
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ian_brasilis there some way to enable OpenGL on a dell mini 1011:58
ian_brasilit has an Intel GMA 50011:58
dyfet_ian_brasil: Hmm...intel gma stuff is usually hw compatible for that12:35
=== dyfet_ is now known as dyfet
ian_brasilhi dyfet_12:36
dyfetjust had some connectivity issues yesterday...12:36
ian_brasilok...i installed UNR 9.04 on the dell mini 1012:37
ian_brasilbut need to run google earth and slick screensavers12:37
ian_brasilwhich need OpenGL12:38
ogragma500 is poulsbo, isnt it ? there is no public and working 3D support for them 12:38
ograthere is 2D accel, but thats about it (StevenK could tell you more)12:39
ian_brasilogra: thanks12:39
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander

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