
Bauldrick_so far vlc is the only media player i can get to play audio cd's :(00:05
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ActionParsnipBauldrick_: does kscd not fly?00:09
ActionParsnip!info kscd00:09
ubottukscd (source: kdemultimedia): audio CD player for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 428 kB, installed size 1596 kB00:09
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Bauldrick_ActionParsnip: i put disk in - ask to play it with kscd - kscd starts but does nothing. as if it can't see device00:10
Bauldrick_/media/cdrom0 is linked to /dev/scd0 which is linked to /dev/sr0 (the device i guess00:11
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: is there an option in kscd to set the cd device?00:11
Bauldrick_ActionParsnip: no - the only option is to eject cd when finished!!!!!!00:12
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: does it have a man page?00:12
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: what app would you like to play cds in?00:13
Bauldrick_i'd like to put a cd in the tray and it play, so kscd - do you think it's the symlinks? why does it goto /dev/scd0 and that link to /ev/sr000:14
kingjereBauldrick_: Your problem rings a bell. Try tail -f /var/log/messages in a terminal then play a cd00:14
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: /dev/scd0: symbolic link to `sr0'00:15
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: is the optical drive a sata drive?00:16
ActionParsnipor is it pata?00:16
Bauldrick_ActionParsnip: sata - played a cd after 'tail' - __ratelimit: 8 callbacks suppressed00:18
Bauldrick_^^ in vlc ofcourse00:19
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: thought so: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdemultimedia/+bug/35558100:19
Bauldrick_ActionParsnip: cheers, i'll look through that link on buttom bug page00:23
Bauldrick_ActionParsnip: simple, or not! (for me atleast) kscd looking for /dev/cdrom. but that wasn't there, only cdrom2 was, so ln -s cdrom2 cdrom, it works!00:35
ActionParsnipBauldrick_: sweet move bro00:35
miyaviDoes anyone know how to speed up the key repeat and shorten the repeat delay?00:48
JontheEchidnamiyavi: in System Settings, go to the Keyboard and Mouse section00:49
JontheEchidnaon the first page there should be rate and delay settings00:50
miyaviI must be blind, because I checked there twice00:50
JontheEchidnahmm... maybe it's because I'm running KDE 4.3 beta00:50
miyaviThat might do it00:50
miyaviI'm on the stable one00:50
drbobbJontheEchidna: nope no such thing there00:50
drbobbwell not in the standard jaunty version00:51
JontheEchidnaThis is what it looks like in 4.3: http://imagebin.ca/view/iOJhIjv.html00:51
drbobbmiyavi: xset can do that00:51
miyaviJontheEchidna: http://i41.tinypic.com/zmyviu.jpg This is what I've got00:54
JontheEchidnayeah, must be new in 4.3 :(00:55
miyaviSon of a-00:55
JontheEchidnaoh, wait00:55
JontheEchidnawait wait wait00:55
JontheEchidnait could be bug 36297800:56
JontheEchidnagrr, no ubottu00:56
miyaviOh great... Well to fill you in more, I was using gnome first. Then I sudo apt-get'd KDE00:56
kanon-mathehe, my desktop environment just disappeared, looks like openbox on a black background01:00
miyaviYou need help with that? o.o01:01
drbobbmiyavi: xset r rate N M01:01
drbobbN is the delay in milisecs, M the rate of repeats per sec01:01
kanon-matnot right now, but it will probably happen again01:01
kanon-matkwin is running01:02
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:04
miyaviThanks drbobb, now to mess with it01:04
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sylvanus_Can anyone teach me to use my new webcan?01:05
miyavisylvanus_ what do you want to do exactly?01:05
decojust installed kde 4 on my ubuntu system , wow i must say they really improved it! it's so awesome now01:05
sylvanus_well aren't supposed be able to be viewed or view others if they have a web cam?01:06
phylon_when i run vmware I get this error /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libgcc_s.so.1/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_3.4' not found (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)01:06
miyavi Well, with a webcam you can take pictures, record video, or stream over the internet01:06
sylvanus_How would I stream over the internet?01:07
decophylon_, install gcc01:07
miyaviPrograms like Ekiga, or skype. Websites like Stickam?01:07
sylvanus_ok so i just go to that site then what?01:07
phylon_fixed it01:08
phylon_sudo cp /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libgcc_s.so.1/01:08
miyaviWell, it depends what you wanna do really01:08
decophylon_, cool01:08
sylvanus_like what can i do? new to all this01:08
W4gn3rtalking about webcam, is there any software that can record my desktop AND my webcam (like some screencasts over the web)?01:08
miyaviWhy did you get a webcam in the first place?01:08
sylvanus_so I could maybe make some friends and connect with people01:09
miyaviYou'll probably wanna head over to stickam.com then01:09
miyaviIt's a site like myspace/facebook, where you set up a chatroom of sorts01:09
miyaviand random people can join01:10
sylvanus_is it safe to use a webcam is there anything I should know?01:10
miyaviUh, there's a rare occasion that someone could hack your PC and look at your webcam01:10
miyaviSo if you're paranoid, turn it to a wall when you're not using it01:11
decosylvanus_, don't  do anything naughty with ;-)01:11
sylvanus_why wheres the fun in that?01:11
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decois torvalds still using gnome? because i find the latest kde4 good for daily use01:12
sylvanus_can I use it with an instant messenger service?01:13
decosylvanus_, you can use it with any im that supports web cams01:13
a_hi...  i cant isntall backtrack in packard bel mh 35. it is freezzing.can anyone helps me01:14
sylvanus_ok let me go to stickam and try it there?01:14
miyaviSure thing?01:14
sylvanus_seeya thanks!01:15
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miyavia_ what are the specs of your PC?01:17
miyaviAlso, backtrack isn't so much supposed to be an OS as it is a LiveCD, since some of the programs are geared to physical access01:18
a_intel dual core inside 1.4,  1gb ram,253 video card01:18
miyaviI don't see why you can't install it01:19
a_and when i try to start live cd ,first it opens but in some minutes it is frezzing...before i am starting live cd i havte to start ubuntu and restart my pc01:21
a_else live cd doesnt work01:21
miyaviWell, there's some special way do install two linux distros, because they'll both come with grub01:23
miyaviYou'd probably wanna go to a backtrack IRC or a forum01:23
a_thank u for your information miyavi01:24
miyaviSorry I couldn't help you dude01:24
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miyaviDoes anyone know the name of that Python irc bot?01:42
miyaviNevermind, I remember it. Phenny01:42
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BoostedR36MK3my wireless card shows as eth1 and when using iwlist eth1 scan it tells me that eth1   interface does not support scanning02:01
BoostedR36MK3anyone know why it does this02:02
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bdizzlehi, I was wondering if anyone could help me diagnose a very annoying problem of 9.04 freezing up every 10 to 15 minutes on me02:38
super-captain-reim quite the noob when it comes to linux, could someone perhaps give me a pointer as to how to run an update when i do the update in a terminal and it says to run the update to fix the issues02:39
bdizzlesuper-captain-re: sudo apt-get update02:40
super-captain-reyeah but then it says you might want to run the update to fix the problems02:41
super-captain-rei did it again, and it said the same thing02:41
bdizzleI dunno then02:41
snarkster1what else does it show on the screen02:41
super-captain-reW: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26302:42
super-captain-rethats what it says02:42
snarkster1then do a google on pgp key ubuntu02:43
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snarkstersuper-captain-re: did you get any information02:49
super-captain-reso i will make my own key?02:49
wirechiefsuper-captain-re:  try this : sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends bar02:49
snarksterdid you google what i said to google02:49
super-captain-reyes i did google it... what i found mentions making a key02:50
wirechiefsuper-captain-re:  sudo apt-get -f install02:50
super-captain-rehmmm well i did the apt-get, and i know i needed an update...02:50
super-captain-rei haven't updated in i don't know how long02:50
wirechiefsuper-captain-re: sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade02:50
super-captain-reah thank you02:51
super-captain-reill be sure to remember that02:51
wirechiefdo those three things, you will see stuff that needs to be forced just change force-depends bar  to packagename02:51
wirechieftakes a while sometimes but eventually youll work the bad out.02:52
wirechiefjust keep repeating it. till its fixed02:52
super-captain-reit appears to have handled everything i think02:53
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wirechiefsave the steps for the next time :)02:53
SCRhmmm... i will02:53
SCRthanks for the help02:53
* wirechief goes back to bug killing bye02:54
SCRlol bye02:54
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Jcklanyone know how to install a usb to serial cable. When i plug it in it shows a high speed usb device was connected in dmesg but does not link it to ttyusb*03:07
Jcklhow do i find the vender and pid of my serial>usb cable03:15
pubuntuHello ppl03:26
pubuntuwhere is a good place to learn linux command? any link?03:28
Jcklwhat command03:28
pubuntuany command03:28
pubuntuI am new to linux03:29
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iivvhow do i fix the font rendering in kubuntu?04:12
Jcklnone of my usb devices will work04:12
slackerwhat kind of USB devices?04:13
ign0ramusiivv, do you have "msttcorefonts" installed?04:14
Jcklusb stick nor keyboard nor usb serial04:14
iivvign0ramus: yeah, and those fonts all work (i'm using consolas right now), but the default anti-aliasing is too fuzzy04:15
iivvbut when i turn it off, everything's too jagged04:15
ign0ramusiivv, then you can adjust anti-aliasing in System Settings > Appearance04:15
slackerare you using a PS2 keybaord04:15
ign0ramusiivv, > Fonts04:15
Jckli was tring to get my usb to serial converter to work which it did work before upgrading to 9.0404:16
iivvign0ramus: i have, and while that does tweak things a bit, its still too fuzzy. so i tweaked .fonts.conf and now some fonts are a bit spaced out04:16
Jcklthe keyboard is a usb wireless keyboard i connected to test it04:16
slackernot sure about the serial adapter, never used one04:17
ign0ramusiivv, you should be able to restore your config... if you've edited the file, there should be a .bak file created04:17
slackerwhat about the USB stick?04:17
Jckldoesnt work either04:17
Jckldmesg shows usb devices but is not linking them to ttyusb*04:18
iivvthanks ign0ramus. ctrl alt backspace awaaay04:18
* ign0ramus waves goodbye04:18
slackernot even listed device notifer?04:20
Jcklnot that i seen04:20
Jckllsusb shows nothing different after plugging it in04:20
slackerdoes lsusb at least list the USB hubs?04:24
Jcklthats all it lists04:24
Barridusit lists more than that on my pc04:26
Jcklit should list the devices connected to but mine is broke04:27
Barridusi dunno what all it would list if my power wasn't out (thus my powered usb hub is off), but it lists the integrated webcam and what i assume is the mouse04:28
Barridusdoes anyone here use Kopete?04:29
iivvhow can i write an exception for a font in .fonts.conf? i don't want anti aliasing at all on certain microsoft fonts04:30
Jcklslacker: anymore ideas?04:37
kurumincomofaço para instalar uma webcam no linux?04:55
kuruminname dudu04:56
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Guest35455what is this?05:30
Jckldmesg shows usb devices but is not linking them to ttyusb* Any ideas?05:32
Guest35455is this a chat?05:33
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Jcklcan ANYONE help me with my usb problem05:54
iivvcan anyone help me install jack06:07
iivvapt-get says i have broken packages06:07
iivv(can't install python-cddb)06:07
LillymonHas anyone else had a problem in Kuickshow on Kubuntu Jaunty where 'Thumbnail Preview' no longer works?06:16
B0BBYHello People.06:20
B0BBYIs there a way to kick of the Kubuntu install from inside another distro?06:20
edgaralguien vivo por aki??06:34
Jcklanyone know why i cant accees network manager? it shows installed in my package manager06:34
joseHello... I have a questions ... I installed Ubuntu 9.04 x64 and I'mt trying to install amsn and its giving me an error can somebody help me please? thanks :)06:47
alakhiajose: amsn?06:55
BoostedR36MK3my network management is not working06:55
BoostedR36MK3also my wireless shows up as eth1?06:55
alakhiaBoostedR36MK3:  i suppose you already tried the settings?06:56
BoostedR36MK3if i set the wired connection in a terminal i can get it to connect06:57
BoostedR36MK3but i cant get network management to do anything with it06:57
BoostedR36MK3ande for the wireless i cant scan for networks at all06:57
alakhiai don't think i'll be of much help ... last time i had problems i hacked my /etc/rc.local to get it to work06:58
BoostedR36MK3what did you do to it06:58
alakhiai added: /etc/init.d/networking restart06:59
alakhiabasically, i restarted networking after logging on06:59
alakhiathat somehow got things working07:00
alakhiai also had to restart networking after a suspend07:00
alakhiaso i also added the same command in /etc/acpi/sleep.sh07:00
BoostedR36MK3sudo iwlist eth1 scan works07:00
BoostedR36MK3so now i just need to figure out what is wrong with network management07:00
alakhiai bypassed network manager all together07:01
alakhiahowever, after upgrading to 9.04, things are working better07:01
alakhiano need for such ugly hacks on my laptop at least07:01
carolijamornin here too all07:01
BoostedR36MK3upgrading to 9.04 broke a lot of my stuff07:01
BoostedR36MK3this is the last thing i need to fix07:01
BoostedR36MK3took me all day to get my usb to work again and i dont even know exactly how i fixed it07:02
alakhiadid you do a fresh install or upgrade?07:03
josecan anyone help me to install amsn on ubuntu x64 9.04 please?07:03
joseIm new lol07:04
alakhiawhat is amsn?07:04
joseits a msn client07:04
BoostedR36MK3jose: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install amsn07:04
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joseBoostedR36MK3 thank you it worked07:05
alakhiayou might try a live cd of 9.04 and see if your networking is better? I found that upgrades sometimes mess things up07:05
alakhiaif the live cd is better, you might wish to do a clean install07:06
BoostedR36MK3maybe i probably should have reinstalled it lol.. i had no panels in kde or nothing after the upgrade07:06
alakhiathat sounds bad07:06
BoostedR36MK3last thing to fix that i know of is this network manager07:07
BoostedR36MK3funny thing is i have non of the problems others are07:07
BoostedR36MK3my flash and my sound all work fine07:07
alakhiayou can also try to create a new user and see if that works better ...07:07
joseI have a question I was following some steps to install beryl and compiz fusion but I dont know what I did and "Beryl settings manager" is not opening ..07:07
alakhiait will have a clean .kde dir07:07
BoostedR36MK3i tried a new kde dir ;)07:08
BoostedR36MK3renamed the current and did a relogin07:08
BoostedR36MK3that will create a new one07:08
alakhiayeah ...07:08
BoostedR36MK3but didnt solve anything.. i had to manually add the panel and widgets07:08
BoostedR36MK3jose: its something like odccm07:09
joseI have a question I was following some steps to install beryl and compiz fusion but I dont know what I did and "Beryl settings manager" is not opening .. can someone help please? thanks :)07:09
alakhiathat's strange ... i didn't have such problems07:09
BoostedR36MK3or something07:09
josewhat is that Boosted ?07:09
BoostedR36MK3i installed it back on like 7.04 or whatever version that was07:09
BoostedR36MK3that is to open the manager07:09
joseso I can't install it on 9.04 ?07:09
BoostedR36MK3not sure07:09
BoostedR36MK3i havnt tried it07:09
BoostedR36MK3it used a lot of resources when i had it running07:10
alakhiakwin is better in 4.2 in my opinion07:10
BoostedR36MK3i like kde 4.2 much better than kde3 even broken lol07:11
Jockerwho can help me with installation of LAMP?07:17
alakhia!lamp to Jocker07:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lamp to Jocker07:18
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:18
joseanyone knows how to install flash player for x6407:19
Jockereverybody Thanks07:21
kyle__Hey guys, Does any one know how I can rip my audio disk directly in to MP3s? cant see any option in k3b to do this07:27
josehey anybody knows when I type su07:30
joseit appears this after i type my pass07:30
josesu: Authentication failure07:30
joseanybody knows why?07:30
josesu: Authentication failure07:31
josehow can I fix that ?07:31
joseplease help07:31
BoostedR36MK3are you typing your root password07:32
josebut is not working07:32
joseI remember long time ago I had the same issue and someone here told me to do07:33
josesu -u or something like that07:33
joseand it fixed07:33
josebut I ask first before mess with this07:33
BoostedR36MK3su -l root  ?07:34
joseI dont remember should I do that?07:34
joseto make it work?07:34
BoostedR36MK3you can try it07:34
BoostedR36MK3there is no -u that i know of07:34
josesu: Authentication failure07:35
BoostedR36MK3what do you need su for07:35
joseIm trying to update java07:35
BoostedR36MK3you can use sudo command07:35
josewith the current version :S07:35
BoostedR36MK3sudo apt-get update07:36
alakhiamake sure you type your own password, not root's07:36
joseso everything I install I have to do07:36
josesudo apt-get update07:36
josefor everything right?07:36
BoostedR36MK3sudo apt-get update should update all avail07:36
joseoh great07:36
alakhiayou can also use sudo to set root password07:36
alakhiai think07:37
josereally ty for helping me :p07:37
josei have only 1 password07:37
josethe root one07:37
BoostedR36MK3might be easier for you to use a package manager07:37
josehow is that?07:38
BoostedR36MK3no need to type commands07:38
joseoh thats going to be great07:38
alakhiajose: you actually have 2 users so their passwords can be different07:38
josejava still needs to be updated07:38
joseVersion 6 Update 1307:38
joseOops! You don't have the recommended Java installed.07:39
joseYour Java version is 1.6.0_0. Please click the button below to get the recommended Java for your computer.07:39
alakhiathe 2 users are: you and root07:39
joseme and root but only putting sudo works07:39
alakhiaso, the two users do not have to be using the same password07:39
joseif I put su following the instruction from java website07:39
joseis not working07:39
alakhiasudo asks for your password, su asks for the root password07:39
BoostedR36MK3try sudo synaptic07:40
josepackage manager07:40
alakhiagood call, BoostedR36MK307:41
BoostedR36MK3now in the list you can right click and choose what you want to do07:41
kyle__does any one know how to rip to MP3s from an audio cd08:06
kyle__iivv: thank you08:14
iivvkyle__: np, hope it works08:14
undesignedanyone know anything about lirc?08:16
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serpicothere is a widjet to change user session fastly?09:35
eeosanyone out there who has a nice script for recursively visiting all subdirectories of a directory and executing a command?09:37
svenxyfind . -type d -exec do_something_with {} \;09:37
eeossvenxy: thanks a lot .... I forgot about it, was using bash script! :D09:41
serpicoglpiana: è il linguaggio con cui si creano i filmati flash09:57
serpicothere is a widjet to change user session fastly?09:57
svenxyserpico - in KDE or GNOME?09:57
eeosserpico: switch user09:57
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serpicosvenxy: kde09:58
eeosserpico: switch user, in menu leave09:58
serpicoeeos: yes but i need a widjet in desktop09:59
svenxyeeos - yep, that not fast enough? then ctrl-alt-<f9> (or <f7> or wherever the other session is running09:59
svenxyserpico - why? GUI-dependent?09:59
serpicosvenxy my dad is a gui-dependent :D10:00
svenxyserpico - OK, agreed, that is a prob10:00
Mamarokserpico: make a desktop icon and associate a shortcut to it?10:01
serpicomamarok: it's a good idea10:01
serpicomamarok: but can i make this?10:01
Mamarokserpico: of course, it will not look as shiny as a widget, but still can work10:02
Mamarokserpico: did you check on kde-look.org if there is no widget yet?10:02
serpicomamarok yes i've checked but i don't see any widjet10:03
Mamarokserpico: I mean on the website itself? maybe check also kde-apps.org10:04
serpicomamarok i'm going to see kge-apps.org10:05
serpicomamarok: there aren't10:08
Mamarokserpico: kde.apps.org10:08
Peace-Hi guyrs10:08
serpicomamarok kde.apps.org don't find them10:09
Mamarokserpico: actually, what is not GUI enough in clicking on the menu and go to switch user?10:10
serpicomamarok...i don't know...my dad don't like it...bah...10:11
eeosI have a difficulty: since upgrading to 904, I cannot restart the Xserver using ctrl + alt + backspace anymore. Why? Anyone else experiencing the same?10:12
Mamarokserpico: well, he might get used to it if he tries a few times? Once a second user is loaded it's quite easy to use the shortcut, and that's should be possible to associate to a desktop icon10:13
Mamarokeeos: that has been disabled on purpose10:14
Mamarokeeos: as it's not a recommended behaviour, normally one should log out10:14
eeosMamarok: when the system freezes, or the graphic card driver misbehaves, it is really useful10:16
eeosMamarok: how do we reactivate it?10:16
Mamarokeeos: you can reactivate it though, you need to install a package, let me get it for you10:16
Mamarokeeos: install dontzap10:20
Mamarok!info dontzap10:20
ubottudontzap (source: dontzap): Command line tool to set the DontZap option in xorg.conf. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.2 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 124 kB10:20
Mamarokeeos: you can also use AltGr+SysRq+k10:21
Mamarokwhich is the recommende method, as it will save the session10:21
MamarokAlt+Ctrl+Backspace doesn't10:22
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eeosMamarok: thanks for the last suggestion, it sounds very interesting .... do you knw what variables are saved within the session?10:28
Mamarokeeos: not by heart, no, but killing it the old way saves nothing10:29
Mamarok...too late :(10:30
eeosMamarok: sorry, I lost the key combination you gave me to restart the Xserver saving the session ....10:34
Mamarokeeos: AltGr+SysRq+k10:36
Mamarokkilling X the other way round doesn't save anything at all10:36
eeosMamarok: what variables are saved when you kill using this method?10:37
{DC}Kenmorning,   I'm having a problem with the new upgrade.   I've got the intel 845G video chip and I've tried F4 to disable the graphics but it still loads compiz fusion.   It hangs on the desktop within a few seconds of boot up10:38
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Mamarokeeos: I don't know by heart, sry, but that's certainly documented somewhere in a manpage10:42
Mamarok{DC}Ken: you most likely have hit a bug then, as there are problems with that intel card10:43
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Mamarok{DC}Ken: also, you should not have compik fusion installed, as Kwin uses it's own desktop effects10:43
Mamarokcompiz* even10:44
{DC}KenI installed it on an earlier verzion10:44
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{DC}KenIs there a way to uninstall it through the recovery?10:45
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Mamarok!info compiz10:45
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 37 kB, installed size 72 kB10:45
Mamarok{DC}Ken: you can uninistall it with sudo apt-get rempve compiz10:45
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{DC}Kenty I'll give that a try10:46
Mamarok{DC}Ken: mind the typo10:46
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{DC}Kennp  I have that problem too10:46
Mamarok{DC}Ken: its sudo apt-get remove compiz10:46
{DC}Kenwhat server is this so I can get back here easier than chasing down the help page10:46
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Mamarok{DC}Ken: server?10:47
{DC}Kenirc server10:48
Mamarok{DC}Ken: oh, you mean this channel? its on irc.freenode.net10:48
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{DC}Kenok ty10:48
Mamarok{DC}Ken: but if you have a Kubuntu installed this channel is already set to default on Quassel10:48
MamarokQuassel= IRC client10:48
{DC}Kenthats if I can get into kubuntu lol10:48
{DC}Kena bunch of us use afternet for some gaming and i have it saved on the windows side10:49
{DC}Kenthats why I have the {DC} tag infront of my handle10:50
Mamarok{DC}Ken: well, there is another possibility to disable the desktop effects altogether:10:50
Mamarok{DC}Ken: you can edit the following file (when not logged into KDE that is, so you might have to start in the recovery mode10:52
Mamarokin the upper part there is a section called compositing10:52
Mamarokwhere you can put 'enabled' to false instead of true10:53
Mamarok{DC}Ken: does this help you?10:54
{DC}Kenok ty I'll give that a try first and see what happens10:54
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{DC}Kenhave a great day/evening and thanks again10:55
{DC}KenI'll let you know if it did help as I have it installed on this machine under a dual boot10:55
eeosdoes anyone know how to change the color of the panel in kde 4.2.3?11:03
ZoraelWhy is it Krfb uses about as much cpu when inactive (merely humming in the background) as x11vnc does with a client connected?11:05
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Zoraelmore, even11:06
{DC}Ken1 more quick question11:20
{DC}Kenis there a login and password for a different admin account in recovery?11:21
{DC}KenMamarok:  when I tried the ~/,kde/share/config/kwinrc    it said permission denied11:22
Mamarok{DC}Ken: it's just a plain text file you can open with any editor, and the user has rights on it as it is in his user space11:33
Mamarok{DC}Ken: beware though, if you edit it with your admin rights which is default when you login in recovery mode11:33
{DC}Kenok I tried logging in in recovery and it logged me in but I still didn't have permission11:34
Mamarok{DC}Ken: you have to change the ownership back to the user after that11:34
Mamarok{DC}Ken: you don't have to log in at all, starting in recovery mode gives you sudo rights by default11:34
Mamarokand the default editors around are either vi or nano AFAIR11:35
{DC}KenI tried the sudo apt-get remove compiz    but it said file was not found and 0 removed11:35
{DC}Kenbut as soon as I tried to go to the desktop it shows the compiz fusion splash screen11:36
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kaddi_how can I enter a folder whose name begins with a $ in shell?11:42
Mamarokkaddi_: you can't, the $ is not an allowed sign in file or folder names11:43
Mamarokas it is used for environment variables11:43
desukaddi_: cd \$foo11:43
makdaknifeescape the $ with a backslash11:44
Mamarokstill not allowed, you really should avoid that sign in names11:44
makdaknifeMamarok: it is allowed... I just tested it11:44
makdaknifeMamarok: not ideal... but it works11:44
Mamarokmakdaknife: well, it shouldn't then11:44
desutechnically, you can have ANYTHING except '/' in file names11:44
desulinux and most of the filesystems allow everything except '/'11:45
desu*linux kernel11:45
kaddi_desu that doesn't work in my case... :/11:45
desukaddi_: you're doing it wrong11:46
desukaddi_: what error are you getting?11:46
Mamarokwell, it still is a reserved character and therefore it should not be used in file or folder names, escaping it is in XML or LaTeX or scripts11:46
kaddi_my bad... desu,wrong tab... :/11:47
desuMamarok: well, the OS allows it, the filesystem allows, most of the apps allow it...11:47
desuthose apps which do not, need to be fixed11:47
kaddi_Mamarok, tell that to Microsoft :p I'm lurking in my windows-wastebin ;)11:48
Mamarokdesu: this doesn't change the fact it is a reserved character, so allowing it is not a good idea IMHO11:48
desuMamarok: reserved character or not, it is still allowed... neither the OS nor the FS care which shell you're using and whether you need to espace that character :P11:50
Mamarokcheck your linux books, guys: http://tinyurl.com/rescharacters11:50
kaddi_autocomplete won't work on \$RECYCLE.BIN though, it only offers the variables. Which is why I thought that backslash didn't work11:50
Mamarokkaddi_: yes, I know, Windows allows a lot of stuff that shouldn't be *sigh*11:51
desuMamarok: neither the OS nor the FS care which characters your shell considers "reserved".11:52
kaddi_In fairness: they don't use $ for their variables either, so I suppose they didn't really see a problem in allowing them... I've never tried to name a file %comspec% or similar on Windows ... should be fun though :D11:52
desuso, yeah, they're perfectly legal and perfectly normal.11:52
makdaknifeMamarok: I just read through the chapter in your link to the Linux cookbook... there is nothing there to say that these characters are illegal, only that they are reserved and if you want to usethem they need to be quoted or escaped... our advice to kaddi was to escape the dollar sign, which is exactly what the linux cookbook tells you todo11:59
Mamarokmakdaknife: well, bad wording on my side, but reserved means they should not be used elsewhere12:02
Mamarokespecially if one wants to use a script that points to filenales or folders, it makes your work more compilcated and error prone12:03
Mamarokso unless you really have to, I would suggest not to use it, the alphanumeric character set is wide enough for folders and filenames12:04
makdaknifeMamarok: point taken... generally I avoid even using spaces in filenames etc... but that's because I'm a lazy coder... unfortunately if you want to script anything that is beyond the scope of your own usage and conventions, you need to accept that some people just do stupid things because those things are still permitted...12:06
cuznti am runnign in gnome right now but i have kde 4.2.2 and when i start my keyboard ceases to work12:24
yaa_kde musdie12:28
Mamarokcuznt: are you running 9.0412:30
Mamarokyaa_: do you have a question?12:30
yaa_mama hi)12:31
Mamarokyaa_: hi, do you have a question?12:31
yaa_no no thanx12:32
Mamarok!chat | yaa_12:33
ubottuyaa_: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin12:33
Mamarokhm, taht was the wrong one...12:33
Mamarok!ot | yaa_12:33
ubottuyaa_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:33
Mamarokhere you go12:33
yaa_)) i know12:33
Mamarokcuznt: still need help?12:34
ahmedhow i check if samba start  at   startup or not? because everytime i start my pc i have to tun sudo \etc\init.d\samba restart if i didnt run it i got error permission when i open share on xp12:35
Mamarokahmed: you can add it to the autostart in systemsettings -> advanced Tab -> autostart12:37
desuahmed: sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/samba /etc/rc2.d/S99samba12:38
desu-.- Mamarok beat me to it12:38
ahmedMamarok:  u told me befor but it didnt work12:38
desuahmed: sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/samba /etc/rc2.d/S99samba12:38
desuwait wut12:38
Mamarokdesu: point taken :)12:38
desuwhy didn't it work?12:38
ahmeddesu: what it do?12:38
ahmedno i tried to add to autostart and didnt work i didnt try ur command]12:39
desuahmed: it symlinks samba startup script to the runlevel 2 RC directory telling it to start after every other service has started12:39
ahmedok i'll try it and tell u now12:40
desubtw, what error did you get with Mamarok's method?12:40
Mamarokdesu: btw, this is not a competition :)12:41
* desu never took this as a competition >.>12:41
desui was just wondering why your method doesn't work >.>12:41
desusince technically it should <.<12:41
Mamarokdepends on what runlevel you add it, since you can choose those in autostart12:42
ahmedi didnt get errors but when i restart i try to open shares on xp pc i get permission error so i had to run sudo \ets\init.d\samba restart to make share allowed on xp12:42
desuahmed: did you modify the samba config in any way?12:42
desuahmed: also, linux uses forward slashes, not back slashes >.>12:42
ahmeddesu: yes i did12:43
ahmedsorry i misstyped12:43
ahmeddesu: i run  sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/samba /etc/rc2.d/S99samba in konsol do i have todo something else?12:44
desuah, then, of course, you'll have to reload the config/restart it12:45
desuahmed: actually, just rm /etc/rc2.d/S99samba12:45
desuyou WILL have to restart it every time you modify the config12:45
ahmeddesu: ok iremoved it what i have 2do  now12:47
desusudo /etc/init.d/samba restart12:48
ahmedanything else?12:48
ahmedok if i restart kubuntu do i have to run sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart12:49
desuahmed: do this: ls /etc/rc2.d/*samba12:49
ahmedi got /etc/rc2.d/S20samba12:50
desuthen no, you wont have to do that.12:50
desu(as i suspected)12:50
desubut every time you modify the config file, you will have to do that12:50
bewoftheyes i do12:50
ahmedok let me try i'll restart and try and i'll tell u ok12:51
bewoftherain and a fuse blew12:51
* desu huggles12:51
bewofthemy keyboard works to sign into kde 4.2.2 but then stops working.12:51
bewoftheim in gnome ait12:51
bewoftheas i type12:51
* bewofthe hugs freeware12:52
desubewofthe: go to system settings, enable sticky keys and slow keys, apply, disable sticky keys and slow keys, apply.12:52
desu(in kde)12:52
* desu huggles bewofthe 12:52
=== bewofthe is now known as cuznt
MushroomKingdomHello, and good morning. I reinstalled Kubuntu and I'm having some troubles. I basically can't find repositories in konsole for anything.12:54
desuMushroomKingdom: they aren't there in /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:54
MushroomKingdomI have that file, but my Konsole wont allow me to find any12:55
desuwhat do you mean?12:56
MushroomKingdomsudo aptitude search [] doesn't work12:56
MushroomKingdomI can't find firefox, irssi,12:56
desuMushroomKingdom: did you run sudo apt-get update first?12:57
MushroomKingdomHm, that may be it12:57
ahmeddesu: it didnt work12:57
PiciYou don't need sudo to search either.12:57
MushroomKingdomPici: I've always got a warning message when searching without sudo12:58
desuahmed: do this: runlevel12:58
desuMushroomKingdom: apt-get search foo12:58
MushroomKingdomdesu: Thanks I think it worked. I'll find out right away12:58
Piciapt-cache search12:58
Picior aptitude search.  there is no apt-get search funtion12:58
desuah, yeah, apt-cache12:58
MushroomKingdom90% on updates12:59
ahmed<desu: N 212:59
desuahmed: /etc/init.d/samba status13:00
MushroomKingdomyay, thanks that worked.13:00
ahmeddesu: * nmbd is running13:00
ahmed * smbd is running13:00
desuahmed: what seems to be the problem?13:01
desuahmed: how exactly does it "not work"?13:01
ahmedthe problem is  on xp i try to open share i type my ip \\ i get windows cannt find \\ if i run sudo \etc\init.d\samba restart it work fine it happen everytime i shutdown kubuntu or restart it13:02
desuahmed: once again, linux uses FORWARD slashes, not backward slashes.13:03
desuahmed: anyway, what's the exact output of the restart?13:03
ahmedok sorry again13:03
ahmed* Stopping Samba daemons                                                [ OK ]13:04
ahmed * Starting Samba daemons                                                [ OK ]13:04
ahmedafter that everything work fine but if i restart the problen comes again13:05
desuand does it work now?13:05
desuanything else you do?13:05
ahmedit worked now after i restart samba13:05
desudo this13:05
bewofthei could not find the stickey keys setting13:05
desustop samba13:05
desuand then start it13:06
desuinstead of just restarting13:06
desubewofthe: settings -> system settings -> accessibility13:06
desubewofthe: then modifier keys and keyboard filters13:06
bewofthety again13:07
ahmeddesu: ok i run sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop13:07
ahmednow i run sudo /etc/init.d/samba start13:07
ahmed * Starting Samba daemons                                                [ OK ]13:07
IdhanI have a problem with ooffice, Is installed but I can't run it, also, trough the command line, I dont get any back information about the problem.. it simply does nothing.. any help13:08
vbgunzanybody have an issue on nvidia cards where some of your screen is suddenly highlighted black (in lack of a better definition)? do you know what is happening?13:08
desuvbgunz: happens with me :/13:09
desuvbgunz: no idea why, though :/13:10
ahmeddesu: after i start the problem is come back again now i got the error13:10
desuIdhan: what does running oofice through the command line say?13:10
desuahmed: file a bug, please13:10
cuzntgot it thanks13:11
desuahmed: also, paste your entire /etc/init.d/samba to pastebin.ca13:11
cuzntnow 1 more ?13:11
* desu huggles cuznt 13:11
desucuznt: yes? :313:11
cuzntknetwrokmanager is no longer the default?13:11
desu"no longer the defualt"?13:11
cuzntwatch a fity year old man type13:11
cuznti turned off the manger by accident13:12
cuzntand now turning it on it no longer looks the same13:12
* cuznt 's little wifi antenna is replaced13:12
Idhandesu: nothing..13:12
desuIdhan: nothing?13:13
desuIdhan: no output?13:13
desuIdhan: or something like "command not found"?13:13
Idhandesu: exactly..not output..13:13
desucuznt: replaced?13:13
* desu doesn't understand :(13:13
Idhandesu: no, the command is there..13:13
desuIdhan: try reinstalling?13:13
cuznthard to describe13:13
Idhandesu: yes.. is the best option I think.. thank you13:14
cuznti got it13:14
ahmeddesu: i restart samba it worked again13:14
ahmeddesu: http://pastebin.ca/143766513:14
* cuznt crashes into the learning curve13:14
* cuznt huggles desu danks13:15
ahmeddesu: any troubles in files13:17
AceKingHi all, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and on certain things I try to run it says I need administrative privileges... How do I set privileges?13:18
desuahmed: 'sec... haven't looked at the paste yet13:18
desuAceKing: add to the group "admin" the users to whom you want to give the admin priviledges13:18
desuAceKing: man sudoers if you want to set per-program permissions13:18
AceKingdesu: I'm new to Ubuntu can you tell me how to do that?13:19
desurestart|force-reload)  $0 stop; sleep 1; $0 start;13:19
desuAceKing: type `man sudoers' in the terminal13:19
desuahmed: seems strange, since restart only calls start and stop...13:20
desuahmed: file a bug13:20
AceKingdesu: Ok, it brought up a lot of text13:20
desuyes :)13:20
desuyou're supposed to read that :P13:21
ahmeddesu: I stopped samba and start it there is error i restart it it work13:21
desuthough, just adding the user to the admin should give him all the permissions13:21
desuahmed: fiel a bug :P13:21
AceKingdesu: Thank you13:21
ahmeddesu: how i do that13:21
desuahmed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/13:22
ahmedthen i have to write my problem there and wait??13:23
ahmedfor several days of nightmare13:24
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AceKingdesu: I am lost. Isn't there a simple way to set admin privileges?13:31
desuAceKing: click on k-menu -> system -> kuser -> select the user you want -> add the user to the group "admin"13:32
DarkTanis there any way to dowgrade wine back to version 0.9.56?13:32
desuAceKing: the disadvantage is that the user gets full rights to the system, which you most probably do not want13:32
desuDarkTan: download 0.9.56 separately, uninstall the current, install 0.9.5613:33
AceKingdesu: I am trying to use a disk partition program that it will not let me use13:33
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desuAceKing: run it as "sudo <program>"13:34
DarkTandesu: how do i download it?13:34
desuDarkTan: search packages.ubuntu.orf13:34
AceKingdesu: I'm sorry, I'm new to this and don't know how to do that13:35
DarkTanok, will try13:35
desuAceKing: what's the program's name?13:36
AceKingdesu: KDE Partition Mangager13:36
desuAceKing: run konsole and type sudo kparted, then enter your password.13:36
AceKingdesu: Thank you13:37
desuAceKing: worked?13:37
DarkTanDesu: how do i searh the address?13:38
desusorry, it's packages.ubuntu.com13:39
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Kiryok, I realize this is a very stupid question13:43
Kirybut I can not seem to get Adobe Flash to download/install so I can play Pandora radio13:44
AceKingdesu: it says "Command not found"13:44
skygeneticneed help on internal mic setting13:44
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:45
desuAceKing: try sudo partitionmanager13:46
desuKiry: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:46
Kirythe package installer says its installed already13:47
Kirybut the pandora site says it isn't13:47
desuKiry: are you on konqueror?13:47
Kiryadept manager?13:47
desuKiry: no, i mean, web browser13:47
Kiry(hangs head) I thought I knew more about kubuntu but I guess not13:48
desuKiry: which web browser?13:48
Kiryoh no, firefox13:48
desuthen pandora's site sucks13:48
desudefault flash plugin works fine for me13:48
skygenetici cant record sounds and chat in skype , it seems like my internal mic is not working , how do i configure it13:48
desuskygenetic: most probably it's muted13:48
* desu must go13:48
skygeneticbut i do unmute it13:48
desusee ya all later....13:48
Kirypossibly pandora's site sucks but it does load and work on Win7's Firefox...13:49
DarkTanhow do i install a .tar.gz?13:50
AceKingDarkTan: what are you trying to install?13:52
DarkTanan older version of wine13:52
AceKingDarkTan: why an older version?13:53
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DarkTantrying to run a game called Last Chaos. according to their forums, doesn't work on the new one13:53
Kirynope, pandora's site sucks period13:53
EruaranHi, I have a notebook system with Kubuntu 9.04 on it and it just wont connect to some wireless routers13:55
AceKingDarkTan: I'm not sure how to do that. You'll need someone with more experience.. Sorry13:55
EruaranSome it has no problem with, but others it just loops, repeatedly asking for your password13:55
Eruarananyone know what to do ?13:55
DarkTanrun Xfce on those routers13:56
DarkTanerr... when conecting to those routers13:56
DarkTanI've had the same problem since 6.1013:56
DarkTanKDE won't connect, Xfce will. I don't know why13:57
EruaranWhat does Xfce use to connect ?13:57
Eruaran(can't I just install the part I need ?)13:57
DarkTani'm not sure, would have to log out to find out. but it does have it;s own network manager13:57
Eruaranfixing problems on linux is fun13:59
Eruaranthere is always a solution one way or another13:59
DarkTanso, you kow how to install programs rom tar.gz files?13:59
EruaranWindows on the other hand, makes me want to kill myself13:59
EruaranIn general yes14:00
EruaranAlthough most that I've installed that come like that tend to not need anything but to be uncompressed (like Skype)14:00
DarkTanwell. i think wine needs more than that14:01
EruaranAre you using Kubuntu ?14:01
DarkTanyeah, but i need an older version of wine14:01
EruaranNot using the one in the repositories ?14:01
Eruaranah i c14:02
Eruarannewer version doesn't work with something ?14:02
Eruaranwhat app ?14:02
DarkTanLast Chaos14:02
Eruaranfirst time Ive heard of that game14:03
DarkTanfree MMORPG14:04
Eruaranhmm I've only got Wine 1.0.1 in the repositories here14:06
DarkTani got an older one directly, just don;t know how to install it14:07
Eruarancould force install it14:08
Eruaranand deal with the broken packages as you go14:08
DarkTanhow does that work?14:08
Eruaranmight be a bit of a pain but might still be ok14:09
Eruaranjust a sec14:10
EruaranIt will require some bash commands14:12
EruaranI'm a novice with bash but with a bit of googling its still doable14:12
DarkTanok, will fiddle later14:13
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SanityInAnarchySo... what happened to WPA in 9.04?14:25
SanityInAnarchyAnyone? Because I'm starting to feel like I should expect basic things to stop working in Kubuntu. First bluetooth, and now this...14:26
kaddi_SanityInAnarchy: I think there is a bug with the knetworkmanager, but both the gnome nm-applet and wicd should be able to connect to WPA14:26
kaddi_installing wicd will uninstall networkmanager though. just as a warning14:27
GodHandHi, im making my own kubuntu live cd using UCK. doe any1 know how to change the default plasma theme while rooted??14:27
SanityInAnarchyAh, alright. Just like the solution for bluetooth in 8.10 -- use something from gnome.14:27
kaddi_I think wicd isn't gnome... but maybe check that with the other people here. ;) And I found it works much better than nm.. but that's opinion :)14:28
SanityInAnarchyWell, true, wicd probably isn't. But you know, this worked in 8.10.14:29
kaddi_yes I know... and there where many other things that worked back in 8.10 :) I really regretted upgrading at first, but after overcoming these problems, jaunty is actually quite nice :)14:29
SanityInAnarchySeems par for the course in kde4 -- take the perfectly working kde3 network manager app, port it to kde4, and drop features.14:30
kaddi_networkmanager never worked for me in kde3, lol14:30
JontheEchidnayeah, networkmanager sucked in kde3 too, but in different ways14:30
kaddi_hehe, don't make the same problems twice, eh? ;)14:31
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GodHandHi, im making my own kubuntu live cd using UCK. doe any1 know how to change the default plasma theme while rooted??14:57
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sylvanus_what Instant Messenger will work with my Logitech Quickcam Chat in ubuntu 9:0415:01
sylvanus_please somebody help15:02
DragnslcrI believe Kopete's Yahoo protocol supports audio and video15:03
sylvanus_that for me Dragnslcr?15:04
sylvanus_So do I have to istall Kopete?15:05
Eruaranwhat is with amarok15:05
Eruaranit has become unusable15:05
Eruaranrescan collection half a dozen times and it cant pick up all albums... and some albums it does pick up it doesnt put any songs in there15:06
Eruaranand it just crashed...15:06
makdaknifeEruaran: I feel your pain...15:06
Eruaranits screwed up15:06
sylvanus_do I have to install Kopete? Dragnslcr?15:07
makdaknifeand it can't even play cd's without ripping them anymore....15:07
Eruaranmight have to try juk I think15:07
Dragnslcrsylvanus_- it's installed by default15:07
sylvanus_where don't see it?15:08
Eruaranit cant even give me an album cover even if I point it to where I've saved one I've already downloaded for it15:08
makdaknifeEruaran: I found that it was best to nuke the amarok collection database and start from scratch last time that it freaked out15:08
Eruaranreally ?15:08
wizardslovakhow can i resize pictures?15:08
makdaknifeEruaran: what version are you running? I've got 2.0.9 and it seems to be a bit more stable15:09
sylvanus_I'm such and idiot I hate myself15:10
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makdaknifeEruaran: ah... try get 2.0.9... you may need to add experimental repos to your apt sources15:11
Eruaranmakdaknife: do I just delete everything in my amaok folder ?15:11
makdaknifewizardslovak: you could use gimp... or if you like the command line... you could use imagemagick... convert15:11
makdaknifeEruaran: hold on a second.. I will get the path for you15:11
EruaranI'm talking about the one in my .kde/apps/amarok15:12
wizardslovakmakdaknife: well mi picture is 2mb and i need it to be smaller .5mb15:12
makdaknifeEruaran: hmmm yeah... maybe... if you nuke it, it will be like starting over15:12
makdaknifeEruaran: I highly recommend getting a later version of amarok15:13
Eruaranyeah I cant till 1am15:13
makdaknifeEruaran: many of my woes were overcome by this15:13
Eruaranoff peak15:13
makdaknifeEruaran: crap... you on dial-up?15:13
EruaranI went over my peaktime dl limit15:14
Eruaranafter 1am it will be fast again15:14
makdaknifeEruaran: ah15:14
EruaranI have cable15:14
Eruaranbut I'm at 56k speed right now15:14
Eruaranthis sucks15:17
Eruaraneven after nuking it comes back the same15:17
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makdaknifewizardslovak: you could open an image in Gwenview... and then use the Email plugin to resize it to a particular size15:18
makdaknifewizardslovak: you may need to install kipi plugins15:18
EruaranI've never seen Amarok behave so badly15:18
Eruaranits like its an alpha15:18
makdaknifeEruaran: sorry... I guess you will have to wait till 1pm15:18
Eruaranmakdaknife: yes :P15:18
EruaranI shall be in pain for the next 40 minutes15:19
juanq lo q.15:19
makdaknifeEruaran: yeah... I remember thinking that it blew goats when I first installed it15:19
juan palomos que asen15:19
juanidiotas todos15:19
makdaknifeEruaran: 2.0.9 is about a million times better15:19
Eruaranmakdaknife: this is good to know15:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:20
wizardslovakwhats the command for getting kipi plugin?15:24
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makdaknifeEruaran: oooooh amarok2.1 is out... http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download:Kubuntu15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about svk15:25
ubottuŽiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.15:25
makdaknifewizardslovak: sudo apt-get install kipi-plugins15:27
EruaranA new Amarok might make me happeh15:27
juantheir pussy face15:30
juanyou are pussy face15:30
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kaddiwhat would be the typical konversation command to remove ignore?15:56
mtnd3wHello, what was the default irc client for Hardy? I'm forgetting the name?16:01
mtnd3wthank you16:03
* kaddi is a konversation-fangirl :)16:03
kaddiyour welcome :)16:03
andybleadenhas that been replaced now in jaunty by quassel then...must be I suppose as that is what I am on now16:03
Eruaranmakdaknife: my upgrades are coming down the line now16:05
error_I get this error massage when updating: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!16:07
error_any help?16:08
error_in 9.04...16:09
makdaknifeEruaran: good stuff... hope you like the new version16:10
makdaknifeEruaran: it looks like amarok 2.1 beta hasn't made it into the repo yet... but 2.0.9 is good enough16:10
EruaranIt still doesn't pick up all my albums :(16:14
* Eruaran sighs16:18
Eruaranwhats the point16:18
Eruarancant even display album covers16:18
MamarokEruaran: watch your language!16:31
Eruaraneh ?16:32
MamarokEruaran: also, Amarok 2.0.2 is quite outdated unfortunately, there should be a 2.0.96 in the repos by now and 2.1 is due later16:32
epicurussoo... kubuntu16:43
Mamarokepicurus: do you need help?16:45
epicurusnah just installed kubuntu to check it out.. impressive :)16:45
mahmoud_hey guys,my display on laptop it is very slow16:48
mahmoud_it is frist time used linx kubuntu 9.0416:49
Mamarokmahmoud_: you should give some more details: CPU, RAM, graphic card16:49
mahmoud_cpu 1.8 dual-core16:50
mahmoud_2 g ram16:50
mahmoud_gra phic card intel 94516:50
mahmoud_what do i do?16:51
Mamarokmahmoud_: you should try disable some desktop effects, do <ou know how?16:51
Mamarokgo to the menu -> system settings -> Desktop16:52
Mamarokthere you should see an option "Desktop effects"16:52
mahmoud_ok i am here16:53
MamarokIs the compsiting active?16:53
Mamarokcompositing* even16:53
mahmoud_i dont see that16:54
mahmoud_where is?16:55
mahmoud_mamarok -- where is the compsiting active?16:56
epicurusohh cool lol Mamarok I just turned on desktop effects16:56
epicuruslooks even better ^_^16:57
Mamarokmahmoud_: when you are in the desktop effects option, you should see if the compositing is active, I guess yes as this is default16:57
Mamarokmahmoud_: there is a known bug with the driver for your card: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/34292316:59
Mamarokmahmoud_: to have a faster desktop, you can try diabling the compositing16:59
papeanswer me17:00
Mamarokpape: where is your question?17:00
epicurusu didnt ask anything pape lol17:00
papemy question is i can't use amsn17:01
papehelp me please17:01
GinoManGFs... use kopete17:02
GinoManGFscame with kubuntu17:02
Mamarokmahmoud_: or you will have to change your X server settings to use UXA17:02
GinoManGFsor should have17:02
papewho is kopet17:02
mahmoud_how plz?17:02
Mamarokpape: kopete is an application for IM protocols17:02
GinoManGFskopete is a program that allows you to use multiple IM protocols in one program17:03
papewhere is application17:03
mahmoud_how to change?17:03
papeim protocol17:03
Mamarokmahmoud_: I am not an X server specialist, let's hope somebody else can tell you how, sorry17:03
mahmoud_ok anther q it is kopete it is not work?17:05
WB2ColoradoPape, it should be in the Internet menu under applications17:05
Mamarokmahmoud_: I don't exactly understand your question I am afraid17:05
Mamarokmahmoud_: what do you want to know exactly?17:06
mahmoud_the chat is not work on kopete?17:06
Mamarokmahmoud_: Kopete is an IM protocol application, for IRC you need either Quassel or Konversation17:07
kingjereI'm one of the unfortunate victims of the NVidia kde 4.* can't come out of suspend things. Is that improved (fixed)?17:07
Mamarokand Quassel is installed by default17:07
mahmoud_ok is it no work17:07
WB2ColoradoSo is Konversation17:08
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mahmoud_and  i need install17:08
MamarokWB2Colorado: Konversation works quite well, rest assured :)17:08
mahmoud_some program to chat like msn or yahoo17:08
WB2ColoradoI know17:08
Mamarokmahmoud_: for your graphic card problem:17:09
Mamarok!intel | mahmoud_17:09
ubottumahmoud_: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:09
GinoManGFsI hate Quassel17:09
GinoManGFsit kept putting me in identities that were not the ones I wanted17:09
MamarokGinoManGFs: watch your language!17:09
MamarokGinoManGFs: if you don't like something, just use something else then17:10
GinoManGFslike it would append a _ after my name17:10
Mamarokthere is choice enough17:10
GinoManGFs"watch your language"?17:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:10
GinoManGFsthat's a new context17:10
papei want to change the the language17:10
papebut i can't17:11
Mamarokpape: the go to #ubuntu-fr17:11
Mamarokoh, you want to change the default language in your settings you mean?17:11
Mamarokpape: in ystem settings -> Regional & Language -> add French and set it as the system language17:11
GinoManGFsI'm so bash.orging the watch your language quote17:12
mahmoud_mamarok how to install msn caht?17:13
Mamarokmahmoud_: in Kopete, there is an option AFAIR17:13
MamarokGinoManGFs: read the topic please17:13
mahmoud_ok but is dispper17:13
Mamarokmahmoud_: what is your native language? You could get help in your mothertongue in another channel maybe17:14
mahmoud_plz dont17:14
mahmoud_ok step by step17:14
Mamarokmahmoud_: what did disappear?17:14
GinoManGFs.... Do not install kde 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there are still packaging issues17:14
GinoManGFsI'm remember not to do that17:15
GinoManGFsthanks for the tip17:15
MamarokGinoManGFs: this is a support channel in the Ubuntu domain, so there are rules, including the language to use17:15
papedonner moi un sit francophone17:15
Mamarok!fr | pape17:15
papeg parle pas bien l'anglais17:15
ubottupape: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:15
papeok merci17:16
Mamarokmahmoud_: what do you mean, it doesn't work?17:16
mahmoud_it is does17:16
Mamarokmahmoud_: check the panel in the lower right of your screen, there is a speech bubble?17:17
Mamarokif yes, click on it to restore Kopete17:17
mahmoud_not there17:18
Mamarokmahmoud_: then restart it17:18
mahmoud_restart what17:18
MamarokKopete, if it is not running17:18
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mahmoud_whats up?17:21
Mamarokmahmoud_: you need to have full sentences if you want me to understand your problem17:21
mahmoud_i havent17:21
mahmoud_kopete it is not work on my system and disapper17:22
Mamarokmahmoud_: then try to restart it17:22
mahmoud_i cant find it17:22
kaddiyou've earned your coffee for today ;)17:24
Mamarokyeah, I guess so17:25
* Mamarok goes and fetches a coffee now17:25
mahmoud_the kopete it is not there17:26
Mamarokmahmoud_: in the menu -> Internet, there is no Kopete?17:29
Mamarokyes there is?17:29
mahmoud_no it is there17:30
Mamarokthen start it :)17:30
tomsdalekaffeine and audacious tickel Xorg and Kwin to use more than 50% CPU power when kwin is enabled. Anyone something similar to report?17:30
mahmoud_it is17:30
mahmoud_no there17:31
Mamaroktomsdale: did you check bugs on Launchpad?17:31
Mamarokmahmoud_: oh, it is not there! sry, didn't understand you17:31
Mamarokmahmoud_: you can install it then:17:31
Mamarokmahmoud_: do you know how to use the oackage manager?17:31
Mamarokpackage*, sry17:32
mahmoud_i am sorry iit is frist time to used kubuntu17:32
Mamarokmahmoud_: it is easiest to do in a terminal then17:32
Mamarokmahmoud_: type Alt+F2, you will have a small window on your screen then17:33
Mamarokthen type: konsole and the return key17:33
Mamarokthis will open a terminal window17:34
Mamarokthere you type the following:17:34
Mamaroksudo apt-get install kopete17:34
Mamarokit will ask you your password17:34
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mahmoud_it is done but17:35
mahmoud_not open17:35
Mamarokmahmoud_: what is not open?17:35
Mamarokmahmoud_: this will not open it, it will install it17:36
mahmoud_i am understand but when me write that and install not anthing running17:37
Mamarokmahmoud_: it did ask you your password?17:37
mahmoud_dont ask17:37
neversfeldemahmoud_: open a konsole and give as the output of17:38
neversfeldeapt-cache policy kopete17:38
mahmoud_how i do that?17:38
Mamarokmahmoud_: are you the person who installed Kubuntu on the computer?17:38
Mamarokhgg: do you have a question?17:39
Mamarokmahmoud_: and you just did open a konsole window, didn't you?17:39
hggI was just looking at the kopete configuration... it was saying something about command aliases..17:39
hggtrying to find out how it is used..17:40
Mamarokmahmoud_: please type the following command in this window, the hit the return button17:40
Mamaroksudo apt-get install kopete17:40
mahmoud_sudo apt-get install kopete17:40
Mamaroknot here, in the konsole window17:40
mahmoud_i write that17:40
Mamarokthen you hit the return key17:41
Mamarokand it asks you your password17:41
mahmoud_but no running17:41
Mamarokmahmoud_: did you enter your password?17:41
mahmoud_it is no ask my password17:41
Mamarokmahmoud_: I think you should get some help close to you, this is difficult by distance17:42
Mamarokmahmoud_: there are channels in your language where you could get help too, you know?17:42
kaddiMamarok: can I pm you?17:42
Mamarokkaddi: why?17:42
kaddijust want to run something by you :) nothing evil ;)17:43
mahmoud_sorry for this time17:43
Mamarokmahmoud_: don't be sorry, we all were starting at one time :)17:45
Mamarokmahmoud_: you did install Kubuntu or are you running a live CD?17:45
Mamarokyou did install then,right?17:46
dellkimse yokmu17:47
Mamarokmahmoud_: and the CD is not in the computer anymore?17:47
Mamarokdell: english, please!17:47
Mamarokmahmoud_: to run from the system you need to remove the CD, else it starts from the CD again17:48
mahmoud_i do17:48
Mamaroktry typing: kopete - directly in the konsole then17:49
mahmoud_  Something did not happen17:52
Mamarokmahmoud_: but you have some errors in the konsole then?17:52
mahmoud_i dont know17:53
Mamarokmahmoud_: did it print something in the konsole after your command?17:53
MSpin_Hello! I'm trying to figure out a key mapping issue between the mysql CLI and konsole.  I press delete, I get a ~.  BS works fine.17:53
mahmoud_you can remot desktop on my laptop?17:54
Mamarokmahmoud_: I prefer not to, this is my work PC. Maybe you can get some help nearby?17:55
* Mamarok is sorry for him :(17:57
tomsdalethat's interesting. I had problems with high cpu load with kaffeine and audacious. I installed now compiz as my default window manager and the CPU load is the first time managable!18:01
JiggersI accidently enabled slow keys18:03
Jiggershow do i enable it for future reference?18:03
Jiggersnever mind18:03
Jiggersbye bye18:03
tomsdaleseems kwin is not playing nicely with my system18:03
Mamaroktomsdale: which KDE?18:04
tomsdaleMamarok: 4.2 jaunty18:04
Mamaroktomsdale: kaffeine is not a KDE 4 application you should use dragonplayer instead18:05
Mamarokaudacious isn't neither AFAIK18:05
tomsdaleMamarok: all I am looking for was a small footprint audio application. Dragon player is also more a video player, isn'tt it.18:06
Mamarokso is kaffeine18:06
Mamarokabd dragonplayer replaces kaffeine18:06
tomsdaleok. would you recommend something for a tiny audio player. I have a lot of small files I don't want to import in amarok.18:07
Mamaroktomsdale: there is moc, running from the terminal18:08
Mamaroktomsdale: smallest I know of18:08
tomsdalethx, i'll check it out. but terminal might be too cumbersome sometimes18:09
Mamaroktomsdale: you will like it, it's a nice one18:09
Mamaroktomsdale: and you can run more than one konsole or tabs inside18:09
makdaknifetomsdale: otherwise try vlc18:10
makdaknifenot that small... but works a treat18:10
error_hi. I got this error when I use kpackage kit:The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!18:10
error_any idea?18:10
Dragnslcrerror_- I've gotten that a few times, too, but it doesn't seem to break anything18:11
tomsdalebut that compiz experiment surprises me. I have the impression compiz is more responsible with my CPU than KWin. Then again I quite tweaked it.18:11
BooVeMan_work1hi - I can't seem to remove widgets/plasmoids from my panel - so I'm stuck with five Device Notifier Icons...18:11
bayardoHello, somebody knows how to install proprietary Graphics Driver18:11
error_it say finish, but nothing hapend...18:11
Mamarokerror_: close it, then start again18:11
Mamarokbayardo: what graphic card and what version of Kubuntu?18:12
error_I did,and it repets18:12
bayardook its a HD2600 XT18:12
Mamarokerror_: are you a bit familiar with the terminal?18:12
BooVeMan_work1bayardo: kdesudo jockey-kde18:12
bayardoan 9.0418:12
error_not too much18:12
Mamarokbayardo: what brand is that ATI?18:13
Mamarokerror_: you will see, it's quite easy :)18:13
Mamarokbayardo: if this is an ATI card older than 6 month don't use the fglrx driver, it's buggy and will break your X18:14
Mamarokerror_: opened a konsole?18:14
Mamarokerror_: sudo apt-get update18:14
bayardoyes older18:14
bayardoi dont remenber the brand18:15
Mamarokbayardo: then I suggest you check in the forums if this card is known to work with the fglrx driver first, before you install that one18:15
error_W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signaturescouldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A18:15
error_W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems18:15
Mamarokbayardo: well, there is ATI, NVIDIA and Intel, but that number doesn't look like Intel18:15
TataCarComphi there18:15
kaddi hi :)18:16
Mamarokerror_: ok, you have a missing PPA key, do you try to install stuff from a PPA?18:16
bayardowell is a sapohire18:16
BooVeMan_work1hi - I can't seem to remove widgets/plasmoids from my panel - so I'm stuck with five Device Notifier Icons...18:16
bayardoand use to work with ubuntu18:16
error_kde is yust installed, just firefox18:16
MamarokBooVeMan_work1: right click on the desktop, unlock widgets18:16
error_and updates18:17
Mamarokerror_: well, that gpg key means you have a third party repository in your sources.list18:17
bayardobut then i pass to kubuntu and i can´t active de fglrx18:17
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error_what shuld I do?18:17
Mamarokbayardo: you shouldn't, that driver is totally buggy, use the radeon driver18:17
Mamarokerror_: could you please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com please and give the link here?18:18
error_ok, Il thray18:19
TataCarCompwow i didnt knew the website  http://paste.ubuntu.com. very nice!18:19
MamarokTataCarComp: mandatory for eversything above three lines, so the channels is not overrun by pastes :)18:20
BooVeMan_work1Mamarok: they ARE unlocked - never locked them in the first place18:20
MamarokBooVeMan_work1: hover over it and click on the x in the sidebar then18:20
TataCarCompyeah that makes sense Mamarok. ubuntu has a really smart community ;)18:21
Mamarokyep, that's why we are all here, aren't we? :)18:21
Mamarokerror_: that's ok, you have the PPA for KDE 4.2.3 activated there, I'll tell you how to add the key, moment18:22
BooVeMan_work1Mamarok: I seem no t to explain me - I have now five New Device Widges in my principal Panel - i right-click them  and say Remove this ... and nothing happens18:22
TataCarCompi dont read the news in kontact so often about kde and kubuntu. and i am not really in the community. to be honest it's my first chat since years. but i think i should come here more18:22
MamarokTataCarComp: actually, the chat is not here but in #kubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support only18:23
Mamarokerror_: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 2836CB0A8AC93F7A18:24
TataCarCompoh really, thanks - i've learned allready 2 things today ;)18:24
MamarokTataCarComp: yaw :)18:24
BooVeMan_work1Mamarok: I have no x...18:24
MamarokBooVeMan_work1: how that, you have no X?18:24
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MamarokBooVeMan_work1: you mean X is not starting?18:24
BooVeMan_work1its not the sidebar nor the desktop its the bottom panel18:24
TataCarCompok then bye. i visit now the off topic channel. bye and thanks Mamarok18:24
trappistever since upgrading to jaunty, all videos periodically, like, skip sort of, along with their audio.  it doesn't appear to be a performance thing, and it happens in mplayer, xine, even flash videos.  anyone seen this?18:25
Mamarok!codec | trappist18:25
ubottutrappist: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:25
bayardowell thanks18:25
BooVeMan_work1trappist: Yes - and still looking for a solution - Sound in amarok is fine18:25
Mamarokerror_: you are still with me?18:25
trappistMamarok: I've got the codecs installed.18:26
Mamarokdid you type that first line I gave you?18:26
error_did that18:26
Mamarokok second you need:18:26
trappistBooVeMan_work1: sorry to hear that, but I'm also glad I'm not alone :)18:26
Mamarokgpg --export --armor 2836CB0A8AC93F7A | sudo apt-key add -18:27
trappistBooVeMan_work1: maybe we can figure out what we have in common.  I'm using an ATI card - you?18:27
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:27
error_sey :OK18:27
Mamarokerror_: then do again sudo apt-get update18:27
BooVeMan_work1trappist: Nvidia18:28
Mamarokerror_: followed by sudo apt-get upgrade18:28
Mamarokerror_: then check carefully if you really want to install all this18:28
trappistBooVeMan_work1: amd cpu, 32bit18:29
error_all kind of kde stuff...18:29
error_I,l upgrade18:29
BooVeMan_work1trappist: Intel CPU + board18:30
Mamarokerror_: it's an upgrade to KDE 4.2.3, which is mainly a bug correction upgrade, quite save18:30
tyeserelbonjour tout le monde =)18:30
trappistBooVeMan_work1: audigy sound card?18:30
Mamarok!fr | tyeserel18:30
ubottutyeserel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:30
BooVeMan_work1trappist: onboard Intel HDA18:30
error_now I can install software whit kpackagekit?18:30
trappistBooVeMan_work1: do you run kontact 24/7?18:31
BooVeMan_work1trappist: nope I'm a thunderbird guy - but that constantly18:31
MamarokBooVeMan_work1, trappist make sure to use the xine backend in phonon and try removing pulseaudio, it doesn't go well with xine and is not needed by KDE apps18:31
Jack8899How can I make KMail let the recieved mails stay on the server, but delete them on the server, when I delete them locally. The first option is given in the settings, but the second (the deletion) not18:31
BooVeMan_work1Mamarok: THAT is a recomendation - I thought pulse would be the latest...18:32
MamarokJack8899: you can't do this with POP, only with IMAP18:32
trappistMamarok: I don't use phonon and don't have pulseaudio18:32
Mamaroktrappist: if you use KDE4 you have phonon18:32
trappistoh, what's the package?18:32
Mamarokthere is no way around18:32
Mamaroktrappist: it's one of the pilars of KDE4, handles all the sound18:33
Mamarokand installed by default of course18:33
Jack8899Mamarok: But actually I think thunderbird could do it until now...18:33
Mamaroktrappist: systemsettings -> multimedia, that's phonon18:33
error_Mamarok: Thanks a loooot!!18:33
MamarokJack8899: well, kmail doesn't use sieve by default, it works only with the sieve protocol18:34
MamarokJack8899: if your server supports it you can activate that18:34
Jack8899Mamarok: What is sieve?18:34
Mamarokerror_: you are welcome :)18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sieve18:34
Mamarokhm, let's google or the definition then...18:35
BooVeMan_work1Mamarok: phonon works with arts or may atrs go al well?18:35
MamarokBooVeMan_work1: there is no arts anymore in KDE4, it uses alsa18:36
MamarokJack8899: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_%28mail_filtering_language%2918:36
trappistMamarok: mine tells me pulseaudio doesn't work, falling back to my via hardware18:36
Mamarokarghs, sorry for the encoding...18:36
BooVeMan_work1thats the point when dist-upgrade leaves you with starnge systems18:36
trappistforgot I took that audigy out :)18:36
Mamaroktrappist: well, you should disable pulseaudio anyway and selct your soundcard directly, push pulseaudio to the bottom18:37
error_me again, update gone ok,but cant insstall or list any software :-(18:37
trappistMamarok: yeah it was already that way18:37
Jack8899Mamarok: I didnt ever have to activate that on thunderbird... but where is it to activate, i cannot find it in the pop settings18:37
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MamarokJack8899: it's an option in the tools menu I think18:38
error_mamarok: I thurn off ppa and it is the same....18:41
MamarokJack8899: no, in the Settings menu actually18:41
eurythmiaI'm running jaunty on a dell optiplex 760, so I have an ATI RadeonHD 3450, which has dual DVI out ... so I'm trying to set up an extended desktop (without xinerama, because it seems to be broken for ATI on jaunty), but both the catalyst control centre, and the display settings box seem to think that both displays are the same ... so I can get a mirrored desktop, but that's it. Any help would be appreciated.18:41
Jack8899Mamarok: There is a manage sieve script, but then there comes a empty window. It says available script, but its empty. I  have only one button to close it18:41
Mamarokerror_: well, once it's installed you can't really go back that way :)18:42
colton_On kubuntu, there's a box which contains all of the desktop files. What is the difference between the files in this box and sitting outside of it on the desktop? (what's the function of the box?)18:42
error_mamarok: no no, I cant install anithing.ame error as before18:42
Mamarokerror_: what error?18:42
Mamarokerror_: you just did the upgrade, didn't you?18:43
error_mamarok: yes, but it aper when I tray to instal something18:43
error_mamarok: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!18:43
Mamarokerror_: just use the konsole for installing then: sudo apt-et install <packagename>18:44
Mamarokseems your kpackegekit is not working18:44
Mamarokok, I'm off for a walk, need some air, bbl18:44
error_mamarok:ok, thank, so cant use kpackagekit?18:45
trappistBooVeMan_work1: laptop or desktop, and does it do wireless networking?18:45
Mamarokerror_: apparently not, but that's not a big problem once you get used to the command line, and you already started to do so :)18:46
BooVeMan_work1trappist: deskop - no wireless18:46
error_mamarok:he he, ok then. it is my doom I gues18:46
neversfeldeJack8899: Seive is a programming language especially for filtering mails on imap servers18:47
Jack8899neversfelde: It's just some script language for me to programm my own filtering?18:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:50
giuseppe_mi aiutate per favore18:50
alejandrobuenas a la gente del canal18:50
alejandronecesito ayuda de alguien por favor18:50
alejandrocon algo sencillo18:50
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gigicome faccio a scaricare un film18:51
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:51
alejandroalguien que hable en español?18:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:51
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gigimi date una lista?18:53
giustoalla fine non riesco a scaricare aiuto18:53
giustobuonasera e arrivederci18:55
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:56
gigiuna lista film in italiano18:56
atihello everybody19:03
atii have a problem19:03
atimy laptop wont wake up after suspend19:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:04
atii have jaunty on it19:04
atican anybody help me?19:04
trappistgigi: please cut that out.19:05
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hook3dwhen i use amarok, when i got to play vids on youtube/smplayer/vlc they dont move19:28
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hook3dbut when i close amarok videos will run fine19:28
draikI just had my internet on the desktop terminate randomly again. How do I go about seeing why it keeps on doing that?19:39
eurythmiahey, I have jaunty set up on a machine with a radeon HD3450 ... I have the fglrx driver installed (and in use), and I used the amdcccle app to set up my monitors as "separate displays" ... what I want is bigdesktop, but when I run "aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1" I get the error: "Error: Options, e.g. --dtop and --desktop-setup, are not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!" can somebody please help me to get this figured out?19:40
lindenle1HI All, my keyboard just stopped working, is there some known bug in kubuntu that can cause this?19:42
isotopeatheros+wep question19:43
isotopeit appears that the driver works as I'm able to scan for wireless networks19:44
isotopebut it always fails to get an ip address19:44
isotopecan I assume its not a drive issue?19:44
isotopedriver issue?19:44
alex_dinamohello guys19:45
alex_dinamoone question, how safe is network upgrade from 8.04 -> 8.10?19:46
alex_dinamoI tried it on a previous release and had bad luck and ended up with a wrecked system19:46
SandGorgonanybody use koffice 2.0 ? I'm reading rave reviews over at slashdot19:47
chaos2fuhii can someone help me to connect with a VPN usinng the pptp-protocoll?19:48
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seaHi, question: where does one put a font to install it?20:15
seaoh nvm, found it20:16
antarpodskajite russkiy kanal20:17
Jack8899I cannot run more then one multimedia application. It's like the first multimedia pp I run is using the audio stream so the other apps cannot play audio.20:19
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astrobeari badly need koffice20:23
astrobearFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libgsf/libgsf-1-114_1.14.7-0ubuntu1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]20:23
astrobeari'm in a live cd right now20:23
astrobearbecause i can't install koffice in the kubuntu i have installed20:23
PiciWhat version of Kubuntu are you using?20:23
astrobearfor some reason i was thinking koffice would be installed in the kubuntu live cd, silly me20:23
astrobearanyway, i need help20:23
astrobeari ended up deleting everything from the /etc/apt/sources.list file and just putting in the jaunty url20:28
astrobearseems to work...20:28
astrobeardownloading right now20:28
astrobearguess this is an older ubuntu and the repos aren't online anymore20:28
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[[BoCcA_Di_RoSa]io italia20:34
smikehi all20:34
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iivvhow do i make exceptions for certain fonts in .fonts.conf?20:39
senorpedroanyone using the chromium build?20:46
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Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:01
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Mamarokyou don't have to reinstall them, reconfigure you mean I think :)21:02
Mamarokor are the pacakges removed?21:02
Schwagno there still there, just everytime i restart the computer the drivers dont work, and i have to reinstall them21:03
Schwagand the restriceted drivers do not work at all21:03
Mamarokor activate if you prefer21:04
Mamarokinstalling would be adding new packages21:04
Schwaghow do i reconfigure? or activate it?21:04
[[BoCcA_Di_RoSa]io italia21:04
Schwagand so im gonna have to reconfigure everytime i restart? i never had this problem before till i switched to kubuntu21:05
Schwagall ive ever done with any distro is install the nvidia drivers off their site and nvidia settings, set the card up, save the xconfig and voila21:05
MamarokSchwag: no, that should not happen, unless you restart without saving your settings21:06
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MamarokSchwag: well, you didn't say you were using extermal sources, why not use the nvidia drivers distributed in the repos?21:06
Schwagthey dont work21:06
MamarokSchwag: are you sure? I know a lot of people who use those and they work prefectly well21:07
Schwagi just tried the restricted nvidia drivers, no opengl apps work, cant adjust resolution, and nvidia-settings doesnt work either21:08
Mamarokdid you use kde-jokey to configure it?21:08
MamarokSchwag: well, if they really don't work for you, please file a bug on Launchpad so that gets fixed21:09
MamarokSchwag: jockey is the tool to configure proprietary hardware drivers, you should use it21:09
joseHi I need help please.... I can't watch videos over youtube with mozilla ubuntu 9.04 x64 bits .. sometimes the flash player works sometimes it doesn't please help :(21:13
joseanybody knows ? please?21:16
DasEijose: close browsers, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:17
Mamarok!pateince | jose21:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pateince21:17
Mamarok!patience | jose21:17
ubottujose: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:17
Mamarokok, I call it a day, far too tired to make usefull support anymore21:17
joseI'm sorry21:18
Mamarokjose: hever mind :)21:18
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joseMamarok it says21:22
jose For inquiries please contact: Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network        ▒21:22
jose │ Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.                             ▒21:22
jose │                                                                           ▮21:22
jose │ DLJ v1.1                                                  27APR2006ANS    ↓21:22
jose │                                  <Ok>21:22
joseshould I close the terminal now? Sorry for the noob question21:24
joseI'm new with ubuntu :x21:24
iivvhow do i check what version of kde i am running21:34
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johny-b-goodeHello People.21:57
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johny-b-goodeI'm having an issue with the bottom panel not resizing after resizing using kRotate kAnd KSize kAnd KEverything gadget.21:57
johny-b-goodeIs there a way in kde to resize the screen without using that tool?21:58
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draikWhat does 'history -r' do?22:01
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kaddihi pafnow :)22:35
kadditoo slow :/22:35
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mihalisanybody knows about blocked kernel updates???22:51
DasEimihalis: more precisely ?22:51
mihaliskpackagekit finds updates about linux-generic etc but does not update22:52
jamesjedimasteris there any error message?22:53
mihalisno .there is no update option....I heard that I should add kde 4.2.2 repositories .... but still nothing22:54
jamesjedimastertry with command line apt-get update and upgrade22:55
mihalisI did it but nothing really happened22:55
jamesjedimasterdid apt-get upgrade shows anything about an update for the kernel?22:56
ign0ramusmihalis, what if you try to install the kernel directly in terminal? (use "aptitude search linux-image" to find)22:56
mihalishas it has the updates but it says tha the 4 packages will remain as they are22:57
mihalisign0ramus I am a bit afraid to do it with no automated procedure....22:58
ign0ramusmihalis, the only 'automation' is apt, which you would be using with or without a gui...22:59
mihalisok I will try it....22:59
mihalisign0ramus do u know anything about apparmor (an other subject)23:00
ign0ramusmihalis, not really, because my kernel doesn't support that module.  sorry.23:00
mihalisDo u use SElinux?23:01
ign0ramusmihalis, no, i use Kubuntu Jaunty, but I use kernel 2.6.30rc7, which doesn't support Apparmor23:02
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mihalisI feel like to talk about linux security .......23:03
mihalisI have some concerns lately23:03
ign0ramusmihalis, that is an excellent topic, but this channel relates to kubuntu support23:03
mihalisyes reffering to kubuntu mainly23:04
ign0ramusmihalis, SELinux has excellent documentation23:05
speedjHello all23:05
speedjI have a litlle problem with Kubuntu...23:05
ign0ramusmihalis, you can find a lot of information here http://selinux.sourceforge.net/23:05
speedjIn the installation, I install Ubuntu, and after, I download the paquets for Kubuntu.23:06
speedjBut, in the start of kubuntu, the language of my application are in english...and I'm french, and a new user in the world of linux23:07
ign0ramusspeedj, are you using a Kubuntu install disc or an Ubuntu install disc?23:07
mihalisi will have to give it a try because even if apparmor ships with kubuntu 9.04 Crispin Cowan (lead programmer) was hired by MS and it will be abandoned...23:07
speedjSo, I download the paquets "Langage Fr" (with sudo apt-get...), but my applications are again in english23:08
mihalisspeedj try download the original iso from kubuntu site23:08
mihalisand install from there23:09
ign0ramusspeedj, in System Settings, there is Regional & Language... have you tried specifying votre langue there?23:09
ign0ramusspeedj, Once you change your language, log out and when you log in once more, your system should be in your preferred language23:11
speedjThat's a good idea, but I want Gnome+KDE, and I suppose that if i install Ubuntu and after Kubuntu, it may become a problem for the partitions of mondrive disk...?23:11
speedj*on my drive disk23:12
mihalishoe did you install kubuntu once again ... ?23:12
ign0ramusspeedj, if you are installing 2 OSes on 2 separate partitions, simply select your language using the install procedure23:13
ign0ramusspeedj, if you are using gnome and kde on a single install and switching between the two, make sure each environment is set to your language in each environment23:14
mihalisign0ramus shounldn't he install the kde 4 packages on the same partition?23:14
mihalis(an opinion)23:15
speedjBy the "gestionnaire of paquetages" (i'm sorry, i don't know the word in english for "gestionnaire")23:15
ign0ramusmihalis, it depends on what he is trying to accomplish...23:15
ign0ramusspeedj, your "package manager"23:16
speedjI search "kubuntu-desktop" in my package manager, and i install kubuntu23:17
speedjand now, i have a problem with the language of kubuntu23:17
ign0ramusspeedj, yes, and when you log into kde, you can change the language if it is not what you want ... in System Settings23:17
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mihalishave you  installed your specific language packages ....?23:18
speedji know that, i try, but...impossible, my applications stay in english23:18
ign0ramusspeedj, did you log out of kde, and then log in again?23:18
speedjyes, i installed the package in fr23:19
speedjbut nothing23:19
ign0ramusspeedj, do you have23:21
ign0ramusinstalled?  (stupid enter button)23:21
speedjah, no, maybe a solution23:22
ign0ramusJontheEchidna, you here?23:23
speedjand i install this by the command "sudo apt-get kde-l10n-fr" ?23:23
ign0ramusspeedj, ouai23:23
speedjok, thank you23:23
speedjthank you ignoramus23:24
ign0ramusspeedj, hope this helps you23:24
ign0ramusspeedj, pas de probleme :)23:24
speedjmerci :-)23:24
ign0ramusspeedj, then try to apply your language again in kde and log out and log in... you *should* have your apps in your language then.23:25
speedjok, i try this now23:26
speedjand so, i must be quit IRC, because I have on Gnome this23:27
speedjgood bye23:27
trappistif I play video in any app, including flash, as in youtube, every couple of minutes it seems to have a minor siezure, the audio and video skip a few seconds.  this is ever since the upgrade to jaunty.  anybody else seeing this?23:29
ign0ramustrappist, what kind of graphics card?23:30
trappistign0ramus: ati, but I talked to a guy earlier who had the same issue with nvidia23:31
trappistI was hoping to find him here again to ask him if he's running compiz23:31
ign0ramustrappist, does it work better if you are not running compiz?23:31
trappistign0ramus: I don't know, it's a bit of a pain to shut down compiz, and I may have to watch 20 minutes of video to test.  was hoping to find more issue-friends before going through all that.23:32
trappista pain because I have a zillion apps running, and they don't usually handle the transition well23:32
trappistbefore you say it, though, it does still happen with all those apps shut down23:33
ign0ramustrappist, i don't have ati, so i cannot duplicate... my only advice would be to checking compositing (compiz) and your ati drivers23:33
trappistign0ramus: well I got confirmation earlier that it's not ati-specific.  also not amd-specific and a bunch of other things, but it may be compiz-specific... my compiz performance suffered a lot with the upgrade too.23:34
trappistmaybe I could log in with gnome and see if it still happens.  that's a pain too though, so maybe tonight I'll do all that at the same time.23:35
ign0ramustrappist, Jaunty has a lot of video regressions (especially with Intel graphics)... it would help to narrow down your issues by doing things like disabling compiz and seeing if you have the best driver for your graphics first... .0223:35
gmiernickianyone else having problems with linux-rt hanging the entire system a few minutes after logging in?23:35
gmiernickilinux-rt seems VERY unstable :(23:35
trappistign0ramus: yeah that's what I want to do, narrow it down - preferably by finding somebody with the same problem and a somewhat similar setup, but I'll gather more info here and come back to whine some more ;)23:36
ign0ramustrappist, we'll be here :)23:36
trappistgmiernicki: I wouldn't recommend running linux-rt unless you're like running a nuclear power plant or something23:37
gmiernickiits supposed to be used in DAW's23:37
gmiernickifor realtime audio in jack23:37
trappistah that - yeah that's another good use :)23:37
gmiernickiof coz, its pretty frustrating when the system hangs for no apparent reason23:38
trappistI would imagine you'd have to be careful what kind of resources you have competing for realtime execution23:38
gmiernickiand the #linux-rt ppl have nothing good to say about the ubuntu linux-rt package23:38
trappistthey probably know what they're talking about23:39
trappistyou could build your own rt kernel23:39
gmiernickiyes, they develop the real kernel patch23:39
gmiernickiapparently the ubuntu team did their own, and it sucks :(23:39
gmiernickisorry i cant be more apathetic23:39
trappistI wouldn't be surprised if there's a bunch of other (maybe unnecessary stuff) in the ubuntu rt kernel that may conflict with its realtime-ness23:40
trappistmy advice would be to file a bug and build your own rt kernel23:40
gmiernickiu got me there, i dont know much about how the ubuntu kernel team works23:41
gmiernickiim not sure building my own kernel would be the best approach, as i would have to go with 2.6.2923:41
trappistI don't know much about the team, but I know distro kernels in general and ubuntu kernels in specific are chock full of non-mainline features that are nice for most systems but not so nice for others... including, apparently, realtime systems23:41
gmiernickiprolly cause all sorts of fun problems with 9.0423:41
trappistI wouldn't expect that to be a problem at all.  in fact I just saw an announcement of a repo that provides daily builds straight from the git tree.23:42
gmiernickicould you post the link to that?23:42
trappistlet me dig it up...23:43
nightdreverhow do i get a room list?23:43
trappistgmiernicki: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/23:44
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gmiernickithanks trappist23:45
trappistgmiernicki: I'm not sure how you'd fashion your sources.list, but here's the announcement: http://blog.redvoodoo.org/2009/05/daily-upstream-crack-of-day.html23:45
ign0ramusnightdrever, /list is one way, but it may flood your connection23:45
trappistI think /list takes a filter argument23:46
DasEinightdrever: /list                   in your irc client23:46
trappistthere's a bazillion channels, you don't want the full list23:46
ign0ramustrappist, it can, but if you are looking for a complete list, no filters necessary23:46
trappisttrue, but the complete list is probably too long to be very useful for most purposes23:47
ign0ramustrappist, touche :)23:47
solipcystHello everyone.  So, I'm trying to nail down why my boot takes so long, and I installed bootchart from the official repos, but it doesn't seem to be working? (no trace of bootchartd on my system).  Any help?  General boot speed help is much appreciated as well.23:48
ign0ramussolipcyst, have you turned off usplash to see what operations are being performed at boot?23:49
solipcystign0ramus: no i haven't.  i've tried switching switching around my views with ctrl+alt+function-keys, and one of the screens says something to the effect of "loading hardware..." while it hangs23:50
solipcysthow would i temporarily turn off usplash?23:51
ign0ramussolipcyst, edit your "/boot/grub/menu.lst" and take the word 'splash' out of the string you boot from23:51
ign0ramussolipcyst, this is probably your quickest and easiest way to troubleshoot long boot times... you should start there first.23:52
solipcystign0ramus: i'll give that a go.  any clue about my original question regarding bootchart.  a quick search turned up a lot of dead ends regarding bootlogging in general other than bootchart.23:52
ign0ramussolipcyst, never used bootchart :/23:53
solipcystign0ramus: no problem.  i probably should have tried a simpler route such as the one you suggested first anyway.  i'll likely be back here soon :)23:53
ign0ramussolipcyst, best of luck!23:54
DasEisolipcyst: check your /var/log/syslog for errors,  do a: dmesg > dmesg.txt in trml an check the txt file, install bum and pick out uneeded services23:54
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:54
ign0ramusDasEi, he left23:54
phoenixzHow can I let SSH ignore the knownhosts file? I have some weird problem with a program that keeps replacing the knnown host file and with that it messes up its own ssh calls.. I want to configure ssh to ignore the known hosts file for the moment, just to be able to continue testing. How do I do this?23:54
DasEiign0ramus: thx for dis-ignorance :)23:55
nightdreverok i installed a chess program xboard...when i start it it comes up........failed to start first chess program gnuchessx on localhost: No such file or directory........HOW DO I FIX THIS???23:56
ign0ramusDasEi, i have my moments :)23:56
ign0ramusnightdrever, first result on a google search: http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/xboard/FAQ.html#[C.22]23:57
ign0ramushi dad!23:58
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ign0ramusbye dad :'(23:59

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