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Twigathymeep, 86MB updates today!01:22
Twigathynew kernel :D01:23
cwilluluckyone, yes, but the usual stern warnings about upgrading to pre-releases apply02:42
cwilluluckyone, i.e., every update is a new adventure02:43
geniiThey're not bugs! They're "unanticipated features" !03:46
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ArkoldThossomeone thinks that the title is quite paranoic?04:44
RichardWolfVIjust updated the video-intel driver08:23
RichardWolfVICompiz doesn't work, I can't set it nor from fusion-icon nor Appearance settings08:24
gee9043some ppl herer?08:27
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI, from fusion-icon restart the GDM and it will work08:29
MaWaLebut you have to do that every time you want to activate the extra graphic effects08:29
gee9043i want dl ubuntu...need dl desktop or server editon?08:29
MaWaLeit depend from your needs08:30
MaWaLeyou'll use Ubuntu for a desktop  or a server08:30
RichardWolfVIMaWaLe: Do you mean clicking "Reaload Window Manager"?08:30
gee9043i will use at hoe08:30
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI, yes08:30
gee9043desktop edition?08:31
RichardWolfVIMaWaLe: Screeen goes blank08:31
MaWaLegee9043: so you have to dl the desktop edition08:31
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: and it remains blank?08:31
RichardWolfVII'll try it again08:32
RichardWolfVIHow much should I wait?08:32
gee9043i want install lazyubuntu at night08:33
gee9043can did it?08:33
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: for me, i have an intel chipset. The Intel chipset is blacklisted by Compiz so i install compiz and fusion-icon and i reload the window manager. After some fex seconds i have back my desktop and i can activate all advanced and extra effects08:33
MaWaLegee9043: sure08:34
RichardWolfVICompiz used to work normally.08:34
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: nevermind. the problem occur after upgrading to Jaunty08:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:35
gee9043<MaWaLe>..en...are u use ubuntu?08:35
MaWaLegee9043: of course :)08:35
gee9043<MaWaLe>..waw...can u teach me how to intall Nvidia driver at ubuntu?08:37
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: what version do you use?08:37
RichardWolfVIMaWaLe: Of what?08:37
RichardWolfVII'm on Karmic08:38
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: but karmic is still in an alpha stage :(08:38
gee9043<MaWaLe>..waw...can u teach me how to intall Nvidia driver at ubuntu?08:39
MaWaLegee9043: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:39
gee9043System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager cannot found my driver and hardware08:40
gee9043System->Administration->Hardware Drivers......cannot found my driver and hardware08:40
eagles0513875hey guys :)08:41
MaWaLegee9043: run this command and past us the result : sudo lspci | grep -i nvidia08:41
RichardWolfVIMaWaLe: This is #ubuntu+1, isn't it?08:41
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: yup :p08:41
RichardWolfVI"Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel" it says08:42
MaWaLeRichardWolfVI: but this issue isn"t also solved for the current version :)08:42
RichardWolfVIso I guess I¿m the right place08:42
gee9043<MaWaLe>i run that than need key in my user password?08:43
MaWaLegee9043: of course type your password to execute this command08:43
RichardWolfVICompiz, worked as of the version just before the latest one, 2.7.9908:43
gee9043<MaWaLe> my account password is 12308:44
MaWaLegee9043: you'd never give your password on a public channel08:46
gee9043how now?08:48
MaWaLegee9043: never give your password08:48
MaWaLegee9043: and if someone asks you for it, be aware and never give it to him08:49
gee9043<MaWaLe> u means my friend or stranger?08:49
MaWaLenor in public or in private chat08:49
MaWaLegee9043: no-one (friend or stranger) : your password is PERSONAL and PRIVATE08:49
MaWaLegee9043: i'll be back in 15 minutes08:50
gee9043<MaWaLe>if stranger know my acc password, he can through network hack my pc?08:50
Tekno_if ssh is running, yes08:51
Tekno_no even need to hack08:51
Tekno_just login08:51
gee9043- - through network login my account?08:52
gee9043like this ubuntu not too security o...09:02
gee9043not too safe for me09:02
RichardWolfVIgee9043: You gave away your user password.09:04
gee9043lol....i am new user at ubutu09:07
gee9043dun know use inside function09:08
RichardWolfVIgee9043: Do you happen to give away your credit card number?09:08
gee9043$ missing09:08
scizzo-gee9043: its kind of a general rule to not give out sensetive information09:10
scizzo-gee9043: its got nothing to do with the system in general.....09:10
gee9043wish i can pro at linux09:12
MaWaLegee9043: yeah09:21
gee9043ya... u are back09:21
TheInfinitygee9043: do you hang your key of your super secure door right left to it? :p09:22
MaWaLegee9043: as a newbie i think that you are in the wrong channel09:22
gee9043y cannot install Ubuntu 8.10?  show out could not access the CD09:22
MaWaLethis one is for testing the Karmic version which will be released in 10/200909:22
gee9043do you hang your key of your super secure door right left to it?  wat means ?sorry o. i dun know09:23
MaWaLegee9043: you're from where? there isn't a LoCo near you?09:23
gee9043Loco? what that?09:23
TheInfinitygee9043: it means that also in reallity your door is just secure if you dont offer everybody the key to your door09:24
MaWaLegee9043: Local Community09:25
gee9043i from Muar09:26
gee9043here ppl less touch IT09:26
gee9043<MaWaLe>do u know use redhat?09:28
MaWaLegee9043: i think that you'll be better adviced in #ubunt than here09:28
TheInfinity*u -> #ubuntu :)09:28
MaWaLegee9043: yes i used RH but here the channel is EXCLUSIVELY for Ubuntu09:28
gee9043waw...are u less student09:30
gee9043teacher - -09:30
gee9043shifu # #09:31
TheInfinitygee9043: it will be the absolute chaos if everybody talks about anything he wants - so we have chat rooms here at freenode09:33
gee9043o. ..09:33
gee9043sorry ya ..09:33
gee9043i am 1st time come here09:33
TheInfinitywhy do you come to an alpha testing channel? ;)09:36
MaWaLeTheInfinity: he's his first time :p so i advised him to visit #ubuntu channel :)09:37
TheInfinityMaWaLe: i just wonder how he gets this channel name ;)09:38
gee9043i dun know how to in d09:39
gee9043how to change channel?09:40
TheInfinity/join #channelname09:42
MaWaLe"/join #ubuntu"09:42
gee904319 ppl09:43
gee9043wat channel here?09:43
TheInfinity#channelname would be #ubuntu in your case ;)09:44
Picigee9043: Please follow the instructions in the channel that you are forwarded to.09:45
Picigee9043: You're actually in #ubuntu....09:46
PiciAnd talking...09:46
gee9043i am mess le09:47
Picigee9043: you are in #ubuntu and talking to n2diy, you just answered his question. Why are you in here as well?09:48
gee9043i got 3 chat now...myclug , ubuntu , ubuntu+109:49
* Blues-Man hi10:47
maxbAnyone know why the keyboard applet has apparently disappeared from yesterday's gnome-applets?11:31
bSONwith current karmic and radeon drivers, i now have DRI2 enabled, but all gl apps now suddenly have a transparent background! (the glxgears bg, for instance, is fully transparent instead of black.) while kind of trendy, this is not what i want, do you know how to fix that?12:37
hifiyou have DRI2?12:48
bSONhifi: yes. seems working and enabled in karmic now, with the radeon driver and a r300 card12:51
hifijust updated everything and it works?12:51
hifior do you need to configure something12:52
bSONyeah just updated, 3d apps now seem to play nicely with compiz now, albeit a great bit slower it seems12:52
bSONthe performance is still worked on i guess12:53
cdE|Woozyinteresting, X crashes if I play a video in totem in fullscreen with uxa14:31
cdE|Woozyalright, even firefox's fullscreen mode causes X to crash *sigh*14:33
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cbrupdating totem made the totem mozilla plugin not work17:48
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mrwesIs opera browser in the repos for Karmic?21:28
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hggdhmrwes, no, and it will not be -- it is closed source. You can get Opera from opera.com, though22:31
mrweshggdh, yah I grabbed it from there, I used the deb for Jaunty, as I didn't see one designated for Karmic yet22:32
hggdhyes, it will work (I also have it)22:32
mrwesI'm becoming a fan of Opera22:32
hggdhheh. It does work...22:32
mrwessigh...still can't mount DVDs22:36
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nixternalanyone have an idea of why my desktop logs out on its own after a few minutes of inactivity? I keep losing work23:54
albert23nixternal: does that happen when the screensaver should activate?23:57
albert23nixternal: that's when I get back in gdm. Seems to be fixed in git already.23:58
nixternali have no idea, i always get up and when I come back the desktop is back at gdm23:58

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