
alienkid10does this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch still work for making a liveCD?01:13
alienkid10is there anything I need to change command wise to make it work with Jaunty?01:14
Aqai need help on these commands01:51
Aqai need help how to do these commands01:52
Aqai am angry with u all :(02:08
KoshB5after doing an update; I've lost my wireless internet. I'm able to connect to the network, just not the internet. any suggestions?03:58
KoshB5version is Jaunty. System is a Compaq 5441 256M ram, and PCI graphics card03:59
VenportI all anyone know how to add a keyboard shortcut for the terminal in xubuntu? It's not the same as ubuntu04:02
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts04:02
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viddhello domeec13:20
domeecHas somebody  managed to install xubuntu on usb 2gb?13:20
domeecI knew Xubuntu was not so big and people was able to install it on 2gb pen, but me...No can u help me please?13:23
vidddomeec, sorry...that is outside my experience13:26
knomedomeec, it might be a little tight.13:26
knomedomeec, i have a 4GB eeepc, and i usually end up with only about ~1GB space left13:28
knomedomeec, i suggest to use minimal13:29
knome!minimal | domeec13:29
ubottudomeec: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:29
domeecThat MinimalCD is for Ubuntu13:32
Pres-Gasdomeec, but you can then select what packages you want from xfce4/xubuntu13:32
knomedomeec, xubuntu shares the same base as ubuntu13:33
Pres-Gasdomeec, you will initially start out with a text terminal and no gui, if I remember right.13:33
knomedomeec, minimal cd doesn't install any DE by default, which is the main difference between ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu/...13:33
knomePres-Gas is right. you have to select to install a graphical environment13:33
domeecmmh...Gold... not gui? I can see me doing a mess....13:34
knomenope, just install xfce13:34
domeecOk, but were find the instruction to install xfce?13:34
knomedomeec, echo 'apt::Install-Recommends "0" ;' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu13:35
knomedomeec, i suggest you to use that command13:35
knomedomeec, jaunty installs recommends by default, but that disables that feature and you will be left with more space13:35
domeecThat's cool13:36
knomedomeec, then you can try to install xubuntu-desktop package (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop)13:36
knomedomeec, that *should* fit in 2GB, but if it recommends it uses too much space, then cancel and install xfce4-something13:37
knomedomeec, i suppose just "xfce4"13:37
vidddomeec, you also might want to consider using a lighter *buntu13:37
viddfor example, lxde13:37
knomevidd, i think the lighter *buntus are not that much smaller HD-wise13:37
knomevidd, if you only install the DE/WM13:38
viddthe only differences is the final package13:38
viddknome, you take out the recommends and there is a big difference in size13:38
vidddomeec, but...on second thought...without recommends, lxde needs a lot of tweeking to work properly13:40
Pres-Gaskomme, that is a great command for finding just what you need13:40
knomevidd, yes, but if you take out the recommends, after that there is not difference between lxde and xfce13:40
* Pres-Gas makes note of that13:40
viddknome, your insane13:40
knomevidd, me? ;)13:41
knomewhy? :)13:41
viddxfce requires gdm13:41
knomedoes not require, if you insist on using something else13:41
knomethat might lead into some problems, but the xfce devs have managed to run xfce correctly without gdm13:41
viddlxde requires no DM, so you can use whatever one you want13:41
knomei've used xfce without a DM at all also.13:42
viddlet me rephrase....13:43
viddyou had said xubuntu-desktop13:43
viddthat requires gdm13:43
viddlxde does not13:43
knomeyeah. but gdm is not *that* big.13:44
knomeit'll fit nicely in 2GB13:44
viddno...by itself...its rather small13:44
viddits the other baggage it brings =]13:44
domeecTill now I hope having understood something dudes, let try. Thanks...13:45
knomedomeec, np. have fun and good luck.13:46
viddit really irks me that rather then take the time to fix packages to require that which they need, the powers that be decided to force recommends upon us13:46
domeecI forgot13:46
domeecAs reguards grub?13:46
knomegrub will be installed by minimal13:46
knomei'd suppose...13:46
domeeccan I choose to put it on usb pen?13:47
knomeuh, yes, i suppose also13:47
* vidd is away13:47
* vidd is back14:00
premorphoshey. when using skype. i lose loads of packets. resulting in poor sound qualety. is there any settings that wuld fix this.14:09
viddpremorphos, what speed internet/type of internet you have?14:10
viddpremorphos, also, is that system connected wirelessly or hard-wired to your router?14:11
premorphosvidd: speed duno,54 usb wifi14:11
premorphosprob adsl.14:11
viddpremorphos, so you wirelessly connect to someone else's internet??14:12
premorphosworks well with everything else14:12
KoshB5I've installed and updated Jaunty only to loose my wireless internet. I can only connect to the network. I've flushed iptables and used the ifup to no effect.14:12
premorphosno it is in my office14:13
KoshB5How do I fix it short of reinstalling?14:13
viddpremorphos, so you wirelessly connect to your work router?14:13
viddKoshB5, can you pastebin me your /etc/network/interfaces ?14:13
premorphosvidd: i gess so...14:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:13
viddpremorphos, wireless is notorious for losing backets14:14
viddnormal web apps you dont notice, because they re-request the dropped packets14:14
premorphosof course.. but same thing happen when i use the tcp cable14:14
viddtry connecting wired to verify this is not your issue14:14
viddpremorphos, did you disable the wifi when you plugged in the cable?14:15
premorphosyes. do you thing it has some thing with alsa todo?14:16
viddfor some strange reason, linux defers to wifi over wired if both are active14:16
viddpremorphos, no, i dont hink alsa has anything to do with your issue at all14:16
viddi think the issue is that your wifi is dropping packets like all wifi does14:17
viddtry disabling your wifi, and then connect wire14:17
viddverify this by disable wifi, go to a web page (it should fail to load) connected wired, go to web page (it should load)14:18
viddthen see if you get packet loss on skype14:19
premorphosvidd, could the issue of me being in turky trying to reach sweden have any thing to do with it?.. "conecting my cable now"14:19
viddpremorphos, it shouldnt14:19
viddpremorphos, btw ... marhaba14:19
viddKoshB5, you get your network interfaces pastebin'd for me?14:20
viddKoshB5, you there?14:25
viddpremorphos_, marhaba14:26
viddpremorphos_, you having any luck?14:29
premorphos_marhaba vidd abi: now im wired, result: no packet loss, but still verry low output from the mic. it works well under any outer circomstanses but skype.14:29
premorphos_vidd: are you in turky two?14:30
viddpremorphos_, i spent a year there14:30
viddoutside of c,urlu14:30
premorphos_sweet.. doing what?14:31
viddU.S. Army14:31
premorphos_im in ankara in writing moment14:31
DetroitLibertyPeyesterday I download a progam (Mozilla Songbird, extracted .tar.gz, all necessary files containe, no need to compile) and it ran fine from where I extracted it, today it just won't boot, when I click it thre the file browser I get no action, try to runn from the console and it just goes to the next line # with no action no error and no program starting, I tried rebooting my comp, same thing, deleted it and re-downloaded again on 14:31
viddDetroitLibertyPe, try installing it14:32
viddpremorphos_, i dont know a lot about skype....im more of a connection expert14:32
DetroitLibertyPevidd: via?14:32
viddapt-get i believe14:33
DetroitLibertyPePuppy has apt-get14:33
premorphos_or synaptic14:33
DetroitLibertyPeoops! room, my bad!14:33
viddDetroitLibertyPe, what version of linux you using?14:34
vidd(songbird does not appear to be in my repo's)14:34
DetroitLibertyPewell, my PC is Xubunutu, this issue was on my wifes' wich is Puppy Linux, which is why i realized I was in the wrong room and said "oops! room, my bad!"14:35
viddDetroitLibertyPe, np14:35
viddwe help when we can14:35
viddim dl'ing the app now....14:36
viddwhere did you extract it to?14:36
premorphos_ok thanx vidd: i got a free tutorial on tcp meets wifi in clash of packet loss.14:36
viddpremorphos_, hehe...im not free =]14:36
viddim open source14:37
premorphos_haha ok. i got it.14:37
premorphosspeaking of open source and xubuntu. how does one rely get involved, and get a deeper understanding of the system xubuntu. any pointers from you pro's is deeply appreciated14:49
TheSheeppremorphos: check out http://xubuntu.org14:51
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Xubuntu see: http://xubuntu.org/devel and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate14:58
zshi there, I have xubuntu 9.04 but there is no vncviewer? what is the name of package?16:51
viddzs, the app is vncviewer16:52
viddzs, sudo apt-get install vncviewer16:52
SlonkieRemote Desktop Viewer in network ?16:52
Slonkieby default it's there?16:52
viddSlonkie, is it?16:53
zsSlonkie, Couldn't find package vncviewer16:53
Slonkiei recall having it after a clean install of jaunty, yes.16:54
Slonkiebut that's vinagre16:54
SlonkieI used vinagre to connect to a RealVNC vnc16:55
zsok got it working, thanks16:55
FelineMonstrositHi. I'm pretty new to Linux. I'm having a problem copying a file to a USB stick - my computer simply won't let me. I have read&write permissions. I've tried using terminal but I can't get it to move because the directory has a space in it - /media/Bootable Utilities17:01
viddFelineMonstrosit, cp /path/to/file /media/Bootable\ Utilities17:02
viddor rename the destination folder17:02
FelineMonstrositCan't rename it. I'll try what you said.17:02
FelineMonstrositTerminal tells me it's a read-only system. I'm a system admin, could I possibly use a sudo command?17:04
viddFelineMonstrosit, you may need to install tools to read/write to the file format on that drive if it is not ext*, fat12, 16, or 3217:05
FelineMonstrositsudo command didn't work, for the same reason.17:05
viddwhat file format is that drive?17:05
FelineMonstrositI don't know. How do I check?17:05
viddcan you see the usb drive in your file manager?17:06
viddcan you open files stored on it?17:07
viddwhere these files from a windows system?17:12
FelineMonstrositNo, a Mac17:12
viddwhat file system does a mac use?!?17:13
FelineMonstrositThat's what it's called, I don't know anything more technical than that17:14
viddunfortunantly, neither do i17:14
FelineMonstrositDoes that mean you can't tell me how to copy files onto it?17:14
viddwell here is the thing....17:15
viddin order to write to a file system, you have to speak the same language17:16
viddi dont know if linux, by default, can write to mac file system17:17
viddi know you need special tools for NTFS17:17
FelineMonstrositOK, thank you17:18
moodogevening :)17:23
geniividd: For linux to understand hfs, read/write to them, packages: hfsplus, hfsutils, and hfsprogs need install. Then also the kernel module the package provides needs to me loaded17:38
viddgenii, thank you for the enlightenment...but the individual that needed that info left about 20 minutes b4 you stated it =\18:46
viddgenii, and then...my reply is fasionably late as well =]18:46
geniividd: More than for completeness of logs :)18:47
spimmerhelp me19:21
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:22
viddspimmer, can you be slightly more specific as to the nature of the issue?19:22
spimmerxfce + nautilus use19:23
spimmerhow to nautilus default19:23
viddwhat about it?19:23
viddis nautilus installed?19:23
viddso open the default apps and set it as the default file manager19:24
spimmeryes how to19:24
viddi dont understand19:24
viddopen the default apps utility in your settings manager19:25
spimmerdefault apps utility ?19:25
vidddid you even BOTHER to look?19:26
xerox1flash movies cause my firefox to slow down the whole system: cpu usage rises immediately to a really huge value; any suggestions for this?19:26
viddapplications->Settings->Settings Manager->Prefered appplications19:26
viddxerox1, use a different flash-playing utility or upgrade your system19:27
spimmerthere is no contents Terminal, Web Browser, Mail reader only19:27
xerox1vidd, system is 9.04 (if you thought of software)...hardware should also be fulfiling this (intel centrino, 1gb ram, 128 mb graphical ram (intel on board))19:29
viddspimmer, then i dont know...i try to avoid bloatware myself19:29
viddxerox1, what app are you using to play the movie?19:29
viddspimmer, what pages did your google search turn up? or the search of the forums and wiki?19:30
xerox1vidd, how can i determine which app is used by firefox? i would like to use vlc plugin if possible19:30
spimmeryes this issue non19:31
viddxerox1, flash does not come pre-installed...so its whatever app you chose to use19:31
viddspimmer, surely you jest19:31
xerox1vidd, if have installed adobe flash player 1019:32
viddspimmer, http://www.google.com/search?q=xubuntu+nautilus&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a19:32
vidd10 pages of hits19:32
viddspimmer, the VERY FIRST item has step by step instructions19:33
viddxerox1, try uninstalling that and get gnash or one of the open source alternatives19:34
viddor get LOTS more ram19:34
spimmervery hard..19:34
viddxerox1, personally, i pause the movie, wait for it to completly dl, and then watch it in gxine19:35
viddspimmer, how so?19:35
viddspimmer, you ever going to use thunar?19:37
xerox1vidd, yeah but a video that takes half an hour takes me to wait for over an hour having it load (even if i am only interested in the first 5 minutes)19:38
xerox1vidd, thanks for help, but no need for shouting19:40
viddspimmer, yes? no?19:40
viddxerox1, the caps was in error19:40
viddthe caps lock is right next to the tab key =]19:40
xerox1vidd, ;)19:41
viddspimmer, then why not simply uninstall thunar?19:41
spimmersftp connect19:42
spimmerthunar not conneted sftpd..19:43
viddspimmer, what are you doing?19:44
viddwhat does sftpd have to do with "sudo apt-get remove --purge thunar"?19:44
viddspimmer, how is that even possible to construe as a yes-no question?!?19:46
viddspimmer, what is your native language?19:48
vidd!korean | spimmer,19:50
ubottuspimmer,: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko19:50
spimmerthank you!19:50
viddthey may be more helpful19:50
viddthe language barrier is killing us19:51
sorendhey, is there some tip to use the volume control without a scroll-mouse (I have a thinkpad laptop)20:24
viddsorend, unfortunantly no......20:24
sorendvidd: ;(20:24
cody-somervilleYou can click on it and it'll open up the mixer20:25
cody-somervilleyou might also try using multimedia keys on your keyboard if you have them20:25
Slonkiesorend you chould add keyboard shortcuts20:25
viddthe slider bar that was so conviently included in previous versions of xubuntu has been discarded for this worthless "pretty-boy" app20:25
viddyou cant even get this app above 90% volume without opening the mixer20:27
sorendhm, the shortcuts is a good idea20:27
sorendthinkpad keys are supported and there is even some osd for it20:27
sorendbut, what "mixer" does those keys control, it doesn't seem to affect any alsa controlled ;/20:29
viddsorend, used to be with the previous volume manager, these keys were auto-enabled...but that functionality was also discarded20:30
Barridushi, new to xfce but not to 'buntu.  how can the main menus be edited?20:30
Barridushalp pls20:34
sorendvidd: i guess i can just disable that volume control, its not that useful without scroll mouse ;/20:34
sorendgives me a tiny 64x64 more screen estate :D20:35
Barridusmain applications menu can't be edited?20:37
zoredacheBarridus: not really20:40
Barridusso if i wanted to manually add something or put it in a new folder, i'm SOL?20:42
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