
_MMA_psyke83: So you have anything else going on other than "Humanity"?00:00
psyke83_MMA_, nothing else. I'm not even sure what possessed me to look at the theme again ;)00:01
_MMA_We all gotta tinker. :P00:01
* _MMA_ is gonna go watch "Mythbusters" and watch them blow up a scale model of the Hindenburg. bbl00:02
Viper550I remember that Xubuntu usplash we had when we first put it in...the kubuntu one with an X crossed in and a crudly drawn mouse in it00:37
geek_ubuntu 10:31
geek_ubuntuQuick question for creating wallpapers for ubuntu do they have to have the colors orange and brown10:32
thorwilgeek_ubuntu, no10:36
geek_ubuntuwell somebody told me they did10:36
geek_ubuntuplease could you have a look at the wallpaper i made that this person said would not be accepted10:37
geek_ubuntudo you want me to send you the image file? or upload to tiny pic?10:38
thorwili'd suggest http://www.piccdrop.com/10:39
geek_ubuntuokay will do10:39
geek_ubuntu1 min10:39
geek_ubuntuhere you go http://pic.piccdrop.com/i/c/1243244399.png10:40
geek_ubuntui need to make the text more brighter i think?10:41
geek_ubuntuwhat you think?10:44
thorwilgeek_ubuntu, looks like you squashed the logo and text. never do that10:44
thorwilbut having the logo and "ubuntu" text on backgrounds isn't that great an idea10:44
geek_ubuntuas there are already enough? i get it thanks10:45
thorwilit looks like a sign of insecurity to shout out ubuntu in that way10:46
geek_ubuntuso try to avoid using the ubuntu yecy10:46
geek_ubuntuubuntu logo10:46
geek_ubuntuwill do thanks for the answers10:46
thorwilwhile it's fine, even much needed, imho, to explore other colors than brown and orange, you should still think about what ubuntu stands for.10:47
geek_ubuntusome guy name kn100 said the colours had to be orange and brown10:47
geek_ubuntuok thanks10:47
thorwilgeek_ubuntu, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Backgrounds10:47
geek_ubuntuso basically make it open attractive and clean?10:47
thorwilusing brown and orange might improve the chances of being used, but Mark Shuttleworth himself said that other options shall be considered for karmic koala10:48
thorwilgeek_ubuntu, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Briefing and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Message10:49
geek_ubuntui going for creating abstract walllpapers10:51
geek_ubuntuhow is this for an abstract wallpaper i made for ubuntu http://pic.piccdrop.com/i/c/1243247179.jpg11:26
geek_ubuntuwhat you think11:27
knomemaybe too abstract for general usage, but it's not bad.11:27
knomethe colors are quite bright and lively for a background11:27
knomei like the middle top section11:28
geek_ubuntui know the colurs wer slightly lower but i sharpened it so they stand out more11:28
geek_ubuntushall i upload the unsharpened image11:28
knomeyeah - but you don't want *back*ground to stand out ;)11:28
geek_ubuntuokay 1 min11:28
andreasngeek_ubuntu, in a odd way it reminds me of MDK ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDK_(video_game) )11:31
knomeandreasn, you are correct :P11:31
knomethe left and right side remind me of an audi (car)11:31
geek_ubuntuhere's the unsharpened version http://pic.piccdrop.com/i/c/1243247619.jpg11:33
geek_ubuntuthere is a slight difference in colour11:35
geek_ubuntudo you think its still alright with using this unsharpened version?11:35
knomei personally would not use that as background11:36
knomebut as i said, it's not bad.11:36
geek_ubuntuhow is it for the vast majority of people who like detail?11:36
geek_ubuntucan i post this on the ubuntu forums to see what other people think?11:38
geek_ubuntuif so which version? sharpened or unsharpened?11:38
geek_ubuntushould i post?11:39
geek_ubuntuspeak later11:45
thorwilgeek_ubuntu, welcome back. i think the not sharpened version is nicer. in both cases, the center part with the thin swirls is the best part. just something like that on the whole area could be really nice12:15
elkyi prefer the unsharpened version too13:08
SiDihey people13:15
SiDi_MMA_: you wrote inherit Humah instead of Human for Breathe rev4313:15
SiDihope you change it before release13:16
_MMA_SiDi: Fixed. Thanx. Pull rev.4513:18
SiDii fixed it manually on my side :)13:18
SiDiknome: you around ?13:18
_MMA_Damn. Means I gotta fix the .tar also.13:20
geek_ubuntuwhen is the closing date for wallpaper contributions to karmic Ubuntu 9.10?14:02
geek_ubuntu 14:04
SiDiin a long time14:06
_MMA_4-5 months14:15
geek_ubuntuok thanks14:18
=== Cimi__ is now known as Cimi
knomeSiDi, now i am.17:29
SiDiknome: now im workin at a friend's house tho :D18:04
knomeok :P18:11

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