
vorianer... alsa-base is borked02:29
owen1_is there a problem with xubuntu cd? i get segmentation fault when trying to burn it.02:30
owen1_i did a checksum and I tried burning with brasero and xfburn but get errors. any clue?03:17
anilgis there a command to list all the packages available? dpkg -l only lists installed packages03:58
voriandisplay all 36085 possibilties?03:59
anilgwanted something I can use in a script.. so o/p of some command would be helpful04:00
anilgone workaround is 'apt-cache search a' .. since the letter a is in all the packages or it;s description04:02
Railapt-cache pkgnames?04:02
cyphermoxsearch a will be missing some04:04
anilgRail: pkgnames also shows non-existant packages, (but referred to by other packages)04:12
anilgapt-cache search ""  game me what I was looking for .. all binary packages in the repo04:12
anilgThanks for the help04:13
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* calc doing another build hoping that the ooo-l10n rosetta stuff is unbroken now09:01
calcTheMuso: are you aware of the alsa-base failure to install in karmic?09:31
calcTheMuso: for 1.0.20+dfsg-1ubuntu109:31
* cjwatson looks around for an MIR reviewer10:19
infinitycjwatson: I'm not an MIR reviewer, but I play one on TV.10:21
cjwatsonunionfs-fuse bug 379952 kthxbye10:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379952 in unionfs-fuse "Main inclusion request: unionfs-fuse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37995210:22
infinitycjwatson: I'm making doko do it, since he refuses to add me to the MIR team without pitti's approval. :P10:30
infinitycjwatson: (Looks good to me, though)10:30
cjwatsoninfinity: heh10:32
joekluseIs this a good place to ask about video drivers?10:38
dokocjwatson: infinity won't have an excuse after this session anymore10:38
joaopintojoekluse, if it's a support question, the proper channel is #ubuntu10:39
slangasekhmm, why does "conffile move recipe" not give any useful google results11:21
infinityslangasek: Result 1 of 1: steal from another package.11:23
slangasekinfinity: which package? :)11:24
infinityslangasek: initramfs-tools might be okay.11:24
infinityslangasek: (Moved stuff from /etc/mkinitramfs to /etc/initramfs-tools)11:25
seb128slangasek: http://www.dpkg.org/dpkg/ConffileHandling11:25
slangasekinfinity: given that I don't see the handling being done in the preinst, I'd go with 'no'11:25
infinityslangasek: I make no guarantees that it's correct, but I don't recall any horrible critical bugs being filed.11:25
slangasekseb128: does dpkg.org exist again?11:25
seb128slangasek: works here11:25
infinityslangasek: I see mangling in the preinst...11:25
slangasekah, cool11:25
infinityinitramfs-tools.preinst:if [ -d /etc/mkinitramfs ]; then11:25
infinity ....11:25
slangasekinfinity: mm - but no 'mv', so that's not what I would expect for a conffile handler11:26
infinityslangasek: We move the directory, rather than the file, but after verifying files and avoiding spurious conffile prompts.11:27
slangasekanyway, the dpkg.org one looks right :)11:27
slangasekalso, my use case seems to pathologically not be a conffile11:27
slangasekso nevermind11:27
* hyperair pokes dtchen 11:29
hyperairdtchen: could you do something about alsa-base's preinst script?11:29
hyperairah wait11:29
hyperairlooks like it's done11:29
* hyperair whacks his outdated mirror11:30
TheMusohyperair: a fix was uploaded an hour or so ago11:35
TheMusohyperair: ah you found it, ok then.11:35
slangasekthe irda-utils maintainer scripts are sapping my will to live11:43
Kanohi, does anybody like to package httpfs to allow network booting from http server12:16
Kanoi already tested it, it boots even via internet12:17
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directhexsigh. okay, who do i poke to access something on the ubuntu bit of google docs?13:39
directhexif i click login, it forces "@ubuntu.com"13:39
Laneysekkrit docs?13:40
hyperairdirecthex: but you're a motu, don't you have @ubuntu.com?13:42
directhexhyperair, it doesn't openid it, i don't have anything googly with @ubuntu.com13:43
thiebaude1hi folks14:01
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dtchenhyperair: should be fixed14:11
hyperairdtchen: yes, i realized.14:11
hyperairi'll just wait for the mirror here to update14:12
ograslangasek, poke14:16
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directhexhyperair, google docs does not authenticate using launchpad. it needs a google account with the appropriate email address/j #uds-desktop14:49
calcdoko: ping16:12
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pedahzurToday, after resuming from a hibernate (Jaunty) I didn't have my usb devices. Upon plugging USB devices, syslog shows: vmap allocation failed: use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.  This is running the kernel in -proposed, 2.6.28-12-generic #43-Ubuntu.  The only bug I could find referencing that message had to do with ath5, so I take it this is not a known issue?18:53
pedahzurFound one post related to Jaunty, but not having to do with USB: http://blog.unitedheroes.net/archives/p/3588/got-my-nvidia-card-working-under-ubuntu/18:56
pedahzurbug filed19:04
LordMetroidYes, sometimes the external USB HDD doesn't mount on startup...19:28
LordMetroidEasily fixed by cutting power to it and reinsterting it. Annoying though19:28
LaserJockis there any policy about using PPAs for -proposed testing?19:49
hyperairnever heard of any such policy19:49
LaserJockhmm, I've some SRUs I'd like to push through but I'm not sure if I can get testers to use -proposed19:54
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tyvekhey, i just upgraded to jaunty. i have a dm-crypt/luks drive on external media that gets prompted for unlocking at boot which is good, but i noticed that the boot console (ctrl-alt-f8) is echoing my password20:47
tyveki've tried googling to see if this is a known bug, but i cant find anything20:47
geofftsounds tangentially related to bug #10460220:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104602 in sysvinit "root password visible at emergency console" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10460220:48
tyvekyeah, it's not getting saved anywhere, but it is momentarily exposed on the boot console20:49
geofftthe bug basically being that something odd happens to stdin/stdout of things sufficiently early in the boot process20:51
tyvek#288408 looks similar20:51
geofftand therefor stty -echo or whatever doesn't work.20:51
tyvekis there a known workaround?20:51
tyvekor am i just going to have to mount these post-boot for a while?20:53
Justin10ecHi there, this is the developer channel, right?20:55
hyperairfor ubuntu development, yes20:56
Justin10ecAlright, I have an idea for ubuntu that may help in the development project but I first need to know something. Is there a feedback system in place for betas/alphas? If it's just on IRC and Forums, I have a great idea.20:57
tyvekgeofft: thx for the help21:00
Justin10ecWell, I think a lot of Ubuntu users come from Windows, right?21:01
Justin10ecThose users, and apple users alike are used to sending support ticket type things.21:01
Justin10ecIf we had an offical form for them to fill out, we may get more information. Most likey, people in general are not familiar with IRC or forums?21:01
Justin10ecIf anyone likes the idea, I'd be more than excited to help with it?21:01
Laneyare people coming straight from windows the best people to be running alphas and betas?21:02
Justin10ecNo, and it wouldn't have to just be for the betas, just for general suggestions / questions?21:03
Laneywe have lots of support avenues already21:03
Laneyperhaps you would want to make a better interface to one of those?21:03
Justin10ecCould you direct me to one of these? I'd like to see what could be improved?21:04
geofftJustin10ec: there's Launchpad, and some interface for questions as opposed to bugs21:04
Justin10ecI totally forgot about Launchpad!21:05
LaneyLaunchpad Answers, forums, Brainstorm (for suggestions), IRC, ubuntu-users mailing list21:05
Justin10ecOther than helping with problems with software and hardware, what could I do to help Ubuntu? I'm great with software, yes, but I much rather enjoy other things like forum management or something like that.21:06
Laneysee what takes your fancy21:08
Justin10ecDocumentation Team... Would this include rewritting things so that they make better since? Proofreading, grammar, spelling, etc?21:10
LaneyI guess so21:10
Laneythey probably have an IRC channel21:10
Justin10ecThanks :)21:12
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad is going down from 22:00 UTC until 23:00 UTC for a code update | Archive: Open for development | Karmic alpha 1 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
NCommandercalc, ping, where is this KDE4 patch for OOo22:14
RiddellNCommander: it's in the source package (which is a tar within a tar or something)22:14
RiddellNCommander: shtylman is looking at it too22:14
NCommanderRiddell, I'd like to do something to help improve KDE this cycle :-/22:16
calcNCommander: look in the source22:17
RiddellNCommander: he may well not succeed, it's an elite task22:17
calcNCommander: specifically under22:17
RiddellNCommander: KDM guest session patch! :)22:17
calcNCommander: ooo-build/patches/ooo300/apply (there is several KDE 4 patches in a KDE 4 target)22:18
calcNCommander: its currently not set to be used but the patches are there22:18
TheMusodtchen: your alsa-driver changes uploaded.22:29
cellofellowquick Q, not sure if it's the right place but figured I'd try. How do I enable the Bazaar Nautilus plugin? I installed bzr-gtk and nautilus-python, but nothing.22:36
* calc thinks the alsa guys broke it on purpose because karmic was too stable ;-)22:39
ScottKcellofellow: #ubuntu for support or maybe #bzr.22:41
cellofellowScottK: yeah, just found #bzr, thanks22:45
* calc hates Sun22:59
calcclosed bug won't fix for conflicting shortcuts with gtk22:59
* calc will be glad once OOo is wringed from their control and is taken over by sane community people23:00
directhexcalc, careful, that kind of talk gets you tarred & feathered by boycottnovell23:03
* calc should keep a list of braindead bug closings for the next time Sun asks me what they should be doing to help out Ubuntu23:04
calcthey basically told me to fork OOo to make it work correctly, yet also want me to run vanilla OOo in Ubuntu23:04
calcthey are insane23:04
directhexevand1, non-a11y banshee widget 1 of 5 is now patched (but untested) by upstream23:06
ajmitchdirecthex: but boycottnovell always have responsible, accurate reporting23:06
directhexajmitch, and soft, soft t-shirts23:06
calcmy anti-redhat shirt violates the CoC so i can't wear it :\23:09
ajmitchthat's hardly fun23:10
evand1directhex: AWESOME!23:27
ion_calc: :-D23:30
Viper550whoa whoa whoa...no english language support.23:35
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Viper550soren, kernel mode switching23:52

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