
thadphey is edubuntu just ubuntu with more packages or is it a stripped down version of ubuntu with more educational apps?02:40
thadpnevermind found answer of FAQ02:43
loic-mDoes anybody know why we add X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=tuxtype to package tuxtype but not for tuxmath? Both are in main.09:07
bencrisfordstgraber: ping09:19
bencrisfordanyone know what the bzr branch is for edubuntu-docs?10:10
bencrisfordim fixing a bug10:10
bencrisford1highvoltage: Ping10:52
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae
highvoltagebencrisford1: pong11:01
bencrisfordhighvoltage: I fixed a bug in a documentation package11:03
bencrisfordsaw you on the contributor list11:04
bencrisfordwhat do i do with my nice diff now?11:04
bencrisfordin fact, how do i make a debdiff :S :'(11:09
bencrisford1I changed the wording of a paragraph in School Advocacy (edubuntu-docs) to fix a bug and now the motu recommend I upload it to my PPA and make a merge proposal12:48
bencrisford1but I don't know which files to upload12:49
bencrisford1just the .diff?  the .dsc?  .tar.gz?12:49
bencrisford1or shall I just upload the diff as a patch to the bug?12:49
bencrisford1highvoltage, stgraber: ?12:49
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=== Nubae1 is now known as Nubae
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LaserJockNubae: around?18:31
bencrisfordHey LaserJock18:35
* bencrisford fixed his first bug18:35
bencrisfordand it was in edubuntu18:35
LaserJockbencrisford: I saw you filed a bug on edubuntu-docs18:36
bencrisfordi didnt file it18:36
bencrisfordi uploaded a patch :)18:36
LaserJockoh, I see18:36
bencrisfordi subscribed you because i thought you were the maintainer of the branch18:36
LaserJockwell, I don't think it needs any coordination with the doc team or translators18:36
LaserJockbut thanks for the fix18:36
bencrisford:), it was really good to practice packaging18:37
bencrisfordcos it was just as simple as the example on the HowToPatch18:38
bencrisfordLaserJock: I noticed on the documentation team for edubuntu, the owner of the team - will something - i cant find him anywhere18:41
bencrisfordits like hes disappeared18:41
LaserJockhe worked for Canonical at one point18:41
bencrisfordperhaps the EC should restart the team?18:41
LaserJockbut left over a year ago or so18:41
bencrisfordthats not good18:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gcompris18:44
LaserJock!info gcompris18:44
ubottugcompris (source: gcompris): Educational games for small children. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.4-1.1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 457 kB, installed size 1568 kB18:44
LaserJockbencrisford: so I see you had some fun with #ubuntu-ops the other day :-)18:54
asanchezHi everybody19:11
bencrisford1"bencrisford: so I see you had some fun with #ubuntu-ops the other day :-)"19:25
bencrisford1LaserJock: Err, yeah :/ :P19:25
bencrisford1LaserJock: Sorry about that btw ;)19:34
=== hibana_ is now known as hibana
LaserJockbencrisford1: np, I didn't even know about their policy myself and I've been around for 4 years19:47
bencrisford1ok :)19:49
LaserJockbencrisford1: they told me to file bugs if I want more bot features19:49
bencrisford1ah ok19:49
bencrisford1How long do ubuntu membership meetings take these days?19:49
LaserJockoh gosh, I have no idea19:49
LaserJockI haven't been to one in years19:50
bencrisford1stgraber: ping19:50
bencrisford1well, its just im 6th for tuesday19:50
bencrisford1and i can only stay an hour :S19:50
LaserJockbencrisford1: usually if you say up front that you have a limited time they'll try to make sure they get to you by then19:50
bencrisford1Ok, ill make sure i let them know19:51
bencrisford1thanks ;)19:51
bencrisford1LaserJock: A core-edubuntu-doc team might be useful.  The team could have commit access, so it would be easier to fix bugs19:52
LaserJockbencrisford1: well, I'm glad you got to do some packaging with that doc bug, I'm not going to be able to upload it19:52
bencrisford1Ill talk to mdke :)19:52
LaserJockbencrisford1: we don't actually ship the Advocacy Doc and we're not going to do an SRU just for that19:52
LaserJockbencrisford1: *but*, it really should go into the bzr branch19:53
bencrisford1well im glad i got to do it, and im glad ive shown the world that bencrisford *can* package :D!19:53
LaserJockunfortunately I've removed myself from ~ubuntu-core-doc so I don't have commit access to my own branches :-)19:53
NubaeLaserJock: hi19:53
Nubaewasss up?19:53
bencrisford1LaserJock: If you had a word with the doc peoples they'd give it back19:54
LaserJockNubae: I wondered how big your Live Sugar disk is19:54
LaserJockbencrisford1: well, I don't really want it back :-)19:54
Nubaebut we packaged pretty much everything19:54
bencrisford1:P fair enough LaserJock19:54
LaserJockNubae: no gnome? just sugar?19:54
Nubaeso all activities, all of sugar19:55
Nubaea lot of gnome too, since sugar relies on its backend19:55
LaserJockdo you use GDM?19:55
Nubaeevince, gstreamer, gdk19:55
LaserJockor does it just boot straight into Sugar?19:55
Nubaeno gdm no19:55
Nubaestartx straight into matchbox19:55
Nubaestarting with 0.86 though, sugar moves to metacity19:56
* jussi01 waves to LaserJock19:56
LaserJockhi jussi0119:56
Nubaeanyway, we've got it all working very nicely now... only activity doesnt work properly is Read19:56
Nubaestrangely it works on the full -edu dvd, but not on the minimal sugar live cd19:56
NubaeI'm missing something somewhere, but not sure what19:57
* jussi01 sadly missed the meeting the other day, are there logs/summary around?19:57
LaserJockNubae: did you have to patch any of the non-Sugar stuff? like abiword or anything19:57
Nubaestill its not bad... Sugar is about 100 packages, and its being nicely maintained19:57
bencrisford1jussi01: Should be on the mailing list ;)19:57
Nubaeyeah, we patched  a couple of things19:57
Nubaebut it didnt requrie much to get it all to work19:57
Nubaeits mostly out there already19:57
bencrisford1jussi01: If you aren't a subscriber ill find the post in the archive for you ?19:58
Nubaepatched sugar to work with small screens by setting it to 72% of its original size if res =< 600 height19:58
LaserJockNubae: so there's roughly 100 packages for Sugar? and we've got what, like maybe 20?19:58
Nubaeheh, I think we might have less than that, and there's probably like 150 when u count dependencies and activities19:59
bencrisford1jussi01: What meeting would that be?  The council meeting or the one a week or so ago?19:59
NubaeI packaged each activity as its own package19:59
Nubaeso activities alone there are 6019:59
Nubaethen there are some meta packages that include a lot of stuff19:59
LaserJockdo you think those will be grouped together at some point?19:59
Nubaelike glucose (sugar foundation) and sucrose19:59
LaserJockI would think most people would want to have the full sets19:59
Nubaewe had to do patches for xulrunner20:00
Nubaefor gstreamer20:00
Nubaefor xypcom20:00
Nubaefor evince, abiword, python bindings20:00
LaserJockso you have your own packages for those in the Sugar repo?20:00
Nubaewhen I think of it, its a lot of work20:00
bencrisford1https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2009-May/002898.html - jussi01: thats the meeting minutes for the one the friday before last20:01
NubaeYou can take a look at the X11: Sugar repo20:01
Nubaethat should contain a lot of stuff20:01
bencrisford1https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2009-May/002903.html - jussi01: thats the council meeting last week :)20:01
Nubaeand the .kiwi file describes the packages used to build the iso20:01
Nubaelet me see if I can give u an overview20:01
LaserJocksbalneav: around?20:01
bencrisford1jussi01:  they're the only ones i can find in the archive20:01
Nubaeanyway, we are pretty much done now, so if/when u like I can start with buntu20:02
LaserJockNubae: a first step could be to have oBS spit out source packages and just upload those to a PPA20:02
LaserJockNubae: just to see how it works out on an Ubuntu system20:02
LaserJockNubae: we can then refine them if needed and work on getting non-Sugar patches (abiword, xypcom, etc.) into Ubuntu proper20:03
Nubaeyeah thats where most of the work is going to go I believe20:03
Nubaebut... openSUSE is a geat model20:04
LaserJockif oBS does a good job of spitting out source packages we could automate it20:04
Nubaepretty much everything that could be done, has been done there20:04
LaserJockbut if it's going to take tweaking a lot we'll need to fork it I guess20:04
Nubaethats what we got20:04
Nubaeforking is going to be required I think, but come newer releases u can always join again20:05
Nubaethe debian maintainer Jonas is taking things much more seriously now20:05
Nubaemostly because he sees whats been done with Mandriva and openSUSE, both distros didnt even have sugar a couple months ago20:05
bencrisford1"drop by the IRC Freenode #opensuse-edu channel and talk to Cyberorg or Nubae. "  -- Nubae's famous :) :P20:06
LaserJockNubae: that's one of the nice things about FLOSS, sometimes people just need a kick in the butt from a "competitor" to get them going20:06
LaserJockDebian (and hence most things Debian-based) tend to be not-so-quick with these kinds of things20:07
Nubaehehe, yeah strangely that worked very well with Jonas20:07
LaserJockbut usually Debian is very good technically and very thorough20:07
Nubaein the beginning he was like, nah, forget it, dont feel like packaging 0.84, not gonna20:07
Nubaethen around him stuff started moving, without him20:08
Nubaeand he quickly jumped the train20:08
Nubaethe sad thing is, in the process we lost the uuntu sugar team20:08
LaserJockwell, hopefully if things can get back on track people will re-join20:09
LaserJockbut yeah, there's always these silly political things that happen20:09
Nubaewe'll see, I think it needs someone thats gonna be realtively permenant20:09
Nubaeand aploticial20:09
Nubaethats what really put me off debian... the politics... otherwise it would be my distro of choice20:10
Nubaefortunately, the negative parts of debian policy are left at the ubuntu door, and good parts taken20:10
LaserJockluckily the groups I work with in Debian are pretty good that way20:10
Nubaeso we get a relatively forward thinking, yet still solid distro20:10
LaserJockyeah, there's a place for both20:11
NubaeopenSUSE is just too wild in that sense20:11
LaserJockpolitics isn't all bad in a way20:11
LaserJockDebian has been a great place for thrashing out important things like "what is free software?", etc.20:11
Nubaewell, it has a place... but not in my world.. I rather spend my time working on actually getting the job done20:11
LaserJockbut for those of use that just want to get something done it's nice to have a place for it20:12
Nubaedon't be distracted by shiny objects... working code first! :-)20:12
Nubaethere is this new distro called tin hat linux... everything launches from ram.... so its blazingly fast... takes 5 minutes to start up, but after that its like the fastest distro u ever saw20:14
LaserJockhow much RAM do you need?20:14
Nubae2 gigs20:14
LaserJocknot bad20:15
Nubaebut its been done for security reasons20:15
Nubaeso people cant run off with sensitive stuff20:15
Nubaethe speed is just an added benefit20:15
bencrisford1im gonna try and rescue my old laptop by installing xubuntu on it20:18
LaserJockbencrisford1: what are the specs?20:21
bencrisford1dunno LaserJock20:32
bencrisford1256MB ram20:32
bencrisford120GB hdd20:32
LaserJockyou might want something even lighter with 256 MB20:33
ubottufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/20:34
bencrisford1well ubuntu just about starts on it20:34
bencrisford1but x doesnt always work20:34
bencrisford1i think xubuntu *should* work20:34
bencrisford1if it doesnt ill try fluxbuntu, thanks jussi01 ;) :)20:34
LaserJockI'd go with crunchbang over fluxbuntu I think20:35
LaserJockbut that's maybe because I don't particularly like fluxbox20:35
jussi01theres also lubuntu, but Ive not tried that20:35
bencrisford1oh i read about that today actually20:35
bencrisford1well the xubuntu install is going a helluvalot better than the ubuntu one went20:36
* bencrisford1 takes that back...20:42
LaserJockare you installing via live CDs?20:42
LaserJockthat's probably not going to work very well20:42
bencrisford1:'(, i just want an ubuntu that works for it :P20:43
LaserJockyou want to use the Alternate CDs for installing20:43
LaserJockLiveCDs take lots and lots of RAM20:43
LaserJockI think Ubuntu's LiveCD needs ~ 384MB or so20:43
bencrisford1lol i wish you'd told me that after i spent an hour downloading it :P20:43
LaserJocksorry, I just assumed20:44
LaserJockI rarely use the Desktop CDs20:44
bencrisford1lol, its ok :), no need to be sorry :P20:44
bencrisford1im glad i have a xubuntu cd anyway20:44
Nubaeactually the specs make it a great thin client20:56
bencrisford1Well i just spoke to the #lubuntu peoples :)20:58
bencrisford1they say itll be better when its complete20:58
bencrisford1so ill give em a hand with development i guess :)20:58
Nubaeeither that or you use it to test edubuntu as a thin client :p21:02
bencrisfordIf you guys were on the membership board, how many testimonials would it take on my profile for me to be considered would you say?21:07
bencrisfordLaserJock: Nubae: jussi01: ?21:09
jussi01depends on the testimonials, and content of what you have done.21:09
bencrisfordhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BenCrisford - LaserJock, jussi0121:10
LaserJockbencrisford: btw, mdke just made a edubuntu-karmic doc branch21:10
LaserJockbencrisford: so if you make your changes for the Advocacy doc there, and request a merge then you can mark that bug as fixed21:11
=== hibana_ is now known as hibana
bencrisfordLaserJock: I was planning on uploading my patch to my PPA and them requesting a merge21:11
bencrisfordbut i couldnt work out what to upload :(21:12
LaserJockbencrisford: no PPA needed21:12
bencrisfordoh ?21:12
LaserJockbencrisford: the docs are done in bzr21:12
bencrisfordyeah, but i wont have commit access21:12
LaserJockthe .debs are totally different in a sense21:12
bencrisfordthe .diff was a bzr diff21:12
bencrisfordi got the bzr branch and then changed it and did a bzr diff to get the .diff21:12
LaserJockso make sure to do it on the new karmic branch21:13
LaserJockand there is a specific syntax for bug closings21:13
bencrisfordso where do i upload the files, and what files to i upload? =S21:14
LaserJockso in the changelog write what you changed and then do: Closes LP: bug #21077121:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210771 in edubuntu-docs "School advocacy wrongly speaks about Scribus being Illustrator-like" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21077121:14
LaserJockso email the .diff to the doc list21:14
LaserJockasking them to apply it to edubuntu-karmic21:14
bencrisfordAh ok21:15
LaserJockbencrisford: does that make sense?21:15
bencrisfordyeah :)21:15
bencrisfordLaserJock: edubuntu-docs_9.04.1ubuntu2.diff - an appropriate filename for the diff?21:22
LaserJockthat's more like a debdiff21:22
LaserJockyou're just making a change, not an upload21:23
LaserJockso I'd maybe name it something that describes the change21:23
bencrisfordwell, thats what was on the packaging tutorial :P21:23
bencrisfordwhat do i call it?21:23
LaserJockwell, but you're not packaging21:23
LaserJockyou're more like making an upstream change21:23
nubaegod, right click and get terminal option is such a stupid thing, but its so incredibly highly useful for me21:23
nubaein Fedora to open the terminal u have to go in the systems menu... its like totally hidden away... almost as bad as windows21:24
nubaeubuntu is ok, but openSUSE makes it the most logical... right click on the desktop, get option for terminal....21:24
LaserJockyeah, that would be nice21:25
bencrisfordi have a popup terminal thats on my awn21:25
bencrisfordits just like a little bubble coming off my awn when i click it21:26
nubaeright but I mean as a distro default21:26
bencrisfordyeah i know21:26
LaserJockbencrisford: let me pastebin what I think your diff should look like21:26
bencrisfordok ty21:26
bencrisfordnubae: You tried dos emulator?21:27
bencrisfordi can imagine windows veterans loving it21:27
nubaedos emulator, in linux?21:27
bencrisfordits like a command prompt21:27
nubaewell its useful to play some of those old adventure games21:27
bencrisfordand you can manipulate your ~ through it too21:27
bencrisfordi forot all my dos though :/21:29
nubaedos is mostly useless21:29
bencrisfordbut its quite cool21:29
bencrisfordhaving the emulator21:29
bencrisfordit would be useful for windows veterans turned linux21:29
bencrisfordLaserJock: Is the one I uploaded to the bug not correct :/?21:30
LaserJockit's ok21:30
LaserJockI mean, technically it's fine21:30
LaserJockit's just there's more to it in this case21:31
LaserJockstuff that you wouldn't necessarily know21:31
LaserJockbencrisford: ^^21:34
bencrisfordill check it out21:34
bencrisfordLaserJock: I didn't go too far off track with my changelog as far as i can see :)21:39
bencrisfordmdke suggested I add the other suggestinos b the reporter21:39
LaserJocknope, not at all21:40
LaserJockI just saw his email21:40
bencrisfordoh :)21:40
bencrisfordwas it to the doc list?21:40
nubaeso LaserJock, when do I get considered for membership again?21:40
nubaebtw, something like this is very relevant short term for edubuntu packages... so we can at least show the public that things are moving ahead: http://en.opensuse.org/Education/Applications/Desktop21:41
LaserJockbencrisford: no, the comment on the bug report21:41
nubaenicely split into subject areas too21:41
LaserJocknubae: yes, very nice indeed!21:42
nubaeincluding nice little icons for DE (desktop environment)21:42
nubaegood thing about opensuse wiki system is how easy it is to edit21:42
LaserJockwhat I'd like to have is a place for everybody to contribute to something like that21:42
nubaeu should check that out some time21:42
nubaeright... it should be as easy as possible for people to add/rate.... Moodle would be one such way21:43
LaserJockyeah, novell has probably *the* best docs and doc systems around21:43
nubaebut even that is too much work... it needs to be practically getting very little info, but allowing almost immediate contribution21:43
LaserJockI don't find Moodle very easy21:43
LaserJockI'd much rather just have a wiki page21:43
nubaeyeah its not unfortunately21:43
nubaepowerful, but steep learning curve21:43
nubaefor Sugar, they've taken out about 80% of its options21:44
nubaeyeah for this agreed, wiki page... but just overall, we should have as few and as simple tools as possible21:44
nubaeBut moodle comes to mind becuase if properly setup its a one stop shop that is very inviting21:44
LaserJockyeah, it's just not trivial for us to set up21:45
nubaeanyway, take a look at that wiki page, and we can probably rip most of it21:45
LaserJockalthough with the Learning Project setting up an instance maybe there will be more moodle around Ubuntu21:45
nubaewell, otherwise we'll loose out to suse... where they set up Moodle for me about an hour after I suggested it21:46
nubaeam now populating it... so they've got their heads in the right place... once its done, I'll point u to it, so u can take a look21:46
LaserJockwell, I think openSUSE must not be quite the target that Ubuntu is21:46
LaserJockfor a long time we had a no-PHP policy21:47
LaserJockand that's been slowly weakening21:47
LaserJockbut we still get hacked21:47
nubaebtw, u remember I did that desktop background with the penguins learning that polar bears are not food, but rather they are food to polar bears?21:47
LaserJockoh yeah, I ran across that on my laptop just yesterday I think21:47
nubaeu still wanna use that for a release?21:47
nubaeits quite a funny one21:47
nubaeI ask because otherwise I'll give it to the openSUSE community, although I'd rather see it running on edubuntu21:48
LaserJockyeah, we should do something with it21:48
LaserJockwell, can't both use it?21:48
nubaeI can jaz it up somewhat21:48
nubaewell, its more inline with ubuntu colours, and I was thinking about edubuntu when I created it, so default it will be edubuntu... but sure, people can install on whatever21:49
nubaeu have any suggestions for it? ideas?21:49
nubaeshould I make a theme to go with it? splash, bootup?21:49
nubaeicon set?21:49
bencrisfordLaserJock: What should I call the .diff file?21:49
LaserJockwell, we need all of those21:49
nubaethe cool thing is I have one of those wacom cintiq tablets21:50
LaserJockbencrisford: advocacy_bug210771.diff21:50
nubaeso its quite easy and lots of fun to create this stuff21:50
bencrisfordnubae: I'd quite like to see that background, have a link?21:50
bencrisfordLaserJock: ty :)21:50
nubaeso tell me in order of importance whats needed?21:50
LaserJockicons are tough to get a full set21:50
nubaebencrisford: let me check21:50
nubaeLaserJock: I know... but we can start via priorities21:50
LaserJockwallpaper + gdm is most important I think21:50
bencrisfordI can help with GDM21:50
bencrisfordive got a bit of experience21:51
nubaeah yes... login... ok, will work on that next21:51
LaserJockthen gnome splash, gtk/metacity/compiz theme21:51
bencrisfordwe could get an existing one21:51
nubaebencrisford: oh ok.. perhaps u can port the wallpaper to gdm somehow21:51
nubaeLaserJock: u have a link so he can see it?21:51
LaserJockone sec21:51
bencrisfordif we got an existing ubuntu GDM, and plugged the edubuntu artwork21:51
bencrisfordwould be easier :)21:51
bencrisfordjust need to change the .desktop21:52
bencrisfordof the existing theme21:52
nubaeyeah, the colour set is pretty much inline with ubuntu already... the wallpaper is made to evoke an emotional response of laughter, which I think it does quite well21:52
bencrisfordaww i wanna see it :D21:52
nubaeI wonder whether we can make mouse pointer set with a similar response21:53
nubaeso like the same teacher penguin pointing or something21:53
nubaeand instead of an X, u get a polar bear eating a penguin21:53
nubaeand instead of a tick mark, u get a penguin eating a tasty fish21:53
bencrisfordLaserJock: So I send the .diff in an email to the ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com21:54
nubaeit would make people laugh for sure21:54
bencrisfordbut they would need to be big21:54
bencrisfordso people could see whats in them21:54
nubaeyeah true... still a penguin pointing is possible21:54
nubaejust the penguins arm21:54
LaserJockbencrisford: actually, since mdke already commented on it, just attach it to the bug report21:54
bencrisfordok :)21:54
LaserJockhmmpf, now I can't find the wallpaper21:55
LaserJockoh, I think it was in my email21:57
* LaserJock chuckles21:58
nubaeyeah need to upload it some place... but forgot my flickr user and pass21:58
nubaewe could do a set of funny educational ones like that21:59
nubaeone where learning math is important or there be dire consequences ahead for the penguin21:59
nubaelike 20 penguins + one seal, not so bad... 20 seals and one penguin not so good21:59
nubaewould just require switching the blackboard picture to make some more funny ones22:00
LaserJockgiven that we're not stretched for space I think having some sets like that would be great22:00
nubaemaybe one can be a windows logo with an X, a penguin with a tick22:00
nubaebut we make the penguin a female ;-)22:01
nubaethat would have some internal humour to it22:01
LaserJocknubae: I'd work with the Ubuntu Artwork team maybe a bit to get their input, etc.22:01
nubaewell, to be honest I think thats too much input, I was hoping just to throw some ideas around here22:02
nubaeand we can come up with something, then maybe after the work is done, pass it by the artwork team22:02
LaserJockthey're going to know more about doing the themes, etc. though22:02
nubaebut otherwise no work is gonna be done22:02
nubaeu know how it is22:02
nubaewell the idea here is that it be an educational theme22:03
nubaehave u seen the opensuse-edu themes?22:03
LaserJockdon't go to them with "what do we do?" but I mean like having them do a review of it to see if they have any suggestions on improvement22:03
LaserJockyeah, it looks pretty nice22:03
nubaeah yeah will do that for sure22:04
nubaein terms of, if I was to tackle icons... which are the important ones... whats on the desktop to begin with, and I guess file manipulation/navigation?22:05
SvenstaroIs UDS over now?22:05
nubaeand do we stick to traditional ideas for themes, what age target group?22:06
LaserJocknubae: what you might do is do a review of icons to pick out ones that are particularly un-educational22:06
SvenstaroNo update on mailing list yet :/ Want to be updated22:06
LaserJockSvenstaro: update of what?22:06
nubaeah right... good diea22:06
LaserJocknubae: some are pretty ok, but others would be good to replace22:06
SvenstaroLaserJock, update on the official status of Eduubntu and UDS updates about Edubuntu22:06
SvenstaroI really want to know where we stand.22:06
LaserJocknubae: what I'd ideally like to see is an artwork package for each of -preschool, -primary, -secondary, -tertiary22:07
nubaewell if we think about the general idea being school books, pencils, crayons, etc... I'm sure with that in mind we can come up with something22:07
nubaeoh ok, makes sense... so maybe lets tackle that first22:07
nubaewallpapers for 3 areas22:07
LaserJockSvenstaro: well, there have been some updates throughout UDS22:07
nubaeso getting funnier/whittier the older u go22:07
LaserJockSvenstaro: right now people are still traveling22:08
nubaepreschool has to be something quite universal, almost a foto I geuss22:08
LaserJockSvenstaro: but is there something in particular you want?22:08
nubaeI think the existing one fits well with primary22:08
nubaesecondary need something a bit 'kewler'22:08
LaserJocknubae: actually I would probably reverse it22:08
nubaeyeah see what u mean... tertiary is probably the most generic/boring22:09
SvenstaroLaserJock, did Cannocials official stance change or is it still "Do whatever you want."?22:09
LaserJockthe problem we often had in the past is that secondary and tertiary educators feel the wallpaper is to juvenile22:09
LaserJockthey want a more professional look22:09
nubaeyeah, which is why we need the funny/whit aspect to it22:09
nubaebut thats just one side... I understand what u mean22:10
SvenstaroWhy wouldn't you want a multi-purpose skin/wallpaper anyway?22:10
LaserJockSvenstaro: I've not heard anything from Canonical, I wouldn't expect to hear anything for a while22:10
nubaewell, thats highly individual I think22:10
LaserJockSvenstaro: but it isn't terribly relevant for us now I don't think22:10
nubaeuni person does not want the same wallpaper as a preschooler ;-)22:10
SvenstaroLaserJock, so we are free to do whatever we'll come up with and use Canonical's existing resources?22:11
nubaeI wish ubuntu had a mascot though... like opensuse has the gekko22:11
nubaewe can do so much with that22:11
LaserJockso giving people some age-appropriate choices would be awesome, IMO22:11
SvenstaroWell make an Edubuntu mascot.22:11
nubaeok, so well I'm gonna try making 3 more wallpapers for tonight... I have an idea for preschoolers that might work... based on creepie crawlies22:11
LaserJockSvenstaro: well, we've pretty much always been free to do whatever we come up with, within certain parameters22:11
SvenstaroOk, what should I do now?22:12
SvenstaroGet to know caspar?22:12
LaserJockyou can if you want22:12
nubaeSvenstaro: yeah indeed22:12
nubaestudy the methodoloy of creating live cds/usb sticks22:12
LaserJockI think we're going to stick with an Addon for Karmic22:12
nubaeand how to seperate components22:12
SvenstaroLaserJock, aw come on.22:12
nubaewe shold move with the LTSes22:12
SvenstaroKarmic+1 is LTS?22:13
LaserJockI think so22:13
LaserJockit's every 2 years22:13
SvenstaroThat's in 11 months then?22:13
LaserJockin 1 year22:13
SvenstaroThat's in 11 months then.22:14
SvenstaroOkay, let's so we're ready for next bunch of Linux conventions, that'd be great.22:14
SvenstaroLinuxTag, Froscon, Chemnitz Linux days.22:14
LaserJockso I think we could maybe have some test disks for karmic that'd be great22:14
LaserJock*if we could22:15
SvenstaroTo be honest, I don't think it would matter too much which release we'll spin it off from for now.22:15
SvenstaroI will go with +1 for now, though, for compatibility.22:15
SvenstaroIs alpha 1 out yet, btw?22:15
LaserJockI mean we have to test this stuff out *before* we get to the release22:15
SvenstaroRight, I just finished RC2 of my current distro, so I have plenty of time for Edubuntu now. I'll get started right now.22:16
LaserJockI'm guessing it's going to take quite some time to get everything worked out22:16
LaserJockboth technically and in trying to get the hosting put together22:16
SvenstaroAre we going to use all the pre-existing facilities?22:17
LaserJockmy rough idea would be to have the addon as official .iso for Karmic22:18
LaserJockbut have unofficial .isos available somewhere22:18
LaserJockand for karmic replace the addon .iso with the full distro .iso/image22:19
LaserJockI don't know if that's exactly what highvoltage and stgraber discussed or not22:20
SvenstaroDo I get super-special-awesome rights on the Edubuntu Launchpad release team?22:20
LaserJockthere is no such team22:20
SvenstaroIs there ANY active official team?22:20
LaserJockfor what?22:20
LaserJockthere's ~edubuntu-members, ~edubuntu-council, ~edubuntu-bugs, and ~edubuntu-dev right now that are active22:21
LaserJockbut in Ubuntu the release team is essentially centralized22:22
LaserJockslangasek is *the* Ubuntu Release Manager, who oversees Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Netbook Remix, and Mythbuntu I believe22:23
LaserJockessentially anything that's on cdimage.ubuntu.com or releases.ubuntu.com22:23
SvenstaroSo if I were to build the isos, I'd report to him?22:23
LaserJockwell no22:23
LaserJockhe builds the isos essentially22:24
LaserJockwe can provide patches to the build tools and we determine the package contents of the .isos22:25
LaserJockbut the builds themselves, etc. are done by the Ubuntu release team22:25
SvenstaroDuh :/ Makes it somewhat harder I guess.22:25
LaserJockin some ways22:25
LaserJockon the other hand, we don't have to worry about building things22:26
SvenstaroFair enough.22:26
SvenstaroI wouldn't mind uploading 700mb now and then. Oh by the way, did we decide the release *needs* to fit onto a CD?22:27
LaserJockit can't fit on a CD22:27
LaserJockfor a full distro22:27
LaserJockI think 1GB is bare minimum22:27
SvenstaroWith LZMA it *could* but it would be somewhat slow for older system anyway.22:28
LaserJockeven with LZMA I'm not sure22:28
SvenstaroBut anyway, I like the idea of having some freedom in regards to space.22:28
LaserJockbut I'm just not sure how it's going to all work22:29
SvenstaroIn which regard?22:29
LaserJockwell, I'm not sure that the release team is going to like use duplicating 700MB worth of stuff22:30
nubaewell they wont, but others are already doing that22:30
LaserJockI mean, there were definitely reasons we went to an addon22:30
nubaeubuntu-studio comes to mind22:30
LaserJockso I think the key is to make the duplication worth it22:30
LaserJockI don't think Canonical minds hosting things22:30
SvenstaroI don't really care too much about that, to be honest. I can host my own ISOs for now anyway.22:30
LaserJockthey just want it to be worth it22:30
LaserJockit sounds like the addon .iso wasn't getting much demand22:31
LaserJockand so they replaced it with Ubuntu Netbook Remix22:31
LaserJockSvenstaro: well, for Edubuntu I think it's *the* biggest concern for the future22:32
LaserJockI think having a full distro is going to be important, but if we can't host it it's not worth much22:32
SvenstaroLaserJock, come again? Hosting ISOs is the biggest concern for us?22:32
LaserJockI think it could be in terms of the future22:33
SvenstaroMany people here can provide mirrors, we have bittorrent available to us, I have my dedicated servers, I don't think it'd be a showstopper at all.22:33
LaserJockwell, but we haven't had mirrors22:34
SvenstaroOr am I missing something?22:34
LaserJockand we still need Canonical to host the builds22:34
LaserJockwhich I don't think is a big deal22:34
SvenstaroDon't think too much of that, really. We can ask the usual universities for hosting as well.22:34
nubaeheh, what do u think about this for secondary or tertiary... penguin falls asleep under an iceberg and a seal falls on his head22:35
SvenstaroWe will use Ubiquity I assume?22:35
LaserJockin any case, somebody needs to talk with the release team about it22:35
nubaeor maybe a whole load fish22:36
LaserJockI'm not sure about Ubiquity22:36
nubaeso its like newton... but penguin based22:36
LaserJocknubae: maybe, I'd have to see it22:36
LaserJockheh, yeah, that'd kinda be funny22:36
nubaetertiary could be einstein penguin22:36
nubaediscovering relativty or something22:36
Svenstaronubae, great ideas there.22:37
nubaehe could discover himself in an alternate dimension22:37
SvenstaroA bearded penguin *shudder*22:37
nubaewell I'll get drawing.. The newton one will be funny for sure22:37
LaserJockI'm kinda of conflicted about using a LiveCD for install or not22:37
nubaewhats more like an apple?22:37
SvenstaroYou could also have the usual atom-electron representation with small penguins orbiting the atom instead of electron dots.22:37
nubaeI want to make sure people get it22:37
nubaeSvenstaro: yeah, thats not too hard to do22:38
LaserJocktraditionally we've used the Alternate CD for installing LTSP22:38
nubaeand preschool maybe just penguins dancing around22:38
nubaeI'll see what I come up with, any ideas for alternative to an apple?22:38
nubaeI guess a big fish is the closest22:39
LaserJocka sardine looking thing would maybe work22:39
SvenstaroLaserJock, we wanna make it worth it, don't we? Why should we keep it to Ubuntu alternate? I don't like that idea at all. This time, there should be a *clear* separation of Edubuntu and the rest.22:39
nubaeand he could have his mouth open... snoring like22:39
LaserJockSvenstaro: right, there were just technical issues22:39
LaserJockSvenstaro: nobody had yet been able to do a LiveCd install of LTSP22:40
SvenstaroI'm about to figure out everything now.22:40
SvenstaroWe shall be the first men on this kind of moon then.22:40
nubaeok, so bearded einstein penguin with atom-electron diagram showing small dancing penguins22:40
Svenstaronubae, more like electron penguins in "swimming pose" with their wings to their body, like they are diving at great speed22:40
LaserJockinitially I wanted to have 1 .iso be a LiveCD with no installer for demos22:41
LaserJockand then have another installable .iso either as an Addon or Alternate Cd22:41
nubaeSvenstaro: yeah, and they could be like riding a wave...22:41
nubaeor particles22:41
SvenstaroIs there a post tertiary skin?22:43
SvenstaroCould be string penguin vibrations or something along those lines.22:43
LaserJockwe haven't gotten to post-tertiary22:43
LaserJockin face, we haven't even really gotten to tertiary22:43
LaserJockI was thinking about the need to focus down to start with22:43
nubaehehe, for preschool, we can play with the evolution theme, except from fish to man, we do fish to penguin22:44
SvenstaroShould we really keep separating apps in that manner? No critizism, just a call to reflect on that earlier decision.22:44
LaserJockSvenstaro: well, Jaunty was the first release to do that22:44
LaserJockit's a common request that we make things more age-appropriate22:44
nubaesorry ape to man becomes chicken to penguin or something22:45
LaserJockand that people don't know what apps are for what ages, etc.22:45
nubaeI'm thinking of this drawing... the ape to men drawing: http://www.iconsofevolution.com/22:45
nubaeor man to penguin going via mermaid?22:46
SvenstaroUbuntu Christianic Edition will hate us.22:46
nubaehehe, we do something special for them22:46
LaserJockstarting with a dinosaur might be better22:46
nubaedinasour to penguin... hmmmm22:46
LaserJockvia chicken-looking thing?22:46
nubaeyeah or we could look for the actual penguin lineage22:47
LaserJockSvenstaro: I doubt UCE would complain ;-)22:47
SvenstaroYou could have a bunch of penguin like creatures, dinosaurs with penguin features. A bit like "Homer Evolution", do you know that one?22:47
nubaemake it realisitic22:47
SvenstaroLaserJock, but they certainly won't be happy :P22:47
nubaeso from bird dinasour to penguin22:47
LaserJockSvenstaro: not necessarily22:47
nubaeterodactyl, via flightless bird (ostrich) to penguin22:47
SvenstaroBaptism schools are not going to use Edubuntu hehe22:48
nubaethat has the fun of being kind of funny, but not too funny, and still educational22:48
nubaeok, so got ideas for all of them now...22:48
Svenstaronubae, is that line actually correct then? Terodactyl to penguin?22:48
nubaeI'll post my drawings tomorrow22:48
nubaeheheehe... yeah it is...22:49
LaserJockit's a cartoon, we can make it funny22:49
nubaewho is gonna prove me wrong :p22:49
LaserJockthat's right22:49
LaserJocksomething like openSUSE's new theme would be awesome for tertiary22:49
nubaethere's the actual line, so I may actually not be far off the mark22:50
nubaehmmm so from velociraptor to penguin is not even that much of a stretch22:53
SvenstaroVelociraptors OWN penguins :P22:54
nubaewell, we are gonna teach that penguins once WERE velociraptors :p22:54
SvenstaroAnyway, do you guys reckon this is the right way to create a live medium for us? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch22:55
LaserJockwe have builders like I said22:56
SvenstaroSo where should I start?22:56
nubaepenguin evolution22:56
LaserJockwell, I would have a look at ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd22:56
LaserJockand read up on seed management/germinate22:56
nubaethat is one long ass url22:56
SvenstaroLaserJock, what kind of work do I need to do for the builders to work from? Can't I just create a script that does everything from start to end?22:58
LaserJockumm, that's what ubuntu-cdimage is22:59
LaserJocklike I said, Ubuntu already has everything22:59
SvenstaroThe tool's name is ubuntu-cdimage?22:59
LaserJockwhat we need to do is get the configuration stuff setup so that it builds a LiveCD rather than an addon Cd22:59
LaserJockSvenstaro: let me give you the bzr branches23:00
Svenstarohttps://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage ?23:00
LaserJockI think so yes23:00
LaserJockit should get you ~cjwatson/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline23:01
SvenstaroCan't find docs on it, is the included stuff enough to get me started?23:01
LaserJockyou also want the debian-cd bzr branch as well23:01
LaserJockand install germinate23:01
Svenstarohttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu ?23:02
LaserJockyou want to read README and config/devel23:03
SvenstaroDo I want to use anything pre-existing in the Edubuntu project right now or start over?23:03
LaserJockwell, a fair amount of it will use pre-existing23:03
SvenstaroWhere can I get the specific Edubuntu data?23:04
LaserJockwell, it's basically all mixed around :-)23:05
SvenstaroSo I'll start over?23:05
LaserJockyou just need to look at the edubuntu stuff and modify it23:07
LaserJockyou might start with grepping for edubuntu23:07
SvenstaroWell, *where* is the Edubuntu stuff? If I have to hunt many different people to get the sources I'll just start over.23:07
LaserJockit's within the files23:08
LaserJockthe debian-cd branch will be the most important for you23:10
LaserJockubuntu-cdimage is mostly for the download webpages, which will need to be messed with aftwards23:10
LaserJockmostly just greping around for edubuntu should work23:12
SvenstaroDoes this mean I can not do my own images and have to rely on the Ubuntu release team to make them for me?23:15
LaserJockI don't see any reason not to23:15
LaserJockand I doubt the Ubuntu release team is going to host something they didn't build23:16
SvenstaroWell I want to rapidly test if I got it right. Sometimes I'm making three ISOs a day just for testing.23:16
LaserJockright, ideally we won't have to worry about that stuff23:16
LaserJockand all we have to do is worry about what packages are on the CD23:16
LaserJockthe idea here is that Edubuntu shouldn't be maintaining .isos23:17
LaserJockas it's a resource sync23:17
LaserJockand a QA mess23:17
LaserJockrather we should focus on the actual educational stuff23:17
LaserJockand let the release team worry about the builds23:17
SvenstaroHuh? The ISOs are our only product, it's pretty much everything we have to care for!23:18
LaserJockno it's not23:18
SvenstaroEdubuntu isn't a project to care for upstream development.23:18
LaserJockthe ISO is our delivery device23:19
LaserJockwe have to maintain packages, fix bugs, etc.23:19
LaserJockwrite docs23:19
SvenstaroEr. That's almost no work on our side then. If I wanted to test, then, I would bug a Ubuntu release maintainer *every time* ?23:20
LaserJockthat's a *lot* of work on our side23:21
LaserJockmuch more than I usually can get from people23:21
LaserJockan .iso would get built daily for testing purposes23:21
LaserJockand then there's the testing for the alphas, beta, and RC23:21
SvenstaroDo we have to care for upstream except for submitting bugs, of course?23:22
SvenstaroAs in, development of educational software?23:22
LaserJockwell, if we had resources we could where needed23:22
LaserJockbut 1st priority is putting the distro together23:22
bencrisfordWhen I typed apt-get install edubuntu-desktop it wanted to download something23:23
bencrisfordwhat would be downloaded with that command23:23
SvenstaroEither I'm missing a big part, or that really isn't all that much work if the Ubuntu people take care of every technical aspect of delivery.23:23
LaserJockbencrisford: everything?23:24
bencrisfordbut presumable thats not a distro...23:25
LaserJockwell, it would be23:25
LaserJockit was23:25
LaserJockSvenstaro: well, it is a lot of work23:26
LaserJockSvenstaro: and for the last 2 releases it's been woefully inadequate23:26
LaserJockthere are lots of things that can mess up a build23:27
LaserJockso we fix those, we make sure all the packages are in good shape and updated, try to fix as many bugs as we can, etc.23:27
bencrisfordwell QA is the hardest thing to co-ordinate when making a new distro23:27
bencrisfordwell not hard23:27
bencrisfordjust hard to get people23:27
SvenstaroIt's hard when I can't even make my own images :/23:27
bencrisfordill see if i can recruit a few bug-squadders to the edubuntu-bug-squad23:28
LaserJockSvenstaro: no it's not23:28
LaserJockyou'll have an .iso every day23:28
SvenstaroHow do you check something work? I change something, hit build, wait 20 minutes, test it out.23:28
LaserJockyou test package on your machine localy23:28
SvenstaroI do that many times a day with my other distro and it helps a lot. I have ADHD, damnit!23:28
LaserJockeither you're running the devel release or have a VM/chroot23:29
LaserJockthere's absolutely no reason to be re-rolling .isos more than once a day23:29
LaserJockthe .iso isn't a big priority23:30
SvenstaroThere's much that can break on the way into the distro, though. Aufs2 mount not working, squashfs not unpacking or broken, initcpio wrong, wrong modules compiled, etc.23:30
LaserJockwe just need to test it before a release (alpha, beta, etc.)23:30
LaserJockbut that's all managed by Ubuntu23:30
SvenstaroWow, see, no work for us :D23:30
LaserJockall that is Ubuntu's, we don't care about that23:30
bencrisfordYeah, the less work the better23:31
LaserJockEdubuntu is about *education*, not how to build a distro from scratch23:31
LaserJockso there is lots and lots of education work to do23:31
bencrisfordwe'd never have enough contributors to do a full OS well enough23:31
bencrisfordthink how many ubuntu has23:31
SvenstaroWell we won't be rebuilding every package for us. Only those education ones.23:32
LaserJockso we focus on the stuff we change23:32
LaserJockwe test to make sure that Ubuntu doesn't break anything, but beyond that it's just our packages we worry about23:32
bencrisfordLol, this conversation is nearly an hour long, its like a mini 2/3 man meeting23:33
LaserJocktrust me, we will fill our time with that23:33
bencrisfordand more23:33
SvenstaroYes, because making .debs is unnecessarily complicated :/23:34
bencrisfordtrue, too true :(23:34
SvenstaroLet's use PKGBUILDs :d23:34
LaserJockit's not complicated, it's just got a learning curve :-)23:34
LaserJockwe've got ~ 30 packages and right now 0 people maintaining them23:35
LaserJockso that would be, IMO, a 1st priority23:35
nubaeok, so I have the 2 small penguin standing on top of ice berg dropping sack of fish on teacher penguin who is asleep below reading a physics book...23:36
nubaethink people will get it?23:36
LaserJockhmm, shouldn't it be just 1 fish?23:36
nubaeyeah maybe23:36
nubaeok, I'll take the others out23:36
nubaebut otherwise make sense?23:37
bencrisfordLaserJock: We need to organise some mentoring23:37
nubaeI mean I was thinking what instead of iceberg23:37
bencrisfordso devs can work on bugs *with* a mentee23:37
LaserJockbencrisford: we need mentors first no?23:37
bencrisfordvia gobby23:37
bencrisfordwell theres the dev team23:37
bencrisfordmost of them would be happy to23:37
LaserJockyou think?23:37
bencrisfordand sadly, there is just as many devs as people wanting mentoring23:37
LaserJockof the -dev team 1/2 are not yet Ubuntu devs23:38
LaserJockand the other 1/2 have very little time23:38
LaserJockit'll take some work to get mentors ready23:38
bencrisfordthey dont need to be ubuntu devs23:38
bencrisfordbut perhaps the edubuntu-dev should be a member of ubuntu-dev anyway?23:38
LaserJockno, but I mean they're currently learning23:38
LaserJockno, it would really limit us23:39
LaserJockubuntu-dev have permissions to upload23:39
LaserJockI don't want to limit people that much23:39
LaserJockperhaps we can ask MOTU Mentors for mentoring?23:39
bencrisfordthat is our problem23:39
bencrisfordLaserJock: perhaps23:40
LaserJockotherwise I really don't know who will mentor23:40
LaserJockstgraber and myself are the only ones who are at least MOTU23:40
bencrisfordwish i was motu :(23:40
bencrisfordmaybe in a year or so :)23:40
LaserJockyou can get there23:40
bencrisfordcontributing developer is my next big aim23:40
LaserJockbut yeah, it takes time23:40
bencrisfordbut it would help if i was any good at development :P23:41
LaserJockso I think we perhaps need to do a recruiting trip to ~ubuntu-dev :-)23:41
bencrisfordperhaps :)23:41
LaserJockwell, the nice thing is that there are lots of people who can help you learn23:41
LaserJockI mean, I'm just a chemist23:41
LaserJockI just showed up in #ubuntu-motu one day wanting to fix a bug in a chemistry app23:42
nubaehow about instead of an iceberg an igloo23:42
nubaethat will look better23:42
LaserJockbut an igloo doesn't have an overhang23:42
bencrisfordmaybe, if one leans off the edge23:43
bencrisfordthe other holds his belt23:43
SvenstaroWhy can't Ubuntu development just be as open as Arch development :/23:43
LaserJockit is very open23:44
LaserJockbut we have a lot more users than Arch, a more complicated package system, and largely higher standards23:44
* bencrisford wants to be developer, but cant develop for sh*t :P23:44
bencrisfordwhich is why i need to learn!23:45
bencrisfordi can just about hack my way around things, *just* about package basic stuff, so i just need practise i guess23:45
LaserJocklearn by doing23:45
bencrisfordbut i dont know where to practice23:45
LaserJockin Edubuntu of course!23:46
bencrisfordall too complex bugs23:46
LaserJockyou don't have to fix bugs23:46
bencrisfordi want to23:46
SvenstaroMake a wizard that asks the users what they want to do.23:46
LaserJockwe need syncs and merges23:46
SvenstaroGrab glade, python and gtk+23:46
bencrisfordsyncs?  i only know one type of sink and im guessing its not the same one LaserJock23:47
LaserJockheh, no23:47
bencrisfordi enjoy fixing bugs23:47
bencrisfordi had loads of fun with that documentation bug, even though it was so boring :)23:48
LaserJockwell, there's 2 basic ways we get packages from Debian, depending on whether we've modified them or not23:48
LaserJocka sync  is done when we've made no changes and take the source package directly from Debian23:48
LaserJocka merge is when we've got changes and so the package must be manually updated and uploaded23:48
LaserJockboth require a developer's signoff23:48
bencrisfordand when we edit the control of debian packages, do we put the maintainer as motu or edubuntu dev?23:49
LaserJocknot MOTU23:49
LaserJockeither edubuntu-dev if we're claiming it or ubuntu-devel-discuss23:49
bencrisfordedubuntu dev?23:49
LaserJockor wait23:49
LaserJockthe lists23:49
SvenstaroWhy can't we just use the upstream sources and make our own packages? It's no brainer for most projects. Grab sources, ./configure, make, make install and put that into the deb. No need to grab from Debian if their stuff is too old for us.23:50
bencrisfordso like - Maintainer: Edubuntu Developers <edubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>23:50
LaserJockSvenstaro: because it's not a no brainer23:50
LaserJockbencrisford: I think that's what I did :-)23:50
bencrisfordok :)23:50
LaserJocktraditionally we've just used the normal ubuntu-devel-discuss one for Main23:50
bencrisfordwell if i get a point in the right direction, im normally ok23:51
LaserJockbut for ones that we're going to claim we should probably do so23:51
LaserJockSvenstaro: we can certainly jump ahead of Debian if we wish, but it requires work :-)23:51
bencrisfordif i was to start working on a bug, and found the control had a different maintainer LaserJock, would I change it to edubuntu devel23:51
LaserJockso we only do that when there is somebody to maintain it23:51
SvenstaroWhy is the simple approach too simple for Ubuntu :/23:51
LaserJockSvenstaro: generally there are issues that come up, bugs, etc.23:52
bencrisfordnot too simple for me :P23:52
LaserJockSvenstaro: integrating it into the distro isn't always trivial, sometimes it is though23:52
bencrisfordIm gonna get some sleep soon23:53
LaserJockit's not an Ubuntu problem, all distros do it pretty much23:53
SvenstaroWell there are standard paths that work for most things where Ubuntu keeps to the unix filesystem hierachy, except for /var/www23:53
LaserJockbencrisford: generally you want to go with what's already there23:53
bencrisfordi have 1000 word essay to write tommorrow - so i might not be around as much23:53
bencrisfordbut i should get a minute or two23:53
LaserJockSvenstaro: right, but you'd be surprised how many upstreams don't stick with the FHS, etc.23:53
LaserJockbencrisford: the general mantra is "minimize divergence", that is, make your changes as small as possible to get done what you want to23:54
bencrisfordLaserJock: Ok :)23:54
bencrisford!info gcompris23:55
ubottugcompris (source: gcompris): Educational games for small children. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.4-1.1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 457 kB, installed size 1568 kB23:55
LaserJockSvenstaro: if a simple ./configure && make && make install works we just go with it and it takes like 5 min to make the package from scratch23:56
LaserJockSvenstaro: but most of the time it's quite a bit more complicated23:56
LaserJockSvenstaro: and then there's backporting fixes, making fixes, etc.23:57
SvenstaroI know, I'm dealing with those on a regular basis but so far there just was no package that would be utterly complex to create.23:58
LaserJockno, it's not utterly complex23:58
LaserJockit's just somebody has to do the work23:58
bencrisfordanyway night23:58
SvenstaroMany packages broke with gcc43 but googling usually gets the fix quickly, so I'm confident.23:58
LaserJockwe've only got like 3 outdated packages right now23:59
LaserJockbut we've got almost 300 bug reports23:59

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