
mohbanaok i;ve got to go00:04
slangasekCaesar: aha01:03
calchmm it didn't find any errors, i guess i will reinstall and see what it does01:45
calcif my drive keeps getting weird errors after that i will ebay it since it likely is a miscommunication between the drive and the laptop (it has a drop sensor in the drive itself, plus the one in the laptop)01:55
calcthen i will just need to get a drive without the sensor01:55
* bluefoxicy waits 10 minutes for evolution to start02:24
nixternalbluefoxicy: 5 minutes to go02:29
nixternaluse Mutt, it is instant :)02:29
bluefoxicynixternal:  I started it 10 minutes ago, still waiting.02:30
bluefoxicyis this ever gonna finish02:45
Caesarslangasek: the patch to fix it is hilarious02:58
CaesarI should update the bug with it02:58
lifelessbluefoxicy: you're running karmic?03:02
bluefoxicylifeless:  no03:08
lifelessbluefoxicy: jaunty?03:09
lifelesswell, file a bug upstream, keyword 'perf', and be sure to grab a strace or other analysis to be able to say broadly whats wrong03:10
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slangasekcalc: OOo in karmic seems to have silently switched to using the system librdf0 again, pulling 500K of libs onto the CD - is this offset by a size decrease in the OOo packages themselves?11:40
slangasekboo, what happened to the "how to version security updates" description from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityUpdateProcedures?12:06
slangasekah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation now12:06
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MacSlowkenvandine, hey there12:35
MacSlowkenvandine, were you able to get any of the laptops running with the projectors at the last plenary session at UDS on friday?12:36
brycepitti: I seem to have not escaped UDS without bringing ubuflu home with me.  I'm taking today off sick13:09
slangasekif bryce is sick with the ubuflu, I guess it's only a matter of time before I'm incapacitated13:11
bryceslangasek: yeah you're the last pdx mafia left standing13:11
slangasekmaybe I acquired immunity by also being the only pdx mafia member to do karaoke13:12
bryceheya rickspencer313:14
rickspencer3hi bryce13:14
MacSlowbryce, just everybody got it :/13:15
slangasekbryce: so I guess I can't pester you about this sudden X behavior change where xrandr calls are crashing the server even though there've been no changes to the server packages in jaunty lately :)13:15
bryceMacSlow: UDS=PetriDish13:16
slangasek(that's ok, I seem to have a useful error message in gdm log, so I'll file a bug :)13:16
MacSlowbryce, *g*13:17
rickspencer3bryce: if you're sick, take a day off13:17
brycerickspencer3: yeah I think so13:17
rickspencer3you don't want to get everyone in #ubuntu-devel sick, right13:17
bryce*cough* *cough*13:18
MacSlowFor everybody not seen yet, a quick screencast of the "cairo on the GPU"-proof-of-concept -> http://macslow.net/clips/gl-fragment-curves-1.ogg (still uploading though)13:18
* persia hands bryce a handy mask13:19
* rickspencer3 disinfects monitor13:19
MacSlowagateau, salut13:19
agateauMacSlow: guten tag!13:20
kenvandineMacSlow: no, we didn't13:22
kenvandinerickspencer3: your up early13:22
rickspencer3kenvandine: yeah, couldn't sleep13:22
kenvandinei am filling out my swap day form :)13:23
rickspencer3(I'm not really here, I'm taking vacation until Thur ;) )13:23
brycemm jet lag13:23
bryceyeah got that too13:23
rickspencer3bryce: kenvandine: I actually like the Europe to Seattle Jet lag starting on day 2 (day 1 I am just whipped)13:23
kenvandinei was too13:24
kenvandinei felt exhausted by 3pm13:24
slangasekoh wow, this is the worst rendering of 'ff' by firefox that I've ever seen13:37
mterryslangasek: Oh, I realized over the weekend why the 'Copyright' field in the proposed debian/copyright spec is optional: for public domain items13:38
slangasekmterry: right, I disagree with this interpretation - the 'Copyright' field is the right place to declare that a work *is* public domain :)13:39
mterryslangasek: Ah, the examples use the license field.  OK, as long as you were aware of the use case13:39
ograhmm, shouldnt PCIID '8086:2a02' be unblacklisted in karmic ?13:50
* ogra was hoping for composite after the upgrade13:50
Tm_Tthat is what exactly? (I'm curious)13:50
Tm_Tah, roger roger13:51
Tm_Tah, that beastie13:52
ograbryce, shouldnt 8086:2a02 be un-blacklisted in the karmic intel driver ?13:54
bryceogra: yes13:55
ograBlacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found13:56
ograaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity13:56
ograthats what i get in ~/.xsession-errors trying to switch to compiz13:56
brycethe blacklisting is in compiz, not in the intel driver13:56
* ogra edits13:57
ograwow, decent alt-tab behavior is back ...13:58
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maxbIs it intentional that syncs from debian don't cause email to karmic-changes@ ?14:26
james_wmaxb: auto-syncs yes, manually requested syncs should14:39
* maxb was a bit surprised when a bunch of things showed up in update manager but not in changes email14:40
maxbIf that was an autosync, would that normally sync every eligible package? I was expecting a linphone update on the next autosync but it doesn't seem to have happened14:42
Tm_Tmaxb: nice that you mentioned linphone... (:)14:42
james_wmaxb: it would do normally14:45
Tm_Tmaxb: dunno if you need to know, but I mention, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2009-June/002901.html14:46
slangasekit may not have been built yet?14:47
maxbIt's not build on ia64 or mipsel yet - that matters?14:47
slangasekno, that doesn't matter14:47
slangasekI mean that the source may be synced to Ubuntu and the binaries may not be built yet14:47
maxbrmadison says no, but that could be out of date14:48
slangasekit is14:48
slangasekfwiw :)14:48
maxbright, nothing to worry about then14:49
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calcslangasek: i think so, it should be anyway since when not using the system rdf it ships rdf in its own packaging15:18
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calcgrr i somehow didn't manage to reinstall grub correctly when i restored my laptop, i can't get it to boot :(15:36
slangasekcalc: well, it also pulls in things like redland-utils as recommends, which I think might've been the reason we went this way for jaunty?15:38
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calciirc one of the reasons i disabled it at least was due to thinking the internal copy worked better but i talked to rene and he said the system one worked as well (which he was already using at the time), i suppose we could demote its recommends(?)15:41
calcdid vol_id go away in karmic?15:48
ogracalc, yes15:49
Kanocalc: how did you try15:49
calcit claims i don't have it and that if i install udev it would be there... which udev is already installed15:49
ogrause blkid15:50
calci'm trying to make sure my uuid's are correct15:50
calcogra: ok15:50
calcdoh i am using the wrong uuid in grub somehow15:51
* calc updates it and hopes it works15:51
calcit worked, no idea where i got the previous uuid from, that was strange15:55
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slangasekwhat's the status of pulseaudio in karmic?15:55
* slangasek just dist-upgraded, and pulseaudio isn't working15:55
calcslangasek: not sure i think TheMuso and crimsun were intending to fix it up soon after UDS15:55
slangasekcalc: what is it that needs fixing up? :)15:56
slangasekI don't see any matching bug reports, and the error message is opaque as usual15:56
calcslangasek: i don't remember the details, sorry15:56
calcbut i don't think it related to it not working at all, just to make it work better in some cases15:56
slangasekTheMuso, dtchen: ping15:56
slangasekJun  1 07:42:24 dario pulseaudio[4693]: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id=0 name=pci_8086_27d8_sound_card_0 card_name=alsa_card.pci_8086_27d8_sound_card_0 tsched=0"): initialization failed.15:58
slangasek'swhat I get15:58
persiaslangasek, Does direct access through ALSA work?15:58
slangasekpersia: how can I trick GNOME into doing that, given the pulseaudio autospawn nonsense?15:59
persiaslangasek, aplay?15:59
calcpersia: we aren't routing alsa through pulse yet are we?15:59
persiaBut more importantly, when you get that error, pulseaudio is failing to load the alsa module, so it's not grabbing the card.16:00
persiacalc, Hrm.  I don't think so, but I could be wrong (I'm still cleaning up some infrastructural issues before upgrading to karmic)16:01
slangasekpersia: well, yes, that much is clear; I don't find that this makes it particularly diagnosable, though16:01
slangasekaplay doesn't throw errors; it also doesn't give me sound16:03
persiaslangasek, Hrm.  That's probably true.  Did I actually understand the deep stack, I'd probably be asking you questions about your kernel conf and comparing to that output line, but I'm not prepared to interpret the results if you gave them to me.16:03
persiaIf aplay doesn't give you sound, you've very likely an issue loading your audio card driver.16:03
slangasekthe driver is loaded16:03
slangasekand if I switch to OSS, I get sound16:04
loic-mogra: ping16:04
persiaI think I had that bug once.  I ended up disabling OSS.  Something about the device being captured by the OSS compatibility layer, I think, but I don't really understand it.16:05
persiaBut I am sure that it's not pulse if aplay also doesn't work.  Doesn't really help explain the issue though.16:05
slangasekeh, except my understanding is that alsa now autospawns pulse by default, so just running 'aplay' *is* pulse16:06
slangasekif I try to point aplay at the sound card explicitly, I get a 'Sample format non available' error instead16:06
persiaThat's more useful.  You can fiddle with -f, but it would depend on you having the right file.16:07
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slangasek"the right file"?16:09
persiaslangasek, A file in the format you specified.16:10
persia(which you may be able to create with arecord, but not if it isn't working)16:10
slangasekexcept I didn't specify a format16:11
slangasekit's a .wav file, and it knows what format it's in and it refuses to play it.16:11
persiaAh.  That usually indicates either that your sound card doesn't support the format or that there is a negotiation issue.16:14
persia(one of the things pulse does is resample everything before submitting to the card to reduce these issues)16:14
slangasekgives me no feedback about what format it wants, though16:15
persiaUnfortunately, I forget how to get that information :(  Maybe dtchen will come around at some point.16:18
slangasekbug #382440 opened, in the meantime16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382440 in pulseaudio "[karmic] Failed to load module "module-alsa-card": initialization failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38244016:19
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slangasekpersia: nah - if I manually neuter alsa to not autospawn pulse, then alsa playback works fine16:27
persiaIt's not supposed to do that.  Now I'm confused, and have all the more incentive to upgrade soon.16:27
persiaI wonder if pulse is trying to attach to the pulse pcm in a loop or something.16:27
slangasekoh, that's interesting; now I've reset everything to permit autospawn again, and it still works16:28
slangasekand pulse is running, and attaching successfully16:28
persiaRight.  Quick, before you lose it, save the entire history of what you've done.  You may need it again.16:28
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slangasekTheMuso: bug #379092> hmm, from what I remember being discussed in February, that sounds like a regression to me, as adjtime shouldn't be used even if it does exist16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379092 in powerpc-utils "Sync powerpc-utils 1.1.3-24 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37909216:57
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wiphi sorry for the noise, but we need a new rt-kernel release. too many bugs in the actual release17:35
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alex-weejMacSlow: are you trying to make a Cairo backend like Glitz?19:23
alex-weeji'm still a bit confuses as to what you are making19:23
mweicherthello, I'm trying to learn how to create pam-auth-update packages. However, I see common examples of modules using key,value pair control-flags for modules, such as that appear here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PAMConfigFrameworkSpec19:35
mweichertI'm used to the following module control-flags: required, sufficient, optional19:36
mweichertI've never come across something like this before, till now: [success=2 default=ignore]19:36
mweichertwhere can I read about this format?19:36
mweichertI've found a little info here: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/Linux-PAM-html/sag-configuration-file.html19:39
holowaymweichert: that's where I remember learning about that syntax19:40
holowayand the other extensions, like skip19:40
holoway(which is good for ldap)19:41
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mweichertholoway: can I ask you to look at this brief example if you don't mind: http://www.pastie.org/49684319:47
holowaymweichert: sure19:47
mweichertis line 6, saying if this module succeeds, to go line 1119:48
mweichertsuccess=2, meaing skip the next two modules ?19:48
holowaymweichert: exactly19:48
mweichertholoway: ok, perfect - thanks19:48
holowayit's a sneaky bit of pam magic19:48
holowaybut it's a very good idea, and that's a nice pam configuration, actually19:49
holowayin the past, I've used that syntax to handle things like skipping the LDAP checks for local users, etc19:50
mweichertholoway, yeah, I can see it's usefulness. I actually find it easier to read than using the other control-flags (now that I understand the syntax)19:50
holowayoh yeah - it's the way to go if you are building a complicated pam structure19:50
holowayonce I started thinking about it like a kind of funky firewall syntax it made more sense - default policy is denial, success usually jumps you out of the control flow, etc.19:51
mweichertholoway, I'm liking it. :)19:52
mweichertholoway, is success=end the equivalent of success=ok or success=done ?19:54
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holowaymweichert: I think so, but it's been a while since I've dug around inside of pam19:55
holowaymweichert: I believe the difference is that success=ok means you move on, and you are just contributing to success19:56
holowaymweichert: wheras 'end' means 'I am the canonical answer - success has happened, stop processing the rest of this phase'19:56
holowayand die is the same, only for failure ('I am the ultimate failure, don't ask any other modules in the stack')19:56
mweichertholoway, ok - thanks.19:59
MacSlowalex-weej, if I'll add my stuff to glitz or do it separately in the end I cannot tell yet20:23
MacSlowalex-weej, it's too early20:23
mterryIt seems to be the case that --install-layout=deb isn't needed anymore for python2.6?  Without it, on a karmic-built package, the modules correctly get put in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages.  Was that just a temporary necessity?20:51
aliciapgwas kdenlive removed from kde recently?20:54
Tm_Tremoved from where exactly?20:54
aliciapgi tried to submit a bug report for kdenlive upstream but it was no longer listed as one of their projects anymore in bugzilla20:55
Tm_Taliciapg: ah, you might like to ask #kde and/or #kdenlive then?20:56
aliciapgthanks i'll try that20:56
* Tm_T wonders why ask in here in first place anyway20:57
mterryTm_T: Because this room has such helpful people!  :)20:57
aliciapgbecause kde was non responsive21:00
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mweichertcan someone help explain the differences to me between Primary, Additional, Initial types used in pam-auth-update packages please?21:41
mweichertPrimary vs Additional - I take it that the primary type is used if there is no other packages enabled?21:42
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dtchenslangasek: seems a lot like the dbus races that were floated about last cycle, will look in a bit22:10
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dtchenslangasek: in the meantime, disabling PA's autospawn is accomplished by echoing "autospawn = no" into ~/.pulse/client.conf and killing pulseaudio22:12
maxbmweichert: I'm trying and failing to find actual documentation, but it looks to me that Primary ones provide an actual method of authenticating users, etc., whilst Additional ones are merely ones which hook into pam to provide additional functionality22:32
maxbi.e. without a Primary one, PAM would be useless/crippled22:32
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TheMusoslangasek: but since adjtime won't exist, nothign will be done.22:59
TheMusoslangasek: and pong re whatever youw atned to talk to me and dtchen about.22:59
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slangasekmweichert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PAMConfigFrameworkSpec23:20
slangasekTheMuso: right, point is whether it's wrong even *if* /etc/adjtime exists23:20
slangasekTheMuso: the ping became bug #382440.23:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382440 in pulseaudio "[karmic] Failed to load module "module-alsa-card": initialization failed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38244023:21
TheMusoslangasek: ok thanks23:21

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