
Kanoapw: http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/ChangeLog-2.6.30-rc808:43
Kanodid you rebase yet08:43
apwnot yet.  was expecting it today, and will be on my todo for today08:43
Kanowhy dont you sent the one sauce patch to linus, for 2 or 3 rc you carry it and it causes always problems with merging08:45
Kanoand drop that08:46
ubot3Malone bug 380138 in linux "Do NOT disable HPA by default -> leads to data loss" [Undecided,New] 08:49
Kanothats the bug report you always wanted08:49
Kanoalso you could enable lzma kernel compression09:04
apwKano, thanks for the bug and the write up will persume09:41
cwilluapw, I had a delayed crash after resume on the daily kernel earlier today, although it was certainly a record in terms of length of time before a process died with a "bug: unable to handle kernel paging request"10:12
ubot3Malone bug 380807 in linux "[karmic, intel] Laptop locks up moments after resuming from suspend" [Medium,In progress] 10:12
apwcwillu, did you manage to get a panic trace from your later hang?  i am presuming from the different drop dead point that this may well be a different issue11:56
=== sconklin-afk is now known as sconklin
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
Kanoapw: any big problems with rebasing on rc8?16:29
apwnope.  rebase was basically clean.16:30
Kanoi see no rc8 in logs16:30
Kanomaybe soon there will be 2.6.30 final16:31
apwits not pushed yet.  just uploaded the builds16:33
apwyep .30 is expected this weekend16:33
apwthen the .31 madness begins16:34
Kanoi guess i release an iso based on .3016:35
Kanoi only have to remove those 4 ids16:36
Kanothe rest of my testers have got no real problem with it16:36
Kanoi might try lzma compression for kernel too16:36
Kanobecause it is a bit huge16:37
Kanosame for initrd16:37
Kanothose options are disabled currently for the kernel, initrd seems to be on16:37
apwi've put lzma on my to investigate list16:37
Kano# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA is not set16:37
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
apwwanted this pushed as it carries fixes for bugs people are hitting16:37
Kanobest disable the doublicated ids too16:58
Kano/sbin/modinfo -F alias rt73usb rt2500usb|sort|uniq -d16:59
Kanoonly 4, a small patch16:59
Kanodisable in rt2500usb16:59
Kanoalso i found an interesting patch for another wlan driver17:00
Kanothat a common device in germany17:03
Kanoneeds of course firmware17:04
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
_ChaseI need to add a patch to my stock ubuntu kernel for system stability and performance with regards to the cxx88-alsa module18:56
_ChaseI followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile18:56
_Chasebut after installing, apt-get upgrade wants to replace my kernel with the stock one again18:56
_Chasehow do I get apt-get to not overwrite my new kernel?18:56
Kanoecho packagename hold|sudo dpkg --set-selections18:57
_ChaseI tried: echo linux-image-2.6.28-generic hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections18:59
_Chasebut apt-get upgrade still wants to reinstall linux-image-2.6.28-generic18:59
Kanothats a meta package18:59
_Chasesorry, I forgot the "-11" on 2.6.28-1119:00
_Chaseit seems to be ok now19:00
Kanoit would be very unlikely hat you updated a meta package ;)19:00
_ChaseI built the kernel, and it spit out linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic_2.6.28-11.42_amd64.deb19:01
Kanoyes thats the normal case19:01
_Chaseor are you meaning that 2.6.28 is meta, but 2.6.28-11 is a real package?19:02
_Chaseis this the preferred way to add patches to ubuntu?19:03
_ChaseI assume on every new kernel release I'll have to do this again19:03
Kanoif you only need to build one module that does not affect others there might be a more tricky thing you can do19:03
_Chasethat would be my case19:03
Kanofirst of all you compile the module out of tree19:04
Kanoand the next step would be adding it to dkms19:04
_Chaseare there instructions on how to do that?19:04
Kanocompileing a module is not that hard19:04
_ChaseI can probably build out of tree manually19:04
_Chasethe dkms step is more unknown19:05
Kanothats correct, i am used to it now19:05
Kanoalso i like to reuse mandrake dkms.conf file with little changes *g*19:05
_ChaseI think I didn't explain that right19:06
_ChaseI need instructions on how to use dkms19:06
_ChaseI've never used it before19:06
Kanobefore you are at this stop komiple it without the kernel19:07
_ChaseI'm at work, but I know how to do it19:07
_ChaseI just need a reference for some documentation for dkms19:07
_Chaseis this it:19:07
Kanobasically you copy your driver as /usr/src/driver-ver19:08
Kanoadd a dkms.conf file, which is very easy for one module19:08
Kanoand then you add it to dkms19:08
_Chaseand when I upgrade kernels, does ubuntu automatically use dkms to rebuild the module?19:10
_Chaseor will I need to do something after I upgrade?19:10
akgranersconklin, Jono was just talking about you on Ustream and how it was you did the piro works for KISS how cool!  YOU ALL ROCK!!!19:10
sconklinakgraner: I'll 'thank' Jono the next time I see him ;)19:16
akgranerhttp://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon  check it out...:-)19:16
Kanojust had this issue, why is that value not 0?19:21
sconklinakgraner: listening now, I'll go back and review the beginning later.19:23
akgranerhey said the KISS Kernel...hahaha19:23
sconklinakgraner: Keep It Simple Stupid19:23

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