
=== ember_ is now known as ember
andreasnmpt, does your @myrealbox address still work?00:33
andreasnmy last e-mail (about some silly thing) seems to have bounced00:33
mptandreasn, afaict it's intermittent00:33
mptI'll be getting a new one when I get back from UDS00:34
mptsorry for the inconvenience00:34
andreasnI like how you always use advanced English00:34
andreasnI always have to look up the words on google :)00:34
andreasnanyway, you probably didn't get this one in that case: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58335200:35
ubottuGnome bug 583352 in general "set buttons_have_icons=false by default" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:35
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me fix my screen resolution... I am not able to get the right screen resolution for my monitor...11:28
seb128PerryArmstrong: hi, try #ubuntu11:33
pochudo we have a gobby document for the s-t-b session?14:12
seb128pochu: we can't connect to gobby.ubuntu.com there14:18
seb128so "not yet"14:19
pochuseb128: I can't either...14:25
advsomeone here?19:57
Ampelbeinadv: hi, how can we help you?20:02
Ampelbein!support | adv20:02
ubottuadv: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org20:02
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_

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