
Viper550Okay, I think Kubuntu needs a special theme on Koala00:28
knomeOkay, are you willing to do it? ;)00:30
Viper550as in, I'm working on a new look for Ark Linux's KDE 4 right now too. Right now I'm in qt-designer working on an installer UI00:37
knomeright. :)00:40
knomesounds goo.00:40
Viper550yeah, I absolutely ''love'' the stylesheet stuff in qt400:41
Viper550nice stuff?00:44
knomedon't know much about qt or kde, though.00:44
knomehelo marti112501:22
marti1125hello :D01:22
marti1125my first time in thi room01:23
knomeyou have to start somewhere, right? :)01:23
marti1125there something new01:27
knomewhere? :)01:27
kwwiimoin moin10:10
thorwilgood morning10:21
andreasnkwwii, hi! have you seen https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=426930#c3510:59
ubottuMozilla bug 426930 in Theme ""Close" icon in File menu looks pixellated/gross on Linux" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:59
andreasnto summarize: humans close icon seems to be 8x8, while all other icon themes ship it as 16x16, and this is causing issues in firefox10:59
andreasnas mozilla's menu icon size expects a 16x1611:00
andreasnand I can't really remember why the one in human in 8x8, but I somewhat remember some discussion on the close button on the (old) notification bubbles11:02
kwwiiandreasn: nope, haven't seen that yet...let me check it out11:10
andreasna possible fix might be to place the current 8x8 icon in the middle of a 16x16 canvas11:11
thorwilkwwii, in synaptic, it says for ttf-ubuntu-title: "This font was used to create the lettering of the ubuntu log ..."11:12
kwwiiandreasn: yeah, that would probably fix it11:12
kwwiithorwil: ouch, then that is wrong11:12
kwwiithorwil: can you create a bug against the font package about that?11:12
andreasnkwwii, do you have a mozilla bugzilla id so I can put you in cc?11:13
thorwilkwwii, i'll try :)11:13
andreasnor should I create a bug about it in launchpad?11:13
kwwiithorwil: btw, how did you contact Necropotame?11:13
thorwilkwwii, very unfortunate to have the title font, but not the better titling11:14
thorwilkwwii, i just commented on the page, but you can follow his LP link11:14
kwwiiandreasn: no, I do not have a moz bug id11:14
kwwiithorwil: right, just wondered if you knew his personal email11:14
kwwiiI'll get a hol dof him throgh the interface then11:14
kwwiiandreasn: freaky enough, the gtk-close icon also exists at 16x1611:15
thorwilkwwii, if you have an archive of the mailing list, you might find an address there. at the same time get to know if he's on the list11:16
kwwiithorwil: right, but I don't have it with me here in spain11:16
kwwiianyway, I'll contact him11:17
andreasnkwwii, what size is being used in the menus of gtk apps like rhythmbox (I can't remember for sure if it's in there, but I think it is)11:17
kwwii8x8 I think11:18
kwwiiI do not have my gnome system with me11:18
kwwiionly osx and kde11:18
andreasnthorwil, do you run human-icon-theme now?11:20
thorwilandreasn, nope. tangerine11:20
andreasnI'll try it later today, need to get some other stuff out of the way first11:21
andreasnkwwii, will you be around later today?11:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 381245 in ttf-ubuntu-title "Wrong description" [Undecided,New]11:22
kwwiiandreasn: yes, i will be online during all of the tracks11:23
kwwiithorwil: rocking, thanks11:23
andreasncool, I'll catch you later then11:23
kwwiiandreasn: I bet it is a matter of a missing symlink11:23
kwwiihave fun!11:23
kwwiime is off for a smoke and then lunch11:32
SiDitomorrow is the artwork session18:56
SiDieveryone, take the plane to barcelona ? :P18:57

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