
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pittiGood morning07:31
pittirobert_ancell: hey, how are you?07:31
robert_ancellpitti: doing good, yourself? are you over the ubuflu?07:32
pittiasac: blueprints> just set them to pending approval,  I'll get mail for it07:32
pittirobert_ancell: I just started getting ubuflu on Monday07:32
pittiI'm in the middle of it *cough* *sniff*07:32
robert_ancellhope you get better soon!07:32
pittithanks; not the end of the world07:33
loolHi all08:35
loolseb128: arm gnome-keyring workaround: well it will probably break if you remove it, but then we had to chase it anyway so feel free to remove it and we shall research this again this cycle; thanks08:35
seb128hello there08:50
seb128lool: ok thanks08:50
seb128robert_ancell: there?08:50
robert_ancellseb128: hey08:50
robert_ancellseb128: building totem for the millionth time...08:50
seb128robert_ancell: hello! had a good trip back to your part of the world?08:50
robert_ancellseb128: long and tedious as normal :)08:50
robert_ancellI hear you got the ubuflu.  I seem to have missed that one08:52
seb128it's not really the flu, or at least not the chilian one with fever and everything08:52
seb128just running nose, etc ... standard cold08:52
robert_ancellyes, the meeting got steadily noisier with coughing as UDS went on08:53
seb128blame ie on the climate control being set on too cold08:54
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - did you have a good couple of weeks?08:54
seb128hey chrisccoulson, excellent out of the uds-cold, thanks08:55
seb128thanks for the gnome-applets update ;-)08:56
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome. apart from that, i didn't really do that much while you were at UDS ;)08:56
seb128there is no hurry to do anything right now08:56
chrisccoulsoncool. i was just about to ask if you had lots of work for me to do ;)08:57
seb128you are looking for work?08:58
seb128robert_ancell: what issues do you have to get totem to build?08:58
chrisccoulsoni could probably do a bit if there is some to do. the only thing i'm working on at the moment really is http://live.gnome.org/LowDiskSpaceWarning08:59
robert_ancellseb128: I'm still confused by the totem.postinst (I've just added || true to get around this currently) and when I try and install the new packages through dpkg it always seems to conflict09:00
seb128robert_ancell: is your current code online somewhere?09:06
seb128ie in bzr?09:06
seb128btw some note, just do your changes directly to the ubuntu-desktop bzr09:06
seb128doing the change somewhere else is good when you don't have write access to this one09:06
seb128hey rodrigo_09:06
rodrigo_hi seb128!09:07
robert_ancellseb128: yup, will do in the future09:07
seb128rodrigo_: how are you? had a nice trip back after uds?09:07
seb128robert_ancell: "rodrigo_@opensuse" ... you might want to change that ;-)09:07
rodrigo_seb128: now almost recovered from UDS, what about you?09:07
seb128rodrigo_: I got a cold but otherwise I'm good thanks09:08
rodrigo_seb128: yeah, I guess so :)09:08
rodrigo_seb128: again??09:08
* rodrigo_ still with no flu09:08
seb128yeah ... that's what you get when sharing room with somebody having the chilian flu at uds09:09
seb128btw has somebody seen pedro recently?09:09
rodrigo_seb128: no, haven't, ho got back home ok, right?09:09
seb128I don't know that's why I'm asking09:09
seb128I've no seen him since UDS09:10
robert_ancellseb128: am I missing something here, I try installing the new packages with dpkg but it gets into dependency loops (http://paste.ubuntu.com/187208/) - can dpkg do this or do I need them in an APT repository to handle an upgrade like this?09:10
robert_ancellseb128: well he got to the airport, we shared a cab there09:11
seb128robert_ancell: the error suggest that you built from somewhere where control was outdated09:11
seb128robert_ancell: "totem-plugins depends on totem-gstreamer (= 2.26.2-0ubuntu1) | totem-xine (= 2.26.2-0ubuntu1)"09:12
robert_ancellseb128: he was feeling sick though so he may not be working09:12
seb128right, I was just wondering if he arrived safely09:12
robert_ancellseb128: I did that at first, then rebuilt control and it still seems to be doing that09:12
seb128he was joking about not being allow to leave the airport if he had fever09:12
seb128because of the flu paranoia etc09:13
seb128so I'm just checking if that was a joke ;-)09:13
seb128robert_ancell: dpkg -I totem-plugins_2.27.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb | grep Depends09:13
mvoI take the gnome-doc-utils sponsoring (if noone is on it already)09:13
seb128mvo: thanks09:14
robert_ancellseb128: looks ok i think? http://paste.ubuntu.com/187210/09:14
pittiseb128, robert_ancell: bug 380850 makes me unsure whether to sponsor this09:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380850 in brasero "Update to 2.27.2" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38085009:14
seb128robert_ancell: indeed, I'm wondering from where you get this " totem-plugins depends on totem-gstreamer (= 2.26.2-0ubuntu1) | totem-xine (= 2.26.2-0ubuntu1)"09:15
seb128pitti: what about it? the libraries?09:15
pittiseb128: yes09:15
pittihaven't looked at it yet, though09:16
seb128pitti: I told robert_ancell during uds to do the update, we can split later when required09:16
seb128it's just a Replaces to add09:16
seb128and we will not need to keep it next cycle if that's done before karmic09:16
seb128I'm not sure if those libs make sense yet and if something will use those09:16
seb128ie let's get the new version we can decide on that later09:17
seb128robert_ancell: btw you can "sudo dpkg -i totem*2.27*.deb"09:17
seb128robert_ancell: dpkg doesn't handle things as smartly than apt, sometime you need to run that twice to get things installed09:17
seb128especially if there is some conflicts, etc09:18
seb128robert_ancell: I'm build totem from your bzr right now, will let you know in one minute of it works there09:18
robert_ancellseb128: ok, thanks09:18
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
seb128hey sabdfl09:18
robert_ancellseb128: yes, running dpkg twice seems to have done it.  Stupid dpkg! :P09:19
seb128mvo: do we need to unregister alternatives in preinst if the previous version had a prerm doing that?09:19
seb128mvo: ie totem is concerned there09:20
seb128totem 2.26 had that preinst09:20
seb128"if [ "$1" = "remove" ] || [ "$1" = "deconfigure" ] ; then09:20
seb128        update-alternatives --quiet --remove gnome-video-thumbnailer \09:20
seb128                /usr/bin/totem-${FLAVOUR}-video-thumbnailer09:20
seb128        update-alternatives --quiet --remove totem /usr/bin/totem-${FLAVOUR} fi"09:20
seb128if 2.27 drops all update-alternative handling those will be unregistered on upgrade and not registered again which does the job no?09:21
seb128slomo added a postint to 2.27 in debian doing09:22
seb128"if [ "$1" = configure ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "2.27.1-1" ; then09:22
seb128        update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all gnome-video-thumbnailer09:22
seb128        update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all totem09:22
seb128is that required?09:22
loolmvo: I'm dist upgrading my desktop to karmic, and I don't get the screen-profiles -> byobu issue (aka byobu is properly selected for installation)09:22
asaccrevette: gnome-bluetooth merge ... is that a sync?09:22
seb128asac, lool, pitti: ^ second opinion welcomed ;-)09:23
loolI just don't know why it's removing mercurial09:23
asaclool: python < 2.609:23
loolasac: ok, I expected such an issue; thanks09:24
robert_ancellseb128: the other thing that needs doing is building the new C youtube plugin.  It needs libgdata to build.  I think it was disabled in Debian? (or is being disable because the builddeps aren't there)09:24
pittiseb128: ugh, TBH I'm not that familiar with alternatives handling, I'm afraid09:24
pochuseb128: you need it for the Hardy -> $nextlts upgrades, don't you?09:25
asacseb128: if the prerm was dont correct then preinst shouldnt need to remove it09:25
seb128robert_ancell: slomo did upload libgdata to debian yesterday, don't build the plugin until we do sync it09:25
loolseb128: We might not need it, but it might be to force any other alternative to go away09:26
asacseb128: oh let me reread the example09:26
loolseb128: e.g. perhaps someone added a third /usr/local/bin/thumbnailer to the alternative?09:26
seb128is 2.26 preinst triggered when upgrading to 2.2709:26
robert_ancellseb128: ok, I'm off now.  Feel free to make any progress you want on totem :)09:26
loolseb128: That's the only thing I can think of; perhaps slomo had another use case09:26
mvoseb128: the preinst on upgrade is called with "upgrade" so the 2.26 preinst above would not remove the alternative. but the 2.27 should be ok09:26
seb128robert_ancell: ok, have a good evening, see you tomorrow09:26
seb128did I already say how much I dislike alternatives? ;-)09:27
mvoseb128: but I'm not a huge expert for alternatives myself (and I whish they would be declarative :)09:27
asacack ;)09:27
robert_ancelllater all09:27
asacseb128: so is there any --remove in any *rm script in 2.26?09:27
mvorobert_ancell: do you still need brasero sponsoring?09:27
seb128the thing is just ridiculously complex and bug prone most of the time09:27
seb128mvo: pitti is on it apparently, he did a comment about it some minutes ago09:27
pittican do it09:28
robert_ancellmvo: pitti: cheers09:28
crevetteasac, in a sync I guess you don't change something the packaging?09:28
seb128asac: yes, totem-gstreamer.prerm and totem-xine.prerm both remove themself from the alternative09:28
seb128but using09:29
seb128if [ "$1" = "remove" ] || [ "$1" = "deconfigure" ] ; then09:29
seb128so probably not on upgrade?09:29
pochubut you won't get those called from hardy upgrades, or am I missing something?09:29
seb128pochu: why not?09:29
pochuoh, they were in the hardy packages too?09:30
pochuah ok :)09:30
asacdeconfigure is unclear to me09:31
asachttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html talks about conflicts09:31
asac    *09:32
asac      deconfigured's-prerm deconfigure in-favour package-being-installed version [removing conflicting-package version]09:32
asac    *09:32
pittiseb128: will you sponsor gdl? you commented on it09:32
pittimvo: sponsoring bug 379474 is assigned to you, will you review/upload?09:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379474 in gnome-control-center ""Apply system wide" writes only default keyboard layout" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37947409:32
seb128pitti: yes, did robert_ancell update it? yesterday it was still pending work09:33
pittiseb128: still pending09:33
seb128pitti: I will do gdl and anjuta09:33
asaccrevette: are there still changes in packaging that we want to keep for gnome-bluetooth?09:33
crevetteasac, we want to use the notification patch did by canonical from bluez-gnome in gnome-bluetooth09:34
asacah ok. then merge yeah09:34
rodrigo_seb128: was pedro supposed to work this week, or maybe he's got some vacation?09:34
mvopitti: I'm looking at it currently09:34
crevetteit is the only patch it remains, before seeing debian did the package I reviewed all the pathces09:34
seb128rodrigo_: monday was an holiday and he was supposed to work yesterday according to the canonical calendar09:35
seb128he maybe still got the flu09:35
rodrigo_yeah, or is quarantining at the airport :)09:35
seb128it's middle of the night for him, I will try to contact him later if he doesn't show up today09:36
pittiseb128: I don't see a necessary "Replaces:" for brasero (Robert didn't actually split out libbrasero-burn into a separate package), what did you mean?09:36
seb128pitti: I mean that we can do the update now, if we need to split the library later if will only cost an extra replaces use09:36
seb128if -> it09:37
pittiseb128: ah, I see; roger09:37
pittilibtotem-plparser-dev: Depends: libcamel1.2-dev but it is not going to be installed09:38
pittiah, seems that evolution is i386/amd64 desync09:39
pittiseb128: ok, will upload brasero later, when this was sorted out09:39
seb128it's weird that it's in desync it didn't change recently09:40
pittihm, and all built09:40
seb128pitti: you probably have mix jaunty-proposed and karmic09:40
seb128the karmic version is older than the jaunty-proposed one09:40
seb128ie enable jaunty-proposed if you need09:41
seb128that was not clear, said differently09:41
seb128are you sure you didn't install libraries for jaunty-proposed and commented the source since?09:41
seb128which would mean it can't find matching versions in karmic09:41
seb128just random guess09:41
pittiseb128: I copied some packages from jaunty-proposed to karmic09:44
pittirmadison -s karmic -S evolution-data-server looks okay to me09:44
pittino, days ago09:45
seb128pitti: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server disagrees09:46
seb128pitti: and apt-cache policy on my karmic box says it's 2.26.1-0ubuntu109:46
seb128where jaunty proposed has 2.26.1-0ubuntu209:46
pittiaah, that's not in -updates yet09:46
* pitti copies09:46
pittiseb128: that had some positive feedback now09:47
seb128I was just looking to it too09:47
seb128current comment confirm it's working09:47
seb128and comment 39 as well09:48
pittiokay, fixed locally now, thanks09:51
seb128np ;-)09:52
seb128pitti: could you push your pessulus upload to bzr and make sure somebody upstream this change?10:35
pittiseb128: sorry; pushed, and pinged Alessio10:37
crevetteyeah http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46869014:15
ubottuDebian bug 468690 in apache2 "apache2: Apache is not always intented to be run as system-wide" [Important,Closed]14:15
crevetteI didn't notice I recieved the mail14:15
crevettegood new for gnome-user-share14:15
* SiDi is setting up a spec page for that power information notification stuff.14:20
* pitti packages the new g-p-m14:22
pittiseb128: ^ ok?14:23
seb128pitti: sure!14:23
pittithis will get rid of another item on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy14:23
jcastroseb128: I am going to ask pedro to schedule an empathy hug day asap, alot of these bugs need to be upstreamed, etc.14:32
seb128jcastro: hey jcastro, have you seen pedro since uds?14:32
jcastroholiday I think, I've been on holiday too14:32
seb128canonicaladmin since he was on holidays only monday, not yesterday14:33
seb128since -> says14:33
seb128jcastro: otherwise yes a bug day seems a good idea there14:34
seb128jcastro: banshee could use a such bugday too14:35
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jcastroseb128: I was thinking of having a bunch for everything new on the desktop14:36
jcastroseb128: and also like wiki pages for each on progress being made on concerns, etc.14:36
jcastroseb128: A bunch of this change is kenvandine's fault, I think he should set it up. :p14:38
seb128make him do it? ;-)17:15
* seb128 runs17:15
didrockslet's say that if he doesn't answer, he agrees :)17:15
didrockstoo late ^^17:16
seb128didrocks: was worth trying ;-)17:19
didrocksseb128: I will make him drink tonight, and then, he can't refuse :)17:19
seb128can't refuse but can't type without typo either? ;-)17:19
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didrocksseb128: :-)17:20
didrocksseb128: out for now, see you later/tomorrow evening (surely ;))17:21
didrockswe will have some flamenkuche :)17:21
seb128didrocks: enjoy!17:22
didrocksseb128: thanks! Have a good evening.17:23
iulianAm I allowed to sponsor a package if it's maintained in Bazaar and ~ubuntu-desktop is the owner?17:28
iulianHmm, well, I believe when the package lands in the archive, the branch should be updated as well.17:29
jpdsiulian: Propose a branch merge into the ~ubuntu-desktop ?17:30
pittididrocks: you mean the "ubuntu flu"? developing :(17:33
iulianjpds: I was looking at bug #375843.  Robert has commit rights but not upload rights, so having that said, I will just have to update the changelog after uploading.17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375843 in anjuta "Update to 2.27.2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37584317:36
iulianI mean, to target karmic instead of UNRELEASED.17:36
* iulian is afk for half an hour or so.17:40
jpdsiulian: Yeah, that should be done on upload and then commited.17:41
iulianjpds: So, I believe in this case the best thing is to upload and let Robert to update the branch in Bazaar, right?17:54
iulianThat's a bit odd though.  I will just let the folks from ~ubuntu-desktop to sponsor.17:54
iulianseb128: I was looking at the sponsoring queue and found out that bug #375843 needs a sponsor.  I am not sure what the best thing is to do in this case.  I don't have commit rights so after uploading to ubuntu, the bzr branch should be updated as well.17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375843 in anjuta "Update to 2.27.2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37584317:59
seb128iulian: I doubt you will be able to build that until getting the new gdl17:59
seb128iulian: which I reviewed this morning and still need work17:59
iulianWhat do you recommend to someone that doesn't have commit rights but wish to sponsor a package which is maintained in bzr and the owner is ubuntu-desktop?17:59
iulianseb128: Aha17:59
seb128iulian: to not bother about bzr, we should not have universe packages there that's an error18:00
iulianYea, right.  I was a bit confused.18:01
* iulian goes back to finish his meal.18:02
pittigood night everyone!18:42
SiDinight pitti18:45
crevetteanyone here ?19:56
seb128crevette: don't ask to ask just ask?19:57
crevettehey seb12819:57
seb128hi crevette19:57
crevetteI wanted to do a merge (didn't do one for a while), should I kept the ubuntu changelog and just and the lasted debian change + my merge, or should I put the debian changelog?19:59
crevettethis is for gnome-bluetooth19:59
seb128crevette: both are fine, we tend to summarize all the changes in the new changelog entry there20:07
seb128but some people have different workflows20:07
crevetteah, actually this is not a merge, the packge was not yet published...20:16
crevetteI had the packaging from SVN, is it considered as a merge?20:17
seb128a merge is taking a debian package and applying ubuntu changes20:17
crevetteI took the packaging from debian SVN following maintainer advice20:18
seb128crevette: sound a good choice, so just as for a sync or if you have change run dch -i over it and do you change and list those in the changelog20:19
crevetteokay, so this is not a problem. great20:20
seb128not at all20:20
crevettecan I add to a fork that it fixes LP bug of its ancestor?20:22
crevetteI cannot generate the debdiff between debian and ubuntu dsc20:30
crevetteLaney: hey, I updated the bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/37239521:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 372395 in gnome-bluetooth "[karmic] Please merge gnome-bluetooth 2.27.5 from debian" [Wishlist,In progress]21:11
didrockspitti: yes, the ubuntu flu. Have some rest :/22:25
bryceheya robert_ancell23:58
robert_ancellbryce: hey23:58
robert_ancellmy mouse has stopped working but it's kernel, not X :)23:59
brycerobert_ancell: btw do you take care of blacklist/unblacklist of chips for compiz?  I think we could probably drop blacklisting for the 3 intel chips23:59

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