
baba_i think i've found what my problem...10:14
persiababa_, What was it?10:14
baba_in ubiquity.trunk/d-i/source7partman-base/partman-base.templates10:14
baba_the row that talks about partman/umonunt_active10:15
baba_have no default value10:15
baba_i've tryid to put Default: true10:15
baba_and tryid to recompile/reistall10:15
baba_but i think i dont have understand very well wath is the process to recompile/reinstall10:16
baba_i think it lost libraries10:16
baba_persia, you are a minor developer but i think you know how this things works10:17
persiaErr.  Not for partman, really, and about half the time I have trouble building it.10:18
persiaMost of what I've done is stuff that gets embedded in ubiquity, which builds it for me.10:18
baba_other developers will read this discussion?10:19
baba_when come back from uds10:19
persiaPossibly.  It probably depends on how much other discussion they are trying to follow.10:20
baba_however, thanks for your time persia ;)10:20
persiababa_, I'm sorry I can't be more help.10:21
baba_no prob10:21
baba_all these things are for a work that im doing10:21
baba_im trying to modify default ubuntu version with graphic changes10:22
baba_to simplify the use for people of call center10:22
baba_than trying to automate the install process10:22
baba_this is a good thing if you have to install dozen of pc10:23
baba_one moment..10:24
baba_you have said not for partman10:24
baba_are compiled separately?10:26
baba_i've do this: ./configure then make then sudo make install (or sudo checkinstall)10:27
baba_in the main folder10:28
baba_...Ubiquity is still a complex piece of software whit several bleeding-edge dependencies... yeah i think my new prob is this... lol10:32
baba_now i go, hope dev read this stuff and help me... by persia see you soon (i'll be back to know how my story continue...)10:33
persiaErm.  Wish you hadn't left.  `debuild` is nearly always the right thing to do.10:34
persia(but of course, I should have been watching :) )10:34
baba_hi, baba is back16:07
baba_i don't want to broken persia's balls, so any other dev is here now?16:08
baba_hi, are you a developer of ubiquity?16:12
baba_have you read my problem with it?16:13
baba_ill try with nxvl16:16
baba_hi nxvl, are you an ubiuiity's developer?16:16
baba_yes...asus eeepc keybord... ubiuiity = ubiquity16:17
picklesworth:( Nobody answered me on the mailing list. Anyone know if there is a session at UDS where the ubiquity slideshow blueprint will be brought up? (And which one?) I just finished making my slideshow content project usable :)18:01
cody-somervillepicklesworth, Yes. The code is done and we'll be using the session to develop content AFAIK18:18
picklesworthah, I didn't realize the code was done. What kind of content is it going to be?18:20
picklesworthI have either some HTML or some SVG content to throw out there :)18:20
babai've found some interessing thing...19:57
babaFirst: search question "unmount partitions that are in use?" in the source19:58
babathis question is in ./d-i/source/partman-base/debian/partman-base.templates19:58
babaand it's releted with: partman/unmount_active19:59
babaSecond: search "partman/unmount_active"19:59
babafound in ./ubiquity/components/partman.py20:00
babaand other files20:00
babanow...its a problem...20:00

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