
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
marsso are we still doing the reviewer's meeting?15:01
sinzuimars: I held barry up15:03
sinzuihe should be free in a few mimutes15:03
MootBotMeeting started at 09:04. The chair is barry.15:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:04
barryhello and welcome to this week's ameu reviewer's meeting.  who's here today?15:04
gary_posterme, and I didn't do what I was supposed to yet :-P15:04
barryrockstar: sends his apologies15:04
barrygary_poster: oh well, next week <wink>15:05
barryallenap: ping15:05
barrybac: ping15:05
barryBjornT: ping15:05
barrycprov: ping15:05
barrydanilos: ping15:05
barryEdwinGrubbs: ping15:05
barryflacoste: ping15:06
barrygmb: ping15:06
barrysalgado: ping15:06
barryjust another minute...15:06
barry[TOPIC] agenda15:07
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda15:07
barryit's a light one today, not surprisingly15:07
barry * Roll call15:07
barry * Action items15:07
barry * Mentoring update15:07
barry * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda)15:07
barry[TOPIC] action items15:07
MootBotNew Topic:  action items15:07
barrywe already know about gary_poster :)15:07
barry * flacoste to work on API reviewer cheat sheet15:07
* flacoste whistles innocently15:08
barrywe already know about flacoste :)15:08
danilosdo we still need it?15:08
flacostei think we do15:08
intellectronicawe've done quite good without it for a long tim15:08
intellectronicatime, even15:08
danilosok, let me rephrase the question: is it worth keeping it in the agenda?15:08
flacostemaybe not15:09
flacostei know i need to do it15:09
barryflacoste: i'll remove it.15:09
flacostethere is a lot of tricky issues in API export that are often missed15:09
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
flacosteupdating the URLs being an obvious one15:09
barrybut i still think it would be a good thing to have15:09
flacostebut often things about the use of readonly15:09
flacostethe naming conventions are kind of understood15:10
barryesp. because this will go in our dev wiki so it will be helpful to outside contributors15:10
flacostebtw, in the coming weeks we should be able to use launchpadlib for API testing within launchpad15:10
barryflacoste: as a buildout benefit?15:10
flacosteonce gary moves zope to buildout and we update all the lazr.* packages to the latest version15:10
flacostebarry: right on15:10
flacostebtw, anybody noticed the improved tags with buildout?15:11
barryflacoste: not yet!15:11
flacostetry it out! you can jump to symbol in the stdlib or stuff in any eggs15:11
barryflacoste: bin/tags tracebacks for me15:12
flacosteok, we'll look into this15:12
barryflacoste: cool, thanks!15:12
barrybetween that and jml most awesome emacs module, you will never lose a symbol again15:12
barrymoving on...15:13
barry[TOPIC] mentoring update15:13
MootBotNew Topic:  mentoring update15:13
barryany feedback from mentors or mentats?15:13
adeuringI think it is time for Henning to graduate15:13
barryadeuring: soon as he shows up to a reviewer's meeting <wink>15:13
noodles775I'm still enjoying Celso's mentoring :), looking forward to getting back into it tomorrow after the 2 week break.15:14
barryadeuring: serious, that's great15:14
barrynoodles775: excellent!15:14
noodles775BTW: I think he's resting from Ubuflu at the moment...15:14
barrycool, anything else?15:14
barry[TOPIC] peanut gallery15:15
MootBotNew Topic:  peanut gallery15:15
barryanybody have anything not on the agenda?  any barcelonan epiphanies about reviews?15:15
intellectronicaremind your mentats to land javascript branches with [js] in the commit message15:16
abentleyNow that bzr 1.5 is out, everyone should check out bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Elaunchpad/lpreview-body/trunk/15:16
abentleyT‎his is a bzr plugin that automatically sets the message body for an lp review request to our standard template, and includes lint output.15:16
barryintellectronica: do we have a pqm regexp for that now?15:16
cproverr, sorry, was preparing a tea.15:17
abentleyOf course, this only works with bzr send, so this is a good reason for everyone to use bzr send.15:17
intellectronicabarry: no. we'd have to inspect the diff for something like that to work15:17
noodles775cprov: you're meant to be sleeping off your headache :)15:17
cprovbarry: noodles775 is doing great reviews, his graduation will come soon too.15:18
barryintellectronica: so is this a [js=somebody] tag?15:18
barrycprov: fantastic15:18
intellectronicabarry: no, just [js]15:18
intellectronicato indicate that the branch requires testing on multiple platforms15:18
danilosabentley: bzr send is good, can you email the list about the plugin as well15:18
abentleyAlso, with the recent launchpad changes, you don't need to push before you send, and you don't need to use lpsend or send --no-bundle.15:19
marsbarry, it is just a flag to QA that somebody needs to look at the branch in all the browsers15:19
danilosabentley: perhaps document it on dev.launchpad.net as well15:19
barryintellectronica: k.  do all devs know about that?  maybe a msg to launchpad@ to remind people?15:19
intellectronicabarry: we already had a message. i can send another one15:19
abentleydanilos: Okay, but I already emailed the list, and no one responded, so I thought I should bring it up here.15:19
barryintellectronica: might not be a bad idea to remind people15:19
danilosabentley: ^^ :)15:20
danilosabentley: I am certainly going to check it out15:20
barryabentley: yes, document on the dev wiki, and this sounds awesome15:20
abentleybarry: will do.15:21
barryabentley: thanks!15:21
barryanything else guys?15:22
abentleybarry: It's not open-source, so does it make sense to document on the dev wiki?15:22
barryabentley: i think it's fine.  i'd still rather have one place to find relevant information, but i'll leave it up to you15:23
barryabentley: is there any reason it /can't/ be open source?15:23
abentleybarry: Needs signoff from Mark or the holy trinity, and that hasn't happened yet.15:24
barryabentley: ok.  i'd say document it on the dev wiki and we can work toward open sourcing it15:24
abentleybarry: The ball is currently in kiko's court on open-sourcing.15:24
barryabentley: let's keep the jfdi pressure on kiko then! :)15:25
barryanybody have anything else?15:25
abentleybarry: See https://wiki.canonical.com/OpenSource/Process15:25
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:26.15:26
barrythanks everyone!15:26
noodles775cheers barry15:26
abentleybarry: thx15:27
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster-fud
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== gary_poster-fud is now known as gary_poster
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado

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