
gbeeSeeker`: which kernel?00:02
gbeenova-t 500 has worked just find for me for the last 18 months, you should probably disable automatic EIT collection for at least one or both of the tuners but other than that00:04
Seeker`gbee: i'm running 9.0400:10
Seeker`gbee: I have disabled the auto EIT for both tuners00:10
gbeedefinately a Nova-T and not a -TD?00:18
gbeeI'd ask in #linuxtv - mine works fine, but they may have released a newer model00:19
Seeker`gbee: I dont believe iti s a TD00:19
ed_humeall right!!!04:56
ed_humehappy sunday night04:56
ed_humeAre there any alsa / spdif experts out there?04:56
ed_humeI'm beating my head against this setup, cant get audio04:57
tritiumed_hume: what have you tried?05:04
tritiumed_hume: for starters, can you please pastebin the output of "aplay -l" and "aplay -L"?  Do you know which audio chipset you have on your motherboard?05:06
ccb0x45hey, does anyone know how to make it so the display doesnt turn off05:07
ccb0x45on mythbuntu 905:07
ccb0x45after like 60 seconds05:07
ccb0x45I have downloaded tons of different settings things and turned off the thing05:07
ccb0x45but it doesnt stop doing it05:07
ed_humetritium:  I've been at it all day.  tried so many things I don't know where to start.05:09
tritiumed_hume: please start by pastebinning the output I've requested.05:10
ed_humeaplay -l05:11
ed_hume**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****05:11
ed_humecard 0: AV710 [Chaintech AV-710], device 0: ICE1724 [ICE1724] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:11
ed_humecard 0: AV710 [Chaintech AV-710], device 1: IEC1724 IEC958 [IEC1724 IEC958] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:11
tritiumed_hume: no, don't paste it here.05:11
tritiumPlease use pastebin.05:11
ed_humeaplay -L05:11
ed_humefront:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 Front speakers05:11
ed_humesurround40:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers05:11
ed_humesurround41:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers05:11
ed_humesurround50:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers05:11
ed_humesurround51:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers05:11
ed_humesurround71:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers05:11
ed_humeiec958:CARD=AV710,DEV=0 Chaintech AV-710, ICE1724 IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output05:11
ed_humenull Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)05:12
ed_humeoh sorry.05:12
tritiumed_hume: and you're asking specifically about mythtv settings?05:12
tritiumHave you tried ALSA:iec958?05:12
tritium(I'm assuming you want S/PDIF as your output)05:13
ed_humeactually, I'm testing with mplayer05:13
ed_humeand yes S/PDIF05:13
ed_humewhen I try with mplayer, there is no error, and the progress count stays at zero.05:14
ccb0x45anyone got any idea?05:14
ed_humehere is the paste bin URL05:14
ccb0x45for my display timeout?05:14
tritiumYou can reference your S/PDIF as either ALSA:iec958, or ALSA:plughw:0,1 in the mythtv settings.05:15
ed_humeI've tried puting the default PCM setting in /etc/asound.conf and in ~/.asoundrc, with no effect05:15
ed_humeI assume those settings are not the same syntax in mplayer, because I get "could not open/initializeaudio device" errors05:17
ed_humeat least when I try "-ao alsa:device=spdif "05:17
ed_humewith mplayer, I get an attempted progress count (stuck as 0.00)05:18
ccb0x45guys any way to get the display not to time out05:19
tritiumed_hume: did you try alsa:device=iec958?05:23
ed_humetritium:  I've tried both those ALSA settings in mythtv, and I still get no sounds05:23
tritiumed_hume: you might also try alsa:device=plughw:0,105:23
tritiumI'm not familiar with mplayer's options, but I assume that's the proper syntax.05:23
ed_humeyes, I've tried all those (trying them all again now)05:23
tritiumed_hume: have you run any speaker-test trials, first of all?05:24
ed_humelike with a known good device, like a DVD player with SPDIF output?05:25
ed_humeyes, I have05:25
ed_humeand the receiver is working.05:25
tritiumed_hume: no.  With the alsa "speaker-test" command.05:25
tritiume.g., speaker-test -Dplughw:0,1 -c205:25
ed_humeyes, and I get no audio05:25
ed_humetrying now, total silence05:26
tritiumalso try -Diec958, and vary the number of channels05:26
ed_humeI wish I knew how to troubleshoot ALSA better.05:26
ed_humeyeah, trying that one too.05:27
tritiumYou've tried the simple things, like checking cables, right?  ;)05:27
ed_humeyeah, I just pluged the optical cable into DVD player and it works05:28
ed_humethe only number of channels the speaker-test program accepts is 205:28
gbuttershave you made sure it is not muted in alsamixer05:29
ccb0x45can anyone pleeease tell me how to get the damn display not to time out05:30
Zinnccb0x45: Please watch your language.05:30
ccb0x45and go dark05:30
ccb0x45so I dont have to hit a key on the keyboard05:30
ccb0x45to get it to come back05:30
ccb0x45watching movies05:30
gbuttersremove xscreensaver05:31
tritiumgbutters: good call.  ed_hume: double-check the that your iec958 is not muted in alsamixer.05:31
ccb0x45remove xscreensaver?05:31
ccb0x45how do I do that/05:31
ed_humeccb0x45:  check your power savings setting in display settings05:31
ccb0x45I hcw05:31
ccb0x45I have05:31
ccb0x45I goto display settings05:31
ccb0x45and set it to never05:31
ZinnSorry I don't know about enter05:31
tritiumccb0x45: no need to use the Enter key as punctuation.  Please write as much as you can on one line.05:32
ed_humeyes, I just checked out the alsamixer settings.  iec958 is not muted05:33
ed_humeI know something is wrong because speaker-test stays forever on 0- Front Left05:34
ccb0x45I have downloaded gnome power settings, I have downloaded kde power settings, all of them are set to never for turning off the display05:35
ccb0x45but it still turns off, how do I remove xscreensaver?05:35
ed_humejust like mplayer doesn't error, or time out, but stays forever on 0.00 seconds05:35
ccb0x45I look in power settings and it says never, for everything... its so frustrating05:36
ed_humeccb:  use "apt-get remove xscreensaver"05:36
gbutterssudo apt-get remove xscreensaver05:36
ccb0x45it says its not installed05:37
gbutterstry sudo apt-get remove xscreensaver-gl then05:37
ccb0x45ah that worked05:37
ccb0x45should that fix it05:37
ccb0x45cool, because it drives me crazy05:38
ed_humeI wish there was a way to turn on more verbose logging in alsa.  Anybody know if possible and how?05:39
ccb0x45are you trying to do optical sound ed?05:39
ccb0x45what kind of card?05:40
ccb0x45are you just getting no sound through the optical out?05:41
ccb0x45I have a turtle bay surround sound working through optical out... the way I had to do it was open the alsa settings and enable this other output jack05:42
ccb0x45mine was like IE98, or something like that05:42
ccb0x45something weird that didnt seem like it would correspond to optical at all05:42
tritiumccb0x45: IEC95805:42
ccb0x45thats the one05:43
ccb0x45I did it by installing gnome-alsa settings or something and runnning it as root05:43
ccb0x45but I guess  it sounds like youve already tried that05:43
ccb0x45I also dont use mythtv, I use xbmc05:44
ccb0x45running on mythbuntu05:44
gbuttersed_hume, how are you testing05:44
tritiumccb0x45: IEC958 *should* sound like it would correspond to optical audio.  It's the standard that specifies it.05:44
gbuttersdvd in mplayer??05:45
ccb0x45tritium, oh well I didnt know that haha05:45
ed_humegbutters, I'm testing with mplayer and with "speaker-test"05:47
ed_humeboth seem to fail the same way.  They hang with no timeout and no errors05:47
gbuttersed_hume, try this command for mplayer mplayer -ao alsa:device=spdif -ac hwac3 dvd://05:48
ed_humewhen I try to play an mp3 it just hangs:05:53
ed_humehrm.  I'm pondering turing the sound card on the mobo back on and just going back to two channel audio.  :(06:02
gbuttersed_hume, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18792006:13
ed_humeyup, I've read that entire thread about 4 times.  And that asound.conf file just as many times too.06:15
ed_humedoes anybody know, when you edit /etc/asound.conf do you have to restart the alsa-utils service?06:17
ed_humeand which file takes presedience?  /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc ?????06:17
tritiumed_hume: the one in your home directory would override the one in /etc06:18
gbuttersdid you read the comments in the file?06:18
ed_humewholly @#$#$%#%^%&*&06:19
ed_humeI just read the comments in the file.06:19
ed_hume(for the third time)06:19
ed_humesorry to "swear", I just got it to work?!?!!!!!06:20
tritiumed_hume: what was the fix for you06:21
ed_humein alsa mixer, I set "IEC958" and "IEC958 1" to "PCM"06:21
ed_humethey were set to "IEC958"06:22
ed_humeI have no idea what those settings are.   FIDDLE STICKS!06:22
ed_humethis is the end of a 5 hour marathon .  and the answer was right there in the comments of that file.06:23
gbuttersed_hume, glad i could help06:23
ed_humepm me your address, and I'll send you a beer :)06:23
ed_humehye guys, I don't think I'm out of the wood work yet.06:41
ed_humeI have sound working on mplayer, but not in mythtv live TV or on recording playback.06:41
ed_humeI've set the mythtv settings in the setup screens to ALSA:spdif (same as in mplayer for the videos) but I just get silence06:42
ed_humeif you change there settings, do I need to restart the backend or something?06:43
skipjackWhich Remote Controll should I buy? is there one which I should buy because it's the best supported?09:02
gbeeskipjack: 99% of IR remotes are supported just fine, but if you are looking for one with the best features, generally well liked and easy to setup, then I'd suggest an MCE remote - http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote09:10
skipjackgbee:  okay ;) thanks I think I buy the Philips SRM 5100, or is there an better which I should buy?09:11
gbeenot handled that one, I personally find the standard one to be comfortable in the hand and the backlight is nifty, but it style is more important then there is nothing wrong with the 5100 AFAIK09:14
skipjackoh okay, which is the standard one?09:15
skipjackI think it's hard to find MCE remote Controlls09:15
gbeeplenty of new ones appear on Ebay, that's where I got mine09:17
gbeethe second in the picture array is the one I've got, the fourth is common too http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote#Media_Center_Remotes09:18
gbee3rd is probably common in countries which don't traditionally have the colour buttons on their remotes (used for interactive TV/Teletext)09:19
skipjackah okay ;) hmm09:20
skipjackokay Backlight would be nice09:20
skipjackcan you say me the model no. of the first ?09:21
skipjackor from yours?09:22
skipjackah okay thanks.09:28
skipjackare there only remote controlls with IR, or there are also which with Wirless? I think IR is okay, but I must have be in the near of my IR Station09:29
gbeethere are a few wireless, but it's not something I know much about, the IR receiver will be connected to your frontend so should be nearby and the MCE remote/receiver has decent range and pickup09:36
skipjackokay buyed ;) but the Philips09:50
superm1gbee, then that's probably a separate regression then.  have you talked to upstream about it by chance for radeon?10:39
NotQuiteDilbertis there a way to make the text smaller when setting up a mythbuntu backend? - it's not possible to read all the help text at the default size12:13
chris_need help on choosing suitable video card for mythbuntu12:48
williammandanvidia 7300 and above12:49
chris_I have 7600GT and 8500GT, which one is best for HTPC12:49
williammandaboth will work fine12:49
chris_is that the case for PAL12:50
chris_A colleague indicated that 8500GT has h/w decode for h.264 which is not so the 7600GT. Is that correct?12:51
chris_On another topic, I having issues with system log viewer. WHen I run it, it crashes the system12:52
gbeesuperm1: turns out XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS does work, at the same time as pulling in the updated radeonhd deb a mesa deb was installed which caused lots the newer problems12:52
gbeebut SKIP_ARGB is still needed for the original bug, I've lost the ticket now but I assume you are still waiting to hear from upstream?12:54
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].13:01
ZinnSorry I don't know about nvidia13:11
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].13:11
Zinnwhen pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.13:11
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superm1gbee, upstream claims its a bug in QT16:44
superm1i had a workaround patch for it but upstream didn't like it16:44
superm1and QT 3.3 ain't developed at all any more, so i dont expect much traction there..16:44
gbeewell QT aren't going to fix it, they've EOL QT316:45
gbeenot sure I agree with their assessment based on what I know, which isn't much admittedly - it's along the lines of "A crashes when I run B" to which they respond "So file a bug with B"16:48
squidlyI'm running mythbuntu (fully updated) on my frontend, I can play some HD files, but ones that use the DCA audio codec will not play sound. Mplayer will play them fine, and my other frontend on my desktop (gentoo) will play sound for them as well. Any thoughts on how to fix it. google has not given me much help20:31
nurettin_hello i have got problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174171&highlight=alc662+mythtv20:52
williammandatgm4883, u round?21:18
nurettin_hello i have got problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174171&highlight=alc662+mythtv21:33
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