
MrZorg2I have Ubuntu with lxde window manager installed on my gumstix Overo Air computer02:53
MrZorg2Is there no way to put a c compiler on it?02:54
MrZorg2I've tried alot of things02:54
persiaMrZorg2, Have you tried `apt-get install gcc` ?02:56
MrZorg2It doesn't have wiresless-tools installed, which means I can't use iwconfig02:57
MrZorg2to get connected02:57
MrZorg2any other way to get connected?02:57
persiaMrZorg2, Lots of ways, but it depends on lots of things.  Does it have USB?  Do you have a USB wired ethernet device?  Does it have serial?  Do you have serial protocol software installed (e.g. ppp)?02:58
persiaDo you have access to external media?  If so, you could download the packages, and copy them manually (yes, this will be a painful process).02:59
MrZorg2I downloaded packages and put them on a thumbdrive02:59
MrZorg2none of them would install02:59
persiaHow did you try to install them?02:59
MrZorg2every one of them complained that there was no c compiler02:59
MrZorg2I tried putting the binaries of gcc-toolchain on it, but the binaries wouldn't execute03:00
MrZorg2./configure, install, make, etc.. the usual03:00
persiaAh.  Don't do that.03:00
MrZorg2make's not installed either03:00
MrZorg2what should I do?03:01
persiaDownload the binary packages.  Install them with dpkg -i ${file}03:01
MrZorg2cool, maybe I can get the GNU Arm toolchain to work03:01
persiaShould work by default.  It was used to build the entire release.03:02
MrZorg2I'll give it a try, brb03:02
MrZorg2every file that's in the bin folder of gnuarm?03:06
MrZorg2dpkg: error processing arm-elf-gcc (--install): subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2 Errors were encountered while processing: arm-elf-gcc03:08
persiaUm, no.03:09
MrZorg2oh, the binary packages, not the binary files03:09
persiaYou want the .deb files for the packages that contain the toolchain.  Basically, the dependencies of the build-essential package.03:09
persiaWe tried to do the hard part already :)03:10
MrZorg2Sorry.. More brb03:10
MrZorg2I don't think they offer .deb packages of gnuarm toolchain, get something else?03:13
persiaI thought we did.  What do you mean by the gnuarm toolchain?03:14
persiagcc, etc?03:14
MrZorg2it has a bunch of stuff03:14
persiaOh, no.  That's not offered, although the components (e.g. binutils, gcc, newlib, etc.) are.03:15
persiae.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/armel/libnewlib0/1.17.0-0ubuntu403:15
persiaAlthough I find http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/newlib/ easier to navigate sometimes.03:16
MrZorg2what order should I install these in?03:17
persiaThat's trickier.03:17
persiaI'd probably start with build-essential, and then start pulling the packages based on the complaints about missing dependencies.03:20
MrZorg2If I can't find ubuntu debs I need, can I use ones I find other places, like debian's site?03:20
persiaThere's no guarantee of binary compatibility between Ubuntu and anywhere else, so that's a bit dangerous.03:21
persiaBut I know you shouldn't need any packages not in Ubuntu for the basic build toolchain.03:21
persiaIf you need an esoteric library, and it's not in Ubuntu, you can probably pull the debian-format source from somewhere else and build it (run `debuild` in the unpacked package directory) to get a compatible package.03:22
MrZorg2none of the deb packages for wireless-tools will work03:39
persiaHow don't they work?03:39
MrZorg2package architecture doesn't match system (armel)03:39
MrZorg2i just found another one03:40
persiawhere are you looking?03:41
persiahttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/19753609/wireless-tools_29-1.1ubuntu2_armel.deb is probably right.03:42
persiaThe path to get there is as follows:03:42
persiaStart from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireless-tools03:42
persiaclick 29-1.1ubuntu2 (as the version for the Jaunty release)03:43
persiaclick "jaunty armel" in the "Builds" portal on the upper left.03:43
persiaclick "wireless-tools 29-1.1ubuntu2" in the Resulting Binaries portal on the upper left03:44
MrZorg2when i searched for wireless-tools on the ubuntu site the search result was for the releaser's website.. so I assumed it wasn't there on the ubuntu site03:44
persiaDownload the file listed under "Downloadable files"03:44
persiaI don't have a lot of faith in those searches :)03:44
persiapackages.ubuntu.com might be useful though.03:45
* MrZorg2 holds breath03:46
MrZorg2got some dependenciies to install first03:46
persiaYeah.  Until you get a net connection up, you'll be playing that game for a bit.03:47
persiaThere's a couple other ways to do it that promise automation, but this is the one I tend to use.03:47
MrZorg2it tried to install though.. that's progress, for me03:47
persiaI'm not sure how to document this properly.  We tend to think of armel as just another architecture, not really any different from i386 or powerpc or sparc, except in terms of the instructions.03:50
persiaBut I think most people tend to think it needs special tools: there's a lot like yourself that come by looking to do it differently.03:51
persiaDo you have any suggestions?03:51
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MrZorg2sorry, was afk persia03:59
NCommanderpersia, he could try apt-moving an amel alternate CD; might be less painfl04:01
persiaNCommander, Or just copy the pool from an alternate and install build-essential from that.  Good idea.  Care to outline the procedure?04:02
NCommanderpersia, not really, I never using apt-move, or a file repo before04:03
persiaHrm.  Well then.04:03
NCommanderpersia, I would think you would have used apt-move before, you've said things about it before :-)04:04
NCommandermaybe debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch armel --foreign --make-tarball, and then decompress the result in the gumstix's root directory04:05
NCommander(and then afterwords do dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb to make it properly reinstall the base system, or something like that)04:06
persiaWon't that unpack the packages?04:06
persiaAnd some base system is already installed.04:06
NCommander-I is install04:06
NCommander-x is extract04:06
NCommanderer, -i is install04:06
NCommanderIt's how I got my babbages setup with a toolchain before we had ogra's handy script04:07
persiaRIght, but you weren't working from a preinstalled system.04:07
NCommanderdebootstrap --download-only --arch armel --variant buildd --foreign04:07
NCommanderThen copy all the debs, and reinstall to get the necessary dev packages :-)04:07
NCommander(I figure thats easier than picking through dependencies by hand)04:08
persiaWell, depends.  For short stacks, dependency chasing isn't so bad.04:08
persiaThat's why there's a pool on the LiveCDs: to permit one to use that to get basic networking up.04:08
NCommanderThe toolchain stack with C and C++ compiler was long enough to make me shiver when I had to do it04:08
persiaExcept much of it is usually installed by default, which should reduce it considerably.04:09
MrZorg2Now I have iwconfig :D04:09
MrZorg2but no eth004:10
* MrZorg2 plays detective04:10
MrZorg2I'm assuming this would install a driver for the gumstix's wireless04:14
MrZorg2but that would make my life easier04:14
persiaI don't think Ubuntu has a kernel for the gumstix: you'll probably have to get the driver from there.04:16
persiaAlso, check if you have a wlan004:17
MrZorg2i checked the interfaces file, only lo04:17
persiaand ifconfig -a also reports nothing?04:18
persiaBecause /etc/network/interfaces only contains lo by default, regardless of available hardware.04:18
MrZorg2ifconfig only brings up lo04:20
MrZorg2It doesn't detect the wireless at all04:27
persiaRight.  That's a kernel thing.  Check dmesg to verify, and go hunt for modules from whereever your kernel originates.04:28
MrZorg2not in dmesg04:32
persiaRight.  If there's nothing in dmesg, it's likely your kernel didn't autodiscover it.  You might be able to force load by modprobing some module, but I have no idea what's available there.04:32
persiaSome day we'll have proper kernel support for all boards in the archive, but that day remains in the hazy future.04:33
MrZorg2it's funny, before I installed ubuntu I was using what came on the gumstix (OE) and could connect to the internet04:39
persiaSo, which kernel did you install when you installed Ubuntu?04:41
persiaand which kernel were you using when you were running OE ?04:42
MrZorg2Not sure04:42
MrZorg2if I pop the sd card out, I could probably tell04:42
persiaWell, that's the bit to track down.  I suspect there's a change there that matters.04:42
MrZorg2thanks for all your help, by the way04:42
persiaNo problem.  That's part of the reason for this channel.04:43
MrZorg2do you think I should update the kernel?04:48
persiaI have no useful advice for your kernel state.  I know that Ubuntu doesn't supply a kernel that works on that device.05:03
persiaAs a result, you'll need to get a kernel somewhere else, either from someone else, or by building it yourself.05:03
persiaSo, if you're having a kernel driver issue, I'd recommend taking that up with your kernel supplier.05:04
persiaOr with your device supplier :)05:04
MrZorg2I don't really have a kernel supplier.. I followed the directions on this page http://johnwoconnor.blogspot.com/2009/04/installing-ubuntu-on-gumstix-overo.html to install Ubuntu on my microsd card05:05
MrZorg2when you say "kernel supplier" I get this mental image of some guy talking on the phone saying,"We just got in a big shipment of kernels. I'll make you a deal."05:06
persiaSo your kernel was downloaded from http://www.gumstix.net/overo-gm-images/v0.91/uImage-overo-v0.91.bin ?05:06
persiaheh :)  Well yes.  That is what I mean, except that the phone call in this case happens to be a blog post.05:07
persiaIn that case, gumstix.net would have supplied your kernel.05:07
persiaSo you'd want to use the gumstix fora to investigate the issue.05:07
persiaI'm not telling you to go somewhere else because I don't want to help, but only because I can't help, as I don't know anything about that kernel.05:08
persiaActually, there's a comment about getting wireless to work on that post.  Something about copying the /lib/modules/ stuff right before the last step.05:10
persiahttp://overobuntu.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/overobuntu/bin/2.6.28-lib/modules.tar.gz?view=tar may or may not be what you want, and may or may not be trustworthy.05:11
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