
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
=== kezee` is now known as ofnqwop
LjLresurrected old bot for other channels, thought it might still be of some use here14:47
LjLPici: no, succeeded14:47
PiciOh, a supybot.14:47
LjL@translate it en pici: volevo assicurarmi che nessun altro bot rispondesse a quel carattere14:47
BabelBotLjL: pici: I wanted to make sure that no other bot to respond to that character14:47
BabelBotjussi01: Error: "now" is not a valid command.14:48
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: May 28 2009, 13:48:1514:48
jussi01LjL: ^^14:48
PiciLjL: Well, ubottu does, but it won't if its not a valid command.14:48
LjLok then which character do you like best14:48
Pici@config supybot.reply.whennotcommand14:49
ubot2`Pici: False14:49
BabelBotPici: Global: True; #ubuntu-irc: True14:49
ubot4Pici: False14:49
LjLwhich character do you want14:49
PiciSomething thats not @ or !14:50
PiciOr turn on that setting.14:50
LjLPici: if i turn on that setting there'll still be a crapload commands that will be common to both bots14:51
* pleia2 votes for ~14:51
LjLbad idea14:52
pleia2oh, alright14:52
LjLit's not on a few international keyboards14:52
pleia2% ?14:52
LjLat least the italian one14:52
LjLthat works14:52
LjL%alias add tr translate $*14:52
BabelBotLjL: The operation succeeded.14:52
LjL%tr sv en konstigt att see supybot svara till % men det funkar nog bra14:53
BabelBotLjL: strange to see supybot respond to the% but it works good enough14:53
LjL%dict test14:54
BabelBotLjL: foldoc, gcide, wn, jargon, bouvier, and moby-thes responded: gcide: Test \Test\, v. i. [L. testari. See {Testament}.] To make a testament, or will. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Test; bouvier: TEST. Something by which to ascertain the truth respecting another thing. 7 Penn. St. Rep. 428; 6 Whart. 284. Vide Religious Test; gcide: Test \Test\, n. [L. testis. Cf. {Testament}, {Testify}.] A (28 more messages)14:54
pleia2yay :)14:54
Nafallo%tr fr ✁☹14:54
BabelBotNafallo: (translate <from-language> [to] <to-language> <text>) -- Returns <text> translated from <from-language> into <to-language>. Beware that translating to or from languages that use multi-byte characters may result in some very odd results.14:54
Nafallo%tr en fr ✁☹14:55
BabelBotNafallo: ✁ ☹14:55
LjL%tr sv en nafallo är lite dum ibland14:55
BabelBotLjL: nafallo is a bit stupid sometimes14:55
Nafalloaha! the french insert spaces!14:55
LjLsilly french14:55
nikoLjL: ?14:56
LjLniko: silly!14:56
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu-irc to: International Ubuntu IRC operators channel | The IRC Team: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | Support in #ubuntu etc. | The channel is multilingual, but English is preferred | Regardless of language, please write clearly (think "Babelfish") | Use /msg BabelBot %tr lang1 lang2 to translate words and phrases | #ubuntu-meta to report difficult support questions.
LjLi'd still like to make people able to subscribe to translations like with the home-built babelbot that i did the other time...14:58
LjLexcept the home-built one worked awfully14:58
LjLnow that google translate has automatic language detection, though... but supybot doesn't support that :|14:59
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=== test is now known as marko-_-
=== marko-_- is now known as fag00t
=== fag00t is now known as marko-_-
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
MTecknologyThat's interesting.. someone decided to create an #ubuntu-uds channel21:51
m4vchanserv says it isn't registered21:53
MTecknologym4v: it's not. I just thought it was interesting that it's being used21:53
MTecknologym4v: otoh... #ubuntu-cloud is registered and not showing as an official channel22:02
jpdsMTecknology: Well, poke them towards #ubuntu-devel-summit22:02
MTecknologyheh - I was just skimming the available #ubuntu* channels and #ubuntu-cloud is the only one I'm not so sure was approved by the GC22:13
MTecknologyoddly enough - a channel I'd like to see active and approved :P22:14

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