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lex79launchpad bug 37563101:07
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 375631 in kipi-plugins "Merge from debian unstable kipi-plugins 0.3.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37563101:07
Hobbseenixternal: hrm?02:13
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, there were multiple bits in it that were quite illuming, wasn't there?02:16
nixternalgnomevfs -> KDE? KIO I am guessing...never messed with it really, except with KHelpCenter and help:/02:36
DaskreechIn my experience it's somewhat like it02:37
Daskreechthough since no dialogs allow entry of it I'm not sure why it's that great02:38
nixternalI will have to read up on gnomevfs and see how I can port that code02:39
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JontheEchidnalulz: bug 38073803:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380738 in mono "Accidental use of close by magnets may erase hard disks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38073803:44
JontheEchidnaI feel sorta bad for the real guy...03:46
DaskreechThat's a serious Bug?03:52
Daskreechposted against the software modules ?03:52
Hobbseeoh, ffs03:52
HobbseeUnfortunately, I have found out the hard way that the magnetic field produced by strong magnets is able to wipe hard disks clean of all data. Following the advice of another computer user on an online forum, I tried it, and it turned out that he was in fact correct. In this experience, I have lost thousands of precious family pictures and other very important personal data.03:52
Hobbseeso, someone heard that they might get their hard disks wiped, if they did this03:53
Hobbseethat's fine.  so did htey backup, knowing that they might lose their very important data?03:53
Hobbseeoh dear03:54
Hobbseethe next paragraph is even better03:54
Hobbseeso ubuntu should supply hard drives that don't use magnetics, for their machines?03:54
* JontheEchidna is reporting it to #launchpad and the launchpad answers tracker03:55
Hobbseeno one will be there03:55
JontheEchidnanow he's assigning random people to unused upstream bug watches :/03:56
Hobbseethat wouldn't surprise me03:56
JontheEchidnaChanged in suse:03:57
JontheEchidnaassignee: nobody → steve ballmer (m-noroozi)03:57
JontheEchidnalol @ steve ballmer though03:57
JontheEchidnaanyway, I think that hard drives do have a small degree of magnetic protection built in03:58
Hobbseeoh dear, even mark's subscribed03:58
JontheEchidnasticking a small fridge magnet to your computer's case shouldn't hurt it, though I personally wouldn't do it...03:58
JontheEchidnapowerful electromagnet to the hard drive would probably fry it, but that'd be intentional03:59
nellerygrandmother superior?04:05
JontheEchidnaI lol'd04:05
nelleryehh he subscribed sabdfl04:07
nelleryoh and Steve Jobs!04:07
Daskreechand $DEITY ?04:09
JontheEchidna'nite all04:10
nelleryOh wow he's good... Charles Darwin is assigned to Evolution04:17
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iivvlast text received: mekshurudocozuloozdisckstoomanytyms&udontwanttostndnlynFri.05:42
iivvwrong channel05:43
iivvscratch that from the record05:43
DaskreechWhere can I follow what's going on at UDS?07:00
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nixternalDaskreech: summit.ubuntu.com07:05
nixternalyikes, using vbox for pxe/kickstart/fai is not the best, but it works, and helps to automating iso testing w/o generating remastered isos with custom preseeds for each test case07:15
nixternalusing fedora and cobbler though :/07:15
nixternalnow that I have that figured out, it should be easy to create the same thing with a very minimal ubuntu install, then save the vm img, and publish it for all to use07:16
nixternalhave to admit, this is where vmware rocked...you could feed it kickstart scripts for isos07:17
\shnixternal: FAI rocks even with vmware (and its big brother esx) when you want to test automatic installation of special server layouts...for simple tasks without thinking preseed is also ok..but kickstart for debian with preseed stuff insight was my personal hell...07:22
nixternalya, same here07:23
nixternalnot everyone here has access to ESX, which is the GOD of all VMs :)07:23
nixternalI see than I can do Xen/Kickstart, wonder about Xen/FAI07:23
\shnixternal: actually it's a beast with ESX == 666 ;)07:23
\shnixternal: FAI + Xen is the unltimate gogogo we used it in 2007 during the FAI development sprint one guy was using a test server from my former employer to show how easy that is to deploy a dom0 and then all the xen instances via fai...rocking hard07:25
nixternalright, was looking at domU07:25
nixternalmight just go that way, and Xen works if your sys has 0 hardware support right?07:25
nixternaljust not the best07:25
\shbut FAI is nothing for "just install and fire" it's more "plan in the first place, then do"07:26
nixternalright, but it is still easy to do for automating iso testing07:26
\shyep :)07:26
nixternalat least to make sure that it installs...regression testing will still have to be done manually of course07:26
Daskreechnixternal: Know if there are Gobby sessions going on?07:26
nixternalDaskreech: there are, gobby.ubuntu.com07:27
Daskreech Good thing I'm on Gnome so installing it won't annoy me :)07:27
DaskreechAnyone tried kobby?07:27
nixternali did yesterday, didn't work for me07:27
DaskreechYou pulled the lib infinity ?07:28
Daskreechdidn't have any problems building that?07:28
nixternalnone at all07:29
nixternalwent smooth07:29
DaskreechNeat :)07:29
nixternalI had an issue with the ubuntu server with kobby saying that it wasn't xmpp or something07:29
nixternalwould like to see that as a plugin for kate07:29
DaskreechWell they are probably using libobby07:29
DaskreechKobby is libinifinote07:30
Daskreechwhich is next generation07:30
nixternaldoes gobby have support for that yet?07:30
nixternalwell that is silly07:30
DaskreechIt will07:31
Daskreechpretty soon07:31
nixternalman, I wonder if I will be able to make it for one session today...I am super tired07:31
nixternalwent to bed at 5am yesterday, woke up 2 hours later07:31
\shnixternal: are you not in spain?07:31
nixternal\sh: nope, they don't love me there :p07:32
nixternalwasn't able to go this round, I am out of a job right now, and without money, it wouldn't have been possible07:32
\shnixternal: oh shit...anything on the radar job wise or plan to go the freelancer way?07:32
nixternalso, if you know someone looking for a linux dev, with experience in the cloud storage arena and of course the desktop market, let me know :)07:33
nixternalnothing on the radar, jobs around here are pretty bad07:33
nixternalhow I got into cloud storage I will never know07:33
nixternalbut the one thing I do know about cloud storage, Amazon, EMC, and others are doing it all wrong :)07:34
DaskreechThey should be using Cirrus ?07:34
DaskreechWhy is there so much jaunty stuff at the Summit ?07:34
nixternalCleversafe is doing it right, they just don't know how to make a damn sale yet...though I hate admitting that since they let me go07:34
nixternalDaskreech: they didn't clear the last UDS docs off of gobby07:34
DaskreechHire yourself to them as a consultant07:34
\shnixternal: canonical doesn't hire someone to work on ubuntu one? ;) well...I had some job offers from headhunters during the last weeks...but only .de07:34
nixternalDaskreech: to who?07:35
Daskreechthe don't know how to sell guys07:35
nixternalya, the headhunters here are calling me about .NET crap...nowhere on my resume will you find .NET07:35
nixternalI guess it is a stupid enough language anyone can do it :p07:35
Sputfor small values of "can" and "do"07:35
\shnixternal: hahaha...I have this crap with "SAP Consulting" I never had SAP on my CV ... the only contact with SAP was during the 90ties when the first SAP linux server were tested...and I installed one07:36
nixternalI will admit though, I did like my .NET courses at the uni...only because the instructor was amazing, otherwise I hated the language07:36
nixternalI did some SAP/ERP stuff for Rockwell Automations when I first got out of the military07:36
nixternalthat stuff sucks hardcore07:37
nixternalI would rather go back to programming ladder logic for PLCs or PICs07:37
DaskreechWhy did you hate  .NET ?07:38
Daskreechand what's with two copies of karmic QA for Kubuntu on the server ?07:38
\shnixternal: offer "Innovative Turtle Programming Experience"...e.g. developing a graphic turtle cloud engine...IMHO that would give a good "WTF?" to some people reading your resume ,-)07:38
nixternalDaskreech: it reminded me of the old J++, then the more I looked at it, I got the icky feeling of a Java and Visual Basic love child07:39
nixternalI felt dirty after using it07:39
DaskreechWell yeah :)07:39
nixternalplus I wasn't planning on doing enterprise ecommerce development anyways07:39
nixternalwell, if I don't have a job within the next month and few days, I was approved to rejoin the military, so that is probably what I will do07:40
nixternalgo in, do probably 10, get a full retirement, and enjoy life07:40
\shnixternal: well, opensource can sometimes be a fearful experience, but it's not deadly as doing a gun job ... or do you plan to do infrastructure work for the army?07:42
nixternalnavy, I am a gunner's mate in the navy :)07:42
nixternalso it would be gun captain or something else07:42
nixternalI am senior enlisted, so I will have a cake job07:43
\shnow I ask myself what a cake job in the army/navy is...you don't mean something like getting fat and becoming a consultant in war theory for the white house...(now I'm joking :))07:45
nixternalhaha, actually yes07:46
nixternaldamn americans and their war!07:47
nixternali am actually hoping I get to go back to Iraq and work on fixing the infrastructure...last time I went I had fun, though it was quite scary a lot of the times07:48
\shnixternal: germans are not better these days, but we don't call it "War" we call it "Mission of Piece" (actually it's the same...people are getting hurd)07:48
\shbut now we are getting OT...and we need to be PC ;)07:49
nixternal\sh: of all the people to be PC, it isn't you or I :p07:49
nixternalwhoever just walked into the community room sounds hung over07:50
\shnixternal: you know what...enter the navy, go and get them that they transfer you to .de and you'll get a job here...07:50
nixternalya, that would totally rock07:50
nixternalGermany, Spain, or Greece is where I want to live, besides Mexico of course07:50
\shlet's see what this evening will give us here @company...looks like that we will be aquired by another company...hopefully not all rumours are correct ... eventually yes, and then I really have a personal problem07:56
Daskreechbetter yet go to Iraq and establish FOSS all over the place and have America relying on them for tech infrastructure in 10 years07:57
nixternalthey actually have quite a bit of FOSS over there already07:57
nixternalit was pretty cool07:57
DaskreechEstablished ?07:57
nixternalIraq is where I found out about Ubuntu iirc07:57
nixternalthey have a bunch of little hacker youngsters there07:57
nixternalI got to protect their internet cafe on day and went in and was like "whoa, check them out"07:58
Daskreechchoqok is written in Iran isn't it?07:58
nixternali have no idea07:58
DaskreechThink it is. But yeah That would be great07:59
\shhmm...I should block time to test nexenta07:59
DaskreechWhooo someone joined the Gobby server!07:59
DaskreechI really need to think out channels of communication for kobby and talk it over with Greg08:00
Daskreech= Main Inclusion Reports =08:01
Daskreech * "We're getting rid of main"?08:01
\shif the system for having package based upload rights is in place then this would be a good idea...but I don't like the idea that anyone without any real clue of e.g. the kernel can upload the kernel...that would be a loss of trust08:03
nixternalthat won't happen08:04
DaskreechWow Did they just wake up or something08:04
Daskreechpeople are flooding in08:04
nixternalthe kernel team will be in charge of who gets to upload to it08:04
nixternaljust like kubuntu would control rights to kde packages and what not08:04
DaskreechWhat's UNR ?08:05
DaskreechOh never mind08:05
yuriyI think I just came to the metadata discussion so I can sit here and cringe08:07
Riddellyuriy: what's it about?08:12
yuriystoring basic metadata about media files, and *maybe* tracking movement of the files08:13
yuriyvery rudimentary version of nepomuk08:13
Daskreechyuriy: anyone brought up Nepomuk?08:13
Daskreechor at least Zeitgeist?08:14
yuriynope not yet, I don't really know how to bring it up08:14
DaskreechWell Nepomuk's ontology was just made the default for Freedesktop standards if I recall08:16
DaskreechThat might be a step in08:16
Riddell"LETS GO PENS!"  seele Pens?08:17
rgreeningRiddell: rm 8 is busted again..08:18
yuriyDaskreech: zeitgeist is mentioned on the spec08:18
Daskreechyuriy: Uh huh08:18
DaskreechWhich has had a year less development and has no roadmap08:18
yuriyi guess the idea is a little different: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-content-library08:19
rgreeningRm 8 is cursed :P08:19
yuriyrgreening: you locked yourself in?08:19
Riddellrgreening: do we need to come and rescue you?08:20
rgreeningno, lock/handle is busted :)08:20
rgreeningno, we got rescued...08:20
yuriyDaskreech: the response is: "RDF is just too hard for developers"08:22
Daskreechwait no mouseover08:22
Daskreechyuriy: Fair enough08:22
DaskreechHonestly I think that KDE not quite getting it in near 2 years doesn't make it likely that Canonical will get it in 6 months08:28
Daskreech granted they are not going to get Zeitgiest in that time either08:28
DaskreechThey still haven't even gotten gnomevfs08:28
DaskreechSo step at a time08:28
DaskreechTry for something realistic08:31
* Daskreech wnces08:31
DaskreechAnyone on the gobby server?08:32
rgreeningapachelogger: project neon... we should discuss how to get something like this as PPA packages in LP...08:34
Daskreechrgreening: Working on KDE4 OO.o goodness?08:36
Riddellrgreening: surely neon is in a PPA08:44
apacheloggerrgreening: what Riddell said :P08:45
Riddellapachelogger: did you get the space you needed?08:46
DaskreechRiddell: Why two Kubuntu-karmic-qa docs ?08:46
RiddellDaskreech: lack of communication.  lack of intelligence in gobby.08:47
apacheloggerRiddell: not yet, though the PPA size decreased a lot for some reason08:47
Riddellapachelogger: what's the question no?08:47
apacheloggerRiddell: pardon?08:48
Riddellapachelogger: the number for the LP answers asking for more space08:48
apacheloggerRiddell: 7208308:49
apacheloggeruh, I broke kde-nightly-kdesupport :S08:50
nixternalyay for you!08:50
apacheloggerapparently it was bad copy n paste08:51
apacheloggerthe sed expression is all wrong :D08:51
nixternalno IRC in Karmic!08:59
nixternalget closer to the mic so I can hear you gorgeous people08:59
nixternalship Irssi by default08:59
apacheloggernixternal: room?09:00
DreadKnightheya, i'm on karmic koala... and i tried bubblemon plasmoid... and now it appears at every login.. and i delete it each time..09:03
nixternalthat is a feature...we really want you to use bubblemon ;p09:04
DreadKnightbubblemon is krappy atm09:04
nixternali had that silly rss feed thing doing it as well...went into the configs and ripped itout09:04
DreadKnightsettings are fugly and when on panel at least, the text displayed when hovering is too small and unreadable09:05
DreadKnightnixternal: that sounds like a plan, but not sure what i would need to remove09:06
nixternalget rid of them both, ship Irssi!09:06
nixternalDreadKnight: ~/.kde/share/config and grep for bubblemon09:06
DreadKnightnixternal: thanks will try :D09:06
nixternalit is in one of the plasma*rc files09:06
nixternalthat will get fixed in karmic eventually09:06
apacheloggerRiddell: thx, project-neon now got more space :D09:07
apacheloggernow I just need to fix kdesupport again ;-)09:07
apacheloggerKonversation can have that list as well!09:08
nixternalrgreening: IRSSI!!!! come on already09:08
nixternalyou can screen irssi, even more efficient :p09:08
nixternalquit muting the audio damnit, I am trying to listen09:09
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* nixternal wonders if there is a distro that ships irssi by default09:10
apacheloggergrml might09:10
nixternalok, time to grab some ice and go to bed...g'nite09:10
apacheloggernini nixternal09:11
Daskreechwait I can hear? Where can I listen in?09:18
apacheloggeruh, I think I fixed kdesupport09:18
apacheloggerand now I also know why I used checkOutEval instead of checkOut in earlier magic09:19
DaskreechI think the feedback is important to the quassel project09:23
rgreeningI agree09:23
Daskreechif we can help with a channel for feedback then defaulting to Konversation isn't that much of an issue09:23
* apachelogger notes that taring up all of kdesupport takes forever09:23
freeflyingdo u have any suggestion for ubuntuone's kde support09:24
Daskreechin terms of?09:25
DreadKnightdropbox lacks kde integration as well >_<09:25
DaskreechIsn't that more that Gnome did dropbox integration ?09:26
DreadKnightwould have been better if ubuntuone was named something like 'tree roots'09:26
DaskreechRather than the other way ?09:26
ScottKThe name issue has been done to death, so there's really no point in continuing to beat the dead horse.09:26
DreadKnightyeah, i see where you're going with that.... "optimism"09:26
DreadKnighti know it was, seen in on blogosphere09:26
DreadKnightyou have ubuntu 9.10 the distro ... then you have ubuntu 1, the dropbox clone...09:27
DreadKnightit all makes sense.09:27
DreadKnightand using 'ubuntuone' in another distro = not cool... name fanaticism09:27
DreadKnightoh well, nvm about it.09:28
apacheloggerubuntu just means way too many things :P09:28
DaskreechWhat's going on with KDE in Ubuntuone ?09:28
DreadKnightubuntuone suggests no clients for windows or mac = not cool09:29
freeflyingssem no support, they think akonadi is quite complicated compare with gnome09:29
DreadKnightit's like shooting yourself in the leg09:29
Daskreechakonadi is complicated?09:30
Daskreechhave they even looked at it?09:30
apacheloggerwhat does ubuntuone have to do with akonadi?09:31
* DreadKnight loves that kubuntu has kde without many changes to it, annoying branding, useless applications or yast09:31
freeflyingI think ubuntuone is a filesystem stuff, so it should can be implemented with kio09:31
freeflyingapachelogger: probably those things need to be sycned09:31
DreadKnightfreeflying: same conclussion reached the people from dropbox community regarding dropbox implementation into kde09:31
apacheloggerfreeflying: didn't see that happen09:32
freeflyingapachelogger: its on the roadmap :)09:32
apacheloggeras it is akonadi is implemented into kaddressbook09:32
apacheloggerand very unlikely to end up for stuff like mail before 4.309:32
DreadKnightAIR there from GHNS doesn't installs for me ...09:33
apacheloggerso, since that stuff is on their roeadmap and akonadi is not rolled out across all of kdepim yet, it would seem that this is a rather lame excuse for not having a KDE client :P09:33
apacheloggeranyway, claiming that akonadi si complicated to whatever they want to support in gnome is simply weird09:33
DreadKnighti'm wondering... does kde have any applications using mono?09:34
apacheloggerdidn't see one yet09:34
freeflyingapachelogger: as u know gnome guys always think kde is too complicated09:34
apacheloggerI didn't know, and I don't think that is a general property of gnome guys09:35
apacheloggermore like ubuntu guys :P09:35
apacheloggermarkey: new moby album in june it seems09:36
freeflyingapachelogger: then u're lucky, all those guys I met in china they all think kde is complicated09:36
DreadKnightkde has bad usability in many places :P09:36
apacheloggerdisco lies I say09:36
freeflyingDreadKnight: so dose gnome09:36
apacheloggerkubotu: np09:36
kubotuapachelogger listened to "Junge Römer (live @Radiokulturhaus)" by Garish 19 hours ago; see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more09:36
DreadKnightgnome is nicer, more polished09:36
apacheloggeryou know09:37
apacheloggerhalf the time my last.fm stuff is broken09:37
DreadKnightand oxygen kinda scares a lot of people i've seen09:37
apacheloggerI probably should use something else09:37
DreadKnightdoes anyone manage to install AIR plasma theme from GHNS in karmic?09:38
apacheloggerit is on kde-look?09:38
macoDreadKnight, what's wrong with oxygen. i think it looks rather nice...09:38
macothough i still quite like Clearlooks09:38
apacheloggernon-official KDE package that is09:39
apacheloggerno wonder it is not working09:39
apacheloggermight be a trojan horse :P09:39
DreadKnightclearlooks is nice09:39
rgreeningClearlookis is icon incomplete .. no?09:39
DreadKnightone of the most used themes in gnome09:39
macoDreadKnight, also, have you used kde 4.2? kde 3 was hard for me to use...too many options crammed together. i couldn't process all the information and would run back to gnome. kde 4.2 seems to have fixed that and now arranges settings in sense-making ways without brain overlad09:40
DreadKnightmaco: oxygen window decorations and buttons are sort of dull and flat09:40
DreadKnighti'm using kde since 3.5 or something09:40
maco...i like flat09:40
macoi hated kde 3's bubblegum look09:40
DreadKnightand i'm using gnome as well, since it's more polished/usable09:40
macolike i said, i like clearlooks. it also is flat09:40
DreadKnighti use that clearlooks that has a bit of gloss on window decoration, forgot name09:41
* apachelogger notes that kdesupport is now taring for 20 minutes -.-09:41
apacheloggerdarn you oxygen, darn you!09:41
macono idea on window decorations though...i dont have any with the window manager i use09:42
DreadKnightmaco: yeah, i don't like plastik style that much as well, took me a while to get use with the fugly kde looks, but i had no choice... my hdd was broken and i was left without any ubuntu live cds... only have kubuntu live cd's at home (local distributor)09:42
DreadKnightmaco: what window manager is that? O_o09:42
macoit's a tiling window manager09:42
DreadKnightinteresting... like in blender 3d i guess09:42
Daskreechtried mutter?09:43
macothe wm is much more important than whether its GNOME or KDE to me09:43
DreadKnighti think window decorations should be deprecated long time ago, fucking kill the minimize/maximize/close buttons concept already >_<09:43
DreadKnighti so displike gnome3/-shell09:44
macoGNOME / KDE only determines which panel is displaying my clock & workspaces and which menu i see09:44
apacheloggerkubotu: np09:44
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Disco Lies (Freemasons Club Mix)" by Moby; see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more09:44
ryanakca-quasselrgreening: Did you get my new debdiff?09:45
freeflyingwell, ubuntuone will provide a backend for evolution09:47
DreadKnightcan anyone place and AIR on kde-look so it will work with karmic / kde 4.3 ? :\09:47
DreadKnightplace AIR *09:48
apacheloggerDaskreech: uh, nice read :D09:48
apacheloggerfreeflying: the evoluation data server I suppose?09:48
freeflyingapachelogger: should be09:48
* apachelogger notes that to his knowledge evolution and akonadi are much alike in terms of access and stuff09:48
Mamarokmaco: just added some stuff to the gobby doc09:48
apacheloggerakonadi is just more powerful and all09:49
freeflyingapachelogger: akonadi depends on mysql heavily09:49
apacheloggerthat doesn't matter at all for ubuntuone09:49
apacheloggerthe client would be talking to akonadi, not mysql09:50
freeflyingapachelogger: the point is no one know akonadi well in ubuntuone team, I soppose09:50
apacheloggerso someone gotta dive into it :P09:51
apacheloggerif people would always stick with the stuff they know, the word inovation would be not existing09:51
freeflyingapachelogger: totally agree with u09:52
Riddellapachelogger: will you be around for translations session at midday?09:54
RiddellI'd expect you have things to say on the topic09:54
freeflyingRiddell: translation on lp?09:56
macoMamarok, i added a comment under one of yours09:57
* apachelogger checks schedule09:59
Mamarokmaco: thx :)09:59
macodid it again :P09:59
Mamarokmaco: I never liked Quassel, it's just so complicated, and hsa hardly grown better in the last months10:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I actually wanted to go for some sushi around that time ;-)10:00
apacheloggergotta delay that I suppose10:00
Mamarokwith the end user in mind it's too complicated10:00
macoi havent really used konversation. looked like it was just xchat-qt though :P10:01
macoi switched to quassel from irssi for the ipv6 support (irssi falls over 4/5 of the time)10:01
macothe core/client thing is what's got me staying since someone offered use of their core and i didnt have anywhere to ssh to for irssi usage10:02
Hobbseethat can be fixed, maco10:03
macoyes, thank you jussi0110:03
Mamarokmaco: I use irssi in screen, but we should not forget the usability for non tech users, and those are the majority of our users10:04
macoMamarok, i dont think its any harder to use than xchat-gnome...certainly easier than xchat (the normal one) but *plz* get rid of the word "buffer"10:05
jussi01maco: +1 on that10:05
Mamarokmaco: I don't develop Quassel :)10:05
macoheh i know10:06
Mamarokmaco: ask SPut, he is the main developer AFAIK10:06
macoi just meant thats the largest usability thing i can think of: terminology10:06
jussi01Sput: is a super guy :D10:06
Mamarokbut true, "buffer" is a horrible world, as I said, a nerd tool for nerds, it's simply not noob user friendly10:06
macoother than that, not configurable toolbar, but sebas says thats fixed with ifdefs upstream so you can compile --enable-kde10:06
macoit was meant to be a nerd tool for nerds, but they did a lot of work to make it fit kubuntu and seem receptive to more usability fixes10:07
Nightroseyea imho latest quassel is very user friendly actually10:07
* Mamarok fires up Quassel and gets a look10:08
jussi01and the devs are very recptive to putting in usability fixes - you just need to tell them what they are...10:08
* Nightrose recommends having a look before judging it ;-)10:08
DreadKnighti agree10:08
rgreeningryanakca: yep,. I see it now. ty...10:10
rgreeningryanakca: hows kobby? :)10:10
MamarokNightrose: the one in KDE 4.3 is ok, surprised at the work done then,kudos!10:10
* Mamarok goes to remove some remarks on gobby10:10
apacheloggerrgreening: is ryanakca working on a package?10:11
Mamarokmaco: done :)10:12
rgreeningseveral apachelogger10:12
apacheloggerrgreening: well, on a package for kobby10:13
rgreeningI was, then he said he was, so I defer to him and I'll sponsor the upload.10:13
rgreeningapachelogger: how come u r not here?10:14
rgreeningu should be10:14
rgreeningbah work :P10:14
apacheloggerI will be 55 hours at work in 6 days starting tomorrow10:14
rgreeningryanakca: ping ping :P10:15
sebasmaco: toolbars aren't fixed upstream10:15
* Riddell backports konversaion to please the soyuz man10:15
sebasif someone wants to fix it, it'll be #IFDEFfery10:15
ryanakcargreening: Comming along, trying to find out all of the B-D, upstream didn't provide a list10:16
rgreeningah. yeah, I had noticed that too...10:16
rgreeningok, I'm going to review kdetoys now.10:17
apacheloggerryanakca: 50 bucks I get a package faster than you :P10:17
rgreeningapachelogger: hmm... I think thats a great challenge10:18
ryanakcaapachelogger: Heh10:18
ryanakcaapachelogger: I own the ITP in debian anyways... but you could try stealing it from me10:18
macosebas, oh i thought you said that --enable-kde made kde toolbars10:19
sebasnope, unfortunately10:19
rgreeningryanakca: did you get qtscriptgenerator done?10:21
Riddellrgreening: he came to me saying he was doing it10:22
Riddellso I assume it's in progress10:22
rgreeningjust like koffice2? did that build after so I can mark completge :P10:23
rgreeningRiddell: ^10:24
Riddellrgreening: yes it did10:25
rgreeningcool. Ill mark uploaded then10:25
ryanakcargreening: Hi, any idea about http://paste.ubuntu.com/181887/ ? Googling tells me that it requires /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/Source/Package/V3/quilt.pm , from dpkg-dev, but I already have it installed.10:27
apacheloggerlist-missing hooks sez the karmic libinfinity package is not installing everything10:28
Riddellryanakca: are you compiling on karmic or jaunty?10:28
Riddellit won't compile in jaunty10:29
Riddelldo you have an up to date debhelper and quilt in karmic?10:29
Riddelloh, you're only sitting over there10:29
ryanakcaRiddell: I'll try running debuild from inside a chroot10:29
Riddellsebas: grep geolocation kdebase-workspace-4.2.85/plasma/dataengines10:31
Riddellso that explains why it's not in the package10:31
ryanakcargreening: building10:35
sebasRiddell: Hm, I wouldn't know why it's missing from the beta, it's definitely in base10:37
sebas(trunk that is)10:37
rgreeningsebas, Riddell: maybe it couldn't locate itself :)10:39
Tm_TMamarok: you're collecting fanclub in ML I notice, perhaps other admins should make their "we are here too"10:40
MamarokTm_T: :) that would be great, yes :)10:42
Mamarokjussi01: ^^10:42
Riddellsebas: is it possible to set up the social applet with no configuration?  I'm thinking from a live CD it would be cool to see users near you with no setup at all10:42
sebasThat already works if you have the dataengine10:42
sebasI can make it switch to that tab immediately when there's nothing config'ed10:43
rgreeningQuintasan: ping10:48
rgreeningare you almost done with kdewebdev10:48
Mamarokjussi01: some support on the -users ML would be nice :)10:48
Mamarokas some ar wanting my head it seems, for putting a moderation flag on 2 users...10:49
Riddellhow's this?  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicIrc10:50
apacheloggerryanakca, rgreening: kobby ain't seems to be working with gobby.ubuntu.com10:56
ryanakcaRiddell: s/usability nad feature/usability and feature/ ...  Should we mention that if we'd like to use Quassel, but might have to switch if upstream isn't able to take care of the key features we want?10:56
rgreeningapachelogger: duh.. different protocol my friend :P10:56
* apachelogger notes the whole obby concept to be rather crappy10:57
rgreeninggobby uses old one, not new infinity one10:57
rgreeningyeah, it wasn't promoted/switched for jaunty10:57
macokobby and gobby-0.5 use infinity10:57
rgreeningkarmic will use new one10:57
macoum but gobby.ubuntu.com still uses obby10:57
apacheloggerthat is like... uh, ah, quassel ain't connecting to freenode because it only supports IRC 0.5 while freenode uses 0.4 :P10:57
Riddellryanakca: can do, please go ahead and edit10:57
macoso old one should still be avail in karmic so that *next time* we can still use it :P10:58
rgreeningdifferent ver of infinity.. not compatible.10:58
macothe server is on hardy, i think10:58
apacheloggerrgreening: so, what if someone comes to next UDS with jaunty gobby? :P10:58
macoor hardy!10:58
apacheloggerstill LTS10:58
macoDell is refusing to ship anything other than hardy (and upgrades are banned!) on their systems in Ireland10:59
ryanakcaapachelogger: I'm waiting for qtscriptgenerator to finish building, *sigh*10:59
RiddellScottK: how's the netbook stuff in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicPackaging now?10:59
apacheloggerryanakca: qtscriptgenerator? Oo10:59
\shdon't use dell then...10:59
apacheloggermaco: looking at jaunty I consider that a good idea actually :P11:00
Tm_Tapachelogger: son...11:00
macoapachelogger, i'm opposite11:01
macojaunty doesnt crash every damn day11:01
macoactually...rarely crashes if ever11:01
macohardy was AWFUL11:02
\shmaco: on server or desktop? hardy server never failed for us here...well, not using dell that is ;)11:02
apacheloggerryanakca: I am just waiting for the testbuilds to finish11:02
apacheloggerotherwise I am done11:02
macoi'm not using dell eiether11:02
macothe iwl4965 module sucked horribly in hardy11:03
\shmaco: well, every release crashed at some time at my place on different hardware platforms..11:03
apacheloggerryanakca: building in my staging ppa, feel free to use it ;-)11:03
\sh(desktop that is)11:03
macomy brother and i had identical laptops, except he used iwl3945 and i used iwl496511:03
ryanakcargreening: built, http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/qtscriptgenerator_0.1.0-3ubuntu1.debdiff11:04
macomine crashed daily, his didn't11:04
apacheloggerrgreening, ryanakca: we could launch a kubuntu infinity server :P11:04
macofor an actual desktop (not laptop), though....hardy's very nicely polished. it's what my mum & brother use11:04
apacheloggerbecause I'll have a kobby stack in like an hour11:04
apacheloggermaybe earlier depending on how long the ppa queue is11:05
* \sh needs to get his cluebat out and hit clueness into our ESX cluster maintainers...do not migrate vmware machines on a new cluster with an unsupported way...it fails and gives others strange problems like having only 1.7kB IO performance on everything which produces IO load11:05
yuriyapachelogger: here, listening?11:09
apachelogger<3 Riddell11:09
apacheloggeryuriy: of course11:09
Artemis_Fowlanybody can post me his/her *untouched* menu.lst file?11:10
Artemis_Fowlneed to run some tests...11:10
yuriyapachelogger: input? we don't really know much about translations here...11:12
ryanakcaapachelogger: Feel like getting libqinfinity into Debian?11:13
apacheloggernot me11:13
ryanakcaapachelogger: Then how did you get kobby building?11:13
ryanakcaOh, you've packaged it, just don't feel like maintaining, nevermind11:13
apacheloggerRiddell: there is no case where the pot generation breaks, is there?11:18
Riddellapachelogger: I don't know, there's no checking so it's hard to say11:18
Riddellit has happened, if our package name is different from the upstream .pot11:18
macodoes dragon use phonon or does it go directly to xine?11:20
yuriymaco: uses phonon11:22
rgreeningmaco: phonon had a xine backend. Dragon should use phonon to access the current backend11:22
rgreeningas all kde4 apps should be doing.11:22
yuriymaco: there may be a couple features it's going directly to xine for, I don't remember what right now11:23
macolike video?11:23
macoor does phonon handle video?11:23
apacheloggercross platform!11:24
apacheloggerconversion from .ts to .po(t) is pretty difficult actually11:24
apacheloggerone would have to implement a parser11:25
apachelogger.ts is essentially xml11:25
apacheloggerone can not convert at all :P11:25
apacheloggerthe .po will be completely broken11:25
apacheloggersince the gettext stuff is always behind the new .ts changes11:26
ryanakcargreening: built, http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/qtscriptgenerator_0.1.0-3ubuntu1.debdiff11:26
yuriymaco: phonon handles video. i mean some small feature, trying to find the entry. but it basically uses phonon to do its job11:27
apacheloggerupstream scripts11:32
macoyuriy, thanks11:34
apacheloggerthere could be non-standard pathed apps11:35
apacheloggerthere aren't11:35
apacheloggerall done via cmake macros making everything alike11:35
apacheloggerunity ftw11:36
apacheloggersomeone slience the people outside :P11:41
Riddellthey're in the next room11:42
Riddellthin walls here11:42
* Nightrose can't hear much on the live stream11:44
Nightroseare people really that silent?11:45
apacheloggerturn up the volume11:45
Nightrosei turned it up as much as i could ;-)11:45
apacheloggerwrong room :P11:45
Nightrosei am listening to 10 atm11:45
apacheloggerdunno then11:46
Simeis anyone here having luck running kde4 in Xephyr on 9.04? (keyboard don't work)11:48
apacheloggerRiddell: I'd like to think that koffice and k3b at some point will also change to $package-l10n-$lang instead of -i18n- .... I suppose we should poke the rosetta devs when that happens?11:49
apacheloggerwe could create a mapping list from upstream name to source package name11:51
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, the structure within kde-l10n is messages/PACKAGE/DOMAIN11:52
apacheloggere.g. messages/kdeedu/kfile_kig.po11:52
apacheloggeridea for automated QA: compare completness11:55
apacheloggerway easier than comparing the content, but still gives a good idea if there is a major breakage11:55
apacheloggerfrom my experience with KDE most translators do not read international lists11:59
Riddellapachelogger: koffice 2 uses koffice-l10n-xx and danillo has that written down to watch out for12:00
apacheloggeronly a matter of time for k3b then I suppose12:00
apacheloggerbetter write that down as well :D12:00
Riddellhe has12:00
RiddellSime: no problems here (in 9.10 but I've used it in 9.04 too in the past fine)12:03
apacheloggerNightrose: do you use kde-nightly?12:12
Nightroseapachelogger: installed but not logged in atm12:13
apacheloggergot time to test something?12:13
apacheloggerI might have got google talk working12:13
Nightrosewhat do i need to do?12:14
apacheloggerupdate kdesupport, install kdenetwork12:14
apacheloggerthen try to connect to google talk12:14
Nightrosewill take some time12:15
apacheloggerno problem12:15
apacheloggerI'll be leaving for sushi anyway12:15
Nightroseand you're not taking me with you?12:16
apacheloggerquite hungry I am ... listening to the people next to room 10 was quite exhausting :D12:16
apacheloggerNightrose: nah, though, yes, though, how12:16
apacheloggerain't gonna work12:16
apacheloggerwhen will kdesupport and kdepim stop conflicting on oxygen icons -.-12:17
apacheloggerthe bleeding edge is quite bleeding alright12:17
apachelogger=> sushi12:17
\shraw fish ... brrr ;)12:17
Tm_Tstraight from the river/lake12:18
\shsome good white bread sandwiches...some cold meat...a glas of coke -> et voila full featured lunch ;)12:19
rgreeningQuintasan: pinggggggggggggggggg13:21
cbrare there decent plymouth packages for karmic anywhere?13:49
apacheloggerSput: you know, there is an irc suite called sushi :D13:57
freeflyinghaha, sushi13:58
apacheloggerI would find it much more suited if it was written in ruby though :P14:00
Quintasanrgreening: poong14:03
apachelogger_doesn't look that bad TBH14:03
QuintasanI'll be back in ~30 minutes, I'm going to shop now14:06
apachelogger_ryanakca: still no kobby on revu?14:07
RiddellTonio_: you around today?14:13
ryanakcaapachelogger: No, I'm getting it into Debian14:13
Riddellthere's a new k3b alpha, it made me think of you :)14:13
ryanakcaapachelogger: At the moment, I'm trying to get libqinfinity building in there14:13
apacheloggerryanakca: that is going to delay the bitching about how gobby is using a different protocol than kobby though14:14
apacheloggerand I personally would get the bitching started right away14:14
apacheloggerryanakca: poke pkern once it builds14:14
apacheloggerand why is it not building anyway14:14
SimeRiddell: the keyboard in Xephyr isn't working. even with -kb. :-(14:16
Nightrosecan someone please check if "compare" files in the tools menu in dolphin is working when you select two files?14:17
Nightroseit used to work on intrepid for me and doesn't work on jaunty14:17
Nightrosenot sure which upgrade broke it though14:17
seaLnecould not parse diff  output?14:18
Tonio_Riddell: sure14:18
ryanakcaapachelogger: broken schroot / build environment.14:18
NightroseseaLne: ?  the menu item is grayed out here14:19
Tonio_I was stuck in the hotel this morning for a problem at work, but I'm arround now writting the 2 blueprints for samba file sharing and also usb-cretor-kde14:19
apacheloggerNightrose: install kompare14:19
Nightroseapachelogger: is installed14:19
Nightrosei am using it now14:19
Tonio_Riddell: I'll be going to the server sessions this afternoon also, for the active directory integration which I'm interested in14:19
seaLneNightrose: this is still 4.2.3 on this machine if it makes a difference?14:19
NightroseseaLne: same here14:20
seaLneNightrose: do you have kompare installed?14:21
NightroseseaLne: jep - installed and working14:21
rgreeningScottK: ping14:31
apacheloggerwebkitkde is the most weird14:35
Nightroseapachelogger: ok ready for testing - can i start nightly kopete in my non-nightly kde session?14:39
Nightroseor do i need to log out and into the nightly session?14:39
apacheloggermaybe, mabye not14:39
apacheloggernot worth testing14:39
apacheloggerI think the plugin is missing14:39
Nightroseheh ok14:39
apacheloggertrying to get a new package right now14:39
apacheloggeractually it might already be building14:40
apacheloggeror maybe not14:41
apacheloggerbecause yet another daily build project is unable to align it's build times to when there is absolutely nothing going on in the PPAs which is around 2 UTC14:41
* apachelogger should move project-neon to UTC afternoon or evening as well and add builds for all supported ubuntu versions14:42
apacheloggerafter all, you really want to have bleeding edge software deployed on 8.04, right?14:42
apacheloggerNightrose: build start in one hour14:43
apacheloggerthough I doubt that ... the queue is 43 builds long14:43
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, if you get a chance, could you find out why sometimes the PPA build cloud is uberbig and sometimes ubersmall?14:44
apacheloggerit certainly is not aligned by rush hours nor is there dynamic scaling going on14:44
apacheloggeror maybe it does bang bang14:45
ryanakcaHow can I get cyrillic in manpages? /usr/share/man/ru/* has some, but copy pasting from one of those to my manpage doesn't work. Upstream's name is russian (I think), and I'm having a hard time getting it to display with man14:45
JontheEchidnacould I get a sponsor for bug 380947?14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380947 in gtk2-engines-qtcurve "Please sponsor gtk2-engines-qtcurve 0.62.8-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38094714:46
ryanakcaapachelogger: I've put qtscriptgenerator's packaging in a bzr branch, should I push it to LP?14:46
ryanakcaapachelogger: should be14:46
apacheloggerbut make sure you have the VCS tags in debian/control14:46
apacheloggerand mail -devel14:46
ryanakcaYes, utf-8. And centainly to Jon or to me?14:46
apacheloggereven then I am sure no one will notice :P14:46
apacheloggerno clue about the manpage stuff14:47
apacheloggerryanakca: tried accessing the manpage via the man kioslave?14:47
Riddell~slooow internneett14:48
* apachelogger got uberfast one :P14:48
ryanakcaRiddell: verry. I'm typing faster than ssh can send :/14:49
apacheloggeroy vey14:49
Tonio_Riddell: yeah... I'm trying to get those blueprint added....14:50
ryanakcaapachelogger: Should I update it to point to ours? It's in debian's git14:52
apacheloggerI like to move it!14:52
ryanakcaapachelogger: Add or replace?14:53
Quintasanrgreening: I'm sure I send you a debdiff14:54
apacheloggera chromium build takes one hour14:54
rgreeningQuintasan: can you resend...14:55
Quintasanrgreening: http://pastebin.com/f3a278f7d14:55
apacheloggerdoes that darn build run tests or something... kdebase takes that long and kdebase got a lot more functionallity than just showing some 90's intartube pages14:55
ryanakcargreening: Did you upload qtscriptgenerator ?14:55
rgreeningryanakca: not yet... soon14:56
ryanakcargreening: wait, more changes14:56
apacheloggerscratch that14:56
rgreeningok. cool14:56
apacheloggerit takes 2 hours14:56
apacheloggerthat is a PITA14:56
* apachelogger goes denting14:56
ryanakcaapachelogger: I have to create the project?14:57
seelewhat is the agenda for kubunt karmic community? i'll only be able to listen for a few minutes before i have to leave for a meeting15:00
apacheloggeroh dear, the chromium builds really do tests15:02
* apachelogger goes for some painkillers15:02
ryanakcaapachelogger: Done. Now that I think of it, it would've been wiser to import the Debian branch into LP and then add our changes to it, but oh well.15:02
apacheloggerryanakca: only if you want to constantly remerge with debian which is not worth the effort IMHO15:03
apacheloggeronce the distributed development goes live all over ubuntu this should be way easier anyway15:03
* apachelogger tunes in room 315:07
apacheloggerand hears sebas15:07
apacheloggerthe amount of PPA builders is decreasing15:08
apacheloggerRiddell: I would be really interested in how that cloud works15:08
seelehmm.. can't really hear anyone well.. not sure if they are "projecting"15:12
apacheloggernot yet15:13
jussi01someone want to quickly point me to the page which describes how to get connected with UDS voip?15:13
apacheloggerok, that discussion is weird15:14
jussi01thanks seele15:14
Nightrosevery :D15:14
* jussi01 now just has to figure out whats happening in each room...15:15
Riddellwe're in room 315:15
Nightrosewho is talking atm?15:15
Riddellnobody right now15:15
ScottKNightrose: The woman that was asking about Roman?15:16
Riddellfemale voice will be maco15:16
Nightroseheya maco then ;-)15:16
apacheloggerRiddell: I just had a great idea, you could put aluminium foil at the walls15:17
apacheloggerthat should prevent crosstalk :D15:17
apacheloggeroy, that was geeky15:17
Nightrosetinfoilhats!!! :D15:17
* apachelogger goes hide under a rock15:17
macoits quite warm here in the kubuntu room15:18
seeleis the prototype online that we can see?15:19
apacheloggerwith so manyhot people the room must be warm really :P15:19
apacheloggersuppose the qt love t-shirts don't help either :P15:19
macomost of this place is FREEZING15:20
macoi had a jacket on15:20
jussi01Im hearing some random guy talking Moblin...15:20
jussi01hrm... would help if they put them up in order... was in room 11 :/15:21
jussi01alrighty... there we go. when does the session start?15:22
Riddellwe're in room 3 talking about DX work15:22
davidbarthScottK: dx-karmic-kde-integration15:22
jussi01Riddell: its hard to hear you guys15:22
ScottKdavidbarth: tHANKS.15:22
apacheloggeryou know, gobby's document list is a joke15:22
apacheloggerat least some kind of grouping would be fine, better yet => search15:23
macouser should be alphabetical too15:23
macomaybe kobby does it better?15:23
apacheloggerdidn't get a chance to check since it doesn't connect to gobby.ubuntu.com :P15:23
* apachelogger could start an infinityd probably15:24
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
seelehuh.. kindof hard to follow without a screenshot or something :(15:24
macohe showed regular ol notify-send15:25
macothen the white box in the middle wtih black text15:25
macoand now good ol' black bubble knotify15:25
macothere will be a video made available15:27
apacheloggermaco: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot037.png15:27
macoapachelogger, nice15:28
apacheloggerthat might however be a infinityd feature15:28
apacheloggerwhich is one more reason to abandon the old obby stuff and upgrade :D15:28
macohes too close to the camera!15:28
apacheloggerI think I like kobby15:29
apacheloggerryanakca: we should push it into ubuntu ASAP to get feedback for upstream15:30
sebasseele: can you follow us?15:30
* Nightrose can't really follow tbh15:30
macoseele, what he demod was a notify-osd-shaped bubble but it was colored to match plasma15:30
macoso clear like his current theme, and if he put fluffy bunny, that looked right too15:31
apacheloggerfluffy bunny \o/15:31
seelesebas: not really15:31
seelei have no idea wha tyou gues are talking about :(15:31
sebasdiscussing how to upstream the proof of concept aurelien did15:32
sebasit's basically the gnome desktop implementation using Plasma::Theme15:32
seelequestion: is their OSD themable? so if you change the plasma theme would the osd display be changed to match?15:32
sebasseele: yes15:32
sebasIt doesn't grow out of the panel though for example15:32
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping15:33
sebasand no [x] button on it15:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong15:33
macoseele, theres is not themeable. this would match plasma unlike theirs15:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: got a kobby build for jaunty... where to publish it?15:33
apacheloggermy ppa?15:33
apacheloggernot at all?15:33
apacheloggerwanna give it a try first?15:33
JontheEchidnaexperimental sounds fine, though15:33
ryanakcaapachelogger: I'm willing to try it15:33
Nightroseme too15:34
seelesebas: is the position of the plasma osd still in the top right or can it be configured?15:34
sebastop right15:34
sebasunlike jobs and everything15:34
seeleis the message indicator in the bottom panel?15:34
macoi think itll still do 1 at a time...which i like...because knotify creates a wall of notifications blocking my email all the time :P15:35
macoi dont see a message indicator on his screen right now15:35
macobut then, he doesnt have pidgin running right now15:35
macoso it could just be hiding15:35
seelehmm.. should ask if the message indicator is going to be in the bottom panel15:35
sebasthe message indicator is not there yet15:35
seelebecause it doesnt make sense to create a separation between the message display and the message indicator15:35
seelein gnome, all of their stuff is at the top, so when the message is displayed, there is a positional relationship to the indicator15:36
* sebas brings that up15:36
macoi think configurable position for bubbles is on the list of things they want to do anyway15:36
seelebut if there is space between the display and indicator, that relationship is weakened15:36
macosince users are whining about it15:36
seelemaco: it seemed like positioning was something they werent going to compromise on15:36
macothey said not as the first thing but maybe as they revise things15:37
macothen maybe color / position could be configurable15:37
Nightroseapachelogger: which packages are needed?15:37
macoso i took it as "not in jaunty, but maybe later"15:37
apacheloggerNightrose: kobby and infinityd15:37
apacheloggerinfinoted --security-policy=no-tls15:37
apacheloggerthat should start the server and spit out a port to which you can connect using kobby15:38
macothey wont share the docs though between gobby and kobby15:38
macoer, obby and infinote15:39
apacheloggergobby-0.5 uses infinote anyway ;-)15:39
ScottKInfinote Gobby/Kobby aren't on the wire compatible with the current Gobby.15:39
sebasseele: can you hear us at least?15:39
apacheloggerneversfelde: did you restar the server?15:39
seelesebas: yes15:39
Nightrosewho's talking now? much better to understand15:39
seeleNightrose: kwwii15:39
sebasI'm following here, so just throw things at me15:39
sebasIt's rgreening15:39
ryanakcaapachelogger: feel free to put your package into (K)Ubuntu15:39
seelelol they sound the same15:39
sebasNo, Ken's bitching much more15:39
apacheloggerrgreening can be pretty bitching as well15:40
apacheloggerryanakca: nah, ppa until 1.015:40
apacheloggerbut we need to have it somewhere to support upstream15:41
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: got packages for karmic?15:41
apacheloggerryanakca, Nightrose: please report if it works15:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just change the changelog entry15:41
neversfeldeapachelogger: when?15:42
ryanakcaapachelogger: Yes. You weren't interested in comaintaining the packages in Debian? You did all the work (well, on the lib, I'll probably end up using your package... kobby, mine), so I don't want to really take your credit....15:42
apacheloggerryanakca: you can be maintainer without taking credit :P15:43
neversfeldeapachelogger: last time 12 days ago15:43
apacheloggerI don't really have time to mess with debian sponsoring these days15:43
apacheloggerneversfelde: it pretty much borked something :P15:43
apacheloggercan't login to chroot15:43
neversfeldeapachelogger: mhh, I will have a look at it15:43
seelemaco: sebas already brought that up15:44
seeleoh maybe not15:44
sebasI did, but it wasn't picked  up I think15:45
macoi missed him saying it, but there definitely wasnt any response to it, so...15:45
sebasit didn't hurt anyway :>15:45
seelesebas: what would be really useful is if they would develop some system to support logic of if and how to display a notification15:45
sebaslogic like?15:46
seelesebas: e.g. if it is a "low" priority notification, some type of logic that decides how it is displayed15:46
sebasOK, right.15:46
seelefor example, some research suggests that messages whcih are longer or contain questions are more valuable than messages with urls15:46
sebasAnd "length of text" -> "how long is it shown"15:46
seeleand so maybe we could optimize how the user is alerted of more valuable messages compared to those which are not as valuable15:46
sebaswould priorities be fully dynamic, or do apps set them?15:46
seeleso maybe only a beep if it isnt valuable, but the popup if it is, etc.15:47
apacheloggerryanakca: for the libqinfinity you might want to take a close look at it ... I just did a quick roll, so there might be issues15:47
macoseele, priority is in there now15:47
apacheloggeralso debian might want that you list the copyright holders of the cmake modules ;-)15:47
macoscreenshots have been posted15:47
* maco hunts15:47
seelemaco: i'm talking about *real* priority -- calculating context etc.15:47
seelei dont think they do that15:47
ryanakcaapachelogger: I think they will. Sorry, where are the packages?15:47
seeleand the priority color is only for testing, it's not part of the design15:48
apacheloggerryanakca: https://edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/staging15:48
apacheloggerthere are 3 other copyright holders on the cmake modules15:48
apacheloggerother than that the package should be fine15:48
apacheloggeroh, I didn't create a manpage15:48
apacheloggerthey might be grumpy about that too ;-)15:48
seelesebas: i dont know if it would be easier for apps to handle those decisions or not. it seems like applications should be agnostic about that sort of thing and only provide high level management of messages15:49
seeleand then have some other layer which is smarter look at *all* messages, not just a single app, to make decisions15:49
sebassomething that could go into the lib Mirko suggested, I'll bring it up15:49
sebasseele: anything on "panel at bottom"?15:49
seelethen it could do something like learn that all emails and messages and irc pings from sebas are high priority, but from Riddell hide them all15:49
sebas(Jono's question)15:49
sebasnepomuk ...15:50
seelesebas: i think panel location is personal preference. people coming from mac osx might prefer it at the top, but i think windows users prefer it on the bottom15:50
seelenepomuk integration into notification heuristics would be hot15:50
seeletop panels in osx make more sense because the panel takes over as the window menu and window bar15:51
macofirefox is not conducive to googling15:51
macoits just spinning my cpu15:51
Nightroseapachelogger: seems to work but the whole connection and creating new file on server needs _a lot_ of work15:52
Nightrosethat is totally confusing atm15:52
apacheloggerwell, it follows what gobby does15:52
* Nightrose took way to long to figure out how to create a new doc15:52
apacheloggerwhich is even more confusing15:52
apacheloggerNightrose: hm, was pretty obvious to me :P15:52
macomy panel's at top because gnome got me used to it and so then its close to my file menu and such15:53
Nightrosewell it lets you create a new local doc and hides the non-local creating of docs15:53
Nightrosethat's bad15:53
ryanakcaapachelogger: server?15:53
Nightrosefor a collaborative editor15:53
sebasOK, panel location is offtopic atm though15:53
apacheloggerryanakca: a public test server for kobby15:53
Nightrosealso needs better default user name15:54
ryanakcaapachelogger: public test server?16:02
seelewe always have a session which talks about defaults16:02
apacheloggerryanakca: a server people can use to try kobby without having to start their own local daemon16:03
apacheloggerNightrose: don't bitch to me, bitch to upstream :P16:03
Nightroseapachelogger: that *sigh* was for the stream not you ;-)16:03
Nightroseand yea I will16:03
apacheloggerpoor stream16:03
macoi actually would like to use notify-osd *if* i have the message indicator (for actions) and *if* it fits the desktop because knotify's wall of bubbles is annoying16:03
apacheloggermaco: the wall is going away in kde 4.3 really16:04
ryanakcaapachelogger: gobby.0x539.de , port 652316:06
apacheloggerok :D16:06
ryanakcaapachelogger: Kubuntu test ....16:07
apacheloggermaco: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot004.png and http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot005.png16:08
apacheloggerryanakca: should that file contain content?16:09
* apachelogger tunes in room eleven16:11
* Nightrose can't connect to that server16:12
Nightroseand kobby doesn't give any error message16:12
Nightroseah now it gave me a timed out message16:15
Nightroseapachelogger: ^16:15
apacheloggercan't connect any longer16:16
apacheloggermaybe the daemon crashed :P16:16
seelewhat's the agenda for the kubuntu community session?16:16
Riddellseele: from my side, council membership16:16
Riddellseele: so one question is do you want to continue being on the council?16:17
seeleRiddell: i was planning on it unless people dont want me to16:17
* nixternal wants you to16:18
apacheloggerhm, as I noted earlier already ... community is overrated16:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: copied the kobby stack to experimental waiting for it to publish16:19
apacheloggeralso have libqinfinity at hand for karmic16:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you probably should blog about it... aggregate testing for kobby16:20
apacheloggerso make sure you mention ways to reach upstream16:20
macoapachelogger, so youre saying the wall is foldable?16:20
Nightrosewho's talking in room 11?16:20
apacheloggerI can fold anything16:20
Nightroseapachelogger: JontheEchidna: have a wiki page to collect feedback for upstream and then send it to them as a whole16:21
Nightrosei can do that16:21
apacheloggerwho is taking in room eleven16:21
apacheloggerand why does he not use icecream?16:21
apacheloggerespecially at UDS I would exect every kubutnu dood to use icecream :P16:22
apacheloggeryummy... icecream16:22
RiddellNightrose: want to stay on the council?16:22
apacheloggerNightrose: stuff should go http://github.com/greghaynes/kobby/issues16:23
apacheloggerif upstream wants a monster sized wiki page, he can have that as well :P16:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: published16:23
NightroseRiddell: if you have someone in mind to fill my spot i'm ok with giving it away - otherwise i am fine with doing it another cycle16:23
nixternalapachelogger: kobby doesn't work well yet, can't use it with gobby.ubuntu.com16:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: uploading for karmic16:24
apacheloggernixternal: we discussed that earlier16:24
nixternalI mean it works if you have an xmpp server16:24
apacheloggergobby.ubuntu.com is using the ages old obby protocol16:24
nixternalit is going to be kick ass though16:24
apacheloggergobby 0.5 as well as kobby use the new infinity protocol16:24
apacheloggerso in the long run kobby should work with gobby.ubuntu.com at some point ;-)16:25
apacheloggera mail to kubuntu-devel a day, keeps the spammers away16:25
ryanakcaapachelogger: Yes, it should contain something16:26
apacheloggercan you still connect to that server?16:27
apacheloggerI failed at 2nd try16:27
nixternalheh, I just realized I expired from the council16:27
nixternaldidn't even get an email16:28
shtylmanjust found this in some openoffice kde integration code: #define COMMA      ','16:28
shtylman#define SEMI_COLON ';'16:28
sebascomma has its own define as well16:28
shtylmanwhen does comma ever change??!16:28
sebasreally nice, if the rest of the code is similar ... good luck :D16:28
nixternalRiddell: right, I will stand down, time for fresh blood16:28
apacheloggernixternal: I cut myself when making breakfast today, that was pretty fresh blood as well ;-)16:29
ScottKclaydoh: Are you around?16:30
JontheEchidnashtylman: my father once made a program that used semicolon.h, comma.h, and similar for fun16:30
sebasYou could probably copy that verbatim to thedailywtf16:30
nixternaloverloading the semicolon and the comma16:31
* JontheEchidna wonders if he still has a copy around16:31
Nightrose#kubuntu being smaller is a good thing!16:32
Nightrosesame for the forum16:32
seeletime for meeting.. ttyl16:32
JontheEchidnahmm... where can I dump this...16:32
Nightrosewe could have a bot in #kubuntu or here post forum topics like we do in #amarok16:33
Nightrosehelps a lot with getting questions answered in our forum16:33
nixternalyikes, it is run on a windows server?16:34
apacheloggerif so, in a sperated channel16:34
Nightroseis the kubuntu forum big enough for flood?16:34
apacheloggermost people here and #kubuntu aren't using the forums at all16:34
Nightroseright that's the problem16:34
Nightroseone that can be solved16:34
apacheloggerNightrose: actually I am fine with them not working in the forums if they choose so16:35
apacheloggerI rather have someone do bug triage then hunt down answers in the forums16:35
nixternalI have server space if needed, but it would be cool if we had kubuntuforums.org that went to ubuntuforums.org, just with a Kubuntu theme and kubuntu specific forums16:35
Nightroseapachelogger: well yea - but if people who have time and will to answer questions they should have the means to do so16:35
apacheloggerthey can sign up to the rss feeds16:35
apacheloggerthat is what the bot would be doing anyway16:35
JontheEchidnaheh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182151/16:36
Nightroseright but how many people do that? having an irc bot makes it much easier16:36
apacheloggerwell, setup a bot and get a channel :P16:36
apacheloggercrosstalk in room eleven!16:37
ryanakcaapachelogger: kobby broke, it crashed and refuses to reconnect to a server :/16:37
apacheloggerwhat a crap16:37
apacheloggerryanakca: localhost still works :D16:38
apacheloggerfor me at least16:38
apacheloggereven though my kobby also crashed16:38
apacheloggerhaving it say Kubuntu on bko16:42
apacheloggeris rather important16:43
apacheloggerfor branding purpose16:43
apacheloggeraye aye sir16:43
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.16:43
nixternalRiddell: I can do tutorials!16:43
nixternalI will teach people how to drink Tequilla properly16:44
freeflyingnixternal: what is Tequilla16:44
Riddellfamily distro!16:45
nixternalsee, I have to teach you :)16:45
nixternalRiddell: families drink tequilla16:45
freeflyingnixternal: oh man16:45
nixternalI am tired of documentation16:45
nixternalonly Google burittos16:45
ryanakcanixternal: You could do some advertising, you were *awesome* at promoting Ubuntu Classroom...16:46
nixternalProject Euler with Qt16:46
apacheloggerthe fan is back16:46
* apachelogger shudders16:46
nixternalhaha, I heard it16:46
ryanakcafan? The high pitch weezing?16:47
nixternalteach people C++ and Qt so they can rewrite a killer KHC :p16:47
apacheloggerKHC makes me cry16:47
nixternalfinal cut is on the pirate bay, it is free ;p16:47
apacheloggerbut  more important ... write a lib so that upstream can make his applications package aware :P16:48
nixternalproprietary users don't buy their software, we all know that16:48
nixternalactually I wasn't kidding :16:48
nixternalI can do Qt designer16:48
nixternalI have become the master of it, took a class on it recently :)16:48
nixternalbecause I don't use qt designer to create interfaces16:49
* apachelogger sends nixternal his Qt book to learn the real stuff :P16:49
nixternalI have all ofthe books already16:49
* apachelogger has loads of books to place his coffe cups on16:49
nixternalapachelogger: there are Qt classes right by my house, so I take the ones they always offer16:49
nixternalthey just did Qt Designer16:49
apacheloggersounds sensible16:49
* ryanakca doesn't have any Qt books...16:49
nixternalI have every Qt4 book16:50
nixternalFoundations of Qt Development has been my favorite thus far16:50
ScottKI have one Qt4 book.  I've never gotten around to opening it.16:50
* apachelogger throws away a cup and grabs the book underneath it16:50
ryanakcaAnd I wish Haskell had bindings for Qt..16:50
nixternaland the Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt is good16:50
yuriy<--- it's right there Riddell16:50
nixternalryanakca: Qt based Xmonad!16:50
apacheloggerforeword .................................................................................................................... ix16:50
apacheloggerpreface .................................................................................................................................. xi16:50
nixternalScottK: no it isn't16:51
nixternalerr, rgreening16:51
apacheloggernah, wirting it is too much work16:51
nixternalThelin's book on the foundations is the best16:51
apacheloggerryanakca: I'll come by for coffee one day :P16:51
nixternalrgreening: it is the Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt16:51
ryanakcanixternal: Cool, never head of it before, I'll apt-get later :)16:51
nixternalthat is an awesome book16:51
nixternalit actually taught me Python better than any other Python book16:51
nixternalI am drinking coffee16:52
apacheloggerso you can now construct the utimate mess?16:52
apacheloggerlike, the perfect mess16:52
nixternalit's 5 o'clock somewhere16:52
ScottKnixternal: What's in the coffee16:52
apacheloggerthe omega particle16:52
nixternali can't spell that16:52
Riddellspec notes https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicCommunity16:53
apacheloggeroh dear16:53
* apachelogger falls off chair16:53
nixternalI actually just wrote some stuff for jcastro in pygtk, i don't think it could be any easier16:54
JontheEchidnaTonio__: yo, I fixed k3b16:54
Tonio__JontheEchidna: what was the issue ?16:54
JontheEchidnaTonio__: it requires an svn snapshot of polkit-qt16:54
Tonio__JontheEchidna: looks like the problem was more in that libpolit-qt right ?16:54
Tonio__JontheEchidna: okay that's what I suspected :)16:55
JontheEchidnayeah, I updated the polkit-qt snapshot and merged with debian16:55
JontheEchidna(we could probably sync since they patch up to the svn snapshot)16:55
Tonio__JontheEchidna: does polkit-qt build against debian-qt-kde ?16:55
nixternali got involved with kubuntu development because debian became to stale for me at the time and warren woodford was a pita over at mepis16:55
JontheEchidnaTonio__: debian is using a from-scratch debhelper thing in debian/rules16:55
Tonio__JontheEchidna: if so then we probably need to reupload packagekit-kde using this instead of kde4.mk16:56
Tonio__JontheEchidna: ouch..... that's ugly16:56
nixternaland then in 2005 I made a cool nick and people bowed at my feet, so I stayed :p16:56
apacheloggerthey did?16:56
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
apacheloggerthose very crazy times obviously16:56
Tonio_apachelogger: there is probably a reason for that, as I had weird troubles in using pkg-kde-tools with it16:56
JontheEchidnaTonio_: k3b just got a second alpha, which I'm almost done updating (pbuilding with fixed polkit-qt)16:57
nixternali became addicted during the dapper flight 1 timeline16:57
Tonio_apachelogger: ho maybe that one was not for me :)16:57
apacheloggerwell, maybe not :P16:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: now I hae to patch k3b for package installation as we do with amarok :)16:57
apacheloggerthough, it doesn't matter, does it?16:57
JontheEchidnaTonio_: want me to send you what I have?16:57
* apachelogger takes his pony and finds something to drink16:57
ryanakcargreening: My qtscriptgenerator changes are in bzr, lp:~kubuntu-members/qtscriptgenerator/ubuntu ...16:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: well I can't build here I'm using a netbook16:57
JontheEchidnaTonio_: no reason to waste two uploads if it can be done in one16:57
JontheEchidnaah, ok16:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'll be at home on vacation on monday, we can make a point then16:58
JontheEchidnasounds like a plan16:58
Tonio_JontheEchidna: and thanks a lot for the fix :) I didn't have time to do that myself so that's cool, really16:58
JontheEchidnaTonio_: no problem. I'll probably push what I have to kubuntu-experimental for the moment16:58
Tonio_JontheEchidna: cool :)16:58
apacheloggerI am always hardworking on borkage :P16:59
nixternalhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear/graphics/kiconedit/kiconediticon.cpp?r1=721628&r2=966341 <- that is the latest code I have wrote for KDE, not much, but at least you can save again in kiconedit :p16:59
* JontheEchidna notices that 200,000 commits have gone by16:59
apachelogger999999 is soon to be hunted down :P17:00
nixternallol ya17:00
* apachelogger needs to score that in addition to the 66666617:00
nixternali didn't even realized people still used icon editors like that17:00
JontheEchidnayay, k3b was my last kdelibs4c2a rdepend17:01
apacheloggernixternal: well, they still use webbrowsers...17:01
nixternallike me?17:02
apacheloggeryou do?17:02
JontheEchidnabye-bye kde317:02
nixternalI am a toublesome developer!17:02
apacheloggerkubotu: order brain17:02
* kubotu shouts: OMG!!!!! RED ALERT! We lost a brain. Get me a medic, NOW!17:02
nixternalScottK: you love kmos dude!17:02
apacheloggerdo I know that dood as well?17:03
apacheloggerdid I like him?17:03
apacheloggerI am sure I liked him17:03
nixternalScottK beat the hell out of me during that time, so did Hobbsee....my arse still hasn't grown back from those days17:03
sebasScottK: ettrich has those redrawing issues, can you suggest workarounds?17:03
apacheloggerScottK: there is a PPA with the intrepid xorg stack IIRC17:04
apacheloggersebas: ^17:04
nixternalwas that Lurch doing the UDS Staff thing? "Tiiiiimmeeee"17:05
ScottKettrich: Do you have Intel video?17:05
ettrichScottK: GeForce17:06
nixternalrgreening: hahaha, we have been saying that forever, a Kubuntu Psychologist17:06
ScottKettrich: OK.  Thanks.17:06
apacheloggernixternal: who?17:06
apacheloggerah, nvm17:06
nixternalhaha, Claire is kicking you all out17:07
JontheEchidnaTonio_: got a new file, where do you think /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.k3b.setup.conf would go?17:08
=== geser_ is now known as geser
ryanakcaettrich: Hi, if I remember correctly, jockey-kde will select the best nVidia driver for your system17:09
ScottKettrich: It's probably a video driver issue.  ryanakca has experience with nVida like GeForce.17:09
JontheEchidnathere's also this new k3bsetup binary and kcm. I threw the binary in with k3b.install and the kcm in libk3b6 along with the other kcms17:09
ryanakcaettrich: what card?17:09
ettrichryanakca: 8600 GTS17:10
ryanakcaettrich: and what version of the driver do you have installed? ``dpkg -l | grep nvidia-glx''17:11
ettrichryanakca: the one that jockey recommends, the nvidia-glx-18017:12
ryanakcaettrich: Sorry, I'm not sure, according to the nVidia website, it's the right one. Maybe try reinstalling? Can you reproduce the issue with an older kernel?17:14
ettrichryanakca: hmm... maybe I switched that driver later, I can't seem to be able to reproduce the problem anymore. Or kmail got scared of seeing me using evolution17:14
ryanakcaettrich: Hehe, pleased to hear that :)17:15
apacheloggerryanakca must be an evoluationlover17:16
* sebas >> hotel17:18
ettrichryanakca: the biggest problem when starting a few KDE applications on jaunty was the look and feel: wrong colors, wrong GUI style. I mean, I new I knew that I had to install systemsettings and kdebase so I could set the appearance to gtk+, but I was only a person testing this, I would have thought that KDE apps simply don't look and feel right on gnome.17:19
ettrichryanakca: given that this was the biggest problem, it means there are almost no problems :-) Would be nice if we could fix this somehow, pure Qt4 apps work well out of the box.17:20
* ryanakca >> keysigning party17:20
Riddellettrich: so KDE apps should use the qt gtk theme when running under gnome?17:20
ettrichRiddell: I don't know, this is one option, maybe a bit too drastic? At least as long as there was no KDE style defined (because even the configuration module isn't installed), this is a good default, I think.17:22
Riddellettrich: well good timing in your request, we're at the ubuntu developer summit so I can take a look and note to get that done this cycle17:27
cbrwhy is kdebase-runtime explicitly dependent on libxine?17:27
JontheEchidnacbr: probably so that phonon-backend-xine gets pulled in over phonon-backend-gstreamer (which is a buggy pile of fail)17:28
Riddellit's the phonon xine config module which adds the dependency17:28
Riddellwe could split that out if we ever moved away from xine17:29
cbri have only the gstreamer backend installed though17:29
ettrichRiddell: excellent, thanks :)17:29
Riddellcbr: why do you choose gstreamer backend?17:40
cbrdunno, i thought that since gnome stuff uses it anyhow, i might as well use that17:40
cbris it bad?17:40
Riddellnot if it works :)17:40
Riddellthe amarok people are fairly insistent that it doesn't work17:41
Riddelland it misses dvd menus17:41
cbri mainly use it for kopete jingles17:41
cbrbut now i installed xine backend, because i can't uninstall xine anyway17:42
* Riddell goes for a swim17:43
lex79JontheEchidna: have you time to upload one package?17:46
JontheEchidnalex79: I'm working on you texmaker one right now17:47
lex79JontheEchidna: lol17:47
apacheloggerRiddell: AFAIK markey worked for years with gstream ... didn't like it too much, also he made the Amarok 1.4 gstreamer backend, so he should know for sure :D17:52
apacheloggerNightrose: now kopete _should_ be working18:43
apachelogger-rw-r--r-- root/root    298384 2009-05-27 16:25 ./opt/project-neon/plugins/crypto/libqca-ossl.so18:44
apacheloggerIf I am not mistaken that should be the appropriate plugin18:44
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apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot006.png all new fancy image support in notification hrrhrr18:54
apacheloggerfeaturing Nightrose 718:54
yuriydamn, I think I lost everybody. sebas ?19:14
apacheloggerthat is why everyone should be wearing a tracking device19:22
apacheloggerI am off till sunday19:22
apacheloggermaybe longer19:22
apacheloggershould be on mid next week again19:22
txwikinger_workjaunty is really good... with more than 2GB of RAM20:10
txwikinger_workless than that.. unfortunately far too much swapping20:10
* Mamarok is sick of these network problems in Jaunty, couldn't we backport the new widget?20:13
ScottKMamarok: The newest we have packaged is in jaunty-proposed.20:21
MamarokScottK: and does it work?20:21
ScottKMamarok: It seems to work better for more people.  Still not perfect.20:22
ScottKMamarok: You can also install and use the old KNetworkManager.  It works as well as it always did.20:22
ScottKI'm actually using that at the moment because I broke the plasma one today.20:23
Mamarokok, thx, will suggest that then20:23
ScottKMamarok: For people doing a new install, if the plasma widget doesn't work on the Live CD (it actually works for a lot of people, myself included), then KNetworkManager is on the DvD.20:24
Mamarokfunny, the widget always worked nice for me20:25
Mamarokthe strangest was that chap who did an upgrade and had a KDE4 lacking everything, widgets, panet, everything20:25
Mamarokjust the cashew icon was around20:25
* Mamarok really needs water now, thirsty...20:26
ScottKFor a moment I thought you said he was lacking pants.  I should probably go to bed.20:26
MamarokI need eyedrops and something to drink20:26
Mamarok(i just wrote frink...)20:26
JontheEchidnagcc 4.4 is teh hotness20:26
nixternalI am always hanging out with a fox!20:39
nixternaldang, daskreach isn't around for that one, will have to show him later20:40
voriantron guy20:44
voriannixternal: when was penguicon?20:44
Tm_Tnixternal: this is sick http://www.flickr.com/photos/specialkevin/357040237320:44
voriani like the big boy photos also20:45
Tm_Tsabdfl: hi, have to say that CC meeting discussion about UbuntuOne was good20:46
sabdflhi Tm_T - yes, it was interesting and useful20:46
* Mamarok misses yet another UDS...20:47
Mamarokhi sabdfl20:47
sabdflare you guys tracking UDS remotely?20:47
Tm_TMamarok: I have missed them all, also Akademys20:47
Tm_Tsabdfl: not unfortunately, family is keeping me busy20:48
MamarokTm_T: you shouldn't, it's really great20:48
Tm_TMamarok: I know, but life haven't been that good to me yet to allow that to happen20:48
Mamaroksabdfl: when my time allows it, but work has me in the grip these days20:49
MamarokTm_T: will miss you in Gran Canaria then?20:50
Tm_TMamarok: yes, unless someone pops in and offer to pay me the trip entirely ):20:50
MamarokTm_T: yep, quite a distance20:50
Tm_Thi all you who have some extra money, my efforts to bring linux into schools etc is needing some funding (;)20:50
* Tm_T hides20:50
* Tm_T shakes his head, can't even have a properly working pc for myself these days20:51
MamarokTm_T: you should know that sabdfl is deaf on that ear :)20:51
Tm_TMamarok: ...I didn't aim to him actually, that was kind of a joke (:)20:52
Tm_Tas I don't expect to gather funding around here anyway (:)20:52
MamarokTm_T: and I have nothing left right now, with customers not paying their bills...20:52
Tm_TMamarok: aye, soon trying to get some EU money, but thats not gonna be easy20:57
nixternalTm_T: that is tron guy dude21:03
nixternalvorian: it was the beginning of the month21:03
Tm_Tnixternal: I know, but still21:03
Viper550hmm, would dark UI's be good for system installers?21:04
Tm_TViper550: depends how it is done21:04
nixternaldark ui's are never good21:04
Tm_Tnixternal: for me it has to be dark21:04
Viper550I kinda got this dark blue-grey storm-cloud-ish motif going on in this installer I'm working on21:05
Viper550it's suprisingly looking quite hot.21:05
* Viper550 loves you qt4 CSS21:05
* Mamarok calls it a day, gn8 everyone21:09
Tm_Twe really should look incomimg netbook-Plasma for Karmic21:17
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
Tm_Tlet's see if UDS website doesn't crash my browser anymore21:22
Viper550any way to just "add" icons to a UI in qt-designer?21:27
neversfeldeViper550: probably the wrong channel here, you should try kde-devel or something like that?21:29
claydohScottK: very belated pong21:29
Viper550Tm_T, if anything, this installer might end up being like that new "full-screen" mode on the GUI ubuntu installer21:36
claydohMamarok: we do have some support in the mailing list :)21:58
Tonio_hi there22:12
Tm_Thi Tonio_22:14
Tm_Taaand good night too (:22:15
Tonio_Tm_T: :) hav a good night22:15
neversfeldeis there a list of all packages, which are on the kubuntu cd?22:37
Riddellneversfelde: see the .manifest and .list files which exist alongside the ISOs22:50
Riddellalso the seeds in bzr and the germinate output, URLs on KubuntuFiles wiki page22:50
neversfeldeRiddell: ok, thank you22:50
nixternalhey, with kdesdk-script, how come we don't include, well the /scripts directory? there are a lot of good files in there23:03
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Riddellnixternal: we include whatever gets installed23:05
nixternalwell none of the /scripts/* are being installed23:05
nixternaldidn't know if there was a reason behind that or not23:05
nixternalthey used to get installed for kde3 becuase I used the emacs and vim scripts23:06
Riddellnixternal: aye they are, cvsversion to take a random one23:06
nixternalwell dang, maybe they didn't23:06
nixternalright, some of them, but like the .vim and .el files don't get installed23:06
nixternalthe most important scripts in there :p23:07
nixternalespecially your precious lil .el ones :p23:07
* txwikinger wonders where he can find some RAM23:07
txwikingerI got 8GB RAM at work23:07
txwikingerfinally a computer with decent speed again23:08
nixternalhah, the last notice of the vim stuff in kdesdk, 2002 :D23:08
nixternalI know it hasn't been that darn long that I thought it was just yesterday23:08
nixternaljeesh, this old age is getting to me, soon I will be like ScottK23:09
txwikingernixternal: you claim to be old?23:13
txwikingerGet in line :p23:13
dtchen_whatever, you're no lamont23:14

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