
Flannelracecar56: That is the entire thing.  Three lines is all of it :)00:00
racecar56ruler, idk00:00
sidhthis is said in 8.1000:00
or4n9ekmdm: the most annoying one is "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" when launching one of the BT tools using the menu00:00
t_Does anyone know how to update VirtualBox?00:00
t_It won't do it00:00
eseven73SO in theory, my virtualbox with 9.04 would run faster if I choose ext4? Or does that not effect speed with virtual machines?00:00
kmdmor4n9e: ouch :S00:00
racecar56eseven73, ya00:00
or4n9ekmdm: I already manages to port the whole kde menu structure to gnome and now that one00:00
axisysunop: that was it .. excellent! SetEnv TZ EST5EDT followed by a reload00:01
racecar56t_, qemu > virtualbox00:01
axisysunop: thanks a lot man00:01
kmdmah, you're doing well then!00:01
racecar56t_, anyways, you install the new deb00:01
unopaxisys, yw00:01
racecar56t_, from virtualbox.org00:01
t_What does this mean, qemu00:01
racecar56t_, its a command line vm thing00:01
racecar56t_, if you are new then act like i didnt talk about it00:01
t_just type that in?00:01
racecar56t_, no00:02
or4n9ekmdm: I mean, launching the gnome-terminal works great, but when launching a commandline tool with a menu shortcut I get this annoying message, i.e. it does not launch00:02
racecar56t_, forget about it, just go to www.virtualbox.org00:02
racecar56t_, and download it00:02
farchumbreI can't play odd audio files, does anybody know how to solve this problem?00:02
kmdmor4n9e: what's the commandline which fails ?00:02
dva5912Can i create a universal folder for wine somehow and have it linked to everyones account?00:02
erUSULsidh: put that line in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf00:02
racecar56farchumbre, thats an odd problem00:02
racecar56farchumbre, :P00:02
or4n9ekmdm: please wait a sec - I'll look at one of the desktop files00:03
cellofellowI've got this weird problem where putting a domain in /etc/resolv.conf causes DNS to have a lot of cnames to my domain. This is especially annoying with non-existent domains. http://paste2.org/p/23354200:03
racecar56Flannel, im making an entireley new distro based from ubuntu (remaster), i want the whole thing so it will be simple to configure like ubuntu's and i dont have the original one00:03
t_wait, I'm on the virtual box website00:04
t_what do i download?00:04
t_it's really confusing00:04
farchumbreracecar56: sorry ogg files00:04
farchumbrei can only play wav, but not ogg sound files00:04
racecar56t_, click download00:04
racecar56farchumbre, what happens when u click on an ogg00:04
axisysunop: SetEnv TZ :/etc/localtime worked too .. sweet!00:04
or4n9ekmdm: this one as an example http://pastebin.com/d1802c4ed00:05
farchumbreracecar56: there is a very weird noise00:05
racecar56farchumbre, as weird as warty's startup? ha00:05
axisysunop: i made to i reload after the modification00:05
farchumbreracecar56: but only after i killall pulseaudio00:05
axisysmade sure00:05
racecar56farchumbre, warty's startup noise was glitched00:05
racecar56farchumbre, hmmm00:05
zer0rezhm ok i formated this drive, how do i get it to mount?00:05
racecar56farchumbre, media player?00:05
or4n9ekmdm: I'm pretty sure this is KDE/Gnome related - just need to figure out00:06
farchumbreracecar56: what do you mean by media player_00:06
racecar56farchumbre, vlc? mplayer? totem?00:06
racecar56farchumbre, what u use to play stuff00:06
kmdmor4n9e: mmmm could be, you are hacking it up quite a bit - just to check the obvious i assume aircrack-ng works from a terminal?00:06
farchumbrei usually don't use the computer for music00:06
darrenHi can any one help i have installed jaunty and now aircrack does not seem to get my routers wep key is this any thing to do with ubuntu or aircrack thanks in advance if you can help. seem to be at a dead end on google00:06
farchumbrei think i don't have any of those installed00:06
racecar56farchumbre, then how are you playing the music00:07
sidherUSUL ok thanks00:07
farchumbrewhich one should i install ten00:07
racecar56farchumbre, mplayer is pwn00:07
or4n9ekmdm: I had a ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu and build a ~/.config/menus/applications.menu just as alacarte would do. BT4 has a custom menu structure and with that approach I ported it to the Gnome desktop00:07
t_Downloads have many options00:07
t_this is why it's confusing00:07
racecar56farchumbre, however for some it's in multiverse, and get the one for linux00:07
racecar56farchumbre, ubuntu 9.0400:07
racecar56farchumbre, if thats what u usin00:08
or4n9eit works great, but the actual luanch of shortcuts ends up with the error currently00:08
farchumbreracecar56: i think i have mplayer video player and rhythm box00:08
thiebaudefarchumbre: songbird is good00:08
racecar56farchumbre, video player is totem00:08
farchumbreyes i have ubuntu 9.0400:08
isomercwhats up my niggers00:08
racecar56thiebaude, i think mplayer is pwn00:08
farchumbrewhich is the smallest one? my hard drive is small00:08
or4n9ekmdm: yeah, the tools all work perfect when launching "manually" - it's just the .desktop files that are PITA00:08
eseven73!language | isomerc00:08
racecar56farchumbre, mplayer00:08
ubottuisomerc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:09
kmdmor4n9e: Ahh right I see, well goodluck with that I guess ;-)00:09
farchumbrehow do i install it?00:09
racecar56farchumbre, sudo apt-get install mplayer00:09
isomercword up. ill just say nigga. thats better00:09
t_How can I upgrade my virtualbox? I don't understand how this is to work00:09
LjL!etiquette > isomerc    (isomerc, see the private message from ubottu)00:09
farchumbredo you know what to do with the pulseaudio issue?00:09
Paddy_EIRE!language | isomerc00:09
ubottuisomerc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:09
thiebaudefarchumbre: sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer00:09
eseven73that's a racial slur isomerc just don't use it at all, thanks00:09
or4n9ekmdm: thx. hm, do you see any obvious showstopper in the desktop file I pastebined?00:09
isomercum im black00:09
Khisanthcellofellow: that is from search not domain00:09
isomercis there something wrong with being black?00:10
LjL!offtopic | isomerc00:10
ubottuisomerc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:10
darrenkmdm, hi could you help00:10
eseven73doesn't matter if you're green. don't use racial slurs00:10
LjL!ops | isomerc00:10
ubottuisomerc: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:10
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thiebaudeisomerc: take it somewhere else, thank you00:10
cellofellowKhisanth: oh?00:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:10
t_So racecar, what button do i push in this plethora of links?00:10
or4n9ekmdm: "Terminal=1" lol, maybe that's the beast00:11
Khisanthand also the way homelinux is set up ...00:11
kmdmor4n9e: I'm afraid I'm not really the best person to ask that I'm afraid... I know alot about packaging but not so much about the shortcut stuff I'm afraid :S00:11
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=== ward- is now known as ward_
LjLcellofellow: err, i called it already, plus he's left :)00:11
cellofellowKhisanth: what's the better way?00:11
cellofellowLjL: oops00:11
racecar56t_, what release do u run00:11
or4n9ekmdm: oh, np, I just like talking to you, no worries00:11
t_version 2.1.400:11
=== ward- is now known as ward_
kmdmor4n9e: hehe nah it's cool, just thought I'd say I can't really help with the shortcut side :)00:12
racecar56t_, NO00:12
racecar56t_, the UBUNTU version00:12
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t_Jaunty 9.0400:12
racecar56t_, ah goiod00:12
racecar56t_, ah good00:12
racecar56t_, click the toppest link00:12
t_why is that good?00:12
kmdmFlannel: ta ;)00:12
brennusok, so I have a problem. I've been running Ubuntu for about 6 months, and it's great. My one problem is gaming. I used to run windows, and I would play games all the time. I would often play Civ4, various FPS games (notably, AssaultCube and other Cube-based games), and other games. Now on Ubuntu, I can't play the very same games! It's not about availability, it's about performance! I can't even play Sauerbrauten (Cube2) at a decen00:12
racecar56t_, 9.04 pwns00:13
t_it's kind of buggy, have you noticed that?00:13
racecar56t_, yeah, kind of00:13
cellofellowKhisanth: how is the domain and search supposed to be set?00:13
racecar56t_, not much00:13
or4n9ekmdm: IC, I'll do some googling on the KDE options that are in there - I'm pretty sure it has something to do with that00:13
or4n9ethanks for ya support and have a good time00:13
rwwbrennus: 1) your message got cut off after "(Cube2) at a decen", 2) turn off compiz00:13
farchumbreracecar56: how do you choose the default music player, so all sound effects will use it?00:13
kmdmor4n9e: no worries, let me know how you get on though... all sounds interesting :)00:13
bkhow do i unmount a drive00:13
bkthat has been mounted more than once00:14
t_I'm downloading it now00:14
bkon the desktop00:14
brennusrww: that was most of it. How do you turn off compiz?00:14
t_Status states: Error: Conflicts with the installed package 'virtualbox-2.1'00:14
t_this is the third time it's happened00:14
rwwbrennus: If you're using GNOME, System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects > None00:14
t_that's why I'm here00:14
or4n9ekmdm: will do. are you usually available in that channel here?00:14
t_you see?00:14
Shubuntudoes anyone know how to set the default startpage for mozilla? I have jaunty studio installed but the mozilla shows edubuntu 8.04's startpage?00:14
or4n9ekmdm: regularly I mean00:14
brennusrww: I'll try it.00:14
t_Third time... Don't make me do it a fourth time00:14
racecar56farchumbre, well.... right click on a file (e.g. .ogg) and click properties, then click open with00:14
kmdmor4n9e: Aye, in here 24/7 via a screen'd irssi :)00:14
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bkhow do i unmount a drive00:14
bkthat has been mounted more than once00:15
bkon the desktop00:15
racecar56t_, uninstall it!00:15
dva5912Is the recent Nvidia driver know to cause machines to lock up?00:15
or4n9ekmdm: lol, that's what I already expected00:15
Khisanthcellofellow: search is a list of domains to add on to a host if a lookup fails00:15
racecar56t_, sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-2.100:15
t_I'd like to keep my virtual computer though00:15
t_it has stuff in it00:15
racecar56t_, -_-00:15
racecar56t_, it wont wipe it00:15
dva5912What is like VB but is available?00:15
kmdmor4n9e: well at least I'm predictable :P00:15
Paddy_EIRE!mono | dva591200:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono00:16
t_by the way, where is my fake hard drive anyways?00:16
t_I know the information for my virtualbox must be somewhere00:16
racecar56t_, that the problem00:16
rwwdva5912: VB as in what? Visual Basic, Virtual Box...00:16
racecar56t_, ~/.VirtualBox00:16
dva5912visual basic00:16
racecar56t_, i _H_A_T_E_ how it does that00:16
t_how it hides stuff?00:16
System404in ubuntu how do i bring up my hardware spec ie im gna upgrade my ram but wana know wat type of ram and speed of the ram  my laptop takes so i know exactly which to buy00:16
Paddy_EIREdva5912: learn a proper language or try http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page00:17
racecar56t_, the . at the beginning00:17
or4n9ekmdm: could be :-D ok, cya sooner than later00:17
BrixSathow can i manage on ubuntu the dns? i installed bind 9 and i want to add a manual entry saying that the server is a www.something.com00:17
t_Oh, and the capitals00:17
t_it's case sensitive00:17
racecar56Paddy_EIRE, and i only know autoit :P00:17
rwwdva5912: mono is similar to the .NET platform, so you might try that00:17
racecar56Paddy_EIRE, i wish i knew more....00:17
t_so I'm in00:17
t_now what?00:17
racecar56t_, you uninstalled 2.1?00:18
Paddy_EIRE!info monodevelop | dva591200:18
ubottudva5912: monodevelop (source: monodevelop): Development Environment for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 4085 kB, installed size 13292 kB00:18
Khisanthcellofellow: if you haven't see it yet, man resolv.conf gives you a list of possible config options and what they do00:18
racecar56t_, if so install that package00:18
t_I'd like to by able to copy this virtual computer to another virtual computer00:18
racecar56t_, uhm00:18
t_I haven't uninstalled it yet00:18
BrixSat!info dns00:18
ubottuPackage dns does not exist in jaunty00:18
brennushow do I check my video card?00:18
System404in ubuntu how do i bring up my hardware spec ie im gna upgrade my ram but wana know wat type of ram and speed of the ram  my laptop takes so i know exactly which to buy00:18
yoyit2my wireless wont show up any ideas00:18
BrixSat!info bind900:18
ubottubind9 (source: bind9): Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P2-1 (jaunty), package size 234 kB, installed size 744 kB00:18
racecar56t_, sudo cp "~/.VirtualBox/Disk/diskname.vdi" target00:18
racecar56t_, of course, replace 'diskname' with the disks name, and target with the target00:19
t_Disk doesn't exist00:19
racecar56t_, makes sense00:19
t_it's not a real place00:19
dva5912what is the Q program i see that programs c++... it looks like vb a little00:19
racecar56t_, it's not called diskname00:19
System404in ubuntu how do i bring up my hardware spec ie im gna upgrade my ram but wana know wat type of ram and speed of the ram  my laptop takes so i know exactly which to buy00:19
farchumbreracecar56: which program should I use then to play ogg's? mplayer, movie player ? it is weird, if i choose mplayer, every sound is played twice00:19
t_Disk does not exist as a place00:19
racecar56farchumbre, shux00:19
t_I cannot go into it00:19
farchumbrewhat's shux?00:20
racecar56t_, nautilus ~/.VirtualBox/Disk00:20
System404#in ubuntu how do i bring up my hardware spec ie im gna upgrade my ram but wana know wat type of ram and speed of the ram  my laptop takes so i know exactly which to buy00:20
racecar56System404, hardinfo00:20
racecar56System404, or lshw (warning: messy)00:20
graelinSystem404: You can't really. Easier to reboot and check it out in BIOS, or open the memory bay and just look00:20
farchumbreracecar56: is that another program i have to download/00:21
rwwSystem404: sudo lshw -c memory00:21
t_I'ts VirtualBox/VDI00:21
racecar56System404, bios is the best option00:21
t_not /DISK00:21
t_I think i found it.00:21
racecar56farchumbre, nautilus is the file manager.......00:21
cellofellowKhisanth: ok, this makes sense, but that resolv.conf is autogenerated from the DHCP provided by DNSMasq.00:21
racecar56farchumbre, if you use kde then do konqueror instead00:21
zer0rezanyone use UPnP w/ a PS3 here00:21
farchumbreracecar56: i removed all kde00:21
racecar56farchumbre, i transported to gnome when kde4 came out00:21
racecar56farchumbre, and now you run........00:22
racecar56farchumbre, then do nautilus ~/.VirtualBox/disk00:22
racecar56farchumbre, then do nautilus ~/.VirtualBox/Disk00:22
racecar56farchumbre, (sorry, it's gotta have captial d)00:22
racecar56farchumbre, typo00:22
jophishHowdy all00:22
t_Hey racecar00:23
racecar56t_, ?00:23
t_I remember I installed some sort of special version of virtualbox where it was free00:23
racecar56t_, ose?00:23
t_something like OSES00:23
t_yeah, i think00:23
t_and that was the only way it could work00:23
farchumbreracecar56: it says that it couldn't find it00:23
Rabbitbunnyt_: virtualbox-ose00:23
t_Refresh me, i'm a little confused00:24
graelinWhich log would provide the most useful troubleshooting info if one were to have a 'puter crash and burn when X starts. I'm nearly positive it has to do with the DVDR mounting automatically on boo. If the drive is empty, everything is fine... put in a disk and its a crapshoot00:24
racecar56farchumbre, sorry wrong person00:24
racecar56farchumbre, im getting confused00:24
racecar56farchumbre, :(00:24
Rabbitbunnysudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose00:24
t_I remembered I got the one that worked00:24
racecar56farchumbre, well, i think i can't help you any more, sorry00:24
t_there was something in the other version that was buggy00:24
racecar56farchumbre, maybe someone else knows00:24
racecar56t_, OSE00:24
farchumbreok thanks00:24
racecar56t_, virtualbox-ose00:25
t_How do i get mines to say what version it is?00:25
t_i can't find OSE on the help dialog anywhere00:25
t_this is all in virtual box menue by the way00:25
amseidlerHow can I speed up flash on my computer? games are extremely laggy and slow.00:26
v3xedi've just installed ubuntu 9.04 is there anything major i need to do? <complete linux newb00:26
VitorHello! I would ask everyone to vote this blog about spiritism (http://tamoporai.blogspot.com) in TopBR contest! We are in 2nd place in the main category because 1st place is cheating. So I beg to you: go there and vote! Help us to spread our doctrine. It would be an injustice if we lose this contest, because we fight so much to win it. Thank you00:26
isaiI want to download ubuntu UNR onto by acer aspire one. What is the difference between the ISO image and IMG image?00:26
Tylerthe img is for usb00:26
amseidlerv3xed: Yes, update it00:26
Tyleriso for cd00:26
chaos2fuv3xed install flash and mp3 codecs...then its done if all drivers are working..and update of course ;-)00:27
javaJake!iptables > javaJake00:27
ubottujavaJake, please see my private message00:27
t_I don't remember how I got my virtualbox working00:27
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:27
amseidlerHow can I speed up flash on my computer? games are extremely laggy and slow.00:27
Pitels#/join #ubuntu-es00:27
chaos2fuisai i just recently installed into my one..00:27
v3xedcool thanks can you guys recomend anything for themes and changing the whole appearance of the desktop?00:27
racecar56amseidler, gfx card drivers00:27
rwwVitor: don't advertise here, please.00:27
amseidlerracecar56: ?00:27
javaJakeamseidler: that's going to be your video drivers.00:27
racecar56t_, hm00:27
racecar56amseidler, video card drivers00:28
javaJakeamseidler: it's the video driver's responsibility to speed things up.00:28
peepsalotnah, flash just sucks in general00:28
isaiI downloaded ISO last night; not realizing I needed IMG since I don't have a cd drive. How do I convert ISO to IMG?00:28
racecar56peepsalot, lol00:28
racecar56peepsalot, can't blame you on that one00:28
isaichaos2fu: does it work well?00:28
amseidlerjavaJake: Ok, and how do I make it speed it up?00:28
javaJakeamseidler: but if they're already working, then there's not much you cand o.00:28
racecar56peepsalot, svg pwns it :D00:28
peepsalotflash on linux particularly00:28
racecar56peepsalot, yeah00:28
racecar56peepsalot, in total too though00:28
chaos2fuyes wery well...i was very satisfied with the computer running XP, now im lloooving it...;-)00:28
LinuxMooglehello peeps00:28
amseidler!hello | LinuxMoogle00:29
ubottuLinuxMoogle: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:29
chaos2futhe only thing i can give u as a advice is to go back to intel driver 2,400:29
spchi,im searching for info about my usb wirless keyboard and mice, as far as i got it the mouse is cousing problems since gets stucked inside windows buttons..i read that this is a coommon problem,anyone had time to search about it? im running jaunty on a geforce 6600gt..00:29
eseven73that what keeps people from using linux 100% is the retarded flash/java/sound/video issues00:29
chaos2fui had problem with the jaunty graphic driver on intel gma945, a common problem...00:29
chaos2fuisai are u thinking of the netbook remix?00:30
racecar56chaos2fu, i have a intel 82845g on this comp im using now :P00:30
javaJakechaos2fu: 845g is working here on 2.4 drivers00:30
chaos2fuaahh ok ravevar56, do u have any problems?00:30
racecar56chaos2fu, no00:30
t_hey racecay00:30
racecar56chaos2fu, i on jaunty00:30
t_shouldnt i use gksudo apt-get?00:30
racecar56t_, wat00:30
racecar56t_, sudo works00:31
javaJaket_: sudo apt-get00:31
javaJaket_: gksudo is just the GUI equivilant00:31
racecar56t_, sudo apt-get install foo00:31
racecar56t_, foo = package name00:31
chaos2fuok but its the oldar chip of graphic racecar56?00:31
racecar56chaos2fu, ?00:31
javaJakechaos2fu: what problem are you having?00:31
LinuxMoogle*on the side: i can learn something just from reading the chat :D00:32
racecar56chaos2fu, i having 0 probs00:32
t_so how do i get it to update automatically?00:32
Ron586LinuxMoogle: that's what I have been doing for 2 days lol00:32
racecar56chaos2fu, this card is a non-3D00:32
racecar56chaos2fu, on an old-fashioned compaq presario sr1020nx00:33
javaJakeracecar56: how old is it?00:33
eseven73Ron586, two years here, still aint learn jack LOL, I have fun though, guess that's what counts ;)00:33
racecar56javaJake, i dont know, probably 2004 or 200500:33
racecar56javaJake, i have a sr1010z also but i did something stupid to the processor so im getting another one00:33
Ron586eseven73:on my 4th try with unbuntu now.. do or give up time lol00:34
racecar56javaJake, it works better on ubuntu than this one, as acpi dosen't work00:34
javaJakeracecar56: ahh, OK. I got my 845g earlier... when it was "higher"-end. And I got the desktop version. (I guess there's a laptop one?)00:34
chaos2fuuja im back...00:34
racecar56javaJake, idk why acpi dont work on sr1020nx but the sr1010z works on everyhting, even the ati rv280se worked with desktop effects00:35
racecar56javaJake, k00:35
racecar56javaJake, mine dosen't do 3D00:35
racecar56javaJake, or at least is bad at it00:35
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eseven73Ron586, hang in there, Ubuntu has the best community, those other distros are just as nice, but they lack the community that Ubuntu has :D00:35
javaJakeracecar56: now it's pretty much as bad as a video card gets :P00:35
javaJakeracecar56: same here, terrible 3D00:35
racecar56javaJake, :P00:35
racecar56javaJake, the bios that i had on here previously was from 2004...00:35
Tylerhey javaJake00:35
chaos2fuuno i dont have any problems now, i think!;-) but with the original installation of netbook remix it was very laggy, i couldnt enable normal effects, when i played movie some part of the picture was falling behind00:35
chaos2fuuand so on..00:36
racecar56javaJake, maybe it was from 200400:36
racecar56javaJake, and im talking 'bout the manufacturing year00:36
javaJakechaos2fu: compiz does not work on 845g. It's specifically blacklisted.00:36
Ron586eseven73: hanging by my fingernails. Yes I havce had a lot of help from nice peeps so far00:36
chaos2fuuyeah, but i have 945gm00:36
racecar56javaJake, by late 2005 the 1010 and the 1020 were definately known of existance00:36
d00000dehey ron586 :P00:36
racecar56javaJake, i know it00:36
chaos2fuuand it working now wiith the old drivers from ubuntu 8x00:36
Ron586hey dooooode!00:36
d00000deman im sendin personal messages, cant u get them?00:37
javaJakechaos2fu: run this and tell me what it says: apt-cache show xserver-xorg-video-intel | grep '^Version'00:37
chaos2fuufor every whos interested in graphical problem with intel, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance00:37
javaJaked00000de: AFAIK, only registered users can send/receive PM's.00:38
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode00:38
chaos2fuuand one solution here; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.4#Installing%20the%20package00:38
livesessionuser1Is anyone able to help me with grub? I install to an external hard drive and I can not boot it, I get Error 1700:39
javaJakechaos2fu: a friendly heads-up: the solution you posted is unsupported and bound to create issues if/when you try to upgrade, and may create compatibility issues with other officially-built packages. Try to avoid adding third-party packages as much as you can.00:41
=== scfh_ is now known as scfh
Lythmy xorg.conf is way smaller than it should be00:41
javaJakechaos2fu: also, avoiding the issue this way is going to break eventually, so actively trying to solve the problem for real is going to benefit everyone, you included, in the long run.00:41
javaJakeLyth: haha, disliking the new xorg.conf setup? :)00:42
livesessionuser1Lyth: that's ok, it00:42
=== Pleuguin is now known as Pleuguin{away}
eseven73!away > Pleuguin{away}00:42
ubottuPleuguin{away}, please see my private message00:42
LythBut I need to add to change horizontal sync and vertical refresh that it is detecting about my monitor.00:42
racecar56javaJake, for some reason my 845g actually can do a *tiny* bit of 3D00:43
racecar56javaJake, some thing from 1998 it works00:43
racecar56javaJake, but it's not much 3D00:43
javaJakeracecar56: oh, yea, it can do 3D, but it's slow and/or doesn't have much to support OpenGL.00:43
eseven73racecar56, same card I have00:43
racecar56javaJake, eay00:43
racecar56javaJake, yea00:43
LythJavajake: if xorg.conf is different now, how do I change the horizontal sync and vertical refresh00:44
racecar56javaJake, the RV280SE in my 1010 is *so* much better00:44
javaJakeracecar56: I get errors about missing visuals all the time :P00:44
racecar56javaJake, i stuck it in there, got it for $10000:44
racecar56javaJake, lul00:44
racecar56javaJake, the one built in to the 1010 is a sis vga, that is *THE WORST EVER*00:44
racecar56javaJake, btw it's got an agp slot but the 1020 dosen't D:00:45
eseven73SiS is still around? O.o00:45
javaJakeLyth: the way xorg.conf works now, is X will auto-configure anything you don't specifically set up yourself. You can still edit xorg.conf and add a section describing your monitor.00:45
racecar56eseven73, the comp is old00:45
racecar56eseven73, and yes00:45
zer0rezanyone use rhythmbox00:45
LythJavajake: How do I do I do that?00:45
javaJakeeseven73: with Linux, everything is still around ;)00:45
eseven73racecar56, I feel for you, my first computer was SiS back in 199800:45
racecar56javaJake, eseven73 even ubuntu waety!00:45
racecar56javaJake, eseven73 *warty00:45
javaJakeLyth: well, have you edited xorg.conf before?00:46
Lythjavajake: Yeah, but the section was already there and I just had to find and edit it00:46
kacperskisiema? :P00:46
racecar56eseven73, the 1010 is a nickname for my soon-to-be-tweaked compaq presario SR1010Z00:46
javaJakeI've got an old laptop with _no_ 3D support, 64M of RAM, and no CD boot support sitting next to me. :D00:46
javaJakeI have to boot from a floppy and then from the CD to get Xubuntu installed :P00:46
kacperskihello? :P00:46
racecar56eseven73, it has a sis vga card, but i crammed a RV280SE (ati radeon 9200 se) in the agp slot and it kicks flamin' butt now00:47
kacperskilol man what is that? i just runned it00:47
chaos2fuuok javaJake I see where this is going...i understand your point of view but I got to have a working computer (fully), and this is the best solution that i have found...I filed in Launchpad and the problems and issues is well known...!;-)00:47
eseven73racecar56, nice, surprised ATI works being on Linux and all00:47
LythSo, what do I do?00:47
javaJakeLyth: right, but now you have to add it. It's pretty simple. Open xorg.conf (which should be blank) and add the lines yourself. Executing 'man xorg.conf' gives you complete documentation on how xorg.conf works, but I'll give you some pointers to get you rolling.00:47
kacperskiheelllloooo  ? :D00:47
racecar56eseven73, however it isn't all-entergetic, but it can do compiz + old 3D games from 199900:47
mahacan gnash play the youtube site?00:47
racecar56eseven73, yeahb00:47
kacperskiwhats up00:48
javaJakemaha: I'm pretty sure I've heard it can. :P00:48
racecar56eseven73, my radeon 2400hd pro on my other acer pc from may/june/july 2008 is TERRIBLE00:48
racecar56eseven73, THE WORST00:48
mahajavaJake: kewl00:48
javaJakeLyth: for your first line, you'll want to add 'Section "Monitor"' (without the single quotes).00:48
kacperskiHI ! :D00:48
LythJavajake: What do I put after?00:49
javaJakeLyth: then you'll want to add another line: Identifier "Any name here"00:49
kacperskinot talk active .... damn shit programme :P00:49
javaJake!language | kacperski00:49
ubottukacperski: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:49
mypapit_fowl!ohmy | kacperski00:49
ubottukacperski: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.00:49
LythThen what?00:50
kacperskiall right lOl00:50
sysadminI have installed grub in my usb, and I wnat to install at least two distributions on my flashdrive. Is this possible?00:50
Paddy_EIRECan anyone one recommend an nice gnome rss reader that is not as much of a hog as liferea?00:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Censorship00:50
javaJakeLyth: open System -> Help and Support. In the window that appears, search for xorg.conf. Select "xorg.conf manual page"00:50
javaJakeLyth: scroll until you see "MONITOR SECTION"00:50
racecar56can anyone pastebin the whole default ubuntu 8.xx/9.xx /etc/apt/sources.list? even the comments?00:50
racecar56i need it for my distribution im making00:51
sysadminhow can I make a copy of my distribution into a flashdrive?00:51
racecar56sysadmin, unetbootin00:51
javaJakeLyth: a little ways under that section, you'll find info on how to add horizontal and vertical refresh ranges, as well as other things.00:51
LythGot it, thanks00:51
bwildsysadmin: try pendrivelinux00:51
TrizicusIs there a package that I can install that has a bunch of programs bundled into one through apt?00:51
chasityIs there a way to share a printer over a network. I have a printer hooked up to my ubuntu, and i would like to print stuff from my other computer. Which is running Vista 64 bit.00:52
FlannelTrizicus: There are.  They're called metapackages.  What are you looking to install?00:52
Flare183!samba | chasity00:52
ubottuchasity: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:52
javaJakeLyth: when you're all done, be sure to end the "Monitor" section in your xorg.conf file by adding the line "EndSection00:52
eseven73Trizicus, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras    is HUGE00:52
javaJakeLyth: ... at the bottom00:52
racecar56can anyone pastebin the whole default ubuntu 8.xx/9.xx /etc/apt/sources.list? even the comments?00:52
TrizicusI need to install 32 bit java on jaunty x6400:52
Trizicuseseven73 that is what i was looking for!00:52
Lythgot it00:52
Trizicuswhat is exactly in it?00:53
racecar56javaJake, the processor of this compaq is a intel celeron 2.80 ghz, fastest + oldest cpu in the house00:53
Trizicusis there a way to find out what is in the restricted extras?00:53
eseven73don't thank me, I always get yelled at for recommending that meta package in here, soo SHHHHH! no one seen that ;)00:53
javaJakeracecar56: http://pastebin.com/f5e62607500:53
chasityFlare183: thanks00:53
Trizicusis there a life of what ubuntu-restricted-extras contains?00:54
javaJakeracecar56: that's not exactly defaults I don't think, because I think I enabled all the repos possible through Software Sources, but besides that that should be the defaults00:54
racecar56javaJake, ahhhhhhhh thanks alot!00:54
javaJakeracecar56: lol00:54
racecar56javaJake, =D00:54
eseven73Trizicus, http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-restricted-extras00:54
racecar56javaJake, btw it's funnny how the oldest comp in the house has the best cpu00:55
jduTrizicus: I think:  dpkg -I <package name>00:55
javaJakeracecar56: thus "lol" ;)00:55
LythWhats the command to restart the x server00:55
racecar56Lyth, ctrl+alt+bksp00:55
racecar56Lyth, btw bksp is backspace (just in case u didnt know)00:55
eseven73!dontzap | Lyth (assuming you meant Jaunty?)00:55
ubottuLyth (assuming you meant Jaunty?): To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.00:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:56
anternatwill i tell any difference btw ubuntu server version and debian?00:56
rulerfrom the destop itselp can i open the installed software00:56
LythThanks, why is tat needed?00:57
graelinwhat daemon is responsible for mounting CD when inserted?00:57
Pirate_Hunterevening which application in ubuntu allows me to open files made in m$ publisher?00:57
jduanternat: you'll be using ubuntu repositories etc. the motd will be different00:57
Lythscribus probably00:57
anternatwill i need debian iso when i have ubuntu server ?00:57
javaJakeruler: use the Applications menu on the upper-left corner, assuming you're using Ubuntu.00:57
rulerfrom the desktop itself can we open the installed software00:58
Trizicuswhere is the updates directory?00:58
dva5912What would be better, VMWARE or qemulator00:58
LythI entered sudo dontzap --disable, but it still won't work00:58
anternatjdu so no need to dl debian?00:59
balingupHi - I need some help de installing crossover completely - need to start fresh00:59
jduanternat: no00:59
javaJakeLyth: logging out and logging back in generally restarts the server. 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' also works.00:59
graelinLyth: sudo apt-get install dontzap then in terminal sudo dontzap -d00:59
javaJakeLyth: you might have to restart the server for the --disable command to take effect :P00:59
dva5912How can i se hoe much ram i am using?00:59
jduanternat: if you are wanting to use ubuntu server that is.00:59
jdudva5912: free -m00:59
Bubulle_dva5912, the old scool unix command for free mem is free -t01:00
jdudva5912: or open the system monitor / add applet to toolbar to display it01:00
anternatjdu i have dwnloaded but not yet installed any01:00
balingupDVV - go to system > Administration > System Monitor01:00
javaJakedva5912: a graphical representation can be found in System -> Administration -> System Monitor -> Resources.01:00
dva5912Mem:          1001        977  that cant be right01:00
balingupAnyone know their way around Crossover Linux?01:01
* graelin is seriously disenchanted with his ubuntu crash problem01:01
dva5912how the heck am i using 400mb. hardly anything is open01:01
Flare183balingup: I do01:01
jdudva5912: you're using ubuntu/ not the lightest on resources01:01
javaJakedva5912: View -> All Processes, then select the Processes tab, and sort by Memory column so that the sort arrow is pointing up01:02
dva5912true. so i guess im fine01:02
javaJakedva5912: that should give you an idea01:02
Pirate_Hunterjdu, that depends on what they are using it for01:02
dva5912wo! firefox 105 MB WTF!>01:02
javaJakedva5912: don't freak out01:02
Flare183!ohmy | dva591201:03
ubottudva5912: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.01:03
javaJakedva5912: firefox is designed to recognize how much memory your system has01:03
javaJakedva5912: so, if you have a lot of memory, firefox will cache more pages.01:03
dva5912im just not used to seeing a program hog up over 65 mb.01:03
Bubulle_dva5912, shared mem, cache and buffers are not realy used as the shring uppon needed for running code and data01:03
javaJakedva5912: you can adjust this in about:config : http://kb.mozillazine.org/Reducing_memory_usage_(Firefox)01:03
ruler_can i open pplications without using mouse01:03
windopaini am trying to load ubuntu live and i end up with "BusyBox v.1.10.2" and a prompt which says (initramfs)... why might this happen?  i am using an intel core 2 duo, i looked for an intel 64bit disc but only saw AMD- does the AMD work with both intel and AMD?01:03
Pirate_Hunterruler, yes alt+f201:04
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
graelinwindopain: Yes01:04
dva5912wow i dint think firefox was that intensive01:04
dva5912actuly i am running pandora soo... hat might be the cause01:04
windopainso i'm stuck at "busybox" after a "could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: no such file or directory" error01:04
javaJakedva5912: it's not a slim browser, if that's what you mean. Plugins (embedded content) and extensions also add significantly to RAM usage.01:05
Pirate_Hunterevening which application in ubuntu allows me to open files made in m$ publisher?01:05
KeLopez_CLin my system (currently) the most memory-eating application is "wia"01:05
javaJakePirate_Hunter: OpenOffice, I should think.01:05
dva5912now javaJake how much ram could a mysql and apache setup run?01:05
kecoI have a flyvideo 2000 card01:05
balingupHi Flare - Had Photoshop CS2 running fine (which is easy)  - then I have been testing Beta versions and unsupported software and acidentaly installed it on my default XP bottle01:05
KeLopez_CLwith 380 MB :S01:05
AlbertoPPirate_Hunter, if you are lucky, scribus01:05
javaJakedva5912: that I don't know. I do know I've run it comftorably on 768M of RAM alongside a full Ubuntu desktop. :)01:06
Pirate_HunterjavaJake, hmmm dont think so not publisher files01:06
dva5912firefox just hit 12001:06
Pirate_HunterAlbertoP, will try that01:06
AlbertoPOOo has no support for publisher stuff for what I know01:06
javaJakedva5912: that's pretty normal01:06
jdudva5912: one way to save ram on firefox, is to enable an option (google it) to encourage it to swap to disk when minimized01:07
windopaindarn, looks like ubuntu 9.04 won't boot or install on this machine from everything i read :(01:07
dva5912is opera that intensive?01:07
kecoactually I can see, but it's black and wihte01:07
chasityOk, i installed that Simba and I still can not see the printer from my windows computer.01:07
kecohave anybody got experience with this?01:07
balingupFlare - Now CS2 wont run, and I want to delete all files & config (keeping bottles if i can01:07
Xcellwindopain-  which machine01:07
crdlbPirate_Hunter: the internet suggests that nothing on linux can01:07
jdudva5912: otherwise use lighter weight web browsers: midori kazehakase dillo are a few01:08
ruler_can i open applications with out using the mouse01:08
Pirate_Huntercrdlb, yeah google didnt help01:08
windopainXcell: dell latitude xt... i found this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/364029  ... most of it is greek to me01:08
jduruler_: alt+ft2  type app name     or install gnome-do01:08
dva5912herm. i can live with it. that might be why windows was trashy when ff is open01:08
Bubulle_If you need a window manager without mouse, use ratpoison01:09
Trizicushow do i update modules?01:09
jduor dwm xmonad wmii01:09
Xcellwindopain-  ive had problems with stuff like that.. some times i used lenny instead....worked01:09
javaJakedva5912: Linux is also every efficient with RAM usage. It's not unnormal for me to be using 50% swap and still see excellent response from my apps.01:09
Pirate_HunterBubulle_, i think wmii is easier n has mouse support also01:09
Xcell50% swap?..wow..lol01:10
dva5912i got like 5gb of sway setup soo.... thats like extra ram?01:10
windopainXcell: does lenny support the windows present & cube features?  i'll give it a try01:10
mezquitaleanyone knows what apps would allow me to use my phone as a modem(tethering) using a USB cable???01:10
Xcelli never used compiz on an older machine01:10
jdudva5912: that's quite a lot but it won't use it if it doesn't need it01:10
racecar56gnome-do > alt+f201:10
javaJakeXcell: Songbird + Firefox + multiple terminals + e-mail + pidgin + whatever else running in the background takes a toll eventually :)01:10
Xcellah ic01:11
windopainthis is brand new machine01:11
ruler_i have installed ubuntu without creating a local disk can i create it now01:11
Trizicusis there a command that updates modules?01:12
Bubulle_Trizicus, sudo depmod -a I guess does it01:12
ruler_i have installed the ubuntu without creating the local disk can i create itnow01:12
fpsdavidim running mythbuntu, and when i exit mythtv to go to the desktop, theres like NOTHING there. black screen w/ a cursor, can't right click to bring up the menu or anything. i logged out/in and restarted w/ no luck. any ideas?01:13
Trizicusthat probes them doesn't look online for latest and greatest though01:13
Trizicushow do i update modules?01:13
=== bgupta|away is now known as bgupta
ruler_i have installed the ubuntu without creating the local dis can i partion and create a local disk now01:13
dva5912wow. im hittin 28mb/s download01:14
Xcellwhew..flying there01:14
KeLopez_CLWe envy you, dva5912.01:14
javaJakeTrizicus: kernel modules?01:14
ruler_i have installed the ubuntu without creating the local dis can i partion and create a local disk now01:14
brunner`1My server only has one serial port.  What is the most likely name for it?01:14
=== brunner`1 is now known as brunner
Trizicusyea how do i update them?01:15
brunnerfor example, /dev/tty??01:15
ruler_i have installed the ubuntu without creating the local dis can i partion and create a local disk now01:15
* dva5912 has a suspicious look on his face01:15
Trizicusi want to update cfg80211 and i've installed latest but the website doesnt tell me how to use it lol01:15
brennusanyone have experience with moblin?01:15
javaJakeTrizicus: 'sudo depmod -a' perhaps?01:16
Trizicusi thought that only probes them though?01:16
Trizicussorry i am new01:16
ruler_i have installed the ubuntu without creating the local dis can i partion and create a local disk now01:16
ruler_i have installed the ubuntu without creating the local dis can i partion and create a local disk now01:16
Mike_lifeguard!patience | ruler_01:16
ubotturuler_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:16
jdu_ruler_: what exactly do you mean by 'local disk'01:17
Trizicusokay i depmod -a now what lol01:17
boss_mc!repeat | ruler01:17
ubotturuler: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:17
=== fred_ is now known as Guest57706
boss_mc!lol Trizicus01:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lol Trizicus01:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:17
Trizicusman depmod01:17
Guest57706Howdy all, I have some bitmap *.bmp images that I need to convert to text files. Anyone know of a good ORC trace type program for Ubuntu Jaunty?01:17
boss_mc!omg | Trizicus01:17
ubottuTrizicus: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:17
AlbertoPbrennus, not directly. I read opensuse packaged it01:18
KeLopez_CL!LOL | boss_mc01:18
ubottuboss_mc: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:18
FlannelAlright, enough of that.01:18
boss_mcKeLopez_CL: I didn't!01:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:18
Trizicuscan someone please define what 'probing' is w/ 'sudo depmod -a'01:18
KeLopez_CLtesting :s01:18
narbikhello GEEKS!01:18
narbiker... fellow geeks01:19
jdu_Guest57706: I've used sng for converting png files to text; don't know about bmp01:19
KeLopez_CLgeek ^^01:19
javaJakeTrizicus: assuming you have compiled and installed the new modules (make && make install) or you have have installed a .deb file, you should be able to 'sudo modprobe -r cfg80211 && sudo modprobe cfg80211', or reboot.01:19
Trizicusokay thanks01:20
kerebrusHello, how do you uncompress an rar file under ubuntu?01:20
boss_mc!rar | kerebrus01:20
ubottukerebrus: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:20
toneskeberus: unrar01:20
jefincis there a way for when it organizes by name to have it ignore case?01:20
javaJakeHow do I keep NetworkManager from managing a particular network interface?01:20
Guest57706thanks, I'll look that up01:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about timezone01:20
user11hallo someone can help to setup a pxe server pleas01:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about woot01:20
boss_mcjavaJake: if the interface is in /etc/interfaces it won't be managed by network manager01:20
tones!botabuse | KeLopez_CL01:21
ubottuKeLopez_CL: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:21
dc2000hi all01:21
KIllaDroi need help figuring out why my filesystem only holds 50 mb and i got 157.4 media space01:21
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:21
javaJaketones: lazy :P01:21
user11need some help to setup a pxe server01:21
tonesjavaJake: ;)01:21
KeLopez_CLoops, thanks tones ;)01:22
dc2000im runnin 9.04 on a fujitsu lifebook.. ive tried these evtouch drivers but i cant seem to get the touchscreen to work.. anyone have experence or tips :D01:22
tonesKeLopez_CL: no worries :)01:22
boss_mcKIllaDro: are you saying the disk is 157.4 Gb but you only have 50Mb of space...?01:22
KIllaDroboss_mc: yes it two different folders under computer01:22
mezquitaleanyone knows how to use a phone running wm6 as a modem connected via a USB cable???01:22
user11i have a dhcp server  it works01:22
user11put pxe is geting no files01:23
user11i realy have no ansers01:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about foo=bar01:23
tonesoops, sorry all01:23
LythIs there a way to directly tell the x server what resolution to use?01:23
boss_mcKIllaDro: what's the output of mount (in terminal...), don't paste it here, pastebin it01:24
Trizicusdo you guys recommend updating kernel modules?01:24
boss_mc!pastebin | KIllaDro01:24
ubottuKIllaDro: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tethering01:24
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:25
jfm3Lyth: Try System -> Preferences -> Display, or hack about in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.01:25
GneaLyth: yes, xrandr01:25
KIllaDrowheres paste bin01:25
user11some one can help to setup a pxe server01:25
tones!pastebin | KIllaDro01:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:25
ubottuKIllaDro: please see above01:25
fpsdavidim running mythbuntu, and when i exit mythtv to go to the desktop, theres like NOTHING there. black screen w/ a cursor, can't right click to bring up the menu or anything. i logged out/in and restarted w/ no luck. any ideas?01:25
javaJakeTrizicus: no. :)01:25
boss_mcthanks guys...01:25
javaJakeTrizicus: doing any kind of updating or installing outside of apt-get, Add/Remove, or Synaptic is not supported or recommended.01:25
Trizicusshould have told me that before :P01:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:25
Lythgnea: It's not detecting the possible resolutions properly01:26
javaJake...at least, not by sane people ;)01:26
GneaLyth: perhaps you don't have the correct video driver installed01:26
KeLopez_CLjavaJake, do you mean: no !aptitude ?01:26
javaJakeKeLopez_CL: no, of course. ;)01:26
boss_mcKeLopez_CL: aptitiude and apt-get are equivelent...01:27
graelinLyth: wHAT DRIVER nvIDIA?01:27
boss_mcmod spelling errors...01:27
jfm3I get all the drivers for my webcam loaded, I can see them in insmod, but udev (?) doesn't make a /dev/video0.  Google search shows others have this problem, but I see no good solution.01:27
Gneagraelin: sticky shift key?01:27
javaJakeTrizicus: I didn't tell you because usually people who are compiling their own modules are already convinced it's the only way to solve their problems. :)01:27
KeLopez_CLyep && javaJake: lol && boss_mc: I know01:27
KIllaDroboss_mc: it says unknown01:27
LythGraelin, Gnea: I've got the proper driver. My monitors a generic westinghouse, so it's not being detected right. Previously I've had to manually enter the horizontal sync/vertical refresh, but that isn't working this time01:28
graelinMine NEVER detects realistic monitor resolutions. If nvidia run nvidia-settings as root and you can make it what you want.. then save to xorg.conf01:28
boss_mcKIllaDro: typing 'mount' without quotes gives unknown command?01:28
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KIllaDrotrying mount where01:28
GneaLyth: where do you usually enter the refresh rates? directly to xorg.conf?01:28
LythGnaea: Yes01:29
boss_mcKIllaDro: open a terminal, (Applications->Accessories->Terminal)01:29
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boss_mcKIllaDro: then type it01:29
LythGraelin: That doesn't work because it doesn't list the one I need01:29
boss_mcKIllaDro: then press enter01:29
boss_mcKIllaDro: then pastebin the output...01:29
kecocan somebody help me?01:29
tones!helpme keco01:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about helpme keco01:29
tones!helpme | keco01:29
KIllaDroneed url?01:29
ubottukeco: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience01:29
GneaLyth: that's really strange... what's the exact make/model of your westinghouse?01:30
KIllaDroboss_mc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/184661/01:30
noisymouseI need help on following the chrooting instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot/, specifically I don't know what I should enter for the line "sudo sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list #point apt-get to the right release"01:30
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Trizicuswhat is best 'search' command?01:30
Gneanoisymouse: dapper and breezy are no longer supported.01:30
tonesTrizicus: locate?01:31
graelinLyth:  System/Admin/nvidia x server settings ---> Xserver display config tabe. Select resolution you want and leave refresh rate to auto01:31
javaJakeTrizicus: search for files? 'locate'01:31
Trizicusthanks :)01:31
Trizicusguys so supportive for newbs!01:31
tonesTrizicus: its our job :)01:31
LythGraelin: Your not understanding. It does not give me the proper option in the drop down/01:32
Trizicuswhat about directories?01:32
boss_mcKIllaDro: run 'parted /dev/sda'01:32
graelinthat is if you are using the restricted driver... honestly though if you want to dink around with Linux, Slackware is better for that. Ubuntu is made to just go01:32
boss_mcKIllaDro: the pastebin the output of 'print'01:32
javaJakeTrizicus: it searches everything01:32
tonesTrizicus: javaJake beat me to it...01:32
javaJakeboss_mc: prepend a g for newbie friendlieness01:32
noisymouseGnea: yeah, but you're supposed to replace that with something like feisty01:32
noisymouseGnea: it's just that the page hasn't been updated, but I don't know what the line should be01:33
Trizicusis there a way to make it search and only show me what it finds w/ what i specified?01:33
boss_mcjavaJake: I can't get text out of gparted01:33
javaJakeboss_mc: good point :)01:33
Trizicusi had it search / and it showed me everything01:33
boss_mcKIllaDro: although you will need to run it as 'sudo parted /dev/sda'01:33
Trizicusbut didnt show me what it found lol01:33
Gneanoisymouse: it would be prudent if you could shed a bit of light on what you're trying to do, exactly01:33
javaJakeTrizicus: lol, of course... it found everything with '/' in its name01:33
Trizicusohhhhh rofl01:34
javaJakeTrizicus: which is every file on your system.01:34
tonesTrizicus: the syntax is "locate <searchstring>"01:34
GneaLyth: I don't understand... that's a fairly new monitor, does it not support EDID?01:34
Trizicuscant specify a directory?01:34
LythGnea: I don't know what that is01:34
racecar56i have to disconnect and reconnect, brb01:34
javaJakeTrizicus: what is it you're looking for?01:34
tonesTrizicus: directories have names too...01:34
KIllaDroboss_mc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/184663/01:34
Trizicusheh ok then that answers my q :P01:35
boss_mcjavaJake: also, how did you get  in your message, serious typo that...01:35
noisymouseGnea: I'm following the instructions on that page so that I can have a 32-bit system from which I can run 32-bit binaries on my 64-bit system. Apparently this requires using sed to configure properly, but I'm not sure what options I should give it01:35
je||yi seek answers. does #ubuntu provide?01:35
felixsullaI have an HDD temp monitor on my top console, and it varies and seems to read the proper temp. In the config it has the option to keep a log, which I've been using, but in the log it always shows as 54 deg, any idea why?01:35
Devilsprey99can anyone plz tell me how to use NM 0.7 in hardy01:35
boss_mcKIllaDro: you didn't run 'print'01:35
javaJakeboss_mc: yea, I know, I nearly corrected it, but a 'meh' thought prevented me ;)01:35
GneaLyth: it's a protocol/method used by Xorg to determine the capabilities of the monitor(s) attached01:35
boss_mcKIllaDro: ok...01:35
Devilsprey99I installed it but it doesnot run as it runs the way in intrepid01:35
tonesje||y: ask and you shall be answered (probably)01:35
boss_mcKIllaDro: get on it! ;-)01:35
Gneanoisymouse: and you're trying to do this with which version of Ubuntu?01:36
noisymouseGnea: with Jaunty01:36
KIllaDroboss_mc: sorry http://paste.ubuntu.com/184664/01:36
LythGnea: I don't think the monitor does. The support people( which required digging and digging to find) told me they don't support linux and recommended that I use windows01:36
Rafaeli have mount my ubuntu server as a client of a linkys nas  with cifs, i need the rigth command to syncronize fiels from my ubutnu server to my nass every nigth..anybody was the rigth command01:36
GneaLyth: you have got to be kidding me.01:37
Rafaeli am thinking on using rsync01:37
LythGnea: Nope.01:37
boss_mcKIllaDro: ok, your disk is partitioned so that your / partition is 2.5(ish)Gb01:37
KIllaDroi see that01:38
tonesubutnu... i like it, got a nice ring to it01:38
KIllaDrodo i have to go to bios?01:38
boss_mcKIllaDro: and you have most of the data on your disk in an ntfs drive...01:38
mezquitaleanyone knows how to install synCE on intrepid???01:38
boss_mcKIllaDro: are you wanting to be able to access that data from ubuntu?01:38
KIllaDroboss_mc yes01:38
tones!ntfs-3g | KIllaDro01:38
ubottuKIllaDro: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:38
boss_mcKIllaDro: ok, that's pretty easy, do what ubottu just sent you...01:39
ubottuDetails of setting up synce-serial at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto01:39
GneaLyth: that is outright blasphemy. what video card do you have?01:39
LythGnea: Nvidia 8500 GT01:39
tonesno worries01:39
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GneaLyth: using which nvidia driver version?01:40
BCM43Could anybody estimate how long it will take for this to be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/348694/ A month? A yea?01:40
noisymouseGnea: I'm trying to do this on Jaunty. Any ideas?01:40
LythGnea: The latest, just updated01:40
GneaLyth: k. there seems to be some info here.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=906984 not sure if it's gonna help or not01:40
boss_mcKIllaDro: if you want to share document folders with ubuntu, a nice way to do it is to make symbolic links from the ntfs-3g mount to your /home/<username>/<foldername>01:40
Gneanoisymouse: still looking.01:40
boss_mcKIllaDro: then you can access the files as if they were there...01:41
je||ywhen the f$%$ is ubuntu going to get permanent universal fix for Bluetooth?01:41
ewsubachis the utility SAINT now proprietary? (an old book I am reading says it is free but I can't find it)01:41
Rafaelanybody to help me with rsync to copy files from ubutnu to a nas01:41
mrwesjelly: ?01:42
tonesKIllaDro: even better, do what boss_mc said with an entry in your fstab so you dont have to mount manually every time01:42
boss_mc!ohmy | je||y01:42
ubottuje||y: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.01:42
Gneanoisymouse: it's just saying that it's doing a check to make sure that it's using the current release, so just read the file and make sure it's using jaunty - if it is, you don't need sed01:42
boss_mcKIllaDro: tones++ (although I assumend that was in ubottu's link...)01:42
noisymouseGnea: read what file?01:42
Gnea!rsync | Rafael01:42
ubottuRafael: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync01:42
Gneanoisymouse: the file that it's talking about.01:43
kerebrusHello, trying to use unrar and unrar-free to extract some files from a rar file and every time I extract them it skips all the files in the archive and says done. what am I doing wrong?01:43
noisymouseGnea: oh just make sure that the sources is for jaunty? why is the line even included in the help document?01:43
toneskerebrus: ouch.. corrupt archive? password wrong?01:43
boss_mckerebrus: are you using archive-manager or the command line?01:43
Gneanoisymouse: because it's obviously old and hasn't been updated. obviously, you don't need to follow each step to the letter, you need to adapt for the current situation.01:43
kerebrusboss_mc: both01:44
tonesboss_mc: unrar-free is for the command line..01:44
noisymouseGnea: ok, thanks for the help01:44
Gneanoisymouse: cheers, good luck01:44
boss_mcoh yeah...01:44
kerebrustones: ive redownloaded the archive its not corrupted01:44
boss_mckerebrus: what command are you running?01:44
nejodeRafael: rsync is a one-way sync... unison is two-way01:44
toneskerebrus: im out of ideas. sorry01:45
kerebrusboss_mc: unrar hiimarar.rar "place im extracting to"01:45
boss_mckerebrus: should be unrar e <filename> <path>01:45
kerebrusboss_mc: done that also01:46
boss_mckerebrus: 'e' is for extract, see man unrar or unrar -h01:46
minh ???01:46
Rafaelnejode: do you have to install unison on the ubuntu server and on the nas or only on the ubuntu server...and can it be manage by a web interface?01:46
boss_mckerebrus: does unrar t <filename> give a list of files?01:46
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kerebrusboss_mc: yes and says all ok01:47
Devilsprey99Nobody here uses hardy or nobody can solve my problem?01:47
BCM43Devilsprey99: what is it?01:47
musikgoat|mainRafael: i know that you have to install unison on all systems that you want to sync01:47
nejodeRafael, I havn't used it with web interface, use it with ssh01:48
kerebrusboss_mc: sudo unrar e PFull.rar bob (is what im doing)01:48
Devilsprey99BCM43, I need to rok with network manager 0.7 in hardy01:48
nejodeRafael: you only have to install it on one machine01:48
BrixSatHello is there any way i can force my ubuntu server (gateway) to make local dns queries first then make it on the dns server from my isp?01:49
BCM43Devilsprey99: and?01:49
Devilsprey99i installed it but01:49
Devilsprey99i canned connect to wired connection01:49
GneaLyth: looks like there's a solution with KDE01:49
Rafaelnejode: if i have a ubuntu server version..if i install unison, can i still use the gui?..and if my box is on a closet  can i remotly see the gui?01:50
dsdeiz_anyone using wbar?01:50
musikgoat|mainDevilsprey99: you need to use network manager?  I switched to wicd when i was having problems with NM01:51
BCM43dsabecky: state your problem01:51
kerebrusboss_mc: stumped as I am?01:51
musikgoat|mainDevilsprey99: wicd worked without much configuration at all01:51
Devilsprey99I have wired dsl connection now im using pppoeconf01:51
PorkSodaAny one hear of a fix forsound dying as a result of java issues? Sound completely dies, when I say,, watch vids on youtube or the like,, completely killing all system, in totem and the like..01:52
Devilsprey99NM 0.7 had easy connection issues01:52
AdmAckbarHello,  looking for some help with ubuntu netbook remix on an eee pc 901.  I moved my usr directory to the second internal drive which I've learned ubuntu is not mounting on bootup. So right now the only thing i can do is login to Xterm.  I'm more or less useless with the terminal and not sure where to start.01:52
Devilsprey99i need to change password all the time01:52
boss_mckerebrus: you seem to need bob/ in your command (just bob means extract files called bob...)01:53
Rafaelnejode: if i have a ubuntu server version..if i install unison, can i still use the gui?..and if my box is on a closet  can i remotly see the gui?01:53
BrixSatHow can i force my ubuntu server (gateway) to make local dns queries first then make it on the dns server from my isp!01:54
boss_mckerebrus:  although is archive manager can't do it that might not be enough...01:54
nejodeRafael: do you have a gui on your server?01:54
Rafaelnejode: it is on a closet  so i manage it thru putty and i have use webmin, but i realize that eveybody talks very badly about webmin01:55
mac9416Hello, I want to install as many proprietary codecs and so on as possible to have an Ubuntu computer that will never tell me I can't play this file or that DVD. Is there a handy guide for that?01:55
pizzledizzlethe commands i put in .xsession in my home dir don't get executed. is tehre a different file used?01:56
BrixSatmac9416 use video lan client :D all build inside01:56
radenwhy is 9.04 only maintained till 2010 and 8.04 maintained till 201101:56
bastid_raZor!medibuntu > mac941601:56
ubottumac9416, please see my private message01:56
boss_mc8.04 is a LTS release01:56
nejodemac9416: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted extras01:56
tonesraden: good point01:56
boss_mcas will be 9.10 (presumably...)01:56
joljamhow can i download many images at a time from a webpage using a script01:57
tonesboss_mc: good answer01:57
radenboss_mc, forgive the ignorance whats LTS ?01:57
boss_mcraden: Long Term Support01:57
bastid_raZor!lts | raden01:57
ubotturaden: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.01:57
BrixSatHow can i force my ubuntu server (gateway) to make local dns queries first then make it on the dns server from my isp!01:58
mac9416BrixSat, bastid_raZor, nejode, Thanks. First, VLC doesn't play DVD's without hand-holding. What besides ubuntu-restricted-extras? Is there a simple guide for that.01:58
crawlerBrixSat: they might be more helpful in #ubuntu-server01:58
boss_mcraden: every three releases is LTS, mostly for buisnesses that pay fro canonical's support... there are still people using ubuntu 5.04 and earlier without problems01:58
bastid_raZor!medibuntu | mac941601:58
ubottumac9416: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:58
mac9416bastid_raZor, just get everything in that repo?01:59
nejodemac9416: in the medibuntu repo, install w32codecs and libdvdcss201:59
bastid_raZormac9416, read that page and you'll have all the codecs needed01:59
Rafaelnejode: it is on a closet  so i manage it thru putty and i have use webmin, but i realize that eveybody talks very badly about webmin01:59
Devilsprey99BCM43, does wicd work with this01:59
mac9416bastid_raZor, even MP3 and such?01:59
bastid_raZormac9416, yes01:59
mac9416bastid_raZor, thanks so much :-)02:00
bastid_raZormac9416, medibuntu covers all the bases02:00
mac9416bastid_raZor, cool, thanks.02:00
* tones loves the temporary silence02:03
graelinAnyone have any ideas what could be wrong when ubuntu crashes mounting a cd?02:05
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* tones silence gone...02:05
Gneagraelin: probably hardware02:06
toneswow the numbers are dwindling..02:07
Gneatones: what numbers?02:07
tonesGnea: members of this channel02:07
Gneatones: don't know what you mean..02:07
tonesGnea: on a good day it may even reach 1600.. never seen it below 140002:08
AdmAckbarI'm using a netbook with 2 internal ssd cards, how do i get ubuntu to acknowlege the second as a permenant physical drive and always mount it on boot?02:08
graelinThinking that too... get the same thing with a different unit though. Saw some IO buffer type errors... maybe the cable? It's slaved on the only IDE connection I have. Master disk is just peachy. I have winblows and a ext4 partition on it. No problems there02:08
Gneatones: then you haven't been around very long :) i remember when it was around 60002:08
essialthere are 1,385 people on this channel, that is almost double of any other channel on this network02:08
boss_mcAdmAckbar: add it to /etc/fstab02:08
tonesGnea: too true.. id love to see that day02:09
graelinpower supply is more than adequate02:09
tonesGnea: anyway, offtopic ;)02:09
Gneatones: enjoy this day, you'll appreciate it more :)02:09
tonesGnea: haha ok02:09
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:10
Gneagraelin: yeah, if it's on the same ide channel, it'll likely cause problems... 'only ide connection'?02:10
hanasakiwhat isa good url for the jaunty thing about encrypting home dirs?02:11
graelinmy board has 1 ide port and 5 sata ports. Master/slave has never been an issue before. Actually I never had an issue when I upgraded to jaunty from an 8.04 install. But I had to completely reinstall at some point and had nothing but problems with a clean jaunty install02:11
xtrahi all02:11
xtrai can't connect vista of my brother and my kubuntu02:11
xtrai want to share printer and folders02:12
tonesxtra: samba02:12
graelinand with over 800 cds and 500 dvds that need ripping and no drive...02:12
* graelin is unimpressed02:12
tones!samba | xtra02:12
ubottuxtra: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:12
linuxguy2009Hi guys I just have a simple question. Im getting more ubuntu games from the repos put onto a repo DVD-R, and I have a simple Logitech keyboard with no media keys or extras whatsover.I went to keyboard shortcuts in ubuntu preferences menu to try and set my own with stuff like Ctl+[Keypad +] for volume up function etc so i could change volume while still in games like open arena and my Doom3 I bought the other day.Doesnt seem to work in 02:13
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essialsounds like the games are eating the key presses02:13
linuxguy2009Thats what i figured.02:13
essialis this running in wine? I know wine can steal focus on DX02:13
Gneagraelin: sooo, why don't you have any sata drives instead of the ide hd?02:14
linuxguy2009no Im running all native games.02:14
boss_mcAdmAckbar: got that>02:14
essialnice I didn't know doom3 had linux binaries02:14
* essial doesn't play very many games though ;)02:14
AdmAckbarboos_mc yes thanks, giving it a go now02:14
linuxguy2009Yeah the id ftp server has linux bins for almost all there games.Its pretty cool.02:14
boss_mcAdmAckbar: sweet, just making sure you're on your way to being sorted...02:14
Gneagraelin: it could also be a faulty cable, as you pointed out, but I find it extremely odd that your motherboard only has 1 ide channel on it.... sounds proprietary02:15
graelinI do.. /boot / and home are on a 500Gb sata. Winblows and /share are on 320gb ide. Saving the other sata slots fot TB drives for media server eventually. Don't own a sata DVDr anyway02:15
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PorkSodaOk people,, I have sound issues when I namely stream audio/video via youtube or the like which completely kills audio systemwide. A restart of pulseaudio seems to fix it. Does any one have an idea of a fix? I see this issus all over the ubuntu forums,, but no fix, as of yet.02:15
essialgnea: Pundit computers typically have only one ide cable02:15
essialI have one myself :)02:15
linuxguy2009Back on 8.10 and my old logitech keyboard with media/volume keys it used to work just fine.02:15
Gneaessial: 'Pundit'?02:15
graelinAsus M3N78-VM Mobo... pretty stock02:15
essialI am 90% sure that's what they are called, but not 100% :) They look like VCRs but are 100% computers02:15
xtrapb: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:16
xtra[sudo] password for alex:02:16
xtrasudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found02:16
rulerin ubuntu google tal we can make call or not02:16
essialjust in an odd package02:16
rulerin ubuntu google talk we can make call or not02:16
jedi_anyone know a  good alternative to adobe acrobat 9 pro extended, please??02:16
linuxguy2009oh well no big deal just thought i would check.Thanks anyways.02:16
ultimateMy internal intel 2200bg worked fine until I ran oem-config and created a new user. Any idea why that would happen?02:17
rulerin ubuntu google talk we can make call or not02:17
boss_mcjedi_:  what do you need to do? read PDFs... anything else?02:17
xanguajedi_: you can create pdf's with OpenOffice02:17
boss_mcjedi_: or latex/tex02:17
essialjedi_: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1273502:17
Gneagraelin: I see. I've never had anything but problems with setups like that. The problem is with the IDE spec, not with Jaunty. If it worked before, there must have been some kernel hack that allowed it - perhaps that's what you should look for. Maybe a pci reconfiguration or IDE channel tweak? Also, I wouldn't recommend TB drives unless it's a RAID configuration and not a home/personal system.02:17
essialseems the app runs pretty good with wine02:17
rulerin ubuntu google talk we can make call or not02:17
rulerin ubuntu google talk we can make call or not02:17
Pici!repeat | ruler02:18
ubotturuler: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:18
jedi_actually i want to deliver presentations and small video clips into the pdf format02:18
boss_mcalso, you make no sense ruler...02:18
rulerpici:in ubuntu google talk we can make call or not02:18
Piciruler: I don't know, but stop repeating.02:18
essialjed_ eew :p ever heard of pdf?02:18
essialGAH i mean html02:18
Gnea!guidelines | ruler02:18
ubotturuler: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:18
rulerk sorry02:19
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)02:19
graelinwelp.. guess I'02:20
graelinWelp.. guess I'll go dink around in BIOS... maybe I'll accidentally fix it02:20
jedi_thanks essial02:20
Gneagraelin: and if you really feel the need to go with TB drives, check tomshardware.com for some reviews if you haven't already02:21
lizarddude951how can i setup ubuntu to output sound through my ps3 cables?02:21
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:21
DM1is it possible to get RS HD to work on Ubuntu 9.04?02:21
Gnea!anyone | lizarddude95102:22
ubottulizarddude951: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:22
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jedi_what about for an alternative for mobomaths. handwriting recognition02:22
boss_mcGnea: he already asked a Q, I'm not sure what he menas though...02:22
Gnealizarddude951: are you running ubuntu on the ps3?02:22
AdmAckbarboss_mc any specfic options i should put in fstab?02:22
Gnea!ps3 | lizarddude95102:23
ubottulizarddude951: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )02:23
boss_mcAdmAckbar: I use defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,exec,uid=1000,gid=100002:23
phoenix2hey i have a question, the personal files secured for a user. are they also encrypted if someone accesses the disc from another booted os?02:23
Gnealizarddude951: please check out that other channel, we really don't know02:23
boss_mcAdmAckbar: so I can run binary files off it (exec) and it's writable by my main user (uid=1000,gid=000)02:24
lizarddude951ok thnx anyway02:24
essialwhere are the keymap files located?02:24
Gneagood luck :)02:24
boss_mcAdmAckbar: other than that, just set it to ntfs-3g and you should be good02:24
boss_mcAdmAckbar: e.g. UUID=1348EBB24F895E39 /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,exec,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 002:24
DM1Has anyone got Runescape HD to work on Ubuntu 9.04 x6402:25
boss_mcDM1: using sun-java6-plugin or icedtea?02:26
essialmore specifically, when you set your keyboard layout in Keyboard Prefs, where is that layout file physically located?02:26
DM1i have all plugins installed etc02:26
DM1hd doesn't work but ld does02:26
jedi_Thanks for the help again all of you and good night02:26
boss_mcDM1: do you get sent through the 'pick a world' screen?02:26
boss_mcDM1: you get sent there becase neither form of java allows running applets as signed....02:27
boss_mcDM1: and without signing permissions, you can't use HD02:27
boss_mcDM1: under 8.10 you could... regression02:28
DM1how do i allowed signed?02:28
boss_mcDM1: I've been wondering that for a few weeks02:28
jackrippermy dvd wont play fresh install ubuntu 7.102:29
DM1i did install suns plugin though02:29
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:29
jackripperthank you02:29
boss_mcDM1: I've not managed it with either plugin under 9.0402:29
jackripperjust doing a demo for windows user02:30
essialgod ubottu is awsome02:30
essialjackripper: basically requires a decoder that can't be freely distributed02:30
Gneajackripper: you should upgrade to 8.04, at the very least. 7.10 is no longer supported.02:30
jackripperi dont care02:30
essialeww yeah and upgrade to something made within the last year :p02:30
jackripperill figure02:30
jackripperit out02:30
jackripperjust showing my homie something02:31
Paddy_EIRE!enter | jackripper02:31
ubottujackripper: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:31
sadielhello guys. I had an old ubuntu 8.10 installation that was kidda broken.I did a backup of my home folder and wiped my system disk and made a new install with ubuntu studio 9.04. Now I would like to take some of the config files from my old home folder without breaking my system. How can I get this done?02:31
jackripperthanks for your responds02:31
jackripperdon't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!  sorry02:31
jackripperthanks again02:31
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:32
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:32
Elite_Design_Coi have a problem  error opening gs plugin pcsx202:32
Gneajackripper: you should be able to get it working, still02:32
essialsadiel: this is just a guess, but you SHOULD be able to copy most of your hidden (.*) folders from ~/ back over02:32
essialmayaps not .gnome or whatever, but for the apps you want to restore02:33
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents02:33
frozenvuHi all,02:33
Gneajackripper: but my point, was that you (or your friend) are less likely to run into problems with 8.0402:33
Elite_Design_Co error opening gs plugin pcsx202:33
Ubuntudadwhen is the end of life for 9.04?02:33
frozenvuI installed JDK 6 from bin file02:33
Paddy_EIREIf you are showing someone how ubuntu support works try getting them to read this so as to have them better prepared http://open.knome.fi/2009/05/28/getting-support/02:33
frozenvuafter that I run Eclipse02:33
frozenvubut it said that there's no JVM in the computer02:33
Paddy_EIREjackripper:  If you are showing someone how ubuntu support works try getting them to read this so as to have them better prepared http://open.knome.fi/2009/05/28/getting-support/02:34
frozenvuso what happens?02:34
jackripperubuntu gutsy gibbon is the only way i can connect to the internt.  every other distro sees the access points, but it does not connect.  ipv6 problem?  i really liked jaunty's gui02:34
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:34
jackripperthank you02:34
jackrippernow to bet a fresh install on what i learn02:34
sadielessal, I did that with my old system and some stuff worked in strange ways :/. Still I guess i can give it a try02:34
essialsadiel: may be the difference in program versions02:35
essialsadiel: I'd take it one at a time02:35
jedimaster0o0hope i'm not intruding here but i have a networking problem02:35
sadielI'll try that essial. Thanks for the answer!02:35
essialwhat was the dpkg flag for ignoring a .deb arch type02:36
boss_mc!ask | jedimaster0o002:36
ubottujedimaster0o0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:36
JoesephHi.  I've got a dvd burner that seems to be on its last legs.  Whenever I burn an image, it always tells me that the MD5 checksum is incorrect.  However, I have not had a problem with losing any data. (I burn different linux distros often)  Should I worry that the MD5 checksum never comes out right?02:36
Paddy_EIREjackripper: yes?02:37
essialjoeseph: Are you using that DVD in the same drive, or different computers02:37
frozenvuI installed JDK 6 using bin file. After that I run Eclipse, but it said that there's no JVM in the computer02:37
Joesephessial: What do you mean?02:37
jackripperPaddy_EIRE sorry i hit the wrong key.  this guy does not read from the net at all.  he is over for a bit and mentioned buying a computer02:38
essialjoseph: do you burn the DVD, then use that DVD in another computer's drive; or do you use it in your drive02:38
Paddy_EIREjackripper: ah.. well ubuntu will be a great option for him I am sure02:38
Paddy_EIREgood luck02:38
Joesephessial: It just depends.  This time, I'm using it in a different drive than the computer that is burning it, yes.02:39
frozenvuAnyone helps me? I installed JDK 6 using bin file. After that I run Eclipse, but it said that there's no JVM in the compute02:39
essialjoeseph: because it may be a problem READING the data, not writing it, in which case the checksum would obviously be a false positive02:39
Joesephessial: That's definitely a possibility. What's a good way to tell?02:40
jackripperi know. i have never run windows in the five years ive had a computer.  i know i am not exhibbiting a great deal of knowledge with debian, but i am excited.  drinkin'.  i'll see you guys later.  thanks for all the input02:40
jedimaster0o0well i can see my wired network places but not my wireless network places. but i do have internet. i have a static ip set up for both of them and i can see this computer from other wireless enabled computers both running ubuntu and windows. i can access this pc from anywhere but i cannot access any wireless networks from my pc, just wired networks.02:40
essialjoeseph: and at a more low level, optical storage devices have error tolerances and redundancy (so scratches don't brick the media), so just because a checksumf fails due to a "Bad burn" doesn't necessarily mean the disk will not read properly02:40
Joesephessial:  In that case, I probably won't worry about it.  I've never had problems with a disc I've burned before.02:41
boss_mcJoeseph: I'd still not install an OS off it ;-)02:41
essialjoeseph: on the same note, dvd burners are like $30 on newegg02:41
Joesephboss_mc: Well, I mostly just burn os discs cause I like to distro hop on my spare computer, so If it fails, no worries.02:42
Joesephessial: I might buy myself one there then.02:42
ward-does ubuntu handle wacom tablets decently out of the box?02:42
ward-as in no mouse acceleration, decently mapped to the screen, etc02:42
ward-erase button working, etc etc etc02:42
essialjoeseph: yeah I don't like to advertise but i've ordered from there exclusively for the last 4 years or so with no problems02:42
JasaThey should work out of box, not sure myself, haven't tested.02:42
ward-let me rephrase: does wacom work differently then it works in debian lenny?02:43
Joesephessial: I'll probably wait for a good sale and then get one.  Thanks for the advice on the MD5 stuff by the way.02:43
ward-because thats what i got now and it only works extremely crappy02:43
essialward-: haha, LOVE that rephrase02:43
JasaOld xorg.conf had those wacom infos added but new xorg doesn't have the default config anymore.02:43
ward-ah crap02:44
jedimaster0o0i can see my wired network places but not my wireless network places. but i do have internet. i have a static ip set up for both of them and i can see this computer from other wireless enabled computers both running ubuntu and windows. i can access this pc from anywhere but i cannot access any wireless networks from my pc, just wired networks.02:44
JasaWhat you mean it's working crappy ?02:44
ward-mouse acceleration on my wacom02:44
ward-and its not mapped correctly02:44
ward-(when using absolute)02:44
essialjedimaster0o0: sounds like your wireless on your computer aint workin :)02:44
Jasatry in console "xset m 0" to disable acceleration?02:44
ward-i want acceleration on my regular mouse02:44
ward-thanx for the tip though02:45
Jasai just put it to .bashrc and open terminal every time i reboot ... -.-02:45
i3luefireim having issues trying to extract an iso from a .gz archive.02:45
essiali3luefire: are you RUNNING ubuntu or windows at the moment?02:45
JasaBell goes off with xset -b too etc ...02:45
jedimaster0o0well i can use it to get internet and everyone else can see me just not the other way around02:45
=== navetz__ is now known as navetz
koshari9.04  beagle doesnt find a file thats definately in the index path?02:46
essiali3luefire: k what's the problem?02:46
Jasai3luefire what is the problem there, bugged countainer or ?02:46
ward-any 9.04 changes that are worth mentioning btw?02:46
theunixgeekward-: new notifications02:46
Jasaward: Nothing really ... i turn off nofications and uninstall that additional software after install for around 200 mbs02:47
essialward-: it's awsome? notification system, great new themes, it supports my system hardware even better, boot times are a lot quicker02:47
essial*awesome even02:47
ward-oh so basically its a lot of difference?02:47
JasaThemes nearly same -> gnome-look helps for that.02:47
ward-latest i used is 8.10 i believe02:47
essialward-: depends on who you ask really02:47
JasaLogin theme is nicer if someone asks.02:47
JasaBut then again i turn on autologin. =p02:47
i3luefireessia & jasal: it just says extracting for way too long with no progress02:48
ward-essial, anyone and everyone in the room02:48
JasaHow big is the iso file ?02:48
mac9416How can I add Medibuntu to me sources.list?02:48
JasaAnd if you try drag and drop, do rather the right click and "extract all here".02:48
essiali3luefire: did you right-click and extract to with the UI or do tar with the console?02:48
kosharimac9416 theres comprehensive instructions on the medibuntu site02:49
i3luefireright click02:49
essiali3luefire: yes a 2.3gb file could take around 30 seconds on a quick computer to maby even 5 minutes on a really old machine02:49
essial2.3gb is a LOT of 1's and 0's to decompress02:49
mac9416koshari: I'm afraid I'm on a Windows computer, and can't follow all the "wget" and so forth commands. I just need the sources.list entries.02:49
DM1how do you burn an image to a disk in linux?02:50
jedimaster0o0i can see my wired network places but not my wireless network places, but i use the internet through the wireless card. i have a static ip set up for both of them and i can see this computer from other wireless enabled computers both running ubuntu and windows. i can access this pc from anywhere but i cannot access any wireless networks from my pc, just wired networks.02:50
dsdeizis there a way to check what the total size of all packages installed?02:50
DM1dvd iso to dvd-rw for ex02:50
DM1to make it bootable02:50
i3luefireok i'll give it 10 minutes and be back02:50
ward-DM1, there are more ways but i like k3b personally02:50
essialDM1: right-click the iso02:50
kosharimac9416 the sources lists are wihting those comamnds02:50
DM1k3b will make the dvd bootable?02:50
ed_debianAll you need is a good iso burner like brasero or my personal favorit gnome-baker02:50
JasaDM1-> Brasero simpliest.02:50
essialDM1: whether it's bootable or not is based on the ISO02:50
ward-DM1, that depends on the image you write to the DVD02:50
essialDM1: to boot, it must have a boot sector02:50
DM1well the iso is bootable :D02:51
JasaAtleast everything i burned this far has booted.02:51
brianguertinhey everyone. im streaming a concert live (betterstream.com), the site runs on ubuntu server, does that count as on-topic ;)02:51
ed_debianDMI, then it will be bootable02:51
ward-DM1, well it allways worked for me so far so yeah it should work fine02:51
DM1some programs just 'copy' the iso to the dvd rather than make it an image02:51
essialDM1: then yes, in gnome jsut right-click ->open with "disk burner"02:51
kosharimac9416 ie http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/jaunty.list02:51
ward-no prob02:51
i3luefirestarting now. lol02:51
JasaDM1 it doesn't really differ really too much, i have tried to just copy contents and burned and those bootable things boot even doing so.02:51
essialJasa: I don't see how that would ever work O_o02:52
mac9416koshari, thanks so much. I had tried to got to the directory above that file, but permission was denied. I can read it now, thanks :-)02:52
JasaGood bios ?02:52
DM1what is another distro to use that is 64 bit besides ubuntu (and not fedora, opensuse)02:52
essialJasa: nothing to do with bios :p02:53
DM1nty on debian02:53
ed_debianDM1, What does nty mean?02:53
DM1no thanks to debian02:53
JasaYeah guess not ... but way too many shabby boot ways really and so on.02:53
Jasase7525gp2 board. -.-02:53
DM1i downloaded it and it hung02:53
essialDM1: DM1: https://linux-distro.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2402:53
ed_debianDM1, Not debian's fault :(02:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:53
DM1so did fedora02:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi02:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awahi02:54
essialDM1: don't add to cart, just an easy list for you02:54
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.02:54
JasaBut i could really swear i have done the copy of contents and burned normally without ISO once.02:54
essialbah, i tried02:54
ed_debianDoes that mean I'm not allowed to go into ubuntu women?02:55
eseven73anyone know of a good keylogger for Ubuntu, Ive researched a couple, lkl and xev, lkl is buggy with usb keyboards and doesnt work, xev shows like a little window or something, there's a paid one called pykeylogger after 4 days stops working (according to pykeyloggers site) :(02:55
DM1mandriva also hung02:55
essialJasa: Who knows, I am working on an operating system in my free time and I've been up and down the cd bios boot specs and have seen nothing that would allow that :)02:55
JasaBut i think it was some DSL type of "usb" image burned, would guess it does regonize it from there or something ... don't remember too good ... way too long from testing those in times ago.02:55
essialeseven73: the best one is not software based, but a hardware one02:55
PiciDM1: This is the *Ubuntu* support channel. If you're looking for other distro, I suggest you ask elsewhere, such as ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic.02:55
ed_debianDM1, Are you sure you don't have broken hardware?  LIke a fried modem or something?  Is ubuntu the only distro that didn't freezE?02:56
DM1suse 11.1 works fine and the comp is new lol02:56
eseven73essial, hmmm im guessing it's like a USB dongle or something?02:56
Joesephessial: Well... I spoke too soon.   The latest Moblin beta disk I made does not seem to work.  (Though I'm still not sure whether it's moblin or the disc, but....)02:56
ward-you can build a keylogger into your keyboard cable i saw once02:56
Jasaeseven73: If your looking some odd grinding bot for gaming just try finding already made one ? =p02:57
DM1the laptop is only 5-6 months old02:57
ed_debianDM1, I see, that is odd huh02:57
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jedimaster0o0i can see my wired network places but not my wireless network places, but i use the internet through the wireless card. i have a static ip set up for both of them and i can see this computer from other wireless enabled computers both running ubuntu and windows. i can access this pc from anywhere but i cannot access any wireless networks from my pc, just wired networks.02:58
eseven73Jasa, not what I want, and that sounds more like a keyboard/mouse macro app than a keylogger02:58
JoesephOnto more pressing issues......      Can I fix the error "grub error 15" by reinstalling grub?   I moved my root directory so I could upgrade to ext4, and now I get the grub error 15 on bootup.  I'm about to try stuff with the Super Grub Disc, but any help would be appreciated.02:58
essialJoeseph, let me look up that error first02:59
ward-eseven73, http://www.keelog.com/diy.html02:59
eseven73ward thanks ill check it out02:59
ward-eseven73, i would suggest getting some epoxy on it though, so it cannot short when people pinch the cable, etc03:00
essialJoeseph: mayhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297261 will help?03:00
ward-eseven73, also built it into the keyboards maybe, and try to make it look normal03:00
essialjoeseph: sounds like he basically did a "grub-install" command03:00
eseven73yeah I don't think ill do that ward, but thanks anyways03:01
ward-oh you could maybe even built the circuit in the keyboard case :-)03:01
eseven73im not a hardware person really :)03:01
XpistosHey all. I am getting a message when I boot that the Network Manger applet does not have access to the keyring, so i have to grant permission every time I boot. When I check the password and encryption settings, the default key only lists None. Prompt for Key. Any Suggs?03:01
essialjoeseph: and of course, make sure your menu.lst file is right03:01
ward-eseven73, its pretty trivial, maybe you can find some student to make it for you for some pocketmoney or something03:01
ward-you can also buy them finished if i understood correctly03:02
Joesephessial: Would the menu.lst file really be the problem?  It gives me the error before It gives me any options... Unless it's missing of course....  Oh well, I'll do some exploring..  Thanks.03:03
SFalconHowdy all. Was wondering if the current release of the nVidia drivers have a way to shrink the desktop to compensate for overscanning problems on a HDTV display?03:03
mib_nhfx5mHi, I am trying to install ubuntu on a previous installation. I had my /home setup as a separate partition. I'm doing the manual partitioning, do I have to tell the installer to use my partition as /home, or do I simply let go without specifying a /home partition?03:03
ed_debianmib_nhfx5m, You need to specify03:03
essialJoeseph: then most likely a grub-install may be needed03:03
ed_debianDuring the installer it should ask you too03:04
essialJoeseph: of course, just a wild guess though, take it as it is ;)03:04
ussermib_nhfx5m, you have to tell it to mount your existing partition as /home without reformatting03:05
poseidonIs it possible to have an ad-hoc home server with ubuntu server?  (ie no router)03:05
mib_nhfx5musser: how do I say that?03:05
ed_debianyes!  Carefule mib_nhfx5m Don't reformat or all your data will be lost!!03:05
ed_debianWell you click on the /home partition and set the mount point (don't change the format) in the manual installer03:06
ussermib_nhfx5m, manual partitioning, create a / partition, and modify your existing partition, somewhere there it should mention mount point, set it to /home03:06
JoesephWell... I just reinstalled grub.... I'll see what happens now.....03:06
mib_nhfx5musser: Ok, got it03:06
mib_nhfx5musser: would you happen to know if theres a way to convert a EXT3 partition to EXT4 without having to backup the data?03:07
kerebrusHello, whats a good software for backing up audio cds?03:07
essialJoeseph: heh good luck03:07
essialJoeseph: if it doesn't boot just use the live CD to get back in03:07
ed_debianmib_nhfx5m, There is a way to convert ext3 to ext4 I don't know how to do it.  It is dangerous. Google it!03:08
bastid_raZorkerebrus, brasero or k3b03:08
JoesephAh come on! Same error!  essial: Yeah, I've been using my live flash drive, it's faster that way. Hmmmm......... what to do next.....03:08
mib_nhfx5mWhat about EXT3 vs EXT4? any use?03:08
ed_debianany use?03:09
ed_debianWhat do you mean?03:09
kerebrusbastid_raZor: brasero backs up to iso as far as I can tell, ill try k3b, thanks for the help03:09
mib_nhfx5mWell, is it useful at all to convert EXT3 to EXT4? will there be any performance upgrade? anything worth using EXT4?03:09
bastid_raZorkerebrus, an iso is the perfect format.. you can mount it or reburn it03:10
eshaaseanyone know how well supported the intel g41 chipset is on Linux?03:10
frozenvualo, Anyone here install JDK6 using bin file?03:10
kerebrusbastid_raZor: im wanting to back up the individual audio files, so I can burn some of the music not the whole cd03:11
ed_debianext4 is supposedly much faster?  And helps ubuntu's rediculously fast boot times03:11
XpistosCan anyone help with my default keyring issue?03:11
SFalconHowdy all. Was wondering if the current release of the nVidia drivers have a way to shrink the desktop to compensate for overscanning problems on a HDTV display?03:11
bastid_raZorkerebrus, if you decide k3b, snag the kubuntu-restricted-extras package03:12
jedimaster0o0hi, i can use my wireless card to connect to the internet and it works fine, but i cant browse the network places. i can browse my wired network places but not wireless. however everyone else can see and browse my computer wirelessly.03:16
SFalconHowdy all, I was just wondering if there was a super secret setting on the curent nVidia driver to shrink the desktop to compensate for overscan issues?03:17
Xpistos Hey all. I am getting a message when I boot that the Network Manger applet does not have access to the keyring, so i have to grant permission every time I boot. When I check the password and encryption settings, the default key only lists None. Prompt for Key. Any Suggs?03:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:18
essialwell that wasn't helpful03:18
DM1has anyone tried linux mint 7?03:19
ed_debianessial, What is your question? lol03:20
=== StorageGuest3165 is now known as Bruce
kerebrusSFalcon: have you tried going to system->administrator->NVIDIA X server settings?03:20
* robdig thinks that FloodBot3 is bored03:20
jedimaster0o0hi, i can use my wireless card to connect to the internet and it works fine, but i cant browse the network places. i can browse my wired network places but not wireless. however everyone else can see and browse my computer wirelessly.03:20
essialed_debian: i was hoping it'd have something useful for the overscan problem that guy was asking about03:21
DM1has anyone tried linux mint 7 (gloria)?03:21
Xpistosjedimaster0o0: Firewall?03:21
armyriadI wish Ubuntu had a say command like Mac OS X.03:21
SFalconYea, there is nothing there. In the windows driver as soon as I connected the PC to the HDTV I was asked to set the screen up. Ubuntu doesn't.03:22
jedimaster0o0no its not a firewall03:22
jedimaster0o0as far as i can tell anyway03:22
SFalconsorry, I didn't mentino that I was connecting to a TV03:22
kerebrusSFalcon: Was your tv listed as one of the display devices?03:22
mib_2wrng20yCan someone please help me? I can no longer access the internet in Ubuntu 9.04. It worked fine previously in Ubuntu 9.04. I am connecting wirelessly with a PCMCIA card. I can connect to my network but when I open firefox I get "server not found." I have tried more than one card but still have had no luck.03:23
SFalconyes, its gave the correct name03:23
=== bgupta|away is now known as bgupta
jedimaster0o0Xpistos: does ubuntu have a default firewall that i dont know of?03:23
kerebrusmib_2wrng20y: I had that issue when I upgraded to 9.0.4 I changed my dns address to an opendns address and it worked for me.03:24
essialhaha "You are not supposed to show G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED in the UI"03:24
kerebrusSFalcon: under NVIDA X server Settings theres a setting called X Server Display Configuration that lets you change the settings of the display device that you choose03:25
jedimaster0o0hi, i can use my wireless card to connect to the internet and it works fine, but i cant browse the network places. i can browse my wired network places but not wireless. however everyone else can see and browse my computer wirelessly.03:25
b14ckanyone know a good terminal instead of gnome terminal?03:25
JoesephJust making sure, partitions are numbered by the order in the drive, and not in the order of creation, right?03:25
starfishi am using ubuntu on windows and trying to set up a dlink dwa 130 wireless. i have installed ndiswrappe and the drivers. they are associated. but there are no wireless links in my wicd network manager03:26
geniib14ck: yakuake isn't bad03:26
starfishcan someone help please03:26
brianguertinubuntu on windows?03:26
brianguertinhow so03:26
b14ckim looking for a terminal that preferably allows automatic copy of whatever is highlighted03:26
Xpistosjedimaster0o0: I don't believe so, just usually when access foes one way it is usually a firewall issue. They can see you = you don't have a firewall. You can't see them = firewall on their end03:26
DM1brianguertin: wubi03:26
jedimaster0o0could static ip's cause my wireless network places to go away?03:26
b14ckkinda like putty03:26
kerebrusbl4ck: whats wrong with the gnome terminal?03:26
starfishmmm i have ubuntu sorry03:27
essialb14ck: why?03:27
starfishwindows pc also03:27
b14ckwell specificallyo, with gnome terminal when i select the text colors and background color, it messes up my vim syntax coloring03:27
b14ckit wont respect vim colors03:27
b14ckand i use vim 24/703:27
bastid_raZorjedimaster0o0, are  you connecting with wireless and wired at the same time?03:27
kerebrusvim auto coloring ...03:28
SFalconIt allows for me to use panning and such but I need reverse panning. Instead of making the desktop larger I need it smaller. My menu bars are disapearing03:28
kerebruslol who needs syntax coloring03:28
jedimaster0o0and i could access wireless for a bit, but then i got the wired connection working and it all went bad03:28
b14ckkerebrus, sytnax coloring is awesome03:28
SFalconhow do I send a message to someone?03:29
SFalconkk found it03:29
essialb14ck: I mean there's things like xterm and such, but I'm a GUI guy, until I find a BRIEF editor, i'll just use gedit :)03:29
radenanyone done software raid in ubuntu03:29
bastid_raZorjedimaster0o0, from my experience that doesn't go so well. you have to use one or the other.. although i have only tried using both a very few times.03:29
b14ckall i want is the name of a terminal that will respect vim coloring03:29
jedimaster0o0have to use both. unfortunatly.03:29
b14ckso i can install it and not use gnome-terminal anymore03:29
kerebrusbl4ck: was a joke I dont use vim never got used to it after I learned joe.03:29
JoesephIs there any way I can get grub to be more verbose?  I'm getting a simple "Error 15", but I would like it to print out as much relevant information as possible.  Is this possible?03:30
mib_nhfx5mWow, I installed ubuntu from a ISO, and it failed to install stuffs like ubuntu-desktop (it failed to configure apt and stuffs). Now I'm stuck in a console and when I do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-destkop, it asks me to put the CD in /cdrom/, eventho I have mounted the ISO to another location.03:30
robdigb14ck: how about gvim? don't think it uses gnome-terminal...03:31
b14cki dont want to use gvim. i want to do coding from the command line03:31
starfish\lo eth0 pan0 all show no wireless conjnection03:32
jribb14ck: gnome-terminal is such a terminal...03:33
b14ckgnome-terminal won't respect vim color schemes for some reason03:33
usserb14ck, xterm03:33
jribb14ck: mine does03:33
arkhalisanyone able to give me a hand with a tar.gz extraction error? can't seem to extract this driver no matter how i do it or where i get it03:33
JoesephAlright, so I'm in a grub command line via live usb.  Whenever I type device (hd0,0) it says "Error 15: File not found"     How do I fix thiS/03:33
jribb14ck: what exactly do you mean by "won't respect"?03:34
mib_nhfx5mHopefully a new install of ubuntu will fix the issues I had... and let me install apache and mysql.03:34
b14ckjrib, if i go to profile preferences, under colors i have text color set to red, and background color set to black. this works fine! but when i go into vim i have vim set to use the pablo color scheme. instead of using that scheme, it makes all the text red03:34
mib_2wrng20ykerebrus ok i'm gonna try that...03:34
robdigarkhalis: what is the error?03:34
b14ckjrib, so it clobbers vim's color preferences with those set in gnome-terminal for basic style03:34
jribb14ck: pastebin the relevant parts of your .vimrc03:34
arkhalisrobdig: gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored03:34
arkhalistar: Child returned status 203:34
arkhalistar: Error exit delayed from previous errors03:34
b14ckjrib: http://pastebin.com/m313c8b2d03:35
JoesephPlease help. .... I'm not really sure how to boot my linux image.....  silly grub error 15.03:35
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: what are you trying to do exactly? boot a iso?03:36
robdigarkhalis: so you're using a command like tar -zxvf file?03:36
arkhalisrobdig: it's a tar.gz file... just right clicking and extract here... should i be using command line?03:37
jedahhello does anyone know a good pdf EDITOR/not creator03:37
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: I'm trying to boot ubuntu.   I copied my root partition so that I could upgrade to ext4. (sudo cp -r -a)  , then copied it back.  Now, grub comes up with "error 15"03:37
robdigarkhalis: might be worth a try03:37
JoesephWhich is a file not found error.03:37
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: I'm not sure its the right way to upgrade to ext4 but well.03:38
vossI dont see what the love affair is with ext403:38
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: try this. Boot to grub, press escape (to enter grub menu), press c  (to enter grub console)03:38
arkhalisrobdig: /newbie... how might i go about doing that? (i wouldn't be so worried about it if it weren't the only way to get my wired ethernet working ><)03:38
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: then type root (hdx,y)03:38
jribb14ck: ok, I see what you are saying now.  However, are you sure that this isn't proper behavior?  What part of pablo.vim do you expect to set the color for text?03:38
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: x being the # for your hard drive, and y the root partition03:38
bkhow do you completely wipe the system of something with apt-get03:39
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: you know how this works? when you type "root (hd" press tab to see the drives and partition available03:39
brianguertinapt-get purge?03:39
b14ckjrib, if you turn your gnome-terminal settings back to default, then open up a file (with my .vimrc file), you will see how pablo colorscheme is *supposed* to look. for example, here is a screenshot of it with the colors messed up (using pablo) http://projectb14ck.org/files/temp/Screenshot.png03:39
vossbk, Apt-Get Self-destruct.3.2.1 ;-)03:39
mbrandtbk do you have synaptic installed?03:39
robdigarkhalis: open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal), cd to the directory with the file in it, and then type tar -zxvf filename03:39
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: then type kernel /path/to/vmlinuz/file (in /boot/vmlinuzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx03:40
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: then type initrd /boot/initrdxxxxxxxxxx03:40
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: then type boot03:40
jribb14ck: that's fine.  I don't see where the pablo.vim colorscheme specifies the color for the foreground text, can you point that out to me?03:40
bastid_raZorhttp://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto    Joeseph read the part about Ubuntu03:40
bkmbrandt: yes03:40
b14ckjrib, let me look...03:40
arkhalisrobdig: simple enough... only part i wouldn't have known is the -zxvf   I'll give it a shot, thanks for the help ^^03:40
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: this should boot into your kernel. Once you booted in ubuntu, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to match your setup (people can help out here once you reach that point)03:41
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: I've done the 'root (hd0,0)' on a live boot with the 'sudo grub' command.   But, I don't get the grub menu to press escape on.   I'll try to do it though.03:41
bki get that when installing clamav03:41
bkafter removing it03:41
robdigarkhalis: np, good luck03:41
dash9afkwhat command can I run (in console) to open a file using the default application for that file, whatever that application is? I'm using gnome.03:41
mbrandtbk, open synaptic...find the package you want to remove...right click...choose Mark For Complete Removal03:41
kosharimib_nhfx5m the cd rom is likely the location of in your sources.list03:41
mbrandtbk that'll get everything but dependancies03:42
arkhalisrobdig: success! /note to self, command line ftw03:42
theshadowWith a gnome application launcher if I need to set LD_PRELOAD to something before it executes the app how do I do that?03:42
robdigarkhalis: awesome03:42
jribb14ck: if I modify it to specify a ctermfg color for Normal text, then it works as you want03:42
b14ckjrib, you're right. i don't see it specified03:42
bkmbrandt: i get the same error after doing that03:43
mbrandtbk what error are you getting03:43
kosharitheshadow could you use a script?03:43
Iron_Chefhey my microphone doesn't work on skype in 8.10 - anyone else?03:43
i3luefireessial,  ok it worked lol03:44
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: if you installed grub, you can get into the grub console.03:44
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: I can't get into the grub menu without using a live cd.  I see "GRUB Loading stage1.5.  \n GRUB loading, please wait... \n Error 15" (\n for new line)03:44
gaugeoi, anyoen here familiar with a Freez issue, involving ubuntu/debian and wireless drivers?03:44
SFalconHow do I know if I am running as Root or not?03:44
Iron_Chefwhoami SFalcon03:44
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: then you didnt install grub.03:44
dash9afkIron_Chef, I remember I had to manually select the microphone from the volume control app for it to work in Skype03:44
gaugeIts freezing my system and causign the capslock light to blink03:44
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: What do you mean?03:45
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: you cant boot from the CD?03:45
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: I can boot from a Cd.03:45
bkmbrandt: do you know why thats happening?03:45
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: use a live CD, that doesnt matter, but dont boot from it, just use its grub (or boot from it and reinstall grub once ure booted)03:45
SFalconok I have done a sudo -s and now I am root... How do I get back to just me?03:46
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: Okay.  Do I reinstall grub with the command 'setup (hd0)'?03:46
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: your next step should simply be reinstall grub.03:46
bkSFalcon: exit03:46
Iron_Chefdash9afk, nope, it's selected - i can hear it through my headphones, just doesn't send to skype03:46
mib_nhfx5mJoeseph: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435103:47
mbrandtbk have you tried re-installing and then uninstalling the software03:47
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: I've already followed that thread and did what it said.03:47
bkmbrandt: i get that error while installing after uninstalling03:47
benjamimHey guys, somebody know how to calibrate LCD colors on linux ?03:47
mbrandtbk, sorry then man, you got me stumped on that one03:48
bkmbrandt: could a reboot fix it?03:48
mbrandtbk you can always try that03:49
mbrandtcan anyone else help bk with uninstalling clamAV?03:49
JoesephJust making sure... partitions are labeled (numbered) according to their physical location on the hard disk, and not the order that they were created, correct?03:49
bkmbrandt: ok, ill be back, i might have to contact clamav03:49
benjamimon windows we use *.icc files, with color profiles...03:49
gaugeis there a ubuntu dev channel?03:50
kitchegauge: yes #ubuntu-dev I do believe03:50
gaugeI'm havign a kernel panic and I need soem answers.03:50
robdigbenjamim: haven't used it, but maybe the xcalib tool?03:51
kitchegauge: well that channel is not what you think it is though03:51
johninlexhello alll03:52
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: I've followed that thread, reinstalled grub, and I still boot up to the Error 15.   I don't quite understand the problem. Any idea?03:52
kitchegauge: most likely your question goes in this channel03:52
Joesephmib_nhfx5m: Like, when I boot up, all I see is GRUB starting to load, the Error 15, then a blinking cursor that I can do nothing with.03:52
KeLopez_CLhello :)03:52
Iron_ChefSFalcon, type exit, logout or <ctrl> D03:53
Iron_Chef^D is fastest ;-)03:53
arkhalisok... new question. How do i compile a driver from source?03:53
gaugewell, anyone familiar with a blinking caps lock?  and iwl4965 drivers?03:53
Iron_Cheftype 'make' and 'make install' in it's source arkhalis03:54
Iron_Chefread "README"03:54
arkhalisHmm... reading readme's r be gud idea... thanks Iron_Chef ^^03:54
Iron_Chef*in it's source directory03:54
robdig!compile | arkhalis03:54
ubottuarkhalis: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:54
bkmbrandt: http://flotier.pastebin.com/m7bb5453703:54
Iron_Chefarkhalis, nps03:54
bkmbrandt: still getting the error, thats the entire install output03:55
* arkhalis feels even dumber now...03:55
JBergwhat are the other alternatives to mediatomb that works with a xbox360?03:55
JoesephWhen I'm running the grub menu from a live cd, I am actually changing my MBR's grub install?03:55
mbrandtbk are you installing from apt-get?03:57
Weed37guys i gotta question i have a sony vaio laptop that has a connection on it to hook my hd tv to it via vga port on side of it in windows i just connect the cable and it shows on my tv my desktop is that option included in ubuntu 9.04 ?03:57
JoesephSorry, but I can't boot my productive pc....  Any help with error 15?  I'm not quite understanding where it's not finding a file.  Is there any way I can turn on 'verbose mode' or something?03:58
bkmbrandt: i did it from aptitude and synaptec03:58
bkmbrandt: do i need to do it from apt-get03:58
Ademandoes anyone know of a tool  to find out information about your openGL driver?  (more fine grained than glxinfo, for instance I would like to know how many texture units I have available)03:58
mbrandtbk no, I was just wondering if this was a package por something you rolled03:58
kitcheWeed37: yes but you will most likely have to do some configuring though03:58
JBergdoes anyone know what are the other alternatives to mediatomb that works with a xbox360? please :-)03:58
mbrandtbk I don't know what to do to help you03:59
mbrandtbk sorry03:59
Weed37ok i will give it a go now ad post results03:59
bkmbrandt: ok, thanks anyways man, ill go to the clamav crew and see03:59
johninlexcan anyone help with loading Linux on a JUIX chipset03:59
mbrandtbk Good Luck man03:59
Weed37kitche, no it dont work04:00
bkmbrandt: thanks, ill need it haha, do you know of any other good av's besides bd, and avast04:00
Weed37any ideas04:00
JoesephOkay fine I give up.  I'll post a thread.04:00
bkmbrandt: i cant get avg to install right with dpkg or the dpkg manager04:00
paaaJust installed ubuntu9.04 -fresh install- and getting sync out of range i wasn't getting it after dist-upgrade ? what should i do ?04:01
paaamy display is samsung syncmaster 551v and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't pops up monitors list to choose one from ?04:01
mib_nhfx5mI just installed ubuntu 9.04 (fresh install) over my existing 9.04 install (kept my home partition) and I'm  getting all sorts of problems. My network stopped working randomly...04:02
Weed37no paaa04:02
paaaWeed37, ??04:02
Weed37i get no option at all04:02
Weed37<paaa> my display is samsung syncmaster 551v and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't pops up monitors list to choose one from ?04:02
Weed37i dont get option04:02
JBergthanks for nothing04:03
paaaWebu, i'm not following :(04:03
Weed37my tv is a sony bravia04:03
johninlexhas anyone in here done any chipset flashing???04:03
paaaWeed37, * sorry Webu04:03
mbrandtbk, sounds like there is a dependancy missing but the output doesn't say what it is04:03
Weed37nvm m804:04
Weed37guys i gotta question i have a sony vaio laptop that has a connection on it to hook my hd tv to it via vga port on side of it in windows i just connect the cable and it shows on my tv my desktop is that option included in ubuntu 9.04 ?04:04
Weed37this was my question04:04
mib_nhfx5mWow, my wireless works, but my wired connection doesnt work...04:04
bkmbrandt: yea i have no clue04:05
bkand the clamav channel is dead04:05
mib_nhfx5mIt says I'm not connected, I cant go to google, but I can go to my router web interface04:05
DarrinHello. I would like to know if there is a way to remove synaptic and re install it?04:06
mbrandtbk, it's saturday night, the only reason I'm here is I'm @ work LOL04:06
tkmrmib: sounds more like a router problem04:06
bkmbrandt: lol yea true04:06
robdigmib_nhfx5m: if you can get to router but not google, then perhaps you don't have ubuntu set to send dns requests to your router04:07
tkmrmib_nhfx5m: Sounds more like a router problem than an Eth problem.04:07
mbrandtbk do you have any clam-av services running when trying to uninstall?04:08
bkmbrandt: hmmm, im not sure, i didnt think of that04:08
mbrandtbk try "killall clamav" prior to uninstalling04:08
mib_nhfx5mtkmr: robdig actually, its not a router problem. Its a problem with ubuntu. Is it possible that ubuntu doesnt give my user access to eth0?04:09
mbrandtbk or psaux | grep clam to kill EVERYTHING that clam has running04:09
mib_nhfx5mtkmr: robdig When I use ifconfig, eth0 seems to be good enough04:09
mib_nhfx5mtkmr: robdig and I'm here talking to you on my other computer connected to the same router.04:10
Surlent777Strange question here, but my friend here has a NTFS filesystem that horribly crashed and doesn't want to reboot. According to Puppy Linux, it is listed as being in hibernation mode. Is there a way to fix this from Ubuntu?04:10
bkmbrandt: i got nothing, nothings running for clam04:10
tkmrmib_nhfx5m: I'm assuming you have already put the device down and back up?04:10
mbrandtbk welp it was worth a shot04:10
bkmbrandt: is there a log showing deps for that software, or aptitude search i can do04:10
Surlent777err let me rephrase my question04:11
Surlent777he is UNABLE to boot it04:11
dash9afkwhat command can I run (in console) to open a file using the default application for that file, whatever that application is? I'm using gnome. << I found, it's gnome-open04:11
mbrandtbk you can prob look on Launchpad and it should tell you all deps for the package04:11
mib_nhfx5mIs there a way to reset all configurations of my connections04:11
bkDG19075: it depends on the app04:11
bkmbrandt: whats launchpad04:11
mbrandtbk: wait one I'll find the link for you04:12
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/04:12
bkmbrandt: ok cool04:12
Surlent777Strange question here, but my friend has a NTFS filesystem that horribly crashed, and doesn't seem willing to boot. According to Puppy Linux, it is listed as being in hibernation mode. Is there a way to fix this from Ubuntu, so that he can mount it and back up his files?04:12
Surlent777(edited for clarity^)04:13
robdigmib_nhfx5m: if you type nslookup google.com does it show your router as the dns server?04:13
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: So the NTFS drive is mounted in Puppy, and Puppy says the drive is in hibernation mode?04:15
RubixOnee-chan, :)04:15
Surlent777c0mp13371331337: No, the NTFS drive is not mounted. When I tested a Puppy USB, it told me that the NTFS was unmountable due to being in hibernation mode04:15
Onee-chanRubix, what04:15
MrKleanRubix: !?!04:15
gartralmy OSD keeps displaying and refreshing, it wont go away04:15
mib_nhfx5mrobdig: I tried sudo ifdown eth0 and sudo ifup eth0, now I can connect04:16
jthomaswhat's the default directory04:16
jthomasfor jdk04:16
greg_lol we got a weaboo on board04:16
mib_nhfx5mrobdig: however, the icon in the top right corner still say I am not connected.04:16
robdigmib_nhfx5m: ah. are you on 8.10? i had to do that at every boot while on 8.10 :(04:16
Onee-changreg_, hmm?04:16
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: Try this: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mnt/windows -o ro04:16
mib_2wrng20yCan someone please help me? I can no longer access the internet in Ubuntu 9.04. It worked fine previously in Ubuntu 9.04. I am connecting wirelessly with a PCMCIA card. I can connect to my network but when I open firefox I get "server not found." I have tried more than one card but still have had no luck.04:16
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: Replacing the appropriate locations, of course.04:16
halalieltesting, did i set up right is this working ?04:17
Surlent777c0mp13371331337: Just for my reference, what exactly am I telling the mount command to force here?04:17
robdigmib_nhfx5m: personally, i don't use network manager, so it always says i'm disconnected :) i configured network manually04:17
jthomasplease, nobody knows the jdk default directory under ubuntu?04:17
MrKleanhalaliel: Yes :)04:17
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: That should at least give you read-only support, so you can copy files off the drive.04:17
Surlent777c0mp13371331337: ok, thank you. I will try it04:17
mib_nhfx5mrobdig: Im on 9.04, it didnt do that before I reinstall my / partition04:18
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: NP, let me know how that goes!04:18
LordKenTheGreatHi, I'm doing a video project to convince people to switch to Ubuntu and I want to know your favorite programs.04:19
Jazza?0x01DCC SEND "ff???f?ð‘¹ð‘°ð‘·ð‘³ð‘¶ð‘³ð‘ºð‘¼ð‘·ð‘®ð‘¼ð’€ð‘º" 0 004:19
robdigmib_nhfx5m: hmm. well, maybe it figured it out now, and you won't have to do it again04:20
mib_nhfx5mBut I think, my new install is really all glitchy... I hate that.04:20
c0mp13371331337!ot > LordKenTheGreat04:20
ubottuLordKenTheGreat, please see my private message04:20
LordKenTheGreatc0mp13371331337: Thank you.04:21
siebelCan any one tell me how I can view what packets are being sent/recieved from a target that was blocked by the program ipblock?04:22
Tanner_linuxhey guys this maybe dumb question but how do I turn the master volume up on ubuntu? its really low...04:22
LordKenTheGreatTanner_linux: alsamixer?04:22
Tanner_linuxikd what that is04:22
Tanner_linuxim new04:22
macoTanner_linux, if turning Master, Front, and PCM all the way to 100% in the mixer still have very low volume, that's likely a bug04:22
macoTanner_linux, by "The mixer" i mean that volume icon on your panel04:23
mib_2wrng20yCan someone please help me? I can no longer access the internet in Ubuntu 9.04. It worked fine previously in Ubuntu 9.04. I am connecting wirelessly with a PCMCIA card. I can connect to my network but when I open firefox I get "server not found." I have tried more than one card but still have had no luck.04:24
greg_@ Tanner_linux   Or you can type "alsamixer" into the terminal04:24
mib_nhfx5mI reinstalled Ubuntu 9.04 and it didnt find my Windows partition and didnt add it to Grub. How to I get grub to auto detect whats there and add the entry automatically?04:24
Tanner_linuxhmm i found it..but im hearing static04:24
Tanner_linuxany ideas04:25
gartralmy OSD keeps displaying and refreshing, it wont go away04:25
greg_@Tanner_linux   Are you using Jaunty?04:25
Tanner_linuxno vlc04:26
DemiosI just upgraded from II to Jaunty, back in II I always bypassed the login screen and logged, now it asks for a password, how do I revert to it autologging me in04:26
greg_@Tanner_linux   No. What version of Ubuntu are you using?04:26
Tanner_linuxno audio player is working all i ehar is static04:27
greg_that is Jaunty Jackalope fyi04:27
Tanner_linuxwell as i said im new =]04:27
greg_Its ok :) using a laptop or desktop04:27
Tanner_linuxo crap now tios working04:28
Surlent777c0mp13371331337: Well, after trying to mount it, we get nothing. When we go to access /mnt/Windows, it just keeps giving us the busy cursor, and nothing is happening04:28
greg_what'd you do?04:28
gartralmy OSD keeps displaying and refreshing, it wont go away04:28
Tanner_linuxnot sure just mess around with the devices04:28
robdigDemios: go to System->Administration->Login Window, Security tab, check Enable automatic login04:28
Demiosty rob04:29
robdigDemios: np04:29
mib_2wrng20yDemios open the system menu then administration>login window. click on security tab04:29
mib_nhfx5mHow do I make ubuntu check for OS and generate a menu.lst?04:30
gartralmib_nhfx5m: just use the package maintainers04:30
macomib_nhfx5m, did it not detect your other OSes on install?04:31
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl04:31
mib_nhfx5mmaco: no it did not.04:31
mib_nhfx5mgartral: I want it to detect my OS04:31
macomib_nhfx5m, did you install Ubuntu or that other OS first?04:31
ziroday /j #ubuntu-developer-sprint04:34
pizzledizzlewhen i do df -h in ubuntu, i see a bunch of filesystems mounted on it that aren't in fstab (like udev, tmpfs, varrun,varlock). how were they mounted?04:34
zirodaywoops, sorry04:35
mib_nhfx5mmaco: Windows was there first.04:35
zirodaypizzledizzle: I do believe that the kernel creates and mounts those, or in udevs case the udev application mounts it04:35
macomib_nhfx5m, odd :-/04:36
=== ubuntu is now known as krepta
jthomasjthomas: helo04:36
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: Hmmm.... odd... try maybe cd-ing to the directory from the command line?04:36
mib_nhfx5mI dont have auto completion in consoles either (only for paths, not for installed programs.04:36
kreptahello, is anyone able to provide help with grub boot problem?04:36
Surlent777c0mp13371331337: Tried that04:36
mohan_sound is completly disabled in my system..04:36
mohan_using ubuntu jaunty04:37
davecan anyone help me please im new to linux and need help with installing tar.gz in terminal04:37
c0mp13371331337Surlent777: Huh... The only other thing I can think of to try is maybe adding a line in fstab with those options, then reboot, see if that works any better.04:37
robdigdave: what do you need?04:37
mohan_in my sound panel it shows PRESONUS AUDIOBOX USB (Not connected)04:38
DaveWMwhat you got robdig ?04:38
davesomeone to walk me through installing with terminal tar.gz files04:38
kreptaI am in trouble, grub won't boot, error 13, I just installed the newest ubuntu, windows xp is already there, but grub won't boot either OS.  Can someone please help me fix this?  I have no idea where grub even IS.04:38
robdigDaveWM: nick collision, talking just to dave :)04:39
robdigdave: if you need the command, try tar -zxvf filename04:39
DaveWMi know,  just got a highlight... couldnt let it go04:39
kreptaIf I can't figure this out soon, I'm going to have to wipe the drive and install XP clean again, I hate that.04:39
davei did tar xzvf filename.tar.gz04:40
Kangarooook one big bug with keyboards.. I installed ubuntu and it was working with one kaybord.. it broke. so I put anotherone thrue that old port(other then usb) and on start its not working and num lock is off.. I restart and when im clicking it at grub many times then after loading logo its working .. what to do?04:40
davethen its ./configure or ?04:40
robdigdave: after you untar it, there should be a file named readme or README, look at it and it should tell you what you need to do04:41
mib_nhfx5mkrepta: try using the grub console.04:41
bastid_raZorkrepta, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282545   this may help04:41
kreptadoes that mean opening the terminal and typing grub?04:41
kreptaThank you bastid_raZor04:41
bastidrazorhey bastid04:42
daverobdig, nothing in the readme telling me what too do?04:44
geniiaffdklfsjsdf: This channel is for support04:44
kreptabastid_raZor: this does not work, the menu.lst I opened to edit is empty, does that mean it is loading the file on the liveCD I'm using right now?04:44
mib_nhfx5mThats annoying, I just installed ubuntu clean and its not working at all!04:44
gartralmy OSD keeps displaying and refreshing, it wont go away04:45
* genii sips04:45
RoyallWhen I use IE at school on their XP machines, on Google, it shows results in a dropdown as I type. But on FF on Ubuntu at home, it just shows suggestions. Is there a way to get this feature on FF on Ubuntu?04:45
bastid_raZorkrepta, you'll need to mount your partition that has  the files you need to edit04:45
robdigdave: what are you trying to do?04:45
davei just switch to ubuntu tonight, god am i confused ;D04:46
davei want to know how to install tar.gz in terminal i am newb04:46
fpsdavidhtpc@htpc:~$ ps aux | grep mythfrontend htpc     13141  0.0  0.0   3336   788 pts/0    R+   20:45   0:00 grep mythfrontend04:47
jribdave: you avoid it in general.  Use synaptic instead04:47
fpsdavidis the process ID the 3336, or no04:47
jrib!software > dave04:47
ubottudave, please see my private message04:47
mohan_can anybody pls tell me how to reinstall alsa completely?04:47
jribfpsdavid: yes, but why do you care?04:47
jribmohan_: why?04:47
fpsdavidjust making sure, gonna kill it jrib04:47
mohan_sound is disabled jrib04:47
jribfpsdavid: you are going to kill grep?04:47
kreptahow do I mount the partition that contains grub?  I don't know which partition has it.  Windows is on /dev/sda1 and ubuntu is on /dev/sda504:47
fpsdavidi wanna kill mythfrontend04:47
mohan_im my sound panel it shows that my driver is not connected04:48
jribfpsdavid: looks like grep to me...04:48
bullgard4WWhat intends to symbolize the light blue icon (symbol) of Empathy?04:48
jribmohan_: so what would reinstalling alsa do/04:48
fpsdavidjrib: how do i find mythfrontend's PID then?04:48
mohan_jrib: i think i have screwed up installation of alsa..04:49
Surlent777 /quit04:49
Surlent777err sorry04:49
mohan_jrib: maybe that would be the source of problem04:49
jribmohan_: why?  did you screw it up?04:49
bullgard4krepta May be 'which grub' does help you along.04:50
bastid_raZorkrepta, in a terminal type mkdir ubuntu && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /ubuntu  .. then your file will be located in /ubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst   ..04:50
jribfpsdavid: well if that's the only output you got from that command, then there is no process called "mythfrontend" running... unless maybe it's running as another user?04:50
mohan_jrib: there is an order in which alsa is to be compiled right.. First Alsa base and alsa util so and so.. but i think i have done something wrong, that my system is not detecting the sound card04:50
jribmohan_: erm, why are you compiling alsa at all?  alsa comes with ubuntu04:50
fpsdavidwell, i have a problem then jrib. once i exit mythfrontend, all i see is black and a cursor, no desktop, right click doesn't work (i've restarted, no luck)04:50
jribfpsdavid: but you can get to a tty I assume?04:51
mohan_jrib: yeah.. because i uninstalled it previously and to get latest alsa driver, as i need low letacy04:51
kreptamount point /ubuntu does not exist04:51
fpsdavidjrib, whats a tty04:51
jribmohan_: so what is your question?04:51
jribfpsdavid: ctrl-alt-f104:51
Bob_DoleOh wow, the Midori in the repos is at version 0.1.2, but 0.1.7 is out... Now to figure out how to compile it.04:51
=== anyone is now known as Guest65618
kreptathe grub I'm having trouble with is the grub on my hard drive, I am using the LIVECD to be able to do anything at all, therefore I do not want to do anything with the grub on the live cd04:52
fpsdavidjrib, whats that do? i alt+f4 and it brings up the login/logout window04:52
mohan_jrib: how to reinstall alsa, removing all previous installation of alsa lib and other things..04:52
Guest65618hello , anyone04:52
UnderSampledmohan_: if you need low latancy, try ubuntu studio or studio. They both use a realtime kernel04:52
jribfpsdavid: gets you to tty1.  ctrl-alt-f7 brings you back.  But didn't you say all you see is a black screen?04:52
fpsdavidjrib: yep, all black, a cursor, nothing else.04:52
mohan_UnderSampled: it was working yesterday.. i screwed it up04:52
jribfpsdavid: so can you get to a tty?04:53
fpsdavidjrib: let me check04:53
bastid_raZorkrepta, sudo mkdir ubuntu then try the mount04:53
maxagazin which file is set the uid ?04:53
robdigkrepta: on the mount command change /ubuntu to ./ubuntu04:53
jribmaxagaz: why?04:53
mohan_UnderSampled: as this is a production system, i have compiled all the necessary softwares.. And ubuntu studio jaunty is buggy04:53
mohan_UnderSampled: its RT kernel hangs04:54
maxagazjrib, i want to add a new user04:54
jribmaxagaz: use adduser04:54
jribmaxagaz: or system -> administration -> users and groups04:54
maxagazjrib, i want to add it manually04:54
DetrixI have java 6 jre installed, but now programs are complaining that they can not find the jre.  I have been trying to learn j2ee and glassfish.04:54
maxagazjrib, it's on a server04:54
jribmaxagaz: yeah, use adduser.04:54
fpsdavidjrib: yeah, that worked04:55
UnderSampledmohan_: have you tried studio? It's not in the ubuntu family, but it's based on debian like ubuntu is04:55
fpsdavidjrib: still black after ctrlaltf7 though04:55
jribfpsdavid: that's fine04:55
maxagazjrib, adduser or useradd ? i don't need /home folder04:55
UnderSampledmohan_: opps, I mean t to say '64 studio'04:55
jribmaxagaz: then use useradd04:55
paa_hello i have samsung syncmaster 551v and ubuntu doesn't detect it ??04:55
kreptaOk, I found the problem, my terminal did not have me located at Root, it's located inside my home directory, so it created ubuntu directory there.04:55
maxagazjrib, but still i'd like to know in which file is set the uid04:55
jribfpsdavid: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf for the channel04:56
jribmaxagaz: but why...?04:56
mib_nhfx5mWow, installing ubuntu screwed my windows boot04:56
mohan_UnderSampled: no.. will try another time.. its ok even if this system is running low letacy but i want my sound back.. pls help me..04:56
jribmaxagaz: /etc/passwd but I have no idea why you would need that04:56
sensaeI had netbeans installed on 8.10, and apparently the upgrade to 9.04 removed the package but left orphaned files (like the binary) still on my system. What's the easiest way to scrub my system of these unwanted, non-working files?04:56
coz_paa_, which video card?04:57
vuelooooalguien en castellano04:57
ledwas just wondering if I was the only one getting the pidgin sys tray icon is two icons one the normal pidgin icon and the other is what looks like a mail icon but both seem to be for pidgin? any ideas why oh and yes this is on version 9.0404:57
geniimaxagaz: The adduser/useradd adds to the files /etc/group /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow    all of which contain the user id /group id info04:57
gartralsensae: we have a new tool under administration, system janitor04:57
maxagazjrib, i need to understand04:57
paa_coz_, ati radeon but i disabled it04:57
coz_paa_, disabled it?04:57
fpsdavidjrib, is there an easy way to copy the whole file over SSH? all i know what to use is nano04:58
gartralsensae: the *old* way would be to see if apt-get autoremove would take care of them04:58
mohan_jrib: forgot me :( :(04:58
jribfpsdavid: use pastebinit04:58
paa_coz_, i always disable it from the hardware drivers and set visual effects to None04:58
genii!es | vueloooo04:58
ubottuvueloooo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:58
Detrixled: the envelope is to notify you that you have a message04:58
jribmohan_: I don't know the proper solution.  You should probably give the channel your sound details and trouble shoot that04:58
coz_paa_, i was just about to go to bed   if no one here can help try the #linux channel :)04:58
sensaegartal: Neither took care of it :/04:59
paa_coz_, okay thanks anyway :)04:59
maxagazgenii, thanks04:59
geniimaxagaz: You're welcome04:59
fpsdavidjrib: oh cool. http://pastebin.com/f42f298fd and http://pastebin.com/f50159fb404:59
RedSocratesled: One of the icons (the one that looks like a mail icon) is the one that shows up in your the "Indicator Applet" on the GNOME panel.  The normal Pidgin icon is the actual systray icon04:59
mohan_ok.. I am using PRESONUS AUDIOBOX USB based profesisonal sound card..04:59
kreptaOk, I've mounted the directory, and such, and Now I'm editing the menu.lst located in the ubuntu partition, so now what?04:59
gartralsensae: wheres your post?04:59
UnderSampledmohan_: or ask on #alsa04:59
jribfpsdavid: you don't have X at all?05:00
sensaegartral: Neither took care of it*05:00
RedSocratesled: You can either remove the Indicator Applet from the panel, or tell Pidgin not to show the systray icon in Tools --> Preferences --> System Tray Icon05:00
fpsdavidjrib: whats taht mean? it was working like last week when i looked, and i didnt do anything05:00
gartralsensae: manually remove?05:00
led\ok done05:00
Ryan_Delaneyanyone know how to manually uninstall vmware tools?05:00
ledRedSocrates,  ty05:00
RedSocratesled: No problem05:01
bastid_raZorRyan_Delaney, if no one knows here check #vmware05:01
mib_nhfx5mCan anyone tell me what I have to install to have auto completion in consoles ? (not for path but for program names)05:01
ussermib_nhfx5m, bash-autocompletion05:01
mib_nhfx5musser: thanks ill try05:01
sensaegartral: I'm not sure where all the files are. It's still in my Applications menu, and apparently that points to /user/local/netbeans-6.5/bin/netbeans but I'm not sure where else files might live and how to remove it from my apps menu05:01
kreptamay I post the contents of what it says in my menu.lst?  Or can someone show me how to put it on a web page?05:02
mobi-sheep!paste | krepta05:02
ubottukrepta: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:02
gartralsensae: try sudo appt-get autoremove, if you didnt make the assumption earlier05:02
gartralsensae: try sudo apt-get autoremove05:02
ussermib_nhfx5m, bash-completion sorry05:02
DetrixI have java jre installed, and had no problems until recently.  now netbeans is saying that it cant find the jre.   I even have eclipse, and it works fine.  Why are some programs not seeing the jre??05:02
Kiywondering how i set a custom resolution in xorg.conf :/05:02
jribfpsdavid: I thought you started by describing something you did, afterwards which it stopped worknig05:03
maxagazjrib, thanks05:03
XPS_M1330is there someone who uses WIKI editing software who could give me some advice?05:03
jrib!ask | XPS_M133005:03
ubottuXPS_M1330: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:03
mib_nhfx5musser: yea I figured out05:03
fpsdavidjrib: no, i dont think so. i just exited mythfrontend and there was no desktop05:03
sensaegartral: Yeah, that's what I meant when I said I tried both, it didn't work either. Right now I'm trying a 'find / -name netbeans 2> /dev/null' but I dunno how to remove it from my menu05:03
fpsdavidjrib: i didnt uninstall or change anything05:03
gartralsensae: stupid question on my part, but, have you tryed sudo apt-get purge netbeans?05:04
sensaegartral: Package netbeans is not installed. Looks to have done nothing.05:04
mib_nhfx5mWhat package do I have to install to get completion in apt-get ?05:04
gartralsensae: hit up, and try auto-completiing the packaage name..05:05
mobi-sheepmib_nhfx5m: What do you mean?05:05
* gartral needs to enable bouncy keys for this laser-board05:05
sensaegartral: apt-cache search shows the only netbeans package is "netbeans"05:05
XPS_M1330I need a software to make a simple website with wiki style - easy links between pages. I've used Zim a little bit, it's nice but incomplete, I can't edit the appearance or anything.05:05
ussermib_nhfx5m, bash-completion didnt work?05:05
usserXPS_M1330, mediawiki05:06
bastid_raZorkrepta, did you try the additions the webpage suggested?05:06
mib_nhfx5mmobi-sheep, when I do sudo apt-get install restri"tab,tab" to get the list of packages05:06
gartralsensae: search forums, im at a los, i never use netbeans05:06
sensaegartral: Lol I'm wishing I had never tried it now - I moved on to eclipse. Thanks for trying.05:06
* gartral needs to down-tune bouncy keys05:06
mib_nhfx5musser: it partly worked, when I type sudo apti"tab", it does nothing.05:06
XPS_M1330why does mediawiki need to have apache installed05:06
kreptaNo, since windows is not slave, and ubuntu is not master, and further I have no idea what changes to make when my situation is not exactly identical05:07
mib_nhfx5musser: but when I do apti"tab" it completes to aptitude05:07
gartral!lamp| XPS_M133005:07
ubottuXPS_M1330: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:07
usserXPS_M1330, because mediawiki is a web site, it needs http server to run05:07
usserXPS_M1330, it doesnt have to be apache really, its just that apache is pretty much default nowadays05:07
mobi-sheepmib_nhfx5m: You ran "aptitude" in the console then search for package?05:07
XPS_M1330I just want a page editor I don't need a web server05:07
XPS_M1330I just want to create a bunch of html files and upload them somewhere05:08
mib_nhfx5mmobi-sheep: No, when you type sudo apt-get install, usually you are able to complete the package name with TAB05:08
jribXPS_M1330: http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ maybe?05:08
gartral!enter | XPS_M1330 `05:08
ubottuXPS_M1330 `: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:08
mobi-sheepXPS_M1330: Use a text editor ?05:08
mib_nhfx5mmobi-sheep: but my install broke.05:08
robdigXPS_M1330: try bluefish05:08
kreptaif you know what changes to make, can you make the changes I need, paste the new menu file, and give me a link?05:09
mobi-sheepmib_nhfx5m: Ahh I see what you mean.  I generally don't use tab.  I just have aliases for search / install.  "search gnome-do" and I get a list.  Then I just "install gnome-do"05:09
DetrixXPS_M1330:   I like bluefish and cssed05:09
mobi-sheepXPS_M1330: Geany is nice.  Then again.  Gedit is nice too.05:10
kecoI have installed 9.04 recently, after I installed amule, but I can't connect it with servers....05:10
jd1anyone have any devine wisdom on logitedh quick cams?05:10
mobi-sheepjd1: Ask the real question.05:10
kecoI have actualizated serverlist, but, nothing...05:10
mcbeanHow things out there?05:10
BradlaysSo I have never installed linux on my comp and I don't know if it would be better or worse then windows 7 on the user friendly side. Can anyone inform me lol05:10
XPS_M1330thanks for all the suggestions folks.05:11
* robdig thinks ubuntu is friendlier05:11
jd1I need to get the gspca driver to complie in jaunty05:11
mbrandtBradlays, yo0u can boot to the live cd and try it out05:11
phoenix2hey is selinux enabled by default in jaunty jackalope?05:11
JasaQuick question, could someone answer on private on what is best codecs for totem (gstreamer) to watch satellite television ? Ones in gstreamer-plugins-bad work but playback is choppy with audio and video and when full screen it totally hangs itself claiming you need proper codecs ... ?05:11
mcbeanAnybody know how to set up a file server?05:11
JasaI'll go quick break and read answers then.05:11
geniiBradlays: Since Windows 7 doesn't have this place to help you out, you already have your answer05:11
mobi-sheep!codecs | Jasa05:11
ubottuJasa: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:11
Bradlaysmbrandt, I need the required drivers though to do that don't I?05:12
DetrixBradlays: I believe this latest version of ubuntu is quite user friendly.05:12
Bradlayswhat would you consider better and why?05:12
Bradlayscomparing windows to ubuntu05:12
mobi-sheepBradlays: People in #ubuntu will say Ubuntu is best.  People in ##windows will say Windows is best.05:12
JasaNot really, i see most versions really same ...05:13
Bob_DoleWill we ever be seeing a GUI to install folding@home?05:13
mcbeanAny one knows how to set up a file server?05:13
Bob_DolePeople in windows often say neither is best05:13
mbrandtBradlays, nah, just put the cdrom in and reboot, choose boot to live cd and you shoulf be able to do almost everything.  Obviously you won't have ALL the niceties that come with a full install but you'll be able to see what the UI is like05:13
JasaI tried OpenSUSE new milestone and vs Ubuntu it is total mess but it depens on how you look in things.05:13
XPS_M1330people in #penandpaper aren't there to say pen and papers are best05:13
Bob_DoleAnd we end up having long discussions about linux in ##windows xD05:13
Bradlaysbob dole you didn't code a runescape bot did you?05:13
robdigphoenix2: don't think its installed by default, but its in the repositories05:13
Bob_DoleBradlays, No05:13
Bob_DoleI just kill things in Tremulous and say Bob Dole a lot.05:14
mobi-sheepmcbean: You might want to try #ubuntu-server05:14
Bradlaysmbrandt, can I access the internet as well?05:14
phoenix2robdig thx05:14
bastid_raZorkrepta, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/grub-error-dual-booting-linux-and-winxp-371087/    .. this may be the solution. read the whole page. the last post seems to be more your set up05:14
mbrandtBradlays, are you wireless or wired?05:14
jjibnis there  safe-mode for the ubuntu when it is broken05:15
maxagazhow to list only the date and name of the files in a directory ?05:15
mbrandtBradlays, usually wireless works without any extra configs05:15
mcbeanSheep! It Is the abuntu server i am talking about.05:15
Bradlayscool, guess I will give it a shot05:15
mbrandtBradlays, and if not just pop the cd out and reboot into windows05:15
gabrielhow do I check the checksum of a Kubuntu dvd download?05:15
BradlaysI like windows 7 right now, it has some good features05:16
mobi-sheepBradlays: Linux can do the same thing Windows does.  Mac can do the the same thing Windows does.  Windows viruses does not affect linux at all.  You might want to read this.05:16
mobi-sheep!lnw | Bradlays05:16
ubottuBradlays: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm05:16
robdigjjibn: yes, reboot, and after bios menu goes away, you will see a 3 second grub countdown. press esc before it goes to 0, then select recover05:16
Bradlaysthanks ubottu Ill read that right now05:16
=== XPS_M1330 is now known as Ratapoil
bastid_raZor!md5 | gabriel05:16
ubottugabriel: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:17
RatapoilWhat is a good WYSISYG website editor?05:17
geniiBradlays: ubottu is just a bot :) But we love them all the same05:17
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: theres no such thing.05:17
geniiRatapoil: sawfish isn't bad05:17
DetrixRatapoil: use open office05:17
mib_nhfx5mFor our sake... dont!05:18
Bradlayslol didn't know that05:18
mib_nhfx5mBuild it following the W3C standards05:18
kreptaWindows and ubuntu are both on the same hard drive, I want windows, in sda1, to boot by default, and linux, in sda5, to be an option on the menu.  I have no idea what to do.  These web pages are confusing me, I am not working with two hard drives.05:18
GlebelgRatapoil : use kompozer05:18
mbrandtubottu, Nice article05:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Nice article05:19
Ratapoilgenii: sawfish looks more like a window manager05:19
mbrandtubottu, is a bot LOL05:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot LOL05:19
RatapoilGlebelg: I've tried kompozer before. Is there no better software?05:19
kreptamy head hurts. :(05:19
Bob_DoleThat was kinda funny05:19
bastid_raZorkrepta, if you don't try any of the solutions .. how do you know they don't work.05:20
Bob_DoleAmaya and Kompozer are about it, I think.05:20
RakeeDoes Verizon,Sprint air cards work plug/play with Ubntu 8.04!!!05:20
DetrixRatapoil: I like open office for wysiwyg05:20
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: What are you looking to build?05:20
Glebelgemacs....but its not wysiwyg05:20
geniiRatapoil: Apologies, I had a brain fart. I meant bluefish05:20
mbrandtDetrix, I know they do with 9.0405:20
mbrandtDetrix, with 8.04 I had a VZW card and it worked PnP05:21
Ratapoilmib_nhfx5m: a website with maybe 10 html pages05:21
mib_nhfx5mwysiwyg doesnt really work for web... I like wyciwyg (What you code is what you get)05:21
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: html isnt hard, css either.05:21
kreptaOk, I'm trying the solution at the bottom of the page of the second link I recieved, however, I must reboot and see what happens.  *sigh*  I have no idea if this will work.05:21
DrMrHorsei screwed up my grub and now i cant fix it.  i set it to use the grub on the partition for my 8.04 install, now it doesnt recognize my 9.04 install at boot time05:22
Ratapoilmib_nhfx5m: I know it's better but I don't have that time. I know HTML already. But I'm making this website for someone who will need to be able to update it by himself afterwards05:22
kreptaif it doesn't work, I'll have to come back here.  If it does, thank you very very very much.05:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:22
fryguyDrMrHorse: so edit menu.lst and add it05:22
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: use a content manager.05:22
Ratapoillike Zim?05:22
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: simply install drupal or something like that on a website.05:22
Ratapoilwhat's drupal05:22
Kiyi heard the *restart X session* hothey was removed, is there a new one/can i re-enable it?05:23
mobi-sheep!dontzap | Kiy05:23
ubottuKiy: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.05:23
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: http://drupal.org/05:23
ubottuRatapoil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:23
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: its a website that you can edit the content from its web interface05:23
mobi-sheepRatapoil: Use Wordpress? :O05:23
mib_nhfx5mRatapoil: yea wordpress too..05:23
kerebrus_Whats a good player for dvds?05:23
fryguykerebrus_: mplayer05:24
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: VLC.05:24
mib_nhfx5mMy network manager is screwed up, I cant get it to work with eth0. Can anyone tell me how to configure it?05:24
fryguymib_nhfx5m: what's wrong with it05:24
Ratapoilok... well, thanks, I guess.05:24
kerebrus_vlc closes soon as it starts to load dvd05:24
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: my wired connection doesnt work. I have to do sudo ifdown eth0, sudo ifup eth0 everytime I reboot05:25
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: Commercial DVD?05:25
kerebrus_yes and mplayer crashed very hard05:25
fryguymib_nhfx5m: define "doesn't work"?  No connectivity? fail at dns? do you have a route table? does an ip get assigned?05:25
Detrixkerebrus_:  I believe you will have to disable the desktop effects.05:26
chuck_kerebrus, did you install any codecs05:26
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: Meh.  I haven't ran a DVD for long time but you need a certain package that can decrypt DVDs as you're running a encrypted DVD.05:26
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: if I reboot, I can only connect to my router, and the network manager shows the X sign as if I have no connection. I have to do sudo ifdown eth0, sudo ifup eth0 to make it work.05:27
kerebrus_i have all the codecs and lib files05:27
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: my network manager is simply not doing its job. How do I flush it out and reinstall it...05:27
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: or how do I configure it to work with my eth0?05:27
fryguymib_nhfx5m: so, that doesn't really answer any of my questions05:27
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: Did you read this --> https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html05:27
fryguymib_nhfx5m: do you have a route table? do you have dns entries?05:27
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: You're running Jaunty?05:27
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: I can only connect to my router. So no dns05:28
fryguymib_nhfx5m: what about connecting to an IP outside of the router?05:28
kerebrus_mobi-sheep: yes05:28
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: Havent tried05:28
fryguymib_nhfx5m: well, try that05:28
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: But I just fixed it05:28
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: See the link I post up ther.e05:28
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: I had to edit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf05:29
kerebrus_mobi-sheep: have all of that installed already05:29
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: Mmm.05:30
fryguymib_nhfx5m: you can also just uninstall networkmanager, which tends to be easier in my experience05:30
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: I don't know.  I haven't used DVD for some time now. :X05:30
DrMrHorsefryguy: didnt work05:30
Detrixkerebrus_:  do you have the desktop effects enabled?05:30
DrMrHorsefile not found05:30
fryguyDrMrHorse: then you didn't do it right05:30
kerebrus_Detrix: where would I find that out?05:30
fryguyDrMrHorse: /boot/grub/menu.lst05:30
DrMrHorsefryguy: you dont seem helpful. good day.05:30
DrMrHorsei screwed up my grub and now i cant fix it. i set it to use the grub on the partition for my 8.04 install, now it doesnt recognize my 9.04 install at boot time05:31
mib_nhfx5mfryguy: yea, but I dont have time to mess with that today05:31
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:31
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: Last one...05:31
mobi-sheep!dvd | kerebrus_05:31
fryguyDrMrHorse: edit your menu.lst to add it, in /boot/grub/menu.lst, like you've already been told05:31
ubottukerebrus_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:31
Detrixkerebrus_: that probably means no. but to be sure go to system -> preferences -> apperence05:31
paul__How do I disable ipv6 on 9.04?05:32
Detrixkerebrus_: when the window opens, go to the tab on far right "visual effects"05:32
paul__What is the module name?05:33
kerebrus_Detrix: normal05:33
DrMrHorsefryguy: good day, like youve been told05:33
Detrixkerebrus_:  ok, try none....sucks but the visual effects take up resourse05:33
fryguyDrMrHorse: lol05:34
kkkyledoes anyone know how to add free space to a windows partition using linux?05:34
fryguykkkyle: use gparted to resize a partition05:34
mobi-sheepkkkyle: Gparted.05:34
Ratapoilyou delete files05:34
mobi-sheepkkkyle: Make sure you know what you're doing. :X05:35
kkkylei will'05:35
kerebrus_Detrix: lol no thanks I like my desktop looking good, ill just rip the vid to iso then watch it then delete it.05:35
kreptahello, grub is giving error 18 now, maybe it was before and I mistakenly thought it was error 13... I dunno05:36
bastid_raZor18 : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS05:36
bastid_raZor    This error is returned when a read is attempted at a linear block address beyond the end of the BIOS translated area. This generally happens if your disk is larger than the BIOS can handle (512MB for (E)IDE disks on older machines or larger than 8GB in general).    krepta .. heh .. how did you manage that?05:36
Detrixkerebrus_:  understood.  :)05:37
fryguykrepta: are you using a very old (>5 years) machine, or an exotic raid or other hard drive configuration05:37
kerebrus_Detrix: thanks for the help though05:37
kreptauh, well, I already had windows xp installed in a fat32 partition, and I installed ubuntu in the free space after that on the hard drive05:37
kreptaIt is kind of old, Gateway 450ROG laptop05:38
Detrixkerebrus_: though it might be easer to turn off the effects, watch the movie, then turn the effects back on.05:38
kreptaso, what can I do?05:38
mib_nhfx5mPersonally, I would buy a new laptop... but thats just me.05:38
fryguykrepta: reinstall grub to the mbr05:38
kreptaI need to leave to go to work in about an hour, probably less.05:38
kerebrus_Detrix: I tried still wouldnt play.05:38
bastid_raZor!grub | krepta this is the fix i've found05:39
ubottukrepta this is the fix i've found: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:39
geniiI think the 1024 thing also happens if you try to load linux from a partition which begins after that head size05:39
kreptahow do I reinstall grub?05:39
Detrixkerebrus_:  did you do the css_install?05:39
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kerebrus_Debrix: yes, I went to all the links05:40
paaai removed fglrx and compiz and installed * ATI related from synaptic but still :( the monitor not detected ??05:40
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: "sudo aptitude search libdvd"05:40
=== rusty is now known as Guest79445
siebelI have hits coming into my computer from high ports numbers, what is the easiest way to go about blocking them, anyone?05:40
fryguykerebrus_: libdvdcss is in a separate repository not part of a base ubuntu install, take a look at medibuntu05:40
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: libdvdnav4 + libdvdread4 show up / installed ?05:41
kerebrus_I have libdvdcss and libdvdcss2 installed05:41
fryguysiebel: are you sure you want to block them, and they aren't legitimate packets? (do you understand how tcp works?)05:41
maxagazI want my rails user to have rights to run some commands like "/usr/bin/vim /etc/haproxy.cfg", but this doesn't work in my sudoers :  "rails   ALL=(rails) /usr/bin/vim /etc/haproxy.cfg", can someone tell me what's wrong with it ?05:41
kerebrus_mobi-sheep: yes05:41
Detrixkerebrus_:  ok I am running out of ideas then..lol05:41
siebelThese hits are coming from ipblock05:41
kerebrus_fryguy: I have medibuntu installed05:41
Guest79445i can't seem to get my 4870x2 to work, i've installed every possible way buy screen just crashes....can anyone help?05:41
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fryguymaxagaz: why not just chgrp the file ?05:41
Bigshot_does anyone know how to enable desktop effect on Ubuntu in VirtualBOx 2.2.4? (jaunty)?05:41
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: Does the DVD actually work? :D05:42
siebelI am pretty sure they are hits I don't want, but no I do not know how tcp works05:42
maxagazfryguy, because some other groups may need to use it05:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tcp05:42
fryguymaxagaz: such as?05:42
kerebrus_mobi-sheep: if i rip it to an iso, yes05:43
je||ywhat's this extra, totally useless blank bar doing on the far right hand side of my screen?05:43
fryguymaxagaz: *nix file permissions are pretty flexible, you should be solving your problem with unix file permissions, not sudo05:43
mobi-sheepkerebrus_: I don't know.  You're experiencing an odd issue.05:43
maxagazfryguy, well, that's a solution, but i'd like to do it using sudoers actually05:43
je||yits like an extra task bar but i cant use it for anything05:43
kerebrus_mobi-sheep: lol watch this chat, I generally bring the odd issues lol05:43
mobi-sheepje||y: You're talking about GNOME panel?  Right-click and remove the panel if that's bothering you.05:44
Bigshot_does anyone know virtualbox desktop effectS?05:44
default_ errker05:44
je||ywhat's the GNOME panel?05:44
=== default_ is now known as errker
errkeranybody have any suggestions for songs about PC frustration? something i can use commercially-05:45
mobi-sheepBigshot_: What do you mean?  VirtualBox Desktop Effects?  Elaborate.05:45
maxagazfryguy, I alos need them to restart /etc/init.d/haproxy05:45
kreptaok, this is what I did based on that web page, http://paste.ubuntu.com/184751/ and you think this will work?  I sure hope so.  You guys are geniuses even if it doesn't work, I sure wish I was as smart.05:45
mobi-sheepje||y: Right-click on that bar and what do you see?05:45
Detrixmy problem is some programs are not finding the java jre.  its there.  it works with eclipse, but netbeans does not.05:45
paaahello? i got not monitor detected and no property drivers in use of system available ?? please any help05:45
mobi-sheepDetrix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java05:46
donavan01im getting a bunch of errors on a machine I am working on when I try to boot into ubuntu from a usb stil it says something like ata2.01:stat {DRDY} and then a bunch of other junk ... is it safe to assume I have a bad mobo or cpu05:46
mobi-sheepDetrix: Check your current Java setup.05:46
kreptaI will reboot now, crossing my fingers.05:46
fryguydonavan01: are you installing to a hard drive?05:46
mib_nhfx5mGreat, I dont have sound!05:46
Bigshot_mobi-sheep, i am trying to enable simple-ccsm and when i try to enable the "Enable desktop effects" from Desktop settings I get check your X.org log!05:47
mobi-sheepBigshot_: Hardware Drivers enabled?05:47
fryguyBigshot_: are you using a driver that supports hardware acceleration?05:47
Bigshot_how do i check that direct rendering is on05:47
fryguyglxinfo | grep -i direct05:48
Bigshot_3D acceleration is  on05:48
donavan01fryguy just doing the running it from the USB ... I am actually trying to get windows to install on this machine (for a friend who is scared of linux) and it keeps hanging at the during the install but DSL linux boots just fine so I am assuming it some instruction seton the cpu or something on the mobo that cause it to crap out05:48
Bigshot_mobi-sheep, drivers are enabled05:49
meoblast001is it normal that i haven't had any new updates in weeks?05:49
fryguymeoblast001: no05:49
meoblast001what could be the problem?05:49
fryguymeoblast001: just run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade manually05:49
donavan01fryguy:  ok the text just stopped and now I have a nice black screen05:49
mobi-sheepfryguy: Were you giving Bigshot_ a command? "glxinfo | grep -i direct" ?05:50
fryguymobi-sheep: yes05:50
meoblast001fryguy: nothing05:50
fryguymeoblast001: then everything is updated05:50
mobi-sheepBigshot_: Try the command "glxinfo | grep -i direct" in the terminal and speak with fryguy too. :o05:50
meoblast001just the uninstallable brasero update and the failed to install chromium update05:50
fryguymeoblast001: probably want to fix those05:51
Bigshot_fryguy, direct rendering is ON05:51
meoblast001fryguy: i don't know how05:51
fryguyBigshot_: and you are using a driver that isn't blacklisted by compiz?05:51
Bigshot_how do i check that?05:52
Bigshot_virtualbox default driver05:52
fryguyBigshot_: it told you to check a log file, so i'd suggest checking hat05:52
paaafolks i'm stuck with unknown monitor and unrecognized ATI radeon drivers in Hardware Drivers program <nothing to enable>05:52
Bigshot_there's nothing wrong with the log file fryguy05:52
fryguypaaa: so just configure it manually by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:52
fryguyBigshot_: NOTHING? it's pretty much impossible to have a pristine Xorg.log file05:53
paaafryguy, i tried to force the "SyncMaster 551v" in the monitor section but still get it unknown05:53
Bigshot_fryguy,  hold on let me show it to you05:53
kerebrus_What am I doing wrong? chmod: changing permissions of `cdrom0': Read-only file system05:53
fryguyBigshot_: are you running the latest version of virtualbox? and is the version of ubuntu you are trying to use supported by it?05:53
fryguykerebrus_: you can't change files on a read-only filesystem05:54
Bigshot_yeah it's the latest one just came out i am using jaunty05:54
fryguykerebrus_: a cd is a read-only filesystem, you can't change the contents of a cd05:54
danshtr|workHi all. I am look for an application comparable to : http://www.macility.com/products/typinator/05:54
krepta_I know, I'm back again, and again05:54
krepta_still have error 1805:54
krepta_Can I install a different boot loader?  I used to love using Partition Magic's boot manager05:55
fryguykrepta_: sure, nothing else is supported in ubuntu though, so you are on your own for figuring out how to do it05:55
Bigshot_fryguy, http://pastebin.ca/144189305:55
fryguyBigshot_: (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering05:56
krepta_ugh, I have no idea how to do it, I have no partition magic disk to boot from that I know of05:56
Bigshot_so what to do?05:56
fryguyBigshot_: are you running the latest version of virtualbox? and is the version of ubuntu you are trying to use supported by it?05:56
krepta_Why is grub the only booter supported?  There are other linux booters05:56
cactaurAnyone know where the dev package for ImageMagick is? I can see the package, but no development headers.05:56
greatohow to install printer in Ubuntu05:56
Bigshot_how to know if its supported fryguy ?05:57
fryguykrepta_: there are 2, grub and lilo.  grub is pretty much better than lilo in every way05:57
krepta_uhm, plug it in, and it works, that all I know.05:57
fryguyBigshot_: virtualbox documents a compatibility list05:57
krepta_sure, if it works. :)05:57
sensaeWhat's wrong with grub?05:57
krepta_my grub is giving me error 18, that's what05:57
greatoPlease tell me how to install printer in Ubuntu?05:57
fryguykrepta_: there are probably others, but nothing remotely mature enough to bother mentioning05:57
kecoI have problems with hp 100505:57
fryguygreato: use foomatic05:57
Bigshot_fryguy, can you check for me?05:58
fryguyBigshot_: www.virtualbox.org05:58
krepta_I never had trouble installing a printer on ubuntu, I just plugged it in and it worked.05:58
fryguyBigshot_: i'm not a librarian, the extent of my knowledge is googling and paraphrasing the first result05:58
kecofryguy, how can I do install foomatic?05:58
greatofryguy: where is fromatic05:58
paaafryguy, forcing the monitor name gave me sync out of range all the time instead sync out of range in the splash image part!05:59
fryguykeco: apt-cache search foomatic, install the package that comes up with apt-get install05:59
fryguypaaa: so try doing what I told you to do instead of guessing05:59
Rafaelcan somebody help me with the follwoing, a friend help me with rsync creting the following script: #!/bin/bash and rsync -v -r -d --delete /home/rgotten/Prueba/Myplasticare /home/rgotten/mnt/ >> /home/rgotten/logs/respaldo-`date +%d%m%Y`.log this has being sve to a file ./respaldo-archivos.sh, my question is how do i ron a crontab to do backups at 1am from monday to friday?05:59
krepta_wow, so many people with problems.  I guess I'll have to clean install windows again, which sucks. :(05:59
StrangeletBrixton: Hey. :)05:59
brixtonHey strange05:59
paaafryguy, i did what you said i edited xorg manually ?05:59
fryguypaaa: setting monitor name in xorg.conf has absolutely 0 effect (it's a name for reference purposes only)06:00
fryguypaaa: try reading the manpage for xorg.conf06:00
cactaur!printers | greato06:00
ubottugreato: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:00
fryguyRafael: run crontab -e and add the correct entry, see the manpage for formatting of the date in crontab format06:00
krepta_So, nothing I've tried has worked, and I have no idea what to do now, other than clean install windows.06:01
brixtonHey, I'm using Ubuntu and I'm trying to get to dual boot to Windows 7, I've got Grub installed, but I don't know the entry for menu.lsd - anyone have a clue???06:01
Bigshot_fryguy, why does it go back to software rendering?06:01
kecofryguy, wich packages do I install? don't exist a package "foomatic", but if some as "foomatic-*"06:01
fryguyBigshot_: i don't know, read virtualbox documentation06:01
paaafryguy, too long manpage all what i want to choose my monitor and get rid of the sync out of range message!06:01
fryguykeco: it's probably foomatic-gtk06:01
krepta_Unless... Hey, can I uninstall grub and have windows boot up?06:01
krepta_If I can do that, I'll be happy.06:01
fryguykrepta_: boot from windows disc, get recovery console, type fixmbr06:01
ycmarvinhello..Im trying to install ubuntu 8 to a NTFS already partitioned disk drive..can somebody assist me06:02
fryguymanpoole: try appending '/connect' to your command (or /server if you want to disconnect from this server)06:02
krepta_bye bye06:02
kecofryguy, mmm... foomatic-gui? foomatic-bin, or foomatic-db, foomatic-db-hpijs06:02
fryguyycmarvin: don't install to ntfs, install to a proper unix filesystem06:02
fryguykeco: foomatic-bin06:02
greatoOk I have Windows XP installed on another system and Ubuntu on this system. How to access files of another system from Ubuntu?06:02
fryguygreato: use samba to share files between windows and linux06:03
zirodayycmarvin: you will need to reformat the drive with the installer06:03
ycmarvinfryguy: what format? i thought ubuntu is ntfs friendly06:03
greatofryguy: where is samba in Ubuntu06:03
fryguyycmarvin: it is, for reading and writing, not for having the base system installed as06:03
mobi-sheep!samba | greato06:03
ubottugreato: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:03
fryguy!samba | greato06:03
haroelcabohow do I to make DSM connectiont reconnect ?06:04
fryguyharoelcabo: assuming you typo'd DSM for DSL, and assuming your network device is eth0, sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth006:04
fryguyharoelcabo: might work06:04
fryguyharoelcabo: pretty much guessing since you didn't give much information06:05
kecofryguy, supposely the drivers are installated06:05
fryguykeco: so now run foomatic and set up the printer06:05
ycmarvinfryguy: ok06:05
ycmarvinziroday: ok06:05
Tyrathhow do I change the colours of panels, buttons, etc?06:06
paulohi i'm having problems with adobe flash plugin06:06
pauloin mozilla06:06
pauloit does seem to play any sound06:06
fryguyTyrath: change the gtk theme, i use .gtk-2.0.rc to set mine06:06
haroelcabofryguy: yes, I pretty much know that. What I'd like is the  GSM (sorry for the latter spelling) connection to restart automatically after it falls06:06
fryguypaulo: install alsa-oss and configure firefox to use that as it's DSP (see google for specific details)06:07
Tyrathfryguy: i'll look through the file, see what i can find. cheers06:07
haroelcabofryguy: specifically in ubuntu 9.0406:07
whatvnwhat is channel for fluxbox user?06:07
fryguyTyrath: my mistake it's .gtkrc-2.006:08
fryguywhatvn: #fluxbox06:08
Tyrathfryguy: according to locate there's no file of that description on my comp06:08
fryguyTyrath: there won't be, you need to make one06:08
zirodaypaulo: what version of ubuntu?06:08
Tyrathfryguy: ah k.06:08
Tyrathfryguy: then what do i do with it?06:08
fryguyTyrath: it's a configuration file, fill out what gtk-theme, font, icon theme etc you want to use06:08
fryguyor just use the one built into ubuntu06:09
fryguyon install gtk-chtheme or whatever06:09
zirodayTyrath: you  might also want to choose gnome-color-chooser or download a premade theme for gnome-look.org06:09
paulofryguy my looking into your suggestion thanks06:09
zirodayTyrath: err use gnome-color-chooser sorry06:09
jvainiohey, why does Mplayer give me an error when trying to watch a video file?06:09
Tyrathziroday: I think that's more what i'm after. but the thing is I want it to be rendered etc.06:09
fryguyjvainio: depends on what the error is06:10
jvainiosays the file isn't there06:10
jvainiobut it is.06:10
Tyrathziroday: like i don't want to just change the colours, i want the colours to look good06:10
fryguyjvainio: what is the path to the file06:10
Tyrathziroday: for example, you know how emerald renders the top panel etc.06:10
fryguyTyrath: what makes them look bad06:10
jvainioits /home/keko/Videot/PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/00000.mts06:10
jvainioand yet it says file not found06:11
Tyrathfryguy: they just look bad with my emerald theme, desktop colours, gnome theme06:11
fryguyjvainio: running "mplayer /home/keko/Videot/PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/00000.mts" from a terminal and mplayer complains about file not found?06:11
Tyrathfryguy: as in they look out of place. I have dark everything then light grey buttons, windows, etc.06:11
jvainioyeah, fryguy06:11
fryguyjvainio: what is the output of ls -l /home/keko/Videot/PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/00000.mts06:11
fryguyjvainio: and what is the specific output you are getting from mplayer06:12
Tyrathfryguy: would gnome-colour-choose be really what I'm looking for? given I want it rendered06:12
fryguyTyrath: ?06:12
Tyrathfryguy: or is it impossible to get it rendered?06:12
fryguyTyrath: define "get it rendered"06:12
zirodayTyrath: it sounds like you want to make your own GTK theme :), anyway take a look at gnome-color-chooser it can do most of what you want (color wise)06:12
paaafryguy, mind giving me that line for xorg ? i'm really stuck i tried generic, default monitor options and still getting unknown montiro06:13
fryguypaaa: i don't have your hardware, so I can't write your xorg.conf for you06:13
Tyrathziroday: so if I switched from grey to black the 3d look and everything would still look fine?06:13
* Tyrath thinks he should just try it and see what happens rather than ask a thousand questions :P06:13
* fryguy wonders why people are so obsessed with 3d desktops and effects06:13
paaafryguy, okay at least point to me to a working solution ? as i said i've samsung syncmaster 551v with ATI radeon 1200 and i don't care about the acceleration thing or compiz just want to get rid of the sync. out of range message06:14
Tyrathfryguy: because if I don't want a GUI i'll just run everything out of a console :P06:14
Tyrathfryguy: when I have a GUI i like it to be a good one06:14
fryguyTyrath: you and I have different definitions of 'good'06:15
fryguypaaa: are you using intrepid or higher?06:15
Tyrathfryguy: lol :P06:15
jvainiofryguy: Got it working! It was the .MTS thing coz i typed .mts ... :D BUT NOW NO VIDEO SHOWING :((( it "plays it" but i am not seeing a thing! how do i get a picture?06:15
fryguyjvainio: ask in #mplayer06:15
paaafryguy, jaunty ididn't face it with 7.10 or 8.04 or 8.10 it was working smoothly06:15
Tyrathfryguy: it also depends on your CPU. If it can process the load, may as well right?06:15
binMonkeyhi, guys.  after the upgrade to jaunty my sound is muted every time i boot up.  i can't figure out how to fix this.  any ideas?06:15
fryguypaaa: sooooo.. what version are you running06:16
fryguyTyrath: no06:16
paaafryguy, jaunty06:16
fryguypaaa: try deleting the xorg.conf file06:16
fryguy(or move it to xorg.conf.BAK)06:16
SeverianHowdy.  Does anyone here have an Ubuntu One account?  And, are you open to sending an invite?06:16
paaafryguy, i did so and still getting unknown monitor06:16
Tyrathfryguy: you believe in greener usage?06:17
buttons840When I do metacity --replace in the console, it works great, but then metacity takes over that terminal screen.  If I close the terminal, then my desktop is ruined.06:17
fryguyTyrath: no06:17
fryguyTyrath: i believe in an efficient and usable desktop06:17
fryguybuttons840: try 1. running metacity --replace &06:17
fryguybuttons840: 2. running from outside of a terminal (alt-f2 for example)06:17
bastidrazorbuttons840; run that command via alt+F206:17
buttons840i have to enter & to prevent it from taking over the termnial?06:18
fryguybuttons840: right06:18
Tyrathfryguy: my desktop is very usable :) as for efficiency... I take your point06:18
troopperipaaa: have you read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver06:18
fryguybuttons840: metacity should know how to detach from it's terminal06:18
Tyrathfryguy: at least as far as power consumption etc are concerned06:18
fryguyTyrath: the window manager I use resizes my windows for me automatically to make use of my entire screen using various algorithms, so I can focus on doing work and use my screen to the fullest, and not waste time resizing windows06:19
paaafryguy, yes i removed fgrlx and installed that mesa thing06:19
losherfryguy: of all the things I do that waste time, resizing windows is the least of my concerns...06:20
bullgard4What intends to symbolize the light blue icon (symbol) of Empathy?06:20
fryguyTyrath: i also don't waste screen real estate with multiple status bars, or title bars, or window borders06:20
buttons840well, i did metacity --replace & in terminal, and i got my prompt back, but when i closed the terminal, it still didn't work06:21
buttons840do i need to do &&?06:21
fryguybuttons840: so then run it from outside of a terminal (alt-f2 for example)06:21
buttons840i did that, and that worked06:21
Paddy_EIREbuttons840: do metacity --replace& exit06:21
buttons840but can i run it from a regular terminal?06:21
zirodaybullgard4: picture?06:21
fryguybuttons840: i assumed metacity, in it's tons of source code, would know how to detach from a terminal, I was wrong06:21
fryguybuttons840: no06:21
Paddy_EIREbuttons840: yes06:21
buttons840do exit instead of pressing x?06:22
bullgard4ziroday: I do not understand your answer.06:22
paaahold restarting x hope that will cut it06:22
Paddy_EIREbuttons840: yeah this exact command minus the quotes "metacity --replace& exit"06:22
Mashwho got problem with dial up settings ?06:22
buttons840thanks Paddy_EIRE it worked06:22
Paddy_EIREbuttons840: sure06:23
SpenceKidHey guys, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04(or whatever the newest version is) and whenever I'm watching videos with the default video player, I will try to maximize it and the video will go blank, freeze, and then ultimately logging me out and it's really annoying. Any suggestions?06:23
buttons840although, i prefer alt f2, ;)06:23
Tyrathziroday: maybe I'm not using the program correctly but when I make changes nothing seems to be different. In user preferences I know that I can change controls and that alters the colours, however, there's no control currently installed on the interface that suits my other colour schemes and I can't find anywhere to download additional controls on the net06:23
Paddy_EIREgive me a terminal any day06:23
fryguySpenceKid: try terminal of 3d effects06:23
buttons840as fryguy said, it's odd that it can't "detach itself from terminal"06:23
Tyrathziroday: would installing some type of theme include a control by default?06:23
Paddy_EIREbuttons840: that is because you did not tell it to06:24
SpenceKidterminal of 3d effects? I'm not following..06:24
fryguySpenceKid: sorry, i meant to say turning off06:24
fryguySpenceKid: typing in too many channels at once06:24
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Mashwho knows here how to set dial up connection ?06:24
SpenceKidohh, alrightyy, no prob, it's all good06:24
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paaafryguy, http://pastebin.com/db8e6f78 i don't care if the monitor is unknown i want to get rid of the Sync out of range while booting :(06:26
losher! dialup | Mash06:26
ubottuMash: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up06:26
zirodayTyrath: I think what you want to do is create an entirely new GTK theme, you can use a variety of different engines which offer "widgets" which are the shape of the buttons tabs etc.06:26
bullgard4What intends to symbolize the light blue icon (symbol) of Empathy?06:26
fryguypaaa: change horizsync and vertrefresh to values that match the monitor06:26
ExtremeDevilzguys I want to download ubuntu06:26
fryguyExtremeDevilz: www.ubuntu.com06:27
ExtremeDevilzwill it work on 256 ram computer06:27
fryguyExtremeDevilz: yes06:27
Mashhow can disable Knetworkmanager ?06:27
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ExtremeDevilzwill it lag or anything ?06:27
fryguyExtremeDevilz: depends on what you install06:27
fryguyExtremeDevilz: it shouldn't06:27
scuniziExtremeDevilz: yes but you probably won't be able to use the live cd..You'll need the alternate cd06:27
ExtremeDevilzI have 256RAM 1133MHZ 32 GFX RAM06:27
SeverianExtremeDevilz, 256 bytes of ram is not nearly enough.  It needs 192 meg or more.06:27
mobi-sheepExtremeDevilz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu#System_requirements06:27
fryguySeverian: note that 192 < 25606:28
losherExtremeDevilz: might wanna stick to release 8.04 though...06:28
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?06:28
Severianfryguy, note that he did not say meg.06:28
mobi-sheepSeverian: 256 is required, not recommended.06:28
ExtremeDevilzIm using puppylinux06:28
ExtremeDevilzand I having alot of trouble06:28
fryguySeverian: obviously an error in units06:28
losherExtremeDevilz: what kind of trouble?06:28
ExtremeDevilzfirefox crash06:28
ExtremeDevilzand it is very troublesome06:29
paaafryguy, okay hold a minute06:29
losherExtremeDevilz: might be better off with dsl (damn small linux)06:29
ExtremeDevilzo.o DSL o.o06:29
ExtremeDevilzis it good ?06:29
fryguyExtremeDevilz: try it and see06:30
SeverianExtremeDevilz, puppy does not usually setup a swap partition or file.  When it runs out of ram, things happen like programs crashing.  Ubuntu will not have that problem.06:30
losherExtremeDevilz: also, isn;'t crunchbang a pared down ubuntu for small systems?06:30
ExtremeDevilzok I will download Ubuntu then06:30
losherExtremeDevilz: I booted it once on a laptop. Seemed ok. But then again, so did puppy...06:31
ExtremeDevilzmeaning ?06:31
ExtremeDevilzcrunchbang ?06:31
RedSocratesCrunchbang is nice, I've used it for a while06:31
losherExtremeDevilz: http://crunchbanglinux.org/06:31
ExtremeDevilzcan anyone tell me the story of Linux06:32
ExtremeDevilzwhy is there so many Linux06:32
SpenceKidOkay, Whenever I would try to install stuff via synaptic program manager, I will always get this error at the end of installation.. here's the link to the error..      http://imagebin.ca/view/IqCJDoy.html06:32
mobi-sheepExtremeDevilz: You might want to stick with PuppyLinux.  Just fix your Firefox issue.06:32
fryguyExtremeDevilz: it's well documented on google, etc.06:32
DaZExtremeDevilz: there is one linux06:32
paaafryguy,   HorizSync 30.00 - 55.00  <newline>   VertRefresh     43-60 seem to be the ideal values but i'm still getting sync out of range06:32
SeverianExtremeDevilz, crunchbang works very well on machines with 128 meg of ram.  But, it has a very minimal interface which does not suit all users.06:32
fryguypaaa: so then look at Xorg.log and find out more information06:33
spektrumhi guys, got a prob06:33
ExtremeDevilzim on 256RAM06:33
ExtremeDevilzand 1133Mhz06:33
RedSocratesExtremeDevilz: Check this out if you're interested: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=770758559262777540906:33
spektrumbasically, it seems that there are problems with administrative rights06:33
SpenceKid Whenever I would try to install stuff via synaptic program manager, I will always get this error at the end of installation.. here's the link to the error..      http://imagebin.ca/view/IqCJDoy.html06:33
ExtremeDevilzI think I will go for crunchbag06:33
Bob_Dolexubuntu runs well on 256MB of RAM. If I could just figure out JWM...06:33
ExtremeDevilzJWM o.o06:34
ExtremeDevilzI am new to Linux06:34
fryguySpenceKid: dpkg-reconfigure g15daemon06:34
ExtremeDevilzI went to use MintLinux first but it lag the shit out of my computer06:34
ExtremeDevilzand then I tried puppylinux which I ran into alot of trouble06:34
paaafryguy, which one ? http://pastebin.com/d79971ffa06:34
fryguypaaa: 006:34
SpenceKid/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: g15daemon is broken or not fully installed06:35
fryguySpenceKid: apt-get install g15daemon06:35
artistxeExtremeDevilz, there is a community version of Mint that uses xfce .06:35
snandisziasztok. van itt valaki aki beszél magyarul. csak kíváncsiságból ...06:35
artistxeas opposed to KDE06:35
Bob_DoleJWM= Joe's Window Manager. Looks like windows 95, included in Damn Small Linux, which will run on a 486 with 16MB of RAM :D06:35
SeverianBob_Dole, the only real trick to jwm is that you need to remember not to double click.06:35
ExtremeDevilzwell all I want is a linux works on a 256ram problem06:35
fryguyor you can just change the desktop environment and/or window manager on whatever you are currently using.  installing and configuring software isn't that hard06:36
ExtremeDevilzI am going try cruchbang06:36
artistxecrunchbang is nice06:36
Bob_DoleExtremeDevilz, xubuntu runs on 256MB RAM and 600mhz Pentium 3 Celeron(Coppermine core)06:36
Bob_Doleand it runs fine.06:36
losherExtremeDevilz: no reason not to try them all  till you find one that suits you06:36
SpenceKidwoah, got a big error.06:36
ExtremeDevilzlosher : no reason to burn my pocket buying CD-R06:36
paaafryguy, here's the log http://pastebin.com/m550a2e85 ?06:36
SpenceKidwhats the site where i can paste and send the link, i forgots06:36
SpenceKidalrighty, here's the link to the error06:37
losherExtremeDevilz: sorry, I assumed you had a burner. Blank CDs are cheaper than paper these days...06:37
artistxeExtremeDevilz, also . xubuntu is good for newbies06:37
SeverianSpenceKid, install the  pastebinit package and it become very simple.06:38
ExtremeDevilzlet me just try crunchbang06:38
ExtremeDevilzsince tons of you guys said it is good06:38
mobi-sheepUbuntu Jaunty (Alternative) disc have the option of encrypted home directory OR encrypted private directory?06:38
fryguypaaa: paste your xorg.conf again?06:38
ExtremeDevilz;) Guys06:38
ExtremeDevilzI will brb later06:38
fryguymobi-sheep: just encrypt home directory after installation06:39
Bob_DoleI got a friend who runs a box with encrypted -swap-06:39
ExtremeDevilzI hope things goes smooth06:39
losherExtremeDevilz: good luck06:39
Tyrathziroday: I've realised what I want to do is theme related. I think I just need to install a new ubuntu theme06:39
fryguyBob_Dole: I do on my other machine06:39
paaafryguy, http://pastebin.com/d4aaf937e06:39
mudittulii am going through my xorg logs, it says >> Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe"06:39
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mudittuliwhy failsafe ?06:39
losherBob_Dole: paranoid much, your friend?06:39
SeverianExtremeDevilz, The one piee of advice I would make about crunchbang is to remove the mozilla plugin that auto installs flash.  Otherwise, you machine may become infected with Adobe Flash.  Ubuntu does not do that, That was a change crunchbang made.06:39
Aryaan``Hi, can I update ubuntu from the LiveCd06:40
Bob_Dolelosher, Not really, oddly enough. But he sells computers, custom setups, and I think he said he was experimenting, so I figure he may have been testing stuff out for selling to paranoid people,.06:40
fryguypaaa: try specifying driver "ati" in the device section06:40
zirodayTyrath: sure, but you have to decide which one you want06:40
ziroday!themes | Tyrath06:40
ubottuTyrath: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:40
fryguyAryaan``: not easily06:40
Aryaan``but can I? do you know how?06:41
mudittulii am going through my xorg logs, it says >> Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe", why failsafe ?06:41
fryguyAryaan``: best bet would be chroot06:41
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Aryaan``I dont get you..06:41
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Bob_DoleThe natice flash plugin on ubuntu makes things ungodly slow... when I want flash, I run the windows version of FireFox and Flash under WINE.06:41
fryguy!chroot | Aryaan``06:41
ubottuAryaan``: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)06:41
artistxethe bot is linking to vista theme site . .06:41
losherBob_Dole: Paranoiacs always seem to have money for hardware...06:41
artistxe (guistyles)06:41
JasaI have the native flash working nicely, older versions were slow.06:42
fryguyBob_Dole: flash plugin runs fine for me on various systems i've used it on. maybe you should fix that issue06:42
gartralhow do i tell what recomendations a package has after iv'e installed it?06:42
Aryaan``Can I pm you, fryguy ?06:42
SpenceKidfryguy, tried to install the pastebinit app and got this error.. http://imagebin.ca/view/qOtVQt.html06:42
fryguygartral: apt-cache show will tell you i think06:42
mohan_essential library and files a sound to work in ubuntu jaunty?06:42
fryguySpenceKid: install it from a command line so you get better errors06:43
fryguymohan_: everything is installed for sound by default, why not share a specific problem06:43
fryguyAryaan``: no06:43
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?06:43
mohan_fryguy: my usb based sound device not detected06:43
ExtremeDevilzwhat steve talking about06:44
Bob_Dolefryguy, a bug in Adobe Flash prevents a game I like from running anyways, everyone on linux has it from all I was reading, so right now running the windows version fixes both my problems.06:44
SeverianSpenceKid, try pastebinit anyway.  That bug probably did not stop the install.06:44
losherAryaan``: what version are you upgrading from/to ?06:44
fryguymohan_: so look up what the device is (lspci and/or lsusb), and see what steps you need to follow to make it work on google06:44
fryguymohan_: or just ask here and i'm sure somebody will google it for you06:44
fryguyBob_Dole: what game06:44
Bob_Dolefryguy, zOMG, it's part of GaiaOnline, and an MMORPG.06:45
SpenceKidSeverian, i do not see it anywhere under applications06:45
ExtremeDevilzmy download speed is cap at 12606:45
fryguyBob_Dole: link?06:45
ExtremeDevilzmy download speed is cap at 126kb/s06:45
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Bob_Dolefryguy, www.gaiaonline.com you have to signup first for that, then it's under the games tab. it's all free06:45
ExtremeDevilz1h 25mins06:45
mohan_fryguy lsusb shows : Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub06:45
mohan_Bus 002 Device 002: ID 194f:030106:45
mohan_Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub06:45
SeverianSpenceKid, it is a command line application.  You pass it the name of a file with the information you want on the pastebin.06:45
mohan_fryguy: should those commands show my device?06:46
fryguymohan_: yep06:46
SpenceKidI'm sorry, i don't follow..06:46
coolkourthow do i make  directories writable in my lamp setup06:46
spektrumso, from the beginning: I've installed kbunut desktop over ubuntu installation long long ago, but yesterday kdm login screen refused to work, it will just fade to black and return to login screen. So I've set gdm as a default manager. But the problem is that certain things don't work, like i don't have any rights. For example, desktop configuration is not saving, I got to run firefox with sudo for it to work fully, thunderbird tell06:46
spektrums me it don't have enough space to save mail, although I got 1 gb free space06:46
mohan_fryguy: its not naming my device06:47
fryguyBob_Dole: when does it break?06:47
SeverianSpenceKid, go to Applications/Accessories/Terminal.  Run the program from there.06:47
fryguymohan_: is it plugged in?06:47
mohan_fryguy: yes06:47
fryguyis it in lspci06:47
Bob_Dolefryguy, Upon talking with one of the servers. it sends a bad packet, talks a bit more, then quits talking to it06:47
losherExtremeDevilz: re: download cap -- then I agree with whoever said you should fix your firefox crash problem instead....06:47
SpenceKidSeverian, I'm a noob with Ubuntu yet, how do i run a program via Terminal06:47
Bob_DoleAccording to one person's post who inspected what it was doing06:47
mohan_fryguy: no..06:48
Bob_DoleBut it stops at loading the server, and times out, for everyoner06:48
spektrumdoes anyone got a clue about my problem?06:48
fryguyBob_Dole: seems to work fine here06:48
SeverianSpenceKid, Did you go where I suggested?  You have to do that first.  Then, just type the name of the program.  In this case, pastebinit06:48
Bob_Doleflash get updated recently..or did they make a work around I wonder... hmm *goes to try zOMG*06:49
fryguyBob_Dole: i'm using the same flash i've been using for a few months06:49
bullgard4What intends to symbolize the light blue icon (symbol) of Empathy?06:50
mohan_fryguy: doing the command in verbose mode shows my device in Bus 002 Device 002: ID 194f:030106:50
Bob_Dolefryguy, the problem wasn't isolated, anything but... so I'm going to load it up from the native version and see if Gaia made a workaround06:50
fryguymohan_: and what is the name of the device06:50
Severianbullgard4, Your question does not make sense.  That is probably why you don't have an answer to the question you keep asking.06:50
mohan_fryguy: it shows in   iManufacturer           1 PreSonus Audio06:51
mohan_and product as   iProduct                2 AudioBox USB06:51
spektrumplease, someone help  me06:51
Bob_Dolefryguy, nope. I clicked "play" then it went to "loading ui" continued for a bit.. that went away...and then 104 Connection Timeout06:52
mudittulii am going through my xorg logs, it says >> Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe", why failsafe ?06:52
losherbullgard4: you might have better luck in #gnome06:52
noisymouse_spektrum: 1 GB nowadays isn't that much space - it's probably a good idea to have a little bit more than that available. That said, you might look to make sure your temporary files are deleted and such06:52
ExtremeDevilzlosher:nah I got time to wait06:52
mudittulii m on ubuntu hardy06:52
bullgard4losher: #gnome is a pretty sleeping channel.06:52
spektrumno,  problem is certainly not without free space06:53
mohan_fryguy: my device is PRESONUS AUDIO BOX USB06:53
fryguymohan_: try this, it's for the firewire version but steps should be pretty similar06:53
losherbullgard4: the empathy page also mentions #telepathy. I don't see you getting much joy here....06:53
mohan_ok fryguy, thanks for your guidelines..06:54
Bob_Dole"connecting to server Brain Clam...." 104 connection time out.06:54
mudittuliis my text visible ?06:54
Bob_Dolemudittuli, yes06:54
mudittulii am going through my xorg logs, it says >> Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe", why failsafe ?06:54
fryguymudittuli: pastebin the whole log06:54
oDudawhich problems may i have using root all the time ?06:55
losherspektrum: something obviously changed yesterday. Any idea what? It sounds like a permissions problem actually....06:55
coolkourtare there any automated lamp setups for ubuntu?06:55
duanedesignwhat is the g for at the end of: sed -i 's/jaunty/karmic/g'06:55
spektrumye, I think so06:56
spektrumbut how to fix it06:56
fryguyoDuda: you might accidentally do something and break your machine, and if you are connected to the internet as root (for example via irc), it's possible that a security vulnerability in the client you are using could get you hacked06:56
fryguyduanedesign: do it for every occurrence on the line06:56
Bob_DoleoDuda, deleting something you really shouldn't, installing malicious software expecting people to run as root all the time, umm...06:56
mudittulifryguy: http://pastebin.com/m6d010e7f06:56
spektrumoh, and PC doesn't ask me about login details, it just loads06:56
bullgard4losher: I joined #telepathy in the past. It is more active on the subject than #gnome but populated by arrogant insiders only. --  Thank you for your help.06:56
spektrumseem strange06:56
SeverianoDuda, all sorts of things.  You are vulnerable to bugs.  You can accidentally delete things.06:57
duanedesignfryguy: ahhhhh thank you06:57
losherbullgard4: sorry to hear that....06:57
lbs_Hi,who is familar with c program?06:57
sysadminis there any advantage/disadvantage on debian vs ubuntu?06:57
fryguymudittuli: what happens if you move the file to like xorg.conf.failsafe.BAK06:57
fryguylbs_: ##c06:57
lbs_fryguy:GNU C06:57
fryguysysadmin: different repositories, some mind find one more suitable for a purpose than another06:58
fryguylbs_: ##c06:58
fryguylbs_: (the channel, join it)06:58
oDudafryguy and Bob_Dole and Severian - thank you all ! would be like using windows ? hahahaha06:58
coolkourthow do I increase the size on my partition? I use live cd but i dont know how to increase the space for my main partition06:58
sysadminfryguy, are most of apps available in ubuntu available for debian as well?06:58
bullgard4lbs_: /j #c06:58
fryguysysadmin: yes06:58
pizzledizzleso i guess ubuntu automatically mounts tmpfs automatically (things like varrun, varlock,udev, etc) but is there anyway to tell it how much space to allocate to these mounts?06:58
SeverianoDuda, It would not be quite that bad, but close.  Windows also leaves all sorts of services open and make a lot of apis executable.06:59
Bob_DoleoDuda, pretty much. Only even windows is starting to restrict things a little better than what running as root all the time would be like- just it still has more people out to attack it than linux...06:59
mudittulifryguy: ? nothing it just moves !06:59
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fryguymudittuli: and when you run X11 again?07:00
sysadminfryguy, great. do you know if there are any aspects that I should be aware of before moving from ubuntu to debian?07:00
spektrumlosher: and atm some weird stuff appeared in my "root" folder. Video, music and stuff, just like in home folder. But I guess it's not supposed to be there07:00
fryguysysadmin: a lot less software is installed by default, and a lot less hardware is configred by default07:00
mudittulifryguy sorry07:00
gartralhow can i log the keyboard?07:00
mudittuliit says >> mv: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe': No such file or directory07:00
fryguysysadmin: a lot less stuff "magically works"07:00
sosdiodehi all07:00
fryguymudittuli: you need to run the command as root07:00
losherspektrum: that's probably explained by your running things with sudo....07:01
loshersysadmin: dunno what you'd hope to gain by moving from Ubuntu to debian....07:01
paaafryguy, still :(07:01
sosdiodehi guys got my music on triple j australia have listen download if u like07:01
sysadminfryguy, then I will stick to ubuntu :s. I wanna save myself some work. Now, I was thinking on moving to debian because there is a tutorial on encrypting a usb drive with debian. Is something similar for ubuntu?07:01
sosdiodety for ur time07:02
fryguysysadmin: the procedure should be the same07:02
oDudaSeverian and Bob_Dole - but look... using a computer to my own use... only mine... not important data stored... only to please on running linux... whats the bad ? :-)07:02
fryguytruecrypt is available for both systems, encfs is available for both systems, etc.07:02
sysadminfryguy, ok07:02
spektrumoh, and upon trying to launch some program it said something about dcop server07:02
lbs_what is the best way to return string from function?07:02
Bob_DoleoDuda, having to reinstall if you goof.07:02
oDuda* pleasure...07:02
Bob_DoleBut once upon a time.. I reinstalled every other month, so that was nothing to me.07:03
mudittulifryguy: i am running as root !07:03
fryguyoDuda: having somebody ELSE use your computer without your knowledge07:03
fryguymudittuli: you aren't07:03
losherspektrum: sorry, sounds like you need more help than I can offer....07:03
mudittulithe same >>  mv: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe': No such file or directory07:03
lbs_I pass  one string to sub function and then return a new string from the sub function.07:03
oDudaBob_Dole ok ok... fryguy you are right...07:03
mudittulifryguy: lmao07:03
spektrumlosher: where can i get some? :)07:03
fryguymudittuli: then the file isn't there anymore, what happens when you restart X11?07:03
gartralhow can i log the keyboard?07:04
SeverianoDuda, some distros run everything as root.  Puppy does and one big distro that is gone now.  It can be ok to start that way.  But, nobody I know that stays with Linux runs that way.07:04
mudittulifryguy: u mean restart xserver ?07:04
losherspektrum: right here. Repeat your question about every 30 minutes until someone who knows responds....07:04
fryguymudittuli: yes07:04
mudittulihang on !07:04
Bob_DoleWhen I started I ran Fedora 5 and 6 as root a lot.07:04
fryguygartral: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lkl/07:04
SeverianBob_Dole, And would you do it now?07:05
Bob_DoleSeverian, nope.07:05
coolkourthow do I increase the size on my partition? I use live cd but i dont know how to increase the space for my main partition07:05
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gartralfryguy: lkl is way to buggy for reliable usage..07:05
sysadminanyone knows how to setup a live ubuntu encrypted flashdrive?07:06
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fryguycoolkourt: gparted (the partitioner) is pretty straightforward, what is the actual problem07:06
paulostill having the same problem with alsa-oss and adobe plugin07:06
fryguygartral: so then try a hardware keylogger07:06
SeverianBob_Dole, That is my point.  If he feels a need to do it while starting, I think it is fine.  But, I'd recommend he plan on reinstalling from scratch when 9.10 comes out and run as a regular user.07:06
coolkourtfryguy: well i wanna increase my installations hard drive capacity07:06
paulocant seem to find the file where to set it07:06
shamanixthis may not be the best place to ask, but is there software for linux that does something like http://www.kcsoftwares.com/index.php?ignition or http://bttb.sourceforge.net/ ?07:06
fryguygartral: or contribute some patches to the project to make it better07:06
fryguycoolkourt: it pretty much gives you little bars to drag to size...07:06
Bob_DoleI've only had 1 problem with gparted.. I created an image of ubuntu on a 9.5gb drive, and dd'd it to a 9.3gb drive.. gparted said the whole drive was unallocated as a result, even though it booted fine.07:07
oDudaSeverian i understand you... today i.e.... i installed 3 times ubuntu 9.04 to get dialup connection to internet... using pppd at start and then installing gnome-ppp (that is not running properly) that needs root to call pppd (dependant?)... i thinked in use root all the time to solve the issue...07:07
Severianshamanix, Yes.  But I can't tell you the name.  I have seen such programs.07:07
gartralfryguy: i'de rather do it at kernel level, or possibly through grep or the like07:07
fryguygartral: so then do that07:07
coolkourtfryguy: it doesnt allow me to increase the partition07:08
fryguycoolkourt: is there another partition in the way?07:08
fryguymake that one smaller first07:08
whatvnhow can I reset my theme to default? I cannot change theme to others :(07:08
loshershamanix: I haven't seen anything which 'optimises' dvd space. Blank dvds are so cheap now I wouldn't worry about it...07:08
gartralfryguy: i dont knopw how... i tryed greping /lib/udev/devices/stdin to a file, but that didnt do anything..07:08
JasaYeah, i should get new pack of empty dvds at some point ... using to testing different distros and they should just add some universal network installation cd for every distro out there. -.-07:09
pizzledizzledoes anyone know the name of the manager that automatically mounts all the tmpfs partitions onubuntu so i can google it07:10
fryguypizzledizzle: it's called tmpfs07:10
coolkourtfryguy:it goes extended, ext3 and linux swap, the space i wanna use is 60gigs of unallocated07:11
fryguyso delete the linux swap, make ext3 as big as you want, then recreate linux swap07:11
fryguyor just leave it alone because there's probably no reason to resize the partition07:12
mr_stepcan anyone tell me where gnome stores the samba config info when you use the gui to create a share?  it doesn't seem to be in /etc/samba/smb.conf07:12
JasaAnyone has any problems with watching television on totem-gstreamer or totem-xine ?07:12
fryguymr_step: it's in ~/.gvfs07:12
mr_stepfryguy: thanksyou.07:12
Bob_DoleMy biggest problem is Acronis likes to delete the UUID of the swap partition when it has to be resized...and 256MB of RAM isn't the best system to not be having swap working on. and having ~50 machines isn't fun manually fixing.07:13
pizzledizzlefryguy, i got a bunch of tmpfs partitions reveald by df that are not in  fstab. im wondering how they're created and how i can configure them. i need to know what this process is called so i can research it07:14
oDudaSeverian Bob_Dole - thanks guys !07:14
losherBob_Dole: if you resize a partition, I think the uuid is obliged to change. After all, it's a *unique* identifier, so if the size changes, so must the identifier...07:14
fryguypizzledizzle: you almost certainly don't have to configure them07:14
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Bob_Dolelosher, it doesn't replace it07:14
pizzledizzlefryguy, yeah but i want to know how it works in better detail07:15
fryguypizzledizzle: so then google it, like i told you it's called tmpfs07:15
mudittulifryguy: still it loads the failsafe file !07:15
TannerSguys there was a program that i installed once that gave me extar visual effects in apperance setttings, what was it? and no its not compiz07:15
gartralif UUIDs are "Unique" then why do raids have so much trouble with all the partitions having the same UUID?07:15
fryguymudittuli: delete all Xorg.logs, delete the failsafe xorg.conf file, and then restart X and pastebin both Xorg.logs that appear07:16
fryguyTannerS: ccsm07:16
fryguyTannerS: which is compiz07:16
loshergartral: dunno. There a spec on it somewhere that says what the rules are. I've never read it though....07:16
TannerSno it was not compiz....07:16
fryguyTannerS: it is07:17
TannerSim sure it had a diff name07:17
TannerSjust cant rmemeber what it was'07:17
fryguyTannerS: like i just said, it's ccsm07:17
pizzledizzlefryguy, i know what tmpfs is. i want to know for instance why ubuntu creates a tmpfs partition 249meg in size for varlock07:17
RedSocratesTannerS: Are you just talking about the Visual Effects settings in "Appearance Preferences"?07:17
RedSocratesTannerS: If that's what you're talking about, fryguy is semi-right, although it's not ccsm exactly07:17
SeverianTannerS, compizconfig-settings-manager, which was just referred to as ccsm07:17
TannerSya it was a program that gave an extra setting int here with more options07:17
fryguyTannerS: it's ccsm07:17
RedSocratesTannerS: That's the friendly Ubuntu front end, more or less07:18
RedSocratesTannerS: So it is compiz07:18
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:18
RedSocratesThere you go07:18
RedSocratesThe full-blown ccsm is different, but it's all compiz underneath07:19
bullgard4What does the light blue icon (symbol) of Empathy symbolize?07:19
TannerShmm let me try it out..07:19
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?07:19
whatvnhow can I reset gnome config to default setting?07:21
coolkourthow would i use an unallocated space to increase the size on my primary partition?07:21
fryguycoolkourt: you use gparted07:21
fryguycoolkourt: keep in mind that the unallocated space needs to be contiguous with the partition you are trying to expand07:21
Kiyso, i tried to install gfx card drivers, and now everyhting is garbled. i tried xfix, and it did nothign for me. anyhting else i can do, or should i reinstall?07:23
fryguyKiy: what exactly is wrong07:23
Severianbullgard4, OK, I see what you want to know now.  How about including a pointer to a picture of the icon?07:23
Kiywhen i restarted, everything on the screen is carbled, like right not, its jsut some scattered black/white lines on the bottom of the screen07:24
Kiy*messed up07:24
fryguyKiy: what drivers did you install07:24
coolkourtfryguy: so how would i move the partition to the location where the others are.07:24
Severianfryguy, coolkourt , or you need to have setup your partitions with LVM.  Then, you can add space from available disk space pools.07:24
fryguycoolkourt: like i told you before, while installing, just delete swap and then recreate it after you sized the other partition how you want07:24
Kiyi installed.....ati radeon express 200, from the ati website07:24
wgatoi'm trying to see a shared directory on ubuntu from my xp machine07:25
fryguyKiy: why07:25
TannerSguys I want to resize my windows partition, but gparted or w.e wont let me do anythign but delete07:25
fryguyKiy: ubuntu provides drivers for you, use those unless you have a reason not to07:25
bullgard4Severian: The word 'pointer' has many different meanings. Thus I do not understand what you are advising. Which one do you mean?07:25
mudittulifryguy: here http://pastebin.com/m1cdfaeb807:25
fryguyTannerS: try running ntfsfix first07:25
abhilashi installed amarok on ubuntu Gnome, but its not playing,says audio output bad/not found, is there any different version for GNOME amarok??07:26
TannerSfryguy whats that?07:26
Kiyum, it told me ther there was none of these proprietary drivers in use on my computer07:26
fryguyTannerS: a program07:26
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TannerSfryguy how can i run it?07:26
fryguymudittuli: that's only one, where is the other07:26
Kiyalso, 3d stuff was really slow -.-07:26
Severianbullgard4, I mean find a web page with a good picture of the icon.  Then, post it here so people can look at it.  Most people do not have that program installed.07:27
fryguyTannerS: http://man.linux-ntfs.org/ntfsfix.8.html there's a link to it's manpage07:27
fryguyKiy: it probably told you it wasn't using the proprietary drivers because they don't work with your setup07:27
TannerSand this wont mess up my windows partition07:27
fryguyTannerS: it might07:27
mudittulifryguy, you mean  Xorg.0.log.old ?07:27
whatvncan someone please tell me how can I reset gnome to default setting?07:27
abhilashi installed amarok on ubuntu Gnome, but its not playing,says audio output bad/not found, is there any different version for GNOME amarok??07:27
fryguyTannerS: you should make a backup before doing anything with a partition07:27
Kiyits not that it wouldent use any, its that there were none listed.07:28
fryguywhatvn: delete ~/.gnome, ~/.gnome2 should get you most of the way there07:28
TannerSwhat other partition program can i get for linux07:28
whatvnfryguy: I did, but it doesn't take effect07:28
fryguyKiy: right, because none were available for your hardware configuration07:28
fryguywhatvn: and .gconf and .gconfd07:28
mudittulifryguy, do you mean Xorg.0.log.old ?07:28
fryguymudittuli: yes07:29
fryguymudittuli: i told you it was going to create 2 and to send both07:29
whatvnfryguy: all of theme, but when I log out and login, I cannot chose my theme. it looks like I cannot access to /usr/share/themes directory07:29
mudittulifryguy: here http://pastebin.com/m1cdfaeb8, and the old one here http://pastebin.com/m6cb611d507:30
whatvnfryguy: I mean whatever theme I choose, gnome don't care07:30
fryguymudittuli: you need to mv xorg.conf.failsafe out of the way07:30
TannerShow can i run an install program as root? or admin or w/e07:30
fryguyTannerS: use sudo to run commands as root07:30
mudittulifryguy how to ?07:31
Tyrathziroday: thanks for all the help07:31
fryguymudittuli: use the mv command07:31
TannerSbut idk how to run this program07:31
bullgard4Severian: Your advise was very good. I found http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2007/08/empathy-toolkit-simplifies-instant-messaging-integration.ars and could answer myself the question put. --  Thank you for your advice.07:31
Tyrathziroday: unfortunately i can't find a theme better than the one i have :/07:31
DaZwe neither :<07:31
mudittulifryguy: can this be a problem with my graphics driver ?07:31
Tyrathziroday: and if I change the control it stuffs up the good looking features of the theme I have07:31
abchirkHey, my youtube looks like this, same in other browsers on Jaunty... what is wrong? -> http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2748/youtubeq.jpg07:31
fryguymudittuli: yes07:31
jzahi I want to know how to get the mplayer codec for 3gp videos07:31
mudittulibecause everytime vserver loads the failsafe conf ?07:32
jzaanyone knows?07:32
Tyrathziroday: the only way I'd be able to get it the way I like it if I combined two different themes07:32
fornixI am installing archlinux in vmware. How do i switch to the virtual consoles inside VMware. When I press Ctrl + Alt + F1, the virtual console of the host gets changed.07:32
TannerSfryguy im new to this so idk how to run a program in termnal as root, i know to put sudo bbut how do i put which program?07:32
fryguysudo <programname>07:32
jony123im guessing if a harddrive says cyclic redunacey check taht its not good07:32
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Severianjza, try to play one in Movie Player.   I know you want mplayer, but this is a first step.  I should try to find the codec and let you install it.07:32
dennisjust install xubuntu 9.04 on ps3, was work good then i lose sound. can someone help me07:32
Tyrathanyhow I'll leave you kind people to help those more in need, unless there's someone that has determined a fix to the key stick problem07:33
TannerSi type program name but is getting the frist half of the name KDE abd saying no file07:33
mudittulifryguy: i moved the failsafe conf earlier also !07:33
paulostill need help with adobe flash sound and mozilla firefox07:33
Tyrathbut yeah, I'm sure if there was a fix someone would have posted it up somewhere...07:33
fryguymudittuli: apparently not if it's still using it07:33
Severianfornix, That is a neat question.  I was wondering how to do that in virtualbox, too.07:33
fryguyTannerS: sudo ntfsfix07:33
TannerSwat will that do07:34
jzaSeverian, ok so I guess it comes out of gstreamer07:34
TannerSfryguy I have KDE Partition Manager install on ubutu now how do i run that in terminal cuase its saying its not a file and stuff07:34
fryguyTannerS: have you installed ntfsfix07:34
* brb thinks that dinar should /join #ubuntu-ru07:34
fryguyTannerS: what specifically are you trying to do07:34
mudittulifryguy: thanks !07:35
TannerSKDE Partition Manager requires admin to be able to partition my drives ii need to run it wiht root in termninal07:35
SeverianMovie Player can use gstreamer or xine.  The gstreamer codecs will work, I think.07:35
denniscan u video chat on ps307:35
fryguyTannerS: so then use sudo to run it as root07:35
fornixSeverian: is virtualbox better than vmware?07:36
TannerSfryguy tannersummers@tannersummers-linux:~$ sudo KDE Partition Manager07:36
TannerSsudo: KDE: command not found07:36
fryguyTannerS: that is not the name of the program07:36
fryguyTannerS: you need to find the program that it's running07:36
TannerSthat wat it says in the menu..i told u im new =]07:36
fryguyTannerS: run it again07:36
Severianfornix, They each have advantages.  I like virtualbox-ose because it is open source and does what I need.07:37
fryguythen open up a terminal07:37
fryguyand type ps -ef and look for it there07:37
fr500fornix: better as in free07:37
Severianfornix, vmware is a more mature tool and does some things better.07:37
nomad77TannerS: try sudo qtparted07:37
TannerSnomad77 nope07:37
Kiyokay, i think i know where i messed up with my display drivers..... i installed the wrong ones -.- if i follow instructions to install the right ones, will it overwrite the bad ones?07:38
TannerSholy god ps -ef came with lot of test07:38
fryguyKiy: probably, the drivers you are installing aren't supported by ubuntu, so we have no idea07:38
DaZkiy what drivers07:39
OlivierHello, I unfortunately do not speak good English, so I have my question via google translated. can someone tell me what Wlan Driver Package: linux-backports-modules are available? Madwifi I know, but I believe other drivers are still available. Yours sincerely, Olivier07:39
Kiywell, i installed the ati drivers for my motherboard, not for my ati card.07:39
Kiyi got confused.07:39
darlekKly: the latest install is then the active install so that would be likely07:39
Severianfornix, I do know one thing virtualbox does much better.  It is easy to install guest additions.  That is what lets the virtual machine have better video drivers and mouse integration.  That is difficult to setup in vmware.  At least, it was for me.07:39
mudittulifryguy: but how to move it ?07:40
fryguymudittuli: using the mv command07:40
fryguymv <source> <destination>07:40
darlekKly: if unsure uninstall existing drivers and start fresh with the new driver install07:40
fryguymudittuli: you'll need to run it as root07:40
nomad77TannerS: try sudo partitionmanager then07:41
mudittulifryguy: yes yes, i have attempted that, but it still loads the failsafe conf file !07:41
fryguymudittuli: then you didn't move it07:41
mudittulifryguy: yes I did !07:41
TannerSnomad77 u nailed it thansk man07:41
fryguyls -l /etc/X1107:41
fryguymudittuli: run that07:41
nomad77sure,thank google07:41
Severianfryguy, I believe it will be recreated upon boot, if x.org needs it.07:41
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?07:42
TannerSnomad77 where did u find it cuase i looked on google right before u foudn it07:42
mudittulifryguy: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe.BAK ?07:42
Severianfryguy, That part is mysterious to me, but I have seen it come back.07:42
fryguymudittuli: yes07:42
fryguySeverian: it comes back, but he hasn't shown me a log saying this yet, so i'm forced to assume he's doing it wrong07:42
mudittulinow reboot my machine or the xserver ?07:42
fryguymudittuli: xserver07:43
nomad77TannerS: i checked this,grabbed it looked at the files inside http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/KDE-Partition-Manager-Download-41402.html07:43
Severianfryguy, ok.  That make sense. You are just being careful.07:43
TannerSty man07:43
Bob_DoleOh, fryguy, if you can see this thread on gaia, it shows the bug in flash that keeps zOMG from working http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/games-bugs/zomg-104-connection-time-out-linux-flash-10-analyzed/t.46347053/07:43
Bob_DoleIf I knew how to copy the testing method to perhaps verify, I would :/07:44
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OlivierHello, I unfortunately do not speak good English, so I have my question via google translated. can someone tell me what Wlan Driver Package: linux-backports-modules are available? Madwifi I know, but I believe other drivers are still available. Yours sincerely, Olivier07:47
fw0rdwhere in ubuntu can i find out the current bit depth of the desktop07:47
fryguyfw0rd: xrandr07:47
mudittulifryguy: yes, it still oads the failsafe conf !07:47
fryguymudittuli: so mv the file, delete all of the Xorg.logs, and then restart X and send all xorg.logs07:48
fw0rdfryguy: doesn't seem to list bit depth, just the frequencies07:48
fryguyfw0rd: xdpyinfo07:49
fw0rdhmmm... very verbose output on that one, which shows 'available stuff', how to disambiguate to just what is currently selected07:50
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ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:52
nomad77fw0rd: try this cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep -i depth07:53
OlivierThank you very much, will look this time. Olivier Gruss07:53
fw0rdnomad77: nuthin comes out of that07:54
Severianfw0rd, xdpyinfo | grep "depth of root window"07:54
fw0rdthx all. Severian that was it07:55
SimonXu>Hi! I mistakenly deleted some files in /usr/share, can I use dpkg to repair the packages?07:55
maxagazhow to print only date and name of files in a folder using find and printf ?07:55
DaZSimonXu: you can reinstall07:55
wgatoi can see my ubuntu machine from xp but not the directory i am trying to share. any suggestions?07:56
fryguywgato: /etc/samba/smb.conf add the directory there07:56
SimonXuDaZ: I executed "sudo rm -rf /usr/share" for about 1 second, how do I reinstall all the packages affected?07:56
Tanner_Linuxguys whats the program name to cahnge around the defualt os boot and such?07:57
DaZSimonXu: if you didn't clean the cache you should have them somewhere07:57
wgatowhere in smb.conf should i add it?07:57
SeverianTanner_Linux, gedit07:57
fryguymaxagaz: maxagaz ls -l 'dirname' | awk '{print $7,$8}'07:58
DaZi'm not familiar with ubuntu package managment but it should be simple07:58
SeverianTanner_Linux, specifically,  sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:58
Tanner_Linuxthank u man07:58
Tanner_Linuxseverian can i pm u real fast?07:59
mudittulifryguy: Xorg.0.log > http://pastebin.com/m5cba6c94 , Xorg.0.log.old > http://pastebin.com/m50af1dae07:59
testiHow can I share the internet with my laptop?08:00
fryguymudittuli: there's no other Xorg.log files?08:00
fryguytesti: buy a router is the easiest way08:00
koshari1testi get a switch08:00
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?08:00
fryguyrouters are cheap, and it's not worth the effort to do anything else08:00
mudittulifryguy: nope !08:01
testifryguy no i can't put my mobile phone into the router, therefor this idea is useless.08:01
fryguymudittuli: then i have no idea08:01
hariomcan someone tell me.How to install a wired connection08:01
mudittulifryguy: lol, thanks !08:01
fryguytesti: what does your mobile phone have to do with the initial question?08:01
gnrhi! How can i list all devices that i have?08:01
fryguygnr: lspci08:01
fryguygnr: lshw might be better08:02
bullgard4hariom: Your question is too general. Nobody will give you a full lecture on networking. --  Normally NetworkManager will do that for you.08:02
testifryguy: the follow: a laptop is capable of more functions as a dedicated routing device. The initial question contains "laptop", because it is clear to anyone that it can deal with such stuff as mobile phones.08:02
JackGraytesti: bluetooth tether08:02
jimmyjhHello all, I installed Xubuntu, i mounted my fat32 hd, but i cannot write on the drive08:03
testiJackGray: Bluetooth tether?08:03
fryguytesti: so then set up iptables, install natd, configure ip masquerading in the kernel, and you are good to go08:03
gnrcat /proc/mounts08:04
testifryguy: that sounds better. i required exactly that checklist :) Thanks08:04
fryguytesti: there's other stuff too, i glossed over the details08:04
testifryguy: Oh.. yeah i think i require the details08:05
fryguytesti: first google result here: http://www.stanford.edu/~fenn/linux/08:05
jimmyjhgnr, /dev/sda5 /mnt/fat32 vfat rw,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 008:05
Tanner_Linuxso i ahve ubuntu 9..04 and im hearing aobvut this KDE, whats the diff and how can i get it and if i do will my ubutu get jacked up?08:06
fryguytesti: another useful link here (for different distro though so maybe not as helpful) http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml08:06
gnrjimmy it's rw08:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about installkde08:06
fryguy!kde | Tanner_Linux08:06
ubottuTanner_Linux: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:06
eternaljoywhat are the main differences between 9/04 and 8,04?08:06
jimmyjhgnr, but it still wont write :(08:06
Tanner_Linuxis it bad?08:06
testiBut I wonder if there is a tool that collects all this configuration into one tool. dhcpd, routing etc.08:06
koshari1eternaljoy: kernel08:06
jimmyjhgnr, reboot needed for changes to take effect?08:07
fryguyeternaljoy: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes08:07
planemadi have an external hdd partitioned into two. im trying to get the second half to be a live usb install. followed instructions from here http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/ but its still not bootable08:07
gnrjimmy: no need for reboot08:07
xxubuntuhow do you open a .deb file in xubuntu?08:07
fryguyxxubuntu: use dpkg08:07
xxubuntufryguy, how do you do that?08:07
jimmyjhgnr, didnt think so, but it acts read only08:07
Severiantesti,  take an old PC and set it up with IPCOP.  That is a very good router/firewall.  Buch better than any consumer grade router.08:07
gnrjimmy #touch /mnt/fat32/deleteme.txt ehat's error?08:07
fryguyxxubuntu: dpkg is a command, read it's manpage, basically 'dpkg -i blah.deb'08:08
jimmyjhgnr, lemme see08:08
eternaljoythanks fryguy + koshari108:08
xxubuntuwhat does the -i stand for?08:08
fryguyxxubuntu: install08:08
gnrjimmy: #mount -o remount,rw /mnt/fat3208:08
Tanner_Linuxhow can ia ccess sessions?08:09
Severiantesti, IPCOP is easy to setup and does not need much of a machine.  The machine does need at least to network interfaces.08:09
xxubuntuhow do you register a nick08:09
fryguyTanner_Linux: it's the dropdown in gdm when you first log in08:09
fryguyxxubuntu: /msg nickserv help08:09
testiSeverian: I have such a setting at home and it really consumed much of time to set it up and yes the quality of that router is much better than the average router provides, but now i just want to share my mobile phones internet to other computers that i can connect to the laptop (all mobile)08:09
jimmyjhtext file is empty08:09
jimmyjhgnr, no error text file is empty08:10
gnrjimmy: means you can write to it08:10
testiIPCop, okay08:10
fryguytesti: so set up your mobile phone internet, and change that to be the default route, and nat will use that instead of your other connection08:10
jimmyjhgnr, gonna try again :) thanks gnr08:10
gnrjimmy: touch is to change timestamp, but it will create empty file if didn't exists08:11
Severiantesti, OK.  It is possible in Linux to do that.  The Mac does it easily.  I'll see if I can find you something for Ubuntu.08:11
testiah yes. IPCop is a whole distribution :)08:11
jimmyjhgnr, ah i see, i learn something new all the time08:11
Tanner_Linuxi installed kde desktop, now what? reboot?08:12
fryguyTanner_Linux: restart X08:12
oDudaheya all !08:12
coolkourtwhats the command to repair broken programs and clean up ubuntu?08:12
wildc4rdwill Ubuntu recognise and mount hotswapped sATA HDD's?08:12
jimmyjhgnr, still acting as if its read only...  puzzled08:12
fryguycoolkourt: what program is broken08:12
fryguywildc4rd: yes08:12
Severiantesti, Yes, it is a small distro.  It has just what you need and no more.  There are a couple other similar router distos, but I like IPCOP the best so far.08:12
gnrjimmy: what makes you think like that?08:12
coolkourtfryguy: after i grew the partition firefox and prism apps dont work, luckily xchat did08:13
Tanner_Linuxfreguy not doing anyhting08:13
oDudaintel 865g video onboard and ubuntu 9.04 having bad performance08:13
fryguyTanner_Linux: when you restart X, there is a session dropdown, change that to KDE08:13
jimmyjhgnr, this is how i mounted the drive ....  "sudo mkdir /mnt/fat32      then    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/fat3208:13
aleron6does anybody heah know what driver i need to download to get my webcam working08:13
jimmyjhgnr, because i cannot remove files nor add files to the fat3208:14
sanguisdexwhere can I get an 8.10 ISO?08:14
gnrjimmy: just now you did manage to create a file without error...08:14
jimmyjhgnr, yes but for example... open the directory and try to add a file or remove one will not let me,,,, for example rightclicking a folder or file is shaded out08:15
gnrjimmy: the output of /proc/mounts shows it's RW08:15
gnrjimmy: you a running as a normal user08:15
jimmyjhgnr, it did create the deleteme.txt into the drive though08:15
* akia shimmies08:15
SimonXuHi! I mistakenly removed many files in /usr/share, is there a way to recover?08:16
akiahi nerdz08:16
jimmyjhgnr, ah i would have to access drive as super user?08:16
fryguyjimmyjh: or mount with a uid and/or gid parameter08:16
gnrjimmy: try #gksu nautilus08:16
Severiantesti, Look at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing08:16
jimmyjhgnr, i guess i could chmod it08:16
jimmyjhgnr, i have xfce :P08:16
fryguyjimmyjh: np08:16
jimmyjhgnr, thunar?08:17
xxubuntuwth. i clicked "open containing folder" in xubuntu and it's saying "This link needs to be opened with an application. Send to:" what do i choose?08:17
gnrjimmy: what fryguy says is correct or try $gksu nautilus08:17
akia1334 nerdz yay!08:17
gnrjimmy: oo yes whatever the file manager is08:17
jimmyjhfryguy, thanks ,, but i never done that before lol08:18
usicowhow do I suspend my laptop remotely from a ssh session?08:18
aleron6any links to webcam drivers08:18
Severiantesti,  or even easier might be http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html08:18
jimmyjhgnr, worked thanks i guess i am not use to xubuntu, only use ubuntu 99% of the time08:18
mobi-sheepWhat's the command to transfer files via the terminal (via ssh)?08:19
Severianxxubuntu, look for thunar.  I think that is what xubuntu includes for a file browser.08:19
Severianmobi-sheep,   scp08:19
jimmyjhgnr, fryguy, thanks very much08:20
fryguymobi-sheep: scp, or sftp, curl and wget have sftp bindings, sshfs is used for mounting a fuse filesystem via sftp, there's also rsync and related utilities08:20
mobi-sheepfryguy: In your opinion, which command is easier to work with when transferring files using terminal alone?08:21
fryguydepends on what i'm transferring08:21
dstaleyMy mouse is REALLY slow on my MacBook, even though the sensitivity settings are all the way up. How do I fix this?08:23
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?08:24
Severiandstaley,  Swap the Macbook for a Thinkpad08:24
xxubuntuhow do i get my multimedia buttons to work in xubuntu?08:24
tannersummers_guys i added the wrong thing, my ubuntu now says edubuntu when booting up08:24
tannersummers_hoiw can i remove it08:24
Severianxxubuntu, try them.  They often work out of the box.08:24
fryguytannersummers_: use usplash08:24
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork08:25
xxubuntuSeverian, they are not working08:25
dstaleySeverian: Unfortunately, my Thinkpad doesn't run OS X. If it did, I'd swap the MacBook for it in a heartbeat.08:25
tannersummers_fryguy: I install this program called edubuntu i thought will help me learn but instead even after i removed the program it shwos edubuntu as the background when i log in with my username and passord08:26
fryguytannersummers_: while you are logging in, or after you log in08:26
lstarnestannersummers_: try reinstalling ubuntu-desktop08:26
tannersummers_the screen that ask u to type in username and pass08:27
tannersummers_i dotn wanna jack u all the work i did into setting up my unbutu08:27
=== DodgerDog^Out is now known as DodgerDog
fryguytannersummers_: running gdmsetup as root08:27
fryguyand change it08:27
Severianxxubuntu, have you tried the hotkeys package?08:27
xxubuntuwhere can i get that Severian ?08:27
rootvirusxubuntu rocks!08:27
Severianxxubuntu, Synaptic.  Just like most packages on xubuntu.08:28
tannersummers_thansk fryguy while im talking to u, anyway to make my account an admin/root?08:28
fryguytannersummers_: if you can sudo, then it is08:29
lstarnestannersummers_: you don't need to be root.  sudo usually works well enough08:29
deviushello, i have a problem with my webcaam, the picture is always black and white08:29
tannersummers_fryguy i mean everything as root so i dont have this problem of guessing a programs name to sudo it agian08:29
fryguytannersummers_: no08:29
Severiantannersummers_, Ubuntu does not use root, typically.  Any user can normally doe root type things, but you have to do it through sudo.08:30
lstarnestannersummers_: often you can look in the menu editor to see which executable name a program uses08:30
gnrtannersummers: #sudo vipw08:30
lstarnesgnr: don't recommend that08:30
lstarnesthere's a big chance doing that could screw things up badly08:30
fryguylstarnes: lol, no08:30
gnrlstarners:giving the man what he wants08:30
tannersummers_brb guys08:31
gnrtannersummers: try $sudo -s08:31
lstarnesgnr: sudo -i tends to handle the environment better than -s08:31
pauloany can help set up sound of adobe flash player in ubuntu08:31
mobi-sheepfryguy: Is there something where I can send/receive files without using <username>@<ip> because when I logged in using ssh, I'd have to log out to use scp to transfer files, then log in to use ssh?08:32
pauloby the way i have 2 sound card 1 got busted so i used a pci lan card08:32
fryguymobi-sheep: just set up publickey authenticatin08:32
fryguymobi-sheep: then you don't have to type your password08:32
gnrlstarnes: sudo -i writes the bash history as root08:33
lstarnesgnr: but it uses root's environment, not the user's environment08:33
deviushello, i have a problem with my webcaam, the picture is always black and white08:33
fryguylstarnes: which is almost certainly what you want08:33
Severianmobi-sheep, Open a second terminal prompt and do the scp there.08:33
Broken_hello all dose anyone know a good program to use to convert an ISO to a IMG?08:33
pooky_I know this might sound stupid08:34
gnrlstarners: echo $PATH is the same.. it appends the same path.. and appends the same history with your user.. it's easy to track back a common history08:34
xxubuntuSeverian, i tried hotkeys. didnt work08:34
pooky_but I have problems dowloading AIM and Skype...08:34
fryguyBroken_: j/c, why08:34
officeBroken_, acetoneiso208:34
gnrlstarnes: anyways. that's the beauty of choices ain't it?08:35
mobi-sheepfryguy, Severian: Lol. Nice.  I like the passwordless ssh. :>08:35
Severianxxubuntu, The only other thing I have seen is to do it through lirc setup.  I don't know an easy setup guide for that, but it should work,08:35
tannersummersis there a program to chance options of the grub bootloader? i had one before, a program for that that is08:35
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?08:35
xxubuntuSeverian, what's that?08:36
jimmyjhPooky, for aim i recommend using Pidgin, for Skype goto the home page08:36
deviushello, i have a problem with my webcaam, the picture is always black and white08:36
Broken_I've made an iso of my backup windows and need to put it on a flash drive for my netbook....they give a cd when there's no cdrom...I was going to use imagewriter to put it on usb drive08:37
Severianxxubuntu, lirc is the linux infrared control program.  People use it to let a remote control drive various feature.  It can also be set to accept keyboard commands from special keys.08:37
tannersummerswhats this beryl?08:38
pooky_jimmyjh, then where's the setting for a webcam call???08:38
xxubuntuis it a synaptic package, Severian ?08:38
jimmyjhtannersummers, beryl is now known as Compiz08:38
tannersummersnvm then08:38
Severiantannersummers, beryl is no more.  It was incorporated into compiz.08:38
deviusagh...this place sucks08:38
tannersummershow do i cahnge the cursor08:38
Broken_on acidtone it looks like it only goes from img to iso.....unless I'm missing something08:38
jimmyjhPooky, in skype? it has options for voice and cam08:38
gnrdevius:attitude man...08:39
pooky_Jimmyjh I meant Pidgin.08:39
Severianxxubuntu, it is a package in synaptic, but that is only the first part of the setup.  It is not easy and you'll have to google for the info.08:39
lstarnesgnr: check your quit notices.  he left the channel08:39
jimmyjhPooky, as for aim on pidgin, there is no cam for it  yet, but they are working on it08:39
gnrlstarnes: :) it's for others08:40
Broken_sorry acetone08:40
SeverianPooky, ekiga supports video calls.08:40
pooky_Jimmyjh, thanks I'll watch out for the updates then.08:40
jimmyjhPooky, yes ekiga is also good08:40
jimmyjhPooky, its more like skype08:40
tannersummershow can i get my desktop to have a floating dock like as in a mac08:40
pooky_Ekiga,...I had that on my old laptop..I find it hard to use surprisingly08:40
TrentorIs there a way to play wmap sound in linux?08:41
jimmyjhPooky, its not so hard once you get the hang of it,,,08:41
gnrlstarnes:it's been almost 5 years since my last irc chat..08:41
Severianpooky_ ekiga has much improved in the last year or two.  Two yaers ago, I could barely make it work.  It does a pretty good job now.08:42
Trentorskype > ekiga08:42
fryguySeverian: that's what us developers do, we make things better08:42
SeverianTrentor, I hope not.08:42
Trentorwell its true08:42
pooky_Jimmyjh, Well,...I'll try it out then...and see what happens this time ;P08:43
* fryguy starts recompiling code for system update08:43
Severianfryguy, are you an ekiga developer, or was that a general developer comment?08:43
fryguySeverian: general dev comment08:43
jimmyjhPooky, ok good luck, if your using ubuntu should be already on08:43
pooky_Severian, Hmmm I updated my Ekiga 6 months ago...and I still thought of it badly.08:43
SeverianTrentor, I meant I hope protected wma files would not play in Linux.08:43
pooky_Jimmyjh, I'm using xubuntu and it's not on so i guess I'm at the old downloading question...08:44
TrentorEh, well I wish they did, even if they are protected08:44
jimmyjhPooky, "sudo apt-get ekiga" easy as that08:44
xxubuntuSeverian, can i have ur email addy?08:45
jimmyjhPooky, sudo apt-get install ekiga" :P08:45
pooky_Butt don't you need to get the packages?08:45
Trentorthats what apt-get does08:45
Severianxxubuntu, lets go to a PM, first.08:45
jimmyjhPooky, pakage manager takes care of that08:45
MiVohi everyone, how do I activate S-video in 9.04 ? In 8.10 and earlier versions it worked without problems, but in 9.04 not anymore08:45
=== Tanner_Linux is now known as Tannersummers
pooky_Well,..I didn't know migrating from MAC to Linux was that hard...08:46
Tannersummersguys how can i have a floating dock just like a mac does?08:46
fryguyTannersummers: try awndock08:46
pooky_Well ill go download it now..I'l be be right back08:46
Tannersummerswhere do i get it08:47
jimmyjhPooky, ok good luck08:47
pooky_to log in root it's "sudo -s"?08:47
jimmyjhTannersummers, there are a few  Avant and Cario to name a few08:47
fryguyTannersummers: apt-get install avant-window-navigator08:47
lstarnespooky_: sudo -i, and you usually do not need to log in as root08:47
insmodhow do I get gstreamer to use /dev/audio1 not /dev/audio008:47
jimmyjhPooky, na,, just goto terminal type this in "sudo apt-get install ekiga"08:47
Tannersummersty all who helped me08:49
pooky_Jimmyjh, it's says this "E: Couldn't find package Ekiga"08:49
fryguyinsmod: gnome-sound-properties08:49
jimmyjhPooky, lower case e08:49
lstarnespooky_: don't capitalise ekiga in that command08:49
insmodhow do I get gstreamer to use /dev/audio1 not /dev/audio008:49
jimmyjhPooky, its case sensative08:49
pooky_Jimmyjh, Ok thanks,...like i said it's going to be hard to migrate from mac to linux...08:50
themadI have a problem with xubuntu 9.04. The mouse is invisible! I can move it, click, open applications with it, but I don't accually see mouse pointer, so I don't know where it is.08:50
Tannersummersfryguy now that i installed it now waht?08:50
fryguyTannersummers: run it08:50
jimmyjhPooky, its worth the move if you ask me,,, it always gets better08:50
Tannersummerswell i eman what does it go under as in the prefecrence?08:50
fryguyTannersummers: none08:50
fryguyTannersummers: it's an application, run it08:50
Tannersummersi mena how where do i find it to run it lol08:51
Tannersummersah nvm08:51
fryguyalt-f2, avant-window-navigator <enter>08:51
pooky_Jimmyjh, Well learning with commands and , things like that make it easier...but it's hard at first to rmeeber everything...08:51
themadis there anyone that could me? :)08:51
fryguyTannersummers: might be worthwhile to take some time to actually try things yourself instead of just asking to have your hand held through every little step08:51
Tannersummersiv been trying i just so lost at this OS sometimes u know08:52
fryguyTannersummers: no, i don't know08:52
Tannersummersthank u for all ur help fryguy08:52
jimmyjhPooky, its not so hard basic commands you need to learn to install and remove programs are "sudo apt-get install "program" and sudo apt-get remove "program"08:53
pooky_Jimmyjh, I was talking to a friend that works GNU but he talked about "apt-get cache |grep"08:54
fryguypooky_: what about it08:54
fryguypooky_: he was probably talking about apt-cache, not apt-get cache, since that doesn't exist08:55
pooky_fryguy: Stupid question , what do i use that command for?08:55
fryguypooky_: apt-cache lets you query your available packages, the 2 most common commands are search and show08:55
fryguypiping through grep will only show lines of output that match a given regex08:55
fryguyrather than the entire output08:56
jimmyjhPooky, that is useful when searching08:56
sup3rs3niorwoah.. 1337 users? thats pretty cool..08:57
pooky_so for example...if I wanted to search for java sun i would put08:57
fryguypooky_: apt-cache search java08:57
pooky_Hmmm Thanks ^^08:57
mikichanserv..come posso fare per settare o andare nel canale italiano? grazie08:57
sup3rs3nioranyone pretty good with ubuntu server?08:57
sysadminanyone knows how to connect to a wireless network from command prompt?08:58
fryguy!ask | sup3rs3nior08:58
ubottusup3rs3nior: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:58
fryguysysadmin: iwconfig08:58
sysadminfryguy, yes, but how do I specify the network name?08:58
fryguysysadmin: the ssid?08:58
kerebrus__sup3rss3nior: not an expert but what you need?08:59
sup3rs3niorI just installed Ubuntu Server. I can access it (apache) on my local network, but not from the outside internet.08:59
fryguysysadmin: it's essid (unless you are referring to the hardware bssid)08:59
pooky_JImmyjh I've just downloaded ekiga , how do i open it?08:59
fryguysup3rs3nior: are you behind a router?08:59
sup3rs3niorAlready fwd port 8008:59
sysadminfryguy, ok, got it, and the password in hex?08:59
jimmyjhPooky, you installed it yes?08:59
fryguysup3rs3nior: are you sure port 80 isn't blocked by your isp?08:59
fryguysysadmin: i think so, read the manpage08:59
pooky_JImmyjh, Yes I have.08:59
sup3rs3niorYeah because ive been using it before i switched to linux..08:59
fryguysysadmin: if you are using wpa you'll need wpa-supplicant08:59
fryguysup3rs3nior: what IPs is apache bound to?09:00
jimmyjhPooky, well many ways in terminal type ekiga09:00
sup3rs3niorshould be 80 right?09:00
jimmyjhPooky, or in applicationsre in internet apps it should be in the09:00
fryguysup3rs3nior: IPs, not port09:00
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest59804
sup3rs3niorIm not folowing..09:00
Rigongiamiki : che client stai usando ?09:01
fryguysup3rs3nior: is apache listening on, or is it listening on a specific IP? or is it listening on a specific set of IPs?09:01
pooky_Thanks Jimmyjh,...Now it says I have to configure my network settings...I think i can do that09:01
jimmyjhPooky, also neat way to open applications quickly is to "ALT+F2" and type the program in09:01
pooky_alt+fé I'll keep that in mind09:01
sup3rs3niorIs that listed in a config file of some sort?09:01
fryguysup3rs3nior: yep09:01
fryguyin /etc/apache2 i think09:01
lstarnessup3rs3nior: either that or ports.conf09:02
bonez46help.. I need to upgrade my bios.. on my MSI mobo.. K9VGM-V.. anyone know how to do this?09:02
sup3rs3niorive been looking through apache2.conf, I just dont know what im looking for..09:02
fryguysup3rs3nior: "Listen"09:02
lstarnessup3rs3nior: the Listen directive09:03
Slartbonez46: probably the people as MSI.. that's where I would start looking09:03
sup3rs3niordoes nano have a search function?09:03
gnrbonez: you can try coreboot linux bois09:03
^Cubyup ahh09:03
maxagazcan someone suggest me a good and cheap SIP phone brandt ?09:03
^Cubi need help09:03
fryguysup3rs3nior: grep -ri Listen /etc/apache209:03
fryguy!ask | ^Cub09:04
ubottu^Cub: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:04
Slart!ot | maxagaz09:04
ubottumaxagaz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:04
gnrbonez: #flashrom will check you current bios chip. You can even save the current bios and flash a new one09:04
bonez46people at MSI ? they are in Korea.. or Japan..09:04
flyankurhey all , I am using ubuntu 8.04.2 , i have 2 problems 1. When i updates my kernel to 2.6.24-24 from 2.6.24-23 .but in 24-24 there is a resolution problem, display is of maximum 800*600 resolution. but in 24-23 it wokrs fine.  what could be the problem09:04
pooky_Ok! Ekiga is running..now to use it...09:05
Slartbonez46: well.. I'm in sweden.. where are you?09:05
lstarnessup3rs3nior: or in nano use ctrl+W09:05
sup3rs3niorports.conf.. one line says "listen 80" which makes sense..09:05
bonez46Slart: I am in utah, in USA09:05
fryguyflyankur: sudo apt-get update && upgrade, and make sure there are no packages being left back09:05
sup3rs3nioranother line says listen 44309:05
bonez46gnr: WHAT IS #flashrom.. not a channel here on IRC.. right/09:05
^Cubim trying to install ubuntu on my eeepc. i have extracted eveything on to a portable hdd but when i reboot it comes up with some busybox v1.2 console. this is my 1st time even using linux. i dont know what to do from here09:05
flyankurfryguy: Thanks !! ill do this09:05
gnrbonez: read my next msg... it's a command09:06
sup3rs3niorIs there a default setting on ubuntu server that blocks "out of network" http requests?09:06
fryguysup3rs3nior: no09:06
flyankurfryguy:  Second problem, When ubuntu starts, startup sounds comes properly, skyope works properly, but when i run any video  or any audio file, sound doesnt come, i have installed all codecs, but this problem aslo has the same solution ?09:06
fryguysup3rs3nior: are you sure the port is forwarded correctly? to the right ip etc?09:06
pooky_Jimmyjh, another question...okay, I love music so I'm on this website called playlist.com, you can create your own playlist bla blabla and now that I'm linux why can't I play the music?09:06
Slartbonez46: if only there was a way of communicating with people from around the world.. it would be great.. we could create a mesh of connections.. perhaps use some kind of electronic signals.. we could call it.. the intermesh.. wait.. no that doesn't sound right..09:07
fryguyflyankur: no09:07
pooky_I have Flash I have java I have...what i need09:07
gnrbonez: is a flashing bios tool for linux... any type of bios actually (with support) and as well as coreboot bios (linux OSS bios)09:07
sysadminfryguy, when i set the essid, how can I set the password?09:07
fryguysysadmin: no idea09:07
Rigongia^Cub : what is it that you have extracted to the portable hdd ?09:07
sup3rs3nioryeah,, just as though i were accessing it locally.09:07
flyankurfryguy: what could be theproblem09:07
fryguyflyankur: misconfigured sound card driver09:07
fryguyflyankur: try going to gnome-sound-properties and setting things not autodetect09:08
bullgard4gnome-sound-recorder reports: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." (I did use Teamspeak2.) Where are the 'Multimedia settings' to be found?09:08
flyankurfryguy: but i used Add/remove facilty for installing.. how should i correct it09:08
livingdaylightare there still regular classes on #ubuntu-classes or somewhere?09:08
sup3rs3niorwhen i forward it to my windows server on port 80 (to xampp) it works fine.09:08
fryguybullgard4: gnome-sound-properties09:08
^CubRigongia: easy-peasy-1.1.iso09:08
Slartbonez46: /away09:09
flyankurfryguy: Ok ! thanks :)09:09
jimmyjhPooky, good way to get all the codecs you may need sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras"09:09
Rigongia^Cub : so ... what do you mean by "extracted" ?09:09
bonez46gnr: ok, found and installed flashrom. when I run it, it can't find a chipset09:10
pooky_JImmyjh, but...I only need Flash to use  my playlist... I'll still give it a try though09:10
^CubRigongia: i was told to use UNetbootin-Ubuntu Eee to put the .iso onto the portable HDD so it can boot from it09:10
^Cubcan i post links in here?09:10
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fryguysup3rs3nior: what is the output of ifconfig -a09:11
livingdaylighthola, puede dirme si tienes classes de Ubuntu en el canal #ubuntu-classes09:11
sup3rs3niorfor eth0?09:11
fryguysup3rs3nior: the entire output09:11
bullgard4fryguy: Calling gnome-sound-properties I cannot detect an item 'Multimedia settings'. Can you?09:12
fryguybullgard4: i don't have gnome-sound-properties so i wouldn't know09:12
sup3rs3niorvery long.......09:12
gnrbonez46: you have to check on http://www.coreboot.org/Flashrom#Supported_chips for specific chips09:12
greatohello! I want to make a ddos program09:12
fryguysup3rs3nior: that is what pastebins are for09:12
greatohow to do that09:12
bullgard4fryguy: I see.09:12
sup3rs3nioroh right!09:12
fryguygreato: it's called ping09:12
fryguygreato: go have a bunch of machines do it at once09:12
greatofryguy: I have 6 machines09:13
fryguygreato: anything more detailed is outside of the scope of this channel09:13
greatofryguy: I have 6 machines with 3 internet connection09:13
sup3rs3niorso, where are these paste bins?09:13
fryguysup3rs3nior: pastebin.com09:13
lstarnessup3rs3nior: paste.ubuntu.com09:13
livingdaylightcan i ask a question?09:13
fryguy!ask | livingdaylight09:13
ubottulivingdaylight: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:13
livingdaylightfryguy: lol, you're fast09:13
Rigongialivingdaylight : we are here for that reason  !:)09:13
livingdaylight are there still regular classes on #ubuntu-classes or somewhere?09:14
flyankurfryguy: They are set to auto detect, i should change it to ... conexent digital , conexent analog, AlSA, OSS  , Pulse Audio Driver ( lspci | grep audio showed "Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)" )09:14
livingdaylightRigongia: you are de bestest09:14
fryguyflyankur: there's a test button next to it for a reason09:14
livingdaylightwhere do i find out about these?09:14
gnrbonez46: #flashrom --list-supported09:14
sup3rs3nioris there a way i can rout the output of ipconfig to a file?09:14
fryguysup3rs3nior: ifconfig > file09:14
Rigongia^Cub : at what step of the guide are you stuck ?09:15
flyankurfryguy:  oops :D09:15
lstarnessup3rs3nior: or ipconfig >> file if you don't want to completely overwrite09:15
Severiansup3rs3nior, just like most commands at the terminal prompt.  Remember that meme and use it often.09:15
fryguylstarnes: depending on the shell you are using (while we are being pedantic)09:15
^CubRigongia: after i rebooted to install Ubuntu, it comes up with BusyBox, how do i get past that?09:15
unhackmeehey can anyone tell me whether there is a task manage equivilent for ubuntu09:16
bonez46gnr: I checked the listing and my board is not yet supported..09:16
fryguyunhackmee: ps, top, htop should give you everything you need09:16
Rigongia^Cub : does it give any error message before going to busybox ?09:16
lstarnesunhackmee: system > administration > system monitor09:16
unhackmeethanks fryguy09:16
Severianunhackmee, type at the terminal prompt     ps aux09:16
^CubRigongia: No09:16
fryguySeverian: you should recomend ef as paraemeters instead of aux09:16
gnrbonez46: that's the only native bios utility in linux... else you have to use freedos/windows utility09:17
Severianfryguy, I am not argueing against your suggestion.  I just want to know why.  Does aux pose some threat?09:17
Rigongia^Cub : just to make sure ... you hit esc to ensure that the eee-pc booted off the usb portable hdd, right ?09:18
^Cub@ Rigongia09:18
fryguySeverian: ef is POSIX compliant, aux is not.  knowing ef becomes handy if you ever decide to use other *nix systems09:18
bonez46gnr: that's the thing.. I think I found the specific windows bios files.. for my mobo.. but I run ubuntu and thus.. can't run . I guess I need to boot up win xp somehow and then run it?09:18
sup3rs3niorDid i do that right?09:18
fryguySeverian: actually used it to catch a hacker once at a previous company i worked at09:18
Severianfryguy, OK.  That is a good reason.  Thanks.09:18
themadI have a problem with xubuntu 9.04. The mouse is invisible! I can move it, click, open applications with it, but I don't accually see mouse pointer, so I don't know where it is.09:19
themadI hope, that someone can help.09:19
fryguysup3rs3nior: and netstat -l?09:19
Rigongia^Cub : i'm sorry but at the moment i can't think of anything that could cause your problem. If anything comes into my mind i'm gonna let you know09:19
gartralthemad: try switching your pointer graphics09:19
gnrbonez46: you can try windows bart pe live cd or any freedos utility from ubcd09:19
ycmarvinhello im trying to install ubuntu now, on the partition part, how many should i allocate for the EFI boot09:19
themadgartral: i tried to, but there is no change.09:19
fryguyycmarvin: is there a default09:20
bonez46gnr. thanks..09:20
gartralthemad: on all desktop managers?09:20
^CubRigongia: thanks, i'll keep trying at it. If you think of something either highlight me with the message or send me a memo09:20
ubuntusorry for quit/rejoin09:21
themadgartral: on gnome it works fine, but on gnome i have resolution problem ;) beside xfce is better for my celeron 1.6M ;)09:21
Rigongia^Cub : i see that the guide says it's for eeepc-900 ... do you have another eeepc ? or maybe (just guessing) you downloaded the wrong iso file ?09:21
ycmarvinfryguy: no, did not see one. I'm doing this dual boot, my hd is 80GB half for XP, 250MB on swap09:21
q0_0panyone here can help me getting gforce mx420 working?09:21
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Rigongiaq0_op : please explain better what your problem is09:21
Rigongiahi cryingtux :)09:22
q0_0pi installed drivers from nvidia site and it only lets me run in low graphics mode09:22
cryingtuxhow do i cancel pending jobs in an hp printer?09:22
cryingtuxi cant locate them09:22
^CubRigongia: i have the eeepc 900A09:22
gartralthemad: i ve a 1.7 celeron, and i run nome+compiz with ALL the bells and whisles, and see at most 20% proc usage09:22
fryguysup3rs3nior: what is the IP of the windows machine?09:22
Rigongia^Cub : and the exact name of the iso file you downloaded is ... ?09:22
q0_0pon top of that my mouse seems to lag09:23
sup3rs3nioron my local network i set it to be but perhaps the router disagrees?09:23
^CubEasyPeasy-1.1.iso @ Rigongia09:23
fryguysup3rs3nior: ... you have 2 machines with the same IP at the same time?09:23
themadgartral: but i prefer XFCE. do you know how can i make it work?09:23
sup3rs3niorset as in when i configured the server..09:23
gartralthemad: anyway, it sounds like xfce is missing some packages09:23
cryingtuxim looking for the web interface to cancel those jobs09:23
q0_0pim downloading envyng; just hoping it works09:23
Rigongiacryingtux : you have at least two choices ... easiest (in my opinion) is to open your browser at the address http://localhost:631 and cancel them from there09:23
sup3rs3niori shouldnt, that was the ip of the box before i installed linux but none of my linux boxes show up in the routers list..09:24
themadgartral: on #xfce channel i was told that its xorg fault09:24
gartralthemad: not entirly sure, i dont use XFCE, it takes too much ram09:24
pooky_Ok! it works!09:24
gartralthemad: try E16 :)09:24
pooky_Thank you to, Jimmyjh! Fryguy, and Servian!09:24
cryingtuxRigongia: thanks, i was looking for that09:24
fryguysup3rs3nior: can the linux machine reach the internet?09:24
Rigongia^Cub : have you got a cd-rw at hand, so you can try to burn the cd and boot from there instead of the portable hdd ?09:25
sup3rs3niorwhat is a good way of checking if it can reach the internet?09:25
sup3rs3niorwget maybe?09:25
fryguysup3rs3nior: ping google.com09:25
jimmyjhno problem Pooky09:25
jimmyjhPooky, you got ekiga?09:25
sup3rs3niorUNKNOWN wow i see now..09:25
jimmyjhyou can add me ifyou like "jimmyjh"09:25
fryguysup3rs3nior: did you define a gateway?09:26
^CubRigongia: i would.. but EeePc's don't have a CD Drive :/09:26
sup3rs3niori attempted to.. but i think i did it wrong..09:26
fryguysup3rs3nior: /etc/network/interfaces09:26
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whatvn^Cub: boot from a usb09:26
fryguysup3rs3nior: it should be set to unless you have a strange network topology09:26
^CubRigongia: I'll see what I can find. brb09:27
Rigongiawhatvn : cub's trying to boot from a usb hdd, but ubuntu goes into busybox09:27
elfgohAny idea how to see which apache modules are loaded for Ubuntu apache server? No php installed09:27
sup3rs3nioraccidentally had it as - do i need to restart it now?09:27
cryingtuxRigongia: do we have kde 4.2.3 now in repos?09:27
Rigongiacryingtux : let me check09:28
fryguyelfgoh:  apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES09:28
sup3rs3niorshould i restart the whole system or can i just restart the network services?09:29
cryingtuxi have fully updated system and i still see kde 4.2.209:29
elfgohfryguy: bash: apachectl: command not found09:29
gnrfryguy: apache2ctl09:29
fryguysup3rs3nior: you can just restart networking09:29
fryguysup3rs3nior: you almost never have to restart the machine09:29
sup3rs3niorwith ifconfig?09:29
fryguysup3rs3nior: or /etc/init.d/networking09:29
gnrelfgoh: fryguy means .... #apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_MODULES09:29
elfgohgnr: cool thanks.09:30
* fryguy wonders why ubuntu renamed the command09:30
gnrfryguy: lol09:30
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q0_0pthe tab button is the best command09:30
q0_0pspamming the tab button yes09:31
sup3rs3niorWE HAVE PACKETS! fryguy I have a newfound respect for you.09:31
gnrfryguy: they'll say .. ask the freaking guy at apache group09:31
fryguysup3rs3nior: lol09:31
v4vijayakumaranybody here from India, using bsnl / evdo wireless device for their internet connection ?09:31
JasaHey, what would be good program to watch satellite, if totem-xine segfaults, myth not too shabby to configure and kaffeine needs kde libs i don't want to install ... what good programs left ?09:31
Rigongiacryingtux : on http://packages.ubuntu.com i still see kde 4.2.209:31
fryguyJasa: vlc and mplayer should work09:32
gnrJasa: mplayer, xine. vlc09:32
Jasamplayer you need to zap channels ... vlc or xine have good channel list on side ?09:32
Rigongiafryguy : an offtopic question ... how can you write "actions" like "fryguy wonders why ubuntu renamed the command" ?09:32
lstarnesRigongia: /me09:32
fryguyRigongia: use /me09:32
WIGGMPkwhat is the command to edit the gnome menus?09:33
* ghindo suggests that Rigongia uses "/me"09:33
Rigongiaweird ... if i use the "/me" command i can't see my own messages09:34
* sup3rs3nior thinks pastebin is the coolest thing since sliced bread..09:34
jimmyjhWIGGMPk, ALT+F2, gconf-editor09:34
WIGGMPkthanks Jasa09:34
fryguysup3rs3nior: you are pretty easy to please09:34
TyrathI installed some new fonts and now all the ubuntu jaunty fonts (which I liked) seem to have disappeared/been disabled. Is there anyway I can reenable them or get them back?09:34
cryingtuxRigongia: i found this :::http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.309:34
WIGGMPkjimmyjh: no, thats the configuration editor not the gnome main menu editor, plus I have no gnome-panels so RUN dialog is disabled Jasa got it though09:35
TyrathI can tell you exactly what I did if you need me to explain09:35
sup3rs3niorI try to be.. That's one way to be happy.. Lives not about the cards you get but how you play them..09:35
fryguyTyrath: yes09:35
Rigongiaso Kubuntu (which is a fork of "regular" ubuntu) indeed has kde 4.2.309:35
Rigongiabut apparently standard Ubuntu has not09:35
jimmyjhWIGGMPk, oh good good i thought you asked for the editor :)09:36
reenignEesreveRi wanna setup a file sharing server ... an ungeeky so something better than ftp/samba should do ... is there any "getdropbox.com" like servcie which i may install on my ubuntu machine?09:36
lstarnesRigongia: regular ubuntu uses the same packages as kubuntu09:36
cryingtuxRigongia: im using kubuntu so i guess i will get these packages09:36
jimmyjhWIGGMPk, i hate when the panels disappear09:36
sup3rs3niorDo both kubuntu and ubuntu have gnome?09:36
fryguysup3rs3nior: yes09:36
Tyrathfryguy: sudo unzip -d /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ ~/OSX/Fonts.zip && sudo fc-cache -f -v09:36
jimmyjhsup3rs3nior, you can get either09:37
WIGGMPkjimmyjh: i disabled it purposely.. I prefer just avant-window-navi09:37
gnrTyrath: #fc-cache -rv09:37
lstarnessup3rs3nior: the difference is that is installed by default09:37
sup3rs3niorWhat is Xubuntu?09:37
Rigongiacryingtux : if you added the repo in the link you just send me, otherwise not :D09:37
themadsup3rs3nior: it's ubuntu with XFCE instead of gnome09:37
jimmyjhWIGGMPk, ah nice , some people like keeping only the dock on,, i just keep the panels lol09:37
Tyrathgnr: I just tried that but it didn't seem to do anything. should I take away the # ?09:38
fryguysup3rs3nior: uses xfce as the default desktop environment09:38
sup3rs3niorXFCE is used with Solaris, correct?09:38
fryguysup3rs3nior: no09:38
jimmyjhsup3rs3nior, its xubuntu uses xfce. as kubuntu uses kde and ubuntu uses gnome09:38
fryguysup3rs3nior: solaris switched to gnome a while ago09:38
skilletsup3rs3nior, you must me thinking CDE09:38
fryguysup3rs3nior: somewhat in sync with opensolaris09:38
sup3rs3niorOh, yeah i saw some screen shots of opensolaris and what looked like xfce09:39
fryguysup3rs3nior: it was gmp,e09:39
themad"looked like"09:39
sup3rs3niorright haha09:39
Tyrathok, I did it anyway. I'll logout and log back into ubuntu desktop and see what happens09:39
skilletopensolaris has gnome.... solalris has some jacked up java+gnome crap09:40
sup3rs3nioris opensolaris worth checking out?09:40
fryguysup3rs3nior: no09:40
skilletfryguy, what makes you say no? have you tried it?09:40
JasaHey, so how does the vlc channel surfing work ? -.-09:40
fryguyskillet: yes09:40
Rigongia<joking> if you have a SPARC it might be ... </joking>09:41
skilletsup3rs3nior, there is a new version coming out next month09:41
fryguyRigongia: recent benchmarks show amd64 outperforming sparc with recent recompiles09:41
sup3rs3niori tried to run it in a virtual machine but it didn't work, so i was thinking about installing it..09:41
sup3rs3niorfor kicks..09:41
skilletand opensolaris doesnt run on sparc09:42
Rigongiafryguy : really ? Thanks for telling me :)09:42
skilletthats prob why he was 'joking'09:42
sup3rs3niorthat would explain it..09:42
mbenthi, if i build something from source, will i have to build it from source forever (to upgrade it)? Or when the new version comes out in the repositories.... will it automatically update to that binary?09:42
fryguyskillet: the only things it has to offer featurewise are dtrace and zfs.  As a desktop operating system it's very poor.  As a server OS it's quite good, but speed is very slow compared to other common unices.  It's quite good for running on HEAVY hardware though.09:42
fryguyskillet: not public releases09:42
fryguymbent: build from source forever09:42
ExtremeDevilzhumm guys09:43
skilletfryguy, zfs is prob one of the greatest things ever09:43
sup3rs3niorback when i was in linux class, all our lab computers were "dumb terminals" on a server. i think the server made an "instance" for each computer.. any ideas what that was?09:43
RunSkyin svn ,how to commit branch to trunk?/09:43
fryguyskillet: yes09:43
RunSkyin svn ,how to commit branch to trunk?/09:43
Tyrathok, nothing seems to have changed :/09:43
fryguyRunSky: svn merge09:43
mbentfryguy, great, i have 2. One says it will automagically upgrade, and the other says build from source forever, and you say build from source forever09:43
alex123Hi, how do I get a microphone on my laptop to work?09:44
mbent2 friends **09:44
RunSkythank you09:44
alex123internal one, under keyboard, and I`m on dell 152509:44
Tyrathunless... can anyone do me a favor. visit facebook and tell me if the fonts have changed to some weird format?09:44
jony123hello if my harddrive has 'cyclic reduncney test' im guessing that this is not good09:44
fryguymbent: if you install from source, you won't put anything in any of the places that debian will know about, you won't register the package as being installed or anything, so apt won't even know it exists09:44
skilletTyrath, they are still the same... haha09:44
lstarnesTyrath: tget look normal09:44
fryguymbent: what MIGHT happen is apt will just install over your thing later on, depending on how you install it09:45
Rigongiaalex123 : can you post the output of "lspci -v | grep -i audio" ?09:45
Tyrathskillet lstarnes : thats annoying because it means I've lost the jaunty fonts :(09:45
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Tyrathskillet lstarnes : but thanks anyhow09:45
alex12300:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)09:45
fryguyskillet: have you actually used zfs?09:46
skilletfryguy, yes09:46
fryguyi'm running it on 1 of my machines now (other is hardware raid)09:47
Rigongiaalex123 : how do you know the mic is not working ?09:47
skilleti actually maintain solaris 10 servers....09:47
Tyrathdoes anyone know where there's an image online of some jaunty text and how it should look? i don't know if I'm imagining it different or what :/09:47
alex123sound recorder doesnt record anything and in skype it doesnt work09:48
Tyrathalex123: it could be a problem with your microphone09:48
arandalex123: Look in volume control, preferences for alsa mixer, fiddle about with enabling everything that has to do with recording and change settings back and forth.09:48
Rigongiaalex123 : have you checked your mixer settings ?09:48
alex123yeah I did with mixer09:48
alex123didnt with alsa, not sure about settings and I think its not even alsa in jaunty, no?09:49
fryguyalex123: it is09:49
cryingtuxRigongia: there is an issue with the GPG key of that link09:49
alex123ok which settings then and how to call them?09:49
fryguyalex123: alsamixer09:49
jimmy_birerim using warty :D09:50
jimmy_bireri found old releases at ubuntu site and wanted to see warty at virtualbox09:50
jimmy_birerit rox at speed09:50
jimmy_bireri dont know09:50
jimmy_bireri think i will use it09:50
jimmyjhjimmy_birer, warty ? someone needs to upgrade :P09:50
jimmy_birerno dude09:50
jimmy_birerjust fot testing and playing09:50
jimmyjhjimmy_birer,  ohh lol09:51
jimmy_birerit doesn`t really ugly09:51
alex123doesnt help :(09:51
jimmy_birernow i will upgrade to a new kernel09:51
jimmy_bireror i will screw system09:51
Rigongiacryingtux : what kind of issue ?09:51
jimmy_birerGTK 0.809:51
jimmyjhjimmy_birer,  gtk 0.8 wow that is old09:52
jimmy_birerhow to use patch?09:52
fryguypatch has a great manpage09:52
cryingtuxi try adding the key and it says no valid key found09:52
Tyrathfryguy: that command I gave you before, would that have deleted the jaunty fonts?09:52
cryingtuxim using another method now to add it as BLOCK key09:52
fryguyTyrath: no09:52
Tyrathfryguy: would it explain why I no longer see the fonts?09:53
fryguyTyrath: i install my fonts a different way so I dunno09:53
jimmy_bireris not really old-warty09:53
jimmy_birerjust from 2004 :)09:53
jimmyjhjimmy_birer, getting new kernel will make it go as quick as it does now , might as well use jaunty :P09:53
Rigongiacryingtux : i'll try myself just to double check09:53
jimmy_birerjaunty sucks09:53
jimmy_birerhardy is stabler09:54
cryingtuxRigongia:yes please do it09:54
Tyrathfryguy: I don't normally install fonts, I just use the ones on the system. The only reason I used that command was cause it was on a site and I didn't know how to install fonts09:54
jimmyjhjimmy_birer, why you say that?  well jaunty has new features like the new xorg for example09:54
arandalex123: for me I have it working through [Under HDA Intel] first "capture" all the way up under "recording", "digital mic 1" for digital input source under options, [Under OSS] In-gain cranked all the way up.09:54
jimmyjhjimmy_birer, that takes time for it to work just right with all video drivers though especially ati's09:54
Tyrathfryguy: but if the fonts are still on my system, I should be able to switch back to them09:54
fryguyTyrath: look in the directory and see if they are there09:55
jimmy_birermake is too old to compile linux kernel09:55
jimmy_birerGNUstep maybe :D09:56
soniumhi, anyone familiar with NetworkManager's Mobile Broadband configuration?09:56
Tyrathfryguy: this is apparently my current set up. Application font: Sans 10; Document font: Sans 10; Desktop font: Sans 10; Window title font: Sans Bold 10; Fixed width font: Monospace 1009:56
Tyrathfryguy: is that the same as you?09:56
fryguyTyrath: no, i have all of the fonts changed on my system, but those are the correct defaults09:56
Tyrathfryguy: that's bizarre then that I'm not seeing the defaults :/09:57
fryguyTyrath: everywhere? or just certain applications?09:57
Tyrathfryguy: I would look to see if they're still there but I don't know what I'm looking for. Also if these say Sans and they're the default the replacements probably just took the names of the old fonts, no?09:57
fryguyTyrath: no09:57
jimmyjhjimmy_birer, i might try out the new fedora 11 when its finally released09:58
cryingtuxRigongia; see this error http://pastebin.com/m41ea1c0a09:58
cryingtuxeven this method fails09:58
Tyrathfryguy: facebook for example. and it looks different in xterm09:58
fryguydo you have xtern configured to use XFT fonts?09:58
fryguy(hint: by default it's not)09:58
Tyrathfryguy: I'm not sure. whatever the default setting for jaunty was09:58
ikevini have sound problem on flash application on jaunty 64b, i have tryed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130384, so when i use pulse, i don't have sound for flash apps, and other sound are bad quality and often cutting09:59
cryingtuxhttp://pastebin.com/m802d532   this one too09:59
fryguyTyrath: and are you sure you are referring to xterm and not gnome-terminal?09:59
ikevinanyone have other idea for sound in flash without pulse?09:59
Tyrathfryguy: I thought xterm was gnome-terminal09:59
ikevin(i'm using optical out)09:59
fryguyikevin: alsa-oss09:59
fryguyTyrath: no09:59
ikevinfryguy, don't work too09:59
fryguyikevin: did yo uset firefox DSP in /etc?09:59
fryguyTyrath: when you unzipped, did it prompt you to overwrite stuff10:00
ikevini don't have any firefoxrc in /etc/firefox-3.010:00
fryguyikevin: so make one10:00
ozzmosisTyrath: gnome-terminal emulates xterm .. xterm is part of xorg .. gnome-terminal isn't10:00
ikevinwhat should i put on?10:00
Tyrathfryguy: ok, i just opened xterm and gnome-terminal to see what the differences were, and I'm actually referring to gnome-terminal10:00
fryguyozzmosis: actually gnome-terminal emulates a vt100 with several extensions, just like xterm does, gnome-terminal's functional spec is based on vt100, not xterm10:01
Rigongiacryingtux : save the page pointed by the link into a file (say, "test.asc") then run apt-key add $filename and off you go10:01
jimmy_bireri will compile freebsd kernel on linux :D10:01
ozzmosisfryguy: well ok, I just meant from a UI perspective10:01
ozzmosisjimmy_birer: why?10:01
jimmy_bireri will try to make a combination of linux and freebsd10:01
cryingtuxRigongia: now im doing that10:02
v4vijayakumaranybody here from India, using bsnl / evdo wireless device for their internet connection ?10:02
sharkkhi, I'm trying to add an item on the menu of gnome, but I cannot find a way to change the working directory before the execution of the command, how can I do that? cd path ; command doesn't work neither in application nor terminal application mode. thanks10:02
ozzmosisjimmy_birer: been done10:02
fryguyozzmosis: from a ui-perspective the only thing they share in common is the window that displays the running command.  the entire menu structure and keybindings are different..10:02
jimmy_bireri use toaster for internet connection10:02
jimmyjhjimmy_birer,  that will just make it bsd kernel is the heart of the os lol10:02
jimmy_birerjimmyjh, i see that you noob.10:03
fryguysharkk: what is the command you are trying to run?10:03
sharkkwine something10:03
Tyrathfryguy: if I give you a screenshot would you be able to tell what the font i'm using is?10:03
fryguysharkk: also for the launcher there is a 'working directory' option, just set that10:03
fryguyTyrath: no10:03
fryguysharkk: no idea10:03
fryguyTyrath: when you unzipped, did it prompt you to overwrite things?10:04
Tyrathfryguy: actually what's the default rendering - monochrome or best shapes?10:04
annikaAfter a system crash I have problems using gconftool with a given dbus session. I hope you can help me! http://attachr.com/1228910:04
fryguyTyrath: i have no idea10:04
sharkkin the editor there is no trace of a similar thing...10:04
ozzmosissharkk: you could write a short shell script and tell the launcher to run that instead10:04
Tyrathfryguy: I used sudo, and it didn't ask me10:04
sharkknoo it's not the solution10:04
ikevinfryguy, i've added it, and trying FIREFOX-DSP="oss", FIREFOX-DSP="alsa" and FIREFOX-DSP="aoss", i don't work too10:05
sharkkwhere the items of menu are saved?10:05
fryguyTyrath: /usr/share/fonts?10:05
Tyrathfryguy: System -> Preferences -> Appearence -> Fonts - what does that say?10:05
fryguyTyrath: i don't use gnome10:05
wildc4rdafter an aptitude search, there are lots of options, is there a recommended Java package, so I can use an SHH applet to connect to a PC remotely?10:05
ikevinfryguy, do you know how can i check if the firefoxrc is loadded?10:05
fryguyikevin: no10:05
fryguyikevin: no quotes btw10:05
Tyrathfryguy: in /usr/share/fonts/ there's three folders: truetype type1 X1110:06
Tyrathfryguy: do you want their names?10:06
ozzmosis!info jta > wildc4rd10:06
Tyrathin truetype for example?10:06
ikevinfryguy, no change :x10:06
fryguyTyrath: http://rattlesnake.ath.cx:81/fonts.tar.bz210:07
Tyrathfryguy: actually could you tell me what the default font naes are?10:07
Rigongiacryingtux : any luck ?10:07
ozzmosiswildc4rd: apt-cache show jta10:07
ozzmosiswildc4rd: I think that's what you're after10:07
Tyrathfryguy: and then I just unzip and put them in /usr/share/fonts/?10:07
fryguyTyrath: you'll probably run into some minor issues10:08
fryguybecause i probably have some other font packages installed that you don't10:08
fryguyshouldn't be a big deal though10:08
sydneyguyHail all10:09
ozzmosisanybody here installed Ubuntu 9.04 server?  how much disk space does it need?  I installed 7.04 server recently and it needed about 350 MB, then I upgraded to 8.04 LTS and it shot up to 700 MB, and that was after I did "apt-get clean"10:10
sydneyguyI need help with something .. please do not be mad ...???!!!!10:10
ozzmosis!ask | sydneyguy10:10
Tyrathfryguy: what kind of issues?10:10
ubottusydneyguy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:10
elfgohozzmosis: I think close to 1GB10:10
fryguyTyrath: installing font packages in the future might give harmless errors/warnings about overwriting stuff10:10
BoltClockhi, ran apt-get update on ubuntu 8.04.2 and i got the following errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/184858/10:10
Almindorhow can you convert subtitle files?10:10
sydneyguyI am using macport to install kde .. and it seems i have to install libacl and libattr .. i could not compile them .. any help  .. or u can direct me please10:10
AlmindorI need to convert the encoding to utf-810:11
sydneyguyI am using macport to install kde .. and it seems i have to install libacl and libattr .. i could not compile them .. any help  .. or u can direct me please10:11
ozzmosiselfgoh: hmm, seems a bit excessive, but thanks :)10:11
AlmindorI tried gnome-subtitles but it doesn't have anything to change encoding10:11
ozzmosissydneyguy: is that a Ubuntu question?10:11
Tyrathfryguy: because the fonts I might be installing in the future might already be in this font pack? - is that it?10:11
fryguysydneyguy: wrong channel10:11
elfgohozatomic: i was thinking that an install from mini.iso might be leaner10:11
fryguyTyrath: yes10:11
sydneyguyI know .. please direct me to the channel10:11
ozz_is there any girl here?10:11
ozzmosisozz_: no.10:11
ozzmosisthere are no girls on the Internet.10:12
jimmyjhozz_,  highly doubtful lol10:12
fryguysydneyguy: #osx. #macports, #kde10:12
Tyrathfryguy: that's no issue lol, but thanks for the heads up ;)10:12
sydneyguyThanx alot10:12
mobi-sheepozz_: Try #girls10:12
kmdmBoltClock: Tried a different mirror ?10:12
Myrtti!women > ozz_10:12
ubottuozz_, please see my private message10:12
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.10:12
ozzmosisMyrtti: hey!  where are my women!  ubottu didn't send me a private message when you did that :-)10:13
Myrttiozzmosis: they're running away from you, fast10:13
ozzmosisoh, you sent it to ozz_10:13
ozzmosisI have "ozz" on highlight :/10:13
ozzmosismy mistake10:13
ozzmosis!women > ozzmosis10:14
ubottuozzmosis, please see my private message10:14
* Myrtti doesn't like trolls10:14
wildc4rdozzmosis, installed jta, do I need to 'start' it?10:14
sharkkanyone knows where the my created items in the gnome menu "applications" are stored?10:14
kmdmMyrtti: nor do women I'd bet... hmm, unless maybe female trolls... :D10:14
ozzmosiswildc4rd: I've never used it10:14
mobi-sheepwildc4rd: What are you trying to?10:15
Slartsharkk: probably somewhere in that gconf thingy10:15
Slartsharkk: run gconf-editor in a terminal10:15
=== canton_ is now known as canton
wildc4rdmobi-sheep, would like to access a terminal remotely using a java SSH applet, got as far as installing jta, but the applet still informs me I need java10:16
MyrttiTiTi: no spamming10:17
fryguyMyrtti: yah, that'll stop him!10:17
* kmdm grins10:17
Slartsharkk: after googling a bit it seems the menu stuff are stored in ~/.config/menus/10:17
ozzmosisSlart: don't think they're in gconf actually10:17
mobi-sheepwildc4rd: You can access a remote computer by opening a terminal and "ssh wild@" --> You don't need Java SSH applet.  Just a thought.10:17
Myrttifryguy: fair warning first...10:17
ozzmosisSlart: cos I don't think they're meant to be gnome-specific10:18
Slartozzmosis: nope.. it seems they are in ~/.config/menus10:18
BoltClockkmdm: ok, works now, lol10:18
kmdmBoltClock: Cool - good to hear :)10:18
ozzmosisSlart: so I see :)10:19
reqonfglrx 8.612 works sweet with 38XX-48XX ati cards10:19
wildc4rdmobi-sheep, the applet is embedded in an admin web interface, be useful if it worked10:19
cs1234657987Hello! I have installed Xubuntu 9.04 and managed to automount my second partition to /media/sda5 with the help of pysdm. But it's "read only"... :-/ How to fix that?10:19
sharkkSlart: it doesn't seems to contains my entry that I have added to the menu neither gconf10:19
wildc4rdmobi-sheep, but yes, ssh from a terminal works10:20
ikevinfryguy, i have sound working now, it's a right problem10:22
Slartsharkk: my shortcut ended up in /home/markus/.local/share/applications  when  I created a new menu entry10:22
ikevinwhile i run firefox as root, it work with alsa, i've updated my launcher to run it as root, my problem is solved now10:23
ikevinthx for your help10:23
Slartsharkk: I guess it might differ depending on where you create your menu items..10:23
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
m0u5ewhen i leave my ubuntu desktop on for extended periods of time, it will lock the screen properly and go to "screensaver" but it won't ever put my monitor in power suspend mode, is there a way to correct this?10:24
mobi-sheepm0u5e: There are a "Power Options" button in Screensaver Dialog?10:24
m0u5emobi-sheep: yes but it doesn't work10:25
GarbuHow do I change my login password for startup?10:25
m0u5emobi-sheep: my screen will go blank, but my monitor is not in "suspend" or power saving mode10:25
SlartGarbu: isn't there an option in system, preferences, About me10:26
Tyrathfryguy: i'm trying this sudo mv -f * /usr/share/fonts/ from inside the fonts directory you gave me and it's not letting me10:26
|demontager|how to add script in autoload in Ubuntu?10:26
Tyrathfryguy: it gives me messages like mv: cannot move `X11' to `/usr/share/fonts/X11': Directory not empty10:26
mobi-sheepm0u5e: I don't know.  Hardwares work different all times.10:27
GarbuSlart: thank you :)10:27
m0u5emobi-sheep: this is true... but it works in windows, without any drivers installed :(10:27
|demontager|where is autoload folder in Ubuntu?10:27
m0u5emobi-sheep: it would just be nice for my monitor to be able to go into power saving mode10:28
m0u5ethat way i can sleep without it lighting up my entire room10:28
Slartm0u5e: correction.. it works in windows with the drivers that are included in the default install of windows10:28
linuxuser3What are some good RSS readers for an Ubuntu system?10:28
m0u5eSlart: okay, sure but there is no reason for it not to work in linux by default as well, i'm not here to criticize ubuntu, i'm just wondering if there is a solution to my problem10:29
Slartmobi-sheep: have you checked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log  to see if there is something about powersaving not being supported?10:29
Rigongiam0u5e : i found the power management options in System -> Preferences -> Screensaver10:29
m0u5eRigongia: yes thanks, it doesn't actually do what i need it to do though :(10:29
Slartm0u5e: I don't know.. but very few things work without drivers of some kind.. that was the only think I wanted to highlight10:29
mobi-sheepm0u5e: See what Slart say about Xorg.0.log10:30
Rigongiawait ... there's a "Power Management" button which lets you set the time of inactivity before your display is put in sleep mode10:30
m0u5eSlart: is there anything in specific I should be looking for in xorg.0.log?10:31
Slartm0u5e: errors or warnings about the monitor.. usually starts the line with (EE) or (WW)10:31
m0u5eSlart: only fglrx and AIGLX stuff10:33
m0u5eSlart: nothign really about my display device that doesn't mention fglrx or video drivers10:33
Rigongiam0u5e : just to check ... what time of inactivity did you set before the display can go in sleep mode ?10:33
Slartm0u5e: you could also check the syslog or kern.log.. set the power management to sleep after 1 minute or so.. leave the computer for two minutes.. then check the logs... see if you find something10:33
m0u5eRigongia: 15 minutes why?10:33
m0u5eSlart: okay i will try that10:34
m0u5eSlart: by default gnome's minimum for sleep is 11 minutes :/10:34
m0u5eSlart:  darnit lol10:34
mobi-sheepm0u5e: Just like what you said (kinda).  Well, I'm not here to criticize people's bad habits... but turning off the monitor when you're done would truly converse more power than leaving it on and idling for next 10min...20min. :)10:34
mobi-sheepm0u5e: You can try "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE"10:35
sharkkfinally I found it :) there exists an element of the item that is named Path but there is no way to change it from the menu editor of gnome so I modify it by terminal... and yes the item were in ~/.local/share/applications/ thanks very much10:35
mobi-sheepm0u5e: Since there are lot of things to be read.  You're bound to miss it.10:35
Rigongiam0u5e : only to make sure you and i understood each other correctly :)10:36
m0u5emobi-sheep: i'm using the ubuntu log viewer, and already searched both WW and EE10:36
Slartm0u5e: bah.. isn't there a command to make it go to sleep? I haven't really played around with it that much10:36
MarkkxHey =)10:36
m0u5emobi-sheep: i usually do, but in the cases of which i do forget, it would be nice if my computer could pick up some slack for me10:36
pawelczesc, mozna z kims po polsku???10:36
Slart!pl | pawel10:36
ubottupawel: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:36
Tyrathfryguy: I removed all the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/ so basically all the characters on my comp became squares, but that's ok because I remembered that I was in your font directory so then just moved all your fonts into the directory with sudo, and now I'm seeing all the characters again - and the font i'm typing in is the default jaunty font which is great :D. thanks10:37
m0u5eSlart: you mean suspend? ... err last time i tried it, it didn't work, so i havent really used it with this computer10:37
Slartm0u5e: no, not suspend.. just put the monitor to sleep10:37
m0u5eSlart: i'm not aware of a command o_O;10:37
=== Pleuguin{away} is now known as Pleuguin
mobi-sheepSlart: shutdown? :)10:38
m0u5emobi-sheep: haha10:38
Slartmobi-sheep: mm.. a shutdown lite =)10:38
Rigongiahi arp1t10:39
arp1tguys... i'v run into sum prob w/ my ubuntu 9 instalatn10:39
arp1tcan ne1 help me out?10:39
mobi-sheepSlart + m0u5e:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81338710:39
Rigongiafirst of all explain your problem, arp1t10:39
Slartm0u5e: hey... try this   run "/etc/acpi/screenblank.sh" in a terminal.. that's a start =)10:40
v4vijayakumaranyone tried antenna / wireless signal boosters with your evdo / cdma internet usb device ??10:40
Tyrathfryguy: only problem is that the facebook fonts are still whack :P10:40
kerebrus__arp1t: whats the problem?10:40
arp1thi rigongia10:40
arp1tyeah... i'm using ubuntu on hp pavilion dv970010:40
m0u5eSlart: uh, will i able to come back after i run it? o_O10:40
Slartm0u5e: sure10:40
arp1tn my laptop's remote keys dnt seem to wrk w/ vlc10:41
MakuseruHi, When I went to record some things today using Jack and Ardour I opened everything like normal, but today I wasnt getting any input from my USB Microphone. So I checked everything and everything seemed ok in Ardour and hardware wise, so I checked the options in Jack Control, and for some reason it isn't seeing my USB microphone under "Input Device" anymore. I tried moving the microphone to different ports and everything else, but It just10:41
Makuseruwont see it. Does anyone know why Jack would stop recoginizing this device it's previouslyt had no problems with, and how I could fix this?10:41
zhanehow to disable display turn off?? Ive set the setting in PowerManagement to never.. but it still turns off by itself10:41
m0u5eSlart: it turns my screen blank (its the "blank screensaver"), but it does not put my monitor into power saving mode10:41
Slartm0u5e: well.. I said it was a start.. there are lots of scripts in /etc/acpi/10:42
m0u5epowersaving mode makes my monitor's power button slowly flash, and the sceren is completely powered off10:42
Rigongiaarp1t : what do you mean with "remote keys" ?10:42
m0u5ebut if i press a button / move my mouse, or press any settings buttons on my monitor, it immediately comes back10:42
m0u5eversus, if i turned my monitor completely off, it takes like 5 seconds (including logo, and stuff) to power on10:43
m0u5ewhich is why power save is convenient10:43
arp1tremote supplied with laptops... i cant get it to work on ubuntu10:43
arp1ti mean some keys work but play pause stop etc dont wrk w/ vlc. i'm sure d remote is fine thou10:43
goodeyevlc has quite BS remote support10:44
Rigongiagoodeye : what does BS stand for ?10:45
arp1ti know... bt it is one of the players that i like more in ubuntu. i use kmplayer in vista10:45
goodeyei even use VLC in win710:45
mrhhow do I disable the sleep button?10:46
goodeyeRigongia cant tell, cencore :D10:46
arp1ti ws thinking of using the mplayer in ubuntu (on which kmplayer is based). bt of all the built in video/audio players in ubuntu, what do u suggest i should use?10:46
mrhI tried editing /etc/acpi/events/sleepbtn no go10:46
mrhsame with /etc/default/acpi-support10:47
m0u5egoodeye: i don't really like VLC ... i used it a few years back, and i noticed a definite loss in quality with it's post processing ... dunno if they ever fixed it10:47
m0u5earp1t: i definitely recommend mplayer, its probably one of the most versatile and powerful players across all platforms10:47
goodeyeproblem is, i use VLC so widely that i don't want to adopt it10:48
goodeyecan u use other players to stream DVB?10:48
mobi-sheep__m0u5e: Maybe you should give VLC a whirl.  I have been using it since and haven't noticed anything wrong with it.  I'm using VLC 1.0 RC2 now though.10:48
ottoshmidtWhat would be the reason that my Monitor remains blank (doesn't show image) after I come out of Suspend regime?10:48
zhanehow to disable display turn off?? Ive set the setting in PowerManagement to never.. but it still turns off by itself10:48
mobi-sheep__m0u5e: And lot of people here often suggest VLC as a media player.10:48
wiehanVery serious urgent question: How do I use dd to copy mbr of a windows hard drive?10:49
m0u5emobi-sheep__: lol actually i'm installing it as we speak :D10:49
mobi-sheep__m0u5e: If you're using Ubuntu's repo, there are an embedded window bug. :(10:49
m0u5emobi-sheep__: -__-;10:50
=== hell_ is now known as hellues
Slartm0u5e: interesting stuff.. http://www.shallowsky.com/linux/x-screen-blanking.html10:50
arp1tmplayer is by far the most powerful player10:50
ganeshwhere is login sound stored?10:50
m0u5eSlart: thanks10:50
arp1t the problem is that it's not as easy to use with those hundreds of options hidden under the hood, rathr difficult to reach10:50
wiehanAlso: I am using (or trying) dd, fdisk, and partition image as a replacement for Norton Ghost to make a perfect copy of my gf's windows hard drive on her laptop before switching her over to ubuntu10:50
mobi-sheep__m0u5e: https://launchpad.net/~kow/+archive/ppa --> If you want VLC 1.0RC2 :)10:51
goodeyearp1t can u use mplayer converting videos, stream videos and ripping audio on youtube videos?10:52
Slartm0u5e: ahh.. sudo vbetool dpms off  shuts down my screen..  it's mentioned in the link I sent you10:52
mohan_Sound not working10:53
troopperiganesh: you mean /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg10:53
arp1t@goodeye... i hv nvr used it that way10:53
haferany speak pl?10:54
arp1tdoes ne1 knw hw to configure mplayer? changing shortcuts etc10:54
mohan_ganesh: ru from india10:54
mobi-sheep__!pl | hafer10:54
ubottuhafer: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:54
Leszczomanhafer: priv10:54
wiehancan someone help me to clone a windows hard drive please!!!!!10:54
fabioarp1t: what about mplaye ?10:55
mobi-sheep__arp1t: Look at Mplayer.  See what you can work with.10:55
linduxedwiehan: drop the exclamation marks and someone just might10:55
fabioarp1t: maybe you mean mencoder10:55
mobi-sheep__wiehan: Ask ##windows10:55
kmdmwiehan: dd ?10:55
SeverianHowdy, will someone invite me to participate in Ubuntu One?10:56
LeszczomanWhat is Ubuntu One?10:56
wiehankmdm: ok, dd, but how?10:56
kmdmwiehan: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=windows-hdd.img bs=1024k or something similar, but that will copy the freespace as well10:56
rhandomhaving problems with Madwfi Wifi after upgrde to Ubuntu Jaunty. Anybody familiar with madwifi on latest Ubuntu?10:56
kmdmwiehan: replace the X as appropriate10:56
SeverianA new program Ubuntu has in beta.  It is kind of like DropBox.  A big difference is that the client is open source and GPL3.10:57
kmdmwiehan: That command will create a hard-drive sized file in the current directory10:57
SeverianLeszczoman, that was for you.10:57
zhanehow to disable display turn off?? Ive set the setting in PowerManagement to never.. but it still turns off by itself10:57
SeverianUbuntu One page:  https://ubuntuone.com/plans/10:58
arp1tthx guys... i g2g. thx 4 all d help!!! appreciated!10:58
wiehankmdm: Ok, I read that you can do a mbr and a partition table backup with dd and fdisk and then partition backups with Partition image10:58
LeszczomanSeverian: Oh, thanks:)10:58
wiehankmdm: Is that a wise way to do it?10:58
mohan_hi .. pls anybody... my usb based sound card not working..10:58
mohan_previously it was working10:58
mohan_i added karmic as repository and done some upgrades regarding sound10:58
kmdmwiehan: You can backup the entire hard drive with dd - although personally I'd use a Windows program which doesn't also copy the freespace, but then that is somewhat offtopic to this channel ;)10:58
linduxedis there a guide that describes how to get the latest nvidia drivers in jaunty?10:58
wiehankmdm: I just have no popping clue how you would restore that at a later stage (I am so used to norton ghost)10:58
officezhane, kill gnome-power-manager10:59
mohan_and now it is not working10:59
kmdmwiehan: You'd switch the args to if= and of= around10:59
kmdmwiehan: To be honest, if you're used to Norton Ghost - just use that?10:59
kerebrus__linduxed: there are but I wouldnt really recommend that depending on your card.10:59
mobi-sheepSlart: I ran the vbetool on my laptop.  <_<10:59
ganeshmohan_: yes.. frm bangalore10:59
mohan_ganesh: hey.. me too frm bangalore10:59
Slartmobi-sheep: it worked? it worked on my desktop..10:59
wiehankmdm: For some reason norton ghost gives so many errors and even has problems saving to external had from my gf's laptop, thus I want a linux sollution11:00
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mohan_ganesh: frm which area?11:00
mobi-sheepSlart: Yup.  I had to restart as I have no way to ssh in at the moment. :\11:00
Severianganesh, Do you have really big ears?11:00
kmdmwiehan: I'm gonna /msg you since this is about to get offtopic to #ubuntu. :)11:00
Slartmobi-sheep: hmm.. mine just popped back up..11:01
wiehankmdm: what does the count=1 and bs=512 (block size =512 but can that be anything, should it be a precise number or anything?)11:01
mohan_Severain: don't say like that..11:01
kmdmwiehan: It can be a precise number if you only want to backup a portion of the hard drive and not all of it11:01
Severianmohan_, no offense was intended to ganesh.11:02
mobi-sheepwiehan: Run a LiveCD (Suggestion) or Wubi (Fake Suggestion) on the laptop.11:02
mohan_Severian: not to him.. but for our god..11:02
ganeshSeverian:hahaha... i diojn hav though lord ganesh has11:02
Severianmohan_, None was intended for Lord Ganesh, either.  I apologize, if it was taken that way.11:04
mohan_Severian: no prob.. are u too from india?11:04
xenocrateshi, just wondering about the cube desktop spin feature thing... i can make it into a cube and spin around 4 sides, but if i have 6 desktops it makes it a hexagon. can i have 6 desktops on a cube using top and bottom?11:04
ganeshSeverian: hey its fine..:)11:05
Severianmohan_, I am from Texas.  I used to work for a company from Bangalore.11:05
mohan_Severian: Oh.. ok..11:05
mobi-sheepxenocrates: You're not thinking productive at the moment. :o11:05
Severianxenocrates, Desktops onlu go on the sides.11:05
josshow to turn on kwin compositor?11:06
mohan_Has anybody have idea regarding sound?11:06
m0u5eSlart: sorry, i tried fullscreening a flv video file and it crashed ubuntu -_-;11:06
mohan_i mean sound problem11:06
Slartm0u5e: ah.. annoying11:07
m0u5eSlart: dunno if it happens with VLC, but it happens with mplayer and the xv video driver11:07
=== DodgerDog is now known as DodgerDog^Sleep
Severianmohan_, Are you running 9.04 with both jaunty and kosmic repositories?  That is a recipe for lots of things not working.11:08
Slartmm.. got to get me some of those kosmic updates ;)11:08
mohan_Severian: yes.. thats the problem..11:09
Severianmohan_, I suggest you wipe and reinstall.11:09
xenocrateson the sides? really?? is there any reason you cant have a desktop on the top and bottom? i think it would look sweet11:09
m0u5edoes vlc not support ssa/ass subtitles? :(11:09
mohan_Severian: oh god..11:10
Slartxenocrates: I think general developer laziness.. that's all11:10
Severianmohan_, I am running kosmic on a test machine.  It is good to try it.  But mixing versions like that is not good.11:10
mohan_Severian: oh..11:10
bcjm0u5e: http://www.jakeludington.com/ask_jake/20070424_how_to_play_ssa_files.html11:10
Slartxenocrates: you would have problems with what direction to use as "up".. things would have to spin aroudn.. it would probably get weird11:10
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:10
zhaneoffice, how to kill it?11:11
bcjm0u5e: If you do a google search you should be able to find exactly what you need :)11:11
mobi-sheepmohan_: I use Karmic Koala on the production machines and high-availability system servers all times. :)11:11
mohan_Severian: do u know what are all the sound related packages of ubuntu?11:11
nickgrey147has anyone had there dyndns account locked when using ddclient ?11:11
mohan_mobi-sheep: then what would be going on my system?11:12
mobi-sheepmohan_: I don't know. :|11:12
Severianmohan_, No.11:12
m0u5ebcj: what if it is an embedded subtitle though?11:12
KanagarajPls any body tell about INDIC on-Screen Keyboard11:12
Slartnickgrey147: I've had no such problems.. but the dyndns people are pretty stingy about update intervals and such11:12
m0u5ebcj: and a lot of ssa/ass subs have custom fonts and stuff... 6__6;11:12
Severiannickgrey147, I think Slart has it.  Don't update too often.11:13
nickgrey147Slart: o ok , i had it set to 60011:13
mobi-sheepnickgrey147: I use no-ip myself and it's in repos too.11:13
nickgrey147although the pc rebooted like 3 times in a row11:13
Slartnickgrey147: check their site.. they will ban you pretty quickly11:13
bencrisfordMy computer's being really slow, getting really hot, the fans working his arse off and this error wont go away :'( - http://i39.tinypic.com/15g9xf5.jpg11:13
bcjm0u5e: I'd be surprised if the subtitle isn't encoded such that it can be played back using any system font with the appropriate characters.11:14
nickgrey147it hasnt happend in awhile , but iam scared it happens again , the pc is off site :/11:14
ganeshwhats the command to send private msg?11:14
lstarnesganesh: /msg11:14
bencrisfordMy computer's being really slow, getting really hot, the fans working his arse off and this error wont go away :'( - http://i39.tinypic.com/15g9xf5.jpg11:14
bencrisfordhttp://i39.tinypic.com/15g9xf5.jpg - that error is really freaking me out11:15
Severianmobi-sheep, I can tell you were joking.  In the last cycle, I only had a day or two when the test version was not very usable.  But, mohan_ real problem was not using karmic, but mixing it with jaunty.11:15
cantonbencrisford: sudo apt-get remove tracker :)11:15
nickgrey147corrupt harddrive11:15
mobi-sheepbencrisford: There was an error while performing indexing -- Index corrupted -- Start reindexing all contents.11:15
bencrisfordmobi-sheep: I did that, and it doesnt fix it11:15
mohan_Severian: oh..11:15
bencrisfordcanton: Ill try that thanks11:15
Slartbencrisford: that isn't very serious.. indexing is just the desktop search thingy..try restarting it.. or don't use it at all11:16
kmdmbencrisford: mobi-sheep: There's a known Ubuntu/Jaunty bug about this - search launchpad11:16
bcjbencrisford: Try doing a disk check.11:16
bencrisfordits being really slow too :(11:16
bencrisfordbut thanks11:16
bencrisfordill remove tracker11:16
bencrisfordsee if that sorts it11:16
FloodBot1bencrisford: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:16
mobi-sheepSeverian: Ya.  It's the receipt for troubles. :)11:16
dva5912Running a Nvidia Gefore 7200 on my machine. got screenlets installed and its showwing that my nvidia core temp is 104 C... IS that about normal? Or do i need to blow the fan on it?11:16
Severianmohan_, When trying the test versions of Ubuntu, the best advice I found was this.  If you are ever offered to do a partial upgrade, refuse and try again later.11:17
KanagarajAn information for you all The latest APTonCD is not working in ubuntu9.0411:17
mohan_Severian: ok..11:17
nickgrey147dva5912: open you box and look if the vga card fan is spinning11:17
KanagarajI had installed an old version of APTonCD and it is working fine11:17
mobi-sheepbencrisford: Tracker is useful for indexing contents but if you know where things are all times, then you don't really need it.  You installed tracker?  I don't think Jaunty came with GUI tracker... but rather a small library for nautilus integration.11:17
dva5912nickgrey147: has no fan11:17
kmdmbencrisford: mobi-sheep: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/tracker/+bug/34691211:17
bencrisfordkmdm: Ty11:18
kerebrus__dva5912: has no fan ...11:18
kmdmbencrisford: You could enable jaunty-proposed and see if the proposed package helps you11:18
nickgrey147dva5912: hmm , ok :P no idea , my gpu runs at like 63 c full load :P11:18
dva5912kerebrus__: no. has a heat sync and thats it.11:18
* dva5912 thinks its time to purchase an fan unit11:19
bencrisfordim gonna reboot again i think, if it isnt sorted ill come back on here ;), thanks guys11:19
alexb92hey guys ever since ive upgraded to 9.04, i havent been able to connect to the internet11:19
dva5912I really dont like this thing ideling at 103 right now11:19
alexb92im an absolute beginner here so is there a way to fix?11:19
mobi-sheepbencrisford have a windows mindset.  :)11:19
* kmdm grins11:20
jalsare there any up to date guides for getting video on an ipod for ubuntu?11:20
dva5912nickgrey147: would it help if i took the side panel off and blew a box fan into it?11:20
nickgrey147use pppoeconf11:20
Severianalexb92, on one machine, I had to go in and reconfigure my ethernet port.  It did not take longs and worked fine after that.11:20
mobi-sheepjals: Use VLC to convert  videos.11:20
m0u5ebcj: oh it actually plays embedded ssa/ass subs fine... but it keeps repeating the same "chapters" :(11:20
nickgrey147alexb92: and delete network-manager , and if u want to use the /etc/network/interfaces file :P11:20
joobabyhi, I upgraded to jaunty the other day, since then no sound works in skype, internet flash does  not work, and it simply runs less smooth, any ideas?11:20
jalsmobi-sheep, thanks, will look into that now11:20
alexb92how do u do that? sorry like i said im a newbie when it comes to this11:20
nickgrey147to edit the local ip*11:20
mobi-sheepjals: You might want to find out what file format / container iPod support first.11:21
bcjm0u5e: It might be worth trying google and/or the VLC channel.11:21
nickgrey147alexb92: consol sudo pppoeconf11:21
mobi-sheepm0u5e: Try VLC 1.0 RC2.  >_>11:21
dva5912fing a... i put on a black screen and the cpu just rose a mark11:21
dva5912sorry gpu*11:22
Severianalexb92, System/Preferences/Network Connections11:22
Xolruya#join zezenia11:22
alexb92im running pppoeconf right now11:23
Xolruya#join zezenia11:23
Butcherquick question - how do I make the terminal show when I type in the password?11:23
SeverianXolruya, I think you want  /join #zezenia11:23
greatoI want to access F: drive of Windows XP from Ubuntu how to do that?11:23
mobi-sheepSeverian: I think he's spamming.11:23
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greatoHelp Me !!!!! I want to access F: drive of Windows XP from Ubuntu how to do that?11:23
dva5912what would it do if i blew a box fan into the case? would it cool it at all?11:23
nickgrey147greato: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config11:24
boss_mc!repeat | greato11:24
ubottugreato: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:24
jrib!ntfs > greato11:24
ubottugreato, please see my private message11:24
KiRiLoSI tried to install kdenlive then for some reason my pc crashed,i hard restarted.Now some packages are stuck and i cant remove them no matter what i tried,i cant even install the whole program:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/184891/11:24
boss_mc!ntfs-3g > greato11:24
alexb92ok ive run the pppoeconf and it says that  the access concentrator of your provider did not respond11:24
Severiandva5912, the fan would crash into the motherboard and break it.11:24
SnowKittyi wouldnt put it too close to the case, magnets and stuff11:24
nickgrey147alexd92: dsl ?11:24
SnowKittybut yeah it should cool it a lil bit11:24
alexb92i have even tried going into firefox and just typing in the router address and even that doesnt display11:24
alexb92yep its dsl11:24
SnowKittyi used to do it11:24
SnowKittybut it sucks in ALOT of dust11:25
dva5912Severian: dobt iy11:25
Severiandva5912, as a diagnostic aid, technicians blow air into a case from external fans all the time.11:25
nickgrey147alexd92: type sudo plog11:25
nickgrey147and maybe it took sum time11:25
dva5912Severian: well ill see if it cools any11:25
Severiandva5912, I have no idea what dobt iy means.11:26
Butcherdoubt it11:26
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alexb92nickgrey147: plog does nothing11:28
nickgrey147alexd92: no out put ?11:28
=== xxxxxxx is now known as ghost
KiRiLoSI tried to install kdenlive then for some reason my pc crashed,i hard restarted.Now some packages are stuck and i cant remove them no matter what i tried,i cant even install the whole program:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/184891/11:28
alexb92ive typed in sudo plog and it doesnt ask for the password11:28
alexb92it just appears in the console and thats it11:28
nickgrey147its nopt meant to11:29
=== ghost is now known as Guest28347
alexb92no dialogue no nothing11:29
nickgrey147run pppoeconf again11:29
nickgrey147make sure ur pass is right11:29
nickgrey147then enter enter11:29
ganeshhow do i copy and paste a file the same directory from commandline?11:29
dva5912oh yeah thats cooling it off somewhat11:29
rwwganesh: cp source_goes_here destination_goes_here11:30
dva5912down to 10011:30
jrib!cli > ganesh11:30
ubottuganesh, please see my private message11:30
dva5912:) and it just keeps falling11:30
alexb92ok im running pppoeconf again11:30
alexb92last time i remember i had to fix up my interfaces file to fix it11:31
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alexb92my interfaces file now seems to be the same as before11:31
alexb92auto lo11:31
Severianalexb92, plog is just a shell script to look at /var/log/ppp.log or /var/log/syslog   Try looking at those directly.11:31
alexb92i face lo inet loopback11:31
dva5912so now from 105 to 90 C11:31
KiRiLoSI tried to install kdenlive then for some reason my pc crashed,i hard restarted.Now some packages are stuck and i cant remove them no matter what i tried,i cant even install the whole program:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/184891/11:32
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dva5912k i need a fan definently. its down to 85. Do they make fans that i can just put over it? or do i have to buy a pci model11:33
alexb92ok what am i looking for in syslog?11:33
Severianalexb92, I don't know.  I was just trying to get you past the plog problem.11:34
Severiandva5912, Are you asking whether they make fans to install on video cards?  If so, then yes.11:35
dva5912actuly im asking, what brand should i go with. Im defenently getting one Severian11:36
KiRiLoSI tried to install kdenlive then for some reason my pc crashed,i hard restarted.Now some packages are stuck and i cant remove them no matter what i tried,i cant even install the whole program:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/184891/11:36
SeverianKiRiLoS, Have you tried fixing broken packages.  In Synaptic, that is Edit/Fix Broken Packages11:36
Severiandva5912, There are a bunch of decent ones.  What kind of video card is it?  What is the main video chip?11:37
KiRiLoSSeverian, i click that and nothing happens.11:37
dva5912Severian: its a Nvidia Gefore 7200. Neveer came with one... I was thinking about getting this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/EVERCOOL-SB-RV-Rocket-V-PCI-Slot-System-Cooler-Dual-Fan_W0QQitemZ380119929376QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item5880e9d220&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A5011:38
alexb92severian: u know how before u were talking about interfaces file? do i edit that?11:38
SeverianKiRiLoS, Sorry.  I'll look for something and come back.11:39
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Severiandva5912, That would probably do fine, if you have an open slot on the correct side of the video card.11:40
mobi-sheepIs there a better command to search a bunch of files for a keyword than "cat * | grep lolcat"11:40
dva5912Severian: yes i do.  wow 105 - 80 C... big change11:40
jribmobi-sheep: just grep -R ...11:40
Severianalexb92, I don't remember referring to an interfaces file.  I pointed you to a couple of log files.11:40
SnowKittyi was running on an old nvidia geforce FX5200 for a while, it was an OEM dell card with no fan11:41
SnowKittyi taped the fan from an old slot 1 pentium 2 CPU to it lol11:41
mrwesmobi-sheep, sudo updatedb then locate 'whatever'11:41
alexb92woops sorry11:41
jribmrwes: that won't search inside files11:41
Severiandva5912, I think I have one video card with a fan.  I usually look for cards that don't have them.  I do tend to have pretty good ventilation in my cases from front mounted fans.11:42
mrwesjrib: grep -i -n ?11:42
=== Guest39480 is now known as aquei
KiRiLoSI tried to install kdenlive then for some reason my pc crashed,i hard restarted.Now some packages are stuck and i cant remove them no matter what i tried,i cant even install the whole program:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/184891/11:42
jribmrwes: if he wants those options, sure11:42
alexb92hmm so is there anything we can do?11:42
jrib!anyone | alexb9211:43
ubottualexb92: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:43
dva5912Severian: the only thing that gate way did for my case was to have this stupid piece on the front that i can take off for more ventalation. plan out stupid. other than that all i got is a CPU fan and a large sys fan11:43
jribalexb92: erm, wrong factoid, but please just repeat your question instead of asking that11:43
mobi-sheepRephrase: Is there a command to find a specific file by finding a specific keyword inside the said file?11:43
jribmobi-sheep: the command I gave you...?11:44
usicowI've got a laptop with ubuntu on it, if I SSH into it, and put a USB stick into it, how can I browse whats on the stick? I cant see it in /media.11:44
SeverianKiRiLoS,   Look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40123211:44
mobi-sheepjrib: That doesn't work.  It's same as "cat * | grep lolcats"11:44
jribmobi-sheep: it's not the same, but how it does it not do what you want?11:44
mobi-sheepjrib: I'm looking for a particular file by looking for a text keyword.11:45
mrwesusicow: what /dev is the usb drive?11:45
jribmobi-sheep: yes.  So use the command I gave you.11:45
alexb92is there a way to ping the router?11:45
Slartmobi-sheep: you have checked the man page for grep, haven't you?11:45
mobi-sheepjrib: grep just give me the line / message but does not say which file ?11:45
jribmobi-sheep: pastebin11:45
Severiandva5912, I has one somewhat recent gateway system.  It has the worst ventilation of any of my computers.  Now that I think about it, it does crash from the heat every once in a while.11:45
mobi-sheepjrib: -R ---> Recursively under all directories.  I have no directory.  Just bunch of files.11:45
usicowmrwes: I'm not sure, how can I tell?11:46
jribmobi-sheep: pastebin please11:46
dva5912Severian: wouldent surprise me. i think i might just invent a side panel fan to instal on this thing11:46
mobi-sheepjrib: I can't.  I'm searching for an old conversation.  You get the idea.11:46
jribmobi-sheep: feel free to drop the -R but that just works in a more general setting.  I don't understand why you aren't pastebinning your attempt at running the command I gave you11:47
ButcherHow do I make it so I can see feedback when i enter my password in the terminal?11:47
jribmake up some example11:47
mrwesusicow, from the terminal type sudo fdisk -l (lower case L)11:47
boss_mcjrib: it would contain e-mail adresses and private data11:47
mrwesusicow, see if the drive is listed /dev/sdb1 or something like that11:47
jribmobi-sheep: the point is grep will list filenames by default when you do grep foo file1 file2 ...11:48
Slartmobi-sheep: just check the -l switch in the man page for grep11:48
usicowmrwes: yep, its there as /dev/sdb111:48
davidh38hey guys anyone know how to install skype?11:48
davidh38on 9.04?11:48
KiRiLoSSeverian, this could work,but the packages i have problems with are not in there!11:48
gidnaHow can I install java to play games?11:48
mrwesusicow: now type sudo mkdir /media/usb11:48
mrwesusicow, then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mediat/usb11:49
usicowmrwes: done11:49
Slartmobi-sheep: but jrib is correct.. grep prints the filename first.. then the matching line11:49
usicowmrwes: fantastic :) thanks!11:49
SeverianKiRiLoS, Well, one option would be to get them.  Didn't you say there were just a few problem packages.11:49
jribSlart, mobi-sheep: -H is the actual option, but it gets turned on by default for multiple files11:49
mrwesusicow, you want to read and write to it correct?11:49
KiRiLoSSeverian, yeah two packages,but how could i get them?11:49
usicowmrwes: but the strange thing is, I'm pretty sure that if I did this via gnome, it just works.. would that be right?11:50
gidnaHow can I install java to play games?11:50
jrib!java > gidna11:50
mrwesusicow, uh?11:50
ubottugidna, please see my private message11:50
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:50
SeverianKiRiLoS, from the repositories.  What version of Ubuntu are you on?11:50
KiRiLoSSeverian, 9.04,since these are causing the problems i think i already got em,let me check11:51
usicowmrwes: ignore that.. but regarding reading/writing.. yes, what should I do so I can read and write everything on the stick?11:51
KiRiLoSSeverian, yeap i got them installed.11:51
SeverianKiRiLoS, Does that mean you are OK now?11:51
KiRiLoSSeverian, packages swh-plugins and ttf-dejavu-extra11:51
mrwesusicow, first what's the username on the box? Type sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /media/usb11:51
mobi-sheepSlart, jrib:  grep -l answered my question.  However, I fail to understand something which jrib were pointing out.  I used grep as a second command (using pipe) and by using pipe, it does not display the lines.  So I tried what you guys were "hinting" and I used grep as a command.   Slart + jrib.  It does display a file --> then content.  Thank you. :)11:52
KiRiLoSSeverian, nope! still i cant install the whole package(Kdenlive) nor i can remove it!11:52
mrwesusicow, and finally sudo chmod -r 755 /media/usb11:52
MakuseruHi, When I went to record some things today using Jack and Ardour I opened everything like normal, but today I wasnt getting any input from my USB Microphone. So I checked everything and everything seemed ok in Ardour and hardware wise, so I checked the options in Jack Control, and for some reason it isn't seeing my USB microphone under "Input Device" anymore. I tried moving the microphone to different ports and everything else, but It just11:52
Makuseruwont see it. Does anyone know why Jack would stop recoginizing this device it's previouslyt had no problems with, and how I could fix this?11:52
jribmobi-sheep: note -l stops on first match11:52
=== DaZ| is now known as DaZ
Rigongia/me waves his hands11:53
SeverianKiRiLoS, you ran the command to install those two packages.   The command from the ubuntuforum page.11:53
dva5912If i were to run water cooling in my case how much further beyond 80C could i get my gpu?11:53
mobi-sheepjrib: Thanks.  So I don't need to use "cat * | grep" as that is pointless.  I have lot of linux commands to learn. :)11:53
mrwes Rigongia use /action instead of /me :)11:53
jribmobi-sheep: google useless use of cat :)11:54
Rigongiathanks mrwes :D11:54
* mrwes sees Rigongia waving his hand11:54
Rigongia/action takes a sit11:54
Slartmobi-sheep: then you're not feeding grep many files.. you're probably feeding grep one file at a time.. then it doesn't output the filename11:54
KiRiLoSSeverian, sorry but i dont understand which command you are talking about :(11:54
Severiandva5912, You probably would not get it past 100 degrees, because water boils there.11:54
SeverianKiRiLoS,  at the bottom of  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40123211:54
usicowmrwes: that sounds like it would work.. but when I issue the chown command I get chown: changing ownership of `/media/usb/dsc_0532.jpg': Operation not permitted.. that happens for all files on the stick..11:55
mrwesusicow, did you use sudo chown ?11:55
usicowmrwes: yep11:55
dva5912Severian: true. Would it, could it possibly go lower?11:55
KiRiLoSSeverian, i tried that,but since the packages that are causing the problem are NOT in that folder nothing special happens.11:55
mrwesusicow, maybe cuz you ssh'd in11:55
=== imi_ is now known as imi
boss_mcusicow: what filesystem is on the usb11:55
* dva5912 turns his box fan up one notch to see if it will lower the temp at all11:56
usicowboss_mc: fat1611:56
Slartmobi-sheep: or if you're using "cat * | grep bla" you're really sending one big blob of data to grep.. not even a file11:56
alexb92is there a way to get access to the internet or the router?11:56
Slart!sv | hofman0111:56
ubottuhofman01: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se11:56
hofman01jestem nowym uzytkownikiem ubuntu11:56
boss_mcusicow: does that even support ownership/permissions?11:56
Slart!ps | hofman0111:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps11:56
Slart!pl | hofman0111:56
ubottuhofman01: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:56
* dva5912 watches the tempretature gage go to 7911:56
KiRiLoSSeverian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/184906/11:56
Rigongiaout of topic question : anybody knows why with loqui i can't use the /action and /me commands ?11:56
alexb92i dont know whats wrong and i have run ifconfig into console and it says rx errors 274 and tx errors are 8411:56
Severiandva5912, sure.  With more exotic systems, it might go down to 40 something.  Really exotic systems can cool to way under ) degrees C.  It depends on how crazy you are.11:56
Makuserudva5912: Ive had a box-fan next to my computer for about a week now.11:56
usicowboss_mc: not sure :) all I can see if that all the files are owned by root:root.. but I think I can do everything I want as long as I sudo it..11:57
haferpomoże ktoś z NetBeans?11:57
mobi-sheepSlart: That's quite true.  I never thought of that approach.11:57
usicowthanks mrwes and boss_mc.11:57
dva5912Makuseru: really helps doesnt it?11:57
SeverianKiRiLoS, you need to run that command for the two troublesome packages.11:57
* dva5912 smiles in joy as it hits 7511:57
Rigongiausicow : try splitting the thing in two. First do a sudo su and then do the chown thingy11:57
cantonusicow: try using -o uid=xxx,gid=xxx when mounting fat/ntfs devices, put your uid/gid instead of the xxx11:57
Makuserudva5912: Very. Gets a bit chiilly with a fan on your legs all the time however.11:58
boss_mcusicow: canton++11:58
KiRiLoSSeverian, ok,where can i find these packages ? It's not in /var/cache/apt/archives11:58
guntbert!pl | hafer11:58
ubottuhafer: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:58
dva5912Makuseru: i got my tower on the desk with the fan on it.. not too bad. but papers are going everywhere11:58
Severiandva5912, Really exotic systems can take it under 0 degrees C.  I don't know what ) degrees C is.11:58
boss_mcusicow: and add exec to the options if you want to run binaries off the stick too11:58
imiwhat packages to install to get the proper man pages when issuing man 2 read?11:59
hafernie uzyskałem tam pomocy na ten temat11:59
Slart!english | hafer11:59
ubottuhafer: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:59
haferi need help wit IDE NetBeans11:59
dva5912severian... 0 is freezing. so how to heck .....that would kill it woudlent it?11:59
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SeverianKiRiLoS, Are you sure?  It looks like they are there.11:59
boss_mc!ask | hafer11:59
ubottuhafer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:59
lstarnesimi: it might be manpages-dev12:00
Severiandva5912, Really exotic systems can use liquid nitrogen.  It can go a wee bit below 0 degrees C.12:00
Slartdva5912: why would below 0 temperatures kill something mechanical? your house dies when it's cold outside? your car?12:00
dva5912lol liquid nitrogen!? for the "intensive" gamer right ? that would be funny.12:00
dva5912my car yes... :P12:01
imilstarnes, thank you.12:01
KiRiLoSSeverian, i get error with packages : ttf-dejavu-extra & swh-plugins , but the folder got these : http://paste.ubuntu.com/184911/12:01
Slartdva5912: you need a better car then =)12:01
haferI started using that Ide. Somebody has tutorial12:01
boss_mcdva5912: water cooled systems don't use plain water, it's filled with alcohols and oils to make it non-conductive and have higher boiling, lower freezing points12:01
KiRiLoSSeverian, but all these in the folder are indeed dependencies of the app i tried to install.12:02
gordonjcpSlart: if electronics aren't designed for operating at that low a temperature, they can be damaged12:02
gordonjcpSlart: what happens to things when you cool them?12:02
dva5912boss_mc what about if one of the lines were to suddenly break? it would ruin the pc right?12:02
SeverianKiRiLoS, What were the two problem packages again?12:02
gidnaI've installed Openjdk but I can't still not play java games..12:03
Severiandva5912, Failure of fancy cooling systems frequently kills the computers.  That is a risk you take.12:03
gidnawhat should I do?12:03
KiRiLoSSeverian, swh-plugins & ttf-dejavu-extra : http://paste.ubuntu.com/184914/12:03
Slartgordonjcp: anything that isn't designed for a temperature might get damaged if used in that temperature..I doubt electronics have a that narrow span of temperatures they operate under12:03
jribgidna: you need the plugin12:03
alexb92what needs to be changed so i can access the internet?12:03
Xolruyawhy i cant log in to game? :O12:04
dva5912Severian:  ok then this is off the list because this is out only pc. il stick with the litle 13$ pci fan :)12:04
gordonjcpSlart: they do12:04
Slartgordonjcp: but this isn't really on topic here12:04
Xolruyano hjeöp12:04
gordonjcpSlart: especially if you have a hot chip like a CPU soldered to a cold PCB - <CRACK>12:04
Zelfjeusually electronic operation temperatures are quite broad, most problems arise with moisture (condensation on a cold surface)12:04
gordonjcphope you're good at SMT rework12:04
Lint01Xolruya: what are4 you talking about?12:05
KiRiLoSSeverian, i had problems with other packages too(Some of the are in that folder),but i managed to remove em.12:05
Xolruyai cannot log in to game12:06
alexb92is it safe to delete the network interfaces file?12:07
chazco!unr > chazco12:07
lstarnesalexb92: I wouldn't do that12:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr12:07
gordonjcpalexb92: depends what you mean by "safe"12:07
gordonjcpalexb92: it will make your computer very safe from people connecting to it over the network12:07
gidnaI've installed all the software necessary to plya java games but I can't play them12:08
gidnawhat Should I do12:08
myselfhey where are the APPLICATION MENU shortcuts located in WINE so i can delete the DEAD STARTERS once i uninstalled the wine stuff MANUALLY?12:08
jribgidna: have you installed the java plugin and restarted firefox?12:08
Lint01Xolruya: which one?12:08
myselffound it12:08
alexb92but i want to connect to the internet that is the thing12:08
chazcoHi... is it possible to install ubuntu-netbook-remix without removing wicd?12:08
alexb92and riight now i cant even ping my router12:08
cantonalexb92: i don't understand, how to do participate here when you are not connected to the internet?12:09
Xolruyazezenia game12:09
KiRiLoSSeverian, any ideas ?12:09
alexb92canton: using a different computer12:09
SeverianKiRiLoS, To get the first one, go to that directory and type   wget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/swh-plugins/swh-plugins_0.4.15-0.2_i386.deb12:09
alexb92canton: the computer i want fixed i am next to right now and its running ubuntu 9.0412:09
gidnaok now it runs.. Is it openJDK necessary to run java applications? or Icedtea Java Plugin can Do the job12:10
KiRiLoSSeveas, oh nice :P didnt thought of that.I am trying the command dpkg --force-all -i now ?12:10
cantonalexb92: ok and what is your problem exactly? What is your topology and what exactly does not work?12:10
KiRiLoSSeverian, oh nice :P didnt thought of that.I am trying the command dpkg --force-all -i now ?12:10
janisozauri have installed both, evince and acroread 9.1. since i consider the latter to be a resource heavy and prefer to use evince (yet still need sometimes to use acroread), how do i change the defaults for PDF files to be opened in evince (since acroread stole the file type)12:11
alexb92canton : ok ever since i have updated to 9.04 i have not been able to get access to the internet or the router, i dont know what to fix or how to do it becoz im a complete beginner at this12:11
alexb92any help would be greatly appreciated :D12:11
SeverianKiRiLoS, For the other one, do   wget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/t/ttf-dejavu/ttf-dejavu-udeb_2.25-1_all.udeb12:11
cantonjanisozaur: right click on a pdf file in nautilus, tab "open with", then click, click click and click12:11
slmsalut vik, amis francophone12:11
=== vik is now known as glaucous
Omar87What are some programs or terminal commands I ca use to locate and undelete a certain files?12:12
glaucousslm: salut12:12
Omar87I can** use12:12
cantonalexb92: ok so you have a router, how is the computer connected to it? ethernet cable or wireless?12:12
alexb92canton: ethernet. directly connected into the modem/router12:12
PadhuApplication for shedules and remainers12:13
KiRiLoSSeveas, ok,i downloaded them both and i used dpkg --force-all -i to them,no errors. should i apt-get update && upgrade ?12:13
janisozaurcanton, that's not what i want, since it's one-time-only, but there is a tab named "open with" in file preferences which changes this behavior permanently - solved.12:13
glaucoushi everyone, my jaunty64 takes about 20 seconds to think about booting before it actually starts.  bootchart says it's kthreadd.  doesn't anyone know how to speed it up?  where can I upload my bootchart to be examined?12:13
janisozaurcanton, oh, you mention the tab. nvm...12:13
cantonjanisozaur: ;-)12:13
linduxedin going to enable a PPA and then upgrade some packages, but id like to have some kind of restoration point, a kind of "if things go bad i want to go back"-feature12:13
linduxedany ideas?12:13
KiRiLoSSeverian, ok,i downloaded them both and i used dpkg --force-all -i to them,no errors. should i apt-get update && upgrade ?12:13
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gidnaI can't play java games on yahoo the applet starts but then it can't open a game12:14
PadhuI want an application for shedule and remainder and home financial accounting12:14
cantonalexb92: output of ifconfig -a tells you the interface configuration, ethtool <interfacename> tells you if physical link is detected, ping helps you recover basic network problems12:14
linduxedgidna: what java plugin are you using12:14
SeverianKiRiLoS, I'd try installing the main package you wanted first.  If it shows to be installed, then uninstall it and reinstall.  Forcing it may have missed dependencies.12:14
cantonalexb92: so what does sudo ethtool eth0 say?12:14
ganeshhow can i make a copy of file in the same directory using commandline?12:15
KiRiLoSSeverian, ok.12:15
cantonganesh: cp <file> <newfile>12:15
gidnaIcedtea Java Plugin12:15
alexb92canton: link detected = yes12:15
glaucousganesh: cp filename filename212:15
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reqon_zZznight everyone12:15
KiRiLoSSeverian, ! i get the error with ttf-dejavu-extra only now!12:15
Severianganesh,  cp orig-filename copy-filename12:15
cantonalexb92: fine, ifconfig eth0 says what? does the interface have an ip address in your network?12:15
Slartganesh: are you going to ask this question many times more?12:15
gidnalinduxed what could I do?12:16
api984what seems to be the problem12:16
alexb92canton: yep it has the ip address and masking address but im not sure about the broadcast address12:16
ganeshSlart: sorry but i had not got the answer before..12:16
api984tryed ping?12:17
api984broadcast address is the 25512:17
cantonalexb92: bcast address is usually calculated in the right way when ip and subnet mask are correct12:17
Slartganesh: 12:30 < rww> ganesh: cp source_goes_here destination_goes_here12:17
api984the last number on ip12:17
cantonapi984: that's true for /24 only12:17
KiRiLoSSeverian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/184919/12:17
api984what are they doing12:17
dadrockwhen ever i ma stating my apache its giving and error http://www.mibbit.com/pb/YAeiRA  ? can anyone help me out12:18
guntbert!who | api98412:18
ubottuapi984: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:18
Padhuplease mention the application name for maintain home accounting12:18
cantonalexb92: so what is the ip address of your router and what gives the command "pinc -c 3 <ip_of_your_router> back?12:18
SeverianKiRiLoS, I thought the meta package would handle it.  Oh, well.    wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/t/ttf-dejavu/ttf-dejavu-extra_2.23-1_all.deb12:18
ganesh Slart:cp: `dialog-information.ogg' and `/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/dialog-information.ogg' are the same file12:18
glaucoushi everyone, my jaunty64 takes about 20 seconds to think about booting before it actually starts.  bootchart says it's kthreadd.  does anyone know how to speed it up?  where can I upload my bootchart to be examined?12:18
linduxedin going to enable a PPA and then upgrade some packages, but id like to have some kind of restoration point, a kind of "if things go bad i want to go back"-feature12:18
linduxedany ideas?12:18
alexb92canton: router ip =
Slartganesh: yes.. you have to give the new file a different name12:18
zirodaywoods: please don't swear12:19
woodsi just have a try!12:20
KiRiLoSSeverian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/184921/12:20
alexb92canton : ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted12:20
AgentHeXis there a way to sleep a RAID-5 array to conserve power and prevent wear-and-tear?12:20
zirodaylinduxed: there is no real restoration point. You can remove the PPA and the remove the packages, and then reinstall them to rollback12:20
cantonalexb92: sudo ping, what did you do with your computer to disallow normal user to use ping?12:20
SlartAgentHeX: can't you put the physical drives to sleep? or the raid software wakes them up again?12:20
ganeshSlart: yes..but in gui (mouse) copy and paste will rename to file.ext(copy) by itself..so i thought it would be same with commandline too..sorry once again12:20
flajannWhat's the deal with Amarok on 9.04 -- it won't play!12:20
AgentHeXSlart: haven't actually tried.  how do i know if a drive is actually asleep?12:20
Slartganesh: nope.. with cp you have yo add the (copy) thing yourself12:21
alexb92canton: nothing thats what i dont understand i dont know whats wrong with it12:21
AgentHeXSlart: i have one OS drive and six RAID-5 drives (in two different arrays)12:21
SeverianKiRiLoS, it worked.12:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avidemux12:21
KiRiLoSSeverian, it seems that evertything is ok now :P although my fonts are kinda weird now :P12:21
SlartAgentHeX: hmm.. I'm not really sure.. hdparm perhaps? there might be some other way too12:21
cantonalexb92: ok what does sudo ping <router_address> do?12:21
Gamarok__!info avidemux12:21
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - gtk version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.4.4-0.0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 3157 kB, installed size 8228 kB12:21
SeverianKiRiLoS, try the liberation font.  I like it a lot.12:21
alexb92canton: same thinng : operation not permitted12:22
dadrockwhenever i am starting my apache it giving error that my port 80 is already listning how to free that port ?12:22
linduxedziroday: hmmm, i suspected someone would say that12:22
KiRiLoSSeverian, would you mind reminding me where i can change the fonts?(Gnome)12:22
AgentHeXSlart: and do you know if there's any way to prevent bit rot?  i have an offline utility that can recover bad sectors (usually), but i'm looking for more active maintenance that could keep the machine online and maybe write the data back to the drives and correct using the parity data if necessary.  i've got three 1TB drives, and the density is undoubtedly prone to errors.12:22
cantonalexb92: did you play around with apparmor or selinux or stuff like this? root (and putting sudo before a command executes it using the root user) is normally allowed to do anything.12:23
KiRiLoSSeverian, ok got it,apperance12:23
SeverianKiRiLoS, The option I have been thinking about, but have not suggest yet is that I think you should probably clear your apt cache.  Then, do an upgrade.12:23
linduxedziroday: i just hope it like usual with ubuntu that it will want to uninstall ubuntu-desktop....12:23
cantonalexb92: give me the output of ls -l /bin/ping12:23
glaucoushi everyone, my jaunty64 takes about 20 seconds to think about booting before it actually starts.  bootchart says it's kthreadd.  does anyone know how to speed it up?  where can I upload my bootchart to be examined?12:23
SlartAgentHeX: hmm... preventing bit rot.. haven't had any problems.. you could add error correcting information .par files comes to mind.. there might be some easier way though12:24
KiRiLoSSeverian, i did that myself :P12:24
SeverianKiRiLoS, You found the font change place you wanted?  There are several places where fonts are specified for different things.12:24
AgentHeXSlart: cool.  thanks.  i'll look into hdparm, though i just figured mdadm would just wake the drives up.12:24
guntbertcanton: the issue of alexb92 looks like a case of firewall12:24
SeverianKiRiLoS, good.12:24
KiRiLoSSeverian, yeap i did,it seems that my fonts changed to Sans12:24
cantonguntbert: oh that can be true, ack12:24
alexb92canton: what happened was i was upgrading form 8.10  to 9.04 when a blackout happened so i had to use aptget in recovery mode to fix everything and insstall everything again12:24
zirodaylinduxed: uninstalling ubuntu-desktop is fine it just a metapackage and as long as you have the dependencies you can reinstall it12:25
Maliciahi all12:25
alexb92canton: so that worked and 9.04 is working but i dunno what could be the cause. i dont have a firewall installed on the computer that i am aware of12:25
trancefatHi All, where can i get a jre for eclipse such that i can copy and paste it inside the eclipse folder?12:25
fornixis there a way i can copy only those files which are modified after a certain time from a folder. ls -t does list all entries according to modification time. i am wondering how to use it12:25
KiRiLoSSeverian, thank you so much :D12:26
Slartfornix: find12:26
cantonalexb92: try sudo iptables -L -n12:26
Hamzacanton: Perhaps have alex check out iptables?12:26
KiRiLoSSeverian, btw any idea about where i could find the default font configuration ? :P12:26
guntbertalexb92: please pastebin the output of sudo iptables -L12:26
cantonwhat does it show12:26
SeverianKiRiLoS, sure.  Good luck and enjoy Ubuntu.12:26
Slartfornix: something like  find -mtime bla bla bla   -exec copy {} /backupfolder/12:27
SeverianKiRiLoS, Do you mean what file hold the font names specified for the desktop?12:27
Slartfornix: there's probably lots of small errors in that.. but you get the idea12:27
bart_hey guys12:27
guntbertcanton: you suggestion was more sensible then mine if he has no access to the network :)12:27
cantonguntbert: i did not tell him to use pastebin12:28
KiRiLoSSeverian, no,i mean where i could find what type of fonts does ubuntu use by default,so i can change them back to the default12:28
AgentHeXSlart: you think running md5sum on everything on an array would cause the system to detect bit rot at the RAID level (disk sector goes bad, use parity to recover)?12:28
cantononly to look at the output12:28
fornixSlart: thanks reading man page for find12:28
SlartAgentHeX: probable.. but I'm not sure12:28
SeverianKiRiLoS, No, I don't know.  I can look at a fresshly installed 9.04 machine and see what it says.  If you'll give me a moment to start it up.12:29
guntbertcanton: thats what I meant being more sensible than my suggestion, and -n is good too12:29
alexb92canton: guys thank u for all ur help i dont mean to be a trouble12:29
Padhufriends anybody tell me the application name for home finanacial accounting12:29
alexb92canton: sorry i cant paste the information, im using a windows laptop now and the computer i am fixing is a desktop12:30
KiRiLoSSeverian, ofc,take your time :)12:30
Padhualexb92: use mibbit. it is possible12:30
alexb92canton: what r u looking for in that output12:30
wcauchoiscan anyone tell me what the php5-mysql package is?12:30
KiRiLoSSeverian, System>Preferences>Apperance>Fonts12:30
wcauchoisi thought you had to build php with mysql support, so is that a separate version of php5?12:31
cantonalexb92: ok ok we know, is the output of the above (iptables) command showing something like that: http://pastebin.com/m7564f1e12:31
wcauchoisbecause from the description it sounds like its some sort of separate extension module12:31
cantonalexb92: have a look at the "ACCEPT"s and that there are no "rules"12:31
Padhuwcauchois: it is excatly correct12:31
wcauchoisPadhu: which one? :P12:31
alexb92canton: no they all say policy drop12:32
=== FunkTheSys|Mampf is now known as FunkTheSys|Verda
cantonalexb92: fine, that's your problem. so try the following three commands:12:32
SeverianKiRiLoS, Application font, Document font, and Desktop font are Sans 10.  Window Title font is Sans Bold 10, and Fixed Width font is Monospace 1012:32
cantonalexb92: sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT12:32
cantonalexb92: sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT12:32
cantonalexb92: sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT12:33
cantonand then try pinging again12:33
KiRiLoSSeverian, wow,i have exactly the same,but again the font seems kinda weird.wtf12:33
glaucousPadhu: www.mint.com12:33
Padhuwcauchois: compile from source code12:33
wcauchoisi'm sorry, i don't understand; are you telling me i have to compile from source code?12:34
alexb92canton: yep they all now say policy accept12:34
cantonalexb92: ping?12:34
Padhuglaucous: what about this link12:34
cantonalexb92: first try a ping in your local network (ip, not name), then an ip ouside of the local network (i.e., then a hostname or url like www.google.com12:35
cantonthis should all work without sudo12:35
alexb92canton: sudo ping = ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted12:35
alexb92canton: exactly12:36
alexb92canton: i said the exact same thing when the internet wasnt working and i thought all my configurations were correct12:36
alexb92canton: i havent been using ubuntu long, just less than a year and im slowly learning everything12:36
Hamzaalexb92: Is this a wired connection?12:37
alexb92canton: ive tried pinging google.coom but it says : unknown host12:37
nibbleralexb92: iptables -L12:37
AgentHeXSlart: hey.  evidently, hdparm has a -y option to force standby.  it successfully spins down RAID disks.  when i query the network share, it hangs until the drive is spun back up.12:37
cantonalexb92: at least we have found the iptables problem but i am just wondering what else can cause the above message12:37
cantonnibbler: already done12:37
alexb92hamza: yes its a wired connection12:37
nibblerah i c, what is current iptables -L12:37
Kalmialexb92, when did it stop working?12:38
linduxedziroday: well the thing is that every time it has asked me to uninstall the metapackage it has dragged along the deps12:38
alexb92kalmi: when i upgraded  to 9.0412:38
KiRiLoSSeverian, any ideas about the font? :/12:38
Kalmialexb92, can you pm me the output of ifconfig?12:38
Kalmialexb92, or... does everything look alright in the output of ipconfig?12:39
alexb92kalmi: no i cant im using a different computer12:39
snowrichardsorry for any garbage typed while I was away, I have cats12:39
Kalmialexb92, *ifconfig12:39
imaginativeoneheh heh...12:39
mower26Hey all12:40
imaginativeoneI need help reconnecting to my windows workgroup12:40
Kalmiimaginativeone, domain?12:40
alexb92canton: lol ud find this hilarious, before i had 274 rx packet errors , now i have 35812:40
alexb92canton: and before i had 85 tx packet errors now i have 11012:40
imaginativeoneKalmi: not sure what you mean...12:40
mower26I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and when using mozilla it flickers, can some help me out.12:41
cantonalexb92: while trying to execute ping have a look on "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" on another console and look if any message appears while trying to execute "sudo ping <ip_of_your_router>12:41
alexb92canton: it keeps getting worse and worse.... its a ssimple wired connection, not that hard, i would have been on the internet years ago if this was in windows lol12:41
gnralexb92: have you check the nat table?12:41
alexb92gnr: no i havent12:41
cantonalexb92: your system is something f** up12:41
HamzaKiRiLoS: In 8.10, enabling FreeType rendering tends to make fonts look better. Perhaps this might be of interest - http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/15/tweak-your-font-rendering-for-better-appearance/12:41
gnralexb92 #iptables -t nat -L -n12:41
SeverianKiRiLoS, I don't know why it is displaying differently for you.  I can think of several things.  Can you get around it?  Like, by selecting a different font?12:42
KiRiLoSSeverian, hmm i'll check free type if that doesnt help i guess i'll change the font :P12:42
muradhi I need to change my mac in UBUNTU help me12:42
mower26help please!!!12:43
dusty_Hey guys, I have Ubuntu 9.04 installed.  I want to try out slackware, so i have installed slackware onto some free space - i installed it under 1 partition (/dev/sda7) and told it not to install a bootloader as I want ubuntu to handle this... how do i add the slackware operating system to grub so i can dual boot and choose between ubuntu and slackware ?  I Have added an entry into menu.lst but it won't boot saying invalid device.. any ideas?12:43
alexb92gnr: warning all config files need .conf : etc/modprobe.d/irda- utils will be ignored same with oss-compat12:43
Kalmimurad, permanently?12:43
muradnot really12:43
dusty_I added root (hd0,6) makeactive chainloader +112:43
dusty_but it errors when I select it..12:43
imaginativeonemurad: vmware?12:44
=== methylisocyanate is now known as methyl
gnralexb92 : irda is for infra-red12:44
Hamzaalexb92: sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward - does it say enabled btw?12:44
imaginativeonemurad: what is the problem?12:45
manuel_hola desde Sevilla12:45
imaginativeoneubuntu won't load?12:45
Kalmimurad, you can change it using the network-manager applet12:45
muradI want to change the mac add12:45
cantonalexb92: did you try what i told you?12:45
Kalmi!helpme | mower2612:45
ubottumower26: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience12:45
cantonalexb92: another thing: look at the output of "ifconfig eth0", there should be the string "UP" in the second line12:45
alexb92canton: yep i tried a whole bunch of crap turned up on screen12:46
Hamzaalexb92: Does ifconfig eth0 say UP?12:46
imaginativeonemurad: Preferences > Network Connections12:46
alexb92hamza: no it says up broadcast running multicast12:47
yadunandhi , my system cannot start X server , the system gives error saying that the filesystem is read only12:47
yadunandany fix ?12:47
kwkHello I have a problem with my Ubuntu 9.04 RAID 1 Installation when trying to configure GRUB. Here's my RAID setup http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/395310/ and here is the tutorial I used: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto. The proposed step is "grub> device (hd0) /dev/mapper/isw_beeaakeeaa_five" which I changed to "grub> device (hd0) /dev/mapper/isw_djfcejfjjb_Volume01" in my case. The error is: "Error 15: File not found"12:47
murad Preferences > Network Connections ii cant find it12:47
Hamzaalexb92: Ok. Try: sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward - does it report 0 or 1?12:48
Lillois1986Hello !  My dvd player seems to be freeze. I can't eject my dvd. Any idea ?12:48
alexb92hamza: 112:49
muradPreferences > Network Connections I cant find it12:49
SeverianLillois1986, kids, peanut butter?12:49
Hamzaalexb92: Hmm. One moment please.12:49
KiRiLoSSeverian, well,my fonts are clear enough but the problem is that it's kinda...Tall! wait i'll post a screenshot of my current font and the previous i had.12:50
alexb92hamza: ok , thank you very very very much for all of your patience, time and help it is very appreciated12:50
alexb92canton: same with you canton, i cant thank you enough12:50
stavrosLinuxare dell vostro with ubuntu available? anyone knows?12:50
SeverianLillois1986, sometimes, shutting down the computer completely will release a drive that thinks it should be locked.  When you power it back on, you'll be able to eject.  Other times, you have to use the paper clip trick.12:51
lorethebettervorrei sapere se c'è qualcuno che mi puo aiutare12:51
KiRiLoSSeverian, http://tinyurl.com/m3z97p can you see the difference?look at Applications Places System12:51
gnrLillois1986: #eject12:51
muradhow can i change my MAC ADDRESS AT ETHO12:51
Hamzaalexb92: No problem. Could you please try ifconfig eth0 and tell me what is the broadcast address?12:52
gnrmurad: ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 hw aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff12:52
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
Hamzaalexb92: And what is the netmask address?12:52
Lillois1986The eject command doesn't work either.12:53
adacIs there a DJ program available? or an extension to amarok or a similiar player?12:53
gnrLillois1986: #eject -f /dev/yourdvd12:54
lorethebetteri'm italian12:54
lorethebetteri've a problem12:54
KiRiLoSHamza, check this out,my fonts seem "taller" any ideas to fix that? http://tinyurl.com/m3z97p (Check Applications Places System)12:54
lorethebetterwith bcm431112:54
FloodBot1lorethebetter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
lorethebetterwho can help me?12:54
SeverianKiRiLoS, They both look OK to me.  The bottom one looks better.  Which is the current?12:54
KiRiLoSSeverian, the current is the top.That's the problem :P12:55
krepta_hello again, I have returned, and I've deleted ubuntu.  For some reason I could not get a boot loader called Boot Magic to boot linux, this was never a problem before on any other PC, and I think it is because linux was in an extended partition's virtual drive, rather than in a Primary partition.  So, I deleted the whole thing, and the extended partition.12:56
murad Permission denied is comming12:56
Hamzaalexb92: Did you upgrade this machine by any chance?12:56
SeverianKiRiLoS, I don't have any suggestion.12:56
HamzaKiRiLoS: Odd. Is this a desktop or a laptop display?12:57
Prankamurad: Try "sudo" before the command you want to enter.12:57
KiRiLoSHamza, desktop.It happened when i reinstalled a font package!12:57
krepta_sudo stands for something, right?  like, super user something or other...12:57
KiRiLoSSeverian, it's ok you helped me enough for today!Keep up the good work!12:57
lorethebettersomeone can help me?12:57
gnrstands for "superuser do"12:58
Lillois1986gnr : the eject -f command doesn't work, I pushed the eject button while ubuntu was mounting the dvd.12:58
krepta_oh, cool12:58
HamzaKiRiLoS: Do you remember the name of the font package?12:58
krepta_uhhh, so unmount it12:58
Hamzaalexb92: -> Did you upgrade this machine by any chance?12:58
KiRiLoSHamza, ofc, ttf-dejavu-extra12:58
Lillois1986but it is NOT mounted12:58
krepta_If I try installing ubuntu again, will it try to install everything into an extended partition again?  Is that normal?12:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:59
gnrLillois1986: #df -hT says it's not mounted?12:59
SeverianLillois1986, is there a small hole on the front panel of the DVD drive?  Most drives have an emergency eject built in there.  You use a bent paper clip to activate the switch inside.12:59
forceflowadac: try Mixxx12:59
krepta_I've done that, if the DVD is spinning up at high speed, it can be very bad for it to be ejected that way, better to power down the machine first or something.13:00
AnAnt__!nvidia | AnAnt__13:00
ubottuAnAnt__, please see my private message13:00
Lillois1986sudo umount -f /media/cdrom  ---> umount: /media/cdrom: n'est pas monté (is not mounted)13:00
adacforceflow, thx!13:00
forceflowit's not perfect, but it gets the job done13:00
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest49977
Hamzaalexb92, canton: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/315370 <- This bug has been reported. It's a problem with udev apparently.13:00
KiRiLoSHamza, any ideas ?13:01
Lillois1986I see a hole on the front panel, I'm trying what you said13:01
KiRiLoSHamza, i think there is a command for refreshing fonts or something13:01
krepta_good luck Lillois13:01
mower26 I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and when using mozilla it flickers. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the refresh rate.13:01
raven_hello - i need a video tool that easily provides video effects like windows-movie-maker does. in detail i need a speedup-effect - any idea? tnx.13:01
Kalmimower26, that is unlikely13:01
alexb92hamza: yes i did13:01
forceflowraven_: try avidemux13:01
krepta_Uhm, so, does anyone know if ubuntu will try to install into a Primary partition if I try to install it again?13:01
mower26what could it be13:02
Kalmimower26, does it also happen with the desktop effects off ?13:02
alexb92hamza: but thats stupid becoz the computers i am using a windows based except for 2 in the house, so how would i be able to fix the problem?13:02
raven_forceflow i did but i could not find a double-speed-effect13:02
mower26I have removed compiz13:02
HamzaKiRiLoS: One moment, please.13:02
Severianraven_, easily provides effect.  No such program.  There are very powerful video processing tools for Linux, but no easy one yet.13:02
Prankakrepta_: I'm not quite sure of your situation, but you can specify where you want Ubuntu to be installed in the Partition Manager.13:02
raven_Severian need not to be easy but i need such an effect ;)13:03
EyeDunnowhat is a good equivalent to nero for ubuntu?13:03
Severianraven_, Look at cinelerra13:03
forceflowEyeDunno: Brasero?13:03
EyeDunnocan it burn dvds and whatnot?13:03
forceflowEyeDunno: yes, it's in the standard ubuntu install installation13:03
gnralexb92 : sorry for asking this again.. was the problem is with ping not permitted?13:03
forceflowit burns audio discs, data discs, and image files :)13:04
krepta_When I install it is basically a wizard kind of thing, I can tell it to use the whole hard drive, which means it will go into a primary partition, but I want to keep windows, so I tell it to use the free space that is available on the hard drive.  That's not a partition manager though, it's more automated and dumb user friendly.13:04
Hamzaalexb92: Could you please try this: sudo ./ipmasq stop and then try pinging?13:04
EyeDunnocool :)13:04
Lillois1986krepta_, the dvd is not spinning. My device just doesn't respond anymore13:04
SeverianThere are other programs in the works.  There is a videl framework called gmerlin that some people use to create effects like that.13:04
raven_Sevrian i am doing at the moment but where is the speedup-thing?13:04
HamzaKiRiLoS: Are you on jaunty?13:04
KiRiLoSHamza, yeah13:04
krepta_oh, that's too bad lillois. :(13:04
krepta_Well, good for the DVD though13:04
orly_owl_tvHow can I get TV out working on Nvidia NV18 GeForce4 MX  nForce GPU? I'm using the S-Video port hooked up to a PAL CRT TV,13:04
Prankakrepta_: There is a third option in the Partition Manager, allows you to create/edit partitions.13:04
Lillois1986I'm goint to wait until my encoding is finished, then I will reboot my laptop.13:05
imaginativeonethat card is notorious for problems with Ubuntu13:05
krepta_Ok then, I'll try that.  Is there an option for NOT installing grub in the first place?13:05
jalswhat's the word for when a video shows the colors wrong, sort of inverted or something13:05
SeverianLillois1986, if it had a drive failure due to a power supply(the one on the drive), or a control card, there may be no way to eject short of disassembly.  I had to do that to a pioneer drive once.13:05
EyeDunnoThanks forceflow13:05
forceflowjals: bad saturation/hue settings ?13:05
mobi-sheepBash Experts --> How would I place "ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" to a value?13:05
Prankakrepta_: If you're not going to install Grub, then how are you going to switch between Operating Systems?13:05
Lillois1986I have this problem since I am running 9.04.13:06
hoohaahPranka: lilo13:06
jalsforceflow, saturation might be it, i need to know the term to google it heh13:06
krepta_I have Boot Magic 8.013:06
Prankahoohaah: Not even Lilo.13:06
forceflowjals: if you've got a problem with the standard ubuntu movie player, it happened to me one time too: just readjust the hue/sat settings :)13:06
HamzaKiRiLoS: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=228359 <- Perhaps this might work?13:06
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alexb92gnr: yes13:06
Kalmikrepta_, what is bootmagic good for?13:06
jalsforceflow, it's not that so much, i ripped a dvd using VLC and it's come out wrong, even on my ipod so it's not a display issue13:06
KiRiLoSHamza, thanks,i'll check it out and i'll let u know13:06
alexb92hamza: doesnt work it says command not found13:07
jalsit's ripped badly i guess13:07
forceflowjals: probably,yes ... shame of the work :-)13:07
gnralexb92 : then try with #nmap -sP the.ip.just.now13:07
krepta_It's good for booting any dang OS I want, I used to use it all the time with like 5 OSes, I had more than one HD to play with at the time.13:07
jalsso trying to google, but not sure how to describe the problem13:07
mrwesjals, check out Handbrake, it has presets for ripping DVD's to IPODs13:07
Severianraven_, ask the cinelerra people.  They do all sorts of stuff like that.  A user at a local LUG showed us time compression, but I don't know the program.  That was at least two years ago.13:07
Lillois1986By the way, encoding in x264 is faster using 64bits OS than 32 bits.13:07
Kalmi!hi | ubuntu13:08
ubottuubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:08
jalsmrwes, command line though right? i'll have a look anyway13:08
hoohaahLillois1986: not significantly13:08
raven_severian ok i'll try - tnx13:08
hoohaahmay 5-10% or so13:08
krepta_I had windows 98b, dos with windows 3.11, linux, and a couple other oses all running on the same machine, using boot magic, loved the thing.13:08
helperhello, what is the name of the file to configure the runlevel to run by default /etc/ ?13:08
Hamzaalexb92: Ah yes, my mistake. 1. cd /etc/init.d 2. sudo ./ipmasq stop and then try pinging.13:08
hoohaahmurad: stop shouting13:08
Severianhelper, it is runlevel13:08
krepta_wait, you have beening regularly changing your MAC address?!13:09
Severiancd /etc13:09
* G69 Boa tarde /Good Afternoon13:09
krepta_good morning too13:09
Hamzamurad: Install the macchanger package.13:09
helperSeverian the configuration13:09
ubuntuvirtual pc13:09
helperSeverian the configuration file there is no runlevel file in /etc13:09
AgentHeXSlart: thanks for all the help.  i'm testing the automatic spindown of drives to see if they'll go offline when they're idle.  not sure how it will work under RAID13:10
Kalmi!caps | murad13:10
ubottumurad: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:10
Hamzamurad: Do you want to change your mac address permanently or temporarily? And please use lowercase.13:10
Severianhelper, debial does not do runlevels like you might expect.  Normal for debian systems like ubuntu is 2.13:10
murado sorry13:10
alexb92hamza: sorry what do i type into console?13:10
gnrmurad: ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 hw ether aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff ----i did told you just now13:10
krepta_I love virtual machine, I haven't used it in a while, but it's neat.  Sure does limit things though, any OS installed in it is gonna be slower than in a real partition on the hard drive.13:10
Kalmignr: that's not permanent...13:10
murad temporarily13:10
Demonizerjava sux13:10
helperSeverian i know , once here they give me naame of conffiguration file in /etc/ i 4got it ,13:10
Kalmimurad, Hamza: You could just use networkmanager13:10
Lillois1986hoohaah : maybe it depends on the processor. With my T7200, I had a 14 fps rate on a 32 bits ubuntu. now I have a 23 fps rate. Concerning the First pass, It didn't improve like that though13:11
Hamzaalexb92: First: cd /etc/init.d (enter) Then: sudo ./ipmasq stop (enter) and then try pinging.13:11
muradkalmi: how13:11
Kalmikrepta_, xp boots faster in kvm for me :)13:11
gnrKalmi: you can;t make it permanent , that's why it's called burn-in address13:11
hoohaahhelper: /etc/inittab13:11
krepta_Well, is that because it is a fresh install, and therefore less crap?13:11
Kalmignr, but you can get sour OS to set it everytime it boots13:11
Severianhelper, hoohah got it.  I was looking it up.13:11
Kalmignr, *your13:11
Maliciahelper, sudo telinit 313:11
Maliciafor exemple13:11
DemonizerLOL just dual booted ubuntu and xp13:11
helperhoohaah no config file in that name13:12
Kalmimurad, do you see that network tray icon?13:12
hoohaahhelper: beware of typos13:12
alexb92hamza: i went into filesystem then etc and i looked in there and the file doesnt even exist13:12
ddoomis it possible to mount only one partition of a mirrored lvm setup (in case one of the mirrored drives dies)13:12
krepta_I like booting lots of things, I wish I had a nice bunch of hard drives to play with again.13:12
jribhelper: why do you want to change the runlevel?13:12
helperhoohaah copy /paste from u :P13:12
gnrKalmi:my what?13:12
midnajthey my audio simply stoped working13:12
Kalmignr, operating system13:12
helperjrib i'm studying using DVD learn linux so i want to check how to config be13:12
muradkalmi I am new so tell me details13:13
jrib!upstart | helper13:13
ubottuhelper: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:13
gnrKalmi:what's with it?13:13
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:13
jribhelper: ubuntu uses upstart, read its documentation13:13
krepta_I love how you guys help so many people, dang, so many smart people.  Have a great day, and stuff, bye.13:13
hoohaahoh really?13:13
Maliciahelper, u can create ur own /etc/inittab13:13
Demonizerwow linux is so new to me lol13:13
Severianhelper, or not.  There is no inittab.  So, I'll stick with running the runlevel program as an answer.13:13
Kalmignr, but you can get your OS to set the MAC address everytime it boots13:13
hoohaahi havent tinkered with runlevels in a while13:13
muradkalmi I can see network icon13:13
Kalmimurad, right click->edit13:13
helperSeverian ah i see , seems the /etc/inittab for fedora maybe13:13
Maliciahelper, or do sudo telinit 3 to be at runlevel 313:14
hoohaahnah, ubuntu is just innovative13:14
hoohaaha lot of other distros still use it13:14
cantonKalmi: man 5 interfaces -> hwaddress maybe?13:14
hoohaahnothing wrong with either way, really13:14
Hamzaalexb92: Hmmm. Besides stopping ipmasq, I'm not sure how I could help you further. The problem's been reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/31537013:14
Kalmicanton, ubuntu is using networkmanager by default.... it has a nice gui... newbies should use that13:14
helperMalicia when  i shutdown the pc , it do restart does this make with runlevel?13:15
Kalmimurad, then select that lonely wire connection and click edit13:15
guntbertMalicia: the concept of runlevels does not really apply in ubuntu - see !upstart13:15
helperMalicia of bios ?13:15
gnrKalmi: not permanent, there's no way unless for some old intel nic, or if you desolder and write using eeprom. If your permanent understanding is by doing at OS boot scripts.. then go on13:15
Severianredhat uses more runlevels, so it seems natural that their users are more likely to change that.  So, they make the configuration a little easier.13:15
Kalmignr, yeah... that's what I call permanent... and that seems permanent enough :)13:15
Hamzaalexb92: I would suggest a reinstall if your system is not mission-critical.13:15
alexb92hamza: hmmso how come init.d doesnt exist? it used to before i upgraded13:15
KiRiLoSHamza, it didnt help,fonts are the same.13:16
Hamzaalexb02: init.d doesn't exist?13:16
Maliciaguntbert, how ?13:16
KalmiHamza, a mission critival system without internet connection sounds funny :)13:16
alexb92hamza: problem is though ive installed a hell of alot of packages which i dont want  to lose13:16
guntbert!upstart | Malicia13:16
ubottuMalicia: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:16
Maliciahelper, I didn't understand ur question, sorry13:16
Hamzaalexb92: init.d doesn't exist?13:16
Severiangnr, Kalmi, look at a program called macchanger.  You can set it up to give you a random mac address every time you boot.13:16
hoohaahnot if it's mission is to be isolated from the rest of the world13:16
RandomtimeIs there any way I can get ubuntu to show what it's doing at boot, instead of just the splash screen bar, it did it way back on dapper drake, but I can't seem to do it on Jaunty13:16
alexb92hamza: inet.d exists however13:16
Zelfjealexb92 lookin: /etc/init.d13:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about photosmart13:16
geraldsearch ubuntu1013:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp13:17
Maliciaguntbert, ubottu ok, I'm not well awake yet, :p13:17
Zelfjesrry inet misread13:17
adacforceflow, mixxx was exactly what I searched for! thx dude!!13:17
hoohaah[ifroog]: you can play with the bot in a /query13:17
mfc_coderRandomtime, uslpash is the name of the splash13:17
geraldso so13:17
Hamzaalexb92: I'm reasonably certain that you're dealing with a botched upgrade.13:17
Maliciabtw sysV was a nice thing ;p13:17
gnrKalmi:You don't have to say it's wrong. Just add that you can do it "permanently" by adding it to boot script... daa.... you're confusing the questioner...13:17
HamzaKalmi: :)13:17
[ifroog]hoohaah, Not, Playing. Just couple of queries.13:17
geraldim not speking englich13:17
TheBraynhowdy folks13:17
alexb92hamza: yep im in there  now what do i look for?13:17
SeverianCanonical is working on completely changing the init stuff.  There are good reasons to do this, so read about it if you are interested.13:18
forceflowadac: no problem!13:18
helperMalicia when i do , telinit 0 or shutdown -h 0 , system reboot instead of shutdown13:18
ciphergothI'm running Jaunty on an ancient IBM laptop with an Intel chipset, and I see lots of errors in rendering: in particular, fonts are covered in little black rectangles.  It seems to get worse with time.  Switching off acceleration fixes it.  Sound familiar to anyone?13:18
alexb92hamza: i thought so, but i thought it would have been all fixed when i went and did system recovery13:18
muradthere is nothing called  lonely wire connection only 1 option  "edit wireless connection"13:18
zhoujingruimy ubuntu no sound13:18
ishbibenobdoes anyone know how to make tracker index multiple hard drives?13:18
guntbert!de | gerald13:18
ubottugerald: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:18
Hamzaalexb92: Hmmm.13:18
zhoujingruiwho can help me?13:18
Maliciahelper, oh?13:18
ubuntuanyone use virtual pc13:19
SeverianRandomtime, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the quiet verbs.  I do that on all my systems.13:19
guntbert!anyone | ubuntu13:19
ubottuubuntu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:19
midnajtok I just can't get my audio to work13:19
Hamzaalexb92: Does this work: /etc/init.d/networking restart?13:19
midnajtyesterday worked and since the new start it doesn't13:19
helperMalicia yes13:19
midnajtno changes were made13:19
Kalmi!sound |midnajt13:20
ubottumidnajt: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:20
muradkalmi:there is nothing called  lonely wire connection only 1 option  "edit wireless connection"13:20
alexb92hamza: im in the folder what file are u looking for in there?13:20
Kalmimurad, you only have a wireless connection?13:20
Hamzaalexb92: Type: sudo ./ipmasq stop (enter)13:21
ishbibenobhow do you make tracker index external hardrives other than home directory?13:21
zhoujingruihow to solve ubuntu no sound?13:21
alexb92hamza: sudo ./ipmasq : command not found13:21
ciphergoth!sound | zhoujingrui13:22
ubottuzhoujingrui: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:22
midnajtubottu: thank you I got it now some how the device was changed13:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:22
helperMalicia so ?13:22
Hamzaalexb92: Okay. Does /etc/init.d/networking restart do anything?13:22
Maliciahelper, what about watchdog?13:23
alexb92hamza: yes its working lets see what that does13:23
helperMalicia never used it13:23
Eochcan portable ubuntu load drivers for a device that the host device doesn't have drivers for?  or does it just point to the host drivers?13:24
Maliciahelper, me neither...13:24
helperMalicia lol13:24
_10ur_hamza türkmüsün13:24
wildc4rdis there a channel on Freenode more for discussing compiling drivers from source?13:24
alexb92hamza: no dhcpoffers received13:24
Kalmialexb92, what network card do you have?13:25
Maliciahelper, could you give the output of $runlevel?13:25
Kalmialexb92, lspci can tell you13:25
helperMalicia N 213:25
alexb92kalmi: doesnt work13:26
ishbibenobhow do you get tracker to index numerous hard drives?13:26
Hamzaalexb92: That is expected behavior. My bet is that your networking subsystem's been corrupted because of the upgrade. I'd recommend a reinstall.13:26
Kalmialexb92, what?13:27
alexb92hamza: tthe last thing that was processed says starting ntp server ntpd ... done13:27
Kalmialexb92, lspci?13:27
alexb92hamza; theres just a flashing box13:27
ZappzaDoes anybody here have any experience or knowledge about driver compiling?13:27
Hamzaalexb92: What happens when you type lspci and press enter?13:27
xenocrateshi, i'm having trouble with my desktop background on ubuntu. i can set it fine but when i restart it goes back to default. when i go to change it again it suddenly 'appears'.???13:27
KalmiZappza, why do you need to compile drivers?13:27
alexb92hamza: ispci : command not found13:28
taviwho says to me how i can put proxy on konversation or on pidgin13:28
jalshey guys, here's the colour issue i'm having, how would you describe this to google it? http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4930/primer.png13:28
Hamzaalexb92: lspci says command not found?13:28
Maliciaalexb92, lspci13:28
Malicianot ispci13:28
Hamzaalexb92: l not i - lspci.13:28
Fzangis it possible to permanently gain root access to a directory like /usr/share/ or is it built into linux that you can't have access to them?13:29
MaliciaHamza, he typed i instead of l13:29
alexb92oh right13:29
helperMalicia so ?13:29
jsnI'm having trouble with nm-applet. It doesn't launch a window. The relevant portion of the strace output is here:  http://pastebin.com/ddf1cb6113:29
helperMalicia  i told u output : N 213:29
chris_laurent ?13:29
=== edson is now known as puzzle
Maliciahelper, I don't know why , sorry13:29
jsnFzang, you probably don't really want permanent access.13:29
jsnFzang, and there would be different ways to do it, depending.13:29
FzangI don't want? Why? Dangerous?13:30
alexb92hamza: ohk sorry about that13:30
Maliciahelper, and what about if u do halt13:30
xenocratesdoes anyone know how i can make my desktop picture stay that way after restarting?13:30
=== hell_ is now known as hellues
alexb92hamza: sorry about that, a bunch of info is now on screen13:30
jsnFzang, well, I've been using linux for a decade now, and have never needed to change permissions on the stuff set up by the filesystem. It's not radically dangerous, but it does make it easy to hork your system.13:31
jsnxenocrates, that would depend on the window manager.13:31
salserocan somebody recommend to me an esata RAID 1 controller for two 500 mb external HDDs that is compatible with linux? and also, how do I configure such a device, does it even need configuring?13:31
Kalmialexb92,  LSPCI (lowercase)13:31
FzangI'll just leave the thought and sudo my way out then :)13:31
jsnFzang, if you do find yourself needing to do this over and over, well, changing it just on /usr/share/whichever-application is a better idea than all of /usr/share13:32
alexb92kalmi: thanks, i know ive  already done that and info is now on the screen13:32
=== hell_ is now known as hellues
Maliciahelper, could u paste what says : ls -al /etc/rc0.d/K45named13:33
jsnWow, it seems like xchat has stolen all focus, I can't click anywhere outside it.13:33
m1dn1ghtCan someone please tell me how when I am connected to a remote system via ssh I can run a program that will appear on the remote display?13:33
helperMalicia no such file like this13:34
Maliciahelper, so :  ls -al /etc/rc0.d/13:34
Maliciawhat does it says?13:34
Zappza@Kalmi - Because I need to use a wireless usb stick, and the drivers (rt2870) aren't supported.13:34
Kalmi_Zappza, where did you get stuck?13:36
helperMalicia http://pastebin.com/m7c2d53dd13:36
alexb92hamza: what do i do now?13:36
flintwingelm1dn1ght: where X based app are displayed depends on the DISPLAY shell variable.... try "export DISPLAY=:0.0 ; xterm" when you are ssh'd in from another system13:37
Ranakahanybody know if it's any problem with acer travelmate 7530 and ubuntu jaunty?13:37
alexb92hamza: i have an idea. i have a wireless adaptor, should i plug that in and run aptget and fix up everything?13:38
Maliciahelper, what does it say : cat ../init.d/halt13:38
scuniziRanakah: boot the live cd and see if it works.. if it does there then you should be fine.13:38
Ranakaham.. via wubi :D13:39
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp13:39
Maliciahelper, naturally, commands called when u want to run runlevel 0 are in this file.13:39
scuniziRanakah: that's not the same thing.. boot the live cd by itself from a "computer off" status.13:39
helperMalicia http://pastebin.com/m1447841713:40
JoTraGoJaunty recognises my several ntfs & fat32 partitions and mounts them when clicked in nautilus. How can I make them mount automatically at boot up?13:40
Maliciahelper, if I don't answer u it's because I went have some lunch, so ask other people here ;)13:40
m1dn1ghtflintwingel: thanks for the help13:40
scunizi!mount > JoTraGo13:40
ubottuJoTraGo, please see my private message13:40
BretWHi guys, I'm looking to install 9.04 on my laptop. Now it has a Broadcom 4311BG wireless card. On the compatibility, one piece says the 4311 works out of the box and another says it doesn't. Is it worth risking installing it?13:41
scuniziBretW: does it work running the live cd?13:42
scunizi!broadcom > BretW13:42
ubottuBretW, please see my private message13:42
BretWThat's what I was going to test, but I don't seem to be able to find a CD at the moment to burn it onto, plus scunizi that link you just sent me doesn't have 9.04 on it13:43
scuniziBretW: probably similar enough.. but really the first test is the live cd.13:43
Chryzogot a small problem with X11 and nvidia graphic card on a laptop13:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:44
Chryzoi want to make an external CRT display my main display. Unfortunately, the CRT display has a resolution of 640*48013:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about specific13:45
DemonizerHow is the open source ATI driver is doing? any rumors?13:45
Chryzonicklas : I know :) it was to explain the environment :)13:45
nicklas_Chryzo: lol13:45
scuniziChryzo: if you've enabled the nvidia driver in system/admin/hardware drivers .. then install nvidia-settings and run it..13:46
Chryzoif you want specific, how do I get my CRT display to be 1280*1024 instead of 640*48013:46
Chryzoscunizi: It is in nvidia settings that I can't configure the CRT with a larger resolution13:46
nicklas_Chryzo: you set it up in nvidia x server settings?13:47
mrwesBretW, here's a link with all the Ubuntu iso -- for torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/13:47
BretWI've got the ISO, mrwes :)13:47
Chryzowell, no, I installed the nvidia drivers and nvidia settings, then the problem appeared, and I have been trying to solve it through nvidia-settings for the past hour ...13:47
Chryzobut searching on the web in a 640*480 resolution ain't easy :)13:47
Chryzonvidia-settings doesn't allow me to increase the resolution of the CRT13:48
nicklas_Chryzo: you have two monitors on the list and can change between them?13:48
ChryzoYes I can do that13:48
nicklas_Chryzo: hmm ok13:48
ChryzoI also configured the CRT to be the main13:48
Chryzoand the Laptop's to be disabled13:48
Chryzo(the laptop screen has one of the color that died)13:49
nicklas_Chryzo: are there only one resolution availalbe?13:49
Chryzonope, 2 for the CRT, 640*480 and 320*24013:49
scuniziChryzo: run nvidia-settings with sudo from cli and then have it change/save xorg.conf while the wrong resolution is displayed on the crt.  next open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and fine the line listing the 640 rez and change it.13:49
nicklas_Chryzo: but if you try aout, what happens then?13:50
awefIs there something wrong with the apt servers? because i don't have any updates since two weeks13:50
boss_mcawef: It's cos jaunty is awesome13:51
alexb92hamza: thank you very very much for all of your help, its getting late here so i must go but i think i will just wait for 9.10 and that should fix up everything13:51
alexb92thanks everyone13:51
boss_mcawef: And they've not needed to update anything...13:51
alexb92bye :)13:51
Chryzonicklas/scunizi: am gonna try that, be back after :)13:51
Chryzoand by the way, how do i restart Xorg?13:51
awefboss_mc: haha ok great :P13:51
midnajthey my Inet connection closed yesterday during an Upgrade can I simply continue now or do I need to do more13:52
nicklas_i havent had any updates for a few days either. are there somrthing wrong?13:52
hoelki have a short pulseaudio question: i need to play back 2 different audiostreams on 2 sepperate soundcards of the same computer via pulseaudio13:52
hoelkhow do i achieve this?13:52
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents13:53
craigbass1976I'm booted up to a livecd (hardy) and it found my atheros wireless card (restricted drivers); I can't find how to get on a network anywhere though.13:53
RandomtimeIs there any way I can make a tab in nautilus root, or will I have to run the whole thing as root?13:54
Kalmi_Randomtime, whole thing13:54
mobi-sheepRandomtime: Just run two nautilus.13:54
nicklas_so there is nothing wrong with apt servers or my system even though i havent had any updates for several days?13:54
Doctor_Vexi have a problem with my logon screen13:54
craigbass1976Doctor_Vex, why wheee?13:54
Doctor_Vexits resolution is somehow screwed13:55
craigbass1976Thought maybe you rode your laptop down a hill or something...13:55
craigbass1976gidna, howdy13:55
gidnaI can't play yahoo chess game. I've problem with java13:55
mrwesRandomtime, there is a nautilus-root plugin for Nautilus13:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 1.0413:55
craigbass1976gidna, where's the game?13:55
nicklas_warsow time, bye13:56
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents13:56
gidnaon yahoo13:56
craigbass1976gidna, can I have a link?13:56
Randomtimemrwes: I'll check that out13:56
craigbass1976I'm booted up to a livecd (hardy) and it found my atheros wireless card (restricted drivers); I can't find how to get on a network anywhere though.13:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 9.0913:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 10.0413:56
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:57
craigbass1976gidna, will I be able to use my regular yahoo login?13:57
Doctor_Vexso no one can help me eh?13:57
craigbass1976gidna, its spanish!   hehe  hang on13:57
gidnaI think you should have an account to play13:57
craigbass1976gidna, I do, but I've got to go find the english version of the site.  I only know Hola, bien, and adios13:58
mrwesRandomtime, it's actually called nautilus-gksu -- you have to logout and/or restart X for it to enable after installing13:59
helperhello how i can add using /etc/fstab i want to add mount for /home because i want to use quota option how 's that i try /home /home default 0 0 => didn't work13:59
gidnaHowever it's not spanish it's italian13:59
craigbass1976gidna, hmmm, it's working for me.  What do you see?13:59
gidnaI can't create a table or play in other ways14:00
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.14:00
craigbass1976gidna, But does it give you some "need java" message?14:00
Randomtimemrwes: thanks14:00
xray7224ooo lets see what it says about the realise i started with14:01
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.14:01
mrwesRandomtime, sure, from then on, you can just right click on the file and open as root14:01
xray7224:( aww damn its got no support14:01
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents14:01
gidnaNo it just tell me that I need to allow pop-ups, If I do it, it's the same thing14:02
mrwesI broke my cherry on 7.1014:02
JoeySpazhi all14:02
xray7224mrwes, dont you agree gutsy was the best :D14:02
JoeySpazwhy is my sound so out of sync?14:02
craigbass1976gidna, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/23218  does this help?14:02
mrwesxray7224, I was fond of Gusty14:02
craigbass1976xray7224, you are joking right?14:02
helperhello how i can add using /etc/fstab i want to add mount for /home because i want to use quota option how 's that i try /home /home default 0 0 => didn't work14:02
ubuntuu guys like FireFox14:02
JoeySpazin my linux games and also in Flash14:02
xray7224craigbass1976, nope14:02
helperwhat file system of home ?14:02
JoeySpazespecially flash games on the internet the sound is half a second out of sync14:02
gidnaI didn't install sun-java6-jre14:02
mrweshelper, ext3 ?14:03
JoeySpazit is VERY distracting and has been happening ever since i installed jaunty from hardy14:03
craigbass1976xray7224, I only breezed through it on the upgrade path from edgy to hardy, but I heard all sorts of people complaining about it14:03
Kalmi_!sound | gidna14:03
ubottugidna: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:03
ubuntuanyone use Virtual PC14:03
helpermrwes, i use in /etc/fstab i mean how i can add /home i need to mount it so i can use quota14:03
JoeySpazHow do i change the sound buffer length14:03
ubuntuVIRTUAL PC14:03
gidnaI've installed OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime Shouldn't be the same?14:03
craigbass1976I'm booted up to a livecd (hardy) and it found my atheros wireless card (restricted drivers); I can't find how to get on a network anywhere though.14:03
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, try using ALSA14:03
JoeySpazKalmi_: i am14:03
gidnaI don't have problem with sound I've problem with java14:03
xray7224craigbass1976, i loved it :D14:03
JoeySpazall of my things are set to ALSA14:03
death64есть ру?14:04
mrweshelper: here's my entry  /dev/sda314:04
rob0917How well does portable ubuntu work?14:04
mrwesUUID=c01708ed-83dc-4834-8381-fba15f6547b8 /home           ext3    relatime        0       214:04
Kalmi_!en | death6414:04
ubottudeath64: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:04
craigbass1976gidna, that link should have taken you to a message board archive where the post was about yahoo games and java14:04
Kalmi_rob0917, what do you mean by portable ubuntu?14:04
Lint01!ru > death6414:04
ubottudeath64, please see my private message14:04
v4hnev'ning everyone14:05
gidnaOpenJDK Java 6 Runtime should be the same of java software, right?14:05
helpermrwes, i try home /home ext3 defaults 0 014:05
helper didn't work14:05
rob0917you can download it and run it like a windows application in windows14:05
rob0917you can google it14:05
JoeySpazcome on people :(14:06
mrweshelper, I think you need the relatime and you would also want fsck on that partition, so 0 2 is correct14:06
v4hnmy girlfriend just upgraded to jaunty and drag&drop doesn't work anymore14:06
tonesJoeySpaz: what is it?14:06
v4hnany issues known?14:06
mrweshelper, pastebin your /etc/fstab so we can take a look at it14:07
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:07
helpermrwes, error come like : mount: special device home does not exist14:07
JoeySpaztones: the sound in my games is out of sync, and about 1 second out of sync in flash games... it drives me MAD and is really annoyin me... it happened ever since i upgraded from hardy to jaunty... is there a way to change the sound buffer latency?14:07
v4hnthe dragged preview just returns to it's old place after releasing the button14:07
mrweshelper, from a terminal type sudo fdisk -l (lower case L), do you see the home partition?14:07
craigbass1976How does one find a list of available wireless networks?  Hardy livecd found and is using restricted drivers for my atheros card, but I can't see where I can list the networks.14:08
mrweshelper /dev/sda2 or sda3 maybe?14:08
tonesJoeySpaz: im guessing its a bug in flash.. but no, dont think i can help you there.14:08
craigbass1976On my own box, I use wifi radar, but need a network first to be able to install it on this other lappy14:08
scunizirob0917: there's a couple of ways of doing "portable" ubuntu.. they way you mentioned by running it from a usb stick in a window in Windows (emulation) and booting directly to a usb stick regardless of the os on the computer.14:08
helpermrwes,  http://pastebin.com/m3d58c926 the both of fstab and fdisk14:08
xray7224craigbass1976, you want to list all networks around you ?14:08
mrwesk...lemme look14:08
tonescraigbass1976: iwlist14:09
JoeySpaztones: it's not a bug in flash, it used to run perfectly14:09
xray7224craigbass1976, try "iwlist scan"14:09
tonescraigbass1976: iwlist ath0 ap14:09
JoeySpaztones: what about in anything else? the sound is out of sync even when i click buttons14:09
* xray7224 thinks tones is just showing off now :D14:09
* tones thinks xray7224 is also showing off now :P14:10
scunizirob0917: running any os directly from a usb stick is typically slower then a direct install.. also if  you want to try ubuntu without getting rid of your widows install, you can run the live cd. or install virtualbox or do a dual boot14:10
mrweshelper: is this an Wubi install via Windows?14:10
xray7224maybe :D14:10
xenocrateswhat is the go with virus protection when it comes to linux? do you still run a program such as AVG?14:10
helpermrwes,  yes14:10
craigbass1976tones, ath0 doesn't exist14:10
tonesJoeySpaz: driver bug? which then rules me out completely..14:10
rob0917ok was just wondering14:10
scunizixenocrates: nope..14:10
craigbass1976I've got loopback and eth014:10
xray7224craigbass1976, just do "iwlist scan"14:10
mrwesHelper: did you actually make a /home partition?14:10
mrwesI don't see it14:10
JoeySpaztones: what makes it different from hardy?14:10
tonescraigbass1976: so your atheros card isnt even detected then?14:10
xray7224craigbass1976, do "ifconfig ath0 up"14:10
craigbass1976xray7224, right, but lo and eth0 don't support scanning14:10
nibblerxenocrates: well, there is clamav and rootkit-detectors, but normaly you dont need it...14:10
Jack8899-2Why does the system monitor tool show I only have 2.9 GiB RAM in the status bar, but I actually have 4GiB RAM?14:10
helpermrwes, no i want to do now so i can set up the quota14:10
scunizixenocrates: not needed unless you're just a really nice person and want to protect your friends windows installs14:11
tonesJoeySpaz: were you using the same kernel in hardy? if not, that might be why..14:11
xray7224craigbass1976, i know that lo = and eth0 is ethernet14:11
nibblerJack8899-2: you ahve 32bit version installed and a big-memory graphixscard?14:11
JoeySpaztones: i dunno, i just installed from the cd inage14:11
mrweshelper, well I've never used quotas, but you can't mount a /home partition if it doesn't exsist14:11
craigbass1976xray7224, nope, no such device.  Hang on, I'll google some more14:11
xray7224craigbass1976, sounds like hardy doesnt have your drivers14:11
helpermrwes, there is /home14:11
tonesJoeySpaz: then its probably that the new drivers think badly of your hardware14:11
xenocrateslol nah i'm not that nice14:12
craigbass1976xray7224, it says it did, and is using them14:12
aviators.v.p  je veux installer compiz esque vous pouvez m'aider14:12
Jack8899-2nibbler: i have 64bit installed14:12
JoeySpaztones: the hardware drivers section in the settings menu is empty14:12
xray7224craigbass1976, ether complie the latest kernel *.29 or upgrade to a later ubuntu14:12
xenocratesi can't believe it! i'm relatively new to linux, have played over the years with redhat and mandrake but omfg i want ubuntu to have my children14:12
xray7224craigbass1976, apt might not like you compling your own kernel so you might be best off updating14:12
xenocratesWHY are people still using windows...FUCK!14:12
tonesJoeySpaz: menu? section? im lost already14:13
xray7224xenocrates, watch the language14:13
craigbass1976xenocrates, hey, you're going to get the boot swearing14:13
xenocratessorry :/14:13
XLVis there any tool for non destructive conversion of ext3 to ext4?14:13
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:13
trancefatHi all how do i know if JRE is installed14:13
flintwingelhelper: you may be mixing up directories and partitions... a partition is a dedicated section of the disk14:13
xenocratesover excited :P14:13
tonesxenocrates: reading that message though, with good reason14:13
Lint01xenocrates: windows Just Works™14:13
aviatorplease how can i instal compiz14:14
JoeySpaztones: the menu System > Administration > Hardware Drivers14:14
helperflintwingel, oups ! , hrm problem, if i want to re-install it , how i can parition it ?14:14
xray7224hehe the bots funky :D14:14
flintwingelhelper: by default the ubuntu installer creates a single partition and put sthe /home directory and the same partition as everything else14:14
craigbass1976I was in a linux chat last night and someone was complaining for being booted here.  I guess he said the acronym for what the intercourse.14:14
trancefatHi all, how do i know if JRE is installed?14:14
Lint01aviator: try Synaptic, and don't forget to install plugins14:14
tonesJoeySpaz: i dived right into command line as soon as i got ubuntu, so im not too familiar with much of gnome and any of anything else14:14
n3fhi everyone14:14
helperflintwingel, why then not found /home partition here14:14
thiebaudehi n3f14:14
flintwingelhelper: you can choose manual partitioning during install14:14
xray7224craigbass1976, most likely14:14
Lint01trancefat: run 'java' in terminal and see what's happens14:14
helperflintwingel, i can't use fdisk now ?14:14
JoeySpaztones: is there a command to change the sound buffer length?14:15
n3fjust installed jaunty..14:15
n3fhaving problems with compiz fusion..14:15
craigbass1976xray7224, to bad.  I'm guessing he was warned a coupld times first14:15
aviator#ubuntu fr14:15
n3fi don't have problem with it using 8.0514:15
trancefatLint01: ok it tells me how to install Java14:15
tonesJoeySpaz: run "lsmod | grep snd" and find a sound driver name in the modules.. maybe that will help you on your journey14:15
n3fi don't have problem with it using 8.0414:15
tonesJoeySpaz: depends on the driver14:15
Lint01trancefat: so JRE is absent then14:15
flintwingelhelper~: you can't use fdisk on the disk you're booted from14:15
tones!enter | n3f14:16
ubottun3f: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:16
JoeySpaztones: It showed this: snd_intel8x0           37532  514:16
JoeySpazsnd_ac97_codec        112292  1 snd_intel8x014:16
JoeySpazac97_bus                9856  1 snd_ac97_codec14:16
JoeySpazsnd_pcm_oss            46336  014:16
JoeySpazsnd_mixer_oss          22656  1 snd_pcm_oss14:16
FloodBot1JoeySpaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:16
JoeySpazsnd_pcm                82948  5 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss14:16
trancefatLint01: but i d rather do it from Synaptic.. i want to install for a downloaded version of Eclipse... will installing from Synaptic take care of that14:16
helperflintwingel,  can't i fix it mean ?14:16
xray7224craigbass1976, probabaly i run my own irc channel and its hard to deal with peopel who refuse to follow the rules and mines a small channel i cant even imagen what a pain people are in a channel the size of this14:16
n3fsorry.. Can someone please help me installing compiz fusion in jaunty?14:16
tonesJoeySpaz: should have pastebinned that, but lookes like youre using the intel ac97 or something along those lines14:16
flintwingelhelper: do have any unused space on your disk (not allocated to a partition) or do you have another disk?14:17
Lint01trancefat: eclipse should install some JRE, look in synaptic for latest, 1.614:17
Xcelln3f-  install your graphics driver 1rst14:17
helperflintwingel, yes i have unused space on my disk14:17
JoeySpaztones: I am using realtek AC97 onboard audio that came wiv my computer14:17
trancefatLint01: ok14:17
thevdihi. I am having trouble mounting a cf card. fdisk reports that it has a Linux (83) FS when it is FAT32. Gparted sees it as FAT32 correctly. I can't automount it but can manually. Any ideas, please14:17
n3fXcell: i'm using laptop.. don't have graphics driver..14:17
tonesJoeySpaz: take that and look around, my motto is: Google is your freind :)14:17
Xcellthen go to sys / prefs / appearance / visual effects..14:18
trancefatLint01: which shud i take there are many14:18
flintwingelhelper: sorry to ask again... but are you sure that spave is not allocated to a partition14:18
n3fXcell: I have googled already, seems like almost everyone is having same problem with jaunty..14:18
tonesJoeySpaz: i think people here are more good with broader ubuntu problems, not hardware specific ones14:18
helperflintwingel, yes another HDD14:18
Xcellis it a netbook?14:19
flintwingelhelper: ok - good, you can create a partition on the second HD and move your home folder to it14:19
Lint01trancefat: there shoudn't be many14:19
trancefatLint01: can i not get a folder of JRE from somewhere so that i can put it inside the Eclipse folder14:19
JoeySpaztones: what should I do then?14:19
trancefatLint01: i had done that in the passt14:19
helperflintwingel, what do i type ? fdisk -s /home ? i don't know14:19
tonesJoeySpaz: Google is your freind :)14:19
n3fXcell: Yes, notebook. "Desktop effects could not be enabled"...14:19
tonesJoeySpaz: surf the forums14:20
JoeySpaztones: i tried google but it just came up with movie based stuff 0.o14:20
thevdihi. I am having trouble mounting a cf card in a USB card reader. fdisk reports that it has a Linux (83) FS when it is FAT32. Gparted sees it as FAT32 correctly. I can't automount it but can manually. Any ideas, please14:20
Xcellthen youll have to google your graphics and see if they are supported..14:20
scunizin3f: is there a driver available to load in System/Admin/Hardware drivers?14:20
tonesJoeySpaz: look for alternative drivers for your hardware, that might fix it14:20
ubuntuanyone use Pidgin14:20
n3fscunizi: No...14:20
thiebauden3f: your card has to have 3d rendering14:20
scunizin3f: what kind of video card14:20
JoeySpaztones: where can i find them and how do i install them?14:20
xray7224thevdi, try doing sudo mount -t vfat /dev/<card partition>14:21
flintwingelhelper: I must warn you that experimenting with disk & partitions is a dangerous thing to do and you could quite easily lose data or make your system unusable... do you want to go on?14:21
thevdixray7224, I did. It works. But it won't automount14:21
n3fscunizi: How to find what video card I am using?14:21
fornix_thevdi: u can change the system id of ur disk using fdisk14:21
flintwingelhelper: have you got a backup of your data?14:21
scunizin3f: lspci | grep vga14:21
n3fthiebaude: I got no problem with compiz using 8.0414:21
helperflintwingel, ofcourse i do, i want to mount on second harddisk as you told me ok14:22
thiebauden3f: oh, ok14:22
thevdifornix_ but why does fdisk and gparted see the disk differently?14:22
tonesJoeySpaz: again, google is your freind :), should be either a simple .deb file (use dpkg -i <file>) or the routine "./configure, make, make install" of .tar.gz files14:22
RandomtimeJoeySpaz: try http://www.dvhardware.net/software/166514:22
n3fscunizi: what am I going to do with that?..14:22
flintwingelhelper: are your disks IDE or SATA?14:22
fornixthevdi: u can change the system id of ur disk using fdisk14:22
scunizin3f: go to applications/accessories/terminal and type it in there.14:22
Kiydoes ubuntu have a built-in firewall?14:22
nemerasalut a tous14:23
DarrinHello, I would like to know how to remove synaptic and re install it? Thank you.14:23
helperflintwingel,  IDE hda14:23
thevdifornix yeah, but why would fdisk report differently from gparted?14:23
flintwingelKiy: ufw14:23
thevdii.e. Is there a bug ?14:23
thiebaude!info ufw14:23
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.27-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 61 kB, installed size 436 kB14:23
n3fscunizi: DOne, nothing happened....14:23
mobi-sheep!firewall | Kiy14:23
ubottuKiy: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:23
fornixthevdi: probably in the partition table its marked as linux14:23
mobi-sheep!security | Kiy14:23
ubottuKiy: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server14:23
fornixthevdi: what does blkid report?14:24
scunizin3f: try just lspci and then look at the list that comes up for your video card reference14:24
thevdifornix does gparted not read the partition id?14:24
Kiythank you14:24
flintwingelhelper: linux calls the master disk on the first IDE channel hda, the slave hdb, the master on the second channel hdc and the slave hdd... where is your second disk?14:24
thevdiblkid says UUID=all zero, vfat14:24
Myrttiflintwingel: in ubuntu sda, sdb etc.14:24
JoeySpazRandomtime: the webpage didn't load D:14:25
fornixthevdi: probably gparted ignores the partition table and runs its own check for filesystems. pastebin the output of blkid to be certain that the disk is vfat14:25
n3fscunizi: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:25
AudiHello everybody14:25
helperflintwingel, it's slave , it's new HDD i put it today as slave14:25
n3fscunizi: Is that right?14:25
flintwingelMyrtti: depends on IDE or SATA14:25
thevdiit says type="vfat"14:25
Myrttiflintwingel: actually, it doesn't14:25
fornixthevdi: you can fix it in less than 2 minutes using fdisk14:25
thevdiI just use "t" then 0x0C or whatever it is in fdisk?14:26
DarrinI would like to know how to remove synaptic and re install it? Thank you.14:26
JoeySpazRandomtime: the page just takes forever then shows an error14:26
quinnI need help running a perl script, can anyone help me?14:26
AudiIs there anyone here who come from sweden?14:27
fornixthevdi: exactly14:27
thevdiI'll repartition it gparted then check it with fdisk14:27
scunizin3f: yep.. intel is pretty well supported.. now in the same terminal type ... gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf .. that will give you a little error message just enter through it.  once the file is open scroll through it (if there's much there) and look for a line that says ... Driver    "intel" ...14:27
=== andy is now known as mikelinux
Myrtti!se | Audi14:27
ubottuAudi: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:27
dusty_Hey guys I am in a Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD environment, I have dual monitors setup working nicely.  How can I dump the xorg.conf so that it contains the relevant information to make use of Dual Monitors - as when I look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file its pretty much empty o my settings are not stored there.. anyway to do this ?14:27
RandomtimeJoeySpaz: Can't suggest much else but to look around at Realtek's site and google, sorry14:27
=== mikelinux is now known as RootMR
fornixthevdi: u dont have to repartition14:27
flintwingelhelper: the tool you need is fdisk.. it works on whole disks - type fdisk /dev/hdb14:27
thevdifornix - there is 15MB unallocated that I just want to mop up14:27
Myrttiflintwingel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-February/136631.html14:27
quinncan any anyone help me run a perl script?14:28
fornixthevdi: go ahead. and check what fdisk reports its system id after gparted works on it14:28
flintwingelMyrtti: i'm getting old14:28
Audibye everybody!!!!!!! :P14:28
Myrttiflintwingel: happens to us old ;-)14:29
n3fscunizi: There is none... there is now Driver "intel"...14:29
Myrttis/old/all/ gah14:29
mac9416Hello, how can I set device (hd0,6) bootable?14:29
goal_laxhello, while i try to mount, it says /dev/sg3 is not a block device! what does this mean??14:29
quinnhow do you run a perl script?       anybody?14:29
thevdithat works now. it is reported as fat32 correctly in fdisk. thanks for help14:29
goal_laxI tried to format this flash memory, and it gives error again14:30
Myrttiquinn: perl script.pl14:30
thevdifornix thanks for help14:30
Myrttiquinn: or just ./script.pl14:30
Myrttiquinn: it needs to be executable first14:30
n3fscunizi: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/184969/14:30
tonesgoal_lax: /dev/sg3? you mean /dev/sdg3?14:30
Darringood luck it seems out of 1400 people there are only two willing to help. How nice.14:30
quinnI should try your second one, Myrtti14:30
helperflintwingel, i do fdisk /dev/hdb and how i allocate the /home in it ?14:30
helperflintwingel, i fdisk then i mount in fdtab on /home ?14:31
dusty_sigh ubuntu people are fucking useless14:31
dusty_slackware here i come!14:31
flintwingelhelper: if you just type "p" and return what does it say?14:31
tonesDarrin: 3/4 are away, 1/4 of the rest bots, 1/2 of the rest just script kiddies hanging about and the rest are us :)14:31
DarrinLinux is just plain pain in the ass. I have been trying to get it working for three months now.14:31
quinnMyrtti, it is executable14:31
goal_laxno it displays sg3, and i get the same while i do dmesg14:31
tonesDarrin: beats windows......14:31
MyrttiDarrin: sudo aptitude reinstall synaptic14:32
goal_laxattached scsi generic sg3 type 014:32
helperflintwingel, i'm going to do it now on the 2nd pc but before i do it i do fdisk /dev/hdb , and then how i allocate the /home ?14:32
scunizin3f: ok.. in that same file if you look toward the top you'll see a line that tells you how to reconfigure the driver or "X".. something like .. dpkg yada yada .. write that down.. also the other thing  you can try is rebooting and choosing the recover kernel.  When that starts it will have a menu with an option to reconfigure your driver.  Most likely what's happened is ubuntu had an issue recognizing your card for whatever reason and ins14:32
Darrinno it does not. I hate windows more than most. And this linux s h i t  is not helping14:32
MyrttiDarrin: what's the *real* problem you're having though, I have high suspicions it's not really synaptic that's the problem14:32
Myrtti!language | Darrin14:32
ubottuDarrin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:32
midnajtwhat command in terminal install a gcc compiler14:32
Myrttimidnajt: sudo aptitude install build-essential14:33
mac9416I love troll day :-)14:33
Xcellits troll day?14:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:33
thiebaudemac9416: me to14:33
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.14:33
flintwingelhelper: assuming the second disk is blank with no existing partitions, in fdisk you start by typing "n" for new, the "p" for primary, then "1" for partition 114:34
DarrinMyrtti: I can run synaptic, as soon as i enter pass, it comes up with some terrible error. and says to report a bug. So now I have to spen hours trying to figure out how to do a bug report. But it still does not solve a problem.14:34
flintwingelflintwingel: then you can take the defaults for start and end of the partition... this allocates the whole disk14:34
flintwingelhelper: then you can take the defaults for start and end of the partition... this allocates the whole disk14:34
dayo!ubottu | dayo14:34
ubottudayo, please see my private message14:34
=== gary_ is now known as Guest79259
n3fscunizi: this one? sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg14:35
flintwingelhelper: next type "w" which writes the new partition table to the hard disk14:35
DarrinAnd like i said 1400 people and you and two others are the only ones helping.14:35
=== Guest79259 is now known as gsteinert
Aliasawhen i write :su in the terminal,it want a password ,what password?14:35
MyrttiDarrin: and complaining about it will not get you more help14:35
MyrttiAliasa: use sudo14:35
scunizin3f: yep.. but I'd try the recovery kernel first..14:35
MyrttiAliasa: and your own password14:35
mac9416How do I make a partition bootable? With fdisk or parted maybe?14:35
erUSULAliasa: you do not use su on ubuntu you use sudo14:36
Darrini agree, so I will abandon Ubuntu. Thanks for your assistance .14:36
erUSUL!sudo | Aliasa14:36
ubottuAliasa: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:36
flintwingelhelper: now you have a partition on the second drive which will be called /dev/hdb114:36
erUSULDarrin: good luck and farewell14:36
Aliasathanks for the info.14:36
erUSUL!rootshell | Aliasa14:36
ubottuAliasa: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)14:36
flintwingelhelper: now you need to format the partition with "mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb1"14:36
n3fscunizi: OKay I will reboot now.. brb.....14:37
midnajtMyrtti: thx14:37
flintwingelhelper: be aware that the second disk may also be called /dev/sdb in which case the partition will be /dev/sdb114:37
dayo!bzr | dayo14:37
ubottudayo, please see my private message14:37
Myrtti!msgthebot > dayo14:37
tones!tell dayo about botabuse14:37
mac9416that's bad.14:38
dayoMyrtti: tones: sorry14:38
VivaLaLolawie kann ich auf der grafischen oberfläche mit root rechten arbeiten?14:38
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:38
Myrtti!de | VivaLaLola14:38
tonesdayo: no worries, just a tip14:38
ubottuVivaLaLola: please see above14:38
midnajthey one question about ubuntu ship it, are there any costs or is it totally free14:38
Myrttimidnajt: free14:38
Myrttimidnajt: unless your customs officials want to get too strict14:39
midnajtMyrtti: damn how do ubuntu makers mange this respect14:39
helperflintwingel,  ok thx i'll check by now14:39
n3fscunizi: How to do it again?14:39
Maliciais there anybody from Germany here?14:40
scunizin3f: the recovery kernel?  reboot and on the grub menu it's typically option #2 - recovery14:40
Myrttimidnajt: it's canonical, the company behind Ubuntu14:40
Myrtti!de | Malicia14:40
ubottuMalicia: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:40
boss_mc!de | Malicia14:40
colbloodim getting glxinfo[5937]: segfault at 0 ip 0804ad46 sp bfe76fb0 error 4 in glxinfo[8048000+5000] when trying to boot, i cant seem to install the drivers for my nv card properly14:40
n3fscunizi: AH.. okay....14:40
goal_laxhello, sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sg2 command gives error mkfs.vfat: Attempting to create a too large file system.14:41
midnajt2 days on Ubuntu and I#m in love with it gonna support to the fullest xD14:41
goal_laxhow could i fix this problem14:41
xray7224Malicia, i can speak it but do in #ubuntu-de like boss_mc tried to say with the bot14:41
kmdmgoal_lax: How big is /dev/sg2 ?14:41
necroforestIs it possible to install KDE 3.5 on Ubuntu?14:41
goal_laxit is my flash memor y of 2 gb14:41
helperflintwingel,  as an advice for next time , if there is windows wanna install via ubuntu, install it from windows or better from the ubuntu ( which is restart then boot from cd ...) ?14:42
Maliciaxray7224,  10x, but I just wanted to know if there are hackerspaces in Munich where people speak english not only german?14:42
xray7224necroforest, there is a remix for 9.04 of kde 3.5.10 but its no longer in the standard ubuntu/kubuntu repo's14:42
erUSULgoal_lax: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdg14:42
goal_laxwhich I could not format is windows and it says write protected there in windows system14:42
platiusn3f; scunizi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582&highlight=intel+GM965  have you been using a guide like this?14:42
flintwingelhelper: can't help you there... I've only ever installed Ubuntu from CD or over a network. I have never installed through Windows14:43
necroforestxray7224, thats too bad. there's a lot of KDE users who don't like 4 (me included)14:43
goal_laxbut I don have sdg, while I insert drive, it gives sg214:43
xray7224Malicia, ich können sprechen ein wenig deutsch14:43
kane77which package is for alsa dev? (if I need it to compile something)14:43
kmdmgoal_lax: Hm, you could try passing -F 32, but unfortunately I've got to dash out now :-/14:43
scuniziplatius: thanks for the link... but no.. just basic troubleshooting at this point.14:43
zfthello every one14:43
vekposhi! is there a possibility to let the network-manager know, that i'm using a pppoe-connection via pppoeconf? i want to connect to a MS-VPN via my network-manager.14:44
platiusn3f; scunizi: looks complicated to me14:44
Myrttihelper: if you have a choice, don't install from Windows, but reboot the computer with the cd in.14:44
mac9416I am trying to add XP (/dev/sda6) to my menu.lst. Would that be (hd0,6)?14:44
serehi everyone14:44
Myrttimidnajt: hd0,5 most probably14:45
erUSULmac9416: (hd0,5)14:45
goal_laxkmdm you mean in mkfs command??14:45
vekposor is there a possibility to connect to a MS-VPN without using the network-manager14:45
midnajtMyrtti: sorry man to dumb to follow you what's hd014:45
Myrttimidnajt: first disk14:45
Myrttimidnajt: nevermind14:46
erUSULMyrtti: tab completion error14:46
mac9416erUSUL, OK, I tried that too, but it won't boot."Invalid device requested". (hd0,2) boots Win7 fine, though. :-(14:46
colbloodim having troubles with my nvidia drivers, everytime i install and reboot, ubuntu says it's running in low gfx mode, anyone who knows how to solve this?14:46
n3fscunizi: Done with repairing broken package in the recovery mode....14:46
erUSULmac9416: welll can windows boot from a non primary partition ?14:46
scunizin3f: and now?  did it fix it?14:46
n3fscunizi: Did not....14:47
tatersaladhey guys, i was wondering whether anybody could tell me how I can configure mutt to send/ receive emails from my ISP? I can't work out which guide to follow...14:47
mac9416erUSUL, I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.14:47
goal_laxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/184974/ for fdisk command and http://paste.ubuntu.com/184975/ for dmesg command14:47
goal_laxcan you check it and offer solution to me kmdm??14:47
erUSULmac9416: /dev/sda5 is a logical partition... i'm not sure windows likes/can be booten from a logical partition14:47
scunizin3f: ok.. you may have done this.. but in the terminal again type ... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get distupgrade .. you can cut and paste that whole line if you like..14:47
LuciusMarei have got one problem14:48
seresere, hi14:48
LuciusMarei have got a very old notebook14:48
n3fscunizi: Okay...14:48
mac9416erUSUL, oh, dang. Well, I know that the Win7 bootloader can make it start.14:48
LuciusMareand i want to install ubuntu on it14:48
mobi-sheep!enter | LuciusMare14:48
ubottuLuciusMare: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:48
serewill someone sya something to me testing irssi14:48
erUSULmac9416: ahh ok; so it can14:48
colbloodwhen running the installer, i get: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'14:48
thiebaudesere: hi14:48
RandomtimeLuciusMare: keep going, just keep it on one line14:48
erUSULmac9416: can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" ?14:49
serethiebaude: ty...plain white :/14:49
LuciusMareI have got a very odl notebook,so it is too weak to run ubuntu live.But i want to install it,so how can i install it without running it from cd?I mean,without running the whole system live.14:49
erUSULgoal_lax: use gparted to make a partition and format it in /dev/sdb14:49
n3fscunizi: distupgrade? it says it's an  invalid command14:49
erUSULgoal_lax: install it if it is not installed yet14:49
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: Do you happen to know the specs of your old notebook?14:49
scunizin3f: sorry  dist-upgrade14:50
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux14:50
RandomtimeLuciusMare: do you have the specs?14:50
mac9416erUSUL, it's on another compuptor, so I'll have to hand-copy it. :-P It'll take me a minute.14:50
LuciusMareTravelmate 24014:50
tonesLuciusMare: i like that one...14:50
LuciusMareceleron 2.4 ghz is not the problem,but 256 sdram is awfuly slow14:50
erUSULmac9416: ooops; do not bother then... or maybe just copy it via a usb stick or something14:50
RandomtimeLuciusMare: have you tried xubuntu, which is designed for systems with lower specs?14:51
LuciusMarehm,i could14:51
mib_pzocngis there any way of loading ubuntu, using grub, if it's on a usb hard drive? i just get error 21 at the moment14:51
hey`guys, I can't convert a .amr file to mp3.... how do I do it, I was trying to do it with "audio mobile converter" but useless, it seems to have to be with DMR protection, and I don't know what is that.14:51
RandomtimeLuciusMare: http://www.xubuntu.org/14:51
hey`thanks in advance14:51
n3fscunizi: Still the same, still not working.....14:51
jasonmchristoshello just installed ubuntu server want to know how to login and play with it remotely14:51
toneshey`: mencoder?14:51
Jaesinis it normal for ubuntu to remember previous installs on separate hdds?14:51
scunizin3f: but did it do any updates/upgrades?14:51
tonesjasonmchristos: i beleive the tool is "ssh"14:51
n3fscunizi: yes..it did14:51
hey`since I don't know what to do, I'll try mencoder, thanks tones.14:51
toneshey`: no worrie14:52
hey`audicity didn't work also14:52
hey`:) ok, going to mencoder14:52
mib_pzocngis there any way of loading ubuntu, using grub, if it's on a usb hard drive? i just get error 21 at the moment14:52
jasonmchristostones: yes i think so i think its all setup on the server what is the command on my laptop to login?14:52
flintwingelLuciusMare: xubuntu isn't as lightweight as it could be... have a look at CruchBang Linux... its another Ubuntu derivative14:52
erUSUL!ssh | jasonmchristos14:52
ubottujasonmchristos: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/14:52
bob1Is there a channel for the PS3 release of ubuntu 9.04 ?14:52
peter_ignore test14:52
toneshey`: if not, rip it using the option to save a wav file in the pcm driver of mplayer (brother of mencoder)14:53
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: You might want to try Puppy Linux.14:53
jasonmchristoserUSUL: ty14:53
erUSUL!ppc | bob114:53
LuciusMarenot so14:53
ubottubob1: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ14:53
seresere, hi14:53
LuciusMareall i need is the linux core and debian thingies14:53
colblood[ 739.460816] nvidia: no symbol version for struct_module14:53
colblood[ 990.431549] nvidia: no symbol version for struct_module14:53
LuciusMareby the thingies i mean apt-get and so14:53
scunizin3f: good.. someone provided a link about the intel card you have while you were rebooting.  What it says is that some intel cards have a "regression" on the latest ubuntu because of new memory management and a couple other factors.14:53
colbloodis what i get when installing nv drivers14:53
bob1erUSUL, thats not very helpful14:53
mac9416erUSUL, I'm in a slight hurry (have to be headin' to church), so I wont bother to copy on flash drive. What in particular can I read off to you?14:53
helperMyrtti, i boot from cd installing not windows, i reboot and install from cd but hope it will do a /home partition so i can do quota afraid not to create a /home file parition14:53
erUSULbob1: but its all i know about the ppc port of ubuntu14:53
bob1erUSUL, I'm not about the powerpc release, I'm on about the specific PS3 release14:54
erUSULmac9416: the line obut the windows partition you want to boot14:54
scunizin3f: although it suggests a work-a-round I don't recommend it because it disables too many other things... you can read the info at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582&highlight=intel+GM96514:54
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: What is the specs of your beat-up notebook?14:54
tonesjust out of interest, is there absolutely no possible way to boot a cd directly from grub?14:54
LuciusMaremobi-sheep: google Travelmate 24014:55
n3fscunizi: Alright.. I will read them.. Thank you a lot :)14:55
erUSULbob1: http://psubuntu.com/14:55
ninetyoneis there any way of loading ubuntu, using grub, if it's on a usb hard drive? i just get error 21 at the moment14:55
Randomtimemobi-sheep: he said earlier "celeron 2.4 ghz is not the problem,but 256 sdram is awfuly slow"14:55
bob1erUSUL, I'm already on that - it's very out of date14:55
hey`yup tones, I just realized I couldn't even play the .amr file, I'm installing mencoder and see what happens.14:55
colbloodhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/184982/ this is what my xorg.conf looks like, no reference to nvidia there :/14:55
toneshey`: haha, that will be why then14:55
mac9416erUSUL: "/dev/sda6 * 4505 8417 31431141 7 HPFS/NTFS"14:55
gumpish=/ without using fstab, is there any way at all I can invoke mount such that I can mount an xfs partition where unprivileged user accounts can write to it?14:56
jstarcherfor some reason when I access my apache on localhost it still pipes it through the internet according to my gKrellM iface graphs. Its dog slow too so that makes sense, what would cause this?14:56
scunizin3f: so without doing the "fix" your options are .. stay with what you have and not use fancy graphics, reinstall with Intrepid 8.10, or do the patch.. personally I'd use it as is until the next release or reinstall with intrepid or hardy14:56
hey`tones man, vlc player doesn't work for .amr file, and the same with totem.... totem says "Could not determine type of stream"14:57
LuciusMarewait,can xubuntu run kde applications?14:57
n3fscunizi: Is there a way I can downgrade my version from jaunty back to hardy?14:57
colbloodcan anyone help me?14:57
LjLLuciusMare: yes14:57
toneshey`: files corrupt or broken i think14:57
mobi-sheepRandomtime, LuciusMare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu#System_requirements14:57
LjL!gowngrade | n3f14:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gowngrade14:57
LjL!downgrade | n3f14:57
ubottun3f: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:57
hey`damn :)14:57
mac9416erUSUL, the * tells me it's bootable, and the HPFS/NTFS tells me it's the XP partition.14:57
hey`I'll pass it again from the usb.14:57
toneshey`: ok14:58
scunizin3f: if you have a seperate /home it's pretty easy with a reinstall.14:58
erUSULmac9416: maybe you have to hide the windows 7 partition ? http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#DOS_002fWindows14:58
helperfor what the command nice and renice use !14:58
n3fscunizi: Problem is I lost my hardy installer..... and I downloaded 9.04 just today..14:58
hey`tones, dude, it's the same problem while trying to play directly from the usb :(14:58
erUSULhelper: to set/change the nice value of a process14:59
scunizin3f: easy enough to download it again :)14:59
toneshey`: that ones corrupt too? ;)14:59
hey`I'm afraid I'll have to switch to windows to see if the situation changes.14:59
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: Your laptop is a weak.  I personally would install Minimal.iso / Server.iso and install text-based applications.  Avoid the GUI. :)14:59
necroforestCan Ubuntu install into EXT4?14:59
helpererUSUL,  i know but what the meant of it ! if i change what will happen for this process?14:59
hey`my uncle is gonna kill me.14:59
LuciusMaremobi-sheep: yes14:59
mobi-sheepnecroforest: ext4?  Yes.  I'm using it.14:59
hey`bbl I'm gonna switch to see.14:59
erUSULhey`: if the files a drmed there is not much you can do. you need a compatible player and the keys14:59
LuciusMarebut i need to run a gui application14:59
goodeyenecroforest yes14:59
hey`seems to be drmed, erUSUL.15:00
erUSULhelper: it will have more or less priority over others in cpu usage15:00
LuciusMare!the dead body15:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about the dead body15:00
helpererUSUL, oh ok15:00
hey`what is that some kind of freak protection?15:00
Kalmi_!botabuse > LuciusMare15:00
ubottuLuciusMare, please see my private message15:00
Weed37guys i gotta question i have a sony vaio laptop that has a connection on it to hook my hd tv to it via vga port on side of it in windows i just connect the cable and it shows on my tv my desktop is that option included in ubuntu 9.04 ?15:00
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: finch for AIM.  elinks (and one more software I can't remember) for web-browser, irssi for IRC.  mc for file manager.  rtorrent for torrent.  All text-based.  You get the idea.  Really smooth. :)15:00
erUSULhey`: yes like that of dvd or apple itunes files15:00
chazcoHi... anyone know how to use a touchscreen in Ubuntu 9.04?15:00
LuciusMareKalmi_: i know... :)15:01
tonesLuciusMare: lynx is more common for web, and bitchx for irc15:01
chazcoThe evtouch driver crashes and the eGalax touch driver results in double clicks (but otherwise works)15:01
hey`mh sucks.15:01
hey`I just wanted to extract a piece of that audio.15:01
vladyhi overyone!15:01
LuciusMaremobi-sheep: i have some torrents started already and i dont know if another program could continue them15:01
Myrtti!bitchx | LuciusMare, tones15:01
ubottuLuciusMare, tones: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi instead.15:01
mobi-sheep!info bitchx15:01
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in jaunty15:01
erUSUL!info irssi15:01
mac9416erUSUL, should I drop those hide, unhide commands into my menu.lst inside either Windows boot option? like unhide XP, hide Win7 partition below the XP title line and the inverse for Win7?15:01
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-6ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1057 kB, installed size 2908 kB15:01
tonesmy bad...15:01
vladyi want to know how i can put my netbeans like a gnome15:01
vladymy netbeans lock huge!15:02
colbloodim install the NVIDIA 185.18.4 driver fine, reboot, but then GDM nags about module type1 not being able to load or something, any ideas?15:02
n3fscunizi: But you think this problem will be solved soon? Because this is a bug, right?15:02
LuciusMaremobi-sheep: i have some torrents started already and i dont know if another program could continue them.Could it do that?15:02
vladyand cant program in it!15:02
erUSULmac9416: something like that... it seems you only need to do that on the winxp stanza given that w7 boots ok15:02
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: What do you mean?15:02
Weed37guys i gotta question i have a sony vaio laptop that has a connection on it to hook my hd tv to it via vga port on side of it in windows i just connect the cable and it shows on my tv my desktop is that option included in ubuntu 9.04 ?15:02
mac9416erUSUL, good point :-D I'll go try...15:02
* tones is off to switch to irssi ;)15:03
erUSULmac9416: hide the win7 partition15:03
chris__LuciusMare: yea u can do that15:03
erUSUL!info weechat15:03
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 56 kB15:03
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: It's your laptop.  You have better idea than I do because I don't like to work with slow machines.15:03
vladyi need help!15:03
u296hi all, I'm trying to copy files form a backup partition, but the persmissions are always 777 for all users. How can I copy them so permissions are preserved?15:03
erUSULvlady: seems like not many people uses netbean around here... be patient15:03
LjL!please | vlady15:03
ubottuvlady: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:03
scunizin3f: sounds like a bug.. and yes they (ubuntu devs and others) are working on it.  but you may not see a solution until the next release.  I'm on hardy on my laptop and it's stable. Intrepid on my desktop and a little wonky now and again..  there's something to be said for the LTS version.. the others in between are sort of bleeding edge.15:04
Rigongiau296 : if you're copying to a fat32 partition you can't keep the permissions15:04
vladythanks ubottu15:05
mobi-sheepu296: Tar.Gz ?15:05
colbloodplease, somebody, help me15:05
colbloodubuntu continues starting with low gfx mode15:05
n3fscunizi: I see. I will just have to download 8.04 back again. :) Thanks a lot for the help scunizi :)15:05
u296Rigongia: it's from an ubuntu partition to an ubuntu partition. mobi-sheep : problem is they show up as 777 when I mount the partition15:05
scunizin3f: yw15:06
Randomtimeis there a way to eject a CD from the terminal?15:06
mobi-sheepLol @ Ubuntu Partition.15:06
mobi-sheepRandomtime: eject -t (I think).15:06
ManDayIs there a convenient way to rotate my screen 90 deg cw?15:06
ManDay(i mean not the screen but the output)15:06
mac9416erUSUL, that kept any OS's from booting :-( I'll use the live disc to edit the menu.lst, so, tis of no consequence, but it stll doesn't work. The error is "Unable to mount the partition" on each OS.15:06
=== thirsteh is now known as patrick
mobi-sheepRandomtime: eject. (eject out).  eject -t (close tray).15:07
=== patrick is now known as thirsteh
erUSULmac9416: ouch :115:07
mac9416erUSUL, yezzir.15:07
* tones likes irssi.. feels fresh15:07
colblood[ 37.281728] nvidia: no symbol version for struct_module15:07
colblood[ 40.428604] mtrr: base(0xdd000000) is not aligned on a size(0xe00000) boundary15:07
colbloodcome on and help me already15:07
Newmilpanhey guys/gals... quick question.  How do I install ubuntu to a USB flash drive is such a way that it is able to save updates and software and such?  I thought I knew how, but it ends up I just made the flash drive another install cd.15:07
mobi-sheepu296: Generally, to preserve permissions, one would tar.gz before transferring.15:08
* scunizi suggests tones check out theme's for irssi adding color and other goodies.. also use it with screenl15:08
mac9416Newmilpan: there is an option for that in the install screen.15:08
* tones already is using screens, nested too. but he will check out the themes and thanks scunizi for the tip ;)15:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unibot15:09
Newmilpanoh ok, so i just select install and when it asks me what drive to install it to I point it to the flash drive?15:09
LuciusMaremobi-sheep: i mean that i downloaded a lot of the files already and i am not sure if another program can continue downloading them when another program stopped downloading15:09
mobi-sheepNewmilpan: Google "Ubuntu Community, Permanent USB"15:09
* scunizi tips his hat to tones and smiles15:09
u296mobi-sheep: thank you15:09
colbloodcan i simply update ubuntu and keeping all settings by running the install cd again?15:10
u296I'll give it a try15:10
Newmilpanmobi-sheep: thanks a ton15:10
erUSULcolblood: no only the alternate cd can be used for upgrading15:10
colbloodhmm, alternate cd?15:10
Aliasai want to change the username ,how  can i do ?15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aternate15:11
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal15:11
=== Pompos_ is now known as Pompos
mac9416erUSUL, now a lovely GRUB error 17. I'll have to work on this later :-(15:11
Aliasaany help?15:11
erUSULmac9416: sorry to hear that15:12
mobi-sheepNewmilpan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:12
mac9416erUSUL, thanks for your help. :-)15:12
erUSULAliasa: man usermod15:12
erUSULmac9416: no problem15:12
dsdeizanyone knows what wm he is using here? http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/6429/screenshotgtr.png15:13
pazhi to all15:13
colblooderUSUL: you wouldnt know if there's an easier way to fix my nvidia problem? ubuntu says that type1 module doesnt exist15:14
pazdsdeiz: kde15:14
goal_laxhow to format then??15:14
LuciusMarei have some torrents started already and i dont know if another program could continue them15:14
dsdeizoh men.. ok thanks15:14
LuciusMarecan it?15:14
boss_mc!gparted | goal_lax15:15
ubottugoal_lax: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:15
scunizicolblood: what's your nvidia problem?15:15
ignusbhello, does anyone have experience with virtualbox? I'm trying to work out the CLI command for starting a pre-created VM in "seamless" mode. there are no man pages, and google has not been helpful in finding whether there is actually a command to do this. I know how to start a vm, just not in seamless mode. [VirtualBox -startvm "VM Name"]]15:15
dsdeizLuciusMare: I guess so15:15
colbloodi get low gfx mode in ubuntu, when i do dmesg, i get "[ 34.202762] nvidia: no symbol version for struct_module"15:15
dsdeizone more thing, where do you guys download audacious skins? :D15:15
scuniziignusb: there's a vbox manual on their site.. also try #vbox15:15
jribignusb: vbox's website has the documentation in pdf form, also try #vbox15:15
jared__can anyone tell me how to access my MemoryCard ???15:15
goal_laxbut gparted doesnot display my flash memory!15:15
pazi'm having some trouble with ircd-irc2, someone can help me ?15:15
LuciusMarecould you please recommend me any good distribution in text mode that has things like apt-get,sudo and so?15:16
pazma c'è qualcuno italiano ?15:16
goal_laxI tried to format in window, but as seen in dmesg output, it displays that the drive is write protected.15:16
Rafael__hi, i have install samba on my ubuntu server and would like to see the data on it with my windows computer, what should i do?15:16
dsdeiz!info rtorrent15:16
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 325 kB, installed size 884 kB15:16
ManDayIs there a convenient way to rotate my screen 90 deg cw?15:16
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:16
Myrtti!it | paz15:16
ubottupaz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:16
scunizicolblood: did you just install?15:16
erUSULcolblood: https://answers.launchpad.net/dkms/+question/5951915:16
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: You don't want to toggle anything much.  Then from there, you'll have aptitude / apt-get.  Installing packages and whatnot.  It'll be tricky for you.15:17
LuciusMarei feel bad to waste a whole cd for this15:17
scunizicolblood: looks like erUSUL has a good link.. I'd follow that.15:17
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: You can change your X to something more light.  XFCE / OpenBox OpenFlux / etc.15:17
colbloodlookin at it now scunizi & erUSUL15:18
boss_mcLuciusMare: use a bootable usb then15:18
erUSULcolblood: EE failed to load module type 1 --> This means the type 1 fonts are not properly installed, you probably want to fix this.15:18
mobi-sheepLuciusMare: Try #xubuntu for better support on slimming down.15:18
colbloodk, how do i do that?15:18
erUSULcolblood: maybe fire up synaptic and reinstall all type1 packages you can find installed ?15:18
evidentcan anybody tell me how to install the .bin for the adobe reader, please? I downloaded it but dont know how to install15:19
colbloodi can only access it via remote atm15:19
LuciusMaretoo bad, travelmate 240 cam mpt boot from usd15:19
scunizicolblood: are you at cli?15:19
LuciusMarebut it can boot from network15:20
LuciusMarecan anyone give me a tutorial how to boot from network?15:20
scunizicolblood: you can use aptitude with a menu on the cli to search for the right packages.15:20
JoeySpaznow my sound is even worse15:20
Bob_DoleHow do I get the -latest- midori version on ubuntu? trying to compile it, but it's missing things, even after installing build-essentials and the other stuff15:20
JoeySpazI don't have any sound now15:20
colbloodk scunizi15:20
Bob_Doleand the other stuff here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware *15:20
erUSULBob_Dole: i'm using a ppa15:20
erUSUL!ppa | Bob_Dole15:20
ubottuBob_Dole: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.15:20
scunizicolblood: or apt-cache search type115:20
JoeySpazi tried to install the drivers and all I got was a face of errors and now my sound won't work15:20
erUSULBob_Dole: no problems so far15:20
LuciusMarecan anyone give me a tutorial how to boot from network?15:21
JoeySpazhello? you made me broke my sound, how do i fix it?15:21
colbloodthere were a couple of type1 related search results when doing apt-cache search type115:21
erUSULBob_Dole: this one https://launchpad.net/~webkit-team/+archive/ppa15:22
Bob_DoleerUSUL, can you give me a link to it? I've only used a PPA for OpenOffice in- thanks15:22
ManDayIs there a convenient way to rotate my screen 90 deg cw?15:22
Kalmi_LuciusMare, you could use an USB pendrive, that's a lot easier than network booting15:22
=== cipherz_ is now known as cipherz
erUSULManDay: use randr grandr ?15:22
scunizicolblood: to see more description try aptitude15:22
midnajtdo I need a Launchpad account15:22
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, what drivers?15:22
LuciusMareKalmi_: as i said,it can *not* boot from usb15:22
colbloodyea, runnit it now... hard to get a picture of it all tho15:22
JoeySpazthe realtek AC97 drivers15:22
colbloodso many submenus15:22
Kalmi_LuciusMare, oh... you are still the same guy :)15:23
ofnqwopim trying to configure my new keyboard, but xev doesnt get any signals from the "extra keys" - what can i do?15:23
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, did it work before?15:23
gordonjcpLuciusMare: netbooting is a hassle, can't you just install on another machine?15:23
ManDaythanks erUSUL - is that the only way? is there no x-org thing for it?15:23
LuciusMareprobably not15:23
LuciusMarei could install it virtually15:23
gordonjcpLuciusMare: chances are if it won't boot from USB it won't boot from network15:23
erUSULManDay: most xorg drivers support randr15:24
LuciusMaregordonjcp: it CAN NOT boot from usb but it CAN boot from network15:24
gordonjcpLuciusMare: okay15:24
ManDayhm i thought there would be a xorg-command for it15:24
ManDaythanks erUSUL15:24
gordonjcpLuciusMare: removing the drive and temporarily fitting it to another machine is probably least hassle for "difficult" hardware15:24
JoeySpazKalmi_: yes it did, you recommended me to isntall new drivers when i told you my soundwas out of sync, and after navingating through realtek's web of shit and 404 errors, i finally managed to come across something, then when i followed the instructiopns, i got4753465984327568392459 permission denied errors, and when I used sudo, I got just as many no such file or directory errors - it uninstalled my old drivers and then fucked up15:24
LuciusMaregordonjcp: yes,but this is notebook15:25
LuciusMareit is hard to change harddisks15:25
gordonjcpLuciusMare: and?15:25
gordonjcpnot really15:25
gordonjcpyou just need a 44-to-40 pin adaptor15:25
Kalmi_LuciusMare, this tutorial seems ok: http://hugi.to/blog/archive/2006/12/23/ubuntu-pxe-install-via-windows15:25
gordonjcpunless it's SATA in which case the connectors are identical15:25
Kalmi_LuciusMare, changing hard disk is not hard...15:25
Seeker`JoeySpaz: watch your language please15:25
JoeySpazsorry.. im angry15:25
LuciusMareKalmi_: yes,it is not15:26
LuciusMarebut i dont know this notebook at all15:26
erUSULgordonjcp: i think he is refering to the fact that you have to open and extact the Hd from the machine15:26
dsdeizwhere do you usually get audacious skins? :D15:26
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, it did NOT tell you to install any driver... that was someone else :)15:26
gordonjcperUSUL: bah, that takes a minute or two15:26
JoeySpazKalmi_ ok, how do I get my old drivers back?15:26
colbloodk, installed type1 related material, gonna try a reboot15:27
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, *I* did NOT tell you to install any driver... that was someone else :)15:27
Geocheloneawak yang bebal emo kat orang lain pula :-)15:27
erUSULgordonjcp: not everybody is as used as we i assume) are to rip off and mount again a computer and less so a notebook15:27
erUSULgordonjcp: :)15:27
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, dunno... you have at lsmod and see what is loaded now and blacklist it...15:27
Rascalwhat install a bitchx in ubuntu 9.04?15:27
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, dunno... you could have a look at the output of lsmod and see what is loaded now for the sound card and blacklist it...15:27
erUSULRascal: use another terminal irc client like irssi or weechat15:27
ofnqwopno ideas anyone?15:28
Bob_DoleIrssi is nice15:28
scunizi!irc | Rascal15:28
ubottuRascal: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:28
shadeslayererUSUL: theres actually something named bitchx in ubuntu?? :O15:28
JoeySpazkalmi_: why do you write stuff twice but the second time longer?15:28
erUSULshadeslayer: not anymore. but it was a very popular irc client for teminal back in the day15:28
shadeslayererUSUL: ah...15:29
Bob_DoleAnd thank you very much, erUSUL :D15:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about daemons15:29
scuniziRascal: sorry.. was looking for a list of alternative irc clients for you.. bitchx won't work in ubuntu directly but maybe in wine.. but why bother.. irssi can be themed pretty close and has great functionality15:29
zhangheAre you chinese?15:29
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, sorry... I seem to miss a few words everytime... and I only realize my mistakes after hitting Enter...15:29
erUSULshadeslayer: http://www.bitchx.com/ <<< and it was not taken out becouse of its name15:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about init.d15:30
JoeySpazKalmi_: I got this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/184997/15:30
erUSULBob_Dole: no problem15:30
chilicuilHi, I'm having  some issues while running qemu with 'qemu -hda elive-lfs.img  -m 1G -no-reboot -kernel-kqemu -full-screen' on Ubuntu 9.04 and when I want to recover an snapshot I just get this "Error -22 while loading VM state"15:30
Rascallike bitchX15:30
nightdrevercould u help me with a sound issue?? i reinstalled ubuntu......and now on skype....my camera turns on but i cant hear myslf talk15:30
Rascali load only binaries15:30
blip-hi all, what is the recommended way to manage startup daemons/services ?   I'd like to limit things like tor from starting automatically as well as monitor other startup items15:30
zortecHi guys, I really need some help to get ubuntu installed.15:31
blip-I'd rather not manually modify startup scripts15:31
nightdreverhow do i get ALSA in skype?15:31
ZauberExonarIsn't ALSA default?15:31
erUSULblip-: update-rc.d15:31
zortecI have tried the LiveCD and it crashes into BusyBox and then the alternate installer can't find my CD rom.15:31
zortecIt's so frustrating.15:31
ZauberExonarAlso, Ubuntu automatically installs the video drivers for nvidia cards, right?15:31
nightdreverits not showing up in skype15:31
erUSULblip-: or install rcconf or bum (this one graphical)15:31
erUSULzortec: tried ani boot options ?15:32
erUSUL!boot | zortec15:32
nightdreveri cant call anyone because they cant hear me15:32
ubottuzortec: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:32
scuniziZauberExonar: a generic driver.. it's up to you to install the propiatory driver.15:32
bobbele2058hi there. I have a problem activating nvidia-drivers on a fresh install of ubuntu 9.04. When I go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers, it says "no propritarty drivers are used on this system" (my translation). How do I fix this_15:32
zortecI don't know what boot options to try.  I've been on the forums all night trying to get some help.15:32
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, you could compare it to what you get from running the same command on livecd... and then blacklist everything that is present only in this one...15:32
ZauberExonarscunizi: Do you know where I can find instructions?15:32
scuniziZauberExonar: but it will typically prompt/tell you that the other driver is available.15:32
erUSULzortec: make sure the sata controller is in ahci mode. passing all-generic-ide options sometimes help15:32
ZauberExonarThank you15:32
colbloodscunizi: i found this: The answer seems to reboot in _recovery_ mode from the last kernel that worked, find the xorg-conf file that mentions nvidia and copy or soft-link it as the one to use, then reboot from the last working kernel.15:32
zortecI verified the MD5 hash and can't get it to check the integrity of the CD since that option will not load.15:32
JoeySpazKalmi_: how do you blacklist stuff?15:33
colbloodbut im not 100% sure how to softlink/copy it as the "one to use"15:33
blip-bum looks good, thanks erUSUL15:33
midnajt_ok people this is killin me for real, I have Realtek RTL81878 wlan usb dongle that's working on ubuntu but sometime the connection breaks and I can't connect any more without rebooting15:33
zortecWhere do you pass those options?15:33
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:33
erUSUL!blacklist | JoeySpaz15:33
ubottuJoeySpaz: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »15:33
zortecAs soon as I try to install ubuntu with the alternate text based installer, it says that it can't find my cdrom.15:33
erUSULzortec: sse the link of ubottu15:33
erUSULzortec: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:33
scunizicolblood: ok.. IF you have a previoius kernel on your current install.. if not then the "previous" kernel might just be the one in the previous release.15:33
greatoPlease Help I want to mount F: drive of Windows XP in Ubuntu. How to do that?15:33
JoeySpazKalmi_: ok.. i'll try that15:34
erUSUL!ntfs | greato15:34
ubottugreato: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:34
colbloodscunizi: i have and 2.6.27 i believe15:34
colbloodat least grub says so15:34
Kalmi_JoeySpaz, have a look at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf , it is self-explanatory...15:34
scunizicolblood: worth a shot15:34
colbloodk, so how do i copy it ?15:35
jjibnscunizi:after my system broked becasue of the wrong data I writed into the xorg.conf,I could not find the file when I choose into the revovery mode15:35
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colbloodalso, the link mentions purge nvidia, but dunno how to do that either really15:35
zortecI looked at the boot options page, but I'm not sure which one to add...15:36
Jeroen1Hello, how to get ubuntu on a asus EEE15:36
zortecBut I do think there is a problem with SATA because it will not load the installer on the LiveCD or text based installer15:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:37
prospirewhat name has been given to ubuntu 9.04??15:37
Bob_Doledoes Matrox still make cards?15:37
prospireits something johnty jocolobs or something15:38
Bob_DoleJaunty jackalope15:38
albechis there a way to make a 'rolling file' in bash so whenever new lines are added old ones are removed?15:38
prospireand to 9.1015:38
jpds!jaunty | prospire15:38
ubottuprospire: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents15:38
prospiresomething carmic15:38
jpds!karmic | prospire15:38
ubottuprospire: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:38
zortecWhat is this about a generic-ide boot option? I don't see that one in BootOptions page15:38
prospireubuntu is superb15:38
prospiremuch better than windows15:38
prospireespecially windows vista15:38
jpdsprospire: We know.15:38
prospiream using the KDE15:38
jjibnbut I can't find the xrog.conf,even I found the directory of /etc/x11 doesn't exist yet what's happened15:39
* colblood takes notes15:39
jpdsprospire: Better check out the KDE team singing then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm5si9-mi-M15:39
Bob_DoleOnce upon a time I ran windows only.. then I dual booted, then I only ran 1 at a time and switched distros every other month... then I ran only mac OS, now I run only Ubuntu.15:39
scunizijjibn: it's /etc/X11 .. capital X not small x15:39
zortecAm I the only one who has ran into this problem with the Live CD not booting or the text based installer?15:39
prospireubuntu is gr815:39
voxwhat the heck is apt-xapian-index?15:39
=== LuciusMare is now known as LuciusMare|afk
prospireno device drivers needed15:39
colbloodprospire: u just said that15:39
Seeker`!away | LuciusMare|afk15:39
prospireand ftp access is gr815:39
ubottuLuciusMare|afk: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»15:39
colbloodprospire: not true15:40
jpds!ot  | prospire15:40
ubottuprospire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:40
prospireactually my ubuntu 8.10 is not detecting my speakers15:40
midnajt_hey I'm submitting my address that contains Ö char wich can be writen OE do I need to write it that way or just a O15:40
zortecI mean there should be a failsafe or something to at least get Ubuntu to boot15:40
zortecIt is annoying to have to do hit the power button on my computer because it won't exit15:40
prospirebut one of my friends said jaunty wud do that15:40
prospirecan anybody tell me what to do??15:40
prospireactually my ubuntu 8.10 is not detecting my speakers15:40
prospirewhat do I do then?15:41
jjibn<scunizi> ok,anyway I can not find it after I enter into the shell through the recovery mode for the ubuntu15:41
colbloodwhich kernel is ubuntu 9.04 using?15:41
imaginativeonehow do I eject my cdrom from the command line?15:41
jribimaginativeone: eject15:41
LjLimaginativeone: eject15:41
Wolfcastleanyway I can boot my ubuntu partition after installing windows xp without a bootable linux cd?15:41
bccolblood: default for me is 2.6.28-11-generic15:41
zortecAnyone?  I have been trying to get Ubuntu to install for several hours now.  I'm tired and I can't seem to get anything working.15:42
elgarZorix, what's the problem?15:42
jjibnsomebody know if I don't back it up before how do I turn the file to the one when it is ok15:42
imaginativeoneI'm unable to unmount because something is using it15:42
jribjjibn: what?15:42
elgarzortec, what's the problem?15:42
LuciusMare|afkimaginativeone: try lsof15:42
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:42
zortecThe problem is I can't get the LiveCD or the text based installer to run the installer program15:42
jribimaginativeone: you need to close that then.  Do you have a terminal with the current working directory inside of it?15:43
zortecIt crashes with BusyBox and then when I type exit, I get a kernel panic and I freak out.15:43
bczortec: does it drop you to a busybox shell prompt?15:43
elgarzortec, is there a specific problem or error or any more info?15:43
scunizizortec: search for that option on www.ubuntuforums.org .. you may come up with a solution15:43
Wolfcastleanyway I can boot my ubuntu partition after installing windows xp without a bootable linux cd?15:44
zortecIt has done this with the Live CD and then I tried the alternate text installer... which is unable to locate my cdrom and I don't have any drivers to load for it so then it keeps doing a loop15:44
imaginativeonejrib: yes15:44
jribimaginativeone: so you need to cd elsewhere15:44
zortecFinally I did CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot15:44
zortecWhat other cd can I try? I'm running out of options.15:44
scuniziWolfcastle: if you install windows after installing ubuntu, windows will mess up the grub boot loader and you'll need a live cd to fix it.15:44
elgarzortec what hardware and bios?15:44
zortecI really think that it doesn't like SATA at all.15:44
colbloodtry using mini-image and put it on a usb stick zortec15:45
bczortec: try disabling IDE Busmaster in bios and see if it'll work then.15:45
kyrolhi i`ve nvidia geforce 2pro/gts and ubuntu 9.0415:45
zortecThat was a suggestion on the forum, but I don't have a usb stick... maybe I can do a network install but never done that before.15:45
kyroli can`t install driver15:45
pan4o16Hi all! I am new in linux and i have a problem. My monitor resolution is too low. What can i do?15:45
zortecIt doesn't seem to respond at all to any of the options on the CD when I hit enter and I think it doesn't recognize my drive or something.15:45
jjibn<zortec>do u have a use pendrive15:46
kyroli`ve try envy but nothing good happens15:46
kyrolubuntu is loading in emergency mode15:46
Paddy_EIRE!details | kyrol15:46
ubottukyrol: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:46
bczortec: I had a similar problem when using a mix of ATA and SATA. disabling PCI IDE Bustmaster solved my problem.15:46
elgarhad this problem in the past15:46
elgarI have a possible work around15:46
Prankapan4o16: Go to System -> Preferences -> Display. There  you can change your settings for your monitor.15:47
LuciusMare|afkIs there any way to transfer data from linux to windows trough UTP cabel/LAN ?15:47
zortecI have an Intel Dual Core E2200 2.2Ghz computer, have checked all of the settings in the BIOS, confirmed that all the default settings were loaded.15:47
kyrol in system-administration-hardware driver nothing appears15:47
=== LuciusMare|afk is now known as LuciusMare
kyrolmy ubuntu is 9.0415:47
elgarzortec, > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/209454/comments/2815:47
jjibnand why I can't find the directory,/etc/X11 after I enter into the shell from the recoveroy mode of ubuntu15:47
zortecbc: I have no idea what PCI IDE Busmaster is.15:48
CarlFKat some point sudo reboot stopped rebooting back to POST/grub and started using something like kexec to reload the current kernel.  how do I get it to reboot such that I can pick a different kernel from grub menu?15:48
chinosukeubuntu 9.04 cannot hear sound.15:48
elgarzortec, > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/209454/comments/2815:48
zortecWhere do I disable that? I don't have a setting in the BIOS for it.15:48
elgarzortec, just add the kernel param I just linked you too and see if that works15:48
bczortec: then it wouldn't be an option15:48
zortecElgar: That is hardy, does that apply to jaunty?15:48
pan4o16Yes i do that but the max resolution is 800X600. i nead at lest 1024X768! What can i do?15:48
elgarzortec, we wont know until you try15:49
zortecI noticed that the install instructions for the text based installer is for feisty which is like two releases ago so it didn't help I couldn't find one for 9.0415:49
Gary_gdoes anyone know if it is possible to clear search domains assigned by a local network in the etc/resolve.conf during a vpnc-connect? I can do it manaully but this is a pain15:49
scunizizortec: I have to use that line on my desktop.. when booting to the live cd on the first menu hit F6 and add pci=nomsi to the end of the kernel line after erasing the "quiet splash" .. then hit enter.15:49
kyrolubuntu 9.04 can`t see eneble driver in system-administration-hw driwers for geforce 2gts/pro. i was try envy without expected results15:49
elgarzortec, scunizi seems to verify the adivce I gave to you as being tested and working on some hardware15:49
scunizizortec: if that is the solution is should boot to the live cd desktop from there.15:49
LuciusMareis there any way to transfer data from linux to windows trough UTP cabel/lan?15:49
chocobananazortec: can you boot other CDs?15:49
Hamza 15:49
zortecWhere do you add kernel params? I had a Live CD but I burned an alternate installer in its place15:49
Prankapan4o16: Did you click on Detect Monitor?15:50
zortecSo now I just have the text based installer which can't locate my cdrom15:50
LuciusMareis there any way to transfer data from linux to windows trough UTP cabel/lan?15:50
Bob_DoleLuciusMare, don't repeat yourself so soon15:50
zortecChoco: I can boot CDs fine, it's just something to do with the ubuntu installer that my computer doesn't like.15:50
HamzaLuciusMare: Do you mean like accessing Windows shared folders over the network?15:50
elgarzortec, hit f6 at the first screen on the live cd, not sure where to do it on the alternative installer15:50
chocobananazortec: how many times did you try to burn the image?15:50
LuciusMareANY WAY to transfer data15:51
goodeyeLuciusMare places->network15:51
scunizizortec: I haven't looked at the text based installer in a while so I'm not sure if it allows for kernel modification on boot.15:51
goodeyeand u should see ur windoze PC there15:51
zortecI have burned multiple images from different sites on the Ubuntu download page.15:51
LuciusMareso i dont care if i would have to hack it,or acess shared folders15:51
webNgoohey every, can anyone help my with nx problem?15:51
zortecIt is very frustrating that I can't get the installer to come up.15:51
HamzaLuciusMare < goodeye15:51
scunizizortec: use the live cd15:51
Bob_Doleaaaaand midori crashes15:51
Bob_DoleMost unstable browser I've ever used. :/15:52
elgarzortec, use the live cd and add the kernel param, that should then work15:52
chocobananazortec: are you burning to the same CD(-RW) or using different media?15:52
zortecWhat is wrong with the alternate installer? It was suggested if I can't get the Live CD working which I wasn't able to then to use the alternate (text-based)15:52
zortecI used two different CD-RWs... and burned it at the lowest speed (4x)15:52
elgarchocobanana, his problem is a known sata issue, I've already given him a workaround15:52
Paddy_EIREBob_Dole: Do you have a support question or are you just here to complain?15:52
zortecChoco, Elgar: I swear it has to be something to do with SATA.15:52
Bob_DolePaddy_EIRE, I'm just always here15:52
Gary_glucas, do you have a local web server running on the linux box or were you looking for 2 way15:52
zortecBecause on my last computer, which had an IDE not SATA drive Ubuntu installed without any issues.15:52
elgarzortec, god damm.. I KNOW IT IS A SATA ISSUE. and I gave you the fix15:53
elgarit's a known bug15:53
Bob_DolePaddy_EIRE, I don't leave, and occasionally have questions15:53
Paddy_EIREBob_Dole: well take the complaints outside the support channel15:53
elgarwith a known workaround, so please use it15:53
webNgooNX> 204 Authentication failed.15:53
scunizizortec: that is tyypically the case.. however your issue is different15:53
chocobananazortec: did you manage to install it on another machine? Did you try elgar's suggestion?15:53
DILi have all sata w/ no probs15:53
zortecCan I use the workaround on the alternate CD?15:53
zortecOr do I have to burn another CD?15:53
elgarzortec, you'll have to use google to see if you can add kernel params on the alt installer, I dont think you can though15:54
scunizizortec: I don't know.. you'll have to boot it and see if there is an option to make the change on the kernel line..15:54
Bob_Dolezortec, what happened to the old CD?15:54
elgarI've only ever seen it done with the live cd15:54
Wolfcastleis it possible to enter commandline with the netboot image?15:54
Wolfcastleto mount my installed ubuntu partition15:54
zortecChoco: I burned over it.15:54
chocobananazortec: you're in the spotlight ;)15:54
Wolfcastleand reinstall grub15:54
zortecThat was to Bob.15:54
zortecBecause I couldn't get the live cd to work, so I said screw it15:54
phrizzledizzlenewbie needs help: My sound was working fine for quite some time. All of a sudden I can only hear the faintest noise when my speakers are at max volume. I've checked my volume levels and everything looks fine. I've rebooted and the problem did not resolve.15:54
zortecand opted for the alternate installer which I can't get working either.15:54
chocobananazortec: do you have another Ubuntu installation from where you could create a bootable USB image?15:55
elgarphrizzledizzle, I had that problem, my cable was screwed, just a though :)15:55
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: did you check all volume controls?15:55
* DIL forrizzle15:55
zortecIs a network install an option? Can that at least get me bootable?15:55
zortecI read about that alternative too.15:55
phrizzledizzleelgar: thank you, but I've unplugged the speakers and the internal speakers aren't outputting either15:55
ChryzoHi, i have the following X11 config file: http://pastealacon.com/3118, unfortunately I am still unable to get my screen to have a higher resolution that 800*60015:56
Chryzoany idea why ?15:56
chocobananazortec: if you have a cable connection, then a network install should be easy15:56
zortecI fear I'll run into the same problem with the SATA drive15:56
SlartChryzo: pastebin you /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:56
Slart!pastebin | Chryzo15:56
elgarzortec, the kernel parameter will bypass the sata issue15:56
ubottuChryzo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:56
Wolfcastlezortec, I wonder that too, can you enter commandline with netboot image?15:56
zortecchoco: I have an adsl connection15:56
scunizizortec: you will.. just use the live cd15:56
ChryzoSlart, gimme a minute :)15:57
zortecWhat is the difference in the live cd and alternate cd?15:57
phrizzledizzlechocobanana: my master, headphone, pcm, and pc speaker volume levels are all at max and not muted15:57
=== Guest32594 is now known as Sw
zortecMy head is spinning guys from all this.15:57
zortecI just want to get my system up and running with ubuntu.15:57
ZykoticK9zortec, for one the alt cd is text based, while the live cd is a gui15:57
Slartzortec: the live cd is one.. the alternate isn't =)15:57
scunizizortec: the live cd will allow you to make the kernel line change you need to get the system booted to a desktop so you can install.15:57
Oli``I've mounted a SSH/SFTP location in nautilus and now I'm trying to edit something through gedit. Normally this works but for this particular mount everything opens in readonly mode. I definitely have write access (as I'm logged in remotely as root)... Any ideas?15:58
zortecI'll burn another live cd then on a different media15:58
Chryzohere is the log: http://pastealacon.com/311915:58
elgarzortec, get the live cd, add the kernel parameter by pressing f6 at the first screen, then it will work fine./15:58
zortecCan you give me the kernel param I need to add again?15:58
dimebarAnyone managed to get a black ipod classic to work in Hipo?  It is complaining: 'Icon 'multimedia-player-ipod-classic-black' not present in theme'15:59
elgarzortec, > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/209454/comments/2815:59
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: did you check the actual application volume levels?15:59
tavishmy gnome session has stopped working. something with the startup scripts maybe. no panel or anything else. But failsafe gnome is working fine. what should i do?15:59
shadeslayerdimebar: it means theres no icon to display for a ipod in your theme..choose another theme15:59
whileimherehi. When in a terminal looking at top how can I tell what program/s is sucking up my memory?16:00
ZykoticK9[daily post] does anyone have jscal working under 9.04?  it works fine under 8.10 but seems to have no effect under 9.04.16:00
dimebarshadeslayer: yeah - tried default gnome theme, tango, human - none work.16:00
SlartChryzo: it seems X can't talk to your monitor to find out what frequencies it supports... so it uses some very safe defaults.. you can input those in your xorg.conf ... search the net for your monitor specs or take a wild guess depending on what kind of monitor it is16:00
phrizzledizzlechoco: yes. Its doing it across all applications. Flash player, Rhythm Box Music Player, Movie Player16:01
=== matrix_ is now known as nokia-s
shadeslayerdimebar: then your themes are not correctly installed...reinstall them16:01
nokia-shey is there any way to update nokia on ubuntu16:01
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: what do you have set for the Gnome Audio preferences?16:02
mohan_installed newly ubuntu 9.04 jaunty16:02
mohan_its freezing before boot..16:02
mohan_RT kernel problem i think..16:02
Aliasai  dont understand ,why linux is called a open source system? where can i see the source code,?16:02
dimebarshadeslayer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hipo/+bug/318185  it is that; not a problem with my themes (which are just teh defaults)16:03
HamzaAliasa: www.kernel.org16:03
ChryzoSlart: it is an old 17 inches CRT :)16:03
phrizzledizzlechoco: it appears that everything is set to autodetect... I believe thats what you're asking about16:03
Aliasacan i change the kernel source code? :D16:03
Chryzothanks for the info16:03
chocobananaAliasa: it is the components that form the Ubuntu distribution that are open source. You can go to each component project website and download the source to view or change it16:03
jribAliasa: why not...?16:03
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: and the Default Mixer Tracks on that screen?16:04
SlartChryzo: in the Monitor section, add "HorizSync 30-80" and "VertRefresh 55-75", then try restarting X16:04
Aliasai must leanr a lor about linux.:S16:04
shadeslayerdimebar: bah...easiest fix is to copy the theme ipod icon and rename it to that :)16:04
chocobananaAliasa: follow the certification manuals for the distro of your choice16:04
=== puzzle is now known as edson
HamzaAliasa: The Free Software Foundation's website has a lot of information about the principles behind free and open-source software. And there's #ubuntu-offtopic as well.16:04
Aliasai am 20 years ,student of physics, its difficle fotr me to learn linux,?maby most of you are for computer science16:05
jjibnis it possibility that I can't find a directory under the safe mode16:05
phrizzledizzlechoco: ATI IXP (Alsa mixer)16:05
PrankaAliasa: It has nothing to do with what you are studying.16:05
greatoI have problem with wine16:06
PrankaI know friends studying medicine and use Linux as an OS.16:06
greatoWine is not able to run TC.EXE16:06
RatapoilI just upgraded to 9.04, when I open a video with VLC it opens 2 extra windows called "VLC (XVideo output)"... what could have been the probem?16:06
SlartAliasa: you don't have to be a computer science student/professor to use linux... you don't have to be an automechanic to drive a car16:06
elgarAliasa, you can download the kernel source16:06
shadeslayerAliasa: im a electronics engineer...linux is NOT about how geeky you are more about how well you respond to new ideas16:06
Aliasai like to be a programmer!16:06
greatoHelp Me Out!!!! Wine is not able to run TC.EXE16:06
iwohey, anyone here use amarok? i'm having some problems playing any audio files16:06
mohan_Please anybody16:06
Ratapoiliwo I use amark16:06
boss_mcgreato: what error messages do you get?16:06
mohan_Problem related RT Kernel16:06
jjibn is it possibility that I can't find a directory under the safe mode16:06
midnajt_does ndisgtk autmaticlly uses the driver that was installed or do I need to do more16:06
Aliasai am enginerring physics16:06
Slart!details | greato16:07
ubottugreato: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:07
iwowhen i play a track, amarok just skips through really fast (at like 20x normal speed), and makes no sound16:07
greatoboss_mc: No error message TC opens like a small black terminal and automatically closes. While TC works fine in Windows XP16:07
iwoi guess i'm missing some codecs, or don't have the right backend installed...16:07
iwobut i don't know how to check what i'm using right now16:07
dayosomeone farted. i can smell it. but it wasn't me,and i'm the only one in the room o_016:07
Slartgreato: and please ask the entire question on one line.. don't add stuff like "Please Please Help me" and such.. it's just annoying16:07
iwohow do i know what engine amarok is using?16:07
Ratapoiliwo:  yep I ld suspect the codecs too16:07
kronixIs anybody else being spammed by Ubunt1?16:07
iwothe settings in amarok are extremely sparse :)16:07
Ratapoiliwo: Amarok2 or amarok1?16:07
cedric30Someone know how I can flashplayer to recognize my webcam?16:07
nokia-shey is there any way to update nokia on ubuntu16:07
Slartkronix: nothing here16:07
shadeslayeriwo: its phonon or xine16:08
Slartnokia-s: perhaps via a vm.. I don't think you can do it natively16:08
kronixHe messaged me 20 minutes ago asking [Ubunt1] hi [Ubunt1] r u there16:08
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: which ubuntu version? And what did you say about sound from you internal speakers?16:08
xenocrateshi. i've been using ubuntu for a few days and love it. I would like to convert my friends my a lot of them arent so computer literate. Is it possible for me to set up a dumbed-down version of the OS and then make an ISO installation cd with all of the new settings?16:08
iwoamarok 2.0216:08
kronixI only idle here, so it must be a spam bot.16:08
kronixSomebody kill it.16:08
Prankanokia-s: No there isn't any way to update your nokia cell phone in Linux.16:08
Slartkronix: go ask someone in #ubuntu-ops16:09
nokia-sPranka: so how to update my phone i have the cd and the usb cable16:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:09
phrizzledizzlechoco: 9.04  ... internal laptop speakers will not produce any sound either. They have worked previously16:09
BrixSathow can i make a list of all files content that are inside a folder, and find something inside those files and if any print the file name that contains the searched text, iv been trying cat * | grep text16:10
greatoHello! With Wine I open TC.EXE a black box opens and automatically closes itself. How to start TC.EXE In Ubuntu???16:10
PwrSurgehow can i install zpipe in ubuntu?16:10
LjLkronix: it is not online to begin with16:10
dimitrisI have the medibuntu repo installed but when I try to install acrobat reader I get a no package found? Is the package removed from the repos?16:10
Prankanokia-s: As I have sent you the link of the solution, you should install Windows either in vmware/virtual box or simply install Windows on a partition.16:10
ZykoticK9greato, what is tc.exe?16:10
heidiMy webcam does not work after installing ubuntu how can I fix this ????16:10
SlartBrixSat: grep * texttofind  will search inside all files in the current directory16:10
greatoZykoticK9: TC.exe is the C++ & C which works on DOS16:11
Slartelgar: what is the problem?16:11
LjLelgar: why do you keep doing that?16:11
sTEPPZORhello. need some help.. i cant seem to get static ip on my eth0 connection16:11
shadeslayerelgar: stop that16:11
greatoZykoticK9: Its an editor where we create our C & C++ programs16:11
phrizzledizzlechocobanana: 9.04. The internal laptop speakers had worked previously but won't produce any sounds now. Is it possible that an update created the problem, and is it possible to roll updates back?16:11
xenocratesdoes ubuntu have smartcard software? found out my D610 has a smartcard reader (like bankcard and phonecard style) and want to see if i can use it16:11
ZykoticK9greato what does the "TC" stand for?  what is it's full name?16:11
Slartgreato: Turbo C?16:12
greatoZykoticK9: Turbo C16:12
greatoSlart: Yes16:12
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: yeah, an update may have broken it. Not sure about rolling back updates...16:12
BrixSatslart not working!16:12
sTEPPZORno one can help me?16:12
ZykoticK9greato, is this a DOS program?16:12
greatoslart: Can you help me in running Turbo C in Ubuntu16:12
SlartBrixSat: hmm.. perhaps it's the other way around16:12
greatoZykoticK9: Yes16:12
phrizzledizzlechocobanana: okay. Thank you for trying.16:13
ZykoticK9greato, i'd check out dosbox to run it instead then.16:13
BrixSatgreato use gcc :)16:13
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: in any case, for troubleshooting purposes, just use the internal speakers.16:13
greatoBrixSat: what is gcc16:13
heidikopete does not recognize laptop webcam16:13
Slartgreato: turbo c must be.. 15 years old by now.. why not use gcc?16:13
phrizzledizzlechocobanana: good pointed. doing so now16:13
BrixSatgreato gnu c compiler16:13
phrizzledizzle~good point16:13
chocobananaphrizzledizzle: sorry for not having a solution at this time. I could try your luck at the forums16:13
bob1Hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 9.04 on the ps3... it tries to install the apt .deb package off the cd and fails - so I've burned the cd at slower speed... same problem - any other tips?16:13
heidican someone help me kopete does not recognize laptop webcam16:13
greatoSlart: does gcc works same like Turbo C16:13
phrizzledizzlechocobanana: thanks again16:13
BrixSatSlart none of the options return data16:14
Slartgreato: fine.. you go ahead an believe that16:14
zortecIf there is a bug in hardy, does that also mean it would be in jaunty?16:14
SlartBrixSat: hmm.. odd.. can you tell me what kind of files you are searching? what command did you try?16:14
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PwrSurgeanyone, i need to install zpipe16:14
greatowhere can I get gcc16:14
PwrSurgedo i have to compile it myself or is there a precompiled package out there?16:15
BrixSat[Slart]: Sorry iv found the solution i was typing wrong :$16:15
xray7224PwrSurge, can you find it in apt ?16:15
zortecPwrSurge: You should be able to get gcc from the repositories16:15
xray7224erm let me have a quick look for you16:15
SlartBrixSat: ah.. good =) so it's working alright now?16:15
BrixSat[Slart]: yes :=)16:15
PwrSurgelooking for "zpipe" not gcc16:15
* Pranka is away: Be right back.16:16
ZykoticK9bob1, i'd recommend asking in #ubuntu-ps3, good luck.16:16
Myrtti!away > Pranka16:16
ubottuPranka, please see my private message16:16
Fzangneed some urgent help!16:16
BrixSatSlart but not on sub folders but ill read the man ;)16:16
SlartFzang: just ask16:16
xray7224PwrSurge, looks like you will have to complie it your self16:16
greatoSlart: help me  I don't know what I pressed everything becomed zoom16:16
SlartBrixSat: there is a switch to make it search recursively... probably -R or -r16:16
PrankaMyrtti:  I apologize for the away-announce.16:16
SlartBrixSat: but the man page is a nice read.. grep and it's friends are very useful16:17
FzangI mounted an HFS+ partition (stupidly) onto my desktop. Now my desktop is "root access" and I can't access my desktop normally. Only see mounted partitions. I can't unmount the partition again because it says "you are not root" and "it is not in fstab"16:17
FzangWhat do I do?16:17
BrixSat[Slart]: :) yes it is :)16:17
PwrSurgethat's the one i guess16:17
ruffinHi, everyone16:17
SlartFzang: sudo umount /dev/blabla   should do it16:18
BrixSatby the way slart do you understand anything of apache?16:18
SlartBrixSat: a little.. but nothing advanced16:18
BrixSatSlart problems on virtualhost16:18
SlartFzang: if you need a terminal you can always press ctrl+alt+f1  (Remember... ALT+f7 to get back... ALT+F7)16:19
SlartBrixSat: never used those.. I'm a one host per server-guy =)16:19
FzangI can still access my things normally16:19
Fzangjust not my desktop16:19
greatoslart: I pressed Alt+Space and then X and its zoomed .16:19
BrixSatanyway thanks Slart good work :)16:19
greatoslart: I want everything normal again16:19
Fzangslart: what do I unmount? I mounted an HFS image called image.iso16:19
Gamarok__howdy fellas16:20
Fzangand it turned into a "Desktop" partition on my desktop16:20
ZykoticK9Fzang, can you make a pastbin of the output of "mount"?16:20
SlartFzang: try starting with sudo umount /home/  then press tab.. it should autocomplete for you16:20
NakkelDoes network manager support wireless broadband thru bluetooth?16:20
AlinnI downloaded half of ubuntu DVD with transmission .can i resume it with bittorrent or other clients?16:20
mr_stephey, when you share a folder through the gnome gui, where does it save the config settings?16:20
Slartgreato: if you want me to help you you will have to start asking sane questions..16:20
=== tavish_ is now known as tavish
Slartgreato: don't assume that I know what your computer looks like16:21
ZykoticK9Alinn, yes - any torrent program should resume16:21
zirodayNakkel: no, take a look at blueman (blueman-project.org)16:21
FzangZykoticK9: http://pastebin.com/d7103163c16:21
Nakkelziroday: Ok, thanks16:21
zortecIs there a way to check if SATA support is recognized in 9.04?16:21
zirodayzortec: use the livecd?16:21
AlinnZykoticK9: thanks;-)16:21
zortecThe live cd is not working... will try the fix in hardy but I wanted to see if this was a known problem16:22
SlartFzang: sudo umount /media/joh/Desktop   should do it16:22
SlartFzang: sudo umount /home/joh/Desktop   should do it16:22
zirodayzortec: SATA support should generally work for most controllers16:22
SlartFzang: sorry..16:22
vekposhi! is there a possibility to let the network-manager know, that i'm using a pppoe-connection via pppoeconf? i want to connect to a MS-VPN via my network-manager.16:22
ZykoticK9Fzang, you've mounted an ISO onto your Desktop i think.  Try in a terminal "sudo umount /home/joh/Desktop"16:22
Fzangthanks, it worked16:22
Fzangstupid me16:23
scunizizortec: did you make the kernel line change in the live cd?16:23
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zortecI'm about to add the kernel param and see if I can boto.16:24
Newmilpanquick questions... I tried to install ubuntu on my flash drive, but now when i reboot my computer it won't boot from it and it wont boot windows.. i get a grub error 21.   does anyone know how I can fix this?16:24
SlartFzang: nah... you're only stupid if you do it again.. and again... without learning from it =)16:25
zirodayNewmilpan: sounds like you've borked your grub install. Best thing to do is use super grub disk to fix it up16:25
kornerrcan ubuntu use debian packages?16:25
Slartkornerr: generally speaking.. no16:26
zirodaykornerr: it is *strongly* unrecommended (so no)16:26
kornerrplease give me a link saying so16:26
Slart!debian | kornerr16:26
ubottukornerr: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!16:26
ZykoticK9Newmilpan, if you want to actually boot off the Flash drive (ie use BIOS, or an F10) then Grub Needs to be installed onto the flashdrive itself - which is an option during install (but not a default) --- then you may also run into problems of grub having the wrong address for the drive, once you boot off of a device i think it will become (0,0) to grub - so manual configuration MAY be required.  Best of luck.16:26
scunizikornerr: some but there are no guarantees.. look in System/Admin/Synaptic package manager to see if the prog. you want is there16:26
vinchi, I was trying to upgrade my ubuntu 8,10 to the latest one but i received a warning stating that 9.10 does not bring any fglrx driver.. can you confirm this?16:26
Bob_Dole...so, I downloaded the installer for seamonkey from their website, installed, sudo aptitude purge seamonkey ..and then ran the version I just installed. it still opens the old version, with the prefs of the old version, what?16:26
zirodayvinc: what graphics card do you have?16:26
Newmilpanoh  man, i'm so screwed lol16:26
necroforestCan you set up encrypted LVM manually (not using guided partitioning)?16:26
Slartvinc: I'm not sure what ati users use on 9.04.. but some kind of driver is available, I think16:27
vincziroday, ati mobility radeon x130016:27
kornerrthe above link does not say anything that ubuntu can't use debian packages16:27
Bob_DoleI'm an ATI user on 9.04.16:27
kornerrgoogle doesn't give me any info like that either16:27
zirodayvinc: then yes, AMD has dropped support for that card in the latest -fglrx version (the one in 9.04) but the open source -ati driver supports that card16:27
Bob_DoleDoes the open source ATI driver have 3D support yet?16:28
zirodaykornerr: "Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!"16:28
scunizikornerr: depending on the program/package there can be differences16:28
vincziroday, thanks, then i'll mange to compile the old ati driver on my own16:28
kornerrI want the docs please :)16:28
shiznebitBob_Dole: not really16:28
zirodayBob_Dole: depends on what card16:28
xenocrateswhat is the best torrent client for linux??16:28
zirodayvinc: that won't work as it won't compile against the newer version of xserver :)16:28
mr_stepcan anyone thing of any reasons why i'd be able to write to one samba share, but not another - when both directory permissions are set to 770, and both have exactly the same samba config (except for the path)?16:28
ziroday!best | xenocrates16:28
ubottuxenocrates: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:28
Lint01xenocrates: mu-torrent16:28
=== thirsteh is now known as patrick
shiznebitBob_Dole: if its an R500 you can try using the Bleeding Edge driver16:28
Slartxenocrates: the one that works for you... some people like rtorrent16:29
J_A_Xif someone can help me get my wireless card working, I will seriously send you money16:29
zortecDoes anyone have a preference on a burning program for Windows? I used CDBurnerXP before to burn the ISO and then I used UltraISO.16:29
=== patrick is now known as Guest32558
vincziroday, that is a big issue then.. will i need to downgrade xserver too?16:29
Bob_DoleI'll stick with the closed source driver for now, ATI Radeon HD 3850, not sure what chip generation that is, really.16:29
Slart!burniso | zortec16:29
ubottuzortec: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:29
shiznebitBob_Dole: but you may hose your entire system16:29
zirodayzortec: the wiki recommends infra recorder16:29
forceflowzortec: ImgBurn is good too16:29
=== Guest32558 is now known as thirsteh
shiznebitBob_Dole: thats above R50016:29
zirodayvinc: that is very hard to do, why not use the open source -ati driver?16:29
scunizikornerr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories16:29
golfai just started my notebook (vostro 1310) with newsest ubuntu and when gnome login appears the keyboard and mice dont work...... after few restartes it does not work either.... in bios the keyboard works.... why that?16:30
shiznebitto all those who want to take a chance: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa16:31
zortecThanks, going to give ImgBurn a try16:31
vincziroday, i would like to, but as far as i know the free driver doesn't bring 3d acceleration yet... i've experienced this problem in the past, with fedora... this is the reason why i'm using ubuntu now... damn, i need to go back to debian then16:31
shiznebitread the directions or you will hose your system, if you dont understand something DONT DO IT16:31
sTEPPZORanyone used firestarter and can help me?16:31
Guest77419 hello, i need some help i installed 3 packages today and they have messed up some config files for my websites, i was woundering if there is a command to roll back to yesterdays settings16:31
zirodayvinc: the open source driver (-ati) has accelerated 3D support for the X1300 for quite a while now16:32
zortecGuest: I may be wrong, but can't you just uninstall the packages and all their dependencies in synaptic?16:32
shiznebitziroday: its poor 3D support16:32
Lint01Guest77419: you must understand your config files so tyou could revert them back yourself16:32
Guest77419i wouldnt know as i am new to ubuntu :(16:32
vincziroday, then i'll give it a try. will the free driver be installed out of the box, after upgrading / installing jaunty?16:32
ZykoticK9Guest77419, ubuntu/linux doesn't have a "System Restore" feature like Windows.  Sorry for the bad news.16:32
zirodayshiznebit: poor?16:32
shiznebitziroday: not full 3D support16:32
zirodayvinc: yes, it should switch you over automagicaclly16:32
zortecSystem Restore... that would be an interesting feature for linux, heh.16:33
nightdreveron ubuntu is there any program which i can do sql on?16:33
zirodayshiznebit: no. The -ati driver has full accelerated 3D support for the ATi X130016:33
iwofixed amarok problems by adding libxine1-ffmpeg package16:33
shiznebitsince when ?16:33
iwothanks to #amarok16:33
scunizinightdrever: for mySQL?16:33
zirodaynightdrever: connecting to mysql or postgresql?16:33
zortecnight: Check out LAMP.16:33
Lint01nightdrever: try postgreSQL16:33
Newmilpanziroday: is there a way to use super grub disk in LiveCD?16:34
zirodayNewmilpan: no, its a new disc you need to burn16:34
nightdreverits just i have to learn sql in UNI  use microsoft access there16:34
nightdreverbut i have ubuntu is there a program i can use here to practise?16:34
Newmilpanziroday: that sucks, I only have 1 dvd drive, and it's running liveCD lol16:34
zirodayNewmilpan: well you can download and burn the cd in windows etc16:34
shiznebitziroday: link would be nice, where i got my info from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver16:35
Newmilpanziroday: I can't get into windows, i get grub error 2116:35
vincnightdrever, if you need to connect to a dbms to issue some query you can use squirrel, you just need the appropriate jdbc driver16:35
scunizi!grub | Newmilpan16:35
ubottuNewmilpan: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:35
zortecThis is like a random question, but anyone know like the percentage of users that are on Linux?  I'm interested to know the stats16:35
tavish__my gnome session is not working, and there is no sound in failsafe gnome. what could be wrong?16:35
zirodayNewmilpan: okay, plan two is to reinstall grub using the livecd. Follow the first link ubottu has given you16:35
Newmilpanziroday: thanks16:35
necroforestCan you set up encrypted LVM manually (not using guided partitioning) during install? I want to do EXT4 on an encrypted LVM.16:35
l2trace99nightdrever: if you are looking for an 'access' type of interface use openoffce dbase  and load the jdbc driver app for  your database16:36
zortecAlso on the ubuntu forums, I noticed ubuntu #10000, how do you sign up for that?16:36
zirodayzortec: link?16:36
zortecIt keeps track of all the users who are on ubuntu.16:36
ZykoticK9zortec, I'd ask that in offtopic, but it's like 2% or something - but these sorts of numbers are always "guesses"16:36
zortecziroday: I'm asking for the link if you know it.16:36
scunizizortec: that's hard to compute because linux distros are freely available with no retail tracking16:36
mr_stepwhen you create a share using the gnome gui (right click "sharing) where does it save the sharing config?  it doesn't seem to appear in the samba config files?16:36
zirodayzortec: no as in where are you reading this16:36
Gamarok__guys heres the thing i recently changed the setting to log me in automatically but now whenever i use lock screen i cant type anything16:36
zortecIt is on the forum though, people have a # next to their ubuntu name16:37
zortecSo like I might be ubuntu user #2010516:37
zirodayshiznebit: read http://www.x.org/wiki/radeon16:37
Lint01mr_step: are they in in 'Network shares' applet?16:37
zirodayzortec: http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/index.php but its nothing official16:37
zortecIt's a tracking system.  I just wanted to find out if I can get on it.16:37
FLJohnhaving a problem trying to load Ubuntu from CD on a Dell.  XP keeps loading.  Seems the CD rom is set to go on after the boot up16:37
zortecziro: Ah, thanks. :)16:37
scunizizortec: those are people that have chosen to "register" themselves as users of ubuntu16:37
Gamarok__guys heres the thing i recently changed the setting to log me in automatically but now whenever i use lock screen i cant type anything16:37
FLJohnAny help on this?16:38
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.16:38
zirodayFLJohn: you need to change a BIOS setting16:38
Lint01FLJohn: change load order in bios16:38
TrijntjeXorg sometimes sends mouse events for compiz to the current window. Any ideas on how to fix this?16:38
FLJohnI thought I did16:38
ZykoticK9FLJohn, you could change the boot order in BIOS, or if you computer accepts an F10 at boot perhaps you'll get a boot chooser of some sort.  good luck.16:38
sTEPPZORCan anyone help me with some network settings/issues??16:38
mr_steplint01: i can't even find the network sharing applet :S16:38
zortecThe download is almost complete.  I want to make sure this is the right ISO: ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso16:38
lordnazgulSo I've got an nvidia 9500GT video card, and I am using Ubuntu 9.04.  I've successfully set up both of my monitors using twinview with nvidia-settings.  I would like to set up my TV as well.  Is the nvidia driver still limited to two displays like it used to be, or is this now possible?16:38
scuniziFLJohn: when booting look at the screen and it will flash a couple of F numbers.. one will be for boot options.. I think F216:39
zirodayzortec: that is the latest desktop/livecd correct16:39
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scunizilordnazgul: so you want the two monitors and the tv?16:39
zirodaylordnazgul: I believe the nvidia driver can do over two monitors, but I'm not certain16:39
zirodaylordnazgul: (give it a go)16:39
Lint01mr_step: try grepping your home folder for files containing  '[<your share name>]'16:39
marscherive got a little startup problem after migrating my root partition to a lvm device16:40
FLJohnOk F10 did not work16:40
shiznebitziroday: Radeon 7000 - X1950: *well* supported in both 2D and 3D by the free drivers (ie. Radeon driver 6.9.0 and Mesa 7.2)16:40
FLJohnI will try f216:40
lordnazgulscunizi yep.  i tried 2 x screens via xinerama and that didn't work and the two on one x screen with twin view plus the tv on another, still no luck16:40
scuniziFLJohn: then F1216:40
zirodayshiznebit: yes that is correct16:40
marscheri created a new initrd, with dm-* modules16:40
mr_steplint01 that's grep -r -s video ~/*  right?16:40
zortecIs it normal in this IRC room to get random PMs from users?16:40
marscherand switched the uuid, given by blk_id to the new root device16:40
Myrttizortec: no16:40
coz_zortec,   no it shouldnt be16:40
marscherbut trying to boot, gives me error 17, file not found16:40
coz_zortec,   if they are anoying you can tell them here in the public channel to stop16:41
scunizilordnazgul: it's possible.. there's a video on youtube that makes you drool.. 6 42" monitors hooked up.  Over 2 monitors and you pretty much have to build your own custom xorg.conf file.16:41
neoTheCatgood morning.  i have two 9.04 boxes running on my lan.  to tried x11vnc and gnome remote desktop, and they both are INCREDIBILY slow, almost unusable.  has anybody else seen this problem?16:41
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:41
neoTheCatthe screen is 1024x768, 32 bit.16:41
shiznebitziroday: I was saying that it isn't Fully supported. Anything well supported isn't as well as you'd hope16:41
scunizizortec: you shouldn't..16:41
zortecHe was not annoying, just had no idea what he was talking about and he was having a conversation with another user and then sent me a PM so it was just weird.16:41
coz_zortec,  ontop of which  PMs  are ok but more information and more input comes about in the public channels16:41
Lint01try grep -r -s -i '[video]' ~/*16:41
zirodayshiznebit: err full == well16:42
Myrttizortec: then just forget it16:42
scunizizortec: just ignore them.16:42
reenignEesreveRis there any file indexer (e.g. meta tracker) which has a web based interface?16:42
zirodayshiznebit: what exactly is your point here?16:42
lordnazgulscunizi: Thanks, I'll give it a go, maybe bug the guys in #xorg for help.  Everything seems like it should work with my xorg file, but who knows.16:42
scunizilordnazgul: also take a look at docs for randr and xrandr16:43
shiznebitziroday: "well" in my case, was it didn't work. I have an X130016:43
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mr_steplint01: same result :(16:44
zortecscunizi: This channel is great, the info comes so fast where as in the forum I have to wait for replies... which seem to take longer.16:44
zirodayshiznebit: I am sitting right next to a machine with the X1300 currently, tested with both the radeon and radeonhd drivers (which both work). If it wasn't working on your machine it was a configuration error as the radeon drivers _definitely_ support that card16:44
zortecI don't know if I just have that feeling.16:44
scunizizortec: irc can be a drug16:44
zortecscunizi: So can sex but it's a good drug. :)16:45
shiznebitziroday: you tried running Nexuiz ?16:45
TrijntjeXorg sometimes sends mouse events for compiz to the current window. Any ideas on how to fix this?16:45
zirodayshiznebit: no, but I have played other 3D games16:46
zirodaysere: Hi!16:46
shiznebitziroday: Nexuiz just crashes....so do alot of other games.....wait X1300 mobility or the regular X1300 ?16:46
zortecWhat is the page to check MD5 hashes?16:47
zortecCan I use the bot in here for info? Hmm16:47
scunizishiznebit: if you have compiz on turn it off16:47
zirodayshiznebit: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]16:47
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:47
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zortecchuck: Thanks!16:48
shiznebitziroday: well it works correctly for me with the bleeding-edge drivers. yes,  i have compiz off ...16:48
zortecIs there a list of commands the bot accepts?16:48
zirodayzortec: if you're trying to find information (fishing) then using the bot in PM or in #ubuntu-bots is probably best16:48
ziroday!help | zortec16:48
ubottuzortec: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:48
shiznebitziroday: hopefully he wont have problems16:48
Newmilpan!grub | Newmilpan16:48
chuck_zortec, your welcome16:48
ubottuNewmilpan, please see my private message16:48
marscherhttp://nopaste.org/p/aL6jndlPc, please take a look16:49
Gamarok__!grub backup16:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub backup16:49
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Newmilpanziroday: I think i may have ground the problem.. i opened menu.lst and there was nothing in there16:49
J_A_X20$ to whoever helps me get my wireless working...16:50
zirodaymarscher: I looked16:50
zirodayNewmilpan: err on the livecd?16:50
zirodayapa: can we help you?16:50
marscherziroday: grub gives me error 17, if i try to boot this16:50
marscherthe uuid is correct16:50
Gamarok__guys how can i back up grub16:50
progChow can you figure out where an application is installed? I am trying to find where VIM is installed to set an environment variable for it16:50
marscherwhat else could be wrong16:50
zirodayJ_A_X: a model number or chipset please (if you're not sure you can pastebin the 'lspci' command)16:50
ziroday!grub | Gamarok__16:51
ubottuGamarok__: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:51
Gamarok__guys how can i back up grub16:51
Gamarok__ok thanks16:51
maurizio_join #ubuntu-it16:51
progChow can you figure out where an application is installed? I am trying to find where VIM is installed to set an environment variable for it16:51
ZykoticK9progC, "whereis vim"16:51
MyrttiprogC: which vim16:51
sTEPPZORIm using firestarter to share my inet connection.. but i get "Failed to start DHCP server" on startup16:51
scuniziprogC: sudo updatedb ... then ... locate vim16:51
lordnazgulhey waht is the quick and easy way to restart X without rebooting16:51
zortecCan you also use "find"?16:51
Floopshow do i find out what is lastest kernel upgrade16:51
wasutton31i have surround sound working in ubuntu, and whenever i reboot, only the front channels are active. i have been simply resetting them back to where they were before but i am wondering if there is a different way16:51
bastidrazorprogC; also look in ~/.vim16:51
lordnazgulCTRL+ALT+BKSPC doesn't seem to be working16:52
Floopsso i can make change to bring my box to last one16:52
ziroday!dontzap | lordnazgul16:52
ubottulordnazgul: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.16:52
progCyes but I need to find the vim directory.. its only finding the application16:52
scunizilordnazgul: it won't on 9.04.. ctrl+printscreen+k16:52
zortecHow long has everyone been using Linux? There seem to be a lot of old users.16:52
Newmilpanziroday: to be honest I have no idea, I followed the instructions on restoring grub and when I opened menu.lst it was just a blank file16:52
progCi want to put a syntax file in there16:52
zirodayNewmilpan: how did you open it?16:52
scunizizortec: old...??? never considered 50 old16:53
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Newmilpanziroday: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst from terminal in LiveCD16:53
zortecOld... as in I mean number of years you have been running linux16:53
Prankazortec: I'm quite new to Linux, been using it for only 4 years.16:53
bastidrazorNewmilpan; if you're on the liveCD you'll have to mount your harddrive16:53
zortecscunizi: Not your real age :)16:53
supersashohi.. my usb webcam audio has disappeared from skype sound devices.. any idea how to fix this?16:53
Floopslinux-image-2.6.28-11-generic - the last kernel for ubuntu 9.0416:53
zirodayNewmilpan: yep, there won't be anything in there as that's the livecd's grub :)16:53
scunizizortec: then I'm as old as Pranka16:53
Newmilpanziroday: oh boy... how do i edit the grub on my HD then? lol16:54
zirodayNewmilpan: you'll have to mount if first, the wiki document goes through this, did you take a look?16:54
zortecIs it still true that you have to a clean install if you want to upgrade to the next release?16:54
Myrttizortec: no16:54
zirodayzortec: no16:54
FloopsCan anyone help me16:54
FLJohnOk I got it dog and Doggetts16:54
FLJohnThank you very much16:54
Newmilpanziroday: i'll go through it again.. maybe I missed something16:54
zortecI heard that upgrading every 6 months is a pain.16:54
zirodayNewmilpan: one sec, I'll find the relevant section :)16:55
FLJohnI thought i was saving  the setup and I was not in the Bios16:55
FLJohnThank you16:55
zirodayNewmilpan: I'd follow this to the letter https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub#Overwriting the Windows bootloader16:55
FloopsCan anyone help me16:55
FLJohnThis will give me an glimpse of multiple monitor setup16:55
ZykoticK9Floops, you need to ask your question16:55
PrankaFloops: If you'd ask your question, we might be able to help you.16:55
zortecFloops: Your message probably got lost, might want to ask the question again.16:56
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Floopsis ok16:56
Newmilpanziroday: yeah, that's exactly what i followed.. the only problem is that it tells me to boot to the hard disk.. which it won't do.. i just get error 21 in grub16:56
Floopsi did ask tho16:56
Floopslinux-image-2.6.28-11-generic - the last kernel for ubuntu 9.0416:56
scuniziFloops: if you've fully upgraded your system then you have the latest kernel available for the system16:56
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Jollinohello all, i'm trying to get xubuntu to correctly use the screen on a hercules ecafe netbook. the screen is 800x480, and by default xubuntu uses 800x600 (with the bottom 120 pixels not being visible, but things still 'go there'). i created a 800x480 modeline with cvt/gcf and gave it to xrandr, but it keeps using the 'extra' screen too. is there a way to tell it "the screen ends here"? :D16:56
Floopsis this last kernel upgrade16:56
zortec2.6 is the latest kernel I believe16:56
Newmilpanziroday: if i just partition off a piece of my HD and install ubuntu will that make this easier?16:56
Lint01Floops last is 2.6.28-1216:57
jcarlos21br (MP3) [05 A Night To Remember] • Cebv9.2 • 16:57
Floopsscunizi, it was 8.10 ... just change sources.list to jaunty16:57
ZykoticK9FloodBot1, i have 2.6.28-11 on my 64-bit 9.0416:57
_dennisterdoes anyone know of an app that acts almost as an install server for deploying updates on multiple machiens?16:57
Floopsand ran the updates16:57
Floopsfrom there16:57
Floopsso it is 2.6.28-1216:57
Floopsok i will search packages for it16:57
_dennisterDr_willis told me about it, but I forget what he recommended16:57
scuniziFloops: that's not really recommended to do.. if you want to upgrade follow the recommended path16:57
scunizi!upgrade > Floops16:57
ubottuFloops, please see my private message16:57
zirodayNewmilpan: sorry, where does it say to boot the hard disk? You are looking at the Overwriting the Windows bootloader section right?16:57
Lint01Floops, yes, you shall have partial distro upgrade available16:57
Newmilpanziroday: 5. Reboot (to hard drive). Grub should be installed and both Ubuntu and Windows should have been automatically detected.16:58
ziroday_dennister: apt-cacher?16:58
zortecWho are the moderators in the chat room? Are we all just normal users?16:58
Floops.. i will look into and make correct upgrade16:58
_dennisterziroday: i think so...let me check it out16:58
supersashohi.. my usb webcam audio has disappeared from skype sound devices.. the video is still working any idea how to fix this?16:58
zirodayNewmilpan: no, no follow the section below that :)16:58
Newmilpanziroday: oh geez.. ok thank :)16:59
zirodayzortec: there are operators in this channel.16:59
chuck_Floops, type uname -r in terminal to get your kernel version16:59
zortecziroday: I do see user's names in different colors16:59
zortecbut could not identify who is an op16:59
Floopsit is 2.6.27-1116:59
Floopsright now chuck16:59
zirodayzortec: they don't op up unless necessary, if you have something urgent you need to discuss with them then #ubuntu-ops is probably best17:00
storm_Where can i find the catalog for splash sceen?17:00
progChow can i set a permanent environment variable?17:00
Paddy_EIREzortec: to avoid being hassled ops show their faces only when necessary17:00
zirodaystorm_: catalog?17:00
storm_Folder in the system17:00
zirodayprogC: .bashrc?17:00
Myrttizortec: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list17:01
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zirodaystorm_: there are multiple, which file are you looking for in particular?17:01
zortecPaddy_EIRE: That makes sense :)17:01
progCziroday: where is it located, sorry I am relatively new to unix17:01
progChome directory?17:01
zirodayprogC: there are many files (and folders) for the usplash program. What are you looking for in particular?17:01
ZykoticK9progC, .bashrc will be in each users' home directory17:01
zirodayprogC: woops sorry got you confused with someone else. Yes .bashrc is in your home dir :) (people may say it as ~/.bashrc, meaning in your homedir)17:02
storm_I want to change the image on boot, i want to import my own image17:02
_dennisterziroday: apt-proxy might be more suitable, but i think you may have put me on the right path...thx "-)17:02
ZykoticK9progC, "cd ~" will take you to your homedir or just "cd" by itself17:02
zortecMyrtti: Thanks, good to know :)17:03
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.17:03
progCok i didn't know ~ indicated home idrectory17:03
zirodaystorm_: okay, install the startup-manager application17:03
greatohello! I want to know about botnet17:03
zirodayscunizi: wrong factoid :)17:03
ZykoticK9progC, the . in .bashrc means it's a hidden file FYI17:03
greatoHow to create a botnet in Ubuntu?17:03
progCyup i kno wthat17:03
scuniziziroday: woops17:03
greatoslart: How to create a botnet in Ubuntu?17:03
progCi know some basics, i read part of the learning unix book17:03
progCso where do i put it in here?17:04
zirodaygreato: wrong place to ask17:04
storm_tnx ubttu17:04
JessicaParkerHi trying to implement Livestation but get the following error "the system does not support a system tray" anyone any ideas ?17:04
zirodayprogC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables17:04
ZykoticK9progC, what variable are you trying to set?17:04
KiRiLoSScreen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager. I get this error everytime I log in,how can i fix that?17:04
greatoziroday: where should I ask then17:04
storm_tnx ubottu17:04
zirodayJessicaParker: livestation?17:05
JessicaParkerziroday: yes17:05
sTEPPZORAny one who are experienced with DHCP/firestarter? PM me17:05
Shooreehi. how can I change partition sizes after installation?17:05
poomalaihello friends, can somebody help me to share ubuntu folder with windows xp? I tried to do that using samba. The ubuntu computer is shown in windows xp " View workgroup computers" but when i click on it, it shows \\ubuntu is not accessible17:05
progCZyko - im trying to set a new $VIM variable that will point to vim's path so I can automatically get syntax highlighting in vim17:05
zirodayJessicaParker: sorry I'm not familiar with that, what is it?17:05
JessicaParkerziroday: www.livestation.com17:06
Lint01poomalai: if you on Gnome, try 'Network Shares' applet17:06
Floopsgot the correct packages17:06
Floopsfor upgrade17:06
ZykoticK9progC, sorry man i got nothing for ya - best of luck :)17:06
PrankaShooree: You'll have to use a LiveCD with GParted installed, unmount the Hard-drive you want to resize. Then resize the partition and Save your settings, and Quit.17:06
poomalaiLint01: I am using gnome. but where to find that app?17:07
storm_poomalai: open cosole and write sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf17:07
Iceman_Bhow can I do a streaming installation of Ubuntu NMR ?17:07
poomalaii am using intrepid17:07
zirodayJessicaParker: ah right, I have never used that sorry. But an open source alternative would be miro17:07
ShooreePranka, cheers. how would I check whether I have that GParted thingy?17:07
Shooreeor would it just be easier to reinstall the system all over again, Pranka?17:07
poomalaistorm: i opened it17:07
PrankaShooree: It depends if you really want to keep the system as it is and learn a way or resizing a partition, or simply reformatting and working on the partition table as you please.17:08
necroforestCan you set up encrypted LVM manually (not using guided partitioning) during install? I want to do EXT4 on an encrypted LVM.17:08
CybeRebelhello all:) do i need intrusion detection system on linux?17:08
rezkercould anyone help me with usb mouse on notebook?17:08
rezkertoday i got crash and mouse doesn`t work17:09
poomalaistorm: i have opened the smb config file. what should i do now?17:09
zirodayCybeRebel: nope17:09
ShooreePranka, system just installed. messed up and left cca 300MB space on it after install. I'd really like to learn, but it's my gf's box and I need it running decently and in a few hours. that's why I ask. Plus, I'm a newb myself.17:09
JessicaParkerziroday: thanks is it apt-get-install miro ?17:09
ubottuCybeRebel,: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist17:09
JessicaParkerziroday: it looks like zattoo dont do linux anymore :-17:10
CybeRebelziroday how come some pople say i do?17:10
PrankaShooree: Then I believe it's better that you reinstall Ubuntu using the LiveCD and creating a better partition table.17:10
zirodayJessicaParker: err sudo apt-get install miro (or you can use synaptic or add/remove)17:10
ShooreePranka, thank you for your time.17:10
zirodayCybeRebel: is this a desktop or server?17:10
CybeRebeloh im using firestarter & its  a desktop17:11
zirodayCybeRebel: you're absolutely fine, no IDS is needed17:11
muradcan any one help me to change my mac17:11
CybeRebelWHooHoo :)17:11
CybeRebelthanks for the help guys :)17:12
slangoare there any ramifications for using an alternate location for my apache2.conf/httpd.conf file on Ubuntu?17:12
zirodayCybeRebel: have fun17:12
CybeRebelthe Linux community ROCKS :)17:12
cute_bettongjust a question, are there messengers other than pidgen? it's screwing with other programs on my soundservers.17:12
zirodayslango: as long a you specify where in /etc/init.d/apache2 and other places nope!17:13
slangoziroday, cool17:13
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zirodaycute_bettong: there is a wide variety, empathy comes to mind17:13
slangoI like to keep all of my webstuff in one folder heirarchy17:13
slangoeasy for tarring17:13
colbloodif i install the server cd, i can still install kde and use that, right?17:13
PolitikerNEUcute_bettong: Yes, there are. For example, empathy, kopete, licq, aMSN, ...17:13
muradplease help me how yo change mac at ubuntu17:13
zirodaycolblood: of course, its just a quick sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install the entire kubuntu desktop17:13
Prankacute_bettong: I might add, Emesene and KMsn.17:13
thebitgu1uHi, ufw (the firewall) applies any new rules right away, right?17:13
zirodaythebitgu1u: I believe so, you could probably check with sudo iptables -L17:14
cute_bettongPolitikerNEU: well i tried Amsn, and well...it sucks, throttles the cpu to much, but i will look into the other ones... either pulse is really goofing up in ubuntu 9X or my sound card is absolute crap17:14
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Iceman_Bhow can I install Ubuntu over the network, by using PXE or w/e ?17:16
incorrectwith acl's does it work on the posix permissions over ride the acl?17:16
sTEPPZORanyone used inet sharing program called firestarter?17:16
_dennisterok folks...installed apt-proxy, but sourceforge's and apt-proxy's documentation links don't work...lol17:16
zirodayIceman_B: yep17:16
ziroday!install | Iceman_B the docs here have more info17:16
ubottuIceman_B the docs here have more info: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate17:16
_dennisternow i gotta figure out how to use it some way17:16
_dennisterwithout documentation!17:16
muradis there any 1 who can help me how to change mac at ubuntu17:17
thebitgu1uziroday: weird, I have allowed port 4444, but I can't seem to access it.  Can you please help me debug this? Here is iptable -L http://pastebin.com/d160537db17:17
BOZG_dennister: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy17:17
zirodaythebitgu1u: I'm sorry I'm not iptables expert :)17:18
tavishmurad: mac address?17:18
jjneffI ahve a question RE Soudn in Jaunty - I can get sound working fine as a single user - but if I log out and back in as another user the sound doens't work.  I can see the sound17:18
ussermurad, ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:80:48:BA:d1:2017:18
_dennisterBOZG: thx! i'm running outa time here...17:18
jjneffin the output of the pulse volume control - but no soudn in speakers.17:18
LuciusMarehello,how can i transfer data trough utp cabel/lan from linux>windows without switch and so?17:18
jjneffIf I reboot that same user can get soudn but if I switch user it may or may not work?17:18
RoastedHey guys - I'm on Ubuntu 9.04. I'd like to connect to a shared printer which is connected to an XP Pro machine. How would I do this within Ubuntu?17:18
xivenHey guys17:18
BOZGmurad: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/17:18
usserRoasted, open your browser go to localhost:631, setup your printer there17:19
tavishmurad: http://open-the-source.blogspot.com/17:19
Roastedusser - ohh, within the cups manager? Grrr didnt even think of it.17:19
xivenHelp is needed please. My monitor keeps saying "Out of range", and I cannot get into Gnome to change it. But, the xorg.conf file no longer has the settings?17:19
usserRoasted, depending on the model of the printer it may or may not work, HP printers are easiest to setup17:19
Roastedusser - this is an HP printer. :)17:19
jjneffSorry that was hard to read split up.17:19
Roastedusser - we just went through 3 failed lexmarks and finally got an HP and now everything just... works17:20
usserRoasted, HP has great linux support :)17:20
chazcoAnyone have a link to the old GDM human theme?17:20
LuciusMarewait,i have got zyxeů p-660hw-t v2  so i think it can be used as a router or a switch17:20
=== thebitgu1u is now known as thebitguru
jjneffI have sound working in Jaunty - added more users to machine.  Now sound doesn't always work when switching users or loggin gout and back in as different user.  Is there a fox?  (If i reboot and log in as any user it works as that user...)17:20
usserRoasted, its a nice indicator altogether, if hardware works in linux, its usually a great piece of hardware, if it doesnt you'll have problems even on windows :)17:20
muradcan we bring a remote desktop of 2003 server at ubuntu?17:21
ussermurad, what do you mean?17:21
xivenHelp is needed please. My monitor keeps saying "Out of range", and I cannot get into Gnome to change it.       But, the xorg.conf file no longer has the settings?17:21
Roastedusser - it requires a device URL... I'm assuming this would be \\maincomputer\printername?17:21
ussermurad, connect to a windows server 2003 from ubuntu17:21
xivenIs that better17:22
deaglehello all17:22
usserRoasted, smb://computername/printername17:22
supersashohi.. my usb webcam audio has disappeared from skype sound devices.. the video is still working any idea how to fix this?17:22
Roastedusser - Is there a way to find that on my end? Or do I need to figure it out from the XP computer itself?17:22
muradi want to access my 2003 win server from ubuntu17:22
ganymedehello, i have a home network with both windows and linux computers. i use services such as ssh, sftp, and cifs (and possible nfs) but instead of having to deal with ip addresses while i try to ssh to different computers and such, i'd like to do it by hostname. my home router has a built-in dhcp server but no built in dns server, and maintaining a static hosts file on all the comps is getting to be a pain. is there a way to have comp17:22
ganymedeuters resolve host names ad-hoc or something? something like zeroconf dns? what should i be looking at?17:22
deagleif i wanted to have the same "Places" menu but in my openbox desktop menu, would it be possible?17:22
the_dark_warrioIs it possible that nvidia driver bugs gvim? My gvim's buffer is REALLY bugged in the sense that scrolling text keeps some parts of the buffer unchanged... this is really annoying.. Any tips?17:22
usserRoasted, smbclient17:22
cekIs there somebody Chinese ?17:22
Roastedusser - pardon?17:22
tavishgnome session is not workin, what should i check? i have jaunty17:22
BOZGchazco: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Human+II?content=9373417:23
mneptok!cn > cek17:23
ubottucek, please see my private message17:23
usserRoasted, use smbclient to connect to the machine that shares the printer, it will list all the shares17:23
chazcoBOZG - Thats pretty close, thanks :)17:23
deagletavish: you mean your settings in gnome?17:23
LuciusMareHow can i transfer data from linux>windows trough utp cabel/lan with zyxel p-600hw-t v2?17:23
BOZGchazco: http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=alpha&logpage=0&xcontentmode=150&page=82 <-------- Couple of other varients there.17:23
deagleLuciusMare: Samba17:24
Roastedusser - Im not familiar with smbclient. I understand its samba related and all but smbclient in particular I haven't used before. Is this within the CUPS menu?17:24
chuck_xiven, boot into rescue mode type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then reboot see if that helps17:24
deagleLuciusMare: if it's just one time, lookup winscp17:24
LuciusMaredeagle: the computers will be connected directly,both without internet17:24
CybeRebelTHANKS again people, for the help & the firewall links :) BYE :)17:24
LuciusMarewithout switch and so17:24
LuciusMareis it possible?17:24
deagleLuciusMare: you don't need internet for either :)17:24
LuciusMaredeagle: well17:24
supersashohi there .. i've got problem with my USB webcam.. audio has disappeared from Skype sound devices.. the video is still working any idea how to fix this?17:24
deaglewinscp just needs IP addresses17:24
usserRoasted, no smbclient is a command line utility, but its useful only if you dont have access to the computer that shares the printer. If you do you can always look up the printer name there17:25
sTEPPZORcan someone help me setup a DHCP server?17:25
muradusser: connect to a windows server 2003 from ubuntu thats right17:25
tavishdeagle: when i log in from gdm there is nopanel, wallpaper, anything. but failsafe gnome works, but no audio except cpu-beep on the speakers17:25
FLJohnI guess I can not load drivers to do certain things from Ubuntu17:26
ussermurad, install rdesktop, and use it like so: rdesktop -g 1024x768 -u username -d domain servername17:26
cekubottu, actually I don't kown how to use it well17:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
usserRoasted, my bad not smbclient, smbtree17:26
usserRoasted, ie just run smbtree from command line17:26
jjneffWhen I log in to Jaunty Ubuntu machine as second user all my sound is directoed to Null output from pulse audio - I can see the correct output tab in playback for a device but I can't HEAR anything...17:27
Roastedusser - genius!17:27
LuciusMaredeagle: and how can i get ip adress if they will not be connected to the internet?17:27
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jjneffWhen I try to change the ouptut all I see is null device?17:27
jjneffThis only happens after loggin in one other user then loggin out as them or switching17:27
Roastedusser - only thing is it gives me a URL for the printer which has a lot of spaces in it... it doesnt seem like CUPS like spaces...17:28
LuciusMaredeagle: ip adress is based on internet provider,which means that if they will not be connected to the internet they will have no ip adress,right?17:28
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usserRoasted, yea spaces might be a problem, try escaping the spaces with printer\ name\ more\ spaces17:28
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LuciusMarehow can i transfer data trough utp cabel/lan from linux>windows connected directly?17:28
xivenok thanks..I''ve giv that a sho0t17:28
Roastedusser - I wonder if I put underscores in linux would still read it fine...17:29
usserRoasted, well no underscores are not the same ie printer_name and printer\ name is not the same, it'll fail to connect17:29
LuciusMarehow can i transfer data trough utp cabel/lan from linux>windows connected directly?17:29
usserRoasted, you need to change the share on the windows machine17:29
Roastedusser - yeah. :(17:30
Roastedusser - hate to say it, but this was a lot easier on windows :P17:30
muradusser: rdesktop can bring 2003 image on ubuntu?17:30
ussermurad, yes17:30
usserRoasted, you can do it the easier way, through system->administration->printers17:30
muradusser: is it free ?17:31
CynopeHey Guys, I want to run a script every time a user logs in, er... Can anyone tell me which file should I edit please?17:31
LuciusMarehow can i transfer data trough utp cabel/lan from linux>windows connected directly?17:31
usserRoasted, it's just that i prefer cups since its standard way to setup printers on *nix17:31
ussermurad, yes17:31
greatoslart: how to run .java file in Ubuntu17:32
muradusser: how can I install rdesktop17:32
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys17:32
Cynopesudo apt-get install rdesktop ?17:32
ussermurad, sudo apt-get install rdesktop17:32
LuciusMarehow can i transfer data trough utp cabel/lan from linux>windows connected directly?17:32
Roastedusser - yeah this aint workin man... unless Im doing something wrong17:33
greatohow to run .java file into Ubuntu?17:33
usserRoasted, try changing the printer share on windows machine, ie eliminate all the spaces17:33
unopgreato,  javac classname.java && java classname17:33
usserRoasted, just to make sure, they dont interfere17:33
ohletmeinnowjesuneed some advice: I cant seem to download updates, it says to check my repos...when i try to "select best server" from the software sources menu i get a "please check connection error"17:34
JessicaParkerhi trying to run livestation get the message system tray not supported - any ideas ? I cant use zattoo or anything else for that matter I need live station17:34
noteventimeI'm having some trouble with a joystick, it seems to work great in jscalibrate17:34
noteventimeBut whenever I use it, it's way to sensitive17:34
ohletmeinnowjesuneed some advice: I cant seem to download updates, it says to check my repos...when i try to "select best server" from the software sources menu i get a "please check connection error", im on ubuntu 8.10 btw17:34
noteventimeIt reacts to some of the buttons even though I don't press them17:34
Cynopeer... what is the "rc.local" equivalent for each user?17:35
JessicaParkerjust for clarification I get the message "the system does not support a system tray!17:35
tomeki co to ma być?17:35
muradusser: I dont have any domain my network is a workgroup network can rdesktop work on it?17:35
sysadminI need help, I need to connect to a wireless network from terminal but when I try dhclient,  I get "No DHCPOFFERS received" I am trying - iwconfig (interface) essid (-) key (-) mode (-). any suggestions?17:35
noteventimeDoes SDL respect ~/.joystick?17:35
ohletmeinnowjesuneed some help: I cant seem to download updates, it says to check my repos...when i try to "select best server" from the software sources menu i get a "please check connection error", im on ubuntu 8.10 btwNo suitable download server was found17:35
usserCynope, .bash_profile or .bash_login in user's home directory17:36
LuciusMarehow can i transfer data trough utp cabel/lan from linux>windows connected directly?17:36
greatousser: I am getting problem and I am going to post them just read it17:36
greatoThe program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:17:36
greato * openjdk-6-jdk17:36
greato * ecj17:36
greato * gcj-4.317:36
greato * java-gcj-compat-dev17:36
FloodBot1greato: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
ussermurad, yea sure u can just omit username and domain alltogether17:36
tomekczy są tu ludki z polski?17:36
ussermurad, rdesktop -g 1024x768 servername17:36
mneptok!pl > tomek17:36
ubottutomek, please see my private message17:36
disappearedngHey everyone, right now I want to sort a file, which is in the format of AAAAA BBBBB ... how do I tell sort to sort the AAAAA part first, then sort BBBBB after that within each AAAAA17:37
muradusser:i faid to install rdesktop17:37
Cynopeusser: Thanks :) A script is running when I login and I can't seem to find it, and it wasnt in .bash_profile and .bash_login either.17:37
ussermurad, what did it say17:37
rhandomAnybody knows a madwifi irc? My madwifi wifi driver doesn't work anymore after I upgraded to Ubuntu Jaunty17:37
usserCynope, take a look in system->preferences->startup applications17:38
muradusser:i failed to install rdesktop17:38
geirhagreato: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk17:38
git__what's the best web crawler out there nwo?17:38
ussermurad, what do you mean failed? what did it say?17:38
snakedocwhat are the differences between ubuntu desktop and server besides from not having any X17:38
Cynopeusser: I'm on 8.04 and I don't have "Startup Applications" in the Preference.17:38
usserCynope, system->preferences->sessions17:39
usserCynope, then17:39
ohletmeinnowjesuneed some help: I cant seem to download updates, it says to check my repos...when i try to "select best server" from the software sources menu i get a "please check connection error", im on ubuntu 8.10 btwNo suitable download server was found17:39
esamI have recently installed ubuntu 9 on my laptop17:39
esamit has many bugs and weird behavirs17:39
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rhandomwifi error now: wlan0: deauthenticated17:39
Cynopeusser: Thanks. It wasn't there either.... is there anyway to monitor accesses to a file?17:39
esamfor one thing, sometimes cursor suddenly jumps to an arbitrary point in the screen,17:40
esamany idea or similar experience?17:40
deaglecan anyone tell me how I can access the hotplug deal that makes the "Places" menu possible?17:40
COOLSWIMMER92hi everyone17:40
usserCynope, lsof, lists all open files17:40
willytellhi all, is there a music player with independent play list? It's for play from two different sound cards.17:40
MK13anyone here familiar with EasyCap on ubuntu?17:40
COOLSWIMMER92i'm new of wubi17:40
COOLSWIMMER92who live in usa press 517:40
Cynopeusser: it wasnt there either >.< I tried this ---> "lsof | grep setbacklight.sh"17:41
scuniziwhat do I need to read or play a .swf format?  It's an export option on OpenOffice Presentation17:41
mneptokCOOLSWIMMER92: please don;t do such stuff17:41
Cynopeusser: The script runs and goes off.17:41
Lint01disappearedng: try to use sort -k2, then sort -k117:41
rhandom.swf is flash17:41
COOLSWIMMER92who is girl press 217:41
mneptokCOOLSWIMMER92: last warning.17:41
Cynopeusser: its name is setbacklight.sh... obviously.17:41
muradusser, it is saying that it is already the newest version17:41
Cynopeusser: thanks for the help.17:41
coolmenso baster17:41
=== dft is now known as dft_1337_h4X0r
scunizirhandom: flash as in Youtube type flash? if so youtube works fine.. but I can't open this file type17:42
usserCynope, hm well try looking for it in the filesystem find / -name setbacklight.sh17:42
greatohello! can any one here recommend me any port scanner for Ubuntu17:42
ussermurad, you already have it then17:42
mneptokscunizi: open it with Firefox17:42
rhandom.swf is exported flash movie for display in browser17:42
Cynopeusser: I already know where it is... But I dont know which program invokes it.17:42
ussergreato, nmap17:42
n8tusergreato -> lsof or netstat are simple ones17:42
scunizimneptok: k.. .. rhandom thanks..17:42
rhandomneed to go17:42
greatousser: I want to scan ports over internet also17:42
rhandomlater I will ask some qs myself on wifi errors17:42
ussergreato, nmap17:42
greatousser: Imean I will enter the ip range and I want those ports to be scanned17:43
ussergreato, nmap does it17:43
n8tusergreato -> it is not legal to do such lest you get permission17:43
Cynopegreato: nmap can scan a port range for you17:43
greatousser: error nmap not installed17:43
ussern8tuser, eh? its perfectly legal17:43
Cynopegreto: something like this ---> nmap -sS will scan all Class C subnet17:43
ussergreato, sudo apt-get install nmap17:43
greatousser: ok done17:43
ohletmeinnowjesu need some help: I cant seem to download updates, it says to check my repos...when i try to "select best server" from the software sources menu i get a "please check connection error", im on ubuntu 8.10 btwNo suitable download server was found17:43
n8tuserusser -> keep trying, and you'll get a visit from muscled men17:43
esamis there any reliable package that does suspension/hibernate?17:43
greatousser: do you know any irc channel where I can learn about hacking for education purpose only17:43
ussergreato, see what Cynope said. also man nmap17:44
muradusser,I tried it but could not failed to connect my 2003 server17:44
n8tusergreato which country of origin you are from?17:44
ussern8tuser, hehe.17:44
mneptokgreato: port scanning is not hacking. writing code is hacking. hacking is perfectly legal, and has nothing to do with exploits, malware, etc.17:44
ussermurad, try connecting by ip sometimes name resolution doesnt work properly if you dont have a dns server on your network17:45
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mneptokgreato: also, your time is probably best spent working on inter-gender social skills. you'll end up happier.17:45
ussermneptok, nice he quit :)17:46
mneptokusser: never underestimate the beauty of the Big Blue Room.17:46
muradusser: what should be the port17:46
Lint01mneptok: ?17:46
mneptokLint01: !17:46
ussermurad, 3389 is the default port for rdp, you dont have to specify it, rdesktop uses 3389 by default17:47
snakedocis ubuntu server a stripped ubuntu desktop?17:47
ussermurad, did you enable remote desktop on the server itself17:47
ussersnakedoc, not really, its more than that. but you can say that it is17:47
unopsnakedoc, no, it has a bunch of packages for server use and it doesn't have a desktop environment17:47
geirhasnakedoc: sort of. It's Ubuntu with a differently configured kernel and with a different set of default installed packages17:48
muradusser: ya look i can do it from any xp pc but failed to do so from ubunto17:48
MK13snakedoc: the server doesnt have a gui  included and packages aimed at server implementations17:48
geirhasnakedoc: The main difference being that it does not install a GUI by default17:48
mrwessnakedoc: and the kernel, server kernel is different from the Desktop version17:49
craigbass1976Anyone looking for a new laptop? Just got done testing one of these...  http://www.laptopswithlinux.com/articles/6/compaq-presario-c769us-part-2-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackelope17:49
ussermurad, did you try connecting by ip?17:49
zortecI tried adding pci=nomsi to the boot line and still no go.  I can't get the installer to load.17:49
muradusser, ya17:49
zortecIt doesn't want to recognize my SATA drive.17:49
Lint01how can I create tiles in dwm?17:49
ussermurad, hm i dont know.17:50
zortecI hit enter on "Install Ubuntu" and it drops me to BusyBox17:50
muradusser did u tried it17:50
ussermurad, i use it all the time, at home and at work17:50
mneptokzortec: what is your SATA drive plugged in to?17:50
zortecWhat do you mean?17:51
mneptokzortec: a RAID card? does that card have Linux drivers?17:51
zortecNo, RAID is disabled in the BIOS.17:51
zortecIt is IDE.17:51
mneptokzortec: uhhh ... i thought you said SATA?17:51
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muradusser, does my server need to install any kind of protocall to give access from ubuntu17:51
zortecNow that you mention it, on Windows I installed the SATA drivers with my motherboard disc.17:51
Cynopegrrr... I've no idea where did I put my script >.<17:51
zortecBut I don't think I can get those in Ubuntu...17:51
CynopeIt is going on my nerve.17:52
MK13Any one got experience with the EasyCap usb audio capture device w/ ubuntu?17:52
agnelois there a problem with the medibuntu keyring ?  I just started to install packages from a script and I got and authentication failed warning already by the first dependency (w32codecs).17:52
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mneptokzortec: who makes the mobo/SATA card?17:52
Gamarok__!apt fix17:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt fix17:52
ussermurad, no, windows uses rdp by default, rdesktop is an rdp client17:52
bartmonHey, guys! Has anyone else also noticed poorer flash-plugin-nonfree performance in 9.04? Firefox tends to freeze 2 seconds on heavily flashed sites...17:52
zortecOne sec, I will get you the model/make17:52
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:52
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mneptokzortec: enable RAID in the BIOS and see if using the AHCI driver with Ubuntu makes a difference17:52
muradusser, rdesktop and remotdes17:52
MK13bartmon: 64 or 32 bit?17:53
zortecI read that enabling RAID was a bad idea on the Ubuntu forums.17:53
bartmonMK13: x86, 32-bit17:53
muradusser rdesktop and remot desktop view r same?17:53
MK13bartmon: ahh, i use the beta and it works fine except alittle laggy in flash games17:53
ussermurad, remote desktop viewer uses rdesktop yes, they are pretty much the same17:53
MK13bartmon: but i have 64 bit :(17:54
zortecHow do I use an AHCI driver? I can't get to the installer... it crashes every time I try17:54
ussermurad, you can try tsclient, which is a gui, perhaps it'll look more familiar/easier to use17:54
zortecand I have been at this since 1 am... I can't believe this17:54
bartmonMK13: Hmmm, what kind of CPU do you have. I have an older laptop with a Pentium M @2.13GHz and it's just not coping :(17:54
greatoSlart: is AngryIp Scanner fine for Ubuntu17:54
muradusser: just tell me where is rdesktop interface17:55
ussergreato, why would you want to use it, nmap is like #1 tool17:55
ussermurad, open terminal and type tsclient17:55
MasterVipDIAGONAL msg nickserv help17:55
Luthirhey all17:55
zortecIt should not be this difficult for Ubuntu to pick up my SATA drive.17:55
ussermurad, that should bring you a nice gui17:55
greatousser: I have to write command and in angry ip scanner I only have to write and click17:55
geirhausser, murad: No, Applications -> Internet -> Remote desktop viewer uses VNC only17:55
Luthirwhats the command to turn the X window system off in the shell?17:55
MK13bartmon: i have a 1.9 ghz dual core AMD17:55
ussergreato, you can always install a gui for nmap, knmap is pretty good17:56
ussergeirha, murad my bad i havent used it for a while17:56
greatousser: how to install knmap17:56
ussergreato, sudo apt-get install knmap17:56
zortecI don't know why I am the only one having this issue.  It seems that is the case.17:56
greatousser: thx and bye17:56
KiRiLoSWarning: Screen isn't composed. I get this error when i login,i run compiz -fusion and everything is great but how can i set this to be automatically so i wont have to run it myself every time i log in ?17:57
muradgeirha i khow that but usser is saying he is using that to connect 2003 server17:57
zortecI just want to get the installer going.  It shouldn't be too much to ask.17:57
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)17:57
bartmonMK13: hmm, if flash isn't multithreaded then it should perform about the same. I'll play with CPU frequency scaling a bit...17:57
PrankaWhy doesn't he just give us the target and get over with it?!17:57
farchumbrei have a problem with multi keyboard layouts, is any one using several languages and an external usb keyboard?17:57
sjokkishi. when i use the volume raise/lower buttons on my laptop it controls both the device i've set in the gnome volume applet, and the pcm volume. how do i figure out what is changing the pcm volume and make it stop?17:57
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ubottuKiRiLoS,: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz17:57
geirhamurad: he probably mistook it for the Terminalserver client17:57
sjokkisi have an acpi script package installed that implements a few of the fn buttons, but i've commented out the volume section, so i'm confident it isn't the problem17:58
unimatrix9hi there17:58
sjokkis(it also didn't change pcm to begin with)17:58
zortecCould it be that my SATA drive is just not going to work with Ubuntu no matter what?17:58
unimatrix9are there any video's from uds karmic online yet?17:58
ussermurad, yes i did. i used tsclient, or rdesktop from command line17:58
Gamarok__this channel is way too fast for me i mean just look at it scrool17:58
MK13bartmon: kk17:58
muradgeriah can u say how can I connect to my 2003 server17:58
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zortecGamarok: I have seen it a lot faster.17:59
KiRiLoSchuck_, that doesnt help me,i know what x and compiz are but i dont know how to automator17:59
Luthiranyone: whats the command to turn the X window system off17:59
LuthirI want to be forced in the shell17:59
luis_please entre mee ubuntu spanish17:59
scuniziGamarok__: it's actually a relatively "slow" time period17:59
lula88 can u see this?17:59
zortecScunizi: I still can't get my SATA drive to work with Ubuntu17:59
unopLuthir,  didn't i just answer that?18:00
lula88 lol18:00
zortecThis is insane... I have been trying for 12 hours to get Ubuntu installed18:00
Luthirunop sorry18:00
LuthirI missed it18:00
scunizizortec: there is a bug with some types of sata drives.. I read about it a couple months ago but can't remember where.18:00
zortecI honestly didn't know I would face this huge of a problem18:00
geirhamurad: Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client. Set Computer to the hostname/IP-addr., and Protocol to RDPv518:01
Shooreewhy would a fresh install not show anything under "hardware drivers"? Default software sources seem fine18:01
ShooreeUbuntu 9.04 above18:02
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KiRiLoSWarning: Screen isn't composed. I get this error when i login,i run compiz -fusion and everything is great but how can i set this to be automatically so i wont have to run it myself every time i log in ?18:02
unop!pm | Luthir18:02
ubottuLuthir: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:02
Luthirok unop18:03
zortecWho can I get help with on this issue? I get the feeling that I just will not be able to use Ubuntu.18:03
PrankaShooree: If all works fine and you don't have any problems with your video-card then there won't be any drivers to install.18:03
ShooreePranka, hi again. I reinstalled the system. It gave me the choice of drivers previously. but now its just blank18:04
PrankaShooree: When I installed Ubuntu 9.04, I didn't find anything in the Hardware Drivers, and my video-card works smoothly.18:05
oscarinformaticahola a que a tu dreamweaver a cambio luinx como18:05
luis__deseo entrar a la sala en español18:05
PrankaSo from experience, I can say that there's nothing to worry about, Shooree.18:05
zortecIs there any way to bypass the SATA drivers? I really want some kind of answer...18:06
Shooreerighty then. It does seem fine, really. tell me, Pranka, do I need to enable those restricted repos in order to be able to play multimedia, like in previous distros? Thanks for your time, again18:06
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permanewbhi, I'm upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 as if I were running kubuntu, and it's getting like 1 file per several minutes (out of ~2000). I want to get the alternate cd, unplug the internet and upgrade that way, but if cancel it it says if I cancel my system might e in an unusable state (it's in the "getting packages" phase). Is that true, or can I cancel, I can't hae it upgrading for days.18:06
agnelozortec: what makes you think that is a SATA issue ?18:07
filosofixitanyone who uses the g15 keyboard and the g15mpd  plugin? I get a error saying "error opening interface" anyone got a clue?18:07
ZeZuShooree,  for some media types yes, and you always will unless patents are invalidated or expire in your lifetime18:07
zortecIt has to be a SATA issue since I have eliminated it is not the cd.18:07
PrankaShooree: I didn't have to enable any restricted repos for .flv .rm .mp3 files, i only installed the gstreamer -badplugin18:07
zortecThis is the first time I have encountered it too.18:07
KiRiLoSWarning: Screen isn't composed. I get this error when i login,i run compiz -fusion and everything is great but how can i set this to be automatically so i wont have to run it myself every time i log in ?18:07
muradgeirha , thats all ?18:07
ShooreePranka, thanks. will do that. that's for dvds, right?18:07
MK13Shooree: try 'sudo apt-get update'18:07
oscarinformaticaa perdon a yo no entiendo a tu saber hacer web pagina para editor dreamweaver y linux cambio  es ??18:08
geirhamurad: Well, you also need to click the connect button. The other fields are optional.18:08
MK13Shooree: then see if the drivers appear18:08
agnelozortec: What's the pb exactly ?18:08
ShooreeMK13, thx18:08
rhandommadwifi. Anybody got it running under jaunty?18:08
Lint01oscarinformatica: there's no equivalents to dreamweaber, I'm afraid18:08
PrankaShooree: That's for FLV (Youtube and other flash files), MP3 (Audio files), RM (RealPlayer Media files) .. I haven't tested it for DVD yet.18:08
pronoyzortec: problem18:08
unoppermanewb, it should be safe to abort while it's retrieving packages18:08
MK13oscarinfomatica: does it need to be wysiwyg?18:09
zortecangelo: The problem is that when I try to install Ubuntu, I get dropped to Busybox and it does not appear to recognize my SATA drive.  I tried to use the bugfix which was to add pci-nomsi to the boot line and it didn't help.18:09
permanewbunop thanks18:09
zortecI would not be so frustrated if I had not been working on this for 12 hours.18:09
oscarinformaticaa eonter a tu esta saner a hacer install es dreamweaver a es cambio es ubuntun yo tengo como ah tu18:09
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zortecIt's also irritating that the only way out of Busybox is to power down the machine.18:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:10
bartmonMK13: Just FYI, i believe my flash performance dropped because I can no longer use the fglrx proprietary driver since 9.04. This driver is required to support GPU acceleration of some flash content playback.18:10
agnelozortec: Do you have specific hardware ? something rare ?18:10
MK13bartmon: is that driver not updated for jaunty yet?18:11
zortecAlso I think it is a SATA issue since it will not let me check the integrity of any CD or use any of the other options.  It does let me boot to the first hard disk which is Windows.18:11
agnelozortec: other OS which work on that machine ?18:11
Hammer89I just updated to 9.04, does anyone know if the latest version is still causing unnecessary harddisk wear and tear?18:11
zortecagnelo: Not anything I can think of, just a SATA hard drive18:11
zortecSATA is working fine on Windows.18:11
fornixwhich is the channel where i can discuss programming things in ubuntu?18:11
zortecThat is what I am running on now18:11
MK13Hammer: what do you mean?18:12
zortecUbuntu does not like it for some reason.18:12
KiRiLoSWarning: Screen isn't composed. I get this error when i login,i run compiz -fusion and everything is great but how can i set this to be automatically so i wont have to run it myself every time i log in ?18:12
MK13Hammer89: what do you mean unnecessary wear and tear?18:12
jessylunasera a tt18:13
Hammer89MK13: older versions of ubuntu caused some issues with harddisk head parking18:13
agnelozortec: you have one single HD ? and already Windows on it ... and it's a SATA drive, right ?18:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:13
zortecagnelo: Yes.  It is a single HD and it is SATA.18:13
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MK13Hammer89: never heard of that happening b418:14
parigaudii'd like to install a current ubuntu on an ext3 partition from within an rpm-based linux distribution. i did find debootstrap, but even the debootstrap marked "jaunty" downloaded from an ubuntu server did not have a jaunty script for debootstrap it seems18:14
permanewbwhen I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 using the alternate ISO, it downloaded packages from the internet, even though I said don't download from the internet. Does the 9.04 alternate iso, stiill do that? Do I need to unplug my ethernet cable to get it to upgrade from the CD?18:14
chuck_KiRiLoS, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536804 and if it does not work try the #compiz channel you might get more help there18:14
parigaudihave it from here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/18:14
Hammer89MK13: it was a load cycle issue... I had a script that would load and help reduce it... but I lost that when I updated... so I'm wondering if I still need it18:14
aarWhat's the difference between a regular pgp encryption of a text file and ascii-armored-text encryption?18:14
agnelozortec: can you boot the live CD without installing ?18:14
parigaudiso how do i install ubuntu from within an rpm-based distro?18:14
zortecagnelo: No it will not even run the live CD, or install, or test the integrity of the CD.18:14
MK13Hammer89: ahh, i have never noticed any problem18:15
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zortecCould it be that my SATA drivers are motherboard specific?18:15
zortecThat is why they work in Windows...18:15
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EionHey, I'm going to write an image to a USB-stick, but I wonder, will I be bale to use the stick for regulary storage afterwards?18:16
zortecagnelo: Any time I do try anything on the live CD, I get dropped to a Busybox screen18:16
aarEion, you mean you want to use the usb stick as a mount point?18:16
zortecagnelo: I verified the MD5 hash and all of that checked out.18:17
igrikhi all )18:17
agnelozortec: well ... if you can find what SATA controller you have on you rmotherboard, it should not be difficult to find out if it's not supported ..18:17
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zortecWhat happens if it's not supported?18:17
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franczenCould anybody lend me a hand with my wifi troubleshooting18:17
LuciusMare1hello,how can i set privilegies for one user?I mean,that the user would have access only to his folders,nowhere else18:18
MK13Hammer89: and that flaw isnt only on ubuntu, is happens on windows too, btw18:18
aarfranczen, Hi, just ask18:18
ZeededEion, do you mean that after you are done with it you want to delete the image file and use it as a regular USB Flash drive again?18:18
Eionaar: After I've used the stick with the image to install ubuntu, I want to use the stick for file storage to move files between computers18:18
agnelozortec:  you have to patch the kernel or compile a module .. but wait ...18:18
ZeededEion, yes you can do that18:18
Hammer89MK13: you're definitely right there18:18
EionAight, I just format it?18:18
ZeededEion, yep18:18
Eiongreat, thanks!18:18
aarEion, sure, no problem.18:18
LuciusMare1 hello,how can i set privilegies for one user?I mean,that the user would have access only to his folders,nowhere else18:18
franczenWell, I have an atheros ar2413 which worked in intrepid. But since jaunty it does not18:18
agnelozortec: is it a laptop  ?18:18
franczenI guess I have tried everything what I could18:19
zortecagnelo: It is a desktop.  What would I use to find out my SATA controller?18:19
franczenI am out of ideas18:19
LuciusMare1 hello,how can i set privilegies for one user?I mean,that the user would have access only to his folders,nowhere else18:19
franczenIt sees all the available networks18:19
franczenI just simply can not connect18:19
zortecagnelo: It is a MSI-7518 motherboard, Intel Dual Core 2.2Ghz, 3MB RAM.18:19
aarfranczen, have you tried the essid and the key commands from terminal?18:19
LuciusMare1 hello,how can i set privilegies for one user?I mean,that the user would have access only to his folders,nowhere else18:20
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franczenaar: yes18:20
aarfranczen, have you tried dhclient?18:20
franczenAlso, the ndiswrapper, ath5k, madwifi18:20
franczenaar: yes18:20
ubottuLuciusMare1,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:20
aarfranczen, is your hardware being recognised?18:20
LuciusMare1but i am ignored18:21
FloodBot1LuciusMare1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
babameloneHi, how can I burn mp3 files to a audio cd using brasero, brasero tells me that gstreamer cannot handle mp3's18:21
aarfranczen, can you connect to the same network using other boxes? (e.g. other operative systems)18:21
LuciusMare1 hello,how can i set privilegies for one user?I mean,that the user would have access only to his folders,nowhere else?18:21
franczenaar: yes18:21
aarfranczen, can u connect from your box using an ethernet cable?18:22
agnelozortec: so, on MSI site, you will find what SATA controller it uses. With that information, you should find out on Google if it's not supported  and if not, if there is something you can do .18:22
fornixLuciusMare1: by using chmod command18:22
franczenaar: no problem with wired connection18:22
fornixLuciusMare1: http://catcode.com/teachmod/18:23
babameloneHi, how can I burn mp3 files to a audio cd using brasero, brasero tells me to make sure that the proper gstreamer codec is installed18:23
agnelozortec: but I would not simply assume that it's a controller issue.18:23
aarfranczen, could you copy the output of "iwconfig" (in private message please)18:23
zortecagnelo: What other issue could it be?18:23
Alex_KHey, I just "upgraded" to jaunty... Now when I go to hardware drivers to let it find my wireless and graphics card... but it says there are no proprietary drivers... and my wireless card doesn't work.18:23
pwnguindoes ubuntu desktop use a caching dns tool?18:23
chaos2fubabamelone have u installed codecs?18:23
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babamelonechaos2fu: dont know, totem can play mp3s18:24
babamelonebesides i installed gstreamer-fluendo-mp318:24
agnelozortec: quite several issues.  For exemple, what mode are you using in Bios ?  I don't know your mainboard ... but there are different ways to handle a SATA drive.18:24
Guest68400hi, sometima i've got a "ata1: exception Emask 0x10" error, under jaunty amd64. how fix it?18:24
zortecI am using IDE and not RAiD mode in the BIOS.18:25
babamelonechaos2fu: what package do i have to install18:25
agnelozortec: what about AHCI ? Does your mainboard have that option ?18:26
Alex_KHey, I just "upgraded" to jaunty... Now when I go to hardware drivers to let it find my wireless and graphics card, it says there are no proprietary drivers... and my wireless card doesn't work. Also, does anyone know why, when I installed ubuntu on a secondary drive, it overwrote my main drives boot loader and now the secondary doesn't have anything to boot from?18:26
zortecagnelo: Not that I can see18:26
agnelozortec: Have you been in the BIOS setup of your mainboard ?18:27
babamelonenobody any ideas what packets i have to install to burn mp3s to an audio cd with brasero/gstreamer18:27
chaos2fuhave u installed both gstreamer codecs, the original and the extra..?18:27
zortecagnelo: I was just in my BIOS.18:27
babamelonechaos2fu: how are they called?18:27
chaos2fubabamelone in add/remove program?18:27
chaos2fujust search for gstreamer18:28
chaos2fuin add/remove18:28
babameloneyeah there are lots of packets18:28
babamelonewhat is the exact name18:28
kmdmbabamelone: ubuntu-restricted-extras ?18:28
babamelonek, thx18:28
mram49hello.. last week I was talking to someone asking what files to keep if I want to save email settings, passowrds, etc and they told me to save the /etc folder, but somewhere that lost me.. which files would I want to keep for these settings?18:29
chaos2fui dont know in english, i have swedish names...:-(18:29
rob0917my wifi card uses broadcom driver but unless I hook up the ethernet cable I can't down load the driver ,how would someone know that,I only found it by accident18:29
chaos2fubut if u search for gstream its the second one from the top18:29
agnelozortec: then you should try to completely disable your harddrive in the BIOS and boot fron the livecd ... to see what happens . You don't need a harddrive to run the live CD.18:29
zortecagnelo: I checked my motherboard manual and no AHCI18:29
ussermram49, backup entire /etc/ folder and your /home folder thats usually a safe bet18:30
unopmram49, you could backup your home directory  i.e. /home/username18:30
tavishmy gnome session starts only after i do killall pulseaudio, and pulseaudio is not working like it should. help18:30
ussermram49, most of the passwords etc is stored in your /home anyhow, /etc only contains system-wide config files18:30
zortecangelo: I'll try that and see what happens.18:30
Justin10ecHey, at my school they use a server and novell to manager users. The server is used as a fileserver to distribute files throughout the school. I am interested in creating a similar environment at home. Is this something Ubuntu can do?18:30
mram49then do what? What I'm wanting to do is to change from debian to ubuntu, but I don't want to overwrite to much stuff..18:30
agnelozortec: yep.18:31
mrwesJustin10ec: sure can: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-home-fileserver18:31
mram49ahh..i see what you're saying.. it's the personal stuff i want to keep..not system wide18:31
usserJustin10ec, yea sure, dig in the direction of nfs server, ltsp can achieve a similar effect18:31
unopmram49, pretty much18:31
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unopmram49, if you wanted to migrate over to ubuntu .. keep your /home/ directory intact, all settings should be portable.18:32
ussermram49, yea pretty much, unless you done some heavy customizations to /etc18:32
ussermram49, thats funny i just move from ubuntu to debian18:32
mram49i like debian, but it doesn't like flash at least on my system18:33
mrwesJustin10ec: this is also a good server HOWTO, it's the one I used to setup my home server18:33
mram49the ubuntu live cd boggs down though..not sure i want to go there18:33
meganoxdoes anyone know if it's possible to install build-essential from the hardy live cd?18:34
tavishi hate pulseaudio, :7(18:34
meganoxor the alt cd for that matter18:34
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unopmeganox, you mean use the live CD to install build-essential on your system?18:34
Newmilpancan someone briefly tell me how to use super grub to get into windows?18:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:34
unopmeganox, the alternate CD would be better - but I believe the live cd would work (just in this instance tho)18:35
meganoxunop: yes, i have commented out all sources.list and used apt-cdrom to add the cd but it's refusing18:35
meganoxunop: i'll try the alt cd18:35
coz_Newmilpan,  there s hould be a man page or how for that online18:36
LuciusMare1Can ktorrent run on windows?18:36
coz_meganox,  did you run the cd check on that disk?18:37
LuciusMare1or,which client  on windows can continue torrents already began by ktorrent?18:37
Iceman_Bokay uh, so recently I tried an upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 and as expected, something went wrong. I dont know what. Just now I tried a recoverey start, and used the dpkg option to fix the system18:38
meganoxcoz_: not since i burned it, the alt cd is more recent though18:38
mrwesLuciusMare1: utorrent should be able to do that18:38
coz_meganox,  oh ok18:38
LuciusMare1mrwes: oh,thanks18:38
Iceman_Beverything seems upgraded now, except for the kernel. in grub it keeps saying 8.10. The new kernel is on the hdd though. how do I fix this ?18:38
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LuciusMare1mrwes: yay,i see that the windows installer is there :)18:38
mram49so another quick ?.. when i try to use the ubuntu live CD, 8.04 it bogs me down when I try to run firefox..(Yeah, i know..not a good idea), but is this normal?18:38
darthanubisIceman_B, install startupmanager and then change the default kernel18:39
chaos2fuhi everyone, can someone tell me how to change password to the standard keyring used for example WPA-keys and so on?18:39
Iceman_Bk. iĺl try that18:39
LuciusMare1i have one thing began by ktorrent,i tranfer the undone files to another computer.How can i continue them?18:39
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mrwesLuciusMare1: well...you'd need the original .torrent file18:40
LuciusMare1mrwes: okay,what then?18:40
LuciusMare1mrwes: or,wouldnt be copying the ktorrent config files into the second computer enough?18:40
mrwesLuciusMare1: then force a recheck in utorrent -- pointing towards where the partial file is -- should work18:41
LuciusMare1mrwes: oh18:41
LuciusMare1mrwes: thanks18:41
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, that doesnt work18:42
Iceman_Bthe new kernel isnt listed18:42
Iceman_Bonly 3 8.10 options and Windows XP18:42
LuciusMare1what do you think that takes less energy?A notebook on a charger or a big,desktop computer18:42
darthanubisIceman_B, what is the kernel version?18:42
darthanubisIceman_B, uname -a18:43
erUSULLuciusMare1: the former18:43
LuciusMare1erUSUL: ?18:43
erUSULLuciusMare1: A notebook on a charger18:44
LuciusMare1erUSUL: wait,notebook takes MORE?18:44
jim_phi ladies and gentlemen18:44
franczenhello jim_p18:44
NewmilpanI just want to thank everyone who has been helping me off and on this morning.. especially ziroday.. I'm finally back in windows and I can stop freaking out.. Thanks :)18:44
erUSULLuciusMare1: no it takes less. your question "what do you think that takes less energy?"18:44
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde418:45
LuciusMare1erUSUL: oh18:45
john_decuirgday folks18:45
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE18:45
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, : sec18:45
BlizMareQuite a load of users in here.18:45
john_decuirI'm looking to add a second boot to my ubuntu 9.04 UNR, any tips?18:45
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Iceman_Bdarthanubis, Linux Nanoha-chan 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux18:46
john_decuiri need a boot manager, basically18:46
LuciusMare1erUSUL: why does it take lesS?18:46
meganoxthanks guys, for the record you need the alt cd to install build-essentials, i'm going to file a bug against that18:46
darthanubisIceman_B, yup, ,that the old kernel. use synaptic to install "linux-image"18:46
darthanubisIceman_B, that makes sure you have the most current kernel18:46
erUSULbecouse notebooks are designed to run on batteries i.e: to waste less energy.18:47
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LuciusMare1erUSUL: i thought so18:47
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LuciusMare1thank you18:47
AlexJi have a keyboard layout that uses alt+key to give out a simbol for my language (romanian) but there is a problem that is uses a non standard letter for ş and ţ18:47
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, alright18:47
AlexJhow can i replace the unicode value for a letter?18:47
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larshow I can join ircnet servers18:49
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, done(went faster than I thought). so is it applied automatically when I reboot ?18:49
TheTrumpetrHi. I'm on a persistent USB install of ubuntu, but I keep getting errors that I'm out of room. Suggestions? I have an unused partition available, but I don't know how to let linux also use that.18:49
larscan anybody help18:49
unopAlexJ, where do you want to do this?18:49
AlexJon all my system18:50
meganoxlars: install xchat, it has settings for ircnet servers built in18:50
erUSULlars: which irc client do you use ?18:50
darthanubisIceman_B, check. Use startupmanager again. Also  in Synaptic look for the recent kernel linux-generic18:50
unopAlexJ, i'm not sure I understand .. if you want to type a unicode letter for example.  hold CTRL+SHIFT down then press U, <hex code of character>  and let CTRL+SHIFT go18:52
AlexJcurrently, if i hold alt and press s i get ş18:53
wigglezhey guys, i have no cdrom and i need to install another OS while under qemu or vmware. which virtualization software is easier to get working in the new ubuntu18:53
JoesephHi.  I'm trying to fix a grub problem.  I can't find Grub's website.... Does anyone have the address?18:53
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, that image is already installed, so its somewhere on my harddrive, its just not yet in grub yet18:53
Iceman_BIĺl have al ook though18:53
AlexJi want to change that so i get s with a comma and not s with a cedilla18:53
AlexJthe layout used in ubuntu is not standard18:53
wigglezi need to install vmware or qemu on a laptop with no network connection... which files do i need to the latest intrepid?18:54
darthanubisIceman_B, run "update-grub"18:54
erUSULAlexJ: change it...System>preferences>keyboard18:54
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AlexJnone of the pre-made use what i want :(18:54
francesdoes anyone know where i can get windows lol18:55
erUSULAlexJ: maybe romanian users have faced the same problem and have a solution ?18:55
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro18:55
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coz_frances,  why do y ou want windows?18:55
Iceman_Bdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable18:55
uuvI'm using irssi on terminal, and I would like it to open links with one left-click, instead of pressing right mouse button and selecting "Open link", how is that possible?18:55
erUSUL!ot | frances18:55
ubottufrances: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:55
AlexJnobody is answering there...18:56
erUSULAlexJ: :|18:56
JoesephAlexJ: I feel that sentiment too.18:56
francesok seriously does anyone know where i can get a free version of cedega or cedera (not sure on the spelling)for ubuntu18:56
AlexJJoeseph, i don't remeber grub having a site18:57
AlexJwhat are you trying to fix?18:57
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, it says the process is locked, but I wouldnt know by what18:57
TheTrumpetrAnyone have a suggestion for my previous question? : <TheTrumpetr> Hi. I'm on a persistent USB install of ubuntu, but I keep getting errors that I'm out of room. Suggestions? I have an unused partition available, but I don't know how to let linux also use that.18:58
darthanubisIceman_B, probably Synaptic18:58
darthanubisIceman_B, close running apps18:58
Sergiu^I have a problem, can somebody help me?18:58
darthanubisIceman_B, have you reboted since the upgrade?18:58
Iceman_Bnot just now18:58
darthanubis!ask | Sergiu^18:58
ubottuSergiu^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:58
Iceman_BI can do that though18:58
JoesephAlexJ: Well, I moved my partition and then back again, and now I have an Error 15.  You can read the thread i made here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174437 for a bit more info.18:58
Sergiu^E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.18:58
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Sergiu^I tried that command but nothing happens :/18:59
erUSULSergiu^: did you " manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem " ??18:59
darthanubisSergiu^, Ok, do what the line tell you to18:59
francesok seriously does anyone know where i can get a free version of cedega or cedera (not sure on the spelling)for ubuntu18:59
PrankaTheTrumpetr: I'm not 100% sure, but I think you can format the unused space into ext3,name it and mount it, then it's usable.18:59
PrankaOh well, missed him. >_>;18:59
AlexJyou need to grub-install your partition18:59
NrbelexHi, I'm installing using manual partition editing. What do I pick for mount point for my main partition?18:59
Sergiu^damn, wait.. it's working now :s19:00
erUSULfrances: check out its cvs and compile it. iirc you can access the cvs/svn19:00
Iceman_Bdarthanubis, so, brb :)19:00
erUSULNrbelex: /19:00
JoesephNrbelex: You will want root as /19:00
francesdo you have a url im new to this19:00
NrbelexThanks erUSUL and Joeseph19:01
colbloodhow do i put ubuntu server version on a usb stick and boot/install from that?19:01
Sergiu^Nevermind, I think I fixed that problem.. I have another question, sorry for this kind of questions, but I'm kinda n00b in ubuntu.. how I uninstall those games? :-s19:01
sparrI am getting this error when trying to insert modules...  help?  FATAL: Error inserting vfat (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/fs/fat/vfat.ko): Cannot allocate memory19:02
erUSULfrances: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO%20Cedega%20CVS19:02
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darthanubisSergiu^, install and uninstalls are very easy. Look around your desktop and menus for obvious stuff.19:02
nnnnnnhas anyone else noticed that facebook is really slow recently?19:02
erUSULfrances: it is easier to just pay or use wine19:02
JoesephSergiu^: You can uninstall any package you got with apt-get with the command "sudo apt-get remove *packagename* --purge"19:03
RedSocratesnnnnnn: Yes.19:03
Sergiu^darthanubis: oke19:03
JoesephDunno if that helps19:03
tavish_i am having problems with pulseaudio. it works after i do killall pulseaudio. but i have to do it everytime i start a program19:03
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:03
darthanubisSergiu^, Synaptic is your friend19:03
nnnnnnRedSocrates: i'm getting slow service in los angeles, what region are you19:03
NrbelexWhen installing dual-boot with Windows, Windows gets installed first, correct?19:04
RedSocratesnnnnnn: East Coast19:04
erUSULNrbelex: it is easier if you install windows first; yes19:04
nnnnnnRedSocrates: its not a ddos is it19:04
NrbelexerUSUL, thanks19:04
erUSULNrbelex: becouse you do not have to reinstall grub when windows trashes it19:04
JoesephNrbelex: That is often the easiest way to do it, but not the only way.19:04
Nrbelex10-4, thanks19:05
RedSocratesnnnnnn: No idea.  Facebook is often screwy for me, so I don't really consider what it might be19:05
sparrHow long do you go between reinstalls of ubuntu?19:05
ivantisHow can I send a message using raw SMTP (connecting to my web hosting account)?19:05
erUSULivantis: telnet yoursmtpserver 2519:05
erUSULivantis: now writte the smtp commands19:06
Joesephsparr: Elaborate.   by reinstalls do you mean upgrades? Or complete removal of the system? oh, and who is you?19:06
ivantisI don't know if it has telnet19:06
ivantisAnd I would rather my password not be sent in clear view of packet sniffers19:06
erUSULivantis: then give more details... also explain what you mean by "raw smtp"19:06
ivantisJust sending a message, but using that SMTP server instead of a local one19:07
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ivantisI was using an application earlier that does that, but I don't know how it connects19:07
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erUSULivantis: a mail client is not an option ?19:07
brk3guys can someone please help me out, skype has been working fine for me in intrepid, and now for some reason my microphone input has stopped working.. any ideas what might have changed?19:07
ivantisIt has to be reusable in code19:07
sparrJoeseph: complete removal and replacement of the system.  that is, reformatting the / partition (and, in my case, usually a new /home with the old one backed up)19:07
erUSULivantis: you can use ssmtp or similar19:08
erUSUL!info ssmtp19:08
ubottussmtp (source: ssmtp): extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.62-2.2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 49 kB, installed size 8 kB19:08
mrunagiim having an issue with mounting an ntfs external drive.........it says http://pastebin.com/m2bd8628519:08
Joesephsparr: I've done it once in 4 years to upgrade to ext4, but that wasn't even necessary.   I'm pretty sure most users don't really ever 'need' to reinstall their system.  Unless I'm misunderstanding your quesiton.19:09
NrbelexIs bcm43xx-fwcutter still necessary, or has it or similar functionality been added to the kernel?19:09
erUSULmrunagi: did you followed any of the recomendations ? the ione about checking it in a windows machine19:09
or4n9ekmdm: ping19:09
erUSULNrbelex: now is b43-fwcutter19:09
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mrunagiI have attempted to19:10
NrbelexerUSUL, ok, thanks19:10
unopsparr, usually, you never have to reinstall (unlike with windows)19:10
erUSULNrbelex: still needed you still need the frimware for the device and broadcom still does not permits redestribution19:10
erUSULNrbelex: so next time choose a different vendor ;P19:10
or4n9ekmdm: JFYI, I'm near giving up with the whole project as I'm unable to get gnome-terminal to do what I want. Not a single launcher works with this terminal while they all do without any issues with konsole19:11
NrbelexerUSUL, ugh, ok, thanks!19:11
or4n9ekmdm: not sure why, but trust me, I tried a lot of things to no avail19:11
fornixmrunagi, can you paste the output of $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb | grep sdb1 && blkid | grep sdb119:12
mrunagino return19:12
JoesephOut of curiosity, does any have ideas on why some threads get read more than others in the ubuntu official threads?  I know the one I posted has been out there for 13 hours and has 26 views.  Others posted around the same time, however, have upwards of 500.   Do I have bad title names?19:13
sparrJoeseph / unop: I ran debian for about 3 years, and now ubuntu for 4.  I'm starting to have enough problems with ubuntu in terms of package cruft, broken configs, etc that reinstalling seems like the best solution.19:13
sparrI reinstalled debian for the same reasons about once a year19:13
poomalaiHi guys, I using ubutu intrepid. I installed samba and shared a folder named game. when i access the share from the ubuntuomputer using smb://, it shows the contents of the folder. I need to access the share from the windows computer on the lan. when i access from the windows computer it shows the ubuntu server icon and when i double click it, it says the share is not accessible. what should i do to access from windows??19:13
fornixmrunagi: the command did not return anything? then omit the grep part. $ sudo fdisk -l && blkid19:14
fornixmrunagi: and pastebin it19:14
_dennisterhey gang...having a bit of trouble configuring apt-proxy, can anyone help me with backend entries?19:14
Polygon89Hi, i can't play 3d accelerated games even though i have the nvidia drivers installed and glxinfo says i have direct rendering. The error its giving is "WARNING: SDL_GL_LoadLibrary (null) failed: Failed loading libGL.so.1". Any ideas?19:15
Sergiu^E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgcj9-jar_4.3.3-5ubuntu4_all.deb: eșec în buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1) what is happening?:/19:15
jv1why can't I moutn an img image from a fat32  hd?19:17
erUSULjv1: the image is of the entire hd ?19:18
Sergiu^E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgcj9-jar_4.3.3-5ubuntu4_all.deb: eșec în buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1) what is happening?:/19:18
poomalaiHi guys, I using ubutu intrepid. I installed samba and shared a folder named game. when i access the share from the ubuntuomputer using smb://, it shows the contents of the folder. I need to access the share from the windows computer on the lan. when i access from the windows computer it shows the ubuntu server icon and when i double click it, it says the share is not accessible. what should i do to access from windows??19:18
jd1I need to recover from a bad situation, I allowed my long time machine to upgrade to jaunty and now it returns grub error 18 and will not boot.19:19
Joesephpoomalai: I don't know your solution, but could I get some more specifics? Which folder are you trying to share?   Is it a Ubuntu share folder that you cannot see on your windows box?19:19
sebsebsebjd1: have you treid re installing Grub?19:19
mrunagii got it fixed19:19
jv1erUSUL: yes19:19
Polygon89Hi, i can't play 3d accelerated games even though i have the nvidia drivers installed and glxinfo says i have direct rendering. The error its giving is "WARNING: SDL_GL_LoadLibrary (null) failed: Failed loading libGL.so.1". Any ideas?19:20
sebsebsebjd1: or  having a look to see that the partitions are being detected properly  gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:20
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erUSULjv1: you have to use the offset option for loosetup to get to the partition19:20
JoesephIs it acceptable to post your thread from the ubuntu forums here to try to get more help there?19:20
jv1even went to fuseiso but no go.19:21
coz_Joeseph,  I see no reason you cant paste the link to the forum thread19:21
poomalaiJoeseph: yes. i have shared a folder in the ubuntu computer and it is not accessible in windows19:21
sebsebsebJoeseph: probably not exactly, but you can use the thread and say you done this and that, and  it didn't work or something19:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about errgpg19:21
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »19:21
sebsebsebpoomalai: on a LAN?19:21
jv1erUSUL: -o loop?19:21
erUSULjv1: http://www.andremiller.net/content/mounting-hard-disk-image-including-partitions-using-linux19:21
sebsebsebpoomalai: share  a folder between two computers?19:21
jd1it seems that the bios is not able to deal with all of the cylinders but it was working with hardy19:21
poomalaisebsebseb: yes. i am accessing from windows to ubuntu on lan19:22
jv1it says you must specify a filesystem19:22
blip-stop typing I'm trying to copy paste19:22
jv1erUSUL: tx19:22
JoesephAlright then.  I'm getting a GRUB 15 error on bootup before I get my menu.lst options.  More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174437   any help would be appreciated.19:22
sebsebseb!samba | poomalai19:22
ubottupoomalai: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:22
Sergiu^E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgcj9-jar_4.3.3-5ubuntu4_all.deb: eșec în buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1) hello? somebody ?:-s19:23
Polygon89Hi, i can't play 3d accelerated games even though i have the nvidia drivers installed and glxinfo says i have direct rendering. The error its giving is "WARNING: SDL_GL_LoadLibrary (null) failed: Failed loading libGL.so.1". Any ideas?19:23
erUSULPolygon89: how did you installed the nvidia driver ?19:23
Jeatonany idea why ubuntu is having problems with java, I assume?  most browsers i use in ubuntu, when it comes to something that uses java, it locks up19:23
_dennisterhey gang...having a bit of trouble configuring apt-proxy, can anyone help me with backend entries?19:23
blip-hey is it just me or can you cut text out of the synaptic gpg error window !  lol19:24
Polygon89erUSUL, uninstalled the old nvidia driver, then dropped to tty1, killed gdm, then just sudo ./NVIDIA-whatever (as in i installed the version from nvidia's website)19:24
_dennisterbeen following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy19:24
poomalaiubottu: thanks for the links. i was able to access the ubuntu share from the same ubuntu computer using smb:// but i cant access from windows. :(19:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:24
racarteri can't seem to play DVDs on ubuntu19:24
_dennisterbut it's the last line of the howto (before configuring clients section) that's giving me error messages19:25
erUSULPolygon89: something (an update or something) has messed with the driver install afaics. you will have to reinstall the drivers19:25
racarter"Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file."19:25
Polygon89erUSUL, i'll try that...again19:25
racarteri get that message whenever I try to play a DVD19:26
_dennisterthe line from the howto is: sudo apt-proxy-import -r /var/cache/apt/archives...always get error message: No Packages files available for...19:26
Jeatoni can still move the cursor around, but the screen turns gray and it uses all my CPU up19:26
JoesephSpeaking of drivers....   I've been having to  compile some drivers for the Logitech quickcam connect that I have.  The process is not easy (patches and stuff) and whenever Ubuntu upgrades to a new kernel, I have to do the proccess again.  Is there any way I can keep the drivers even when a kernel is upgraded?19:26
racarter"Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file." -- I get this when I try to open a DVD with totem19:26
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 ?19:26
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:27
erUSUL!dvd | racarter19:27
ubotturacarter: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:27
BlizMareI have an unusual partitioning plan to install Ubuntu 9.04 to get around the fakeraid issues if someone would like to help.19:28
racarterformats? it's a dvd...19:28
racarterare there issues with DVD formats on ubuntu by default?19:29
BlizMareDVD+R and DVD-R you mean?19:29
erUSULracarter: dvd have crypto protection. you have to uinstall the decrypter19:29
user__racarter: could be that ubuntu cannot decrypt the dvd, see !dvd19:29
erUSULracarter: dvd have crypto protection. you have to install the decrypter19:30
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:30
BlizMareIt's the DVD-ROM/RW that limits the format not Ubuntu.19:30
erUSULracarter: you have to install libdvdread and libdvdcss2 (this one from a third party repo becouse it wold be illegal for canonical to distribute it )19:30
erUSUL!medibuntu | racarter19:31
ubotturacarter: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:31
Hammer89Whenever I open a terminal it starts me at / rather than at my home folder... is there a way to change that?19:31
racarterwhy is that illegal?19:31
BlizMareHammer, are you using SU to start nautilus?19:31
erUSULracarter: becouse the corporations that "invented" dvd video only give licenses to comercial vendors19:31
Hammer89BlizMare: I'm not using nautilus... I'm opening a terminal...19:32
erUSULracarter: like powerdvd19:32
BlizMareI meant your terminal not nautilus.19:32
Polygon89erUSUL, it's still doing it after i reinstalled the drivers.19:32
erUSULPolygon89: :1 then i dunno what's going on19:32
Hammer89BlizMare: I'm starting the terminal by clicking the terminal icon in the menus19:32
erUSULPolygon89: try reinstalling SDL libs too19:33
_dennister[328] sourceforge isn't helping me either...faqs and documentaiton page are down19:33
BlizMareHammer, are you logged on as root or using SU?19:33
_dennisterhey gang...having a bit of trouble configuring apt-proxy, can anyone help me with backend entries?19:34
Hammer89BlizMare: no19:34
racarterthere is a section for "any" release and a jaunty specific option19:34
racarterdoes it matter which I take?19:35
_chunNeed some help: I ran system>administration>computer janitor, rebooted, now nautilus refuses to run, I get a Segmentation Error every time19:35
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 ?19:35
Hammer89BlizMare: I fixed it... added "cd ~" to my .bashrc file19:36
bestcallumukI'm on MacBook 4,1 and my sound sounds tinny, help?19:36
jv1erUSUL: tx19:36
Flannelracarter: Use the one specific to your Ubuntu version19:36
z1ng3rHow can I fix the slow file access for sata-II drives  on ibex?19:37
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Alex_KHey, I just "upgraded" to jaunty... Now when I go to hardware drivers to let it find my wireless and graphics card, it says there are no proprietary drivers... and my wireless card doesn't work. Also, does anyone know why, when I installed ubuntu on a secondary drive, it overwrote my main drives boot loader and now the secondary doesn't have anything to boot from?19:38
PiTHoN@find fabulosos cadilac19:39
kitcheAlex_K: umm because the MBR usually gets written to the primary drive no matter what so you should be bale to boot the secondary drive from the MBR on the primary drive19:40
Alex_KI just figured if I told it to install to that drive it would right the MBR to it19:40
bestcallumukI'm on MacBook 4,1 and my sound sounds tinny, help?19:40
Alex_KI just figured if I told it to install to that drive it would write the MBR to it wow I can't type today lol19:41
p-fanything that requires 3d, be it Processing or Matlab's 3d graphs show up with a lot of black artefacts. Any ideas what might be wrong, or at least what other tests could help me narrow down the possibilities? Glxgears  seems ok.19:41
tannersummersHow can I get java  update 6 Update 13  for ubuntu?19:41
NrbelexDoes the default Ubuntu have any test sounds which should be playable out of the box?19:41
kunali am not getting anything19:42
bestcallumukcan i get help here?19:42
p-fjust ask19:42
_dennisterhey gang...having a bit of trouble configuring apt-proxy, can anyone help me with backend entries?19:42
Alex_KNrbelex, if you go to hardware testing there is somewhere in there that will play a sound19:42
fornixNrbelex: u can log out and back again. u should hear the ubuntu music19:43
bestcallumukor is it because i'm on a mac and no-one can help19:43
racarteri've installed the medibuntu repo and libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4.. i still cannot watch dvds..19:43
racarter"Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file."19:43
tannersummersHow can I get latest java for ubuntu?19:43
racarternevermind, it plays with vlc..19:44
fornixtannersummers: $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre19:45
rampage73bestcallumuk, what help do u need?19:46
bestcallumukI'm on MacBook 4,1 and my sound sounds tinny19:46
mimiloonhi everybody, i've just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 (host) and have a problem with "virtualbox" and that is when the guest OS goes into full screen and the host goes into the screensaver, after getting out of the screen saver, the keyboard stops working until i get out of the guest OS19:46
z1ng3ranyone know how to remedy painfully slow SATA transfer speeds?  A lot of talk via google and nothing in the way of a fix that I've seen.19:46
rampage73bestcallumuk, sorry i am not real familiar with macs thought it might have been a general problem19:47
BlizMareThat sounds like a console emulation problem with the virtual machine.19:47
geirhatannersummers: and sun-java6-plugin if you want the plugin for firefox, and sun-java6-jdk if you want to develop java apps.19:47
wigglezguys i need to download 3 specific packages off of the ubuntu mirrors but im not sure where19:48
DJ_DEI know how that goes19:49
geirhawigglez: http://packages.ubuntu.com19:49
wigglezi need to download build-essential linux-kernel-headers linux-kernel-devel and put them all on flash drive19:49
* BlizMare still needs help with advanced partitioning routine for Ubuntu 9.04 to get around the fakeraid issues at boot.19:49
wigglezbtw what is karmic?19:49
wigglezis it the new ubuntu19:49
geirhawigglez: Ah, in that case you want to create a package download script19:49
RedSocrateswigglez: It's the next version of Ubuntu that is currently in development, not released yet19:49
wiggleznice cool19:50
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wigglezgeirha:  yes that would be better19:50
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 ?19:50
RedSocratessere: That will depend on various factors, including your video card and monitor capabilities19:50
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 using tvout on my nvidia card19:50
geirhawigglez: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Synaptic/PackageDownloadScript19:50
bestcallumukFor some reason I can't switch on visual effects, after searching for drivers I get error "Desktop effects could not be enabled". Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)19:50
rampage73bestcallumuk, apparently this is a bug and it has been filed but no fix yet19:50
rampage73bestcallumuk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook4-1/Jaunty19:50
wigglezty :)19:50
mimiloonBlizMare: i've checked the postings of virtualbox website and the problem occurred when using ubuntu 9.0419:50
_chunI'm getting a segfault with nautilus, can anyone help?19:51
geirhawigglez: karmic is the release due in october. It's currently under development19:51
wigglezcool cool19:51
wigglezim not a daily ubuntu user, but it has come a long way since i last used it19:51
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 using tvout on my nvidia card19:51
wigglezsere depends on if its supported i would guess.19:51
serewigglez: i think it is19:52
Decepticondo exclude arguments to tar have to be arranged in alphabetical order?19:52
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wigglezsere well if it supported by the nvidia chipset, then you should be able to use nvidia-config or something of that nature to change it19:52
Alex135Alright, i got an old akamai server that i am wanting to atleast boot with the ubuntu live cd so i can check what all it has, its a pentium 3 processor and i get the initramfs shell whenever i boot. Any ideas? ive tried several things19:53
serewigglez: nvidia-settings it was i use and it should work but wont give me anything larger than 102419:53
wigglezah ok19:53
mimiloonhi everybody, i've just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 (host) and have a problem with "virtualbox" and that is when the guest OS goes into full screen and the host goes into the screensaver, after getting out of the screen saver, the keyboard stops working until i get out of the guest OS; i had no problems with it when i was using ubuntu 8.119:53
wigglezwell im not sure then :P19:53
wigglezim downloading at 1.5MB/s on the hospitals wifi internet lol ;s19:54
bestcallumukCan I request a help slot?19:54
lada_hi. trying to install an icon pack in 9.04 and when I open the archive in appearance preferences, it just closes down and doesn't do anything. any thoughts?19:55
rampage73bestcallumuk, ask away19:55
bestcallumukFor some reason I can't switch on visual effects, after searching for drivers I get error "Desktop effects could not be enabled". Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)19:55
rampage73if we can answer we will19:55
rampage73bestcallumuk, sounds like it did not find the correct drivers19:56
bestcallumukcan i make it work?19:56
Jeatonhow is quad core support in ubuntu?19:56
rampage73bestcallumuk, do you know what video hardware you have?19:57
BlizMareYou can force 3d depending on the vesa you're using.19:57
SlartJeaton: fully supported19:57
bestcallumuksome macbook intel gma19:57
micaabla portugues19:57
SlartJeaton: I'm running an AMD quad core and it works by default, no configuration needed, frequency governors and such all work.19:58
NrbelexI'm trying to run my sound through an MD-PORT AN1 digital to analogue converter. Under sound preferences I can hear the tone when I press "Test", but otherwise I don't hear any sound from the system. What can I do?19:58
geirha!portugues | mica19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about portugues19:58
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:58
geirha!portuguese | mica19:58
ubottumica: please see above19:58
coz_!pt | mica19:58
ubottumica: please see above19:58
Jeatondo you notice a big difference with the quad cores?19:59
Murrehi, I have a friend who keeps asking me whats the big deal about Ubuntu/Linux, and when I can't tell him he always says that Microsofts Windows is better in all ways compared to ubuntu...well I would like to know a few things that  I can say so I can shut him up! Why should people have a linux version like Ubuntu??19:59
SlartJeaton: compared to what?19:59
BlizMarebestcall, I would think xserver-xorg i810 or similar would work fine with that video setup. It might not have 3d out the box, but you can force it in your xorg.conf19:59
Jeatonpossibly a dual core machine19:59
pronoywhat is the content of index.php in /var/www ?20:00
SamWeasleyI need to burn a GCM file (GameCube game). Someone could giove me a help?20:00
lada_so... would anyone know why appearance prefs just shuts down when I try and open an icon theme in it?20:00
permanewbIs there an option to get the alternate cd installer to not download from the internet?20:00
Jeatoni don't know, im thinking about building a top of a line machine and sticking ubuntu on it20:00
permanewbI mean the 9.04 alternate cd installer20:00
Alex135SamWeasley: it wont work unless you have your gamecube cracked20:00
CarlFKMurre: if he thinks that, there is no logical answer20:01
Jeatoni don't know if it would be a waste when I can just use possible a dual core, and get almost about the same performance20:01
rampage73bestcallumuk, possible help here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113175420:01
Murremhm..maybe you are right20:01
SamWeasleyCarlFK > i'll use it on a modchip'ed Wii20:01
sebsebsebMurre: http://www.distrowatch.com  find out about distros there.  http://www.linuxtoday.com read Linux articles and such20:01
deanypronoy, "It Works!"20:01
SlartJeaton: hmm.. haven't run a dual core in a while.. unless you count my laptop.. and that is inferior in so many ways that the number of cores don't really matter20:01
Murreok hanks20:01
sebsebseb!freedom | Murre20:01
ubottuMurre: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing20:01
pronoydeany: lol thanks20:01
SamWeasleyAlex135 > i'll use it on a modchip'ed Wii20:02
sebsebsebMurre: plenty of stuff on the net,  that you can  read and then use20:02
SlartJeaton: the difference between single core and dual core is the major leap if you ask me... 2 cores to 4 cores is just more of the same..20:02
Alex135SamWeasley: hmm... well burning a image, i find, works best with things like k3b but thats for KDE20:02
Alex135i am useing a ubuntu live cd i have run on a number of other machines successfully with no scratches, and the boot fails with the error target filesystem doesn't /sbin/init and the previous mount attempts for other directories have failed and claims "no such file or directory"20:02
CarlFKim trying to run xen on jaunty (to get a grip on xen on EC2) - sudo xm create = ERROR Internal error: Could not obtain handle on privileged command interface (2 = No such file or directory)20:02
SlartJeaton: I doubt I would be able to tell if the machine I was working on used dual or quad core.. without using special tools20:02
SamWeasleyAlex135 > I use it, but file is not .iso, is .gcm20:02
ibuclawJeaton, with programs utilising quad-core (or multi core) CPUs, you'll notice a huge improvement. When using programs that don't utilise, they'll be just as quick as running them on a single core.20:03
Alex135SamWeasley: its the same thing from what i have read...20:04
tannersummers_Could anyone get azureus aka vuze to work on ubuntu?20:04
SamWeasleyAlex135> Okay, I'll give a try. I rename .gcm to .iso and I'll burn it20:04
Alex135SamWeasley: acording to what i just read, yes20:04
Alex135SamWeasley: oh before you leave, where do you find cd's/dvd's of that size?20:05
Slartoops, sorry20:05
Fustirecan anyone tell me what a quick and easy way is to operate ubuntu remotely (from windows)20:05
SamWeasleyAlex135> For Wii I know that even k3b complaining about not being a iso9660, it works properly20:05
* Gonium is away: Ausente por el momento20:05
SlartFustire: vnc is nice and supported on a lot of hardware20:06
SamWeasleyAlex135> Also, my k3b don't allow to burn under 4x20:06
wigglezanyone know if the kernel-headers and kernel-devel are installed by default in 9.04?20:06
Slart!vnc | Fustire20:06
ubottuFustire: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:06
Alex135SamWeasley: no idea there, sorry20:06
Slartwigglez: I don't think so.. I seem to recall having to install kernel headers for some compiling stuff20:06
tvaughnim running ubuntu 9.04 and i cant seem to figure out how to find desktop themes to install20:06
wigglezhmm it says they are already installed but they arent20:07
wigglezweird :/20:07
wigglezit says the generic headers and devel are installed.20:07
geirhawigglez: you'll want to install linux-headers-<kernel-version>20:07
ibuclawwigglez, headers are installed in /usr/src/20:07
kumarabhihi people20:08
SamWeasleyAlex135> My DVD Burner's a external LG20:08
kumarabhianybody can tell me how do i boot my laptop using an iso image?20:08
Alex135SamWeasley: i dont put a lot of credit into external drives20:08
deanywigglez,  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r20:08
wigglezlinux-headers-2.6.28-11 <-- inside of /usr/src20:08
Alex135SamWeasley: generally they dont work as well20:08
ibuclawwigglez, and /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build should be pointing to the headers directory in /usr/src20:08
deanywigglez,  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`   (oops)20:09
* BlizMare still needs assistance with partitioning in Ubuntu 9.04 to get past the fakeraid issues.20:09
=== administrator is now known as No_CQRT
SamWeasleyAlex135> For burning of normal disks and Wii disks it is okay20:09
wigglezer my problem with running or downloading anything is that i have no net access on the laptop beside me20:09
wigglezthe wireless nic doesnt work20:09
SamWeasleyAlex135> Same for DVD video disks20:09
NrbelexCan OSS sound be used with Adobe's Flash 10?20:09
Alex135SamWeasley: well, it shouldn't be complaining for the gamecube one either20:09
Slartkumarabhi: burn the iso to a cd.. boot from the cd.. afaik you can't boot from an iso20:09
ibuclawwigglez, ethernet ?20:09
wigglezbasically. im trying to install vmware on the laptop without wireless so i can install another OS within vmware and boot natively20:09
geirhawigglez: Use Synaptic to make a package download script20:09
wigglezgeirha:  i am20:10
Alex135i am useing a ubuntu live cd i have run on a number of other machines successfully with no scratches, and the boot fails with the error target filesystem doesn't /sbin/init and the previous mount attempts for other directories have failed and claims "no such file or directory" can someone give me a hand?20:10
p-fanything that requires 3d, be it Processing or Matlab's 3d graphs show up with a lot of black artefacts. Any ideas what might be wrong, or at least what other tests could help me narrow down the possibilities? Glxgears  seems ok.20:10
geirhawigglez: There's virtualbox-ose in the repositories ... might be easier to just install that20:10
z1ng3ranyone know how to remedy painfully slow SATA transfer speeds?  A lot of talk via google and nothing in the way of a fix that I've seen.20:10
kumarabhiSlart: my cd rom drive gone bad. cant boot from it20:10
kumarabhii have to install ubuntu20:10
ibuclawwigglez, which version of Ubuntu and which version of gcc ?20:10
Slartkumarabhi: try booting from an usb stick instead20:10
Slart!usb | kumarabhi20:10
ubottukumarabhi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:10
wigglezibuclaw:  9.04... and i havent installed gcc yet im making scripts...20:10
SamWeasleySomeone here has tried Ubuntu on a Aspire One? It runs okay?20:11
norc_Does the ubuntu live cd ship with grub?20:11
Slartz1ng3r: hmm.. slow sata.. any weird hardware involved?20:11
Slartnorc_: afaik, yes20:11
norc_Slart, Ill tias :)20:11
z1ng3rslart No.  Intel motherboard with embedded PATA and SATA.20:11
ibuclawwigglez, VMWare may not support the 2.6.28 kernel yet, due to changes and heavy development in Linux, and the little time VMWare has had to catch up.20:12
Slartnorc_: huh?20:12
wigglezwell im going to find out then :/20:12
norc_Slart, Ill try it and see ;)20:12
Slartnorc_: bah.. didn't see that one =)20:13
tvaughnim running ubuntu 9.04 and i cant seem to figure out how to find desktop themes to install20:13
norc_wah nvm, Ill go to debian probably its faster20:13
Jack_Sparrow!themes > tvaughn20:13
ubottutvaughn, please see my private message20:13
Slarttvaughn: go to www.gnome-look.org20:13
adrianhej ;)20:13
Slart!pl | adrian20:13
ubottuadrian: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:13
adrian!pl  | adrian20:14
ubottuadrian, please see my private message20:14
Slartadrian: to join the polish channel type   /join #ubuntu-pl20:14
z1ng3rSlart: i"ve tried setting the BIOS to ATA mode from AHCI mode, that doesn't seem to fix it.  I'm only recently noticing it after patching an 8.04 system (yesterday).20:15
kumarabhiSlart,ubottu : again my laptop does not support boot from usb.20:15
stz184is there somebody with Acer eMachine 520-2496 laptop?20:16
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC20:16
kumarabhii got cursed it seems20:16
Slartz1ng3r: I've never really messed with the sata/pata system, it's the one thing that has always just worked for me20:16
kumarabhiubottu: pls tell me how to boot from iso image of ubuntu20:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:16
Nrbelexis Gnash a good substitute for Adobe's proprietary Flash player? Can Gnash use the OSS?20:16
Slartkumarabhi: ouch... well...you might be able to do something clever by booting off a network.. but that will take a lot of work20:16
Jack_Sparrowkumarabhi You are talking to a bot.. a comuter response system20:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:17
sTEPPZORHi guys. im having issus with the network.. Im connected to a wireless router with wlan0 and i cant get any internet replay.. :S20:17
kumarabhiJack_Sparrow: oh i didnt know20:17
sparrI wonder if there is a correlation between the people who say linux doesn't need reinstalling on a regular (but not often) basis and people who say ext* never needs defragging...20:17
Slartkumarabhi: I guess it really depends on how badly you need to boot this iso-file20:17
Jack_Sparrowkumarabhi See the installation options for odd hardware that has no cd or wont boot from cd etc20:17
Jack_Sparrow!ot > sparr20:18
ubottusparr, please see my private message20:18
kumarabhiSlart: so how do i network install ubuntu. pls tell me the best and east link20:18
sTEPPZORanyone that can help me?20:18
zenlunaticsparr, yup, they're both correct20:18
zenlunaticsparr, thats the correlation20:18
Jack_Sparrowzenlunatic ot20:18
racecar56how do i force grep to only show the first 2 letters of a command's output? (it's several pages of 2 letters)20:18
geirha!install | kumarabhi20:19
Slartkumarabhi: there is no "easy" or "good" .. it's just complicated and lots of work20:19
ubottukumarabhi: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate20:19
racecar56that are all the same20:19
Slartkumarabhi: if I were you I would buy an external usb cd reader and boot from that20:19
* Gonium is back.20:19
_dennisterhey gang...having a bit of trouble configuring apt-proxy, can anyone help me with backend entries?20:19
franczenAnybody a wifi guru here?20:19
kumarabhiSlart: so basicall its booting from usb , right?20:20
racecar56how do i force grep to only show the first 2 letters of a command's output? (remove every package listed by dpkg -l that says rc at the beggining but not the ii ones)20:20
sparrJack_Sparrow: I am curious of your concept of OT.  Are you saying that asking about reinstalling ubuntu is OT?  Or that people telling me that I shouldn't need to is OT?  Or they my comparing those people to the people who (incorrectly) told me that I don't need to defrag is OT?20:20
sTEPPZORanyone care to help me?20:20
MDNZhello :)20:21
Slartkumarabhi: I'm not sure if booting from an usb stick and booting from an usb cd drive is the same20:21
mikeh789is firefox "crashy" again for anybody else??20:21
sebsebseb!ask | sTEPPZOR20:21
ubottusTEPPZOR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:21
kumarabhiSlart: i think they r the same20:21
mrunagi_im having trouble mounting my flash drive20:21
asdfasdfaanyone here can help me with logitech mouse being laggy20:21
sebsebsebsTEPPZOR: oh you did20:21
kumarabhiSlart: thing is my comp will not check for booting from usb20:21
sebsebseb!wireless | sTEPPZOR20:21
ubottusTEPPZOR: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:21
Jack_Sparrowspar You are trolling please stop20:21
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto20:21
sebsebsebsTEPPZOR: and no I don't help with wireless20:22
jduasdfasdfa, system => preferences => mouse20:22
_dennistermikeh789: firefox is always 'crashy'20:22
Slartkumarabhi: hmm.. you could remove the hard drive from the laptop, install ubuntu to it by using another computer, and then put it back20:22
gordonjcpJack_Sparrow: sparr was asking a perfectly reasonable question, although it *is* OT20:22
_dennisterhey gang...having a bit of trouble configuring apt-proxy, can anyone help me with backend entries?20:22
kumarabhiSlart: i already have ubuntu 8.04 on my comp and iso image of 9.04 . so i have grub. i heard that ther is an option to instal ubuntu from grub if i know the location of iso image20:22
asdfasdfahow will going to preferences get rid of lag?20:22
sTEPPZORokey thanz20:22
sparrJack_Sparrow: as long as one person is helpful out of ten telling me I am crazy, I'll keep asking.  Ban me if you don't like it, I won't be offended.20:22
kumarabhiSlart: that wud be my last option20:22
asdfasdfait just shows sensitivity of mouse20:22
sebsebsebsTEPPZOR: yeah hopefuly the bot link is useful20:22
Jack_Sparrowgordonjcp offtopic is offtopic and he is Wrong about defrag20:23
kumarabhiSlart: thats how i installed last tiem20:23
kumarabhiSlart: *time20:23
gordonjcpJack_Sparrow: so take it to #u-ot20:23
WIGGMPkAnyone use Virtualbox (the proprietary version) I need some help getting USB devices to auto mount in Jaunty20:23
Jack_Sparrowgordonjcp I dont care to take it to offtopic, but he is free to do so20:23
asdfasdfaman mount20:23
racecar56how do i only remove every package that begins with 'rc' when i do 'dpkg -l'?20:24
sebsebsebWIGGMPk: try #vbox20:24
Jack_SparrowWIGGMPk FYI there is a vbox channel20:24
* BlizMare still needs advanced partitioning assistance for fakeraid solution on boot.20:24
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:24
eseven73WIGGMPk, you must be apart of the vbox user group to use USB20:24
Slartkumarabhi: that's more than I know of.. but it sounds pretty sweet if it's possible20:24
racecar56btw #virtualbox links to #vbox20:24
eseven73that's the secret, not many know about20:24
jduasdfasdfa, there is a speed /acceleration option20:24
Jack_Sparroweseven73 agreed20:24
thevishyhi i am not able to boot my ubuntu machine !20:25
Slartkumarabhi: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/grub-booting-an-iso-image-315354/20:25
racecar56thevishy, more detail pls20:25
thevishyi installrf it fine but now while booting it says errors like these20:25
sebsebseb!details | thevishy20:25
ubottuthevishy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:25
asdfasdfathat doesn't get rid o flag20:25
_dennister#is still looking for apt-proxy help20:25
Jack_Sparrowthevishy details like did it ever work?20:25
* racecar56 is waiting20:25
WIGGMPkeseven73: thanks mate, Ill give that a go20:25
thevishyata1.00 Exception Emas oxo , BRMA STAT20:26
thevishySTAT { DRDY ERR]20:26
Slartracecar56: tried sudo apt-get remove rc.* ?20:26
racecar56Slart, no, trying now20:26
jduasdfasdfa, ok, that's worked for me before; there may be xorg settings you can add to fix it (google)20:26
Slartracecar56: there is a switch to only simulate20:26
thevishyyes it did work befpre20:26
Slartracecar56: don't just run it !20:26
eseven73Slart, -s I think20:26
eseven73or -S20:26
tofaffy|ghostHey guys. Anytime I log out of my account, the screen goes black and the only way to get it back is if I just restart. Is this a known bug? Could someone point me in the right direction to fix it?20:26
thevishyit was working while untile i just started my machine20:26
Slarteseven73: mm.. I think it's -s20:26
thevishyit is now not booting into the system20:27
racecar56Slart, no that dosent work20:27
=== tofaffy|ghost is now known as tofaffy
jfxbernsAny idea where I can get nvidia-config?  I just did a clean install of Jaunty and the nVidia drivers are installed--but I can't set the right resolution.  nvidia-config is not in the nvidia 180.xx package from the Ubuntu reporitories and that always used to fix this problem on previous installs.20:27
Jack_Sparrowthevishy What have you recently installed or have you changed or added any unsupported sources to your sources list or run any scripts that did so.20:27
Slartracecar56: did you install the packages using apt?20:27
mrunagi_so frustrating i cant mount my flash drive20:27
Slarteseven73: thanks =)20:27
blzquick question about LVMs:  if i have an lvm consisting of one logical volume spanning over 2 disks, can the disks spin down independently, or do both have to be spinning whenever data is read/written?20:27
thevishyi installed ruby thats its - nothing more Jack_Sparrow20:28
jdutofaffy|ghost, sounds like you may have a gdm configuration problem.  gdm can have a different refresh rate / resolution which may not be working with your monitor.20:28
franczenracecar56: would this work? dpkg -l |grep ^[^rc]20:28
Jack_Sparrowthevishy From our repos or from antoher20:28
thevishyi did sudo apt-get install ruby20:28
tofaffyjdu: but would that cause it to happen ONLY when I log out? Not when I log in?20:28
racecar56Slart, i did a purge of libgtk2.0-0 (no, im not crazy, i have a reason to do this) and it still leaving a ton of dependencies of it as 'rc' under dpkg -l20:28
Jack_Sparrow!info ruby20:28
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB20:28
thevishyshud be the regular source20:28
racecar56Slart, im making my own distribution20:28
jdutofaffy, good question.  What version of ubuntu are you running?20:29
Slartracecar56: hmm.. those rc thingies.. are those packages? or something else?20:29
cole_Hi all, im trying to upgrade to version 8.04, ive downloaded the alternate cd, ive run the upgrade tool and its downloaded all the package files, however i get this error message: "Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04.2 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20090121.2)]/pool/main/o/openoffice.org/openoffice.org-style-human_2.4.1-1ubuntu2.1_all.deb Hash Sum mismatch" anyone know what this is?20:29
* Pranka Be back later in a few hours.20:29
racecar56franczen, nope20:29
tofaffyjdu: 8.1020:29
thevishyI wonder what has botched up20:29
jdutofaffy, which one?  jaunty is 9.0420:29
racecar56Slart, 'rc' at the begining of dpkg -l20:29
thevishydoes installing ruby screw up the whole OS ?20:29
Slartracecar56: hang on.. let me check20:29
Jack_Sparrowthevishy It should not, but I have not tried ruby20:30
sebsebsebthevishy: shoudn't do20:30
blzquick question about LVMs:  if i have an lvm consisting of one logical volume spanning over 2 disks, can the disks spin down independently, or do both have to be spinning whenever data is read/written?20:30
thevishyright yeah its odd , i dont understand what happened20:30
racecar56Slart, e.g. "rc  package version description"20:30
chazcoHi... anyone know how to make a .deb file?20:30
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:30
racecar56chazco, ezezez20:30
racecar56chazco, checkinstall20:30
tofaffyjdu: I just realized that I am, in fact, not using the latest version of Ubuntu. I didn't realize I had an older iso...I think I'm going to go update and see if that does anything :D20:31
thevishyruby is just few MB's   a small language20:31
jdutofaffy, ok, hope it works20:31
chazcoJack_Sparrow - Thanks :) racecar56 - only really useful when there is a make install available, thanks anyway20:31
Jack_Sparrowthevishy can you pastebin your sources.list20:31
racecar56chazco, ya, yw20:31
Slartracecar56: can't really find any information on what "rc" means...20:32
racecar56Slart, if you want ill give you a line of what i see which i want to remove20:32
jduSlart, run command originally I believe20:32
blzdoes anybody  know how ext4 compares to xfs in terms of performance on large files?20:32
thevishyi will install extendfs in windows hang on20:32
sebsebsebblz: not exactly, but I could give you a link to a good article about Ext420:33
Ubunt1Virtual PC20:33
thevishyJack_Sparrow : the error is very much like this http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2007/08/msg00154.html20:33
racecar56Slart, i think it means there are still conf files, which is weird as i did a purge (i used aptitiude purge libgtk2.0-0)20:33
Ubunt1ever used Virtual PC20:33
blzsebsebseb:  that would be great!  I'm considering it for a mythtv box, so any literature is welcome20:33
racecar56vpc = fail20:33
tofaffyjdu: sorry to waste your time.20:33
tofaffyjdu: but thanks very much.20:33
racecar56vbox pwns vpc, but qemu pwns all20:33
jdutofaffy, no problem20:33
jfxbernsAnybody know where I can get nvidia-config?  It's not installed when I install the drivers from the ubuntu repos...20:33
Jack_Sparrowthevishy Are you running debian or ubuntu and if ubuntu which release or version20:33
deanyracecar56, only if your cpu supports it :(20:34
Jack_Sparrow!info nvidia-config20:34
ubottuPackage nvidia-config does not exist in jaunty20:34
racecar56deany, O RLY?20:34
sebsebsebblz: I  clean installed  recently, that was overdue,   so  my   / is Ext4 now  for 9.04,  but  old home partition  that I forgot to tell it to use as home is still Ext3, and another Ext3 data partition20:34
racecar56deany, i have this old celeron from '05 and it works20:34
racecar56deany, with qemu20:34
thevishyI am running Linux Mint ubuntu20:34
sTEPPZORWlan0 connected to wierless router, have no internet response. anyone? ive looked at the ubuntu troubleshoot page of that but that didnt help.20:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about exfat20:34
sebsebsebblz: so far I haven't noticed any  advantage with Ext4, but  I haven't  opended big files and such from an Ext4 partition yet20:34
jfxbernsubottu: yes, i noticed.  So where is a good place to find it?20:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:34
asdfasdfaanyone here can help me with mouse lag?20:34
Jack_Sparrowthevishy Then we cant help you, it is too different than the real ubuntu20:34
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)20:35
franczensTEPPZOR: what chipset?20:35
Slartracecar56: true.. rc means there are residual configuration files.. I think when you do apt-get purge <package>.. it will only purge the package specified.. dependencies will be removed normally20:35
jfxbernsAnd why, for god's sake did they remove it?  It's been a lifesaver for me many-a-time.20:35
Slartracecar56: I guess aptitude works the same way20:35
deanyracecar56, i must be thinkin of something else then that needs hardware virtualisation20:35
sebsebsebblz: I wil open some of the same data on Ext3 and Ext4, see if I notice anything, probably won't20:35
Slartjdu: thanks20:35
Ubunt1Virtual PC20:35
deanyvbox does me fine regardless.20:35
thevishyJack8899this problem seems very much related to kernel / hardware issue --- thats why I asked here20:35
Ubunt1please help20:35
blzsebsebseb:  Yeah I've heard mixed reviews.  I seem to remember ext3 being hella slow in some cases (mass delete operations I think...) but I haven't used it in a while20:35
Jack_Sparrowthevishy Wrong place.20:35
Rigongiahi all20:35
Slartracecar56: how many packages do you have with the 'rc' status?20:35
Slartracecar56: just a rough number will do20:36
sTEPPZORfranczen: its a Acer aspire one A110 so i dont know :P20:36
blzsebsebseb:  also, doesn't ext4 reduce disk writes?  do you know what the word is on that?20:36
thevishyok i will try mint site20:36
franczensTEPPZOR: post me the lspci output20:36
franczensTEPPZOR: in private, if possible20:36
sebsebsebblz: check out the release notes  it mentions three Ext4 issues and 9.04.20:36
The_Jaghi all, is there anyone that has a asus w5fm laptop?20:37
sebsebseb!notes | blz20:37
ubottublz: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes20:37
Ubunt1Virtual PC20:37
Ubunt1please help20:37
franczenThe_Jag: nope, not mine20:37
sebsebsebblz: it's pretty stable now I think,  hence why Fedora 11 are going to have it as default file system20:37
blzsebsebseb:  awesome. this is great!   Did you say you had a link to an article as well?20:37
RigongiaUbunt1 : first of all explain what your problem is, second this is UBUNTU support channel, not VirtualPC support channel20:37
CrypticSwarmHow would I go about changing the volume outputted by a USB headset.  The normal volume control does not seem to effect the volume of the USB headset.20:38
deanysebsebseb, not in ubuntu its not.  my friend still has lockups sometimes deleting large files (its a bug), its fine with ext3.20:38
The_Jagwell maybe some one could tell me if there's a way to just downgrade alsa driver20:38
chazcoJack_Sparrow - Seems that most of those need source code archives etc :( I've got a shell script and some files20:38
deanysebsebseb, I however, have no problems with it.  odd.20:38
=== burba337 is now known as floodbot
sebsebsebdeany: yeah I know about the lock up issue that's in the release notes20:39
The_Jagbc i have problem with sound but an old suse with 1.0.11 alsa version works!20:39
=== william is now known as Guest67802
ninjafuryhi, i just installed th latest nvidia drivers on jaunty and now I can't get my laptop to suspend. Any one know how to fix this?20:39
sebsebsebblz: yep indeed I said I had a link http://www.h-online.com/open/The-Ext4-Linux-file-system--/features/11340320:40
serewigglez: nvidia-settings it was i use and it should work but wont give me anything larger than 102420:40
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 using tvout on my nvidia card20:40
blzsebsebseb;  brilliant! thank you!20:40
coz_sere,   you might want to try #nvidia20:40
sebsebsebblz: good read,  and a little file stystem comparison on it20:40
=== floodbot is now known as burba337
ninjafurycan anyone please help. I installed new nvidia drivers in Jaunty 64, and now I cant suspend/resume my laptop20:41
shikharare there any major issues with kubuntu 9.04 64-bit? i seem to remember flash being an issue20:42
shikhardeciding whether to go with 32 or 64-bit install20:42
sebsebsebshikhar:   Java might be an issue the Java plugin20:43
ganymedehi, i'm looking for where to edit file associations in ubuntu to change the default app that double-clicking something in nautilus will open it with. when i right click and go to properties, i see the command used to execute the app but how can i change the command-line options passed to the app?20:43
sebsebsebshikhar: Virtualization in Virtualbox  probably got  to put hardware virtualization on or some such, before 64bit  VM's will work on 64bit host20:43
kitcheshikhar: if you got more or equal to 4 gig of ram go with x86_64 if not stick with 32bit20:43
ganymedeand also, i don't see the open with... tab for directories20:43
sebsebsebshikhar: how much RAM you got?  people say  not much point doing 64bit unless at least 4GB RAM20:43
sebsebsebkitche: do you know the actsaul reasons for that?20:44
=== WB2Colorado_ is now known as WB2Colorado
shikhar4gb ram20:44
=== usser_ is now known as usser
ganymedesebsebseb: can't address more than 4 gigs of virtual memory without addresses bigger than 32 bits20:44
kitchesebsebseb: without PAE 32bit can't read more then 3.5ish gb of ram20:44
shikharsebsebseb: hmm, i dont expect to use virtualization20:44
sebsebsebkitche: no I mean why would it apparnatly be pointless to  do  64bit OS on say 2GB RAM?20:45
kitchesebsebseb: no need to20:45
ganymedeshikhar: 64-bit also enables a few more registers so a select few processes will gain in performance in  64-bit20:45
nejodejaunty seems to be the greatest thing on earth for half of the users... and a pain for the other half20:45
nejodeI belong to the second half20:45
ninjafurytried google, no luck. New nvidia drivers on jaunty 64 have stopped my laptop from suspending/resuming. Anyone know how to fix this?20:45
sebsebsebkitche: well sure, but would there be any  real advantage or not?20:46
racecar56deany, only kvm needs it20:46
racecar56Slart, i have no idea20:46
racecar56Slart, i guess i'll just say my estimate... a ton20:46
shikharthink ill take the 64 bit leap and deal with problems as they come20:46
sebsebsebkitche: or I should say any advantage at all20:46
racecar56Slart, :P20:46
kitchesebsebseb: well your thing is a bit off-topic really20:46
Slartracecar56: =)20:46
ganymedeanyone know where to go to edit the file associations (apps listed in the right click menu) to open directories with?20:46
kitchesebsebseb: it jsut depends on usage I jsut don't see a need myself20:46
J_A_Xshikhar: go 6420:46
sebsebsebkitche: right ok20:47
seredoes anyone know if i can get a resolution larger than 1024 using tvout on my nvidia card20:47
=== _Kwitschibo is now known as Kwitschibo
Rigongiahello sighK20:49
sighKanything interesting in ubuntu land today20:49
linnyhow can one tell what graphics card driver the os is using ?20:50
sighKtry lsdev20:50
coz_linny,    glxinfo | grep version20:50
Slartracecar56: here's a oneline that will get you the names of the rc packages   dpkg -l | grep '^rc' | sed  's/^rc[ ]*\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'20:50
Slartracecar56: perhaps you can feed that to sudo apt-get purge20:51
bghgjkgfiguredi t out20:51
bghgjkgif you add noapic to grub20:51
bghgjkgfor some reason lag for mouse is gone20:51
bghgjkgwhat is noapic?20:51
SlartAdvanced Programmable Interrupt Controller20:51
Slartnoapic means.. to.. not use it, I suppose20:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:52
Mike94287A giant crosshair just appeared on my screen randomly and I have no idea how to turn it off20:53
racecar56Mike94287, shoot it lokl20:53
Mike94287racecar56: Funny, but it's actually really bothering me20:53
diffredhi! I would like to have a terminal as a wallpaper, which is the packet i should install?20:54
racecar56Mike94287, k, thats odd20:54
Iceman_Bokay, so I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 from a cd, and my resolution is all weird. I have a GF6800LE and a 1440x960 monitor. Previous Ubuntus detected the reso perfectly, this one doesnt. How do I fix this ?20:54
Iceman_Bits stuck at 1024x768 now20:54
Iceman_Boh and im using the restricted drivers20:55
G_A_CHi, I've just run "aptitude update; aptitude full-upgrade" on my Jaunty laptop and it seems to want to remove python2.5 and python2.5-minimal packages...is this safe, or is it likely to cause things to break?20:55
kunali am new to it and donot know how to use it20:56
linnywith a default ubuntu install what driver will 9.04 use with an ati hd 2600, r630 chipset, my xorg.conf is blank i cant figure out how to tell what driver im using20:56
linny*correction rv630 chipset20:57
boss_mclinny: what's the output of glxinfo | grep vendor?20:57
Iceman_Bnobody knows how how to force a higher resolution ?20:57
G_A_Clinny: it should probably be listed somewhere near the top of /var/log/Xorg.log ?20:57
tannersummersAnyway to have an animated wallpaper? like maybe a gif picture?20:57
linnyboss_mc:The program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed.20:57
MikeChelenis there any way to disable capslock?20:57
SlartMikeChelen: xmodmap20:58
jribMikeChelen: system -> preferences -> keyboard20:58
Rigongialinny : install  the package mesa-utils20:58
linnycat: /var/log/Xorg.log: No such file or directory20:58
linnyRigongia: ok thanks20:58
MikeChelenSlart, jrib thanks20:58
Slartlinny: try /var20:58
millencolinlol hi20:58
Slartlinny: try /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:58
linnylinny@omaha:~$ glxinfo | grep vendor20:58
linnyunknown chip id 0x9589, can't guess.20:58
linnyserver glx vendor string: SGI20:58
linnyclient glx vendor string: SGI20:58
linnyOpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project20:58
G_A_Clinny: try grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log (I got the filename wrong)20:58
FloodBot2linny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
linnysorry :)20:59
millencolinis this a good version of ubuntu?20:59
boss_mclinny: you are using mesa drivers (not radeon or fglrx)20:59
* IamSOG jus tried LXDE and think it's really nice20:59
linnyboss_mc: i have 2 monitors ive got mirrored mode atm, i dont need 3d really just want dual head whats best i cant get it working with fglrx21:00
tannersummersGuys i got compiz but cant get the cube effect to work, can anyone help?21:01
diffredhi! I would like to have a terminal as a wallpaper, which is the package i should install, assuming I won't active compiz?21:01
graelintannersummers: Is it turned on in compiz settings manager?21:01
racecar56Slart, sed: option requires an argument -- 'l'21:01
linnycan this mesa driver configure dual head ?21:01
boss_mclinny: sorry, you are using radeon21:01
Slartracecar56: huh? it worked on my computer ... dpkg -l | grep '^rc' | sed  's/^rc[ ]*\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'21:01
linnyboss_mc: hehe21:02
boss_mclinny: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117421:02
jmclarkhey, would anybody here be able to help me with removing my quad-booting?21:02
JoesephTime to try again....   I have a grub error 15 and I can't boot up jaunty install.  More info here.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174437    Any ideas?21:02
racecar56Slart, for some reason that worked21:02
boss_mclinny: you probably want the mergedFB version21:02
linnyboss_mc: thanks ill have a read21:02
tannersummersgraelin of course i set it to ctrl shift alt but nothign happens21:02
racecar56Slart, actually not21:02
racecar56Slart, it only prints what has rc in front21:02
racecar56Slart, and YES i passed it to apt-get21:03
racecar56Slart, apt-get purge | dpkg -l | grep '^rc' | sed  's/^rc[ ]*\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'21:03
Slartracecar56: wrong way around..21:03
graelintannersummers: Do other compiz effects work? You may need to restart X. You also need more than 2 desktops for a good effect. 5 is nice21:03
Slartracecar56: put apt-get purge on the end21:03
unop_racecar56,  sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | awk '{print $2}')21:03
racecar56Slart, oh i tried it with apt-get purge $(blah) and it got better21:04
unop_errm, my bad21:04
Slartunop_: aww.. I hate it when I work on something for half an hour and someone comes along and uses awk.. it's cheating ;)21:04
tannersummersgraelin, well some reason settinsg dont save when rebooting but when they are set up everythign else works, and yes i have about 6 desktops21:04
unop_racecar56,  sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}')21:04
unop_Slart, sometimes the better tools just win :)21:05
racecar56unop, ty21:05
unsocialany hints aboutboracle in ubuntu21:05
unsocialany hints about  oracle in ubuntu21:05
graelintannersummers: Compiz settings? Or Xserver resolutions and such?21:05
racecar56Slart, problem solved21:05
Slartunop_: =)21:05
unop_unsocial, that's too vague a question21:05
Slartracecar56: nice.. no rc packages left?21:05
racecar56Slart, sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}')21:05
racecar56Slart, its removing them now21:06
tannersummersgraelin compiz21:06
racecar56Slart, i have an old comp21:06
racecar56Slart, compaq presario sr1020nx21:06
racecar56Slart, this thing is a peice of history, i remember it like it was yesterday21:06
Slartracecar56: oh.. the museum didn't want it ?  ;)21:06
racecar56Slart, heh21:06
racecar56Slart, it's probably from 200521:06
relivewill 9.04 ISO image install on a 16 GB usb flash drive?  i don't want to install it on my hard drive21:07
unop_unsocial, what do you want to know about oracle on ubuntu?21:07
Slartracecar56: wow.. I was guessing more like.. 1998 or so21:07
racecar56Slart, in *PROBABLY* january 2008 they broke, i fixed them21:07
racecar56Slart, false21:07
racecar56Slart, oh21:07
racecar56Slart, saw u message wrong21:07
racecar56Slart, it's got a floppy drive :P21:07
t-nori need some help from a person who have ubuntu 9.04 on a macbook. I don't find how to have brackets, pipe ... with original macbook keyboard21:07
Slartracecar56: 2005 is almost modern..21:08
racecar56Slart, btw i never used comps until ~200321:08
unsocialjust want to use the same as windows ide21:08
unsocialsuch as for oracle 9i21:08
ldiamondlocate doesnt work. How do I fix it? The command exists, but it finds nothing21:08
racecar56Slart, umm....... it dosent have a 3D card, it has 2 cd drives, it has an intel celeron socket 478, ubuntu 8.10 dosen't work on it (9.04 does)21:08
Slartldiamond: run "sudo updatedb"21:08
Slartldiamond: then try again21:09
JoesephAnybody know anything about GRUB2 and it's relation to Ubuntu?   I'm very angry at GRUB right now.21:09
racecar56Slart, anyways i don't think that was the manufacturing year21:09
_chunHi, how can I check my packages against all of the default jaunty ones? I think I've stupidly removed a load of important ones (long story) and I want to make sure everything is in the right place21:09
nejodejoeseph: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3081671.msg106228#msg10622821:09
racecar56Slart, ~2004 sounds about right21:09
Slartracecar56: oh.. they improved hardware compatibility in 9.04.. good job canonical21:09
boss_mc_chun: installing ubuntu-desktop will draw in the default packages21:09
racecar56Slart, i have a similar one which however worked better (compaq presario sr1010z #pu166av)21:09
_chunboss_mc: perfect. thanks a lot21:09
ldiamondSlart: isnt that supposed to be automatic? I used to be able to locate new files in my previous installations21:09
racecar56Slart, yeps and im glad they wore off the 'new-releases-need-new-stuff' syndrome21:10
Joesephnejode: Hey thanks!  Hope this helps, that's the most comprehensive list I've seen in a while.21:10
spudCakePiedammit how do i get virtualbox to leave fullscreen mode21:10
Slartldiamond: yes.. I think it does it every time you install something.. I might be wrong though21:10
sammymy friend can't seem to update her intrepid ibex install. changed the repositories to the main servers and update manager says that archive.ubuntu.com doesn't resolve to a valid IP!21:10
racecar56Slart, btw this 1020 im on now is the oldest comp in the house21:10
tannersummersgraelin any ideas?21:10
nejodeJoeseph: hope it helps21:10
Ix-Xitanwhat is the latest version of mysql i can install on ubuntu ?21:10
dehacked79Can anyone help my figure out why my desktop resolution reverts to lowest every time I restart?21:11
racecar56Slart, odd fact: it has the fastest clock speed in the hosue21:11
racecar56Slart, *house21:11
Slartracecar56: clockspeed and size.. neither matter =)21:11
racecar56Slart, 2.80 ghz21:11
spudCakePieanybody know how I can get virtualbox to leave fullscreen mode?21:11
spudCakePieit messes up with 9.04 on this VM21:11
kitchespudCakePie: press the host keys it should make it go back to window mode21:11
sammyor, wait, this says 404 error. that means file not found.21:12
racecar56Slart, vid card is the worst nightmare21:12
spudCakePiewell, its not. i think that may be related21:12
racecar56Slart, intel 82845g21:12
bghgjkgwhat ever happeneed to the w32codec21:12
racecar56Slart, horrible thing, it's like VGA all over again21:12
boss_mcbghgjkg: it's in !medibuntu21:12
bghgjkgit doesn't work21:12
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:12
racecar56Slart, it can do a teeny bit of 3D things from 1998 but 1999+ don't work21:12
Slartracecar56: =)21:13
Ix-Xitanwhat is the latest version of mysql i can install on ubuntu ? cause the only command that works is 5.0 and am a bit doubting that21:13
Iceman_Bhi again21:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about midibuntu21:13
racecar56Slart, and i have a laptop that is so bad a pentium 3 could work better21:13
uuvIn ubuntu, is there a way to disable trackpad when I plug in an external mouse?21:13
sTEPPZOR_Ive got my internet trought Wlan0 and want to share that connection trough eth0.. how do i do that?21:13
Iceman_Bso I installed 9.04, and now I cant boot into WinXP anymore. my menu.lst holds 2 map commands21:13
racecar56Slart, :P21:13
boss_mc!medibuntu | bgamari21:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:13
ubottubgamari: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:13
boss_mc!medibuntu | bghgjkg21:14
ubottubghgjkg: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:14
graelintannersummers: short of package reinstall.. not really. You could try running compiz settings as root. Might be being silly and not writing out the file due to permissions. I needed to do that with nvidia settings manager.. but that writes to /etc and permission clash should be expected. Compiz stores setting in /home21:14
Iceman_Bwhat are they? they look like map(hd0) (hd2) and map(hd2) (hd0)21:14
RigongiasTEPPZOR_ : you use iptables21:14
Slart!ics | sTEPPZOR_21:14
kitcheIx-Xitan looks like 5.1 but the package name has 5.0 in it21:14
ubottusTEPPZOR_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:14
bghgjkgi was just trying to download the w32codec deb21:14
racecar56Slart, when that laptop gets fixed, pigs will fly21:14
bghgjkgbut it dont exist21:14
Joesephnejode: Lots of info on error 15 I'll start at the top and work my way down!..... Man I hope GRUB2 is being developed quickly though, it sounds neat. And I have a love/hate relation with grub.21:14
mobi-sheepuuv: You can turn off Touchpad in System --> Preferences --> Mouse21:14
tannersummersgraelin how do i run it as root, im new and dont now the name to type in21:14
bghgjkgthis link21:14
bghgjkgwget -c http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20071007-0medibuntu2_i386.deb21:14
SlartIceman_B: windows will only boot from hd0.. so if it's installed on hd2 you have to pretend that hd2 is hd0.. and hd0 is hd221:15
uuvmobi-sheep: Yes, I know, but I was thinking of a way to make that automatic21:15
Slarticewaterman: that's what the map command does21:15
Iceman_Bsorry,. hit the wrong menu21:15
graelinin terminal gksudo or sudo ccsm21:15
boss_mcbghgjkg: it's much easier to install it through the repository, sorts out dependencies and autoupdates21:15
kitchebghgjkg: have to ask the medibuntu guys what happen to that package21:15
Iceman_BSlart, ah okay, but why the 2 commands under eachother?21:15
Iceman_Balso, Windows IS installed on the first harddrive21:15
G_A_CSlart, I've managed to boot my windows installation on this laptop from hd(0,3) no problems :S21:15
graelintannersummers:  in terminal gksudo or sudo ccsm21:15
SlartIceman_B: the first one maps hd0 to hd2, the second maps hd2 to hd021:16
bghgjkgit works21:16
bghgjkghad to go to the site >_<21:16
Iceman_Bokay, but if Windows is installed in the first hdd, then those map commands are unneccesary?21:16
G_A_CSlart, my bad, you're talking about multiple physical drives...I've had that working too, but only by accident, not design :)21:16
SlartG_A_C: hd0,3 is still the first hard drive21:17
Iceman_BI have multiple physical drive but I took care to place both Windows and Linux on the first harddrive21:17
SlartG_A_C: sorry..didn't see the next line21:17
G_A_Cyeah, I realised my mistake shortly after hitting Enter on that sentence :)21:17
racecar56Slart, my laptop will run better when pigs fly21:17
SlartIceman_B: yes21:17
Iceman_Bokay, Iĺl remove them then21:18
SlartIceman_B: what does the actual boot line look like?21:18
Iceman_Bfor XP ?21:18
gehel__hello ! I want to install ubuntu server on a headless box (no VGA adapter). Is there a way to do the install via RS232 ?21:18
SlartIceman_B: yes.. the one that is under these two map lines21:18
hasjeni'm installing ubuntu with a alternate cd over a network, but what do i put as the mirror for the release file?21:18
=== Lechu_ is now known as Lechu_Cham
Iceman_BSlart, hang on21:19
tannersummersgraelin how do i save settings? and which should i choose cube caps or sky dome21:19
gorbierdhow do i replace some text(by pattern) with another in text files(to find pattern in)21:19
Slartgorbierd: sed might be useful..21:20
gehel__gorbierd: use "sed"21:20
Rigongiagorbierd : sed -e 's/pattern_to_find/pattern_to_substitute/g' -i $filename21:20
Iceman_BSlart, http://paste.ubuntu.com/185197/ scroll all the way down21:20
G_A_Csed -i -e "s/text that's in/text you want/g filename21:20
_lilian_ouvindo ( Francesco Napoli - Balla Balla.mp3 ) .: kikøscript :. http://kikoscript.blogspot.com21:20
andrea_there is some way to use blur effect under windows without compiz on xfce??21:20
SlartIceman_B: yes.. the map commands aren't needed21:21
ericPhow do i turn e67998fc-7c71-4dfa-b07b-8a4af82d5e3b into a partition number21:21
SlartIceman_B: if you look at my menu.lst I have to use them http://pastebin.com/f110ce7b021:21
_lilian_ouvindo ( Raul Seixas - O Carimbador Maluco.mp3 ) .: kikøscript :. http://kikoscript.blogspot.com21:21
boss_mcericP: why do you want to?21:22
Slartandrea_: I doubt it..21:22
Iceman_BSlart, so you have Windows on a different physical drive then ?21:22
ericPboss_mc, 'cause i want to see which partition i booted so i can make an appropriately sized partition on a backup disk21:22
SlartIceman_B: yes.. on my fourth drive.. hd321:22
=== Shaan7_ is now known as Shaan7
andrea_Slart: neiter with cairo-compmgr neiter with other??21:23
robdigericP: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid21:23
Iceman_Bone more strange thign I noticed21:23
ericProbdig, rock -- tx21:23
boss_mcericP: look at blkid21:23
Iceman_Bmy first drive is recognised in Ubuntu as SDC21:23
Iceman_Bnot SDA21:23
ericPand tx boss_mc21:23
Slartandrea_: oh.. I don't know what cairo-compmgr can do.. I mean compiz doesn't have a monopoly on blurring things under a window but you will need a compositing engine of some sorts21:24
SlartIceman_B: it's connected to the first connector on the motherboard?21:24
andrea_xfwm and metacity composite manager doesn't support it yet21:24
Iceman_BPrimary IDE master21:25
SlartIceman_B: you've got two sata drives too?21:25
ki4cgpI have a drive that is acting odd that I still might use occasionally.  What is the best linux filesystem that will provide the most reliability in case it starts to flake out?21:25
andrea_Slart: i'm using xfce  for DM and with optimization i can reduce the ram usage to 45 MB21:25
Iceman_B2 Pata drive, 2 sata drive21:25
simplexioki4cgp: maybe ext221:26
SlartIceman_B: then the sata drives are counted first.. so the first pata drive will be number 321:26
andrea_Slart: Now, if compiz take 60MB of ram it's not usefull21:26
Iceman_Baah, okay21:26
Iceman_Byeah I see it now21:26
Iceman_Bokay, something totally different: I have no audio21:26
pizzledizzlei want to put some start up commands in ubuntu (xset q off). which file do i put this is?21:26
Iceman_Bit was working before in previous ubuntus21:26
ki4cgpsimplexio, OK.  I would have guessed JFS, but I don't really know the underpinnings of them21:26
Iceman_Bthe Audio config only gives a test tone when I pick OSS21:27
Slartandrea_: ahh.. I see.. no, wasting memory on compiz would be kind of.. odd =)  I have no idea what options are available.. I've just used compiz since it's what works..21:27
Iceman_Bbut when I run Amarok, nothing21:27
tannersummersgraelin still nothign cube wont work =[21:27
SlartIceman_B: sound hardware?21:27
andrea_Slart: THANKS...21:27
Slartandrea_: YOU'RE WELCOME =)21:28
Iceman_BI have some very old Xfire 1024 DMX thing card21:28
Iceman_Bit worked under ubuntu though, and its working fine in Windows21:28
pizzledizzledoesnt anyone know where startup commands go for ubuntu?21:28
SlartIceman_B: it doesn't work with alsa?21:28
Slart!boot | pizzledizzle21:28
ubottupizzledizzle: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:28
Slart!session | pizzledizzle21:28
ubottupizzledizzle: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:28
john_decuirhey i'm back21:28
Iceman_Bwhen I try to test it with the test sound, it generates an error21:29
john_decuirworking with moblin21:29
john_decuirwho was helping me? i had some issues21:29
SlartIceman_B: hmm.. I wonder if it's a regression or if they've just dropped support for it21:29
pizzledizzleSlart, that's if ure using gnome21:29
Slartregio1977: hello.. welcome to #ubuntu , do you need help?21:29
HADES2hey guys any one can give me an help21:29
h4ck3ri can try21:29
Myrtti!ask | HADES221:29
ubottuHADES2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:29
HADES2thy bro21:29
Iceman_BUbuntu recognises my card as a "Sound Fusion CS46xx"21:30
Slartpizzledizzle: the second one.. yes.. the first one is independant of desktop enviroment21:30
hans_hi. how do i mount an .isz file like i can do with an .iso file?21:30
HADES2can i go private ?21:30
Myrtti!pm | HADES221:30
ubottuHADES2: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:30
h4ck3rgo ahead21:30
Slarthans_: if you run "file nameofisofile.iso" what does it tell you?21:30
john_decuirjust added a second OS to my UNR msi wind, not reaching a boot menu at startup, now only booting new OS.21:31
kitchehans_: make that .isz for the file command21:31
jake__hey, i'm having some trouble with Ubuntu and my wireless cards, for osme reason, after x amount of time, my wireless completely dies, i hvave to reboot my pc for it to work again.21:31
boss_mcjohn_decuir: what did you add?21:31
=== Redhammer_the_Ol is now known as Redhammer_AFK
john_decuirmoblin beta21:31
jake__anyone have any insight on what would be causing this issue?21:31
Slarthans_: ah.. sorry.. yes... .isz instead of .iso21:31
spudCakePieis there a channel for more informal ubuntu chat?21:31
hans_Slart, it tells me data...21:31
sTEPPZOR_Ive now tried to share my connection trough iptables.. my setup is iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT21:31
sTEPPZOR_iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT21:31
sTEPPZOR_iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE21:31
sTEPPZOR_sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"21:31
jake__it's getting really annoying, as i play online games, all of a sudden, boom.21:31
FloodBot2sTEPPZOR_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
czajkowskijake__: what verison are you using?21:31
Slart!ot > spudCakePie21:31
ubottuspudCakePie, please see my private message21:31
sTEPPZOR_but still it wont work21:31
hans_Kitar|st, what do you mean?21:32
jake__9.04 Jaunty21:32
kitchejohn_decuir: have to ask the moblin guys about your issue mainly not sure if that actually uses grub or not21:32
spudCakePieubottu for president!21:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about for president!21:32
Iceman_Bso does anyone know why a testtone does work with OSS audio and Amarok then stays silent?21:32
Slarthans_: hmm.. isn't isz just a zipped up iso file? perhaps it's more complicated than that21:32
czajkowskijake__: wifi there is pretty good. are you sure it's not your router acting up?21:32
AlexMaxI'm having an issue with line-drawing characters when connecting to my Ubuntu 9.04 server using Windows + PuTTY, for some reason all my line drawing characters are showing up as lqqqqk21:32
AlexMaxas in letters21:32
jake__czajkowski, positive, works fine on Windows.21:32
SlartIceman_B: I don't think amarok does OSS.. not sure though21:32
Iceman_Bthat would explain it21:33
jake__czajkowski, there's 9 computers here, all of them work fine without any issues, i even bought a new wireless card and it does the same :/21:33
Iceman_BI cant select any audio device anywhere in Amarok though21:33
racecar56AlexMax, be glad you even got ubuntu installed on you server21:33
pizzledizzleSlart, first one's for boot. i think xset needs x to be open21:33
HADES2pm h4ck3r21:33
MyrttiHADES2: he's gone21:33
tannersummershow do i change the number of desktops i have?21:33
racecar56AlexMax, i can't get mine to do ANYTHING21:33
czajkowskijake__: did you have any issue under Intpreid or is this since you went to Jaunty?21:33
MyrttiHADES2: just ask your question here21:33
Iceman_Boh hey21:33
jake__czajkowski, same issue on Intrepid too21:33
hans_Slart, can i mount it?21:33
Iceman_BRhthmbox gives audio21:33
jake__czajkowski, i formatted and reinstalled Jaunty, though.21:34
HADES2hey  i have a problem21:34
Slartpizzledizzle: mm.. sounds reasonable.. are you using KDE? XFCE? something else?21:34
robdigtannersummers: right click on the desktop switcher, click properties21:34
HADES2can any one help me21:34
boss_mc!ask | HADES221:34
ubottuHADES2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:34
MyrttiHADES2: go on, ask21:34
HADES2sudo su problem21:34
pizzledizzleSlart, im on xfce421:34
MyrttiHADES2: use just sudo21:34
tannersummersrobdig whats and wheres the desktop switcher?21:34
HADES2autentication falid21:34
Slarthans_: I don't think so, but I've never used an .isz file myself so I don't really know21:34
MyrttiHADES2: you don't need sudo su21:34
czajkowskijake__: sounds like your card issue and not distro issue. I had an issue with realteck drivers have you looked at launchpad at the bugs to see if there is an issue, if not why not log a bug with all the inforation needed21:35
HADES2sudo do work also21:35
Slartpizzledizzle: it doesn't have a startup programs thingy in it's settings menus?21:35
AlexMaxracecar56: I'm using linode who offers ubuntu 9.04 as an install option21:35
MyrttiHADES2: so what's the problem then?21:35
robdigtannersummers: on right side of bottom bar...next to the trash21:35
racecar56AlexMax, k21:35
AlexMaxI see a bug in aptitude 0.4.0 that has these UTF-8 issues21:35
tannersummersrobdig my bootm bar is removed...21:35
AlexMaxAnd apparenlty it's part PuTTY's fault too21:35
jake__czajkowski, i'm using NETGEAR WPN111 - worked fine for ages21:35
jake__czajkowski, and i've tried a PCI card, built for linux, same problem21:35
da_bboxkingwhere would you go so i can configure my laptops wireless so other devices to connect to the Internet through my laptop?21:36
racecar56AlexMax, i have some terrible thing i don't even know if it IS a server, it might just be a tiny mobo, 3 fans, power supply, and 500 gb sata drive and nothing else21:36
Slart!ics | da_bboxking21:36
ubottuda_bboxking: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:36
hans_grrr anyway, thanks21:37
robdigtannersummers: you can add it to another bar it you want, just right click on a blank space on a bar and click add to panel. called workspace switcher21:37
HADES2can i go private myrtti21:37
MyrttiHADES2: no. Ask here.21:37
robdigtannersummers: assuming that you are using gnome :)21:37
Iceman_BSlart, perhaps this is related http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=503640 ?21:37
czajkowskijake__: not sure so, sorry. I'd suggest eihter looking launhcpad at some of the bugs there and seeing if yours fits in somewhere, I do know the forums are also very useful.sorry not much hel21:37
tannersummersrobdig got it ty21:37
Myrtti!pt | HADES221:37
HADES2my sudo dont work21:37
ubottuHADES2: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:37
Iceman_Bto my audio problem. It seems indeed that Amarok doesnt use OSS anymore21:38
robdigtannersummers: np21:38
MyrttiHADES2: what's wrong with it then?21:38
jake__czajkowski, no problem, thanks anyway :)21:38
HADES2autentication falid21:38
HADES2i cant have adminitrator privilages21:38
MyrttiHADES2: so what are you trying to do with sudo? are you a member of the admin group to start with?21:38
HADES2im the firstuser21:39
MyrttiHADES2: have you enabled root account?21:39
da_bboxkingubottu: i did  it with my windows laptop so i could connect to xbox live21:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:39
HADES2it works fine till today21:39
HADES2not yet21:39
MyrttiHADES2: good, don't21:39
elena09should acpi be off?21:39
SlartIceman_B: might be.. interesting read21:39
Iceman_Bits old though, and debian21:40
Iceman_B2008 something?21:40
HADES2any tip to fix it21:40
williamsup all21:40
=== william is now known as Guest70209
sereanyone know why i get choppy sound when playing 2 multiple instances like a game and music in 9.04...only happend when i upgraded21:41
Guest70209i wish to know is there a good site for ubuntu security21:41
HADES2autentication ok when i log using ctrl + alt f221:41
gartralok, my system hust crashed.. hard, nothing was working and the scroll and caps lock keys were flashing on my keyboarb, i cant find a crash entry in the logs though... any ideas?21:41
robdigHADES2: what error message do you get from sudo?21:41
HADES2on sect21:42
Iceman_Boh boy, I have no audio in flash21:42
Iceman_BI cant hear anything on youtube21:42
HADES2hades@hades-nix:~$ sudo su21:42
HADES2[sudo] password for hades:21:42
HADES2Sorry, try again.21:42
bcGuest70209: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security21:42
HADES2pass its ok21:42
ewsubachwill manually added startup applications in GNOME have root privileges?21:42
kitcheHADES2: don't do sudo su use sudo -i21:42
elena09if I want to adress to someone how can I do it?21:43
BeatlesfanArgh!! why didn't you guys tell me?!?21:43
Slartelena09: write their name first on the line21:43
guntbert!prefix | elena0921:43
ubottuelena09: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:43
Slartelena09: you can use <TAB> to autocomplete the nick.. I just type ele  then press tab.. it fills in the rest for me21:43
racecar56Beatlesfan, maybe nobody knows21:44
da_bboxkingubottu: i did  it with my windows laptop so i could connect to xbox live, cant i do it the some way?21:44
MyrttiBeatlesfan: huh?21:44
racecar56Beatlesfan, whats ur question?21:44
Iceman_Bmeh well, Iĺl leave it for now21:44
Iceman_Bback later21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Slart21:44
System404ubottu is a bot21:44
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.21:44
Iceman_BSlart, thanks for your input and help :)21:44
Beatlesfanracecar56: Took me a while but I figured out that you can put /home in a seperate partition on install!21:44
HADES2yes sudo -i work21:44
Slartelena09: you don't need the !21:44
SlartIceman_B: you're welcome21:44
MyrttiHADES2: you're welcome21:45
racecar56Beatlesfan, k21:45
emoryCan anyone walk me through getting my phone tethered to Jaunty?21:45
Slartelena09: just write my nick.. don't write !Slart ... just Slart21:45
ewsubachwill startup applications in GNOME have root privileges?21:45
aadityaewsubach: no21:45
elena09If I type Slart can you see it?21:45
Slartelena09: yes.. it's highlighted on my screen21:45
ewsubachaaditya: do you know how I can do this?21:45
elena09good, thanks Slart21:46
Slartelena09: you're welcome21:46
aadityaewsubach: you can use sudo21:46
HADES2its a numpad problem21:46
aadityaewsubach: or `gksu`21:46
HADES2my pass have a special caracter21:46
Myrtti!enter | HADES221:47
ubottuHADES2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:47
elena09ok. Does anyone know about fglrx and Mobility Radeon cards with Ubuntu? Particularly about Mobility Radeon HD 345021:47
ewsubachaaditya: i'll give that a try. thanks!21:47
aadityaewsubach: you're welcome21:47
aaditya!fglrx | elena0921:47
ubottuelena09: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:47
racecar56elena09, i don't know but i know one thing about ati21:47
racecar56elena09, it sucks with linux21:47
racecar56elena09, meh, at least for me21:47
sysdoc_Ok, I'm having the same problem with the 180 nvidia driver that I had in Ubuntu. It chops off the bottom of the 2 nd display:=0.1. Does FC have the 173 drivers available or has anyone got a fix for this issue witht eh 180 drivers?21:48
m1dlgI've lost my trash icon how do I restore it?21:48
elena09racecar56, what kind of card do you have?21:48
racecar56elena09, then again my compaq presario sr1010z #pu166av (yes it's old) with a radeon 9200se works perfectly21:48
jake__czajkowski, my issue is the exact same as: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13204221:48
aadityam1dlg: right click on the panel and add applet21:48
m1dlgI tried that do joy21:48
racecar56elena09, linux with any radon x4xx and 2xxx suck, and that is waht i have on one of my comps21:49
racecar56elena09, *radeon and radon 2400 hd pro21:49
sysdoc_oops, sorry was asking in wrong channel, lol21:49
racecar56elena09, so much for pro21:49
elena09I ordered a laptop, Monday coming. With Mobility Radeon HD3450 in it. Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo Mobile21:50
m1dlgaaditya: I tried that do joy - just tried again and still no option to add trash21:50
Some_PersonHow would I 'bond' 2 networks together (eth0 and wlan0) for combined speed?21:50
aadityam1dlg: are you using gnome?21:50
nejodemldlg: put it on the desktop21:50
elena09Ati has a new driver on its site, Catalyst 9.5, what about it?21:51
racecar56elena09, DONT21:51
racecar56elena09, do not install ati driver from site21:51
m1dlgI think it's gnome21:51
racecar56elena09, it screws ubuntu21:51
czajkowskijake__: cool so in your case I'd give all your pc information and like some folks did the output from your system, and point out what distro version you are using21:51
racecar56elena09, use the hardware drivers thingy21:51
elena09Did you install it recently?21:51
racecar56elena09, system > admin > hardware drivers21:51
Slartm1dlg: which trashcan did you lose?21:51
elena09ok and?21:51
m1dlgthe one on the panel at the bottem21:51
Slartm1dlg: the one on the desktop? or the little one on the grey panel?21:52
aadityam1dlg: do you see a list of available panel applets when you select "Add Applet..."?21:52
racecar56elena09, then you click the driver21:52
racecar56elena09, activate21:52
Slartm1dlg: right click on the panel , select Add to panel.. you'll get a long list of stuff you can add.. find "Deleted items"21:52
m1dlgI see add to panel option21:52
elena09will it be only one driver there or more?21:52
racecar56elena09, restart xorg (ctrl alt backspace) (warning for noobies: it closes everything) and login, done21:52
JoesephI'm getting an Error 15 (file not found) after initial grub boot up.  Any ideas? More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117443721:52
aadityam1dlg: yes, Add to Panel21:52
racecar56elena09, it was one for me21:52
racecar56elena09, but i have no clue21:52
m1dlgYeah - Fixed21:52
aadityam1dlg: select that, and then look for "Trash" in the list21:52
m1dlgThanks guys21:52
racecar56elena09, if there is multiple tell me21:52
aadityam1dlg: cool21:52
m1dlg- The small things that please small people :)21:53
racecar56elena09, btw the 9200se pwns with ubuntu21:53
nejodeJoeseph: have you tried triel and error booting?21:53
racecar56elena09, works as nice as a nvidia21:53
m1dlgthanks guys21:53
Joesephnejode: What do you mean?21:53
nejodeJoeseph: when you boot do you get a grub menu?21:54
tannersummersGuys I got AWN manager which is like a floating dock, but seems to go over the bottom task bar and cant find a way around it21:54
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy21:54
=== justin__ is now known as PublicEnemies
Slarttannersummers: awn goes on the bottom.. you might want to remove the lower gnome panel21:54
Joesephnejode: No I do not.  I get "Grub Stage 1.5" something like "Grub loading" and then the error.   After that, there's a blinking cursor.21:54
Slarttannersummers: if you dont, they will overlap21:55
tannersummersslart any way to do it without removing it?21:55
PublicEnemiesWhat themes are compatible to install on the new Ubuntu release?21:55
coz_tannersummers,   try holding down alt  and click and drag  or  remove bottom panel21:55
elena09racecare56, But which driver should I choose from the, from hardware drivers?21:55
racecar56tannersummers, autohide gnome panel?21:55
Slarttannersummers: well.. you could drag it to one of the sides21:55
racecar56elena09, what drivers are there21:55
aadityatannersummers: add a gnome panel on the top?21:55
racecar56elena09, btw type race then press tab and it fills in my username for u21:55
guntbert!themes | PublicEnemies21:55
tannersummersi can move the icons, its the damn reflection that overlaps21:55
ubottuPublicEnemies: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:55
nejodeJoeseph: you tried the find command in the grub shell on a live CD?21:55
Slarttannersummers: awn will show you running programs so you don't really need the bottom gnome panel21:56
tannersummerswell mine dont show any running programs, how can i turn it on21:56
racecar56Joeseph, EASY to fix grub errors...21:56
Joesephnejode: I've used the find command on a live cd and it seems to find /boot/grub/menu.lst   ...... I have an idea now though.....  I can go through every file that grub needs with that command until I find what file it needs!21:56
elena09racecar56: On my PC were more drivers for Nvidia, I choose one and it worked perfectly in Ubuntu, 173, including games21:56
Joesephracecar56:  Well, then you can help me fix mine then.21:57
PublicEnemiesguntbert, thanks, I have been to gnomelook but am not sure what version to download such as GTK, Metacity, Compiz etc...21:57
elena09racecar56: thanks for the tab tip21:57
Slarttannersummers: go to the preferences and add a Launcher/Task manager applet21:57
uuvOn ubuntu, how can I make the terminal open links with just one click of mouse left, instead of mouse right -> open link?21:57
racecar56elena09, k21:57
nejodeJoeseph: does it find the menu.lst?21:57
Joesephnejode: Yes21:57
tannersummersslart ty21:57
racecar56Joeseph, find /boot/grub/menu.lst21:57
Slarttannersummers: you're welcome21:57
enigmehello everyone -- is there some way to make Ubuntu understand Mac OS X file systems' hard links correctly?21:57
racecar56Joeseph, root (partition it said)21:57
racecar56Joeseph, setup (hdx)21:57
racecar56Joeseph, setup (hdx)21:58
sere84whats the lastest kernel21:58
nejodeJoeseph: in what partition (hd0,0)?21:58
ewsubachaaditya: still not working. i want to just un a shell script to add rules to iptables and automate it at startup21:58
Joesephracecar56: I've already done that.21:58
racecar56Joeseph, oops21:58
elena09Will there be more drivers for the ATI card there at hardware drivers? Which one should I choose?21:58
ubotturacecar56: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:58
Slart!info linux-image-generic21:58
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB21:58
Joesephnejode: Partition 0 of disk 0.   (hd0,0)21:58
racecar56Joeseph, hmm21:58
sere84when playing 2 sounds mp3 / games its very choppy anyone know why?21:58
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:58
phantomcircuitI have a bluetooth mouse and i can only get it to work for short periods of time using `hidd --search` but not in a more perminant solution21:58
racecar56Joeseph, is it error 22?21:58
phantomcircuitany ideas21:58
nejodeJoeseph: and where is your linux install?21:58
sere84Slart, ty... do u know if this will fix my sound issue21:58
Joesephracecar56: No, it is error 15.  It can't find a file.21:59
guntbertPublicEnemies: neither have I, sorry - but that would depend on your system I'd guess, like  if you use compiz then take the compiz version, else if you use metacity,,,,,21:59
racecar56Joeseph, havent had experience with taht one before....21:59
Joesephnejode: My linux install is in (hd0,0).21:59
aadityaphantomcircuit: run `hidd --search` every few minutes using cron21:59
Slartsere84: huh? what is "this"? what "sound issues"?21:59
racecar56Joeseph, the find root setup quit method works for me21:59
Joesephracecar56: It's a file not found error.21:59
racecar56Joeseph, k21:59
nejodeJoeseph: first hard, first partition?21:59
sere84slart when playing 2 sound instances like a game and music this sound distarts21:59
phantomcircuitaaditya, interesting solution :P21:59
tannersummersnow if anyone can help me find out wny my compiz desktop cube is not working, i have 4 screens and nothign i tryed 6 and nothing21:59
racecar56Joeseph, mount wherever /boot is, ls in it, poke around and see what's missing? idk22:00
Joesephnejode: Yes.  That is, if partitions are counted in their physical location in the drive, and not in the order they were created... yes?22:00
Slartsere84: no idea22:00
ewsubachaaditya: still not working. i want to just run a shell script to add rules to iptables and automate it at startup any ideas?22:00
Slarttannersummers: you have the cube enabled and a shortcut for it set?22:00
sere84slart ok thanks22:00
Joesephracecar56: That's exactly it.   I've been poking around in there and I can't find anything wrong.22:00
racecar56Joeseph, really weird22:01
sere84anyone know why in 9.04 when playing 2 sound instances like a game and music this sound distarts22:01
aadityaewsubach: i can take a look at the script if you could pastebin it22:01
Joesephracecar56: And annoying.22:01
nejodeJoeseph: grub depends mostly on how the BIOS sees the disk order22:01
ewsubachaaditya: sure22:01
nejodeJoeseph: ow many HDD do you have?22:01
tannersummersits enabled, and no shortcut22:01
Joesephnejode: I have two connected.22:01
racecar56Joeseph, maybe you should md5sum your stuff, i'll see if they are different (except for the files that vary....)22:02
nejodeJoeseph: sata and IDE mixed?22:02
Joesephnejode: just ide.22:02
tannersummersslart its enabled i have it set to unfold if i press alt,cntrl,shift and butno shortcut22:02
nejodeJoeseph: can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst file22:03
Joesephnejode: Is it possible that a file lost it's executable status or something when I copied it?22:03
Joesephnejode: Yeah, I will.....  but....  I don't think it's even getting there yet.22:03
guntbertewsubach: those rules will have nothing to do with your session, so put them in a file in /etc/rc.local (you might have to create that directory)22:03
tannersummersso anyone got any ideas22:04
ericPrhythmbox gives me "Failed to connect to stream: invalid argument" on stuff that i can play with mpg321 .22:04
Joesephnejode: It doesn't give me a menu to go from.  It loads to Grub stage 1.5, and then gives me an error.  I never get to see my boot options.22:04
ericPtotem often makes no sound, but can read the files, as evidenced by the scope plugin22:04
nonewmsgsi am having trouble with sound when i play dvds since i upgraded to intrepid22:04
ewsubachaaditya: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d1ccd132f22:04
Slarttannersummers: can you switch desktops by holding the middle button and moving the mouse?22:04
nejodeJoeseph: sometimes grub changes the order od the disks, if you change te file to read (hd1,0) sometimes it works22:04
ewsubachgunbert: what do you mean exactly?22:05
tannersummersif u mean middle mouse button then no i cant22:05
Joesephnejode: Well, I guess I've got nothing else to try.22:05
tannersummersslart if u mean middle mouse button then no i cant22:05
Joesephnejode: By the way, thanks for the help; it's reassuring, even though I haven't figured anything out yet.22:06
Slarttannersummers: check the "Rotate cube" plugin.. it has bindings for rotating the cube22:06
hagbard__Hey guys.22:06
nejodeJoeseph: grub isn't too hard once you know it... you can try #grub in this same server22:07
aadityaewsubach: i believe that iptables rules should be persistant22:07
ewsubachguntbert: what do you mean exactly?22:07
=== hagbard__ is now known as big_fish
ewsubachaaditya: iptables rules are not persistent. this I know22:07
guntbertewsubach: the place to put such a script is /etc/rc.local, there it will be executed on startup, long before you log into your session22:07
Joesephnejode: I'll go over there and ask for help.  I guess I don't even really have an ubuntu specific problem.22:07
uuvOn ubuntu, how can I make the terminal open links with just one click of mouse left, instead of mouse right -> open link?22:07
aadityaewsubach: then something is wrong with the configuration22:08
ewsubachgunbert: i am aware of system V startup scripts, but I just want to know why it won't work where i have it22:08
aadityaewsubach:  as far as the script is concerned, try executing `sudo /home/ewsubach/.iptables_rules` from the terminal and then as a startup command22:08
tannersummersslart how do i set this up tho? i just wanna hold buttons down to zoom out to cube and move it with mouse22:08
nvznwhy is ngspice not in ubuntu?22:08
guntbertewsubach: I didnt't follow - where do you have it now?22:08
ewsubachaaditya: the command works fine in a terminal, but not when I add it using system -> prefs -> startup apps22:08
ewsubachguntbert: added it using the method in my last post22:09
nejodeJoeseph; my on has 3 HDD's, ide and sata mixed, when he fools around with the disks order or deletes partitions he gets error 15 and 17 all the time22:09
loshernvzn: because it's obscure...22:09
Joesephnejode: Hmmm...... that's interesting.22:09
rjune_I'm trying to get multimedia buttons setup on my tablet, if XEV doesn't see them, is there anything else I can try?22:10
Slarttannersummers: ok.. you've setup 4 horizontal desktops, right?22:10
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nejodeJoeseph: grub error 18 sure is a pain in the....22:10
izunicsnejode, that's expected.. the errors... not what your son does... have him leave them where they are and their boot order in BIOS.. then reinstall grub22:10
elena09Slart; When I leave the room how can I announce that, or insert a bye bye or something?22:10
nvznlosher:  really?  it's in debian testing and unstable, is it complicated to port to ubuntu HH?22:10
aadityaewsubach: try this out then: zenity --info --text="`sudo /home/ewsubach/.iptables_rules`"22:10
tannersummersya it shows on my bar 4 horizontal desktop22:10
guntbertewsubach: which I don't see at the moment, but I guess it is somewhere in "session management", and so that script will only executed when you actually login22:10
guntbert*will only be22:11
Slartelena09: just say "bye bye.. thanks for all the awesome help.. I'll send money" .. there's nothing more advanced about it =)22:11
nvznlosher:  do you know another spice that's better?22:11
aadityaelena09: /part #room-name bye bye22:11
nejodeJoeseph, not necesarily, if stage1 cant find menu.lst you get the same problem22:11
Slarttannersummers: and you've enabled both the Rotate cube and Desktop cube plugins22:11
elena09"bye bye and thanks"22:12
gartralok, my system hust crashed.. hard, nothing was working and the scroll and caps lock keys were flashing on my keyboarb, i cant find a crash entry in the logs though... any ideas?22:12
ewsubachguntbert: correct. (I added it using system -> prefs -> startup apps) i only want it for my user account. it shouldn't matter where it is located...it's just the fact that it needs root privileges22:12
sere84help please: how can i see my sound card configure alsa, oss by default etc?22:12
Slartelena09: bye22:12
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:12
tannersummersslart yes both are enabled,22:12
nvznin general, does debian have more packages than ubuntu by virtue of the fact that it is the distro that ubuntu is based on?22:12
Slarttannersummers: ok.. can you switch desktops by using cltr+alt+left and ctrl+alt+right22:12
jribnvzn: wouldn't it make more sense to conclude ubuntu would have at least as many packages as debian?22:13
sere84anyone know why in 9.04 when playing 2 sound instances like a game and music the sound distarts22:13
loshernvzn: I don't really know. But the more popular packages get ported quickest. I'm guessing there isn't much demand...22:13
ewsubachaaditya: that returned a box with a lit lightbulb and then i pressed okay22:13
joaopintonvzn, in general ubuntu has the same packages as debian, there are a few only introduced on Ubuntu22:13
aadityaewsubach: no text?22:13
ewsubachaaditya: none22:13
tannersummersslart no those keys do nothing for me22:13
aadityaewsubach: your script does not output anything, does it?22:13
guntbertewsubach: no you've made me curious: what would you put into an iptables script that only needs to be executed when you login?22:14
nvznjrib:  I find one that is in debian but not in ubuntu, for instance, so this leads me to suspect the contrary22:14
aadityaewsubach: that command was supposed to display the output of your script..22:14
ewsubachaaditya: only unless an error occurred when trying to add the rules22:14
jrib!timebasedreleases > nvzn22:14
ubottunvzn, please see my private message22:14
aadityaewsubach: btw, i assume that you've gone through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo22:14
jribnvzn: ubuntu takes a snapshot of the debian repository every release22:14
jonjonhi, guys. I have a serious problem: mi pendrive is detected by knoppix, but it cannot be mounted. Need to recover the files inside my pen, so I cannot delete anything. I guess I need to run some kind of recovery-program, I couldn't install anything, 'cause my HD is also damaged. I would really appreciate some help.22:14
Slarttannersummers: ok.. in the compizconfig settings manager.. in the "Rotate cube" plugin settings.. you have bindings for Rotate left, Rotate right etc22:14
nvznjrib:  which release is HH based on?22:15
ewsubachaaditya: look, i'm not a noob, i just need to run it at startup with root priv...I verified it works by doing iptables -S to see that the rules were added in my filter table22:15
aaditya!recover| jonjon22:15
ubottujonjon: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:15
jribnvzn: nvzn HH is the release22:15
* izunics for some reason temporarilly booted into his windows partition to be greated by 100+mg of updates.. tapping foot now for 5 minutes..22:15
nvznjrib:  ie., which debian snapshot22:15
ewsubachaaditya: but when run through startup apps, it does nothing22:15
aadityaewsubach: try using gksu instead of sudo22:16
jribnvzn: from whatever was in debian's development branch when work on HH started22:16
gartralok, my system hust crashed.. hard, nothing was working and the scroll and caps lock keys were flashing on my keyboarb, i cant find a crash entry in the logs though... any ideas?22:16
radenis there a way to benchamark hard drive write & read in linux ?22:16
ewsubachaaditya: i've tried just about every combo there is an it doesn't work. i even tried sleep 15 before it to see if it had to wait to load everything up and still nothing22:16
Rigongiaizunics : you deserved it for booting into Morgoth Bauglir (trad. from high elven "Dark Enemy of the world")  = :P22:16
sTEPPZOR_can someone tell me how to save and restart the iptables? "service iptables save" dont work22:16
ewsubachguntbert: i use different rules for my different accounts and i only want this set for me22:17
Slartgartral: hmm.. the flashing lights mean something.. not sure if it's some kind of code or just a general "oh my <deity>, I'm dying here"22:17
izunicsRigongia, and I had almost lost the dent in my forhead22:17
tannersummersslart how can i unistall and reinstall this? cuase when i go to the system prefrnces , the compiz settings are diffrent then when i edit the settings in termnial by typing ccsm, its like to diff programs :S22:17
RigongiasTEPPZOR_ : there are the commands iptables-save and iptables-restore, so take a look at their respective manpages22:17
aadityaewsubach: i see. have you added NOPASSWD to sudoers?22:17
tannersummers*sudo csm22:17
jonjonubottu, they aren't deleted, the problem is the vfat filesystem has been disconfigured, somehow.22:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:17
Slarttannersummers: never use sudo with a gui program.. always gksudo22:18
aadityaewsubach: in other words, does the sudo command ask for a password?22:18
tannersummersslart s what do i do? unistall reinstall?22:18
Slarttannersummers: I guess "sudo apt-get install --reinstall compizconfig-settings-manager" might do it22:18
izunicsaaditya, yes22:18
forceflowbeen a while since I got updates for jaunty22:18
forceflowis it normal?22:18
nonewmsgsi cannot get sound with dvds since my intrepid upgrade22:18
aadityahi izunics?22:19
ewsubachaaditya: yes it does...thats why I don't think sudo is really working at startup[ because it can't ask for pw. gksu should have worked though22:19
Rigongiajonjon, are you sure the vfat filesystem is not damaged ? you might want to run fsck.vfat on the pendrive device22:19
losherraden: first hit in google reccomends "bonnie++"22:19
Slarttannersummers: also.. what does "which ccsm" return in a terminal?22:19
tannersummersslart whats the package name22:19
izunicsaaditya, yes to sudo asking for a password22:19
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Slarttannersummers: I guess "sudo apt-get install --reinstall compizconfig-settings-manager" might do it22:19
radenlosher, thanks i must have been using a diffrent search string couldnt find that22:19
aadityaewsubach: allow sudo to run this particular command without a password22:19
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:19
guntbertewsubach: ok, its your funeral in the end :-), but what happens if two users are logged in? - for debugging: put a few more lines into your bash script, like echo "now" > ~/now,...22:19
Slarttannersummers: and what does "ccsm --version" tell you?22:20
aadityaizunics: do i know you?22:20
tannersummersslart not sure22:20
gartralSlart: i threyed alt+pntrq+k and it crashed, further issues of the command made my screen roll to the rith a bit each time i issued it, but it never did the soft restart, i had to actually hit the button on the tower22:20
jonjonThanks, RIGONGIA.  I'm gonna try it.22:20
izunicsaaditya, aka.. scunizi.. but I don't know.. you asked a question and I answered.. hopefully in the right context22:20
ewsubachguntbert: don't see why its a funeral, but whatever. that's a good point about 2 users, but the good thing is I am the only one using the system and never two accounts at the same time22:20
nvznjoaopinto: I think that because ubuntu takes snapshots of the dev branch, there are some packages which get introduced after the snapshot into debian that don't make it into ubuntu22:21
tannersummersslart it did not unistall settings are still there'22:21
ewsubachaaditya: ok, now it makes sense.22:21
aadityaewsubach: good22:21
aadityaizunics: lol ok22:21
ewsubachaaditya, guntbert: thank you both so much for your help, this has been bothering me for a while :)22:21
jribnvzn: that's true, however you are comparing a development version to a stable version at that point22:22
guntbertewsubach: no, no funeral - that remark was meant to say: as you have to bear the consequences (even goog ones) you are free to do as you like22:22
nvznjrib: sometimes debian testing is practically stable22:22
loshernvzn: there's a good chance you could just download the code, compile it & run. It looks like it's been ported a few times...22:22
joaopintonvzn, that is expected :)22:22
Slarttannersummers: ok, try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall --purge compizconfig-settings-manager"22:22
joaopintonvzn, "stable" is a formal release definition ;)22:23
DiffyQHey. I just got my computer back after eight months, and now I'm only getting sound through my headphones. This happened when I first installed Ubuntu, but I fixed it. Can anyone suggest anything?22:23
Slartgartral: sounds like a bad crash..22:23
nvznjoaopinto: righto22:23
SlartDiffyQ: check if there isn't a separate volume slider for headphones and speakers22:23
aadityaDiffyQ: which version of Ubuntu?22:24
nvznlosher:  yeah i compiled it but I wonder why its not in the repo's, as it seems to be industry standard22:24
SlartDiffyQ: also check the preferences in the mixer to show hidden sliders22:24
DiffyQSlart: Ha, yes, I've checked. Everything's on.22:24
gartralSlart: i must say, after that though, it came up and hasnt even warned me about anything ((glad i decided to keep ext3)22:24
loshernvzn: does it run?22:24
Slartgartral: =)22:24
nvznlosher:  yeah, np22:24
tannersummersslart nope nothing ill jsut remove it from add/remove programs22:24
DiffyQaaditya: I had Hardy when I got my computer back, but I upgraded to Intrepid. No change.22:24
boss_mcgartral: you realise that ubuntu's ext4 is as reliable as ext in the event of a power failure?22:25
Slarttannersummers: come to think of it.. I don't think the compiz settings are owned by the settings manager22:25
loshernvzn: weird. If there had been a subtle problem that might've explained it. If you really need to know, I think there's a dedicated mailing list...22:25
xxuriahxxhello world22:25
Slarttannersummers: try going to system, preferences, appearance, desktop effects.. select one of the default settings there.. it should reset the settings to that22:25
sTEPPZOR_im still having issues with my ICS on my linux computer. Ive set up the iptables as it says in the tutorial. Ive putte my other computer at and netmask gw: dns but it says it cant reach dns22:25
nvznlosher: which list?22:25
aadityaDiffyQ: upgrading to Jaunty can fix the issue22:25
tannersummersslart im new at thsi so i have no clue what u siad :)22:25
xxuriahxxi need help with 904 sound, i had sound and now i dont22:25
gartralboss_mc: this wasn't a power failure, this was the kernal gave up the ghost and the thing just hung, not even ssh was up, i had to hard reboot22:26
DiffyQaaditya: Really? I suppose I could try it.22:26
aadityaxxuriahxx: where did the sound go?22:26
loshernvzn: poke around on http://sourceforge.net/projects/ngspice/22:26
xxuriahxxi have no idea22:26
boss_mcgartral: still, point stands (that sounds like kernel panic)22:26
DiffyQMy speakers have worked in Ubuntu before. Just not now for some reason.22:26
aadityaDiffyQ: yes, it's a good idea to upgrade anyways22:26
Wang2Kis anyone here a hardware guy?22:26
xxuriahxxi thought it was my speakers but i checked it with my ipod and the speakers are fine22:26
boss_mcgartral: ext4 gets a lot of bad press for reliability22:26
tannersummersslart i unistalled it now how do i reinstall it?22:26
nvznlosher: ah ok, i thought you meant an ubuntu mailing list...22:26
Slarttannersummers: =).. click on system, preferences, appearance.. now go to the "Visual Effects" tab.. there should be 3 settings.. "none", "normal", and "Extra".. selecting one of these will reset the compiz settings22:26
BromaxSuxin ubuntu, what do colons (:) mean in bash script?22:26
Wang2KI am looking for some advice on Ubuntu Server22:26
boss_mcgartral: when it's as reliable and about 10-30% faster22:27
aadityaDiffyQ: moreover you can see if other users on your machine have the same problem. Create a new user account for testing purposes perhaps22:27
loshernvzn: unlikely. since there's no package :-)22:27
ewsubachsTEPPZOR_: what is ICS?22:27
SlartBromaxSux: depends on where they are located22:27
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:27
xxuriahxxi can adjust the settings and stuff but nothing comes out of the laptop speakers anymore22:27
Wang2Kquestion guys.. if you want to run Ubuntu Server 24x722:27
DiffyQxxuriahxx: It sounds like we might have the same problem.22:27
aadityaBromaxSux: they can mean a lot of things..22:27
Wang2Kwould it be worthwile to upgrade to a 80Plus power Supply?22:27
SlartWang2K: is that a question?22:27
gartralboss_mc: main reason for not converting: I have less than 500 megabytes on my drive22:27
Wang2Kor stick with a regular 2-3 year old power supply?22:28
Wang2Kin terms of saving power/costs over 2-3 year lifetime?22:28
xxuriahxxhmm, this is weird22:28
Iceman_BWang2K: it depends on the rest of your hardware22:28
Slart!enter | Wang2K22:28
ubottuWang2K: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:28
sTEPPZOR_ewsubach, Internet connection sharing22:28
rem_Hey, in which folder are the epiphany plugins ?22:28
myselfdoes anyone know how to turn off the the "Search for Plugins" everytime Rhythmbox starts up because it keeps searching for plugins for stuff but not finding them, and it happens every time22:28
losheraaditya: interesting philosophy. In my opinion, upgrading to 9.04 causes more problems than it solves22:28
xxuriahxxit was working when i first installed it and that was a couple of days ago22:28
BromaxSuxaaditya: i see. okay i'll rtfm. thanks22:28
Iceman_Bchoose a power supply that can comfortable supply power to all parts of your system22:28
Wang2KIceman_B: PhenomII 920, 8GB of RAM, 3x SATA 7200RPM HD..22:28
DiffyQlosher: This is what I have heard as well.22:28
rem_I currently have rm associated with totem and want to associate it with realaudio22:28
ganymedehow should i go about mounting NFS as a user, i.e., is there an equivalent of mount.cifs whereby i don't need an entry in fstab to mount NFS as a non-root user?22:28
sTEPPZOR_ive done the tutorial but the client computer cant seem to resolve the DNS22:28
aadityalosher: didn't create problems for me. what problems anyways?22:29
Iceman_BWang2K: hm, I dont know how much power that needs, probaly a lot. what PSU do you have now? and what brand?22:29
Wang2KIceman_B: right, the old one will do that.. but the efficieny isn't as high as the new 80+ PS.. so I'm thinking.. will the cost of a new PS be offset by power savings over 3 years?22:29
DiffyQAt any rate, I don't have time to upgrade at the moment. Is there something quick I should try?22:29
aaditya!nfs | ganymede22:29
ubottuganymede: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.22:29
losheraaditya: sounds, flash, sluggishness, ext4 corruptions, intel incompatibilities, I may have missed a few...22:29
ewsubachsTEPPZOR_: i'm not very experienced with networking, but I'll try to help. so you can't communicate with other computers on the network?22:29
guntbert!ot | Wang2K22:30
ubottuWang2K: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:30
sTEPPZOR_i cant ping the client computer and the client computer can ping the server22:30
tannersummerswat backend do i usewhich22:30
myselfdoes anyone know how to turn off the the "Search for Plugins" everytime Rhythmbox (music player in ubuntu) starts up because it keeps searching for plugins for stuff but not finding them, and it happens every time22:30
sTEPPZOR_but that's ip22:30
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oshriNI NI NI NI22:30
aadityalosher: ext4 is optional. intel incompatibilities can be overridden, sound and flash worked for me without any issue22:30
sTEPPZOR_ewsubach: may i PM you?22:30
Slartoshri: do you have a question?22:31
BodsdaHi, how can I use 'df' to give me a disk space usage directory structure of a mounted ntfs partition? everytime i try it just shows me /dev/sdb1 98%22:31
ewsubachsTEPPZOR_: sure22:31
tannersummers_slart which backend so i use?22:31
djdarkmanhello, is there a color picker panel applet for gnome?22:31
aaditya!ask | oshri22:31
ubottuoshri: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:31
asdfadsfanyone here can help me out with sound?22:31
ganymedeaaditya: you'll note that that document you linked to doesn't answer my question22:31
Slarttannersummers_: backend? what are you talking about?22:31
asdfadsfi have sound blaster 5.1 sound card22:31
DiffyQAll the same, is there something quick that I should try for this? I'm kind of at a loss, and I don't remember how I fixed this a year and a half ago.22:31
Iceman_BI want to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my MSI Wind, but dont want to format my USb stick. Can I just extract the image onto a USB drive and boot from it to install?22:31
xxuriahxxa lot of sound issues here22:31
asdfadsfwhen i go into gnome-sound-properties i get sound22:31
aadityaganymede: possible22:31
Iceman_Bdoes it need any twaking?22:31
losheraaditya: not everyone has been so lucky. I've been watching the fallout on this channel since 9.04 came out.22:32
asdfadsfbut when i go into alsamixer it doesn't say that im using the right sound card22:32
ganymedeaaditya: oops, never mind, it does22:32
tannersummers_in the prefrences it as which backend to use22:32
aadityalosher: i agree22:32
ganymedeaaditya: forgot that i can use sudo, was looking for a way without sudo22:32
tannersummers_the compiz prefrences22:32
agorHey! Im trying to play Texas Hold 'Em on Facebook (made by Zynga) and when I'm in the lobby I cant see the text where the tables or my friends are listed... Im using Firefox and flashplugin-nonfree. Does anyone know how I can fix this?22:32
myselfdoes anyone know how to turn off the the "Search for Plugins" everytime Rhythmbox (music player in ubuntu) starts up because it keeps searching for plugins for stuff but not finding them, and it happens every time22:32
xxuriahxxo i got it22:32
aadityaganymede: without sudo? what are you trying to accomplish?22:33
Slarttannersummers_: what are your options?22:33
xxuriahxxmy pcm was muted, i knew it was something simple since i had sound to begin with22:33
ganymedeaaditya: well i wasn't particularly interested in avoiding sudo, just forgot i can use it for non-admin users22:33
bcsigh, playing dvds still sucks.22:34
aadityamyself: yeah it's annoying. i have the same problem. anyone knows how to disable the rhythmbox plugin search dialog?22:34
Slartbc: you mean it works for you? I can't even get them started22:34
tannersummers_slart GConf or flatfile22:34
Slarttannersummers_: no idea.. pick one22:34
bcSlart: a couple of weeks ago, one I tried played fine. Just now I tried to watch WALL-E and all the chapters were mixed up. No sound in totem, choppy sound in VLC, wouldn't play in mplayer.22:35
tannersummers_hmm still cant gt this22:35
=== miguel is now known as Guest52290
Slartbc: hmm.. on my system I can't even get a commercial DVD started.. no matter how many deccs scripts I install or run22:36
bcSlart: totem will only open it if I use gksudo. VLC will open it without gksudo, but then there's the minor problem of the movie chapters/scenes being in random order.22:37
* bc just LOVES the movie and recording industry.. NOT22:37
tannersummers_slart still nothing wat do ut hink it is?22:38
Slartbc: hrmpf.. well.. perhaps in 9.1022:38
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.22:38
bcSlart: if I were a betting man.. I'd bet not :D Here's hope for 2020!22:39
Slarttannersummers_: did you try clicking one of the three options I told you about?22:39
Slartbc: hehe.. but by then we'll have a loooong list of movies to see =)22:39
tannersummers_slart ya nothing22:39
Slarttannersummers_: nothing happens at all?22:39
* aaditya just figured out why the Ubuntu folks haven't been rolling out any upgrades for past 2 weeks22:40
voraciousThe Atheros WireLess NIC in Acer 5530 was supported in ubuntu, but it is not working now?? How could I fix the problem?22:40
losheraaditya: why?22:40
bcSlart: *fast forward to 2021* "And this here's my DVD playing computer, and over here is where I do everything else -- ain't she a beaut?"22:40
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aadityabc: you still call it a DVD?22:41
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losheraaditya: oh, right...22:41
JNSamuelaaditya: what else do you call it?22:41
aadityaJNSamuel: he's talking of 202122:41
Guest65096 lol22:41
bcaaditya: comedy22:41
tannersummers_slart i think i got it...but it goes to fats it wont stay so i can tell22:41
aadityaJNSamuel: i'd call it a Purple Ray cylinder or something22:41
JNSamuelyou never no, they might have small sd-card like chips that you can store 1tb off22:41
solllyo all22:42
Slarttannersummers_: "goes to fats"?22:42
Slarttannersummers_: oh.. fast. I got it22:42
Slarttannersummers_: what version of ubuntu are you running?22:42
Iceman_Bid there another channel specific for UNR ?22:43
Slarttannersummers_: I'm beginning to think that you're not running compiz at all22:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook22:43
aadityawhat the...!22:43
tannersummers_slart lol im sure im runnign it =]22:43
Iceman_BI guess not :)22:43
losheraaditya: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/spain/5324427/Cocaine-and-LSD-found-in-air-of-Spanish-cities.html22:44
Slarttannersummers_: what does "ps -A | grep -i compiz" return?22:44
Iceman_Bstill, anyone know how to make an bootable USB drive from an extracted image?22:44
bctannersummers_: ps x | grep [c]ompiz.real22:44
aadityalosher: haha nice. the Ubuntu developers must be having a good time there22:44
tannersummers_slart i got it :)22:45
losheraaditya: not sure which is cause & which is effect....22:45
aadityalosher: lol right22:45
myselfdoes anyone know how to turn off the the "Search for Plugins" everytime Rhythmbox (music player in ubuntu) starts up because it keeps searching for plugins for stuff but not finding them, and it happens every time22:45
eternaljoyhello ladies :)22:46
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aaditya!wtf | eternaljoy22:46
ubottueternaljoy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:46
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loshermyself: tried  #rhythmbox on GIMPnet (irc.gimp.org) ?22:46
eternaljoy!ask | aaditya22:46
ubottuaaditya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:46
myselflet me try it!22:46
aaditya!botabuse > eternaljoy22:47
ubottueternaljoy, please see my private message22:47
eternaljoy!botabuse > aaditya22:47
ubottuaaditya, please see my private message22:47
Slartchildren... play nice22:47
aaditya!ops eternaljoy22:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops eternaljoy22:47
axisyshow can I add mod_exec to the proftpd distributed w/ ubuntu?22:47
eternaljoySlart: ok22:47
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:47
Amaranthaaditya: ?22:47
eternaljoyis there a way to use Voip on 9/04?22:47
aadityaAmaranth: need to check eternaljoy22:48
voraciouswhat should be the problem in my wireless so that it is not working, but i think this latest ubuntu supports it22:48
Iceman_Bwhat is needed to make a bootable USB drive? does it require special partitions? or just some special bootable files?22:48
MidnightDevilwhats the best software to watch tv? i have a tv card..22:48
Slarteternaljoy: does skype count as voip? if so, yes22:48
eternaljoyAmaranth: dont worry, he is being a cry baby :P22:48
Iceman_Bdoes a BIOS look for any files in particular during boot?22:48
eternaljoySlart: i need to dial out using my own voip22:48
eternaljoySlart: skype doesnt have that option22:48
Amarantheternaljoy: Please stay on topic for this channel.22:48
losherMidnightDevil: best is subjective. But start with tvtime...22:48
eternaljoyAmaranth: yes understood22:48
Slarteternaljoy: huh? skype doesn't let you make calls to regular phones?22:49
chocobananaDoes anyone know how to set the position for where should notifications appear in Ubuntu 9.04?22:49
Slarteternaljoy: are you sure you are looking for voip software and not something else?22:49
asdfadsfhow do i tell alsamixer to use my sound blaster 5.1 soundcard instead of my onboard soundcard?22:49
eternaljoySlart: not using my own voip company22:49
boss_mcAmaranth: the ubottu factoid !sound needs updating to match 9.04 (double click leads to mute, not mixer prefs)22:50
eternaljoySlart: I need to enter my own voip companies details.  my username etc22:50
linxehekiga ?22:50
Slarteternaljoy: oh.. you've got some other voip provider.. I get it.. you need something like a sip client then I guess22:50
linxeheternaljoy: try ekiga22:50
Slarteternaljoy: ekiga?22:50
eternaljoySlart: maybe theres another name.  SIP ?22:50
boss_mcAmaranth: I'd be willing to help, I'm just not sure how22:50
eternaljoyok ill try ekiga thanks22:50
aaditya!/msg ubottu sip22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msg ubottu sip22:50
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga22:51
guntbertaaditya: try without the !22:51
MidnightDeviltks losher22:51
aadityaguntbert: yeah, that was a typo22:51
MidnightDevilwhat about mythtv?22:51
asdfadsfanyone here can help me with sound?22:52
guntbertaaditya: :)22:52
aaditya!sound | asdfadsf22:52
ubottuasdfadsf: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:52
losherMidnightDevil: mythtv is not just for watching tv. It's a full tivo replacement. I love it, but it can be complex to install/configure22:52
MidnightDevilok :)22:52
MidnightDevilon windblows i use k!tv..22:53
MidnightDevilbut its outdated22:53
billingsworthasdfadsf: is this it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62684822:53
aadityai think i've really pissed off someone lol22:53
asdfadsfi'll giveit a look22:53
sere84when i run quake 3 in 9.04 the sound starts getting choppy i believe its because it uses oss but its never been a problem before anyone have any ideas or somewhere to start looking ?22:53
guntbert!language | aaditya22:53
ubottuaaditya: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:53
aadityathis is a bit off-topic though, but i'll pastebin this private messages in a while22:53
kamusinsomebody has hdmio audio works on ubuntu jaunty, I have an gforce8200 and It's going me crazy , doesn't work22:53
aadityaouch, sorry22:53
losherMidnightDevil: sage tv looked easy to install when I last looked at windows22:53
Slartsere84: try running is with padsp or aoss22:54
sere84slart not sure how ?22:54
asdfadsfset that up already22:54
aadityakamusin: hdmi graphics card have nothing to do with audio22:54
Slartsere84: if you normally start quake by typing "quake" in a terminal.. you know type "aoss quake" or "padsp quake"22:55
Slartsere84: not sure if it will help with the stuttering.. but who knows22:55
NrbelexWhen dual booting openSUSE and Ubuntu, what order should they be installed in so they play nicely on GRUB and can they share a swap partition?22:55
guntbertboss_mc: you can formulate a new/better version for that factoid and submit in in #ubuntu-ops22:55
boss_mcguntbert: gratzie22:55
sere84slart . i had to use it accouple years back but in the latter versions wasnt needed22:55
chamuscasHi guys, I'm trying to install Nvidia drivers, But when i start running the program it says to me that i need to close stop Xserver. How do i do that? Stop running Xserver wouldn't make all the graphics disappear ?22:56
Slartchamuscas: yes.. and that's where you strike =)22:56
aadityachamuscas: what's the complete error message?22:56
Slartchamuscas: if you type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" in a terminal you'll get a plain command line22:56
guntbertboss_mc: yw, always glad to watch while others do the work :-))22:56
kamusinaaditya, are you sure, because I did it with 'other' SO before22:57
joaopintochamuscas, unless you have a strong reason, do not install the driver from the nvidia page, just use the hardware drivers dialog22:57
Mithranchamuscas: Do the ones available through the Hardware Drivers program not work for you?22:57
diffredI need to have compiz running in order to get the terminal wallpaper running? http://maketecheasier.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/terminal-desktop.jpg22:57
chamuscasSlart, oooo, so what do you advise me ? to run ubuntu in safe mode?22:57
Slartchamuscas: from there you log in and run the nvidia installer.. when you're done X will com eback up22:57
sere84slart, i dont have the alsa oss wrapper installed :/..i think that might be it22:57
audiofilfuck you22:57
chamuscasjoaopinto, it's not a strong but neither a weak one :P22:57
Slart!ops | audiofil22:57
ubottuaudiofil: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:57
Slartthanks jussi01_22:57
aadityakamusin: are you talking about a graphics card?22:58
chamuscasMithran, well you know i was hoping that i can use some special effects in my environment, to cheer thing up :P22:58
boss_mcthat was efficient22:58
jonjonI'm running knoppix and my pendrive can't be mounted. If I do "dmesg", it says  "Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sda1." Does anyone know how I can recover the files inside my pen ??22:58
jussi01darthanubis: just ignore it22:58
Priceyjonjon: this is #ubuntu22:58
joaopintochamuscas, you should install the driver using the hardware driver, that is the recommended/tested procedure22:58
khearwhere does firefox save its' cache by default?22:58
chamuscasaaditya, just wait a second i will  check that for you22:58
Slartchamuscas: but try the "hardware drivers" thingy before you go installing using the nvidia installer22:58
diffredI need to have compiz running in order to get the terminal wallpaper running? http://maketecheasier.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/terminal-desktop.jpg22:59
Slartchamuscas: you'll get updates and so on automatically if you stay with the repository version22:59
jonjonwhere should I go, PRICEY ?22:59
chamuscaswait, hardware driver, know I'm lost22:59
sere84chamuscas, what are u trying to do22:59
Mithranchamuscas: Official nvidia drivers are available through the "Hardware Drivers" program. Possibly not the newest ones, but I actually found the 173 ones work best for me so far anyway.22:59
Slartchamuscas: system, administration, hardware drivers22:59
losherjonjon: might have better luck with http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page22:59
darthanubiskhear, a 2 sec google search will clear that right up for you22:59
joaopintokhear, $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache22:59
Priceyjonjon: #knoppix for knoppix support?22:59
kamusinaaditya, yes22:59
chamuscasMithran, cool so where do i get that, or how do i do install them ?22:59
mneptokjonjon: IRC channels devoted to Knoppix23:00
sere84Mithran, do u use tvout23:00
MithranSlart: Thank you for that. Couldn't remember where it was under default window manager.23:00
MithranNo, I don't.23:00
SlartMithran: you're welcome23:00
=== miguel is now known as Guest65866
chamuscasOOH MY GOD THANKS GUYS23:00
MithranHaha. You're welcome.23:00
chamuscasI don't know what to say23:00
kheardarthanubis: just wanted to make sure there's no other secret place it might fall back to, since i'm trying to disable it23:00
Slartchamuscas: much easier =)23:00
khearjoaopinto: thanks23:00
chamuscasSlart, sure it is  ^^23:01
chamuscasjoaopinto, tank you23:01
diffred I need to have compiz running in order to get the terminal wallpaper running? http://maketecheasier.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/terminal-desktop.jpg .23:01
aadityahaha this was from a guy named eternaljoy - http://pastebin.com/d4f70404e23:01
audiofilsuck my dick23:01
Flare183!language | audiofil23:01
ubottuaudiofil: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:01
aaditya!ops | audiofil23:01
ubottuaudiofil: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:01
nonewmsgsi cannot get sound with dvds since my intrepid upgrade23:01
chamuscassere84, tanks for your concern :)23:01
jonjonPricey, it doesn't have to do with Knoppix.23:01
sere84chamuscas, np23:02
mneptokjonjon: you are using Knoppix, not Ubuntu. thus, your question is inappropriate here.23:02
guntbertjonjon: but neither with ubuntu, has it?23:02
chamuscasBy the way, my "computer generaly start's biping. When i restart, turn of, or when I'm clearing text and I don't have no more thing to clear it bip while I'm pressing the backscape Key23:03
chamuscasAny clues, the sounds obviously comes from the box23:03
aadityachamuscas: reduce the beep volume?23:03
chamuscasThe Hardware part23:03
sere84i miss 8.0423:04
chamuscasaaditya, well that maybe a good solution but you see my laptop doesn't do that sound23:04
aadityachamuscas: do you want that sound?23:04
Slartchamuscas: system, preferences, sound.. second tab ... "play alert sound"23:04
loshersere84: it's on long term support. I'm still on 8.04. No reason you can't do the same...23:04
chamuscasaaditya, nop :P23:04
Slartchamuscas: uncheck that box23:05
chamuscaswait let me see23:05
jonjonit happened the same to me  in Ubuntu (6.06 Dapper Drake), until it stopped working. That's why I use Knoppix, but I've also used an Ubuntu live-cd and it's the same problem.23:05
aadityachamuscas: unplug the speaker's wire inside the box ;)23:05
stevejciao a tt23:05
Slartchamuscas: for some reason I have to "sound" choices in system, preferences.. the second one was the one I wanted23:05
chamuscasYou people are on fire today23:05
sere84losher how long? i thought only tell 201023:06
chamuscasaaditya, tanks for all the tips but Slart's one was just what i was looking for :p23:06
aadityachamuscas: cool23:06
chamuscasaaditya, realy is that a speaker inside the computer :p ??23:06
Knyteaccidently removed polling from dvd.. stumped on how to get it back..23:06
audiofil6suck my penis23:06
aadityachamuscas: of course!23:06
PixelsHow to install KeePass on Ubuntu pls?23:06
chamuscasSlart, tank you23:07
aaditya!ops | audiofil623:07
ubottuaudiofil6: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:07
chamuscasaaditya, also tank you23:07
aadityachamuscas: no problem :)23:07
Pixelsaaditya: settle down dude!!  not your job23:07
loshersere84: 3 years for desktop, 5 for server. But that isn't the point. The point is, it will last until the next LTS. No need to run something like 9.04 that isn't really ready for prime-time...23:07
chamuscasaaditya, never thought on that XD23:07
Slartchamuscas: you're welcome23:07
aadityaPixels: what do you mean?23:07
Pixelsanyone installed keepass on Ubuntu?23:08
chamuscasI'm enjoying this more and more. I'm realy realy happy :)23:08
sere84losher, i agree i dont like it ...wasnt for sure how all that works23:08
Pixelsaaditya: you are not an OP here, so stop acting like you are.23:08
chamuscasHas i don't have more problems to solve neither other questions to take care, I will be on my way. Ba BY ppl23:08
aadityaPixels: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=keepass%20ubuntu23:09
SlartPixels: if he was an op he wouldn't need to use the !ops trigger.. afaik this is what it's for23:09
Pixelsso keepass isnt in the ubuntu repos?23:09
joaopintoPixels, keepassx is available from the repositories23:09
aaditya!info keepassx23:10
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (jaunty), package size 672 kB, installed size 1768 kB23:10
Pixelsjoaopinto: thanks ;)  so I just apt-get install keepassx ?23:10
sere84Pixels, keepass isnt secure i wouldnt use it23:10
joaopintoPixels, yes23:10
Pixelssere84: what???23:10
Knyteany info on how to remove .fdi created after i accidently removed polling on mr dvd burner23:10
joaopintosere84, hum ?23:10
mneptokPixels: i AM an op here, and use of the !ops trigger is encouraged when there are problems.23:10
mneptokaaditya: thanks for the heads-up23:10
Pixelssere84: since when isnt keepass secure??? please explain bexause I store all my sensitive data in keepass23:10
Pixelsmneptok: ok23:10
aadityamneptok: no problem ;)23:11
sere84Pixels, joaopinto, the database can be crackes pretty easily23:11
TerrorsathanGot a problem ===> Ubuntu 9.04 connects with packet loss. Can't access most websites, only google, gmail and a few others; Im also unable to download any updates. Help please.23:11
Pixelsit seems to me that aaditya is the ops puppet who brings the ops a apple :P  but i will stay on topic now :)23:11
hlfshelli am trying to mount a possibly damaged hard drive to determine if it is really damaged. i am trying to use the mount command but am not sure how to use it. can someone help me determine if the hard drive is broken or let me know how to properly work mount?23:11
Pixelssere84: what are you saying??23:11
aadityaTerrorsathan: did you try a different network adapter?23:12
loshersere84: you shouldn't make a claim like that about keepass without some form of corroboration. Reference please?23:12
Pixelssere84> Pixels, joaopinto, the database can be crackes pretty easily <-- any proof for this?  and what other program you recommend that cannot be cracked?23:12
aadityaTerrorsathan: it could very well be a hardware problem23:12
joaopintosere84, keepassx uses the same encryption algorithms as many other tools/services, it is just as crackable as them, the password quality is always a matter of concern23:12
Pixelssere84: i will send you a keepass databse...  you crack it "easily" and tell me what the first entry said.. ok deal?23:12
sere84Pixels, i would just use a notepad and encrypt it with gpg23:12
Terrorsathanaaditya: How's so? My connection is via direct cable, not DSL modem. eth0 and auto ethernet are working here23:13
sere84losher, the fact that i can crack is enough :x23:13
Terrorsathanyet with no results.23:13
aadityaPixels: it's about keeping this room clean and friendly. nothing personal; strictly personal23:13
Some_PersonHow can I combine 2 completely separate networks with 2 separate ISPs for increased speed without rebooting?23:13
Tobahow can I install https://launchpad.net/usb-creator/ on a non-ubuntu linux install?23:13
aadityastrictly business :\23:13
Pixelssere84: you have made some bold claims... now I will challenge you to back it up.. after all you said "the database can be crackes pretty easily"....  i will send you a keepass databse...  you crack it "easily" and tell me what the first entry said.. ok deal?23:13
* losher thinks the natives are restless this afternoon...23:13
aadityaTerrorsathan: i had the exact same problem. which network adapter are you using?23:14
Pixelssere84: your repution will be watched by everyone here now... where can I send you the databse so you can crack it easily23:14
graelinOk.. so now I feel like a total moron.. but lets run this by the channel. Would a cdrom slaved on an IDE controller not play nice sometimes if the master HD on the same controller was having issues, or are data xferrs isolated on the cable?23:14
Terrorsathanaaditya: you mean network card?23:14
TerrorsathanI suck at comp language.23:14
aadityaTerrorsathan: yes, network card. sorry for that23:14
sere84Pixels, i have nothing to prove man...just trying to help but hey do what you what....google my friend23:14
Pixelssere84: dont give me any more words or links.. prove it.... crack my database23:14
Slartgraelin: I'm guessing that having a master with problems could affect a slave.. yes23:15
Knyte... wow23:15
Pixelssere84: as I thought.. you were not willing to bnackup your words because you are full of SH&^ lol23:15
Terrorsathanaaditya: no prob. Can't remember well but some fellow told me it kinda sucks.23:15
sere84Pixels, ok im lieing use it....idiot23:15
Pixelssere84: come on dude... you said "...."you crack it "easily"....  so prove it.. or be exxposed as a fake23:16
Some_PersonHow can I combine 2 completely separate networks with 2 separate ISPs for increased speed?23:16
ubottuPixels,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:16
aadityaBTW, Pixels was eternaljoy.23:16
SlartPixels: have a look at !coc and !attitude .. there's no need for name calling23:16
Pixelssere84: you publically said keepass databse can be "cracked easily".. so I wiling to send you mine so you can tell me the first entry to prove your words.. but now you refuse, get defensive and abusive... you are a fake dude23:16
losherfor what it's worth, a quick google search does not turn up any known security vulnerabilities reported for keepass23:17
sere84Pixels, i dont want to but i can be done end of story...if u dont believe me then w/e i could care less just trying to help....im not going to go out of my way to prove my self to someone23:17
Pixelssere84: and now everyone knows it :)23:17
graelinHmm.. I seem to remember this HD having funky issues before.. most likely power cuz I thwacked it around a bit (in the cables area anyway) and it would behave after that.. but it sucks being out another 50 bucks.. and using a sata slot for a dvdr... just moronic23:17
Terrorsathanaaditya: its a SiS 191 Ethernet Controller23:17
KnyteUsed this command sudo hal-disable-polling --device /dev/dvd1 --enable-polling but left off the --enable polling by accident.. it wrote this file media-check-disable-storage_model_DVD_RAM_GSA_H55L.fdi and now my dvd isn't seen nor can I delete that file.. any ideas?23:17
Terrorsathanaaditya: Im also using a router with it. its a D-Link 52423:18
Pixelssere84:  you publically said keepass databse can be "cracked easily".. so I wiling to send you mine so you can tell me the first entry to prove your words.. but now you refuse, get defensive and abusive... you are a fake dude23:18
Slart!ot | Pixels23:18
ubottuPixels: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:18
aadityaTerrorsathan: that network card is onboard i believe. try a PCI network card, like linksys - available on craigslist for $523:18
graelinok.. so here's a quick off topic deal... would a 40GB drive be ok for a windows install and the new upcoming Starcraft2 and a few other games?23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atitude23:18
Flare183!attitude | Pixels23:19
ubottuPixels: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:19
joaopintograelin, ask on ##windows23:19
aaditya!ops | Pixels23:19
Flare183!ot | graelin (sorry rules)23:19
ubottuPixels: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:19
ubottugraelin (sorry rules): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:19
chuck_Flare183,  thank you23:19
sere84Pixels, your right ...im a fraud....keep on using it... stephans84@gmail.com send me your .db23:19
Terrorsathanaaditya: That's right, it's onboard. Thanks for the assist, I'm getting a PCI one then.23:19
Flare183chuck_: Your welcome.23:19
reqonOMG i just brought my 4 yr old son a 42LCD screen for his birthday23:19
=== Dr_Willi2_Arch is now known as Dr_Willis
aadityaTerrorsathan: good luck23:19
Terrorsathanaaditya: Danke ;)23:20
aadityaTerrorsathan: bitte :P23:20
graelinHeh.. ok.. anyone want to speculate on Starcraft2's ability to be run under wine when it comes out?23:20
losherreqon: I wish you were *my* daddy...23:20
henuxhey i am having serious problems with ubuntu 9.04 qtcreator install23:20
Slartgraelin: I hear the people in #winehq are really interested in that *hint* *hint* ;)23:20
henuxanyone else using it?23:20
* graelin ducks as he's redirected to #wine23:20
Slartgraelin: but as with most other new games.. it will probably not run23:21
henuxqtcreator seems to avoid all the docs and pressing the "Getting Started" does NOTHING23:21
sere84Pixels, just google it im done23:21
Pixelssere84: i sent it to you.. now crack it "easily"23:21
joaopintosere84, if you are aware of a security issue with the keeppassx, please report it on launchpad, if your concern is just about the encryption safety itself, feel free to do a better suggestion, using a text editor with gpg encryption/decryption for everytime you need a password, is not usable, and not safer either23:22
=== Dr_Willi2_Arch is now known as Dr_Willis
graelinyummy! multicore encoding with grip kicks ***23:23
KnyteI used this command "sudo hal-disable-polling --device /dev/dvd1 --enable-polling" but left off the "--enable polling" by accident.. it wrote this file media-check-disable-storage_model_DVD_RAM_GSA_H55L.fdi and now my dvd isn't seen nor can I delete that file.. any ideas to get my dvd back to being seen?23:23
ninjafuryhey guys, I just installed the proprietary nvidia driver on jaunty 64, and now suspend/resume doesn't work on my laptop. They did with the vesa driver. How do i fix this?23:24
Pixelsjoaopinto: well said... im still waiting for him to crack the databae I sent him23:24
losherKnyte: can't you just reissue the command like so: "sudo hal-disable-polling --device /dev/dvd1 --enable-polling"23:24
SlartKnyte: tried running sudo hal-disable-polling --enable-polling ?23:25
ninjafurycan anyone help? Because I couldn't find anything on google.23:25
ariqsI want to run my wifi card as an access point, how would I go about that?23:26
sere84joaopinto, i came across some .db crackers pretty easily that could crack the .db...i wouldnt use it23:26
Pixelssere84: we are waiting.. did you crack my databse yet? :)23:26
chuck_Pixels,  Can you let it go23:26
KnyteIosher: I get this with that command "Following symlink from /dev/dvd1 to /dev/sr0. Cannot find storage device /dev/dvd1."23:27
SlartKnyte: or possibly run the entire command again.. the whole thing23:27
sere84Pixels,u never sent it23:27
ninjafuryariqs, click on network manager in the status bar, and select 'crete wireless connection'23:27
superfirelord42Anyone know what would cause this error? e100: 0000:01:02.0: can't derive routing for PCI INT A23:27
KnyteSlart: that didn't work.. gave me a how to use this command list23:27
Pixelssere84: check in 5 secs.. i resent it23:27
SlartKnyte: what happens if you run the entire command as you wrote it?23:28
Pixelssere84: its a brand new database... inside the keepass databse there is a WORD!  tell me what that word is and prove you can crack keepass "easily"23:28
SlartKnyte: oh.. I see now.. it can't find /dev/dvd1  ... hmm..23:28
Knytewhen I run the entire command I get the following: "Following symlink from /dev/dvd1 to /dev/sr0. Cannot find storage device /dev/dvd1."23:28
SlartKnyte: perhaps /dev/dvd1 isn't the "real" name of the device.. tried using /dev/sr0 instead?23:29
ariqsninjafury, network manager?23:29
Pixelssere84 has quit ("Leaving") <--- LOL!  he ran because he couldnt crack my keepass databse lol23:30
unop_Pixels, off topic.23:30
PiciPixels: Stop23:30
KnyteSlart: same respone as before23:31
ariqsI want to run my wifi card as an access point, how would I go about that?23:31
Pixelsi just find it hilarous. he claims keepass can be cracked easily. then I challenge him to prove it.. and he runs off... jut funny thats all... but i wont talk about it anymore, sorry guys/gals23:31
KnyteI wold love to be able to get rid of the fdi file it created.. but i can't.. says I am not the owner of it.. lol23:32
SlartKnyte: ok, I've run the same command you did.. and now I get the same error.. now let's see what we can do about it23:33
KnyteSlqart: I tried to delete the file it created but it won't let me.. root is the owner but I can't access the login23:34
eseven73too quiet in here, so ill break the ice; Does the app sbackup depend on GNOME?23:36
nejodeeseven73: I used it in kubuntu... no prob23:37
SlartKnyte: I don't think you should delete the file.. it should be deleted automatically23:38
eseven73nejode, ok I was just fearing that it won't work in Fluxbox23:38
dingleberry_the only thing in my update manger for a week is ntpdate23:38
nejodeeseven73: it'll pull some gtk libraries of course23:38
SlartKnyte: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/35839023:38
Pixelswhats the command to install PGP?23:39
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts23:39
eseven73nejode, hmmmm well, those are already installed, I installed fluxbox AFTER GNOME so I should be ok I think :D23:39
losherSlart: Knyte: good catch, Slart! That looks like it...23:40
the1corruptedHello everyone.  My sound drivers seem to be malfunctioning.  How do I reinstall them?23:40
Pixelsi installed ubuntu using the encryption method in alternative install.. does that encrypt my whole ubuntu partition?23:40
Slartlosher, Knyte: the good news is that a reboot will fix it.. so it's at least not permanent23:41
losherdingleberry_: everyone's off at a conference in Barcelona23:41
the1corruptedHello everyone.  My sound drivers seem to be malfunctioning.  How do I reinstall them?23:43
merlin2049erhow do i get unrar to work23:44
merlin2049eri downloaded unrar-full23:44
ariqsI want to run my wifi card as an access point, how would I go about that?23:44
freedumManI've been on 8.04 for a long time and just today did a in place upgrade to 8.10 and now to 9.04 Wow im so happy with the upgrades23:44
Seeker`I am getting this error with my Hauppauge Nova-T 500, which claims it is unable to obtain a channel lock: "i2c read/write failed", along with [ 1529.788799] dvb-usb: error while stopping stream.23:44
PixelsfreedumMan: what in particular do you like?23:44
Slart!rar | merlin2049er23:44
ubottumerlin2049er: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:44
danielrmtmerlin2049er: use the default archive manager23:45
merlin2049eri do use the default archive manager23:45
freedumManhonestly the speed for one, the battery length on laptop has increased, the wifi connection manager is better, the built in VPN for work...gezz i cant stop thinking23:45
Knytethanks for the info.. going to reboot.. brb23:45
merlin2049erit won't extract them23:45
gimpyhi! i have a problem to install the second dvd of world of warcraft burning crusade on ubuntu 9.04... it wont let me copy the file on my hard-drive; here is the post where it eplain what i did up to now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7378791#post737879123:45
EnissayI would like to create a user account on which the user has access to two applications only of my choice -vlc & firefoxfor example-, I created then an unprivileged account, but he has access to many applications ... how to avoid him accessing to them but ones i choose for him?23:45
freedumManmerlin2049er, apt-get install unrar23:45
Darkchefhey, i dont know if you guys can help me , im trying to set up LAMP on ubuntu desktop 9.04 so i can practise php coding and i cannot get it to work correctly23:45
danielrmtmerlin2049er: once you installed unrar, it will be able to extract rar files23:45
SlartKnyte: check the link posted above.. seems this is a known bug23:45
RHorsemerlin2049er latest v of unrar?23:46
KnyteI see that.. ugh23:46
basixDoes anybody know if there is a work around or fix for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/32570623:46
AnArrayfulOfPerlcan't get unjornaled HFS+ volume mounted23:46
merlin2049erarg how do i change my sudo password23:46
Slartmerlin2049er: command line or in gnome?23:47
jribmerlin2049er: change your user's password as they are the same23:47
Slartmerlin2049er: system, preferences, about me23:47
Darkchefhey, i dont know if you guys can help me , im trying to set up LAMP on ubuntu desktop 9.04 so i can practise php coding and i cannot get it to work correctly, i found an apt-get line on the net that should work , the apache server seems to work but there is no info.pjp to indicate that php is working23:47
freedumManPixels, The only complaint but not one to stand on is the interface when using dark themes still hard to read things on a dark theme23:47
Slartmerlin2049er: there is a "change password" button23:47
merlin2049erfor su23:47
jrib!lamp > Darkchef23:47
ubottuDarkchef, please see my private message23:47
Slart!root | merlin2049er23:47
ubottumerlin2049er: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:47
merlin2049erdont u need to be su for running apt get23:47
freedumManDarkchef, what kind of issue you having?23:48
jribmerlin2049er: no, you use sudo23:48
Slartmerlin2049er: nope.. just use sudo... "sudo apt-get install awesomestuff"23:48
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv423:48
jribAnArrayfulOfPerl: do you have a question about ubuntu?23:48
danielrmtDarkchef: have you installed libapache2-mod-php5  ?23:48
AnArrayfulOfPerli can't get a unjornaled HFS+ volume mounted read-write23:48
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:48
gimpydoes someone know how to install world of warcraft burning crusade with wine... even with the tutorial i have a issue... could you see me in private please23:48
freedumManDarkchef, you can also use apache friends and extract to one directory23:48
freedumMangimpy, you need wine23:49
Picigimpy: You'll probably find better help by asking in #winehq23:49
Slartgimpy: try asking in #winehq.. it's the official support channel for wine23:49
merlin2049erok i think i added unrar23:49
Darkchefi have ran this so far "sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-mysql"23:49
freedumManDarkchef, ok and whats the issue23:49
DarkcheffreedumMan : well apache seems to be working but i cant see evidence of php working, i read it was meant to have an info.php displaying information23:50
gimpythe problem is not wine ... i install the first DVD with wine ... work perfectly but now i need to copy the dvd of burning crusade on my hard drive and it dont let me23:50
merlin2049eryup it worked23:50
danielrmtDarkchef: echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' | sudo tee /var/www/info.php23:50
AnArrayfulOfPerli can't get a unjornaled HFS+ volume mounted read-write23:50
geniiAnArrayfulOfPerl: packages hfsplus, hfsprogs, and hfsutils need to be installed. You will also need the hfs kernel module loaded23:50
freedumManDarkchef, so is it displaying text instead?23:50
Classicanyone running frostwire in jaunty?23:50
freedumManDarkchef, if so then its not loading php modules in apache23:50
jdsandesonWhy is it that lenny will run on an older machine but jaunty will not?23:50
danielrmtDarkchef: you have to create the phpinfo file if you want to test23:51
DarkcheffreedumMan : yeah it looks like it isnt loading23:51
Darkchefdanielrmt : dan@dan-laptop:~$ echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' | sudo tee /var/www/info.php23:51
Darkchef<?php phpinfo(); ?>23:51
Darkchefit doesnt work23:51
Mithranjdsandeson: What machine, and what do you mean by won't run?23:51
geniiAnArrayfulOfPerl: For regular hfs, the module is named hfs. For hfs+ the module is named hfsplus23:51
unop_jdsandeson, different operating systems have different minimum requirements23:52
Classici have a startup problem with frostwire23:52
freedumManDarkchef, do you have ?   SetHandler application/x-httpd-php   and LoadModule php5_module        modules/libphp5.so in your httpd.conf23:52
elli222Hello, i have a funny problem involving sound. Sound playback works fine, and i have a microphone attached to the -back- of my PC. Playback from that works fine, but i cant seem to capture, unless i plug it into the -front- mic socket...23:52
freedumManDarkchef, im on battery power only 25 minutes left  :(23:52
DarkcheffreedumMan : where can i find this, im like a noob for linux, tried to get it working in xp but it was a joke23:53
freedumManDarkchef, cat /etc/httpd/httpd.conf23:53
PiciDarkchef: A simple: sudo a2enmod php5   then a  sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart    *should* do the trick23:53
Darkchefwell not a linux noob23:53
AnArrayfulOfPerlhow do i mount HFS+ read-write?23:53
elli222!info alsa23:53
ubottuPackage alsa does not exist in jaunty23:53
freedumManDarkchef, try Pici suggestion23:53
wes_how is it going23:53
* freedumMan I compile all my stuff 23:53
wes_I'm on Kubuntu :)23:54
ariqsI want to run my wifi card as an access point, how would I go about that?23:54
wes_On Virtual Box23:54
DarkcheffreedumMan : "Module php5 already enabled" i guess it was working then :/23:54
kora-chan1heya after a reboot my sound suddenly disappeared, i didnt change anything in my soundsettings b4 reboot. im using jaunty and alsa. alsastuff is running and master/pcm are enabled/loud. tried different applpications (amarok2/exaile/firefox/mplayer) but i cant get sound out of my speakers,... where would be a point to start with debugging this issue?23:54
fatfaceIn nautilus there is a "compact mode" which ellipsizes the names of files a bit too short for m taste, is there a way to make the columns bigger, or fit the maximum width of the filename?23:54
danielrmtDarkchef: I thought so. the phpinfo is not created when you install apache/php23:54
freedumManDarkchef, hmm module is loaded but i bet its not using a handler for the files23:55
Darkchefdanielrmt : how do i get this then ?23:55
AnArrayfulOfPerlhow do i mount HFS+ read-write?23:55
=== dooglus_ is now known as dooglus
DarkcheffreedumMan : i havent a clue man, seems a struggle to get it working23:55
l403hello, I burt a kubuntu JJ CD but live seems to start in a odd resolution that I cant see the whole screen. can I force the xserver to run in a different resolution?23:55
danielrmtDarkchef: create a /var/www/info.php file with <?php phpinfo();?>23:55
freedumManDarkchef, SetHandler application/x-httpd-php needs to be in your httpd.conf file sounds like23:55
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:55
elli222kora-chan1, try sudo alsamixer in a terminal....23:55
ubottufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:56
freedumMandanielrmt, he has it wont work its not rendering the php files23:56
Classic!frostwire more23:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about frostwire more23:56
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:56
freedumManDarkchef, type in gedit23:56
boss_mcAnArrayfulOfPerl: didn't genii answer your Q?23:56
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/23:56
theBishopwhat's the best, fastest way to capture DV tape in Linux?23:56
doogluswhat do I need to get mplayer to be able to play back .flv files downloaded from youtube.com?23:56
freedumManDarkchef, browse to /etc/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf  i forget which one ubuntu uses for apache through apt-get23:56
Classicany java experts here?23:57
freedumManDarkchef, look for the set handler line like i wrote23:57
PiciClassic: installing or progamming?23:57
DarkcheffreedumMan : ok hang on23:57
ClassicPici, installing23:57
freedumManDarkchef, i can't i got 20 minutes on battery power23:57
Pici!java | Classic have you read these23:57
ubottuClassic have you read these: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:57
Pokahey, im on Ubuntu 9.04, but cant connect to my wireless, i can see the net and type key (wep) but it just asks for key again... can anyone help?23:57
elli222!alsa more23:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsa more23:57
kora-chan1elli222: i turned everything up in alsamixer, there seems to be no problem23:58
Classicah, never mind, all had to happen is to install freakin frostwire from terminal..... not by dbl click23:58
chaos2fucan i delete everything in the var-directory?23:58
Classicthanks Pici23:58
freedumManDarkchef, sometime today sir23:59
erUSULchaos2fu: no23:59
DarkcheffreedumMan : this is strange i cant find either locations in etc23:59
freedumMando a "sudo updatedb"23:59
freedumManthen do "locate httpd.conf"23:59
ariqsI'm in over my head wanting to setup a wireless access point in ubuntu. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint doesn't explain enough for me. Does anyone have a better source for suggestion? or patience to answer a lot of questions? ;p23:59
PicifreedumMan: its in /etc/apache2/23:59

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