[00:28] hallo. launchpad won't let me subscribe to bugs. known problem? [02:01] anyone? beuller? [02:06] reburg: Which web browser are you using? [02:07] firefox; also tried it w/ epiphany to eliminate any addons causing problems [02:07] What does it do when you try it? [02:07] wgrant: Error The following errors were encountered: There was an error in subscribing. Please wait a little and try again. [02:08] wgrant: in an ajax popup [02:08] reburg: Do you have Firebug installed? [02:08] Is it all bugs, or just one in particular? [02:09] wgrant: installed, but not active. and not in epiphany. [02:09] wgrant: i tried a random second bug, didn't work on that one either [02:09] reburg: Enable the Console tab in Firebug, try subscribing again, and see what the actual error is. [02:09] (you'll need to look at the response of the AJAX request that is made) [02:10] wgrant: ok, that'll take me a few minutes. thanks. [02:11] wgrant: ok, i think my hunch (which i didn't tell you) was correct [02:12] wgrant: my email address has a + sign in it, the new ajax code doesn't deal well w/ that [02:12] reburg: What's the message in the response? [02:12] wgrant: 400 bad request. "person: "https://bugs.launchpad.net/api/beta/~bsg4 ubuntu052006" is not a valid URI." [02:12] it's stripping out the + sign and making it a space [02:12] Ah, it's that your Launchpad username has a +, right. [02:13] (it was probably generated from your email address initially) [02:13] File a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug [02:13] wgrant: will do. thanks. [02:13] You can use the non-AJAX subscribe feature to work around this by either disabling JavaScript, or just adding /+subscribe to the end of the bug URL. [02:18] wgrant: all done, and subscribed to the bug i wanted. thanks again. [02:18] reburg: No problem. [02:32] what's the status on bazaar.launchpad.net? [02:37] I can't see my bazaar branch in LP :( [03:00] binarymutant: heh, still down, it seems [03:01] actually I found out that I can still push to it, so I'm good :) thanks for the help mbt [03:01] binarymutant: Yeah, seems the bzr stuff is running, but that loggerhead bit it or something... been that way for a while [03:40] I am getting a "Please try again" error. [03:40] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~drsmall/feedmailer/devel/files === Hellow_ is now known as Hellow [04:19] beuno: codebounce (re)started. was down, fwiw... [04:24] hi [04:25] I'm getting a really odd issue with a PPA [04:25] I added the moovida PPA and their key -> https://launchpad.net/~moovida-packagers/+archive/ppa [04:25] but it complains about some packages of the ppa being unsigned! [04:25] some - not all [04:26] any idea on what might be going on? [04:28] Turl1: That's supposedly impossible (you "can't" upload an unsigned package to a PPA)... maybe ask in #ubuntu-motu? [04:29] Hmmm, I wonder what happens when you move stuff from one PPA to another... could that confuse things? [04:29] jmarsden: the packages seem to be copied from another ppa jmarsden, maybe the copy unsigns them? [04:30] Or else they stay signed with the other PPAs key which your system doesn't have... interesting. [04:30] I guess it's some kind of obscure bug in PPAs [04:31] I added the other ppa's key, no luck jmarsden [04:32] I guess I'll have to install them unsigned :/ [04:33] Well, you coul download the source packages and build them locally in a chroot (or in a VM) after reading their diff.gz files looking for anything bad, if you are sufficiently paranoid? [04:33] I'm not so paranoid :P [04:34] Or download them from the "original" PPA... are they signed there? [04:34] I'll try [04:36] it's signed heh [04:36] this is certainly a launchpad bug [04:36] where can I fill one for it? [04:42] https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug [04:52] thanks jmarsden [04:52] have to be going! [04:52] No problem. [05:39] hi [05:39] anyone awake ? [05:56] salsaman: Ask your question, and anybody around who knows the answer will hopefully tell you. [06:38] well, i cant find the "import" button any more on translate [06:38] and yes, i am logged in [06:39] https://translations.launchpad.net/lives/trunk/+pots/lives [06:39] and i am the template owner [06:41] i can download and see the import queue [06:42] uhh...that is strange [06:43] i found the import tab, but it seems to be specific to a particular language [06:43] does that mean i need to import the pot file for each language ? [06:44] no wait a minute....that is the import for .po files [06:44] sorry [06:45] its the import for the .pot file i need [06:49] ah now i see the problem [06:49] i am logging in as salsaman-gmail [06:49] the project is owned by salsaman [06:50] doh [06:51] salsaman: you can merge your accounts if you want [06:52] how do i do that ? [06:53] good question :) [06:55] https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge [06:55] https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/193 [06:58] ok, thanks mwhudson === Nicke_ is now known as Nicke [11:31] when using email to edit/reply to bugs, how do you set a task to incomplete if there is more than one task open? [11:59] asac: hope you had a nice trip [11:59] gnomefreak: something like bug #252242 ?:\ [11:59] Launchpad bug 252242 in launchpad-foundations "Can't open release specific tasks via email interface" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252242 [12:04] savvas: no itts a how to question and you can do it since asac does it.looking at bug to confirm this is related [12:05] it is same it seems but i thought it was on the document i just cant find it anymore [12:12] savvas: isnt https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface#Editing%20a%20bug%20that%20affects%20multiple%20contexts enough of an explaintion? at least in regauds of the above bug? [12:12] * gnomefreak going to try it how ever it would be great if the dics showed how to add a package [12:19] gnomefreak: you added that? thanks, I didn't have a clue how to do it :) [12:20] s/gics/docs i added a confirm to bug. I am unable to edit LP docs [12:20] oh ok hehe [14:51] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/382148 [14:51] Ubuntu bug 382148 in bzr "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.EOFError: EOF read where object expected " [Undecided,New] === soeb_ is now known as soeb [18:16] How do I remove an LP team? [18:20] I guess my 5 years means nothing then [18:20] wrong chan