
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
bob2do any dvcses aside from darcs have superfly cherrypicking?00:08
fullermdI think arch did OK.00:08
fullermdProbably not as good as darcs though, since it's fundamentally first-class in darcs.00:09
ronnyfullermd: last time i checked arch was rather broken00:13
ronnyand i dont think it got any better00:14
beunomwhudson_, any ideas why tests now always fail for me in LH (on all branches, so it's not the broken tests)?00:19
beunojelmer, hi00:19
jelmerbeuno, hello00:19
beunojelmer, quick question00:20
fullermdWell, AFAIK it's not moving anywhere.  But it still sorta cherrypicked OK   :p00:20
beunojelmer, when was bzrlib.foreign introduced in bzr?00:20
beunojelmer, just to figure out if I have to bump the min bzrlib version00:22
beunook, I do then00:22
beunothanks lifeless00:22
jelmerbeuno, good question, I think it was 1.1100:22
jelmerlifeless, that late?00:22
beunohi igc00:25
igchi beuno00:25
beunojelmer, I'm not sure what to expose on the UI for this00:27
beunoas in00:27
beunoI have no idea what this is: (('203ae883-c723-44c9-aabd-cb56e4f81c9a', 'trunk', 230), BzrSvnMappingv3(TrunkBranchingScheme(0)))00:27
jelmerbeuno, So in that particular case the interesting bit would be "trunk" and 23000:27
beunojelmer, so it's not key value pairings, just values with no explanation to them?00:28
jelmerbeuno: You can call use the second part of the tuple to get a key/value representation00:28
jelmerWhat is returned is a tuple with foreign_revid and mapping00:28
jelmerforeign_revid is specific to the foreign vcs00:29
beunojelmer, could we refactor this so it gives us the key:value entries directly?00:29
beunothat way it's very clear what should be exposed  :)00:29
jelmerbeuno, mapping.vcs.show_foreign_revid(foreign_revid) will return a dictionary with key/value pairs (all strings)00:30
jelmerthat's what's used for "bzr log"00:30
jelmeryou might also be interested in mapping.vcs though, e.g. for displaying a git/svn/hg/etc icon00:30
jmlhey, bzr people.00:32
jelmermoin jml00:33
jelmerwb beuno00:33
jelmerbeuno, did you see those last few lines?00:33
beuno_jelmer, saw: 20:30 < jelmer> you might also be interested in mapping.vcs though, e.g. for displaying a git/svn/hg/etc icon00:34
jelmerbeuno_, yeah, that's right00:34
beuno_jelmer, it's starting to get more complex than exposing it on the UI00:35
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jelmerbeuno: Perhaps we should focus on just the foreign rev info first, and other fancy stuff like icons later00:36
beunojelmer, sounds good00:41
beunocan you update the branch to ad that00:41
lifelessjelmer: I was sure it was in by then, and a later than actual answer is still useful :)00:44
lifelessjelmer: $ rmadison subunit00:45
lifeless   subunit | 0.0.2~bzr66-1 | karmic/universe | source, all00:45
jelmerlifeless, \o/00:46
jelmerbeuno, will do00:46
FurnaceBoy2abentley, thanks for your suggestion earlier, but I am still stuck: http://pastebin.ca/144556300:48
FurnaceBoy2abentley, thanks for your suggestion earlier, but I am still stuck: http://pastebin.ca/1445563  ; I have committed my changes before this00:48
lifelessFurnaceBoy2: if you want your local branch to overwrite the solaris10-port, add --overwrite to your push command, just once.00:50
FurnaceBoy2hm, ok. i think i have succeeded by doing that in the past, I wonder why it didn't occur to me this time.00:51
* FurnaceBoy2 goes to try00:51
FurnaceBoy2ok that certainly pushed.00:52
jelmerbeuno, sorry, phone call. I'm working on the foreign revid stuff now00:53
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jelmerbeuno, lp:~jelmer/loggerhead/foreign00:58
lifelessigc: ping01:05
beunojelmer, thanks, dinner, but will look at it later01:05
lifelessigc: I'd like to try and convince you to change the core iter_changes and put excludes into it too :)01:05
beunolifeless, your evil plan worked01:05
lifelessbeuno: which one was that?01:05
jelmerlifeless: +101:05
igclifeless: I've come to the same conclusion01:06
igclifeless: trying to do it as a decorator is too fragile w.r.t. locking01:06
igcand consistency01:06
lifelessigc: it will also tend to trigger full inventory scans from dirstate, I suspect01:07
igcits just more work, but hey, that's ife01:07
jmlhow much memory can I expect bzr 1.14 to use when cloning a 1.2 GB branch stacked on a 450MB branch?01:07
lifelessjml: a few hundred MB probably01:07
jmllimited on-production experimentation suggests 4.5GB+01:07
lifelessjml: bugger a file01:07
jmllifeless: cool.01:07
beunolifellif"get slightly involved and then get sucked in/obbssessed"01:08
jmllifeless: will do that, but would like to experiment locally first.01:08
lifelessbeuno: :) with loggerhead?01:08
lifelessI think it was loggerhead I tried to do that with01:09
cody-somervillejelmer, ping01:48
jelmercody-somerville, hi01:48
cody-somervillejelmer, using the latest bzr-git, 0.3.2, locally I get a different error01:48
jelmercody-somerville, what git repository was this again?01:49
jelmercody-somerville: Hmm, that looks different indeed. Any chance you can file a bug report?01:53
cody-somervillejelmer, sure. bzr-git on launchpad?01:54
jelmercody-somerville, yep01:55
jamigc: ping01:55
igchi jam01:55
cody-somervillejelmer, filed as lp #38299301:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382993 in bzr-git "AttributeError: children when performing git-import" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38299301:57
jamigc: I was hoping you would get a chance to run some Usertest stuff on Jelmer's most recent bencode serializer code01:58
jamWe really need to come up with a disk format for 2.0 rather soonish01:58
igcjam: that's on my list for today01:58
lifelessI'm still on check FWIW01:58
lifelessspiv: are you copacetic on network deltas?01:58
igcjam: the main thing I need is a patch/branch with all the proposed bits including a placeholder format, e.g. development8-rr01:59
igcjam: jelmer did exactly that fro me to benchmark the rio stuff01:59
igcjam: to test on OOo, I also need 36 hours to generate a repo in the proposed new format02:00
jamigc: I'm pretty sure he had a --dev7-rr format02:00
jamalso, I would expect converting from --dev6 => --dev7 would be much faster02:00
jamand it could be mysql, it wouldn't have to be OOo02:00
igcjam: great. I'll take a look at his latest patches02:01
igcyes, mysql would be faster. I don't have it converted to development6 yet though.02:01
igcjam: can you upload a converted repo for me?02:01
lifelessjelmer: I don't see the index problem02:07
lifelessjelmer: care to fix?02:07
jelmerlifeless, I tried, but couldn't easily find out where the unicode objects were being introducecd02:08
lifelesswhat was their value?02:09
kizzoIs there a way to specify the ssh port to use when pushing something to your private branch?02:09
jelmerlifeless, checking02:10
kizzoSo instead of "bzr push lp:~kizzobot/blah/blah", the location would be "bzr+ssh://launchpad.net:22/..."?02:11
kizzoI'll try it out now.02:11
lifelesskizzo: uhm02:11
lifelesskizzo: the default port for lp/bzr+ssh is 22, so it should Just Work02:12
lifelesskizzo: what are you seeing happen?02:12
lifeless(and it would be bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net:22/~kizzobot/blah/blah)02:12
kizzoMy /etc/ssh/ssh_client specifies a default port of NOT 2222.02:12
kizzoOh wait .. s/NOT//02:12
lifelessso the above should work02:13
lifelessand please file a bug that lp: isn't forcing the port02:13
jelmercody-somerville, looks like a symlink target that's been changed to include an extra /02:13
kizzoYeah I would think so too.02:13
kizzoI think it is actually..02:13
kizzokizzo@crashtest:~/work/new-bindings$ bzr push bzr+ssh://code.launchpad.net:22/~kizzobot/+junk/python-bindings02:13
lifelessin fact, bzr+ssh should possibly force the port02:13
kizzossh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 2222: Connection timed out02:13
lifelessnot code.launchpad.net - bazaar.launchpad.net02:14
jelmerlifeless, a bit related, it also looks like "bzr index" doesn't like ghosts02:14
lifelessredirectors in the middle will give you grief02:14
lifelesskizzo: another thing you could do, in ~/.ssh/config02:14
lifelessHost bazaar.launchpad.net02:14
lifeless  port 2202:14
SamBlifeless: why should it force the port ?02:14
cody-somervillejelmer, does that mean an easy fix?02:15
jelmerlifeless, node is (<bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeBuilder object at 0xa8c528c>, ('1545',), u'p  mapping.py')02:15
lifelessSamB: because there is a well known port02:15
jelmercody-somerville, not sure yet02:15
kizzolifeless: Oh ok that works - thanks.02:15
kizzoAnd specifying the port in the URL successfully works.02:15
SamBlifeless: wouldn't that be a major abuse of the URL syntax ?02:15
lifelessSamB: no02:15
SamBit's not necessarily the case that ALL ssh servers run on that port ...02:15
lifelessSamB: naturally02:15
SamBthere may be situations where a SINGLE machine has MORE THAN ONE02:15
lifelessSamB: I think you have misinterpreted what I said02:16
SamBlifeless: what did you mean ?02:16
lifelessSamB: If a user tells bzr 'bzr+ssh://host/' bzr should be attempting to connect to port 2202:16
SamBoh, sure!02:16
SamBthat's not forcing, that's defaulting!02:16
lifelessSamB: so it should be forcing the port when it invokes ssh02:17
SamByou mean it should pass the default port on to SSH02:17
lifelessno, I mean it should tell ssh the port to use, always.02:17
SamBinstead of just assuming that SSH has the default default?02:17
kizzoSamB: I think lifeless is saying that it would be bad if the bzr tool itself was always forcing the port to be 22, and not letting the user specify another port.02:18
lifelessjelmer: is that a path in your tree?02:18
SamBkizzo: I'm pretty sure that's what I was trying to say to lifeless ...02:18
jelmerlifeless, mapping.py is, not the "p  " bit02:18
kizzoOh nvm haha.02:18
lifelessjelmer: p is path02:18
lifelessjelmer: its the entry type02:18
jelmerlifeless, ah, right02:18
lifelesssearch should be ghost friendly, as long as the ghosts aren't required to calculate deltas - which they must not be02:19
spivlifeless: copacetic on network deltas?  I only just woke up, so I'm hardly copacetic on anything right atm ;)02:20
lifelessjelmer: what are you indexing?02:26
jelmerlifeless: anything02:26
lifelessjelmer: line 978 of index.py02:28
lifelesscan you insert02:28
jelmerlifeless, it's looking very similar to the reconcile text ghost handling bug02:28
lifeless=== modified file 'index.py'02:29
lifeless--- index.py    2009-01-21 07:59:57 +000002:29
lifeless+++ index.py    2009-06-03 01:29:17 +000002:29
lifeless@@ -975,6 +975,9 @@02:29
lifeless         if document_key in self._document_ids:02:29
lifeless             return self._document_ids[document_key]02:29
lifeless         next_id = str(self.document_index.key_count())02:29
lifeless+        value = "%s %s %s" % document_key02:29
lifeless+        if type(value) is unicode:02:29
lifeless+            import pdb;pdb.set_trace()02:29
jelmerlifeless, (Pdb) print document_key02:34
jelmer('p', '', u'mapping.py')02:34
kizzoWhen you do something like "bzr branch lp:whatever", what is the expanded version of "lp"?02:35
moldydumb question: how do i restore a deleted file?02:35
jelmerlifeless, unrelated question, could it be that bzr is fixing the formatting of InventoryEntry.symlink_target02:36
lifelessjelmer: peng filed this as a dev6 specific bug02:37
jelmerlifeless, the bzr-search thing you mean?02:37
lifelessjelmer: can you give me the backtrace for that?02:37
lifelesskizzo: its the result of an xmlrpc call02:37
moldyi have committed the deletion and done other changes since then02:38
lifelessmoldy: bzr revert -r <rev that had the file> FILENAME02:38
jelmerlifeless, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/187068/02:38
moldylifeless: thanks! is there any better way to find <rev> than to read through the logs?02:39
lifelessmoldy: bzr log -v | less , /FILENAME  :)02:39
lifelessmoldy: (for now)02:40
moldylifeless: ok, i see. thank you!02:41
lifelessjelmer: pull trunk02:41
jelmerlifeless, I can confirm that works, thanks!02:42
jamigc: lp:///~jameinel/bzr/bencode_serializer02:43
jamThat should be the latest version of the serializer, with all the bits sewn together02:43
jamwell, once it finishes uploading :)02:44
jamI think the machine with my mysql conversion is offline right now, I'll see what I can do02:45
kizzoHmm why is "bzr branch lp:~kizzobot/+junk/python-bindings" talking SSH?  (I have a packet sniffer running and seeing the traffic).02:47
kizzoI'm under the impression that I'm branching FROM launchpad - why would SSH be involved?02:47
Peng_kizzo: Why shouldn't it?02:47
Peng_kizzo: If you've run "bzr launchpad-login", lp: expands to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/02:48
kizzoPeng_: It's a public branch.  Like, anyone should be able to get it.02:48
lifelessjelmer: cool02:48
Peng_kizzo: Anyone can get it. If they haven't logged in, it'll use http.02:48
Peng_Who what works?02:49
igcjam: thanks02:49
jamigc: just make sure you run 'make' :)02:49
igcjam: and thanks for the reivews as well02:49
igcjam :-) will do02:49
igcthe numbers tend to stand out if do forget :-)02:49
igcs/if/if I/02:50
xnevermoreI'm trying to use bzr-svn to create a subversion repo on a remote server and push my bzr branch to it. I tried using "bzr svn-push svn+ssh://server.com/home/username/svnrepos/project", but got "bzr: ERROR: No repository present"02:53
jelmerxnevermore, a repository ahs to alreday exist02:54
jelmerand I need to fix my spelling02:54
xnevermorejelmer: do you know what the svn command for that is?02:54
jelmerxnevermore, on the remote server: svnadmin create /path02:55
lifelessjelmer: bzr init --svn svn+ssh://server.com/home/username/svnrepos/project would be cute :)02:55
lifelessjelmer: and the api definitely supports it:)02:56
jelmerlifeless, the remote one doesn't unfortunately02:56
SamBlifeless: well enough ?02:56
lifelessSamB: EPARSE02:56
jelmerlifeless, locally "bzr init-repo --subversion" already works02:56
SamBthe API may believe it supports a thing, but it might not actually be possible to make it work in a real situation ...02:56
lifelessSamB: I don't see why it wouldn't02:57
lifelessSamB: or I wouldn't have said that the api supports it ;)02:57
SamBlifeless: that's usually on account of not having tried and failed ;-)02:57
lifelessSamB: are you arguing hypothetically, or from experience with this particular api ?02:58
xnevermorejelmer: ok, i issued that command, then issued the svn-push command, but got "bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to reconcile them."02:58
lifelessjelmer: how does it fall down for you?02:58
SamBlifeless: hypothetically, I guess02:58
SamBI haven't tried and failed either02:58
jelmerxnevermore, you need to push to somewhere inside of the repository, e.g. URL/trunk02:58
lifelessSamB: 'nuff said02:58
SamBbut the way jelmer keeps doing it I wouldn't have been surprised either way02:58
jelmerlifeless, the API for creating a repository requires you to specify a local path02:59
lifelessjelmer: whose api02:59
jelmerlifeless, The SVN one02:59
lifelessjelmer: I was meaning 'ssh host svnadmin ...'02:59
jelmerlifeless, The only API that works with svn+ssh://, svn:// and http:// doesn't allow creating repositories02:59
SamBfor once it's not bzrlib's fault02:59
jelmerlifeless, ahh03:00
lifelessjelmer: which you have enough data to do03:00
jelmerlifeless, Yeah, I guess we could do that03:00
SamBjelmer: certainly it could try03:00
SamBwhat does svn+ssh need from a remote anyway ?03:00
xnevermorejelmer: cool, thanks. that worked fine03:02
lifelessSamB: it uses libsvn locally with a remote url03:03
lifelessSamB: as opposed to the bzr rpc server03:03
SamBlifeless: I meant, what does libsvn need from the remote ...03:03
jelmerSamB, it needs svnserve present on the remote server03:03
lifelessjust like bzr really, except our serve is a subcommand03:06
jelmersvnserve should be an alias for "bzr serve --svn"03:10
lifelessthat would be cool in a strange sort of way03:18
thumperjelmer: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27418534/ubuntu-tweak-master-log.txt03:50
thumperjelmer: still awake?03:50
Peng_So, um, how do bzr serve --git and --svn work? Do they serve native git/svn branches over the git/svn protocols? Bzr branches?04:06
Peng_How do you check if a transport is read-only?04:07
spivPeng_: there's .is_readonly() on the transport object04:07
Peng_spiv: Oh, that's simple and obvious. Thanks.04:08
spivPeng_: of course, a transport may think its read-write and then get PermissionDenied from all write ops ;)04:08
lifeless.readonly is a misfeature04:08
lifelessI advise against using it04:08
lifelessit really just reflects that a particular transport will deny *all* write operations, not that *any given* operation will succeed04:08
spivPeng_: so the reliable way is to actually try writing and be prepared to catch errors :)04:08
Peng_I'm interested in making sure the transport is read-only, not making sure it's not. :)04:09
lifelessPeng_: context?04:10
Peng_lifeless: Loggerhead, both in general, and specifically for serving .bzr/smart.04:12
lifelessPeng_: I'm not sure why you would care there?04:17
lifelessis there any reason loggerhead shouldn't be able to write when its serving, just as bzr:// can  ?04:17
Peng_That's a good point. Still, it doesn't allow configuring that (yet), and it should default to read-only.04:18
lifelessI'd make sure bzr serve's facility for configuring this is reused directly04:19
Peng_Thanks to how "bzr serve" works, it already is.04:20
Peng_"bzr serve" passes a transport to Loggerhead; if --allow-writes was not passed, it's read-only.04:20
Peng_But start-loggerhead and serve-branches are still around, and the latter takes arbitrary URLs.04:20
lifelessjam: ping04:34
Peng_Making Loggerhead writable is spooky and totally cool.04:39
* igc lunch04:46
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lifelessPeng_: for sex, have clients at the trunkof the branch get updates pushed via ajax when someone commits via loggerhead04:49
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Peng_It's totally cool that pushing from a bzr client -> bzr+http server -> bzr server works, right?05:01
lifelessPeng_: yes05:01
kizzolifeless: Thanks.05:16
Peng_Do you think it's worth running a bzr+http server?05:42
Peng_Especially since that entails running an old version of bzr that actually works?05:42
jmllifeless: so, regarding the memory thing I mentioned earlier05:43
Peng_I'm not sure what percentage of that was a serious question and what was whining.05:43
jmllifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187123/ has a traceback I got from doing C-\ while the memory was climbing05:43
jmllifeless: can you please help me file a good bug for this, now that I can reproduce the error locally?05:43
lifelesslet me look05:44
spivPeng_: yeah, sorry about that, that bug is on my todo list...05:44
lifelessso that particular point is in index processing05:44
lifelessand you don't have the C extensions built05:44
lifelessfirst thing, see if they make a difference.05:45
lifelessjml: secondly, grab jam's memory profiler tool05:46
lifelessand use it when you break in05:46
jmlI wonder why they aren't built. I'm running from the nightly ppa05:47
lifelessjml: I may be wrong05:49
lifelessimport bzrlib._btree_serializer_c05:49
jmlit's not there.05:49
jml1.15+4368+109 should be recent enough, right?05:50
lifelessbug in the ppa builds05:51
lifelessI'll file it05:51
Peng_spiv: <305:53
jmlhah, I don't even have pyrex installed.05:53
Peng_Actually, I wasn't just whining. Branching bzr.dev's entire history over bzr+http would probably make my server catch fire.05:54
pygiPeng_: with what format ?:)05:54
Peng_pygi: 1.9.05:57
pygiPeng_: try with brisbane? :)05:57
Peng_pygi: Not possible. If I upgrade my bzr+http server to a version that supports bbc, it'll also suffer from bug 348308.05:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348308 in bzr "Smart server jail breaks bzr+http with shared repos" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34830805:58
Peng_Obviously I could set up two servers, but that'd be a pain.05:58
Peng_And anyway, trying it means risking an OOM.05:59
jmlhmm. rate of climbing seems slower, but it's still over 1g.06:04
lifelesstime for the memory profiler06:05
jmlhurh, it's not using the c module06:06
* jml bangs the box a couple of times.06:06
jmlnow that I'm using C extensions, seems to be capped at ~721MB06:24
lifelessthats still high06:25
lifelessif you could build and use jams profiler that would be good06:25
jmllifeless: sure thing. where does it live?06:25
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lifelesslol http://mac.wareseeker.com/free-john-arbash-meinel/06:27
lifeless(spam search hit in google)06:28
lifeless^ jml:06:29
jmllifeless: interested at all in the pure python data?06:30
lifelessjml: not really.06:31
lifelesschoosing battles etc06:31
vilahi all07:18
spivGar, why does PQM not want to send me failure mail...07:55
lifelessNo handlers could be found for logger "bzr"08:04
lifelessPermission denied (publickey).08:04
lifelessbzrlib.errors.ConnectionReset: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)08:04
spivAh, right.  Ok.08:12
spivI guess the PQM user isn't properly set up to cope with lp: URLs :/08:13
lifelessspiv: rt it?08:46
ronnyjelmer: im kinda missing how i should store objects i created in a dulwich repo, any hints on what im missing?08:53
ronnyah, found my issue08:55
ronnysearched the wrong file for that08:55
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jmllifeless: did you go to jkakar's commandant talk?10:09
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balorHow do I throw out all the changes in my current working directory?  i.e. rebase on current HEAD.10:59
Peng_balor: ..."bzr revert"?11:00
balorPeng_: thanks11:01
Peng_Oh, good.11:01
johnfI've written an init script for bzr server. Should I submit a patch to bzr or should I just put it in the debian package?12:20
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vadi2*I'm trying to setup bzr over svn with bzr-svn, and thought the process was to make a new folder and use bzr-svn import --trees into the new location. But I accidentally did "bzr init" not in the new folder, but in the current svn one.13:25
vadi2the svn repository is huge and it's doing "something" - is that something wrong and should I cancel?13:25
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jelmervadi2, hi13:32
jelmervadi2, init in the svn one?13:32
jelmervadi2, doesn't sound like what you'd want13:32
vadi2yeah, after a long while it gave "bzr: ERROR: Already a branch: "."."13:32
vadi2But I'm having a problem getting it to import into my proper folder now though13:33
jelmervadi2, You're importing from a svn repo into a svn repo?13:34
vadi2why's that13:34
vadi2I did "bzr init" in yorba3 folder13:35
jelmervadi2: That creates a branch, not a repository13:35
jelmervadi2: A svn repository contains multiple branches13:35
jelmeryou don't need to run "bzr init" before svn-import13:35
vadi2What would be the proper way?13:36
jelmervadi2, don't running anything at all13:36
jelmerjust "bzr svn-import yorba yorba3"13:36
jelmeror "bzr svn-import --trees yorba yorba3" if you want working trees13:37
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vadi2Sorry. What folder to run that in?13:37
jelmervadi2, I think you may have a incomplete .bzr directory in Programs/ ?13:38
jelmerIt should be run in Programs, ideally yorba3 should not exist yet13:38
vadi2no, don't have a .bzr in Program13:39
vadi2going to try deleting yorba313:39
vadi2"No repository present: "file:///home/vadi/Programs/"" :/13:40
vadi2I'm using the stock jaunty version of bzr-svn though, not the ppa one because bzr-gtk breaks13:40
jelmermaybe try in a different directory13:41
jelmere.g. bzr svn-import /path/to/yorba /tmp/yorba313:41
vadi2$ bzr svn-import --trees /home/vadi/Programs/yorba /tmp/yorba313:42
vadi2bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/vadi/Programs/"13:42
vadi2there is no repository in 'Programs', that is correct. Not sure why it's not looking at the "yorba" folder13:42
jelmervadi2, Does yorba actually contain a subversion repository?13:43
jelmervadi2, is there no .bzr directory in yorba?13:44
vadi2there is a repository (svn log works) and there is no .bzr13:45
vadi2maybe I have a broken bzr-svn? getting the proper version installed without upgrading bzr was tricky.13:47
jelmervadi2, don't know13:48
awilkinsvadi2: Perhaps try bzr svn-import svn+file://home/vadi/Programs/yorba yorba3  ?13:48
jelmervadi2, that suggests there really isn't a svn repo in yorba13:52
vadi2But I have .svn in it and "svn log", "svn status" work okay13:53
jelmervadi2: That suggests there's a subversion working tree there, not a repository13:53
jelmervadi2: I think you want either 'bzr branch yorba yorba3' or 'bzr svn-import url-to-svn-repos yorba3'13:53
vadi2I'll try the first. It's very big to download again13:54
vadi2Thanks for your help, I'll try it in a bit.13:54
jelmervadi2, it won't retain much of the data that 'svn co' downloaded13:54
jelmervadi2, bzr downloads all of the history of what you're branching, svn only keeps the last revision13:55
beunojelmer, hi!  just took another stab at your foreign branch14:13
beunobut it tracebacks14:13
beunoadded the tb to the merge proposal14:13
beunojames_w, hi14:20
jamspiv, lifeless: I missed this last night, but PQM fails with both lp: urls and bzr+ssh://bazaar.canonical.com/ ones14:22
jamI think they changed the firewall rules14:22
jamBut #is never really came up with an answer14:24
jelmerbeuno, that's odd, I can't see how we could get there without setting foreign_revid somehow14:25
jami just switched to http://bazaar.launchpad.net14:25
vilajam: using http:// urls is the answer14:25
vilajam: and hi :)14:25
beunojelmer, yeah, I tried to fiddle with the code, but didn't figure it out either14:25
jamhey vila14:26
jamIt is *an* answer14:26
jamI don't think it should be *the* answer14:26
jamPerhaps the LOSAs feel differently14:26
vilajam: I agree with you, but it's the only answer that works :)14:26
jamI wonder if they didn't change PQM so that it actually thinks it has a launchpad user account14:26
jamand now it is trying to log in14:26
vilado you mean you used to be able to use lp: URLS ?14:26
jamwhereas before lp:/// urls were resolving to http14:27
jamvila: I configured it and had it working for at least 2-3 months14:27
vilajam: that's so unfair ! So I was really the only one hanging pqm while using them :-)14:27
jamvila: I think you hung pqm, then they "fixed" it, so I could use it14:30
jamthen they broke it again :)14:30
vilajam: I thought "they" fixed it twice, so I'm more cautious now about that :)14:30
moldywhy does bzr st only show directories with status unknown, but not the files inside those directories?14:43
stanihow can I retrieve the revision number from python from a bazaar repository14:59
beunostani, you have the revision id?15:00
beunostani, take a look at: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Integrating_with_Bazaar15:00
jelmerbeuno, argh, I'm so stupid15:01
staniI have a path and I want to get the revision number so I can construct a temporary version number for my package: package-0.2.bzr19215:01
jelmerbeuno, fix pushed15:01
beunojelmer, thanks15:02
stanibueno: thanks, I'll try that15:02
beunostani, so you need the tip?15:02
beunoit should be explained there15:02
stanibueno: hmmm doesn't seem to work15:06
stanibueno: http://www.pasteall.org/5894/python15:06
stanibueno: I thought afterwards I could do b.revno()15:08
beunostani, you need to open the branch15:08
jammoldy: we don't recurse into unknown directories because often that would be foolish15:09
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
jamconsider a "build" directory with hundreds of unwanted files15:09
stanibueno: thanks, stupid mistake of me15:09
moldyjam: i would like to see that there are hundreds of unwanted files15:10
moldyjam: without having to run ls on every directory with status unknown :) there is no option to request recursion?15:11
jammoldy: it was an explicit design decision, if you can present a use case for changing it, then please describe it to su15:11
jammoldy: bzr ls --recurse15:11
jamsorry "bzr ls --recursive"15:11
moldy"bzr st --recursive" would save me that additional command15:12
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moldyi might want to add the directory, but not its contents15:13
stanibeuno: what is the python equivalent to 'bzr export', it doesn't seem to be mentioned on that page15:21
jamstani: you can generally look in bzrlib/builtins.py to see what a command does, and how to translate that into direct python calls15:35
timourGuys, I need help with BZR 1.15.15:45
timourI have Kubuntu 9.04, fresh install.15:46
timourWhen I run any BZR command I get:15:46
timour"No handlers could be found for logger "bzr"15:46
jelmertimour, is your ~/.bzr.log writable?15:46
timourjelmer, checking ...15:46
timourjelmer, weird, no, it is:15:48
timour-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18K 2009-06-03 17:22 .bzr.log15:48
timourjelmer, should I chown it and make it writeable?15:49
jelmertimour, yeah15:49
visik7does bzr serve implement a wsgi interface ?15:50
timourjelmer, great, it worked, thanks a lot!15:51
jelmervisik7: bzr serve --http uses wsgi internally15:51
visik7but can I attach bzr serve to mod_wsgi ?15:52
jelmervisik7: You can attach loggerhead to mod_wsgi I *think*15:54
visik7if setup loggerhead do the server automatically checkout latest revision ?16:02
visik7or also without loggerhead16:03
visik7I mean does a non-dumb server provide autocheckout ?16:03
jelmervisik7, not sure I'm following16:04
visik7I'm referring to http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.0.18/server.htm16:05
visik7if I push using a dumb server the branch is not checked out16:05
visik7I was asking if with a non dumb server the checkout is performed16:05
jelmervisik7, ah16:05
jelmervisik7, no, that's not the case yet16:05
visik7I need a way to auto checkout on push16:06
visik7and the push-and-update plugin is not a viable solution16:06
jelmerthere's a plugin that can do that over ssh16:06
jelmervisik7, I don't think there's anything that can do that atm16:07
jelmervisik7, Somebody needs to add that feature to the smart server16:07
visik7smart server ?16:07
jelmervisik7, yeah, what bzr+ssh:// and bzr+http:// use under the covers16:07
visik7oh the non dumb16:08
visik7ok and bzr serve is hookable ? with a custom plugin to get this thing ?16:08
jelmerI don't know16:09
visik7ok thanks anyway16:09
jelmerlifeless, ping16:11
awilkinsI've been trying to get lifeless for days, is he alive?16:13
awilkins(hmm, that was a humourless pun on his name...)16:13
beunoawilkins, he was around yesterday, yes16:13
andrewWhat do I need to have in order to be able to tab-complete bzr commands? (Ubuntu 9.04)16:15
awilkinsandrew: Seems to just work here, I'd never thought about it16:16
beunoandrew, it works by default16:16
andrewFor example, if I type in: bzr st[tab], it starts giving me file names16:17
beunoandrew, that's odd. It shouldn't happen16:17
andrewBut since it does happen, what can I do to fix it?16:19
awilkinsRemove and reinstall the bzr package?16:27
* awilkins is embarassed to propose this windows-onian method16:27
andrewawilkins: tried that, no luck16:27
andrewawilkins: ha, don't be embarassed, I tried that already as it was suggested by somebody else16:28
visik7how can I run the following command from a python script: bzr update16:31
LarstiQandrew: is completion enabled in the shell you're using?16:32
LarstiQandrew: bash on Debian for instance, has it disabled by default16:33
* LarstiQ heads to the dojo16:34
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andrewgot it fixed thanks to evand. Apprently I didn't have a ~/.bashrc ...16:40
* andrew blames likewise-open for that messup16:50
ddaaHere's an idea for promoting bzr.17:18
ddaaIt's the dvcs for test-driven development and continuous integration.17:19
ddaaWrite test, write implementation, commit, merge parent, repeat.17:19
dashddaa: I would like to believe that17:19
dashhow's that different from the competition17:19
ddaaOther dvcs, with their anemic log functionality discourage frequent commits on feature branches and frequent merges.17:20
dashwell, that matches my experience17:20
ddaaBecause that creates a lot of very small commits that end up making the mainline log unusable.17:20
dashi specifically picked bzr over hg because of the ability to get a clean trunk log17:21
dashlike i was used to in svn17:21
bob2bzr and git now have the same log output17:21
SamBbob2: eh?17:21
ddaabob2: meh?17:21
dashbob2: interesting.17:21
ddaabob2: you mean hg changed its log output to highlight the mainline?17:21
SamBmaybe if you use --first-parent or whatever ...17:21
bob2no idea what hg does17:22
ddaaAh, I mean git.17:22
ddaaYou mean git log now only shows the mainline?17:22
ddaaand has an option to show a hierarchical log?17:22
bob2--graph, iirc17:23
ddaaI dunno git, but I know that with hg's "fast forward pull on no divergence", you cannot get a clean mainline even if you want to.17:23
ddaaI know jelmer reported that samba folks asked him to stop frequently merging trunk into his branch because it polluted the log.17:24
staniWhat is the equivalent of 'bzr export DEST' in python? Is this done with a WorkingTree or a Branch?17:24
dashddaa: right, that's the key missing feature in hg as far as I can tell17:24
dashI did have an hg user tell me it was possible once17:25
dashbut it's not the normal mode of operation17:25
ddaaI'm pretty sure that's not going to change now.17:25
=== Isaiah1 is now known as Isaiah
lukscan't you just always fetch+merge?17:25
ddaaTheir community is too used to the way it works now to change at this point.17:25
dashluks: not if there's no divergence.17:25
lukshm, interesting17:25
SamBhuh, git at least has an option for it!17:25
jelmerSamB, defaults matter unfortunately17:26
SamBjelmer: yes, they do17:26
dashespecially unfortunate defaults17:26
SamBbut at least with git you CAN do it if you get asked to17:26
lukswell, I think git people see the history differently than bzr people17:26
ddaaAnyway, I think that can be a useful sales script.17:26
luksin git it's a set of patches, basically17:26
SamByou know ?17:26
ddaaluks: and they are sooo wrong.17:27
luksbut they seem to like it17:27
ddaabut I have yet figured the right arguments to explain it clearly.17:27
luksflat log / rebase / etc.17:27
SamBluks: er, well, it's not a set of patches17:27
SamBbut sometimes they use it to store a pile of patches17:27
luksSamB: not technically, but they treat it that way17:27
SamBwhich it isn't at all good for17:27
ddaaluks: I believe git folks like it because either 1. they have hugre trees and require git performance or 2. they do not know any better.17:27
SamBI honestly wish there was some kind of git/darcs hybrid where you could keep that "set of patches" in a darcs-managed area on top of a git-managed history ...17:28
Isaiahddaa: Or they use github ;)17:29
luksI can see that maintaining a mainline in the kernel wouldn't be easy17:29
luksbut I think it would work better for most other projects17:29
ddaaSamB: the mental model of a tool's community is important. It dictactes a lot of the detail choices that form the day to day experience with the tool.17:29
ddaaluks: I believe the kernel has a strong culture of "lines of development", it's just that there are basically two kinds of people: those have the conceptualization skills required to see past git's quirks, and those that don't care.17:31
ddaaLess polarized projects may have more people in the middle area, where they build a workflow and mental model informed by the quirks of git's ui.17:31
ddaaI'm also a bit irked by how hg's documentation confused "changeset" and "revision".17:33
SamBanyway, it isn't always bad if things that were in feature branches end up in the mainline ...17:33
ddaaSamB: explain what you mean.17:33
SamBwell, it depends on how noisy they were, mostly ...17:34
ddaaThat's my point.17:34
ddaaThe DVCS for TDD must support extremely chatty branches.17:34
* SamB wishes the kernel used more TDD17:35
SamBwell, in the sense that tests would be nice17:35
SamBnot in the sense that I think anyone should stop trying to think about the correctness of their code ...17:35
ddaaSamB: it's not clear it's at all possible for kernel development. Most of the problems are with hardware quirks.17:35
SamBddaa: hmm.17:35
luksI imagine testing hardward interaction must be fun17:35
SamBwell, it'd still be nice if there were more tests for the things that can be tested, you know?17:36
SamBthe kernel isn't ALL drivers17:37
SamBand some of the drivers aren't for devices, even17:37
luksyeah, but that's usually the patch that is broken17:37
luksand should be properly tested17:37
lukser, s/patch/part17:37
SamBit'd be handy to have a provided test harness even without the tests, actually ...17:39
ddaaYou need test, otherwise how do you know that your test harness works? :)17:40
mthaddonabentley: so the verdict on nested trees is that it's not in the immediate future - do you know if it'll be in bzr 2.0 and what the timeline for that is?17:41
ddaaFor crissakes, can we very much please have it for bzr 2.0?17:42
abentleymthaddon: I don't know whether it'll be in 2.0.17:42
SamBddaa: well, okay, I meant without many tests17:42
abentleymthaddon: I'm not sure what timeline you mean.17:42
ddaaIt's a major differentiating feature, IMO it's worth delaying 2.0 until it's done and stabilized.17:42
mthaddonabentley: I was meaning when 2.0 is expected to be released, but if you're saying it might not be in 2.0, then I guess it's a moot point17:43
mthaddonbut fwiw I'd agree with ddaa17:43
abentleyddaa: It's currently in the design stage.17:43
abentleymthaddon: There will be a 1.6 release.  2.0 could be the next release after that.17:44
mthaddonok, thx17:45
abentleysorry, 1.16, not 1.617:45
ddaaabentley: That's good to know, but it does not contradict my position: it's a major differentiating feature, and it's worth delaying 2.0 for it, so it will have the exposure it deserves.17:47
ddaaThere's only one shot at 2.0, so you must make it count.17:47
abentleyddaa: All other DVCSes have it, so it can only be a differentiating feature by being awesome.17:48
ddaaif you are referring to hg forests17:48
ddaa(or git equivalent)17:48
ddaait's about as advanced as config-manager17:48
SamBabentley: what the heck do you mean that all other DVCs have it?17:48
ddaameaning that IMHO it sucks major balls17:48
SamBand I don't think it's that great in any of them at the moment ...17:48
ddaathe only thing that's close is svn externals, and AFAIK no dvcs is even close to this level of seamlessness.17:49
abentleySamB: Mercurial has the forests extension, Git has submodules.  (I shouldn't have said they "all" have it.)17:49
SamBand who uses them ?17:49
SamBespecially who uses submodules ?17:49
ddaaBut that's a good point.17:49
ddaa"All other dvcs claim to have it, although they have only some half-assed implementation, so the promotion impact of having it in bzr is consideradly lessened".17:50
SamBI remeber once someone actually had a problem while using them and asked a question about it in #git17:50
SamBbut I don't remember if the problem was actually related to them or not17:51
ddaaSamB: I'd bet submodules suck, but we're talking perceptions here.17:51
ddaaabentley: OTOH, that means that NOT having nested trees for 2.0 can be a perceived weak point for bzr.17:52
SamBddaa: perhaps only by someone who hasn't actually heard anything about how git's work ...17:53
ddaaAccording to this line of though, 2.0 should implement some minimal support for nested trees.17:53
bialixddaa: do you aware of scmproj?17:53
ddaaSamB: which is the case of essentially anyone who's choosing a new DVCS.17:53
ddaabialix: nope17:53
SamBddaa: eh?17:53
bialixthis is plugin emulated nested trees17:54
ddaaSamB: most people who are switching their project to a DVCS have only the vaguest ideas of the specifics of each tool. That why they usually end up just picking the fastest, because that's a difference they can measure.17:54
bialixI'd like to reuse some abentley work17:54
abentleyddaa: And *that*'s what 2.0 will address.17:55
ddaabialix: is it usable in production17:55
ddaaabentley: I know that's the *main* goal of 2.0.17:55
bialixddaa: nested trees is better17:55
ddaabialix: abentley just said that nested-trees are "in the design stage"17:56
bialixand this makes nested trees better17:56
bialixscmproj is poor emulation. it works but have some problems17:56
ddaaabentley: but I also think that the 2.0 release should pack the maximum punch possible.17:57
ddaabialix: I hardly see how "something that's in the design stage" (implicitly, not something that's usable) can be better than something that works today.17:57
bialixgit submodules is also work today, altough you guys very hardly on it17:59
ddaaTwo different discussions.18:00
ddaaOne hand: what's the right way to do it.18:00
ddaaOther hand: perception of potential adopters or switchers.18:01
ddaaAs past experience has shown, they have very little overlap.18:01
ddaaSince the perception is that git and hg have a form of nested trees.18:01
ddaaThe question is whether scmproj can be used to convincingly argue that bzr has feature parity.18:02
bialixI've designed scmproj based on forest/submodules and past nested trees spec.18:02
bialixbut it need more love18:03
bialixI'd say it could be used to check different variants for implememting real nested trees18:03
bialixbut I'm not aware someebody is using it aside me and AmanicA18:04
bialixso there is too little user feedback18:04
bialixis it usable? more or less. Could ut be better -- definitely18:04
bialixbut all people waiting for real nested trees, so I'm doubt scmproj is vital alternative18:05
ddaaSo we're still stuck without a viable conterparts for forests/submodules.18:07
cdecarloI need to use a non-standard port to connect to my comuper over ssh, how do I use bzr+ssh:// to connect to a different port?18:07
ddaaWhich I think should not be the case in 2.0.18:07
bialixddaa: we also still don't have versioned properties18:08
ddaaYou mean file properties?18:10
bialixtoday they called rulkes18:10
ddaaI do not know what you are talking about.18:11
ddaaAnd I like to think I know a thing or two about version control...18:11
bialixabently: does lp:bzr/1.15 is valid submit branch for BB?18:11
bialixddaa: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#rules18:12
ddaabialix: so you say this should be supported by metadata (not unlike revision properties) that have versioned text (like source files).18:15
bialixno, I don't say anything18:15
bialixthis is not file properties18:16
ddaaI say, let's just stick that in a source file and be done with it.18:16
bialixthe problem is these rules currently is not propagated18:16
ddaaIt's not ideal, but there's a precedent with .bzrignore18:16
bialixmany devs think it's wrong approach18:17
ddaaand the alternative are all pretty bad18:17
bialixand I understand why18:17
ddaaWell, I guess they have thought of an alternative I haven't thought of.18:17
bialixbut.. at the end of the day there is still nothing in bzr18:17
ddaaRight. The bzr dev are sometimes too focused on doing the Right Thing, to the point of sometimes not doing anything.18:18
ddaaSee what happened with tags.18:18
bialixtags are bad18:18
ddaaThey are certainly inelegant.18:19
bialixthey definitely better than .hgtags18:19
ddaaDo they solve their target use case?18:19
ddaaI think so.18:19
dashhuh. why are tags bad?18:19
bialixuntil you start change tags and merging them18:19
ddaabialix: the point is that when you start to think about merging tags, you go mad.18:20
bialixtoday it's nightmare18:20
bialixI wonder how git does tags merge18:20
jambialix: git has conflicts on tags pretty much the same as us18:20
dashmerging tags sounds like a thing that shouldn't work at all18:20
jamdash: it is more the idea that both people have tag "foo" but they disagree on the value18:20
jamhow do you resolve that?18:20
bialixjam: in git tags are objects18:20
jambialix: they are just refs18:20
jamnot versioned objects18:21
jamrefs/tags/XXX IIRC18:21
ddaaI had the chance to participate in many a restaurant discussions about tags merging with lifeless and the folks, and once you started to think about merging and conflicts it became horrendously tricky in terms of user interface.18:21
dashjam: it would not hurt my feelings if that just failed outright18:21
jamddaa: of course, then someone wants to delete a tag and have it propagate18:21
bialixddaa: you know today bzr simply stops18:21
bialixthere is absolutely no UI to merge tags18:22
jamI believe the current state for bzr is that you can do "bzr pull" which will keep your local tags and "bzr pull --overwrite" which will use the remote tags18:22
jambut merge doesn't have the same options, etc.18:22
ddaathat's fine18:22
ddaaat least the tags are there, and people no longer obsess about "bzr is missing tags"18:22
ddaaand since nobody has solved the problem any better, it's not net drag on adoption18:23
bialixjam: git's tags has additional metadata: who create tag and when. why bzr don't have it?18:23
bialixddaa: so, using your classification, bzr has nested tree support today: from scmproj plugin.18:25
bialixit's almost equally ugly as in hg/git and it kinda works18:25
ddaadoes it kinda work equally to hg/git?18:26
jambialix: Because it wasn't part of the requirements that Martin put together when he created basic tag support18:26
bialixddaa: you can get, update, commit, push easily entire nested construct. and perform more complex actions like in git18:26
ddaaif it's not any worse than hg/git solutions, then I say let's have 2.0 and big partay!18:27
bialixddaa: other actions require more work18:27
jambialix: also, git tags don't *always* contain that info18:27
jamI just tested it18:27
jamand I create .git/refs/tags/test-tag which just has a sha1 in it18:27
ddaaBTW, can we have 2.0 partay for DVCS geeks in Paris?18:27
ddaaOr alternately, can I have an invitation?18:28
ddaaI miss having beer with you folks.18:28
bialixjam: I was under impression git tags should have additional metadata. maybe I'm wrong18:28
bialixfrom some presentation about git. There is 4 basic objects in git: blob, tree, commit and tag18:29
* bialix has to go18:30
* bialix waves18:30
cdecarloI needed bzr+ssh to use a non-standard port so I created a ~/.bazaar/authenication.conf file and configured the proper settings but I'm not sure if it's reading the file? is there a way to be sure18:30
jamtoo late, I guess. but git *also* has "signed tags" which *do* have extra meta info18:30
* ddaa goes back to his "getting rich by startup founding" business18:35
dashare you secretly paul graham?18:36
ddaaI wish.18:36
ddaaBut if I were I would alread have solved the getting rich part.18:36
ddaaI would probably be working on some unlikely project such as "getting famous by changing how the world does rich text editing".18:37
dashyes please18:37
ddaadash: for a couple millions euros, I'll happily abandon my current project and start working full time on this.18:40
ddaaone-time expense!18:40
cdecarlomy authentication.conf file isn't being accessed, is there some secret I don't know about?18:47
Clintwhy am i getting this, and how do i make it better?18:55
Clintbzr: ERROR: The method _generate_inventory is not supported on objects of type KnitPackRepository.18:55
* ddaa watches helpless has texmacs is switch to git after the Savannah disaster.18:56
* ddaa watches helpless as texmacs is switching to git after the Savannah disaster.18:56
ddaaNo discussion, request for input, or consideration of alternatives.18:57
ddaaClint: presumably because you are using some plugin that does not work with your version of bzr.18:58
mattlddaa: we're moving to bzr after the Savannah problems, so any help you can give Clint on this would be very helpful.18:59
Clintddaa: i will elaborate then. i did a bzr svn-import, got three "branches" from that, cloned them into subdirs of a --rich-root repo, and tried to join --reference them18:59
Clintthe first worked, the second two give me that error18:59
ddaaPlease paste the end of your .bzr.log in a pastebin19:00
ddaaI won't be able to solve it for you, but somebody else might.19:01
ddaaBut I am questioning the usefulness of your doing join in this case. I doubt this will achieve the result you wish.19:01
Clintddaa: http://paste.debian.net/37963/19:01
Clintokay, what am i misunderstanding?19:01
ddaaWhat do you want to achieve by joining the branches imported from svn?19:02
Clintddaa: mattl wants to be able to clone the rootdir and get all three19:03
ddaaYou should write a small script using the "bzr branches" command.19:04
ddaafrom bzrtools19:04
mattlClint: is this turning into a nightmare?19:05
ddaaAlso, I bet the error you have comes from using 'join --reference', nested trees do not really work.19:05
ddaaThey are very experimental stuff.19:06
mattlClint: let's just have a stable tree, experimental tree and trunk tree.19:06
mattl3 seperate ones19:06
ddaaThey are the equivalent of svn externals. You could use the scmproj plugin for this functionality.19:07
mattlwould everyone need that plugin to check out?19:07
ddaaonly to checkout the combination19:07
ddaayou do not need it to use branches individually.19:08
mattlyeah, that's too much for people to have to do19:09
mattlindividual branches then19:09
ddaasorry about the inconvenience, but you cannot really do partial checkouts or whole repo checkouts (as you do with svn) with any DVCS19:10
mattlyeah, just getting my head around it all.19:11
mattlbeen in CVS/SVN for about a decade, and used bzr for er.. 48 hours19:11
ddaahope you'll like it19:12
mattllots of people telling us to use git and hg19:13
mattlbut like bzr, our project is soon going to be a GNU project19:13
beunomwhudson_, I'd like to unblock my LH reviews today if possible19:42
jelmerbeuno: hi19:44
beunojelmer, hi again19:44
jelmerbeuno, if there's anything else I can do to unblock the foreign revid stuff, please let me know19:48
beunojelmer, I think it's enough for me to tweak and land19:49
beunowill get to it at the end of my day19:49
jelmerbeuno: sweet19:49
Clintis the rich-root format mature enough for sanity?19:53
jelmerClint: Yeah, the 1.9-rich-root format is stable and mature19:55
jelmerClint, the 2.0 format will be rich root only19:55
Clintjelmer: i seem to have trouble reading it with bzr 1.519:56
jelmerClint, well, yeah, bzr 1.5 doesn't support 1.9-rich-root19:56
jelmerClint, it should support --rich-root-pack though, which was introduced in bzr 1.019:56
Clintjelmer: okay19:57
jelmerClint, why do you need rich roots though?19:58
Clintjelmer: bzr svn-import; am i able to discard the svn stuff after that to release the rich-root requirement?19:59
jelmerClint, no, unfortunately not19:59
* Clint sighs.19:59
jelmerClint: The multiple formats thing is a mess :-( I would recommend using rich-root-pack if you're stuck with 1.519:59
jelmerThis'll all go away with 2.0, where we'll have a single format20:00
jelmernot that that helps you now20:00
* Clint nods.20:00
* SamB wonders how you can be stuck with 1.5 ... then remembers that it doesn't help if *you* have the latest release but none of the people who want to pull from you do ...20:01
Clinthaving different trouble with 1.13 instead of 1.5 as well20:01
jelmerSamB, lenny has 1.620:03
Clint(and 1.13 in backports.org)20:06
SamBjelmer: oh. you mean people actually run stable?20:15
SamB... I suppose that might be the case :-(20:15
abentleyjelmer: Please stop sending bzr-gtk merge directives with revision serializer format 9.20:29
jelmerabentley, Am I still doing that?20:31
jelmerI'm using the same version of bzr to send bzr-gtk merge requests as I use to send bzr.dev merge requests20:32
abentleyjelmer: Yes, you're still doing that.20:32
abentleyYour message re: "Use Revision.get_apparent_authors rather than deprecated20:32
abentley        Revision.get_apparent_author." does that.20:32
abentleyjelmer: Are you storing your bzr-gtk stuff in the same repository as your bzr.dev stuff?20:33
jelmerabentley: Ah, no20:34
jelmerabentley, the bzr-gtk one is a development6 repository20:34
jelmerSo I guess I should downgrade that to 1.9-rich-root20:34
jelmerabentley, thanks20:34
abentleyjelmer: A real development6?  Or your new dev6 with RIO?20:35
jelmerabentley, no, a real development6 repository, at least that's what "bzr info" says20:35
jelmer("Shared repository with trees (format: development6-rich-root)")20:35
jelmerdowngrading to 1.9-rich-root fails though, with an error about subtrees20:37
abentleyjelmer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187614/20:40
abentleyjelmer: It's definitely in some wacky format.20:40
jelmerabentley: Hmm20:41
jelmerI haven't done anything special in this repository though, except for upgrading to --development620:41
jelmerso I wonder how I ended up with the version 9 revision serializer20:41
lamontgcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototy20:42
lamontpes -g -O2 -g -Wall -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.6 -c bzrlib/_patiencediff_c20:42
lamont.c -o /build/buildd/bzr-1.15/./build/temp.linux-armv5tel-2.6/bzrlib/_patiencedif20:42
lamontbzrlib/_patiencediff_c.c:28:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory20:42
lamontbzr 1.15-1 on armel20:42
jamabentley, jelmer: bzrlib.chk_serializer.CHKSerializer.format_num == '9'20:46
jamAt least, that is my guess20:46
lamonthrm.. probably something to do with build-depending on 2.4 and 2.5, while building with 2.6?20:46
jelmerjam: ah, yeah20:46
jelmerlamont, we depend on python-all-dev IIRC20:47
lamontBuild-Depends: debhelper, cdbs, quilt, python, python2.5-dev, python2.4-dev, python-central, python-docutils, graphviz, zlib1g-dev20:48
lamontthat's 1.15-1~bazaar1~hardy1 (speaking of which, what an ugly versio nmmber)20:49
abentleyjam: It looks like it's not registered in serializer.format_registry.20:50
cody-somervillejelmer, any luck with that bzr-git bug? :)20:55
jelmercody-somerville: It turned out to be less trivial than I had expected, not sure what's causing it exactly yet20:55
jszakmeisterSo, I think I found an interesting bug (or at least that's the way it appears).21:13
jszakmeisterSvnRepository derives from ForeignRepository which derives from Repository21:14
jszakmeisterSvnRepository inherits Repository's iter_inventories() method.21:14
ddaaHey. Got a showstopper problem with trac-bzr.21:14
jszakmeisterHowever, in Repository.iter_inventories() it's calling self._iter_inventories(), which is supposed to call SvnRepository._iter_inventories(), but appears to be calling Repository._iter_inventories() instead.21:15
ddaaNot sure what's going on, but trac crashes when trying to compare a offset-naive datetime with an offset-aware datetime.21:16
ddaaWhen trying to build the list of change dates.21:16
ddaaUsing bzr 1.15, Trac 0.11.4, and trac-bzr tip from launchpad.21:17
jszakmeisterIt's like the method lookup is failing to find SvnRepositories _iter_inventories method.21:17
jszakmeisterIt's very weird.21:18
ddaajszakmeister: usually, when I get this impression with python code, I find that I made myself confused. I suggest you look at it again tomorrow with a fresh mind.21:19
jszakmeisterOh, no I'm not confused.  I dumped information from the code object... it's calling the wrong method.21:20
ddaaPython does not do weird mysterious thing, and bzr and bzr-svn do not do inscrutable voodoo hack. It's almost certainly doing the obvious thing.21:20
jelmerjszakmeister, that bugs already been fixed21:20
jszakmeisterjelmer: the one I filed or a different one?21:20
jelmerjszakmeister, the one you filed21:21
jelmerits fixed in the main bzr-svn branch21:21
jszakmeisterI saw that.  I pulled your branch, and now I get a failure elsewhere.21:21
jszakmeisterI'm getting this now: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_record_stream'21:23
jszakmeisterAnd it appears it's not entering the right _iter_inventories() method. :-(21:24
jelmerjszakmeister, can you pastebin the traceback?21:26
jszakmeisterSure can.21:26
jelmerjszakmeister, qbrowse works fine for me with the change fwiw21:26
jszakmeisterjelmer: are you running from a branch?  I've been trying to get it to work against a remote repository.21:28
jelmerjszakmeister, against a remote repository21:28
jszakmeisterWeird.  I wonder what's up with my setup then?21:29
jelmerbzr-svn 3030?21:29
jamabentley: ping21:29
jamSomething is a bit funny with the codereview preview21:30
jamnamely: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/1.16-simple-win32/+merge/698421:30
abentleyjam: pong21:30
jamIt is including vincent's changes21:30
jam(Perhaps bzr trunk was not up to date when it generated the diff?)21:30
jamI don't see a way to tell code-review to regenerate the diff21:30
jelmerjszakmeister, ^21:31
jszakmeisterjelmer: 302921:31
jszakmeisterlemme pull again21:31
abentleyjam: Code Review is branch-oriented.  If your branch is based on Vincent's, it thinks you're trying to merge the whole thing.21:31
jelmerjszakmeister, 3029 should also include the fix21:31
jamabentley: there is a single revision from my branch that isn't in trunk21:31
jamit was only based on vincent's in that I branched from bzr.dev21:32
jelmerjszakmeister, it looks like you're running an old version somehow21:32
jamit even gets that right in the 'list of revisions' to be merged21:32
jamMy guess is that I submitted the request21:32
jaminbetween the time that the mirroring script updated lp:bzr from http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev21:32
jamand the time vincent landed his patch21:32
jszakmeisterjelmer: I don't believe so... I can see my debug lines in the output21:33
jszakmeisterI'll check and see if something else is being picked up though.21:33
abentleyjam: I assume you're talking about the review diff, not the preview diff.21:33
jamabentley: sure 'Review diff'21:34
abentleyjam: Did you use bzr send? Code Review will take your review diff out of your merge directive verbatim.21:34
jamI don't know what the difference is, specifically21:34
jamabentley: no, I used the web21:34
jam"propose for merge"21:34
jszakmeisterjelmer: I think you're right.  I have my soft link set up wrong.21:35
abentleyjam: A review diff is a diff against the LCA of the tip and the submit branch trunk, as generated by "bzr send"21:35
abentleyjam: it's shown at the bottom of the merge proposal.21:35
abentleyjam: a preview diff is a diff of the submit branch tip against a submit branch tip with the source branch tip merged into it.21:36
jszakmeisterYou rock jelmer!21:36
abentleyjam: It is generated by MAD and is accessible from the "Diff against target" link.21:37
jszakmeisterI though I had another debug statement in bzr-svn, but it was in bzrlib.  The one I had in there *wasn't* being printed.21:37
jszakmeisterThank you sir!21:37
jelmerjszakmeister, np21:37
abentleyjam: I suspect what happened here is that your review diff was generated before lp's mirror of bzr.dev was updated.21:37
jamabentley: my assumption as well21:38
jamI filed bug #383346 about it21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383346 in launchpad "code review has no way to force regenerating Review diff" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38334621:38
abentleyjam: You didn't file a bug about it being wrong?21:39
jszakmeisterNo off to figure out how to teach qbzr not to look at the local repository for revision info, if you happen to be trying to browse an unrelated remote repo.21:39
jamabentley: well that bug mentions that it is wrong, and probably due to the race condition21:39
jamyou can change the subject to whatever fits best in your mind21:39
abentleyjam: I think it's more important to get it right than to be able to regenerate it.21:40
jamabentley: I don't think you can avoid the race condition21:40
jamThough also in the bug I mentioned the possiblity of detecting it after the fact21:40
jam(revs that were requested for review show up in the merge target)21:40
abentleyjam: We can at least perform a mirror immediately before generating the diff.21:40
ddaaFFS, how can the datetime handling in trac-bzr even work with trace 0.11?21:41
jamabentley: that would be possible, but still leaves open the issues with landing pieces of a multi-phase patch21:41
ddaaIt's out and out braindead. I cannot imagine how it could have passed even superficial testing.21:41
* ddaa blames jelmer21:42
ddaaactually, bzr blames jelmer21:42
abentleyjam: Until there's proper support for base revisions or dependent branches, you can use bzr send for that.21:43
jamabentley: or you could just detect that the set of revisions for review changed...21:43
jamor have something easier than "Resubmit" to regenerate the diff21:44
abentleyjam: No, we should not.  People who are reviewing something should be reviewing the same thing.  Regenerating the diff breaks that, and makes people review the integration, not the change.21:44
ddaajelmer: dude, revision 60 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~trac-bzr-team/trac-bzr/trunk/revision/60#tracbzr/backend.py21:45
ddaaby default, timestamps are offset-naive, not utc!21:45
ddaajelmer: what were you trying to fix when you made this change?21:46
jelmerddaa: argh, not sure how that got in21:46
ddaaI'll try reverting that in my trac, see if that makes it happier.21:46
ddaajelmer: that fixes it for me.21:53
ddaabzr merge -r60..5921:53
ddaajelmer: will you patch mainline for me?21:53
dashoh man =/21:55
dashi am getting an exciting error message with bzr 1.1521:55
abentleydash: It's the loom plugin being out of date.21:56
ddaaabentley: darn, I was hoping it was bzr-svn so I could blame jelmer again ;)21:57
abentleyddaa: We could blame jelmer because bzr-svn doesn't auto-update bzr-loom >:)21:57
ddaaabentley: Deal!21:58
ddaaAnd next, we'll blame jelmer for war in Palestine.21:58
dashso i guess i get to try to fix it :)22:06
fullermdOh look, a big long thread of ranting on pgsql-hackers about git's lacking co [--lightweight]...22:07
jelmerddaa: You're welcome to do that yourself, we need more trac-bzr hackers :-)22:09
jelmerddaa: Otherwise, I'm happy to do it22:09
ddaajelmer: okay, sent my team application, approve it and I'll fix your mainline.22:12
jelmerddaa, welcome22:13
fullermdI really hate launchpad sometimes.22:17
ddaajelmer: ur maine-coon r a fixed.22:19
ddaaI mean mainline, not maine-coon sorry. I blame my inner lolcat.22:19
jelmerddaa, kthx!22:20
jamthumper: ping22:20
thumperjam: just on a call right now22:20
jamthumper: np, just though I'd mention that my patches for gc stacking are up for review22:21
thumperjam: excellent, thanks22:22
jelmerjam: I'm wondering if maybe some of my later changes to bencode had an impact on performance22:22
jamjelmer: I should have been using the very lastest version of your code for my testing22:22
jelmerjam: I mean negative impact22:22
jamwhich changes?22:23
jamstuff like strtol?22:23
jaminstead of PyLong_FromString?22:23
jelmerjam: The ones after I put up the patch for review22:23
jelmerjam, yeah, that sort of thing22:23
jelmerwell, I would be surprised if strtol would be slower than PyLong_FromString22:24
jelmerbut I'm a bit surprised with the current performance given what I saw earlier22:24
jmlso, how does one actually _use_ py_memory_dump?22:33
LarstiQgood question, a colleague of mine used it, I should look at how he did that22:34
* LarstiQ goes to sleep22:35
ddaajelmer: do you know why all the revision names are urlencoded?22:35
jamjml: from memory_dump import scanner; scanner.dump_gc_objects('filename.txt')22:35
jamfrom memory_dump import loader22:35
jamm = loader.load('filename.txt')22:35
ddaait's very annoying, because it encodes 1. the colon in special revision names 2. the slash name of branches in subdirs.22:36
jmljam: thanks.22:36
ddaajelmer: I'd hack it away, but I'm afraid of breaking older trac releases.22:36
jamjml: you can do the load in a separate process, in case you are already at, you know, 4.5GB of resident memory :)22:36
jamthough that dump will be a bit painful regardless22:36
jelmerddaa: It's a dvcs, use a separate branch :-)22:36
jelmerthe only other release we worry about is 0.10, and the main difference in that is the datetime stuff22:37
jelmerabentley, is bundlebuggy running bzr.dev ? if so, any chance you can update it? The serializer 9 registration patch has landed22:48
abentleyjelmer: No, it's not.22:54
jelmerabentley, is there some way I can force the format of the serializer22:54
jelmerused in merge directives?22:54
abentleyjelmer: The only way to force the format of the serializer is to change the repository format.  Bundle format 4 copies this data verbatim.22:55
jelmerabentley: okay, I'll fall back to manual patches for now then. Thanks22:56
abentleyjelmer: I'll upgrade BB to 1.16 when it comes out.22:56
salgadohi there.  is it possible to recover from a corrupted .bzr/checkout/dirstate ?22:57
Peng_salgado: You could just nuke .bzr/checkout and run "bzr checkout".22:57
salgadoall of a sudden one of my branches is giving me this whenever I do 'bzr <anything>': bzr: ERROR: The dirstate file (DirState(u'/home/salgado/devel/launchpad/mainline/.bzr/checkout/dirstate')) appears to be corrupt: trailing garbage: 'AAATMUexj0JHsY9'22:57
jelmerabentley: Cool. I can survive with plain patches for a month or so.22:57
Peng_salgado: (Um, that's assuming you're using a regular branch, not a checkout or something.)22:57
salgadoPeng, yes, this is supposed to be a regular branch.  will try that, thanks22:58
ddaajelmer: I savagely removed all the urllib.quote/unquote functionality, and it does not appear to break anything for me23:06
ddaawhile at the same time fixing my problems23:06
jelmerddaa, Yeah, the code badly needs a cleanup23:06
jelmerddaa, I've mostly been trying to keep it running for bitlbee/ctrlproxy23:06
ddaathe ctrlproxy one is borked23:06
jelmeryeah, I haven't had time for trac-bzr recently23:07
ddaaI don't have time either really.23:07
jelmerunfortunately there aren't a lot of alternatives to trac23:07
jelmerredmine is nice but it's ruby23:07
jelmerand I don't know ruby23:07
ddaaI dunno either trac or redmine23:08
jfroyjelmer: I'm having a weird problem with rebase23:08
ddaaI'll upload my patch in a branch, and I'll let the crowd decide.23:08
jelmerddaa: did you try running the testsuite?23:09
jelmerjfroy, ?23:09
jfroyI try to pull from a branch (remote svn branch), get a notice that the branches have diverged.23:09
jfroyI try to rebase on to that same URL, and that does nothing23:09
jfroyunless I forgot how to rebase...23:09
ddaajelmer: what's the magic command to run the test suite?23:09
jelmerjfroy, are the urls for pull and rebase the same?23:09
jelmerddaa: "trial tracbzr" / "nosetests tracbzr"23:10
ddaajelmer: it fails horribly23:11
ddaabut I cannot be bothered to fix it right now23:12
jelmerddaa: did you verify that % and : in revision ids still work after removing the urllib.quote/unquote sutff?23:12
jelmervila, ping23:12
ddaajelmer: lol23:12
ddaaI'd bet they don't23:12
ddaabut I specifically want "current:" and friends not to be escaped23:13
ddaaand I do not have any such revision handy23:13
jfroyit prints "Started 2 unique searchers for 8 unique revisions" in the trace then exits with 023:14
jfroyhowever bzr missing says I'm missing 3 revisions23:15
jfroyI could try rebase against a fresh local branch of the remote branch23:15
jelmerjfroy, and missing also says that you've got extra revisions?23:15
jfroycorrect, 1 extra23:16
jfroywhich is actually a merge revision23:16
jfroyyeah, rebase against a local copy of the remote branch yields the same result23:17
jfroyurg, seems I'm hosed :/23:17
jelmerjfroy, rebase skips merges23:18
jelmerjfroy, known bug23:18
jfroybut shouldn't I pick the 3 revisions I am missing from the remote branch, then rebase the merge on top of that new history?23:18
jfroy*shouldn't it23:18
jelmerjfroy, it's a known bug, it should handle the merge23:18
jfroyI see23:18
jfroyI guess I can uncommit23:19
jfroythe merge was clean, easy to re-do23:19
jfroypretty serious bug though :/23:19
jelmerjfroy, even when it will support merges, they'd be quite prone to conflicts23:20
jfroyuncommit actually puts merges back to pending?23:20
jfroyyeah I guess it would....23:21
jelmeryeah, it only changes the branch23:21
jfroyneed to revert it out23:21
jfroyand then revert --forget-merges (why can't you do both at the same time...)23:21
mwhudson_i think i want to refactor how loggerhead serves branch content23:23
jfroyand well, would it be that prone to conflicts if the merged branch was orthogonal?23:23
jfroybzr merge -r foo.. doesn't seem to be doing what I want23:24
jfroyI thought this would mean "cherrypick from revisions foo to tip of branch being merged"23:25
jelmerjfroy, bzr revert with no arguments does both23:25
jfroybut it seems to be picking a lot more revisions than that23:25
Peng_mwhudson_: Eh?23:25
jelmermwhudson_, ?23:25
jfroyjelmer: oh?23:25
jelmermwhudson_, into a separate loggerhead.app thing?23:25
jfroythat's not clear23:25
mwhudson_Peng_: basically, i think we should always traverse to the branch, then see if the request is for .bzr23:26
mwhudson_though i guess that doesn't work for repositories23:26
mwhudson_'/.bzr/' in PATH_INFO is a bit gross23:26
jfroynevermind, bzr was sane, I was not :/23:29
ddaajelmer: here you have my shameless hack.23:41
ddaaMh... crap committer name... I'll fix that.23:42
dashso today my task is to merge some code into an svn repo that was copied out of it a month ago, into a separate svn repo23:56
dashand hacked upon23:56
dashi've got bzr branches of both now via bzr-svn23:57
dashi wonder if it makes sense to try to replay any of the history23:57

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