=== micahg1 is now known as micahg === micahg1 is now known as micahg [09:51] ping("Hello everybody"); [09:51] asac.ping("Nudge about language packaging; request for comment"); [11:20] asac: have you read the email from Freddy yet? [12:05] asac: hope you had a nice trip [12:34] 3.6 should not be named minefield but our build is named minefield [12:35] 3.6 *is* minefield [12:35] 3.5 is isnt it? [12:35] one or the other should be changed [12:35] they are both named minefield [12:36] i know, it's a bug on my side [12:36] in 3.5 [12:37] yeah i just opened 3.5 and it says Shiretoko but i guess .desktop has it as minefield but as long as you know :) [12:38] we discussed that last week and it's not worth changing, 3.5 is nearly out [12:39] makes sense [12:41] The following packages will be REMOVED: abrowser abrowser-3.0-branding firefox-greasemonkey firefox-launchpad-plugin firefox-linky firefox-notify greasemonkey [12:41] that cant be good [12:42] indeed [12:42] thats odd [12:42] installing firefox-3.0-brnding gives the above output if you install firefox it does not remove all them just abrowser packages [12:43] branding even [12:43] it seems installing -branding only installs branding it doesnt install firefox [12:44] im guessing that is the problem. branding should have firefox as a depend [12:44] the other way around, firefox has the two branding things as dep [12:44] Depends: firefox-3.0 (= 3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) [12:45] that should be firefox as well [12:45] thats the -branding deps [12:45] firefox-3.0 is not the same as firefox [12:46] 3.0 is installed with or without abrowser but to use FF branding you have to install "firefox" not *-3.0 [12:49] The following packages will be REMOVED: abrowser abrowser-3.0-branding [12:49] The following NEW packages will be installed: firefox firefox-3.0-branding [12:49] thats installing firefox package [12:49] good [12:50] ok my fun/work/thinking is done for the day i have other things to get done for my meetings this week [14:39] -rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 381135135 2009-05-30 19:08 chromium-browser_3.0.183.0~svn20090530r17289.orig.tar.gz [14:39] -rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 227600363 2009-05-31 15:38 chromium-browser_3.0.183.0~svn20090531r17302.orig.tar.gz [14:39] asac, ^^ [14:40] asac, it's a 40% win [15:22] asac: ping [18:24] asac, hm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7094387 [19:07] fta: you packaging chromium? [19:07] stefanlsd, yes [19:07] fta: [19:07] can you help me with a crash Q [19:07] micahg, crash of what? [19:07] fta: oh ok. did they do the same thing like gears... third_party directory with every third party lib source which they have modified to get it to compile? [19:07] firefox [19:08] stefanlsd, yes, sort of [19:08] is a segfault crash useful or do they have to run something else [19:08] well [19:08] I actually know they should run something else [19:08] ok [19:08] let me start over (working without caffeine) [19:09] some attached a crash file [19:09] micahg, a properly backtrace with resolved symbols is always nice to have [19:09] I extracted it [19:09] fta: heh. yeah. gears source code is 300mb or so uncompressed (mostly 3rd party libs like gecko, gtk, sqlite.) heh. was lots of work getting it to compile against system libs [19:09] I got all the files [19:09] (it's dinner time for me, i have to go for a while) [19:09] but it [19:09] 's for FF2 [19:09] and I don't have symbols for it [19:10] micahg, ?? i don't understand. you're still using ff2? [19:10] no, user was [19:10] I'm just wondering if I should remove the .crash file and attach all the files that come out of it [19:10] -CoreDump [19:11] but I keep getting this [19:11] No symbol table info available. [19:11] I'm assumming since I don't have FF2 [19:11] stefanlsd, i don't want to strip those 3rd party libs. i just stripped some stuff used only on mac/win and gained quite a lot. I want to be able to build with or without system libs [19:12] stefanlsd: thanks for packaging gears! [19:12] micahg, hm, i still don't understand but I'm not much into bugs so maybe that's just me. [19:12] ah [19:12] jcastro: you into bugs? [19:13] stefanlsd, chromium is supposed to have gears builtin [19:13] micahg: not if I can help it. :p [19:13] fta: i think we need to aim to build everything against system libs [19:13] hmmm [19:13] asac: you around? [19:14] stefanlsd, yes but chromium is far from ready to do that. my initial patch to use 14 system libs has been lost during the transition to gyp. [19:14] (it was committed upstream) [19:14] jcastro: no problem. would be great to get it through revu. few small issues we need to sort out :) [19:15] yeah for some reason after installing it my prism gmail thing started launching the calendar instead [19:15] * jcastro is digging through the lp bugs [19:15] oh, for once, my name is used: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/05/hands-on-google-chromium-browser-alpha-for-linux.ars neat :) [19:16] * jcastro hugs fta [19:16] I am so tired I can barely type [19:18] fta: nice :) [19:18] jcastro, :) I just had a 1h20min flight so i'm ok, i just lost a lot of time in airports, trains and buses [19:20] heh [19:28] -rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 227585328 2009-05-31 19:07 chromium-browser_3.0.183.0~svn20090531r17302.orig.tar.gz (with bz2 inside) [19:28] -rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 197049960 2009-05-31 20:26 chromium-browser_3.0.183.0~svn20090531r17302.orig.tar.gz (with 7z inside) [19:28] better than the 381M tarball from yesterday [22:09] nhandler: yay. we got license and settings dir changes accepted upstream :) http://foxyproxy.mozdev.org/drupal/content/foxyproxy-license [22:15] Jazzva: That is good news. I'm still waiting for a few other devs to include a proper license for some other extensions [22:18] nhandler: seems like we'll have to wait a bit more... look at #ubuntu-motu channel [22:37] BUGabundo, spilled water? ;) [22:38] I moved a bottle thinking it was closed === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo [23:31] Selecting previously deselected package greasemonkey. [23:31] Unpacking greasemonkey (from .../greasemonkey_0.8.20090123.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ... [23:31] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/greasemonkey_0.8.20090123.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): [23:31] trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/{e4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781}', which is also in package firefox-greasemonkey [23:31] Preparing to replace firefox-greasemonkey 0.8.20080119.0-0ubuntu2 (using .../firefox-greasemonkey_0.8.20090123.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ... [23:31] Unpacking replacement firefox-greasemonkey ... [23:31] ... [23:31] Errors were encountered while processing: [23:31] /var/cache/apt/archives/greasemonkey_0.8.20090123.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb [23:31] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)