
=== KhaaL_ is now known as KhaaL
BUGabundoti manhana00:39
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
bcurtiswx-miniwho here knows how to have a user test a new version of software thats only available in karmic when they use jaunty?03:30
bcurtiswx-miniOOo.org for this case03:30
bcurtiswx-miniOOo *03:30
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thekorngood morning07:48
micahggood morning07:48
YoBoYyop :)07:52
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PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me fix my screen resolution... I am not able to get the right screen resolution for my monitor...11:28
persiaPerryArmstrong, #ubuntu is probably a better forum11:32
PerryArmstrongpersia; had been trying there since 3 months...many tried to help but couldn't get solved11:32
persiaPerryArmstrong, Hrm.  Dunno then.  Have you filed a bug?11:33
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bencrisford1Does anyone have a minute to review my bug control application?13:06
bencrisford1its just I sent it a few weeks back now13:06
bencrisford1and im just looking for one more opinion13:06
BUGabundoguud after noon14:13
BUGabundothis looks like a gosht #. noone said anything all morning!14:13
=== Guest37253 is now known as ogra
* Ampelbein rattles with chains14:15
YoBoYBUGabundo: it's because they are all at the uds :D14:16
YoBoYolá BUGabundo :)14:16
BUGabundoits seems so14:16
BUGabundoeven so there are more nicks on this #14:17
BUGabundoate ja. going to the offce. latter14:17
YoBoYyes, idle is a long time game here :) it's only new players14:17
kklimondahey BUGabundo :)14:19
YoBoYouaaa i haven't seen that, the UDS people have a new cloak on the hostname :D so cool ^^14:21
BUGabundohey kklimonda14:29
bcurtiswxhey, yeah.. this week is UDS... <---jealous15:26
micahghi BUGabundo15:28
bcurtiswxThere's one thing i've noticed on other bug trackers is that as soon as someone can not reproduce the issue its closed for that reason15:28
bcurtiswxis it just me or is that a true BS reason15:29
micahgwell, we all have different hardware and software combos15:29
micahgother bug trackers have a more narrow focus15:29
micahgUbuntu has a larger focus15:29
bcurtiswxi just want to yell at them, its annoying when we push things upstream and they just close it immediately15:30
micahgwell, we need to make sure upstream has enough info15:31
micahgso if that means test cases and such, we should provide them15:31
micahgeither from us or from the user15:31
=== erhesrhsrtb54vyh is now known as Elbrus
askandmicahg: BUGabundo hi! yesterday I was told to run "sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport restart" to make apport send in reports after firefox crash, but it says the report is damaged20:16
micahgah, ok20:16
micahgare you running firefox from the repos askand?20:17
askandmicahg: yes20:17
micahgwhich version?20:17
micahgcan you try one more time?20:20
askandmicahg: sure, do I have to run sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport restart again?20:20
micahgyes, BTW, did you close firefox before doing that?20:21
BUGabundoaskand: better change the Default20:21
micahgBUGabundo: then he'll get apport showing up all the time20:22
BUGabundodouble win20:22
BUGabundohe can handled it20:22
BUGabundohe is no ordinary user20:22
xteejx!find check20:26
ubot4xteejx: Found: check, checksecurity, hunspell-de-at, hunspell-de-ch, hunspell-de-de (and 90 others)20:26
xteejx!info check jaunty20:26
ubot4xteejx: check (source: check): unit test framework for C. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.5-4 (jaunty), package size 98 kB, installed size 376 kB20:26
xteejx!info check karmic20:26
ubot4xteejx: karmic is not a valid distribution ['hardy', 'intrepid', 'jaunty']20:26
xteejxnot meaning to flood guys, ubotu wasn't doing it with the /msg command strangely20:27
BUGabundosomeone forgot to update that20:27
YoBoYtoo soon perhaps20:32
askandBUGabundo: I would actually love to have it enabled by default since I have LOTS of segfaulting since installing Jaunty in more than 7 different programs20:35
BUGabundolet me look up how to20:35
BUGabundo !apport20:35
ubot4Factoid 'apport' not found20:35
BUGabundoseb128 told me last week20:35
BUGabundo /etc/default/apport20:36
askand cat /etc/default/appor20:36
askandyea :)20:36
BUGabundowoot faster20:36
* BUGabundo keeps the record as a bot20:36
micahgaskand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How%20to%20enable%20apport20:36
BUGabundomicahg: ohhh too late now heeh20:38
BUGabundomicahg: but you could make a factoid20:38
micahgYou didn't tell askand what to do with the file :)20:38
micahgBUGabundo: how do I make a factiod?20:40
ubot4Hi! I'm #ubuntu-bugs's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:40
BUGabundomicahg: FACT is desc20:40
BUGabundomicahg: !FACT is desc20:40
micahgcan facts be 2 words?20:41
micahg!https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport is apport20:41
ubot4micahg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:41
BUGabundono no20:41
micahgdid that backwards :)20:41
BUGabundothe  other way around and be more descrive20:41
micahg!apport is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport20:41
BUGabundoother wise OPs won't accept it20:42
BUGabundomicahg: try: !FACT learn desc20:42
micahgBUGabundo: that worked, ubot4 conttacted me about the request being fwded20:42
BUGabundothere goes kk20:43
BUGabundoand now he is back20:43
BUGabundohey kklimonda20:43
micahgWell, I've got the old mozilla-thunderbird package almost down to 100 open bugs20:43
BUGabundoI have more bugs then that20:43
kklimondahmm.. I wonder what happened :)20:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 307667 in dutch "Spelling checker does nothing because nl_BE spelling is missing or isn't configured by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:14
dupondjesomebody wants to fix it ?21:14
dupondjeI gave the fix for it (last comment)21:14
dupondjeits like to easy :)21:14
bcurtiswxso if i need to tell someone to test their bug (which I can not reproduce) using karmic packages but on a jaunty system.. how would I tell them to go about this?22:19
BUGabundoyou don't22:19
BUGabundothat's a bad advice22:20
bcurtiswxbest approach then?22:20
BUGabundobetter put the packages on a PPA, ask them to test a karmic livecd/usb22:20
BUGabundodirect link to the karmic packages (if no depencies needed)22:20
bcurtiswxat this point there is no Live-CD for karmic22:23
BUGabundosure there is22:26
BUGabundoor tehre was22:26
bcurtiswxwell the daily lives22:26
BUGabundo !daily22:26
ubot4Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:26
BUGabundothere it is22:26
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