
ign0ramusskafti, you are having problems with sound?00:03
=== luis_ is now known as LuisJa
LuisJasry but where r all the archives of all the installed programs in linux?00:07
LuisJain what folder?00:07
ign0ramusLuisJa, did you check /var/cache/apt ?00:09
LuisJai mean, how i can acces there00:09
LuisJais like if the folder is invisible00:09
LuisJai dont know where it is00:09
ign0ramusLuisJa, from terminal or gui?00:10
ign0ramusLuisJa, show hidden files00:10
ign0ramusLuisJa, in dolphin press Alt+.00:10
ign0ramusLuisJa, or View > Show Hidden Files00:11
ign0ramusLuisJa, from terminal, you can examine by "cd /var/cache/apt" and then doing "ls -o"00:11
LuisJalol after puting show hindden files dolphin became full of folders lololol00:12
LuisJathx dude00:12
ign0ramusLuisJa, you got it?00:12
ign0ramusLuisJa, cool :)00:12
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about loi00:20
lupine_85fail :p00:20
=== zero is now known as Guest71693
shayaknychi all, i was hoping someone could help me with this...i'm migrating out of windows vista, where you can hold shift and right-click on an executable file or shortcut and then have it run as administrator...is there something similar in kubuntu where you can right-click an executable and have it run as kdesudo/sudo ?00:41
ign0ramusshayaknyc, afaik, not from right click menu, but you can always create a kdesudo shortcut or simply launch your app as superuser from terminal or krunner00:44
shayaknychmm....yeah, that's what I was hoping was not the answer :(00:44
ign0ramusshayaknyc, np.  what apps do you need to run as superuser so often?00:44
masterHi all appologies ...i couldnt find myself how are we00:45
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:46
LuisJathere is not a plugin for amsn than makes the commands of windows live messenger nicks to look like they r? hipothetical example: in windows messenger, 2/r = nick, in amsn it appears as only 2/r00:48
LuisJablue nick*00:48
LuisJano 1???00:49
=== zero is now known as Guest33674
LuisJathere is not a plugin for amsn than makes the commands of windows live messenger commandos to work in amsn? hipothetical example: in windows messenger, 2/r = nick, in amsn it appears as only 2/r01:02
LuisJablue nick*01:02
etfbThe package "pm-utils" just came up in my auto-update.  I went and followed links.  The Ubuntu version is 0.99, but the oldest one on the pm-utils GIT repository is, and that's a year old.  The one that Ubuntu is pushing out now must be two years old or more!  Why is it only showing up now?01:02
ign0ramusetfb, because some ubuntu packages are outdated...01:03
ign0ramusetfb, see OOo for example01:03
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etfbign0ramus: "Why are some Ubuntu packages outdated?" "Because some Ubuntu packages are outdated."  OK, yes, I see you understand the problem... but why does the problem exist?01:04
etfbign0ramus: And really - two years?  That's a bit absurd, even for good old "let's be completely sure before we release" Debian-based distros.01:04
ign0ramusetfb, that's a question for the upstream. sometimes for stability purposes, sometimes, who knows01:04
etfbign0ramus: Upstream = Debian, you mean?01:05
ign0ramusetfb, why are there tons of unfinished kde4 apps bundled in kubuntu?  ask the devs.01:05
etfbign0ramus: So can I just get the latest package direct from the git repository and install it?  Or will there be random incompatibilities?01:05
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ign0ramusetfb, depends on the app and your installed dependcies.  that's not a 'yes' or 'no' question.01:06
matthew_Would anyone mind helping me convert a .batch file? =)01:06
etfbign0ramus: Thought so.  Bloody hell.01:06
ign0ramusetfb, can you get stuff from git and svn? sure. will it compile straight away? you don't know until you try. :)01:06
etfbI suppose it would be worse if I were using 8.04, codenamed Icrosoft Ista...01:07
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etfbSticking with Hardy until I hear some news that's not bad...01:07
etfbmatthew: What kind of batch file?  MS-DOS?01:07
ign0ramusetfb, it depends on your outlook, i suppose.01:07
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etfbign0ramus: My outlook is that I use this computer for serious work.  So letting a bunch of hacks give me non-functional code and call it an upgrade... that's not on.01:08
ign0ramusetfb, KDE 4 is widely regarded as a "work in progress". If you need to do 'serious work', then something stable and mature is probably the safe bet.01:09
etfbign0ramus: Yep, that's the reasoning I use.  The fact that they released this "work in progress" as their default system _and then made it impossible to replace it with a working windowing system_ is a symptom of a serious malaise in the Ubuntu/Canonical mindset.01:10
etfbThat, or they assume all their users keep Windows for real work and just use Linux as a toy.01:11
ign0ramusetfb, and that is why older versions are still supported and updated.01:11
etfbign0ramus: "The 2009 model Toyota Camry will explode into flames if you drive it faster than 50km/h, but that's OK because we still sell the 2008 model."01:12
ign0ramusetfb, pretty poor analogy, but if you honestly feel that way, buy a Honda01:12
etfbign0ramus: Sorry you don't like the analogy.  Its startling congruence to reality is what appeals to me.  Kubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 versions are unacceptably poor quality.  I am unmoved by anecdotes suggesating that it's acceptable to people who treat Linux as a toy.01:14
ActionParsnipetfb: the OS comes with zero warranty and zero SLA, so even if its an official release it could be problematic01:14
ActionParsnipetfb: if it breaks, you get both parts01:15
etfbActionParsnip: Well, as long as you promise never to tell anyone that they can rely on Ubuntu, then that's OK.  Otherwise there's a serious disconnect between the cheques your mouth is writing and the ones your arse is willing to cash.01:16
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:16
bazhangplease chat in #kubuntu-offtopic01:16
etfbbazhang: If there's a topic MORE on-topic for #kubuntu than the unreliability of KDE4-based releases, I'd like to know what it is.01:16
ign0ramusetfb, is there a particular issue you would like troubleshot, or did you join with soapbox in hand?01:16
ActionParsnipetfb: this fact is all over the OS dude, but as bazhang says, its offtopic here01:17
etfbign0ramus: Only the one I asked about: the age of a "recent" release.  But there's no point; I've got work to do.  Bye all; happy hacking.01:17
ActionParsnipetfb: this is a support channel for the OS itself ONLY01:17
bazhangetfb, this is a support channel. if you have a particular Support issue, then please ask01:17
ActionParsnipwhat a clown shows01:17
ign0ramusfunny thing is, the app he was complaining about is "pm-utils_1.2.2.4", which is the version he found in git...01:20
ign0ramussame version in updated repos01:20
ign0ramusso i finally found a good mencoder command string that converts video that plays nicely on the Creative Zen mp3 player... how can turn this into a script to run, where source files vary, and where output filenames must be unique?01:27
lovresorry for offtopic question... i have a question about desktop application programming. What is the best language / tool for rapid application development under linux, that is also crossplatform? I need something that makes it easy to make graphic user interfaces?01:30
bazhanglovre, #kubuntu-offtopic or ##linux could answer that better01:30
lovrebazhang: ok, thanx01:30
bazhang!info python01:31
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB01:31
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gabrielhello everybody01:37
gabrielanyone know how ti use usb-creator correctly in Kubuntu?01:38
gabrielimport gnomevfs01:38
gabrielImportError: No module named gnomevfs01:38
gabriel is the error I get.01:38
gabrielcan you see me now?01:42
DasKreecHgabriel: Yes01:43
DasKreecHemilio: Hii01:43
v6lurwhat to do if kill -KILL doesn't kill the PID given?!01:46
v6lureven as root01:46
v6lurit's a windows program running through wine, and it's consuming all the cpu time01:46
v6lurtop shows it as "R", so it shouldn't be zombie01:47
ign0ramusv6lur, does killing 'wine' or 'wineserver' kill it?01:49
ign0ramusok guys, i've found a script and modified it for my purposes and it works well (converts video to a format for Creative Zen mp3 player)... but the script can't parse Inputs with spaces.  How do i solve this? Script --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/187065/02:33
ajaviddoes 9.04 have kde3 at all?02:44
faileasthere's a re,ix02:45
ajavidis it stable?02:47
ajavidI need to install kubuntu but I have my 1tb /home as ext4. I'd like to use the LTS ubuntu stable + kde3 + 2.6.28+(for ext4 support) and I have a rt26 wifi02:48
ajavidplease advice the best possible solution02:48
DasKreecHajavid: faileas just gave you where you start from02:49
faileasajavid: its effectively the current one. i think he also has kde3 repos, in which case, you can start from minimal, and install kde3 seperately if you just want that02:50
dennisterok, i'm back.. .my presentation was printing fine this morning, but then oo crashed and now all it prints is gobbleygook...other apps print fine...can someone please help me sort this out?02:51
dennisterand yes, i've tried openoffice.org channel...it's dead\02:51
ajavidis this supported by kubuntu?02:54
ajavidis the remix supported?02:54
faileasits not official02:54
DasKreecHdennister: Wait it was working?02:55
DasKreecHdennister: did you try moving your ~/.openoffice.org directory to a new name?02:55
DasKreecHajavid: Not supported by canonical but fairly supported here02:55
dennisterDasKreecH: not open office, nope...no I didn't try that...could i simply do that, temporarily move it to trash or something?02:56
epI just installed qt4 on Jaunty and "qmake -version"  from  konsole gives Qmake version: 1.07a (Qt 3.3.8b).  Opps.  It installed but didn't set the path in ~/.bashrc or wherever appropiate.  Is this a bug?  How do I fix this properly?02:56
DasKreecHdennister: Just rename it03:01
DasKreecHclose OO.o rename it then open it back up03:01
dennisterDasKreecH: too late, moved it like u suggested, opened oo, tried printing, still gobbleygook03:03
DasKreecHdennister: Umm ok try purge it then03:04
ajavidKDE3.5 can be installed alongside KDE4.x with no problems. KDE3.5 automatically detects and adjusts for KDE4.x programs, so that users can easily run KDE4 applications from within the KDE3.5 environment.03:05
dennisterDasKreecH: purge whole app?03:05
dennisterokie doke03:05
ajavidI also wonder03:05
ajavidkde3.5 in jaunty is supported in the sense that it willr ecieve udates/fixes/security stuff03:06
ajavidor is it only supported by community on how to use it?03:06
DasKreecHAs much as possible it will get updates fixes etc as they happen03:06
ajavidhow to get ext4 fs support in the 8.04 LTS03:07
DasKreecHajavid: Compile your kernel03:07
ajavidis there no backported ones?03:08
DasKreecHactually now you can probably install the kernel deb03:08
DasKreecHI would guess it's not that hard03:08
ajavid2.6.28+ has stable supoprt for ext403:08
ajavidstarted with .2603:08
DasKreecH then again compiling your own kernel isn't hard either03:08
ajavidI'm on debian sid for 8 years03:08
ajavidthey stopped producing kde303:08
DasKreecHajavid: has to happen at some time03:09
ajavidahhhhh boy, yes yes it had to hapen sometime03:09
ajavidbut why not ;)03:09
DasKreecHWell doesn't have to. I guess anyone can keep coding on KDE3 as long as they want03:09
ajavidwhen 9.04 first came out i tried it out and it crashed all the time random apps kde4 was pretty unstable03:10
ajavidthas why i look for 3.503:10
ajavidits not any better in debian unstable either03:11
faileasajavid: why not use 9.04 with kde3?03:11
ajavidand they stopped making packets for kde303:11
ajavidfaileas, I'm just talking right now disuccing but I am doing this 9.04 remix kde303:11
ajavid56% down03:11
epAh found the solution. How did we ever get along pre-Google?   In case anybody is interested I fixed the problem of installing qt4 from the repositories and not being able to run it.  Here's the fix: sudo update-alternatives --config qmake03:12
DasKreecHep: grats :)03:12
ajavid09:09 <            faileas> k03:13
ajavid09:09 <          DasKreecH> :-)03:13
ajavid09:09 <                 ep> Ah found the solution. How did we ever get along pre-Google?   In case anybody is interested I fixed the problem of installing qt4 from the repositories and not being able to run03:13
ajavid                            it.  Here's the fix: sudo update-alternatives --config qmake03:13
ajavid09:10 <          DasKreecH> ep: grats :)03:13
ajavid [L [Act: 2:#debian 3:##hardware 4:#kde 5:#music 6:##php 9:#debian 10:#debian-boot 11:##linux 12:#debian-mentors 13:#debian-devel 14:#zftalk 103:13
ajaviduh oh03:13
ajavidsorry a mouse middle problem stuck03:13
ajavidstupid stupid03:14
DasKreecHajavid: Forgiven03:15
faileasits supposed to warn ya ;p03:15
ajavidI have no warning03:16
ajavidtook it off03:16
ajavidI should put it on again and stop using the ENTER button a lot I am going crazy ! argh.03:17
faileasyou should. the warning's there for a reason03:18
ajavidI am working on my website I paste a lot of codes in #flood03:18
ajavidand #paste03:18
ajavidhttp://www.atirjavid.com/Zend-Framework-Tutorials/Zend_Application/index.html I make a grey theme03:19
ajavidits nice03:19
dennisterDasKreecH: purged and now being reinstalled03:20
ajavidhow diff is ubuntu from debian?03:20
ajavidhow do you derive ubuntu from debian?03:20
DasKreecHajavid: very different while being very much the same03:20
DasKreecHThink of it as Debian with untested polish03:21
ajavidI see03:21
ajavidno wonder its a crash-o-rama03:21
ajavidthats why I was wondering to use the LTS03:22
ajavidits older so I would assume it has more stablity now due to patching03:22
DasKreecHthats the idea03:23
ajavidand it has kde3 of course, but older kernel no supoprt for ext403:24
ajavidDasKreecH, you watch movies? have you seen the star trek movie 2009?03:24
DasKreecHnot yet :-(03:24
ajavidits awesome! I'v enever seen star trek in my life before and i watch the movie03:25
ajavidi saw one time star trek in pakistan as a child the bald guy captian, profesor X03:25
ajavidyou know?03:25
dennisterDasKreecH: finally all purged and reinstalled...open my presentation and oo instantly crashes :( without fail03:30
DasKreecHopen it from the command line to see if ut gives you a error message03:30
dennisterhold on...forgot to install oo.org-kde03:32
geniiHx63: eg: /join #ubuntu03:36
Hx63dont worry, just wanted to type it so i can right click it and join the channel03:37
Hx63thank you03:37
faileasthats lazy ;p03:38
grey_jemand da ??03:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:48
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.03:51
ralmarHey guys, quick question. Do i need to install Privoxy on ubuntu 9.04 in order to use TOR with firefox? The tutorial on the official ubuntu website tells you to install it but another tutorial I saw skips that step? Thanks03:53
dwidmannOkay, I've recently upgraded to Kubuntu 9.04 on my laptop, and graphics performance is quite lackluster now. I've got an Intel 965GM (according to /var/log/Xorg.conf), any fix?03:53
dennisterDasKreecH: ok, adding oo-kde helped, not crashing immediately open loading presentation, still gave me gobbleygook at first print, restarted cupsys and printer again, now I've been waiting for over 8 minutes for one page to start printing, it never takes this long03:54
DasKreecHdwidmann: Check that you have all the updates intel did some madness with the Drivers this go around03:55
sixofourI have a 180GB Drive and aan * Gb drive...If i put Kubuntu on the 8GB and leave the other as NTFS....is that doable?03:55
sixofourMaby make a 40GB ext3 partition03:56
* sixofour is excited, a bug in wine was fixed and now he can use linux 100%03:56
DasKreecHsixofour: Yes03:57
sixofourBut I still want to keep the xp drive as backup03:57
sixofourso kubuntu can read/write ntfs?03:58
sixofouri should probably put the os /home on the 40gb drive03:59
sixofourand just not use the 8gb yet04:00
sixofourthe 8gb is from 200104:00
Hx63sixofour it so ridiculous right that some people need wine to get that 100 % . Its understandable.04:11
Hx63Ok guys im having the following BIG issue. I have a laptop lenovo with graphics Intel mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller. Kde 4.2.3 draw some bad distortion sometimes, very noticeable with kate and amarock, it happens with desktop effects on or off.. Any ideA? help? suggestion? or comment? will be greatly appreciated.04:15
dwidmannDasKreecH: okay, I just did my updates a bit ago, mayhap I should restart X?04:15
dwidmannoh, and what's that command to generate an xorg.conf based on what X autodetected?04:15
DasKreecHdwidmann: Sure log out and press alt+e on the login screen and login04:16
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:16
dwidmannDasKreecH: Yeah, I know perfectly well how to restart x :)04:16
dwidmannDefinitely need to try to remember that one command though04:17
dwidmannsudo Xorg -configure04:17
dwidmannthat's it04:17
gp_is_now_backMamarok: u still there ?04:18
Hx63Ok guys im having the following BIG issue. I have a laptop lenovo with graphics Intel mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller. Kde 4.2.3 draw some bad distortion sometimes, very noticeable with kate and amarock, it happens with desktop effects on or off.. Any ideA? help? suggestion? or comment? will be greatly appreciated.04:19
DasKreecHdwidmann: You mean sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:20
DasKreecHhi gp_is_now_back04:20
dwidmannDasKreecH: anything else by chance? Performance is still definitely under par, albeit a bit better.04:34
DasKreecHNeed to start doing Xorg conf tweaks04:34
dwidmannAny wiki regarding that?04:35
DasKreecHUnfortunately not it's kinda a black art04:36
DasKreecHWith lots of three letter acronyms04:36
DasKreecHUXA and EXA and stuff I've never understood04:36
=== David is now known as Guest20936
dwidmannDasKreecH: I figured that's what you were talking about, I'm just not clear on the details ... I've heard it definitely involves tradeoffs of performance vs stability and whatnot ...04:38
DasKreecHI don't get it :) but for those who want it it seems it works well04:38
Guest20936who's good at this ubuntu stuffs?04:38
DasKreecHGuest20936: Be a little more specific04:39
Guest20936Not sure how to install programs that aren't listed inthe synaptic package manager... Nexuiz just downloads a folder with a bunch of files in it.. The program runs well.. but there is no shortcut in the applications menu.. not sure how to get it there.. or where to properly store the nexuiz folder..04:41
digdeepGuest20936: if you want to creat a shortcut for Nexuiz, I think you need to manually create it on the applications menu04:43
Guest20936aight sweet, how do you do that?04:44
digdeepGuest20936: right click the "start button", then go to menu editor. Finally add a new item04:45
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:45
DasKreecH!info nexuiz04:45
ubottunexuiz (source: nexuiz): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (jaunty), package size 727 kB, installed size 1804 kB04:45
DasKreecHGuest20936: It's in Synaptic04:46
Guest20936using gnu04:46
Guest20936it IS in synaptic.. just a couple versions old ;0)04:46
DasKreecHHa ha :) ok finr04:46
Patchesdoes anyone else have problems with Nexuiz crashing?04:48
digdeepGuest20936: can you download nexuiz from the official website, and run it in kubuntu, rather than using Synaptic?04:49
Guest20936yea bigdeep, it doesn't come in a package though.. its an archived folder.. it'll run right out of the folder wherever you put it..04:50
Guest20936the website has a more recent version04:50
digdeepok, then04:51
DasKreecHGuest20936: What's the version on the website?04:52
Guest209362.5.1 or something04:52
DasKreecHtry that04:52
BlasslaHi all04:54
Blasslasome one from brazil04:54
Blasslai need some help04:54
Blasslaaboute wi fi connection04:54
ArkoldThoswhat is wrong with it04:54
Blasslai type and dont connect04:54
Blasslaand i have only this connection04:55
Blasslai try to edit some things with some tutorials on net04:55
Blasslabut nothing04:55
DasKreecH9.04 ?04:56
Blasslai used the ubuntu 9.04 with gnome04:57
Blasslaand connect04:57
Blasslabut i dont like gnome04:57
Guest20936gnome is ok I like it..04:57
faileasyou can use the gnome network manager with with kde i think04:57
Guest20936mostly because it doen't look like windows ;0)04:57
Blasslaand install kde over ubuntu has some problems!04:58
Blasslacan i download this with windows?04:58
Guest20936I have the X and K installed here.. I've not had any issues04:58
BlasslaGuest20936 with no problems?04:58
Guest20936no, I didnt have any issues04:58
Guest20936how does one change your nick here04:59
Guest20936#nick KillGorack05:00
=== Guest20936 is now known as KillGorack
KillGorackahh sweet05:00
Blasslaalguem tem alguma solução?05:00
Blasslaanyone have any solution?05:00
DasKreecHBlassla: Download what with Windows?05:04
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:04
KillGorackI think she is referring to a dual boot system?05:04
Jiggershere's a question for anyone, how do you delete desktop backgrounds that i've installed from the harddrive?05:08
KillGorackdelete or change?05:09
Jiggersone that i uploaded from the hardrive05:09
Jiggersis there a way?05:09
KillGorackyea can you find the file? just delete it I think05:09
Jiggersokay, I want to keep the file, but i want to get it off of the backgrounds list05:10
KillGorackahh.. not sure I'm sure you tried moving the file right?05:10
JiggersI'll try that05:10
KillGorackalso there is a remove button on the bottom of the apperance preferences dialogue box05:11
Jiggersmoving it worked, thanks, i don't see a "remove" button though05:12
KillGorackahh.. different version or interface.. I'm using gnome ubuntu version 9.something or other05:12
Jiggersheh? are you using ubuntu?05:13
Jiggersor kubuntu05:13
Jiggersthat makes sense05:13
dennisterDasKreecH: ok, I think I've finally gotten this all printed...problem licked...may actually have had something to do with that particular usb port :(05:13
KillGorackI have the KDE, and XFrce installed... but I usualy use the gnome (ubuntu)05:13
DasKreecHdennister: That sucks05:13
dennisteryeah...one of my very expensive mobo ports05:14
dennisterluckily i have lots :)05:14
KillGorackwhat mobo?? a good one?05:14
Jiggerswell...I'll just move the file then from now on...thank you. (I've been usng ubuntu since Fiesty, I just barely switched to Kubuntu for fun)05:15
dennistera 3-year-old asus A8N32-SLI board ...but now i'm gonna hit the sack05:15
KillGorackI like the asus boards.05:15
dennisterthis was asus' most expensive mobo back then...good night05:16
dennisterDasKreecH: thanks for your help :)05:16
colton_When I click on one of my applications and it projects up with a fancy animation into a window, is that Qt performing that animation, or some other (component?) of the kde desktop?05:17
ralmarHey guys I just installed tor in ubuntu 9.04 and installed Tor button in firefox and enabled it.. I can still browse the web, but its as if i wasnt using tor. My ip is not concealed.. and i fail the torcheck.xenobite.eu test... what can i do? thanks05:19
DasKreecHcolton_: I've not seen that.  What kind of fancy animation?05:20
DasKreecHWhat's a tor?05:21
andyman1I've got a weird issue with Pidgin and Kubuntu. On a reboot/boot Pidgin seems to ignore my gtkrc file (with key bindings etc.). Once I restart Pidgin, everything is hunky-dory. Any ideas?05:21
Gamarok__hey alexshenoy05:26
coz_hey all...ah how do I move panel objects  around like clock or pager?05:27
alexshenoyGamarok: hey05:28
alexshenoywhats up05:28
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bullgard4Has the sound server aRTs been replaced by another sound server?05:39
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alexshenoyGamarok__ Quassel is kind of annoying sometimes05:43
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sparron my K menu I have [wrench/screwdriver] Settings, [folder] Settings, [gear] System, [folder] System Settings...  among dozens of other reasons that I hate kde 4.x, this one is the easiest to point out.  can anyone explain the reasoning behind this?06:03
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DasKreecHsparr: Which menu do you have?06:05
sparrwhat do you mean?06:05
sparrApplication Launcher Menu is the name of the widget06:05
sparrit's the default(?) K menu in the bottom left corner06:05
DasKreecHI have a settings and a System06:06
DasKreecHWhere do you see the other two?06:07
sparrin the order i listed them, together06:08
sparrall below 'Science & Math' and above 'Utilities'06:08
DasKreecHSomeone has been playing with your menu it sounds like06:09
sparrthat stuff has been there since the upgrade to Jaunty(?)06:10
sparrwhen KDE upgraded from 3.6 to 4.106:10
sparryet another reason I need to reinstall06:13
DasKreecHsparr: Maybe. Might need to reindex your menu06:18
compusecWHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT06:19
DasKreecH!caps | compusec06:19
ubottucompusec: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:19
DasKreecH!root| compusec06:20
ubottucompusec: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:20
DasKreecHcompusec: when it asks for the password just use the one that you used to login06:20
sparrcompusec: if a program tells you that you have to log on as administrator, it's wrong.06:20
compusec i tried06:20
compuseclet me check that url, i'll be back06:21
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why06:21
compusecall right's, how i use de sudo command line06:24
DasKreecHcompusec: What are you trying to run?06:24
compusecsudo command06:24
sparrwhat command?06:25
DasKreecHcompusec: Which command is asking for root?06:26
sparrwhat software are you trying to install?06:26
compusecthe error that is giving me is "to install software you must be logged on as this computer's administrator, bla bla bla"06:26
DasKreecHcompusec: Right you get that when you click on what?06:27
DasKreecHAdept? Synaptic? Kpackagekit ?06:27
compusecroot user is disable, and the user i created for administration is the same one im using right now, so i don't get it06:27
compusecwhen the software tries to install06:27
DasKreecHcompusec: ah I see. Where did you get this software?06:28
compusecit's called invoice06:28
compusecexpress invoice06:28
compusecby NCH software06:28
compusecor something like that06:28
DasKreecHand what does it ask you to do to install ?06:28
DasKreecHrun a script?06:28
compusecyeah, it start on terminal, then a pop-up window comes up with Licence Agreement bla bla bla06:29
DasKreecHOr is it Windows software ?06:29
compusecwhen i click next i get the error06:29
compusecis linux version06:29
saprophyte_sorry wrong channel, using Ubuntu - gnome06:29
DasKreecHcompusec: ok in the terminal type sudo then the name of the script06:29
DasKreecHsaprophyte_: Ok :)06:30
compuseckeep getting the same error06:31
compusecdoes anybody about a good free accounting software for linux like Peachtree or something?06:32
compusecdoes anybody know about a good free accounting software for linux like Peachtree or something?06:32
DasKreecHcompusec: personal or business ?06:33
compusecit's more for business06:33
compusecbut if the personal does the same thing it doesn't matter06:34
DasKreecHFor personal try Skrooge For light business try Kmymoney for heavier (mid size) business needs try Gnucash06:34
compuseci  can't do nothing with the password man, gaves me the same error, i'll just give up and get another software that does the same thing...06:36
compusecwell guys06:38
compusecim out here, see ya next time06:38
DasKreecHcompusec: Ok try this do sudo apt-get update06:39
compusecwhat update06:39
kingjerecompusec: I checked out the web site and downlaoded the file. is the file you have invoice.tar.gz/06:39
DasKreecHcompusec: it will update the programs you can install. If that works then something is wrong with the program script06:39
kingjerecompusec: tar -zxvf invoice.tar.gz06:39
compusecanother error06:40
compusecE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:41
compusecthat's the error on the terminal screen06:41
compusecand now how do i work with the updates06:42
compusecdon't worry about the error, got it fixed already06:42
DasKreecHcompusec: Do you ahve synaptic or something like that open?06:42
DasKreecH Kpackagekit ?06:42
compusecit was06:42
DasKreecHso it's updating properly ? Lots of lines running up the screen?06:43
compuseckpackagekit? what u mean with that06:43
compusecit has the latest update and everythign06:43
DasKreecHcompusec: It's another program that can lock that file06:44
compusecwhat you mean06:44
DasKreecHcompusec: hmm then something is wrong with that script. can you paste bin the script that pops up the license agreement ?06:44
DasKreecHIs it a text file you can read ?06:45
compuseclet me check06:45
compuseccan't open it with gedit or none06:46
compuseci don't think is a text file06:46
DasKreecHhow big is it ?06:46
compusecnot much06:46
DasKreecHand you run it with a ./filename ?06:47
compusecnot even 1mb06:47
compuseci have used the program before on red hat06:47
compusecnever had a problem with it06:47
DasKreecHhow do you start it ?06:47
compusecsame way06:47
DasKreecHtype sudo -i06:47
compusecit ask for the license agreement06:47
compusecit installs06:48
DasKreecHthen try start it again06:48
DasKreecHIf the sudo -i doesn't work then it was pretty badly written :)06:51
compusecok, need help06:52
compusecwhat's the Change Directory command06:53
compuseccd FOLDER NAME06:53
compusecCD ./FOLDER NAME06:53
compusecCD /FOLDER NAME06:53
compusecwhick is it06:53
compusecwhich is it06:53
DasKreecHcompusec: ha ha06:54
DasKreecHcompusec: cd FOL<tab>06:54
compusecsame shit, not even with the sudo -i command06:57
compusecanyways, gottta go, i'll be entering tommorow to talk a little bit06:58
compusecsee u guys tommorow06:59
MamarokDasKreecH: FYI: KMymoney and GnuCash are equivalent, both can handle big data sizes...07:03
DasKreecHWorkflow is different07:03
Mamarokjust KMM is for KDE and GnuCash is a Gnome program07:03
kingjereDasKreecH: I think I'm messing around with the file compusec had. when I run it, it gives Gtk-WARNING cannot open display: :0.007:04
DasKreecHcapabilty wise theyare the same but when you working with a fair number of items the workflow is a little smoother07:04
DasKreecHkingjere: Ah it needs metacity to run That might be it07:04
kingjereit comes as a tar.gz when you untar it its a shell script with a tar archive inside it.07:05
MamarokDasKreecH: when did you last use KMM? I really prefer it, even has the Siwws Account scheme, never had a correct one in Gnicash07:05
DasKreecHoh no doubt I prefer it07:05
DasKreecHHaven't tried Skrooge but i hear that's nice07:05
Mamarokyour distinction is not...objective IMHO07:06
DasKreecHMamarok: Also to be fair they were asking for options07:06
DasKreecHIt is indeed an option07:06
DasKreecHkingjere: Yeah thought it might be something like that or a .bin fileeeee07:07
* DasKreecH pokes the 'e' button07:07
Mamarokstill, you made a distinction between small and big, as if KMM could not hanlde big data, don't agree with that07:07
DasKreecHwhere distinctions get annoying is when they require a particualt windowmanager to run07:08
DasKreecHthat's kinda annoying07:08
Mamarokwell, kmmoney is platform independant...07:09
DasKreecHYeah apparently Express invoice isn't07:09
unixcan someone help me with nvidia driver install? ive tried using envy, the restricted drivers, and the drivers off nvidia, and none work card is fx550007:36
sparrfresh install of Kubuntu 9.04...  tried to connect to my wireless network, was prompted for the WPA key.  entered the key, prompted to create a wallet.  entered the wallet password twice, clicked OK...  kded4 crashed, took much system functionality with it, would not restart, had to reboot.07:51
sparrI really REALLY don't think 4.x is ready for public consumption yet07:51
* sparr is a lonely voice in a very large room :(07:51
sparram I the only one who finds that 4.x is much harder to use and less featureful than 3.x?07:55
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Mamaroksparr: this is a support channel, discussion is in #kubuntu-offtopic07:55
Mamarokunless you have a support request...07:55
superboyis there a utility or program like aim for the terminal or command line?07:56
Mamarokdefine aim?07:56
superboylike i want to be able to use or aim tru the command-line or terminal07:56
superboyaol instant messenger07:56
sparrwell, I've got a hundred support requests, all revolving around making kde 4 work more like kde 3, and restoring old functionality07:57
Mamaroksuperboy: for the command line no, but there is kopete07:57
Mamaroksparr: it's just a matter of getting used to, it works perfectly well here, and there is a workaround for the wifi07:57
Mamarokyou have got a houndred requests? yeah...07:58
sparris there a way to ditch the new plasma panel and go back to the old panel?07:58
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page07:58
superboyokay thanks just out of curiosity would i be able to be using kapete and say im in the terminal would i be able to send an aim tru the terminal havi kopete open?07:58
sparrsuperboy: not really.  there are terminal IM clients though07:59
superboywhats one of them07:59
Mamaroksuperboy: you would need a terminal client then07:59
superboyfor i could check it out07:59
Mamarokno idea, sorry07:59
sparrcenterim comes to mind07:59
superboyis yakuake a client?07:59
superboyterminal client?08:00
sparror finch08:00
sparrim sure there are others08:00
Mamaroksuperboy: no, yakuake is just a terminal :)08:00
sparrhow can i speed up the kde 4 panel responsiveness (including the K menu)?08:00
Mamaroksparr: what's wrong with the responsiveness exactly?08:01
sparrall the graphical nonsense in kde 4 takes noticable fractions of a second to render08:01
Mamarokwell, the deactivate the desktop effects08:01
sparri click on the K menu and i see a black box pop up the size/shape of the menu08:01
sparrthey are not enabled08:01
Mamaroksparr: read what I said above, you can tune all this, explore systemsettings08:02
sparrdesktop effects are already disabled (by default, on this fresh install)08:02
Mamaroksparr: notfications?08:02
Mamarokand they are not disabled by default...08:02
sparrI just installed 9.0408:03
sparrthe only changes I have made are to add a wireless profile and install kvirc08:03
sparreverything else is fresh out of the box08:03
sparrby "disabled" i mean that the "Enable Desktop Effects" checkbox, in System Settings > Desktop > Desktop Effects, is unchecked08:04
Mamaroksparr: those are plasma tooltips, I'm sure you can disable those, moment08:05
sparrwhat does Notifications have to do with menus opening?08:05
sparrwhat are plasma tooltips?08:05
sparrbadly worded...  i know what they are08:05
sparrwhat were you referring to by "those"?08:05
sparrI am talking about the actual menu08:05
sparrand its not just the K menu08:06
sparrwhen I left click on the Network Management widget, to see the list of network connections and available wireless networks, I see the black outline of the to-be-filled-in list first, then everything else appears after08:06
Mamaroksparr: you just asked on how to disable plsma tooltips, didn't you?08:07
sparrI don't think that I did08:07
sparrthe animated plasma tooltips appear relatively quickly...  i neither want nor need them to be animated, but that's a bridge I'll burn later08:08
Mamaroksorry if I misread you then, what do you want to do exactly?08:08
sparrwhen I left click on a plasma widget, including the K menu or Network Management widgets, the obvious desired result of that should happen08:09
sparrwhat I get is a black box the shape and size of the desired result...  then later the contents of that box08:09
Mamarokhm, that doesn't happen here08:09
superboyhow do go to buddy list on finch?08:09
MamarokI get the widget directly, mayby something is slowing your system then08:09
Mamaroksuperboy: don't know, I never use IM08:10
sparrif that description is unclear then I could make a small animated GIF of the process08:10
Mamaroksparr: I think I understood what you said, but I think something is slowing down your system then08:10
Mamarokyou get the outline seconds before the content, right?08:10
sparra tenth of a second maybe08:11
Mamarokdon't have that here, not at all08:11
Mamarokso I think something is slowing your system08:11
sparrive got top running in the background right now on a fast refresh...  when i click Network Management I see plasma jump to 20-30% cpu and Xorg jump to 50-80%08:11
sparrfor a fraction of a second08:12
Mamaroksparr: what version of KDE 4 do you have exactly?08:12
sparrthe same happens when I click any widget that opens a themed popup08:12
sparrK menu, calendar, network manamgent08:12
sparrwhatever is on the 9.04 CD08:12
Mamarok4.2.2 then08:12
Mamarokthere is a bugfix release available here: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.308:13
superboyis there a program on synaptic or aptitude thats for loging in key-strokes?08:13
sparrI am doing a fresh OS install to resolve numerous problems.08:13
sparrI was running KDE 4.2.3 on my previous install, and it had all the same problems I am still seeing08:13
Mamaroksuperboy: no, we do not ship keyloggers...08:13
Mamaroksparr: what are your system specifications?08:14
superboyoh thanks mamarok\08:14
sparrathlon 64 3500+, 2.5GB DDR208:14
sparranything else in particular you want?08:14
Mamaroksparr: I suspect the graphic card08:15
sparrgeforce 7950 GT (G71)08:15
Mamaroksparr: and you use the 180 driver, right?08:15
sparragain, I am using exactly what came on the 9.04 CD08:15
Mamaroksparr: are you running nepomuk and strigi?08:16
sparryes, and no.08:16
sparrnepomukserver, that is08:16
Mamarokbecause if it's the first indexing, that takes quite some time and power08:17
sparrnothing but Xorg is using more than 2% CPU08:17
sparrCPU is 90%+ idle, except as mentioned above08:17
Mamarokbut again, I do not have those probles you see here on my 4.2.3 box, no idea what it can be else08:17
sparrignoring for the moment why the eye-candy might render slowly...  I'd really just like to not have the eye candy to begin with08:19
sparrall the non-plasma stuff appears just fine08:19
Mamaroksparr: well, there is no way around plasma in KDE 4, get used to it08:19
Mamarokand btw, that's not "just eyecand<"08:20
sparrI will not "get used to" system performance from the 90s.  My system is perfectly capable of running a state of the art 3d-accelerated desktop with modern window management features.  I had beryl+kde3 running for years.08:20
sparrNow KDE 4 comes and I have stability and performance issues that make me feel like I am back on my first computer08:21
Mamaroksparr: ok, but please take this to offtopic08:21
sparrby the time I am through with this problem, I will have one of three things.  1) KDE 4 working without these problems.  2) KDE 3 installed, with an even more convoluted package pinning structure than I had on my previous install.  3) Gnome.08:22
sparras long as I am pursuing #1, this is not offtopic08:22
Mamaroksparr: !ot08:22
Mamaroksparr: it is, you are bitching08:22
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sparrI am going to try the Jaunty KDE3 remix, is there a channel specific to that?08:42
superboyhow whould i update or upgrade "whois" tru the command-line or terminal08:43
zortecHow can I get my nvidia card working in KDE?08:48
superboy> how whould i update or upgrade "whois" tru the command-line or terminal08:49
sparrsuperboy: you have an application named 'whois'?08:50
zortecIs there anyone in the channel?08:50
digdeepzortec: questions?08:54
zortecdigdeep: I'm trying to download the driver I need for nvidia nForce 610i/geforce 7300 video card08:54
zortecI can't get any of the kde effects to work08:54
zortecOh and I downloaded a video but I don't know where Konquerer put it08:55
zortecI'm new to KDE and wanted to give it a try08:55
digdeepregarding to the driver: I did "start menu"-> System -> Hardware Drivers (I never download drivers & install them)08:57
digdeepregarding to download of Konquerer, it prompts the location where you want to download. I guess you can "download" it again to find out the path you save09:05
coz_hey guys  I noticed there are system sounds  for a bunch of stuff ... is there a way to turn off system sound noitifications without interfering with the sound system?09:11
superboyanybody know the sudo pass for the terminal on the iphone09:23
Picisuperboy: This is not an iphone channel, try ##iphone09:24
bluecodeI have kubuntu 9.04, is there a way to get a package from karmic (in this case kdevelop-kde4 4.9.93)? According to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=karmic&searchon=names&keywords=kdevelop it's available for karmic but not for jaunty09:30
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shadeslayeranyone have this : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=91009&forumpage=710:52
husaynhow can i add widgets in KDE 3.510:58
bazhangkde4 widgets?10:58
husaynwidgets in KDE 3.510:58
bazhangor superkaramba10:58
husaynI have Hardy heron.. i want to add widgets10:58
husayni have seen some of customized things in kde-look.org  are they widgets ??10:59
bazhang!info superkaramba hardy10:59
ubottusuperkaramba (source: kdeutils): a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy1 (hardy), package size 531 kB, installed size 1420 kB10:59
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bazhangyep superkaramba has the weather applets and such10:59
husaynshould i do   sudp apt-get install superkaramba10:59
Guest97291I have a problem running python files .py in kubuntu why10:59
bazhanghusayn, yes11:00
Guest97291some idea?11:00
husaynwill SuperKarmaba work in KDE 3.5 ??11:01
husaynis it for 4.x ?11:01
SerpardumWhat's the name of that script file that runs on boot that I can add stuff to on startup?11:01
bazhanghusayn, sure it will work in hardy and 3.511:01
shadeslayerhusayn: will work for 3.5 as well11:01
Serparduminitsomethingorother ?11:01
husayni have installed it... where to get it.. is it in the utilities ?? or system or where , from where to activate it11:01
shadeslayerinitstart i think11:01
bazhanghusayn, no need for it with 4.x11:02
bazhanghusayn, get some applets as well11:02
husaynfrom kde-look.org ??11:02
shadeslayerhusayn: start superkaramba by alt+F2 superkarmaba and then add widgets11:02
bazhanghusayn, via superkaramba itself11:02
Serpardumahh, I just add teh script to /etc/init.d I think11:03
Serpardumthen run a command.11:04
husaynwhere do files get saved... when i download widgets from superkarmba11:05
husaynit says.. sucessfully installed11:06
shadeslayerhusayn: they are installed automatically11:06
husaynbut i cant see that widget11:06
bazhangsuperkaramba allows you to use them right away11:06
husaynso how to get it on the background ?11:06
shadeslayerhusayn: is it not present in the karmaba manager??11:06
husaynno its not coming.. it is only showing 2 options .. one is to locate from a file and one is to get from the internet11:07
bazhangchoose the second11:07
husayni have clicked the new stuff which gives me a list.. then i click one CPU thing11:07
husaynit gets downloaded and says sucessfully installed11:07
shadeslayerhusayn: bah....everything might not be comaptible with 3.511:07
husaynbut i cant see it on...screen11:08
husaynokey let me try some other11:08
sheytan_Hi, did upgrade for kde 4.2.4 today, but it still shows 4.2.3, does anybody has that too?11:14
sheytan_oh, and there was only 8 pkgs for upgrade11:14
shadeslayer4.2.4 is out???11:15
* shadeslayer checks11:15
shadeslayerhmm...im upgrading too ;)11:16
sheytan_ok, tell me if it will still show 4.2.311:17
faileasyou may need to restart the app in question?11:17
shadeslayersheytan_: itll take alot of time here...3 hrs11:17
shadeslayersheytan_: did you logout and restart X ??11:17
sheytan_shadeslayer: woo, it was about 3 min here (8pkg), and yes, i did11:18
faileasmy kubuntu-ppa repo has got a bad signature11:18
bazhang!gpgerr | faileas11:18
ubottufaileas: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »11:19
shadeslayersheytan_: 128kbps connections here :'(11:19
sheytan_shadeslayer: oh, but it's always a connecion ;)11:19
shadeslayersheytan_: bleh...typo11:20
faileasbazhang: it works when i reran apt...11:20
faileasrandom glitch i think11:20
bazhangfaileas, ah good11:20
faileassheytan_: you MAY need to run dist-upgrade11:20
sheytan_will try11:20
chuckymonkeyso, has anyone had any trouble installing plasmoids11:21
chuckymonkeyerrors to the effect that the /tmp/"your name here" file could not be created?11:21
chuckymonkeyerrors to the effect that the /tmp/"your name here" file could not be created?11:23
vistakillerthe new kde 4.2.4 packages has problems11:32
vistakillerthey will unistall half of my system like compiz, envyng etc11:32
komutaabout the 4.2.4 upgrade11:35
komutait doesn't complete because qt is still in version 4.5.011:35
komutafrom which repository is it supposed to be upgraded to 4.5.1 ?11:35
shadeslayerhow do i theme amarok?11:36
husaynanybody know how to check that is my graphics card installed ??11:36
husaynand how to install propritary graphics card drivers... becuase i have dell gx260 it has intel graphics card and it has picked up the driver but is not performing well..11:37
shadeslayerhusayn: jockey-kde11:37
husaynshould i install it ?11:37
husaynit is showing no propritary drivers11:38
shadeslayerhusayn: i mean run apt+F2 and then jockey-kde11:39
husaynit is showing no drivers !!!!11:40
sheytan_yeah, somethings wrong. when i want upgrade there's no packages for, but when distr-upgrade it want to delete alot of kde's packages, and just upgrade 4 :/11:41
shadeslayerhusayn: that means it is supported by default11:41
sheytan_now the sources edition window doesn't work for me :/11:41
husaynso i should install the driver manually !!!!11:42
komutahusayn: usually, Intel graphic cards driver do not need any manual nor custom install11:43
shadeslayerhusayn: no need11:43
komutahusayn: there are open sourced Xorg driver available, so your card should work out of the boxc11:44
husaynthe driver is installed by default... when i go to Settings and then click monitor and display11:44
husaynthere i can see Intel 845 choosen11:44
husaynbut it shows 256K memory.. while i have 8mb of memory of VGA11:44
husaynand i cant change that.. the 256K option is locked.... also there are other 2 options , one is standard , one is priopraitary.. this is also locked11:45
Scherenhaendenhi, i hav a question, what program can i use for wpa2... i was trying with knetworkmanager, but i have this manager of kubuntu karmic... n my knetwork can not my wifi-card managent11:46
husayni dont thik i would be able to use.. these.. graphical options like that... 3D screen and all that using this type of graphics card11:46
komutahusayn: there may be no graphic interface for this settings, but I think onboard intel graphic chipset uses shared video memory from the system11:47
husayni think the Kubuntu needs some extra graphics power... windows xp was just working fine with that11:48
komutayou can set the amount of CG dedicated memory through an option of the xorg device driver11:48
ct529I solved the problem of setting up the case of the file name to lower on SDHC cards automounted by HAL! hooooray11:48
komutahusayn: man intel11:49
komutaVideoRam integer11:49
komuta              This option specifies the amount of system memory to use for graphics, in KB.11:49
husaynreally !!!!!11:49
husaynis that a software ?11:49
komutawhat is strange, is that by default you should have at least 8MB configured11:49
komutano it is not, it's just the manpage for the graphic driver11:50
husaynso from where to access it and change the 256K to 8MB11:50
shadeslayeris amarok 1.x present in the repo??11:50
komutayou should look inside /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:50
_SihHey, anyone knows how to make a custom app launsher, like in GNOME? (KDE 4.2)11:51
komutathe amount of  ram dedicated to CG by X at startup should appear in the log11:51
husaynits a big log file11:52
husayncan you tell me how to change the default video ram value ?11:53
husayni have 8mb in Bios11:53
komutacan you use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste the log file ?11:53
vistakillerthey will fix the problem with kde 4.2.4 or i have to remove repositories?11:55
shadeslayervistakiller: everything seems fine here...apt doesnt say it will remove compiz11:56
vistakillerin my system will remove the half of the packages11:56
shadeslayeraltho..meta package kubuntu-desktop is being removed :)11:56
vistakillerlike jokey, gdebi, compiz, screensaver etc11:57
vistakilleri dont know why11:57
shadeslayervistakiller: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187292/11:57
naproxenohi, i have the same symptoms as vistakiller, although in my case it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop and systemsettings11:57
vistakilleris about 30 packages tou remove11:57
shadeslayernaproxeno: see my paste :)11:58
naproxenook, i see... :)11:58
shadeslayernaproxeno: i seem to have the same symptoms as you ;)...its a packaging problem it seems11:59
vistakillerand this is my packages11:59
husaynkomuta are you there11:59
husaynhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/187293/  this is my files11:59
naproxenokomuta mentioned early that it's because the new packages need qt 4.5.1, and the repos only have 4.5.011:59
shadeslayerMamarok: you there??12:00
vistakilleri think must remove this repositories12:00
vistakillersomeone will break the system if he do the update12:00
shadeslayerone sec everyone...ill just get this confirmed :)12:00
shadeslayerack...kde 4.2.4 update was just removed from kubuntu.org12:01
vistakillernice :D12:02
shadeslayervistakiller: looks like a major problem with packaging...else they wouldnt have not removed it12:02
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shadeslayervistakiller: ok its probably a packaging problem :)12:23
shadeslayerubuntu: hi12:29
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kde4hey fellas12:48
shadeslayer!hi | kde412:48
ubottukde4: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:48
kde4hey shadeslayer12:49
kde4i am expecting a lot of pings from this nickname12:49
shadeslayerkde4: why??12:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Dimitree
usuariohi for all12:50
vistakillerok :)12:51
shadeslayerusuario: kde4??12:51
shadeslayervistakiller: itll probably be fixed in a few hours...im upgrading anyways :D12:51
ahoxHi, is it just me or is the ppa-kubuntu currently broken?12:53
usuariohow can I do to install games made for windows in kubuntu?12:55
usuariosomeone help me12:55
shadeslayer!wine | usuario12:56
ubottuusuario: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:56
usuariohow can I do to install games made for windows in kubuntu?12:57
usuarioubottu: tanks12:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tanks12:59
=== JWokky is now known as JabberWokky
usuarioubottu: sorry, I wanted to say thank you I wrote rsrsrsrs wrong.13:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:01
shadeslayerusuario: as you might have understood ubottu is just a piece of smart code :)13:03
shadeslayerany way to pause apt-get ?? im going offline for a moment13:06
Scherenhaendeni cannot see my wlan0 on knetwork13:06
Scherenhaendensomeone knows what should i do?13:06
shadeslayer!wifi | Scherenhaenden13:06
ubottuScherenhaenden: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:06
Scherenhaendenit is not the same:S?13:07
shadeslayerScherenhaenden: put a ! before the wifi...try it in PM with ubottu13:08
=== renner is now known as Testuser
Gamarok__hi Testuser13:17
Testuserahm, Iḿ a newbie13:18
shadeslayer!new | Testuser13:18
ubottuTestuser: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com13:18
Testuseri know13:18
shadeslayerTestuser: if you have a problem with Kubuntu please state it :)13:18
Testusermy problem is kprint13:19
shadeslayerTestuser: your printer??13:19
Testuserprinter is ok13:19
shadeslayer!printer > Testuser13:19
ubottuTestuser, please see my private message13:19
Testuserbut i want to use kprinter with openoffice#13:20
shadeslayerTestuser: please check out the links there13:20
shadeslayerTestuser: file > print13:20
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Testuserwith kde3.x i was able to use the advantages of kprinter with openoffice but in kubuntu9.04 there is non13:25
Testuserwhat to do now?13:25
Testuseris there a chance to run kprinter also?13:26
=== dario is now known as clark8
Mamarokshadeslayer: here now :)13:28
shadeslayerMamarok: kde 4.2.4 has packaging problems as well ;)13:29
Testuseromg how to see a privat message?13:29
shadeslayerTestuser: what client??13:29
shadeslayerTestuser: there will be a pane on the left13:30
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, I didn't even try, is there an official release yet?13:30
shadeslayerMamarok: yes there was....they took it down after 10 min afterwards :)13:30
Mamarokshadeslayer: I guess it shouldn't have gone up in the first place13:31
shadeslayerMamarok: maybe they found out about it...users reported that the upgrade was removing compiz and other gnome utilis13:32
Mamarokshadeslayer: my advice is: always wait a few days before upgrading :)13:33
shadeslayerMamarok: hehe...13:33
shadeslayerMamarok: kde-neon still wont work :P13:34
Mamarokbut then, I will tell the devs to replease the announcement a tad later too, for security...13:34
shadeslayerMamarok: maybe a note in the channel topic as well?13:34
Mamarokshadeslayer: it's *not* in the topic FYI13:35
shadeslayerMamarok: ??13:35
shadeslayerah...i see what you mean13:35
Mamarokshadeslayer: I put things in the topic I know about and ask people to refer to the topic only13:35
Mamarokwhat is not in the topic is not there for the user yet :)13:36
shadeslayerMamarok: looks like the page is still online http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.413:37
Mamarokshadeslayer: I can't see it, must be in your cache then13:37
shadeslayernope cache is clean13:37
linksвсем привет13:38
Mamarokhm, it's not on the front page, but in the history for june on the left... bad, bad idea13:38
shadeslayer!gr | links13:38
ubottulinks: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:38
shadeslayerMamarok: yep...13:38
Pici!ru | links13:39
ubottulinks: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:39
Mamarokshadeslayer: cyrillic is not greek... ;)13:39
ingeich hätte da mal eine Frage13:51
Mamarok!de | inge13:51
ingeIch verwende derzeit kubunte 9.0413:51
ubottuinge: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:51
Mamarokinge: Deutsch ist in #kubuntu-de13:51
Brettmanhas anyone had any luck installig gnone on kubuntu???13:52
ingeok - sorry13:52
MamarokBrettman: you mean Gnome?13:52
Brettmanya sorry mistype13:52
MamarokBrettman: install the ubuntu-desktop package13:52
Brettmani googles and it seems allot of people have the same problem13:53
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Brettmani tried that13:53
MamarokBrettman: then you will have to log out and change the session, you can not run Gnome in KDE :)13:53
Brettmancan i post my error msg>13:53
Brettmanmarmok i know13:53
shadeslayerBrettman: use pastebin13:53
MamarokBrettman: please put it in http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the link here13:53
Brettmanhas the error msg13:55
Brettmannothing i do will let me install it13:56
BrettmanDepends: system-config-printer13:56
shadeslayerBrettman: try installing that package seprately13:56
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Brettmanwhat i just posted13:56
Brettmani did13:56
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MamarokBrettman: well, you will have to ask in #ubuntu then, soemthing is wrong with the packages in the repositories13:57
shadeslayerBrettman: same message?? try updating and try apt with --fix-broken13:57
Brettmanthanx for the help13:58
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
bas85nog nederlanders hier??14:15
Pici!nl | bas8514:16
ubottubas85: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl14:16
gabooHi there14:16
gabooDoes anyone has a problem installing kde 4.2.4 ? Apparently, some packages require qt4.5.1, which I don't have in any repos, and so can't be installed.14:17
jeez_hey guys, yesterday I was building Plasma (trunk) here (kubuntu 9.04), and when I try to run it just got "Invalid D-BUS interface name 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection" and then nothing happens. Does anyone know why is this happening ?!14:21
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
guymani'm trying to install 4.2.3 as per http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3, but both apt-get and kpackagekit say there are 46 being "blocked" or "kept back"14:26
gabooguyman: 4.2.4 has been added to the repos and apparently there are some dependancy problems.14:27
p_quarlesguyman: I'm not convinced that kpackagekit is really ready, yet; try apt-get if you want a more verbose conflict message14:28
guymangaboo: i guess that would explain it then.  it's saying libqt4-* 4.5.1 is a dependency but 4.5.0 is about to be installed14:34
gabooguyman: same here14:35
Kiryok, I'm having major brain fart here14:35
gabooguyman: I guess it they are aware and trying to fix because the 4.2.4 announcement has been removed from kubuntu's homepage.14:35
KiryI've upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 but for some reason, Adobe Flash stopped working14:36
KiryI've followed all the steps to install it but nothing seems to work14:36
gabooKiry: In konqueror ? Firefox ?14:36
Mamarokguyman: please, folks, do not yet upgrade, there are package problems!14:38
gabooMamarok: indeed. But as it was on kubuntu's home page for a moment ... i thought it was safe.14:38
gabooKiry: do you have flashplugin-nonfree installed ?14:39
Mamarokgaboo: yes, there was an error, I am sorry, appologies from the devs too, they are working hard on solving the problem14:39
gaboofor me it's as simple as installing this package, and then it works.14:40
Mamarokgaboo: it's more than one package...14:40
gabooMamarok: hey, no worries, not that of a problem :)14:40
Mamarokjust be patient and hold back, I will put it in the topic once it's solved14:40
gabooMamarok: I was speaking of flash for Kiry14:41
guymanMamarok: heh, i wasn't attempting to go to 4.2.4 yet, i was trying to go to 4.2.3 as per the homepage14:41
gabooguyman: but it's in the same repository.14:41
Kirygaboo according to the sympatic package installer, that item is checked14:41
Mamarokgaboo: the word is now: do not upgrade yet, there are problems currently solved, tomorrow should be good14:42
Mamarokplease, all, do *not* upgrade now, wait till tomorrow!14:42
guyman4.2.3 had similar issues, i figured those would be finally resolved since 4.2.4 now exists.  but yeah, gaboo, looking back i realize what happened14:42
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | WARNING: do not upgrade 4.2.4 till further notice! | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are packaging issues
Peace-konversatieeos: intel xD17:15
TheGrammarFreakAll my text is rendered as Courier on kubuntu 9.04. does anyone know how to change this?17:18
eeosPeace-konversati: xD? Icannot find it on any of my usual suppliers17:19
luthiranyone: how do you install the adobe plugin for konqueror? or you can't?17:20
eeosPeace-konversati: it is full of name that I do not even know what they are  .... let alone performances .... phenom????17:21
geniiluthir: If you have konqueror-nsplugins then it can use the one for Firefox17:22
luthirgenii how do I know if I have nsplugins?17:22
eeosis there somewhere a database with benchmark of performances you get from a CPU in ubuntu?17:23
geniiluthir:  apt-cache policy konqueror-nsplugins         (or konqueror-nsplugins-kde4 )17:23
luthirgenii: it says I have it installed, now what?17:24
luthirwhere do I find the fox plugin at17:24
geniiluthir: In Konq ... Settings...Configure Konqueror...Plugins ..17:25
luthirI'm a noob17:26
luthirgenii: I just see folders17:27
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:27
luthirand when I hitscan nothin happens genii17:27
geniiluthir: There are 2 tabs there, one says Scan, one says Plugins. In the Plugins tab it should have any it found listed. If nothing in the list, see the bots instructions above17:29
shadeslayergenii: i think the packaging problem is solved ^_^17:29
geniishadeslayer: Glad to hear17:32
=== thibault is now known as The_Bault
TheGrammarFreakAll my text is rendered as Courier on kubuntu 9.04. does anyone know how to change this? I have changed the fonts in the font changer bit of the setting windows, and nothing happens. It even renders the example text in courier17:33
The_BaultIl y a des français?17:34
genii!fr | The_Bault17:35
ubottuThe_Bault: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:35
The_BaultI have had a little problem and I lost Konqueror. Can I have it with the "add/remove softwares"?17:37
The_BaultI ask you because I don't know what is the exact name for Knoqueror in the Package list ...17:40
szilvihi there17:42
szilvii need some help with installing apps... any pros here? :)17:42
The_Baultnot really...17:43
szilvimaybe you could help me :)17:43
szilviI've installed assaultcube and i can't find it in the app launcher17:43
szilviwhere is it and how could i add it there?17:44
sparr"dpkg -l assaultcube" will tell you where the files went17:44
szilviand can I add a link to it in the "start menu"17:44
szilvithe command gives me this output17:45
szilvi| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend17:45
szilvi|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)17:45
szilvi||/ Name           Version        Description17:45
szilviii  assaultcube    1.00-1~getdeb2 AssaultCube is a total conversion of Cube17:45
tsimpson!paste > szilvi17:45
ubottuszilvi, please see my private message17:45
Pollywoganyone know why KDE4 would start and then the screen just turn black?  I can use alt-f2 and bring up apps this way but there is no desktop17:46
PollywogJaunty btw17:46
robertknightPollywog: Presumably plasma-desktop failed to start?17:46
robertknightTry launching it manually17:46
robertknight(It might be called just 'plasma' in KDE 4.2 - I can't remember)17:46
Pollywogk thanks17:46
Pollywogrobertknight, yes it starts with plasma.kde417:47
The_Baulthum, what's the name of Konqueror in the "adept installer"17:47
PollywogI get a desktop with that command17:47
swattoAnyone know if it is possible to edit the login screen or get themes for it please?17:47
tsimpsonThe_Bault: use adept manager, not adept installer17:48
The_BaultTanks a lot.17:48
szilviany ideas on my issue :) ?17:48
Pollywogany ideas why plasma would not automatically start?17:48
tsimpsonszilvi: use "dpkg -L assaultcube" too see all the installed files, and please don't post the whole list here17:48
vivancowhy kubuntu 9.04 is too slow whi 512 of ram17:49
szilviwell... the command wouldn't work17:49
geniiszilvi: Did you install it from the package manager, or download some tar.gz file, or something else, etc?17:49
tsimpsonszilvi: there is a difference between "dpkg -l" and "dpkg -L"17:49
Pollywogtsimpson, yes17:49
szilvii can't install it with kpacagekit17:50
szilviit's not there17:50
tsimpsongenii: looks like a getdeb package17:50
robertknightPollywog: I'm not sure where plasma-desktop is started from17:50
szilvii got it from get-deb17:50
Pollywog-L tells you what files are part of the package17:50
Pollywogrobertknight, ty17:50
Pollywogit's a start17:50
szilviand it installed... but it won't show up on the app starter17:50
PollywogI will figure it out eventually17:50
robertknightAlthough you could always add it to KDE's autostart settings17:50
robertknightThough that is not a proper-fix17:50
tsimpsonszilvi: you need to use use "dpkg -L assaultcube" too see all the installed files, and look for files with "bin/" in it17:51
szilvimaybe this one, cause i don't see any bins17:52
tsimpsonthat may be the game server rather than the game itself17:52
szilviooops i pasted the wrong line... there's a "ac_client" file... i think it's a binary17:53
tsimpsonszilvi: it may be, are there any .desktop files?17:54
szilvii'm a noob... I think you all guessed that already :P17:54
susbwoyHi, how am i able to go back to default panel settings?17:54
tsimpsonszilvi: then it _should_ be in the kmenu17:55
szilvithat's the kickoff application launcher right?17:55
szilvicause it's not there17:55
szilvioooops... sorry guys just found ity17:56
szilviit's there... thx anyway17:56
szilvimany thx17:56
tsimpsonno problem17:56
Riddellwho wants to test 4.2.4?17:56
susbwoyHaving a ponder in ~/.kde/share/config but can't seem to find anything to change back to default panel.17:56
Riddellguyman: bmunger_ dreimark ?17:57
tsimpsonsusbwoy: it's in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc iirc17:57
szilvioh... i still have a big Q... i just bought a 9600 gt... installed drivers for it... and the desktop effects are too slow compared to the 1Gs my videocard has17:58
szilviwhat can i do about it?17:58
susbwoytsimpson: cheers.17:58
szilviand i'm having problems running assaultcube18:00
szilviit appears for a few minutes in the task manager and then it just disapears with no screen changes18:00
szilvicorrection: i'm having problems running all 3d accelerated games18:01
szilvibut i'm pretty sure i have the right drivers for my card18:01
szilviany ideas? :)18:02
ubunturosMy monitor has a 17" screen, and my resolution doesn't go beyond 1024x768 and xorg.conf doesn't have resolutions mentioned beyond that, so can I add manually and run a command to set bigger resolutions?18:05
dreimarkRiddell: can do testing tom, the colleague is already at hom18:06
ActionParsnipubunturos: you can add resolutions to xorg.conf18:07
ActionParsnipubunturos: if you install video drivers it should go higher18:07
ubunturosActionParsnip: ok, and do I have run any command that'll reconfigure the resolutions?18:07
Riddelldreimark: please add the PPA at https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa and upgrade18:07
shadeslayerMamarok: i can confirm that KDE 4.2.4 works...no problems at all18:11
Riddellshadeslayer: great, thanks18:12
shadeslayerRiddell: no problem...just dist-upgrade and then upgrade :)18:13
* shadeslayer wonders why his swap is 018:14
skaftihello im having a problem with my kmail is someone good at this18:14
KanerixIs it possible to burn aac (m4a) tracks onto a CD easily?18:17
Kanerixis there a codec I can download and use?18:18
rjuneKanerix: I would look at k3b18:18
rjuneIt might do what you want18:19
KanerixI tried k3b but it won't import the m4a files18:19
Kanerixthey aren't DRM'd either18:19
KanerixI suspect I don't have the correct codecs or plugins for it or something18:19
Kanerixalso, what command do I use to determine what version of kubuntu I have? I think it's 9.04 but I may be wrong18:21
ubunturosKanerix: lsb_release -all18:21
ubunturosKanerix: lsb_release -a *18:21
ubunturosnot all, but just a18:22
Kanerixalright it is 9.0418:22
Kanerixdoes that work on most distros?18:22
ubunturosKanerix: as far as I'm aware, it works on *buntus18:23
Kanerixah worked on my suse server as well, and thats rather old18:23
PiciIf the distro is going for LSB compliance (which many major ones do), then it believe it has to respond to that command.18:23
Kanerixis there a command to determine the date of the original install?18:23
Kanerixthats good to know18:24
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=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | 4.2.4 kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.4 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are packaging issues
Kanerixso what codecs would be required to burn an m4a (itunes download) to a CD?18:36
=== k4v is now known as m4v
DragnslcrRiddell- how about adding http:// to the 4.2.4 URL for us lazy folk18:43
=== Peace-konversati is now known as Peace-
RiddellDragnslcr: most web browsers do that for you surely18:44
DragnslcrSure, but Konversation doesn't recognize it as a link18:44
=== thibault is now known as thibault__
linuxi using kubuntu 9.04!how to recover My KDE Panel?(I removed it!!)18:46
linux*KDE Panel(task manager and...!)18:46
Dragnslcrlinux- if you right-click on your desktop, is there an option Add Panel?18:47
Peace-linux: wtf... right button add pannel18:47
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | 4.2.4 available: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.4 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are dependency issues
DragnslcrThe very lazy thank you, Mamarok18:48
MamarokDragnslcr: yaw :)18:48
mrwesOMG! I just tried Opera for the first time -- what a screamer18:49
carolijawhats th diferent betwen 4.22 Gb and normal cd ?18:57
carolijais ther is any ?18:57
ubunturoscarolija: packages primarly18:57
davidkali>gets bored and downloads the entire games listing18:58
ubunturoscarolija: you wouldn't need to download a lot of packages from the internet18:58
ubunturoscarolija: however, may need to update when bugs / security fixes are applied to them18:58
=== lynx is now known as Guest80013
davidkaliAbout like.. 250 packages need updates18:58
davidkaliFrom image installation18:59
davidkaliNo biggie, takes like 9 minutes18:59
carolijaubunturos: I have already normal kubuntu18:59
carolijajust was curios what us with 4GB18:59
carolijai have that one too just not installd18:59
carolijathank you :)18:59
ubunturoscarolija: welcome.19:00
carolijaIf i have both , what u addvice to install ?19:00
ubunturoscarolija: btw, do you have broadband internet?19:00
carolija4Gb or other one19:00
carolijayea i hav19:00
carolijahave* (my keyboard sux)19:00
ubunturoscarolija: that would depend on if you have download limits on your internet connection19:00
carolijai have no limits19:00
carolijaill try for the change this one of 4GB, have to reinstall the system19:01
ubunturoscarolija: good, for a reasonably faster and minimal install, use the CD. For a customized installation of packages from for the distro, use the DVD19:01
carolijayes, ill do that ubunturos , thnx for advice man19:01
ubunturoscarolija: if you have already installed from the CD, then no use using the DVD19:02
carolijabut i will delete it19:02
carolijai need to format PC ;/19:02
ubunturoscarolija: may be you can give it to someone who doesn't have an internet connection19:02
ubunturoscarolija: update your installation via the internet, though19:02
carolijai did that already , heh , to my friend19:03
carolijajust problem is in my PC , ill will open it now and see in side whats wrong19:03
carolijahe just freez after a while ...19:04
TheGrammarFreakHow long before your PC freezes?19:04
ubunturoscarolija: oh19:04
carolijasomethimes 2 days somethimes 5 min19:04
carolijaist strange ...19:05
TheGrammarFreakcarolija: If your PC freezes after about half an hour you may need to look into your CPU overheating19:05
ubunturoscarolija: my system too experienced a similar issue, in order to isolate, I ran my computer only into the BIOS mode19:05
ubunturoscarolija: and when if hung, it showed up " !!! " in fields of BIOS19:06
carolijahmmz, maybe ther is the point TheGrammarFreak19:06
TheGrammarFreakcarolija: I just replaced the heat sink compound, and mine runs smoothly now19:06
carolijaubunturos:  wan i am in bios h work fine lol19:06
carolijaso maybe is the same ...19:07
ubunturoscarolija: oh, I see.19:07
ubunturoscarolija: may be something else19:07
carolijayea, thats why ill will open it now just to check19:07
carolijaafter will see19:07
rebeckaany polish users here? is there polish kubuntu channel?19:07
TheGrammarFreakNext time it freezes, reboot into bios, and look at the CPU temp.19:07
pulaskihello, I have an older ebook device whose manufacturer has gone out of business.  It was originally designed for use with MS Windows.  I can't find a driver for it that will work under GNU/Linuc  Can anyone advise me about an accessible resource where I can learn to write my own driver for this device?19:08
ubunturos!polish | rebecka,19:08
ubotturebecka,: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:08
carolijawhat is normal telp TheGrammarFreak  ?19:08
carolijai can look right now19:08
TheGrammarFreakMine is 60 degrees, some run at 40, over 100 is bad19:08
TheGrammarFreakWhat is it now?19:08
ubunturoscarolija: depending on the kind of processor, the temp. would vary between 50-8019:08
ubunturosdegree Celcius19:09
carolijathis is old pentium 3 600+ procesor i use it just for kubuntu19:10
carolijabut now he start to freez19:10
TheGrammarFreakYe, for that you are looking at around 60 degrees celcius19:11
TheGrammarFreakpossibly 7019:11
harjotguys my  apt-get isnt working so therefore i cant download ANYTHING internet is fine btw. and also this is because i once had an intrepid repository in my sources.list so it replaced most of the packages + dependencies with intrepid even though im on 8.04 so there fore i cant download andinstall because the version is too high [dependecies]19:11
TheGrammarFreakharjot: does aptitude work?19:12
TheGrammarFreakSorry, what did you do with your sources?19:13
harjotdeleted the intrepid line which downloaded the wrong packages19:13
TheGrammarFreakdid you replace it?19:14
harjotno i got rid of it19:14
TheGrammarFreakIs there anything in the sources list telling aptitude where to look?19:14
harjotyes the hardy repositories are still there19:14
jussi01harjot: tried: sudo apt-get install -f19:15
harjotits just that the packages are being heeld19:15
TheGrammarFreakHow strange19:15
harjotjussi01: dont work19:15
TheGrammarFreakTry apt-get update19:15
harjotdont work19:15
TheGrammarFreakI don't know then19:15
TheGrammarFreakI'm sorry19:15
harjotthe packages are now being held because my dependencies and other packages are too high19:16
carolijaProcesor is 3000+19:16
carolijaim in bios now19:16
carolijaspped 1800mhz19:16
TheGrammarFreakIs that clocked right?19:16
TheGrammarFreakAnyhoo, I'm off19:17
carolijatemp is 48 C19:17
harjotany1  can help???19:17
carolijaCPU temp is 48 C19:17
TheGrammarFreakSorry I couldn't be of more help harjot19:17
harjotthats ok19:17
carolijaM/B Temp is 40 C19:17
TheGrammarFreakcaroija, that temp. seems fine19:17
TheGrammarFreakBye all19:17
carolijabye TheGrammarFreak19:18
carolijaso maybe i have problem with monitor ?19:18
carolijais it possible ?19:18
harjotdoes any1 know how to FORCE kubuntu to install apt packages [-f dont work]19:18
carolijato PC free coz of monitor19:18
mustaffahow are yoi19:19
harjotcarolija: not likely....19:19
ubunturos!hi | mustaffa19:19
ubottumustaffa: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:19
carolijaso what can be than more harjot  ? any idea ?19:19
carolijato reinstall it or ro keep loking ....19:19
harjotwhat was mainly ur problem????19:20
carolijamy problem is that my PC frezz all th tim19:20
carolijasomethims he need 2 days , somethims 2 min19:20
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harjotlol thats really random19:20
harjotmy dad had the same problemo19:20
carolijaand what h did ?19:21
harjotwell for a start, for him, processor intesive progrrams crashed the pc so he upgraded to 9.04 from 8.1019:21
harjotdo u open any prgrams before i crashes???19:22
carolijadepends, sometims not sometimes yes19:22
carolijasometimes he free before i login19:22
carolijayea, really strange19:23
carolijaok, tnx for help ill go to work a little19:23
harjothave u updatead AALLL ur padckagees???19:23
carolijaif i fix it let u know:)19:23
carolijano, not all19:23
carolijai don't need all19:23
harjotdo that19:23
harjotupdate all recommended packages he did that19:23
carolijaahh, rcomanded i did that19:24
carolijai was thing that u asking me for all19:24
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carolijawhat is in heh:)19:24
harjotwhat graphics u use>?>>19:24
carolijalol, no i was in BIOS and he frez19:24
carolijathr is19:24
rebeckai have a problem with keyboard layout in kubuntu, im using swedish and polish and first everything works but then one of polish characters (produced by shift+l) disappears and new keyboaard layout appears (grey "flag" with a number 3) and in this19:25
carolijajust as ec to see19:25
harjotbut do u use intel for ur ssytem core etc...19:25
rebeckathird layout i can produce this shift+l character19:25
rebeckaanyone knows what the heck actually? :)19:25
harjottry reconfiguring the keyboard19:25
cjaeOk I really messed things up, I am running kde 4.2.3 from the ppa repo. I got a notification that I had 47 blocked updates and several other unblocked ones, so I used kpackage to try to install them19:26
rebeckai do - it fixes the problem just for a while, then this thing comes up again19:26
harjotGOD u pc has issues19:26
harjot9.04 is good but has quiote a few bugs]19:26
harjotanyway 8.04 is still the best so far19:27
harjot8.10 was a nice design but useless....19:27
cjaeor kpackagekit so I didnt install them all so I searched 47 blocked updates in google, and found that it maybe attributed to issues with kpackagekit and someone reccommended sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:28
harjotthats all right actually19:28
harjottry it19:28
cjaeso I did that and it listed some things that needed to be upgraded 16 megs, and now upon rebooting I have no xserver or an issue where both screens are black19:29
cjaedoes anyone know how to revert these upgrades or fix the issue19:30
harjottry sudo apt-get install .... --reinstall or something like thAT19:30
carolijaharjot:  ATI Radeon 960019:30
carolijai had talk about that with Mamarok19:31
carolijaand he helpt me out19:31
* daskreecH chuckles19:31
carolijabut the pc still frezz19:31
daskreecHcarolija: What happens if you try to start X?19:31
harjotif it is a graphics issue, try the ati catalyst center19:31
carolijahe start and after he frezz again19:31
daskreecHlogin and type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start19:31
carolijai have no problem to start it19:32
daskreecHhaving some issues booting an LVM drive it points to the /dev/mapper device and then fails to find /bin/sh19:33
cjaei get kdm and a gui login but screens goes black after that19:33
daskreecHcjae: Oh it goes black after you login?19:33
cjaedaskreecH, yes19:33
daskreecHHmm somethings wrong with kdeinit then19:34
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:34
carolijadaskreecH:  Starting K Display Manager: kdm already running.19:35
carolijai got that, is it help ?19:35
cjaedaskreecH, I am thinking that maybe those packages were held back for a reason, and might not have been an issue with kpackagekit19:35
daskreecHcarolija: Umm ok press alt+Ctrl+F719:35
harjoti have the same packageing issue19:35
daskreecHcjae: Maybe. You should have done a sudo apt-get upgrade first19:36
daskreecHthat does very simple nondangerous upgrades19:36
carolijadaskreecH:  Broadcast message from root@s02419:37
carolija        (unknown) at 20:36 ...19:37
daskreecHcarolija: Ok press alt+ctrl+F1 and you should be back where you were before19:37
harjotif u have other packages from a nother distro [i ve got some from 8.10 but im on 8.04] the dependencies get  messed up and gtherefore the the version is too high and so the pacckafes will nbe held19:37
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cjaeis there a way to revert these updates, I know about the differences of apt-get and aptitude, but I am not sure how good this can be reverted daskreecH19:37
daskreecHtry sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart19:37
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daskreecHcjae: check yur dpkg log to see what was installed and removed19:38
harjotguys read what i said19:38
cjaedaskreecH, where is that located?19:39
harjotright gotogo19:39
kaktuskattahi! I'm not able to play sound through ALSA or PulseAudio19:39
daskreecHin /var/log/19:39
kaktuskattaI've tried different things, and the only thing that seems to be working is the OSS drivers, /dev/dsp19:40
kaktuskattaThe problem with those are the options, and that I'm not able to get the volume high enough19:40
kaktuskattaThis was not a a problem when I used ubuntu19:40
kaktuskattaI edited /etc/group, added my username, didn't help much19:41
kaktuskattaany ideas?19:41
kaktuskattaAs it is now, I'm barely able to hear a thing19:41
kaktuskattaVLC and others act all normal when ran from konsole19:42
cjaedaskreecH, it is not likely to be an issue with xorg, right, but that is a major cause of the x server errors19:42
daskreecHcjae: If I were to lay a bet it would be that it's with the compositing being turned on in KDE19:42
daskreecHBut I can't say that's what the issue is since I have no idea19:43
cjaedaskreecH, are you usng kde 4.2?19:43
daskreecHyu can loko in ~/.xsession-errors to try and find out19:43
daskreecHIn a manner of speaking19:43
InforMedhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193573   --- Can someone confirm this bug? It's annoying!19:43
cjaedaskreecH, I have an nvidia card and all compositing was working great with the properitary drivers, except separate xscreens19:45
daskreecHcjae: I would have guessed intel but nvidia has been doing strange things with it's drivers recently too19:45
cjaedaskreecH, what is an equivalent of wgetpaste in ubuntu so I could post the errors somewhere, since I dont have a desktop environment anymore19:47
daskreecHBut again without some error trail to say what's causing it I can't say what may be the culprit19:47
daskreecHcjae: apt-get install pastebinit19:47
unixhas anyohne here successfulkly installed flash 10?19:48
cjaeand how do you use it daskreecH I have I sight idea but cli is so specific19:48
daskreecHeither run a command with | pastebinit at the end or if you want to pastebin a file type pastebinit /path/to/file19:49
kaktuskattaunix: yes19:49
cjaedaskreecH, and what site does that direct to, the ubuntu pastebin?19:50
kaktuskattaunix: Download the flash-packet from adobes homepage19:50
daskreecHit will return you a URL just give us the URL19:50
unixive tried removing the previous flash plugin, downloading the new flash 10.deb, installed, and even placed the .so files in the plugins folder manually, and nothing works19:50
cjaedaskreecH, ok I might be a second since I am on the windows partiton right now, thanks19:51
daskreecHunix: Did you purge the plugin or just remove it?19:51
kaktuskattaunix: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP19:51
daskreecHcjae: It's on the same machine19:51
kaktuskattaunix: what browser?19:52
unixthats the one i downloaded that doesnt work19:52
daskreecHcjae: Do you have irrsi ?19:52
unixand firefox19:52
daskreecHIrssi ?19:52
cjaedaskreecH, dual boot19:52
unixand i fully removed the flashplugin-nonfree before upgrading19:52
unix from the .deb file on that page19:52
cjaedaskreecH, which OS19:52
unixand it doesnt list the plugin19:52
daskreecHcjae:Linux when you login type sudo apt-get install irssi19:53
cjaedaskreecH, I an not very proficent with irc19:53
cjaedaskreecH, xchar19:53
daskreecHwhen thats done run irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com19:53
daskreecHthen type /join #kubuntu19:53
daskreecHYou will be in command line but logged into IRC and we can help you with things19:54
daskreecHmakes it a lot faster19:54
kaktuskattaunix: no flashplugin appears when you type about:plugins in FF?19:54
daskreecHmight want to write those down :-)19:54
alarmhello, is there any issue with the new kubuntu and firefox history ?19:54
unixand that is with the .so file in every possible plugin folder there is19:54
unixkaktuskatta are you on 8.04 or 9.04?19:55
unixi bet thats why, i think its a bug in hardy19:55
canenfor a couple years now i've been unable to browse samba shares using the share names in kde. the ip address works fine. anyone has this problem?19:56
unixeveryone i have asked that says they have it working is using 9.0419:56
InforMedhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193573   --- Can someone confirm this bug? And help-me solve it!19:56
cjaedaskreecH, would I have to be in a separate tty console with irssi? and looking for my files and such in another?19:56
kaktuskattahmm... as you mention it... I do remember having some trouble with hardy and the newest flash. Do you really need the newest? I think I used flash 919:56
unixits not that big of a deal, the flashplugin-nonfree one wors, i just cant watch hulu, or anything requiring flash 1019:57
daskreecHcjae: possibly but it's still alot faster and since we can help you it's pretty easy to switch back and forth19:57
kaktuskattaI C19:58
unixtime to upgrade to 9.04 x.X19:58
unixim starting to hate ubuntu, everytime something new is released you have to upgrade spit x.X19:59
cjaedaskreecH, no I was just wondering cause I have never used cli irc b4. ok will give it a shot brb19:59
kaktuskattaunix: Hehe....it's not that bad19:59
kaktuskattaunix: I was on hardy using gnome for a long time until recently because I was curious about KDE20:00
unixim actually using xubuntu20:00
sparrIn KDE 4.2.2 when I click a plasma widget on the panel (K menu, network management, clock/calendar) and the themed result pops up, I see a black placeholder popup first, then the contents fill in.  I had this problem in 4.2.3 after many upgrades, and now in 4.2.2 on a fresh kubuntu 9.04 install.  Help?20:00
unixi guess i have to upgrade to 8.10, then 9.0420:01
unixi dont have any more cds or i would just d/l the new image :P20:01
unixim just gonna try updating firefox first i guess20:02
kaktuskattaunix: It's possible to install from a flash disk, I've done that when I were in the same situation. However, this requires that your PC can boot from a USB stick20:03
unixyeah, i might do that if this doesnt work, rather than wait for another 3 hours for updates20:04
kaktuskattaunix: You don't happen to be some sort of audio genious by chance?20:05
unixwhy what you need?20:05
kaktuskattaunix: I'm not able to play sound !20:05
unixwith what program?20:05
harjotwho has falsh issues???20:06
unixeveryone does harjot20:06
kaktuskattaany program as long as I set it to ALSA20:06
unixim trying to upgrade my firefox to see if that works20:06
harjot?????is that meant to be a joke???????20:06
unixyour using 8.04 right harjot?20:06
unixdoes the sound work when you set it to oss?20:07
kaktuskattaunix: the only sound driver working is the OSS driver, which all in all is not that compatible with other applications than a few selected20:07
harjotunix: yes20:07
kaktuskattaunix: This wasn't a problem when I was on hardy20:07
kaktuskattaunix: Neither pulseaudio nor ALSA works now, quite annoying20:08
unixharjot all i can say i know so far is try to upgrade your firefox to the latest version then install the plugin20:08
kaktuskattaI've checked /etc/group and made some changes, but no luck20:08
unixand kaktuskatta; that is wierd indeed20:08
harjotno, my flash works fine with sound and alll20:08
kaktuskattaas long as the app sends sound to the /dev/dsp it works (this is OSS), but the support in different apps is close to none20:09
unixdo you have two cards installed on the computer?20:09
harjothow do i remove intrepid packages from an 8.04 system20:09
MamarokdaskreecH: don't chuckle too loud, I might hear you :)20:10
cjaedaskreecH, ok I installed irssi and used irrssi -c irc.ubuntu.com be is refuses connection20:10
unixuntil yesterday i had a similar problem with sound, as i had two cards in the computer, one onboard and my soundblaster20:10
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unixi had to keep switching back and forth between the two for different things, if thats the case with yours, i would suggest removing one card20:11
kaktuskattaunix: I don't have two cards, this is a laptop20:11
cjaeis there something the gui would be doing to make it through the firewall? I see I must connect to port 8001 so I assume that must need to be forwarded20:12
kaktuskattaunix: what i do have, is a TV-capture card. This is sometimes detected as some sort of audio equipment, but I don't think that's it20:12
unixoh lol i dunno then, this is why i was saying im getting sick of ubuntu, it took me three days to install my gfx drivers, and there not even on my gpy supported list, which is ignorant20:12
unixbut thats ubuntu for you20:12
cjaesince I have never had to port forwarded for irc before? daskreecH20:13
kaktuskattaunix: not related to the distro, you would have the same problem in eg. fedora20:13
kaktuskattaunix: the problems is the lack of good drivers20:13
unixi just randomly installed about 30 nvidia drivers, and one of the oldest linux ones in existance worked20:13
unixand it doesnt even support my card20:13
unixyeah :P20:14
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kaktuskattaunix: the socalled restricted drivers should give you the best performance, that is if they exist20:14
kaktuskattaunix: ATi is said to be better supported in unix systems20:14
unixyeah, i tried that right off the bat, and they didnt work20:15
unixi used the nvidia-glx-new driver20:15
unixtand its version is 169.07.0320:15
kaktuskattaunix: Not in my case. I recently discovered that their drivers are incompatible with Jaunty20:15
kaktuskattaunix: Weee20:15
unixi switched to the one off nvidias site thats 169.07.01 and it works, but my fx5500 isnt even supported by that driver, so says nvidias site20:15
kaktuskattaunix: Oh, the irony. If I just stayed with hardy, the drivers would be supported20:16
unixyet you need jaunty for flash lol20:16
unixgotta love linux xD20:16
kaktuskattaunix: there's always something20:16
kaktuskattaunix: that being said, I wouldnt go back to windowa20:17
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unixi was using win7 up until recently, i just decided to switch back to linux for a lower latency on a few online games20:17
kaktuskattaunix: The vast amount of free software, the stability (usually), and the price talked me into it20:18
unixbut imo win7 is 10x what ubuntu will ever be20:18
unixbe back in a bit though, ive been talking and still havent gotten my firefox updated lol20:19
kaktuskattaunix: I'm not so sure, most of the fancy things you can do in win7 is close to what's possible with good graphic drivers in ubuntu20:19
cjaedaskreecH, are you here?20:19
kaktuskattaunix: Gotta go, I have to start packing. I'm taking a flight tomorrow morning :)20:20
kaktuskattaunix: nice talking to you. Good luck with flash!20:20
unixhopefully it works once i get this upgraded :P20:20
cjaeis anyone else using irssi? do I have to do more than irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com, like do I have to irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com/8001 or must I forward that port in router?20:20
Mamarokcjae: usually I do /con freenode20:25
cjaeso irssi /con freenode20:26
phoenixzWhen plasma crashes and does not auto-restart.. How can I start plasma again? I recall in 4.1 I could just run "plasma" from ALT-F2, but in KDE4.3 beta I can not start it manually anymore20:28
cjaeMamarok, what I am wondering is that, I must be because its using port 8001 and not 6667, do most router software accept connectoion for irc on 6667 by default20:28
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Mamarokcjae: I start irssi in a screen session so I am always online20:29
Mamarokcjae: default for IRC is 6667, you should use that20:29
harjotwindows sucks so badly20:30
harjotkubuntu = OS 1/2/3/420:30
Mamarokharjot: please, no OS bashing here...20:30
cjaeMamarok, but then you get those dcc exploits do you? I am thinking I could just use irssi -c irc.freenode.net cause it uses 6667 right?20:30
harjotaohhhhhh......... i like killing windows it deleted my 20% from my exam20:30
Mamarokphoenixz: start plasma in a konsole tab20:30
caneni found a solution to the samba issue. good thingh i decide to investigate once again http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914920:30
harjothow do i remove intrepid packages from an 8.04 system20:31
harjotbecasue all dependensies are mixed up20:31
phoenixzMamarok: already gottit from KDE channel, its plasma-desktop, for anybody interrested..20:31
phoenixzMamarok: thanks anyway!20:31
Mamarokharjot: ... why did you add those?20:31
Mamarokphoenixz: you are welcome :)20:31
cjaeMamarok, or what can I issue to make irc.ubuntu.com use 6667 ?20:32
harjoti didnt so,mething went wrong....20:32
Mamarokcjae: irssi needs some tweaking first, did you make a configuration file?20:32
harjotit somehow had intrepid repositoreies and isntalled upadtes for itnrepid [ouch.......]20:33
phoenixzIm using Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE4.3 beta installed. Im experimenting with vlans, and now have eth0 and eth0.110. The latter now carries my network connection.. I all did this from command line, but right now the plasma network applet basically shows me as not having network connection. Also, all apps using networking go haywire.. Firefox for example, stays in "offline mode" while there is network.. Is this a bug, or just a result of doing stuff manually?20:33
harjotso i cant update and I NEED to20:33
Mamarokcjae: normally it creates a default one20:33
Mamarokcjae: check in .irssi for the conf file20:33
cjaeMamarok, ok20:34
harjoti cant even install irssi!?!?!?20:34
harjotbecause i cant download20:34
Mamarokphoenixz: result of your tweaking, it expects things elsewhere20:34
harjotso im using ******** windoze20:34
harjotfro irc20:34
Mamarokharjot: behave, please!20:34
harjotare u a moderator20:34
Mamarokharjot: do you have your /home on a separate partition?20:34
harjotdual boot20:35
phoenixzMamarok: I suppose KDE doesnt know much yet about vlans?20:35
harjotbut i can read from windows my ext3 dreove20:35
Mamarokphoenixz: I really don't know, newer used that, must me pretty experimental I guess20:35
cjaeMamarok, what I am asking is in most router software is 6667 enabled by default? and this would be why I have never needed to open ports for irc?20:35
Mamarokharjot: when I say /home on a different partition I mean not on the same as the / folders20:36
phoenixzMamarok: I suppose its pretty new yes, but its quite easy actually..20:36
harjotits on the ext3 patition20:36
Mamarokcjae: 6667 is the default port for IRC, always :)20:36
harjoti only have 2 partitions [windows and kubuntu] not including swap20:36
Mamarokharjot: so you only have one ext3 partition, whihc means you do *not* have /home on a separate partition20:37
cjaeMamarok, I am not trying to be rude but I am not sure you have answered my question20:37
harjotwhy do u ask???20:37
Mamarokharjot: because that would have allowed you to just reinstall Kubuntu, without losing your /home stuff20:37
harjotgood idea20:37
harjotwould it also be an idea to get rid of windoze to???20:38
harjotif i use the livecd to copy20:38
Mamarokharjot: you should consider maing a second ext3 parition, how big is the current one?20:38
harjotfor a latop20:38
Mamarokharjot: if you really want to remove windows completely, you can just install Linux in the Windows partition, but there is no going back unless you have a recovery CD for Windows20:39
harjotbut the thing is mykubuntu has been setup so nicely esoecially for things like toolchains20:39
harjotbtw if u install kubutnu first u have a faster os cause it reads on the outside or something faster20:39
cjaeMamarok, the reason I ask is because I have never needed to port forward for irc with a gui client but now that I am trying with a cli (or ncurses one) I cannot connect20:39
cjaebut I can ping irc.ubuntu.com Mamarok20:40
cjaeso the issue has to be with me20:40
Mamarokcjae: I think so, start with the default settings before tweaking stuff, it's easier :)20:40
cjaeMamarok, I didnt irc.ubuntu.com uses port 8001 by default now with irssi20:41
Mamarokhm, my default port is 666720:42
harjotMamarok: what do u suggest i do??? last option = reinstall20:42
jussi01Mamarok: probably cause you have copied the config over from old ones, no?20:42
Mamarokharjot: why do you not want to upgrade to Intrepid?20:42
jussi01most of the clients in kubuntu are patched to 8001 now20:43
Mamarokjussi01: might well be, I have this cinfig for Irssi since ages :)20:43
sparrPeople tell me that Qt4 is slow, is there a way to get KDE4 to use Qt3?20:43
cjaeMamarok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi/+bug/26325920:43
jussi01sparr: no20:43
Mamaroksparr: no way, KDE4 is based on Qt420:43
Mamaroksparr: and it's not slow, don't know who told you that20:43
jussi01sparr: there is a jaunty version with kde3 though20:43
sparrjussi01: I know, I'm installing it tonight20:43
Mamaroka non official one20:44
harjotbecuase hardy is bug free alsmost and has little issues with intel + if i wante4d to udate i cant know20:44
sparrKDE 4 will be ready in another eyar or two I think20:44
jussi01Mamarok: yes, an unofficial one (thanks)20:44
Mamarokharjot: aaahh, bug free...20:44
jussi01sparr: try to keep it to tecnichal questions in here, rather than opinions20:45
sparrjussi01: Every "technical question" I ask ends up with "KDE 4 is just slower like that, get used to it"20:45
harjotyes im also a c programer who is 12 years old!!!!20:45
sparror "That feature isn't in KDE 4"20:45
Mamaroksparr: still its OT here, so please respect that20:45
daskreecHsparr: No need to get used to it :-)20:46
MamarokdaskreecH: ...20:46
Mamarokharjot: can you save your date from /home?20:47
harjotbut i really dont want to lose config20:47
Mamarokwhat config is it exactly?20:47
Mamarokharjot: you mean installed packages?20:48
Mamarokharjot: if you save all your /home and the /etc folder this saves the configuration files20:48
harjotthings like toolchains for programming stuff like remotejoy which tolk months to get working20:48
sparrMamarok: prior to the decision being made to abandon KDE 3, where would it have been on-topic to discuss (and argue against) the transition?20:48
harjottoolchains etc /./20:49
harjotare stored elsewhere [dunnno where20:49
Mamaroksparr: this is a support channel, discussion is in #kubuntu-offtopic20:49
harjotbut u might have a point about reinstalling]20:49
Mamarokharjot: and you don't know where those are installed?20:49
Mamarokharjot: so you didn't do it yourself?20:50
sparrMamarok: ok, I will restrict my questions to actually resolving my problems then20:50
Mamaroksparr: thanks20:50
cjaeMamarok: ok how do you close irssi?20:51
harjotno installed it but dont know where the packages go and cant be stuffed [im only 12]!20:51
Mamarokcjae:  just do /quit20:51
Mamarokharjot: what toolchains are you talking about?20:51
harjotPSP pacifically [lol about grammar]20:52
Mamarokharjot: if thoe are regular packages, then the config files are either in /home or /etc anyway20:52
harjotthats not eevn a package or not regualar20:52
harjotok i might reconsider ur option but kubuntus to pretty to die!!!!20:53
Mamarokharjot: just reinstall it after you save the /home and /etc folders20:53
Mamarokmake a backup with rsync20:54
sparrAny time I see a plasma-themed (please correct my terminology if needed) screen element displayed, I first see a blank black background of the element, then the contents appear.  This happened in KDE 4.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, on debian unstable, kubuntu intrepid, kubuntu jaunty, with nvidia, nv, or vesa video drivers.  How can I fix this?20:54
harjotproblem i cant get into kdm only tty20:54
daskreecHsparr: You mean a plasmoid?20:54
daskreecHOr anything against a pllasma element Panels menus etc ?20:55
harjotok i create seccind partition and reinstall kubuntu20:55
harjotbut how would i get it to automatically reinstall the packages i lose or at leat have a list of whta to install20:56
Mamarokharjot: save your data first!20:56
Mamarokharjot: you can get a list of the packages, just beware you have Intrepid packages too in your system20:56
sparrdaskreecH: I am not sure.  I am referring to the things that appear when left clicking on the K menu, Device Notifier, Network Managment, or Clock  widgets on my panel20:56
Mamaroksparr: wrong channel...20:57
harjothow do i get a list???20:57
daskreecHsparr: pop up menus ?20:57
Mamarokoops, /me is confised now20:57
sparrMamarok: how is this not a technical question?!?20:57
daskreecHor context menus as they are called?20:57
sparrdaskreecH: i wouldnt call the calendar a menu20:57
Mamaroksparr: sorry, misreaed and switched channels too fast, my bad20:57
daskreecHoh left click20:57
Mamarokharjot: wait, I get you the instruction20:57
cjaehow do I select text in cli eg. when I used pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors, how can I highlight the url to paste in here?20:58
daskreecHsparr: do you have compositing on?20:58
daskreecHcjae: hi :)20:58
daskreecHcjae: Umm not sure I was told there is a way but I normally just transcribe20:58
cjaedaskreecH: hi :) I finally got it20:59
daskreecHsparr: You have compositing on?20:59
sparrI don't know.  Don't think so.  I am running Kubuntu 9.04 fresh out of the box.20:59
cjaein slackware there is a way to use the mouse in cli, but I cant remember what its called20:59
Mamarokharjot: check here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47907121:00
cjaedaskreecH: did you see my pastebin?21:00
sparrdaskreecH: how can i check if compositing is on?21:00
daskreecHsparr: when you press alt+tab do you get a white vertical box with the list of the programs open or does the program fade back with a horizontal visual listing of the programs?21:01
daskreecHcjae: No what was it?21:01
harjotok ty21:01
daskreecHI just came back from the supermarket21:01
cjaehttp://pastebin.com/f4e60dd55 daskreecH21:01
Mamarokharjot: there also is an option synaptic to do that btw21:01
sparrdaskreecH: im using VNC right now, can't alt+tab, another way to check?21:01
harjoti cant use synaptic21:02
daskreecHsparr: umm press alt+F3 and check window behaviour See if desktop effects is checked as enabled21:02
* cjae would like to thank Mamarok and daskreecH for helping him to use cli irc21:02
Mamarokharjot: ok, never mind then21:02
daskreecHcjae: It's very helpful21:02
Mamarokcjae: yaw :)21:02
sparrdaskreecH: Desktop Effects are not enabled21:03
daskreecHok let me turn mine off then21:03
harjotthanks mamarak21:03
daskreecHMamarok: Does KDE need knotify running?21:03
sparrdaskreecH: I would point out, however, that with both gnome and kde 3 I am able to run compiz with all the bells and whistles (with the nvidia driver, not the other two)21:03
daskreecHsparr: ah ok Yes for a split second there is a black box before that widget is painted21:04
MamarokdaskreecH: yes, if you want the infos to pop up21:04
cjaedaskreecH: what is transcribing21:04
daskreecHMamarok: Look at cjae's pastebin kdeinit dies as soon as knotify starts what could cause that?21:05
daskreecHcjae: Looking at the URL and then retyping it over here :)21:05
Mamarokcjae: got it21:05
daskreecHsparr: what about the black box?21:05
sparrdaskreecH: can I cite you when people tell me "no one else has that problem"?21:06
daskreecHYou can cite whoever you like21:06
mikrocjae: look for gpm21:06
daskreecHWhy is it a problem for you?21:06
sparrbecause that "split second" can be a tenth of a second, or a whole second, depending on what else is going on21:07
sparrand when the vnc screen updates21:07
MamarokdaskreecH: that's not knotify4 that kills it, it's another process21:07
daskreecHsparr: Ah well What KDE is doing is triple buffering the image21:07
MamarokdaskreecH: looks like something is not installed correctly, missing packages or missing conf, kbuildsycoca4 is running repeatedly21:08
daskreecHHere it does it visibly the first time (part of a second) after that I don't see it again21:08
Mamarokcjae: you are trying to run KDE4 in a VM?21:08
daskreecHI"m guessing the network latency makes it a lot more pronounced for you21:08
tnuichi, I installed ubuntu via Wubi and now I installed the kubuntu package... is there a way or script to set the default programs according to kubuntu? for example, mp3 are associated to totem21:08
daskreecHMamarok: cjae was told to do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade which resulted in this situation21:08
sparrdaskreecH: its pretty bad non-vnc too, especially when cpu usage is high21:09
daskreecHYes well if it's not doing compositing then the CPU is going to be doing the drawing so that would exaggerate it21:09
cjaesorry to whoever is asking questions because I was in aother tty and I just figred out how to page up in the channel lol21:09
Mamarokcjae: which KDE4 are you running?21:09
cjaeI will try to answer quickly no I am not on  vm21:10
mikrocjae: look for gpm21:10
cjaemikro: thanks that is it21:10
daskreecHAs I recall (don't take this a gospel) they were working on a containment that would be suitable for terminal sessions and other situations where there is a network involved and the host machine has very little resources21:10
coz_hey guys...how do I open dolphin as root21:11
daskreecHthat would probably hepl your situation. As it stands you can set some KDE variables to make it stop doing all the buffering and so on21:11
coz_via terminal21:11
daskreecHcoz_: You really shouldn't but kdesudo dolphin21:11
coz_ok let me try hold on21:11
cjaeMamarok: I am using kde 4.2.321:12
Mamarokcjae: did you do an upgrade today? there have been package problems earlier, solved now21:13
daskreecHsparr: I don't remember what those variable names are :) But #kde would probably be able to tell you Qt can probably also be toned down21:14
cjaeMamarok: yes I was just trying again since I logged into another tty and it told me about updates Mamarok21:14
daskreecHMost of  the graphics work in Qt is heading toward more things being done on the videocard If you can't or don't want to you should turn on fallbacks to the old way of drawing on the CPU21:15
umarAny one know How to mount USB  HDD 120 Gp21:17
umarAny one know How to mount USB  HDD 120 Gb21:17
geniiumar: Is it formatted?21:18
daskreecHumar: open Dolphin it should be on the left panel. Click it21:18
daskreecHAnyone knows if I can safely fsck a lvscanned partition that's under LVm ?21:18
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cjaenope still broken21:19
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diego__Hi! My cdrom doesn't show up in the file manager (dolphin). How can I make it appear?21:19
umarwell its gaving me error cannot mount driver or unable to mount volime21:19
Mamarokcjae: the repo is fixed for the update, did you get any errors while updating now?21:21
cjaeMamarok: I still get black screen after kdm login, just a mouse21:23
ToreadorVampireHmm, 4.2.4 is safe now right?21:23
Mamarokcjae: is this new in Jaunty or were you running something else before?21:24
diego__Sorry if this is a stupid question. I would normally look it up throughly in the intertubes, but I'm in a bit of a hurry right now. Can anybody tell me please how to mount my cdrom in kde?21:24
MamarokToreadorVampire: so I have been told, yes21:24
ToreadorVampireGood news21:24
ToreadorVampireWell, I was going to try 4.2.3 this evening, but looks like it's gonna be 4.2.4 now21:24
Mamarokdiego__: use the device notifier widget21:25
daskreecHdiego__: sudo mount /dev/cdrom21:25
cjaeMamarok: my setup is one monitor dvi and tv out to plasma 1080p screen, twinview no xinerama, nvidia fx6200 properitary driver jaunty 9.04 kde 4.2.321:25
cjaeMamarok: with the latest updates... I saw the updates earlier today, but 47 of them were blcoked21:27
Mamarokcjae: are there still packages held back?21:27
cjaeMamarok: I thought it was a problem with kpackagekit, since it has had some issues, so I did a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and now I have no wm21:28
Mamarokcjae: dist-upgrade? why?21:28
cjaeMamarok: no not that I know of21:28
Mamarokcjae: ina a regular release there is no need for dist-upgrade21:29
Mamarokyou only do this when you change release21:29
daskreecHUNless you have ppas21:29
daskreecHor more generally third party repos21:29
sparrdaskreecH: I ask all these same questions in #kde.  they mostly blame it on kubuntu21:30
MamarokdaskreecH: he already was on Jaunty...21:30
cjaeMamarok: read it in the forum, used it in the 8.10 distro when had issues using  the ppa for kde 4.2.021:30
Mamarokcjae: could you check your sources.list if there still is Jaunty everywhere?21:30
cjaeMamarok: ok21:30
daskreecHsparr: nice :) So they won't tell you what variables would change that?21:30
* Mamarok uses aptitude save-upgrade21:30
daskreecHMamarok: yes but if he has a third party repo and it updates he gets notified and then might need a dist-upgrade depending on what htey are feeding21:31
daskreecHAssuming that cjae is a he21:31
daskreecHhi robertknight21:32
sparrdaskreecH: you're the first person to reproduce the problem, mention triple buffering, or even hint that there might be a solution.  half the answers ive gotten have amounted to "Qt4 is slower, get used to it"21:32
cjaeMamarok: yes all jaunty21:32
daskreecHsparr: so you got two answers then?21:33
daskreecHMine and another?21:33
robertknightdaskreecH: hello21:34
daskreecHsparr: I think that other people probably have it but it's a very very short period of time it's there and the more you use it the shorter it becmoes21:34
Mamarokcjae: then I don't know, and I'm not the best to answer things realted to more than one screen/xinerama21:34
daskreecHI think I can see it because I'm running on a live CD so I just booted up into a pristine environment and I have no buffer21:34
Mamarokrelated* even21:35
sparrdaskreecH: ive been stuck using KDE 4 for over a year now, adn it never goes away21:35
daskreecHsparr: even now if I click on the calendar or the Kmenu I can't see it anymore unless I look21:35
daskreecHif I click on say the device notifier I see it again21:35
cjaeMamarok: so your saying there was issues with those packages earlier and that was likely why they were blocked21:35
daskreecHsparr: Right so we need to find out what is the bottleneck for your usecase and address it.21:36
sparrIt *seems* like I don't see the delay when the content is static (cached?).  But most widgets produce dynamic content every time you click them21:36
daskreecHHave you filed a bug gainst KDE ?21:36
cjaeMamarok: and I sort forced installed them and hosed the system21:36
cjaesort of*21:36
daskreecHsparr: Seems likely since it's pulling a buffered image21:36
cjaeMamarok: is there a way to revert?21:36
daskreecHIf the buffered image isn't consistent with the object it's regenerated and then bufferd in the video card in RAM and the hard drive21:37
sparrdaskreecH: I've spent a year trying to find a single other person who can reproduce the issue, filing a bug report before now would have been pointless21:37
Mamarokcjae: ok, so you did force those when there were vlocked?21:37
daskreecHsparr: Well you say it takes several seconds which is unusual21:37
Mamarokcjae: which means you have a bunch of non working packages...21:38
daskreecHI recall someone who worked on plasma I think saw someone with a Terminal Server run KDE4 and said across a network it's a very different effect so I think it might be known but just no one has enough info to attack it21:38
cjaeMamarok: well no, I am not sure, kpackagekit told me that they were blocked, but used to say that with flash non free too21:38
daskreecHsparr: Want to pop over to #plasma ad see what they say?21:38
Mamarokcjae: revert no, but reinstall those packages might solve the problem21:38
cjaeMamarok: ok but I just installed a little while ago21:39
cjaeMamarok: the broken packages that is21:39
Mamarokcjae: cjae you can see which packages you have to reinstall in the PPA repo21:40
cjaeMamarok: are you familiar with the issues in getting kde 4.2.- on 8.10 with the ppa repo then21:41
Mamarokcjae: you will have to reinstall all those you forced earlier21:41
Mamarokcjae: yes, I did run Intrepid for quite some time with KDE 4.2.221:41
cjaeMamarok: and until they made it in the adept where you check the box to install kde 4.2 the ppa broke a lot of thing too21:42
cjaeMamarok: I found a page then, that said something about rebuilding the kde window manager and that worked for me then21:43
Mamarokcjae: well, that depends on the packages you have installed on your system, I might have been lucky so far, but I'm also used to reinstall systems a lot :)21:44
cjaeMamarok: but I cannot remember the command now21:44
Mamarokespecially when running alpha releases, but never with beta so far21:44
Mamarokcjae: having /home on a separate partition is usually quite useful21:44
cjaesudo apt-get kdewindowmanger install --reinstall or something21:44
cjaeMamarok: yes thats how I do it too21:45
Mamarokcjae: last idea: did you try moving your ~/.kde/ to .kde_old/ and restart kdm?21:45
sparrdaskreecH: can't hurt to try21:45
cjae#/home and then deleted all ~/. files and reinstall Mamarok21:46
Mamarokcjae: ?21:47
cjaeMamarok: no but I will, what is a ncurses or cli web browser? lynx21:47
cjaeMamarok: I was agreeing with you separate partition theory21:47
Mamarokcjae: I mean just mv ~/.kde/ ~.kde_old/ in your home folder21:47
Mamarokcjae: did you try that?21:48
iivvwhat are 'blocked updates'?21:48
Mamarokiivv: those are packages with wrong dependencies21:48
Mamarokiivv: you have that now?21:48
cjaeMamarok: I know, but you said about having to reinstall sometimes, no I havent tried to make kde rebuild .kde yet21:48
iivvmamarok: i have about 31 blocked updates21:48
Mamarokcjae: try it, worth a try before foring a reinstall on n packages21:49
cjaeMamarok: cli browser?21:49
Mamarokiivv: now or did you try an upgrade arlier?21:49
Mamarokcjae: in a terminal21:49
cjaeMamarok: sorry web browser21:49
Mamarokiivv: upgrade from what to what?21:50
iivvmamarok: when kde told me i had updates about an hour or so ago21:50
Mamarokcjae: yes, lynx, but there should be newer ones21:50
cjaethose are the only two I know and I think one is no availiable for ubuntu21:51
Mamarokcjae: there also is links and W3m21:52
Mamarokiivv: what version are you talking about?21:53
greg___Hello all, I have a DEL XPS210 Mem=1gig CPU Dual D'S 2.8GHz Running Kubuntu KDE4.2.2 Problem,, Everytime I run Firefox my system CPU goes to 100% both of them system locks and after about 2 minutes it frees up. Used HTOP to view processes. Any body have this problem or a variation of it?? Any solutions?? BTY Seamonkey runs great, but I like the features of FF.21:53
iivvmamarok: i'm running jaunty...21:53
Mamarokiivv: and which version of KDE4? would be nice to have the full picture :)21:54
iivvi think i'm running 4.2.321:54
Mamarokgreg___: could be one of the plugins, try removing one after the other to find out which it is21:54
Mamarokiivv: that's something to be sure about, no?21:55
Mamarokiivv: did you do it in kpackagekit or in the command line?21:55
iivvkpackagekit. kwin -- version says kde v4.2.4...21:56
greg___Mamarok THanx for quick response, I tried that, shoud have told you in the message sorry about that, any other ideas?21:56
Mamarokiivv: please go to a command line and run sudo apt-get update21:56
Mamarokgreg___: well, flash is the most likely culprit21:57
Mamarokiivv: then run sudo apt-get upgrade and tell me if there still are errors21:58
greg___If it is , should a user abandon the flash feature?? One problem begets another Thanx Manarok21:59
cjaeand one know how to press the back button in w3m22:00
Mamarokgreg___: I use Opera 10 beta for flash, usually can handle it much better than firefox, but that is not an official or supported recommendation :)22:01
Mamarokgreg___: also, youtube runs fine in konqueror too :)22:02
ToreadorVampireRight, now to see if KDE 4.2.4 is any good ... if I'm not back within 5 mins then it sucks ;)22:02
iivvmamarok: W: GPG error: http://ftp.de.debian.org lenny Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9AA38DCD55BE302B22:04
iivvW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A22:04
iivvW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems22:04
Mamarokiivv: well, these are not blocked packages but missing gpg keys :)22:05
jussi01iivv: first, dont mix debian and ubuntu repos.22:05
greg___Mamarok, The deep cabal is alive and well :)  I hate to leave Mozilla however I kinda cling to things that work, just one of those strange fobias of mine. I'll try Kpackeage Kit P.S I think uname -a will give him his KDE VERSION22:05
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!22:06
jussi01!gpgerr | iivv22:06
ubottuiivv: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »22:06
Mamarokgreg___: I think we know it by now :)22:06
MamarokI'm off to bed, gn8 everyone22:07
greg___Mamarok, My fingers are stiff as i just go off the golf course sorry for the delay :))22:07
iivvi'll work on the repositories after my 40 previously blocked updates installl22:07
iivvthanks mamarok22:07
Mamarokgreg___: nm, my eyes are closing22:08
greg___No space in golfcourse... See what i mean?22:08
Mamarokiivv: yaw :)22:08
ToreadorVampireNothing exploded :)22:08
greg___Where do you live Mamarok? must be late22:08
ToreadorVampire(so far)22:08
cjaeMamarok: I never used options like -f or force all I did was a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:14
RProgrammerI think my system is not using my graphics card at all.22:14
cjaeMamarok: I said before that I forced it22:15
iivvkpackagekit error:22:15
iivvThe backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!22:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fork22:15
iivvworth a try22:15
cjaeMamarok: what did you say about what packages were installed and how I should try to reinstall them. I tried mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.old and no luck22:17
LeeJunFanUgh, I see they still haven't fixed dolphin so the mouse pointer changes in single click mode.22:20
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norenhello everyone can any1 here help me get the stocks plasmoid i m unable to do si22:23
norendo we have any stokc plasmoid in kubuntu22:25
ghostsani dl the flash player recorde for firefox on kubuntu, but how do i use it??22:29
ghostsan<<<<< new to comps :(22:29
ign0ramusghostsan, the flash plugin, like to view youtube and such?22:31
ign0ramusghostsan, where did you download it from?22:31
ghostsanthe add/remove programs package22:32
ign0ramusghostsan, then it should be installed and ready to use... restart firefox and see if you can view a video22:32
ghostsani want to record the video22:32
ign0ramusghostsan, that has nothing to do with the flash plugin22:32
ign0ramusghostsan, do you want to record your screen?22:33
ghostsani want to record the videos on flash player22:33
kaddihello :)22:34
ign0ramusghostsan, ok, Flash Player is just that ... a "Player".  You can't record using Flash Player.  Do you want to record your screen?22:34
ign0ramushey kaddi :)22:34
ghostsanthen yes22:34
norenis there any stock ticker applet available22:35
ign0ramusghostsan, or you may want to look into Download Helper firefox add-on, which can save and convert many Flash videos22:35
ign0ramusghostsan, to record your screen, get "krecordmydesktop"22:35
ghostsank thanks22:35
ign0ramusghostsan, np.  Download Helper is a cool and easy add-on... if you just want to save like Youtube videos, that's probably your best bet22:36
ghostsanis sucks to be ignorants :P22:36
ghostsanthanks for ur help22:36
ign0ramusghostsan, i know how you feel :22:36
norenno stock ticker in kubuntu :(22:40
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Guest83810e aII22:44
ToreadorVampireGuest83810> Gesundheit22:44
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bruno_E AII22:44
ign0ramuswha...? does anyone know why traditional kmenu widget works fine, but kickoff menu turns into "Unknown Widget"?22:44
ToreadorVampireThis "Lancelot Part" plasmoid ... what is it supposed to do?22:44
ToreadorVampireCoz all I can get it to do is show an empty menu of nothing22:45
bruno_TEM ALGUEM22:45
ign0ramusToreadorVampire, i believe its another app launcher... does it do anything if you type an app's name?22:45
ToreadorVampireIt's just an empty block of nothing22:46
ToreadorVampireTried dragging stuff to it (maybe that would add it to a menu)22:46
ign0ramusToreadorVampire, honestly don't know... i've never used it22:47
ToreadorVampireTried right-clicking it and saw no useful options to add menu items22:47
* ToreadorVampire suspects it implements libredherring.so22:47
ToreadorVampireAnd stasks is still on the failtrain22:48
ToreadorVampirePlasma still repeatedly crashes while I'm using it22:49
ign0ramusadd it to kmenu editor... it Kmenu Editor... i make changes to the menu, and it says 'updating system settings', goes to 100%, and then proceeds to begin at 0% again and never finish22:50
ign0ramusrestarting X, brb22:50
=== kb is now known as Guest71534
compuseci need some help here22:53
compuseccan someone help me out22:54
Daskreechno idea22:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:54
=== hunter is now known as Guest87444
ToreadorVampireThat's a hole in he ground22:55
ToreadorVampireOften filled with water22:55
Guest87444hi, can anybody tell where i can find the source lsit for kubuntu 9.04 jaunty? the urk22:55
compusecim trying to get into the windows network22:55
compusecand it's giving a error that say's...22:55
compusecunable to mount location22:55
compuseci was connected to the server a few minutes ago, i restarted everything22:56
jussi01!enter | compusec22:56
ubottucompusec: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:56
adrienil y a des fr22:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:57
adrienokay np22:57
adrienIts the first time i use KDE22:57
adrienbefore i use gnome22:57
compusecthe error is F-U-C-K-Y-O-U nigger, i can't mount this shit, lol22:57
adriensomeone can help me ...22:58
compusecmy bad my bad22:58
compusecjust playing around22:58
jussi01compusec: that was unacceptable.22:58
=== adrien is now known as Ph3nix_
compuseccan anybody help me on that22:58
jussi01Ph3nix_: you need to tell us the problme...22:58
sheytandid anybody see the news about amarok on kubuntu's page?22:58
Ph3nix_how lunch aptitude with terminal on KDE22:59
compuseci already did, trying to logon to windows network and it gives me the error that is UNABLE TO MOUNT LOCATION22:59
skaftisendmail problem with kmail someone help22:59
jussi01Ph3nix_: same as with gnome, but you use konsole, found under system23:00
Ph3nix_ok with konsole ..23:00
Ph3nix_erf its the same command.$23:01
Ph3nix_just a question... KDE dont use drop menu ?23:02
Ph3nix_and how active transparence ?23:03
jussi01Ph3nix_: system settings, desktop, enable desktop effects23:04
jussi01and now, Im going to bed.23:04
=== martyn is now known as Guest80565
Guest87444source list? someone?23:11
compusecq muchos ubunteros hay23:15
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:16
compuseci haven't say nothing to nobody23:16
compusecjust by myself23:16
compusecgotta go23:16
Cargo-LoaderDoes anyone know how I can connect to a hidden WPA2 Network? Kubuntu 9.04 , wpa2, hidden, network not brodcasting (I have to connect to the network to get a connection. Seems logic.)?23:17
compusecaww u guys next time23:17
Cargo-LoaderSomeone here who can help me?23:19
mattfletchermy brother has kubuntu 8.04 and wants to upgrade to 9.04. He's found the instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 and followed them but it is not offering him a "Version Upgrade" button when he hits "Fatch Updates". I'm on GNOME so can't really help him. Any ideas?23:20
LadyNikonCargo-Loader: ask what you need.23:20
LadyNikonpeople cant help you.. if you havent asked the question23:20
Cargo-LoaderDoes anyone know how I can connect to a hidden WPA2 Network? Kubuntu 9.04 , wpa2, hidden, network not brodcasting (I have to connect to the network to get a connection. Seems logic.)?23:20
Cargo-LoaderI already have ;)23:20
LadyNikonPh3nix_: >.>23:21
Cargo-LoaderOh and. Wlan dongle is fritz avm stick (the one with the selfinstall thing...)23:21
Ph3nix_ok go apt-get autoremove k*; apt-get install gnome*23:22
Cargo-LoaderNo I won't, Ph3nix_ . I just wan't wpa2 on Kubuntu.23:22
Ph3nix_Driver Ralink?23:23
Ph3nix_write on console lshw -C network23:23
Ph3nix_what is your card23:24
=== zero is now known as Guest2296
Cargo-LoaderIt's an avm card. but it doesn't say what one23:25
mattfletcherwhat command can i use to update kubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 on the command line?23:27
Cargo-Loadersudo apt-get upgrade? I think it was that one...23:27
mattfletcheri know about sudo apt-get dist-upgrade but i heard that it wasn't the best way. there is do-release-upgrade for ubuntu, but do not know if kubuntu has this23:28
* Eurysilas is having trouble with KDEInit......23:30
EurysilasI'm on Hardy Heron, and all was going well. Then I tried to click on a text file and Kate wouldn't open, because KDEInit couldn't open it.23:32
EurysilasEven more bizzarly, the menu entry under KMenu doesn't work either.23:33
EurysilasOh, and perhapse the oddest of all- it launches from the terminal just fine.23:33
EurysilasOh, wait.....It launches from the menu fine, now.....23:35
diggdaggreen mirc user.. Have any a solution to use ATI 9.3 on 9.04 with xserve 1.623:36
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EurysilasOk....it seems that it is a permissions error, somewhere. It all works fine without launching kfind as root.23:39
diggdagany using an "old" ati card with kubuntu?23:39
sparrClosing the Network Management plasmoid disconnects all managed network interfaces.  Is that by design?23:41
_nix_How do you play a movie with subtitles in Dragon Player?23:41
access_ddiggdag: I have an Xpress 200m in this laptop, and just newly installed kubuntu. So yeah, I'm going through the same thing. Looks like there's a couple things in the works, but nothing good enough for me to try yet. I do get 3d rendering, though it's only ~330fps when it's usually at least 4x that.23:42
access_dHopefully the open source drivers will just be improved so we don't have to rely on ATI anymore.23:43
access_dWell, we can't really rely on ATI anymore, since they ditched support for our cards. lol23:43
diggdagok it seems like i must use the 8.10 version then23:43
access_dThat's your best bet if you want to keep the proprietary drivers.23:44
access_d8.04 is even the LTS, so support will be longer.23:44
access_d(that is, if they don't come up with something by then)23:44
diggdagnot big in demands, want to run runescape in high modus23:45
diggdagits a java client23:45
_nix_nvm.. Bug #360426 on launchpad: dragon player unable to load external subtitles.23:48
Riddellamarok rock http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.123:48
* _nix_ is sad.23:48
_nix_hi Ridell23:48
access_dRight on. But yeah, your best bet (so far) is using Hardy or Intrepid. Or really anything that uses xorg-server 1.5.2 or earlier (I think)23:49
diggdagok can i seek in a distro place for xorg-server 1.5.2 ? and find a good distro ?23:50
access_dThere's nothing wrong with 8.04 (Hardy) or 8.10 (Intrepid).23:52
diggdagok i try the intreprid then and thanks all for helping me23:53
sidewinder2Hey, i am trying to set up dual monitors in Kubuntu, but under my system display settings it recognizes both monitors as a single one, any suggestions?23:57
=== john is now known as Guest24403

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