
chaos[1]does installing xubuntu to a USB mini hard drive always cause problems?00:11
chaos[1]any links you can point at?00:12
knomewhat is the problem?00:12
chaos[1]freezes @ 15%, then gives me a error saying it couldn't create file system00:13
chaos[1]when i manually do it, it installs, but then computer freezes @ loading hmi00:14
knomei have no ideas00:14
chaos[1]this problem is listed a couple dozen times on google00:14
chaos[1]no solutions however00:14
mandragora22can anyone help me editin the GRUB so I can boot into w¡ndows00:16
chaos[1]wow im doing the same thing man00:17
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:20
xronfor some reason, I just shutdown me system and I've got no grapshics/X00:26
xronI saw warnings in the xorg log file and my nvidia card can't be detected.00:26
xronI changed nothing. What happened?00:26
xronI tried other xorg config files, but no go.00:27
knomedid you update?00:27
knomefile a bug? :]00:27
xronmessed around a little bit with my network configurations, but nothing else.00:27
xronknome: thanks. :/00:27
xronhard to file a bug if you don't know what's wrong in the first place, whether it's me or what.00:28
xronI could have filed hundreds of bugs in the past, but always do my reasearch first.00:29
xronit's almost always me or it's easily fixed by me.00:29
owen1_i try burning xubuntu 9.04 cd with xfburn (on slow speed) and get "Burn run failed (0)" "Segmentation fault". this is the second time i get it. any ideas?01:50
xronowen1_: try another burner and run DAO. I never had luck with xfburn02:01
xronI like K3b02:02
owen1_xron: i'll try K3b. thanks02:03
xronjust be aware. K3b is huge, being from 'K'.. ya know. :)02:03
owen1_xron: damn..02:05
owen1_xron: any other suggestions?02:05
xronya... I hope that's not a problem.02:05
xrontry one of the home made commands out there for buring an ISO02:06
xronjust Google it.02:06
xronlook for DAO and buring an ISO is all.02:06
xronif I could get X to run, I'd give you one of the commands from k3b, but sorry.02:07
owen1_xron: np. thanks02:08
xronk3b as well as the others are just front ends to command line programs02:09
owen1_i can't burn xubuntu 9.04 (get errors). if i'll install the alternate CD + xubuntu-desktop, will it be the same as xubuntu CD?04:31
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:36
geniiCorrupt image is the top source of burning problems04:37
lsempleHi, I just freshly installed xubuntu, and I noticed that none of the xfce panels cpu monitoring apps work,04:38
lsempleI have tried cpufreq, cpu frequency monitor, cpugraph04:38
owen1_genii: i run the checksum and it's ok.04:41
geniiowen1_: The alternate installer will install regular desktop same as the livecd one. Just that it has a text-only install system and no xubuntu live system running off it when you boot to cd04:42
lsemplethe cpu frequency monitor does nothing04:46
lsemplefor xfce4-panel04:46
owen1_genii: i know, but someone told me xfce4 alone might couse issues when upgrading.04:50
geniiowen1_: I haven't heard anything to that effect. But every system is different of course.04:50
owen1_genii: i'll try it.04:51
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinister
omnipotent999Does anyone know of a way to make the icons on the desktop single click - rather than double click? Xubuntu 9.0405:51
=== mikechelen is now known as MikeChelen
Aqaany good light fast download manager?13:13
MikeChelenAqa, downthemall firefox addon works alright13:14
AqaMikeChelen, i do not like that , that is with less options13:14
_Pete_wget/curl are excellent13:14
Aqa_Pete_, i also dont like that , too less features13:15
MikeChelenAqa, what options are you looking for?13:18
AqaMikeChelen, there were many good download managers in xp, free download manager etc, with auto shut down option, speed limit settings option13:18
Aqai will suicide if i dont get such in xubuntu13:21
MikeChelenAqa, downthemall has a speed limit option13:21
AqaMikeChelen, where to set that13:21
AqaMikeChelen,  i want this http://valentine.viviti.com/entries/softwares/linx-ubuntu-mint-download-manager-aria13:22
Aqahow to get aria13:22
MikeChelenyeah aria is good too13:23
MikeChelenthink it is synaptic, might be aria213:23
Aqaoh i am downloading other files i cant run synaptic till one hour13:25
Aqaaria has speed limit option, auto shutdown, speed limit option in 3steps, low, medium, full etc very light and fast download manager13:26
MikeChelenyup aria2 is available: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/aria213:27
AqaMikeChelen, i am xubuntu user?13:28
MikeChelenAqa, its fine, they all use the same packages13:28
MikeChelenxubuntu itself is actually a set of packages for ubuntu13:29
Aqabut it looks different and fast i only saw some things similar in it13:29
MikeChelenAqa, yeah the desktop environment is xfce instead of gnome so it uses less resources13:31
MikeChelendeep down its the same though13:31
MikeChelenxubuntu has different programs enabled as default, which are faster than regular ubuntu13:31
AqaMikeChelen, i do not like commands :(13:35
MikeChelenAqa, lol, what commands?13:36
Aqathose sudo etc gsudo13:37
MikeChelenoh they are great once you get used to them though13:37
MikeChelenyou can use synaptic gui if you prefer though13:37
MikeChelenapplications > system > synaptic package manager13:37
AqaMikeChelen, what was terminal command to mount ntfs drives13:42
MikeChelenAqa, should be mounted automatically in /media otherwise edit fstab13:44
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:45
AqaMikeChelen,  how gk sudo mousepad fstab13:45
Aqasheep also uses linux :D13:45
MikeChelenAqa, yeah to edit fstab would be: gksudo mousepad /etc/fstab13:46
AqaTheSheep, that does not seem easy method :-s13:47
TheSheepnothing related to windows is easy13:48
TheSheepthey put a lot of effort to make sure of that13:48
AqaMikeChelen, what to edit in fstab13:48
AqaTheSheep, wew :-S13:48
MikeChelenAqa, might be easier to use ntfs-config https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G13:50
AqaMikeChelen, what is aptitude and apt-get13:52
MikeChelenAqa, apt-get is the package manager program13:52
MikeChelenused for installing and uninstalling software13:56
AqaMikeChelen, since when are using linux brother?13:57
Aqayou are *13:58
MikeChelenAqa, probably 3-4 years, although only as desktop for 1-213:58
MikeChelenAqa, hope you are liking it so far :)13:59
Aqai am late to come to linux people put me on xp13:59
Aqayes yes :)13:59
MikeChelenbetter late than never :)13:59
MikeChelenits good to learn many operating systems, linux seems more powerful than xp after getting some experience14:00
Aqavery powerful14:02
Aqai heard no virus on linux and i got no virus yet14:02
Aqaand its free with free support and free updates14:02
knomepractically there is not viruses on linux14:02
knomeand even if there were, you would have to insert your root password to make any damage14:03
Aqaoh thats why it asks always password on installations too etc14:03
Pres-GasHey all14:06
AqaPres-Gas, hi14:09
MikeChelenAqa, yeah which really helps for productivity, and to have powerful professional software that is legal14:11
haplessI have a scripted called ~/runconky.sh that contains  "#!/bin/sh  sleep 10   exec /usr/bin/conky"  how do I run it at startup?  I put it in my .xsessionrc file like this   "/home/user/bin/runconky.sh &"   but it doesn't seem to fire  ??14:50
haplessjust got a suggestion. trying it out...14:52
xronfor some reason all of a sudden my xorg/X can't intitialize my graphics card -- NVIDIA. Should I fix this first and then update my system to the latest kernel, or update first.15:40
xronI just don't know what next to do to solve this issue.15:40
xronand what's the program that updates nvidia drivers in the first place. I can't seem to find it.15:40
xronit just makes no sense that something went wrong all of a sudden. Everything was fine until I shutdown my machine and rebooted.15:41
Devilsprey99my monitor goes numb when I logout15:42
charlie-tcaTried shutdown and rebooting again? Hardware Drivers in Applications -> System installs nVidia drivers;15:43
charlie-tcaUpdate Manager should keep them up to date after installing them15:43
Devilsprey99does anyone know how to setup shortcut keys for keyboard layout switching in intrepid15:43
charlie-tcaDevilsprey99: what is "numb" ?15:43
xroncharlie-tca: yes. And I don't have gui available... so no I can't go to applications menu.15:44
xronthat is I'm in cli mode..15:44
charlie-tcaxron: are you running a server?15:44
xronno server15:44
Devilsprey99this happens when i enter ctrl+alt+bkspce as well15:45
xronjust wouldn't boot X when I rebooted.15:45
charlie-tcaDevilsprey99: using automatic login?15:45
charlie-tcaxron: I can't help with that.15:46
xronthanks.. it's weird.15:47
xronbut I kind of like this, but it's kind of hard to watch video without X, no... :)15:47
Devilsprey99charlie-tca: how abt keyboard shortcuts15:47
charlie-tcaxron: I wouldn't know, I use X15:47
xronI dream of the day where I boot into CLI and then run X on virtual terminals (tty)..15:48
xronthat when if X crashes then I don't crash.15:48
charlie-tcaThat is what it does anyway, using TTY715:49
xronbut still, sometimes you can't even get to another virtual terminal when tty7 crashes. Don't know why though.15:49
charlie-tcaDevilsprey99: booting 8.1015:50
xronlet me try to update and see what happens. It can't hurt at the moment.15:50
charlie-tcaDevilsprey99: should have asked, what version are you running?15:50
Devilsprey99i upgraded from hardy15:50
charlie-tcaOkay, Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard15:52
Devilsprey99after that15:52
Devilsprey99it allows u to switch layouts15:52
charlie-tca2nd tab, Shortcuts, Add, create new theme15:52
charlie-tcaUse your own theme name15:52
charlie-tcaThen you can add the shortcut to it15:53
charlie-tcausing the Add button on the right15:53
Devilsprey99whats the command for keyboard layout witching or changing15:54
Devilsprey99which binary file to choose15:57
charlie-tcaDo you have the layouts added already?16:02
Devilsprey99i want to switch between nepali and us16:03
charlie-tcaYou can add the keyboard switcher to the panel, then. Just right click the panel, left click "Add new items", left click keyboard switcher16:03
Devilsprey99well i did that16:04
Devilsprey99i want keyboard shortcut key16:04
Devilsprey99either alt or win key to change layout when pressed16:05
charlie-tcalost me now16:07
Devilsprey99i want to change layout while typing when i press alt16:09
Devilsprey99and i want to switch layout when pressing win kety from keyboard16:09
Devilsprey99how do i setup that16:10
charlie-tcaI don't know16:10
Devilsprey99what do i do about my screen going dark when i logout or press alt+ctrl+bkspce16:11
TheSheepDevilsprey99: what graphics card?16:12
Devilsprey99intel chipset16:17
TheSheephmm... didn't have any trouble with that one :/16:17
TheSheepso, the x server doesn't start ofter you kill it?16:18
Devilsprey99512 mb ram and 1.8 p4 cpu16:18
Devilsprey99yep something like that16:18
DetroitLibertyPexron: on a side note, many people end prhases with  ", no" would you mind explaining this inflection to me, as an Ameican this is not a phrase we use and I really don't understand its meaning or usage16:18
TheSheepcan you stil lswitch virtual consoles with alt+ctrl+f1, f2 etc?16:18
TheSheepDetroitLibertyPe: wrong channel, no?16:19
Devilsprey99TheSheep, , not tried yet16:19
TheSheepDevilsprey99: if you can, try logging in in one of them and doing 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'16:20
Devilsprey99anyone to help with shortcuts16:21
TheSheepDevilsprey99: I'd read about xkb rules, or xmodmap16:21
TheSheepDevilsprey99: but I don't know a ready solution16:21
Devilsprey99i have got some results as well but it seems perplex16:22
DetroitLibertyPeTheSheep: "DetroitLibertyPe, you are in the wrong channel" I have never actually heard a person end a  question with no. Is it like how cannadians use the word "eh?", undestandable, that this should be in #xubuntu-offtopic16:25
charlie-tcaDetroitLibertyPe: I believe it is used similar to , isn't it?16:26
CCollins1Hello, I was curious if someone could help me with a question I have?17:08
Slonkie!question | CCollins117:09
ubottuCCollins1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:09
CCollins1In the filesystem can the folder properties be changed from "read only" to "read/write"?17:10
TheSheepCCollins1: right-click on it, select properties, then permissions tab, then change them17:11
CCollins1what if they are greyed out?17:12
Pres-GasCCollins1, is the user you are running as the owner of that file?17:13
CCollins1its the only user I have set up since a fresh install.17:14
Pres-GasCCollins1, what folder is it, something you created or a folder supplied by the system?  Maybe give us the full pathname?17:15
CCollins1I am specifically trying to change usr/local/bin/17:15
Pres-GasAhh, well that is owned by root17:15
CCollins1in the filesystem17:15
CCollins1can the read/write property be changed?17:16
Pres-GasIt is not a good practice to make that directory writable by anyone...what are you wanting to accomplish, CCollins1?17:16
CCollins1install peergardian and place a filters list, as described in a forum I was reading.17:17
CCollins1sudo cp peerguardian.sh /usr/local/bin17:17
J_LitewskiCCollins1, are you trying to give peerguardian.sh read/write abilities?17:19
CCollins1no, only copy a file into the /usr/local/bin/ directory17:19
J_Litewskithen 'sudo cp peerguardian.sh /usr/local/bin/' should do the trick17:20
J_Litewskido you have a terminal open?17:20
CCollins1the folder property is read only :)17:20
J_Litewskishouldn't matter17:20
J_Litewskijust a sec17:20
Slonkieit's read only for your user17:21
Slonkiebut when you run it with sudo you run it with root user17:21
J_Litewskiyea, i can cp a file into /usr/local/bin no problem17:22
CCollins1mine states cp: cannot create regular file 'usr/local/bin': no such file or directory17:24
Slonkieits /usr/local/bin/17:25
Slonkienot usr/local/bin17:25
J_Litewskiyou need the /17:25
CCollins1thank you17:25
J_Litewskilike windohs needs C:/17:25
J_Litewskii kinda feel bad, my system, after 2 years of using xfce, crashed17:27
J_Litewskinow i'm using a hybrid of gnome and xfce17:28
SlonkieSucks to be you, J_Litewski ;).17:28
J_Litewskiheh, theres it's ups and downs17:28
J_Litewskiso far it's been rock stable17:29
J_Litewskiminus the fact that it doesn't shut down at all :/17:30
J_LitewskiI can't wait to get the HP 1000 Mini with Mi installed :P17:32
J_Litewskithats a sexy ubuntu17:32
Devilsprey99any idea on setting up keyboard shortcuts for switchin layout17:37
DetroitLibertyPeJ_Litewski:really, my Xubuntu box crashes most everyday, about as often as when it had XP17:38
J_LitewskiDetroitLibertyPe, is it a fresh install?17:39
DetroitLibertyPeit was back at 8.04, but nothing has changed that since goign to 8.10 and 9.017:40
J_Litewskii say do a fresh install17:40
DetroitLibertyPeexcpet of course with 9.04 I don't get the ease of CTRL+ALT+ESC or CTRL+ALT+backspace anymore17:40
DetroitLibertyPeoh, that's too much work, If i was going to do that, I'd leave ubuntu and go back to Puppy, or try a different distro17:41
DetroitLibertyPebut I have limited time to tinker, so with it working, good enough, well, that's good enough, I guess17:41
J_Litewskii like the *buntu series17:42
DetroitLibertyPeI like the synaptech package manager, and apt-get, but other than that "yawn" it really doesn't excite me, like when I first got into Linux, but then again, I had more tinkering time,17:43
DetroitLibertyPeI think if I was going to start over, I'd just back up the Home directory and start with, I don't know, maybe a 100% free debian with LXDE17:44
nikinhow can i make xubuntu 9.04 start the application in normal size.. not fullscreen17:54
Devilsprey99\join #bhoot17:56
nikinfound it.. i have to disable maimus18:01
likemindeadHow do you fix a GPG Error EXPIREDKEY?18:12
zoredachelikemindead: find the updated key and install it into the keychain18:13
likemindeadHmmm.... where do you find updated keys?18:18
zoredachethat depends on the key18:20
BlanchyI need to trim up the resource usage on a fresh xubuntu 9.04 install. one of the processes running that I don't need is gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor. I can't find out where it's started from. Anyone know?18:25
charlie-tcagot a camera installed?18:35
charlie-tcathe source package is 'libgphoto2', gphoto2 digital camera library18:38
charlie-tcaappears to be used by both scanners and printers, among other things18:39
xronis there any way to post to ubuntu forums using a text browser?18:59
xronX ain't running.18:59
charlie-tcaI would ask that in ##beginners-help, which is run by forum people19:00
titan_arkhey vidd :)19:26
vidd\0. titan_ark19:26
titan_arkthe dvd i roasted yesterday seemed to work fine at work19:28
titan_arkcould'nt check it extensively though :19:28
viddamazing what including some library files will do =]19:29
viddlike i had said yesterday....19:29
viddive frizbee's half a spool b4 i realized that the tools to write dvd's is not included by default19:30
titan_arkbut i have a new issue today which has resulted in me making 4 new coasters19:31
viddoh? what is that?19:31
titan_arkthe damn thing doesnt seem to burn anything now! pops up an unexpected error!19:31
titan_arkand the same in xp also19:31
titan_arkin xp nero gives me a "power calibration error"19:32
titan_arknow when i pop in a blank dvd brasero doesnt get invoked by itself19:34
titan_arkany suggestions?19:36
viddyou may want to backup (via network) and re-install19:36
titan_arkbut why the problem on both OSes19:37
titan_arki just reinstalled xp a week back! :'(19:37
Pres-GasOkay, so I set up my machine to authenticate with krb5...but attempted to create a user with an encrypted home...not sure how those would work together....hmmmm, can log in, but no prompt20:30
FelineMonstrositHi. I used to have a volume control in my panel and for some reason now it's disappeared and I can't figure out how to get it back. Suggestions? (I've tried the add new item menu and had a look through the settings)20:40
ochosiFelineMonstrosit, what version of xfce/xubuntu are you using?20:42
viddFelineMonstrosit, did this disappear when you upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04?20:43
ron_oI just had the wackiest things happen.20:50
viddron_o, what?20:51
ron_owhen i rebooted, everything worked fine, But then when I shutdown completely my graphics card wasn't recognized.20:51
ron_oI spent the past 3 hours working on it. so I decided to try a liveCD. Guess what? The same issues.20:51
viddron_o, have you restarted x?20:51
ron_oonly when I completely shut of my computer, in the back, and then restart it from scratch (not rebooting) did my X come back up.20:52
ron_osure, I tried restarting it, and such..20:52
ron_oman, weird!20:52
ron_omust be something in the BIOS. When you reboot, the BIOS isn't fully rebooted is it?20:52
viddron_o, no20:53
ron_othat must have been it.20:53
ron_oanyway, it's working now. So I must leave well enough alone.20:53
viddthe bios is never "rebooted" unless the cmos is cleared or the battery dies20:53
ron_oyou're right.20:53
ron_oI don't get it.20:53
ron_oI don't get what happened. I just hope it doesn't happen again.20:54
viddbut when the system loses power (kill switch on the back, power outage) a complete POST is done20:54
ron_othat's what I meant.20:54
ron_omental note: shut off all power and maybe your computer will treat you well.20:55
viddron_o, no...if your system starts acting like a M$ system, strave it, and it behave =]20:55
vidd"deprive of food"20:56
ron_omisspelled. :)20:56
viddin a computer's case...power20:56
ron_oI know.. you misspelled it.20:56
* vidd is NOT an english professor!20:56
ron_oanyways, I know I really hate using a text based browser.20:56
PeterDarknessHas anyone had trouble with 'Shared Folders' crashing?20:56
ron_othings about useless for anything except reading a few pages.20:57
PeterDarknessI try to open it up from Applications --> System but everytime it loads up it crashes a few seconds after appearing onscreen.20:57
viddhave you used shared folders b4?20:58
ron_ocan you get it to run in a terminal? it might tell you what's going on.20:58
PeterDarknessNot sure what command I would use to load that up ron_o20:58
PeterDarknessYes vidd, I had configured a shared folder file previously, it worked for about a week then this started happening.20:58
ron_otry apropos20:59
viddPeterDarkness, is the shred drive available?20:59
* vidd needs a new keyboard!20:59
PeterDarknessI don't follow.21:00
viddPeterDarkness, when you set this app up....21:00
* charlie-tca thinks it is difficult to teach these keyboards to spell right21:01
viddyou set up folders that are shared21:01
viddare all those folders online?21:01
PeterDarknessNo they are not.21:01
viddtry getting them online, see if that helps any'21:02
PeterDarknessWell, whenever I try to do anything related to SAMBA I get this "Can't do setuid (cannot exec sperl)21:03
PeterDarkness<-- Totally clueless on this21:03
viddPeterDarkness, for the record...the CLI command is shares-admin21:04
PeterDarknessTy, that returns with a GTK warning21:04
viddPeterDarkness, your perl is missing/corrupt21:05
PeterDarknessSo fix with synaptic yes?21:05
viddi dont use samba21:05
viddi move files with FTP21:05
PeterDarknessI'll play with it. Thanks for the help :)21:10
manpoolefor 512mb ram would you recommend ubuntu or xubuntu?22:35
SiDibut i'd recommand it for 8gb ram too22:37
charlie-tcadefinitely sounds like the perfect size for Xubuntu22:37
charlie-tcaand works better than 256mb22:38
manpoolei have another computer i tried with 256 on xubuntu and switched to debian and some lightweight window manager22:39
manpoolebut i wanted to let my friend try linux so ill give him a xubuntu live cd22:39
SiDimanpoole: if you find xubuntu slow with 256, just make sure to remove update-notifier / jockey from startup and you should gain 40 MB ram already :p23:07
zoredachemanpoole: flip that around and it says 'mom'23:25
knomezoredache, you are a clever boy.23:32
zoredachenot really, kinda bored is more accurate23:33
joey_I'm running Ubuntu Jaunty. I've switched to xfce, which I love. it runs a lot faster. Anyways, it seems like, even though I run xfce and chose it in the sessions menu, gnome is still controlling some functions. It seems to render the desktop, and nautilus still pops up as the default file manager. Does anyone know how to fix this?23:42
MikeChelenjoey_, did you install the xubuntu-desktop package?23:56

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