
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
TheMusonixternal: seems like no sound hardware was found on your system at all, re your bug 38296800:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382968 in alsa-driver "Sound works for system notifications through the PC speaker - no sound at all with multimedia apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38296800:04
nixternalTheMuso: ya, dtchen has already fixed the issue :)00:09
nixternalya, during upgrade from jaunty -> karmic, somehow my user was removed from the audio group00:09
nixternalhow I missed that is beyond me00:09
dtcheni'm not entirely sure, since i don't have a kubuntu jaunty live image, whether the default user is in @audio to begin with00:11
johanbrI thought ubuntu didn't use the audio group anymore?00:11
TheMusoIt doesn't.00:12
dtchenjohanbr: correct for ubuntu jaunty, which uses pulseaudio alongside consolekit00:12
ajmitchdtchen: I'm not in audio on my jaunty box here at work00:12
TheMusoits all policykit driven.00:12
TheMusothe only deriv that adds the user to the audio group is studio.00:12
cjwatsonintrepid too00:12
cjwatson(user-setup 1.20ubuntu3)00:12
ajmitchare there some differences with groups between kubuntu & ubuntu there?00:12
cjwatsonnot as far as the installer is concerned00:12
* ajmitch would hope not00:12
cjwatsonexpanding a little on what TheMuso said, ubuntustudio is the only derivative built on the main infrastructure that changes the default groups set by the installer *at all*00:14
cjwatson(it sets them to 'adm audio cdrom dialout lpadmin plugdev sambashare' right now)00:14
cjwatsonwhich in fact just adds audio over the default00:14
cjwatsonow, wrong side of midnight, bed00:14
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dtchenugh, it's possible for pulseaudio to completely wedge the HDA controller, requiring an /sbin/alsa force-reload to restore functionality. :(01:27
ajmitchdtchen: I'm not surprised, I was seeing a complaint of sound totally dying in another nz channel today01:47
HobbseeKeybuk: just reading the meeting logs now, but we do (IMO) need more ops in here, while europe is asleep.  slangasek would be a great start, but some more would be good.02:23
Hobbseealthough i agree with you on getting developers who are around, if possible02:23
* TheMuso watches IRC quite regularly during his work day at least.02:25
TheMusoParticularly in here.02:25
HobbseeTheMuso: you would probably be a good candidate to be on the list, too, then02:25
* TheMuso needs to go and read the meeting log when he has time.02:26
TheMusohrm. ptlib supports esd/esound, yet we don't build support for that. That would be at least one way of getting better pulse support for ekiga...03:04
slangasekcjwatson: I don't think we really reached a conclusion about how to handle gcc-multilib under multiarch; we could have a gcc wrapper that handles -m32/-m64, but that's fairly unsatisfactory IMHO, and still implies cross-arch build-dependencies for packages that really truly need to build 32-bit code on amd64 (and there are some), so I guess we need to have a way to handle that?03:51
slangasek(at which point gcc-multilib can stay as it is, rather than needlessly shuffling the problem down the line)03:52
slangasekalso, I just noticed that we can't use the [arch] syntax to declare a cross-arch build-dep, because that syntax is already used for arch-specific build-deps...03:52
StevenK{arch} ?03:59
StevenKWe're running out of brackets03:59
lifelessStevenK: *smack*04:01
lifeless{arch} was a control dir for tla04:06
StevenKYes, and I was using it in the context of debian/control, not a directory name04:06
lifelessall the same04:08
lifelessdon't propogate the scarin04:08
StevenKIt would be used like {i386}04:08
StevenKlifeless: Or do you just twitch when you read {arch} ? :-P04:09
* lifeless twitches04:10
TheMusodtchen: When you get a minute, could you please have a look at the notes/whiteboard for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-audio-experience and add anything I may have missed/incorrectly stated in the wiki page? I feel I got everything, but another pair of eyes is useful. Thanks.06:34
lifelessTheMuso: if you have a minute, I'd appreciate some guidance on dmraid startup06:46
TheMusolifeless: if you are referring to your diffs in those bugs, I am about to get to those.,06:57
TheMusowoops wrong window06:57
lifelessTheMuso: to the apparent way that udev is calling dmraid-activate four times with 'no' 'block' 'devices' 'found'06:58
lifelesssimply knowing that my patched dmraid-activate, with logging enabled, boots for other people would be good06:58
* TheMuso rechecks the udev rule.06:58
TheMusolifeless: I am stumped as to why udev returns no block devices found. The syntax for the rule looks correct. I will have to do a karmic dmraid install to see what the hell is going on.07:12
lifelessTheMuso: When you can that would rock07:12
lifelessTheMuso: The only theory I have at the moment is that the no block devices found array is coming from dmraid itself07:12
lifelessor something linked to the same lib07:13
lifelessbut I'm damned if I can see the freaking cause07:13
TheMusohrm a brain wave. It could be mkid/whatever vol_id's replacement was.07:13
TheMusovol_id had its own code to deal with dmraid arrays, and its replacement obviously doesn't know about your hpa stuff, same thing with jaunty and vol_id.07:14
TheMusoWHich means more patching is needed.07:14
lifelessis vol_id calledbefore dmraid ?07:14
lifelessor after? if vol_id is called on the dmraid mapper device it would be fine07:15
TheMusoNot in the dmraid rule, but in other rules.07:15
TheMusohrm not sure if this the problem now, but can't think of what else it is currently.07:15
TheMusosorry its blkid07:17
lifelessI shall poke tomorrow07:17
TheMusoin util-linux source package, you want libs/blkid/src/probers/isw_raid.c07:19
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pittiGood morning07:29
pittislangasek: 945 external monitor> Previously I had pipe underruns, which seem to have been cured by the extra 1 GB RAM which I plugged in during UDS07:31
pittislangasek: the other problem that I have is that suspend/resume is broken with external monitor (doesn't get switched on again)07:31
pittiotherwise it's working quite well07:31
TheMusopitti: an upload for the intel driver was made today. You tried that yet?07:33
pittiTheMuso: I have used the xorg-edgers PPA, I get updates practically daily07:33
TheMusopitti: ah ok.07:33
pittiduring UDS, karmic was totally broke for me07:33
pitti2.7.1 wedged everything07:33
pittibryce: thanks for the new -intel upload07:35
pittibryce: would you rather have people test xorg-edgers or karmic?07:36
lifelesspitti: it fixes or fucks?07:36
pittilifeless: xorg-edgers makes everything work like a charm again07:36
lifelesspitti: but bryces' upload to karmic?07:36
pittilifeless: didn't try that yet07:37
pittiwell, actually I did07:37
pittiI have 2:
pittiand bryce uploaded 2:
pittiso I guess they are by and large identical07:37
lifelessok cool07:37
pittithe PPA also has a newer mesa etc., though07:37
lifelessI won't avoid updating then ;)07:37
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pittilifeless: BTW, it's pretty hard to entirely wreck the machine; if nothing else helps, blacklisting the i915 module is a pretty sure way to get it back up (without acceleration/compiz/etc. of course)08:20
cjwatsonTheMuso: IMO dmraid-activate should be checking the exit status of dmraid nowadays, now that dmraid exits non-zero if it can't find anything, rather than doing those dodgy tests on its output08:25
cjwatsonslangasek: in some ways I'd rather that build-dependencies were always native, which would seem to suggest that we would need to keep around a small number of biarch libraries as well. I wonder if it's just glibc in practice, or if there are more?08:28
cjwatsonslangasek: we didn't really discuss the problem of /usr/share/doc/<package>/ at UDS - I see there are several options for that in the spec but I don't recall us settling on something08:28
cjwatsonoh good, I see that dh_compress uses gzip -n nowadays - that should probably be a requirement for any multiarch package to avoid spurious differences08:29
dholbachplease help out with http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring - the list is growing! :-/08:39
ajmitchgrowing to devour us all?08:40
ajmitchmy excuse is that I was actually doing a couple of merges this week :)08:41
* dholbach takes a look at dx and *recordmydesktop08:41
lifelesscjwatson: it does, in my patch08:45
lifeless(dmraid--activate checking $?)08:45
ajmitchdholbach: useful list, it shows me a bug I missed in the changelog08:46
ajmitchand also some merge duplication, unfortunately08:46
dholbachajmitch: maybe our first impulse should always be "I'll check the sponsoring page and see if somebody else did it already and I just need to review it" :-)08:46
ajmitchdholbach: to be fair, I'd left a comment on MoM that I was merging it before that bug appeared on the list :P08:47
seb128dholbach: some people were away for uds and the week before that which might explain why they have been less activate on sponsoring ;-)08:49
dholbachseb128: I said "please help out with sponsoring" and not "you guys suck and should all be replaced by staplers because you don't do sponsoring" :-)08:50
* seb128 hugs dholbach08:50
* dholbach hugs seb128 back :)08:50
* Hobbsee tries replacing dholbach with a stapler08:51
* Hobbsee watches people abstain from cuddling it. Hmmm.08:51
seb128dholbach: in an other way "I plan to do some but I've a lot of catchup to do this week and spec drafting", ie some people know they have to do sponsoring but are still after uds busy08:51
* dholbach staples08:51
dholbach- -08:51
dholbach- -08:51
dholbach- -08:51
seb128but agreed, we should tackle this list ;-)08:51
Hobbseehaha :)08:51
seb128hey Hobbsee08:52
Hobbseeseb128: heya!08:52
dholbachseb128: I'm sure you'll find it relaxing to review a few patches between writing one spec and the other08:52
juanjedholbach: lol :-P08:53
seb128dholbach: good idea, you should write a slogan "take a break, review a patch" kind of advertisement ;-)08:53
* iulian feels that he should start sponsoring.08:54
juanjeseb128: yeah, maybe it could be an option in your Typing Break from GNOME :-P08:56
seb128locking the screen every hour "now it's time for doing some sponsoring"? ;-)08:56
juanjeseb128: lol :-P08:56
ajmitchor dholbach calling your house every hour to remind you08:57
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StevenKpitti: libgnomesupport0 got removed from the archive by you -- there are 4 packages that require the Gnome 1.x libraries -- shall we just boot them, or play the waiting game (IE: See what Debian does?)10:14
pittiStevenK: check process-removals?10:14
pittiDebian should have removed pretty much all gnome 1 rdepends10:14
pittiapt-cache rdepends libgnomesupport010:15
pittiStevenK: if you find some, just ditch them10:15
StevenKI checked one, and it hasn't been removed in Debian10:15
StevenKI suspect it will be10:15
pittiRiddell: do you know whether KDE relies on hal's camera.libgphoto2.* properties?10:19
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pittiRiddell: or info.capabilities == camera?10:19
pittiRiddell: in other words, if /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-libgphoto2.fdi would go away, woudl anything break?10:20
Riddellpitti: no idea, I can ask though10:20
Riddellpitti: I'm told it relies on both10:22
pittimeh, ok10:22
Riddellpitti: what would replace it?  devicekit?10:22
pittiRiddell: for PtP cameras you can just use libudev and ask udev10:23
pittifor the ancient custom protocol ones we still need something like it10:23
pittiwe'll probably need to keep the list around, and just rewrite it as udev rules10:23
pittiRiddell: I'll think about it, thanks for checking10:24
sorenIs there a way to query whether a given package was installed manually or pulled in as a dep? I know the info is in /var/lib/apt/extended_states, but does apt or aptitude expose it somehow (preferably in a scriptable manner)?10:38
directhexsoren, "aptitude show"?10:42
directhexsoren, there's this whole "Automatically installed:" line you might like10:42
sorendirecthex: Blimey, there it is. *facepalm*10:42
sorendirecthex: Thanks.10:42
Lutin(aptitude search gives it, too)10:43
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cjwatsonsoren: it'd be nice if apt-mark let you query that state as well as set it ...10:48
sorencjwatson: Hm.. Never heard of apt-mark before. Looks handy. Thanks.10:49
ion_I use debfoster to handle the automatic/manual state and apt-mark-sync to sync its decisions to apt and aptitude, since they all still don’t use a shared database for that.10:51
mvocjwatson: good point10:53
mvoion_: apt and aptitude use a shared database since some time for the auto flag10:54
ion_mvo: “All”, as in debfoster as well.10:55
ion_Perhaps aptitude gains debfoster-like functionality some day. That would be nice.10:55
mvoion_: aha, ok. debfoster should probably be modified to use the extended_states file as well10:55
ogramvo, could you drop the blacklisting for i945GM from compiz in karmic ?10:59
ograthe new driver works just fine10:59
ion_mvo: Oh, btw, since i finally manage to be online simultaneously with you: please check out the debdiff in LP #377065. :-)10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377065 in command-not-found "zsh_command_not_found should use the pre*_functions arrays instead of overwriting the singular preexec/precmd functions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37706510:59
mvoion_: thanks, I have a look now11:00
mvoogra: yes11:00
ogramvo, thanks :)11:00
mvoogra: GM965 you mean?11:04
ogramvo, 8086:2a02, yes11:05
mvoogra: fixed in bzr11:05
ogragracias :)11:05
cjwatsonkees: I'm merging shadow since I'm also merging user-setup; hope that's ok ...11:10
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mib_i6x4ojh7hi all13:25
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* ogra sighs ... what the heck is a text/uri-list decoder plugin13:41
ion_ogra: Perhaps something that parses various playlist formats?13:46
ograyes, apparently, but an apt search doesnt reveal anything13:46
ograi should have everything installed but RB still moans13:46
ograthough i got one radio station working now on my arm board13:47
slangasekcjwatson: it looks like it's just libc6 that gcc-multilib woud build-depend on for biarch.  So we can do that, though I think that would still be a blemish13:52
slangasekcjwatson: /usr/share/doc/<package> - I discussed it with guillem after the session, and his plan is to have dpkg keep track of file checksums directly and only allow co-installability if overlapping files match13:53
slangasekpitti: yeppers - I don't see that suspend/resume problem with my external monitor on my ThinkPad13:54
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cjwatsonslangasek: my worry about that was always that it means that non-identical versions implicitly conflict, which seems to me to be a likely source of lurking difficulties for upgrades13:55
cjwatsonor was that the "implicit Replaces: same-binary (<< ${binary:Version}) [different-arch]" thing?13:55
cjwatsonI think I came in half-way through that13:56
slangasekyeah, that was that one... I think that's effectively what guillem is doing, with the added constraint that two multiarch packages aren't allowed to be configured unless they're at the same version13:57
cjwatsonslangasek: I suspect we also have a number of packages that don't use gzip -n for one reason or another, so that will have to be a requirement for anything with Multi-Arch: set13:57
cjwatsonI fixed two of my own this morning ...13:57
slangasekah, ok13:57
* cjwatson vomits at the shadow merge. The chpasswd -S option just got a LOT more complicated13:58
ograasac, grmbl ...14:13
keesRiddell: can you take a look at the libmsn merge?  I'm less familiar with this code, and since it's in Debian now, it's a "real" merge.14:27
asacogra: huh?14:28
Riddellkees: can do14:28
ograasac, running firefox remotely through a ssh tunnel uses my local ~/.mozilla dir !14:28
keesRiddell: thanks!14:29
ograi was just surprised how fast FF on the babbage2 runs remotely to then discover all my cache and bookmarks was used locally :/14:29
asacogra: only if you have a ff already running locally. yes14:29
ograoh, i have indeed14:30
ograso it pulls it from ram ?14:30
asacogra: but that would make FF run on your system and not on the remote machine14:30
asacogra: stop everything14:30
* ogra tries again14:30
ograoh, now i also dont get my prompt back on the babbage, that looks more sane14:31
* ogra hugs asac 14:31
ograthanks, seems to work14:31
asacogra: if you still need your ffox locally you can export MOZ_NO_REMOTE=114:34
asacon remote end and it will not find your locally running FFOX14:34
ograah, good to know14:34
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cjwatsonslangasek: james_w would know more precisely but the target is the next couple of months, I believe14:57
cjwatsonkees: fun, isn't it14:58
* soren is laughing on the inside14:58
keescjwatson: ah, so I'm late to this realization?14:58
keesI was just poking at the merge...14:59
cjwatsonkees: see your mail ;-)14:59
cjwatsonI got blocked on it this morning so went ahead ...14:59
keesd'oh, checking.  still a bit behind...14:59
cjwatson(sorry if you duplicated work as a result!)15:00
keescjwatson: ah, only a few minutes of duplicated work.  I was actually thinking we could just drop all the Ubuntu-changes since everything else is in Debian now.15:00
keescjwatson: I was figuring we'd need something to replace "chpasswd -e" eventually.  it's just "now".15:01
keescjwatson: trouble is, more than just g-s-t uses chpasswd.  vmbuilder uses chpasswd -e, and I think, d-i, though I'm not sure if it calls it with -e.  (I think not)15:02
sorend-i accepts encrypted passwords as well.15:02
sorenIIRC, that is.15:02
soren(by way of preseeding, usually)15:02
cjwatsonyes, it does15:02
cjwatsond-i is being fixed - that's why I found myself blocked on the merge15:03
sorenTemplate: passwd/root-password-crypted15:03
cjwatsonkees: chpasswd -S is still outstanding, as is the default to SHA51215:03
keescjwatson: well, -S was needed because of g-s-t15:04
cjwatson(d-i is actually already fixed for this upstream)15:04
keesthe SHA512 default was only needed because of the lack of PAM integration15:04
cjwatsonindeed, and it's still needed until such time as -S is either dropped or converted to PAM15:04
keesis anything left that reads ENCRYPT_METHOD in the shadow package?15:04
cjwatsonI haven't checked the rest of shadow to see if there's anything left15:04
cjwatsonif there was really nothing left, I'd have been sort of surprised if nekral hadn't nuked it with extreme prejudice :)15:05
cjwatsoncompatibility with non-PAM systems perhaps15:05
keesyeah, USE_PAM is in heavy use in the code.15:05
slangaseklovely PAM, wonderful PAM15:06
keesI'm all for the merge, which was precipitated (I like to think) by my "-S" patch being proposed.  :P15:06
keesslangasek: is there a non-insane way to get an encrypted password hash out of PAM?15:06
slangasekhth :)15:06
cjwatsonnekral suggested a custom conversation function of some kind15:07
cjwatsonsaid he had a patch but didn't elaborate, Fermat-style15:07
keescjwatson: like, custom-to-the-PAM-stack?  errrg15:07
cjwatsonkees: no idea15:07
keesI had taken it to mean "custom-to-shadow"15:07
cjwatsonso had I15:07
slangasekthe conversation function would be provided by the calling app15:08
keescjwatson: how was d-i fixed to avoid needing "-e" ?15:09
\shguys..is there any documentation how the kernel enumerates e.g. NIC interfaces?15:09
ograisnt that done by udev ?15:09
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
kees\sh: they all start as "eth0", and then udev renumbers them based on /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules15:09
pittis/start as eth0/start in random order/15:10
\shkees: yes...that I know..and that's actually a problem...kernel finds e.g. external NICs first, and then the internals..udev enumerates then eth0...ethN which can cause really serious problems...e.g. I don't have the possibility to boot pxe/mount NFS from the external nics...but kernel + udev are telling me, my internal card is eth315:11
kees\sh: yeah, you'll want to adjust /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if you want to control how they're named.15:12
ograthere is a kernel commandline option for ipconfig to enfoce a NIC being the first one15:12
ograkees, doesnt help with PXE15:12
\shkees: sure...that's what I would do when I'm already have an installed system..but using automation for deploying, that doesn't help15:12
keesogra: PXE is before the kernel though?15:13
\shkees: yes15:13
\shkees: 1. pxe, 2. kernel booting via tftp, 3. /scripts/live-premount which does IPConfig: and then there is udev telling me your eth0 is not my eth0 and my eth0 is your eth3 ;)15:14
ograi cant remember it from the top of my head, but the guys in #ltsp use it often15:14
kees\sh: what I did for this in the past was to either pre-populate the image with the NIC MAC I knew was in the machine (since I had that already for the PXE configs), or I wrote scripts in the target that checked interfaces for the right DHCP lease.15:14
keesbut, I'd do whatever ogra says since I've got only small experience with this.  :)15:14
cjwatsonkees: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/user-setup/ubuntu/revision/179 - look at the user-setup-apply bit15:15
\shkees: the problem is time ;) kernel boots and then /scripts/live-premount starts and somehow inside this initramfs script there is this IPConfig which takes udevs eth0 which suddenly is not the boot device...15:15
cjwatsonkees: i.e. it uses usermod --password - it can get away with this because d-i controls the entire system and doesn't have to worry about command line visibility in ps15:16
cjwatsonkees: I don't know if there's a better way ...15:16
slangasekCDBS_REPLACES += , python2.3-moinmoin (<< 1.5.3-1.1), python2.4-moinmoin (<< 1.5.3-1.1)15:16
slangasekReplaces: ${cdbs:Replaces}15:16
slangasekDoing. It. Wrong.15:16
cjwatsonkees: see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=52861015:16
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Debian bugtracker: global name 'ls' is not defined (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=528610;mbox=yes)15:16
directhexpoor ubottu15:17
sorenDoes anyone know where HWCLOCKACCESS (used by /etc/init.d/hwclock) is supposed to be set? I was thinking /etc/default/rcS, but it's not mentioned in the rcS(5) man page.15:18
* ogra knew that once15:19
ograsoren, /etc/default/rcS should be right, its just not in there by default15:20
keescjwatson: what a mess.15:20
sorenogra: Thanks.15:20
keescjwatson: so... now usermod needs a "read stdin for the password" option.  :P15:20
cjwatsonkees: I suspect they might be amenable to restoring -e and making it force non-PAM, judging from bug logs I've seen15:20
cjwatsonbut dunno15:21
keescjwatson: well, I support the PAM-integration -- but -e and -S are needed to "split" the halves of the PAM stack (select hash, store hash)15:22
ogra\sh, you want IPOPTS=:::::eth0 (and change eth0 to whatever your device is)15:23
ograput that into your append line15:23
ograin pxelinux.cfg/default15:23
cjwatsonkees: yes15:23
\shogra: will it tell IPConfig of udev to use this device?15:25
ograit will tell ipconfig ... its an ipconfig option15:25
ogra\sh, http://codtech.com/wiki/index.php/Ipconfig might be helpful15:28
\shogra: well...regarding this...the ipconfig inside initramfs does something wrong15:29
brycepitti: for -intel, at the moment xorg-edgers and karmic should be identical.15:30
ograhow so ?15:30
brycepitti: for now, testing xorg-edgers is preferred.15:30
pittibryce: good, I'll continue to do so then15:30
brycepitti: probably makes sense to keep testing xorg-edgers up until beta or so15:31
\shogra: forget it....I mis-readed the entry...15:31
\shand the source15:31
ograit doesnt help much with udev shuffling around the names but it helps with enforcing a device name for netbooting15:32
\shwell...if you have HW which behaves always the same, this is not a problem :)15:32
ograand otherwise its trial and error15:32
ogramight just take multiple attempts15:33
keescjwatson: say, can you snag kbd if you're doing merges?  I don't really know that package very well.15:34
slangasekcjwatson: would you mind doing a review of the lsb packages in {hardy,jaunty}-proposed?15:47
jcastrobryce: do you have a wiki grid or something for the latest intel driver? or do I just tell you "much better after this upload"?15:49
brycejcastro: the latter is fine :-)15:49
brycewe've gotten enough test results now, we're confident of the path forward now15:50
ograjcastro, "awesome in karmic" :)15:55
ion_awesome in karmic: 3.3~rc4-115:56
ograwell, stable for me ... and fast as in intrepid :)15:58
* mcasadevall feels like its getting to be the time I should upgrade to Karmic 16:00
ograyou havent yet !?!16:00
ograyoure a developer ... eat your own dogfood !!!16:00
mcasadevallogra, I won't upgrade until I can run a liveCD to make sure my system won't be hosed after upgrading16:01
mcasadevallogra, although I don't think I can put it off much longer16:01
pittimcasadevall: it's generally working fine16:02
pittimcasadevall: and if -intel should really totally break for you, you can always blacklist i915 to get back X with metacity16:02
mcasadevallIf -intel breaks, I flip the switch and use -nv :-)16:02
mcasadevallYay dual graphics cards.16:02
ograyeah, i use it day to day since uds16:02
keesis MoM stalled?  It seems to be a bit behind.16:02
mcasadevallHrm, now the question is format and install, or upgrade16:03
cjwatsonkees: sure16:03
cjwatsonslangasek: ok16:03
tormodmcasadevall: although there is no official live cd, we made an xorg-edgers live cd you can try: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/xorg-edgers-0.1-i386.iso16:03
ogramcasadevall, sudo update-manager -d16:03
ion_mvo: Btw, is posted some comments to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptSyncInKarmicSpec (at the end).16:03
cjwatsonBTW, if anyone desperately wants to debug what's happening to unionfs-fuse on the live CD at the moment, I wouldn't say no ...16:03
* ogra will take a look, but not today16:04
ograstgraber, did you test it with ltsp btw ?16:04
mcasadevallcjwatson, what was the specific issue? (I did some debugging into it when working on UDS< but my setup was non-standard enough that I couldhave been seeing a different issue)16:04
cjwatsonmcasadevall: it falls over half-way through, manifesting as login not being able to start /bin/bash16:05
mvoion_: nice, have you done some benchmarks with zsync and lookinside gzip yet?16:05
mcasadevallcjwatson, right, same issue I saw16:05
cjwatsonit basically manages to get most of the way up, so I think it's one specific fuse call that's hosing it16:05
mvoion_: as in "how much data will it still need to fetch" ?16:05
mcasadevallcjwatson, I traced to getting as far as upstart coming up, it destablizes itself after one of the startup scripts, but I didn't isolate it16:06
ion_mvo: Haven’t got around to that yet.16:07
ion_mvo: But the look-inside-gzip mode will most likely fetch less data even with gzip --rsyncable.16:08
mvoion_: that is my gut-feeling as well, I would love some data on it :)16:08
cjwatsonmcasadevall: I think the problem is with processes running as non-root, but I thought I'd fixed that!16:14
mcasadevallcjwatson, no, the issue happens while root (which I tested being in single-user on the CD< then running scripts by hand)16:15
cjwatsonI'm definitely seeing symptoms that I know I fixed that way16:15
cjwatsonmcasadevall: the first thing that fails for me is klogd, and the failure is right after it drops privileges to the klog user16:15
cjwatsonI believed I had fixed this by using -o default_permissions -o allow_other -o suid16:16
mcasadevallIf the klogd script is removed, do you get a successful startup?16:16
cjwatsonthere are lots of other things broken, I'm not going to waste my time on that kind of check16:17
cjwatsonit's clear that access from other ids is broken (I can reproduce similar things with sudo, for instance) and that's going to break stuff all over the show16:17
cjwatsonI've fixed this before, so I just need to figure out what went wrong with my fix16:17
\shogra: this IPOPTS doesn't work...16:18
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Nilbuswhat license is ubuntu distributed under?16:23
cjwatsonNilbus: a wide variety of licences; the basic requirements we place on them are described in http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing16:24
Nilbusthanks cjwatson16:25
Nilbuslooks like I could have found that googling. sorry to bug16:25
cjwatsonNilbus: you redeem yourself by being the first person in months to say that, though :-)16:26
* Keybuk waits for the day someone says they could have found that by binging16:26
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* ogra glares at the date16:27
Nilbuscjwatson, ha thanks I guess16:27
slangasekKeybuk: ...binging?16:27
Keybukslangasek: http://www.bing.com/16:28
ograslangasek, MS's new toy16:28
slangasekI could've found that by purging16:28
KeybukMicrosoft rebranded MS Live Search, and clearly asked for a word people could verb16:28
* rickspencer3 sigh16:28
KeybukMicrosoft Bing Powered By Microsoft Live Search 3.11 for Workgroups NT16:29
robbiewI "binged" you...heh16:29
slangasekMicrosoft Bing Seen 200016:30
robbiewsounds a bit "nasty" :P16:30
Keybukrickspencer3: it's ok, you escaped16:30
rickspencer3Microsoft Windows Live Bing powered by Microsoft Windows Live Search Technology16:30
* mdeslaur thinks it should have been named "bong" based on the search results it generates16:30
tedgI like the pop-up previews on the right though.  That's a nice touch.16:31
maxbHave you seen how pathetically biased the search results are, though?16:32
maxbHint: enter "linux" and look at the top autocompletions :-)16:32
Keybukthat's awesome16:32
* Keybuk wants Linux Vista16:32
mdeslaurdidrocks: I published a security update for pidgin today. Were you planning on merging pidgin? Do you want me to?16:32
* slangasek wants Linux Olida16:33
* Keybuk wants a Linux Daiquiri16:33
Nilbuscjwatson, so essentially, does ubuntu not put a license on the distribution as a whole?16:34
cjwatsonNilbus: that's correct16:34
cjwatsonNilbus: in many cases, we would actually be violating the licences on other people's code by attempting to do so - most licences don't allow relicensing16:34
slangasekKeybuk: blech, with all those ground-up kernels in it?16:34
Nilbuscjwatson, ok. right16:34
Nilbusmake sense16:34
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
stgraberogra: not yet16:41
mdzit seems neither totem nor totem-gstreamer has the actual binary anymore, is it in some other package now?16:46
cjwatsontotem-gstreamer ships /usr/bin/totem-gstreamer and registers an alternative for /usr/bin/totem16:47
cjwatsonunless this changed since my mirror last pulsed16:47
mdzperseus:[~] dpkg -L totem-gstreamer | grep bin16:48
mdzzsh: done       dpkg -L totem-gstreamer |16:48
mdzzsh: exit 1     grep bin16:48
pittimdz, cjwatson: this was discussed in #u-desktop an hour ago16:48
pittiwrong alternatives cleanup in postinst16:48
mdzpitti: thanks16:48
pittithere's debian/lp bugs for it, too, on the way16:48
* slangasek mourns the channel fragmentation16:48
seb128mdz: should be fixed in 0ubuntu3 which is building16:50
\shogra: btw...this ipopts thing can be written as "ip" (standard kernel commandline as documented) the ubuntu initramfs can actually use it..the lenny one has some problems with it, it seems...16:50
seb128mdz: sudo apt-get install --reinstall totem to fix it16:50
mdzseb128: thanks16:50
mdzseb128: I was just reading the scripts to see if that would fix it, thanks16:50
seb128mdz: totem-gstreamer is a dummy package, there is only totem which is gstreamer now16:50
mdzpitti: bug 383187 is the one referenced on #-desktop16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383187 in totem "totem doesn't open" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38318716:51
ogra\sh, we share the same initramfs code for netbooting, so thats surprising16:51
mdzslangasek: indeed16:51
\shogra: this lenny initramfs is using the /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/live* infrastructure on jaunty I didn't see it...but in .../scripts/functions we (ubuntu) have now the configure_networking() bash func which handles the IP/IPOPTS stuff currectly...but the "scripts/live" of debian lenny just did an ipconfig -d ${DEVICE} without checking if there is something in ip/ipopts16:53
ograoh, then its actually changed ... we used to usew the  ipconfig -d ${DEVICE} line too before16:53
ograi guess sid uses configure_networking() too16:54
ograso might be because of the long freeze lenny had16:55
\shogra: I think sid == yes, but lenny == no...I changed it now manually and had the wanted behaviour16:55
didrocksmdeslaur: please do. If you don't have the time, I can do it17:07
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slangasekhrm, why is ubuntu-bug crashing now :(17:30
ografile a bug :P17:31
slangasekalready reported17:32
mcasadevallcjwatson, I'm trying to understand whats gone wrong with this build failure: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27284406/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-ia64.debian-installer_20081029ubuntu39_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz. I've already ruled out the possibility that hdparm-udeb and util-linux-udev have /sbin as a file, but this issue still happens when I tried it yesterday afternoon17:32
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pittislangasek: on some assertion about the bug title?17:33
slangasekpitti: yes, bug #38310417:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383104 in apport "Ubuntu-bug crashed with AssertionError" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38310417:33
pittiah, I fixed that this morning17:34
slangasekpitti: I guess you already fixed this in -3, right :)17:34
* slangasek upgrades to confirm17:34
cjwatsonmcasadevall: but util-linux-udeb *does* have /sbin as a file17:35
cjwatson$ dpkg -c ~/ubuntu/pool/main/u/util-linux/util-linux-udeb_2.15.1~rc1-1ubuntu1_ia64.udeb17:35
cjwatsondrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2009-05-29 12:42 ./17:35
cjwatson(not ia64-specific)17:35
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x root/root     24992 2009-05-29 12:42 ./sbin17:35
mcasadevall(argh, I'm an idiot, but thats a separate issue)17:36
mcasadevallNow the question is how did that happen17:36
cjwatsonmcasadevall: I suspect debian/rules forgets to create a directory before using install(1)17:36
slangasekpitti: yeesh, enough changelog symlink indirection in apport? :P17:39
pittislangasek: hm?17:40
slangasekonce again, changelog symlinks without strict versioned dep == bad17:40
pittioh, that17:40
slangasekpitti: I tried to manually upgrade apport.  I'm having to manually upgrade two more packages to actually get the matching changelog.17:40
ion_mvo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptSyncInKarmicSpec updated.17:43
cjwatsonmcasadevall: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187511/ should fix it17:46
maxbapt-sync? Interesting. Why not pdiff/rred ?17:46
cjwatson(against the ubuntu/master branch of lamont's git repository)17:46
* cjwatson wanders off for the evening17:47
mcasadevallOw, git :-/17:47
cjwatsonI suggest making either lamont or Keybuk do the actual commit and upload ;-)17:47
mcasadevallcjwatson, probably a good idea :-). Thanks for your assistance on my blind eye :-/.17:48
lamontmcasadevall: which version of util-linux, I wonder?17:48
lamontas in this is 2.15.1?17:49
cjwatsonlamont: current in karmic17:49
mcasadevalllamont, its whatever is in karmic: util-linux-2.15.1~rc17:50
cjwatsonlamont: I think my original patch to add the udeb was correct, but it looks as if the new file debian/util-linux-udeb.dirs got lost somewhere along the way17:50
cjwatsonlamont: and because util-linux IMO unwisely uses install(1) without a trailing slash on the target directory name, rather than a build failure, this resulted in a busted udeb17:51
mcasadevalllamont, if you could fix it, it should get up 90% of the way of d-i building, and once d-i builds, ia64 alternate and livecds should build.17:51
* mcasadevall suspects he'll still need to nudge d-i's scripts to get it a large enough partition to plop a kernel onto17:51
cjwatsonerr, and indeed ln(1) etc.17:51
slangasekpochu: it appears you're responsible for the change that causes seahorse gpg-agent to no longer be running by default - should seahorse-plugins be a Recommends: of seahorse instead of a Suggests:?17:51
mvoion_: sweet17:51
slangasek(if we're not going to run the gpg agent, I can't see why we would want seahorse itself installed by default at all...)17:52
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cjwatsonlamont: I'd recommend something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/187514/ for future robustness17:53
seb128slangasek: seahorse is the tools you use to handle gnome-keyring passwords too17:53
cjwatsonok, really gone17:53
seb128slangasek: we had this discussion with pitti and he thinks that the gpg agent is not a standard user feature and cost some login time17:54
lamontcjwatson: now I just need to figure out if it's me or keybuk that I need to thwap17:54
slangasekseb128: which bit of this is used for handling gnome-keyring passwords, then?  I can't even find this in the GNOME menu17:56
seb128slangasek: applications, accessories, seahorse17:56
seb128or "key and password" or whatever is the english wording17:57
slangasek"accessories" - not intuitive :)17:57
slangasek"Passwords and Encryption keys"17:57
elmopitti: do you know of any bugs to do with cups where printers you've seen announced once never go away and can't be deleted?17:59
pittielmo: not off-hand (I'm not really following the bug reports on cups)18:00
pittielmo: I guess they are stuck in /var/cache/cups/remote.cache ?18:00
elmopitti: yeah18:01
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pittielmo: you can't delete those with lpadmin/web UI, since they aren't really "there" locally18:01
elmopitti: I guess I'm just surprised they don't time out of their own accord18:03
pittielmo: they should; they do here18:03
slangasekseb128: the other thing I don't understand is why the Debian changelog moved the Xsession file in 2.24.1, saying "the agent is now in seahorse-plugins", but with 2.26 in jaunty it was working just fine for me, seemingly without seahorse-plugins installed18:04
ion_mvo: Added a short summary to the bottom.18:04
slangasekseb128: ah, n/m; I see now that seahorse-plugins was removed on upgrade18:04
seb128slangasek: searhose-plugins was installed in jaunty18:04
seb128we used a recommends where debian is using a suggests18:04
slangasekshould seahorse-plugins also Provides: gnupg-agent?18:06
slangasekseb128: btw, do you know why the g-p-m icon theme is broken for me, before I go filing a bug?18:07
seb128slangasek: no idea about gnupg-agent are those equivalent?18:08
slangasekwell, there's no defined virtual package for it - but it implements the gnupg agent protocol18:09
slangasekand a Provides: would've been discoverabel18:09
slangasekseb128: bug #383256 filed, anyway, so that there's at least a record in LP of why the desktop team thinks I'm wrong :)18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383256 in seahorse "seahorse no longer running after upgrade to karmic, no gpg agent available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38325618:13
seb128slangasek: thanks18:13
mdeslaurdidrocks: actually, someone has already started it: LP #38080618:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380806 in pidgin "Please merge pidgin 2.5.6 (main) from Debian sid (unstable)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38080618:31
pittigood night everyone18:42
ion_mvo: Updated the latest benchmark with what happens with method #3 if inputfile hasn’t been packed with --rsyncable.18:44
stefanlsdslangasek: do you know any packages using dep5 debian/copyright that I could see?18:56
dupondjecould somebody plz check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/38327118:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 383271 in audacious "Please merge audacious 2.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:56
dupondjeits my first merge, so hope its correct :)18:56
stefanlsddupondje: better to ask in #ubuntu-motu18:59
slangasekstefanlsd: not yet; the dep5 is still in flux19:03
stefanlsdslangasek: ok thanks! i was doing a package for revu - is it ok to use?19:03
slangasekstefanlsd: I don't think *any* of the machine-readable copyright formats provide very good guidance about their use yet; whether or not it's ok for revu is not my call, but I would recommend using something that other people are already using19:04
slangasekdirecthex: I see mono's on the merge list again; is that in a syncable state now?19:05
stefanlsdslangasek: thanks19:07
pochuslangasek: that makes sense, yes19:17
pochu(bumping seahorse-plugins to a Recommends)19:17
slangasekpochu: see subsequent discussion with seb128; turns out that this *was* a Recommends previously19:17
slangasekin Ubuntu19:18
slangasekand it's been dropped19:18
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xenocampanoliSubject:  trying to compile libldap-ruby I get ldap.c:424: error: ‘LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PROTOCOL’ undeclared (first use in this function).  This is shown as a macro only in my /usr/include/ldap.h.  Another told me it is commented out in his /usr/include/openldap.h, but I do not have one of those.20:10
xenocampanoliSubject:  trying to compile libldap-ruby I get ldap.c:424: error: ‘LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PROTOCOL’ undeclared (first use in this function).  This is shown as a macro only in my /usr/include/ldap.h.  Another told me it is commented out in his /usr/include/openldap.h, but I do not have one of those.20:27
keespitti: I have some updates in lp:~kees/apport/apport.segv-analysis for you21:19
nxvlslangasek: ping21:24
slangaseknxvl: hi21:26
joaopintopitti, I have learned that kubuntu is going to use packagekit as the default installer for karmic, do you have any idea how they plan to address those limitations you described earlier ?21:28
nxvlslangasek: about exim4 -> postfix mail on devel, i just made the list of the package depending on those two, don't you think it will be usefull to put a wiki page with those to make the change?21:29
nxvlslangasek: or at least to make that information available for people that want to help21:29
lamontnxvl: I'll be uploading postfix 2.6.2~rc1-1 to sid today, which will DTRT on ubuntu once synced to karmic21:30
nxvllamont: mmm, have you read the e-mail steve sended?21:30
slangaseknxvl: no objections, but I'm not really looking to make a campaign out of this - just to let people know there's a way to get rid of existing deltas as they're doing merges21:30
lamontnxvl: lalalala21:30
lamontnxvl: the upload of postfix is to have it Provide: default-mta on ubuntu21:31
nxvlslangasek: so, is not a goal for karmic?21:31
nxvllamont: ohh!! got it!21:31
lamontnxvl: and no, haven't actually read the email, though I suspect the discussion I had with slangasek trumps it21:31
nxvllamont: i was confused about that :P21:31
slangaseklamont: no, the email in question was letting ubuntu-devel know default-mta was open for the using21:32
slangaseknxvl: <shrug> it's not a goal of *mine* for karmic :)21:32
nxvllamont: yup, that said now it makes sense, your first comment sounded off-topic to me, but now i get the full idea of why you said it21:32
lamontslangasek: right.  trumped by our discussion (or confirmed, or whatever...)21:32
lamontnxvl: postfix already knows whether it's building on ubuntu or debian21:32
lamontso one more bit of abuse doesn't hurt, right?21:32
nxvllamont: really? awesome21:33
lamontyeah - because no way I'm going to maintain a fork (for 5 years now) just to get the banner to be different between debian and ubuntu21:33
* slangasek NMUs postfix to Debian and builds it on Ubuntu, teehee21:33
lamontif [ $(DISTRO) = Ubuntu ]; then echo postfix:Provides=default-mta >> debian/postfix.substvars; fi21:43
lamontsee... that's easy21:43
lamontslangasek: please sync postfix 2.6.2~rc1-1 from sid kthx21:44
lamontthough if you wait until the next dinstall run, it'll be in sid instead of incoming...21:45
* slangasek will wait for dinstall21:45
lamontthough it wouldn't be any work to upload 2.6.2~rc1-0build1....21:45
lamontthough that should be -1~0build121:46
slangasekyou can if you wish :)21:46
mweichertis it possible to run gvfs outside of gnome or X?21:46
lamontslangasek: the exim in karmic doesn't provide: default-mta, right?21:47
slangaseklamont: right21:47
slangasek(as of about the time I pinged you about this :)21:47
lamonter, ing21:48
lamontslangasek: and nothing from 2.5.5-1.1ubuntu1 I need to worry about, right?21:49
lamontas in - I'm gonna totally ignore that ever existed21:49
slangasekthe only change was the default-mta bit21:50
lamontand 2.6.2 will release sometime soonish, so I'm not too caring about the ~rc1 bit of that version21:52
lamontthat and Wietse is pedantically anal about stable updates21:53
calcanyone else notice firefox seems more laggy than usual lately?22:09
calcoh, in karmic22:09
cody-somervillecalc, My new P8600 and 4GBs of ram makes everything seem fast.22:11
calci have the same and its lagging badly for some reason22:11
calclike pageup/pagedown even lags22:12
xenocampanoliSubject:  trying to compile libldap-ruby I get ldap.c:424: error: ‘LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PROTOCOL’ undeclared (first use in this function).  This is shown as a macro only in my /usr/include/ldap.h.  Another told me it is commented out in his /usr/include/openldap.h, but I do not have one of those.22:12
slangasekxenocampanoli: this is not a help channel; but the libldap-ruby package in Ubuntu appears to be built just fine, perhaps you're using some ldap.h other than the one from Ubuntu?22:14
jelmertedg: hi22:15
tedgjelmer: Hello.22:16
jelmertedg, jam and I managed to fix the bug you were hitting in bzr during UDS22:17
jelmertedg, I've just submitted the fix to PQM22:17
tedgjelmer: Whoo!  Hooo!  Many thanks!22:17
jelmertedg, There was also another issue, caused by an early bzr-svn bug that has been fixed now.22:17
tedgjelmer: So is there a snapshot that I can grab then?  I don't think that bzr-svn is in the bzr nightly PPA, right?22:17
jelmertedg: That bzr-svn bug has been fixed, but your bzr branches on launchpad seem to've been created with an older version of bzr-svn that had that bug so those branches are broken.22:18
jelmertedg: You'll need a nightly version of bzr, and probably to ditch and recreate your existing inkscape branches on Launchpad from svn22:19
tedgjelmer: Ah, okay.  That's fine.  I'll recreate.  Can I merge the old ones in?  Will that create something useful?22:19
xenocampanolislangasek:  No, the libldap-ruby package has a bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libldap-ruby/+bug/381791) on Ubuntu Server and I am trying to compile it in a standard environment to get diagnostics for that bug, and it won't for me.  Perhaps I am leaving out a step.22:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 381791 in libldap-ruby "LDAP::SSLConn from ruby fails, probably from not seeing cert" [Undecided,New]22:22
xenocampanoliOh yeah.  That's my bug.  See my name? ;^)22:22
xenocampanolislangasek:  I am using a standard environment.  Is there another place I should seek this help?22:23
jelmertedg: I'm not sure if that would do anything meaningful. If possible, it would be best to just keep the two separate.22:26
jelmertedg, And sorry this took so long.22:26
tedgjelmer: No problem.  Happy that it's fixed.  I've been using SVN...  remember those days all too fondly now :)22:27
slangasekxenocampanoli: ok, I can confirm the build failure in karmic22:32
slangasekxenocampanoli: apparently libldap-ruby assumes LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PROTOCOL is a constant, not a macro w/ arguments.22:33
slangasekxenocampanoli: so I would say this is an upstream bug in libldap-ruby22:34
prefrontali need -fprofile-correction from gcc 4.4 but i'm using jaunty and its in karmic22:37
xenocampanoliThank you.  I haven't put the compiler in as a bug, only my other problems.  Do you want me to do so?22:38
xenocampanolislangasek:  Thank you.  I haven't put the compiler in as a bug, only my other problems.  Do you want me to do so?22:38
xenocampanolislagasek:  compiler error that is.22:39
slangasekxenocampanoli: filing a bug report would be advisable :)22:39
xenocampanolislangasek.  I'll put a number here when I'm done.22:39
prefrontalinstalling a package like gcc from a newer dist could be problematic. it likely requires libc etc...22:40
prefrontalnot advisable?22:40
prefrontalor are jaunty/karmic still fairly binary compatible22:40
xenocampanolislangasek:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libldap-ruby/+bug/38337122:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 383371 in libldap-ruby "Compiler error trying to build libldap-ruby from source" [Undecided,New]22:44
xenocampanolislangasek:  Please I am open to suggestions on this bug environment and its standardsd.22:44
xenocampanolislangasek:  I know if you can formally confirm 383371 it will likely expedite it's handling.22:53
slangasekxenocampanoli: realistically, expediting it means finding a developer who uses ruby; it seems this same bug has been open on the Debian package for over two months, and the Debian maintainer hasn't taken any action yet22:56
xenocampanolislangasek:  Well, I may not be competent to debug encryption stuff, but if I am allowed, and with help regarding the architecture, I can probably come up with the solution.  I've written near 100,000  lines of C in my life, though mostly over 10 years ago.22:58
slangasekthis particular build failure could be fixed by commenting out the lines referring to LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PROTOCOL22:59
xenocampanolislagasek:  Trouble is, I will need to decide the intentions of the developer in charge for this macro.22:59
slangasekI don't know if that's a correct fix22:59
xenocampanolislangasek:  Yes, I will need to study the code more.  How do we discover if the code has been orphaned?  I have an email into the maintainers listed in the README.23:00
slangasekxenocampanoli: hopefully there's also accurate information in debian/copyright that can be used to contact upstream23:01
amitkhmm.. I lost my gdm login screen after an upgrade to karmic on my 32-bit laptop23:01
xenocampanolislangasek:  I don't have an account in the Debian area, only on launchpad.  Perhaps I should do that...?23:01
slangasekxenocampanoli: debian/copyright is the file in the source package.  And the Debian BTS doesn't use accounts, it's email-only23:02
YokoZarJust uploaded the first branding-ubuntu package.  So far all it has is a new gnometris theme23:02
slangasekamitk: KMS?23:05
xenocampanolislangasek: Oh, Yes, that's where I got Ian's and Akira's email addresses.  Sorry.  The copyright's in the readme were in fact what I got the emails from.23:05
xenocampanolislangasek:  So, presumably if I come up with a solution, I can post that on the bug and at least it is likely to get used at some point...???23:06
slangasekxenocampanoli: if you find a solution, I suggest you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess to get the fix included in Ubuntu23:06
amitkslangasek: default upgrade. Haven't yet enabled KMS.23:06
slangasekamitk: oh.  UXA? :)23:07
xenocampanolislangasek:  Thank you for confirming and all your help.23:07
amitkslangasek: xorg.conf had a 'virtual' line that seemed to be causing the problem23:09
dtchenTheMuso: WRT desktop-karmic-audio-experience: will do23:29
TheMusodtchen: thanks23:29
Riddelljoaopinto: we already have kpackagekit as our package manager in jaunty23:34
Riddellits main limitation is not being able to install java, that's a pain but I can live with that with openjdk23:34
andrehello... iam using ubuntu9.04 with gnome... anyone knows how to change from utf8 to iso8859-15? on console i already have changed. but it seems that nautilus is creating files with UTF8-names23:55

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