
Hobbseehm, a kde4 version of konvesation.00:51
jjessehello Hobbsee00:57
Hobbseehey jjesse!00:59
Hobbseehow's it going?01:00
jjesseits going very well, super busy at work, almost no time for everything else but i think that is a good thing01:02
jjesseand how are things going for you?01:02
Hobbseethings are OK here.  Fighting with a graphics assignment01:11
jjessegood luck :)01:15
Hobbseehmmm.  This konversation has artefacts, and doesn't behave nicely01:28
Hobbseemaybe it's just as it's under gnome.01:28
jjesseis there now a kde4 konverstation?01:32
Hobbseeat least, it looks kde4-like01:45
Hobbseehey Riddell!01:46
Riddellwe were the best01:47
Riddellwe sang and the world sang with us01:48
RiddellKubuntu Karaoke Team rocked!01:48
Hobbseeit was karaoke night last night?  oh dear :)01:48
jjessewow you are soo glad i wasn't there to join the karaoke team01:49
jjessetrust me01:49
jjessemorning Riddell01:58
Riddellthe rendition of Barbie Girl was especially moving02:01
jjesseyou are a barbie girl in a barbie world?02:03
Riddellthat's the one02:03
* Hobbsee shudders02:03
* Hobbsee makes Riddell go and watch legally blonde 1&2 in succession.02:04
Hobbseefound the first konversation bug.02:08
Hobbsee$HOME does *not* expand02:08
* Hobbsee now has a $HOME in ~02:08
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
QuintasanI saved my session to disk, failed to boot several times, started in recovery mode and my saved sesssion was restored. WTF?10:30
sebasRiddell bikes off to the beach11:42
cbrubuntu will dtich plymouth because they are confident they can get the thing booting under 10 seconds?12:04
cbri want that stuff they're smoking12:04
cbrlinux boot time has been long as long as i've used linux12:05
Hobbseecbr: it's been making some pretty massive improvements in the last few cycles.12:06
Hobbseemy ubuntu boot is certainly under 20.  i've not timed it, but it may even be under 15 too12:06
cbryeah, but i'd still like to watch a nice boot screen during that 10 seconds :p12:07
=== _Artemis_Fowl_ is now known as Artemis_Fowl
cbrthe boot screen is the first step in the OS experience, not something useless you have to have because things are slow12:08
cbrnobody probably just volunteered to develop the plymouth stuff so they turned it all philosophical to get out of it :p12:10
Hobbseemaybe that was it12:13
devfilcbr: you are not the only that wants that stuff: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/21/12:20
=== olujicz_ is now known as olujicz
Mamarokhm, my kubuntu boots in 12-13 seconds14:31
smartermine probably boots in well over 1 minute14:33
smarterand it's a fancy Quad Core with 2GB of ram and all that :p14:33
txwikinger_workWell.. the latest konversation is pretty much b0rked14:36
Mamaroksmarter: are you loading like 50 services on startup?14:47
MamarokLenovo W500 with 4Gb Ram, and it's always 12-13 seconds14:48
smarterprobably not 50 but more than the default certainly14:48
smarterMamarok: how old is your install?14:48
Mamaroksmarter: Jaunty with KDE 4.3 beta14:49
smarterI mean, when did you install it :]14:49
MamarokI always do clean installs with a new release, as I have a separate /home14:49
smartermine was recovered from my old laptop when it died a year ago, and was upgraded all the way to jaunty from hardy(or maybe even gutsy, not sure)14:49
Mamarokwhen it came out :)14:49
smarterseparate /home is not enough when you have a lot of stuff installed (my root partition uses 25G) :p14:50
Mamarokarghs, how many systems do you have there?14:51
Mamarokmy / uses 9.4G and I think I have a lot of things installed14:51
smarteronly one14:51
Mamarokand a huge home, as I have a local installation of Amarok SVN14:53
smarterwell, my /opt is 11G and it contains amarok-nightly and kde-nightly too :]14:53
Mamarokhm, /opt is a separate partition too...14:54
smarterwill probably make one for it at my next reinstall14:54
MamarokI'm lazy, so I don't have to install that stuff over and over aigain at each clean install14:55
apacheloggersalut mes amis19:18
nixternalapachelogger: thanks for the oxygen color scheme for Konsole btw :)19:19
Mamarokhuhu apachelogger :)19:19
apacheloggeryou're very welcome19:19
nixternalmuch cleaner imho than the other konsole schemes19:19
apacheloggerdo we have amarok 2.1 packages somewhere already?19:20
nixternaljust had to change the background color since I use transparency19:20
Mamarokapachelogger: markey fixed your script19:20
apacheloggeryeah, I didn't test with transparency at all, so that is to be expected :D19:20
nixternalhaven't heard of nor saw updated amarok19:20
apacheloggerMamarok: so did I19:20
apacheloggerMamarok: where are his changes?19:20
nixternalapachelogger: just the background was hte only transparency issue, the rest are fine19:21
Mamarokapachelogger: check with Nightrose19:21
Mamarokin KDE-SVN, of course, where we have access to19:21
nixternalit seems a dark gray is the background color of choice for a lot of color schemes these days19:21
Nightroseapachelogger: I told you he did ;-)19:21
* Nightrose gets food19:21
apacheloggerI thought you meant he fixed the tarball19:22
apacheloggersame fix19:22
Mamarokapachelogger: tell him in #amarok.dev, he doesn't linger here19:22
markeyhehe np19:22
Mamarokoh, didn't kow you were here too :)19:22
neversfeldewhere can I get an oxygen scheme for konsole?19:23
markeythe new script is actually really nice and clean, I like it19:23
markeybut I think we should host in in KDE SVN, makes it easier to maintain19:23
apacheloggerme too19:23
apacheloggerI just don't know where19:23
markeyhow about kdesdk/scripts19:23
apacheloggerbecause technically it should be in kdesdk, which is awfully unfitted19:24
markeythere's scripty too in there, and all this stuff19:24
apacheloggermaybe I should put it there then :D19:24
apachelogger_Groo_: bling bling19:25
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: One more time we gonna celebrate | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | Sync/Merges: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/kubuntu-desktop.html | Be careful whilst packaging | Transitions: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/rgreening/KarmicPhononPackages and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ScottKitterman/Libplasma-Dev
* apachelogger notes that the topic is quite long alright19:27
apacheloggersomeone must have read through spam mails .... ;P19:28
apacheloggera cookie for whoever makes all that stuff tinyurl'ed19:28
markeybut man, svn is so freaking slow with checking out many files (the i18n stuff), looking forward to the git switch19:30
markeyalthough that will require some changes19:30
neversfeldea cookie and a beer and I will do it?19:30
apacheloggermarkey: the problem is not the files, the problem is that it has to reopen a connection each time19:30
markeyyep, true19:30
apacheloggerruby-svn might allow to use one connection, though the less deps the better IMHO19:31
Nightroseif it is possible to make it faster please do - i don't care about another dependency as long as it doesn't waste my time19:32
Nightrosedoing 6 tarball with that thing in a row is so not fun19:32
apacheloggerI told you, I got in and out in under 10 minutes :P19:32
apacheloggeralso ruby-svn got no real documentation, so I would have to go with the one for C and autotranslate for ruby19:33
apacheloggeror read through the code19:33
apacheloggerboth not doable with the limited time I got these days19:34
neversfeldeapachelogger: http://pastebin.ca/144134919:34
apacheloggerkubotu: order cookie for neversfelde19:35
* kubotu slides one of world's finest cookies down the bar to neversfelde.19:35
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: One more time we gonna celebrate | Karmic: http://tinyurl.com/n2to8u | Sync/Merges: http://tinyurl.com/korm9e | Be careful whilst packaging | Transitions: http://tinyurl.com/m68bne and http://tinyurl.com/lcgnjp
txwikingercookies !!!!!19:35
Mamarokthx :)19:35
apacheloggernot much improvement there19:35
apacheloggerwe need a topic meta page in teh wiki or something19:35
Mamarokholds in one line now on my screen19:35
txwikingerwhat happened to the newest kububtu packages?19:36
apacheloggerreally, no one ever reads that long topics :P19:36
apacheloggerI certainly don't19:36
apacheloggerMamarok: b0rked!19:36
neversfeldeI never read topics, even short ones19:36
apacheloggertelevision rules the nation though19:36
apacheloggerwe should get our topic on CNN19:37
jussi01lovely, the pager doesnt scale properly on 4.3 beta19:37
apacheloggerjussi01: b0rked!19:37
txwikingerAh NASCAR is on19:37
* txwikinger boycotts F1 now19:37
apacheloggersomeone remind me why am I going out after 3x12 hours work?19:38
txwikingerapachelogger: send them an e-mai19:38
jussi01apachelogger: cause you are "der man!!!"19:38
txwikingerapachelogger: because you have some screws loose?19:38
apacheloggerI certainly do19:38
apacheloggerthen again in geriatric care you have to :P19:39
apacheloggertxwikinger: twitter > mail19:39
apacheloggerI'll tweet cnn19:39
txwikingerwell.. or twitter19:39
txwikingerCNN is lame19:39
txwikingerthey lost against Kuchar19:39
apacheloggerthat is certainly not the correct spelling of that name19:40
apacheloggerthough I like the K19:40
Mamarokwho is Kuchar?19:40
apacheloggerthat actor dood who was in a competition with cnn on twitter19:40
apacheloggersomething like that19:40
apacheloggergoogle nus got all the details19:40
neversfeldea Ashton Kutscher19:41
txwikingerDemi Moore's current hubby19:41
Mamarokwell, as I do not follow much twitter but identi.ca I certainly have missed that19:41
Mamarokok, Now I got it19:41
neversfeldeyes Kutscher is probably more the german spelling :)19:42
* Mamarok prefers not to tell how her name is misspelt sometimes...19:43
Mamarokanyway, gone for a drink, cu later folks19:43
neversfeldeMamarok: have fun19:43
txwikingerCanada's Prime Minister is following txwikinger on twitter19:44
apacheloggerare you a terrorist or something?19:44
* apachelogger always suspect to be something wrong19:44
txwikingerMaybe he wants my vote :D19:44
txwikingerI can't be a terrorist or something19:45
txwikingerI was cleared by all kinds of intelligence services19:45
apacheloggerthat being said, whom do I elect for EU parliament19:45
* apachelogger was thinking about super rights for the funs of then19:45
apacheloggerthem even19:45
txwikingerpirate party19:45
apacheloggerthough that might turn out bad19:46
apacheloggertxwikinger: aint got that in austria19:46
neversfeldeapachelogger: Die Frauen19:46
txwikingerapachelogger: You can vote in Germany19:46
apacheloggerI can?19:46
apacheloggerWhy not?19:46
txwikingerEU yes19:46
txwikingerI always voted in UK19:46
neversfeldeoh, you can19:47
apacheloggersee :P19:47
neversfeldejust read it on this vote paper19:47
* txwikinger knows EU law better than neversfelde19:47
txwikingerand I don't even live there19:47
neversfeldetxwikinger: thats not a law problem, is it?19:47
apacheloggeryou know, last 2 times austria had parliament elections I slept in :P19:47
txwikingerneversfelde: Yes it is... everything is19:48
apacheloggercan only give my vote until noon19:48
apacheloggerso I probably should have a postal vote19:48
txwikingerwhy only by noon?19:49
apacheloggerno clue19:49
apacheloggermaybe because of the limited audience round here :P19:49
neversfeldeslow postal service :)19:50
apacheloggeryou have no idea...19:50
txwikingerwell I lived often enough in A19:50
apachelogger=> out19:50
apacheloggergotta inform myself about the options19:50
* txwikinger is a licenced ski instructor in A19:51
apacheloggeroh dear19:51
apacheloggeron day our uberright will go after you19:51
txwikingerI thought he killed himself19:51
apacheloggerfirst the immigrants, then the ones that are not catholic and then the germans19:52
apacheloggertxwikinger: nah, his days were over anyway19:52
apacheloggerthe nu one is all better19:52
apacheloggeryounger, looks better19:53
txwikingerwell.. I think we should throw all those As out of Canada too19:53
apacheloggerthe 3 you got?19:53
txwikingerwell whatever19:53
apacheloggerif every country got 3 austrian immigrants, austria would be empty :D19:54
apacheloggernow really19:54
apachelogger=> ouit19:54
* txwikinger is cheering for the Linux team in the Stanley Cup19:54
_Groo_hi apachelogger19:55
* txwikinger needs to tweet Jorge19:55
* _Groo_ still cant compile kdebindings master cleanly :(19:56
Mamarokapachelogger: I think there's a Swiss in every country of the world, we have about 750'000 "Auslandschweizer"21:36
Mamarokwho have quite some political power and unfortunatel vote in a very nostalgic way21:36
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
txwikingerMamarok: Are that more Swiss outside Switzerland than inside? ;)21:40
Mamaroktxwikinger: nope, there are still some 6 Million left, + about 1 Million non Swiss21:43
Mamarokbut we only manage to keep the number constant by giving Swiss passports to others ;)21:44
MamarokSwiss don't breed well s it seems21:44
txwikingerhehe.. lots of countries have that problem21:47
txwikingerthat's why I am here now21:47
spider__hi, i've got a "missing file with file list in the package kdelibs-bin" and libplasma3 is missing a newline, with apt-get... can you help me, plase?21:58
spider__no one?22:02
Mamarokspider__: sry, just joined, what's up?22:06
spider__Mamarok: hi, i'm unable to run apt-get (and login in kde4) because i've got the error above with apt-get22:08
Mamarokspider__: as I said, only just joined at 23:02, didn't see your request, but support usually should go to #kubuntu22:09
wordWith the kubuntu expermintal ppa for kde 4.3 packages it appears that python-kde4 doesn't have a 4.2.85 version package..so it's sitting at 4.2.4. I believe this is why update-notifier-kde's python instance is using 160mb of memory and incrementing by 20mb and temporarily using 25% cpu (on a quad core) everytime there's a apt-get update run.22:10
spider__Mamarok: opss, sorry... the error above is   "missing file with file list in the package kdelibs-bin" and libplasma3 is missing a newline, with apt-get22:10
Mamarokspider__: sry, what are you trying to update to? Jaunty, Karmic?, which KDE version?22:11
spider__Mamarok: jaunty with kde4 ppa22:12
Mamarokhm, KDE 4.2.3?22:12
Mamarokspider__: there should be no problems normally, try sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade again and pastebin the erro output you get22:15
Mamarokspider__: again, support really belongs in #kubuntu, not here22:16
spider__Mamarok: ok, i go in #kubuntu22:16
apacheloggerback in blue22:29
Mamarokhuhu loggerlein :)22:29
apacheloggersali Mamarok22:30
apacheloggermarkey: any suggestions on how to improve the script (design)?22:31
* apachelogger was thinking about refactor#2 already ;-)22:31
apacheloggervorian: did you upload the daisy plasmoid?22:36
Mamarokapachelogger: is there still support for gutsy or has it reached it's end of life?22:36
QuintasanIt's just me or Dolphin got a lot slower on generating thumbnails?22:37
Mamarokthat's waht I rhought too, thx22:37
apacheloggerMamarok: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu that page listes the series status22:38
apacheloggerhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+series that for complete list obviously :D22:38
Mamarokthx :)22:38
groo_apachelogger: hi harald22:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: in 4.3?22:39
Quintasanapachelogger: yup22:39
apacheloggergroo_: hola ... interested in creating amarok 2.1 packages for karmic and jaunty?22:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: not using 4.3 :P22:39
groo_apachelogger: do you know if you guys have some patch to enable kdebindings to compile cleanly with jaunty?22:39
Quintasanapachelogger: I mean when you mouse over the video file, mplayerthumbs dont even work :P22:39
apacheloggeralso I don't really visit pciture folders in dolphin22:39
apacheloggerI figured that is what gwenview is for :P22:39
groo_apachelogger: i already did.. i just didnt sent it to my ppa, i can send you a diff if you want22:39
groo_Quintasan: yes it does22:40
apacheloggergroo_: diff.gz and dsc please22:40
apacheloggerlike in final22:40
Quintasangroo_: you are sure? it doesn't work here22:40
groo_Quintasan: it does here, kde 4.3 beta 1.. i made my own mplayerthumbs package from svn22:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: maybe your machine is just b0rked :P22:40
Quintasangroo_: from svn, I'm using ubuntu package22:41
groo_apachelogger: did it come out today? my build is from tuesday22:41
apacheloggerit is in pre-release-packaging state22:41
vorianapachelogger: nay, not able to atm22:42
apacheloggeri.e. restricted access only22:42
apacheloggervorian: ok, I'll upload22:42
vorianroger that22:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: pgame uploaded22:43
apacheloggerneversfelde: daisy uploaded22:43
Quintasanapachelogger: :322:43
Quintasangroo_: and where did you find svn repo for mplayerthumbs?22:43
groo_apachelogger: how can it be restricted? i just need to update the svn22:43
groo_Quintasan: why, in kde svn ofcourse22:43
groo_Quintasan: svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdereview/mplayerthumbs22:44
Quintasangroo_: thanks, saves me time :P22:44
groo_groo_: ah, target as moved..22:44
groo_Quintasan: target as moved22:44
apacheloggerRiddell: kopete-facebook should go to experimental first IMHO22:44
groo_Quintasan: please tell me where do you find it22:45
apacheloggergroo_: no, you need the official tarball22:45
apacheloggeror you need to run my all fancy release script and fetch from the 2.1 tag, but just getting plain svn ain't gonna do it22:45
groo_apachelogger: master is open again for amarok? oO22:46
groo_apachelogger: master branch22:47
groo_apachelogger: im interested in the new docking code that it will be merged for 2.222:47
groo_apachelogger: where do i get the official tarball in order to make a official kubuntu package?22:47
groo_apachelogger: or the url for svn 2.1 tag22:48
Quintasangroo_:  svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/tags/KDE/4.2.85/kdemultimedia/mplayerthumbs/22:49
groo_Quintasan: ahh it was imported directly into kdemultimedia, nice :) well, its working here allright22:49
apacheloggergroo_: the tag alone is not enough :P22:50
apacheloggerread what I wrote22:50
Quintasanthat means we won't need separate package for it? :P22:50
apacheloggeronly my all fancy release script makes the tag a real amarok tarball22:50
apacheloggergroo_: I'll drop you a url22:50
groo_apachelogger: ok, then where can i download your all fancy shmancy super dupper release script? ¬¬22:51
apacheloggerif only I knew :P22:51
apacheloggergroo_: anyway, beware that you are not to distribute or publish it until upstream lifts the embargo (i.e. publishes the release notes)22:52
* groo_ thinks apachelogger is more crazy then usual22:52
vorianwhere art thou22:52
groo_apachelogger: sure :) ill just build it to myself and send the diffs to you22:52
groo_apachelogger: i use debuild -S -sa btw22:53
apacheloggerthat is what is most common22:53
apacheloggervorian: honey, you are not making sense either :P22:53
groo_apachelogger: yeah, im lazy, but i use ppa to check if my packages arent polluted22:53
vorianapachelogger: yeah, that's my job though22:53
apacheloggergroo_: that is what pbuilder is for22:53
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto22:54
apacheloggervorian: rly?22:54
apacheloggerfancy job I must say22:54
groo_apachelogger: yeah i know, but its a pain to configure and my notebook is old and weak... so i just upload it to my ppa and see if it breaks22:54
apacheloggerppa != sensible testbuild22:54
apacheloggerand it is not a pain to configure22:54
neversfeldeapachelogger: thanks22:55
apacheloggernot with my all fancy example config anyways22:55
vorianyeah, but22:55
apacheloggerand don't ask where that is22:55
neversfeldethat was hard work for a plasma-widget :)22:55
apacheloggercoz I rly don't no22:55
apacheloggerprolly the darn slow messy wiki22:55
groo_apachelogger: and wheres the wiki? :D22:55
apachelogger/bin/sh: cmake: not found22:55
apacheloggerRiddell: did you make the qjson package at 4am at UDS?22:56
apacheloggerwithout having slept and stuff22:56
apacheloggerRiddell: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qjson22:56
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.22:58
apacheloggergroo_: wiki22:58
neversfeldecan we put a backport of ksshaskpass in the backport ppa? Many users seem to have problems with the KDE3 package in jaunty22:58
apacheloggerlook what I found :D22:59
groo_apachelogger: btw why doesnt policykit shows up in 4.3 kde systemsettings? it did for 4.222:59
apacheloggergroo_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment23:00
apacheloggergroo_: maybe policykit-kde is not installed?23:00
apacheloggerfor 4.3 it was splitted in a Qt and KDE part23:00
groo_apachelogger: funny you.. yes it is23:00
apacheloggerthen I dunno23:00
apacheloggerorder a new one and complain to the manager :P23:01
apacheloggerhm, uh, uh, uh, why would one want to package a python plasmoid? Oo23:01
groo_apachelogger: does it shows up in your systemsettings?23:01
apacheloggerhow pointless is that oh dear motu23:02
apacheloggergroo_: I aint got no 4.3 runnin'23:02
groo_apachelogger: less pointless then shipping a broken network plasma manager as default in jaunty and saying they did it instead of shipping worki nm-applet because of "lack of space"23:02
apacheloggerit was working for me23:03
apacheloggerin general I have the opinion that broken software is a result of too little love towards the software23:03
Quintasanargh, I hate my pc23:03
voriani hate your pc too23:04
* vorian runs23:04
* Quintasan gives his PC to vorian23:04
Quintasanyou would hate it, belive me :<23:04
groo_apachelogger: plasma network mannager isnt finished.. if the ones who had the final word did bothered to read the TODO would see its not even close to be finished23:05
groo_apachelogger: maybe in 4.423:05
Quintasanyou would throw it out throught a window, but I can't do it because I will have no PC then :O23:05
groo_apachelogger: and yes it works if you have wpa or wpa2, but for everyone else.. tough love23:05
groo_Quintasan: just like marriage23:06
* groo_ wonders when apachelogger will send the url for amarok 2.1 final.. let me see if the svn has the 2.1 tag already...23:06
=== vorian changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: One more time we gonna celebrate | Karmic: http://tinyurl.com/n2to8u | Sync/Merges: http://tinyurl.com/korm9e | Be careful whilst packaging | Transitions: http://tinyurl.com/m68bne and http://tinyurl.com/lcgnjp | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
markeyapachelogger: wrt the release script, nope, seems fine to me. we'll prolly have to extend it to support git soon, but that should be possible with the script's framework23:07
markeyin general I found the new script sane and well designed23:07
apacheloggerwell, it could be more dynamic, especially in regards to the VCS as you said :)23:07
neversfeldeyay, topic is longer again23:08
groo_apachelogger: compiling amarok 2.1.123:16
groo_apachelogger: just to see if everything is ok23:16
Quintasangroo_: you made a package for mplayerthumbs?23:19
Quintasangroo_: but not using checkinstall :P23:20
groo_Quintasan: you are either kidding or offending me23:20
groo_Quintasan: or both :P23:20
Quintasangroo_: just joking :P23:21
nixternalI can see some have read the list recently and added themselves to the todo list, now how about responding damnit and letting me know how you want it done...right now I am going for simplistic and functional, like the BugSquad has done with their team pages23:22
QuintasanI can't make it build, CMake complains about using nonexisting function23:22
apacheloggernixternal: simple = good23:22
nixternalI am tired of writing documentation and doing wiki stuff if it isn't appreciated because someone doesn't like it....the great thing about a wiki, if you don't like it, you can change it...but I guess it is easier to write up a spec/gobby thing/or file a bug on LP in hopes that someone else will do it for you ;p23:22
nixternaloh, the great thing about the open source world is if you don't like it, FORK IT! :P23:23
apacheloggerfork ubuntu wiki?23:23
apacheloggerpretty pretty please23:23
Quintasannixternal++ simple == usable23:24
nixternalapachelogger: meant fork it more for the system documentation than I did the wiki23:25
nixternalbut I wouldn't mind something other than moinmoin, or at least add more plugins so you can make moinmoin much more usable23:25
apacheloggertelevision rules the nation though23:25
nixternali have been finding that the television is damn near useless23:25
apacheloggeron that I agree23:25
nixternalif and when I do sit down to watch tv, I notice I tend to abuse it and watch to much of it23:25
* Quintasan haven't watched TV for a month23:26
* apachelogger doesn't know why ubuntu wiki ain't just yet another mediawiki23:26
nixternalplus with youtube and hulu, who needs tv anyways23:26
apacheloggerwas it because it not being python?23:26
nixternalman, hulu has a great commercial out right now with dennis leary23:26
apacheloggerhulu? isn't that a groupware from novell?23:26
nixternalapachelogger: probably23:26
nixternalhulu is good stuff...i get to watch all of those old tv shows I did when I was a kid23:26
vorianhulu rocks23:27
nixternali watched the jay leno episodes last night on it23:29
nixternalthe best of ross was killer23:29
* nixternal needs food23:29
vorianyou know, NBC is stupid23:29
Quintasanscrew this mplayerthumbs, CMake_File_List.txt is borked23:29
vorianthey cancelled all their good shows for Jay23:29
voriani hope it burns them23:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: CMakeLists.txt it is23:30
* vorian loved Life23:30
* apachelogger aint got a life either23:30
apacheloggerjust like nbc I guess23:30
Quintasanapachelogger: whatever, it is borked23:30
vorianborked ™23:31
Quintasanvorian: :D23:31
* apachelogger needs to go to the toilet but is too tired to stand up23:31
apacheloggerwell, only one option I suppose23:32
* vorian has several auto-complete unicode stuff23:32
apacheloggerharder, better, faster, stronger23:32
apacheloggersounds like KDE 2.023:33
apacheloggerthat was one awesome version23:33
apacheloggermarkey: http://websvn.kde.org:80/trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/createtarball/create_tarball.rb?revision=968069&view=markup23:38
apacheloggeryour script was forked so many times I have lost count :P23:38
apacheloggercopies are all over KDE23:38
apacheloggerthere is also one in kdeedu IIRC23:39
groo_apachelogger: i remember that everyone scrambled when 3.0 was out because of the "new" window decoration23:39
apacheloggermarkey: I think: move the lib stuff to kdesdk/scripts/extragear-release-script then link that to amarok's release script folder as lib23:40
apacheloggerin the folder we store the amarok2.rb23:40
apacheloggerthat way we only have the core in kdesdk and the app scripts stored along the app source23:40
apacheloggerplus this can be applied for every other extragear app as well23:40
voriankgrab ftw23:41
nixternalksnapshot ftw23:41
vorianstop moving fingers23:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, really, that script is the best example of f0rked™23:42
vorianthat was just a hostile takeover23:42
apacheloggerI forked it once, then digikam forked it twice, once for digikam and once for kipi, kdeedu forked it as well, and apparently there is another fork in kdesdk23:42
apacheloggerand I think I saw it somewhere else as well23:42
QuintasanI still don't get it why someone would fork ksnapshot, both are damn slow for me :P23:44
* Quintasan loves the pastebin plasmoid23:44
apacheloggerrsibreak had a fork23:45
QuintasanAre there any apps without a fork? :D23:46
apacheloggersquash forked it23:46
apacheloggerwell, a lot of forks :P23:47
Quintasanhttp://imagebin.ca/view/xyR5oA.html  <--- this is what you get when you pastebin images without looking at thumbs23:47
groo_oh btw guys.. after two months testing qt 4.5.1 with raster enabled and sending bug reports, i can report to you you can now activate raster by default in the next kubuntu release.. its WAY faster for scrolling and rendering and its very stable now (today the last remaining bug (in bespin) was fixed in svn)23:50
groo_Quintasan: ahh quiantasan.. did you enabed mplayerthumbs in dolphin preview settings? its an option now :) if not, no thumbs for you23:51
groo_Quintasan: in dolphin.. you need to enable the mplayerthumb plugin/option in preview tab in order to activate mplayerthumbs23:53
Quintasanit's alive23:54
Quintasanthanks groo_23:54
groo_Quintasan: yeah i had the same problem.. i went the easy route and just went to see the kdemultimedia code :D23:55
nixternalhttp://imagebin.ca/view/S9LQ-ZMX.html  <- what theme is that? it looks sharp23:56
nixternalthat isn't air23:57
neversfeldelooks like my jaunty air23:58
nixternalair isn't shiny like that23:58

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