
Picihmm. zorglu00:11
PiciIt was the only author's name that I didnt recognize from ubottu's factoid.db00:12
doodi see im still redirected to the ops channel00:30
doodi take the ban on me is still active00:30
Seeker`if you are still being redirected here, then yes it is still acrive00:36
* genii sips01:49
geniiSeeker`: Hi02:13
PiciCan someone with a better grasp of spanish/portuguese than I help barreto in #kubuntu ?02:14
geniiPici: He seems advertising something anyhow02:15
* genii resorts to babelfish02:17
Picihes gone anyway02:17
geniiToo bad. 02:17
geniiInglês somente aqui. Nenhumas propagandas aqui!02:17
geniiWhen I used "advertise" instead of "advertisements" it came out more like "announcement" in the translation02:18
elkypropaganda is one of those words that is anglicised into a niche meaning, rather than the original broad meaning.02:20
PiciIs it? Interesting.02:21
elkyPici, it has a much more emotional application in english than in the romantic languages.02:21
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
doodhello all03:22
elkyah, the chatter formally known as thadood?03:24
doodyes that would be me03:24
doodive come to ask for my ban to be lifted , i was in here 2 days ago and formally apologized and was givin the link to read the rules03:24
doodi was told to speak with you about the ban03:24
elkylet me look through my logs, it might take a few minutes03:25
elkydood, the ban is lifted. thank you for learning from your mistakes and making amends. please keep the guidelines in mind.03:29
doodelky: i certainly will , thank you very much :D03:29
geniiThat was unusually civil.03:35
nickrudhi genii03:35
geniinickrud: Hiya 03:36
* genii makes another urn of coffee for channel consumption03:36
nickrudah, I had to give up coffee, all caffeine. 03:38
nickrudI've quit smoking as well. Life intruded, hard, recently03:39
elkylife without caffeine. isnt that like stopping breathing?03:40
nickrudpretty close. I cheat.03:40
geniiI get withdrawal signs just thinking about life without caffeine.03:41
geniiPici: The portuguese fellow advertising a site earlier seems to have returned and speaking perfect english.03:42
geniiNo, sorry. It's not03:43
Picigenii: curious03:43
geniiPici: I mis-read the name, apologies.03:43
nickrudI've gotten to the point that withdrawal symptoms are the normal state of affairs03:44
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:58
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:58
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:27
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:27
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-around
genii-aroundjussi01: Core seems down or so :(05:22
geniiBack up, apparently.05:26
genii1:10AM so I'm out. See you in about 8 hours.06:11
TheMusoHas anybody asked in here about getting a UDS cloak for
elkynalioth, could you follow that up please?08:07
TheMusonalioth: Ok, would you be ok to set one up? From memory, a cloak is usually set up for the IP address/hostname of the venue in which UDS is held.08:07
elkyusually a nat one to stop stuff freaking out at all the connections08:08
naliothyes, i understand08:08
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
elkymadbuntu is castawayz from yesterday11:11
elky... or earlier than yesterday.11:12
* genii wanders to the coffeepot14:21
tsimpsonsomeone should check in on #ubuntu-installer and #ubuntu-translators for Allah_kegyeltje trolling14:33
tsimpson(someone with powers)14:33
ikoniafor the record can someone keep an eye on eagles in #kubuntu-offtopic I've just logged into to see him making some pretty rash accusations14:41
tsimpsonikonia: when was the accusation made?14:46
ikoniahe started at 14:00 according to my log, building up to it - I've just called him out on it14:46
ikoniahe looked a fool in #kde last night telling people who he was developing fixes for plamsa and how he'd been using linux for 9 years stargin with suse 9 which was released 4 years ago - and didn't like being called out about it14:47
ikoniaso he now brings it up that people are calling him idiots etc14:47
ikoniarather than the fact he was caught telling lies to people - again !14:48
tsimpsonall I see is "<eagles0513875> lets just say some people around the kubuntu community just drove me over the edge yesterday"14:48
geniiThat kid never seems to learn.14:48
ikoniatsimpson: keep reading14:48
ikoniagenii: he makes a rod for his own back then claims the world is against him when he's busted14:49
geniiikonia: I don't usually have an issue with him but then again I don't hang out much in #kde and some of the other dev channels14:50
ikoniaI like his enthusasim 14:51
ikoniajust can't deal with the lies14:51
tsimpsonah, I see what you mean14:52
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (jimmy_birer)14:58
jussi01someone just point him to #gentoo then go watch the fun in there...15:00
ikoniaI am 15:00
ikoniaI'm asking rasonable questions in #kubuntu-offtopic and he's just parroting them in #gentoo15:00
ikoniais he that silly to not realise I'm in the channel and can see him do it15:00
elkyikonia, answer one of them and see if he figures.15:00
ikoniaha ha15:01
elkyoh noes, i has to compilez stuffs15:03
geniiMan. You guys are really hammering on him on #k -ot15:06
Mamarokgenii: he doesn't diserve better, he is on our nerves since months15:07
ikoniagenii: I dont' think so, just a discussion,15:08
* genii makes more coffee15:08
geniiikonia: Well it's all civil so far :) 15:08
* elky resists the temptation to bait.15:11
elkythe entertainment stopped :(15:13
ikonia#gentoo has stopped providing answers15:14
ikonia15:11 < eagles0513875> where would i find the initramfs15:15
ikonia5:11 <@DrEeevil> wherever you put it15:15
ikonia15:13 < eagles0513875> blarg think i need to start  ovr yet again15:15
ikoniasame approach in #gentoo then15:15
Mamarokomg, he is doing that in #gentoo now?15:15
Mamaroklet's hope for him he survives...15:17
Mamarokok, work awaiting, bbl15:17
elkyi think #gentoo is more likely to mock than abuse.15:18
ikonia15:19 < eagles0513875> DrEeevil: is there any way i can save my isntall from booting off the live cd15:21
ikonia15:19 <@DrEeevil> eject the cd?15:21
elkywait, so he's now directly asking the guy who's mocking him?15:22
elkywhat did i just catch the end of?15:23
ikoniafixing grub15:23
ikoniasome other kind soul explained hitting "e" to edit on the fly15:23
ikoniastandby for "what do I put now" questions15:23
elkydamn, he noticed me join #g15:24
Seeker`you shouldnt be following then :P15:24
Seeker`do they not publicly log their channel?15:24
geniiMaybe we should all join there and make him *really* paranoid15:25
ikoniaI'm being open, I'm curious about how he gets on 15:25
elkyas am i15:25
elkyjust have to fix grub. yeah, that sounds 'almost finished' to me15:26
ikonia"where does initrd go" ? not quite on top of it yet15:26
ikoniafingers crossed he may learn with gentoo15:27
geniiikonia: Gentoo is a sink-or-swim thing15:27
ikoniayes, hence my curiosity15:28
MikhailGorbachevWhat are Ubuntu's saystem requirements?15:29
Seeker`MikhailGorbachev: this isn't a support channel15:29
MikhailGorbachevIt is now.15:30
elkyno it's not.15:30
MikhailGorbachevYes it is, because I'm not able to join the normal support channel (#ubuntu).15:30
MikhailGorbachevI was able to join yesterday, but not today--even though I didn't do anything in the channel yesterday other than ask about patents.15:31
Seeker`MikhailGorbachev: yuo seem to be unable to decide on a nickname15:31
elkyFlannel, this is one of yours.15:31
MikhailGorbachevSeeker`: Why is that a problem?15:32
MikhailGorbachevA psuedonym doesn't have to be static for people to recognize you.15:32
elkyi didnt recognise you. our ban tracking system did.15:33
MikhailGorbachevBan tracking system? You mean the IRCd.15:33
Seeker`its not a problem as such, but you seemed to accquire a cloak, which is the only reason you were able to join the channel yesterday15:34
Picino, our ban tracking system.15:34
christelMikhailGorbachev: i think you've had sufficient warnings about your trolling young ms. york15:34
MikhailGorbachevA cloak? I don't think so.15:34
elkychristel, since i cant even see why flannel banned him, care to share?15:35
christelsorry about that, she's been hitting half the network over the past two days claiming to be some financial advisor working for cnbc or similar15:35
Seeker`elky: try looking the TheKmartTroll15:35
elkySeeker`, ah, so ban evasion on this particular host then?15:35
christeland for fun and giggles she posts her full name, telephone number, age and address on slashdot as comments15:35
Seeker`there should be an "at" in there too15:35
christel(that bit i never quite understood)15:35
elkychristel, age being 'should be getting parental supervision' range?15:36
christel18 alas15:36
Seeker`elky: They were in #ubuntu as TheKmartTroll and MartinLKing, PMing people and telling them to get the ops to say "Ich spreche deutsch" in #u or the spamming in PM would continue15:36
christel(but why she'd post her details in comments on /. articles is a great mystery to me)15:37
christelyeah, TheKmartTroll was her, and MadMoney and a few others15:37
elkyaha, this merely was not caught in the 100 lines.15:37
christelher registered (and cloaked) account is/was gremlin15:38
christelif that rings any bells15:38
christelshe also has been known to use the nick PresidentBush15:38
Seeker`elky: It is in TheKmartTroll's record in -ops15:38
Seeker`christel: yeah, was in #u under that cloak yesterday, which I banned15:39
elkythis is out of my usual online times, i suppose this is how i've escaped this enthralling tale.15:40
Seeker`I suppose being halfway round the world, you get to see a different set of trolls 15:40
elkyyeah. the delightful hindi kids.15:40
christelshe used to use the nick coffeebsd a couple of years back15:40
elkySeeker`, umakant and grossgrape15:41
Seeker`latter nick rings a bell15:41
elkyit's my nickname for the guy who does attributefruit nicks15:42
Picielky: So what brings you to this hour of the day?15:42
elkyPici, annual leave :D15:42
Picielky: Oh, for how long?15:43
elkya week15:43
Pici(Holiday today in the US too)15:43
Seeker`bank holiday in the UK15:43
elkynah, this is genuine non-holiday leave15:43
PiciMamarok: feel free to ban, was aparrently caught by an autokick in #ubuntu15:44
* ikonia is enjoying monday off work15:44
* Pici too15:44
* Myrtti had bank holiday on Thursday15:44
ikoniaenough - nigger = ident 15:44
* ikonia is quick draw15:45
PiciWell, yes, thats what triggered the #ubuntu akick15:45
Mamarokthx ikonia :)15:45
ikoniaI didn't see the auto kick15:45
jussi01parrot again :/15:45
ikonia!staff | parrot spamming multiple channels #ubuntu #kubuntu #debian ##c++15:46
ubottuparrot spamming multiple channels #ubuntu #kubuntu #debian ##c++: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)15:46
ikoniaactaully just seen cristel is active15:46
ikoniachristel even15:46
christelthank you, gone :)15:48
* ikonia bows15:48
ikoniaas in bows thankingly, not "takes a bow"15:49
* Pici applauds ikonia 15:49
jussi01arent we having a fun day today...15:49
elkychristel, btw, madbuntu is our proxy wielding friend from the other day (castawayz). has not been problematic aside from spewing rubbish all evening.15:50
christellovely! ill keep an eye open :)15:50
ikoniajussi01: it's a great day ! get on board15:51
jussi01ikonia: I am on board... it is a good day!15:51
Picielky: You mean the person who just joined -offtopic?15:51
elkyPici, the very same. 15:53
elkyikonia, how is your lesson from sensai eagles going?16:03
ikoniagood good16:03
elkylearning lots?16:03
ikoniathere is nothing too gentoo at all any more16:04
ikoniayou setup about 5 files for your arch/local mirror/etc and then type emerge16:04
elkywhere would you be without his astute guidance?16:04
ikoniait's lost it's under the hood fiddling16:04
ikoniaup the creek without a paddle16:04
ikoniaI think I will go and feed, give me time to absord my lesson16:07
elkyindeed a good idea16:08
* elky waits for the reaction.16:21
* Mamarok munches her popcorn16:21
* Mamarok holds her breath...16:25
elkyikonia, 9 has been shortened to '5-6'16:33
Mamaroknini elky :)16:41
Mamarokyou never sleep?16:41
elkyTue May 26 01:42:09 EST 200916:42
Mamarokyes, I know :)16:43
Mamarokif you work the next day that is really late16:44
elkyyeah, <3 annual leave.16:47
* Myrtti has coffee16:47
elkyugh, if ikanobori heads to #u-w, im hunting J down and finding some way to torment him...16:49
* genii sips and catches up on scroll17:23
* ikonia looks for ban syntax help17:48
Seeker`what do you need help with?17:49
ikoniafixed it17:49
ikoniafat fingered hidden typo17:49
ikoniachristel: you still active ?17:49
ikoniahai !17:50
christeli am! :D17:50
ikoniachristel: quick query, not sure if you can get info quickly but is the kline on the user "vertix" still active ?17:50
ikoniaapologies, should have asked in #freenode17:50
christeli could look, only i have no idea what theyre ip may be17:53
ikoniapool.ukrtel.net was the mask17:53
christelbut i would assume so as iirc it was recent? 17:53
ikoniayes, in that case the user is back using the nick ravelon17:54
christelsorry, i was distracted by ljl talking about his lovely weather!17:54
christelthank you for heads up!17:54
ikonia58-138-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net 17:54
ikoniathat was the old klined ip17:54
ikoniaand I'm sure you can see the new one :)17:54
christelyah! thank you <317:54
ikoniano problem, thanks17:55
ikoniafeeding time again17:55
Seeker`xray7224: how can we help you?18:29
xray7224hello i was told to join this channel by Flannel to sort something out about #megworld a channel ive read is a "trollpid" its not. I am the owner/founder of #megworld and i would like to sort any problems you may have with the channel18:29
Seeker`elky: you still about?18:30
Myrttihopefully not18:31
Myrttiway past beddybye time of little elkies18:31
xray7224I am not however saying some of my members don't/havn't trolled i am happy to work with you to stop them tolling i don't support any orgonise trolls on channels if i see them happerning or any of my ops we will stop them18:31
Seeker`fair enough18:31
xray7224mr_bo_jangles from the logs is one of my ops who addmitadly use to troll but he assures me he has stopped18:32
Seeker`xray7224: I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think that it has been observed that there have been several attacks from a set of people that are also in #medworld18:32
xray7224id like to appologise for any problems my channel has cause there are periods of time in my channel where no op is present which is unfortunate but we have got another op yesterday who should be able to cover this18:33
xray7224id like to suggest if groups of people who do come from #megworld you inform us as well and me and my ops will be happy to work with you to try and stop them trolling on your channels18:34
* Seeker` wonders if there is an easy way to communicate this to the other ops here18:35
Flannelmark it... and.... uh18:36
jussi01Seeker`: we have a mailing list...18:38
ubottuPunctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter18:40
naliothAmaranth: bazhang Daviey DLange elky elky_work fdoving Flannel Gary genii ikonia j-dizzle jpds jrib Martinp23 mez mneptok Myrtti nickrud pleia2 popey Pricey robotgeek Seeker` SportChick SWAT Tm_T topyli tritium tsimpson vorian   please review the past few minutes18:40
naliothwhy bother the mailing list?18:40
* genii reviews18:41
nickrudcuz I get that but not stuff here on a regular basis right now:?18:42
Mamarokoh, right, I'm not on that list18:42
Mamarokxray7224: thanks for stopping by18:43
jussi01nalioth: because then we can point back at it easily? then the people who are not active right now have a better chance of seeing it?18:43
xray7224Mamarok: its fine i don't want trolling in other irc channels as much as you dont18:44
jussi01xray7224: Thanks again. We have a no idle policy here, we will see you next time :) 18:47
xray7224ok well if you do come across any trolls pop by #megworld-op or #megworld explain ur a ubuntu op and tell us who the problem is and hopefully we can resolve it together18:48
xray7224bye 18:48
topyligah missed him18:50
topylii wonder what megworld is18:50
Seeker`topyli: you can always PM18:50
Seeker`topyli: and with a realname of "Jessica" I would suspect its not a "him"18:50
topyliright :)18:51
mneptokMamarok: are you on the ubuntu-ops team?18:55
Mamarokmneptok: yes, for #kubuntu18:55
Seeker`Mamarok should be on the access list for here18:56
MamarokSeeker`: I think jussi01 added me18:56
Seeker`part and come back, see if ou get a +v18:57
mneptokMamarok: and please join the Launchpad team18:57
Mamarokhm, did that work?18:58
Seeker`nope, no +v18:58
jussi01 no, you have to be accepted into the ircops team to get +v here18:58
ikonia#megworld again18:58
ikoniatopyli: it's a troll pit18:58
Seeker`ikonia: ?18:58
ikoniatopyli: sebsebseb, xray7224 sockets, and others18:59
* jussi01 leaves now18:59
Seeker`ikonia: did you not read what xray7224 said?18:59
ikoniaI mentioned it he other day18:59
ikoniano, but I also doubt it automatically18:59
Mamarokok, what do I do next, join the launchpad Team?18:59
topylii'm not aware of any free software related project by that name anyway. yet it's on freenode18:59
ikoniaTr ?19:00
Picier, lag19:00
MamarokSeeker`: what's the name of the team again?19:01
mneptokMamarok: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc19:01
Mamarokthx :)19:01
ikonianalioth: what am I supposed to be looking at in the previous minutes, I don't see it19:01
mneptokikonia: /lastlog xray722419:02
ikoniayeah I see it19:02
Mamarokok, done19:02
ikoniataken with a pinch of salt19:02
mneptokMamarok: Zuerich?!19:03
Mamarokmneptok: no, Fribourg19:03
mneptokMamarok: we get trolls and abusive users. this is no place for neutrality.19:03
MamarokZürich is just the time zone :)19:03
mneptokach so.19:03
Seeker`ikonia: no reason to doubt it atm though19:03
Mamarokwell, the Swiss neutrality has always been ... relative19:03
Seeker`ikonia: should give them a chance19:04
ikoniaSeeker`: I don't doubt "him" just a channel filled with known problem users that have there own 4 - 5 way channel group wont' change anything19:04
ikoniathey all lurk in ##chatandsupport ##supportandchat ##sebsebseb #megworld19:04
ikoniasame - 5 - 6 peoples19:04
ikoniathe fact that sebsebseb reads these logs and points people to them shows that they know what they are doing19:05
Seeker`I'd point the finger at ##sebsebseb then, rather than #megworld19:11
ikoniabut #megworld is just as bad due to lack of op19:12
Seeker`ikonia: as xray said, they are addressing the situation19:13
ikoniayes, I don't doubt he will19:13
geniiStrange. I''m pending approval since  2008-10-15  according to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc/+members19:15
ikoniaI've been pending aproval for ages19:15
geniiikonia: So I guess is not a pre-requisite then for +v here19:15
Mamarokhm, what does that mean for me?19:17
Seeker`Mamarok: it means that someone will get round to giving you +v eventually :)19:17
mneptokPricey elky nalioth ^^^^^^^19:20
ikoniaAncientSocrates: do you have any business here ?19:56
AncientSocratesjust curious mamm19:56
ikonia!idle | AncientSocrates 19:56
ubottuAncientSocrates: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.19:56
AncientSocratesok ubottu19:56
ikoniahe's one of the megworld trolls19:56
Mamarokma'am ikonia :)19:58
ikoniaif you like19:58
Seeker`hi xray7225 20:02
xray7225hi Seeker20:02
Seeker`how can we help you AncientSocrates?20:02
xray7225who is that20:03
xray7225i dont think so20:03
Seeker`bearing in mind you were just told that you shouldn't idle in this channel20:03
xray7225look at my nick again20:03
Seeker`oh, I do20:03
ikoniaxray7225: please leave20:03
Myrttiit's mostly the ident and hostname that gives you away20:03
xray7225traitors 20:03
Seeker`excuse me?20:03
ikoniajust boot him20:04
ikoniahe's just been kicked from #megworld and now wants to troll here again20:04
xray7225look i will make freenode burn either you like it or not20:04
ikoniait's a pointless discussion20:04
Seeker`was that a threat against the network?20:04
Mamarokright, everybody wants somwthing at the same time again in #k20:04
xray7225i will20:04
Seeker`xray7225: were you jsut threatening the network?20:05
ikoniaMamarok: need a hand ?20:05
xray7225Seeker`: no20:05
xray7225just a promise20:05
Seeker`22:04:21- :xray7225 : look i will make freenode burn either you like it or not20:05
ikoniajust ban him and lets move along20:05
Seeker`a promomise to do what?20:05
Myrttiooh, I want lollipops, can you promise me a lollipop?20:05
ikoniathe more we let this continue with pointlessness the most foolish he will become20:05
FlannelMyrtti: I will!20:05
xray7225ikonia: i am at your image20:05
=== xray7225 is now known as ikon1a
ikon1agot that?20:06
Myrttiikon1a: can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?20:06
Seeker`ikon1a: so what are you promising to do?20:06
Myrttiikon1a: it's the k-train20:06
Mamarokikonia: would love to, yes20:06
ikoniaMamarok: ok20:06
ikon1athis network wont last long20:06
ikon1aremember this20:07
Seeker`ikon1a: why not?20:07
FlannelSeeker`: that's a yes.20:07
ikonia^^ please20:07
ikoniajust boot him20:07
ikon1athere are others like me20:07
ikon1asent to sabotage this network20:07
ikon1adont ask why20:07
Seeker`is this now a matter for staff?20:07
FlannelSeeker`: pinging them wouldn't be a bad idea.20:08
FlannelEven if it turns into a non-issue, they might want to be aware of it20:08
Seeker`!staff | AncientSocrates threatening the network20:08
ubottuAncientSocrates threatening the network: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)20:08
Seeker`brb, dinner20:08
ikoniaace, now getting dcc/pm attacks20:09
ikoniahes a dlight20:09
MyrttiI'm surprised there's nothing in my /w 120:10
ikoniajust spoke to staff as he's trolling channels in my name20:11
naliothikonia: good thing you're green  :)20:13
ikoniaha ha ha20:14
ikoniaSeeker`: for the record xray seems to be doing exactly what he said he would 20:14
ikoniaSeeker`: hence why this loon is now playing up20:14
ikonianalioth: thanks20:14
naliothfor the compliment? any time.20:15
ikoniano, for klining him20:15
Seeker`ikonia: :)20:15
ikonia(I assume it was you) 20:15
naliothassume = ass + u + me20:16
tritiumGOod day.20:44
* jussi01 waves to tritium20:49
Mamarokjussi01: seems I'm not given voice automagically20:49
jussi01Mamarok: thats right. 20:50
jussi01Mamarok: have you joined the IRC team?20:50
tritiumHi jussi01 :)20:50
Mamarokjussi01: on Launchpad? Yes20:50
jussi01Mamarok: and been accepted?20:50
Mamarokdon't know, who has to do that?20:51
jussi01Me. or one of the IRCC20:51
jussi01Ill look at it. 20:52
jussi01its supposed to be that you are part of the IRC team, then you get auto voice in here, but that doesnt seem to have been followed in some cases20:52
ikoniaI'm still waiting for membership to theluanchpad team20:53
jussi01ikonia: noted20:55
ikoniathat's ok, wasn't a gripe20:55
ikoniajust saying I get voiced without being on the team20:56
* jussi01 points up to what I just said...20:56
jussi01Let me look into what the policy is, I may have it slightly wrong, Ill get back to you all soon. 20:57
ikoniaokey dokey20:57
topylijussi01: i just now realized there is a team to join while watching this discussion. been voiced forever :)21:16
Flannel !ohmy on sucks?  really?21:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:16
Seeker`Flannel: where?21:17
Flannelin #u, I mentioned it was probably not useful in a query21:18
jussi01topyli: yeah, I noticed - got the email ;)21:18
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
Mamarokok, I call it a day, gn8 everyone!22:26
jussi01nini Mamarok22:26
Mamarokand have fun...22:26
FlannelNight Mamarok22:26
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (vindex)23:57

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