
bwv544hi, someone knows how to use a midi peripheral ?00:28
forceshow can I delete the windows partition cache?00:43
Barridusis that a linux issue?00:45
forcesi wanna mount a windows partition00:46
Barridusmethod i use  :  http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/25/ubuntu-tricks-how-to-mount-your-windows-partition-and-make-it-readwritable/00:47
forcesbut I cant boot windows, and the partition say that have a cache, like when you suspend or hibernate00:47
Barridusno idea, sounds like a windows issue00:48
forcesok thanks00:48
Serpardumgcc ... kernel.cpp00:52
Serpardumgcc: error trying to exec 'cclplus': execvp: No such file or directory00:53
Serpardumwhat do I need to do/add to compile C++ files with gcc?  I tried sudo apt-get install cclplus   and was told it don't exist00:53
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
Yanick_Hi, I just installed Kubuntu 9.04, and I cannot activate the ATI driver (worked fine with Ubuntu-Gnome)01:11
SolusChristusOh... the topic explains it, then.01:12
Yanick_I click on the "Activate" button, but nothing happens01:14
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde401:17
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto01:17
Yanick_BlueEagle: why "nope" ? Everyone with ATI has their drivers up and working fine? I barely installed Kubuntu here and it won't activate01:26
Yanick_Just switched from Ubuntu, and the drivers worked fine about an hour ago :)01:27
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Yanick_well, I had to install the restricted extras01:46
Yanick_that was useful to know01:47
xp-killerwitch player is better that have better codecs to read mutch different videos?02:00
hippomplayer, I guess02:02
xp-killerand kplayer?are they the same?02:03
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hippono they aren't.02:04
=== musicianers is now known as sunglasses
xp-killerok i'll install all player like that if 1 can read the video i guess the other one will02:05
hippoInstalling all players is ok, but installing all codecs might cause problems sometimes.02:06
xp-killerhippo what codecs i can install?02:07
hipponormally , mplayer + win32 codecs can play everything.02:08
hippobut mplayer is a command line program. The GUI of mplayer is gmplayer.02:09
hippoit gets installed together with mpayer (I just checked).02:10
xp-killerhow do i install real player is it in the adept manager?02:10
hipposudo apt-get install mplayer02:11
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xp-killerhippo: are u on 9.04?02:11
hippoyou can install packages whith "apt-get" in a terminal ...02:12
xp-killerhippo: do you know how to solve the problem when i upgrade n restart the pc i get a "unsopported signal.check your pc output"?02:12
xp-killerthis is my 3rd time i try to upgrade n i keep getting that msg so i went back to 8.1002:13
xp-killeri gives me that msg only on my 32 inch hdtv02:13
ahmedi installed samba , samba-common , samba-tools , system-config-samba ans restart  kubuntu now im trying to open Kmenu- Application - setting - samba it appears on panel for 2 seconds and disappear02:15
hippoI don't know. But is your system working, booting, etc ?02:15
xp-killerhippo: yea it boots when i put it on a 4:3 old screen it boots with no prob02:18
ahmedi installed samba , samba-common , samba-tools , system-config-samba ans restart  kubuntu now im trying to open Kmenu- Application - setting - samba it appears on panel for 2 seconds and disappear02:19
xp-killerahmed: what is samba?02:19
ahmedfor sharing files and  folder with windows02:20
hippoxp-killer: and when you switch to another screen, you get an error msg ?02:20
xp-killerno i didnt get the error msg only on my 16:9 screen but not on my 4:3 screen02:21
hippoProbably, the monitor is misconfigured in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:23
ahmedno one knew solution for me02:24
xp-killerahmed: try uninstall then reinstall02:25
xp-killerahmed: ask google02:25
hippoahmed: configure samba manually, which isn't too difficult02:25
ahmedi tried that same problem i tried it also on another pc on virtual machine same problem02:26
hippoahmed: all you have to do is to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf accordingly and have the samba daemon running on the server.02:26
ahmedhippo: its easier to use gui there is somepeople else using the pc and they r not familiar with linux at all02:27
hippoahmed: I understand. But since I don't use gui, I don't know how to .. even if it seems easier. However my samba server is running :)02:29
ahmedok nevermind i had another problem with samba could u help me with it?02:30
hippoI don't know. I'm not a samba expert.02:31
ahmedok nevermind is there anyone here expert with samba?02:32
xp-killernot me lol02:32
xp-killerim installing it to try it02:32
ahmednoone here except u two??02:32
xp-killerask Tm_T02:33
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:33
ahmedthanks xp-killer02:33
alidWhat is the most convenient IDE for developing python scripts in kubuntu?02:33
Leopardhello, have someone to help me please?02:38
joseHi I have a question on ubuntu 9.04  x64 My right click has been disable and the desktop icons are not showing if someone could give me a hand with this I appreciate that :) thanks02:39
trappisthow can I assign key combos or mouse buttons to kde desktop effects?03:31
kermit_Hello, can Kde4's Web browser (konqueror) support Adobe Flash ?03:47
SerpardumIf I have a network share, how do I get to it in kubuntu?03:54
Serpardumit's a shared folder in vista03:54
Yanick_why is all the videos distorded when fullscreen is activated? I tried everything I could think of, all the videos I try to play in fullscreen do not have the proper resolution03:55
Serpardumvideo driver?03:55
Yanick_Serpardum: I installed them twice, even with envyng03:56
Yanick_Serpardum: besides, Compiz works03:56
Serpardummaybe it's your player then03:57
Yanick_xine and dragon are the same03:57
Yanick_any video does the same thing, it stretches outside the pane area03:57
Yanick_and it sluggy03:57
Serpardumwhat video card do you have?03:58
Yanick_it worked fine with Ubuntu, but now, in Kubuntu, it's ugly03:58
Yanick_an ATI HD 367003:58
SerpardumI don't know, buty I'm new to kubuntu also03:58
Yanick_it seemed so nice in VBox.... now I start to regret installing it03:59
kermit_Excuse me, Which software should I use to scan the .chm format file in KDE4? I usually use chmsee in gnome.04:04
ghostsanim on a big trouble04:06
ghostsanim a computer newb and noob i think04:06
kermit_The  ked4's page told that Okular can be used to look chm file, but it just support pdf.04:06
ghostsani just installed kubuntu but i pick option to use whole drive, is there a way to get back windows ??04:06
ghostsani didnt back up :(04:07
kermit_No, you can't back:P04:07
kermit_Because all the data in your hard disk has been formated :(04:07
ghostsanim in really big trouble04:08
ghostsanit sucks to be a computer ignorant04:08
ghostsani wont be able to sleep :(04:09
kermit_ghostsan, I hope you can continue to try kubuntu, it's really better than windows04:10
faileasghostsan: you MIGHT be able to use testdisk to undo it04:10
Dragnslcrghostsan- there are programs out there that can attempt to recover data if you didn't do a full format of the disk04:10
faileasif you're lucky04:10
DragnslcrYeah, luck helps04:10
Serpardumdang, supposed to use sudo mount -t folder-name /media/widnows-share    ubt I get a protocol error :/04:10
kermit_faileas, may be nobody will be so luck, whole disk is not just some files:)04:10
Serpardummaybe I can use er, mount -t vboxsf folder-name04:11
SerpardumI wonder if I can use vboxsf in smb04:11
faileaskermit_: done it before myself, but it isn't something i'd want to rely on working04:11
faileasthen again04:11
* faileas backs up before any potential stupidity04:11
kermit_Hi, can anybody tell me which software I can use to look .chm files?04:12
ghostsanhow do i try to do that?04:13
ghostsanim sorry guys, im just a computer newb, and dont know nothing :(04:13
Tatiboa noite!04:13
Dragnslcrghostsan- would probably be best to have a knowledgeable friend fix it for you. It might be possible to recover the lost data, but it won't be easy04:15
ghostsandamn i dont have friend like that04:16
ghostsanhere at least04:16
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ghostsancurrently on seminary and i cant get out :(04:16
Tatit c deonde?04:22
login__tudo bem com vc04:22
login__sou de porto alegre04:22
login__e vc04:22
Dragnslcr!es | juan04:23
ubottujuan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:23
xeviousis vdpau support compiled into any of the video players in jaunty or do i have to recompile them with vdpau support?04:31
CPrgmSwR2This is neat, I am in konversation for kde404:46
kumarhey i open up kpackage manager and there is no softwear to install04:48
kumarhasent been there in since i installed.....04:48
kumari can install stuff using commands which is fine, but i like the pointy clicky thing too04:49
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MushroomKingdomI want to ask why my wireless isn't working but I have a bad feeling my router isn't broadcasting for some odd reason despite what it tells me. Unless someone wants to explain to me how exactly I could tinker with my wireless reciever04:53
draikHow can I add text to a file after a specific word/phrase?04:58
draikThis is through CLI04:58
CPrgmSwR2This is neat, I am in konversation for kde405:04
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khanfusedI'm backing up 180 gigs of data before blowing away a drive to upgrade to 9.04 ... has anyone pulled the sizes on two separate directories, ...(cont)05:41
khanfusedhave the same number of files and directories, yet the source is about 21K larger?  Yes, I know, 21K out of 180G is piddly ... but the imporant question is WHICH 21K is going missing?05:41
khanfusedis that a drive geometry/detection issue?05:42
curiouscuzhi all05:50
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Serpardumkate crashes every time I 'Q'uit.  Well, I'm quitting anyway, but it's annoying cause it doesn't remove the backup ~ file.  No backtrace info found.  wtf?07:09
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MamarokSerpardum: you need to install the -dbg package and then try to get a backtrace09:06
Mamarokwhat version?09:06
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=== kanonmat is now known as kanon-mat
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:19
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Serpardumlocate conio.h returns nothing.  what am I doing wrong?10:12
jussi01!find conio.h10:17
ubottuFile conio.h found in brickos, elks-libc, mingw32-runtime, wine-dev, z88dk-data10:17
Think-FreeHi !10:24
Think-FreeI can't connnect to gtalk using kopete, It say in the console "NO TLS" and a window appear telling me  that I have to install qca-tls package ... but it's installed ... any idea  ?10:25
kanon-matmaybe restart kopete10:26
Think-Freekanon-mat : done, and computer restarted too ...10:26
kanon-mati havent tried gtalk10:26
Think-Freebut jabber with tls ?10:27
kanon-mati dont have much experience with this10:28
Think-Freeok :)10:28
administrateurbj tout le monde11:03
administrateurest-ce que quelquu'un pourrai me dire pk konqueror une fois réduit11:04
Mamarok!fr | administrateur11:04
ubottuadministrateur: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:04
stalexвсем привет11:07
Mamarok!ru | stalex11:08
ubottustalex: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:08
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sandhyaHow do I run jar files without resorting to the commandline?11:25
Mamaroksandhya: *.jar files are archives11:28
Mamaroksandhya: you do not "run" those11:28
* faileas wonders whats wrong with using the command line ;)11:28
Mamaroksandhya: but right click on the file in Dolphin gives you enough options on how to unpack it11:29
faileasespecially when its something like java foo.jar ... hardly rocket science ;p11:29
sandhyafaileas: because I'm not going to be the one using it... it's going to be my Mom :)11:30
sandhyaMamarok: I used to just be able to run it by clicking it11:31
sandhya(in feisty)11:31
faileasin which case i think you need to add a file association somehow11:31
faileasrightclick open with -> then adding java as the thing running it SHOULD work i think11:32
sandhyaI think that's the windows way :) I went to properties which lists the properties for application/zip for some reason11:34
sandhyasystem settings -> advanced -> file associations has a *.jar which is supposed to be opened with Sun Java 6 runtime which obviously is not happening :S11:34
faileascause .jar is a renamed zip ;p11:37
Mamaroksomething is wrong with the file associations as it seems11:37
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Gamarok__hey guys12:00
frankS2Hi, I am looking at the LCD Weather Applett for KDE4, I wonder if it is possible to add more sources for it to get the weather info. I need Europeaan weather source :)12:10
erik____Hi all12:14
erik____I have a problem in kubuntu 8.1012:14
erik____I am trying to do some development and I am getting a very strange behavior of the system12:14
erik____when I am compiling my programm I get /usr/include/c++/4.3/cwchar:52:24: error: wchar.h: No such file or directory12:15
erik____but the file wchar.h exists in /usr/include, ie. the most obvious place, any idea what the problem might be?12:16
zirodayerik____: are you running make or make install?12:16
erik____just make, or even plain g++12:16
igorhi, when I use konqueror it often writes port in the address bar, which couses problems for some sites...12:17
igorIs there a way ti disable it?12:18
erik____I already tried various things such as introducing a $CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH which includes /usr/include with _no_ change whatsoever12:20
erik____I am short of reinstalling the system as I cannot do any development12:20
kavurtmy logitech quickcam for notebooks pro webcam shows black screen on 9.0412:25
erik____has anybody encountered this before: /usr/include/c++/4.3/cwchar:52:24: error: wchar.h: No such file or directory ?12:27
dwidmannerik____: does the file exist?12:30
dwidmannerik____: if not, youi need libc6-dev12:32
erik____the file exists in /usr/include, and libc6-dev is installed12:32
dwidmannerik:what are you trying to run/build?12:33
Scherenhaendenhi..... good afternoon, someone knows, how can i install many languages on open office?12:34
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:35
dwidmannScherenhaenden: the packages are called "openoffice.org-l10n-xx" where xx is the two letter code for the language ... run "apt-cache search openoffice.org-l10n" to get the full list of what's available12:35
Scherenhaendengreat :D thanks12:36
erik____dwidmann: I am trying to build something with the root framework (root.cern.ch), but the problem is independent of this, I get the same error with a complete dummy programm where I include wchar.h12:36
erik____and as I said: the file _exists_ in /usr/include, so the most obvious place12:37
dwidmannerik____: odd, I have no idea12:37
* dwidmann drags himself away from the computer and goes to bed now12:37
=== hunter is now known as Guest84381
Guest84381need a little help please. i want to install to my firefox browser the flash player, for youtube etc. i have it on my desktop but somehow i can not install it.. i get all the time a error message "package not found". ???12:38
Scherenhaendensudo apt-get pluginnonfree or somethink like that for firefox12:40
Scherenhaendensudo apt-get install firefoxplugin-nonfree12:41
Guest84381nope, the same12:41
Guest84381t he same error message12:42
ahmedhi i installed AdbeRdr9.1.1-1_i386linux_deu.deb after that ifound that itsnt english I want to uninstall it but i dont  know how12:43
Scherenhaendenwhat is the error messae?12:43
Scherenhaendendo u have kubuntu?12:44
Scherenhaendenor ubuntu? or what?12:44
Guest84381package not found12:44
Scherenhaendenok... run kpage12:44
xp-killeri want to do a server for myy ps to detect does it have any on linux?12:45
kavurtGuest84381, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree12:45
Scherenhaendenwell i said that12:45
Scherenhaendenbut he said, he got the same error message12:46
ahmedhi i installed AdbeRdr9.1.1-1_i386linux_deu.deb after that ifound that itsnt english I want to uninstall it but i dont  know how someone tell me how touninstall it12:46
kavurtScherenhaenden, you said firefoxplugin-nonfree12:46
Scherenhaendenachsoooooooooo i didnt see12:46
Guest84381nice, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree is working.12:46
Scherenhaendenim blind12:46
Scherenhaendenhahaha... i never know what im doing hehehe... sorry12:46
Guest84381so, what did i wrong12:46
kavurtGuest84381, what did you do?12:47
Guest84381download the tar.gz adobe flash player for firefox, from the adobe side, open it on desktop and treid to install it. the rest you know. i treid sdudo apt-get install adobe-flash etc12:48
Guest84381btw, thanks for help12:48
faileasahmed: sudo apt-cache search AdbeRdr to find the package name, sudo apt-get remove _____ to remove it12:49
faileasahmed: there's also sudo dpkg -r AdbeRdr9.1.1-1_i386linux_deu.deb i think12:49
kavurtGuest84381, if you doubleclicked on tar.gz it won't work12:49
Guest84381it jsut open the files12:50
Guest84381maybe some settings wrong?12:50
ahmed]<faileas: dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in12:51
Scherenhaendeni was having a lot o problems with that...12:51
Scherenhaendenthat i did... was... unistall than install by repositorys... but with firefox closed...12:52
ahmedfaileas: dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in12:52
Scherenhaendennot opened...12:52
xp-killerim not getting samba to work can someone help me12:54
bewoftheanyone know what 47dBm EIRP mean?12:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:55
ahmedfaileas: it didnt work12:56
ahmed]i installed AdbeRdr9.1.1-1_i386linux_deu.deb after that ifound that itsnt english I want to uninstall it but i dont  know how someone tell me how touninstall it13:01
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ahmedif i installed AdbeRdr9.1.0-1_i486linux_enu.bin would it replace the deu language to  english?13:09
Serpardumevery time :/  The application Kate (kate) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).13:10
xp-killersamba is to complicated isnt there a easy one i can try?13:12
xp-killerhow do i install tgz files?13:20
Leopardsomeone online please for help ?13:22
robin0800Leopard: why not use a deb?13:26
akashI have recently installed Jaunty Version.But it is found to be too slow to response.CPU consumption by Xorg is nearly 49 %13:29
akashAny suggestions?13:29
Leopardi have problems with wireless :(13:33
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ZensursulaHi, any idea how to switch off the screenvaver in 9.04?14:14
=== xh is now known as aadfe3
=== aadfe3 is now known as xh
xhhi, after upgrading to jaunty i experience sudden reboots. can this be related to the OS?14:18
Eruaranxh: I haven't had anything like that14:19
Eruaranxh: maybe get any updates14:19
Eruaranxh: test RAM and HDD14:19
xhEruaran: updated everything i could; have an intel video i that is not working properly14:20
yao_ziyuansometimes my kde desktop becomes all inverted. that is, taskbar items that are not active have the active look while the active one doesn't; the upper right corner has a yellow palette14:21
Eruaranxh: might be related to your intel video then14:22
xhEruaran: is it at all possible that a video problem will cause a sudden reboot?14:22
phhxh: i'd say that most hard reboot comes from video drivers /o\14:25
Eruaranxh: it can now and then14:27
ign0ramusxh, if you have intel graphics, this may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058214:27
xhEruaran: thanks, will try it; actually the standard intel driver in jaunty was causing the image to smudge in input boxes, os i downgraded to the driver from intrepid which worked better, maybe this has reboots as a suble side effect?14:30
Eruaranmight be breakage14:30
Eruarana conflict maybe14:31
ign0ramusxh, i was having the same issue (smuding & garbage characters) with intel... following Part D of the tutorial kept me up to date with Jaunty packages, and solved most graphics regressions in 9.0414:32
xhEruaran: cool! sounds promising; i also tried compiling from svn source the latest xfree driver from the official intel site but ended up with a broken xorg14:33
ign0ramus!intel | xh14:33
ubottuxh: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.14:33
BluesKajGood Day folks14:33
ign0ramushey blues14:34
BluesKajhi ign0ramus, what's up today ?14:34
ign0ramusBluesKaj, not really sure, just woke up :)14:35
* BluesKaj hands ign0ramus a coffee14:35
* ign0ramus spills half of it on his pajama pants, because his motor skills are terrrible in the morning14:35
Mamarokhi BluesKaj :)14:36
ign0ramusthanks though, BluesKaj :)14:36
BluesKajhi Mamarok :)14:36
* Mamarok distributes some cookies again14:36
MamarokI will not be around much today, lot of housework to do14:36
* ign0ramus gets crumbs all over the couch and some even in his waistband... not comfortable :/14:36
Mamarokign0ramus: get out of that bed, what an idea to eat in bed!14:37
xhthanks everyone, have a good daynight!14:37
ign0ramusMamarok, :)14:37
Mamarokok, back to business now14:37
BluesKajstill got kde3 probs , the tabs on the konvi-kde3 don't provide any options when right clicked14:37
BluesKajon konversation2 right now14:37
MamarokBluesKaj: I'm not much of help then, didn't use KDE3 in quite some time14:38
ign0ramusactually, i got to get myself going... actually things to do today.  I'll stop in later today to chat with you fine upstanding citizens14:38
Mamarokign0ramus: have fun then :)14:38
BluesKajyeah, maybe now that knoversation2 is more mature , Ill just drop the kde3 version14:38
ign0ramusBluesKaj, if you're running kde4, there's a konversation for that :)14:38
BluesKajok ign0ramus , you have a good day14:39
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ign0ramusBluesKaj, http://konversation.kde.org/wiki/SVN14:39
ign0ramusok, really leaving now14:39
ign0ramussee you guys later14:39
BluesKajyeah, i'm using it right now , ign0ramus14:39
ign0ramusBluesKaj, right-clicking exists if you update14:39
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ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい14:50
Mamarokspinwheel: Emglish please,14:50
MamarokEnglish actually...14:50
spinwheelYep, just checking :)14:54
corigoI'm trying to recompile an rpm to deb but I am receiving an error of :Unpacking of 'amarok-2.0.96-14.1.x86_64.rpm' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Rpm.pm line 155.15:15
gioio italia15:15
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eagles0513875!it | gio15:16
ubottugio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:16
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petsoundshello, i've installed kubuntu 9.04 RC but until now i don't have any update notifications for security/software update. i see the list in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors and i choose the server which is up to date in my country but yes i still don't get any updates.15:39
edrakonwhat's up15:39
Mamarokpetsounds: you have those repositories all enabled, have you?15:40
petsoundsyes mamarok15:41
Mamarokmain, universe, multiverse, restricted, security?15:41
petsoundslet me check it first15:41
Mamarokpetsounds: if you have no update notifications, maybe your notifier is not running?15:42
petsoundsmamarok what should i do if its not running?15:43
Mamarokpetsounds: you can run sudo apt-get update on the command line15:44
petsoundsi done that but no luck15:44
Mamarokpetsounds: that onl updates your cache, you must run also sudo apt-get upgrade15:45
petsoundsmamarok. i type sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade, 0 updates15:46
Mamarokpetsounds: then either your system is utp to date, or your mirror is not working15:47
Mamarokpetsounds: choose the main server and run udate and upgrade again15:48
eagles0513875im having issues trying to remove something from the /proc/cmdline i have used kdesudo as well as sudo -i but it isnt able to save my changes what other ways can i edit something in that file15:49
petsoundsmamarok okay15:49
Mamarokeagles0513875: why would you want to remove something from /proc/ ?15:50
eagles0513875i wanna remove the quiet splash Mamarok15:50
Mamarokeagles0513875: ... the quiet splash on grub startup?15:51
eagles0513875i know i can change it from there15:51
* Mamarok *shakeshead*15:51
Mamarokwho told you it was there? that's wrong!15:51
=== richard is now known as Guest35594
Mamarokeagles0513875: the grup is in /boot/grub/menu.lst and you change the settings there15:51
eagles0513875is there a way i can remove it permenantly even when new kernels and patches are released15:52
Mamarokeagles0513875: books, books, googleit, etc. you know that15:52
Mamarokeagles0513875: nope15:52
Mamarokwell, yes, you can write a script to change it15:52
swattoPlease can someone point me in the direction of a good media ripping tool, just tried k3b but it failed15:53
eagles0513875Mamarok: thanks for that idea will give that a shot15:53
Mamarokswatto: k3b works fine here, are all teh plugins installed?15:53
Barridushmm, vbox update ^_^15:53
MamarokBarridus: !vbox15:54
BluesKajK9copy , swatto15:54
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:54
eagles0513875!info pdfedit15:54
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (jaunty), package size 2481 kB, installed size 7564 kB15:54
Barridusheh i know what vbox is, just saying there's an update today15:54
MamarokBarridus: as this is a support channel, I took your post for a question...15:55
BluesKajk3b-kde3 seems to hide the exe file ..I installed but it's nowhere to be found15:55
petsoundsmamarok : one more thing about amarok, when i choose file and append to playlist, then i right click and edit track details to chage TAG then i click save & close. the tag don't wanna change.15:56
MamarokBluesKaj: you specified the filesystem to be bootable and the ISO code?15:56
Mamarokpetsounds: known bug, you can't change tags in the playlist, only in the collection for now15:57
Mamarokpetsounds: and actually this is quite logical, as the playlist only shows a snapshot of xollection parts, you have to change the tags in the collection15:58
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
BluesKajMamarok, when i was using konvi-kde3 , i had to create a symlink to the desktop with the exe but there's no such file in k3b16:00
Mamarokif you specify the correct filesstem it should16:01
BluesKajMamarok, ??16:01
MamarokBluesKaj: if it doesn't, then it's a bug16:02
=== Guest36325 is now known as gsteinert
BluesKajheh, no kidding16:03
=== rlx is now known as rlx01
Regralcan anyone help me with installing 64-bit adobe player?16:04
MamarokBluesKaj: no, really, I haven't done many bootable CDs with K3b, but those I did always worked16:04
MamarokRegral: flash you mean?16:04
=== |eagles0513875| is now known as eagles051387
Mamarokhm, don't know if it's not still buggy...16:05
swattohmm Mamarok how do i install the plugins for k3b?16:05
=== eagles051387 is now known as eagles0513875
Regralyea my last ditc effort for fixin my streaming16:05
BluesKajMamarok, It won't launch , there's no exe file16:06
=== rlx01 is now known as rlx01_
Regralmamarok:got the so file just don't know what to do with it16:06
MamarokBluesKaj: well, a bootable CD doen'st have to rely on an exe file, it can well also boot with a boot script, in a *.bat file16:07
MamarokRegral: neither do I, if you install from either th Adobe website or from the Kubuntu repositories it gives you an installer that should install that automatically16:08
BluesKajMamarok, dunno what you're talking about ....NM16:08
Mamaroka *.so file is not the way one installs flash AFAIK16:08
MamarokBluesKaj: you are talking about burning a CD with K3B that is bootable, right?16:08
Regralmamarok: thats cool no the thing is in alpha so there is no install that way16:08
BluesKajI'm talking about launching the app16:09
MamarokRegral: then I wouldn't touch it, alpha doesn't promise good things16:09
MamarokBluesKaj: launching K3B?16:09
Mamarokwhy do you need an exe file for that?16:09
BluesKajto open it16:09
Mamarokswatto: the plugins are in the repositories, check what's missing in K3b settings and install the missing ones16:10
MamarokBluesKaj: in Linux there are no exe files...16:10
swattoMamarok: cheers, ill have a look16:10
BluesKajone makes a file executable ..sry if i misled you16:11
MamarokBluesKaj: right, the executable should be in /usr/bin/, if it's not there, reinstall k3b16:11
swattoMamarok: I try to do it but it comes up with Error while encoding track 116:11
BluesKajit ain't16:11
MamarokBluesKaj: you still use KDE3, right?16:12
Mamarokswatto: what are you talking about now?16:12
BluesKaji have kde3libs installed yes16:12
swattoMamarok: IM trying to rip an audio cd in mp3 format, but 4secs into the ripping process comes up with an error saying encoding failed16:13
MamarokBluesKaj: well, if K3B is isntalled, you should be able to run it with Alt+F2, type K3b16:13
BluesKajyeah ..tried that16:13
Mamarokswatto: you have the mp3 codecs installed16:13
BluesKajNM , Mamarok..gonna do some research16:13
MamarokBluesKaj: what does running k3b on a konsole tell you?16:14
swattoMamarok, yes I think I do, I have everything installed that was in kpackagekit16:14
BluesKajMamarok, no output16:14
Mamarokswatto: everythin that is in kpackagekit, the 300.000 packages?16:14
MamarokBluesKaj: mybe it's running as a ghost, do killall k3b, then try again16:15
swattoI installed some extra codecs just, will restart my computer now16:15
Mamarokswatto: you do not have to restart in Linux16:16
Mamarokjust restart KDE, that's by far enough16:16
swattook, will do Mamarok16:16
swattonope Mamarok still getting error16:19
Mamarokswatto: wait, will tell you what you should have16:19
Mamarokswatto: check this screenshot: http://myriam.kollide.net/k3b-plugins.png16:20
Mamarokswatto: and this one: http://myriam.kollide.net/k3b-External-apps.png16:21
muxaxawindows forever!16:21
Mamarokmuxaxa: behave!16:21
muxaxakubuntu mustdie16:21
* muxaxa omg16:21
swattoMamarok - Yep i have all of them16:22
swattoit comes up K3b found multiple inexact CDDB entries - not sure what that means16:22
Mamarokswatto: CDDB is a database where it checks online for existing tags16:23
swattohmm im ripping now in ogg format and it seems to work fine so i dont know why it wont do it in mp316:23
Mamarokswatto: because you do not have the codecs installed16:23
swattoMamarok I have all the codecs and external programs exactly as in the screenshot16:24
Mamarokswatto: are you burning audio CD or data CD?16:25
Mamarokswatto: because audio CD needs another format16:25
swattoIm ripping an audio CD16:25
Mamarokswatto: ripping or burning?16:25
Mamarokhm, works for me here, I don't know what is wrong then16:26
swattoill just have to convert from ogg to mp316:27
Mamarokswatto: well, yes, still, it should work directly with k3b16:28
bazhanglibk3b3-extracodecs installed swatto ?16:28
Mamarokswatto: if it is for use on the PC, leave it as ogg16:28
swattoyep bazhang, well ill try installing from terminal16:28
Mamarokbazhang: those are a direct dependency AFAIK, should be installed default, no?16:30
BsimsI have a problem, konqueror isn't respecting default application settings16:30
bazhangMamarok, perhaps now they are; I recall having to install them in intrepid though16:31
Bsims I have a problem, konqueror isn't respecting default application settings, I can change it but soon as I hit update or ok it puts it back16:32
BsimsI need help getting vlc to be the decault audio application, I get this error konqueror(16520) FileTypesView::save: Entry  "audio/mp3"  is dirty. Saving any ideas?16:36
=== jperry is now known as rokabout
Zorixif i update to xorg-edgers, how do i revert changes if necessary?17:06
Zorixdamn ignored here too17:08
=== hunter is now known as Guest41038
bazhang!info xorg-edgers17:08
Guest41038hi folks. what is a good editor17:08
ubottuPackage xorg-edgers does not exist in jaunty17:08
Zorixits a ppa repo17:09
Zorixupdates a bunch of xorg components including the intel video which i probably need it for17:09
bazhangsounds like you may wish to downgrade then?17:10
Zorixthought about it17:10
Zorixdont like the idea though because i dont like kde 4.117:10
bazhangppa's are always risky17:10
Zorixi can barely use 4.2 with the bugs17:10
Zorixyea they are thats why i was wondering if there was a quick command to reload all changed packages to official17:11
bazhangits not being ignored, #ubuntu scrolls really fast17:11
Zorixit does but i asked two different questions one was a simple yes/no and got no response to either17:11
bazhangmissed it, and am a speed reader17:12
bazhangcare to try again?17:12
Zorixi asked teh same question here just using less words17:13
bazhangdidnt see the ppa mentioned before now17:14
Zorixi was thinking i could do something like add the repo, do an apt-get update/dist-upgrade, then if necessary, remove the repo, apt-get update, then some other command to reload the official packages17:14
Zorixyea i came in here after i didnt get an answer there17:14
bazhangseriously doubt that would work as the changes are so big17:14
Zorixfiguring this channel has less people more chance of getting a response17:15
bazhangppa's are really *at your own risk*17:15
Zorixi know17:15
Zorixif it wasnt that my performance is so bad i wouldnt care17:15
Zorixtheres many other bugs its just intel video is so bad17:15
Zorixtons of lag but no cpu load17:16
Zorixgraphics glitches all over the place17:16
psycoHey, I have a problem17:16
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 you see that?17:16
psycowhen my headphones are plugged into the front audio jack, there is a crackling sound17:16
Zorixyes been there17:16
Zorixtried everything suggested there besides package changes17:16
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and that?17:16
psycoand it only happens when stuff changes on my screen17:16
psycolike my mouse movig, or a moving picture or when i mouse over my dock17:17
Zorixyes bazhang, that too17:17
psycoannd its really weird/annoying17:17
Zorixpsyco,  i saw that on my old machine as well17:17
bazhangZorix, no other ideas then; sorry. perhaps the ppa would be the best option then17:17
Zorixnever did get it fixed17:17
=== max is now known as Guest6665
Zorixbazhang,  im afraid i might have a non working system after ppa17:17
psycoZorix: :( but this is a brand new machine XD17:17
psycowell i think I might reinstall anyways...17:17
Zorixsee if it happens in live cd17:18
bazhangZorix, thought it was barely working now17:18
Zorixits barely working but it works, i have to kill X every few days or it gets unusable17:18
bazhangperhaps try a different DE/WM until it is fixed then17:19
Zorixyea thought about going to xfce17:19
bazhangthat or lxde (lubuntu) :)17:19
Zorixim just really excited about kde's future its really wild17:19
Zorixah didnt know about lubuntu17:20
Zorixlxde is the one in knoppix right17:20
bazhangsorry not to be of more assistance17:20
Zorixi appreciate your suggestions, which is more than i can say for others17:20
bazhang#lubuntu (they have a channel now)17:20
bazhangand full canonical approval as well17:20
Zorixnot bad17:21
Zorixgoing to have to research this17:21
bazhangyou should chat with actionparsnip when he is online17:21
Zorixhe is the maintainer?17:21
bazhangno, just a very enthusiastic user :)17:21
Zorixat work i have a kubuntu 9.10 alpha install.. kde 4.3 is getting nice17:22
Zorixin vm17:22
bazhanggetting offtopic though, dont want to get yelled at by Ma morak :)17:22
Zorixi wish i could put another graphics adaptor in this to get away from intel for the time being17:23
yovanproblem:My intel gm945 is not working full speed..i am on kubuntu 9.04, just installed, newbie...please help17:29
Zorixintel drivers are rather broke in 9.0417:30
Zorixi have same issues17:30
yovanso how to fix them17:30
yovanhelp please17:30
Zorixthere is no fix17:30
yovanon alpha 1 karmic, is it fixed17:30
Zorixi dont know i havent tested17:31
Zorixbest bet is to downgrade17:31
yovanto 8.10?17:31
Zorixkde 4.1 kinda sucks17:31
yovanur sure i cant do anything17:31
yovani like the kde 4.217:32
Zorixi tried for over a month now17:32
Zorixyou can get backported packages for 8.1017:32
yovanits not goign full speed17:32
Zorixkde 4.2 for 8.1017:32
yovanit can?17:32
yovani mean i can?17:32
Zorixunfortunately i have to go17:32
yovank bye17:32
Zorixbut if you are on when i get back i will show you17:32
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:33
bazhangyovan, ^^17:33
yovancan u help me17:33
yovanwith intel problem17:33
bazhangyovan, read those links17:34
yovanwhat links17:34
bazhang^^ above17:34
yovanwhere above..u know i'm a bit new17:34
yovanoh i saw17:34
Walzmynwhen my screen savor drops off I see a quick flash of the gnome desktop backdrop. I'm thinking i shouldn't see that, how do i fix it?17:35
* gukk_devel is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.17:38
=== gukk_devel is now known as gukk_devel_gone
yovanthanks rebooting now17:43
kaddiheya :)17:51
Walzmynit's a conspircy17:53
=== angie_ is now known as angie_PL
dennistercan someone help me with setting up my mailman server...am having difficulty with the sasl authentication, and the howtos aren't very detailed on this17:57
mysteriousknighthey i'm new to ubuntu, could anyone plz tell me why my virtual c drive dosn open when i click "view virtual c drive"17:57
Guest41038bye, cau, aufwiedershen, nazchle,18:00
khalidany one around?18:07
bazhang308 of us18:08
khalidso whats going on?18:08
khalidso you kill xp for living? ;)18:09
xp-killeryea  every xp i install i kill it after18:10
xp-killerthats why i name my self that18:10
jussi01khalid: this is a support channel, for general chatter please join #kubuntu-offtopic18:10
xp-killerthen i move on to linux cause im sick of xp18:10
xp-killersorry lol18:11
khalidall good18:11
BluesKajxp-killer, you also have a talent for killing your linux installation and then coming in here and asking for rescue advice which you seldom follow18:11
xp-killeri cant get samba to work i need help i install it but how to run it?18:11
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:12
xp-killerBluesKaj: :p noway thats the 9.04 fault not mine i tink they take out the suport for my video card in 9.04 thats why i cant see the display on my screen18:12
BluesKajyou just asked about samba , how many problems do you actaully have ?18:13
xp-killerBluesKaj: well my samba was working but since i went to 9.04 i had to get rid of it and downgrade back to 8.10 now i have to start from the beggining18:15
xp-killerBluesKaj: witch i need help cause im a noob at linux its not a everyday i does iinstall these things18:16
Bsims I am having a problem konqueror will not keep the prefered application setting, it says konqueror(16535) FileTypesView::save: Entry  "audio/mp3"  is dirty. Saving any ideas?18:16
BluesKajsry xp-killer , but you don't follow the advice ppl give you ...I've seen it too many times , so i hope you can find someone else to help you18:17
xp-killerBluesKaj: i do follow like the guy who give me the website for samba i did that already this morning.and i follow yours also i reinstall 8.10 then upgrade to 9.04 i got the same problem so i came back here to ask u but u werent there18:19
xp-killerBluesKaj: i look up on google i some people had the same problem but they couldnt solve it18:19
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* gukk_devel is back.18:21
xp-killerBluesKaj: i install flashpluging but konqueror still not reading the videos on the website18:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:23
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:23
vincent_come si fa ad scaricare mirc18:24
Mamarok!it | vincent_18:25
ubottuvincent_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:25
bazhangvincent_, #ubuntu-it18:25
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:27
xp-killertank u18:28
* KiRiLoS is away: AFK18:35
jussi01!away > KingOfDos18:35
ubottuKingOfDos, please see my private message18:35
xp-killerjussi01plz stop playing with the bot18:37
astrobearthat doesn't look good18:57
astrobeari aborted18:57
Mamarokastrobear: what do you paste here? without a question it makes little sense18:57
Mamarokastrobear: look at that command you entered and tell us, waht you wanted to do, it makes close to no sense at all18:58
astrobearwas installing generic sound modules18:59
astrobearer, making sure that i had them19:00
Mamarokastrobear: you mixed an installation command with a version quest19:00
Mamarokto make sure you have things, use aptitude show <appname>19:01
astrobearcopied and pasted directly from http://pastebin.com/m7aa121e919:01
Mamarokhm, what is your baseic problem?19:02
MamarokJaunty? KDEç?19:03
astrobear00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)19:03
astrobearupgraded to jaunty19:03
kavurtdoes anybody use logitech quickcam for notebooks pro on jaunty?19:03
Mamarokastrobear: remove pulseaudio, that's the most likely problem19:03
Mamarokkavurt: not me19:03
astrobearnot sure i want to remove pulseaudio19:06
astrobearhow do we know that's even the problem, nothing has pointed to it yet19:06
Mamarokastrobear: why not? KDE doesn't use it and it doesn't work with xine19:06
astrobearlooked in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and alsa has the correct modules19:07
Mamarokastrobear: I see this problem everyday in #amarok, pulseaudio is causing more problems than anything else, trust me19:07
astrobearwhat does kde use if not pulse?19:07
Mamarokastrobear: phonon + xine19:07
astrobear:~$ sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio19:08
Mamarokastrobear: there is no KDE app that requires pulseaudio at all19:08
astrobearReading package lists... Done19:08
astrobearBuilding dependency tree19:08
astrobearReading state information... Done19:08
astrobearPackage pulseaudio-module-x11 is not installed, so not removed19:08
astrobearPackage pulseaudio is not installed, so not removed19:08
Mamarok!paste | astrobear !!!19:08
ubottuastrobear !!!: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:08
astrobearso... no pulseaudio on the system19:08
Mamarokastrobear: I still don't know what doesn't work exactly19:09
astrobearno audio19:09
Mamarokat all?19:09
Mamaroknothing muted in kmix?19:09
astrobearand nothing shows up on kmix when i launch it19:09
astrobearjust a blank window19:09
Mamaroksystemsettings -> multimedia19:09
Mamarokchoose your soundcard and test it there19:10
Mamarokmake sure you have the phonon-xine-backend enabled19:10
Mamarokastrobear: looks like the same problems I had19:13
Mamarokdo not say yes there19:13
verenawhere i am?19:13
Mamarokastrobear: remove .kde/share/configu/phonondevicesrc19:13
Mamarokverena: read the topic19:13
astrobeari still need those sound devices activated19:14
Mamarokastrobear: check if there is no ~/.asoundconf, else remove it19:14
Mamarokthen restart KDE19:15
astrobeark, i'll restart...19:15
Mamarokastrobear: please follow what I told you19:15
Mamarokastrobear: remove .kde/share/configu/phonondevicesrc19:15
Mamarokastrobear: check if there is no ~/.asoundconf, else remove it19:15
Mamarokthen restart KDE19:15
Mamarokmake sure you have phonon-xine-backend installed and selected19:16
Mamarokastrobear: why do you make multple selections? Never told you to do so?19:18
Mamarokphonon-xine-backend, period.19:18
astrobearit's already the newest v. so i'm restarting kde19:18
Mamarok!br | casa19:25
ubottucasa: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:25
=== blemke is now known as eisengiesser
astrobearhad to reconfigure download the nvidia kernel compiler thingie because i was having problems with graphics, and also... sound works now19:41
astrobearthanks Mamarok19:41
Mamarokastrobear: nice to hear! You are welcome :)19:42
* Mamarok calls it a day, later folks19:42
=== kurumin is now known as Roberto_Fontenel
tekogrtya ben bilgisayara format attım ubuntumu güncellemiştim fakat ubuntuyu açamıyorum tekrardan19:53
tekogrtyardim lütfen19:53
BluesKaj!cz | tekogrt19:54
ubottutekogrt: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.19:54
ign0ramus!turkish | tekogrt19:54
ubottutekogrt: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:54
ign0ramusit's gotta be one of those ;)19:54
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál19:54
ign0ramusjust covering our bases here ... :)19:55
BluesKajhehe, well how else :)19:55
ign0ramusslow-motion, "hi" ?19:56
BluesKajthe correction is more confusing then the greeting19:56
ign0ramusi apparently brought my "A" game today folks19:56
ign0ramusBluesKaj, agreed.19:56
BluesKajA game , ign0ramus?19:57
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i thought you were american for some reason... your "A" game means you're on top of things19:57
BluesKajwell, close , I'm a canuck, i should understand that expression tho :)19:58
ign0ramusBluesKaj, fairly common (at least in my experience)... but i did recently learn about poutine, so we'll call it even19:59
BluesKaj<--- old guy ...not in touch with the latest lingo19:59
BluesKajpoutine isn't canuck , it's quebecois :)20:00
BluesKajwe're gonna be chastized soon , for offtopic20:01
ign0ramus!ot | ign0ramus20:01
ubottuign0ramus, please see my private message20:01
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=== Fernando is now known as Guest33058
Guest33058Boa tarde a todos espro que este domingo seja maravilhoso20:04
Dragnslcr!br | Guest3305820:05
ubottuGuest33058: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:05
BluesKajI guess k3b is off the radar for a while til the k3b-devs catch up with kde4.320:14
BluesKajI tried running k3b-kde3 but there's no executable so i can run the app20:16
BluesKajto run the app , rather20:16
astrobearBluesKaj: have you tried just 'k3b'?20:21
swattoAnyone know of an alternative program other than kbluetooth4 as I can recieve files with it but not send20:23
BluesKajastrobear, k3b assumes the kde4 version which won't install due to dependency hell on kde4.320:25
BluesKajswatto,  try the widget version20:26
swattothe widget version BluesKaj?20:27
BluesKajI guess they dumped it20:29
Artie_EphemHi all, I'm trying to install a printer driver on my system, and one of the pre-requisites is that I need to have either ia32-libs or lib32stdc++ installed. How can I tell if they are installed, and if not, where I might obtain them?21:03
=== ubuntu is now known as fatmano
lizhey all, I have a dilemma, my pc that is a dual-boot xp/kubuntu suddenly won't go into kubuntu! The screen remains black! Any suggestions???21:08
BluesKajl!iz | grub21:14
Artie_EphemLiz: have you tried booting into safe mode (from the grub menu)?21:14
BluesKaj!liz | grub21:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liz21:14
BluesKaj !grub | liz21:15
ubottuliz: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:15
lizI've had it dual-boot for a while now and it was working fine21:15
BluesKajliz , alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst ,copy & paste the text in pastebin so we can have a look21:18
lizI don't think it entered safe mode correctly21:18
lizBluesKaj: it's on my desktop and I'm on my laptop21:19
BluesKajis recovery mode listed in the grub menu ?21:20
lizBluesKaj: yes it is, I'm in it now.  Could I do a fskck in recovery mode?21:22
david_I have a W595i Sony ericsson with a memory stick inside that i would like to store my music in, but when i connect it to my computer nothing happends on my computer21:22
BluesKajliz, it will prolly do that automatically , but you can try it .. chhose the fix broken packages option when the dialog box shows up21:23
BluesKajerr choose21:23
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-yadda
BluesKajdavid_, open dolphin and look for the stick on the left , it should show up under the "places'21:25
lizBluesKaj: how do I command it, do I have to do sudo fsck?  it's telling me 'not found'21:26
BluesKajliz, do you have a prompt21:27
lizI have a black screen, far left there's (initramfs) and to the right of that there's a cursor where I type21:28
BluesKajliz, try , startx21:29
lizsays 'not found' again :(21:29
lizomg, is there a way to reinstall kubuntu while saving the files in it???21:30
=== Guest33058 is now known as login_
paul92hello, sorry for my English, I speak French, I have Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE4.3beta (with a specific ppa) and I would like to have facebook-protocole on Kopete, I saw http://github.com/dmacvicar/kopete-facebook/tree/master http://software.opensuse.org/search?baseproject=openSUSE:Factory&p=1&q=kde4-kopete-protocol-facebook or http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=26731&detail=1 but there isn't anything for Kubuntu. Somebody have any ide21:34
paul92is there someone who can help me?21:36
lizOk I tried to exit busybox v1.1.3 and it states "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/a6354baf-ef4a-4a8c-a463-c9c13ab1e5ad does not exist. Dropping to a shell!21:42
=== Nole is now known as San_Diablo
=== spider is now known as Guest90230
Guest90230hi, i've got a "missing file list in the package kdelibs-bin" and libplasma3 is missing a newline, with apt-get... can you help me, plase?21:53
=== Guest90230 is now known as spider__
spider__no one?21:55
chicohow to save mime configuration22:08
Mamarokspider__: could you tell me agin what error you've got?22:10
Mamarokcristian: do you need help?22:12
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=== Guest35098 is now known as gsteinert
Mamarokchico: what mime configuration? sry, just joined a few minutes ago22:16
Mamarokhi JvM_Gelon22:20
JvM_Geloni got a problem after installing jaunty22:20
JvM_Gelonif i mimimize a screen, i can't find it back22:20
JvM_Gelonit does not show up in the lower panel22:21
Mamaroka window, you mean22:21
JvM_Gelona window ;)22:21
MamarokI think you are missing the task manager in your panel22:21
JvM_Gelondidn't know the name :P22:21
Mamarokclick on the cashew icon on the right on your panel, add widgets and add the task manager22:22
spider__Mamarok: http://pastebin.com/d4bc3bc22:22
JvM_Gelonother question :P22:23
JvM_Geloni got a laptop with a nvidia graphics card22:23
Mamarokspider__: that really looks weird22:23
JvM_Gelonin Hardy i had nvidia xserver settings running, what can i use in Jaunty? because i get an error again when i run nvidia-xconfig22:24
JvM_Gelon(hoped upgrading would prevent this from happening)22:24
Mamarokspider__: could you repost the output again in the original version please? I can read Italian22:24
Cueball|2Yay Konversation 1.2!!!22:24
MamarokJvM_Gelon: there is jockey-kde that can help you manage the proprietary drivers22:25
MamarokCueball|2: behave!22:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:26
JvM_Gelonthnx Mamarok trying jockey now ;)22:26
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
Mamarokspider__: still around?22:29
spider__Mamarok: i'm here, i've got the error on the other pc :) http://pastebin.com/d69b5370022:30
Mamarokspider__: have you seen there is a typo in 'lipalsma3' ? this should be libplasma...22:31
lex79_spider__: are you italian?22:31
Mamarokspider__: you only did sudo apt-get upgrade, right?22:31
lex79_hi Mamarok :)22:31
spider__Mamarok: yes, it's my typo22:32
Mamarokspider__: no, Swiss, but let's keep it in english here :)22:32
spider__lex79_: i'm italian22:32
Mamarokhi lex79_22:32
lex79_spider__: join in #ubuntu-it-dev, I try to help you22:32
Mamarokspider__: so did you actually just type sudo apt-get upgrade or did you type something wrong?22:33
spider__Mamarok: i did apg-get update and apt-get upgrade22:33
Mamarokhm, I will tell the devs then, that's weird22:33
Mamarokspider__: also there seems to be a problem with your installation, you seem to not have kdelibs installed correctly22:34
dani have some problems with my old stable system: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/udev (synaptic) please help me (upgrade)22:34
=== ptl_ is now known as ptl
spider__Mamarok: it's possible fix it?22:34
Mamarokdan: that sometimes happens, just a server error22:35
Mamarokdan: try again in a few minutes22:35
Mamarokspider__: you should install kdelibs first22:35
Mamarokspider__: sudo apt-get isntall kdelibs22:35
Mamarokinstall*, sry22:35
danmamarok: thanks, well, there is a week and a still canntot reach that gutsy22:35
danmamarok: (kubuntu 7.10 runs here)22:36
spider__Mamarok: now i try...22:36
ptldoes anyone have a severe slowness on changing tabs on konsole/yakuake with transparency on KDE4 using intel videoboards?22:36
ptlKDE 4.2 of course22:36
Mamarokdan: I think that's because Gutsy has reached it's end of life22:37
Mamarokptl: I dont' use Intel graphics, sry22:38
ptlMamarok: ok, thanks anyway.22:38
Mamarokdan: I think you should upgrade your system, ther is no more support for Gutsy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.10/22:39
Mamarokhm, wrong link, moment...22:39
Mamarokdan: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+series22:39
danmamarok: yes, it looks like this, how can i upgrade in a clean way... ? just put the "new repositories" in /etc/apt/sources.list will make me crash... is there any way, or i have to save on external HDD, put some kubuntu 8.10 and get back the private data22:39
chicoMamarok: id like to save the file associations i set up22:40
danmamarok: thanks a lot! i'll take a look (a point to start suffices!)22:40
Mamarokchico: you will ahve to do that in systemsettings -> advanced tab -> file association22:40
Mamarokdan: from Gutsy you can upgrade to Hardy, it still is supported till October 200922:41
chicoMamarok: i know where to set them up but how to backup22:41
Mamarokdan: if you use synaptic, change all the gutsy entries to hardy, this should help you upgrade, but I strongly suggest you upgrade to Intrepid immediately after22:42
Mamarokchico: I don't know how, sry22:43
Mamarokchico: why do you need to backup those settings?22:43
Mamarokdan: I don't know if upgrading to Intrepid directly is secure, so goint through Hardy is what I would suggest22:44
chicoMamarok: thanks. its coz i'm afraid to not remember how to set them up after the next installation22:49
Mamarokchico: it's probably somewhere in /etc22:52
chicoMamarok: ok22:53
Admiral_Chicagois the one i think you're looking for22:53
MamarokAdmiral_Chicago: no, we are talking of different things here :)22:53
Admiral_ChicagoMamarok: want to bring me up to speed?22:54
danmamarok: i am in big trouble, would like to move to hardy, but there is no description / receipt to do it from the second gutsy no longer exists. I'll swich to the plan: edit sources list by global replace of gutsy with hardy, (not directly commenting out canonical, etc) and start that apt-get update; apt-get upgrade. I'll do it in 10 minutes after saving old configs. Thanks!23:07
Mamarokdan: do you have your /home on a different partition?23:08
wissamhello all i can't install wmware or skype in my kubuntu 9.10 ?23:13
KingOfDos19:35:55 (   jussi01 ) !away > KingOfDos <- learn to tabcomplete before you flame someone ;)23:14
wissami use alot of ext and .deb of cout=rse23:14
danmamarok: no, here is a one primary partition laptop, that served for one year to all math, python, poetry, chess and graphics. Is there any danger about my ~/ (all work lies inside and is not fully saved or checked in into svn...)23:17
danmamarok: uuh... apt-get upgrade (from console) gives me a long, long list requiring 1GB of more place... is this ok, i do upgrade from gutsy to hardy (and not more)?23:23
geniiwissam: #ubuntu+1 for 9.10/Karmic Koala please23:24
wissamok thank you23:25
swattohello all23:49

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