
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== asac_ is now known as asac
greg-gbdmurray: idea: the regression tag talk got me thinking, should we have a bug day for each possibly new default application (empathy, banshee) relatively soon? That way we can get all relavant bugs upstream where they can do the most good. I'm looking at empathy now and it seems many of these should be upstream and there are only 72, a very obtainable goal for just a small group of people.04:16
kklimonda+1 for empathy :}04:18
kklimondagreg-g: fwiw I think it's a pretty good idea04:18
bdmurraygreg-g: sounds brilliant04:18
micahg+1 but I can't help till the weekend04:19
LaibschDoes anybody else see "make: *** No rule to make target `unpatch', needed by `clean'.  Stop." for debuild -S and the latest ipython package?04:19
micahgLaibsch: do you have all the build deps?04:20
LaibschI think04:20
micahgtry apt-get build-dep <pkg-name>04:20
micahgI had to do that tonight when I built something04:21
LaibschAlthough I find it increasingly irritating that I need to install a bunch of stuff just for getting a debdiff04:21
kklimondaLaibsch: you don't really need all build deps to create source package.04:21
Laibschkklimonda: Try some of the JAVA stuff04:22
LaibschVery annoying04:22
LaibschI can't even create a debdiff for a simple patch I prepared04:22
kklimondaLaibsch: I'm keeping as far away from Java as possible :)04:22
greg-gbdmurray: kklimonda cool, so who's in charge of the next bugday? :)04:22
micahgdoes empathy have more emoticons?04:22
kklimondagreg-g: originator? ;)04:23
bdmurraygreg-g: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning - mostly pedro04:23
LaibschI had checked the red dots at http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/ipython04:23
LaibschLooks like the green dots are not satisfiable for ipython on my hardy build host04:24
bdmurrayI haven't seen an announcement about the one for the 4th though04:24
* Laibsch wonders if this madness is spreading from JAVA to python now04:24
greg-gbdmurray: I can put them in for the 18th and 25th of this month, if you think that is a good idea04:26
bdmurraygreg-g: yes, that'd be great04:27
micahganyone wanna look at a bug?05:56
micahgbug 38218105:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 382181 in firefox-3.0 "can't open wikipedia" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38218105:56
micahgany ideas?05:56
jmarsdenI'd say it has to do with his networks proxy... "I access the internet through an network that have a proxy server, but I use the connect directly option." ?  I can't reproduce the bug here :)05:58
micahgok, just wanted a second opinion, thanks jmarsden05:59
jmarsdenYou might ask him to hook up his machine ahead of the proxy server, or even ahead of the firewall router, and retest??  But most likely he's not the network admin...05:59
micahgI'm going to refer the user to the network admin05:59
jmarsdenSounds reasonable.06:01
thekorngood morning07:11
binarymutantwill someone change the importance of this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/383048 , to Wishlist please :)07:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 383048 in ubuntuone-client "Please add direct url to shared files" [Undecided,New]07:50
Hobbseebinarymutant: we don't deal with ubuntuone bugs here.07:51
Hobbseeor at least, not ones filed on that project.07:51
binarymutant:( okay thanks anyways07:52
Hobbseei believe #ubuntuone does.07:52
binarymutantHobbsee, it's idle in there, so I thought I'd roll the dice here :)07:54
Hobbseebinarymutant: ah.  It's the same deal as launchpad bugs  - we can't triage their bugs.07:54
binarymutantah okay, so the Ubuntu project doesn't encompass ubuntuone I get it07:55
binarymutantIs there a canonical project ? or irc channel on Freenode?07:56
Hobbseeit's a canonical project, there's an irc channel on freenode.07:56
binarymutantawe it moved, and I don't have the permissions to see where :(07:57
binarymutantIt's okay I can wait for someone else to see the bug, thanks for help Hobbsee07:57
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
derosaHi. I have fixed 2 bugs, 1 attaching a patch to the bug report and the other one with my own branch. The bugs affect the functionality of the packages and none of the bugs are getting any attention (AFAIK). I think they should be updated in jaunty-updates as the functionality of the packages is really affected. What steps should I follow? The bugs are LP:#307220 and LP:#37160311:33
YoBoYbug 307220 and bug 37160311:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 307220 in tkgate "Error when tkgate starts simulator " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30722011:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 371603 in gcompris "Administration not available" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37160311:43
thekornderosa, bug 371603 is fix upstream, this fix has landed into debian, so you should file a sync request11:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 371603 in gcompris "Administration not available" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37160311:45
thekornderosa, I've linked the other one to the bug in the debian BTS11:48
derosathekorn, I'll file the sync request, thank you11:49
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xteejxGuys guys14:35
thekornxteejx xteejx14:36
xteejxthekorn, since youre her e would you nind answering  a question14:38
ubot4Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:39
thekornxteejx, shoot!14:39
xteejxpersia, I know the rules, am being polite he may have been busy ;)14:39
persiaNo worries :)14:39
xteejxYou see the USB startup disk creator, I know it does persistent installs, does that mean its fully upgradeable, and does it keep EVERYTHING?14:39
xteejxi.e. a fully working ubuntu installation, but on usb14:40
xteejxand i realise i should be asking this in #ubuntu but still.... ;)14:40
thekornxteejx, not sure about this, but I think it only keeps changes from $HOME14:41
xteejxthekorn, that's what it used to do in intrepid, and jaunty says its got its own / partition but i'm not convinced.... its basically a live cd isnt it?14:42
thekornxteejx, my understanding is that it is a live system like on the live cd14:43
xteejxjust usb bootable then?14:43
thekornxteejx, yes,14:44
thekornbut I can be totally wrong14:44
xteejxYou see what i want is...14:44
thekornbest to ask your questions here again: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/usb-creator/+questions?field.search_text=&field.sort=RELEVANCY&field.sort-empty-marker=1&field.actions.search=Search&field.language-empty-marker=1&field.status=OPEN&field.status=NEEDSINFO&field.status=ANSWERED&field.status=SOLVED&field.status-empty-marker=114:44
=== mgunes1 is now known as mgunes
keesbdmurray: where should I start to look for examples of bug searches using the LP API to scan for all bugs tagged "apport-crash" where the description contains "Signal: 11", so I can download some of the attached files for each?18:29
bdmurraykees: I might have something or check with bryce and arsenal-dev18:30
keesbdmurray: it's the initial search on tags I don't know how to construct.  do you have any examples or pointers?18:35
bdmurraykees: in a meeting bug searchTasks(tags='apport-crash')18:37
keesbdmurray: ah, sorry.  thx for the pointer18:37
bdmurraykees: ubuntu = launchpad.distributions['ubuntu']18:40
bdmurraykees: apport_bugs = ubuntu.searchTasks(tags='apport-bug',order_by='-datecreated')18:40
keesbdmurray: cool, yeah18:40
kees"search_text" any idea where that searches?18:42
bdmurraysearch_text might be interesting to try too18:42
bdmurrayI think that's new18:42
keestask.bug_link.id is the bug# ?18:44
bdmurrayyou generally don't need _link18:47
keesweird that that "bug" isn't listed, but "_link" is.18:48
keescan I refer to attachments by name or do I have to walk the collection manually?18:51
bdmurrayattachment names are not available but bryce had a trick for that18:52
bdmurrayI think you need to download them all to find it out18:53
keesokay, sounds like what I was writing up18:53
kees17:51 < kees> can I refer to attachments by name or do I have to walk the collection manually?18:54
kees17:52 < bdmurray> attachment names are not available but bryce had a trick for that18:54
keesbryce: ^^  any short-cuts you've got?18:54
brycekees: yeah see 'process-new-bugs.py' in Arsenal, it has a good example18:55
brycesearch on "# Analyze what sorts of files are attached"18:55
keesah, right. you want the list and build it up.  Okay, that's basically what I was doing too.18:56
brycewe should probably add a convenience routine to Arsenal to do this workaround18:57
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keesbryce: iiuc, process-new-bugs.py doesn't actually open attachment contents?19:06
keesthe .data object is: <launchpadlib.resource.HostedFile object at 0x1cb90d0>19:06
keesbut the API doesn't seem to define that.19:06
bryceno it does not open attachment contents19:07
brycesee pci-extract.py as an example script that does use attachment contents19:07
kees                hosted_file_buffer = hosted_file.open()19:08
keesah-ha.  freaky19:08
keesa strange mix of magic accessors and pythonic fun19:09
bryceand entirely undocumented19:11
Laibschping ogasawara19:35
LaibschI'd like to talk with you about bug 376485 and whether to close it as fixed and suggest that everybody open their individual ticket.  The original reporter did not respond and it's been about six weeks in incomplete state.19:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 376485 in ubuntu ""Key stuck" after switching workspace in Gnome with Keyboard shortcut" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37648519:37
Laibschsorry, wrong bug number.  bug 12440619:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 124406 in linux "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12440619:38
ogasawaraLaibsch: I'll take a look, just a sec19:38
LaibschTake a look at your comment from April 19th19:38
Laibschthat is when you set the bug to incomplete19:38
ogasawaraLaibsch: I wouldn't necessarily close it as Fixed since we never heard back from the original reporter.19:44
ogasawaraLaibsch: however, I do agree that bug is wildly hard to follow19:44
Laibschhow do you want to proceed?19:44
ogasawaraLaibsch: so it would seem to be best if people could open separate bug reports if the issue remains19:44
Laibschyou want to leave the old report open?19:45
ogasawaraLaibsch: I do agree with the last comment from Rolf about testing upstream if possible - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds19:45
LaibschI'm afraid that will make people continue stuff there (I only saw your comment from April 19 after looking for why the linux task is set to incomplete)19:45
LaibschI'm Rolf19:45
ogasawaraLaibsch: ah, sweet :)19:45
ogasawaraLaibsch: hehe, nice19:46
LaibschYou are Japanese, aren't you?19:46
ogasawaraLaibsch: yes >)19:46
LaibschJapan needs more FOSS ;-)19:46
ogasawaraLaibsch: I fear it may be one of those bugs that reporters will keep reopening if we close it19:46
LaibschWell, we can try ;-)19:47
ogasawaraLaibsch: agreed19:47
LaibschYou go ahead, I think your voice has more authority19:47
LaibschI'll help out fend off the crowd if necessary ;-)19:47
ogasawaraLaibsch: will do.  thanks.19:47
LaibschBTW, do you think the problem I see is indeed likely a kernel issue?19:48
LaibschI could imagine it is an X issue as well19:48
ogasawaraLaibsch: hard to say it's really a kernel issue19:48
Laibschbug 37648519:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 376485 in ubuntu ""Key stuck" after switching workspace in Gnome with Keyboard shortcut" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37648519:48
Laibschthe one I gave erroneously earlier19:48
hggdhbencrisford, why do you need PT?19:48
Laibschogasawara: what do you suggest to find out?19:48
LaibschI don't experience it outside of X19:49
Laibschfor one19:49
bencrisfordhggdh: Hehe, ill find you the link for the bug im working on19:49
Laibschthat kind of indicates an X problem19:49
bencrisfordbasically im adding the gnome lang-packs as dependencies to the gcompris sound translations19:49
bencrisfordin the debian/control file19:49
ogasawaraLaibsch: indeed, I would suspect that would be an X issue then19:50
bencrisfordim just doing a debdiff19:50
Laibschogasawara: OK, thanks19:50
hggdhah, ok. Did you find the pt_br one?19:50
bencrisfordhggdh: I didn't know19:51
bencrisfordbut the pt one is in there19:51
bencrisfordso i hoped it wouldnt have too much impact.  Am I wrong hggdh?19:51
hggdhbencrisford, although both are Portuguese, there are some significant differences19:52
hggdh(and I am not talking about the accent ;-)19:52
bencrisfordhggdh: oh :(19:52
hggdhbencrisford, OTH, I am also not finding the BR translations :-(19:54
hggdhwell, I guess the support for PT is the same for pt_(PT|BR)19:56
hggdhbencrisford, I will try to find one of the Brazilian translators to check on it (and -- to my knowledge -- I only have pt_PT installed)19:59
bencrisfordok :)19:59
bencrisfordhggdh: Unless you find it and I need to make changes to my patch I won't be able to include it, sorry19:59
bencrisfordits just, I spent over an hour on it19:59
bencrisfordand its all packaged...  so id rather leave it unless I have to change my package for some reason20:00
hggdhbencrisford, leave it be, then. *If* needed, next version can include it20:00
hggdhwell I *hope* there will be a next version(s)20:01
bencrisfordhggdh: Yeah :), I want to include it now20:01
bencrisfordget it "perfect"20:01
bencrisfordbut its all packaged20:01
bencrisfordso if the sponsors say change it20:01
bencrisfordill change that too20:01
bencrisfordI have done something incredible stupid :P, I don't know how I managed it20:55
bencrisfordi managed to post a comment twice20:56
bencrisfordhow do one of them?20:56
bencrisfordbug 30687620:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 306876 in gcompris "Translations not installed with gcompris by default." [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30687620:56
bencrisfordhow do i delete one*20:57
bdmurrayit's not possible20:59
bencrisfordWell, I managed it somehow21:00
BUGabundoBoas Noites21:00
bdmurrayI meant it is not possible to delete them21:00
BUGabundobencrisford: usually LP prevents it21:00
bencrisfordthat sucks :/21:00
BUGabundoand you can't delete a comment21:00
bencrisfordwell i apoligise anyway21:00
bencrisfordand I have written an apoligetic comment on the bug21:00
BUGabundobcurtiswx: congrats on your application for Membership21:30
askandkklimonda: hi! have you heard something from the transmissionpeople regarding my backtrace?22:04
BUGabundohey askand kklimonda22:04
askandhey BUGabundo22:04
dtchenbdmurray: WRT "no sound" bugs and assigning to ubuntu-audio: that's fine23:29
bdmurraydtchen: is there a more preferred workflow?23:30
dtchenbdmurray: i think that workflow is suitable23:31
persiadtchen, Would subscribe work as well as assign?  I'd like to move away from the assignment model, as it's confusing to triagers that some types of bugs get assigned and others shouldn't be assigned.23:45
greg-gpersia++, it could be seen as "we're now going to fix your bug"23:48
dtchenpersia: / bdmurray: right, for consistency's sake, s/assign/subscribe/23:55
bdmurraydtchen: sounds great thanks!  should we cleanup the existing ones for the team?23:55
dtchenbdmurray: if you have the resources, that would be great23:56
bdmurraydtchen: I can certainly work something out23:56

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