
girohgirrakista, is disabled00:03
alexshenoyanybody having problems with getting strigi to work00:03
girohgirrakista, 1st time it happened i tried enabling it, then desabling00:03
girohgirrakista, disabling the onboard nic and reenabling00:03
girohgirrakista, to no avail00:04
alexshenoyi found this howto, but it didnt work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107137600:04
alexshenoyi get to the part where i start nepomuk, but it changes the config from sesame2 back to redland00:05
rakistaIt has to be saving its bits somewhere when ubuntu shuts down00:05
kaddigood night everyone :)00:05
girohgirrakista, yes, i see that when ubuntu is shutting down, but not completely, the nic lights go off00:06
Barridusalexshenoy, i think stringi is broke atm00:06
girohgirrakista, they should never go off because the mobo is still energized00:06
Shadozeg'night kaddy00:06
piyushI just got a new laptop and install kubuntu jaunty 9.04. It ROCKS00:07
girohgirrakista, to me it seems a linux driver problem00:07
piyushplasma is just amazing00:07
rakistayeah you can try http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-restart-start-stop-networking-service-howto/00:07
girohgirrakista, if ubuntu "turns off" the nic, it could never use wake on lan00:07
rakistaSee what happens stop networking before logging off00:07
girohgirrakista, stop networking, what you mean?00:08
girohgirrakista, ifdown?00:08
piyushI have sorted out most of the problems. One still doesn't go away. I have an Acer Aspire 5738 and Brightness doesn't work00:08
girohgirrakista, already tried00:08
girohgirlet me do it again00:08
girohgirrakista, yep, nothing happens, the lights are still up00:09
rakistaYeah Linux has a lot of drivers shame they do not all work00:09
piyushI have searched the net and brightneess doesn't seem to work00:09
rakistaBug report it and enjoy the rest of the weekend00:09
piyushfor a lot of people00:09
piyushI tried changing it by doing echo "40" >> /proc/acpi/video/brightness00:11
Shadozepiyush, glad your liking the new kde!00:11
piyushShadoze, Thanks mate! It rocks00:11
piyushI was running <=3.5 for like forever00:12
piyushheard alot of noise about plasma so installed it on the new laptop00:12
Shadoze:) it does take a bit of confidence to hop to 4 and learn how to use it00:12
piyushit just rocks00:12
Shadozebut it's worth it00:12
piyushDefinitely is00:12
piyushHey do you by any chance know this acpi stuff ?00:12
Shadozeyou might be running a odler version of kde ;)00:12
ShadozeI don't no :( i can take alook though00:13
piyushI always had a crt monitor and never needed to play with acpi00:13
girohgirrakista, removing the module make the lights go off00:13
Shadozepiyush i know this is o/t of what your asking00:13
Shadozebut can you go to dolphon00:13
piyushwell the "book" suggests I do something like echo "70" > /proc/acpi/video/brightness00:13
girohgirrakista, inserting it again they light up again00:13
Shadozeclick help > about00:13
Shadoze*about kde00:13
rakistaDo you have access to other driver verisions ?00:14
rakistaYou could see if any of the older drivers work00:14
piyushOh okie. Sorry for o/t stuff00:14
rakistaIf you have the source you could diff them and submit a bug report if they solve your problem00:15
ShadozeNo no, it's me00:15
Shadozejust wondering what your kde version is00:15
Shadozeor 4.2.3?00:15
piyushI am on Kubuntu jaunty00:15
ShadozeFresh install?00:15
ShadozeWould you like to upgrade to 4.2.3?00:16
piyushwell I grabbed the cd iso avaiable on kubuntu site00:16
piyushyeah sure00:16
Shadozeit got realised not long ago00:16
ShadozeOk go to kpackagekit00:16
Shadozethen click the settings icon00:16
Shadozeedit software sources00:17
wesamhello all00:17
piyushokay so you want me to change /etc/apt/sources.lst ?00:17
piyushokie cool00:17
wesamcan i join your community ??00:17
piyushyeah done00:17
wesamiam wesam from cairo00:18
Shadozego to 4rd party tab00:18
wesamiam a new user in kubuntu00:18
Shadoze*3rd party even00:18
ShadozeWelcome, wesam!00:18
piyushyeah :)00:18
girohgirwesam, make yourself at home, grab a couch00:18
wesamthank you shadozi00:18
Shadozeclick add software source00:18
wesamthank you00:18
Shadozeglad you could be part of the kubuntu - kde family!00:18
monarchman so many paople00:18
wesamiam asking about how to install any software00:19
piyushyeah done00:19
Shadoze@ piyush, add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main00:19
wesamlike firefox for example00:19
Shadozeok wesam, see the k icon in the left hand corner?00:19
wesamyes i got it00:19
Shadozetype in kpackagekit   - then click it00:19
piyushShadoze, done so far00:19
Shadozedid it reload the database?00:20
piyushyes it did00:20
wesami did it00:20
Shadozelook in bottom right00:20
Shadozeyou should have the updater asking you to do some things ;)00:20
Shadozeits the cog like icon00:20
Shadoze@ wesam, you in kpackagekit?00:20
wesami got a minu00:21
piyushShadoze, Doing update. Thank you so much00:21
wesamimage wiwer00:21
wesamand software management ...00:21
Shadozesoftware management is what you want00:21
girohgirwesam, you can type what you want00:21
monarchyo i use mintinstall00:21
wesamok iam trying now00:22
Shadoze@ piyush, np i know its not related to your acpi problem, but it keep your system up to date ;)00:22
Shadozewicked wesam, when it loads type in firefox00:22
Shadoze@ monarch congratulations on using the mint installer lol!00:22
Shadozehope it smells fresh00:22
monarchi8ts good00:23
monarchonli one problem a minro one00:23
piyush@Shadoze Yeah It's better to keep it updated. I hope it solves the brightness problem but plasma is so sexy that I can strain my eyes a little bit for all the eye candy :)00:23
wesamso can i ask  about the command line00:23
monarchwend i installed KVIRC i had the necessetie to run it on the terminal no icon apeared00:23
girohgirrakista, googled it seems its a buggy driver00:24
wesamhow can i use the command line00:24
monarchby the way i yave tried to install mint 6 on my laptop but i couldnt get it working sup ?? not compatebel or something ??00:24
Shadoze@ piyush lol :P I am still trying to get used to the fact that i cant use my desktop to drag n drop folders and everything onto like i could in 3.500:24
ShadozeIt's proving hard to adapet00:24
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ShadozeI installed mint 5 on a laptop once upon a time00:25
ShadozeAll was cool :D00:25
piyushShadoze I never used my desktop so much00:25
monarchman but it dos not works in here :S00:25
piyushI liked konqueror's ability to move folders using the right click though00:25
Barridusdoes kickoff crap out for anyone else?00:25
monarchit opens an huge terminal eh!00:25
Shadoze@ piyush im trying so hard to get used to it, but i just dont like my desktop being a widget00:25
monarchi have tried everithing but nope not working erm00:26
Shadozeow so barridus?00:26
piyushIs there no way to enable such a feature ?00:26
Barridushmm how to explain00:26
Barridusoccasionally the "K" button in the lower left becomes "dead" and does not repond00:26
monarchi think not if thats for me00:26
Shadozeyes it does00:26
Barridusok then it's not just me XD00:27
ShadozeI simply right click it > switch to classic menu > then switch back00:27
Shadozethen it's fine again00:27
Barridusyeah me too00:27
Barridusjust making sure it's a known bug i guess00:27
Shadoze@ piyush, nope its totally reworked00:27
Shadozethere is a widget called folder view00:27
Shadozewhich performs similarfunctions00:28
Barridusfor what it's worth, i don't think it happens if you use another windows manager than kwin00:28
Shadozebut i still prefer being able to drag n drop galore without any add ons lol00:28
Shadoze@ barridus mention that in a report00:28
Shadozeim 99% it would of been reported though00:28
ShadozeAs quite a few people use the kickoff button ;)00:28
Barridusi don't know how to report anyways00:29
Shadozehop over to #kubuntu-dev and see if any of them know abou tit00:29
Barridusi can't read or write, i dictate to my cat hence i can "chat"00:29
Shadozelol :P00:30
stodgeAny ideas how to fix this: NVRM: not using NVAGP, an AGPGART backend is loaded!00:31
stodgeI've read numerous posts with various suggestions but nothing works00:31
BarridusShadoze, nobody it in kubuntu-dev00:31
Barridus#kubuntu-dev i mean00:32
Barridusi have no idea what the hell i am doing XD00:33
Unksiisnt it #kubuntu-devel?00:34
Shadozeare all the channels00:34
Shadozeand yes, your right. my bad00:34
Barriduslol that's dead too00:34
Barridusi love kde and kubuntu, but man the community support needs a kick in the keester00:35
Shadozequite a few devs dont use irc00:35
Barriduswell i have no idea how to report this or see if it's been reported00:36
Barridusi'm sure the bug is reported but i can't find it00:48
Patriquehi i'm trying to install fuppes and i think i have all the dependencies but when i run autoreconf - vfi i get this error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIB_RPATH, AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY, AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR what should i do?00:53
wesamam asking about can i install kubuntu beside windows vista ??00:58
wesami have 2 partitions00:59
wesamcan i use 1 for windows and the other for linux?00:59
HaRDi437Yes ypu can :)01:02
wesama frind told me that it will crach my vista01:03
wesamiam use thee kubuntu throw vmware01:03
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HaRDi437and were your friend get that?01:05
wesamhe tried befor01:07
wesamhe told me that the boot drive changed to the linx01:07
wesamand windows can not boot01:07
HaRDi437that not true01:08
wesamthats nice01:08
wesamso i can backup my windows and install linux01:08
wesami like it01:09
wesambut iam still a new user01:09
wesami think it will take some time to used to linux01:09
HaRDi437welcome  to the community :)01:10
wesamthank you01:10
wesami feel thats iam in a wonderful community01:11
Unksiwesam: yeah it takes time to get used to it, but its worth it and will teach a lot :)01:11
HaRDi437every change need time...01:11
wesambut i like the idea when u help someone01:12
wesamand u help others01:12
Unksiyeah thats something really great here^01:12
Unksiand no need to be guru to do that01:12
wesamso aim asking if i can use a virtual machine in kubuntu01:13
Unksiyes you can01:13
wesamto install a windows01:13
wesamvmware right?01:13
Unksii run windows xp inside kubuntu with virtualbox sometimes01:13
Unksivmware works too01:13
Unksivirtualbox is easier to use and install though01:13
wesamhow can i got the virtual box01:14
Unksijust do sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose01:14
Unksior use your preferred package manager01:14
Barridusor you can install the proprietary virtualbox from sun01:14
wesamiam trying right now01:14
Unksiyep, i do that as it has usb support01:14
Barridusit has usb storage support, ose version does not01:15
Barridusyou will need a windows intaller cd XD01:16
wesami heard alot about linux stability01:17
wesamiam gonna use it for that01:17
wesami getboored of windows failuer01:18
wesamand viruses01:18
HaRDi437and worms...01:18
wesamiam asking how can i connect to another pc like remotdescktop01:20
wesamanotherthing guys01:21
wesamhow can i install application from my root or home folder01:21
Unksihmm, kde might have something for remote desktop, not sure though as havent had a need for it01:22
wesamand wich extentions works01:22
Unksiinstalling depends on the type of installer01:23
Unksiwhats the file extension?01:24
HaRDi437for the remote desktop, you can use the KDE remote desktop client01:27
wesami got it01:27
Unksithen you need to extract it, and follow instrucctions inside01:27
wesamfrom the applications01:27
wesamhe tells that i go to root and type a command but i dont know how can i go to the root from the terminal01:28
Unksiif its graphics drivers you are installing, you should use the ones in repositories unless theres problems with them01:28
rakistasudo -s will make you root in ubuntu01:29
Unksihi showho01:29
showhohas anyone tried to get into xinit with out a window manager ?01:29
showhokubuntu 9.401:30
showhoa screw it01:32
wesamso i faild to install the application01:36
Unksiwith what error?01:36
wesami wanna install vmware tools01:37
wesami exctracked the files in my home folder01:37
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Unksiok, you will need to install build-essential first01:38
Unksiand it might need a kernel patch as well (not sure if it needs still, it used to do so a good while ago)01:38
wesami opend the terminal and i types sudo -s01:38
wesamhow can i got the dir for my files throw terminal01:39
Unksiyou mean change directory? cd where_you_want_to_go01:40
wesamand what the    ~#01:40
Unksi~ means your home directory, and # means you are logged in as root01:41
Unksiif you are logged in as normal user you have $ instead of #01:41
wesami see01:42
wesamand what can i do for now01:42
wesamafter i logged on as root01:42
Unksiyou can do just about anything without restrictions, so be careful not to break something01:42
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kevensa va01:43
wesami hope i did not :)01:43
Unksiits recommended to use root only when necessary because of that01:43
Unksiand to be really careful with it01:43
DragnslcrIt's recommended to never be logged in as root at all01:43
DragnslcrThat's what sudo is for01:44
wesami am still cant access my files in my home directory throw the terminal01:44
Unksidepends, i prefer to log in as root and log out when its not needed.. makes it a lot faster when you dont need to put sudo in front of everything01:44
HaRDi437there is not a .deb file for vmware?01:45
wesami will see01:46
Unksino idea, there wasnt last summer at least01:46
wesamjust a sec01:46
HaRDi437if not01:46
wesamand tar.jz01:46
Unksiyou can try creating .deb with alien from the .rpm if you want, but its not guaranteed to work01:46
HaRDi437you may download the .deb from www.virtualbox.org01:46
Unksioff to sleep, good luck with the installation^01:47
wesamthats means its the extintions i iwll use for linux01:48
HaRDi437gn8 :)01:48
wesamthank you very much01:48
justin_hey stfu01:48
wesami hope to see u soon01:48
HaRDi437ping wesam...01:53
barretonão com sigo ver vidio na enterneto02:05
Shadoze@ barreto, #kubuntu-es02:06
Droosnoohello all02:06
ShadozeGood Morning02:06
Droosnoojuste a question (new to KDE)02:06
barretono saite do  saite onhar dizital02:06
DroosnooI'm trying to install thunderbird02:07
barretocom faso02:07
DroosnooI downloaded it directly on website (tar)02:07
Droosnooand now I got the compressed tar.. what to do next?02:07
barretoeu não sei02:07
barretoeu sou meio burro niso02:08
Pici!br | barreto02:08
ubottubarreto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:08
HaRDi437why not use the kpacktage manager?02:08
Droosnoohum is it like synaptic (under gnome)?02:09
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Droosnoook I see02:09
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Droosnoothx... otherwise, i must unpack the tar , a,d execute a script to install the program....02:10
Droosnoook ok ill try that later, il use kpac... for ,now02:10
HaRDi437or in the way of the konsol: sudo apt-get install thundrebird...02:10
barretovou vouta pro vista02:10
barretonão sei02:12
Picibarreto: This channel is english only.02:12
barreto usa o kubuu02:12
barretosou brasileiro02:13
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:13
Pici/join #ubuntu-br02:13
barretoqual e o linque02:13
barretovaleu fui02:15
darkhamhi, i've ubuntu jaunty and i would try amarok 2.1beta2, ho can i do?02:23
ShadozePlease could you get kpackagekit up02:24
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darkhami run kpackagekit , but i can't upgrade/install amarok2.1beta2...02:33
rakistayou need to add the site that has it your source list02:34
darkhamcan i put some karmic repos to install amarok2.1beta2?02:39
derfensHey guys I want to delete files in a specific partition that are above a certain size. To do so I used the search function and made it look for files larger than a certain size. However I cannot delete the files be selecting them in the search box and pressing Shift + Delete. They simply go to the recycling bin. I dont want that to happen (will they be moved from the original partition to the home or root partition when they are moved to the trash?). How c02:56
derfensan I delete them directly from the search window? Thanks02:56
MushroomKingdomHey Kubuntu, I'd like to install a Vista partition to my HD because I cant seem to use Virtual OS stuff. Anyway, I want to make sure I don't fudge something up. Do I need to use a partition making software and will Vista work with GRUB?03:04
Regraldoes anyone know how to unlock all owner folders im having trouble03:05
xjjkMushroomKingdom: don't know what you want out of partitioning, but yes Vista works fine with grub03:09
HaRDi437derfens: shift+del worked fine for me! (delete not trash)03:11
MushroomKingdomxjjk: I want to make a partition for Vista, can I do this without software? Like can I just toss in my vista disk and go?03:11
derfensHaRDi437, while you were looking at search results? (in that same windows, shift + delete worked?03:11
xjjkMushroomKingdom: Vista will probably make you reformat the entire disk03:11
xjjkMushroomKingdom: though, I'm not sure on that03:12
xjjkMushroomKingdom: what you could do, is boot with a LiveCD03:12
MushroomKingdomxjjk: Ok, how do I make it so that it just stays in it's own little corner like it should03:12
xjjkresize partitions under Linux03:12
xjjkmaking space for Vista03:12
xjjkthen install Vista to the newly made space03:12
xjjkMushroomKingdom: Vista can install to it's own partitions fine, but I don't think the installer will resize anything for you03:13
MushroomKingdomOk, so install LiveCD and partition?03:13
HaRDi437yes derfens03:13
MushroomKingdomThat in the repositories?03:13
xjjkMushroomKingdom: er, is what03:13
derfenshmm maybe ill try again. im on 9.04. you?03:14
HaRDi437same :)03:14
MushroomKingdomxjjk: LiveCd03:14
xjjkMushroomKingdom: it's a version of Linux that can run off of a CD03:14
xjjkUbuntu and Kubuntu both have them03:14
xjjksee ubuntu.com and kubuntu.com03:15
xjjkMushroomKingdom: how did you get Kubuntu installed on your machine?03:15
HaRDi437derfens: and the right click worked too :D03:15
MushroomKingdomOh, I just installed it through a disk03:15
MushroomKingdom:/ But I don't want to reinstall Kubuntu03:15
derfensHaRDi437,  when I right click I only get the option to move to trash, not to delete..03:16
xjjkMushroomKingdom: you don't need to reinstall03:16
MushroomKingdomOk, so how do I LiveCD for vista?03:17
xjjkMushroomKingdom: judging from the questions you're asking, what I said may not be the best thing to do03:17
xjjkif you're not careful you can easily mess up your system03:17
MushroomKingdomYeah that's why I'm on here asking.03:17
MushroomKingdomworst comes to worst I install vista then reinstall Kubuntu03:18
MushroomKingdom:( which I don't want to do03:18
xjjkMushroomKingdom: make sure you backup everything before doing anything03:18
asifim goin back to windows guys03:19
rakistaYou should be backing up automatically like a sane person or have RAID03:19
asifhad enough of ubuntu03:19
HaRDi437derfens :( i tried again and i have the delete option...03:19
xjjkrakista: RAID is *not* backup03:19
rakistaciao asif03:19
xjjkI've learned that the hard way03:19
MushroomKingdomI have everything backed up at all times03:19
rakistaRAID 5 is03:19
xjjkrakista: *especially* RAID503:19
asifcant be a55ed with sortin out my cpu overheating problem03:19
asifoh well03:20
xjjkasif: are you blaming Linux for bad hardware?03:20
asifeasy mate03:20
asifu say it like as if u own linux or something03:20
rakistaHave never heard of 2 disks failing at the same time in a RAID 5 array03:20
asifi just cant be bothered with sorting out the issue03:20
xjjkMushroomKingdom: download a Ubuntu or Kubuntu "Desktop" LiveCD from ubuntu.com or kubuntu.com03:20
asifneed something that works and ive been searching on forums all day long03:21
MushroomKingdomWhy do I need another Kubuntu?03:21
asifand no go03:21
xjjkMushroomKingdom: well, the issue here is that you need to resize partitions03:21
xjjkfrom a system that's currently running03:21
RegralI trying to unlock folder options but inable to because I don't know how to access root03:21
rakistaThat is not to say that some fancy NAS would be nice but RAID 5 is good enough for me03:21
xjjkyou can actually do this with Linux with something called LVM (Linux Volume Management), but you probably don't have that setup03:21
xjjkasif: what's wrong?03:22
asifgot my 291 exam in like 2 weeks and need to be able to use a browser as ive tried opera, firefox and konqueror03:22
asifthey all make my cpu rocket03:22
rakistaASIF have you tried Linux Mint ?03:22
asifand lappy turns off03:22
rakistaor mint linux ?03:22
asifno cant say i have03:22
xjjkasif: that's interesting...03:22
asifim used to ubuntu03:22
asifand i wanna stick with it03:22
asifbut like i said ive got my 291 exam in 2 weeks03:22
xjjkrakista: a different distribution of Linux is not going to solve hardware problems03:23
rakistaIt is based on Ubuntu with a bit more drivers03:23
asifand need to be able to access my elearning content online03:23
xjjkasif: it seems as if you have a hardware issue there03:23
xjjkthe computer shouldn't let itself overheat03:23
MushroomKingdomOk, so the LiveCD will allow me to partition my current Kubuntu allowing me to toss Vista's sorry ass back onto my HD?03:23
xjjkMushroomKingdom: yes03:23
rakistaDepends on the CPU drivers03:23
xjjkMushroomKingdom: the LiveCD lets you do lots of things, including reinstall Kubuntu (which you're not doing), browse the web, play solitaire, etc03:23
xjjkand partition your disk03:23
asifyeh well unless anyone can provide me with some help im about to whack windows 7 on here just so i can et my work done03:23
xjjkrakista: CPUs don't really have drivers...03:24
xjjkasif: your hardware has issues03:24
xjjkasif: no one can really fix that03:24
asifwell it works fine in windows03:24
xjjkasif: if you're on a laptop, permanently throttle your processor down03:24
asifhad media centre edition on here before03:24
xjjkso that it runs so slow it doesn't overheat03:24
xjjkasif: that's probably luck03:24
rakistaWell the kernel03:24
asifwhats luck goto do with it03:25
asifno offense03:25
xjjkasif: bad hardware is bad hardware...03:25
asifgot to*03:25
xjjkasif: your computer shouldn't overheat regardless the OS03:25
xjjkasif: regardless, install what you need to get your stuff done03:25
rakistaBut if your CPU is overheating in Linux and not in Windows the _HALT instruction is not being called or whatever its equivleent is in hardware03:25
xjjkapparently you've other priorities03:25
asifu sound like an ex girlfrien xjjk03:25
rakistaThis does happen on certain setups03:26
xjjkrakista: Linux has had that for a decade03:26
xjjkthe HALT instruction, that is03:26
asifthanks for all your help guys03:26
asifi think ill dual boot03:26
xjjkasif: if you find out the reason for overheating, try Linux again03:26
asifi will try it again03:26
asifi prefer it to windows03:26
asifi use it all day at work03:26
MushroomKingdomI cant find this LiveCD, can I just run my own CD?03:26
asifwhich is why i prefer ubuntu03:27
xjjkMushroomKingdom: what CD do you have03:27
xjjkMushroomKingdom: the desktop install disc?03:27
rakistaWell here is the answer for AMD http://kerneltrap.org/node/289403:27
xjjkrakista: that information is from 200403:28
rakistaYeah so, check the kernel for it03:28
asiftoshiba p100-429 is the laptop03:28
asifanyone come across same issues03:28
MushroomKingdomxjjk: Though I just found the 64bit version so I might reinstall.03:28
cjaeHi does anyone know how  to  make openoffice play an mp3 on loop during a presentation (IMPRESS)?03:28
xjjkMushroomKingdom: OK03:28
xjjkMushroomKingdom: er, you're running the 32-bit version now, and think you want the 64-bit version?03:28
rakistaDoes your bios allow you to turn on Cool n Quiet asif ?03:29
asifive got it set to performance cooling03:29
rakistaI would fiddle with that a bit03:29
MushroomKingdomI know I want the 64 bit. I use a 64bit AMD laptop and it runs like shit in 3203:29
asifthe only other option i have is silent which i dnt want as it will shut down a whole lot faster as fas wont be running as often03:29
xjjkMushroomKingdom: there are a *lot* of issues with 64-bit Linux for most people03:30
rakistaCan you just turn it off ?03:30
xjjkMushroomKingdom: that said, it's noticably faster03:30
MushroomKingdomI'm having a lot of problems with 32 bit, as I did with Vista03:30
asifwhy would i want to turn off coolung03:30
xjjkasif: http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=3000603:31
xjjkapparently the same happens with Windows03:31
rakistaTurn off cool and queit03:31
xjjkasif: I'll say again, you're probably just lucky03:31
rakistaThat way the fan should run all the time03:31
xjjkrakista: mmm, that's not right...03:31
MushroomKingdomWait. If I downloaded the AMD64 desktop version origionally would that mean I'm running 64bit, or could I be in 32?03:31
xjjkCool n Quiet has *nothing* to do with the fans03:32
asifbios issue eh03:32
xjjkasif: yeah03:32
xjjkasif: maybe try playing with the BIOSes03:32
xjjkto see there is one that doesn't cause your system to overheat03:32
asifits got the same BIOS since i bough it03:32
asifbought it03:32
asifill try an update03:32
asifsee what happens03:32
xjjkasif: so, it's an issue outside of Linux.. the only thing you can really do is permanently throttle the processor down in software03:32
rakistayes it does03:32
rakistaCool part is halt instructions and Queit part is fan control03:33
xjjkrakista: Cool'n'Quet is the AMD trademark for speed-step functionality on their CPUs03:33
xjjkit changes processor frequency03:33
rakistaIt controls fans too03:33
xjjkno, that's separate03:33
xjjkthat's usually some other motherboard logic03:33
tomsdaleaudacious causes kwin to use 50% CPU even when stopped - does anyone have a tip how to get rid of this - it's very tiring.03:33
rakistaVariable Fan Speed03:34
rakistaif you turn it off the fan should run 100%03:34
MushroomKingdomxjjk:  If I downloaded the AMD64 desktop version origionally would that mean I'm running 64bit, or could I be in 32?03:34
xjjkMushroomKingdom: er, sorry03:35
xjjkMushroomKingdom: you may be using 64-bit already03:35
xjjkMushroomKingdom: open a terminal, and run uname -a03:35
xjjkrakista: you can do more reading on it...03:35
xjjkI know what it is03:35
xjjkand in asif's case, will probably make his CPU overheat more quickly03:36
xjjkby disabling it03:36
MushroomKingdomxjjk: Linux Katana 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:36
xjjkMushroomKingdom: apparently you've the 64-bit version already03:36
xjjksee the second to last word, x86_6403:36
MushroomKingdomAh, ok.03:36
MushroomKingdomOk, so my install disk should have liveCD03:36
MushroomKingdomI hope03:36
xjjkMushroomKingdom: does your install disc load up a GUI environment?03:37
MushroomKingdomxjjk: A what?03:37
xjjkMushroomKingdom: can you use the mouse03:37
xjjkand is it a GUI03:37
MushroomKingdomIf I reboot it allows me to test Kubuntu03:37
xjjkMushroomKingdom: alright, it's a LiveCED03:37
xjjkMushroomKingdom: FYI, that's called the "LiveCD" or "desktop install disc"03:38
MushroomKingdomxjjk: So I have to reboot to repartition?03:38
xjjkMushroomKingdom: yes03:38
xjjkMushroomKingdom: you should do some reading on this...03:38
Barridusanybody that's good with cron have a moment to help me troubleshoot my overnight script that seems to run but nothing is backed up?03:38
MushroomKingdomEh. If I fuck up I just have to reinstall something.03:39
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:39
MushroomKingdompardon me03:39
xjjkMushroomKingdom: when you reboot into the LiveCD, you'll need to look for a partition management application03:39
xjjkI think it's called Partition Editor?03:40
xjjkMushroomKingdom: I rarely do this, so I can't recall what everthing is called exactly03:40
xjjkMushroomKingdom: if you can't find it in the menus, open a terminal and run sudo partitionmanager03:40
MushroomKingdomAh, ok. I'll take a look around03:40
bart_guys whats the command for installing all the restricted extras04:04
prefrontalbart_, i typed your question into google and got an answer in the first result04:04
bart_well since you already have it maybe you could share it04:05
phoolehello all04:05
prefrontali have another idea! you could highlight your question and paste it into google like i did04:06
xjjkprefrontal: seriously, you've wasted more time typing those sentences out04:06
xjjkand you've said nothing useful04:06
prefrontaland what do you have to say to yourself xjjk?04:07
xjjkprefrontal: just ranting04:07
prefrontalas was I.04:07
xjjkfair enough04:07
xjjkif you don't anything nice to say, don't say anything04:07
xjjkprefrontal: this was bothering me yesterday04:07
xjjkI wanted to lookup the compatibility for a WiFi adaptor04:07
prefrontalyou have to read into my first reply to see anything not nice about it04:08
xjjkall I kept finding were forum posts04:08
prefrontalseriously, he should have asked google. it was in the result snippet.04:08
xjjkand the reply was, "search the forum"04:08
xjjkexceptl, when I searched the forum04:08
xjjkI kept getting similar threads04:08
prefrontalpeople don't know how to use google. irc is not a good replacement for that.04:08
xjjkwhere people just said "search the forum"04:08
xjjkinstall of the actual answer04:08
xjjk*none* of which has to do with whether you know how to use google or not04:08
xjjkreplying "use a search engine" is just spam04:09
prefrontali'm just not agreeing with you sorry. as someone who is quite good at using google i see no issue with showing someone else how to adapt what they've already written into a search query04:09
prefrontalif that offends them then they don't belong here04:09
prefrontalthis case is entirely different than your case.04:09
prefrontalthey didn't give you the proper query.04:10
xjjkwell, it doesn't matter04:10
xjjkit's best to say nothing04:10
xjjkhe'll figure out how to use a search engine himself04:10
prefrontalthats not how reinforcement learning works.04:10
prefrontalif he comes in here and asks a question that google provides an answer to in the result snippet of the first result and nobody ever points that out to him then he will never learn.04:11
Gamarok__hey guys04:11
xjjkprefrontal: here's the problem with that... you likely didn't teach him anything at all04:11
prefrontalnot only did I show him how to use google to find an answer to his question, i answered his question directly in doing so.04:12
xjjkand since you didn't provide an answer, you yourself didn't provide anything useful either04:12
prefrontalhe is using the solution i gave him to upgrade his computer right now.04:12
prefrontalgo away.04:12
xjjkyeh yeh04:12
Gamarok__hey jonie , bart_04:13
JonieGamarok__:  :)04:14
MushroomKingdomUh.. So I couldn't find anything to make a partition on the liveCD04:15
bart_people here are rude i wanted to know how i can intall the restricted extras and some guy try lecturing me instead04:16
Gamarok__bart_: in a terminal type  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras04:16
xjjkMushroomKingdom: mmm04:16
bart_gee thanks man04:16
prefrontalbart_, lets be very clear about what happened: you asked a question and i told you that if you entered the question into google the answer would be in the snippet of the first result.04:16
xjjkMushroomKingdom: did you try running sudo partitionmanager in a terminal04:16
xjjkwhen the LiveCD started?04:17
prefrontalthere is nothing rude about that.04:17
MushroomKingdomCould I try it right now?04:17
xjjkMushroomKingdom: sure, but you won't be able to really use it...04:18
xjjkMushroomKingdom: I'm assuming you're using the partition you want to resize04:18
xjjkyou can't really do that04:18
MushroomKingdomAh, yeah of course.04:18
xjjkif you think you'll do that kind of thing often, you may want to setup LVM04:18
xjjkwhich lets you04:18
geniiprefrontal: People tend to want the pre-digested synopsis of the google result.04:19
genii(sad but true)04:19
MushroomKingdomOk, if I install this from the repositories can I use it from my LiveCD or do I have to install it within the LiveCD?04:20
xjjkMushroomKingdom: short answer, you have to install it within the LiveCD (which you can do easily)04:21
MushroomKingdomAh, kay. Thanks04:21
geniiMushroomKingdom: You can install any apps to a livecd which you could also install to a regular system... up to RAM size.04:21
MushroomKingdomOoo. Ok04:22
longping localhost04:23
geniilong: Those shell commands are not valid for IRC04:24
nanolionAnyone there?04:41
geniinanolion: Hello. If you have some support question, best to just openly state the problem for the channel, and see if any takers.04:42
nanolionone problem, no one's question are showing up04:43
geniinanolion: It's just quiet right now.04:50
* Level15 looks around...04:51
* Level15 thinks everybody is sleeping04:51
* genii feeds Level15 more coffee04:52
* Level15 drinks genii's coffe avidly and thanks him while asking for some more04:52
geniiI'll brew an urn of it, help yourself  :)04:53
Level15lol, great04:53
nanoliongenii,Level15, so how long have you's been using Ubuntu(linux)?04:53
geniinanolion:  Late 200404:54
Level152 years now... before that I was a devoted slackware fan...04:54
nanoliongenii, long time then04:54
Level15how abt you?04:55
geniinanolion: Relatively, yes. Before that I used for Linux the RedHat distribution.04:55
Level15genii: how did u like RH? I personally didn't have such a great experience with it04:56
nanolionLevel15, i always knew it was out there, but was just a bit wary about it til a few weeks ago, just got tired of windows04:56
Level15nanolion: well, then. Welcome.04:57
geniiLevel15: 5.2, 6.3, 7.2, and 9.2 weren't bad, with Enlightenment desktop. After that I stopped using it.04:57
nanoliongenii,Level15, what made you's become linux users?04:58
geniiSince it's currently quiet otherwise in here a bit of chit-chat is OK. But if some support questions come in the other talk should go to #kubuntu-offtopic04:59
geniinanolion: I've always been interested in all operating systems.04:59
Level15nanolion: good friend's advice, initially. At first it was hard on me, but things were harder to get working back then. THen I just got used to it and now when I am forced to work on windows i feel kind of frustrated05:00
nanolionhow long did it take both of you to get used to linux05:00
Level15nanolion: dont' recall exactly... some 6 months, i think05:01
nanolionlevel15, thats not so bad05:01
geniiAbout the same here, perhaps longer. There is of course much adjustment if you come from a predominantly Windows/DOS type background. In any linux you must come to embrace the command-line which is not always easy05:02
Level15maybe I got it wrong, perhaps it was more, too05:02
nanolionso if you really want to take advantage of what ubuntu, you would have to know the ins and outs of the command-line?05:03
Level15nanolion: well, IMHO, that depends... what do you expect your computer to allow you to do? what are your needs?05:04
geniiThe appeal of linux is it's potential power. It's like a car. You can just drive the car back and forth,get it serviced regularly, etc and then eventually buy a new one (WIndows). Or you can weld the pieces together for the frame, assemble an engine from parts, put it all together and it behaves just as you designed to (Linux)05:04
geniiIn the first car example you don't need to know how things work. If the car was Windows it would not come with instructions of how the insides work. It would just tell you something like "Consult the Dealer"05:06
nanolionhave any of you made any so to speak software?05:06
nanolionfor the commuinity i mean05:07
geniinanolion: Yes.05:07
nanolioncool, you must be very good at it then05:07
geniinanolion: There are many others who understand better than me how things work and could probably do a much better job. But I enjoy experimenting, etc and don't mind reading books/manuals which helps.05:09
nanolionim good at computers and electronics but would love to know, at some stage, how to give back to the commuinity05:09
nanolioni wouldn't mind either(reading books) but have you ever made something and then crash?05:10
geniinanolion: Hehe, yes. This is a constant thing of wondering "why the heck doesn't it work?"05:10
geniiThen re-working, asking others to review and so on05:11
nanolioni say you must get very frustated at time's and feel like throwing your system across the room05:12
geniinanolion: I have actually thrown computers out of my window before, yes.05:12
Gamarok__is that the coffee talking genii05:12
nanolionso did i a few days ago05:12
geniiBut the harder something is to do, the more accomplishment you feel when it is over.05:12
geniiGamarok__: I haven't tossed any out lately :)05:13
nanolionmmm, your right05:13
nanolioni have or had a problem, i wont know til i shutdown05:14
nanolionits driving me mental/up the wall05:14
nanolionunlike windows(cause it doesn't have any walls)05:15
geniinanolion: Can you give a more detailed explanation of the problem?05:15
geniiAfter all, this IS a support channel...05:15
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
genii-2My other IRC client is having issues. Apologies.05:19
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-around
* genii-around sips05:20
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=== jose is now known as kubu
genii-aroundMy other client appears working again.05:24
nanolionright, last week i had windows, then i decided to have ago of linux, so installed Ubuntu, after 3 days installed mint 7 for multi-media and 2-3 days ago i went to turn on my system and chose ubuntu to use at the duel boot screen, the Ubuntu load screen came up,it fully loaded and then froze,so loaded mint and that did the same, then went to windows and that did the same, so have been trying for 3 days to get a05:27
nanolionworking linux back on my system and every time i installed one i would explore it go to shutdown after iv'e had enough, then when i want to go use it again that would do the same as the others did?05:27
nanolionsorry its so long05:27
geniiIt sounds suspiciously like a hardware issue, hard disk in particular. Have you booted to a livecd and tried to check the disk with fsck ?05:29
genii(or at least the Linux partitions)05:29
sithlord48ello all05:30
* genii hands sithlord48 a coffee05:30
nanolionyeah my hdd broke so had to get a new today, and checked the disk before i installed05:30
tomsdaleis there an audioplayer like audacious (winamp style) which however WORKS!05:30
sithlord48genii, thanks just about that time too :)05:30
geniisithlord48: Anytime05:31
sithlord48idk is xmms still being worked on , or? i used to use it for mandrake, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMMS05:32
tomsdaleactually xmms is still in the repo sithlord4805:34
sithlord48tomsdale, well its don't get much more winamp like then that..05:34
sithlord48tomdale,must admit nowadays amarok has grown on me05:35
tomsdaleoh - I think it's xmms2 which is totally different. xmms it says no install candidate05:35
nanoliongenii i bet you anything, that when i shutdown and startup, it will most likely crash or stop working out of the blue AGAIN05:35
hermanChessamarok is fugly05:35
geniinanolion: Might be some motherboard/chipset issue05:35
tomsdalesithlord48: yes - for background music listening yes. But I'm just working through guitar riffs and winamp with the shortcuts was just the perfect tool05:36
geniihermanChess: Yes, yes it is.05:36
sithlord48tomsdale, how do u do those messages like that last one..?05:36
hermanChesshow come there can't be a player that has a global shortcut to search for a song, even better, search within the tray icon, i don't want to open the app to search for a song05:36
tomsdalesithlord48: ??? did I do anything special05:36
sithlord48tomsdale, they show red , even the fist one w/ my name at the end idk long time no use irc lol05:37
tomsdaleI'm using quassel - maybe it does something special - it better does for the 200MB of RAM it consumes.05:37
p_quarlessithlord48: your irc client is highlighting your nick; nothing to do with anything tomsdale did (except type your name)05:38
nanoliongenii yeah but does it matter even if the system is only 2yrs old?05:38
sithlord48i also am using quassel and the messages are red  tomsdale  i it must be because of my nick as p_quarles says...05:38
tomsdaleyes - that05:38
geniinanolion: There are a lot of newer chipsets like NForce for instance which give weird issues05:38
tomsdaleis default in quassel. how much ram is yours using - I have 540MB Reserved RAM for an IRC client. what a joke.05:39
sithlord48such a noob question too lol geeze making my self look bad,05:39
sithlord48but ne who tomsdale have you tried perhaps winamp 2.x w/ wine? i only say 2.x cause it don't have all the 5.x extra junk...05:39
nanoliongenii have you ever had problems likes this?05:40
tomsdaleyes - that might be an idea. I think xmms is orphaned and not being continued anymore.05:40
geniinanolion: Not exact symptoms. But similar.05:41
sithlord48kinda a shame , i like the layout of it .. and how i could use winamp's skins , really winamp ported to linux would prolly be the best (at least for me i would use it )05:41
tomsdaleaudacious is too buggy and most of the rest of the audio clients follow the iTunes principle which I don't need05:41
geniisithlord48: Bug the Winamp ppl for a port... ;)05:42
tomsdaleI think there was a linux version on the way years ago - never left alpha state though.05:42
sithlord48genii you know your right i should...05:42
sithlord48tomsdale i also seam to remember such a thing along w/ a macamp as well that was a mac os 9 port... (used to work on a lot of them)05:42
nanoliongenii, really i thought i was doing somthing wrong, anyway maybe its time i bought a new system or build one from scratch05:43
tomsdalefrom what I heard though the linux version was a joke .. never put really work into it.05:43
tomsdaleaudacious is actually not that bad but it consumes >50% CPU + sometimes skipps tracks.05:44
geniinanolion: Probably some research is needed first to determine if possible the actual issue. This is the tedious but neccesary reading/googling/evaluating/testing thing which is very annoying but neccesary sometimes.05:44
sithlord48yea a lot of people seam to think linux is a joke ,,, idk works fine for me and w/ a lot less set up then the days when i had mandrake 7 or redhat w/ kde 2 on it ...05:45
sithlord48audacity works good on my machine..05:45
nanoliongenii, is there any good books you know of so i could get one05:46
geniinanolion: On linux? Or other subjects like programming etc05:47
tomsdaleaudacity would be the cooledit drop in replacement. But just for listening to guitar tracks winamp always was perfect with 5 sec skipping and the shortcuts.05:47
sithlord48are you just trying to get that seeking behavior ?05:48
geniinanolion: For *buntu the best reading is actually online at the  ubuntuforums, at the wiki and so on.05:49
geniinanolion: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty is a good starting point05:51
sithlord48if thats all your after tomsdale then you should try vlc if you go to prefs->Interface->hotkey setup you can config the keys as well as the seek time in ms. (be sure you put it in advance mode)05:51
tomsdaleI'd say easy panning and EQ plus seeking is a must plus next previous shortcuts.05:51
nanoliongenii cool thanks, and is programing there aswell or is a book a better choice?05:51
tomsdaleah - that's actually an idea. I think I saw a EQ too.05:51
sithlord48tomsdale, vlc will do that too. it you extend the gui, and the eq is not bad...05:51
geniinanolion: For programming much depends on what level and language. For beginners and Python something like http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide is a good introduction. For people already familiar with some programming and want more hard-core stuff a book like this one is the standard reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language_(book)05:55
nanolionthanks for the links, will have look at them now05:56
nanoliongenii ;-)05:56
geniinanolion: You're welcome.05:56
raymondanyone here ?06:00
geniiraymond: Some are awake, yes.06:01
nanolionraymond hello06:01
=== raymond is now known as rompstar
nanolionraymond coffee?06:01
rompstari have a problem with ubuntu 9.04 :- )06:01
nanoliongenii ;-)06:01
rompstarwhen I turn it on, network don't work, it's setup for DHCP, but when I type sudo dhclient, then it gets its IP and works, what could be worng ?06:01
sithlord48have you manually configed it at some point ?06:02
rompstarat one point I had it as a static IP, but then I changed it back to DHCP06:02
rompstarnot sure06:02
rompstarwhere I can check ?06:03
rompstarhere is what I have06:03
rompstar# The loopback network interface06:04
rompstarauto lo06:04
rompstariface lo inet loopback06:04
rompstar# The primary network interface06:04
rompstarauto eth206:04
rompstariface eth2 inet dhcp06:04
sithlord48thats your whole file?06:04
sithlord48eth2 really ?06:04
rompstarthe reason what I have eth2, is that is what the network is chosen by dhclient, i had eth0 and it didn't work06:04
rompstarnot sure06:04
rompstari tried eth0 and it didn't work06:05
p_quarlesrompstar: pastebin the output of ifconfig -a06:05
rompstarthen I noticed that dhclient was choosing eth2, let me try that commend06:05
rompstarwhat should I paste from that command ?06:06
rompstarthere is a lot of output06:06
peabodyI deleted my /tmp mount and created a new one, and it mounts fine but since I've done that when I boot up into my kde login screen, it gives me the opportunity to login in, and then once I login successfully the creen goes black for a second, and then back to the login screen06:06
geniirompstar: I suggest to open up /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules      and remove references to any prior adapters you had in the box. You can also rename the current one which mac address in the file corresponds currently to eth2. Next reboot the eth2 will become again eth006:06
peabodymy kde log shows two entries: XKB: No components provided for device Virtual core keyboard06:07
peabodyand [config/dbus] couldn't register object path06:07
peabodywhich I think is the issue06:07
sithlord48peabody , are your permissions on /tmp correct ?06:07
rompstargenii: thanks, will try that06:08
peabody/tmp/kde-root is drwx-------06:08
peabodyand /tmp/X11-unix is drwxrwxrwxt06:08
peabody.X0-lock is -r--r--r--06:09
peabodyso it seems everything is setting their permissions fine06:09
sithlord48you login in to a root session ? cause my kde-chris is owned my by me w/ r/w do you have one of them ?06:09
peabodyI'm not logged in apparently06:09
sithlord48i guess not lol...06:10
peabodyahh that might be it06:10
peabodyok so I changed /tmp permissions and I not get an Xsession error06:11
peabodylet me restart x06:11
sithlord48my /tmp is owned by root... just my folder w/ my name is owned by me06:11
peabodyunable to launch failsafe X session --- x-terminal-emulator not found; aboprting06:12
peabodysithlord48: yes, that is correct, but your /tmp should be drwxrwxrwx06:12
peabodymine was 75506:12
sithlord48yea it is ... i don't know the chmod #'s sorry ... but 755 is owner r/w only right06:13
sithlord48ok so i know just that one then lol06:13
rompstarthanks for helping, be back later, great!!!06:13
sithlord48no problem ..06:13
badapplehello, does anyone know why i am forced down to 640x480 resolution after activating opengl accel. on an nvidia onboard video card?06:13
sithlord48do you have any other display options in system settings -> display06:14
peabodyok well I got logged back in, I had moved my .kde prefences to .kde_old to see if that was an issue06:14
peabodyand apparently I have no failsafe mode in kde06:15
peabodybut at least I have a login :p06:15
sithlord48peabody, very good. nice to see you loged back in...06:15
badappleyes but nothing larger. one smaller i believe. any attemots to edit my xorg.conf have not worked. im kinda noob.06:15
sithlord48badapple, how did you go about installing your nvidia driver ?06:15
badapplei used the "hardware drivers" activate button.06:16
sithlord48did you turn on opengl w/ nvidia-settings?06:17
peabodysithlord48: yeah thanks for the tip06:17
sithlord48peabody , no problem happy to help06:18
badappleyea ive tried changing the resloution through the nvidia xserver app but that doesnt let me either, but everything else in nvidia xserver looks correct06:19
sithlord48idk any other way to fix it then to add the mode line to your xorg....06:19
sithlord48and i don't have an nvidia card in this computer to look around w/ relivent results....06:20
badapplei have tried forcing it into krandr and gotten it to show up as an option but it does not actually change the resolution..06:20
badapplebut will say it has.  yea..  i have an ati card but didnt have much luck with that either.06:21
sithlord48perhaps you should uninstall your driver and see if installing it w/ envy or nvidia shell script yealds a better install..06:22
badapplecan i just get envy in the usual way?06:22
sithlord48yea my ati card is whipped in to shape now.. but its proformance is nothing compared to when i had winxp on this same computer...06:22
sithlord48i think so ..06:22
badappleok. thank you. i will try that. youve been helpful06:23
sithlord48badapple, no problem hopefully you can get you issue resolved. video @ 640*480 is just no good today....06:27
badapplesithlord, i think that was a pm? im using quassel, not sure how it works really just jumped on it. yea, it wouldnt bother me im using as a tv replacement mostly with boxee, but it cuts alot of setting pages off so i cant click "ok". tabbing blindl is not fun..06:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Simplex1
sithlord48yea thats no fun at all now i know my tv is stuck at 640*480 (its an old pos)06:31
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sithlord48well all, its about time for me to get off , its already after 1:30 am and i got to be up for work by 7am so night all06:33
badappleim sorta suspecting that is part of my problem too, but it does do 800x600 untill i activate opengl.06:33
badapplelanks again for the help. im trying envy now..06:33
rompstarstill having issues with network, when I boot there is no network, after I type: sudo dhclient network is assigned to eth0    my sudo pico /etc/network/interfaces06:33
rompstar 06:33
sithlord48well 800*600 is much better. i guess , hopefull you get ur driver working right...06:33
rompstarany ideas with my problem ?06:34
rompstarmy file has: # The loopback network interface06:34
rompstarauto lo06:34
rompstariface lo inet loopback06:34
rompstar# The primary network interface06:34
rompstarauto eth006:34
rompstariface eth0 inet dhcp06:34
wffSorry, but is it just me or is video playback horrible with Jaunty?06:40
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tron2000hey everyone07:29
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Mamarokhi rakista__, do you have a question?07:54
rakista__no jjust trying to figure out this damn comcast connection07:55
Mamarokwatch your language, please07:55
Mamarokbut yeah, I heard that comcast is a pain07:56
rakista__what language damn >?07:56
robinpi am having trouble installing 9.04 from the CD - for some reason it can't see the partitions on my /dev/sda (there is an existing ntfs, ext3 and swap partition). The 8.04 cd can read the table fine ? is this a known issue ? is there a workoaround ?08:01
Mamarokrobinp: it should work fine, yes08:02
Mamarokrobinp: what option did you choose, manual?08:02
robinpthe auto just wanted to format the whole disk08:02
Mamarokocuh, that should not happen08:03
robinpi have the 9.04b cd - i might give that a go and see if there is an issue with that one08:03
Mamarokrobinp: you can try setting mountpoints from the command line first08:03
robinpi know of at least one regression with the installer between 9.04b and 9.04 RC08:04
Mamarokbooting with a live CD in command line mode08:04
Mamarokwhy don't you use a final release?08:04
Mamarokand what is 9.04b?08:04
robinpsorry - when i say RC - i mean final08:04
Mamarokyou definitely shoudl use a final release CD08:05
robinp(were there any changes between the RC and final? )08:05
Mamarokshould even08:05
MamarokI don't know, never used the RC for installation, I only did upgrade in between08:05
Mamarokbut I did a fresh isntall with final, so I know that works08:05
robinpnow it is the desktop amd64 9.04 final cd im trying with just for complete clarification08:07
Mamarokthat's exactly the one I used, and it works in manual mode08:07
philsfhow can I backup and restore my podcast subscriptions in 1.4.10?08:08
philsfor maybe export/import?08:08
philsfpreferrably export/j #ubuntu08:09
Mamarokphilsf: check if these settings are in teh config file and save that08:09
Mamarokphilsf: .kde/share/config/amarok*08:09
philsfMamarok: I have grepped a bit, but only found a binary file08:10
Mamarokphilsf: I can't remember where those were, maybe in the database08:10
philsfand I can't confirm08:10
Mamarokphilsf: the config files are definitely not binary :)08:10
philsf"Binary file collection.db matches"08:10
philsfthis is the only grep result, besides the log08:11
Mamarokphilsf: the config files are always text files08:11
Mamarokphilsf: care asking in #amarok?08:11
philsfMamarok: oh, I was looking in apps/amarok, instead of config08:11
Mamaroksomebody might know08:11
Mamarokphilsf: just for security, save the apps/amarok/ folder too, so at least you have your database08:12
philsfI'm probably asking at the wrong time08:12
philsfno activity there, for a while now08:12
philsfwrong timezone08:12
Mamarokphilsf: if you do not ask, nobody will answer you, just ask your question08:13
philsfMamarok: I did08:13
Mamarokphilsf: when? I'm there and haven seen anything since quite some time08:13
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philsfabout 15 minutes ago08:13
Mamarokoh, right, now I see it,08:13
Mamarokphilsf: just be patient then, the timezone is right, most are in Europe and the aussies are still up08:14
robinpMamarok: ok im getting error messages in the console as to why its not working...08:14
Mamarokrobinp: could you pastebin those, please?08:14
Mamarokif it's above 3 lines that is08:15
robinpill manually copy them to a pastebin08:15
mickruI have a problem with OpenOffice Impress under Jaunty. I can open a presentation from dolphin, but I cannot launch impress via kicker ...08:17
mickruit does fail with some dialog saying it cannot access some files08:17
Mamarokmickru: you mean krunner?08:17
mickruok, if that's what its called :-)08:18
mickruIf I want to start an empty presentation starting impress via krunner it fails08:18
Mamarokmickru: then you need to type openoffice there08:18
Mamaroknot impress08:18
mickruI type presentation, and get the offering of the Impress application. I click on that icon offering08:19
mickruI suppose that this will launch openoffice the right way with the impress module08:19
Mamarokmickru: works here, but I'm in 4.308:19
Mamarokmickru: works in 4.2.2 too, just tested on another PC08:20
mickruThe error dialog poping up it saying: No acces to object. Because of lack of permission it's not possible to access the object08:21
mickruI'm using 4.2.308:21
mickruUsually I open an existing presentation and then this issue doesn't show08:21
uberadmhow do i disable kwalletmanager08:22
mickruI just recently discovered it, when I tried to start the presentation module empty08:22
Mamarokuberadm: right click on the icon08:22
robinpMamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/180118/08:24
robinpMamarok: thats what I caught at least08:24
mickrustarting OpenOffice with the writer module, then doing file->new presention does work if I select one of my own templates, but not with the default presentation08:24
mickrucan it be that the default presentation is missing?08:24
mickruwhere would I find that?08:25
Mamarokmickru: you mean you didn't install OpenOffice on Jaunty yet?08:25
Mamarokif you installed it, impress should work out of the box, and with te wizard coming up08:26
mickruyes I did. Was part of the update when I upgraded to Jaunty from 8.1008:26
uberadmthanks Mamarok08:26
robinpMamarok: im reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/220706 sounds like it could well be a motherboard related problem (Im using a Asus p5q)08:27
mickrufor sure seems to be  a problem with the presentation wizard. Any idea how to get that working again?08:28
mickruHow can I check if it's there?08:29
Mamarokrobinp: more a harddisk problem from the error messages, or the SATA controller08:29
Mamarokmickru: force reinstall for OpenOffice08:29
mickruok.. will try that08:29
robinpMamarok: yeah - from the gist of what im reading its from the sata_nv.c file that changed ...08:30
serocultbuenos dias08:30
Mamarok!es | serocult08:30
ubottuserocult: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:30
mickruhmm can you give me a hint how to manage that? Is there a meta-package name for it?08:31
Mamarokmickru: openoffice.org is a metapackage that should get you everything08:34
mickrusudo apt-get install --reinstall  openoffice.org08:37
mickrudoesn't do the trick - no change08:37
Mamarokmickru: what does it open when you start with the krunner?08:38
mickruOpenOffice does start in the background. But when you expect the main window you get an error dialog that it has no rights to access an object. Which object isn't further specified. But I assume its the presentation wizard08:39
Mamarokcould be the metapackage that is not working right08:40
Mamarokmickru: purge openoffice and install again would be my last proposition08:41
mickruok ...08:41
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mickruno change after reinstall... but now the UI is english, not german08:49
mickruthe language I can fix, but it seems that the meta package has a problem08:49
mickruimpress still with the same issue than before - no change08:56
mickrupresentation wizard isn't working for me08:56
xp-killeri just update to kubuntu 9.04 now it saying dont have suport for my output vga09:04
xp-killerso i put it on my old screen 4:3 to change the resolution then reconect it to my HDtv the size is not the same plus when i restart it looses the resolution09:05
xp-killerand i have to reconect to my 4:3 screen09:05
Mamarokxp-killer: check the display settings in the systemsettings09:07
Mamarokhdmi is definitely supported09:07
xp-killeri change the resolution but when i restart the pc it saying not suported so i had to go back on my 4:3 screen09:08
xp-killerim conected with vga not hdmi09:09
xp-killerand it's not taken the hold screen anymore09:09
Mamarokhm, having a HDTV and not connection it through that is...09:10
Mamarokinvesting in a hdmi cable for that TV is definitely worth a try, doesn't it come with one?09:11
xp-killerMamarok: the tv have hdmi input but the pc dont have a hdmi output09:12
Mamarokxp-killer: there are adapters AFAIK09:13
xp-killerMamarok: ok i put the resolution on 720x400 it take the hold scren i dont have the black ends anymore09:13
Mamarokbecause using it through a VGA cable doesn't give you HD at all09:13
xp-killerMamarok: but everything IS HUGE BIG09:13
Mamarokxp-killer: as I said, check the systemsettings->Display part and tewak there, but my neighbor has a HDTV and it works fine with 16:909:14
Mamarokand you should be able to do 1440x80009:15
xp-killeryeah it was working fine untill i upgrade to 9.0409:15
Mamarokxp-killer: works here, with 9.0409:16
xp-killerMamarok: in the display i dont see 1440x800 option your friend must of have a realy BIG hdtv09:17
Mamarokxp-killer: nope, 17"09:19
Mamarokwhich is even very small for a hdtv :)09:19
xp-killerMamarok: oh thats small so why dont i have that option in my display "1440x800"09:20
Mamarokwait, no, it's 212, still small though09:20
Mamarokxp-killer: did you change settings on the screen itself?09:20
xp-killerno it restart after the upgrade then told me display not suportive09:21
Mamarokxp-killer: try settings on the screen itself, might be disabled there09:21
xp-killerMamarok: so i put it on my 4:3 change display and put it back on my 16:9 and it work but when i restarts it keep saying not suportive09:22
Mamarokxp-killer: well, I would invest in a cable adapter09:23
xp-killerMamarok: my pc dont have hdmi09:25
xp-killerMamarok: why should i buy anything when the resolution was fine untill i upgrade?09:25
carolijahi all09:25
xp-killerMamarok: im gona restart to see if it tells me not surpotive again09:26
carolijahow to see via konzola my computer performance ?09:26
Mamarokcarolija: top or htop09:26
Mamarokhtop you will have to install09:26
Mamarokbut it's much nicer than top09:26
carolijatnx Mamarok09:26
carolijaill try it now :)09:27
xp-killerMamarok: maybe it's the xorg config i have to play with or something09:27
xp-killerMamarok: how do i get to the config for xorg or what ever u does call it09:28
Mamarokxp-killer: it's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but you will not find much there09:28
Mamarokyou can add settings though, like the screen resolution09:28
xp-killerMamarok: im not seing no resolution in it09:30
xp-killerMamarok: maybe thats why it keep resettting it self when i restart09:31
Mamarokxp-killer: I told you, you will not find anything, but you can add your settings09:31
RojwanHi, I'm looking for a Kubuntu user manual. Will a Ubuntu user manual be helpful?09:37
ubuntuHey can someone help me out?09:39
Mamarok!ask | ubuntu09:39
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:39
MamarokRojwan: for general Linux stuff yes, else check the userbase.kde.org website09:40
carolijaMamarok i want to see if is my PC okey for Compiz09:40
RojwanI'll do that, thanks Mamarok.09:40
ubuntuI just installed kubuntu and Want to get wine working but dont remember anything from last time i used linux09:40
Mamarokcarolija: you don't use compiz in KDE 4, use the desktop effects09:40
carolijayea ?09:41
carolijaI used the Desktop effects09:41
carolijaso to not install compiz ?09:41
Mamarokcarolija: then it works09:41
ubuntuI believe I used to use the sudo apt get command in terminal but now it does not seem to work09:42
Mamarokcarolija: look at the systemsettings -> desktop -> all effects and change what you want09:42
carolijaI have option to install it, just i don want untill i am not sure if he can handle it09:42
carolijaok, tnx09:42
Mamarokubuntu: you need to put the option install09:42
Mamarokubuntu: sudo apt-get install wine09:42
ubuntuahh thank you Mamarok09:42
Mamarokcarolija: what graphic card?09:43
carolijaMamarok: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AP [Radeon 9600] [1002:415009:46
carolijaarolija@s024:~$ free -m09:48
carolija             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:48
carolijaMem:          1002        958         43          0         25        41809:48
carolija-/+ buffers/cache:        515        48609:48
carolijaSwap:         2925          0       292509:48
jussi01!paste | carolija09:48
ubottucarolija: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:48
Mamarokcarolija: if your graphic card supports 3D with the radeon driver, then it's ok, but the fglrx driver in Jaunty is broken, so it won't work with that one09:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:50
carolijasorry, and tnx09:50
Mamarokcarolija: do you really have 3 GB of RAM?09:51
carolijaNo i dont have on this old PC 3GB of RAM Mamarok09:52
carolijai have 1 GB on that PC where I use kubuntu09:52
Mamarokcarolija: right, misread, the swap09:52
carolijawhere did u sow 3GB ?09:52
carolijaright, misread, the swap = what this mean ?09:53
Mamarokcarolija: you might try glxgears to check the 3D ability09:53
Mamarokcarolija: I read the wrong line09:53
carolijaMamarok:  if your graphic card supports 3D with the radeon driver, then it's ok, but the fglrx driver in Jaunty is broken, so it won't work with that one - That is the point I whan to know before i try can support it or not09:53
Mamarokcarolija: run glxgears from a command line09:54
carolijaok, sec09:54
carolijaMamaork, now i see some 3 thing made a cycle lol09:55
carolijawhat is this ? :)09:55
Mamarokcarolija: does it run fast?09:56
carolijain clolors09:56
carolijayes, it's run fast i think09:56
carolijaI mean its not slow anyway09:57
Mamarokthen your card is 3D capable, but now we have to check if it runs with the Radeon driver too09:57
carolijahow to check that one ?09:58
carolijavia googl ot there is command09:58
jussi01Does anyone know if its possible to ge google calendar working with kontact?09:58
Mamarokcarolija: you need to install the radeon driver and remove the fglrx driver, but it should work well with your card09:58
carolijaMamaro, hmm, is there some easy why via konzola to do that or ?09:59
jussi01!tab | carolija09:59
ubottucarolija: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:59
Mamarokcarolija: apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon10:00
carolijayes i know jussi0110:00
Mamarokwith sudo10:00
carolijai was wondering are u playing with me or what:)10:00
Mamarokcarolija: he said that because you mistyped my nick10:01
carolijaI know, i am sorry, i like to type10:01
carolijathats all10:01
Mamarokcarolija: remember, this is a support channel, so no chit chat :)10:01
carolijaMamarok, yea, thats why im here...10:02
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carolijaand btw my TAB wont work, don't know why on xchat10:02
Mamarokcarolija: install that server, then remove the fglrx server, all from the command line, without KDE running of course10:02
Mamarokcarolija: you can set this in the xchat settings10:02
carolijaill do that right now10:02
Mamarokcarolija: then you need to reconfigure the X settings:10:03
Mamarokcarolija: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:03
Mamarokcarolija: then you should be able to restart KDE and enable the desktop effects10:04
carolijaok, thank you, ill let you know10:04
Mamarokyes, would be nice10:04
Mamarokcarolija: you are welcome :)10:05
carolijaMamarok, Thank you for your time :)10:05
Mamarokcarolija: taht's what I'm here for :)10:06
hjbHi. I'm using kubuntu 9.0410:06
Mamarokafk, bbl10:07
hjbAfter copying over some directories from an older machine, there's a strange thing in dolphin10:07
hjbsome directories are displayed with a directory icon, but afex are displayed with a ? icon10:07
hjbi've checked permissions etc. all the same10:08
hjbhow can i get rid of those ? icons?10:08
jussi01hjb: tried right clicking, - properties, then click the icon and change it?10:11
hjbjussi01: doh ;) great10:12
hjbjussi01: sometimes i'm not thinking gui :)10:13
hjbjussi01: just strange why it hadn't choosen the standard folder icon automatically10:13
jussi01hjb: curious, but I have no idea. glad it worked for you :)10:18
hjbjussi01: yeah, thanks :)10:19
xp-killermy resolution doesnt save for the vga output,can someone help me?10:22
carolijaSomething is really bad in here , so like I sad this is old PC what I use for kubuntu he have 1 GB RAM , and now i can't start it , like something is using all his CPU or don't know what10:28
carolijait's in here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/180195/10:28
carolijaI can get in via ssh from laptop but he is blickd10:28
carolijaand idea ?10:28
carolijajussi01, i hope this is correct :)10:29
carolijahow i did it now with c/p10:29
carolijaSo ppl with spoof/whost ubuntu/mebmer/..  ; freenode/staff/...   are @ in here ? Because i don't see any @ in this channel, just curiose.10:33
carolijaOMG again , the pc just boot up i see the Desktop and he just freez10:39
carolijaI formated this 9.04 Kubuntu 5 times in 3 days, something is really wrong ... just can't figure out what!10:40
carolijaAnd that is not the point if its something wrong go and format it ....10:41
carolijaAnd what is strange I can go in from other PC via ssh : uptime ---  11:42:26 up 12 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.32, 0.1910:43
carolijais  there any way to switch of Desktop effects from Konzola ?10:43
carolijaMaybe there is the problem ....10:44
carolijaFrom that time i have play with Desktop effects and restart it I can't go back ...10:44
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katodahi, does anybody know how to get simultanous sound by amarok & flash in jaunty?11:05
carolijai made it!!!11:16
Leblondj'ai un probleme :11:16
Leblondje me demandais si avec kino on pouvais flouter certaines parties d'une video11:16
Leblondsinon quel logiciel utiliser11:16
carolijatu a Français #11:17
carolijatu vais la : #ubuntu-fr11:17
carolijaici est pour Anglais11:17
Leblondah pardon11:17
carolijaOr if u speak English11:17
carolijau can say it on english11:17
carolijade rian11:18
Leblondsorry but i'm not very good inenglish11:18
eagles0513875!fr | leb11:18
ubottuleb: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:18
eagles0513875whoops he left11:18
carolijaI told him already ...11:23
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Gamarok__howdy guys11:42
blubbarhi, I can start KDE but I can't click on the Desktop and have no taskbar anymore. any ideas how I can get my Desktop? :)11:48
carolija  did u change something before that ?11:50
blubbarcarolija: nothing only the xorg.conf. switching from one monitor to two11:51
Mamarokblubbar: set the displays right in the system settings then11:52
blubbari remember there was a command to restart the kde elements, but I wasn't using KDE long time ago11:52
Mamarokblubbar: read what I just told you11:53
carolija  now is all fine , I guess this PC is not good for desktop effects11:55
carolijaI had to swich it off, because my PC was frezz11:55
carolijabut I can go in  via ssh from his PC , strange ..11:55
Mamarokcarolija: because you tried the fglrx driver I guess11:56
carolijamaybe, don't know ;/11:56
Mamarokcarolija: you absolutely have to remove that, else it will not work11:56
Mamarokcarolija: remember the instructions I gave you earlier?11:56
Mamarokcarolija: your graphic card is reproted to do great with the free radeon driver, also 3D11:57
Mamarokreported even11:57
carolijau mean like u sad :11:57
carolijaapt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon11:57
carolijasudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg11:57
Mamarokno, remove the fglrx driver, else it's still default11:57
Mamarokthen reconfigure the xserver11:57
achilleashow do i switch all sound output to just one device in ubuntu ffs11:58
Mamarokcarolija: sudo apt-get purge fglrx*11:58
carolijasudo apt-get remove fglrx ?11:58
willsazonola, ola, ola11:58
carolijaah purge11:58
carolijaok, sec11:58
Mamarokthen you do the dpkg-reconfigure again11:58
Mamarok!es | willsazon11:58
ubottuwillsazon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:58
willsazonalguem teria uma soluçao para eu ligar e desligar um pc pela rede?11:58
Mamarokwillsazon: Enlgish only here, please!11:59
carolija  The pc is frozen again but i can use the ssh from this PC12:00
carolijai do this roght now : sudo apt-get purge fglrx*12:00
Mamarokcarolija: you have to do these settings without being logged into KDE12:00
carolijaah  , okk12:00
willsazonit forgives12:01
carolijaso reboor12:01
Mamarokcarolija: no, why?12:01
willsazonsomebody to say knows me as to bind and disconnect a PC for the net12:01
carolijato logout from KDE , no ?12:01
carolijai will leave it just to boot up and than sudo apt-get purge fglrx12:02
Mamarokwillsazon: you should ask in #kubuntu-es12:02
carolija!es | willsazon12:02
ubottuwillsazon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:02
carolijaha! i learn12:03
willsazonnot, for it disconnect it exactly.12:03
Mamarokcarolija: please, I already told him, do not abuse the bot!12:03
carolija  ok12:03
Mamarokcarolija: boot in maintainance mode, so you are logged in as sudo by default12:03
Mamarokthen purge the fglrx driver, and reconfigure the xserver again with dpkg-reconfigure as I told you12:04
Mamarokcarolija: and of course you will have to install the radeon driver, or have you already done that?12:05
carolija  No i didn't install it yet12:05
Mamarokcarolija: well, it can't work then, can't it?12:05
Mamarokcarolija: 1. install the radeon driver12:06
Mamarokcarolija: 2. purge the fglrx driver12:06
Mamarokcaro3. reconfigure the X server3.12:06
Mamarokcarolija: 3. reconfigure the X server12:06
carolija  So not first tu purge the fglrk driver ?12:07
carolijabecause i already do that :/12:07
carolijaBut h wait in here: Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y12:08
carolija(Reading database ...12:08
Mamarokcarolija: install the radeon driver12:08
carolijaSo i will cancel this12:08
carolijaand install the driver how u sad12:08
Mamarokcarolija: just follow the steps I gave you and report back then12:08
Mamarokno need to comment every step if there are no errors12:09
carolija  ok, tnx12:09
mamris there a package including the original kde 4 wallpapers?12:16
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mamrcause I only got the "Air" wallpaper, but not the other ones12:17
mamrsorry, think I found them12:17
sandy_my jaunty networkmanager seems to recognize my default wireless network connection as if it was a new one -> and therefore always asks for the password again -> how can i solve that?12:28
Spezlhi, does anyone know how to find out which version of the ati proprietary graphics driver i am using?12:31
MamarokSpezl: aptitude show xorg-driver-fglrx12:33
SpezlMamarok: "Version: 2:8.600-0ubuntu2" now what catalyst version does that mean? can'/t be 8.6 since that would not support xserver version 1.6?12:40
Mist_hmm.. from where is the ntfs, fat partitions handled in kubuntu 9.04? I have 3 of them, but they are not entered in fstab like I am used to from earlier ^^12:56
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LadyNikonMist_: if you run the command mount what do you see?13:00
Mist_I see a list starting with /dev/sda1 on type ... etc and so on.. ending with securityfs on /sys ...13:02
Mist_I have the mount points specified in dolphin and so on but using them ask me for root passw of course. Just felt a bit odd they were not in fstab if they where listed in dolphin :)13:04
Mist_guess it might be a kde4 feature..13:04
Mist_it scanned the disks and found partition and listing the names related to those partitions I would guess?13:04
Mist_LadyNikon: feels like a search of the ubuntu forums is suited here how others worked it out. have a feeling ntfs tools form kde 3.x etc. should not be used. edit fstab at highest it feels.. :)13:07
MamarokSpezl: that is the current fglrx driver, don't use it, it's buggy13:07
LadyNikonoh i useed that part13:07
LadyNikoni thought you were just trying to add the location of your ntfs partitions13:08
LadyNikonMist_: good luck!13:08
dROgheya guys13:08
dROgi have a bit of a question13:08
dROgdoes anybody have problems with kwin ?13:08
dROgon amd6413:08
Mist_LadyNikon: he he. Those things should be the easy part. Always been a bit confused adding them to fstab and have them mounted with correct permissions dynamicaly for users :P13:09
LadyNikondROg: ask what your problem is.. instead of if people use it13:10
LadyNikonit makes the day alot faster13:10
Mist_LadyNikon: the mystery atm is.. how does kde4 know about them through which procedure and tech and is there a way to just add my user to a group so that they are mounted without asking me for password :)13:10
dROgLadyNikon: kwin crashes sometimes13:10
dROgbut doesn't say why or where the source came13:11
LadyNikonhmm i have always used ubuntu up until no.w.. i didnt know kde4 used fstab differently13:11
LadyNikondROg: have you checked your logs?13:11
dROgyes :) quite often actually....i even keep pidgin in debugging mode13:11
dROgbut i can't see why it crashes, and when i try to shut it down and then start it again....it says something bout xsmserver or something like that, dunno if it's quite xsm.....but it says something about a server or something failed to start13:12
Mist_LadyNikon: seems it checking up devices for itself and their partitions and mountpoints since they are not in fstab at all.. ^^ Would be sweet to not have to fiddle around with fstab actually and they are added on the fly.. hmm13:12
dROgno idaes ?13:14
MamarokdROg: what version of KDE are you using?13:15
MamarokdROg: if you are on Jaunty, it's either 4.2.2 or 4.2.313:16
dROgsorry for that :)13:16
MamarokdROg: no problem :)13:16
MamarokdROg: could it be that something is not installed?13:16
dROgcan't be that, all kwin utilities are in :)13:17
Hetoris there any way to make GTK+ applications look like KDE ones?13:17
Mamarokhm, xcmserver not loaded?13:17
LadyNikondROg: i never used it sorry.13:17
dROgyeah....think that's it13:17
dROgbut that's happening13:17
dROgafter i try to start it again13:17
dROgafter it crashes13:18
MamarokHetor: systemsettings -> Appearance - GTK style13:18
Mist_oh look at that.. a  webpage by name linux-ntfs.org.. :)13:18
Mist_sounds like epic win for me :P13:18
MamarokdROg: that could very well be a missing dependency, as xchat is not a KDE application something couls be missing for it to work correctly13:18
dROgisnt' quassel a kde application ?13:19
kubuHello where are the files to edit the kmenucategories in kubuntu 9.0413:19
HetorMamarok: I don't want KDE to look like GTK+, I want GTK+ to look like KDE :P13:20
MamarokHetor: go there and have a look :)13:20
HetorI did13:20
Mamarokkubu: right click on the menu icon, edit kmenu13:20
MamarokHetor: Qtcurve?13:20
MamarokdROg: yes, it is13:21
dROgthen ... i can quite say i don't really have other apps installed.....13:21
dROgi think13:21
MamarokdROg: you talked abour xchat earlier, didn't you?13:22
dROguhm...no....i don't even use that..13:22
kubufor example to create shortcuts you can create applicatio_name.desktop where is the file to edit things such as Internet, mutimedia etc without using the menu editor13:24
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MamarokdROg: sry, misread, you talked about pidgin13:25
dROgbrb a while, gotta do some homework now :) anyhow thanks for trying Mamarok, i think i'm kinda tired and i can't explain it quite well :) but when it'l crash again i'll make a note on exactly what is says13:25
dROgi was askin about quassel if that's a kde app dude :)13:25
MamarokdROg: likely xsmserver13:25
dROgxsmserver's from pidgin ?13:25
kubuanyone knows how to edit the kmenu entries without using the KDE menu editor?13:28
Mamarokkubu: that's how it works13:30
Mamarokkubu: why don't you want that method?13:30
kubuthere should be a file like name.desktop that you can open in kate right?13:31
Mamarokkubu: what do you want to do exactly?13:31
kubuI want to add sub-menus and move some applications to the sub-menus13:32
Mamarokkubu: well, that's what the menu editor is for, easiest way :)13:32
kubuok where does thos setting are store?13:33
Mamarokkubu: wait, I'll get it for you13:33
kubuI'm not familiar yet with kube since I am trying to move from pclos to kubuntu13:34
Mamarokkubu: ~/.config/menus/13:35
Mamarokthere should be a .menu entry13:35
kubuMamarok thanks very much13:35
Mamarokkubu: still, the menu editor is easier and avoids breaking things13:35
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kubuActually my question should if I create a name.desktop file how do I make thet application for example apper under Internet menu?13:37
Mamarokkubu: look ath that file, it lists stuff by categories13:38
kubuMamarok thanks13:38
Allah_kegyeltjeSziasztok dicsoseges testverek13:50
carolija  can u please tell me where im wrong ? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/180335/13:52
carolijai downloaded ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run but something i doing wrong ;/13:52
carolija!hu | Allah_kegyeltje13:54
ubottuAllah_kegyeltje: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál13:54
leleobhzsomeone can help-me to find a problem on kubuntu that occours since kde3?13:54
leleobhz(and i think its only with kubuntu)13:55
leleobhzi have BIG troubles about amsn focus13:55
Allah_kegyeltjeubottu brotha' danke schone13:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:57
Allah_kegyeltjecarolija brotha DA13:57
Allah_kegyeltjeI am hungarian, not a tourist!13:58
Allah_kegyeltjeI am hungarian, not a tourist!13:59
ahoxHi, I have problem with KDE4.2 that I can not access any ftp site14:00
ahoxI always get an errorpage with URL: ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov,...,Additional Information: smb://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov14:00
ahoxnote the smb in the protocal part, does anyone know where this comes from?14:00
linuxersonTecR0c : scared of north korea's missile. T.T14:02
carolijaAllah_kegyeltje:  If you whant to play find other plac for that , if you whant to ask help on Hungarian go to #ubuntu-hu14:03
Allah_kegyeltjeAh, so nice. Really?14:04
Allah_kegyeltjeWhy brotha?14:05
linuxersonwant to help the korean people go to ubuntu-kr14:05
linuxersonwant to help the korean people go to #ubuntu-kr14:05
ShadozeWe know.14:06
carolijaAllah_kegyeltje:  because this is a support channel.14:06
ShadozePlease go to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu=hu14:08
carolijahello Shadoze :)14:08
Allah_kegyeltjeOhh, no. I can not going to #ubuntu-hu14:09
ShadozeWhy not?14:09
ShadozeHello carolija, did you get it working in the end?14:09
Allah_kegyeltjeJust because our companies under attack and heavy trollz warning in #ubuntu-hu14:10
carolijaYea, but I have some problem with ATI graphick card14:10
fei_hah .14:10
carolijais u know where im wrong ? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/180335/14:11
Allah_kegyeltjeand I hates all peoples, who has an operator commands in #ubuntu-hu14:11
carolijaYou have kubuntu-offtopic too14:12
carolijaand  u can speak about who u hate etc ...14:12
ShadozeThat's a list of channels availible14:12
Shadoze@ carolija well according to that log, kubuntu is not supported with that driver14:13
ShadozeWhat is the make/model of your card?14:13
Allah_kegyeltjeanybody heard about mr. gsuveg from hungarian developers team?14:13
carolijaor im doing something wrong14:14
ahoxcarolija: whats the make of your card?14:14
ShadozeAnd also, do you know if you can install it via hardware-drivers14:15
carolijaShadoze:  I download it in hre, maybe is wrong ?  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
carolijaahox:  Radeon 960014:16
ahoxcarolija: try  --buildpk Ubuntu/jaunty14:16
ahoxcarolija: *--buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty14:16
ShadozeThat does look like the correct driver for your card14:17
ahoxcarolija: with a small j14:17
Allah_kegyeltjeYesm I can fight for freedom14:18
ahoxI remember I managed to compile it for ubuntu for my radeon3600, however the driver never worked for me anyway...14:18
eagles0513875j kubuntu-offtopic14:18
carolijaahox:  carolija@s024:~$ --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty14:18
carolija-bash: --buildpkg: command not found14:18
ahoxsry, thats just the parameter for the driver installer14:19
ahoxalso, there is a newer driver available, why don't you first download the 9.514:19
ahoxIt seems to me that you currently use the 9.314:19
carolijaI heard somwhere that is Radeon comatibile with kubuntu, just cant find right driver14:20
Shadozesudo sh ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/hardy14:20
Shadozereplace the end with jaunty14:20
carolijawith kubuntu before this i hade no update any driver14:20
ahoxcarolija: some are - and I understood that the 9.5 fixed some of the issues, but not all of them14:21
Shadozeso try14:21
Allah_kegyeltjejaunty_? brrr..big holy shit:(14:21
ahoxotherwise you can use the radeon opensource driver14:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:21
Allah_kegyeltjea few dozens of bugs14:21
Shadozesudo sh ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty14:21
Allah_kegyeltjeIN EBGLISH: Jaunty not too god14:21
Allah_kegyeltjeJust because contains a few dozens of bigs14:22
ShadozeAllah. instead of mouthing off, why don't you contribute with something usefull14:22
geniiAllah_kegyeltje: The swearing is more the kind of language that was not family-friendly14:22
ahoxI know this is offtopic, but because of recent events, is there some way to ignore someone on irc?14:22
geniiahox: /ignore their-name14:23
carolijabrb 10 min - Shadoze  i think this one will work will see , just to brb14:23
geniiahox: np14:23
Allah_kegyeltjebrb wtfm omg?14:23
Shadozetype /ignore Allah_kegyeltje 3,14:23
ShadozeOk carolija, hopefully14:24
* genii feeds tsimpson coffee14:24
* tsimpson runs and hides in the corner to drink it14:24
ShadozeAllahs giving abuse via pm >.<14:28
ShadozeDeleted the buffers ;)14:28
tsimpsonyou should just /ignore them, nothing we can do here when they aren't in the channel14:29
tsimpson(there's also #freenode if you want to complain)14:29
ShadozeCheers ignoring is easier than igniting there fire14:29
Allah_kegyeltjeWillkomt again brotha'z14:30
Allah_kegyeltjeHeavy TroLLz attak warnin'14:30
Allah_kegyeltjeI am da TUKSKILLAH14:30
* tsimpson gets bored of trolls quickly14:30
ShadozeDw, he was just after attention14:31
Mamarokcarolija: why did you install a ATI driver from elsewhere?14:31
Mamarokcarolija: I told you that this driver would not work14:31
koutrouvalahi guys, how can i setup my network settings in kubuntu 9,04?? i must give manually ip, gateway, dns and network mask in order to connect. i know the values, i don't know where to enter them. can someone help me out with that plz?14:32
MamarokShadoze: that was definitely not the correct driver for his card I fear...14:33
Mamarokcarolija: I gave you precise instructions, why didn't you follow those?14:33
ShadozeThe following products have been moved to the legacy software support structure (including Mobile and All-in-Wonder Variants)14:34
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: System Settings -> Network Settings -> Network Management14:34
ShadozeThey had a ATI Radeon 9600 Series card14:34
MamarokShadoze: I spent hal of my morning with that, please...14:35
koutrouvalatsimpson, and there, where do i input each value??where i put the ip address, the dns etc?14:35
ShadozeSure thing *good luck*14:35
MamarokShadoze: alos, the fglry drivers do *not* work in Jaunty, for no one, wether those are taken from the Ubuntu repos or from the ATI wbsite, those do not work14:35
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: click the "New" button to create a new entry14:35
ahoxkoutrouvala: What kind of connection do you have?14:35
ShadozeI had my laptop running in jaunty the other day14:36
Shadozeand that using a notorious ati radeon xpress 1100 card14:36
MamarokShadoze: believe me, I spent dozens of hours on that stuff, if it worked for yu, you are a lucky sxception with a supported card14:37
Mamarokthe last two drivers where just a mess with half of the cards not supported at all14:37
ahoxMamarok: I understood that it only works for some cards14:37
koutrouvalatsimpson, what do you mean? this computer connects through the usiversity's network and must manually input the values. the values i must give are ip address, dns, 2ndary dns, network mask default gateway14:38
Mamarokand the Radeon 9600 *never* worked well with any fglrx driver, in any distribution or version14:38
ShadozeIMO i was probably using the open source version for mine14:38
ahoxkoutrouvala: So do you have a wired connection?14:38
koutrouvalatsimpson, yes14:38
Mamarokahox: well, what happened is that first AMD fired half of the driver staff for economic reasons14:38
Shadozelast time i was using fglrx for sure was 8.1014:38
Mamarokthen they had to cope with a new xorg version and just removed most of the cards that were older than 1 year14:39
ahoxMamarok: let me guess - and the whole qual/testing dep...?14:39
Mamarokahox: I guess so :(14:39
ShadozeI thought amd only had like two workers working of there linux drivers anyway14:39
ahoxMamarok: well, I currently use the radeon card, carolija, you may want to dry that, too14:39
ahoxkoutrouvala: Press the Add button14:40
MamarokShadoze: it's worse, they never worked on any open source driver, everything coming from ATI/AMD is closed source14:40
Shadoze*These sites are community resources, and are not supported by, or affiliated with AMD in any way.  < Shows how much they care14:40
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: from Network Management click "Add", then you can create an entry with IP address, gateway, DNS servers and the like14:40
ahoxsry, radeon driver, of course14:40
Mamarokahox: I gave him detailed instructions how to proceed, a mystery for me how he ended up with a ati driver downloaded from the website :(14:41
ahoxMamarok: google is your fiend?14:41
ShadozeProbably because it had ATI Radeon 9600 Series14:41
ShadozeAnd google would have picked that up14:41
ShadozeUnfortunatly at the top it stats all those cards listed below have been moved to legacy14:42
MamarokShadoze: the 9600 omly wors well with the free radeon driver anyway, I had that for over 4 years :)14:42
koutrouvalatsimpson, what method do i use? dhcp...auto....?? which one? because i ve been trying for a while and getting stuck14:42
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: manual14:43
MamarokShadoze: and the rule is easy: do not use the current fglrx drivers, they are crap14:43
ahoxkoutrouvala: Manual...14:43
Mamarokahox: fiend? no, friend you mean?14:43
ahoxMamarok: nope, in this case fiend14:43
koutrouvalatsimpson, ok and then in search domains?? what do i put there?14:43
Shadozemamarok by any chance did you link them too14:43
tzangerGood morning14:43
tzangerI have noticed one really annoying thing with 9.04 and the screensave14:43
tzangerer screensaver14:43
Shadozewhich has information on the open source driver and how to remove the propierity one14:44
MamarokShadoze, ahox seriousley, I know what I am doing here, no help needed, but thanks :)14:44
ShadozeMamarok, i learnt the rule, not to buy from ati14:44
tzangerwhen I unlock (I use a blank screensaver, but have tried with several), the dialog box comes up right away but if I start typing my password, it will "hang" for several seconds before printing *** for every character in the password, and then finally unlocking14:44
tzangerdoes anyone know what causes this?14:44
MamarokShadoze: it was better than nvidia driver-wise for a long time14:44
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: you normally leave it blank14:45
Mamaroktzanger: do you have desktop effects enabled or something else using your CPU?14:45
tzangerMamarok: I have a VERY minimal set of effects enabled, but when I turn them off completely, the same still happens14:45
tzangerI thought the same thing :-)14:45
tzangerit's a consistent thing14:46
Mamaroktzanger: what does top tell you?14:46
tzangerEVERY unlock does this, usually about 2-3 characters in to my password14:46
tzangerMamarok: I can't tell, I have to enter my password in order to get to a shell to see top14:46
Mamaroktzanger: you do not need a root shell, just open konsole as a user14:46
tzangerMamarok: it has nothing to do with root14:46
tzangerit's the screen saver unlock14:46
koutrouvalatsimpson, and wher do i put the secindary dns?14:46
tzangerit's my own (non-root) password14:47
tzangerbut I'll open up a shell with top running, let the screensaver kick in and see if I can catch the culprit14:47
Mamaroktzanger: well, maybe you choose a 3D screensaver hugging your CPU14:47
tzangerMamarok: as I said, I use the "blank screen" screensaver14:47
Mamaroktzanger: hm, you will have to do this from a terminal outside KDE then14:47
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: separate by spaces14:47
Mamarokoh, right, didn't see you specified blank screen14:48
tzangerMamarok: actually that's a great idea14:48
tzangerssh in14:48
tzangerI didn't think of that14:48
tzangerthank you14:48
ahoxtzanger, you can also switch to the console via ctr+alt+Fn14:48
Mamaroktzanger: no need, just switch to tty1 with Ctrl+Alt+F114:48
ahoxF7 is KDE, btw ;-)14:48
koutrouvalatsimpson, the network mask prefix is when i enter it it changes to 0. is this normal?14:49
ahoxok, does anyone here knows where konqueror/dolphin check for the protocols to use? Mine always want to use the smb:// to open any ftp link14:50
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: the prefix would be 1614:51
koutrouvalatsimpson, the network mask it uses from windows is .where do i enter that?\14:51
tsimpsonkoutrouvala: a prefix of 16 is the same as a netmask of
Mamarokcarolija: ping me when you are back14:52
koutrouvalatsimpson, thnx man!! it worked! you saved the day guys, once again!14:53
tsimpsonno problem :)14:53
linexWhere can I read the difference between the desktop and server version ?15:00
ActionParsniplinex: i can tell you if you like15:00
linexI want to run kubuntu as desktop but also as a server.15:00
ActionParsniplinex: then install desktop15:01
linexActionParsnip: If I installed the desktop version, will it not be able to do stuff that a server version can do ?15:01
ActionParsniplinex: absolutely15:01
ActionParsniplinex: the server install doesnt come with an x server or all the other stuff that a server system will not use. If you need a desktop system, install desktop. If the system is a  true server then running an x server is not only a waste, its also an extra process which can be captured15:02
linexActionParsnip: hmm, I asked a confuding question , now I get a simple answer, I'm confused.15:02
linexActionParsnip: ok. I get it. Both version are using exactly the build of packages, right ?15:03
ActionParsniplinex: if you are going to put an x server on your system, install desktop and you will be fine15:03
ActionParsniplinex: they use the same repos, its just the default apps that differ15:04
linexActionParsnip: Thanks. Understood now.15:04
geniilinex: In a typical real server setup, the box does not have a keyboard/mouse/monitor since it sits usually somewhere in a large cabinet. So the admin will instead use a desktop system from another location to administer this server, by either ssh into it, or installing onto the server web-based control applications for the things on that server.15:04
linexI understand. I'm not a newbie. Though I did sound like one.15:05
linexThanks guys.15:05
carolijaYea! Shadoze  that was right  command : http://paste.ubuntu.com/180392/15:08
carolijaSo what is next now15:09
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Mamarokcarolija: you didn't answer my question...15:10
carolijajust a sc to find it15:10
Mamarokcarolija: I told you this morning *not* to use the proprietary driver, but use the free radeon one, why do you install the proprietary one then?15:11
carolijahmm i im confused now, u told me that i need driver for my Radeon if i understood well ?15:12
carolijaor else want work15:12
Mamarokcarolija: I told you the following:15:12
ShadozeThere are two radeon drivers, an open source one, and the propierity ati one15:12
Mamarok1. sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon15:13
Mamarok2. purge the fglrx driver15:13
Mamarok3. reconfigure the xserver15:13
Mamarokcarolija: I don't know why you are doing something completely different now15:13
MamarokShadoze: well, you handle that then, I have work here...15:14
* Mamarok gives up15:14
MamarokShadoze: I gave even the line to type, so where is it difficult to understand?15:14
carolijaI did not understand this one well : <Mamarok> carolija: you need to install the radeon driver and remove the fglrx driver, but it should work well with your card15:15
Mamarokcarolija: I gave you precise instructions what to do15:15
MamarokI even numbered those, so I don't understand why you are doing something else...15:16
carolijaI typed that line Mamarok15:16
Mamarokcarolija: there were 3 lines15:16
Mamarokcarolija: but as others seem so keen on giving advice, check with them, I have work waiting here15:17
carolijaomg, wait to see now what i have to made it right15:17
Shadoze@ carolija you will need to purge the fglrx driver and install open source one instead15:20
carolijasudo apt-get purge fglrx*  ?15:21
ShadozeThose are the instructions to remove fglrx depending on your situation15:22
carolijaNow i have this problem : E: Couldn't find package fglrx-amdcccle_8.593-0ubuntu1_i386.deb15:22
carolijawan i try to purge fglrx15:22
Shadoze locate fglrx15:22
Shadozewill track down all the fglrx blobs15:22
ActionParsnipsudo dpkg -P fglrx*    if you want to keep the package but remove config. sudo apt-get --purge remove fglrx*  to remove package and config15:23
carolijathey are here http://paste.ubuntu.com/180402/15:23
Shadoze$ sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx15:24
ahoxHi, is there some way of tracking all files that are beeing opened/read by a specific application? Like lsof, but continous15:24
Shadozeis the more aggressive wayt15:24
carolijayes this one sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx is working15:25
Shadoze@ carolija15:25
ShadozeI am meerly reading this article15:25
Zorael"Couldn't find package fglrx-amdcccle_8.593-0ubuntu1_i386.deb" happens if you perform something on fglrx* when there are files in your current directory matching that15:25
Shadozeyou may want to read along with me15:25
carolijayea, i read it too15:25
carolijaopen it15:26
Zoraelsudo aptitude purge ~nfglrx is the aptitude alternative.15:26
ShadozeThanks, Zorael15:26
carolijaso this one $ glxinfo |grep vendor15:27
ShadozeEffectivally fglrx must be removed before we install the open source eq15:28
ahoxCan someone with a proxy please check for me if their ftp is working?15:28
ShadozeOtherwise theres conflicts15:28
ZoraelDoes anyone have a sound theme they recommend?15:28
ahoxin konqueror15:29
Shadoze@ ahox, must be via a proxy?15:29
ahoxShadoze: yes, but only the http proxy15:29
ahoxI have some very odd ftp error with http proxy enabled15:30
blackflaghot to change grfic driver on 9.04? Can someone help?15:30
geniiahox: You should instead just tell us the error instead .15:30
ahoxAccess denied to smb://ftp. (I did some time ago)15:31
ahoxnotice the smb15:31
ahoxand the url is ftp://ftp15:31
geniiahox: You put for the proxy an URL beginning with smb://   ?15:31
ahoxno, I only use a proxy for the http15:32
ahoxmy kioslaverc looks good, too15:32
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carolijafirst i need to reboot comp15:33
carolijaafter purge  fglrx15:34
carolijathats how say u r link15:34
ahoxgenii: no, the url i type is ftp://ftp15:34
ShadozeYou do need to reboot, it's cool :)15:34
carolijaZorael:  is it also to remove fglrx   ? <Zorael> sudo aptitude purge ~nfglrx is the aptitude alternative.15:35
Zoraelcarolija: that will remove all installed packages containing "fglrx" in the package name15:36
Shadoze@ ahox i have a ftp directory but no proxy at hand :(15:36
ahoxor rather ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/15:36
Zoraelcarolija: It won't remove it from your xorg.conf though, just uninstall the packages15:36
carolijaZorael:  thank you15:36
carolijai did that one too15:36
ahoxShadoze: actually, try anything in the http proxy field15:37
ahoxI still get the same error, even with an non-existent proxy15:37
Shadozeim connected and anon logged in fine15:37
Shadozeit did it via dolphin for me15:38
Shadoze@ carolija when you reboot fglrx *should* be gone15:38
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weehi All15:38
ahoxShadoze: mhm odd, it just doesn't work for me15:38
carolijaShadoze:  We will se now, i HOPE ! :)15:39
ahoxShadoze: Do you also have kde4.2.3?15:39
Shadoze@ carolija, hopefully! @ ahox erm sec15:39
Shadozetry accessing my ftp directory15:39
carolija"Make sure "fglrx" is not listed in /etc/modules file. "15:39
ShadozeYes. 4.2.315:40
carolijapub ;p15:40
EckiDhey there, got a minor gui problem... does anybody know a way to remove the menu drop shadows in kde3 apps15:41
Parrothey there, got a minor gui problem... does anybody know a way to remove the menu drop shadows in kde3 apps15:41
Shadozeyup :) though theres nothing in it :P15:41
ahoxok, now I am completly lost. I have a new kubuntu + update to 4.2.3 and I just created a new user - same problem,15:41
Parrotyup :) though theres nothing in it :P15:41
Parrotok, now I am completly lost. I have a new kubuntu + update to 4.2.3 and I just created a new user - same problem,15:41
ShadozeParrot is now leaving15:41
carolijaI can open desktop now !15:41
ParrotParrot is now leaving15:42
ParrotI can open desktop now !15:42
carolijaShadoze:  should i go to root shell prompt ?15:42
ParrotShadoze:  should i go to root shell prompt ?15:42
ShadozeYes carolija15:43
MamarokParrot: stop that!15:43
ShadozeLook at his hostname, clearly here to spam15:43
Zorael./ignore Parrot :315:43
astrommeyep :)15:44
astrommesame Zorael15:44
ZoraelIs there a keybind to "show desktop"/hide all windows?15:44
ParrotYes carolija15:44
Parrot Parrot: stop that!15:44
ZxcvbI am trying to boot the kubuntu installer via loadlin, but the initrd.gz on the kubuntu CD gives up waiting for the root device15:44
EckiDi know of ctrl+12 to show the plasma widget dashboard15:45
Zxcvbthe files at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/ work, but are for ubuntu15:45
ZoraelEckiD: Yeah, but I just want it to minimize all windows15:45
Zoraelequavilent to meta/win+D in Windows15:46
Shadozecarolija, have you made sure fglrx is gone, or need help doing so?>15:46
EckiDalso you may try to add the "Show the Desktop" widget and assign a shortcut by yourself15:46
EckiDhaven't tried though15:47
carolijaShadoze:  its in /usr/share and /var/lib/15:48
MamarokShadoze: I think he installed that driver twice from different sources15:48
EckiDZorael: yeah, works on my machine15:48
EckiDslow-motion: hi15:49
ShadozeOh dear15:49
ShadozeHold up15:49
slow-motionhi EckiD15:49
ZoraelEckiD: Exactly what I was looking for, forgot about the widget, thanks15:49
Shadoze@ carolija, what is in usr/share15:50
EckiDyou're welcome15:50
Shadozeit isn't fglrx's documentation is it?15:50
carolijayes Shadoze15:50
carolijaill show u15:50
carolijajust  a sec15:50
Shadozei thought so15:50
EckiDdoes anyone know how to remove the 2d menu drop shadows of kde3 apps, using jaunty15:51
carolijaShadoze:   take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/180424/15:52
carolijaand  /usr/share/jockey/15:53
Mamarokthat's normal15:53
Mamarokdid you purge?15:53
Mamarokdoc should have gone too then15:53
carolijayes i did Mamarok15:53
carolijanow the link show next:  Make sure libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri are properly installed:15:54
carolija$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri15:54
Shadozefglrx has to be gone before installing the free driver15:54
Shadozeor  you will run into trouble later on it the line15:55
Shadozebrb, grabbing a drink15:55
carolijaMamarok:  can u tell me witch package to specify here please ?  carolija@s024:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure15:57
carolija[sudo] password for carolija:15:57
carolija/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: please specify a package to reconfigure15:57
Mamarokcarolija: moment...15:58
Mamarokcarolija: so fglrx is definitely gone?15:58
Mamarokand you installed the readeon driver?15:58
Mamarokcarolija: else it makes not much sense to reconfigure the x server15:59
Mamarokcarolija: ?16:00
carolijaback, went for drink too16:02
carolijaMamarok:  listen now16:02
Mamarokcarolija: answer my qestions above and focus16:02
carolijai mean look at this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/180424/16:02
carolijaso i did locate  fglrx16:02
carolijaand he find it on some places16:02
carolijaso I cant tell 100% if it's gon16:03
Mamarokcarolija: that's not a problem, these files should not disturb then16:03
carolijathats a problem16:03
Mamarokno it is not *Sigh*16:03
carolijaah, so than it's gone 100%16:03
ShadozeNope, if i do locate fglrx, i get exactly the same result16:03
ShadozeDon't worry about them carol16:03
Mamarokcarolija: and you have the correct driver installed now?16:03
carolijayes Mamarok16:04
Mamarokcarolija: ok, the type the following:16:04
Mamaroksudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:04
Mamarokthen* even16:04
shadeslayerhow do i install kde 4.3??16:04
psi_Hi, ive upgraded from Intrepid and i only have the shutdown-button - no restart?? Can i get it back anywhere?16:04
carolijaMamarok:  ok i got some warning now16:05
shadeslayerim on jaunty jackalope16:05
Mamarokcarolija: what warning?16:05
carolijasudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:05
Mamarokshadeslayer: are you an experienced user? KDE 4.3 is still beta16:05
carolijacarolija@s024:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:05
carolijaxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration16:05
carolija   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009052517043416:05
Mamarokcarolija: paste...16:05
carolijaah, also if it's 3 line, ok .. sorry16:06
Mamarokcarolija: that is a normal warning, confirm16:06
shadeslayerMamarok: using ubuntu for 5 months...i can handle smal problems...i like bleeding edge developments :)16:06
carolijaok, than16:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: there is not much support for it, so I warned you :)16:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: still want to go along?16:07
shadeslayerMamarok: no problems...im thinking of shifting to karmic when alpha 2 is out :P16:07
shadeslayerMamarok: definitels16:07
Mamarokshadeslayer: ouch, that is not advisable on a productive system, alpha 2 will certainly break a lot of things16:07
Mamarokshadeslayer: also, there is not support for karmic here at all, advice given!16:08
shadeslayerMamarok: this is not a production machine :P personal notebook :)16:08
carolijathat is a chalange16:08
Mamarokcarolija: did you configure then?16:08
shadeslayerMamarok: #ubuntu+1 :)16:08
carolijayes Mamarok , i did it16:08
Mamarokok, shadeslayer, let me get the repo for you16:08
carolijawait for nxt one16:08
Shadoze@ shade16:08
shadeslayerMamarok: thanks :)16:09
Chr|show do i get the LCD Weather widget to work? It wont find my city16:09
Mamarokshadeslayer: do you mind?16:09
shadeslayerMamarok: sorry?16:09
Mamarokshadeslayer: sorry, wrong nick16:09
MamarokShadoze: do you mind?16:09
ShadozeI've had that up for ages, interested in doing it myself16:10
shadeslayerMamarok: should i use Shadoze link??16:10
Mamarokshadeslayer: follow that link Shadoze has just given16:10
Shadoze@ Mamarok, sorry if it interupted you16:11
MamarokShadoze: ok, just don't do it, I can handle it alone16:11
carolijaMamarok:  what is next after sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ? I wait to don't do again something stupid16:11
carolijaI mean wait for advice16:12
Mamarokcarolija: told you, restart your system :)16:12
shadeslayerMamarok: um..how do i install that ppa?16:12
Mamarokoh, actually I didn't, done now :)16:12
psi_Hi, ive upgraded from Intrepid and i only have the shutdown-button - no restart?? Can i get it back anywhere?16:12
Mamarokshadeslayer: didn't you say you were experienced enough? *cough*16:12
shadeslayerMamarok: yes but ppa's give out two links...no link for jaunty jackalope...16:13
shadeslayerMamarok: http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/16:13
Mamarokshadeslayer: the one of your distro, of course16:13
Mamarokshadeslayer: actually, that is not the correct ppa, was that in that link?16:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: let me get the right one, second16:14
shadeslayerMamarok: i mean like...deb http ://...... and deb-src http://16:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: moment :)16:14
shadeslayerMamarok: no problems16:15
carolijaMamarok:  reboot is done16:15
* shadeslayer googles16:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:16:16
Mamarokdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu jaunty main16:16
Mamarokshadeslayer: also, you will have to add the following key:16:16
Mamarokshadeslayer: do you know how to add PPA keys?16:17
shadeslayerMamarok: yes :P16:17
Polyculturedoes anybody have an idea how to remove the menu drop shadows of kde3 apps?16:18
MamarokPolyculture: no, sry, I didn't use KDE3 in ages16:18
MamarokPolyculture: but it's likely in the settings -> Appearance somewhere16:18
shadeslayerMamarok: this is the key right?? http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg16:19
ShadozeAre using kde 4 and want to remove drop shadows from kde3 apps?16:19
Mamarokshadeslayer: no, the one I gave you16:19
Mamarokshadeslayer: 2836cb0a8ac93f7a16:19
shadeslayerMamarok: ok16:19
Mamaroksee above16:19
shadeslayergot it16:20
PolycultureMamarok: Seems there's no way to influence kde3 apps with the kde4 systemsettings16:20
Mamarok!nick | Shadoze16:20
ubottuShadoze: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode16:20
Mamarokoops, wrong factoid16:20
PolycultureShadoze: exactly16:20
ShadozeThis may be of use16:20
MamarokShadoze: use tab completion for nick names, half a nick will not highlight the person16:20
ShadozeIt's marked as solved and they were having the same problem as you16:20
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:21
Mamarokshadeslayer: thx :)16:21
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Mamarokcarolija: how did it go?16:22
shadeslayerMamarok: is the key 2836cb0a8ac93f7a or the 8AC one??16:22
Mamarokshadeslayer: that's the same :)16:22
shadeslayerMamarok: ah..16:22
Mamarokread the end of the number :)16:22
carolijaMamarok:  I wait for the command because I am not sure wat I have to do after  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and reboot ?16:23
shadeslayerMamarok: kde-neon right??16:23
carolijathat is done, now i have to confogur /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?16:23
Mamarokcarolija: that was it, just start your system normally16:23
carolijaah so :)16:23
Mamarokcarolija: no, the line I gave you did handle that16:24
carolijaMamarok: , thank you for your time man, and u to Shadoze :)16:24
carolijai will try the system now and let u know16:24
ShadozeIf my tab key worked i would do that, but thanks for reinforming me16:24
Mamarokcarolija: ok, give us feedback16:25
Shadozegl carolija16:25
carolijayup i will16:25
shadeslayerMamarok: uh caant find the package name16:25
Mamarokshadeslayer: what package name?16:26
shadeslayerMamarok: kde4.3?? or will kde 4.2 be replaced ny 4.3??16:26
Mamarokshadeslayer: of course it will replace your current 4.2.2, what did you expect?16:26
shadeslayerok got it nm16:26
shadeslayerMamarok: seprate 4.3 install16:26
ShadozePolyculture, was that person having the same problem as you then?16:27
Mamarokshadeslayer: no, that would indeed be Neon then which installs in a sandbox and doesn't touch your system16:27
Mamarokshadeslayer: just remove the PPA line I gave you and add the PPA from the wiki link then16:27
shadeslayerMamarok: ok..no worries wit this too..as i have gnome+openbox+fluxbox ;)16:27
shadeslayerMamarok: its fine16:28
Polycultureshadeslayer: thanks, found and tried before, but i made a crucial mistake...16:28
carolijaMamarok:  I have no desktop now16:29
Mamarokcarolija: how that, no desktop?16:29
carolijaits opend Xchat and Valknut but i see little icon of them16:29
PolycultureShadoze: what prob?16:29
carolijanothing on the desktop, if i try right click nothing16:29
carolija have just a default pic and those two little icon16:30
Mamarokwhat is Valknut?16:30
carolijathat is like DC++16:30
carolijajust for linux16:30
carolijaand xchat the same16:30
ShadozePolyculture, your window shadoz problem?16:31
carolijaDubble click on that small icon and he open the program16:31
Polycultureyeah, right, got confused with nick names16:31
Mamarokcarolija: and you did start KDE?16:31
PolycultureShadoze: found the thread before, but had two lines starting with spaces in the config file16:32
carolijayes he start with KDE and now he is gone16:32
carolijaill try reboot16:32
PolycultureShadoze:just removed them, now the kde3 shadows are gone16:32
ShadozeThat's great news!16:33
Mamarokcarolija: wait, try moving your current ~/.kde/ to .kde_old/ in your home folder, then start again16:33
carolijaMamarok:  ok ill try16:33
PolycultureShadoz:yap, thanks for making me look over it again ;-)16:34
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ShadozeHeh, you would have found it again anyway :P16:35
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ShadozeDoes anyone know if Quanta Plus is going to be ported to Kde 416:35
ShadozeWell, it works fine in four but it had the kde3 style, ect..16:35
MamarokShadoze: they say so since quite some time, but as it is not even far from ready...16:35
ShadozeDamn, i've been using it for a while and it seems to be working ok for what i'm doind16:37
ShadozeWhich is good atleast16:37
carolijaMamarok:  all is fine !16:39
MamarokShadoze: it will be gone in KDE 4.3 though16:39
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Mamarokcarolija: oh, great to hear that!!!16:39
carolijathank you Mamarok  again :)16:39
Steve^Hi, can we Print to Pdf?16:39
Mamarokcarolija: you are welcome :)16:40
ShadozeShoot, is there any alternatives that focus in docbook quite alot16:40
Mamarokcarolija: just ry to fucous a bit more next time :)16:40
Mamarokfocus* even16:40
ShadozeThat's all im using quanta for, writing docbooks16:40
MamarokSteve^: yes, of course16:40
Steve^How do I set it up?16:41
Steve^Its not a printer option like I've seen for Ubuntu16:41
PolycultureSteve^: in jaunty you should be able to select "print to file (pdf)" in the print dialog16:41
Steve^and the print to file options I find in Konqueror, Firefox or Opera are all a bit flaky16:41
MamarokSteve^: depends from what application, open the print dialog and select printo to *.ps or *.pdf16:42
Steve^the printer list is empty16:42
MamarokSteve^: well, you do not need a printer configured, as you will print to a file16:42
Steve^OpenOffice is so dreadful, I'm hoping to make files as HTML and print from there instead!16:43
MamarokSteve^: html is not exactly a printer friendly format16:44
MamarokSteve^: in OpenOffice you can export to PDF directly16:45
Steve^but I can't make the document look right16:45
Mamarokbut you were asking if you could print to pdf16:45
Steve^its a terrible program16:45
MamarokSteve^: works fine for me here16:45
MamarokSteve^: what version of Kubuntu?16:45
Steve^The Opera print to file at least makes a text PDF, firefox makes an image16:45
Steve^but half of it is missing :*16:46
Steve^I'm making my CV, the layout needs to be compact and precise, OpenOffice cannot provide me with the flexibility that HTML does16:46
MamarokSteve^: your choice, it still is not a printer friendly format16:47
Mamarokand don't judge from the printer preview, that doesn't give you WYSIWYG16:47
Mamarokonly if you are in 100%16:47
Steve^true, which is why I'm hoping to PDF it16:47
ShadozeAnyone know why amarok might not be adding to my collection16:48
MamarokSteve^: zoom in the print preview to 100% should show you the document correctly, I have no problems here to export to PDF16:48
Steve^Mamarok, in OpenOffice?16:48
MamarokShadoze: what version, what did you do to add?16:48
Steve^Shadoze, bad file format?16:48
ShadozeFor example, i am playing an album and add another album by the same artist into the music folder, yet amarok will not pick it up, even if i rescan16:49
ShadozeAmarok 2.0.216:49
ShadozeHold up about th eformat16:49
MamarokSteve^: yes, I always use the PDF export function for my invoices, as I have some graphics in it that print better on an external printer that can handle printing PDF directly16:49
d3m3r5u5Where is the playlist view in amarok 2?16:49
ShadozeOh dear16:50
MamarokShadoze: all your tags set correctly?16:50
Steve^Mamarok, ok, I have no problems with that. But for example, I cannot set a different margin between list items than around the list itself16:50
ShadozeSomething happened to the files inside that album16:50
ShadozeNo wonder, there corrupted :S16:50
MamarokSteve^: of course you can16:50
Mamarokd3m3r5u5: on the right16:50
Steve^Mamarok, yea?16:51
carolijaMamarok:  Ill take that advice  for sure :)16:51
MamarokSteve^: yes, but not if you use the html format16:51
Mamarokcarolija: what advice?16:51
carolija<Mamarok> carolija: just ry to fucous a bit more next time :)16:52
carolijathat one:)16:52
Mamarokcarolija: yeah, would spare us all a lot of time I guess :)16:52
Steve^I can make HTML pixel perfect - but I'd like to use OpenOffice if I could bend it to my will16:52
carolijaYea u r right...16:52
MamarokSteve^: in OpenOffice you should do this in the writer, not in the html editor16:52
Steve^(OpenOffice has a HTML editor??)16:53
MamarokSteve^: if you want professional layout though you should use scribus-ng16:53
Barridusuhhh, how do you search for files in kubuntu16:53
MamarokSteve^: of course it has16:53
MamarokBarridus: find in the command line or find in Dolphin16:53
Barridusoh it's in dolphin.  duh, thanks XD16:54
Steve^Mamarok, scribus is the equivalent to MS Publisher?16:56
MamarokSteve^: yes, but the new one is called Scribus-ng16:56
carolijaWhy whan I open dolphin and i click on the Volume xt4 othr HDD I hav to give him root password ?16:58
ShadozeSecuirty reasons16:58
carolijahe ask me for passwprd to use tha device16:58
carolijais there is som way to he dont ask me ?16:58
ShadozeSecurity, it will only ask once per session16:58
ActionParsnipcarolija: its mounted as root read/write only16:58
ShadozeI'm sure you can turn it off, but i wouldent recommend it ;)16:59
carolijayea mayb is beter like this16:59
carolijawho know ...16:59
ActionParsnipjust mount it properly and you'll be fine17:00
ShadozeThere is kde-sudo and normal sudo yes17:00
Mamarokcarolija: kdesudo is only to start GUI apllications as root17:01
* Mamarok needs a coffee now17:01
Barridusis there a way to get kde to automount usb drives on insertion?  it doesn't appear as though it does until you browse them17:01
carolijaand what if i click on UNMOUNT ?17:01
carolijai mean on that HDD there is right click option "unmount"17:02
ActionParsnipBarridus: you can create an entry in fstab17:02
dsmith_why is /home/dsmith/Desktop not shown as THE desktop when one logs on on Kubuntu 9,04?17:02
BarridusActionParsnip, that's the only way?17:03
jussi01dsmith_: it is on there as a folderview, no?17:03
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ActionParsnipBarridus: its one way17:03
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MamarokBarridus: KDE 4.2.2. does so, but in Jaunty no more :(17:04
jussi01dsmith_: right click the desktop, click add widgets, drag folderview to the desktop17:04
dsmith_i downloaded a few files and they did not appear on the main desktop, they are buried on /home/dsmith/Desktop17:04
jussi01dsmith_: you may need to click on the wrench to set it to your desktop folder17:05
BluesKajdsmith_, buried ? , whynot use folder or quickaccess view ?17:05
dsmith_yea buried, this double desktop thing doesn't make any sense17:06
dsmith_if I deploy this to windows converts they would be confused. heh17:06
BluesKajya don't need desktop17:06
BarridusMamarok, ActionParsnip, that sucks.  thanks for the info though17:06
dsmith_ok jussi01 that worked17:06
jussi01dsmith_: excellent! :)17:07
BluesKaji use both and desktop is last place to store stuff IMO , becomes much too cluttered after a while17:07
dsmith_but why do I need an extra folder thingy on my desktop already to show my desktop17:07
tzangerhaha... now that I'm watching in top, it doesn't pause when unlocking17:07
dsmith_can this folder view be min?17:08
tzangerbut Xorg and kscreensaver or something like that (kssaver_lock?) was the top CPU user processes17:08
jussi01dsmith_: its a new way of doing it. if you prefer, you can have the traditional desktop back17:08
OceanwatcherI am looking for a plugin or tool that can find, let me compare and merge duplicates in the addressbook. Any ideas?17:08
dsmith_jussi01: ok, but could I minimize this folder view?17:08
jussi01dsmith_: with folderview,you can add several different folders to the desktop to be displayed17:08
dsmith_down to say an icon?17:08
jussi01dsmith_: no, its part of the desktop17:09
Shadozejussi, how do you go abuo tgetting traditional desktop17:09
dsmith_ok... well I can resize it17:09
Shadozeyou mentioned it not long ago ;)17:09
jussi01dsmith_: just repeat the proceedure to add another folder view if you want 2.17:09
matty_How can i set a default Look-Profile in Konqueror3?17:10
dsmith_and I can scroll with it17:10
jussi01Shadoze: right click the desktop, desktop settings, type: folder view17:10
jussi01dsmith_: when you have it looking how you want, you can lock it down with right click desktop, lock widgets17:11
ShadozeOh i knew about folder view, i thought you were going to tell me like kde3 lol17:11
jussi01Shadoze: no... try it out - it makes the desktop like kde317:11
Steve^Mamarok, I find it a bad start when I can't figure out how to add text to a table (Scribus-ng) :(17:11
matty_I want to load the Profile "Data" on every Konqueror Startup, how can i do that? Konqueror317:11
ShadozeAye jussi, but the rest if my desktop is just bare and empty17:12
Shadoze*of my even17:12
jussi01Shadoze: just like in kde3...17:14
Shadozeany idea how to strech it to be the whole desktop big17:16
ShadozeJust i cant seem to stretch it downwards17:16
jussi01Shadoze: move it to the bottom and strech upwards??17:18
MamarokSteve^: it's professional publishing software, not an Office Suite17:18
ShadozeNvm got it, you have to drag it right dwon to the botton, then stretch it up from there17:18
tsimpsonShadoze: you can set the entire desktop to folderview17:19
ShadozeCheers for the help jussi01 , how to tsimpson?17:20
ShadozeAt the moment its streched to take up the whole desktop17:20
Steve^Mamarok, so it shouldn't be user friendly?17:21
ShadozeDon't get me wrong i love the new widget idea, just eye candy on the desktop dosn't really have much appeal to me17:21
MamarokSteve^: well, it's aimed at publishers who know their stuff17:21
MamarokSteve^: usually, the text is added copy+paste from a text editor in publishing17:23
tsimpsonsomething just killed X :s17:23
draikHello everyone. I'm not sure what is happening, but my USB, much like my ethernet, times out and disconnects entirely. No warning or anything 'polite', just suddenly dies and I have to restart my computer.17:23
p_quarlesdraik: both events should leave some kind of record in dmesg, I would hope17:24
draikp_quarles: I'll plug in something to USB and see what happens. Doesn't seem like there is, but I'll double-check.17:25
p_quarlesdraik: you'll probably want to look back in the logs to the timeframe of the last problem you experienced17:26
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draikp_quarles: I'm tailing 'dmesg' in hopes for something. I'll check back on it when it fails17:28
BarridusShadoze, can't you downgrade to kde3?17:32
ShadozeI could just use Kubuntu 9.04 3.5 remix yes, but i want kde 4 to move forward17:33
bartskde2when I reboot into my kde desktop I lose sound until I log out, then into gnome, then back out and back into kde 4.2 any idea what happened?17:33
MamarokBarridus: "downgrade" is not officially supported, there are instructions around to change though17:33
MamarokShadoze: you will get used to it very fast, I wouldn't miss it anymore17:34
ShadozeI mean whilst i really do miss the desktop style of 3.5 i may have to get used to it first17:34
Shadozeyeah, the only thing is that i'm not really interested in eye candy on my desktop17:35
ShadozeI mean i scroll through the widgets, alot of them are eye candy17:35
MamarokShadoze: then don't use it17:35
MamarokShadoze: I don't have much eyecandy here neither17:36
MamarokI don't even use many Desktop Effects17:36
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draikDoes someone here know about the 'find' command? I keep getting an error about my '-exec' entry.17:36
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BarridusShadoze, yeah i'm with you.  a lot of the widgets take up more space than they need to as well17:37
Mamarokdraik: what are you trying to do?17:37
MamarokBarridus: come on, you can resize all the widgets17:37
Barridusi know that17:37
ShadozeOne thing i never understood17:37
Barridusyou're missing the point tho17:37
ShadozeWas the clock widget17:37
ShadozeI can look in the right hand corner, thanks17:38
Barridusthey still have 14% "dead" space on the edges etc17:38
draikMamarok: Trying to find large files. Gimme a sec to get the full string.17:38
MamarokShadoze: because I can add it to the screensaver and see the time even with everything else blanked out17:38
Barridusor fonts that become unreadable at small size and you can't change it to a more clear small font17:38
MamarokBarridus: read planetkde.org?17:39
MamarokBarridus: Nuno has given some great advice about fonts, no problems here at all :)17:39
draikMamarok:      cd ~ ; find . -size '+10000k' -exec ls -alh {} \17:39
erik_Hi, does anybody know about issues with X-forwarding and qt designer in kubuntu 8.10?17:39
Mamarokdraik: oops, never used that on command line17:39
ShadozeI didn;t know that screensaver way17:39
draikMamarok: Where have you used it?17:40
Mamarokdraik: I use find in Dolphin :)17:40
Mamarokdraik: or just for one or two files, not many17:40
draikMamarok: Oh. OK. Thanks.17:41
ShadozeSilly, eh?17:41
Mamarokdraik: but man find might give you more input about that17:41
draikWell, I have to get ready for work. Have a great day/night everyone.17:41
draikMamarok: Tried that. Not much use with their example either.17:42
MamarokShadoze: that really looks silly and windows-like17:42
Mamarokdraik: why not use the gui part in Dolphin then? It can more than just search for a file :)17:42
ShadozeI know it looks silly but i can't see an alternate17:43
ShadozeIm always using my desktop as a drag, drop, copy, cut, paste ect.. centre17:44
tsimpsonShadoze: you can set the entire desktop to folderview from Right-Click -> Appearance Settings17:44
ShadozeWow, tsimpson, so you can thanks!17:45
ShadozeI didn't know of this feature17:45
tsimpsonit's been there since 4.2.017:45
ShadozeWas it beacuse of people asking about if previously?17:46
erik_I don't get window decorations for qt designer via ssh -X, while it works for other applications and also works for qt designer in local mode17:47
tsimpsonit was always going to be an option, just wasn't ready until 4.217:47
BarridusShadoze, i do the same, i just use/need less real estate for it17:48
Barridusbesides, it seems like the add new widgets feature is partially broken :p17:50
MamarokShadoze: look at that one: http://myriam.kollide.net/mydesktop.png17:51
ShadozeI know, the icons are a little wonky, but working on it ;)17:52
ShadozeAlright ill take a look17:52
ShadozeHeh mamarok , your screen resolution is alot bigger than mine17:52
ShadozeDon't think that would work on a 1024 x 768 monitor ;)17:52
Barridushmm is that just an oversized show folder widget?  or did you do something i am not aware of Shadoze17:52
Barridushell of a lot bigger than my resolution too XD  *pats netbook*17:53
MamarokShadoze: well, yes, but besides that, it looks like a vanilla KDE 4.3 should look like, plus 217:53
Mamarokit's a Lenovo W500...17:54
ShadozeBarridus what do you mean by my icons?17:54
ShadozeHeh i've been meaning to get a new monitor for a long time17:54
ShadozeJust havn't eve got round to it17:54
BarridusShadoze, i don't see the usual border around the "desktop space"17:54
Barriduslike you can see in mine http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i44/solidus0079/snapshot3.png17:54
Barridusahhh what the heck i just realized looking at the screen shot my calculator widget poofed.  XD17:55
* Mamarok likes the vanilla look best17:55
Mamarokbut I have other stuff on the other activity17:56
ShadozeAhh barridus do you mean the border of folder view?17:56
BarridusShadoze, yeah17:56
ShadozeWell, i like the default look too, just i'm getting a little sick of blue blue blue ;)17:56
ShadozeOh, tsimpson guided me earlier into turning folder view into your desktop17:56
BarridusShadoze, better than orange orange orange brown :p17:56
Shadozeif you right click your desktop and go to appearance settings17:57
Shadozedesktop activity > type > folder view17:57
Shadozebarridus, there giving more themes in karmic koala anyhow17:57
ShadozeThey said whilst brown has served them well, the koala likes other colours too :P17:58
Barridusyeah i saw that heh17:58
ShadozeAnd if you've ever held a koala in real life too, you'll realise just how much they stink too17:58
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BarridusShadoze, so maybe brown is appropriate17:59
ShadozeYes, to put it midley, when holding them you soon realise there bathroom is there body17:59
ShadozeBut enough of that, it;s been delightfull enough as it is >.<17:59
Barridusugh heh18:00
ShadozeHehe :P18:01
ShadozeThe new kde theme looks pretty swish18:01
MamarokShadoze: I use other wallpapers in the other activities18:02
ShadozeThis theme, looks nice18:02
MamarokShadoze: try setting another activity and add the activity bar widget on both to switch18:02
ShadozeI set wallpapers based on my mood18:03
Barriduslooks sorta like glassified theme18:03
MamarokShadoze: well, that's what activities are for, switch when your mood changes :)18:03
Mamarokerik_: sorry, we overread you, car asking your question again?18:04
Mamarokabout windows decorations for Qtdesigner?18:04
Barridusi'm pretty boring i guess, i'm using oxygen theme, no desktop effects, openbox windows manager, and only 1 desktop workspace18:05
ShadozeOoh, that activity switcher is pretty switch ;)18:05
MamarokShadoze, Barridus we should take this discussion to -offtopic I'd say18:05
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:05
Barriduswhat do you mean by activity?18:05
Shadozevery true ther18:06
MamarokBarridus: click on the cashew shaped icon on the upper right and zoom out18:06
Mamarokthen you can add an activity18:06
Barriduszoom out?18:06
Barridusi don't have that option18:06
Barridusi have deskop effects off and i'm not using kwin, maybe that's why18:07
ShadozePossible, for me it's at the very bottom of widget selector18:08
Barridusok nevermind, it's there now.   odd.18:09
erik_any idea on where I should post my question if not to this channel?18:09
Barridusnot sure, erik_.  but then it's community support sometimes you get different people with different knowledge at different times of the day18:11
Mamarokerik_: ask in #kde-devel18:11
Mamarokerik_: that's the most likely place to get hold of some Qt guys18:11
cumulus007Are the KDE 4.3 packages already in the kubuntu-experimental for jaunty?18:19
cumulus007great :)18:20
Unksithere are some problems with them, though18:20
Unksilike flash not having any sound18:20
Polyculture_cumulus007:I'd recommend project neon18:20
cumulus007Well, I just wanted to ask about those problems...18:21
cumulus007I did an upgrade on my testing system and now my whole desktop is messed up18:21
cumulus007my desktop is coevered with a black board18:21
cumulus007widgets act weird18:21
Polyculture_cumulus007: you get a seperated install and can use the stable packages from the standrard repo parallely18:21
Unksinothing like that here though^18:21
cumulus007has neon jaunty repos? The last time I checked it, they were not available18:22
Polyculture_cumulus007: check out https://launchpad.net/~project-neon/+archive/ppa for instance18:23
cumulus007cool, jaunty is available.. thanks :)18:23
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Polyculture_cumulus007: got to install "kde-nightly", but it sounds like you know18:24
cumulus007I do, I've done this before18:24
Polyculture_cumulus007: enjoy18:24
cumulus007thanks :)18:24
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darkhamhelp with anyremote, please!!!!!18:36
Mamarokdarkham: patience!18:38
Mamarok!ask | darkham18:38
ubottudarkham: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:38
darkhamMamarok: ok, i only need help, and anyremote is a software not so popular....18:39
darkhamMamarok: i've fear of indifference by users!18:39
ghizzlewhats goin on pplz?18:40
Mamarokdarkham: calm down, and be patient18:40
Mamarok!puctuation | darkham18:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puctuation18:40
Mamarok!punctuation | darkham18:41
ubottudarkham: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter18:41
Mamarokghido yu need help?18:41
Mamarokarghs, bad day...18:41
genii!pt | ubuntu_18:43
ubottuubuntu_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:43
Mamarokdarkham: you still haven't told us the problem you have18:45
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lovreany1 here?18:47
lovrei need help, quick18:47
lovrewho has kword?18:47
Mamaroklovre: !ask18:47
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:47
Mamaroklovre: pateince is a virtue :)18:47
lovreMamarok: i need a file to be converted to PDF, quickly, please, it needs to be open from KWord18:48
darkhamMamarok: ok, my bluetooth installation are ok, i can receive and send file to my nokia N70, i installed anyremote, i set .cfg files in server mode (is the only way of N70 for work with anyremote) i installed the cliend java on the phone, but when i search the pc froma the client, i find 1 something, but i dont' display anything. i tried inserting in the client the bt address but dont' works18:48
darkhamwhat can i do?18:48
Mamaroklovre: stop saying quick, that will not speed up things18:48
lovreMamarok: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mqodxo18:48
genii!info anyremote18:48
ubottuanyremote (source: anyremote): Remote control daemon for applications using Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.17-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 194 kB, installed size 1048 kB18:48
lovreMamarok: please convert that to PDF and upload back18:48
Mamaroklovre: no, you can do that yourself, just use openoffice for it, that works fine18:49
lovreMamarok: please do it, something is wrong with mine, it just wont, i have to send it in 10 minutes18:49
lovreMamarok: just do it18:49
geniidarkham: There seems omething on the subject here: http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=702639918:50
Zxcvb_laphow long should it take to install 9.04 off of a usb 1.1 drive?18:50
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Mamaroklovre: I simply can't, this is my work PC, I will not download any stuff on it18:51
darkhamgenii: thanx, but bluetooth is the only way i can use it18:51
ShadozeLovre, rudeness dosn't get you anywhere18:54
Shadozebut here18:54
MamarokShadoze: I will certianly not do that, I'm not his secretary18:54
MamarokShadoze: he is gone anyway18:55
ShadozeExactly :( Addressing people nicely certainly gets you very far here, and in rea life too18:56
ShadozeBrb, getting a drink :)18:57
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afeijohow can I share some folders to windows stations?19:00
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BluesKaj!samba | afeijo19:02
ubottuafeijo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:02
afeijoBluesKaj: I want to share my files, not mount a windows shared. Samba do both ways?19:03
BluesKajafeijo, yes19:03
BluesKajread futher afeijo...you'll see what it does19:04
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Zxcvb_lapif you have both kde and gnome installed, how do you select which one to run by default?19:12
MamarokZxcvb: on startup in kdm/gdm, select the session from the menu19:14
Barriduswhat version of 'buntu are you running?  jaunty?19:14
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rompstarhi there, when I log into Gnome X, I wanted to start Service to see what is running and that gives me an error "You are not allowed to access the system configuration".  I tried running as root and normal user, same error, 9.0419:16
rompstarSo I can't see Services, I need to turn on Apache to run at boot19:17
rompstaranyone here ?19:17
tdnWhen I use my laptop with kubuntu 9.04 running on battery, I get a notice box saying something along the lines of: "Composite was too slow, so it is disabled..." I cannot read it all, because it disappears too quickly. Why is this? How do I enable composite again? How do I prevent it from being disabled like this?19:18
Mamaroktdn: you can still click on the notification icon (blu with the white i) to get it back19:21
tdnMamarok, as I wrote, the notification disappears before I can read it.19:21
Mamaroktdn: running on battery with compositing is not a good idea, as the battery profile runs a slower CPU speed19:21
tdnMamarok, Alt+Shift+F12 enables it again.19:22
Mamaroktdn: it remains in the panel notification19:22
Mamaroktdn: that I know, but the notification should still be there unless you remove it19:22
tdnMamarok, I know, but *I* want to decide if I need it. *I* want to be able to configure if I want it to be disabled on battery.19:22
tdnMamarok, I did not remove anything.19:22
tdnI don't know where to see panel notifications.19:22
Mamaroktdn: then change the CPU speed when on battery19:23
Mamaroktdn: there is an icon next to the panel19:23
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zer0ohi guys do u know any mame emulator for kubuntu? an easily installable one with lots of games included? thanks19:24
shadeslayerMamarok: you there??19:32
ubuntupim pam pim pam19:33
genii!es | ubuntu19:33
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:33
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christian_any1 knows, how to reset kickoff's entries / rollback deleted submenus? would be pleased :)19:37
hitmouseHi, I've installed Jaunty but I'm having Font problems. Does anyone know if BCI is enabled or disabled in 9.04? thanks19:39
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christian_Hi, anyone knows, how rollback kickoff's submenu(s), becaus i deleted one, i think, and don't know how to recreate it correctly with menu editor19:45
slowhoewhy doesent xinit work?19:45
slowhoeafter ctrl alt F219:45
slowhoei dont want a window manager.19:45
slowhoejust xinit19:46
CoJaBo-AztecIs there a program to use for printing multiple photos?19:50
Mamarokshadeslayer: here!19:50
drbobbhello, I'm having some slight issues with wireless: overall it works, but there seems to be a problem at wakeup from suspend19:53
drbobbthe busy indicator on the nm-applet spins for a couple of minutes, then it asks me for the wpa password. It looks as if the password storage facility wasn't working?19:54
drbobbWhen I type in the password (once again), it connects and continues to work rather reliably19:55
agorhey, im having a problem with rubygems, I have tried installing rubygems, rubygems1.8 and rubygems1.9 - but when I type 'gem' in the terminal it just tells me that I can get 'gem' from rubygems1.8 or rubygems1.9... How can I solve this?19:55
slowhoexinit doesent work.19:56
RojwanHello, is there a tutorial for setting up new hardware on Kubuntu (namely, a Wifi card)?19:58
slowhoeRojwan: wifi sucks on linux.19:58
RojwanAh, I absolutely need it to work for the OS to be any good whatsoever...19:59
RojwanIs it really difficult?19:59
MamarokRojwan: did you chek if the card is supported on Linux?20:00
christian_Hi, anyone knows, how rollback kickoff's submenu(s), becaus i deleted one, i think, and don't know how to recreate it correctly with menu editor20:00
Mamarokchristian_: right click on the menu icon -> open the menu editor20:00
RojwanI haven't checked. Where can I find a list of supported devices?20:01
christian_Mamarok: okay and then =)20:01
endialOk this is my first day on Linux and I have no idea what to do, Anyone feel like taking a Full blown Windows guy under thier wing and converting me?  I just need to know the basics just enough to get me to where I know what I need to look up to figure out things on my own.20:01
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MamarokRojwan: google for your card with the name and Linux or Kubuntu as option20:01
rompstarhi there20:01
Mamarokendial: we do support for specific questions here20:02
rompstarmy external USB drive is very slow20:02
rompstarraymond@dragonfly:~$ sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sdb120:02
rompstar Timing cached reads:     2 MB in  2.03 seconds = 1008.30 kB/sec20:02
rompstar Timing buffered disk reads:    4 MB in  4.12 seconds = 993.39 kB/sec20:02
Mamarokchristian_: add a submenu20:02
rompstarwas thinking to check driver, I get this message20:02
rompstarmodprobe ehci_hcd20:02
Mamarokthen drag that submenu into the menu you want it in20:02
rompstarraymond@dragonfly:~$ modprobe ehci_hcd20:02
rompstarFATAL: Module ehci_hcd not found20:02
rompstarnot sure what to do, help.20:03
Mamarok!paste | rompstar20:03
ubotturompstar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:03
rompstarI'll check it ot20:03
Mamarokrompstar: that was an advice on how to past things in the channel...20:03
christian_Mamarok: na i found a submenu point "reset system preconf" (in german "systemvoreinstellungen wiederherstellen")20:03
slowhoewhy isn't the madwifi driver in the repos ?20:04
Mamarokchristian_: well, use that then :)20:04
endialHow can I get an application that used to work in Windows to work in Kubuntu?  Mainly World of Warcraft20:04
rompstarany idea on my slow USB hard drive problem ?20:04
christian_Mamarok: you know where i can find the kpackagekit icon? =)20:04
RojwanOkay, the driver for my Wifi card is well-known and supported. But I'm not sure I understand the note on the site. It reads: Note: The iwlwifi driver has been merged into mainline kernel since 2.6.24. If you are using kernels after this release, please use the intree (drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi) driver directly. After 2.6.26 the intree driver iwlagn also supports the new 5100BG, 5100ABG,...20:04
Rojwan...5100AGN, 5300AGN and 5350AGN series hardwares.20:04
Rojwanfrom: http://intellinuxwireless.org/20:05
Mamarokchristian_: right click on the app, properties, icon then you can choose it from the applications part20:05
slowhoei did all this. and it doesent even work. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html20:05
MamarokRojwan: did you just try to plugin your card to see if it's seen?20:06
christian_Mamrok: ah ty :) bb20:06
Mamarokok, who is next?20:07
RojwanIt was plugged in since before I installed Kubuntu, and still is. But I didn't spot it anywhere. I'll reboot under Linux and double-check.20:07
Mamarokendial: what was your first question again?20:07
Mamarokrompstar: no, you cam later :)20:07
ikoniarompstar: what's up20:07
rompstarhow do I install a drive ? modprobe ehci_hcd20:07
rompstarmy usb drive is very slow20:07
ikoniarompstar: as in a disk drive ? or a kernel module "driver"20:07
rompstarmy external USB  hard drive is very slow and wanted to speed it up I think I need that ehci_hcd driver installed, moudle20:08
rompstarnot expert20:08
endialI would like to get some type of Apt to let me install World of warcraft Pretty much thats the only thing I can't do on linux as of right now20:08
endialThat I need to do that is...20:08
slowhoehow do i install linux-backports-modules-jaunty20:09
ikoniarompstar: ok, so if you do an "lsmod" do you see any other ehci drivers ?20:09
Mamarokendial: I never installed WoW on Linux, you will either have to goolge or check the forums, as this is not a regular app supported here20:09
Mamarokendial: unless somebody knows how to guide you20:09
endialok thank20:09
rompstarikonia: see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/180607/20:09
Mamarokendial: yaw :)20:09
rompstari don't see it20:10
Mamarokwho is next?20:10
ikoniarompstar: can you modprobe it ?20:10
rompstarno I get error20:10
rompstarmodprobe ehci_hcd20:10
rompstarFATAL: Module ehci_hcd not found.20:10
rompstarmy backs up painfully slow20:11
rompstarthat's why I am trying to figure this ouyt20:11
rompstarikonia: was trying to follow instructions from this web site, to fix it, but don't work http://ocaoimh.ie/2009/05/07/ubuntu-linux-slow-external-usb-drive/20:13
ikoniarompstar: ooh, is that module no longer available in ubuntu, hang on20:13
rompstarI am not sure20:13
rompstarI am running 9.0420:13
slowhoehow do i make madwifi work20:14
slowhoewhy does my wifi card work on backtrack but not kubuntu20:14
ikoniarompstar: be with you in 2 seconds20:16
ikoniarompstar: modprobe uhci_hcd have you tried that ?20:16
ikoniaand I of course assume you're using sudo20:16
murryhas any one played 'cultivation'?20:16
Mamarokslowhoe: what is your wifi card?20:16
Mamarokmurry: no, sorry20:17
rompstarikonia: yes I get an error20:17
ikoniarompstar: module not found ?20:17
rompstaryes using sudo20:17
rompstarsudo modprobe uhci_hcd20:17
rompstarFATAL: Module uhci_hcd not found.20:17
ikoniaI wonder if that modules been removed, I don't think so, but it seems odd that you can't find it20:18
rompstarmaybe, it's from a backup restore, I am still leanring, so maybe I didn't copy something, how do I install the driver ?20:18
rompstarwhere is the driver, location ?20:19
ikoniarompstar: /lib/$kernel20:19
ikoniarompstar: thats the base20:19
rompstarso when I backup, should I backup /lib too ?20:19
ikoniarompstar: give me 5 minutes got to pop away from desk, I'll look on my laptop while I'm away20:19
rompstarthanks!, going to heat up some food20:20
slowhoeMamarok: Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter20:21
shadeslayerMamarok: im getting problems with kbuildsycoca420:22
tzangerwith top running my screen saver unlock never "hangs" for a few seconds20:23
tzangerI wonder if something's going into deep power savings and thus causing the lag, but *seconds* ? that is highly weird20:24
Mamarokshadeslayer: explain20:24
shadeslayerMamarok: i log in and wham it shows a debug error...il paste the output20:24
Mamarokshadeyes, please -> pastebin20:25
agorHey! I've been wanting to learn ruby for a while now, can anyone recommend a book or online resource? :)20:25
agorhey, im having a problem with rubygems, I have tried installing rubygems, rubygems1.8 and rubygems1.9 - but when I type 'gem' in the terminal it just tells me that I can get 'gem' from rubygems1.8 or rubygems1.9... How can I solve this?20:25
shadeslayerMamarok: i know :)20:26
=== caiodutra is now known as kdtra
shadeslayerMamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/180620/20:26
Mamarokslowhoe: did you check these instructions here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html20:27
shadeslayerMamarok: from a terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/180621/20:27
Mamarokshadeslayer: you are running what now? still KDE 4.2.2?20:28
shadeslayerMamarok: no..i cant even start KDE :P im in GNOME right now20:28
Mamarokshadeslayer: why do you get these errors in Gnome? what application do you try to run?20:28
shadeslayerMamarok: no the first paste is exactly the one when i log in KDE, the secnd one is one when i run $ kbuildsycoca420:29
Mamarokagor: care asking in #kde-ruby?20:29
shadeslayerin terminal in gnome20:29
agorMamarok: sure20:29
Mamarokshadeslayer: you can not run kbuildsycoca4 in Gnome :)20:30
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Mamarokshadeslayer: why can't you log into KDE anymore, what did you do?20:30
ilkinhow to delete all .bak files in the system?20:30
shadeslayerMamarok: i know .... just thought it would help since the backtrace seemed useless20:30
shadeslayerMamarok: i updated and upgraded....logged out...restarted X...selected KDE and then that error20:31
Mamarokilkin: open Dolphin, then 'Find file' in the Dolphin Edit Menu and check for *.bak in your folder, you can then remove all the shown files20:31
shadeslayerMamarok: http://anotherubuntu.blogspot.com/2009/02/air-and-kde-43.html this blog teases me :)20:31
Mamarokshadeslayer: updated to KDE 4.3 beta or did you just install Neon?20:32
shadeslayerMamarok: 4.3 beta20:32
shadeslayerMamarok: now i think ill install neon too :P20:32
Mamarokshadeslayer: and you have finished all the installation, nothing went wrong, no files missing?20:32
shadeslayerMamarok: yes...nothing missisng...although there was one error about kdepim not being setup i ran the update again and it installed20:33
ilkinMamarok: if they are readonly? is it possible to do this from terminal?20:33
Mamarokshadeslayer: ok, now, before logging into KDE, try moving your ~/.kde/ to ~/.kde_old/20:34
Mamarokrestart KDE then20:34
shadeslayerMamarok: done...20:34
shadeslayerMamarok:should i be deleting .kde??20:34
shadeslayerthen logging a=in again20:35
Mamarokilkin: yes, but you should not touch *.bak files in system folders!20:35
evlgameri just got done with a fresh install of kubuntu 9.10, how do i install firefox?20:35
Mamarokilkin: only remove those in your home folder and subfolders20:35
shadeslayerevlgamer: #ubuntu+1 for karmic20:35
evlgamershadeslayer: ?20:35
ilkinupss...you are late) I already deleted all bak files)20:35
shadeslayerevlgamer: 9.10 is karmic koala...next version20:35
Mamarokelvthere is no support for karmic here, go to #ubuntu+120:36
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents20:36
RojwanHi Mamarok, it's about the Wifi install issue. It seems the drivers have been 'merged into mainline kernel', but I can't see where to begin, to get it recognised and working.20:36
shadeslayerhmm that needs updating20:36
jussi01Rojwan: which card?20:36
MamarokRojwan: I think they explain how to do so in that article, no?20:36
RojwanIt's Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection adapter20:36
shadeslayerMamarok: brb hopefully  :)20:37
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:37
RojwanMamarok: It doesn't seem so. Maybe I'm not looking at the right place.20:37
ilkinone thing else.... i have tried to upgrade system however during installation I cancelled process...so now my hard drive is full)20:38
evlgamersorry i meant kubuntu 9.0420:38
MamarokRojwan: moved to the kernel means it's supported b default, you might have to activate a kernel module then20:38
ilkinHow to return it to initial state20:38
Mamarokevlgamer: sudo apt-get install firefox20:38
shadeslayerMamarok: nope...error20:38
RojwanMamarok: So I assume there is no equivalent of Window's 'Device Manager'?20:38
shadeslayerMamarok: should i PM the backtrace since im in a tty20:39
Mamarokilkin: first you delete stuff without thinking then you want it restored?20:39
Mamarokshadeslayer: you can direct the output into a text file and pastebin it later20:40
shadeslayerMamarok: ok...i didnt want to logout and relogin20:40
shadeslayerMamarok: gah...it hung up :(20:41
Mamarokshadeslayer: just start Gnome in tty7, then go back to the other tty20:41
Mamarokshadeslayer: what error do you get? Give me the last two lines20:41
shadeslayerMamarok: i have X in tty7 and i have only 3 tty's20:42
RojwanIs there any place I can go to 'see' the Wifi card? Anything like a device manager?20:42
ilkinMamarok, if you are about bak files-they were not deleted,,,when it comes to upgrade there 760 M to be downloaded from internet to accomplish upgradem, that is why I cancelled process20:42
shadeslayerMamarok: its hung up :P , i can only paste the whole error now :) ill paste it in #paste ok??20:42
Mamarokilkin: what upgrade are you talking about?20:43
shadeslayerRojwan: lspci20:43
Mamarokshadeslayer: yes please20:43
ilkinKubuntu version update20:43
ilkinfrom Adept20:43
Rojwanshadeslayer: Where do I find that in Kubuntu?20:43
jussi01Rojwan: just type it into terminal....20:44
RojwanOkay thanks20:44
Mamarokilkin: what version update, to 9.04?20:45
ilkinI have determined thaT size of home folder is 6.5 G while sum of its constituent folder and files is just 1.5 G20:46
ilkinfrom 8.04 to 8.1020:46
rg__anyone know how to increase the verbosity for the xorg log file? i'm trying to understand why my custom modeline doesn't work20:46
Mamarokilkin: and what is the problem now?20:46
Mamarokrg__: there's nothing in there anymore, check the xorg.log in /var/log/20:47
rg__Mamarok: that's the one i'm talking about. there has to be some way to make it more verbose20:48
Mamarokrg__: that is verbose :)20:48
ilkinI found))) everything was due to Strigi caching20:49
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ilkinit took all drive memory20:49
endialWell I have hit a road block I cant find a way to install wine on here20:49
rg__Mamarok: it's not explaining why my VGA connector isn't displaying the resolutions. there's a -logverbose parameter with startx but i can't kill the xserver to run startx20:51
rg__Mamarok: when i sudo kill the xserver, it just starts another one20:51
shadeslayerMamarok: what next???20:52
endialsudo apt get install wine is the correct terminal code right?20:52
Mamarokrg__: why not logging out?20:52
Mamarokrg__: then kill it with Ctrl+SysRq +k20:52
shadeslayerMamarok: how about reinstalling that package?? or rechecking apt for any other errors??20:53
rg__Mamarok: i don't see a SysRq key on my keyboard20:53
rg__Mamarok: i found it20:53
Mamarokrg__: usually where the PrintScreen one is20:53
ilkinhow to free space taken by strigi? just delete that files?20:54
Mamarokilkin: but then you shouldn run nepomuk if you do not have enough space20:55
shadeslayerMamarok: any ideas??20:56
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, what I don't get is why you can't start KDE anymore, if everything went well it should start20:57
Mamarokshadeslayer: I run 4.3 here on Jaunty and it works well20:57
Mamarokbrb, have to get the laundry20:57
shadeslayerMamarok: no idea mate....maybe you could give me a command that checks what i installed?20:57
rg_Mamarok: ctrl + SysRq + k restarted the login prompt. it didn't get me to a point where i could run startx20:59
go7hicsomebody uses skype here?20:59
go7hicI can't find an option of adding buddies20:59
go7hicthis is weird21:00
shadeslayergo7hic: me..21:00
shadeslayergo7hic: i think its a green + icon at the bottom21:00
phoenixzHow can I play a CD in kubuntu?21:00
shadeslayerphoenixz: insert it and open amarok21:01
phoenixzas in, amarok does not seem to be able to do it21:01
phoenixzshadeslayer: Nope.. amarok channel told me amarok2 can NOT play CD21:01
phoenixzshadeslayer: if you can believe that21:01
shadeslayerphoenixz: vlc21:02
shadeslayerphoenixz: heard of it?? sudo apt-get install vlc21:03
phoenixzshadeslayer: yeah, I have vlc installed.. thanks for the tip21:03
shadeslayerphoenixz: there are other players like banshee and rhythmboc if you like a nice GUI21:04
phoenixzshadeslayer: yaeh, I know. its just that I want this in a KDE program, thats why I have KDE, not? :)21:05
go7hicyea... thx'21:05
go7hicfound it21:05
shadeslayerphoenixz: hehehe.....well i thought amarok could play Cd's21:05
shadeslayeranyone with kde 4.3??21:05
phoenixzshadeslayer: Amarok 1 could.. 2 can't, still not.. on the amarok channel they told me its because nobody plays CD's anymore.. I don't really agree21:05
phoenixzshadeslayer: I do21:06
phoenixzshadeslayer: kde4.3 is sweeeet21:06
* shadeslayer cries :'(21:06
phoenixzshadeslayer: installed a PPA repo, upgraded and it works really nice21:06
shadeslayerphoenixz: i installed but it has errors21:06
phoenixzshadeslayer: I still have to encounter big problems with KDE4.321:06
phoenixzkubuntu 9.04 was much more problematic than KDE4.3 :)21:06
shadeslayerok anybody who can gimme a command that can check whatever i downloaded against the ppa and reinstall the probelmatic package??21:07
shadeslayerphoenixz: such as??21:07
astrommephoenixz: I just use juk or kscd for cds21:08
gwhipwhats the repo to add to update to 4.321:08
shadeslayergwhip: its a PPA...not a repo :)....21:08
gwhipin jaunty21:08
shadeslayergwhip: one sec21:08
* astromme reminds people that 4.3 is in beta, beta1 at that21:08
phoenixzshadeslayer: such as what? sorry, I missed something :)21:08
phoenixzgwhip: one sec21:08
astrommeshadeslayer: a ppa is a repo21:08
phoenixzgwhip: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu jaunty main21:08
gwhipok ... the ppa to add21:09
shadeslayergwhip: then update and upgrade21:09
phoenixzshadeslayer: add the link above to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, do an apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade and you should have 4.3 running quite nicely21:09
phoenixzshadeslayer: and yes, that IS a repo :)21:09
rg_Mamarok: ctrl + SysRq + k restarted the login prompt. it didn't get me to a point where i could run startx21:10
gwhipphoenixz: thanks! is there just the one line or is there a sources line too21:10
Mamarokshadeslayer: Amarok will fature CD playing, we are in feature freeze now21:10
phoenixzgwhip: got the repo link?21:10
phoenixzgwhip: I suppose there is a sources too, but why would you want those, unlessy ou are going to do development?21:10
Mamarokphoenixz: and if it's not fast enough for you, care hiring some developers? We lack manpower to do things as fast as our (non paying) users want it21:10
shadeslayerMamarok: ah.....any lead on my problem ?? :)21:10
astrommerg_: if you really want to run startx.... ctrl + shift+f1, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop, then you can run it.21:10
phoenixzMamarok: is there a repo (PPA even) available of amarok with CD playing support?21:10
Mamarokphoenixz: no, as I told you, not in 2.1, we are in feature freeze21:11
magicmanstldoes anyone know how I might start kgrubeditor via the command line21:11
Mamarokand there is no 2.2 yet21:11
phoenixzMamarok: if I'd had the money or time, I would do it.. Unfortunately I don't..21:11
gwhipi guess don't really need it ... thanks21:11
shadeslayermagicmanstl: you cant...kgrubeditor needs X21:11
Mamarokphoenixz: then you will just have to be patient and polite :)21:11
phoenixzMamarok: NOFI, its just frustrating that Amarok 1 got changed out for 2 while 2 does not have all functions of 1.. I suppose thats a kubuntu decision more than amarok anyway21:12
Mamarokrg_: you will have to start in recovery mode then to run startx21:12
Mamarokphoenixz: exactly21:12
Mamarokshadeslayer: back to you21:12
phoenixzMamarok: as I also mentioned on the amarok channel, I think amarok is the best player out there, which in turn made me like.. whah!?? when I saw there was no CD support. :)21:12
* phoenixz bows to the amarok gods21:12
Mamarokphoenixz: please do so in #amarok then :)21:13
* shadeslayer wonders why everyone PM's him their question??21:13
phoenixzMamarok: better? :)21:13
rg_astromme: i tried that but xwindows kept running. then i tried killing the X server process with sudo and ps aux showed a new X server process21:13
shadeslayerMamarok: ok,i have the time..how do i reinstall 4.3??21:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: just do not accept those, it's a policy not to do support in PM21:14
shadeslayerMamarok: i know i just /q21:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: reinstall?21:14
tzangershadeslayer: I ignore PMs for the most part21:14
shadeslayerMamarok: yes, or like re configure or whatever :)21:14
shadeslayertzanger: i dont notice them too often but...when i do.../q right away21:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: you might have some missing packages, what does aptitude search kdebase* tell you?21:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: you should have everything except the -dev and -dbg packages21:16
BluesKajI'd love to get amarok on W7 partition but kde for windows no longer includes it by default :(21:16
phoenixzshadeslayer: you have added the repo link I just sent?21:16
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok pasting21:16
Mamarokshadeslayer_: where, pastebin?21:17
shadeslayer_Mamarok: yes...http://paste.ubuntu.com/180652/21:17
* shadeslayer_ is in X21:17
rg_what is required to disable X and kdm from starting up, i'd like to bootup to the console instead?21:17
shadeslayer_rg_: why not the recovery konsole ;)21:18
Mamarokrg_: told you, start in recovery mode, second line in grub21:18
shadeslayer_Mamarok: can i see some apt logs where errors are stored??21:19
Mamarokshadeslayer_: everything is in /var/log/21:20
magicmanstldoes anyone know how to start up kgrubeditor? I have installed it but there is no menu entry and I can find man pages or any documentation for it...21:20
shadeslayer_Mamarok: yeah checking in /apt21:20
Walzmynhow much difference is there between making a straight ubuntu install and installing gnome-desktop on KDE?21:20
Mamarokshadeslayer_: you have no kdebase installed as it seems...21:21
tzangershadeslayer: did you upgrade to kubuntu from an ubuntu cd?21:21
MamarokWalzmyn: you end up with two desktop environements21:21
Mamaroktzanger: no, he installed KDE 4.221:21
Walzmynmagicmanstl: alt+F2 then type grub editor21:21
Mamarokargs, 4.321:22
shadeslayer_Mamarok: really?? ok how do i install then??21:22
Mamaroktzanger: thanks, I think, I can handle it...21:22
BluesKajused to boot into the konsole by alt+ctrl+F2 after selecting the kernel in the grub menu .Havent trired that lately altho it still works from the desktop21:22
Mamarokshadeslayer_: sudo atp-get install kdebase21:22
WalzmynMamarok: yes, but will the gnome that's installed be just the same as you get with a default ubuntu install, or will it be weird?21:22
Mamarokmagicmanstl: you will have to type kdesudo kgrubeditor21:23
shadeslayer_Mamarok: you were right :P...installing21:23
MamarokWalzmyn: that's still the same, both desktop Environments can live together :)21:23
Mamarokshadeslayer_: you still have Gnome, don't you21:23
WalzmynMamarok: ok, and will installing gnome do anythign weird with my KDE menus and such?21:24
shadeslayer_Mamarok: yes...im in gnome :) logging out now21:24
shadeslayer_Walzmyn: noooo :)21:24
Mamarokshadeslayer_: wait!21:24
Mamarokshadeslayer_: fire up synaptic please21:24
WalzmynI'm in the process of converting a friend over to Linux, and I wanted him to see both desktops to choose which was best for him21:24
tzangerMamarok: no worries; I did it and there were some odd things... some of the dependencies were not there when I installed kde-desktop and it caused me some pain21:24
shadeslayer_Walzmyn: everything has different configs in /home so everything works like a charm21:24
MamarokWalzmyn: told you, there will be no problem, both can live on the same disk21:24
shadeslayer_Mamarok: done21:25
Mamaroktzanger: I went through that too21:25
Walzmynlong time ago, I tried installed KDE on a gnome distro and it horrible, that's why I was asking21:25
tzangerMamarok: :-)21:25
shadeslayer_Walzmyn: i have XFCE+lxde+openbox+fluxbox+pekwm as well21:25
shadeslayer_Mamarok: now what??21:25
Mamarokshadeslayer_: shadeslayer_ go to the origin part21:25
shadeslayer_Mamarok: origin??21:25
Mamarokshadeslayer_: on the bottom left you have buttons21:26
Mamarokone is named origin21:26
shadeslayer_Mamarok: oh ok ..now??21:26
Mamarokshadeslayer_: the go to ppa.launchpad.net/main21:27
Mamarokthen on the right side you will see all packages in the ppa reositories21:27
shadeslayer_yeah was there before already21:27
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok...then??21:27
Mamarokshadeslayer_: click on the version header to sort by number21:27
Mamarokthen check for 4:4.2.85 packages21:27
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok what do i check in them ?? installed packages??21:28
Walzmynhow come if i use alt+f2 to open synaptic, it first opens it without admin privelages, then when I do it again, it prompts for password?21:28
shadeslayer_Mamarok: kwin not installed :P21:28
Mamarokshadeslayer_: you will have to install every package that hsa this number, except for the packages ending in -dbg or -dev21:29
Mamarokshadeslayer_: well, that could not go well without :/21:29
shadeslayer_what about kruler etc21:30
Mamarokkruler is a nice tool to measure stuff on your desktop :)21:31
shadeslayer_Mamarok: hahaha21:31
Mamarokshadeslayer_: just ask me when you are not sure :)21:31
Mamarokshadeslayer_: seriously, I use it to check distances for letters and such21:32
shadeslayer_Mamarok: kdeutils??21:32
Mamarok!pt | ubuntu:21:32
ubottuubuntu:: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:32
Mamarokshadeslayer_: absolutely!21:32
shadeslayer_Mamarok: kdesk-kio21:33
Mamarokshadeslayer_: no, that's the development kit21:34
Mamarokshadeslayer_: oh, wait21:34
vbgunzanyone know why saving a file in vim now in 9.04 has a habit of turning vim unresponsive for about perhaps 5 seconds? it doesn't happen all the time but happens frequently enough to be a bother :(21:34
Mamarokyou mean kdesdk, right?21:34
shadeslayer_Mamarok: yes21:34
Mamarokshadeslayer_: yes, develop ment kit21:34
Mamarokshadeslayer_: you should have descriptions on the far right, don't you?21:35
shadeslayer_Mamarok: wow kde-core not installed21:35
shadeslayer_Mamarok: yes21:35
Mamarokvbgunz: probably not related to vim but to nepomuk/strigi running21:35
Mamarokshadeslayer_: I think it didn't install most of the essentials :(21:36
shadeslayer_Mamarok: i guess that would be it..updating :)21:36
Mamarokshadeslayer_: somehow, an important dependency is missing and everything got borked21:36
Mamarokshadeslayer_: fingers crossed :)21:36
shadeslayer_Mamarok: bleh....maybe....yeah21:36
* shadeslayer_ crosses all his fingers :)21:37
Mamarokshadeslayer_: my problem was different when I upgraded, too many conflicting dependencies, spent half my day correcting and overwriting stuff21:37
shadeslayer_Mamarok: i hate net installs....i dont recommend net upgrades _at all_21:37
Mamarokshadeslayer_: I always do a fresh install on every release21:38
shadeslayer_Mamarok: me too :)21:38
Mamarokshadeslayer_: moving the .kde/ folder of course21:38
shadeslayer_seprate data partition here :)21:38
Mamarokat the same time I get rid of a lot of leftovers and borked configs :)21:39
Mamarokditto, of course21:39
Mamarokthat should be the default choice IMHO21:39
shadeslayer_Mamarok: i would format my windows partition if i didnt game or wine released a version that supported every game :)21:39
Mamarokshadeslayer_: I only kept it to test KDE on WIndows :)21:40
shadeslayer_Mamarok: hehehe...21:40
shadeslayer_wow synaptic downloads two files at once....i only use apt-get :P21:41
Mamarokshadeslayer_: which works quite fine, only lacking developers to work on it so it advances slowlier than on Linux21:41
Mamarokshadeslayer_: synaptic is just a fromtend to apt-get21:41
Mamarokit's apt-get that does that in the background21:42
shadeslayer_Mamarok: i wish it would show the size in MB's and not Kb's21:42
shadeslayer_Mamarok: i know :)...ive been here 6 months :P21:42
Mamarokshadeslayer_: :)21:43
shadeslayer_oh i forgot to quit the tty nick21:43
Mamarokshadeslayer_: wile you are at it, install the plsma widgets too, just look after plasma in synaptic21:43
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shadeslayerMamarok: synaptic is locked ;)21:44
Walzmynwhat is abiword?21:44
shadeslayerWalzmyn: word processor21:44
shadeslayerWalzmyn: make that a very lite word processor21:44
Walzmyngnome version of kate?21:44
Mamarokshadeslayer: locked?21:45
shadeslayerMamarok: locked as in its all grey...get what i mean??21:45
Mamarok!abiword | Walzmyn21:45
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Mamarokshadeslayer: well, it's installing now21:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abiword21:45
shadeslayer!info abiword | Walzmyn21:45
ubottuWalzmyn: abiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2899 kB, installed size 7808 kB21:45
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah..i have a 128kbps connection21:45
Walzmynthanks. whenever apt gets done, i'll just fire it up21:45
Mamarokarghs, I'm getting tired...21:46
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* Walzmyn shudders at shadeslayer21:46
shadeslayerWalzmyn: dont worry dude youll get all the commands after a month or after fishing in ubottu21:46
Walzmyni didn't think about using the bot. I was just currious, 'cause I saw abiword go by a few times while this was installing21:47
Walzmynpersonally, I can't stand gnome, but I21:47
* shadeslayer eyes ubottu...he knows more than me :)21:47
Walzmyn'm thinking my friend will like it better21:47
* Walzmyn eyeballs his 'enter' key21:47
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shadeslayerWalzmyn: how long have you been using *buntu ??21:48
MamarokWalzmyn: just do not abuse the bot :)21:48
Walzmynshadeslayer: been using kubuntu for i guess a little over a year now.21:48
* shadeslayer feeds the bot21:48
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:48
shadeslayerWalzmyn: ah...i was fed up of KDE after 3 months...now im fed up of gnome...so back to kde21:49
Walzmynshadeslayer: no, i've been solid kde for errr, gosh, over 6 years now21:49
shadeslayerWalzmyn: :O21:49
Walzmynshadeslayer: i gave XFCE a fair trial one time.  but Gnome has never lasted more than 15 min with me21:50
Mamarokshadeslayer: I use KDE since...version 1.1, rarely changing to the occasional fwm or what was around back then21:51
shadeslayerWalzmyn: not even with compiz+4 wallpaper or more+conky21:51
shadeslayeror screenlets21:51
Walzmynnot the biggest fan of compiz either. Since it's not built in it always felt really clunky21:52
Walzmynhi, patrick_21:52
shadeslayerok..im going away for a while :)....21:52
Walzmynbut I could never find anything in gnome. KDE, everything was just where it shoulda been21:52
MamarokWalzmyn: Desktop Effects run smmother on KDE 421:52
shadeslayerWalzmyn: the top thing i currently hate in KDE are those window borders :)21:52
WalzmynMamarok: i think so as well21:53
shadeslayerMamarok: definitely21:53
Walzmynshadeslayer: see, i'd never even notice things like that21:53
shadeslayerMamarok: are you a devel with KDE??21:53
shadeslayerWalzmyn: when i switched to ubuntu i always thought why didnt the scroll lock key work :P21:55
Walzmynshadeslayer: to do what?21:55
shadeslayerWalzmyn: nothing...just wondered why windows had it working wjile linux didnt :)21:56
* Walzmyn dosen't know what the key is for21:56
shadeslayerWalzmyn: also just wanted to point out that emerald has that cool rolling up of windows while KDE doesnt21:57
Walzmynshadeslayer: yawn   :)21:57
shadeslayerquite handy sometimes actually....21:58
Mamarokshadeslayer: not exactly, but I do everything else: translations, support, bug triaging, etc.21:58
shadeslayerMamarok: ah..21:58
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WalzmynMamarok: you work for canical?21:58
MamarokWalzmyn: nope, self employed21:59
WalzmynMamarok: ok21:59
shadeslayerthere is one devel i know about who comes on this channel21:59
Mamarokshadeslayer: there are more though :)22:00
Mamarokwhen they find time to do so...22:00
shadeslayerMamarok: i know...but i dont know all of them :)22:00
mngrifis flash under 64bit 9.04 any less broke as opposed to under 8.04? (as in, should i run 32 bit or 64 bit?)22:01
shadeslayerive talked to him in my early days of kubuntu 8.10 :)22:01
shadeslayermngrif: works fine for me22:01
Mamarokmngrif: that's not exactly a problem of the Kubunut version but the Flash version22:01
Mamarokmngrif: but the new driver works fine now22:01
mngrifMamarok: i know, but 8.04 versions are totally different than the 9.04 versions. which "new driver"?22:02
shadeslayermngrif: lets see22:02
Mamarokmngrif: no, the new flash driver aka plugin22:02
shadeslayer!info flash22:02
ubottuPackage flash does not exist in jaunty22:02
Walzmynmngrif: i'm running 8.10 64bit with no flash problems. I would assumn 9.04 would have none either22:02
mngrifthanks Walzmyn22:03
MamarokWalzmyn: yes, it works fine now, since the new 64 bit driver is around22:03
shadeslayermngrif: heck im running 9.04 64 bit...i have no problem either22:03
mngrifshadeslayer: thanks :)22:03
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:03
mngrifthat's all i needed to know, i appreciate it22:03
shadeslayerMamarok: bet he knew that was coming22:04
shadeslayerMamarok: installing :)22:04
mngrif[21:04:27] [NickServ] Registered : Mar 02 06:32:33 2005 (4 years, 12 weeks, 1 day, 14:31:54 ago)22:04
Mamarokshadeslayer: good!22:04
shadeslayerso far so good :)22:05
shadeslayerMamarok: what was that you were asking me to install ??22:05
Mamarokshadeslayer: plasma-widgets22:05
Mamaroksearch for plsama with the search button while you are in synaptic, just do it in "All packages"22:06
Mamarokinstead of the Launchpad origin main only22:06
shadeslayerMamarok: installed already22:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: all of them?22:06
Mamarokthere's a kdebase-plasma something you will need22:07
mngrifoooh, i love the new networkmanager22:07
shadeslayerMamarok: not in all the repos22:08
shadeslayerchecking all of them22:08
shadeslayerhaha synaptic crashed22:08
Mamarokshadeslayer: there is plasma-widgets-workspace for example22:08
shadeslayerMamarok: is that a meta package??22:08
Mamarokcrashed? in Gnome?22:08
shadeslayerMamarok: yes22:08
Mamarokshadeslayer: that's the base package22:08
shadeslayeri cant see it22:09
Mamarokyou also need plasma-dataengines-workspace22:09
shadeslayerok i found it in apt-cache search22:10
Mamarokshadeslayer: not in the quick search space, the search button only22:10
Mamarokquick search is to narrow a search22:10
shadeslayerMamarok: ah...22:10
endial_Is there place I can go to start learning the basics of Kubuntu?  I don't really know what all I can do and the stuff I used to be able to do in different OS's I cant do now.22:11
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:11
Mamarokendial_: have a look at userbase.kde.org22:11
Mamarokendial_: also, browse the menu for applications and have a look at the ones you might need22:12
shadeslayerMamarok: ok so plasma-widget-workspace and plasma-dataengines-workspace right?? what else??22:12
Mamarokshadeslayer: I installed everything with plasma-widget ...22:12
shadeslayerMamarok: ok22:12
shadeslayerMamarok: no meta package i guess then22:13
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Mamarokshadeslayer: well, no, not so far22:14
danielanealguem pode me da uma ajuda22:15
desaparecidodanielane: hola22:16
desaparecidoen español es posible, no en portuges...22:16
Mamarok!es | danielane, desaparecido22:16
ubottudanielane, desaparecido: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:16
Mamarok!pt | danielane22:17
ubottudanielane: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:17
vegard_hi, im new with kubuntu, can somone plz tell me where i can install my graphic drivers, i have a nvidia card22:17
desaparecidogracias por el tip obottu22:17
vegard_sorry, i don't speak spanish22:18
shadeslayerMamarok: downloading :)22:18
Mamarokvegard_: that was not an answer to you22:18
shadeslayervegard_: in the system tray there should be a notification22:19
vegard_it's gone.. :S22:19
shadeslayervegard_: then you probably installed it22:19
* shadeslayer wonders if he should introduce vegard_ to the terminal and apt-get22:20
vegard_ok, thx :)22:20
shadeslayervegard_: wait22:20
shadeslayervegard_: what card??22:21
vegard_nvidia 9800 GT22:21
shadeslayervegard_: if you have nvidia sudo apt-get install nvidia-180-modaliases22:21
shadeslayerin a terminal22:21
vegard_ok, i think it's installed now, thank you very much22:22
shadeslayervegard_: check if you can enable desktop effects22:23
vegard_whare do i find the desktop effects? xD22:24
shadeslayervegard_: K > system settings > display >22:24
shadeslayervegard_: wait..its in system settings but under a different name...just look around youll find it22:25
Mamarokok folks, I'm off for tonight, 10+ hours of support is enough :)22:25
shadeslayerMamarok: bye , good night and thanks22:25
Mamarokshadeslayer: just tell me how it went, I will read the message tomorrow :)22:25
Polyculturevegard_: appearance22:25
shadeslayerMamarok: ok22:25
Mamarokgn8 all, have fun with Kubuntu :)22:26
bob000Help! I'm new to kubuntu.22:26
shadeslayerMamarok: youll sleep on the IRC :P22:26
PolycultureMamarok: good night22:26
bob000anyone there?22:26
shadeslayer!new | bob00022:26
ubottubob000: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:26
Walzmynmy default window manager is set to /usr/sbin/gdm - but there's no /usr/sbin/kdm - how do i get it back to KDE?22:26
vegard_yes, i found it, but how do i enable the desktop effects in there?22:26
Walzmynbob000: just ask any question you have22:26
shadeslayerWalzmyn: simple run sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm22:27
vegard_sorry all my stupid questions xD22:27
shadeslayervegard_: no problems at all22:27
Polyculturevegard_: aah, its under "Desktop"22:27
bob000thank you, but i know how it works being a linux geek wannabe. does kubuntu have an equivilant to "add/remove programs?"22:27
shadeslayervegard_: check the box named desktop effects22:27
vegard_yes it's enabled... :P22:28
shadeslayerbob000: yes..kpackagekit22:28
Polyculturevegard_:the quick way though would be to right click on the window deco and choose "configure window behaviour"22:28
Walzmynthanks shadeslayer22:28
shadeslayer!apt > bob00022:28
ubottubob000, please see my private message22:28
bob000erm...how do you22:28
shadeslayerWalzmyn: np22:28
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shadeslayerokk hopefully ill be back in kde 4.322:28
vegard_ty for the help22:28
bob000thank you22:29
* Walzmyn wonders if he should confuse bob000 by telling him that synaptic is easier to use22:29
bob000AUGH! no22:29
bob000I don't know how to use the IRC client22:29
bob000I used Debian for a while and I dislike the syneptic22:29
Polyculturebob000: although its not a kde app i recommend synaptic as graphical frontend for package handling22:30
Walzmynreally? I'm a kde guy, but i like it better than kpackage22:30
MamarokWalzmyn: so do I...22:31
* Mamarok definitely hides now22:31
bob000I like user friendly things...heh22:31
shadeslayerMamarok: there??22:31
bob000this is a first, KDE22:31
Walzmyni think synaptic is more user friendly, but each to his own22:31
shadeslayerMamarok: it didnt work22:31
Walzmynwhat are you looking to install bob000?22:31
Polyculturebob000:you might also wanna give adept a try22:32
bob000how do I pm?22:32
Mamarokshadeslayer: did you move .kde/?22:32
shadeslayerMamarok: no22:32
Mamaroktry again22:32
bob000I want firefox, the default browser isn't compatible with some things22:33
bob000and I want the GIMP22:33
Polyculturebob000: are you familiar wit h the terminal?22:33
bob000not really22:33
bob000but i can manage22:33
Walzmynbob000: yeah, that's always one of my first installs22:33
Walzmynsudo apt-get install firefox gimp22:34
bob000how do i do it?22:34
Polyculturejust give it a try, as it's really easy to install packages provided you know their name22:34
shadeslayerMamarok: nope22:34
shadeslayerExact same error22:34
bob000do you have to install stuff using the terminal?22:34
Polyculturebob000: hit alt+f222:34
Walzmynbob000: no, but it's faster if you know what you're doing22:34
Polyculturebob000: and type "konsole"22:35
bob000is there something with an interface?22:35
bob000oh okay22:35
bob000you're all awesome22:35
Polyculturebob000: when you have it running just type: "sudo apt-get install firefox gimp"22:35
bob000thanks i've got 2 people telling me the same thing22:36
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Walzmynbob000: yeah, sorry, i let Polyculturehav eit22:36
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bob000is there something with an interface that a nebie like me can use?22:36
shadeslayerMamarok: ??22:36
PolycultureWalzmyn: alright22:36
vegard_hm.. why doesn't the desktop effects work now? I have clicked the apply button...22:36
Polyculturevegard_: you probably have to restart your x-server22:37
shadeslayervegard_: restart X or reboot to get drivers working22:37
bob000Polyculture: where?22:37
bob000is that how you PM?22:38
vegard_ok, is that any shortcuts to restart the x server?22:38
bob000how do you PM?22:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:38
shadeslayerhmm...not quite right22:38
shadeslayerMamarok: ok ill talk later then if youre gone22:38
shadeslayeranyone with experience of KDE 4.3 beta??22:39
desaparecidoyes, i am with 4.322:40
desaparecidoa lot of bugs even now,22:40
shadeslayerdesaparecido: hey..i cant get it to work22:40
shadeslayeri cant even log ing22:40
desaparecidobut KDE 4.3 beta 1 is beautiful,22:41
shadeslayerive heard that already...dont tease ne22:41
shadeslayeroh wait i didnt restart X maybe that helps22:41
desaparecidoto work is better KDE 4.2.322:41
shadeslayerdesaparecido: brb.22:41
desaparecidois more stable,22:41
FernandoLBdesaparecido: Where are you from ?22:42
desaparecidoplasma and a lot off application bugs, even if restarts quickly is no so cool22:42
desaparecidoi am from guatemala but i live in belgium22:43
FernandoLBHmm. desaparecido is a Portuguese word.22:43
desaparecidoand spanish too22:43
FernandoLBAnd in Spanish does it mean 'vanishe', as it does in portuguese ?22:44
desaparecidoshadeslayer:  you need a stable desktop to work?22:44
FernandoLBI'm giving kde a try, but I'm not able to get used to it...22:44
FernandoLBYes. My keyboard trapped me :D22:45
desaparecidofernandoLB: yes, sorry22:47
innovate2000any mdadm guru's here?22:47
shadeslayerok now it loads up the drive icon but gives me a segmentation fault22:47
FernandoLBdesaparecido: Sorry of what?22:47
shadeslayerwhat the hell do i do?? im stuck at this problem for 2 hours :(22:48
desaparecidofernandoLB, i read "disapeared", almost "desaparecido", only that :P22:49
bob000someday I'll be geeks like all of you, but for now...ttyl22:49
shadeslayerdesaparecido: any advice??22:49
FernandoLBdesaparecido: OK.22:50
shadeslayeranyone here who can help me with kde 4.3???22:50
desaparecidoi had this segmentation fault with gwenview and amarok, and you?22:51
desaparecidoshadeslayer: which application22:51
desaparecidowith gwenview the problem was solved after a upgrade this week-end, and with that (kbuildsycoca) did(n have probleme22:53
shadeslayerdesaparecido: could you join #kde22:53
shadeslayerim having a discussion there22:54
desaparecidoshadeslayer: ok22:54
innovate2000is there a way to set a md device to clean (from active)? I've tried mdadm --assemble --assume-clean but only 4 of 6 devices are found - examine shows 2 devices as state=active22:55
vegard_hm, i don't understand anything about the KDE menus :'(23:02
vegard_i think im installing ubuntu instead23:04
shadeslayeranyone who can help me get to kde 4.3 beta??? please??23:11
W4gn3r_anyone here know how can I change a file type icon?23:16
W4gn3r_.w4g have my own image23:16
cherry2000hi..i am installing a new 904 kubuntu in a macbook.and there is a problem with the wifi...23:22
kaddihello :)23:27
slowhoewlan0     No scan results23:28
sysopI have a emac with a busted dvd rom I want to install kubuntu on. any ideas on how I can get it to boot? I tried using firewire dvd burner and bootable usb key and I see them in the boot menu but when I choose them neither one boots.23:37
sysopel bruto that is what your mom calls me but that doesnt answer my question.23:39
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alesanhow do I upgrade to 9.04?23:47
DragnslcrFrom what version?23:47
alesanadept-updater informs me there is a new version I click to upgrade to it but nothing happens23:48
alesan(I'm using KDE3)23:48
W4gn3r_did you tried "sudo apt-get upgrade"?23:48
alesanwell no, should I do that?23:50
alesanit tells me there is nothing to upgrade23:50
alesan0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:51
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:51
W4gn3r_forgot that23:51
alesanthe result of dist-upgrade is the same...23:52
BluesKajmaybe just open a package manager and install kde423:53
alesanI do not want KDE4, just to upgrade to 9.0423:54
ubuntutoo bad23:54
ubuntuit isn't posible23:55
alesanwhat are you saying23:55
W4gn3r_he means he doens't want just a KDE3 - KDE4 upgrade23:55
alesanno wait23:55
ubuntuOh sorry lol wrong convo23:56
alesanI do not want KDE4 at all with 9.04, but this is independent to the upgrade to 9.0423:56
W4gn3r_ok now I'm confused23:56
W4gn3r_jaunty = KDE423:56
alesanthere are KDE3.5 repositories23:56
alesanin particular: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kb9vqf/ubuntu23:57
alesanit's very well maintained and such23:57
alesanand it supports jaunty23:57
alesanonly I would like to upgrade to jaunty, forget the KDE version I use, that is a matter of repositories23:58
alesanW4gn3r_, I was told about those repos here on this channel23:58
W4gn3r_I'm scared bout adding a ppa repo23:59
W4gn3r_I've done it a while ago, apt-get upgrade, then....23:59

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