
Ampelbeinhi there. i have trouble uploading to my ppa('s). I tried twice to upload but got neither an accept/decline mail nor does the package appear in my ppa.00:34
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Ursinhawgrant, have you filed a bug about the r/o bug error in LP?00:43
Ursinhanevermind, just did that00:48
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Ampelbeinhello again... i still can't upload to my ppa. I don't receive any mail and the packages don't show up. Is this a problem on my side? (dput doesn't give an error, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/181632/ )01:00
bigjoolsAmpelbein: LP was just upgraded, please wait a while for the upload queue to be processed01:01
Ampelbeinbigjools: ah, ok. thanks you.01:01
bigjoolsalso, check that you signed the changes file, and signed with a key that LP knows about01:01
Ampelbeinbigjools: judging from dput-output i signed it correctly, it's the same key i used before.01:02
Ampelbein(see the pastebin)01:03
JontheEchidnajust thought I might turn your attention to bug 380738. Somebody's trying to impersonate someone else and post a spam bug. The person being impersonated sounds pretty unhappy, and I don't know if they've come here first since they last commented on it five hours ago03:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380738 in mono "Accidental use of close by magnets may erase hard disks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38073803:49
JontheEchidnaah, silly IRC client. the join message showed up in a different tab. I suppose I'll report this to answers.launchpad.net then :)03:51
* Hobbsee headdesk at the stupidity of that bug03:55
JontheEchidnahttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/72394 , in any case03:55
meoblast001why won't launchpad be completely free?03:57
wgrantArgh, and all the LOSAs are asleep.03:58
Hobbseeerrr, launchpad...03:58
Hobbseeoh, sweet.  it's already gone03:59
wgrantHobbsee: What has it done now?03:59
Hobbseewgrant: i'm just misreading it.03:59
meoblast001does Canonical not want to free all of launchpad?03:59
wgrantmeoblast001: Apparently not...03:59
* Hobbsee prods it to being private03:59
meoblast001why not?03:59
wgrantHobbsee: Not much use, unfortunately.04:00
wgrantHobbsee: Actually, don't!04:00
Hobbseewgrant: oh?04:00
wgrantHobbsee: Unassign, then privatise.04:00
wgrantOr there'll be lots of people subscribed.04:00
wgrantIf you've privatised already, it's too late.04:00
ajmitchwhich would be a Bad Thing if they're still getting spammed by it04:00
wgrantI suppose we will have LOSAs in a few hours.04:01
ajmitchlooks like the account has been deleted04:01
meoblast001what is the purpose for making software non-free?04:01
wgrantSo it has.04:01
* JontheEchidna closes the LP answers task for that then04:01
wgrantWell, deactivated.04:01
LaserJockmeoblast001: I'm guessing to make some money, just a guess though04:02
wgrantDeactivated by the user.04:02
wgrantThey can reactivate it at any point.04:02
wgrantSo leave it open.04:02
SamBLaserJock: how ?04:02
wgrantSamB: Magic!04:02
ajmitchwgrant: No, ponies04:02
meoblast001LaserJock: why does Launchpad contain proprietary software04:02
LaserJockby selling the services that are not-free04:02
Hobbseeoh, blargh04:02
Hobbseeone can't edit multiple tasks at once.04:02
LaserJocklike, what all is not going to be open-sourced? Soyuz?04:03
meoblast001i heard some parts are not going to be04:03
wgrantLaserJock: The Soyuz backend, and Codehosting.04:03
ajmitchand parts of the code hosting, namely the branch scanner iirc04:03
meoblast001i'm curious of two questions... what and why04:03
LaserJockso most of what people will want will be open-sourced04:03
wgrantajmitch: There will be a version of the scanner available. THe puller and SSH server and importing stuff isn't being released.04:03
meoblast001i loathe proprietary software04:03
wgrantLaserJock: FSVO people04:04
ajmitchwgrant: As I understand it it'll be a fairly basic version04:04
LaserJockwgrant: sure04:04
Hobbseeoh, way cool.  new ways to unsubscribe people04:04
meoblast001yes.. it will be free'd... but won't launchpad.net still run this non-free software?04:04
LaserJockmeoblast001: I think it will run the open-sourced bits04:04
Hobbseeexcept i can't unsubscribe ~ubuntu-bugs from a bug, for some reason.04:04
LaserJockmeoblast001: but also the couple bits that aren't being open-sourced04:05
meoblast001hmm... i don't like non-free software04:05
LaserJockyes, you made that clear04:05
wgrantLaserJock: The couple of very very important bits.04:05
leo_rockwayisn't an opensource ideology to "release early, release often", though?04:05
SamBleo_rockway: it's one way of working, yeah04:05
meoblast001LaserJock: i still don't know why they wouldn't free it.. the service is free of charge.. they don't make money through it being non-free04:05
LaserJockleo_rockway: LP was "released" a long time ago and releases once a month ;-)04:05
SamBleo_rockway: Emacs seems to do the exact opposite04:06
wgrantmeoblast001: They do, actually - they sell services to commercial users.04:06
leo_rockwayLaserJock: cool, how do I get the source then?04:06
LaserJockmeoblast001: they do charge companies and stuff04:06
leo_rockwaySamB: Emacs is not opensource ;-)04:06
SamBrelease late, release rarely04:06
LaserJockleo_rockway: you said release, you didn't specify release of what04:06
leo_rockwayLaserJock: I also said "opensource"04:06
JontheEchidnacrap, he reactivated04:06
ajmitchand we know that launchpad isn't currently open source for the majority of it04:07
wgrantJontheEchidna: As I said. He just wanted to get us off him.04:07
* JontheEchidna nods04:07
meoblast001LaserJock: i still don't understand why Canonical can't free those parts of Launchpad... these parts being free won't prevent commercial users from doing their non-free things04:07
LaserJockmeoblast001: well, Canonical *could* free those parts. They made a business decision to not04:08
ajmitchmeoblast001: We can't give any more than our opinion on the situation in the same way you can04:08
LaserJockit's their code and their prerogative04:08
wgrantHobbsee: If he does it again, leave the bug alone.04:08
wgrantHobbsee: No point mailing any more people.04:08
Hobbseewgrant: yeah.  Launchpad is taking ~30 seconds for each turn around anyway, so i dont' want to touch it much04:09
LaserJockI'm glad to see how much they're opening up, and wish they'd do more, but well we don't get everything we wish for :-)04:09
Hobbsee(browsing via proxy)04:09
wgrantHobbsee: It's not the proxy's fault.04:09
Hobbseei know.  just saying that's why it's taking so long04:09
Hobbsee(further travelling distance, and such)04:09
JontheEchidnaI guess I'll leave it up to you guys then, g'night04:10
leo_rockwayLaserJock: I understand what you say, but I still think it's a bit hypocritical for one of Canonical's main developments to be nonfree.04:10
wgrantJontheEchidna: Did you reopen the question?04:11
LaserJockperhaps, I don't know04:11
JontheEchidnawgrant: yeah04:11
LaserJockI love free software but I still use a lot of non-free stuff04:11
LaserJockjust the nature of things sometimes04:11
leo_rockwayLaserJock: I only use free software. I wouldn't use Launchpad even if it were free, though, because I don't need it. But I was curious about the future freeing of the code.04:12
LaserJockyeah, so translations, bugs, blueprints should all be free04:12
wgrantAnd Answers.04:12
LaserJockit's just soyuz and some code hosting that won't04:13
wgrantAnd Registry/Foundations.04:13
LaserJockright, I knew I was missing some04:13
LaserJockI'm mostly excited about bugs04:13
wgrantBut the two bits I use primarily won't be.04:13
LaserJockas Malone kicks bugzilla butt04:13
wgrantIt does04:13
leo_rockwayis there a roadmap to free those parts in the future? is that being considered?04:13
ajmitchnot that I've seen04:13
wgrantleo_rockway: There are no Canonical employees involved in this discussion.04:14
wgrantleo_rockway: But I don't know of any.04:14
leo_rockwaywgrant: oh, ok. Thanks for the information.04:14
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nhandlernellery mentioned Bug #380738 on identi.ca. If you look at the table at the top, you will see that the various tasks are assigned to different spoof accounts. These should probably be deactivated.04:36
ubottuBug 380738 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/380738 is private04:36
wgrantnhandler: A question has been filed to deal with the bug.04:38
wgrantBut the accounts are another matter..04:38
jfroyI am getting an Internal Server Error trying to see one file in one of my project. Is LP having difficulties, or did I just find a problem?06:00
mwhudsonjfroy: you probably found a problem06:47
jfroyI'll file a bug then.06:47
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pkernWow.  Having git imports is certainly cool.  In my case trunk isn't on the master branch, so I somehow question the policy of not importing other branches than master.08:58
mwhudsonpkern: it's just a walk-before-run thing09:00
pkernI mean is vcs-import generally able to manage multiple branches?  Or was it trunk-only with Subversion?  Still git is different and like bzr and you want import different branches.  But sure, if it's on the agenda... (:09:02
mwhudsonthe thing about subversion was that the import tool does not understand svn branches09:05
mwhudsonso you can't merge between two imports from the same repo at all09:05
mwhudsonwe should switch to bzr-svn and that will make this particular issue go away09:05
mwhudsonfor git, it's strictly a (hopefully temporary) technical limitation09:06
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pkernmwhudson: Ok, fine. (:09:13
pkernOn the other hand I wonder if there's something git-bzr'ish so that "upstream" or whoever it's imported can also effectively fetch stuff back.09:14
mwhudsonyou can push from bzr to git09:14
mwhudson(or dpush)09:14
pkernmwhudson: With such a repository made by vcs-import?  And it would require access to the upstream repo, which is with DVCS not always taken as granted.  (Some people want the git format-patch workflow, others prefer people pushing/pulling directly.)  But that's another interop question that doesn't really affect lp I think (:09:18
pkernmwhudson: Should I file a bug on the "different branch" thing, which looked like policy on the blog post but is mainly a technical limitation?09:19
jelmerpkern, one of the things that's also should be happening soon is having "bzr send" against a git:// URL use the git format-patch format09:23
mwhudsonpkern: yeah, filing a bug would be good09:33
pkernmwhudson: I filed it against launchpad-code, I hope that wasn't completely off.  380871 it is.09:44
mwhudsonpkern: that's right, thanks09:45
jmlmwhudson: can you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/timidity/trunk10:04
jmlmwhudson: I've done _all_ the others :)10:06
mwhudsonjml: woo10:09
jmlmwhudson: did you see bug 380871?10:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380871 in launchpad-code "Allow imports of non-master branches when pulling from git repositories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38087110:11
* pkern giggles10:13
mwhudsonjml: i told pkern to file it10:13
pkernjml: see backlog (:10:13
jmloh, right10:13
jmlmwhudson: in that case, maybe I just wanted to chat with you in person :)10:16
alexharringtonAnyone know why downloads are broken from the release page? I posted a Q in Answers a couple of hours ago but nothing yet.10:33
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Ursinhaalexharrington, hi, there's a bug about it11:13
* Ursinha searches11:13
Ursinhaalexharrington, see if your problem is bug 37874011:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378740 in launchpad-registry "Invalid download link in milestone/release context" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37874011:15
Ursinhado you have the Q link?11:15
jpdsUrsinha: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7241711:17
* Ursinha looks11:17
Ursinhaindeed the same bug11:18
UrsinhaI'll link them11:18
* wgrant wonders why that isn't Critical11:19
alexharringtonUrsinha: Thanks.11:28
alexharringtonI had a quick search but didn't hit on that bug11:28
Ursinhaalexharrington, sorry about that11:29
alexharringtonwe're so pleased with lp that the odd glitch like this isn't a big deal11:29
alexharringtonfor us at least11:29
Ursinhaalexharrington, glad to hear :)11:32
daniel_kiCould someone have a look at the launchpad-users mail about PPA buildd cache corruption?11:52
daniel_kiI think it's pretty serious11:52
daniel_kiand the affected PPAs will probably require admin intervention to get rid of the corrupted cache11:53
wgrantdaniel_ki: The incremental diff isn't actually used for anything... what in the build log suggests that?11:56
daniel_kiwgrant: fact is that the packages are corrupted11:57
wgrantHow did you build it that you were able to get the fixed binaries?11:57
daniel_kilet me look at the logs11:57
wgrantI'm pretty sure there's actually a problem with the uploaded packages.11:57
daniel_kiI thought so too11:57
daniel_kiat first11:57
daniel_kithe diff may not be used for anything11:58
daniel_kibut perhaps it is generated from the buildd diff?11:58
wgrantIt's generated using plain old debdiff by a cronjob.11:58
wgrantHow can I tell if this patch has been applied or not?11:58
daniel_kilook at /usr/share/anjuta/GBF/Generic.pm11:59
daniel_kier, General.pm12:00
daniel_kisub canonicalize_name12:00
daniel_kithe correct version uses an s'''g expression12:01
daniel_kithe old one tr/12:01
daniel_kiif I build the package without any changes on my own machine, it produces correct binaries12:01
daniel_kiand the diff shouldn't be different either, right?12:02
daniel_kiwhatever the diff is generated from, it's corrupted12:02
wgrantdaniel_ki: How did you build the package?12:02
daniel_kinot in a pbuilder, if that's what you mean, but I'm pretty sure that'll give the same result12:03
daniel_kiRUN: /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/slavebin/unpack-chroot ['unpack-chroot', '1038085-2269071', '/home/buildd/filecache-default/4b9960bada5b7c9083148f0a57950dc7a83f34b7']12:03
daniel_kiit's definitely caching something here12:03
wgrantThat's the chroot.12:03
wgrantNot the package.12:03
daniel_kiok, then the chroot is reused but corrupted12:03
SteveAwho is on CHR today?12:03
daniel_kithe binary packages are broken, not the source ones12:04
wgrantSteveA: THere's been no CHR for the past 1.5 weeks.12:04
SteveAthat sucks12:04
SteveAthanks wgrant12:04
wgrantdaniel_ki: The chroot isn't going to break that. The chroot is used for building all of Ubuntu.12:04
wgrantIf it's corrupted, we have much bigger problems.12:04
daniel_kiok, I don't know how Launchpad works12:05
daniel_kibut I think the symptoms indicate that something has been corrupted on the LP side12:05
daniel_kilast deb revision + incremental diff == orig source + normal source diff.gz12:06
daniel_kiif you apply the diffs manually, you will see that the tree ends up very different from what it should be12:07
wgrantdaniel_ki: Sorry, my connection is pretty borked... let's look at those diffs.12:11
daniel_kiok, cool12:12
wgrantdaniel_ki: Several disconnections later, I have noticed that one of the copies of General.pm in the source uses s''', the other tr//12:30
detIs it possible for a PPA to depend on backports only for 1 distro ?12:31
daniel_kiwgrant: there is more than one copy?12:31
wgrantdet: One distro series? No.12:31
wgrantdet: Why? debhelper 7 in Hardy?12:31
detwgrant, yes :-)12:31
daniel_kiwgrant: or did you hit the removed patch in the diff?12:31
daniel_kiah wait, I see it now12:32
daniel_kithat makes it even more odd12:32
detIf there is an easy way to copy the source package for debhelper7/hardy, that would work just as well.12:32
wgrantdet: Go to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+copy-packages?field.name_filter=debhelper&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=hardy.12:32
wgrantdet: there you can find debhelper and copy it to your PPA.12:33
wgrantThen drop the backports dep.12:33
wgrantdaniel_ki: What removed patch?12:33
wgrantdaniel_ki: There are definitely two copies in the extracted Debian source package.12:33
daniel_kiwgrant: it was previously a Debian patch, but the fix got merged upstream and the Debian patch was dropped12:33
detwgrant, Thanks, I didnt know primary archive was a target for copy now12:33
daniel_kiwgrant: yes, I see that now12:33
wgrantdet: It's not linked from anywhere :/12:34
daniel_kithat means it could be a race condition during install, if both are installed to the same location12:34
wgrantBut the package is broken, not Launchpad.12:35
daniel_kiok, you're probably right, although I still don't understand why the diffs wouldn't yield the same result12:35
wgrantI'm looking at that now.12:35
detwgrant, i386 only :(12:37
wgrantdet: That's a bit misleading; it's actually architecture-independent, so was only built on one arch. But it's published on all.12:38
wgrantdet: So, don't worry.12:38
detwgrant, in my ppa, it claims to be only building on i386, I will wait 5 min to see if it is actually published on all12:40
wgrantdet: I would have copied the binaries too.12:40
wgrantBut it shouldn't matter much.12:40
wgrantIt will be published on all.12:40
wgrantdaniel_ki: the diff matches for me...12:40
* daniel_ki tries again12:40
wgrantI extracted 2:, applied the 2: to 2: diff, and diffed that result against an extracted 2: The resultant diff was empty.12:41
daniel_kiwgrant: shit, you are right12:46
daniel_kiI feel stupid now12:46
* wgrant is just glad Soyuz isn't *that* buggy.12:46
daniel_kiso basically only a difference in behavior of the PPA vs. my machine, but the package is broken so all bets are off12:47
daniel_kisorry for the trouble12:47
wgrantIt seems that way.12:47
daniel_kiwell, actually it's an upstream bug12:47
wgrantNo trouble.12:47
wgrantYou or I might want to reply to the email on launchpad-users, to stop more people looking and getting confused.12:47
daniel_kiyes, I was just about to12:47
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
daniel_kiok, sent12:57
daniel_kinow I only need to find out what exactly is causing this :)12:57
daniel_kibut thanks a lot for your help12:57
wgrantdaniel_ki: No problem.13:07
daniel_kiby the way, I'm getting boxbe spam from michaelantoniocanganelli@gmail.com every time I post to the list13:09
wgrantI got that a week or so ago, too.13:10
wgrantIt's not really spam13:10
daniel_kiit is not intended to be spam13:10
wgrantJust a braindead implementation of a flawed idea.13:10
daniel_kiit ends up being spam13:10
daniel_kiand the guy probably doesn't even see my reply asking him to unsubscribe or turn of this email overload retaliation scheme13:11
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wgrantOr at least correct the scheme, as sending it to the address in the From field makes little sense.13:11
daniel_kiwell, we're probably lucky that it isn't sent to the list :)13:13
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daniel_kithat would be fun13:14
daniel_kiinfinite loop13:14
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detI asked launchpad to rebuild a package after satisfying its depenedencies and it has gone from 14 minutes estimated start time to 4 hours after nearly 2 hours in the queue >:|14:28
wgrantdet: That's because retries are currently prioritised below other builds.14:30
detThis is annoying, I might as well upload a new package with a bumped version.14:32
wgrantIt is, yes. That scoring isn't something I agree with.14:33
wgrantBut I need to go to bed.14:33
Hobbseewgrant: it does make sense, though14:34
wgrantHobbsee: Slightly.14:34
Hobbseewgrant: in the case of a, shall we say, incompetent person, uploading something that will forever fail to build, but who keeps retrying it in the hope that it will14:34
wgrantHobbsee: They can almost as easily keep uploading new versions.14:34
Hobbseedet: if you give me a link to it, i can prod it for you14:34
wgrantOh, true! Superpowers you have.14:34
Hobbseewgrant: there is that.  At some point, one needs to hunt them down with a cluebat14:35
Hobbseeyay, superpowers14:35
detHobbsee, https://edge.launchpad.net/~spring/+archive/ppa/+build/104621914:35
Hobbseewgrant: i was thinking of the case where they think it's LP's fault, as it works on their machine14:35
Hobbseeie, for something that requires cpan modules, or something14:35
detIf your ppa is using a disproportionate amount of resources of the course of XXX, then I can understand scoring lower14:36
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Hobbseedet: prodded.14:36
detThanks again14:36
wgrantHobbsee: In the current case they can upload lots. Then you have to cluebat them. But everybody else is disadvantaged because their retries take ages.14:36
Hobbseethat's true14:37
Hobbseeand you're welcome14:37
wgrantIn the alternate possibility, they can retry lots. You then still just have to cluebat them, but nobody else is disadvantaged.14:37
alkisgHi, I'm probably missing something trivial, but could someone please have a look at https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa and see why my team's PPA isn't signed? It's been 6 hours since putting packages there, I supposed an openpgp key should have been generated by now?14:39
wgrantAnyway, goodnight!14:39
wgrantalkisg: You didn't happen to upload all of those packages within around half an hour of creating the PPA, did you?14:40
alkisgI think so, yes14:40
alkisg(just copied them from other PPAs)14:40
wgrantThat's not the usual problem, actually.14:40
wgrantYour PPA doesn't have a key at all.14:40
wgrantMaybe something broke in the rollout...14:40
alkisgThe owner wasn't an Ubuntero at the time he created the team and the PPA, could that be the cause?14:41
wgrantMaybe bigjools knows.14:41
alkisgHe did sign the code of conduct later on...14:41
* bigjools is at UDS but can check later14:41
alkisgThanks bigjools, I'll be around.14:42
alkisgThanks wgrant, goodnight14:42
deti386/lpia builds completed fine14:47
detand the build you prodded says that debhelper >= 6.XX isnt available even though 7 has been in the repo for some hours14:48
detOh, debhelper 7 is pending publication14:50
Hobbseethat'd do ti14:50
detcompleted 2 hours ago, though14:51
detand the deb is in the pool14:51
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staniis there a way to delete blueprints?15:53
andrea-bsstani, no, but you can retarget it to the 'NULL' project15:55
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staniandrea-bs: thanks!16:04
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* alkisg kindly reminds bigjools to take a look at my https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa 's missing key if he has time now. :)18:00
bigjoolssure, I have a few minutes18:01
bigjoolsalkisg: when did you create it?18:01
alkisgThe PPA? about 9 hours ago18:02
alkisgThings that I think could have caused the problem are: (1) the team owner wasn't an Ubuntero when he created the team and the PPA, he became one later on18:02
alkisgand (2) I didn't upload anything to the PPA, I just copied packages from other PPAs18:02
bigjoolsyou need to be an Ubuntero to make a PPA18:02
bigjoolsah, (2) might have caused it18:03
alkisgHe told me that launchpad didn't ask him to become an Ubuntero to create the PPA18:03
bigjoolshmmm how odd18:03
alkisg...and I told him later on to become one, just in case...18:03
bigjoolscan you try uploading something to see if it kicks off the key generation?18:03
alkisgOK, I'll try18:04
* alkisg tries to find his notes... :-X18:04
bigjoolsalkisg: if it doesn't, please file a Question on https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz explaining the sequence of events and we can check it in more detail.18:06
alkisgThank you bigjools, will do.18:06
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cody-somervilleCan someone take a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/live-helper/trunk ? Its failing to import.20:23
mwhudsoncody-somerville: one for jelmer20:32
savvasis there a way to make bzr code branches private?20:35
cody-somervillesavvas, Yes. See http://blog.launchpad.net/?p=55120:35
savvasthanks but I wasn't looking for a commercial solution, the license is (or is going to be) GFDL of some rst python tutorials in greek - we're making python classes and we wouldn't want to provide the answers this soon :)20:38
cody-somervillesavvas, Unfortunately, private branches are only available to commercial clients of launchpad.20:39
cody-somervillemwhudson, who?20:53
mwhudsoncody-somerville: the author of bzr-git20:53
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Laneyis anyone able to update  lp:~vcs-imports/banshee/debian-packaging  to point to git://git.debian.org/pkg-cli-apps/packages/banshee.git ?22:46
UrsinhaLaney, the old import is a git one? asking without looking :)23:04
UrsinhaLaney, hmm, I don't know if that's possible, we'll have to ask abentley or rockstar or jml or mwhudson23:05
* Ursinha runs after highlighting all code team23:05
Laneyhar de har23:05
LaneyI could just do a new one23:05
* rockstar looks up23:13
rockstarLaney, you'll have to create a new import.  We can't just cut over.23:13
abentleyrockstar: It's an invalid import, so presumably yes.23:13
rockstarabentley, I'm 90% sure we can't switch VCS types in the UI.23:14
* rockstar looks.23:14
abentleyrockstar: Oh, probably.23:14
=== Ursinha is now known as jorjao
=== jorjao is now known as Jorjao
Noldorinhello. i'm trying to register a new branch, but i want to do so under the location of the project23:45
Noldorini.e. ~noldorin/darwindotnet/<name> instead of darwindotnet/<name>23:46
Noldorinlaunchpad doesn't seem to be letting me.23:46

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