
nhandlerasac: It is still getting rejected00:00
asacnhandler: well. check the checksum of the tarbal you downloaded and compare with the checksum of the tarball referenced in the changes00:01
ftaasac, when a blueprint is empty, could i copy the content of gobby to the whiteboard? or should i let the bp leader do that?00:06
nhandlerasac: It looks like the checksums match. Strange thing is, I wasn't even uploading the .orig.tar.gz the first few times (no -sa). I just tried uploading it, and it still failed00:07
asacfta: what do you mean with "leader" ?00:10
ftaasac, no idea, someone else ;)00:11
asacfta: is it your blueprint?00:11
asacthen just do it00:11
ftait's the multiarch session00:11
asaci would think you should leave it to the drafter to do that00:12
asacask him what he prefers if you want to help00:12
dtchenfta: it's entirely possible that openarena is simply doing Bad Things, but checking its source is fairly low on my priority list :/00:13
asacoff ... cu tomorrow01:05
BUGabundoasac: fta: nvm me! I installed BetterCache Addon and forgot about it... sorry for the noise!02:01
=== kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacdebian bug 53134809:47
ubottuDebian bug 531348 in xulrunner "Please compile xulrunner with PGO optimizations" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53134809:47
ftaasac, you're working on that now?09:48
ftaasac, have a look at the i586 gobby document09:48
asacfta: hmm. what do you mean? gobby document on pgo?09:49
BUGabundoguud morning fta asac09:49
asachey BUGabundo09:53
BUGabundoasac: did you read what I say last night?09:53
BUGabundoI figured out what was the prob09:54
BUGabundobetter cache addon09:54
BUGabundohey reed__09:54
asacsigh ... apturl mail thread now on mail discuss09:55
BUGabundoI have an hugeeee backlog09:56
BUGabundolike 100 emails09:56
ftawithout lists09:57
BUGabundoI was just saying -devel and -devel-discuss09:57
BUGabundo85k total unread09:57
ftazillions then09:57
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-browser-licensecheck3.txt09:58
asacfta: are those all files?10:22
ftaor http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-browser-licensecheck2.txt10:23
asacah ok. so only the problematic ones are 3.txt10:23
ftaonly those not whitelisted / identified10:24
asacmozilla bug 49564810:27
ubottuMozilla bug 495648 in XUL "Incorrect itemCount and scrolling of listboxes with XUL templates for RDF datasources" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49564810:27
asacBetween the two that's probably enough to justify a stop-ship on 3.0.11, and10:27
asacthere are likely other addons affected.10:27
asacgetting 503 service unavailable on identi.ca12:52
bdrungasac: should i change the maintainer of adblock-plus to MOTU or mozilla-team?13:20
asacbdrung: isnt it motu atm?13:28
asacbdrung: did the bzr mv of the .OTHER files work?13:29
bdrungasac: no, its "Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT) <rainct@ubuntu.com>"13:29
asacbdrung: yeah. so use what the other firefox-extension branches have13:29
bdrungasac: yes, it works.13:29
asaci think its MOTU13:29
asacand the release branch is in ~ubuntu-dev which means MOTU13:29
asacbdrung: ok cool. lets hope bzr understood now that the upstream files should be taken in future13:30
* asac lunch time13:32
bdrungasac: https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/adblock-plus.ubuntu13:35
bdrungasac: ready for release13:35
bdrungasac: debian/rules get-orig-source will only work, if you merge my upstream branch13:46
asacbug 36506715:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365067 in adblock-plus "1.0.2 released" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36506715:10
asachi YokoZar15:55
asaclet me check if i can find the jemalloc bug with PGO15:56
asacmozilla bug 41886615:57
ubottuMozilla bug 418866 in Build Config "turn on profile-guided optimization (pgo) on linux" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41886615:57
asacYokoZar: so to get started check if https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Building_with_Profile-Guided_Optimization works now with gcc 4.415:58
asacmaybe with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=37223415:59
YokoZarasac: I can't tell if GCC 4.3 was even tested on that bug report15:59
asacif that works well, we can look into making xulrunner pgo'ed15:59
asacYokoZar: yeah. but the commen suggest that gcc might allow to enable pgo for jemalloc15:59
asacfeel free to test it with gcc 4.316:00
asacto enable jemalloc PGO you probably need to backout the https://bug418866.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=30538516:01
asacat best start with trunk: hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/16:02
asacinstall build-deps of xulrunner-1.9.2 and firefox-3.6 from the daily archive16:02
YokoZarasac: actually a later comment indicates that we need to only try this with 4.4 and an extra flag16:03
asacYokoZar: yeah. that flag is the patch i gave you above afaict. https://bug418866.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=37223416:04
asacthat one also backs out the disabling in jemalloc16:04
asacso just apply that to trunk16:04
YokoZarasac: will do.  Need to make a karmic install on this machine, so this will likely take a few hours to test properly :016:06
asacYokoZar: isnt gcc 4.4 available in jaunty?16:09
asacthought doko had made it available there too16:09
YokoZarasac: not by default...(apt-cache shows empty)...maybe it's in a ppa or something16:09
asacah ok16:10
asacfta: damn ... hg got removed from my install during dist-upgrade17:02
asacrequires python < 2.617:02
asacoff for getting some food stocks ... bbl17:03
bdrungasac: thanks for uploading17:17
bdrungasac: can you merge the upstream branch too? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/adblock-plus.upstream17:18
asacbdrung: we dont need an upstream branch18:02
asacthats what the default.conf is about18:03
asaci will dump it18:03
asac(btw, i had to adjust the upstream revision ... you referred to the revision before the last commit to upstream)18:03
bdrungits to hot here18:03
asacno problem. maybe look at the --show-ids log18:04
asacand check that you understand how to pick the revision ;)18:04
asacbut i guess you just forgot to bump it after adding a last commit18:06
bdrungasac: the get-orig-source needs to be adjusted.18:07
bdrunghow should it be changed?18:07
asacbdrung: to do what?18:07
asacbdrung: what does get-orig-source do?18:08
asacdoesnt that produce a tarball18:08
asacoh ... yeah18:08
asaci think we can remove it entirely to be honest18:08
asacas it just does what bzr bd does automatically if default.conf is right18:09
kklimondahey, is there any chance to get prism 0.9 for Jaunty from some PPA?18:15
asackklimonda: we have prism dailies in ~ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa18:20
kklimondaasac: oh, thanks - I was afraid that it will upgrade xulrunner and firefox to unstable version but it doesn't seem to be a problem.18:24
asackklimonda: yes. if oyu run ffox 3.0 you wont get dailies from there18:28
asaconly 3.5 and 3.6 are tracked there18:28
asacfta: did you try the AT+C... magic locally now? or have you checked changing auth to PAP from CHAP?19:06
asaclocally == in home network19:06
BUGabundoguud evening21:19
nhandlerHey BUGabundo21:22
BUGabundohey nhandler21:23
nhandlerWhat are you up to today?21:23
BUGabundonothing much21:27
BUGabundoa movie, catching up on mails21:27
BUGabundobusy last few days21:27
BUGabundoand I expect it to continue all week21:28
BUGabundoand Saturday aint looking any slower21:28
BUGabundoFLOSS Class in the morning, ANSOL (FLOSS National Association) elections after lunch, and twitter/µblog dinner21:28
nhandlerMan, and I thought I was busy21:29
BUGabundothis is just Saturday... eehh21:30
bdrungasac: i found the mistake i made. i copied the parent-id instead of revision-id. ;)21:39
asacbdrung: right ;)22:05
asacthats what i fixed22:05
ftaasac, you're working on pgo? or is that someone else?22:09
* BUGabundo rises eyebrow ....22:10
BUGabundoPGO ?? woot22:10
BUGabundothat's going to make a few ppl happy22:10
ftaBUGabundo, well, don't hold your breath on that, it's not trivial22:12
BUGabundoI know22:13
BUGabundoI've read a bit on it22:13
BUGabundoand all the trouble for gentoo22:13
bdrungasac: please merge this branch again: https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/adblock-plus.ubuntu22:14
asacbdrung: huh?22:17
asacbdrung: whats the change? i already fixed the default.conf in the ~ubuntu-dev22:17
asacfta: YokoZar wanted to do some pre evaluation now. so i wont directly jump the gun for the moment22:18
bdrungasac: the get-orig-source removement. (only merge, not release)22:18
asacbdrung: hmm. usually you should use topic branch names. in that way you dont need to override your old branches, but just mark them as "merged"22:19
YokoZarasac: it might take me all day to play with this so please give it a shot anyway ;)22:19
asacthe branch is still "updating" ;)22:19
asacYokoZar: i have no time for the next few days22:19
bdrungasac: the updating needs very long.22:20
micahgBTW, 3.5 is showing up in the menu as Minefield still22:22
asacthats a bug ;)22:23
asacbut desnt matter much ... we will switch to official branding soonish. though i am not so sure we should do that in daily22:23
micahgI don't remember if I filed it or  not22:23
asacmicahg: i thought someone filed a bug ;)22:23
asacbut its not open against ffox 3.5 at least ;)22:24
asacoh wrong url22:24
asacone sec22:24
asacnope dont seems to be  abug22:24
asacmicahg: how about closing all old crashes ;)?22:25
asacat least those that dont have dupes22:25
micahgI was gonna talk to you about that22:25
micahgold in 3,5?22:25
asacold is everything that was filed before b422:27
micahgJust for FF3.5, right?22:27
micahgalso, what do I do if a .crash file is attached, but I can't retrace it or I get no debugging symbols when retracing22:27
micahgI'll work on that when I get home tonight22:28
asacmicahg: crash files shouldnt be really attached. user should have used apport-collect i guess22:30
asacanyway. if a crash doesnt properly retrace its just invalid22:30
micahgyeah, but if they are, I'm assuming that I should remove it and retrace myself?22:30
micahgor can I tag it and have LP do it?22:30
asacyou can ask the user to retrace locally, but most likely he will not have more luck22:30
asacmicahg: dont think so.22:31
asacmicahg: maybe you can run apport-collect on your own22:31
asacafter downloading22:31
micahgah, ok22:31
micahgone of the ones I was looking at before was from FF222:31
asacmicahg: ff2 is eol ... just set to wontfix22:31
asacand reassign to "firefox" package which was firefox 222:32
micahgshould I remove the .crash file or change to private?22:32
asacmicahg: for wontfix and invalid remove crash file and unset private22:59
micahgthanks asac23:18

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