
=== fabsh_ is now known as fabsh
thorwilkwwii, hi. seems we are now running into the wiki "surge protection" with the Backgrounds page08:28
thorwilkwwii, maybe you could talk with newz about that08:29
SiDihi thorwil08:30
thorwilhi SiDi08:30
SiDicouldnt we try to use some markup such as tables as fedora seems to do ?08:30
SiDitables with just a pic + the author's name in each cell08:30
SiDiwould be easier to read than this huge file08:30
thorwilSiDi, do you know how table markup looks like?08:31
thorwilit's terrible for editing08:31
SiDihm, true :p08:31
SiDiI like these ones08:35
thorwilis that the elephant skin texture in there?08:36
kwwiithorwil: hi08:37
kwwiithorwil: not sure what you mean08:37
SiDiI think the guy took some textures here n there yeh. But apart from that big logo, i like the overall aspect of the pic08:38
thorwilkwwii, it's an issue that arises if you have many images on a page. at some point, the wiki decides to show only some, but not all images08:38
thorwilkwwii, if you then try to see an image attachment or hi Reload imediately, you get a warning about the surge protection08:38
thorwilkwwii, and that you will get a longer timeout if you try to load right again08:39
kwwiithorwil: thanks for mentioning it...I'll find newz later today and see what I can do about it08:39
thorwilkwwii, good :)08:39
kwwiioh wait, I think he went home already08:39
kwwiibut anyway, I will take care of it ;)08:40
kwwiiI love the meditating koala, btw...nice stuff! We should talk to the author some more and see what we can get out of it08:40
kwwiithe netbook peeps liked it as well08:41
thorwilkwwii, in this case we is mainly you ;)08:41
thorwilkwwii, i'm happy to offer further guidance if and where needed, but the "we want to use that" must come from canonical08:42
thorwilit's one skilled guy and very open to suggestions08:43
kwwiithorwil: yeah, I intend on getting in touch with him soon. if nothing else, for the alpha it would be perfect08:51
thorwiloh, how cruel: http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/05/26/uds-where-did-all-the-coffee-go10:59
knomedon't they serve coke?11:36
zniavre_http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/8951/capturew.png > vous saviez ca vous?14:38
zniavre_oops pardon14:38
zniavre_sorry *14:38
savvascute background :)14:59
savvaszniavre_: how did you make that icon reflection on the lower left corner?15:00
zniavre_it's a rhythmbox plugin called desktop-art15:07
zniavre_background is with gnome-background pack (synaptic)15:07
SiDiany inkscape pro around ? :]15:08
SiDiI'd like to know if i can colour the start/end arrows of a line ?15:09
knomeSiDi, i don't think you can separately15:10
SiDiAnd is there a way to turn my arrow into paths that i can then colorize ?15:11
knomenot as separate paths15:11
SiDiAnd is there a way to get a sexy pink line+arrow at end whatever the method ? :D15:12
knomepath -> stroke to path15:13
knomeoh my15:13
knomeactually, just ungroup the stroke and the arrow15:13
knomeor ctrl+click the arrow15:14
SiDiYay \o/15:14
SiDiThanks knome :D15:14
SiDii'll show you my blue pdf for my oral exam tomorrow, give me a min :P15:14
knomehehe ok15:15
SiDiwhen i render my image to pdf i lose a letter in one of the words x_x15:35
savvasrender it using which program? inkscape?15:36
andreasnSiDi, is it for print?15:46
SiDino its for a screen :)15:46
SiDire-rendering all my svg's to pdf atm15:47
SiDiknome : http://filebin.ca/xwybab17:06
SiDisexy blue :P17:06
knomea bit purpleish17:07
SiDiit wont render well with a video projection but well :P17:08
SiDiyeh, its because the reztorrent slide had "foo" :p17:08
SiDiand of course, just to change a little, only my part of the work is done ^^17:08
knomehave to go. see you later.17:10
SiDisee you17:12
macvrhi , anyone knows how to change the window background color of inkscape?19:19
thorwilmacvr, do you mean the canvas color?19:24
thorwilif so, that's in File -> Document Properties, Page tab, General section19:25
macvrthorwil: i meant the display? i have set the canvas to transparent but the display is white , which makes it difficult to assess the colors19:29
thorwilmacvr, with zero alpha, you see the always white background19:31
thorwilpush the alpha up to get the color you specified19:31
macvrthorwil: so i can change the color first and then i can change it back to 0 alpha?19:32
macvrthorwil: but that wont have any change in the picture i'm creating, right?19:33
thorwilmacvr, the alpha value does have an effect on exported raster images19:34
thorwilwith zero, you get fully transparent background. a png will have an alpha channel in this case19:34
thorwilwith 255 alpha, you get an export with solid color background19:35
macvrthorwil:damn,  so there is no way of having the checks similar to the ones used in gimp? during editing? the only problem is i have difficukty judging the colors correctly!19:35
thorwilmacvr, i'm not aware of a way to get inkscape to draw a checkerboard. other than drawing it yourself19:37
macvrthorwil: oh... :( i think i just need to adjust! using gimp i got used to the checkers and the color selections... thanx anyway :)19:38
thorwili sometimes change the white to medium grey or black, depending on what i'm working on19:39
macvrthorwil: i think i'll do the same... but now... i'm trying to add the checker board to the layer below, lets see if that works19:40

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