
SiDiHey people00:41
SiDido you think it is worth the pain to have an app allowing to browse through an historical of notifications ? Just a GUI parsing the .cache/notify-osd.log file ?00:42
GreySimI think it would be, yes.00:44
GreySimI know I would use it. Not often, but I would.00:45
ccookeAn idle moment of thought brought me this question: Would it ever be useful or interesting to be able to trigger an action when a notification matching certain parameters arrives?11:06
ccookeI mean, in many ways what's actually being *implemented* here is a human-computer event interface :-)11:07
SiDiif an action should be done automatically, the application sending the notification could manage it more accurately11:16
SiDiif the action is meant to be triggered by the user after he read the notification : 1) its not compulsory and we shouldnt disturb him more by adding an action to the notification11:16
SiDi2) its compulsory and he should have a dialog with a compulsory action instead of a notification11:17
ccookeI'm thinking more user-defined or cross-package things11:19
SiDiah for user defined, i wish it was there, indeed ^_^11:21
SiDibut i think it wont happen. Canonical is right when they say notifications should have no actions. It's a bad design, and they dont want to introduce it again, imo11:21
ccookeA couple of random examples being, say: An app that can run a command whenever a certain string appears in an IM message11:22
ccookeOr a fun one: When battery is critical, copy some important files to a backup11:23
ccookebasically, I'm wondering if it's useful for package A to be able to say: Whenever a message matching <stuff> arrives, I want to be triggered so I can do <things>. 11:24
ccooke(Oh, and how was UDS?)11:28
SiDigreat :)12:00
SiDiccooke, i think Dbus / DCOP / gconf are more adaptated for this kind of usage12:00
SiDiand having the app sending the message which you want to exploit be aware that package A wants to do this or that helps making sure for the app devs that its a wanted behaviour12:01
SiDiand if they do it the proper IPC way they can throw it more efficiently and not relay on libnotify12:01
ccookein which case, are messages repeated onto dbus?12:26
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