
BUGabundomrwes: ahhhh coufh01:30
mrwesyou're still here?01:31
BUGabundoaren't I always?01:31
BUGabundostill trying to clear my mail backlog01:32
BUGabundowon't have the time during this busy weekend01:32
BUGabundoso it will grow even moe01:32
mrwesbusy weekend?01:32
mrwesyou gotta work?01:32
mrwesor is it a Portuguese holiday?01:32
BUGabundo500 Children for Kid Day01:34
BUGabundoamoung other activities, I'll make a FOSS showcase01:34
BUGabundowith 3 other users01:34
mrwesuh? 500 kids?01:39
mrweswhat do you do?01:39
BUGabundoits from a bunch of schools01:41
BUGabundoI have nothing to do with it01:41
BUGabundoI just got invited by a LoCoTeam to help out01:41
mrweshow old are the kids?01:46
BUGabundono idea01:48
BUGabundothis is sooooooo OT eheeh01:56
BUGabundome live with webcam http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bugabundo02:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:04
BUGabundolove you too ikonia02:27
ikoniamode +b BUGabundo!*@*!#ubuntu-ops02:27
ikoniaahh youre active02:27
ikoniaplease join #ubuntu-ops02:27
BUGabundoikonia: aint I always?02:27
ikoniaI don't know02:27
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system if you use it | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Alpha 1 Released: see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha1 | UDS coverage in #ubuntu-devel-summit. ! This is NOT a generic chat channel
taggiewhere is the appropriate queue to file a bug report for a battery/power issue? In Karmic, when my first battery hits 0% full, instead of swapping to the second battery (like 6.04-9.04), my laptop does an immediate shutdown.06:40
geirhataggie: Not sure. I'd guess acpi. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi06:55
=== MooKow is now known as LordKow
* ColdWind wonders what's the use of this channel10:49
* Don_Miguel suggests ColdWind read the topic10:50
ColdWindDon_Miguel: I did, but I wonder anyway since there's so low traffic ;)10:54
TheInfinityColdWind: perhaps because its alpha?10:55
TheInfinityand some ppl (at last) understood that alpha testing means much work?10:56
ColdWindTheInfinity: I don't follow your logic10:58
TheInfinityColdWind: ok - other question - why should somebody install an alpha?10:58
ColdWindTheInfinity: I guess people here do, right?10:59
Don_Miguelperhaps to help find the places it breaks ...10:59
Don_Miguelto help get them fixed10:59
ColdWindor just beucase they need it10:59
TheInfinityColdWind: no.11:00
TheInfinityColdWind: you never need an alpha, especially not in this early state11:00
ColdWindTheInfinity: you're assuming too much11:00
ColdWindone might need software only in alpha and painful to backport11:01
TheInfinityColdWind: ppl who install it by your reason will get much problems when xorg breaks etc11:01
TheInfinityColdWind: so you should never install it by this reason - because you will be disappointed. it has a reason why its not for all ppl11:02
ColdWindman, I *know* what's an alpha11:02
ghindoWhere are all the documents on gobby.ubuntu.com?  I'm not seeing anything.11:03
TheInfinitywell, then wheres the problem? if you want a bleeding edge distro you should use gentoo or arch ;)11:03
ColdWindTheInfinity: yep, I'm former gentoo dev ;)11:04
Don_Miguelin this case, it is the OS in Alpha as well as lots of software apps11:04
ColdWindTheInfinity: anyway, there's no problem11:04
ColdWindTheInfinity: I just did a comment about the traffic here, that alpha discussion was your thing11:04
TheInfinityColdWind: ubuntu is not gentoo, there are not so much freaks who love instable systems ;)11:05
ColdWindheh, I guess so11:05
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
BluesKajGood Day folks14:34
tgpraveen1so uds is over which feature are you most excited about?14:56
TwigathyShiny shiny boot screen [if I can get it to play nice with NFS root!]14:57
tgpraveen1Twigathy: plymouth is not coming right so how will there be a shiny boot screen?14:59
TwigathyOkay, I'll have to wait a while longer for that then ;)15:00
=== robin0800_ is now known as robin0800
Sarvattpossible i586 arch upgrade, and not sticking to 2.6.30 going by the gobby notes :D15:03
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
tgpraveenhey guys I just heard soemtime back that banshee might replace rhthmbox16:03
tgpraveenin karmic I really dislike the ui of banshee as it has some stupid decisions like the currently playing songs play bar (you know the one which moves forward as the song plays)16:04
tgpraveenis so short and the album cover is displayed in small size16:04
tgpraveencan this be changed by us?16:04
tgpraveenwhat are you are opinions16:05
ColdWindtgpraveen: someone could contribute a patch to add an option for big album covers and small titles or something like that16:12
ColdWindsounds sensible16:12
tgpraveenColdWind: yeah someone whould should I file a bug16:13
tgpraveenabout this if yes where should I file it16:13
tgpraveenlaunchpad or at banshee site16:13
tgpraveenanyone know if this was thought about at UDS or banshee devs opinion16:13
ColdWindtgpraveen: that should be a feature request for banshee16:18
tgpraveenColdWind: that Is a ui change so I doubt it would be called a feature request16:18
ColdWindtgpraveen: it is a feature request if it's optional16:19
ColdWindtgpraveen: anyway, it falls under the category of request, not bug16:19
tgpraveenColdWind: ok16:20
gourgihey guys , i'm testing empathy in karmic.17:39
gourgianyone know if MSN file transfers are working?17:39
tgpraveengourgi: #telepathy17:40
tgpraveenand I think NO17:40
gourgiok , thanks17:40
gourgialso telepathy doesn't seem to understand basic irc commands, like /join17:42
gourgiit seems strange to me that ubuntu devs decided to switch from pidgin17:42
robin0800gourgi: try konversation17:48
gourgirobin0800 i don't need an irc client , i'm just testing the new default messaging client and just mention what i dislike compared to pidgin17:51
BluesKajpidgin was trying to do too much ..everything to everyone webwise and it's irc option was clunky ...best to stick with apps that are specific to a network17:52
tgpraveenBluesKaj: while hardcore irc users might want to use something dedicated to irc but still it is nice if everything works in something like empathy/pidgin17:56
tgpraveengourgi: these issues are known to the telepathy devs but are unlikely to be fixed by them anytime soon as it aitn a priority for them so maybe17:58
tgpraveensomeone from community can fix them this is hoped now that ubuntu is usint it as default so patches will come17:59
gourgii hope so too, i wish i could help but my programming skills are below zero18:00
BluesKajtgpraveen, hardcore user ..oh come now ..using an irc client for irc isn't hardcore :)18:02
tgpraveenBluesKaj: yeah but needing a separate client for irc does. many people who rarely use irc can easily make do with  say pidgin18:07
BluesKajtgpraveen, I rarely use any IMs but i still use amsn if need be. I guess "hardcore user" is a matter of personal defintion18:10
tgpraveenyeah I guess18:10
BluesKajI guess k3b is off the radar for a while til the k3b-devs catch up with kde4.320:14
DanaGhmm... no Plymouth.  But hey, KMS for radeon will be there, right?20:59
DanaGusplash on top of KMS is good enough for me!20:59
DanaGOh, and last time I tried Plymouth, even on KMS, it didn't even work.  It just plain loads details.so.20:59
DanaGi.e. text-mode boot.20:59
pace_t_zuluanyone have problems with languages in firefox?21:02
ghindopace_t_zulu: Nope, what problem are you having?21:22
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-yadda
poseidonHas anyone here used a NIC with the ralink rt73 chipset?21:27
poseidonon karmic21:27
pace_t_zululanguage pack is set to en-GB but it should be en-US21:27
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
melvinHi. my latop does not play sound any more on karmic. i think its an alsa problem. is there anybody who can help me?22:08
Kalmi_melvin, try OSS so that we can be sure it is an ALSA problem22:09
melvinhow can i try this?22:09
melvini tryed mplayer with "-ao oss" and "-ao alsa". both options doesnt bring up some sound22:11
Kalmi_do this before trying: "pulseaudio -k"22:11
melvinok. pulse is stopped22:13
Kalmi_now try mplayer with "-ao oss"22:15
melvinok. i think i found something. there seams to be a new pcm device, called PCM Wave2. but it does not apear on any volume control except wmix22:17
melvinso now i can hear something.22:18
ColdWindor just uninstall pulseaudio22:18
ColdWindthat works pretty good for me22:19
melvinis there any chance to save my audio setting? i use fluxbox. on jaunty volume level was saved. on karmic it starts with volume level 0.22:20
melvinoh realy? how can i remove pulse from ubuntu?22:20
melvini don't see any reason for using it22:20
ColdWindmelvin: I don't see it either22:21
ColdWindjust uninstall pulseaudio and libpulse* packages22:21
DanaGgrr, damn Evince.22:21
ubottuGnome bug 551005 in general "evince takes over global keyboard shortcuts" [Minor,Resolved: duplicate]22:22
ColdWindthe downside is that you'll have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop, but it's a metapackage so no harm is done22:22
DanaGIt's enough to make me want to install Adobe's reader.22:22
ubottuGnome bug 547164 in general "Support for media player keys interferes with the music player" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:22
DanaGfixed?  yeah, it no longer BLOCKS the other keys....22:23
DanaGbut it DOES still interfere!22:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 339757 in evince "Evince goes full screen when pressing play on keyboard (dup-of: 263779)" [Low,Fix released]22:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 263779 in evince "Evince hijacks global multimedia keys" [Low,Fix released]22:23
DanaGNo, it's NOT a duplicate.22:24
DanaGI hate when people mark things as duplicate when they're NOT duplicate.22:24
melvinColdWind: do i have to change audio setting s on vlc mplayer and so on?22:24
ColdWindmelvin: nope, it should just work. Although you might want to ensure that ALSA is selected in gnome's multimedia conf22:25
ColdWindmelvin: also, on /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf you might change ao=pulse,alsa for ao=alsa22:26
DanaGI've added my own "two cents": https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/33975722:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 339757 in evince "Evince goes full screen when pressing play on keyboard (dup-of: 263779)" [Low,Fix released]22:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 263779 in evince "Evince hijacks global multimedia keys" [Low,Fix released]22:27
melvinColdWind: thx22:27
ColdWindmelvin: no problem22:27
melvinColdWind: It works perfectly. thx al lot22:33
melvini could save alsa settings with "#> alsactl store"22:33
ColdWindmelvin: do you have alsa-utils enabled on startup?22:36
ColdWindiirc, that's what saves/restores alsa settings22:36
melvinthey are installed but not enabled. is this the default setting?22:37
ColdWindmelvin: probably22:38
melvinhuh, i see the script does all the alsactc stuff :-) thx again22:41
ColdWindnp again ;)22:41
melvinsee you later22:43
DanaGI installed acroread to get rid of that damned fullscreen-hogging evince.22:43
DanaGI HATE having my document reader steal my whole screen when I try to play or pause my music.22:43
ColdWindDanaG: congrats22:44
DanaGthe only oddity: the options dialog resizes itself when you scroll through it.  It's especially amusing with wobbly enabled.22:44

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