want all my HTTP as well as HTTPS proxy to through this one only. what should I do? (the tutorials are too wide and I think I am impatient too :( )06:39
beatlesfanif a query on 15000 rows is taking 15 minutes.. there's something wrong06:39
losherblz: upgrading a working mythtv box to 9.04 is asking for pain without much return. If you're that bored, go watch a movie06:40
beatlesfanbut if you're talking 15 billion rows06:40
tzangerblz: my backend's slackware and my frontends are minimyth06:40
blztzanger:  what's minimyth?06:40
almostDBO: but your into coffee in a big way maybe a machine in your room?06:40
blzlosher:   maybe i should bust out my C for dummies book instead...06:40
tzangerblz: google it; it's a pretty nifty "distro" for myth frontends.  all mine are diskless, they boot off the network and stuff just works06:40
dSlaMtzanger: ahah, i'm talking about a website with about a hundred tables, the bigger having 4 millions rows, you know it's not that big for a DB and i'm sure that's cause the DB was not originally well designed, not because there is too much data to process (as it would be for requests about 15 minutes long ;) )06:40
losherblz: a better use of your time, frankly. 9.04 is a bit unstable in parts still...06:41
beatlesfandslam, you might look into denormalizing where it makes senses06:41
blzlosher:  good to know.  I actually have another question... dunno if you know the answer, but is ext4 a better choice than the default XFS for myth?06:41
almostOK nevermind how would I apply this howto to unbuntu http://www.debianhelp.org/node/1524406:41
beatlesfanbut I don't know the structure of your database06:41
blztzanger:  interesting... what are the system requirements?06:41
blztzanger;  if you know. otherwise i can activate my google cannon06:42
beatlesfanyou only got 100 tables.. thats not a lot of tables06:42
tzangerblz: I use xfs for my stuff because all of my data is stored in LVM and I can hot-grow XFS06:42
blztzanger:  oh man... i'm going to milk you for information... brace yourself06:42
tzangerblz: it's pretty flexible. there is specific support for nvidia's vdpau (h264 accel) but that's not a requirement06:42
losherblz: in my opinion, ext4 is not stable enough yet to trust on a server like mythtv where you want really good uptime.06:42
beatlesfanis that the biggest table, the 4 million row one?06:42
blzlosher;  makes sense06:43
ArmedeusOK to those who say install VLC to play DVDs, thanks, but I still can not play commecial DVDs. So I am open to any new ideas please06:43
denonany of you have tips on getting virtual users to work in PureFTPd? followed docs to the letter, but can't seem to log in06:43
losherblz: I run 8.04.2 LTS on myt backend. I notice tzanger runs slackware. Both tend to be rock solid06:43
denonfigure I must be missing something06:43
tzangerArmedeus: mplayer06:43
mzzalso, iirc you can hot-grow ext3 too06:43
dSlaMbeatlesfan: exactly 100 tables is pretty low that's why i don't think we should switch for annother DB, because IMO the DB is really bad designed and we might lose some time and effort switching, and i'm looking for solutions improving the db schema06:43
tzangerArmedeus: you'll need the libdvdcss library too I think06:43
beatlesfanthe firefox for Ubuntu... are there as many addons as the firefox for windows?06:43
zeromodmplayer plays dvds just fine06:43
tzangermzz: nope06:43
tzangeryou can grow them, but not hot-grow06:43
zeromodsudo apt-get install mplayer06:43
jootArmedeus, Use Ogle  and make sure you have libdvdcss06:44
* tzanger waits for zeromod's password... :-)06:44
mzztzanger: "As of this writing, the Linux 2.6 kernel supports on-line resize for filesystems mounted using ext3 only." says my resize2fs manpage06:44
losherblz: If you want to play with 9.04, fine. Just do it on a spare box where if it all goes horribly wrong you can just wipe it & start again.06:44
blztzanger:  question about lvms though...:  with a standard LVM (2 disks in my hypothetical array) if one disk fails, do you lose *all* the data in the array (like in RAID0) or juts the data on the disk?06:44
beatlesfandslam, you can do a lot with the db schema but there is the trouble of ETL from the as-is to the to-be06:44
tzangermzz: interesting, I stand corrected06:44
mzztzanger: (obviously that means ext2 and possibly ext4 are out, not non-ext* filesystems :)06:44
dSlaMbeatlesfan: "ETL" ? (sorry France here ;) )06:44
mzztzanger: I didn't know either, but needed that manpage the other day :)06:44
blzlosher:  yeah I guess it is only about a month old...06:44
* zeromod inserts password incorrectly on purpose06:44
tzangerblz: I build my LVM out of RAID1/RAID5 arrays06:44
beatlesfanExtract, Transform, and Load... when you move from one schema to another06:45
ArmedeusOK how do I ensure I have libdvdcss?06:45
tzangerso I can survive a 1-drive failure in any of the PV arrays06:45
mzzalso, lvm is pretty nice.06:45
losherblz: not only is it not very mature, they rushed it to make a 09/04 deadline & it's not clear it was quite ready06:45
tzanger# pvscan06:45
tzanger  PV /dev/md0   VG media   lvm2 [569.75 GB / 228.00 MB free]06:45
tzanger  PV /dev/md1   VG media   lvm2 [279.47 GB / 0    free]06:45
tzanger  Total: 2 [849.22 GB] / in use: 2 [849.22 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]06:45
FloodBot1tzanger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
jootArmedeus, lok for it in synaptic if not installed then install06:45
tzangersomeone should tune floodbot down a notch or two06:45
blztzanger:  hows the disk latency on that?  I tried raid0 (i know.. I know...) and it ended up being slower becaue of head seek06:45
beatlesfanalso Dslam, I am a professional data modeler currently with the United States department of Homeland Security06:45
mzz(I run it on a single hd just so I get useful names and the ability to mess with them when necessary)06:46
mobi-sheepArmedeus:  Run "aptitude search libdvd" in terminal06:46
losherbeatlesfan: seriously?06:46
tzangerblz: it's a media/file server; I don't care what the latency's like becuase myth adds its own on top and besides, everything's buffered sufficiently06:46
zeromodhomeland security lolz06:46
beatlesfanlosher, seriously06:46
dSlaMbeatlesfan: cool can you work for us ? XD06:46
SunmanXIIhi im having problem playing movies in totem - for some reason the movies are playing very slow with no sound... how do i fix this?06:46
tzangerbeatlesfan: I bet there are some BIG datasets there!06:46
beatlesfantzanger, uhh, yeah, there are06:46
losherbeatlesfan: bummer. I'm here on Saturday night because it's fun...06:47
blztzanger:  I must be doing it wrong then.  My buffer runs out occasionally and the video feed will stutter06:47
zeromodbet there are some mighty penetrable systems there too lol06:47
beatlesfanour biggest issue - everything was built 30 years ago, in silo mode06:47
* zeromod waits to see who wan't to play hack the .gov06:47
tzangerblz: so I've got RAID1/RAID5 arrays which are PVs, then they go into the VG and I carve out a bucnh of areas there... movies, livetv, work data, VMs, etc.06:47
mzzblz: what kind of video stream?06:47
tzangerthis is all on a tired old Pentium4 workstation system06:47
blztzanger:  input from the remote will also get backed up for liek 5 minutes at a time and then BOOM OVER9000 CHANNEL CHANGES06:47
mobi-sheepSunmanXII: You might want to use VLC or MPlayer.  I avoid totem.  :306:47
denonbeatlesfan: storagetek++06:47
beatlesfandslam, bet yourself a copy of ERwin data Modeler06:47
blzmzz:  live tv via cable06:47
tzangerblz: ?? wow I've never run into that06:47
blztzanger:  yeah it weirded me out...06:48
beatlesfanload your current model in and run Model Validator06:48
dSlaMnoted, thanx, beatlesfan06:48
tzangerI get live TV from FTA and ATSC sources06:48
tzangerthen I also grab some stuff online06:48
mzzblz: surprised it can't keep up with that, those streams aren't that high-bandwidth, right?06:48
SunnyDPtzanger: FTA roxxxxxx06:48
blztzanger:  and i'm using a standard pvr150 with the included remote too...06:48
tzangerwife loves the commercial skipping06:48
royalwarecastmy graphic card's driver is on the format of "deb"  I can extract it but how to build it in "pkg.tar.gz"?06:48
tzangershe gets right pissed off when it doesn't work :-)06:48
beatlesfanthat will show you some stuff06:48
blzmzz:  nope sdtv on a raid0 array06:48
tzangerPVR150 is good, I had the 350 for a while06:48
tzangerTHAT added a fair bit of latency :-)06:48
blzmzz:  the box itself is a 3.6 mhz single core with 3 gigs of ram...06:48
blzmzz:  so afaik, it should run smoothly, right?06:49
dSlaMbeatlesfan: it runw on MS OS'es06:49
mzzblz: for just playing back the single stream definitely06:49
mzzblz: (both with and without raid)06:49
beatlesfanDslam, yeah, runs on Windows XP06:49
tzangermzz: if you're not using hardware accel (avivo/vdpau) you'll get stuttering no matter what it is you've got, in my experience06:49
tzangerbut SDTV yeah no worries06:49
blzmzz:  right.  I had two installations prior to that w/o raid and they worked fine... I wonder if it's a seek-latency issue?06:49
beatlesfandslam, it can import or reverse engineer just about any database06:49
beatlesfanComputer Associates - ERwin Data Modeler06:50
beatlesfanvery good product06:50
fxfitzHello! I just installed Intrepid and I just plugged in my second monitor. Is it possible for the second monitor to be the "primary" one?06:50
tzangerend_request: I/O error, dev hdm, sector 37462259106:50
mzztzanger: well, xv is desirable. Was going to ask about gpu and those drivers next, probably :)06:50
tzangeroh for fuck sakes06:50
almosttzanger: would this howto work on 8.04 do you think http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=594094&highlight=loop-aes06:50
blzmzz:  i mean it seems far-fetched, but maybe the lag from 2 disks (as opposed to 1) seeking causes a backup of data that has to be written before myth can execute other commands?06:50
tzangeralmost: what's that for06:50
FloodBot1juancarlos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
dSlaMbeatlesfan: ok thanks i'll try it out at work, i don't have any MS OS'es around here06:50
beatlesfanhola, que tal?06:50
mzzblz: that really shouldn't happen unless for some reason it's not buffering in ram at all, which makes no sense06:51
tzangerhmm both arrays are up, I guess it was just a hard read failure06:51
beatlesfandslam, what OS are you running?06:51
blzblz:  hmm... maybe it's not buffering then? is there an easy way to check that?06:51
blzmzz:  that was meant for you lol06:51
zeromodbeatles you are ruining it06:51
mzzblz: not familiar with myth, sorry06:51
almosttzanger: well in the end I hope to use for encrypting a usb stick06:51
beatlesfanwhat am I ruining?06:51
denonno PureFTPd users in here?06:51
zeromoddont ask nmap him lol fingerprint the homeland offices06:51
juancarloshola.....lo que  pasa que cunado minimizo cual quiro cosa en kde  desaparece  y no se como activar eso nuevamente06:51
blzmzz:  oh lol. sorry06:51
fxfitzIs it possible to make my secondary monitor the "primary" monitor when its plugged in?06:51
denonman, are no FTP admins alive on irc? sucks06:52
* zeromod in best government guy voice "we've detected heavy scanning sir"06:52
blzlosher:  what was the name of that miniature distro you used again?06:52
losherblz: I use a 2Mhz Pentium/512M memory, regular ext3 filesystem, pvr50, and for SDTV there's no stuttering. So maybe it *is* your raid stuff06:52
joot!es | juancarlos06:52
ubottujuancarlos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:52
tzangerblz: I used minimyth06:52
tzangerjuancarlos: you're asking for a ban06:52
blzoh right, it was tzanger. thanks!06:52
dSlaMbeatlesfan: but for the record i think the db is fully normalized, the guy who designed it is very young (~20 when he joined the company) and well i think he did it with his scolar experience, my guess is your idea of denormalize it can be very helpfull06:52
mudittuliafter last ubuntu update, my screen resolution is messed up!, how to correct it ?06:52
losherblz: it was tzanger using minimyth. I use mythtv 0.22 on 8.04.2 LTS06:53
BonezAUhi all, i am running 64 bit ubuntu 9.04, i have an nvidia 9600GT (512mb) graph card and am using the 64 bit flash player from the repos. as soon as I try to full screen a youtube clip or something it goes all slow and choppy. This does not happen on my laptop...only diff is I am running nvidia dualview with 2x 22" monitors. Can anyone suggest how I can improve the flash performance?06:53
dSlaMbeatlesfan: anyway, thanks for your help06:53
zeromod2mhz is pretty fast losher06:53
beatlesfansure, no problem06:53
juancarlosel panel de aabjo cada vez q minimizo desaprece como vuelvo a la nomrmalidad ...active kde  pero desaparecio06:53
mudittulii think its my graphic driver messed up !, but don't know what to do !06:53
zeromodhow does that handle minesweeper?06:53
baryah1i am having problem with the ati drivers version 9.3 on ubuntu 8.10 ..06:53
tzangerjuancarlos: you may want to try #ubuntu-es06:53
tzanger(guessing that was spanish)06:53
blzlosher:  it's the only thing that's changed (besides version-to-version stuff) so maybe.  Losher, was that you who used the raid1/5 or tzanger?06:53
tzangerblz: that was me as well :-)06:54
zeromodprobably isn't your video card drivers more than likely flash plugin non free doing what it does best.06:54
baryah1i have a dell latitude d531 .. with ati x127006:54
blztzanger:  do you record sdtv?06:54
tzangerblz: yes06:54
tzangerand HDTV06:54
* dSlaM still wondering wtf he's doing here, since when xchat autojoin this chan ?06:54
almosttzanger: ok just some of the commands in howto i unclear here is one  sudo m-a fakesource what does m-a mean06:54
=== Spica is now known as Guest48244
tzangerCBC-HD on ATSC FTW06:54
blztzanger:  and you don't get any stuttering?06:54
tzangerblz: hell no06:54
losherblz, zeromod: oops. Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz06:54
=== Guest48244 is now known as Spica_____
blzhmm.... well... I guess I'll try to reinstall without raid when i get a chance06:55
tzangeralmost: that's a good question06:55
blzor maybe i'll try with raid106:55
zeromodlosher I know just joshing ya06:55
blz500GB ain't shabby06:55
saikiis there a firewall in xubuntu by default (and is it usually on?)06:55
tzangerblz: as I said I have two drives in RAID1 and 4 or 5 in RAID506:55
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist06:55
blzsaiki:  there's UCF, but it's off by default06:55
dSlaMiptables XD06:55
icauchyis here a bot?06:55
losherzeromod: no, good catch. Might as well get it right...06:55
tzangerboth of those software raid disks are PVs in the LVM06:55
blzwhat's a PV, tzanger?06:56
tzangerthen I carve XFS filesystems out of it06:56
mzzsaiki: see what ubottu said, but I doubt it's configured by default (this is not a problem because there are no services listening by default either)06:56
tzangerPV = physical volume; they're the physical disks that the LVM uses to assign "blobs" of storage to a given VG06:56
dSlaMhey guys, some of you tried et4 ?06:56
tzangerVG = volume group, a logical blob of storage06:56
zeromodkillall ufw who needs protection lol06:56
dSlaMext4* ?06:56
blztzanger:  so what do you mean by the software raid disk being PVs in the LVM?06:57
zeromoddo the same in the router and click yest to anything that implies dmz06:57
tzangerer blz06:57
tzangerblz: I have 7 drives in my system06:57
mneptokzeromod: usually people that use "lol" as punctuation06:57
tzangerblz: I use software RAID for everything (more than fast enough for my needs)06:57
SunmanXII hi im having problem playing movies in totem - for some reason the movies are playing very slow with no sound...  same issue presents in VLC and mplayer just plays the first two seconds of the movie...how do i fix this?06:57
tzangerblz: 2 drives are RAID1 and give me a logical device md006:57
tzangerblz: 4 drives are RAID5 and give me a logical device md106:57
zeromodmneptok good eye lol06:58
frozenvuhey guy06:58
kellyhtzanger: modern dual/quad core cpus can take the extra cpu hit i find06:58
blztzanger:  aah okay06:58
tzangerblz: I "tag" both of these as PVs06:58
zeromodsee that time it was out of spite not because i was laughing06:58
losher mzz, saiki: there's a lot to be said for that extra feeling of safety running behind a $40 linksys gives you06:58
BonezAUhi all, i am running 64 bit ubuntu 9.04, i have an nvidia 9600GT (512mb) graph card and am using the 64 bit flash player from the repos. as soon as I try to full screen a youtube clip or something it goes all slow and choppy. This does not happen on my laptop...only diff is I am running nvidia dualview with 2x 22" monitors. Can anyone suggest how I can improve the flash performance?06:58
frozenvuhow to set class path variable?06:58
bullgard4NetworkManager applet > left-click shows me 3 radio network items. All three are shown with a symbol to the left of the field strength symbol. It symbolizes a monopole antenna radiation pattern with a shield in the lower right. What is the name of this symbol (icon)?06:58
blztzanger:  that's where you lose me... what does that mean?06:58
tzangerkellyh: I'm running off of a single P4 (not Pentium D, not 64-bit, not virtualizable... a regular old P4)06:58
mzzlosher: I'm behind a headless box running linux instead06:58
dSlaMfrozenvu: eclipse ?06:58
zeromodBonezAU it sounds like flash non free plugin issue how does it perform on other sites that are heavy in flash? www.daddysmonsters.com try my page it's very flash driven06:59
tzangerblz: LVM creates a "blob" of storage called a volume group (VG).  that VG has to have real storage somewhere to actually store what it's asked to store06:59
zeromoddaddysmonsters as in my kids btw lol06:59
dSlaMfrozenvu: project / properties / classpath06:59
bullgard4frozenvu:  A 'class path variable' in what context?06:59
tzangerblz: those "storage units" are known as physical volumes (PV)s06:59
kellyhBonezAU: its a known bug with the 64bit flash w/nvidia. There is no official 64bit native flash for linux, only an alpha which is buggy i found. The flash plugin in firefox etc, runs in a compatibility wrapper as its 32bit only06:59
loshermzz: as long as your behind something. I don't like to sit "naked" on the internet. A nat box is cheap protection06:59
tzangerblz: so my PVs are actually RAID devices which are composed of physical disks06:59
zeromodgood catch kelly06:59
zeromodand for the record flash isn't the best in native 32bit either07:00
tzanger(hdc hde) -> md0, which is a PV for my VG07:00
blztzanger... so you have RAID on top of physical disks... the RAID volume allocates data to the physical volumes in accordance with the RAID type...07:00
kellyhtzanger: even a P4 has enough grunt to cope. I used to use software raid5 (3x36Gb SCSI, 3x500Gb SATA) on a dual pIII/1.26Ghz without issue. paired with XFS, works like a charm :)07:00
zeromodI saw a considerable performance loss with the last flash pluging07:00
tzanger(hdg hdi hdk hdm) -> md1, which is another PV for my VG07:00
SunmanXIIhi im having problem playing movies in totem - for some reason the movies are playing very slow with no sound...  same issue presents in VLC and mplayer just plays the first two seconds of the movie...how do i fix this?07:00
=== amachu is now known as RKR
tzangerthen the VG is just this "blob" of available storage07:00
blztzanger:  then you treat both of those raid disks as one PV? lolwut?07:00
tzangerkellyh: yep it works great and the overhead is minimal07:01
tzangerblz: no07:01
kellyhthough I had issues with RAID5 + Intel ICHR7, caused a lot of problems with DMA and NCT etc... switching to a ICHR9 board solved that thankfully07:01
RKRHi does any body tell me how to install and configure ubuntu server edition07:01
tzangerblz: I have two PVs, one for each RAID device07:01
kellyhtzanger: though at present, i don't use LVM, just RAID + XFS07:01
tzangerthe VG can have up to something like 256 PVs07:01
tzangerI have only two right now07:01
dSlaMRKR: errrr just dl the distro ? XD07:01
tzangerkellyh: I love LVM and software RAID07:01
tzangerI don' thave to worry about the controller dying and taking my array :-)07:01
blzblz:  okay so the first half of that was right, but then you make each raid device a Physical Volume?  I'm not sure what that last bit does...07:01
`brandonhow do i un rar a rar file07:02
blztzanger:  again, that was meant for you lol not me07:02
blzi fail a typing07:02
tzangerblz: as I said, the LVM system needs to have PVs07:02
mzzblz: lvm lets you allocate, resize and move around logical volumes (which you treat as partitions, put filesystems on etc) across physical volumes on the fly, as long as the pvs are all in the same group07:02
dSlaM`brandon: apt-get install unrar07:02
losherblz: before you get busy with raid, why not try a plain old ext3 filesystem and see if the stuttering goes away first?07:02
tzangeryou make a storage device a PV by "marking" it so the LVM system can find it07:02
kellyhtzanger: thats one of the biggest plus points.. i had a hardware raid controller die, was damned lucky i had a spare07:02
zeromodbrandon make sure you have unrar first07:02
RKRdSlaM: I have the CD and i tried to install but i cant get the gui environment07:02
zeromodbrandon sudo apt-get install unrar    type that into a terminal07:02
zeromodbrandon then right click the rar file and extract as normal07:02
saikiI lothe firewalls, I'm on DMZ and no firewall enabled, windows on linux07:02
tzangerkellyh: most people who use hardware RAID controllers are smart enough to have physical hardware backups on the shelf... I could never get the budget for a spare to be lying around07:02
mzzblz: so you can add another raid array to the system, create a pv on it, add that pv to the group, and then grow one of the existing lvs to make use of the space (or add more)07:02
blzI just flashed back to when I was installing my RAID array... and you select the option "pysical volume for RAID"07:02
joottzanger, blz, are you doing ubuntu support?07:03
tzangerand nobody ever noticed any kind of performance issue because it was always on a 100mbit network07:03
tzangerjoot: if something catches my eye I can try to help07:03
blzjoot:  yeah. depends on your problem07:03
tzangerblz: no not quite the same, but close07:03
kellyhtzanger: i got lucky, was given two identical servers, which both had the same identical hardware raid controllers07:03
joottzanger, blz, 10 407:03
tzangerRAID of course needs to know what physical disks it is creating an array out of07:03
blztzanger:  oh god.  mind = raeped07:03
tzangerthe LVM needs to know which "physical" devices it is using for the storage for the VGs you create07:04
dSlaMRKR: i'm not familiar with the server edition, but when i tried it i couldn't get any GUI environment (actually not any graph gard known, my guess is you have to install it or just go with the CLI, it's a server edition after all)07:04
blzSo in any RAID array, you have to have a physical disk, on top of which an lvm is set up, on top of which a RAID array is set up, on top of which a PV is set up?07:04
mzzblz: close, but not quite07:04
tzangerkellyh: for sure, and a lot of high-end RAID cards are fully compatible with arrays created by other hardware of the same vendor07:04
blzso "physical device" is the filesystem?07:04
tzangerkellyh: but again... I've never had that luxury :-)07:04
losherblz: sounds like a lot of work just to record some TV....07:04
blzI apologize again for my utter stupidity...07:04
tzangerblz: let me try again :-)07:04
tzangerthe RAID array needs physical disks to make an array out of07:05
tzangerso I give it physical disks07:05
mzzblz: physical disks -> multiple raids, each raid acts as a pv in a single lvm volume group, any number of lvs (logical volumes) uses space from that group07:05
RKRdSlaM: could you tell me how to configure the server as a DHCP server?07:05
kellyhtzanger: i had to ditch the thing in the end, too noisy for home use lol, core2duo 1.86ghz + SATA works for me now07:05
heshan1I'm a new to Ubuntu, I installed it on my Windows version, then I installed xampp on that, but I cnnot edit php.ini file , says no permission, how to acquire permission for me?07:05
tzangerRAID then gives me a logical disk which is redundant (because it uses the physical hardware in such a way that it enhances the reliability)07:05
tzangeri.e. by mirroring or striping + parity07:05
tzangerso now I have these "better" devices... the two RAID disks07:06
zeromodheshan1 open a termina   and   type  "man chmod" no quotes07:06
RKRheshan1: Did you logeed on as a SUDO user?07:06
tzangernow LVM takes devices and makes them appear as one big disk07:06
blzmzz:  oh. i think i'm getting confused because there's only 1 pv in my logical volume group...07:06
dSlaMRKR: (didn't do it for a very long time, apologies if i'm wrong)  apt-get install dhcpd07:06
blzor no.. i guess there's 2 since i'm running raid007:06
tzangerI say "this array here, and that array there... both of these can be used to store data"07:06
zeromodheshan1 be careful how you set permissions you don't want everyone to have read write access to your files sounds like especially  a php.ini file07:06
dSlaMRKR: then edit /etc/dhcp***something07:06
mzzblz: yeah, but he has two separate raid arrays, so two pvs07:06
RKRdSlaM: No Problem07:07
tzangerso the LVM system says "awesome, so array1 is 250G and array2 is 600G, you now have 850G of storage available in the volume group"07:07
mzzblz: err, wait, are you running raid or lvm or both?07:07
sleepingcreepsalve a tutti07:07
blzmzz:  RAID0 ... i'm assuming on top of an LVM07:07
tzangerRAID0 is a terrible idea. most people who use it never hit the performance benefits anyway07:07
mzzblz: if you're assuming you don't have any lvm set up :)07:07
zeromodhshan1 you could also open a terminal and type  "sudo gedit  /path/to/file  and edit it that way07:07
anom01yhow would I go about upgrading my kubuntu 8.04 to xubuntu 9.04 ?07:07
blztzanger:  yes... i've noticed lol =)07:07
anom01yor do I need to reinstall entirety07:07
zeromodhshan1 that would be safer that chmod 0777 something that sounds like it's going to be on a web server07:07
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading07:08
tzangerblz: think of it this way: RAID gives you more reliable storage by using disks to store the data redundantly... any one disk failure won't make your data go away. right?07:08
kellyhtzanger: RAID10 or RAID50 can work well... if you've the discs07:08
dSlaMRKR: i took a course about that several months ago, if you can't manage to do it with just that tell me i'll look for the stuffs i've written07:08
heshan1RKR: zeromod: I cannot even copy a file to htdocs07:08
blzmzz:  but when I used the althernate cd to set it up, I selected the option of physical volume for raid... I assumed that was lvm-based07:08
mneptok!sudo > heshan107:08
ubottuheshan1, please see my private message07:08
tzangerkellyh: yeah RAID1/5 for me does it, and IIRC linux's implementation automatically stripes as well07:08
blztzanger:  yeah i know about the dangers of raid0... i just tried it because I didn't *really* care about losing my shows07:08
mzzblz: the nice thing about lvm is that you can create any number of partitions with a human-readable name, which you can resize and move across any number of underlying "physical" volumes (can be actual drives, can be raid devices like what tzanger has)07:08
mneptokzeromod: don;t recommend chmod when sudo will do, please07:08
RKRheshan1: Tell me did you logged on as a SUDO user?07:09
mzzblz: I'm pretty sure "physical volume for raid" just means you're using the entire physical drive in a raid (no separate partitions on the drive)07:09
blzmzz:  ah but there are parititons on the drive07:09
tzangerblz: ok. so where RAID uses disks to make your data safer, LVM uses disks and creates a "blob" of storage that can span any number of the disks it is told it can use07:09
heshan1RKR: how can I login to SUDO?07:09
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:09
mneptokheshan1: see the bot's .msg07:09
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:09
blzmzz:  maybe this is why my performance sucks too... but I have a raid1 /boot, a raid0 swap, and a raid0 /07:09
tzangerblz: LVM does not (normally) offer any better reliability, just the ability to use multiple disks as if they were one07:09
p-suti_if i update my ubuntu, do my staff disappear from my hd07:10
zeromodheshan1 you are straying off course bro. One issue at a time, the reason you can't move a file is probably the same reason you can't edit one. Permissions. You should learn how to chmod files and be safe especially since it sounds like you want to run a web server. Or as a quick safer approach at editing the file just open a terminal and without quotes type  "sudo gedit /path/to/your/file.ini"07:10
dSlaMsudo bash07:10
blztzanger;  so if I wanted to, I could just make one regular filesystem (no raid) span across 2 disks...07:10
p-suti_stuff :)07:10
dSlaMAHAHAH I'm king of the box07:10
tzangerblz: EXACTLY07:10
mneptokzeromod: don't recommend chmod when sudo will do, please (x2)07:10
mzzblz: that shouldn't suck, apart from obvious problems like the drives sharing a controller, and even then I'd expect it to keep up until load's really heavy07:10
mneptokzeromod: don't make me ask a third time07:10
kellyhtzanger: main advantage of LVM is not needing to delete partitions when adding more drives07:10
tzangerblz: think of your disks as car seats07:10
blztzanger;  I see.  Now, if one of those disks bit the dust, would *all* my data be gone or just the data on that disk?07:10
RKRheshan1: Are you the only user for that system?07:11
lyraeHi. I have a webcam working in skype. is there a program I can use to alter the brightness/hue/etc?07:11
tzangerblz: if you have a fat guy who won't fit in one car seat, you can't have him sit comfortably in two07:11
anom01ywhat happens when ubuntu 8.04 support runs out ?07:11
zeromodmneptok if you read both lines you'll see i explained the dangers of chmod i also said man page the chmod command and then explained to use sudo and edit it07:11
mzzblz: and even nicer is that you can move the data to a different physical drive (or make it extend onto another physical drive) without having to umount it or edit fstab or whatever07:11
anom01yshould I upgrade to 9.04 ?07:11
anom01yor stay at 8.04 if everything is working ?07:11
Gnome_DannyHey, I got one question, How come I can't get desktop cube enabled on compiz fusion but everything else works fine07:11
dSlaMtzanger: Ryan Air apparently doesn't have any problem with that07:11
tzangerLVM gives you a car with no seats whatsoever.  and you can then custom-build as many seats in any sizes you want, as long as they'll all physically fit in the car07:11
mneptokzeromod: why *even mention* chmod? answer? don't.07:11
anom01yanyone ere run 8.04 ?07:11
tzangerdSlaM: ryan air?07:11
mneptokanom01y: i do07:12
tzangerblz: and yes, if you have one of hte PVs die in an LVM, you're screwed.07:12
blzmzz: but maybe that's why it sutters?  because of conflicts between writing to swap and / ... and that might be compounded by having to heads seek each time?  I mean i (obviously) don't know jack about these things...07:12
Kalmianom01y, upgrade07:12
blztzanger:  so it's just as bad as raid0 on that front07:12
dSlaMtzanger: a low coast airline company, they are thinking about charging really fat people with 2 tickets instead of one ;)07:12
mzzblz: shouldn't suck significantly more than without the raid07:12
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
zeromodmneptok because he is running a web server henceforth permissions are a fact of life. He will need to know what should NOT be 0777 else he's not learning anything he's just typing what I tell him to in the console.07:12
anom01yall right07:12
RKRheshan1: Does any other have some other user account in your system?07:12
blzmzz:  hmm. so the original problem persists...07:12
tzangerblz: yes for the most part.  you CAN tell LVM to do RAID1-like stuff07:12
mzzblz: (and if you're hitting swap regularly on a mythtv box with several GiB of ram something really weird is going on)07:12
blzmzz:  also true07:13
mneptokzeromod: do NOT metion chmod when sudo is the preferred method. clear?!07:13
tzangerblz: for the most part though I am happy to let RAID do its thing, and just give LVM already-redundant storage07:13
Kalmi!upgrade > anom01y07:13
tzangerblz: now07:13
tzangerblz: this is only one part of LVM's good stuff07:13
tzangerblz: LVM also lets you take filesystem snapshots07:13
zeromodOK roger dodger mighty waiving his sysops like arms guy07:13
blztzanger:  is that so?07:13
blzi'm listening07:13
tzangerblz: LVM also lets you carve out filesystems without disturbing ohters07:13
zeromodhappy you get to kick someone now07:13
blzwhat does that mean?07:13
tzangerblz: and LVM also lets you resize the areas you've carved out07:13
RKRdSlaM: PLs see my private message!07:13
U-b-u-n-t-uin the ifconfig which one is the mac address to use for wireless mac filtering07:13
Kalmitzanger, carve?07:13
mneptokzeromod: it's "chanops"07:13
tzangerblz: snapshots? say you want to take a backup.  you normally have to make the filesystem "quiet" for the time you take the backup or your backup can be inconsistent07:14
* zeromod attention everyone chmod is no longer a valid command as mneptok does not approve of it07:14
tzangerblz: and backups can take a long time07:14
mneptokzeromod: but it's nice to know you're uninformed about other things, too07:14
blztzanger:  no i mean carving07:14
kellyhU-b-u-n-t-u: the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx line07:14
* zeromod also we are banning lsmod as its just too hard to read07:14
tzangerblz:  so you what you do is you make the filesystem quiet, tell LVM to take a snapshot, then start everything back up07:14
U-b-u-n-t-ukellyh, there are 207:14
losheranom01y: 8.04.2 LTS is supported until 2011. No need to upgrade unless there's something specific you need that you can't get in 8.0407:14
tzangerand you can take your backup while the system still runs normally, sinc the snapshot is "quiet" (doesn't move)07:14
U-b-u-n-t-ukellyh, one by the eth and one by the wlan07:14
tzangerwhen your backup's done, you release the snapshot07:15
heshanRKR: I have own my account, which is created when I install Ubuntu, the thing is how can I setup development environment in Ubuntu, I installed xampp, but I cannot copy my existing PHP project to htdocs or edit any existing file, this is for local only07:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:15
kellyhU-b-u-n-t-u: it'll be prefixed with HWaddr most likely07:15
tzangerblz: carving out -- what I mean is once you have this "blob" of storage you can make fielsystems as big as you want07:15
tzangerand you can delete them and create other ones, or resize them... all on a "hot" system07:15
blzaah okay07:15
tzangerblz: LVM is a pretty nice technology for servers07:16
tzangerI can also (hardware permitting)07:16
blztzanger:  so for example, I could have an lvm spanning over 2 500gb disks07:16
Kalmi!botabuse > iintens07:16
ubottuiintens, please see my private message07:16
kellyhtzanger: if you use XFS then LVM snapshots arent really needed, xfsdump/xfsrestore handles it all pretty much ;)07:16
=== goose is now known as goose|zZz
tzangeradd a new disk or disks to the system and "assign" them to the VG07:16
blzand then I could add a third disk, and boom, more storage?07:16
mzzblz: filesystems don't have to be completely contiguous on the underlying pvs, so you can resize them, or delete two non-contiguous ones and create a new one using all space freed up, and so on07:16
tzangernow I have more storage without even shutting off the machine07:16
tzangerkellyh: really?07:16
tzangerI haven't taken a good look at xfsdump07:16
jootzeromod, mneptok, could you not have done that in private????07:16
blzi see... interesting07:17
kellyhtzanger: yep07:17
mzzblz: and yes, you can add/remove space (pvs) from the group, and move logical volumes (think "partitions") onto and off that space as necessary, all without having to take stuff offline07:17
RKRheshan: You select the file right click on it and select the permission tab and make a tickmark on the box for Allow the file execution as a program!07:17
blzSo could I even add a USB storage device to an LVM?07:17
ZeroBeholder"as a hardware guy, I always feel that hardware raid/disk agglomeration should be controlled by hardware...07:17
tzangerkellyh: how does xfsdump do that07:17
kellyhtzanger: its pretty good, xfsdump can take a filesystem level dump to tape, file, another disk, across network, you can do incremental dumps etc too07:17
mneptokjoot: enforcement of channel policy is never offtopic.07:17
tzangerthe filesystem needs to be in a consistent state for the entirety of the dump, no?07:17
mzzblz: should work, although I don't know how well that works in practice if the usb drive isn't always available.07:17
ZeroBeholderACC/3WARE make a wide range of suitable inexpensive alternatives07:18
tzangerkellyh: yes, but if a DB server's running, your files on disk are NOT consistent07:18
mneptokjoot: feel free to /join #ubuntu-ops for a second opinion07:18
kellyhtzanger: you can use xfs_freeze for that07:18
varunhello everyone07:18
blzmzz:  right, I was assuming it was always plugged in and running07:18
blzbig assumption though07:18
Kalmi!hi | varun07:18
ubottuvarun: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:18
jootzeromod, mneptok, I did not infer that it is is just looks pretty ugly07:18
blzmzz:  but an lvm is not strictly necessary for RAID, correct?07:18
mneptokjoot: welcome to #ubuntu07:18
tzangerkellyh: to take a snapshot, right?07:18
kellyhtzanger: yep07:18
mzzblz: I use lvm just because I occasionally rearrange partitions and that's *really* messy without it (dealing with partition numbers, having to unmount everything involved to move partitions around on the drive, etc)07:19
jootzeromod, mneptok, many thanks07:19
tzangerkellyh: because a filesystem-level tool will NOT know if a filesystem is in a consistent state if a userspace app is holding data in memory07:19
telexiconso, the brightness controls on my keyboard for my laptop haven't worked for a few ubuntu releases now, are there any fixes for this?07:19
anom01yKalmi, mneptok, is it possible to switch from kubuntu to xubuntu without using a cd ?07:19
kellyhtzanger: for backup/restore of XFS filesystems xfsdump is pretty darned good07:19
ZeroBeholdersorry screen scrolling, reading07:19
telexicontzanger, why not?07:19
mneptokanom01y: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:19
Gnome_Dannyhey does anybody remember that bundles all these video codecs, etc?07:19
varunam trying to install acetoneiso 2.0.3 but getting this error:dependency not satisfyable libqt4-webkit on intrepid07:19
telexicontzanger, the data wouldnt be consistent, but the filesystem metadata is07:19
varunhello kalmi and ubottu07:19
Gnome_DannySomebody helped me with this last time, I reinstalled ....07:19
tzangerkellyh: so the procedure's pretty much tell DB to flush/prepare for snapshot, xfs_freeze, tell db to continue, then xfs_dump?07:19
varunu guys from the US07:19
kellyhXFS is all about the metadata07:19
tzangertelexicon: filesystem metadata is of no use if the DB will barf because the backup was not of a consistent dataset07:20
blztzanger:  just to be clear, a RAID array does not necessarily require an lvm, correct?07:20
tux91Hello. I'm trying to install ubuntu on my flash drive using usb-creator. The capicity of the stick is 1G, but usb-creator says it's only about 300 megs and cannot continue. The stick is formatted with a single FAT16 partition. Any ideas?07:20
telexicontzanger, no07:20
kellyhtzanger: yep probably07:20
telexicontzanger, what database are you using?07:20
tzangerblz: hell no07:20
rgmzhow do i get permission to edit and save text using text editor07:20
mzzblz: you can use raid without lvm, you can use lvm without raid07:20
telexicontzanger, most database software makes sure to be consistent at any point in time, its part of being ACID compliant07:20
tzangertelexicon: anything -- doesn't have to be a DB but thye're usually the most notorious. postgres, mysql, etc.07:20
mzzblz: they do make a pretty convenient combination though.07:20
tzangertelexicon: no07:20
tzangertelexicon: ACID compliance is on the SQL end07:20
tzangernot the filesystem end07:20
telexicontzanger, if you take a snapshot of postgres, or mysql (using innodb), it will be consistent at any point in time07:20
bullgard4NetworkManager applet > left-click shows me 3 radio network items. All three are shown with a symbol to the left of the field strength symbol. It symbolizes a monopole antenna radiation pattern with a shield in the lower right. What is the name of this symbol (icon)?07:20
Kalmivarun, you could install the xubuntu-desktop package and switch desktop environment at the login screen07:20
tzangerif I have to flush() after every transaction my performance would grind to a halt07:21
telexicontzanger, but to do it on the SQL end07:21
tzangerACID just means that the SQL-visible data is always consistent07:21
telexicontzanger, it has to do it on the filesystem side07:21
varunso I cant do it with ubuntu07:21
rgmzhow do i get permission to edit and save text using text editor07:21
Kalmivarun, yes, you can07:21
telexicontzanger, no it means, when you commit a transaction, it is safely stored on disk07:21
tzangertelexicon: no, if I take a snapshot of postgres without telling it to flush all data to disk, the restored backup may not be in a good state07:21
mzzrgmz: save text where?07:21
blztzanger, mzz:  okay... brace for dumb question.  if losing one disk in the lvm borks your whole system, doesn't it make RAID1 useless?07:21
Kalmivarun, all you need to do is install the xubuntu-desktop package07:21
tzangertelexicon: I do not believe that ACID has anything to do with the safety of data07:21
telexicontzanger, the database will be consistent, all committed transactions will be there07:21
tzangerCOMMIT does not mean flushed to disk07:22
telexiconyes it does07:22
tzangerCOMMIT means that the next query will see it07:22
rgmzmzz i want edit grub menu.lst07:22
tzangerwhere's our DHS guy07:22
mzzblz: the lvm gets unhappy if one of its pvs dies. But if those pvs are actually mirrored raid devices, those devices can deal with one drive dropping out (the lvm never even notices)07:22
tzangerdSlaM: you still around?07:22
Juzman-EeePCany reason why i cant update to 9.10?07:22
quibblerrgmz-> if it is a system file you need to be root use  gksudo gedit /path/to/file07:22
Juzman-EeePCi ran: sudo do-release-upgrade but says no updates07:22
mzzrgmz: you'd have to run the editor as root (I usually use a terminal-based editor for that, but something like "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" should work too07:22
blzmzz:  oooh, so the lvm-specific data is also mirrored? if that makes sense...07:23
varunI am new to ubuntu so gimme a way to do this.The problem with xubntu package is I donot have enough space on my home drive07:23
kellyhJuzman-EeePC: its not released yet.07:23
KalmiJuzman-EeePC, 9.10 is not yet out...07:23
varunbtw is it available in the repos in intrepid07:23
blzso the LVM, is on top of the raid array?07:23
Juzman-EeePCKalmi: But it'sin alpha, yeah?07:23
mzzblz: that's the idea, yes07:23
rgmzmzz thanks07:23
kellyhthe 10 in 9.10 is for october, just as the 04 in 9.04 is for April07:23
tzangerblz: RAID does not need LVM to be useful, and LVM does not need RAID to be useful07:23
rgmzquibbler thanks07:23
KalmiJuzman-EeePC, pre-pre-alpha07:23
tzangerblz: I just really like the benefit of creating LVMs out of RAIDed arrays07:23
telexicontzanger, ill just ask, but im pretty sure thats how it rolls07:23
blztzanger, mzz:  it's all starting to make sense now... thanks for putting up with me07:23
ZeroBeholderIf you have fairly static and long term partitions, I suggest RAID.  However, if you find yourself resizing partitions and performance is of less concern, then software  agglomeration like lvm is more than acceptable as the other person has suggested (specifically lvm).07:23
mzzblz: if you lose one drive in the raid the raid device remains available. So if you run lvm on top of that raid device the lvm volume group doesn't notice the drive dropping out at all07:24
mathiashi, how to I install xen on jaunty? I can find any xen kernel image for use as dom007:24
dSlaMtzanger: yep ??07:24
Juzman-EeePCKalmi: according to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-1/ it's Alpha 107:24
lyraeHow can i find out which driver a webcam is using?07:24
=== mj is now known as Guest69612
ZeroBeholdersorry for the redundant redundancy...07:24
KalmiJuzman-EeePC, why would you want to install it?07:24
tzangertelexicon: it's been a whle since I've done DBA, but as I recall, a COMMIT just means that other SQL queries will now see the updated data state, and any queries that occur BEFOR the COMMIT wil see the old data07:24
tzangerdSlaM: COMMIT has nothing to do with the data being stored properly on disk does it?07:25
RHorselyrae lshw, lsusb?07:25
telexicontzanger, well thats true on the SQL side, but the database software (i have postgres in mind), makes guarantees about the data integrity07:25
tzangerCOMMIT and transactions just ensure ACID compliance, and that has nothing to do with on-disk07:25
klenixadvice me ubuntu application for electronic schematic drawing.07:25
blzso bottom line for me (since I rarely mess with my partitions), I'm looking at either an LVM if I want to morph two drives into one logical drive, or RAID1 if I want redundancy, but not both07:25
lyraeRHorse: lsusb didnt give much. let me try others07:25
ZeroBeholderIf I remember correctly COMMIT forces queued actions to be written to disk.07:25
Juzman-EeePCKalmi: Newer kernel / gnome / gcc07:25
tzangertelexicon: with fsync=true, sure, but no sane system runs that way for performance reasons07:25
BonezAUhi all, i am running 64 bit ubuntu 9.04, i have an nvidia 9600GT (512mb) graph card and am using the 64 bit flash player from the repos. as soon as I try to full screen a youtube clip or something it goes all slow and choppy. This does not happen on my laptop...only diff is I am running nvidia dualview with 2x 22" monitors. Can anyone suggest how I can improve the flash performance?07:25
mathiashi, how to I install xen on jaunty? I can find any xen kernel image for use as dom007:25
varun@Kalmi couldnt I just install something smaller like some correct dependencies to get the acetoneiso working07:26
dSlaMtzanger: not at all07:26
ozzmosisklenix: Kicad .. http://www.lis.inpg.fr/realise_au_lis/kicad/07:26
kellyhJuzman-EeePC: it could well be broken in a lot of places07:26
Juzman-EeePCkellyh: Then report bugs ;-)07:26
telexicontzanger, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID#Durability07:26
dSlaMtzanger: sorry i didn't read, i assume you mean SVN commit ?07:26
KalmiJuzman-EeePC:, aren't you happy with jaunty?07:26
telexicondSlaM, SQL COMMIT07:26
tzangerdSlaM: no, SQL transactions07:26
dSlaMlol sorry07:27
telexicontzanger, most databases use a transaction log07:27
mzzblz: no, both makes perfect sense07:27
telexicontzanger, that is fsync'd to disk as transactions are committed07:27
blzmzz:  for me? why?07:27
kellyhJuzman-EeePC: depends if you're using it for something critical or not07:27
dSlaMtzanger: i'll need a little more explanations to answer then, what was the question already ?07:27
ozzmosisBonezAU: Adobe's Flash plugin is just slow.  For youtube stuff you can use youtube-dl, then mplayer to watch in fullscreen.07:27
xUltrai just installed Ubuntu for the first time, and getting dual monitors setup. I am using the nvidia driver.. but it looks like the nvidia twinview isnt launching on startup... and ive figured out that when i start 'sudo nvidia-settings' in the terminal the other monitor finally starts working07:27
RKRheshan:  Are you online?07:27
ZeroBeholderMost databases will line up a few transactions before writing to make use of sequential read/write on the platters.  Which with spindles (conventional SATA/PATA/SCSI hard drives) can drive performance up.  COMMIT forces an early write.07:27
kubuntuGuyI am having a hard time installing ubuntu 9.04 on my emac, the onboard dvd player is dead and I cant seem to get it to boot off of a usb drive or external cd rom.07:27
tzangertelexicon: hmm, yes I suppose the transaction log would be consistered safe (and fsync()'d) -- but there is no guarantee that the transation log is on the same filesystem as the main database07:28
BonezAUozzmosis, how come it plays fine in windows but not ubuntu?07:28
kellyhozzmosis: its cos it is 32bit in a 64bit wrapper on 64bit Linux07:28
mzzblz: if you have more than one partition you'd have to partition both drives identically, then create one separate software raid device per partition if you don't use lvm, because iirc linux doesn't let you put regular partitions on top of a software raid device (correct me if I'm spreading fud here)07:28
DaZBonezAU: what processor07:28
tzangertelexicon: and in fact often is not for various performance reasons, much the same way swap is not kept on the same spindle of high performance systems07:28
BonezAUDaZ: AMD dual core 6000+07:28
telexicontzanger, sure, why not07:28
ozzmosiskellyh: that may be part of it, but it's slow even on 32-bit systems.07:28
heshanRKR: I don't have permission to modify ot07:28
BonezAUkellyh, it is the native 64 bit, not the 32 bit in the wrapper07:28
mzzblz: with lvm you can create one single software raid device, then run lvm on top of that device (with only a single pv). This is more flexible and equally safe.07:28
kellyhBonezAU: you're running 32bit Windows i take it?07:28
klenixozzmosis: does it has complete library07:29
BonezAUkellyh, yes07:29
tzangerdSlaM: I'm just trying to remember if ACID compliance means that once a transaction is COMMITted, it is safe on the disk07:29
ozzmosisklenix: I don't know07:29
kellyhBonezAU: there is no official native 64bit07:29
DaZi have the same graphic card, intel7200 and it works smoothly <:07:29
ozzmosiskellyh: there is a beta, afaik07:29
DaZthere is -.-07:29
BonezAUkellyh, well im running the one in the ubuntu repos07:29
kellyhthe only native 64bit from Adobe is alpha07:29
tzangerdSlaM: i.e. if the system were to hardlock immediately after a COMMIT, if that transaction would be safe07:29
ozzmosisok, alpha07:29
BonezAUin my firefox addons it shows "Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22"07:29
dSlaMtzanger: oh ok07:29
ozzmosisBonezAU: blame Adobe, essentially07:30
kellyhand its buggy :/ it fixes some bugs, but breaks other things (iPlayer caused firefox to bomb i found)07:30
dSlaMtzanger: i'm not sure of that07:30
bullgard4'~$ iwconfig; eth1 NOT READY! ESSID:off/any." 'sudo ifdown eth1; ifdown: interface eth1 not configured.' '~$ sudo ifup eth1; Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1'. How can I configure interface eth1?07:30
ozzmosisklenix: apt-get install kicad .. it's not a big download07:30
Juzman-EeePCKalmi: Yeah. Jaunty is fine. I just like trying newer things07:30
BonezAUso am I better off using the alpha 64 bit version from adobe or the 32 bit version in the wrapper?07:30
kubuntuGuygoing to bed07:30
kellyhBonezAU: what does it say along with that?07:30
blzmzz:  Let me get this straight.  As of right now each disk has 3 equally-sized partitions (/boot, swap, /), but with an lvm, I could set up both disks as RAID1 and then make an lvm on top of that, and then set up any partitioning scheme I want?07:30
DaZBonezAU: 64bit07:30
ZeroBeholdermzz,blz > Depends on the controller, we have a few we sell that can do some really gnarly stuff...07:31
mzzblz: well, /boot is a bit of a problem.07:31
kellyhBonezAU: ie, what filename07:31
blzmzz:  doesn't that ammount to the same thing?07:31
tzangerdSlaM: your'e a professinal data modeller and work iwth DBs on a far more initmate level than me, so I didn't want to say "for sure" unless I knew... AFAIK the durability part of ACID just meant that the DB was in a consistent state as far as the DB was concerned, not necessarily the system07:31
dSlaMtzanger: IMO if a transaction is transmitted it's like the query was written, but like any query if the system crash the table data might be compromised aren't they ?07:31
kellyh(in about:plugins in firefox)07:31
mzzZeroBeholder: I'm thinking software raid here07:31
klenixozzmosis: yes already, thanks man.07:31
* DaZ thought ubuntu has 64bit flashplayer in repo07:31
telexicontzanger, why would they design a system that way?07:31
tzangerdSlaM: the wikipedia page seems to suggest that the transaction log will be flushed after every commit, but that seems like an awful performance impact07:31
KalmiJuzman-EeePC, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=upgrade+to+karmic+koala&l=107:31
RKRheshan: Go for system-> Administration->Users and groups   at first you unlock it by providing your password here you can set your own permissions!07:31
BonezAUkellyh, there is no filename. but when i look in synaptic, the 'flashplugin-nonfree' package description is: (which is the exact same alpha version that you download from the adobe site, in 64 bit)07:31
telexicontzanger, what performance impact?07:31
blzmzz:  my point is that I have 2 disks, so I still don't see what an lvm has to offer... maybe I'm just missing the point07:31
tzangertelexicon: of doing a fsync() after every commit07:32
telexicontzanger, say, its a linear log, and you're processing many transactions per second07:32
dSlaMtzanger: yep that's my thounght, the DB is in a consistant state ("ACID" view") but if the system was to crach, i'm not sure of the result07:32
mzzblz: you'd still win a bit if you ever add drives, but yeah, not that much point if you'll never have more than two logical volumes in the group07:32
telexicontzanger, then it'd probably group COMMITs and fsync() multiple transactions as a group07:32
tzangerbut again07:32
tzangerlet's say there are 5 commits pending07:32
mzzblz: I have *one* physical disk in this system and still use lvm, just because partitioning is more convenient.07:32
tzangeryou crash.07:32
telexicontzanger, also, since its a log, its just moving forward across the disk instead of random access07:32
kellyhBonezAU: it shows 10.0 r22 in my firefox, and its from the repos, but it also shows: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so07:32
tzangerthose 5 commits would NOT necessarily be on disk.07:32
BonezAUkellyh, let me look again07:32
ZeroBeholderFollow the other guy's advice then.  We don't make any money off of software RAID, so that is where most of my knowledge comes from.  I will be of less use.07:32
telexicontzanger, right07:32
U-b-u-n-t-uin the ifconfig which one is the mac address to use for wireless mac filtering07:33
Kalmi!karmic | Juzman-EeePC07:33
ubottuJuzman-EeePC: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:33
telexicontzanger, say, from an API level07:33
ZeroBeholderNight all.07:33
tzangertelexicon: that's what I'm talking about07:33
tzangerthe filesystem does not know it has data to write yet07:33
dSlaMtzanger: really ? that's a pretty good question actually,07:33
telexicontzanger, you make a commit() call, its not committed until the function returns07:33
mzztzanger: depends on how the db is configured, I'm pretty sure07:33
KalmiZeroBeholder, morning all07:33
BonezAUkellyh, no, all mine says is "Shockwave Flash" and on the next line it says "Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22"07:33
loshertzanger: I'm far from a DB expert, but I thought a commit was about consistency of the data, which doesn't necessarily imply a disk write, whereas durability refers to whether the data will survive e.g. a power cycle, which in practice requires some kind of disk write....07:33
kellyhnpwrapper is the cause of all the performance issues (and/or compiz apparently)07:33
telexicontzanger, if you're using an asynchronous request, its not committed until you get a success response07:33
kellyhBonezAU: hmm07:33
mzzlosher: yep07:33
tzangermzz: yes, I know that postgres in particular has options to control how often to fsync() to actually flush the cache to disk07:33
kellyhBonezAU: which repo are you using to get that?07:33
mzztzanger: yep07:33
blzmzz:  right, i get that.  but since I never parition and I only have two phisical HDDs, there's no point.  I should pick lvm or RAID1 depending on my goals (unified storage or redundancy)07:33
Juzman-EeePCKalmi: ty07:33
telexicontzanger, it doesnt send the success response until fsync() returns07:33
U-b-u-n-t-ukellyh, they both had the HWaddr07:33
BonezAUthe only repos I use are the normal ubuntu ones and medibuntu07:33
kellyhBonezAU: medibuntu?07:34
BonezAUkellyh, yes07:34
tzangertelexicon: yes, but you don't necessarily fsync() after every commit. that's my point; if you aren't fsync()ing after every commit, then the DISK state is not necessarily consistent when you take a backup07:34
DaZ!medibuntu > kellyh07:34
ubottukellyh, please see my private message07:34
U-b-u-n-t-ukellyh,  there are two mac address both start with  HWaddr  one is in wlan0 and one in ether007:34
dsdeizhow do i start xmms2 in gui? :D07:34
mattwj20021hi guys I need some help....when I try to play video in ubuntu I get a black screen but audio plays fine07:34
BonezAU!medibuntu > BonezAU07:34
ubottuBonezAU, please see my private message07:34
quibbler!medibunt | kellyh07:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about medibunt07:34
dSlaMlosher: i'm not a DB expert either, but i work with them everyday, and actually i was sure that the consistancy of the data were assured in a DB POINT OF VIEW, (therefore not in the "disk" point of view"07:34
dSlaMi don't know if i'm understood07:34
quibbler!medibuntu | kellyh07:35
ubottukellyh: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:35
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
mattwj20021it looks like the video is playing on a secondary screen or something07:35
lyraeRHorse: didnt work07:35
mattwj20021help would really be appreciated07:35
kellyhBonezAU: hmm, thats te exact same package i've installed, npwrapper is the 32bit wrapper thingy07:35
mzztzanger: gets even trickier because unless your hardware's decent even an fsync doesn't necessarily guarantee it's safely on disk :)07:35
lyraeRHorse: it listed usb ports, but not devices connected to it07:35
tzangermzz: yes, but as a hardware engineer I know ther eare tricks for that too07:35
bullgard4NetworkManager applet > left-click shows me 3 radio network items. All three are shown with a symbol to the left of the field strength symbol. It symbolizes a monopole antenna radiation pattern with a shield in the lower right. What is the name of this symbol (icon)?07:35
BonezAUkellyh, i have no package called npwrapper installed07:35
mattwj20021anyone have any ideas?07:35
tzangeryou can flush to disk and the on-disk cache may return "data's safe" when it's not07:35
kellyhU-b-u-n-t-u: wlan0 is your wifi, ether0 is likely onboard ethernet07:36
RHorselyrae nothing under lshw or lspci?07:36
mzztzanger: which makes for great benchmark scores!07:36
BonezAUkellyh, open synaptic and search for 'flashplugin' and see if you have two packages that show up, one called flashplugin-nonfree and one called flashplugin-installer07:36
telexicontzanger, theres stuff like barriers, and battery backed cache07:36
mzztzanger: and we all care about those!07:36
dSlaMi'm sure people already experienced a corrup DB evene if the data were written before07:36
BonezAUkellyh, then tell me what the version numbers are07:36
tzangerbut there are little tricks there too, like when disk power fails it uses the rotating spindles to give enough juice to write cache to disk as the disk spins down... but that's a dangerous game as well07:36
tzangertelexicon: yep07:36
blzalright guys... I'm going to bed07:36
blzthanks for the help07:36
dSlaMthat's why my first thought was, commit doesn't necessarilly mean datais written07:36
kellyh10.0.22.87ubuntu2 BonezAU07:36
blzmzz, tzanger:  special thanks to you guys07:37
mattwj20021I am thinking it might be a driver issue or something07:37
telexiconbut if it returns commit success, and then there is power loss07:37
tzangerall kinds of things you can do... but again from a disk point of view, you still have to tell the DB "I am gonna need this on disk now", *THEN* xfs_freeze/LVM snapshot, *THEN* tell the DB to continue, *THEN* backup.07:37
telexiconthen it fails the D in ACID07:37
BonezAUkellyh, exact same as me. do you have problems with crappy playback in full screen?07:37
U-b-u-n-t-ukellyh, that is obvious I want to know which one to use in my mac filtering for the router07:37
kellyhBonezAU: not tried fullscreen tbh07:37
RHorsemattwj20021 have you dl'd all the codecs?07:37
tzangertelexicon: I definitely agree with you in theory, but I also know that the difference between theory and practise is that in theory, there is no difference between theory and practise. :-)07:37
kellyhi had issues with slowdown and screen going grey, turning compiz off fixed that for the most part though07:38
BonezAUkellyh, ok07:38
telexicontzanger, lol07:38
JackGrayU-b-u-n-t-u: start with don't use mac filtering07:38
telexicontzanger, i remember reading something in the mysql docs about this07:38
mattwj2002!medibuntu > mattwj200207:38
ubottumattwj2002, please see my private message07:38
BonezAUkellyh, i am going to try turning off all my desktop effects and see what happens in full screen, brb07:38
kellyhU-b-u-n-t-u: the wlan0 if you want to add your wifi to your mac filter on your router07:38
telexicontzanger, myisam isnt ACID compliant, so you'd have to do something like you recommend, telling the db before you make a backup07:38
telexicontzanger, but InnoDB you can just snapshot07:38
tzangertelexicon: I have never trusted mysql ever since they started claiming they were ACID compliant by virtue of redefining what ACID meant :-)07:38
bullgard4[Ubuntu 9.0 after thawing.] '~$ iwconfig; eth1 NOT READY! ESSID:off/any.' 'sudo ifdown eth1; ifdown: interface eth1 not configured.' '~$ sudo ifup eth1; Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1'. How can I configure the interface eth1?07:38
telexicontzanger, let me see if i can reference that07:38
tzangernow granted that was a LONG time ago07:38
KalmiU-b-u-n-t-u: go back to #windows!07:38
trupheenixhi i'm having an issue where i am unable to connect to my nokia phone over bluetooth. i do lsusb, my usb device shows up. however when i do hcitool scan, it says no device found. :(07:39
dSlaMtzanger: as telexicon says, innodb "should" be acid compliant ;)07:39
trupheenixhcitool dev also gives nothing07:39
tzangertrupheenix: is the module loaded for your particular BT dongle?07:39
lyraeRHorse: nope. lsusb says 'Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04f2:a133 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Gateway Webcam' but not the driver its using07:39
JackGrayKalmi: aw that's not nice what was that for...07:39
trupheenixhowever with lsusb it shows up07:39
tzangertrupheenix: what does lsusb | grep -i blue say07:40
tzangershould only be one line07:40
trupheenixtzanger: hmmm it's an internal bluetooth adapter in my laptop07:40
tzangertrupheenix: ok, bluetooth dongle, internal bluetooth dongle...s ame thing :-)07:40
telexicontzanger, "For cases of operating system crashes or power failures, we can assume that MySQL's disk data is available after a restart. The InnoDB data files might not contain consistent data due to the crash, but InnoDB reads its logs and finds in them the list of pending committed and non-committed transactions that have not been flushed to the data files. InnoDB automatically rolls back those transactions that were not committed, and flushes to07:40
telexicon its data files those that were committed"07:40
trupheenixtzanger: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 413c:8126 Dell Computer Corp. Wireless 355 Bluetooth07:40
tzangertelexicon: hmm, ok07:40
lazyangelhow do i set the env for ruby? /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory07:40
kellyhodd, medibuntu doesn't list any flash player on the packages list07:41
tzangertrupheenix: sounds like an HCI_USB device07:41
kellyhso BonezAU flash can't be coming from there, unless they've missed it off...07:41
trupheenixtzanger: yea but nothing under the dev tree07:41
dSlaMtrupheenix: i got a BT dongle as well,  couldn't make it work with my sony-ericson S500I, until i installed.... gbluetooth...... can't figure out what was the problem, but it worked.... god do whatever he does in mysterious ways07:41
=== Ranaka732 is now known as Ranakah
tzangertrupheenix: lsmod | grep hci_uart07:42
tzangertrupheenix: what's that show07:42
BonezAUkellyh, it seems to be working heaps better now that i've turned off all my visual effects... what a bummer07:42
tzangerBonezAU: what video card?07:43
mattwj2002hi guys07:43
dSlaMtelexicon: what happens in the same case with myisam ?07:43
mattwj2002can I get some help please?07:43
BonezAUtzanger, Nvidia 9600GT 512mb07:43
=== Seti-high is now known as SetiAmon
dsdeizanyone knows what xmms client he is using here? http://linuxreviews.org/software/media-sound/07:43
tzangerBonezAU: ahh okay... can't help you there :-)07:43
JackGraymattwj2002: ask and ye shall receive young grasshopper...07:43
quibbler!ask | mattwj200207:43
ubottumattwj2002: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:43
dsdeizthe #4 in the screenshot :D07:43
trupheenixtzanger: nothin07:43
mattwj2002thank you07:43
BonezAUtzanger, ah well at least i know what the issue is now :)07:43
Kalmi!ask | mattwj200207:43
tzangertrupheenix: hmm okay07:43
BonezAUkellyh, cheers for ur help07:43
dSlaMtelexicon: transaction apart of course, let's say "insert into" is being performed07:43
mattwj2002I am getting a black screen when I try to play video with ubuntu07:44
kellyhBonezAU: yeah i think its a combination bug, between flash, nvidia drivers (You're using the nvidia binary drivers yes?) and compiz/visual effects07:44
mattwj2002I found a work around but it is a pain07:44
SetiAmonHey just out of curiosity what irc client do you guys use?I use konversation07:44
kellyhSetiAmon: X-Chat07:44
mattwj2002if I switch the output in vlc for example to x11 it work07:44
BonezAUkellyh, yes, nvidia binary from repos, all makes sense now too. thank you07:44
dSlaMxchat too07:44
Kalmi!offtopic | |SetiAmon07:44
ubottu|SetiAmon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:44
* DaZ uses flash, nvidia drivers and composite and... it works :f07:44
tzangertrupheenix: google's indicating that there may be some trickiness to getting that particular dongle to work with linux07:45
kellyhBonezAU: an irritating bug to be sure, hopefully it'll be resolved soon/by 9.1007:45
mattwj2002what is causing this blank screen?07:45
SetiAmonnot really off topic Kalmi as these are clients that come packed with ubuntu07:45
Gnome_DannyHey, Any idea on how to increase fan rates on a dell laptop using linux?07:45
Kalmimattwj2002, try disabling desktp effect07:45
BonezAUkellyh, that would be nice07:45
NuclearStatanyone know an easy way to get SATA DVD to work with linux07:45
tzangertrupheenix: hciconfig -a gives anything ?07:45
losherdsdeiz: if you follow the links, it looks like xmms 1.2.11. There are ubuntu packages...07:45
lazyangelhow do i set the env for ruby? /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory07:45
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:45
kellyhNuclearStat: should just work if the SATA controller is supported07:45
tzangerChr|s: he did ask his question..07:45
mattwj2002it works!07:46
dsdeizlosher: I only see xmms2 in the repo07:46
NuclearStatSATA CDROMS don't seem to want to boot, for me...07:46
=== rt1 is now known as rt
dsdeizis that the same? :S07:46
* mattwj2002 buys Kalmi a beer07:46
kellyhNuclearStat: might be your bios can't boot cdroms from sata?07:46
trupheenixtzanger: nothing07:46
Kalmimattwj2002, but you have lost the pretty effects... what kind of video card do you have?07:46
tzangerhmm... I'm not sure if I can help07:46
NuclearStatIDE proliferations are weakest at boot time POST errors, galore.07:46
losherdsdeiz: sorry, dunno then. I don't use it myself...07:47
mzzlazyangel: that translates to "you don't have ruby installed, or the main executable isn't called just "ruby""07:47
jmarsdenlazyangel: sudo apt-get install ruby   # to install it ?07:47
mattwj2002ati express x1150 I think07:47
NuclearStatEven UltimateBOOT CD won't cut it.07:47
mzzlazyangel: so yeah, what jmarsden said07:47
kellyhNuclearStat: what kind of POST errors?07:47
NuclearStatPoor little old FreeDos, nuthin'07:47
tzangertrupheenix: you have installed the bluez-utils package?07:48
NuclearStatxcdrom driver is under development, I hope.07:48
SetiAmonI haven't tried my cdrom yet,it loaded off the livecd so i imagine it would work.07:48
losherdsdeiz: I went to http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~knuta/xmms/jaunty/ and I see debs for xmms 1.2.11 as promised...07:49
NuclearStati ain't goin' bak to IDE.  forget it, already.07:49
SetiAmonI thought IDE was discontinued awhile ago07:49
mattwj2002now my HDTV works07:49
dSlaMNuclearStat: why that ? :)07:49
NuclearStatdon't like ide's07:49
dsdeizlosher: thanks for the info, mate :)07:49
trupheenixtzanger: let me checks07:50
kellyhNuclearStat: the drives are the same apart from the connector07:50
SetiAmon10 years ago i had a lot of problems with linux.infact the only linux that worked on my pc was SuSE07:50
NuclearStatxcdrom is the issue, and I can't find a suitable copy for compile.07:50
trupheenixtzanger: yes installed07:50
dSlaMNuclearStat: what's your problem already ? cnat' find it from this mess07:50
tzangertrupheenix: just for fun07:51
tzangertrupheenix: sudo modinfo hci_uart07:51
NuclearStatubuntu boots fine, but utilities are sparse.  and WD doesn't even talk to me, much07:51
tzangertrupheenix: sudo modprobe hci_uart07:51
dSlaMmmmmm okay07:51
losherNuclearStat: you sound confused. You don't like IDE but your sata dvd won't boot. What's left? Telepathy?07:51
trupheenixtzanger: already done... no use :(07:51
bullgard4[Ubuntu 9.0 after thawing.] '~$ iwconfig; eth1 NOT READY! ESSID:off/any.' 'sudo ifdown eth1; ifdown: interface eth1 not configured.' '~$ sudo ifup eth1; Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1'. How can I configure the interface eth1?07:51
NuclearStatYes, get a check. up?07:51
NuclearStatdon't make me go nuclear, already!07:52
tzangertrupheenix: you don't have bluetooth disabled or something do you? ("radio" button/switch)07:52
dSlaMlosher: wasn'it a time were hdd were in serial os an even worst format ? perhaps it would do the job07:52
owen1i have nvidia and got 2 monitors. how to make both work (not as one big screen but two seperate)?07:52
Kalmibullgard4, have you added anything to /etc/network/interfaces?07:52
trupheenixtzanger: no it's very much enabled. bluetooth led is on.07:52
tzangertrupheenix: google mentioned having to boot to windows and make sure it was enabled in that OS07:52
tzangertrupheenix: sorry then... I don't know what else to do with that particular issue07:52
kellyhowen1: you need to use the nvida settings tool and configure them for twinview07:53
trupheenixtzanger: if bluetooth was disabled, it wouldn't even show up in lsusb07:53
tzangertrupheenix: generally speaking that is true07:53
NuclearStatlosher, basically it's the driver __xcdrom__ for SATA.  Can't get it to work with my setup.07:53
dSlaMhe left !!! :!'(07:53
owen1kellyh: i tried. isn't twinview makes them one giant screen?07:53
kellyhowen1: no, twinview is what makes them seperate07:53
kellyhowen1: both DVI? or VGA?07:54
dSlaMNuclearStat: oh it's not a hdd problem ???07:54
owen1kellyh: one vga one dvi07:54
NuclearStatNot really.  Boot issue on SATA DVD writer.  Ubuntu fine, repartition at BOOT level.  No go, no zeroing the disk.07:54
owen1kellyh: in nvidia-settings, sohuld i choose 'seperate X screen' for each of them?07:54
losherNuclearStat: some older bioses don't support booting from SATA. Are you sure yours does07:54
bullgard4Kalmi: 'cat /etc/network/interfaces; auto lo; iface lo inet loopback'.07:55
kellyhowen1: yes07:55
NuclearStatYes, UBUNTU is great.  Love 9,0407:55
kellyhowen1: was just reminding myself as you asked07:55
Kalmibullgard4, ok... you didn't touch it...07:55
dSlaMNuclearStat: i assume the questiopn was already asked, can't you fink another cd reader, IDE or something ?07:55
NuclearStatabsolutey, ain't gonna'07:55
kellyhNuclearStat: what SATA chipset?07:55
owen1kellyh: i get error when trying to do that. give me a second to paste it here. (can't copy paste, it's on the UI, not terminal)07:55
NuclearStatNVIDIA 820007:56
NuclearStatcpu 775007:56
NuclearStatno overclock07:56
dSlaMsorry can't help you on that one, never dealt with sata cd drives07:56
gioalguem fala português?07:56
NuclearStatIt's my first SATA, and Inet searches yield little.07:56
losher!br | gio07:56
ubottugio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.07:56
kellyhnever heard of nvidia 8200 chipset07:56
dSlaMgio> nop, you might want to go to an #ubunto-XX chan where XX is your country07:56
maxmahemAny help in getting a bluetooth mouse to pair reliably/automatically? I can pair it with hidd -search but it doesn't last after a suspend. Also where can I find any documentation on this stuff?07:56
NuclearStatASUS M3N78 motherboard, cheap07:56
gioeu que agradeço! abraços07:57
lazyangelhow do i set the env for ruby? /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory07:57
owen1kellyh: should i enable the 'xinerama' checkbox as well? and should i click on 'save to X configuration file'?07:57
skritehey all07:57
dSlaMgio: you got it ;)07:57
kellyhowen1: not sure to the first one, yes to second07:57
J-_How would I download all the files in this directory: http://ia301514.us.archive.org/1/items/12rec.015/ I've looked at the wget man page, various other resources from google and I can't seem to do it.07:58
Kalmibullgard4, you shouldn't need to use ifup... Why can't you just use Network Manager?07:58
dSlaMlazyangel: what's the problem ?07:58
skritethe new desktop OSD that is the way cool thing in new Ubuntu, what package provides that?07:58
owen1kellyh: ok. btw, there is a drawing of two monitors, and they overlap (the small one is inside the area of the big one) is it ok?07:58
KalmiJ-_, google: wget spider07:58
losherNuclearStat: done a goodle search for 'ASUS M3N78 sata boot' ?07:59
NuclearStatI'll keep checking on SATA xcdrom drivers, thanks07:59
bullgard4Kalmi: The NetworkManager is installed.07:59
SetiAmonGotz some Lays and gots sum Budz07:59
owen1kellyh: i see position 'absolute' for both. should i keep that?07:59
SetiAmonwrong window sorryw07:59
NuclearStatlosher, it's a no go with most popular utils, thanks.07:59
kellyhowen1: the other should be to one side of the other07:59
Kalmibullgard4, what happens if you try to use it?07:59
lazyangeldSlaM: if i try to run a ruby program, i get that output07:59
Gnome_DannyHello, how come there is a line running threw the right hand side of avant window navigator, I am trying to install mac4lin08:00
rgmzhow can i configure my fingerprint reader08:00
dSlaMlazyangel:  add /usr/bin/ruby1.9 to your ENVPATH08:00
owen1kellyh: ok. one is absolute and the other is 'to the right of' and now they apear next to each other. i will hit save to X and hit apply and try to paste the error message i get.08:01
bullgard4Kalmi: "use" is such a general word. I'm using NetworkManager every day. Still, the problem exists.08:01
dSlaMlazyangel: (and you might want to check in your ruby src file if the path is correctly set to this path)08:01
kellyhowen1: ok08:01
MaXXouhow to change the theme of the single application!08:01
Kalmibullgard4, what happens if you try to connect to a wireless network?08:01
rgmzhow can i configure my fingerprint reader08:01
dSlaMlazyangel: (and you might want to install ruby XD apt-get install ruby1.9..... not sure about the orthograph08:01
owen1kellyh: Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.con.   and in the terminal i see: PARSE ERROR:  Parse error on line 47 of section Module in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. "Disable" is not a valid keyword in this section.08:02
MaXXouor how not to apply the theme general gnome has an application?08:02
lazyangeldslam i have installed ruby1.9 but it didn't set the ENVPATH08:03
bullgard4The computer does not connect.  --  What command-line command do you recommend me to issue?08:03
kellyhowen1: not sure sorry08:03
bullgard4Kalmi: The computer does not connect.  --  What command-line command do you recommend me to issue?08:03
maxmahemhmm... I may have figured it out.08:03
owen1kellyh: i am googling for it. thanks. at least i know i should use nvidia-settings.08:03
maxmahemThey really need some more/easier to find documentation on this bluetooth stuff.08:03
lazyangeldSlaM: but how do i add it to ENVPATH?08:03
dSlaMlazyangel: do it manually : /home/you/.bashrc08:04
kellyhowen1: yep, nvidia-settings with 9.04 worked for me with it08:04
dSlaMexport PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin/ruby1.908:04
dSlaM( lazyangel )08:04
lazyangeldSlaM: thanks08:04
Kalmibullgard4, so... you see the list of wireless networks... you click on one of them... what happensd then? does it ask for a password?08:04
owen1kellyh: what window manager/desktop environment are u using?08:04
kellyhowen1: Gnome/Metacity08:05
dSlaMlazyangel: you have to close and relaunch your tem after that08:05
alan_simmondsso here is a question08:05
maxmahemthe stupid gnome bluetooth aplet thing is worthless. It list's my device with a little star beside it. There is also a star button I can click. Course I have no idea what it means or what it does!!!08:05
alan_simmondsdo you think that lates wine could cause my network to stop working/08:05
lazyangeldSlaM: didnt know that ENVPATH and PATH was the same thing :)08:05
bullgard4Kalmi: Wait a few minutes. I will repeat the procedure.08:05
dSlaMhehe ;)08:05
owen1kellyh: i am using ubuntu with no desktop environment. only awesome wm. maybe i need to enable something like nvidia drivers or something?08:05
kellyhowen1: not sure sorry. need to go now. hope you fix it.08:06
maxmahemalso question: is there a way I can turn the -v verbose option for stuff like rm, chmod, and what not on by default in bash?08:06
dSlaM( lazyangel: actually i dont really understand why this doens't work, 'cause the path include /usr/bin in my experience !!???? )08:07
dSlaM(so ruby should be in it08:07
lazyangeldSlaM: now i get /usr/bin/env: ruby: Not a directory08:08
alan_simmondsanyone think it is a possibility that wine could have killed my network in jaunty08:09
DaZalan_simmonds: no08:09
dSlaMlazyangel: what's the first line of your ruby file ?08:09
lazyangeldSlaM: #!/usr/bin/env ruby08:10
alan_simmondsDaz: bugger08:10
lazyangeldSlaM: i think it has to be the directory for the ruby, not the executable08:10
dSlaMtrey to change it to #!/usr/bin/ruby1.908:10
lazyangeldSlaM: didnt help08:11
christopher_is there a image program that can read images by the pixels rather than the file name to find duplicates? say you have multiple images with different file names08:11
dSlaMok wait a sec08:11
alan_simmondsanyone had thier jaunty network stop working and been able to fix it?08:12
lazyangeldSlaM: guess the easiest is to change the first line :)08:12
dSlaMlazyangel: yep buty you have to do that in every ruby file, quite annoying, there is a command to do that, like env -u or something like that, i'm trying to fin the good one08:13
mobi-sheepchristopher_: I think F-Spot does that.08:14
dSlaM(anyone can help me on this one ??)08:14
dSlaMman env, tells :08:15
christopher_ah true, sounds great08:15
dSlaM env [OPTION]... [-] [NAME=VALUE]08:15
christopher_i will have a nosey, thnaks08:15
dSlaMlazyangel: i guess env ruby=/usr/bin/ruby1.908:15
dSlaMlazyangel: should do the trick08:15
alan_simmondsanyone have a clue about why my network in jaunty stopped working?08:16
dSlaMlazyangel: but u have to have install ruby 1.9 first08:16
skritehey all, testing a notify script, would someone respond pls?08:18
dSlaMskrite: plop08:18
lazyangeldSlaM: it didnt, but this worked: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9 /usr/bin/ruby08:18
dSlaMhehe gg, will remember :)08:19
krautdoes anybody know, if the usb-dongle of a ventus weather station is supported in any way?08:19
lazyangeldSlaM: thanks for helping me :)08:19
dSlaMnp, i guess i didn't help much but anyway :)08:19
owen1when using 2 monitores as seperate screens (not as one giant screen) do they have to use the same resolution?08:22
Bllasaeis it safe/possible to defragment Ubuntu's partition from the Windows Defragmenter?08:23
bullgard4Kalmi: No, I do not see that list of wireless networks  in NetworkManager applet.08:23
Bllasaeit's /quit08:23
dSlaMowen1: last time i used 2 monitors, i was still running widows... one monitor in 1024*768, the other one in 800*600, i'm guessing you won't have any problem doeing this with ubuntu08:23
JasperdSlaM is right, it should work fine08:24
Bllasaeis it safe/possible to defragment Ubuntu's partition from the Windows Defragmenter?08:24
owen1dSlaM: i just both 23' and i don't want to 'downgrade' it to 1024x768 because of the old monitor.08:25
Jasperowen1: Are you using Jaunty?08:25
dSlaMBllasae: gnu/linux filesystem are not meant to be defragmented, even if you "can"08:25
owen1Jasper: yes08:25
dSlaMowen1: don't worry about it it'll work fine08:26
BllasaeWell, what if I want to defragment my C:/ drive, where the Ubuntu partition is08:26
BllasaeWill it survive?08:26
Soren123completely different08:26
=== ron is now known as Guest24812
dSlaMBllasae: wtf ??????08:26
JasperI did it before, altough you may have to install ubuntu with both screens connected, as it's easiest08:26
ubottudslam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:26
Guest24812No driver support for ati video cards?08:26
dSlaMyep i know sorry08:26
Guest24812you talking to me?08:27
skylWARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!08:27
dSlaMBllasae: how can u have an "ubuntu" partitiuon" on your C: drive ?08:27
owen1dSlaM: Jasper i get this error when trying to apply changes in nvidia-settings: Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1024x768 +0+0' (Mode 1024x768, id: 0) on X screen 0.08:27
BllasaeI partitioned it08:27
skyland pretty much everythin else I've been installing08:27
skylwhat does this mean?08:27
Bllasaeand made one part of it Ubuntu08:27
Bllasaeand the rest Windows08:28
dSlaMBllasae: then it's not on the same partition, don't worry about linux, defragment your windows partition but not the ext* one08:28
JasperDid you execute nvidia-settings as root?08:28
Bllasaeokay thanks08:28
owen1dSlaM: Jasper screen 0 is my old vga (1024x768)08:28
alan_simmondsok here is the question and problem. i upgraded to jaunty, 2 days ago it stopped recieving dhcp from the router, and even when i made it a static ip i couldnt ping out, i tried the liv ibex cd which normally works and got the same problem, when i boot to windows it does work, so the network card does work..it is onboard realtek and usually works in ubuntu..nay ideas?08:29
dSlaMowen1: sorry, as i said before i didn't try it for a long time, someone here will better answer this08:29
Bluespukehi, i have a running ubuntu (9.04) but it's a little screwed up (coming from kubuntu->xubuntu->ubuntu 8.04) and now i would like to format and reinstall 9.04 but i can't burn a cd neither my laptop has a floppy drive or can boot from usb... any suggestions?08:29
tank-manrun on sentence ;)08:30
alan_simmondsnow it works again...i dont get it08:30
alan_simmondsthanks anyways:)08:30
=== Kipas_Angin is now known as myphnix
=== You is now known as Cantcme
Kalmibullgard4, you could try the commands here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiWithSomeoneElsesRouter08:32
Kalmi!wireless | bullgard408:32
ubottubullgard4: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:32
Cantcmehas anyone successfully setup multiseat in ubuntu 9.04?08:32
dSlaM"multiseat" ?08:32
bullgard4Kalmi: I will read that. --  Thank you.08:32
geniidSlaM: A single computer with multiple monitor/keyboard/mounse08:33
Cantcmeyeh thats it08:33
dSlaMoh ok08:33
nick2hi i'm a fresh installer, but with a bit of a specific network / no dvd drive problem. can anyone advise?08:33
dSlaM(sorry france here)08:33
geniidSlaM: So 2-3+ people can use the same system but as if they were at differemt08:33
Cantcmeyeh ive been having trouble getting it to work on 9.0408:34
dSlaMCantcme: sorry can't help here, when needed at work we do it with vn08:34
Bluespukehi, i have a running ubuntu (9.04) but it's a little screwed up (coming from kubuntu->xubuntu->ubuntu 8.04) and now i would like to format and reinstall 9.04 but i can't burn a cd neither my laptop has a floppy drive or can boot from usb... any suggestions?08:34
dSlaMBluespuke: network install ?08:35
tank-manjust update08:35
geniiBluespuke: You have another linux machine?08:35
Bluespukeno that's the only one...08:35
Bluespukebut i have a windows xp besides08:36
CantcmeBluespuke, if you have the ISO try going system -> Administration -> usb startup disc08:36
dSlaMBluespuke: install on an usb key, then boot from an ubuntu live-cd (even old) and install grub ?08:36
=== david_ is now known as vk2tdt
Nahyhi im using hardy and it's been a while i've lost my internet connection (as my machine is a client of a LAN)08:37
njathani have an intel core2duo processor laptop. Should i use Ubuntu 32bit? or 64bit iso?08:37
rawDawgi decided i want to get into linux, any tips on some good reads?08:38
Ranakahyou can use 64 or 32 bit08:38
dSlaMnjathan: how many ram ?08:38
njathan2 gigs08:38
dSlaM32 will works fine08:38
njathandSlaM, 2 gigs of it08:38
bullgard4Cantcme: http://people.freedesktop.org/~mccann/doc/ConsoleKit/ConsoleKit.html#id2527455: "True, hardware, multi-seat capabilities will be added in a later release."08:38
owen1i have 2 monitors. can i make the focus on the big one and not the small?08:38
=== stat`laptop is now known as infinityxi
matt098hello, can ne one help me out with an ati radeon hd 4870 video card problem ?????08:39
Cantcmebullgard4, thanks for that but im very impatient lol08:39
KalmirawDawg, just download the Ubuntu Desktop CD install it and get back here if you have any problems08:39
SetiAmonYou know what i like about linux in general?08:39
infinityxiI am having a problem sending large files over sftp using nautilus. It craps out after a dozen or so megabytes. Anyone know the deal with that? Also the ssh server is running on a windows machine via cygwin08:39
SetiAmonthere is always people up in the middle of the night,talking08:39
Chr|sSetiAmon: save it for #ubuntu-offtopic please :D08:39
Cantcmenot to mention its 6pm here08:40
dSlaMnjathan: u can run both of em, but in my experience the prime advantage of 64 bits is the "takingg account of more than 4g RAM" (sorry for the english here)08:40
SetiAmonwere you at?08:40
mobi-sheepinfinityxi: You might want to try Filezilla.08:40
NahyPLEASE someone help me about this:hi im using hardy and it's been a while i've lost my internet connection (as my machine is a client of a LAN)08:40
Chr|sCantcme: its not 6pm it could be 6:40pm08:40
Cantcmewell actually its 5:40pm just rounded it off08:40
KalmiSetiAmon, it's only 10 am :)08:40
infinityximobi-sheep: I know I can use something else but do you think it's a bug. I mean after it craps out i cannot connect to it or even unmount it08:40
njathani just downloaded and tried to install the 64 bit version, however i encountered the following error:http://pastebin.com/d638076208:40
Chr|sCantcme: ahh that works too08:41
p-fis there a tool that would allow me to execute a command everytime a file is changed? I imagine there must be some sort of watch/inotify hybrid out there.08:41
dSlaMhehehe 9:40here ^^08:41
SetiAmonI'm in california08:41
SetiAmonwere are you guys,china?08:41
Chr|sNY here08:41
dSlaMFrance my friend08:41
infinityximobi-sheep: I was just using it to check it out and noticed the issue. I can always use samba because the host box is a windows machine08:41
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega08:41
Ibanorhello everyone, I am adding an hdd to my system and I am about to update my /etc/fstab and add the new drive to my mounts. But I see that ubuntu already use some kind of UUID with /dev/mapper and I am wondering if there is an ubuntu procedure to add drives.08:41
dSlaM9:40 am should i precise, YES RIGHT sunday !!! XD08:42
p-ffound one, nevermind: inotify-tools08:42
mobi-sheepinfinityxi: I don't know really. I stick with Filezilla when transferring files.  I wouldn't want to be connected with samba all times as the network may degrade over time.08:42
NahyPLEASE someone help me about this:hi im using hardy and it's been a while i've lost my internet connection (as my machine is a client of a LAN)08:42
mobi-sheepinfinityxi: Try Filezilla and if nothing funny happened, then you kinda know what to avoid. :>08:43
dSlaMNahy: more info ?$08:43
Cantcmehttp://www.automation.dn.ua/linux/3d-multiseat_en.html would this multiseat guide work with 1 nvidia and 1 ati card on 9.04?08:43
Nahywhat d u want?08:44
infinityximobi-sheep: point taken, thanks. I am going to file a bug report or see if the issue is there either way.08:44
dSlaMCantcme: question not related, where does your nick come from ? :)08:44
Cantcmejust thought of it on the spot08:44
zhismcan someone tell me, why mdpscribble is not saving my songs in mpdscribble.cache when im offline !!!?08:44
Nahyi manually enter the gateway adresses  and etc08:44
dSlaMNahy: topology of the network ? when dit it stop working and why if uy know it, etc  ???08:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bonding08:45
geniiCantcme: Somewhere I have a multi-seat *buntu howto in my bookmarks. Give me a few minutes08:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about multiseat08:45
dSlaMCantcme: hehehe ok thought it was WWE related08:45
Cantcmegenii thank you :)08:45
Nahyi can't find what made it not working08:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vip08:45
dSlaMNahy: ok fine, help me here, what's the topology of the network ?08:46
geniiCantcme: Oldie but goodie: http://netpatia.blogspot.com/2006/09/multiseat-computer-with-ubuntu.html08:46
Nahywhat d u mean by topology??????????????08:46
dSlaM@ddress of the router, gateway, config of your hot, etc08:47
geniiCantcme: He has also from there now a howto for 8.0408:47
Cantcmegenii, but xephyr hasnt got 3d acceleration?08:47
Nahygate way
NahyGenmask 255.255.255.o08:48
geniiCantcme: Don't know, never bothered with 3d accel much08:48
ventzI just installed Ubuntu (v9, desktop), and after everything was working perfectly, i ran 'compiz', at which point my GUI crashed. Now the system has "Unknown" for monitor, and a really crapy resolution. I am not sure what to do at this point, and I don't want to re-install. I've tried dpkg-reconfigure of xorg, and rescue "fix graphics". Any other suggestions?08:48
ventzI am almost betting that my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is incorrect, but I am not sure how to generate the old one08:48
tzangerisn't it something like sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-common?08:49
dSlaMNahy: you say you lost your internet connection, are you aware you're on the internet right now ? :p08:49
ventzyea, I've tried running that, but it only generates a 'generic one' that doesn't have the correct settings08:49
dSlaM(just kidding)08:49
NahyDgenius im using another machin08:49
ventztzanger: under the display preferences, the monitor is "unknown" and hitting "Detect monitors" is not doing anything08:50
Nahygot me08:50
alan_simmondsso just a question, could my dhcp lease time be the reason i couldnt connect for 2 days?08:50
dSlaMNahy: same network ? (your actuel connection)08:50
Cantcmealan_simmonds, if all your ip's in the ip range were taken up08:51
Nahyas a matter of fact i found that the admin of network have made me08:51
dSlaMwhat did you do ? ^^08:51
Nahyone of numbers was incorrect08:51
Nahyfixed it08:52
alan_simmondsCantcme: thing is that right now it gave me the same ip that my windows boot is using, does it assign a specific ip to a specific mac adress or soemthing?08:52
Nahythank u anyway buddy08:52
dSlaMNahy: i'm french and don't now any bad word that can fit into this chan, but you deserve some XD XD08:52
Cantcmealan_simmonds, na i think dhcp will ping the ip everynow and then and if it doesnt reply it will release it so you can use it again08:52
Nahyyeah yeah certainly08:53
dSlaMgg anyway, damn admin ^^p08:53
Cantcmeis your windows dual boot or another machine completely?08:53
Nahyim not english too08:53
dSlaMwhere u from ?08:53
IbanorMontpellier, Herault08:53
dSlaMoh un français08:53
Nahythe country that everyone has different ideas about it08:54
dSlaMNahy: england !!! ;)08:54
alan_simmondsCantcme: how long does it hold it for? and yep, for now, trying to migrate to ubuntu for sound, just taking a while to get it all going..wierd on the dhcp thing, i dont want to be without a conncetion for another 2 days:P08:54
Cantcmealan_simmonds, simple solution would be to statically assign IP's08:54
Cantcmeoutside of the dhcp pool08:55
Nahyim gonna feel some linux after many days08:55
dSlaMIbanor: même pas un bonjour d'un compatriote ??08:55
Nahythank you all a lot08:55
dSlaMNahy: np ;)08:55
dSlaMNahy: hi to you sysadmin ;)08:55
alan_simmondsCantcme: well the thing is that when i couldnt connect i tried to assign a static ip and that didnt work..i wonder if i do it now..let me try real quick08:55
Ibanorwell for those who would want to try, yesterday I woke and told myself I would install NFS on my ubuntu server and access the share from my vista desktop. I was not so surprised to see that only vista enterprise or ultimate support NFS08:55
Nahyoff course08:56
dSlaMIbanor: dis you try it with seven ?08:56
IbanordSlaM: je pensais que la reponse a ta question faisait office de bonjour et de clin d oeil08:56
Cantcmealan_simmonds, when you do static ip's make sure you specify default gateway and dns servers08:56
IbanordSlaM: well not yet since seven if only a beta08:56
dSlaMIbanor: c'etait bien le cas ;)08:56
IbanordSlaM: with winxp it was possible to install Unix Services08:57
Cantcmeif your doing this on a home router then the dns server will usually be the routers ip (default gateway)08:57
peabodyI'm trying to shrink a raid-1 partition by 10GB and move it's start point 10GB closer to the end of the disk  so I can grow the partition before it08:57
peabodyI followed this guide here: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-resize-lvm-software-raid1-partitions-shrink-and-grow08:57
dSlaMIbanor: the RC was released, we could at least expect this kind of things were featured, i didn't touch any MS systems since more trhan 2 years and was wondering if it couls be worth trying08:58
peabodyand the linux partition is resized, but I don't see how to resize the Extended partition and move it.. is tehre any guides that can help with this?08:58
IbanordSlaM: well you dont need windows unless you dev C#, play games or are addicted to adobe softwares08:59
IbanordSlaM: the funny part about my setup is that I have vista with gimp pidgin and eclipse installed09:00
KalmiIbanor, :D09:00
peabodywhen I try to use resize2fs on the extended partition, it throws an error it can't find a valid filesystem superblock09:01
Kalmipeabody, why don't you just use gparted...09:01
peabodyI can't login to any display09:01
peabodyI tried booting from the CD09:02
Ibanorpeabody: why cant you login?09:02
Kalmipeabody, livecd?09:02
peabodyand using the partition manager, but it doesn't resize or move09:02
Ibanorpeabody: if you run the livecd you will be able to use gparted09:02
ghindoWhat's the default vorbis command-line encoder?09:03
dSlaMIbanor: actually i don't play, at all.... and as far as i'm concerned the only thing i need adobe for is my taxes declarations, and i just found out it cannot be done with Gnu/Linux.... :/  BUT i learn C# at school, and unfortunately whereas i try to keep it out of my computer i need to have a windows operating system running somewhere... :/ anyway, funny how you turn vista in a "free software operating system" ;)09:03
peabodyI have kubuntu livecd which doesn't include gparted tmk09:03
KalmidSlaM, mono is quite good for basic tasks09:04
peabodybut that's a good idea.. I could just download the ubuntu live cd09:04
Kalmipeabody, you can install it09:04
dSlaMKalmi: like what ?09:04
IbanordSlaM: there is also a nice software called winscp that I am addicted to, I am not sure there is such a thing out of the box with gnome09:04
dSlaMIbanor: tell me more :)09:04
Kalmipeabody, you can install gparted while running the kubuntu livecd09:04
KalmidSlaM, for simple c# programming09:05
dSlaMreally ?09:05
peabodyand it won't change anything on my filesystem right?09:05
Ultimate_darknes!info allegro09:05
ubottuPackage allegro does not exist in jaunty09:05
KalmidSlaM, no... actually it sucks... Visual Studio is too good :(09:05
peabodyI've gone through great lengths to keep all the gtk stuff out of my kde installation09:05
dSlaMi like you :)09:05
dSlaMKalmi: really, teell me more pllease09:06
Mooooooousehuntxu: why are you here09:06
Kalmipeabody, installing something while running the livecd won't chahnge your real installation09:06
subtwopeabody: strange. I've gone to great lengths to keep all QT/KDE stuff out of my gnome installation ;-)09:07
KalmidSlaM, about mono?09:07
dSlaM yep09:07
Mooooooousehow can i read rfc document after install doc-rfc09:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono09:07
SlotirKalmi: Yeah I agree. Visual Studio is a really wonderful IDE... to bad it's just about .net :D09:07
cleptohi im trying to learn how to program and im having a problem. i copied down a code example exacty as my book says and it still wont compile i think im missing some of the pre req stuff to compile could anyone help me? or is there a better channel for this?09:07
peabodysubtwo: it only makes sense!09:07
bazhangclepto, install build-essential09:07
laxa8831hi, im having trouble with samba.09:08
dSlaMKalmi: keeping in mind i'm used to eclipse ;)09:08
KalmiSlotir, you could have a look at the mono-projects web page: http://www.mono-project.com09:08
Ibanorclepto: which language are you using?09:08
peabodyclepto did you add the package build-essentials?09:08
dSlaMthx i will take a look at that09:08
KalmiSlotir, mono supports (almost) everything that is in .net 2.009:08
cleptoit says its installed and its C09:09
laxa8831other users cant open files, it open an mp3 or movie, off a share on my ubuntu box, and i cant open a file on an xp box. but we can copy files fine.09:09
SlotirKalmi: Yeah, even a lot in 3.0 nowadays09:09
laxa8831this happened before?09:09
Ibanorclepto: you need a makefile09:09
Slotirkalmi, but .Net 4 is about to release. VS2010 just released as public beta09:09
dSlaMKalmi: if i'm not mistaken C# is in version 409:09
cleptoim trying to do the hello.c app here ill paste bin what im getting hold on09:09
dSlaMwill it work ?09:09
KalmidSlaM, .net versions and c# versions are not the same09:10
Ibanorclepto: get yourself a nice linux c programming tutorial and start over09:10
cleptolol i have one its the sams teach yourself linux one09:10
dSlaMKalmi: ok ok, can you explain it to me ?09:10
cleptoi mean C09:10
evocallaghanHi, What is the name of the current Xen DomU Ubuntu 9.04 kernel so that I may use APT to install it?09:10
Ibanorclepto: this one ? http://www.linfo.org/create_c1.html09:11
KalmidSlaM, http://blogs.msdn.com/johnwpowell/archive/2008/03/16/c-and-net-framework-features-by-version-quick-reference.aspx09:12
cleptothis is what im getting http://pastebin.com/d7b737f7709:12
dSlaMKalmi: thx man09:12
lstarnesclepto: it's stdio.h, not studio.h09:12
Flumdahlhow do i activate my coax port on my sound card in ubuntu ?09:12
imp0steurHelp! .. The NetworkManager applet always prompts me for password .. says its trying to access the default keyring .. but its locked09:12
cleptothats what i get for doing this tired09:12
dSlaMKalmi: it doesn't mention the 4.0 framework, do you know something about it ?09:13
Flumdahli wanna change between 5.1 to normal stereo sound09:13
Flumdahlbut i dont know how or where09:13
imp0steurcan anybody tell me how to make networkmanager remember the password??09:13
cleptogot it to work09:14
dSlaMimp0steur: there is something about it on the officiel website, but you should know it's not advised, security speaking09:14
clepto<-- = total noob09:14
Ibanorclepto: C it is not the easiest programming language to start with, I recommend you to try python first09:14
evocallaghanOh for crying out. Don't know I bother.09:14
peabodywell the boot-cd solution worked, thanks :)09:15
dSlaMIbanor: IMO python is quite difficult to start with, don't you think ?09:15
KalmidSlaM, These 2 articles discuss the various versions of .NET and C# concisely: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_.NET#Versions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)09:15
cleptoIbanor: yeah i was considering that but my dad gave me the C book and im to poor to buy a book on my own and i dont learn well if i read stuff online or on a computer i work better with an actual book in my hands09:15
Ibanorwell since python is a scripting language it is less difficult ;x09:16
imp0steurdSIaM: There was a link that said to add @include common-pamkeyring to /etc/pam.d/gdm and then remove the default keyring .. but that doesn't work09:16
dSlaMKalmi: big thanks to you, all of this goes directly to my bookmarks, will read quietly09:16
IbanordSlaM: no compilation and easier to debug09:16
Ibanorclepto: http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide09:17
Ibanorit is free09:17
imp0steurI find python easy to lean than when I first started learning c ..09:17
SlotirIbanor: That isn't true just because it is a scripting language... look at PHP, i hate debugging PHP :D09:18
imp0steurdSIaM: can my problem be solved??09:18
cleptoI'll check it out, but id like to actually right programs and not macro's and such09:18
IbanorSlotir: you should try cakephp09:18
imp0steurPHP sucks09:18
SlotirIbanor: Yeah, I know about it. But I just ment generally :)09:18
cleptowrite that is09:19
cleptomeh my brain to hands filter is kinda iffy at the moment09:19
far44cryhello everyone09:19
dSlaMIbanor: frankly i don't know python, i learned firstly with php (my bad, but we were in 1998 at the time) and switched to Java, and even today even if i dmire python i find it really difficult to understane, maybe i houldn't have gegin with thoses languages but he, i really might be wrong09:19
far44cryI need i.explorer working on jaunty09:20
dSlaMwow many mistakes when i type, my bad09:20
far44cryies4linux hangsup after download09:20
imp0steuranybody please help me out to solve my nm-applet default keyring locked problem .. me <-- linux n00b09:20
alex881morning ppl!09:21
dSlaMi saw someone saying "php sucks" a few lines ago.... seriously try Symfony, best framework ever for a php developer09:22
alex881hi, i'm trying to use www.alonweb.com free vpn service on linux09:22
alex881i've downloaded the config file, started openvpn with /etc/init.d/openvpn09:22
alex881prompted me for user & pass, it says ok but no connectivity09:22
FloodBot1alex881: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
imp0steurnevermind I think I solved it09:23
IbanordSlaM: I have to disagree with symfony, last time I tryed was version 1 I think, and I remember it as being spoiled with propel09:23
=== jao is now known as Guest88541
IbanordSlaM: I mean propel is real pain in da a..09:24
SlotirIbanor: You don't have to use Propel though, Doctrine works just as well ;)09:24
dSlaMIbanor: propel is the default ORM for now, but i t will be switched for another soon (actually doctrine is the next default ORM, still in test but available in Symfony)09:25
IbanordSlaM: I ll give it another shot then09:25
dSlaMand all i have to say, SYMFONY rocks !! really i recommand you to try it, it's a wonderfull tool for any PHP dev., i mean, you'll understand me "php c'est un langage de goret", for the english speakers, php is a pig language, symfony manage to reduce it and take it to a real programming language IMO....09:28
dSlaM(waiting for PHP6 of course)09:28
IbanordSlaM: tu ne serais pas un peu chauvin?09:29
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
Flumdahlhow hard can it be to enable sound over my coaxial cable ?09:31
dSlaMIbanor: pas du tout, vraiment je trouve que c'est un bon outil, je dev en PHP depuis un moment, et je reconnais que c'est un langage de porc, on peut faire tout et n'importe quoi avec, et symfony met un peu d'ordre dans tout ca, après je suis d'accord avec toi il y 'a du chemin afaire.... mais c'est un excellent début d'après moi compte tenu d'où on part, a savoir un langage faiblement typé, où la moindre erreur peut-etre contournée via09:31
dSlaMdes subtilités propres au langage, et tout ça09:31
olmariIntroduction to my problem: I am trying to have Jaunty live as PXE, but it doesn't work09:31
olmariPXE itself seems to work, as vmlinuz and initrd-gz loads up fine, then there comes that boot-time texts, until it stops at "eth0: link up"09:32
Myrtti!fr | dSlaM09:32
ubottudSlaM: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr09:32
dSlaM(dls je l'aurais bien ecrit en english pour le partager mais je ne suis pas assez doué)09:32
IbanordSlaM: behave yourself!09:33
olmariand the NFS-share in question can be mounted manually just fine so I know NFS itself is working09:33
dSlaMMyrtti: i was just saying i would have loved writing this in english, but i really am not that good, unfortunately, and the guy i was speaking with was french, like me, i'lll make an effort for the next debate^^)09:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jockey-gtk09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jockey09:34
dSlaMIbanor: ;)09:34
Ibanor!ru \ Ibanor09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ru \ Ibanor09:34
Ibanor!ru | Ibanor09:34
ubottuIbanor, please see my private message09:34
achilleshello guys, I have installed a new router from new ISP for 1 week trial period, I'm looking for a tool, script or something that reports the bandwidth, internet speed along days automatically, can you help me finding some ?09:35
dSlaMIbanor: i'd like your answer to my message, i'm really thinking its an interesting debate09:35
matt098nite all09:35
dSlaMIbanor: actually, if you can lend me new technologies i would be glad to hear about it09:36
IbanordSlaM: well i seriously been into cakephp lately and I think I need to try symfony again so I can forge myself a new opinion09:36
Ibanorachilles: so you had 1 week free router and you returned it to your isp?09:37
dSlaMIbanor: ok thanks, i'll give a try to cakephp i must admit i've never tried it09:37
Ibanorachilles: if you have a very old computer at home with two NIC, you can always setup pfsense on it09:38
oDeski can't login to the system "Ubuntu karmic" unless i picked the "recovery mode" option on startup!!09:38
achillesIbanor, thank you, pfsense .. I will look for it09:38
crom09hello. I have 2 users and want both to share the Music folder. How can i set that up?09:38
IbanordSlaM: feel free to visit #cakephp or #cakephp-fr during work hours09:39
dSlaMnoted, sincerely :)09:39
Gnome_DannyHello, Is it possible to connect to a bluetooth pan network on linux09:39
olmariSo... I don't know what am I doing wrong with it :-/09:39
Gnome_DannyI have a bluetooth chip installed on my laptop09:39
Ibanorachilles: http://www.pfsense.org/screenshots/09:40
dSlaMIbanor: i visited their website what, 1 or 2 years ago, and mly first thought was "it's an amateur project", but i'm sure i'm wrong, and i will definitely try it, espcially now, since it  had the time to grow09:40
IbanordSlaM: we are talking about cake?09:41
koshari1Gnome_Danny dunno about connecting to a network but file transfer is easy09:41
dSlaMand as i said i'm surely mistaken about the size of the project and will listen to you and try it :)09:42
achillesIbanor, than you, seems interesting very much09:42
oDeskthe kernel will not work with " ro quiet splash "  but works with " ro single "09:42
Gnome_Dannykosharil: Yes I know, but I need to connect to a bluetooth network09:42
oDeskwhich is the recovery mode09:42
manielhow can i make grub-restart work?09:42
dSlaM(my only experience is with symfony, and its HUGE community, that's why i didnt't give a damn about everey other projetcs, but i'll definitely look at them09:43
neonetwork manager applet doesnt really work after an upgrade09:43
neoany work arounds?09:43
crom09hello. I have 2 users and want both of them to share the Music folder. How can i set that up?09:44
oDeskoh i found this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=464550  might be a help for me09:44
manieli mean it it sets one time flag for restarting to another system/kernel without need to choos it in grub menu, but it doesn't work for me [i still see grub menu]09:44
dSlaM(ps: wtf are you doiing on the iinterweb at 11am on sunday ?? ??? XD  )09:44
dSlaMcrom09: still want help ?09:45
Jerusalem420if I'm in ~/foo/bar/ and I want to open a navigator window there, is there a way to do it from the command line?09:45
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crom09dslam: i want to have only one folder for the music, not one for each user09:46
dSlaMcrom09: many way to do so, the most easiest for me being : you create a folde, make it belonng to a specified group you created, and add the users to the group09:46
MrNazwhy does it take a long time to delete large files under ext3 ? i thought it just needs to make the change in the allocation table09:47
crom09dslam: yes but there are many things configured to point to the music folder09:47
Guest39385for jerusalem: nautilus ~/foo/bar/ doesn't work?09:47
crom09dslam: which would be empty09:47
neodid someone hear my Q?09:47
dSlaMcrom09: and ? what's the problem with that ?09:47
neonetwork-manager applet doesnt work for me09:47
neoam currently on 9.0409:48
ozzmosisMrNaz: yeah, I noticed deleting a 4 GB file took a second or two on an older PC I have here.09:48
KeithWeisshardoes the dvd version of ubuntu have more installation modes?09:48
crom09dslam: hmmm, not the end of the world but ...09:48
dSlaMcrom09: actually i don't understand your problem09:49
Guest39385i have a litle problem, my skype doesn't launch today09:49
crom09dslam: isn't there something like an environment variable that says which folder is the music folder of a user?09:49
dSlaMah ok09:49
Guest39385i tried many times, but nothing happen09:49
dSlaMfirst, you have to ask yourself, is your user allowed to access this foler ? if not if his group allex ?09:50
crom09dslam: ok, so step 1) set up a common folder where the appropiate users have appropiate permissions. i understand09:52
Jerusalem420guest39385 yes it does.09:52
Jerusalem420i'm a command line noivce09:52
dSlaMcrom09:  in fact, i beggin to understand the suation beneath the first one09:52
dSlaMcrom09: you want the "Music folder to point to a very speific foler for all of your use09:53
crom09dslam: but, step 2) make that folder look like it is the music folder. that is when i go to home/Music, i want to see that folder09:53
crom09dslam: that's it09:53
crom09dslam: is that possible?09:53
dSlaMdon't move ;)09:54
crom09dslam: ok09:54
dSlaMi've never tried it actually, but i'll try09:54
crom09good luck, I'll wait. :)09:55
KeithWeissharare ubuntu dvd's official09:57
dSlaMcrom09: dis you try just renaming the link in nautilus ?09:57
Guest39385you can buy it, in libraries09:57
KeithWeissharwhat's the difference between the cd edition and the dvd edition09:57
KeithWeissharwhich libraries can ubuntu be bought in09:58
crom09dslam: ?09:58
ozzmosisKeithWeisshar: why buy it when you can download it? :)09:58
crom09dslam: could you explain that?09:59
KeithWeissharamazon doesn't have the latest version09:59
AhtenusCan i use the same swap partition for debian and ubuntu? (D09:59
KeithWeissharthey only have 8.1009:59
ozzmosisAhtenus: possibly10:00
ozzmosisAhtenus: except it might screw up if you use hibernation10:00
Guest39385in all i think,it's often included in a reviex talking about ubuntu10:00
Gingerbread-Manahthenus yes10:00
KeithWeissharwhat iso burner should i use when burning from windows10:00
manielwhat entries i need to place in menu.lst to make `grub-reboot` or `echo "savedefault --default=1 --once quit" | sudo grub` or kde's 'restart to'  features work?:>10:00
dSlaMcrom09: forgett about that i think it work just one way10:00
Ahtenusozzmosis: Ok, than i won't10:01
zirodayKeithWeisshar: err one sec10:01
zirodayKeithWeisshar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto will be helpful, it recommends infra recorder10:02
LaoAnyone availible to help me figure out my soundcard? it shows up usin lspci, but alsa won't detect it in alsaconf10:02
ozzmosisLao: what does cat /dev/sndstat say?10:02
Laono file/directory10:03
tbtrojI'm about to switch back to Ubuntu (using GNOME) but would like to replace metacity with a tiling WM, but still be compatible with GNOME. Anyone have any suggestions (on how to do this and what tiling WM to use)?10:03
KeithWeisshari have roxio creator 2009 and cdburner xp10:03
ozzmosisLao: looks like the kernel isn't supporting it10:03
ozzmosisLao: lspci just says the kernel sees it10:03
zirodayKeithWeisshar: both should work10:03
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ozzmosisLao: what card is it?10:03
Laowhat lscpi shows10:04
Lao00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic Crystal CS4281 PCI Audio (rev 01)10:04
Lao00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)10:04
KeithWeisshardo you use cdburnerxp?10:04
sriramomanhow do i switch off indicator applet in jaunty10:04
zirodayKeithWeisshar: no I use infra recorder10:05
zirodaysriramoman: right-click and remove it10:05
sriramomanziroday: notifications are continued to be shown even without the applet:(10:05
KeithWeissharinfrarecorder doesn't support blu-ray as cdburnerxp does10:05
SlotirInternets<3 I'm ordering pizza online10:05
zirodaysriramoman: if you want to get rid of the whole notification system then install gnome-stracciatella-session10:05
dSlaMIbanor: aaaaaaaaaaaaahahah10:05
zirodayKeithWeisshar: why are you burning it to a bluray disc?10:06
IbanordSlaM: ?10:06
KeithWeissharnot for ubuntu10:06
dSlaMnothing :)10:06
zirodayKeithWeisshar: we can't help you with windows here, sorry10:06
IbanordSlaM: something interesting?10:07
dSlaMnot at all :)10:07
ozzmosisLao: yeah, my guess is it's not supported.  a bit of googling should confirm that though.10:07
KeithWeissharwhy is the default real name banned from this channel when using searchirc java client10:08
FlannelKeithWeisshar: #ubuntu-ops is the place to discuss those sorts of things10:08
Laook, thanks10:08
KeithWeisshari had to use config and enter my real name10:08
sriramomanKeithWeisshar: it seems to still continue. i started gnome-stracciatella-session and still it continues the notifications :(10:09
ozzmosisLao: is it onboard sound?  I think most of them are supported.10:09
=== Kipas_Angin is now known as myphnix
dSlaMsomeone as an experiance swithing LAMP to Java/posstgre/tomcat ? quel sont les retours ???10:09
Laoits not onboard, its a pci card10:10
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ozzmosisLao: ok.  it's just that onboard stuff comes up in lspci too.  it's just hardwired :)10:10
kjetilhohey guys, how can I make belocs generate *all* locales?10:10
ozzmosisLao: eg. as far as any OS is concerned, onboard realtek (for eg.) is no different to a realtek pci sound card with the same chipset on it.10:11
Laoah, didn't know that10:11
slemmingHi, can I create an audio-cd iso with cdrtools, or emulate a burner which would instead burn to an image file?10:13
=== Ned2 is now known as `Ned
kjetilhoslemming: you can't burn audio-cd with an image, it's a different mode10:16
Laoslightly off question, i got a pair of usb headphones, those create a seperate sound device for themselves right?10:16
ozzmosisLao: right10:16
slemmingkjetilho: Can I make any type of audio image file?10:16
ozzmosisLao: just like my Behringer USB audio module10:17
`Nedhello I'm trying to edit an /etc file but it says 'You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.' what do I do?10:17
gazutil y a des français ici?10:17
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ozzmosis!fr | gazut10:17
ubottugazut: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:17
ozzmosis`Ned: are you using sudo?10:17
ozzmosis`Ned: eg. gksudo gedit /etc/filename10:18
ozzmosis`Ned: or sudo nano /etc/filename10:18
fantomasHi all. I have problem with switching input locale on my laptop - it doesn't change if I switch it on external USB keyboard. Any ideas?10:18
The_Toxic_MiteHello guys!10:19
gazutmmm! ok, thank ;)10:19
Laohow do i tell if the usb headphones are supported? just plugged them in (lsusb: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 046d:0a01 Logitech, Inc. USB Headset)10:19
`Nedozzmosis, oh I see, I was following a website and I typed alt + f2 then gedit /etc...10:19
ozzmosis`Ned: everything under /etc/ is owned by root, so you have to sudo first10:20
ozzmosis`Ned: it's a security feature10:20
Gnome_DannyHey, Anyone know how to connect to a bluetooth pan network on ubuntu10:20
ozzmosisLao: it should appear in the drop down list when you double click on the speaker icon in the top panel10:20
`Nedozzloy, thanks for the info10:21
`Nedozzmosis, I meant10:21
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Laojust shows the null output pulseaudio :/10:21
Laoi recall seein the logitech one in there before i reinstalled alsa, but dunno10:22
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Gnome_Dannyso anyone know how to connect to a bluetooth pan network in linux?10:24
Ojiihi all, I tried to get SCIM running on my jaunty but it doesn't work. pressing ctrl+space doesn't do anything. I followed the guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Japanese_Input_and_Fonts_in_Ubuntu_8.10_using_SCIM. can anyone help with that?10:24
m0p0hi all10:26
ohir!.jp | Ojii10:26
ubottuOjii: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい10:26
dabblerseems very quiet here :)10:26
greenhousewarriodoes anyone know why the nice id of my programs would keep changing?10:26
m0p0general language on this channel is EnglishH???10:27
Ojiiohir: I'm not japanese10:27
greenhousewarrioby themselves10:27
bidossessiOjii, do you see the scim icon on your desktop?10:27
magnetrongreenhousewarrio: maybe you restart them10:27
Ojiiyes i do bidossessi10:27
ohirOjii: ok :)10:27
Ojiibut not the scim bar10:27
bidossessiOjii, give me a few minutes. this is something i routinely do on opensuse, but haven't tried on ubuntu yet10:28
bidossessialong with rikaichan and all10:28
Ojiinone of the keybindings works (switching input methods, get the bar, blah)10:28
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest38638
nevermoregot a question about installting software from source that already exists in the repos.10:28
nevermoreI want to install libmtp0.3.710:29
fantomasHow to switch input locale on external USB keyboard?10:29
nevermorethe version that exists in teh repos is libMtp 3.010:30
nevermore(on Jaunty)10:30
nevermorethere was a quite a few bugfixes between teh versions10:30
nevermorebut how do I install the new version without messing up dependencies and that10:31
nevermorebecause I don't want to install it while old package is installed, but if I uninstall odl package, stuff breaks.10:31
th0rnevermore: you might be able to install it alongside the old one and just change the link in /usr/lib10:33
kalmiis NetworkManager's Internet Sharing working for anyone in jaunty?10:33
Ojiithere is internet sharing in jaunty?10:34
nevermoreth0r: So compile new one, install files in same place as current one?10:34
th0rnevermore: but a search of 9.04 shows libmtp 8.010:34
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:35
fantomasDoes ANYone use external keyboard with laptop?10:35
th0rnevermore: in /usr/lib you should see two entries for libmtp...in my install there is libmtp.so.8 and libmtp.so.8.0.0. The first is what the programs grab, but it is just a link to the second.10:36
nevermoreth0r libmtp 8 doesn't exist. it says libmtp8, but that != libmtp 8.010:36
nevermoreah k10:36
kalmi!anyone | fantomas10:36
ubottufantomas: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:36
nevermoreso replace the secodn with the new one, and bob's your uncle?10:36
th0rnevermore: so you should be able to install libmtp 3.0.7 in /usr/lib alongside the old version and just change the link10:36
baryahcan anyone help me with ati driver version 9.3 on ubuntu 8.10, on Dell Latitude D53110:37
nevermorewill give it a go10:38
fantomaskalmi: i did. I can't switch input locale on external keyboard10:38
baryahcan anyone help me with ati driver version 9.3 on ubuntu 8.10, on Dell Latitude D53110:38
kalmiOjii, yes... NetworkManager is supposed to be able able to do internet sharing... it seems to use dnsmasq for DHCP and DNS.... dnsmasq returns "refused" for each dns request and I can't ping anything by ip either...10:39
kalmiOjii, from the other machines...10:39
kalmiOjii, the internet work fine on the "sharer"10:40
kalmiOjii, DHCP works fine10:40
nevermoreok so make install has installed revlent libs and binaries in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib rspectively10:42
nevermoreso now I turn the files in /usr/bin and /usr/lib relating to libMTP into links to these?10:43
ubuntuIs it possible to install hp scanjet g3110 under ubuntu 9.0410:43
Slartubuntu: have you checked at linuxprinting.org?10:43
Seveasnevermore, in the configure step, don't use ./configure but ./configure --prefix=/usr10:44
Seveasthen it'll install into /usr10:44
firemanwhen i tri to modify a config file it said thjat i dont have the permission necessary to save the file10:44
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Guest17010hi guys, im having a problem with my wireless card, my wireless internet is very slow10:44
Slartubuntu: or wait.. sorry.. a scanner.. that would be the sane site then..10:44
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=== liquid is now known as liquidee
liquideehow to check what wireless card i have?10:45
liquideeis it possible to do thru console?10:45
Seveasliquidee, lspci or lsusb10:45
firemanwhen i trie to modify a config file it said thjat i dont have the permission necessary to save the file10:45
firemanhow to get that permission10:45
Slartubuntu: you can search this site.. there is a database with scanners and how well they are supported.. http://www.sane-project.org10:45
Seveasfireman, run your editor with gksudo10:45
firemanSeveas: thanks10:46
liquideethis is the ethernet controller or network controller?10:46
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baryahmy screen is all sr\crewed up10:47
firemanSeveas: thanks a lot it works properly, thanks again10:47
baryahthe desktop wraps around from the right end of the screen to the left10:47
nevermoreSeveas- I didn't see this.10:47
nevermorehave done it the softlink way now10:48
nevermorebut that's less likely to mess up packages anyway10:48
baryahbut the mouse points at the position it should10:48
navid_i accidentally fixed my problem with not connectin to the LAN that provides me internet but every now and then it kicks me out and i have to recheck connection10:48
baryahso mouse points somewhere else and effect occurs somewhere else10:48
liquideei am experiencing trouble with my wireless connection. The lag prevents me from using skype, and the wlan connection is veeeery slow10:48
alan_simmondsso does anyone know how to tell a router to clear dhcp data?10:48
Slartbaryah: I don't quite understand you.. what is happening?10:49
=== andrea is now known as Guest64064
frojndHello tehre. In ubuntu 8.04. I right clicked on a folder and make it share. It also installed samba. After that I've restart samba: /etc/inint.d/samba restart but when I click on Network it says: Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve list from the server. Why is that?10:50
frojndWhat does that mean?10:50
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?10:50
Slartbaryah: you can move the mouse across the entire screen, correct? it stops when you get to the edge of the physical screen, correct?10:50
frojndI'd lilke to share trough samba with windows users and they musb be guest.. no password needed for accessing my files..10:50
isiahI have a usb powered fan. I want to switch it off and on by the terminal. How can I do this?10:51
webhostingi want to run my virtualhosts on a set of computers, is there any solution to make a distributed computing system?10:51
frojndAny ideas on this one'10:51
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:51
Slartisiah: I'm not sure if you can control usb power supply by software.. but if you can it would probably be documented in some usb specs or such..10:51
frojndbah I don't need server guide10:52
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?10:52
Slartisiah: this might give you some ideas http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/1192932.html10:53
isiahSlart: would you know of any all purpose unix command for this. Like one command that controls all usb activity?10:53
kalminavid_, they should be permanent by default...10:53
kalminavetz_, what kind of changes are not permanent and how do you set them?10:53
ubuntu10x Slart, I have found it as hp3900 (Basic support)10:53
Slartisiah: nah.. i've never seen any linux command to do this.. if it's possible I'm guessing you'll have to do it using something like c/c++/python/perl10:53
Slartubuntu: ah.. well.. basic support is better than none..10:54
isiahThank you. My goal is to see if I can made a variable speed motor driver10:54
liquideedo anyone has any idea how to fix a super slow wireless connection? It works well on windows though10:55
gartralhi, anyone here know where to get/post new theme for awn?10:55
kalmigartral, #awn10:55
`Nedis there a text editor in ubuntu 8.10 that will put a number on each line?10:56
navid_please help me10:56
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?10:56
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herathNed: i think gedit supports line numbers... at least in 9.04 you can enable it in preferences10:57
th0r`Ned: nedit is, I think, still available10:58
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Slart`Ned: text editors usually don't add stuff to a file by themselves.. but lots of editors can show you line numbers if you just want to see them... ie not put them in the actual file10:59
navid_it's driving me crazy .... every often i have to re enter DNS numbers in my connection settings!!!!10:59
djodjain gedit it's really easy to toggle line numbers on10:59
djodjajust go on edit10:59
djodjathen on the view tab10:59
djodjasimply tick display lin enumbers11:00
jakeHello, I am following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148600 on creating an Encrypted folder in my home directory. I have done this before on 8.04 with perfect success. But for some reason on 9.04 when I try to modprobe the fuse module I get the error "FATAL: Module fuse not found." Anyone have an idea?11:00
`NedSlart, yeah that's what I meant, I just need to know the line number, I don't want them added to the file11:01
jakeand use fuse-utils is installed11:01
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code11:01
`Nedwell I'll try gedit or nedit11:01
djodjabut you can also emacs11:02
nathan7EDITOR WARS!11:02
th0r`Ned: mousepad has that feature too...a very lightweight editor11:02
djodjagedit has ocme a long way11:02
* nathan7 tries gvim11:02
gartralkalmi: #awn is dead11:02
dorothyI updated from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 but in grub there aren't any new entries for 9.10, only the ones with 8.10 and the old kernel (2.6.27-7). I used the command update-grub but nothing happened. SUggestions?11:03
incorrecti installed netbeans,  now i have a menu item in gnome i can't get rid of,   what do i need to do to delete it?11:03
`Nedth0r, thanks11:03
nathan7dorothy: That only gets added with a new kernel.11:03
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?11:03
jakeincorrect: Right click on Applications "Edit Menus"11:03
nathan7dorothy: Its still 9.0411:03
djodjawhy netbeans? Why not Eclipse?11:03
incorrectthanks jake,  i was trying to do it like xp11:03
nathan7Eww, java.11:03
* nathan7 asplodes11:04
gartralnathan7: i'de rather use java then mono11:04
nathan7Java eats memory.11:04
jakeHello, I am following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148600 on creating an Encrypted folder in my home directory. I have done this before on 8.04 with perfect success. But for some reason on 9.04 when I try to modprobe the fuse module I get the error "FATAL: Module fuse not found." Anyone have an idea?11:04
nathan7Mono is JIT, and free software.11:04
kalmigartral, google is still alive and singing: http://wiki.awn-project.org/11:04
gartraljake: apt-get install fuse11:04
nathan7(No, don't start on IcedTea/GCJ, they suck)11:04
jakegartral: that package is not found. And i already have fuse-utils installed11:05
nathan7Plus, C# is great.11:05
nathan7And IronPython wins.11:05
dorothynathan7, in the grub only the old entries appear (Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic etc...)11:05
neonflxcan anyone point me in the right direction my problems is tha applications are opening up in the wrong monitor on a DUAL-MONITOR usin separate X windows any ideas thx11:05
gartraljake: did you start the module, or reboot your comp after you installed it?11:05
nathan7dorothy: Yes, until you upgrade your kernel no new entries appear.11:05
jakegartral: fuse-utils was already installed and had been installed for a long time. I have not installed anything that would require a restart.11:06
OjiiI tried to get SCIM running on my jaunty but it doesn't work. pressing ctrl+space doesn't do anything. I followed the guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Japanese_Input_and_Fonts_in_Ubuntu_8.10_using_SCIM. can anyone help with that?11:06
=== Murphy is now known as P0rnflakes
gartraljake: lemme try making an encrypted folder..11:06
jakegartral: ok11:07
nathan7jenaimarre: Fuse-utils is a part of fuse11:07
nathan7jenaimarre: Not the whole thing11:07
gartraljake: had to make an encryption key..11:08
jakegartral: I cant even get that far. Upon modprobing fuse I get the error about the module not existing11:09
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
Ojiianyone know how to get scim hotkeys to work?11:10
jakewhat was the command to remove a probed module?11:10
gartraljake: try reinstalling it, it might not have been upgraded properly if up didnt do a clean install11:11
zirodayjake: rmmod11:11
jakegartral: I did do a clean install11:11
zirodayjul_: can we help you?11:11
jakegartral: this is a whole new hard drive actually :S11:11
jul_no.. i just installed the irc chat^^11:11
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?11:12
jakeziroday: Oh hey, Thanks :) And thx for the Tuneups on my ATi Card you pointed me to. They are working fantastic11:12
jul_its very funny11:12
zirodayjake: great to hear :)11:12
zirodayjul_: okay, chatting is in #ubuntu-offtopic11:12
jakeziroday: You have any idea why its reporting that fuse doesnt exist?11:12
theunixgeekHow do I safely install Windows next to an existing Ubuntu installation?11:12
jul_are german speakers her?11:12
theunixgeekHow do I safely install Windows next to an existing Ubuntu installation?11:13
zirodayjake: sorry, I haven't been following you're issue. Whats not working?11:13
ziroday!de | jul_11:13
ubottujul_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:13
zirodaytheunixgeek: install windows, and then you will have to reinstall grub11:13
jakeziroday: Im trying to modprobe fuse and use it in combination with encfs to create an encrypted folder11:13
isiahtheunixgeek: its hard since grub destroyed your defualt master boot record11:13
nick900101please i have intel 950 gma and every thing is fine except video sometimes in rapid scenes like if the actor is running or moving fast i see tearing in video i searched the forums and tried every thing but same ubuntu 9.04 plz help11:13
ziroday!grub | theunixgeek11:13
ubottutheunixgeek: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:13
alan_simmondshi, i have an issue with dual boot dhcp config in jaunty...can anyone help?11:13
jakeziroday: but when I try to sudo modprobe fuse11:13
jul_okey.. i will speak english;)11:13
ianpamplonahello everybody11:13
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?\11:13
zirodayjake: I don't think fuse is a module11:14
jakeziroday: really?11:14
zirodayjake: pretty certain11:14
jakeziroday: I remember having to do it in 8.0411:14
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?11:14
theunixgeekziroday: thanks11:14
zirodayjake: ah, then perhaps I'm wrong :)11:14
theunixgeekWhat about safe partitioning?11:14
navid_i'm using hardy11:14
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?11:14
zirodayjake: "FATAL: Module fuse not found."11:14
jul_how can i join an another chatroom?11:14
jakeziroday: also heres the Guide im following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14860011:14
zirodaytheunixgeek: partition beforehand with gparted, from a livecd if necessary11:15
zirodayjul_: type /join #ubuntu-de11:15
zethero2how do you browse networks in Xubuntu?11:15
jakeziroday: This guide also states to modprobe fuse https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption11:15
zirodayjake: ah okay, that all looks okay. Which part are you stuck on?11:15
cleptoim having problems figuring out how to get my onboard microphone on my laptop working11:15
andrewfreeMysql has decided to fail and start. How can I force reinstall it11:15
jul_is here a admin of this room?11:15
ianpamplonai'm just wondering if there's an application in ubuntu or linux in general that can be used in photo kiosk? similar to xKiosk 211:15
zirodayjul_: why?11:16
navid_i'm using hardy11:16
Rafik94can i update from 8.04 to 9.10 ?? and how i can do it ?11:16
navid_any ideas how to make that changes permanent in the network connection settings?11:16
kalminavid_, what kind of changes are not permanent and how do you set them?11:16
rrvaI want to install jaunty with encrypted ext4 lvm disks. How to do it? Seems that installer only supports ext3 for that, in some combinations only ext2.. ?11:16
zirodayRafik94: yes, go through 8.1011:16
jul_i only ask11:16
ziroday!upgrade | Rafik9411:16
ubottuRafik94: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:16
navid_DNS numbers11:16
`Nedif I get an error notice saying there's an error in line 90, is it counting all the lines on the page including empty lines?11:16
ianpamplonai want to use ubuntu rather than windows11:16
cleptoyes ned11:17
ianpamplonaany help will be appreciated :D11:17
`Nedthanks clepto11:17
kalmirrva, I have jaunty working with a single ext4 partition... (I don't know if encrypted lvm makes a difference)11:17
kalminavid_, how do you set them?11:17
navid_i must say i had them but after several months i lost connectiuon with LAN11:17
rrvakalmi: It seems the installer with only let me choose ext3 when using encryption11:18
neonflxcan anyone point me in the right direction my problems is tha applications are opening up in the wrong monitor on a DUAL-MONITOR usin separate X windows any ideas thx11:18
ianpamplonahello again11:19
navid_kalmi: i go to network settings and on the DNS tab i enter the numbers11:19
alan_simmondsanyone have a clue about dualboot networking/11:19
Rafik94i have 8.04. if i want 9.10, i have update to 8.10, lether, 9.04 ?11:19
navid_kalmi: in DNS servers section11:19
cleptoim having problems figuring out how to get my onboard microphone on my laptop working can someone help me figure it out please?11:19
theunixgeekziroday: thanks for your help :)11:19
mintuxwhich usb wireless adapter supported in ubuntu ? or all usb wireless adapter must work on ndiswrapper?11:19
zirodaytheunixgeek: no problem :)11:20
cleptomintux: i use the alfa 500mw and it works just fine. it depends on the chipset on the wifi device honestly11:20
zirodaymintux: it depends, its probably easier to find some wireless adapters you are interested in purchasing, finding out there chipsets and see if they work11:20
vladimirboydclepto: what's the problem with the sound?11:20
kalminavid_, edit /etc/resolv.conf manually and then issue this command: chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf (this will prevent any modificatons to the DNS settings)11:21
mintuxi bought a dlink dwa-12011:21
mintuxbut it not worked11:21
cleptovladimirboyd: my sound works fine, its the built in microphone i cant seem to get to work. ive tried testing the diferent volume levels and im getting nothing11:21
navid_kalmi: in DNS servers section11:21
vladimirboydclepto: are you in Volume Control right now?11:22
cleptovladimirboyd: yes11:22
kalmi navid_, edit /etc/resolv.conf manually(sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf) and then issue this command: sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf (this will prevent any modificatons to the DNS settings)11:22
ianpamplonahi ziroday11:22
vladimirboydclepto: what's in there, i.e. devices?11:22
zirodayianpamplona: hello11:22
ianpamplonaany idea of a kiosk software in linux? photo kiosk one like xkiosk2?11:23
kiliorI use nm to manage my network setting. And use DHCP to configure eth0. Dhclient get the same ip from DHCP Service. I want get another IP from DHCP Service? What can I do?11:23
kalmi(navid_, what I suggested will only work if you use ext2/3/4 as your filesystem)11:23
mintuxziroday: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Devices/USB this list is supported wireless cart on linux ?11:24
zirodaymintux: yes those should all work, but those are chipsets11:25
nathan7kilior: Sec.11:25
nathan7kilior: sudo rm /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases11:25
zirodaymintux: wait nevermind11:25
cleptohda NVidia (alsa mixer) realtek alc268 (oss mixer) playback: HDA Nvidia - alc268 analod (pulseAudio Mixer) capute: monitor of HDA NVidia - ALC268 analog (PulseAudio  mixer) capture: HDA NVidia - ALC268 Analod (PulseAudio Mixer)11:25
andrewfreewould updating to 9.04 mess with mysql server setup in 8.10?11:25
nathan7It'll ask11:25
navid_kalmi: i cant see any thing in that file you mentioned      resolve.conf11:26
Moongosesetup a test with vmware and see if it would screw with your mysql server11:26
nathan7Moongose: Dpkg will ask11:26
nathan7andrewfree: Make sure to do a command line upgrade11:26
Bman_hi. How can i deinstall Ubuntu? Or format completely the drive where Ubuntu is installed. It's installed and sda, so first one, and there's also win 7 rc on there. but win 7 won't start since i installed ubuntu si i want to deinstall it. someone can help me?11:26
andrewfreenathan7: well mysql will not start, so I uninstalled it, installed it again, and it still fails to start11:26
kiliorIt dosen't work11:26
Moongosecheck your logs andrewfree]11:27
nathan7andrewfree: sudo apt-get purge mysql-server11:27
vladimirboydclepto: it recognises the device11:27
vladimirboydclepto: click Preferences11:27
vladimirboydclepto: choose Capture11:27
navid_kalmi: i cant see any thing in that file you mentioned      resolve.conf11:27
cleptovladimirboyd: but im not getting anything from it in any of my apps and i have the volume to max11:28
vladimirboydclepto: close Prefs and there shopuld be "Recording" tab11:28
kiliorif I change the Ip logged in /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases, and  use sudo dhclient eth0 ,then I will get another IP.11:28
navid_am i suposed to write in it?11:28
rrvaif I install jaunty on lvm encrypted ext2 (which is the only choice), and then use tune2fs -j ; tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index, will there be any difference from creating an ext4 fs from scratch?11:28
andrewfreenathan7: It still fails to start11:28
kiliornm cann't.11:28
m00s3hi there. I ran gparted to shrink my XP partition to make room for ubuntu and when booting to xp i get UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. any tips aside from "it isn't an ubuntu problem"?11:29
navid_kalmi: am i suposed to write in it?11:29
nathan7andrewfree: Then you messed up.11:30
nathan7andrewfree: Wwait...11:30
kiliorI find nm do not need /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases.11:30
cleptovladimirboyd: and when i use the sound recorder i just get alot of static and clicking noises11:30
rrvam00s3: did you check the round to cylinders checkbox?11:30
nathan7andrewfree: sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.011:30
kalminavid_, is DNS working now? if it is, than don't touch that file. Just run the other command11:31
andrewfreenathan7: ah closer, it is asking if I want to remove all databases, would I be able to keep them and just fix the server parat?11:31
andrewfreepart too*11:31
ramvi_How can I know whether my driver / ubuntu is using wifi N or G standard?11:32
MoochHi all heres a problem I am sure most users that have dial up have come across with 8.10. Well I have a PCtel modem I downloaded the drivers but when I try to configure my ISP info and then try to save it I get a error. Is there going to be a way I can dial out?11:32
rrvam00s3: try http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk11:32
alex881ramvi_ i think that N rates are not still supported in ubuntu11:33
_user_hey guys windows 7 has a feature when you move a window to screen edge it takes half the screen how to o that in ubuntu ???11:33
kalmi_user_, use a tiling window manager :) (I know it's quite different, but hey... they are cool and useful)11:34
nathan7andrewfree: Yeah.11:34
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
dorothyhow do I update to 2.6.28 kernel in Jaunty?11:35
_user_kalmi, no i use gnome how to make it in compiz ?11:35
andrewfreeok cool11:35
andrewfreeand is there something special with booting up from a firewire drive in ubuntu?11:35
andrewfreeIm on a mac and its easy but idk how to do it with non mac bios11:36
ramvi_If I have a  linux distro installed and install Ubuntu, will it add itself to the grub list or will I have to add it manually?11:36
_user_hey guys windows 7 has a feature when you move a window to screen edge it takes half the screen how to o that in ubuntu ???11:36
henuxhow do i disable the pc speaker? i installed ubuntu from the mini iso, and it now gives me the super annoying system BEEP on when gdm is ready etc. occasions. i tried blacklisting pcspkr mod and did modprobe -r pcspkr but that didn't help11:37
MoochIs there any way to dial out with 8.10?11:38
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up11:38
vladimir1oydclepto: sorry, my internet connection sucks11:38
vladimir1oydclepto: what sound card are you using?11:38
MoochI read the forums not much use11:38
cleptovladimirloyd: its a realtek one not sure which lemme check lspci output11:39
alan_simmonds1does anyone know where i can get the opensource ati drivers?11:39
andrewfreenot going to happen for ati drivers11:39
MoochWhat I want to know is why wvdialconf does not want to save my ISP info11:39
=== ramvi_ is now known as ramvi
cleptovladimirloyd: hmm well in windows it uses realtek drivers but lspci returned Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)11:40
ramviIf I have a  linux distro installed and install Ubuntu, will it add itself to the grub list or will I have to add it manually?11:40
vladimir1oydclepto: run this for me11:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pcspkr11:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beep11:40
vladimir1oydclepto: cat /proc/asound/cards11:40
henuxanyone can help me?11:40
vladimir1oydclepto: what's the output?11:40
clepto 0 [NVidia         ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia  HDA NVidia at 0xd0880000 irq 2111:41
TUplinkanyone know of a good tutorial on how to get 9.04 to use an LDAP server for logins?11:41
alan_simmonds1andrewfree: already has, for older cards, 9.04 uses them11:41
dorothyhow do I update to 2.6.28 kernel in Jaunty?11:41
Slarthenux: run this "sudo modprobe -r pcspkr"11:41
henuxSlart: i did11:41
henuxSlart: no good11:41
cleptovladimirloyd: which is wierd becuase i have an amd/nvidia cpu/chipset11:42
MoochWhat other options do I have to dial out without wvdial?11:42
henuxSlart: i already told you i blacklisted pcspkr11:42
henuxSlart: no good11:42
henuxdoesn't work11:42
vladimir1oydclepto: i always had a problem with AMD chipsets11:42
Slarthenux: well.. then you're on your own.. that's the only way I know11:43
erUSULramvi: you will have to add it manually11:43
ramvierUSUL: That's kind of hard, but thanks! :)11:43
erUSULramvi: make sure you choose not to install ubuntus grub during instalation11:44
MoochDoes anyone know why wvdialconf would refuse to save my ISP info on 8.1011:45
Slarthenux: you could try system, preferences, sound, uncheck alert sound too11:45
dns-artIch habe unter youtube keinen Sound was kann ich da tuen?11:47
Slart!de | dns-art11:47
ubottudns-art: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:47
erUSULMooch: tried pppconfig ?11:48
MoochIs wvdial the only option to dial out on ubuntu 8.10?11:48
SlartMooch: I've used gnome-ppp11:48
neptunedoes anyone know why when i search for some programs with synaptic, it just can't find them?11:48
ozzmosisneptune: does apt-cache search find them?11:49
Slartneptune: ehm.. because it isn't there? or you might not have all the repos activated?11:49
neptunewhen i controll +f for find, yes it finds them11:49
tommyvc1hi, anyone can help me on this? I tried to compile a simplest hello world program, it gives me this error: collect2: cannot find 'ld', i checked my /usr/bin directory, there is not a file called ld11:49
neptunebut not on the quick search box on the top11:49
MoocherUSUL well I did that but the problem I run into is when everything is configured and I hit pon the terminal says the command not found11:49
Slartneptune: the quick search box and the search function doesn't do the same thing11:50
Slartneptune: I'm not sure what the quick search box does but it doesn't give the same results as the search function11:50
neptuneSlart, i used to find them with the quick search in my previous ubuntu11:50
erUSULMooch: !o.0 ?11:50
MoochHow can I get gnome-ppp11:50
neptunei am talking specifically for jre (sun-java-jre) and apache (apache2) quick search finds none of them11:50
ozzmosistommyvc1: ld is in the binutils package11:51
Bman_hi. How can i deinstall Ubuntu? Or format completely the drive where Ubuntu is installed. It's installed and sda, so first one, and there's also win 7 rc on there. but win 7 won't start since i installed ubuntu si i want to deinstall it. someone can help me?11:51
erUSULMooch: po comes in the "ppp" package reinstall it11:51
MoocherUSUL will my live cd have it11:51
Bman_hi. How can i deinstall Ubuntu? Or format completely the drive where Ubuntu is installed. It's installed and sda, so first one, and there's also win 7 rc on there. but win 7 won't start since i installed ubuntu si i want to deinstall it. someone can help me?11:51
erUSULBman_: from a windows install disk boot into recovery mode use "fixmbr" to make windows start... then from withing windows reformat the drive. Details in ##windows11:52
Slartneptune: sun-java-jre isn't a package as far as I can tell.. there is a sun-java6-jre, both the quicksearch and search finds that one on my system11:52
Bman_thx erUSUL11:52
ATL`SCRiPTvorrei un consiglio qual di linux e il migliore11:53
neptuneSlart yes sun-java6 i can't find it11:53
MoocherUSUL: or how do I go about reinstalling it?11:53
erUSUL!it | ATL`SCRiPT11:53
ubottuATL`SCRiPT: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:53
Slartneptune: the quicksearch just searches in the results from the search that is selected in the left listbox thingy11:53
Slartneptune: so make sure you've got "All" selected there11:53
neptunei have All selected11:53
erUSULMooch: from synaptic for example or comman line... « sudo apt-get install --reinstall ppp »11:53
neptunenow it works11:54
neptuneI clicked All again and it works, even though it was highlighted11:54
sixnonepHi Guys need some help with tor11:54
Slartneptune: well.. perhaps you forgot to say "please" =)11:54
neptunethanks for the help :)11:54
neptuneSlart it could be a bug in the new ubuntu11:54
Bman_erUSUL:  can't diskboot because there's a problem with that windows... build 7100 is not compatible with ubuntu, i can only start win 7 in safe modus. if i put the installation disk in, i just see the loading page, then black..11:54
=== marcel_ is now known as marcelles
Slartneptune: possible.. see if you can replicate it.. and find other people that experience the same bug.. then report it11:55
erUSULBman_: well if you can boot into safe mode you can do "fixmbr" from there ?11:55
Bman_erUSUL: ok i'll try this. in comand prompt?11:56
neptunehow can i do that?11:56
grawityerUSUL: isn't 'fixmbr' an XP-only command?11:56
erUSULBman_: grawity as i said earlier you should ask for more details in ##windows i do not use windows so my info may be out of date11:57
MoocherUSUL: my modem is on ttyS_PCTEL0 do I type that out as my location for my modem in the configuration utility screen?11:57
goodboyi need help plix11:57
tommyvc1hi ozzmosis, it seems like it is already installed, "binutils is already the newest version"11:57
cemunalmy screen has been slided to right ( left side is black about one inch ) How can i rotate it with writing xorg.conf?11:57
erUSULBman_: grawity just sketching what could be a possible soluition11:57
erUSULMooch: yes...11:57
Bman_thx erUSUL :) just no response in ##windows so11:58
goodboyi need to install latest verzion of file roller11:58
goodboyi have download from here :http://fileroller.sourceforge.net/11:58
jribgoodboy: why do you think you need to do that...?11:58
MoocherUSUL: So after I have all my ISP info completed whats the command to dial out?11:58
goodboyand now file for compile is on my desktop11:58
goodboyhow to install?11:58
erUSULMooch: pon11:59
* goodboy need help11:59
erUSULMooch: or "pon yourprovider " if you give it a name11:59
jribgoodboy: did you see my question?11:59
goodboyi didnt11:59
MoocherUSUL great thanks I'll try it out appreciate your time12:00
erUSULMooch: no problem12:00
th0rgoodboy: why install version 2.24 or 2.25 when the version in Jaunty is 2.26?12:01
goodboyhere is my problem12:01
goodboyplease view12:01
MoochHey thOr12:01
kilioruse nm and dhcp configure network, nm get the same IP everytime. how to get another IP?12:01
th0rhey Mooch12:02
erUSULkilior: the dhcp server remembers you and give to you the same ip if it can12:02
MoochthOr thanks for your advice the other day I appreciate it12:03
erUSULkilior: so not much you can do if you do not control the dhcp server afaik12:03
kiliordhclient always want use the same IP, not the Server12:03
th0rMooch: np...glad it worked out12:04
MoocherUSUL: quick question I have a USB PCI card with no linux drivers this piece of hardware cannot work without linux drivers correct?12:04
erUSULkilior: dclient ask for an ip... the server gives it one... it is the server the one wich chooses what ip to give12:05
nathan7Mooch: The drivers are built in to ubuntu12:05
erUSULMooch: all usb pci cards should work with linux12:05
nathan7Mooch: Most probably12:05
th0rgoodboy: well...to answer your question, once you have untar-ed the download cd to that directory and type 'make' in the terminal. But I wouldn't be surprised if it fails aas you probably need -dev files for some support libs12:05
Moochhmmm I bought one and it didn't of course my computer is ancient12:06
erUSULMooch: i have one myself with an uli chipset and works like a charm12:06
=== stan_ is now known as extremity
th0rMooch: unplug it from the usb port, open a terminal and type 'tail -f /var/log/messages' and then plug it in again. See if the system identifies it at all12:06
erUSULMooch: maybe it is not well placed in the pci slot ?? does it appear in "lspci" output ?12:07
extremityhi all12:07
Moochunless hmmm I put next to my video so I wonder why it didn't work12:07
Moochhmmmm let try that out and see12:07
th0rMooch...is it a pci card with usb ports, or a usb pci adapter?12:08
silv3r_m00nhi there12:08
extremityi have a problem with my hp tx 2520er... all working correctly, but when i try to run video content like some movie and resize window, it restart my x-server... somebody can help me pls?12:08
silv3r_m00nin kedit I typed some unicode text ... it looks fine ... I save it and when I reopen it .... it all becomes ?????????? why ?12:09
MoochPCI card with USB ports12:09
teapotHey guys. Does anyone know what kind of wireless card would I be looking to buy for a laptop?12:10
MoocherUSUL the first time I had plug in my install for 8.10 stalled completely12:10
teapothttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported    There are different card types and I'm not sure which to get.12:10
erUSULMooch: maybe there is something wrong with the card ? does it work in other os's ?12:11
teapotExcuse me guys. Does anyone know what kind of card I need?12:12
MoocherUSUL: it came with drivers for Windows and Mac but this is my second card and same problem the first card had a resource conflict12:12
DecessusBest bet, don't buy an off the wall brand, stick to more common brands, better chance for support12:13
DecessusAlso, I wouldn't dive into bleeding-edge12:13
navid_i've lost my last connection here an there was my problem running about how to change network setting and save it permanently12:13
xukunWhen I run alsamixer I get this error: "function snd_ctl open failed for default: No such file or directory" any idea why?12:14
navid_i'm using hardy12:14
Moochmy comoputer is ancient12:14
OmaticHi guys, am using ubuntu hardy - what would cause my machine to loose network connection now and then unitl I do /etc/init.d/networking restart ?12:14
teapotDecessus: Thanks but I meant what type like PCI etc...12:14
navid_and i connect to internet over a LAN12:14
Severity1can i run a virtual machine in text mode only?\12:14
Severity1without running the gui12:14
Severity1for example appying virtual machines on a server type OS12:15
teapotHey guys. Does anyone know what kind of wireless card (like PCI etc...) would I be looking to buy for a laptop?12:15
Severity1without ever installing ubuntu-desktop12:15
navid_i heard something about resolve.conf12:15
navid_what about it?12:15
erUSULMooch: well maybe the same is happening with this one... dunno12:15
=== b2ke is now known as B2KE
jribgoodboy: why do you think you need to do that...?12:16
mudittulimy screen resolution is reduced to 640 X 480 after the last ubuntu update, I use NVIDIA 9400 gs12:16
MoocherUSUL do you a relatively new computer?12:16
navid_i heard something about resolve.conf12:16
mudittulican anyone help me out please !12:16
kiliorwhere nm log the IP got via DHCP?12:16
teapotHey guys. Does anyone know what kind of wireless card (like PCI etc...) would I be looking to buy for a laptop?12:16
erUSULMooch: well yep not the latest; athlon64 x2 AM212:17
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Decessusteapot, oh it's for a laptop?12:17
progre55Hi everyone! how to format a an ext3 partition into an ntfs partition?12:17
erUSULteapot: usb; laptops do not have pci slots12:17
erUSUL!gparted | progre5512:17
ubottuprogre55: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:17
teapoterUSUL: Thanks.12:17
MoocherUSUL thats way newer than mine12:17
teapotDecessus: Yup.12:17
Severity1usb wifi12:17
Omaticprogre55, use gparted12:17
mudittulimy screen resolution is reduced to 640 X 480 after the last ubuntu update, I use NVIDIA 9400 gs12:17
mudittulican anyone help me out please !12:17
MoochI may try to see if I can find a linux card and see how that works out12:18
DecessusPCMCIA card teapot12:18
navid_i mean gedit /etc/resolve.conf12:18
teapotDecessus: Thanks.12:18
mudittulithis is irritating :(12:18
progre55erUSUL, Omatic, thanks )12:18
Severity1or a usb wifi12:18
Moochif it doesn't I may need a external12:19
progre55erUSUL, Omatic, but, would I have to boot from a live CD?12:19
MoocherUSUL but thanks for your help anyways12:19
Severity1progre55, it depends12:19
erUSULMooch: no problem12:19
Severity1if you are gonna reformat you primary partition then you have to boot from live12:20
teapotSeverity1: Thanks.12:20
erUSULprogre55: you can do it from windows if you prefer... ask in ##windows for details12:20
progre55Severity1, well, the thing is, I had installed ubuntu as dual with vista for my cousing, but now he wants me to format the partition back so that he could use it from his vista..12:20
Severity1but if you are gonna reformat another partition from thwe one you are currently booted to, you dont need to boot from live12:21
progre55erUSUL, thanks12:21
progre55erUSUL, let me try that )12:21
navid_can anybody help me about it/12:21
navid_my problem is everytime i get this kick out of internet and once again i have to re-enter my DNS No. in the settings!!12:21
Severity1so he wants to remove ubuntu?12:21
mudittulican anyone see this text ?12:21
grawitymudittuli: yes, we can.12:21
mudittulilol, okay12:22
mudittulii need help with screen resolution !12:22
navid_my problem is everytime i get this kick out of internet and once again i have to re-enter my DNS No. in the settings!!12:23
mudittuliafter the last ubuntu update my screen resolution is reduced to 640x48012:23
Battenavid_:  you use router or pci card modem?12:24
Battenavid_:  sounds  to me like a router problem not a ubuntu problem :s12:24
Thorgrinhi everyone12:24
navid_so what should ido12:24
navid_even my windows works properly12:25
mudittuliand I fear that it is a problem wit hmy graphics driver !12:25
Batteso no problem with windows?12:25
Battemudittuli: I think so too12:25
deevaloohi all12:25
navid_permanent connection12:26
Battedoes your router has DHCP turned o,n?12:26
mudittuliBatte: what can I do about it ?12:26
Battemudittuli: I'm not an expert :) ... having grphic driver problems myself ... but I am able to run my desktop at OK settings12:27
navid_i dont know its out of my hand it's the admin's12:27
ThorgrinGraphic problems, uh12:28
ThorgrinI do also12:28
BatteATI card?12:28
ThorgrinWHen I select ubuntu booting12:28
Battenavid_:  are you able to connect to the webmanagemend console?12:28
ThorgrinThis appears: http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc177/jopuXWB/P1030080.jpg?t=124316434312:28
BatteThorgrin: Having kind of the same problem with my ATI 9800pro12:29
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navid_amf i am new to linux12:29
ThorgrinI got an HD2600 Pro12:29
ThorgrinI intalled the driver prior to boot windows again12:29
Thorgrinand when I re tried, this appeared12:30
Battenavid_:  Go to your web browser and try: or . Those are mostly the ip adresses of your router12:30
progre55erUSUL, Omatic, lol )) I've formatted the ubuntu partition into ntfs, but now when I turn the comp on, it says it cannot find Grub :) "Error 17". and does not load even into windows :) please help me out :)12:31
navid_it returns Page load error12:31
Battewhats your make of the router?12:31
erUSULprogre55: boot into recovery mode with a windows install cd do "fixmbr" in the recovery console. More details in ##windows12:32
Gothfunc_lo.  i was having problems when switching users with my nvidia card, sometimes all the windows on one account would have corrupt graphics and i'd have to close them and reopen them individually.  i thought i'd downgrade the drivers from v180 to v173, but now my lcd tv works fine and my monitor only goes to 640x480 :s  any ideas?12:32
progre55erUSUL, but I dont have a windows install cd (12:32
BatteThorgrin: I know ATI has some sh*tty support on linux drivers12:32
navid_0.1 returned that result12:32
Batteand 1.1?12:33
ThorgrinMy bad12:33
Gothfunc_on either problem?12:33
navid_but for 1.1 it's still trying12:34
Battetakes to long :)12:34
sara_hi how to use a server directory, so i may get music without storing it on a local directory on my desktop i am on ubuntu ibex  160 gb hdd 150 mb ram12:34
Wilhelminahello -  am having a bif problem uninstalling Cinelerra from heron12:35
Battesara_: you have to browe to the (I suppose windows) folder on the network12:35
navid_Batte: sorry i got disconnected12:36
Battenavid_:  hehe ^12:36
sara_Batte,  its an external server12:36
sara_merly a directory12:36
The_Toxic_MiteHello world12:36
erUSULprogre55: well i did not know you were going to reformat the partition that holded grub :(.12:36
navid_i'm on another machine on windows12:36
erUSULprogre55: see here http://geniushackers.com/blog/2008/04/02/recover-windows-mbr-using-ubuntu-live-cd/ and here http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/12:36
mudittuliokies, I just posted my question with #xorg12:37
progre55erUSUL, thank you very much, man, appreciate! I'll try to look the links )12:37
Battesara_:  Never tied that, Im kind of new here :p Ill try to check it out12:37
navid_Batte: the problem is it disconnects12:38
Battesara_:  cant you use "locations -> connect to server" ?12:38
Battenavid_:  open console and type ifconfig12:38
sara_its a http:// server12:38
navid_and on Hardy i have the settings saved12:38
sara_wrong protocol12:38
Battesara_:  should work with that i think12:38
navid_i'm going on that machine with the nickname Nahy12:39
navid_to paste it for you12:39
lex0how do i update my video drivers (nvida) in terminal again?12:39
navid_to paste it for you12:42
Battenavid_:  In windows use the ipconfig command12:42
Battewindows ipconfig = linux ifconfig12:42
develHey all I'm not getting anny sound out of my linux ...12:42
Battedevel: check out "system -> preferences -> sound" and make sure ale the devices are set correctly12:43
NahyBatte: am i gonna paste it here?12:43
Batteyou can private message me if you want that12:44
develwell is there a command ? cause i'm running gOS and not ubuntu itself12:44
hectorq es esto12:44
gigohi. anyone uses gnomebaker for writing multisession DVDs?12:44
hectorque es esto joder12:44
Paddy_EIRE!es | hector12:45
ubottuhector: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:45
develits set to autodetect12:45
Wilhelminahi, i have tried to remove Cinelerra many times today and it keeps coming up with an error12:45
Wilhelminai pasted the output here: http://yourpaste.net/1987/12:46
Wilhelminatried touch, purge, remove everything12:46
navid_Batte: im disconnected12:47
navid_Batte: i manually set that connection to
navid_why it's been changed12:48
teapotCan anyone recommend a good wireless PCMCIA / USB device that works with Linux?12:49
develMy ALSA and OSS mixer devices don't give me any sound ... anyone who can help ?12:50
Battenavid_: you there?12:50
Nahysorry man12:51
BatteNahy: you have a dhcp server giving ip adresses in the range 192.168.0.x12:51
Amministratore_c'è nessuno?12:51
Nahyim going crazy myself :)12:51
Batteso that is good; you also have your 2cnd card set to 0.612:52
g0wdai can't run any java app!!! it's saying "main class not found"12:53
Battewhy dont you use dhcp there? running server?12:53
Nahybut why is it jumping out and i have to fix it over and over?12:53
zachariasHello!  How can I open the same doc in two windows with evince?  I'd need to have one page in front of me while reading the other.12:53
Battemaybe duplicate ip adres on the same network? or is this not possible12:53
Nahyi don't know and i can not change it12:53
Nahyno it is impossilble12:54
sanketi am using this weather forecast tool in Intrepid, i wanted to know if it's open source? I wanted to write a plugin to display this message on my IM status.... what are my options?12:55
Sir-IntegraHey, i'm having troubles minimizing game windows12:55
Sir-Integralike i can do on Windows, Windows key and D12:55
Sir-Integrabut i can't do that on ubuntu, anyone have any knowledge to shed on this issue?12:55
Slartzacharias: try the "open a copy" menu option12:56
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zachariasSlart: thanks, I didn't notice that option12:58
teapotCan anyone recommend a good wireless PCMCIA / USB device that works with Linux?12:58
daltonbonjour tous le monde12:59
jvogelDoes anyone have experience here decrypting NTFS partitions in TrueCrypt via the command line?12:59
Sir-Integrateapot : depends on what drivers you'd like to use with it.12:59
Sir-Integrateapot: i have a NETGEAR WPN111 - using ndiswrapper.  Works fine for me12:59
daltonfrench ?13:00
navid_Batte: sorry13:00
Batteil lsend it to navid_13:01
zachariasAnother question: there's stuttering and skipping in music playback whenever I do basic things in other programs, such as open documents, resize windows, scroll a PDF quickly ... Never had any such problem in Windows.  These simple operations shouldn't affect music playback ... Is there anything I can do about this?13:01
zacharias(BTW, using Rhythmbox)13:01
Wilhelminasolved the problem13:02
Paddy_EIRE!dma | zacharias13:02
ubottuzacharias: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hardware transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA13:02
develIs there any way to manually update to kernel 2.6.27 ??13:03
Dam0can someone tell me whats wrong with this? http://pastebin.com/m2884ebf713:03
zachariasPaddy_EIRE: I'm not even playing the music from the hard disk ... DMA shouldn't have an effect on it.13:03
zacharias(it's streamed from the internet)13:04
Paddy_EIREzacharias: it would be the same from cd/dvd drive also13:04
Paddy_EIREzacharias: yeah but your hard disk is still being used13:04
zachariasbut not by the music player ... anyway, I'll try it.13:04
Paddy_EIREzacharias: try playing music from the internet without a hard disk :)13:04
Dam0my eggdrop works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf   but when i try to connect it normaly it wont connect to a irc server13:06
jvogeldevel: compile from source13:06
zachariasbesides, even a 14 year old computer should be able to play mp3s without glitches13:06
mudittulihi, after the last ubuntu update, my screen resolution is reduced to 640X480, my graphic card is nvidia 8400m GS !13:08
mudittulihow can I correct it ?13:09
rashed2020You buy a new graphics card13:09
wet-chantry find a driver for it13:09
mudittulirashed2020: lol13:09
erUSULmudittuli: install nvidia-settings... run it with "gsudo nvidia-settings"13:09
erUSUL!nvidia | mudittuli13:09
ubottumudittuli: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:09
zachariasWhy not say: or just use an OS that works, like Windows.  Some really helpful replies here, I see.13:09
skullhackshi l33t_n00b13:10
l33t_n00bhaha hello skullhacks13:10
develjvogel: so download the drivers from realtek ?13:10
ganeshpHey all, I am a new ubuntu user and need a piece of advise. i have done lots of adding and removal of new softwares and now i realize that the disk space use by the OS has significantly increased i.e. around 7 GB inspite of me uninstalling most of the newly added softwares. Kindly advise how to remove unwanted files from the system.13:10
skullhackshey l33t_n00b  Get achilles and Ill show you how to pison cookies13:10
erUSULganeshp: sudo apt-get clean13:10
erUSULganeshp: that removes deb files from the apt cache13:11
ganeshpthank you erUSUL. I will try this right away.13:11
l33t_n00bhaha at least i'll never worry about that, i have ubuntu on a dedicated 160GB drive. and the rest of the junk on a 320GB one13:11
Zelfjel33t_n00b: hard drive capacity is never enough ;)13:12
mudittulierUSUL: i have nvidia-settings installed13:12
frojndHello tehre13:12
mudittulieverything was working fine, before the update last night !13:12
l33t_n00bdid you update your nvidia drivers or something?13:13
l33t_n00bFFS skullhacks13:13
erUSULmudittuli: the « gksudo nvidia-settings » choose desired resolution and other settings. choose save to X conf file. restart Xwindows13:13
erUSUL!caps | skullhacks13:13
ubottuskullhacks: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:13
ganeshpHello erUSUL. Your advise worked wonderfully. I could free up more than 1.5 GB space.   Thank you so much.13:13
erUSULskullhacks: somewhere under ~/.mozilla/13:13
erUSULganeshp: no problem13:14
dSlaMskullhacks: somewhere in a ~/.firefox foler would be my guess ??13:14
mudittulierUSUL: I don't have anyother display listed above 640X480 in nvidia settings !13:14
l33t_n00b/home/yourusername/.mozilla/firefox/ then tehre is something like cookies.sql in there13:14
skullhackso lol13:14
dSlaM(or .mozilla or something )13:14
erUSULmudittuli: o.0!!13:14
l33t_n00banyway do you have the latest nvidia drivers installed? mudittuli13:15
skullhacksi just see io3uyknx.default  profiles.ini13:15
mudittulil33t_n00b: yes I do !13:15
dSlaMskullhacks: what's in the soomething.default ?13:15
mudittulil33t_n00b: whatever latest is listed on synaptic !13:16
mudittuliI have it !13:16
l33t_n00bI installed the ones from drivers manager but it should be the same13:16
skullhacksi found
skullhacksi mean cookies.sqlite13:16
skullhacksand lot of useless stuff13:16
l33t_n00bso mudittuli when you go to System -> Administration do you see a Nvidia X server settings thing?13:17
happyhessianafter upgrading from 8.10 ubuntu to 9.04 kubuntu i'm getting a "fat filesystem panic"  when i plug in my ipod.  how can i figure out what the problem is and (hopefully) fix it?13:17
dSlaMerrrrrr don't u think the cookies.* could be the stuff you're searching for ???13:17
l33t_n00bAll skullhacks wants to do is poison a load of cookies13:18
lion13salut a tous13:18
skullhackswith achilles!13:18
erUSUL!ot | skullhacks l33t_n00b13:18
ubottuskullhacks l33t_n00b: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:18
achillesskullhacks, what ?!13:18
mudittulii had this issue with graphic driver, an year ago, i reinstalled ubuntu, everything worked fine !13:18
dSlaMl33t_n00b: right i won't eat any of his either but that's not the problem ^^13:18
mudittuliyes I see Nvidia X server13:18
dSlaMlion13: frenchie ^^13:18
l33t_n00bso when you click on it and load up the program does it show fine?13:19
BearKnuckleWhat's the grub entry for /dev/sdc5 ?13:19
dSlaMlion13: sma here ^^13:19
dSlaMsame *13:19
mudittuliyes !13:19
l33t_n00bThen go to X server display configuration and then set the res on there, or have you already tried that?13:19
skullhacksi mean Achilles (the cookie modifier) Nothing with you, achilles ...13:19
mudittulialready did that !13:20
happyhessianhow can i figure out whether a "fat filesystem panic" is due to a kernel bug or a messed up fs?13:20
lion13no englend13:20
l33t_n00bDoes it recongnise the model of your monitor?13:20
mudittulii'll be back after a restart !13:20
achillesskullhacks, you are welcome any way ;-)13:20
l33t_n00bkk bye13:20
dSlaMhappyhessian: wth did you feed your system with ??13:21
skullhacksHI THERE!13:21
JNSamuelwell hello thar13:21
evetteOh yea13:21
l33t_n00bsecond strike on that skullhacks13:21
evetteFuck you13:21
happyhessiandslam: ummm, electricity...13:21
JNSamuelno u13:21
l33t_n00bI feed my system wtih chips13:21
l33t_n00bthat joke is so old13:22
FloodBot1l33t_n00b: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
dSlaMhappyhessian: tooooooo much it seems ;)13:22
l33t_n00bwtf 5 messages and it thinks i'm flooding!13:22
l33t_n00bJust as i make a lot of spelling mistakes etc.13:22
happyhessianthis is pretty off-topic...13:22
l33t_n00bNothing happening though13:22
dSlaMl33t_n00b: that's caus the joke doesn't work anymore, bot knows that :)13:23
l33t_n00bI hate flood bot13:23
JNSamuelhappyhessian: start a topic thats on topic then ;)13:23
andrew09Why is my ubuntu always saying "No network connection"?13:23
l33t_n00byou got a ethernet connection?13:23
adgudany aspire one user here?13:23
l33t_n00bDoes it go into a router?13:23
dSlaMandrew09: many reasons possible, pore details ?13:24
andrew09as you see, i could talk here13:24
l33t_n00boh and when did this happen13:24
l33t_n00bSo it says no network connection yet your on the net?13:24
* JNSamuel pets dSlaM with a frying pan13:24
binnyktthats creepy13:24
happyhessiani tried, i asked a "ubuntu support" question about fat filesystem panic...13:24
dSlaMwhat did i do :'(13:25
adgudi need to know if jaunty unr with sickboy-kuki kernel will work with right card slot in acer aspire one13:25
JNSamuelbecause you touched yourself at night13:25
l33t_n00bTry for yourself13:25
l33t_n00bhaha nice one JNsemuel13:25
dSlaMJNSamuel: and ?13:25
Fudgehowd u go jamiewan13:25
jamiewanhi can someone tell me how to get 3d effects happening. i'm running amd64 9.04 with geforce 9800gt but it wont enable desktop effects :-(13:25
jamiewanjust waiting13:26
erUSULjamiewan: did you installed the drivers for the nvidia card ?13:26
l33t_n00bHave you got the Nvidia drivers installed Jamiewan?13:26
binnyktjamiewan: hav u installed compiz13:26
jamiewanyep yep yep13:26
erUSULjamiewan: System>Preferences>Hardware Drivers13:26
l33t_n00band the nvidia 180 drivers  installed?13:26
Fudgedidnt it hang on that installation in hardware drivers jamiewan13:26
BearKnuckleOk, I try to add Windows Vista to Grub. I have 3 hdds, two for linux (raided) and one for windows. This is the output of 'fdisk -l': http://rafb.net/p/0TpYV612.html . The raid is added as hd(0,0) in grub, how to link the vista hdd?13:26
binnyktjamiewan: did u install ccsm?13:26
erUSULjamiewan: glxinfo | grep -i direct13:27
jamiewanim new to it so ill have to make notes but im pretty sure all installed13:27
JNSamueli doubt anyone would help with vista problems13:27
Seeker`JNSamuel: This is an ubuntu support channel13:28
binnyktjamiewan:well if u installed 3d drivers correctly installe compiz configuratuin settings manager13:28
dSlaMJNSamuel: sure why not : rm -rf.............13:28
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luis_everytime i start or restart my pc my screen resolution is not the one i set up, then i have to click on system settings and from there to display, i dont even need to choose the resolution i need(since i choose it at the beginning(meaning i jus install kubuntu intrepid an hour ago) so because of that when i restart i have to go to settings and display and it gets back the one i choose is there a way to fix and lock the screen13:28
luis_resolution i need and keep it as chosen by default?13:28
binnyktsry about my spelling13:28
mudittulil33t_n00b: what is ur driver version ?13:28
JNSamuelSeeker`: exactly, ubuntu != windows13:28
BearKnuckleJNSamuel: Well it's more a grub than a vista problem... just imagine, the other disk includes linux13:28
g0wda1I really gotta fix this .... I can't run my java apps.... """Could not find the main class: frostwire.  Program will exit."""13:28
mudittuliif ur using nvidia !13:28
JNSamuelah ok13:28
mudittuliyou are *13:29
jamiewanbinnykt thanx will check it all out13:29
l33t_n00bmudittuli: my driver version is 18013:29
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Fudgenotice pm jamiewan13:29
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BearKnuckleThei problem is, what do I enter as root?13:29
g0wda1I'm using java-6-sun for RE13:29
mudittuliand ubuntu version ?13:29
progre55erUSUL, thanks man! I fixed it! ) appreciate!13:29
binnyktjamiewan: u go to ccsm and check the option enable cube amd rortate cube13:29
l33t_n00bmudittuli: i have ubuntu 9.0413:29
binnyktshit my typing13:29
th0rg0wda1: try including the entire path to frostwire when you call it13:29
BearKnucklefor sda and sdb in grub i enter (hd0,0), and i don't know what to enter for sdc513:29
mudittulimy driver is 169.12 !13:29
Seeker`binnykt: watch your language please13:30
Dam0my eggdrop works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf   but when i try to connect it normaly it wont connect to a irc server13:30
mudittuliwhere do you get drivers ?13:30
l33t_n00bthat's a little odd mudittuli13:30
th0rBearKnuckle: hd(2,4)13:30
Guest76568dont know if anybody can help...when ubuntu starts, all lines such as "Starting bluetooth" and "Starting GNOME display manager" appear twice (as if they're being started twice)...and when the GDM login screen i sabout to load, the screen flickers as if the GDM is being loaded twice too....all of a sudden...any way to reset settings?13:30
BearKnuckleth0r: Thank you, I'll try that13:30
th0rBearKnuckle: numbering for hd starts at 0 instead of one13:30
whileimhereGood morning from the East Coast USA. I have a laptop. It has 4 partitions on it. One of them is a sys restore partition, one is a MS Vista Partition, one is an Ubuntu 8.10 partition and one is storage. I need to see the size of the four partitions in order to figure out what one is what. The volume labels are meaningless on this laptop. I have an Ubuntu 9.04 live cd in the drive and have booted into a LIVE environ. Can an13:30
l33t_n00byou go to System -> Administration -> hardware drivers13:30
g0wda1th0r: """Could not find the main class: /usr/bin/frostwire.  Program will exit."""13:30
mudittuliyeah !13:31
l33t_n00btry reinstalling frostwire13:31
l33t_n00banyway mudittuli did it list the latest one there?13:31
mudittuliyes it was always there !13:31
robb_Windows rulez :)13:31
Battewhileimhere: use gpart13:31
toneswhileimhere: tip=keep it short and snappy13:31
JNSamuelrobb_, such a joker13:31
dSlaMwhileimhere: man du13:31
chaospheredoes anyone here uses aaxine? i'm trying to open a playlist. Can't find anything in the manpage or by googling.13:31
l33t_n00brobb your insane!13:32
dSlaMwhileimhere: don't have the options in head13:32
mudittuliNvidia accelerated graphic driver (latest cards)13:32
l33t_n00bit should say the version somewhere13:32
robb_I have Win98, nobody hack me :)13:32
Seeker`!ot | robb_13:32
ubotturobb_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:32
toneswhileimhere: enter "fdisk -l" into a terminal, vista and sysrestore will be NTFS, storage probably FAT32 and ubuntu most definitely ext313:32
dSlaMrobb_: loool13:33
mudittuliin the hardware drivers ?13:33
binnyktI install nvidia drivers manually13:33
mudittulino, its nowhere !13:33
l33t_n00byou  can manually install the drivers13:33
l33t_n00bin terminal13:33
l33t_n00blet me get the command13:33
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MrNazi know i can do     cat file1 > file2      but how do i do that if i only want, say the first 10mb of file1 to be put into file2?13:33
binnyktfirst u hav to download nvidia binary drivers13:33
binnyktits a .sh file13:34
l33t_n00bsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:34
l33t_n00bthe binaries should coem with it13:34
dSlaMMrNaz: man tail13:34
binnyktno i download them directly from nvidia site13:34
dSlaMMrNaz: man head, sorry13:34
JNSamueldSlaM loves man :)13:34
=== Guest76568 is now known as Vulfox
l33t_n00bThat sorta belongs in offtopic13:35
Vulfoxdont know if anybody can help...when ubuntu starts, all lines such as "Starting bluetooth" and "Starting GNOME display manager" appear twice (as if they're being started twice)...and when the GDM login screen i sabout to load, the screen flickers as if the GDM is being loaded twice too....all of a sudden...any way to reset settings?13:35
th0rMrNaz: check out dd...I think it can split a file like that13:35
luis_everytime i start or restart my pc my screen resolution is not the one i set up, then i have to click on system settings and from there to display, i dont even need to choose the resolution i need(since i choose it at the beginning(meaning i jus install kubuntu intrepid an hour ago) so because of that when i restart i have to go to settings and display and it gets back the one i choose is there a way to fix and lock the screen13:35
luis_resolution i need and keep it as chosen by default?13:35
binnyktVulfox: must be drivers or maybe themes13:35
GhostWolfhey ppl.. i was sent here by a friend to ask a question about a browser game i been playin before i started using linux.. the game is called Runescape i asked in the game forum in a post that already started im having issues and so is alot of ppl getting that game to work with jaunty13:35
chaosphereMrNaz: try using the split command and then cat into other file13:36
Vulfoxbinnykt: i think it has to do with reveriting to the old intel xorg driver13:36
l33t_n00brunescape other than sucking doesn't quite work too well i think13:36
Vulfoxhowever going back to the jaunty driver didnt solve it13:36
chaosphereMrNaz: or with dd13:36
dSlaMGhostWolf: browser game ? doesn't seem to be an ubuntu related problem is it ??13:36
mudittulil33t_n00b:  you got the command ?13:36
l33t_n00bI todl you it13:36
l33t_n00bsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:37
BattedSlaM: I noticed runescape makes some folders in windows on the C: drive13:37
Vulfoxcan i know if there is more than one gdm session loaded?13:37
Vulfoxcoz it sure feels like it :(13:37
BattedSlaM: maybe a ubuntu user need whine to play runescape?13:37
GhostWolfwell dSlaM the problem i have only happened since i installed ubuntu other ppl in the same post have problems with other versions of linux13:37
dSlaMoh ok13:38
luis_so any idea pls??13:38
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tonesVulfox: open a terminal and type "ps ax | grep gdm" and count13:38
binnykt1Vulfox: display pblms alway seems to be with drivers or themes13:38
l33t_n00bRunescape is a java game, it needs java13:38
g0wda1l33t_n00b: reinstalled frostwire, exact same problem!13:38
BatteGhostWolf: try to install Wine ... it makes some kind of C: partition13:38
mudittulithanks, my screen resolution is so small, i only see two lines at a time in the IRC13:38
l33t_n00band ubuntu doesn't have a java app from sun as they're too lazy to make one13:38
dSlaMGhostWolf: try opera ?13:38
l33t_n00bthat won't help dslam13:38
GhostWolfBattle i have wine13:38
Vulfoxtones: i got this--> 2775 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm13:38
Vulfox 2973 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm13:38
Vulfox 2990 tty7     Ss+    4:16 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt713:38
Vulfox 4324 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep gdm13:38
FloodBot1Vulfox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:39
dSlaM(i don't know the game at all)13:39
mudittulil33t_n00b: not working !13:39
tonesVulfox: pastebin it or pm me it13:39
GhostWolfi did that too dsLam Opera wouldn't let me even type my user name when i go to log on13:39
l33t_n00bi  know runescape and it sucks13:39
BatteGhostWolf: make sure java is anabled than13:39
l33t_n00bit's just a java applet13:39
Mylistohey all13:39
dSlaMoh ok so it's a java problem13:39
luis_somebody help pls13:39
binnykt1Mylisto: hi13:39
tonesyeah, looks like you  have two. just kill one13:39
MylistoAnyone have experience setting up a shoutcast live broadcast stream in ubuntu?  I13:39
MylistoI'm trying to broadcast a skype call13:40
Battel33t_n00b: it doesnt matter if it sucks or not =D it just has to worl13:40
Tanner2So, how do i get 9.04 to boot via SD card, netbook version13:40
scunizil33t_n00b: who's too lazy?  Ubuntu or Sun?  if ubuntu why would they need to make java?13:40
Vulfoxtones: can i make this change permanent?13:40
l33t_n00bNope sun is too lazy13:40
dSlaMGhostWolf: you have serveral java machines in linux, actually the offical sun package, and the open one, try both ?13:40
l33t_n00bthey won't make one13:40
binnykt1luis: r u using nvidia drivers13:40
luis_i am13:40
farciarzHI hi13:40
GhostWolfBatte java is enabled i can see the log in just perfectly13:40
Fudgeok re jamiewans prob13:40
tonesit might be that gdm is referenced twice in your rc*.d, so try removing one if so13:40
mudittulil33t_n00b: the command sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 is not working :(13:41
l33t_n00bthen what happens when you load up runescape ghostwolf?13:41
binnykt1luis_: have u installed the nvidia settings manager?13:41
l33t_n00band what happens mudittuli?13:41
FudgeerUSUL :)13:41
BatteGhostWolf: see dSlaM's comment :) try to download the official sun package13:41
luis_i dont think so13:41
luis_i haven really install anything yet13:41
luis_cause of that issue13:41
GhostWolfi did13:41
l33t_n00bSun made on as i recall for redhat and some  otehr distro only13:41
Vulfoxtones: hehe here is where I'd need some help :S i know how to make ubuntu work...but when it comes to this sort of thing....i'm still a bit of a beginner13:41
ganeshpHi All: one more question.  I have installed Anjuta and NetBeans 6.5 softwares in my Ubuntu 9.04 desktop version.  But while trying to compile a simple C program, I see all the options in build menu as disabled.  I am unable to compile.  Please suggest.  In netbeans i see from the menu Tools->Options->c++  all the values are properly assigned.  Kindly suggest13:41
mudittuliCouldn't find package nvidia-glx-18013:41
luis_so nvidia setting manager13:41
luis_let me c13:41
binnykt1luis_: well it usually installed by default13:42
luis_i actually get all screen res on dislpay13:42
Batteanyone has a runescape account so i can test this ? :p13:42
mudittulisigh !13:42
tonesVulfox: one day... ;) basically, open up a terminal and type in "ls /etc/rc5.d"13:42
Fudgehaha Batte13:42
E3bhello.. how can I see who is connecting to my samba share folder? (like "open sessions" on windows os)13:42
luis_but the probem is that it change it on its own at restart13:43
dSlaM(first day in this chan, i'm guessing it's early in the morning for many of you and i can't follow the conversations.... XD XD what would it be in several hours)13:43
tonesVulfox: then just count the gdms13:43
binnykt1luis_: yeah i know i has d same pblm13:43
luis_and i want to keep as default the one i choose13:43
binnykt1binny 'had'13:43
luis_so how did u fix it?13:43
farciarzI have 1 ethernet card which is connected to internet, and 1 pci-wifi, want to share the internet that wifi connection will be avaiable. Thx in advance for help or good tutorial13:43
BattedSlaM: I have pretty colored names .. nice to keep track of who is who :p13:43
binnykt1luis_: well u have to b root to change the settings permanently13:43
luis_cause let me tell u thats the reason i gave up with jaunty jackalope13:43
Vulfoxtones: i only see one gdm there13:43
jamiewanbinnykty i get xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "0:0". and error couldnt find rgb visual or fbconfig13:44
luis_i did13:44
dSlaMBatte: nice, could you share this ? ^^13:44
TheBraynhowdy folks13:44
ganeshpHi All: one more question.  I have installed Anjuta and NetBeans 6.5 softwares in my Ubuntu 9.04 desktop version.  But while trying to compile a simple C program, I see all the options in build menu as disabled.  I am unable to compile.  Please suggest.  In netbeans i see from the menu Tools->Options->c++  all the values are properly assigned.  Kindly suggest13:44
Tanner2so, anyone know how?13:44
BattedSlaM: use pidgin13:44
tonesVulfox: then thats not it..13:44
luis_several times and like i said, the problem is that at restart the res is back the the first one i didnt choose13:44
binnykt1luis_: try nvidia settings manger thats how i solvd it13:44
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luis_how do i do that?13:44
toneshave you killed that spare gdm yet?13:44
luis_install software or..?13:44
luis_on adept?13:45
l33t_n00bOh i hate it when people call ubuntu n00buntu13:45
binnykt1luis_: go to system->preferences13:45
dSlaMBatte: oh ok, i'm actually using xchat, and i must admit the only thing i really see are the sentences where my name are in it13:45
Tanner2, how do i get 9.04 to boot via SD card, netbook version13:45
Vulfoxtones: its not just gdm that is being loaded twice...everything at startup i sbeing loaded twice....like bluetooth, etc13:45
ShazbotMcNastyWould I be able to get openbox help in here?13:45
Vulfoxtones: didnt kill it yet no13:45
ShazbotMcNastymy menu.xml just esploded13:45
binnykt1luis_:did u get it?13:45
farciarzI have 1 ethernet card which is connected to internet, and 1 pci-wifi, want to share the internet that wifi connection will be avaiable. Thx in advance for help or good tutorial13:45
dSlaMVulfox: sincre when did this bug happens ?13:45
KiraSomething is wrong with my Jaunty server.13:46
Kira(I think)13:46
BattedSlaM: I use pidgin becouse im to lazy to install a other one (and this one works fine)13:46
binnykt1luis_: do u have the nvidia x server settings?13:46
dSlaMBatte: *lol*13:46
scunizi!ics > farciarz13:46
ubottufarciarz, please see my private message13:46
tonesVulfox: open the process manager in gnome, i forget its name13:46
VulfoxdSlam: i think when i was reverting to the old driver for myintel laptop vga13:46
luis_is not there13:46
dSlaMBatte: i'll give it a try ;)13:46
Vulfoxtones: ok13:46
binnykt1luis_: wait i min13:46
g0wda1running just "frostwire" gives: Invalid or corrupt jarfile FrostWire.jar13:46
Fudgestill about erUSUL :)13:46
tonesVulfox: and find what the gdms parents are13:46
luis_let me tell u13:46
KiraMy Jaunty server can ping google.com (although with considerable packet drop), but it can't ping a Windows computer in the LAN. Yet I can ping the same Windows computer from my Mac (also in the LAN).13:47
tonesVulfox: same parent? or different parents?13:47
dSlaMVulfox: doesn't have anything to do with an upgrade to jaunty or whatever ?13:47
binnykt1luis_:  guess u hav to install it13:47
Vulfoxtones: i see no gdm entry in the system monitor process explorer13:47
Tanner2does anyone know?13:47
luis_i have kubuntu intrepid but int those channels someon told me that maybe in ubuntu channel somebody wuld helpme since kubuntu is based on ubuntu13:47
VulfoxdSlam: i am in jaunty...however i did a server insall and built it bit by bit...13:48
ShazbotMcNastyI don't actually think was big enough to pastebin - but here is the error message that I got from openbox on startup: http://pastebin.com/m3de4ceeb13:48
binnykt1luis:its olt d display manager the rest is d same13:48
dSlaMVulfox: yep but did the problem occur since then or what ?13:48
Vulfoxhowever i did some changes in the last 2 days...and all of a sudden the init loading shows everything twice...and gdm seems to be loading twice too13:48
ShazbotMcNastyhere is a scrot of my menu.xml http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5373/2009052412431690761280x.png13:48
amseidlerI am making a new partition for Ubuntu - do I make it ntfs?13:48
tonesVulfox: thats very odd then.. is there one or two "init" processes?13:48
scuniziamseidler: no ext313:48
amseidlerscunizi: Is there anything else I need to do?13:49
kropok 13:49
luis_i am downloading that x server13:49
jamiewanbinnyktl RE: the grapghis thing  I get xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "0:0" and Error couldn't find rgb or fbconfig13:49
scuniziamseidler: are you making the partition from inside windows?13:49
Battentfs is mostly windblows file system13:49
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Vulfoxtones: iit appears so..when ubuntu is booting up...u know u get those messages "Starting Bluetooth" and "Starting GNOME...." etc....every one of those is being written twice on screen, as if being loaded twice13:49
amseidlerscunizi: No, I am using gparted13:49
Tanner2 how do i get 9.04 to boot via SD card, netbook version, i have it on the SD card, what do i do now?13:49
tonesVulfox: but is there literally? check in the process monitor13:50
binnykt1luis:type in d termianl nvidia-settings13:50
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luis_let me restart again and c13:50
dSlaMwhat's thee init stage for booting up normally already ?13:50
binnykt1luis_: no wait13:50
Vulfoxtones: process monitor seems fine....13:50
amseidlerscunizi: So is that all I need to do?13:50
scuniziamseidler: ah ok.. you don't even need to format it.. just create it.  The ubuntu installer will make at least one more partition for swap unless there is one available already that you can point the installer to.13:50
BatteTanner2: you make sure that your pc searches for that card on boot priority13:50
binnykt1luis_: type in terminal13:50
KiraDoes gksu work in the GNOME desktop environment only?13:50
MamonceteHi all13:50
skullhacksIm back13:50
Tanner2batte, how do i do that?13:50
Vulfoxhowever the gdm login screen is taking around 5 seconds to load....usually it took a lot less13:50
MamonceteAny tool to convert a MOV file to a FLV one? Thanks13:51
luis_then on terminal i type nvidia-settings right?13:51
Vulfoxit keeps flickering the screen13:51
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binnykt1luis_: sudo nvidia-settings13:51
tonesVulfox: my guess is its a build problem, so id maybe try a live cd install?13:51
rocky|is Adam_S or amseilder here?13:51
tonesVulfox: unless anyone has any other ideas...13:51
* rocky| will wait13:51
amseidlerRocky - Yeah, i am13:51
BatteTanner2: in the bios screen *watch out there though* ... press del or some other key they say a few times on the boot screen13:51
Vulfoxtones: :( i had an almost perfect build hehe....i managed to get a light install with just what i needed...13:51
Vulfoxthen this....13:52
Tanner2batte: so like the boot options one?13:52
binnykt1luis_: well?13:52
tonesVulfox: nothing in life is perfect... why dont you try and live without the gui, do the gettys work fine?13:52
ShazbotMcNastyhere's what I get if I try to open obmenu: http://pastebin.com/m10537b613:53
scunizi amseidler better in channel.. that way others can help if needed13:53
Vulfoxtones: nah i need the gui....i need a desktop....i just didnt want the FULL ubuntu13:53
BlinkizHi there ubuntu people. Am looking for a alternative to FreeIPA that comes with the Fedora Project. Its a LDAP, kerberoes and a nice web gui to administrate all of these. Does it exist anything under Ubuntu that can do this? Am primarily looking for a web gui to administrate ldap13:53
tonesVulfox: perhaps try another linux, build it to your liking and use that?13:53
luis_it says that i do not apper to be ussins nvidia  X drivers13:54
binnykt1luis_: hmm13:54
Vulfoxi like ubuntu13:54
Vulfoxjust not all the packages13:54
FolkoHi, I'm developing a PAM module that needs access to a secret shadow-like file with permissions 600 (owned by root). It works fine for local and remote logins, but GNome's screensaver calls the PAM module with the user's UID, not with 0.. is there anything I'm doing wrong or not understanding?13:54
luis_is weird13:54
tonesVulfox: hehe, me too.. uninstall some packages from the livecd install?13:54
binnykt1luis_: yup13:54
Vulfoxtones: yes i tried that....but i never got it this clean13:55
Vulfoxits currently SCREAMING on my laptop13:55
tonesVulfox: well im out of ideas...13:55
rocky|does lubi support ext4?13:55
Vulfoxtones: thanks for the help though....appreciated :)13:55
tonesVulfox: no problemo ;)13:56
g0wda1I messed up with JAVA_PROGRAM_DIR env variable... does anyone know the default value, i'm using java-6-sun jre!???? really need help13:56
FloodBot1g0wda1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:56
luis_so do i restart?13:56
dSlaMVulfox: take a look at your /etc/rc*.d/ folder ?13:57
ShazbotMcNastyso - no help with my obmenu?13:57
ShazbotMcNastyeets dead13:57
binnykt1luis_: well i donno seems strange13:57
dSlaMg0wda1: sorry openjdk here :/13:57
luis_let me restart and c13:57
AqAwhy it is happening with me :(( always i have to set screen resolution13:58
m1dlgI need to fix my permissons for my drives, and I need them to stay fixed after reboot13:59
Batteok now I have a question: why is it that I cant play 2 sounds at the same time. Like skype + totem. I only hear the sound from the app I started first. Im using OSS drivers with a logitech USB headset.13:59
tanner2batte: it didnt work14:00
AqAHello any solution, every time i start my computer I have to set screen resolution every time, seems it does not save my settings of screen resolution :(14:01
Battetanner2: but you where able to set your flash card as boot device?14:01
binnykt1AqA: nvidia deivers?14:01
dSlaMm1dlg: errr actually permissions should remains even after reboot14:01
AqAbinnykt1, no i never used that14:01
tanner2batte: i selected removable storage14:01
dSlaMAqA: what's your graph card14:02
binnykt1AqA: well which grapchics card r using?14:02
Battetanner2: tbh I never tried it but I thought that could help :s14:02
AqAdSlaM, binnykt1  intel 8085 i think14:02
AqAdSlaM, why eww u hate intel14:03
dSlaMsorry nvidia here the only ones i know14:03
dSlaMAqA: not at all, but "integrated card" i don't know about them14:03
binnykt1AqA: same here14:04
neggeI'm having some problems suspending my computer. After suspending, networking stops working. Nothing other than a reboot seems to do the trick (I've tried restarting networking, network-manager, reloading the network module, nothing seems to work). How can I fix this? I'm using Jaunty and the network card (it's ethernet) uses the "forcedeth" driver14:05
isaac_This is going to sound really basic and infantile, but I swear I can't find it anywhere.  How do you access Applications/Places/System without the mouse?14:07
zhoujingruiwhat is restart command?14:07
isaac_You know, like Windows start key.14:07
zhoujingruisorry x window died14:07
binnykt1zhoujingrui: reboot14:07
nmvictorwhere does wget store the downloaded files after download?I used a script to get the files and i cant locate them14:07
dSlaMnmvictor: CWD14:08
shaxxa l aide14:08
dSlaMshaxx: french here if u want14:08
neggenmvictor: in the directory you run wget from14:08
l33t_n00bnmvictor: i think it stores them in /tmp/ folder14:08
nmvictor dSlaM: whats that?14:08
l33t_n00bI"m not sure where it geos14:08
shaxxme i little speak english14:08
dSlaMnmvictor: what?14:08
dSlaMshaxx: je suis français si tu veux14:09
shaxxa ok ouf14:09
shaxxest ce ici que je dois chercher des info sur xubuntu14:09
shaxxou alors je suis a la rue14:09
nmvictorThanks 133t_noob but i think negge is right.i got them.thanks all14:09
dSlaMshaxx: oui, mais essaie de demander en anglais sinon ils vont pas etre content ;), sinon msg pv ;)14:10
shaxxje suis noob ^14:10
Batteshaxx:  je sais14:10
nmvictori got something else,will putting a file.deb  in /var/cache/apt/archives  and then running apt-get install  file.deb  work  i.e will the file be installed directly without trying to download?14:11
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dSlaMnmvictor: why not trying to install it directly ?14:12
Folkonmvictor: Yes, I always do it like that as well14:13
nmvictordSlam:i just downloaded the file and i don't think i wanna put my modem through another task for files i already have14:14
Mylistocan anyone recommend how I can create a live broadcast with skype (shoutcast, etc)14:14
mibhi.anyone know what tool can i use to convert pdf to document (.doc) on ubuntu?14:14
binnykt1mib: try open office14:14
navid_Hi i'm back again14:14
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Slartmib: generally speaking, you can't14:14
mibbinnykt1:can it be done on open office?14:15
nmvictormib: openoffice .org14:15
mibfrom .doc to pdf can be converted using open office but im not sure the vice versa14:15
binnykt1mib: well i did the reverse doc 2 pdf14:15
mibusing open office writer?14:15
Folkomib: Try pdftotext to get the textual content14:15
finitesetI upgraded my VLC and now the video output is separated from the controllers... before upgrading the interface was perfectly fine but now its weird... the same version on windows works correctly. Is there any way to sort this out?14:16
binnykt1mib:no word i am not sure just trying to help14:16
mibim confused14:16
jribfiniteset: known bug, check bugs.ubuntu.com14:16
Slartfiniteset: it's a bug in the vlc package.. you can wait until there is an updated package or compile yourself from source14:17
dokuevahi guys, I have 2 ekigas on two kubuntu computers, with 2 different accounts. I launch ekigas on both computers, and they appear to be connected and registered. But I cannot make a call, or send a text message. What's wrong? Help, please.14:17
Nahyexperiencing that jumpy internet connection to LAN14:17
binnykt1mib:try open office first14:17
mibim in open office but dont know how to get from there14:17
finitesetSlart: what is the processes involved in compiling it myself?14:17
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binnykt1mib: open the pdf document using open office14:18
Mylistocan anyone recommend how I can create a live broadcast with skype (shoutcast, etc)14:18
th0rfiniteset: if you google it you will find there is a bug in the latest version...there are workarounds posted on the web14:18
faiz-mib: thereis extension manager pdfimport to convert pdf14:18
nmvictormib: i wouldn't advice against any other suggestion but open office works fine,it just doesnt help your .doc,it right their to get you started editing14:18
klosestHey, I am having a weird problem where my alt key seems to be activating automatically ubuntu 9.04 any ideas on how to fix (starting to get frustrating)14:18
Slartfiniteset: go to the vlc main site, they have instructions there..14:19
faiz-mib: but it will converted to Impress not .doc14:19
mibi try open pdf in open office but weird characters coming out14:20
dSlaMmib: just an idea, didn't try it, how about you convert it into postscript ?14:20
faiz-mib : because openoffice doesnt support pdf file14:20
isaac_Is there an #ubuntu-newbie or #ubuntu-n00b channel where someone new to Ubuntu can ask questions?14:20
mibwhts the best way14:20
binnykt1mib: how can that be? maybe its not pdf14:20
mibits pdf14:20
th0r isaac_ just here14:20
mibi generated from pdflatex14:21
dSlaMisaac_: how about you try it here ;)14:21
faiz-mib : you have to download + install extension pdfimport14:21
isaac_th0r but that trick never works :P14:21
Slartmib: pdf's aren't meant to be edited.. it's supposed to be a presentation format... sometimes you can edit them (a pdf is a normal ascii file so you can use a regular text editor if you want) but most of the time it's not worth the time/effort14:21
mibsudo apt-get install pdfimport?14:21
th0risaac_: you haven't asked anything yet14:21
isaac_I have three main partitions:  XP, Ubuntu on 10 gig each, and the rest of the drive as a big storage that each can access.14:21
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binnykt1mib: yeah hes right u know14:21
faiz-mib :  wait , i will give the url14:22
isaac_How do I get Ubuntu to mount the big storage partition automatically on startup?  There are some things I stored there that certain programs need to access.14:22
erUSULmib: use pdfedit14:22
th0risaac_: you add a line to fstab with the mount information14:22
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:22
erUSUL!fstab | isaac_14:22
ubottuisaac_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:22
isaac_Mostly I have my virtual instruments and soundfonts on there, and LMMS needs them when I open a project.14:23
th0risaac_: did you see the links ubottu just sent14:23
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faiz-mib: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org14:23
isaac_I'm on my slower computer and it is taking its own sweet time opening them though.14:23
mibi got this error:Err http://ftp.science.nus.edu.sg gutsy/universe pdfedit 0.3.1-114:24
mib  404 Not FoundFailed to fetch http://ftp.science.nus.edu.sg/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pdfedit/pdfedit_0.3.1-1_i386.deb  404 Not FoundE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?14:24
th0risaac_: and you might want to check out the linux documentation project ... lots of info there for a new user (tldp.org)14:24
Substandard22Hello everyone14:24
Folkomib: did you run apt-get update first?14:24
erUSULisaac_: or download and read linuxpocketguide14:24
KiraI keep forgetting where to set static DNS servers.14:24
FolkoKira: /etc/resolv.conv14:24
mibyes Folko14:24
Kirathx Folko14:24
mibbut it return me Err for most links14:24
faiz-mib: this is direct link to pdfimport http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport14:25
g0wda1i'm already using sun's java, how do i switch to some opensource alt??14:25
dSlaMg0wda1: synaptic : openjdk14:26
erUSULg0wda1: install it and remove sun's... to make user do « sudo update-alternatives --config java »14:26
Mylistocan anyone recommend how I can create a live broadcast with skype (shoutcast, etc)14:26
Dam0my eggdrop works when i type ./eggdrop -n egg.conf   but when i try to connect it normaly it wont connect to a irc server14:27
dSlaMg0wda1: actually follow erUSUL's advice, then install open-jdk14:27
metalsilois it possible to flash an xbox bios from ubuntu? (some how..... i have no idea..)14:27
g0wda1 apt-get install openjdk14:28
g0wda1doen't work?14:28
GabrysHow do I get yaffs2 support on my Ubuntu 9.04?14:28
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metalsilowhy do i have the sudden urge to join that channel14:28
Slartoh.. great.. a channel full of morons.. very tempting.. or not =)14:29
erUSULGabrys: compile the fs driver against ubuntu kernel14:29
metalsilook its gone now. :P14:29
GabryserUSUL: no packages for that?14:29
gartralany Gnome Panel applets that take the tool menu off on GTK applications and puts them on the top panel in gnome? (like Mac OSX)14:29
mibive downloaded the pdfimport.oxt but dont know how to proceed next14:29
Slartahem.. I meant that.. spammed channel which will not be named14:29
Vulfoxtones: i know whats going on! i was using CONCURRENCY=shell in my init.d/rc14:29
klosestHey, I am having a weird problem where my alt keys seem to be activating automatically (30 seconds apart) ubuntu 9.04 any ideas on how to fix (starting to get frustrating)14:29
Vulfoxthe side effect is that the bootup shows everything twice....however ubuntu is faster that way14:30
erUSULGabrys: doubt it yaffs2 is for embeb3ed platforms and it is not included even on the vanilla kernel (kernel.org )14:30
dSlaMVulfox: \o/14:30
VulfoxdSlaM ?14:30
SlartDam0: perhaps one of these channels would be more suitable for your questions http://www.eggheads.org/support/14:30
metalsiloIs their a way to softmod a flash into the bios? likle maby hotswap the Hd and put something on it so when it starts up it flashes the bios?14:30
dSlaMVulfox: gg, that's all ;)14:30
metalsiloxbox taling here14:30
Vulfoxoh :)14:30
GabryserUSUL: usually you need it to create a filesystem for embedded system, and usually you do it from desktop ;)14:30
VulfoxdSlaM: i reverted the change and got back a normal bootup...however slower response...and since i have a dual core laptop....i am getting performance gains with the SHELL option14:31
erUSULGabrys: well you only need the tools if you anly want to create the filesystem... i thought you wanted to access an yaffs fs image14:31
mibanyone used pdfedit perhaps could guide me further?14:32
Gabrysah, right, I indeed wanted to access the fs, but I haven't seen yaffs2-tools (mkyaffs2 at least) in repo as well14:32
dSlaMVulfox: you got a slowerr boot reverting to normal ????14:32
erUSULGabrys: neither do i... you will have to compile them from source14:32
Gabrysok, thanks14:33
VulfoxdSlaM: yes14:33
Vulfoxand apps start slower too14:33
VulfoxCONCURRENCY=shell helps a lot14:33
dSlaMVulfox: LOL, thoses 2 entries weren't that bad after all ;)14:34
Vulfoxperhaps it should be included in the next ubuntu versions...to have the shell option put if multiple cores are detected14:34
qwerkusHello all: I very new to scripting, and would like to know if it is possible to automate online tasks (like logging everyday into the same html/js site, updating some stuff and logging out again) via a script ? Which language would you recommand ) Perl ? Do you know any example script ? Thanks for your help.14:34
Guest73342hi, i am looking google/yahoo sitemap builder for Ubuntu 9.04 remix. Do you know software like this?14:35
VulfoxNetbeans loading time is SUPER compared to WInxp on same machine now14:35
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dSlaMqwerkus: u can do everithing with bash, but i'm very familiar with php if you want any help with that14:36
gartralany Gnome Panel applets that take the tool menu off on GTK applications and puts them on the top panel in gnome? (like Mac OSX)14:36
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erUSULgartral: no14:36
qwerkusdSlaM: you mean that it is possible to set up a basic bash script which, once launched, logs into an online page, posts and retrieve information and than log out ? Do you have an example ?14:37
gartralerUSUL: so my Mac envy will go unabaited?14:38
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erUSULqwerkus: depends on the type of web page... if you can do everything with POST GET and the like you can use curl or wget to interact with the page14:38
erUSULgartral: if you want a mac buy one :)14:38
jribqwerkus: things like curl or wget if you want a bash script, but any decent scripting language will let you accomplish what you said14:38
gartralerUSUL: broke, and i HATE the os, just love the GUI14:39
dSlaMqwerkus: yep it's possible, but i'm sure somone here would do the trick in bash better than me, if you wan't i could write a php sciprt that could do it though14:39
Linuz2009why whenever I boot my computer a window pops up asking for my default keyring14:40
qwerkusdSlaM: I know about php - the only problem is that you need a php server to run it... I think I go for good old bash. Thanks for your help guys.14:40
Linuz2009is there a way to work around this problem?14:40
l33t_n00bEnter your password14:40
l33t_n00bthen it'll go14:40
th0rLinuz2009: bet you are starting evolution automatically to fetch email?14:40
erUSULqwerkus: php-cli14:40
l33t_n00bYeah that does it lots14:40
erUSUL!info php-cli | qwerkus14:41
Linuz2009th0r: I check my emails online14:41
ubottuqwerkus: Package php-cli does not exist in jaunty14:41
dSlaMqwerkus: you don't need any server to run php, just have it on your system and it runs like any other scripting language ;)14:41
juniechohi, i have a hp tx2000 laptop, and want to use the 'quickplay' button to run a script, instead of launching rhythmbox. i'm on ubuntu 9.04. can anyone help?14:41
th0rLinuz2009: but are you starting evolution at login? I gave up evolution because every time I started it I would have to go through the password thing14:41
erUSUL!info php5-cli | qwerkus14:41
ubottuqwerkus: php5-cli (source: php5): command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.1 (jaunty), package size 2429 kB, installed size 5328 kB14:41
ksbalajidoes not evince document viewer *,txt file? My evince app says that mime type txt as unhandled type!14:42
Linuz2009th0r: probably, the icon shows up but it was never run before.14:42
zacolhi. I need find my config.h but i don't know where is it. Someone can help me?14:42
ksbalajidoes not evince document viewer support *,txt file? My evince app says that mime type txt as unhandled type!14:42
jribzacol: what are you trying to do exactly?14:42
jribksbalaji: open text files with a text editor14:43
zacoljrib: i installed dwm and now i want change something but i don't know where is config.h14:44
ksbalajijrib thanks. But I would be glad if you could clarify about evince. Cannot evince handle txt files please?14:44
Linuz2009th0r: when I went on the preference tab and click keyrings/encryptions, it labeled on the default password, None prompt for a password14:44
jribksbalaji: evince is for things like pdf14:44
qwerkuserUSUL: Ooh. Just learned something new. Thanks again.14:45
erUSULqwerkus: no problem14:45
zacoljrib: could you help me?14:45
ksbalajijrib thanks and bye. ( Since it was projected as a document viewer, I misunderstood evince capable of reading txt files.)14:45
jribzacol: you need to install dwm yourself from source if you want to customize it14:45
icauchydon't you sleep?14:45
keedoonhi you lot.. do you know sitemap builder for ubuntu (not for server ed. i will use on desktop ed..)14:46
l33t_n00bI think i found it, so you want to install it?14:47
zacoljrib: if I use freebsd and install dwm from ports then I will be can modyfication it?14:47
jribzacol: ask the freebsd channel14:47
zacoljrib: okej, i think that maybe you used fbsd :)14:47
toneszacol: #freebsd14:47
zacoltones: yes, i know :)14:48
toneszacol: just in case.. ;)14:48
MosheAldelmenno talking only people joining and quiting gotta love default settings14:53
metalsiloonly in ubuntu....14:54
juniechohey anyone know how to modify key binding?14:54
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erUSULjuniecho: on what app ?14:54
* metalsilo is shorting out a nine volt battery and watching the sparks14:54
juniechoum, i have 'quickplay' button right beside my laptop screen, it currently launches 'rhythmbox'. i want to map a script file to that button.14:55
aaqilarno, hi14:55
Linuz2009whats a network secret for wireless connection14:55
Linuz2009I found it in password and encription keys14:56
MosheAldelmenyour wpa wep etc key linuz14:56
the[V]oidWhen I'm printing something to PDF when using evince, where is the PDF saved??14:56
Linuz2009it seem to be the cause for the window that prompt for the password when my computer starts up14:56
juniechoerUSUL: i have 'quickplay' button right beside my laptop screen, it currently launches 'rhythmbox'. i want to map a script file to that button. how do i do this?14:57
MosheAldelmendont use evince much but proably check the setting sure theres a default folder14:57
metalsilojuniecho: look google up for ubuntu quick access keys i belive14:57
metalsilohow to chage them14:57
MosheAldelmenjuniecho not sure how to do what your asking check with linuxquestions.org14:58
dani_I have problems playing music from myspace sites. I can play fine in a few minutes, then suddenly it pauses or mutes in the middle of a song. And I have to refresh the browser and start all over again. Any fix?14:58
erUSULjuniecho: i dunno sorry14:58
th0rjuniecho: you can remap keys with xmodmap....google xmodmap and .Xmodmap14:58
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b0hnehi, i made a fatal mistake. i did a rm * in a directory i didnt want to delete... i tried to get my data back with scalpel, but im not sure how i could success. any tools or something you guys know i could try?? the files where on a ntfs partition. i also used ntfsundelete already.14:59
juniechothanks guys :)14:59
erUSULb0hne: photorec ?14:59
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b0hneerusul is it in the testdisk package?14:59
erUSULb0hne: yep14:59
erUSULb0hne: its homepage has a good step by step how to15:00
giovanib0hne: scalpel is a fine tool ... doubtful anything else will do better15:00
dorothyWhy when I updated from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 the new kernel does not appear in grub??15:00
b0hnegiovani, seems that  i dont know how to use it. im looking especially for a file without extension. like id_rsa :P15:01
erUSULdorothy: it shoudl .... make sure you have the linux-image package installed15:01
juniechoerUSUL: i understand xmodmap, but can i use it with media player button? i think this quickplay thing acts like it...15:01
JACKDhi all i'm a newbit of linux, i'm trying ubuntu. i had done something wrong and now the ubuntu graphics interface don't load. there is a way to make ubuntu "reset" video driver and self chose someting working ?15:01
erUSULdorothy: sudo aptitude install linux-image15:01
MosheAldelmenb0hne try spinright it's a bootable cd does data recovery best i can say or hirems boot cd but honestley dont "rm" anyting15:01
nmvictordorothy: maybe you have enable single kernel at boot in start up manager15:02
erUSULjuniecho: th0r was the one that recomended xmodmap15:02
giovanidon't rm anything? haha15:02
juniechoerUSUL: oops sorry15:02
erUSULJACKD: boot into recovery mode there is amenu with an option to reconfigure graphics15:02
juniechoth0r: can i use that xmodmap with media player buttons?15:02
dorothyerUSUL, thanks15:02
erUSULdorothy: is installing now ?15:02
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b0hneMosheAldelmen, are these tools to go trough diskdumps to?15:03
JACKDok ty, i'll try now15:03
dorothyerUSUL, yes it has been installed.15:03
th0rjuniecho: run xev in a terminal and press the button....see if it is recognized15:03
_chunI'm trying to set my splash menu to display at 1440x900, I've tried changing the vga mode in /boot/grub/menu.lst to 365 (vga=365) but I get the error "Undefined video mode number: 16d". Any help?15:04
juniechothor: yes i think it is recognized, but it has no keycode like other keys15:04
th0rjuniecho: if there is no keycode then you cannot map it using xmodmap15:04
Dr_Willisjuniecho:  theres a howto or 2 out on that topic.. if you hit the key a few times and check 'dmesg' command output - it may give a clue how to enable the key. I had to remap my whole IBM EasyAccessII keyaobard that way15:04
MosheAldelmenhirems can spinright is a really base recovery even bypasses bios15:05
dorothyerSUSUL do I have to add it manually to grub? In the menu.lst still doesn't seem any new entry...15:05
Dr_Willisjuniecho:   you can give the key a keycode, and then use xmodmap15:05
dorothyerUSUL do I have to add it manually to grub? In the menu.lst still doesn't seem any new entry...15:05
MosheAldelmenand if your using computer u lost data on odds are your writting on that data now15:05
erUSULdorothy: when a new kernel is installed the grub config is updated too15:05
juniechoit says KeymapNotify event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x0,15:05
MosheAldelmendata lost rule number one shut it down15:05
juniechoand lots of zeros :) ...15:05
erUSULdorothy: but you can force it too.. run « sudo update-grub »15:05
Dr_Willisjuniecho:  check output of dmesg command. if you see a line simier to --> [ 2273.575951] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e025 <keycode>' to make it known.15:06
b0hnemoshealdelmen, i unmounted the partiton started a live cd and took a diskdump15:06
b0r3dhi.  I want to use sendmail only for sending emails.. why does it open 2 ports on my machine?15:06
dorothyerUSUL, thanks. Now it worked...15:07
erUSULb0hne: if you want a simple sendmail compatible program (instead a full mta) use ssmtp or something like that15:07
erUSULdorothy: no problem15:07
erUSUL!info ssmtp15:07
ubottussmtp (source: ssmtp): extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.62-2.2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 49 kB, installed size 8 kB15:07
Kiraresolv.conf gets rewritten when there is a DHCP server in the network15:07
Slartb0r3d: the mails have to come from somewhere.. so sendmail will recieve and send mail15:07
melkartis it possible to access an encrypted partition within a logical volume, created under Debian 5.0, from ubuntu? i installed the lvm2 package, yet, when i enter "sudo pvs", i cant see the physical volume15:07
MosheAldelmendata recovery is bad i have a drive just went down years of music on it pictures etc cant even get at it hardware failure it's hard to do im no expert but look around15:07
juniechoDr_Willis: dmesg gives me too many lines.. dmesg | grep atkbd didn't work15:08
Kirahow do I prevent it from losing nameservers that I specify in addition to the ones provided by the DHCP server?15:08
MosheAldelmeni would try hirems boot cd first15:08
b0r3dSlart, i only want to send emails .. not receive anything..15:08
Dr_Willisjuniecho:  the last few lines of dmesg are all you are interested in15:08
tonesjuniecho: dmesg | tail15:08
Dr_Willisjuniecho:  or the command             tail -f /var/log/kern.log15:08
SlartMosheAldelmen: afaik hirems boot cd has some.. ahem.. how to put it.. content of arguable legality.. on it.. don't recommend it here15:08
Dr_Willis then hit the keys a few times15:08
MosheAldelmenhirems has multi software tools on it for every emergeny known15:09
MosheAldelmenand its free15:09
juniechotones, Dr_Willis: it displays a series of buffer i/o error and lost page write thing15:09
SlartMosheAldelmen: hitting old ladies on the head and stealing their wallet is also free.. doens't mean it's legal15:09
MosheAldelmensafaris if your trying to translate arabic to english you spelled it wrong15:10
dani_Firefox problem: I have problems playing music from myspace sites. I can play fine in a few minutes, then suddenly it pauses or mutes in the middle of a song. And I have to refresh the browser and start all over again. Any fix?15:10
Slartb0r3d: normally you would only recieve mails from the local system or similar.. then transfer those out into the world..15:11
MosheAldelmendani_ thats a vauge descript could be lots O'things gotta a closer clue proably a plugin clash15:11
safaridhi some one can help me i have upgrade ubuntu 9.04 but my USB modem Internet is not working how can i fix it15:12
Dr_Willisjuniecho:  if  tht tail command is giving lots of buffer io and lost page error messages.. sounds like you may be having bigger issues then worrying about a keyboard key.15:12
Slartb0r3d: I'm pretty sure you can configure it to not listen for incoming mail on the network15:12
juniechoDr_Willis: uh oh that sounds scary15:12
b0r3dSlart, i see.. but why 2 ports? 25 and 587?15:12
wwalkerwill the ubuntu installer shrink a vista partition and allow dual boot or do I need to use gparted or something?15:13
MosheAldelmenwwalker it will try to use free space15:13
giovanib0r3d: smtp and submission ports15:13
Slartwwalker: I think it will shrink it for you.. but make backups first.. I've seen people getting their ntfs partition trashed by the install15:13
erUSULwwalker: the former15:14
Rafael_i am trying to make backups from my ubuntu server into a NAS linksys, somebody told me on this chat to mount as: mount -t cifs -o username=foo host:/share /mnt/point), but my question is if i have samba already install i should still do the same command?15:14
dani_MosheAldelmen, I suspect it has to do with the wireless lan connection. Sometimes it takes forever just to load a simple page like google.15:14
giovaniRafael_: yes15:14
mibmibWhat's the name of the wireless application, which shows in the tray which wireless networks are available?15:14
MosheAldelmenwwalker get partition magic since your running windows do a partion resize with it it will let u set up a linus drive so to speak15:15
Dr_WillisRafael_:  samba 'installed' is not going to mount the remote shares.. and im not sure that mount command you gave is correct.15:15
mibmibMosheAldelmen: a Linus drive? ;)15:15
Slartb0r3d: I don't really know how sendmail does it's thing.. you'd have to check the documentation or ask in a sendmail support channell15:15
MosheAldelmendani how far are u from router? could even b firewall related15:15
MosheAldelmenbrb FOOD15:16
giovaniSlart: ports 25 and 587 are not sendmail-specific by any means15:16
dSlaMgiovani: wut??15:16
dSlaMthose are smtp related ports definitely15:16
giovanione is smtp, the other is submission -- so?15:17
bobsaccamanohi..the sound on my Intrepid box has stopped working...i meddled a bit into the readahead preloader for ubuntu, but rolled back the changes...any ideas on how i can fix this?15:17
Rafael_Dr_Willis: will you know the rigth commad by anny chance?15:17
dSlaMok :)15:17
giovanidSlaM: are you confused about what I wrote?15:17
Slartgiovani: possible.. I have no idea.. but the original poster asked about sendmail15:17
dSlaMgiovani: not anymore15:17
giovaniSlart: they are standard smtp and submission ports -- sendmail uses them, so does every other smtp server on the planet15:17
burvowskiCan someone help me get rid of an app I installed? http://lifehacker.com/5239203/gmail-notifier-is-a-light-convenient-email-checker-for-ubuntu#c I installed this but it does not show up in Add/Remove Packages or in Synaptec15:17
AzizLighthi everybody15:17
Dr_WillisRafael_:  its documented at 10000+ sites all over da internets....   you use //servername/sharename  (i think)15:18
kalsrivhi folks15:18
bobsaccamanoburvowski, sudo apt-get remove appname --purge15:18
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Rafael_Dr_Willis: Thanks, i am new to ubuntu, samba..i will look...thnaks15:18
AzizLightfor some reason one of my harddrive doesn't mount itself, here is the fdisk output of the HD in question: http://pastebin.com/d583bbf47 can somebody help me please?15:19
Slartgiovani: ok ok, I believe you =)15:19
kalsrivI am trying to know some tings about installing drivers in UBUNTU15:19
kalsrivhow to install some device tha otherwise works with vista in ubuntu15:20
gartralhow do i restart the bluetooth services on my computer?15:20
Slartgartral: try "sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart"15:20
erUSULburvowski: if you compiled it and you did not used checkinstall you will have to check if the package has a "make unistall" option or if it does not have it you will have to remove the files by hand15:20
kalsrivi mean it is designed for vista I want to make it work in ubuntu15:21
Slartkalsriv: working in vista doesn't mean it will work in ubuntu.. for most things drivers are already included15:21
mibmibkalsriv: if you use an Ubuntu kernel, then you shouldn't have to do anything special, unless you have special hardware.15:21
dSlaMkalsriv: what kind of device ?15:21
burvowskierUSUL i ended up doing "sudo apt-get remove gm-notify" do you think that was thorough enough of a method?15:22
kalsrivbrother scanner, magic jack and list goes on15:22
gartralubuntu refuses to see my bluetooth adapter, though, it reads the keyboard just fine15:22
Slartkalsriv: for the scanner, check www.sane-project.org  they have a list of supported scanners15:22
yarivhello, I need help, I have installed Ubuntu, and later on I installed KDE, for some odd reason, the WLAN does not work, but it does in GNOME. it is WPA-PSK network.15:22
gartralinfact, my keyboard works regardless of the bluetooth functionaity in ubuntu15:22
Slartkalsriv: what is a "magic jack" ?15:23
yarivwhen ever I try to connect to the wifi network, it says "Connection failed" or "auth failed"15:23
KrissDSLubu magzar csatornájának a neve?15:23
giovanigartral: if your keyboard is bluetooth ... then this isn't possible -- the bluetooth adapter must be recognized, and the devices paired15:23
darthanubisSoftware Sources > select best server> Indonesia....REALLY? From the midwest USA, the best server for me is in Idonesia?15:23
Slartgartral: perhaps the bluetooth thingy doesn't need a computer for it to work?15:23
gartralSlart: magic jacks are VOIP jacks that plug into your computer, there pretty cool15:23
dSlaMKrissDSL: english please15:23
Slartgartral: seems possible it might just present itself as a regular usb keyboard15:23
yarivcan any one help?15:24
giovaniyariv: either your network is using encryption ubuntu doesn't support, or you selected the wrong kind, or provided the wrong credentials15:24
kalsrivok slart : it is a usb phone device in US and canada, it is most cost effective one15:24
dSlaMyariv: errrr bad key ? :/15:24
safaridsome one can help me15:24
giovanikalsriv: magicjack uses proprietary windows software -- it won't work with ubuntu15:24
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dSlaMwhat's magickjack ?15:25
Slartkalsriv: it seems they have a linux driver planned, at least15:25
yarivgiovani: I am using a PreShared Key, and I have changed it for test reasons to 1234 just to check it out, still nothing.15:25
enovativi can not seem to get my wireless working i am using ubuntu 8.0415:25
enovativi have tried everything15:25
giovaniyariv: I've already explained the possible reasons15:25
gartralgiovani: might be as Slart said, cause the adapter and KB were sold as a set, but the adapter reads Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04fc:0538 Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd15:25
AzizLighthow can I make my external hard drives automount when I turn them on please?15:25
yarivgiovani: Alright, I tested it out with all differente type of networks, no luck, but under Gnome it works perfectly15:25
giovanigartral: who said that it's bluetooth? what you're describing is how 99% of proprietary RF keyboards are sold15:25
dSlaMenovativ: err ubuntu should have the proper drivers, anyway the old fashioned way to get wifi work is ndiswrapper, take a look at it15:26
SlartAzizLight: afaik they should do that already.. all mine does15:26
giovanigartral: if it works out of the box, and there's no bluetooth pairing done -- then it's not bluetooth, it's proprietary rf15:26
enovativdSlaM: okay15:26
gartralgiovani: doing a google search, that string came up as a Bluetooth adapter15:26
Rafael_i am confuse...should i instal cifs or smbfs to be able to backup my ubuntu data into my linksys nas?15:26
safaridsome one can help me my USB modem is not working with ubuntu 9.04 how can i make it work15:26
Rafael_i meant to mount as cifs or smbs?15:26
dSlaMsafarid: buy adsl :) hihihi :)15:26
gartralgiovani: also, the adapter operates in the bluetooth part of the 2.4 ghz spectrum15:26
mibmibsafarid: you should learn to ask smart questions.15:27
yarivgiovani: it works in Gnome, but fails to auth in KDE.15:27
giovanigartral: tgat spectrum is totally open, that doesn't mean anything15:27
DOais there any program i can use to convert from mp4 and flv to ipod video for linux?15:27
AzizLightSlart: I know they should but they dont. They just appear in the nautilus sidebar and I have to open them from there to mount them everytime15:27
kalsrivhi i checked sane-project the do not have brother driver installed15:27
giovanigartral: show me where it says bluetooth15:27
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gartralgiovani: ok, one sec15:28
dSlaMman automount ?15:28
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safaridmibmib : it 3g divice15:28
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enovativhow do "scan" for wireless networks ?15:28
mibmibenovativ: iwlist scan15:28
enovativmibmib: thanksw15:28
mibmibenovativ: I think you need to be root to do that15:29
DOaany program i can convert flv  and mp4 to ipod-video for linux15:29
firemanhello everybody15:29
TarthenDOa: Look up Handbrake15:30
safaridfireman can u help me how to make usb modem to work on ubuntu 9.0415:30
TarthenDOa: If you have the correct codecs, it does anything to anythinh15:30
DOaok handbreak?15:30
enovativnow once i find one wireless instance..how do i connect to it15:30
firemanhow to have an anonymous connection on ubuntu15:30
TarthenDOa: Handbrake15:30
gartralgiovani: I missread... now i fel stupid...15:30
Dr_WillisDOa:  ffmpeg, mencoder, and a dozen + web sites can do it for you also.15:31
gartrals/ fel/fell15:31
giovanigartral: don't feel stupid, just listen to me the next time I explain what the device is, and why it works out of the box15:31
Dr_WillisDOa:  also winff.15:31
faiz-D0a: try ffmpeg to convert video flv to .*15:31
DOaok thx for helping me guys15:31
dSlaMgartral: s/fell/feel15:31
gartralgiovani: it's a vuescape keyboard sold from inkscape15:31
giovanigartral: the brand doesn't mean anything in this context15:32
CaesiHullo.. WinXP wiped out grub, can anyone help me installing it again with GParted? thanks :)15:32
giovanithe usb adapter is HID-compliant, and uses proprietary RF, that's why it works out of the box15:32
safaridgiovani : how to make work USB modem on ubuntu 9.04 it is working on ubuntu 8.1015:32
gartraldSlaM: please don't correct for me, and try and type typos correctly, i only had one "l"15:32
giovanisafarid: I don't know -- usb modems are notoriously a pain15:32
dSlaMCaesi: boot from a live cd, then /your/disk/bin_or_somethin/update_grub15:32
firemanhow to have an anonymous connection on ubuntu15:32
giovanifireman: look at the tor project15:33
dSlaMgartral: sorry, was just kidding, won' happen again ;)15:33
kalsrivhi i am stil here15:33
CaesidSlaM: k I'll try, thanks15:34
nathan7SHOOP DA WHOOP15:34
firemani looked on it but it doesnt work15:34
ThreetimesHi, I have a problem installing GD for perl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179615/15:34
Tarthennathan7: No u15:34
BattedSlaM: stille here? ^^15:34
kalsrivi went to sane-project and saw that brother mfc scanner is not supported15:34
dSlaMBatte: yep ;)15:34
gartralgiovani: ok, well seeing as the adapter works in the 2.4 ghz spectrum, is there any way to use it as a bluetooth adapter?15:34
giovanikalsriv: some brother mfc scanners are supported -- I've used them15:34
nathan7gartral: If it says it's a bluetooth stick15:34
giovanigartral: no way ... you clearly don't understand what bluetooth is15:35
nathan7gartral: It prolly _IS_ one, modded.15:35
nathan7gartral: With diff firmware15:35
giovanithe frequency of the rf has NOTHING to do with the protocol stack15:35
firemangiovani: i looked on it but it doesnt work15:35
safaridgiovani : i did same confi... as on ubuntu 8.10 and it is working but same confi.. on ubuntu 9.04 it want work so there bug or i am wrong15:35
Rafael_giovani: can yo help me with my previous question15:35
nathan7giovani: As long as you can transmit arbitrary waves15:35
nathan7giovani: You can do it15:35
nathan7giovani: But that'd be kinda winmodem-ish15:35
giovaninathan7: which is never the case, that's called a software radio -- they cost hundreds of dollars15:35
kalsrivwell my scanner is brother mfc 465cn15:35
nathan7giovani: =015:35
nathan7giovani: Cool.15:36
nathan7giovani: Is that what gnuradio is for?15:36
dSlaMkalsriv: already told you, same problem here, installed gbluetooth or something like that 'gblue-something and for some reasons it worked, wheras it didn't before, you should at leat try15:36
giovaninathan7: please don't provide completely misleading information to someone looking for a simple answer when I'm trying to help them15:36
ThreetimesHi, I have a problem installing GD for perl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179615/15:36
nathan7giovani: Not misleading15:37
dSlaMgiovani: l_o_l15:37
giovaninathan7: it's absolutely misleading15:37
giovaniplease stop15:37
giovanifireman: if your scanner isn't supported, there's nothing I can do -- I know some of the brother mfc scanners can scan to a ftp server ... you might want to look into that15:37
giovaninathan7: someone is asking if they can use their proprietary rf keyboard adapter as bluetooth -- dicussing software radios is massively off-topic and gives the impression that what he's asking is possible, when it's absolutely not, hence misleading15:38
gartralmeh, bluetooth is neither needed by me, nor supported by anything i own15:38
firemangiovani: thanks15:38
Battegiovani: he left arlready wit ha "meh" message :)15:38
giovanigartral: bluetooth adapters are very cheap, if you want one, buy one15:38
dSlaMgiovani: telled that way it's quite funny acutally XD15:38
kalsrivthanks folks15:39
gartralgiovani: i have $0...15:39
giovanigartral: then don't buy one :)15:39
scunizikalsriv: brother has linux drivers for lots of their stuff.. I have a MFC-7440n (if i remember the model number correctly) and the scanner portion works when I load xsane with sudo.  I've been working with brother's support for a while and their final conclusion to make it work without sudo was to try on a fresh install.15:39
gartralgiovani: and whats the point in having an adapter for a device structure i dont have clients for?15:40
giovaniyes, and I have 3 MFC-8860DNs, they work perfectly with linux15:40
giovanigartral: you tell me -- I said IF YOU WANT ONE15:40
giovaniif you don't -- problem solved15:40
gartralgiovani: no reason to be rude about it..15:40
giovaninot being rude, I'm clarifying, since you're asking15:40
mibmibWhat's the name of the wireless application, which shows in the tray which wireless networks are available?15:40
mibmibIt's a gnome application.15:41
dSlaMhey guys can ni use my bluetooth mouse to connect with the interweb via my iphone ? help appreciated thanks15:41
giovanidSlaM: haha15:41
emanuelemibmib: network-manager ?15:41
Link23Does anybody know how to increase the resolution past the resolution it allows?15:41
ThreetimesHi, I have a problem installing GD for perl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179615/15:41
gartraldSlaM: i dont think your IPhone has pointer support15:42
giovaniLink23: does your monitor support a greater resolution?15:42
dSlaMgartral: even with the touch-thing ?15:42
BattedSlaM: buy a Sony-Ericson ... they do have poitner support :p15:42
dSlaMthx guys :)15:42
Link23giovani: It should since I used a bigger resolution for windows.15:42
geboyi'm sorry if i'm a bit out of topic, but does anybody here ever host a ubuntu squid server using vmware?15:42
Paigesomeone told me that ubuntu is better to run then mac os, is there any truth to this?15:42
dSlaMpaige : troll15:43
Rafael_i am getting na error15:43
Rafael_: -bash: Install: command not found15:43
Rafael_ when doing:  sudo Install mount.cifs helper15:43
Rafael_, can sombody help?15:43
r3zBleh my vpn connection is fubard15:43
FloodBot1Rafael_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
Paigei am not a troll15:43
BattePaige: kind of a colored answer to ask in a ubuntu channel15:43
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:43
giovaniRafael_: install is not a command15:43
Dr_WillisPaige:  define your needs - pick an os that  suits your needs.. thats the start-end of it all. :)15:43
zirodayRafael_: that is not a real command, what are you trying to do?15:43
scuniziPaige: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic..15:43
gartraldSlaM: load a different OS to your iPhone, thouh, be warned, this is both dangerous and will void your warrenty15:43
dSlaMPaige : what's the problem already ?15:43
SlartPaige: use what you want to use.. we can't advice you on what you should do15:43
Paigeok, will my hardware support ubuntu?15:43
zirodayPaige: most likely15:44
dSlaMgartral: i was thinking android, is it bad ? :(15:44
TarthenRafael_: Try "sudo apt-get install"15:44
BattePaige: try a bootable cd and you will know15:44
Dr_WillisPaige:  we cant tell.  -  theres a hardware list page  - then theres always potential issues.15:44
PaigeMachine: Mac Pro Early 2009: CPU(s): 2 x Intel Xeon X5570 2.93GHz RAM: 1.86GB / 32.00GB  Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 MB [HWCI/QE/Stock] 2560x1600@60Hz OS: Mac OS X Server 10.5.7 (9J61) Kernel: Version 9.7.0  Disk: 2.01TB / 3.54TB Decrypt: None  Net: [en0] In: 39.55 MB / Out: 661.70 MB IPv6: Active Uptime: 10:4615:44
gartraldSlaM: i don't think so, but i know it doesn't have pointer support15:44
Paigethats the specs15:44
dSlaMPaige: actually Ubuntu will support your hardware :)15:44
th0rPaige: are you using apple hardware?15:44
Rafael_ziroday: i am trying to make bckups from my ubuntu server to my nas linksys, readin somebody told me  i hve to do that?15:44
gartraldSlaM: check out the Open Moko too15:44
ThorgrinI need a little help, seems like I got a problem with ATI graphics15:44
zirodayPaige: we did not need that, and yes it should work just fine15:44
dSlaMgartral: MS WIN mobile ??15:44
th0rPaige: well...osx is just freebsd repackaged...why switch?15:44
Dr_Willis'does your hardware makers support linux' is the more proper question..15:44
zirodayRafael_: what are you reading?15:44
cgkadesth0r, i agree15:45
gartraldSlaM: nah, at that point, find the ubuntu arm build15:45
Paigewhat is the recommended installer to use? i see a few versions15:45
zirodayth0r: cgkades OS X discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic plesae15:45
zirodayPaige: the Desktop Installer/CD15:45
r3zAny ideas?15:45
th0rziroday: it isn't an osx discussion...I was answering Paige15:45
dSlaMgartral: I WANNA RUN MS MOBILE !!!!! don't convince me out of it !!!! XD15:45
sbomerhow do I fix bluetooth settings so that bluetooth keyboards and mice reconnect on reboot? (jaunty)15:45
safaridgartral: i have open moko neo1973 and i have install qt on it everything work good but no video can u help me15:45
cptbloodcan anyone point me to a guide on how to install firedtv drivers for ubuntu 8.10 (already running kernel, so they SHOULD be there already, but they're not :/)15:46
zirodayth0r: yes, and OSX discussion should be held in #ubuntu-offtopic15:46
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zirodaysbomer: tried install bluez-compat?15:46
scunizidSlaM: go for it .. just not here.15:46
ThorgrinCan anyone help me with this? http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc177/jopuXWB/P1030080-1.jpg?t=124317597615:46
ThorgrinI just get this screen after selecting ubuntu15:46
sbomerthat helped me connect in the first place using hidd15:46
zirodaysbomer: well thats the limit of my help on that matter :)15:46
ThreetimesHi, I have a problem installing GD for perl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179615/15:46
Paigeth0r, os x is not just freebsd repackaged. it is a hybrid of freebsd and netbsd using a modified carnegie mellon mach kernel with bits and pieces from nextstep tossed in as well15:46
Dr_WillisThorgrin:  at least give a summary TO THE CHANNEL of the issue. :) not everyone has a browser handy15:47
zirodayThorgrin: what does the error say?15:47
sbomersk, thanks15:47
ThorgrinNothing, I just get that screen15:47
sbomeranyone else have ideas?15:47
Slart!ot | Paige, keep it up and someone will remove you15:47
ubottuPaige, keep it up and someone will remove you: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:47
cgkadesThorgrin, how long after do you get it?15:47
zirodayThorgrin: try with acpi=off, and what video card?15:47
Paigesorry, i was just responding to someone15:47
ThorgrinAfter the first loading screen this appears, I have an ATI HD2600 pro15:47
dSlaMnp just keep in mind osx's not related to ubuntu15:47
ReX_nick ReX0r15:48
Thorgrinwhere can I do the acpi=off thing? from windows is possible?15:48
BattePaige: Just try the live cd.15:48
zirodayThorgrin: okay, try with acpi=off, also did you "Check CD for Defects"?15:48
DOado any 1 use zbrush on linux?15:48
=== ReX_ is now known as ReX0r
Dr_Willis!find zbrush15:48
Rafael_ziroday: this is what i am trying to do: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179641/, can you guide me on the rigth direction?15:48
ubottuPackage/file zbrush does not exist in jaunty15:48
ThorgrinHmm, didn't check for defects, just only the MD5 before burning15:48
zirodayThorgrin: On the livecd, press (I think) F6 for other options, and enter acpi=off15:48
DOai do use zbrush on windows, but do zbrush work on linux god?15:48
sbomerhow do I fix bluetooth settings so that bluetooth keyboards and mice reconnect on reboot? (jaunty)15:48
ThorgrinZiroday: ok, I will try it; let's see if it works15:49
zirodayThorgrin: err # means comment, as in you can read that to understand it15:49
sbomerI've searched through all of the forums I could find, but to no avail15:49
tonsofpcsanyone know why i have a pan0 interface on my eeepc? i cannot find it in any logs or a deviceid that it would be attached to...15:49
ThorgrinI seen a message written for me just when I pressed quit15:49
dSlaMpan ??15:49
Battetonsofpcs: maybe bluetooth pan?15:50
dSlaMThorgrin: we would just miss you15:50
safaridany one can help me15:50
BattedSlaM: Pan = personal arra network15:50
dSlaMoh ok15:50
sbomertried adding sudo hciconfig hci0 pscan to rc.local and bluetooth file15:50
sbomerdidn't work15:50
Thorgrinok, so it seems like nothing important15:50
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zirodayRafael_: err # means comment, as in you don't have to run that15:50
dSlaMBatte: but what does it have to do with interfaces ? bluetotth or IR ?15:51
zirodayRafael_: do you understand what you are doing?15:51
Dulakpan0 is bluetooth15:51
Pegasos989Hello. I installed Windows XP to dualboot after having installed Ubuntu and now I need to fix the bootloader. I booted from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS live cd and try to follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub but find command in grub doesn't find anything and neither does fdisk -l15:51
gartralsafarid: no i can't i want an openmoko, but no $$$15:51
dSlaMDulak: ok thx15:51
zirodayPegasos989: try sudo fdisk -l15:51
Paigecan ubuntu support 32gb of ram? i just read that linux seems to have issues over 16gb15:51
tonsofpcsBatte: i do not bellieve i have a bt adapter15:51
BattedSlaM: you can have your bt adaptor make a network area in the range of the bluetooth == pan15:51
Battetonsofpcs: maybe build in.?15:51
dSlaMPaige> 64 bits doen't have any problem with that*15:51
Pegasos989ziroday, nothing still. It gives no output15:52
zirodayPegasos989: and if you read the wikipage it says "You'll need to run a few commands as root so you can use sudo -i to get a root shell and run them normally instead of using sudo on each of them. Be extra careful when running a root shell, especially for typos!"15:52
dSlaMBatte: thx for the info i never used it that way15:52
tonsofpcsBatte: i should see the device in lspci or in dmesg or somewhere... i don't15:52
zirodayPegasos989: err sudo fdisk -l does nothing? Are you on the livecd?15:52
Rafael_ziroday: i am learnign, i am moving form windows to ubuntu, so i should do: apt-get install smbfs, what is i have already samba install?15:52
Pegasos989ziroday, yup. it does nothing. and I am on live cd15:52
shadeslayerhi,is there an irc channel for openbox?15:52
Dulaktonsofpcs: the interface is created by the bluetooth tools, not by the hardware15:52
Dr_WillisRafael_:  i always install both. :)  i forget what smbfs does exactly.. but i always need it..15:53
dSlaMRafael_: what's the problem ?15:53
zirodayshadeslayer: #openbox on oftc15:53
zirodayRafael_: okay, what are you trying to achieve?15:53
shadeslayerziroday: thnks15:53
tonsofpcsDulak: why does it show a hw addrress?15:53
Rafael_zirodady: from my ubuntu server to my NAS linksys15:53
TanmayHow do I upgrade w/o uninstalling15:54
zirodayRafael_: okay, and how did you connect to it in Windows?15:54
Dulaktonsofpcs: every interface has a mac address, it has nothing to do with hardware15:54
zirodayTanmay: upgrade to a later version of Ubuntu?15:54
Dulaktonsofpcs: you don't have to have a bluetooth adapter installed for the bluetooth tools to create the interface15:54
shadeslayerziroday: im connected to oftc but how do i tell irssi to use oftc and not freenode to join that channel15:54
Dulaktonsofpcs: I suggest you google around for pan0 and read up on it15:54
zirodayDulak: err the MAC address is hardcoded in by the hardware15:54
zirodayshadeslayer: ask in #irssi15:54
dSlaMTanmay: check for the boxes iun your repositories (in synaptic)15:55
tonsofpcsDulak: thanks :)15:55
thiebaudewhat is oftc?15:55
zirodayDulak: of course you can spoof/change it15:55
zirodaythiebaude: another IRC network15:55
Dulakziroday: that's not true at all, hardware does have a mac address hardcoded, but having a mac doesn't necessarily mean you have the hardware15:55
thiebaudeok, cool15:55
grawityDulak: actually, the MAC address _is_ hardcoded15:55
zirodayDulak: yes that is correct, but as you just said "Hardware does have a MAC address hardcoded"15:55
grawityErrr, nevermind15:56
juniechohi, got a new problem... whenever i connect to the internet through my wireless network, a message saying my network is based on .local whatever, so it can cause trouble with avahi service. i use korean language so i cannot describe the exact message, sorry. but can i just disable this avahi thing?15:56
zirodayDulak: it is usually written on said hardware as well15:56
dSlaM_A_ mac address :)15:56
Rafael_zirodady: you mean the NAS or the ubuntu server to the windows computers?15:56
DulakYer making the assumption that having a mac address means you have the hardware, they are not mutual exclusive15:56
zirodayRafael_: Windows to the NAS15:56
safariddo someone have any idea to install USB 3g modem of vodafone in ubuntu 9.04 as it is working in ubuntu 8.1015:56
zirodayjuniecho: err #ubuntu-kr might be able to help you with the error message, as for avahi you can disable it if you want to15:57
Dulakziroday: software interfaces like vpn interfaces have a mac but no underlying hardware, there is no correlation15:57
ezeHye dontknownuthin15:57
dontknownuthincan someone tell me how to use this patch i downloaded for totem?15:58
dSlaMdontknownuthin: man patch :)15:58
Rafael_ziroday: map the NAS to the windows computer, but what i am planning to do is the follwoing, my windows client store data in ubuntu server and i would like the ubuntu server to syncronize the dat with the NAS15:58
zirodaydontknownuthin: it would require you to recompile totem from source, why do you want to use this patch?15:58
juniechoziroday: when i try to disable that service, i get a warning that i can damage my system... can i feel safe to ignore it? what does avahi do?15:58
zirodayRafael_: sorry, I'm having difficulty understanding you. What is your native language?15:58
jefincwhy when I create a "lancher" on the desktop to open a location can I not drag it to the launcher panel?15:58
dSlaMRafael_: french ?15:59
Pegasos989Does anyone know why sudo fdisk -l returns nothing when I'm on a live CD15:59
dontknownuthinI can't get sound to play.  I would have liked to use zoom player, but it wasn't working in wine15:59
zirodayjuniecho: how are you disabling it? Avahi us used for the automatic discovery of certain services in your network like DAAP shares15:59
Rafael_ziroday: spanish..but i can try ot explan better if you ask me, as long as you can help me15:59
zirodayRafael_: I know that #ubuntu-es is a great support channel, they'll be able to help you there15:59
juniechofrom System - Administration - Services and unchecking avahi.16:00
dSlaMziroday: he justs wants to synchonrize his NAS to his box16:00
Paigehey i have another question16:00
Rafael_ziroday: but can you tell me what part i lost you16:00
juniechodSlaM: me?16:01
zirodayjuniecho: I can't even see that16:01
dSlaMjuniecho: nop i was talking about Rafael_ ;)16:01
dSlaMsorry ;)16:01
zirodayRafael_: how are you connecting to your NAS in windows?16:01
Paigei cannot find any info about whether or not the mac pro raid card will work with ubuntu16:01
juniechowell... on top menu, Applications/Places/System...16:01
zirodayjuniecho: and if you have issues, you can re-enable it16:01
juniechoin system, second from the top16:01
zirodayjuniecho: yes, I know where the services dialog is, I mean I don't have that service16:02
Rafael_ziroday: i have map the nas to the windows computer16:02
zirodayPaige: one sec16:02
zirodayRafael_: okay, so you are using samba I presume?\16:02
safaridthere is no way to make work usb modem in ubuntu 9.0416:02
juniechohmm strange... it looks like this "multicast dns service discovery' or something like that16:02
Paigeziroday, i wouldn't bother looking for it. i know that card intimately16:02
zirodayPaige: eh?16:03
ThorgrinI did a CD check, all is ok16:03
Paigeyes, i helped design it :p16:03
Thorgrinbut I couldn't do the agp=off thing, F6 does nothing16:03
juniechohmm anyway disabled it... gonna reboot to check everything is okay :) thanks anyway16:03
Rafael_ziroday: a few month ago when i install ubuntu i use samba so the windows client cn store the information  inn the ubuntu server16:03
ThorgrinShould I reinstall Ubuntu?16:04
zirodayPaige: this page is a mess but should be able to help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacPro as well as http://wiki.debian.org/DebianOnIntelMacPro#line-187 but be careful, ask if you're not sure about anything as the installer part is somewhat useless16:04
zirodayRafael_: okay16:04
Rafael_ziroday: buy the way thanks for your patienty and trying to help me...16:05
ThorgrinZiroday: I did the CD check, all is ok, but F6 was useless16:05
zirodayRafael_: right, go to Places > Network do you see your NAS?16:05
Rafael_you mean on my widnows computer16:06
zirodayThorgrin: have you tried the alternate cd?16:06
zirodayRafael_: no on your ubuntu computer16:06
Thorgrinalternate CD?16:06
ziroday!alternate | Thorgrin16:06
Rafael_i am suing server16:06
ubottuThorgrin: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:06
Rafael_sorry using16:06
zirodayRafael_: why are you using ubuntu server?16:06
ThorgrinOk, so I should download anr reinstall with it16:06
zirodayThorgrin: yep16:06
ThorgrinGoing to windows16:07
Thorgrinand downloading the ISO16:07
Paigethanks for the laughs guys, i'll be of course sticking with a far superior operating system instead of some 1 in a few hundred or more linux distro16:07
zirodayPaige: bye16:07
Rafael_ziroday: because i was lanning to place the ubuntu box on a closeth16:07
zirodayRafael_: okay, and what is the purpose of the ubuntu box?16:07
dSlaMi hit my toe on the bed..... i'm hurt... REALLY16:07
dSlaMthere's blood16:08
Rafael_ziroday: to store word documents, jpg, and pdf files of 4 windows computers16:08
Paigebtw... if you wanna why i know the raid card so well, it is because i am an ASIC engineer for Apple ;)16:08
zirodayRafael_: okay, so Ubuntu is becoming a file server?16:09
dSlaMi can't curse in here, but trust me that's all i want to do right now16:09
wanna_learn_moreanyone know how to bonding?16:09
Rafael_ziroday: yes for now, in the future migth be a we server also16:09
ExAstrisHi all. I have an ATI Radeon x1600 graphics card, and absolutely no 3D graphics functionality on Ubuntu 9.04, except the Quake engine games under WINE.16:09
SlartdSlaM: why not go tell the people in #ubuntu-offtopic about it.. they will love it16:09
janhajjsem tu :) a teď nainstalovat znova to fglrx že? :)16:09
zirodayRafael_: okay, and what does the linksys NAS server have to do with all this?16:10
dSlaMthanks, i really need to let that out16:10
Belboz99Hey all, anyone know why when I add a Startup Application in "System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications" it immediately disappears as soon as I close the window?  IE, if I reopen the dialog the application I just added is no longer listed?16:10
zirodayExAstris: please pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:10
Slart!cz | janhaj16:10
ubottujanhaj: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:10
ExAstriscertainly, give me a sec ziroday.16:10
zirodayExAstris: no rush :)16:10
kFjhi. how can i make rythmbox to rip my audiocds to .mp3 format? in preferences music tab i can choose from flac ogg mp2 wav and spx and in profiles, i also have mp3, but i cant select it as the prefered format..16:10
zirodayBelboz99: did you click the Unlock button?16:10
Belboz99ziroday: that's what I thought of, but there is no  "unlock" button visible :P16:11
dontknownuthinis totem the best video player?16:11
Vorodiehi everyone16:11
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zirodayBelboz99: what version of ubuntu?16:11
zirodaydontknownuthin: try VLC16:11
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:11
Belboz99ziroday: 9.0416:11
ExAstrisziroday, http://pastebin.ca/143305416:11
Rafael_ziroday:i want all this data of the file server be copy into the nas.syncronize..and after reading my pln was to moutn and then learn to use rsync for this16:11
DralidExAstris (I'm not an expert, but) are you using a proprietary driver or the open source one?16:11
zirodayBelboz99: then there is an unlock button in the bottom center16:11
dontknownuthinvlc didn't work with mkv files....I mean, it worked, but badly16:11
Vorodieis there any gnome applet that shows NumLock/ScrollLock/CapsLock status?16:12
=== DaZ[troluje] is now known as DaZ[Goa`uld]
ExAstrisDralid: The proprietary. Yes, I know, evil bad etc etc16:12
dadrockHow can i block website from opening in my system in any browser?16:12
dontknownuthinsorry ubotto16:12
mibmibdadrock: websites do not open, they get rendered.16:12
zirodayExAstris: err you are not using the proprietary driver, does compiz run?16:12
amseidlerI have made a new partition with gparted, and have used LVPM to get ubuntu on to its own partition (used wubi for install). Now, when I load my computer and try to select ubuntu, it gives me "error 17: not mounted" How do I fix this?16:13
ExAstrisziroday: It does, and oddly enough, so does glxgears... but most programs which use 3D anything do not.16:13
dadrockhow can i render them,mibmib16:13
zirodaydadrock: take a look at dansguardian16:13
DralidExAstris - I use proprietary,too with my nvidia. Unfourtuantly that was my only guess... :(16:13
ExAstrisziroday: I'm not? I thought I was. Weird.16:13
wanna_learn_moreanyone know how to bonding?16:13
mibmibdadrock: try to learn how to walk first before you go and run the marathon.16:13
zirodayExAstris: fglrx support for your card was dropped. You are using the radeon drivers. What are the errors in said games?16:13
amseidlerI have made a new partition with gparted, and have used LVPM to get ubuntu on to its own partition (used wubi for install). Now, when I load my computer and try to select ubuntu, it gives me "error 17: not mounted" How do I fix this?16:14
ExAstrisziroday: Well, let's see... there's a couple of different things.16:14
zirodayRafael_: sorry, I can't help you further16:14
dadrockmeaning?? ,mibmib16:14
MrKeunerhi all, is there an ubuntu package for later kernels such as 2.6.2916:14
ziroday!latest | MrKeuner16:14
ubottuMrKeuner: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.16:14
mibmibdadrock: meaning you don't have a clue of what you are talking about.16:14
mibmibdadrock: and you should first try to solve simpler problems.16:14
ExAstrisziroday: But the behavior I usually get is this: the game or program starts, is fine up until it needs to do 3D crap, then it just quits.16:14
MrKeunerziroday, it is the recent kernel which has a problem , in my case16:15
dadrocki wanna block a website . So that it can not be opened by anyoen except me, mibmib16:15
amseidlerI have made a new partition with gparted, and have used LVPM to get ubuntu on to its own partition (used wubi for install). Now, when I load my computer and try to select ubuntu, it gives me "error 17: not mounted" How do I fix this?16:15
zirodayExAstris: okay, please run the game in a terminal16:15
mibmibExAstris: what do you see when you run it on the command line?16:15
ExAstrisziroday: I will admit that the main reason I want to fix this problem is to play Source games with CrossOver, but the CrossOver people can't seem to help me...16:15
Rafael_ziroday: thanks.i thoguth you were goingt to give me some guidance...or orientation  of were to go from here16:15
zirodayExAstris: what did the crossover folks say?16:15
ExAstrisziroday: They had no idea :S16:15
ExAstrisziroday: but it was a while ago.16:15
prajjwalhi, does anybody here know where i can get Netbeans for Linux, the one i get from the Linux site does not install for me .....16:16
HeoooWhat is wrong:     cat .zshrc | sed "s/(s|S)am/dave/g" > zsh_dave   ?      I want to change all occurrences of "Sam" or "sam" to "dave".16:16
prajjwalfrom the Netbeans16:16
dSlaMprajjwal: it's in the repositories !16:16
zirodayRafael_: from what I can understand you will have to install a samba server on your ubuntu home server and then configure it to share with other windows clients and have them connect to it16:16
Belboz99ziroday: http://yfrog.com/41nounlockbuttonp16:16
amseidlerI have made a new partition with gparted, and have used LVPM to get ubuntu on to its own partition (used wubi for install). Now, when I load my computer and try to select ubuntu, it gives me "error 17: not mounted" How do I fix this?16:16
ExAstrisIt's weird. It's as if some 3D things work, and others don't, but there isn't any sort of difference expect for complexity.16:16
zirodayExAstris: right, try another native game16:16
ExAstrisziroday: sure, hold on...16:17
zirodayExAstris: like openarena, warsow anything. See if there are errors with that16:17
zirodayExAstris: run it in the terminal and capture the error16:17
zirodayBelboz99: how are you starting it?16:17
IRConanhow do I change the password for the keyring which NetworkManager uses16:17
Belboz99ziroday: like I said "System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications"   as a normal user from within the Ubuntu Desktop Environment, no real mods of any sort16:18
zirodayBelboz99: hmm, in a terminal do services-admin is anything outputted?16:18
ExAstrisziroday: Maybe I should ask the Crossover people about this again... oddly, everything seems to be working okay. Then again, the last time I tried to do this stuff was before I upgraded xD16:19
Belboz99ziroday: I think this may be the cause of some of the confusion, it's "Startup Applications" dialog under "preferences" NOT "System Services" under "Administration"16:19
zirodayExAstris: right, we can't help you with windows games. But if you can get an error with a native linux game we'd be more then happy to help16:20
zirodayBelboz99: oops sorry, thought you said Services16:20
amseidlerI have made a new partition with gparted, and have used LVPM to get ubuntu on to its own partition (used wubi for install). Now, when I load my computer and try to select ubuntu, it gives me "error 17: not mounted" How do I fix this?16:20
zirodayBelboz99: apologies, its late16:20
ExAstrisziroday: sure :). I have to reinstall most of my linux games; removed 'em all a while back to make space.16:20
Belboz99that's ok16:20
ExAstrisziroday: at that point none of 'em were working, of course xD16:20
amseidlerI have made a new partition with gparted, and have used LVPM to get ubuntu on to its own partition (used wubi for install). Now, when I load my computer and try to select ubuntu, it gives me "error 17: not mounted" How do I fix this?16:21
Belboz99I'd still like to know why my app won't persist in that dialog though :P16:21
zirodayExAstris: murphy's law :)16:21
Rafael_ziroday: that is alredy done....my computer are conecting with the server with no problem, my question came about how to mount the nas ..that is were i got lost?16:21
zirodayBelboz99: hmm I have no idea sorry16:21
Belboz99ziroday: it's just a simple bash script :P16:21
dSlaMamseidler: shut up already =)16:21
amseidlerdSlaM: I would if someone would flippen give me help :\16:21
zirodaydSlaM: do *not* tell any user to shut up. Ever.16:21
DralidMy motherboard's onboard sound does not work. Motherboard is a Intel DP45SG and 'lspci -v | less' @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/179653/. Can I get this running, or is it not supported?16:21
dSlaMamseidler: i'm ok to help u16:22
zirodayamseidler: as you can tell nobody is able to help you here, you might want to wait a while before reposting your question16:22
amseidlerziroday: Do you know of anywhere else that I can get assistance from?16:22
ExAstrisziroday: *shivers* So I shouldn't talk about how everything is working now? :D16:22
dSlaMziroday: that's just a (bad) joke, as u can see16:22
tarvidwhere is xorg.conf? mine is empty16:22
zirodaydSlaM: its not funny16:22
zirodaytarvid: you don't have one by default anymore16:22
zirodayamseidler: the forums and help.ubuntu.com16:23
tarvidi want to diddle my touch pad16:23
tarviddo I just create one?16:23
dSlaMhe's gone :/16:23
zirodayRafael_: well that depends on your NAS16:23
zirodaytarvid: yep16:23
hacktoliveis it dangerous to give non-sudo users the ability to use "mount"?16:23
zirodayDralid: that card should be fine, one sec16:24
dSlaMhacktolive: yes !16:24
zirodayhacktolive: depends what you're scared of16:24
perryarmstrongcan anyone tell me which monitors are good for ubuntu16:24
zirodayhacktolive: its not recommended16:24
zirodayperryarmstrong: the ones that have pixels16:24
perryarmstrongziroday; good joke....16:24
zirodayperryarmstrong: almost all monitors should just work :)16:25
Rafael_ziroday: what will be the comman line to see the nas on the network16:25
hacktolivedSlaM, ziroday: thanks, you know why...? I'm not "scared" of anything, but I am developing a software that needs to use "mount"...16:25
zirodayRafael_: well it all depends on the protocols you can connect to the NAS with16:25
ExAstrisziroday: just tried tuxracer. It works, but there's a lot of flickering. Like, the models and textures will flash white, then normal again, thne white, etc16:25
dSlaMhacktolive: if itt's your own personal box that shouldn't be a problem IMO, but if youre a sysadmin of a whatever-enterprise-server  i woundn't recommend it16:25
perryarmstrongziroday; ubuntu 8.10 onwards doesn't support my LG 552V Studioworks...16:25
FFForeverGood Morning People!16:25
zirodayExAstris: that could just be due to that graphics card16:25
zirodayperryarmstrong: errors?16:25
ExAstrisziroday: :(16:25
zirodayFFForever: morning!16:25
zirodayExAstris: err or the new drivers16:26
ExAstrisziroday: Doesn't happen on OS X or Windows :(. Anything I can do?16:26
hacktolivedSlaM: it is a software to be included on a Linux distro... used by many people... so I want it secure....16:26
FFForeverAnyone know how i can sync my iphone with rhythmbox?16:26
ExAstrisziroday: it's not unplayable, just obnoxious16:26
zirodayExAstris: a variety, shall we go through them?16:26
dSlaMhacktolive: oh ok, xcuse my paranoia but a nick like yours doesn't inspire trust XD16:26
blue112Hello here16:26
ExAstrisziroday: I have nothing to do today :D.16:26
cgkadesperryarmstrong, have you tried a different monitor, so you know for sure it's the monitor and not your video card?16:26
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perryarmstrongziroday; don't get the right screen resolution.....its been nearly 6 months i had been trying to fix this...and i stopped doing it anymore...16:27
zirodayExAstris: right, first make sure xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd is installed16:27
perryarmstrongcgkades; don't get the right screen resolution.....its been nearly 6 months i had been trying to fix this...and i stopped doing it anymore...16:27
blue112I have a 32 bits distrib, and I'd like to try the 64 bit one. Can I try it without making a new partition ? Else, can I redim my partition to make a new system partition for the 64 bits version ?16:27
zirodayperryarmstrong: okay, how large is this monitor?16:27
dSlaMhacktolive: just kidding, but i would'n grant any acces to mount to untrusted people, too many crapy programs on "portable"(?) hdd drives16:27
cgkadesperryarmstrong, not the question i was asking. have you tired a different monitor to rule out your video card, this seems like a video card issue16:27
perryarmstrongziroday; 17"16:27
cgkadesperryarmstrong, do you know how to change the resolution from the command line?16:28
hacktolivedSlaM: ah, I see... I am this type of hackers: http://hacktolive.org/wiki/What_is_a_hacker%3F16:28
perryarmstrongcgkades; no i ddint try...but i tried it on a different computer and it was working16:28
tonsofpcsanyone know of an applet that will dock in the gnome panel that allows for manual override of cpufreq scaling?16:28
cgkadesperryarmstrong, you tried the monitor on a different computer?16:28
hacktolivedSlaM: could you explain that problem of the programs on portable HDDs..? insecure software?16:28
perryarmstrongcgkades; ya i suppose we have to add modes and so on.....16:28
dSlaMhacktolive: white hat, i respect that kind of people16:28
IRConantonsofpcs: there's the "Inhibit applet" which is installed by default16:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:29
zirodayExAstris: ?16:29
cgkadesperryarmstrong, edit your xorg.conf file to use the most basic settings and  a low refresh rate16:29
cgkadesperryarmstrong, then go from there16:29
perryarmstrongcgkades; not the monitor...i tried ubuntu 8.10 on another computer16:29
blue112I have a 32 bits distrib, and I'd like to try the 64 bit one. Can I try it without making a new partition ? Else, can I redim my partition to make a new system partition for the 64 bits version ?16:29
zirodayblue112: what do you mean by "redim"?16:29
zirodayblue112: yes, to install the 64bit version you need to reinstall16:30
cgkadesperryarmstrong, this really sounds like a video card issue, because the video card controlls the output to the monitor. there isnt any dirviers or anything you need for a monitor16:30
perryarmstrongcgkades; i am tired and frustrated at doing the same thing for 6 months.....thats why i asked which monitor suits for ubuntu16:30
magciusDoes Ubuntu require a 64-bit OS and CPU for it to recognize 4 GB of RAM?16:30
dSlaMhacktolive: actually, someone who can mount a hdd can execute any kind of software, i'm aware they're"chrooted" but that's a matter of trust16:30
blue112Ok, so how can I resize my partition for that stuff ?16:30
Rafael_ziroday: i am now remote connecte to ubuntu, but while i am learnign i have installed the desktop on top of the server edition, and before yesterday if i go to Places--network i was able to see the NAS..how can i do that with the command line from were i am now?16:30
cgkadesperryarmstrong, you tried editing your xorg.conf file?16:30
zirodayRafael_: well as I said, I need to know what protocols16:30
zirodayblue112: you can use an ubuntu live cd16:31
perryarmstrongcgkades; ya16:31
ExAstrisziroday: sorry. tuxracer crashed my system :S16:31
Rafael_cifs smbs16:31
debaserhow can I restore the kde menu to system defaults?16:31
dSlaMhacktolive: on my personnal computer i woundn't give a damn but i work with a professionnal server also, that's where i would be particularly cautious16:31
zirodayExAstris: hmm16:31
blue112ziroday: Okay.16:31
ExAstriswas working fine, then screen went black, sound repeated over and over, could do nothing16:31
ExAstriscouldn't even kill the x server :S16:31
cgkadesperryarmstrong, how far do you get into the boot before you loose video?16:31
zirodayRafael_: right, I don't know of any way to scan for samba shares from the command line sorry16:31
ExAstrisziroday: that package is already installed and latest version.16:32
perryarmstrongas soon as i come to the login screen16:32
blue112ziroday: Can I resize ext4 on a ubuntu live cd ?16:32
perryarmstrongcgkades; as soon as i come to the login screen16:32
hacktolivedSlaM: well... to be honest my point exactly is to run software from mounted ISOs....16:32
Rafael_ziroday: thanks16:32
zirodayblue112: on the latest, yes16:32
blue112Then I'll try.16:32
zirodayExAstris: okay, do you have an xorg.conf?16:32
dSlaMhacktolive: what do you want to do exactly ?16:32
cgkadesperryarmstrong, you arnt setting your xorg.conf file up right then. but if you really WANT to get a new monitor you can. and any new monitor will work16:32
ExAstrisziroday: Yes, I think so... had to edit it when I killed my graphics drivers last time I tried to fix these issues :D. Where would it be located again?16:33
hacktolivedSlamM: a new way to run/deploy apps: http://hacktolive.org/srun16:33
zirodayExAstris: /etc/X11/xorg.conf you will need to pastebin it16:33
perryarmstrongcgkades; i was wondering about Acer16:33
tonsofpcsIRConan: that does not seem to allow for me to set cpu speed and it doesn't seem to have any effect on it either16:33
ExAstrisziroday: okay, just a sec16:33
IRConantonsofpcs: well I'm no expert on the subject, sorry I can't help more16:34
cgkadesperryarmstrong, i have never heard of a monitor beeing an issue... but i'm sure acer would work just fine16:34
juniechothink avahi problem isn't gone... well no big deal, can live with that...16:34
ExAstrisziroday: http://pastebin.ca/143307116:34
AndertHello, all of you smart Ubuntu people, I have messed up my settings... One time I started up the machine I didn't had sound at all, now I have sound at login and rythmbox, but not youtube...16:34
xanguaAnder: are you using Hardy ¿¿16:35
hacktoliveAndert: install the package "ubuntu-restricted-extras", using synaptic (or the terminal)16:35
tonsofpcsIRConan: thanks for the try :)16:35
zirodayExAstris: okay, in the device section add the line Driver "radeonhd" and Option "DRI" and remove that other option (just comment it out)16:35
ExAstrisziroday: okay. one sec.16:35
_user_i have intel graphics 950 and it works just fine except the video tearing in high resolution videos please do i need to install drivers from intellinuxgraphics.com to fix it or if i did that it will be fixed now they have 2.7 and i got 2.516:35
Anderthacktolive: I think I have, but the sound worked fine a few days ago... Well well, I'll try to install the package16:36
ExAstrisziroday: so I remove the option line and add what you said, but keep the identifier line?16:36
_user_hacktolive, are you the maker of super os16:36
juniechoanybody know how i can make windows preview survive longer? i mean, when i alt-tab, i see window previews. but for programs that had been in backgroud for a long time, i see only UGLY icons instead of nice previews... is there any workaround?16:36
djtoastHi all,16:36
zirodayExAstris: yep16:36
ExAstristo be sure, it should look like: Section "Device"16:37
ExAstrisIdentifier"Configured Video Device"16:37
ExAstrisOption "DRI"16:37
FloodBot1ExAstris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:37
=== rogue780_ is now known as rogue780
hacktoliveAndert: that package installs flash (required for youtube videos + codecs + other stuff)16:37
ExAstrisSheesh, floodbot... touchy. xD16:37
djtoastI wanted to add a location menu item in my Application menu.. but for some reason it doesnt get added only applications seems to be working anyone seen this before?16:37
hacktolive_user_: yes, I am the "developer" of Super OS16:37
ziroday_user_: you can get the newer version at https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa but its unlikely to fix your issue16:37
zirodayExAstris: looks good16:37
ExAstrisziroday: okay. Do I need to restart X?16:37
zirodayExAstris: yes please16:38
Belboz99ziroday: just thought I'd let you know I resolved my issue:16:38
Belboz99I reloaded the Startup Applications dialog, checked "ps -fade" at the CLI to determine it's cli name, then started it from there.   What I then did was watch the output while adding my app, and I suddenly discovered that the app didn't have priv's to some of my .config files, so I did a sudo chown -R myUser:myUser .config from my home dir, worked like a charm!  Thanks for trying though! ;)16:38
ExAstrishold on.16:38
_user_hacktolive, i use your iso now and its great job but i am making a custome build of more software and better default theme can i send you a screen shot16:38
zirodayBelboz99: awesome!16:38
dSlaMziroday:  http://www.catonmat.net/download/leech_axss-hax_that_fuck.mp3 --- sell your soul to the zero daaaa-aaay =)16:38
Anderthacktolive: Synaptic will remove two packages: libavcodec 52 and libavutil 49 is this OK?16:39
=== xInfoNutzx is now known as InfoNutz
zirodaydSlaM: excuse me?16:39
dSlaMziroday: just dl the song ;)16:39
Belboz99okay, I'm going to log out and  log back in to validate that my app actually starts properly upon login16:39
Seeker`dSlaM: incredibly offtopic for here, and not the best language either16:39
zirodaydSlaM: no thank you, and NSFW links and rude language is not allowed in this channel16:39
dSlaMok :(16:40
ExAstrisziroday: remind me the command to kill x?16:40
ExAstrisziroday: Stupid, I know.16:40
zirodayExAstris: just logout and log back in16:40
ExAstrisziroday: okay.16:40
magciusdSlaM, at least you know about Leech Axss.16:40
hacktoliveAndert: I am almost sure it is safe, in case that gives problems: just re-install later16:41
ExAstrisziroday: I'm back. Compiz died tho.16:41
Andertok, thanks16:41
zirodayExAstris: eh? In a terminal do compiz --replace16:41
zirodayExAstris: and pastebin the errors16:41
dSlaMmagcius:  no rpblem, i just wanted to share a fun song i discovered, didn't know it would not be well welllcomed, sorrry16:42
ExAstrisziroday: no whitelisted driver found is the only one :S16:42
Seeker`!ot | dSlaM magcius16:42
ubottudSlaM magcius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:42
AndertI love Ubuntu, cheers to free support :)16:42
shadeslayeranyone with experience of using openbox?16:42
m0r0nHey, can anyone help me with my master volume control?16:42
ExAstrisziroday: fortunately I saved a copy of my other x.org :D16:42
hacktolive_user: absolutely! I'm always open to suggestions/feedback, you can also go to #hacktolive if you want16:42
dSlaMyep that's what i was saying now i know, sorry for the inconvenience, really16:42
magciusm0r0n, what's wrong with it?16:42
shadeslayer!sound | m0r0n16:42
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
ubottum0r0n: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:42
zirodayExAstris: blah, I don't know sorry and its late here :). Go back to xorg.conf and change the driver line back to radeon and remove the option DRI line16:42
ExAstrisziroday: right.16:43
djtoastIm realy not shure what im doing wrong.. i choose location, then put name then http://google.ca and ok.. but doesnt add it to the menu16:43
Dralidziroday, did you want me to wait to follow up on the sound issue? (just don't want to be forgotten)16:43
zirodayExAstris: heh, also you might want to see http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI#Performance_tuning for ways to get better performance out of your card16:43
m0r0nUm, when I go to the sound at the top and lower it, it lowers, but when I use my keyboard (It has the reduce/increase volue button on it) it doesn't do anything16:43
zirodayDralid: oh sorry I completely forgot16:43
b0hneis it possible to recover deleted files with no file extension and no known header/footer? i did a rm on an ntfs partition. im looking for a keyfile ^^16:43
ziroday!sound | Dralid you might want to look through here16:43
ubottuDralid you might want to look through here: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:43
m0r0nIt moves the dial down, but the volume doesn't decrease16:44
ExAstrisziroday: restored my backup x.org, compiz is back now.16:44
zirodayExAstris: great16:44
zirodayDralid: in a terminal do aplay -l16:44
tarvidback again; ran dexconf, added an input device section; has no effect. Where is X configuration in jaunty?16:44
dSlaMactually i got a question now :16:44
zirodaytarvid: do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to generate one16:44
tarvidthat's what dexconf does16:45
dSlaMis there a way to mùanage the sound app per app ?16:45
Slartb0hne: well.. it might be possible... but very very hard.. the keyfile is just a bunch of random-looking characters?16:46
shadeslayeranyone on openbox??16:46
b0hneSlart, yes16:46
dSlaM(like a bar, as in totem oir any app, BUT for any app, even in firefox or so ???16:46
magciusDoes Ubuntu require a 64-bit OS and CPU for it to recognize 4 GB of RAM?16:46
shadeslayermagcius: yes16:46
zirodaymagcius: yes, or 32bit with PAE16:46
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Slartb0hne: I would try one of the many recovery options available for windows.. some have live cds you can use16:46
NavY-Sealwhats the difference on alternate install graphic install .... the graphic install faile on me 20 times yesterday today its the first time i apply the altenert install and it works like a charm16:46
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Seeker`physcial address extension16:46
ExAstrisziroday: well, at least I can use 3D stuff now. Pity about crossover tho16:46
dSlaM(i hear of earcandy but it still experimental)16:47
=== Shockrates1 is now known as Shockrates
FFForeverhow come iphone-mount tells me this?, fuse: mountpoint is not empty         fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option16:47
Slartmagcius: only the server kernel comes with PAE enabled.. not sure how hard it is to enable it on a desktop kernel though16:47
shadeslayerNavY-Seal: more customizations and drivers in alternate install CD16:47
zirodayExAstris: mmm, would probably be best to ask the crossover folks, and the X1600 is getting a bit long in the tooth anyway16:47
hacktoliveanyone know if I use something like "mountlo" (using user-mode-linux kernel) to mount files instead of using "mount" is safer?16:47
magciusWill a 64-bit OS run faster on a Core Duo (e8400 3.00 GHz)16:47
tarvidGSynaptics couldn't initialize.16:47
tarvidYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics16:47
varunhello ppl16:47
zirodaymagcius: in some tasks, but not in others16:48
Slartmagcius: yes.. but you might not notice the difference16:48
ExAstrisziroday: I certainly did. And it's a laptop, so no upgrades for me :(16:48
zirodayExAstris: sorry16:48
magciusIs it easy to upgrade to the 64-bit version?16:48
varunI was here earlier and have run into pidgin not wrking with new router in ubntu intrepid16:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pae16:48
varuncould anyone help16:48
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:48
geezerGreetings ^__^16:48
Slartmagcius: nope.. it's not even possible, afaik16:48
magciusSlart, what do you mean?16:49
dSlaMmagcius: depends on the app you're running, generally speaking OS'es with 64bits recognizes more then 4GB RAM....16:49
Slartmagcius: ubuntu can't upgrade to 64 bit from 32bit, afaik you have to reinstall it16:49
tarvidMy xorg.conf seems to have no effect on X16:49
Dralidziroday: 'aplay -l' @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/179669/ Also I was working through the community sound troubleshoot page, got to the part that said verify that your sound card is supported by alsa, but it was ambiguous. Alsa's changelog mentioned support of the sound card, but It wasn't listed as supported (but I figured the wiki page might be out of date).16:50
ExAstrisziroday: It pains me xD16:50
dSlaMmagcius: as Slart was saying, if you run ubuntu 32 bits, you'll have to reinstall "from scratch" with a 64 bits version16:51
tarvidziroday: have you tried the diagnostics at System, Preferences, Sound?16:51
zirodayDralid: hmm okay, so it appears just fine. And you sure that all the volume sliders are at the max (including PCM?)16:52
dSlaMmagcius: i read lots of tests on the internet, unless you have more than 4GB RAM you don't want to switch to 64 bits version, the gain is minimal16:52
Anderthacktolive: Hm, still no sound on youtube...16:53
Andertmaybe I just need to restart16:53
tarvidtake a look at ~/.pulse16:53
tarvidsometimes pulse links to a non-existent file in /tmp16:54
hacktoliveAndert: try to enable all sound channels (maybe some are muted?)16:54
DralidAll maxed (or at least 80%+, no muted (except capture devices)16:54
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magciusHmm... I thought the Debian package management could install 64-bit Ubuntu.16:56
rshI just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now whenever I import a python library into a program, it says it can't find the library. Any ideas?16:56
magciusReplace the core components, and wait until reboot to install the rest.16:56
rsh(for the libraries I had previously installed that is)16:56
dSlaMmagcius: it can, but not if you're alredy ryunning a 32 bits version16:56
magciusdSlaM, I guess I don't see what extra overhead that entails.16:57
dSlaMwooo sorry didn't understand the answer at all (french here)16:57
dSlaMrsh: wut ?16:57
FFForeverhow can i mount my /home (ext4) partition from windows16:57
magciusI guess I don't see what the difference is when replacing with a 64-bit version.16:57
Slartmagcius: it's very simple.. if you want to use 64bit ubuntu you have to install 64bit ubuntu.. once you've installed it, that's what you've got.. you can't change from 32-bit to 64bit or back on an already installed system16:58
rshI had a bunch of python libraries installed, and now when I go to run some programs that used to work (and had imported some of those libraries) it tells me now the libraries can't be found16:58
b3rz3rk3rSlart, without recompiling the kernel anyway16:58
djtoastI have another issue.  Seems that i have a compiz segfault whenever i try to restore a minimized VMware.  Can anyone direct me to a fiew starting place to troubleshoot this16:58
dSlaMmagcius: oh ok.... actuallly not very software uses 64 bits improvements16:59
magciusSlart, I thought you could edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add the 64-bit repositories and tell it to replace ubuntu-desktop16:59
omletwhat is the french channel?16:59
Slartmagcius: when you say "upgrade", most people in this channel will assume you mean upgrade from an earlier version of ubuntu16:59
kingkilli wanna alin my icon to the right16:59
dSlaMomlet: #ubuntu-fr ?16:59
dSlaMomlet: i'm frech if you have any specific question16:59
kingkillhow do i do it so that it wont change even when i click clean up desktop16:59
KeBaBhi all - i have just installed xbuntu - i can't find where the setting is to stop the system turning off the screen after 5 mins or so - can you help?16:59
Slartb3rz3rk3r: isn't the kernel part of the upgrade?16:59
xanguaubottu: !french | omlet17:00
ubottuomlet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:00
Dralidziroday.. all channels maxed none muted, except capture channels.17:00
Slartmagcius: give it a try.. let us know if it works.. I've only heard people say it's impossible17:00
perryarmstrongcgkades; what did you say17:00
prathamesh1hi guys can anyone tell me which is the best video editing s/w available for ubuntu17:00
b3rz3rk3rSlart, id assume so? best way to get x64 is a total reinstall anyway tho id say17:01
dSlaMFFForever: there is a program on windows, i don't recall the name ext*something*fs, it could read ext3 files, since ext4 is ext3compatible why dont give it a try ?17:01
zenxrprathamesh1: here, http://wiki.showmedo.com/index.php/Video_editing_Ubuntu. everybody has their own opinion so choose for yourself :]17:02
gooseI need to scan a backed up windows drive that could quite possibly have a virus before I plug the external drive back into a binary machine, what's the best application to do this with?17:02
FFForeverdSlaM, because it won't work =(17:02
FFForeveri tried it already17:02
dSlaMFFForever: oh ok damn17:02
b3rz3rk3rgoose, clamav is what most ppl will say17:02
dSlaMthen i don't know sorry :(17:02
prathamesh1zenxr: thnaks17:02
Slartb3rz3rk3r: mm.. yes.. you would still have to download all the packages again.. might as well do it properly17:02
gooseb3rz3rk3r, I've played with clamav a little, I was a little skeptical, it didn't seem to really be scanning. you recommend it, though?17:02
zenxrprathamesh1: no prob :p17:03
dSlaMdimko: why all this publicity ??? we don't speek russian here :/17:03
b3rz3rk3rgoose, i dont really use windows much anymore, except for games, so i havent used any AV on ubuntu17:04
gooseok, appreciate it b3rz3rk3r17:04
PPKumahi, im trying to modify my fstab to include a logic FAT32 partition but when i try to mount -a i get a superblock error. Can somebody help me?17:04
b3rz3rk3rgoose, but everytime the question of av comes up, thatsw what everyone says, so il go with the crowd on that one ;)17:04
b3rz3rk3rgoose, your welcome mate17:05
dimkohi ppl17:05
zenxrdimko: hi and bye17:05
gustavonareaHi. How can I upgrade a single package with apt-get/aptitude? I couldn't find the asnwer in their man pages :(17:05
magciusIs Mesa 3D used as a base for Windows drivers as well as POSIX systems?17:05
dSlaMgustavonarea: apt-get upgrade package ^^17:06
varunanyone here17:06
m0r0nThe videos on BBC wont load up for me, anyone know why?17:06
varunwho could help me with a router pidgin problem17:06
varunon ubntu17:06
xanguam0r0n:  what plugin do you use¿¿ totem¿¿17:06
dSlaMm0r0n: wherte are you from ??17:07
m0r0nNo idea the first one that firefox recomended, and Canada17:07
xanguai use gnome mplayer with goecko media plugin and i have no problems m0r0n17:07
dSlaMtv channels usually limit viewingg to their own country17:07
m0r0nNot BBC17:07
m0r0nI can view it in windows17:07
gustavonareadSlaM: Thanks, but it would upgrade all the packages available. I just want to upgrade one17:07
dSlaMgustavonarea: even if you specify the package in the command ?17:08
varunpidgin not working gmail anymore17:08
varuncould someone help17:08
Slartgustavonarea: have you tried just doing a "sudo apt-get install package --reinstall" ?17:08
xanguam0r0n: go to Synaptic and remove totem-mozilla, then install gecko-mediaplayer17:08
Dralidziroday, still there?17:09
so0kyI need help.  I am trying to rebuild my boot loader.  When I am in the grub program, I have to do the root command17:09
so0kyI don't know how to translate my harddisk information for grub17:09
gustavonareaSlart: thank you, that's the solution! :)17:09
PPKumahi, im trying to modify my fstab to include a logic FAT32 partition but when i try to mount -a i get a superblock error. Can somebody help me?17:09
dSlaMso0ky: upgrade_grub17:10
Slartgustavonarea: you're welcmo17:10
so0kyits fine, so I run that command after I boot into the live CD?17:10
dimitreeDo i need an antivirus solution if i'm using Ubuntu ? I mean i left windows because the need for such software, do i need it on Ubuntu also ?17:10
so0kyit is17:10
dSlaMsorry for the caps17:10
so0kyi had to fix a hal.dll error on my windows hard drive17:11
so0kyand now it won't let me choose what operating system to boot into17:11
PPKumadimitree: virus problems are very rare in linux17:11
so0kyit goes straight to windows17:11
jribdimitree: no17:11
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
b3rz3rk3rdimitree, simply stated, no, not really17:11
dSlaMthen just boot in it and update_grub from your ubuntu17:11
so0kyi can't, even if i force the computer to look at that hard drive17:11
dSlaMi think id would do it17:11
so0kyit gives me an error17:11
dimitreethanks b3rz3rk3r and jrib and PPKuma17:11
dSlaMcould you c/p the error ?17:11
so0kyso can i run that command off of the live cd?17:12
pyquestHi all, while browsing (FF 3.08; intrepid) I sometimes have missing unicode/foreign characters (see screenshot: http://imgur.com/dec6y.png ). A first round of googling gives a too wide range of leads. Any suggestions on how to pinpoint the cause of this?17:12
b3rz3rk3rdimitree, while linux can be infected, such occurrences are extremely rare17:12
b3rz3rk3rdimitree, yw17:12
dSlaMso0ky: yep if you can boot into your system or evenb the liovecd it should work17:12
so0kyokay i will give it a try17:12
so0kythank you, have a good one, i may be back17:12
dSlaM(sorry my fingers get biggers and biggers)17:13
lenswipehow do i set an autolgon from ubuntu command line?17:13
dSlaMoh un français17:13
dimitreeb3rz3rk3r: what if i download a deb package from a source i don't know if i can trust or not, and i install the software, and in it there is some sort of "malware" or something, can an antivirus for linux protect against such cases ?17:13
jribdimitree: that's impossible of course...17:14
arusselI set up my router so my laptop ip is I have apache running on my laptop. From the laptop I can access a web page with But from another computer on the LAN I can't. Where could be the problem ?17:15
jptet6818Help with kdesdk needed (objective is to build just umbrello from sources). Platform is Kubuntu 8.04, kdesdk 4.2.2. Tryed some recipes from internet (including official kdesdk tips). Problem is after cmake umbrello: Unknown CMake command "kde4_install_icons"17:15
xanguadimitree:  that's why repositories existe so you dont have to download suspicious software17:15
dimitreei see17:15
dSlaMdimitree: that's what is great about linux :)17:15
kitchejptet6818: I would ask in the #kubuntu channel17:15
varunhello none here can help17:16
dimitreewoops :) anyway thanks guys17:16
jrib!ask | varun17:16
ubottuvarun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:16
dSlaMvarun: what's the question ;)17:16
varunrouter problem17:16
varunwith ubuntu intrepid for pidgin17:16
jribvarun: you probably need to be more specific and explain how ubuntu is involved17:16
Dralidgoing to System->Preferences->Sound and running a test on my "HDA Intel STAC92xx Analog (ALSA)" gives the error "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback."17:16
DralidAny suggestions?17:17
varunit was working earlier for a belkin router but now am on a different one which is westell and now pidgin is not connecting any gmail or gtalk account17:17
jptet6818kitche: I will try there. tks.17:17
varunconnection timed out is what I am getting17:17
varunso what should I do now17:19
|Newton|Hey guys!17:20
npeusing a 2.6.26 debian xen dom0 won't break a jaunty install will it?17:20
|Newton|I have Ubuntu 9.04 and a microphone from an icemat headset and i know it works but i cant say anything in it? which driver do i need?17:20
varun@jrib could u suggest somthing17:21
lenswipecan someone tell me how to set a user to auto login from commaand line17:21
jribvarun: I have no idea what the  problem is17:21
lenswipei want to run a command to enable the automatic logon of a user17:21
lenswipehow do i do that?17:21
varunanyone else then17:21
lenswipeasin GDM login17:21
jriblenswipe: why can't you use the graphical gdmsetup?17:22
varunanyone who could help me with router problems17:22
lenswipebecause my server is headless17:22
Dralid|Newton| have you unmuted it in the volume control? by default it is muted.17:22
lenswipevarun: what kind of router problems?17:22
jribvarun: no, no one can help you unless you actual state the problem.17:22
rkymtndavecan someone tell me how to give user ownership of secondary hdd?17:22
|Newton|dralid: where is that button?17:22
varunI have done it thrice already17:22
lenswipevarun: what are you having problems with?17:22
jriblenswipe: why have gdm automatically login then?17:22
b3rz3rk3rlenswipe, couldnt you just grab a monitor for it quickly?17:22
varunI am on a different router which is westell and pidgin is not able to connect to17:23
lenswipewell i want auto GDM login so i can VNC in17:23
varunany gmail or gtalk account17:23
b3rz3rk3rlenswipe, or remote into it?17:23
jrib!vnc | lenswipe17:23
ubottulenswipe: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:23
lenswipevarun: not sure about that then sorry, sounds like a blocked port17:23
bullgard4What device does Ubuntu designate 'hw:1'?17:23
lenswipejrib: thanks, i know what VNC is17:23
varunthe port I need to open i s 522217:23
lenswipethen open it17:23
Dralid|Newton| by default in the upper right corner of the screen is a sound icon, right click and go to open volume control, then go to the recording section.17:23
varunhow to do17:23
jriblenswipe: you don't need to have a user login to use vnc17:23
lenswipevarun: http://portforward.com17:23
varunwill try that17:24
lenswipejrib: yes i do, otherwsie it rejects the connection17:24
Tupac_ShakurTHUG LIFE!!17:24
jriblenswipe: thus where ubottu's link becomes relevant17:24
varunthe only thing I dont know is that the website gives me to open ports for games and stuff but I dont se pidgin there17:24
lenswipejrib: i see.17:24
lenswipejrib: kk17:24
NavY-Sealafter a battle yesterday to get ubuntu desktop 9.4 to start installation without success today i tryed with alternet install and the installation finished but on the first boot when hardwares are loading i got this errors and the system stops http://paste.ubuntu.com/179690/17:26
|Newton|dralid: there are many drivers?  but i still cant call people on skype? "problem with the audio playback"17:26
tarvidvarun - pidgin used lots of ports depending on the connection methods17:26
tarvid# lsof | grep pidgin | grep IPv417:27
so0kyhey it is me again, however I was able to get wired internet working on my Live CD17:27
PPKumahi, i have a logic partition that ubuntu mounts w/o problems, im trying to include it in my fstab but im getting a superblock error. Is there a way to see how is ubuntu mounting it so i can do the same? thanks17:27
so0kythose commands didn't work17:27
DexterLBas I upgraded to jaunty, I found out that cups-pdf is gone.17:27
Dralid|Newton| sorry, that's all I know. Incidently I have audio problems too. :(17:27
bullgard4NavY-Seal: Try to install using a 'noacpi' boot parameter.17:28
lenswipejrib: so would x11vnc be a good thing to install and ty?>17:28
DexterLBI installed it, and "Generic CUPS-PDF Printer" appeared in the New Printer dialog.17:28
jriblenswipe: i would give it a try, sure17:28
so0kyokay I am in Ubuntu now with my Live CD.  I am trying to rebuild my bootloader with Grub17:28
DexterLBwhen I click it, I get "enter device URI" and an editbox with cups-pdf:/ inside it17:28
so0kyI don't know how to convert my hard drive information for grub to use17:29
DexterLBbut the forward button is disabled!17:29
so0kyfor example17:29
Dralid|newton| you may want to reask your question to flag someone else down. I can't help ya. :(17:29
* Yankefish is running —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 3.1 (December '08) with Advanced File Serving features by cRYOa on mIRC v6.35 32bit obtained from #Invision on irc.irchighway.net and http://www.i-n-v-i-s-i-o-n.com17:29
|Newton|ok but ty17:30
geek_can somebody show me how to format an external/internal drive into ntfs file system17:30
grawityLike we care, Yankefish.17:30
so0kyi want to set root to my /dev/sdc5 hard drive17:30
|Newton|i can hear myself now, but still now skype calls :S17:30
PiciYankefish: Please diable that in here.17:30
PiciYankefish: *disable* rather17:30
bullgard4NavY-Seal: As a first try to diagnosis you can also try to boot using the 'noacpi' boot parameter.17:30
so0kyam i being ignored?  or you guys just too busy?  let me know please, I am in a time crunch17:31
Travis-42is anyone aware of a way to apply monitor calibration profiles to multiple monitors?17:31
bullgard4Naynay: But I would not want to use an installation with a noacpi boot parameter in the long run.17:31
jrib!patience | so0ky17:31
ubottuso0ky: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:31
b0hneso0ky: edit /boot/grub/menu.list --> update-grub --> update-initramfs -u -k all17:31
NavY-Sealbullgard4: how can i try the diagnosis when i cant start the system and how can i boot with noacpi flag ?17:32
ldiamondI want to install the latest version of MySql (5.1.30+). What is the best way to do it? (so its possible to uninstall it automatically or update it when an official Ubuntu update is available.17:32
b0hneso0ky. oh i see you want to recover your old installation17:32
tuhis-ubuWhy does my ubuntu only play stereo sound? while my asus p5q se has 5.1 output17:32
bullgard4NavY-Seal: Try to start the system using the noacpi boot parameter.17:33
so0kyi tried that command, and I don't have write permissions17:33
disismt1Hi guys. I started Ubuntu's apache server. It can be accessed from localhost but from other hosts I get "Access Denied. " error. What should I do?17:33
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so0kykeep in mind I am in a Live CD right now17:33
so0kythe OS is in memory17:33
* Tupac_Shakur is away: Ma uit la Film!!!!Watch Movies!! DND!!17:34
bullgard4What device does Ubuntu designate 'hw:1'?17:34
* Tupac_Shakur is back (gone 00:00:11)17:34
QuiltPantshi all, does anyone no how to view the ip addresses of other devices connected to a lan?17:34
b0hneso0ky. yep. i know this you could chroot to your old root and install grub again. but first what did you do that ubuntu doesnt start anymore?17:34
so0kyyou talking to me bullgard4?17:34
so0kyI had to fix a hal.dll error on my windows hard drive17:35
so0kyfor some reason17:35
so0kythe grub menu doesn't come up17:35
so0kyit goes straight to my windows partition17:35
bullgard4so0ky: No.17:35
wanderingblissI have come to join the hordes of noobs to pester you for knowledge17:35
b0hneso0ky, seems you have overwritten grub somehow17:36
disismt1QuiltPants: nmap -sP <lan address range>17:36
gordonjcpso0ky: didn't you have this problem yesterday?17:36
NavY-Sealis there a way to start the install with ACPI Off in the boot ?17:36
so0kyI am trying to follow the steps you provided17:36
gordonjcpso0ky: did you solve it?17:36
gordonjcpso0ky: did you boot from a livecd?17:36
lenswipejrib: i still cant get this to work17:37
so0kyI printed out the instructions you gave me17:37
so0kyand this is my problem17:37
QuiltPantsdisismt1: hi, what would i enter there as the lan address range?17:37
gordonjcpso0ky: are you reading the *second* set of instructions?17:37
gordonjcpso0ky: did you do "grub" or "sudo grub" ?17:37
so0kyjust grub, but it still accessed grub17:37
gordonjcpso0ky: you need to use sudo17:37
so0kyokay i will do that17:38
so0kywhen i use the root command, I need to know the correct device17:38
so0kyhow do i find that information?17:38
so0kysudo fdisk -l provides information on hard disks, but grub doesn't take it17:38
lenswipejrib: nvm i got it17:38
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wanderingblissI am trying to expand my swap with gparted, but the option is not activated, while manage flags is. I tried unmounting the partition, but it says it is not mounted17:41
wanderingblissdoes anyone have any ideas?17:41
b0hneswapoff -a ?17:41
* wanderingbliss googles swapoff17:42
b0hneshould switch all swap space off, then it should be "editable"17:42
PPKumahi, i have a logic partition that ubuntu mounts w/o problems, im trying to include it in my fstab but im getting a superblock error. Is there a way to see how is ubuntu mounting it so i can do the same? thanks17:42
b0hneppkuma, try to google for /etc/fstab and fat3217:42
Decepticonim a stats junkie what can i install on my masheen to get all statistical up in this? i got munin for nice graphs and saidar for system specs, what else can it crunch up and spit?17:43
Travis-42Is it possible to apply ICC color profiles to multiple monitors under NVIDIA TwinView?17:43
so0kydid you guys forget about me?  lol17:44
* Tupac_Shakur is away: Ma uit la Film!!!!Watch Movies!! DND!!17:44
kseise_Anybody have luck getting synce to work?  I have an HTC mogul that can only sync once, but can't repeat17:44
wanderingblissb0hne, does the -a flag turn off all swap partitions? I noticed -U and -l are used to specify a specific one17:44
LjL!away > Tupac_Shakur    (Tupac_Shakur, see the private message from ubottu)17:44
QuiltPantsdisismt1: i tried the command nmap -sP and got a list saying that for each address in that range the host is up17:44
wanderingblissso0ky, if you are having problems with grub or your mbr, I would recommend the supergrub boot disk17:44
highvoltage//win close17:45
QuiltPantsdisismt1: not sure what that means exactly17:45
Biskit_laptopHow can I use ubuntu to remote access a windows PC - the standard17:45
wanderingblissbut I didn't see your original problem :p17:45
Biskit_laptop(default) set up doesn't work for me17:45
gordonjcpso0ky: sorry, was afk17:45
wanderingblissbiskit, you can telnet, but I don't know of a way to use remote assistance17:45
gordonjcpso0ky: which partition did you install Linux onto?17:46
so0kyhow do you find out hard disk + boot partition numbers?17:46
so0kyto answer your question, a seperate hard drive17:46
dontknownuthinhow do I fix a deprecated sha module?17:46
gordonjcpso0ky: okay, so when it's working it shows as /dev/sdb<something> ?17:46
Biskit_laptopok - I'll give telnet a shot17:46
kbuelBiskit_laptop: Applications -> internet -> Terminal Server Client17:47
gordonjcpso0ky: you need to give grub two commands - root(hdx,x) tells it where to look, and setup (hd0) tells it to install to the first hard disk17:47
so0kyand those numbers17:47
gordonjcpso0ky: now the bios will always try to boot the first hard disk so that second command is generally what you want17:47
so0kyi can't find17:47
gordonjcpso0ky: the first command, you want to tell it where you've put the /boot directory, so if that's in the first partition on the second disk that would be hd1,017:48
gordonjcpso0ky: if you get it wrong it's not the end of the world, it just won't boot17:48
Biskit_laptopthanks for the help - I'm in like flint   :)17:48
teethdoodwhile doing unrar, my computer stops responding. Whatever happened to multitasking?17:49
gordonjcpso0ky: you get to boot from the CD and try again17:49
so0kyokay, let me try that17:49
anom01yis there anything in my /home/user   that I should not back up if I want to upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 ?   or can I just backup everything17:50
wanderingblissb0hne, your advice was right on the spot, I can edit it now...but it won't allow me to expand it beyond it's current size17:50
wanderingblissthough I can make it smaller17:50
jtajianom01y: you can backup the whole directory17:51
pegonIs there a wine support channel?17:51
jtajipegon: #winehq17:51
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b0hnewanderingbliss, you need to have space before or after the swap partition.17:51
wanderingblissahh, so I just need to create another one17:52
wanderingblissor yet, resize my root17:52
b0hnewanderingbliss, but be careful. dataloss is common.17:53
rocky|amseidler_: Ya there?17:53
dalesmcdHi all...anyone know if the static ip network manager bug is fixed in 9.04? [ubuntugeek.com] http://tinyurl.com/6lpf3h17:53
wanderingblissthanks b0hne, hopefully I won't lose anything important17:53
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b0hnewanderingbliss, better google for resizing partitions before you do anything ;)17:54
b3rz3rk3rwanderingbliss, id use Gparted for that17:55
wanderingblissb3rz3rk3r, that is what I am doing, thanks :)17:55
lechatle chat17:56
mcnellisMy wireless card won't pick up any signals. I took off the antenna a week ago when we moved, but I put it back on but it still won't pick up any signals. I tried sudo iwlist scan17:56
lechatQui arrive a faire marcher tor?17:56
mcnellisand wlan0 pauses and then reports "No scan results"17:56
raubHow do I set my ubuntu 8.10 laptop to connect to a l2tp vpn?17:56
wisemanYo dawgs17:56
wisemanFirefox keeps crashing!17:57
mcnellisiwconfig says "Power Management:off Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0" and everything else below that is 0 too17:57
Travis-42wiseman: maybe ask in #firefox17:57
wisemanah, thanks!17:57
mcnellisalso the "Mode" is "Managed" on iwconfig17:58
mcnellishowever the LED light on the back of the card is green17:58
verma__hello all, I've been working on this lately, would be great if you could try it out and provide some feedback: http://www.soundc.de/gmail-notifier17:58
lechatpersonne parle francais?17:58
philsterZeis there a way to test whether a ubuntu installation is untainted?17:58
xangua!french | lechat17:58
ubottulechat: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:58
wisemanthere doesn't appear to be anyone in #firefox17:59
philsterZelechat: un peu mais je crois qu'il y a un chan francais aussi17:59
wanderingblisswiseman, you can try downgrading to a lower version...I haven't been having any problems with firefox crashing on linux though17:59
shinbatsuhello all, anyone up for helping a frustrated Xubuntu user with mounting an existing partition?17:59
wanderingblissis it a memory error or what?18:00
wisemanwanderingbliss: ok18:00
|Newton|Hey: Does anyone know how to reset the sound/audio settings in Ubuntu 9.04? i fucked a lot up :d18:00
raubshinbatsu: What is happening?18:00
cdm10Is there any way to switch architectures (i386 to amd64) without reinstalling?18:01
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PPKumahi, i have a logic partition that ubuntu mounts w/o problems, im trying to include it in my fstab but im getting a superblock error. Is there a way to see how is ubuntu mounting it so i can do the same? thanks18:01
philsterZewhat I'm trying to do is, test whether a virtual appliance I got from someone's site via vmware virtual appliances listings, has unmodified binaries18:01
Yankefishanybody know an app i can use in ubunto to fax from pc18:01
Yankefishi have a word doc i need to send to a fax18:01
raubcdm10: editing the packages file and doing kernel upgrade?18:01
shinbatsuraub I've edited the fstab to include the partition and created the mountpoint and restarted the machine for it to take effect and it shows as an empty folder18:01
Mohammad[B]my nm-applet does not find my Ethernet... how i can config that for my modem modem's ip is
cdm10raub: how can i go about that?18:02
raubshinbatsu: did you try to manually mount it?18:02
gymophettYankefish: http://www.hylafax.org/archive/2007-11/msg00144.php18:02
raubcmd10: How brave are you? ;)18:02
cdm10quite brave :) everything's backed up.18:02
cdm10raub: I suppose I could just reinstall the OS.18:02
shinbatsuok I'll try that raub, manually mounting uses exactly the same options as the fstab right?18:02
cdm10raub: that would probably be easier.18:03
distaticaooh, there's some words you don't hear often. (everything's backed up)18:03
cdm10raub: I basically wanted to know if there was a way to go from i386 to amd64 without reinstalling, but if it's going to be more difficult than a reinstall, there's no reason to.18:03
|Newton|Hey: Does anyone know how to reset the sound/audio settings in Ubuntu 9.04? i fucked a lot up :d18:03
raubcmd10: You could edit the file  /etc/apt/sources.list and then run apt-get dist-upgrade or something like that18:03
kitchecdm10: there is no way to go from i386 to amd64 cleanly18:04
raubIn the end you are kinda of doing a full install18:04
cdm10alright. thanks anyway :)18:04
sonypaulpeterhi guys, any tips to hide ip for chats?18:04
gartralin the keyboard shortcuts app, how do i "Disable" a shortcut?18:04
cdm10sonypaulpeter: you mean in IRC?18:04
distaticasonypaulpeter: for freenode?18:04
rohithi me too18:04
raubshinbatsu:  I would do like a sudo mount /dev/something /mountpoint18:05
gilhow do you enable the touchscreen monitor as an input device?18:05
distaticayou need to register your nick, and get an op to set a mode on you.18:05
ThorgrinCan anyone help me, It's impossible to boot ubuntu succesfully18:05
wanderingblissnewton does this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards18:05
distaticasonypaulpeter: one sec18:05
cdm10sonypaulpeter: you can get an unaffiliated mask, but I forget how... look on the freenode IRC site.18:05
cdm10sonypaulpeter: er, website :)18:05
sonypaulpeterunaffiliated mask?18:05
cdm10Thorgrin: what happens?18:05
JoshuaP0xI'm using NVidia X server settings to config my dual monitors. When I Max a window, it takes up both screens. anyone know how to max to the screen the window was on un-maxed?18:05
distaticasonypaulpeter: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering18:05
iamtechnoThorgrin, What's going on to your machine?18:05
Thorgrincdm10: I get this screen after the main loading: http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc177/jopuXWB/P1030080-1.jpg18:06
gartralin the keyboard shortcuts app, how do i "Disable" a shortcut?18:06
cdm10Thorgrin: yuck... I'm not sure how you'd fix that. Perhaps it's a broken X driver?18:06
Thorgrincdm10: I've reinstalled ubuntu with alternate CD and it still appears, just without the white stripes18:06
distaticasonypaulpeter: when you register your nick and sign on, you will be asked for a password which you send to nickserv, alternatively you can send it as a password to the server (this is a setting in your client). But for your IP to be masked you need to ask an IRC op.18:06
raubThorgrin: could it be video card drive conflict?18:06
ThorgrinI got an ATI HD2600 pro18:06
cdm10...okay, I must be blind or something, I can't find the advanced download page that has md5 sums and everything on the Ubuntu site. Can someone help me out?18:07
shinbatsuraub that works, that's great news for me but how do I get it to work from fstab (I used precisely the same fstab entry as on an earlier Xubuntu system)18:07
CoJaBo-AztecAnyone know why scroll on mouse would stop working in Xubuntu?18:07
iamtechnoThorgrin, Its probably a video driver issue. What vid card do you have?18:07
JoshuaP0xI'm using NVidia X server settings to config my dual monitors. When I Max a window, it takes up both screens. anyone know how to max to the screen the window was on un-maxed?18:07
raubshinbatsu: What is the fstab entry?18:07
pulse180@gartral use your backspace18:08
distaticasonypaulpeter: also see: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:08
gartralthx pulse18018:08
raubAnd what did you manually typed?18:08
distaticaafter you register18:08
sonypaulpeterthanks guys. i ll find it out.18:08
cdm10JoshuaP0x: are you using Twinview?18:08
sonypaulpeterpower gone18:08
shinbatsuraub. /dev/sda3/mnt/dataext3nodev, nosuid0218:08
sonypaulpeterc u all later18:08
JoshuaP0xcdm10: yES18:08
sonypaulpeterthanks cdm 1018:08
iamtechnoThorgrin, Are you using the OSS drivers or the fglrx drivers?18:08
Mohammad[B]my nm-applet does not find my Ethernet... how i can config that for my modem modem's ip is
cdm10JoshuaP0x: and compiz?18:08
JoshuaP0xnot sure. how do it find out?18:09
cdm10JoshuaP0x: do you have shadows below your windows?18:09
Thorgriniamtechno: Uh, I know nothing about that18:09
JoshuaP0xcdm10: yes18:09
Thorgriniamtechno: I'm using ATI's propietary drivers, if that helps18:09
raubshinbatsu: try "defaults" instead of "nodev, nosuid" and then do a mount -a18:09
gilhow can i find the location of a device? for example /dev/ttyS018:10
cdm10JoshuaP0x: alright -- in Add/Remove, install "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings"18:10
iamtechnoThorgrin, so then the fglrx drivers. What version of ubuntu are you using?18:10
Thorgriniamtechno: 9.0418:10
JoshuaP0xcdm10: wait, how do i find out if i'm using twinview?18:10
Thorgriniamtechno: well, using.. I'm on windows, that screen doesn't let me go farther18:10
cdm10JoshuaP0x: when you set it up in the nVidia X settings, it should have given you an option for how you want to set up the dual monitors.18:11
GarbuHow do I execute a command for installing a plugin (Atlantis) for compiz? I have the inspiration from here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTRsLW0eet018:11
JoshuaP0xi dont recall18:11
gartralhow do i uninstall a program i compiled from source?18:11
JoshuaP0xcdm10: I dont recall18:11
cdm10JoshuaP0x: well, go back to the settings, and check...18:11
Thorgriniamtechno: I cannot access/boot ubuntu succesfully, so I can't install anything from it's desktop, it must be installed from Windows18:12
iamtechnoThorgrin, Okay what I would do is start up to your ubuntu machine/partition and as soon as grub would normally boot press ESC and pick recovery mode.18:12
JoshuaP0xcdm10: Done. Confirmed18:12
cdm10JoshuaP0x: alrigh,t install the Compiz settings so we can tell it to be smart about the dual-monitors :)18:12
JoshuaP0xcdm10:  on to  Add/Remove, install "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings"18:12
Thorgriniamtechno: okay, I will try. Thanks18:12
iamtechnoThorgrin, Okay then can you down load the ATI drivers and put them on your Ubuntu partition.18:12
shinbatsuraub: that worked! Thank you! :D but why?18:13
iamtechnoDarn, I was going to tell him that it only puts Ubuntu in to CLI mode. Hope he/she is comfertable with that.18:13
raubThorgrin: when yo say it does not boot right do you mean it boots but writes crap ont he screen or it just stops? You can, in either case, always boot single use rmode without the graphics interface18:14
trumpetmiccan itunes run on the new ubuntu?18:14
cdm10iamtechno: i guess he wasn't using another machine to run irc from...18:14
rangzy1hello all ! greetings !18:15
iamtechnocdm10, He could of been dualbooting18:15
AndyTimHey all, what's a good TCP port forwarder with little overhead?  (Not SSH) :)18:15
cdm10iamtechno: yeah.18:15
iamtechnotrumpetmic, Do you mean directly?18:15
cdm10iamtechno: which means he'll probably have big issues getting back on irc in single-user mode18:15
e-1how do i give a local user write permission to a partition that usually has to be mounted with sudo?18:16
iamtechnocdm10, There he is.18:16
b3rz3rk3rtrumpetmic, have u tried WINE?18:16
Thorgriniamtechno: Didn't need that18:16
raubshinbatsu: You just told it to mount the partition as ubuntu mounts it by default. I was now wondering why those two options were used (nodev and nosuid)18:16
trumpetmici don't know18:16
trumpetmicso itunes will run in buntu with wine?18:16
Thorgriniamtechno: I selected the bad ubuntu installation, now it seems to go fine, I'm in the OS installed from the alternate18:16
AndyTime-1: man mount18:16
iamtechnoThorgrin, Sorry bout that. cdm10 and I figured you were dual booting Win and Ubuntu18:16
Thorgriniamtechno: the problem is that Grub shows 6 options of ubuntu, 3 are bad ones, how can I erase them from grub panel?18:17
iamtechnoThorgrin, I have tried on three versions of Ubuntu to install from the Alt install and to no luck.18:17
iamtechnoThorgrin, brb18:17
shinbatsuraub: ok, well once again thank you :)18:18
raubThorgrin: Delete them off grub.conf?18:18
Thorgrinhow? where is the file located?18:18
b3rz3rk3rtrumpetmic, i do not know, but that will be your best bet. Why is it that u want itunes specifically? as you cqan manage your ipod without it quite easily using native apps18:18
Thorgrinwell, how can I edit it?18:18
JoshuaP0xcdm10:  installed.18:18
whatvnThorgin: delete for menu.lst18:18
raubshinbatsu: Sure. What I meant was we got it running but I do not know if those options were needed18:18
trumpetmicnative apps... which ones?  can i shop for music with 'em too?18:18
raubThorgrin: /boot/grub18:18
cdm10JoshuaP0x: okay, go to System>Preferences>CompizConfig Settings Manager18:18
Thorgrinin windows or ubuntu?18:19
iamtechnoThorgrin, hold on a sec. You need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst under root and then run update-grub and then try it.18:19
shinbatsuraub: probably not, I don't think I set those options myself they were probably set by the old Xubuntu install18:19
JoshuaP0xcdm10: already there and am pleased with all the cool tricks it could do18:19
b3rz3rk3rtrumpetmic, i like Banshee.. but Amarok and Rythmbox are also good18:19
gartralthe keys for audio controll on my keyboard attempt to use the wrong mixer.. how do i change that?18:19
b3rz3rk3rtrumpetmic, your welcome man18:19
Thorgriniamtechno: how can I access the file from the desktop?18:20
raubshinbatsu: In that case you are good to go. :)18:20
cdm10gartral: on Jaunty, you can select which mixer it controls through the sound preferences18:20
whatvnThorgin: thru terminal18:20
Punkeri need help, my problem is "error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist" =S18:20
cdm10gartral: in system>prefs>sound18:20
JoshuaP0xcdm10: now what?18:20
whatvnThorgin: you don't know what is terminal?18:20
ThorgrinI'm just completely lost18:20
iamtechnoThorgrin, I would open a terminal and type the following: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:20
raubThorgrin: Are you comfortable booting ubuntu without graphics screen?18:20
cdm10raub: clearly not.18:21
dalesmcddual boot on mac mini? looks like this is how?  http://blog.costan.us/2009/03/ubuntu-810-or-904-on-mac-mini.html18:21
shinbatsuraub: yeah I want to do a clean boot now just to make sure, thanks for the help & bye :) (either way you've saved me from lots of grey hairs lol)18:21
dalesmcdanyone have luck with that?18:21
Thorgrinhow could I do the boot without graphics?18:21
cdm10JoshuaP0x: in General Options, go to Display Settings tab18:21
iamtechnoThorgrin, terminal is under Apps->Accessories18:21
whatvnThorgin: same, but nano or vim, not gedit18:21
herathThorgrin: or from your desktop hit ALT+F2 and then type:   sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:21
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Thorgriniamtechno: ok great, terminal is open18:22
Punkeri need help, my problem is "error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist" =S18:22
cdm10JoshuaP0x: make sure Detect Outputs is enabled18:22
Thorgrinnow what I have to type?18:22
gartralcdm10: thx a tonthat didn't work *AT ALL* in 8.1018:22
JoshuaP0xcdm10:  OK18:22
iamtechnowhatvn, what's wrong with gedit? I've always had good luck with it.18:22
cdm10gartral: yep, new feature in Jaunty :)18:22
whatvniamtechno: I meant in recovery mode18:22
cdm10whatvn: he's not in recovery mode18:22
cdm10whatvn: he got the system booted.18:23
iamtechnowhatvn, oh okay gotcha18:23
ThorgrinOK I acessed the grub edit thing18:23
gartralcdm10: now, how do i assign the playback keys to Xmms functions?18:23
raubAnyone with l2tp/ipsec experience?18:23
cdm10JoshuaP0x: that should fix it, but I'm not entirely sure... you may have to sign off and sign back on.18:23
iamtechnoThorgrin, Now just delete the bad entries18:23
cdm10gartral: I'm not sure about that one, I've never used xmms18:23
gartralcdm10: xmms2*18:23
ThorgrinIamtechno: how can I see whih are bad ones?18:23
JoshuaP0xI'll give it a go.18:23
whatvncd10: Thorgin asked:"how could I do the boot without graphics?"18:23
ThorgrinNo problem, I just accessed it from terminal18:24
gartralcdm10: well, the "normal" xmms2 play/toggleplay/stop/next/prev sets don't work18:24
JoshuaP0xcdm10: I'll give it a go. It was already enabled thoguh18:24
ThorgrinJust I have to find.. the bad entries18:24
cdm10JoshuaP0x: erkh, not sure then :-/18:24
iamtechnoThorgrin, When you booted, which ones on the list do you suspect were bad? Say the last 3?18:24
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philsterZedoes rkhunter give a warning when finding unhide binaries by default, or should I be concerned?18:24
JoshuaP0xcdm10: well it's a good tool anyhow so thanks for the help18:24
Thorgriniamtechno: ok, I'll delete the last 3 ones after windows XP18:24
JoshuaP0xI'll sign off now and try18:24
JoshuaP0xthanks again18:25
cdm10JoshuaP0x: alright. I have to go, sorry all18:25
raubThorgrin: You probably wrote down which ones you tried that went boink, right? Then just erase the ones (they start with the kernel name and ends when the next kernel entry begins) off18:25
whatvnThorgin: dont delete, just comment these lines18:25
iamtechnoThorgrin, Well is it that last three ones? I don't know which one's were bad.18:25
Thorgriniamtechno: the last three, in the "other OS" erased now.18:25
whatvnThorgin: dont delete, just comment these lines18:25
ThorgrinI have to save it, right?18:25
ThorgrinUh, thank god I didn't save18:26
Thorgrinwhatvn: comment?18:26
iamtechnoThorgrin,  his idea is probably better comment is # at the begginnig of each line to be commented18:26
ThorgrinAh, so I put # before title, root, etc18:27
iamtechnoThorgrin, yes on the one's you want to comment.18:27
ThorgrinOkay, commented them18:28
cadman21can anyone tell me how I can change the size of my desktop panels to 21 pixels?18:28
Thorgrinnow I save?18:28
nomikegood evening18:28
raubThorgrin: Yes18:28
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whatvn1am, my morning!18:29
iamtechnoThorgrin, What I suspect is that problem is that when you installed the ATI drivers, you built the driver for a specific kernel. When updates were installed a newer kernel was installed but the driver was built for a previous version so it didn't work 100%.18:29
ThorgrinOh, crap. It says I can't save the file!18:29
whatvnThorgin: did you use sudo?18:29
iamtechnowhatvn, I was just about to ask that18:29
b3rz3rk3rThorgrin, open with gksudo18:29
DIguanaI just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 and want to know how to get rid of the "Network" icon that's always in my Notification Area. I'm using a wired connection that's always on so the icon isn't telling me anything I don't already know and it's a bit annoying having it there.18:29
nomikeI have an infrared module on my pc (on the serial port) and want to use it as a remote for my TV. In google I only find tutorials on how to controll by pc with a remote which is the oposite of what I want to do...18:30
gartralhow do i assign the playback keys on my keyboard to Xmms functions? like xmms2 toggleplay an xmms2 next18:30
b3rz3rk3rThorgrin, or run nautilus with sudo.. either way ;)18:30
gartralnomike: you need LiRC18:30
whatvniamtechno: what's wrong with you? i reply for him, not for you, why so serious, man?18:30
raubThorgrin: just type the same command you did to run the editor but with a "sudo " (note space) in front of it18:31
iamtechnowhatvn, I meant that in a joking manner sorry18:31
Thorgrinnote space? which character would be that?18:31
nomikegartral: I thought LiRC is just for receiving codes from remotes. Is it also capable of simulating a remote?18:31
iamtechnowhatvn, thats the bad thing about the net is its hard to express tone and facial expressions.18:31
grawityThorgrin: Type 'sudo', press a space, type the command.18:31
ard1anhow do i install a .bin file ?18:32
b3rz3rk3rThorgrin, he means, make sure there is a space after sudo18:32
cadman21I can't get my desktop panel size to be less than 23 pixels is there away I can make them smaller?18:32
perlsyntaxI got a 700mb cd and i want to know what package do i need on the cd?18:32
iamtechnowhatvn, I guess I should have ended it with lol18:32
Xor1ngard1an: just run it :)18:32
perlsyntaxwhen i am makeing my own ubuntu18:32
gartralnomike: ohh... you want to generate a remote signal, i dont know how youed do that, maybe lirc can18:32
ard1anXor1ng: Clicking with Mouse ?18:32
whatvniamtechno: sorry, I'm so tired, so...sleep now. good bye!18:33
whatvnsee you!18:33
ThorgrinIt asks a password but I can't write it18:33
Xor1ngard1an: sh file.bin, or chmod +x file.bin; ./file.bin18:33
fiber_cutI have to do port forwarding, So if I export my display to my home machine what ports do I port forward over or too18:33
perlsyntaxAny ideas?18:33
iamtechnowhatvn, Goodnight18:33
gartralcadman21: no, 23 px is the minimum for Gnome Panels18:33
grawityThorgrin: In Unix, when you type the password it won't display anything - not even the *****'s.18:33
gartralhow do i assign the playback keys on my keyboard to Xmms functions? like xmms2 toggleplay an xmms2 next18:33
perlsyntaxi want to put emacs and eclipse and gnome-ppp on my ubuntu remix cd18:33
cadman21gartral: ok thanks18:33
raubperlsyntax: see the livecd how-tos. THere are probably scripts to put the basic stuff you need in the cd18:33
gartralcadman21: take a look at e16/e1718:34
fiber_cutany ideas anyone18:34
iamtechnoThorgrin, Its a security thing.18:34
gartraland how do i go about removing a program i compiled into the system?18:34
neshaug_is there a channel for the netbook remix?18:35
raubgartral: FInd out which files the makefile installed and where and delete them18:35
iamtechnoThorgrin, got it saved?18:35
Thorgriniamtechno: Ok, it's saved, so in theory the next time GURB won't show18:35
gartralraub... how..18:35
billywaynegartral: you could also try cd'ing into the directory from which you compiled the source and `make uninstall`18:35
wanderingblissis it possible to resize my root with the ubuntu live cd?18:35
wanderingblissI don't remember any partition tools being installed (at least not for the GUI)18:36
gartralbillywayne: that wont work, i deleted the source dir18:36
iamtechnoThorgrin, the bad ones yes. Try it out. I'll be here for at least an hour.18:36
neshaug_I want the wlan button on my acer aspire one to work with ubuntu netbook remix, anyone know if someone got it to work and how?18:36
|Newton|Hey: Does anyone know how to reset the sound/audio settings in Ubuntu 9.04? i fucked a lot up :d18:36
Xor1ngwanderingbliss: parted18:36
wanderingblissnewton https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards18:36
kitche!language > |Newton|18:36
billywaynegartral: next time try keeping src around.  :-)18:36
ubottu|Newton|, please see my private message18:36
Seeker`!language | |Newton|18:36
ubottu|Newton|: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:36
wanderingblissXor1ng, gparted?18:36
fiber_cutNo one know what port to forward over too hrmm18:36
Xor1ngwanderingbliss: yep, gparted18:36
gartralbillywayne: or i could learn how to compile into a package..18:37
wanderingblissXorlng, I had to install that manually, which means it won't be on the live cd, right?18:37
raubfiber_cut: X?18:37
fiber_cutyeah but what port18:37
billywaynegartral: yep.  --checkinstall I think.18:37
kane77is there any eyecandy image viewer?18:37
fiber_cutI need to port forward but the router needs to know what ports to forward too 0:0 dont work18:37
gartralbillywayne: what..18:37
grawitybillywayne: correction, 'checkinstall'18:37
billywaynegartral: what grawity said18:38
gartralbillywayne: i dont have checkinstall18:38
raubfiber_cut: Ok, let me give you the long version: you are trying to forward a X11 window through ssh?18:38
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
fiber_cutyoutaling the -D option18:38
fiber_cutin ssh18:38
Thorgriniamtechno: perfect, all is well18:39
raubbillywayne: if ti was the last thing he installed, he could do a find and look for the latest files18:39
gartralgrawity: i dont have that program18:39
DaW_my sound has disaapeared18:39
grawitygartral: Then install it.18:39
iamtechnoThorgrin, good to hear.18:39
Thorgriniamtechno: just one thing, should I touch ATI drivers?18:39
gartralapt-get says the program isn't in repos18:39
iamtechnoThorgrin, Which catalyst are you running?18:39
darkl0rdi am here18:40
billywayneraub: it could also be installed from source, and then `make uninstall` could be attempted.  at least he'd have a log.18:40
ThorgrinAtm, none18:40
raubfiber_cut: If you are forwarding X, make sure your sshd is configured to take it and then use -X. If not, forward the port as you do in, say, vnc. Router will not know any better18:40
raubbillywayne: It is too late in the show, I know18:40
DaW_can anyone help me please ?18:40
DaW_my sound isnt working18:40
iamtechnoThorgrin, Which version? 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 ...18:40
grawityraub: I think X uses ports 6000-6010 (unless it's forwarded through SSH).18:40
Thorgriniamtechno: In windows it was one of the last in ubuntu I'm not running any cathalyst18:40
DaW_for some reason18:40
billywaynetheoretically the same file would be updated, and could then be found.18:40
DaW_twas working fine yesterday18:40
billywayneunless the source has changed.18:41
raubbillywayne: you have a point there. I've done that in Solaris before18:41
Thorgriniamtechno: checkng just a moment which was, just looking at aATI's page18:41
tuhis-ubumav = memory access violation o.O18:41
neshaug_I want the wlan button on my acer aspire one to work with ubuntu netbook remix, anyone know if someone got it to work and how?18:41
Thorgriniamtechno: It's 9.518:42
gartralwhy do some windows get the pretty animated progress bars and others get the old one?18:42
voice5sur5hi all18:42
iamtechnoThorgrin, Oh I forgot The official ATI used to be called fglrx and still are internally but for a while they have been trying to call it Catalyst.18:42
asif_hey ppl18:43
asif_could do with some help18:43
voice5sur5i upgraded to jaunty but my wifi card doesn't work anymore18:43
voice5sur5am on dell laptop18:43
iamtechnoThorgrin, No don't touch it. 9.5 is just fine18:43
voice5sur5dell inspiron18:43
asif_cpu is going crazy on my toshiba p100-429 lappy18:43
rob______im looking at the ubuntu website and i cant find where it tells you what the 'code name' for the latest release of ubuntu is18:43
asif_any help18:43
iamtechnoThorgrin, personally I run an HD 487018:43
voice5sur5anybody have this problem ?18:43
calcrob______: karmic18:43
rob______can anyone tell me what the point of having idiotic names for releases is?18:43
neshaug_asif_: check wich process makes the cpu crasy18:43
Thorgriniamtechno: fglrx did sound me a bit. Ok then. At the moment I will not install any cathalyst drivers18:43
voice5sur5my wifi card don18:43
voice5sur5t work on jaunty18:44
rob______calc: is that for 9.x?18:44
philsterZeasif_: top and/or ps -A18:44
calcrob______: 9.1018:44
voice5sur5its not detected at all18:44
calcrob______: 9.04 was jaunty18:44
Thorgriniamtechno: I ran a year without any ATI driver with windows18:44
rob______calc: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download here is says 9.04 is the latest release18:44
calcrob______: yea 9.10 comes out in oct18:44
asif_firefox is runing at 4918:44
voice5sur5is it normal that my wifi card don't work anymore18:44
iamtechnorob______, Its so that that people know that J comes after I so they know its newer.18:44
asif_cpu is at 98%18:44
rob______right, so when i asked what the latest release was, you told me the wrong version18:45
asif_2nd core18:45
voice5sur5it used to work on intrepid ibex18:45
asif_1st core is ok18:45
rob______iamtechno: if you know thats the rule, i suppose18:45
asif_although they keep switching also18:45
phillipswhat are you talking about18:45
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rob______iamtechno: still, bloody stupid18:45
phillipsyour but?18:45
DaW_anyone ?18:45
calcrob______: well latest release is up for intrepretation :)18:45
phillipsshut up people18:45
rob______calc: how?18:45
iamtechnorob______, GB I suppose?18:45
rob______iamtechno: what?18:45
calcrob______: you can install karmic currently but it is the development release18:45
PPKumahi, i have a logic partition that ubuntu mounts w/o problems, im trying to include it in my fstab but im getting a superblock error. Is there a way to see how is ubuntu mounting it so i can do the same? thanks18:46
Thorgriniamtechno: thank you very much for your patience, the world needs helpful people like you18:46
iamtechnorob______, Are you in great britian18:46
teethdoodis there anyway I can make "unrar" not make the computer become unresponsive?18:46
rob______iamtechno: yes18:46
phillipsbye idiots!18:46
LjLphillips: do you have an ubuntu question?18:46
Gnome_DannyHello, I got two questions, 1. How can I mount a .iso file in linux, and 2. How can I connect to a bluetooth pan network18:46
LjL!mountiso | Gnome_Danny18:46
ubottuGnome_Danny: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning.18:46
iamtechnoThorgrin, I'm going to put that on my Facebook page becasue the exact opposite has been said about me in the past. But thanks18:46
shinbatsuraub: it's the one who had partition problems, it works fine now but I noticed something else strange that I don't understand: some files and folders are missing18:47
calcrob______: at any given time there is a LTS release, a regular release, and a development release18:47
Gnome_Dannythank you18:47
calcrob______: currently LTS is hardy, regular is jaunty, and development is karmic18:47
billywaynePPKuma: can you post your fstab?18:47
Thorgriniamtechno: you're welcome. Just a question, is there anyway to lower screen resolution without installing drivers?18:47
raubshinbatsu: But they were there when you manually mounted it?18:47
calcrob______: and in version numbers it is 8.04, 9.04, 9.1018:47
iamtechnoThorgrin, Yes. What res are you at and what res do you want to go to?18:48
shinbatsuraub: no I just didn't notice at first, I think the files are still there but just not being displayed by ls or in thunar18:48
raubshinbatsu: try ls -a?18:48
rob______calc: i dont understand the point in these names18:48
Thorgriniamtechno: I'm at 1280x1024 and I want 12xx x 76818:48
Floopshow can i fix this error18:49
Floops>>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 23 <<<18:49
Floopssudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 2318:49
raubCan anyone give me pointers on ipsec/l2tp vpn?18:49
billywayneFloops:  looks like an error in the /etc/sudoers file.18:50
Thorgriniamtechno: nevermind, figured out how to18:50
raubFloops: Without looking at the file is a bit challenginf18:50
iamtechnoThorgrin, System->Preferences->Screen Resolution. The pull down will give you... oh okay18:50
billywayneFloops:  which means you need to edit that file.18:50
Floopsi can't make any change in sudoers18:50
calcgrr he left18:50
Floopscan't get to root18:50
DeathspikeHello everyone, I'm looking for advice. Can anyone suggest a light, easy on the eyes theme? Dark is too popular.18:50
billywayneFloops: sudo visduo18:50
ThorgrinUhm, looks weird18:50
billywaynesudo visudo18:50
shinbatsuraub: same result with ls -a both as the ordinary user and sudo18:50
iamtechnoThorgrin, okay I'm heading out.18:51
asifany ubuntu experts in here??18:51
Gnome_DannyDeathspike : Mac4lin is great very easy on the eyes18:51
Floopswon't work18:51
Thorgriniamtechno: cya then, have a good day18:51
asifdamn laptop is pissin me off18:51
billywayneFloops: DON'T  just edit sudoers with a normal editor.18:51
Floopsonce u type sudo18:51
Floopsi get that error18:51
shinbatsuraub: the reason I think the files are still there is because the amount of free space seems correct for all of the files (only going by memory but still)18:51
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: its nice, its pretty much lie mac for linux. I love it18:51
Floopsso don't use nano or pico18:52
Floopswhat is best way to edit it18:52
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: I haven't really payed attention to macs, dislike them, but ill check out the suggestion now, thanks :)18:52
billywayneFloops:  sudo visudo18:52
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
Floopsbillywayne, on sudo command18:52
Floopserror comes18:52
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: No problem, It comes with an avant windows manager theme that is like the dock in leopard for mac, and this is why I bought a pc18:52
Floopsso i get error with that command as well18:52
raubbillywayne: I think since his sudoers file is boink, sudo will not work.18:52
Floopscorect raub18:53
Floopstrying to fix it18:53
Floopsand i didn't allow root access form terminal18:53
Floopssoo i can't login as root18:53
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Not really my style, any other suggestions? :D18:53
raubFloops: If you feel brave, and do not have lvm in your root partition, you could boot off a cd single user and edit it.18:53
DIguanaWord of advice: Don't uninstall network-manager.18:53
asifthe fans in my laptop are going crazy, only started happening since i installed ubuntu18:54
asifhelp anyone18:54
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Yea let me check out some other themes I have seen18:54
billywayneFloops:  you'll have to chroot from a livecd or from another partition.18:54
raubDIguana: I always make it go away in servers18:54
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Hang on  .....18:54
asifi dnt wanna go back to windows :(18:54
DeathspikeGnome_Daddy: Thanks a bunch, I've seen so many but 99% is black.. in the evening thats really disturbing.18:54
Floopsanyway without cd's18:55
DIguanaraub: It disabled network connectivity entirely when I did it. Now network-manager-gnome, on the other hand, can be done away with without a problem.18:55
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Yea, I like dark themes. Hang on im extracting some rar files so my processor is maxing out, its taking a while to load firefox. There we go , let me check18:55
raubDIguana: And you can't setup static IP?18:55
bar_foocan i set shortcut to toggle on and off all the other gnome shortcuts?18:55
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Don't rush, i've got plenty of time :P18:55
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Alright, Thanks.18:55
raubFloops:  boot single user mode?18:55
lucaxhello, i cant use 3d acceleration with two users at the same time, im on jaunty... is it possible?? i have an intel gma18:56
DIguanaraub: Not by memory, no, and I can't look it up without an Internet connection. Luckily I was able to boot into Windows and download the .DEBs from there to re-install.18:56
Floopsi should be giving that option at start18:56
=== cs278|laptop is now known as cs278
lucaxis it possible to have 3d acceleration with two users at the same time?18:58
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Could I recommend a silver them? http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Truth+for+linux?content=4598718:58
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Theme* Sorry been up late, Was working on trying to connect to a bluetooth pan network with no luck ....18:58
luis_how do you spoken spanish?18:59
asifhello anyone18:59
ubuntuWhat is the best way for me to resize my windows partition?18:59
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: I've skipped this one primarily due to the weird buttons :)18:59
shinbatsuraub. what is really curious is that the folder structure on the partition is an older one than what was most recently there on the old system, I don't understand how that is possible.18:59
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: A what? Pan network?18:59
luis_alguien me puede ayudar alguna sala en español18:59
=== ubuntu is now known as poseidon
lucaxcant i have 3d acceleration with two users at the same time??18:59
luis_deseo hacer unas consultas18:59
billywayneubuntu:  with the gparted livecd.18:59
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Personal Area Network I believe, Its bluetooth18:59
lucaxluis_ #ubuntu-es18:59
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: I will look for more, Hang on18:59
xangua!spanish | luis_18:59
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:59
luis_thanks mode18:59
DaW_hey guys, my sound on firefox isnt working19:00
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Ah, i see. Well bluetooth is always a pain in the butt.19:00
raubshinbatsu: And you are sure that is the right disk?19:00
Gnome_DannyYea, Alot on linux that is19:00
shinbatsuraub. yup it's the only partition on the disk that I kept from the old system19:00
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: So what theme are you looking for, can you give me a color scheme?19:01
lucaxplease one just tell me, if it is possible to have 3d acceleration with all users at the same time??!!19:01
raubgrawity: But if he is forwarding through a ssh tunnel it should not matter.19:01
grawityraub: Yes, that's why I said "...unless it's forwarded through SSH"19:02
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: I mostly use firefox, and most sites are white. A dark theme is disturbing so I tend to go for white, white/green or white/blue schemes. I like Aero for instance, but the dark menu is really a turnoff.19:02
madbuntuis it possible to migrate thunderbird windows to thunderbird linux or evolution19:03
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: I got one perfect for you, at least I believe19:03
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Let me pull her up19:03
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: That sounds good.19:03
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Alphacube+GTK+Theme?content=2985119:04
raubgrawity: Who knows what he really wanted...19:04
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: That looks quite good. Let me try that out :D19:05
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: If you dont like it I ot more, so19:05
fyrzenI accidentally deleted my .conkyrc, but conky is still running, any way i can retreive the configuration file from memory or cache?19:05
lucaxwhere can i find info about 3d acceleration on all users??19:05
raubshinbatsu: I checked those two options and they seem to be there to allow non root to mount it19:05
mimiloonhi everybody; i have a problem with my ubuntu OS and that is: it's not able to use the swap i setup for it; how can i make it detect the swap area "sda5"?19:06
sirninjaI'm using a laptop and the screen keeps slowly dimming even after I set the brightness to the highest19:06
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Do your magic :P, it looked better on the screenshots :D19:06
raubshinbatsu: try unmounting and then adding the nodev option, then mounting, and see how it goes19:06
Idespnnrdoes anyone have any information on cd/dvd drives that are incompatible with ubuntu(causing ATA status {DRDY} errors)??19:06
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Lol, They always do ..... They always do ......19:06
isaac_Okay....... this update manager is REALLY getting on my nerves.  How do you either turn it off or make it go back to just alerting you by a little red arrow?19:07
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: From experience, indeed.. sadly, indeed.19:07
isaac_I HATE popup windows.19:07
raubmimiloon: Does your fstab knows about it?19:07
Adriaanhi, someone is asking help with installing ubuntu19:07
filthynoobanyone know how to find out what version of a nic you have?19:07
mimiloonraub: i don't no because i'm new to linux19:07
lucaxok thanks for anwsering my question!19:08
Adriaanhe is on the livecd, how can i help him, is there some remote desktop viewer installed on the livecd?19:08
raubmimiloon: cat /etc/fstab says what?19:08
DeathspikeAdriaan: There is Remote Desktop in the system panel.19:08
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: I see that you mentioned you liked aero: http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Murrina+Aero?content=5783119:08
shiznebitdoes anyone know if iftop tracks upd packets aswell ?19:08
sirninjahow do I keep my screen from automatically dimming? I don't have "dim display when idle" checked in power management either19:08
AdriaanDeathspike, im with gentoo, what protocol does it use?19:08
shinbatsuraub: thanks :) I'll have to try that a bit later (phone)19:08
raubAdriaan: Probably tcp19:09
DeathspikeAdriaan: Some sort of VNC, others might know.19:09
madbuntuanyone here use virtualization19:09
woltercan anybody tell me why i have to wait for about 5 seconds after i type my password to log in?19:09
babyjuanyone know where I can find wmi-client for jaunty? Google searches indicate that there used to be a package via apt-get install wmi-client...but it's not available in Juanty.19:09
wolterpam is slow in my computer now19:09
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Looks tight. Let me try it on :D19:09
AdriaanDeathspike, thank you19:09
filthynoobWhere do i look to see what kinda hardware my computer has19:09
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Yea, I didnt want to give you full vista, but This is a mix of gnome and vista19:09
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: LinAero!19:09
filthynoobi need to know what drivers i need to get for my nic19:09
lucaxthe first users that logs in always has the 3d aceleration and the other one that logs right afert doesnt, why'???19:09
giovanifilthynoob: "what kinda hardware" is not specific enough -- lspci lsusb and dmidecode can tell you a lot about your system's hardware though19:10
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Haha, yeah. But that could be a very, very splendid result.19:10
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Tell me if you want a full vista theme, I got those. But I like gnome the way it is, Clean and simple19:10
mimiloonraub:/etc/fstab: static file system information.19:10
mimiloon# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>19:10
mimiloonproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       019:10
mimiloon# /dev/sda219:10
FloodBot1mimiloon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:10
mimiloonUUID=3a4ca639-cc7a-4f90-a618-35089029c6fb /               ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       119:10
QuiltPantshi all, i'm trying to remote into another machine on my LAN using vnc, but I'm not sure whether it is connected or how exactly i can connect to this machine. Can anyone help please?19:10
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Show me the best vista theme you know, im still trying this one on though.19:11
filthynoobgiovani: I need to get drivers for my ethernet adapter, but first i need to know who made it19:11
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Roger That, On it19:11
giovanifilthynoob: lspci may tell you that ... if your ethernet adapter doesn't work out of the box ... you're likely in for some pain19:11
th0rQuiltPants: do you have a vnc server running on the other machine?19:11
wolteri am having slow password authentification, could somebody help me with that?19:11
filthynoobtell me about it19:11
sirninjaCan somebody help me keep my screen from automatically dimming?19:11
giovanifilthynoob: is this a laptop or a desktop? who made it?19:11
QuiltPantsth0r: i believe so19:11
filthynoobdesktop i made it19:12
th0rQuiltPants: do you know the ip address of the other machine? If not, can you access it to find out? Is it there where you can type on the keyboard?19:12
filthynoobi got some generic intel motherboard19:12
giovanifilthynoob: ok, is the ethernet onboard to the motherboard, or is it a PCI(x|e) card?19:12
Deathspikesirninja: Turn off power saving options. :P19:12
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Best theme that is closest to Vista: http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Aero-clone?content=5735219:12
filthynoobyes its onboard19:12
QuiltPantsi went to system->preferences->remote desktop and enabled options to access that machine remotely19:12
giovanifilthynoob: what do you mean by "generic"? intel boards are incredibly well supported in linux, so it's doubtful19:13
sirninjaDeathspike: I've done that. It still dims19:13
raubmimiloon: your system is being told to use /dev/sda2 as swap.19:13
QuiltPantsth0r: unfortunately it is in another room and does not have a monitor so i can't find out it's ip unless i can do that from my machine19:13
giovanifilthynoob: you'll want to run "sudo lspci" and possibly "sudo lspci -n" and get both pasted somewhere, if you'd like me to help19:13
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: The buttons and all of that last link are nice indeed. The sad part is the main menu.. perhaps a combination ^_^19:13
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Let me see wat else19:14
th0rQuiltPants: can you access it via ssh or telnet? have you accessed it in any way before?19:14
QuiltPantsth0r: i tried to find out using nmap, but not sure how exactly19:14
mimiloonraub: how can i make it use sda5?19:14
QuiltPantsth0r: i don't know to be honest, today is the first time that i'm am trying to configure some sort of home network19:14
th0rQuiltPants: ok....let's give it a guess....in the terminal on your computer, type 'ifconfig' and find out the ip address of YOUR machine19:14
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Maybe you will like this one better, http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Aero-LiNsta?content=5791519:15
QuiltPantsth0r: ok cool. done that. what exactly am i looking for as i've got a lot of info on display19:15
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Ah no the earlier one was better19:16
QuiltPantsth0r: would it be the inet addr of eth0?19:16
mikiil canale e solo in inglese19:16
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Yea, Thats the best on I found was the first one19:16
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: ...... Umm19:16
gordonjcp!it | miki19:16
ubottumiki: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:16
th0rQuiltPants: yes...the inet address...I suspect something like
raubmimiloon:  install gparted, run it, find the partition you want to swap, and thenr ight click on it to select swapon. Save19:17
mikigrazie ma come faccio19:17
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Yeah ... finding the right theme is harder then managing a cluster of enterprise servers.19:17
QuiltPantsok mine is by the looks of things19:17
enzotibmiki: /join #ubuntu-it19:17
mimiloonraub: thanks19:17
th0rQuiltPants: is there another interface, eth1 or maybe wlan0?19:17
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Well, I'm in love with mac's but I hate the internals and they are over priced. My dell right here, has better grapics and everything19:17
lucaxdont we have xserver-glx on jaunty???19:18
DeathspikeIf your a (web) designer you must love mac. Are you one by any chance?19:18
QuiltPantsth0r: only lo, pan0, pan0:avahi & ppp019:18
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: My laptop was $1,000.00 and that includes a 4 year warranty19:18
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Yes I am actually19:18
th0rQuiltPants: are you using a dialup access?19:18
alvarodoes canonical has a commercial  version of    ubuntu ?19:18
QuiltPantsth0r: my router's ip address on my network is
grawityalvaro: I don't think so.19:18
ldiamondI need a good MP3 player (similar to Foobar2000 on windows). Something better than amarok, something light, easy to use and functionnal.19:18
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: I thought so :P19:19
QuiltPantsth0r: yes i am19:19
kimoI want to see How To force screen to start whit 1024*768 resolution in ubuntu jaunty19:19
th0rQuiltPants: ok...then try to 'ping' in the terminal and see if you get a response19:19
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: I create proxies, I make mods for the Call of duty Series, I use Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Etc almost every day19:19
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips
grawityldiamond: Banshee? Rhythmbox? Audacious?19:19
RHorseldiamond exaile and quodlibet19:19
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Being a programmer myself I am really concerned about fonts (fonts for code and syntaxing) and keeping your eyes healthy. :P19:19
QuiltPantsth0r: i'm getting the message "destination host unreachable"19:20
th0rQuiltPants: hmmm....try ping
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: True, This mac theme does all that, I totally recommend it but its not your style. But I am cool with that19:20
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: The choice for me is of no concern. I finally fixed fonts to look awesome in ubuntu so now im looking for an equally awesome theme :)19:20
ldiamondRHorse, Ill try exaile but right now I seriously thinking about VLC19:20
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Yeah, 1k people, 1k different styles :P19:20
kimo I want to see How To force screen to start whit 1024*768 resolution in ubuntu jaunty19:20
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Well, Lets find you a theme shall we19:20
QuiltPantsth0r: how do i stop the current ping?19:20
th0rQuiltPants: sorry....control-c should stop it.19:21
raubQuiltPants: CTRL-C?19:21
QuiltPantsthanks that worked19:21
RHorseldiamond it's all good. Peace19:21
mikienzotib-com'è il procedimento non capisco dove dare quel comando o link19:21
aboSamoorcan you help me fixing my mic ? ICH6 intel ?19:21
QuiltPantsth0r: same message with
th0rQuiltPants: the control-c worked or the second ping?19:21
th0rQuiltPants: that was (one hundred)19:22
QuiltPantsth0r: sorry the control c worked not the second ping19:22
kimo I want to see How To force screen to start whit 1024*768 resolution in ubuntu jaunty19:22
ldiamondRHorse, exaile doesnt play anything...19:22
QuiltPantsth0r: sorry that was a type the ping failed to reach the ip
morphlesWhen i launch some java application with "java -jar <app name>" i get some kind of buggy view, i mean text on buttons is shifted and not everything is vissble and other deffects, but when im working with nebeans it looks nice and java apps launched from netbeans look nice, but when i complie them and lounch with java -jar they look shitty, any solutions?19:23
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: I am going threw an advanced search, let me compile some data on what we are looking for here19:23
ldiamondRHorse, nevermind, fixed it.19:23
th0rQuiltPants: ok....I will show you how to access vnc, but I am not sure it will work. It will be much easier to get everything running if  you can get access to the other computer19:23
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: How many search hours do you have under your belt? :p19:23
fatty2003malsi ot trevnoc19:24
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QuiltPantsth0r: ok cool. maybe i should move my screen into the other room and try sorting it out from that machine rather?19:24
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: I am running searches using multiple computes, so its sending out requests19:24
th0rQuiltPants: you would access the other computer with the command 'vncviewer' Notice the two colons. You will need to know the IP address of the other computer for that command, and you willl have to make sure that the router will not block port 590119:24
RHorseldiamond it handles very large  libraries19:24
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Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Ahh, This one looks nice: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/%22Aqua+Dreams%22+theme?content=72997&PHPSESSID=35256f1c4c909b62bcb00ae3c0dde48819:25
bobsaccamanohow do i troubleshoot sound problems in ubuntu19:25
th0rQuiltPants: make sure you have vncserver running in the  other machine. YOu can do 'ps ax | grep vnc' to see if there is a vnc process19:25
bobsaccamanomy sound has mysteriously stopped functioning19:25
alvarograwity: in which part of ubuntu does cannonical gets money?19:25
th0rQuiltPants: I have a bit on setting up vncserver and viewer...let me find it and pastebin it for you.19:26
ShapeshifterHi. Ekiga keeps crashing and I can't make calls. what should I do? skype works more or less.19:26
Gnome_DannyHey guys, Does anybody know how to connect to a bluetooth network ?19:26
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: That looks really odd.19:26
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Ok, The search Continues!19:26
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Trying nontheless, screenies are a bit blurry.19:26
bn43hello I am trying to resize my disk as I am running out of space on / - I downloaded gparted but that does not allow me to resize even though I have free space19:26
QuiltPantsth0r: which package would you recommend for vncviewer (i don't have it installed and apt-get is recommending a few different options)19:26
kimoWhats new in the next version of ubuntu19:27
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Thanks for all the effort you're putting in ^_^19:27
morphlesnoone can gelp with making java look better?19:27
fatty2003malsi ot trevnoc19:27
QuiltPantsth0r: i do have terminal server client installed, but that does not seem to run the vncviewer command19:28
chaospherebn43: you mustn't resize / when running. Boot from a live cd19:28
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: No problem, Might as well help you as I am waiting for someone to help me =P19:28
th0rQuiltPants: this is a webpage I had on my homepage...but I am no longer online so you won't see the pretty fonts and stuff....http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/179761/19:28
bn43chaosphere, i am running off the gparted cd19:28
UbuntuBoyWhat's New In The Next Version Of Ubuntu19:28
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: ;D19:28
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Be right back, 1 minute19:28
th0rQuiltPants: the packages I refer to in that page are for gnome as well as xfce...so don't let that throw you19:28
monkey_d_luffydoes anyone know where flash applets save information? I have this little flash game and it allows to save/load games... I'm just wondering where it saves information.19:29
chaospherebn43: oh ok. did gparted resized the other partition? (That you are trying to get some space from.)19:29
th0rQuiltPants: and that page offers several options for remote access....something for you to play with19:29
QuiltPantsth0r: ok great, thanks very much19:30
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Back sorry about that19:30
th0rQuiltPants: if you are running linux at both ends...try X forwarding via ssh...at the bottom of the page19:30
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Don't apologize. You're helping me after all ;)19:30
bn43chaosphere, yes - but when I try to resize /dev/sda1, does not show the free space19:30
isaac_Okay....... this update manager is REALLY getting on my nerves.  How do you either turn it off or make it go back to just alerting you by a little red arrow?19:31
isaac_I HATE popup windows.19:31
QuiltPantsth0r: ideally i'd like to access this machine from this pc (linux) and from work (windows) securely. which option would be better suited for that?19:31
chaospherebn43: check if 'df' and 'parted' show diffent sizes of /. for additional info: 'man df' and 'man parted'19:31
UbuntuBoyi Wan to see What's New In The next Version Of Ubuntu19:32
officequentusrex, from linux to windows use rdp19:32
officequentusrex, its faster than vnc19:32
th0rQuiltPants: I found X forwarding to be MUCH faster than vnc. But you would have to install an X server in windows at work. I would use both...X via ssh at home, and vnc at work19:32
mvalviarPlease help me. I'm using Jaunty and I'm getting sporadic lock-up. I slapped on an xp HD and the machine works fine.19:32
deanyisaac_, System, prefs, startup applications.19:32
raubth0r: to me ssh+vnc with cygwin was not that bad19:33
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Well that is the best I have came up with for now, Will notify you if I find anymore. Should be soon because I have 3 desktops and laptops running a multiple search looking for terms vista aero ubuntu theme19:33
bn43chaosphere, is the same19:33
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Aight, i'm still looking for some myself as well. Thanks for all the help so far :)19:33
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th0rraub: you are right. I did some testing with a friend in Ireland (I was in Texas) and we found vnc via ssh was faster than vnc direct19:34
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: No problem19:34
aboSamoorguys, I really want your help. I spent 4 hours trying to record using mu mic. It is not working, I can not find the correct configuration :(19:34
UbuntuBoyWhat is new in ubuntu Karamic Kwala19:34
QuiltPantsth0r: ok thanks, i'll have to read your info and try and work out how i can do that. are you going to be here for much longer? i wouldn't mind moving my monitor and connecting back up from the machine that i want to remote into (should take about 10 minutes).19:34
LjL!karmic | ubuntuboy19:35
ubottuubuntuboy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:35
geezerXchat-gnome crashes often on 9.04 ... has anyone else experienced this problem?19:35
th0rQuiltPants: should be around...but my wifi isn't very dependable (I am on a boat at a marina)19:35
chuckcwhere do i enable ssh port forwarding?  looking at /etc/ssh/sshd_config  /etc/ssh/ssh_config  set all the seemingly relevant options to yes, but still get debug1: Remote: Server has disabled port forwarding.19:35
raubth0r: Nice!19:35
wolteri'm having  problem19:35
bn43geezer, been using it for awhile - no issues19:36
QuiltPantsth0r: sweet :) ok great, well i shall try and do that. hope to chat to you just now.19:36
th0rchuckc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/179761/19:36
wolterwith pam, can somebody show me his common-auth file?19:36
raubchuckc: /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:36
wolteri did something and now sudo doesn't wait for me to type password.19:36
chaospherebn43: hm strage. That was what i encountered when resizing a partition. and the other partition is smaller in size?19:36
wolterit inserts i don't know what so it tells me i typed an incorrect password on all 3 tries19:36
tuhis-ubuubuntu plays only stereo and some apps have no sound at all like flash (youtube) or xmoto19:36
tuhis-ubuwhat is wrong?19:36
geezerbn43, thanks for the input.... Maybe I'll just get the regular Xchat instead of Xchat-Gnome.... didn't have issues with that one in 8.10.19:37
tURt3lhello all19:37
woltertuhis-ubu,install aoss19:37
UbuntuBoyi want to see the new features in Karamic19:37
tURt3li just figured out the tab completeion of nicks19:37
woltertuhis-ubu, and run those apps like this:  $ aoss xmoto19:37
bn43chaosphere, no - much bigger - does that make a difference? and I have ext4 on all19:37
jlHow do you launch the  Desktop Switcher on the Netbook Remix?19:37
rob______is it possible to install ubuntu without using the curses interface? is there a readline interface to the installation process? i ask because for some reason this laptop doesnt render curses properly..19:37
woltertuhis-ubu, that 'routes' the sound to alsa19:37
tuhis-ubuand the 5.1 pb?19:38
woltercan anybody show me their pam file?19:38
Link23My screen is messed up, it shows a small portion of the screen and I have to move my mouse to the edge of the screen to be able to see other parts.19:38
wolteri really need a working pam file...19:38
UbuntuBoyHow To Change the speel check Language In  Xchat19:38
wolteri messed mine up19:38
Link23Can somebody help?19:39
chaospherebn43: but didn't you tryed to make the other one smaller to "give" the space to your root dir?19:39
RHorseLink23 you'll get used to it19:39
wolter!ask | Link2319:39
ubottuLink23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:39
tURt3lsomwone just tried to remotely connect to me?19:39
bn43chaosphere, oh yes sorry - misunderstood - yes I did19:39
anom01yis it worth upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 ?19:39
wolteranom01y, of course it is19:40
chaospherebn43: so where's the space gone? check again with parted19:40
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Link23RHorse: I don't think I will get used to it because my chat window takes up the whole screen right now and I can't see the bottom task bar but when I move my mouse to the bottom edge it scrolls down so I can see it.19:40
theaaronCould someone help me get the microphone working on my Toshiba Satellite? I'm running 9.04 and would really like to get skype working.19:40
chuckcraub: I must be totally blind, what option in sshd_config enables forwarding ?  i added AllowTcpForwarding yes but don't see anything else relevant19:40
tURt3lthearon, i have problems with that too19:40
woltertheaaron, did you google it? (ubuntu toshiba satellite microphone)19:41
marco0worst case scenario get another mic19:41
theaaronwolter, yes, i've been google for the past two hours to no avail. The whole audio trouble shooting thing is very confusing with people recommending various combinations of adding and removing alsa and pulse.19:41
roel_ok, so today I logged on to my pc and I found all the colors distorted: red comes up blue, blue comes up green and green comes up orangy, anybody with experience?19:42
ohirchuckc: what else you'd expect?19:42
th0rchuckc: near the bottom....X11Forwarding yes19:42
bn43chaosphere, its under "extended"19:42
woltertheaaron, go to the volume control19:42
raub chuckc: see if you find X11Forwarding19:42
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chuckcth0r: I have X11Forwarding yes19:43
aboSamoorwolter: I was working on the mic problem for four hours without :(19:43
th0rchuckc: yeah...I believe it is now enabled by default19:43
wolterwow wow, ubuntu is having serious problems with microphones!19:43
th0rchuckc: if you check that pastebin I sent...it has fairly complete notes on setting up x forwarding19:43
raubchuckc: try the ssh -X but add a few "v", as in ssh -Xvvv19:44
woltereverybody, go to the volume control and check digital mic 1 in options19:44
wolterif available19:44
theaaroni swear i have tried every combination of settings under volume control.19:44
wolterit is available in m1530 and that fixed my problem19:44
mikeyfbihey all, i have a very simple bash script to load up conky.. here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179776/19:45
chuckcraub: th0r:  maybe i misspoke, trying to forward remote port 80 to my local 8080,19:45
mikeyfbii was wondering if/how i could make it display a message when it ran too19:45
dubliskwhat kernel version does 9.04 support?19:45
mikeyfbijust a simple popup message after running the script19:45
th0rchuckc: that is done either in your router or in iptables19:45
tuhis-ubuhow do I get ubuntu to output 5.1 sound?19:45
th0rchuckc: that is port forwarding, not X forwarding19:45
wolter!who | theaaron19:45
ubottutheaaron: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:45
raubchuckc: Are forwarding it through ssh?19:46
chuckcth0r: ok, ssh tunnel19:46
NavY-Sealis it posible that two videocards conflict with eachother during hardware load since i have a intel on bord and a ati 9250 pci card19:46
chaospherebn43: ok then try with gparted to make extended smaller. any ideas why the free space has gone to extended?19:46
pegonAnyone gotten Steam working in Wine in Jaunty?19:46
mikeyfbianyone know how i could get a bash script to display a message?19:46
th0rchuckc: ok...ssh tunnel...that is done on the command line.19:46
theaaronubottu, sorry for the protocol breech. I'll do so in the future.19:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:46
mkarnickiecho "message"19:46
fatty2003ubottu, what is the meaning of life?19:46
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:46
mkarnickitype in bash: echo "message"19:46
bn43chaosphere, http://pastebin.com/deabf5c19:46
mkarnickiand try that :)19:46
mikeyfbikk :)19:46
raubchuckc: Ex: ssh -C -X -L 5902:localhost:5901 raub@
th0rchuckc: there are notes in the pastebin about setting that up also19:47
theaaronwolter, what specifically in audio control should i look at?19:47
chuckcth0r:  i know the command, i just can seem to enable forwarding on my server.19:47
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th0rchuckc: you don't need forwarding on the server....your ssh tunnel is on port 22 unless you changed it19:47
chuckcth0r: Remote: Server has disabled port forwarding.19:47
woltertheaaron, i just know that ticking Digital Mic 1 in the options of the volume control enabled my microphone.19:48
mkarnickimikeyfbi , you can try: zenity --info --title "title here" --text "body here"19:48
woltertheaaron, even though it records, it does at an extremely low volume19:48
woltercan somebody pastebin their /etc/pam.d/common-auth file?19:48
theaaronwolter, yes i have seen others mention that elsewhere. unfortunately, i don't have that option anywhere.19:49
mikeyfbimkarnicki, the second one worked beautifully :) :) thank you19:49
woltertheaaron, oh19:49
mkarnickino problem :)19:49
th0rchuckc: what command are you using to open the ssh to the other computer?19:49
mkarnickissh login@server:port19:49
RHorsemikeyfbi xmessage works too19:49
chuckcth0r:  this is my string ssh -v -R 80:localhost:8080 chuck@remo.local  which gives debug1: Remote: Server has disabled port forwarding. debug1: remote forward failure for: listen 80, connect localhost:8080 Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 8019:49
mkarnickisorry, wasn't to me xD *sits silent*19:49
woltertheaaron, have  you tried your mic on windows?19:49
th0rchuckc: nope....the command is wrong. Look at the bottom of the pastebin I sent19:50
bn43chaosphere, I think its because I mounted /home on its own partition19:50
mikeyfbiRHorse, what would the exact syntax for that be?  (I r bash newb) :O19:50
chaospherebn43: why do partition 3 and 5 both start @ 10gig?19:50
woltertheaaron, could you pastebin your /etc/pam.d/common-auth please?19:50
theaaronwolter, yes it works perfectly. which is unfortunate since this is my gf's laptop and i was touting how great ubuntu is to her but can't get skype working...19:50
RHorsemikeyfbi just xmessage message19:51
wolterthats bad luck hhaaha19:51
bn43chaosphere, /home starts on that19:51
theaaronwolter, yes that ended the ubuntu demo pretty early.19:51
woltershow her compiz19:51
th0rchuckc: do you have a firewall on the server?19:51
wolterthat'll entertain her for a while19:52
raubth0r: What if he uses -L instead of -R?19:52
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Sorry was eating lunch19:52
chaospherebn43: sorry no idea19:52
wolterbut theaaron, could you do that favor for me?19:52
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: No luck ..... Sorry19:52
th0rraub: yes....that is in the pastebin...-L19:52
bn43chaosphere, me too!19:52
bn43chaosphere, thanks tho19:52
DeathspikeGnome_Danny: Ah its fine. I'll just have to look a little harder.19:52
chaospherebn43: not at all19:52
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Same19:52
woltertheaaron, where are you testing your microphone? have you tried the sound settings? System > Preferences > Sound19:52
th0rraub, but I think he has the port:ip:port reversed as well19:53
theaaronwolter, i'm looking at the file now. you want me to paste the whole thing?19:53
raubth0r: That could be a bit of a problem19:53
mikeyfbiRHorse, beauty thanks!19:53
woltertheaaron, yes, but here paste.ubuntu.com19:53
Gnome_DannyDoes anybody know how to connect to a bluetooth network?19:53
th0rraub: all part of the learning process. Fortunately I never made a mistake when I set it up <smile>19:53
theaaronwolter, i'm sorry i'm not sure what you mean19:54
jurohi, I am using Ubuntu Server 6.10 and have a problem with rsync reporting errors when backing up german special characters .... any ideas how I can get this to work?19:54
woltertheaaron, go to http://paste.ubuntu.com19:54
theaaronwolter, haha that is cool! i love the ubuntu community.19:55
woltertheaaron, then paste the text of the file in the big box, and send me the link after you click paste!19:55
Gnome_DannyDeathspike: Be right back, Restarting19:55
raubth0r: I write tons of docs about how I did something because I do not trust my memory. Which reminds me of my adventures with gentoo19:55
woltertheaaron, yeah, and very useful too19:55
blindsideherro everyone19:55
theaaronwolter, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179779/19:55
RHorsemikeyfbi np19:55
th0rraub: that is why my webpage is installed on this laptop...dug it out of the archives because I couldn't remember how to do things19:55
woltertheaaron, thanks a lot19:55
blindsidegooooo jaunty!19:56
theaaronwolter, no thank you. i really appreciate it.19:56
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PPKumahi, i have a logic partition that ubuntu mounts w/o problems, im trying to include it in my fstab but im getting a superblock error. Is there a way to see how is ubuntu mounting it so i can do the same? thanks19:57
Bill_MIHi folks.  I'm looking to replace URL handling in Hardy by changing gnome but find Nautilus is involved first?19:57
th0rPPKuma: yeah...let ubuntu mount it and then type 'mount' in a terminal19:57
woltertheaaron, hey, ill come back, i'm just going to fix my system (that's why i wanted the file)19:57
Bill_MIIs anyone familiar with this?  (hope hope )19:57
Paddy_EIREBill_MI: that sentence does not make much sense mate19:57
QuiltPants1th0r: hi thor, i'm now logged into the machine that i want to remote into19:58
raubth0r: I was doing that in my SS20 but it took a dump. So I now need to pull the last stuff from it I did not backup19:58
theaaronwolter, okay i'll wait here.19:58
charlesallHi I have an ALSA issue with recording /capture from mic or TV card. The only way I can get sound to route to speakers is if I go system/preferences/sound and go to sound capture and click test. Help would be much appreciated.19:58
th0rraub: of course...I always back up <smile>19:58
aboSamoorcan you tell me if there is a better place to ask for help regarding my mic configuration ?19:58
th0rQuiltPants: first thing...what is the brand and model for your wifi router?19:58
Bill_MIHi Paddy_Eire.  Gnome configuration seems to be ignored.... at /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http19:59
QuiltPants1th0r: it's a Billion 800VGT19:59
burvowskifor some reason, conky is outputting my CPU model twice and I can't figure out why19:59
fyrzenburvowski - paste your .conkyrc paste.ubuntu.com20:00
vigoaboSamoor: Did you try the help /p?20:00
th0rQuiltPants: trying to find an online manual20:00
burvowskifyrzen here is the line in question "${color lightgrey}${execi 1000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | cut -c14-36}"20:00
RHorseburvowski were you imbibing last  night?20:00
aboSamoorvigo: which help ? I tried for 4 hours20:00
Bill_MIPaddy_Eire: Did that make sense?20:00
th0rQuiltPants: I don't see anything abouta firewall or port control...so will assume for now it is forwarding everything20:01
vigoaboSamoor: Looking now,,,20:01
Paddy_EIREBill_MI: yeah I am just having a dig through the forumsn20:01
NavY-Sealhow can i start ubuntu withous splash so i can see where it hangs20:01
th0rQuiltPants: in the remote computer open a terminal and type 'ifconfig' to get the inet address of that computer20:01
PPKumath0r: thanks, will try that20:02
=== solid_lia is now known as solid_liq
QuiltPants1th0r: am i looking for that in eth0, lo or ppp0 again?20:02
Bill_MIThanks Paddy_Eire.  I'm trying to learn what the heck it does these days.20:02
aboSamoorvigo: the problem there is no useful diagnosing procedure20:02
Nash_Ive got ubuntu 9.04 with Compiz manager how do I install those themes on gnome-look.org ?20:02
th0rQuiltPants: or might be ath0 or wlan0...you have a wireless network there, right?20:02
QuiltPants1th0r: yes although this machine is connected via a lan cable20:03
tim167hi, i made a dd image of a disk, i have a *.img file, is it possible to mount that image directly ?20:03
th0rQuiltPants: then yes, it is probably eth0 or eth120:03
vigoaboSamoor: There are no problems, there are solutions that are waiting to be found or used.20:03
th0rQuiltPants: it will be another 10.0.0.x address20:04
fyrzenburvowski, how exactly is conky outputting it twice? Two lines?20:04
=== BongA is now known as UomO_BongA
burvowskifyrzen yes, one on top of the other20:04
charlesallHi I have an ALSA issue with recording /capture from mic or TV card. The only way I can get sound to route to speakers is if I go system/preferences/sound and go to sound capture and click test. Help would be much appreciated.20:04
QuiltPants1th0r: ok the lo inet addr is and the ppp0 inet addr is
aboSamoorvigo: when you have 20 switches in your panel you have more than 2^10 of possible configurations !20:04
QuiltPants1th0r: i can't see another 10.0.0.x address20:05
th0rQuiltPants: there is no other inet address...for eth0 or eth1?20:05
n1lqjquestion: sshfs me@home_computer:/dev /mnt/remote/dev but get a permissions problem when I try to open file handle any thoughts?20:05
scubidoohi all20:05
fatty2003hi scubidoo20:05
fatty2003malsi ot trevnoc20:05
n1lqjtrying to open /dev/dsp from remote location20:05
Paddy_EIREhey Bill_MI this sounds an awful lot like your problem https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=49960920:05
th0rQuiltPants: is this computer running gnome or xfce or is it a server install?20:05
scubidoohi fatty20:05
fatty2003how are you20:05
Paddy_EIREBill_MI: although it may be for redhat its still applicable20:05
RHorsen1lqj sudo the sshfs?20:06
scubidooany one use soundgraph vfd and ubuntu???20:06
scubidooa need help please20:06
QuiltPants1th0r: it's a regular ubuntu desktop install running gnome20:06
n1lqjnope..  let me try that lol20:06
fatty2003scubidoo: I do20:06
vigoaboSamoor: That is a good one, for certain, 2^10, almost incalculable. (almost is the operative word)20:06
=== fernando is now known as Guest70605
Bill_MIPaddy_Eire: it is even more an attempt at working around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/24042420:07
n1lqjstill denied20:07
QuiltPants1th0r: the eth0 doesn't have an inet addr, although it does have an inet6 addr: fe80::213:and then some more random digits20:07
Rafaeli have being reading for the past 2 hours and still do not understand something...if i am creating a mount point on a ubuntu client, does this mean a new directory or if the folder i am tring to use is the name of the mount point to create20:07
Demonicdata I am having a rather bizzare thing happen20:07
tom__Anyone have a pointer to adding an interface to a Ubuntu image on vmware?20:07
RHorsen1lqj option -o umask=020:07
scubidooi have soundgraph 003620:07
KalmiRafael, what do you mean by an ubuntu client?20:08
Demonicdataonce in awhile now my skreen will dim,like go dark,i thought maybe the power saving was switched on but it isn't,So whats the deal why does my screen dim once in awhile20:08
Bill_MIPaddy_Eire: I see what you mean, this is similar in Fedora20:08
NavY-Sealthi entire thing is geting on my nervs20:08
th0rQuiltPants: ok...the box is working ipv6 then. Not sure how to do this. Let me have the ipv6 address20:08
Kalmith0r, that's a link-local ipv6 address....20:08
Gnome_DannyHey, any one know how to connect to a bluetooth network on linux?20:08
QuiltPants1th0r: fe80::213:20ff:fe55:2932/6420:08
th0rKalmi: right...we are trying to access it locally via the router20:09
fyrzenburvowski, i'm unable to duplicate the bug on 9.04 conky 1.6.1, it could be a bug in conky itself20:09
burvowskifyrzen ok thanks, i'll just delete that line20:09
code-eI'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm wondering how I install Avant window manager? it tells me it misses dependancies with gnome, but i updated it all and everything and tried to install them all20:09
vigoDemonicdata: Mine does that also, 8.04.2 , I think is a default power saver thing, am still looking at the cause and effect .20:09
th0rKalmi: but I have never used ipv6...not sure how to handle it20:09
Rafaelkalmi: i just got a linksys nas, i want the data of folder "my documents" on my ubuntu box to be able to copy to my NAS..i understand that i have to create a mount point on my ubuntu box, what i do not understand if this mount point is create as new or i use the "My documents"as such20:10
fyrzenburvowski, try simply exec20:10
Demonicdatavigo:Yeah but this is a desktop not laptop so i shut power saving off20:10
vigoDemonicdata: Same, same here20:10
th0rQuiltPants: give me a sec20:10
Bill_MIPaddy_Eire: The Nautilus thing gets worse than this, too.  If the URL is invalid you can't even get Properties on the *.desktop file... because Nautilus insists on contacting the host.20:10
keoghsomeone with an ATI VIdeo Card that had installed Ubuntu 9.0420:10
QuiltPants1th0r: sure thing20:10
thokuanyone know of a good video editing tool20:11
winterelfhi all :) , i realy need your help please20:11
charlesallI am looking for help with ALSA on Jaunty. Hi I have an issue with recording /capture from mic or TV card. The only way I can get sound to route to speakers is if I go system/preferences/sound and go to sound capture and click test. Help would be much appreciated.20:11
n1lqjnope and sudo gmfsk still getting permission denied :(20:11
Kalmith0r, are you running Ubuntu? if you do, than you have a link-local ipv6 address assign to each of your interfaces staring with fe8020:11
code-eanyone ?20:11
* Tupac_Shakur is away: Ma uit la Film!!!!Watch Movies!! DND!!20:11
* Tupac_Shakur is back (gone 00:00:03)20:11
winterelfi have ubuntu 9.04 and inter x3100 graphics card  in a laptop... how can i enable my graphic card? i want to run compiz20:12
th0rQuiltPants: from the other computer try this....open a terminal and type 'ping6 fe80::213:20ff:fe55:2932/64'20:12
KalmiRafael, you can use any empty folder as a mount point20:12
RHorsen1lqj the sshfs has a million options.20:12
Kalmith0r, are you running Ubuntu? if you do, than you have a link-local ipv6 address assigned to each of your interfaces staring with fe820:12
th0rKalmi: right...but I have never paid any attention to them. And now we have an eth0 that has no ipv4, so I am having to figure out how to do things with ipv6 <smile>20:12
RHorseI was sure that umask would work20:12
omethere any resolve for the issues with wine and jaunty? or is it best to stick with inteprid for wine?20:12
th0rKalmi: for instance...just learned there is a ping620:12
n1lqjrHorse: I am going to look at them, just worth asking if anyone knew the answer.  Want to control HF rig from 3000 miles away while on vacation20:12
QuiltPants1th0r: this may be a bit of an issue as i just moved the monitor from my other pc here :)20:13
scubidooany one can help me please i have this on syslog lirc_imon.c: send_packet: packet tx20:13
scubidoo failed(-32)20:13
RafaelKalmi: thanks and then how to i do copies from the "my documents"into the nas20:13
keoghis the opensource driver for ATI good enough?20:13
mzzn1lqj: are you sure the problem isn't that it's in use remotely? I wouldn't expect the usual alsa dmix to work correctly for this case.20:13
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scubidooand the lcdd dont work fine20:13
theaarondoes anyone know why i have to change my laptop displays resolution everytime i reboot?20:13
minti cant attach anything to my ubuntu20:13
z0ecould you recommend me an application similar to PhotoDesktop (Mac) on Ubuntu?20:13
mintwith usb bluetooth dngle20:13
thokuwinterelf: 1. what graphics card do you have? 2. Have you enabled proprietary drivers?20:13
th0rQuiltPants: yeah...this isn't going to be easy with only one access at a time20:13
n1lqjWas just hoping that the device file handle could be forwarded as easily as any other, quick hack20:14
RHorsen1lqj it won't do audio,  you'll  need something  else, i suppose20:14
vigoz0e: G.I.M.P.20:14
QuiltPants1th0r: can i not ping the other one from here?20:14
minti was searching something and installing bluez*20:14
burvowskiSo here is my screenshot http://i40.tinypic.com/149bek1.png and here is the section in question: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179785/  any ideas on how i can make that better?20:14
Kalmith0r, QuiltPants: why couldn't you just assign ipv4 addresses to the machines?20:14
th0rQuiltPants: yes, you should be able to ping
mintand using hciconfig20:14
winterelfthoku: i have intel x3100 and  i don't know to enable anything, i m new in ubuntu20:14
th0rQuiltPants: or was that 101?20:14
z0evigo I need something easier to use the photos I like on my desktop and put them the way I like it...20:15
KalmiRafael, do you know the ip of the NAS?20:15
Nash_Ive got ubuntu 9.04 with Compiz manager how do I install those themes on gnome-look.org ?20:15
QuiltPants1th0r: i'm trying to remember myself20:15
minti have UP RUNNING ISCAN PSCAN20:15
QuiltPants1i've tried both and dont' seem to be getting any results20:15
johninlexhello all20:15
mintbut it only sees my cellphone20:15
vigoz0e: there are alot of different packages like that. use that uhm, F-Spot20:15
th0rKalmi: yeah...he is going to have to do that to keep it all working, but righ tnow we can't even be sure he can get the two to talk20:15
Kalmi!hi | johninlex20:15
ubottujohninlex: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:15
marcoburv whats that program20:15
mintand cant connect it20:15
thokuwinterelf: ah ok. Not sure what you need to do with an intel GPU. I don't think there are proprietary drivers for it on Linux. Have you tried googling?20:16
n1lqjls /mnt/remote/dev/dsp == crwxrwxrwx but no + maybe that's what's getting me20:16
QuiltPants1th0r: hmm i remember it being 101. I know my router is definitely and i cant seem to ping that either20:16
th0rQuiltPants: you have quite a bit that has to be done to be able to do what you want. First, establish static ip addresses for both computers.20:16
thokuwinterelf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=439099 try going through this thread.20:17
th0rQuiltPants: then make sure the router will forward all the ports between the two computers.20:17
winterelfthoku: hmmm.. intel x3100 is not a rare graphics card, almost every 1 of 4 people has it, and still ...20:17
marcoaye mumbo20:17
KalmiRafael, what happens if your run this? smbclient -L
th0rQuiltPants: then get the appropriate software installed and working (vnc, ssh, nx, whatever) on both computers20:17
QuiltPants1th0r: do you mean static ip addresses just within my local network?20:17
marcoaye mumbo?20:18
th0rQuiltPants: yes...just local ip addresses20:18
KalmiQuiltPants, th0r: are the machines within the same LAN?20:18
thokuwinterelf: it should work by default then. All common hardware does.20:18
th0rKalmi: yes...the same lan20:18
geezerWhat's the best application for monitoring CPU temp, system temp, fan speed/control...etc?20:18
Deathspikegeezer: Conky.20:18
ed__looks like i oughta pick a different nick20:18
=== ed__ is now known as golgotha
thokuwinterelf: I presume you have to tried to enable Visual Effects in Appearance but have no luck?20:19
QuiltPants1Kalmi, th0r: they are both plugged into the same router20:19
Adriaanis there any tool delivered with ubuntu livecd that allows you to repair (or fsck) a NTFS partition?20:19
th0rKalmi: but he has a whizbang firewall/router that is not going to be so easy to configure. Couldn't find the user manual online20:19
Demonicdatais there any option effects to choose from in desltop effects?like an extra package i can download20:19
Louis_how do I copy a directory and all of it's contents at the command line?20:19
geezerAnything else, Deathspike?... something that would fit the panels, perhaps??20:19
mzz!best | geezer20:19
ubottugeezer: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:19
golgothaanyone have an hp pavilion dv8000? with the goofy broadcom wifi card?20:19
AdriaanLouis_, 'cp -R /dira/ /dirb/20:19
winterelfthoku: how should i do that?20:19
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.20:19
Louis_Demonicdata;  install compizconfig-settings-manager20:19
thokuanyone know of some good video editing software? Avidemux is a bust with the OGV20:19
Louis_Adriaan:  thanks!20:19
mzzgeezer: I haven't tried bestbot, but it might have suggestions20:19
QuiltPants1th0r: i may have the manual on a cd somewhere if you are willing to wait20:19
Nash_!compiz decorator20:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
DemonicdataI have that installed i think let me check20:19
* The_Toxic_Mite is away: I'm busy20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about decorator20:20
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:20
thokuwinterelf: System -> Preference -> Appearance -> Visual Effects20:20
th0rQuiltPants: like I said...not the best wifi connection but I am just hanging around with nothing to do <smile>20:20
DemonicdataI have simple compiz config installed.20:20
mzz!away > The_Toxic_Mite20:20
ubottuThe_Toxic_Mite, please see my private message20:20
Louis_Demonicdata:  i've never used that one, but it should work just fine20:20
th0rQuiltPants: won't be online too much longer though...need to get everything ready for the morning departure...going to the Chesapeake20:20
marcowhat does CARET MODE mean? (in a irc client)20:20
Kalmith0r, what make you think that his router is *special*?20:20
wolterhey theaaron you saved my computer hahaha20:20
theaaronwalter, oh really? how's that?20:21
RHorsen1lqj I see wht you are after, there is a tutorial online about op'ing remotely, somewhere...20:21
geezerThanks for all the suggestions, guys. ^__^20:21
winterelfthoku: ho , ther's a note saying something about grapichs driver unrecodnized20:21
Lint01how can I remove what 'apt-get build-dep' has installed?20:21
woltertheaaron, i had messed up with that file in my compuet20:21
th0rKalmi: it is a Billion 800VGT...not just a linksys or a belkin20:21
woltertheaaron, so i just swaped mine for yours20:21
woltertheaaron, you can just write 'wo' and press tab, my name will be autocompleted20:21
wolteror wol..20:21
QuiltPants1th0r: ok no worries :)20:21
winterelfthoku:  "could not be enabled"20:22
deanyI had a billion powerline few yrs ago, nice router, lots of options most others dont have20:22
RafaelKalmi: the folder called serverbackup is were i want to make the copies of the ubuntu box: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179790/20:22
mzzn1lqj: hmm, I'd try it for you but I don't have the software spread over my hardware correctly, if you know what I mean20:22
Kalmith0r, seems like a perfectly normal broadband router to me...20:22
Barridusanyone know where the themes are stored in kde4?  i need to remove one completely as i suspect it's crashing my appearance settings app (#kubuntu is devoid of a pulse atm)20:22
th0rKalmi: did you find a manual online for it?20:22
thokuwinterelf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114601320:23
theaaronwolter, i don't suppose you have any idea about my laptop's microphone?20:23
Kalmith0r, no... but I found a description....20:23
thokuwinterelf: sounds like there is a known issue and it will be resolved soon20:23
thokuwinterelf: I presume you are running 9.04?20:23
n1lqjmy friend says it's a no go, even though I can forward file handle kernel still needs direct access to io control20:23
RHorsen1lqj why do you need audio for gmfsk?20:23
winterelfthoku: yes20:24
QuiltPants1Kalmi: i have a manual on a cd that i could find if you are going to stick around for a bit ;)20:24
n1lqjWant to work PSK31 on 10m rig from Rhode Island, Rig is in Arizona20:24
KalmiQuiltPants1, I don't want no manual...20:24
woltertheaaron, well, not really. Ubuntu is being a mess with microphones. Go to System > Preferences > Sound20:24
RafaelKalmi: did you got the link20:24
KalmiQuiltPants1, I'm sure it's a perfectly normal broadband router20:24
KalmiRafael, yes... a moment20:24
RafaelKalmi: thnaks for the help20:25
Nash_Ive got ubuntu 9.04 with Compiz manager how do I install those themes on gnome-look.org ?20:25
charlesallwolter I agree sound capture does seem to be a mess.20:25
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/20:25
KalmiRafael, you are using Ubuntu and not xUbuntu, right? :)20:25
RafaelKalmi: tes20:26
Louis_Nash_ :  there are usually instructions on gnome-look, but for most themes, you just drag and drop the tar.gz archive into the theme manager window (which is somewhere under the System menu)20:26
RafaelKalmi: yes20:26
livingdaylightcan ssh be used to access windows?20:26
officelivingdaylight, if you install sshserver on windows20:26
Louis_Nash_:  you can also get there by right-clicking your dekstop, picking change background, and then selecting the theme tab... you can just drag them in there most of the time as well20:26
livingdaylightoffice: no, i have a simple xp on my laptop20:27
Louis_livingdaylight:  it can but you'll need an SSH server on your windows machine20:27
jhonnyboyI'm having trouble installing Ipod Linux into my Ipod Mini. Has anyone done this before?20:27
Lint01how can I remove what 'apt-get build-dep' has installed?20:27
Nash_Louis_: i downloaded a compiz theme but it has an extension .emerald20:27
livingdaylightLouis_: if i have xp on laptop installing ssh server isn't practical?20:27
Louis_Nash_:  aah... that's for use with emerald.  sudo apt-get install emerald I think...20:27
Nash_Louis_: Ok20:28
Louis_livingdaylight:  no, it's perfectly practical.  You'll just have to find one.  Also be aware that it opens up a port that attackers can use20:28
n1lqjyeah same failure when I try to forward the ptt /dev/parport0 :(  oh well that would have solved the ptt and audio problems in one shot20:28
Louis_livingdaylight:  so make sure you have a strong password and a good firewall20:28
Nash_Louis_: Where do i find emerald after installation ?20:28
livingdaylightLouis_: samba sounds simpler20:28
Louis_Nash_:  i forget to be honest... try alt + F2 and type in emerald20:29
Nash_Louis_: ok thanks20:29
Louis_livingdaylight:  well it depends on what you're trying to do with it20:29
Louis_Nash_ :  No problem20:29
deanyNash_, system,prefs20:29
Nash_ok thanks20:29
livingdaylightLouis_: simply access my Ubuntu Desktop20:29
f4zzyhi everyone guys!20:29
Louis_Nash_ :  you'll also need to use emerald as your default WM.  Do that by hitting alt + F2 and typing emerald --replace20:29
livingdaylightf4zzy: !hi20:30
Louis_livingdaylight:  ooooh!  I thougth you were trying to access windows from ubuntu20:30
KalmiRafael, Places-> Connect to... -> Windows share (server: NAS's ip, share: PUBLIC DISK 1)20:30
livingdaylightLouis_: well, it would be nice if they could speak to each other20:30
Louis_livingdaylight:  you'll need to install an ssh server on ubuntu then (sudo apt-get install ssh) and install PuTTy on windows20:30
=== ubuntu_ is now known as SparkyFlary
livingdaylightLouis_: i have ssh on Ubuntu, so i'm half way there20:31
Louis_livingdaylight:  then you'll also need an ssh server on windows.  bear in mind that smb shares (samba) only give you access to certain directories though.  You can't send commands20:31
Louis_livingdaylight.  Then install PuTTy to talk to ubuntu from windows20:31
SparkyFlaryis there a portable disk defragmenter for ubuntu?20:31
RafaelKalmi: can do this with command line?20:31
Louis_livingdaylight:  and then find an ssh server for windows20:31
RHorseLouis_ do Windows windows render on an x-server OK?20:31
KalmiLouis_, why would he need an ssh server on windows?20:31
Louis_Kalmi:  he wants to issue commands to windows from ubuntu20:32
mortuis99when i try and print some web pages it just prints one page is their a way to fix this?20:32
Louis_Kalmi:  or so i gathered20:32
akahey guys I am trying to get PATH_INFO working with apache2 which is installed from the ubuntu package.  I have AcceptPathInfo directive in my httpd conf file but it still isn't pulling.  I am wondering if there is a known issue or quick way to get PATH_INFO available?20:32
KalmiRafael, yes...we will get to that. But does it work this way?20:32
Louis_RHorse:  how do you mean?20:32
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
davidperaltyI just bought a Core i7 920 CPU and 6gb ram and I was wondering if I should be going towards the 32bit or 64bit version of Ubuntu?20:32
Rafaeli am connected to the ubuntu box thru a vpn tunnel....20:32
Louis_davidperalty:  6420:33
f4zzyi have a big problem: i think my hdd is dying, but before it goes to heaven i would try to recover some data. can someone help me? please :)20:33
Nash_Louis_: I imported an theme in emerald but the only options is exit or edit the theme, how do i turn the theme on ?20:33
davidperaltyLous_ even though the 64bit version says for amd 64 bit processors?20:33
mzzf4zzy: do you have a second hd of the same or larger size to back up onto?20:33
Louis_Nash_ :  No clue. you'll have to mess with it.  it's been a while since i've used emerald20:33
f4zzyno mzz20:33
RafaelKalmi: i  know that when i was at the location i was able to see it like you told me20:33
f4zzyi got a notebook20:33
Louis_Nash_  I seem to remember you just have to select the theme by clicking on it or something20:33
VCoolio1Nash_: that's right20:34
Nash_So i click on it and click exit ?20:34
KalmiRafael,  at the location?20:34
mzzf4zzy: "smartctl -a /dev/whateverthehdis" may be useful to confirm the drive is unhealthy. I'd normally recommend using dd_rescue to copy entire partitions to a different drive insofar this is still possible, but that requires lots of free space.20:34
Louis_Nash_  I don't know20:34
mzz!info ddrescue | f4zzy20:34
ubottuf4zzy: ddrescue (source: ddrescue): copies data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-3 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB20:34
Lint01aka, does online documentation has any notes?20:34
VCoolio1Nash_: if you have enabled emerald for drawing window borders that's enough20:34
mortuis99when i try and print some web pages it just prints one page is their a way to fix this?20:34
Louis_mzz:  he can save it as a tar.gz though, right?20:35
Nash_How do i do that VCoolio1 ?20:35
f4zzywait guy. i cannot start a terminal20:35
RafaelKalmi: i am at home, and nas and ubuntu server are at different location..i am vpn thru putty thru command line20:35
mzzLouis_: only if he has the space to store it, plus I'm not sure if ddrescue can output to a stream instead of a block device. It may though.20:35
akaLint01: I haven't looked on ubuntu, I am reading apache dovs20:35
livingdaylightLouis_: do i want simply putty.exe or puttygen.exe or putty-0.60-installer.exe even?20:35
akaI will go there and check it out20:35
f4zzyubuntu tries to mount the hdd and crashes20:35
RafaelKalmi: sorry..i am vpn into router and using putty for command20:35
VCoolio1Nash_: easiest way is install fusion-icon, run that, it's a systray icon and right clicking gives you options like use emerald for window decoration20:35
Louis_mzz:  hmm. that might be worth googling.  I'm 99% sure it can be done with a few command-line options20:35
KalmiRafael, ok... got it now20:36
Louis_livingdaylight;  putty.exe20:36
Nash_VCoolio1: With synaptic i geuss ?20:36
RafaelKalmi: can you help me with some directions?20:36
VCoolio1Nash_: yep, it's in the default repos20:36
mzzLouis_: definitely seems likely. And then you might be able to network-mount the netbook and store data there (or set up a netcat tunnel or the like)20:36
mzzf4zzy: ^^^20:36
KalmiRafael, example: mount -t cifs -o username=server_user,password=server_password // /path_to/mount_point20:37
Nash_VCoolio1: I installed it how do i get it on my tray ?20:37
Louis_is there a way to check the remaning disk space on a USB device via command line?20:37
gordonjcpLouis_: df20:37
AdriaanLouis_, df20:37
VCoolio1run it, alt-F2 and type fusion-icon20:37
Louis_gordonjcp:  df /path/to/device ?20:37
f4zzymzz what's ^^^ ? :)20:37
livingdaylightLouis_: for host name /IP address to i put the ip address of laptop(xp) or Desktop (ubuntu)?20:37
Adriaangordonjcp, congratulations my friend. you won20:38
RHorselivingdaylight you'll also need a X-server like xming20:38
Louis_livingdaylight:  putty is an ssh client, so you put in the hostname or ip of the computer you want to connect to20:38
mzzf4zzy: an attempt at an arrow pointing to the previous line, which didn't have your nick but should have20:38
Louis_livingdaylight:  is the server on the local net?20:38
AdriaanLouis_, just 'df' will do20:38
Louis_Adriaan;  awesome, thanks!20:38
livingdaylightLouis_: yes,20:38
Nash_VCoolio1: That did something only now i dont see anything new ?20:38
livingdaylightRHorse: X-server like xming?20:39
f4zzyah ok...20:39
Louis_okay, then you wont run into firewall issues =)20:39
ExElNeThi, seems like i have a memory leak in my xorg (1.6gb atm)... is anything similar known in the recent ubuntu?20:39
winterelfthoku: the problam fixed... i change in repo : checked the backports and proposed ... and than updated, thanks a lot dude20:39
livingdaylightLouis_: right...20:39
gordonjcpLouis_: correct20:39
RHorseputty will ssh in, but  to see windows, you'll need xming20:39
gordonjcpLouis_: df -h if you want sensible units20:39
gordonjcpAdriaan: ;-)20:39
VCoolio1Nash_: don't know, try to run emerald manager again and select your theme; otherwise exit fusion-icon and run it from terminal and look at the output, there maybe an error20:39
Nash_VCoolio1: Ok20:40
FernandoLBHello. Can I install a minimal system with the default cd image. I mean, can I just type "cli" as I would do with the minimal image ?20:40
RafaelKalmi: it is ok if i open a private chat not to overload this irc and ask you a few more questions?, or if not on ubuntu pastebin..so you can give me some more direction?20:40
KalmiRafael, sure20:40
thokuwinterelf: no worries :)20:40
Louis_livingdaylight:  how's that working out for you?20:41
aboSamoorI hope that I can get your help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116888120:42
Nash_VCoolio1: no warnings and theme still doesnt work20:42
livingdaylightLouis_: trying to figure out how to fill out puTTy Configuration window20:42
Louis_livingdaylight:  just put in your hostname/ip and hit okay20:42
RHorselivingdaylight have you installed sshd on Ubuntu?20:43
VCoolio1Nash_: emerald manager also has nothing to say? Try another .emerald theme just for troubleshouting20:43
VCoolio1Nash_: what exactly did fusion-icon do? It removed your gtk window borders, thought a sec and then restored them?20:44
livingdaylightRHorse: yes20:44
Nash_VCoolio1: is exaclty what it did20:44
VCoolio1Nash_: don't know then, I have it the other way round; impossible to get gtk window borders but emerald runs fine. Has to do with compiz but no clue what it is. Try asking a specific question here, I'm out of options. Sorry20:46
Nash_Okay thanks for your help anyway20:46
RHorselivingdaylight putty's great. Also try winscp20:46
Louis_Nash_ what version of ubuntu are you running?20:46
livingdaylightRHorse: i've managed to connect to Ubuntu Desktop! but its all command line :/20:46
Louis_livingdaylight, I second RHorse's suggestion20:47
Louis_Nash_ I wonder if it's a bug then... I know the 9.04 development was rushed, and emerald doesnt have a particularly large share of users...20:47
RHorselivingdaylight winscp uses ssh and gives you split window fm20:47
livingdaylighthow do i copy and bring things over to laptop(xp) from ubuntu Desktop20:47
f4zzynobody can help me with my hdd? even gparted live does not start...20:47
Louis_livingdaylight:  winscp20:48
Nash_Louis_: What is most commonly used for window decoration then ?20:48
livingdaylightis winscp a gui frontend to putty?20:48
Louis_f4zzy:  what's your problem?20:48
VCoolio1Nash_: Louis_: I've emerald on Jaunty fine. It's a matter of what box to tick where to get it working20:48
Louis_Nash_ the default -- gtk/metacity20:48
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/20:48
RHorselivingdaylight a front end for cp, mv ...20:48
f4zzyLouis: i have a big problem: i think my hdd is dying, but before it goes to heaven i would try to recover some data. can someone help me? please :)20:49
Louis_VCoolio1:  then i take it back! lol20:49
RHorseor actually scp20:49
f4zzyi got i drdy error while booting20:49
Louis_f4zzy:  you're going to have to be more specific.  can you read/write to the disk?20:49
jessica_lillybazhang: may i pm you20:49
Louis_f4zzy:  pm me20:49
lacrymologyexcuse me, I'm trying to umount a hard drive and umount complains that it's busy. How can I find out what's blocking it?20:49
Nash_VCoolio1: It troubles me i cant see fusion-icon anywhere ?20:50
f4zzyno. ubuntu still tries to mount the hdd but it has this drdy error on a sector20:50
zxd_say the freetype , cairo , xft cleartype patches are applied by default on ubuntu correct?20:50
Louis_f4zzy:  have you tried dd_rescue?20:50
RHorselacrymology use fuser20:50
flintwingellacrymology: fuser20:50
mzzzxd_: "the" patches?20:51
geirhalacrymology: fuser -c /mount/point20:51
f4zzyi cannot login.. how could i intall it?20:51
mzzzxd_: oh, those. Sorry, don't know.20:51
thokuvideo editing software. Does anyone know of anything good?20:51
Louis_f4zzy:  is this your system drive?20:51
myk_robinsonI did a clean installation for my father yesterday, and set him up to allow remote session by turning on IP Passthrough on his Bellsouth POS router. I am unable to connect to him. He has remote conection set up properly and it is showing the external IP address, but Vinagre will not connect. Am i missing something? The IP address responds to ping requests20:51
f4zzyyes :(20:51
VCoolio1run it again, it's in the menu somewhere or use alt-F2, it doesn't show up by itself unless you put it in startup applications20:51
Louis_f4zzy:  use a livecd20:52
jessica_lillyFlannel: may i pm you ?20:52
f4zzylivecd do not go20:52
mzzmyk_robinson: I'd consider portscanning his system from yours, making sure the port you're connecting to shows up open20:52
docmurI just set up a Ubuntu NFS server but it's running mega mega slow < 16 kbps I used this link to help set it up20:52
Louis_f4zzy:  what?20:52
Nash_VCoolio1: I mean i dont see anything accept the border removing / resotring after i run it20:52
docmurI need it to crank way way higher though put out20:52
myk_robinsonmzz: thanks, I will do that now. just a sec20:52
lacrymologyfuser returns nothing20:53
f4zzyLouis_: live cd does not start because it tries to mount the hdd..20:53
livingdaylightRHorse: winscp 4.2.1 beta or winscp 2.1.9 ?20:53
lacrymologyand umount still complains20:53
f4zzyand it crashes20:53
flintwingelmyk_robinson: you would be safer running the remote desktop session over an ssh tunnel - I don't think RD sessions are encrypted20:53
VCoolio1Nash_: it's not supposed to do anything unless you tell it. it's just an easy way to change window decorator / window manager20:53
lacrymologylacrymology@tomas-laptop:~$ fuser -c /media/RODIMUS/20:53
lacrymologylacrymology@tomas-laptop:~$ sudo umount /media/RODIMUS/20:53
lacrymologyumount: /media/RODIMUS: device is busy20:53
lacrymologyumount: /media/RODIMUS: device is busy20:53
FloodBot1lacrymology: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
harpreet_docmur: you can simply change the speed20:53
geirhalacrymology: did you try with the -c option? fuser -c /mount/point20:53
Nash_VCoolio1: How do i tell it to use emerald ?20:53
Louis_f4zzy:  that's silly.  what livecd are you using?  You should be able to get a live environment.  you don't need to mount the drive for that20:53
* The_Toxic_Mite is back (gone 00:33:51)20:53
lacrymologygeirha: yes I did20:53
mzzmyk_robinson: not familiar with vinagre, but it's possible for the isp to block certain ports, it's of course possible the router's misbehaving, and it's possible the service isn't listening on his end. Running "netstat -tulp" on his end to make sure the service is listening doesn't hurt20:53
geirhalacrymology: Try with sudo20:54
Louis_f4zzy:  you're saying the livecd won't start at all?20:54
myk_robinsonflintwingel: you able to point me to info on doing that? Right now I got the port scan running20:54
VCoolio1Nash_: right click it and click the option emerald in window decorator tab20:54
mzz!away > The_Toxic_Mite20:54
ubottuThe_Toxic_Mite, please see my private message20:54
f4zzyi tryied the ubuntu 8.1020:54
mzzf4zzy: define "crashes"20:54
Nash_VCoolio1: Problem is there is nothing to right click20:54
RHorselivingdaylight either20:54
Louis_f4zzy:  did you get a live environment?20:54
scubidooany one can help me please i have this on syslog lirc_imon.c: send_packet: packet tx -3220:54
VCoolio1Nash_: you have a systray? No blue box icon?20:54
lacrymologygeirha: same result20:54
FernandoLBlacrymology: Perhaps you have a terminal "in" it, or a open folder in it.20:54
harpreet_docmur: i cant see your messages, please refer to me when you say anything20:54
Nash_VCoolio1: I geuss not :\20:55
flintwingelmyk_robinson: this article http://martybugs.net/smoothwall/puttyvnc.cgi should give you the basics20:55
docmurI just set up a Ubuntu NFS server but it's running mega mega slow < 16 kbps I used this link to help set it up20:55
harpreet_docmur: right click on the share and it will give you option for speed20:55
Nash_VCoolio1: I dont see anything/ wasnt in the add to panel options either20:55
myk_robinsonmzz: he has confirmed the service running, or at least the desktop connection app is running in the taskbar, is set to accept incoming connections, and I have password protected it with a password that even he doesnt know20:55
f4zzymzz: with crashes i mean that it do not anything... black screen with few words: "drdy error on sector ....."20:55
geirhalacrymology: Hm. That's odd.20:55
docmurthere is no speed options20:55
VCoolio1Nash_: Ubuntu right? Try to add system tray to panel, not sure what it's called. The icon is in there20:55
mzzf4zzy: huh, I don't understand why the livecd would do that20:55
Aliasai have interes in programmin...what should i learn ?20:55
myk_robinsonmzz: this port scan is still running! is this normal?20:55
lacrymologygeirha: it's an ntfs if that helps at all20:56
Louis_f4zzy:  see my PM20:56
mzzmyk_robinson: depends on how you're scanning. "nmap -A his.ip.here" shouldn't take all that long.20:56
harpreet_Aliasa: what kind of programming20:56
mzzmyk_robinson: add -v and you get progress updates)20:56
myk_robinsonmzz: using the portscan under Networking Tools built into gnome20:56
Robert__hello everyone.  could anyone tell me why in ubuntu there would be random color changes of the windows and random letters missing in the window names and the file names?20:56
harpreet_Aliasa: bluefish20:56
mzzmyk_robinson: I don't know what that runs, sorry.20:56
lacrymologygeirha: there's ntfs-3g running somewhere there20:56
Aliasawhat is bluefish20:56
myk_robinsonmzz: installing nmap now20:56
Nash_VCoolio1: I dont see anything in the add panel stuff that looks like a taskbar ? :\20:57
harpreet_Aliasa: blue fish is excellent utility for webpage designs20:57
lacrymologyoh well20:57
lacrymologyI'm gonna just power down20:57
flintwingelmyk_robinson: install zenmap as well... its a graphical interface to nmap20:57
mzzmyk_robinson: (nmap -A is a bit of a sledgehammer approach to this, don't run that against ips you aren't related to, people may get upset)20:57
lacrymologyI need to anyways20:57
Aliasai want to learn softewere programing20:57
geirhalacrymology: Might be fuser doesn't work properly with NTFS. Do you have any terminal windows open where you've cd'ed into that filesystem?20:57
VCoolio1Nash_: not taskbar (that is called window list), system tray, the thing normally on top right of screen with little icons like network on, email notifier and the like20:57
mzzmyk_robinson: very useful though, also shows roughly what's listening for services it knows about.20:57
lacrymologygeirha: no, not at all but it doesn't matter20:57
lacrymologyI learned a cool trick anyways =P20:58
lacrymology thanks all20:58
harpreet_Aliasa: please refer by name i cant look for your messages20:58
harpreet_Aliasa: c++20:58
myk_robinsonmzz: 20% done20:58
smilgyhey people20:58
WraithanHowdy, i am running andLinux which is based off of ubuntu(jaunty). I am trying to install rvxt-unicode with 256 colors at first it failed because I didn't have any source repos, now I have them and I get:20:58
WraithanE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)20:58
VCoolio1Nash_: fusion-icon is not an app with its own window, it's an icon on your panel and you only rightclick on it20:58
Nash_VCoolio1: I meant systray And i can find it anywhere20:58
sebsebsebsmilgy: hi20:58
smilgyiv a problem, only one device can play sound20:59
WraithanThe exact commandline I am running is sudo apt-get source rvxt-unicode20:59
smilgyat a time20:59
VCoolio1guys what is the systray appelt in gnome-panel called?20:59
Nash_VCoolio1: Ok then well i first have to find my system tray i geuss20:59
exodus_msIs it possible that changing my hostname in 9.04 would cause "locate" to require root privileges? --> `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': Permission denied20:59
sebsebsebWraithan: that thing hummm20:59
smilgyi tried using other drivers like alsa and pulse audio, but they dont work20:59
Paddy_EIREVCoolio1: quicksynergy20:59
myk_robinsonmzz: I think that even though the Belsouth DSL modem claims it is running in IP Passthrough mode, which basically forwards the external address internally like a DMZ, it must not be working right20:59
sebsebsebWraithan: there's another one that would probably be better, but both of those things aren't that good anyway20:59
VCoolio1Nash_: try to find that, quicksynergy20:59
Wraithansebsebseb: another one that would be better what?20:59
myk_robinsonmzz: I know that is not a very secure method, but this DSL modem sucks....21:00
sebsebsebWraithan: you would be better off running  Ubuntu inside a virtual machine, inside Windows,  or installing for real with real partitions :)21:00
mzzmyk_robinson: either that or the isp is blocking a wide range of incoming ports for some reason.21:00
myk_robinsonmzz: Its the best I could do21:00
Wraithansebsebseb: not an option.21:00
mzzmyk_robinson: yeah, configuring those is not fun.21:00
Paddy_EIREVCoolio1: its under Applications > Accessories21:00
deanyAnyone else having brasero reporting wrong write speed (0.3x is wrong, i should be 4x and its taken the time 4x would.)  I dont know anyone who says brasero works properly.21:00
sebsebsebWraithan: there's one that is specifically made for Ubuntu,  based on the one you were using21:00
mzzmyk_robinson: anyway, if your nmap results don't match his netstat -tulp results for listening ports either the router or the isp is probably blocking ports.21:00
myk_robinsonmzz: 56.50% done21:00
Wraithansebsebseb: 'sides given the choice I wouldn't be running ubuntu. but that is what andLinux is based off of and it is the only software of it's kind currently21:01
sebsebsebWraithan: do a virtual machine :)  ,because we aren't really meant to support andlinux  or  portable  Ubuntu or colinux  here,  and  a virtual machine would be much better :)21:01
Nash_VCoolio1: Ill try21:01
VCoolio1Nash_: stop, it's notification area, add that21:01
sebsebsebWraithan: and portable Ubuntu is based on andlinux.21:01
Nash_VCoolio1: Ok!21:01
sebsebsebWraithan: and   andlinux is based on CoLinux21:01
myk_robinsonmzz: Using the built in remote desktop in gnome, provided ports are properly forwarded, I would assume it just works, right? Is there anything like "logmein" for Linux to where the router/port issue is no longer a problem?21:01
myk_robinsonsudo aptitude install zenmap21:01
myk_robinsonsorry, meant to type that in my terminal21:01
Nash_VCoolio1: Could it be Indicator Applet ?21:01
sebsebsebWraithan: what are you using it for?21:01
VCoolio1Nash_: no, that's your keyboard map21:02
mzz!firewall | myk_robinson21:02
ubottumyk_robinson: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist21:02
Wraithansebsebseb: Ok, disregard what I said about it being andLinux as this is a problem trying to use the apt-get with ubuntu repos, not andLinux21:02
mzzmyk_robinson: so unless you actually set up that firewall it should just work.21:02
Nash_VCoolio1: Found it !21:02
myk_robinsonmzz: no firewall enabled, just relying on the router, which is ironic, because it is21:02
myk_robinson"supposedly" in DMZ mode21:02
sebsebsebWraithan: well apt-get  is only really meant to be used with real proper Linux distros :)  and  andlinux is not a proper Linux distro, far from it in fact21:03
VCoolio1Nash_: right, no look for the blue icon, hope it's there21:03
mzzmyk_robinson: yeah, obviously if it actually *is* in DMZ mode this should just work...21:03
Nash_VCoolio1: Got it, works now Thanks a bunch21:03
Nash_VCoolio1: Got my emerald theme working21:03
VCoolio1Nash_: way to go landgenoot21:03
Wraithansebsebseb: It is so I can use my linux tools unobtrustively on my gaming machine. a VM is obtrustive21:03
sebsebsebWraithan: how about Cygwin?21:03
myk_robinsonmzz: the nmap results are showing my port 5900 as "filtered", what does this mean?21:03
sebsebsebWraithan: and which tools?21:03
mzzmyk_robinson: err, lemme refresh my memory21:03
Nash_VCoolio1: Haha bedankt :p21:04
myk_robinsonsomewhere between open and closed, i guess21:04
lstarnesmyk_robinson: I think it means that they aren't returning an RST (closed) or a SYN/ACK (opened)21:04
mzzmyk_robinson: according to the documentation: some network obstacle is blocking it (may be open on the system itself, but something like a firewall in between blocks it)21:04
mzzmyk_robinson: what lstarnes said, most likely.21:04
Wraithansebsebseb: cygwin is not an option they wont compile on it, the tools range from standard linux tools to weechat to mocp to whatever else I like to run from linux21:05
myk_robinsonmzz: thank you very much, looks like it is an issue within the DSL modem then21:05
livingdaylightLouis_ | RHorse thx... i can access my Ubuntu Desktop now and transfer files over21:05
Louis_livingdaylight:  sweet. enjoy!21:05
Wraithansebsebseb: So as I said, how wold you trouble shoot this supposing it is a full ubuntu install instead of trying to fix non-existant problems.21:05
mzzmyk_robinson: either that or the isp, although I'm not sure if many of them block 5900 explicitly21:05
mzzmyk_robinson: could try to run the service on a different port, just in case.21:05
sebsebsebWraithan: why on a gaming machine?  isn't a gaming machine only meant to be used for gaming really?21:05
sebsebsebWraithan: andlinux is like Wine,  just the other way round, for letting Linux apps run on Windows21:06
Wraithansebsebseb: fucking never mind dude, you are useless21:06
sebsebsebWraithan: wrong21:06
LjL!attitude | Wraithan21:06
ubottuWraithan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:06
LjL!language | Wraithan21:06
ubottuWraithan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:06
myk_robinsonmzz: fun part, I need to make another trip to Selmer (1 hour away) to configure the router with the help of  Bellsouth.. nmap reports 994 closed ports and 6 filtered21:06
WraithanAnyone else have an idea of how to troubleshoot the following error:21:06
WraithanE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)21:06
sebsebsebWraithan: as I already said not really meant to support andlinux here,  and andlinux isn't exactly a very good program anyway21:07
WraithanI am trying to pull down the rvxt-unicode source from the repos using the command apt-get source rvxt-unicode so I can build it with 256 color21:07
sebsebsebLjL: thanks :)21:07
smilgyim on ubuntu 9.04, and i cant play sound on two devices at the same time21:07
myk_robinsonmzz: methinks I will have the same trouble regarless of the port. This used to work, but those DSL modems are very flaky. Think I need to get Bellsouth to send him a better one that has port forwarding capablilty like a "normal" router21:07
smilgycan anyone help me ?21:07
Louis_Wraithan:  sounds like the file or directory doesn't exist.  Make sre the volume is mounted and check for typos?21:07
=== radek is now known as Guest41753
mzzmyk_robinson: there are ways to set up the connection the other way around, but I have no firsthand experience with them.21:07
WraithanLouis_: what is that file supposed to be, as I googled it and found no results.21:07
sebsebsebLjL: where  to send them when they are using unoffical stuff such as andlinux, which is based on Ubuntu?21:08
Louis_Wraithan:  I have no idea what you're trying to do...  i thought you were just trying to access a file that you knew was on your drive21:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:08
LjLsebsebseb: /cs info #andlinux tells me there is a channel on this network, but /who #andlinux seems to say there is nobody on it, so i don't know.21:08
jaeksomething went wrong with my apt-get upgrade... the first error message i see is: /usr/share/gconf/schemas/battstat.schemas:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found21:09
sebsebsebWraithan: asking your andlinux question here,  is  like asking a Windows user how to get some not that popular,  Microsoft program working in Wine21:09
jaekhow do you fix this?21:09
WraithanLjL: Aye, already checked, there is no channel for this, and as it has more to do with the ubuntu side of things rather than the colinux side of things I choose to come here21:09
sebsebsebWraithan: I say program, since there aren't proper repos for WIndows programs.21:10
Wraithansebsebseb: asking about using a tool that is rather central to ubuntu usage seems to be in scope of this channel especially when trying to pull from the real ubuntu repos21:10
harpreet_jaek: check you /etc/apt/source.list21:10
=== cellist is now known as samferry
Louis_I smell a kick coming...21:10
WraithanAnyone anyone have any clue as to what that file is "/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_main_source_Sources"21:10
sebsebsebLouis_: why?21:10
harpreet_jaek: check your* /etc/apt/source.list21:11
WraithanLouis_: a kick for what?21:11
LjLWraithan: i'm sorry if there is no support channel for the product, but you really can't expect it to be supported here, either - your problem may have to do with the "ubuntu side of things" but there's little way people here could know. it's the same reason why derivatives like Mint are not supported.21:11
Louis_sebsebseb:  i'm just tooling around =)21:11
jaekharpreet_, for what exactly...?21:11
Louis_Wraithan:  what app are you even trying to install?21:11
harpreet_jaek: there is some broken link that is blocking you to update21:11
jaekno. it is failing WHILE trying to complete the upgrade of gnome-applets-data21:11
sebsebsebWraithan: you could try getting help in the general Linux channel ##linux21:12
jaekhere... i'll post the full output21:12
harpreet_jaek: or you can go to software sources gui and uncheck some of the proposed or your added installations for it to work21:12
WraithanLouis_: I want to build rxvt-unicode from source to add in the 256 color support, as I SSH in from my arch install to manage things like my music player and have to change my term info so that the session doesn't try to use 256 colors21:12
Wraithansebsebseb: It seems someone would havee some clue what this ubuntu file would do on a ubuntu system, but I guess I learned my lesson saying that I am running andLinux, would have been better off just saying it is jaunty with a custom kernel (as that is what it actually is)21:13
LjLwe don't really support running a custom kernel, either21:13
Wraithanoh, and custom X server21:13
mrwesWraithan, d00d, your drowning21:14
sebsebsebWraithan: yep and don't support doing custom x server either21:14
exodus_msI changed my Hostname on my 9.04 laptop, after rebooting and logging in the Hostname was successfully changed but using "locate" now requires root privileges? Would it be safe to apply this     sudo usermod -a -G mlocate $USER21:14
WraithanLjL: good, does my kernel havee anything to do with trying to pull the source of a package via apt-get from the ubuntu jaunty repos?21:14
Wraithanor does my verison of X have anything to do with that21:14
sebsebsebWraithan: andlinux uses colinux which is a port of the Linux kernel  to Windows21:14
sebsebsebWraithan: the rest of andlinux is like Wine,  except it's for running Linux apps21:14
sebsebsebI tried it breifly before, I think they also have a forum21:14
Paddy_EIREsebsebseb: is that anything like colinux?21:15
WraithanSeems you folks are being rather obtuse, for no good reason, rather than just ignoring me as you have no idea how to help me with this, even if I were running an ubuntu system21:15
sebsebsebPaddy_EIRE: andlinux uses CoLinux21:15
LjLPaddy_EIRE: it is colinux21:15
Paddy_EIRE!patience | Wraithan21:15
ubottuWraithan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:15
gartralis there anyway to clear the buffer of HID controlls?21:15
Paddy_EIRELjL: ah I see21:15
exodus_msWraithan, what is the problem you are trying to solve?21:15
=== samferry is now known as cellist
sebsebsebWraithan: I suggest trying portable Ubuntu in your situation, since that will probably be better than running andlinux in your case21:16
sebsebsebWraithan: it's based on Ubuntu 8.04 the current version21:16
LjL!derivatives | Wraithan, help is a privilege not a right, especially if you're asking for help for something offtopic21:16
ubottuWraithan, help is a privilege not a right, especially if you're asking for help for something offtopic: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)21:16
Louis_Wraithan:  dude computers are frustrating but don't take it out on us.  You're kind of being an ass.21:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:16
gartraleh, i fixed it21:17
Louis_Is it possible to do an in place upgrade from ext3 to ext4 on an lvm?21:17
exodus_msSo, is there any reason why I should not do this  sudo usermod -a -G mlocate $USER  to workaround "locate" requiring root privs21:17
jaekok, here is what my apt-get upgrade log looks like: http://pastebin.com/m6884223f21:17
sebsebsebLjL: yeah all this  unoffical stuff based on Ubuntu, can just confuse things,  and make getting support  harder for people.   As a result I would always recommend the offical Ubuntu version, over anything that was based on it.21:17
WraithanPaddy_EIRE: I get that they obviously have no clue has to how to help me, I don't mind if they were to completely ignore me, but instead picking a fight as to where the support for using apt-get with ubuntu repos lies seems like they are purposely keeping me from getting an answer by derailing any chance of a true discussion of the problem I am encountering21:18
Paddy_EIREoh dear21:18
sebsebsebWraithan: no that varies  by distro how they do repos21:18
Paddy_EIREWraithan: you really are going the wrong way about this and need to learn to _listen_21:18
Louis_oh man... sorry for showing interest21:18
LjLWraithan, this channel is not "any OS you download stuff from the ubuntu repositories on".21:18
LjLit's about UBUNTU21:18
WraithanI chill in archlinux all day, a question comes up about somethiing I don't know, I either help look up an answer or ignore the question21:18
=== Wraithan is now known as ubuntuUser
LjLand we have every right to ask you to take discussion of other systems SOMEWHERE ELSE21:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:19
diawhy ubuntu cancel my volume s permission modification at each reboot? how do i remove that ? anyone know ? thx!21:19
psycoborgdoes linux need to be defragmented?21:19
sebsebseb!defrag | psycoborg21:19
ubottupsycoborg: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.21:19
Paddy_EIREpsycoborg: short answer is no21:19
LjLpsycoborg: linux is not a filesystem, so no21:19
Louis_psycoborg: it depends on the filesystem, but the answer is generally no21:19
logankoesteroh man, what's going on in here21:19
mzzpsycoborg: recommend you keep your filesystem from filling up completely to aid those builtin mechanisms21:19
Louis_LjL:  lol, so harsh =)21:19
sebsebsebLjL: heh heh :)  he obviosuly meant distro, but anyway21:19
kitchedia: it should keep them unless your using alsa then you would need to do alsactl store21:19
ubuntuUserHi, I am using ubuntu jaunty and when I try to do the command sudo apt-get source rxvt-unicode I get the following error : E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory), does anyone know what this file is to help me troubleshoot this issue?21:20
Louis_... really?21:20
JurenI am here to ask the question, why is there no simple utility to do the equivalent of the DOS command "DEL /S *.TXT"  I hate having to prove how geeky I can be every time I want to do such a simple task.21:20
rezkeri got a question: how can i put "my computer" and other icons on desktop? Ubuntu 9.0421:20
kenyonJuren: man rm21:20
logankoesterJuren: what does /S do?21:20
Louis_rezker:  I usually use ubuntutweak to do it21:20
=== cellist is now known as ircd
LjLubuntuUser: who the heck do you think you're fooling (or whatever) with the nick change?21:21
Jurenrecurses through subdirectorys21:21
Jurenand rm -R or rm -r will NOT so the same21:21
diakitche, the alsa audio driver ? what it has to do with volume... anyway ! thx!21:21
Louis_LjL:  I'm about to break a big rule and drop a "GTFO"21:21
kitcheJuren: um rm -r21:21
logankoesterJuren: Yes it will21:21
LjLubuntuUser: on a REAL ubuntu system, that error WOULD NOT EXIST because the APT directories would be set up correctly in the first place.21:21
mzzJuren: probably some variation on "find -name '*.txt' -print0|xargs -0 rm" (don't just run that, sanitycheck first)21:21
ubuntuUserLjL: Didnt thing I am fooling anyone, just want to see if I could get an answer to the question21:21
sebsebsebLjL: I was thinking something like that as well regarding the knick change21:21
LjLubuntuUser: so, please, cease, desist, or bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic21:21
Louis_ie GTFO21:21
kitchedia: what alsa is not an audio driver it's a sound system which your question is asking about you did not say if your using pulseaudio, alsa, or the other 10 sound systems out there21:21
mzzJuren: I'm pretty sure variations involving rm -r will not work, because rm does not expand the glob.21:21
LjL!gtfo | Louis_21:21
ubottuLouis_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:21
Seeker`Louis_: watch your language21:22
JurenTry to delete all files with one extension from many directorys using only rm -r and you will find that it will not work21:22
Louis_totally worth it...21:22
logankoesterJuren: You can use "rm -r */*.txt" and such if you know the depth level21:22
Louis_Does anybody know if it's possible to do an in-place upgrade of an ext3 filesystem to ext4 on an lvm?21:22
logankoesterJuren: Otherwise I believe you will need a loop21:22
=== ubuntuUser is now known as Wraithan
Paddy_EIRELouis_: I dont believe so21:22
mzzJuren: the glob (*.txt) is expanded by the shell (relatively to the current directory) before rm runs it. So unless you have a shell that has a syntax for recursive globbing you need something like that find command.21:22
babyjuanyone have problems playing retail dvds in Jaunty after install? I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but "An error occurred. Could not open location. You may not have permission""21:22
mzzJuren: in zsh "rm **/*.txt" would work, for example.21:23
diakitche, i use HDA ATI SB (Alsa mixer)21:23
JurenWas hoping someone would know another utility to do it with.  Command expansions and pipes should be unnessesary.  This seems to be one area where ubuntu is making DOS look better.21:23
Kalmibabyju, yes :)21:23
Louis_babyju:  what media player are you using?21:23
sebsebsebbabyju: to play commerical  DVD's you need libdvdcss2/3 instealled, but your issue sounded  like some odd file permissions issuse21:23
mzzJuren: no, rm simply will not expand globs. You need to use find, or you need to use a shell with fancy enough glob syntax to handle this case. I don't know if bash has glob syntax for this.21:23
kenyonJuren: no, doing that like would not make sense21:23
Louis_sebsebseb:  does ubuntu-restricted-extras include the stuff you get from medibuntu?21:23
LjLJuren: what are you trying to do, again?21:24
Paddy_EIRELouis_: no21:24
Paddy_EIRE!medibuntu | Louis_21:24
ubottuLouis_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:24
Louis_Paddy_EIRE:  maybe that's his problem?21:24
sebsebsebLouis_: not the DVD support21:24
mzzJuren: (there are upsides and downsides to this, but glob expansion is simply not done by most utilities, left to the shell and specific ones like find)21:24
=== marius is now known as Guest67046
babyjuI am using the dvdplayer that comes installed with Jaunty. Open movie player21:24
Louis_sebsebseb:  sorry?21:24
Guest67046can somebody please help me with ekiga?21:24
arber4444hey im new21:24
diakitche, i ve confugured fstab and set permission on /dev/sda4 and /media/sda421:24
arber4444im new21:24
geirhaJuren: find -name "*.foo" -delete21:24
ubottuGuest67046: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:24
kitchedia: well then you need to use the command I gave you hence why I anwsered it21:24
sebsebsebLouis_: commercial DVD support you have to get from midibuntu  or  a commerical DVD player app for Linux21:24
KalmiJuren: you don't need a loop. You can use find: find /hom/kalmi/ -type f -name "*.done" -exec rm -f {} \;21:24
kitchedia: alsactl will store your mixer levels21:24
mzzgeirha: heh, didn't know about that one, thanks21:25
JurenSo I guess I'm stuck doing something ugly like piping ls to grep to rm.  Such an ugly solution to such a stupidly simple task21:25
Louis_sebsebseb:  then maybe that's why he's having issues with commerical dvds...  babyju:  did you instal the medibuntu stuff?21:25
jaekcan anyone give me a hand fixing my apt? http://pastebin.com/m6884223f21:25
ArtykSalut tous le monde21:25
mzzJuren: no, use find. Or use a shell that can do those globs.21:25
ubottuArtyk: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:25
LjLJuren: am i mistaken, or were you just given a solution using "find"?21:25
babyjuNo I did not install medibuntu...will try that now21:25
mzzJuren: ls to grep to rm is extremely clunky. Use find.21:25
gordonjcpJuren: how did you expect to do it?21:25
Louis_babyju:  medibuntu is a repository, not an app.  bear that in mind =)21:25
mzzLjL: repeatedly :)21:26
gordonjcpJuren: learn how to use find21:26
Jurenlike MS-DOS.  Never thought I'd miss it.  Funny how Unix can't simply do what Billy Gates was doing 20 years ago21:26
diakitche, `store` option so ?21:26
Paddy_EIREJuren: stop being a troll21:26
gordonjcpJuren: Unix isn't MS-DOS21:26
LjLJuren: ok, you're trolling. stop. now.21:26
MasterVipI from Argentina21:26
Louis_Juren:  ooh... flame-bait deteted....21:26
* Gnea didn't know there was a -delete argument to find21:26
LjLyou were given a working solution using "find". use it.21:26
sebsebseb!es | MasterVip21:26
ubottuMasterVip: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:26
babyjuThanks Louis_21:26
Louis_babyju:  no problem. good luck21:26
sebsebsebMasterVip: no problem21:27
Guest67046i bought credit from Diamondcards and i don't know where to enter pin code username and password in order to be able to make pc to phone calls21:27
Guest63230hello :)21:27
sebsebsebMasterVip: if your English is good enough though, feel free to use this channel21:27
logankoesterwow, find is neat... I've always just dropped to a ruby or python shell for that kind of thing21:27
kitchedia: what's so hard to understand about the command I gave you man alsactl if you want to know what alsactl is21:27
logankoestertime to read some man pages :)21:27
MasterVipxDD ok21:27
=== Guest63230 is now known as Devalion
MasterVipbye (Y)21:27
=== Devalion is now known as Kruger
FloridaGuywhy would ubuntu be recomending the nvidia from the nvidia web site....    http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty#Install_Latest_Nvidia.2FATI_drivers21:28
Louis_is there a command to calculate the size of a directory (and all it's subdirectories?21:28
sebsebsebFloridaGuy: good question21:28
phlexonanceWhere can I get libpython2.4.so.1.0 ?21:28
mzzlogankoester: writing find commands is verbose (but writing whole scripts for the equivalent much more so)21:28
LjLFloridaGuy: it doesn't. ubuntuguide.org is not official21:28
LjLits use is not encouraged here.21:28
harpreet_FloridaGuy: because nvidia works perfectly fine and its slick21:28
sebsebsebFloridaGuy: well looks like you just gave me another example of that site having bad info21:28
libtechhow can i open mailto: links with thunderbird?21:29
mzzlogankoester: I don't know about bash, but a bunch of shells have extended glob syntax you may or may not prefer over "find" for relatively simple cases.21:29
Guest67046i bought credit from Diamondcards and i don't know where to enter pin code username and password in order to be able to make pc to phone calls. Help please21:29
LjL!pm | Kruger21:29
ubottuKruger: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:29
=== AIX53L is now known as Crotts
fornixis there any application where i can check whether my new hp laptop webcam works?21:29
Louis_Guest67046:  are you sure this is an ubuntu issue?21:29
LjLLouis_: "du"21:29
sebsebsebLjL: it's a goo site, but contains a bit of bad info yeah21:29
sebsebsebgood site above21:29
logankoestermzz: Not really, for example one line of ruby can do what Juren wanted to do and it reads like english21:29
Krugeroh cool I can ask right in here?21:29
FloridaGuyi just installed the nvidia 180 from ubuntu....whats the command to configure the xorg21:29
Louis_LjL:  du /path/to/crap?21:29
mzzlogankoester: what's the line (just curious)?21:29
LjLKruger: it's a support channel, so what do you think it's for?21:29
NavY-Sealhi guys ... is it posible that two videocards conflict with eachother during hardware load since i have a intel on bord and a ati 9250 pci card21:29
logankoestermzz: just a sec on that ;) not sober21:30
mzzLouis_: you may need du -s or du -sh /path/to/crap. Try variations.21:30
Guest67046Louis_: I'm using ekiga on ubuntu21:30
Paddy_EIRELjL: your head must be fried :-) I'll put the kettle on21:30
mzzlogankoester: no worries, just curious since I don't really speak ruby21:30
Louis_mzz:  gotcha21:30
KrugerI've been trying to set up my wireless internet with Ubuntu 9.04.  I've installed ndiswrapper and what I believe is the correct driver and I'm not really sure where to go from there21:30
mzzLouis_: "du -max|sort -n|tail -n100" is one command I run pretty frequently21:31
GneaLjL: it seems rather counterproductive to not encourage a site with such a name. many of the solutions I've found there have worked. the problem seems to be that many of them are not always upgraded or are tailored for certain situations.  people, instead, make more changes and corrections to ubuntuforums.org and the changes hardly ever make it to ubuntuguide.org.21:31
Krugerwhen I click on the network icon the area that says "Wireless Networks" underneath it it says "Device not ready"21:31
Krugerand its all greyed out21:31
Paddy_EIREKruger: can you link me to the instructions you used and tell me which wireless chipset you are using?21:32
tanveerhow do i make short cuts, plz simple words#21:32
sebsebsebGnea: it's a good site, but contains some info that is not encouraged here21:32
LjLGnea: what are you talking about? we have our official wiki at http://help.ubuntu.com/community. ubuntuguide used to recommend awful stuff such as Automatix. it's not counter-productive to avoid it.21:32
KrugerPaddy: sure. one moment pls.21:32
diakitche, didn work with `sudo alsactl store` ...21:32
Louis_mzz:  I'm assuming the output is in megabytes?21:32
RHorsedia need to specify a file I believe21:33
GneaLjL: yeah, it does have theat wikipedia-ness to it21:33
Gneasebsebseb: perhaps it's time that something was done about it21:33
amseidlerWhen I start my computer it gives me Error 22: No GRUB. How do I fix this?21:33
tanveerhlow do i make shortscuts to deirectories?21:33
LjLGnea, sebsebseb: instead, perhaps it was time people edited the *official* ubuntu wiki (in a sane fashion) rather than making third-party wikis?21:34
phlexonanceWhere can I get libpython2.4.so.1.0 ?21:34
geirhaLouis_: No, the -m option to du displays the output in Mebibytes21:34
amseidlerWhen I start my computer it gives me Error 22: No GRUB. How do I fix this?21:34
GneaLjL: or just merge the contents, buy the ubuntuguide.org site, and make it work the way that it should?21:34
sebsebsebGnea: about what?   the unoffical site?   contact them and  suggest removing the bad info?  is that what you meant?21:34
Gneasebsebseb: no need there, really... anyone can register, make an account, and change it21:34
amseidlerSomeone please help me. I can't get into my computer. When I start my computer it gives me Error 22: No GRUB. How do I fix this?21:35
leafwis there an eee ubuntu channel?21:35
sebsebsebGnea: true with the domain name they have, would be much better if it was an offical site21:35
harpreet_amseidler: reinstall grub21:35
logankoestermzz: Dir['**/*.txt'].each { |f| File.delete f }21:35
harpreet_amseidler: what did you do ? tried installing windows or what?21:35
tanveerhow do i make shortcuts21:35
LjLleafw: #ubuntu-eeepc21:35
harpreet_tanveer: what shortcuts?21:35
logankoestertook me a second to setup a directory I could test that in hehe :)21:35
kenyontanveer: man ln21:35
leafwamseidler: insert your live CD, back up your drives and then proceed to reinstall grub into your drives ... don't remember how exactly21:35
Gneasebsebseb, LjL: the name itself tends to lead many to believe that it is official. kind of like whitehouse.gov21:35
leafwLjL: thanks21:35
amseidlerharpreet_: I made a new partition w/ gparted, and then used LVPM to switch over Ubuntu to the new partition21:35
Krugerwhat' sthe command to see your wireless card21:35
amseidlerharpreet_: Can you help?21:36
sebsebsebtanveer: right cick on the desktop add luncher.  right click on the menu as well21:36
babyjuThanks everybody that was easy...went to medibuntu installed the packages and I can now watch DVD's....WOW21:36
mzzlogankoester: ah, it has extended globs..21:36
LjLGnea: that's hardly anyone's fault (except perhaps the fault of those who made it).21:36
Paddy_EIRE!grub | amseidler21:36
MetaMorfoziShi all, how can i render a subtitle file to a video?21:36
ubottuamseidler: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:36
harpreet_amseidler: look up suggestion by leafw21:36
sebsebsebtanveer: they are called launchers here21:36
geirhaKruger: iwconfig21:36
LjLGnea: although i'd say it's pretty obvious that anything at ubuntu.com is more official.21:36
tanveersebsebseb:i dont understand21:36
GneaLjL: I'm not so much trying to point fingers at people, just trying to help identify possible solutions :)21:36
hellhoundi am running ubuntu 9.04 on a nforce 750a SLI motherboard using the built-in graphics card (registers as GeForce 8200) and I think I have the wrong driver for it.  I am using the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver 173 and my problem is that text renders badly (lines are all chopped up and need to be constantly redrawn) but flash videos load fine in full screen.  I tried the 180 version and the text looks fine but I cannot do full scree21:37
hellhoundn in flash video... after some research it looks like 177.80 is what i need but i do not have this on the hardware drivers list... can anyone help me find how to install this?21:37
sebsebsebtanveer: you want to create a program shortcut?21:37
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I did not install windows21:37
tanveera short cut to a psp folder21:37
GneaLjL: censorship tends to lend a weak hand21:37
Paddy_EIREamseidler: what did you do to loose grub?21:37
sebsebsebtanveer: psp  ???21:37
geirhatanveer: in the places menu?21:37
tanveeryh a shortcut to a directory21:37
sebsebsebtanveer: right click on the desktop and add a luncher or somethign21:37
logankoestermzz: Yes, and better... check out http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Dir.html#M00234721:37
tanveerwhat comand and21:38
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I made a new partition w/ gparted, and then used LVPM to switch Ubuntu over to the new partition21:38
LjLGnea: i am only interested in IRC personally. so feel free to try and fix things, but, *on IRC*, please only recommend the supported sources in this channel - that's all21:38
Paddy_EIREtanveer: right click the item you want a shortcut to and click "create shortcut" then put that where you want21:38
fornixhas anyone managed to configure a program which can make use of the fingerprint scan provided by hp laptop?21:38
Paddy_EIREamseidler: ah I see21:38
tanveeri want a deirectory it only says app and app termianl and term,inal21:38
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Is there a fix?21:38
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Or anyway to recover?21:38
Krugerok the instructions I followed were from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0Ist9aEKEg    and my wireless card is Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN21:38
geirhatanveer: If you drag a file/folder with the middle mouse-button, you wil be asked whether you want to copy, move or create shortcut21:38
tanveerit says loaction21:38
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I have 6 years of work on my computer that I can't lose21:38
sebsebsebtanveer: yeah adding shortcuts/launchers for stuff,  that's something Windows does better,  it's a little confussing with Gnome,  maybe not so bad with KDE, but probably similar21:39
tanveergierha: the scrolling thing/?21:39
Paddy_EIREamseidler: well if you know what the drive location is of your ubuntu partition that would be a start21:39
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I used Wubi to install, so it's on the windows partition.21:39
sebsebsebtanveer: where is your PSP folder?21:39
GneaLjL: sounds good to me21:40
geirhatanveer: Yeah, clicking the scroll wheel is clicking the middle mouse button21:40
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Ubuntu doesn't have its own partition.21:40
mzzlogankoester: looks like bash can do "rm **/*.txt" if you have the "globstar" option set, and shells like zsh can do even fancier globs, replacing many find invocations, just not as easy to remember.21:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about launcher21:40
Krugerwhen I click on the network icon the area that says "Wireless Networks" underneath it it says "Device not ready"   I've installed ndiswrapper and my driver. I ran a check to see if it was installed and it said it was21:40
logankoestermzz: bash can do that? sweet! I had no idea21:40
LjLmzz: that seems a bit like playing with fire to me, tbh21:40
Paddy_EIREamseidler: well lvm and wubi are not really my areas of expertise so I would suggest booting from a live cd and backing up your stuff21:41
zaxecivobunycan someone help me?21:41
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: And then what?21:41
Seeker`!ask | zaxecivobuny21:41
ubottuzaxecivobuny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:41
sebsebsebamseidler: yeah get rid of Wubi!21:41
Paddy_EIREamseidler: then reinstall ubuntu if you please21:41
sebsebsebamseidler: weird bad things can happen with Wubi sometimes21:41
diakitche, http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Using_alsactl_to_preserve_volume_state     is that what the problem is ?21:41
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Where are all my files located?21:41
sebsebsebamseidler: it's also better to use real hard disk partitions :)21:42
amseidlersebsebseb: I know21:42
Paddy_EIREamseidler: they should show up under the places menu21:42
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I can't get in to ubuntu!21:42
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I'm completely locked out21:42
kitchedia: correct if your using alsa which ubuntu doesn't by default21:42
zaxecivobunyI am having trouble with 9.04 and would like to downgrade to 8.10. i have created an 8.10 cd but would like to keep my settings and dled programs if possible. What directories do i need to back up in order to do this21:42
Paddy_EIREamseidler: that is why I suggested booting from a live cd21:42
Gneaamseidler: at what point are you locked out?21:42
mzzLjL: well, you don't have to feed it to "rm" the first time. You can feed it to "echo" or the like.21:42
KrugerCan some one please help me connect to my wireless network?  I just installed Ubuntu and it cannot detect my wireless card.  The wireless card does work when I boot into windows, however. So I know its not a hardware problem.  I'm using Ubuntu 9.04.  Thanks21:43
sebsebseb!downgrade | zaxecivobuny21:43
amseidlerGnea: Right after the HP splash screen21:43
ubottuzaxecivobuny: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.21:43
LjLmzz: true...21:43
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: what's up with 9.04?21:43
mzzLjL: I do that a lot to sanitycheck things like automatic renames involving sed21:43
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I'm on my live CD right now.21:43
Gneaamseidler: okay, so is it POST that's bombing or the MBR?21:43
Paddy_EIREKruger: does your laptop have a switch to turn on the wireless or a key combination like "fn + f9" or something21:43
diakitche, ok. a noob question, is `snd-driver-name` has to be replace by something ?21:43
amseidlerGnea: You lost me21:43
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: all you need to really backup is your data, and  relivant .folders from home for example you might want to continue using the same Firefox profile so you backup  .mozilla21:43
Paddy_EIREamseidler: look under the places menu for drives21:43
Polux_Is it possible to save a .iso file of a protected DVD ?21:44
KrugerPaddy: its my desktop, and no I do not think so.  I've never used it while using it in windows for the last 3 years anyway21:44
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: you didn't have to pm that, and yes video cards can cause problems.  is it Intel?21:44
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Where is places located at?21:44
zaxecivobunyi believe so21:44
kitchedia: should jsut be alsactl store21:44
Paddy_EIREamseidler: top of the screen beside Applications21:44
Gneaamseidler: well, the HP screen is considered P.O.S.T. (Power-On Self-Test) that occurs before the operating system boots, which requires a bootloader in the MBR (Master Boot Record) of the hard drive in order to occur.21:44
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: if so that would explain it, because there are issues with Intel ones in 9.0421:44
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: as the release notes mention21:44
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes21:44
geirhamzz: I used to rename files with sed ... until I learnt of the rename command. man rename, you won't regret it.21:44
zaxecivobunyi know21:44
diakitche, that didn work21:44
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: For the second time, I am locked out of Ubuntu21:45
zaxecivobunyit warned me when i upgraded, i didn't know how big a problem it would be21:45
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I can't get in.21:45
KrugerPaddy: Wireless Networks list is greyed out in my network connection and it says "Device not Ready"21:45
mzzgeirha: know it exists, rarely use it.21:45
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: I see21:45
zaxecivobunywhat do you recommend?21:45
Gneaamseidler: so, my question to you is this: do you ever get a menu or GRUB error or NTLOADER error or is there some other sort of error?21:45
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: yep good idea to go back to 8.10,  but you need to clean install relaly21:45
Paddy_EIREamseidler: I thought you said you where running from a live cd21:45
amseidlerGnea: It just tells me it tries to load grub, and then gives me error 2221:45
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Yes, Parted Magic21:45
zaxecivobunydoes that mean doing some kind of wipe?21:45
Paddy_EIREamseidler: are you even listening21:45
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: have you data backed up and any relivant .folders as I already said, for example .mozilla for the Firefox profile21:45
Gneaamseidler: okay, that's better than saying "I'm locked out" :) one moment...21:45
Paddy_EIREamseidler: use a ubuntu live cd21:45
zaxecivobunyno, i haven't21:46
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: yes it means doing a wipe21:46
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: Don't haveone21:46
amseidlerGnea: Alright21:46
Paddy_EIREamseidler: then download one21:46
diakitche. i get it. thx ! ++21:46
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I don't have 2 hours to be wasting right now.21:46
logankoesterI do21:46
zaxecivobunyshould i just copy /home onto my external hard drive?21:46
KrugerI have all day for some one to help me21:46
Paddy_EIREamseidler: well if you are unwilling to help yourself or have a bit of patience I am done21:46
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: could do yeah, but you don't need everything that is in home21:46
KrugerI've been working on this all weekend lol21:46
Krugerthere are so many different answered online regarding wireless and Ubuntu21:47
henuxon ubuntu, where are the keyboard layout files located and how would go on creating my own custom layout?21:47
geirhamzz: you use loops with sed instead?21:47
zaxecivobunyI have a few things in /home/username/documents, pictures, desktop, etc21:47
KrugerI don't even know if I need ndiswrapper or if its even a driver problem21:47
sebsebsebhenux: don't know, but I know how to add the keyboard language changer to the panel.  by right clicking on panel and adding it21:47
mzzgeirha: yep. More typing, I must admit.21:47
Gneaamseidler: okay, something foobared your installation - did you install wubi or what, originally?21:47
amseidlerPaddy_EIRE: I'm going to use that as a last resort *after* i'm sure there's no other way of fixing this.21:47
vigohenux: System>Preferences>Main Menu21:47
guntbertzaxecivobuny: and for a reference I'd keep /etc too21:47
sebsebsebguntbert: why?21:48
zaxecivobunyi installed sbackup, but i'm not really sure how it works21:48
KrugerIs there a way I can check that Ubuntu is seeing my wireless card??21:48
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: don't need that or /etc21:48
sebsebsebzaxecivobuny: just copy/cut the relivant stuff over from home to your external21:48
Gnea!wireless | Kruger (check to make sure that your wireless card is fully supported first)21:48
ubottuKruger (check to make sure that your wireless card is fully supported first): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:48
amseidlerGnea: I originally installed Ubuntu with Wubi. After getting into it, I liked it alot, and wanted to delete windows. So I made a new partition with gparted, and then used LVPM to try and take ubuntu off of the windows partition. That must have backfired, because I can't get in.21:48
guntbertsebsebseb: because thats where all system settings reside, but you do know that, so I must have misunderstood something21:49
unclemike? how do i configure nvidia to keep my settings21:49
sebsebsebguntbert: well yeah I belive I knew programs put stuff in /etc21:49
Krugerhmm thanks. I will check that now.21:49
sebsebsebguntbert: ,but system settings such as?21:49
sebsebsebguntbert: also why have whatever backed up system settings?  when going to start over anyway, and so new system settings will be made?21:49
amseidlerGnea: Can you PM me, please. Chat is too confusing.21:49
Gneaamseidler: oh my... yeah, it's always best to backup your data from a wubi installation to a flash drive or something like that first, then just wipe the whole thing out and install from CD, USB or network to the new partition - the partition for wubi is just a file that windows uses21:50
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:50
Gneaamseidler: no, because this could help others as well. as long as you keep my nick highlighted, you should be able to follow it, and vice versa.21:50
amseidlerGnea: So am I screwed or what?21:50
amseidlerGnea: okay21:50
amseidlerGnea: Be right back.21:50
Gneaamseidler: well, you may or may not be... you can try to recover your grub like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435121:51
Jurenback again.  My attempt to remove the files has failed.  Problem being that the directory names have spaces in them and I can't get find to create a format that allows rm to use the spaces.  any thoughts?21:51
guntbertsebsebseb: I like to keep my old settings for a while - virtually every system setting resides under /etc21:51
=== ben is now known as IDF_Kesem
mzzJuren: tab-complete them.21:51
sebsebsebguntbert: old settings such as?21:51
henuxhow do i install dvorak keyboard layout?21:51
mzzJuren: alternatively, quote them. Alternatively, escape the spaces with a backslash.21:51
sebsebseb!keyboard | henux21:51
ubottuhenux: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts21:51
Krugerhow do I check what kind of Ubuntu I'm using please.21:51
mzzhenux: at install time or afterwards? In gnome or on the terminal?21:51
Gnea!dvorak | henux21:51
ubottuhenux: dvorak is a keyboard layout that aims to be more comfortable and efficient alternative to the standard "QWERTY" pattern. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard21:51
* Gnea wonders.... why someone put wikipedia there21:52
Jurenbeen trying to use the command:  find . -print0 -type f -name '*.ini' | xargs -0 rm21:52
henuxmzz: afterwards on gnome21:52
geirhaJuren: find -name "*.foo" -print0 | xargs -0 -- rm -i21:52
guntbertsebsebseb: just type ls /etc to see whats in there...21:52
mzzJuren: with -print0 on find and -0 on xargs it should just work.21:52
TehFlash_is the gnu c compiler built into ubuntu or do i need to download it21:52
sebsebsebGnea: ,because wikipedia can be pretty good for tech information :)21:52
* Kalmi wonders why Gnea doesn't correct it...21:52
sebsebsebGnea: I assume that's why21:52
TehFlash_its not in the list of programs to add21:52
LjL!compile > TehFlash_    (TehFlash_, see the private message from ubottu) you need to get it from the repos21:52
sebsebsebKalmi: ,because he can't change the bot stuff21:52
mzzTehFlash_: iirc you want to "sudo aptitude install build-essentials", but get a second opinion.21:52
LjLTehFlash_: yes it is, but not if you look in the "Add/Remove Programs" thing, because that only lists GUI programs.21:53
LjL!software > TehFlash_    (TehFlash_, see the private message from ubottu)21:53
Kalmisebsebseb, but he can suggest changes21:53
IDF_Kesem!software > IDF_Kesem21:53
ubottuIDF_Kesem, please see my private message21:53
vladimirboydKruger, uname -a21:53
Gneageirha: that's pretty ugly... how about this:  find -name "*.foo" -exec rm -i {} \;21:53
geirhaJuren: But why don't you just do: find -type f -name "*.ini" -delete ?21:53
JurenTryin it now  :)21:53
sebsebsebKalmi: I think LJL still does  ubottu21:53
Krugeris there a command that can tell you if you're using feisty, hardy etc?21:53
mzzGnea: that runs rm a bazillion times. The xargs version is more efficient if you're deleting many files.21:53
sebsebsebKalmi: updates it's messages21:53
vladimirboydKruger, i think :)21:53
henuxafterwards on gnome21:53
IDF_Kesemthat bot is cool21:53
henuxmzz: ^^21:54
Gneamzz: have you ever found a directory where rm can't delete the files because there are too many?21:54
mzzGnea: (so I use the xargs version out of habit unless I have a reason not to)21:54
KrugerI know I'm using 9.04 but the page that I was sent to is askingme about my card and my version of ubuntu21:54
=== Dalila_ is now known as Dalila
Krugerand the version that I think I'm using is not listed21:54
mzzhenux: it should be available in gnome-keyboard-properties21:54
sebsebsebIDF_Kesem: indeed it's pretty useful21:54
DILcat /etc/*-release | Kruger21:54
vigoJuren: There are a few ways to resolve that: here is one: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/88339-fix-broken-pkg-first.html21:54
LjLJuren: "-delete" was what you were given to begin with, never xargs, was it :|21:54
Gneamzz: i prefer the -exec option as it's thorough :)21:54
mzzGnea: "thorough"?21:54
zaxecivobunyin trying to backup my .mozilla folder, there is an error: cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/THEMONOLITH/truebackup/.mozilla/.mozilla/firefox/imes6jdo.default/lock': Operation not permitted21:54
KrugerI'm using Juanty. thank you21:54
mzzGnea: oh, and -delete is superior, but I didn't know it existed.21:54
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Gneamzz: yeah - if you have 5,000 files in a directory, and you try to rm * or run it through xargs, chances are they won't get removed21:55
amseidlerGnea: I am back. So what are my options here?21:55
mzzzaxecivobuny: what kind of filesystem are you copying onto?21:55
zaxecivobunyi think it is ntfs21:55
mzzzaxecivobuny: also, I strongly recommend you make the backup with firefox closed for safety.21:55
Gneamzz: i saw the -delete too, but that's a bit more of a blind remove - it takes everything from the top and removes everything, blindly21:55
zaxecivobunygood thinking!21:55
Krugercan some one please go here and tell me what this means https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:55
mzzzaxecivobuny: (that'll happen to fix the problem, and also makes sure things like places.sqlite get copied intact)21:55
JurenGuess I was reading too fast before.  Never caught the -delete arguement of find.21:55
Gneaamseidler: check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435121:55
olskolircholy net split21:55
KrugerI'm using card BCM43xx but version of Ubuntu 9.04 juanty is not listed  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:56
unclemikelost power a bit ago....my other ( Nick ) ( FloridaGuy ) is still loged in...how do i log it out21:56
mzzGnea: err, no. Just run it without -delete first, sanitycheck the list, and add -delete at the end and it'll delete the previous list, iiuc.21:56
sebsebsebolskolirc: nope no netsplit here21:56
Gneaamseidler: you should be able to recover your system that way, if all is well21:56
henuxmzz: pressing "Add" on the Layout tab of Keyboard Preferences brings me a dialog where i can choose layout by country or language21:56
JurenOdd that -delete isn't in the man page for "find"  But it worked perfectly, thanks21:56
lstarnesunclemike: /msg nickserv help ghost21:56
mzzunclemike: if it's a registered nick you can get nickserv to force the issue. If it's not you'll just have to be patient and it'll time out eventually.21:56
mzzhenux: sec21:56
Gneamzz: I was basing it off of the manpage entry21:56
amseidlerGnea: I don't have an ubuntu live cd. Is Parted Magic able to burn one?21:56
LjLJuren: it is on the man page. line 341.21:56
KrugerI think I need to downgrade to 8.04 can some one confirm that please.21:57
Gneaamseidler: what's parted magic?21:57
mzzhenux: is "USA dvorak international" available?21:57
zaxecivobunyis there a way to preserve my installed programs?21:57
amseidlerGnea: The live cd I made my partition with21:57
vladimirboydlsb_release -a21:57
geirhaJuren: Sure it is, but not all implementations of find has the -delete option21:57
toshibawhat is21:57
vladimirboydmore usuful for finding system name :)21:57
amseidlerGnea: It appears it can. can you link me to an ubuntu iso?21:57
mzzJuren: the manpages for many gnu tools are incomplete compared to the info pages (usually referenced at the bottom of the manpage)21:57
unclemikemzz, its registered....but i can right click on the name a hit kick21:57
Gneaamseidler: never heard of it. do you have another computer?21:57
henuxmzz: no21:57
mzzunclemike: that won't work. You'll have to ask nickserv to do it for you.21:58
amseidlerGnea: It is able to burn it. Can you link me to an ubuntu iso?21:58
toshibaco tam21:58
JurenI'm gonna update my man pages.  they seem to be out of date :)  Thanks for the help, I'm out.21:58
jaekmy apt-get upgrade is failing, can someone take a look? http://pastebin.com/m6884223f21:58
henuxmzz: sorry it is21:58
mzzhenux: it's under "country" "united states" here as a "variant", but I'm not in ubuntu's gnome currently so it's possible yours is different.21:58
henuxmzz: thanks21:58
sebsebsebKruger: humm21:58
sebsebsebKruger: seems that page isn't being that kept up to date21:59
olskolircok where did all the ppl on the right of my xchat go?  how do i get that panel back i forgot21:59
* mzz still wonders why the original xargs-based command Juren was given failed21:59
Gneaamseidler: there are many at http://ubuntu.com, just choose a mirror21:59
unclemikemzz, ok thanks..... you what the command it for configureing nvidia in 9.04...thought it was sudo nvidia-(something)21:59
sebsebsebKruger: can probably get that card working in 9.04 somehow, and have you ever tried it on 8.10?21:59
mzzunclemike: I don't use nvidia, so no21:59
guntbertolskolirc: ctrl f721:59
* shadeslayer looks at his mem meter , why does it keep growing??22:00
Krugerthe mark of the beast22:00
Gneatoshiba: ?22:00
olskolircnothing guntbert22:00
olskolircnothing showed up22:00
toshibawhat fucking going now22:00
owen1what audio should i choose? intel (alsa mixer) or realtek (OSS Mixer)22:00
guntbertolskolirc: are you using xchat?22:00
Krugercan some one help me understand this webpage please and what it means for me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy  I use 9.04 and my card is a BCM430622:01
olskolircyes guntbert22:01
shadeslayer!language | toshiba22:01
ubottutoshiba: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:01
sebsebseb!language |  toshiba22:01
guntbertolskolirc: or is it xchat-gnome?22:01
olskolircit moved guntbert but no ppl scrollbar just jumped a little22:01
olskolircno im on kubuntu guntbert22:01
Gneatoshiba: who are you talking to?22:01
caeroewhy is fullscreen flash so choppy?  i can't watch it on ubuntu, works fine in win.  9.04, x64 bit with just 64bit drivers, tried all sorts of nvidia drivers too22:01
olskolircoh guntbert just regular xchat22:01
zaxecivobunyis there a reason to copy /etc? what does this folder contain?22:02
Gneatoshiba: understand, that you are not talking to anybody in particular.22:02
sebsebsebKruger: it means it should work in 8.0422:02
mzzzaxecivobuny: system configuration.22:02
toshibai hav problem22:02
sebsebsebKruger: when you know what your doing :)22:02
guntbertolskolirc: then ctrl f7 should work22:02
Gneayes, you do.22:02
shadeslayerwow jaunty sure is leaky...im running meatacity , deluge and irssi and my mem consumption is 20 pc :P22:02
Krugersebsebseb: but will it work in 9.04 which is what I'm using22:02
* mzz randomly blames deluge22:02
olskolircahhhh i got it22:02
vladimirboydKruger, i am not too sure, but it does say that it is included into post-Hardy releases22:03
sebsebsebKruger: that page really by now should  provide 8.10 and 9.04 instructions, but nope22:03
jack__I want to remove an kernel but get: rmdir failed to remove /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-generic: directory not empty22:03
dforsythdoes toram work with the latest livecd?22:03
sebsebsebKruger: I think if you follow the 8.04  instructions in 9.04 you may have luck22:03
vladimirboydKruger, it should, according to the webpage22:03
Krugerthank you22:03
toshibai find drivers for toshiba22:03
guntbertzaxecivobuny: /etc contains all systemwide settings for all applications and for virtually everything22:03
KrugerI'll now research waht fmcutter thing is22:03
shadeslayermzz: i think ill switch to openbox permanently if this is not fixed in koala :P22:03
caeroewill i ever be able to watch hulu?  without incredible choppiness?22:04
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toshibahelp me22:04
Krugerin windows you can22:04
zaxecivobunyis there anything special i should do in order to backup /etc to an external drive before doing a clean install?22:04
shadeslayer!flash | caeroe22:04
ubottucaeroe: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:04
vladimirboydb43 is basically another package that has specified driver22:04
Gnea!ask | toshiba22:04
sebsebseb!details |  toshiba22:04
ubottutoshiba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:04
ubottutoshiba: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:04
=== Silas is now known as Maelwys
vladimirboydi do think it should work22:04
caeroei really wish they'd stop linking that flash site to me, i have flash installed.  i've been over that22:04
caeroethat's insulting22:04
Krugervladimirboyd: will I have to use a wrapper do you think?22:04
toshibaI will driver  for toshiba22:04
toshibahot key22:04
TheBraynis there a way to find out if a partition is emptry with fdisk?22:05
vladimirboydit is just saying that the driver is proprietary and needs to be installed manually22:05
toshibafor linux22:05
TheKmartTrollOkay, Ubuntu is ruined my laptop.22:05
dforsythtoram, anyone?22:05
shadeslayercaeroe: maybe the wiki has something for choppiness?22:05
GneaTheKmartTroll: what did you do?22:05
vladimirboydKruger, ooo, not sure here22:05
Krugervladimirboyd: but not from the manufactuers website?22:05
TheKmartTrollMy 1.8GHz laptop runs like a Pentium 133.22:05
vladimirboydKruger, you can always try without22:05
shadeslayerTheKmartTroll: state the problem...everything is fixable ;)22:05
Krugerhmm ok22:05
GneaTheKmartTroll: so, what did you do?22:05
olskolircok xchat is starting to suck22:05
olskolircimma find a better one22:05
shadeslayerolskolirc: irssi ftw :)22:05
Krugervladimirboyd: well I've already tried a wrapper and it didn't work22:05
mzzshadeslayer: ooh, I have a mysterious kernel oops for you then. Although it's not on an ubuntu system, so I guess it doesn't count?22:06
Gneaheh, 'starting to'22:06
TheKmartTrollEverything is fine until I get to the DELL logo.22:06
toshibai dont know where is22:06
gordonjcpTheKmartTroll: ain't that the truth22:06
vladimirboydhmm, sounds like there must be more research done22:06
shadeslayerTheKmartTroll: Dell logo??22:06
Gneaah, sunday trolls22:06
Krugervladimirboyd: I tried ndiswrapper.  but there was something listed ont hat website about an fwcutter that I should probably try22:06
shadeslayermzz: ??22:06
TheKmartTrollThen it gets really, really slow and the fan runs really fast22:06
shadeslayerGnea: monday here :P22:06
mzzshadeslayer: "everything is fixable"?22:06
TheKmartTrollAnd it hangs usually before Ubuntu is done booting.22:07
Gneashadeslayer: you're in the wrong part of the world :p22:07
vladimirboydit is in Universe22:07
TheKmartTrollEven in BIOS setup, it hangs.22:07
vladimirboydso should not have trouble22:07
shadeslayermzz: ah... well if you know what youre doing everything is fixable :P22:07
TheKmartTrollCould be that I need the special XP install.22:07
LjLTheKmartTroll: ban evading is not allowed, please leave22:07
GneaTheKmartTroll: if the system is lagging during the bios, that's not ubuntu's fault.22:07
shadeslayerTheKmartTroll: if the bios is acting up then its not our problem22:07
mzzshadeslayer: I'd be more optimistic about fixing this one if I could reproduce it. It's beginning to annoy me.22:07
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips
GneaTheKmartTroll: that's dell's support, please visit http://support.dell.com and call their 800#22:08
vladimirboydBroadcom binary firmware packages22:08
vladimirboydedit your source list with the lines given in Jaunty-Cafuego22:09
sharkoonHello everybody, how can I configure PPPoE over WiFi connection on notebook with Ubuntu 9.04?22:09
Krugeris it very easy to remove ubuntu once its been installed on a 2nd partition for dual booting?22:09
vladimirboydah, no22:09
tonesKruder: simple, delete the partition22:09
shadeslayerKruger: yes..just format and reinstall mbr22:10
vladimirboydyou should make sure you have recovery disc for XP22:10
Krugerk I think I'm just going to try 8.04.  9.04 seems to not have the drivers I need22:10
GneaTheKmartTroll: of course, if you installed ubuntu over their windows install, they'll laugh at you for violating their warranty, so you'd better be sure you know what the real problem is before wasting their time. :)22:10
=== christian is now known as Guest98489
klarth[lut les rats22:11
leachim6I'm using gnome and compiz how can I use a different wallpaper for each desktop?22:11
shadeslayerleachim6: my favourite question :)22:12
KrugerI want the cool fishbowl compiz I see on youtube22:12
TehFlash_i installed gcc22:12
shadeslayerleachim6: ok open ccs,22:12
TehFlash_i also installed python22:12
leachim6shadeslayer, I bet you get this question a LOT22:12
leachim6like a ridiculous amount22:12
shadeslayerleachim6: go to wallpaper > set 4 wallpapers22:12
leachim6like sorry to bother you about this...22:12
zleaphello wildc4rd_22:12
TehFlash_if i want to load gcc do i just it gcc in the terminal because nothing happened22:12
henuxhow do i create my own custom keyboard layout derived from one existing?22:12
leachim6k yeah22:12
shadeslayerleachim6: nope...i simply spent alot of time re-searching this22:13
* wildc4rd_ pokes zleap22:13
shadeslayerleachim6: open gconf-editor22:13
klarthwhith ..........Xmodmap22:13
leachim6hey shadeslayer can we do this in PM ?22:13
sharkoonno one know how do this?22:14
klarthXmodmap  whith xev22:16
WixicyIs this is the help channel?22:18
shadeslayeri think nvidia's finally got it right with their 180.44 drivers22:18
sebsebsebWixicy: hi and yes22:18
shadeslayer!hi | Wixicy22:18
ubottuWixicy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:18
sebsebseb!new |  Wixicy22:18
ubottuWixicy: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:18
shadeslayerWixicy: read the topic too ;)22:18
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:18
sebsebsebWixicy: yep  that and  you can just ask a Ubuntu help qustion ehre22:19
WixicyIs there a DHCP server installed in Ubuntu?22:19
shadeslayerWixicy: yes...dnsmasq22:19
shadeslayeri think22:19
klarth***--///Xmodmap   and xev22:19
hikawuhey all i need your help ( sorry for my english)22:19
vanitaanyone know where I can download a quick hd blueray video sample via torrent to test with?22:19
LjLshadeslayer: not installed by default, for sure22:20
Egoonot installed by default apt-get install dhcp3-server22:20
WixicyIll try that Egoo22:20
shadeslayerLjL: hmm..well i see it when i start ubuntu so i thought maybe it was installed by default22:20
klarthy a[fv]e another22:21
Decinogehi everyone... i have a small but annoying problem on my ubuntu22:21
shadeslayerDecinoge: go ahead22:21
hikawuduring the startup of my laptop, it makes this sound : bip bip bip bip .... i must kick it....22:21
sebsebseb!details |  Decinoge22:22
ubottuDecinoge: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:22
WixicyProcessing triggers for man-db ...22:22
WixicySetting up dhcp3-server (3.1.1-1ubuntu2) ...22:22
WixicyGenerating /etc/default/dhcp3-server...22:22
Wixicy * Starting DHCP server dhcpd3                                                   * check syslog for diagnostics.22:22
Wixicy                                                                         [fail]22:22
FloodBot1Wixicy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
Wixicyinvoke-rc.d: initscript dhcp3-server, action "start" failed.22:22
shadeslayerhikawu: system beep?22:22
shadeslayerhikawu: rmmod pcspkr22:22
RoastedI have 3 spare SATA drives mounting to certain directories based ont heir UUID in my /etc/fstab file. However, I just had a weird booting issue and when I did a file system check using the Ubuntu LiveCD of ALL drives connected, I noticed 2 drives were switched. Sure enough, my 250gb drive and 500gb drive "switched places". But HOW is that possible? UUID shouldn't allow that. What in the $#*( happened?22:22
EgooWixicy: that's normal you need to configure it first :)22:22
Aragonhow can i move the panels in Jaunty?22:23
Decinogebasicly my number keypad (that thing on the right) is working has a mouse... or i no longer know how it is working. using ubunto 8.04 Hardy Heron22:23
hikawucould it be a hardware pb ?22:23
WixicyLet me google that22:23
shadeslayerAragon: rt click on panel > prop22:23
Decinogehow do i get it back to normal.22:23
klarth[lut les ratsést lile you22:23
shadeslayerDecinoge: lol num lock22:23
Decinogewell, a few days ago that wasn't working... i probably need an update...22:24
Decinogeor... whatever22:24
phlexonancea program says it needs libpython2.4.so.1.0 but I have python2.4 installed, what's wrong?22:24
klarthtoi t  t'a un das >--->22:24
Decinogesorry about the bother22:24
Aragonshadeslayer, in Hardy i moved them by clicking on them but in jaunty this doesn't work anymore... because i have two screens it isnt enough to move them by props...22:24
LjLphlexonance: i don't know. perhaps what's wrong is that you installed a program not from the ubuntu repositories ?;)22:24
PcGuyI need some help using Ubuntu on a XP/Win7 system each os is on their own hd. Ubuntu 9.04 x64 has bootup problems with grub throwing Error1722:25
phlexonanceLjL, in my eyes installing something foreign to the ubuntu repositories isn't a sin ;)22:25
shadeslayerAragon: uh...didnt that help..the properties dialog??22:25
DapsI had a hard disk running Windows, i just installed on my linux box, can22:25
klarthu like  y suke22:26
LjLphlexonance: it's not a sin (at least if there's no alternative) but you definitely have to be prepared to witness library mismatch and stuff. perhaps mentioning the name of the program may help.22:26
Aragonshadeslayer, nope you can only set top bottom left and right. but i need to move them from one screen to another22:26
DraveIs it possible to install the .net framework under wine in jaunty?22:26
LjL!english | klarth22:26
ubottuklarth: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:26
shadeslayerAragon: ah...no idea on that22:26
sebsebseb!mono | Drave22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono22:26
DapsI had a hard disk running Windows, i just installed on my linux box, can can't seem to format it with cfdisk... any idea why? can't delete the windows systems files either...22:26
phlexonanceLjL, it's a game actually22:26
sebsebsebDrave: no, but find out about Mono22:26
GneaDaps: are you root?22:27
sebsebsebDrave: the wikipedia page for example22:27
Aragonshadeslayer, ok thanks anyway, anyone else got an idea?22:27
RoastedI have 3 spare SATA drives mounting to certain directories based ont heir UUID in my /etc/fstab file. However, I just had a weird booting issue and when I did a file system check using the Ubuntu LiveCD of ALL drives connected, I noticed 2 drives were switched. Sure enough, my 250gb drive and 500gb drive "switched places". But HOW is that possible? UUID shouldn't allow that. What in the $#*( happened?22:27
DraveAlright, thanks.22:27
sebsebsebDrave: no problem22:27
DapsGnea, yea.. I did the whole sudo thing22:27
LjLphlexonance: if it's a paid game, perhaps you should seek support from them?22:27
GneaDaps: try gparted instead of cfdisk22:27
DapsGnea, tried that too22:27
GneaDaps: what kind of disk is it? internal or external?22:28
phlexonanceLjL, it's shareware and I'm just trying their forums, but I'm not sure that they will be more competent than this channel22:28
DapsGnea, gparted won't even lot me format it at all, its internal22:28
klarthy got pb whit one 500 sata  MB22:28
LjLphlexonance: i'd like to see the actual error, word for word22:28
GneaDaps: and you're booted to livecd?22:28
LjLphlexonance: and, are you on jaunty?22:28
DapsGnea, i don't know what that is22:29
phlexonanceLjL, on 8.04 (hardy?)22:29
GneaDaps: it's the Ubuntu cdrom that lets you choose to enter install mode or boot to a desktop off of the cd... hence, 'livecd' :)22:29
LjLphlexonance: yes, that's hardy22:29
Wandereranyone have a link to a site on building an ubuntu package from source for something like zoneminder?22:29
Gnea!livecd | Daps22:29
ubottuDaps: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:29
Shadowpillarwhat's a good Hypervisor for ubuntu?22:29
LjL!packaging > Wanderer    (Wanderer, see the private message from ubottu)22:29
WandererI want the source build to be in the same dirs, etc as the default one22:29
phlexonanceLjL, ./galcon: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.4.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:29
LjLmsg ubottu search zonemind22:29
sebsebsebShadowpillar: XEN I guess22:29
klarth//////correct   onne chha nca    older idee sata to change22:29
jessica_lillyShadowpillar: virtualbox22:30
sebsebsebShadowpillar: ,but for standard virtual machines.  Virtualbox :)22:30
ShadowpillarI'm looking at servers22:30
sebsebsebShadowpillar: Vbox can do servers as well, but I don't know that much about that22:30
DapsGnea, oh no i booted off of a hard disk that exists already, just took another hard drive off a windows machine and wanted to use it for storage etc...22:30
Shadowpillaryeah I use vbox and highly recommend it22:30
LjLphlexonance: that is strange. i am on hardy too, and i *have* that file. what do you have in /usr/lib/libpython* ?22:30
sebsebsebShadowpillar: #vbox will know about servers and Virtualbox22:30
phlexonanceLjL the forums say "you must install python 2.4" well doh', I have python 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 installed22:30
=== |nightrid3r| is now known as nightrid3r
sebsebseb!xen | shadowpillar22:31
GneaDaps: weird... try it with the livecd and see what happens22:31
ubottushadowpillar: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen22:31
klarthpython is  hack box turn  left22:31
GneaDaps: also make sure it's not mounted22:31
Shadowpillarwhat about kvm?22:31
sebsebseb!kvm | shadowpillar22:31
ubottushadowpillar: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM22:31
DapsGnea, you mean do the whole install thing22:31
GneaDaps: uh, no.22:31
DapsGnea.. ohhh.. ok.. it is mounted22:31
Wandererugh, what a pain22:31
Krugersome one told me that Ubuntu is like Linux for playschool why would he say that?22:31
DapsGnea, i'll give it a shot unmounted... thanks22:31
GneaDaps: yeah, it's not going to allow you to do anything if it's mounted - the whole disk has to be unmounted22:31
DapsGnea, i think that should work22:31
ShadowpillarKruger, because he's an elitist prick?22:31
GneaDaps: :)22:31
DapsGnea, Thanks :D22:32
sebsebsebShadowpillar: preferred virtulization approch in Ubuntu aye?  I  installed kvm before and some GUI for it, and was like how do I use22:32
PcGuyANy Ubuntu gurus here?22:32
leachim6no actually we're all out to lunch22:32
rocky|amseidler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please come back :(22:32
GneaPcGuy: no, we all use redhat, that's why we hang in #ubuntu22:32
leachim6what do ya need?22:32
leachim6just ask22:32
FloodBot1leachim6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:32
phlexonanceLjL, I don't have /usr/lib/libpython but I have /usr/lib/python2.[3-5] and also some libpython*.so in /usr/lib22:32
Krugerno one here but us chickens22:32
Decinogewell actually i have another question. Am i not supposed to get a warning to update to the latest Ubuntu version (9.04) on my Update Manager? Using Ubuntu 8.0422:32
Shadowpillarthough I'd havet o say if you *REALLY* wanna learn linux, playing with something a bit harder is always good too22:32
LjLphlexonance: err, yes, i wanted a list of everything that matched libpython*22:32
shadeslayerDecinoge: not if youre using the LTS22:33
ShadowpillarThank god I've been using linux since '0222:33
leachim6Decinoge, just run "sudo update-manager -d" in a terminal22:33
GneaPcGuy: of course there are ubuntu gurus here, ask your real question, please :)22:33
leachim68.04 is LTS22:33
ShadowpillarI was able to fix an old school install of redhat22:33
PcGuyI need some help using Ubuntu on a XP/Win7 system each os is on their own hd. Ubuntu 9.04 x64 has bootup problems with grub throwing Error1722:33
leachim6so you won't be encouraged to upgrade22:33
phlexonanceLjL, I do have the 2.5.so.1.0 inside :/22:33
Shadowpillarthough I recommended to that teacher to upgrade to ubuntu22:33
LjLphlexonance: but you need 2.4.so.10 not 2.5.so.1022:33
leachim6Shadowpillar, like gentoo?22:33
phlexonanceLjL, exactly, how do I get the older one?22:33
FloodBot1Shadowpillar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
LjLphlexonance: what does "apt-cache policy python2.4 | grep installed" say?22:33
Shadowpillarmore like, LFS22:34
leachim6Shadowpillar, sometimes I think that gentoo overcomplicated things just for the heck of it22:34
Decinogecould i know what does LTS means?22:34
ShadowpillarLinux From Scratch22:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:34
leachim6and YES I HAVE installed it and YES I HAVE used it22:34
shadeslayerDecinoge: try switching the update manager to show normal releases from the LTS releases22:34
leachim6Decinoge, Long Term Support22:34
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.22:34
GneaPcGuy: please read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166922:34
Decinogethanks ^___^22:34
leachim6Decinoge, in english that means "you don't have to upgrade anytime soon"22:34
shadeslayerDecinoge: its used for very stable production evirons22:34
sebsebsebDecinoge: no problem22:34
phlexonanceLjL, says "none"22:34
Shadowpillarsebsebseb, what kind of setup did you have KVM on?22:35
Decinogewell, then i probably wont.22:35
leachim6I'm pretty sure lots of things are still being backported to hardy22:35
Barridusthe S in LTS means Canonical support :p22:35
phlexonanceLjL, so having a python2.4 dir doesn't mean it's installed I see22:35
Barridusif you never call them for support, it doesn't matter22:35
sebsebsebShadowpillar: dosan't matter since I never seemed to get it working, or I simpalley didn't understand how to use22:35
leachim6phlexonance, no it doesn't22:35
leachim6Decinoge, hardy was very stable for me ...22:35
Roastedhow can I switch up the device ID for my drives? I mount my drives by UUID in /etc/fstab, and normally sdb1 is my backup drive and sdc1 is my network drive. But they switched it up this time for some reason. What can I do to get them back, just so they appear in order in system monitor?22:35
leachim6Decinoge, if it's doing what you want it to and everything works...I actually encourage you NOT to upgrade22:35
Shadowpillarsebner, still, did you have hardware virtualization in your cpu?22:35
Shadowpillarsebsebseb, was it a server or a desktop?22:36
sebsebsebShadowpillar: hardware virtualization hadn't been enabled on the computer22:36
LjLphlexonance: err, no, it definitely doesn't. what "python2.4 dir" do you have? i'm not aware of any such directory.22:36
sebsebsebShadowpillar: desktop22:36
leachim6you have to do it in the bios if you have it22:36
leachim6hit delete or f12 or something like that when your pc boots up22:36
sebsebsebleachim6: I know22:36
Shadowpillarmay have to look into that for an extra dell 600SC we have at work22:36
leachim6sebsebseb, sorry22:36
oz1Hi all!22:36
leachim6sebsebseb, didn't mean to seem condescending22:36
phlexonanceLjL, /usr/lib/python2.4, there's a lot of stuff in it22:36
sebsebsebShadowpillar: anyway Virtualbox is so straight forward, follow the wizard and you run a VM22:36
sebsebsebShadowpillar: KVM's GUI thing does not seem like that at all22:36
bo7amnydose ubuntu 9.04 have a live cd ?22:37
LjLphlexonance: type "sudo apt-get install python2.4"22:37
sebsebsebleachim6: ok no problem22:37
shadeslayerbo7amny: yes22:37
leachim6bo7amny, yes22:37
Decinogewell, yeah... right now it is... except for one thing. VLC simply doesn't work. Starts and immediately shuts down.22:37
leachim6shadeslayer, eragon reference?22:37
sebsebsebbo7amny: yes which is also the installation CD22:37
shadeslayerleachim6: you noticed :P22:37
phlexonanceLjL, already did, now it's asking for a SDL font (SDL_ttf), strangely SDL isn't in the repositories it seems22:37
leachim6shadeslayer, of course :)22:37
DapsGnea, thanks it worked22:37
leachim6shadeslayer, still pissed...they totally raped it with that movie...22:38
LjLphlexonance: yes it is22:38
phlexonanceLjL, I found it, just named differently22:38
LjLphlexonance: SDL is, the font i don't know. moment.22:38
shadeslayerleachim6: totally agree22:38
bo7amnyhow come when i download it from ubuntu.com i get just the option to install it  ?22:38
bo7amnynot like 8.1022:38
shadeslayerbo7amny: uh you have to burn the CD22:38
sebsebsebbo7amny: the Live CD is both Live CD and install CD22:38
mzzbo7amny: that sounds like you got the alt install cd or something22:38
bo7amnyi know22:38
leachim6bo7amny, I don't know how...but did you accidentally get the "alternate cd" or the "server cd"?22:38
sebsebsebbo7amny: you need to burn the contents of the ISO to CD.  ,but before you do you should md5sum first really22:39
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more22:39
phlexonanceLjL, it was libsdl-ttf2.0-022:39
bo7amnybut when i burn it and boot it there is no option 4 live cd ?22:39
sebsebsebbo7amny: try ubuntu without effecting the computer, is the Live CD part22:39
shadeslayerbo7amny: yeah..thats probably a alt cd or server cd22:39
sebsebsebbo7amny: make sure your downloading the desktop C22:40
phlexonanceLjL, got it to work, =) thanks for your time, have a nice [whatever your timezone says]22:40
bo7amnythere is no " ubuntu without effecting the computer "22:40
KrugerI'm trying to install fwcutter package  I typed  sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter  but it said  E: Couldn't find package b43-fwcutter.   What does that mean?22:40
shadeslayerbo7amny: just paste the name of the iso here22:40
shadeslayerKruger: not in the repo22:40
=== jamie is now known as Guest51994
sebsebsebbo7amny: you should have a graphical  Ubuntu menu sreen where you select the langauge, and then which option youw ant22:40
harpreet_bo7amny: boot from cd and you will see it. if it is livecd, if not then you wont see the option, simple22:40
sebsebsebGuest51994: hi22:40
shadeslayer!info b43-fwcutter22:40
leachim6how do I figure out what my laptop's native resolution is?22:40
ubottub43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:011-5 (jaunty), package size 16 kB, installed size 108 kB22:40
leachim6oh god22:40
bo7amnyis htere 2 versions livecd and no livecd ? or some thing ?22:40
leachim6I'm sorry22:41
Krugerthe website says in latest versions of Ubuntu (all flavors) and Debian just need to install the b43-fwcutter package:22:41
Kruger    *22:41
Kruger      sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter22:41
Kruger          o when you are asked "Fetch and install firmware?" answer "Yes" (just press "Enter)22:41
FloodBot1leachim6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:41
FloodBot1Kruger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:41
harpreet_bo7amny: yes, one is installation cd , other is livecd22:41
leachim6I love how the floodbot floods to telll you not to flood...22:41
sebsebsebleachim6: the default should be the desktop CD, but there is also an alternate CD and a server CD22:41
leachim6does anyone else find that a little ironic...22:41
Krugershouldn't that mean that its in the repo?22:41
sebsebsebWixicy: hi22:41
shadeslayerbo7amny: no look here22:41
safruhani!hi Wixicy22:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi Wixicy22:41
leachim6sebsebseb, yeah but you can't get the alt or the server cd without TRYING to ...22:41
shadeslayer!livecd | bo7amny22:41
ubottubo7amny: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:41
shadeslayer!alternate > bo7amny22:42
sebsebsebleachim6: you don't need the alt or server CD22:42
ubottubo7amny, please see my private message22:42
sebsebsebleachim6: desktop CD should do it22:42
Krugershadeslayer: sorry, what does not in the repo mean exactly?  I guess I'm not sure what a package is22:42
tm1I'm a total Ubuntu newb, and am trying to install openDNS.... they have a client (ddclient) to update the dynamic ip address from your network to the openDNS website - so I'm trying to install the ip-updating client. I downloaded the tar, extracted it, and it says copy the perl file to the usr/sbin directory.... I can't copy and paste - any ideas why not?22:42
phaze74So I was seeing ksoftirq jump up to 100% cpu usage whenever I do a copy...22:42
shadeslayerKruger: sorry it is in the repository..22:42
phaze74...discovered it happens whenever the box gets any kind of network traffic...22:42
shadeslayer!info b43-fwcutter > Kruger22:42
leachim6TML, yeah you're gonna need to copy the file...like the whole thing...the .pl file...22:42
sebsebseb!repo | Kruger22:42
ubottuKruger: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:42
bo7amnythanks ubottu22:42
sebsebsebbo7amny: no thanks me22:42
Krugerthanks ubottu22:42
phaze74..eventually figured out my firewall script (that auto-runs iptables) had gone haywire and it had over 300,000 iptables rules set up.22:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:43
leachim6TML you're gonna need to do "sudo cp NameOfFIle.pl /usr/sbin/"22:43
th0rtm1: you need root access to write to anything in /usr22:43
phaze74So ahem, it's fixed now.22:43
shadeslayerKruger: bo7amny ubottu is a bot22:43
leachim6how do I figure out my laptops native res?22:43
=== ubuntu is now known as Xirrin
TMLleachim6: TML !== tm1 :)22:43
leachim6TML, oh sorry!22:43
shadeslayer!resolution > leachim622:43
ubottuleachim6, please see my private message22:43
tm1leachim6: thanks- is the perl file the .pi one you were referencing?22:44
elexodusNeed help with Samba. Got connect, just can't login from another comp on my network.22:44
bo7amnythanks shadeslayer22:44
shadeslayer!samba | elexodus22:44
ubottuelexodus: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:44
leachim6tml it should be .pl22:44
tm1th0r: I do have access, supposedly... I have the main password... but I have a sense that I'm not logged in as the admin - do I need to be logged into a "root" user?22:44
elexodusshadeslayer: tried it, thanks.22:44
tuxtorhi i'm trying to install ubuntu 9.04 but I have issues with a RTL-8185 wireless card, How can I disable a kernel module from the livecd options?, I used this card with ndiswrapper and ubuntu hardy and works fine, but with the new module in the kernel the system freezes22:45
tm1th0r: or is there a "root" user?22:45
shadeslayerelexodus: no further idea :)22:45
shadeslayertuxtor: rmmod module22:45
lesshastehow can I open a terminal 120 characters wide?22:45
th0rtm1: there is no root user in ubuntu...you need to precede the copy command with 'sudo'. Did you see the command leachim6 sent earlier?22:45
tuxtorshadearg, but I need it as a boot opcion, because the system doesn't start22:45
tuxtorfreezes on boot proces22:45
sebsebseb!sudo |  tm122:46
ubottutm1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:46
sebsebseb!root | tm122:46
ubottutm1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:46
th0rtm1: sudo cp NameOfFIle.pl /usr/sbin/22:46
leachim6how come my virtual terminals don't work in ubuntu 9.4 ?22:46
Tanner3What i ubuntu youth?22:46
th0r(thanks leachim6 )22:46
leachim6th0r, sure22:46
shadeslayertuxtor: well you can boot into a recovery console and try that command22:46
elexodusshadeslayer: wierd, just no login, only connection from outside the box: I have a shared folder with XP box, I can read/Write/Etc. from, but I can't get samba to allow me to connect and map the drive to my XP box.22:46
Kalmi!root | tm122:46
tuxtorshadearg, I will try, thanks22:46
ubottutm1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:46
sebsebsebKalmi: I have already done that22:46
tm1th0r: okay, thanks - no, I don't think I saw it... having trouble keeping up here :)22:47
sebsebsebno problem22:47
klarthmaster  of imme22:47
leachim6what happened to my virtual terms?22:47
distaticahey folks, I recently changed from 8.10 to 8.04 on my laptop, before changing I backed up my ~/ with tar zcvf backup.tar.gz ./ after the change I decompressed this again. Now I get Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyError: cannot open display: :0.0 when I attempt to run a GUI program22:47
shadeslayerelexodus: i dont have the slightest idea on samba :)22:47
distaticaany ideas what might be causing this?22:47
TMLtm1: FWIW, I think the perl folks would tell you it's bad style to call an executable perl script .pl, I think they prefer .plx22:47
sebsebsebklarth: master of imme??  what you mean22:47
elexodusshadeslayer: Thanks anyway22:47
leachim6when I switch to any of them...I get a blank screen22:47
elexodusNeed help with Samba. Got connect, just can't login from another comp on my network.22:47
KrugerI don't get it. A repository is just a database of files and programs and packages? some exist on your computer and some are online?22:47
tm1TML: that works for me!22:47
darwinwjHey all22:48
distaticaI attempted to remove .Xauthority, and simply get Error: cannot open display: :0.0 after that.22:48
sebsebsebKruger: not quite22:48
Tanner3Hey, how can i change the Netbook remix to look like regular Ubuntu22:48
Kalmidistatica, messed up permissions... I assume22:48
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.22:48
sebsebsebKruger: the repos are the Ubuntu software download servers22:48
jhonnyboyHello everyone, how can i make my local network ip static??22:48
sebsebsebKruger: well most other desktop  Linux distros also have repos22:48
th0rjhonnyboy: in nm...22:48
klarthxset    balance ???22:48
distaticashadeslayer: I imagine for the most part, that this is not considered a "downgrade" in that sense.22:48
koshari1jhonnyboy you make the indovidual machines ip addresses static and manage them nmanually22:48
Krugersebesebseb:well the ubuntu website is like "never fear most packages are already included in ubuntus repository"22:49
sebsebsebKruger: add/remove or synaptic package manager  are  GUI's (graphical user interfaces)  for apt-get  or aptitude commands.  sudo apt-get install program22:49
distaticaSince removing completely 8.10 and installing 8.04 on it's own should have no different effect than installing 8.04 in the first place.22:49
sebsebsebKruger: and the stuff I just mentioned gets the programs from the repos22:49
jhonnyboykosharil: yes, don't i need to log in as sudo to do this?22:49
distaticaKalmi: I wonder where though, since it's the same user account.22:49
sebsebsebKruger: and downloads and installs it for you just like that22:49
Kalmidistatica, any program?22:49
th0rjhonnyboy: highlight the connection you want static, then under ipv4 change it from automatic dhcp to manual22:49
darwinwjSay, I got a question for ya'll. I'm now up to Ubuntu 8.10 and am going to be on the road with  this machine. Anyhow, Is a firewall necessary???22:49
Krugersebsebseb: is E:  from an online repo or from your computer's repo?22:49
distaticaKalmi: any gui, shell works fine from what I can tell.22:49
sebsebsebKalmi: and thousands of packages in the Ubuntu repo's22:49
Kalmidistatica, i thought we were talking about X forwarding...22:49
jhonnyboyth0r: i did that but it doesn't save22:49
sebsebseb!offline | Kalmi22:50
LoganhoupFunkyhat: I'm afraid the pulseaudio setup you helped with is not as great as I thought.22:50
ubottuKalmi: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD22:50
elexodusNeed help with Samba. Got connect, just can't login from another comp on my network.22:50
distaticaKalmi: nope, this is local, after I moved my home back.22:50
trinidadfloreshow can i get all of my windows so i have the title bar back?22:50
distaticaKalmi: now I just have to find out what file is causing the fight, and fix that, I don't want ot just remove everything22:50
th0rjhonnyboy: did you click Apply?22:50
sebsebsebKalmi: dpkg -l  in the terminal will list the packages you have installed from Ubuntu's repos22:50
distaticaprobably compare it to a fresh account I assume.22:50
jhonnyboyth0r: yep22:50
Krugersebsebseb: the reason I need to figure this out is becaues I need packages to run my wireless card and fwcutter is not included in 9.04 apparently22:50
sebsebsebKruger: sometimes you have to install programs from outside Ubuntu's repos22:50
distaticaAny easy way to perform diff on a directory?22:51
Kalmidistatica, maybe ~/.Xauthority ?22:51
distaticaKalmi: I think that's it, becuase when I remove it then I just get a display issue.22:51
distaticanot the magic cookie issue.22:51
sebsebsebKruger: sometimes you can even add a repo for certain programs, for example medibuntu22:51
Krugersebsebseb: k, well I have this laptop I'm chatting on now.  I've been moving stuff over with my USB drive.22:51
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:51
th0rjhonnyboy: I have to admit I have never done it in nm...always used /etc/network/interfaces before22:51
Kalmisebsebseb, why are telling me about packages? :)22:51
koshari1trinidadflores you lost your window decoration?22:51
LjLdistatica: the "--recursive" option of diff?22:51
Krugerkalmi: he might have been confusing our names22:51
sebsebsebKalmi: I think I got mixed up heh22:51
sebsebsebKruger: ok well see above for the repo info's22:52
DeranderCan anyone point me to a guide on how to re-write my mbr w/ grub?  When I installed OSX it installed its own bootloader.22:52
darwinwjProbably a dumb question, but I'll throw it out there anyway,,, do we need a firewall with Ubuntu's 8.10? I see there is such a thing, but is it necessary?22:52
Kalmidistatica, try removing  ~/.Xauthority22:52
Krugersebsebs: so even though they can be in your repository they might not be actually INSTALLED on your computer right?22:52
koshari1Kruger you can easily have a personal repo as well22:52
distaticaKalmi: tried that already, but I've got a thought, one sec.22:52
klarthle pouvoirr du long corn ichonnn22:52
koshari1Kruger correct, the repos only contain packages and an insdex22:53
Krugerkoshari1: so a repo is like having a bunch of archived files and installing them with sudo -get install b43-fwcutter is like unzipping them?22:53
LjLklarth hasn't produced anything but a strange mix of languages so far22:53
sebsebsebKruger: indeed22:53
elexodusI have no login for Samba, only connection from outside the box: I have a shared folder with XP box, I can read/Write/Etc. from, but I can't get samba to allow me to connect and map the drive to my XP box.22:53
KalmiLjL, indeed22:54
sebsebsebKruger: a selection of packages from Ubuntu's repos  have been installed when you put Ubuntu on22:54
sebsebsebKruger: how to explain this is how I think22:54
sebsebsebKruger: there are also meta packages  container packages.   which  tell it to install a group of programs22:54
sebsebsebKruger: examples     ubuntu-restricted-extras   ubuntu-desktop  kubuntu-desktop   xubuntu-desktop22:54
Krugersebsebseb: its like downloading a data base of .exe's and only choosing a few to actually install22:54
jribI would like to connect to my wireless network without using network manager (with network manager it works fine). How can I scan for networks?  Or how can I figure out what NM does?  « iwlist eth1 scan » returns: Interface doesn't support scanning.22:55
klarthkhlarth is  eaven22:55
sebsebsebKruger: instead of  going to a website and downloading a .exe  or putting in a CD  and installing software like that, and so on22:55
distaticajrib: eth is ethernet22:55
distaticawon't find much wifi activity there22:55
sebsebsebKruger: you  have access to thousands of packages at your finger tips, that you can just download and  have installed for you22:55
th0rdistatica: some wifi cards identify as eth....mine is eth122:55
PocketIRCis there a way of installing the mobile ubuntu on my pocket pc???22:55
distaticatry something like iwlist wlan0 scan or similar22:55
jribdistatica: I have eth0 and eth1, eth1 is my wireless (it's what has an ip when I use NM)22:55
woddf2Firefox uses the wrong sound card!22:55
distaticath0r: oh really? didn't know that22:56
distaticamy bad then22:56
Krugersebseb: as soon as I get my wireless working :P22:56
sebsebsebKruger: Ubuntu does not use .exe   instead it uses DEB22:56
sebsebseb!deb | Kruger22:56
woddf2How do I get Firefox to use the other sound card?22:56
ubottuKruger: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.22:56
th0rdistatica: try prefixing sudo22:56
koshari1sebsebseb well actually bins are a better comparison to exe,s22:56
th0rdistatica: I got the same result as you until I ran it as root22:56
KrugerI feel like the prodigy kid fromt that linux commercial  "he's learning..."22:57
rumpel2or .msi  ...22:57
sebsebsebkoshari1: maybe22:57
distaticath0r: you must mean jrib should try sudo22:57
Chris_Werei've accidentally locked myself out of viewing a folder. how can i get back in?22:57
distaticath0r: my wireless is fine :)22:57
th0roops....jrib....prefix sudo22:57
Krugerwhat does the bot have to say about the sudo command22:57
PcGuyhow can I edit menu.lst on a non bootable system?22:57
woddf2How do I change what sound card Firefox uses?22:57
sebsebsebkoshari1  and rumpel2  ok sure, but he was asking about .exe22:57
th0rdistatica: I am so confused!22:57
rumpel2Chris_Were, with root/sudo?22:57
sebsebseband how to install programs22:57
Krugercan I have a conversation with the bot?22:57
distaticath0r: there's a lot of traffic, hehe22:57
jribdistatica, th0r: ha, thanks... /me slaps self22:57
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sebsebsebKruger: yes in pm22:57
sebsebsebKruger: well you have to use triggers in pm22:58
Krugerme and the bot need some alone time22:58
Chris_Wererumpel2: how exactly do i do that?22:58
klarthis   a giitttan22:58
sebsebseb!bot | Kruger22:58
ubottuKruger: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:58
distaticabrb, maybe I just have to restart X22:58
rumpel2Chris_Were, in console: "sudo chown myusername:myusername /pathtodir/directoryname22:59
Krugerwhat's the difference between a .deb and a .bin?22:59
Kalmi!botabuse > Kruger22:59
ubottuKruger, please see my private message22:59
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distaticaKalmi: that was it, I just needed to restart X, now everything seems to be fine... at least for now.23:00
KalmiKruger, deb is nice, bin is ugly23:00
distaticaKalmi: silly me for not thinking of that earlier.23:00
Kalmidistatica, was it a downgrade?23:00
Krugerwhat does make do to a file?23:00
distaticaKalmi: yes and no, technically when you go from 8.10 to 8.04 it's a downgrade, but this was not done through apt, I did a clean reinstall to 8.0423:01
Krugera make file tells the compiler which files to look at?23:01
distaticabut my backed up home directory was from 8.1023:01
Kalmidistatica, ok... clean install... got it23:01
distaticaKalmi: I need 8.04 for it's OpenVZ support unfortunately.23:01
tm1One more question -  excuse my ignorance :) - it says "Copy the perl script to your favorite location (ex. /usr/sbin) and create a /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf configuration file. Don't forget to create the cache directory." I did the copying, now what does it mean "Create cache dir"?23:01
rumpel2Kruger, make processes files according to definitions of targets... e.g. creates a executable file from source-files23:02
=== geno__ is now known as Genolo
jmarsdenKruger: google for make manual.  See http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html23:02
distaticatm1: what program ? I assume in the config file you point to a cache directory, just find that location and make sure that directory exists.23:02
Genoloalright i have a question23:02
Genolohow do i assign drive letters in gparted23:02
tm1distatica: openDNS - I'll try that... thanks!23:02
KalmiGenolo, you don't23:02
Krugerwhat is the difference between apt and synaptic?23:02
iamtechno!make > Kruger23:02
ubottuKruger, please see my private message23:02
Kalmi!fstab | Genolo23:02
ubottuGenolo: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:02
danielrmtGenolo: drive letters?23:03
k4_k4Genolo:  Drive Letters ? LOL23:03
iamtechnowoops i meant | not >23:03
Genoloi need it for something on windows23:03
jhonnyboyI tried setting the static ip and after the reboot, it went back to the old settings. Any ideas??23:03
jribdistatica, th0r: here is what happens when I try running wpa_supplicant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179876/ .  This is on a macbook version 4,1 with the restricted STA drivers.  Should I be doing something else?23:03
distaticatm1: get back to me if not23:03
Genoloi figured gparted coulld o it23:03
k4_k4Genolo:  hm? windows / linux ?23:03
Krugeris apt only for local packages and synaptic for online ones?23:03
Kalmi!botsnack | Genolo23:03
ubottuGenolo: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!23:03
Genoloi'm on a dual boot23:03
meoblast001how do i connect to multiple servers in IRSSI23:03
danielrmtGenolo: you want to read your linux files from windows?23:03
meoblast001and how do i open a new window in screen?23:03
iamtechnoKruger, synaptic is basically a gui frontend to apt23:04
distaticaKruger: no, apt and synaptic accomplish the same task23:04
k4_k4Genolo:  Drive letters are not stored on disk but in windows config files23:04
distaticaone (synaptic) is just a bit easier to use23:04
Kalmijhonnyboy, how did you set it?23:04
Genolono, i have an external harddrive, and i want to assign a drive letter to it23:04
Kalmijhonnyboy, networkmanager?23:04
Genoloi thought gparted could do it23:04
jhonnyboyKalmi: Preferences, network connections23:04
distatica"easier to use" is relative, I find apt easier.23:04
Genoloif it can't, anyone want to tell me how23:04
jhonnyboyKalmi: IPV4 from DHCP to manual23:04
Kalmidistatica, faster23:04
Krugeris it possible to use ubuntu without ever having to use the command line interface?23:04
KalmiKruger, yes... my grandma does that....23:05
danielrmtKruger: if your hardware is whitelisted, yes23:05
iamtechnoKruger, dpkg is for local use and is probably used by apt23:05
iamtechnoKruger, Si23:05
meoblast001this is too confusing23:05
th0rjrib: afraid I can't be much help with wpa. I never got it to work right so never use it...there are better ways to secure the wifi network23:05
jhonnyboyKalmi: any ideas?23:05
JackGrayKruger: you could... but it's not particularly scary when you get to using it for a bit...23:05
distaticajrib: I am with th0r on this23:05
fchey, anybody know how to set a proxy for mst-corefonts package?23:06
MichelFX2hello, I want to dowload all files in mp3 from this page: http://rss.dw-world.de/xml/DKpodcast_dwn1_pt How I do this using wget?23:06
th0rjhonnyboy: I did some googling on that and found that the popular cure was to remove network manager and go back to the old way of doing things23:06
Kalmijhonnyboy, you could set it using the /etc/network/interfaces file, if networkmanager is acting funny...23:06
meoblast001save me23:06
iamtechnoMichelFX2, good luck. I've found that wget doesn't like wildcards23:06
Krugerdoes a package usually appear as one .deb file or is it often many clusters?23:06
jhonnyboyth0r and Kalmi: great thanks! I'm on it.23:06
Kalmimeoblast001, /server?23:06
ScottGIs there a way I can find out what patch Ubuntu put on Xorg to improve performance. I am on gentoo now and I have problems resizing and maximising windows and such. However, I didn't have these problems on windows.23:06
JamedKruger: In the beginning i didn't use the Terminal at all. Then i used apt-get, then irssi and now i do almost everything in concole23:07
iamtechno!irssi | iamtechno23:07
ubottuiamtechno, please see my private message23:07
Kruger!irssi | kruger23:07
ubottuKruger, please see my private message23:08
Krugerterminal based IRC client23:08
KrugerI use mIRC23:08
JackGrayScottG: i'm sure there are a lot of patches applied to xorg...and what do you mean by you didn't have these problems on windows..23:08
KalmiKruger, under ubuntu?23:09
iamtechnoKruger, console is your best friend :)23:09
ScottGJackGray: Oh sorry, i meant I didn't have those problems on ubuntu23:09
Kalmiiamtechno, google is your second best friend...? that doesn't sound right...23:09
JackGrayScottG: that's what i thought you meant.... I'd ask in #gentoo but if you want to sit there sifting through the diffs for xorg in ubuntu have at it...23:09
JamedKruger: if you want a good irc client with gui use xchat23:09
KalmiKruger, I'm a happy xchat user :)23:10
iamtechnoWhat happens if you took a trip out in the boonies like I did with my laptop to get away and no net access.23:10
JackGrayiamtechno: tether!23:10
LautreGuest-936 о привет!23:11
iamtechnoJackGray, no cell service either23:11
iamtechnoThen console moves to and stays at #123:11
jribth0r: what better ways?23:11
WixicyI need some help with DHCPD23:11
Kalmi!ask | Wixicy23:11
ubottuWixicy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:11
WixicyOh sorry23:11
JackGrayiamtechno: start a fire, use that to chop down wood, advance your civilization until you can ugrade to semiconductor production... continue until you're able to build cell towers...23:11
tm1distatica: OK - that worked, thanks. It recommends using the vi command to edit a file.... isn't there a better way to do that? or does it even matter - can I just open up the file manually?23:12
iamtechnoJackGray, rotflmao right now. That is the best thing I've heard all day!23:12
koshari1distatica:  i prefer nano23:12
PcGuyWell still can not get rid of the Error 17 with grub and ubuntu 9.0423:12
fchey guys, is there any way to get msttcorefonts working behind a proxy?23:12
goal_laxwhat do i need to have in client except PXE ethernet for ltsp23:12
DraveJackGray: Best answer ever.23:12
Kalmi!offtopic | JackGray23:12
ubottuJackGray: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:12
WixicyI am having a ac-hoc network running right now, with the ubuntu machine as host. But I am having problems setting up the DHCPD.conf file, could anyone help me?23:13
iamtechnoOh come on ubottu, relax!23:13
distaticatm1: no issue, use whatever you're comfortable wiht.23:13
tm1distatica: tnx23:13
distaticatm1: I'm not aware of a lot of exceptions to that rule besides maybe visudo23:13
ScottGJackGray: What would I ask in #gentoo?23:13
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KalmiWixicy, what's the issue? you might want to check out dnsmasq as it is a lot easier to set up...23:13
ScottGJackGray: gentoo doesn't really modify anything. Ubuntu did modify something so that it worked, so ubuntu should have the answer23:14
WixicyWell, I manage to start a DHCP3 instance, but when a computer connects it will not get any IP23:14
WixicyIs dnsmasq easier?23:14
iamtechnoJackGray, it is possible the Gentoo and Ubuntu are using different versions of X?23:14
tm1distatica: ok - how do I get out of vi?!23:15
distaticatm1: hit escape: then :wq23:15
distaticacolon, wq23:15
jribyou don't have to use vi in visudo23:15
JackGrayiamtechno: I'm sure it's possitlble... I don't keep up with gentoo, but I think it's more likely it's a driver / config issue... but like I said I could be way off...23:15
KalmiWixicy, a lot... enabling DHCP is just uncommenting one line...23:15
WixicyOh, really23:16
distaticatm1: vgi has a command mode and edit mode (and I think another mode somewhere in there, I don't use it much) so esc gets you to command mode, : lets you type acommand, and w means 'write' (save), q means quit23:16
iamtechnoJackGray, probably. What videocard/driver combo were you using on them?23:16
woddf2How do I get Firefox to use the other sound card?23:16
distaticatm1: vgi, I mean vim23:16
JackGrayiamtechno: it's not me.. its scottg23:16
woddf2How do I configure what sound card Firefox uses?23:16
iamtechnoJackGray, sorry my bad23:16
amseidlerGnea: Hi, are you there?23:16
tm1distatica: ok - great, thanks!23:16
woddf2I tried System -> Preferences -> Sound, but that did not work.23:17
distaticatm1: probably should have had you use nano first, heh, until you did the vim tutorial (which I would suggest)23:17
KalmiWixicy, well... you will need to uncomment one more line, otherwise DHCP won't give out a default gateway...23:17
distaticatm1: no problem :)23:17
KalmiWixicy, dnsmasq is a lot more fun than dhcpd :)23:17
woddf2What sound system does Firefox use?23:17
WixicyKalmi : Where is the dnsmasq conf file located?23:17
Krugerthis help chat is great btw23:17
iamtechnoScottG, what videocard/driver combo were/are you using?23:17
KrugerI'm getting so many answers23:17
KrugerI love it23:17
JackGraywoddf2: does that mean sound works elsewhere but not in firefox?23:17
Krugercan I give money?23:18
woddf2JackGray: No, I said it uses the wrong sound card.23:18
Kalmiwoddf2, you mean flash, right?23:18
distaticaKruger: its' free for all :)23:18
Kalmi!hi | andyeff23:18
ubottuandyeff: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:18
woddf2The Test buttons in Sound Preferences use the correct sound card.23:18
woddf2Kalmi: Yes23:18
koshari1Kruger:   u can give me some money of u want23:18
distaticaKruger: the best you can do, is learn the stuff yourself come back and pitch in23:18
iamtechnoKruger, good. Sometimes I've been on here and no one answers until I ask 12 or 13 times23:18
andyeffYou guys are so friendly!!23:18
woddf2Flash Player in Firefox23:18
KalmiWixicy, have you removed dhcpd and install dnsmasq yet?23:18
andyeffFriendliest IRC Channel ever!23:18
distaticaiamtechno: if people are busy with something else, it's hard to keep track of who wants what and still help someone else.23:19
distaticaiamtechno: and lord help me when someone is talking to me without prefixing my nick23:19
Jamedandyeff: thats ubuntus philosophy :)23:19
tm1distatica: so vim is editing files from terminal? and there's a tutorial... ?23:19
woddf2How do I change which sound card it uses?23:19
WixicyKalmi : I did not remove dhcp3, but i installed dnsmasq23:19
KalmiWixicy, won't they try to use the same port?23:19
amseidlerWhen I try to load Ubuntu it gives me Error 22, no GRUB. How can I get GRUB back?23:20
iamtechnodistatica, lol. I hear ya. I have to ignore so simple questions just cause I am busy. So scratch that last msg.23:20
distaticatm1: yes, vim is a console text editor, there are a number of them. Think of it like notepad that runs in the console. As for the tutorial, I think you open vim, enter the command mode (esc) and then type :tutor23:20
WixicyDunno, I have stopped dhcp3 anyway23:20
distaticatm1: but I could be wrong on that23:20
woddf2JackGray, Kalmi How do I change which sound card it uses?23:20
distaticatm1: I am wrong on that23:20
KalmiWixicy, ok23:20
tm1distatica: lol!23:20
iamtechnowoddf2, what you might try is changing which mixer that your system is using23:20
woddf2How do I do that?23:20
tm1distatica: vi and vim are the same things? I mean, vi is the command to get into vim?23:20
KalmiWixicy, /etc/dnsmasq.conf23:20
WixicyKalmi, could you send me your dnsmasq.conf ?23:20
amseidlerWhen I try to load Ubuntu it gives me Error 22, no GRUB. How can I get GRUB back?23:20
distaticatm1: vim is vi improved23:21
distaticatm1: there's some extra features in there, not that I know what they are.23:21
woddf2iamtechno: How do I do that?23:21
distaticatm1: I use nano when I need something quick at the command line, and gedit for other stuff.23:21
tm1distatica: gotcha23:21
iamtechnowoddf2, Right click on your speaker icon in the top rh corner are and click on prefs23:21
JackGraywoddf2: if it's only in flash, try install libflashsupport and see this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/28946823:21
distaticatm1: I generally don't like vim because I forget what mode I'm in, start typing some words and all of a sudden things start disappearing and everything goes wild.23:21
amseidlerWhen I try to load Ubuntu it gives me Error 22, no GRUB. How can I get GRUB back?23:21
tm1distatica: ok23:21
KalmiWixicy, no... look for dhcp-range and dhcp-option=option:router23:21
distaticatm1: for instance, if you're in command mode, and type dd over whatever line you're on, you will delete that line23:22
KalmiWixicy, that's all you need23:22
Jamed!patience | amseidler23:22
ubottuamseidler: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:22
distaticatm1: rather than typing dd, which you were expecting. :)23:22
ScottGiamtechno: Hey sorry went ot do the dishes. I am using ati with fglrx23:22
tm1distatica: ah... because you can't tell which mode you're in, as opposed to the other ways like gedit or nano23:22
Kalmiamseidler, what caused it?23:22
jaekmy apt-get upgrade is failing, something about the scheme files are not xml, can someone take a look? http://pastebin.com/m6884223f23:22
woddf2iamtechno: No, that changes only the track to change the volume.23:22
distaticatm1: in the others there is no mode23:22
distaticatm1: just edit, and menus or whatever to access stuff.23:22
VenportHi all, I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my old Dell Inspiron 600m, I'm using an old distro because i was told that this computer can't handle the newer ones (not sure if it's true or not). But i'm new to linux. My question is about adding programs ect... if i use synaptic i get an error when trying to load new repositorys  "Could not download all repository indexes" is this because of my out of date version of Ubuntu?? or something el23:23
woddf2iamtechno: I just need it to use one sound card instead of the other.23:23
Krugerwhat's the command that tells you what kernel you're using?23:23
tm1distatica: okay23:23
iamtechnowoddf2, Is it only firefox that does it?23:23
WixicyKalmi, how do I start dnsmasq?23:23
woddf2iamtechno: So far, yes23:23
Kalmijaek, was an upgrade aborted?23:23
distaticatm1: vim is great, don't get me wrong (or murdered around here) but it's one of those things you like or don't. I use an addon for firefox called vimperator which adds that whole command mode to firefox it's great for that but I don't like the editor.23:23
amseidlerKalmi: I installed ubuntu with wubi. I then made a new partition with gparted, and used LVPM to split it from the windows partition.23:23
DraveIs anyone familer with the program Razor?23:23
woddf2iamtechno: This box has 2 sound cards, and Firefox is using the wrong one.23:23
KalmiWixicy, sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart23:23
amseidlerKalmi: I don't know what happened from there, but all it says is "loading grub...ERROR 22, no GRUB"23:24
jaekKalmi, yeah looks like post-install is failing on gnome-applets-data... the .xml files are binary files... ???23:24
tm1distatica: gotcha- so there are options :D (duh, linux)23:24
tm1distatica: speaking of tutorials....23:24
koshari1Kruger uname23:24
tm1distatica: where do you recommend I start in the wonderful world of Linux/Ubuntu?23:24
DexterFhow do I make the live 9.04 NOT run pulse audio at boot time or how do I disable it?23:24
WixicyKalmi, testing now, brb23:24
matrixhey what does it mean blk phone23:25
iamtechnowoddf2, hmmm never heard of that. AFAIK, all sound is handled by Alsa/Pulse/OSS... and it takes care of it.23:25
distaticatm1: precisely, some people like network-manager some people like to edit config files and type commands, some like to type out what they want their editor to do, some like to hit ctrl+x or enter a menu. potato potato if you ask me.23:25
distaticatm1: that doesn't work as well on irc (potato) hehe.23:25
distaticatm1: Just use it, and DON'T be afraid of the command line23:25
iamtechnoScottG, Which ati card and what version of catalyst are you using?23:25
Kalmiamseidler, I don't how LVPM operates.... do you multiple HDDs?23:25
tm1tm1: will do!23:25
amseidlerKalmi: No23:25
distaticatm1: it's your friend more than not, just remember, when it starts wtih sudo or says root@host$ you're playing wtih fire.23:25
tm1distatica: oops23:25
koshari1Kruger sorrry, uname -r23:25
woddf2iamtechno: How do I configure that?23:25
amseidlerKalmi: I just need to get grub restored.23:26
tm1distatica: will do23:26
amseidlerKalmi: Are you familiar with Parted Magic?23:26
matrixhey what does it mean blk phone23:26
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions23:26
iamtechnowoddf2, What do you mean? Like tell your computer which mixer to use?23:26
Kalmiamseidler, yes...23:26
panfistis there something like phpmyadmin for apache23:26
distaticatm1: not playing wtih fire, but if you do whatever you want as a user account, you can always remove yourself and start again, if you screw with root (system admin, also accessed via sudo command) then you're playing wtih the actual system23:26
Kalmiamseidler, and I prefer gparted....23:26
jmarsdentm1: If you are looking for a general Linux overview tutorial, maybe read http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/intro-linux.html23:26
woddf2iamtechno: I need to tell Firefox which sound card to use.23:26
distaticatm1: wtihout trying to elevate privileges, normal user generally can't do any damage.23:26
woddf2What sound system does Rhythmbox use? What sound system does Firefox use?23:27
koshari1distatica i think nano is easier to pick up when one isnt experianced in buffers23:27
tm1jmarsden: thanks23:27
distaticakoshari1: I couldn't agree more23:27
amseidlerKalmi: OK, are you aware of a way to get my files all my files via parted magic?23:27
woddf2I tested it with Rhythmbox and it uses the correct sound card.23:27
PcGuyOk got ubuntu to boot following post #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1168815&highlight=grub+error+1723:27
Kalmitm1, that means: don't use sudo if you have no idea what you are doing23:27
JackGraydistatica: well besides rm -ing your own files....23:27
saikianyone know how to check open ports in xubuntu?23:27
tm1Kalmi: gotcha23:27
distaticaJackGray: hmm? youdon't need sudo to rm your own files.23:27
distaticatm1: and never ever ever let anyone ever tell you to run rm -rf /23:28
Kalmiamseidler, no... I would suggest that you boot a normal Ubuntu LiveCD23:28
saikior chage the internet security settings23:28
distaticathat's rm -rf / in case it split in your client. :)23:28
Kalmi!grub | amseidler23:28
ubottuamseidler: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:28
woddf2iamtechno: I need to tell Firefox which sound card to use.23:28
jmarsdensaiki: sudo netstat -ntlp  # will show what is listening.  nmap will let you check what is open on other machines... but be careful with that :)23:28
amseidlerKalmi: I am just going to reinstall Ubuntu. How can I backup my files?23:28
amseidlerKalmi: Is there a way to do so via Parted Magic?23:28
tm1distatica: what, is that something that erases your hard drive?23:29
Shivamhow can I check my resolution on Ubuntu?23:29
JackGraydistatica: right, which is what I was saying, that that's about the only thing you can do without sudo privileges that can cause frustration23:29
distaticaamseidler: if everything is in your home directory, you could always open a console: cd ~/; tar zcvf backup.tar.gz ./23:29
VenportSorry for repeating but i'm going to ask my question again...23:29
VenportHi all, I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my old Dell Inspiron 600m, I'm using an old distro because i was told that this computer can't handle the newer ones (not sure if it's true or not). But i'm new to linux. My question is about adding programs ect... if i use synaptic i get an error when trying to load new repositorys  "Could not download all repository indexes" is this because of my out of date version of Ubuntu?? or something el23:29
koshari1amseidler partimage will do it but its more wuited for backing/restoring whole partitions23:29
distaticaamseidler: then when you're done reinstalling, you can hand picmk out of that file, or decompress it all.23:29
andyeff1you can check your resolution by going to system > preferences > screen resolution23:29
saikijmarsden, I'm trying to play Starcraft with my brother23:29
distaticaamseidler: depends on your reason for reinstalling23:29
Kalmiamseidler, where would you like to backup your files?23:29
iamtechnowoddf2, I dunno then because the only thing I can think to try is changing the mixer which is right clicking on the sound icon and clicking preferences and playing around with the drop down menu which selects the output for all sound.23:29
matrixShivam: you just go system preferences screen resolutions23:29
matrixthere you go23:29
amseidlerdistatica: I can't boot into ubuntu. I need to get them through parted magic.23:30
koshari1amseidler as kalmi said use the ubuntu live disc to copy individual files,23:30
tzangerVenport: generally speaking old distros aren't any better or worse on older hardware than newer distros23:30
th0rVenport: yes, that old a version is no longer supported23:30
matrixno problem bob23:30
andyeff1in 9.04 I believe they may have changed it from screen resolution to "display" in 9.0423:30
tzangerVenport:  and in some cases older distros can be bigger/more processor intensive23:30
andyeff1ny redundancy is redundant23:30
th0rVenport: you might want to consider 8.04 and xubuntu instead of ubuntu23:30
jmarsdensaiki: So... why are you worrying about network security... xubuntu comes with no firewall enabled out of the box, as far as I know...23:30
woddf2iamtechno: No, that controls only what track for which it changes the volume.23:30
amseidlerKalmi: To an external hard drive.23:30
distaticatm1: linux starts at / that's your root of everything, if you remove that, you might as well get rid of everything on your system, including any mounted external drives and whatever else I believe.23:30
saikijmarsden, because we can't connect, at all23:31
distaticatm1: rm is remove, -r means recursive (go into directories too) and -f means force I believe (eg. don't ask you)23:31
tm1distatica: ah, I see23:31
iamtechnowoddf2, I'll be back. I research it for a little bit and I see whats up.23:31
amseidlerKalmi: Can you help?23:31
tm1tm1: thanks for explaining it23:31
jmarsdenOK, and you are on the same LAN, and did either of you enable some sort of firewall software?23:31
mib_3fkg3rdbHello, does anyone copy?23:31
VenportThank you both tzanger and th0r, i'll try and upgrade... So 9.04 should work on and old system?23:31
tm1distatica: grief, I sent it to myself again. "thanks for explaining it"23:31
distaticatm1: since you would mount your external usb drive at say, /media/my_usb_drive, and remove starting at / that means /media/ is in there, a well as /media/my_usb_drive/ and anything inside that.23:31
distaticatm1: hehe, no problem :)23:31
=== gir is now known as girgir
saikijmarsden, I personally disabled firewalls and opened the right ports23:31
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saikiit is still not working23:31
th0rVenport: check the hw requirements on ubuntu.com. 8.04 or 9.04 would be good choices, and again, xubuntu instead of ubuntu23:32
jmarsdensaiki: Then troubleshoot with netstat (are things listening where you expect them to be listening)...23:32
Kalmiamseidler, good boot an ubuntu livecd, and boom you will have access to all your files(under Places probabaly), plug in the hdd, and you will be able to copy them to the external hdd23:32
VenportAh thanks.... I'll start reading about Xubuntu23:32
distaticatm1: I've got to get some work done here, if you need anything else feel free to ask, if I'm not here smeone will be, if not poke sebsebseb ;)23:32
saikijmarsden, I'm checking that now23:32
* distatica pokes sebsebseb 23:32
saikiI can ping him fine though23:32
amseidlerKalmi: There's nothing here23:32
th0rVenport: it is ubuntu with xfce for a window manager, much lighter on resources than the default gnome23:32
Kalmiamseidler, you can install xchat in the livecd environment if you need more help23:32
tm1distatica: ok, thanks!23:33
sebsebsebdistatica: poke me humm23:33
Kalmiamseidler, here?23:33
distaticasebsebseb: ;)23:33
rocky|I am here now!23:33
dingUsing 9.04 here. How does one make it so that window contents are repainted as windows are resized? Can't find any relevant settings using gconf-editor...23:33
grepbostahi, breaking my head all day long on this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1168983    ny one has more an idea ? big thx !23:33
tm1sebsebseb: lol, we meet again, eh? under a different user name.... :)23:33
sebsebsebtm1: you got a differnet one?23:33
Kalmiding, desktop effects on?23:33
amseidlerKalmi: I tried to boot ubuntu from the hard disk, and it gives me that error!23:34
distaticasebsebseb is the real workaholic of the channel, at least that's been my impression.23:34
Kalmi!livecd | amseidler23:34
ubottuamseidler: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.23:34
tm1sebsebseb: no, I'm using mibbit... couldn't figure out how to register one, or get in using pidgin!23:34
amseidlerKalmi: Yes, thaat's what I am using right now23:34
tm1sebsebseb: you remember I was asking yesterday about a filter? ;)23:34
Drknezztml: click on this link, apt://xchat23:34
Kalmiamseidler, the ubuntu livecd?23:34
sebsebsebdistatica: yeah I have helped out quite a lot here the last few months23:34
amseidlerKalmi: However, when I go to places, and let's say music, there's nothing there23:34
amseidlerKalmi: yes23:34
sebsebsebtm1: yep I remember23:35
Kalmiamseidler, you should have mentioned that :D23:35
sebsebsebtm1: you got somewhere with that?23:35
distaticatm1: you were looking for a mask for your ip?23:35
dingKalmi, under System->Preferences->Appearance->"Visual Effects" tab. I have "Normal"23:35
tm1Drknezz: tm1 :) what's the link?23:35
iamtechnowoddf2, Is it just flash by chance that doesn't play sound?23:35
tm1sebsebseb: for now just doing openDNS, except I'm kind of stuck here editing one of the conf files23:35
amseidlerKalmi: Ok, it's mentioned. Now what?23:35
tm1distatica: um, I don't think so.... more of a internet content filter23:35
dingChanging to "Extra" doesn't do it...23:35
sebsebsebtm1: ah ok23:35
Drknezztml: it installs xchat (with your permission, ofcourse) an irc client23:35
Apolloanyone have a preference for an under $500 laptop that runs linux with wifi? I have had trouble with the drivers for the wifi before23:36
distaticatm1: oh ok, someone else was looking for an ip mask, but I thought that happened today, not that I can remember anymore.23:36
distaticaanyways, back to pretending ot work23:36
iamtechnoApollo, try Dell23:36
tm1distatica: ok23:36
sebsebsebApollo: your from USA  so  http://www.system76.com is an option, but do they sell  ones that aren't netbooks humm23:36
Drknezztml: if you would want to install flash, mp3 support and all that stuff, just click on: apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras23:36
Kalmiding, you change that behaviour with ccsm23:36
rootexcuse me23:36
Kalmi!ccsm | ding23:36
ubottuding: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:36
=== root is now known as Guest48682
sebsebsebApollo: http://www.zareason.com another pre installed Linux company, and I think Dell only do netbooks :(  http://www.dell.com/ubuntu23:37
tm1Drknezz: ok - as far as pidgin goes, that does irc, right?23:37
amseidlerKalmi: How can I get a hold of my files?23:37
tm1Drknezz: and, how do I register a "permanent" usn, if there is such a thing?23:37
sebsebsebApollo: I assumed USA by the way since you were talking $23:37
distaticatm1: yes, pidgin does irc23:37
dingKalmi, installing.23:37
saikijmarsden, I can ping to ok, I'm trying to rememger how to locate MY ip so I can ping from his pc23:37
Drknezztml: /msg nickserv register <nick> <password>23:37
Kalmiding, which one?23:37
Drknezztml: pidgin sucks for IRC23:37
jmarsdensaiki: ifconfig  will show you your own IP address.23:38
libtechuse pidgin for aim23:38
dingsimple-cssm. Seems like it also pulls in compizconfig-settings-manager as well23:38
iamtechnoScottG, Which ati card and what version of catalyst are you using?23:38
koshari1amseidler open gparted and see what partition, filesystem they are then mount it23:38
Guest48682i am getting an error when installing cnijfilter _common for my printer ip 1880..the error is on libcupsys2..do u know the solution23:38
saikijmarsden, it's showing my wlan ip23:38
saikiI want my LAN ip23:38
koshari1amseidler or alternatively use fdisk -l23:38
KalmiGuest48682, what is the error?23:38
tm1Drknezz: if I do the msg inside of this channel, it shows the message to everybody, right...? so do I do it inside of the freenode tab, or what?23:38
jmarsdensaiki: Read more carefully, or do ifconfig eth0 to show just the eth0 information :)23:39
mib_3fkg3rdbWhen I insert the (Kubuntu) CD into my drive while in Windows it says I can install it inside Windows without another partition.  Is that safe?  Will it interfere with windows?  Will I still get protection from the  McAfee I have installed in Windows xp?  Is this the same thing as what they call a  parallell?23:39
Kalmisaiki, ifconfig should show you all your ip addresses23:39
koshari1saiki ehtenet or wifi?23:39
amseidlerkoshari1: Ok, it's already mounted23:39
sebsebsebmib_3fkg3rdb: that's Wubi, you don't want that23:39
ScottGiamtechno: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series23:39
Kalmimib_3fkg3rdb, it is safe and it's not like parallell23:39
ScottGiamtechno: Not sure how to check the catalyst version23:39
koshari1amseidler: then just use nautilus to browse it23:39
sebsebseb!wubi | mib_3fkg3rdb23:39
ubottumib_3fkg3rdb: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.23:39
amseidlerKalmi: Are you going to help me or what?23:40
sebsebsebsafe way heh, well  if it works, some people get weird Wubi issues23:40
sebsebsebmib_3fkg3rdb: it's better to do a proper dual boot set up :)23:40
koshari1saiki iwconfig23:40
sebsebsebmib_3fkg3rdb: or get rid of Windows entirely or run that inside a virtual machine in Ubuntu if you got enough RAM, and don't want to 3D game or some such23:40
sebsebsebmib_3fkg3rdb: since you mentioned Macafee23:40
sebsebseb!virus | mib_3fkg3rdb23:40
ubottumib_3fkg3rdb: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:41
dingKalmi, got new customizations available. But nothing that appears to address window repaint on resize... Thanks for that tip though!23:41
Kalmi!troll | amseidler23:41
ubottuamseidler: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel23:41
Kalmiding, which package did you install?23:41
dingKalmi: simple-ccsm (which also installed compizconfig-settings-manager and python-compizconfig)23:41
Kalmiding, Alt+F2 and type: ccsm23:42
Kalmiding, and start it23:42
sebsebseb!dualboot | mib_3fkg3rdb23:43
ubottumib_3fkg3rdb: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:43
snail1is there a command-line utility for converting MS word documents to something sensible? (OOo docs, HTML, etc)23:43
Kalmiamseidler, you say it is already mounted, yet you don't see your files...23:43
Guest48682@ Kalmi : the error is on libcupsys2..the package cnijfilter _common doesn't satisfy it..i think i ve installed it..23:43
DexterFhow do I prevent pulse from getting started on 9.04 live?23:43
tm1sebsebseb: you familiar with openDNS?23:43
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sebsebsebsnail1: don't think so23:43
sebsebsebtm1: nah23:43
tm1sebsebseb: cuz I'm plain stuck, not knowing exactly what I'm supposed to change in this file :)23:43
distaticaAm I the only one that thinks it's dumb that the default behavior for an xchat installation is to join a network, and enter into a channel, without ever giving a second to mask the nick?23:43
tm1sebsebseb: ok, lol23:43
distaticathis is on a new install I mean, joins to ubuntu server23:44
distaticamask the ip *23:44
sebsebsebtm1: ,but maybe I can get someone to join here, that can help, instead of telling you to join their channel, since I am not just meant to do that23:44
tm1sebsebseb: openDNS has their own channel?23:44
sebsebsebtm1: maybe23:45
Mylistohey all23:45
tm1sebsebseb: haha, I'm looking into it23:45
Kalmiding, have you found it?23:45
MylistoI'm wondering if anyone knows how to broadcast a skype call in ubuntu (shoutcast, winamp, etc.)23:45
sebsebsebtm1: I thought one of them knew, but  I don't know. well you can try #networking23:45
tm1sebsebseb: okay, thanks23:46
sebsebsebtm1: and the channel I was on about is not that one23:46
KalmiIs pulse on top of ALSA23:46
andyeff1can anyone recommend a good IRC room filled with silly people?23:46
Kalmiandyeff1, #ubuntu23:46
mib_3fkg3rdbWhat's the advantage of using Wubi instead of creating a separate partition and installing that way?23:46
sebsebsebandyeff1: #wrongplanet23:46
dingKalmi, playing with the "Resize Window" settings...23:47
Kalmiding, good :)23:47
andyeff1Years ago I remember there was this one IRC channel all about the atari 2600 and it was some all day hilarity23:47
dingKalmi, not sure what I'm doing though23:47
sebsebsebmib_3fkg3rdb: there is no advantage, infact wubi gives you disadvantages23:47
jmarsdenmib_3fkg3rdb: You don't (in theory) have to understand partitions to use wubi.23:47
Kalmimib_3fkg3rdb, you can remove wubi from Add/Remove Programs :)23:47
sebsebsebandyeff1: well some good people in that one,  and that's a point we aren't meant to just promote other channels here hum23:47
mib_3fkg3rdbthank you for the information23:47
Guest48682@ Kalmi : the error is on libcupsys2..the package cnijfilter _common doesn't satisfy it..i think i ve installed it..23:48
dingKalmi: Got it! Much appreciated!23:48
distaticasebsebseb: it's got to be a tradeoff, you can't not promote other channels AND have a on topic rule, not THAT is silly.23:48
distaticanow* THAT23:48
Kalmiding, how is it performance-wise?23:48
dingKalmi. This ought to make web site fluidity checking much easier...23:48
sebsebsebdistatica: well I wasn't exactly promoting anyway, more like answering his question,  because I know what kind of people can be in that channel etc23:49
dingKalmi, seems okay. Not too slow to be distracting, but a bit jerky...23:49
sebsebsebdistatica: I think he was sort of trolling, and we took the bait heh :d23:49
Kalmiding... that's why it's off :)23:50
distaticasebsebseb: ahh, it happens. :)23:50
dingKalmi: Got it. But I definitely need that feature...23:50
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
raubAny of you have used kvpnc?23:50
gartralhm.. I can't get the play/pause multimedia keys on my kb to do anything, the keyboard shortcuts windows registers them, but VLC and such ignore them23:51
Kalmigartral, volume controls work?23:52
gartralKalmi: pefectly23:52
tm1sebsebseb: is there a way to turn off access to a wireless network for a ubuntu user?23:53
tm1sebsebseb: I mean, so they can't access the internet?23:54
gartralKalmi: ideas?23:54
distaticatm1: you mean at the access point?23:54
sebsebsebtm1: probably23:54
Guest48682i am getting an error when installing cnijfilter _common for my printer ip 1880..the error is on libcupsys2..do u know the solution23:54
Krugerbrb watching the matrix reloaded23:54
tm1distatica: I think so23:54
tm1sebsebseb, distatica: would this work? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/disable-internet-access-for-particular-user-in-ubuntu.html23:55
distaticatm1: not securely, maybe you could mess with a few somehow, but it wouldn't be too difficult to bypass.23:55
distaticatm1: you want certain users of your computer to be disallowed wifi access?23:56
Kalmitm1, wow...23:56
ricardo_tem algum braasioleiro ai???23:56
kurthi, in some videos my sound (totem says it is mp3 in one of those files) is trempling. is this a known bug?23:56
Kalmitm1, yeah... taht should work23:56
tm1distatica: I'm sorry, I meant wired, not wireless23:56
tm1Kalmi: ok, thanks23:56
cchendoes anyone know if linux actually have support driver for wireless-n adapters?23:56
Guest48682solve my problem, please23:56
distaticatm1: if you're trying to restrict accounts on your machine, that's simple, if you're trying to have a firewall block a certain ethernet port, that's simple, but distinguishing between windows and ubuntu communications is not going ot be so simple.23:57
gartral!help Guest4868223:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help Guest4868223:57
gartral!help | Guest4868223:57
ubottuGuest48682: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:57
kurtGuest48682, thats not a nive tone23:57
tm1distatica: so, I have dual boot on23:57
Guest48682@ Kalmi : the error is on libcupsys2..the package cnijfilter _common doesn't satisfy it..i think i ve installed it..23:58
tm1distatica: if I follow the instructions on the website (http://www.mibbit.com/url/cDMmSI), then it would interfere with my WinXP account?23:58
Guest48682i am getting an error when installing cnijfilter _common for my printer ip 1880..the error is on libcupsys2..do u know the solution23:58
ricardo_tem algum brasilieiro ai????23:58
tm1distatica: sorry, I was supposed to let you work23:58
Kalmi!br | ricardo_23:58
ubotturicardo_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:58
distaticatm1: I don't think you follow, this locks a specific account from being able to use certain services.23:59
tm1tm1: yeah, I know. You said something about windows and ubuntu communications23:59
* cchen wonders if anyone knows if linux supports any wireless-n adapters?23:59
distaticaso if I have a computer, and you use it too, and I want to block your account from network access, I can do this. But as soon as you reboot my computer to windows (which does not have iptables the tool they're using) then everything works as if linux didn't exist.23:59

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