
JontheEchidnathen logout00:00
lex79ok thanks00:00
Riddellrevu requested http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qjson00:06
JontheEchidnaRiddell: the other kopete plugin we have is named kopete-plugin-thinklight00:10
JontheEchidnaor maybe this is different because it's a protocol plugin and not a feature extension?00:10
RiddellI did ponder that and I think it's a new protocl not a feature00:11
Riddellalthough we also have kopete-cryptography00:11
JontheEchidnaallow -> allows in the package description00:12
JontheEchidnaMaybe something more like "This plugin allows you to chat with your Facebook contacts using Kopete"00:12
JontheEchidnakopete-facebook also lacks a copy of the GPL00:13
JontheEchidnaotherwise it lookds pretty solid :)00:15
JontheEchidnaIn qjson qt-based -> Qt-based in the two package descriptions00:16
JontheEchidnaAnd qjson looks good too00:17
nixternalhey, in order for a watch file to work, uscan/uupdate needs to be able to read the directory that the tarball is in correct?01:13
vorianif you use uupdate, yes01:14
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* nixternal kicks vorian in the shin01:59
voriannixternal: whay?01:59
vorianhttp://yerkewlapp.\wrt^(*.snazzy)\regex.tgz debian uupdate02:00
_Groo_hi/2 all...02:04
voriannixternal: see! persia says the same thing (see -motu)02:06
nixternaladding misc:Depends to skulpture package02:17
nixternalwtf, can't login to my damn sid pbuilder02:18
vorianYour quiz has brought a Flaming Orangobeaver into existence! It is part-beaver part-orangutan, and part ectoplasmic fire. Does it get any better? Ninjas couldn't catch it, that's for sure..04:41
vorianbest evar1!!04:41
Pollywogit appears as though kdevelop-kde4 is not yet usable, with templates missing04:46
Pollywogis this correct?04:46
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seaLneNightrose: on a machine at home with 4.3a1 comparing files even works08:25
Riddellgit has defeated me08:30
Riddellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/183453/  what the heck does that mean?08:30
nixternalRiddell: has it worked before?08:38
nixternalyou are just ghosting/external linking from github to kde svn?08:38
Riddellnixternal: couldnae say, I've used it for planetkde in the past yonks ago, but I just set up this account08:39
RiddellI'm not touching svn, it's this git repository only08:39
nixternalwhat is the reference to planetkde/config?08:39
Riddellno idea, I did something with planetkde on github ages ago but not for months08:40
NightroseseaLne: thx :)08:42
nixternalRiddell: if nobody is working on a Kubuntu frontend for usb-creator, I would be interested in working on it...I have already looked it over and seriously could push out an alpha release in a day08:48
nixternalI have read where like 2 people were working on it, one I can't find his repo if he is working on it, and the other I did find, but there hasn't been any work on it08:49
nixternalwhat room is Kubuntu Karmic Ubuntu One in?08:52
freeflyingnixternal: room 708:53
nixternaldon't hear anybody in there08:53
freeflyingroom 508:53
nixternalit isn't room 508:54
freeflyingshoud be room 708:55
Riddellwe're in 708:57
Riddellnixternal: tonio was looking at usb-creator08:57
Riddellask him where he got to08:57
nixternalso that makes it 3 other people then looking at it08:57
nixternalroom 7 has 0 audio08:58
Nightrosenothing for room 7 here either :(09:00
nixternalon that note, to bed I go...g'nite09:01
Nightrosenini nixternal09:01
MamarokRiddell: morning :)09:13
MamarokRiddell: I'm suppose to remind you to poke ShipIt for the Swiss Team Pack09:14
freeflyingMamarok: what is Team Pack?09:14
RiddellMamarok: oh aye, which Swiss team is this?09:14
Mamarokfreeflying: the packs for the LoCo Teams09:14
Riddellswiss ubuntu loco team?09:14
MamarokRiddell: the Swiss LoCo Team, most official09:15
Mamarokask stgraber, he has a copy of the mails I sent to ShipIt09:15
Mamarokcouldn't reac him though09:15
Mamarokreach* even09:15
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davidbarthScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDesignGuidelines11:12
shtylmanooo just installed the konversation kde4 backport :)11:24
shtylman+1 over quassel11:24
Tonio_shtylman: alpha 1 or 2 ?11:25
shtylmanTonio_: 211:25
Tonio_shtylman: running karmic ?11:25
shtylmanTonio_: jaunty ... no karmic yet :)11:26
Tonio_oops, where is the latest konversation ? ppa somewhere ?11:26
shtylmanI just enabled the jaunty backports... in apt sources11:26
freeflyingquassel is too complicated to use11:28
ScottKshtylman: Ping11:39
* emonkey loves quassel, no idea why to change back11:46
* Riddell does something11:48
Mamarokfreeflying: it's gone better in 4.311:51
ryanakcaCan someone please review http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicWebsite11:54
ryanakcaScottK: Ping12:10
ryanakcaScottK: Pong12:11
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DreadKnightbubblemon keeps appearing on my panel each time i log in..14:08
ryanakcaRiddell: Mind if I get rid of the orange triangles next to the links in the top nav on http://www.kubuntu.org/ ? (vs without, http://drupal.ryanak.ca/ )14:14
nixternalgnomevfs and DBusGMain14:16
ryanakcanixternal: was that for this session?14:17
Riddellgood with me ryanakca14:17
nixternalwith gobject, you have to do a bit more with either QObject14:17
JontheEchidnaRiddell: coudl you look at bug 381522?14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381522 in plasma-widget-weather "Request for removal (source and binary)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38152214:17
nixternalbut with DBusGMain it is easily replaced with DBusQtMain14:18
nixternalya, those are frontend, backend just has gobject14:18
Riddellall done14:27
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=== they is now known as vorian
ryanakcaQuintasan: Where did you put the 100 papercut bugs for Kubuntu?15:50
yuriyno papercuts for us :-\ at least not for karmic16:03
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yuriyseele: were you listening to the 100 papercuts session?16:19
seele100 papercuts?17:06
Artemis_Fowlseele: PING17:13
Artemis_Fowlseele: meant ping17:13
seeleArtemis_Fowl: pong17:14
ryanakcaseele: *nod*, where they were talking about a team that lists 100 minor usability issues or easy to fix bugs and gets people to fix them. But then they turned around and said they'd only do it with Ubuntu for this release, but if we really wanted to participate, we could provide our own people, etc.17:15
Artemis_FowlI am finished with automagic support. would you mind taking a look at it if you have time?17:17
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=== Guest44989 is now known as ryanakca-uds
Artemis_FowlI think it only needs some polishing and that's it. ready17:20
seeleryanakca: i remember someone talking about that.. but it is pretty difficult to define a minor usability issue. What might seem minor to me could be hours of coding for a developer17:29
seeleArtemis_Fowl: sure.. do you have screenshots or a ppa i can check out?17:30
ryanakcaseele: *nod*17:30
Artemis_Fowlhmm... neither :( I would prefer that you tried from a package though17:33
Artemis_Fowlseele: let me see what I can do17:33
seeleArtemis_Fowl: ok, just ping me or send me a link when it's ready17:35
ryanakcaDo we have an equivalent to Debian experimental? "Packages and tools which are still being developed, and are still in the alpha testing stage. Users shouldn't be using packages from here, because they can be dangerous and harmful even for the most experienced people."17:38
JontheEchidnathere's the kubuntu-experimental ppa where we throw alpha stuff17:38
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: might be interesting to get kobby in there.17:39
JontheEchidnait already is ;-)17:39
JontheEchidnaapachelogger did it yesterday17:39
Mamarokhe even wrote a mail to the ML about that, didn't he?17:40
JontheEchidnaI believe he did17:40
ryanakcaLovely :)17:42
Artemis_Fowlseele: here is a .deb package I created. it' really crap but it will do the job: http://www.sigmirror.com/files/20393_9nyc8/kgrubeditor_20090529-1_i386.deb17:45
Artemis_Fowlseele: I hope it will work, I didn't add dependencies but it depends on policykit17:46
Artemis_Fowlseele: which should be preinstalled in your system hopefully17:46
seeleArtemis_Fowl: i can tell you in a second17:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you take a look at bug 380947 please?17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380947 in gtk2-engines-qtcurve "Please sponsor gtk2-engines-qtcurve 0.62.8-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38094717:48
Artemis_Fowlseele: ok, nice17:48
seeledpkg: kgrubeditor: warning - conffile `/etc/dbus-1' is not a plain file or symlink (= `/etc/dbus-1')17:49
seeledpkg: kgrubeditor: warning - conffile `/etc/dbus-1/system.d' is not a plain file or symlink (= `/etc/dbus-1/system.d')17:49
seelewhat/where is the executable? kgrubeditor isnt working17:49
seeleArtemis_Fowl: it installed but with errors17:50
Artemis_Fowlit doesn't have an executable anymore. try "kcmshell4 kgrubeditor" and tell me17:50
Artemis_Fowlit's a system settings module now17:50
seeleArtemis_Fowl: "Cannot opened shared resouce..."17:57
seelelooks like a problem with the control module17:57
seelelet me try sudo17:57
Artemis_Fowlseele: no17:57
seeleah, no, heh17:57
Artemis_Fowlseele: there is no need17:57
seelethought maybe it was permissions17:57
Artemis_Fowlseele: can you openup a konsole, try "kcmshell4 kgrubeditor" and dump me the result?17:58
ryanakcaDid anybody find the source for conflict-checker?17:59
ryanakcaNevermind, lp:conflictchecker18:02
seeleArtemis_Fowl: there is no feedback it just opens a dialog with no debugging or anything18:04
Artemis_Fowland shows what?18:05
Riddellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/2009-05-29-kubuntu-groupphoto-uds-barcelona.jpg  beautiful people18:10
nixternalis that kwwii back there with a goat on his chin?18:11
nixternalmust be, I see ScottK next to him, and you know old people always hangs out together18:12
nixternalit is 7PM there and it is already dark? or did you take that after midnight last night and finally upload it?18:12
nixternalI think tonio stole my shirt from the last UDS18:13
Riddellthat was a few days ago18:15
neversfeldehow do I remove the -Source in this watchfile with uversionmangle? http://pastebin.ca/143981218:15
Riddellkwwii is wearing the Motorhead t-shirt18:15
Tm_Tisn't it Motörhead these days?18:15
Tm_T(crazy 80's with "ö"s)18:16
nixternalhttp://sf.net/k9copy/k9copy-[(\d\.)-*]\.tar\.gz <- neversfelde won't that work?18:16
* nixternal thinks we need to get kwwii to make us a new logo to better represent Kubuntu + KDE 4 + Oxygen18:17
nixternalOr Nuno18:17
neversfeldenixternal: no, no matching hrefs for watch line18:18
Mamaroknixternal: ask Nuno, he will ceratinaly be happy to :)18:19
nixternalKubuntu logo with an Oxygen and Airy feel to it18:19
seeleArtemis_Fowl: there is no feedback in konsole, just a dialog that pops up with the "Cannot open shared resource" error18:20
Artemis_Fowlseele: ah ok, it's not installed18:21
seeleArtemis_Fowl: uhm.. hmm.. dpkg didnt tell me it wasn't.. it got as far as Setting up kgrubeditor (20090529-1) ... and then it threw those errors i pasted earlier18:22
Artemis_Fowlseele: I modified the package a bit. try this one: http://www.sigmirror.com/files/20394_8kdst/kgrubeditor_20090529-1_i386.deb18:23
Artemis_Fowlif this doesn't work, then someone else should create the package18:23
Riddellnixternal: kwwii says he'll have more time for Kubuntu bits this cycle18:23
Artemis_Fowlor I'll give you screenshots18:23
Riddellnixternal: if you want to start a wiki page with art to do that would be great18:23
nixternalRiddell: I can do that, anything else art related you can think of?18:24
Artemis_Fowlseele: the last package should install any necessary packages hopefully18:24
nixternalguess the general stuff for Kubuntu customization: KDM, KSplash, Wallpaper, Logo18:24
* nixternal notes that he wants to update Kubuntu TODO for everything and make it easy to navigate and attract new contributors possibly18:25
seeleArtemis_Fowl: same errors as before18:25
nixternalread that Fedora's new contribs were inspired by their TODO list and how easy it was18:26
Riddellnixternal: network manager, KDM, he was metioning customising the plasma theme18:26
Riddellnixternal: KubuntuKarmicSpecs links to all the specs, feel free to update the ToDo from them18:27
nixternalroger that18:27
Artemis_Fowlseele: while installing the package or while trying to launch kgrubeditor?18:29
QuintasanIt's my graphics card or framebuffer doesn't support resolutions higher than 1024x768? and first of all why there is no bootsplash for 1920x1080?18:34
ryanakcaQuintasan: I think it's yours, my desktop at home got 1024x1028, or I think it did anyways18:36
ryanakcaDoes it just fail or can you tell by the size of the font?18:37
QuintasanI can tell by the size of font18:38
Quintasanit's so big that I can't see my whole prompt18:38
QuintasanI can't boot it now and I don't know why it fails because: a) no bootsplash b) fonts are too big18:39
QuintasanX works with 1920x1080 but framebuffer doesn't, dunno why18:40
seeleArtemis_Fowl: both18:42
seeleArtemis_Fowl: same dpkg error and same dialog error18:42
Artemis_Fowlseele: -.-18:42
Artemis_Fowlseele: could somebody else create a package or should I make screenshots?18:43
seeleArtemis_Fowl: for now maybe screenshots, but maybe someone will make us a package18:43
* seele pokes nixternal and ScottK 18:43
neversfeldeRiddell: 15 guys on the picture and 14 names under it. I think you have missed one?18:44
ryanakcaRiddell: s/Kavanah/Kavanagh/18:48
ryanakcaRiddell: Tonio is the missing one18:49
nixternalhrmm, my fan is making the UDS whine!18:50
nixternalseems nepomukservices just decided to take off on its own18:50
Quintasanwho manages the bootsplash artwork?18:53
Artemis_Fowlseele: I have to go. If anybody is willing to create a test package, here is the source code: http://www.sigmirror.com/files/20395_bqbu2/KGRUBEditor-0.9.0-Source.tar.bz218:54
Artemis_Fowlseele: otherwise I will simply create some screenshots18:54
neversfeldeanother -Source :)18:55
Artemis_Fowlit's CPack generated18:55
Artemis_Fowlshould it be there?18:56
neversfeldeI am currently trying to remove it from k9copy in the watch file otherwise uupdate creates the version 2.3.2-Source-0ubuntu1. I think this is not correct?18:58
QuintasanArtemis_Fowl, If noone will make I package I will try to do it ASAP18:58
QuintasanI will make the package if noone else does :P18:59
* Quintasan tends to miss important parts of sentence18:59
Artemis_FowlQuintasan: sure, if you could that would be great18:59
Artemis_Fowlbtw it depends on imagemagick and policykit-kde. I don't know the exact package names though, I just checkout policykit-kde from KDE's svn and install the libpolkit-* packages (all except from the -gnome ones)19:02
Artemis_Fowlanyway, all we need is a simple package.19:02
* Artemis_Fowl has to go now...19:03
ryanakcaScottK: Around?19:11
* JontheEchidna will be back sunday19:15
* seele waves19:16
MamarokRiddell: there is somebody missing in the picture legend in the upper row, who is this?19:44
smarterMamarok: where's the picture with legend? :)19:48
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neversfeldeMamarok: seems to be Tonio19:53
neversfeldesmarter: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/396919:54
smarterindeed, it's Tonio :)19:55
neversfeldeany karaoke live cams? :)20:15
smarterdamn, the "About Kubuntu" thing in the Live-CD is cool, too bad it isn't translated, at least in French20:52
ScottKryanakca: I'm around now.21:44
ryanakcaScottK: Could you sign my GPG key please?21:48
* ryanakca grumbles about having gotten lost on the way to the karaoke21:49
ScottKryanakca: Sure.  Bring your passport.  Did you sign mine before, I don't recall?21:49
ryanakcaScottK: It's a tad outdated, but sure, what room?21:50
ryanakcaAnd yes, I've signed yours21:50
freeflyingScottK: did i sign your key?22:07
astrommeJontheEchidna: ping22:07
ScottKfreeflying: You did.22:07
ScottKfreeflying: You took the information anyway.  I'm not sure if I've gotten it from you (my email is about 2000 messages behind).22:08
freeflyingScottK: I should sign yours :)22:08
ScottKAnd I have your information, but signing will have to wait until I get back where I have my key.22:09
freeflyingScottK: its ok22:09
neversfeldewhat is conman?22:51
Nightroseconnection manager22:53
Nightrosenew network manager iiuc22:53
neversfeldeNightrose: never heard, do you have a link?22:53
ScottKIt's being discussed here at UDS as a possibility, but I don't know anything else about it.22:53
Nightroseneversfelde: nope sorry22:53
neversfeldemhh, wicd has an ncurses frontend  :)22:55
neversfeldeconman is from moblin?22:55
freeflyingScottK: seems conman is writen with gtk, is it?23:06
ScottKfreeflying: I don't know exactly, but I recall sebas making some comment about things on the way to support it in KDE.23:20

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