
=== ember_ is now known as ember
gaugehey.  I'm having a kernel panic I beleive.  w/ my wireless on, my system will freeze after a few min, leavign the capslock light blinking03:52
gaugeI apt-get installed the iwl4965 drivers and I beleive i have the latest ones...03:52
gaugeI'd love to try and resolve this.03:52
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cboI wrote a little patch for 2.6.28 kernel, it has been accepted by the lnux kernel team and is now part of 2.6.30. Is there any chance to have it already applied on Jaunty's kernel ?08:57
pwnguincbo: #ubuntu-kernel may be more appropriate for discussing patch inclusion08:59
cbook, I already posted the same message to the #ubuntu-kernel channel but got no answer yet ;-)09:00
pwnguinbut what you're looking for is a Stable Release Update (SRU), and has rules to be satisfied before consideration09:00
pwnguinfirst, it must be in ubuntu+1 (karmic)09:00
pwnguinsecond, it should have a launchpad bug report09:01
cboThe patch do just add one USB product id, there is no logic modification. So it's really safe.09:02
pwnguinthe kernel team is a smaller group of people, who may not watch IRC like a hawk09:03
pwnguinif you tire of waiting for a response, I'd suggest mailing the ubuntu kernel team Mailing List09:04
cbook, i'll be patient and fill a bug report.09:05
pwnguinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelUpdates also applies09:05
cboI'll have a look at this09:06
cboIf someone is interested in having a fully useable Logitech G25 wheel, you can have a look here : http://wiki.vdrift.net/Logitech_G25_support and http://wiki.vdrift.net/Enabling_force_feedback_in_kernel09:09
cboThere is already a bug report for the G25 wheel (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/181361). I'll post a comment.09:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 181361 in linux "Logitech G25 does not fully work with Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]09:14
htrejhi need some help packaging my program09:24
htrejhso the name is gfire, the src dir is named gfire too, but we would like to see it named pidgin-gfire for the package system, how do you do that?09:25
htrejhi see it creates a dir named "gfire" in debian/ so it should be pidgin-gfire, right?09:26
htrejhso i tried with package: pidgin-gfire and source: gfire, but it fails09:27
iulianhtrejh: Please join #ubuntu-motu for packaging questions.09:28
htrejhok, my bad didn't know09:28
htrejhbut it's a personal package09:28
htrejhnot for inclusion in ubuntu09:28
iulianIt doesn't really matter whether is a personal package or not, packaging questions ought to go in #ubuntu-motu.09:30
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LutinRiddell: I'm a bit curious about your eet 1.1.0+svn35608-0ubuntu1 upload ... 1.1.0 was released on r3623413:29
=== edson is now known as puzzle
tgpraveen_hi are there any plans to make patches for empathy13:30
tgpraveen_so that it attains feature parity with pidgin13:30
tgpraveen_before putting it in karmic ?13:30
azeemtgpraveen_: are you talking about upstream development?13:32
azeemmaybe you should engage the empathy authors if you want to help13:32
tgpraveen_azeem: well since karmic is going to replace pidgin and it still lacks some features over it13:33
tgpraveen_i wanted to know if there were plans to add some patches etc13:33
tgpraveen_i mean at uds was something like this discussed>13:33
azeemdunno, I wasn't there13:35
azeemI guess the desktop team will assess which features, if any, would be blockers if not implemented in empathy13:35
LutinRiddell: to me, it looks like you pretty much reverted eet 1.1.0 to eet 1.0.1, that seems really really weird13:36
askandIs it possible to read from backtraces if the error is in the application or in the hardware of the user e.g ram-memory?15:13
persiaaskand, Not really, although one can sometimes guess based on context.15:14
askandpersia: I see, thanks15:16
askandHere are two traces I've collected http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27330457/trace.txt and http://pastebin.com/m17f6c69815:16
=== puzzle is now known as edson
rippsAre there any sed experts who can help me figure out how to replace a line "Author: Name LastName <email>" with "[ Name LastName ]". I've gotten close, but I can't figure out how to remove email and bracket the end.17:55
Lutinripps: sed -r 's,.*: (.*) (.*) <.*>,[ \1 \2 ],' might do the trick18:13
rippsLutin: the guys in #sed are helping me, and it turns out the bigger picture is more complicated18:14
Lutinmostly depends on what you're actually trying to parse18:15
pwnguinthere is an actual email regex18:17
pwnguinit is the stuff of nightmares18:17
pwnguinjust use antlr and call it a day18:17
jayandginaHi there19:20
jayandginaCompiz Frustrations abound after upgrading to 9.0419:21
hyperairjayandgina: you should have read the release notes. i believe the performance regression was a very major issue in 9.04. i'm not sure it's still around, but i'd reckon a guess that it is19:24
jayandginabummer :(19:28
jayandginahyperair: Any idea how i downgrade to the previous version?19:28
hyperairjayandgina: there's a PPA containing the package xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.419:28
hyperairjayandgina: ify ou add that PPA and install that pacakge, it will uninstall the new and install the old19:29
hyperairjayandgina: dig around in the ubuntu-devel archives for it.19:29
jayandginawhere do i find it?19:30
persiaWell, since it's likely to be a post from april or may, lists.ubuntu.com might be just as good.19:31
hyperairi remember it appearing before jaunty's release19:32
hyperairwhich means april19:32
jayandginaOh my... it's a little overwhelming trying to find this :(19:33
jayandginahyperair: what do i do when i find it?19:35
jayandginaHow do I downgrade to a previous graphics driver??19:51
persiajayandgina, Firstly, this isn't a support channel (try #ubuntu).  Secondly, it's decidedly nontrivial, as the modern drivers sometimes have kernel interactions.19:52
jayandginaPersia: Thanks19:53
brycejayandgina: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.419:58
loic-mjayandgina: or you might create another partition, and install Ubuntu 8.10 on it, and use it till you can be sure your 9.04 suits you, or till 9.10 arrives (and I advise keeping 8.10 while testing either 9.04/9.10)20:00
rippsCan someone help figure this out? I'm making a specialized debian changelog script, and I've got most of it finished, except I can't figure out to import my gather changelog information into dch. dch doesn't seem to allow file imports, so how can I get it work?20:00
persiaripps, `dch $(echo $(cat foo))` might do it, or perhaps `sed 's/^/dch /' < foo`20:03
rippspersia: nope, neither worked, the added the file, but it ignored formatting and added the names of every subdirectory. the sed method did nothing20:11
bluefoxicyno gtk updates today?21:13
calci would be surprised if there are much updates today at all since many people are in the process of returning home from UDS21:19
calcor are recovering from their flight home, heh21:20
bluefoxicycalc:  it takes 27 seconds for the Open dialog to open21:33
bluefoxicythe whole application stalls that long, then the window appears21:33
calcthe general gtk open dialog in anything, or what?21:33
bluefoxicyMusic->Import File in rhythmbox21:34
bluefoxicyAdd attachment in Thunderbird21:34
bluefoxicyBrowse for a file upload form in Firefox21:34
calcoh hmm, it seemed to work ok for me before i started doing a reinstall21:34
calci had to do a reinstall because my drive appears to be failing21:34
bluefoxicyi'm on a 64 bit install21:35
calci'm still backing it up at the moment then will be scanning the whole drive for bad sectors and trying to force a remap21:35
calci was too, until earlier today, will be reinstalling 64bit once i get my drive fixed21:35
calcbluefoxicy: hmm do you have a loopback interface enabled, sometimes apps have weird issues if it is missing21:36
calcnot sure if that applies for this case21:36
calcok, then i am not sure what would be causing the issue, you probably should file a bug if one isn't already filed about the issue21:38
calcbacking up 130GB over USB is really slow :-\21:40
calcshtylman: hi21:49
shtylmancalc: hi21:50
calcshtylman: how are things going :)21:50
shtylmancalc: quite good...waiting for OOo to build :)21:51
calccool, i'm having to test my laptop hd and reinstall, having bad sector issues with it21:51
calcso i won't have email access for a while (maybe later today/tomorrow)21:51
shtylmanget a new drive?21:52
calci might i need to see if this one will just remap and work21:53
calcif it doesn't i need to RMA it, its a seagate momentus 7200.4 500gb and was really new when i got it so might not have had all the bugs worked out yet21:53
shtylmanahh gotcha21:54
shtylmanyea...I would RMA...wouldn't take the chance with my data :)21:54
calcgenerally drive manufacturers require their app to report it needs RMA before they will accept one, which is why i am going to test it and see first, having to back it up over usb which just finished after ~ 3hr21:55
calcluckily i only had 130gb on it21:55
* calc wishes his laptop had esata21:55
dupondjehow to get a new version of a package into karmic ? :)22:06
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directhexcalc, i wish my laptop had >1 usb instead of an esata port23:05
mohbanai find that ubuntu fails to load up when i plug any sort of device into the usb slots of the monitor23:41
mohbanait wuold happen to fedora as well, although i've stopped using it so i can't verift if it still exists23:42
mohbanahow can i debug it23:51

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