
scholliwould be nice to use ntfs-3g for writing00:00
ZykoticK9maurizio_, type "groups" in a terminal, does it say "admin"?00:00
billisnicewhen will gnome  2.26.2 be in upstream for use?00:00
helenhello everyone i need help fixing a screen resolution problem00:01
tuxedocurlyHey can anyone here help me get my bluetooth headset working in ubuntu 9.04?00:01
helenthe driver is good00:01
theoN^Hi, newbie question here ... I just installed linux on my computer and after a reboot it's saying "Disk boot failure", I tried changing the priority of my HDDs and on 1 of them I got a Grub loading message, followed with error 22 ... can anyone tell me what I did wrong?00:01
ZykoticK9helen, can you be for specific / verbose in explaining your problem?00:01
elitecoderIf I have two ethernet cards, both on separate internet connections.. do I need to configure ssh to listen on both of them?00:01
wladstonguys, I acidentaly deleted all the conf files on /etc/modprobe.d/, and now my kernel is hanging. Do I have to reinstall the OS to recover the old configuration files ?00:01
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imatechhas anyone ever used editDNS to set up a web server from home?00:02
Welshy-Robhi dose anyone know if there is a program or clock or something that i can set a time for my computer to automaticly turn off at that time?00:02
tuxedocurlyHey can anyone here help me get my bluetooth headset working in ubuntu 9.04?00:02
imatechmucho problemos!00:02
helenthe driver is good the system just isnt seeing correct resolution for the monitor00:02
imatechcan't get it to work!00:02
quitteelitecoder: you hav two internet connections? I always wondered how one could do that as there is only one default route.00:03
ZykoticK9elitecoder, i'd imagine yes - check /etc/ssh/sshd_config for the "ListenAddress"00:03
hskillindicator-applet is running but i dont see its icon. how can i see its icon? i want to configure it?00:03
heleni think i need to regenerate a fresh xorg and configure the screen in it00:03
elitecoderZykoticK9: It's commented out00:03
quitteelitecoder: I on the other hand would think the answer is no and ssh listens on all interfaces by default00:03
YuretszIs it possible to Click throughout window? Maybe compiz-plugin or something else?00:03
tuxedocurlyanybody? Help with setting up bluetooth headset00:03
elitecoderYeah I thought it did as well. I'm trying to connect on one, the port is forwarded and it's not picking up00:04
elitecoderbut when I unplug the second line and reboot it. It connects fine00:04
elitecoderf'in stupid00:04
ActionParsniptuxedocurly: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21373100:04
quitteelitecoder: problem with the default route. packet are coming in - but the outgoing packets go via the other internet connection.00:04
quitteelitecoder: so the box you are sshing from is getting answers but from the wrong address00:05
maurizio_when i put the sudo comand on the terminal, the system tould me that it feils00:05
quitteelitecoder: my guess00:05
maurizio_on the process00:05
elitecoderWell I set the default route in eth2 which is the one I'm connecting to00:05
elitecoderthat's interesting though00:05
helenif someone could help me regenerate a fresh xorg and not the preconfigured debian xorg i can get it from there00:06
maurizio_i dont have problems with the xorg00:06
ActionParsniphelen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:06
maurizio_I shout be00:06
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: sudo shutdown hh:mm  (24 hour format, see 'shutdown --help'00:06
helenthanks ActionParsnip00:07
ActionParsniphelen: will give you a failsafe xorg.conf00:07
quitteelitecoder: well - fire up some tool to analyze the traffic. two internet connections is asking for trouble, i think00:07
quittecan'T think of a way to handle the routing properly00:07
sebsebsebWell even helpers (as some of you may have noticed I have helped here quite a bit the last few months) could do with some Ubuntu help sometimes.  Ubuntu  8.04 on the other computer was getting to old for my liking,  so I upgraded to 8.10, but then lost the ethernet connection :(   I have googled and been on forum threads such as this one http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1017057.html  ,but I think my two00:07
sebsebsebkernels are later, and neither would work.  I am currently using another computer since didn't want to use XP for net :)  I am thinking maybe an offline upgrade to 9.04 would fix the issue.00:07
elitecoderquitte: Well, I only want one using the internet00:07
hardran3On my netbook I have my / on the 8GB internal flash, and /home on a 16GB SDHC. I have a home dir on the 8GB internal, but If I boot without the SDHC i get an error and am sent to the recovery console. Is an option i can put in my fstab to stop this behavior?00:07
hkittysmoothieI have a bluetooth wacom tablet that stopped working today -- It connects correctly, and lights up when I press the pen to the tablet, but the cursor itself doesn't move. Any suggestions? I'm on 9.04 by the way00:07
Florimondharpreet_: Still here? What do I do now?00:07
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: worth a shot, try aptoncd00:08
arthushi all, I can't get audio to work in Firefox00:08
arthusdesktop mp3s work, but no sound plays in browser (ex. Pandora)00:08
quitteelitecoder: just to be sure I have to ask: you do realize that the internet is a different network than your local network?00:08
arthusanyone have help for that?00:08
brandonban6okay.....newb question guys: How do I look up my netbios name? I can't seem to get nmblookup to work correctly.00:08
elitecoderyeah but i'm not sure what you're getting at00:09
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah and then I might remove fusa,  because I have a feeling that the other users would much prefer to still be able to shutdown the computer from the system menu.  They really like there fusa it seems,  because 8.10 even offered to install the later version, no thanks!    I belive what has happended though is that the ethernet config has gone wrong some how.00:09
quitteelitecoder: you actually have two internet connections? why? how do you want to make use of that?00:09
=== Jorjao is now known as Ursinha
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: if you use the interfaces file to set a static ip does it work? you will also need to set dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf00:10
elitecoderBecause this server needs a dedicated internet connection but needs to also connect to the other computers on a separate device / router.00:10
helendidnt work00:10
arthusno audio works in Firefox, all other audio works fine. help?00:10
elitecoderIt's a voip server, so the computers in the building need to connect directly to avoid extra lag00:10
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I am not sure about those.  I am also currently on another computer,  find out info here,  and try stuff when I have info,  I am thinking.00:11
helenwould me killing gdm then doing xorg -configure regenerate one00:11
quitteelitecoder: so how does it have two internet connections then? the computers in the building are the lan00:11
brandonban6 How do I look up my netbios name?00:11
elitecoderthe router they're connected to has net00:12
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: here's mine from my wired file server: http://pastebin.com/f686ddae300:12
=== joshthecoder is now known as joshthecoder_afk
quitteelitecoder: ok. as long as you set the interface to the lan statically you should not get any trouble then.00:13
sebsebsebActionParsnip: that reminds me it woudn't even let me access the routers  config page00:13
ActionParsnipbrandonban6: cat /etc/hostname00:13
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: thats because your ip address may not be in the routers subnet00:13
booksbuggycan anyone tell me how to install eclipse documentations?00:14
sebsebsebActionParsnip: DHCP does our internal ip addresses00:14
elitecoderlet me paste my config00:14
AlsaPCMhi , i have a computer that is the server , and i am sharing the internet using an rt2500usb wireless "pen" . In windows i setup the correct IP and i have access to the network and i have internet but in ubuntu i only can find the wireless network but the everytime i log in to that network the net doesnt work. Does any one had this problem?00:14
wladstonguys, I acidentaly deleted all the conf files on /etc/modprobe.d/, and now my kernel is hanging. Do I have to reinstall the OS to recover the old configuration files ?00:14
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: is it succeeding on the system>?00:14
brandonban6ActionParsnip, thank you .... I didn't realize it was the same thing as my computer name00:14
* brandonban6 embarrassed 00:14
sebsebsebActionParsnip: what do you mean?00:14
tuxedocurlyHey, im still having problems connecting my bluetooth headset00:14
tuxedocurlyI followed some links00:14
tuxedocurlybut nothing works00:14
tuxedocurlycan anyone help please?00:14
docta_vi've built several custom .deb packages and would like to enable authentication for them00:14
docta_vif i use debsig-verify all packages from the standard ubuntu repo fail verification... should i be using something besides debsig-verify or do i need to add the ubuntu keys to debsig00:15
docta_vwhat method do the ubuntu packages use for verification?00:15
sebsebsebActionParsnip: not on it right now, but it was like  trying to use auto etho or something, but then on  network manager where it says wired  connection that's greyed out00:15
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: try a static ip suitable for your network in the interfaces file, if it works you can isolate some issues out00:16
AlsaPCMwladston, Try reinstalling the linux -headers00:17
sebsebsebActionParsnip: so far with  hardwired :)   I have had no problem at all,  and so no experience of editing those files.00:17
tuxedocurlyCan anyone help me configure my bluetooth headset in ubuntu 9.04 so I can listen to music with it?00:17
wladstonAlsaPCM: Thanks, will do! :)00:17
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: thats why i gave you mine so you can copy the fields and populate them for your lan00:17
quitteelitecoder: ok!?00:18
elitecoderI have to do some shit before I can get the config00:18
sebsebsebActionParsnip: one forum thread suggested clean installing, well yes that would probably work, but  realistically I can't even easilley clean install on the other computer,  since some issue with the CD drive.    what you mean populate?00:18
wladstonAlsaPCM: errmm .... me can't find how to do it... can you point me the way ?00:18
AlsaPCMwladston, what distro u use ?00:19
sebsebsebActionParsnip: match the details to mine?00:19
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: well your ip addressing may be different to my wired subnet, so you may need to change the addresses in the file but you will use the same starting identifiers in the file00:19
wladstonAlsaPCM:  ubuntu x86 9.04, desktop00:19
AlsaPCMwladston, try synaptic00:19
AlsaPCMwladston, and search for the linux-headers00:19
crankharderany hints on playing the dark knight with mplayer?00:20
sebsebsebActionParsnip: maybe I should open up the file on this working computer, so I get a feel for it00:20
tuxedocurlyCan anyone help me with my bluetooth connection problem?00:20
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: sudo shutdown hh:mm  <-- not satisfying?00:20
hellolinuxhey  can somebody help me with a quick couple of question that i have00:20
AlsaPCMwladston, linux-headers-lbm-2.6.28-11-generic00:20
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: well if its network connectivity is defined by some network app then it will be empty00:21
wladstonAlsaPCM: got it, dkpg-reconfiguring :)00:21
AlsaPCMwladston, mark for reinstallation, it might solve i dunno, i am noob s well eheh00:21
hellolinuxhow can i completly erase my harddrives from the live CD??00:21
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: its how lan was defined before fancy apps were brought in00:21
axisyshow do I prepend a nameserver that network manager wont overwrite it?00:21
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: so you can use that file to define the connection and you dont need any stupid apps00:21
sebsebsebActionParsnip: the file your talking about?  /etc/resolve ???00:21
NeoMatrixJRdoes anyone know of a way to copy the cd/installer to a hdd partition and then boot it?00:21
hkittysmoothieI have a bluetooth wacom tablet that stopped working today -- It connects correctly, and lights up when I press the pen to the tablet, but the cursor itself doesn't move. Any suggestions? I'm on 9.04 by the way00:21
elitecoderquitte: http://pastebin.com/d3d325db500:22
elitecoderthat's my config00:22
booksbuggycan anyone tell me how to install eclipse documentations?00:22
vampyre_eyes#join #wine-hq00:22
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I am not clear about which file I am meant to be editing?   and it's some txt file?    gksudo gedit /etc/resolve ???  probably not quite00:22
tuxedocurlyNeoMatrixJR: go to PM00:22
eseven73Wacoms work in Ubuntu?! dang I might just have to go out and buy one, been putting it off fearing they wouldn't work in linux since my other bluetooth devices don't work00:23
binraptBy the way, how do you get really crisp super small pixel fonts for everything in the out of the box Ubuntu Gnome?00:23
binraptI really dislike the super large anti aliased fonts00:23
quitteelitecoder: the eth0 entry will override the eth2 gateway entry by dhcp. also I doubt mixing gateway and dhcp works as expected.00:23
eseven73!fonts | binrapt00:23
ubottubinrapt: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer00:24
elitecoderquitte: one of my friends said that was fine but yeah still dunno00:24
Sonicweiss jemand wie ich 2 monitore  auf ubuntu zum laufen bekomme???00:24
elitecoderquitte: Why will it override it?00:24
elitecoderjust because it's second?00:24
danaman5Is there a disk defragmenter included with Ubuntu?00:24
eseven73!de | Sonic00:24
ubottuSonic: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:24
eseven73danaman5, there's no need for one00:24
eseven73generally speaking00:24
danaman5really, so ext3 drives never get fragmented?00:24
eseven73!defrag | danaman500:25
ubottudanaman5: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.00:25
TalI'm switching a friend from Vista to ubuntu, We've tried out Intrepid but his screen resolution is stuck at 800x600, he has an Acer Aspire 5520, does anyone know if we'll have that problem in Jaunty??? Thanks.00:25
binrapteseven73: Oh, I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig but I didn't see any such options, it appeared to reload font caches or so00:25
eseven73never is a strong word danaman5, but generally you should be ok00:25
booksbuggycan anyone tell me how to install eclipse documentations?00:25
quitteelitecoder: ill have a look at the manpage just to be sure gateway is what i think it is00:25
binraptI want the super slim badass crisp pixel monospace stuff heh00:25
elitecoderim reading it too00:25
danaman5ok, thanks00:25
hellolinuxI have 3 hard drives, 1 that was running win7, 1 that was running win sever 2008 and 1 fresh out of box. how can i delete all of the data on the harddives from the live disk. also need to toggle with bootalbe.00:26
sebsebsebActionParsnip: [00:10] <ActionParsnip> sebsebseb: if you use the interfaces file to set a static ip does it work? you will also need to set dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf00:26
binrapt"or, at least in Edgy," <- is Edgy the name of an Ubuntu release or so?00:26
=== ekimmargni is now known as Mike_lifeguard
axisyselitecoder: pastebin your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf00:26
eseven73binrapt, sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts00:26
sebsebsebActionParsnip: ok wehre is the interfaces file located?00:26
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.00:26
binrapteseven73 ok00:26
elitecoderaxisys: I never edited it. I'll paste it now if you want.00:26
loranhellolinux did you try gparted?00:27
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces00:27
Welshy-RobVCoolio, what is that a program??00:27
eseven73binrapt, also you can download free fonts from like dafont.com and stick them in /home/binrapt/.fonts   (create .fonts directory if it don't exist)00:27
quitteelitecoder: dhcp takes care of the default gateway, unless explicitly told not to. and id be very surprised if that worked from interfaces. if you can use static configuration only.00:27
binraptHah, /home/binrapt00:27
TalI'm switching a friend from Vista to ubuntu, We've tried out Intrepid but his screen resolution is stuck at 800x600, he has an Acer Aspire 5520, does anyone know if we'll have that problem in Jaunty??? Thanks.00:27
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I think I follow this now, I edit those two files with my details, and hopefully it works :)00:27
axisyselitecoder: u need to make sure you don't ask for gateway in the dhcpclient conf file00:27
axisysrequest for that is00:27
sebsebsebTal: was the graphics card driver installed?00:28
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: it's a command; normally you use shutdown now to, well, shutdown, but you can use a time as well00:28
eseven73binrapt, well whatever your home is ;P00:28
binraptThere's this amazing small monospace font being used in the Ubuntu "Failsafe Terminal"?00:28
ActionParsnipTal: it will be the same in jaunty until you configure the video drivers00:28
elitecoderaxisys: here it is00:28
binrapteseven73: Don't have one yet :P00:28
elitecoderquitte: Ok00:28
Talsebsebseb::: Wouldn't locate it in Hardware Drivers00:28
Talsebsebseb::: I don't know any other way of installing it00:28
ActionParsnipTal: what video card does s/he have00:28
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: if you need it many times and same time always to shutdown make a little script and add that to startup applications00:28
axisyselitecoder: remove the router00:29
TalActionParsnip::: nVidia GeForce 700m00:29
eseven73binrapt, oooh, hmmm im not sure those fonts would work for terminals,,,i was assuming you were already in Gnome desktop or whatnot00:29
binraptdanielrmt: Ah thanks00:29
TalActionParsnip::: ****nVidia GeForce 7000m00:29
ActionParsnipTal: then thats easy. sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18000:29
binrapteseven73: I want all fonts to be super small brutal pixel monospace stuff like that heh00:29
elitecoderaxisys: you mean "routers" from the request line?00:29
TalActionParsnip::: Really?00:29
danielrmtbinrapt: ok00:29
binraptPreferrably the one I saw, not Microsoft stuff00:29
axisyselitecoder: then for one of the interface you add the default gw ..00:29
axisyselitecoder: yes00:29
hellolinuxloran - yes, the hdd that had win7 had a bootloader on it for some reason and still boots to it. i guess i need to know how to get the bootloader off and how to toggle primary or whatever. the hdd with the bootloader from win7 is not the hhd that i installed ubuntu on.00:30
kephuhi guys, I need headers for 2.6.27-11 for vmware player - can't apt-get'em ("no installation candidate")00:30
binraptBitmap fonts00:30
ActionParsnipTal: even easier is: kdesudo jockey-kde00:30
eseven73binrapt, one sec00:30
sebsebsebActionParsnip: thanks by the way00:30
ActionParsniptal: oops00:30
elitecoderaxisys: And I add that in the interfaces file?00:30
ActionParsnipTal: gksudo jockey-gtk00:30
elitecoderthis is my current one: http://pastebin.com/d3d325db500:30
kephuso, where else can I get them from?00:30
binraptThis font looks quite similar to it, eseven7300:30
sebsebsebActionParsnip: heh  I kind of wanted some Ubuntu issue to do in a way,  learn stuff that way00:30
axisyselitecoder: your /etc/network/interfaces should look something like this http://pastebin.com/d17100ada00:30
binraptThe terminal one00:31
binraptI think that's it00:31
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: np man, its what i use to configure lan, easier. ive had no luck with config apps for lan00:31
binraptI really wonder what it is called00:31
axisyselitecoder: yes00:31
eseven73binrapt, this post looks promising http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82448700:31
Meeewhat is everyone talking about00:31
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah the GUI network apps aren't that good really00:31
elitecoderok loading it00:31
ActionParsnipMeee: this is the official ubuntu support channel, so ubuntu is what we are talkking about00:31
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: they aren't for me00:31
TalActionParsnip::: What will gksudo jockey-gtk do?00:31
sebsebsebActionParsnip: if I open on this computer,  I should get the more proper details :)  I think,  then it's similar on other computer and yeah I hope00:32
sebsebsebMeee: welcome00:32
sebsebsebMeee: Ubuntu is a good alternative to Windows if you didn't know00:32
sebsebseb!ubuntu | Meee00:32
ubottuMeee: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:32
ActionParsnipTal: jockey is a driver installation app, it will see yuor nvidia card and offer to install the driver00:33
eNHASAMeee: Ubuntu is made of pure gold. Gold which you cannot sell, but gold nonetheless.00:33
trooperashi to all i got a problem on mi notebook pc eee 900 i install ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix and i update it and i press my pass word an i don't see a taskbar00:33
elitecoderaxisys: OHH yeah that's a bit different00:33
FlorimondActionParsnip: where would I get jockey?00:33
TalActionParsnip::: I'm running this from a live CrunchBang USB so I'll give it a go =)00:33
binrapteseven73: You mean the Helvetice 9x15 post?00:33
bastid_raZoris there a similiar app for an ATI card? jockey for nVidia.. ? for ATi00:33
TalFlorimond::: gksudo jockey-gtk00:34
PaulJRI just got usb-midi working with rosegarden today, though rosegarden will only run as root00:34
binraptI don't think it's a TTF one00:34
sebsebsebTal: we don't support Crunchbang here00:34
binraptIt's a bitmap font I think00:34
kephu2.6.27-11 headers. Anyone? Any ideas where to get them from?00:34
eNHASAIs there a Crunchbang channel?00:34
Welshy-RobVCoolio, ok im new so i dont know about that script but when i used "sudo shutdown hh:mm" my pc told me (/dev/pts/0) at 0:29 ...The system is going down for maintenance in 271 minutes! what is "maintenance"??and how do i stop it going into maintenance??00:34
sebsebseb#crunchbang I think00:34
ActionParsnipFlorimond: sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk00:34
eNHASAOh. Well, there you go.00:34
Talsebsebseb::: I know, it was a continuation from a conversation - scroll up...00:34
elitecoderaxisys: So on the secondary interface I add the default gw?00:34
* eNHASA isn't sure why he didnt just check #crunchbang00:34
ActionParsnip!info jockey-gtk | Florimond00:35
ubottuFlorimond: jockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu10 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 160 kB00:35
FlorimondTal: I am a complete n00b; just got ubuntu installed and have no idea what that means00:35
axisyselitecoder: there will be one default gw .. pick your interface and tie with it00:35
binraptWill look further into it tomorrow, thanks and goodnight00:35
elitecoderdoes it matter which interface I add the default gw to?00:35
blackest_knightWelshy-Rob:  your the one doin   the maintainance00:35
eseven73binrapt, hmmm Im out of ideas then, good luck :)00:35
TalFlorimond::: Sorry, press alt F2 then paste it in =) I'm not such a nonnoob myself, just copied and pasted ;)00:35
axisyselitecoder: u can have as many gw's as you like .. just append them to the right interface.. but only one will be default00:36
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: that's probably the default message; it will shut down at that time, meaning in 271 minutes from now. Script not necessary, just add new item in startup applications and use your command00:36
elitecoderok to the right interface. so it matters. got it. So I'll use eth2, that's my "primary" because it's the one i want using the internet00:36
pik}hey guys im having a problem with one of my usb hd's on my ubuntu server. i removed the usb cabel from the server and then i put it back and mount the disk with sudo mount -a. now suddenly i cant remove files with rm -r.  getting a message like 'rm cannot remove, read only file system"00:36
kephu2.6.27-11 headers. Anyone? Any ideas where to get them from?00:36
axisyselitecoder: it does not matter as long as the IP address of the interface is on a subnet that can reach the default gw00:36
FlorimondTal:poopies I am on the wrong computer to copy and paste it in. Let me see if I can get irc running on the 9.04 pc00:37
trooperasi got a problem on my notebook pc eee 900 i install ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix and i update it and i press my user and  password an i don't see a taskbaron the loging but i remove the netbook remix i i dont see the clasic00:37
VCooliosudo shutdown -c      <-- run that to abort00:37
elitecoderaxisys: ok makes sense.00:37
TalFlorimond::: Okay =)00:37
blackest_knightpik}:  yeah you fubared the file sys it needs to be fscked for consistancy00:37
VCoolioshutdown --help   <--- run that to see the options00:37
elitecoderaxisys and quitte thank you guys. I'm rebooting now to see if it works :]00:37
axisyselitecoder: np00:38
devilhi guys!!!!!!!00:38
Welshy-RobVCoolio, Thanks = ] its good that because im downloading movies n stuff at night and i dont want to leave my pc on all night so its really usefull and again thanks00:38
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: forgot to mention your name; see my above lines00:38
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: you're welcome00:38
eseven73VCoolio, darn I was about to !who you ;P00:38
pik}blackest_knight: and how do i do that? :)00:38
elitecoderwoot! made progress00:38
ActionParsnippik}: i'd check the mount options in fstab00:38
elitecoderIt's working now! :D I can ssh in.00:39
amseidlerDoes anyone know how to convert an mp4 to mp3?00:39
eseven73!yay | elitecoder00:39
ubottuelitecoder: Glad you made it! :-)00:39
xmrkitecan someone help me with my dell 4700 xorg file? I just can't get it to work with two video cards00:39
devili wanna know about installing QT 4.1 on ubuntu for c++ GUI programming from where i can download it??00:39
devilubottu:i wanna know about installing QT 4.1 on ubuntu for c++ GUI programming from where i can download it??00:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:39
wladstonAlsaPCM: I reinstalled lots of linux packages00:39
danielrmtdevil: apt00:39
wladstonAlsaPCM: and it didn't work :(00:40
amseidlerDoes anyone know how to convert an mp4 to mp3?00:40
devildanielrmt:what is the exact command for this??00:40
Code-Eim using an ati x1300 but im getting this error: aticonfig: No supported adapters detected00:40
danielrmt!apt | devil00:40
ubottudevil: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:40
ActionParsnipamseidler: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13841900:40
blackest_knightpik}:  probably the easiest thing is to sudo gparted and get it to check the disk theres a command line tool but i can't be arsed checkin what it'd be00:41
ActionParsnipamseidler: you could make a script from the code snippet easily00:41
blackest_knightamseidler: ffmpeg00:41
syntax\what does this mean /usr/bin/compiz.real (cube) - Warn: Failed to load slide: /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/ubuntu.png00:41
syntax\/usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format00:41
FlorimondTal: cool I'm on twice. Can you give me those instructions again please?00:42
ActionParsnipsyntax\: i'd ask in #compiz00:42
syntax\okies ActionParsnip :D00:42
blackest_knight<-- well drunk due to wake today so not as user friendly as usual00:42
iamtechno!ask | heidi00:44
ubottuheidi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:44
amseidlerActionParsnip: Did not work00:44
boss_mcmine was funnier...00:44
Code-Eim using an ati x1300 but im getting this error: aticonfig: No supported adapters detected how do i install my ati driver ?00:44
heidilmao sorry i dont know how this works00:44
* boss_mc sulks00:45
iamtechnoheidi, Thats okay. What's can we help you with.00:45
heidihow do u get to play facebook videos ?? youtube works00:45
ZzeissIf anyone here is running on a Macbook Unibody, please msg me... I need your lspci and lsusb output to fix a bug in bluetooth.00:45
heidior msn videos00:45
theoN^Is it obligatory to create a /home Mount point when installing ubuntu? I've always done it that way so far but I was just wondering00:45
boss_mcheidi: what flash plugin are you using?00:45
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heidilet me check00:46
ActionParsnipamseidler: i'd rerip personally. converting from one lossy format to another will degrade quality00:46
danielrmttheoN^: no, you don't have to00:46
ZzeisstheoN^: Not absolutely- but a lot of utilities assume it's there.00:46
amseidlerActionParsnip: Can't, it was a download00:46
boss_mctheoN^: no, it will be part of the / partition if you don't00:46
darkhamwhat can i do like anyremote?00:46
iamtechnoheidi, I assume that you have firefox. Your best bet is to use the official Adobe Flash plugin.00:46
boss_mcheidi: about:plugins in ff00:46
heidiit says adove-flash plugin00:47
ZzeisstheoN^: er, yes.  boss_mc is correct... it will be created as a directory under / if you don't create a separate one.00:47
theoN^Ok fair enough, because I just tried it without using /home and I'm getting an Error 22 when booting a fresh install (partition isn't there), what can be the cause of it?00:47
iamtechnoheidi, What version of ubuntu are you using?00:47
jackivAnyone here familiar with 9.04 server edition?00:47
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: just thought, you may need "shutdown -hP" to not only shut down but also power off your pc. Again: use --help to see the options.00:47
heidiyes that one iM using mozilla but i tried opera and is the same00:47
ActionParsnipjackiv: some, wassup00:47
boss_mcheidi: in about:plugins, what's the version of the flash plugin?00:48
jackivWell I have a xeon server, and I wanted to install server 9.04 on that and then have a few old computers hook up to that and be able to login across them.00:48
iamtechnoheidi, How did you install the plugin?00:48
ActionParsnipjackiv: install openssh-server00:49
ActionParsnipjackiv: you can then ssh to it00:49
jackivthat doesn't come with 9.04?00:49
AtKoiam having problems with the wirelesss :D00:49
jackivor is it in the repository?00:49
ActionParsnipjackiv: i dont think by default, its simple to install if its not00:49
jackivalright, thank you very much!00:49
ActionParsnipjackiv: yes, its in the repo00:49
heidion the synactic package and i tried downloading from the web too nothing works i unistalled and installed again00:49
devilcan you give me some idea regarding QT???00:50
Welshy-RobVCoolio, what so its sudo shutdown -hp HH:MM ??00:50
iamtechnoheidi, So you installed the flash-nonfree package then?00:50
boss_mcheidi: you want flashplugin-nonfree from repos00:50
heidiis just the facebook videos youtube if fine00:50
devilheidi:can give me some idea about QT00:51
FlorimondHow do you install plugins in ff IN VERSION 9.04?00:51
iamtechnoheidi, I would try to reinstall it. I have ubuntu 8.10 and it works just fine.00:51
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: -hP means poweroff pc; only shutdown can shutdown system but not really poweroff pc00:51
heidisorry guys id hard man i just swich from vista hate microsoft ufff00:51
mattgyverif i use partimage to backup a ntfs filesystem, must I create a new ntfs filesystem to restore to, or can partimage convert an unformatted to ntfs partition by the restore process?00:51
ActionParsnipFlorimond: 32bit or 64bit ubuntu?00:51
devilubottu:can give me some idea about QT??00:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:51
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports00:52
ActionParsnipdevil: you need to compile it or find a ppa00:52
VCoolioWelshy-Rob: so yes, first arguments, then time; but use capital P ; "sudo shutdown -hP hh:mm"00:52
FlorimondActionParsnip: dumb I know, but I don't know which version it is. It's running on a 64 bit I7 quad-core machine00:52
Titan8990_Florimond, uname -a00:53
Welshy-RobVCoolio,  ok00:53
ActionParsnipFlorimond: can you provide the output of: uname -a00:53
Florimondwhere do I type that? I am a total n00b00:53
devilubottu:please gve me the link for QT i wanna install it on ubintu00:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:53
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danielrmtdevil: you don't install software in ubuntu from links. use the package manager.00:54
f09wlkfI've got the new Atheros AR9285 wifi in my netbook.  Anyone have experience getting this work in Ubuntu?00:54
danielrmt!apt | devil00:54
ubottudevil: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:54
ActionParsnipFlorimond: its a terminal command00:54
ActionParsnip!terminal | Florimond00:54
ubottuFlorimond: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:54
danielrmt!qt | devil00:54
ubottudevil: Qt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports00:54
ActionParsnipFlorimond: copy / paste the command in, then copy the output and paste it to here00:54
jackivcould I instead install desktop 9.04 and then ssh into that?00:55
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jackivor would it be easier with server edition?00:55
iamtechnoheidi, What I would do is to run the following command: sudo apt-get remove flash-nonfree && apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flash-nonfree00:55
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boss_mcheidi: any luck? (are you on 64bit ubuntu?)00:56
FlorimondActionParsnip I got the terminal open. What do I type again?00:56
iamtechnoboss_mc, Its there a native 64bit flash player or ubuntu or is it just 32bit only?00:56
eaglestarhi i upgraded ubuntu from 8.04 i386 to 9.04 amd64 and now my computer runs terribly slow.  the only difference i have otherwise is that my root and home partitons are seperate.  should i reinstall and use i386 9.04?00:56
boss_mciamtechno: I dunno00:57
eaglestari have all correct graphics cards installed and everything else is setup as before00:57
ActionParsnipFlorimond: uname -a00:57
boss_mciamtechno: I know 64bit is not good00:57
jackivdoes your computer have an intel or amd processor?00:57
heidino boss_mc nothing00:57
thelaugh1ngmimedoes anyone know how to configure a samba server?00:58
edogzillahi. just did a fresh install of jaunty and did the initial updates. then i got a message that firefox has been updated. when i go to open it again i get an error saying "error launching browser window: no XBL binding for browser00:58
edogzillaany ideas?00:58
FlorimondActionParsnip: How do I copy and paste now?00:58
iamtechnoheidi, I guess its flashplugin-nonfree not flash-nonfree00:58
ActionParsnipFlorimond: like any other text00:58
FlorimondLinux Mac-2 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:59
edogzilladoes anyone know how to fix this error?00:59
FlorimondActionParsnip: Linux Mac-2 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:00
devel0what error?01:00
ActionParsnipFlorimond: here is a big command to run: it will give you flash: http://pastebin.com/m4ba4221b01:00
iamtechnoedogzilla, You might try sudo apt-get install -f01:00
Florimondam I on 64 bit or 32?01:00
ActionParsnipFlorimond: 64bit01:00
edogzillawhen i open my firefox i get an error reading "erro launching vrowser window: no XBL binding for browser"01:01
heidiIm going to unistall ubuntu 9.04 and go back to 801:01
hellolinuxhello everybody, i am trying to install from a live CD, after installation and the system reboots i get a black screen with "Boot from A:" in blue. can anybody help??01:01
iamtechnoheidi, did you try removing and reinstalling flash?01:01
ActionParsnipFlorimond: thats all on one line, will install the beta 64bit flash which runs fine01:01
FlorimondActionParsnip:  cannot create directory `/home/andy/.mozilla/plugins': No such file or directory01:01
Florimondmv: cannot move `./libflashplayer.so' to `/home/andy/.mozilla/plugins': No such file or directory01:01
antonius602probably a good choice, heidi ... the release cycle for ubuntu has always prompted me to use the veriosn that worked for me01:02
antonius6028.04 ;)01:02
edogzillaiamtechno: it didnt install anything new01:02
FlorimondActionParsnip: Yes I did it all one line but it says it cannot make the directories01:02
SvBhow do you set up a microphone on ubuntu if your audio and headphones work?01:02
iamtechnoedogzilla, Did it update firefox at all?01:02
ActionParsnipFlorimond: sorry, change /home/andy/.mozilla/plugins/ to ~/.mozilla/plugins01:02
edogzillai amtechno: no01:02
nightdreveris there a ubuntu digsby version?01:03
heidiiamtechno, yeah I already did that i dont know whats wrong i cant see the videos anywhere just youtube so some flash i have01:03
tonsofpcsSvB: mic for what?01:03
pullerhow can i get to the about thing on firefox to see what flash i am using01:03
nigtvHello, im wondering, I thought that there was a "Big" iso of ubuntu, with a lot of apps and such, meant to be burned on a DVD, but I can't remember the actual real name of it, and I can't find it though google or the ubuntu site, does anyone have any idea what I am talking about?01:03
danielrmtnightdrever: no, see http://www.digsby.com/signup/maclinux/?os=linux01:03
edogzillaiamtechno: what is XBL binding?01:03
SvBubuntu is not good for the mentally handicapped01:03
Code-EActually, one of my friends who is mentally handicapped uses Ubuntu for their main OS01:04
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antonius602ubuntu is perfect for the unix handicapped...what are u talking about? lol01:04
ActionParsnipFlorimond: http://pastebin.com/m32d1f35401:04
iamtechnoedogzilla, I don't know right off the top of my head. If you give me a minute I'll research it for you :)01:04
ActionParsnipFlorimond: revised command01:04
nightdreverwell whats the best chat software for ubuntu?01:04
jackivI don't know about more applications, but you can get DVD .iso's that have multiple languages.01:04
SvBmy mic dont work, check one01:04
edogzillaiamtechno: ok01:04
SvBmy mic dont work, check two01:04
hellolinuxhello everybody, i am trying to install from a live CD, after installation and the system reboots i get a black screen with "Boot from A:" in blue. can anybody help??01:04
nightdreveri have pidgin at the moment01:04
ActionParsnipantonius602: +1 dide01:05
iamtechno!best | nightdrever01:05
ubottunightdrever: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:05
tonsofpcsSvB: with what?01:05
nigtvnightdrever: I like irssi, but that's different for different people01:05
SvBmy voice01:05
SvBand soundcard01:05
ActionParsnipnightdrever: best is an opinion, so they are all the best01:05
jackivPidgin works great for multiple protocols, but if you're into msn, try Emesene Crazy.01:05
SonnentaeI am adding anew hd to my rig and am wondering what the 0 1 flags at the end of each mount rule mean?01:05
ActionParsnipnightdrever: there is no such thing as best01:05
nigtvirssi is irc, and its nice for the terminal, and for automation, but you won't like it if you like GUI's01:05
nightdreverwell id like one that accepts many accounts and maybe evan skype?01:05
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:05
danielrmt!skype ! nightdrever01:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:05
danielrmtnightdrever: use skype then01:06
hellolinuxhello everybody, i am trying to install from a live CD, after installation and the system reboots i get a black screen with "Boot from A:" in blue. can anybody help??01:06
SvBtonsofpcs, im trying to record my voice into audacity, i have a creative soundblaster audigy 2 soundcard, and have been fiddling with the check marks back and forth trying to troubleshoot it, with no luck01:06
ActionParsnipnightdrever: pidgin does a lot of protocols, it doesnt do skype01:06
Sonnentaeanyone can tell me what 0 1 flags on fstab mean?01:06
edogzillawhat's skype?01:06
danielrmtedogzilla: its a voice chat protocol01:07
ActionParsnipedogzilla: its an evil proprietary voip software01:07
antonius602and the only thing that "dide" was the linux support community, Actionparsnip01:07
nigtvSonnentae: that's in reference to the drive and partition, so 0 would be your main harddisk, and 0, 1 would be the first partition on your main disc01:07
antonius602and the only thing that "dide" was the linux support community, Actionparsnip01:07
ActionParsnipantonius602: dide?01:07
iamtechno!ot | antonius60201:07
ubottuantonius602: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:07
AtKohi iam trying to install ubuntu 9.04 with vista but ubuntu wont load up lol dell xps 420 intell quadcore 2.8 nvieda 8800 gto 786mb01:07
FlorimondActionParsnip: it worked, thanks01:07
antonius602here to help, not here to preach....01:08
edogzillahas anyone else had the same problem as me opening firefox?01:08
ActionParsnipAtKo: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded?01:08
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AtKoi didnt download the iso01:08
tonsofpcsSvB: did you try the defaults+? have you tried any other software?01:08
tonsofpcsare you using pulseaudio?01:08
AtKoi got a ubuntu 9.04 cd tht ubuntu sent me by post01:09
tonsofpcsdid you rtfm?01:09
eseven73!rtfm | tonsofpcs01:09
ubottutonsofpcs: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.01:09
ActionParsnipAtKo: ok verify the cd once its booted to. you could also try01:09
eaglestardid anyone see my question01:09
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | AtKo01:10
ubottuAtKo: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions01:10
antonius602i find Period offensive, too01:10
AtKoi done it01:10
AtKobut nothing01:10
nigtveaglestar: probably, but it's a busy channel, you can wait a while and ask again is what I do, it's not like anyone in here will ignore you, promise01:10
AtKoit loads up then frezze before the logo appars then go a command promt01:10
hellolinuxi am trying to install from a live CD, after installation and the system reboots i get a black screen with "Boot from A:" in blue. can anybody help??01:11
ActionParsnipAtKo: try some bootoptions and try disabling fancy functionality in bios01:11
AtKoi done everythinh01:11
nightdreverwell i just installed irssi through package manager01:11
nigtvAtKo: no offense intended, but is english your second language01:11
nigtvor rather, not your first.01:11
nightdreverhow do i open it?01:11
antonius602Atko: nvidia or ati?01:11
AtKono i dislexic01:12
ActionParsnipnightdrever: type irssi in a terminal window01:12
rjshellolinux: was there another OS installed before you tried to install linux?01:12
edogzillai just did a fresh install of 9.04. i did the initial updates. when i start up firefox i get an error reading "error launching browser window: no XBL binding for browser". does anyone know how to fix this?01:12
nigtvAtKo: Ah, why I say no offense intended ;)01:12
ActionParsnipedogzilla: try: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old01:12
nigtvedogzilla: Did you try to reinstall it in synaptic, add/remove, or command line? That will check for dependencies.01:13
antonius602Atko: older card? 5 series? or new?01:13
eseven73edogzilla, or in a terminal: firefox -safe-mode01:13
AtKoseries 801:13
AtKo8800 GTX01:13
heidiedogzilla did the videos work in 9.0401:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:13
edogzillaactionparsnip: no such file or directory01:13
neoneveI am starting at php and I need help. anyone have some time to help me ?01:14
antonius602and ur booting to prompt, or flashing cursor?01:14
edogzillaheidi: dont know just installed it01:14
nigtvUhm, so I'm looking for a "ubuntu big iso" or something like that, larger that 800mb~, with extra apps, anyone know where I can find something like that?01:14
hioahHello, I just installed mythbuntu 9.04 from www.mythbuntu.org. After the completion, during the mythtv backend setup, I am just getting a blank screen. I have searched few forums which pointed out a potential issue with Radeon 9200 open source drivers, but I wasn't able to get any resolution on how to fix this. I am a brand new user and my apologies if the solution is obvious.01:14
danielrmt!ask | neoneve01:14
ubottuneoneve: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:14
eaglestarhi i upgraded ubuntu from 8.04 i386 to 9.04 amd64 and now my computer runs terribly slow.  the only difference i have otherwise is that my root and home partitons are seperate.  should i reinstall and use i386 9.04?01:14
antonius602hioah, don't use propritety ati drivers w/ that card, use the ones provided by X01:14
edogzillanigtv: i'll try to unistall/reinstall from synaptic01:14
neoneveok let me try that out01:14
AtKoonly way i can get ubuntu working is formating system then installing tht way but wireless then dont work01:15
hioahantonius602, I am using the open source drivers. Not the proprietory one01:15
ed_debianeaglestar, run the command "top" in a terminal and see if something is using a large (greater than 50%) amount of your CPU.  Is your system slow all the time?  Do you have a 64 bit processor / motherboard?01:15
tonsofpcs!patience | eseven7301:15
ubottueseven73: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:15
nigtvedogzilla: Also, as someone else suggested, you can try running it in safe mode from the terminal, Alt+F2, and the "firefox --safe-mode", I belive (is what they said).01:15
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antonius602AtKo: well....that's a problem...there are multiple/possible fixes..depending on ur hardware.01:15
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iamtechnoedogzilla, try running this command: firefox -safe-mode01:16
neoneveI am trying to read from a txt file containing a grid with characters sliced using the | character. and I am trying to store each content between the | character into a variable. how would I do that ? text file is http://m0oo.com/indecay.txt01:16
antonius602hioah:  i got an all in wonder 9600 pro...sitting in the garage...never really got the PVR to work in linux...i can only wish u luck, no advice ;)01:16
edogzillanigtv: it told me i cant remove it cuz other programs depend on it, it said to remove it from the synaptic package manager(which i already was)01:16
edogzillanigtv: what do i do from safe mode?01:16
reborn3How can i show the users list on the irc channel in irssi?01:17
eaglestared_debian, yes i have amd64 processor so it should be running FASTER but it is running much slower and choppier01:17
edogzillaiamtechno: nothing happened01:17
hioahAntonius602, I understand the feeling. thanks for the help. May be I will run and get a new nvidia video card01:17
wardrichI need some help when somebody's got a second, it's in regards to me screwing up a dual-boot... grub wouldn't let me boot into XP (said something about NTLDR) so I threw in my XP disk and did a fixmbr, now when I boot it says "cannot find OS"01:17
antonius602hioah: that's always the best idea..lol unfortunately01:18
mobi-sheepreborn3: Everything you need to know about irssi should be in #irssi01:18
nigtvedogzilla: In synaptic, you would click on the square next to it (which should be dark green), and then click "Mark for Reinstallation", not "Mark for (complete) removal."01:18
morgaineso i found this on my update... is tis where I ask for advice on ubuntu?01:18
tonsofpcswardrich: do you have a linux boot disc of any kind?01:18
iamtechnoedogzilla, No error on the command line and no ff window popped up? Weird.01:18
antonius602hioah: cuz my ati cards SMOKE my nvidia cards gaming/windows wise01:18
antonius602kinda sucks01:18
morgainewell. i have one from the internet01:19
SonnentaeI just added a new disk and altered fstab but partitions are not showing in file system????01:19
edogzillanigtv: how do i mark for reinstallation?01:19
wardrichI've got this liveCD for Ubuntu 9.0401:19
boss_mcmorgaine: yes, welcome, ask away01:19
heidiCan I go back from 9.04 to 8.10?01:19
nigtvedogzilla: In synaptic, click the square and click mark for reinstallation01:19
edogzillaiamtechno: yeah it just gave me another blank line to type in01:19
tonsofpcswardrich: ok, boot that, use it to boot the installed ubuntu [i think there's an option for that... not sure, i don't ahve a 9.04 disc handy] and then run the grub installer01:19
boss_mc!downgrade | heidi01:19
ubottuheidi: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:19
morgaineok, i want a dvd player that will play things from the mid-east and europe... is vlc the best thing?01:19
tonsofpcsonce that's done, you can use the windows cd to *repair* windows [ntldr is likely screwed up, not grub]01:20
nigtvsynaptic will be System > Administration > Synaptic package manager; on the menu01:20
edogzillanigtv: i dont see anything that says mark for reinstallation. where do i find that01:20
iamtechnoedogzilla, I am going to pastebin some instructions that might help, brb.01:20
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount01:20
lenswipedgrb uffkkfgxcyhn; ,op rfoim ghfl;;u01:20
killfilli have setup a wireless connection to my new ubuntu box, and it was detected as eth0, and the wired as eth1.01:20
wardrichI'll see if I can find it.  Can I just do it from the liveCD?  Or do I have to try to boot the physical install?01:20
tonsofpcsiirc, grub's windows boot is root(0,1) [or whatever the partition is] then chainloader +101:20
boss_mcmorgaine: it's a good choice01:20
tonsofpcswardrich: you *can* do it from the cd, but the cd might not know all the proper options, the installed system should01:20
killfillNow, the wireless card was sticked out, ill not use it anymore. How do i make ethernet wire be eth0?01:20
ur_mumhey lenswipe not spoke for too long01:21
edogzillanigtv: oh found it01:21
Sonnentaewhy is mounting so hard?01:21
morgaineok, i just wanted to make sure I can watch all those things from there01:21
killfillis this possible?01:21
SonnentaeI just want to use my new drive01:21
eseven73tonsofpcs, why did you do !patience | eseven73? I never asked anything. please don't abuse the bot like that.01:21
tonsofpcsSonnentae: mount /dev/ice /mnt/point -t fstype01:21
wardrichfair enough, I'll see if I can figure it out, I'll search the forums on how to boot to that partition.  Thanks for the help01:21
lenswipedgrb uffkkfgxcyhn; ,op rfoim ghfl;;u?01:21
ur_mumsonnentaie: i reccomend you see a doctor for you 'mounting problems'01:21
wardrichactually, tonsofpcs, I have an 8.1 CD, too01:21
Sonnentaetonsofpcs I just added each drive in fstab, reboot, moutn manager can see them as mounted but they are not accessible in places01:22
tonsofpcseseven73: if you would like full details, we could discuss that in private, but it isn't for the channel01:22
morgainesonnentaie: viagra?01:22
tonsofpcsSonnentae: maybe a permissions issue either on the mountpoint or the subfolders?01:22
lenswipeur_mum: tujiete on noting wyo weyyrh mnty miubrtubf orihblemd - only6 rhe vs 5 kiniebd brxt01:22
edogzillanigtv: i reinstalled it in the package manager but i get the same error01:22
killfillwhere does networkmanager saves its config? so i can wipe it out to make it start all over again (i.e. autodetect my cards)01:22
ur_mum*bows* y thank you01:22
nightdreverin wine...im getting...01:22
nightdreverUnable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:///home/nightdrever/Documents/.wine/dosdevices/c: does not exist.01:22
ed_debianeaglestar, What about top?  What does that say?01:22
nightdreverhow do  i fix?01:22
tonsofpcs!english | lenswipe01:22
ubottulenswipe: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:22
Sonnentaewill trade help for jokes01:22
ur_mumno idea too late for me01:23
tonsofpcsSonnentae: i need help with my jokes,  what will you trade for?01:23
Sonnentaetonsofpcs forgive me but does that mean I need to chown the mount folders?01:23
eseven73tonsofpcs, Ill just place you on ignore, since you seem to be sore in that a fact earlier I did the !rtfm | tonsofpcs. and now you're being silly, Have a nice day01:23
iamtechno!ot | tonsofpcs01:23
Sonnentaeyou can have all the jokes about my help01:23
ubottutonsofpcs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:23
tonsofpcsSonnentae: no, it means you need to have the permissions set that you want (read/write/whatever)01:23
morgaineyay, it works... off to watch the wire in turkish01:24
Sonnentaetonsofpcs on the mount folders in mnt/..?01:24
tonsofpcseseven73: i am not sore, that was in reply to your !rtfm01:24
edogzillanigtv: thats wierd, you would think a reinstall would work01:24
heididoes anyone here has the version 9.0401:24
tonsofpcsSonnentae: on the mount folders or the subfolders that you're having issue with, depending on the filesystem01:24
eaglestared_debian, nothing out of the ordinary only 15% on the01:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nicklist01:25
lenswipe!this damn topic01:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about this damn topic01:25
eseven73!botabuse > lenswipe01:26
ubottulenswipe, please see my private message01:26
ur_mum!ur mum01:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ur mum01:26
ur_mumXD soz cudnt help it01:26
f09wlkfhttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k the section that says i need to enable ath9k and has directions.  where do i find networking?  i cant seem to locate01:26
iamtechno!ot | ur_mum01:26
ubottuur_mum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
iamtechnoedogzilla, http://pastebin.com/m4665e6f901:26
tonsofpcs!dontbeatool > eseven7301:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dontbeatool01:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:26
ur_mumhmm sure01:27
jribwhat is going on here...01:27
ur_mumok lenswipe tyvm01:27
hax0r1337Hi, what are the minimum requirement to telnet into a Windows machine, I would like to have Remote Access, I have 2PCs connected with crossover cable and I use FTP to transfer files, issuing: 'telnet 445' logs me in but the connection seems to hang, I can't issue any commands: http://pastebin.com/m7f9c0b5c01:27
edogzillaiamtechno: thx. what does cd to mean?01:27
lenswipeok np01:27
lenswipechange directory01:27
ur_mumblast ur too quick lensy01:27
lenswipecd means change directory01:27
UbuntuBoyHow To Change firefox profile01:28
edogzillaiamtechno: i dont get the instructions sorry01:28
elkyur_mum, please start behaving.01:28
=== bk is now known as bk|away
ur_mumi was typing it as well -.- and he beat me too it01:28
f09wlkfwhy are you telnetting into port 445?01:28
eseven73UbuntuBoy, in a terminal; firefox -ProfileManager01:28
f09wlkfhax0r:  telnet what happens?01:28
tonsofpcshax0r1337: looks like a server isssue... are you sure the service you want is on that port?01:28
letalishax0r1337, id go the sshd route01:28
edogzillaiamtechno: do i just type what you have here in the terminal?01:28
hax0r1337tonsofpcs: There are only few port open, I chose 44501:29
letalisif you have administrator access to the windows machine, install an sshd on it and ssh to it01:29
letalistelnet is extremely unsecure.01:29
joker_Is there a good calendar app I could use in ubuntu?01:29
tonsofpcshax0r1337: what do you mean?01:29
danielrmtjoker_: evolution, sunbird, thunderbird+lightining01:30
eseven73joker_, doesnt Evolution have one built in?01:30
edogzillaiamtechno: how do i cd to firefox/*.default?01:30
hax0r1337tonsofpcs: only ports: 135, 139, 445 are open on Windows machine01:30
devel0omg evolution aint my cup of tea at all01:30
jadetigerHello I am a very competent windows user, which apparently means absolutely nothing in my recent Adventure into the Ubuntu Linux world. I am enjoying th OS but can only stop using Vista once I have a TVersity like media server that can serve my files to my Play Station 3. I have been through forum after forum. I have tried TVersity through wine, fuppes, XBMC, Gnome Mplayer, Media Tomb, VLC and probably a few o01:30
jadetigerthers. With everything I have tried there is always either some code that doesn't work or configuration that I can't seem to find or some other Linux related knowledge that I don't understand. Is anyone hear streaming from Ubuntu Jaunty? And if so would they be willing to take the time to help me get it working? I would very much appriciate it.01:30
=== lenswipe is now known as Huber_cumberdale
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joker_danielrmt, eseven73: Yes, thats what I was thinking about but it's for my girfriend and she doesnt need any e-mail solution, simply a calendar to take notes of appointments and such things01:31
eseven73devel0, well it's what Ubuntu chose as it's default email client if im not mistaking :P01:31
tonsofpcsjadetiger: yea, vlc works just fine...01:31
devel0eseven73, that doesnt make it right at all01:31
tonsofpcsjadetiger: mind you, you need to set the exact stream settings that you want but the requirements for the ps3 should be easy to find01:31
f09wlkfhax0r:  port 445 is open because of SMB you need to pick a port that isnt used01:31
devel0google calendar is the best actually01:31
edogzillaiamtechno: ummm, so i rebooted my comp and firefox works fine now. that was kinda wierd01:31
eseven73joker_, like danielrmt said there's other choices besides Evolution01:31
edogzillathanks for the help everyone01:32
hax0r1337f09wlkf: Sounds interesting, let me try :)01:32
danielrmtjoker_: so, try sunbird.01:32
tonsofpcshax0r1337: you need to run your telnet server on a port that isn't open yet, it will open that port01:32
joker_eseven73 danielrmt: allright, checking sunbird... I tought it was an outlook-like app.01:32
eseven73devel0, well you don't have to use it, that's the beauty of Linux :D01:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssd01:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SSD01:32
LjL!msg the bot01:32
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:32
Dillizardoes ubuntu works good on SSD01:33
hax0r1337tonsofpcs: well port 23 gives me: 'telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused'01:33
devel0eseven73, ubuntu aint perfect , dont forget that01:33
f09wlkfhax0r:  did you try on a different port yet?01:33
tonsofpcshax0r1337: is the telnet server running?01:33
tonsofpcsis the windows firewall blocking traffic on that port?01:33
V0iD_devel0: Name an OS that is?01:34
hax0r1337tonsofpcs: I think telnet server is not running, it's stock win xp01:34
eseven73devel0, it was made by man, so of course not :D  but now we're offtopic :P01:34
Welshy-RobJoker_ i would suggest KOrganizer01:34
devel0V0iD_, Amiga01:34
Sonnentaehey how do I get my new drives partitions to appear as drives in my places menu?01:34
f09wlkfhax0r: lol you have to install a telnet server first01:34
joker_Welshy-Rob: allright, tryuing sunbird and I'llt ake note of KOrganiser aswell. thanks01:34
V0iD_devel0: The strongest armour is only as strong as its weakest link!01:35
devel0V0iD_, As far as applications developed by Google , a competiting app has no place in ubuntu , since when will evolution ever be half as good as Google Calendar?01:35
Sonnentae hey how do I get my new drives partitions to appear as drives in my places menu?01:36
devel0infact , when google calendar was launched , everything else should have simply went into idle dev mode01:36
V0iD_Is mindscript in the repos?01:36
hax0r1337tonsofpcs: Ok cool, enabling telnet server on xp allows to log me in :), what if I don't have to physical access to that pc and can't enable telnet server by hand?01:36
heididoes anyone has the new version of ubuntu running already does the videos work???01:36
Welshy-Robjoker_, its very effective because im in my study leave for gcse's and its good because i can set alarms n stuff for different subjects lol :P but no its very good for other things as well = ]01:36
f09wlkfhax0r once u enable it it's on you dont have to keep enabling it01:37
nigtvOkay, I think I'm mistaken but I'm going to ask one more time, is there such a thing as a "Big Iso" for ubuntu, very large with lots of apps?01:37
f09wlkfhax0r try rebooting and test it01:37
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V0iD_Anyone know anything about mindscript support for ubuntu?01:38
Sonnentaehow do I get my new drives partitions to appear as drives in my places menu?01:38
nigtvI could swear that there is a big iso, but it seems like no one has any idea what I am talking about01:38
hax0r1337f09wlkf: thanks01:38
nigtvI kind of feel like I'm losing my mind01:38
danielrmtnigtv: there's dvd, but the only thing it offers are language packs01:38
sebsebsebnigtv: a DVD ISO no01:38
nigtvSonnentae: they should appear anyways, as "(size of drive) media"01:39
mneptoknigtv: the DVD image01:39
danielrmtnigtv: see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd01:39
jihoHi everyone. Wow plenty of people here, that's great! I have a tricky file permission issue and I hope someone here will be able to help.01:39
nigtvit's good to know that I'm not losing my mind01:39
mneptoknigtv: no one said that01:39
nigtvmneptok: I know, I felt as if I were01:39
ussernigtv, must be the voices in your head01:40
=== suinestudio is now known as dtcrshr
nigtvyea usser the same ones that make me have dreams where I'm booting osx vista xp and ubuntu all at once and they are all integrated into eachother01:40
mneptoksebsebseb: "a DVD ISO no" uhhh ... wha'?01:40
eseven73that's called a nightmare01:40
jihoI have a machine with two hard drives. Number 1 has the system and home dirs, number 2 has data files that I want every user to be able to access. all users are in the same users group so basically I want every file written on 2 to be rw-rw-r-- (but the files on 1 to keep the current umask => rw-r--r--).01:41
nigtvha, not the way it happens to me, when it happens to me I feel as if I know everything about computers there is to know in the entire world, but we may be getting just a tad off topic ;)01:41
mneptokjiho: pastebin the outpur of "df -h" and "cat /etc/group"01:42
nigtvjiho: I had problems like that, but it was a while ago, when I was on 7.10, do you need multiple users?01:42
jihooh and I should mention that the two drives are ext3 formatted (so umask in fstab is not a solution)01:42
usserjiho,  just set gid on the second drive and set umask to 00201:42
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.01:43
Sonnentaenigtv is it maybe because they are mounted in /mnt and not /media/ ??01:43
usserjiho, ie sudo chown youruser:users -R /mountpoint/seconddrive01:43
mneptokusser: you know fo *absolutely sure* what group has GID 002?01:43
nigtvSonnentae: well when you double click on them, it should come up with a prompt to mount01:43
ussermneptok, err my bad01:43
nigtvYou can also mount them in the terminal, but youll need to know some more information01:43
ussermneptok, set sticky bit01:43
SonnentaeI only have access to their mount folder. They do not show up as drive icons anywhere01:43
=== logikal|afk is now known as logikal
mneptokusser: that's why i asked for the output of /etc/group ;)01:44
usserjiho, err set sticky bit not gid01:44
nigtvSonnentae: are you using the default file browser?01:44
jihousser: yeah that would work for a one time change, but any new files a user creats is rw-r--r-- again01:44
jihonigtv: yeah I need multiple users. this is a server we all work on01:44
usserjiho, not if you change umask to 00201:44
nigtvUhm, do you have the side bar enabled?01:44
decohow do i completely remove kde4 from my ubuntu system?01:44
ussermneptok, wait what, i never suggest anything related to GID 00201:44
ussermneptok, i told him to change umask to 00201:45
danielrmtdeco: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome01:45
jihousser: but then 002 wil also be applicable on the user dirs, which I don't want01:45
j0nas`is there a way to set a window's opacity with compiz?01:45
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.01:45
decodanielrmt, thank you :-)01:45
geirha!hi | Riu01:45
ubottuRiu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:45
Dillizarhow can i make encrypted partitions01:45
boss_mcIf you have XP installed on a RAID1 (mirrored) drive, how would you go about converting to dual boot?01:45
usserjiho, each user should have as its primary group his username, not their common 'users' group01:45
codenameCan somebody please tell me how to edit my fstab correctly01:46
jihomneptok: http://pastebin.com/m18ca220001:46
codenameI can unmount the HD via GUI01:46
nigtvSonnentae: I really wish I could help you a lot more than I feel im able to, I know that when I mount a drive, I use the terminal, and all I need to know is its name in /dev and the file type01:46
codenameI always get "You are not privileged to unmount the volume"01:46
eseven73!info truecrypt | Dillizar01:46
ubottuDillizar: Package truecrypt does not exist in jaunty01:46
usserjiho, ie my username is dcherniv my primary group is dcherniv, im also a member of MediaUsers01:46
codenameBut I can unmount it via the command line01:46
RiuI'ma big Ubuntu fan i'm usin 9.04 at the moment.01:46
usserjiho, so each file i create is by default owned by dcherniv:dcherniv not dcherniv:MediaUsers01:46
jihousser: ok01:46
jihoI see01:46
usserjiho, if chown the directory to MediaUsers01:46
usserjiho, chown -R dcherniv:MediaUsers /directory01:47
Dillizareseven73, are you sure about the name of the program01:47
usserjiho, and set g+s bit on it like so chmod g+s -R /directory01:47
esdewill someone please read my question?01:47
eseven73Dillizar, http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads  there's even a .deb for Ubuntu01:47
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.01:47
usserjiho, all newly created files will be owned by dcherniv:MediaUsers, sticky bit on gid essentiall overrides your primary group to whatever group owns the directory01:48
usserjiho, try it01:48
jihousser: great, I read about the sticky bit but could not figure how to use it01:49
cydelldoes anyone know if I can safely upgrade a dell mini to 9.04 with apt-get upgrade -d?01:49
tonsofpcshax0r1337: have someone else do it... not really another way01:49
ShaudhHi there01:49
jihousser: OK, I'll try all that. I'll let you know the result in a few minutes01:49
Dillizarthanks eseven7301:49
TwoToneSpiritI have a friend who aborted the Jaunty upgrade in the middle and now has no keyboard or mouse functionality in X.  He can CTRL-ALT-F2 to get to a terminal.  ifconfig shows no network adapters, just the loopback.  I have googled and found others in the same boat, but no solutions short of completely reinstalling.  I'd like to offer him some easier way, especially since he has many photos on his hard drive and no easy way to back01:50
TwoToneSpirit them up.  Advice?01:50
usserjiho, theres also default umask which in ubuntu is 022 which corresponds to permissions 755 ie all new files will get permissions 755, all for owner, read only for group, read only for others01:50
usserjiho, theres a way to force a umask on a directory, but i forgot how to do that. google for it01:51
ShaudhI've installed ubuntu server 9.04 and have configured dhcpd3.. according to the man pages the leases should be in /var/lib/dhcpd3/dhcpd.leases.. however.. the file is empty.. and there are 2 leases.. where can I found the registration of these leases? :)01:51
heidiyessssss It played01:51
jduTwoToneSpirit, from the terminal, mount a drive to back up.  Probably you _could_ fix it, but it's best to just complete the install.01:51
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.01:51
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  He doesn't have a drive to mount at the moment.01:52
maxSo I have a pretty big problem ..01:52
maxBoth cpus are reading 100% in system monitor.01:53
magciusHi max!01:53
jduTwoToneSpirit, ok.  use a remote copy program such as scp to copy everything to another computer then.01:53
=== max is now known as Guest45514
jduTwoToneSpirit, that assumes you can get ethernet working.01:53
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  Yeah, it would be wonderful if we could get ethernet working - then I could SSH in and have a look myself, plus obviously we could back stuff up offsite.01:54
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  Any advice on getting his network card to work?01:54
=== Guest45514 is now known as LRonHubbard
hax0r1337Is there a nbtstat for UNIX?01:54
jduTwoToneSpirit, is NetworkManager running?01:54
trooperasAsus Eee 900 wifi LED always on an the fn + f2 not work :(((((((((((01:54
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  how to tell?  ps ax |grep something?01:55
=== LRonHubbard is now known as Max_____
Sqeatznever been on ubuntu b401:55
Sqeatzshit tons of ppl01:55
jduTwoToneSpirit, grep NetworkManager I assume.01:55
freaky_tanybody knows of a good cms?01:55
NevakMy sound isn't working for ubuntu 9.0401:55
ShaudhAnyone, please?01:55
Sqeatzdid you install the drivers?01:55
magciusNevak, fresh install or upgrade?01:55
magciusfreaky_t, for what language? PHP?01:55
Nevakmagcius: fresh install01:55
LinkPieIs there a key combo for force quitting an application in ubuntu by default? If not is there any way I would be able to configure one?01:55
freaky_tmagcius yea01:56
magciusfreaky_t, I hear nice things about Drupal01:56
magciusfreaky_t, WordPress is also sometimes used.01:56
freaky_tmagcius i dont like drupal because it can't protect pages from unautzorized access01:56
freaky_twordpress is a blogging software01:56
magciusfreaky_t, it can, you need to use it.01:56
Max_____System Monitor is reading 100% for both cpus. What's going on?01:56
esdeso basically NO ONE here has any clue about load averages?01:56
samd_LinkPie: u can add a applet to the pannel, right click the pannel, and then > add to pannel, and add a appliet called "force quit"01:56
freaky_tmagcius some time ago it couldnt01:56
jduTwoToneSpirit, basically, if it is not, you want to add a line for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces  Currently only lo will be in there.01:56
XnuxHey... Linux noob here... can someone help me with partitioning Jaunty Jackalope? I have no idea how to begin this01:56
eseven73Sqeatz, yep, Ubuntu has a large army, there were about 200 more people in here this morning, I think because of some developers summit meeting or whatnot01:57
magciusNevak, what sound card?01:57
LinkPieThanks, Sam01:57
freaky_tmagcius well ok thank you :D01:57
samd_LinkPie:  no problem , let me know if u dont find it01:57
magciusMax_____, what process does it say is using the CPUs?01:57
magciusMax_____, ps aux --sort=pcpu if System Monitor is being unresponsive01:57
LinkPieI found it immediately after bringing up the menu! :)01:58
LinkPieThanks for your help01:58
trooperashelp i am a noobie i got Asus Eee 900 and i install ubuntu 9.04  wifi LED always on an the fn + f2 not work :((((((((((( plz01:58
samd_LinkPie: ight, no problem01:58
jduTwoToneSpirit, or really, several lines starting with auto eth0          which will bring eth0 up.01:58
magciusMax_____, npviewer.bin? Google it01:58
paladin_the Services Settings in Gnome have some services which I have uninstalled. How can I delete them from the list?01:58
Nevakmagcius: not sure, how do I check?01:58
ShaudhI've installed ubuntu server 9.04 and have configured dhcpd3.. according to the man pages the leases should be in /var/lib/dhcpd3/dhcpd.leases.. however.. the file is empty.. and there are 2 leases.. where can I found the registration of these leases? :)01:58
magciusNevak, well... is it PCI, PCIe or USB?01:59
NevakI assume it's PCIe01:59
lozada-samaca estou01:59
lozada-samai mean01:59
Nevakmagcius: I assume it's PCIe01:59
lozada-samaiam here01:59
magciusNevak, pastebin the output of lsmod | grep snd02:00
deltas4_manda agr02:00
samd_!pastebin | Nevak02:00
ubottuNevak: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:00
VCoolioLinkPie: if you still want a keybinding use 'xkill' as command02:00
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.02:00
LinkPieThanks, VCoolio02:01
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:01
paladin_the Services Settings in Gnome have some services which I have previously uninstalled. How can I delete them from the list as well?02:01
ShaudhSurely it cannot be that nobody here knows where to find the assigned dhcpd leases if not in /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases ?02:01
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  where to add eth0?  /etc/network/interfaces has two lines: "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback"02:02
jduTwoToneSpirit, man interfaces02:02
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dmitriyjoin #ubuntu-ru02:02
TwoToneSpiritjdu: man interfaces?02:02
Nevakmagcius: there02:02
magciusNevak, where? Huh?02:02
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TwoToneSpiritjdu:  I looked at my own file, and it's the same as his, but of course my network driver is working fine.02:02
homikhi, i'm having a problem logging in. I bot up, and at the enter my credentials at the login screen. I hit enter at the end of my password, and the field goes gray...i wait, nothing happens. i can still move my cursor and select the shutdown/etc. menu, but it won't log in.02:02
jduTwoToneSpirit, the manual page02:02
esdesamd_: what was the point of posting iPod, does it raise the loads?02:03
Nevakmagcius: the pastebin02:03
Nevakmagcius, I think I did it right....02:03
magciusNevak, you didn't paste the link02:03
samd_esde: what u mean02:03
jduTwoToneSpirit, yes, the file is generally only used for lo, NetworkManager handles the rest.  However, the system isn't working; you can add other lines and bring up those interfaces.02:03
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.02:03
Nevakmagcius: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182455/02:03
Nevakmagcius: lol sorry, I'm a noob02:03
magciushomik, try Ctrl+Alt+F1 and logging in there. USE Ctrl+Alt+F7 to switch back!02:04
homiki did02:04
jduTwoToneSpirit, the interfaces(5) manual page has some info as well various websites.02:04
Nevakmagcius: did I even paste the right thing?02:04
homiki tried xstart and got some weird errors02:04
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!02:04
jduTwoToneSpirit, so:   auto eth0         next line: iface eth0 inet dhcp      would be a simple setup.02:05
magciusNevak, you have no sound drivers installed. You need to figure out what the sound card is.02:05
wstraushello, I've got a machine installing ubuntu 8.10 right now and it seems to be hung on the last page of the install questions (7 of 7) I have allready clicked the install button but it's just sitting there (for about 20 min. now) Any ideas?02:05
Nevakmagcius: ahh.... know anyway to figure out what soundcard it is?02:05
magcius!repeat | esde02:06
ubottuesde: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:06
jduwstraus, any output on virtual terminals?  ctrl+alt+f1 etc.02:06
magciusNevak, no, I don't.02:06
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  I just figured that out.  Thanks for validating my thoughts.  :-)02:06
esde0.0 magcius02:06
Nevakmagcius: hmm, I'll probably figure it out02:06
wstrausI wonder if I give it a ctrl + alt + F1 if I'll be able to get back to the install screen.02:07
homikmagcius, i get this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=342441   (i didn't start this thread but ti has the error i get)02:07
jduTwoToneSpirit, its been a while since I've messed with that.  You'll need to use ifup  to bring the interface up.02:07
esdehttp://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=m785211d5 <--my top processes02:07
jduwstraus, yes ctrl+alt+f7  if its a graphical install will take you back02:07
samd_wstraus: yes you can go back to the install, i think alt F<something> will bring you back to the install02:07
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jduwstraus, just try different numbers02:08
wstrausk i'll look real quick..02:08
Takai31For the unfold effect on the desktop cube, is there a way like  the cube, to have it span multiple monitors instead of just  mirroring on the displays?02:08
magciushomik, can you log in there... and rm /tmp/.X0-lock?02:09
trued0xanyone have experience with mac80211?02:09
homiki'll try02:09
jduTakai31, yes, I'm sure there would be, just don't know how.02:09
esdeOK simpler question, i have one "zombie" process, how do i find it and kill it?02:09
wstrauson F1 it just says "Loading, please wait."02:09
Takai31lol jdu02:10
briancronesde: you have to shoot the zombie process in the head, it's the only way02:10
sgodsellwhere is mkinitrd in ubuntu?02:10
Takai31I'm sure there is too, I've seen a demo with it done that way, just don't see an option anywhere in CCSM where I can set it02:10
jduwstraus, that's not a problem.02:10
esde 21:10:39 up 15 days,  4:24,  7 users,  load average: 7.18, 7.36, 7.2702:10
wstrausk, I'll just wait then. heh02:11
sgodselldoes ubuntu have a mkinitrd command?02:11
SegFaultAXesde: ps -ef to find it, kill -9 to kill it02:11
jduesde top doesn't show anything?02:11
esdeyes jdu i posted the pastey of it02:11
esdehttp://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=m785211d5 <--my top processes02:11
esdeSegFaultAX: ps -ef listed a ton of them02:12
SegFaultAXesde: ok, ps -ef | grep nameofproc02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb02:12
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:12
wstrausthis thing does have about 3TB of NTFS partitions on it. Would that cause this?02:12
jdusgodsell, mkinitramfs02:12
TheNovicewhat is the best Distro ever ever?02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkinitrd02:13
booksbuggyhow do i install a software with binary?02:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:13
sgodselljdu that will make an  initrd for the kernel with all the modules needed ?02:13
ShaudhI've installed ubuntu server 9.04 and have configured dhcpd3.. according to the man pages the leases should be in /var/lib/dhcpd3/dhcpd.leases.. however.. the file is empty.. and there are 2 leases.. where can I found the registration of these leases? :)02:14
esdeSegFaultAX: did you catch that paste link?02:14
mahtonHello.  I have a strange Xorg crash in 9.04, anyone wanna bite?02:14
Nevakanyone know how I can figure out what soundcard is installed on my computer?02:14
SegFaultAXesde: yea, did you grep the results?02:14
jdusgodsell, not really an expert on it, but I believe it is the ubuntu equivalent, sorry; I don't know02:14
esdepost the command again please SegFaultAX02:14
SegFaultAXesde: ok, ps -ef | grep nameofproc02:14
mathyboy?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 002:14
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esdeSegFaultAX: how do i know the name of the proccess i am looking for?02:15
jdusgodsell, I think one use mkinitramfs if one uses udev rather than devfs02:15
SegFaultAXesde: what are you trying to do?02:15
esde 21:15:52 up 15 days,  4:29,  7 users,  load average: 8.10, 7.83, 7.4802:15
esdefix these huge loads02:15
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mahtonesde, you have looked at the processes in top?02:16
esdeyes i have.02:16
esdethey are normal, which is ODD02:16
sgodselljdu that creates a ramfs filesystem for you02:16
mahtonWhat's your idle/system/user/idle/wait?02:17
esdemahton: whats the command?02:17
mahtonOh, those are all shown in the header of top:02:18
mahtonCpu(s): 70.4%us, 27.8%sy,  0.0%ni,  1.5%id,  0.0%wa,  0.3%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st02:18
ozatomichey i got 2 cx88xx DTV cards in my machine and when i put  options cx88xx card=51 into modprobe.d/option file it finds one card but the second card doesn't sue this modprobe setting02:19
ozatomichow can i get both cards to use the setting02:19
greencookiehi how can i downgrade ubuntu desktop edition to ubuntu server edition?02:19
TheNoviceis that a downgrade?02:20
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greencookieTheNovice: lol i dunno.02:20
SegFaultAXgreencookie: start by uninstalling the metapackage gnome-desktop02:20
greencookieTheNovice: i just wanna remove gnome and everything in it02:20
greencookieso that i boot into tty02:20
jadetigerHello I am the new noob.... , Can anyone explain what I am supposed to do at this point "Now edit the cfg as you need. For the PS3 firmware v 2.70 onwards you'll need:"02:20
greencookiejust uninstalling ubuntu-desktop should make my system leaner?02:21
mahtonesde, you've got 74% idle!  Is interactive performance bad?02:21
jdugreencookie, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package; it depends on everything for the desktop part of ubuntu.02:21
esdeno i dont notice a difference other then in the load numbers.02:21
faryshta_greencookie, ubuntu-desktop is the package to install gnome, is dangerous to remove it unless you have installed KDE, XFCE or LXDE.02:21
SegFaultAXfaryshta_: unless he is going server or headless02:22
greencookiefaryshta_: i want to live in the tty for a bit :) so im ready for the challange02:22
greencookieSegFaultAX: is it called going headless? lol :D without a gui.02:22
SegFaultAXgreencookie: then remove the gdm starter02:22
jadetigerCan anyone explain what in need to do at this point on the the following link. Now edit the cfg as you need. For the PS3 firmware v 2.70 onwards you'll need:
greencookieSegFaultAX: okay02:23
mahtonesde, I missed the beginning of this, can you run uname -a?02:23
SegFaultAXgreencookie: no, headless means a box with no peripherals or monitor (or, accessed with a kvm)02:23
cleptoanyone in here use ubuntu to wardrive? im having troubles figuring out how to get it to work02:23
jdugreencookie, dpkg -s ubuntu-desktop  will list everything it depends on.02:23
greencookieSegFaultAX: jdu tyvm!02:23
faryshta_greencookie, well if you want to use command line without gdm don't need to remove ubuntu-desktop.02:23
faryshta_Just when boot choose the second option and will give you a command line.02:24
SegFaultAXgreencookie: why dont you just open a tty (ctrl alt f1) and type /etc/init.d/gdm stop and see how long you last02:24
greencookiefaryshta_: ok :) thanks a lot :D02:24
greencookieSegFaultAX: ive been a cli hermit for a bit in the past.02:24
jihousser: thanks for the pointers. I am almost there. so I got to the point where: every user has his primary group set to his private group and is a member of "users"; /media/disk2 is owned by me:users and has permissions rwxrwsr-x; so the sticky bit is set for the group all all members can write in it (that works all files created there have group="users").02:24
greencookieSegFaultAX: i hope to last longer02:24
GourlisI don't know what's happening, BUT my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS are crushing the last few days. WHY?02:25
greencookieSegFaultAX: i want to jump straight into the deep end of the pool :D02:25
SegFaultAXgreencookie: just make sure you get irssi so you can ask us how to fix your shit when it breaks02:25
greencookieSegFaultAX: im already on it :D02:25
greencookiebrb from cli02:25
steverohey you guys do know the dudes over in #gentoo are talking shit right?02:25
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SegFaultAXstevero: go to #ubuntu-offtopic02:26
GourlisI don't know what's happening, BUT my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS are crushing the last few days. WHY?02:26
steverowhy me02:26
jihomneptok: hi. usser is gone apprently. would you be so kind to help me out with his advice02:26
jihomneptok: you seemed to agree with what he did02:27
robbon33is it possible to delete a language from the system?02:27
mahtonCan anyone point where I should start tracking down an Xorg crash?02:27
esdemahton: Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 my loads WERE fine, the only thing different is my iPod charging.02:27
jihomneptok: here is what I already wrote above: thanks for the pointers. I am almost there. so I got to the point where: every user has his primary group set to his private group and is a member of "users"; /media/disk2 is owned by me:users and has permissions rwxrwsr-x; so the sticky bit is set for the group all all members can write in it (that works all files created there have group="users").02:27
robbon33i had an X language, than i installed english02:27
robbon33 is it possible to remove it?02:27
mahtonesde, have you read the output of dmesg?02:28
Gourliswhy my ubuntu crushing ???02:28
esdecommand please?02:28
GourlisANYONE ?02:28
steverogimme siome more info02:28
steveroon whats happening02:28
mahtonGourlis, to get an answer to "why does it crash" we need more detail.02:28
wstrausIs there any way I can safely stop this install. (There is a working Windows system on this machine I really don't want to lose)02:28
mahtonesde, dmesg is the command.02:29
PizzedIs it possible that someone is sending odd DCC messages to people in here that is borking people from being able to connect to this channel?02:29
Gourlisstevero, it is the 2nd time my pc crushes. It doesn't go anywhere, but I CANNOT click anywhere, like all LOCKED.02:29
mahtonIt may print *lots* of output, so dmesg | less may be appropriate02:29
mobi-sheep!dcc | Pizzed02:29
ubottuPizzed: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit02:29
mahtonThe good stuff will typically be toward the end.02:29
Pizzedthank you mobi-sheep, pretty useless to those affected ;o)02:30
esdehttp://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=m2bb5fc7 <--is all it scrolled back to02:30
mobi-sheepPizzed: Just change the port to 8001.02:30
steveroDCC SEND 1234567890123402:30
LjLstevero: seriously, don't you get it?02:30
Gourlismahton, it started when I clicked on firefox to open, nothing oppened. Something was overloading my ubuntu.02:31
LjL*it doesn't affect anyone anymore*02:31
LjL*give up*02:31
robbon33hello, i've installed ubuntu with a language 1 and i wanted a language 2, so i downloaded and installed language 2 and started using it right away, is it possible for me to delete language 1?02:31
Pizzedmobi-sheep: Just happens that the person affected mentioned their issue to me, that they got the message and cannot connect. If they hadn't mentioned it and I hadn't come here they wouldn't know ;o) Might be good to rig a bot to send that URL in query when they are removed.02:31
VCooliorobbon33: run language support from somewhere in system menu and click install/remove languages02:31
erossgawd, i just watched that new abc animated show that makes fun of liberals, the dad's son's name is Ubuntu02:31
mobi-sheepPizzed: I think it does.02:32
Gourlisnoone have this issues yet.02:32
PizzedOkie then mobi-sheep ;o)02:32
PizzedI have been a proxy it seems ;o)02:32
mobi-sheepPizzed: In fact, I think when you connect, #ubuntu will redirect you to a certain channel where you're to change port and test it again before you can connect to #ubuntu02:32
mahtonGourlis, I was just trying to track down an issue like that.  Try a test for me:02:32
codenameI need help editing my FSTAB02:33
mahtonOpen firefox, and disable images, then go back to the page you were loading, and see if it still crashes.02:33
PizzedThank you for your advice anyway mobi-sheep02:34
codenameI need help editing my FSTAB02:34
Gourlismahton, I wasn't going to open anything. Google is the first page in my firefox02:34
esdemahton: any clues?02:34
Pizzedcodename: Help how?02:34
Gourlismahton, I just clicked to open my browser.02:34
codenameWell the problem is02:34
codenameI can mount/unmount it via the Command line02:34
Gourlisand everything went like locked.02:34
VCooliorobbon33: found it? you can also do alt-F2 and run gnome-language-selector02:34
codenamebut if i try to unmount/mount in GUI it says "You are not privileged to mount the volume"02:35
mahtonesde, there's a problem with the USB device on /dev/sde, which I assume is your ipod.  *what* the problem is, though, we still need to work out :)02:35
Pizzedcodename: add user,auto to the options of the fstab02:35
Pizzed(I think, I am a newbie02:35
esdelet me unplug it and see if it works02:35
joanki123anyone know the name of the package for the latest java?02:35
cleptoanyone know what directors the readmes for programs i install in synaptic would be found?02:35
joanki123i want to install it02:35
robbon33VCoolio: thanks very much02:35
cleptodirectories that is02:35
TheNovicePiet: Excuse me sir... Im lost02:36
joanki123java sdk that is02:36
Pizzedclepto: try /usr/share/doc02:36
codenamePizzed, how do I add user auto?02:36
mahtonGourlis, does this happen every time you open firefox, or just the once?02:36
Pizzedclepto: or check properties in synaptic02:36
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endtask89how to make partition in ubuntu?02:36
LinkPieThis external hard drive I have doesn't seem to be auto mounting02:36
sm0k4hHI ALL02:37
LinkPieHow do I remedy that?02:37
sm0k4hi jsut wanted to join and thank you for making the greatest distro of all time.02:37
Pizzedcodename: open fstab using sudo and gedit, then add the options to the relavent section of the fstab, should be well commented02:37
esde!caps | sm0k4h02:37
ubottusm0k4h: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:37
ixplhey i need help with Vbox non free and usb devices (flash drive/ipod)02:37
Gourlismahton, this week happened 2 times.02:37
sm0k4hI mean, how did you guys come up with 'gentoo' anyway ?02:37
Gourlismahton, let's say 1 every 5 days02:37
jihomneptok: actually, I think I solved my problem02:37
esdemahton: how do i print the "dmesg" output to a txt file?02:37
jihomneptok: thanks anyway02:37
joanki123sorry to ask again, but can anyone tell me the cmd prompt to install the latest java sdk02:38
mahtonesde dmesg > file.txt02:38
esdesm0k4h: stop fail trolling02:38
sm0k4hsorry ?02:38
jadetigerHow do you edit the fuppes cfg file02:38
TwoToneSpiritSSH question:  the option -X forwards X, right?  So, what terminal is normally forwarded?  In other words, is there a way to SSH in such that the user sitting at the computer can see the remote person typing?02:38
sm0k4hwhat do you mean ?02:38
geirhaclepto: virtually every package puts docs in /usr/share/doc/<package-name>/, though some only has the copyright notice, while others have alot of documentation. The following will list all files a package has installed: dpkg -L package-name02:38
Pizzedmaybe joanki123: apt-get install java02:38
logankoesterDoes gedit have a vertical highlight?02:38
logankoesterI can't figure it out02:38
codenameHey Pizzed02:38
bronkoalguien abla español?02:39
mobi-sheepTwoToneSpirit: See 'screen' for multi-player notepad/terminal.02:39
ixplVbox -nonfree usb support anyone?02:39
sm0k4hesde: what do you mean ?02:39
mobi-sheep!info screen | TwoToneSpirit02:39
ubottuTwoToneSpirit: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-11ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 590 kB, installed size 1008 kB02:39
esdemahton: http://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=mf13eaf02:39
geirhajoanki123: Sun's java?   sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk02:39
TwoToneSpiritmobi-sheep:  Well, I'm in a situation where the user can only see a terminal, not X.  Thus, I'm trying to SSH into their terminal and share it with them.02:40
PizzedSorry for my bad advice ;o)02:40
joanki123thanks geirha!02:40
PizzedNot even why I came here ;o)02:40
esdemy loads are over 8 now02:40
GhotiTwoToneSpirit: If you want to see what's on their console, they could use screen in multiuser mode02:40
FLJohnOk I found out something02:40
TwoToneSpiritWhat does the "allocate tty" option in SSH do?02:41
FLJohnFor some reason TUX Paint after downloaded from repository does not allow Hulu.com to work02:41
Vovit allocates a titty02:41
mahtonesde, does that most recent pasty represent plugging the ipod back in after removing it?02:41
FLJohnAnyone running 8.04 and have Tux paint can you try to go to hulu.com02:41
GhotiTwoToneSpirit: A TTY is usually allocated for interactive SSH sessions (as opposed to, say, SCP)02:41
joanki123btw, geirha , why did you ask me if it is sun's java... what other kind of java is there?02:41
esdeno mahton it is now removed, and was when the most recent paste was posted02:42
mahtonesde, can you post the output of lsusb?02:42
ixplthis is why i like sidux02:42
mobi-sheepTwoToneSpirit: Ssh into their machine.  Run 'screen' command and tell your buddy to run 'screen -x'  -->  That should bring you guys together on a terminal.02:42
GhotiTwoToneSpirit: if their 'screen -x' doesn't work, you might have to press ^A-: and type 'multiuser on'02:43
sm0k4hesde: if you dont like gentoo then why are you here? I am not trolling, gentoo is the best distro and i just came here to tell the ops that im very greatful02:43
sm0k4hoh shit is this #ubuntu ?02:43
sm0k4hhi all, whats ubuntu like ?02:43
Ghotism0k4h: you may be confused.  I like Gentoo too, but you're in #ubuntu02:43
codenamePizzed do I add auto02:43
codenameor no auto02:43
FLJohnUbuntu is great02:43
sm0k4hhmm so it seems02:43
ixpluse sidux02:43
FLJohnonce you get it ironed out02:43
mahtonless ironing than average, me thinks.02:44
joanki123why do they call software packages free and non-free if they aren't talking about money?02:44
TwoToneSpiritGhoti:  What is the -x option in screen?02:44
mahtonjoanki123, they're talking about freedom.02:44
GhotiTwoToneSpirit: '-x' is used to attach to a multiuser screen without detatching the original connection02:44
GhotiTwoToneSpirit: 'screen' is sort of like 'vnc' for terminals02:45
xstaticCan someone here who knows something about SSH msg me02:45
Babuloseohi guys XD02:45
FLJohnbe back later02:45
Babuloseobye guys :)02:45
harpreet_sm0k4h: ubuntu is not shit, its the best02:46
eportel6607_Guys I've been messing with this issue for about 4 days now.  Is it possible (based on where/how the password is stored) to make a bash script to force a root password change on first boot?02:46
Ghoti!language > harpreet_02:46
ubottuharpreet_, please see my private message02:46
chronofiremy dvd drive isnt being read but used to work. are there any common reasons for this?02:46
joanki123mahton, freedom to manipulate the code?02:46
Nevakok, I have a Creative Labs SB X-Fi sound card, but the drivers don't seem to be working, any ideas?02:46
mobi-sheepeportel6607_: Why would you do that?02:46
Ghotieportel6607_: just boot into single-user mode, and use passwd02:46
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harpreet_Ghoti: it is an answer to the language used by sm0k4h, was not intended to use by me02:47
mahtonjoanki123, yes, freedom to read the code, change the code, give the code away, etc.02:47
SSilver2klo all.  ive been loooking through the forums, but i cant find this issue addressed.  i have a sierra wireless pcmcia datacard, my at&t sim card in it, and ubuntu 8.10 sees it fine, but i want to send an sms, not get online with it.  any ideas?02:47
Ghoti!doesntwork | Nevak02:47
ubottuNevak: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:47
Flanneleportel6607_: The root account is locked, are you sure you're talking about the right thing?02:47
esdehttp://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=m213cb078 mahton02:48
harpreet_chronofire: what is happening , details please02:48
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:48
TheNovicewhat is sidux?02:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:48
NevakGhoti: well, basically the sound just will not work, at all. if I go into system > prefferences > sound, and then try the tests it doesn't make any sound.02:48
nigtvHello. I was here yesterday asking about an error. The error comes up when I sign into my username, and says something along the lines of "Ignoring the ~/.dmrc file. This file should have 644 permissions".02:48
nigtvSo, I made it have 644 permissions, same error.02:49
eportel6607_Hey guys.  I need to have this script run using Kdialog with maybe sed in a bash script....any ideas?02:49
Flannelnigtv: Is it owned by you?02:49
chronofirewell my dvd drive used to work its what i installed ubuntu with but now it lo longer opens when i press the button. it seems like there is no power going to it but i have not touched anything02:49
jadetigerhow do you launch fuppes02:49
harpreet_Nevak: you know your sound card?02:49
nigtvThen someone in here said to delete it, and let it recreate it02:49
nigtvyes, sorry02:49
harpreet_chronofire: please refer by name02:49
Nevakharpreet: yes, it's a Creative Labs SB X-Fi02:49
nigtvtoo many lines, they said to let it recreate it, it did, with the same permissions, same data, same error02:49
TwoToneSpiritjdu:  Thank you very much for the networking help - we eventually got it working and we're now SSHing and screening to work the rest out.02:49
chronofireharpreet_, ok02:50
harpreet_chronofire: please check your power supply to the drive, open your cpu02:50
TwoToneSpiritGhoti, mobi-sheep:  Thanks for the info about SSH and screen.  It is doing exactly what I need.02:50
booksbuggycan someone tell me how to install with binary archive?02:50
nigtvIm wondering what daemons/programs access this file on log in, maybe I can check them out to fix it02:50
esdemahton: look at my loads now02:50
esde 21:50:21 up 15 days,  5:04,  3 users,  load average: 9.95, 9.36, 8.6802:50
GhotiTwoToneSpirit: glad to help :)02:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:50
harpreet_Nevak: next time you need a motherboard, make sure it has realtek sound on it02:50
VovHOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:51
nigtvI guess that the problem isn't the owner, or the content, or permissions, or anything like that, its that it is being ignored by some login-time daemon02:51
nigtvbut I have no idea which daemons access it02:51
Vovdid u guys see that?02:51
Nevakharpreet: lol, ok, but is there anyway to make the sound setup work the way I have it?02:51
chronofireharpreet_,  is there anything on the cmputer that could be done first before i have to open my computer up?02:51
GhotiNevak: have you trued removing pulseaudio?02:51
nigtvvov: language!02:51
booksbuggythat was creepy02:51
Vovwat happen02:51
mobi-sheep!language > Vov02:51
ubottuVov, please see my private message02:51
Ghoti!netsplit > vov02:51
ubottuvov, please see my private message02:51
cleptoim trying to find some scrips that a program i isntalled with synaptic included but i cant seem to find em02:51
Vovubottu, stfu02:51
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.02:51
douglubottu, stfu02:52
harpreet_chronofire: that was just for your information , now we have to work on what you already got, can you play anything on it, any sound or nothing at all?02:52
Ghoticlepto: dpkg -L packagename will show you all files installed from/with a package02:52
booksbuggycan someone tell me how to install with binary archive?02:52
SSilver2klo all.  ive been loooking through the forums, but i cant find this issue addressed.  i have a sierra wireless pcmcia datacard, my at&t sim card in it, and ubuntu 8.10 sees it fine, but i want to send an sms, not get online with it.  any ideas?02:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:52
Nevakghoti: uh no... why would I remove pulse audio? I don't even think it's in use02:52
GhotiNevak: I see a lot of postings about problems with pulse and Creative X-Fi cards02:52
esdemahton: youre still here? lol02:52
nigtvSSilver2k: I think there are programs in the repo's that can do that, I had a few02:52
harpreet_chronofire: no, you gotta open it buddy02:52
chronofireharpreet_,  nothing at all02:53
NevakGhoti: I looked up driver's for my soundcard, and it said ALSA should work02:53
mahtonesde, sorry, long backlog.02:53
nigtvI don't think I ever got them to work, but I found them searching "SMS", there are other things you can do, but im not quite sure what they are, it involves sending it to a sp's server and such02:53
JoshuaP0x1how do I delete my GUI profile in the GUI?02:53
GhotiNevak: that's why I advised switching from pulseaudio to ALSA02:53
mahtonesde, can you remove EVERYTHING on USB?02:53
nigtvyoud really have to google it, but I dont think that the protocol for it is linux-specific02:53
GhotiNevak:   http://is.gd/HKcw02:53
chronofireharpreet_, il go do that02:53
harpreet_chronofire: i can suggest you something, try thing, hwinfo and tell me output (in terminal)02:54
Nevakghoti: well, I'll try removing pulse audio, but it isn't even activated anyway, I'm using alsa I think.02:54
esdehttp://pastey.org/pastebin.php?show=m81f109e mahton02:54
ramontayaghi all. i have a problem with about grub, dual boot, and menu.lst. i've pasted my long question along with menu.lst in http://paste.ubuntu.com/181905/.02:54
ramontayagoh shucks gotta go quick. brb!02:54
JoshuaP0x1How do I delete my GUI profile02:54
nigtvSSilver2k: also, there are some instant message protocals that can help with that, as in being signed in on your phone and your computer, when you send something on your computer, your phone is like a mirror, I'm not really sure how it works but I used to do it with AIM when I had an AIM compat. phone, and it would send an SMS on my phone when I typed it into my computer02:55
chronofireharpreet_, i am installing hwinfo now02:55
mahtonesde, can you identify the highlighted lines?02:55
booksbuggyanyone here knows how to instal with binary files?02:55
harpreet_chronofire: good, then do sudo hwinfo --short and tell me output where it says /dev/sr002:55
coz_JoshuaP0x1, GUI profile?02:55
esdeyes, first one is my built-in webcam, other is the 3G USB Modem. mahton02:56
nigtvbbl, good luck everyone who is confused, good luck unconfusing the confused ones, those of you who aren't confused....or whatever.02:56
coz_booksbuggy,   do you have link for the application  ?02:56
boss_mcramontayag: when you get back, there's no point having savedefault if your default is set to 0 and it has been known to cause problems02:56
mahtonesde, oh.  well nothing you're going to do about a built-in, and I assume you're using the USB modem to talk to us now?02:56
booksbuggycoz_, i downloaded the latest eclipse version because i think the one in the repository is obsolete02:57
esdeyes mahton this is the ONLY time i have had this problem, only difference being the iPod.02:57
booksbuggythe java ide02:57
coz_booksbuggy,   ok let me check02:57
boss_mcramontayag: I'd remove every mention of it from your menu.lst, I'm not sure about updatedefaultentry thugh02:57
Kingsy101a couple of things here, firstly how do I see what is in my recycle bin? I cant find it anywhere? or isnt there one in ubuntu?02:57
Krugerwhat's an RPM package?  I'm looking to download mySQL and not sure which one to get.  there are like 30 listedon the site for linux02:57
Babuloseoenvy = kill ubuntu02:57
mahtonesde, I know it's a microsoft-style solution, but have you tried rebooting?  :)02:57
LjLKruger: DON'T get mysql from an rpm02:57
ConstantineXVIKruger: you want a deb02:57
boss_mcKingsy101: bottom right of the screen02:57
chronofireharpreet_, i do not see /dev/sr002:57
LjL!software > kruger    (kruger, see the private message from ubottu)02:58
booksbuggycoz_, eclipse-java-ganymede-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz02:58
LjL!lamp > Kruger    (Kruger, see the private message from ubottu)02:58
coz_booksbuggy,  ok I am here   http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/02:58
Kingsy101boss_mc - its not there02:58
ConstantineXVIKruger: hit up synaptic, grab it from there02:58
FlannelKruger: Use the repositories, we already have mySQL for you.  See the stuff ubottu sent you.02:58
harpreet_chronofire: it should be listed right under /dev/sda02:58
esdemahton: no, i want to maintain my uptime.02:58
eseven73!trash | Kingsy10102:58
ubottuKingsy101: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:58
booksbuggycoz_, Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (85 MB)02:58
boss_mcKingsy101: it should be there after a default install, if it's missing add it to the panel manually02:58
booksbuggythat one02:58
coz_booksbuggy,  32 or 64 bit02:58
harpreet_chronofire: if it is not there that means ,1. it does not take power, 2, its ide/sata cable dies 3. it itself died, so that means open up your computer02:58
boss_mcKingsy101: ubottu++02:59
esdemahton: anyway to perform same task without losing my uptime?02:59
chronofireharpreet_, altite thanks02:59
chemikalzi cant get my wireless card to work with airsnort-ng or dsniff etc etc? any ideas?02:59
coz_booksbuggy,  ok its downloading hold on02:59
harpreet_chronofire: you are welcomea02:59
booksbuggycoz_, well i was trying to follow the instruction from a website but got stuck in one of the steps03:00
mahtonesde, you can try pulling out the kernel modules by hand and reinserting them, with modprobe -r somemodule && modprobe somemodule.03:00
booksbuggycoz_, already extracted the file03:00
coz_booksbuggy,  ok  which website?03:00
harpreet_anyone interested in designing a website for me to promote ubuntu?03:00
Kingsy101thanks got that, another thing, what is the best way of removing things from wine? the uninstalls NEVER work03:00
booksbuggycoz_, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/64958-how-install-software-linux.html03:00
Flannelesde: Uptime isn't anything to gloat about.  You have to reboot to upgrade kernels, not rebooting for months on end only means you have bugs and security vulnerabilities in your kernel03:00
esdebut...theres no simple command?03:01
booksbuggycoz_, the more "INSTALL" or "README" part03:01
coz_booksbuggy,  which part did you get stuck on?03:01
mahtonesde, take a look at the output of lsmod, and pick modules you suspect are problematic.03:01
booksbuggycoz_, it is capitalized03:01
mahtonesde, what's simple about trying to restart a running kernel without rebooting?03:01
coz_booksbuggy,   well this is a java application   and s hould be started with sun java web start  most likely03:01
esdemahton: it IS simple or not?03:01
Krugerwhat happened?03:01
coz_booksbuggy,  but hold on03:01
vinooi'm getting a boring crash on my 9.04. with apparently no reason, my mouse stops working, it moves but doesn't click.. but the problem isn't the mouse (i guess) because some shortcuts don't work, like alt-tab, the only thing i can do is go to command line and restart X. any idea?03:02
harpreet_mahton: from terminal03:02
Mac586is there an easy way to install Java? or do I even need it? n00b here03:02
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FlannelMac586: It's very easy.  You may or may not need it depending on what programs you run03:02
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harpreet_mahton: source /etc/environment03:02
mahtonesde, the only thing that I know to do is modprobe -r everything from lsmod, and then modprobe it all back in.03:03
Mac586Flannel: Just set up 9.04 today, don't really know what I need lol03:03
booksbuggycoz_, well the readme or install part i only got a readme folder03:03
harpreet_Mac586: yes03:03
Kingsy101any reason why my recycle bin is doing nothing when I try to empty it??03:03
booksbuggycoz_, instead of the file03:03
harpreet_Mac586: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre03:03
coz_booksbuggy, ok let me get this download and check ")03:03
booksbuggycoz_, okey03:03
joeb3_Mac586, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre03:03
Kingsy101it just comes up with a screen saying its deleting but nothing happens03:03
coz_booksbuggy,   its only half downloaded    slow for some reason03:04
jihohi again everyone. one last pb with permissions: I have a directory intended to share files between users with group= "users" and the sticky bit set for group. All users have their private groups as primary group and are members of the group users. so everybody can happily read and write in the directory. creating new files and copying them from other places sets the group to "users" no matter what (as expected). However *moving* files from a user dir 03:04
jihois that a known behaviourof the sticky bit03:04
harpreet_Mac586: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre, you have to type it in terminal, you got it?03:04
ElectricHeavyLanDoes anyone know how to check to see if your machine has the ICU library (International Components for Unicode) installed?03:04
zenlunaticKingsy101, what files are in there?03:04
jihois there something I can do to avoid that?03:04
booksbuggywell i don't know i downloaded it today because the old eclipse went haywire today03:04
AlternativeNickhelloo, i have been trying to install Ubuntu 9.04 for a while, it stops at BUSYBOX, is there any solution03:05
Kingsy101its ok I just did it manually...#03:05
harpreet_AlternativeNick: you know your config, please tell03:05
Kingsy101brb restart03:05
esdehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/182479/ <--- mahton03:05
Kingsy101oh nm03:05
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mahtonharpreet_, source /etc/environment for what purpose?03:06
Kingsy101so back to WINE.. how do uninstall programs on WINE? the uninstallers never work.. EVER03:06
harpreet_mahton: i left three messages for you03:06
Mac586joeb3_: now it is at the package configuration page and wants me to input "ok" somehow or click on it. What do I do?03:06
coz_booksbuggy,  two minutes left03:06
harpreet_Mac586: use tab and enter03:06
booksbuggycoz_, :CP03:06
Mac586harpreet_: thanks03:07
harpreet_AlternativeNick: is it desktop, laptop, how old system? etc.03:07
AlternativeNicklaptop, hp03:07
harpreet_Mac586: you are welcome03:07
Krugerwhat's an RPM package?  I'm looking to download mySQL and not sure which one to get.  there are like 30 listedon the site for linux03:07
harpreet_AlternativeNick: please refer by name or i cant see your messages03:07
disappearedngfor VLC VLC player03:08
cleptoanyone have expierience with mysql? it keeps telling me access denied when you install it with synaptic the root user is still called root right?03:08
disappearedngis there a way to speed up the seeking time?03:08
coz_booksbuggy,  ok lets see what we have here hold on03:08
=== scott_ is now known as Guest10830
eseven73Kruger, 2 people told you not to get the RPM version already03:08
eseven73!lamp | Kruger03:08
booksbuggycoz_, okey03:08
AlternativeNickharpreet_: sorry, i have HP 6715b, stops at busybox, tried unsticking usb and puting it back03:08
ubottuKruger: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:08
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harpreet_clepto: install it through terminal with su03:08
disappearednglike there's a noticeable difference when I click on the seek bar and when the movie actually starts playing03:08
harpreet_AlternativeNick: so you are using usb for it, not iso cd?03:09
cleptoharpreet_: so installing it with synaptic is not a good idea then?03:09
eseven73!RPM | Kruger03:09
ubottuKruger: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)03:09
esdemahton, im like stuck too...03:09
harpreet_clepto: absolutely not03:09
=== joshthecoder is now known as joshthecoder_afk
coz_booksbuggy,  ok this is simple if you open that folder you will see the executable named  "eclipse"03:09
mahtonesde, sorry I am getting to the end of my troubleshooting tree.03:09
eseven73Kruger, Ubuntu doesn't use RPM so you really should avoid rpm's like the plague03:09
coz_booksbuggy,  I assume you are running gnome?03:09
booksbuggycoz_ , yeah03:10
Mac586Are there any other apps I should instal? Again complete n))b03:10
TheNoviceIs Fedora inferior to Ubuntu?03:10
esdeoh lol03:10
coz_booksbuggy, ok take that eclipse folder and stick it in the Home directory03:10
mahtonesde, but if you want to try a dangerous (as in it might make you reboot) command, there's one left.03:10
coz_booksbuggy,  then open system/preferences/main menu03:10
esdemahton: thank YOU SO MUCH for your help in here we ALL appreciate it03:10
mahthenovice: that is an opionion entirely03:10
_user_hi i am having a problem that seems simple but its annoying to me : when i drag item from a window to another the first window become active and that will hide the 2nd window i want to make window active on mouse release not mouse press any help ???03:10
eseven73!best | TheNovice03:10
ubottuTheNovice: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:10
Krugerand finally what's the difference between Linux(x86) and Linux (PowerPC, 32bit) I thought those were the samething03:10
esdemahton: sure what is it?03:10
harpreet_AlternativeNick: so you are using usb for it, not iso cd?03:10
cleptoharpeet_: ok whats the command i tried sudo apt-get mysql and it said no such package03:10
booksbuggycoz_, okay03:11
TheNovicewell i was trying to install fedora, but fedora 11 will be ready in 2 weeks, but i really like03:11
TheNoviceUbuntu... so i think i will stay with it03:11
harpreet_clepto: try this su and enter your UNIX password03:11
coz_booksbuggy,  decide in which section you want eclise to show up in the menuy03:11
eseven73TheNovice, wise choice, no other distro has the community like Ubuntu03:11
booksbuggycoz_, okay03:11
cleptoi get it now03:11
coz_booksbuggy,  which section are you choosing?03:11
TheNoviceeseven73: do you think someboday Ubuntu will properly support Acer Aspire laptops?03:11
zenxreseven73: it's not as fun as running more challenging distros at times though :p03:11
booksbuggycoz_, programming03:12
AlternativeNickharpreet_: yes, i am using USB, with unetbootin, via ISO03:12
earthenubuntu just froze on me like 3 time in a row but i'm not sure what caused to to freeze on me how can i tell03:12
zenxrTheNovice: I'm on an Acer Extensa ATM.03:12
lexrexhow do i find the size of all files under '.' my current directory?03:12
harpreet_clepto: then sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql03:12
eseven73TheNovice, that's up to the Acer company03:12
Dr_Willislexrex:  'du' command can do that.03:12
booksbuggycoz_, i just use browse to find the executable?03:12
coz_booksbuggy,  when you click "programming" in the left column  in the right column is what is there alrady  and to the right of that is the "new Item" button   click that03:12
Dr_Willislexrex:  with the right options. :)03:12
harpreet_AlternativeNick: iso image has to be burned for proper installation03:12
TheNovicezenxr: i have Acer Aspire 6935g and when i Suspend = crash, Hibernation  = slow but works03:12
lexrexDr_Willis, so i am struggling with du .. .03:12
coz_booksbuggy,  yes if youclicked the New item button then brouse for the executable03:13
zenxrTheNovice: have you looked for a fix?03:13
coz_booksbuggy,   then choose an icon an dif you dont have th eclipse Icon I have one here03:13
istar9Hiya's all03:13
booksbuggycoz_, didn't notice there was an executable >.<03:13
AlternativeNickharpreet_: yes i know, i used unetbootin for it03:13
Dr_Willislexrex:  du -hs --> 12m :)03:13
xstaticIs their a Linux Mint 6 channel03:13
coz_booksbuggy,  when you finish that just close out and the it should show up under programming03:13
losherTheNovice: fedora tends to emphasize newer technologies, so it's not as stable. You might try googling your particular hardware and seeing if there is a particular distro that's known to run well on it, then go with that...03:13
TheNovicezenxr: yeah, i tried, debian, redhat, fedora, godzilla, mint, arch, charch, pinguins, esquimals, nothing works03:13
Dr_Willisxstatic:  theygot their own channel on some other server.03:14
booksbuggycoz_, thanks03:14
Dr_Willisxstatic:  and i reccomend ubuntu over mint.03:14
lexrexDr_Willis, works perfectly03:14
ludmilmmhi. i'm connected to a remote ubuntu 9.04 with ssh -X. I try to start users-admin both as regular user and sudo. It starts ok, but dims the "unlock" button, so I can not make changes. what should I do (besides user-mod from cli)03:14
coz_booksbuggy,  let me get you nice icon for that hold on03:14
Dr_Willislexrex:  this is linux! of course it does!03:14
booksbuggycoz_, :CP03:14
harpreet_AlternativeNick: then there is problem with iso, get a new one and burn again. i dont know the history of your system if it gave you problem with windows, if yes then consider hard drive problem03:14
dfteverytime my system boots it fails on mounting /var/run/dbus...is this cause for concern?03:14
esdemahton: sure what is it? the command that is.03:14
coroner4hello... where i can ask a noob question? I am looking for something similar with vista search, when you type the application name, you don't have to search for it in the menus... there is something similar for ubuntu? thanks.03:14
lexrexDr_Willis, :)03:14
dftcoroner4: gnome-do03:15
earthencrap crashing again03:15
coz_booksbuggy,    http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/132551/eclipse.svg03:15
Dr_Williscoroner4:  gnome-do does it even better. :)03:15
ludmilmmcoroner4: alt-F2 and start typing03:15
coz_booksbuggy,   firefox menu  File   save page as03:15
_user_hi i am having a problem that seems simple but its annoying to me : when i drag item from a window to another the first window become active and that will hide the 2nd window i want to make window active on mouse release not mouse press any help ???03:15
xstaticDr_Willis: Can fluxbox be used on ubuntu03:15
Dr_Willisxstatic:  of course.03:15
coroner4@dft thanks. tried it, didn't really like it... (gnome-do)03:15
coz_booksbuggy,  got it?03:15
mahtonesde, try:03:15
mahtonmodprobe -r v4l1_compat uvcvideo usb_storage fat vfat03:16
istar9Hiyas all, I just need a tad bit of help, I have booted Ubuntu useing Live USB boot method, though the only thing this seems to see as a drive is the USB device, have 2 sata discs (NTFS formated) and a sata CD-rom though cannot seem to find any of these three to mount.03:16
AlternativeNickharpreet_: there is no problem with ISO, i downloaded it from net, other people had same problems03:16
Dr_Willisxstatic:  or any of a dozen+ other windowmanagers/dekstops03:16
coz_booksbuggy,   just stick that into a new folder named  "icons" or "my icons" in home03:16
dftcoroner4: ok03:16
coz_booksbuggy,   then reopen system/preferences/main menu03:16
mahtonesde, and cross your fingers03:16
tzangergood evening03:16
tzangerI have 13 identical laptops, all running ubuntu 9.0403:16
tzangertoday I was dropping into recovery mode (from GRUB) and going to the root prompt03:16
dfteverytime my system boots it fails on mounting /var/run/dbus...is this cause for concern?03:16
coz_booksbuggy,   locate  programming and then  eclipse  and then click eclipse and click properties03:16
mahtonAnd with that, I must depart.  Good luck to all ubuntuites03:17
coz_booksbuggy,   then browse to that new folder and the eclipse icon03:17
coroner4alt-f2 works for now... thanks a lot!03:17
harpreet_AlternativeNick: sometimes iso does not get burned and it has bugs..so you can try this or check whether your pointing device has irq conflict with usb, try some other usb point.03:17
tzanger12 of these laptops happily gave me the # prompt without any issue.  One of them, though, requested root's password to enter maintenance mode.  What causes that?03:17
booksbuggyhmmm computer lagging :CP03:17
AlternativeNickok, thankx will try03:17
nightdreverive installed a program in wine....how do i make it start straight away when ubuntu loads?03:17
TheNovicehow to install tuxonice03:17
coz_booksbuggy, you got the icon right?03:18
Dr_Willis!find tuxonice03:18
ubottuFound: tuxonice-userui03:18
booksbuggycomputer lagging trying to save :CP03:18
* eseven73 steals the 11 working laptops from tzanger, you can keep that 1 that just sits there doing nothing. I'm generous like that ;)03:18
Dr_Willis!info tuxonice-userui03:18
ubottutuxonice-userui (source: tuxonice-userui): user-space interfaces for TuxOnIce. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2+clean-4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1049 kB, installed size 2280 kB03:18
coz_booksbuggy,   hold on let me upload again03:18
zenxrTheNovice: Everywhere I read it says that the user cannot get hibernation to work. Why not just keep it on or off without sleep/hibernation?03:18
coz_booksbuggy,   go here   http://svgicons.o7a.net/eclipse.php03:18
Krugerjust so I'm sure, the version I picked was mySQL non-RPM for Linux x86  sound right?03:19
TheNovicezenxr: i open dozens of windows on 8 virtual desktops.... its annoying to do the same everytime03:19
zenxrTheNovice: Make them start on boot :p?03:19
booksbuggycoz_, hmmm maybe i shouldn't have tried to open eclipse right now -.-03:19
TheNovicezenxr: thats kinda lame....03:19
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zenxrTheNovice: indeed.03:20
coz_booksbuggy,  oh while you are downloading?   probably not  but get the icon from that other link   http://svgicons.o7a.net/eclipse.php03:20
cleptoharpeet_: ok i did what ya said still no dice... i keep getting mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed03:20
SuspectZeroi have an sd card plugged in and my lspci detects the reader and everything but how can i figure out wht the /dev/ location is so i can mount it?03:21
booksbuggycoz_, hmmm maybe i should end process eclipse -.-03:21
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coz_booksbuggy,   it should have opened by now03:21
mrec_this new ubuntu is an absolute failure right now :(03:21
coz_booksbuggy,   killall eclipse03:21
booksbuggycozing a 256 ram computer ;CP03:22
darthanubisAnyone have issues with the -12 kernel version?03:22
coz_booksbuggy,  then open a terminal   cd  eclipse  then  ./eclipse   see if any errors pop up03:22
Mac586is there a website with an easy to understand step-by-step users guide to 9.04? Like an ubuntu for dummies? I am seriously lost03:22
TheNovicemrec_: im happy with it, EXCEPT , hibernation DOESNT work... properly, and when shutdown VIDEO CARD HANGS03:22
tzangerWhat would cause one 9.04 machine to require the root password to drop to root in the recovery menu, but an identical machine, also running 9.04, not to?03:22
TheNoviceMac586: are you serious? ubuntu is for dummies already03:22
esdeUbuntu 9.04 NetBook Remix, NOTHING has changed, aside from my iPod is plugged in and ONLY charging. and my loads went from .43ish to high 7s. There SEEM to be no resourse hogs.03:22
mrec_TheNovice: my ATI graphiccard does not work in dualhead, chroots don't work due libc change, that opensource flash plugin is a joke..03:22
darthanubisMac586, ubuntuguide.com03:22
Mac586darthanubis: Thanks03:23
mrec_there are dlopen issues now when I use chroot (it does enter a guest but fails at certain tasks)03:23
SuspectZerommc0: new SD card at address b36803:23
SuspectZerommcblk0: mmc0:b368 LEXAR 952 MiB03:23
SuspectZero mmcblk0: p103:23
testosteronheya is this the irc where i can get an advice about ubuntu problems ?03:23
SuspectZerothts the output of dmesg03:23
FloodBot2SuspectZero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:23
mrec_the ATI graphiccard issue is the most evil thing... I end up putting in an nvidia card which worked within 5 minutes03:23
TheNovicemrec_: ATI sucks for linux anyways, get nvidia. CHroot? use something serious like Debian, Flash?? use adobe's03:23
cowgardentestosteron, yes03:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:24
esdehow does ubuntu measure uptime?03:24
mrec_TheNovice: I think linux sucks because the ATI driver worked with the older ubuntu version03:24
booksbuggyPeople this is final DON'T run eclipse with 256 ram computer while you have other applications running :CP03:24
mrec_I wonder why those kernel guys broke the driver03:24
eseven73Mac586, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/   is pretty nice too03:24
darthanubisesde, same as any other linux system03:24
dftSuspectZero: still trying to get that netbook going?03:24
tzangermrec_: which video card?03:24
TheNovicemrec_: try OSX i heard is for people like yoiu03:24
testosteronim gracious, very new to irc and linux, took e ages to figure how to do this. ok i just shoot ahead what my eee pc is doing03:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks03:25
esdeno im being serious, im trying to get my computer working without losing my uptime darthanubis03:25
eseven73!coc > TheNovice03:25
mrec_ATI Radeon 240003:25
ubottuTheNovice, please see my private message03:25
burvowskimrec_ ATI is responsible for breaking their cards in the new Ubuntu. It has nothing to do with the kernel03:25
SuspectZerogot it03:25
testosteronThe problem occured after I installed the new Ubuntu (9.04 i think ?) through the update manager of the up-to-date easypeasy version some days ago. Which worked fine until this morning when - I'm pretty sure the laptop tried to hibernate - and now when I boot up i can see two lines03:25
testosteron[4.716097] usb 3-1: device not accepting adress 2 error-7103:25
testosteron[4.772146] hub 3-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 103:25
testosteronand it's stuck there03:25
FloodBot2testosteron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
darthanubisesde, your not making any sense to me03:25
coz_booksbuggy,  get it?03:25
mrec_only doesn't work in dualhead mode (just fully locks up), otherwise it works03:25
testosteronI managed to switch to another window pressing Alt+Fx03:25
tzangermrec_: no no, lspci | grep -i VGA03:25
tzangerwhat's it report?03:25
burvowskimrec_ They moved certain cards to legacy mode and thus, devs can't get into the code03:25
booksbuggycoz_ wait03:25
mrec_tzanger: ATI Radeon 240003:26
esdeits hard to explain, i want to "reboot" without "rebooting"03:26
dfttestosteron: unplug all usb devices and reboot03:26
mrec_tzanger: I put in an nvidia card now03:26
testosteroni tried that03:26
darthanubisesde, no such thing, and uptime is irrelevant03:26
booksbuggycoz_ how do you make these icons anyways me curious :CP03:26
dftesde: why do you need to pseudo-reboot03:26
tzangermrec_: lspci | grep -i VGA won't say radeon 240003:26
testosteroni tried disabling usb, updated bios03:26
esde 22:26:38 up 15 days,  5:40,  4 users,  load average: 9.26, 9.32, 9.2403:26
coz_booksbuggy,   svg icons are made with Inkscape03:26
tzangerit'll give me an RS### that I'm looking for03:26
esdemy uptimes are through the roof03:26
darthanubis15 days bug deal03:26
booksbuggycoz_ oh03:26
tzangerI am doing work with ATI right now I know a little bit about this03:26
esdei mean loads03:26
tzangerUbuntu 9.04 and the ATI Catalyst driver03:26
eseven73esde, that's a heck of a load average03:27
esdei know thats why im here!03:27
booksbuggycoz_ hmmm me got to learn how to use that :CP03:27
esdei want to fix it without losing my uptime.03:27
coz_booksbuggy,   sorry wrong button03:27
SuspectZerodft, i was trying to get a netbook going?03:27
darthanubisesde, what does your load avg. hav eto do with your uptime?03:27
SuspectZerolmao i dont even remember03:27
coz_booksbuggy,   inkscape is a vector graphics application and one of the best03:27
booksbuggycoz_ got the icond saved03:27
cowgardentestosteron, isnt there a safe-mode to boot in from Grub (just after the bios screen grub comes)?03:27
dftSuspectZero: wasn't that you asking about netbook remix?03:27
esdedarthanubis: i want to fix my loads, without losing my uptime.03:28
mrec_tzanger: I'm not sure what rv it is but it's a radeon 240003:28
eseven73darthanubis, I think heh doesn't want to ruin his uptime03:28
SuspectZerodft, nope.03:28
coz_booksbuggy,   cool now again open /system/preferences/main menu03:28
booksbuggyis it in the repositories?03:28
tzangermrec_: the reason I'm asking is that catalyst 9.5 drivers work fine with 9.0403:28
jlillyHow do I unbind keys in the terminal? I can't seem to mark something as "Undefined"03:28
mrec_rv610 probably03:28
coz_boodyone,   inkscape?  yes03:28
tzangerhave not tried 9.0403:28
tzangerer sorry have not tried 9.403:28
coz_booksbuggy,   inkscape ? Yes03:28
dftSuspectZero: forgive me I'm split between irc and watching a classic SDF episode03:28
testosteronthat's what im thinkning to but how can i convince the ubuntu to not trying to boot into the faile hibernation and start norally without a console03:28
mrec_tzanger: in dualhead mode? .. not here03:28
booksbuggycoz_ way ahead you you :CP03:28
coz_booksbuggy,   sudo apt-get install inkscape03:28
darthanubiseseven73, I think he needs to ask a specific question in regards to a specific problem.03:28
SuspectZerolmao no worries at all03:28
SuspectZerohave a good one :)03:28
=== eus is now known as eusu_kefuin
tzanger9.3 works fine with 8.04/8.10 but *after* 9.3 they removed support for RS680 and older chips03:28
mrec_I tried drivers from ATI and the older version and it did not work with dualhead03:29
tzangerthat's why I'm asking for the exact RSxxx number03:29
dftSuspectZero: see you in remote-ex later03:29
darthanubisMore than likely it is just a loose service running that neesd to be killed03:29
darthanubisuse top03:29
SuspectZeroyep bai :)03:29
mrec_ah ok03:29
cowgardentestosteron, ?03:29
tzanger9.3 and older don't know about Ubuntu 9.04, and 9.4 and higher do but don't run older cards :-/03:29
booksbuggycoz_ me have always wondered how to make them icons :CP03:29
testosteronja, did you see my reply cowgarden ?03:29
tzangerI think it's completely assinine to disable support for cards just over a year old, but that ws their policy03:29
mrec_tzanger: hmm still I tried the older drivers too it worked but not with xinerama03:29
esdehow do i restart "X"03:30
txoofI just installed the package: libxml-rss-perl  When I try to the module, it complains "DateTime::Locale version 0.4 required--this is only version 0.35"  As far as I can tell, I have the latest version installed based on the dependancies in dselect...  What might be the best place to start?03:30
mrec_it might even be an issue with xorg03:30
mrec_I had opengl support too03:30
coz_booksbuggy,  it takes a bit of work to get used to inkscapes interface and the many many options avaiable03:30
cowgardennorg, please type my name in the message. (coug[tab] might autocomplete my name)03:30
booksbuggycoz_ okay click on that default icon image and browse for the icon saved03:30
mrec_but xinerama dualhead locked up03:30
tzangercoug<tab> will definitely not autocomplete cowgarden :-)03:30
coz_booksbuggy,  right03:30
testosteroncowgarden: did you see my reply ?03:30
tzangermrec_: gotcha. sucks. :-/03:30
mattgyverAnyone here familiar with using partimage on SystemRescueCD?03:30
mrec_I think I will have to revert the system to 8.1003:31
cowgardentzanger, oh sry :) sometimes I'm named cougarten03:31
Kingsy101how much space does GIMP take up?03:31
tzangerWhat would cause one 9.04 machine to require the root password to drop to root in the recovery menu, but an identical machine, also running 9.04, not to?03:31
testosteroncowgarden: how can i convince the linux to scrap attempting to boot into hibernation and just start norally without a console ?03:31
tzangerI feel 9.04 was rushed out the door03:31
esdehow do i restart "X"03:31
tzangeroutright *broken* intel video driver, radeon issues (from what I hear from others, not personally)... bleh.03:31
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:32
booksbuggycoz_ hmmm i save the icon as a svg file right?03:32
coz_booksbuggy,  from  inkscape?03:32
matt098hello, any one here that is good at using mythbuntu ?03:32
TheNoviceHibernation = problems with video card, and flash player, this is really annoying,03:32
booksbuggycoz_ from the url you gave me03:32
coz_booksbuggy, oh it will save that way automatically03:32
booksbuggycoz_ oh03:33
tzangermatt098: I run minimyth on my frontend and slackware on the backend; not sure about mythbuntu but have heard good things03:33
HarkinsThe volume up/down keys on my keypad change more volume sliders than I want them to change. I found in the KB Shortcuts it's mapped to XF86AudioLowerVolume -- where can I find settings for this?03:33
pullercan somone help me get this website to work in linux: http://www.universalsports.com/mediaPlayer/media.dbml?id=138747&catid=-2&sid=13044&db_oem_id=2300003:33
coz_booksbuggy,   just firefox   File   save page as03:33
booksbuggycoz_ icon browser is not finding it03:33
cowgardentestosteron, you still get to a console with alt+Fx, right? maybe you can kill x from there (sudo killall -i Xorg)03:33
kwtmHi! What command-line utility can I use to see what my processor speed is?03:33
Jcklmy usb is not working after updating to 9.0403:33
testosteronno i don't03:33
coz_booksbuggy,   did you put it in the folder in HOme?03:33
Harkinskwtm: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:33
testosteroni get  bash that doesn't reat to anything03:34
booksbuggycoz_i saved it on desktop -.- should i put it in home?03:34
testosteroni can enter whatever, no login or smth like that03:34
coz_booksbuggy,   just make sure the icon has the extension   .svg03:34
booksbuggycoz_ i saved it on desktop -.- should i put it in home?03:34
coz_booksbuggy,   yes  under a new icon folder03:34
txoofI'm running hardy: I installed libxml-rss-perl 1.31-3 and it complains that DateTime module ""DateTime::Locale version 0.4 required--this is only version .35" why would the latest packages depend on something that is newer?03:34
kwtmHarkins: Thank you!03:34
Jckllsusb shows no changed after plugging in a device03:34
coz_booksbuggy,   do that first because if you remove it from the desktop it will no longer show up03:34
cowgardentestosteron, hm, I don't know than... (I'm really no Pro, if noone can help you here try the forums)03:34
Jckldmesg shows that a device is connected03:34
Jcklany ideas?03:34
booksbuggycoz_ i don't delete stuff unless i can never use them :CP03:35
coz_booksbuggy,  so put all yo ur personal icons in a folder03:35
Jcklit wont link to ttyusb*03:35
coz_booksbuggy,  ok but you dont want that icon always on the desktop03:35
cowgardengood night to all03:35
testosteroncowgarden: i can't execute anything just type, but to me a a novice it looks as i would need to login or smth, so my username is displayed before the bash03:35
coz_booksbuggy,  so stick in it's own folder in home03:35
tzangerer nice03:35
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coz_booksbuggy,   "my icons""  or something:)03:35
codenameDo I need to reboot in order for my edits in fstab to take effect?03:35
urban_ryogahow do i download a specific package from jaunty-proposed? I'm having some issues running some python apps I have. It supposedly can be fixed by grabbing the latest glade-3 from jaunty-proposed03:35
tzangerplug in the power for the laptop and I get a beautiful picture of a flower covering up all my windows03:35
codenameFor some reason it's not auto mounting?03:36
tzangerhad to ctrl-alt-backspace and try again03:36
cowgardentestosteron, can you log in? (there shoudl be a prompt for username than password)03:36
testosteronanybody else some idea ? i really need the net for y studies :(03:36
urban_ryogaI don't want to end up installing everything from jaunty-proposed03:36
TheNovicetestosteron: what is the deal?03:36
testosteronno there is not   such a thing03:36
lakotajamesWill someone help me figure out how to connect to my computer with my ds (running linux) using ssh?  I have openssh-server installed, and ssh seems to be installed on the ds.03:36
cowgardenTheNovice, it doesn't boot, and gives an error03:37
testosteronThe Novice:i have a failed hibernation i think and can't access anything anymmore03:37
cowgardenTheNovice, testosteron,  good night :) I,m out03:37
testosteroncowgarden: good morning in nepal :)03:37
TheNovicetestosteron: what doesnt boot?03:37
Kingsy101can someone tell me how I would go about removing openoffice from ubuntu? I have tried sudo apt-get remove openoffice   no joy03:37
urban_ryogalakotajames: umm... You might want to ask a nds homebrew community03:37
TheNovicetestosteron: Hibernation killed your computer??03:38
testosteronThe Novice: ubuntu 09.0403:38
testosteronon a eee pc 90003:38
cowgardentestosteron, 4:38am here :)03:38
TheNovicetestosteron: you should present a penal demand for damages... thats simply Unaceptable03:38
urban_ryogaKingsy101: just use add/remove applications from the applications menu03:38
lakotajamesurban_ryoga: Oh.  well, I assumed ssh was pretty much the same on everything.  And I don't know how it works.  And the Ubuntu community is much bigger than a nds homebrew community03:38
codenameCan someone help me edit my fstab?03:39
testosteronTheNovice: i think it was hiberntion ill send the error mssage through again03:39
TheNovicetestosteron: but its easy to fix... remove the battery and unplug the power cable03:39
booksbuggycoz_ the browser is still not finding it -.-03:39
coz_booksbuggy,   working now ?03:39
_user_any one halp me plz with nautilus memory leak03:39
urban_ryogalakotajames: i can't help if you have a problem establishing a connection03:39
coz_booksbuggy,   are you sure the icon is labled   "eclipse.svg"03:39
testosteroni posted it to postbin ....03:39
_user_nautilus uses 260 MB and rising03:39
cowgardentestosteron, copy the link here03:40
Kingsy101hmmm you cant remove the words processor in add/remove03:40
booksbuggycoz_ i think i am going to save it again03:40
lakotajamesurban_ryoga:I've got a internet connection, I just don't know what command to use, or If I have to set something up first, or anything03:40
testosteronTheNovice: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182501/03:40
coz_booksbuggy,  ok  and when you open system/preferences/main menu   locate  exlipse  click the default icon  another     dialog opens03:40
booksbuggycoz_me still have the page open03:40
Krugerhow do i turn system beeps off?  when I restart or shutdown I get a loud BEEEP!03:40
cowgardenKingsy101, so do it in synaptics03:40
coz_booksbuggy, then click the browse button03:40
testosteronTheNovice: i can try removing the battery...03:40
TheNovicetestosteron: sounds like its screwed... reinstall03:40
coz_booksbuggy,  maneauver to /home/yourname/exlipse and then click open03:41
testosteronTheNovice: NOOOOOO, fuck it took me a  day, AY YO03:41
eseven73_user_, try thunar yet? sudo aptitude install thunar && thunar & disown03:41
istar9Need help cannot find Hard disks in ubuntu live ;/03:41
coz_booksbuggy,  then that one search window will close and let the main menu search through the icons  and it will show up03:41
cowgardentestosteron, one day?03:41
pullercan somone help me get http://www.universalsports.com/mediaPlayer/media.dbml?id=138747&catid=-2&sid=13044&db_oem_id=23000 to work03:41
testosteronjea, with all the updatesIN NEPAL03:41
booksbuggynevermind i forgot to click on open -.-03:41
TheNovicetestosteron: well its taking you a day to ask for help...03:42
_user_eseven73, yes but i like nautilus more03:42
coz_booksbuggy,  ah :)03:42
booksbuggycoz_ sorry for the false alarm >.<03:42
cowgardencowgarden, also if you still have the prepared USB stick you could boot from that for some quick net acess03:42
mackmggmy server cant get to the internet03:42
wrektjethello can anyone help me figure out how to get my /dev/sda3 mounted? io have /dev/sda2 in ext3 and mounted as / . id like to get the rest of the hdd mounted.03:42
mackmgganyone know wut might cause that03:42
coz_booksbuggy,   no prolbme  I understand03:42
lakotajamesurban_ryoga:like, what command do I type in to connect?03:42
mackmggthe web server is up03:42
testosteronthats what im doing right now03:42
Jcklcan someone help me fix my usb?03:42
testosteronthe usb  bootup03:42
mackmggand incoming connections work03:42
cowgardentestosteron, ah03:42
mackmggbut outgoing dont03:43
mackmgganyone know wut'd cause that?03:43
vockHello all, just making a Live USB stick, and was wondering if there was a disk image available which had the live CD with the installer, as well as all the programs on the Ubuntu Recovery Remix iso?03:43
testosteronok,well . no more updates for me than03:43
booksbuggycoz_ just another question do you know how to fix the network manager when it shows "device is unmanaged"?03:43
testosteronthx everybody03:43
nomasteryodaKruger,  just a minute... i had to fix that too....03:43
coz_booksbuggy,  ok when you are dont with that  let me know  we can start eclips view the terminal03:43
Kingsy101how do I remove openoffice with synapic? I cant even find it, cant I jsut do it with a apt-get remove command?03:43
coz_booksbuggy,   no I am not familiar with that sorry03:43
xunilso what is the difference between aptitude and apt-get?03:44
eseven73_user_, it sounds like a bug,03:44
benjamimLook for openoffice.org03:44
eseven73!bug | _user_03:44
ubottu_user_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:44
mackmggxunil: it differ repos i think03:44
testosteronTheNovice: you're sort of sure about your diagnose ?03:44
jbjonesKingsy101: how did you install openoffice?03:44
mackmggdifferent bundles03:44
booksbuggycoz_ me went to change the interface txt thing to true but it is still showing that -.-03:44
xunilmackmgg: idk tho.. cus iv used aptitude in ubuntu before03:44
nomasteryodaKruger, gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add line: blacklist pcspkr03:44
Kingsy101I still cant find it03:44
mackmggxunil: yeah, they both work, and have different software in them03:44
mackmggapt-get prly includes aptitude03:45
booksbuggycoz_ i meant network config txt03:45
nomasteryodaKruger, also can run sudo rmmod pcspkr and silence it on command....03:45
jbjonesKingsy101: how did you install openoffice? if you didn't add it via ubuntu repositories, it probably won't be there03:45
mackmgganyone know why my outgoing internet isn't working from ubuntu?03:45
xunilmackmgg: ok thnx.. i was just wondering03:45
booksbuggycoz_ hmmm might that later03:45
booksbuggycoz_ eclipse opened03:45
coz_who asked about  aptitude and apt-get/03:46
coz_booksbuggy,  cool03:46
booksbuggycoz_ last time i operated too many things at once -.-03:46
jbjonesKingsy101: i think you installed a beta build or something, you will have to figure out the name of that package and then do an apt-remove03:46
Kingsy101i didnt install it, it came already installed to ubuntu03:46
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:46
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!03:46
Kingsy101i havnt installed ANYTHING03:46
eseven73!msgthebot > esde03:46
ubottuesde, please see my private message03:46
coz_esde,  did you ask about  aptiutude?03:46
benjamimKingsy101, Did you compile it from source ?03:46
lakotajamesHow does ssh work?  I need help.  I have openssh-server installed, don't know what to do next.03:46
Flannellakotajames: connect to your machine from an ssh client!03:46
wrektjetcan someone help me with fstab so that i can mount /dev/sda3?03:46
booksbuggycoz_ this binary one is better i think because it also have the help contents :CP03:47
lakotajamesFlannel:I don't know how.03:47
moshe__lokotajames: open a terminal and ssh "you ip address"03:47
Flannellakotajames: (maybe port forward if you need to on your router)03:47
jbjonesKingsy101: then it should be there. that or you already removed it03:47
tonsofpcsanyone here know of good [tested] gps navigation software [nmea gps]?03:47
Kingsy101no, it is ubuntu I installed from an iso through a USB stick03:47
zaccouri took out my 512mb ram stick and put in a 2 gb and don't really notice a difference03:47
tonsofpcs[for us navigation if it matters]03:47
testosteronanybody else an idear about this http://paste.ubuntu.com/182501/03:47
coz_booksbuggy,   right I am a big fan of binaries  like this  :)03:47
Flannellakotajames: From another linux machine? from windows? what?03:47
booksbuggycoz_ the one installed with pakage manager didn't have the help content installed -.-03:47
Kingsy101what I mean is in synapic when I search of openoffice.org THOUSANDS of things some up...03:47
coz_booksbuggy,   oh?  thats odd03:47
lakotajamesFlannel:another linux machine03:47
testosteroni cant face all that installing again03:47
codenameCan someone please help me edit my FSTAB?03:48
jbjonesKingsy101: exactly03:48
booksbuggycoz_ looked online and they said it was a bug03:48
Flannellakotajames: ssh user@host (host is likely an IP)03:48
jbjonesKingsy101: openoffice is a suite03:48
booksbuggybut this is not the full eclipse just the java part -.-03:48
zaccouri took out my 512mb ram stick and put in a 2 gb and don't really notice a difference. is this normal? weird?03:48
coz_codename,   what do you need to do?? I am not really up on this but maybe I can find out how03:48
testosteronanybody ?03:48
booksbuggyso me don't know03:48
coz_booksbuggy,   :)03:48
jbjonesKingsy101: not just one app03:48
codenameI need my FSTAB to auto mount one of my drives03:48
coz_codename, ` ok hold on03:48
lakotajamesFlannel: ok, thanks.  now, how do I know my ip address?  It's going to be lan, so whatsmyip.net will show me the wrong thing, right?03:49
testosteroni can't believe its not possible to fix it from the usb boot03:49
moshe__lokotajames: open terminal on remote client and type ifconfig03:49
booksbuggyhmmmm anyone a way to get the network manager to stop showing "device unmanaged"?03:49
wrektjetcan someone take a look at my fstab and help me enter another device(partition)?03:49
benjamimtry to filter the search tool for : NAME, it might be looking for "name and description"03:49
coz_codename,  have  you looked here ?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313103:50
lakotajamesmoshe__:inet addr:  Bcast:  Which one?03:50
Dracofodderlakotajames: inet addr03:50
moshe__lokotajames> the inet one...that is your local ip address03:50
TasbuntuUh, guys, is the GParted partitioner included in Xubuntu's installation disc?03:50
Mac586can somebody tell me how to connect to another ubuntu pc on my network?03:50
tzangerWhat would cause one 9.04 machine to require the root password to drop to root in the recovery menu, but an identical machine, also running 9.04, not to?03:51
moshe__lokotajames> type in this in a terminal: ssh
moshe__lokotajames> if you are still having trouble, lets get in private room03:52
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screeen, but during login it is totally blank03:52
Flanneltzanger: The one that requires the root password has had the root password set (unlocked the root account), the other hasn't.03:52
lakotajamesmoshe__,Flannel:  I got it, thanks.  And I am lAkotajames, not lOkotajames :P03:53
tzangerFlannel: aha03:53
zaccouri took out my 512mb ram stick and put in a 2 gb and don't really notice a difference. is this normal? weird?03:53
tzangerFlannel: I got around it by booting with init=/bin/bash and setting a known password on root03:53
tzangerFlannel: thanks!03:53
aaronjameswhy does it say "device not managed" for wireless in my networkmanager applet?03:53
Flanneltzanger: passwd -l root (that's an L)03:54
tzangerFlannel: you wouldn't happen to know *where* upstart actually calls the script that gives the recovery menu, do you?  I went through event.d and also through rcS.d but did not find anything useful03:54
tzangerFlannel: I'd have just edited shadow myself and made it !03:54
Flanneltzanger: I think its a kernel thing.  It's single user mode.03:55
tzangerFlannel: no03:55
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andrew2009the command " du -sh " goes wrong under ubuntu 9.04, anyone knows why03:55
tzangerFlannel: I know it's not that, since it's a script that runs03:55
eseven73How or can I add "Force Quit" panel applet (i think it's a gnome app) to Xubuntu?03:55
tzangerFlannel: upstart looks for -s or single or S on the kenrel command line and telinit S's if it finds it03:55
tzanger/etc/event.d/rcS just calls /etc/init.d/rc S03:56
tzangerand that just runs through rcS.d03:56
tzanger(like it would with rc2.d)03:56
barbarellaandrew2009:what goes wrong with du?03:56
robdigdu -sh /03:56
andrew2009yes, i add "." after that03:57
andrew2009but it gives some error tips03:57
robdigandrew2009: if you're getting error messages, it is due to permissions. try sudo du -sh03:58
wrektjetmy main hdd partition (with all my free sapce) is unmounted and not in fstab and/or mtab. can someone help me edit fstab so that it exists? it shows up in gparted but not mounted anywhere.03:59
robdigandrew2009: or you may want to add -x which will exclude mounted file systems03:59
barbarellaandrew2009:or df -h if you only want to know what space you got left.03:59
andrew2009i've tried, but it still give me error tip like ''du: cannot access `/proc/4162/task/4162/fd/3': No such file or directory'03:59
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andrew2009sudo du -sh /04:01
texthe frame rates on my laptop are terrible how do i make it better on ubuntu 9.0404:01
mahtex: do you have a good video card?04:01
robdigandrew2009: maybe you can describe what you are trying to do, and we can help better04:01
texyea its a compaq cq50 mah04:02
Snow_WolfWhat is the command that searches for a string of text in multiple files?04:02
todd_noob linux user here with some novice C++ skills looking to experiment with learning to write programs that will run on a linux machine (i'm currently running ubuntu linux). Anyone have a recommendation for an intuitive easy to learn GUI program for linux to create interfaces?04:02
robdigSnow_Wolf: grep04:02
Snow_Wolfrobdig, thank you very much.04:02
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screeen, but during login it is totally blank04:02
robdigSnow_Wolf: np04:03
azeotropeanyone know how I can stop cupsd from starting by default04:03
azeotropewaht's the approved method04:03
eseven73!startup | azeotrope04:03
ubottuazeotrope: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:03
andrew2009thanks, i want to query all the partitions and disk usage04:03
azeotropethere is no sessions entry under the preferences menu04:04
azeotropei found it though04:04
chrmlr2is anyone familiar with the b43 wireless modules?04:04
azeotropeit's under services04:04
Fohnno one has any clue on the login screen issue?04:04
samd_chrmlr2: kind of here, now an expert tho04:05
xunilchrmlr2: i believe i had to use ndiswrapper to make those cards work04:05
sagaciwithout logged in as gksudo nautlius, can i delete a process folder or file?04:05
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screeen, but during login it is totally blank04:05
eseven73azeotrope, ah you're right that factoid needs updating, I see "Startup Applications" and yeah Services under Admin... odd04:06
lsempledo you need to forward ports to transfer files in IRC ??04:06
robdigandrew2009:  as barbarella said, will df -h give you what you want? du summarizes for each argument you give...dh shows by filesystem04:06
istar9fdisk -l only gives me usb device, anyone know how to have the other drives seen on fdisk ?04:06
aaronjameshey, so I'm trying to configure my wireless device to work with networkmanager, can someone help me?04:06
aaronjamesit says "device not managed"04:06
robdigandrew2009: should be df not dh :)04:06
Jcklany idea why i cant any usb devices to work04:07
ramontayagboss_mc: thank you. i'll try removing all savedefaults04:08
samd_!pastebin > chrmlr204:08
ubottuchrmlr2, please see my private message04:08
cowgardenhow to allways-on-top with compiz?04:08
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barbarellaJckl:try lsusb, does it say something?04:08
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robdigistar9: fdisk -l without an argument will list the devices in /proc/partitions, you can enter cat /proc/partitions to see what is in there04:10
=== FireFox is now known as IceWeasel
wrektjetsigh :( i cant get any help with fstab... pretty please take a look at my fstab and tell me how to mount my dev/sda3?04:11
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=== Epiphany is now known as Webkit
robdigwrektjet: have you pastebin'd your fstab somewhere?04:12
HkRnecesito una ayudita para revisar un script04:12
andrew2009robdig: thanks, i will try it. When i use DISK USAGE Analyzer, the result indicates that the root has 2.5G, and i have 10G in total, So my question is : who has the left?04:12
istar9ok the cat command shows me something two drives  8/0/1983488 sda  8/1/1979456/sda104:12
HkRquien me ayua porfa?04:12
durt!es | HkR04:12
ubottuHkR: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:12
droid7is it ok to use karmic ppa source links in jaunty?04:13
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screen, but during login it is totally blank04:13
thiebaudedroid7, no04:13
andrew2009it seems the DISK Usage Analyzer dosen't show me that04:13
droid7thiebaude, thanks04:13
zaccouri took out my 512mb ram stick and put in a 2 gb and don't really notice a difference. is this normal? weird? do i have to run lots of apps to notice?04:14
cody200When I just restarted after installing my ATI video drivers, X server is giving me random errors saying it cant run without some new configuration, i updated the configuration before i restarted but its erroring said i had to run in low graphic mode. anyone know how to fix this?04:14
istar9bleh its the virtual file system at sda nd sda1 is the usb ;(04:14
wrektjetrobdig, this is my fdisk entry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182519/04:14
robdigwrektjet: looking...04:15
istar9any other linux os's similar to Ubuntu? doubt if i can get this one to install04:16
Fohnwhat problem are you having?04:17
istar9ubuntu will does not see any of my sata drives04:17
istar9im running on the usb live boot now, the furthest i ever got, since CD hangs no matter what, and its due to it never actually see the cdrom and cuts off the installation load04:18
Fohnthat is really strange04:18
Fohnother OSs recognize your SATA drives?04:18
eaglestari am about to reinstall linux i have another partition on my hard drive with a different archetecture will there be any problems?04:18
thiebaudeistar9, i wonder if it is a bad cd04:19
eaglestari have x64 and changing over to i38604:19
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istar9yeah didnt realize what was going on until i did the alternate cd and got to the part where it searches for cd info and it sent me to prompt each time for no cd device ... Yes Windows see's all my drives04:19
barbarellaistar9:what mainbord you got or pc or laptop, names please.04:20
istar9give me a sec will have that info04:20
andrew2009Anyone knows how to get all the installed software by apt-get tool? I tried Synaptic ,but it didn't get all04:20
thiebaudeandrew2009, sudo apt-get install04:20
istar9System Specs:04:21
istar9AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core 2.2ghz04:21
istar9XFX MD-A72P-7509 Mainboard04:21
istar92Gig DDR2 RAM04:21
istar9Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT04:21
FloodBot2istar9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
thiebaudeistar9, 64 bit04:21
Fohnandrew2009, what do you mean "all the installed software"?04:21
durtwrektjet, your sda3 doesn't really exist sda5,sda6 are actually taking up all it's space as it's an extended partition, look at the cylinders's start and end numbers04:21
robdigwrektjet: think all you need to do is create a mount point (empty directory) to mount it on, and then add an entry in fstab. the options, etc needed vary by filesystem type, suggest you look at man fstab04:21
cowgardenhow to allways-on-top with compiz?04:21
andrew2009oh, i mean the whole installed software list04:21
bin1010I get a message that gstreamer can't handle m4a files...what gives...I thought I added everything known to man on that... :)04:22
thiebaudeandrew2009, all the programs in synaptic?04:22
wrektjettrue sda3 is comprised of the sda6 and sda5(swap)04:22
Fohnandrew2009: You mean for it to display everything you have installed?04:22
Mac586n00b at unbuntu. could someone help me find the other 3 pc's on my netwrok?04:22
andrew2009i want to know all the software list installed by apt-get command04:22
istar9ive tried both 32bit and 64bit versions, have several iso's and cds made ;/04:22
bin1010man apt -get04:23
andrew2009Fohn: yeah04:23
thiebaudethats a long list04:23
zhurai* man apt-get  (no space)04:23
wrektjetrobdig, yea i need to create a mount point like /home. what do u mean look at man fsatb?04:23
zhurai<bin1010> I get a message that gstreamer can't handle m4a files...what gives...I thought I added everything known to man on that... :) <-- DMCA shit from Apple04:23
thiebaudeandrew2009, whats wrong with synaptic again?04:24
zhuraiif I remember correctly04:24
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screen, but during login it is totally blank04:24
robdigwrektjet: open a terminal and type man fstab04:24
robdigwrektjet: it will display the manual (help) page for the fstab file04:24
Fohn@thiebaude: If I understand correctly, he is trying to get it to display every application he has installed, however some are missing.04:24
bin1010zhurai: yippeee once again!!!04:24
zhuraibin1010: waa?04:25
thiebaudeFohn, like everything listed in synaptic?04:25
bin1010zhurai: DMCA is so much fun...I had to say yippee!!04:25
lyraeOk. whats a simple music player?04:26
thiebaudeFohn, the packages that are only listed as installed?04:26
robdigandrew2009: to list everything you've installed, command is dpkg --list-selections04:26
Fohnor, maybe, I don't exactly know what that question meant. I mean that he is opening synaptic, and it is not displaying all of the applications that he has installed previously.04:26
andrew2009thiebaude : i have vsftd installed by apt-get install, but when i use synaptic to find it, and it failed04:26
zhurailyrae: depends how simple you want it -_-04:26
Mac586Can somebody help me find my other networked pc's?04:27
thiebaudeandrew2009, did you enable 3rd party repositories?04:27
lyraezhurai: basically a next, prev, play/pause04:27
bin1010Mac586: what are your other PCs?04:27
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screen, but during login it is totally blank04:27
zhurailyrae: gnome or kde?04:27
Mac586bin1010: 2 are xp-pro 64 and one is ubunbtu 9.0404:28
lobatatorhey could someone help me out i just installed ubuntu and the hardware-drivers app wont search for drivers04:28
zhuraionly one of those I have on this system is audacious, don't know if it's good, as I just usually listen to my music/videos using smplayer >_>04:28
andrew2009thiebaude: i don't know it, because i use the default settings, how to set it ?04:29
bin1010if they are linux, you will have to make sure the ssh is working and I like to get to those using Places->connect to server and pick ssh...if they are windows then you have to go to Places->connect to server and pick samba.  For windows you will have to make sure that the files are shared, yada, yada, yada04:29
thiebaudeandrew2009, sources from the menu, sorry im not on ubuntu right now, so i cant see screen04:29
lobatatorwhen i launch the app it dosnt even look for drivers just shows up with no drivers found04:30
robdigFohn: think that happens when the usplash resolution is off...look at this post, maybe it will help. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1713204:30
thiebaudeandrew2009, the applications menu on the top panel04:30
jjrevlobatator: it's probably because there are no drivers needed..04:31
bin1010Mac586: sorry, did you get that?04:31
pragwhere do i get the vmware image of ubuntu 9.0404:31
Mac586bin1010: I tried ssh but got back a negative response: and I don't even see samba04:31
triuneoi... can someone tell me how to forcefully remove packages... like with synaptic or apt-get ?04:31
lobatatorwell i need to install video driver but on 8.10 it just picked it up but on 9.04 it wont even search04:31
bin1010Mac586: sorry.....windows share04:31
triunei need to remove a few without touching the dependencies04:32
pragi got a link http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/ to download the vmware image of ubuntu 9.04. can i trust it04:32
andrew2009thiebaude: thanks, you mean the result filter?04:32
bin1010Mac586: you may have your ssh not quite right04:32
jjrevlobatator: possibly because you did an upgrade and not a fresh install??04:32
seedofcHi, I've got a fresh installation of Ubuntu 9.04 running here.  I just installed the latest ATI 9.5 drivers (closed source binary from their website).  The install went fine, and when I rebooted, X11 came back up fine.  I've got dual monitors, so I went into the AMD Control Center and made each monitor independent and lined them up properly.  The app said I would need to reboot to make the changes.  After rebooting, I it seems like X load04:32
lobatatori did fresh install like in 8.10 it would ask for password but in 9.04 it just pops up with no drivers found04:32
bin1010Mac586: try at a terminal window ssh <username>@<ip address of machine you want> and see if ssh is working04:33
orudieorudie, hello04:33
jjrevlobatator: can you run this in the cmdline: lsmod | grep nvidia04:33
istar9well guys, goodluck and have fun, think im going to give in on trying this OS out, will look for a similar one if i can find one.04:34
Mac586How do I fins the ip address on ubuntu? I have my router set to dhcp  sorry bin101004:34
lobatatori ran that but it did nothing04:34
seedofcMac586: ifconfig eth004:34
bin1010its like ipconfig on window04:34
zhuraibin1010: lol that's windows :X04:34
bin1010sort of04:35
bin1010yes...got a little ahead of myself04:35
silareI'm looking at the themes on Ubuntu... Any recommendations if I'm interested in making my own theme? What resources should I look at?04:35
jjrevlobatator: can you try installing nvidia drivers from synaptic?04:35
Decessuswhats the command to run something as a daemon?04:36
seedofcDecessus: you mean to send the command to the background?04:36
seedofcDecessus: &04:36
lobatatorthanks jjrev i had no idea u cuold get drivers from synaptic i thought you had to use hardware-drivers app04:37
Decessusty :)04:37
seedofcDecessus: np04:37
robdigsilare: assuming that you're using gnome, this will tell you how. http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials04:37
jjrevlobatator: make sure to install xserver-xorg-video-nv04:37
silareThank you.04:37
jjrevlobatator: i think that will download all the dependencies04:37
silareThat's exactly what I needed, robdig... THankies.04:37
robdigsilare: np04:37
jjrevlobatator: also get nvidia-settings04:37
lobatatorok thanks04:38
axisyshow do you change the screen window title dynamically to match to the hostname ssh to?04:40
bin1010well that was weird...oh well04:40
eaglestarcan someone tell me how to enable usb support in virtualbox in ubuntu 9.0404:40
durtprag, can't find docs at that site, therefore I'd say be cautious. Maybe ask on #vmware04:41
bin1010zhurai: I can play the m4a via movie player, but I can't get them to work on brasero audio cd setting04:41
seedofceaglestar: did you install the virtualbox tools/additions04:41
zhuraino clue04:41
bin1010zhurai: is that the expected behavior04:41
Mac586bin1010: got the ip of the 9.04 pc. What do I do next? (in steps please)04:41
jjreveaglestar: is your guest Windows?04:42
zhuraiiono, I don't use audio from apple anymore04:42
eaglestarseedofc, yes i did i can see the usb devices but i can't select them04:42
eaglestarjjrev, hi there yes it is04:42
=== eaglestar is now known as tgr
kerebrusWhats a good software for backing up dvds?04:43
jjreveaglestar: so, its quite the mission to get that working.. is this just a USB HDD?04:43
tgrjjrev yes i am trying to get a flash drive working04:43
bin1010Mac586: on your client box you want to open a terminal and type: ssh <username>@<ip address you got> and see what happens.  It should ask you to add a ssh key for the machine, i would say yes04:43
=== ThomasHC1 is now known as ThomaSHc
tgri see it under devices /usb devices but it doesn't go jjrev seedofc04:44
=== ThomaSHc is now known as ThomasHC
bin1010Mac586: did that work?04:44
jjrevtgr: so i would suggest just setting up the shared folder route.  make sure the disk is mounted on the host system. then...04:44
tgrjjrev i set it up before just don't remember how04:45
Mac586bin1010: "No such file or directory"04:45
jjrevtgr: let me find the link...04:45
Mac586wwait.. is the usernam the machine name?04:45
bin1010Mac586: it should look like:  ssh mac586@
bin1010so you are saying you want to ssh to computer <ip address> using username mac58604:46
Mac586Bin1010: says "connection refused"04:47
tgrjjrev i need to install linux on my usb drive because i have to reinstall i have an architecture problem for some reason since i installed 9.04 on different architecture everything is very slow04:47
jjrevtgr: i don't follow.04:47
bin1010Mac586: that could mean you don't have ssh setup or your firewall could be stopping the connection04:48
tgrjjrev i changed arch type .386 8.04 to x64 9.04 and everything is slow04:48
tgrso i have to reinstall04:48
Mac586bin1010: I never setup ssh04:48
=== nicks is now known as nicks007
jjrevtgr: oh. reinstalling the host (ubuntu 9.04 x64)?04:49
jjrevtgr: or guest (Windows)04:49
barbarellaMac586:sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:49
tgrjjrev reinstalling the host04:49
tgrunetbootin installs easier on windows04:50
=== Webkit is now known as Fox
Jcklafter upgrading to 9.04 my laptop does not detect usb devices04:50
jjrevtgr: ahh.. i see.. my method isn't going to do what you want.04:50
Jcklany ideas?04:50
jjrevtgr: let me see what i can find04:51
tgri just need usb support04:51
kg4bgaanyone find a way to run MagicJack on ubuntu yet?04:51
R_YoYo_Rusb support?04:51
R_YoYo_Ris magic jack that phone thing?04:52
TasbuntuHello guys. I just installed Xubuntu desktop on my computer, just to see what it'd be like. I didnt really like it, but somewhere along the way I seem to have broken Compiz Fusion04:52
TasbuntuIs there anyway to re-enable it?04:52
kg4bgai can't even get to work on Vituralbox running XP04:52
R_YoYo_RTasbuntu, what happens when you try to run it?04:52
TasbuntuI-that's the thing04:53
tgri think it is here04:53
Mac586ok I set it up on this pc but on the other ubuntu pc it says I need to set it up manually04:53
TasbuntuI dont know HOW to run it. I have the setting manager, but I dont know how to activate it04:53
R_YoYo_RTasbuntu, so it is activated in the settings?04:53
TasbuntuI wouldn't know04:53
TasbuntuI have no idea how to check04:53
jjrevtgr: yep, it has to do with groups and permissions.04:53
tgris there a version of ubuntu that is very very light and extremely stable?  i am considering using xfce but when i installed it along with ubuntu last time i had severe compatability issues04:53
R_YoYo_Ryou just said it was04:54
R_YoYo_Ri thought04:54
jjrevtgr: xubuntu04:54
R_YoYo_Rtry this04:54
bin1010Mac586: I would search google for ubuntu setup ssh, I think all I had to do was to add the openssh package using aptitude or apt-get.04:54
TasbuntuWell, It's installed. I have the settings manager and everything04:54
iamtechno!enter | R_YoYo_R04:54
Mac586bin101, barbarella: sorry, what do I do now?04:54
ubottuR_YoYo_R: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:54
jjrevtgr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB04:54
durttgr, you might want to check out the LXDE package04:54
R_YoYo_RTasbuntu, sudo apt-get install fusion-icon04:54
R_YoYo_RTasbuntu, then run fusion-icon04:55
tgrdurt thanks where can i find that?04:55
tgrdurt is that what you use?04:55
R_YoYo_Riamtechno, get real04:55
barbarellaMac586:have you installed openssh-server now?04:55
durttgr, in synaptic, also google it04:55
durttgr, yes, also Xubuntu04:56
Mac586barbarella: Yes on this pc, but on the other one it said I had to install it manually. I can swith to that pc if it would be easier. I am logged on there too04:56
* R_YoYo_R is high04:56
tgrjjrev i had very bad compatability problems after installing xfce desktop on my last ubuntu computer and would like to save myself the headache that is the main reason i did my most recent upgrade to 9.04 and now you can see i have to reinstall or downgrade04:57
tgrdurt i found it thank you04:57
barbarellaMac586:so you did a sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:57
Jcklupgrading to 9.04 screwed my stuff up04:57
Mac586barbarella: yes on this pc04:57
barbarellaMac586:and on the other?04:57
Jckli still have 2 problems i am tring to fix04:57
jjrevtgr: xubuntu is sort of an "official" port of ubuntu, but it uses XFCE as the WM04:57
tgrdurt is there a browser you would recommend that doesn't take so much cpu? i am running opera at the moment.04:58
tgrjjrev i think lxde may work better04:58
tgrplus i already downloaded the ubuntu 9.04 i386 disc04:58
Mac586Barbarella:It said I have to install it manually.. I will try again04:58
durttgr, if you're up for a bit of a challenge, use the midori package from the PPAs, not from the repos, needs webkit from the PPAs too.04:59
ltcabrali stoped a job by mistake in terminal... how do i resume it?04:59
bin1010does brasero need totem?04:59
g06|inltcabral, fg04:59
jjrevtgr: you might also give fluxbox a shot.  i used that when i was a "gentoo" user...04:59
ltcabralg06|in: thanks05:00
FlorimondBarbalrella: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  MAC58605:00
tgrthanks a lot guys!05:00
eseven73How or can I add "Force Quit" panel applet (i think it's a gnome app) to Xubuntu?05:00
durtjjrev, LXDE is based on openbox, almost the same as fluxbox05:00
tgri tried midori but a bit too advanced for me i am a basic user :D05:00
jjrevtgr: indeed05:00
deadpepsihow do i make ubuntu show me the cool linux boot instead of the ubuntu spalsh at boot and shut down05:00
thelaugh1ngmimeMy ftp server is only working locally. any ideas?05:00
jadetigerHello, I have installed fuppes. I am trying to stream to PS3. How do you launch it? It doesn't show up in apps?05:00
Juppdoes ubuntu supports burning blu ray disks?05:01
thelaugh1ngmimei do have DMZ configures on my router for the UBU-pc05:01
axisysi am having hard time to play youtube music05:01
axisysin ubuntu jaunty05:01
axisysno sound05:01
jjrevthelaugh1ngmime: you have to forward port 22 in your router05:01
eseven73thelaugh1ngmime, nope just open 21 in router05:01
tgri have to relogin now if you guys want to make some money check out forexfactory and search for hefer and oanfx that is what i can give in return :)05:01
FlorimondBabrbarella:  <---Mac586 on second pc05:01
=== Kipas_Angin_ is now known as phyz
iamtechno!enter | axisys05:01
ubottuaxisys: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:01
R_YoYo_Rwatch out iamtechno is a stickler for the multiple liners05:02
nicks007i just installed ubuntu 9.04 today but i am facing problems in installing softwares05:03
iamtechnoJupp, as far as I know, no05:03
kbuelwhat is the problem05:03
jjrevthelaugh1ngmime: err, yeah port 21.. thnx eseven7305:03
thelaugh1ngmime eseven73, i have DMZ configured and i did set up a port forward for 21 2205:03
durtnicks007, try synaptic from the applications menu05:03
eseven73thelaugh1ngmime, DMZ is like cracking an egg with a hammer, it's overkill.05:04
nicks007i tried to install wallpaper-tray using command sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray   but it displays that it couldn't find package05:04
nicks007although i installed it in similar way in 8.1005:04
nicks007what should i  do ?05:05
chrmlr2Does anyone know how to load the b43 wireless drivers, I have unload the wl drivers and modprobe b43 but the wireless is not showing up?05:05
Mac586Barbarella: Are you still here?05:05
Jcklchrmir2: try the third party driver util05:06
durtnicks007, it certainly is available. Spelling ok? Network ok?05:06
Juppiamtechno, after a little googling I found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning which apperently there's blu-ray burning from the command line only05:06
chrmlr2Jckl: will that enable b43 to load?05:07
Mac586barbarella: did you see the message I sent from the other pc?05:07
Jckldid for me05:07
thelaugh1ngmimei dont mind having DMZ05:07
chrmlr2Jckl: How do I install it?05:07
thelaugh1ngmimeu use upnp for everything else05:07
zandercs13anybody feel like helping a noob?05:07
chrmlr2Jckl: where you able to get aircrack working with your card?05:07
Mac586barbarella: Yes?05:07
iamtechnoJupp, Thats news to me then. As far as I knew, all one could do with a bluray was rip it to the hdd and hope that it would play.05:07
jjrevnicks007: Note: In Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04), wallpaper-tray has been rewritten and is a panel applet.05:08
barbarellaMac586:what message?05:08
nicks007 i just installed ubuntu 9.04 today but i am facing problems in installing softwares05:08
Mac586Barbarella:moment.. My name is Florimond there. I will change to that pc05:08
Juppiamtechno, well I'm just interested in burning files for backup not actually movies (although that would be cool)05:08
rexwin what do you people recommend, be a generalist in linux admin or get specialized in any area of linux admin?05:08
FlorimondBarbarella: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:09
iamtechnozandercs13, What can I help you with?05:09
nicks007 i tried to install wallpaper-tray using command sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray   but it displays that it couldn't find package although i installed it in similar way in 8.1 what should i  do ?05:09
toneneed help mounting a usb drive.  fdisk -l doesn't report the device, but gnome shows it in the file browser05:09
armiyacan help you05:09
shiznebittone: try df05:09
zandercs13ive been trying to set up mplayer so it can play wmvs for about 2 hours05:09
zandercs13so far05:09
barbarellaFlorimond:and you did?05:09
toneshiznebit: i'll look that up, thanks05:10
zandercs13i have smplayer so it will play the audio but not video05:10
Florimondbarbarella: don't know what to do05:10
iamtechnoJupp, as long as one can mount a drive, I don't see any reason why you couldn't. But that is beyond my capabilities.05:10
zandercs13oh and vlc does the same thing05:10
durtnicks007, I just did a simulation install of 'wallpaper-tray', again was your spelling correct, is your network working properly?05:10
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iamtechnozandercs13, sounds like you have set up the output option correctly.05:10
barbarellaFlorimond:dpkg --configure openssh-server05:10
pokeletei'm looking textmate editor like on ubuntu ? any suggetsion05:11
iamtechnozandercs13, sounds like you don't have set up the output option correctly.05:11
toneshiznebit: how could df help?  the drive doesn't show in fdisk05:11
nicks007yes  its working properly05:11
zandercs13i honestly have no idea how do install the codecs from the mplayer website05:11
Florimondbarbarella: is there something before pkg?05:12
durtnicks007, try it again, watch your spelling, that package is available fro both jaunty and intrepid.05:12
zandercs13i cant find the place im supposed to extract them to05:12
barbarellaFlorimond:sudo dpkg --configure openssh-server05:12
thelaugh1ngmimehow hard is it to congigure samba using the Gadmin-samba gui ?05:12
elitecoderOk I have two ethernet devices. I need traffic being routed properly, if it comes in eth0, it should go OUT eth0 as well. Apparently that requires some advanced configuration - does anyone know where I can find out more about this?05:12
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thelaugh1ngmimeWould I be better off doind it in terminal?05:13
Guest21263anyone using vmware fusion?05:13
nicks007i tried   sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray    is there any problem  in this syntex.05:13
barbarellaelitecoder: man route05:13
Jcklcan anyone help me with a usb problem05:13
durtnicks007, not that I can see.05:13
shiznebittone: just giving an alternative, but if df doesn't show anything unplug the media drive, search in /media/ or /mnt/ for the drive and unmount those. Then plug the drive back in05:13
elitecoderhmm what kind of response were you expecting. I know the one. LOL05:14
Florimondbarbarella: I get the error message "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem"05:14
zandercs13iamtechno did you get that last part?05:14
nicks007i am also facing problems in other installations e.g. vlc. i tried sudo apt-get install vlc but its not working05:14
nicks007whats wrong with it ?05:14
R_YoYo_Rnicks007, what is the error?05:14
nicks007please help05:14
kbuelnicks007, can you do a sudo apt-get update05:14
durtnicks007, try it again and pastebin the error messages05:14
iamtechnozandercs13, Oh the codecs is your question. Here's a link to the codec package: <http://packages.medibuntu.org/> look for either w64codecs or w32codecs depending on your arch.05:14
zandercs13ive tried w32codecs a bunch of times and it will successfully install, but i still cant get the video to work05:15
barbarellaFlorimond:try this first  apt-get purge openssh-server05:15
zandercs13ill try once more i suppose05:15
barbarellaMac586:Than again sudo apt-get install openssh-server05:15
iamtechnozandercs13, hold up before you do.05:16
BeatlesFanhey all05:16
nicks007durt, have i have a mistake ?05:16
Florimondbarbarella: I get Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:16
FlorimondE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?05:16
nicks007sorry have i made a mistake ?05:16
sagacinicks007: trying installing it via synaptic05:17
barbarellaelitecoder: can you be more specific?05:17
durtnicks007, not that I can see, but the error messages will give us more info05:17
benjamim_Hey people. seens that Ubuntu new theme will be delayed again ...05:17
benjamim_acording to UDS05:17
sagacibenjamin_: source?05:17
Flannelbenjamim_: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion, thanks.05:17
zandercs13iamtechno i installed it again and i still only have audio05:18
benjamim_ops.. sorry05:18
elitecoderI'm not sure what else I'd say... I have two ethernet devices and I should be able to ssh to either one and I can't because (I think) it's using the default gateway from the other device05:18
Jcklany idea why none of my usb devices work?05:18
nmvictor Florimond: only one software management tool running at a time,so check whether synaptic or update manager or terminal installation is running,close the rest and keep one05:18
elitecodermy friend said to use two ethernet cards it takes some special routing config05:18
jadetigerHello... is anyone in here using fuppes to stream to there PS305:19
barbarellaFlorimond:did you type a sudo before the command?05:19
barbarellaelitecoder: are you using a external router or is that box your router05:20
Florimondbarbarella: please give me the command again05:20
chrmlr2Could anyone help me set up wireless connection? I have the b43 module loaded, but I'm not getting any wireless05:20
elitecoderExternal ones.05:20
nicks007ok i did it. thanks05:20
Florimondnmvicto: This is the only thing I have open05:20
barbarellaFlorimond:sudo apt-get purge openssh-server05:20
barbarellaelitecoder: and the box has 2 different ip addresses05:21
Florimondbarbarella:Package openssh-server is not installed, so not removed05:22
FlorimondYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:05:22
barbarellaFlorimond:and you did that?05:22
BeatlesFananyone familiar with installing and running Cisco VPN Client in Ubuntu?05:23
FlorimondBarbarella: yes I typed it exactly and it said: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?05:23
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, why not use vpnc?05:24
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, it works great05:24
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: vpnc? a compatible client?05:24
linuxguy2009Hello everyone! I just got a new video card today, a BFG 9800 GTX+ and Doom 3 is sweet now! But can anyone here help with how to get Quake 1 to work on Ubuntu 9.04? I downloaded darkplaces front end and Im doing something wrong Im just not sure what.Doom3 was a peice of cake to get working.05:24
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, yes. i use it all the time to connect. It is pretty much the linux version of the cisco client05:25
usser_BeatlesFan, yea its cisco vpn client, they have a plugin for network manager in the repos to, it makes configuring alot easier05:25
BeatlesFanR_yoyo_R: do I need a PCF file ?05:25
linuxguy2009I got it working before in wine, but id like to not have to use wine if i dont have to.05:25
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, no ... but you can use one05:25
jadetigerAfter you edit fuppes config file how do you get fuppes to start streaming to PS305:26
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: can I then run remote desktop to access my Windows box at work?05:26
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, thats what i use it for05:26
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: ok, cool.. I'll give it a try05:26
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, i use vpnc and rdesktop05:26
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: vpnc, got it05:26
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, works awesome05:27
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: is that a 3rd party application?05:27
linuxguy2009Ah nevermind i got it! haha cool05:27
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, no. it might even be installed by default .... i cant remember. depends on what you mean by third party05:28
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: install now05:28
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: installing..05:28
imatechdoes anyone use the editDNS service?05:28
jadetigerIs there some sort of command line to get fuppes to start working after I have edited its config file05:29
imatechi'm having a lot of trouble setting it up to point at my comcast ip address05:29
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Jcklany ideas how to fix my usb so it will detect and mount devices05:30
billybigrigger_does anyone here use gimp quite a bit? how come pressing shift doesn't get a straight line?05:30
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screen, but during login it is totally blank05:30
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: so where does the install put the program?05:31
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: not in any app folder05:31
Madpilotbillybigrigger_, Ctrl for a straight line, isn't it?05:32
eternaljoyAt the moment, I get a text on screen when I boot my HP laptop to press F-9 to change boot order.. if I install Ubuntu to dual boot, will GRUB destroy my ability to press F-9 during POST?05:32
Wolf23help me please! how could i configure a joystick logitech precision on ubuntu?05:33
anirudh02hi...I know this is not a python channel...but why does int('0.0000000') give "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.0000000'"05:33
madmax_Xeternaljoy: if the f9 is bios no if it is a windows bootloader yes05:33
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, what do you mean?05:33
B3rz3rk3rcan someone reccomend a hardware related channel plz?05:33
prodegoB3rz3rk3r: ##hardware, perhaps05:33
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: is VPNC a plug-in for the OPENVPN client?05:33
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, no05:34
B3rz3rk3rprodego, lol.. thx05:34
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: or is it stand-alone?05:34
basiczmanHello all, I have windows and ubuntu on /dev/sda1 (used wubi to install ubuntu from windows), but now when I boot im just getting grub, how do i change my boot partition to sda1 from grub? thanks05:34
iamtechnoeternaljoy, I am about 99% sure that is a bios option not a NTLDR/Grub thing. So no.05:34
eternaljoymadmax_X: how will I know?05:34
eternaljoyiamtechno: ok05:34
eternaljoyits a risk :P05:34
eternaljoywhat can I do if GRUB destroys it?05:34
madmax_Xeternaljoy: are the options something like floppy cdrom 1st hard disk05:34
iamtechno!help | Wolf2305:34
ubottuWolf23: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:34
eternaljoyis there a way to back my MBR?05:34
anirudh02hi...I know this is not a python channel...but why does int('0.0000000') give "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.0000000'"05:35
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: how do I initiate the vpnc?05:35
eternaljoymadmax_X: it also says to press F-11 for rescue restore05:35
R_YoYo_Rdrop to a command line05:35
R_YoYo_Rand type sudo vpnc05:35
Chr|sanirudh02: tru #ubuntu-offtopic05:35
amigamiai am having problems installing ubuntu 9,.04 on my cassette drive for my dads commie 64 can i get some advice? :)05:35
billybigrigger_Madpilot::: no, i figured it out, have to hold shift first, without clicking05:35
basiczmanHello all, I have windows and ubuntu on /dev/sda1 (used wubi to install ubuntu from windows), but now when I boot im just getting grub, how do i change my boot partition to sda1 from grub? thanks please im really desperate05:35
mattgyveramigamia, use the floppys05:35
mattgyveris anyone familiar with systemrescuecd?05:36
Wolf23iamtechno:  thanx dude, but i want to know if joystick  logitech precision supports ubuntu or not?05:36
amigamiai only have the cassette drive05:36
amigamiai have 64k to work with any suggestions?05:36
eternaljoymadmax_X: you ythere?05:36
mattgyverhmm.. try *,8, 205:36
amigamiai know seveas has a solution05:37
amigamiadoes seveas still work for ubuntu?05:37
Jckldevice notifier shows nothing when i connect a usb device05:38
iamtechnoWolf23, Officially no. If it is USB it'll probably plug and play. And I was trying to redir a no "Help me, please help me, I need help, etc" warning. It's generally considered rude.05:38
Jcklnone of my usb devices work05:38
Jcklcan someone help me05:38
amigamiathey dont?05:38
amigamianone of them?05:38
amigamianone of the usb devices work?05:38
amigamiawhat is your platform?05:39
Jckllsusb shows the hubs05:39
Jcklkubuntu 9.0405:39
iamtechno!enter | amigamia05:39
ubottuamigamia: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:39
Wolf23iamtechno:  ok its usb, i plug it but maybe it needs to install a program or what?05:39
Jcklthey worked before the upgrade to 9.0405:39
KolieDoes anyone know where I can find the PCI ID list for ndiswrapper drivers?05:40
amigamiayou need to turn off automatic updates and then go a restore to an earlier point ;)05:40
methadusdid you actually upgrade or reinstall?05:40
Jckli run the upgrade05:40
amigamiaactually i lost my audio05:40
amigamiai have zero sound at all05:40
Jcklhow do i restore to an earlier point05:41
methadusupgrades can confuse stuff from time to time.05:41
amigamiabut i gave up asking for support05:41
iamtechnoWolf23, I would turn off your computer and then plug it in then restart so when the kernel boots it can auto load the correct modules (if it has any)05:41
amigamiaif you call microsoft they will help you for 49.0005:41
amigamiathey will tell you to call your oem05:41
amigamiabut keep the 49 dollars05:42
amigamiai;m tired05:42
Wolf23iamtechno:  i try it and nothing happen, but tell me if maybe needs to install a program from repositories or how to config joystick?05:42
eternaljoyis there a program for Ubuntu that will keep track of my online usage?  I use Wireless Broadband and only have 6GB per month to use, so I need to keep track of it.05:44
BeatlesFanr_yoyo_r, no joy.. I don't know the IPsec info05:44
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, it should be in the pcf file u have05:44
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: hmm... hopefully I kept it on my back up DVD05:44
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: luckily I kept a backup at all05:45
iamtechnoWolf23, Hey I'm about to go to bed. I have to get up in four hours but I'll leave this with you. Its a little old but I thing it may help you. if it doesn't keep asking in here. <http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-set-up-a-gameportgamepad-or-joystick-in-ubuntu.html>05:45
cryptideis it normal to take 30+ min to create the image checksum of a 4gb dvd iso before you burn?05:46
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R, I found it.. is there a way to tell vpnc to use the pcf file?05:47
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: a program switch?05:47
R_YoYo_RBeatlesFan, i think so ... but i cant remember05:47
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: hmm.. I'll check to see if I can do a /? and envoke help05:47
FohnAnyone know how to fix an 'out of range' notifier from monitor on login screen? My display is perfect after the login screen, but during login it is totally blank05:48
toneFohn:  you need to edit the configuration for gdm05:49
xstaticCan someone give me a hand with an ssh issue05:49
xstaticIn a msg05:50
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: yup.. it's sudo vpnc -h05:50
BeatlesFanR_YoYo_R: gives you a list out of the commands and switches05:50
toneFohn: menu>administration>login window05:50
FohnWhat should I do from there?05:51
blackbeard2000anyone experience with "tc"? see "man tc"? or want to get experience? then try to make an down-/or upload with firefox/iceweasel... then shape your traffic of that download to the half of your internet-connection... then tell me, if the download is interrupted. *looking_nicely*05:51
Jcklcan i reinstall usb support?05:53
basiczmanhow do i set default boot partition in grub?05:54
toneJckl: usb is part of the kernel.  are you running a generic kernel or a self-compiled?05:54
shadow420howdy everyone05:54
Jcklgeneric i guess05:55
Jcklit worked until i upgraded to 9.0405:55
shadow420I got my wireless card to connect to my network05:56
nmvictorbasiczman: installing start-up manager would help but you can still do that by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst05:56
basiczmannmvictor: i have vista and ubuntu on partitions but i only can boot into grub05:56
basiczmananything i can do?05:56
shadow420basiczman just use in terminal sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:57
Fohnwhat's wrong with grub?05:57
Jckltone: any ideas on fixing this05:57
nmvictorbasiczman: edit into grub!what do you mean?05:57
basiczmanshadow420: i only have the grub termianl, that wont work05:57
MysticGold04anyone aware of a udev bug involving cpu use?05:58
nmvictorbasiczman: sorry,what do you mean boot into grub!05:58
shadow420I guess try to re-install grub05:58
basiczmanwhen i startup my computer it just goes to the grub termianl05:58
toneJckl: sorry not really.  I know Ihad that problem several times years ago with older kernels and managed to fix it.  can't rightly remember the details05:59
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
Jcklis there a way reinstall the upgrade?05:59
basiczmanjust fixed it with Super Grub Disk omg05:59
MysticGold04what does super grub do?06:00
sagaciwhat's the simplest/easiest program to track download usage in ubuntu?06:00
nmvictor basiczman:grub is what loads your Operating systems so if you want to set a default OS then you need to edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst  which is read by grub or if that scares the hell out of you,just install start-up manager,it makes things simpler06:00
MysticGold04anyone know how to downgrade certain packages in Ubuntu????06:00
tonejckl:  what upgrade?06:01
Jcklor can i revert to 8.1006:01
tonejckl:  i hate to say for sure, i don't think you can downgrade06:02
geirhaFohn: What I think is going on is that your monitor hasn't been properly detected by xorg. GDM, the login screen, uses the highest resolution that Xorg is reporting possible, but your monitor probably doesn't handle that. Once you log in, gnome takes over and sets some default mode which your monitor does support. What type of monitor do you have?06:03
Jcklso am i going to need to install fresh?06:03
jeffwheelerIs it possible to disable the persistence in a disk created using the "Make a USB Startup Disk" utility?06:03
jeffwheelerI'd like to create an image, customize it during one boot, and then disable persistence in the future.06:03
elitecoderin /etc/network/interfaces, how can I add multiple route commands when the interface goes up?06:03
elitecoderI need to do a bunch of route add  lah blah blah06:04
nmvictorkennyxyz: hi06:04
sagaciJckl: it would probably be a viable solution, providing that you can backup your data and place your packages on a cd so you don't have to d/l them again06:04
thelaugh1ngmimehow do i change a password for an account06:05
anassPeace be upon you06:05
Fohngeirha: A multisync 1560M LCD. It's pretty old. I believe I found the problem, though. I had configured my vert/horiz refresh rates in xorg.conf, however I had not ever set a proper resolution within that file so the login screen is defaulting to an obscenely high res.06:05
sagacivia giu or cli06:05
barbarellathelaugh1ngmime:sudo passwd user06:05
Jckli downloaded the 9.04 cd in case i couldnt get this fixed06:06
Fohngeirha: Now all I'm trying to do is figure out how to put in a resolution in xorg.conf06:06
Jckli just hate to have to reinstall06:06
losher Jckl: downgrading isn't really supported. You were supposed to have backed up the previous install before upgrading. Although it's possible in principle to downgrade individual packages, in practice a downgraded package may require downgraded libraries and the whole thing can get out of hand pretty quickly, hence not supported...06:07
geirhaFohn: Ah, if you pastebin your xorg.conf I can lend you a second pair of eyes.06:07
zach74is dalnet down?06:07
bjangleshow do I dual boot win7 & ubuntu 9.04?06:08
bjanglesI have a single disk with two partitions06:08
bjanglesI already installed win7 to the 1st partition06:08
Jckllosher: you have any ideas how to fix a usb problem?06:08
losherOops. Looks like I answered the wrong person...06:08
zach74install windows and then linux06:08
zach74linux will give a dual boot option06:08
R_YoYo_Rbjangles, easiest way is to install win7 on part 1 ubuntu on part 206:08
Fohngeirha: http://pastebin.com/m23eaf28c06:08
R_YoYo_Rinstall grub06:08
bjanglesif I install ubuntu to the second will it overwrite the mbr for the disk?06:08
R_YoYo_Rall set06:08
bjanglesR_YoYo_R, I'm using a multi-bootloader called chameleon 2rc1 off another drive that has osx installed06:09
losherJckl: sorry, don't know much about usb. Welcome to 9.04 hell. Your quickest solution might to be reinstall the earlier working release...06:10
geirhaFohn: Ok, try with this. Remove the modes that doesn't fit. http://pastebin.com/m417f144106:10
zach74when you install ubuntu it will give a dual boot option06:10
Jckldoes 9.04 have a bunch of usb problems?06:10
bjanglesdoes it install grub on it's own partition in that case?06:10
zach74the easiest way is to have windows already installed and the rest of the drive fre06:11
bjanglesok, I get it06:11
losherJckl: actually, I haven't seen many people complaining about usb in 9.04. its usually sound, flash, X11 complaints...06:11
zach74flash sucks06:11
=== christian is now known as Guest66625
Fohnhow do I restart X again?06:11
zach74in 9.0406:11
madmax_XFohn: ctrl alt backspace06:12
Jcklhmm flash works for me lol06:12
zach74does anyone know if anything is wrong with dalnet06:13
zach74what flash player are you using06:13
durtJckl, I would say no, your prob is more than likely fairly unique, google 'ubuntu jaunty usb bugs' to see if anyone has filed a bug similar to your issue06:13
geirhamadmax_X: Logging out and back in again is a better recommandation I my opinion.06:13
kerebrusHello, How do you format a hardrive?06:13
losherJckl: good advice from durt06:13
zach74install it as a secondary drive and format it06:13
kerebrusAnd how do I do that? fairly new to linux06:14
madmax_Xkerebrus: system>admin>partition editor06:14
kerebrusmadmax_X: partition editor is not in my list06:14
durtFohn, C-A-B is deprecated in jaunty, CTRL-ALT-F1, login and 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'06:14
madmax_Xkerebrus: sudo apt-get install gparted06:15
zach74its not i remember that i right clicked when i installed the drive and it gave a format option06:15
ed2efkerebrus, install gparted or qtparted06:15
zach74but its been awhile since ive had to do it06:15
zach74that was 7.0406:15
geirhakerebrus: I'd recommend reading this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition06:16
hobcan somebody please tell me about compiz for jaunty, is it that i have integrated graphics that it is not working or is it because it doesnt work with jaunty?06:17
geirha!yay | Fohn06:17
ubottuFohn: Glad you made it! :-)06:17
zach74why would it take a long period of time to connect to an irc network?06:18
B3rz3rk3rhob what GPU dod u have?06:19
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hobintel integrated graphics on my laptop06:19
B3rz3rk3rhob intel chipset?06:19
B3rz3rk3rhob yes, most intel's have been blacklisted06:20
B3rz3rk3rhob, it is a well known bug06:20
geirhaFohn: You asked about that problem two and a half hours ago. You sure have patiance!06:21
hobi am starting to think that ubuntu has something against me06:21
zach74no just intel06:21
B3rz3rk3rhob, you can re-enable it with some hax, but there is no guarantee that u will get good results at all06:22
B3rz3rk3rhob, i have the same prob with my laptop, im just waiting it out06:22
B0BBYHello People.06:22
ragsI have need to load a different ethrnet driver for my card other then the one ubuntu detects automatically...I added it in /etc/modules and blacklisted the one I don't want. But When I reboot both show up. what am I doing wrong?06:22
B0BBYIs there a way to kick off kubuntu install from another distro?06:22
hobwell i guess i will wait it out, ugh i hate microsoft06:23
FlannelB0BBY: Use an Ubuntu alternate CD to install a GUI-less system, then install kubuntu-desktop06:23
B0BBYFlannel: I have a VMware machine and only vmware player. I can't get it to boot of the .iso. So was wondering if I can install from within debian.06:23
ragsI tried loading it on the fly uisng rmmod and modprobe but the entire system hangs if I do tht06:23
Flannel!install | B0BBY06:24
ubottuB0BBY: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate06:24
geirhaB0BBY: Have you checked the md5sum of the iso?06:24
syntax\how can i detect my newly installed LCD monitor? nvidia still see's it as crt06:24
B0BBYFlannel: cool. :)06:24
BeatlesFananyone in here with vpnc experience?06:25
FlannelB0BBY: That page (first link) has instructions for a few things, including other Linuxes.  If you're trying to "upgrade" from debian, its... technically possible, might not go smoothly though06:25
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Dudefacehey all, is it ok to ask simple questions about something i am developing here / can someone recommend a channel to join06:25
hobi am on wubi, it showed i downloaded 64 bit version, but my laptop is a 32 bit, did it just revert to 32bit when it installed, how can i check06:25
BeatlesFanor remote desktop experience?06:25
FlannelDudeface: Not as a regular thing, but sure.  I won't tell anymore ;)06:25
geirhahob: what does "uname -a" say?06:26
FlannelDudeface: er, give us more information and we'll tell you which channel would be best, is what I meant.06:26
hobLinux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:27
Dudefaceim making a webbased interface for a media player, and was wondering if anyone knows of a good package where i can send commands to a daemon to pause play etc, without having to keep the instance open for the whole duration of the song06:27
geirhahob: You've got 64-bit ubuntu on a 64-bit processor06:27
Dudefacehopefully that makes sense06:27
geirhahob: sudo lshw -class cpu06:27
BeatlesFananyone experience using Cisco VPN client in Ubuntu?06:28
barbarellaDudeface:take a look for MPD06:28
ErlerWhat's witht he netbook ubuntu always having 1 error?06:28
Erlerduring the test for errors, no matter from what mirror you download it06:28
ErlerOr am I the only one experiencing this problem?06:28
Dudefacebarbarella : thanks heaps06:28
hobwow i didnt know that on vista it show, i have an intell core 2 duo shows 800mhz and 64 bits, didnt even know that06:29
hobon vista it showed 32 bit system06:29
BeatlesFanI think there's a 32bit and a 64 bit version of vista...06:30
ErlerAnyone in here using the Ubuntu Netbook Remix?06:30
geirhahob: You probably have 32-bit version of Vista installed then.06:30
Jckli dont know what i did but i restarted with my usb device connected and now it shows as ttyusb006:30
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.06:30
hobi guess so, wow cool ahhhh i love ubuntu lol06:30
Jcklwow now my other devices work06:30
BeatlesFanhob, I made the switch this week too06:31
ragshow to tell ubuntu to use different drivers other then the one it autodetects?06:31
ErlerGuys, has any of you downloaded the netbook version of ubuntu?06:31
hobi am just learning ubuntu and will be learning from videos that i bought and a bunch of books that i purchased, then will be taking classes i will have ubuntu fried to my brain06:32
DaZhob: is there any cure for that?06:34
Jcklhmm weird06:34
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phenomAre there any plans to remove the horrid beeps on logout/shut down on jaunty?06:34
ErlerHob, have you tried other flavors of linux?06:35
bcphenom: what beeps?06:35
Dudefacephenom : pretty sure you can turn them off06:35
phenomSure, if I do a modprobe -r pcspkr06:35
hoblol, i dont know about cure, i tried pclinux, i liked that one also, puppy, and dsl06:35
phenomI am not the only one experiencing this06:35
phenombc, On jaunty,, whenever I shut down I get about 4 system beeps or so06:36
Erlerhob: you program?06:36
phenomVery loud06:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beep06:36
bcphenom: never heard them from my fresh install a couple of weeks ago.06:36
hobno, wish i know about programming,06:36
bchob: http://academicearth.org/courses/introduction-to-computer-science-i06:37
Dudefacephenom : pc speakers are awesome06:37
hobwow thanks bc, that is very helpful06:37
bcphenom: I should note that I *do* have my pc speaker connected to my mainboard06:38
geirhaphenom: System -> Preferences -> Sound -> System Beep -> Deactivate06:38
bchob: you being sarcastic or completely serious? :D06:38
mib_g3t0a19lhey guys noob question, i have moc installed which needs to be run from terminal, i wnat to make a shortcut i have the command set to gnome-terminal mocp which doesnt work06:38
hobright know that school that i am going to before i can get into linux has me taking ms classes ugh06:38
HikeTechI'm not sure what I did, but I screwed up my permissions in my home directroy. Could anyone help me fix it?06:39
phenomYea, I am hoping for a cure > bandaid06:39
HikeTechIs there a command to reset the permissions?06:39
phenomgeirha, Thank you though06:39
phenomI've already blacklisted system beeps06:39
bcHikeTech: describe the permissions problem; you'll have to be more specific :)06:39
Dudefacemib_g3t0a19l : im looking for ya06:40
barbarellaHikeTech:man chmod or chown06:40
HikeTechI think I accidentally set chmod 777 the whole directory other than a file. Not sure what the default for it should be.06:40
mib_g3t0a19lDudeface: ok thanks06:40
HikeTechI meant to change for a file.06:40
bcmib_g3t0a19l: gnome-terminal -e program06:41
bcHikeTech: just one directory?06:41
Dudefacethere you go06:41
mib_g3t0a19lbc: ok cool and is there a way i can set a special terminal profile also?06:41
HikeTechbc, for home/username06:41
bcHikeTech: did you do the boo-boo recursively?06:41
HikeTechyes bc06:42
bcmib_g3t0a19l: I think, --window-with-profile06:42
TostedSomeone know any medical program for pacients reg??06:42
barbarellaHikeTech: chmod -R 777 are windows permissions, are you sure?06:43
mib_g3t0a19lbc: well the program launched so thats cool but the custom terminal profile didnt work06:43
bcHikeTech: that's going to be interesting then.. you can start by `find /home/username -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755`06:43
bcmib_g3t0a19l: check out `man gnome-terminal` and look through the options for testing06:43
bcHikeTech: then maybe `find /home/username -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644`06:44
HikeTechbc, gives me a list of permission not denieds and operation not permited06:44
bcHikeTech: who is the owner of the file(s) and directories?06:44
owhI have a barcode scanner that is sending out extra characters onto a web form in firefox on a ubuntu machine. Any suggestions on trying to find out exactly what it's sending?06:45
q0_0panyone know how to run transmissioncli in the background without having a terminal open?06:45
HikeTechshould I be logged on as that username to run that command?06:45
elitecoderI've never added routing tables to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables before (or at all) could anyone help?06:46
geirhaq0_0p: with screen, but you might want to use transmission-daemon and control it with transmission-remote instead06:46
bcHikeTech: depends on if that user is still the owner of the home directory after your boo-boo06:46
ragshow to start hardware detection in ubuntu? So tht it searches and loads drivers...06:46
bcHikeTech: just use sudo, but make damned sure you're in /home/username06:47
HikeTechworst case, i can make a new username. i just set up a new one to tinker with openbox.06:47
bcHikeTech: if that user (not root) is not the owner anymore, then you'll have to fix that, too06:47
hobhey that academic earth is great more free knowledge thank you for suggesting it to me i will spread it around06:47
bchob: I love it06:48
mib_g3t0a19lbc: ok i got it thanks man06:48
HikeTechthanks bc.06:48
bcmib_g3t0a19l: fantastic06:48
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bcHikeTech: e.g. chown -R user:user /home/user06:49
bcrags: gnome?06:50
bcrags: not sure. i'd like to know a method outside of gnome/xcfe/openbox/etc as well, other than modprobe06:51
hobi was recently in New Mexico and met this guy at the hotel staying in, he was a teacher and working with children on reservation and taking a bunch of old computers to them said that MS gave them a deal of 15 bucks for OS each, I told him about ubuntu for free and is going to talk to his company06:51
q0_0ptransmission-daemon looks pretty confusing06:51
ragsbc:I cheked lshw and the ethernet card is labeled as "unclaimed". How to load the drivers now?06:51
q0_0pi was aiming at using my ubuntu server to download torrents06:51
q0_0pi'm ssh into that cpu and dont want a terminal screen running on my laptop06:51
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bcrags: google 'linux' (or 'ubuntu') and the ethernet card name and see if the module name pops up. if you determine what it is, you can try `man modprobe`06:52
Titan8990q0_0p, that would make it ubuntu client06:52
ragsbc: Yes I know the module and I did modprobe...but nothing happens...lsmod shows the module.06:52
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q0_0pi is ubuntu client and dont want to have a terminal open when i want the server to download from torrent06:52
try2freehow to set resolution? via command line?06:53
geirhaq0_0p: Then transmission-daemon is a good choice. What Ubuntu release are you running?06:53
barbarellaq0_0p:man screen or nohup command &06:54
geirhaOk, have you installed transmission-daemon?06:54
NikolausHi, i would like to know the virtual machine application for Ubuntu . Does anyone know a good one?06:54
Titan8990Nikolaus, vmware, virtualbox, kvm, qemu, take your pick06:54
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications06:54
bcrags: I'm not sure what xfce's networking configuration applet is, but have you looked there to see if the device is listed?06:55
ragsbc: Ubuntu by default loads the driver module..but the card doesnt' work. It seems there was a bug related to this particular chipset. So I need to load other module. but mod probe doesnt' work.06:55
Titan8990bc, ifconfig works for all desktops :)06:55
ragsbc: yes it does get listed..but as i said it loads the wrong drivers..06:55
bcTitan8990: will it show up in ifconfig if it's not configured?06:55
Titan8990bc, if you give it -a, ifconfig -a06:56
NikolausI am looking for kvm , trying that one first. thanks06:56
q0_0pif i use nohup i can run transmissioncli in the background?06:56
vanitaso when I install ubuntu does it modify the mbr?06:56
Titan8990bc, shows all interfaces regardless of configuration, but of course, no drivers no interface06:56
vanitaI have disk1 with win7 on part106:56
q0_0pnohub looks easier than screen06:56
barbarellaq0_0p:and close the ssh session06:56
vanitaI want to install ubuntu to disk1 part206:56
q0_0ptoo late though but good to know in the future06:56
bcrags: you following that? :)06:57
ragshow to initiate the driver auto detection without rebooting?06:57
skritehey all, when i have compiz or emerald running i can switch to metacity with metacity --replace. Are there any tiling window managers ( awesome, wmii, xmonad ) that also make it this easy?06:57
vanitaI have another multibootloader on disk0 that is responsible for booting osx on that partition but it can also boot windows and linux off disk106:57
geirhaq0_0p: transmission-daemon has a built in web interface too btw, so you can control it via a web-browser06:57
ragsbc: Yes..well tht's good..but the bloody drivers just won't get loaded...06:57
vanitaI just need ubuntu self contained on it's own partition06:58
q0_0pah i c06:58
vanitaI don't want it to modify the mbr06:58
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bcrags: if lsmod shows the driver, it's loaded, so it may not be the right module?06:58
q0_0pseems like nohup is easiest to use06:58
vanitaand I don't need grub to boot windows or anything, just ubuntu06:58
vanitaso my question is, on a default install of ubuntu, does it modify the mbr?06:59
Flannelvanita: yes.06:59
q0_0pif i nohup transmissioncli file.torrent, am i able to use transmission to see if it is done downloading or not?06:59
vanitahow do I prevent that?06:59
Flannelvanita: it installs GRUB06:59
barbarella2vanita:only if you let it06:59
vanitacan I have it install grub to it's own partition?06:59
vanitaI would like to leave the mbr unmodified06:59
Flannelvanita: Choose not to install GRUB to a harddrive, or put it somewhere else (some other partition)07:00
phenomHas any one noticed compiz features not working since jaunty upgrade? :/07:00
geirhavanita: It's on the last step of the installer. There's a button at the lower right labeled Advanced. If you click that, you get the option to choose where grub should be installed (or be installed at all)07:00
phenomI have the horrid beep at shut down,, and noticed my compiz cube etc is not any more..07:00
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hobyep phenom07:00
barbarella2vanita:choose for the first sector on the partition07:01
thelaugh1ngmimeAny one know why my server would only show 7.7 gigs of ramn and not the 8 i have installed07:01
Guest32546hello. how to install devhelp-books of html formate ? some devhelp-books in the source cannot be found by apt-get07:01
phenomhob, your compiz is not working as expected either?07:01
HikeTechbc, looks like chmod 755 fixed the problem. Everything seems fine now. Can log in. No errors. Thanks.07:01
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hoblet me guess phenom, you have intel integrated graphics?07:02
milliganIf I set up a software RAID to mirror my hd .. can I trust that raid to work if one of the disks die? I will be able to boot of the one that didn't die ?07:02
bcHikeTech: just make sure your $USER owns all the stuff in $HOME07:02
kerebrusHello, I formatted an ntfs drive into an ext3 and now it doesnt show up. What did I do wrong?07:02
nn_icki downloaded a tar ball of devhelp-books from the debian woody page. how to install it ? it's made of html pages07:02
vanitageirha: thanks07:03
barbarella2kerebrus:you have to mount it07:03
vanitabarbarella2: thanks07:03
HikeTechI will. I ran the chown command you gave, and I did it in the ctrl-alt-X cli, not while logged into x or anything.07:03
bcnn_ick: if it's a deb, you can try to use dpkg to install it.07:03
kerebrusbarbella2: how do I mount it?07:03
nn_ickbc, thanks, obviously it's not07:03
barbarella2kerebrus:mount /dev/xxx /mount/point07:04
bcnn_ick: ah, I didn't see tar ball07:04
thelaugh1ngmimeI have Ubuntu installed on a PC with 8 gigs of ram but only 7.7 gigs show up. would anyone know what could cause this?07:04
nn_ickbc, :)07:04
kerebrusbarbella2: will that stay mounted after reboot?07:04
sagacii have an "selinux" directory in my / directory, what's that for07:04
bcnn_ick: I'm assuming you know how to unpack it, so what exactly do you mean by 'install'?07:04
hob7.7 waaaaaaaa i wish i had that07:05
nn_ickbc, yes, i know . but i down't know where to put it.07:05
barbarella2kerebrus:you have to edit fstab an get your UUID of the drive07:05
vanitabarbarella2: how do I choose the first sector on the partition ubuntu is installing to?07:05
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ragsbc: But I am positive this is the driver...07:05
bcnn_ick: if they're html documents, put them anywhere you want07:05
hobman running the whole ubuntu all in ram, must be fast07:05
vanitaI'm wondering if I even need grub to boot ubuntu07:06
nn_ickbc, i want it can be read by devhelp07:06
thelaugh1ngmimehob, lol my main comp has 12 gigs.. i know its over kill but i love the bragging right i get with 12gigs @2000 mhz07:06
geirhavanita: I recommend you install it at least on a partition. Or else you will need to update your current boot loader each time there's a new kernel update07:07
hobbut running you whole OS in ram, man, but i cant complain to much with 3 gigs07:07
blackbeard2000vanita: no07:07
thelaugh1ngmimei was going to get i mobo that can do 24 gigs but i couldnt find 4 gig sticks of ddr3 @2000 mhz07:07
bcnn_ick: I see. Sorry, I have no idea on that one. maybe look in /usr/share/doc/devhelp for any notes about where the docs should go07:07
Dudefacethelaugh1ngmime : do you have xeon or something?, its hard to find a normal motherboard that supports more than 8gb07:07
vanitageirha: can I install grub to the bootsector of the partition ubuntu is installed to?07:07
vanitathat way ubuntu can boot itself?07:08
vanitaI don't need it booting windows or anything else07:08
hobwhat laugh, took all but 2 seconds to get ubuntu up and running07:08
nn_ickbc,  thanks. doc found there07:08
thelaugh1ngmimeDudeFace actually i have a i7 motherboard most of them do 12 gigs07:08
bcrags: and ifconfig -a doesn't show the device as being present?07:08
Dudefacefair enough07:08
vanitaI have another bootloader that will hand of to ubuntu or whatever other os I select at boot07:08
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Dudefaceim not up to speed with hardware stuff07:08
thelaugh1ngmimeDudeface, tri channel ram 6 slots07:08
geirhavanita: Yes, I've done that on my laptop. I installed a test version of the latest ubuntu on a separate partition, with grub on that same partition. Then on my main grub I set it to chainload the test-ubuntu's grub07:09
Dudefaceright, i guess its the same for the phenoms07:09
thelaugh1ngmimephenoms are great for a budget pc..lol07:09
Dudefacei prefer amd over intel, better value for money07:10
Guest3703Hi, I have a problem. I'm trying to Install Ubuntu with Wubi, and I'm at the point where I can choose to boot to Ubuntu, however, I get the Busybox Built-in Shell (ash) and I can't figure out what to do to continue installing Ubuntu.07:10
Guest3703Do I need to put the ISO it downloaded on a disk?07:10
kholerabbi2is there a terminal command I can run that will show me network activity of processes ?07:10
Dudefaceif you do the stuff i do07:10
mib_g3t0a19lbc: could u please repeat the command was it --window-with-theme?07:10
moruzziwhat up07:10
bcrags: if not, and you're sure it's the right module, try modprobe -r <module> and then try modprobing it again. I suspect that won't work though.07:10
vasii'm kinda confused by the way linux-restricted-modules works, with this 'volatile' directory....are there any docs on this?07:10
thelaugh1ngmimeValue = Slow07:10
vasikholerabbi2: ntop?07:10
vanitageirha: how do I specify that option under the installer?07:10
ragsbc:lshw shows the card as unclaimed....ifconfig shows a new interface "pan0" ??07:10
bcmib_g3t0a19l: --window-with-profile i think07:10
SunnyDPthelaugh1ngmime: LOL mot likely in boot RAM07:10
mib_g3t0a19lbv: ok yeah thanks :P_07:10
kholerabbi2vasi: I'll check it out thanks07:11
Guest3703Could anyone help me?07:11
moruzziwhat up rapist07:11
PatrikSoderIs the lastest version of the 64 bit version of the  kernel known for any stability issues?07:11
ragsbc: The pc hung...:(07:11
Dudefacewell i have duel core amd x2, and a nvidia quatro for my 3d stuff, i dont see any reason to pay the premium for intel07:11
Dudefaceprocessor is less important than ram07:11
thelaugh1ngmimeSunnyDP, is there any way to check if the OS sees it all?07:11
ReeferHey can i enable ssh on ubuntu desktop edition?07:11
geirhavanita: If you install Ubuntu on /dev/sda5 for instance, then tell the installer (in the advanced section I mentioned earlier) to install the boot loader on /dev/sda5. Your main boot loader you'll need to edit manually.07:11
moruzziwhat up blunts07:11
bcrags: google says pan0 is something about bluetooth07:11
SunnyDPthelaugh1ngmime: not sure07:12
PatrikSoderi have intermittent crashes/lockups, but not in windows, nor do the system crash upon a stresstest/memtest07:12
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vanitageirha: thanks07:12
vanitaI'll try that07:12
ReeferHey can i enable ssh on ubuntu desktop edition?07:12
ragsbc:I think tht was soem miscofiguration...ifconfig didn't anything after I reloaded the modeule...but the system has hung now.07:12
Reeferor do i have to get server edition?07:13
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bcrags: if the card is communicating at all, there should be eth0 in there. along with your pan0 and lo07:13
Nicolas_Hello can anyone help me?07:13
geirhavanita: Basicly you add an entry for /dev/sda5 in you main boot loader, and when you choose that option, you should get Ubuntu's grub where you can choose which kernel to use07:13
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Guest25147Hi, I have a problem. I'm trying to Install Ubuntu with Wubi, and I'm at the point where I can choose to boot to Ubuntu, however, I get the Busybox Built-in Shell (ash) and I can't figure out what to do to continue installing Ubuntu.07:14
Guest25147 07:14
Guest25147 Do I need to put the ISO it downloaded on a disk?07:14
bcReefer: does this file exist? /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run07:15
ReeferI dont know i didnt install it yet07:15
ReeferI dont know what version i should get07:15
ragsbc: If I reboot now..I am sure I'll see the card eth0 but it doesnt' work....I can't communicate with any n/w device....I can only ping the card....I found online tht this is because ubuntu loads the wrong drivers...07:15
bcReefer: yes, ssh/sshd are on desktop edition07:15
Reeferok nice07:15
Reeferthanks bro07:15
ragsbc:http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Ethernet-HOWTO-4.html#ss4.18...this is the link to the bug report07:15
ReeferHow do i get more ips from my line?07:15
ragsbc: It was filed in 2006!!07:16
geirhaGuest25147: Shouldn't be any need to burn it to a CD. It might be that the filesystem you installed ubuntu on needs to have a filesystem check done07:16
bcrags: you sure that's the right link?07:16
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Guest25147geirha: How do I do that?07:16
ragsbc: sorry...http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-closed@lists.debian.org/msg82672.html07:17
thelaugh1ngmimehow do i configure samba?07:18
geirhaGuest25147: If you installed it on C:, then do a filesystem check on C: ... I'm not so familiar with windows, but you probably just right click C: and choose check disk or something.07:18
thelaugh1ngmimei want to be able to access my files on my ubuntu box on all of my windows pcs07:18
Dudefacethelaugh1ngmime : if you are in gnome, right click a folder and choose "share", it will start samba etc for you07:18
ragsbc: so following this I tryed modprobe de4x5, but the sytem just hangs after a few seconds....07:18
remotehow can I adjust my laptop's monitor contrast? (there are no "settings" button on the laptop)07:19
Guest25147geirha: I pre-partitioned it and installed it onto the Partition I made for it. Its in NTFS. I'll check up on it.07:19
bcrags: what does lspci show your network card as?07:19
geirhaGuest25147: Also make sure you shutdown windows cleanly. Ubuntu can't mount NTFS filesystems properly if Windows didn't unmount it properly.07:19
thelaugh1ngmimei get a "net usershare returned error 255" when i try to share it07:19
bcthelaugh1ngmime: you using gnome?07:20
ragsbc: It shows DECchip 21041 [Tulip Pass 3] chipset07:20
* thelaugh1ngmime thinks he is using gnome07:20
bcrags: lspci actually says that?07:20
thelaugh1ngmimei just did the default install for ubuntu 9.0407:20
Guest25147geirha: They can't!? Oh o. I restart Windows when it told me to so I don't think that is a problem. Giw do I unmount it successfully?07:21
thelaugh1ngmimeyes u am using 2.26.107:21
Tully04Hey, i have just downloaded GTKpod, extracted the tar.gz file and trying to run the installer. When i try and install i get the following error : GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool07:21
remoteTully04: install it with dpkg instead07:22
dgahi, right before ubuntu boots, i see  a few errors scroll really fast. is there anyway i can see them? are they something i should be worried about? ubuntu seems to be running fine07:22
ragsbc: yes...04:09.0 Ethernet controller: Digital Equipment Corporation DECchip 21041 [Tulip Pass 3] (rev 11)07:22
remotedga: dmesg, /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog07:22
geirhaGuest25147: Windows should unmount it properly if you choose shutdown or reboot from the start menu. Pulling the plug or hitting the reset button (if you have one) is bad though.07:22
ActionParsnipdga: dmesg | less07:22
Guest25147geirha: Yeah I understand that, although I shut down properly the last time. I'll try again, if its unsuccessful I'll come back.07:24
qcjnhi, if i tar some stuff, will it make a copy, of get the stuf ??f07:24
Darknezzhey i think alot of people had this problem but im having trouble viewing other computers on my network. its telling my i cant mount it07:24
bcthelaugh1ngmime: open terminal and run 'shares-admin'07:25
thelaugh1ngmimeHow would i add the line "usershare owner only = false" to the [global] section of the smb.conf07:25
geirhaqcjn: It will not remove the files you tar unless you use the --remove-files option07:25
dsdeizare beryl and compiz like competitors?07:26
qcjngeirha, ok, thanks07:26
dsdeizor is one based on the other one? :S07:26
try2freehow to set screen resolution?07:26
coolkourti cant write or create files in var/www because of permissions how do i fix this07:26
geirhadsdeiz: due to disagreements, compiz split off into compiz and beryl. They've later merged back together though.07:26
thelaugh1ngmimebc, i am at the screen. just about everything is greyed out07:27
jeffwheelerPhonetry2free: Did you try searching through the obvious places?07:27
bcthelaugh1ngmime: hit 'unlock' (i think)07:28
jeffwheelerPhonetry2free: that is, the same place as all other preferences?07:28
bcrags: check out 4th post here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/..device-eth0-does-not-seem-to-be-present..-unable-to-network-redhat-499521/07:28
thelaugh1ngmimebc, its also grey. :(07:28
bcthelaugh1ngmime: hang on :D07:28
coolkourtanybody know how to set up my lamp setup so i can actually create files in the var/www under a user in ubuntu07:28
thelaugh1ngmimebc, thanks :o) you are so nice07:29
bcthelaugh1ngmime: try gksudo shares-admin07:29
Broken_Hello all, I kinda have a stupid problem...there is a desktop.ini file in my trash and I can't delete it w/o root access, p.s. can't find where the trash is stored in the file system....can anyone help?07:29
ragsbc: This is the driver it is using currently,de2104x....but it's not working with this.07:30
bccoolkourt: should be just a matter of using chown07:30
Flannel!trash  | Broken_07:30
ubottuBroken_: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:30
bcrags: I'll bet the driver ubuntu thought it needed is still loaded07:30
coolkourtchown, where would i find info on that bro07:30
kerebrusHello, Can anyone explain to me why gparted tells me one of my drives is currently using 4.5 gigs but when I look at it under the drive properties it tells me its using 16 gigs?07:31
thelaugh1ngmimebc, hmm i get a crazy msg in terminal and then it comes up still grey07:31
Broken_thank you..I'll try that07:31
bccoolkourt: open terminal and type `man chown`. If your use is fred, then `sudo chown fred:fred /var/www` as a start07:31
ragsbc: Yes...It's still loaded...infact both are loaded...de2104x and de4x507:31
vanitais it ok to install grub to the same partition as ubuntu or should I install it to a different partition?  The main thing is I don't want grub modifying the existing MBR or bootsector as I want ubuntu self contained on it's own partition07:31
sparrIs there a better in-place defragger for ext2/ext3 than shake?07:31
bcrags: remove them both, then try that 4th post and see if that has any effect07:32
bcrags: i.e. modprobe -r07:32
ragsbc: All right....I'll do tht...thx...but I am sure..it's going to hang again...07:32
Nicolas__geirha: It still boots to the busybox. I'm confused.07:32
geirhavanita: Yes, it is.07:32
Darknezzi have a question about SMB. i cant seem to view any computers on my network07:32
DaZsparr: there's one written by ext  devs but it's for ext407:33
bcrags: in my googling I saw tons of (varying) trouble with that card07:33
icerootubuntu 10.x will be the next lts?07:33
Myrttiiceroot: yes07:33
icerootMyrtti: thx07:33
vanitageirha: thanks07:33
milliganI have a rackserver with two disks that support hotswap. The raidcontroller in the box was a pos though, so I figured I might try a software raid. Am I safe to set this up on a live box, or would it require a format of the hd's? Also, how safe is a software raid1 ? Will I be OK to boot from disk #2 if #1 dies?07:34
dsdeizgeirha: oh so now their just one.. i got hard time looking for beryl in the packages list07:34
ragsbc:hmmm...well if this doesn't work, then I'm throwing it out....how to put the aliases? ther is no /etc/modprobe.conf file..07:34
Myrttiiceroot: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/14607:34
bcthelaugh1ngmime: run `services-admin` and make sure the 'Sharing' service is running, or open a terminal and see if this produces any output: ps aux | grep smbd07:34
geirhaNicolas__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/24184707:35
bcrags: /etc/modules07:35
geirhaNicolas__: The last message there suggests that defragging the drive may help as well07:35
Nicolas__geirha: okay, I'll try those options. Thank you.07:36
geirhadsdeiz: Yes, wikipedia has a more detailed story than the one I told you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beryl_(window_manager)07:36
endtask89hallo there..07:38
thelaugh1ngmimebc, i turned shares on and did shares-admin and i can unlock it now (sorry i am a noob to linux. i am still in my first few days)07:38
geirhaNicolas__: Ubuntu is very dependant on Windows to have the NTFS drives "right". The specifications for NTFS are kept secret by Microsoft, so we're lucky we even have the ability to read and write to NTFS filesystems.07:38
endtask89anybody can help me07:39
bcthelaugh1ngmime: hehe no problem, i've been a noob for about 10 years. it's a permanent illness07:39
mib_g3t0a19ldoes anyone know how i can adjust the size and position of a terminal through a shortcut?07:39
Tyrathis the desktop cube supposed to be cylindrical in jaunty?07:39
endtask89how to install game in ubuntu os07:39
Broken_That worked.....but I forgot to tell you all it was from an external hard drive but I found a trash file on that....thanks a lot...07:39
icerootMyrtti: interesting text, thx07:39
mib_g3t0a19lTyler: u should be able to adjust that in compiz07:40
Tyrathmib_g3t0a19l: if you can, I wouldn't know how07:40
thelaugh1ngmimebc, so now that i can make changes i should just add the drives that i want to share?07:40
Nicolas__Gonna try again now07:40
Nicolas__be right back07:40
Tyrathmib_g3t0a19l: I've hunted round the features and there doesn't seem to be one07:40
ragsbc: done...but the card still shows up as unclaimed in "lshw"...and ifconfig is again showing pan007:40
coolkourtbc: thanks bro07:40
bcthelaugh1ngmime: I think so. I edited /etc/samba/smb.conf by hand07:40
thelaugh1ngmimewhere do i go to edit the smb.conf07:41
bcrags: do you see any trouble reported in dmesg?07:41
bcthelaugh1ngmime: /etc/samaba/07:41
bcthelaugh1ngmime: sorry, /etc/samba/07:41
mib_g3t0a19ldoes anyone know how to set the default height and length of a terminal window with a shhortcut?07:43
bcthelaugh1ngmime: use sudo.. or else you'll make all kinds of edits and not be able to save. :)07:43
ragsbc: dmesg just gives: eth1 disabled...eth1: timeout expired stopping DMA....de2104x 0000:04:09.0: PCI INT A disabled07:43
bcmib_g3t0a19l: --geometry=181x5007:43
TyrathI solved my question in #compiz, but thanks anyway07:43
thelaugh1ngmimebc, it says that i dont have permision to save to smb.conf07:45
phlexonancewhat do I need to install to be able to play WMV ?07:45
phlexonance(don't say windows)07:45
bcthelaugh1ngmime: use sudo.. or else you'll make all kinds of edits and not be able to save. :)07:45
bcrags: this is crazy. is that a wireless card?07:45
mib_g3t0a19lbc: ok perfect now if you just tell me how to set the position with x and y value what the command is in shortcut :P07:45
thelaugh1ngmimebc, thanks.07:46
bcmib_g3t0a19l: not sure on that one. I use compiz to place windows07:46
sm0k4hto place windows?07:46
bcsm0k4h: 'where they appear when they open'07:47
thelaugh1ngmimethe only thing now is i cant see my pc on the netowrk07:47
mib_g3t0a19lbc: thanks for all the help, ill try that one challenge :P07:47
ragsrags: no...it's not...just a normal NIC..but 10Mbs07:47
daplumpkindid any one else just get a message from the flood bot?07:47
bcthelaugh1ngmime: is the pc set up to share?07:47
bcdaplumpkin: yes07:47
rgiehi guys can someone help  solved my prob, all my incoming emails got SPAM prefix, am I in the right chan?07:48
thelaugh1ngmimebc, yup it looks like its working07:48
ragsbc:It's am old shity card...10mb..but it works on xp m/c07:48
daplumpkini've never seen one and was making sure i wasn't doing something wrong, thanks bc07:48
thelaugh1ngmimebc, i clicked share and it looks like its sharing the folder07:48
=== bjangles is now known as vanita
kerebrusI just added a drive to fstab is there a way to refresh the info so the drive will mount besides restarting the comp?07:49
bcrags: still looking.07:49
Nicolas__Geirha: Still no luck! :(07:49
vanitaI'm trying to install Ubuntu to disk1 partition 2 (including grub) so windows 7 is left alone on disk1 partition 107:49
barbarella2kerebrus:it didn't work?07:50
bcrgie: 100 different answers to that one.. be more specific?07:50
Darknezzanyone else having problems with samba????07:50
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vanitaI'm under the ubuntu installer where it says prepare disk space and I just selected the option specify manually07:50
* thelaugh1ngmime waves at Darknezz07:50
ragsbc: maybe I should try ndiswrapper...I am tryin to get the windows drivers now..07:50
thelaugh1ngmimei am07:50
barbarella2Darknezz:it depends what the problem is07:50
thelaugh1ngmimeproblem = its not working07:51
kerebrusbarbarella2: worked like a charm but for some reason when I partitioned it, it had 16 gigs used  ... so I had to repartition it which gives it a new uuid07:51
Darknezzbarbarella2: i cant seem to connect onto other computers on my network07:51
bcrags: ohhh it IS a wireless card?07:51
Darknezzbarbarella2: its telling me it cant mount it07:51
vanitathere is a partition with freespace I would like to install ubuntu to, when I select free space and click new partition, I select primary, then Ext3 journaling,, but what do I select for Mount point?  is it /?07:51
barbarella2kerebrus:run vol_id /dev/drive again07:51
vanitaalso, what determines where grub gets installed?07:52
vanitaI don't want it to make any changes to the MBR for that disk07:52
kerebrusbarbarella2: yea did all that already and updated my fstab just dont wish to reboot my comp, helping someone with a steam issue write now, but want access to the drive lol07:52
barbarella2Darknezz:maybe cause you don't have the right permissions07:53
vanitaor should I select Ext4 journaling and the mount point /07:53
geirhaNicolas__: I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. I have barely tried wubi myself.07:53
barbarella2kerebrus:use mount for now07:53
Darknezzbarbarella2: but i cant get onto the domain at all.....07:53
Nicolas__Geirha: Okay thank you for your help. I'll start branching out to more desperate solutions.07:53
Darknezzbarbarella2: this is what it says "Failed to retrieve share list from server"07:54
simplexiovanita: sure, why not?07:54
vanitasimplexio, so select Ext4 journaling and mount point as root?07:54
ragsbc: No it's not...but it works on windows...can't I use ndis to load those drivers in linux?07:54
bcvanita: I'd probably use ext307:54
vanitabc, what's the difference between ext3 and ext4?07:55
daplumpkinhas anyone run across kipi updates that aren't checkable in the update manager?07:55
barbarella2Darknezz:are you trying to connect to a windows pc?07:55
vanitaalso when do I tell it where to install grub?07:55
geirhaNicolas__: The forums might be of better help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Wubi Support Forum07:56
kerebrushello, I formated a drive using partition editor to ext3 and the drive is now telling me 14 gigs are in use? does ext3 generally use up 14 gigs?07:56
bcvanita: ext3 + 1 (sorry hehe)07:56
vanitait says I need to have swap space07:56
vanitayou have not select partitions for swap space07:56
Darknezzbarbarella2: well i have 2 domains im my house and i cant get onto any of them. one domain has 2 windows computer and the other domain has another ubuntu computer and none of them work...07:56
geirhakerebrus: How large is the partition?07:56
vanitaI have 6gb ddr3 so how much swap space should I select?07:56
vanitaI have 500gb partition to install to07:57
bcrags: yeah I suppose that is worth a try, because I'm out of ideas on this one.07:57
dupondjefileroller doesn't support extracting from samba share ?07:57
kerebrusgeirha: 275.1 gb07:57
barbarella2Darknezz:have you installed samba server?07:57
vanitaif I let the installer decide, and have it do side by side, does that install grub to mbr?07:57
bcvanita: ddr3? are you talking about ram?07:57
vanitait said I should make a swap partition07:58
bcvanita: noooo, it's talking about a swap partition07:58
vanitaI have 6gb ram, so what is a good swap partition size?07:58
geirhavanita: If you want to be able to hibernate, you'll want to have at least the same ammount as physical RAM. Otherwise, you don't need much, 1 gig or so is plenty.07:58
bcvanita: oh, nevermind..07:58
vanitano, I'm doing S3 hybernate07:58
vanitaso yes, i will choose 6gb07:58
thelaugh1ngmimeI am not sure that i have the settings correct in samba for the "server settings"07:59
ragsbc: Thx mate...I hope it works with ndis atleast...07:59
Darknezzbarbarella2: ...no like on version 8.10 it worked but when i updated to 9.04 it stoped working...07:59
vanitageirha, I spoke with you before, remember07:59
vanitaI'm in the installer now and is recognizes the windows 7 partition1 and partition 2 that I left empty07:59
bcvanita: 12, or maybe 807:59
geirhakerebrus: That's around 5% used. It uses that for journaling and stuff like that.08:00
Darknezzbarbarella2: and i think the network on my other ubuntu pc works fine... (also 9,04)08:00
bcrags: sorry I wasn't too much help :(08:00
avianQuestion: I'm trying to set a specific background color in gnome-terminal using ncurses - but it doesn't work. Any ideas?08:00
vanitaboth are 500gb partitions and ubuntu give be the option to install them sided by side, choosing between them each startup or so specify manually08:00
kerebrusgeirha: well its a 300 gb drive why is it only reading as a 275 gb?08:00
vanitaI don't want it using a bootloader to let me choose which OS I want to boot08:00
avianlike, trying to create a specific color with an RGB code.08:00
bckerebrus: journal is my guess08:00
vanitaI have another bootloader on disk0 that I will use to select which disk & partition I want to boot08:01
vanitaso, should I specify partitions manually?08:01
deiaccordkerebrus: manufacturers usually use 1kb = 1000 bytes, not 1024 which computer does08:01
ragsbc: Dude...you were loads of help...Atlest I know that I have exhausted all my options when I throw the card out...:D08:01
avianCan I force gnome-terminal to use colors in ncurses?08:01
thelaugh1ngmimei hate the fact that hard drive companys dont know math08:01
vanitaand if I create a swap partition should I make it logical?08:01
bcrags: well I would probably wait and ask around again tomorrow also.08:01
vanitaand what files system &  mount point should I use?08:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mix08:02
thelaugh1ngmimei have over 5tb of storage that i bought but i only have atuall 4.4TB08:02
geirhavanita: I always do manual partititoning myself ...08:02
thelaugh1ngmimei want my other 600 gigs08:02
geirhavanita: logical or primary, doesn't matter at all.08:02
cllaudyuwhy cant i install ubuntu 9.04 from cd?08:02
avianncurses. RGB colors. Anyone?08:02
vanitageirha, I also want to do it manually08:02
cllaudyuthe installer frezzes08:03
thelaugh1ngmimeI am going to open a gas station that says 1gal = 2.8 ltrs08:03
vanitaso I click free space and then new partition08:03
thelaugh1ngmimei wll have the "cheepist" gas in town08:03
ragsbc: Yeah...I am hopeful of ndis...cause it works in windows.08:03
vanitafirst I should create the swap partition, then the main partition?08:03
geirhavanita: Yeah. How much space do you have available for Ubuntu?08:03
vanitawhat should I mount the swap as /swap?08:03
vanitaI have 500gb available for ubuntu in the free space08:04
bcrags: no guarantees. I had a crappy netgear card that used ndiswrapper and it wouldn't stay connected08:04
geirhavanita: Then I'd go for something like 15G for /, 6G swap, and the rest for /home08:04
vanitahow does ubuntu normally do it?08:04
thelaugh1ngmimedoes anyone know how i need to configure my network setting for samba?08:05
vanitado you setup / as primary and /swap and /home as logical?08:05
geirhavanita: If you choose the "use available space" option it will make a swap partition and a / partition. Not sure how it decides the size of the swap though08:05
thelaugh1ngmimeI am using GADMIN-SAMBA 0.2.708:06
vanitaalso use ext3 journaling for all?08:06
lstarnesvanita: swap isn't mounted and therfore doesn't use a mount point08:06
geirhavanita: primary or logical. It doesn't matter to ubuntu.08:06
vanitayou mean, use the largest continous free space?08:07
vanitathere's an option like that08:07
geirhavanita: swap must have filesystem type swap. For / and /home, I recommend ext308:07
avianDoes anyone know how to force ncurses to use custom colors?08:07
avianBecause it won't in gnome-terminal08:07
vanitaif I don't select the manual partition option (advanced)08:07
geirhavanita: I'd recommend doing it manually and make a separate partition for /home08:08
vanitaso if I make one for /home and another for / how does it know where to put swap?08:09
vanitado I have to leave empty space for swap and it automatically creates it?08:09
geirhavanita: No, you must create those three partitions yourself08:10
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: what distro are u installing?08:10
geirhavanita: with the manual approach08:10
vanitaubuntu 9.0408:10
vanitax64 desktop08:10
mib_g3t0a19lgeirha: let him use the installer itll do it for him08:10
geirhamib_g3t0a19l: Does the installer create a separate /home by default?08:11
mib_g3t0a19lgeirha: yeah it should08:11
hermanChesstell me one useful command apart  from dmesg to have displayed the desktop ??08:11
mib_g3t0a19lgeirha: all he has to do is choose entire disk08:11
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: u installing it now?08:11
vanitaso I'll create one 16000 MB partition for / and the rest for /home08:12
geirhamib_g3t0a19l: Ah ok, I always choose manual08:12
vanitaand a 6gb partition for swap08:12
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: if u dont want to deal with the risk of screwing it up08:12
lstarnesvanita: how much ram do you have?08:12
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, yes I have the installer on the screen right now08:12
vanita6gb ram08:12
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: just choose entire disk itll do everything for u08:12
vanita500gb hd08:12
mib_g3t0a19ljust choose entire disk08:13
vanitapartition 1 with win7 & partition 2 empty for ubuntu which has 500gb free08:13
vanitait's a 1tb drive08:13
mib_g3t0a19litll create the filesystem and at the end of it a partition for swap08:13
mib_g3t0a19lthen dont do entire one08:13
mib_g3t0a19lunless u want to be rid of ur win708:13
vanitathe other thing is that, I have another hard drive with OS X installed08:13
phjrHi, I have a server running Ubuntu 7.10, I would like to upgrade it to 8.04 LTS, can someone advise how to do that? do-release-upgrade seems to want to upgrade to the latest08:13
vanitaand it has a special bootloader that I'm using to boot Mac, Windows, and Linux08:14
mib_g3t0a19lok so wait the HD u want to install to now has only windows 7 on it?08:14
phlexonanceI'm on ubuntu 8.04 using vlc 0.8.6e and I need to be able to watch .wmv, what lib do I need?08:14
vanitaso I don't want ubuntu to overwrite the MBR on disk108:14
mib_g3t0a19lwell u need to choose to have it not install grub then08:14
vanitaI just want ubuntu to install to disk1 partition1 and have grub also install to the same partition as ubuntu so it doesn't overwrite the mbr08:14
mib_g3t0a19lgo into advanced and there should be option for that08:14
mib_g3t0a19las for installing i beleive theres an option saying install in the free space or something08:15
vanitaI'm in the installer now08:15
vanitaI selected the default options at boot, english etc08:15
vanitanow it's at the prepare disk space screen08:16
=== emre_ is now known as emreturkay
vanitaand it recognizes the two partitions, one with windows and the other empty08:16
mib_g3t0a19lwhat options do u have?08:16
vanitait gives me the option to install them side by side, choosing between them each startup08:16
thelaugh1ngmimein irssi if i am in more than one channel how to i switch between chans08:16
vanitause entire disk08:16
vanitauser largest continuous free space08:16
Flannelthelaugh1ngmime: alt-# or ctrl-p/n08:17
mib_g3t0a19lwell i beleive u should install them side by side08:17
vanitaand lastly specify partitions manually (advanced)08:17
vanitanow if I do side by side is it going to use grub to make me boot either windows or linux?08:17
vanitabecause I don't want that08:17
mib_g3t0a19lthe problem with that is probably yeah08:18
vanitaI have my own bootloader on disk008:18
geirhavanita: No, you'll get the option on where to install grub later08:18
mib_g3t0a19lbut do u know how to edit the windows bootloader to load ubuntu?08:18
mib_g3t0a19lcause its kind of hard08:18
vanitaso maybe I should do the side by side option?08:18
vanitaI'm in favor of learning how to do it manually though08:18
vanitait's easy enough, I'm just not sure about how to create the swap partition08:19
mib_g3t0a19lyeah u should do that itll probably replace the bootloader with grub but then after that if u want ur window one u just need windows cd u go into teh recovery console and u type in fixmbr and it replaces the ubuntu one with windows one again08:19
=== __Freeman is now known as _Freeman
mib_g3t0a19lohh the swap08:19
Madpilotvanita, one of the options in the manual partitioning section is for 'swap'  - been a while since I did any partitioning, though08:19
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, i don't need to edit the windows bootloader08:19
vanitaI'm using another bootloader off disk0 called chameleon 2rc108:20
kholerabbihow do I see how much space is left on a disc in Brasero (data project)??08:20
mib_g3t0a19lyeah the swap is usually supposed to be double your ram lol but u have 6 GB unless ure gonna use the hibernation id just go for making a 3 GB swap should be enough i mean u do have 6 GB08:20
mib_g3t0a19lohh ok08:20
vanitait auto detects the any operating windows, mac, linux os on any drive or partition and has a stage1 and stage2 bootloader08:20
mib_g3t0a19lnever heard of chameleon08:20
vanitaso it just hands off to the OS08:20
vanitaI just need ubuntu installed to it's own partition including grub08:20
vanitathat simple, but I'm not familiar with how to partition / , /home, and /swap08:21
mib_g3t0a19lu dont need to do /home i beleive08:21
eternaljoyinstall 9.04, whats the smallest size partition I can use?  6GB too small?08:21
mib_g3t0a19ljust / and /swap08:21
Madpilotmib_g3t0a19l, even /swap is optional. I ran without one for several years.08:22
vanitaI'm going to try manual08:22
Madpilotbut a seperate /home makes things much easier in the long run, and /swap is useful08:22
mib_g3t0a19lwell the one u need to the which takes up all of the hard drive except for however u want to keep for swap should be mount point / and use either the ext3 or ext4 id recommend 3 though08:22
vanitaI'll start with a 16000 MB partition for /swap08:22
eternaljoyMadpilot: helP?08:22
eternaljoyvanita: im using Virtualbox. no need08:22
vanitaas logical08:22
mib_g3t0a19lMadpilot: yeah he doesnt really need it especially with 6 GB lol08:22
geirhavanita: Go with 16GB / and 6GB Swap, rest for /home08:23
Madpiloteternaljoy, I'm actually not sure what the min. size for Ubuntu is anymore, TBH08:23
vanitaeternaljoy, not directing that to you08:23
eternaljoyvanita: whats the size of Ubuntu installed?08:23
mib_g3t0a19l16,0000 for swap lol u do know ull never use that right08:23
vanitageirha, ok08:23
eternaljoymib_g3t0a19l: :P08:23
vanitageirha, primary for /?08:23
vanitasince it's root?08:23
eternaljoymib_g3t0a19l: ubuntu can run without a swap partition.. Ubuntu LiveCD does :)08:23
vr_my 8.04 has a problem with firewall08:23
=== ABC is now known as Guest95503
vanitaand the rest logical?08:23
mib_g3t0a19leternaljoy: i know lol08:24
vr_Please help!!!!!!!!!!08:24
kholerabbivanita: swap only needs to be bigger than your ram IMO08:24
geirhavanita: Sure, it doesn't matter if it's primary or logical08:24
eternaljoymib_g3t0a19l:  :)08:24
roccity_vr_, whats going on with your firewall08:24
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: swap is optional08:24
vanitaKhisanth, ok, I'll make swap 12gb08:24
vr_it is better swap is 2xRAM08:24
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: i mean u have 6 Gb i dont think ull need swap honestly08:25
vanitaI have 6GB RAM08:25
mib_g3t0a19lyeah vr_ i told him that08:25
ewookit's better not to swap :)08:25
geirhamib_g3t0a19l: needed for hibernation though08:25
mib_g3t0a19lbut he has 6 GB i dont think hell be using that much08:25
mib_g3t0a19lyeah that is true08:25
vanitaoh, I see the option for use as swap area08:25
vr_if you are running a production db server you need swap08:25
vanitaI'll just do 6GB08:25
vr_mib pls help me08:25
mib_g3t0a19lidk i use Linux Mint its basically Ubuntu with a few changes hibernation got messed up and from what i read hibernation isnt that great right now in linux idk08:26
deiaccordvr_: that is an old rule for when computers had little ram. I'd realyl hope to NEVER use 2xRAM fo r swap these days (can you imagine how slow a system paging 12GB into and out of disk is going to be?)08:26
mib_g3t0a19lvr_ bro im kind of beginner with linux08:26
vr_yeah mib if you are using a desktop hibernation not very necessary08:26
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, I was going to use mint7 but I have i7 920 with 6gb ram and min7 isn't released as x64 yet08:26
vr_any idea how to bring firewall back to factory settings08:27
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: if i were u honestly i wouldnt even set anything for swap08:27
mib_g3t0a19ljust make a ext3 formatted with mount point /08:27
gladiatorhi... i have a small but very annoying problem .. my keyboard repeat stops working every now and then .. i then have to go to preferences and move the repeat speed slider a bit to get it to work again... what could be wrong?08:27
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, ok but will S3 sleep still work?08:27
vanitaI'm using hibernate mode 008:27
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: not sure, sorry08:27
vanitawhich doesn't save to ram08:27
vr_the problem is that the ubuntu is used for browsing net and is used by many people08:27
vanitaI have plenty of disk space08:27
vanitabetter safe then sorry08:27
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: go for it08:28
vanitaI can always delete swap later this is just a test install08:28
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: ok try it08:28
vanitaok so now that worked08:28
vanitajust have to creat the /home08:28
vanitawhat is /boot?08:28
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: it does it automatically i beleive08:28
Flannelvanita: /boot holds things necessary for booting.08:29
mib_g3t0a19lu dont need it i dont think the / mount point will create everything08:29
jackncoke23anyone have an idea on how to fix the problem of my computer not being able to talk to the dns server? i'm using a wireless connection. and on the same computer it works fine in windows. i'm running ubuntu 8.1008:29
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
vanitawell I set 16GB for / , 7GB for swap, and the rest for /home08:29
vanitathat was easy enough08:29
roccity_vanita, it hold things like initrd and system map08:29
Flannelthat's correct.  Any mount points you don't specify  will just live inside of /08:29
vanitaeverything formated as Ext3 journaled08:29
geirhavanita: Sounds good.08:29
vanitageirha, thanks08:30
roccity_vanita, things needed to boot the system till it can run itself basically I think08:30
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, did you add dns entries in resove.conf?08:30
vanitathings are going smooth now08:30
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, did you add dns entries in resolve.conf?08:30
vanitanow for the hard part, what is my name...08:30
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, did your wireless card detected?08:31
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - would i have to do that if my ip gateway and everything else, besides the dns are fine?08:31
mib_g3t0a19llol i dont think that the swap should be ext3 lol08:31
geirhavanita: On step 7 of 7 you'll want to hit the Advanced button to choose where to install grub08:31
mib_g3t0a19land u didnt need to do /home lol08:31
vanitanow I see the option for advanced08:31
vanitaunder the ready to install screen08:31
mib_g3t0a19lyep choose whatever u need there08:32
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - its pulling the right dns address, just i can't ping it or anything08:32
vanitageirha, it says install boot loader08:32
vanitashould I uncheck that so it doesn't modify mbr?08:32
endtask89_hello all.. how can i enable my webcam on acer4520?08:32
geirhavanita: Yes, you want that, but you want to install it to the partition you set as /08:32
endtask89_hello all.. how can i enable my webcam on acer4520?08:32
vanitageirha, I see I can specify where to install it08:32
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, is your card requires authentication?08:32
jackncoke23to connect to the router, yes08:33
endtask89_hello all.. how can i enable my webcam on acer4520?08:33
vr_but if the firewall is vanita, i've a problem after installing ufw/gufw (firewall) if i disable firewall net will not be connected08:33
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, have you supplied the network key to join to the network08:33
geirhavanita: Should be /dev/sda2 if you made / first and made it primary08:33
Madpilotubottu, repeat | endtask8908:34
ubottuendtask89: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:34
vr_endtask, install cheese08:34
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - yes i have. and it connects correctly. me and a buddy are having the exact same problem on 3 different comuters using 3 different wireless cards08:34
endtask89_im very new in ubuntu...08:34
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, router in NAT or bridge?08:35
geirhavanita: Or wait, /dev/sdb2 probably. The first harddrive was you osx one ..?08:35
vanitaactually, it's /dev/sda408:35
vanitaI had to go back and look08:35
endtask89_thanks a lot!!...08:36
geirhavanita: Ah, hehe, well hopefully it was smart enough to remember your name for you08:36
vr_endtask>>  goto applications->accessories->terminal  and in the terminal type sudo aptitiude install cheese08:36
vr_vanita pls help me08:36
vanitawell, I think I monkeyed it up going back08:37
vr_any idea of how to bring net connection to "before you install firewall settings"08:37
geirhavanita: How so?08:37
vr_any firewall specialist here08:38
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - that i'm not sure, its run by my internet provider08:39
fantastic-userc'è qualche anima pia08:39
fantastic-userche mi può aiutare?08:39
vanitageirha, it's ok08:39
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, try this http://wicd.sourceforge.net/08:39
vanitanow, bootloader goes to / right?08:39
vanitawhich is sda308:39
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - what does that do?08:39
mib_g3t0a19ldoes anyone know how i can set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a shortcut?08:40
mib_g3t0a19lor laucher*08:40
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, there is discription in the URL08:40
jackncoke23raghu125coorg -  thats going to replace the network manager 7?08:40
vanitabecause win7 create a funky 104MB partition separate from it's normal NTFS partition08:40
geirhavanita: Yes, and you won't be able to boot into ubuntu after you install. You need to add and entry for /dev/sda3 to your main boot loader before you'll be able to boot it08:40
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: yeah i noticed taht also when using 708:40
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, no08:40
geirhavanita: you said /dev/sda4 eariler btw ...08:40
vanitait's ok, I backed up my MBR before hand using dd08:41
vanitaI think this will work though08:41
Xiaopi[Work]I wonder, is there a repository which will be able to test Karmic features all along the way, or do we have to wait for the RC ?08:41
mib_g3t0a19lwhy would u back it up lol u could always just do fixmbr lol08:41
mib_g3t0a19ldoes anyone know how i can set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?08:42
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - then i'm just curious. if it does the same thing as networkd manager 7, then why not replace it?08:42
geirhavanita: excellent08:42
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, so i just installed the latest Windows 7 713708:42
vr_vanita pls help me08:42
vanitaI'm more excited about OS X 10.5.7 though08:42
vanitavr_ I'm a linux newb08:43
vanitabut ask away08:43
vanitayou don't ask to ask for help08:43
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, its much simpler and friendly....you were able to connect through LAN cable?08:43
vr_my firewall is giving me trouble//08:43
mib_g3t0a19lvr_ just disable it :P08:43
vanitavr_ go to portforward.com08:43
vanitaor enable uPNP08:44
vanitaeasy enough08:44
vr_after i installed ufw/gufw it asks for admin password when i automatically log in08:44
hoohaahhello fellow coffee-lovers08:44
vr_the system is used by many people to access net08:44
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: 7137 came out damn i just dled 7100 now i need to install again for future lol08:44
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - yes in a way. i'm in iraq and only wireless is available. but for me to get linux online i have to use a crossover lan cable to a windows computer and get on that way08:44
vr_so if they cancel the gksudo prompt they will not get net08:44
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, yea I was about to do the same thing and I said wait, let me check08:44
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, get your product key here: https://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/scripts/gcs.aspx?Product=tn-win7-64-ww&LCID=103308:45
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: whats new in it any idea?08:45
vr_if i disable firewall i am not getting connected to the net08:45
Erlervr, download a software based firewall08:46
Erlerand open only the ports you need08:46
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, cannot you connect directly router to your system through cable and check08:46
Erlerlike port 80, and 44308:46
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, it detected my i7 920, ga-ex58-ud5 mobo with alc889a onboard audio, realtek 8111d dual onboard gigalan, broadcom 4321 pcie wireless n card, xfx gts 250 video card, out of the box08:46
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: what product key thats not how i roll :P08:46
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, I think it's eval...08:46
vanitanot sure but it worked08:46
vanitaI downloaded the latest 7137 and when I went to install no product key08:47
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: i7 nice how is that im thinking of getting one my pc is too old 3.5 years old i need to upgrade sinetunes08:47
vanitaI was like, where's my ubuntu cd08:47
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: lol one thing i can say is torrents are nice08:47
vanitamib_g3t0a19l, prices have come down08:47
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: whats new thought they keep putting new ones up but i dont see anything new really08:48
peppoall guides on google seem outdated: is there a smart way to disable touchpad while typing?08:48
vanitaI'm running OS X 10.5.7 retail on it and it runs like a $5K Mac Pro08:48
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - no. the company here uses the satalite system made by www.protonetorks.com. basically its a long range wireless router on a pole out side.08:48
mib_g3t0a19ltheres 3 models on newegg and cheapest one is liek 280 most expensive one is 1 grand lol08:48
vanitaplus I can triple boot Mac, Windows, Linux with Chameleon 2rc1 bootloader that also emulates EFI (Mac BIOS)08:48
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - www.prontonetworks.com08:48
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, are you using Laptop? router which make?08:49
vanitaall I can say is, the i7 is a beast08:49
vanitait's runs hot though, so make sure you got plenty of cooling08:49
vanitayay, installation complete08:50
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - i have a toshiba satalite running the intel proset. and two desktops running realteks08:50
vanitanewbuntu, here I come!08:50
mib_g3t0a19lim probably gonna build it around the time that windows 7 final is leaked :P08:50
hoohaahi plan on getting ubuntu on another machine. Is it true that I can install ubuntu without gnome or any of the kde/xfce variants out there?08:50
vr_vanita, i've got a kaylon osX dvd with me but my laptop (Compaq pressario CQ-50 AU 106--> amd X2 64, 3 gig ram) cannot boot the cd properly08:50
mib_g3t0a19lvanita: u got to be joking that fast lol that i7 is powerful08:50
hoohaahI just want a small base to work with (eg. fluxbox)08:50
vanitavr_ kaylway is old skool, preboot is the way to go now08:50
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, are you sure your wireless drivers are update and supports?08:51
Madpilothoohaah, you could just do a server install and go up from there08:51
Renuxanyone from London?08:51
vanitaI'm 100% vanilla08:51
mib_g3t0a19lhoohaah: does ur name have anything to do with al pacino from scent of a woman?08:51
hax0r1337What is the most effective way to hide your IP address with little performance hit?08:51
hoohaahmib_g3t0a19l: great movie, isn't it? :)08:51
vr_pse give me some more idea of preboot08:51
Loafershow do i install ati driver on 9.04?08:51
hoohaahmib_g3t0a19l: people commonly mistake it for a military saying08:51
chipgerihow can in download a flash vodeo from a website?08:51
hoohaahmib_g3t0a19l: but those in the know, know that it's not08:51
jackncoke23yes when i was in the states before i got deployed my wireless card on the toshiba worked perfectly fine. only out here does it not work right on wireless08:51
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - yes when i was in the states before i got deployed my wireless card on the toshiba worked perfectly fine. only out here does it not work right on wireless08:52
mib_g3t0a19lhoohaah: yeah i saw it like a few months ago its not bad yeah i love al pacino made some of the best movies ever him and de niro have to say de niro is better though :P08:52
geirhahoohaah: There's fluxbuntu, but that's not an offical release. But you can install the server edition, then install fluxbox and the desktop kernel08:52
hoohaahmib_g3t0a19l: Niro couldn't pull off a bad guy role, though08:52
hoohaahlike, a real tough meanie08:52
hoohaahhis face is far too delicate, i think.08:52
hoohaahand yes, sorry for being offtopic peeps :P08:52
vr_chipgeri, pls install videodownloadhelper plugin for your firefox, restart the firefox, and from you tube right click on the video to download and select downloadhelper , the video will be downloaded into dwhelper directory in your home08:53
endtask89_hello...how to use webcam by using pidgin?(yahoo)08:53
hoohaahgeirha: I'm only afraid that somwhere along the line I'd accidently pull in a gnome lib, which will pull in the entire gnome metapackage08:53
Chr|s!webcam | endtask8908:53
vr_vanita pls tell me about pre## osX08:53
ubottuendtask89: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:53
hoohaahgeirha: i'll check it out though08:53
mib_g3t0a19lhoohaah: goodfellas all i have to say :P08:54
_Freemanhax0r1337, to use a public proxy server08:54
geirhahoohaah: Well, just pay attention to what packages it wants to install when you install something08:54
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - thats why i'm really frustrated right now. i've been trying to get it to work for 3 weeks now08:54
CrazyDavid91Does anyone know how to set up a software access point?08:54
vr_mib  pls tell me about pre---oxX08:54
BittarmanAnyone here install flash player in chromium?08:54
mib_g3t0a19lendtask89 I dont think pidgin works with webcams08:54
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, are using Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy?08:54
CrazyDavid91I'm trying to use a usb Wi-Fi dongle as a softap in ubuntu08:54
freenode1hi guys i have a "c" question but in C channel nobody answer to me....i have a memory address like 0x10000 but i have to pass it to a function that take a uint32_t variable in input.....if i pass "0x100000" i recieve a segmentation fault" how can i do?????08:54
hoohaahgeirha: yeah, but for those frequent-drunk-silly moments08:55
vanitageirha, thanks it worked!08:55
belimhey. I am using Jaunty and have an issue with dual screens. I have been using dual screens fine since 8.10, but now my second screen seems to be as though it is not there. I can only drag windows half on to it, I cannot right click on that part of the desktop, cannot drag icons to it etc. Does that make sense?08:55
geirhahoohaah: Don't drink and apt!08:55
geirha!yay | vanita08:55
ubottuvanita: Glad you made it! :-)08:55
vanitaI'm triple booting now with Chamelon 2 rc1 and Win7/Ubuntu 9.04/OS X 10.5.708:55
vanitaubuntu rocks!08:56
vr_what is chamelon08:56
mib_db26uwn5ok im back with a new name but im back lol08:56
hoohaahit's an e-less animal08:56
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - 8.1008:56
bovethe find command does not seem to work with smbfs. Any tips?08:57
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, exact laptop model?08:57
mib_db26uwn5does anyone know how i can set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?08:57
vanitavr_ see http://delicious.com/osx86ed/select08:57
vanitathose are some of my bookmarks08:57
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - x205-08:58
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:58
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - let me look at the toshiba site for the s and last four08:58
vanitavr_ especially this one: http://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=608:58
Chr|s!patience | mib_db26uwn508:58
ubottumib_db26uwn5: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:58
mib_db26uwn5ubottu: how can set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?08:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:59
dagleesHello, I have an Ubuntu system running initially on 2GB of RAM, I just installed 2 extra GBs that show up in the BIOS but Ubuntu is only recognizing 3GB of them08:59
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - i am running the desktop version on it. i don't know if that a huge difference or not.08:59
vanitaubottu,  are you related to ALICE?08:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:59
mib_db26uwn5ubottu: wanna fight, robot?08:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:59
vanitaubottu, is ALICE your bitch?08:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:59
chipgerivr_: how can i save .swf files from websites and run it offlone?08:59
mib_db26uwn5daglees u have 32 bit version or 64?08:59
daglees32 bit09:00
mib_db26uwn5idk if linux has same problem as windows but windows only detects 3 GB of 4 when it's 32 bit09:00
mib_db26uwn5u might need 64 bit09:00
CrazyDavid91How do I create a SoftAP in ubuntu?09:00
vanitaso what irc client are linux users going for?09:00
CrazyDavid91Xchat is good09:01
geirhavanita: irssi in a screen09:01
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - i apologize. i'm running 8.10 on the desktops, it is 8.04 on the laptop09:01
melikvanita, xchat for GUI and irssi for CLI09:01
icerootvanita: if you like a gui, use xchat, if you like a real good shell-client use ssh + irssi + screen09:01
vanitamelik, ok, xchat09:01
chipgerihow can i save .swf files from websites and run it offline?09:02
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, ok09:02
mib_db26uwn5how can i set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?09:02
vanitaiceroot, I've heard of irssi, does it run on mac and/or windows?09:02
vanitaI know xchat runs on everything09:02
raghu125coorgjackncoke23,  wireless card model in your laptop?09:02
icerootvanita: irssi runs on windows (cygwin imo)09:02
vanitasomething with good logging capabilities would be nice09:02
vanitaiceroot, cygwin, FTW?09:02
icerootvanita: just use irssi, you will love it09:03
LoafersSigh why don't game publishers offer support for ubuntu09:03
vanitaI'll give it a shot09:03
geirhavanita: Windows too, yes http://irssi.org/download#binaries09:03
vanitaLoafers, probably same reason adobe CS4 doesn't09:03
mib_db26uwn5Loafers: too small of a market09:03
vanitageirha, cool09:03
mib_db26uwn5Loafers: plus if you're not paying for windows they dont think ull pay for their games09:04
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, type this in your terminal lspci -v | less09:04
vanitaso what are some of the essential apps you guys install on ubuntu first thing?09:04
icerootvanita: and if you want to be real cool, use irssi + bitlbee for msn, yahoo, icq, jabber and so on :) so, enough off-topic09:04
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - its an intel proset i'm still getting the toshiba page for you09:04
vanitaiceroot, cool09:04
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, ok09:04
vanitabitlbee tears it up with irssi, I'll have to check that out09:05
melikneed program = uptimed09:05
icerootvanita: bitlbee is an irc-server which can connect to icq, msn, yahoo, jabber and so on. you connect then to the irc-server and can chat icq and so on with an irc-client09:05
geirhavanita: ubuntu-restricted-extras to get codecs, flash, sun's java-plugin etc.09:06
forceflowusing it right now :)09:06
vanitageirha, thanks, installing now09:06
vanitaI'm doing a demo tomorrow at 10am so I have to show off this ubuntu i709:06
mib_db26uwn5demo for who?09:07
geirhavanita: Then you'll want compizconfig-settings-manager as well, and set up desktop cube and all that fancy stuff ;)09:07
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - you will probably beable to load it faster, its a satallite x205-s934909:07
melikvanita, if you want a neat program get 'boxee'09:07
vanitayou think this GTS 250 will handle it?09:07
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, ok09:07
mib_db26uwn5vanita: for who?09:07
vanitaI've heard of boxee09:07
vanitahulu has been giving them the run around, right?09:08
vanitaboxee doesn't work for mac though does it?09:08
melikit does09:08
meliknot on windows though09:08
vanitanm, I see it does09:09
vanitamelik, thanks09:09
melikgrab human-o2 icon set ;D i <3 it09:09
melikjust google it, u'll find it09:09
vanitamib_db26uwn5, I have someone I met off craigslist who's interested in video production work on a Mac Pro clone09:09
vanitabut he wants to do cross platform development with Linux & Windows09:10
vanitaso this box is running all 309:10
vanitageirha, what's the best way to grab the restricted extras?09:11
vanitaI see main & universe are enabled by default under software sources09:11
geirhavanita: System -> Admin -> Synaptic if you like a GUI package manager. sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras if you prefer the terminal09:12
mib_db26uwn5vanita: lol and what is ubuntu supposed to be to them?09:12
mib_db26uwn5vanita: ohhh ok09:12
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN (802.11a/g/n)09:13
vanitageirha, terminal all the way09:13
vanitathough synaptic beats add|remove09:13
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - oh and i forgot to tell you that i followed what the help in ubuntu told me and went into the aliases file and turned off ipv6.09:14
vanitamib_db26uwn5, ubuntu is linux downloaded and installed tonight so I have a working demo tomorrow09:14
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, ok09:14
vanitado you guys now how well the bcm4321 wireless n chipset is supported by ubuntu 9.04?09:14
mib_db26uwn5vanita: yeah but video production isnt that great in linux at this point09:14
geirha!broadcom | vanita09:15
ubottuvanita: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:15
vanitabut it does have better support for vdpau than mac for h.264 hardware compression and nvidia09:15
mib_db26uwn5vanita: u better show him some of that nice compiz fusion :p09:16
vanitahooking that up now09:16
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, type thsi command "iwlist scan" will u be able to see the wireless network you want to join?09:18
vanitamib_db26uwn5, is the best way to get flash to download the .deb from adobe?09:18
geirhavanita: ubuntu-restricted-exstras pulls flash down09:18
vanitaare you guys using smplayer or vlc?09:18
vanitageirha, awesome09:18
mib_db26uwn5vanita: can say bro sorry last time i tried to install adobe flash was in fedora really a struggle with linux mint it comes preinstalled09:18
vanitayea, I really was going to try mint709:19
the_gamerdoes anybody have an idea what errorcode 255 could mean? i get it from a php-script. php returns no errors and nothing is in the logs. i use PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Apr 17 2009 14:31:37)09:19
geirhavanita: plain mplayer, I don't like the gui controls09:19
vanitaI figured win7/min7/osx 10.5.709:19
vanitabut no mint7 for x64 yet09:19
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - aircrack not installed09:19
vanitageirha, you run mplayer from terminal?09:19
vanitaor how does it run?09:20
vanitaalso what are you using for audio, amarok?09:20
geirhavanita: yes, just mplayer <filenameZ09:20
jackncoke23 yes i can09:20
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - yes i can see it09:20
vanitasomething simple but that can stream last.fm09:20
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - i miss typed in the terminal. i put iw lan scan09:20
vanitageirha, mplayer installed with ubuntu by default?09:21
geirhavanita: Rhythmbox is pre-installed, and it an stream last.fm, so try that first. If you don't like it, try amarok09:21
vanitageirha, ok09:21
geirhavanita: no. sudo aptitude install mplayer09:21
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, check wether you have supplied SSID, key and other information properly09:21
geirhavanita: The default video player in ubuntu is totem09:21
vanitahow's totem work?09:22
mib_db26uwn5is everyone here also not able to attach the video out and controls together in vlc?09:22
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - yes its correct. ssid, gateway, subnet mask, ip and dns all correct09:22
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, when you try to join that network what it says?09:22
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - that i'm connected with 100% signal09:23
vanitageirha, a lot of stuff in that restricted extras09:23
mib_db26uwn5how can i set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?09:23
geirhavanita: Haven't used it much. Try it and make up your own mind :)09:23
vanitayou can't hold my fingy?09:23
geirhavanita: Yes, it installs lots of gstreamer codecs, which is the ones totem uses09:23
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, able to ping to gateway?09:23
vanitaI might have to select a different server to download from09:24
prentice5anyone need help?09:24
vanitaI'm only getting like 400K and my connection is about 10000K09:24
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, type thsi "cat /etc/resolv.conf " is your DNS listed there?09:24
geirhavanita: You can select a mirror in System -> Administration -> Software Sources09:24
vanitageirha, thanks09:24
vanitaI'll do that09:25
vanitayou know any good ones in the us?09:25
vanitaI'll see if it can do ping time09:25
CrazyDavid91Anyone know how to create an access point using linux?09:25
mib_db26uwn5so anyone can help me with this single thing?09:25
mib_db26uwn5how can i set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?09:25
geirhavanita: Nah, I use mirrors on the other side of the atlantic09:25
mib_db26uwn5CrazyDavid91: access point as in what?09:26
mib_db26uwn5a link?09:26
duuuuuuuudehi, i need help with my wireless usb hardware, anyone can help please throw a personal message! ^_^ thanx...09:26
CrazyDavid91mib_db26uwn5: as in a wireless access point from my softap usb wifi device09:26
geirhavanita: There's a "Select best server" option in Software Sources ...09:26
CrazyDavid91Wow, lots of activity :P09:27
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - how long will you be on here? i'm at work and i need to go do a job real quick. about 30 mins or so09:27
mib_db26uwn5CrazyDavid91: no clue sorry09:27
vanitaselect best server here I come!09:27
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, cannot say.09:27
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, its possible i may be online09:27
geirhavanita: Choose "Other..." in the drop-down09:27
vanitageirha, do you link having a menu bar at the top and the bottom?09:27
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, buzz me will see09:28
vanitait's funny because in windows it's at the bottom, in mac it's at the top, and ubuntu it's BOTH!09:28
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - well if your here awsome. if not then i hope i run into you again soon. thanks for your help so far09:28
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vanitasee, in Linux you really do get the best of both worlds...09:28
mib_db26uwn5how can i set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?09:28
OffHanddoes anyone know which port skype uses for initial connection?09:28
raghu125coorgjackncoke23, ok bye09:28
geirhavanita: hehehe09:28
duuuuuuuudehi, i need help with my wireless usb hardware, anyone can help please throw a personal message! ^_^ thanx...09:28
vanitageirha, it automatically selected archive.linux.duke.edu09:29
vanitais it ok that it's "archive", I don't want old repos09:29
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geirhavanita: archive as in package archive. Yeah, it should have the latest packages.09:30
vanitacool, I'm in biznezz!09:30
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prentice5anyone know how i can setup my own IRC?09:31
vanitamy interwebs is smoking fast!09:31
vanita21Mbps down 10Mbps up09:32
vanitaI think I'm ready to dl to pron on this ubuntu09:32
mib_db26uwn5how can i set the position of a terminal using x and y values in a launcher shortcut?09:32
prentice5anyone know how to speed Up Transmission Bittorrent Client09:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about speed09:33
vanitaprentice5, allow more connections?09:33
hoohaahprentice5: wait longer than one minute, perhaps?09:33
prentice5vanita, how?09:33
prentice5hoohaah, ha ha ha 3 hours09:34
hoohaahprentice5: what? you asked this 3 hours ago?09:34
vanitaprentice5, not sure09:34
vanitayou can try deluge09:34
vanitait's another torrent client09:35
hoohaahprentice5: also, http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_irc_server_anope_services09:35
prentice5vanita, i'm already halfway through the torrent09:35
prentice5hoohaah, thanx09:35
hoohaahmib_db26uwn5: depends on the terminal09:35
Madpilotprentice5, torrent speed depends on # of peers & seeders09:35
vanitageirha, when you run mplayer from terminal does it open the video in a normal windows and how do you control playback?09:35
duuuuuuuudehi, i need help with my wireless usb hardware, anyone can help please throw a personal message! ^_^ thanx...09:36
hoohaahmib_db26uwn5: somewhere in the manpage has something on geometry - usually you can set coordinates there09:36
vanitadoes ubuntu come with a good hfs+ & ntfs read/write driver?09:36
hoohaahmib_db26uwn5: at least with aterm, it was09:36
prentice5Madpilot, yes but the ratio is 1.47 and gettting like 30 kb/s09:36
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hoohaahvanita: ntfs - good enough09:36
Madpilotduuuuuuuude, you're much better off asking a specific question here in the channel, you know09:36
geirhavanita: Yes. And the keybindings you'll find a few pages down on "man mplayer"09:36
duuuuuuuudesorry madpilot09:36
hoohaahduuuuuuuude: prepare for the flood09:36
rraaschvanita: mplayer -vo help09:37
vanitaso ubuntu can read & write hfs+ for mac and ntfs for windows by default?09:37
Madpilotprentice5, check to make sure transmission isn't doing some throttling by default, It shouldn't be, but I don't use it myself...09:37
vanitathat's AWESOME09:37
hoohaahvanita: default mounts for ntfs are ro, iirc09:37
geirhavanita: ntfs rw at least, don't know about hfs. Try: aptitude search hfs09:37
hoohaahvanita: haven't a clue about hfs09:37
prentice5!wireless | dude:09:37
ubottudude:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:37
prentice5duuuuuuuude > !wireless09:38
duuuuuuuudeok, i have an edimax ew-7318usg usb wifi hardware. its not workin on 9.04, when i lsusb it returns "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 7392:7318"09:38
prentice5duuuuuuuude > !wireless09:38
Madpilotprentice5, the syntax for the bot is "!wireless | prentice5" for what you're trying to do09:39
Gr1Greetings all. Once I do a custom kernel upgradation from the source, do I need to recreate the initrd?09:39
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DanDanHi all .. I've recently updated to Jaunty and had this problem can someone check plz http://pastebin.com/d193fdc3a09:40
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geirhavanita: try: mplayer -vo aa <some_video.mpg>09:40
vanitageirha, thanks!09:41
vanitayou rock!09:41
vanitaI found hfsplus which is great09:41
vanitageirha, what's the difference between aptitude and apt-get?09:42
BrucevdkHi, I'm using an Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller and rendering is quite slow (barely acceptable) even when using Metacity (my usual window manager) and even worse when using Compiz. Windows noticeably redraw, things remain black for a 0.5 second before the window is rendered, Compiz's Alt+Tab switcher is quite slow. It's pretty bad in 1024x768 but it seems even worse when using an extenral monitor and 1920x1200. I Googled around but09:42
Brucevdkonly foudn minor relevant hits, I adjusted my Xorg.conf to include some new options but it doesn't seem to have improved things much.09:42
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AdvoWorkanyone know how i can get firefox and ubuntu to work so that I can attach/upload files etc over a network share/samba share? i can see the files, but attaching them does nothing09:43
geirhavanita: Not much, I just prefer aptitude since I can do all the most common actions with it. apt-get doesn't have search, you need to use apt-cache search instead.09:43
vanitaI like the search feature09:44
vanitaI just used it to find the compizconfig-settings-manager09:44
vanitanow, to pimp out compiz on this gts 25009:45
vanitayou said cube?09:45
doggosup people09:45
doggoi have a question :P09:45
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doggoi set up psybnc and cant get my irc client to connect to it09:46
doggoifi do a /whois the bnc works but i cant conect :(09:47
lyraeIm trying to open a new Gedit window..but it opens tab instead. how do i get around this09:48
doggobeen tryingfor ages just get [08:47am] * Unable to connect to server (Can't assign requested address)09:48
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html09:48
vanitahow do I open a terminal to get my video to display properly?09:49
doggopress the terminal icon09:50
vanitaI enabled the nvidia drive and rebooted and now my menu is hanging off the screen09:50
vanitaI have dual dvi monitors at 1680x105009:50
doggolyrae is that rlevant to me?09:50
vanitaI'm just trying to use a single monitor09:50
geirhavanita: Alt+F2 -> gnome-terminal09:50
lyraedoggo: sorry?09:50
lyraedoggo: no i was doing it for myself. :)09:51
doggo[09:46am] <doggo> i set up psybnc and cant get my irc client to connect to it09:51
doggo<lyrae> !php09:51
doggo[09:48am] <ubottu> PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server09:51
FloodBot2doggo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
doggotought you were ansering me09:51
vanitanever mind09:51
vanitaI logged out and back in and now it's fine09:51
vanitamust have been a glitch09:51
lyraeYes i saw09:52
lyraesorry, didn't know everyone would see it09:52
doggolyrae you no anything about ppsybnc?09:52
vanitathis is bad ass09:52
vanitait even has a thermal monitor for the gpu working09:52
lyraedoggo: never heard of it :309:52
doggoive had it on a paid shell years09:52
doggotrying to set it up on my own server09:53
hoohaahhow much of a moving target is ubuntu compared to debian sid?09:53
lyraewhat is an "irc bouncer"?09:54
vanitawhat's the command to get compiz to drag the cube?09:54
hoohaahie, would configs from one be suitable for the other (where configs are user configs for apps)09:54
vanitaI remember a keyboard shortcut and then drag the mouse09:54
geirhavanita: click and hold middle mouse button on desktop09:54
zirodayvanita: ctrl+alt+left click09:54
zirodayhoohaah: in some cases09:54
vanitaclick middle mouse on desktop doesn't work09:54
vanitaI have a 3 button logitech mouse left | scroll | right09:55
gr1ffinhi there09:55
zirodayvanita: ctrl+alt+left click09:55
vanitactrl alt left click not working either09:55
geirhavanita: I don't use 9.04 myself. Might have changed the default combos in newer versions09:55
vanitamaybe something isn't enabled09:55
zirodaylyrae: its an application that runs somewhere else, that you connect to, to connect to IRC09:55
gr1ffinI would like to know if I can install ubuntu UNR on Desktop09:55
zirodayvanita: have you enabled it in CCSM yet?09:56
zirodaygr1ffin: sure09:56
geirhavanita: have you enabled it in ccsm?09:56
lyraeziroday: oh okay. thanks09:56
vanitaI wend to appearance and enabled extra09:56
ziroday!ccsm | vanita09:56
ubottuvanita: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion09:56
vanitathen CCSM and enable cube09:56
geirhavanita: System -> Prefs -> Advanced desktop effects config or ccsm in a terminal09:56
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vanitawait, something disabled it09:56
gr1ffinziroday:  do you think it will have a probem with the screen resolution ??09:56
vanitathere disabled wall09:56
zirodaygr1ffin: no09:56
gr1ffinziroday: thank you that was clear and precise, i ll give a go  cheers09:57
ice_creamo.O idling on youtube after a vid ends is like +20 deg celsius09:57
vanitageirha, I have it up now09:57
vanitadesktop cube is checked09:57
Paddy_EIREice_cream: flash is nasty09:58
vanitaalso I want rotate cube09:58
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geirhavanita: check rotating cube too09:58
vanitathat works!09:58
vanitawhat about effects?09:58
Paddy_EIRE!effects | vanita09:58
ubottuvanita: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu09:58
Paddy_EIREvanita: Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu09:59
esois there some kind of screensaver daemon i can restart or something? the screensaver won't come on after 10 minutes..09:59
vanitaPaddy_EIRE, thanks09:59
Paddy_EIREno probs09:59
VampiricPadraigCan I get some sound help please??? (9.04)10:01
h4mx0rAnyone know how I can open desktop folders with pcmanfm instead of nautilus?10:01
ziroday!sound | VampiricPadraig10:01
ubottuVampiricPadraig: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:01
zirodayh4mx0r: have pcmanfm manage the desktop10:01
h4mx0rVampiricPadraig: did you remove gdm? that messed up my sound10:02
h4mx0rziroday: no I don't want it managing the desktop then I lose control of icons and have a funky grid and its all nasty not rendering certain mime types10:02
VampiricPadraigi installed a clean version of 9.04 and its been skipping...hang on a few10:02
zirodayh4mx0r: then what do you want?10:02
h4mx0rziroday: to change open to "pcmanfm" rather than having to go down to open with10:02
h4mx0rziroday: is there like a default apps program on gnome?10:03
Guest48914need support for network tools10:03
zirodayh4mx0r: ah, so you want the default file manager to be pcmanfm :)10:03
VampiricPadraigi have sound...but its skipping10:03
geirhah4mx0r: Right click a folder -> properties -> open with10:03
jonathon_i need some help writing a python script in ubuntu anyone willing to help10:04
zirodayVampiricPadraig: try do pulseaudio -k, does it stop then?10:04
zirodayjonathon_: #python10:04
ne2k__tracker-indexer is using loads of CPU. what is this for, and how can I monitor what it's doing?!10:04
h4mx0rgeirha: that don't work10:04
gr1ffinziroday: if you right click on the file and then properties, go to open with and select the app you wanna use and it will the default on e10:04
VampiricPadraig@ziroday Yes it does, now what10:04
jonathon_ziroday, thats not a channel10:04
zirodayVampiricPadraig: err I meant, does that stop the skipping?10:05
VampiricPadraighang on...ill play something on it10:05
h4mx0rVampiricPadraig: what does alsamixer say? turn up the volumes10:05
hermdoghello all10:05
zirodayjonathon_: ##python sorry :)10:05
macsim`workanybody knows if it's possible to launch xdaliclock with -root on gnome ?10:05
zirodaygr1ffin: geirha: its a folder not a file, that does not work10:05
zirodaymacsim`work: gksudo xdaliclock?10:06
macsim`workziroday, not with root account, but with -root option ;)10:06
hermdogok, im using an inspiron 1720 running 9.04 and my eth0 card stopped working after i updated from 8.1010:06
hermdogi check the forums, but couldnt find any fixes10:07
VampiricPadraig@h4mx0r Err...Master Volume is 100%10:07
hermdogsome one posted on the topic, but it was never solved or closed10:07
hermdoganyone know any links where that might have been completed?10:07
zirodaymacsim`work: xdaliclock -root ?10:07
zirodayhermdog: does it appear in ifconfig -a?10:08
SmokeyDhey people. I am connected to a wireless network. What would happen if I would instead first connect to the same network but wired, and then disconnect the wireless connection to the files I am currently copying in Nautilus to an nfs-share mounted in the local filesystem?10:08
h4mx0rVampiricPadraig: pcm volum?10:08
hermdogziroday: no it doesnt, but i shows up in the lspci10:08
SmokeyDwould that transfer be interrupted, or would it continue?10:08
lyraeWhat is that file called, on either linux or windows, that we use to assign a name to an IP address10:08
zirodayhermdog: how odd, what chipset?10:09
h4mx0rso anyone know how to set pcmanfm as default file manager without having it manage the desktop/10:09
zirodaylyrae: /etc/hosts?10:09
lyraeziroday: thanks10:09
lyraecouldnt remember it for some reasomn10:09
hermdogziroday: broadcom BCM4401-B010:09
lyraeprobably because it's 5am10:09
VampiricPadraigh4mx0r pcm Volume?? (Sorry, im a ubuntu n00b)10:09
vanitawhen I try to access one of my drives that is formated as HFS+ (Mac OS X) , it brings up the drive but on some folders I get permission denied10:09
hermdogziroday: it worked properly in 8.10, and my wifi works perfect!10:10
zirodayhermdog: you sure thats the ethernet card chipset?10:10
h4mx0rVampiricPadraig: it should be listed there10:10
vanitafor example, the users folder, how do I get around this so I can read data of the HFS+ drive?10:10
hermdogziroday: that will be displayed in lspci right? or is there a better command?10:10
omacThere's a scapy package in the ubuntu repository, but the scapy6 is not there.10:11
VampiricPadraigits not there10:11
h4mx0rvanita: try adding the drive to /etc/fstab and make sure you don't enable such permissions10:11
zirodayhermdog: can you pastebin your lspci please10:11
areelsthere is no proper desktop env10:11
vanitamac os x create permissions by default on user folders10:11
geirhavanita: You can run nautilus as root with gksudo nautilus10:11
areelsi don't like any of them10:11
kerebrusWhats a good software for taking files and making an iso out of them?10:11
vanitalet me try that10:11
h4mx0rareels: you tried openbox or lxde out yet?10:12
hermdogziroday: um, yeah... let me figure out how to pastebin lol10:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:12
ziroday!pastebin | hermdog10:12
ubottuhermdog: please see above10:12
areelsh4mx0r:  no i didnt, are they any good?10:12
h4mx0rareels: very good for performance10:12
hermdogziroday: done10:13
vanitageirha, that worked10:13
h4mx0rareels: there this sub distro called crunchbang based off ubuntu, they do weird stuff with openbox on the lite edition10:13
areelshum let me check then10:13
hermdogi guess thats how to do that10:13
vanitah4mx0r, how would I add the drive to /etc/fstab?10:13
h4mx0rvanita: I dunno google around for examples. I've never used HSF+ file system10:14
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vanitageirha, it won't copy though10:14
hermdogziroday: that work??10:14
zirodayhermdog: your ethernet card does not appear to be there. The BCM4312 is your wireless card10:14
SmokeyDAlready figured the answer myself. Since changing from a wireless connection to a wired connection will change the ipaddress of my machine, all currently open nfs connections will get disconnected since they are connected coming from an ip address that isn't online anymore10:14
macsim`workziroday, yes xdaliclock -root10:14
VampiricPadraignow i have no sound...AAGH!10:14
macsim`workziroday, -root                         Draw on the root window instead.10:15
vanitait says cannot be handled becase you do not have permissions to read it10:15
zirodayhermdog: woops sorry I'm being blind :). In a terminal try do sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter and then restart10:15
vanitabut it opens the files10:15
zirodaymacsim`work: you need to create a special X session specially for the root user10:15
vanitajust won't let me copy them from my mac drive to ubuntu10:15
vanitaI'm cool with that10:15
geirhavanita: drag and drop between two nautilus windows run as root.10:15
h4mx0rvanita: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab seem helpful10:15
macsim`workziroday, you don't get it ;), -root as nothing about root account, it's root "windows" on X server10:16
geirhavanita: the destination nautilus window is the one that initiates the copy/move, so that's the window that really need root access10:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rude10:16
owen1i get "firefox is already running' even though i don't see it. i see it in 'ps -a'. even after running 'pkill firefox' it's still there. any ideas?10:16
jackncoke23raghu125coorg - ok i'm back10:16
vanitageirha, awesome thanks!10:16
hermdogziroday: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?10:16
hermdogziroday: or is there a way to just restart eth0?10:16
zirodayhermdog: no restart10:16
prentice5owen1, try restarting your pc10:16
h4mx0rhermdog: ifdown eth0 and ifup eth0 as root10:17
zirodayowen1: try killall -9 firefox10:17
SmokeyDhey peolpe, another question which is not strictly ubuntu related: I want to have a virtual machine running Max OSX in Ubuntu for testing purposes. Can anyone recommend any good docs on that or whichjjj virtualisation software I should use (preferrably open source of course)?10:17
zirodayhermdog: no do an actual restart :)10:17
owen1ziroday: ok10:17
biestCan anyone help me with my Intel WiFi 4935 card? When I do the iwconfig command I get "no wireless extensions."10:17
vanitageirha, that worked!10:17
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone how do you find out what libraries or dependencies/files something needs?10:17
owen1ziroday: works!10:17
vanitait's amazing that hfs+ driver works in ubuntu so well10:17
h4mx0rbiest: make sure the switch is in the on position then sudo lshw to see what its logical name is10:17
vanitaso I alway have to do gksudo nautilus?10:18
hoohaahhello. any of yoiu using wpa_supplicant? I have rules in /etc/network/interfaces that work well, but I'd like to make use of the if-*.d/ dirs instead10:18
SmokeyDfuzzybunny69y: define "something"10:18
vanitaor I guess I can use the fstab uuid method that h4mx0r mentioned?10:18
VampiricPadraigi give up10:18
SmokeyDare you talking about a .deb file you pulled of the internet, or are you installing something using aptitude, are you hand compiling software?10:18
hoohaahatm I'm using wpa_supplicant.conf, and am calling wpa_supplicant with pre-up for wireless interface in /etc/network/interfaces10:18
h4mx0rvanita: yep works great, I did that so I have a separate /home directory for when I  reinstall the system with whatever I like each day10:19
hermdogok restarting system10:19
h4mx0rhermdog: sudo shutdown -h 010:19
hermdogkk brb10:19
vanitah4mx0r, thanks I'll loook into it10:20
vanitah4mx0r, does shutdown -h 0 have to do with s3 hibernate 0 mode?10:20
prentice5hi after a sudo apt-get update i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/182687/ anyone knoe a fix?10:20
h4mx0rvanita: no its just the shutdown command that screams "system going down now!!" on every console and shutsdown immediately10:21
geirhavanita: man pm-hibernate10:22
SmokeyDprentice5: that is not a real problem. For security purposes apt can use signatures to verify that a repository is who they say they are. For the repository that causes the error, you don't have the signature installed10:22
hermdogziroday: back10:22
error404notfoundare there any ubuntu-comptible digital camera that can also be used as webcam e.g. live streaming on system...?10:23
vanitageirha, ubuntu has amazing an amazing support community10:23
SmokeyDprentice5: but for launchpad repositories they often aren't available at all. Just ignore it unless you really want to have it gone, then ask the repository maintainer for the public key and install it. Maybe they have docs on it somewhere10:23
vanitaI wish the mac irc channels were a fraction of what this channel is like10:23
biestI get this as logical name (I think): " *-network UNCLAIMED"10:23
vanitathe windows channel is an even bigger joke10:24
hermdogziroday: so i did a restart, when i run 'ifconfig eth0 up' i get 'no such device' erros10:24
zirodayhermdog: sorry I have to run10:25
rescorpionenessuno parla in italiano?10:25
=== root is now known as Guest404
hermdogziroday: kk10:25
h4mx0rhermdog: do sudo lshw and check to see if its logical name is really eth010:25
Madpilotubottu, it | rescorpione10:25
ubotturescorpione: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:25
h4mx0rhermdog: if you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf I can help you. you using a firewall?10:25
rescorpionegrazie e scusate buona giornata:)10:25
hermdogh4mx0r: nope10:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:26
uncmarI want to know how to reenable my pcspkr.  I don't remember how I disabled it.  deleted a link or something.10:27
biestI get this as logical name (I think): " *-network UNCLAIMED" & I don't have a switch on my laptop.10:28
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hermdogh4mx0r: ok pasted10:28
uncmarbiest: I have the same problem.  So I will be watching.10:28
hermdogOO ok10:28
h4mx0runcmar: correct method would be to add blacklist pcspkr to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist but you probably went and deleted or chmodded it and I have no clue10:28
hermdogso i ran sudo lshw10:28
hermdog*-network DISABLED10:28
hermdog       description: Ethernet interface10:28
hermdog       physical id: 210:28
hermdog       logical name: pan010:28
hermdog       serial: 22:bf:02:08:50:a710:28
hermdog       capabilities: ethernet physical10:28
FloodBot2hermdog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
hermdogouch sorry10:29
hermdogwrong button10:29
vanitagoodnight all10:29
h4mx0rhermdog: pan0 isn't it keep looking over lshw or pastebin it too10:29
h4mx0rvanita: nighty night10:29
vanitathanks for all the fish!10:29
mib_db26uwn5.gn vanita10:29
geirhavanita: Good night. Good luck with that demo10:29
vanitageirha, thanks for being so awesome!10:30
vanitaeveryone else too, keep kickin ass... :)10:30
esowth. /var/www is gone? oO10:30
hermdogh4mx0r: do i have to keep posting the url each time i pastebin?10:30
h4mx0rhermdog: yeah post them all on one line and press enter10:30
hermdogthat is my lshw10:31
hermdogthe bottom bit10:31
hermdogis there a way to enable that?10:31
=== Guest25337 is now known as EnziM
h4mx0rhermdog: that is not your network device its merely a controller for it10:31
hermdogah ok10:32
h4mx0rhermdog: just copy your sudo lshw output to pastebin.ubuntu.com and link me to it10:32
DanDanhello all .. I need help .. I recently upgraded to Jaunty im a 64amd user .. but I have a broken package and I keep getting an error rgarding flashplugin-non free please check this output http://pastebin.com/d193fdc3a10:32
hermdogh4mx0r: thats all of it10:32
xubnubHi everyone, I have a quick question:10:33
xubnubWhat text characters are used to put a file or folder at the top of the list which is _also_ the same for window$ systems?10:33
uncmarxubnub: digits.10:33
h4mx0rDanDan: can you open synaptic and choose fix broken packages from the menu then apply10:33
xubnubuncmar: so, in this case 0 or ~ ?10:33
h4mx0rDanDan: its no biggy really you probably quit halfway through the install10:34
uncmarxubnub: all other characters are problematic.  such as !10:34
DanDanh4mx0r : I did !! .. and it doesnt fix it :(10:34
uncmarxubnub: I usually use 0-10:34
xubnubuncmar, i see, thanks alot :)10:34
DanDanh4mx0r : flashpluging-non free is broken and the flashplugin-installer is not installed10:34
h4mx0rDanDan: does synaptic say its installed if so right click and choose full removal if not install it then do full removal10:35
biesth4mx0r: is it ok if i post my lshw?10:35
AdvoWorkanyone know how i can get firefox and ubuntu to work so that I can attach/upload files etc over a network share/samba share? i can see the files, but attaching them does nothing10:35
h4mx0rbiest: you got not network? sure and post /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces10:35
uncmarxubnub: I had previously used (DL) or !DL but both became problems when using linux.  Not impossible, just troublesome and annoyting.10:35
DanDanh4mx0r : I did try that too .. I cant even remove it :(10:36
DanDanh4mx0r :Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal.10:36
hermdogh4mx0r: you get my link?10:37
uncmarI have *-network:1 UNCLAIMED.  product: WMP11v4 802.11b PCI card.  Suggestions on getting that working?10:38
hermdogh4mx0r: ok i think i got it fixed. it seems that it decided to hide under the name pan0. now how to10:38
h4mx0rhermdog: ok its eth1 for wireless. Your ethernet isn't using a driver right now so you might have to look it up to see what to use http://paste.ubuntu.com/182706/10:38
esois there some kind of screensaver daemon i can restart or something? the screensaver won't come on after 10 minutes..10:39
duuuuuuuudeu can give it a try ndiswrapper uncmar10:39
DanDanh4mx0r : ok aside from this problem .. after the upgrade i dont have a wireless connection manager ( I used to use wicd ) but i cant even install it from synaptic :S10:39
h4mx0rDanDan: what you need to do is sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a I think if your having broken stuff10:39
h4mx0rDanDan: enable the repositories you use, some might be out of date and don't do 9.0410:39
hermdogh4mx0r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182707/10:39
DanDanh4mx0r : ok what other wireless network managers I can use to connect :S? ..10:40
h4mx0rhermdog: pan0 is not a networking device10:40
hermdogh4mx0r: what is it then?10:40
duuuuuuuudereally, what is pan0... thats what im always wonderin lol10:40
duuuuuuuudei thought its bluetooth firstly10:40
hermdoglook at my pastebin it looks like ethernet, thats why i got all confused10:41
h4mx0rDanDan: wicd isn't bad, comes with default network manager. But I don't use either. wireless tools from command line such as iwlist and iwconfig etc are good. If you edit /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces you should be able to ifup your wireless10:41
marsjeI'm trying to get a bluetooth keyboard to work in jaunty. It's connected now, but I can't type...10:41
hamidكيف أثبت برمجيات rpm على ubuntu10:41
h4mx0rduuuuuuuude: its a network controller that resides over the interfaces.. like an apic10:41
DanDanh4mx0r : this is the dpkg --reconfigure output I got http://pastebin.com/m3072529810:42
biesth4mx0r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182705/10:42
i_S2_NYCjoin linuxac channel10:42
BlindHunterhi! While installing Ubuntu Server 8.04 I've fount an 'unpleasant moment'. After configuring network (network cable was unplugged) the install hanged on apt checking volatile mirror ... After 15 minutes of waiting I had to reboot pc ... Why not to reconfigure installer and add 'skip' button when checking mirrors ?10:45
hermdogok h4mx0r: what do you suggest?10:45
BlindHunter If it's a 'Server' dist then why should administrators keep waiting ?10:45
uncmarI have the pcspkr back.  It was just muted.10:47
pelegHello there. I have a cruzer U3 4GB that worked perfectly so far (half a year or so). Suddenly, in the middle of using it, I can't mount it anymore. It got stuck in the middle of copying (from the usb to my computer), and I had to unmount it, and trying to mount it again fails.10:47
pelegIt says: "there is probably no media in the drive"10:48
h4mx0rbiest: hermdog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182715/10:48
=== sm0k4h is now known as eXcon
pelegI tried it on a Windows XP machine, there it claims that the drive is "unformatted", and asks if I want to format it now10:48
lisi dead10:49
uncmarpeleg: sounds like the FAT32 table is corrupt.  You should use a standard file recovery program.  I'd suggest one but I can't think of any.10:49
h4mx0rDanDan: no clue all I know is its something to do with using a dpkg command to fix it10:49
pronoyuncmar peleg: active undelete in windows10:50
pelegpronoy, "active undelete" is a name of a program?10:50
DanDanh4mx0r  : do u know anyone who can help me with that !10:50
liskawin yuk10:50
JaydonWhich is the best channel to ask questions about xmind and freemind?10:50
pronoypeleg: yes..in windoes10:50
lisyes.i no10:50
pelegpronoy, thanks10:50
h4mx0rJaydon: try /join #xmind and /join #freemind ?10:51
biesth4mx0r: thanks for the tip!10:51
h4mx0rDanDan: dpkg --configure -a try that10:51
h4mx0rbiest: np bro10:51
lisbarcelona juara10:52
h4mx0rbiest: just ifdown network then ifup network. lshw should display its logical name10:52
hermdogh4mx0r: eth0 doesnt exist, so i dont see how this will help me at all... my wifi works fine...10:52
Jaydonh4mx0r: both channels are empty10:52
DanDanh4mx0r  : nothing happened10:53
=== jonathon_ is now known as jony123
pronoyJaydon: check the list option in your client... you'll need to search for the channel10:53
pronoyJaydon: or just do /list10:53
h4mx0rhermdog: ya you have no kernel modules (drivers) laying claim to your ethernet in otherwords system has no clue what that device is. You will likely have to look into it and get a package to install ethernet support or do some custom compiling10:53
zhoujingruimy  ubuntu 8.10 no sound at all10:53
zhoujingruiis there anyone help me ?thanks10:53
hermdogh4mx0r: ok well thanx anyway10:54
h4mx0rDanDan: did you try removing it fully and reinstalling it?10:54
h4mx0rhermdog: if you google that one pastebin I showed you can find the appropriate module and perhaps modprobe it to start it up10:54
h4mx0rhermdog: problem might be the detection and it has the software to use it already10:55
DanDanh4mx0r  : flashplugin yes ! its too stubborn that it wont even be removed !!10:55
h4mx0rDanDan: hang on I'll check the package and tell you which directories it creates to delete it manually10:55
hermdogh4mx0r: it worked fine in 8.10 but i lost it in the upgrade  :(10:55
clepto can someone help me out with setting up mysql?10:57
Z3ro3XHow do I get my normal System menu with the shutdown, log off, etc options back?  I'm not a big fan of the customized settings ubuntu has done to gnome.10:57
parapanghelescuhello fellows - anyone got experience with nomachine remote desktop ? meaning it supposed to be faster then regular desktop server ( vino ) over ssh ????10:59
h4mx0rhermdog: reboot to a livecd or usb of 9.04 and resize your install, create a separate ext3 filesystem for /home contents to there. Then reboot and install over your current system (not the separate /home) that should fix it and save all your files10:59
h4mx0rhermdog: you should only do that if the livecd or liveusb show that your ethernet is not "unclaimed"10:59
h4mx0rhermdog: sudo gparted can do the things I mentioned very easily might take a while11:01
hermdogwell i was thinking about doing a reinstall to duel boot lastxp11:01
zhoujingruiplz when i started my ubuntu8.10  there is no sound  i need help11:02
parapanghelescuI need a problem with TOR setup / or maybe privoxy .....someone experienced with this ???11:02
geoshi my ubuntu whont start in dos mod11:02
geosplz help11:03
hermdoggeos... did you just say dos mode?11:03
hamidhow to instal rpm on ubuntu11:04
hermdoggeos: well.... um... ubuntu doesnt come with dos? you mean the command line?11:04
h4mx0rgeos: your at a command prompt instead of a login?11:04
hermdoggeos if so go to applications >accessories >terminal11:04
=== naught103 is now known as naught101
h4mx0rgeos: if you ever can't find a terminal do not panic use alt f2 and type its name or ctrl alt f3 or which ever fkey to get to a console11:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:07
hermdogH4mx0r: lol im glad i learned past the command prompt part of linux11:07
albyhi all11:07
h4mx0rhermdog: its the best part: http://kmandla.wordpress.com11:08
hermdoghamx0r: no i ment im glad i learned how to get to that stuff. now i just need to learn screen!11:09
h4mx0rhermdog: http://haskell.org/sitewiki/images/8/80/Screen-rob-dzen.png you do?11:10
uncmarso, that linksys card appears to require ndiswrapper.  the smart thing for me to do is to get a card that doesn't.  (sigh)11:10
vigoWhat kernel is Jaunty using?11:12
zethero2just installed Ubuntu Hardy on my T42 Thinkpad with ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 gfx chipset ... compiz --replace gives the error Checking for XGL: not present    .......... any suggestions?11:12
hermdogh4mx0r: how in the world does that work1?!?! i want that!! lol11:14
vigozerthero2: Have you installed the proprietary drivers?11:14
geosand cann i start linux from  command prompt or command line terminal11:14
zethero2vigo: no ... its a fresh install .. there are no ati drivers for this chipset anyhow .. not for Linux11:15
erUSULvigo: 2.6.2811:15
vigozethero2: I think there was one for that on board chip-set, but would have to look at the dos.11:17
vigoerUSUL: Thank you11:17
=== alexkoon is now known as ak888
uncmargeos: you want your system to start in terminal only mode?11:19
vigozerothero2: Which version?11:19
npeis there an easy way to tell ubuntu to getty on ttyS0?11:20
vigogeos: This may help, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=99063611:20
THE_MANI just tried xubuntu today11:23
THE_MANShould i also try ubuntu?11:23
kellyh THE_MAN no reason not to, just use the LiveCD and see what you think perhaps?11:24
THE_MANOk, they came with some magazines i got from the library :D11:25
Get_SumI'm new to linux; I was using mIRC in windows, what's a good IRC client for linux?11:25
vigogeos: You can check if it is compatible for 2.6 here> http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:25
oakdeveloperI have installed MySQL on my Ubuntu 9.04 today. Can somebody tell me the username and password for first run of MySQL?11:25
l_a_mi ve got a problem with a cherry keyboard the return key (code 36) send an X event randomly11:26
simplexiooakdeveloper: just a quess, you need to su mysql and run something to setup it11:26
l_a_mcapture using xev11:26
simplexiooakdeveloper: attleast thats hoes postgresql works11:26
THE_MANI just put xubuntu on my usb stick, but how do i install on the usb? It just has the splash screen like when you boot from a liveCD...11:27
l_a_msomeone have any idea about this problem ?11:27
THE_MANPlz help...11:27
oakdevelopersimplexio: Thanks! Let me try..11:27
simplexiol_a_m: so you get randomly keycode 36 from keyboard ?11:27
Starcraftmazteris there an obvious reason why my ubuntu has been freezing lately11:28
simplexioStarcraftmazter: not that i know ..11:28
vigoGet_Some: iirssii , command line, GUI X-Chat is good.11:29
l_a_msimplexio: yes11:29
THE_MANStarcraftmazter: How much RAM have you got on your pc?11:29
wtlhmm. where's the uds room? :)11:29
Get_SumSo I should just go x-chat then (command line would be above me)11:29
n0gear2Anyone know why videos freeze on my vlc when playing full screen after couple of minutes. Have to escape to windowed mode to get it going again11:29
simplexioStarcraftmazter: at this part globe, random freezes happens beacuse summer is here11:29
l_a_msimplexio: if i ve got 5 input on the return key, i can have 2 or 3 events11:29
l_a_msimplexio: but the KP_Enter key works fine and C-j too11:30
vigoGet_Sum: Yes, X-Chat is already or should already be installed , applications>Internet.X-Chat.11:31
THE_MAN Starcraftmazter: Well, how much ram do you have?11:31
THE_MANRandom acess memory11:31
Get_Sumthanks Vigo11:31
simplexion0gear2: try start vlc from commandline and see if some obvius error happens11:31
vigoGet_Some: My pleasure, I use X-Chat on Deb5 and others as well as Ubuntu.11:32
THE_MANYes xchat is good11:32
mmm4m5mhi. question please: trying to install "rkhunter" (ubuntu gutsy). It require "libdb4.3". Synaptic shows few errors like this: "W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/db4.3/libdb4.3_4.3.29-8ubuntu2_i386.deb  404 Not Found". What is wrong? I can see, there is directory "db4.3", but exactly this file is not there. What can I do in this case?11:32
vigomm4m5m: Update/Upgrade sources , is a bit more complicated than that, but that is a quick fix to those errors. apt-get update and stuff, google that or look on the forums.11:34
naxahow to find out which package is the gtk source? i would like to patch gtk filechooser11:34
grea8i hve installed webmin on ubuntu 9.04....but when i type http:\\localhost:10000   in the adrress bar pf my brouser it doesnot work11:35
grea8can anyone help11:35
JoshuaP0x1No I11:35
JoshuaP0x1not I11:35
grea8can anyone help11:36
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:36
JoshuaP0x1What is he name of the gui>11:36
harpreet_grea8: ask11:36
grea8i hve installed webmin on ubuntu11:36
JoshuaP0x1X windows?11:36
grea8so how to access it11:36
grea8how can i do that11:37
lstarnesgrea8: that depends on how you installed it11:37
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:37
lstarnesgrea8: check webmin's documentation11:37
vigogrea8: see what I typed?11:37
the_gamerdoes anybody have an idea what errorcode 255 could mean? i get it from a php-script. php returns no errors and nothing is in the logs. i use PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Apr 17 2009 14:31:37)11:37
vigo!webmin | grea811:37
ubottugrea8: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:37
harpreet_grea8: use SWAT instead11:38
lstarnesJoshuaP0x1: it depends on which part of the GUI. X is the core display part, but usually a desktop environment such as gnome or kde will provide an actual desktop to use on top of X11:38
grea8what is swat11:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:38
JoshuaP0x1Istarnes: Thank you. It's gnome11:38
grea8but why i wnt it in webmin11:38
lstarnesgrea8: ubuntu and debian do not officially support webmin11:39
harpreet_grea8: are you a girl? no offence.11:39
grea8no yaar11:39
vigogrea8: You can do it, just note, it is not supported.11:39
grea8i m not a girl11:39
JoshuaP0x1I have a profile related issue in gnome. Does anyone know how to kill the current profile and build a new one with defaults?11:40
chunkquestion : have a thin client - that is supposed to boot headless and send the serial port the console - it all works as long as I don't disconnect the vga console port11:40
JoshuaP0x1the other users do not have problems11:40
flashingpumpkinheya. short question: i've got a backup of my .evolution directory which i managed to rescue after the filesystem went tits up, but now, nothing happens after overwriting the default .evolution directory on the new box. any hints how to use the configuration from the previous evolution install? i sadly don't have any evolution specific backups, but i expected it to work with the old directory :|11:40
grea8is there nayone11:41
vigoJoshuaP0x1: Make a new one, purge the old one, or just make a new one.11:41
chunk(when vga console port is disconnectedf I see via serial port that it gets as far as grub and then hangs ..)11:41
JoshuaP0x1virgo: sorry, I'm new to this. Mind helping me through the process?11:41
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
vigoJoshuaP0x1: It is kinda easy, but, use the GUI , System>Administration>Users11:42
hifipost-it notes tool for ubuntu gnome, whats the simplest and best?11:43
JoshuaP0x1vigo: I'll give it a go11:43
JoshuaP0x1vigo: Thanks.11:43
hifiI'd like to have "physical" notes on the desktop11:44
vigoJoshuaP0x1: Then you will enter password to gain /root privileges, delete the user that you do not want, add a new user that is Admin group, but always make a backup.11:44
harpreet_vigo: good suggestion, thats what i was going to suggest him11:45
vaxiresalut.  Petite question de fonctionnalité dans compiz.  Dans quel menu se trouve l'option pour afficher les quatre écrans en u plan en positionnant ma souris vers les bords de l'ecran ?11:47
harpreet_hifi: tomboy notes, knotes etc11:47
vigoharpreet: I always try to recall my first boot into Linux, I was a like a lost puppy with a wet tail, it was bad., oh heck, here JoshuaP0x1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto11:47
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:48
harpreet_vigo: a few months ago i was struggling with it. now i am going to sell pre-installed ubuntu machines11:48
harpreet_jatt: jatta kidda11:49
hifiharpreet_: thanks11:49
harpreet_hifi: you are welcome11:49
yahoo hello11:49
vigoharpreet: That is sweet, keeping current or using a custom distro?11:50
Starcraftmazterdamn where did the man go11:50
Starcraftmazteri have 2gbs11:50
Tyrathwhen you right click on the ubuntu menu -> send to -> there's four options: Evolution, Bluetooth, CD/DVD Creator and Removal disks... I want to change Evolution to Alpine. How could I do this11:50
apparleHas this bug been fixed in 9.04 kernel11:50
jpdsapparle: Ask #ubuntu-kernel11:50
harpreet_vigo: i will keep current distro to reduce the headache but it is very hard to choose hardware, i have made the list that works with linux11:50
Tyrath- my last statement was actually a question btw11:50
thorking./s irc.indoirc.net11:50
vigoharpreet_: This is kinda off-topic. opening  that now.....11:51
hifiharpreet_: can tomboy show notes on the desktop?11:52
apparlejpds : I got this bugzilla.kernel.org bug 7467 in Sound(ALSA) "snd-atiixp driver does not load on DFI rs482 mainboard" [High,Closed: code_fix]  What does this mean11:52
jpdsapparle: From ubottu?11:53
apparlejpds: from ubot311:53
harpreet_hifi: go in preferences and check11:54
jpdsapparle: Oh, that's just the bot in that channel reporting bugs as their pasted, feel free to ignore and a real person will reply when they can.11:54
vigoTyrath: Using the GUI, System>Preferences> Main Menu, there is also  a thing in Administration for setting Default Apps , let me look again.11:54
harpreet_vigo: economic meltdown + virus issues + security + stability + so  on.....11:54
apparlePlease help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1156040 2 weeks I didn't get any reply11:55
StarcraftmazterSo are there any bugs that anyone is aware of in 9.04 or any 9.04 packages that cause ubuntu to completely freeze?11:55
apparlejpds: can you tell me how to install a patch11:55
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: no, it has to do with your hardware11:55
Starcraftmaztermy hardware hasnt changed in years11:56
vigoStarcraftmazter: Look at launchpad for that stuff.11:56
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: may be that is the reason, haha11:56
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:56
Tyrathvigo: the problem is that changing the default app for mail doesn't change that11:56
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: elaborate problem may be we can solve11:56
Tyrathvigo: like when I click on an email link on the web, it opens up alpine, like I've set it up to do and allows me to send an email to the address11:57
Starcraftmazterubuntu seems to relatively randomly freeze about once a day, which has been going on for about a week now11:57
Tyrathvigo: the problem is when I right click on an item it won't let me "Send to" alpine11:57
Starcraftmazterthats all I know :/11:57
Tyrathvigo: I don't even have evolution installed! :/11:57
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: run sudo apt-get update and see what happens11:57
Tyrathvigo: I also don't really want to install it. it takes up too many resources11:58
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: nothing out of the ordinary11:58
Tyrathvigo: alpine is lightweight :)11:58
jamiewancan someone tell me how to turn evolution off as default email. just cant find it11:59
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: do you see ubuntu ignoring packages or something11:59
duuuuuuuudeanyone has info about the current situation of #! (crunchbang) linux?11:59
Tyrathjamiewan: my problem is a lot like yours, but for you you need to go: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications11:59
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: if "Ign" means ignore, then yes11:59
harpreet_what is it , paste bin11:59
Tyrathjamiewan: where it says email change the application11:59
harpreet_dystwhat is it , paste bin11:59
jamiewanthrath: thanx will try that11:59
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: what is it , pastebin12:00
matrix_hey all i bought som emty dvd's but not sure what i bought, the label says its DVD+R DL   they are 8.5GB can i write and delete on them12:00
Starcraftmaztertripped the spam filter, used cp instead12:01
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: http://codepad.org/9YC0lv8D12:01
jamiewanTyrath: Thanx i'm such a noob with linus12:01
vigoTyrath: I have not used Alpine , I like Thunderbird or Evo. that sounds like a command line code workings to solve it and I do not have the knowledge to post those in chat and remain correct. I suggest that you look on the forums and get the correct command line, or in the Ubuntu Documentation and get the correct code for the version that you are using.12:01
Zelfjematrix_: nope, then it should say DVD-RW12:01
SplinterOfChaosmatrix_: you can write onto it, but the write is permanent.12:01
matrix_what does DL means12:01
kellyhmatrix_: dual layer12:01
jamiewanyep that got it12:01
Tyrathvigo: command shouldn't be an issue, if there's anything that lets me enter a terminal command I'll just do it there12:01
pasoevHi all, I need help how to enable sound server startup on ubuntu 9.0412:01
Tyrathvigo: as long as I can change it from evolution to alpine12:02
matrix_what does that mean12:02
Tyrathvigo: oh and vigo, alpine isn't command line based :P12:02
Zelfjematrix_: dual layer mean 2 layer on top op each other so 2x 4.25gb12:02
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: you have multiverse and universe repos enabled?12:02
Tyrathvigo: it just has a slim interface12:02
Tyrathvigo: like a text based interface12:02
matrix_oes that matter now if i want to burn just a sipmle movie will it take long time since its 8.5gb12:03
Tyrathvigo: if you want a command line email application try sendmail - except it only sometimes works for me - very unreliable12:03
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: yes12:03
vigoTyrath: Yes, TUI or in windows terms Command Line.12:03
zhoujingruiplz help me my ubuntu8.10 no sound12:03
Tyrathvigo: usually command line means you type commands, you don't type commands in alpine12:04
barbarella2vigo:try mutt12:04
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: run this .................             sudo sed -i -e "s/# deb/deb/g" /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update12:04
Tyrath!pine > vigo12:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pine12:04
Tyrath!alpine > vigo12:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alpine12:04
Tyrathupdate ubottu!12:04
tul_zhoujingrui: go to terminal and type lscpi -v12:04
Tyrath!info pine > vigo12:04
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:04
Ravagehi all. can someone tell me how to install the server edition via netinstall / preseed file?12:05
vigoTyrath: Found it, sorta. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EmailClients12:05
zhoujingruibash: lscpi: command not found12:05
vigoTyrath: Have you tried Mutt?12:05
zethero1why did desktop effects used to work on older ATI cards and not anymore?12:06
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: now what?12:06
matrix_how can i see from terminal command which dvd burner  i have12:06
marsjespeaking of (al)pine... I used this mailclient for a while, but when I start it now, I segfaults12:06
marsjenot I, it12:06
vigoTyrath: Have a looky here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mutt?action=show&redirect=Mutt12:07
Tyrathvigo: there's nothing wrong with alpine :P. the issue is either with ubuntu (and i'm sure it's not an issue because there's probably a way to do it) or no-one knows how to do it12:07
tul_zhoujingrui: sorry lspci12:07
Tyrathvigo: nup. i'm not going to install mutt, i know there's a way to do this12:07
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: sudo apt-get autoremove12:07
zhoujingruiso many12:07
Tyrathvigo: but thanks for the suggestion :)12:07
Symphonyjoin ##java12:08
barbarella2Tyrath:why not mutt?12:08
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: how is your graphics card12:08
vigoTyrath: Okee dokee, Mutt is a working thing, and yes, I agree that there are solutions and not problems, happy coding!12:08
zhoujingruiso then lspci?12:08
Tyrathbarbarella2: why should I install another email client when I'm happy with alpine?12:08
zhoujingruiwhat should i do?12:08
apparlehow to apply this patch http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=9515&action=view12:08
=== roy is now known as jabrik
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: well I presume, nvidia 8600gt on nonfree drivers12:09
zhoujingruithere are so many lines12:09
pasoevPlease help me, I have trouble about sound on ubuntu 9.0412:09
Tyrathvigo: I do have some programming experience as well so if I have to I'll jump into a text file and modify it12:09
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: old packages removed12:09
Xcelli use a 8600 also.. driver 180 works fine12:09
barbarella2Tyrath:so what is the problem?12:09
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: did you add those drivers available through "hardware drivers" in system12:09
Tyrathbarbarella2: are you familiar with the right click Send to... feature?12:10
andybleadenpasoev: open up a terminal and type in sudo alsamixer12:10
vigoTyrath: When working please post the script or fix to Launchpad so that others can implement it also.12:10
Tyrathbarbarella2: is there any way I can get the feature to send to alpine instead of evolution?12:10
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: indeed I did12:10
Tyrathvigo: if it's a script based thing definitely. I bet there's a GUI way to solve it tho12:11
andybleadenpasoev: and then let us know if any of the settings have MM on them12:11
geoscann i start win xp incommand prompt12:11
andybleadenpasoev: can you do that ok?12:11
harpreet_lets see what it does, either it had some package doing this, or graphics card wrong driver or irq conflict12:11
barbarella2Tyrath:must be a sym link, like my editor opens vi now12:11
geosor linux12:11
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: sometimes usb and mouse irqs conflict and cause this12:12
tokyoaheadhi guys, how can I add skype and pidgin to the autostart? I do not know what the command line is to add it to system admin startup applications12:12
pasoevI am using USB speakers12:12
Tyrathbarbarella2: which directory would I be symlinking to?12:12
andybleadenpasoev: ah...were they working before12:12
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: I haven't added any new USB devices12:12
vigoTyrath: Either way, if you find the fix, posting it on Launchpad, (there may even be a thread open for it) would or could help alot of others.12:12
barbarella2Tyrath:where alpine is12:12
jribtokyoahead: you can find the command line by checking your menu shortcut's properties: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu12:12
Tyrathbarbarella2: /usr/bin/12:12
harpreet_tokyoahead: simply add them to panel and they will start12:12
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: not new one, even with the old ones when you update or something12:13
shankhscan anybody please tell the channel for karmic devs?12:13
pasoevandybleaden: they are working, now I can play music with rytmobox and it has sound, but sound events do not work12:13
Ravagecan someone tell me how to install the server edition via netinstall / preseed file? it always installs ubuntu-standard with some desktop packets i don't need on a server12:13
Tyrathvigo: I think you mean ubuntu forums. Launchpad is generally for posting bugs ;). But yeah, if I get it solved, good suggestion. Will have to do it after exams tho...12:13
andybleadenpasoev: then maybe you will need to go back into your systems settings and reset them12:14
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:14
tokyoaheadjrib: thanks alot12:14
TyrathKarmic Koala? not Jaunty Jakalope?12:14
pasoevandybleaden: how?12:14
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: what steps would you suggest I take12:14
harpreet_Tyrath: its next edition12:14
Tyrathharpreet_: I don't understand 9.10 is Jaunty? no?12:14
vigoTyrath: Ubuntu is on a 6month cycle, sorta.12:15
andybleadenpasoev: ok I use kubuntu but if I remember rightly you set your alerts in systems settings or what ever it is called in system admi etc12:15
barbarella2Tyrath:can't you change something in Preferred Applications12:15
vigoJaunty is the current stable release, Karmic Koala is in Alpha 1 now, or something like that.12:16
Tyrathbarbarella2: I tried that... :(12:16
harpreet_Tyrath: no it isnt jaunty12:16
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: try this                  cat /proc/interrupts12:16
andybleadenpasoev: in what ever you change your system settings usually12:16
andybleadenjaunty is 9.0412:16
Tyrathharpreet_: would you know how I could add items to the send to... feature?12:16
jamiewanDoes google earth run on ubuntu?12:16
pasoevandybleaden: how can I enable network sound?12:17
andybleadenTyrath: 9:10 refers to release date 10 month in 0912:17
vigojamiewan: Sorta of, yes, I use Marble.12:17
andybleadenpasoev: you mean share sound over a network?12:17
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: http://pastebin.com/d4a0afd8612:17
jamiewanvigo: whats that compare like12:17
Tyrathandybleaden: ahh. thanks!12:18
andybleadenTyrath: 9.04 Jaunty was released in april 09 month 04 :09...or 9.04...took me a few guesses to understand12:18
vigojamiewan: Marble is still in need of a lotta work, but it is GNU compliant.12:18
zhoujingruican u help me?12:18
andybleadenTyrath: felt really daft when I figured12:18
Tyrathandybleaden: it's quite impressive though. I didn't like Intrepid at all, but I like Jaunty12:19
Tyrathandybleaden: Hardy was good as well12:19
pasoevandybleaden: no, but when I was using ubuntu hardy heron I had the same problem and I solved it by enabling network sound (I know this is paradox :))12:19
jamiewanvigo: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Google-Earth-Download-13140.html12:19
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: look at 2312:19
andybleadenTyrath: I loved hardy ( I use kubuntu) and could not get intrepid workinng so when I broke hardy i installed early alphas of jaunty to test and replace my system..bit sticky at first but looks brilliant12:20
andybleadenpasoev: in ubuntu can you press alt and f2 to get a kick off menu?12:21
Tyrathandybleaden: yeah agreed. In my opinion it levels with Macs/Windows on looks12:21
pasoevandybleaden: yeah12:21
andybleadenpasoev: again I use kubuntu which is how I do things like that12:21
vigojamiewan: Yes, here is the Ubuntu page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth12:21
andybleadenpasoev: alt and f2 and type sound12:21
andybleadenpasoev: see what comes up12:22
gordonjcpargh, yet another -rt crash12:22
pasoevandybleaden: I am using gnome :( this command doesn`t work12:22
andybleadenTyrath: especially with kde4.2 which I have...really looks nice...had to sort my graphics card12:22
vigojamiewan: I would follow that Ubuntu official doc and get it right, I just use Marble because it is coding fun.12:22
andybleadenpasoev: oops sorry ..back into system admin then12:23
Tyrathandybleaden: have you tried gnome? and xfce? what's the difference?12:23
parapanghelescuproblem with TOR and privoxy configuration ...anyone who knows this topic ?????12:23
pasoevandybleaden: contol center?12:23
andybleadenpasoev: hmm...here is some network sound info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25996412:24
jamiewanvigo: thanks mate i'll have a look at it12:24
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=== Promethes_ is now known as Promethes__
andybleadenTyrath: yeh...i tried ubuntu as on dapper drake then changed to kubuntu...a mate changed it for me ...since then I have only tested the ubuntu jaunty12:25
=== Promethes__ is now known as Promethes
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: what do you mean look at it?12:25
pasoevandybleaden: ok, thanks, I will try12:25
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: is it a desktop?12:25
andybleadenTyler: never really liked it after kde..never liked the colours..but did like it as it came iwth firefox pre installed12:25
NorthByNorthWestIs there a way to give all users on a desktop installation the priviledge to read and write files in other users home-folders on the same computer?12:26
andybleadenTyler: sorry I meant tyrath12:26
andybleadenTyrath: never really liked it after kde..never liked the colours..but did like it as it came iwth firefox pre installed12:26
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: yes12:27
Tyrathandybleaden: I think firefox comes preinstalled on gnome as well12:27
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: ok, Im all ears!12:27
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: i dont see irq conflict but i didnt understand why 23 is assgined to your network card and usb , anyways consider replacing your video driver. how is compiz working for you12:27
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:chmod and chown12:27
Tyrathandybleaden: unless you're referring to Ibex... Ibex had a lot of things missing...12:27
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: chmod -r 777 /home/ ??12:27
andybleadenTyrath: that is what I meant in kde it does not..you get  konqueror...its ok but not as good in my opinion12:27
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:yes but it is -R12:28
andybleadenpasoev: have you tried this system ->Preferences -> Sound and make sure that Enable Software Sound12:28
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: well, i would say12:28
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:but 777 is a to much windows style12:28
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: should I reinstall it?12:29
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: well if compiz is working fine then there isnt a problem with video12:29
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: 777 <=> windows style how? what should I set and why?12:29
pasoevandybleaden: heh, this option is not in this ubuntu, but was in previous one. I remember, I solved this problem on hardy heron by this option12:29
zirodayNorthByNorthWest: why do you want to do that?12:29
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: are you using madwifi or ndiswapper?12:29
andybleadenpasoev: damn..sorry matey12:30
pasoevandybleaden: thanks you anyway, bye12:30
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:you can better make a group and use chown on it12:30
NorthByNorthWestziroday: im setting up a computer for my brothers wifes new company and they are XP-user to this date... the rigid safety of the linux file-system will cause them headaches12:30
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: no, no wireless devices on this computer12:30
shbniam new here12:30
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: what network card you have12:31
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: so I make a new group in the System->Settings->users and groups?12:31
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: once i had a laptop that used to freeze with madwifi installed driver12:31
shbnany one response12:31
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: and how do I use chown then?12:31
zirodayNorthByNorthWest: okay, but doing chmod -R /home isn't going to work as new files written to those folders would be under more restrictive permissions. In every home folder there is the Public folder which you can put you're stuff in and have it shared with everyone12:31
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:like chown -R root:group /where/files/are12:31
zirodayNorthByNorthWest: if thats an issue, then having them all use the same user account/homedir is probably the best12:32
flomaraziI need to  have document systems12:32
flomaraziserver ubuntu12:32
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:why don't you create a samba server12:32
harpreet_Starcraftmazter: it certainly is failure of one of your hardware or indication of future failure of hardware12:32
simplexioNorthByNorthWest: make users groups if there isnt one yet, then chgrp users those shareable files, or google acl, setfacl, getfacl and read about defaults12:33
zirodaybarbarella2: that is not applicable in this situation, there is no network12:33
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:so there is only 1 computer12:33
Starcraftmazterharpreet_: alright, i will try and uninstall proprietry gfx drivers and see if it helps just in case, thanks for your help12:33
simplexiooffcourse one solution is use local samba server, you can bind it to lo too, that solution is easy to expand if there is more computers12:34
zirodaysimplexio: a Public folder is already provided in every users homedir, there is /no/ need for a samba server12:35
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: well... there will be 1 desktop, 2 laptops and a server running ubuntu-server edition (i think, it will amongst other things be used as a NAS)12:35
simplexioNorthByNorthWest: but if you arent familiar with samba, and dont want to create some "share" based security, ACL is quite wasy to go12:35
longcatIs there a way to change this hard drive power down time?  It powers down every 15 seconds even on AC power12:35
zirodayNorthByNorthWest: wait, you need to explain your situation. You want to have an ubuntu file server sharing to windows clients, correct?12:35
simplexioziroday: yeah.. there is no need, but its one solution, and its easy to expand if there is more computers in future12:36
zirodayImpcaligula: moin12:36
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:you can better start good and setup a samba server12:36
simplexioNorthByNorthWest: in that case, samba is way to go.12:36
KrastyoCan someone walk me trough how to connect my Ubuntu 9.04 to an existing Win Vista local network in private chat? Thank you.12:36
Impcaligulathats nice channel... can i ask here something about ubuntu?12:36
zirodaylongcat: how do you know that?12:37
zirodayImpcaligula: sure!12:37
longcatBecause I can feel it turn on and see the light hang for 2 seconds12:37
zirodayKrastyo: you mean connect it to a wireless network?12:37
JampiterHi, I'm having trouble starting blender in Ubuntu.. I've tried starting it in a terminal, and I get this: http://pastebin.com/d45e22441 What is wrong and how can I fix it?12:37
longcatand I can feel it when it's off12:37
BodsdaHi, after uninstalling nautilus, how can I set emelfm2 as the default file manager?12:37
longcatIt's actually every 5 seconds :X12:37
NorthByNorthWestWell... this is my dream scenario: the server is running linux, it works as a NAS in principle, BUT id love it if the users could mount a common folder on the server from, lets say, their home on their laptops...12:37
zirodayJampiter: eek nasty, are you running compiz?12:38
Impcaligulasome question... when i download ubuntu (i have here on my ThinkPad installed Vista) - when i download ubuntu, can i install the ubuntu linux diectly from USB Stick or i need a ISO DVD or CD? The Problem is, i have no CD or DVD here in the near!12:38
simplexioJampiter: my best quess is that you dont have X11 module "glx" loaded12:38
zirodayKrastyo: in this channel please. Have you tried directly connecting to them with nautilus?12:38
NorthByNorthWeston the desktop computer, which will be sitting in the same office as the server... they will have one user each... it would make things easier if they could access each others home-folders without restriction...12:38
harpreet_Impcaligula: you have to make usb iso12:39
zirodayNorthByNorthWest: why not just create a public shared folder?12:39
Jampiterziroday: Yes, I think so12:39
Impcaligulaoh ok - thats no problem for me to make this... ok - usb iso...12:39
Jampitersimplexio: How do I load this module?12:39
Krastyoziroday: not yet... if you can give me a link to a web page where it says how I can do that will be much appreciated12:39
zirodayKrastyo: okay, in nautilus address bar type smb://ip.address.of.server12:40
longcatEditing the values in /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf seems to have no effect12:40
simplexioNorthByNorthWest: "right" way to is share home dirs with "user" pricacy and then share some public dir with guest rw, or under some user/pass compo12:40
sexyxNEW Dating Sites  http://www.dating2.bravehost.com/12:40
zirodayJampiter: in a terminal can you do metacity --replace please12:40
NorthByNorthWestziroday: that would be the easiest way for me... but since these people arent very... hmm...  "skilled" users.... unrestricted access to each others folders would make the system easier for them to use... and more easy to understand12:40
zirodaysexyx: please don't advertise here12:40
Jampitersexyx: FAIL12:40
simplexioJampiter: check if its loaded allraeady12:40
harpreet_someone please kick these great people out12:40
Jampiterziroday: Okay12:41
Jampitersimplexio: glxinfo doesn't work either12:41
simplexioJampiter: yeh, you have no GLX loaded12:41
Jampiterziroday: Did that and it changed nothing =/12:42
simplexioJampiter: and cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep GLX , probably says no too12:42
zirodayJampiter: okay, what driver are you using?12:42
BigMack83i cant seem to get my server to recognize my local auth key. when i try to log in it tells me "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key" and asks for the users normal password to login.12:42
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:yes, and it's goining to be a rubbish12:42
MrStaticHi was curious if anyone would know why a pcmcia card powers up in windows but not in linux.12:42
BigMack83i see no entries in /var/log/auth.log in regards to the key auth12:42
Jampiterziroday & simplexio : I'm using the restricted driver for an ATI Radeon 200M express12:42
simplexioNorthByNorthWest: in your case i recommend daily backups to place where users dont have access then...12:42
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:double files, file 1, 1a 2bz etc.12:43
simplexioMrStatic: you havent loaded drivers in linux ?12:43
Jampitersimplexio: ziroday: Restart12:43
MrStaticsimplexio: I cant till I know the firmware version. Which wont show up since the card wont power up12:43
NorthByNorthWestbarbarella2: rubbish why? because they might mess up each others files?12:43
NorthByNorthWestWell... perhaps a shared folder on the server is the best way to go...?12:44
BodsdaHi, after uninstalling nautilus, how can I set emelfm2 as the default file manager?12:44
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:yes much better12:44
simplexioNorthByNorthWest: yes.. newbies mess others stuff or are alwlays scared to delete something that they shouldnt.. easiest solution is to have full backups12:45
=== administrator_ is now known as IHS_Intern
NorthByNorthWestsimplexio: im thinking of doing a backup anyway... best way to go!12:45
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:depends on the media you are goining to use12:46
barbarella2NorthByNorthWest:and the space you are goining to need12:46
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Krastyoziroday: Ok, I tried accessing the local shared folders on Vista using nautilus as you suggested, but it gives me an err msg: „smb://“ cannot be showed (or opened - not sure of correct translation). Any other idea? need some log or entry output?12:47
IHS_InternStill trying to replace a UUID that no longer points to the swap space on my system with /dev/sda5 with a command line thing that I can add to a script.(been doing it with nano on all machines thus far, but I don't see a way to automate nano)12:47
erUSULIHS_Intern: use sed... i told you how to yesterday12:48
zirodayKrastyo: sorry, this is an ubuntu machine trying to access vista shared folders?12:48
IHS_Internsudo sed s/UUID=717b362f-0c96-4d13-8328-fe55666acbf//dev/sda5/ > /etc/fstab gives bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied12:48
disappearedngHey how do I use umask for only a specific directory? (as in outside of that directory I want my own behaviour)12:48
IHS_InternerUSUL the command you gave me gave unknown something or other.12:48
erUSULIHS_Intern: sudo sed -i 's/oldUUID/newUUID/' /etc/fstab12:48
simplexioIHS_Intern: and you dont want to change uuid to /dev/something12:48
IHS_Internsimplexio, there is NO UUID for the new swap space12:49
Krastyoziroday: Yes - I am on Ubuntu 9.04 trying to access a vista shared folder. I am using a Netgear router. Vista is connected wired to the router, while the Ubuntu is connected wireless12:49
erUSULIHS_Intern: sudo sed -i 's/oldUUID/\/dev\/sda5/' /etc/fstab12:49
simplexioIHS_Intern: you can create it or get it with some command12:49
zirodayKrastyo: right, and you can ping said windows machine?12:49
erUSULIHS_Intern: partitions have allways a uuid12:49
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:49
BodsdaHi, after uninstalling nautilus, how can I set emelfm2 as the default file manager?12:49
Krastyoziroday: In addition I can ping the vista station... yes12:49
IHS_Internubotu !uuid12:50
zirodayKrastyo: okay, in nautilus addressbar does smb:// show anything?12:50
* neverfail Zoneminder sucks12:50
simplexioIHS_Intern: thats because linux kernel dosent guarantee that /dev/ stuff stays points allwasy to same place12:50
Krastyoziroday: Vista is configured to be visible in network, with no password for accessing the shares... share is set to "read" user: "everyone" ... it is possible y other machines12:50
IHS_InternI used Acronis to back it up, using the command ubotu gave me yesterday to check the UUIDs the root partition had a UUID, swap didn't.12:51
Krastyoziroday: it gives an err msg: "„smb:///“ cannot be displayed/showed" (or similiar)12:51
zirodayKrastyo: err you are just doing ' smb:// ' correct?12:52
zirodayKrastyo: try going to Places > Connect to Server12:52
Krastyoziroday: I go to address bar and type: "smb://" - without the quotes and it gives me the msg with 3 lines though12:53
zirodayKrastyo: okay, please try above12:53
brutusbkptem br aqui12:54
zhoujingrui大家的pulseaudio 什么状态?12:54
Dam0hey Orgazmo  welcome to the work of unix/linux :P12:55
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:55
* Orgazmo pokes Dam0 12:56
Dam0so ask away12:56
heathcliffhow can i change cd iso image to usb image,and install ubuntu with a usb12:56
Pici!usb | heathcliff12:56
ubottuheathcliff: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:56
zirodayheathcliff: you can burn the cd image to a disk, and then create a USB disk with that12:56
barbarella2heathcliff: dd12:56
IHS_InternThis is one of the few machines where the UUID is in place for the swap partition. I have 50-60 machines, maybe 10 kept the UUID after Acronis restored the image. Basically any that needed the image shrank lost it, and I picked the wrong machine to make the image on, so most lost it. So, any easy way to make a new UUID for swap which has thus far been on sda5 for every machine, and then replace the old UUID with t12:57
zirodayheathcliff: or do as ubottu said :)12:57
IHS_Internhe new one? I'm mostly after "easy" for this ancient Dell GX150's with their 600mhz p3s and 256MB of RAM.12:57
IHS_Internand that worries me..the screen flickered and "squished" for a second.. it's an LCD, not used to them spazzing like that12:58
Dam0on K3B  o have a problem, when trying to burn ubuntu...it burned correct then verified & then it tells me the image on the disc is different to the original iso, whats the problem?12:58
Dam0im usi ng ubuntu12:58
Krastyoziroday: Ok, I go to Places > Connect so server >>> Shared Windows device > type in my Vista machine IP as an address > enter the username used on my vista PC in the username field, as well as the workgroup of the Vista machine in the Domain filed >>> it asks me for password - I type it in > Connect >>> it gives an err msg: "Place „smb://“ cannot be displayed"12:59
zirodayKrastyo: hmph, can you do sudo apt-get install nmap for me, and then nmap
zirodayKrastyo: and pastebin the output please12:59
disappearedngI need help: I want my computer to be able to be used by both my friend A and I. I have decided that everything we will collabrate will be under a specific directory. However, i realize that when I navigate to my directory and create a file (using my account), he cannot access it due to rights issue. What's the easiest way to get this fixed (permanetly)13:00
zirodaydisappearedng: put you're file in /home/<username>/Public13:00
pragad7i cant use the browser but i can use the irc13:00
disappearedngziroday: what if my file is really big and that my current partition cannot take that13:01
pragad7this is strange i cant access the interent thru browser but pidgin is working13:01
IHS_InternHmm.. let me clarify my goal: I want a script file I can drop on a system and then just type sudo /path/to/script and have a working SWAP partition. Assumption should be it is on /dev/sda5, and that there is no UUID. fstab has a UUID for a swap partition that doesn't exist, this should be removed/replaced/fixed in favor of the new one.13:01
zirodaydisappearedng: then put it on another partition? Make sure to right click the file > Properties and set it so that everyone can read and write13:02
zhoujingruistill no sound13:02
arandpragad7: wget works? "wget www.google.com"13:02
pragad7arand wait i will check13:02
parapanghelescupragad7 > check if you have your browser configured to use a proxy server13:02
zirodaydisappearedng: or create a group, and you two to it, then have it so only that group can read and write to that folder/file13:02
Krastyoziroday: here you go:13:02
Krastyoroot@boby-laptop:/home/boby# nmap
KrastyoStarting Nmap 4.76 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2009-05-28 15:01 EEST13:02
KrastyoInteresting ports on
FloodBot2Krastyo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:02
ziroday!pastebin | Krastyo13:02
ubottuKrastyo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:02
raghu125coorgpragad7, check you browser is in offline mode....:)13:03
parapanghelescuquick one > what is the proper command to find process ID, state, process .....13:03
arandpragad7: browser jumped to offline mode (check main menu)13:03
zirodayparapanghelescu: ps aux | grep <processname>13:03
parapanghelescuziroday > checking right now13:03
l403hello, how is it with localized liveCD?13:04
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parapanghelescuziroday .ok which is the process number ..I have lots of them ...13:04
l403isor is it all in one with language selection at the beginning13:04
l403*or is it13:04
pragad7arand browser is not in offline mode.13:04
zirodayparapanghelescu: its the second coloumn, the number after the user13:04
OrgazmoI was wondering if someone could help me with an issue I'm having with K3D. I'm trying to burn a DVD ISO and after it burns, it fails verification due to the disc that was just burned being different to the original iso. I'm burning as slow as I can to avoid errors using DAO method. Has anyone got any suggestions as to what could be wrong?13:05
raghu125coorgpragad7, check you can ping any website from terminal?13:05
pragad7but i did change the ip address. but how is that i can connect to irc but not to web13:05
bullgard4What document viewer is commonly used to view a document of  MIME type 'application/docbook+xml'?13:05
BodsdaHi, after uninstalling nautilus, how can I set emelfm2 as the default file manager?13:05
parapanghelescuziroday > after the username ? or after the root ...they are different numbers ...13:06
zirodayparapanghelescu: after the username of the process number (may very well be root or your username). Its the second coloumn. You can do ps aux to see the all the coloumns13:06
parapanghelescuwell, I've done ps aux|grep tor and it's opening like 30 lines13:07
parapanghelescuI tried kill xxxx ( 2 process number ) ..operation not permitted13:07
pragad7i can ping google but there is pocket loss of 7%13:07
arandparapanghelescu: sudo13:08
parapanghelescuziroday > I tried killall tor ..nothing happens13:08
zirodayparapanghelescu: do sudo kill <processnumber>13:08
pragad7man this is reall scary stuff. am i being hacked or something13:08
Idhan I have a problem with ooffice, Is installed but I can't run it, also, trough the command line, I dont get any back information about the problem.. it simply does nothing.. any help13:09
zirodaypragad7: no you are not being hacked13:09
raghu125coorgIdhan, reboot and try13:09
platonix666all the ellite memebers of the hacking society identify urselves.13:10
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest99538
parapanghelescuziroday > now I got the bastard :d13:10
zirodayparapanghelescu: great13:10
raghu125coorgIdhan, or kill any previous instance of ooffice runnin13:10
pragad7ziroday man i cant figure this out not able to connect internet with firefox,opera13:10
parapanghelescuziroday > one more q > is it possible that the same process (tor) to be launched like user and root the same time ???13:10
zirodaypragad7: pastebin the output of sudo iptables -L please13:11
IHS_InternOn a second, slightly less important note... All of these computers have the same name. I don't even know how to rename xUbuntu machines through the GUI, let alone command line... Can I make a script to rename them with something like Ram-Tux(Insert Random Number here) ?13:11
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zirodayparapanghelescu: no, because tor needs to run as root IIRC13:11
h4mx0rI tried doing apt-get remove gdm but it removes my sound :(13:11
IHS_InternIt's slightly less important because the DNS/DHCP/Whatever bit of networking gear it is is refusing to admit they changed names since 5 years ago.13:11
zirodayIHS_Intern: you need to change /etc/hostname13:11
Jack_Sparrowh4mx0r Why are you trying to remove your desktop manager13:12
linnyhello peeps is it possible to make firefox delete most cookies on exit but keep a selected few ? if so how would one achive this ?13:12
duuuuuuuudecause he wanna try alternatives jack lol13:12
parapanghelescuziroday > hmmm ...so why at some particular point do I have an error from tor saying that it's not able to access the configuration file ????13:13
zirodayparapanghelescu: you started it with sudo?13:13
Jack_Sparrowduuuuuuuude He can try alternatives without removing gdm, if he wants gnome gone there is a better wa13:13
linnyor could someone point me to a firefox support chan ? is there one ?13:13
lesshasteI just installed gecko-mediaplayer but firefox is ignoring it and it doesn't show in about:plugins . I see the plugins were installed at /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ . Is that wrong?13:13
parapanghelescuziroday> nope, now I started with vidalia ...the control panel of tor13:13
zirodaylinny: #firefox on irc.mozilla.org13:13
linnythankS ziroday13:14
zirodayparapanghelescu: I'm sorry I'm really not that familiar with tor and can't help you13:14
Jack_Sparrow!purekde > duuuuuuuude13:14
ubottuduuuuuuuude, please see my private message13:14
IHS_Internziroday, thanks, that does help, tells me something I didn't yet know... so now I just need to know how to change it to something a little less constant.13:14
duuuuuuuudefor sure jack, but what if he dont wanna keep the old one?13:14
parapanghelescubut before killing the process from terminal I wasn't able to start tor and it was reporting this error ....and firefox not running in tor mode ....13:14
h4mx0rJack_Sparrow: I prefer command line login that is simpler and more efficient13:14
Jack_Sparrowduuuuuuuude See the link13:14
platonix666fuck all ya all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13:14
raghu125coorglinny, http://mashable.com/2008/11/11/firefox-extensions-for-managing-cookies/13:14
h4mx0rJackSparrow: there was a thread that said to do /usr/bin/pulseaudio -D --log-target=syslog & to get back sound13:15
Jack_Sparrowh4mx0r See the link for pure gome or pure kde as a ref13:15
Krastyoziroday: Do you have any update on my local shares issue or should I turn for info elsewhere?13:15
zirodayKrastyo: err did you manage to pastebin that nmap info?13:16
bullgard4What document viewer is commonly used to view a document of  MIME type 'application/docbook+xml'?13:16
duuuuuuuudei check it jack thanx13:16
=== DaZ| is now known as DaZ
mechdavebullgard4, Any xml viewer will do it13:16
zirodaybullgard4: any text editor should, as well as firefox13:16
ziroday!pastebin > pragad713:17
ubottupragad7, please see my private message13:17
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:17
duuuuuuuudehey luxor13:17
zirodaypragad7: and that all looks fine :), is this only an issue with http traffic ?13:17
LuxorI have a question. Is there anything like 'Hotspot Shield' for Ubuntu?13:18
raghu125coorgbullgard4, use emac editor13:18
Krastyozirday: you need this I assume: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182804/13:18
duuuuuuuudegood question luxor, i wanna know that too???13:18
JaydonI am having sporadic sound issues on ubuntu: sometimes youtube steals the sound from amarok and vice versa. Sometimes the microphone works under skype sometimes it doesn't. Most of these problems are fixed by rebooting, but I would like to understand what is going on. Specifically how the various mixers interact, the volume control on the keyboard, the volume control provided by gnome, alsamixer, and the volume control provided inside ind13:18
Jaydonividual applications. Can anybody recommend me a good tutorial?13:18
tv7497guys i have a lamp sever ! well is there a way for other's to upload a file to my server ?13:18
LuxorYou do duuuuuuuuuuuude?13:18
duuuuuuuudewell folks, luxor and i wanna know any VPN/anonymity tool for ubuntu???13:18
bullgard4ziroday: firefox 3.0.10 does not do it by default. Rather it asks me. So please advise me what to select in the field "Open with".13:19
zirodayKrastyo: okay, it doesn't appear that the samba server is running13:19
bullgard4raghu125coorg: There is no such editor.13:19
zirodaybullgard4: any text editor will do on viewing and editing, whist firefox can only view.13:19
parapanghelescuduuuude > tor will be one option13:19
Jack_Sparrowtv7497 There is a specific channel for server, mysgl and most of lamp that will often have better answers13:19
duuuuuuuudebtw i searched it before but theyr not like hss luxor13:19
xdrmayabullgrad try open with gedit13:19
raghu125coorgbullgard4, did you search in aptitude?13:19
tv7497Jack_Sparrow: thanks :)13:20
=== bapake is now known as ce_manis^
duuuuuuuudeat least theyr not static/trusted services like it13:20
LuxorMy friend says ubuntu's good, but i need something like HSS to change/hide my IP with VPS or something13:20
Jack_Sparrowtv7497 /join #ubuntu-server   etc13:20
parapanghelescuduuuude > www.torproject.org13:20
BodsdaHi, after uninstalling nautilus, how can I set emelfm2 as the default file manager?13:20
bullgard4ziroday: I asked for a document viewer. A document viewer is not supposed to edit.13:20
duuuuuuuudewhy dont u go with plain proxies luxor?13:20
zirodaybullgard4: then firefox, as I explained above.13:20
JaydonI am having sporadic sound issues on ubuntu: sometimes youtube steals the sound from amarok and vice versa. Sometimes the microphone works under skype sometimes it doesn't. Most of these problems are fixed by rebooting, but I would like to understand what is going on. Specifically how the various mixers interact, the volume control on the keyboard, the volume control provided by gnome, alsamixer, and the volume control provided inside ind13:20
Jaydonividual applications. Can anybody recommend me a good tutorial? (sorry if this message got printed twice, I forgott to register my nick)13:20
LuxorYou mean like go to a proxy site and go through it? It makes my PC slow13:21
duuuuuuuudetheres too many public anonym proxy lists13:21
Jack_SparrowBodsda It is not a simple setting, see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease13:21
LuxorHSS is fast for me :P13:21
bullgard4ziroday: As I explained above: firefox 3.0.10 does not do it by default. Rather it asks me. So please advise me what to select in the field "Open with".13:21
duuuuuuuudeactually it doesnt slows u down, if u select them carefully13:21
duuuuuuuudei know hss was great13:21
zirodaybullgard4: a text editor then13:21
xdrmayaopen with (if its just text) gedit13:21
BodsdaJack_Sparrow: i thought it wouldnt be :), thanks for the link13:21
xdrmayaJaydon, which ubuntu you use?13:21
bullgard4ziroday: Thank you for responding.13:22
duuuuuuuudewell, we can shout n cry to makers o hss13:22
duuuuuuuudejoost was worked13:22
duuuuuuuudewhy not hss13:22
Jack_Sparrow!enter > duuuuuuuude13:22
ubottuduuuuuuuude, please see my private message13:22
whileimhereHi when I do a fresh install of ubuntu and go through synaptic to do my basic updates there are not that many of them but if I turn on the other parts of the synaptic repo there are tons of updates why is that?13:22
pietjehello all.13:22
duuuuuuuudehey pietje13:23
LuxorYeaaa, Tor is only for tranfering of data :|13:23
duuuuuuuudetor is not secure afaik13:23
Jaydonxdrmaya: jaunty13:23
LuxorIm gonna email hotspot shield later lol13:23
frankS2tor is secure13:23
frankS2why shouldnt it be duuuuuuuude13:23
Jack_Sparrowwhileimhere If you add repos it will add things to update, please avoid proposed and backports unless ou are very sure of what you are doing13:23
raghu125coorgwhileimhere, which version you have installed...looks like older ubuntu version13:23
duuuuuuuudesure luxor, theyll happily support us if they hear us13:24
LuxorWell i gtg13:24
Luxorill be back later13:24
duuuuuuuudecya luxor13:24
xdrmayaokay, thanx Jaydon, if it were hardy i could have helped, but with juanty fresh install everything worked, sorry13:24
xdrmayai cant help13:24
xdrmayaanybody? Jaydon has sound issues13:24
duuuuuuuudewhats your sound device jaydon?13:24
OrgazmoI was wondering if someone could help me with an issue I'm having with K3D. I'm trying to burn a DVD ISO and after it burns, it fails verification due to the disc that was just burned being different to the original iso. I'm burning as slow as I can to avoid errors using DAO method. Has anyone got any suggestions as to what could be wrong?13:25
duuuuuuuudeno kde for me orgazmo sorry13:25
Jack_SparrowAudio issues..run this in a terminal: pgrep pulseaudio ...If it only returns 5654 you're running Pulse Audio ...ask for help in #pulseaudio.. If it returns alsa..  /join #alsa13:25
=== hellboy is now known as kappa
xdrmayaOrgazmo, i dont use verification anymore, because something is wrong with it in k3b13:25
whileimhereAnd pary13:25
xdrmayasame thing here, i check the dvd manually13:26
Orgazmook thanks xdrmaya13:26
=== kezee` is now known as ofnqwop
Orgazmoare there any other apps I can use instead?13:26
BodsdaJack_Sparrow: that link seems very thunar specific13:26
LaMsOrgazmo: Brasero ?13:27
xdrmayabrasero maybe, but k3b is way better i think, even if it has bugs13:27
Jaydonduuuuuuuude: lspci tells me: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)13:27
Jack_SparrowOrgazmo If you are burning an iso have you tried right click on it and send to disk13:27
Orgazmothanks lams I'll try that13:27
Jaydonduuuuuuuude: is that what you wanted to know?13:27
duuuuuuuudei am usin brasero orgazmo13:27
OrgazmoI'll try that now Jack_Sparrow , thanks :)13:27
craigbass1976I want to play chat.vb, the talk radio station file from GTAIII.  How do I do this?13:27
duuuuuuuudeyes jaydon13:27
Jack_SparrowBodsda It covers several file managers, but it was to show you the complexity of solving your question13:27
BodsdaJack_Sparrow: ok, cheers13:28
jangoHi there13:28
craigbass1976I'll ask later; off to work13:28
duuuuuuuudelol craig13:28
pragadohh thats a relief for sometime i was disconnected from the irc. did you guys get my thanks. duuuuude an d paranghe...  and ziroday13:28
pietjeI have a problem: Programms on my ubuntu installaton hang a lot. When it does, the screen turns a bit grey and I have to wait about 10 seconds before it comes back to live.. Not sure if it's clear what I mean.. I'll give an example: I'm using firefox, and all of the sudden the firefox screen greyes out, and I have to wait about 10 seconds before it comes back to live. But I'm positive it's not a firefox problem, it happens with every app..13:30
xylogwhen I goto "Hardware Drivers" it says I am using a proprietary driver. I am trying deactivate it but the deactivate button doesn't seem to work13:30
=== Tig3rzhark is now known as DMoney313
jakecuhey im having trouble with my ubuntu desktop. using intrep13:31
jakecuafter restart it hangs on login13:31
jakecuand just wont budge, anyone have any clue?13:31
pietjeI tailed the syslog, and copied the entries to pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/1437683 can somebody please help me13:31
Jack_Sparrowjakecu What did you last install, and have you added any unsupported repos to your sources list13:32
zimhi all I am looking for an iso of the netbook remix as I would like to install it on the SSD of my eeepc is there one?13:32
duuuuuuuudesure zim, did u check the mirror13:32
xdrmayajakecu, did you have problems while installing?13:33
jakecujack i never installed anything13:33
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:33
zimyup all I could see is .img files13:33
xylogpietje: your cd rom drive may be malfunctioning13:33
LaMspietje: May 28 14:19:37 pietje kernel: [  348.028042] ata1: device not ready (errno=-16), forcing hardreset13:33
jakecuim on my g1 the irc client on this isnt that good :\13:33
LaMspietje: Maybe your hard drive is getting old13:33
pietjexylog, LaMs: That could be so, my laptop is a bit older13:34
zimduuuuuuuude: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ no .iso just img13:34
z0diaqWhy pressing left and right mouse buttons gives me pressing middle one? Is there any way to turn it off? (fps linux player here)13:34
Dustinis someone german?? :D13:34
xdrmayajakecu try jaunty like mr ubottu said13:34
xylogjakecu: if you cannot login at all you can try to reboot into single user mode to troubleshoot13:34
danielrmtde ! Dustin13:34
danielrmtde | Dustin13:35
pietjexylog, LaMs: do you know how to solve it? or is the only way to solve to buy a new hardisk?13:35
danielrmt!de | Dustin13:35
ubottuDustin: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:35
jakecuwhat did he say13:35
jakecuthis irc client blows13:35
Dustinokai thx for help^^13:35
LaMspietje: Do you hear noise (anormal noise) when your disk is in activity ? Also try to see it's state with SMART13:36
xdrmayapietje, if your hardrive is a seagate, well, my older ubuntu had problems with that, just makes it slow and kills it in a half a year13:36
xdrmayait was a nautilus issue13:36
jakecumy inet died. crashed on modprobe -r ndiswrapper13:36
pietjeLaMs: no, I don't hear any noise13:36
pietjeLaMs: I don't know SMART13:37
jakecui restarted now i cant do anything13:37
jakecukeeps hanging13:37
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z0diaqCan anybody help me? :D13:37
pietjexdrmaya: I dont know if it's a seagate, let me check. Ubuntu wrecked your hd?13:37
duuuuuuuudeJack Sparrow is a NAZI! "Scroll back, you will see a fair amount of un-necessary commenting thanks. and yes, lol etc is not appreciated" He warned me even because i lolled!!!13:38
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:39
zimok will re ask the Q is there a .iso for ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386 ?13:39
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:39
pietjexylog, LaMs: do you know how to solve it? or is the only way to solve to buy a new hardisk?13:40
kappait's ok my charset?13:41
Jack_Sparrowzim I didnt think most netbooks had cd drives?13:41
LaMspietje: SMART is a kind of integrated diagnostic for hard drive13:41
pietjeLaMs: is there some application that I can use to run it?13:42
LaMspietje: Let me 2 minutes I'll check in synaptic to give you the proper name13:42
xdrmayaDustin ask me in german not in the main channel, send me a message i try to respond13:43
pietjeLaMS: ok thanks13:43
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest85138
Guest85138hi everybody13:44
the_gameradministrator, how did you call my mother?13:45
eternaljoyhow do I move the bar in Ubuntu 9.04 from top to bottom?13:45
xdrmayahi, mr admin himself, kanji master13:45
LaMspietje: You can install "smartmontools" and "smart-notifier"13:45
Jack_Sparrowadministrator English only here please, we have chinese and janese channels13:45
pietjeLaMs: Ok, i'll try13:45
skygenetichow to configure my internal mic13:45
xdrmayaskygenetic, help?13:45
the_gamereternaljoy, drag and drop...13:45
eternaljoy!ask > skygenetic13:45
ubottuskygenetic, please see my private message13:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:45
eternaljoythe_gamer: when I try to drag, nothing happens.. why not?13:45
LaMspietje: I suggest you read this also http://labs.google.com/papers/disk_failures.html grab the pdf in the bottom13:46
pietjeLaMs: Will do13:46
z0diaqIs there any way to disable activation of middle mouse button when left and the right one are pressed at once?13:46
the_gamereternaljoy, perhaps you clicked on an applet and not the panel itself13:46
xdrmayaeternaljoy, you drag with mouse while pushing a button on the keyboard too?13:46
skygeneticxdrmaya : i cant record sounds and chat in skype , it seems like my internal mic is not working , how do i configure it13:47
eternaljoyxdrmaya: doesnt work either...13:47
eternaljoyanyone know why I cannot drag and drop the bar in ubuntu?13:47
mmm4m5mvigo: One question: as I understand, gutsy is not longer supported and I have to upGrade to 8.04 (then to 8.10, then to 9.04). I have 58 pending ubuntu Gutsy upDates. Do I have to switch from "archive.ubuntu.com" to "old-releases.ubuntu.com", to get all these 58 upDates before I run upGrade to 8.04?13:47
anr78I'm preparing to install Ubuntu on my MBP. How is the HFS+ support in Ubuntu? Read & Write?13:47
Jack_Sparrowmmm4m5m yes13:47
the_gamereternaljoy, perhaps you clicked on an applet and not the panel itself13:47
=== Guest85138 is now known as sirderigo
LaMseternaljoy: You mean the menu bar ? Yeah I used to do it in 8.10 but now in 9.04 it doesn't work13:48
eternaljoythe_gamer: no.. any other way to move the bar?13:48
eternaljoyLaMs: same here :(  solution?13:48
eternaljoyI used to do it in 8.10 but now in 9.04 it doesn't work13:48
=== sirderigo is now known as Guest97645
xdrmayaskygenetic, try this forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43448813:48
danielrmt!english | QQboy13:48
ubottuQQboy: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:48
eternaljoyLaMs: so how can we move the bar to bottom?13:48
Jack_SparrowQQboy  English only here please, we have chinese and japanese channels13:48
LaMseternaljoy: I used gconf-editor to edited the position13:48
=== Guest97645 is now known as sirderigo
eternaljoyLaMs: how I do that?13:49
eternaljoyLaMs: where is gconf-editor ?13:49
nagyvhi! I have a fairly old laptop that I would like to install xubuntu on, but seemingly its cd-rom is dead. Any ideas what could I do?13:49
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate13:49
xdrmayaetrenaljoy, alt+f2 an type gconf-editor13:49
nagyvJack_Sparrow: thx13:49
fabio__$which gconf-editor13:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf-editor13:50
eternaljoyhow do I move the bar in Ubuntu 9.04 from top to bottom?  anyone have a solution as drag and drop is broken13:50
LaMseternaljoy: atp-get install gconf-editor13:50
nagyvJack_Sparrow: but I don't own floppies any more :)13:50
=== gladiator is now known as rosepetal
danielrmteternaljoy: if you rightclick the panel, and select properties, you can change the panel "orientation"13:51
gribsHi, could anybody help me. I'm install network-manager-pptp package, so i can set up my vpn connection from network manager by one click. But Network manager doesn't replace default route after connection, so i must type "route add default dev ppp0" after each connection. Could anybody say, how to automatize it?13:51
mmm4m5mJack_Sparrow: thank you. I remember, long time back, I switch to hardy/intrepid repos. and got newer svn version (it also bring few libs from there). So, currently I have 99% gutsy + 1% hardy + 1% intrepid. Hope it will not be critical and upGrade will go fine.13:51
Jack_Sparrownagyv See the link, but no cd broken floppy etc is smething you willneed to solve on your end13:51
acu_hi everyone, need help... is there any way to control the fan-speed of my cpu in my laptop using ub9.04 ?13:51
Jack_Sparrowmmm4m5m Yes, it will most likely go critical during the upgrade,  setup a sep /home if it does so you can install without issues in the future13:52
Krastyoziroday: I installed samba, it seems to be running OK, but I still cannot access my vista shared folder(s)... here is the output of the nmap command now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182830/13:52
eternaljoydanielrmt: wow, youre a legend :) that was a good solution :)13:52
Jack_Sparrow!info powernowd13:52
ubottupowernowd (source: powernowd): control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.00-1ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 136 kB13:52
eternaljoythe_gamer:  if you rightclick the panel, and select properties, you can change the panel "orientation"13:52
the_gamereternaljoy, i can't do that...13:52
eternaljoydanielrmt: awesome... after 1 hour of playing around and asking in here, you are first to come up with a solution :)13:52
mmm4m5mJack_Sparrow: thanks13:53
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome13:53
* eternaljoy washes danielrmt's feet13:53
danielrmteternaljoy: i guess sometimes people forget about the small and simple things. happens with me all the time.13:53
eternaljoydanielrmt: yeah :)13:53
eternaljoythanks again13:53
Cn4i had xp and ubuntu dual boot, and then i reformatted xp and i can't boot into ubuntu. any ideas of a fix? im able to boot into ubuntu from a livecd13:55
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:55
MyrttiCn4: how did you install ubuntu?13:55
Cn4Myrtti: I can't really remember13:55
LaMseternaljoy, danielrmt: Offcourse, if you want only to change it's position on one screen ... I though you had a setup like mine and wanted to get the panel on the second screen13:55
xdrmayacn4 is there a grub list coming up at boot?13:55
MyrttiCn4: from within windows, or did you reboot the computer with the cd in?13:56
xdrmayasorry, gotta take a big headed labrador for a walk, keep up13:56
Cn4xdrmaya:  there is no grub list. Myrtti: booted and installed13:57
Cn4should I be okay following the instructions from that link?13:57
porter1Everytime I start up, evolutio needs my password from the keyring. Why doesn't it remember it?13:57
porter1Same goes for some wireless networks.13:57
Jack_SparrowCn4 That should fix a regular reinstall of windows issue13:57
Cn4i will give it a shot, thanks13:58
gribsHi, could anybody help me? I'm install network-manager-pptp package, so i can set up my vpn connection from network manager by one click. But Network manager doesn't replace default route after connection, so i must type "route add default dev ppp0" after each connection. Could anybody say, how to automatize it?13:58
thelaugh1ngmimeI am not sure that i have the settings correct in samba for the "server settings" can anyone help me with the IP settings?14:00
linuxghostdoes anyone knows how to resize a partioned HDD with dual boot?14:01
lenswipehey guys ubuntu keeps dropping my ssh connection into it14:01
LaMseternaljoy, danielrmt: Anyway if you ever want to get your panel on a second monitor, you go to gconf-editor and change the value of "monitor" in /apps/panel/toplevels/panel_0 or top_panel_screen014:01
lenswipei ssh in and putty says to me "Server unexpectedly closed the network connection"14:01
lenswipeor something like that14:01
lenswipeanyone got any ideas about that?14:01
ericPif i use the nautilus "folder sharing" menu to share a ... folder, do i need to add an smb account for the user who is expected to access that folder?14:02
ericPthat is, by default, does the smb server use unix account auth, or some other login db?14:02
lenswipeJack_Sparrow: any ideas?14:02
lenswipeericP: be default samba uses smbpasswd authetntication14:02
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost Livecd unmount them resize them then repair uuid, fstab and grub14:02
linuxghostdoes anyone knows how to resize a partioned HDD with dual boot?ive used GPARTED but it cant increase just decrease.14:02
lenswipeericP: this can be found /etc/smbpasswd14:02
lenswipelinuxghost: try doing it from windows14:03
linuxghostjack,i didnt understand plz14:03
linuxghostmy livecd cant boot14:03
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost Do you have free space right alongside the one you want to expand, or is it on an extended partition etc14:03
ericPlenswipe, if have no /etc/smbpasswd, i guess i create one with /usr/bin/smbpasswd14:03
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Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost you cant resize a mounted partition./14:03
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Floops[w]
lenswipeericP: not sure, it could be /etc/samba/smbpasswd, i couldnt be 100% sure14:04
linuxghostis unmounted14:04
lenswipeericP; asin it might be in /etc/samba/smbpasswd14:04
lenswipeericP: cant really remember, i just set my domain controller and forget it, for the most part14:04
linuxghosti ve freed 6 gb of ubuntu partition and want to increase xp partition, there is no that option on gparted14:05
lenswipecan someone tell me why my ubuntu machine keeps dropping my ssh connection?14:05
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo blkid >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)14:05
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost THat should give us the info we need to make sure you dont get into trouble14:06
lenswipeJack_Sparrow: my ubuntu machine keeps rejecting an ssh connection for some unknown reason, do you have any ideas?14:06
linuxghostjack, slowdown14:06
sipiorlenswipe: look to see if any messages in /var/log/messages or /var/log/auth correspond to the drop outs you are experiencing. is the connection between the two machines generally reliable?14:07
Jack_Sparrowchee Please stop14:07
minedmindhi all...14:07
tv7497guys was trying to install open ssh server i get this message when i type ssh user@server ip address i get like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/182831/14:07
lenswipesipior: normally yes, i type my ubuntu box's IP or net bios name into puTTY and it just says "Server unexpectedly closed connetion.."14:07
lenswipesipior: WinSCP is the same..14:07
Picitv7497: Thats normal.14:08
Jack_Sparrow!id > chee14:08
ubottuchee, please see my private message14:08
Picitv7497: It just means you havent connected to it before.14:08
tv7497Pici: well what to do now ?14:08
sipiorlenswipe: do you have console access to the linux box? do any entries appear in the logfiles i asked about?14:08
Picitv7497: type yes14:08
lenswipesipior: no im afraid not, its headless14:08
lenswipesipior: if i ssh in from another linux machine it says this: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host14:09
tv7497Pici: its stating connection refused14:09
sipiorlenswipe: can you arrange for it to have a head temporarily? :-)14:09
sipiorlenswipe: also, is this recent behaviour?14:09
lenswipesipior: yeah just happened today14:09
Picitv7497: Try again please.14:09
tv7497Pici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182846/14:09
lenswipesipior: it worked fine yesterday and nothing has changed since yesterday, hell ive been asleep :P14:09
pragadhey i am tryim t o upgrade using the alternate image for ubuntu 9.04 .how do i do it. by mounting the image14:10
sipiorlenswipe: does the connection collapse immediately? what happens when you provide the -v switch to ssh?14:10
Picitv7497: Sounds like the ssh daemon isn't running anymore.  Can you do sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart14:10
lenswipesipior: the connection colapses immidiately with ssh and ill give the -v switch a go14:10
Jack_Sparrow!iso pragad14:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iso pragad14:11
Jack_Sparrow!iso > pragad14:11
ubottupragad, please see my private message14:11
lenswipedebug1: Reading configuration data /usr/etc/ssh_config14:11
lenswipedebug1: Connecting to samba [] port 22.14:11
lenswipedebug1: Connection established.14:11
lenswipedebug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/014:11
FloodBot2lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:11
lenswipedebug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -114:11
lenswipedebug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type -114:11
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost Use tab to complete my name14:11
sipior!paste > lenswipe14:11
ubottulenswipe, please see my private message14:11
tv7497Pici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/182848/14:11
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost Do you have a link for me14:11
lenswipesipior: better? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/182849/14:12
linuxghostive opened privete chat Jack_Sparrow14:12
Picitv7497: why are you using that ip address instead of localhost like you were before?14:12
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost No, please keep it in channel thanks14:12
lenswipesipior: what do you make of that?14:12
sipiorlenswipe: do you mean to be logging in directly as root? surely you have another user account available?14:12
linuxghostJack_Sparrow: teach me14:13
tv7497Pici: okie ! its asking for my password ! which one to give ?14:13
lenswipesipior: well im logging in as root to edit some files in my web directory with VIM, which cant be easily done by another user14:13
Picitv7497: Your user's password14:13
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost Copy what I gave you into a terminal window (except fot the last bit about giving us the link)14:13
sipiorlenswipe: best to log in as a regular user, and use sudoedit for the files,14:13
alienkid10can I follow any of the tutorials to customize ubuntu standard liveCD to customize ubuntu mini?14:14
lenswipesipior: how do you know im logging in as root anyway?14:14
lenswipesipior: nvm found i14:14
lenswipefount it*14:14
sipiorlenswipe: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -114:14
linuxghosti dont know if is that .i got it 2 days ago when someone taught me14:14
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost That is not the info I requested ty14:14
lenswipesipior: so what do you think could be the issue? would reinsatlling sshd solve anything?14:14
tv7497Pici: wow thanks !! and one more thing !! how do i allow my friends to upload things in to my LAMP ?14:14
linuxghostpaste again Jack_Sparrow14:15
sipiorlenswipe: can you verify that you can log in as another user? my guess is that the system has decided not to permit root logins.14:15
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost scroll back, it was max size, I would rather not spam the chanel again14:15
=== spider is now known as Guest20621
alienkid10can I follow any of the tutorials to customize ubuntu standard liveCD to customize ubuntu mini?14:15
Picitv7497: Give them usernames, forward port 22 from your router to your server and give them access to the directories they need.  They'd need to use scp to upload the files.14:15
sipiorlenswipe: either root doesn't have a shell, or /etc/ssh/sshd_config has been edited to prevent remote root logins (a very sensible practise, by the way)14:15
linuxghostis it to copy and paste all of them?14:16
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost all of that. yes, except that last comment14:16
lenswipesipior: this is me sshing in as another user (named robert) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/182852/14:16
linuxghostNo LSB modules are available.14:16
linuxghostNo LSB modules are available.14:17
sipiorlenswipe: can you show me the precise command you used? i notice that it looks for the public key in the same place...14:17
djoneslenswipe: There's possibly an entry in you ssh config file for "PermitRootLogin no" thats prossibly why you can't ssh in as root14:17
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost FYI if you are doing all of this to move 8 gig, you really just need a bigger hard drive14:17
tv7497Pici: well port 22 is forwarded ! well cant it be made simple cause most of them arent aware of scp !14:17
lenswipesipior: sure gimme a second14:17
linuxghostdont understand14:17
lenswipedjones: it usually permits root logins as of yesterday14:17
Jack_SparrowDid the terminal return a link with a number14:18
Picitv7497: Some windows ftp clients have tje ability to connect to scp, which is also known as sftp.14:18
Jack_Sparrowlinuxghost Sorry, I wont be able to help you with this14:18
lenswipesipior: its letting me in as another user now..14:18
lenswipesipior: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/182853/14:18
linuxghostJack_Sparrow: :(14:19
tv7497Pici: what exactly they have to do if they have windows download sftp and ?14:19
lenswipesipior: and now its suddenly permitting root sshing in again, very odd14:19
nagyv2I've an old laptop, with (x)ubuntu 7.04 that I would like to upgrade, but its ethernet card is not recognised by default. lspci says it's a Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+. What can I do with this line?14:20
sipiorlenswipe: well, that is curious. i would look at /var/log/auth, and see what entries exist for the failed login attempts.14:20
lenswipesipior: ok14:20
Picitv7497: No? Just use a normal ftp client, like filezilla and configure it to use an sftp connection.  Its not hard.14:20
sipiorlenswipe: /var/log/auth.log, to be precise.14:20
Jack_Sparrownagyv2 See if the livecd of a new version sees the network card14:21
CatJellyHi all14:21
Vovi know this might not be the right place to ask, but how do i use a manual can opener?14:21
FLJohncan not get to bloomberg.com14:21
nagyv2Jack_Sparrow: actually, the cd-rom doesn't work either :)14:21
Jack_SparrowVov Offtopic, correct14:21
FLJohnanyone have that problem today14:21
ericPlenswipe, /etc/samba/smbpasswd remained empty, but $(sudo smbpasswd eric) seemed to do the trick. (scanned file opens with strace, no hints)14:21
Jack_Sparrownagyv2 Time for some new hardware14:21
CatJellyWhen you mount a drive via smb in filemanager where does it actually mount? I want to tail a file in terminal on a drive that is mounted via filemanager14:21
minedmindn cannot use grub with the live cd. When i write find /boot/grub/stage1 nothing happen. any idea?14:21
acu_hi everyone, need help... is there any way to control the fan-speed of my cpu in my laptop using ub9.04 ?14:21
PiciVov: Try #ubuntu-offtopic or #help14:22
erUSULnagyv2: this card works with the 8139cp or 8139too drivers. Load them and see which one works14:22
tv7497Pici: wait i have a vbox running vista in it ! well we will assume its an outside user trying to upload a file into my system what exactly i need to do ? could you help me step by step14:22
lenswipesipior: hmm this is interesitng...14:22
erUSULCatJelly: ~/.gvfs/14:22
nagyv2Jack_Sparrow: I have it, the thing is that there appeared some thiefs around my flat recently, and I would like to set up the old hardware as a security webcam (using Motion). No other ideas?14:23
minedmindnobody to help me?14:23
lenswipesipior: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/182857/14:23
CatJellyerUSUL:  thanks, where is that documented so I know where to look fot that kind of thing in future do you know?14:23
lenswipesipior: not sure i like the look of that external IP in there14:23
Picitv7497: Install filezilla, setup an sftp connection from the server browser.  Its really not that tough. If you've gotten this far with Linux you really shouldn't have a hard time with this.14:23
lenswipesipior: right down at the bottom...14:23
Jack_Sparrownagyv2 a full install and not an upgrade etc, see also ersul 's comment14:24
Jack_Sparrow!install > nagyv214:24
ubottunagyv2, please see my private message14:24
sipiorlenswipe: yep, ssh probe. pretty common attack. this is why remote root logins should not generally be permitted, by the way.14:24
lenswipesipior: so you recon that someone has been ssh probing me and sshd has shut off access to protect the system?14:25
minedmindcannot use grub. its freeze. any idea?14:25
erUSULCatJelly: dunno really i know becouse i kind of follow linux new sites and the like14:25
sipiorlenswipe: not necessarily, simply that the attack may have resulted in a temporary denial of service whilst the daemon was processing the other attempted logins.14:25
Jack_Sparrow!details > minedmind14:25
ubottuminedmind, please see my private message14:25
kjkjlcan anyone walk me thru an upgrade thru alternate cd by mounting the iso . i am unable to do it after following the instructions on the ubuntu website.14:26
lenswipesipior: grrr14:26
CatJellyerUSUL: right, cool, I tried to google it and just couldnt find it, thanks a bunch :)14:26
lenswipesipior: time to do some locking down with smoothwall i think14:26
tv7497Pici: should i install filezilla in my system ? i mean in ubuntu not in my vista vbox ?14:26
minedmindi cannot use grub with the live cd. When i write find /boot/grub/stage1 nothing happen.14:26
sipiorlenswipe: consider adjusting your router to prevent arbitrary inbound connections on port 22 :-)14:26
minedmindits freezing14:26
kjkjlit is trying to upgrade thru internet rather tahn the cd14:26
Picitv7497: no... On vista.14:26
=== gmina is now known as supermen
tv7497Pici: okie sir14:26
lenswipesipior: yeah well i usually keep it open so that i can ssh in from school but now that ive left school i think ill turn it off14:26
kjkjli used instructions on tis page but not working http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:27
sipiorlenswipe: or simply permit inbound ssh only from a few trusted outside computers. it's not an all-or-nothing thing.14:27
lenswipesipior: i dont have the school IP, ill just disable it14:27
linuxghostdoes any1 knows how to resize a partitionated hdd with dual boot xp and ubuntu?14:27
supermenyes men14:28
minedmindi know where is grub, i mean on with partition. but grub as a different language for the partitions name?14:28
kjkjli typed gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" and it is trying to download from the internet reather than use the cd14:28
Picilenswipe: I typically install the fail2ban package immediatly after installing the ssh server.  This will automatically ban ip addresses from connecting through ssh for a period of time if they fail to login after a few attempts.14:28
Pici!info fail2ban14:28
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-2 (jaunty), package size 84 kB, installed size 616 kB14:28
minedmind<Jack_Sparrow> can you help me with these details?14:29
lenswipePici: how do i go about doing that?14:29
kjkjli got slow internet connection i already downloaded the alternate image. how do i upgrade please give me the right commands . what am i doing wrong14:29
lenswipePici:n sudo apt-get install fail2ban?14:29
linuxghostdoes any1 knows how to resize a partitionated hdd with dual boot xp and ubuntu?14:29
FLJohndoes anyone have a problem loading www.bloomberg.com  I was able to get to the page until last night.14:29
Picilenswipe: Just install the fail2ban package.  Its defaults work fine for most people.14:29
FLJohnits the only page I am having a problem with14:30
kjkjlfljohn no problem14:30
minedmindargh i'm lost...14:30
FLJohnfirefox updated three times yesterday14:30
minedmindcannot fix the problem by myself... plesa help14:30
linuxghostdoes any1 knows how to resize a partitionated hdd with dual boot xp and ubuntu?14:30
kjkjlhow do i upgrade thru cd mounting i dontr have cds please help14:30
FLJohnContent Encoding Error14:31
mmm4m5mlinuxghost: maybe best way is: use windows to resize ntfs, use ubuntu and resize linux14:31
kjkjlcan anyone help me mount a cd image to upgrade14:31
linuxghosti want to increase xp partition and decrease ubuntu partition14:31
kitcheFLJohn: dowforeveryoneorjustme.com but it does work14:31
tv7497Pici:  well thats a screen shot of filezilla on attempting to connect to my server on port 22 and admin password as my user password14:32
Picilinuxghost: Use gparted from your Ubuntu Live CD to resize your partitions.14:32
FLJohnkitche: no that does not work14:32
Picitv7497: Thats filezilla server.  You need the client software.14:32
linuxghosti cant load live cd of ubuntu just gparted live cd14:32
mmm4m5mlinuxghost: then first run linux, and free some space. Then use windows and resize (increase) ntfs . I also think gparted is fine, I think I did it that way. But I risk my data. Now it is your risk (small or big it is risk)14:33
kitcheFLJohn: if that does not work then your internet is junk since bloomberg and otehr sites work fine for me14:33
tv7497Pici: whats a client s/w ? i am getting on your nerves sorry but please this is really like greek and latin to me14:33
kjkjlsudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom0  is not working14:33
dreastyhow set workgroup?\14:34
FLJohnkitche: thats it?  My internet is junk?14:34
Picitv7497: Filezilla Client. Not Filezilla Server.14:34
kjkjlplease hellp14:34
kitcheFLJohn: can you go to any website?14:34
driftwood_kjkjl       dont belive u can upgrade ,as in keep all your settings and data, to a new version from a cd. can only reinstall. some one will correct me if im wrong14:34
kitcheFLJohn: then something on your side is blocking you from certain sites14:34
tv7497Pici: just saw that ! :D in the website !! but whats the diff between client and server14:35
linuxghostmmm4m5m: ive freed up 6 gb of ubuntu and is unallocated and i dnt know how to increase xp partition with that partition?14:35
kjkjlbut it says in ubuntu website that upgrade is possible thru mounting cd iso14:35
Picitv7497: The server is for serving files.  It is an ftp server.14:35
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tv7497Pici: oh !14:35
kjkjlfljohn try to access the site thru google translate14:36
driftwood_oh ok. have u the link kjkjl?14:36
tv7497Pici: well whats the diff between a lamp  and ftp server ?14:36
FLJohnkitche: ok.  here is the error I get The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.14:36
kjkjldriftwood http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:36
kitcheFLJohn: never seen that error before so can't help you with that14:36
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
FLJohnkitche: google translator worked14:37
kjkjlfljohn it was menot kitchie14:37
kjkjlfinally i helped someone14:37
Picitv7497: lamp is http. ftp is ftp.  Wikipedia/google should be able to help if you need more info.14:38
FLJohnbut why did firefox update three times yesterday fir me?14:38
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sheikpunkwhen i access a smb:// url with nautilus its mount that as smbfs?14:38
n0gearwhats a good website builder for linux? (wysiwyg)14:38
tv7497Pici: thanks i am googling it :)14:38
kjkjlfljohn no idea14:38
FLJohnthank youu kjkjl14:38
g0thhow do I download all images from a a certain site?14:38
g0thusing wget14:38
djones!nvu | n0gear14:39
ubottun0gear: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.14:39
g0thI have a html file, it contains some images, I would like to simply store all those images14:39
tv7497Pici: and what about the adding of user names ?14:39
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:40
akazawahello everyone14:40
Picitv7497: They're just regular users on your system.14:40
=== Steffy is now known as Rheffy
Bilzhello. I tried to restore my grub using that. and now i get error 17: cannot mount selected partition for each OS i have (XP and ubuntu). And im not longer able to boot from any cd now too. Any ideas?14:40
tv7497Pici: what about some one from outside ?14:40
akazawaI updated my ubuntu 9.04 server and now it boots into initramfs every time :( why did it break?14:41
Picitv7497: someone?14:41
tv7497Pici: i mean most of my friends aren't users of my system right how do they upload ?14:41
Picitv7497: You need to create users then.14:42
FLJohnok./  I think I see another problem.  Hulu is not working either.  nor is any video products14:42
tv7497Pici: user's like ? should the user name must be in my system ? should i create them using users and groups ?14:43
Picitv7497: Yes.14:43
kjkjlhas anyone upgrade thru alternate cd by mounting it14:43
akazawacan anyone help me?14:43
tv7497Pici: wait then they will be able to upload the files? using filezilla ?14:43
Picitv7497: yes.14:44
tv7497Pici: what kind of user privileges will they get ?14:44
Picitv7497: Whatever you give them.  They won't have sudo access by default.14:44
akazawagah, I feel ignored14:45
kjkjlhas anyone ever upgrade through an altertnate cd iso image by mounting it rather than burning it14:45
sjokkishi. i'm having some problems with my (onboard) soundcard. it pulseaudio -v tells me it's most likely a problem with the snd_via82xx module. lspci says i have the following audio card: "00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 40)". can any of you help me figure this out?14:45
tv7497Pici: gawd ! this is like letting your full system from outside !14:45
akazawacould someone at least help me troubleshoot why after an update my system now won;t boot?14:46
Bilzhello. I tried to restore my grub using that. and now i get error 17: cannot mount selected partition for each OS i have (XP and ubuntu). And im not longer able to boot from any cd now too. Any ideas?14:47
tv7497Pici: wow its working and Pici isnt there any other type of thing where the user access is specific to certain dir ?14:48
tv7497Pici: and one more i have logged in and how do i upload a file ?14:50
Picitv7497: There is, but I don't remember how to do it, perhaps someone else does though.14:50
gk__planet.gr 25000 22037714:51
FloodBot2gk__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
akazawasjokkis: take a look at this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/27192-getting-no-sound-out-my-onboard-via-vt8237-sound-card.html14:51
Aqai am reporting a bug14:52
Aqabut i stuck here14:52
tonereport away14:52
Aqabacktrace etc something like that i am on that page14:52
AqaStart the program under control of gdb:14:52
Aqahow to start that gbd? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace14:53
Aqatone, u must help me14:53
tv7497Pici: i meant how can you upload a file ? after logging in ?14:53
akazawaI updated my ubuntu 9.04 server and now it boots into initramfs every time :( why did it break? is there some sort of bug in the updates?14:54
Picitv7497: With filezilla?14:54
kamahow I can install w32codecs? is very dificlult14:54
tv7497Pici: yes14:54
kamahelp me plase14:54
akazawasjokkis: did that link help?14:54
Picitv7497: just navigate with the left pane to where the file is then drag it onto the right one.14:55
kama#/join ubuntu-es14:55
Aqatone, :P14:55
TheBraynhowdy folks14:55
danielrmt!medibuntu | kama14:55
ubottukama: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:55
AqaPici, how to start that gbd? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace14:56
kamathis is .deb format?14:56
PiciAqa: I'm actually about to run to a meeting, someone else may be able to help, sorry.14:56
AqaPici, ok14:56
Aqakama, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu   type sudo command in terminal14:58
kamaAqa thanks!14:59
kamabut I have much dificlut because hadly console15:00
traemccombsanyone know the package that has the vncviewer program I can use from the command line  (with the command: vncviewer )15:01
mquintraemccombs: xtightvncviewer15:02
danielrmttraemccombs: When I type vncviewer in my terminal, I see: The program 'vncviewer' can be found in the following packages: * xtightvncviewer,  * xvnc4viewer,  * tightvnc-java,  * vnc-java15:02
=== sirderigo is now known as Guest96379
traemccombsdanielrmt: wow... that seems new (and awesome)15:04
traemccombsmquin: thanks to you too :)15:05
miahello- does anyone know of an application or method to overlay transparent windows, so that they cannot be clicked but are always on top?15:05
tv7497Pici: thanks a lot mate !15:09
krisss117jest ktos ?15:10
diego_Hi! A friend of mine is running a 32 bits version of Ubuntu 7.10 in a 64 bits laptop. He wants to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 or 8.10 for 64 bits. The thing is he has some programs compiled for 32 bits. Will those work under the 64 bits version? Will it be nesessary to recompile those programs for 64 bits (I supose it would be better but I want to know if it will be nesessary)? Thank you very much in advance.15:10
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
krisss117pl ?15:11
eMaXwitam krisss11715:11
eMaXnje ma tutaj polskie ludie15:11
eMaXtylko angielski15:11
kamaI don't see mp4 format help me plase15:12
kitche!pl | krisss11715:12
ubottukrisss117: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:12
eMaX...and that's all I can say in polish...15:12
krisss117potrzebuje pomocy z instalacja flash na ubuntu 64b15:12
eMaXkrisss117, go to #ubuntu-pl15:12
krisss117moze ktos na priv ?15:12
eMaXkrisss117, nie wieme bo nie speak polish here15:12
eMaX:) so please speak english15:13
eMaXor german15:13
eMaXor french15:13
brendanoor aussie15:13
ewookor, just english..15:13
brendanoha ha15:13
LjL*cough* how about english, and ontopic15:13
brendanofair nuff digger15:13
eMaXit was on topic though what he was asking15:13
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:13
kamaI not can see mp4 format, help me plase15:14
xingstyou can use mplayer to see mp415:15
ubuntu_userim new how do i change my un15:15
=== william is now known as Turt3l
=== eric is now known as Guest2593
ubuntu_userhow do i change username15:16
Xcellkama-   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:16
brendanoserious float - does anyone know when the rt kernel openoffice problem is going to be fixed?15:17
ubuntu_userhow do i change my username15:17
kamaxingst I am to use mplayer without result15:17
brendanofor 9.04 studio that is15:17
ubuntu_useromg how do i change my username15:17
kitcheubuntu_user /nick for irc15:18
kitche!repeat | ubuntu_user15:18
ubottuubuntu_user: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:18
=== ubuntu_user is now known as Op3th
Douglas_EI added a new hd and lost my swap. How do I fix it? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4152692f15:19
kholerabbiI wan to set .doc files to open with a wine application. Wine applications are not listed so I have to enter custom command - but then I get no icon and the label 'env' - which is not nice. Any suggestions?15:21
xingstKama, in mplayer preferences,choose "X11(ximages/shm"in "video'15:21
kitcheDouglas_E: looks like you need to remake your swap unless that's your new hard drive and you replaced your old drive15:22
kitchekholerabbi: umm I do believe that Wine applications are int eh taskbar menu they are under Wine I believe15:23
Op3thyes they are15:23
moz44hello guys, I am having problems with sound in Ubuntu 8.10. It seems that mp3 songs can be reproduced by mouse hovering buy sound wont work with video from youtube.com..any ideas? maybe sound codecs?15:23
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
boss_mcmoz44: got flash installed as per:15:24
boss_mc!flash | moz4415:24
ubottumoz44: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:24
moz44ok you guys think is Flash giving trouble?15:24
kholerabbiKitche: But no in the "Open With" list :/15:24
moz44the thing is that I downloaded a video from youtube also and when i play it sound wont work15:25
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resnohow do you set a static ip on linux?15:25
jlillyhow do I turn off the notification in 9.04 for IM clients?15:25
neil127_moz44: to play youtube videos you'll need a flv player15:25
moz44neil27_:i do have it. flash 1015:26
neil127_resno: in console with sudo ifconfig <interface> <ip> <subnet mask>15:26
neil127_or right click in the NetworkManager icon15:26
moz44neil27_: sound wont work though15:26
neil127_Edit connections15:26
Rajh_heya here !15:26
doc_brownhow do you add a gpg key to the apt keyring?15:27
neil127_moz44: your player is using the correct sound system? like, you know, alsa or whatever you got15:27
Rajh_Could someone tell me how to print on a ethernet printer by command line ?15:27
ColonelPanikNickServ identify crash15:27
neil127_doc_brown, Administration -> Software Sources or alike (my ubuntu is not in english)15:27
moz44neil27_: i set the sound preferences to something that works when tested...15:27
neil127_and there, Authentication tab15:27
neil127_dunno then15:27
JasaHey there, whats up all ? =)15:28
danielrmt!hi | Jasa15:28
ubottuJasa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:28
Turt3lIm gonna go with Fedora this tyme15:28
neil127_cant i ghost neil127?15:28
Schnitzhi all15:28
moz44neil27_:actually sound works when tested in the Sound Preferences dialog. Preferences are set to OSS - Open Sound System15:28
Schnitzis there any wallpaper approach for a dual head setup that makes sense?15:29
=== neil127_ is now known as neil127
b0ne333hi i have a question. i want that my bash waits a few seconds untill the next command how can i do this?15:29
Jack_Sparrowneil127_ Please dont sewar even if it is shorthand15:29
Schnitze.g. just show the same wallpaper on both monitors or whatever...centering the wallpaper in the middle of 2 monitors looks very bad15:29
jlillyb0ne333: you could make a function call in your bash profile that waits for a few seconds.15:29
Jack_Sparrowb0ne333 /join #bash15:29
moz44boss_mc: actually sound works when tested in the Sound Preferences dialog. Preferences are set to OSS - Open Sound System. But wont work with video downloaded from youtube or video watched from youtube15:29
jlillyfor more specifics, ask in #bash, yea.15:29
b0ne333ok i will do this jack_sparrow15:30
moz44one general question: how to reset sound preferences and any user configuration files?15:31
catyHey, does anyone know anywhere to download eye candy for ubuntu? Thank you.15:31
djones!themes | caty15:32
ubottucaty: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:32
=== jordo_ is now known as luckyone
catydjones, thanks15:32
techniquehey guys need some help if possible... i am using ubuntu 8.10 and im a newbie, for some funny reason when i click on the network applet manager i cant click on the enable wireless button its gone blank if you know what i mean. was working fine for 3 months. Can any1 help????????15:32
biestCould anyone help me to troubleshoot my WiFi connection?15:32
J_technique: are you sure wireless is turned on?15:32
neil127technique: maybe your physical wireless switch is turned off?15:33
J_you might need to push Fn+wireless or something if you use a notebook15:33
J_hi guys, ive just received my new dell studio 15 (1550), i installed 9.04 but i had major issues (sound, suspend and others failed) so i installed 8.04 instead but suspend still doesnt work, any ideas on what i should try?15:33
techniqueJ_ its switched of but i cant enable it its not highlighted if you know what i mean like its black15:33
techniqueyes but how would i switch it on15:33
sporkboyokay, tried to install OpenShot, and I'm getting "ImportError: No module named mlt" when I try to run it. what do I do?15:33
biestAny help on my WiFi?15:34
neil127biest: explain your problem first, and then we'll try to help15:34
J_technique: do you use a notebook?15:34
neil127technique: before enabling it on the OS, you must ensure that it's enabled physically15:34
Rajh_Could someone tell me how to print on a ethernet printer by command line ?15:34
neil127Rajh_: man lp15:34
moz44technique: open command line and type NetworkManager15:34
techniqueyes i do J_15:35
neil127um no, that's not15:35
neil127technique: what model?15:35
moz44moz44:that will activate the network daemon15:35
techniqueits a DELL inspiron 640015:35
neil127moz44: seems that's not the problem15:35
J_technique: it should have a button with like a radio tower on it, try and push it and wait a couple of seconds15:35
neil127technique: look for the wireless switch on the side of the pc15:36
nA1828KcFz9qHello. Recently I turned off my laptop and I think my hand accidentally swiped across one of those "blue buttons" (that control media) at the top of the laptop.15:36
OleJonHi, I need the easiest way to replace specific characters in file names with other characters, let's say I want to replace 12 with 34, how?15:36
biestI've tried about anything on the fora, I have an intel 4935 card. I'm afraid I tried to many things and that I might have blocked some things out...15:36
nA1828KcFz9qSome error messages came up, and it seemed like the laptop was frozen and wouldn't shut down.15:36
neil127OleJon, man sed grep cat15:36
J_OleJon: man sed15:36
techniqueit doesnt have a wireless switch15:36
icerootis this working in current firefox? about:rights  i got a xml-error15:36
slestaki am using ff3 on ubuntu 9.04 and seem to be haivng a brain fart.  I need to associate .nxs files with the no machine client.  FF tells me it cannot open the file, adjust the association, however, in FF Preferences, I do not see how to add a new mime type or otherwise adjust this.15:36
neil127technique: it has to15:36
techniquei know what you mean15:37
nA1828KcFz9qAfter a minute or two I shut it down manually. Now, turning it down, the screen is completely blank. Usually, the laptop whines as it boots up, but now there is no such indication either.15:37
techniquethanks so much15:37
nA1828KcFz9qWhat could be wrong?15:37
biestI just don't know where I could find what the problem is.15:37
sporkboyiceroot: works in my 3.0.10 on 9.0415:37
nA1828KcFz9q*down -> on15:37
techniquethanks neil its working now15:38
icerootsporkboy: hm ok, not working in ff 3.0.10 in 8.0415:38
=== maco_ is now known as maco
J_so let me spam this again, ive just received my new dell studio 15 (1550), i installed 9.04 but i had major issues (sound, suspend and others failed) so i installed 8.04 instead but suspend still doesnt work, any ideas on what i should try?15:39
mikeh789iceroot, I just got it to work in 8.10 and 9.0415:39
J_i tried the 23 and the 24 kernel15:39
galHello, my sources.list file has some bad repo's in it and i cant seems to be able to download some packages anyone can help?15:40
neil127technique: no problem, u're welcome :)15:40
neil127j_: try the notebook edition, or whatever is it called15:40
neil127gal: Administration -> Software Sources15:40
neil127and delete the bad repos15:40
scales11hi all anyone remind me how i can check to see which driver my wireless card is using?15:41
J_its not quite a netbook, what are the main differences?15:41
galneil27 : where is that?15:41
nA1828KcFz9qHello -- does anyone have any ideas about my situation?15:41
neil127dunno, but it's more prepared for notebooks15:41
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neil127nA1828KcFz9q: dunno, strange behaviour15:41
nA1828KcFz9qneil127: Are you aware of similar cases?15:42
galgod where is this administration thing :) i am realy starting to hate ubuntu15:42
biestHere are some things that might make the problem a bit more clear? http://paste.ubuntu.com/182917/15:42
J_mm well it really is a brand new model from dell so i should probably just file a bug report15:42
scales11let me be a little more specific.  i have a 1000he eeepc.  i wanted to check to see which drivers my card is using (it just worked after the install)15:43
dv_anybody knows an application which I can use for creating work breakdown structures and gantt charts?15:43
galneil ?15:43
mikeh789nA1828KcFz9q, i would boot from a live cd and see if it still does it... could be an unrelated new hardware problem15:43
newhopeHello all,How can I preview a "ttf" font file, :)15:43
belidv_: search fm and sf for your app15:43
nA1828KcFz9qmikeh789: I have tried booting from a bootable USB. There is no response.15:44
andybleadennA1828KcFz9q: you mean no response...where do you get upto...login..??15:45
=== blacky is now known as b14ck
newhopeAnyone notice my question, :)15:46
andybleadennewhope: have a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112680415:48
barbarella2newhope:that was?15:48
mikeh789newhope, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/05/21/300-easily-installed-free-fonts-for-ubuntu/15:48
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:49
sporkboycan somebody recommend a good video editing program? I can't get any of the ones I found to work.15:51
hari1I have ubuntu 9.04 live cd.when i try to install using it, whole hd is shown without any partition done before...can some one tell me wat might be the problem?15:52
Jack_Sparrowhari1 To get live cd to show your missing hard drive this often helps..At start or install press F6 and add all_generic_ide before the "--"15:52
zirodaysporkboy: kdenlive?15:52
gdankohi all15:52
andybleadenhari1: have you got other partitions on your pc>15:52
gdankoI was directed here for support from ubuntu.com :)15:53
andybleadengdanko: how can we help?15:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:53
gdankoandybleaden: So I installed tightvncserver on Jaunty AMD6415:53
gdankoandybleaden: I started it with "tightvncserver -name Ubuntu -geometry 1024x768"15:54
newhopeThanks all :)15:54
leachim6my machine is ubuntu 9.04 and has all firewalls disabled...but it still rejects all incoming connections15:54
leachim6how do I fix?15:54
JampiterHow do I set Ubuntu to start with Compiz instead of metacity?15:54
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist15:55
belileachim6: why do you think its rejecting stuff?15:55
leachim6beli, if I knew I wouldn't be here ...15:55
hari1andybleaden: whole hd is shown as one partition.15:55
Jack_Sparrowleachim6 see also port forwarding specific info for your router15:55
gdankoandybleaden: I configured the startup script to call gnome-session so I can get my desktop. As long as I connect/disconnect, etc all my desktop modifications are persistent (icon placement, etc) but if I kill tightvncserver and relaunch it, the next time I connect all my gnome-session modifications are gone.15:55
belileachim6: erm....i didnt ask..WHY it is rejecting...just WHY you THINK it is15:55
leachim6I'm talking about inside the network15:55
leachim6IDK...I thought it was firewall15:55
gdankoandybleaden: trying to keep things persistent15:55
andybleadenhari1: hmm..what do you get with sudo fdisk -l in terminal15:55
leachim6so I disabled it15:55
leachim6and it still does it15:55
JampiterHow do I set Ubuntu to start with Compiz instead of metacity?15:56
belileachim6: what does what? why do you think sth. is wrong...15:56
belileachim6: start at the initial problem....15:56
andybleadengdanko: not my best area vnc I am afriad..anyone else?15:56
hari1that shows the partition..when i try to install from live cd,this prob occurs.15:56
Jack_SparrowJampiter /join #compiz15:56
gdankoi would ideally have my own desktop up there15:56
leachim6beli, I think who is wrong?15:56
barbarella2gdanko:what is your problem with vnc?15:56
leachim6beli, ok...I ssh into machine and get connection refused15:56
hari1andybleaden:fdisk shows hd structure correctly15:57
belileachim6: so....that could be a config problem of sshd as well...15:57
gdankobarbarella2: may I /msg you? the channel is noisy :)15:57
belileachim6: so now we are talking about your inital problem...15:57
leachim6no it's not sshd15:57
leachim6it's vnc too15:57
leachim6it's anything15:57
leachim6it just blocks everything15:57
FloodBot2leachim6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
leachim6http also , and ftp15:57
Jack_Sparrow!enter > leachim615:57
ubottuleachim6, please see my private message15:57
andybleadenhari1: have you tried what jack sparrow said   To get live cd to show your missing hard drive this often helps..At start or install press F6 and add all_generic_ide before the "--"15:57
JampiterHow do I set Avant Window Navigator to start on login?15:57
hari1andybleaden:k..i try and get back.15:58
belileachim6: ok, so whats your network setup....static ip? dynamic ip? are you trying to connect from remote or from the box itself?15:58
leachim6beli, it's dhcp15:58
Kalmi!startup | Jampiter15:58
leachim6I'm trying to ssh into it from another local IP15:58
ubottuJampiter: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot15:58
bullgard4Manpages do underline some terms and print bold other terms. See for example 'man iwconfig'. What does that mean?15:59
leachim6and everything gets denied15:59
leachim6I disabled all firewalls15:59
Jack_Sparrow!enter > leachim615:59
ubottuleachim6, please see my private message15:59
Kalmileachim6, can you ping it?15:59
JampiterThaks Kalmi15:59
belileachim6: you answered just the half of my questions...why dont you give me the information i want?15:59
leachim6beli, sorry can you do PM I'm getting the questions lost in the stream of cht15:59
Kalmi!patience | beli15:59
ubottubeli: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:59
beliKalmi: ?16:00
andybleadenbeli: and some of us are very slow!16:00
carlos_e ai pessoal16:00
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:00
* beli detex: you guys should read the context....not just single sentences16:00
Rajh_I've got a problem with cups when i try to setup a new ethernet printer it failed at driver selection anyone can help me please ?16:00
SQlvpapirRajh_: give exact descriptions of what you did and how it "failed"16:01
belileachim6: from the bit information i got from you i think of a network missconfiguration.....your networking isnt ok.....check your nic setup (ifconfig) and your routing (route) or use the ip2 tool16:01
neil127it happened to me once, try again, it might not crash next time..16:01
darkhamhow can i add launchers in a panel from left to right ? only one for time?16:01
ophthalmaximandii need some help with fdisk16:02
leachim6beli, can you just check your PM please?16:02
ophthalmaximandii'm trying to boot a mactel from an ipod16:02
belileachim6: no, i help in public.....maybe someone else can help then16:02
belileachim6: if you are new to linux networking....i recommend reading the network administrator's guide v216:03
=== Kalmi is now known as mrs_Kalmi
leachim6beli, my network is not misconfigured ...16:03
leachim6I'm using it right now16:03
Rajh_SQlvpapir, well its in french but i'll try to find the right words : Add printer => name = test next=>appsocket next=>socket:// next=> then i choose "oki" and i press next and nothing happens like the page is unreachable16:03
leachim6and I can access all other computers on the network both linux and windows except this one16:03
mrs_Kalmileachim6, can you ping the other machine?16:03
yankefishanybody how to recover data from an encrypted hdd16:03
ZzeissAnybody here running Ubuntu on a Macbook Unibody?  If so, please msg me - I'm chasing a Bluetooth bug.16:04
=== mrs_Kalmi is now known as Mr
kg4bgahow can u view someones webcam on yahoo16:04
belileachim6: its free...http://www.faqs.org/docs/linux_network/16:04
=== Mr is now known as Kalmi
ophthalmaximandiusing fdisk i have "*Linux DR" partition and "Linux swap". Linux DR is flagged (bootable). does this all look correct to you? and where do i put the iso?16:04
Zzeissyankefish: you're not likely to succeed unless the encryption used a weak password.  Sorry.16:04
* leachim6 RTs the FM16:04
andybleadenMax007: hi16:05
Kalmileachim6, could you summarize the situation?16:05
belileachim6: all other boxes on your network may work....but there still may be a problem with your linux box setupm, or?16:05
Rajh_SQlvpapir, any idea ?16:05
yankefishthe password was real weak only 1 character16:05
andybleadenyankefish: sounds like my kinda password16:06
neil127then u have like 250 possibilities16:06
yankefishlol so can someone help me16:06
Max007I want to install squid+squidguard. If I install them via apt-get I get squid 3.0.STABLE7 and squidguard 1.2. If I compile them from sources I get squid 3.0.STABLE15 and squidguard 1.4. What's the best way ? The most stable ? If I compile from sources, can I keep the "debian way" to place files ?16:06
neil127or 40 if it was ascii16:06
yankefishi have alot of personal data on the hdd i really need16:06
Kalmiyankefish, 40 try is not much...16:06
ANTRat!latest | Max00716:06
ubottuMax007: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.16:06
kg4bgaor is there something else u can use for windows and ubuntu to cam16:06
belileachim6: check the setup: nic setup (ifconfig), routing (route) and dns (host)...maybe traceroute is helpfull too16:06
Jack_Sparrowyankefish This is not a ubuntu support issue16:06
gordonjcpyankefish: is it *your* encrypted hard disk?16:07
almosti have a UID question the apache2 webserver (www-data) has to use another programme with UID 108 to change the UID is the line usermod -u 108 www-data16:07
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:07
leachim6weird twist...16:07
leachim6I was wrong16:07
leachim6port 80 is open16:07
Kalmibeli, leachim6 can ping the other machine16:07
FloodBot2leachim6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
Jack_Sparrow!enter > leachim616:07
ubottuleachim6, please see my private message16:07
yankefishthe drive was encrypted in ubuntu with truecrypt ??16:07
yankefishyes it is my hdd16:07
leachim6does the linux version of truecrypt support whole-drive crypto?16:07
cplaneti have a problem16:07
belileachim6: sure16:07
yankefishyep i did my external hdd16:08
almostJack_Sparrow: I seem to remember you from breezy badger days?16:08
cplaneti don't know if you can help me16:08
Jack_Sparrowalmost yep16:08
leachim6oh sweet16:08
leachim6does it load before GRUB or after?16:08
Kalmi!ask | cplanet16:09
ubottucplanet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:09
almostthe apache2 webserver (www-data) has to use another programme with UID 108 to change the UID is the line usermod -u 108 www-data16:09
yankefishthe drive shows up as a partition but i cant mount it16:09
cplanetwhen booting up the screen shows the GRUB loading, then the splash screen shows then after that it stops responding16:10
=== root is now known as Jake__
Jake__well, my computer is f'ed16:10
cplaneti tried to remove the gdm and re install it16:10
Jake__i can't get past the screen just before login16:10
cplaneti removed the xserver and re installed it16:10
Jake__in GDM,, when i use KDE i get past login, but freezes16:10
Jack_SparrowJake__ Please dont swear even in shorthand16:10
cplaneti removed compiz16:10
Jake__rgr, Jack_Sparrow16:10
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I'm trying to help a friend install Ubuntu.  He has a (horribly broken) warty install.  what's the best way to upgrade/install hardy?16:11
Picialmost: Yes, but its a bit odd that you *need* a specific UID for a program.16:11
booleanhmm ...16:11
Jake__anyone have any ideas?16:11
yankefishGorden can u help me16:11
Max007ANTRat: so you recommend me to use apt-get versions even if squidguard 1.2 is 2+ years old ?16:11
booleanhas anyone have any issues with apt-get update for Gutsy ( 7.10 )?16:11
Jake__i'm just getting really annoyed now, i can't login to my ubuntu system at all16:11
leachim6why are there never any ops in this channel...IRC was designed to have positions16:11
Jake__anyone willing to ssh to my pc and help me fix it? :/16:11
Jack_SparrowMax007 YEs, because they will work16:11
Piciboolean: 7.10 is no longer supported as of April 18th. The repositories are no longer online.16:12
=== root is now known as Guest5006
booleanPici: doh! that would explain it ... thanks :)16:12
booleanJake__: if you can ssh to your system try ssh and get in that way16:12
Pici!upgrade | boolean16:12
ubottuboolean: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:12
=== MaWaLe1 is now known as MaWaLe
booleanubottu: thanks!16:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:12
Picileachim6: freenode's guidelines suggest to only op-up when needed.16:13
booleana helpful bot no less :)16:13
Jake__boolean: i'm talking about i can't use any graphical interface what to ever16:13
yankefishso can anybody help me out with this problem16:13
Jake__boolean: everytime it gets to the login screen it hangs16:13
Jake__on gdm, if i use kde, i can login, and right after that it hangs16:13
jonaskoelkerHi all.  How can I install Ubuntu on a machine that has nothing on it?16:13
booleanJake__: sounds like a backend plugin to the desktop is gumming up the works...16:13
bullgard4Manpages do underline some terms and print bold other terms. See for example 'man iwconfig'. What does underlining mean?16:13
Jake__boolean: like what?16:13
kg4bgaput the disk in and start the machine16:13
hmmmmcan anyone connect to irc.spotchat.org?16:14
Jake__boolean:  it's been working fine ever since today, when i ran modprobe -r ndiswrapper and my pc crashes16:14
leachim6Pici, really? that's interesting...how does one "op-up"?16:14
Jake__all of a sudden i wasn't able to login or get to the login without it hang.16:14
booleanJake__: good question .. i ran into something similar once before ...but I forgot how I dealt with it16:14
booleanJake__: I take it you have rebooted the sysme since then?16:14
Picileachim6: /msg chanserv help op    but IRC usage isn't really on-topic here.  I can explain further in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want.16:15
cplanetwhen booting up the screen shows the GRUB loading, then the splash screen shows then after that it stops responding, i tried to remove the gdm and re install it, i removed the xserver and re installed it, i removed compiz, is there a way to use the live cd to repair, like windows has?16:15
Jake__yes, boolean .16:15
jonaskoelkerHow do I burn CDs in warty?16:15
leachim6jonaskoelker, dang man...where did you even get a distro that old16:16
leachim6isn't that like 2.04 ?16:16
Jack_Sparrowjonaskoelker GEt a newer release16:16
coz_leachim6,  5.04  I think16:16
jonaskoelkerleachim6: on a friend's machine... he hasn't been playing with it for a while16:16
booleanJake__: try going into recovery mode16:16
Jake__boolean: then what?16:16
leachim6does warty even have distrupgrade capability ?16:16
Jake__i've tried that already16:16
jonaskoelkerJack_Sparrow: sure.  How?  I'm working on getting cd burning working16:16
booleanJake__: and create a new user16:16
coz_jonaskoelker,   that is version 5.04  I believe and we are up to 9.04  working on 9.1016:16
Jake__i'm on my computer now.16:17
=== hhhh is now known as SuPeRhAm
Jack_Sparrow!install > jonaskoelker16:17
ubottujonaskoelker, please see my private message16:17
jonaskoelkerJack_Sparrow: and "I" (well, my friend) has no local network, so no tftp booting...16:17
booleanJake__: new user?16:17
Jake__but i don't see why adding a new user would help?16:17
Jake__since i can't get to the logiun16:17
jonaskoelkercoz_: yes, I know...16:17
coz_jonaskoelker,  let me check though hold on16:17
booleanJake__: if the problem is with the user login aka the user's config, then a new user will not have this problem ( this goes with my plugin theory )16:17
sipiorjonaskoelker: cdrecord is a good bet for that version.16:17
lazerfingersHi there every one16:18
yankefishcan someone help me recover data on a encrypted hdd, drive was encrypted with truecrypt 6.116:18
Jake__boolean: as i said, it hangs before i even get to the login window.16:18
jonaskoelkersipior: is it preinstalled?16:18
booleanJake__: did u recently install nvidia drivers ?16:18
baobaogrub is good at screw up your boot16:18
jonaskoelkersipior: installing stuff is pretty broken at this point :\16:18
Jack_Sparrowyankefish That is NOT a ubuntu support issue, please find a more appropiate channel16:18
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.16:18
cplanetwhen booting up the screen shows the GRUB loading, then the splash screen shows then after that it stops responding, i tried to remove the gdm and re install it, i removed the xserver and re installed it, i removed compiz, is there a way to use the live cd to repair, like windows has?16:18
coz_oh yeah it was 4.1016:18
jonaskoelkeryankefish: is there a #truecrypt ?  You might try that...16:18
booleanJake__: nutz .. got called into a meeting16:18
Jake__boolean: i installed nvidia drivers when i installed the system16:18
lazerfingersI'm very much new to Linux and more specifically Ubuntu and and attempting to learn about compiling from source using the HowTo on Ubuntu.com16:18
Jake__boolean: bah :<16:18
sipiorjonaskoelker: easy to check :-) failing that, you can build it from source, or use your own machine to make the cd, or create a bootable usb stick, or...16:19
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:19
booleandoes the recovery console use X?16:19
ZykoticK9yankefish, don't mean to be rude... but didn't you encrypt you drive to keep people out?  so isn't it working as designed?  if it's only a single character you used as a password - can't you just try every key on the keyboard?  good luck.16:19
jonaskoelkersipior: the target machine is six hours away by train16:19
coz_jonaskoelker,   see if its possible to install gnomebaker in warty16:19
lazerfingersbut am running into an error when I input sudo apt-get install cvs subversion  git-core hg16:19
jonaskoelkernautilus-cd-buner crashed on my friend's machine :(16:20
Jake__so, does anyone else have any idea why my computer would be hanging before login (gdm) and after login (kdm)16:20
booleanJake__: I will be back in a bit  ... if you are still having issues, I will see what help I can offer then16:20
lazerfingersI get the error "E: Couldn't find package hg"16:20
Jake__cheers, boolean16:20
cplanetsorry guys to disturb16:20
lazerfingersany advice?16:21
Picilazerfingers: Thats because there is no package hg. I believe mercurial is the name of the pacakge.16:21
cplanetbut is there a way to fix it?16:21
coz_jonaskoelker,   I am assuming you are serious... how old is the machine itself?  what are the basic specs?16:21
Rajh_I succeded install my printer with ppd but when i try to print it said "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"16:21
the_count_88anyone know what my native wireless broadcom driver is for my dell mini 9 netbook and how to install it. it came with ubuntu all set up and working but during a failed update, the wireless connection was lost. sudo iwconfig says no wireless extensions16:22
ranflazerfingers, hg is mercurial16:22
jonaskoelkercoz_: from 2000, 256 megs ram, works OK for web browsing16:22
dryliketoastcould anyone who speaks german pm me16:22
Jake__the_count_88, ndiswrapper.16:22
jonaskoelker!de > dryliketoast16:22
ubottudryliketoast, please see my private message16:22
Jake__copy it from windows.16:22
lazerfingers@ranf thanks, I think I need to do some more reading before I go the compiling my own software route16:22
coz_jonaskoelker,  mm  it could possibly run  9.04   do you have access to another system to b urn  a new cd?16:22
the_count_88thats not the native driver that it came with tho, the netbook came with ubuntu on it16:23
the_count_88a broadcom16:23
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz16:24
jonaskoelkercoz_: I've asked if he has another cd burner, but he doesn't answer16:24
jonaskoelkercoz_: I take it as a no16:24
coz_jonaskoelker,   open a terminal    sudo apt-get install gnomebaker   see if it's in the repo16:24
cplanetwhen booting up the screen shows the GRUB loading, then the splash screen shows then after that it stops responding, i tried to remove the gdm and re install it, i removed the xserver and re installed it, i removed compiz, i even used recovery mode but still no success, is there a way to use the live cd to repair, like windows has?16:24
jonaskoelkercoz_: apt-get install doesn't work16:24
jonaskoelkercoz_: but there's cdrecord16:24
coz_jonaskoelker,    ok system/administration/ synaptic pacakge manager?16:24
coz_jonaskoelker,  oh cdrecord  mm  let me check on that16:25
JampiterHow can I start Compiz instead of metacity when Ubuntu starts up? #compiz is idle.16:25
jonaskoelkercoz_: I wouldn't get my hopes up16:25
sipiorcoz_: jonaskoelker: the package repositories for warty have long been off-line.16:25
JampiterNever mind16:25
coz_sipior,   I assumed that but no harm in trying :)16:26
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:27
juiceman5000ugh... is there a way to download directories using SSH?16:28
coz_jonaskoelker,   try here  http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_cdrecor.htm16:28
dtchen_juiceman5000: tar + rsync.16:28
juiceman5000or do I absolutely have to tar.gz the dir?16:28
ZykoticK9juiceman5000, "-r" for recursive in scp16:28
neo-iHi, how do I set my ubuntu server's date and time to GTM? (command line)16:29
jonaskoelkercoz_: that explains too much :(16:29
coz_jonaskoelker,  too much?16:29
jonaskoelkercoz_: well, too much text, not "copy-paste this command line to copy a .iso file to a blank CD: [...]"16:30
tv7497Pici: little help ! i couldn't access from filezilla from my friends house connection times out any idea whats wrong ?16:30
ZykoticK9neo-i, not really sure but the file /etc/timezone probably has something to do with it.  good luck.16:30
sipiorjonaskoelker: try grabbing cdrecord here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/warty/i386/cdrecord/4:2.0+a30.pre1-1ubuntu216:30
jefincjonaskoelker: you don't learn by copy/paste :P16:30
brandonban6neo-i, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'16:30
Picitv7497: Are you forwarding port 22 from your router (or whatever) to your server?16:30
jonaskoelkersipior: it's already installed16:30
coz_jonaskoelker,  well to copy paste any text in linux you simply highlight the text and middle click inside the terminal unless you mean it doesnt have copy paste commands already in a string16:31
jonaskoelkerjefinc: yes I do.  I learn which command I have to put in "burn-cd.sh" to burn a CD16:31
tv7497Pici: just a min i will check that out16:31
jonaskoelkerjefinc: incidentally, that is exactly what I wish to learn16:31
sipiorjonaskoelker: ah, lucky you16:31
jonaskoelkercoz_: thanks (I know how copy-paste works) :)16:31
coz_jonaskoelker,  no offense meant:)16:31
neo-ibrandonban6, that sets the server to GMT ??16:31
Kalmijonaskoelker, actually there are two clipboard... :)16:31
jonaskoelkercoz_: none taken16:32
jonaskoelkercoz_: just so we're on the level...16:32
jonaskoelkerKalmi: yes, and autocutsel can merge them :)16:32
tv7497Pici: exactly !!!!!!! i port forwarded it to my router !!! you are a genius !16:32
neo-ibrandonban6, oh I see what that is16:32
Picisanttu: /join #channel16:32
juiceman5000So here's a question; I recently switched to Ubuntu from Windows, and so far, it's been awesome, but my sound card does not want to play nicely. What is the best sound card build/model IYO for linux boxes16:32
Kalmi!sound | juiceman500016:32
ubottujuiceman5000: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:32
Axzhow to get NeroLinux on Ubuntu?16:32
IamSOGheh heh, I have a very stupid question, heh heh, is it possible to burn a Ububtu CD-ROM without CD-burner XD16:33
brandonban6neo-i,  did that answer your question, or did I perhaps misunderstand?16:33
neo-ibrandonban6, do I set it to London? is that always GMT?16:33
coz_juiceman5000,  whoa that is a difficult question   sound blasters seems to work out of the box  and if you are having issues  go to #alsa channel    they may be able to help with that particular card16:33
sipiorIamSOG: i suppose you could try wishing really hard or something.16:33
arthurhIf I configure a KVM guest with the ethernet device of the guest in bridge mode and configure the guest's ethernet interface to be on the same subnet as the host -- and I want to route between the host and the guest -- is there some configuration option to automagically add the host route to the bridge device from the host os instance?16:33
neo-ibrandonban6, probably. But I want to set it to GMT forever, that nomatter what it won't change with day light saving16:33
Kalmijonaskoelker, thanks, I didn't know that... but I actually like having two clipboards :)16:33
IamSOGlol, that is true sipior :o16:33
neo-ibrandonban6, or is there a way to turn day light saving off after setting the date anyway?16:34
obionehi guys16:34
juiceman5000coz_: i need an upgrade anywho, so i'm really just looking for a model that won't give me too much grief16:34
jonaskoelkerKalmi: to each his own.  I like copy-pasting from firefox to xterm without touching the mouse :)16:34
brandonban6neo-i, yes, set it to the closest city in your region. I am not sure about the daylight savings stuff, that is an interesting question.16:34
sipiorIamSOG: you can make a bootable usb stick, which is more or less the same thing, and does not require a cd burner.16:34
Kalmijonaskoelker, I like you16:34
juiceman5000so soundblaster it is; seems like the obvious safe choice16:34
tv7497Pici: and one more ! it pops up like this
obionedoes anyone already configured LDAP on hardy ?16:34
jonaskoelkerKalmi: thanks :D likewise16:34
neo-ibrandonban6, ok, I'll ask saint google16:34
obionecan anyone point me directions16:34
coz_juiceman5000,  is generally is but I would still go to #alsa  they may be able to get the card you have up and running16:35
* jonaskoelker points obione towards north, south, east and west16:35
Picitv7497: Thats fine.16:35
obionesome tutorial/page16:35
jonaskoelkerobione: sorry ;)16:35
tv7497Pici: thanks !16:35
juiceman5000coz_: kk, thanx!16:35
Kalmi!ldap | obione16:35
ubottuobione: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer16:35
tv7497Pici: and is the server name can be anything right ?16:35
obionethanks ubottu16:35
brandonban6neo-i, good luck! Have you posted in the forums too?16:36
Kalmi!thanks | ubottu16:36
ubottuKalmi: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:36
traemccombshow can I downgrade my Python to 2.5?  my trac server has stopped working on the upgrade to 9.0416:36
Picitv7497: Anything you want.16:36
neo-ibrandonban6, no. I'll do that after researching to no avail16:36
tv7497Pici: :)16:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:36
neo-ibrandonban6, it's already posted and not answered: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60259216:37
iNoobhey, guys... iam a student of CSE and i am writing an article about FLOSS for my college mag... Anyone willing to help me???16:38
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PiciiNoob: Try #ubuntu-offtopic16:38
chaos2fuhii everyone...how do i change the password in the standard keyh ri16:38
Jake__boolean: i tried another user, same thing happens16:38
jonaskoelkerchaos2fu: "keyh ri"?16:38
chaos2fusorry, how do i change the password for the standard keyring for example wireless manager with WPA-key and so on?16:38
iNoobhey floodbot16:39
iNoobhey floodbot16:39
iNoobhey floodbot16:39
FloodBot2iNoob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:39
LjLiNoob: congratulation, you win today's unfunny idiot award16:40
jonaskoelkernice, ircd sends "part" messages from kick-ees?16:40
chaos2fuhow do i change the password for the standard keyring for example wireless manager with WPA-key and so on?16:40
hclhdjhello ubotu16:41
thelaugh2ngmimeIs Toram working in 9.04?16:41
jonaskoelkerhclhdj: I think ubottu only answers stuff that begins with !16:41
jonaskoelker!ubottu | hclhdj16:41
ubottuhclhdj: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:41
sysdoc!Intel HDA16:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Intel HDA16:41
savidDoes anyone have any good alternatives to gnome-terminal  that supports tabs?16:41
jonaskoelkersavid: konsole?16:41
silvertip257savid, screen works quite well16:42
Kalmi!sound | sysdoc16:42
ubottusysdoc: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:42
jonaskoelkersavid: or apt-cache search terminal :)16:42
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Kalmisavid, roxterm16:42
savidjonaskoelker,  oh yeah, also looking for gtk :)16:42
silvertip257savid, 'man screen'16:42
sysdochclhdj, u da man!16:42
jonaskoelkersavid: roxterm?16:42
Kalmi!info roxterm | savid16:42
ubottusavid: roxterm (source: roxterm): multi-tabbed GTK+2 terminal emulator application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12.2-1 (jaunty), package size 149 kB, installed size 720 kB16:42
jonaskoelkersavid: 'apt-cache search gtk terminal'16:42
jpdssavid: Terminator.16:42
gescapesavid, terminator?16:43
hclhdjjonaskoelker: i want to test it.:)16:43
savidcool thanks, I'll check it out :-)16:43
jonaskoelkerhclhdj: /query ubottu16:43
jonaskoelkerhclhdj: then have at it16:43
* jpds was one of the five Terminator tshirts in the world.16:43
savidgnome-terminal is just making me mad lately :)16:43
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest79681
Kalmisavid, explain16:43
Jake__hey, has anyone else here had an issue with ubuntu hanging before login?16:43
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Jake__because i'm getting it, and i've tried pretty much everything i can think of.16:43
tw3ak1help where's the grub conf file located in ubuntu?16:44
savidKalmi,  the detaching tabs problem for the most part -- it's really annoying:  http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52990816:44
Jake__tw3ak1: /etc/grub/16:44
silvertip257tw3ak1, /boot/grub/menu.lst16:44
kg4bgayall r fast16:45
tw3ak1two different places?16:45
savidROXTerm looks pretty good.  Almost exactly like gnome-terminal w/o the detaching tabs problem :-)16:45
jonaskoelkerHi all.  My friend is trying to burn a CD, but he gets this error: http://pastebin.com/f6a92ac97 -- what's up?16:45
ZykoticK9anyone have jscal working in 9.04?  works perfectly under 8.10 but doesn't seem to work at all under 9.04...16:45
kg4bgathat is thwe same place16:45
silvertip257tw3ak1, his or mine might be a symlink16:45
Jake__no, silvertip257 was right.16:45
Jake__the dir where it is, is /etc/grub/16:45
savidExcept roxterm doesn't seem to support true-transparency :-(16:45
jonaskoelkersavid: run compiz, then you can have true transparency (right?)16:46
tw3ak1thanks have to add gentoo :)) running crunchbang /ubuntu16:46
Jake__anyone had any issues like me? hanging before login (gdm) and after login (KDM)16:46
savidjonaskoelker,   doesn't seem that roxterm supports that.  When I check the transparent bg it just shows my desktop bg16:46
=== Guest79681 is now known as SirDerigo
thelaugh2ngmimei want to make my OS boot into ram only. how easy is this to do?16:47
jonaskoelkersavid: roxterm doesn't need to support it--it's all done in compiz16:47
whileimhereIs there a way to right click on an image in firefox and send it using gmail rather than evolution or some other email client?16:47
savidjonaskoelker,   No,  I don't want to make the entire window semi-transparent... just the terminal portion16:47
coz_Jake__,  i do not have those issues  ... out of curiosity .. is this an upgrade from one version to the next?16:47
savidI mean jonaskoelker16:47
jonaskoelkersavid: ohh16:47
jonaskoelkersavid: oh well, wait for clutter to become something :P16:48
savidjonaskoelker,  if compiz had a way to make only a certain portion of a window transparent that would be cool, though I doubt that's possible :-)16:48
Jake__coz_: i upgraded from Intrepid to Jaunty, but was happening before i did that, too.16:48
arandthelaugh2ngmime: I think dsl and puppy does that, you could check on how they've solved it.16:48
savidjonaskoelker,  clutter?16:48
Jake__the last thing i did was modprobe -r ndiswrapper16:48
jonaskoelkersavid: I think it's just a matter of not-yet-written code16:48
Jake__then my pc hung and i rebooted.16:48
jonaskoelkersavid: 3d effects for apps (not just wms)16:48
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I have problems burning an iso file with cdrecord.  Can anyone help me?16:49
silvertip257arand / thelaugh2ngmime : yes DSL and puppy both have a option for 'toram'16:49
savidjonaskoelker,  I'm intrigued by this clutter thing you speak of.  url?16:49
jonaskoelkersavid: www.letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=clutter16:49
coz_Jake__,   then I am not sure  what the issue is  sorry16:49
Jake__coz_: no worries.16:49
bonywhich is the best IDE for developing gnome apps?16:50
skritebony: what language?16:50
savidjonaskoelker,   haha,  I guess I assumed a search for clutter would turn up results about the usual use of the word ;-)    my bad16:50
bonyskrite, c language16:50
jonaskoelkersavid: oh.  I just guessed :P16:50
bonyskrite, apart from anjuta16:50
bonywhat is the IDE GNOME developers use apart from anjuta?16:51
skritebony: sorry, no can program c. need to learn, but only work with scripting languages right now16:51
ironfroggy_a box that has been playing sound fine for months suddenly has no output on the card, but works for my usb headset. I am not sure what steps to take to diagnose this issue.16:51
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Guest21084: (16:51
jonaskoelkerGuest21084: awww16:51
savidI was surprised that the first result was the actual project :-)16:51
jonaskoelkersavid: me too :D16:52
bonyskrite, i tried anjuta and glade in ubuntu but they are complex to learn and dosn't have all the functions working16:52
jonaskoelkerbut hey, whaddaya nowe...16:52
mib_lnh49mifhey everyone16:52
=== Rheffy is now known as Steffy
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I have this problem: http://pastebin.com/f6a92ac97 -- can someone help me with it?16:53
bullgard4Manpages do underline some terms and print bold other terms. See for example 'man iwconfig'. What does underlining mean?16:54
sipiorjonaskoelker: see what cdrecord -scanbus spits out.16:54
barbarella2jonaskoelker:try sudo16:54
ZykoticK9jonaskoelker, what is your command line for cdrecord?  did you try "sudo cdrecord -scanbus"16:55
jonaskoelkerZykoticK9, barbarella2: trying sudo (previously did 'cdrecord foo.iso')16:55
jonaskoelkerthanks for the tip :)16:55
SidGBFHow to reconfigure/recompile php with fast cgi?16:56
moochI almost have modem intialized but one problem I have is I have either way too many wvdial.conf files or my isp details are not recognized can someone help me16:57
graelinCan anyone help me with a boot problem? Installed an app that froze/hosed my puter and now when I boot I get a kernel panic: Not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)16:57
traemccombsSorry for repeat question... but anyone know how to downgrade Python from 2.6 -> 2.5?  I'm using Trac and it seems busted with new version of Python.16:58
qu9SidGBF: This manual could be helpful: http://archiv.debianhowto.de/temporarily/doku.php/de:howtos:sarge:apache2_php-fcgi it's german, but google should translate it correctly16:59
jonaskoelkerZykoticK9, barbarella2: here's "sudo cdrecord -scanbus": http://pastebin.com/f4bdea96f16:59
sipiortraemccombs: you can just install the older version, make sure the python symlink points to the correct executable.16:59
moochI almost have my modem working just need to know what I am doing wrong with wvdial17:00
ZykoticK9jonathan, try "sudo cdrecord -dev=ATAPI -scanbus"17:00
jonaskoelkerhere again17:00
JaneDoeany way to create a home directory (and all the skel stuff) for an already existing user that must have been created with no home?17:00
jonaskoelkerZykoticK9: thanks for the tip, trying it out... 2 secs17:01
jonaskoelker(actually it's all on my friend's machine)17:01
plinioericbuen dia17:01
IHS_Internthought I had another dell fail on me... turns out the AIMM (4MB memory card that plugs into an AGP slot on these machines) wasn't in all the way, I'm surprised it didn't just beep at me, or simply not work at all..instead it complained about checkpoint: Vmgr failing Dx17:02
jonaskoelkerZykoticK9: what do you make of this: http://pastebin.com/f6d27fa0c ?17:02
moochI pasted my wvdial.conf to the root file and when I did that mhy modem intialized now for some reason the terminal says no username or password17:02
sipiorJaneDoe: you can simply copy those files out of /etc/skel17:02
plinioericsoy nuevo en las config lan de kubuntu17:02
jonaskoelkerZykoticK9: notice how cdrecord has issues with Linux 2.5 and newer :D17:02
plinioericy mi problema es que no se que está fallando17:03
JaneDoesipior: is that pretty much all adduser would have done (and do the chown, I guess)?17:03
plinioerictal vez sea un bug de kubuntu17:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:03
gladiatorhi .. is there a way to change the background of the lock screen? i would like to have the one i have for login ..17:03
sipiorJaneDoe: more or less, yep.17:03
plinioericok, gracias17:03
n0gearwhich players i need to play f.ex Diggnation from revision3.com?17:03
JaneDoesipior: cool, thanks17:03
=== max is now known as Guest56932
ZykoticK9jonaskoelker, I hope someone else has an answer for you - 'cause I sure don't... good luck.17:03
IHS_Internis it a common version number scheme that Number.Odd.number is testing and Number.Even.Number is closer to stable, GIMP seems to do that, and that made it sound like the linux kernel does too17:04
sipiorJaneDoe: just make sure the correct directory is listed for the account in /etc/passwd.17:04
JaneDoesipior: ah thanks (woulda forgotten)17:04
moochI have my username and password in the wvdial.conf but the terminal is saying I don't17:04
n0gearwhich players i need to play f.ex Diggnation from revision3.com?17:04
n0gearups ... players/codecs/packages17:05
sipiorIHS_Intern: that was the old kernel numbering scheme, they've moved a bit away from that.17:05
stewIHS_Intern: the linux kernel used to, before 2.6, it no longer does17:05
ezilihello hello! i was wondering - how do I make use of the newfangled "Public" directory in Jaunty?17:06
qu9hello guys, i've got a problem: when i try to install ubuntu 9.04 alternate 64 on a computer with an ASUS P5Q-E mainboard (P45 chipset), the installer freezes after configuring the network (so probably the disks cause that problem?) - following the suggestions in several forums, i have already changed the storage mode to ahci - what else do you think could i do to solve the problem? tia17:06
eziliI'm assuming it works like Windows' Shared folder, or is that not what its for?17:06
moochcan someone help me with wvdial I am very close in getting my modem to dial17:06
IHS_Internand WOW 10/100mbit ethernet makes restoring HD images so much faster than USB 1.1. Server has 100Mbit ethernet for sure, not sure about these Dell GX150's17:07
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
silvertip257IHS_Intern, GX150s should have at least 10/100 ... maybe Gigabit?17:08
notlovingda jia hao17:08
aranyikwhat is the best (safe&easy) way to read&write files from a remote hdd on ubuntu if i want to access from both ubuntu and WinXP (on windows I cant install softwares). please someone.17:08
IHS_InternSilver: A 600mhz Pentium 3 that ships with 64MB of RAM and a 66mhz FSB, if that has gigabit, I'm shocked.17:08
IHS_Internsilvertip * ^17:09
aranyikbarbarella2, remotly? from internet?17:09
silvertip257IHS_Intern, 10/100 in GX150 - I checked17:09
moochCan someone help me with wvdial?17:09
silvertip257IHS_Intern, I'm used to GX150s around 1GHz with more RAM17:09
BodsdaDoes anyone know how to change the default file manager? I have seen the psychocats tuto, but its extremely outdated and more of a hack then a solution17:10
IHS_Internsilvertip257, I've been upgrading them to 256MB of RAM, mostly leaving the CPUs as either the 600mhz or 700mhz ones in them, but I got a couple 866-1ghz chips lying around that works in them.17:10
nightdreverok i have a duel bool system......when i start the computer and want to run ubuntu i have to press down and enter....is there a way i dont have to swap from xp to ubuntu but vise versa if required?17:11
silvertip257nightdrever, edit grub file and specify default as the windows system (number)17:11
Bodsdanightdrever: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst -- look for the 'default' line and change the number to the correct entry17:11
qu9aranyik: what kind of hdd do you mean? is it a stand-alone network device or is it placed in one of the computers?17:11
IHS_InternI hate how l and 1 have almost the exact same symbol :/17:12
silvertip257yes IHS_Intern17:12
moochHow do I get my modem to dial with wvdial I tried sudo wvdial but apparently my conf file isn't configured or ?17:12
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I have downloaded the 8.04 iso file.  Can I install it without burning it?17:12
aranyikqu9, its connected to a pc17:12
jonaskoelkerI have a spare partition17:12
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=== mam is now known as hahaha
gdankojonaskoelker: use usb-creator to put it on a usb key17:13
jonaskoelkergdanko: without any external media?17:13
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=== hahaha is now known as notloving
silvertip257jonaskoelker, you could do a PXE boot or maybe boot off a partition, but I've not done it myself17:14
jonaskoelkerhow do I loopback mount an iso image from warty?17:14
=== notloving is now known as not
moochanyone familiar with wvdial?17:14
jonaskoelkergdanko: how large must the usb key be?  is 256 megs enough?17:14
gdankojonaskoelker: usb-creator will create a usb bootable key with an iso17:14
gdankoi put it on 2g17:15
jonaskoelkergdanko: oh, so >= sizeof(iso), right?17:15
gdankodunno about 25617:15
gdankomore or less17:15
kudmipzHello!  Quick question -- I have a laptop with 4 gigs of ram ... should I run 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?17:15
qu9aranyik: if it's connected to the linux pc you could use samba to provide access to it via the network - and then a vpn could allow the windows machine to access it via the internet remotely   -   or do you just want to share data by plugging it into the other machine? then you should use ntfs/vfat as fs17:16
csnakeI'm new to linux... I recently installed MATLAB but I don't think I put it on the right directory17:16
IHS_InternI still need to figure out PXE boot, might make my life even more simple than putting the HD image on a FTP server, rather than a slow USB 1.1 drive..well, 7 USB 1.1 drives(2GB and up)17:16
SQlvpapirkudmipz: if your cpu is capable, go for 64bit unless you have a reason not to17:16
TheNanokudmipz: well, go for 32 , if you had 5 , 6 ,7 GIG I would say 6417:16
moochWvdial I need some help to configure\17:16
csnakeI installed it in ~/.matlab because I was really lost as where to put it17:16
kudmipzwoah i just heard to conflicting opinions =)17:16
SQlvpapirIHS_Intern: its very simple17:16
csnakewhere should I put software I install?17:16
jonaskoelkergdanko: can I make a bootable net-install usb image?17:17
qu9kudmipz: if you do not need any special programs that run under 32bit only you should use 64bit17:17
nothow to use the irc   I am a freshman17:17
SQlvpapirIHS_Intern: you should be able to follow this http://www.howtoforge.com/setting-up-a-pxe-install-server-for-multiple-linux-distributions-on-debian-lenny17:17
nothow can help me ?17:17
sipiorcsnake: generally you should install things under /usr/local, or /opt/local.17:17
moochneed some help with wvdial17:17
LjLnot: try asking a support question17:17
kudmipzqu9:  is x64 capable of running 32-bit software like in windows?17:17
frenz_bonjour tout le monde17:17
LjL!fr | frenz_17:17
ubottufrenz_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:17
eMaXnot that's easy17:17
eMaXnot you write17:17
csnakeWhat goes in usr and what goes in opt?17:17
eMaXothers answer17:17
frenz_j'ai un probleme avec vuze si quelqun peut m'aider17:17
eMaXusr is unit system resources17:18
LjLfrenz_: /join #ubuntu-fr17:18
eMaXfrenz_ parle anglais17:18
sipiorcsnake: /usr/local will be just fine for you :-)17:18
aranyikqu9, ok let say i installed samba (which is what i did) then how can a pc access files into that linux-sharining-a-hdd without having to install software on that pc ?17:18
notmy english is pool17:18
ZykoticK9kudmipz, for a new user i'd recommend going with the 32bit version (less hoops to jump through to get some stuff working) - yes there is backwards 32bit compatibility under 64bit but it is sometimes non-trivial (if you do go the 64bit route - getlibs will be your friend)17:18
LjLnot: there are channels for other languages17:18
silvertip257I'm having problems configuring my Tomcat installation to use SunJDK.  I receive errors upon restarting the service once I specify the SunJDK in a Tomcat config file.17:18
LjL!cn | not17:18
ubottunot: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:18
csnakeSo in a folder like /usr/local/.matlab ?17:19
eMaXaranyik, net use x: \\linuxpcname\linuxshare /user=linuxdomain\linuxshare password17:19
qu9aranyik: normally any windows pc should be able to access windows-shares (which are provided by samba)17:19
kudmipzZykoticK9:  just to be clear though, 32-bit ubuntu can address 4 gigs of RAM?17:19
moochI am trying to get my modem to dial need help with wvdial17:19
jonaskoelkerHi all.  Is it possible to dd an iso file onto a hard drive partition and boot from it?17:19
notthank you!17:19
qu9aranyik: the only problem could be to access it via the internet17:19
whileimhereI know this is a bit off topic but i was wondering is there a good alternative to F-Spot, Digikam, and Picasa?17:19
sipiorcsnake: without the dot, though. but yeah, /usr/local/matlab would be reasonable.17:19
qu9aranyik: you could install an windows-compatible-vpn-server on the linux machine17:19
ZykoticK9kudmipz, i think it's actually under 4G on the Desktop version (there is some hack on Server to address more memory) - if memory is your main concern go 64bit17:19
csnakeDo you think I'd run into any trouble if I move the whole directory over there without reinstalling?17:20
eMaXaranyik, like openvpn17:20
eMaXmoin ben17:20
=== ben is now known as Guest42500
qu9aranyik: no for openvpn you would need extra software on the windows machine17:20
Guest42500i need help with Wine17:20
moochgenii can you help me out with wvdial17:20
kudmipzZykoticK9:  okay.  I paid for the memory so I guess i'll be going the x64 route...  what's this getlibs thing you mentioned earlier?17:20
Guest42500this is still ben btw17:20
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
qu9aranyik: it's not as safe as openvpn but an PPTP server (or something similar) should work17:20
eMaXkudmipz, you could also pae17:21
sipiorcsnake: probably not. but be sure that the executables (or links to the executables) exist in /usr/local/bin (or add the appropriate bin directory to your path, whichever is most convenient for you).17:21
kudmipzeMaX:  huh?17:21
aranyikqu9, or SFTP ?17:21
ZykoticK9kudmipz, it greatly aids in getting 32bit apps working on 64bit ubuntu17:21
eMaXphysical address exension17:21
eMaXyou can use 4 gb and more on 32 bit17:21
DVS01with some limitations17:21
csnakeThere is some sort of executable... a bash script? I'm new to that17:21
kudmipzeMaX:  any drawbacks?17:21
csnakeis that what I should put in /usr/local/bin ?17:21
ironfoot_495hello is there someone who can help me figure out how to fix my problems with ssh?17:22
whazillaXcell: ping17:22
kudmipzZykoticK9:  right, but what exactly is it?17:22
DVS01with pae, there is a 4gb memory limit per process17:22
eMaXbut these says, its not such a big deal to just go 64 bit17:22
IHS_InternJust programs can still use only 4GB...but if you have 4GB, not a big deal of them only being able to use 4GB :D17:22
qu9aranyik: this should work too - just install an ftp server an open an port in your router using port forwarding17:22
eMaXkudmipz, not that i know of17:22
ubottuironfoot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:22
cryptidewhy doesn't my desktop expand to past desk 1? on desk 2-4 i have not top panel and no desktop items17:22
kudmipzeMaX:  I'll look into it.  thanks a bunch17:22
sipiorcsnake: probably just easiest to run the installer and tell it to stick everything in /usr/local.17:22
ironfoot_495Iǘe google a many ssh advisory but none seem to be helping me.17:22
moochCan someone help me with wvdial please?17:22
aranyikqu9, can ftp.exe builtin windows can access a sftp?17:23
joker_How do I renew the IP of a computer? (I want it to ask the dhcp server a new IP adress)?17:23
IHS_Internmay I ask to ask to ask to ask to ask a question about asking to ask to ask a question?17:23
eMaXkudmipz, the 4gb per process won't normally hit you, even if you use vmware server - but yet, why not go 64 bit using jaunty17:23
ironfoot_495I really need help with this!!!17:23
csnakeThank you!17:23
eMaXironfoot_495, what's up17:23
nightdrevercan i load ubuntu so i dont have to enter a username and password?17:23
nightdreverif so how?17:23
qu9aranyik: mhm i don't think so you need a daemon like proftpd17:23
eMaXnightdrever, what would that help with17:24
ZykoticK9joker_, "sudo dhclient eth0" for example17:24
qu9aranyik: oh sorry17:24
moochI really need help with wvdial please ???17:24
joker_ZykoticK9: thats it?17:24
aranyikqu9, i cannot install anything on the windows pc17:24
IHS_Internnightdrever, Yeah, there's an auto logon, but you still need to enter a password for some things, like updates17:24
nightdreverso loads straight away i dont have to enter them17:24
eMaXmooch, what's up17:24
sipiornightdrever: you can check out the autologin feature under gdmconfig17:24
ironfoot_495eMaX: I´ve tried very hard to get ssh to work on my desktop and my server but I just can´t it to work17:24
eMaXironfoot_495, more details17:24
qu9aranyik: i did not see that you mean windows' ftp - this will work but i think without ssl17:24
nightdreverwhere will i find gdmcongig?17:24
IHS_InternI'm SSH'd into 2 different servers right now, one on the LAN, one elsewhere :D17:25
qu9aranyik: maybe the internet explorer could handle sftp17:25
eMaXIHS_Intern, that's because you're a professional geek17:25
moocheMax I pasted my ISP info to the root file system but the terminal says I have no username or password17:25
FrEaKmAn_hi, how do I enable autostart of sendmail?17:25
sipiornightdrever: gdmsetup, sorry17:25
moochor isp number17:25
aranyikqu9, i will be downloading and uploading confidential documents17:25
eMaXyou paste what where?17:25
joker_ZykoticK9: ... yup, thats it... it was too simple for me to figure out. Thanks ;)17:25
ironfoot_495I´ve used the ssh-keygen -t rsa and put them on both opposite machine then I try to ssh into each one but I get permissions denied.17:26
qu9aranyik: then even pptp is more secure than unsecured-ftp17:26
bullgard4Manpages do underline some terms and print bold other terms. See for example 'man iwconfig'. What does underlining mean?17:26
ZykoticK9aranyik, i don't think there is anything native in windows to handle ssh/scp - you'll need some sort of 3rd party app17:26
eMaXironfoot_495, do passwords work?17:26
T-F-KHi all, any body to help please ??? I was in ubuntu 8.10 and now I upgraded to 9.04, the problem is I cannot acces with phpmyadmin to my databases17:26
eMaXdid you check out the daemon.log?17:26
qu9aranyik: maybe you have access to an sftp-server? you could try to establish a connection via IE using sftp://... but i don't think that this will work17:26
aranyikqu9, ZykoticK9 what about samba over the internet?17:26
sheldorhow can i save the stream in http://mediapolis.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm?cont=BpeQSn0xfkgeeqqEEqual17:26
moochI pssted my Internet provider info from gedit to the root file system and mhy modem almost dialed my the configuration did not find my ISP info17:26
sheldormplayer does not work17:27
eMaXT-F-K, does a simple mysql -uroot -prootpw work?17:27
sheldori can see it will vlc ...17:27
qu9aranyik: yep, but only using a vpn17:27
qu9aranyik: otherwise it is not encrypted too17:27
eMaXmooch, I do not understand pasting to root fs17:27
eMaXaranyik, use vpn17:27
ZykoticK9aranyik, sambe was NOT intended to be used over the internet (might be possible, but probably not a good idea)17:27
whazillasheldor str recorder for winblowz in wine17:27
eMaXreally do dig into that17:27
whazillacopy over17:27
qu9aranyik: take a look at openvpn maybe there's a client which does not need to be installed17:28
eMaXaranyik, samba is possible via any tcp network including internet17:28
T-F-KeMax, it works, actually my web applications work properelly17:28
moochI created a ISP profile using wvdial.conf its created but the root file system did not have a record of it17:28
aranyikqu9, interesting!17:28
csnakeWhat's the bash command for copy? Something like mv but that also keeps what I'm moving in the folder I'm at17:28
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timo1teono one has any input on my iso problem? haha17:29
moocheMax so I copied it then pasted to the root file system then I did sudo wvdial but the configuration could not find the file17:29
Picitimo1teo: I don't see that you've even asked a question.17:29
aranyikeMaX, qu9, ZykoticK9, So vpn would be the safest of all, and i maybe i could find a client which does not need to be installed17:29
zeksguys, I have some problem with 9.04... it frequently seepds up video-audio playback by itself effectively killing some programs by it17:30
eMaXaranyik, stand by17:30
ZykoticK9aranyik, vpn is kinda overkill if all you want to do is copy files - look into WinScp or something first would be my suggestion17:30
BeatlesFanhey all17:30
IHS_Intern.... I hate the IDE controller/drives that come with these GX150s, I really do.17:30
zekswhat can it be?17:30
eMaXaranyik, check this out http://www.thebakershome.net/?q=node/5617:30
* BeatlesFan waiting for the new Geforce 7600GS to arrive...17:31
eMaXaranyik, that's an excellent description about how to set up openvpn17:31
moocheMaz did you understand my post?17:31
eMaXworks (I've tested that)17:31
eMaXmooch, one sec17:31
eMaXI've a directory /etc/ppp17:31
eMaXin there are files like chap-secrets, pap-secrets and, particularly a directory peers17:31
eMaXwithin I've things like myisp17:32
eMaXnow myisp has content like17:32
aranyikeMaX, oh thanks!17:32
timo1teooh, I think I may have timed out, lemme copy and paste that: o I'm trying to make an bootable ISO image from the current system i have installed on this computer. I originally tried using debian but it has been suggested that ubuntu would make this process a lot easier. I have been looking into using bootcd, are there any other packages i should be using? (or any other suggestions?)      More: The machine im using is exactly the same model17:32
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:32
ZykoticK9aranyik, careful those openvpn instructions from eMaX link are very old - will probably break network manager if you follow them.  good luck.17:32
aranyikZykoticK9, overkill but what other way i could use??17:32
IHS_InternBeatlesFan, still on AGP? I quite recently moved away from it, myself.17:32
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: yeah, AGP for now...17:33
T-F-Khi all, I can access but not properly17:33
ZykoticK9aranyik, ssh on the server, winscp on the client???17:33
eMaXaranyik, they do work17:33
eMaXaranyik, and I don't use networkmanager, I use wicd17:33
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: at least it's better than my onboard Intel graphics17:33
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: hopefully I won't have issues installing the card17:33
T-F-Kthis is the user he accept: �L��17:33
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: I'm new to Ubuntu17:33
moocheMax:my other pc is in another room brb17:33
oshua86how can I SOC proxy a CLI session?17:33
T-F-Kand there is no databases in17:33
aranyikZykoticK9, does winscp need to be installed?17:34
qu9aranyik: i think winscp could be worth a try... maybe you get it working without installing: http://winscp.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=609617:34
IHS_InternThe problem with moving away from AGP, or anything, when on a tight budget.. is you have to buy all the parts separate... I went 3 months on a VIA Chrome 9 Dx17:34
ZykoticK9aranyik, yup17:34
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eMaXmooch, sorry wasnt listening17:34
eMaXmooch, which other pc17:34
Jake__boolean: around yet?17:34
Picitimo1teo: You may want to use something like remastersys.  Its not in the repos, but a quick google search should find it.17:34
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: I don't have PCI-e in this MB.. so I'd have to upgrade that first17:34
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PiciDam0: please don't17:34
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: I have 3 PCI slots, one AGP 8x slot17:34
Dam0Pici>: sorry it was a amsg to say goodnight17:35
T-F-Knobody has any idea ???17:35
cryptideso any ideas on why my top panel would disappear on desk2-4?17:35
PiciT-F-K: I'm sorry but I don't think we understood your question.17:35
Sparkhi, i have a packages problem with libgoogle-perftools-dev depending on libgoogle-perftools0, which does not have a sufficiently high version (0.8 < 0.98)17:36
T-F-Ki will try better17:36
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PiciT-F-K: Please ask it all one one line too, don't press enter between every 5 words.17:36
IHS_InternBeatlesFan, Nvidia has good linux support, and ubuntu automates things... Not sure where the recent removal of old chips support cuts off, though. I'd think 5 and up would be fine., BeatlesFan I had no AGP slot, 3 PCI slots, and DDR RAM. So I got a new motherboard, then a CPU, then a Gig of RAM, one at a time....eventually got a real nice system, but that Via Chrome 9 was horrible until I got the new videocard, wh17:36
IHS_Internich Ubuntu 8.04-8.10 wouldn't boot on...17:36
aranyikqu9, ZykoticK9  ok thanks i think it gonna work with winscp without installation17:37
Sparkthis is ubuntu jaunty (with the google perf tools problem)17:37
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: sounds like what I'm doing.. one component at a time17:37
Sparkis there a quick fix (besides building it myself)?17:37
moocheMax I was saying my other pc with Ubuntu I was writing down the problem I had with wvdial17:37
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: great buys on Ebay for a lot of this stuff17:37
Sparkheh:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/google-perftools/+bug/35973617:37
eMaXmooch,  I don't care where your PC's are actually :)17:37
IHS_InternBeatlesFan, an AGP video card isn't a good choice for that 1 component at a time, because you can't take it with you to the new motherboard.17:38
eMaXbut in the peers dir you get to have files like myisp and then you can use them to connect17:38
eMaXthere are excellent (!) howtos on the net about that17:38
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: right, but by then everything I have will be antique and I'll start again17:38
eMaXso absolutely there is no such thing like posting stuff in the root filesystem17:38
moocheMax but I am very close to getting my modem to work really close17:39
moochI am doing something wrong17:39
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: last night I figured out how to move my /home dir to another partition...17:39
eMaXmooch, thats always the case that you're close17:39
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: and installed a new 250GB hard drive17:39
T-F-KI'm a PHP developper, and I was working on ubuntu 8.10, today I've migrate to 9.04, all is working fine, but PhpMyAdmin, I can't access with the rout user, the don't know the password (but there's no password), my PHP applications work fine I can get my data from databases with php script, and this is the user accepted by phpmyadmin: �L��17:39
sysdocblackberry>Ubuntu: anyone know of any info 'out there' on this subject?17:40
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eMaXmooch, I've not enough info so I cannot help, but I do know that you can find that info on the net17:40
IHS_InternBeatlesFan, nah, PCI-E isn't going anywhere for a while, perhaps the motherboard and socket it's on will drop from it's current "high end" unless you go AMD, which is still behind intel's high end. I went for the middle, which will stay supported for a nice long while.17:40
CooPsHello, I'm using the S-Video out port on my nvidia FX5200 with propitary drivers. Connected to my TV. The image is black and white.17:40
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: right17:40
coz_T-F-K,  I cant help  but if no one here  can you might try  #linux  channel17:41
coz_T-F-K,  although this is an upgrade issue  and not surprising17:41
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mooch I copied a wvdial.conf from gedit to root and when I did that my modem initialized and before that I my modem woudln't even do that17:41
CooPsI suspect this is becouse it outputs NTCS and the TV is PAL. But I can't find anywhere where I can change this........17:41
IHS_Intern"Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [Oops]   um...wth, dell?17:41
T-F-Kcoz_, ok thanks, I will wait if somone can help, and making web research in the same time17:42
ironfroggy_My system sound stopped working, but popping the liveCD back in confirms the hardware is still fine, so where might I look to diagnose what configuration or other might differ that its not working installed?17:42
CooPspleeeeeeeeeeeease help meeeeee17:42
ironfoot_495eMAX: Iḿ sorry I was interupted I have a 8.10 desktop and a 9.04 server I know that I must have destroyed something , so now I need a way to get things back on track.17:42
coz_T-F-K,  good plan:)17:42
timo1teoPici: Thanks, this program looks promising :)17:42
ironfroggy_if i could do something that would invoke some errors, rather than silently pretend to play sound while actually failing, that would be even better!17:42
BeatlesFananyone familiar with VPNC and remote desktop?17:42
ironfoot_495or anyone for that matter?17:43
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moochhere's a better question how do I remove multiple wvdial.conf files17:43
simonvc2Hey, why does pppd not execute ip-down when you unplug a USB 3g modem?17:43
zekdoes anyone know of problems running ubuntu on mini/nano/picoITX motherboards?17:43
Jake__hmm, anyone here avaliable to help me configure my xorg server etc? (provide ssh details)17:44
Jake__i'm just getting sick of it now, i've tried everything.17:44
Jake__and it's just destroying more and more17:44
ZykoticK9CooPs, PAL/NTSC can be set in Xorg.conf - see http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/43764-nvidia-tv-out-config.html for an example.  Good luck.17:44
eMaXironfoot_495, why do you not do a clean install and just migrate what you adapted? I typically keep my modificatoins in directory strucutres like /cfg/v904/etc/hosts and then ln -s /cfg/v904 /cfg/cur and ln -s /cfg/cur/etc/hosts /etc/hosts17:44
moochIs anyone either using dial up or has used dial up before?17:45
TumblerMy mic is working fine. But when i go to skype i cant get it to work?17:45
TumblerAny suggestions on why?17:45
TumblerAnd how i could fix this :x17:45
ironfoot_495 eMaX: Yeah! I guess I´m just subbourne!!17:45
Piciironfoot_495: stubborn17:46
eMaXironfoot_495, just redo17:46
ironfoot_495yeah! Pici thanx17:46
BeatlesFanIHS_Intern: do you think it's worth it to try to sell my old 40GB hard drive or just chuck it?17:46
ironfoot_495ok eMAX:17:46
IHS_Intern40GB is still usable. I'd buy one, if I needed an old IDE drive17:47
moochIf anyone has used dial up and can help me with my modem I would really appreciate it17:48
T-F-Kcoz_, sorry to disturb, I found that I have to edit this file config.inc.php, but this solution was for windows, do anybody know where this file is in ubuntu ?17:48
coz_T-F-K,  let me check17:48
T-F-Kcoz_, ok thanks in advance17:48
notloving“away” how to use?17:49
notlovingwho can17:49
IHS_Intern....bloody...1 machine has had the IDE controller crap out, another's graphics isn't working.. same model and parts, these things...ugh17:49
EtonixPI've got a question regarding installation of MySQL on 9.10 - I'm trying to setup a server, however, when I get to the password set, it gives me an error that no password was supplied. Command is 'mysql -u root', output is 'Access denied for user 'root' (using password: NO) - I haven't setup a password, though.17:49
coz_T-F-K,   I believe it is located in /etc/phpmyadmin/17:49
ZykoticK9T-F-K, you could try "find / -name config.inc.php 2>/dev/null" if it's not in /etc/phpmyadmin17:50
moochcoz are you familiar with dial up in any way17:50
coz_mooch,  no I am not  sorry   what is the issue?17:50
T-F-Kthis commande gives me 4 files17:50
moochwvdial at the moment17:50
manlymatt83a bit off topic, but:17:50
manlymatt83If I want to do an SVN checkout but I don't want to tie the checkout to a specific user (IE: svn+ssh://user@hostname:/blah) what's the best way to do it?  Mount as NFS and then use file:///?  Or run an svn daemon?17:51
T-F-Kand one of them is in /etc/phpmyadmin17:51
coz_mooch,   have you looked here ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer17:51
IHS_InternSystem not starting X, after a reboot, failed to auto fsck, and is now throwing error after error in maintenance mode when trying to fsck :/17:51
eMaXironfoot_495, you were going to say something?17:52
coz_T-F-K,   just guessing .  iwould go with the one in phpmyadmin17:52
moochcoz yeah my issue involves something with the wvdial.conf files but let me check again17:52
IHS_Internbrb, going to try to track down some more HDs and hope they work,17:52
yareckoncan someone point me at the list of default packages shipped on a standard desktop jauny cd?17:52
T-F-Kcoz_, I was in, but I didn't fin the config that I have to change, it this line $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] = true17:53
shaun__whats a good irc client for ubuntu17:53
timo1teowhats the command to show the ownership of a specific folder? and whats the command to change that?17:53
coz_T-F-K,   ok I am lost at this point    did you try in #linux at all?17:53
Code-EMy X server is having some sort of configuration error. when I try to start up, it brings up a terminal like screen asking me to login, then tries to load ubuntu then it shows a weird screen with random colors and it does not get passed that. is there a way to fix it?17:53
shaun__kvirc or xchat wont compile17:53
lvlefistois it possible to remotely close X session? This would be nice for an internet café application.17:53
eMaXmooch check out http://www.mnsoft.org/319.0.html17:53
yareckontimo1teo, ls -lah will show you the permissions17:53
T-F-Kcoz_, no not yet17:53
FatsDominoTheoryEtonixP: try "mysql -u root -p"17:53
ZykoticK9timo1teo, ls -l will show user/group info, chown is used to change ownership17:53
yareckontimo1teo, chown will change the ownership17:53
jakejakecan enyone help me with opening terminal as root??  im fresh with ubuntu17:54
EtonixPFatsDominoTheory; it gives me a password prompt. Anything I type gives me a password error.17:54
ZykoticK9Jake__, use the sudo command if possible17:54
timo1teothanks guys17:54
moochwill do eMax I should have read more about 8.10 I did not know the network box dial out was not included in this version ouch!17:55
coz_jakejake,   you can either   sudo gnome-terminal or create a root account17:55
jakejakeZykoticK9: u mean dksudo nautilus thing??17:55
coz_jakejake,  i think there is a "open root terminal"  in the menus17:55
ChisuunWrong server17:55
yareckonJake, proceed every command with sudo17:55
Paddy_EIREjakejake: that would be "gksudo"17:55
shaun__join #smuxi17:55
Paddy_EIRE!gksudo | jakejake17:55
ubottujakejake: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:55
Jake__boolean: give me a pm when you're back if you don't mind ;)17:56
ZykoticK9Jake__, actually running a shell or gui file manager as root is frowned upon by the Ubuntu admins thus they use sudo to temporarily run as root - it's a safety thing really17:56
savidWhy is it that firefox seems to use the "uk" version of English for spell checking?  It says that "color" is misspelled.17:56
shaun__what is the best irc client for ubuntu17:56
Paddy_EIREsavid: meh.. why should it default to the us17:57
ChisuunWhy is EpserNet not listed in XChat :<17:57
wiphow to give permission to all user to use raw1394. i tried to add /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules something like but it's not working KERNEL=="raw1394[0-9]*",      NAME="raw1394/%n", GROUP="audio", MODE="0666"17:57
mmm4m5mquestion: I have clamav and freshclam installed since 2 years (and almost forgot). I can see log files in /var/log. Does anyone know what/how "virus notice/warning" is shown? I never saw such.17:57
jakejakeis the terminal file stored in the file system somewhere?17:57
savidPaddy_EIRE,  If my locale is en_us,  I expect it to use the same :-)17:57
Paddy_EIREsavid: of course17:57
* mmm4m5m no viruses found... maybe it is not working properly :)17:58
ZykoticK9Shaun_, there is no "best" application - it's what YOU find "best".  xchat works fine for me, but others will disagree :)  good luck.17:58
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moochcoz one problem I do not have the networking box for dial up so the link is helpful but the option to go to networking is not included in this version17:58
gd-007anyone know of nay issues of installing 9.10 with a asus m2nse mobo?17:58
Code-EMy X server is having some sort of configuration error. when I try to start up, it brings up a terminal like screen asking me to login, then tries to load ubuntu then it shows a weird screen with random colors and it does not get passed that. is there a way to fix it?17:58
ironfroggy_i have new information about my sound problem: both of my sound devices are device 017:58
eMaXmooch, don't know what you mean by network box dial out but anyway if you want your other box as router, google for nat17:58
ironfroggy_im guessing that isn't something that should be?17:58
IHS_InternI use IRSSI a lot, right now on xchat17:58
gd-007err 9.04 i men17:58
KottizenWhere can I download the Ubuntu source?17:59
FatsDominoTheoryEtonixP: Have you tried to reset the password?  Info on that here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.4/en/resetting-permissions.html17:59
moocheMax the network box was a modem dialer to dial out it made a little bit easier17:59
BeatlesFankottizen, try www.ubuntu.com17:59
eMaXaranyik, openvpn is extremely stable18:00
Paddy_EIREsavid: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:318:00
Florimondcould somebody help me load ssh, step by step? n00b here18:00
iandotcomanyone good with hard drive problems here? take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1172343  and tell me what u make of it..18:00
moochBut why is using a dial up modem such a problem with 8.1018:00
eMaXFlorimond, sudo apt-get install ssh18:00
KottizenAnd one more question, I have a HTC phone with Winshit, can I remove it and install some Ubuntu mobile distro?18:00
savidPaddy_EIRE,  seems odd that I'd have to get an add-on for firefox to correctly interpret my locale :-p18:00
Paddy_EIREsavid: yeah I guess so18:00
icerootFlorimond: you want to connect other pcs with ssh or you want a ssh-server on your machine?18:01
moochIt almost seems that 8.10 was strictly made for broadband18:01
gordonjcpmooch: because 1993 came and took all the dial-up modems back to their home planet18:01
rob0917if you have windows xp and ubuntu 9.04 as a dual boot ,and then add kubuntu as a wubi install ; will all 3 show up in grub?18:01
Paddy_EIREgordonjcp: lol18:01
CooPs89My nvidia FX5200 give a black and white TV-Out output. How do I fix this? Please help. Been going at this for weeks. Using ubuntu 9.0218:01
coz_rob0917,  I dont think so  but then I have never tried wubi18:02
FlorimondeMax: it starts working the I get a long list of errors. We tried last night for a couple of hours but no joy18:02
IHS_Internthere was a 9.02 released? I was not aware there was anything other than 9.04 and the 9.10 alpha in the 9 series >.>18:02
gordonjcpCooPs89: how is it connected to the TV?18:02
moochpersonally I hate dial up but I don't have the luxury for broadband nor the option for broadband18:02
gordonjcpmooch: does anyone even supply dial-up any more?18:02
coz_rob0917,  as i understand it...wubi is run from within windows so it is essentially an application in windows18:03
ZykoticK9CooPs89, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43295818:03
CooPs89gordonjcp: I have connected it with a 4 pin tv out connector, that goes into a scart connector into the TV.18:03
IHS_Internnetzero is trying to get people to switch to their Dial-Up service -from- broadband because it isn't as expensive, lol, wut?18:03
moochI live in rural area I can't get dsl or cable18:03
gordonjcpCooPs89: okay, that's S-video and that supplies Y and C separately18:03
gordonjcpCooPs89: is your TV configured for S-video input?18:03
joker_CooPs89: I had that problem a few times. Once, it turned out to be a defective cable and an other time I had to set it (in the config) to use s-video out instead of rca (or whatever is the other option), even if it was in fact that option...18:03
coz_mooch,   ooo thats got to be a pain18:03
FlorimondIceroot: Just want to be able to communicate with 1 other ubuntu machine and 2 window pc's18:04
coz_mooch,  did that link give any help to the problem?18:04
moochwell satellite is a option18:04
icerootFlorimond: ssh user@ip18:04
Paddy_EIREsatellite can be expensive and not very fast18:04
Kalmirob0917, imho only windows and ubuntu will show up in grub and if you select windows you will get 2 choices again... windows or kubuntu... but this it won't be grub... it will windows's eqvivalent of grub18:04
icerootFlorimond: windows dont has ssh18:04
moochcoz the link does help I bookmarked it18:04
CooPs89gordonjcp: The tv has been plugged into laptops with that cable, and color worked fine.18:04
IHS_Internmooch, sat. has -horrible- latency and is only moderately higher bandwidth18:04
coz_mooch,  cool18:04
joker_CooPs89: I also read that a cable of an outstanding lenght OR lots of noise (read interference) could also cause that kind of problem.18:04
coz_mooch,   you may want to just google  with    ubuntu  dial up18:04
moochthat may solve my probelm18:04
gordonjcpCooPs89: okay, next check that your TV out is using the right format18:04
CooPs89gordonjcp: okay, so I will cycle trough the PAL options in my xorg.conf18:05
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rob0917kalmi,thanks ,thought I'd ask before I tried it18:05
FlorimondIceroot. I can connect to this pc from the other unbun tu machine, but not the other way around.. want to share music aqnd videos between them18:05
Kalmi!dialup | mooch18:05
ubottumooch: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up18:05
lucas_hi folks? somebody knows a channel to ubuntu multimedia?18:05
CooPs89gordonjcp: One thing I don't get is why no nvidia options at all show up in the config file, it's completely blank, like it's been reset.18:05
lucas_like movie makers, animation, etc,,,18:05
CooPs89gordonjcp: blank = just some default devices, no options18:05
moochHS_Intern I know but thats my only option I am screwed18:05
Kalmi!ask | lucas_18:05
ubottulucas_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:05
gordonjcpCooPs89: you're using a PAL TV, and you know that the cable and adaptor are correct?  And also the card is producing S-video and not composite on one pin18:06
IHS_Internxorg.conf? it doesn't do much anymore :/18:06
Kottizenlo i need help18:06
Kottizenhello i need help18:06
Kottizenhello i need help18:06
Kottizenhello i need help18:06
FloodBot2Kottizen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
moochKalmi thanx got the link earlier18:06
LjLKottizen: way to not get any18:06
ZykoticK9CooPs89, this empty xorg.conf doesn't make sence to me either - i much prefered the old way18:06
Kalmi!helpme | Kottizen18:06
ubottuKottizen: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:06
CooPs89gordonjcp, ZykoticK9: but does adding values to the conf file still change anything? or are the settings stored somewhere else?18:07
gordonjcpnot sure tbh18:07
joker_Kalmi: change | for > as the guy has been kick/banned18:07
ZykoticK9CooPs89, ? dunno18:07
Kottizenhello again18:07
Kottizensorry for spam18:07
Kottizenbut i need help18:07
Kalmijoker_, isn't he just not allowed to speak for a while?18:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:08
LjLKottizen: and you needed to make that point by spamming the channel for almost two minutes?18:08
CooPs89gordonjcp: But my TV output is composite then?18:08
Kalmi!troll | Kottizen18:08
ubottuKottizen: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel18:08
LjLKottizen: no, you didn't.18:08
LjL!etiquette > Kottizen    (Kottizen, see the private message from ubottu)18:08
joker_Kalmi: he if would have only been banned, that would be true. But he also got kicked.18:08
Kottizenokey sorry ubottu :(18:08
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rob0917mooch_If your modem is a winmodem ,then ubuntu doesn't have much support fot that.you may need to get an external modem.That's all I really know on the subject18:08
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KottizenLjL: :)18:08
Kalmijoker_, sorry.. my bad18:09
joker_Kalmi: no fault ;)18:09
savidKottizen, there's no ubuntu mobile distro afaik.  You may look into whether or not android works on your platform -- not likely though18:09
ZykoticK9CooPs89, my xorg if full? with the Device sections and everything? so I'm sure that the settings must take effect18:09
gordonjcpCooPs89: well, you could try switching the tv to composite18:09
icerootFlorimond: ssh-server is installed on the other pc you want to access?18:09
LjLjoker_: he didn't get kicked18:09
icerootFlorimond: sudo apt-get install openssh-server18:09
Kottizensavid: okey, thanks (:18:09
moochrob0917 I have drivers installed I just can't get it to dial but thats been a interest too18:09
icerootFlorimond: then use sftp for sharing18:09
joker_savid: there is, it's calle dubuntu remix18:09
Kalmi!bot > Kottizen18:09
ubottuKottizen, please see my private message18:09
Kottizenubottu: no18:09
=== root is now known as Jake__
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!18:09
gordonjcpCooPs89: one way to tell is if the image is black and white and has a weird crawly grain on it, that's composite being fed to an input for s-video18:09
LjL!botabuse | Kottizen18:10
ubottuKottizen: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:10
Fzangcan I edit the name of .desktop files freely without any system impact?18:10
savidKottizen, is this a phone or netbook?18:10
Kottizensavid: phone18:10
Kottizen /ignore ubottu18:10
JulianoAntoniomy awn window manager changed the look of my notifyOSD, how do i get the original notifyOSD on jaunty?18:10
synthjcFzang: probably not18:10
joker_LjL: didnt got kicked... damn I need glasses :/18:10
CooPs89gordonjcp: All right, so should I be able to change the TV to accept a composite signal instead in the TV menu? It's kinda old.18:10
joker_Kottizen: discard what I've said, he didnt got kicked18:10
savidKottizen, ok then ubuntu remix is for netbooks.     Your best bet is android,  otherwise get an android phone :)18:10
ZykoticK9Fzang, it's my understandish that a .desktop file is similar to a windows shortcut?  but i'm not sure what impact it might have.18:11
Kottizensavid: okey, will try it, thanks :D18:11
Kottizenjoker_: ?18:11
gordonjcpCooPs89: depends on the TV but it's probably in there somewhere - either in the menus or if you keep cycling through the inputs18:11
FzangI'm just looking for a way to rename apps. surely it must be possible somehow18:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:11
FlorimondIceroot: I get the same install error messages again. I think I may have corrupted something18:11
joker_Kottizen: dunno, somehow I tought he got kicked, bu the didnt. you where right, I was wrong. :)18:11
gordonjcpCooPs89: Japanese TVs tend to have you cycling through inputs to pick input mode, European TVs tend to stick it in the menu18:11
rob0917think there will ever be a winbuntu or a ubindows ?lol18:11
LjLjoker_: you are talking to the wrong person.18:11
Kottizenjoker_: okey o.O :)18:11
alfredo_help ?18:12
CooPs89gordonjcp: All right, will try to find this. And test with different PAL.18:12
IHS_Intern2 more HDs tested, 2 ribbon cables. Do you think my IDE controller has said "no, u.?"18:12
joker_LjL, Kottizen: ok I'm gonna have a cofee.18:12
IHS_Internstill saying "unknown device"*18:12
boss_mc!lol | rob091718:12
ubotturob0917: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:12
gordonjcpCooPs89: are you in the UK or Europe?18:12
gordonjcpCooPs89: ah, .se - so you should be using PAL 4.4318:13
rob0917my appologies ! I'll be careful18:13
gordonjcpCooPs89: PAL I and PAL G refers to sound subcarrier, which you don't need to care about ;-)18:13
KottizenCooPs89: Swedish?18:13
BeldingI installed an icon theme, but for some reason the icons in the panel keep reverting to default. ANy ideas? i'm using Hardy18:14
Kottizenquiet o.O18:15
mikebeechamhi guys...when a theme download tells me that I need the aurora pixmap engine...how do I tell if I have it already?18:15
IHS_InternWhat fun.. 1 IDE controller, and 1 HD died...at the same time, and both isolated from each other by virtue of being in different machines and on different breakers.18:15
Guest050hello again, sorry for re-asking but i still need support to install jaunty on a computer with p45 chipset18:15
=== Guest050 is now known as qu9
IHS_Internqu9, you got any videocards lying around?18:16
tw3ak1hello more trouble for the newb, repartitioned reformatted and reinstalled gentoo, reboot grub installed on Crunchbang /Ubuntu edited  at boot hit esc then c for the command prompt trying to boot 2nd physical drive from command prompt get selected drive  does not exist? this drive is the second drive root (hd1) then get the error of selected drive does not exist? in the dmesg of the gentoo cd I get simple boot flag invalid 018:17
tw3ak1x87, I reset the boot flag on hd1 to be sure it was set. and linux ext3 and I have no problem mounting or accessing in linux18:17
IHS_Internand what exactly is the problem, qu9?18:17
Kottizeni'm noob18:17
IHS_InternI'm Bob, nice to meet you, noob.18:18
Paddy_EIREqu9: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89060418:18
qu9IHS_Intern: mh why do you ask? the graphics adaptor works, the problem is that the installer freezes after configuring the network - in a alot of forums they advise to change the sata storage mode from ide to ahci but that does not work either18:18
KottizenIHS_Intern: hello18:18
=== MaWaLe1 is now known as MaWaLe
tw3ak1hello more trouble for the newb, repartitioned reformatted and reinstalled gentoo, reboot grub installed on Crunchbang /Ubuntu edited  at boot hit esc then c for the command prompt trying to boot 2nd physical drive from command prompt get selected drive  does not exist? this drive is the second drive root (hd1) then get the error of selected drive does not exist? in the dmesg of the gentoo cd I get simple boot flag invalid 018:18
tw3ak1x87, I reset the boot flag on hd1 to be sure it was set. and linux ext3 and I have no problem mounting or accessing in linux18:18
fsufitchhi. could someone help me with my grub "error 16"? I've managed to get a boot off an ubuntu live cd...18:18
thelaugh2ngmimeI am thirsty. nice to meet u all18:18
matykHello all i just booted live to ubuntu 9.04 and i dont get a GUI i tried startx but it says primary device is not PCI thats because its AGP18:18
qu9IHS_Intern: so the problem is not the ethernet or the video card - it's intels p45 chipset18:19
IHS_Internqu9, ah... Because I know graphics cards -can- cause issues. Such as my graphics chip is what keeps me from booting Ubuntu versions prior to 9.0418:19
VovHi. I use Windows Vista and I currently have no plans to switch to ubuntu.18:19
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest59684
IHS_Internmatyk, AGP sort of is PCI18:19
Vovdoes anyone know how to help ?18:19
KottizenVov: What's your problem?18:20
Paddy_EIREVov: try asking a question18:20
BeatlesFanvov, sounds like  a personal problem18:20
tw3ak1hello more trouble for the newb, repartitioned reformatted and reinstalled gentoo, reboot grub installed on Crunchbang /Ubuntu edited  at boot hit esc then c for the command prompt trying to boot 2nd physical drive from command prompt get selected drive  does not exist? this drive is the second drive root (hd1) then get the error of selected drive does not exist? in the dmesg of the gentoo cd I get simple boot flag invalid 018:20
tw3ak1x87, I reset the boot flag on hd1 to be sure it was set. and linux ext3 and I have no problem mounting or accessing in linux18:20
thelaugh2ngmimevov, i think you can get a surgery to remove that problem18:20
qu9IHS_Intern: ah ok... so my problem is that ubuntu does not handle the sata controller (ICH10R), only the 7.04 installer allowed me to configure the partitions but then always froze in the last step18:21
erUSUL!repeat | tw3ak118:21
ubottutw3ak1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:21
CooPs89gordonjcp: All right, the TV can't select "input signal" anywhere in it's menus, it simply has 2 scart entrances, and that's it.18:21
qu9IHS_Intern: many people with a mainboard using the p45-chipset have problems like that but none of their solutions works for me18:21
matykmeh how do i get a screan18:21
matykwell GUI not CLI18:22
CooPs89gordonjcp: And good to know what the different PAL formats does... should I try adding PAL-B and PAL-D to the xorg conf?18:22
Kottizenmatyk: I know.18:22
CooPs89gordonjcp: Maybe also try adding "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE" ?18:22
BeatlesFanmatyk, do you have onboard graphics ?18:22
erUSUL!details > matyk18:22
ubottumatyk, please see my private message18:22
Kalmi!screen | matyk18:22
IHS_Internqu9, eh, my problem was try the beta, but it was just a week or 2 away from release when I got my videocard.18:22
ubottumatyk: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen18:22
thelaugh2ngmimewould anyone know why my system is not sowing all the the ram?18:23
IHS_Internmy problem was solved by trying the beta* qu918:23
=== Guest59684 is now known as sirderigo
qu9IHS_Intern: mhm so this is one of the solutions i found: http://linuxrevolution.blogspot.com/2008/09/ubuntu-and-asus-p5q-e-motherboard.html18:24
thelaugh2ngmimei do have a dedicated graphics card an my motherboard has no ability to share ram with the GPU18:24
Kalmithelaugh2ngmime, how much ram do you have?18:24
FatsDominoTheorytw3ak1: When I've got kernel booting problems from grub I heavily take advantage of tab completion.  A lot of "(hd <tab>, 0 <tab>)/ <tab>" ...it helps to see what grub sees.18:24
ltcabralhey... how can i make my conky run automaticaly at startup?18:24
thelaugh2ngmimei have 8 gb and 7.7 shows up18:24
IHS_InternI suppose then you could -try- the alpha, and see if it works, if it does, see what needs back-ported.18:24
solexiousHow can I search for text within all files in a directory18:24
ganeshare terminal entries stored anywhere?18:24
Kalmi!startup > ltcabral18:24
ubottultcabral, please see my private message18:24
RyanPriceHello, does anyone here have any experience installing ATI TV Wonder cards?18:25
BeatlesFansolexious, try using more and pipe it into grep18:25
Kalmi!info ack-grep |solexious18:25
ubottuNone: ack-grep (source: ack-grep): A grep-like program specifically for large source trees. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.80-1 (jaunty), package size 37 kB, installed size 156 kB18:25
solexiousThanks both18:25
BeatlesFanok, there's a bunch of ways to do it18:25
thelaugh2ngmimeKalmi, i have 8 gb of ram and only 7.7 shows up18:25
ltcabralKalmi: thanks18:26
ganeshwhen terminal is closed, where the terminal output will be stored?18:26
BeatlesFanyou could go with more *.txt | grep 'reg_exp'18:26
IHS_Internthelaugh2ngmime, that's fairly normal18:26
qu9IHS_Intern: but do you think they changed anything from april to now? this problem has already been known when 8.10 was released18:26
BeatlesFansomething like that18:26
mikebeechamhi guys...when a theme download tells me that I need the aurora pixmap engine...how do I tell if I have it already?18:26
Kalmiganesh, when you close a terminal, the program running inside it is usually terminated18:27
techyhello, i'm trying to install Wubi and when I clickt he installer i get a Windows - No Disk error18:27
techyDoes anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?18:27
thelaugh2ngmimeIHS_Intern , how is that normal when i am in windows it shows 8, is the ram being used for something?18:27
Paddy_EIREthelaugh2ngmime: could be shared with sound/graphics or both and the linux kernel uses a little of your ram too18:27
Jake__anyone here who will kindly setup a working gui (preferably gdm) - i had gdm with compiz, but for some reason everything has messed up18:27
Kalmitechy, are you logged in as administrator?18:27
Jake__i've been trying for like.. 5 hours now18:27
Jake__no avail18:27
techyKalmi, hmm! Maybe running it as administrator should help??18:27
ZykoticK9ganesh, if you're looking for the bash history it's in your home folder .bash_history18:27
Kalmitechy, :)18:27
shaun__anyone have a good irc client18:27
Paddy_EIRE!irc | shaun__18:28
Jake__or xchat.18:28
ubottushaun__: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:28
IHS_Internqu9, possibly. Try it, hope it doesn't have a bug that destroys ethernet cards like one of them alphas/betas had18:28
ganesh Kalmi: but can visible content on the terminal be stored?18:28
fsufitchhey, could someone help me with grub error 16? i have no idea where to start, and it is really vital I get my computer up and running again18:28
thelaugh2ngmimePaddy_EIRE , Both my sound card (64MB) and my GPU  (768MB0 have their own ram18:28
shaun__lol my xchat wont compile under unbuntu18:28
Jake__fsufitch: google grub error 1618:28
techyKalmi, do you recommend an installation size? I'm mostly running it because i'm away from school and I don't have any access to Linux / Unix machines18:28
Paddy_EIREthelaugh2ngmime: then its the kernel18:28
Jake__shaun__ apt-get install xchat?18:28
shaun__i had to update my GLIB18:28
IHS_InternKarmic isn't problematic like... was it hardy doing that damage-gigabit-eth card things?18:28
BeatlesFanshaun, I just use Chatzilla18:28
BeatlesFanshaun, for FireFox18:29
fsufitchJake__, very useful. I did, but there are a million reasons it could be happening. i tried booting off a CD, and reinstalling grub, but it didn't help. fsck also says the file systems are fine18:29
Kalmiganesh, you could use "screen" and scrollback to see older lines18:29
thelaugh2ngmimePassy_EIRE , the kernel uses 300 mb of ram? its not even showing up it just says 7.7GB @ 19%18:29
Kalmi!screen >  ganesh18:29
ubottuganesh, please see my private message18:29
Jake__fsufitch: i'm only saying that because that's the error i had and i googled it.18:29
wildc4rdevening all18:29
ganeshwhen i enabled some ccsm  effects monitor went white..how can i disable the effect?18:29
Paddy_EIREthelaugh2ngmime: yeah18:29
Jake__fsufitch: i actually forgot how i fixed it though.18:29
erUSULfsufitch: This error is returned if a device string was expected, and the string encountered didn't fit the syntax/rules listed in the Filesystem Description. <<< that's error description... something in the menu.lst has a typo or is wrong18:29
erUSULfsufitch: did you edited it ?18:30
fsufitcherUSUL, I edited it a few months ago, and it's worked until this morning18:30
T-F-KThanks all of you, my problem was resolving by adding $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] = true;  to config.inc.php file18:30
qu9IHS_Intern: ok i will try the beta in the next days (there is no broadband internet available here at the moment and so i want to try something else that does not require big downloads first... does anyone one have another idea what i could do?)18:30
fsufitcherUSUL, i'll take a look at it again18:30
Jake__i need somoene to kindly help me (do it for me, if i provide ssh access) to install GDM and fix my xorg server - i've been trying for hours and hours. no avail. anyone kind enough?18:31
csabaI have a Tenda 54M Wireless router and I'm able to connect to it with a USB stick. But when I connect to it with a wire it says Network is unreachable. How to fix this?18:31
ricardo__que onda18:31
Jake__it was working perfect until this morning, now everything is just messed up.18:31
Jake__csaba: ifdown eth0 && ifup eth018:32
ricardo__soy mexicano18:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:32
mib_dka2268gHello Ubuntu! I installed Ubuntu 9.04's Wubi 8GB installation. I rebooted my Windows XP computer. I chose to boot from Ubuntu. It syas "Starting cmain()". Then it shows just a blinking _.18:32
csabaJake_ I've restarted the computer several times shouldn't that do more than just restarting eth0 ?18:32
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CooPs89gordonjcp: All right, got it working by adding "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE218:32
Jake__csaba: i'm not sure, happened to me, i did that, worked.18:32
erUSULfsufitch: sorry was misleading by a bad page error 16 is actually : --> This is usually caused by a corrupt filesystem <<<18:32
Jake__csaba: no harm in trying.18:32
CooPs89thanks for all the help18:32
matyk HEY  i will like to get a GUI all i get is a CLI ive booted like to ubuntu 9.04 keep trying startx but it fails with no device detcected18:33
KalmiJake__, any errors?18:33
fsufitcherUSUL, the trouble is that fsck says it's all clean...18:33
erUSULfsufitch: so check your filesystem from a livecd http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html18:33
Jake__Kalmi: i really have no idea anymore18:33
erUSULfsufitch: :|18:33
Jake__Kalmi: i don't have anything atm everythings just gone18:33
=== mib_dka2268g is now known as GatorAlli
CooPs89One more  think, I don't want to get prompted with keyring stuff... I just wanna remove the keyring/auto accept.18:33
csabaJake__ I get "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured"18:33
Jake__Kalmi: startx doesn't work, i've honestly just had enough, but really don't want to reinstall.18:33
Jake__csaba: there's your answer18:33
KalmiJake__, Xorg logs?18:34
fsufitcherUSUL, exactly.18:34
Paddy_EIRECooPs89: that would be very unwise18:34
Jake__csaba: nano /etc/network/interfaces18:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:34
CooPs89What Is the fastest/easiest way for the keyring to just run unencrpyted/auto prompting.18:34
CooPs89Paddy_EIRE: I don't care, It's gonna be a Media Center PC, that wont even have a keyboard.18:34
mikebeechamguys...how do I upgrade my gtk?  i'm trying to configure a theme engine, and it's stopped telling me that I need gtk+ 2.1018:34
Jake__Kalmi: i'd show them to you, but no way of uploading atm, it doesn't seem to give any errors in them, though.18:34
ZykoticK9matyk, in the terminal have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg" ?18:34
KalmiCooPs89, set it to the same password as your login password.... (I'm not sure about this...)18:34
csabaJake__: ok I have auto lo and iface lo inet loopback18:34
CooPs89Kalmi: Already done, didn't work18:34
MbearHi people, I'm looking for a sound card with a digital RCA out to use with 9.04. Any suggestions? Thanks18:35
Jake__csaba: iface eth0 inet dhcp  then next line auto eth018:35
Jake__then ifdown eth0 && ifup eth018:35
KalmiJake__, does starx say anything?18:35
CooPs89I get prompted when I start for keyring so that the WLAN can connect, and that's bad, because the media center wont have a keyboard.18:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:35
henry-nicolasHi, does anybody know how to get video in to work with a GForce 6700 ?18:35
Jake__Kalmi: server aborting, that's ut.18:35
fokitolHow do I migrate the content of a bootable usb stick to an usb hd? I need the usb hd to boot the same as the usb stick.18:35
Jake__Kalmi: starts to load, then gives server aborting.18:36
erUSULfsufitch: well then check the menu.lst ...18:36
CooPs89The keyring will contain like one password, and I don't care if that password is unencrypted/readable.18:36
ZykoticK9Jake__, re: startx have you tried  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg" ?18:36
erUSULfsufitch: or try the supergrubdisk18:36
matyk does the same , it also says no screens found18:36
KalmiCooPs89, you could set wifi to autoconnect for all users18:36
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest74426
Jake__ZykoticK9: i tried that before i think18:36
CooPs89Kalmi: Ah, thanks.18:36
KalmiJake__, and nothing in the logs?18:36
Jake__Kalmi: no.18:36
Jake__ZykoticK9: tried it, same thing.18:36
=== Guest74426 is now known as sirderigo
erUSULfsufitch: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/6492818:37
Jake__I'll happily provide SSH access to someone if they would be kind enough to help, heh.18:37
csabaJake__ ok after ifup I got "No DHCPOFFERS received."  and then it tried to "PING "  but my router is actually at
Jake__csaba: does your router have DHCP enabled?18:37
ZykoticK9Jake__, is gdm running " sudo /etc/init.d/gdm status" ?18:37
csabaJake__: DHCP ServerEnable (checked)18:38
fsufitcherUSUL, i dont think that applies, i dont use reiserFS18:39
csabamy ip is if I connect with a usb stick, or with a network cable with windows... so it should work18:39
dupondjeIts unpossible to unrar multiple file rar with fileroller on a share ?18:39
matykubuntu 9.04 epic fai18:39
fsufitcherUSUL, and what do you mean "supergrubdisk"?18:39
erUSULfsufitch: is a small livecd aimed at repairing grub installs18:39
ZykoticK9dupondje, the command line unrar works fine (don't know about the smb share part though)18:39
Kalmimatyk, why are you saying that?18:40
Jake__Kalmi: yeah, it is.18:40
KalmiJake__, it wasn't asked by me18:40
Jake__Kalmi: but it just starts spazzing out. shows it stopping and starting18:40
fsufitcherUSUL, this? http://www.supergrubdisk.org/18:40
erUSULfsufitch: yep18:40
dupondjeZykoticK9:  but then u need to use commandline :) click click is nicer ;)18:40
Jake__ZykoticK9: yeah, it is, but starts spazzing out.18:40
Jake__csaba: try looking around your administration section in ubuntu18:41
coz_fsufitch,    do you just need to reinstall grub?18:41
Jake__csaba: should be a network manager18:41
ZykoticK9Jake__, if GDM says running - that's why you can't startx [you'd have to start in in a new virtual console to work - diffent issue altogether]18:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:41
timo1teoim getting an authentication error when im trying to su, even though i know the password AND i just changed it18:41
fsufitchcoz_, i don't know, it might help18:41
Jake__ZykoticK9: i tried it without gdm running, too.18:41
asenovhi all18:41
fsufitchcoz_, grub-install didn't work, though18:41
BENbenBENben hi18:42
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coz_fsufitch,   how did you go about trying to reinstall grub/18:42
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BENbenBENben I like 9.0418:42
fsufitchcoz_, it says "format of install_device not recognized"18:42
fsufitchcoz_, what do you mean?18:42
coz_fsufitch,  did you use the live cd to do try this?18:42
csabaJake__: in my Network tools I have 4 devices: loopback, eth0, the wireless stick and eth0:avahi and while the eth0 is empty the avahi has one IP address... perhaps that is it?18:42
Jake__delete avahi18:42
alvherrewhere can I get a changelog for the Hardy kernel?18:43
Jake__csaba: isn't there a remove option?18:43
fsufitchcoz_, yeah, i tried grub-install off an ubuntu live cd18:43
ZykoticK9Jake__, EVERYONE, to get multiple X sessions running on the same computer you can run "startx -- :1" then use ctrl-alt-F7 & ctrl-atl-F9 to switch between two running X sessions - very cool18:43
csabano, just configure, which brings up a "Device not exists" message18:43
alvherre(background: I'm trying to make wifi work on a notebook with an Atheros chipset18:43
Jake__ZykoticK9: i yeah.. i've tried that18:43
KalmiJake__: "ethX:avahi" is created by the networkmanager when it could not get an ip from the dhcp18:44
coz_fsufitch,  http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/132551/REINSTALL%20GRUB18:44
prefrontal_homeis it possible to run ubuntu apps inside osx using a chroot that has the full dependency stack?18:44
coz_fsufitch,  try it again using those directions18:44
Jake__Kalmi: yeah, i figured as much.18:44
alvherrebut the kernel says "hardware revision not supported"18:44
alvherreany clues?18:44
csabaok I found something about avahi here: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/sujet-2271-disabling-the-avahi-daemon18:44
Jake__connection refused, unable to connect to xserver18:44
matykKalmi, im saying ubuntu 9.04 is epic fail because all i can get is a CLI older versions worked fine and everytime i ask someone says to do something i do it says it doesnt work and you all forget my problem and have to restate it and back to beigning18:44
Kalmimatyk, what's you problem? :D18:45
fsufitchcoz_, ok, and i'm also trying subergrubdisk18:45
Jake__no such process errno 3 server error18:45
dkeyhey where is the registry in ubuntu? ive been looking for 3+ hours now and i decided to finally come here for help18:45
coz_fsufitch,   ok I have dont it both ways  that file was a bit more reliable  but try both :)18:45
KalmiJake__, do you have the "lo" interface?18:45
Jake__Kalmi: yes.18:45
IHS_InternI don't think ubuntu has a registry in the windows sense of the word18:46
erUSULdkey: what do you want to do ?18:46
loshermatyk: so downgrade. There's nothing in 9.04 you can't live without...18:46
ZykoticK9Kalmi, lo is loopback - everyone should have it18:46
gladiatorhi .. i am trying to run skype and it wont work .. sound recording through the ubuntu program works fine .. but i get "Audio Playback Problem" . tried to follow this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1423407&postcount=16  but no progress .. any clues?18:46
KalmiZykoticK9, unless... :)18:46
Jake__Kalmi: yes, i do have that there.18:46
dkeyi want to access the registry18:46
dkeywhere is it18:46
IHS_Interndkey, as I said, I don't think it has one like windows18:46
alvherreHi -- I'm trying to make wifi work on a notebook with an Atheros chipset, but the kernel says "hardware revision not supported"18:47
matykKalmi, my problem is i cant get anything but a CLI (terminal) startx doesnt work fails with errors stateing no devices detcected and primary device isnt PCI i tried reconfiging xorg didnt work18:47
ZykoticK9dkey, registry is a windows thing gconf is the closes linux equivalant, have fun18:47
IHS_InternCheck /etc/ for a large amount of the config files for stuff18:47
Kalmimatyk, what kind of card do you have?18:47
matykAGP ati readon18:48
matyk9600 to be exctact18:48
matykand yeah i can't spell18:48
Kalmimatyk, can you find it in the output of lspci?18:48
fsufitchcoz_, in the "find" command should i give it the path to the mounted hard drive on which i want grub? or the path from the guide as is?18:48
KalmiJake__, are sure there are no error messages nowhere? :S18:48
matykyup i can Kalmi18:49
coz_fsufitch,   just tyep     find /boot/grub/stage118:49
Jake__kalmi: connection refused, unable to connect to xserver18:49
coz_fsufitch,   or  find  /grub/stage18:49
Jake__Kalmi: no such process errno 3 server error18:49
KalmiJake__, who says that?18:49
fsufitchcoz_, it freezes on both of those18:49
coz_fsufitch, ,m,m18:50
ZykoticK9fsufitch, the firt variable to find ie "fine /" means start searching from that point, but you can but any path you need ie "find /mybath/to/somewhere"18:50
fsufitchcoz_, how long is it supposed to take?18:50
coz_fsufitch,   it shouldnt take more than a second...18:50
coz_fsufitch,   you are on the live cd correct?18:50
fsufitchcoz_, yes18:50
ZykoticK9fsufitch, if you're searching your whole system it can take a while...18:50
coz_fsufitch,   and  sudo grub was the first command18:50
Kalmimatyk, did it work with the livecd?18:51
fsufitchcoz_, yes18:51
IHS_InternSo far.. I have 10/62 machines that have failed, I have 10-15 left to test.18:51
uuvHi. I'm trying to set up my laptops wired network connection, but ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize my network card. My laptop is Sony Vaio vgn-z11xn/b. If i run lspci it finds it though, saying Intel Corporation 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03)18:51
coz_fsufitch,  ok give a few  then to see if it finds it18:51
fsufitchZykoticK9, is that what i'm doing? i have no idea! XD18:51
fsufitchcoz_, it says Error  15: file not found for the /boot/grub/stage118:51
coz_fsufitch,   ok try  find  /grub/stage118:51
ZykoticK9fsufitch, not sure what you doing sorry - i just piped in about the find command18:52
fsufitchcoz_, still not found, and this was much quicker18:52
uuvWhen i hover my mouse upon the network connections -icon at the top of the screen, "Wired connections" are grayed and it says "device not managed"18:52
fsufitchZykoticK9, i'm in the grub command line :-P it's not the regular find18:52
coz_fsufitch,   ok  indetail  what is going on with the system18:52
matykKalmi i am in the live cd18:52
ZykoticK9fsufitch, i'm so sorry - grub is totally different!18:52
Kalmiuuv, have you touched /etc/network/interfaces?18:53
erUSULuuv: maybe it is listed in /etc/network/interfaces ?? NM ignores ifaces listed there18:53
ZykoticK9fsufitch, but grub does have autocomplete with the tab key which can make your life a lot easier18:53
uuvI haven't touched anything. I'm a big newbie to linux18:53
Jake__ Kalmi: startx says it18:53
fsufitchcoz_, whenever i boot off the HD, i get grub error 16. mounting my FSs off a live CD works, and fsck doesnt sayanything wrong18:53
fsufitchZykoticK9, it refuses to autocomplete anything :(18:53
coz_fsufitch,   ok is this a dual boot?18:53
fsufitchcoz_, yes18:54
erUSULuuv: does the card appear if you do "ifconfig -a" on a terminal ??18:54
matucki installed emodules-all for enlightenment-17 now my network does not work. anyone have any idea on how to correct?18:54
matykKalm,i i am in the live cd18:54
fsufitchcoz_, ubuntu 9.04 + vista18:54
Kalmiuuv, comment #6 might help...  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32273718:54
ZykoticK9fsufitch, if tab doesn't cycle through options that may indicate a problem with the info you are providing it - autocomplete shows it sees the drives/partitions correctly18:54
coz_fsufitch, on that file I gave you go to the link  at the bottom  there may be further options on the how to18:54
fsufitchcoz_, trouble is, this worked just fine until this morning, when my computer froze, and after i restarted it i got error 1618:55
coz_fsufitch,  mm  was there an update18:55
ZykoticK9fsufitch, but i think the autocomplete only works for the (0,0) type stuff FYI18:55
fsufitchcoz_, not that i was aware of. in any case, update-manager only runs when i let it run, and it definitely wasn't running this morning18:56
matykKalm,i i am in the live cd!!!!!!!!!!18:56
Kalmi!patience | matyk18:56
unkmarU, me and the great beyond.18:56
ubottumatyk: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:56
coz_fsufitch,  ok  this grub reinstall should work   reboot the system try normal to see if you get that grub error again if so boot back into the live cd and try those commands again18:57
samdfsufitch: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31360018:57
matykgr its anoying me though18:57
coz_fsufitch,  i have found that at times it just doesnt pick up on the location18:57
KalmiJake__, stupid idea: does startx work as root?18:57
Kalmimatyk, sorry... but I have no idea...18:57
s0tt0hi, im running virtual pc 2007 with ubuntu 9.04 server edition and im having trouble connecting remotely to ubuntu server via ssh. i have installed ssh server and service and if i connect from host computer then everything works perfectly but when i try to access VM remotely it just times out. If i ping VM IP remotely, then it responds like it should but if i try to access services (like ssh, ftp, running servers) then nothing happens. can some18:57
ZykoticK9Jake__, Kalmi did you stop GDM? if it's running startx is going to fail.18:58
fsufitchsamd, i already looked at that thread, and it didnt help...18:58
fsufitchcoz_, still Error 1618:58
samdfsufitch: u reinstalled grub?18:58
KalmiZykoticK9, he said he tried that...18:58
fsufitchsamd, i tried from the live cd, im about to try supergrubdisk18:58
JaneDoehow do I change the domain of the computer from WORKGROUP to say MSHOME?18:59
ZykoticK9Jake__, Kalmi "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then try startx18:59
samdfsufitch: ight, also a fsck on the partition might help18:59
samdfsufitch: from the live cd18:59
s0tt0please can someone help with the virtual pc connection problem18:59
rutterhello ubuntu folks, arch user here - I'm trying to connect to the internet with my 3g phone with networkmanager - I know ubuntu does an autoconfig when you first connect a phone  - can anyone either tell me what that tool us called or where I can find the information to manually enter my phone and provider details into network manager?18:59
fsufitchsamd, fsck says that everything is fine >_<18:59
samdfsufitch: ext3 filesystem?19:00
Kalmirutter, nm-connection-editor19:00
fsufitchsamd, yes19:00
samdfsufitch: umm, try supergrub19:00
erUSULrutter: System>Preferences>Network Configuration19:00
chatoalguien habla español19:01
erUSUL!es | chato19:01
ubottuchato: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:01
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fsufitchsamd, am doing that now19:01
maxagazhow to get the mac address of a machine from its ip ?19:01
rutterkalmi: thx, I'll look it up19:01
erUSULmaxagaz: man arp19:01
samdfsufitch: alright19:01
jefincwould there be a delay in my sound because I'm using optical?19:02
Kalmirutter, it's the same as System>Preferences>Network Configuration19:02
rutterkalmi: lol, sorry I think there was a misunderstanding19:02
Jake__ZykoticK9: nope, still doesn't work19:02
rblsthi all, is there an easy way to prevent a disk from appearing in nautilus?19:02
s0tt0can anyone please help with virtual machine networking19:02
fsufitchsamd, SGD has not succeeded19:02
erUSULrblst: do no mount it in /media/19:03
rutterkalmi: I'm not looking for the gui, I'm looking for the details needed for networkmanager to interface with my phone19:03
samdfsufitch: what does it returns?19:03
rutterkalmi: or the autoconfig that ubuntu uses19:03
KalmiJake__, stupid idea: does "sudo startx" work?19:03
unkmarrblst: mount it in a .folder?19:03
s0tt0no thoughts?19:03
erUSULrutter: details ? its all black magic i tell you ;)19:03
fsufitchsamd, error 15: file not found19:03
* erUSUL does not understand NM19:03
Jake__Kalmi: i'm running as root.19:03
Darknezzi have a easy question. whats a good iso mounting program like deamon tools or like alcohol 120%????19:03
Kalmirutter, you can just add in the third tab19:03
KalmiDarknezz, mount19:04
rblsterUSUL,unkmar: what do you mean? i don't mount it anywhere, it appears automagically19:04
KalmiDarknezz,  :)19:04
renupHello, I install ubuntu 9.04 on my whole hard drive, but Im still getting the grub menu to boot ubuntu or windows xp. How do I boot ubuntu without the grub menu?19:04
wnbwhere can i find open ptunnel proxy to use my free icmp packets?19:04
erUSULrblst: it is an usb disk ?19:04
samdfsufitch: while turning on?? rite?19:04
unkmarrblst: is it a flash drive?19:04
rutterkalmi: I know how to use the GUI to config the phone - need to know what the hell to input19:04
ZykoticK9Jake__, if you a really running as root logout and in as a normal user then try startx19:04
fsufitchsamd, this is while it trying to automatically fix grub19:04
DarknezzKalmi: lol thanks19:04
erUSULrenup: just disable the menu and put no timeout in grub configuration19:04
s0tt0please can someone help me with virtual pc problem19:05
fsufitchsamd, SGD does boot, but it fails when i tell it to do anything19:05
erUSULrenup: is the option hidenmenu19:05
Jake__ZykoticK9: tried that just then too.19:05
ruttererUSUL: indeed, and google tells me nothing!19:05
unkmarrblst: if it is a hard drive then you can comment it out or remove it from fstab19:05
Kalmi!iso | Darknezz19:05
ubottuDarknezz: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:05
rblsterUSUL,unkmar: no, it's a harddisk with fat32 fs (for a legacy accounting software)19:05
unkmarrblst: thus preventing it from being mounted.19:05
samdfsufitch: ight, let me see if i can find something in the net19:05
phlexonancewhat program do I use to record a clip with my webcam?19:05
erUSULrutter: for 3G modems i do not know what helper programs it uses... probablya wvdial or something like that19:05
vorgasomeone invite me into #kubuntu.  i can't get to it through #ubuntu-proxy-users19:05
unkmarrblst: edit /etc/fstab19:05
rblstunkmar: it is not in fstab19:06
ZykoticK9s0tt0, if you're talking about Microsoft Virtual PC perhaps a microsoft channel would be better, Windows support is minimal here19:06
uuvKalmi: I'm trying the comment #6 thingie, but when i try the star number 3, it just says tar: ...: Cannot open: No such file or directory19:06
erUSULrblst: them make an entry in fstab to mount it at boot19:06
fsufitchsamd, it can never find any /grub/stage1 or /boot/grub/stage119:06
erUSUL!fat32 | rblst19:06
ubotturblst: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:06
erUSUL!fstab | rblst19:06
ubotturblst: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:06
unkmarrblst: how are you connecting the drive.  Is it always connected? or connected via USB?19:06
s0tt0ZykoticK9, its not virtual PC problem19:07
ruttererUSUL: do the people who maintain networkmanager have a channel somewhere19:07
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ruttererUSUL: can't find it on their site19:07
unkmarrblst: if it is always connected, then it is in fstab.  You just might not recognize it.19:07
s0tt0i just dont have remote access to ubuntu19:07
s0tt0but from hsot computer i can connect19:07
ruttererUSUL: and #networkmanager is empty19:07
erUSULrutter: dunno; /join #networkmanager ?19:07
rblsterUSUL: i've tried that, i should probably change the mount point from /media/.. to something else19:07
s0tt0maybe i need to route something or i dont know...19:07
yareckontimeout errors all over the place reporting a bug in launchpad...19:08
fsufitchsamd, i think i'm going to give up and resort to reinstalling ubuntu19:08
ZykoticK9s0tt0, so it's ubuntu running in a vm?  it's ip is probably different.19:08
ruttererUSUL: what is the channel for ubuntu devs19:08
samdfsufitch: umm, can u access the partition from the live cd?19:08
rblsterUSUL: thanks for the referenced stuff, i'll go through it19:08
fsufitchsamd, yes! and all files are intact!19:08
s0tt0ZykoticK9, yes its ubuntu on vm and ip is different and i know its external ip19:08
samdfsufitch: ya, might be the fastest option.. reinstall19:08
ZykoticK9s0tt0, what VM program are you using?19:08
s0tt0ZykoticK9, virtual pc 2007 with sp119:08
pamelita_89i'am a hot latin19:08
fsufitchsamd, thank goodness for ubuntu being nice about reinstalls... thanks for the help though :)19:09
rblstunkmar: it is always connected, and it is not in fstab for sure19:09
CarlFKpamelita_89: that's great, but please take it somewhere else.19:09
coz_pamelita_89,   well here you might have to preface that with "i use ubuntu and I am a hot latin"  lol19:09
ZykoticK9s0tt0, it's an issue with getting network forwarding in your virtual machines - find a "virtual pc" channel / support it's their networking you have to correct19:09
s0tt0ZykoticK9, ok thanks19:09
s0tt0ZykoticK9, but i can ping ubuntu vm through remote comp...19:10
Jake__is there anyway to install ubuntu again without losing files? ;d19:10
Jake__like, can it import files etc?19:10
KalmiI'm a hot and I use Ubuntu and I need help19:10
coz_Jake__,  it can indeed  but you would have to put those files onto another disk or cd or flash drive19:11
ZykoticK9s0tt0, trust me - it's the vm's networking (if you used Virtualbox i know how to do it, but i don't use anything on ms products) Good luck.19:11
coz_Jake__, before you reinstall19:11
Jake__coz_: so it won't do it automatically?19:11
Jake__i don't even know which files i need :(19:11
hatter243!help | kalmi19:11
ubottukalmi: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:11
coz_Jake__,   not that I am aware of no   but dont take my word as the last word on that19:11
Darknezzwhere can i get default samba settings (smb.conf) it seems like after an update it messed my config up.19:12
yareckonthe automatic bug reporting servers must be getting hammered as all the devs upgrade to karmic19:12
bencrisfordWhat alpha is karmic on now>19:12
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:12
coz_bencrisford,   one I blieve19:12
bencrisfordI'll wait till about 3 I think19:13
samdfsufitch: yea, no problem19:13
ZykoticK9Darknezz, i had to search google to find an smb.conf as a skeleton to work off of - never found suitable options in the default files in Ubuntu19:13
Kalmihatter243, it's !helpme19:13
namd3rbencrisford, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule19:13
bencrisfordoooh, thanks :)19:13
Jake__thank god i have Google g1, i'd be lost for googling ;/19:13
hatter243Kalmi, that'd be the one.19:14
_user_how much space needed to install ubuntu19:14
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DarknezzZykoticK9: ahh ya i was also looking last night but could not find anything. im just having alot of problems sharing and viewing networks on this ubuntu machine19:15
hatter243!requirements | _user_19:15
ubottu_user_: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu19:15
teckymount error(127): Key has expired19:15
ZykoticK9Darknezz, are you trying to share to Vista clients?19:15
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu19:15
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teckyGetting a ' mount error(127): Key has expired ' (repeat, sorry i know)  When trying to mount a SMBFS share, any ideas?19:16
_user_ubottu, 20 gb for / is enough19:16
Mac586How does the "!" thoing work? where do I look?19:16
MbearHi all, suggestions for a sound card with digital out for use with 9.04? Thanks19:16
Captain_Haddockdoes anybody have any recommendations for usb wifi cards that'll work in jaunty?19:16
erUSULMac586: is a bot.19:16
Jake__Mac586 !help19:16
hatter243!help | Mac58619:16
ubottuMac586: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:16
DarknezzZykoticK9: no a couple of XP machines and 1 ubuntu machine..... it seems like the network is working on the other ubuntu..... i guess i can try copying that config and pasting onto this computer19:17
erUSULCaptain_Haddock: it is trivky to recomend one becouse sometimes manufactures change the internal chip without warning and one that work stops working19:17
Mac586but where do I type !help?19:17
Jake__you do !help19:17
erUSULMac586: here in the channel19:17
PiciMac586: See ubottu above ^^19:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:17
bencrisfordjust like a normal message19:17
ZykoticK9Darknezz, the most success i've had with samba shares if by using the "Share" level of security (but this is like WIDE open) see http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/ServerType.html#id2559459 + google for more info.  Best of luck.19:18
hatter243To prevent overflow, it ignores repeated commands19:18
bencrisfordtry again Mac58619:18
Jake__coz_: so, say if i just copy my home dir, that'll suffice, how will i restore that on my next install? just copy it over?19:18
ELoXLCan anyone offer help with using "Transmission" to create/Share torrents?19:18
Jake__ha ;d19:18
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:19
Pici!fishing | Jake__ bencrisford Mac58619:19
ubottuJake__ bencrisford Mac586: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:19
ELoXLCan anyone offer help with using "Transmission" to create/Share torrents?19:19
teckyGetting a ' mount error(127): Key has expired ' (repeat, sorry i know)  When trying to mount a SMBFS share, any ideas?19:19
=== fabien is now known as fabien__
rblsthow can i prevent an internal harddisk to appear automatically in nautilus?19:20
hatter243tecky, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=+mount+error(127)%3A+Key+has+expired&l=119:20
geirharblst: Mount it in /mnt instead of /media19:20
hatter243tecky, :P19:20
rblstgeirha: i have added and entry with the mount point /mnt/sdc1 in fstab19:21
unkmarrblst: is the drive permenant or removable?19:21
Titan8990rblst, honestly think the only way is to get rid of HAL19:21
rblstunkmar: it is permanent19:21
ZykoticK9rblst, what you gave is not a mount point it's a device!19:21
Titan8990rblst, which means xorg won't load any drivers not specified in xorg.conf19:21
teckyhatter243: i've looked at that already, but, *shrug*19:21
hatter243tecky, that doesn't solve your problem?19:22
phlexonancewhat program do I use to record a clip with my webcam?19:22
Titan8990ZykoticK9, geirha, HAL will make the drive appear on the desktop even if it is not mounted19:22
teckyit seems like its a known issue for the smbfs cifs filesystem type19:22
rblstTitan8990: what does xorg have to do with this?19:22
bencrisfordphlexonance: Try cheese webcam booth :)19:22
teckyalthough marked as solved, its most definately still a problem19:22
geirharblst: That's odd. It shouldn't show up if it's mounted under /mnt19:22
Titan8990rblst, xorg, being controlled by HAL is what is putting the drive in nautilus19:22
neurobuntuis there a plugin for firefox for synchronizing extensions across computers?19:23
DarknezzZykoticK9: soo i go onto my other ubuntu pc and check the conf file and it seems to be blank....... dont know if thats right or what.19:23
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Titan8990rblst, learned this recently when gentoo launched xorg 1.5 that included HAL support... my drives now appear in my file browser19:23
ZykoticK9Darknezz, sorry man i got nothing for sharing with windows.  best of luck.19:23
CaneToadIn GIMP, if you create a text box, then create another, then want to edit the original text box, how do you do it????19:24
DarknezzZykoticK9: tx19:24
bencrisfordCaneToad: Texboxes are layers19:24
bencrisfordthey have their own layer19:24
bencrisfordso select the appropriate layer19:24
bencrisfordthen you can edit the text19:24
rblstTitan8990: i thought xorg is an X server ,and it is HAL, D-BUS and  Nautilus that does it19:25
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ZykoticK9rblst, X is both a server and a client - BUT it's ONLY to do with graphics output - other then that, it does nothing :)19:25
Titan8990rblst, I19:26
Mac586Can somebody tell me what app I have to use so my ubuntu pc's can fileshare with my winodws pc's?19:26
rblstZykoticK9: yep, that is what i know about it19:26
Mac586Or access a drive on a windows machine19:27
JEEBsvMac586: usually you should just get samba for that, which should come with ubuntu19:27
neurobuntuMac586, !samba19:27
Titan8990rblst, sorry, not sure if dbus is involved, xorg is xserver but I am just saying that this behaviour did not occur on my end until xorg 1.5 WITH HAL support, before I ran HAL without xorg supporting it and I did not get your results19:27
wildc4rdmac586, aye, samba is the ticket19:27
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:27
Mac586JEEBsv:where do I find it?19:27
rblstTitan8990: okay, thanks19:27
JEEBsvMac586: you just got a whole lot of stuff posted for yourself :)19:27
gd-007anyone can tell me what emask ox9 error is when installing?19:27
Titan8990rblst, it defiantly has something to do with HAL though... unfortunately you can't just compile xorg without HAL in ubuntu like you can in gentoo19:28
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npnuxhelp me for avermedia trinity dvb-s A707 kart19:28
Titan8990rblst, so its likely xorg DEPENDS on HAL19:28
vangog13radeon x2300 no driver19:28
Mac586darn it19:28
bencrisfordgd-007: The 0x means its hex, but the error code will mean different things in different programs so i couldnt say19:28
bencrisfordits unlikely anyone will know, you might be able to find the info online though19:29
npnuxhelp me for avermedia trinity dvb-s A707 card dnot work ubuntu pls help19:29
PiciMac586: Just scroll up and look at what ubottu posted about samba.19:29
gd-007hmm havent been able to find anything online either19:29
rblstTitan8990: regardless of that, i need HAL, because i want automounting for usb sticks and the like19:29
bencrisfordgd-007: Report it as a bug19:29
phlexonance<bencrisford>, cheese sucks as there are no settings whatsoever19:29
JaneDoeone of our ubuntu (9.04) pcs just started refusing to put X/gdm onscreen.  command line available via ctrl-alt-f2.  any thoughts PLEASE?19:30
bencrisfordphlexonance: I dont mind it19:30
Mac586Pici: I am looking at it but where do I find the app? Another guy said it would be in ubuntu and I can't find it19:30
gd-007will do19:30
gd-007illg et an older version to use in meantime i think19:30
phlexonancebencrisford, well I do, the video quality is bad and there is no audio :D19:30
bencrisfordphlexonance: Apart from that :P19:30
PiciMac586: From the menu: Places>Connect to server19:30
ELoXLCan anyone offer help with using "Transmission" to create/Share torrents?19:31
hatter243JaneDoe, got any error messages? How does it refuse?19:31
npnuxhelp me for avermedia trinity dvb-s A707 card dnot work ubuntu pls help19:31
JaneDoehatter243: hmm, will check logs (shoulda done that already)19:31
phlexonancebencrisford, apart from that it just froze and doesn't want to stop recording :D19:31
Mac586Pici: Thanks19:31
phlexonancewhat program do I use to record a clip with my webcam?19:31
hatter243JaneDoe, if you could get the output of dmesg and put it in a pastebin, I'll take a looksy19:31
rjuneI have a gateway tablet laptop with a handful of "extra" keys. Where do I need to start looking to configure them?19:31
ZykoticK9ELoXL, http://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?t=3412&highlight=create+torrent starts out you "currently can't do this" but it's an old post19:32
CaneToadbencrisford: ah ok, thanks!19:32
npnuxhelp me for avermedia trinity dvb-s A707 card dnot work ubuntu pls help19:32
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s0tt0npnux, switch to windows, i have the same card and its working perfectly in windows media center19:33
zekDoes anyone know of any problems that would arise from using ubuntu on a mini/nano/picoITX system?19:34
npnuxı know19:34
eurythmiahey, I have jaunty set up on a machine with a radeon HD3450 ... I have the fglrx driver installed (and in use), and I used the amdcccle app to set up my monitors as "separate displays" ... what I want is bigdesktop, but when I run "aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1" I get the error: "Error: Options, e.g. --dtop and --desktop-setup, are not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!" can somebody please help me to get this figured out?19:34
npnuxı want work  avermedia trinity dvb-s A707 card ubuntu19:35
trued0xif i want to install more software on the CD where do i go?19:35
eurythmias0tt0, what kind of advice is that?19:35
Captain_HaddockerUSUL: I see.. so I have to check the chipset? Google tells me that the linksys adaptors are a safe bet.. but they are also 4+ times more expensive :S19:35
pronoyhow to set the hue in nvidia-settings to 0 it keeps getting back to 18019:36
Captain_Haddocktrued0x: install on the CD?19:36
trued0xCaptain:  Install from the CD sorry.  aren't there extra packaage options on the CD?19:37
npnuxhelp me for avermedia trinity dvb-s A707 card dnot work ubuntu pls help19:37
eurythmianpnux, #ubuntu-mythtv might know more than we do in here.19:38
ZykoticK9pronoy, are you using the "Save Current Configuration" button in the "nvidia-settings Configuration" tab?19:38
pronoywhat ?19:38
pronoyZykotickK9: saving config to x or save current ?19:38
s0tt0eurythmia, the working kind19:38
teckyhmm, is there a reason BitchX isn't included in the repository's?19:38
aduarteI have no sound since I've installed Jaunty, Anyone can help me?19:38
teckyis it considered depreciated ?19:38
jarcohello all. I just installed the new ubuntu 9.04 and when i boot my system now i get grub error 15? I cannot boot linux or windows (live cd running now) any help?19:39
ZykoticK9pronoy, "Save Current Configuration" goes to a .nvidia-settings-rc file in your home dir - might save gamma for ya19:39
macvrhi all does basero do multiple session writes to cd/dvd? if so, how do i do it?19:39
eurythmias0tt0, I'm pretty sure that "switch to windows" is the same as "f*** off and die, because I'm too lazy to give a good answer."19:39
benzzcan someone help me get GTA for ubuntu?19:39
JaneDoehatter243: I know this is lame, but booted it into windows, then booted back into U and so far so good.19:39
JaneDoe(aka I'll be back with the same problem later)19:39
pronoyZykotickK9: i did..but its the same once the vid starts19:40
teckybenzz: ?? GTA for Ubuntu?19:40
hatter243JaneDoe, hah, glad to hear it's working. Maybe it was just a momentary kerfluffle19:40
benzztecky: yes19:40
JaneDoehatter243: mmm, gamma rays19:40
teckybenzz: the game??19:40
ZykoticK9pronoy, does your vid player have gamma controls too?19:40
pronoyZykotickK9: using totem..i don't think so19:40
hatter243JaneDoe, :)19:40
pronoyZykotickK9: i'll try with vlc19:41
solexiousIve forgotten my user-name for my ubuntu vm, how can I retrieve it?19:41
s0tt0eurythmia, theres no need to be upset, i just told the person what i knew that definately works, i really have that card19:41
benzztecky: PM19:41
Xelawhat do I do to become an ubuntu developer?19:41
eurythmias0tt0, something among the lines of "I haven't been able to get it working wither" or "the linuxtv.org wiki says it's not working yet" would be much preferable.19:42
ZykoticK9Xela, step one - learn to program...19:42
jarcohello all. I just installed the new ubuntu 9.04 and when i boot my system now i get grub error 15? I cannot boot linux or windows (live cd running now) any help?19:42
rjuneWrite something useful19:42
rjuneget it packaged19:42
rjune#ubuntu-motu is good for packaging.19:42
benzztecky pm19:42
Xelayeah.. but us there a community?19:42
rjuneI believe you're in it19:42
benzztecky: you there?19:43
s0tt0eurythmia, ummm... no its not, i said a working solution instead of.. m8 ur out of luck19:43
trued0xdoes make-kpkg come on the Ubuntu install disk?19:43
XelaI know java.. Can I use that to create aplikations for ubuntu?19:43
s0tt0anyway dont pick19:43
pronoyZykotickK9: no success....it has to be done using nvidia-settings19:44
pronoyZykotickK9: what is the config file name .nvidi~19:44
eurythmias0tt0, when people come here, they want answers about linux. Saying "This doesn't work yet under ubuntu" or "this doesn't work yet under linux" has less of an "eff you" attitude.19:44
ZykoticK9pronoy, .nvidia-settings-rc (try and keep your responses on 1 line)19:44
solexiousIve forgotten my user-name for my ubuntu vm, how can I retrieve it?19:45
SandGorgonanybody use koffice 2.0 ? I'm reading rave reviews over at slashdot19:46
s0tt0eurythmia, looks like you are the only one having a problem about what i said in here19:46
erossis button mapping working yet19:46
trued0xno one knows?19:46
pronoyZykotickK9: done for now19:46
eurythmias0tt0, is that not enough for you?19:46
juiceman5000Hey, is there a decent replacement for Window's MSTSC (terminal service console; remote desktop for windows server)?19:46
jarcohello all. I just installed the new ubuntu 9.04 and when i boot my system now i get grub error 15? I cannot boot linux or windows (live cd running now) any help?19:47
s0tt0eurythmia, yep turn it on me, nice19:47
enzotibsolexious: start in recovery and take a look at ls /home19:47
solexiousenzotib, aaah, thank you19:47
DrHalanhey, how can i check if a file(=shared object) contains debug symbols?19:47
DrHalansomehow with gdb maybe?19:47
ZzeissAnybody here running Ubuntu on a Macbook Unibody?  If so, please msg me... (I'm chasing a Bluetooth bug)19:48
eurythmias0tt0, well, you stepped on toes, mine. I called you on it, and you told me "no way buddy, you're wrong." If there was one more, or two more, or 18 more people who had a problem with your suggestion would you say "okay, I'll keep that in mind," or would you ignore everyone else because their opinions don't matter?19:48
joker_juiceman5000: I personally use the default remote connexion and it works "okay"19:48
unop_juiceman5000, there is no MSTSC for linux - atleast none that are microsoft endorsed. if you want a terminal service client for linux, look at rdesktop and the GUI frontends to it - tsclient, grdesktop, etc19:48
w0ls0nhello all. Any way to make it so when I run crontab -e it opens in vi?19:48
eMaXtypically means grub doesn't find system partition19:49
jatthow can I adjust the fonts of a kde application under gnome (amarok). The current fonts are too big.19:49
jarcook eMaX how to solve it?19:49
ZykoticK9w0ls0n, see http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-the-default-editor-from-nano-on-ubuntu-linux/19:49
phlexonancewhat program do I use to record a clip with my webcam?19:49
eMaXlook on google - probably use the grub command line to reinstall grub19:49
chaos2fuhii can someone help me to connect a19:50
s0tt0eurythmia, are you kidding me? you are really upset i said windows in this channel? come on now...19:50
eurythmiaphlexonance, you can use VLC to capture from webcam and write to a file19:50
testingsI have an 620 amd on board graphik chip. AMD's suport ist disabled. Its work under Ubuntu?19:50
chaos2fuhii can comesone help me connect a VPN using PPTP-protocoll?19:50
eMaXs0tt0 I'm also upset19:50
jarcoeMaX: i am looking on google for the past 2 hours ... :D i wouldnt have come here ... :D19:50
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eMaXs0tt0, it hurts my ears19:50
w0ls0nroot@ubuntu:/backup/rsync# sudo update-alternatives -config editor19:50
w0ls0nupdate-alternatives: unknown argument `-config'19:50
s0tt0eurythmia, if it calms you im using ubuntu on my lappy19:50
phlexonanceeurythmia when I try to open /dev/video0 with vlc it produces an error19:50
nmvictori cant mount my flash disk anymore,i insert it and all it is a USB drive which cant be opened.Any one with a remedy to this please?19:50
testingsI have an 620 amd on board graphik chip. AMD's suport ist disabled. Its work under Ubuntu?19:50
eurythmias0tt0, I'm not upset you  said windows, I'm upset you suggested somebody stop using linux and go back to windows.19:50
eMaXjarco, but did you find how to install grub on a command line19:50
trued0xmake-kpkg is this included on the Ubuntu install disk?19:50
jaredhey guys19:50
eurythmiaphlexonance, what error?19:50
unop_w0ls0n,  make that --config  # two dashes instead of one19:50
Captain_Haddocktrued0x: the package manager will usually have the CD as a source... just use it to install software19:50
jaredquick question that may not be answerable, so feel free to take the challenge19:51
s0tt0eurythmiam, i NEVER said he/she should STOP using linux19:51
s0tt0eurythmia, now youre making stuff up19:51
jaredDoes anyone know how to make a Playstation 3 controller work on Ubuntu via USB? I don't have bluetooth on my desktop.19:51
jarcoeMaX: not really. I am not so good with all this grub command line thingies.I think it isjust using the wrong names for the disks19:51
Pici!offtopic | s0tt0 eurythmia19:51
ubottus0tt0 eurythmia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:51
DrHalantestings, i don't know that chip but its very likely that there is an opensource driver handling that. 2D should work for sure19:51
phlexonanceeurythmia, [00000294] v4l demuxer error: cannot get channel infos (Invalid argument)19:51
eMaXok then use not those stupid uid names but things like /dev/sda1 or whatever your boot part is19:51
w0ls0nhum ... I only have 3 choices.19:52
eurythmiaphlexonance, sorry, I haven't seen that one before :/ ... have you tried googling it?19:52
Captain_HaddockeMaX: uuid names are safer than /dev/sda etc.19:52
eurythmiaPici, gotcha.19:52
eMaXCaptain_Haddock, right, for adding disks later totally agree19:52
phlexonanceeurythmia, I think it's easier to get a proper webcam capturing software, don't you agree?19:52
benzzHow can I mount 2 .iso's?19:52
w0ls0napt-get install vi comes up with nothing19:52
eMaXCaptain_Haddock, yet, if you change your disks and copy stuff from system a to b, it may be worse - so using real device names can help a lot debugging19:53
ZykoticK9jared, plug in PS3 controller by USB, in a terminal "ls /dev/input/*" if you see a js0 that's your joystick :)19:53
Kalmiw0ls0n, apt-get install vim-full19:53
Captain_Haddockjarco: you can try and see if http://www.supergrubdisk.org will help19:53
eurythmiaphlexonance, I don't usually capture my webcam ... but it looks as though the problem is with V4L itself, not VLC.19:53
w0ls0nty for your help all19:53
teckybenzz: ' man mount ' && ' man dd '19:53
jaredi see js0 O_o19:53
w0ls0ntryin that19:53
jaredZykoticK9, any clue how to make it work as a mouse/buttons?19:53
jarcoi gonna try to reinstakll grub now19:53
phlexonanceeurythmia, the capture works with cheese but only video, there's no audio and the quality sucks19:53
benzztecky: what?19:53
Captain_HaddockeMaX: device names seem to change more easily than UUID names in my experience19:54
teckybenzz: ' man mount ' && ' man dd ' **repeated for you**19:54
Captain_Haddockbut fair enough19:54
eMaXCaptain_Haddock, you're totally right -19:54
ZykoticK9jared - don't i've tried - it won't work you can't get the mouse pointer to the corners :(19:54
w0ls0nno matter what I change it to, it stays the same editor19:54
ZykoticK9jared some people have x crash when they press the buttons - i didn't have the problem though19:55
RyanPriceHello all, does anyone know how I can test if a TV Tuner is working19:55
jaredZykoticK9, im mainly trying to use it for the button use... flash games are easier to play with controller :\19:55
benzztecky is that a command?19:55
nmvictor 19:55
teckybenzz: anything generally in a ' ' is a command19:55
ZykoticK9Jare_, you might want to look into joy2key or something like that.  i have no idea how you could do that though.19:55
jaredZykoticK9, i know how to make it work flawlessly under bluetooth because it's in ubuntu documentation unfortunately i don't have bluetooth lol19:55
trued0xis it possible to edit the current kernel .config w/o having to rebuild it?19:56
benzztecky: i get this "bash:  man mount : command not found"19:56
ZykoticK9jared, i failed at getting the ps3 controller working through bluetooth - it's not as trivial as much of the documentation might suggest19:56
homezzwhen I run a program using wine, the programs works fine except when i click on a icon a dos windows shhould pop up and dosent can anyone help19:56
jaredZykoticK9, i think i found it here :D http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-665130.html19:56
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Sergeihi question: Every time I log in I get a "unlock keyring" pop up requesting a password from me, how can I bypass this to automatically enter my password?19:56
jaredZykoticK9, well, ive been trying to get vista drivers to work for 5 hours, i got it working fine on my laptop but flash runs too slow :\19:56
phlexonanceeurythmia, I just found out: Please try with a more recent version. 0.8.6 does not even have V4L2.19:57
w0ls0nis it ok to just edit /etc/crontab ?19:57
RyanPriceI have a TV Tuner is place but I'm not sure if its MythTV thats not setup properly or my TV Tuner isn't working fully19:57
w0ls0nbecause crontab -e isin't changing editors at all19:57
RyanPriceanyone know how to check that19:57
Sergeihi question: Every time I log in I get a "unlock keyring" pop up requesting a password from me, how can I bypass this to automatically enter my password?19:57
ZykoticK9jared, ya - SIXAXIS support is not built into the default bluetooth on 8.10, not sure about 9.0419:57
teckybenzz: ' which man '19:58
salvohi all, i had globalmenu installed. i want to go back to normal GTK windows. i removed globalmenu with apt-get remove --purge but it is still like the system keep using globalmenu with the only difference that it is not there. the end result is that i have globalmenu behaviour and no menu anymore. not in the bar nor in the gtk windows. anyone got a clue? please thanks19:58
jaredZykoticK9, ah, im on 9.04 :\19:58
DrHalandetecting debug symbols? anyone?19:58
nmvictorhi benzz. are you sure you typed man mount?should work with that19:58
stevectxI'm using ubuntu 9.04 with the latest vlc to play HD video, how do I enable VDPAU hardware acceleration so vlc plays video using GPU on my Nvidia GTS 250 instead of the CPU?19:59
stevectxI have an i7 92019:59
w0ls0nchrist this channel is just too damn chatty19:59
homezzwhen I run a program using wine, the programs works fine except when i click on a icon a dos windows should pop up and dosent can anyone help20:00
Specheya...when I ssh into another computer in gnome-multi-terminal it doesn't update the title, and it's really annoying as I have many g-m-t's. How do I fix this? In my default profile, I have "Replace intial title" selected.20:00
alienkid10uck fails when I try yo use it to customize Ubuntu mini remix20:01
galWhen i try to install the upgrades (after i havent done so for long time) i get a partial upgrade screen and then it writes "Error authenticating some packages" and gives me a list20:01
galanyone know what i can do?20:01
phlexonancehow do I get a newer version of VLC than 0.8.6e on ubuntu 8.04 ?20:01
jaredThis is a stupid question but, What's the quickest way to restart X on 9.04?20:01
stevectxany ideas on how to enable vdpau support for vlc and my gts 250 (aka 9800gtx+) under ubuntu 9.04?20:02
unop_jared,  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart20:02
alienkid10uck fails when I try to use it to customize Ubuntu mini remix what should I do?20:02
jaredunop_, thanks20:02
Phibeswhy am I not root?20:02
Phibesbecause I clearly fking AM :(20:02
eMaXPhibes, I am root20:03
nmvictorgal: it could be that some packaged you are trying to upgrade are no longer supported,you can try running a normal upgrade,avoid the partial one just to see if the prob is fixed.you might need jaunty CD,but not always.20:03
eMaXso how could you be20:03
unop_Phibes,  easy on the language20:03
Phibessorry, but this is getting to me20:03
Phibesill explain20:03
rblstunkmar: ah, i had the wrong device name in fstab, i corrected it and device does not show up in nautilus, thanks20:03
eMaXPhibes, you know technical people generally have a problem with sensual language, as they're not confronted with it IRL so often.20:03
PhibesI mounted and created two new ext3 partitions to /media/games and /media/documenten and both say I am not root, so I cant write on them20:04
spudCakePiemy non-tech housemate installed ubuntu by mistake XD20:04
eMaXPhibes, you monted them as root?20:04
ofnqwopanyone an idea what "npviewer.bin" is? it eats up my cpu20:04
spudCakePieive never seen anything like it20:04
eMaXofnqwop, yes20:04
spudCakePiei would like to petition to make it harder to install ubuntu20:04
eMaXofnqwop, stop watching youporn and its ok20:04
unop_Phibes,  how do you know you are 'root' tho?20:04
PhibesI did put in the password with in terminal and gparted when i mounted them20:04
galnmvictor : thanks20:04
eMaXspudCakePie, I sign that20:04
PhibesI dont know how to know that :P20:04
unop_Phibes, in the terminal .. type this command.   whoami20:05
ofnqwopeMaX, flash? :)20:05
PhibesI mean to say, i dont know how to check that20:05
spudCakePiehe thought that clicking cancel would break his machine, so rather than asking somebody he kept clicking next20:05
eMaXofnqwop, jup20:05
ofnqwopwin :)20:05
PhibesI says robert, and my terminal... robert@robert:~$ whoami...20:05
ofnqwopeMaX, it was just a flashbanner ;)20:05
eMaXofnqwop, of course20:05
unop_Phibes, so what did 'whoami' return?20:06
tbtrojIs there a way to hide a folder in Nautilus without renaming it to something like .folder?20:06
spudCakePiePhibes: what does your fstab look like?20:06
Phibesill go up it20:06
thelaugh2ngmimeDo most linux users all run lowend hardware?20:06
unop_Phibes, so you are not root then?  ... if you want to write to these ext3 volumes, you will need to give yourself the appropriate permissions20:06
eMaXthelaugh1ngmime, yes20:06
spudCakePiethelaugh1ngmime: what do you mean?20:06
Phibesill pastebin my fstab unop_20:06
jon__why do java applets not work in firefox?20:06
thelaugh2ngmimeeMaX , is that mainly becuase the os is not a memory / cpu whore?20:07
eMaXthelaugh1ngmime, like me. crap machine 64 gb ram 5 tb hdd, all crappy performance, just what you get at bestbuy for 100 bucks20:07
Mkop1I'm running xubuntu in a virtual box VM, and I just added a virtual hard drive. How do I mount it in linux?20:07
Mkop1also, strange issue I'm having: a minute ago, synaptic was working fine. Now, it's not showing any packages, and is not giving any errors20:07
eMaXMkop1, check out the following20:07
eMaXtail -f /var/log/messages20:07
nmvictor jon__:try upgrading the java plugin for your firefox.20:07
unop_Phibes, are these volumes on removable media?20:08
eMaXMkop1, when you add it, it should say something that it has found stuff like /dev/sdb20:08
ZykoticK9thelaugh1ngmime, check how many supercomputers run linux (lol low end) this is OT though20:08
poutineYeah, I have a semi-production machine with ubuntu 8.04 that is stuck with the post-install configuration of mtop (it relies on there being a mysql server with an open root account to successfully install which is dumb). I'm wanting to just leave it alone and move on with my system, how would I do this?20:08
eMaXMkop1, now first thing is whether you've already partitioned it.20:08
sliptteesfdformat don't work20:08
spudCakePiePhibes: add the token "user" after "defaults"20:08
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eMaXif yes, you'd see smoething like /dev/sdb1 in that system log20:08
Phibesunop_, they are on hard-drives, as is 146!20:08
sliptteesfdformat /dev/fd020:08
wildc4rdtrying to 'discover' my 16 gig SDHC card on an acer aspire one, its not showing up anywhere at the moment20:08
thelaugh2ngmimeeMaX , thats what i am running on my spare pc for linux did you raid 5 the 15,000 rpm sas drives?20:08
eMaXif that is so, you can sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/bla20:08
nmvictor jon__: download it from their site20:08
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview20:08
eMaXraid5 suckles20:08
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KalmiMkop1, the new hdd is not even partitioned yet....20:08
jon__then what?20:08
eMaXand 2x4core20:08
nmvictorjon_ and i think they got instructions to see you through20:09
thelaugh2ngmimereally you didnt get the i7?20:09
thelaugh2ngmimecause the 4 extra logical cores should help20:09
eMaXthelaugh1ngmime, no the xeons w/3 ghz were ok20:09
Mkop1no, it's not partitioned20:09
Mkop1how do I do that?20:09
eMaXI'm mostly using vmware on it, and am at the moment at 20 concurrent vms w/o problems20:09
sliptteesyo guys20:09
eMaXMkop1, fdisk /dev/sdb20:09
scales11anyone mind checking out my post? offering some advice?20:09
sliptteesi Can't use fdformat why ?20:09
eMaXenter enter enter w enter20:09
poutinehow can I work with packages while deferring the post-installation step of a single one?20:10
poutinemtop's stupid broken post-process step is holding up my system20:10
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Phibesunop_, I can mount my partitions, but I still cant write on them, now I can unmount them though20:10
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:10
trancefathi all, is there a substitute for KOrganizer on Ubuntu?20:10
trancefatnot evolution20:10
eMaXtrancefat, lol20:11
eMaXI was writing evo20:11
Mkop1it's not finding /dev/sdb, and /var/log/messages didn't say anything about it20:11
jon__where do i go to update the firefox plugin for java, i only found how to install the java SE or similar packages20:11
unop_Phibes,  the only way is to give yourself permissions on these drives .. using chown/chmod.   what kind of data do you have on these drives?20:11
scales11trancefat: thunderbird with sunbird plugin?20:11
ZykoticK9slipttees, are you trying to format a floppy disk?  wow retro.20:11
poutinehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtop/+bug/371078 <-Anyone have a workaround for this bug?20:11
eMaXMkop1, I meant when you attach the drive, right, at that time have a tail -f /var/log/messages open20:11
Phibesunop_, nothing20:11
eMaXso you see whether at all he sees it20:11
trancefatscales11: it has categorized and subcategorized to do lists?20:11
poutinethis channel is fucking worthless if you're not a complete newb20:11
unop_Phibes,  so they're completely empty now?20:11
kerebrusIs there software for making iso's?20:12
sliptteesslipttees: yeah, maker a win98 boot disk20:12
eMaXso run in a console tail -f /var/log/messages20:12
eMaXand then disconnect and reconnect the drive20:12
scales11trancefat: oh dunno about that.20:12
TrijntjeMy mouse input for compiz (rotate cube) sometimes (no clear pattern) get sent to the current window instead. Does anyone know if this is a Xorg/comiz or something else issue? Or does anyone have any tips on how to resolve it20:12
Phibesunop_, yes they are totally new20:12
eMaXand copy what's coming in on nopaste.org20:12
trancefatscales11: cool, thanks anyways20:12
scales11trancefat: but it has mail and calendar and i think to-dos20:12
unop_Phibes,    sudo chown -R "$USER"."$USER" /media/games   ## repeat the command for every volume20:12
ZykoticK9slipttees, ? I don't even know what the device for a floppy drive should be.  good luck.20:12
thelaugh2ngmimeemax, are you running 64GB of ddr3?20:12
nmvictorjon__think what you need to do is update java and then do some linking of the new java plugin to mozilla or something like that20:12
thelaugh2ngmimeif so what speed20:13
eMaX800 mhz fsb20:13
scales11any help compiling a wifi driver?20:13
thelaugh2ngmimeonly 80020:13
pasteeateris it possible to convert a running non-LVM system to LVM?20:13
eMaXthe rams20:13
jon__i keep doing that every time i need to use java because everyone tells me that is the problem, i am thinking i am missing something else20:13
eMaXcheck out siliconmechanics20:13
anr78is write support to hfs+ volumes reliable/secure?20:13
thelaugh2ngmimeyou should really think about stepping that up to some real ram ddr3 tri chan @ 200mhz20:13
jon__how do i check which version of java i have?20:13
Phibesunop_, should I restart first?20:13
eMaXthelaugh1ngmime, hmm.20:14
eMaXonce I need that20:14
ZykoticK9thelaugh1ngmime, eMaX this is OT20:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:14
unop_Phibes, not necessary - you should hardly ever need to restart with linux20:14
eMaXI've another box that's blowing me out of my garage (a proliant) when run it20:14
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sliptteesZykoticK9: no idea ?20:14
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eMaXZykoticK9, yes it is. but we're running ubuntu on it20:14
eMaXZykoticK9, and in reality, we're checking out what's a good environment for ubuntu20:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:15
ZykoticK9eMaX, this is a support channel not a chatting channel20:15
ltcabralhello... is there any channel where i can ask about ImageJ?20:15
eMaXah so we then misunderstood the meaning of ir/c/20:15
Phibesunop_, then your command didn't work, I still can mount/unmount but cant write on them (only things like sudo mkdir /media/games work)20:15
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Kalmi!compile > scales1120:15
ubottuscales11, please see my private message20:15
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System404hey ladies20:15
PicieMaX: Channels have specific focusses, this is for support. #ubuntu-offtopic is for chat, or you can discuss elsewhere such as ##hardware20:16
sliptteesfdformat /dev/fd0 don't work :-s20:16
Pici!nickspam > marko-_-20:16
ubottumarko-_-, please see my private message20:16
sliptteesdevice not to be found :S20:16
eMaXthelaugh1ngmime, ok so leave that discussion the ladies can't handle information overflow20:16
unop_Phibes,  what does this give you?   ls -ld /media/games20:16
marko-_-sorry, just trying something out20:16
dblick1I have a utility that I want to make into a system service.  Is there a framework I can use to make a PID file and such?20:16
Mkop1eMaX: here's the relevant section from /var/log/messages: http://pastebin.com/m341558e920:16
eMaXthanks let me check out20:16
Phibesdrwxr-xr-x 2 robert robert 4096 2009-05-28 21:02 /media/games20:16
eMaXMkop1, well20:17
eMaXit is actually using sdb20:17
palewith wich player i can play swf files!!!!20:17
ethan__If I want to take a disk and copy it directly to another drive entirely is this the correct command? dd if=/dev/sda of=dev/sdb bs=2M20:17
ltcabraldoes anyone know how does a floating horizon algorithm for digital image processing works?20:17
Mkop1the old drive was 2 gig, the new one is 3 gig20:17
eMaXand it is telling you that it has no partition table20:17
jon__how do i know which version of java the firefox plugin is using?20:17
unop_Phibes, that looks good.   try this command.    touch /media/games/testfile;  ls -l /media/games/20:17
nmvictorjon_, ypu can also check to be sure that /usr/lib/firefox/plugin/libjavaplugin.so exists20:18
Phibesunop_, should games be mounted for that?20:18
eMaXactually it is giving you sda and sdb20:18
unop_Phibes, ohh yes20:18
eMaXand I see the small and the larger drive20:18
Kalmi!flash | pale20:18
ubottupale: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:18
wildc4rdtrying to 'discover' my 16 gig SDHC card on an acer aspire one, its not showing up anywhere at the moment20:18
unop_Phibes, it has to be mounted before you run the chown command too20:18
eMaXMkop1, so when you've attached them both you should be able to do sudo fdisk /dev/sdb20:18
eMaXand then a l (list)20:18
Phibesunop_ ill try the chown again first20:18
Mkop1maybe the problem was just that I wasn't doing sudo20:19
Tylerwildc4rd: you can't see /dev/mmcblkp0 or whatever?20:19
Tylerwildc4rd: also, which slot? the left or right one?20:19
jon__no, it does not exist20:19
paleubottu, dude i dont wana that , that is allready working, what i want is to play swf files on my cumputer not on network20:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
Phibesunop_, I love (or is this too weird for nerds?) you!20:19
Phibesthx allot, can finally write on both my new partitions :)20:20
jon__i am wrong, it does exist, i misread the name20:20
unop_Phibes, it is weird :)  a simple "thank you" does :)20:20
wildc4rdtyler, the LHS 'storage expansion'20:20
Phibesthank you unop_!!20:20
Tylerwildc4rd: ok, good.20:20
unop_Phibes, you're welcome.20:20
Tylerwildc4rd: so, ls /dev/mmc*20:20
GrimmVarghi guys. super question here.. how do i know if im on 32bit or 64bit install? :P20:20
spudCakePieuname -a20:21
thelaugh2ngmimeGrim , what did you download?20:21
samdGrimmVarg: uname -a20:21
sliptteesgfloppy don't find floppy device !20:21
sliptteesany help me ?20:21
jon__what should i check next?20:21
Mkop1eMaX: what partition type do I want?20:21
GrimmVargsamd: i686 -> 32bit?20:21
samdGrimmVarg: thats correct20:21
GrimmVargsamd: ty! :)20:21
samdGrimmVarg: no problem20:21
ZykoticK9GrimmVarg, even more specific "uname -m" if it says x86 = 32 bit x86_64 = 64 bit20:21
eMaXMkop1, do you want to share the partition with others?20:21
paleneed any flash player (not for online mode, only offline)20:22
Mkop1eMaX: it's on a VM, so I'll probably only ever have 1 user20:22
eMaXok ext320:22
timo1teoanyone here familiar with remastersys?20:22
wildlaptoptyler, ls: cannot access /dev/mmc*: No such file or directory20:22
Kalmipale, you can use firefox20:22
Mkop1but I don't need any kind of protection20:22
ZykoticK9pale, you want to play flv files?  mplayer will to that.20:22
Tylerwildlaptop: seems it's not loading it20:22
paleZykoticK9, no, swf20:23
nmvictortimo1teo: over here20:23
Mkop1eMaX: extended or primary partition?20:23
jon__how do i check which version of java is being used by the firefox plugin?20:23
nmvictorpale,tried vlc?seems to play anything if not everything20:24
paleKalmi, i know that, what i want is to play swf files with standalone programs like mplayer or..20:24
jefincanything that I run in wine which has an audio output is delayed about half a second, any suggestions? (I have also posted this question in #winehq with no replies yet)20:24
Mkop1eMaX: it's not allocating the whole hard drive for some reason20:24
eMaXshould be if you just acknowledge20:24
jefincthat is to say the audio is delayed20:24
eMaXwell more or less20:24
jshriveranyone know how to tell rsync to do a full copy instead of incremental?20:24
palenmvictor, i was thingink abut vlc, i'll tray it now20:24
Mkop1eMaX: can I PM you?20:25
timo1teonmvictor: i can create the ISO successfully but i want certain settings to carry over to the livecd (such as firefox settings, etc.)20:25
eric__en español20:25
nmvictor pale:the sooner the better,i can assure you20:25
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nmvictortimo1teo: select backup-including user data mode,not distribution.20:26
gpledcan i remotely shutdown my windows xp box from my ubuntu 9.04 box?20:26
jon__in firefox, i tried going to about:plugins, it says i am using java plug in 1.5.0_16 is this old?20:26
Byromatik_hello :D20:27
gpledByromatik_: hello20:27
quittegpled: rdp20:27
Byromatik_what is your name20:27
juiceman5000 find / -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep "examplestring" <-- This finds examplestring recursively... How do I make it stop on the first occurrence found?20:27
matyker grub error 22 or sometimes error 2 after install of 9.0420:27
gpledByromatik_: :)20:27
Byromatik_gpled :)20:27
quitteByromatik_: gpled use /msg20:28
timo1teonmvictor: thanks. That option will allow me to boot from the cd live, correct?20:28
ivantisHas anyone here successfully set up a Rovio robot on Ubuntu?20:28
gpledquitte: no cool way to do it from command line?  like wakeonlan?20:28
Byromatik_dont understand20:28
jon__i used a rovio robot in ubuntu20:28
ivantisI just got mine, and I need to set it up20:29
palegpled, yes youu can, just press alt+f2 them type tsclient configure your remote IP and do connect20:29
ivantisMy Mac laptop is broken20:29
jon__i could not get my network manager to ocnnect to its ad hoc network20:29
scales11Kalmi: i wish compiling were that simple.  i am following the directions from their page and still having trouble.  in my post i was fairly specific as to what the problem i encountered was.20:30
jefincivantis: I have not, but I am curious as to what it is20:30
kerebrusUm im trying to run an .sh file and its giving me this error "'/home/kerebrus' must exist and belong to you in order for the installation to proceed.20:30
kerebrusIf installing as root, you may need to log in as root, use 'su -' or 'sudo -H'."20:30
hagusI have a directory/device that shows up on my desktop as %boot. What is this?20:30
=== eMaX is now known as GeneralLi
=== GeneralLi is now known as eMaX
nmvictortimo1teo:ofcaurse and even install you ubuntu-copy to any other machine.but their is a catch.try moving some data elsewhere since it attempts to copy almost everything so if you have large files in /home/<username> then disk space might be an issue20:30
jon__how do i upgrade my firefox java plugin?20:30
jon__i think i have java 1.6 installed, not sure, firefox says it is using 1.520:31
nmvictor jon__: if you have updated java then you need to find the latest libjavaplugin.so in your system and copy it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins  maybe that would help20:32
timo1teonmvictor: thanks!20:32
mbuddeHi! VLC is crashing when started and doesn't give much debugging info.. Here's some debugging output including a backtrace: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/183077/ Any ideas what could be wrong?20:32
gpledpale: was hoping for something more like:  shutdown -m \\computername -s  .  but that tsclient is a good command to know.  will save me from having to click around with the mouse20:32
jon__not sure where to find it, i did see that file in that location already20:32
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CNLiberalI'm having more trouble with my MDADM array20:33
Picijon__: Run sudo update-java-alternatives from a terminal to change what version of java is the default.20:33
CNLiberalcan anyone help?20:33
nmvictor timo1teo: you are welcome,anytime20:33
CNLiberalI'm just updating ID3 tags of my music (using EasyTag) and the program hangs up20:33
ivantisI have a wireless card installed in my computer20:34
CNLiberali can't add or delete files from the array...the FILE OPERATIONS window stays open forever20:34
ivantisWhere would I go to connect to a network?20:34
quittegpled: do you realise that you are asking for exploits?20:34
CNLiberalIf I reboot my machine, the array never shuts down correctly, and a resync is forced on reboot20:34
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JampiterAnyone know of any software which can capture video from a parallel port?20:34
gpledquitte: did not realize that.20:35
jon__i told it to switch to java-6-sun and it gave a bunch of errors20:35
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore20:35
quittegpled: good. if you already have access to thatwindows machine you caninstallsomething like ssh. if you don't please stop asking20:36
vbabiyAny one having any idea what would make ubuntu do this ping google.ne20:36
vbabiyPING google.ne.com ( 56(84) bytes of data., its append .com at the end of a domain when ever I ping or use curl20:36
gpledquitte: i can already do this, just takes a long time to fireup my xp box in vbox.20:36
hvgotcodeshey i tried to ssh to a server which failed because of password issues; will the ssh client not allow me to connect again?  If I delete the .ssh dir will ssh automatically recreate it?20:36
CNLiberalor does anyone know of a channel that's specifically for MDADM?20:37
jon__here is the set of errors that i got http://pastebin.com/d5cdd389c20:37
gpledJampiter: you can send video to your parallel port?20:37
PiciCNLiberal: ##hardware or #ubuntu-server depending on which side the problem is on20:37
CNLiberalPici:  Thanks...i'm not really sure...i think ubuntu20:37
Jampitergpled: I have a device called a ZipShot - it's quite old - and it records off a TV directly into a computer through a parallel port, but I need software20:37
ltcabralis there a channel to ask stuff about ImageJ?20:38
quitteJampiter: throe it away and buy a bttv pci card or some usb plug. better quality and dirt cheap20:38
Piciltcabral: What is that?20:38
ltcabralPici: a image editing program made in java... its in repo20:39
gpledJampiter: ok, so your black box take video, and feeds it to your computer through your parallel port?20:39
wildlaptopwhat command can I use to list drives please?20:39
nmvictorhello Classic:20:39
Classicanybody uses samba between ubuntu and xp?20:39
Jampitergpled: Yup20:39
snthHow do I set a script to run as a service that will restart itself if it crashed20:39
gpledJampiter: hmmm,  you should be able to do this.  you would have to find someone good with drives20:39
jefincin wine I have a half second delay in the audio output, any suggestions?20:39
hagusWhat does %boot represent?20:39
jon__can anyone tell me why i am getting that error?20:40
gpledJampiter: you have any tech docs on this?20:40
Piciltcabral: Doesn't look like they have a channel, but you may want to check their website:  http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/  , they look to have a mailing list on there, as well as documentation.20:40
Classicbarbarella2, can you tell me how long it usually takes for your ubuntu box to locate xp shares from a cold start?20:40
gpledJampiter: like what pins the black box is using on the parallel port?20:40
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hagusCould it refer to a fedora installation that I messed up by deleting lvm20:40
WB2ColoradoWhere do you find the folder where all your applications are installed?20:41
ClassicWB2Colorado, depends on how you install them20:41
quitteJampiter: the parallel port doesn't allow for a lot of data flowing. so that thing must do low resolution with high compression. just put it in some box. or on a shelf. just don't use it20:41
PiciWB2Colorado: Applications are installed in many folders, what in particular are you looking for?20:41
gpledClassic: should be their when you click the network brows button20:42
WB2ColoradoI downloaded kopete and I want it to run on start up20:42
Classicbarbarella2, thanks20:42
jon__so any other ideas of how to get my firefox to use java 6?20:42
PiciWB2Colorado: on a terminal: which kopete20:42
nmvictorWB2Colorado: either /usr/local  or /opt20:42
ivantisRuntime Error (at -1:0): Cannot Import dll:C:\windows\temp\is-48IKU.tmp\preinstall.dll20:43
gpledjon__: think i had to go to java.com and download source20:43
Jampitergpled: I have no idea, I'm trying it with Winddows now, so it doesn't matter :)20:43
Classicgpled, should be, but when i restart pc, then it sees windows network, just when i go into it xp pc is not there for about 15 minutes20:43
ivantisI get that when I try to run a .exe file with Wine20:43
ivantisDoes anyone know what that means?20:43
jon__i am new at this, i don't know how to do that20:43
ivantis(Runtime Error (at -1:0): Cannot Import dll:C:\windows\temp\is-48IKU.tmp\preinstall.dll)20:43
Piciivantis: Have you checked the appdb or asked in #winehq yet?20:44
hagusivantis, you should not be trying to run exe files in ubuntu unless you have wine20:44
ivantisI do have wine20:44
gpledClassic: sounds like you have an old netbios setup.  windows used to take a long time to broadcast shares20:44
thelaugh2ngmimehad anyone been able to run WOW in linux?20:44
gpledClassic: you running it in some kind of win98 mode?20:44
Pici!appdb | thelaugh2ngmime20:44
ubottuthelaugh2ngmime: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:44
gpledthelaugh1ngmime: i can run WOL20:45
Classicgpled, well no, just no themes:)20:45
Classicsp 2 i believe20:45
gpledthelaugh1ngmime: wow?20:45
quittenot windows programs that run un der not wine?20:45
david_guys my ubuntu desktop cant find my printer on windows what should i do?20:45
thelaugh2ngmimeworld of warcraft20:45
gpledthelaugh1ngmime: Wake On Lan20:46
jon__does anyone else know how to change the version of java used by firefox?20:46
douglis there a lottery analyser for linux?20:46
lupine_85dougl: it's called R ;)20:46
gpledthelaugh1ngmime: i can get you to a person who runs wow20:46
nmvictor jon__: i gave a suggestion ,did you give it a shot?20:46
quittejon__: man update-alternatives20:47
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jon__i did, i got these errors http://pastebin.com/d5cdd389c20:47
dougllupine_85, /me is googling "R"20:47
melvinHi. After Upgrade to 9.10 my touchpad doesn't work anymore. synaptics driver is loaded. Does anyone know something about it?20:47
barbarella2david_:what kind of printer is it?20:47
david_hp p100620:47
quittemelvin: is there a key combo to disable the touchpad, per chance?20:48
Classicthanks barbarella2 and gpled20:48
Picimelvin: 9.10 has not been released and is not supported at this time.  Did you mean 9.04?20:48
lupine_85dougl: http://www.r-project.org/20:49
jon__i used update-java-alternatives and -s to set it to java-6-sun20:49
gpledClassic: did you get it going faster?20:49
melvinPici: No. i mean the current beta .-)20:49
Picimelvin: Its not a beta.20:49
melvinPici: is there any support or development channel?20:50
Picimelvin: #ubuntu+120:50
DaFrAHi everybody20:50
danielrmt!hi | DaFrA20:50
ubottuDaFrA: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:50
DaFrAI'm experiencing some troubles with mdadm20:50
DaFrAHi :)20:50
DaFrANice Bot!20:50
barbarella2david_:you can't print via xp with this printer20:50
reticulatorhello everybody ;)20:51
djk1any user puTTY on Ubuntu? I am having trouble copying and pasting from a puTTY session to a local text file20:51
vbabiyAny one have any idea what would make ubuntu do this ping google.ne: and it starts google.ne.com20:51
david_i can i just cant print from ubuntu to it20:51
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DaFrAI have a ready /dev/md0 array20:51
WB2ColoradoI got Kopete to start on boot. Thanks for the help!20:51
DaFrAbut I'm not able to auto mount it at startup20:51
jon__nmvictor ... what should i do next?20:51
CNLiberalwhat's the error you're getting dafra?20:52
janedoe_On my Ubuntu server, my Homes samba share (the one that gives everyone access to their /home/%S) doesn't show up for each user.  But a dir called Homes does. And I still can't mount that one.  Anyone?20:52
natschilis there a problem with the compiz texture filter in jaunty?20:52
barbarella2david_:that's what i mean.20:52
lupine_85janedoe_: use nfs instead?20:53
DaFrAIf in /etc/fstab I write "ext3" it fail to boot due to fsck20:53
janedoe_lupine_85: love to, but I have a mix of win and lin here20:53
gpleddjk1: you dont need putty on ubuntu.  it has ssh already.  putty is mostly for windows.  cause windows does not have support for ssh20:53
lupine_85urgh, although there are nfsv3 clients out for windows20:53
CNLiberalso run an fsck on the array20:53
CNLiberalis the array started?20:53
DaFrAIf I put "auto" on fstab it doesn't mount it, and I have to mount it by hand20:54
CNLiberalcat /proc/mdstat20:54
lupine_85meh. sounds like you've got permissions problems on the samba?20:54
janedoe_lupine_85: ehhhh... I guess I'll check it out20:54
janedoe_that's what I thought, but I even opened it up.20:54
DaFrAmd0 : active raid1 sdb1[0] sdc1[1]20:54
CNLiberalok so it's active...20:54
nmvictor jon__: if you are sure you have installed the latest java, then try at the terminal  locate libjavaplugin.so | less  to find the path to the libjavaplugin.so   once you have it  you can copy it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins  with sudo cp /path/to/libjavaplugin.so  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins20:54
CNLiberalis it formatted with EXT3?20:54
djk1gpled: puTTY provide a nice way to save profiles and import from windows version. I know linux has ssh20:55
CNLiberalso run an fsck on the drive without it mounted20:55
DaFrAI'll have to fix the 5% to root20:55
CNLiberalsee if fsck sees any errors20:55
jon__it is already located there, and i am not sure if i have the latest version of java, i tohught i did, but i always find out it was really still using an older version20:55
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives?20:55
djk1either way I have data on the screen in a putty that I want to copy into a local text file and it is not working20:55
DaFrAfsck error was  something like  "this is not ext2 partition"20:56
Classicgpled, sorry, i was away, not yet, but this is not the right place for it:) thanks i will tweak xp20:56
DaFrAI know it...it's ext3...^^"20:56
unlinkWhere is the configure RAID option in the 9.04 server installer?20:56
ZykoticK9djk1 did you try using the middle mouse button while the text was highlighted?20:56
gpleddjk1: not sure what you mean.  when you connect with ssh, it stores your sessions20:56
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives?20:56
Elite_Design_CoYou must have GIT installed in order to run this script. Install git-core package.20:57
Elite_Design_Coi have a problem20:57
eMaXElite_Design_Co, me to20:57
DaFrAe2fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)20:57
DaFrA/dev/md0: clean, 15718/61054976 files, 4259763/244189984 blocks20:57
thefallingIm fragen, warum gibt es 2 kanoer uden for mit vindue 2 jalkaa vettä.20:57
CNLiberalso do a "sudo mount -a"20:57
=== danopia` is now known as danpoia
CNLiberaldoes it mount?20:58
=== danpoia is now known as danopia
thefallingid sudo ur mom20:58
Elite_Design_Cothe git core are install20:58
thefallingthats what ur mom said20:58
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either20:58
DaFrAI mount it with mount -t ext3 /dev/md0 /home/fra/Documenti20:58
Elite_Design_Cobut the console sed You must have GIT installed in order to run this script. Install git-core package.20:58
thefallingur mom has nvidia drivers20:58
DaFrAand it works fine20:58
LjL!ops | thefalling20:58
ubottuthefalling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:58
CNLiberalso what is the line in /etc/fstab that contains this array?20:59
Elite_Design_Cohelp You must have GIT installed in order to run this script. Install git-core package.20:59
DaFrAbut i would really like to do it automatically at bootup with fstab20:59
CNLiberalyes I know...what is the line in fstab that has your array in it20:59
Elite_Design_CoYou must have GIT installed in order to run this script. Install git-core package20:59
thefallingi booted ur mom20:59
jon__well, i have to leave, i will try again another time20:59
colossus88hey everybody20:59
colossus88help help help20:59
DaFrA/dev/mda0/home/fra/Documentiext3defaults,user,relatime,errors=remount-ro0       120:59
colossus88can you help me?? I installed ubuntu last night for the first time and when i went to use it today, grub gave me an error17. so, i reinstalled but lost my windows partitions. How do i get them back?20:59
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:00
Elite_Design_Coroot@diego-laptop:/home/reddragon/Compiz# ./makefusion install21:00
Elite_Design_CoYou must have GIT installed in order to run this script. Install git-core package.21:00
unlinkThe "Configure RAID" option is missing from my installer21:00
quitteappeal process? sounds pretty bureaucratic to me.21:00
Elite_Design_Coudo apt-get install git-coreLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho21:00
Elite_Design_CoCreando árbol de dependencias21:00
Elite_Design_CoLeyendo la información de estado... Hecho21:00
Elite_Design_Cogit-core ya está en su versión más reciente.21:00
Elite_Design_Co0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.21:00
FloodBot2Elite_Design_Co: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
CNLiberal@DaFra:  take out the "user,relatime,errors=remount-ro" and just use defaults21:00
CNLiberalsee what happens21:00
xerosay my nigga21:01
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:01
fresh_pr`Hello, I have a dual monitor setup,is there a way (keyboard shortcut) to move windows across monitors without have to drag them ?21:01
Myrtti!language | xero21:01
ubottuxero: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:01
DaFrA@CNLiberal: ok, I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Thank you very very much!!!21:02
ZykoticK9fresh_pr`, right click on window - "move to another desktop"21:02
colossus88please help!!!21:02
colossus88can you help me?? I installed ubuntu last night for the first time and when i went to use it today, grub gave me an error17. so, i reinstalled but lost my windows partitions. How do i get them back?21:02
jwfoxjrif I'm runnning virutalbox with bridged networking, and I want to install OpenVPN, would my bridge interface actually be br1, instead of br0?  my vbox interface is vboxnet021:02
Schwagwhat would cause me to have to reinstall my nvidia drivers everuytime i restart?21:02
gpledcolossus88: can you still see your windows partition?21:02
CNLiberal@DaFra if you edit the fstab manually, you can do a "sudo mount -a"21:02
CNLiberaland it'll mount it just as it would during start up21:03
nickgarveycolossus88, boot from an ubuntu cd then re-enter this chat21:03
xerocan anyone help me get my server going?21:03
gpledcolossus88: how are you check for it?21:03
nickgarveycolossus88, tell me when you have done so21:03
fresh_pr`ZykoticK9: the thing is that both MONITORS are on the same virtual desktop, and i'm looking for a shortcut similar to Ctrl+alt+shift+arrow_key21:03
martin1231hi, i bought a external hard drive and formated it with ext3 file system - when i plug it in it mounts and operates great - but i cannon write on it and that same is with a flash drive i've just plugged in - strangely, when i typed cp in terminal it could access the drive with no problems, any idea what's the problem?21:03
colossus88ok, brb21:03
ZykoticK9fresh_pr`, true true.  sorry i gots nothin'21:04
=== Dj_Proko is now known as omegared
omegaredsegítséget kérnék tudom nem linux ügyben de siekrült elkurnom a bios-t21:05
Pici!hu | omegared21:05
ubottuomegared: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál21:05
gpledmartin1231: this external drive usb?21:05
DaFrAI'm back21:05
martin1231gpled, yes - it's usb (iomega 320GB)21:05
limer9.04 x64 Radeon 4830.  I have a graphics corruption problem in the lower right hand side of the screen when using the accelerated drivers or from ATI's site.  any ideas?21:05
DaFrAduring the boot i got this message: special device /dev/md0 does not exist21:06
CNLiberalcat /proc/mdstat21:06
Malekarhey everyone :) i'm trying to get hebrew to work correctly under jaunty. The font is fine, the thing is when i want to use punctuation marks such as a comma while typing in hebrew it doesn't work. the comma button is shared with a hebrew letter and it uses that hebrew letter. in windows you press Caps Lock or hold shift in order to add a special character with hebrew, in ubuntu it doesn't work that way21:06
martin1231gpled, funny thing - i can write to it with sudo rm/cp/etc in terminal but i think that by default it should be read/write21:06
DaFrAmd0 : active raid1 sdb1[0] sdc1[1]21:07
gpledmartin1231: sounds like it is mounting with restrictive permissions21:07
DaFrAIt's fué°çn' crazy...isn't it?21:07
Malekari went over the forums, and they mention a setting under keyboard layout called Group shift/lock behaviour. this doesn't appear under layout, alot of options do, that specifically doesn't. any thoughts?21:07
CNLiberalit sounds like your fstab is incorrect21:07
ZykoticK9martin1231, it's a permission problem!  if you use sudo it means run as root - thus no problem21:08
gpledmartin1231: if you plug it in, and type mount, can you see it?21:08
DaFrAthanks man! It's wrong md0 --> mda021:09
rayluZykoticK9: that's not the solution to the problem21:09
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:09
rayluMalekar: what is it you want to do? you can probably achieve it with xmodmap21:09
rayluMalekar: though there's likely a cleaner solution21:09
DaFrAcan I put back relatime,errors=remount-ro21:10
ZykoticK9martin1231, raylu - SORRY i'm not advocating running as root, just change the permission on the drive21:10
CNLiberalyou can try it21:10
dougllupine_85, thanks - I have R installed now... I don't suppose you are an expert, it does not seem self explanitory21:10
rayluZykoticK9: you can't change the permissions on a mounted usb device usually. you have to mount it with different options21:10
=== ivantis_ is now known as ivantis
CNLiberalbut until you can get the array to mount with just defaults, it's gonna make it more difficult to troubleshoot21:10
gpledSchwag:  you on 64bit?21:10
DaFrAok, I can leave it just as it is...21:11
Malekari would hebrew text and special characters (comma, colon etc.) to coexist as they do in windows. at the moment, whether i press shift or not doesn't change the fact that all text remains hebrew and it doesn't allow for special characters without returning to US layout21:11
ZykoticK9raylu, the usb drive is mount RW - it's just that group/other don't have permission to right in the root of the mounted partition21:11
martin1231gpled, well,the case with the hard drive to copy stuff to it with terminal seems a no problem issue - but the flash drive should be working as a read/write device - and the strangest thing it that i cannot copy to it from nautilus but in terminal i transfered files with cp -r folder destination, so WITHOUT sudo21:11
CNLiberalsounds like you need an MDADM guru...and i'm still learning (and having issues with my own)21:12
DaFrAI'm going to try again...21:12
rayluZykoticK9: correct. and you can't chown it :D21:12
rayluZykoticK9: or chmod it21:12
Schwagi just dont understand why i have to reinstall them, everything works awesome, tremulous works, sauerbraten plays at 70fps, everything is great, i save the x config through nvidia-settings, then when i restart its always in low graphics mode, and never uses the saved xconfig21:12
lupine_85dougl: I did some stuff with it at uni. really, it's flexible, which is either good or bad21:12
gpledmartin1231: yeah, iv had trouble with the gui too.  you have to do something strange like right click on it, and give it write permissions.21:12
lupine_85there's lots of tutorials around21:12
raylu!prefix | CNLiberal, dadrock21:12
ubottuCNLiberal, dadrock: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:12
colossus88ok, im back21:12
rayluDaFrA left.21:13
martin1231gpled, i tried it but it says then i cannon change those permissions21:13
gpledcolossus88: you find your windows partition yet?21:13
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:13
colossus88no, it appears to be gone... both of them21:13
guntbert!who | CNLiberal21:13
ubottuCNLiberal: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:13
gpledmartin1231: can you post the output from your mount command?21:13
limer9.04 x64 Radeon 4830.  I have a graphics corruption problem in the lower right hand side of the screen when using the accelerated drivers or from ATI's site.  any ideas?21:14
gpledcolossus88: sounds like you over wrote your partitions.  how are you checking for the windows partition?21:14
DasEimartin1231: also chown the dir you mounted to to the regular user21:15
cRaZy_tYphi there21:15
Malekarany idea why the group shift/lock behaviour doesn't appear?21:15
Malekarit seems like that may help to solve the problem21:15
DaFrAWoaaaaaaaaa!!! Thanks man...it works now!!!21:16
Malekaralthough i may be off the mark21:16
Malekarcongrat daf :)21:16
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:16
colossus88when my laptop boots, the only options showing are 3 ubuntu options21:16
CNLiberalDAFRA:  what did u do?21:16
DaFrAI Found an error in fstab...21:17
CNLiberalthought so21:17
n00b871I need to design a logo and am new to gimp, does anyone know where I can get designer fonts for ubuntu? like a package of all the best ones or something?21:17
DaFrA/dev/md0 was /dev/mds021:17
CNLiberalthat'll do it21:17
jwfoxjrif I'm runnning virutalbox with bridged networking, and I want to install OpenVPN, would my bridge interface actually be br1, instead of br0?  my vbox interface is vboxnet021:17
bahblahi was using the new ecryptfs to encrypt my home folder21:18
jwfoxjrwhere can I find my actual interfaces other than ifconfig -a ?21:18
DaFrAthank you! you made me check it...21:18
bahblahthen i used passwd to change my password21:18
colossus88is there a good partition recoverer for ubuntu?21:18
Malekaryou have network connections jwfoxjr21:18
Malekarit's there under administration i believe21:18
DaFrAnow I have to ficx some more troubles with this new linuxbox...21:18
ZencydeSooooooo I fucked my menu.lst file in grub. :) Rather, I think the GUI I tried did it. :(21:18
wotssomebody knows21:18
ZencydeAnyway, what's a quick way to fix GRUB?21:19
wotswho is this guy who came from future21:19
wotsand posted21:19
wotsfor a while21:19
mekanHi all21:19
wotshe dissapeareed21:19
Malekarwots i believe that would be marty mcfly21:19
wotsbut close by21:19
DaFrAI have an issue with HDA Intel soundcard and alsamixer21:19
wotshe is more ... more .. connected to a mahchine21:19
wotsmore like terminator21:19
mekandoes anyone have a moment to perhaps help me out with an undelete-able file?21:19
wotsbut between21:19
ZencydeCan no one save me from my plight?21:20
guntbert!ot | wots21:20
ubottuwots: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:20
Zencyde:P Lots of help begging in #ubuntu today.21:20
DaFrAAfter every shutdown the "front" channel goes to zero21:20
jwfoxjrok, I think I screwed something up then - I don't have br0 showing up after restarting networking...21:20
ZencydeHaha, I have a similar problem. Except it's the master channel. D:21:20
DaFrAand I have to take it up by hand every time i boot up the box..21:20
ZencydeBut that's for another time.21:20
* colossus88 begs for more help21:20
Schwagi was wondering guys, i just installed my nvidia drivers, but everytime i restart i have to reinstall them, but they function perfectly everytime i reinstall, and i always save the x config, it just never uses it after i restart, what gives? and i cant use the nv restricted drivers wither, then my secondary monitor doesnt work, and none of my opengl apps work then either21:21
sysusbso, with the "make usb boot disk" thing, I've made a boot drive, and it works (this is it)21:21
guntbert!please | colossus8821:21
ubottucolossus88: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:21
sysusbbut, is there anything I can do to change the starup list menu to default starup to the live system?21:21
mark23564Schwag you got EnvyNG installed?21:21
starfighterI just installed Ubuntu - what are some nice apps for beginners?21:21
bahblahi was using encrypted home folder, then i changed my password for the user account. i noticed that the home folder is no longer automatically decrypted upon login so i tried to fix it. i manually mounted the home folder using ecryptfs-mount-private. then i used ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase and upgraded the passphrase to my new user account password. now i can't even manually mount the encrypted home folder anymore....any help?21:21
sysusbwithout giving the option of installing?21:21
Schwagno whats that?21:22
ZencydeI am sooooo using the wiki. Forget this pop stand. (I'd still like help with my GRUB boot problem, though. :))21:22
sysusbgrub problem?21:22
DaFrAIt's reaaly a pity :( Zencyde, It's the same...the sound doesn't work...21:22
sysusbwhat sort of grub problem?21:22
ZencydeI borked by menu.lst file.21:22
ZencydeAnd I'm not sure how to reset everything there. :o21:22
sysusbowch, ubuntu's menulist files are....very...complicatedy21:23
mark23564Its an auto-installer for NVidia  graphics cards21:23
ZencydeSomething is now causing GRUB to just hang with a blinking _ cursor.21:23
mekanok so I tried to use unetbootin with jaunty which did not work.. eventually I got a hold of a blank disc and burned an install cd.. the problem is that I have a copy of extlinux.sys that I cannot delete from one of my partitions.. And it happens to be the partition I want to use as my home folder. if i try and use that partition as my home folder ubuntu just starts with a blank screen.. can anyone help me delete this file?21:23
jwfoxjrhere is my /etc/network/interfaces file - can someone tell me if it looks right - http://pastebin.ca/143841421:23
sysusb(the ones I use for gentoo are alot simpler)21:23
ZencydeI did some manual editing and then used a GUI. And silly me, I forgot to back up. :) I'm awfully tired, though.21:23
KPaisleyhello :)21:23
ZencydeMan, I don't have time to compile all my packages, Mr. Gentoo.21:23
mekanwhen I try and delete it (even as sudo) i get "error removing file: operation not permitted"21:24
KPaisleyWhy is it when I download the Ubuntu Server 8.04LTS the ISO says it is for AMD64?21:24
ZencydeOn that note, I am quite tempted to rip this here bong agian.21:24
KPaisleyisnt there a 32 bit version of Ubuntu server?21:24
sysusbHey hey hey, I don't either, but its served me well, easier to bend exactly to how I want it to (instead of ubuntu/debian deciding what's 'best' for me)21:24
KPaisleyoh i checked the wrong box :P21:24
KPaisleyi didnt see the 32 bit radio button21:25
PucKidhi everyone21:25
sysusbZencyde: what were you changing in the list file? what you're describing sounds alot more like you fragged grub itself21:25
sysusb(in the MBR)21:25
mekanCan anyone tell me why I can't delete a file even as sudo?21:25
ZencydeHaha, I just edited menu.lst and then let a GUI handle it. :x21:25
Malekaris it in use?21:25
PucKidwhat do i need to install to run transmission from the terminal and access it from a browser ?21:25
ZencydeI should have backed it up. :(21:25
CNLiberali can't kill a process21:25
sysusbmekan: what's the file? some system files you can't remove (like folders mounted as mountpoints)21:26
ZencydeIsn't there a utility for this?21:26
ZencydeIf not, I'm submitting a bug. :)21:26
CNLiberali need some help...i've tried the command:  kill -9 `ps -u joltman -o "pid=30317"`21:26
thelaugh2ngmimewhat windowns games can run in wine?21:26
mekanits extlinux.sys21:26
CNLiberalbut it just restarts gdm21:26
sysusbZencyde: not for menu.lst (that I'm aware of)21:26
DasEiZencyde:if you really did it bad, reinstall grub (2nd link)21:26
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:26
mekansysusb: but its from a failed unetbootin install on a second partition21:26
sysusbZencyde: pastebin your menu file? I could take a look at it and see if there's anything obvious..21:26
CaneToadIs Ubuntu known to work with ExpressCard flash drives?21:26
ZencydeYou want 3 copies?21:27
mekansysusb: so its not being used by my system21:27
FloodBot2Zencyde: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
ZencydeI have a backup and another one.21:27
sysusbso you *DO * have a backup?21:27
CNLiberali can't kill easytag21:27
ZencydeEck. :( Sorry. Bad habit of hitting "enter" after each sentence.21:27
DaFrA@Zencyde: i fixed that.21:27
DaFrAAre yuo interested?21:27
ZykoticK9CNLiberal, killall -9 easytag21:27
ZencydeEr... no... well, yes. I think it's pre-fuck up. :o But I switched that one out and it's still not working.21:28
ZencydeSo maybe GRUB got borked?21:28
sysusbanyone know how to reconfigure the installer CD's startup menu listing? (to auto boot into livecd/usb rather than offering installation options?)21:28
CNLiberal@ZykoticK9:  It'sstill there21:28
ZencydeMan... :( This is not how I wanted to spend my "high time".21:28
sysusbZencyde: Dunno, if we could see your menu file, we could rule it out as the problem21:28
DaFrAI'll send you a link in pvt21:28
ZencydeHaha, okay. Uno momento.21:28
kevin009hey, I just got an eeepc 900ha and I want to install ubuntu 9.04. is it ok to install the standard version? I want the familiar gnome desktop21:29
DasEisysusb: you would have to create your own startup-disk then21:29
kevin009i wonder if it will kill the battery faster than the netbook remix though21:29
mekansysusb: i believe it is some sort of system file, but not one in use by my system now. How can I delete it?21:29
sysusbDasEi: I've made a usb startup disk, so I figure/expect its r/w somewhere on the flashdrive, I just don't have the faintest idea where to start21:30
sysusbmekan: what's its literal name/path and why do you want to delete it?21:30
alienkid10UCK wouldn't work to customize ubuntu-mini-remix.iso21:30
alienkid10anyone know why?21:30
* sysusb notes that 1024x786 is not large enough a resolution to deal with ah channel of this many people.21:31
CNLiberalany other, more forceful ways to kill a process?21:31
ZencydeKill -9!21:31
mekansysusb: its name is extlinux.sys and its housed on a seperate partition (sda3). The reason I want to delete it is because I want to use this partition as my home folder, but if i set it as the home folder with that file present, ubuntu boots into a black screen.21:31
CNLiberalwon't that kill everythign?21:31
ZencydeIt's kill -9, no more CPU time. It's kill -9 and your processor is mine. :o21:31
ZencydeNah, just ups it to the most important thing.21:32
alienkid10UCK wouldn't work to customize ubuntu-mini-remix.iso. Anyone know why?21:32
blue112Hi. My / partition quite often go in read-only mode. That's kinda boring. What can I do to remount it in r-w when it happend, or to fix that ?21:32
DasEisysusb: I see, that works; you can change menu.lst for the default boot21:32
CNLiberalit didn't recognice -9!21:32
hellolinuxhey everybody I know that there is always a lot going on here but can somebody help me with a quick question when they have a chance please21:32
alienkid10hellolinux: what?21:32
jarcohello. After finnally getting my new ubuntu 9.04 to boot my mouse and keyboard do not zork.The keyboard works when i am in grub but when i have to login it doesnt work anymore.... Any help?21:33
ZencydeGot it. http://pastebin.com/d28d4fda21:33
KalmiCNLiberal, you also need the process' name in that command...21:34
guntbert!ask | hellolinux21:34
ubottuhellolinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:34
CaneToadjarco, does pressing CTRL-ALT-F1 get you to a console where the keyboard works?21:34
CNLiberali typed this in "sudo kill -9! easytag"21:34
ZencydeHaha, I figured it was implied. The -9 is just a flag, mah boy.21:34
DasEi!ask | hellolinux21:34
jarcono CaneToad even numlock key doesnt turn on. Also mouse is not working21:34
sysusbZencyde: looks ok to me, unless you did something to your MBR, or the uuid of your root volume changed.21:34
hellolinuxalienkid10>  ha nevermind, 3rd try install is a charm. no question thanks anyway21:35
ZencydeSo.... proposition for fixing?21:35
ZencydeReinstall GRUB, I guess. D:21:35
ZykoticK9CNLiberal, kill requires the Process ID #, killall uses the name21:35
ZencydeDoes Ubuntu keep GRUB on its own partition?21:35
DasEiZencyde: .. if uuids fit, then so21:35
CNLiberalif i do a "sudo kill -9 30317" the process is still there21:35
nofx-punkI can't install xserver-xorg-input-summa on ubuntu 9.04... aptitude says: No candidate version found for xserver-xorg-input-summa? how to install it?21:36
ZencydeHow the balls do I get UUIDs?21:36
mekansysusb: any ideas?21:36
sysusbZencyde: well, yea, but if you actually did *BREAK* your menu.lst file simply fixing the mbr contents won't bring it back.21:36
DasEiZencyde: by default in mbr21:36
DasEiZencyde:sudo blkid21:36
mrwesZencyde, blkid from a terminal gives you uuid21:36
sysusbZencyde: labels are simpler, and simpler still is to use device files (though you have to change lotsa stuff to make kernel update not break grub)21:36
CaneToadjarco, anything special/unique about your mouse & kbd?21:36
ZencydeAh, wonderful.21:36
Guest96511Hey, how to turn off Wifi fron console?21:36
matyk Erm was trying to play with ubuntu but all its done is piss me off first 9.04 wudnt play with my grahpics card so i revent to another grahpics card it worked GREAT! installed it Error 22 or error 2 coming from grub now i cant get back to windows nor ubuntu21:37
risoevening all21:37
matyk whats better fixing windows or ubuntu you decide21:37
risoi have installed ubuntu on a dell d400 laptop21:37
jarcoCaneToad: not really. They worked on olderlinuxes and they are working on the live cd an on windows. just a ps/2 keyboard and a usb mouse. Also i tried detaching all usb that didnt work either21:37
ZykoticK9Guest96511, perhaps "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" might work ?21:38
sysusbnobody knows where the ubuntu installer disk gets its startup data from? (the menu choice defaults?)21:38
risoit all works... appart from, i believe that the graphics is not working correctly21:38
risoit has an intel card21:38
risoand im not sure how to get the drivers and how to install it either21:38
risoany ideas?21:38
guntbert!enter | riso21:38
ubotturiso: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:38
abhiSrihow to edit the startup programs in ubuntu??21:38
hatter243!startup | abhiSri21:39
ubottuabhiSri: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:39
mrwesheh..tough to follow with each line separated by 15 others :)21:39
dadrockCan any one help me with wammu , it sucks man or sumone knows substitute for it for ubuntu?21:39
Guest96511ZykoticK9: thnx21:39
Snowshoe                     21:40
Snowshoe                     21:40
Snowshoe                     21:40
Snowshoe                     21:40
Snowshoe                     21:40
FloodBot2Snowshoe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
abhiSriubottu, but how to remove them from startup, like in my system lots of servers like mail server starts at time of booting how to remove them to load at startup21:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:40
nofx-punkwho can help me with genius easy pen tablet cm?21:40
Snowshoehow could this happen to me21:40
mrwesriso, open and terminal and type lspci | grep VGA   so we can see what kind of card you have21:41
abhiSri but how to remove them from startup, like in my system lots of servers like mail server starts at time of booting how to remove them to load at startup21:41
ZencydeOkay, trying to reboot. Wish me luck!21:41
risomrwes, ok, 1 sec21:41
guntbertSnowshoe: kept a finger on <enter> ? :-)21:41
jerome_join #ubuntu-fr21:41
mrwesabhiSri, Sytstem | Admin | Services21:41
riso00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)21:41
guntbert!ask > nofx-punk21:42
ubottunofx-punk, please see my private message21:42
Snowshoe                                    21:42
Snowshoe                                    21:42
Snowshoe                                    21:42
Snowshoe                                    21:42
Snowshoe                                    21:42
FloodBot2Snowshoe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
abhiSrimrwes, taanks, can you tell me which specific files it uses21:42
mrwesRiso: ok, is this a fresh install? If so, have you enabled all software sources?21:42
risoits a fresh install mrwes21:42
risoi think so21:42
mrwesRiso: check System |21:43
mrwesRiso: check System |  Admin | Software Sources and enable third party sources21:43
jarcohello. After finnally getting my new ubuntu 9.04 to boot my mouse and keyboard do not zork.The keyboard works when i am in grub but when i have to login it doesnt work anymore.... Any help?21:43
rulercan i hide the particular folder21:43
Snowshoeyou like21:43
FloodBot2Snowshoe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
risomrwes, done21:44
SamWatkinssomeone ban Snowshoe?21:44
LjL!offtopic | Snowshoe21:44
ubottuSnowshoe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:44
SamWatkinsI'd say five lines of ????? is pretty !@#$ offtopic for anywhere21:44
mrwesRiso: you install Jaunty? 9.04?21:44
n00b871I need to design a logo and am new to gimp, does anyone know where I can get designer fonts for ubuntu? like a package of all the best ones or something? I tried synaptic but did not see any21:45
risomrwes, yes21:45
risoi now have lots of updates showing21:46
n00b871ubotu !fonts21:46
rulerhow to hide  folder21:46
joker_where do I setup the files apache is looking for in ubuntu? (index.php) - I just installed php5 and php files arent handled by the server (theyre handed for download)...21:46
risobut none for intel21:46
ActionParsnipruler: put a '.' at the start of its name21:46
ActionParsnipruler: e.g.   mv ~/test ~/.test21:46
ActionParsnipruler: assuming the folder test is the folder to hide21:47
hudnixargh! even after "rm -rf ~/.cpan", "install Padre" just gives "Padre is up to date"21:47
risomrwes, any idea?21:47
mrwesRiso: there have been several issues with Intel cards in Jaunty --- I'm looking :)21:48
jarcohello. After finnally getting my new ubuntu 9.04 to boot my mouse and keyboard do not zork.The keyboard works when i am in grub but when i have to login it doesnt work anymore.... Any help?21:48
ZencydeSo..... I think it's broken. :(21:48
ruleractionparsnip: then how can i view it21:48
risomrwes, ok thanks21:48
ZykoticK9ruler, ls -a21:48
ZencydeAlso, someone sent me a link earlier. I forgot to e-mail it to myself. Could you please send it again?21:48
mrwesRiso: you have low resolutions, or things are just slow?21:48
guntbertn00b871: that seems to off topic *here*, but ask in #ubuntu-offtopic21:48
ActionParsnipruler: you can see ALL hidden folders with   ls -a21:48
abdelmanemhello every body21:48
abdelmanemi missed u all21:48
ActionParsnipruler: or I think its shift + . in nautilus etc21:48
n00b871guntbert: ok thanks i just found they have a channel for #gimp21:49
ZykoticK9ruler, ActionParsnip nautilus ctrl+h to view hidden files21:49
nofx-punkhow to install xserver-xorg-input-summa on ubuntu 9.04?21:49
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: was a guess, natilus sucks imho21:49
guntbertn00b871: happy designing :)21:49
Untouchab1ehi all21:50
Untouchab1erunning Ubuntu 9.04 and having problems installing themes21:50
ActionParsnip!themes | Untouchab1e21:50
ubottuUntouchab1e: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:50
ZencydeWhat would you prefer to Nautilus? :)21:50
Untouchab1eI downloaded several themes where I had to manually copy them to the ~/.themes folder, but they wont show up in the "Apperance" feature21:51
blindIs there a way to limit my max download speed? I'm sharing someone's internet and feel bad when I'm downloading a large file, it shoots up and hogs the bandwidth21:51
risomrwes, it seems ok, just a big screen, so having to scroll around a lot21:51
ActionParsnipZencyde: cli21:51
ZykoticK9Untouchab1e, there are many different types of themes under linux - what are you trying to theme, and where are you getting the files from?21:51
Untouchab1eThis one for example: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MacOS-X+Aqua+Theme?content=1354821:51
ZencydeEh, I feel there are some situations that are better for GUI and some that are better for CLI.21:52
risomrwes, and when i enable the flashy effects, it gets very jumpy21:52
ZencydeLike opening files with root privileges. Much easier in CLI.21:52
ruleri created a folder ..masilamani in the the deaktop but i cant able to delete it]21:52
mrwesRiso: turn off visual effects for now, and take a look at System | Prefs | Display and see if you can adjust your resolutions21:52
Untouchab1eAny ideas?21:52
ZykoticK9Untouchab1e, is your ~/.themes to you see a MACOS-X or similar subfolder?21:52
Untouchab1eindeed I do21:53
DasEi!grub > Zencyde21:53
ubottuZencyde, please see my private message21:53
risomrwes, i cant adjust the display to anything more21:53
Untouchab1ebecause I copied it there21:53
risoim wondering if this is it to be honest21:53
risoits a small screen21:53
ActionParsnipZencyde: i use nearly pure cli, its quick and easy21:53
Untouchab1eits actually present in both ~/.themes and in /usr/share/themes21:53
System404whats a good newsgroups program for ubuntu21:53
ruler i created a folder ..masilamani in the the deaktop but i cant able to delete it]21:53
ActionParsnipZencyde: moving and renaming apps in a file browser is fairly redundant to me21:53
guntbert!ot > ActionParsnip21:53
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message21:53
ZencydeEh, I guess there are just some tricks I haven't learned or adapted to yet in CLI. LIke making temporary folder and moving massive amounts of files all at once. :o21:54
Untouchab1eIve also installed several theme package files through the Apprerance feature too, but not all of them shows up either21:54
ruler i created a folder ..masilamani in the the deaktop but i cant able to delete it]21:54
KalmiQuestion: when I go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community I don't see a tab for newer releases, why?21:54
mrwesRiso: there are several work arounds, some easy, and some not so easy21:54
mekanCan anyone help me with an undelete-able file?21:54
mrwesRiso: try reading here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582&highlight=Intel+Corporation+82852%2F855GM+Integrated+Graphics+Device+(rev+02)21:54
djonesSystem404: Have a look at Pan for newsgroup access21:54
Kalmimekan, have you tried deleteing it as root?21:54
thomrenaultwhat's the package name for alsa mixer21:54
guntbert!repeat | ruler21:54
ubotturuler: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:54
jarcohello. After finnally getting my new ubuntu 9.04 to boot my mouse and keyboard do not zork.The keyboard works when i am in grub but when i have to login it doesnt work anymore.... Any help?21:54
System404thanks djones21:54
Untouchab1eor.. they do show up in the Customize Theme window.. but not in the "Theme" tab..21:54
ZykoticK9Untouchab1e, that's a theme from 2004 perhaps it's no longer compatible?  dunno - good luck.21:55
Kalmijarco, what kind of keyboard is it? usb?21:55
Gainhi, I noticed when I installed 9.04 my NTFS drive was visible, can I access/modify files safely?21:55
Untouchab1ehmm.. maybe..21:55
Gainnever saw this in previous versions of Ubuntu21:55
mrwesRiso: there are a couple of fixes on that web page that should help improve performance in that intel card21:55
KalmiGain, yes21:55
rulerguntberi : i crete a folder it name has two fullstop at the begining but i cant delete it21:55
jarcoKalmi: no ps. the mouse is usb but itried dissconnecting it21:55
Kalmijarco, have you tried switching to a tty? does that work?21:56
Kalmi!tty > jarco21:56
ubottujarco, please see my private message21:56
guntbertruler: open a terminal window21:57
jarcoKalmi: i tried that. It didnt work. Also even the numlock licht doesnt turn on. Mouse also doesnt move. Still the cursor is flashing21:57
rulerguntberi i opened21:58
thebluecaskethey. is there an equivalent to ~/.profile for sudo command? I wanna setup some aliases for sudo.21:58
guntbert!tab | ruler21:58
ubotturuler: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:58
guntbertruler: now type cd Desktop21:58
ActionParsnipthebluecasket: put them in ~/.bashrc21:58
palantbonhi there21:58
Kalmi!hi | palantbon21:58
ubottupalantbon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:58
mrweshey ActionParsnip o/21:59
ActionParsnipmrwes: howdy21:59
palantbonjust trying out ubuntu for the first time21:59
mrwesActionParsnip, you on Karmic yet?21:59
Kalmijarco, do they work with the livecd?21:59
ActionParsnipmrwes: no, its not in beta yet21:59
rulerguntberi : i have type !tab in a single line21:59
mrwesheh :)21:59
ActionParsnipmrwes: might whack it in a vbox though21:59
jarcoyes Kalmi i am using it right now22:00
blzI just downloaded an ubuntu sound scheme in tar.gz format... how do i go about installing it?22:00
Kalmiodd... Could you try disabling "USB Legacy Support" in the BIOS?22:00
guntbertruler: no, I wanted you to use <tab> here in the channel to autocomplete nick names, try gun<tab> :-)22:00
neurobuntuis it possible to list all packages that depend on a certain package? I want to install a custom version of package X can I list all packages that depend on X?22:01
jarcowill tyry that right away Kalmi22:01
guntbertruler: did you cd Desktop ?22:01
mrwesActionParsnip, got it running on my laptop -- has the usual daily problems, one day no sound, the next day sound is fixed22:01
rulerif i use tab it is showing display all 2230 possibility y or no22:02
joker_I dont get it. Module "dir" is enabled, index.php is in DirectoryIndex, but if I type a subdirectory within my domain, apache hands me an "application/x-trash" file instead of the php page...22:02
Chuwieycan anyone help with apache perhaps?22:02
neurobuntu!ask | Chuwiey22:02
ubottuChuwiey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:02
mekanI am unable to delete a duplicate of the file extlinux.sys housed on a second partition. Can anyone tell me how?22:02
guntbertruler:  leave tab alone for now, it was meant for the channel, did you cd Desktop?22:02
ActionParsnipmrwes: i need a chuckle, downloading now22:02
elli222i remember there was this program that would make a little cat chase my X cursor, anyone know what it was called? ( I think it's in the repo's )22:02
mrwesActionParsnip, yah...and DVD's don't mount -- some unknown Hal error :)22:03
Trijntjecan anybody help me with some xorg/compiz keybinding problems?22:03
mrwesI reported that one22:03
ActionParsnipmrwes: try moonos too :) LXDE based ubuntu system22:03
rulerguntberi i type cd desktop in terminal it is showing no such file or directory22:03
guntbert!anyone | Trijntje22:04
ubottuTrijntje: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:04
ZykoticK9ruler, cd Desktop22:04
guntbertruler: its Desktop, not desktop22:04
rulerguntberi it accepted and showing22:04
ZykoticK9elli222, oneko22:04
guntbertruler: type ls -a, does your .. folder show?22:04
blzhow do i install a sound theme in ubuntu 9.04?22:05
stewneurobuntu: do you need all packages depending on a certain package?  or all installed pacakges depending on a certain package?22:05
elli222thanks :)22:05
Kalmiwhen I go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community I don't see a tab for newer Ubuntu releases, why?22:05
TrijntjeAs far as i understand my own problem Xorg is sending some mouse events to the open window instead of to compiz. Does anybody know how to fix this?22:06
rulerguntberi:it is not showing the folder name but the folder data in blue colour22:06
neurobuntustew, all the packages that depend on a certain package22:06
Desenhey kids. any ideas why i cannot access my mp3 player (its a non-apple product) ? its default attributes: read only. tried with SUDO THUNAR (i`m using XFCE on ) but still cannot copy any song from HDD > MP322:06
stewneurobuntu: "apt-cache rdepends pacakgename" or "aptitude search '~Rpackagename'"22:06
neurobuntustew, thank you22:07
Desenany link is welcome22:07
rulerguntberi:it is not showing the folder name but the folder data in blue colour22:07
guntbertruler: what do yo mena with "folder data"?22:07
LaMsDesen: You just wrote it's read only ... so you can't write to it ...22:07
CJJ_Could someone tell me how to change my username/password login for ubuntu please im selling my laptop and they wanna keep ubuntu but with a different name22:08
stewneurobuntu: err, that should be ~D not ~R22:08
DesenLaMs so i should throu it out on the window ?22:08
Desenthrow *22:08
rulerguntberi : it shows the songs only not folder name22:08
noname3000Wireless no longer works on my laptop running intrepid.  dmesg contains "Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch", which on this X61s Thinkpad is Fn-F2.  Unfortunately, pressing Fn-F2 does not appear to do anything.  iwlist wlan0 scan returns "No scan results", though another Ubuntu box on the same desk can see dozens of wireless nets.22:08
Kalmi!users | CJJ_22:08
ubottuCJJ_: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo22:08
KalmiCJJ_, make sure you give them admin rights22:08
LaMsDesen: No... Whats the exact problem ? You said it's in read only... then set it back to read/write22:09
razerblkhello forum !!!!22:09
guntbertruler: please paste the output of pwd22:09
joker_Can anyone tell me why I'm getting an "application/-xtrash" instead fo the website :
rulerTamilBeat.Com - Manjasela Manda.mp322:09
rulerTamilBeat.Com - Pattuchaa Pattu.mp322:09
FloodBot2ruler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:09
rulerTamilBeat.Com - Pelican Paravai.mp322:09
DesenLaMs i`ve opened the mounted MP3 Player with SUDO THUNAR and i cannot change the permission from Read Only > Read & Write. i get this error: "Read-only file system."22:10
Kalmijoker_, it's the website's fault... wrong mime type22:10
thedude420can somebody help me with a sound problem im having. no sound through HDMI, Asus 9600 GT22:10
guntbertruler:  *NOT* that, just the output of pwd please!!!!22:10
Kalmi!sound | thedude42022:10
ubottuthedude420: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:10
ZykoticK9Desen, you need to remount the MP3 player read/write instead for read only22:10
joker_Kalmi: how do I set that? It's fresh installed apache server22:10
* TuxToaster has decided he dislikes the Dell Optiplex GX260.... it doesn't like PCI video cards at all.22:11
TuxToasterspent 3 days trying to figure out why Jaunty, then ANY distro wouldn't boot on it... that's why.22:11
Kalmijoker_, are you using .htaccess files?22:11
DesenZykoticK9 a link how i can do that, please ?22:11
CJJ_Kalmi lets hope i didnt mess up :)22:11
LaMsDesen: When you just plugged it in, it did not mount automatically as a Read/Write device ?22:11
ZykoticK9thedude420, i don't think your graphics card forwards sound for HDMI22:12
ChuwieyCan i apt-install a different apache-mpm module without rebuilding apache in jaunty?22:12
joker_not at the moment, as I just installed that server (it's a dev server). I just found a file called /etc/mime.types22:12
KalmiCJJ_, make sure you remove all your personal files... there are also a lot of hidden files in your home directory22:12
guntbertruler: please get someone else for further assistance, I gotta leave22:12
thedude420ZykoticK9 - works in win7, win server2k8 and vista22:12
CJJ_Kalmi i deleted myself as a user and it still allowed me to log in22:12
joker_Kalmi: not at the moment, as I just installed that server (it's a dev server). I just found a file called /etc/mime.types22:12
noname3000Wireless no longer works on my laptop running intrepid.  dmesg contains "Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch", which on this X61s Thinkpad is Fn-F2.  Unfortunately, pressing Fn-F2 does not appear to do anything.  iwlist wlan0 scan returns "No scan results", though another Ubuntu box on the same desk can see dozens of wireless nets.  Any help would be appreciated.22:13
KalmiCJJ_, that's odd... do you still have your files?22:13
DesenLams, Zykotick9 when it mounts itself, it has Read & Write attributes for my name (which i use to log in in Ubuntu) but for "root" it's "Read Only" ... lol22:13
CJJ_not sure22:13
joker_Kalmi: I found that entry in the said file: application/x-httpd-php                         phtml pht php22:13
joker_Kalmi: sounds good to me...22:13
Kalmi cat /var/www/.htaccess22:14
matykgr ubuntu wudnt get lost kept clearing the mbr n putting the old one back but darn grub was still there finaly got back into windows then it bluescreened :@22:14
LaMsDesen: Then why do you want to be root ? I'm confuse ...22:14
joker_Kalmi: the file doesnt exists22:14
ruleri created a folder with two fullstop but i cant able to delete it please help me22:14
=== suinestudio is now known as dtcrshr
ZykoticK9ruler, "two fullstop" ?22:15
Kalmijoker_, have you googled that trash thingy?22:15
iamtechnoruler, rm -rf <foldername>22:15
LaMsruler: fullstop ?22:15
rob0917videos on flash player in firefox are choppy in full screen mode but are ok in the default sized window.is there anyway to improve this in the full screen?22:16
joker_Kalmi: yup, giving me some things about some Mac OS x... wich is kind of funny but thats an other story22:16
rulerzykoticks that means .22:16
iamtechnorob0917, what vid card/driver setup do you have?22:16
Kalmijoker_, sorry... i have no idea22:16
joker_Kalmi: me neither22:16
rulerLaMs ..22:16
rob0917intel intregrated 945g I think22:17
ZykoticK9ruler, every directory has a . and a .. directory - you can't delete them22:17
rob09173-d effects work fine22:17
joker_Kalmi: guess what. I restarted apache, withtout makinf any furter changes. It works.22:17
iamtechnorob0917, Okay what version of ubuntu are you running?22:17
joker_Kalmi: god knows what happens :/22:17
rulerzykotics can i hide it22:18
risoanyone know how i can find out what display driver i am currently using?22:18
leahola a todos!!!22:18
ZykoticK9ruler, nope it's part of unix-world so you can "cd .." to go up a directory level22:18
rob0917i have the flash player from the adobe website installed22:18
eseven73!es | lea22:18
ubottulea: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:18
Kalmijoker_, I don't think god knows either...22:19
ChuwieyCan i apt-install a different apache-mpm module without rebuilding apache in jaunty?22:19
thedude420anybody know how i can get my internal S/PDIF to output sound?22:19
leahelo!!! ahyone speak spanish??????????22:19
risono lea, this is the english help channel22:19
rulerzykotocks :k  please to tell how to hide a folder22:19
Kalmi!spanish | lea22:19
LaMsDesen: Is it really saying mount as read-only ? If you do "mount" alone, what is the output for your mp3 ?22:19
ubottulea: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:19
rulerzykoticks :k  please to tell how to hide a folder22:20
joker_Kalmi: aight, thanks. Now lets head to the next problem: mysql :) brb once I googled for an hour or so ;)22:20
ZykoticK9ruler, to "hide" a folder simple rename it with a period infront of the name, so folder becomes .folder then it's hidden22:20
leaok ok thanks!!!!!!! bye bye22:20
risoanyone know how i can find out what display driver i am currently using?22:20
DesenLaMs: i am going to screenshot the attributes and the error i receive. 2 minutes please22:21
hatter243riso, echo $DISPLAY22:21
rulerthen how can i see it22:21
ZykoticK9riso, glxinfo might help you22:21
hatter243riso, Hah! Sorry, I completely missed the word "driver"22:21
iamtechnoriso, try glxinfo | grep vendor22:21
ZykoticK9hatter243, "echo $DISPLAY" shows you what X display you are connected too FYI22:22
hatter243ZykoticK9, yeah, I know. I thought he asked how to figure out which display he was currently using not which display driver22:22
risoso it appears im not using the intel driver22:22
elitecoderI have a BUNCH of ip route commands to run, Is it best I create hook files in /etc/dhcp3/ ? or add them to /etc/network/interfaces?22:23
risoanyone able to advise how i can install the intel driver for my laptop?22:23
b0r3dhow are ncsa_users identified?22:23
leasorry, how can i go to a spanish chanel???22:23
b0r3dacl ncsa_users proxy_auth REQUIRED22:23
iamtechnolea /join #channelname22:23
b0r3dhow to authenticate now.. squid isn't allowing me22:23
hatter243!spanish | lea22:23
ubottulea: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:23
=== df___ is now known as ara_
rulerplease tall how to hide a folder and ahow make visible it22:24
risoanyone able to advise how i can install the intel driver for my laptop?22:24
iamtechnorob0917, try installing the flashplugin-nonfree package, I haven't had any bad luck with it.22:25
rob0917ok thanks I'll try that22:25
rulertell how to hide  a folder  and how to mae visible it22:26
rob0917ruler ,put a dot before the filename .22:27
rulerif want remove then the hidden file means22:27
rulerrob0917 if i want to remove hidden file means22:27
rob0917thats beyond me sorry22:28
iamtechnoruler, rm -rf <filename> regardless of whether it is hidden or not.22:28
risoanyone able to advise how i can install the intel driver for my laptop?22:28
mrwesiamtechno, why use the -f force?22:29
intx[    2.969002] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled,  -- it's for an intel MLC ZIF based SSD -- how do I enable write caching?22:29
Kalmiriso, what intel driver?22:29
ruleri amtechne : ia cant understand what are you telling22:29
ZykoticK9iamtechno, rm -r is a dangerous command! you shouldn't use -r except with directories it's for recursive meaning everything below that level...22:29
risoim not sure kal022:29
Kalmiriso, why do need to install a driver?22:30
iamtechnoZykoticK9, yeah your right I was thinking it was a folder for some reason22:30
risobecause i believe it will increase window responsiveness22:30
mrwesriso: did you read the web page I gave you? There are good instructions on changing the acceration to UXA22:31
iamtechnomrwes, I have just made it a habit becasue other wise Ubuntu asks "Are you sure you want to delete this file?" and when you're deleting a bunch of files it is a real pain.22:31
ruleri am techno : thans22:31
iamtechnoruler, did you get it figured out?22:31
Kalmiriso, intel video cards should work just fine.... you could try disabling desktop effects...22:31
risosorry mrwes i missed the webpage22:31
risowould you mind posting it again22:32
iamtechno!enter | riso22:32
ubotturiso: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:32
risomrwes, sorry dude22:32
mrwes<mrwes> Riso: try reading here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582&highlight=Intel+Corporation+82852%2F855GM+Integrated+Graphics+Device+(rev+02)22:32
rob0917if compiz is disabled,would that improve performance of flash player?22:33
iamtechnomrwes, wouldn't changing it to UXA just make it worse in the long run? I have read that UXA is REALLY buggy?22:33
Kalmirob0917, yes22:33
Kalmirob0917, try22:33
iamtechnorob0917, Yeah it might. especially on an older GPU22:33
mrwesiamtechno, well. there are some success stories for his card....22:34
mrwesiamtechno, it's either that, or live with what he has now22:34
iamtechnomrwes, Okay just thought I'd suggest the more stable option22:34
mrwesiamtechno, please chime in brutha22:34
rob0917is there a way to switch compiz on and off easily?22:35
mrwesrob0917, fusion-icon for compiz22:35
rob0917thanks again22:35
hansolo669or fusion wideget22:35
ZykoticK9rob0917, System / Preferences / Appearance - Visual Effects tab and "None"22:35
hansolo669hey my ethernet port on my t41 think pad dosnt work22:36
iamtechnomrwes, I would use ZykoticK9 option first. I am using fusion-icon and am have some issues with it22:36
alienkid10I am following this: http://myhowtosandprojects.blogspot.com/2008/06/custom-live-cd-ubuntu-804-desktop.html tutorial and finished it but now how do I unmount the squashfs filesystem and the isomount disc images? I think rsync is still using them. How can I stop it?22:36
sjzzalxHello. Suppose I have different usernames on a couple of machines. If I generate a keypair for key authentication on one machine where my username is something and want to use that to log in to a mcahine where my user name is somethingelse, can I do that? I ask because I see that authorized_keys contains my username and hostname after the key, and I also see that key authentication is not working.22:36
hansolo669iamtechno yah fusion icon is buggy22:37
mrwesSystem / Preferences / Appearance - Visual Effects tab and "None"  <--- yep, that works everytime :)22:37
hansolo669mrwes agreed...well sorta22:37
Sync08hi all22:39
alienkid10I am following this: http://myhowtosandprojects.blogspot.com/2008/06/custom-live-cd-ubuntu-804-desktop.html tutorial and finished it but now how do I unmount the squashfs filesystem and the isomount disc images? I think rsync is still using them. How can I stop it?22:39
Sync08does anyone knows a tool repair a corrupted RAR archive file in linux?22:39
elitecoderI have a BUNCH of ip route commands to run, Is it best I create hook files in /etc/dhcp3/ ? or add them to /etc/network/interfaces?22:39
robbon33i have a problem with evolution22:39
hansolo669mrwes--i find that using alt f2 then compiz replace works best22:40
robbon33it doesn't download my mail22:40
robbon33just 2 emails22:40
robbon33the rest it doesn't download22:40
hansolo669thats compiz-- replace22:40
iamtechnorob0917, Try disabling compiz first using mrwes's method and see it it does any better. My experience with compiz is that unless you have middle to topend GPU, compiz really take a bite out of video performance.22:40
ZykoticK9hansolo669, actually i think it's "compiz --replace"22:40
iamtechno!enter | robbon3322:40
ubotturobbon33: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:40
robbon33i'm sorry22:41
hansolo669ZykoticK9--ya my bad22:41
ErlerAnyone else tried the Netbook Remix?22:41
mrwesiamtechno, agreed, I don't use compiz -- my laptop is faster without it22:41
rob0917ok,thank you22:41
hansolo669robbon33--try changing your connection settings, for your email22:41
ZykoticK9Erler, i got MBR on my EEE what's up?22:41
thegveGood evening. Yesterday my HD crashed (laptop running for 10 minutes, typed in my username, pressed enter, X going wild, reboot, no hard drive detected), so I figured it was time to reinstall Ubuntu on a new HD. It did that this morning using the 32bit CD, but accidently I forgot the laptop has 4GB of memory and I would only be able to address 3.3 of that this way. Trying the amd64 ISO, the installer crashes after pressing enter on "install".22:41
thegveI already tried the noapic and nolapic options.22:42
ErlerIs your netbook single or duel core?22:42
robbon33the strange thing is that, it downloads some mail22:42
mihalisDoes anybody know if apparmor project is abandoned since cowan's leave22:42
robbon33but the rest not, now i will try to change the port22:42
hansolo669robbon33--ok try that22:42
ErlerzykoticK: I bought an atom 230, windows showed as 1 core, I installed ubuntu, it now shows duel core atom 27022:42
IRConanif I just did an upgrade with a ppa and wanted to revert it how hard would it be?22:42
RyanPriceDoes anyone have any experience with TVTime or MythTV?22:42
hansolo669thegve--sounds like a bad cd22:42
antonius602ubuntu is the only distro where alt ctrl backspace TURNS OFF the computer...like pulling the plug....hilarious...can NEVER figure this one out...any one else heard of such nonsense?22:42
KalmiIRConan, uninstall, install22:43
sjzzalxIRConan: Depending on various factors, it could be easy or it could be hard22:43
TeenySHAD0WHaving a problem w ubuntu netbook edition; the top panel disappears when i reboot or relogon.  Switching to classic and back to netbook remix desktop makes it reappear.22:43
TeenySHAD0WCan someone help?22:43
sjzzalxantonius602: Ubuntu doesn't do that for me, you have a serious problem with your setup22:43
thegvehansolo669, the ISO md5sum is ok.. I forgot, I think I can md5 sum a cd also?... now trying22:43
Kalmiantonius602, are using jaunty?22:43
alienkid10should I just reboot?22:43
ErlerSo far the only problm with a netbook is that the keyboard is too small, making it difficult to program./22:44
RyanPriceAnyone have any experience with MythTV or TVtime?22:44
hansolo669thegve--ya the same happed to me evrything was fine but the burn failed somehow :/22:44
Kalmiantonius602, are you using jaunty?22:44
Veinorfifenfrogs can go fuck themselves :|22:44
alienkid10I am following this: http://myhowtosandprojects.blogspot.com/2008/06/custom-live-cd-ubuntu-804-desktop.html tutorial and finished it but now how do I unmount the squashfs filesystem and the isomount disc images? I think rsync is still using them. How can I stop it? Should I just reboot?22:45
antonius602it's done it with every version since 8.0422:45
thegveI burned it at home, meaning the CD was from a spindle I bought "some years ago"... So it is quite possible.22:45
iamtechno!language | Veinor22:45
ubottuVeinor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:45
antonius602and...every other distro i try doesn't do this....hmm  oh well...don't use ubuntu as primary os anymore, so it's no biggie...just wonderin'22:45
mihalisIs there any  security expert ?22:45
hansolo669thegve--ya thtel do it22:45
Veinor... this was the wrong channel.22:45
hansolo669thegve--try a newr cd22:45
nicklas_hello, where was it that desktop icons went, for installed applications? think the folder where called applications22:45
elitecoderwat kind of families would be hanging out in a linux channel? that's stupid22:45
antonius602there is MOST definitely not a "serious problem with my setup" tho ;)22:45
mib_t7pd68vrhey guys, how can I restarted everything liek restarting my computer without actually restarting it?22:46
thegvemib_lnh49mif, logging out and logging in again?22:46
mib_t7pd68vrbasically i want to load everything again but i dont want to restart how can i do that??22:46
hansolo669mib_t7pd68vr--there is a terminal command...22:46
iamtechnomib_lnh49mif, like a soft restart.22:46
antonius602mib_t7pd68vr: u can restart X server? don't know if that's exactly what ur trying to do22:46
mib_t7pd68vrhmm i guess just loggin out and back in will do it22:47
sjzzalxantonius602: there definitely is if that's happening22:47
mib_t7pd68vrthanks brb22:47
sjzzalxor at least a very grave bug you need to report soon22:47
antonius602well why does every other distro work properly?22:47
thegvemib_lnh49mif, init 1 (single user mode), init 3 (normal mode)22:47
sjzzalxantonius602: I don't know22:47
elitecoderI have a BUNCH of ip route commands to run, Is it best I create hook files in /etc/dhcp3/ ? or add them to /etc/network/interfaces?22:47
antonius602well, then22:47
antonius602i don't know i have a "serious problem", either22:47
thegveBut I cannot think of a good reason why you would want that22:47
antonius602i = YOU22:47
hansolo669thegve--fixed your cd problem yet?22:47
robbon33hansolo669: i can't seem to find any port configuring option22:47
Kalmiantonius602, are you using jaunty?22:47
thegvehansolo669, md5sum of /dev/cdrom gives an IO error after about a minute22:48
antonius602Kalmi: sorry...didn't answer you, but yes and it's done this since 8.0422:48
thegveI'll try burning another cd22:48
iamtechnoKalmi, Yes I believe he/she is22:48
antonius602Kalmi: not using ubuntu as primary OS...so it's no biggie, i was really just wondering if anyone else has ran into this22:48
Kalmiantonius602, are you sure it turns off the computer and not only restarts X?22:48
antonius602lol OFF22:48
NorthByNorthWestAnyone here happen to know how to share a folder with NFS on a FreeNAS? Ubuntu cant find the server... works with SMB though...22:49
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.22:49
hansolo669robbon33--that wold be on your router, if you dont have a router then make sure the setting for your emails server (imap/pop3) are set coreectly22:49
antonius602Kalmi: like pulling the plug22:49
Kalmiantonius602, odd...22:49
sjzzalxantonius602: I know you do if that's happens to you. Report a bug or do something like that, that should not be happening even a little bit22:49
antonius602Kalmi: i know...i've done EVERYTHING lol, so like i said...just wondering if anyone else...22:49
sjzzalxbut I would expect it's a problem with your video card or your electrical wiring22:49
hansolo669thegve--see how that works22:50
antonius602sjzzalx: no thx, i just use another distro now....that's why linux is awesome22:50
iamtechnoKalmi, I just tried to install dontzap and it says there isn't one.22:50
sjzzalxLinux is awesome because people help with it and report bugs so that it learns more22:50
DesenLaMs: here's the screenshot: http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot.png22:50
sjzzalxnot reporting bugs is irresponsible and bad citizenship22:50
Kalmiiamtechno, you are not using jaunty22:51
DesenLaMs: i cannot copy-paste anything on the MP3 PLayer22:51
iamtechnoKalmi, true using 8.1022:51
mrwesiamtechno, ctrl alt del works in 8.1022:51
antonius602sjzzalx: seriously...i don't use ubuntu anymore...so...it's no biggie...i could honestly care less...it only happens on ONE particular computer...22:51
mib_6bxnpdndI have a startup with the command gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys but for some reason when i login it doesnt work i need to manually do xbindkeys in terminal, why?22:51
Kalmiiamtechno, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace will restart X for you... You don't need the dontzap package for that :)22:52
NorthByNorthWestAnyone here happen to know how to share a folder with NFS on a FreeNAS? Ubuntu cant find the server... works with SMB though...22:52
=== JordanC_ is now known as JordanC
madbuntuKalmi: disabled by default in jaunty I believe22:52
Kalmimadbuntu, yes22:52
Kalmimadbuntu, installing dontzap reenables it22:52
mib_6bxnpdndI have a startup with the command gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys but for some reason when i login it doesnt work i need to manually do xbindkeys in terminal, for it to work22:52
CooPs89how do I make the packet manager download the 32 bit version of a packet instead?22:53
Desengood people, i am facing some issues while i`m trying to copy files from my HDD > MP3 Player: http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot.png22:53
iamtechnoKalmi, mrwes, yep it does. My bad.22:53
antonius602sjzzalx: and irresponsible bad citizenship....i am active in the linux community...but with the distro i use everyday..and only if i can help...actually HELP22:53
UntouchableMXhey guys, my wifi card connects to the network but no internet or network resorces22:53
CooPs89I want to download XBMC, but the 64 bit version is unstable, can I make the packet manager download the 32 bit version instead?22:53
arkanabarIs there a Ventrilo client for ubuntu?22:53
elitecoderHow do I determine the IP network from an IP?22:54
iamtechnoCooPs89, Let me check.22:54
elitecoder(for `ip route add $IP_NET ...` commands)22:54
hansolo669UntouchableMX--try doing a ping from your comp to some where else, then check your router setting (cables connection ect)22:54
antonius602UntouchableMX:  this is a common problem, network manager sucks...consult one of the 10,000 online guides for ubuntu + wifi... many fixes, depending on ur hardware22:54
UntouchableMXok thanks22:55
NorthByNorthWestJag hoppas det! Är i princip klart... men jag vill fixa så att man kan accessa servern via t ex server.atbrahososs.nu och enkelt kunna jobba med sina filer bara man har en internetuppkoppling...22:55
UntouchableMXand I did the ping and it dosent answer it22:55
hansolo669k by for now guys22:55
Desengood people, i am facing some issues while i`m trying to copy files from my HDD > MP3 Player: http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot.png22:55
iamtechnoCooPs89, where are you installing the package from? The ubuntu repos or xbmc repos?22:56
Floops[w]what is best package to use to control quota limits for users22:56
CooPs89iamtechno: http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/jaunty-ppa/ubuntu jaunty main22:57
phoenixzI want to install ubuntu server on a big server we have here.. This server has intel xeon 64 bit cores, but from the ubuntu site, it seems that I can only download amd versions.. how can I get a version for intel cores?22:57
mrwesDesen, where is the mount point for the MP3 player? /media ?22:57
ZykoticK9Desen, what make/model of MP3 are you using22:57
thegvephoenixz, Is the same22:58
DasEiDesen: use commandline to change ownership of mp3's mountdir22:58
CooPs89iamtechno: maybe i could change "main" to "main binary-i386" or something?22:58
phoenixzthegve: so it doesnt matter that it says AMD?22:58
DesenZyKoticK9 its a non-Apple MP3 Player. A Philips model22:58
thegveAMD developed the 64 bit x86 instruction set, it was licensed later on by intel22:59
ZykoticK9Desen, a Philips what model?22:59
thegve(So AMD has a x86 license from INTEL and Intel has a 64 bit license of it from AMD)22:59
Desenmrwes /media/NOIZE22:59
thegvephoenixz, it does not matter is says AMD22:59
Kalmiphoenixz, amd64 is that same as intel64 :P22:59
phoenixzthegve: hehehe, gotta love licenses..22:59
Aliasai want to learn bash,i have a book called :linux shell scripting with bash,it ok?23:00
Kalmiphoenixz, but intel64 has some very odd name...23:00
phoenixzthegve: the ubuntu server edition should have the ability to install on LVM volumes, right?23:00
DesenZyKoticK9 Philips SA2110/02 - i never had problems before23:00
iamtechnoCooPs89, try download the 32 bit package and using sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i <package>23:01
chaos2fuhii  where can i find the xorg.conf??23:01
vanita_when I'm running VLC on Ubuntu 9.04 with my i7 920 & Nvidia GTS 250 (AKA 9800gtx+ using G92 GPU), how can I tell if VLC is using VDPAU to decoded video directly (hardware compression h.264 for blu-ray for example) instead of putting most of the load on the CPU?23:01
thegvephoenixz, I'm not sure about that. I've never installed Ubuntu on LVM myself. I am mainly a programmer and not an administrator by profession :).23:01
DasEiDesen: chown -R     Desen  /media/NOIZE        ,assuming regular user is named Desen23:01
mrwesDesen, you might need to change the ownership from the terminal: sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/NOIZE23:01
CooPs89iamtechno: roger23:01
elitecoderHow do I determine the "IP network" from an IP? (for `ip route add $IP_NET ...` commands)23:01
arkanabaris there a group VoIP solution for Ubuntu, like Ventrilo?23:02
DasEiDesen: sudo chown -R     Desen  /media/NOIZE        ,assuming regular user is named Desen23:02
DesenDasEi, mrwes i will try asap, thanx23:02
phoenixzthegve: Me programmer too, just don't like other people administering my servers since they always messup23:02
mrwesdesen: you should add the -R for recursive23:02
elitecoderHow does one determine which version of ubuntu has been installed?23:02
iamtechnoCooPs89, I be here for a while so just /msg me if you need any help23:02
DasEielitecoder: uname -r  uname -u23:03
thegveelitecoder, cat /etc/debian_version23:03
vanita_anyone have an idea on how to enable VDPAU for VLC in ubuntu 9.04 with supported Nvidia graphics cards?23:03
DasEi!version | elitecoder23:03
ubottuelitecoder: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:03
ZykoticK9arkanabar, TeamSpeak client/server will run under *nix23:03
vanita_I want to put the load on the GPU instead of the CPU23:03
elitecoderlenny/sid ol23:03
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone is there a way to make it so you cannot change the number of copies printed?23:03
elitecoderI'm thinking more like Ubuntu 8.10 or something23:03
thegveelitecoder, sorry, my bad, that only shows the upstream debian version23:03
iamtechnovanita_, I'll check for you.23:04
nominanyone know a solution to this amarok sound problem on 9.04 using gnome?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phonon/+bug/36823023:04
vanita_iamtechno: awesome, thanks...23:04
DasEielitecoder: check the vesion trigger above23:04
nominI installed the kde settings program to adjust sound settings but I still can't get sound from amarok23:04
* vanita_ <~~ gives iamtechno cookie...23:04
elitecodernice thanks DasEi23:04
TeenySHAD0Wmy panel menu isn't loading on boot; it does load if I switch to classic gnome desktop and then back to netbook desktop,   Can someone help?23:04
DasEi!sound | nomin23:05
ubottunomin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:05
vanita_vanita_:  <~~ watches for zombies feasting on newb brains...23:05
Desenmrwes, DasEi: i get errors: chown: changing ownership of `/media/NOIZE/autorun.inf': Read-only file system23:05
arkanabarZykoticK9, thanks.  My GL just bought a 6 month lease on a Ventrilo server, cuz nobody in WoW will use TeamSpeak.23:05
Desenmrwes, DasEi: i used SUDO23:05
nominTeenySHAD0W: I have a small panel problem too at boot, but it's not a big deal.  I have move one of panels around to put it back where I want to.23:05
DasEinomin:alsamixergui installed ?23:05
Desenmrwes, DasEi: errors are received on all files that exist on the MP3 Player, as shown in the screenshot23:06
DasEiDesen: manually re-mount it23:06
DasEiDesen : open a terminal ..23:06
nominDasEi: I have the alsamixer in console, but sound works fine for eveything else.  It's just amarok that won't run.23:06
mib_6bxnpdndI have a startup with the command gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys but for some reason when i login it doesnt work i need to manually do xbindkeys in terminal, for it to work23:06
nomin*amarok that has no sound23:06
chaos2fuhow do i edit a *.conf file with gksudo? nothing happens when im writing gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf ???23:07
DasEiDesen : mount               > find devicename of player23:07
Eilestype gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:07
DasEichaos2fu: gksudo gedit ....23:07
ZykoticK9Desen, from the screenshot you provided, i'd say the fact that the file names are all messed up may show another sort of problem as well.  good luck man.23:08
DasEinomin: check the pcm in alsamixer, risen up and unmuted ? amarok set to use alsa ?23:08
nominDasEi: also, the sound test in "systemsettings" for kde settings works just fine23:08
* aaditya walks in23:09
DasEiDesen: what's the devicename of the player ?23:09
pianoboy3333are there any good programs for ubuntu/linux for making video montages other than ooo impress?23:09
mib_6bxnpdnddI have a startup with the command gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys but for some reason when i login it doesnt work i need to manually do xbindkeys in terminal, for it to work23:09
vanita_anyone have any idea on how to enable VDPAU for VLC (or mplayer, totem, etc) in ubuntu 9.04 with supported Nvidia graphics cards?23:09
pianoboy3333*I mean photo23:09
hamburglari am trying to use and/or install my wusb54gc wireless USB adapater.  Is this possible without excessive hacking of kernel stuff?23:09
DesenZykoticK9 possibly. DasEi, mrwes, thanx for your support, have a pleasant night. it seems that the MP3 Player is f* up23:09
vanita_this would put the load on the GPU instead of the CPU, right?23:09
vanita_I'm using an i7 920 with 6GB RAM and GTS 250 (AKA Nvidia 9800GTX+ which is using the G92 GPU)23:09
DasEiDesen: if you think so ..23:10
hamburglarwhy does hardware support on linux really suck heh23:10
jribhamburglar: it doesn't?23:10
mib_6bxnpdndvanita_: back again i see :P23:10
ZykoticK9hamburglar, actually linux supports more hardware then any other os23:10
vanita_I'm trying to run 8 blu-ray (h.264 1080p) videos simultaneously in each of the 4 desktops for my dual DVI display23:10
hamburglarfrom my personal experience, trying to install an 880023:10
aadityahamburglar: i agree with ZykoticK923:11
hamburglarand now this other hardware23:11
hamburglarit sucks23:11
jribhamburglar: nvidia?23:11
hamburglarand linksys23:11
jribhamburglar: that card should be supported oob23:11
hamburglarnot when i first had it23:11
pianoboy3333Are there any good programs for ubuntu/linux for making photo montages other than ooo impress?23:11
hamburglarthere was an entire buggy wiki devoted to installing it23:11
vanita_am I asking the wrong questions?23:11
jribhamburglar: sure, when hardware is new and you use an old release, that will happen.23:12
ZykoticK9pianoboy3333, Picasa has a video feature of some sort - never used it myself though23:12
nominDasEi: the system settings are different in kde4 and amarok 2.  It used to me easy for me to change the also/oss settings, but I have to look into how these things work now.23:12
hamburglarso how do i get this wusb54gc to work?23:12
* vanita_ <~~ Vanita fights off zombies feeding on newb brains23:12
jribhamburglar: do you have issues with it now?23:12
iamtechnovanita_, As far as I have read one cannot enable VDPAU yet23:12
nominamarok doesn't have the options built in anymore23:12
hamburglari plug it in and it's not recognized23:12
RxDxwhat do you guys think is better... VMWare or VirtualBox?23:12
jribhamburglar: nivida 8800?23:12
vanita_iamtechno: what about mplayer?23:12
hamburglarthat burnt out once i installed it on ubuntu23:13
hamburglarthe card burnt out.23:13
iamtechnovanita_, lemme check23:13
vanita_iamtechno: I heard mythtv player in .22 supports VDPAU under Ubuntu23:13
hamburglarit was working fine on vista and xp23:13
hamburglarbut ubuntu burned it to a crisp23:13
jrib!enter | hamburglar23:13
ubottuhamburglar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:13
mib_6bxnpdndno one have an answer to my simple question?23:13
iamtechnojrib, thank you23:13
jribhamburglar: good luck with your issue23:13
thegve@ anyone helping me a few minutes ago - it was simply a bad CD. Stupid of me to forget checking it first...23:13
vanita_iamtechno: see ~~> http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/roadmap23:13
hamburglarso there is no way to get a wusb54gc wireless adapater to work on ubuntu23:13
Kalmimib_6bxnpdnd, try to use full path23:14
vanita_unfortunately, I want to run multiple players for each desktop and monitor, so I was really looking for a player like VLC23:14
ruleri have rare format how can i open it in ubuntu23:14
vanita_mythtv player is more for TVs I guess23:14
nominDasEi: another thing that is weird is that whenever I load a song, it automatically goes right to the end.  Streaming radio streams just fine, but I can't hear anything.  And like I said, every other sound app on my computer works just fine.23:14
ErikRoseI'm trying to do something ridiculous: add a custom repo to my sources.list which has a distro "etch". But aptitude says Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "my-package" when I try to install my-package from that repo. What am I doing stupidly?23:14
thegveruler, You have a "rare" format?23:14
iamtechnovanita_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1037625 check it out.23:14
thegveor do you mean rar?23:14
vanita_iamtechno: thanks!23:14
iamtechnoruler, what format?23:14
iamtechnovanita_, its for mplayer23:14
Kalmi!rar | ruler23:15
ubotturuler: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:15
vanita_iamtechno: cool, so this will put the load on my Nvidia GPU instead of the CPU for better performance?23:15
hamburglaris the WUSB54GC usb wireless adapter supported on Ubuntu?23:15
iamtechnovanita_, If all goes well yes23:16
thegvehamburglar, Linksys?23:16
thegveSounds familiair, think so, but I am not a hardware DB. Can't you find something on the net?23:17
vanita_I think Windows uses DXMA for this (but can also use VDPAU now iirc)23:17
rulerkalm : ra format23:17
gartralhow do i copy a folder to  a flashdrive without the smegging symlinks?!?23:17
robbon33i have evolution installed, and when i try to receive/send the message it just receive 3 messages23:17
rulerkalm rar foamat23:17
hamburglarthegve, the stuff on the net says "linux support for hardware remains poor"23:17
robbon33the rest of the messages in my inbox it doesn't receive23:17
vanita_OS X doesn't yet have support for VDPAU but is coming out with OpenCL in 10.623:17
robbon33how could i fix this?23:17
pianoboy3333Are there any good programs for ubuntu/linux for making photo montages other than ooo impress and picasa?23:17
zeki try to boot a live cd and i get the error "IO APIC resources could be not be allocated " "kernel panic - not syncing : Attempted to kill init!" ideas?23:17
thegvezek, Do a media check, if it turns out ok, reboot, press f6, and then check nolapic.23:18
mib_6bxnpdndKalmi: u woudln't happen to know the full path of xbindkeys would u?23:18
aadityarobbon33: which mail server are you using? and protocol?23:18
gartralhow do i copy a folder without using symbolic links23:18
robbon33aaditya: i'm using gmail protocol pop and smtp23:19
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rulerkalm :rar format23:19
thegvegartral, ctrl-c and ctrl-v ?23:19
hamburglarhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279447  <------------ what does all of that mean?23:19
robbon33i'm entering the email server smtp.gmail.com:port23:19
robbon33and the port23:19
thegveor "copy" and "paste"23:19
robbon33where is port23:19
gartralthegve: that uses symlinks!23:19
hansolo669ok i'm back for now23:19
Kalmimib_6bxnpdnd, which xbindkeys23:19
JordanCHey folks, OK if I ask a question?23:19
hamburglarndiswrapper , wifi radard etc?23:19
aadityarobbon33: you'll be better off using imap23:19
aadityarobbon33: instead of POP23:19
hansolo669JordanC--go ahead23:20
zekthegve: where does the noapic (or is it nolapic) go in the boot options?23:20
JordanChansolo669: How come my leg is itchy?23:20
UntouchableMXwell guys, what network manager do you recommend, because theres not that many info available for my hardware, and I was told to search wifi ubuntu for my hardware23:20
Kalmimib_6bxnpdnd, i mean: execute the follwoing and it will tell you: which xbindkeys23:20
JordanCI just done' scratched it23:20
hansolo669JordanC--...ask your dockter23:20
gartralzek: hit f6 twice23:20
thegvezek, You can enable it using f6 for "extra options" I think23:20
robbon33aaditya: what do i insert in the imap server?23:20
gartralhow do i copy a folder without using symbolic links23:20
mib_6bxnpdndKalmi: ok thanks let me try kind of new to linux, don't know all the commands23:20
aadityarobbon33: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=7572523:20
DasEipianoboy3333: fotowall is nice for that23:21
aadityarobbon33: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=7879923:21
pianoboy3333DasEi: can I export to avi or some kind of movie file?23:21
jonaskoelkerHi all.  Is there a small ubuntu installation cd image?23:21
DasEipianoboy3333: it's not in the repos, but can google it and install the tarball23:21
hamburglarcan someone explain this sentence:  compile ndiswrapper, install the rt73 system files, modprobe ndiswrapper, and blacklist the crappy drivers ubuntu thought would work23:21
aadityacheck both of them. it will solve your problem23:21
thegvejonaskoelker, Small, as in?23:21
gartraljonaskoelker: look into the alternate cd, or UBR for notebooks23:22
jonaskoelkerthegve: my friend says 650 mb23:22
aadityahamburglar: which part of this sentence?23:22
pianoboy3333DasEi: what can I export the final product as?23:22
jonaskoelkergartral: aren't they all ~700 megs?23:22
hamburglarcompile ndiswrapper23:22
DasEipianoboy3333:you asked for a collaging program, that is23:22
thegvejonaskoelker, The "normal" installation cd is a single CD.23:22
hansolo669jonaskoelker--try ubuntu mini23:22
gartraljonaskoelker: there doesnt exist a mini image of ubuntu... if thats what you meant23:22
jonaskoelkerno floppy image?23:23
dupondjewhat command can I use to compare 2 directories ? I can do it with diff, but I don't need content to be compared, only if the files exists in both dirs23:23
gartraljonaskoelker: floppy...?23:23
DasEipianoboy3333:fotowall stores in png23:23
aadityahamburglar: http://tinyurl.com/l7j3s623:23
neurobuntu_what is the recommended partition table type when formatting a new drive?23:23
a_wird hier auch deutsch gesprochen23:23
jonaskoelkergartral: yeah, like a 1.44mb disk image23:23
hatter243!de | a+23:23
hansolo669jonaskoelker-- ubuntu mini remix at: http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.crealabs.it (i think)23:23
ubottua+: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:23
DasEia_:nein, aber23:24
gartraljonaskoelker: no... try DamnSmallLinux or tinycore23:24
Swiateckihi there, can anyone tell me why when i try to start a screen through php I get a "select screen profile" + "your profile is not accessable"23:24
_pHI_hi, i was wondering how i use grep to search for the string "../include"? It somehow assumes that dots are regular expressions for any character. how do i make sure it's treated as '..' instead?23:24
aadityaneurobuntu_: msdos is the default and recommended23:24
gartraljonaskoelker: better yet, invest in a cdrom burner23:24
neurobuntu_aaditya, thanks23:24
aadityaneurobuntu_: np23:25
hansolo669gartral--dsl is very minimal23:25
sjzzalxI want to control fan speed. How can I do this easily from the commandline?23:25
jrib!wifi > hamburglar23:25
ubottuhamburglar, please see my private message23:25
jonaskoelkergartral: yeah yeah, it's for a friend's box :)23:25
mib_28qbc9zkKalmi: nah i tried using the full path didnt work23:25
jonaskoelkerand one can install the "real" ubuntu from the Ubuntu Mini Remix?23:25
jribhamburglar: that page explains how to use ndiswrapper, but check for alternative instructions specific to your card first23:25
gartralhansolo669: well jonaskoelker is asking for a floppy install alternative for ubunt...23:25
ZykoticK9_pHI_, have you tried putting a \ in from of the . ? ie grep \.\.\/include type thing23:25
jonaskoelkerwell, my cd burner doesn't help my friend over in the next city :)23:25
hansolo669gartral--that dosent exist!!!23:26
aadityaneurobuntu_: though i'm not sure if you meant partition type...23:26
_pHI_ZykoticK9: thnx23:26
neurobuntu_aaditya, yes that is what I meant23:26
anternatis there real diffference btw having an ubuntu server or debian server?23:26
gartralhansolo669: tell him that... I know of only TWO linux oses that maintain a floppy installation23:26
logankoesteranternat: not much23:26
aadityaneurobuntu_: ext3 or ext423:26
hansolo669jonaskoelker--floppy ubuntu DOSNOTEXIST!!!!!!!23:26
neurobuntu_aaditya, oops no I didn't mean that23:27
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org23:27
gartrali dont even know anyone with a working floopy drive >.>23:27
neurobuntu_aaditya, msdos was the answer to my question23:27
jonaskoelkerthanks, I get that...23:27
YadraI'm unable to locate any reference to how to find the target of a hardlink, and wondering if anyone here might have a thought.23:27
aadityaneurobuntu_: ok cool23:27
jribanternat: support (security updates by canonical and LTS releases)23:27
jonaskoelkerdebian still has floppy support, right?23:27
hansolo669gartral--now you do but its only for work23:27
neurobuntu_what are the benefits of ext4 over ext3?  I have disc that is going to be for storage of media, pictures, music, movies, etc... should I use ext4 or ext3?23:27
gartralhow do i copy a folder without using symbolic links23:27
jonaskoelkerah, that was back in 2004, then :\23:27
jonaskoelkerah well, the ubuntu mini will do23:28
mib_28qbc9zkhow can i add xbindkeys to startup applications the command gnome-terminal -e /usr/bin/xbindkeys doesnt work gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys doesn't work and xbindkeys doesn't work23:28
hansolo669jonaskoelker--try serching the torrents23:28
DasEigartal: cp -r23:28
TheAnimalMXhey guys, my wifi card connects to the ap, and it gets ip and all of that info, but it aint gettin internet and not givin me any network resources, will installing a different network manager work, if so wich one do you guys recommend23:28
aadityaneurobuntu_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4#Features23:28
hansolo669jonaskoelker--or just search floppy linux distro23:28
neurobuntu_aaditya, i've been reading that23:28
aadityaTheAnimalMX: what do you see when you try to visit a website?23:28
TheAnimalMXunable to connect23:29
TheAnimalMXand I ping my ap and it fails23:29
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: well, I don't think the results offa' "floppy linux distro" would be floppy-based _ubuntu_ installers...23:29
ZykoticK9Yadra, i don't have an answer for you, but a hardlink sorta becomes the file - it is two files pointing to the same physical disk location (much different from a softlink)23:29
aadityaTheAnimalMX: let's start with the output of `sudo ifconfig`23:29
hansolo669jonaskoelker--yes but if you want linux you can still serch that :/23:29
YadraI'm unable to locate any reference to how to find the target of a hardlink, and wondering if anyone here might have a thought.23:29
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: uhh... okay...23:30
jonaskoelkerthanks, I guess23:30
TheAnimalMXwell im in windows right now because wifi is my only way of internet23:30
mib_28qbc9zkhow can i add xbindkeys to startup applications the command gnome-terminal -e /usr/bin/xbindkeys doesnt work gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys doesn't work and xbindkeys doesn't work23:30
TheAnimalMXbut I have the log from yesterdya, I can send it to you23:30
poningrujonaskoelker, what are you trying to do?23:30
jonaskoelkermib_28qbc9zk: /usr/bin/xbindkeys23:30
aadityaTheAnimalMX: sure, go ahead23:30
coreywhats up guys23:30
hansolo669jonaskoelker--well..thinking...stay here for a bit, i'l see if i can find a floppy debian img23:31
jonaskoelkerponingru: help my friend, who apparently has a too-small-for-the-std-ubuntu-image install ubuntu23:31
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: don't bother, I don't need it23:31
jonaskoelkeroops, there should be a "CD" in there, poningru23:31
aaditya!pastebin| TheAnimalMX23:32
ubottuTheAnimalMX: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:32
leOnanyone kows if it's possible to have gnome-terminal displaying the current command as window title .. i.e. if i'm currently doing a "less somefile.txt", i'd get that as window title in gnome-term23:32
poningrujonaskoelker, hmm?23:32
poningruhis hdd is too small?23:32
jonaskoelkerponingru: nope, his cd23:32
aadityaTheAnimalMX: it's ok now23:32
jonaskoelkerponingru: his _burnable_ cd23:32
mib_28qbc9zkhow can i add xbindkeys to startup applications the command gnome-terminal -e /usr/bin/xbindkeys doesnt work gnome-terminal -e xbindkeys doesn't work and xbindkeys doesn't work23:32
hansolo669jonaskoelker--new cd's23:32
aadityaTheAnimalMX: i don't see an IP address there. how do you know that you got one?23:33
jonaskoelkerman, I sucked at explaining that... sizeof(ubuntu mini) < sizeof(his cd) < sizeof(normal image)23:33
hamburglarugh this is useless23:33
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: you know a cd store open at 00:30?23:33
DasEijonaskoelker: or use the netinstaller version23:33
hamburglarreading all these commands i don't know about and will probably never use ever again23:33
geniiceanyone here use mediacoder?23:33
Yadrasuddenly the chat has fizzeled?23:33
ZykoticK9jonaskoelker, the Ubuntu CD does require a 700MB not a 650MB CD...23:33
hansolo669jonaskoelker--no but..well can you wait till tom?23:33
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: tom?23:34
DasEi!minimal | jonaskoelker23:34
ubottujonaskoelker: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:34
aadityamib_28qbc9zk: doesn't work means? the command isn't executed at startup?23:34
gartralhow do i copy a folder without using symbolic links23:34
YadraI'm trying to get Nautilus to show me where a folder shortcut points.23:34
kerebrus#a2000a @ irc.aniverse.com23:34
aadityagartral: cp23:34
mib_28qbc9zkaaditya: yes, if i open terminal and run xbindkeys it works but otherwise it's not getting started up when i login23:34
aadityaYadra: it's not a shortcut ;)23:34
DasEigartal: cp -r , again23:35
ZykoticK9Yadra, that's not a hardlink at all!  ls -l in command line will show you.23:35
gartralaaditya: no, it still says operation not permitted, cant use symboilic links23:35
TheAnimalMXwell aaditya, did you check the link?23:35
casperfookerebrus: what's that?23:35
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: no, by then my friend is lost in the black pit where the bugblatter beast of traal resides23:35
nominubuntu 9.04 is really nice with download file sizes for packages.  How did ubuntu do this?  What kind of compression is this?23:35
hansolo669jonaskoelker--lol very funny23:35
jonaskoelkerDasEi: hey, thanks for that reference23:35
nominthe downloads for installing packages are all smaller23:35
DasEijonaskoelker: np23:35
unkmargartral: you can't use symbolic links on a FAT system.23:35
jonaskoelkerwhat would be _really_ _awesome_ was if there was a link to those alternate ways of installing ubuntu, on the page where I choose how I want to install ubuntu23:36
gartralunkmar: i know that! how do i copy without using them!?!?!23:36
hansolo669jonaskoelker--thare is...i think23:36
DasEi!install | jonaskoelker23:36
ubottujonaskoelker: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate23:36
aadityaTheAnimalMX: yeah, there is an IP. is your router set to block traffic somehow?23:36
unkmargartral: locate and copy the actual file. What sym links are you trying to copy?23:37
jonaskoelkerall I could find was links to a _different_ 700 meg cd ... :\23:37
hansolo669jonaskoelker--oh hmm..well i tried :/23:37
mib_28qbc9zkaaditya: any clue on what might be the problem?23:37
jonaskoelkerhansolo669: thanks :)23:37
hansolo669jonaskoelker-- no prob23:37
gartralunkmar: please, i have 6 gigs of info i gotta put in my flash drive... how do i copy without using the symlinks?23:37
gartralunkmar: im not trying to copy a symlink, i have data on my drive, and its trying to MAKE a symlink to it on the flashdrive23:38
aadityamib_28qbc9zk: try setting up a different startup application and see if that works. try `zenity --info`23:38
DasEijonaskoelker: also if you got a running 9.04 or 8.10, usbcreator is a nice tool, installation from stick is very comfortable, too23:38
unkmargartral: and you are doing the copy from cli?23:38
gartralunkmar: i just want to compy my music non destructivly :(23:38
jonaskoelkerDasEi: yeah, thanks for the tip.  I (he) had a running Hardy/Breezy, but then it blew up23:38
gartralunkmar: same result using GUI and CLI23:38
aadityagartral: is your source a symlink? or contains symlinks?23:39
DasEi!usb | jonaskoelker23:39
ubottujonaskoelker: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:39
hansolo669gartral--drag adn drop?23:39
aadityahansolo669: LOL23:39
hamburglarwhat's feisty what's gusty? i think i only have hardy?23:39
Yadraaaditya: now you seem to be talking about my question even though you're not talking to me! lol23:39
aaditya!fiesty> hamburglar23:39
ubottuhamburglar, please see my private message23:39
aaditya!gusty > hamburglar23:39
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jonaskoelkerhamburglar: old releases of ubuntu23:39
ElAnimalMXsorry for the disconnection23:40
hamburglarso this documentation doesn't even work for hardy then?23:40
DasEi!lts > hamburglar23:40
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mib_28qbc9zkaaditya: hmm i have devilspie i just put devilspie without anything else it worked hold on let me try doing just xbindkeys again23:40
gartralhansolo669: it complains about symlinks... its all music, and i dont see how there could be symlinks...23:40
hamburglarhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=516649 <-----------------23:40
jonaskoelkerhamburglar: the community documentation is sadly horribly out of date23:40
ElAnimalMXaaditya, did you check the link of the post? Im TheAnimalMX23:40
hansolo669gartral--dont worry it should still work23:40
gartralaaditya: how can i tell?23:40
hamburglarso i'm ass out if I want to install my linksys wireless USB driver?23:40
jonaskoelkerhamburglar: and enough stuff gets update between each release that the docs stop working...23:40
aadityaYadra: haha it wasn't about your question. try `ls -l`23:40
Kalmigartral, press ctrl while dragging them23:40
gartralhansolo669: ive tryed dragging and dropping 55 times, it STILL wants to make a GDE symlink\23:41
Yadraaaditya: could it really be that simple? lol23:41
Yadraaaditya: I never got the impression ls -l would show details like that23:41
Yadraaaditya: I didn't even think it showed timestamps23:41
hamburglarso basically Google DID NOT help me out at all :/23:41
Yadraaaditya: just file size23:41
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hansolo669gartral--ok thats wierd...hmm can you ingnore that dialog box and see if it still works23:41
casperfoogartral: did you try holding down ctrl in Nautilus?23:41
aadityaElAnimalMX: i did. it looks fine. is your router playing up? security restrictions in router? can you ping your machine from another machine?23:41
gartralKalmi: Error, Cannot create symlink; operation not allowed23:41
ElAnimalMXI havent tried that23:42
rulercan i put password for a particular folder23:42
Yadraaaditya: okay, well thanks, and afk as I check :)23:42
gartralyes, ive copied, used cp -a, ctl+drag-n-drop all with same result23:42
unkmargartral: ls -laR  folder > log.txt23:42
ElAnimalMXbut how wierd that it only does it in when Im in ubuntu23:42
mib_d8w0qxokwhy is it that devilspie command works but xbindkeys doesnt work as a startup command?23:43
ZykoticK9ruler, you can set user permissions on a folder level, but i know of no way to password particular folder in linux23:43
gartralunkmar: which folder?23:43
rww_gartral, cp -L23:43
unkmargartral: then pastebin the log.txt file.  We will see if we can locate the links that are causing the problem.23:43
ElAnimalMXshould I open I port on the router?23:43
hansolo669gartral--i dont know  smarter  perople go ahead...agian... :)23:43
hamburglarwhat's KDE?23:43
aadityaElAnimalMX: nope, no ports required23:43
danielrmt!kde | hamburglar23:43
ubottuhamburglar: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde423:43
aaditya!KDE > hamburglar23:43
ubottuhamburglar, please see my private message23:43
jwfoxjrok, so I'm trying to setup openvpn on my box, and when I restart networking, I get an error that says "Ignoring unknown interface br0=br0."23:43
ElAnimalMXso what do you recommend that I should do23:43
unkmarthe folder that conatins the files you plan to copy.23:43
jwfoxjrI've defined the interface in /etc/networking/interfaces23:44
mib_d8w0qxokaaditya: why is it that devilspie command works but xbindkeys doesnt work as a startup command?23:44
casperfoogartral: also can you copy any single file to the drive?  it might be a permissions issue23:44
hamburglarso i have to install KDE to use his script?23:44
hamburglarno thanks23:44
hansolo669hamburglar--kde is a difret "winodow manager" its like gnome but with big difrences23:44
aadityaElAnimalMX: which router do you have?23:44
gartralrwwty THAT WORKED23:44
djpi have avi files that i've imported from my camera that skip terribly. is this an issue with .avi and totem?23:44
vincentRDLHi, Brasero won't recognize my DVD - K3B does. What'S wrong. Im on 8.1023:44
rww_gartral, you're welcome :)23:44
hamburglaryea it appears that Ubuntu does not support WUSB54GC at all23:44
gtlzwho is in charge of jaunty's mysql?23:44
gartralrww i had to -LR cause its a Dir... but TY23:44
hamburglari mind as well return this to best buy23:44
gtlzanyone know?23:44
unkmarah, good move.  Follow symb links.23:45
aadityamib_d8w0qxok: difference of environment in a terminal and in gnome startup apps23:45
jwfoxjrpaste of /etc/network/interfaces - http://paste.ubuntu.com/183212/23:45
gartralaaditya: thank you, but i think it's just ubuntu being dumb... hansolo669 thanks, and everyone else!23:45
hansolo669gartral--no prob23:45
casperfoogartral: I think you must have symlinks in your source directory somewhere then23:46
rww_gtlz, the Ubuntu core and MOTU developers. Why?23:46
hamburglarubuntu has been a disappointment over and over for hardware23:46
gartralcasperfoo: possibly, but i dont know how to tell23:46
casperfoogartral: in nautilus they show up with a different icon23:46
gtlzrww_: because of mysql bug 35608 and it making it relatively impossible to gracefully upgrade using the stock mysql 5.1 server23:46
unkmargartral: I agree with casperfoo. there must be some symlinks in the source directory.23:46
hansolo669hamburglar--stop complaning23:46
hamburglarwhy ?23:46
gtlzrww_: they have it as a wontfix and it only affects the maria tree.23:46
hansolo669hamburglar--its tiering23:46
rulerplease tell how to put code for particular folder23:46
casperfoogartral: like in your home directory, the Examples directory is a symlink23:46
gtlzrww_: let me save you some time: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=3560823:47
aadityahamburglar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper23:47
mib_d8w0qxokaaditya: not sure what u mean, like i run devilspie through terminal and xbindkeys and they both work and when i do a startup command devilspie works and the command xbindkeys doesn't it's akward23:47
hamburglari have been looking at that aaditya23:47
gartralcasperfoo: I removed the Examples directorys23:47
logankoesterIs there really no bpm counter app in the repos? That's hard to believe23:47
logankoesterbpm counter for dance music i mean23:47
aadityahamburglar: this one is easier than compiling ndiswrapper23:47
hansolo669logankoester--do you have all comunity apps selected at the to of the add remove programs window23:48
hamburglarok i have that ndiswrapper thing installed using the package manager23:48
hamburglarwhat next?23:48
jwfoxjrok, so I'm trying to setup openvpn on my box, and when I restart networking, I get an error that says "Ignoring unknown interface br0=br0."23:48
rulerplease tell how to put code for particular folder23:48
jwfoxjrI've defined the interface in /etc/networking/interfaces23:48
gartralcasperfoo: but how do i tell?23:48
jwfoxjrpaste of /etc/network/interfaces - http://paste.ubuntu.com/183212/23:48
aadityamib_d8w0qxok: not sure what's going on. try gnome-terminal -e 'xbindkeys; sleep 10000' at startup23:48
logankoesterhansolo669: I'm using apt-cache search23:49
aadityamib_d8w0qxok: and then see what you get23:49
vincentRDLlast message in brasero with the debug started: (brasero:6496): BraseroBurn-DEBUG: At burn-caps.c:3735: checking media caps for Disc DVD - (sequential) W blank23:49
logankoesterhansolo669: for the keyword bpm23:49
vincentRDLIt never seems to find the media though ...23:49
casperfoogartral: ok.. well you can create a new symlink in Nautilus by just rigth-clicking and choosing "make link"; sorry that examples "link" is a different kind, not a normal symlink23:49
hamburglar1737:0077  is the id of my usb device. nothing more. nothing like linksys or cisco or anything liek that23:49
gartral!pastebin | vincentRDL23:49
ubottuvincentRDL: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:49
hansolo669logankoester--ok well try googling bpm counter for linux23:49
gtlzrww_: and it most certainly affects a 5067 => 5131 replication23:49
casperfoogartral: symlinks in Nautilus have a big arrow on them23:49
rww_gtlz, does this affect the version Ubuntu uses?23:49
ZykoticK9jwfoxjr, link 4 if missing an iface23:49
aadityagartral: did vincentRDL flood? i didn't notice..23:50
gartralcasperfoo: how do i tell if there are symlinks in the source dir im copying?23:50
logankoesterthanks hansolo669 i'm sure i'll find one that way23:50
ZykoticK9jwfoxjr, sorry line 4 is missing an iface23:50
logankoesteri could just write on in ruby or python in 5 minutes anyway23:50
aadityavincentRDL: is some other program accessing the drive at the same time?23:50
logankoesterno big deal23:50
hansolo669logankoester--no prob23:50
rulerplease tell how to put folder password23:50
pintookneed to install a programme to format pendrives and others on ubuntu23:50
hamburglarhttp://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list/ doesn't show anything regarding the id of my usb device23:50
gtlzrww_: you can't replicate an intrepid db to a jaunty db, making safe upgrade to 5.1 in ubuntu impossible.23:50
casperfoogartral: you could just browse it with Nautilus, I was suggesting; or use an ls -l command in a shell and look for lines starting with "lrwxrwxrwx"23:50
ExAstrisHi all. I have Ubuntu on my internal HD and I just installed XUbuntu to an external HD so I can use it for a project I'm working on, and as a backup OS in case my HD dies. I have created a grub entry (I'll pastebin it in a moment) to boot Xubuntu, but am recieivng an error 21 when I try to.23:51
hamburglarI'm probably talking into the wind at this point23:51
pintookhi gtlz23:51
pintookneed to install a programme to format pendrives and others on ubuntu23:51
gordonjcppintook: mkfs23:51
hansolo669hamburglar--look no one likes a complaner23:51
benc2is there a single package for LAMP or do I need to install apache, php and mysql separatley?23:51
hamburglaranyone know where the ndiswrapper list is ?23:51
hansolo669well got to go guys bye23:51
jwfoxjrZykoticK9: not quite sure what you mean - I'm following the Ubuntu Community OpenVPN Howto...what should I be bridging to?23:51
hamburglarhansolo669 i'm asking specific questions23:51
gartralcasperfoo: well, did the second, none came up in the source dir, I tink Ubuntu is being grumpy cause i dont have USB 2.0 ports on my comp23:51
hamburglarnot really complaining23:52
casperfoogartral: or find srcdir -type l where srcdir is a place to start23:52
anternatbench2 slampp?23:52
pintookwhat is that gord23:52
casperfoogartral: that should have no affect on anything except speed will be 10 times different23:52
benc2anternat: slampp?23:52
ZykoticK9jwfoxjr, in you're paste bin of you network file, line #4 says "if br0 ..." and should say "iface br0..."23:52
rww_gtlz, Then you'd want to file a bug about it in Launchpad.23:52
ExAstristhat pastebin is http://pastebin.ca/143868623:52
anternatlive cd webserver (23:52
hamburglargod. ndiswrapper is no longer supported23:52
ExAstriswhat nao?23:53
jwfoxjrZykoticK9: ok - thanks - I see23:53
pintook need to install a programme to format pendrives and others on ubuntu23:53
benc2anternat: I want to install it on my ubuntu desktop23:53
gordonjcp!repeat | pintook23:53
ubottupintook: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:53
gordonjcppintook: also, I told you already23:53
gtlzrww_: yeah i wanted to avoid wasting my time doingso if it's going to get marked wontfix again.  i somewhat doubt they'd bother switching to the nonmaria tree but wanted them to be aware.23:53
gregHello all- Have a printer issue, laptop through a netgear router wireless. Base system prints ok printer hpj4500 series. when i add a print on the laptop the uri= a different on than system uri. Question, can i use HPLIP on both systems to communicate without using CUPS?23:54
hamburglarhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/LinksysWUSB54GC?highlight=(ManufacturerModel)|(AND)   isn't helping me install my wireless usb device. anyone got a real doc?23:54
aaditya!info format | pintook23:54
ubottupintook: Package format does not exist in jaunty23:54
gtlzrww_: hence my original question... oh well.  i guess i'm sticking to mysql-server-5.0 (which is wtf regarding version naming)23:54
rulerplease tell how to put code for particular folder23:54
x2omy bluetooth isnt working properly, i can browse files on my cellphone via laptop and push files onto my cellphone but cant receive files via push service23:54
dassoukiis there a reason my camera only works with camorama :(23:54
aadityaruler: what sort of code?23:54
phoenixzHow can I let SSH ignore the knownhosts file? I have some weird problem with a program that keeps replacing the knnown host file and with that it messes up its own ssh calls.. I want to configure ssh to ignore the known hosts file for the moment, just to be able to continue testing. How do I do this?23:54
boss_mcpintook: CLI or GUI?23:55
jwfoxjrZykoticK9: thanks - that worked perfectly! :)23:55
aadityadassouki: is it not accessible directly as a drive?23:55
ruleraaditya : i want to put code for a particular folder23:55
dassoukiaaditya: i don't think so23:55
dassoukiaaditya: how can i check23:55
gartralonce again, thank you23:56
hamburglarok. better question:  Which USB wireless adapter Actually works and is supported with actual working documentation in hardy 8.04 ?23:56
aadityadassouki: best way is to use the gnome "disk mounter" applet23:57
aadityadassouki: we can investigate further using the dmesg output23:58
aadityadassouki: plug in the camera, and then `dmesg | tail -25`23:58
aadityadassouki: and then pastebin it23:58
mib_6s8v2mgcaaditya: i just tried it, same problem23:58
dassoukiaaditya: http://pastebin.com/d38b3bd4523:59
mib_6s8v2mgcaaditya: it seems to just not be loading up for some reason idk why23:59
dassoukiaaditya: interesting output23:59
Knyteso with the LiveCD won't allow installation without a password.. tried toor, root, ubuntu, admin, god.. nothin is working.. any ideas?23:59
aadityamib_6s8v2mgc: idk either :(23:59
mib_6s8v2mgcaaditya: im thinking maybe it's not loadfing the default config but then again i neve rhave to set those parameters when i do it in terminal all i do is type xbindkeys, that's all23:59

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