
pmatulisanyone here familiar with the so called cn=config method for configuring openldap?00:26
pmatulisfor some reason a fresh 9.04 install is not allowing anonymous queries00:27
Sam-I-Ampmatulis: whats the error?00:56
PleXuSis it save to update to v 9.04 ?00:57
Sam-I-Amdur, gotta run... check in #openldap if no one responds here00:59
pmatulisSam-I-Am: a getent query as non-root yields "cannot find name for group id" and "I have no name".  root query is ok00:59
axisyswhy do I keep loosing the name server that I prepended in my /etc/dhcp3/dhcpclient.conf file ?01:06
axisysit keep disappearing from the /etc/resolv.conf file01:06
* VK7HSE I've just reported the following bug in documentation... Bug #38180203:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 381802 in ubuntu-docs "Update required in moin moin docs (Ubuntu-server 9.04)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38180203:00
axisysam I hitting a bug with that prepended domain name server keep disappearing from /etc/resolv.conf ?03:11
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lukehasnonameevening, I'm in Texas03:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #381806 in samba (main) "I cannt open shared folder on windows unless i run "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38180603:46
TheDJACRAnyone here use vserver/openvz on jaunty?03:52
rdw200169axisys, are you still in here?03:55
medicdaveHow do I add a spare device to a RAID-5 array using mdadm, and have it persist across reboots? Running stock Ubuntu server 8.04. Running `mdadm /dev/md0 --add /path/to/partition` results in 1 spare shown in subsequent `mdadm --detail /dev/md0` but 0 spares after a reboot. Do I need to re-create the array using the --spare-devices parameter? Reassemble it? TIA04:01
cellofellowanyone here know dnsmasq very well? I've got a strange issue where all the domains on my lan and some from the internet have a cname to my domain. See this paste. http://paste2.org/p/23246407:07
cellofellowcauses strange issues, like when the dns times out the site gets redirected to my server hosted on terminator.07:08
aljosaanybody knows how can i tell postfix not to deliver locally?08:43
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NorthByNorthWestHi! Im having problems with getting LDAP to work with ubuntu server edition, Im administration through webmin... can anyone here please help me? Im trying to get the eGroupWare-server up and running!10:33
NorthByNorthWestIt says "The OpenLDAP server program /etc/ldap/ldap.conf was not found on your system. Perhaps the path on the module configuration page is incorrect?"10:35
NorthByNorthWestBut the file is there and the path is correct!10:36
incorrectNorthByNorthWest, permissions10:36
NorthByNorthWestIs it a permissions issue?10:36
NorthByNorthWestah ok10:36
NorthByNorthWesthumm... how to fix? setting chmod 777 isnt the best solution is it?10:37
NorthByNorthWestOr should I change the "User OpenLDAP server runs as"-group?10:39
NorthByNorthWestIm getting nowhere... help appreciated!10:42
NorthByNorthWestincorrect: still there?10:54
isaacNorthByNorthWest: maybe it's easier for you to install ebox10:58
isaacNorthByNorthWest: it will handle ldap configuration for you10:58
NorthByNorthWestisaac: hi! whats ebox, exactly?10:58
NorthByNorthWestisaac: just install with apt-get?10:59
isaacNorthByNorthWest: well, think webmin but highly integrated10:59
isaacand easy to use10:59
isaacNorthByNorthWest: yeah, well, in theory,except the last version available in ubuntu isn't always the best one10:59
NorthByNorthWestisaac: oh... a better webmin?10:59
isaacNorthByNorthWest: well, it's a bit different11:00
isaacops, not there11:00
* NorthByNorthWest googles ebox11:00
* NorthByNorthWest reads the info in the link11:02
isaacNorthByNorthWest: what are you installing? hardy or jaunty?11:03
NorthByNorthWestisaac: i have installed jaunty server edition11:03
NorthByNorthWestisaac: remote administrating through ssl and/or webmin right now...11:04
isaacright, i think the latest ebox version isn't available for jaunty yet11:04
isaacas we focus on hardy11:04
NorthByNorthWestisaac: i guess it must be possible to try out ebox in parallell with webmin and then uninstall the one i then dont want to use anymore?11:04
NorthByNorthWestisaac: ah ok... can i install additional packages to gt it to work? or would a complete reinstall be necessary?11:05
isaaci would discourage from installing it in jaunty at the moment11:06
isaacbut i would encourage you to give it a try in a hardy install at some point11:06
isaacNorthByNorthWest: you can just go to http://ebox-platform.com/ and click the big download link11:06
isaacthat will get you a installer CD image which will install ubuntu server and ebox11:07
* NorthByNorthWest downloading11:07
NorthByNorthWestisaac: youre a ebox developer?11:08
NorthByNorthWestso i can replace webmin in full with ebox....?11:09
isaacNorthByNorthWest: well, it depends on what services you require11:10
isaacalthough you can just configure some services with ebox and others with webmin11:10
isaacor manually11:10
NorthByNorthWestisaac: I want to set up e egroupware server and a NAS11:10
isaacbut the ones that ebox manages needs to be left just to ebox11:10
isaacNorthByNorthWest: well, ebox supports egroupware11:10
NorthByNorthWestisaac: ok11:10
isaacand also serving files through Samba11:11
NorthByNorthWestyou if i can make a bootable usb pen drive with that iso file?11:12
NorthByNorthWest*do you know if...11:12
isaacNorthByNorthWest: i think you can11:13
isaacbut i am not 100% sure11:13
isaaci think someone had done it11:13
NorthByNorthWesti running low on cd-r's here! :)11:14
NorthByNorthWestyou know any specific stuff that ebox cant but that i can do with webmin?11:14
isaaci am not really used to webmin11:15
isaacbut webmin usually exposes *all* or most of the features11:16
NorthByNorthWestcan i partition and format drives through ebox?11:16
isaacof services11:16
isaacwhile ebox usually just tries to make things easy and provide what 90% of users would want11:16
isaacNorthByNorthWest: well, the ebox installer has the regular ubuntu partitioning system11:16
NorthByNorthWestso i need to do to it through a ordinary terminal?11:18
NorthByNorthWestisaac: the ebox installer comes with egroupware preinstalled??11:43
isaacuhm, i think you can choose11:43
NorthByNorthWestso installing with it will pretty much set up egroupware and all its dependencies as well?11:44
isaacand will set up openldap too11:44
NorthByNorthWesti just found this: http://forum.ebox-platform.com/index.php?topic=1020.011:45
NorthByNorthWesthavent read it thorough yet11:45
NorthByNorthWestthat does it... im going ebox!11:47
* NorthByNorthWest goes to fetch an USB stick to make an installer11:47
Kamping_Kaiserwhen is Ubuntu 8.04.3 likely to be confirmed? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule still lists it as TBC11:50
Kamping_Kaiserand julys not that far away :)11:50
NorthByNorthWestisaac: ive booted the usb stick with youre installer... no problemo... but do you know the easiest way to find out which /dev/??? to enter to make the installer find the files?12:09
isaacuhm, not sure12:11
NorthByNorthWestisaac: another noobish question... how to i make the ls command pause for keypress when it has filled the screen with files?12:12
Kamping_Kaiserpipe it into less12:12
isaacls | less12:13
isaacanyway it's weird that it asks you for a device12:13
NorthByNorthWestyeah i think so too but right now i just want to install!12:14
isaacwell, if you get into problems with the USB it should work perfectly from the CD-ROM12:15
NorthByNorthWestit looks for the cdrom yeah... argh...12:16
mib_gvdksqjwi have a questions.how can i have root access in ubuntu?12:57
Kamping_Kaiserusing sudo12:59
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NorthByNorthWestisaac: you still there?13:30
isaacNorthByNorthWest: sure13:30
isaacNorthByNorthWest: i am going to leave now, but magnetic is a ebox developer too13:31
isaacNorthByNorthWest: anyway if you want ebox specific help you can join #ebox13:31
NorthByNorthWestisaac: is he here now? i just fininshed installing to a use drive but booting makes linux ask for the ubuntu-hardy-cd-rom!13:31
* NorthByNorthWest joins #ebox13:32
isaacyes, he is here now13:32
dennistercould anyone pls help me with postfix/dovecot/sasl? problem seems to be in latter area13:41
giovanidennister: have you checked out the SASL documentation from both the postfix and dovecot projects? it's pretty good13:42
dennisteri've tried, but must admit it's all a bit overwhelming13:42
dennisterjust can't seem to authenticate...13:42
giovanican you tell me what you've tried exactly?13:43
dennister...configured postfix according to howto; configured dovecot according to howto as well, and that's testing as working...built the key, crt, csr...(comfort zone for me)13:45
giovaniwhich howto?13:46
dennisterput cert stuff in correct folders...restarted postfix, dovecot, the sasl demon a hundred times...ubuntu 8.04 official documentations mainly13:46
giovaniok, certificates are totally separate from SASL13:47
giovaniI asked if you had checked out the documentation from the dovecot and postfix projects13:47
giovaninot from Ubuntu13:47
dennisterbut when that got simply on underlying stuff like dovecot and tls-sasl, ended up adding some stuff from community documentation13:47
dennisteri did end up using some of the postfix documentation so i could get a passphrase-leass key, cert, etc.13:48
giovaniwhat keys are you generating?13:48
giovaniubuntu comes with self-signed certs ready to use13:48
giovanifor testing, etc13:48
dennistersmtp.key, smtp.crt, same for csr, cakey.pem...13:49
giovaniubuntu comes with self-signed certs ready to use13:49
dennisteri've taken postfix out of chroot for testing/troubleshooting...13:49
medicdaveDoing kernel RAID-5 on Ubuntu 8.04: How do I add a spare device to an _existing_ array so that it persists across reboots? Running `mdadm /dev/md0 --add /path/to/partition` results in 1 spare shown in subsequent `mdadm --detail /dev/md0` but 0 spares after a reboot. Do I need to re-create the array using the --spare-devices parameter? Reassemble it? TIA13:50
dennisterso where do i go from here?13:50
dennister<-------totally stumped13:50
giovanidennister: I've pointed you towards the official documentation from both projects, I assure you that it works13:50
dennistereven with ubuntu...it's a bit different13:51
giovanino, it works with ubuntu13:51
giovaniubuntu has done nothing to the configs that makes documentation not applicable13:51
dennisterk...should i try the dovecot more than the postfix docs? since the problem is in the sasl authentication...13:52
giovaniboth sets of documentation are critical, postfix has to be told where and how to use dovecot's sasl, and dovecot has to have sasl running13:52
dennisterMay 30 00:24:38 bannville postfix/smtpd[7301]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms13:52
giovanisounds like you haven't configured dovecot's sasl at all then13:53
dennisterwell, i did, but it's not taking...not being recognized as having been done13:53
giovanithen it wasn't done correctly13:53
giovanithe documentation is very good, I suggest you read it carefully13:53
dennisterafter i get some sleep :)13:54
dennisterif I can ever get to sleep...:(13:54
dennisterand thanks for the old basic...back to the documentation...that really helps13:55
ghost_lineshi all, how do I install x server on ubuntu 9.04 server?13:57
ghost_linesI tried apt-get install xserver to no avail13:58
medicdaveyou may need to use the package name 'xorg' instead13:58
ghost_linesthanks I'll try that13:59
medicdaveLook at http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:59
ghost_linesI was trying X11 forwarding but it didn't work, i then remembered that X11 is not in 9.04 server edition14:00
medicdaveI see... You'll definitely need some kind of x server - the web site above can list what's available for you14:00
ghost_linesthanks I'm looking into it now14:01
medicdave`apt-get install <pkgname>` is not very forgiving when you don't specify the package name exactly as it appears in the database14:01
medicdaveand keep in mind that some packages are meta-packages, meaning they actually end up installing a whole bunch of other packages ('xorg' is one of these)14:01
ghost_linesyeah that's true, I'm installing the xorg meta package right now14:02
Skaag1I'm trying to forcefully unmount an nfs mount, with umount -f /mnt/nfsdir but it doesn't work, is there a more "brutal" way to do this? :-)15:36
giovaniSkaag1: is there an error15:50
giovaniyou can try a lazy unmount (-l)15:50
giovanias well as forceful15:50
Skaag1I managed to do it15:51
Skaag1works now. thanks :-)15:51
giovaniwhat was the problem and solution -- it's good to keep that in irc for logging purposes15:52
mattHi, is it possible to make an external harddrive look like part of the same fs as the internal harddrive that is on my server? I am trying to create users on a partition of the harddrive and use another partition as a media server, but my server wants everything as the same fs.16:07
mpunduis anybody there16:19
mpundui need some help with 8.10 server16:20
pmatulisthere are 176 people in this channel16:20
mpundui know16:21
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codeshepherdguys what is the advantage of running  ubuntu on servers over debian ?16:31
maxbThey have very different release cycles. This may or may not be an advantage or disadvantage16:33
codeshepherdubuntu server gets released often.. and is more uptodate16:33
codeshepherdi like that16:33
dazmanSo difficult to answer.16:34
codeshepherdi am using squeeze  now.. i want to move to mysql 5.4 asap.... i want to run latest php versions.. is ubuntu a better choice than debian ?16:35
dazmanI guess Commercial Support from Canonical may create an advantage to corporate users.16:35
codeshepherdno we will not get a commercial support as of now16:35
infinityCommercial Support, partner certification, and slightly fresher packages are the Ubuntu advantages.16:35
codeshepherdok.. that sounds nice infinity  dana_good16:36
dazmanMySQL 5.4 isn't in Ubuntu 9.04 as a package, so you'll be in the same position with Debian in that you'd need a third party package or compile yourself.16:36
infinityLong release cycles (leading to very stable, but older software) and backed by 1000 Debian Developers who probably all use it as a "server" on at least one machine is the Debian side.16:36
codeshepherdthere is a channel on ubuntu-ec2 .. i dont find similar channels for debian16:36
codeshepherdfrom ec2 perspective .. ubuntu sounds better than debian interms of wide usage16:37
infinitycodeshepherd: MySQL 5.4 isn't out yet, and we certainly won't be shipping it until it is.16:38
codeshepherdya, i guess you would be the first to ship it .. atleast before debian does16:38
codeshepherdinfinity: ^16:38
infinityDepends on where it falls in the Debian release cycle but, yes, if they're hard frozen, we're a bit more likely to roll 5.4 packages.16:39
dazmanIt depends yea.. it'd be in Debian Unstable very early on.. ,but then, gone are the days people use Debian Unstable on servers.. surely! ;)16:39
infinitySome more adventurous developers do, but I'd like to think most users don't. :)16:40
dazmanI *used* too, around the Debian Potato days (when Slink was stable) but, waking up after a dist-upgrade and having to fix perl wasn't the best thing to be doing.16:41
infinityMy rule of thumb as a Debian and Ubuntu developer was always "if the machine is in kicking distance, I'll run a development release on it, if not, it's getting a stable release"...16:41
codeshepherdyou guys are already supporting mysql 5.1 .. debian is still in mysql 5.016:42
infinitydazman: Funny you should mention Potato, I just found a machine that had been quietly running Potato SINCE ITS RELEASE, and upgraded it to hardy...16:42
infinitydazman: "Oops".16:42
maxbUsing unstable on a server is a bit over the top. I happily run testing on a server, though, and have done for years16:43
dazmaninfinity, Heh.  Cool.  I really liked Potato - I was on Slink, and Potato was probably the first version I *really* used.. as I was using it as Unstable for ages...16:44
infinitymaxb: I consider that to be reasonably insane on remote machines too, depending on where in the release cycle you are.16:44
infinitymaxb: Once the world starts freezing, and most of what trickles totesting is bugfixes and such, then yeah, I'm all for it.16:45
dazmanWell.. remote Debian Unstable servers, unless they are virtualised and you have decent remote access when * goes wrong.. is pretty impressive ;)16:45
dazmanOut of the box, and excuse the technology ;)16:45
infinitydazman: VMs don't count as "remote" in this case. :)16:45
dazmanUbuntu-Server runs out of the box much better than Debian Lenny on a Hyper-V box.  Debian Lenny would drop to arounnd 1MB/sec read rate on the disks after a couple of days.. Ubuntu-server stays solid at 40MB/sec forever..16:46
infinityIn fact, a machine with a solid KVM or ILO type setup really doesn't count as remote either.16:46
dazmaninfinity, ;)16:46
infinityBut most cheap co-lo providers don't give me such bells and/or whistles.16:46
dazmaninfinity, Haha.. iLO only has to save you once.. and then you really to value it.. awesome stuff.16:46
infinitydazman: I've got serial to the machines I use at work (in the Canonical DC), but my personal co-lo machine has no such spanky features, since I'm a cheap bastard.16:47
infinitydazman: So, I admin it conservatively and with much fear on reboots. :)16:47
dazmaninfinity, :)  Yea.. iLO can make you lazier.. :)16:47
dazmaninfinity: I have it on a server I have in a datacenter, because it's 100miles away.. if it was closer, like 10 miles, I'd just drive, but not 100.. :p16:48
infinityYes, well... infinity(Calgary) <-- large continent --><-- giant ocean --> Canonical DC (London)16:49
infinityI've never bothered with a tape measure, but.  It ain't close.16:49
Skaag1how do you use ILO stuff in Linux?16:49
dazmanAmazingly, Potato was released August 14th, 2000. :o16:49
dazmanSkaag1, it just gives you a remote console.16:50
infinitydazman: Hence my shame at still running it...16:50
dazmanSkaag1, so either serial console, of with the advanced features, full access (as if you plug a keyboard, mouse and monitor in)16:50
infinitydazman: But hey, the machine was still happily doing its thing.16:50
infinitydazman: The fact that it was a monolithic kernel, with pretty much no useless drivers, and all it did was firewalling is probably the only reason it didn't end up as some sketchy mass-mailer or something. :P16:51
infinitySerial iLO >> KVM iLO... Seriously.16:52
dazmaninfinity, yea.. would be running for decades if you left it.16:52
infinityPeople who insist on the latter have never tried using it intercontinentally.16:52
dazmanI did a Windows 2008 install over iLO over Virtual Media (hyper-v host)16:53
dazmanthat was, er, fun16:53
infinityIt's pretty telling that Intel hardware is the only hardware out there where anyone ever even considered a GUI LOM... Thanks, Windows.16:54
dazmanThe KVM stuff isn't the most efficient.16:54
Skaag1I have this card you stick in IBM x335 servers which supposedly gives you this functionality16:56
Skaag1and the fun part is that if you daisy chain them all together, the card controls all of them16:57
infinityYup, that was the massive selling feature for the xSeries stuff in datacentres.16:57
Skaag1IBM used to have this proprietary system where the servers had a built-in kvm16:57
Skaag1I can understand why it's a massive selling point, I use this, it's awesome16:58
Skaag1the newer models don't seem to have this16:58
Skaag1or perhaps I'm missing something16:58
infinityI assume the new ones use something else?  I dunno.  We run vanishingly few IBM servers.16:58
Skaag1you use Dell now?16:59
Skaag1or perhaps HP's16:59
infinityHP.  Lots of HP.16:59
Skaag1I heard from someone that for the same specs, an HP DL server gives 130% the perceived power of an IBM server17:00
Skaag1supposedly something with I/O, or Memory Controllers...17:00
giovaniSkaag1: that's an impossible generalization17:03
infinityReally depends on the line, and generation.17:03
giovaniSkaag1: most (if not all) server manufs offer out of band management17:03
giovanithe standard for this is called IPMI17:04
infinityBut we weren't ridiculously thrilled with I/O on some of the xSeries stuff we had years ago and, frankly, it's much less hassle to just pick a vendor and stick with them, so HP has our love.17:04
giovaniHP calls theirs iLO17:04
giovanidell has some other name17:04
dazmanDell Remote Access Card17:05
giovaniyep, that's it17:05
giovaniI don't use proprietary stuff like that17:06
giovaniI stick to IPMI compliant oob management17:06
mattis there a way to make an external harddrive act like part of my servers harddrive?17:06
infinityTo be fair, IPMI is "proprietary" too, just happens to be used by a few more people. :)17:07
giovanimatt: I don't know what "part of" means17:07
giovaniinfinity: no ... it's not17:07
giovaniit's an open specification, that's the exact opposite of "proprietary"17:07
mattso it is part of the same filesystem, so I can get the package mt-daapd to retrieve media from it17:08
giovanimatt: there's only one filesystem on your machine ... the drive is already part of your filesystem17:08
dazmanmatt: can't you just mount it within the past mt-daapd looks in?17:08
mattbecause it only gets things that are from the same filesystem17:08
giovaniyou can mount it anywhere you'd like17:08
ghostlinesHi all, I added my public key to the authorized_keys file but the server still asks me for password17:09
ghostlinesafter the first connection I can make new connections without having to enter a password17:09
infinitydazman: I've not noticed too many people being given input into the spec other than the companies shipping it.17:10
infinitydazman: Publishing the spec doesn't make it open, any more than publishing the spec for ALOM makes it "open".17:10
ghostlinesI used passwordless public key auth on earlier versions of ubuntu but I'm having no luck with 9.0417:10
dazmaninfinity, ^^ giovani17:10
giovaniinfinity: you clearly don't understand the meaning of the word "proprietary"17:11
giovaniI didn't say that it was a community-built specification17:11
giovaniI said that it's not proprietary17:11
giovaniwhich means that a single company doesn't own/control/and keep it a secret17:11
giovaninearly ALL technical specifications work this way17:11
giovanithere's a governing body17:11
Skaag1I go with Giovani17:11
infinitySo not getting into an argument about the word "proprietary". :P17:11
Skaag1if you open your spec, and others can implement it 100%, I no longer consider it proprietary17:12
giovaniinfinity: good, because you clearly don't grasp its meaning -- and therefore shouldn't be discussing it17:12
infinityBut as it tends to be used in the Free Software world (looks around him), IPMI is under proprietary control, despite being published.17:12
infinityMuch like published source for an application, but with a restrictuve license.17:12
dazmanghostlines: Is public key auth on in sshd_config? Have you tried ssh -v when you login for more verbose output?17:12
giovanithis is not an open source discussion17:12
mattI need to basically make an external harddrive look like part of my servers filesystem, because the package mt-daapd will only retrieve media that is on the servers main harddrive, but that harddrive is very small.17:13
giovanithe protocol is open to be implemented by anyone who wants to -- that's the opposite of proprietary17:13
giovaniHP's, Dell's etc solutions are proprietary17:13
giovanisome support SOME IPMI interoperability17:13
giovanibut their solutions are not built for IPMI17:14
giovanimatt: as we've told you ... linux works this way already, any drive/device you mount becomes a part of the filesystem -- use the mount command to tell your computer WHERE in the filesystem you'd like it to be17:14
giovanii.e. "sudo mount /dev/sdb /where/my/music/files/go"17:15
Alex_21Give it a try17:15
Alex_21I'll do the same17:15
mattI've tried this already.17:15
giovaniit works17:15
giovaniI assure you17:15
giovaniif you have a SPECIFIC problem in executing that command properly, tell us about it17:16
mattit does let me view the files, but mt-daapd for some reason does not detect them17:16
giovanithen complain to mt-daapd people17:16
giovanithat doesn't sound like a drive/ubuntu problem17:16
dazmanmaybe if you're mounting it, it's permission based.  Does the user mt-daapd is running as have access to the files on that USB drive when mounted?17:17
dazmanls -l /path/to/where/usb/mounted and see what permissions the files/folders have.17:18
Alex_21I'm looking it up17:18
Alex_21I found a Dapper guide17:19
giovania guide to what, exactly?17:19
dazmanHeh.  wrong channel going on, surely.17:19
Alex_21No, the Firefly issue Matt is having17:23
dazmanOh, Haha. :)17:24
* dazman predicts permissions17:24
Alex_21Where did you mount it Matt?17:25
Alex_21I'm going to run a test on the permitions17:25
Alex_21How do you run a permitions test?17:30
Alex_21? Please17:30
giovaniAlex_21: there's no "permissions test" -- you simply look at the permissions and evaluate what kind of access that provides your user17:51
giovanils -l /path/to/directory will print the permissions for the contents of that directory17:51
Alex_21Thanks for your help17:56
Alex_21Good day17:56
thierry_hi, I'm setting up my first ubuntu server : I got a dyndns domain name pointing on my ip adress, setup my router to port forward ssh and http and setup my server with a static ip on my local network18:08
thierry_only now I can't access my server even from my local network18:08
thierry_but I can ping it18:08
thierry_ssh and http simply time out18:09
giovanithierry_: on the server "sudo netstat -anp | grep 22"18:10
thierry_i get something like tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      5487/dnsmasq18:11
thierry_tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      5076/sshd18:11
thierry_tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      5076/sshd18:11
thierry_udp        0      0*                           5561/nmbd18:11
thierry_udp        0      0*                           5561/nmbd18:11
thierry_udp        0      0*                           5487/dnsmasq18:11
thierry_so sshd is running18:11
giovaniok, and on the server, "ssh localhost"18:12
thierry_giovani : yes I did and it works18:12
thierry_the problem is when I'm on another computer trying to ssh my server18:12
giovanithen either you have a firewall set up on this machine, or this is a network problem18:12
thierry_k, you mean a firewall on my server?18:12
giovanithis machine, the server18:13
thierry_how can I know if it's the case?<18:13
giovaniI doubt that's the case unless you specifically set one up18:13
giovani"sudo iptables -L" please don't paste the result into the channel -- use a pastebin18:13
giovaniwell you most certainly have a firewall in place18:16
giovaniwhy did you fail to tell me this?18:17
thierry_well I half setup this server about 6 months ago and I really didn't know what I was doing back then :P18:17
thierry_so, how do I get rid of it?18:17
giovani"sudo iptables -F"18:19
giovanithat won't be persistent across a reboot -- I don't know where you put the script that's writing in the firewall rules, only you know that18:19
thierry__giovani : sorry connections problem18:26
thierry__so I did the iptables -F18:27
thierry__then should be ok?18:27
giovani<giovani> that won't be persistent across a reboot -- I don't know where you put the script that's writing in the firewall rules, only you know that18:27
thierry__k, but iptables -f kills all connectiion I have, I can't even ping anything from my server anymore18:28
thierry__giovani : stupid me , I had firestarter installed, I guess removing it should do the job18:30
giovaniI definitely can't help you if you don't provide info about your environment18:31
giovanianyway, I've got a cookout to go to, later18:31
thierry__giovani : thanks a lot for the help18:31
medicdaveDoing kernel RAID-5 on Ubuntu 8.04: How do I add a spare device to an _existing_ array so that it persists across reboots? Running `mdadm /dev/md0 --add /path/to/partition` results in 1 spare shown in subsequent `mdadm --detail /dev/md0` but 0 spares after a reboot. Do I need to re-create the array using the --spare-devices parameter? Reassemble it? TIA18:35
infinitymedicdave: I suspect that spares aren't actually recorded in the superblock, so you likely need them to end up in the config file.  At least, that's a guess.18:56
infinitymedicdave: And when mdadm.conf changes, you want "update-initramfs -u" to make sure a copy lands in the initramfs too.18:57
=== J_- is now known as J-_
medicdaveThanks infinity - I tried adding the spare to mdadm.conf, but it still doesn't persist across reboots - however I haven't tried the update-initramfs -u yet... let me learn a bit about that19:10
* medicdave checks man page19:10
medicdaveok, time to reboot the machine - will be gone for a minute (it's my gateway, too)19:12
matthew21Hi, how can I check the permissions of a directory?20:03
MianoSMls -hal?20:03
MianoSMor for the current working directory ls -hal ..20:03
jmarsdenMianoSM: ls -ld20:04
MianoSMor that20:04
PhotoJimI just use ls -l ... it's the fastest way.  but all valid ways.20:07
PhotoJimoh, for directories, yes, -ld is better20:08
ghostlinesHi all, I'm having trouble with ssh public key authentication in jaunty, I copied my public key to .ssh/authorized_keys but I'm still asked for a password20:38
ghostlinesbut after this initial connection, I don't have to provide a password to connect20:39
niekieIs your SSH key protected by a password?20:39
ghostlinesno passphrase at all20:40
niekieIs your SSH key vulnerable?20:40
niekie(if so Ubuntu might reject it)20:40
ghostlinesi have 644 permissions on it20:40
ghostlinesyou mean the one on the remote machine right?20:40
niekieI mean..20:40
niekieThere was an exploit a while ago..20:40
niekieFor SSH keys generated on Debian based systems.20:40
niekieRun ssh-vulnkey and paste your public key in.20:41
niekiessh-vulnkey -20:41
ghostlinesok i'll try that20:41
niekieThen paste and hit ^D20:41
niekieElse, I don't know, check /var/log/auth.log20:41
niekieAnyway, I gotta go now.20:42
ghostlinesahh k thanks20:42
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-yadda
dennistergenii-yadda: just the person I need!21:38
Symbiancan ubuntu server link load balancing ?21:39
dennisteri'm having a problem with sasl authentication in this postfix-dovecot-sasl project, which is part of my first email list server & mailman endeavour21:39
genii-yaddadennister: I can't assist today with that. But I'll likely be around tomorrow aft21:40
dennisterok, thnks21:40
dennisteri've got other things to do if no one can help me today :-)21:41
dennistercould anyone else pls help with this postfix/dovecot/sasl authentication issue I'm having?22:13
Gargoyledennister, possibly22:21
Gargoyledennister: Depends if I can find my old setup doc!22:23
GargoyleFound it, are you still allive dennister ?22:26
mlalkakai'm trying to set up Postfix. sending mail from the server (using mutt) to an external email address works. however, receiving mail does not. i've set up Postfix as an Internet site. i don't know how to troubleshoot this issue. does anyone have any suggestions?23:20
Gargoylemlalkaka: Have you configured the recipiant domains and DNS MX records for the server?23:21
mlalkakai configured the MX record already. in my case, it is the same as the domain name. (e.g. @foo.dnsalias.com -> foo.dnsalias.com). but what is the recipient domain?23:22
Gargoylemlalkaka: "mydestination" in your main config file.23:23
mlalkakaoh. yes, i believe i set that up already, when i ran `sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix`. i set foo.dnsalias.com as the recipient domain23:24
GargoyleThat should be all you need. What's the domain name?23:24
mlalkakaGargoyle: i'm looking at /etc/postfix/main.cf . i see the line "mydestination = vc.dnsalias.com, localhost". is that correct?23:26
Gargoylemlalkaka: yup. Identical to mine (apart from the domain name!)23:26
GargoyleYou don't have MX records23:27
mlalkakaGargoyle: i don't? how can i check?23:27
mlalkakaGargoyle: (the domain name is provided by DynDNS.com, so i set it up through their web interface)23:28
Gargoylemlalkaka: "ig vc.dnsalias.com MX"23:28
GargoyleOops! "dig vc.dnsalias.com MX"23:28
mlalkakaGargoyle: hmm. that's weird. i don't know why it's not showing up. i just set it up again through the web interface. either way, won't most mta's try vc.dnsalias.com if there are no MX records? i've only heard of MS Exchange not doing this23:33
Gargoylemlalkaka: Maybe one day long ago they would, but most spam filters will probably just bin a email for a domain without a MX record!23:35
Gargoylemlalkaka: I'll try for mine, I don't have MX records ether (But I don't actually want/need inbound msgs)23:36
jmarsdenmlalkaka: If you "just" added the MX records, you probably need to wait for the DNS zone refresh TTL to happen before the change is visible to the public Internet.23:36
cellofellowI'm having really weird problems with dnsmasq and /etc/resolv.conf that I'm afraid I can't explain very well. Apparently, all LAN addresses are getting set to be CNAMEs for my domain. See the paste. http://paste2.org/p/23353323:36
cellofellowThis isn't so bad, but if the domain turns up bad it still points to my domain. http://paste2.org/p/23353423:39
cellofellowThat gets annoying.23:39
jmarsdencellofellow: Are you using some weird DNS provider that redirects you to their pages if you look for an unknown domain?  OpenDNS or similar??23:40
cellofellowno, they don't, but currently my own dns redirects me to my own server for an unknown domain.23:41
jmarsdenAh, so you accidentally *became* one of those weird DNS providers :)  I don't know dnsmasq enough to help troubleshoot that, I'm afraid.23:42
cellofellowok, so what if it had nothing to do with dnsmasq? http://paste2.org/p/233535 is my /etc/resolv.conf. As you can see it has my domain in the "domain" and "search" options. If I comment these out, it works correctly.23:43
cellofellowWhy would resolv.conf behave that way?23:45

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