
popeyTechnoviking: only if it's associated with positive things00:00
dholbachthanks mdke and good night00:00
* mdke hugs dholbach 00:00
JanCsabdfl: I think you should have created a more public & clear explanation about how other service providers could use the "Ubuntu" brand before launching this00:00
sabdflthanks all00:00
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
* dholbach hugs mdke back00:00
sabdflJanC: have you read the trademark guidelines?00:00
Technovikingpopey: I believe it will be, and willing to take the chance00:00
sladenshall we put this off until next fortnight, see what has happened, see whether the situation has defined/refined itself for ease of clarity of knowing which bits we're trying to discuss?00:00
popeyTechnoviking: ditto00:00
sabdflhugs all round folks. sorry we have to go to bed on an argument ;-)00:01
JanCsabdfl: the trademark guidelines are clear for locoteams00:01
sladen[ACTION] Raise+review at next meeting00:01
MootBotACTION received:  Raise+review at next meeting00:01
nhandlerWill the Team Report issue be deferred as well?00:01
JanCbut not really for commercial use IMHO00:01
elmonhandler: I think it'll have to be, sorry00:01
dholbachnhandler: can you bring it up on the CC mailing list?00:01
elmonhandler: we're going on two hours now00:01
JanCexcept for "contact Canonical"00:01
sladennhandler: make sure it comes up earlier next time00:01
sladennhandler: sorry00:02
elmoand personally, I'd kind of like to go home, especially if this is my last day ;-)00:02
nhandlerdholbach: Sure ting00:02
* dholbach hugs elmo00:02
makoi'm pretty bothered by the way this all happened. more so than i am bothered with the outcome, actually00:02
dholbachnhandler: thanks - I'll take a look at it tomorrow00:02
nhandlerdholbach: As a note, I already made the changes for the MC00:02
boredandblogging /msg nhandler can you cc me on that email00:02
nhandlerYes boredandblogging ;)00:02
sladenmako: it is still "happen_ing_" (one hopes)00:02
elmomako: in what sense?00:02
JanCit's not only about companies wanting to provide services, but also about users wanting to know what they can expect!00:02
ibuclaw/msg boredandblogging !fail00:02
boredandbloggingmajor fail on my part00:03
Technovikinglater all have to get my son from school00:03
makoelmo: i feel less a community governance board than a community "tell us what you think we and we'll consider it" board than i did a few hours ago00:03
sladenmako: Community Focus Group.00:03
makowhich, honestly, makes me feel a little bit like a tool ;)00:03
elmomako: for the specific issue of trademarks?00:03
makoelmo: yes00:03
elmomako: honestly, I'm surprised that you're surprised, considering what you did @ Canonical?00:04
makoelmo: i always thought canonical acted in accordance to its idea of the community and would answer to them00:04
makoelmo: if they ever diverged00:04
elmoI think we've always been pretty upfront about the fact that Canonical owns the trademark, and also that we've been using it for commercial services (ours and other peoples) since almost the beginning00:04
gregknicholsonUp 'til now, development by the community has been an important part of the Ubuntu brand (to me). It seems that Ubuntu One doesn't follow this brand value, and so “Ubuntu” no longer signifies “community-developed”.00:04
makoelmo: i would have been MUCH happier to be outvoted than to be told that it wasn't even something we could vote on00:05
elmomako: I don't think it's at all clear that the majority of this council, never mind the community agree with you00:05
makoelmo: that's plausible. but like i said. i would have been much happier to have been outvoted00:05
sladenelmo: no, it's surprised me too.  (That the CC appears to have less signficance that presumed, or indeed that the paperwork suggests that it has as the last-point-of-decision)00:05
makoelmo: i'd rather be on the loosing side of a democratic decision than to be told there's no democracy in a place i thought there was00:05
elmosladen: which part are you "no-ing"?00:06
silnermako, I think Trademark is a very difficult area for Canonical. I can see that very clearly from the outside.00:06
elmomako: well, a) this isn't technically a democracy, the whole 'sabdfl' thing, b) let's be careful to frame this in the  context of the trademark specifically00:06
makosilner: i understand. i helped craft the trademark guidelines and answered trademark@canonical.com for a job for a while00:06
JanCmako: sabdfl's nickname already says that there is no democracy  ;)00:06
elmomako: nothing's changed outside of that, I hope you'll agree?00:06
elmo(I'd argue nothing's change with the trademark, but I understand that this may be new information to some people)00:07
makoJanC: sabdfl gets to veto all cc members00:07
JanC(which doesn't mean I agree with and/or follow all decisions made ;) )00:07
makoelmo: sure, i think that's right00:07
sladenelmo: can you prhase the question more specifically?00:07
elmosladen: "< sladen> elmo: no, it's surprised me too."00:08
elmosladen: what's the "no" refer to?00:08
silnerI had always assumed, again from the outsider viewpoint, that the Trademark was the company's, not the community's?00:08
makoelmo: but if the ubuntu communit governance system doesn't even get to decide what ubuntu is and isn't....00:08
makoelmo: even if it's "just the trademark" it's a pretty big deal IMHO00:09
sladenelmo: the percieved irrelevance of the CC on this issue00:09
elmonobody's said the CC is irrelevant00:09
makosilner: legally, it always has been00:09
elmothere's a huge difference between 'not having total control' and 'being irrelevant'00:09
dholbachand it doesn't do all the things the CC did justice00:09
makosilner: but canonical could take a position that it's going to put decisoins about the ubuntu mark ultimately in the community's domain00:10
elmothe CC is hugely important; and FWIW I agree, it would have been nice to bring this to the CC first00:10
makoit's like fedora early on. the fedora governance would get overruled by red hat over issues (often legal issues)00:10
elmopeople were saying earlier, they were surprised people didn't predict this00:10
JanClike I said, it would have been much easier if there were guidelines about what is an appropriate ubuntu-branded service00:10
makoand it basically left a real sour taste in people's moth00:10
makomouth even :)00:10
elmoFWIW, (although I'm not involved in U1), I was honestly surprised by the reaction00:10
JanCand we can still define such guidelines...00:10
makoJanC: so i think this should and will happen in any case00:11
elmoso although it's easy to say in retrospect, "the CC should have been consulted", I can also honestly say that I think us (CC) not having been consulted was a genunine mistake rather than deliberate00:11
makoelmo: sure, but the cc being told that their opinion ultimately didn't matter was a bigger one00:11
silnermako, it's odd in one way cos I would have thought, commercially, Canonical would have wanted to push the company name, rather than the Ubuntu Brand?00:11
Vantraxelmo Sabdfl admitted that last CC meeting when I raised that00:11
JanCelmo: I can see how that could be a mistake  ;)00:11
sladenelmo: interesting.  I could see it was going to be a hot potatoe (perhaps the first LWN comments that appeared immediatley).  I avoided forming an opinion until after the previous CC meeting had finished00:12
elmomako: it's not that it doesn't matter00:13
elmomako: it's that the CC doesn't own the trademark00:13
elmomako: that doesn't mean Canonical doesn't value the CC's opinion00:13
makoelmo: i'm not happy with "we listen to the you when we either don't care or you agree with us"00:13
makothat's simply not governance00:13
elmomako: and if everyone on the CC was saying 'this is a terrible idea', I'm absolutely sure it would have an effect00:13
sladenelmo: I see the platform being clearly good.  A confusion comes from the infrastructure authority (railway parlance) also running the train services built on it.00:13
makoelmo: we didn't even have an option of voting00:13
elmobut the reality is, when this first started it was 2 saying that, vs. 4 not00:13
sladenelmo: the platform should be for the clear benefit of Ubuntu, and have a name that matches00:14
makoelmo: sabdfl said he had made up his mind00:14
JanClet's say it like this: if anybody would have asked me, I would have warned about the problems people have with this...00:14
JanCand I'm sure several other people here knew that00:14
sladenelmo: for the services running running on the platform, it shoulld be open to all, and they're shouldn't all also be called Network Rail00:14
bodhi_zazenThe UFBT meeting is moving to #ubutnuforums-beginners :)00:14
makoelmo: like i said, i would be much happier now if we had had a vote and i'd be outnumbered00:14
makoelmo: feeling in the minority, i'm used to :)00:15
elmomako: but Mark _can do that about any decision_00:15
elmomako: that's what his nick is all about00:15
JanCbodhi_zazen: you mean #ubuntuforums-beginners ?00:15
elmomako: so, umm, honestly I'm confused00:15
nhandlerYes he did JanC00:16
silnerI can't form an opinion on whether there should have been a vote. I hate to sit on the fence but I going to have to say here for now :)00:16
silnerelmo, what does his nick stand for? I should know really.00:17
makoelmo: i guess you're right. but it's the first time it's happened (at least IIRC)00:17
sladensilner: and what would the/a vote have been?  (What question /if/?)00:17
elmosilner: self appointed benevolent dictator for life00:17
sladensilner: the 'd' is the dictator bit00:17
nixternalelmo: I think the reason for the stink, is that some of the Ubuntu volunteer contributors feel they are now contributing to the pockets of Canonical, more so than they did 2 years ago00:17
silnerAh thanks00:17
elmonixternal: well00:18
elmonixternal: maybe they do feel that way, but I'm not sure we can fix that.  I mean, in some respects, any contributor to Ubuntu (or upstream open source) has been doing that to one degree or another?00:18
JanCI think both are contributing to each other, to some degree00:18
elmonixternal: would renaming U1 really change that?00:18
sladennixternal: okay, the "pockets" is not and issue for me.  For every 100 quid I've spent on Ubuntu promotion, Canonical have probably about matched that.  And in return I've made income from that00:19
makoelmo: a statement that something can happen but that is different than it actually happening.00:19
nixternalelmo: nope, but all U1 did was act as the straw that broke the camel's back, imho00:19
JanCsladen: that's not true for everybody though  ;)00:19
elmomako: sure00:19
greg-gelmo: except Canonical hasn't been competing with the community before, really. Selling support is one thing, but competing with another floss project (specifically iFolder, which Canonical could have picked up and made into the base of what is UbuntuOne)00:19
elmogreg-g: I honestly don't think iFolder is in the same space as U1?00:20
* popey stifles a giggle about ifolder00:20
nixternalsladen: as have I, but not everyone sees it that clearly I guess00:20
elmogreg-g: and certainly not in the same space as U1 the platform00:20
greg-gelmo: file sync with the ability to add in services that U1 is thinking of adding00:20
popeygreg-g: its the other way round, services, of which file sync is one00:20
greg-gcan U1 people explain what those services are?00:20
elmo(full disclosure: I've not run ifolder (nobody will bloody package it), just listened to jcastro rant about it)00:20
popeymany have tried elmo, many have failed00:21
sladensee at the moment, I can write a piece of software and upload it to the Ubuntu archive.  I can't do that for ubuntu One00:21
dholbachgreg-g: don't you think "competing with the community" is a bit drastic there for deciding to not reuse a piece of code that exists somewhere?00:21
nixternalI also feel that if U1 came out with a "First to market" product instead of a blatent Dropbox clone, it might be a bit different...and I do understand this is just the beginning and I have an idea of what is to come because of the previous UDS discussions..that's why I didn't flip out about it :)00:21
elmoit's also more than just file sync, it's also about sharing00:21
greg-gdholbach: a little yes, but I couldn't think of a better word to use.00:21
gregknicholsondholbach: closed-source code will *always* be competing with the FOSS community00:21
sladenand if I did, I perceieve, that my BetterSync(tm) it would not be on equal footing to CanonicalSync(tm)00:21
greg-gelmo: which iflder does00:22
silnerAt the risk of being a Luddite I can't see myself every really trusting cloud services.00:22
sladenand more likely (just as Apple do), Canonical would not allow BetterSync(tm) to be included on ubuntu One00:22
elmogreg-g: not integrated with SSO and teams like U1 will do00:22
sladenelmo: SSO?00:22
makook, i'm going to need to think about this more. but i'm pretty upset about the way this all happened. even if i shoulnd't have been suprirsed00:22
greg-gelmo: it is the things that can't be annouced right now due to business contracts that worry me00:22
elmosladen: single sign on00:22
dholbachok guys... it's 1:22 over here and I'm really really tired00:23
elmogreg-g: blink, like what?00:23
dholbachgood night and thanks everyone00:23
* nixternal hugs dholbach 00:23
ajmitchdholbach: sleep well :)00:23
sladenmako: well if you get a chance, do email/IRC...00:23
* popey hugs dholbach 00:23
* dholbach hugs y'all back00:23
emmajanemako, you around for a bit?00:23
greg-gelmo: things that shouldn't be discussed in any public channel, I would suggest asking the U1 people about it00:23
makosladen: i've been traveling00:23
elmomako: I'm sorry your upset, and like sladen, I'd encourage you to write it up in email00:23
makoelmo: i will00:23
* tonyyarusso is mostly just upset about the choice of name00:24
silnerI have to sleep now. Interesting reading though!00:24
nixternalmake that email public mako :)00:24
elmomako: I don't think irc has proved the best forum for this, as a lot of the issues require more thought than a time limited IRC meeting allows00:24
greg-gg'night dholbach00:24
makoelmo: sure, my own thinking has improved over the last week00:24
greg-gthe issue is that more and more services that will be seen to be a part of Ubuntu will be dependent on a proprietary backend00:25
elmothat's so already happening00:25
greg-gthat is it. just saying.00:25
elmowith or without U100:25
greg-gI know00:25
greg-gbut people see that expansion and think "when will it stop?"00:26
nixternalright, I think the whole "when will it stop?" is what sent quite a few into a feeding frenzy00:26
greg-gmy personal view is not set in stone yet, either.00:26
elmopart of my frustration with this whole situation is that I think the name's a lot less interesting than what's included by default in Ubuntu00:27
elmoand right now, Ubuntu already includes clients, by default, for a whole bunch of non-free, non-FSS services00:27
elmothe most obvious of which being the search in firefox00:27
nixternalmine isn't, as I could almost not really care anymore, I just don't like seeing a tarnish on the community and people continually bad mouthing us either...plus it wasn't named Kubuntu One so I am cool :p00:28
greg-gright, but they weren't developed by Canonical, and I think people see Canonical as having a higher standard.00:28
elmoI see users seeing _that_ as Ubuntu, and _that_ causing confusion WRT what's "free" or not, much more so than whether or not U1 has 'Ubuntu' in the name00:28
tonyyarussoI don't even care if they were developed by Canonical.  They aren't saying "hey looky, we're Ubuntu too!" when they're blatently not.  They're called things like "Google", not "Ubuntu Search".00:28
elmogreg-g: higher standard> is both flattering and frustrating, from my POV ;-)00:29
greg-gelmo: indeed. :)00:29
nixternalI think another reason people targetd U1 for the trademark/naming is because any other argument against it doesn't hold water as easily maybe?00:29
elmotonyyarusso: users don't care about names.  they care about what they get by default00:29
elmotonyyarusso: I know way too may technical users who call firefox and/or the internet 'google'00:29
greg-gelmo: thats not really true, otherwise all marketing campaings are for naught00:29
sladenelmo: none of those clients included with ubuntu use the ubuntu name00:30
tonyyarussoelmo: Even if users don't care, *contributors* do.  As someone who provides IRC support and does promotion for Ubuntu, not having a clear demarcation point is very bothersome.00:30
greg-gI think I'm going to stop, since elmo seems to be getting a barage of comments thrown at him right now00:30
sladenelmo: they are each an application that has proved itself and established its *own* brand (and even changed it successfully over time;  Firefox, Pidgin)00:30
tonyyarussoThis isn't about the user experience, but whether Canonical has any right to disregard the feelings of the Ubuntu community.00:30
elmotonyyarusso: I don't believe Canonical is disregarding them00:31
gregknicholsontonyyarusso +1 and +1 …and +1 again.00:31
JanCelmo: making Ubuntu *more* dependent on proprietary backends isn't going to make it more popular...00:31
JanCeven if it only looks like it's more dependent00:31
elmotonyyarusso: and I take exception to your implicit claim to speak for the entire Ubuntu community00:31
elmoJanC: I'm nore sure I claimed it was?00:32
sladenelmo: the (ssemingly intentional) conflating of services, platforms and integration bugs me;  not because it's not a good thing, but it's *really hard to discuss* when it's all called ".NET framework"  (CLI? CLR? C#? Classlibraries? JIT?)00:32
tonyyarussoelmo: If the exact same functionality was included, with the backend remaining proprietary and the client open, and it was included by default, but with a name that conveyed its true relationship, I would be perfectly fine with that.  I would *prefer* a FLOSS backend, but I wouldn't be angry about it.00:32
elmotonyyarusso: ok, and on the flip side, there's demonstrably a large chunk of the community (including it's highest governance board) who are not angry, and sometimes even happy about the name00:33
elmotonyyarusso: I'm not dismissing your concerns, but they need to be balanced with other peoples positions00:33
tonyyarussoelmo: Okay, I don't speak for the whole community.  If you want a reliable measurement of that, put the name of the service up for a vote among all Ubuntu Members, and then we can both accept the outcome of that as being representative.00:33
JanCelmo: you said that there is no problem because Ubuntu is already dependent on such backends00:33
popeypopularity contests rarely resolve these questions tonyyarusso00:34
greg-gtake care all, thanks for the discussion. time to head out for a beer.00:34
elmotonyyarusso: I refer you to popey and sabdfl's response to 'popular vote' suggestions00:34
JanCthat doesn't mean people like it, and/or want more of it  ;)00:34
elmoJanC: I didn't say that dude00:34
gregknicholsonFreedom-hating and community-hating aside, “Ubuntu One” sounds very much like “Window Live”, which was a *rubbish* brand. Everyone still calls Windows Live Messenger MSN, and the web search offering is now named after a character from Friends.00:34
sladengregknicholson: bing bing!!00:34
JanC<elmo> part of my frustration with this whole situation is that I think the name's a lot less interesting than what's included by default in Ubuntu00:35
JanC<elmo> and right now, Ubuntu already includes clients, by default, for a whole bunch of non-free, non-FSS services00:35
JanC<elmo> the most obvious of which being the search in firefox00:35
sladengregknicholson: if it deserves the name, it really needs integrating totally.  That means making last.fm etc "just work"00:35
elmoJanC: which part of that is "there is no problem"?00:35
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
* JanC doesn't use default search in firefox :P00:35
tonyyarussoIf the name's "a lot less interesting", then just change it and we can focus on the interesting parts instead.00:36
elmosladen: conflation> is this not orthogonal to 'ubuntu in the name or not'?00:36
* nixternal either :)00:36
sladenelmo: platform != applications00:36
sladenelmo: to me, the platform belongs to ubuntu (tell me if I'm wrong here)00:36
gregknicholsonsladen: and therefore having no branding of its own. Just “Ubuntu's sync service”. Much like how Gedit and Nautilus are “Ubuntu's text editor” and “the file browser”. The code/project should have its own (largely internal) name though (think Chromium and laconica).00:36
popeyJanC: you are the exception rather than the rule00:36
sladenelmo: the applications dsitributed by it belong to Canonical (tell me if I'm wrong here)00:36
elmosladen: err, I can't speak to that00:37
elmosladen: with either hat on00:37
elmonot authoritatively anyway00:37
sladenelmo: and (the between the lines bit), is that am beginning to come to the conlusion that that likely _should_ be the distrinction00:37
JanCpopey: maybe true, but people don't use "firfox google search" because they like it more than any other search (google-provided or not)00:37
elmosladen: but the applications are open source, so I'm not sure how they belong to Canonical, except in the way bzr does00:37
sladenelmo: and which therefore leads to no probably with the Ubuntu One name (since it's somebeing infrastructure wise, that's neutral, and for the good of ubuntu generally)00:38
elmoif by applications, we mean the client side part00:38
popeyJanC: no, they use it because they're lazy and it works00:38
sladenby applications I mean "CanonicalSync"00:38
elmoanyway.  it's like past midnight, and I last ate 12 hours ago, and I'm still in the office00:38
sladenand "CanonicalCloudService"00:38
popeyJanC: evidenced by the number of people who dont change their browser home page in IE from msn00:38
elmoso my answers and discussion is probably becoming increasingly incoherent00:39
elmoso I'm going to have to call it a night00:39
sladenbut it's hard to discuss this, because the distinction is not being made00:39
elmoI'd encourage folks still concerned to followup in email prior to the next meeting00:39
sladenelmo: thank you for staying up so late00:39
popeythanks for taking the extended time to talk about it elmo, it's appreciated00:39
JanCpopey: most search engines (including live search) aren't worse than google search these days00:39
tonyyarussoImagine how silly it would be if it were called "Ubuntu Messenger" instead of Pidgin just because it was the default application.00:39
popeyJanC: i never said they were :)00:39
elmogood night all00:39
dindaelmo: please go eat and go home!00:39
sladennight all.  Probably see you in a fortnight00:40
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:40.00:40
greg-goh, this was all still considered a part of the meeting?00:40
nhandlergreg-g: I thought the official meeting ended around the time sabdfl left00:43
JanCwho cares, logs are public00:46
pace_t_zulueveryone here for the Tennessee Team meeting?01:00
MootBotMeeting started at 19:00. The chair is pace_t_zulu.01:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:00
* galant14b raises his hand01:00
* mac9416 <01:00
* w4ett here01:00
pace_t_zuluso we've got our agenda on the wiki01:01
pace_t_zulu[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/Meeting01:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/Meeting01:01
pace_t_zulufirst topic is OPs and founder-ship on #ubuntu-us-tn01:01
pace_t_zulu[TOPIC] OPs and founder-ship on #ubuntu-us-tn01:01
MootBotNew Topic:  OPs and founder-ship on #ubuntu-us-tn01:01
galant14bpace_t_zulu: what's the status on foundership? I know it was up in the air last week01:02
pace_t_zulucurrently we only have one active member who has OP privileges01:02
* w4ett raises hand01:02
pace_t_zulugalant14b, Matthew Craig never responded to my request to transfer foundership01:02
pace_t_zulupleia2 has assured us that we will be able to transfer foundership provided the team agrees on it01:03
pleia2it's a process :) but can be done for all resources when the team leaders are MIA01:03
pace_t_zuluso i think we should transfer founder-ship to an active team member and get OP privileges to at least a couple active team members01:04
pace_t_zuluanyone else want to contribute their thoughts on the matter?01:04
w4ettIt is a logical course to follow01:05
pace_t_zulufyi commands for MootBot can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot01:05
pace_t_zulu[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot01:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot01:05
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] transfer founder-ship to an active team member and get OP privileges to at least a couple active team members01:05
MootBotIDEA received:  transfer founder-ship to an active team member and get OP privileges to at least a couple active team members01:05
mac9416I think it is fair to say that pace_t_zulu is a very active member, so I believe he would be a logical choice for founder or OP.01:06
galant14bpace_t_zulu: let me look at that link really quick.01:06
galant14bmac9416: agreed01:06
wrsti agree mac941601:06
pace_t_zuluthanks guys... i am humbled01:07
galant14bpace_t_zulu: you're consistently around, helpful and never anyone incite any sort of temper. All good qualities we should want for founder/OP01:07
mac9416So, is pace_t_zulu willing?01:07
pace_t_zuluso should we take a vote regarding whether our current founder is uncooperative and we should thus pursue the process of transferring founder-ship?01:08
galant14bwow i need to proofread what i write...."never let anyone incite any sort of temper"01:08
pace_t_zulumac9416, i am willing if the team decides it01:09
galant14bI say put it to a vote01:09
w4ettpace_t_zulu:  a vote is in order01:09
mac9416"whether our current founder is uncooperative" I'm not sure that's necessary ;-)01:09
galant14bcurrent founder has proven he's not willing to be cooperative01:09
pace_t_zulu[VOTE]  our current founder is uncooperative and we should thus pursue the process of transferring founder-ship01:09
MootBotPlease vote on:   our current founder is uncooperative and we should thus pursue the process of transferring founder-ship.01:09
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:09
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:09
mac9416Ah, Ok01:09
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:09
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:09
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 301:09
MootBot+1 received from w4ett. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 401:09
MootBot+1 received from wrst. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 501:10
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 601:10
pace_t_zuluwrst LibertyTiger  ?01:10
galant14bwrst voted01:10
pace_t_zulugalant14b, sorry, missed that01:10
pace_t_zululooks like this is unanimous...01:10
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 601:11
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] our current founder is uncooperative and we should thus pursue the process of transferring founder-ship01:11
MootBotAGREED received:  our current founder is uncooperative and we should thus pursue the process of transferring founder-ship01:11
galant14beven given the couple of active members we have missing today, i think this is the general consensus i've felt in the channel over the last couple weeks01:12
MTecknologypace_t_zulu: #ubuntu-irc can help you with that01:12
pace_t_zuluok so now it seems we should decide on who will receive foundership ... lets do nominations01:12
pace_t_zului'd like to nominate w4ett ...01:12
pace_t_zuluMTecknology, thank you01:13
pace_t_zuluor do you guys think we should hold off to decide who should receive foundership?01:13
wrsti like your idea pace_t_zulu especially considering the dedication w4ett had even when he was in the hospital01:14
mac9416From Star Wars I: "Vote now!" ;-)01:14
pleia2FWIW w4ett is currently the successor for the channel, so it probably be easiest to promote him to channel founder01:14
w4ettpace_t_zulu: I think we need to resolve to make the changes before we select replacements01:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pace_t_zuluw4ett, i thought we just resolved to change foundership... can you clarify?01:15
pace_t_zulupleia2 +101:15
mac9416w4ett, so you suggest only appointing OPs today?01:15
w4ettOh.......thought it was ops at this point01:15
pace_t_zulushould we conduct a quick vote to establish that w4ett is our pick for founder since his is the successor01:16
galant14bi tend to agree with what wrst and pleia2 have said though. w4ett has been here a while, he is the natural choice if he would accept/desires the position01:16
w4ettbut at pleia2  says I have the successorship, but that does not mean I need to get the foundership of the channel01:16
pace_t_zului don't hear any dissenting w4ett receiving founder01:17
pleia2w4ett: currently you have the power to add other ops :)01:17
w4ettIf appointed I will server01:17
pleia2you only lack the founder mode, which isn't a huge deal logistics-wise01:18
* mac9416 is prepared to vote for w4ett, since there appears to be no dissent.01:18
pace_t_zului motion that we vote regarding w4ett being the channel founder of #ubuntu-us-tn01:18
* galant14b nods01:18
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] w4ett to be appointed founder of #ubuntu-us-tn01:18
MootBotPlease vote on:  w4ett to be appointed founder of #ubuntu-us-tn.01:18
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:18
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:18
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:19
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:19
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 301:19
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 401:19
MootBot+1 received from wrst. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 501:19
MootBotAbstention received from w4ett. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 501:19
pace_t_zului reckon that vote is conclusive01:19
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 501:19
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] w4ett to be appointed founder of #ubuntu-us-tn01:20
MootBotAGREED received:  w4ett to be appointed founder of #ubuntu-us-tn01:20
pace_t_zulu[ACTION] w4ett to be appointed founder of #ubuntu-us-tn01:20
MootBotACTION received:  w4ett to be appointed founder of #ubuntu-us-tn01:20
pace_t_zuluso should we turn our attention to OPs in #ubuntu-us-tn?01:21
galant14bsounds reasonable01:21
pace_t_zulushall we decide on how many new OPs we need?01:22
pace_t_zulupreviously it has been suggested that we should have 2 OPs in addition to the founder01:22
mac9416Sounds reasonable.01:22
galant14bpace_t_zulu: that sounds like a reasonable number01:22
pace_t_zulu[TOPIC] OPs in #ubuntu-us-tn01:22
MootBotNew Topic:  OPs in #ubuntu-us-tn01:22
popeyyou already have that01:22
* w4ett sounds good01:22
popeypleia2, nealmcb and w4ett01:23
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] 2 OPs in addition to founder01:23
MootBotIDEA received:  2 OPs in addition to founder01:23
* galant14b has never seen nealmcb in #ubuntu-us-tn01:23
wrstme either galant14b01:23
popey /msg chanserv flags #ubuntu-us-tn01:23
popey^^ that tells you who is01:23
pace_t_zulupopey, pleia2 is not a member of the Tennessee team... thanks you01:23
pleia2popey: neither nealmcb nor I are not part of -tn, we're mentors from the USTeams, we were added to help them out01:23
popeyof course.. sorry, my bad01:24
galant14bpleia2: ahh01:24
popey /ignore popey01:24
w4ettneal and pleia are mentors from the us team01:24
pleia2popey :)01:24
pace_t_zuluok... moving on01:24
pace_t_zululet's take ideas on how to decide who our OPs should be...01:24
MTecknologyI vote for removing the ability for any ubuntu member to become op01:25
pace_t_zuluanyone disagree with the idea of 2 OPs in addition to w4ett?01:25
wrstsounds good01:25
galant14bpace_t_zulu: negative01:25
pace_t_zuluw4ett, clarify?01:26
MTecknologyalso - w/ your access list - anyone change change their nick to w4ett and become op - any random person at all01:26
w4ettubuntu membership should not disqualify one from serving01:26
pace_t_zuluw4ett, +101:26
wrstoh yeah i agree with that w4ett01:27
wrsti was agreeing with pace_t_zulu01:27
pace_t_zuluanyone who abuses their ubuntu membership is subject to the Code of Conduct01:27
w4ettjust "one bad apple" you understand01:27
pace_t_zuluw4ett, have you registered your nick with freenode?01:27
w4ettyes...my nick is registered01:27
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] vote on 2 OPs in addition to w4ett01:28
MootBotIDEA received:  vote on 2 OPs in addition to w4ett01:28
* galant14b nominates pace_t_zulu if he's willing01:28
pace_t_zului think we can do this quickly01:28
pace_t_zulugalant14b, we'll move on to nominations next... thank ;)01:29
* wrst agrees with galant14b01:29
galant14bpace_t_zulu: sorry. i love getting ahead of the game =0P01:29
wrstsorry jumped the gun with galant14b01:29
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] 2 OPs in addition to w4ett in #ubuntu-us-tn01:29
MootBotPlease vote on:  2 OPs in addition to w4ett in #ubuntu-us-tn.01:29
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:29
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:29
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:29
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:29
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 301:29
MootBot+1 received from wrst. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 401:29
MootBot+1 received from w4ett. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 501:29
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 601:29
pace_t_zului reckon that is conclusive01:30
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 601:30
* w4ett moves we nominate at this time01:30
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] nominations for first op01:30
MootBotIDEA received:  nominations for first op01:30
w4ettnominate pace_t_zulu01:31
* galant14b agrees. again. ;)01:31
pace_t_zului nominate infocop411 ... he is not present right now but has usually in the channel ... he has not abused OP privileges in the past01:31
* wrst agree on both 01:31
* w4ett infocop is a good choice01:31
galant14bpace_t_zulu: this is true. infocop411 is a good guy01:32
pace_t_zulumac9416? linuxman410?01:32
pace_t_zuludo you have any nominations?01:32
linuxman410i agree on the two01:32
mac9416agree on both01:33
pace_t_zuluif we have only two nominations i reckon we can vote on both at once01:33
w4ett?me agrees01:33
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:33
MootBotIDEA received:  vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:33
galant14bpace_t_zulu: if we're going to do it in all one shot, i'd also like to mention binarymutant. again, not here tonite, but i think he's just as deserving01:34
pace_t_zuluok we have a nomination for binarymutant01:34
pace_t_zuluwith 3 nominations i suppose this becomes a bit more complicated01:35
galant14bpace_t_zulu: i'll shutup now ;)01:35
pace_t_zuluw4ett, do you have any suggestions on how we decide this?01:35
mac9416I don't know enough of any of them to have an opinion.01:35
* w4ett can we nominate in abstentia?01:35
* pace_t_zulu thinks w4ett raises a good point01:36
galant14bw4ett: good point...but that knocks out two of the nominees01:36
wrstw4ett: that's a good point doesn't someone have to agree to the nomination?01:36
pace_t_zului can speak for myself here01:36
pace_t_zuluif selected, i am willing to serve01:36
w4ettI belive infocop agreed to op earlier in the team channel01:36
mac9416I nominate pace_t_zulu, if there is a second.01:37
pace_t_zuluw4ett, i have no doubts that infocop has expressed desire to become op01:37
galant14bwell then i would suggest that we vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop for OP then01:37
* w4ett thinks that will count as a proxy "Yes"01:37
galant14bif infocop ends up not wanting OP, we can always vote again01:37
pace_t_zulugalant14b, +101:37
galant14bbut like pace_t_zulu said...i doubt it01:38
mac9416galant14b, agreed.01:38
wrstgalant14b: i think that sounds good01:38
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:38
MootBotIDEA received:  vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:38
mac9416+1 :-P01:38
pace_t_zulumac9416, save your vote for a moment01:39
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:39
MootBotPlease vote on:  vote on pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn.01:39
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:39
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:39
MootBotAbstention received from pace_t_zulu. 0 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 001:39
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 101:39
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 201:39
MootBot+1 received from wrst. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 301:39
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 401:39
MootBot+1 received from w4ett. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 501:39
pace_t_zului reckon that is conclusive01:39
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 501:39
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:40
MootBotAGREED received:  pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:40
w4ettThat will be fixed this evening01:40
pace_t_zulu[ACTION] pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:40
MootBotACTION received:  pace_t_zulu and infocop411 receiving OP privileges in #ubuntu-us-tn01:40
pace_t_zuluso i think that concludes #ubuntu-us-tn01:40
pace_t_zului think we can turn our attention to Launchpad admin privileges01:41
pace_t_zulu[TOPIC] Launchpad Adminstrators for /~tennessee.team01:41
MootBotNew Topic:  Launchpad Adminstrators for /~tennessee.team01:41
galant14bpace_t_zulu: what do Launchpad admins do exactly in this situation? I know it involves accepting new members and such, but beyond that?...01:42
pace_t_zuluwe already have w4ett as an administrator01:42
galant14bor w4ett might be better to answer that ;)01:42
pace_t_zuluw4ett, could you please answer galant14b question?01:42
w4ettBasically the approval of new members and copy on the launchpad page01:42
galant14bw4ett: thanks. just curious.01:43
pace_t_zuluw4ett, so modifications to the page etc.?01:43
w4ettexactly pace_t_zulu01:43
pace_t_zuluso does anyone have any proposals of how we should handle this issue?01:44
w4ettuntil the question of ownership of the team is addressed, this might be a moot point01:44
* galant14b points to w4ett. Do we need more than one admin?01:44
pace_t_zuluw4ett, can we not appoint admins without ownership01:44
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] select new owner of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:45
MootBotIDEA received:  select new owner of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:45
w4ettJono can add admins01:45
w4ettI was selected that way01:45
pace_t_zuluMichaelBerger has been missing for a while01:45
w4ett10 months now01:46
galant14bIt seems logical to me that if w4ett is founder of #ubuntu-us-tn he is also owner of the Launchpad team01:46
pace_t_zului propose we select a new owner of the LP team01:46
pace_t_zulugalant14b, +101:46
pace_t_zului nominate w4ett as new owner of the launchpad team01:46
* wrst agrees with pace_t_zulu01:46
pace_t_zuluw4ett, would you accept ownership if selected?01:47
galant14bthere is no sense in spreading out "the power" as it were in such a small LoCo. given 50+ active members that might be another story01:47
* w4ett will serve if selected01:47
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] vote on w4ett assuming ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:47
MootBotIDEA received:  vote on w4ett assuming ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:47
* galant14b agrees01:47
* mac9416 agrees.01:48
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] w4ett assuming ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:48
MootBotPlease vote on:  w4ett assuming ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad.01:48
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:48
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:48
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:48
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:48
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 301:48
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 401:48
MootBot+1 received from wrst. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 501:48
MootBotAbstention received from w4ett. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 501:48
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 501:48
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] w4ett assumes ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:48
MootBotAGREED received:  w4ett assumes ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:48
pace_t_zulu[ACTION] w4ett assumes ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:49
MootBotACTION received:  w4ett assumes ownership of /~tennessee.team on Launchpad01:49
pace_t_zuluok.. those were our main topics01:49
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] select additional admins for Launchpad /~tennessee.team at next meeting01:49
MootBotIDEA received:  select additional admins for Launchpad /~tennessee.team at next meeting01:49
w4ettpleia2: question01:50
mac9416Someone spoke of the forums, mailing list?01:50
pleia2w4ett: sure01:50
w4ettmac9416: I believe the LP owner does the forum stuff too...pleia2 correct me please01:51
pleia2w4ett: tideline?01:52
w4ettisn't that the way it's set up?01:52
pace_t_zului reckon the mailing list and forums are running smoothly01:52
pleia2they aren't actually linked, but yes he is an admin on both01:52
pace_t_zuluwe're nearly at the hour mark here...01:52
pleia2yeah, having a forums admin isn't a huge deal, LP is only important because as it stands you only have one active admin, and can't add more01:52
w4ettpleia2:  very true01:53
mac9416Were we to speak on events?01:53
pace_t_zuluI propose we postpone the forums and mailing list for a later meeting01:53
w4ettpace_t_zulu:  agreed01:53
* mac9416 agrees01:53
lifelesspleia2: huh?01:53
pace_t_zuluI think we should discuss a regular meeting time for the team01:53
lifelesspleia2: lp can have a team of admins01:53
pleia2lifeless: their founder is gone, only the founder can add more01:54
mac9416pace_t_zulu, agreed.01:54
lifelesspleia2: take a decision, ask the contact in #launchpad to change things01:54
pace_t_zuluif it's ok with everyone else i propose that we establish a regular meeting time and postpone all other issues till then01:54
lifelesspleia2: and you *can* in lp have multiple admins for a team or project; the former you assign permissiosn to, the latter you use a team as owner/driver01:54
pleia2lifeless: that's what this whole discussion is about :)01:54
pleia2yes, I know01:55
pace_t_zulu[TOPIC] Regular meeting time for Tennessee LoCo01:55
MootBotNew Topic:  Regular meeting time for Tennessee LoCo01:55
lifelessok cool01:55
mac9416What was the consensus on the forum? Bi-weekly?01:55
pace_t_zuluok so we had a poll and it seems as if there is a consensus on monthly meetings01:55
pace_t_zulu[LINK] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114515001:56
MootBotLINK received:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114515001:56
galant14bon the topic of meeting times : is 8pm/7pm not a good time? while we have a few of us here, we're missing a few active members01:56
pace_t_zulugalant14b, i think it is suitable to meet outside of ordinary working hours01:57
wrstgalant14b: think it might be good to ask those that couldn't make it?01:57
* wrst agrees with pace_t_zulu01:57
pace_t_zuluie no meetings 9am-5pm on weekedays01:57
mac9416I should always be good with 8/701:57
wrstbut might be a day/time that works better?01:57
galant14bpace_t_zulu: oh i agree it needs to be outside of normal work hours for sure01:57
pace_t_zului would say that weekends can be dodgy too01:58
pace_t_zului for one am less able to meet on weekends...01:58
mac9416Weekends are tough for me.01:58
w4ettremember that the Real Killer is the 2 time zones we cover01:58
* galant14b is flexible.01:58
linuxman410i can meet any day after 6pm01:59
pace_t_zului feel like 8pm EDT/ 7 pm CDT works well01:59
galant14bI'd be happier letting you guys figure that particular detail out and i'll go with whatever you decide.01:59
mac9416I'm in Central, and 7 is perfect for me.01:59
w4ett8East/7Central seems to be sufficient to let folks get home in Central time and not too late the those in the East01:59
pace_t_zulushould we take a quick vote on the hours of the meeting (8/7)?02:00
pace_t_zuluthen we can discuss a monthly basis on which to overlay that time...02:00
mac9416I'm game02:00
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] vote on meetings occurring at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be selected02:01
MootBotIDEA received:  vote on meetings occurring at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be selected02:01
pace_t_zulusound good?02:01
* galant14b agrees02:01
* mac9416 agrees.02:02
* w4ett day to be determined02:02
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] Meetings will be at  8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be determined02:02
MootBotPlease vote on:  Meetings will be at  8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be determined.02:02
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:02
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:02
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:02
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:02
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:02
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:02
MootBot+1 received from w4ett. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:02
pace_t_zuluthat appears to be conclusive... wrst?02:02
pace_t_zuluwrst, will you be voting on this?02:03
pace_t_zuluguys, wrst went MIA in 60 seconds...02:04
pace_t_zuluthis vote is conclusive02:04
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 502:04
w4ettstill majority02:04
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] Meetings will be at  8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be determined02:04
MootBotAGREED received:  Meetings will be at  8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be determined02:04
pace_t_zulu[ACTION] Meetings will be at  8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be determined02:04
MootBotACTION received:  Meetings will be at  8pm EDT / 7pm CDT on a weekday to be determined02:04
pace_t_zuluok.. so now lets establish when in the month is suitable02:05
pace_t_zuludoes anyone have specific days of the week that don't work?02:05
pace_t_zului'd like to motion against meetings on friday02:05
pace_t_zuluwednesdays don't work for mac941602:05
w4ettTues....first week of the month02:05
pace_t_zuluso we've got Mon, Tues, or Thurs02:06
pace_t_zului'm inclined to go with w4ett on this one02:06
wrstwoops sorry guys i agree :) on thevote that i missed02:06
pace_t_zulugalant14b, do you know anything about the klug schedule? why did it the meeting fall on today?02:06
pace_t_zuluwrst, no worries02:06
w4ettNo church activities or bowling :P02:06
galant14bpace_t_zulu: i'm sorry i do not. I wasn't even aware the klug existed before infocop mentioned it. I apologize02:07
pace_t_zului know NLUG is second tuesday on each month.. so there is no conflict there02:07
galant14bif you give me a second i'll google and see if i can come up with anything02:07
pace_t_zuluone point i'd like to add is that someone mentioned that some members receive a monthly digest02:07
galant14b1st Tuesday (formal) at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.02:08
pace_t_zului'd like to point out that the first week of each month is a good idea with regards to that02:08
galant14bpace_t_zulu: ^^ KLUG02:08
pace_t_zulugalant14b, thank you02:08
wrstsorry guys gotta go i shall be here whenever catch you later02:08
galant14bwrst: take care02:08
pace_t_zuluwrst, thanks for being here02:08
wrstno prob sorry i can't stick around catch you later02:08
* w4ett os 8pm EDT will be ok on Tues?02:08
pace_t_zuluw4ett, i think so02:09
galant14bw4ett: 8pm will interfere w/ the end of the KLUG meeting most likely. that is the rason infocop is not here tonight02:09
* w4ett so moved......1st Tues of the month02:09
pace_t_zulugalant14b, did you attend the KLUG tonight?02:09
galant14bpace_t_zulu: i did not02:09
pace_t_zulugalant14b, but infocop did?02:10
pace_t_zuluw4ett, i think we need to discuss this a bit further02:10
galant14bpace_t_zulu: i was merely saying that for the benefit of others in the area who might want to participate in both02:10
pace_t_zulugalant14b, agreed02:10
pace_t_zulugalant14b, i'm trying to establish how long that goes02:10
galant14bpace_t_zulu: when we left Panera, he said he was headed to KLUG02:10
galant14bpace_t_zulu: infocop said it usually runs til ~8:30pm02:10
galant14bEST of course02:10
* w4ett I need to leave for about 15 Min.02:11
pace_t_zuluok we need to move this along to come to a vote02:11
pace_t_zului think it would be poor form to schedule on top of the KLUG meeting02:11
w4ett9/8 central then?02:11
galant14bor perhaps another tuesday of the month? 3rd perhaps?02:12
pace_t_zuluw4ett, what about 8/7 on a thursday?02:12
w4ettcan do02:12
mac9416pace_t_zulu, good here.02:12
pace_t_zulugalant14b, what do you think about 8/7 on a thursday?02:12
galant14b1st thurs of every month is what you are proposing?02:12
pace_t_zulugalant14b, yes02:12
galant14bpace_t_zulu: fine with me02:13
mac9416here too.02:13
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:13
MootBotIDEA received:  Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:13
pace_t_zuluwe ready to vote on this?02:13
galant14bpace_t_zulu: that does not interfere with any KLUG meetings listed on their info page02:13
* galant14b agrees02:13
pace_t_zuluworks with NLUG02:13
pace_t_zululet's vote then02:13
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:13
MootBotPlease vote on:  Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month.02:13
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:13
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:13
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:13
MootBot+1 received from w4ett. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:14
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:14
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:14
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:14
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 502:14
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:14
MootBotAGREED received:  Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:14
pace_t_zulu[ACTION] Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:14
MootBotACTION received:  Meet at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT on the first Thursday of the month02:14
* w4ett moves we table the social event to this Thursday's meeting02:15
pace_t_zului think that establishes formally establishes the main issues that we needed02:15
pace_t_zuluw4ett, +102:15
galant14bworks for me02:15
* w4ett the discussion anyway :P02:16
pace_t_zuluso we will be meeting Thursday in #ubuntu-us-tn02:16
pace_t_zulushall we have a quick vote on that?02:16
galant14binfocop411: hey hey02:17
* w4ett speak of the devil02:17
pace_t_zulu[IDEA] Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:17
MootBotIDEA received:  Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:17
infocop411forgot we were in here02:17
* galant14b agrees02:17
* mac9416 agrees02:17
pace_t_zulushall we have a quick vote and conclude this meeting02:17
infocop411pace_t_zulu: on what02:17
pace_t_zulu[VOTE] Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:17
MootBotPlease vote on:  Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn.02:17
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:17
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:17
* mac9416 agrees02:17
MootBot+1 received from pace_t_zulu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:17
MootBot+1 received from galant14b. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:18
MootBot+1 received from w4ett. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:18
MootBot+1 received from mac9416. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:18
MootBot+1 received from linuxman410. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:18
pace_t_zuluthat is conclusive02:18
MootBot+1 received from infocop411. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:18
pace_t_zuluinfocop411, we will fill you in02:18
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:18
galant14bpace_t_zulu: thanks for chairing tonight.02:18
pace_t_zulu[ACTION] Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:18
MootBotACTION received:  Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:18
pace_t_zulu[AGREED] Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:18
MootBotAGREED received:  Table all outstanding items on agenda for meeting Thursday, June 4 at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-tn02:18
pace_t_zulugalant14b, you are very welcome02:18
pace_t_zuluthank you everyone for atteding02:18
galant14bi think we made some good progress =0]02:18
pace_t_zulugalant14b, agreed02:19
w4ettCU in the team channel02:19
pace_t_zululet's end this02:19
* galant14b out02:19
infocop411galant14b: I can't get down here less than 1, 40 min it seems02:19
MootBotMeeting finished at 20:19.02:19
galant14binfocop411: =0\02:19
infocop411traffic & construction, I'll take it to ubuntu-us-tn02:19
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=== solarius is now known as monacon_ruhtinas
=== monacon_ruhtinas is now known as solarius
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
\shsiretart: ping fai ubuntu aufs...is the lp:~fai/fai/fai.hardy branch with the change of unionfs to aufs?15:54
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
Davieyaufs \o/15:59
siretart\sh: sorry, but I don't remember16:03
\shsiretart: looks like you didn't ;)16:14
\shsiretart: I'm just swearing about kernel + initramfs + udev16:16
* persia looks confusedly at the channel name, and wonders about -devel and -motu16:17
\shwhy is -meeting on win 116:17
persiaheh :)16:18
=== mrpouit is now known as mr_pouit
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
=== ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje
henohey everyone!17:59
schwukHow's everyone's ubuflu?18:00
henoon a slow simmer18:00
ogasawaraschwuk: slowly getting better18:00
henoPedro is still out with full blown Ubuflu though :(18:01
schwukogasawara: gald to hear it :)18:01
schwukheno: :(18:01
Ursinhamine is slowly getting better as well :)18:01
schwukMaybe we should have UDS branded facemasks next time :)18:01
henohey Ursinha, welcome to our little meeting18:01
* fader_ thinks that 100L of orange juice should come standard with a UDS registration.18:02
sbeattiestill trying to shake mine, the plane ride home didn't help.18:02
Ursinhahey heno, I didn't mean to disrupt you all :)18:02
sbeattiefader_: vitamin C drinks.18:02
henono worries, we are just starting18:02
fader_sbeattie: Maybe OJ with vitamin C pills ground in :)18:02
henoI think cr3 might be out as well18:03
schwukheno: he's around, but was getting food18:03
schwukSo might be late18:03
henook, let's start18:03
MootBotMeeting started at 12:03. The chair is heno.18:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:03
schwukheno: I have to duck out at around 18:40 if the meeting is still running then.18:04
henoUbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:04
henoschwuk: I think it will be short18:04
schwukheno: ok18:04
henoanyone else wan to comment on bug days?18:04
henobdmurray, ogasawara: ^?18:05
ogasawarathe kernel team will have another one next tues18:05
ogasawarastats from the last one are at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20090512.html18:05
bdmurrayThere was an idea of having ones for empathy and banshee which sounded good to me18:05
henobdmurray: tomorrow or next week?18:06
bdmurrayThey've been added to the planning list18:06
bdmurrayI think it was the 18th and 25th18:06
henosounds good18:07
heno[TOPIC] New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:07
bdmurrayWe've had some upstream developers added to the bug control team recently. Some members for the DX team and a Debian developer.18:08
bdmurrayfrom the DX team18:08
henothat's excellent18:08
* schwuk reminds bdmurray that he wanted to join bugcontrol18:08
bdmurrayYes, ara reviewed the relevant documentation with the DX team18:09
henopresumably they intend to focus on DX / Debian upstream bugs18:09
arayes, the dx team just want to be more responsive when triaging their own bugs18:09
bdmurrayThat's correct18:09
henoschwuk: did you apply in the standard way?18:09
schwukheno: no - I asked him at UDS.18:10
schwukI'll do it properly this time.18:10
bdmurrayschwuk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl18:10
henoara: I see you're having a good influence on them :)18:10
henoHow is plars' temporary membership working out? plars: are you re-applying for bug-control?18:10
bdmurrayJust including checkbox bugs would be fine18:10
araschwuk: do you promise to be polite to bug reporters? :-P18:10
bdmurrayplars has sent an application in and I temporarily extended his membership18:10
schwukara: Of course!18:11
henook, cool18:11
heno[TOPIC] Fridge Calendar Entry - wrong time -- schwuk18:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Fridge Calendar Entry - wrong time -- schwuk18:11
schwukI was hoping jcastro or pedro would be around to help with this, but I'll take an action to get it fixed.18:12
henoschwuk: thank you18:12
heno[TOPIC] Specs18:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Specs18:12
henoI've started reviewing specs18:13
cr3heno: I've completed about 3 specs but I have about 4 more :(18:13
henoI'll go though them with people and teams on the phone first, before doing status checks in this meeting18:13
henocr3: completed drafting or implementing? :)18:14
cr3heno: heh, that's flattering :) just drafting18:14
aracr3: or in production?18:14
henoSome of the topics can be merged IMO18:14
fader_I thought the way it worked was you write the code, then write the spec to match18:14
schwukheno: we talked about having them all complete (I assumed that meant drafted, no idea about reviewed) by the end of this week. Is that still the case?18:15
henoschwuk: that's a good target, yes. I want to cut down the numbers a bit though and only draft the ones that we are likely to do18:16
henoafter last UDS we agreed we had done too many specs and should cut down -- this time we did about 50% more ...18:17
henosimply from having two rooms18:17
henosome are informational, some can be merged, some can be dropped though18:17
cr3heno: we need to have a cloning session at the next uds to attend more sessions18:17
* cr3 volunteers to be the sheep18:18
arahow many people think that there were too many sessions?18:18
arammm, just me, apparently :)18:18
henoI would have liked to attend a greater variety18:18
fader_ara: It was overwhelming but I have no basis for comparison as this was my first UDS18:18
cr3ara: I found that the number of sessions was quite reflective of the intensity of the distribution. I missed a few sessions I wanted to attend but I listened to the audio recording18:19
henobut that's the curse of being a track lead18:19
schwukara: +118:19
henoother questions about specs or UDS?18:19
bdmurrayI've one about a specific spec - the increase apport coverage one18:20
henobdmurray: ok, go18:20
* ara added a hook to notify-osd that landed today in karmic18:21
* bdmurray claps18:21
sbeattieara: woo!18:21
bdmurraySo I believe mdz was interested in finding out what packages the most recent 1000 bugs were filed about and then what the top 80% in terms of volume was.  Does that sound right?18:21
henonotes say both 80% and 50%18:23
arabdmurray: I would add: and they have more than x bugs18:23
henobut it's not quite clear to me how those are used differently18:23
bdmurrayOkay, the point being the numbers are rather surprising - http://pastebin.osuosl.org/2662718:24
* ara looks18:24
bdmurrayThe packages are all over the place and the volume per package is quite low18:24
henobdmurray: I would suggest you just start poking at the data and put together a review that seems sensible to you18:24
bdmurrayRight sbeattie mentioned trying it with main only which is interesting too, but things still drop off rapidly.18:25
henowow, I didn't expect it to be that broad18:25
bdmurraySo I was wondering if there were any other bright ideas.18:25
bdmurraymain at http://pastebin.osuosl.org/2663618:26
sbeattiehow deep would we have to go to cover say 50% of the bugs filed in that list?18:26
henolook at the bugs (from the 1000) with the highest gravity and take packages from those?18:27
bdmurraydeep in terms of number of packages?18:27
sbeattieyes, deep into the list in terms of number of packages.18:27
bdmurrayheno: like an average bug gravity for a package?  I'd thought about finding that out a wee bit ago18:27
henothinking that an X bug might have greater impact and attract more activity than a LyX bug, say18:28
henobdmurray: that would be cool, yes18:28
cr3from looking at the list of packages, it seems that the bugs for the packages at the bottom of the list seem easier to address than those at the top18:28
cr3are we mostly looking to address the most number of bugs or the ones with the most impact?18:29
henocr3: address as in fix or write apport hooks for?18:29
bdmurrayThe goal is to find which packages an apport-hook would benefit us the most18:29
cr3heno: fix bugs. as for apport hooks, my observation is the opposite and I think the ones at the top would actually be easier to add apport hooks and would seem to have the most impact18:30
arabdmurray: incomplete bugs per package18:30
arabdmurray: if a package has a lot of incomplete bugs, it is maybe the same information is always needed by devs18:30
cr3bdmurray: sorry, my observation was a bit off topic but I found it interesting enough to share :)18:31
bdmurrayara: that's a great idea!18:31
bdmurrayOkay, I think I've a couple of different things to investigate18:31
henothat's a good idea, ara18:32
henoany other meeting topics?18:32
sbeattieBTW, one minor thing, I'm going to make the apport-in-server spec a dependency of the broader wider-apport-coverage spec.18:32
sbeattiesince it seems to me to be a subtopic.18:33
sbeattieunless anyone objects, that is.18:33
cr3sbeattie: how do you run apport on server since it doesn't have a browser?18:33
bdmurrayThere was some discussion on the bugsquad mailing list regarding 'regression-potential' and 'default-application' bug tags for the chaning of a default application for a task.18:33
cr3sbeattie: err, or is that what the apport-in-server spec is for? :)18:34
sbeattiecr3: w3m is quite an effective browser, thank you very much. and you can save the report and file it from another machine.18:34
henosbeattie: could just as well depend on the extend apport adoption spec18:34
sbeattieheno: err, yes, that's what I meant.18:34
cr3sbeattie: thanks, I need to have a look at LP with w3m18:34
henosbeattie: ok, I'm happy then :)18:35
sbeattiecr3: make sure to use w3m-img as well. :-)18:35
henobdmurray: can you expand on that?18:35
henoas in is there a question we should address in the meeting?18:35
bdmurrayheno: If banshee is missing a feature that rhythmbox is one would tag the bug regression-potential and default-application.18:36
bdmurrayNope, no question just an announcement.18:36
henobdmurray: ok, thanks. so agreement was reached on the list?18:37
cr3sbeattie: strange how I see this comment in the apport source: w3m, lynx: do not work18:37
* schwuk ducks out18:37
bdmurrayheno: oh, looking at the latest mail in the thread maybe not18:38
sbeattiecr3: interesting. I'm pretty certain I've filed a bug with w3m, but it bears revisiting.18:38
cr3sbeattie: it might be already fixed in karmic, don't take my word for it, I'm just being overly curious18:39
henowe may end up very many regression-tagged bugs18:40
henowould this be a topic for a bugsquad meeting18:40
henoor is it best settled on the ML?18:40
bdmurrayYes, there is debate about whether or not switching the default application could really cause a regression.18:41
bdmurrayOr whether the regression is of the same importance as regression-regression. ;-)18:41
henolet's let the ML thread decide18:42
henoand let's wrap up here18:42
sbeattieI think we wanted to capture those in the regression-* tags so that they could be included for release-note nominations.18:42
* sbeattie will comment on the thread.18:42
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:42.18:42
arathanks everybody!18:43
bdmurraysbeattie: negated tag searching should be available real soon now as I understand it18:43
bdmurrayat least via the API which I thought might help18:43

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