
nixternalhey, whats up with KDE 4.3 Beta 1 mucking up the plasma panel llke it does?01:02
lex79JontheEchidna: plasma-widget-droptoimageshack is in queue since 13 May, is normal?03:13
JontheEchidnalex79: everybody's away at UDS, so it's not normal but it is also expected03:15
* ScottK waves.03:28
ScottKIs back from UDS and already left on his next trip ...03:28
vorianjoin facebook thingy03:29
ScottKThat's mean I'd have to actually care about my facebook account?03:36
* ScottK has one, but only because it's a requirement for the kids to have facebook that they friend us.03:36
nixternalhey, we are ubuntu, we are free...JOIN FACEBOOK!07:46
Tm_Tnixternal: ER?!07:46
nixternalpeople wanting you to join facebook for ubuntu, and now ubuntu developers07:46
nixternalya, like I need more virtual friends07:46
Tm_Tnixternal: yes, you have me, so you have all you need07:46
nixternalexactly, thank you :)07:47
Tm_Tyou're my pawn, muhahahahahahaha!07:47
* Tm_T hides07:47
nixternalhey now07:47
nixternalthe love was ok, but pawning me took it to far ;p07:47
* Tm_T huggles nixternal07:47
nixternaljust finished catching up on "The Hills" on MTV07:47
nixternalI am such a loser07:47
nixternalbut I am addicted to that show07:47
Tm_Tglad I have no idea what you're talking about07:48
nixternalI thought everyone knew what the hills was, guess not...now that is what I call deprived :p07:50
Tm_Tnixternal: well, I don't watch MTV or other that kind of channels in the first place (;)07:52
nixternalI didn't either, but my x-girlfriend got me freakin' addicted07:52
nixternalbefore the hills it was leguna beach...god I am a loser07:52
Tm_Tnixternal: come here so we can fix you07:52
Tm_Twe have to save you from yourself07:53
nixternalholy shit, what was rgreening and sebas thinking with barbie world? that right there is enough to make me quit KDE ;p07:56
nixternallook at the planet07:56
nixternalat least I do Ice Ice Baby07:56
Tm_Twhich planet?07:57
Tm_Toh, Ubuntu07:57
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Tm_Tapachelogger is gone ):10:21
sebasnixternal: ssth, don't spread it even more :D11:19
Riddellug, /me has deadly UDS plauge11:29
Riddellfreeflying: how do you mean check your mail alias?11:29
RiddellTm_T: gone where?11:31
Tm_Twell not in channel11:33
Tm_Twanted to discuss about jingle11:33
freeflyingRiddell: can't get any mail been sent to zhengpeng-hou  AT kubuntu.org11:37
Riddellfreeflying: you didn't renew your membership of kubuntu-members "Expired on 2009-04-12"11:40
* Nightrose reads http://drowninginbugs.blogspot.com/2009/06/action-items-from-uds-barcelona.html about pulseaudio and shudders11:57
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
shtylmanRiddell: ...so it finally got ya eh?12:15
Riddellshtylman: mm, it certaily did12:28
Riddellshtylman: get home ok?12:28
shtylmanRiddell: yep :) ... watched movies the whole flight back12:28
shtylmanhttp://boredandblogging.tv/2009/05/31/uds-karmic-kdekubuntu/ <--- needs serious censoring12:34
rgreeningQuintasan: ping12:50
* ryanakca caught the plague too :/12:50
* rgreening has too12:50
rgreeninghacking big green globs rather thna code is not fun12:51
jussi01great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts and me without my spoon....12:53
jussi01sorry... rgreening just reminded me of that cub scout song...12:53
rgreeningpbuild uds-plague && scp uds-plague* jussi01:.12:54
rgreeningQuintasan: kdewebdev-kde4 - can you re-do for Karmic instead of Jaunty :)12:56
rgreeningping when you have it and I'll upload right away Quintasan12:57
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Nightrosergreening: ScottK told us to tell you he has got your jacket13:10
Nightroseand he'll get it to you when he gets back from his business trip13:10
rgreeningI knew I left it as soon as I got on th eplane :(13:11
rgreeningty ScottK :)13:11
rgreeningI was much too drunk to be packing13:12
Nightrosergreening: btw the PA stuff in http://boredandblogging.tv/2009/05/31/uds-karmic-kdekubuntu/ makes me sob13:13
* Nightrose really really hopes we do not use PA in kubuntu anytime soon unless it massively improves13:13
rgreening:P) that wa ssoooo fun13:15
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: One more time we gonna celebrate | Karmic: http://tinyurl.com/n2to8u | Sync/Merges: http://tinyurl.com/korm9e | Be careful whilst packaging | Transitions: http://tinyurl.com/m68bne and http://tinyurl.com/lcgnjp | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | rgreening == BARBIE_GIRL
rgreeninghey agateau, have you recovered from the Karoke trauma :)13:20
agateaurgreening: i am fine, but I am wondering about the audience :)13:21
rgreeningBARBIE_GIRL looks 9 mo pregneant13:21
rgreeningNightrose: you missed a lot of fun13:22
Nightrosergreening: *g* looks like I did yea13:23
rgreeningThe kde/kubuntu team kicked a$$ all around :)13:24
Nightrosevery good! :D13:24
JontheEchidnaNew queue sorta got behind during UDS, lol13:27
ubottuDebian bug 530725 in kshutdown "kshutdown: Uses private, unstable packaging functions" [Serious,Closed]13:29
JontheEchidnalooks like we need to use kde.mk from pkg-kde-tools for universe KDE packages instead of debian-qt-kde.mk13:30
rgreeningryanakca: ping13:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: yeah, we should be using kde.mk for anything other than main KDE modules13:35
Riddellas far as I understand it13:35
JontheEchidnaI'll fire a mail off to -devel then, since everybody (me included) seems to be using debian-qt-kde.mk13:36
rgreeningthat would be useful to know for sure :)13:38
freeflyingRiddell: so, I'd rejoin kubuntu-member?13:38
Riddellfreeflying: yes13:39
Riddellanyone looked at amarok 2.1?13:40
Tm_TRiddell: other than running it?13:43
JontheEchidnaRiddell: _Groo was working on packages13:43
JontheEchidnaiirc he just needed sponsorship from a core-dev13:44
Riddellhe's a new guy?13:45
* Nightrose wonders who gave him amarok as a starter13:45
Nightrosethat's like not a good package to start with ;-)13:46
Tm_TNightrose: well, if he masterst it rightaway, he did pass our little test then, roight?13:46
Nightrosewell from his comments here I am not convinced ;-)13:46
Riddellanyone looked at the new kdevelop beta?13:48
JontheEchidnathat kdevelop transition during UDS was the new beta I think13:53
rgreeningScottK: ping...14:00
ryanakcargreening: pong14:07
ryanakcargreening: today is a catch-up-on-a-week-of-homework day, but what can I do for you?14:08
Quintasanrgreening: I srlsy did that for Jaunty?14:12
rgreeningryanakca: hey. in your package, you forgot to update the maintainer field. for qtscriptgenerator.14:15
rgreeningQuintasan: the kdewebdev-kde4 you provided to me was for jaunty... needs ot be for karmic...14:15
Quintasanoh god, such a failure14:15
Quintasanrgreening: you still have the debdiff? I don't remeber the build deps14:16
rgreeninglol... happens to all of us...14:16
rgreening1 sec Quintasan14:16
rgreeningQuintasan:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/185675/14:17
rgreeningQuintasan: it should be on 4.2.8514:18
rgreeningin karmic14:18
Tm_T1631.49 < allen_kdab> Friendly Reminder: KDE4.3beta2 tagging in the next day or 2.14:32
* Tm_T is spreading panic14:33
* Quintasan rages14:33
ryanakcargreening: Are you looking at some old debdiff or at the bzr branch? lp:~kubuntu-members/qtscriptgenerator/ubuntu14:34
rgreeningryanakca: I was working from the last debdiff I had from you. If the bzr branch different?14:35
ryanakcargreening: Yes14:35
rgreeningso, I should look at the bzr14:35
jussi01hrm... alt+f2 doesnt seem to work here... yay for me...14:37
rgreeningryanakca: ok. will do.14:39
JontheEchidnargreening: kdewebdev-kde4 was moved to kdewebdev15:04
QuintasanJontheEchidna: that means I'm doing it wrong?15:04
QuintasanI hate it15:04
JontheEchidnasomebody forgot to file a removal request for kdewebdev-kde415:05
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ^If you could take care of that using your archive admin skillz15:05
Quintasankk, I will get karmic tar and fix if15:05
rgreeningJontheEchidna: can you help Quintasan with this... I am going to be preoccupied for a bit..15:05
rgreeningif needed :)15:05
JontheEchidnaI don't think the phonon transition applies to the kdewebdev package (the phonon build-dep was probably dropped in the merge)15:07
Quintasanchecking won't hurt, I think :P15:08
JontheEchidnaI did :P15:08
JontheEchidnajust remove that I don't think part then I guess15:08
RiddellJontheEchidna: done15:09
QuintasanJontheEchidna: yup, but still it needs libxml1-dev15:09
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: libxlst-dev should pull that in15:09
JontheEchidnaexcept that libxlst-dev doesn't exist :/ It's libxlst1-dev15:09
JontheEchidnaso something still needs fixed ^_^15:09
JontheEchidnaer, libxslt for all that I said, typo on my part15:10
Quintasanyup, it depends on xml15:10
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks15:11
Quintasannow it should work15:14
JontheEchidnaSo was the decision at UDS to replace koffice1 with koffice2? I have to do a koffice2 rebuild for a new upstream release of opengtl, and it'd be efficient to merge at the same time.15:16
JontheEchidnaI see that the replacement is in the Todo15:16
JontheEchidnaI also see that vorian is down to do that, so I suppose I'll just merge and keep it as k*-kde4 packages15:19
Tonio_hi there15:29
Tonio_k3b/policykit-kde fixed in karmic15:29
RiddellTonio_: journey back ok?15:30
Tonio_I still have to patch for update-notifier packages installation15:30
Tonio_Riddell: yeah, except I'm really tired :)15:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: upstream don't want us to put koffice 2 in main15:30
seeleis there a wiki page with all of the karmic specs yet?15:30
Tm_TRiddell: in Karmic ?15:30
RiddellKubuntuKarmicSpecs but I need to tidy it up15:31
RiddellTm_T: right, 2.0 isn't ready for users they say15:31
Tm_TRiddell: not planned to be ready in 9.10 even?15:31
Tonio_Riddell: I'll write my 2 specs toonight15:33
Quintasanrgreening: http://pastebin.com/f4cbbca8915:34
Quintasanrgreening: fixed15:34
RiddellTm_T: well 2.0 isn't ready they say and 2.1 won't be out until after october15:43
Riddellalthough krita may be an exception15:43
RiddellTonio_: smb sharing and usb creator?15:44
Tonio_I'll also spend a couple of days improving our default settings... we lack so many things...15:44
Tonio_Riddell: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/netbook/15:47
Tm_TRiddell: roger roger15:47
Tonio_Riddell: plasma-mid receives updates at the time, which is pretty cool :)15:47
Tm_TTonio_: indeed, though not yet usable I hear15:48
Tonio_anyone to review frescobaldi on revu please ?15:48
Tonio_Tm_T: nope, but it'll be :)15:48
Tonio_Tm_T: netbook is my big task of this cycle15:48
* shtylman making good progress on qt4/kde4 port of openoffice :)15:48
Tm_TTonio_: aye, as I'm kicking marts butt15:48
Tm_TTonio_: ok, you kick him too15:48
Tonio_Tm_T: there are quite a lot of people taking care of the work I used to do before, so I'll handle something else :)15:48
Tonio_shtylman: finalli fixed your problem of the UDS ?15:49
Tonio_shtylman: I knew that a couple of days break would help you :)15:49
* Riddell high fives shtylman 15:49
shtylmanTonio_: nope..just taking an entirely different approach :) currently migrating all the widget drawing code...and in the process hope to delete like 5000 lines of redundant old code...also...latest kdevelop is amazing!15:50
Tonio_shtylman: hehehe15:51
* ryanakca => reinstall jaunty15:52
Tonio_Riddell: what about your kopete-facebook thing ?15:53
Tonio_Riddell: is this requiring external packaging or is it part of kopete's trunk ?15:53
Tonio_smarter: on va pouvoir commencer dolphin-share pour info ma poule :)15:53
Tonio_smarter: I'm writing the spec toonight15:53
Tonio_smarter: I see to major things to do in there15:54
Tonio_smarter: 1/ act as a net usershare frontend, which seems quite easy15:54
smartermais je passe mon bac dans 3 semaines, donc je serais pas super actif :]15:54
Tonio_smarter: and patch dolphin so that shared folders appear as share15:54
Tonio_smarter: get your diploma first :)  it is not a hudge job and we have time15:55
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Tonio_smarter: the target is karmic -> october15:55
* Tonio_ wishes good luck to smarter15:55
smarterand remove/replace the systemsettings "sharing" module?15:55
smarterthanks :)15:55
Tonio_smarter: no kcm module in fact, we'll drop this and just integrate the dolphin stuff15:56
Tonio_smarter: I'll write the full spec toonight15:56
Tonio_smarter: atm I wonder if we should release an external tarball or not.... we'll see :)15:56
Tonio_smarter: not having to patch kdenetwork first might make the dev easier, and then we can merge when it's done15:57
RiddellTonio_: it's external (for KDE 4.3)16:01
Tonio_Riddell: kk, have you done the package ? I can work on that if interested :)16:02
seelesebas: are you on the ayatana list? if you aren't you probably should be. all they talk about atm is notifications16:04
RiddellTonio_: it's on revu16:04
Tonio_Riddell: ok I'll revu it then16:04
RiddellTonio_: kopete-facebook and qjson16:04
seeleTonio_: btw.. i'll be in paris september 21st for a few days.. we should hang out!16:05
RiddellTonio_: feel free to upload if you recon it's good enough16:05
seeleand london later that week for anyone there16:05
Tonio_Riddell: sure16:05
Tonio_Riddell: I'll have to repack first, since there is no copying informations in the sources16:07
Tonio_hey seele :) we missed you this weel !16:08
seeleTonio_: i know.. i feel like i missed out on everything by not going :(16:08
Tonio_seele: there will be other uds btw :)16:08
Tonio_seele: get married first, this seems more important from the real life perspective :)16:09
macoguys, is printing all borked in kubuntu karmic?16:09
RiddellTonio_: right, I asked duncan to add that upstream, please check he put it into git16:09
Riddellmaco: I managed to print off my flight stuff before UDS16:09
macoyeah and i managed to print last night...16:10
macolast night, after upgrade, i printed to my networked printer16:10
macotoday, i cannot print to company networked printer16:10
Tonio_Riddell: he didn't16:10
macosystemsettings printer thingy just yells python errors at me :-/16:11
Tonio_Riddell: I'll do repacking this and send him an email with the diff16:11
Riddellmaco: try installing the python qt dbus package16:12
maco"the service Printer Configuration does not provide an interface KCModule with keyword system-config-printer-kde/system-config-printer-kde.py The factory does not support creating comonents of the specified type"16:12
macoand python-qt4-dbus is installed16:13
macoas is  system-config-printer-kde16:13
Tonio_Riddell: any specific reason you used include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/cdbs/kde.mk for kopete-facebook ?16:15
Riddellmeh, I'll look into that when I get a moment then maco (you can use system-config-printer-gnome in the mean time if you want)16:16
Tonio_Riddell: that was to avoid using quilt and use simple-atchsys ?16:16
RiddellTonio_: it builds the package?16:16
Tonio_Riddell: didn't try the build yet ;)16:16
Tonio_Riddell: just wondering why this and not /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk16:17
Tonio_as this seems to be our "standard" to call it like this16:17
JontheEchidnaTonio_: see my mail to -devel about debian-qt-kde.mk16:17
Tonio_JontheEchidna: don't tell me this has changed again.....16:17
Tonio_on the other hand, if that allows me to get rid of quilt, I'll go for it instantly16:18
Tonio_JontheEchidna: when was it ? you send to many emails there :)16:22
Tonio_JontheEchidna: ok got it16:23
Tonio_JontheEchidna: fine with me, especially since I can now use cdbs patch system and get rid of the nasty quilt :)16:23
Tonio_hi sabdfl16:24
Tonio_JontheEchidna: on the other hand, I hope it'll be the last packaging policy change in this cycle...16:24
Tonio_JontheEchidna: it's kinda boring to fix packages with each uploads...16:24
Tonio_hi agateau_ :)16:24
agateau_Tonio_: my internet access is not reliable today :/16:25
Tonio_agateau_: free ?16:26
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
agateauusually works fine, just not today16:26
Tonio_agateau: I have numericable, which is a lot better than anything else I used before :)16:27
Tonio_agateau: but that just because I have optical fiber here16:27
agateauTonio_: numericable is not available in my village16:27
Tonio_my upload rate is about 450 KB/s :)16:27
* agateau has a 512/64 kbps adsl line :'(16:28
agateauerr 512/12816:28
Tonio_agateau: ouch...16:29
Tonio_mine is about 60 MB/5 MB16:29
* JontheEchidna has a 180 kbps (1.5 mbps)/ 30 kbps16:29
Tonio_agateau: paris isn't fine for everything but for this at least, that's pretty cool :)16:29
agateauTonio_: i guess so, but I prefer to have a garden :)16:30
agateauand i can't afford a garden in Paris16:30
Tonio_agateau: enfoiré :)16:30
* agateau lives in a 1000 people village, with horses in the neighbour garden16:31
* JontheEchidna wonders how to reset KDE file associations16:31
Tonio_JontheEchidna: delete .local/share/* desktop files16:32
JontheEchidnaThe defaults button is greyed ou in the kcm16:32
JontheEchidnaoh, thanks16:32
Tonio_JontheEchidna: delete .local/share/mime desktop files16:32
Tonio_JontheEchidna: sorry16:32
Tonio_JontheEchidna: those aren't stored in profilerc anymore16:32
Tonio_JontheEchidna: delete .local/share/applications desktop files too16:33
Tonio_JontheEchidna: and run kbuildsycoca416:33
Tonio_of course :)16:33
Tonio_talking about that, that reminds me I have this firefox extensions for kde associations to finish too...16:34
Tonio_Riddell: kopete-facebook also has lots of files missing licence.... I'll fix all of that16:39
JontheEchidnaoh, that's one thing I forgot in my note on revu note but I did notice that when I saw it on thursday16:41
Tonio_Riddell: do you plan to get facebook-kopete in main and installed by default ?16:44
Tonio_sebas: who is the right guy to contact for plasma-mid ? Marco Martin or Aaron ?16:49
RiddellTonio_: yes I'd like to16:50
Tonio_Riddell: ok16:50
RiddellTonio_: notmart and morpheus16:50
Tonio_Riddell: the first is marci and the second is ?16:51
Riddellsomeone else who said he'd work on it16:51
Tonio_Riddell: kk16:51
Tonio_Riddell: hum, were did you pick libqjson-dev ? doesn't seem to be in the archives :)16:52
Tonio_ok that's on revu too... revuing16:52
Tonio_Riddell: I just uploaded qjson.... I uploaded twice in order to fix debian/control and linqjson-dev.install17:06
Tonio_Riddell: if you go through NEW, take care at revuing the second upload17:07
smarterTonio_: what's qjson? (apart from a JSON parser :p)17:08
Tonio_smarter: library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects17:10
smarterand what uses that?17:11
Tonio_Riddell: kopete-facebook uploaded17:11
Riddellsmarter: ^^ does17:12
smarterok ;)17:12
Riddell1/18368  that's a big New queue17:13
Tonio_Riddell: ouch...17:14
RiddellTonio_: did you remove the "Some files are generated by Bison" stuff from qjson debian/copyright?17:14
* Tonio_ will spend a couple of days on kds before forking for mid17:14
Tonio_Riddell: hum nope17:14
Tonio_Riddell: I trusted you in this :)17:15
Tonio_Riddell: we have a problem with kde 4.2 -> 4.3 transition17:15
Tonio_Riddell: plasma config files have been splitted and renamed...17:16
Tonio_Riddell: so we need to fix kds, but the big issue is that people will have problems with their own settings -> lost17:16
RiddellTonio_: what's the problem?17:16
Tonio_Riddell: I don't know how to handle this in the packagig side, except from fixing within startkde and a bit of bash :/17:16
Riddellk-d-s doesn't have much in its plasma-appletsrc file17:16
Tonio_Riddell: plasmarc renamed to plasma-desktoprc17:17
Riddellwe don't have that in k-d-s17:17
Tonio_Riddell: well when I uploaded my all config was lost17:17
Tonio_Riddell: and plasma-appletsrc is now plasma-desktop-appletsrc17:18
Tonio_Riddell: we should rename the files through startkde I guess17:18
Riddellor through kconfig update17:19
Tonio_Riddell: I'm not used to kconfig... how would you do that ?17:20
Tonio_Riddell: just start the binary and it'll fix this ?17:20
Tonio_Riddell: tried to remove plasma-desktop*rc files and run kconf-update17:24
Tonio_Riddell: my old rc files didn't got renamed...17:24
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I saw you commented on a forum about that... any idea how to not break people's plasma without renaming through startkde ?17:26
Tonio_Riddell: wouldn't you like this in : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=92234 ?17:38
Tonio_Riddell: I like it ;)17:38
Tonio_hum looks like kwwii prefers to keep the default kde one :)17:39
macoTonio_, oh i like it too17:41
Tonio_maco: same with me :) sounds a good "respects kde oxygen" and also brands kubuntu a little bit17:42
Tonio_maco: but it's like our policy is to keep the default :/17:42
Tonio_maco: I'll try my best to convince them, then ;)17:43
Tonio_Riddell: saw you rejected qjson, should I fix or will you do the debian/copyright fix ?17:45
RiddellTonio_: that's the old one17:49
RiddellTonio_: muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/copyright17:50
Riddellplease replace with that and upload17:50
Tonio_Riddell: sure17:53
Tonio_Riddell: done17:54
Tonio_Riddell: should we go for kaffaeine to replace dragon player right now ? I'd go for it immediatly, on my side...17:56
Tonio_Riddell: also kaffeine should be promoted to mail (as kaffeine kde3 was, this shouldn't be an issue)18:02
jussi01Riddell: who was it doing the amarok 2.1 packages? and where can I find them, if you know?18:02
* apachelogger does not think we should switch to Kaffeine at all18:03
Tonio_apachelogger: hum, why ?18:03
apacheloggernot unless they completely rework the whole interface18:03
Tonio_apachelogger: have you tested the latest kaffeine ?18:03
Tonio_apachelogger: it's great18:03
Tonio_apachelogger: please do :)18:03
apacheloggerhave been told it is all the same non-usable thing :P18:04
apacheloggerTonio_: where to get package?18:04
Tonio_apachelogger: tabs on the left are back, fyi18:04
Tonio_apachelogger: my ppa, and also karmic18:04
Tonio_apachelogger: as for amarok, yes18:04
apacheloggerfor amarok they made sense18:04
apacheloggerfor kaffeine they never did18:04
apacheloggerwhy are start and playback not one thingy?18:06
Tm_Ttabs are Kool!18:07
Tonio_apachelogger: why wouldn't that make sense ?18:07
apacheloggerand why would I need a playlist unless I am watching loads of short porns18:07
Tonio_apachelogger: when you have a playlist, and dvd player ?18:07
Tonio_apachelogger: that's my concern18:07
* Nightrose hugs kaffeine18:08
Tonio_apachelogger: for a couple KB more, we have a dvd player and a playlist18:08
apacheloggerso why is it shown all the time?18:08
Tonio_same for me18:08
Tonio_apachelogger: also having the same kind of UI for both the audio and video player makes it consistent imho18:08
Nightrosedragon not being a single-instance app is my main petpeeve with it18:08
apacheloggeranother problem18:08
Tonio_apachelogger: I personally use dragonplayer18:08
Nightrosenot being able to skip in a video with the keyboard is the other18:08
apacheloggerkaffeine ain't a video player18:08
Nightrosethat really s*cks18:08
apacheloggerkaffeine is a media player18:08
Tonio_apachelogger: but I think kaffeine is a better default choice imho18:08
apacheloggerTonio_: why is that?18:09
apacheloggerit is doing too many things at once18:09
apacheloggerwith cluttered interface18:09
Tonio_apachelogger: dvd player by default for everyone18:09
Tonio_apachelogger: playlist18:09
apacheloggerand way too many features18:09
Tonio_apachelogger: better support for subtitles18:09
Tonio_apachelogger: and READS AUDIO CDS :)18:10
neversfeldeDVB-T in kaffeine rocks18:10
Tonio_apachelogger: which amarok can't do18:10
apacheloggerthat is the problem18:10
apacheloggerit is a media player18:10
apacheloggernot a video player18:10
Tonio_apachelogger: and ?18:10
apacheloggerif we would go with kaffeine amarok shoudl go18:10
Tonio_so we have a media player18:10
Tonio_and an advanced audio player with collection18:10
apacheloggerit even clashes with the one-app per use case policy18:10
Tonio_apachelogger: we patch kaffeine not to handle audio files by default not to conflict with amarok18:11
Tonio_apachelogger: not the same functionnality18:11
apacheloggerTonio_: so what is consistent about using kaffeine for audio cds and amarok for any other audio stuff?18:11
Tonio_apachelogger: amarok is there to handle a collection18:11
Tonio_apachelogger: it is not a file per file or cd player18:11
JontheEchidnaTonio_: I don't recall commenting on that on a forum, but fwiw my settings didnt' get lost when I upgraded to 4.3 beta118:11
Nightroseapachelogger: dragon can play audio files as well...18:11
Tonio_apachelogger: it's an collection oriented audio player18:11
Tonio_which kaffeine isn't18:11
Tonio_JontheEchidna: hum... well there was your name, but as long as it worked for you... it's fine :)18:12
apacheloggerI think we shoudl push dragon player's development along18:12
Tonio_apachelogger: had amarok an audiocd function I woldn't say this18:12
Nightroseapachelogger: not gonna happen soon imho18:12
* JontheEchidna goes back to his posts to see how bad his memory was :P18:12
apacheloggerso reimplement auido cd support in amarok18:12
NightroseTonio_: coming with 2.218:12
Tonio_apachelogger: feel free to recode the all dvd-t to dragon, but that's unlukelly to happen18:12
apacheloggerNightrose: well, not if we go with a less fitted application anyway18:12
apacheloggerTonio_: dvd-t?18:13
Tonio_apachelogger: when users wan't dvd, then they install kaffeine18:13
apacheloggerwhy do they?18:13
Tonio_and then they get a real app duplication18:13
apacheloggerwhich average user got dvb-t on his pc18:13
Tonio_apachelogger: which average user want's subtitles ? and a playlist ?18:13
* Nightrose wants a playlist tbh18:14
Nightroseand proper skiping in a video18:14
Tonio_Nightrose: agree18:14
Tonio_apachelogger: also our hardy users know kaffeine, and they'll find it when upgrading to next lts,which makes sense for me18:14
JontheEchidnaoh: http://forum.kde.org/why-are-there-two-plasma-config-files-t-32239.html18:15
Tonio_JontheEchidna: that was it ;)18:15
apacheloggerour hardy users also use the KDE 3 menu18:15
apacheloggerso we should switch the app launcher to classic18:15
apacheloggerfeels more natural for them18:15
Tonio_apachelogger: why not ? :)18:15
Tonio_apachelogger: seriously, we just have to consider the *default* choice18:15
Tonio_not ours18:15
apacheloggeryeah, that is what I am saying18:15
apacheloggerkaffeine is a bad default18:16
Tonio_tell me of one advantage to dragonplayer ?18:16
apacheloggertoo advanced use case18:16
Tonio_too advanced ? you haven't even test it !18:16
apacheloggerI am running it right now18:16
Tonio_it is really more simple than the kde3, and just does what it's meant to :)18:16
apacheloggerlooking at rendering buts in the start tab18:16
apacheloggerit is meant to do 4 different things18:17
apacheloggerplay audio, video, dvd and dvb-t18:17
Tonio_apachelogger: also with it I can record streaming and so on18:17
Tonio_apachelogger: as you notice the icon says "play audio cd"18:17
Tonio_not "play audio"18:17
Tonio_and that makes the all difference18:17
apacheloggerwhich user does record streams18:17
Tonio_apachelogger: I wan't people to have a choice when inserting an audio cd18:17
apacheloggerplus that doesnt work most of the time anyway18:17
Tonio_apachelogger: currently, it's the super simple feature we don't handle18:18
apacheloggerso add kscd to the CD18:18
Tonio_apachelogger: to many options is irrelevant imho18:18
Tonio_apachelogger: people are used to WMP and VLC18:18
apacheloggerso they will install vlc18:18
Tonio_apachelogger: and most kubuntu users I know are now using VLC, since they consider dragonplayer inconsistent18:18
apacheloggeror use kaffeine for all their needs18:18
Tonio_lack of subtitles support is a pain, really18:19
apacheloggerso go fix it18:19
Tonio_apachelogger: so go install kaffeine :)18:19
Tonio_apachelogger: another simple fix too18:19
apacheloggerand you don't get subtitle support accross phonon18:19
Tonio_apachelogger: fix it is irrelevant to me, I'm not a coder18:19
Tonio_apachelogger: but I can integrate another app that feet our need18:20
Tonio_as long as the app rock18:20
Tonio_apachelogger: I'm okay to rediscuss this in a meeting18:20
Tonio_apachelogger: but in the UDS, kaffeine received a general consensus18:20
Tonio_apachelogger: on the mid iso, I'll probably puh dragon btw18:20
Nightroseno subtitles in dragon?18:21
larsivihow stable/unstable is karmic compared to sucky intel drivers in jaunty?18:21
Tonio_Nightrose: never worked for me18:21
* apachelogger notes that this applies to _video files_ with srt files18:21
Tonio_Nightrose: supposedly handled by phonon, I know...18:21
apacheloggersubtitles from DVDs or any sensible format embedd that stuff18:21
Tonio_apachelogger: dvd management is also a lot better with kaffeine imho18:22
apacheloggerwhat is there to manage?18:22
Tonio_apachelogger: the dvd menus18:22
apacheloggerI insert that thing and want to watch a movie18:22
NightroseTonio_: do you have a kaffeine package for jaunty for me?18:22
Tonio_apachelogger: and I prefer kaffeine menu structure for that18:22
Nightrosefor kde 4.2.318:22
Tonio_Nightrose: on my ppa18:22
apacheloggerTonio_: what are you doing in a menu?18:22
apacheloggerseriously if I need a menu to watch a dvd I aint gonna watch it at all18:22
Tonio_Nightrose: https://edge.launchpad.net/~tonio/+archive/ppa18:23
Tonio_Nightrose: not the very latest though18:23
Tonio_apachelogger: as I said, we can rediscuss this in a meeting18:23
Nightroseapachelogger: there are dvds without menu? ;-)18:23
Tonio_apachelogger: this discussion will end up nowhere18:23
Tonio_apachelogger: I love kaffeine and you don't, period :)18:23
Tonio_apachelogger: but I'll respect the council general consensus or vote18:24
apacheloggerNightrose: the usual dvd workflow: insert dvd - player loads dvd - player sends locale - dvd got jump right ahead feature if locale is provided - movie starts right away18:24
* Tonio_ note we should patch kaffeine and dragon nfor codec installation18:24
Tonio_apachelogger: switch language ?18:24
apacheloggerwe should patch phonon18:24
Tonio_apachelogger: not everyone speaks english right18:24
neversfeldeturn on subtitles18:25
apacheloggerTonio_: the locale ought to be locale18:25
Tonio_apachelogger: I may want to see it in french or english with french subtitles18:25
apacheloggerthat is why it is called locale18:25
Tonio_apachelogger: I may decide depending the dvd18:25
apacheloggerTonio_: those are advanced use cases18:25
Tonio_apachelogger: mouarf, no not at all18:25
apacheloggerand even then users are used to just use the dvd builtin menu18:25
Tonio_apachelogger: those are standards choices for non english speaking people18:25
Tonio_apachelogger: I generally switch the language depending what I'm looking at18:26
Tonio_apachelogger: most people do that, believe me18:26
apacheloggermost people I know don't speak another language well enough to switch to it18:26
Tonio_apachelogger: but might want to improve it18:26
Tonio_with subtitles18:26
apacheloggernor would they care to improve their skills by watching it in that language18:26
Tonio_and listening to it18:26
Tonio_apachelogger: you are american, and that makes your "another language" different from the rest of the world18:27
Tonio_apachelogger: with all my respect, I strongly beleive this is true18:28
* JontheEchidna thought he was austrian18:28
apacheloggervery much so18:28
Tonio_JontheEchidna: hum yes, sorry :)18:28
Tonio_hehe, I'm tired ;)18:28
JontheEchidnaTonio_: oh, btw, would you like me to send over what I have for k3b 1.66 alpha2?18:28
Tonio_apachelogger: anyway, in non english speaking countries, this vision is very different18:28
JontheEchidnamaybe I should make a bzr branch18:29
Tonio_everyone I know tends to watch tv or dvd shows in different languages18:29
Tonio_generally native or english18:29
Tonio_JontheEchidna: yes we should18:29
apacheloggereveryone I know does watch any kind of stuff in german18:29
JontheEchidnaok, I'll get on that then18:29
Tonio_apachelogger: and I beg your pardon for calling you american my friend :) I'm just lazy and tired18:29
apacheloggerassuming it is available in german, otherwise they don't watch it at all18:29
Tonio_apachelogger: as I said, none of us will convince the other18:30
apacheloggermost likely it will not even get on the market because there isn't much demand for that18:30
Tonio_apachelogger: you see no point in using kaffeine when I've been a true lover of it for years18:30
apacheloggerI see the point18:30
Tonio_apachelogger: let's submit this in a meeting, as for the konversation/quassel debate :)18:30
larsiviI watch films in english with norwegian subtitles, even if norwegian speech is available (typically only kids movies though :P)18:30
apacheloggerI just don't think it is a good enough one to make it default again18:30
larsiviquassel sucks18:31
apacheloggerlarsivi: you can't take anyone in here as an example ;-)18:31
larsivitotally unusable for me :)18:31
Tonio_as Nightrose mentionned, dragonplayer sucks at keyboard shortcuts anyway18:31
apacheloggerfix it then18:31
Tonio_larsivi: I really prefer konversation18:31
apacheloggeror push someone into fixing it18:31
Nightroseapachelogger: i tried that18:31
JontheEchidnakonversation ftw18:32
neversfeldeapachelogger: many users are waiting for the return of kaffeine18:32
JontheEchidnaQuassel's ok though18:32
Tonio_larsivi: on the other side, we have a strong relationship with quassel upstream, it'd be sad to loose this by switching18:32
neversfeldeI read several threads about that in the last few weeks18:32
Tonio_apachelogger: so your point is to fix the crap app instead of using the polished one ?18:32
Tonio_apachelogger: I could say the same :)18:32
Tonio_apachelogger: if you don't like kaffeine -> fix it18:32
Nightroseanother really broken thing in dragon: it _never_ start with the right size18:33
Tonio_apachelogger: s/polished/feature complete/18:33
apacheloggerok, just at the start page18:33
Nightroseit start like 20 x20 pixles here most of the time18:33
apacheloggerthere is a button for file, audio, video, dvd and tv18:33
larsivianyway, is karmic anywhere usable? and if yes, will it relatively stay that way?18:33
Tonio_apachelogger: start page as a UI bug, true, the only bug in the app I noticed so far18:33
apacheloggerwhy would I need a button to play audio cd, video cd or dvd?18:33
Tonio_apachelogger: and believe me, I'll fix that18:33
apacheloggerTonio_: so is the playlist18:33
apacheloggermenubar -> playlist18:33
* larsivi watches dvd's on the hifi dvd player :P18:33
apacheloggerwhat exact context does that have for videos?18:33
apacheloggerexcept for the short-pron use case I mentioned earlier18:34
Nightroseapachelogger: watching a season of a tv series18:34
apacheloggerthen again you might not want to loop through that :D18:34
Nightroseor two movies in a row on the coutch18:34
Tonio_apachelogger: you don't see the point is having a menubar for the playlist ?18:34
Nightrosei don't wanna get up between that18:34
Tonio_apachelogger: you consider we should drag/drop from dolphin ?18:34
apacheloggerNightrose: so from that point of view, how many average users would have those stuff as files?18:34
apacheloggerTonio_: no18:35
apacheloggeropen that menu item18:35
Nightroseapachelogger: al lot ;-)  from downloading it from torrents18:35
apacheloggerwhat is in there doesn't make sense18:35
apacheloggerthat is why kaffeine is too much a media player to be a video player18:35
apacheloggerNightrose: wile the average user knows how to do that?18:35
Nightroseuhmmm yes?18:35
apacheloggerdo a case study then18:36
Tonio_apachelogger: but people are *used*"to media players, in the real world18:36
Nightroseyou underestimate the average filesharer ;-)18:36
apacheloggergo to a bar and ask the first dude you meet how he would download that stuff18:36
Tonio_apachelogger: most of them use winamp, wmp, itunes and so on18:36
apacheloggerNightrose: I did say the average user18:36
Tonio_apachelogger: if I could I'd merge kaffeine and amarok18:36
apacheloggeryou have to do that in order to use that argument18:36
Nightroseapachelogger: result will be similar18:36
NightroseTonio_: can you start a wiki page with pro's and con's for each?18:37
Nightrosei'll add some as well then18:37
JontheEchidnaTonio_: once bzr munches on things k3b will be here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/k3b/ubuntu18:37
Tonio_Nightrose: no need for a wikipage I think18:37
Tonio_Nightrose: get a vote in the next meeting18:37
Tonio_JontheEchidna: super18:38
Nightrosewell imho it would be good to know the pros and cons of each then18:38
Nightrosesome people might not use either of the apps regularly to know their faults18:38
Tonio_Nightrose: that's the purpose of a debate+vote no ?18:38
Nightrosehehe that'll just end like this here18:38
Tonio_Nightrose: except for a vote ;)18:39
Tonio_get the people to vote and get teh consensus :)18:39
Tonio_apachelogger: but afaik, we shipped kaffeine for 3 years, and I never saw any complaints it was too complicated18:39
Tonio_apachelogger: also, when I proposed to switch to codeine (ancerstors of kaffeine), the all world kicked my ass :)18:40
Tonio_ancestor of dragonplayer, sorry18:40
apacheloggerTonio_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kaffeine18:40
rgreeningNCommander: ping18:40
Tonio_apachelogger: 90% of the issues are due to kaffeine-kde3 over kde4 -> broken ioslaves18:41
Tonio_apachelogger: I already checked that page18:41
Tonio_apachelogger: "Kaffeine cannot find xine_part.desktop" is the very best example18:42
apacheloggerforward/back do not work reliably18:42
Tonio_apachelogger: that's why there are so many issues numbered 2XXXXX18:42
apacheloggerkaffeine doesn't show controls if i use gstreamer library18:42
Tonio_apachelogger: is it time to revu it completly to convince me ?18:42
Tonio_apachelogger: it is alpha status, receives lots of fixes right now18:42
Tonio_and we have 5 month to decide :)18:42
apacheloggerfixes for regressions18:43
apacheloggerI am quite sure kaffeine will fall apart again18:43
apacheloggerjust like the KDE 3 version did18:43
apacheloggerand no-one cared18:43
apacheloggerno one from kubuntu anyway18:43
Tonio_apachelogger: hu ????18:43
Tonio_I cared, but we had no other alternative18:44
Tonio_apachelogger: and the point it got unmaintained was kde4 in the wait18:44
apacheloggerthe fact that I had to go somewhat-shoot the codec installer patch looping after months of it being known doesn't really help with my opinion of kaffeine18:44
Tonio_apachelogger: we have another proper way to do it now18:44
Tonio_apachelogger: nothing to do with the app itself, really18:44
apacheloggerthat does not change the fact that no one cared18:45
Tonio_apachelogger: and the team grown up considerably since then :)18:45
Tonio_apachelogger: it nobody cares of kaffeine, nobody would care dragonplayer18:45
Tonio_apachelogger: that's our issue, nothing to do with the default app choice18:45
Tonio_apachelogger: you hate it, that's all :)18:46
apacheloggerwho exactly triaged the kaffeine bugs?18:46
Tonio_apachelogger: I love it, that's also true18:46
Tonio_apachelogger: nobody triaged *anything* by that time18:46
apacheloggerright, that is why we have a pretty good picture of the issues in that app18:46
Tonio_another example ? ;)18:47
apacheloggerk3b does a lot more stuff than kaffeine, doesn't it?18:47
apacheloggergo take a vote at the meeting18:47
Tonio_hum... it has a lot more bugs declared too18:47
Tonio_JontheEchidna: we should consider patching both dragonplayer and amarok to propose codec installation18:49
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'll do that18:49
JontheEchidnaTonio_: Both do that already18:50
Tonio_JontheEchidna: really ? okay18:50
Tonio_great then18:50
JontheEchidnayeah, they do a dbus call to update-notifier-kde18:50
* apachelogger still notes that this should be in phonon18:50
JontheEchidnawhich does all the heavy lifting18:50
Tonio_JontheEchidna: dragon does, not kaffeine, no patch for that atm...18:51
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'll do the patch as well as a bzr branch for kaffeine18:52
Tonio_JontheEchidna: wheter or not we ship it by default :)18:52
JontheEchidnayay, autosync is back online18:52
JontheEchidnaIf we could get our docpaths reconciled we could probaby even sync several more packages18:53
Tonio_JontheEchidna: my k3b patch is incomplete, fixing this18:54
Tonio_JontheEchidna: is it better to patch in the mainwindow thing or just main.cpp ?18:58
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I tend to think main.cpp is fine for that... but dragon doesn't do in there, so...18:59
JontheEchidnaTonio_: I dunno, I think agateau did the patches so you might try asking him18:59
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'll test, that's even more simple :)18:59
JontheEchidnaor that :) I just don't really know anything specific about the implementation :P19:00
nixternalis anyone working on the kdevplatform && kdevelop packages? if not, I am doing so now so I can play around, but will upload to a PPA if necessary19:17
JontheEchidnanixternal: the latest beta has been uploaded for a few days now ;-)19:19
nixternalgroovy, where at?19:19
nixternaljust to karmic?19:19
JontheEchidnayeah, no backports yet19:19
nixternalroger that19:19
nixternalmaybe it is time to go ahead and dist-upgrade to karmic anyways19:19
* nixternal does that19:20
JontheEchidnaI've found it to be pretty stable19:20
JontheEchidna(karmic, not tried kdevelop that much)19:20
Tonio_JontheEchidna: yeah, except from a couple of plasma crashes, as usual :)19:22
JontheEchidnafor an alpha it is pretty impressive though :D19:22
JontheEchidnamy only crash with plasma has been when you hover over the startup task of an app in the taskbar19:23
Tonio_JontheEchidna: yeah quite impressive I agree :)19:32
JontheEchidnaRiddell: after bug 382508 we can drop our conflicts/replaces on libkipi0 and libkipi5 for libkipi619:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382508 in libkipi "Request for removal (source and binary)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38250819:39
apacheloggertonio__: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/kaffeine-improved.tar.lzma19:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: upgrades?19:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also, why are they conflicting anyway?19:39
JontheEchidnabecause they install files to the same locations19:40
apacheloggershouldn't those file be sonamed?19:40
apacheloggeri.e. not conflicting19:40
JontheEchidnaiirc there were also some common files that caused conflicts19:40
apacheloggerbad packaging IMHO19:41
JontheEchidnalibkipi5 is NBS and gone in karmic, so update-manager should blast that during upgrades at least19:41
tonio__apachelogger: what's in there ? I'm on osx right now and cannot test :)19:41
apacheloggerthat should be in a -data package to begin with19:41
apacheloggertonio__: a bit improved GUI19:41
tonio__what did you change ? I'll had the patches later if needed19:41
=== tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
apacheloggerremove auido related crap19:41
apacheloggerstart tab19:41
apacheloggercleanedup playlist tab19:42
apacheloggerwould need a lot more work though19:42
Tonio_kk I'll test and let you know19:42
apacheloggertelevision -> configure television19:42
apacheloggerwhile there is settings -> one lonely entry19:42
apacheloggerTonio_: beware there is a scaling bug with the view widget due to lack of start tab :D19:43
apacheloggerdisappears after tab switch19:43
Tonio_apachelogger: hum... I don't see the point with removing the start tab anyway19:44
Tonio_apachelogger: cause you only see it when starting the program outside of the "I opened a file" context19:44
apacheloggerultimately it should be merged with the playback tab19:44
apacheloggerit shouldn't be there19:44
apacheloggernot at all :P19:44
Tonio_apachelogger: I'll check your changes19:45
* apachelogger finds it stupid that the playlist is a tab19:46
apacheloggeror rather that the playback is19:46
=== tonio_ is now known as Tonio_
macohello boys & girls20:02
maco(hrm...that greeting sounds silly @ my age. will file for 15 years down the road)20:03
nixternalkarmic upgrade was painless20:05
macomy xmonad & system-config-printer-kde broke20:06
nixternalhow did xmonad break for you?20:07
nixternalxmonad is running like a champ on my other laptop20:07
Tonio_nixternal: hum what is xmoned ?20:07
nixternaldid you have any non-standard haskell configs?20:07
nixternalTonio_: tiling window manager20:07
nixternalthe best tiling window manager imho20:08
Tonio_rebooting on linux :)20:08
macomy xmonad config is busted20:08
macoPlasma's not floating anymore :(20:08
macoand i cant fix it because ghc packages are still up in the air, so it cant be recompiled20:08
nixternalplasma in xmonad?20:08
macoPlasma keeps tiling20:09
macolike when i open the network manager or if i open the menu20:09
nixternalneed to update that screenshot, but it is the same, except it says Karmic instead of Jaunty now20:09
macoi'm just using xmonad to replace kwin...ive still got the rest20:10
nixternalahh, I am using just xmonad20:10
nixternallike the name of my lappy? OneSip :)20:10
nixternalOne Sip of Tequila!20:10
nixternalone sip and you'll surrender, one sip and you will fall20:11
Tonio_apachelogger: can you repaste me the link please ?20:11
nixternalTonio_: http://www.nixternal.com/pics/xmonad.png <- that's my xmonad there20:11
nixternalthough I don't really use the tiling features all that much20:11
nixternalbut I don't use a mouse either with it :)20:12
Tonio_nixternal: wow, geeky for sure :)20:12
nixternalif you are just writing code all day, xmonad is the way to go...nothing gets in your way, nothing flashy to distract you, and it is pretty damn fast20:13
Tonio_nixternal: I can understand that20:13
nixternalthough, I should really try getting used to kdevelop as it has so much hype behind it20:13
nixternaland for some reason, I can't create ctags with the kde libs, every other lib no problem, but kde libs are just all over /usr/include instead of being in a nice /usr/include/kde20:14
nixternaljust the defs are in */kde20:14
Tonio_does the networkmanager connect wireless for karmic users ? seems to be broken here20:14
* nixternal tries now20:14
Tonio_nixternal: can you repaste me nixternal's link please ?20:15
Tonio_apachelogger's link, sorry20:15
nixternalam I still online?20:16
JontheEchidnanixternal: yus20:16
macodoesnt work for me20:16
macoat least not with WPA20:16
nixternalworks for me20:16
nixternalif I am still online of course20:16
nixternalhad to close my ssh tab and reconnect there, but I am connected to screen at least :)20:17
MamarokTonio_: what link do you want?20:18
Tonio_Mamarok: the kaffeine link apachelogger posted 10 minutes ago :) I lost the history20:18
MamarokTonio_: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/kaffeine-improved.tar.lzma20:18
Tonio_Mamarok: thanks20:18
Mamarokyaw :)20:19
maconixternal, are you using wpa too?20:21
macoso im guessing its wpa thats broken20:33
Tscheesy_nixternal: jjesse - heard you're working on the Revision for kubuntu-docs ? they urgently need to be adopted to kde4 - tough there will be translation-work after20:41
jjesseTscheesy: yes i am working on the kubuntu docs20:44
nixternalCMake Error at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindPhonon.cmake:59 (message): Phonon library or includes NOT found!20:44
nixternalwhat am I missing here?20:44
nixternallibqt4-phonon-dev is installed20:44
Tscheesy_may i could give a hand ?20:44
Quintasanlol @ topic20:46
JontheEchidnanixternal: I had that problem too. I had to reinstall either libqt4-phonon-dev or kdelibs5-dev20:46
* nixternal tries kdelibs5-dev as he just installed libqt4-phonon-dev and that didn't fix it20:49
nixternalthat didn't fix it either20:50
nixternalwell son of a biznatch....it did work :p20:52
Tonio_apachelogger: you've been removing any dvd entry for kaffeine ? :)21:06
Tonio_-menu->addAction(collection->addAction("file_play_dvd", action));21:06
Tonio_+// menu->addAction(collection->addAction("file_play_dvd", action));21:06
Tonio_sounds a little extremist no ?21:07
Tonio_especially since you remove the start menu21:07
Mamarokproblem: somebody disabled the password reminder for kpackagekit in 4.2.2 and can't get it back now, where do I have to look for that reminder option?21:17
Tonio_did you dist-upgrade within my ppa ?21:18
Tonio_Mamarok: I think kpackagekit is broken there :)21:18
Tm_Tyeah, never use Tonio's PPA (;)21:18
MamarokTonio_: not me, a support question in #kubuntu21:18
Tonio_Mamarok: if the authentication works for you go check in systemsettings/advanced/policykit stuff21:19
Tonio_Tm_T: bah that's for testing purpose :)21:19
Tm_TTonio_: I know, I'm just kidding21:19
Tonio_Tm_T: :)21:20
* Nightrose hugs Tonio_ for giving her a kaffeine package21:20
Nightroseworks nicely here after not starting when i first tried to start it21:20
* Tonio_ loves hugs21:20
Nightrosenot sure what the problem was but worked after i started it from command line21:20
Tonio_Nightrose: hum weird indeed21:20
Tonio_missing kaffeinerc file ?21:21
Tonio_in any case I'll add one to kds21:21
Nightroseno idea - i installed it - tried to start it two times from kickoff which didn't work - then from konsole which worked21:21
Nightroseafter that kickoff worked too21:21
Nightrosemight be nothing - needs more testing21:21
Nightrosewhat is strange is that i didn't even get the bouncy icon i usually have when apps atart21:22
Tonio_Nightrose: within the command line that normal21:23
NightroseTonio_: yea but nothing from kickoff either during my first two tries21:24
Tonio_Nightrose: packaging issue due to kde4.mk, no kbuildsycoca4 ran postinst21:25
Tonio_Nightrose: no big deal :)21:25
Nightrosehmmm wonder why it showed up in kickoff at all then21:25
Nightrosedoesn't it usually not get shown there when one forgets to run kbuildsycoca?21:26
Tonio_cause kbuildsycoca4 rans un the background regularly21:26
Tonio_I think every 5 minutes21:26
Tonio_but I'm not sure on that pont21:26
Tonio_Riddell: about the plasma containment content, do we want to use kde defaults ?21:35
Tonio_Riddell: it would be nice to at least add th trash applet in there...21:35
Tonio_Riddell: http://planetemu.net/temp/plasma.png21:38
Tonio_Riddell: I'd propose this as a replacement, modulo, removing the network-manager and the battery icon by default, of course...21:38
Tonio_or even just removing the the battery (networkmanager is fine for desktops too)21:39
Tonio_Riddell: any opinion ?21:39
nixternalgo cowbuild go!21:54
* Tonio_ trying the googledata backend for kontact21:56
neversfeldedoes not work for me, at least the contacts21:56
neversfeldecalendar seems to be ok21:56
Tonio_neversfelde: ok is there a package somewhere you know off ?21:59
neversfeldeTonio_: no, I packaged it by myself, but it is not in a good state22:00
Tonio_neversfelde: it's an akonadi resource or a kresource at the moment ?22:03
neversfeldeTonio_: I think an akonadi ressource, you have to add it via the akonadi configuration in systemsettings22:03
neversfeldeI am looking forward to this, because in combination with funambol, I could sync my s60 smartphone22:04
Tonio_neversfelde: funambol is crap22:05
Tonio_neversfelde: synthesys just released their syncml client library22:05
Tonio_neversfelde: I planned to contact kdepim devs to get their syncml plans22:05
neversfeldeis it? I am using it and it works very good, with outlook, s60, thunderbird etc.22:05
Tonio_neversfelde: also you can use goosync to sync nokia and google within syncml22:05
Tonio_neversfelde: you pay once, account for life22:06
Tonio_neversfelde: I pretty much like it22:06
Tonio_neversfelde: yeah, funambol isn't standard syncml22:06
Tonio_neversfelde: so unless you have a specific implementation of funambol, it's unlikelly to work with contact22:06
Tonio_a standard syncml client will have problems22:06
neversfeldemhh, I do not want to use an external service although I could accept google for a while22:07
neversfeldeTonio_: if opensync gets released sometime, it should support funambol syncs22:07
Tonio_neversfelde: http://www.synthesis.ch/indefero/index.php/p/libsynthesis/22:07
neversfeldeI even testes funambol with evolution and it works22:07
Tonio_neversfelde: I really think this and akonadi would do the trick22:08
Tonio_neversfelde: see http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=pkZ&q=libsynthesis+akonadi&btnG=Rechercher&meta=22:08
neversfeldeoh SyncEvolution, that works with funambol too :)22:08
RiddellTonio_: what were you asking about plasma containments?22:09
Tonio_neversfelde: yeah and it uses this lib :)22:09
neversfeldevery good22:09
Tonio_Riddell: we have no file in kds for the content of the bar22:09
Tonio_Riddell: that's why we're missing the trash icon...22:09
neversfeldesyncing smartphones and similar devices is really importan for a business user22:09
Tonio_neversfelde: yeah, I'mm looking into akonadi on that point :) would be nice to have a real and syncml client for kde22:09
neversfeldein deed22:10
Tonio_Riddell: I'd like to propose this as default structure for the bar : http://planetemu.net/temp/plasma.png22:10
Tonio_Riddell: any opinion ?22:11
macoi'd like to +1 the Kicker icon Tonio_ mentioned earlier22:11
RiddellTonio_: we patch kdebase-workspace with kubuntu_71_default_plasma_layout.diff  the config file in k-d-s caused too many problems22:11
Tonio_Riddell: ok22:12
Tonio_Riddell: I'll investigate to know why there's no trash applet then :)22:13
Tonio_Riddell: also I'd like to think a little bit about the content of it...22:13
Tonio_the show workspace icon seems pretty useless to me22:13
Riddellwe don't have trash because our panel is crowded enough, trash isn't actually useful since you can delete files from directly within dolphin easier22:13
Riddellhow else do you see your plasma widgets without show workspace?22:14
Tonio_in fact it would be nice to get the networkmanager and battery in the systray22:14
Tonio_Riddell: ctrl + f1222:14
Riddellit would be nice to get them in the systray, but that would need code written22:14
Riddellctrl+F12 doesn't do anything for me and isn't discoverable22:15
Tonio_Riddell: seems default shortcuts were changed indeed, it used to work for me before22:15
Tonio_hum well all of that makes sense, but I'm not satisfied with what it is now :) I'll try to rethink that all (not pushing any change of course)22:16
macoRiddell, you can modify the pager, i think22:16
macoit has an option to show desktop if you click on the workspace you're already on22:16
JontheEchidnaonce QuickAccess 0.9 is released you'll be able to move stuff to the trash directly from quickaccess22:16
Tonio_we should hide some systray entries by default (wallet for example)22:16
macomodify = "configure differently" not "change code"22:17
JontheEchidnaalso I made a new upstream release while you guys were at UDS for fixing QuickAccess's icon22:17
Tonio_Riddell: yeah sure22:17
JontheEchidna(the icon name changed in 4.3)22:17
JontheEchidnabug 38114222:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381142 in plasma-widget-quickaccess "New upstream release (QuickAccess 0.8.1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38114222:18
Tonio_hum duplicate entry in both plasma and plasma-workspace shotcuts22:20
Tonio_that's why it doesn't work22:20
RiddellTonio_: mm, I think we should get rid of the kwallet systray applet22:20
Tonio_Riddell: hide it completly ?22:21
neversfeldeit is somehow dangerous to have it open in the tray, so it would be good to remove it22:22
Tonio_Riddell, maco: how can you clean datas in it if needed ? if it's still possible, then I have no problem changing this22:23
neversfeldeTonio_: you can start kwalletmanager from the menu22:26
Mamaroksometimes we get this in #kubuntu:22:26
Mamarok23:25 < tuxmania> Hi, really like what you guys has done with jaunty jackalope and KDE4, thanks all22:26
Tonio_neversfelde: yeah true22:26
RiddellTonio_: you can access kwallet manager from the k-menu22:27
Tonio_Riddell: yup, I'm fixing kds right now22:27
RiddellTonio_: but kwallet systray gets hidden by default in 4.3 which suggests to me that it's not actually any use22:27
Tonio_Riddell: in any case we force it to show in the systray through kds, I removed that22:28
macoumm my plasma*rc files didnt change. will investigate while on bus22:29
RiddellTonio_: if you're in a k-d-s mood could you turn off Obey DRM Restrictions in okular ?22:31
Tonio_Riddell: sure22:32
Tonio_Riddell: I wanted not to change anything in kds for jaunty waiting for our kde intregration to get mature22:32
Tonio_Riddell: I'll try to improve things a bit this cycle, without diverging too much from upstream setings22:33
Tonio_Riddell: done bzr22:39
nixternalwhy doesn't --save-after-login work with pbuilder-dist login?22:46
nixternaltrying to save mirror changes for my sid pbuilder22:46
freinhardyou guys are really fast, 4.2.4 in experimental, great!22:46
nixternalftp.debian.org == to slow for me22:46
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Riddellfreinhard: sssh, it's secret22:50
seaLne4.3b2 would be more impressive ;)23:00
Riddellnext week.  these releases just keep on coming!23:05
freinhardright, columns in kmail would be great23:05
yuriyahh, finally back23:15
Tonio_neversfelde: ping ?23:16
neversfeldeTonio_: pong23:16
Tonio_neversfelde: what is your google data package content please ?23:16
Tonio_I just get 2 binaries who don't seem to work as expected....23:16
Tonio_neversfelde: http://pastebin.ca/144414223:17
Tonio_neversfelde: looks like I'm missing something :)23:18
neversfeldeTonio_: did you add them with akonadi-kde ?23:19
Tonio_neversfelde: I don't see them23:19
Tonio_neversfelde: I have no binary called like that...23:20
neversfeldeTonio_: http://pastebin.ca/144414523:20
Tonio_okay same as me then23:21
neversfeldeafter installing there are tow new akonadi ressources23:21
neversfeldeGoogle Calendar and Google Contacts23:21
Tonio_neversfelde: contcts work for me23:23
Tonio_neversfelde: I don't see the google contacts23:24
neversfeldemhh, it did not sync here, I will test it again23:24
Tonio_right it all seems to work for me23:25
neversfeldenice :)23:25
Tonio_just that we don't install akonadi-kde by default....23:25
Tonio_I don't know if there is a reason for this...23:25
yuriywe used to, I think, in the intrepid 4.2 ppa.  maybe that's why my resources are missing23:26
Tonio_neversfelde: except from akonadi is relativelly unstable with kontact, it seems to work23:31
Tonio_neversfelde: doing a nice package then :)23:31
neversfeldemy kontact is not starting anymore23:32
neversfeldethats not so good :)23:32
Tonio_neversfelde: ouch...23:32
Tonio_the only thing is that akonadi currently has absolutly resource.... I don't know if that's normal23:32
Tonio_Riddell: did we drop them on purpose ?23:32
neversfeldeas long as kmail works, everything is ok23:33
RiddellTonio_: no, it should be on the CD I think23:34
Tonio_Riddell: okay, I might have removed it23:35
neversfeldeI had to install it manually, too23:35
Tonio_Riddell: since we don't have any other packages providing sources atm, how would you name the package ?23:35
Tonio_Riddell: akonadi-resource-google sounds ok, no ?23:36
neversfeldeprobably akonadi-ressource-googledata ?23:36
Tonio_or googledata...23:36
neversfeldewb kontact23:38
* shtylman has a working kde4 file picker for opening files in openoffice (no filters yet) ... but the cool part...its not a separate app like the old method...this one is built into the oo app like a proper file picker :)23:45

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