
BUGabundostupidest bug yet https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/38073800:35
ubot4BUGabundo: Error: This bug is private00:35
bencrisford1lol, ive had peope zoomed in on firefox pages00:38
bencrisford1and reporting it as bugs00:38
hggdhBUGabundo, the bug is now public00:40
BUGabundobencrisford1: only believe it if I see it00:44
BUGabundokklimonda: ^^^^00:44
kklimondathanks hggdh :)00:44
kklimondahggdh: bug 364433 - is it wishlist or low?00:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 364433 in empathy "IRC default settings for FreeNode have incorrect server hostname" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36443300:45
kklimondaalso.. there was one more bug to set to Low now when you are here.. where were you, stupid bug..00:46
BUGabundokklimonda: have you read it ?? ehehh that all bug should be *deleted*00:46
hggdhkklimonda, wish, yes00:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: why?00:46
BUGabundoits plain stupid00:47
BUGabundoand lots of ppl giving him even more attention00:47
kklimondahggdh: set bug 364433 to low - see my comment00:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 364433 in empathy "IRC default settings for FreeNode have incorrect server hostname" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36443300:47
BUGabundoups I just did00:47
kklimondanot this :D00:47
BUGabundohggdh: actually it was Hobbsee to set it private00:47
kklimondabug 36505600:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 365056 in comix "comix crashed reading .cbz with interlaced PNG" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36505600:47
BUGabundokklimonda:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/38073800:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 380738 in suse "Accidental use of close by magnets may erase hard disks" [Undecided,Invalid]00:47
kklimondaBUGabundo: it looks like a poor joke..00:48
BUGabundohggdh: eerrr that's a lot of changes eheh00:48
BUGabundokklimonda: or just to show how LP is fradgile00:48
kklimondareally poor.. :/00:48
kklimondait's not like we and developers don't have too much work with real bugs already :/00:48
hggdhBUGabundo, ah, OK, I will reset to private00:49
kklimondahggdh: he has also set a lot of bugs as duplicates - at least it looks this way from his profile..00:52
kklimonda(he i.e. ethana2)00:52
BUGabundokklimonda: the account is now suspened00:53
kklimondaI sure hope so :)00:53
BUGabundobut the wrong is done00:53
kklimondaBUGabundo: there isn't much we can really do about it - some kind of rollback button for undoing all changes made by user would be nice though..00:54
BUGabundoonly LP admins now can fix it00:55
kklimondalol, there are two ethana2 users :D00:56
hggdhkklimonda, the account has been blocked, but if the duplicates are wrong, let's correct them00:56
hggdhoh yes. ethana2 -- the one left in -- is a real user00:56
kklimondahggdh: yeah, I think I was looking at the wrong one :D00:57
hggdhkklimonda, heh00:57
kklimondacome on, why does the impostor use "real" name ? :D00:57
hggdhwhy s/he could open a new account with a nick already in use is the question. I guess the LP folks got some nice time finding this out00:58
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
kklimondahggdh: you still online? :)01:42
kklimondahggdh: why did you mark bug 364433 as private? :)01:44
ubot4kklimonda: Bug 364433 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/364433 is private01:44
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hggdhkklimonda, cuz hobbsee had it marked as private -- since I do not know why, I would rather leave it private until I can check with her02:15
kklimondahggdh: bug 364433 isn't the one made by troll.02:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 364433 in empathy "IRC default settings for FreeNode have incorrect server hostname" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36443302:17
hggdhkklimonda, sorry. I marked it private? I am getting senile...02:18
hggdhkklimonda, it is public02:18
kklimondahggdh: I think you were just caught up in cleaning up trolling :)02:18
hggdh(and was, already)02:18
kklimondahggdh: I have marked it as public after I've checked that it was probably just a mistake :)02:19
hggdhkklimonda, I beg your pardon, I indeed did it02:19
kklimondahggdh: You probabaly have mistaken it for the one made by troll02:21
hggdhmost probably...02:21
Slick666Hi all, I'm looking to get this bug of mine triaged03:02
Slick666sry wrong link03:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 379055 in evolution "Evolution Exchange Proxy miss-match with system" [Undecided,New]03:03
Slick666I was wondering if there was anything else I needed to add to the bug03:03
Slick666could someone take a look please?03:03
hggdhSlick666, if I remember correctly, OWA still does not work through a proxy03:07
Slick666I had the system running just fine with 8.04 before the upgrade03:08
Slick666it seems like what has changed has introduced a bug03:09
hggdhSlick666, you might try to define the proxy via gnome03:09
Slick666I have03:09
Slick666I've detailed in the bug that the issue is that....03:09
Slick666while firefox can push http, https, and ftp through the system proxy03:10
Slick666Evolution seem to only get http traffic03:10
hggdhyeah. I dimly remember this being worked on on a previous version of Evo03:10
hggdhwill have to check upstream.03:11
hggdhI have subscribed to the bug, and will check on it as soon as I can03:12
hggdhSlick666, welcome03:13
Slick666It's a shame because my main motivation was to get the ability to book resources again03:14
Slick666sigh, oh well we'll figure this out ;)03:14
bcurtiswxhggdh may i PM you?03:21
hggdhbcurtiswx, yes03:22
showardHey if anyone is free, can you check something for me: are bug 223192, bug 376793, bug 44058, bug 33249 all duplicates of each other?04:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 223192 in gnome-power-manager "Doesn't detect lid closing on Dell Inspiron 5150" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22319204:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 376793 in gnome-power-manager "HP 2140 Lid Close Not Detected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37679304:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 44058 in gnome-power-manager "suspend when closing laptop lid doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4405804:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 33249 in hw-detect "root partition once /dev/sdi1 then /dev/sda1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3324904:34
showardsorry that last bug was bug 33224904:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 332249 in gnome-power-manager "Suspend (when Lid is closed) fails - HP530" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33224904:34
kwallDoes setting a bug (say, bug 377983) to Invalid close it, or is there a separate state for closed bugs?05:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 377983 in firefox-3.0 "Lost Tab settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37798305:49
micahgSetting a bug to invalid is one of the closed states05:50
kwallevening, micahg05:50
micahgevening kwall05:50
micahghave you read this yet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status05:50
micahgClosed states are: Invalid, Won't Fix, Fix Released05:51
kwallWell, this one falls into the firefox-profile-b0rken state, which would correspond most closely to Invalid.05:52
micahgYou could tell her that she doesn't need to delete the old profile to make the new one the default05:53
kwallRIght. At this point, using the new one should make it the default, or so I seem to remember. I never use the profile manager except for these bugs. ;)05:55
micahgyep, just select the profile you want and select don't ask at startup05:56
Hobbseehggdh, I set it to private in the hope that people would ignore it, people wouldn't post to it (creating more mail), and that google wouldn't get around to caching it.06:12
hggdhHobbsee, then I erred in making it public, and (fortunately) corrected myself putting it private again. Thanks06:14
hggdhand, of course, cheers ;-)06:15
Hobbseehggdh: for bugs that really should die and not be resurrected, that's what's historically been done.  I don't think there's a set policy on it, though06:15
Hobbseeyou're welcome :)06:15
Hobbseewhether that be because they're troll bugs, or bugs that disobey the CoC (bugs attacking people, etc)06:16
hggdhHobbsee, it does not sound like a bad policy, so I guess we should keep it this way06:16
Hobbseegoogle and other search engines picking up that crap clearly is bad, so ...06:16
Hobbseethere's no way to completely 'nuke' bugs, unfortunately06:18
micahgwhich bug is everyone talking about?06:18
Hobbseeat least people can't resurrect admin-deactivated accoutns now06:18
hggdhwell, THAT is a gain06:18
Hobbseei tried to break it, but didn't manage06:19
hggdhmicahg, bug 38073806:19
ubot4hggdh: Bug 380738 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/380738 is private06:19
hggdhOTH, I am not sure we should nuke them, anyway: they are part of history06:20
hggdhand, on the other other hand, there is really no way to get to these bugs nowadays, so it is pretty much lost history...06:21
* Hobbsee responds to that empathy bug, too06:21
micahghggdh: would bug 378502 be medium or high?06:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 378502 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox: Ctrl-W doesn't close window or tab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37850206:26
Hobbseewonfix; unreproducable, i'd guess06:27
* Hobbsee waits for the bug to load06:27
Hobbseeoh, karmic06:27
micahgno, it's a real bug upstream06:27
micahgand was fixed06:27
micahgkde bug 19041206:27
ubot4KDE bug 190412 in general "ctrl+w shortcut not working" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19041206:28
Hobbseehrm, that didn't get reassigned to kdebase06:28
micahgI was gonna take care of it06:28
micahgUser triaged his own bug'06:28
micahgWas gonna mark medium -> triaged in kdebase06:29
kwallmicahg: more like that, please ("user triages own bug")06:29
Hobbseeshould probably be fix committed, actually, if there's a fix there06:29
Hobbseealthough it looks like it got reverted06:29
micahgIt says fixed in trunk under the last comment06:30
micahgHobbsee: where do you see it reverted?06:32
Hobbseeoh, it appears i missed reading the last lin06:33
micahgHigh->Fix Committed?06:33
Hobbseesounds good to me06:34
hggdhwho does it? Hobbsee, will you, or should I?06:34
Hobbseehggdh: feel free to06:34
micahgI did it06:34
* micahg is in bug control now :)06:35
micahgwas approved Monday morning I think06:35
hggdhI do not remember seeing your application, though06:36
micahgnope, asac fast tracked me :)06:36
micahgI triaged > 200 Firefox bugs in one month06:37
hggdhheh. He had better, anyway06:37
hggdhwell, welcome in06:38
micahgthank you :)06:38
* micahg was overjoyed06:38
hggdhyou deserved it06:39
micahgthank you06:39
micahgand double thank you for being my mentor06:39
micahgand teaching me the beginnings06:39
kwallmicahg: 200+ bugs in 1 month? Studly.06:39
hggdhwelcome, micahg. I did what should be done, anyway06:40
micahgthat's why I was commenting earler about removing myself as a student06:40
micahgon the mentors page06:40
micahgbut that I still have stuff to learn from you :)06:40
hggdhah, OK. I had not understood it then (I did not know you were already in -control)06:41
hggdhand now... I got a beacon from the bed... good night, all y'all06:42
micahgnight hggdh06:42
hggdhnacht, micahg06:42
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xteejxAfternoon all14:40
henry-nicolasHello everybody, I recently have been affected by this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/379079 that would be great if somebody could take a look at it. I guess that might impact a lot of user14:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 379079 in brasero "Can't burn a DVD in Brasero Disk Burner in Ubuntu 9.04" [Undecided,New]14:52
xteejxhenry-nicolas, I'll have a quick look14:53
henry-nicolasxteejx: ok, thx14:54
xteejxhmmm i usually get that error when there is no disc in the drive14:54
thekornhenry-nicolas: looks like bug 270976 to me14:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 270976 in gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10 "[SRU] gst-plugins-bad0.10 needs rebuilding with mjpegtools to enable burning video with Brasero" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27097614:55
thekornhenry-nicolas: can you please test the fix from the linked PPA14:55
henry-nicolasthekorn: that bug seems to only occur while we try to burn SVCD or Video DVD, no ? I get that error also with data DVD14:56
henry-nicolasthekorn : yes, I will do that right now14:56
thekornhenry-nicolas: hmm, maybe14:58
thekornAmpelbein: hi, do you have an idea about the bug mentioned above14:59
henry-nicolasthekorn: even with the updated gstreamer plugin, I still got the same error14:59
thekornonly if you have a minute, of course ;)14:59
thekornhenry-nicolas: Ampelbein is the person to talk to, he triaged this bug and might know more about it15:00
henry-nicolasthekorn: you mean he triaged 270976 ?15:02
thekornhenry-nicolas: no the one I mentioned, he also asked other people to attach the output of15:04
thekornbrasero -g > log.txt 2>&115:04
thekornmaybe this would be helpful in your case too15:04
thekornhenry-nicolas: oh, nm, it is the same as --debug15:05
henry-nicolasthekorn: yes ;)15:05
xteejxahhhhhhhhhh dont scare us!15:10
hacktickdholbach: are you in spain?15:10
xteejxalright for some.........15:11
* bencrisford1 wishes he was in spain15:11
* xteejx does too15:11
xteejxhows the weather over there dan/brian?15:12
hacktickdholbach: so no BugJam today, I suppose?15:13
xteejxis bddebian bdmurray?15:13
bddebianNope :)15:14
xteejxoops lol15:14
xteejxbddebian, sorry thought you were brian murray hehe :)15:14
dholbachhacktick: not for me :/15:14
hacktickdholbach: I15:15
hacktickm gonna cancel it then...15:15
bddebianxteejx: Nah, I'm a nobody :)15:15
xteejxbddebian, you're always here....i think you're telling fibs :P15:15
* xteejx thinks the sun in Spain has got to someone15:16
bddebianWell it's kind of a legacy thing.  I've been REALLY poor with direct Ubuntu work for a while now :(  Though I hope some of the Debian work I do trickles down.15:16
xteejxI would've thought so when it all gets synced :)15:18
xteejxdholbach, When does everything finish over there in Spain, is it Friday?15:20
dholbachxteejx: friday is last day, yes15:20
xteejxAll finished for the day then?15:22
xteejxso many people entering and exiting........worse than a strip club.....15:37
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Ampelbeinthekorn: hi, sorry just got back online.16:18
Ampelbeinthekorn, henry-nicolas do you get the error trying to burn a video dvd or data dvd?16:22
henry-nicolasambelbein: data dvd16:24
Ampelbeinhenry-nicolas: then i don't think it's got to do with the bug mentioned (270976)16:25
Ampelbeinhenry-nicolas: that one is just about encoding video dvd/cd16:26
henry-nicolasampelbein: I don't think too, I attached a debug.txt file16:26
Ampelbeinhenry-nicolas: can you translate: « mkisofs » est un lien symbolique vers un autre programme. Utilisez plutôt le programme cible? i dont speak french16:26
henry-nicolasIt tells : "Mkisofs is a symlink to another software, please use the target software instead"16:27
Ampelbeinah, thanks16:27
henry-nicolasso, It might be disturbed because mkisofs is a symlink to genisoimage I think16:27
Ampelbeinyeah, that's the problem16:28
henry-nicolasAmpelbein: It is also telling the same thing with cdrdao versus wodim16:29
Ampelbeinhenry-nicolas: i have a look now, why this happens, i get back to you shortly16:31
henry-nicolasAmpelbein: ok thx, I'll stay in the channel16:31
thekornAmpelbein: thanks for looking at this bugs :)16:31
micahghggdh: The KDE people laughed at me setting that bug to high importance last night16:32
henry-nicolasthekorn: Yeah and fixing it would be really great, because I'm worring about that bug to impact a lot of users...16:33
Ampelbeinhenry-nicolas: so far, i can't replicate here. but since i'm currently still at work, i can't access my home machine. i'll be home in 4-5 hours and will reply in the bugreport.16:43
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henry-nicolasAmpelbein: Ok, thx16:53
hggdhmicahg, not surprised. The other day I opened one on KDE (failed to install), and it was summarily invalidated with a "yeah, yeah, expected" response16:53
bencrisfordbdmurray: You around?17:35
hggdhbencrisford, Brian is marked away (he is at UDS), so your chances of getting hold of him are sort of slim ;-)18:24
bencrisfordhggdh: Ah, ok18:36
askandHi, I need some help debugging firefox crash constantly18:37
kklimondaaskand: disable extensions and see if you can reproduce it then18:38
askandkklimonda: I can, no extensions installed18:38
kklimondaaskand: in terminal do sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport restart - make sure that you get "* Starting automatic crash report generation: apport  [ OK ]"18:39
askandI can not use that method due to bug 314212 (falsly marked as fixed)18:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 314212 in python-apt "Apport unable to report crash -  urlopen error timed out" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31421218:40
kklimondaaskand: then launch firefox and make it crash again - apport should kick in and ask if you want to upload report to launchpad18:40
kklimondaoh, it's you ;D18:40
askandyes ^^18:40
kklimondaaskand: i couldn't reproduce it..18:40
kklimondaI have uploaded 60MB apport crash yesterday :/18:40
askandkklimonda: "That's because the "fix" is dumb and broken.  It will eventually timeout for someone, somewhere, with a slow connection."18:40
kklimondaaskand: you can do it manually..18:40
askandseems to depend on the connection speed18:41
kklimondaaskand: crash reports are in /var/crash18:41
askandkklimonda: how do I upload them manually?18:42
kklimondaech.. you have to use apport-unpack /var/crash/<crash file> /tmp/apport/18:43
kklimondathe question is how to upload coredump so it can be processed by apport-retrace18:46
kklimondahggdh: can you check some private report and see how is coredump attached? is it compressed? or maybe there is a wiki page about reporting crashes by hand?18:46
charlie-tcacoredump is attached as a .gz compressed file18:52
charlie-tcaand the report marked private if a coredump is attached18:55
xteejxCan someone check over what I've done with bug 380643 please?20:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 380643 in brasero "files with % in name within folder fail to burn" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38064320:43
xteejxDon't know how to check if its cdrecord etc, but it might not just be brasero thats the problem.20:43
charlie-tcaDoes linuxmint have it's own bugzilla?20:45
charlie-tcaIt may something they changed in the distro20:45
hggdhkklimonda, what bug #?20:46
micahgxteejx: check whatever format it was burned in to make sure the character is valid20:46
kklimondahggdh: no need - i wanted to know how are coredump sent to LP20:47
xteejxmicahg, I tried it myself as the default brasero burning options both in the root and within a folder, in rot folder the files were fine, in a folder, they weren't20:47
micahgYes, but there are different burning formats, joliet and what not20:48
micahgmake sure the character is valid in the format20:48
xteejxohh ermmm in that case i don't know...it was the default with the windows compatibility box checked - maybe i should put that20:48
charlie-tcalooks right to me20:49
xteejxJust updated it, just in case it gets missed20:50
taxmanHi, in general if I have a bug in an upstream project that is not reported either on launchpad or upstream, should I also report it upstream? I already reported it in lauchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/38142921:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 381429 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal doesn't handle Unicode complex text rendering" [Undecided,New]21:17
kakemannHi, I have triaged my first bug, well, I have tried to, can anyone take a look at bug 381105 to see if I have done it correct?21:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 381105 in evolution "Handling of ftp links containing username and password" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38110521:33
charlie-tcakakemann: now you should click on "also affects project" and put the url to the evolution upstream bug in21:40
kakemannthanks, will do21:40
charlie-tcaThat will tie it to the ubuntu bug, and it should update automatically.21:40
charlie-tcaThen you request a bug-control member mark it triaged and let us know what importance you think it should have.21:40
charlie-tcaWe use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance to determine importance21:41
kakemannI would think this is a low priority bug21:43
kakemannit only affects ftp links, and only links with username and password where the username contains a special character21:46
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance, "Ones that can be easily worked around" under 'Low' appears to agree with you.21:48
charlie-tcaThanks for helping. I marked it triaged for you21:48
kakemannthanks for your help21:49
charlie-tcaIt might be frustrating, but it is real easy to work around it21:49
charlie-tcaAnd thanks a lot for forwarding it upstream. That really helps21:49
kakemannokay, I'll go looking for other "easy" bugs to work at :)21:51
taxmancharlie-tca: should bugs usually be filed upstream too?21:57
charlie-tcaMany of them should. If upstream maintains the source and Ubuntu does not modify it, the bug should go upstream, too.21:58
taxmanok, so the one I referenced in gnome-terminal, Ubuntu doesn't modify that, right?21:58
charlie-tcawhat number?21:59
taxmanoh sorry, the link is above, but it's 38142922:02
charlie-tcaOkay. I think it should be forwarded to Gnome-Bugzilla, but I don't know if it is a translation bug instead of a terminal bug?22:04
charlie-tcaTo be safe, you could upstream it, and they will mark it invalid if needed.22:04
charlie-tcaI also tagged it regression-potential, since if it did work before, it is a regression and will get high priority22:05
taxmanit's definitely not a translation bug since it's a bug in how it handles text pasted into the terminal. It's just not rendered correctly22:06
taxmanbut thanks very much for looking at it22:06
taxmanI guess I'll file upstream, then connect it and see how it goes22:07
charlie-tcaOkay, then it should go upstream. Thanks for helping with it22:07
taxmanahh good idea on regression-potential too22:07
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taxmanman I wish I wasn't such a dope with bugs so I could help more22:12
charlie-tcaTook me 3 years to learn22:12
charlie-tcaI'm a little slow sometimes22:12
micahg1taxman: don't be afraid to ask questions22:13
micahg1that's how we all learn22:13
taxmanI'll try more. I think I filed this one correctly since it wasn't hard to tell what app/package to file it against22:14
xteejxHow do you see who the developers are for a specific package, the one I want to know is mdadm, there are quite a few bugs that have regressed into Jaunty, and probably Karmic with RAID/md devices, and there doesn't seem to be anyone bothering with it22:25
bencrisfordIt will be in the source22:25
bencrisfordin the changelog, you can see who's done what22:26
bencrisfordand various other files say who the maintainer is etc22:26
bencrisfordi cant remember all the details22:26
bencrisfordlet me consult my pocket packaging guide xteejx :D22:26
xteejxI know, I was kinda hoping maybe they would be here somewhere lol22:26
xteejxcheers ben22:26
xteejxit's just gonna be quite a problem for the server installs...22:27
xteejxeveryone seems focussed on desktop22:27
bencrisfordhmm, to get the source its:22:27
bencrisfordsudo apt-get source mdadm22:28
bencrisfordthats the package right?22:28
xteejxit is, but i already know that ben ;)22:28
xteejxI was trying to find their LP22:28
bencrisfordi thought you would :P, im just running through it for my benefit22:28
xteejxmaybe just give them a nudge or something22:28
xteejx!search mdadm22:29
ubot4None found22:29
xteejx!info mdadm22:29
ubot4xteejx: mdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 231 kB, installed size 660 kB22:29
xteejxubotu is very helpful22:31
bencrisfordxteejx: This might be useful if you havent already found it: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm22:32
xteejxjust been on there hehe22:32
bencrisfordill check out the motu channel and look for the scott bloke22:33
xteejxif you find him give him a little kick hehe22:35
xteejxomg chicken biryani 1 pound!22:36
bencrisfordxteejx: I found that kirkland fella22:36
bencrisfordthe scott dude doesnt seem to be around22:37
bencrisfordhis nick is Keybuk though22:37
xteejxahh ok22:38
xteejxwell i'll leave a message on the bug report, confirm it and medium it22:39
xteejxactually triaged, theres enough info22:39
bencrisfordlol stop making me jealous with the triaged thingy :P22:40
bencrisfordim not in bc yet :P22:40
xteejxYou should be soon i **think**22:41
xteejxyou only get 3 months at a time you realise?22:42
bencrisfordi applied 3 weeks ago, i hope that doesnt count on my 3 months :S22:42
xteejxnahh it doesnt22:42
bencrisfordin fact i applied probably several months ago22:42
bencrisfordsent my application 3 weeks ago22:42
bencrisfordbdmurray: Don't suppose you're around? :)22:43
xteejxdoubtful, he's probably in bed22:43
bencrisfordat this hour!22:43
bencrisfordi would if i was at the UDS22:43
bencrisfordbut that wont happen until 15.10 or so probably :P22:44
bencrisford(yep, i worked it out :P)22:44
xteejxthere is schedule somewhere on the wiki22:44
bencrisfordfor the karmic one?22:44
bencrisfordor for all of em22:44
bencrisfordwhats on the schedule?22:44
bencrisfordoh, yeah ive read that22:45
bencrisfordive been downloading live streams22:46
bencrisfordlistening in on the sessions22:46
bencrisfordand taking part via gobby, and IRC22:46
bencrisfordso im there in spirit :P22:46
xteejxwhere are the videos?22:46
bencrisfordnot sure :S22:46
bencrisfordthe videotaped sessions will be released after22:47
bencrisfordwhen they've been edited22:47
bencrisfordthe unofficial ones taken by attendees are somewhere22:47
kklimondabug 381371 - any ideas what's going on? looks like python-central is trying to compile modules and somehow fails (permission denied..)22:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 381371 in python-numeric "package python-numeric 24.2-9ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38137122:47
xteejxi dont even know where the jaunty ones were put...... lol22:47
bencrisfordkklimonada: Hmf, if its all in that terminal log22:49
bencrisfordits gonna take a lifetime to read...22:49
bencrisfordand i dunno why its uploaded in an archive :/22:49
kklimondabencrisford: scroll to the bottom22:49
kklimondabencrisford: apport does it this way - if log is (relatively) big it is compressed22:50
bencrisfordwell, first thing i think we should put the actual error from the log in the description22:50
xteejxsomeones getting good..... ;)22:51
xteejxalso get the few lines before it, an error log except is no good without knowing what context its it22:51
kklimondabencrisford: I'm working on that - but I wanted opinion about it - for example does it look like a python-central book22:52
bencrisfordWhy not have a chat to the python peps22:52
bencrisfordi dont know what their channel is22:52
bencrisfordkklimonada: I updated the description a little at the top, making it clear hes using amd6422:54
xteejx#python is for python lol22:54
bencrisfordno sh*t! :P22:54
ubot4The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/22:55
bencrisfordkklimonada: Crap, sorry!  I was updating after you and because im using edge I guess it deleted what you added22:55
bencrisfordim really sorry22:55
xteejxomfg anyone watching FIVER in the UK? haha22:56
bencrisfordwhats on?22:56
xteejxbest not ben....22:56
bencrisfordI thought you would be watching question time?22:56
bencrisfordhad you down as that sorta bloke :P22:56
xteejxnahhhh not me22:57
bencrisfordim kidding, but it was pretty good last week22:57
* bencrisford has a politics forum22:57
xteejxoh yes....politics..............22:59
* xteejx yawns22:59
ubot4Factoid 'cohoba' not found22:59
xteejx!search cohoba23:00
ubot4None found23:00
xteejxthank god23:00
bencrisfordkklimonada: I'm seriously sorry :(, please re-update it :/23:00
bencrisford!whats on FIVER?23:00
ubot4I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:00
xteejxyou really don't want to know, and i'm going off subject now, best quieten down hehe23:01
* xteejx is not available for PM23:03
xteejxdont worry honestly23:03
xteejxanyway im off guys cya all tomorrow23:03
kklimonda_damn, my internet connection is doing some weird things..23:08
bencrisforddid you get my messaged23:10
bencrisfordlaunchpad deleted your update to the description23:10
bencrisfordbecause i updated at same time :(23:10

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