Jack_Sparrow | @login | 00:08 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 00:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | @btlogin | 00:08 |
tsimpson | we don't handle #ubuntuforums, though several ops here are also ops in there | 00:27 |
Pricey | Get them to leave a message with me or jdong. (I hope that's ok Mr jdong?) | 00:28 |
Pricey | And argh ubuntu explosions all over my backlog. | 00:28 |
Pricey | (don't say it) | 00:28 |
Amaranth | What's the CC recommendation for the channel management that "is being ignored by the IRC Council"? | 01:03 |
bazhang | the lgbt discussion | 01:03 |
Amaranth | eh? | 01:04 |
Amaranth | Was the a person saying they were banned for being a lesbian? | 01:05 |
bazhang | from a mailing list dispute back in January iirc | 01:05 |
Amaranth | Wish I could find the details somewhere | 01:09 |
Amaranth | oh, a blanket ban on discussion of sexuality | 01:09 |
bazhang | stemming from #ubuntu-offtopic according to the meeting of yesterday | 01:09 |
Amaranth | I guess that's a bit like the US military don't ask, don't tell policy | 01:10 |
elky | considering the last communication from that saga was from an ubuntu ircc rep, then i'm not sure it's the ircc that's ignoring it. | 01:12 |
ubottu | chuck_ called the ops in #ubuntu () | 01:16 |
Pricey | Yay for exempts. | 01:17 |
Seeker` | I really need to rewrite mootbot | 01:17 |
Seeker` | but I dont have the time / wrists to do so | 01:17 |
Pricey | We should ask LjL to make floodbots remove mibbit exempts instead of applying mutes in situations like that. | 01:18 |
Seeker` | anyone fancy writing mootbot for a different bot system? | 01:19 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: !king is <reply> kong | 02:00 |
Flannel | huh. That's odd. | 02:02 |
Flannel | !king | 02:02 |
ubottu | kong | 02:02 |
Flannel | !kong | 02:02 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about please see above | 02:02 |
Flannel | about please see above? | 02:02 |
genii | How to tell if someone has authenticated on freenode? | 02:07 |
Flannel | genii: /wii them | 02:07 |
genii | OK | 02:08 |
genii | Flannel: "* Error: WII ic56" | 02:09 |
Flannel | eh | 02:09 |
Flannel | /whois | 02:09 |
Flannel | /wii on irssi does more... what's /wii an alias of. | 02:09 |
Pricey | wii nick is whois nick nick | 02:10 |
genii | Ah so needs 2 arguments then in that one | 02:11 |
genii | He just got it straightened out, the system emailed a new pass, etc so all good. Is a guy I work with | 02:14 |
nalioth | `/w 1 | 03:19 |
TheFunkbomb | I have a question about the forums... | 08:15 |
TheFunkbomb | anyone available that has a hand in them as well? | 08:15 |
TheFunkbomb | or perhaps someone who has more information than I do? | 08:15 |
TheFunkbomb | I guess not | 08:20 |
TheFunkbomb | perhaps another time... | 08:20 |
* Myrtti blinks | 08:20 | |
Mamarok | forums? there are forum ops, no? | 08:21 |
Flannel | All the cats are herding towards ubuntu-related offtopicness tonight | 08:22 |
Mamarok | I hate people bitching around in support channels | 08:25 |
* Pici blinks | 09:46 | |
tonyyarusso | Um, did anyone ever figure out what Keybuk's complaint was earlier? I'm rather confused by this log. | 10:09 |
Pici | tonyyarusso: From -meeting? | 10:10 |
tonyyarusso | Pici: yes | 10:10 |
Pici | tonyyarusso: There was a discussion on the -ircc list regarding the language of the o4o factoid and our channel policies. It seems that some people thought that we were banning any mention of a person's sexuality in the channel. | 10:11 |
tonyyarusso | I'm aware - I exchanged a few e-mails on the subject. | 10:11 |
Pici | We changed the factoid and modified the channel policies, but didn't exactly follow up with the CC to say that we had done so. There was a bit of confusion as to whether we had changed or not. | 10:12 |
Pici | We replied to the CC and have not heard a reply yet. | 10:13 |
Pici | or... actually Mark just replied a moment ago.... | 10:13 |
Myrtti | what log, I'm looking at some logs but I can't find anything... | 10:13 |
jpds | Myrtti: Yesterdays -meeting log. | 10:13 |
Myrtti | DOH | 10:14 |
Pici | Gotta catch up something though | 10:14 |
* Myrtti is looking at 05/02 | 10:14 | |
Myrtti | doh | 10:14 |
tonyyarusso | !o4o | For my reference | 10:14 |
ubottu | For my reference: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Some topics are controversial and often end in fighting. War, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide regularly upset people. Please be aware and drop a discussion if you are asked. Support for Microsoft in ##windows and Apple in ##apple. To discuss these rules, please see !appeals. Please always adhere to Freenode Policy. | 10:14 |
tonyyarusso | Seems like a fairly minor change, all right... | 10:14 |
tonyyarusso | Pici: So basically the factoid was just changed to reflect how we've actually been enforcing it this whole time? | 10:15 |
elky | tonyyarusso, yes. | 10:16 |
elky | tonyyarusso, now mark wants to change it again, but it's going to be too long | 10:16 |
tonyyarusso | Although I was rather annoyed at the apparent assertion that "sexuality is an inappropriate topic of discussion" equated to "OMGZ teh IRC ops are homophobes!"... | 10:16 |
Pici | elky: I think with a few edits his suggestion may work. o4o is pretty long as it is. | 10:17 |
elky | Pici, o4o is full to the brim as it is. you cant set it in PM it's so long. | 10:18 |
Pici | hrm | 10:18 |
elky | precisely. | 10:18 |
elky | also, any longer and nobody will ever read it | 10:19 |
elky | and some clients will cut it off | 10:19 |
Myrtti | gah | 10:19 |
Myrtti | that log makes me scream | 10:19 |
elky | Pici, i can also see absolute hell ahead for implementing what he's said, too | 10:21 |
elky | Pici, it's going to be effectively unenforcable. | 10:22 |
elky | Pici, it's simply not going to 'translate' to -ot, no matter how much he wants it to | 10:23 |
Myrtti | lets just shut the whole channel down | 10:23 |
Myrtti | that'll do it | 10:23 |
Myrtti | we've had more problems with heterosexuals than lgbt people. Point of reference: locke | 10:24 |
Myrtti | mating rituals and whistle calls can be done elsewhere than -ot | 10:25 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 11:07 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 11:08 |
shadeslayer | hi,it seems the !video factoid is out of date | 11:27 |
shadeslayer | !video | 11:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 11:27 |
shadeslayer | thanks | 11:27 |
Pici | !no video is <alias> codecs | 11:28 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 11:28 |
bazhang | nine, eight, seven | 11:28 |
topyli | dooo eeeet | 11:29 |
Pici | fixed | 11:29 |
bazhang | phew :) | 11:30 |
Pici | video was <alias> multimedia, so I fixed that and aliased them both to codecs | 11:30 |
bazhang | Bacta, how may we help you | 11:38 |
Bacta | I'm trying to find out when my ban expires | 11:38 |
bazhang | no expiry date that I am aware of | 11:39 |
Bacta | Can you give it an expiry date? :) | 11:39 |
bazhang | No. | 11:39 |
Bacta | So should I treat it as indefinite? | 11:39 |
elky | Bacta, have you some way of proving that you're no longer going to behave like you have in the past? | 11:42 |
* Bacta checks wallet | 11:43 | |
Bacta | No but I can give you my word | 11:43 |
elky | Bacta, i dont trust your word. | 11:43 |
Bacta | Well ok, if it happens again I won't be back in here asking for it to be removed | 11:43 |
elky | that's what you said last time. | 11:44 |
Bacta | I don't recall saying that | 11:44 |
Bacta | Why would I spend so much time in here if I was just going to go back in there and blow it? | 11:44 |
elky | Bacta, because "trollin's [your] game" | 11:45 |
Bacta | I stopped saying that a good 6 months a go, ask any Freenode staffer | 11:45 |
elky | Bacta, i can look at my logs and see you proclaiming to be 'trying to troll' | 11:45 |
elky | so while you've stopped saying it, it is clearly still your game. | 11:46 |
Bacta | You can grep for them and you'll find they're from 6 months ago | 11:46 |
Bacta | "clearly", how? | 11:46 |
Bacta | If I was a troll I would've been klined a long time ago | 11:46 |
elky | Bacta, no, your current ban stems from "i'm trying to troll here" as well as the stupid release name. | 11:46 |
elky | Bacta, you have been klined. klines are not permanent. | 11:46 |
Bacta | Yeah it was a dumb thing to say | 11:47 |
Bacta | I have? I certainly wasn't aware of that happening | 11:47 |
Pici | Bacta: Your behavior alone in our channels is what is important here, not whether klines (which are not under our control) happened or not. | 11:53 |
Bacta | My apologies, I was klined in September 07 | 11:54 |
Pici | Bacta: Regardless of that, your past and more recent actions in our channels have shown that you have not changed and we have no reason to believe that you will in the future. For those reasons your ban will not be lifted. | 11:57 |
Bacta | Pici, is the ban indefinite? | 11:58 |
Bacta | That's all I really want to know at this point | 11:58 |
Pici | Yes. | 11:59 |
Bacta | Ok thank you | 11:59 |
elky | it's indefinate unless change can be demonstrated. | 11:59 |
elky | it has not been so far. | 11:59 |
Bacta | Well it's a bit difficult to demonstrate "change" elky but if you do want to present me with that opportunity you know where to find me | 11:59 |
elky | i'm in #defocus. he's perfectly able to demonstrate behaviour there. | 12:00 |
bazhang | contributing on ubuntuforums would show some change | 12:00 |
bazhang | likewise helping answer questions on launchpad | 12:01 |
Pici | or #xubuntu, hes not banned from there (yet) | 12:01 |
zhxk | hello, iknonia, do you remeber me? | 12:58 |
ikonia | yes | 13:00 |
ikonia | what's up ? | 13:01 |
zhxk | let me in #ubuntu, thanks | 13:03 |
ikonia | sorry, no | 13:03 |
zhxk | it's long out it | 13:03 |
zhxk | i'm a ubuntu user | 13:04 |
ikonia | it doesn't matter if you are an ubuntu user, I don't trust your actions | 13:05 |
zhxk | okay, you go your way, i'll go mine | 13:07 |
zhxk | good bye | 13:07 |
ikonia | ok | 13:07 |
ikonia | bye | 13:07 |
popey | @login | 13:12 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 13:12 |
popey | @btlogin | 13:12 |
Myrtti | /alias login /^msg ubottu @login;/^msg ubottu @btlogin | 13:13 |
* popey hugs Myrtti | 13:13 | |
ikonia | I'm trying not to use @btlogin - session last for 90 days so I'm trying to keep from opening multiple ones | 13:14 |
Myrtti | /alias bansearch /^msg ubottu @bansearch $0 | 13:14 |
* Pici adds that one | 13:16 | |
stew | fwiw, zhxk has been 100% well behaved in #debian since being banned in #ubuntu | 13:25 |
ikonia | stew: thanks, he's not in other channels, kept trying to ban dodge in #ubuntu and other channels | 13:26 |
ikonia | stew: if you feel strongly about it i'll remove the ban, I'm only going from what I've seen | 13:26 |
stew | i don't | 13:27 |
Pici | ikonia: Does he know he was dodging the ban? | 13:27 |
ikonia | yes | 13:27 |
ikonia | explained multiple times | 13:27 |
Pici | What about the original reason for the ban? | 13:27 |
ikonia | not seen him do it for a while, but that said he's not been able to get into channels I'm in - so I'm just taking stews word on that | 13:28 |
ikonia | hence why if stew / other feels pretty confident/strong about it, I'll remove it, I'm only going on what i've seen | 13:29 |
Pici | ikonia: I mean did you discuss with him the reason for the original ban? | 13:30 |
ikonia | ooh yes, many times | 13:30 |
stew | there were MAJOR language problems. I honestly think that the spamming he was doing was meant to be funny on his part. he DID a lot of ban dodging, I don't think he thought it was as serious as we do, until I talked to him about it | 13:30 |
stew | that being said. he actually doesn't end up getting good help in #debian, mostly becuase of the huge language barier | 13:31 |
Pici | What is his native language? | 13:31 |
ikonia | %100 agree on initially the language barrier being a problem | 13:31 |
stew | probably either mandarin or cantonese | 13:31 |
ikonia | the ban dodging I disagree on as he %101 new what he was doing and still did it after he was asked, then told to stop | 13:31 |
stew | he definately knew he was ban dodging | 13:32 |
ikonia | and he knew it was wrong, after being asked and then told to stop | 13:32 |
ikonia | he did it multiple channels not just ubuntu | 13:32 |
Pici | Okay | 13:32 |
Pici | It has been a month already, we shouldn't be applying indefinite bans on people with just one issue (not counting the ban evasion). | 13:33 |
ikonia | I agree on that | 13:33 |
ikonia | however I was counting the ban evasion as futher issues and one that he still trys to do | 13:34 |
ikonia | I wasn't putting indenfinate on, just until he stopped trying to get around bans | 13:34 |
ikonia | as I said, if someone has confidence I'm happy to remove it | 13:34 |
ikonia | I can only go on what I've seen - which may not be the whole story | 13:35 |
Pici | Why don't we try removing it. If it becomes a problem again, we can always re-ban. | 13:35 |
ikonia | if thats what you'd like, no problem | 13:36 |
ikonia | done | 13:37 |
stew | he's gone now, but I've had him on /hilight, i'll certainly help keep an eye on him | 13:38 |
Pici | cool beans, thanks | 13:38 |
ikonia | danke | 13:39 |
Myrtti | I'm tempted to ask leestables "haben sie blinkenlights" in #ubuntu | 13:40 |
Myrtti | mmmm food | 13:41 |
Myrtti | !ping | 13:51 |
Myrtti | *tappitytap* | 13:51 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 13:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | @login | 14:37 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | @btlogin | 14:37 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: oh dear... | 18:29 |
Pici | oh dear indeed | 18:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Just being honest. | 18:29 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: google jono bacon | 18:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | no thanks | 18:29 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: No, I really mean it | 18:30 |
jussi01 | Jono Bacon is the Ubuntu community manager | 18:30 |
Pici | jono is <reply> \m/ | 18:31 |
Seeker` | !jono | 18:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jono | 18:31 |
Seeker` | ubottu: don't worry, neither does Jack | 18:32 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:32 |
genii | Hehehehe | 18:51 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: I would have just stuck with a remove, or was there a reason for the ban? | 20:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | jussi01 He is a repeat offender form earlier, changed nick etc | 20:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | from | 20:58 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: ahh, fair enough then | 20:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | I tried repeatedly to get him in pm.. no luck | 20:58 |
jussi01 | Just a normal troll then | 20:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | See: [kd5zmc] (n=kd5zmc@72-24-72-55.cpe.cableone.net): US Government System ... * [FCC] (n=FCC@72-24-72-55.cpe.cableone.net): US Government System | 20:59 |
topyli | mass trollage and sex chat on -ot | 21:43 |
Seeker` | :/ | 21:47 |
Myrtti | topyli: do you want me there? | 21:47 |
Seeker` | seems to have stopped now | 21:48 |
Myrtti | good | 21:48 |
jussi01 | oh dear... that was fun... | 21:48 |
topyli | just a busy moment | 21:48 |
LjL | topyli: there are somehow tied to #*reddit channels | 21:50 |
topyli | hrm | 21:51 |
LjL | #askreddit most specifically | 21:51 |
LjL | a few of those are there (them, or people with the same IPs as them) | 21:51 |
topyli | well anyway, obvously planned | 21:52 |
LjL | obvious thing is obvious | 21:53 |
Seeker` | LjL is LjL | 21:53 |
* Myrtti measures popeys temperature | 22:49 | |
Myrtti | uh-oh. | 22:49 |
* popey lies down | 22:49 | |
* Myrtti gives popey a pear to munch on | 22:50 | |
Myrtti | NO APPLES TO YOU | 22:50 |
popey | booooo | 22:53 |
jussi01 | someone watch #k - particularly compusec. Im going to bed. | 23:01 |
Myrtti | !away > bk | 23:06 |
Myrtti | 01:16] < eternaljoy> how can I send anonymous email on Ubuntu? | 23:17 |
Seeker` | eugh | 23:17 |
Myrtti | isn't eternaljoy the biblethumper? | 23:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | Myrtti You may be right | 23:19 |
Seeker` | @btlogin | 23:19 |
Myrtti | while he might have a righteous reason for sending anonymous email, and god knows there are ways of doing that, quite easily, I don't really feel comfortable in giving such advice. | 23:20 |
Myrtti | I'm not sure it's a bannable offence though | 23:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | agreed | 23:20 |
LjL | Myrtti: i get the impression eternaljoy was trolling you...? if that's not a wrong impression, note how unaffiliated/eternaljoy is in the banlist :< | 23:22 |
Myrtti | so it is | 23:23 |
Myrtti | having done that, I'm off to bed | 23:24 |
Myrtti | good night | 23:24 |
Seeker` | nn | 23:24 |
LjL | night | 23:24 |
Myrtti | Kalmi_: how can we help you? | 23:26 |
Kalmi_ | um... nothing... thanks.. I'm just looking... Am I not supposed to? | 23:27 |
Myrtti | see /topic | 23:27 |
Myrtti | if you're here just for the sake of being curious, then this place isn't for you | 23:28 |
Myrtti | !idle | Kalmi_ | 23:28 |
ubottu | Kalmi_: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. | 23:28 |
Kalmi_ | ok... :s sorry... I was just interesting in how things work around here... | 23:29 |
Myrtti | this is how we roll | 23:29 |
Kalmi_ | :) | 23:29 |
Myrtti | now that my phone is back to being normal, NOW I can go to bed. | 23:30 |
Myrtti | nini | 23:30 |
Myrtti | oh forgot | 23:30 |
Myrtti | eternaljoy is making nice ASSUMPTIONS about my mental health in my pm, which I think is funny :-D | 23:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | I will refrain from commenting | 23:31 |
Myrtti | so keep an eye on him if you happen to see him | 23:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 23:31 |
Myrtti | tata | 23:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | nini | 23:31 |
jrib | helpful website of the day: linuxatemyram.com | 23:57 |
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