
Vog-workjmedina: I wouldn't call centreon simple00:17
oh_noeshow can I completely uninstall perl deleting any compiled binaries etc, and then reinstall it as per the original OS installation?02:01
oh_noesI'm getting the following error:  /usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl/5.10/auto/XML/LibXML/Common/Common.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr02:01
oh_noeswhich I think is related to compiled modules02:01
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ShaudhHi there02:04
ShaudhI've installed ubuntu server 9.04 and have configured dhcpd3.. according to the man pages the leases should be in /var/lib/dhcpd3/dhcpd.leases.. however.. the file is empty.. and there are 2 leases.. where can I found the registration of these leases? :)02:04
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uvirtbotNew bug: #380938 in samba (main) "_netdev not working; other mount.cifs problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38093805:17
error404notfoundi am generating a certificate from godaddy.com, the free 1 year one for open source project, can i input *.mydomain.com in cn field and hope it to work?06:03
error404notfoundyup, it works...06:06
error404notfoundgerat :D06:06
* error404notfound is surprised to see GoDaddy providing free services for open source considering their site is entirely in asp06:06
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angelleyeI've got ProFTPD installed and I'm trying to browse symbolic link directories but when connected via FTP it says No such file or directory.  When I browse locally in terminal or in nautilus the sym links work just fine.07:01
FFForeveranyone around that can help with apache vhost?07:30
foxbuntuFFForever, I can try to help, what seems to be the issue?07:52
FFForeverfoxbuntu, www.domain.com/index.php works perfect :D07:52
FFForeverbut www.domain.com asks me to download a phtml file07:52
foxbuntuFFForever, you need to add the default document type I bet...i.e. setup index.php as the home page07:54
FFForeverfoxbuntu, ohhh yeah domain.com works fine sorry i forgot to mention that07:54
FFForeverfoxbuntu, http://pastebin.com/f58247299 (i have not updated the dns yet)07:55
FFForeveri am using hosts file to manually test it07:55
foxbuntuFFForever, http://pastebin.com/m2dc7a0c007:56
foxbuntusee line 1407:56
FFForeverfoxbuntu, that should be fine no?, since domain.com works perfectly07:56
FFForeverfoxbuntu, i changed it to All and same thing07:57
foxbuntuFFForever, if it all points to the same server yes...but try adding the line I noted in the pastebin to see if it helps07:57
FFForevererror log only says [Wed May 27 23:38:53 2009] [error] [client {My IP}] File does not exist: /home/fresy/public_html/fresyland.com/favicon.ico07:57
foxbuntuthats no big deal07:58
foxbuntuim sorry, I didnt see the directoryindex statement at the top before07:59
FFForeveri only added it to test...07:59
foxbuntuyou have the hostname in place for both domain.com and www.domain.com?07:59
FFForeverif i just make a vhost called www.fresyland.com and not use alias it works07:59
FFForevernvm i stand corrected08:01
FFForeverit does not work08:01
* foxbuntu goes to get his production vhost to compare08:01
foxbuntuFFForever, this is what I am using:08:03
foxbuntu<IfModule mod_dir.c>08:03
foxbuntu    DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.html index.htm index.shtml index.php08:03
foxbuntu  </IfModule>08:03
foxbuntupaste that add the end of your vhost (above </virtualhost>08:04
foxbuntusorry to ask a basic question...but you are reloading the confs after you change them right?08:05
FFForeverfoxbuntu, nope =\08:05
FFForeverafter each change i am just reloading not rebooting08:05
foxbuntuFFForever, strange08:07
FFForeverfoxbuntu, wanna edit your hosts file and see if you get the same?08:08
foxbuntuFFForever, perhaps I could try with my dev server08:08
FFForeverfoxbuntu, nvm :D08:08
foxbuntuFFForever, I think it your servername statement though08:08
FFForeveri cleared firefox :D08:08
FFForeverno more downloading..., oddly server was giving me raw php08:09
foxbuntuFFForever, browser junk I am sure08:09
foxbuntuFFForever, glad you have it working however08:09
FFForeverno it was the right source =\08:09
ivoksScottK: !ops08:16
ivoksshould work08:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom08:16
ScottKivoks: Right.08:17
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hagedorn_hey, for know iam using nagios grapher for load mysql network graphing, ist there a better solution where i can view live stats of this apps ? for a group of 30 servers ?09:24
owhFor the life of me I cannot recall what the cli tool is called that allows me to monitor network traffic on an interface. The UI shows a line for each connection and the used bandwidth. Any one recall what it's called?10:46
infinityowh: iptraf?10:47
BlindHunterrhi! While installing Ubuntu Server 8.04 I've fount an 'unpleasant moment'. After configuring network (network cable was unplugged) the install hanged on apt checking volatile mirror ... After 15 minutes of waiting I had to reboot pc ... Why not to reconfigure installer and add 'skip' button when checking mirrors ?10:50
BlindHunterIf it's a 'Server' dist then why should administrators keep waiting ?10:50
owhinfinity: It's not the tool I was looking for, unless it's changed lots since I last used it, but it's looking pretty useful.10:51
matttowh: you looking for something real-time?  if not, there's vnstat10:52
owhmattt: Yeah, the tool I used to use but cannot recall the name for was realtime.10:53
matttowh: it's a nice little tool that summarizes bw usage per day, etc.10:53
matttah, k10:53
owhinfinity: I have to say, this is very nice.10:54
ajmitchowh: you may have been thinking of iftop10:58
owhAh that rings a bell.10:58
owhajmitch: That's the one!11:00
* owh now has to choose between iftop and iptraf :)11:00
chunkquestion : have a thin client - that is supposed to boot headless and send the serial port the console - it all works as long as I don't disconnect the vga console port11:45
chunk(when vga console port is disconnectedf I see via serial port that it gets as far as grub and then hangs ..)11:46
chunkhave tried many different type of switches in grub doesn't seem to make a difference...11:46
chunkany ideas11:46
ivokslamont: you asked for me?12:26
lamontivoks: more had some questions on postfix 2.6.1 before I uploaded it completely12:28
ivokslamont: ok...12:29
lamontivoks: otoh, postfix 2.6.1-0 is in debian/incoming bound for experimental atm12:29
lamontI'd like to toss 2.6.1-1 into unstable tomorrow so I can have it synced before EOW12:30
ivokssounds ok12:30
ivokslamont: are you at uds?12:31
lamontphysically, yes.12:33
lamontworking it rather than attending, though12:33
ivoksoh, ok12:33
lamontso sometimes I'm here, mostly not12:33
lamontphysically mostly in k412:36
ivoksi'm in 2, which ever that is12:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #381269 in nut (universe) "NUT fails to shutdown UPS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38126912:51
kworkwhere are defined the commands that are executed at sudo/su ?13:14
tv7497guys i have a lamp sever ! well is there a way for other's to upload a file to my server ?  well i have jaunty desktop version running for 64 bit machine13:21
kworktv7497,  there are several ways13:25
tv7497kwork: could you help me atleast with one way ?13:26
radovantv7497: scp, sftp, ftps, webdav13:26
kworktv7497,  rather you should decide what you exactly need13:26
kworkand there are howtos for everything on ubuntu13:26
tv7497kwork: well what i need is to a simple way for my friends to upload their pic on to my server13:27
tv7497radovan: isnt there a simple tool or a script which would help me here ?13:30
radovantv7497: if you have lamp you can make a simple upload script with http basic auth13:35
tv7497radovan: how do i do it ? i am really really new to this :)13:35
tv7497radovan: well with some googling i got to know about this proftpd i have no idea how to use it any idea ?13:41
radovanok, forget about ftp, use scp13:41
radovanyou just need openssh-server installed13:42
pmatulisin jaunty is anonymous query allowed by default?13:44
pmatulisfor openldap13:44
tv7497openssh-server okie radovan and ?13:44
radovanthen you can log in through scp/sftp if you have account, that's all13:45
radovanthere is client for windows called winscp, in linux there is sshfs, or you can you commandline scp13:46
tv7497radovan: i have no idea what those are ! scp / sftp  !!! i will install openssh-server and let you know could you please guide me from there ?13:46
radovantv7497: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_copy13:47
radovanbut this is offtopic in here, you should discuss that in #ubuntu13:50
tv7497radovan: well i get like this when i try to install openssh-server http://paste.ubuntu.com/182831/13:53
radovanmaybe you should read the manual in the first place13:55
radovanoff to work13:55
tv7497radovan: see ya !13:55
Fumohso there's this old server here in our datacenter, and I need to find something fun to do with it.14:04
Fumohemphasis on the fun.14:04
tv7497guys was trying to install open ssh server i get this message when i type ssh user@server ip address i get like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/182831/14:05
Hecatetv7497, so what's your problem?14:21
tv7497Hecate: its resolved thanks :)14:22
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RoAkSoAxivoks, heya master.. any news on the cluster stack session?15:32
ivoksit's now15:32
RoAkSoAxivoks, which room to listen to your presentation :)15:34
RoAkSoAxI got it :)15:34
jmedinaRoAkSoAx: what link?15:37
RoAkSoAxjmedina, http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room14.ogg.m3u15:38
RoAkSoAxivoks, I think we should go for with whatever debian goes for... and I think for now is pacemaker... which means both openais and heartbeat... we could also support rhcs for a while...15:39
oruworkwhats the path to the list of banned ips by hosts deny ?15:42
oruworkivoks-> !!!! whats up my man15:42
oruworkhavent seen you in a long time15:43
frojndHEllo there16:10
frojndToday I come home and my serer was turned off...16:10
frojndNow I'd like if there was some kind of CPU overloading16:11
frojndor why did this hapen16:11
ivokscheck logs16:11
ivoks /var/log/syslog*16:11
frojndI would like to know if tehre was some electricity problem I doubt that since it's on UPS..16:11
ScottKI think it's pretty unlikely it'd get to power off all by itself.16:12
frojndScottK: I think that too..16:13
frojndI'll turn it on and check the logs..16:13
oruworkfrojnd-> i had the same problem when i had a server at home, decided its not worth it and signed up for a VPS16:19
oruworkit was deffinetly hardware related cause that box did the same thing with windows 2k3 server isntalled16:21
frojndoruwork: VPS?16:29
frojndoruwork: this is thefirst time.. I had uptimes up 20 200+ days...16:29
oruwork200+ days thats good16:30
frojndoruwork: Yeah,.. relatively :P16:31
oruworkso any ideas on where to start to set up own irc server ?16:32
radovanoruwork: you need co compile ircd16:33
radovani like unreal, it has nice set of features16:33
frojndHEllo there again16:51
frojndI'm looking at /var/log/syslog andd I'm trying why would ubuntu server reboot: http://pastebin.com/d345913f716:51
frojndThe first line16:51
frojnddo something16:51
frojndand than turn itself off..16:51
frojndsince I found server powered off..16:52
frojndany ideas?16:52
frojndMay 28 06:39:01 ubuntko /USR/SBIN/CRON[8492]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm)16:52
frojndwhat does that mean?16:52
frojndI didn't execute this command..16:52
frojndneither setup any cronjobs..16:52
frojndI would really like to know if I have some leaks in the system :)16:53
infinityfrojnd: That cronjob ships with php.16:55
infinityfrojnd: /etc/cron.d/php516:56
frojndinfinity: ok.. still why it did resetart16:56
frojndcause of some error in php16:56
aljosahow do i set in python 2.5 instead of 2.6 as default in jaunty?16:56
infinityfrojnd: That cronjob definitely didn't reset your machine. :)16:56
frojndI'd like to know if there was CPU overflow or RAM leak16:56
frojndinfinity: it wasn't restartet you see...16:57
frojndIt was POWERED down :)16:57
infinityfrojnd: Where are you looking?16:57
frojndinfinity: /var/log/syslog16:57
infinityMay 28 11:17:01 ubuntko /USR/SBIN/CRON[8876]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)16:57
infinityMay 28 17:14:31 ubuntko syslogd 1.5.0#1ubuntu1: restart.16:57
infinityYou lost power, or yor hardware hung.16:58
infinityCron didn't do either of those things.16:58
frojndinfinity: lost power when?16:58
frojndI powered on at 17:someting16:58
infinityYou obviously lost power at 11:17:01 and turned it back on at 17:14:31 ...16:59
frojndLet assume the power didn't went off...16:59
infinityI'm failing to see how this is a software issue. :)16:59
frojndWhat else it could be=16:59
infinityThe machine was off, you say?16:59
frojndinfinity: yep16:59
infinityThen you lost power.16:59
infinityWe don't spontaneously cut power.16:59
frojndinfinity: it's not that simple16:59
infinityIf the kernel had hung, the machine would have still been on.16:59
frojndinfinity: I just have to ask the employee if the power went off...17:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #381362 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (universe) "cannot provide "mysql-client" and the the dependencies are to "mysql-client" " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38136217:02
frojndinfinity: you are right :)17:03
frojndthe entire area was weithout power17:04
frojndI was on university but they have generators or I don't know what there..17:04
frojndat the university :P17:04
frojndcurrently I have usp that can power 30min but looks like I'd need a couple more of em :D17:04
yann2if I want to define a .vimrc for all users, where should I put it?17:09
radovanyann2: /etc/vim/vimrc17:11
radovanyann2: personalized settings are in ~/.vimrc and had priority over global settings17:12
frojndI know this one of those questions that are logicall but, how long does ubuntu take to build the kernel with: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2250  @ 1.73GHz (core duo)17:19
aljosais there a way to set python2.5 as default in jaunty?17:29
_jmedinaradovan: for ubuntu personalized  (global) settings go into /etc/vim/vimrc.local17:49
_jmedinait is included in /etc/vim/vimrc17:49
RoAkSoAxivoks, heya master, what's this file ./.pc/.version for?17:49
ivoksRoAkSoAx: where?17:56
* ivoks sleeps17:57
W8TAHi have 2 software raid 5 devices on a server that i need to remove -- ive booted off a server install disk and am trying to delete them at the partitioner -- no luck - -what do i do now?19:12
W8TAHthe install disk keeps protesting that they may be active19:14
rsrubuntu isnt detecting my network interfaces. When I try sudo ifconfig ethx up it says no such device. I can see the ethernet devices through lspci though20:00
ivoksrsr: sudo ifup ethx20:02
ivoksnot ifconfig20:02
ivoksif it's setup in /etc/network/interfaces20:02
rsrsame thing20:03
rsrerror while getting interface flags20:03
rsrno such device20:03
ivokswhich network cards are we talking about and which ubuntu version?20:04
ivokslspci shows PCI devices, that doesn't mean those devices work or are supported20:05
infinityrsr: Are you literally typing "ethx"?20:14
infinityrsr: Cause that could cause a problem or two. :P20:14
infinityrsr: Try "sudo ifconfig -a" and see if you have any network cards usefully listed.20:15
rsrof course not20:15
rsrbut I reinstalled a fresh system20:15
rsrnow its ok20:15
infinityrsr: Right, but whatever you're calling your NIC, it's obviously not named that by the kernel, is my point.20:15
rsrill just copy the config files from the one in production20:16
infinityrsr: So, rather tan blindly guessing, have a look at what you have?20:16
rsrI got it20:16
rsrany idea for high availability?20:16
ivoksrsr: which ubuntu version?20:18
* ivoks is becoming addicted to Juanola's de limon20:22
CNLiberali was directed here from the main ubuntu channel20:38
CNLiberali'm having issues with my MDADM array20:38
CNLiberalspecifically, the array seems to stop all writes or deletes for no reason at all20:38
CNLiberali'm in the middle of editing my music files with EasyTag and the program was doing a mass re-write of the ID3 tags20:39
CNLiberalin the middle, it has hung20:39
CNLiberali'm not able to add or delete any files from the array20:39
CNLiberalthis has happened a couple times before20:39
GargoyleEvenin' all20:50
vbabiyAny one have any idea what would make ubuntu do this ping google.ne: and it starts google.ne.com20:52
vbabiyrunning on 9.04 server20:52
ion_Could the DNS server you use be doing something strange?20:52
vbabiyIt also does the same when I use curl or lynx20:52
vbabiyion_: no when I do nslookup it get: ** server can't find google.ne: NXDOMAIN20:53
ion_What does getent hosts google.ne say?20:53
rsris there a way I can see if the cable connected is actually connected to eth0 and not eth1?20:54
vbabiyhowsthe ~/logs/howsthedotcom: getent hosts google.ne20:54
vbabiy63.77.241.229   google.ne.com20:54
ion_grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf20:54
vbabiygrep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf20:54
vbabiyhosts:          files dns20:54
rsrion_ was that for me?20:55
ivoksrsr: dmesg | grep eth20:55
ion_vbabiy: Please pastebin /etc/resolv.conf20:55
rsreth0 switches between link up and link down20:56
vbabiyion_: ^20:56
ion_vbabiy: I’m out of ideas then. The last thing i thought of was some search directive or equivalent in resolv.conf causing the problem.20:57
vbabiyIs there a package that would do this, I mean I run 9.04 on my laptop and it works fine. But my server is doing this20:58
Gargoylevbabiy: I take it you don't have any relevant entries in /etc/hosts?21:00
vbabiycat /etc/hosts21:00
vbabiy127.0.0.1     localhost localhost.localdomain21:00
vbabiy127.0.0.1     howsthe.com21:00
vbabiyGargoyle: looks right to me21:00
ion_vbabiy: strace -f -s10000 -o strace.getent getent hosts google.ne, anything interesting in the output?21:02
vbabiystrace -f -s10000 -o strace.getent getent hosts google.ne21:03
vbabiy63.77.241.229   google.ne.com21:03
vbabiyThis just makes no sense to me21:03
vbabiyion_: do you want to see the file21:04
ion_You might want to skim through it to verify it doesn’t contain any private data (it shouldn’t, but you can’t be too careful) and then pastebin it as well.21:05
vbabiy_ion_: did you see th paste21:15
ion_No messages from you reached the channel.21:16
vbabiy__ion_: did you see th paste21:16
vbabiy__if not here it is http://pastebin.com/d6d5ab5ca21:17
=== vbabiy__ is now known as vbabiy
FFForeveris there a way to print the final usage?, like 32mb used out of blah, the 32 would include the used - cache/buffered/free21:18
vbabiyFFForever: I think you want free -m21:19
=== yml_ is now known as yml
vbabiyAny one else have any idea when I try to ping a domain that is can't be resolved and dos not have a .com ubuntu addes it to the end. Example google.ne it pings google.ne.com21:23
hvnmaybe the nameserver you are using is trying to be helpful21:26
hvndoes e.g., running host whatever resolve to whatever.com or something along that21:27
ion_vbabiy: I’m again out of ideas. The program queries about google.ne, gets a response that *does not* contain “google.ne.com” and then immediately proceeds to query about google.ne.com. Dunno what could cause that.21:27
vbabiywell thanks for your help ion_21:28
hvnif I do this: host google.ne.com ns95.worldnic.com21:29
hvnI get back: google.ne.com has address
hvnand ns95.worldnic.com I got from the pastebin above21:29
ion_vbabiy: You seem to have nscd installed. Could it perhaps have something to do with this?21:30
vbabiyion_: installed after I noticed the issue21:30
vbabiyhvn: not sure what you mean?21:31
hvnline 252 on your pastebin link shows ns95.worldnic.com21:32
hvnIf I query it for google.ne.com I get back the same IP address as you did21:32
hvns/query/query using host/21:32
infinityvbabiy: Sounds to me like you have .com in your resolv.conf21:32
vbabiyinfinity: cat /etc/resolv.conf21:33
infinityvbabiy: output of hostname and hostname -f?21:33
vbabiyhowsthe ~: hostname21:34
vbabiyhowsthe ~: hostname  -f21:34
Skaagis there a ready made intrepid kernel with grsecurity?21:34
vbabiyinfinity: ^21:34
infinityvbabiy: for starters, "foo.com" isn't a hostname.  The resolver might be trying to be clever.21:35
infinityvbabiy: But, also, your nameserver is extra clever.21:36
infinityadconrad@cthulhu:~$ nslookup21:36
infinity> server
infinityDefault server:
infinity> google.ne21:36
infinity** server can't find google.ne.0c3.net: REFUSED21:36
infinityvbabiy: Notice how it's tacking 0c3.net (my domain) on the end of the result?21:36
infinityOh, wait, that's nslookup being clever.21:37
infinityYeah, I'm half asleep.21:37
vbabiyinfinity: you think, I should just change my hostname to something like howsthedotcom21:37
infinityvbabiy: At any rate, your machine thinks ".com" is your search domain, so it adds it to the end of unresolvable hosts.21:37
infinityvbabiy: Or, you could just not worry about it?21:37
infinityvbabiy: Most people have search domains.  Yours just happens to be silly. :P21:38
vbabiyinfinity: its a big problem for me, cause hosthe.com service to break :D21:38
infinityvbabiy: Or, add a "search" or "domain" line to resolv.conf, if you want a more useful one.21:38
infinityvbabiy: It's a big problem for you that unresolvable names are broken?21:38
infinityvbabiy: Real hosts (like google.com) surely work fine?21:38
vbabiyinfinity: right but names like google.ne also work fine since ne.com is a valid domain21:39
ion_Ah, i didn’t realize a missing search/domain in resolv.conf causes DNS lookup to try to be “smart”.21:39
vbabiyion_: me either21:39
TheDJACRMy system won't boot past Starting Kernel Logging Daemon21:39
ion_I expected the only result to be that you need to specify FQDNs everywhere.21:39
infinityvbabiy: I'm still failing to see how that's a problem...21:39
TheDJACRIt just hangs.21:39
infinityvbabiy: So, stop looking up unresolvable hosts?21:40
vbabiyinfinity: well the backend uses urllib2 from python and when I tell it to go check google.ne it gets google.ne.com21:40
infinityvbabiy: But why are you telling it to check something that doesn't exist?21:41
infinity(Or, again, why do you care?)21:41
vbabiyinfinity: Well I don't know it doesn't exist till it checks21:41
ion_A user probably mistyped something and the service should have said “can’t resolve” instead of using google.ne.com blindly.21:41
TheDJACRWhat shall I do :P21:42
infinityRight, I'm failing to get information about this service, or why it's cool to do lookups of unresolvable hosts. :P21:42
infinityvbabiy: Just put "search howsthe.com" in your resolv.conf, and make sure you don't use wildcard DNS for your own domain, problem solved.21:43
vbabiyinfinity: thank, it sure is21:43
vbabiyAnd I am planing on fixing the issue of it blinding check wrong addresses21:43
vbabiythanks for all your help guys ion_, infinity21:43
TheDJACRIt was an LDAP misconfig.21:58
TheDJACRLDAP shouldn't halt the boot, though.21:58
rysiek|plhi guys22:39
rysiek|plI am sure aI am missing something opbvious here22:39
rysiek|plI have got those iptables rules22:40
rysiek|plbut NOTHING shows up, either in dmesg nor in /var/log/*22:40
rysiek|plany hints?22:40
rysiek|plyes, I am generating the packets ;)22:40
Skaagtry the iptables channel maybe?22:43
Skaagpersonally I'm very weak with iptables22:43
SkaagI use shorewall to cover myself ;-)22:44
rysiek|plthe channel, that is22:44
Skaag(it then calls iptables but at least I have a layer I can understand easily)22:44
rysiek|plI am quite good with iptables22:44
rysiek|plbutr it just won't log22:44
rysiek|plthere is something dumb in that, I know22:44
Skaagyou think some kernel module might not be loaded?22:44
rysiek|plloiaded ipt_LOG already22:45
Skaagwas about to suggest that22:45
Skaagyou checking in syslog?22:45
Skaagwhat if it's setup to forward to another destination?22:45
rysiek|plgrep 'my-log-prefix' /var/log/*22:45
rysiek|plit's not22:45
Skaagsuch as ulog22:45
Skaaghm. ok.22:45
phoenixzUbuntu server edition will allow me to work with LVM during installation?23:02
SkaagI believe so23:03
Skaagit's an option during the installation process23:03
phoenixzSkaag: will it also alow me to specify logical volumes (so that after that I can use them)?23:05
Skaagprobably although I haven't tried23:06
Skaagit makes sense however23:06
Skaagor else what's the point23:06
phoenixzid think so23:14
phoenixzHow can I let SSH ignore the knownhosts file? I have some weird problem with a program that keeps replacing the knnown host file and with that it messes up its own ssh calls.. I want to configure ssh to ignore the known hosts file for the moment, just to be able to continue testing. How do I do this?23:54

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