
ed_debianUntouchableMX, He's kidding00:00
fccfsjokkis: funny00:00
sjokkisUntouchableMX: that was not the logical follow-up00:00
ed_debiankorjata, I'm glad you figuered it out!00:00
ed_debianzortec, Are you still there?00:00
UntouchableMXbeen lookin on the internet for a fix, and cant seem to find it00:01
sjokkisUntouchableMX: are you using the gnome connection manager?00:01
UntouchableMXim using wicd00:01
rodsAnyone use GParted?00:01
ed_debianUntouchableMX, Are you looking in 30 second bursts??00:01
fccfrods: all the time00:01
elli222For some reason, /etc/X11/Xmodmap isnt being read upon login, any idea why?00:01
ed_debianrods, YES00:01
m1chaeli have a remote server.. i want to install ubuntu on it and then install virtualbox and run a few other OS's for production websites and e-mail/db servers... i use windows xp here at home and ive never done anything "visual" with a server before.. where do i begin? is what i am trying to do normal?00:01
sjokkisrods: i try not to, but yes00:01
jribinfomomo: /usr/share/update-manager/mirrors.cfg is my guess00:01
korjataed_debian: I think I had another problem but I can't think of it now.00:01
=== elpargo__ is now known as elpargo
sjokkism1chael: rdesktop00:01
ed_debiankorjata, lol.  Ok let me know I'd love to help!00:02
rodsfccf: how do I get the fat32 option? There are a few options not included with the ubuntu repo install00:02
sjokkisdudes. how can i connect to a particular network share when i'm on a particular wlan?00:02
fccfrods: fat32 is supported by default00:02
m1chaelwould mstsc.exe work?00:02
korjataed_debian: I still don't know how I got that miracle transfer00:02
quinned_debian, what do i put after ssh?00:02
ubuntudoes flash work in 64 bit?00:02
akmalhamdaniuse samba00:02
ed_debiankorjata, Yeah strange huh00:03
ed_debianquinn, SSH is a command that you use to connect from a client to a server00:03
sjokkiskorjata: that's why it's a miracle00:03
sjokkisgod did it00:03
ed_debianit is used like this: ssh user@server00:03
akmalhamdaniflash works in 64bit00:03
superGearFlash works on 64bit00:03
ed_debianquinn, just man ssh00:03
elli222Flash, through NSpluginwrapper, works00:03
ed_debianquinn, You do have to set up the server though before you can SSH into it00:03
korjatasjokkis: A 13 gigabyte file from home folder to my other hd.00:03
kereshello, this is my sudo blkid output. Does this mean my HDD is fried? http://pastebin.com/m687036ce00:04
Ademanis there a way to see what files are included in what packages? (WITHOUT having to install the packages)00:04
linuxwhat are the actual XF86Audio global shortcuts on a regular keyboard?00:04
sjokkiskorjata: i wasn't paying attention. what was the miracle?00:04
ed_debianquinn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/InstallingConfiguringTesting00:04
akmalhamdaniinstall sshd-server first00:04
NishaKittyadobe have a native package for flash on 64bit00:04
UntouchableMXi readed on a forum that kubuntu did had that problem with the wifi card, but I dont think thats the isue, and I dont like KDE, I preffer Gnome00:04
NishaKittyso it works00:04
fccfkeres: your harddrive is fine00:04
elli222Also, Adobe recently compiled a 64 bit version of flash, its in alpha, and downloadable...00:04
keresfccf: i have really important files on there from a crashed winXP install00:04
ed_debianquinn, Although if you just install the openssh-server package on the server it works (you don't really need to configure anything)00:04
keresfccf: any chance i can force retreive them?00:04
lobster2bhow can i remove a directory in konsole?00:05
linuxAdeman - you can see that in Synaptic00:05
_nix_lobster2b: rmdir <directory name>00:05
elli222lobster: Use rmdir for empty Directories00:05
korjatasjokkis: I transferred a 13 gigabyte folder from my home folder to a newly formatted internal drive in no time.00:05
akmalhamdanirm -r will remove restricted00:05
manpoolein virtualbox 2.2.4 the xpguest window is transparent almost impossible to see the window, this only happens half the time any suggestions, aslo it goes away when disabling compiz00:05
sjokkiskorjata: and this file isn't bogus?00:05
Ademanlinux: where? I know it will list installed files, but only after it's been installed...00:05
keresfccf: man i will love you forever if this stuff is recoverable00:06
ed_debiansjokkis, It was truely a miracle.  Don't doubt the power of our lord (tux)00:06
keresis it?00:06
elli222lobster: use rm -r to remove folder -RECURSIVLY- (That is, everything inside)00:06
sjokkised_debian: i dunno man. the christian god strikes me as an asshole. if he did it it was only to fuck with korjata00:06
linuxwhen you select the package and choose Apply,but don't let it install. You can also do it in aptitude, but I don't have experience with that00:06
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > sjokkis00:06
ubottusjokkis, please see my private message00:06
kosharielli222 i think itas an upper case -R00:06
ed_debiansjokkis, It's possible.  In any case I don't wanna piss him off00:06
fccfkeres: open gparted00:07
akmalhamdanino it's r00:07
sjokkisoh snap. ubottu took offense to my language :(00:07
akmalhamdaninot capital00:07
fccfkeres: System>administration>partitionmanager00:07
keresfccf: ok00:07
elli222For some reason, /etc/X11/Xmodmap isnt being read upon login, any idea why?00:07
UntouchableMXare the drivers different form kubuntu and ubuntu, I tought that the difference was that one uses KDE and the other Gnome00:07
koshariakmalhamdani both actually, By default, rm does not remove directories.  Use the --recursive (-r or00:08
koshari       -R)00:08
Mionelli222: you should have a .xmodmap in your ~, and then have that parsed at login00:08
quinned_debian, thanks, this will be useful00:08
quinnbye everyone00:08
keresfccf: its not picking anything up00:08
korjataed_debian: He got owned...00:08
keresfccf: ok00:08
ed_debiankorjata, Bad karma00:08
aliciapgis it possible to login as root? like actually log in at the login screen?00:08
Lyezanyone using the 9.04 64bit version?  any difference?00:09
elli222Mion, i want this Globally parsed...00:09
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE00:09
hskillhow can i check when the last time/date someone logged into my computer was?00:09
ed_debianaliciapg, YEs but it is bad practice00:09
Kalmi_Lyez, none00:09
keresfccf: it has a red warning sign next to it, filesystem is fat1600:09
korjataed_debian: me have bad karma?00:09
elli222aliciapg, try gdm-setup and enable local root login00:09
Mionelli222: mess with xsession then00:09
aliciapgelli222: ....uh i don't know how to do that00:09
fccfkeres: right click on it00:09
Serraphynare there any software packages I can install to see what my FPS is?00:09
akmalhamdanihskill: last00:09
ed_debiankorjata, No sjokkis did (from swearing)00:09
Kalmi_Lyez, however flash sometimes stops working and a browser restart is needed in order to get it working again00:09
keresfccf: ok00:09
MionSerraphyn: you men your screen refresh rate?00:10
fccfkeres: is check useable00:10
Baixhey guys.  I just installed ubuntu and installed the restricted nvida drivers as it prompted me to and restarted. how do i check if they're actually running? i don't feel like they are00:10
keresfccf: yes00:10
manpoolein virtualbox 2.2.4 the xpguest window is transparent almost impossible to see the window, this only happens half the time any suggestions, aslo it goes away when disabling compiz00:10
SerraphynMion, no I mean Frames Per Second00:10
Kalmi_Baix, can you enable desktop effects?00:10
ed_debiankorjata, Hilarious...00:10
korjataed_debian: that's what I thought.00:10
BaixKalmi_: I'll check now00:10
MionSerraphyn: does not make any sense00:10
fccfkeres: use check - it will check the drive and fix any problems (if possible)00:10
infomomojrib: infomomo: /usr/share/update-manager/mirrors.cfg is my guess GOOD WORK00:10
MionSerraphyn: that is application spesific00:11
MionBaix: glxinfo00:11
Jack_Sparrow!coc > sjokkis00:11
Jack_Sparrow!guidelines > sjokkis00:11
hskillakgraner what about if someone just unlocks my screen by typing a password? how can i check when the last time someone did that?00:11
ed_debiankorjata, How are you doing that?00:11
keresfccf: ok its checking. ill be back in a sec, gotta eat00:11
SerraphynOh, cause I ran a game in Wine 1.1.22 and its kinda bad FPS, but I have a nice card.00:11
MionBaix: glxinfo | grep -i nvidia00:11
BaixMion: what should i look for in here?00:11
Jack_SparrowSerraphyn /join #winehq and see if they have any suggestions00:11
SerraphynJack_Sparrow, already in there :)00:12
ed_debianhskill, The logs.  specifically the auth log (authentication)00:12
BaixMion: just as i feared...not there00:12
MionBaix: both the server/client glx vendor, and the opengl vendor string should be nvidia00:12
hskilled_debian thanks00:12
ed_debianhskill, For?00:12
ed_debianhskill, You're welcome?00:13
BaixMion: nevermind it's there...was just case sensitive00:13
BaixMion: thanks00:13
hskilled_debian: ed_debian> hskill, The logs.  specifically the auth log (authentication)00:13
MionBaix: that's why I added the -i :)00:13
ed_debianhskill, O sorry yeah.  NP00:13
Flare183ns info Mario00:13
ironfoot_495Hello can someone help me figure out why I can't get ssh to work on desktop or Server???00:13
ed_debianironfoot_495, YEah lets do it00:13
keresfccf: error00:13
keresjust flashed an error and stopped00:14
fccfkeres: can you see the details of the error?00:14
ed_debianironfoot_495, Specifically what is the problem?00:14
ironfoot_495ed_debian: OK let's do it thanx00:14
=== djuggler is now known as CFNinja
broken__Hi everyone00:14
fccfbroken__: How can we fix you today?00:15
n2diyanybody know how to rotate text in abiword?00:15
pace_t_zuluhey guys... in IRC lingo what does "o/" mean?00:15
hskillpace_t_zulu a musical note i think00:15
sjokkispace_t_zulu: heil00:15
keresfccf: http://pastebin.com/m14576b4c00:15
Jack_Sparrow!irc > pace_t_zulu00:16
ubottupace_t_zulu, please see my private message00:16
ironfoot_495what to do first???00:16
harpreet_chmod0700 ?00:16
kerespace_t_zulu: it means hello. \o/ means yay. kinda like a head and arms.00:16
ed_debianironfoot_495, What specifically isn't working?  What are you trying to do?00:16
ironfoot_495ed_debian: I've really tried very hard to them to work but I'm missing something when it comes to the publickey???00:17
fccfkeres: do you have a windows sysytem to boot to or are you living off the live cd right now?00:17
broken__fccf: Haha, actually I have a couple problems. I think I have almost figured out why my webcam isn't working. I did an "lsmod | grep quickcam" and found that I have two modules that are trying to run it00:17
keresfccf: live CD atm. Windows bootloader is messed up.00:17
ed_debianironfoot_495, Are you ssh ing over the internet?  Have you ssh'd without a private key (with just a username and password)?00:17
harpreet_what is chmod0700 ?00:17
keresfccf: i just need to get some files. Then i'll be doing a reinstall or linux on top of it :>00:17
pace_t_zulukeres, thank you... you provided the bes answer00:18
n2diyHelping a friend setup his wireless network and I think he has is router config messed up. How can we determine the route to his route to his router, from my computer?00:18
akmalhamdaniharpreet_:  change permission00:18
graelinharpreet_: owner read write execute screw everyone else00:18
kerespace_t_zulu: no problem. http://noslang.com , bud :)00:18
broken__I have videodev and quickcam. I think that quickcam is the right one, but I'm not sure. I tried to blacklist videodev, but it is still running00:18
jturek  00:18
broken__I must be doing something wrong.00:18
graelinn2diy: log into the router.. usually network default gateway00:19
n2diyanybody know how to rotate text in abiword?00:19
fccfkeres: chances are the partition tables are screwed up - windows did this, and chances are you have lost your data... I am sorry ... Backups are your best friend00:19
graelinn2diy: ie or some such00:19
ironfoot_495ed_debian: it's intranet and I have tried all the google methods but for sdome reason I can get it to work00:19
n2diygraelin: what is the route to the router?00:19
harpreet_akmalhamdani: graelin: wicked00:19
ed_debianironfoot_495, Do you have the open-ssh-server package installed on the server?00:20
keresfccf: any chance at all i could possibly fix it?00:20
Jack_Sparrowkeres I may have some suggestions. PM me before you give up00:20
fccfn2diy: abiword is a little underpowered for text rotation00:20
ironfoot_495ed_debian: it keeps saying Permission denied (publickey,password)00:20
n2diyfccf: I was afraid that was the answer, thanks.00:20
graelinn2diy: is your comp on the network and if so, what os you in now?00:20
fccfkeres: not likely, and chances are there is something physically wrong with the harddrive, ubuntu may not install00:20
ed_debianironfoot_495, so the command you're running is "ssh ironfoot_495@ipofserver" ??00:20
harpreet_is there any real issues for 64 bit? flash , java not working etc. left unsolved or anything else I should be aware of before installing?00:21
ironfoot_495ed_debian: yes00:21
Kalmi_keres, can't you try booting a livecd and mounting your old partition?00:21
broken__Anyone have any ideas?00:21
ed_debianironfoot_495, And you installed the openssh-server package on the server?00:21
yuhongI talked about PAE and NX support in Ubuntu before, but just want to let you know that Fedora 11 now do auto-detection at install time and install a PAE kernel if PAE is available.00:21
n2diygraelin: no, he is across town, so I need the route to his router, both boxes are running a flavor of Ubuntu.00:21
benc2how do I change a server boot script under /etc/init.d/serverName?00:21
dtchenyuhong: something similar is in the works for karmic00:21
harpreet_I Love You....Miss Ubuntu00:21
fccfbroken_ have you installed uvcvideo?00:21
akmalhamdaniharpreet_:  use java for 64 bit?00:21
benc2what do I do after I edit the file?00:22
harpreet_akmalhamdani: yes, is it possible or still an issue00:22
ironfoot_495well actually I use ssh -vv -p 2096 root@ipadd00:22
broken__fccf: No I haven't. Do I just apt-get it?00:22
Kalmi_akmalhamdani, harpreet_: java works fine on 64 bit ubuntu00:22
graelinn2diy: well... you'd need his IP address.. but chances are his router will not let you login from the outside of his network00:22
dtchenyuhong: you'll note that nx support (well, the relevant execshield bits) are in karmic's kernel, and 32-bit karmic will gain pae and non-pae flavours00:22
harpreet_Kalmi_: thank you00:22
akmalhamdaniharpreet_:  for flash, it's still alpha version but it's worked00:22
fccfbroken_ depending on the camera that may just work apt-get is fine00:22
rodswhy would GParted have greyed out options (i.e. fat32, fat16, wt00:23
Kalmi_akmalhamdani, harpreet_: the 32 bit flashplayer works fine in 64 bit browsers00:23
ed_debianironfoot_495, what does the -vv flag do? Why are you trying to log in as root?  Try to log in as yourself IDK if root is allowed to ssh.  Seems like it would be a security risk.00:23
yuhongThanks, especially because I  mentioned it before.00:23
broken__I'll give that a shot and let you know00:23
yuhongThanks, especially because I once argued about it before.00:23
harpreet_Kalmi_: you mean flashplugin nonfree?00:23
fccfbroken_ what are you using to view the cam00:23
graelinn2diy: and if he's having router issues, I doubt you'll get a remote connection to his desktop going... Sounds like you'll be troubleshooting on the phone00:23
n2diygraelin: yes, I need to know the route to his router. Once I know where it is, hopefully it will let me play with it as if I was on the local net?00:23
Kalmi_harpreet_, yes00:23
benc2when I edit a boot script. do I need to do something afterwards?00:23
Baixanyone know of a stand alone pandora player?00:24
broken__fccf: I tried camorama and cheese.00:24
harpreet_Kalmi_: thank you00:24
Kalmi_harpreet_, yw00:24
fccfbroken__: you might try with VLC it handles /dev/video a little better in some cases00:24
ed_debianironfoot_495, Also try putting the ip address of your server (the local intranet ip address) instead of it's host name.  Unless you have the name in your host file or you have a DNS server on your intranet host names won't work00:24
n2diygraelin: roger that, and no phone needed, my roomate is heading over there now, and may pop up here any minute now?00:24
ironfoot_495ed_debian: are you there???00:25
ironfoot_495I think I olost connection00:25
broken__Ok, I'll try that too00:25
ninjaboxCan anyone tell me how to force a resolution if its not shown in nvidia-settings?  Too many people have asked this simple question online, and have flooded google with really bad answers00:25
graelinD*** caps key00:25
Kalmi_!caps | graelin00:25
ubottugraelin: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:25
ninjaboxI know I can write it into xorg.conf, but is there something special I have to do with the binary driver to get it to accept a custom xorg.conf?00:25
ed_debianironfoot_495 NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  we've lost him...00:25
noah1989hi, has anyone tried evolution and google calendar?00:25
broken__fccf: I can't find any package called uvcvideo.00:27
akmalhamdaniI lost me00:27
Serraphynhow do you stop it from continually trying to install a package with apt-get when the package errors out?00:28
Baixanyone have any opinion on what's the best flash player?00:29
ironfoot_495ed_debian: are you still there got disconnected??00:29
Kalmi_Baix, the real one?00:29
harpreet_Baix: flashplugin nonfree00:29
fccfbroken__: hey, sorry about that - I was wrong again ... do you also have V4L installed . it is a major part of caming00:29
harpreet_Baix: dont go with shockwave00:30
eseHi everyone!00:30
noah1989hi ese00:30
harpreet_esemmes: ask00:30
Kalmi_harpreet_, what? shockwave is not available for linux...00:30
harpreet_Kalmi_: it is available but not good00:31
nJustin3kI am on a command line install with xfce4 installed, when I do startxfce4, I allways login as root.  when I log out it stop xfce4, how can I change this?00:31
bastid_raZor!flash > Baix00:31
ubottuBaix, please see my private message00:31
noah1989!flash > noah198900:31
ubottunoah1989, please see my private message00:31
fccfbroken__: and it is luvcview - the name changed since I used it last00:31
broken__fccf: that's ok. I really appreciate your help; I've been trying to get this thing working for about three days now. I do have V4L installed.00:31
fccfbroken__: how about luvcview00:32
eseMy firefox keeps on crashing on my hardy installation...00:32
Kalmi_harpreet_, i can't find it.... I don't think it exists... can you give me a link?00:32
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:32
broken__fccf: No I don't have that, but I will install it now00:32
graelinbroken__: is it a usb camera?00:32
eaphey is there a GUI version of something like Peerguardian for linux, such as MoBlock but with GUI?00:32
=== Curtis is now known as Guest36926
zortec_Sorry, I missed all the messages.  But to recap, I really would like some help on a few things.  First I created a 20GB home partition, a 10GB root partition, and a 3GB swap.  I've ran out of room on my home partition.  I can't seem to mount my cdrom.  Why does .gnome in /home take up 10GB.  I need about 10GB just to play WoW.  Should I make the home partition about 50GB?00:32
zortec_It seems odd that GNOME would take up 10GB.  That is half my home partition.00:33
ironfoot_495Hi is there anyone who can help me fix ssh I'm having a problem with publickey Can't get my desktop or server to respond over the intranet???00:33
broken__graelin: yes, it is a usb quickcam express00:33
ironfoot_495I am so frustrated?!!!00:33
Kalmi_zortec_, you can the gparted live to resize partitions00:33
esedoes anybody else got issues with firefox and flash?00:33
rodsese: what kind of issues00:34
Kalmi_ironfoot_495, that does not seem to be publickey issue...00:34
zortec_Kalmi_: So did I create too small of partitions?  I have went through the partition manager now 3 times.  I'm really lost as to what sizes to go with00:34
harpreet_Kalmi_: there is a plugin swfdec for linux which isnt good and you can install windows version in linux with tweaks here:00:34
eserods: it just crash...00:34
ironfoot_495Kaimi_: what do you think it is ??00:34
harpreet_Kalmi_: http://anurag.granularproject.org/2008/10/install-shockwave-in-linux-using-wine/00:34
fccfzortec_: my .gnome folder is 166K - what is in it that is large?00:35
Azalynwill ubuntu's partitioner still add windows to my grub boot menu if i chose to manually partition00:35
nJustin3kI have an command line installation of 9.04, and I just got xfce4, when I start it however, it logs me in as root, becuase the only way it starts is with sudo startxfce4,  how can I log in as my normal user so im not root?00:35
zortecfccf: .gnome2 takes up 10GB00:35
eaphey is there a GUI version of something like Peerguardian for linux, such as MoBlock but with GUI? <------anyone have any idea?00:35
Azalynor is that just an option that is available with "install them side by side" ?00:35
geirhazortec_: du -s ~/.gnome2/* | sort -g00:35
ironfoot_495Kalmi_:  well what do you think it is ??00:35
Jack_SparrowAzalyn yes00:35
fccfzortec not on my machine ... look deeper into that folder and see what it is that is taking up that much space00:36
zortecgeirha: It's showing different sizes when I pasted that command00:36
Kalmi_harpreet_, swfdec is for flash... and shockwave in wine is not really shockwave in linux...00:36
ironfoot_495Kalmi_:  can you help me with this ?00:36
zortecgeirha: I was using the gui that shows 1467 files taking up 10.9GB00:36
aliciapgthanks for the help everyone, i got it working :D00:36
harpreet_Kalmi_: thats what i said, it isnt good for linux00:36
Kalmi_ironfoot_495, probably your router.... you need to set up portforwarding at the ssh server...00:36
Azalynbecause with the slider partitioning method i can't seem to move the slider to the far left. i had already made an ext3 partition for it. but it seems to assume i want to keep it, instead of assuming i want it to *use* it.00:36
earthlander_Hi all00:37
Kalmi_harpreet_, ... ok... so there is no shockwave for linux :)00:37
ironfoot_495Kalmi_: port forwarding hum?? can you give me the instructions on how to do so??00:37
fccfAzalyn: go back and make an unpartitioned space for ubuntu to use00:37
geirhazortec: The above command shows the sizes in KiB00:37
graelinbroken: http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/ see if your cam is supported. Linux doesn't play nice with all of them00:38
zortecI seem to have multiple windows open but I can't see them all, they are like on another desktop00:38
Kalmi_ironfoot_495, it's router specific and there is lot of tutorials on the internet for it... you need to forward port 22 (tcp) to your internal ip (on ssh server's router)00:39
harpreet_Kalmi_: i agree, here is something for us: http://www.petitiononline.com/linuxswp/petition.html00:39
broken__graelin: Mine isn't listed on that site. I've been to a "quickcam team" website that claimed these should work with my exact camera00:41
Baixhow do i check what files went where after an apt-get install?00:41
fccfbroken__: luvcview should be the fix you needed00:41
progre55hey people! how to mount a dvd disc? cause I put an emply disc into my drive, but ubuntu doesnt see it (00:41
stewBaix: dpkg -L packagename00:41
stewprogre55: if its empty, there is nothing to mount00:41
broken__fccf: I just installed it. Do I need to reboot or anything?00:42
Dr_Willis_Howmany differet ways are there now to have 'widgits' on the desktop? Been trying out some today. Seem Google-desktop widgits,  gdesklets, screenlets, Kde's Plasmids,   any others im missing?  (not counting conky, or gkrellm) :)00:42
Baixstew: thanks00:42
progre55stew, well, I just wanted to burn it, but brasero doesnt see it..00:42
fccfbroken__: probably not .. just run a cheese or something00:42
TheFunkbombAnyone have a problem with the 64 bit 10.0 r22 flash plugin causing a segment fault with Firefox when visiting sites like Youtube.com?00:42
zortecWhy is ubuntu being so difficult?  I just want to get a nice set up without any problems00:43
wistlerhi guys00:43
chuck_ /msg nickserv set hidemail on00:43
progre55hey people! how to mount a dvd disc? cause I put an emply disc into my drive, but ubuntu doesnt see it ( how to burn it??00:43
fccfzortec: am  confused about your .gnome2 directory ... I'd like to know what in that dir is taking up so much space00:43
zortecfccf: When I right click on the home dir, it shows 6,547 items totaling 11.9GB00:44
progre55ese, yeah, a dvd full of porn!00:44
zortecI can't believe it's taking that much.00:44
geirhazortec: This should show how many megabytes each file/dir in your home is using: du --max-depth=1 -xm $HOME | sort -g00:44
fccfzortec: dig down .. to .gnome2 - and use list view to see what in .gnome2 is using that space00:44
Dr_Willis_progre55:  you dont mount an empty disk.. you run whatever burner app you want and burn to it.. then you can mount it.00:44
geirhazortec: Sorted with the largest last00:45
fccfzortec: details view - i meant00:45
wistlercan anyone help me please ?      i've got virtualbox and instaled vista on it00:45
Dr_Willis_progre55:  unless you are thinking how in windows you can treat a blank optical disk like a big 'floppy disk'00:45
TheFunkbombAnyone have a problem with the 64 bit 10.0 r22 flash plugin causing a segment fault with Firefox when visiting sites like Youtube.com?00:45
fccfwistler this is the ubuntu channel - try #virtualbox00:45
wistleris there a way that vista can comunicate with the host (ubuntu) ?00:45
wistlerthrough the net00:46
broken__fccf: I just installed it. I guess I'll reboot and then try it again. I'll let you know if it works or not.00:46
progre55Dr_Willis_, no, it's just, even brasero doesnt see it..00:46
Halitechwistler, sorry to hear that :D best advice is to remove it :)00:46
Kalmi_TheFunkbomb, I don't have that problem... worksforme(tm)00:46
Bedonnot sure if this is the right place or not as its more about grub than ubuntu itself, but installed ubuntu no problems, and followed guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999 7 installed fine, but reinstalled grub and now its giving me an error that the cylinder is higher than the bios supports when i try to boot 700:46
Dr_Willis_wistler:  virtualbox os can use samba or whatever.. or virtualbox has its own special 'shares' it can be accessed  check the vbox docs.00:46
Jamed!samba | wistler00:46
ubottuwistler: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:46
geirhazortec: Ok, so it's in .local then, probably the trash. Re-run the command replacing $HOME with $HOME/.local00:46
wistlerI need it for the work :s00:46
Dr_Willis_progre55:  then it may be theres some error in how the burners are configured.  ive seen a few others have similer issues00:46
lakotajamesIs there a way to make the volume louder?00:47
geirhazortec: Continue inwards till you find the big files00:47
yuhongBTW, the thing that is most troublesome with PAE right now seems to be the Intel graphics drivers.00:47
Dr_Willis_wistler:  set up samba on the linux host machine.. and the guest should be able to access the shares. or use ssh, and winscp on windows.00:47
progre55Dr_Willis_, any solutions you could offer, please? )00:47
falloreis there anything like the windows app ultramon for ubuntu? something that would facilitate dual monitor usage?00:47
wistlerubottu when I connect a 3G internet vista gets net to, but if net is down, I can't comunicate with host linux00:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:47
fccfzortec: inside .gnome2 ... look there for big files /home/zortec/.gnome2/ here00:48
Dr_Willis_progre55:  other then check the forums no. Ive never had the issue.   many of the dvd burner apps ahve configure menus you may want to check out00:48
shayaknychi all, i was hoping someone could help me with this...i'm migrating out of windows vista, where you can hold shift and right-click on an executable file or shortcut and then have it run as administrator...is there something similar in kubuntu where you can right-click an executable and have it run as kdesudo/sudo ?00:48
wistlerDr_Disk I'll try that00:48
wistlertnks guys00:48
Kalmi_wistler, use NAT networking in vbox00:48
wistlerit is nat00:48
Kalmi_um... od... ok00:48
earthlander_How do i install updates with ending with .run?00:48
geirhazortec: Have you tried emptying the trashcan? trash is stored at $HOME/.local/share/Trash00:48
Kalmi_earthlander_, what are you installing?00:48
zortecfccf: .gnome2 doesn't have any big files00:49
keres_Jack_Sparrow, may i msg you?00:49
progre55Dr_Willis_, I see. well, thanks anyways =)00:49
zortecgeirha: Trash affects your disk usage on linux? I didn't know that00:49
fccfzortec: .gnome2 is the one with 10gigs right?00:49
geirhazortec: Yes, it just moves the files in there, so you can restore them in case you trashed the wrong files00:49
Kalmi_zortec, how could it not affect your disk usage? :)00:49
* i0x73 bashes his head against the wall.00:50
shayaknycso...nobody has any clue?00:50
zortecfccf: .gnome2 is only 63.7KB00:50
kitcheshayaknyc: sorry what was your question?00:50
harpreet_shayaknyc: question?00:50
fccfzortec: ok, earlier you said gnome was taking up 10gigs00:50
shayaknychi all, i was hoping someone could help me with this...i'm migrating out of windows vista, where you can hold shift and right-click on an executable file or shortcut and then have it run as administrator...is there something similar in kubuntu where you can right-click an executable and have it run as kdesudo/sudo ?00:51
sanfoorhi alllll00:51
Dr_Willis_shayaknyc:  ive seen 'run as root' nautilus scripts.. but i dont use them00:51
kitcheshayaknyc: hmm yeah you would use run as root00:51
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psyberanyone out here know how to diagnose random freezes?  Seems to happen most when streaming video, or using transmission.  Also happens when streaming radio surfing net and wordprocessing00:51
storrgiejust formatted to ubuntu, I get to autocomplete in the console... help!00:51
zortecfccf, geirha, Kalmi_: So it's the trash then.  But it's going to take 10GB for the WoW files... so should I consider a bigger partition if I'm going to test gaming on linux? I did 3GB for swap, 10GB for /, and 20GB for home00:51
Dr_Willis_shayaknyc:  and that would be gnome specific.. #kubuntu may know of a simile rfeature in kde.00:51
sanfoorwich is the best ( Ubutu, Xubutu , Minit , Crunshbang ) ????!!!!00:51
shayaknycI'm running in kubuntu, i don't see any run as root when i right-click00:51
sanfoorwich is the best ( Ubutu, Xubutu , Minit , Crunshbang ) ????!!!!00:51
Kalmi_shayaknyc, I don't see the point... why would you run random executables as root...00:51
shayaknyci asked in kubuntu, nobody had an answer for me :(00:51
Dr_Willis_sanfoor:  use what you want.  I would say stick with Ubuntu ifyour syste, can handle it00:51
harpreet_shayaknyc: no, its not that easy, use nautilus and run what you need00:52
sanfoorthank u dr willis00:52
shayaknyckalmi_: not random execs, but specific files (like adobe air) without having to go into konsole00:52
Dr_Willis_shayaknyc:  i rarely have  the need to run arbitary things as root. :) so its not really a needed feature to most people.00:52
=== adidas is now known as chuck_
shayaknycwill nautilus run on kubuntu environment?00:52
falloreI'm using Nvidia TwinView with dual monitors. I'd like to have apps on the right monitor show up on the right monitor's panel, etc. Is there a way to do this?00:52
Kalmishayaknyc, are you installing stuff daily?00:52
Dr_Willis_shayaknyc:  theres ways to make a binary run 'as root'  always.. but thats a bit of a security risk00:52
harpreet_shayaknyc: yes00:52
sanfoori'm looking for a system that use less ressources and good performence00:52
lakotajamesI need more VOLUME!!!  is there a easy way to do that?  Or should I just buy louder speakers?00:52
kitcheshayaknyc: yes but it will but it will pull in a lot of gnome00:53
shayaknycwell, i'm currently running kubuntu 9.04 in vbox in windows vista00:53
geirhazortec: You could just make a separate partition for your game, mount it at $HOME/WOW for instance, then tell wine to use that dir as D:. Then lastly, install wow to D: in wine00:53
shayaknyckinda testing itout00:53
fccfzortec: personally I don't use a home partition - just a 40 gig / and a 300gig stores-which is where I keep all radio station data -- and 8gig swap00:53
shayaknycand frankly, i LOVE it so far00:53
Kalmilakotajames, try running: alsamixer00:53
n2diysanfoor: Xubuntu.00:53
harpreet_lakotajames: hosting a party?00:53
Dr_Willis_8gb swap? thats a little... large00:53
yuhongThe problem seems to be GEM.00:53
zortecgeirha, fccf: I was reading that you should use a home partition since it makes it easier to upgrade upbuntu, of course never have done that so can't really comment00:53
sanfoori'm looking for a system that use less ressources and good performence00:53
lakotajamesKalmi: Already all the way up.  Anything else?00:53
sanfoori'm using xubuntu, is that fine ?00:54
lukillacan you download games off the internet or do you have to use synaptic?00:54
lakotajamesharpreet_: No, I am going insane.  I need to drown out my thoughts.00:54
zortecgeirha, fccf: I was just going to create a root partition, but wine puts all your files into a home partition right?00:54
geirhazortec: Yes, it's not a bad idea to have a separate /home. I have that as well.00:54
sebsebseblukilla: you can get games from outside Synaptic00:54
psyberI can confirm that putting home on its own partition is a good diea00:54
graelinlakotajames: bring up the volume controls and see if the master is turned down. 9.04 seems to like that set low for some reason. I seem to be always adjusting mine00:54
sebsebseblukilla: uh the repo I should say00:54
Dr_Willis_lukilla:  you can do whatever you want. :) depends on the games00:54
sebsebseb!repo | lukilla00:54
ubottulukilla: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:54
The_BeardAny opinions on set top boxes for media streaming?00:54
fccfzortec: I have no intention of upgrading... I use LTS and this server will stay  locked in this mode for the life of the radio station00:54
harpreet_Kalmi_: i just built a machine today, should i manually set swap or should i just use entire disk, which will be more beneficial?00:54
bertthelp! i deleted my linux partitions and screwed up grub in the process, and then i couldn't boot vista, so i got my 9.04 live cd out (on it now) and tried to fix my windows MBR - and now i get an error that says winload.exe could not be used - it may be missing or corrupt. help!!! how can i fix winload.exe ???00:55
BouBI got problem with samba server00:55
zortecgeirha: How do I go about making a separate partition, mounting it, and doing all of those steps?00:55
Kalmi_harpreet_, just use the entire disk... Ubuntu will find the optimal settings for you00:55
BouBanyone can help me?00:55
Jamedsanfoor: u can use a _really_ low resource window manager like dwm or wmii00:55
Kalmi_!ask | BouB00:55
ubottuBouB: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:55
fccfharpreet_: Use entire disk... it will automatically set swap size for you based on your ram00:55
Dr_Willis_bertt:  so you wish to no longer have any linux at all?00:55
berttDr Willis - i need the space on my HD. for now i'm done with ubuntu, i'm going to get it back after i finish a c++ class i'm taking when i don't have to use command prompt everyday00:56
psyberbertt: not sure if this is the place to be asking how to fix winload.  However, having a similar problem a few years ago I seem to remember using an app called fixmbr.00:56
falloreI'm using Nvidia TwinView with dual monitors. I'd like to have apps on the right monitor show up on the right monitor's panel, etc. Is there a way to do this?00:56
Kalmi_bertt: that sounds like you somehow messed up your windows install... how did you reinstall grub?00:56
kierkokoshow to see log who ping me last time?00:56
Dr_Willis_bertt:  then you need to boot a windows cd.. and use the proper windows commands to 'rewrite' the mbr to the disk. #windows may be best for that. You need linux to use grub basically.00:56
berttkalmi_ : i didn't. i'm using the livecd00:56
lakotajamesgraelin:No, all the way up.  Seems like it could be louder, though.  Do I need to buy new speakers, or a new sound card?00:57
BouBI see just get connection to samba drives after restarting service instead directly after reboo00:57
berttdr_willis_: ok. thank you, i'll check them out. i'll also google fixmbr.00:57
zaccourwhat does the other side of a  pop-up window look like?00:57
The_BeardAnyone at all? Looking for someone who uses some sort of media device to stream media to, from their own server...00:57
Kalmi_bertt, ok... whatever... good luck00:57
wistlerbertt you need a win98 cd00:57
hell_is there a way to convert mp4 to mp300:58
wistlerand go to dos00:58
graelinlakotajames: could be. master is all the way up as well as front?00:58
geirhazortec: Come to think of it, resizing /home is a bit easier to do, if you're not familiar with editing /etc/fstab00:58
wistlerthen write    -----------------mbr     fdisk /00:58
fccfThe_Beard: I am using flumotion to stream to the IPhone - does that count00:58
wistlerthen write    ----------------- fdisk       /mbr00:58
zortecgeirha: Is there a quick way to resize /home?00:58
lakotajamesgraelin:  yeah, everything is up all the way.  I meant, what would make it loud?  Which should I buy?  or both?00:58
geirhazortec: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition00:59
shayaknycok, one last question, i promise, how do i make a shortcut on my desktop folder to run nautilus in kubuntu? do i need to provide the full path?00:59
berttwistler: how the heck do i get a win98 cd? and that will help me boot vista?00:59
BouBso how do I get samba working without manually rebooting service?00:59
zaccourwhat does the other side of a  pop-up window look like?00:59
The_Beardfccf, heh, not really... thanks for trying though ;) Just trying to find some peoples opinions who have actually used some of the boxes that are out there...00:59
etfbPerhaps someone can solve this mystery for me.  The package "pm-utils" just came up in my auto-update.  I went and followed links.  The Ubuntu version is 0.99, but the oldest one on the pm-utils GIT repository is, and that's a year old.  The one that Ubuntu is pushing out now must be two years old or more!  Why is it only showing up now?00:59
fccfThe_Beard: like slingbox, AppleTV, etc00:59
The_Beardfccf, exactly, AppleTV seems too limited... so I am looking for something like it, that I can stream movies to...as well as use Boxee/netflix/etc...01:00
psyberanyone out have any suggestions on how to go about figuring out why I keep having random crashes?01:00
wistleror a disk of          free dos01:00
psybersorry random freezes01:00
fccfThe_Beard: Have you considered MythTV01:00
Dr_Willis_AppleTV is a little PC. :) you could put a whole new OS on it and do what you want.. if you know how....01:00
wistlerbertt        or a disk of          free dos01:00
The_Beardfccf, hmm have never heard of it...01:01
The_Beardfccf, checking site now01:01
zaccourwhat does the other side of a  pop-up window look like?01:01
Dr_Willis_The_Beard:  check out 'geexbox' it turns almost any pc in to a media player/that can play remote/streams/files :)01:01
RedSocratespsyber: Can you give a little bit more detail about when the freezes happen?  And are they total system freezes, or just X windows freezes, or what?01:01
RedSocratespsyber: Also, are you using Jaunty, or another version of Ubuntu?01:01
bazhang!ot > zaccour01:01
ubottuzaccour, please see my private message01:01
wistlerbertt what is going on ?01:01
TheFunkbombany idea when Ubuntu is going to fix the flash problem?01:01
zortecCan I resize /home from within ubuntu? I just need to unmount it first01:02
berttwistler: say i downloaded a .iso of win98 , would i then use it fix the mbr?01:02
BouBmy samba server only works after manually rebootung service. anyone knows why?01:02
The_BeardDr_Willis_, I've heard the name, but I want to stream media to my plasma in the living area...HDMI...01:02
BattleTopHi. I've installed Jaunty AMD64. Does anyone know a quick way to install ATI graphics driver?01:02
fccfzortec: you will need to do it from the live cd01:02
geirhazortec: Not if it is on the same harddrive as /. Then you'll need to boot the live CD01:02
psyberRedSocrates: not sure if it is X or the system.  It seems to happen a lot when streaming video or running transmission.  Also happens when word streaming radio.  I started having this problem when I upgraded to Jaunty01:02
zaccourthere is a flash problem?01:02
RedSocratespsyber: What video card do you have?01:02
zaccourflash works just fine on ubuntu for me01:02
zaccourwhat flash problem?01:02
wistlerbertt   don't really need a win98,                 download "free DOS"01:03
graelinlakotajames: Well... not sure what to do. New soundcard may fix it, but no guarantee. Get VLC and use that as a player. VLC seems to boost the snot out of sound. The middle sound setting is 100% and it goes up from there...01:03
zaccourTheFunkbomb, what are you talking about?01:03
wistlerfollow the instructions to make flopyes01:03
psyberRedSocrates: old school nvidia 7300 LE.  I did some googling and did not find anyone with similar problems01:03
berttwistler: and then what? make an .iso, boot from it... and... hope to recover winload.exe ??01:03
Dr_Willis_bertt:  what OS is on the machine? if 98 then you need a 98/me/related cd.. XP need a XP cd01:03
psyberRedSocrates: I am using the latest Nvidia dirvers01:03
fccfThe_Beard: I am a little confused - you want to put what on your Plasma... where is the content coming from?01:03
zortecOk, back to the minimal install for the third time to resize partitions... maybe I will get it right eventually01:03
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berttDr_Willis_: its vista. i don't have any vista cd's, just the HP recovery partition... that i can't boot into01:03
lakotajamesgraelin:Well, it isn't exactly broken.  I just want it louder.  But if I want to make it louder, soundcard rather than speakers is what I need?01:03
graelinbertt: Try booting from the windows cd and do a repair... you may get lucky01:03
The_Beardfccf, as far as MythTV, i'm actually looking for hardware to stream it to the TV, not necessarily to stream FROM.01:04
wistlerboot by the floppy and the after you are in free dos prompt  just right         fdisk  /mbr01:04
TheFunkbombzaccour, on the 64bit version of 9.04, flash doesn't work right.01:04
Dr_Willis_bertt:  you need a vista cd then.. 98 wont work I think. ask in #windows01:04
fccfThe_Beard: Wirelessly01:04
RedSocratespsyber: Hm.. Well, I had "random" freezing problems in X after upgrading to Jaunty with both an Intel card and an ATI card.  I fixed the second one by upgrading the kernel to 2.6.29.  I fixed the second by applying various fixes I found on a bug report (bug #359392 on Launchpad).01:04
The_Beardfccf, my stash of media currently residing on my linux machine...01:04
berttgraelin: no cd =( laptop didn't ship with any bc of vista crap methods01:04
graelinlakotajames: no.. I'd go with speakers.... powered of course01:04
The_Beardfccf, no, i am wired in the living area01:04
zaccourTheFunkbomb, whats wrong with 32 bit? everything "just works"01:04
RedSocratespsyber: You might look around on LaunchPad.  I know next to nothing about nvidia issues, though.  Are there any messages in any of your log files?01:04
TheFunkbombI run a 64 bit system.01:04
The_Beardfccf, but like i said, right now i am trying to find good hardware to feed the TV =)01:04
BattleTopi run 64 too. faster.01:04
psyberRedSocrates: thats what I would like to start checking.  Not sure what log files I should be looking at.01:05
wistlerother way is to download    iso   fom   GAG boot loader01:05
fccfThe_Beard: probably slingbox01:05
wistlerlive cd01:05
ActionParsnipfccf: does slingbox work with ubuntu?01:05
RedSocratespsyber: I would check the Xorg logs in /var/log, as well as /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log, maybe also /var/log/syslog01:06
RedSocratespsyber: If this bug is anything like the freezes I was encountering, though, the logs will say nothing :-/01:06
psyberRedSocrates: Yeah, that is what I am expecting01:06
fccfActionParsnip: slingbox only needs an network connection to the server which often is a NAS. but would work with a ubuntu server01:06
TheFunkbombyeah, so either Ubuntu x64, Flash, or Firefox is completely messed up.01:06
RedSocratespsyber: If that's the case, and you don't find anything on Launchpad, your best bet is probably reporting the bug and seeing if anyone has suggestions01:07
graelinbertt: is there a hidden partition on it. Laptops usually have a recovery partition on them. Other than that fixmbr is an option but probly won't help since its seeing the bootloader and trying to load the file. If mbr was hosed, it'd most likely do nothing01:07
Cpudan80TheFunkbomb: the answer is always flash01:07
ActionParsnipfccf: nice01:07
RedSocratespsyber: If you know how to install the Ubuntu mainline kernels, you might also experiment with some of those.  Like I said, that fixed my issue with the ATI card (not with the Intel card, though)01:07
Cpudan80TheFunkbomb: Adobe has their head up their ...01:07
Supermiguelhey how can add sata support to virtualbox01:07
berttgraelin: there is an HP recovery partition. but i don't know how to get to it... i would be able to use grub.... if i had grub. haha01:07
psyberRedSocrates: humm.  I will consider trying that01:07
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:  it has it allready last i looked....01:07
RedSocratespsyber: You could also try using the "vesa" driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, if you don't want/need high-performance video01:07
BattleTopWell , was using Gnash flash player but some videos won't play.01:08
fccfActionParsnip: & The_Beard: you may need to transcode to something the slingbox can read - depending on what format your media is in01:08
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:  unless somthing is vague about what you are asking....01:08
psyberpsyber:  vesa driver?01:08
SupermiguelDr_Willis_, like all the drives that it create are IDE not sata01:08
The_Beardfccf, that's more of a "watch your tv content - anywhere" device... i'm looking for a "watch all of my content on one TV" device (like WDTV or AppleTV)01:08
berttif i install ubuntu, do you all think i would be able to mount my vista partition from ubuntu to access my files?01:08
BattleTopvesa is the free graphics driver01:08
lakotajamesgraelin:  Ok, thanks.  And VLC does help quite a bit.  Thanks!01:08
Ryan_DelaneyQuestion: In the repository there is no 64-bit version of a package that I want.  Is there someone I should inform of this?01:08
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:   Ive added sata (or was it scsi) drives befor. (virtual drives) check the settings? why does it matter?01:08
ActionParsnipfccf: slingbox is used to stream cable tv over lan / wan dude01:09
graelinbertt: usually its a keycombo at boot. try f12 before bios completes. It may be an option in the bios as well.. worked on a dell business machine once that hid the recovery option until it was selected in bios01:09
sHaMaR_nAtSaRGot an issue01:09
SupermiguelDr_Willis_, yes because i can only add 3 IDE drives, and with sata i can add.. 30 =)01:09
fccfActionParsnip: slingbox can do a whole lot more than that01:09
sHaMaR_nAtSaRcould use some help if any is willing01:09
sHaMaR_nAtSaRThe issue is with Brasero01:09
chuck_The_Beard, if your looking for a media center pc look into mythbuntu or linuxmce01:09
fccf!ask > sHaMaR_nAtSaR01:09
ubottusHaMaR_nAtSaR, please see my private message01:09
thedoctor@bertt: Ubuntu has NTFS-3g driver. Yes.01:10
psyberRedSocrates:  would vessa support 1280x1024?01:10
sHaMaR_nAtSaRI've got an old skool mp3 player a Samsung 512mb01:10
ActionParsnipfccf: nice, thats all i need it for dude. i gots a file server with amarok xul :)01:10
BattleTopgo ahead sHamaR.01:10
The_Beardchuck_, looking for a set top box to feed HDMI to my TV, streaming from my server01:10
sHaMaR_nAtSaRIt reconizes it fine01:10
sHaMaR_nAtSaRJust when trying to "grab tracks and burn them to disk"01:10
RedSocratespsyber: I think so, yes.  It will depend on the capabilities of your card, but it should be able to.01:10
graelinbertt: seems pretty silly to put a recovery partition on a drive w/o a means to use it.. but we're talking prefab lapcrap and winblows here01:10
fccfI got to go - back at 8pm pdst01:10
RedSocratespsyber: You can always try it and then switch back if it doesn't work.01:11
=== thedoctor is now known as TheDoctor
sHaMaR_nAtSaRIt never finishes "Normalizing the Tracks"01:11
falloreI'm using Nvidia TwinView with dual monitors. I'd like to have apps on the right monitor show up on the right monitor's panel, etc. Is there a way to do this?01:11
berttgraelin: i hear you man. after i exhaust all my resources i'll give the F12 trick a go01:11
sHaMaR_nAtSaRAny tips?01:11
Dr_Willis_bertt:   In theory you could force grub to boot the partition by hand with the proper editing from the grub command line.01:11
psyberRedSocrates: humm I will be sure to check that out.  I don't use any desktop effects nor do I game with this system.  I just need a solid work station01:11
BattleTopsHaMaR: try to drag and drop them into a directory first, then burn them :) I had the same problem.01:11
graelinbertt: it could be another fx key too. The Dell was either f11 or 1201:11
RedSocratespsyber: In that case, vesa drivers should be fine.  You should just need to add, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, under the "Device" section, the line: Driver "vesa"01:12
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RedSocratespsyber: That might at least be a temporary solution while you investigate01:12
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=== thedoctor is now known as the_doctor
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lukillais ubuntu considered lunux01:14
KB1JWQlukilla: No.01:14
KB1JWQIt IS considered linux, though.01:14
RedSocrateslukilla: No, but it's considered Linux01:14
psyberRedSocrates: so just adding that line will overide using nvidia drivers?01:14
The_Beardlukilla, ubuntu is linux.01:14
KB1JWQRedSocrates: GET OUT OF MY HEAD. :)01:14
lukillaok thank you01:14
furtwedHi - Can't get into my NTFS partition - setup a dual boot - installed samba but still a no go - missing something ? ?01:14
RedSocratesKB1JWQ: ;)01:14
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:14
broken__fccf: webcam still not working01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
FloodBot3mib_hmrjylj2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:15
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:16
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:16
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:16
KB1JWQOh yes.  Everyone wishes to help him now. :)01:16
mib_hmrjylj2I am having trouble with the screen on my old dell latitude it is all glitchy when i finish the install can anyone help me PLEASE!!01:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:16
KB1JWQchuck_: That was... brilliant. :)01:16
KB1JWQYou have the magic.01:16
mib_hmrjylj2PLEASE HELP!!01:16
bazhangmib_hmrjylj2, stop that01:16
elkymib_hmrjylj2, please dont ask like that. it's very very rude and people will put you on ignore instead of helping.01:17
RedSocratesmib_hmrjylj2: Never do that again01:17
KB1JWQSeriously, mib_hmrjylj2.  You've just alienated anyone with a passing interest in assisting you.01:17
zortecI'm going to install kde-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, and xfce-desktop.  I want to try them all out.01:17
TheFunkbombI hear mib_hmrjylj2 is having trouble.01:17
zortecSo I'm going to make the partition bigger this time.01:17
furtwedNeed a point in the right direction on how to access my NTFS partition ?01:17
RedSocratespsyber: To answer your earlier question, yes, that line alone should do it01:17
mib_hmrjylj2okay sorry but can anyone help me01:18
TheFunkbombAnyone have a problem with the 64 bit 10.0 r22 flash plugin causing a segment fault with Firefox when visiting sites like Youtube.com?01:18
psyberRedSocrates: great!  Thanks for all your help.  I appreciate it.01:18
KB1JWQTheFunkbomb: No, can you get a backtrace?01:18
ActionParsnipmib_hmrjylj2: ask the room, it will reply if it can01:18
RedSocratespsyber: No problem, good luck with it01:18
TheFunkbombKB1JWQ, a backtrace?01:18
KB1JWQTheFunkbomb: Yeah, using strace or similar.01:18
The_Beard!ask | mib_hmrjylj201:18
ubottumib_hmrjylj2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:18
KB1JWQTheFunkbomb: Okay then. :)01:18
TheFunkbombI have no idea what strace is01:19
elkyThe_Beard, he's already asked his problem.01:19
TheFunkbombtherefore, I cannot do it.01:19
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb: how did you install the plugin?01:19
zortecDo you need a /home partition for wine?01:19
furtwedActionParsnip, Can't read my NTFS part. - have samba installed - missing something - give me a clue ? ?01:19
KB1JWQelky: No, he's complained loudly about a problem while providing no real detail.01:19
zortecI was going to install them outside of /home if I can01:19
ActionParsnipzortec: no, it is managed for you01:19
unixgot a wierd question guys, i have a hdd thats ntfs format, and a bunch of music etc on it, but the sound doesnt work on anything on the hdd01:19
The_Beardelky, as far as everyone in this room is concerned, spamming does not count as asking.01:20
elkyKB1JWQ, then prompt for detail, dont ask him to start repeating again.01:20
ActionParsnipfurtwed: samba isnt used to read local ntf partitions, ntfs-3g is01:20
ActionParsnip!ntfs3g | furtwed01:20
ubottufurtwed: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:20
* KB1JWQ remembers why he doesn't come in here too often01:20
elkyThe_Beard, that was not spam. that was flooding. if you dont prompt for a different thing, you're just going to get it again anyway.01:20
TheFunkbombActionParsnip, there are three ways I tried.  One is from the Repos.  The second was from Synaptic.  The -nonfree locks up firefox and consumes all my CPU power.  The other way is direct from Adobe.  When I use 10.0 r22, it just closes out Firefox01:20
geirhazortec: Map whatever directory you like to D: in winecfg, then installing something to D: in wine will install it there01:20
mib_hmrjylj2i installed ubuntu on my old dell latitude and everything was working fine untill the graphical install came up and the screen got like double sided and glitchy. is my computer too slow?01:20
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb: i run the plugin flawlessly by copying the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins01:21
zortecI also think instead of using a 3GB swap.  I'm going with a 1-2GB01:21
zortecI don't like to waste space01:21
The_Beardelky, you off your high horse yet? =)01:21
elkyThe_Beard, i suggest "we need more information. what model is the latitude" for a start.01:21
The_BeardApparently not.01:21
TheFunkbombActionParsnip, I don't have a folder called ~/.mozilla/plugins01:21
mib_hmrjylj2hold on ill look01:21
KB1JWQTheFunkbomb: Are you SURE? :)01:22
furtwedActionParsnip, Thanks a bunch!01:22
KB1JWQRealize dot folders don't show up by default.01:22
TheFunkbombActionParsnip, my plugins are stored in /usr/lib/mozilla...01:22
psyberRedSocrates: last question when enabling vesa drivers should I comment out the nvidia stuff in the devices section?01:22
RedSocratespsyber: Yes01:22
unixgot a wierd question guys, i have a hdd thats ntfs format, and a bunch of music etc on it, but the sound doesnt work on anything on the hdd01:22
elkyThe_Beard, you're not helping anyone with that attitude.01:22
Kalmi_TheFunkbomb, how does flash die? does it play videos for a second?01:22
zortecThere is a lot of mixed opinions on this, but I'll ask anyway01:23
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb: its worth a try. i dont use the repos for flash, i just pull down the .so and whack it in the folder and *poof* it works01:23
mib_hmrjylj2Its a Dell Latittude C80001:23
zortecFor a new user to ubuntu, do you recommend a /home?01:23
mib_hmrjylj2i can post a pic of what the screen problem looks like01:23
zortecIf not, should I make my / about 50GB then?01:23
RedSocratespsyber: If you want to make sure that the vesa driver is the one that's loaded, check out /var/log/Xorg.0.log after restarting X.  It should say that it's loading the VESA driver01:23
ActionParsnipmib_hmrjylj2: did you md5 check the iso you burned as well as verify the cd once burned?01:23
=== Jamed_ is now known as Jamed
geirhazortec: 10-15 GB for /, the rest for /home ... that's my setup01:23
The_Beardelky, says the guy attempting to berate someone in a public channel.01:23
mib_hmrjylj2i can post a pic of what the screen problem looks like/01:24
TheFunkbombKalmi_, with the -nonfree plugin from the repos, some movies work, others do not.  The ones that don't just try to load and then gray out firefox.  Then npviewer.bin eats up my CPU.01:24
mib_hmrjylj2i can post a pic of what the screen problem looks like?01:24
elkyThe_Beard, says the op who got actual information out of the one you were being rude to.01:24
mib_hmrjylj2whoops sorry01:24
zortecgeirha: Do I miss out on anything if I don't have a /home?01:24
RedSocratesmib_hmrjylj2: go ahead01:24
mib_hmrjylj2umm no i didnt do the checking should i have01:24
Kalmi_zortec, yes... :) it makes reinstalling easier if the user somehow manages to mess up his install01:24
Dr_Willi1_ArchAparently virtualbox OSE edition. can only do IDE controllers.. the one from the Virtualbox site.. can do Scsi and sata controllers also.01:24
The_Beardelky, view it how you wish, I typed a simple !ask, and this is the result. A bit excessive don't you think?01:24
ActionParsnipmib_hmrjylj2: yes absolutely, you have no way of knowing the iso was downloaded correctly01:24
crashhi, i'm using ubuntu 9.04. is there any way to automatically reconnect my broadband connection after sudden disconnection.01:25
ActionParsnip!md5 | mib_hmrjylj201:25
ubottumib_hmrjylj2: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:25
TheFunkbombKalmi_, with the plugin straight from the adobe, as soon as I go to youtube.com (the main page), FF closes.  If I go to an individual video page, it works fine...01:25
=== Dr_Willi1_Arch is now known as Dr_Willis_
mib_hmrjylj2okay ill try it01:25
The_Beardelky, forget it, I'll see myself out for now. We are both arguing to no end. =) Have a good night.01:25
elkyThe_Beard, it was inappropriate. i explained why it was.01:25
zortecgeirha, Kalmi_: If I'm going to do just do everything outside of home, you are saying 10-15GB, and I want to test gaming, shouldn't I go a bit bigger like 30-50GB?01:25
Kalmi_TheFunkbomb... stupid idea... but try disabling pulseaudio01:26
Kalmi_!sound  | TheFunkbomb01:26
ubottuTheFunkbomb: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:26
Kalmi_zortec, you are not supposed to do anything outside home01:26
geirhazortec: Then maybe, 10-15 GB for /, 40 GB for /media/games, rest for /home01:27
JediMasterhey guys, I've got a weird bug, quite often when I alt-tab X seems to crash and restart putting me back at the gdm login, any ideas what's doing it?01:27
zortecKalmi_: So if that's the case, I should create a 30-50GB for /home?01:27
TheFunkbombKalmi_, I'm already using Alsa.01:27
chuck_elkey just wondering why the floodbot let him get away with it01:27
zortecgeirha: You can set up any partitions you want?01:27
geirhazortec: Yes. Any directory can be a separate partition01:28
mib_hmrjylj2if the iso is fine is there another solution to the screen issue http://up.mibbit.com/up/Zkl8zq5N.jpg here is a pic of what the screen looks like01:28
Kalmi_zortec, well... maybe having one big partition is just easier :)01:28
TheFunkbombI'm not messing with my sound.01:28
neopsycheIM not getting much help in squid channel01:28
zortecKalmi_: If I go that route, then I'd have wine use that big partition for games? That is what I'm trying to figure out01:28
neopsychedoes anyone know how I can..01:28
anjijust wanted to say this: AAAARGH I hate windows .. got a virus by inserting a memory stick :X .. going back to Ubuntu now..01:28
geirhazortec: Yeah, Kalmi_ has a point. For your case, one big / partition would be easier01:28
zortecKalmi_: I just don't want to run out of space on /home like I did01:29
neopsycheis it possible that i can create a cache of videos linked from my video site?01:29
Kalmi_zortec, "/home" will be part of "/" if you have only one partition01:29
neopsychein other words, video site .. links to videos embedded from youtube etc.. specific videos on the site cached on ISP server for users of the site (but not other youtube videos)_01:29
Bedonbest for format a partition for use by both linux and windows as NTFS right?01:29
zortecKalmi_: Oh, I get it now... wine maps /home to the big partition01:30
cabreyzortec, forgive me if you have answered this already, but why not just one big /?01:30
Kalmi_zortec... well... not wine... but yes01:30
fallorei'm using nvidia Twinview and i'd like for windows on the left to show up on a panel on the bottom of the left screen and visa versa. is this possible?01:30
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  not with squid i think.. i think it just caches the html type pages.. not large files..   but it might be able to cache downloads..01:30
eseven73The_Beard just do like me, don't help anymore; You cannot argue with an op, just let it go :D01:30
zorteccabrey: That is the way I planned to go, but I wanted to see if I have to upgrade say from 9.04 to 9.10, am I screwed without a /home?01:30
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  but even then squid tries not to cache large things forever..01:30
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• is there any way?01:30
JediMasterhmm, I turned the graphics down to no effects and alt-tabbing doesn't seem to crash any more01:30
Kalmi_zortec, you are not :)01:30
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• yes.. i am looking for a solution for this01:31
geirhazortec: Only for reinstalling a separate /home is handy. For upgrading, it doesn't matter01:31
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  i would say check the squid docs.  it might have some options to cach specific files for large sizes/times.01:31
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  squid is very flexiable. :)01:31
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• I am pleased it seems you understand exactly what I need01:31
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  last iused it was 2 years ago.01:31
cabreydoes anybody know of a way to set which wireless network should be connected to first from within network manager?01:31
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• I really want to try set this up to test it01:31
zortecKalmi, geirha: Ok, thanks and if you don't mind I have a few other questions that I've ran into problems with on ubuntu01:31
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  it is handy for a home lan for  4+ machines. :) but ive never seen it used to cache youtube bvideos01:32
eseven73neopsyche, I like those dots around the nick; how do you do that?01:32
Kalmi_zortec, go on.. :)01:32
zortecUbuntu doesn't recognize my cdrom... it's not showing up in /media/cdrom or /dev/cdrom and I'm not sure how to get the hardware working01:32
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• I would like to set it up to keep the FLV files for at least 1 year01:32
zortecAlso when doing the partitioning, does it matter if I use 3 primary partitions or should I use 1 primary and 2 logical?01:32
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  good luck. :) time for some serious reading of the config files for squid01:32
abe3kubuntu simply, ROCKS !01:32
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• It could also check back to youtube.com etc.. to see if the file is still available each month and if not.. delete01:32
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  google for 'squid cache flv' has a few hits. :)01:33
Kalmi_Dr_Willis_, youtube videos are not even cached for me by the browser :S01:33
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• you think it could be done?01:33
Supermiguelhey when i try to start virtual box i get: failed to create the virtualbox com object in ubuntu01:33
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• thanks01:33
Kalmi_!details | Supermiguel01:33
ubottuSupermiguel: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:33
Kalmi_Supermiguel, full error please01:33
cabreySupermiguel, have you added yourself to the virtualbox group?01:34
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  and.. first google hit is a thread.. that points to the squid FAQ/docs// :) rtfming once again is the answer.. heh01:34
Kalmi_Supermiguel, we need that error message that is in CAPS...01:34
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube01:34
Supermiguelsudo usermod -a -G vboxusers miguel01:34
Supermiguelsays VERR_ACCESS_DENIED01:34
Jamedzortec: it doesn´t matter if you do not want to have more than 4 partitions01:34
cabreySupermiguel, try through the GUI01:35
geirhazortec: Ububntu doesn't care if partitions are on primary or logical partitions. Just remember there's a maximum of 4 primary partitions, and the extended counts as one primary.01:35
cabreySupermiguel, System > Administration > Users and Groups01:35
Supermiguelcabrey, im thats where i get the error01:35
Kalmi_zortec, how did you test the livecd than? if the cd is not working?01:35
Supermiguelcabrey, ohh ok let me try01:35
Supermiguelcabrey, yes im a group member01:36
zortecKalmi_: I haven't been able to test any live cd... because of my graphics problem01:36
zortecKalmi_: I had to use the minimal install cd which boots into the installer01:36
cabreySupermiguel, try to start it from the terminal01:36
cabreySupermiguel, VirtualBox, that is01:36
craigbass1976I'm uising system monitor to see why this computer is so slow, and the monitor says cpu usage is 100% pretty much all of the time01:36
pianoboy3333I'm currently in 8.04, and I just installed 9.04 on a brand new drive. However, I cannot seem to get internet in the 9.04 boot, while I can in this 8.04 boot, help?01:36
cabreycraigbass1976, switch to the process tab and see what is taking up resources01:37
craigbass1976pianoboy3333, wireless, or regular ethernet01:37
pianoboy3333craigbass1976: wireless01:37
Petrosian_boa noite01:37
craigbass1976pianoboy3333, what's your card?01:38
pianoboy3333lspci says: 05:04.0 Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface01:38
Kalmi_22Mbps... odd :)01:39
Dr_Willis_Needs Moar MPBS!01:39
craigbass1976pianoboy3333, I can't help a while bunch right now, but I'd start with putting "ACX 100" (in quotes) into google, along with ubuntu01:39
craigbass1976cabrey, nothing really.  Top however show xorg using 70 something % and gnome using another 2001:40
pianoboy3333dr_willis_: Kalmi_: what's the standard now? its a really old card, the computer came with a usb wireless device, but I had to use ndiswrapper a while ago and it was a mess, then it kept freezing01:40
pianoboy3333craigbass1976: alright, thanks01:40
cabreycraigbass1976, can you sort it by CPU usage01:40
cabreycraigbass1976, also, make sure all user processes are shown01:40
Dr_Willis_pianoboy3333:  no idea.. I rarely mess with wireless any more. :) either it works great.. or it dont.. and i use the wires i got ran all over the house. :)01:41
craigbass1976cabrey, I bet it's because I didn't fire up the system monitor as root...01:41
Supermiguelit will start as root but not ass the user01:41
cabreycraigbass1976, you can try that Alt-F2 gksu gnome-system-monitor01:41
Kalmi_pianoboy3333, 54 mbits...01:42
lukillawhen i try to download something it says:This link needs to opened with an application. why does it say this?01:42
pianoboy3333its an old a/b card01:42
cabreySupermiguel, do you know if the virtualbox kernel was compiled?01:42
Supermiguelto open virtualbox i have to type sudo /usr/bin/VirtualBox, is there a way to make it where i just need to type virtualbox?01:42
Supermiguelcabrey, it was01:43
chuck_pianoboy3333, found this but your card is ancient as far as cards go http://acx100.sourceforge.net/01:43
craigbass1976cabrey, seems to be xorg01:43
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:43
craigbass1976cabrey, what's normal usage for xorg01:43
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:    the virtualbox in the repois dosent have sata or scsi controllers.. the one from the virtualbox site does.. I notice :)01:43
cabreycraigbass1976, low, there is a high cpu usage bug01:43
cabreycraigbass1976, let me find the link01:43
threexkHow do you search for packages from command line?01:44
lukillawhen i try to download something it says:This link needs to opened with an application. why does it say this?01:44
pw-toxichi, is there a tool where i can read my cpu temperature?01:44
jrib!apt > threexk01:44
ubottuthreexk, please see my private message01:44
Kalmi_Supermiguel, add yourself to the vbox group and logout and log back in01:44
arthusafter installing over, I can't find some of my needed data which shouldn't have been overwritten01:44
jrib!sensors | pw-toxic01:44
ubottupw-toxic: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto01:44
arthushow can I go about trying to recover it?01:44
jribarthus: where was it...?01:44
craigbass1976pw-toxic, lmsensors01:45
arthusjrib: it was on its own partition, mounted at /var/www01:45
Matsonhow do I erase/reset the screen add-on thing from ubuntu?01:45
jribarthus: does the partition still exist?01:45
pianoboy3333should the restricted drivers package be on the install cd? i know that it doesn't install by default, but does the cd have it, so that I can install the package off the cd as a repos?01:45
threexkjrib: I've looked at apt-get but it doesn't have a way to search.  Is dpkg what is needed?01:45
Kalmi_arthus, it is probably not mounted now01:45
arthusjrib: yes, but there's nothing in it01:45
jribpianoboy3333: I think so01:45
Matsonthere is some added "profile" system that I want to not use01:45
Kalmi_pianoboy3333, no01:45
lukillasorry it says it says:This link needs to opened with an application.Send to:  why does it say this?01:45
pw-toxiccraigbass1976, apt-get cant find it01:45
crashanyone please help, how to automatically start broadband connection at startup?01:45
Kalistocan anyone point me to a tutorial on remote desktop with separate sessions?01:45
arthusKalmi_: how would I go about remounting it?01:45
Supermiguelto open virtualbox i have to type sudo /usr/bin/VirtualBox, is there a way to make it where i just need to type virtualbox?01:45
jribthreexk: no, you need to read the link :)01:45
losherthreexk: apt-cache search <some string>01:45
losherthreexk: see also apt-file01:46
pianoboy3333Kalmi_: jrib: alright, well I'm gonna at least try modprobing acx, and see if that helps at all01:46
LovokSupermiguel ; what you want to do is make an alias for that01:46
lukillawhen i try to download something it says:This link needs to opened with an application.send to: why does it say this?01:46
Kalmi_Supermiguel, what do you need sata support for in vbox?01:46
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:  err.. i dont have to do 'sudo' here.  Thats weird.. I am using the sun virtualbox package.. not virtalbox-ose version (thats the one in the repos)01:46
Supermiguelyep i got it working01:47
Supermiguelthanks all01:47
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:  You are using OSE? or the one from Suns birtualbox site?01:47
Supermigueli was using OSE01:47
Supermiguelbut i just installed the one from the webste01:47
Kalmi_Supermiguel, Dr_Willis_: add yourself to the vbox group and logout and log back in... after that you will be able start vbox without sudo01:47
Dr_Willis_Supermiguel:  there is a special virtualbox GROUP also the users may need to be in.01:47
cabreycraigbass1976, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HighCPU01:47
craigbass1976pw-toxic, lm-sensors?01:47
pianoboy3333Kalmi_: should there be any restrictions on the account that I should change? I found when I went to the users/groups gui, that I originally had the checkbox next to "access wireless connections" unchecked01:48
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• did you get pvt msg?01:48
lukillai have a question01:48
Kalmi_pianoboy3333, dunno...01:48
threexkjrib, losher: apt-file looks to be what I needed, thanks.  (I am trying to search for packages not yet installed.)01:48
FrozenFireI have two disks, one is the Secondary Master (Ubuntu), the other is the Primary Slave (Windows XP). Is there a guide somewhere on how to configure GRUB to boot XP? (The guides I've found have assumed they are on the same disk, under different partitions)01:48
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  nope.. i got them all basically blocked.. :)01:48
jribthreexk: apt-file doesn't do that01:48
pianoboy3333Kalmi_: alright, I'll bb01:48
jribthreexk: apt-cache search does that01:48
pw-toxiccraigbass1976, yes i found it ;) thanks ;) it works01:48
crashplease anyone, how to automatically connect broadband at startup?01:49
pw-toxiccraigbass1976, now there is temp1  temp2 and temp3.. how do i know what is what?01:49
Ryan_DelaneyQuestion: In the repository there is no 64-bit version of a package that I want.  Is there someone I should inform of this?01:49
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  and all i know on squid - is very little.. and covered in the squid docs. :)01:49
jribRyan_Delaney: what package?01:49
Kalmi_arthus, find the partition for it using gparted... you are looking for something like /dev/sda401:49
Ryan_Delaneyjrib: zsnes01:49
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• what do you think... of this .. could it work? .. http://cachevideos.com/01:49
koshariFrozenFire look at your devices.list file, this will interpret the real drive/partitions against grubs entryd01:49
craigbass1976pw-toxic, no idea; I aint used lmsensors in a couple years01:49
jribRyan_Delaney: bugs.ubuntu.com, but my guess is it doesn't build on 64bit01:49
Lovoklukilla ; what's your question?01:49
lukillawhen i try to download something it says:This link needs to opened with an application. why does it say this?01:50
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:  no idea on what can work. From what i read those videos sites do specific things to 'break' caching of their videos..01:50
jrib!repeat | lukilla01:50
ubottulukilla: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:50
Lovoklukilla ; what are you trying to download?01:50
Kalmi_jrib, he didn't repeat it...01:50
lukillawhen i try to download something it says:This link needs to opened with an application. why does it say this?01:50
LinuxNITis there a setting i can adjust so that when i maximize a window it expands underneath the gnome-panel?01:50
Dr_Willis_neopsyche:   try it and see is all you can do i guess.01:50
lukillaa game01:50
jribKalmi_: that's the 10th time I read that question in the last 5 minutes01:50
Lovoklukilla ; if it is an .exe, you will probably have to run it in Wine01:51
neopsyche•Dr_Willis_• Thanks ;-)01:51
lukillahow do i do this01:51
chuck_crash, in network-manager under edit connectios  broadband tap, edit should be a box for auto connect01:51
lukillanot how i mean where is the wine tool01:51
knoxvilledoes poptop allow for multiple client connections?01:51
xcercawhat program could i use to show cpu/gpu/mobo temps in the taskbar ?01:52
Kalmi_jrib, ok.. sorry... I just automatically ignored it everytime... because I couldn't make heads or tails of it...01:52
darthanubis<lukilla> when i try to download something it says:This link needs to opened with an application. why does it say this? Because you have yet to follow the direction given to you 3hrs ago?01:52
never2faris there any way to find what user is using hdd ? ...for ex: if i see in top wa 100% ...to see who's the one that is using 100 % of hdd ...at least what process01:52
Lovoklukilla ; you can look for it in the repositories, or type "sudo apt-get install wine" in the terminal01:52
Kalmi_lukilla, just click save instead of open01:52
jribxcerca: what is taskbar?01:52
cabreyLinuxNIT, do you want to utilize all the space of your screen?01:53
lukillai did click save01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about maximus01:53
Kalmi_jrib, xcerca:... I assume he meant gnome-panel01:53
jribKalmi_: probably, but I never assume anything in this channel01:53
xcercayea , the gnome- panel01:54
xcercacould conky do somthing like that if propely configured ?01:54
Lovoklukilla ; what game is it? what is the file extension? (example : .exe, .tar.gz, etc)01:54
sereim on 8.04 and i relize ithe repos arent up to date??? what should i do01:55
lukillait's maple story01:55
xcercasere ,  just get 9.0401:55
Lovoklukilla ; you will need Wine to run that01:55
RORgasmguys where do u define your vhosts in apache....which conf file?01:55
serexcerca:  never\01:55
threexkjrib: ah, I see it now.  The "package cache" is an index of the package repository stored locally?  (Can't find a definition of "package cache".)01:55
Flannelsere: What do you mean not up to date?01:55
Jack_Sparrowsere Repos not up to date.. Ubuntu tends to provide tried and tested software instead of the bleeding edge.. Read up on backports and proposed repos..01:56
LinuxNITcabrey, yes01:56
Scunizisere: in terminal type.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:56
LinuxNITcabrey, and i dont want to hide the panel01:56
jribthreexk: yes01:56
Lovoklukilla ; as of april 2007, the game does not run in ubuntu, so you may be out of luck01:56
eightbitzneed some help with wireles01:56
Lovoklukilla : http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=6053&iTestingId=1066501:57
loshersere: what do you mean 'the repos aren't up to date'?01:57
serei dont want to upgrade lol i want the lts.... i just wanna the newer 9.04 software01:57
cabreyLinuxNIT, you might want to look into maximus01:57
never2farif i see in top wa 100%..is there any way to see what process is using 100 % of hdd ?01:57
Jack_Sparrowsere Look at backports01:57
broken__Hi again everyone01:57
sereJack_Sparrow:  8.04 backports?01:57
Jack_Sparrowsere yes01:58
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:58
lukillaok thank you01:58
LinuxNITcabrey, is that a package or an option?01:58
sereJack_Sparrow: can i add it in the synaptic01:58
Jack_Sparrowsere yes01:58
cabreyLinuxNIT, a package01:58
cabreyLinuxNIT, it will automatically maximize every window01:59
LinuxNITcabrey, not quite what i had in mind01:59
eightbitzcan anyone help or guide me.  I have a linksys wmp11 pci card.  My only internet connection is wireless.01:59
cabreyLinuxNIT, well you could delete a panel01:59
cabreyLinuxNIT, so you only have one left & autohide that01:59
cabreyLinuxNIT, are you on a netbook?02:00
LinuxNITcabrey, i only have one at the moment02:00
cabreythe Netbook Remix does exactly what you're describing02:00
cabreyexcept it's for netbooks02:00
LinuxNITright... well i dont want every window to open that way, i just dont want the resistance that the panel gives to moving windows and i dont want it to save the space :-/02:01
jamiejacksonhi all. i can't seem to get my onboard sound card set up on ubuntu 9.04, is there someone that can help me work through this?02:01
eugookey my wifi isnt working from install02:01
steve_Hi - Setup a new user but does not have Admin rights - How do I change this?02:01
cabreyLinuxNIT, well I have another possibility for you02:01
Pixelshow can I totally remove evolution?02:01
cabreyLinuxNIT, you can make it so that windows can be moved above the panel02:02
RORgasmguys where do u configure virtual hosts in apache?02:02
Pixels!removing evolution02:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:02
lorphhello where do I store my OpenSSL certificates?02:02
eugoiwconfig shows eth1 as prism 1, in the networks on the top it shows wireless greyd out02:02
cabreyLinuxNIT, do you use compiz?02:03
LinuxNITcabrey, yes02:03
Hilikusis there an app to burn dvds that will take care of splitting files if they don't fit in a disk??02:03
Pixelshow can I totally remove evolution? but nothing else02:03
thebackwashhilikus: is it for a backup?02:03
steve_cabrey, How do I change permissions for this account - Is not Admin rights?02:03
cabreyLinuxNIT, open up the configuration editor (Applications > System Tools)02:03
cabreyLinuxNIT, or gconf-editor in terminal02:03
RORgasmlorph, i think its in /etc/ssl/certs02:03
PixelsHilikus: tried Gnomebaker?02:03
Bedonanyone here have experience dual booting ubuntu with 7?02:04
LinuxNITcabrey, ok02:04
PixelsBedon: yes, use OSL200002:04
cabreysteve_, System > Administration > Users and Groups02:04
tenderruffianhello everyone. first time ubuntu user. need some help.02:04
cabreyLinuxNIT, expand apps > compiz > plugins > move > allscreens02:04
Hilikusthebackwash yes, but i actually backup to disk and then burn into dvds so it is just like burning regular files, it is just that for say the second session i have only 1GB left in the disk and the backup is say 2GB so it won't fit but i don't want to waste the extra empty space02:04
Pixelshow and where do I remove unwanted applications? e.g Opneofffice, Evolution etc?02:05
Dr_Willis_Bedon:  it works fine. for me.02:05
Jack_Sparrowtenderruffian http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html      is handy to have around02:05
cabreyPixels, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager02:05
Dr_Willis_Bedon:  same as with the other windows versions...02:05
LinuxNITcabrey, ok02:05
HilikusPixels afaik gnomebaker will just complain that there is not enough space in the disk02:05
Jack_SparrowPixels synaptic  but be aware of meta-packages etc.02:05
Hilikusand stop02:05
cabreyLinuxNIT, click on options, then in the key panel, de-select the checkbox for constrain_y02:06
tenderruffianthank you, jack.02:06
Hilikusi need something that fills the remaining space and puts the rest on a new disk02:06
steve_cabrey, ok - will look at that thanks02:06
Pixelscabrey: when I go to Synaptic Package Manager, theres dozens of evolution references.02:06
Bedoni couldnt get grub to work, was giving me an error 18 every time i tried to load windows, and was trying to use easyBCD but dont think that was installing right02:06
PixelsJack_Sparrow: whats meta-packages ?02:06
Jack_SparrowHilikus Make sure it is not needing hard drive space to create the burn image.  That can eat up your free drive space in a hurry02:06
thebackwashI was going to say make an iso, and use the split command, and the write the info to the cds using cdrecord.  when you need to put everything back together, you can use cat and then you have an iso again, but that's all fragile, and probably a pain in the butt for most people02:06
threexkIs it just me, or does dpkg -l *search_term* show three garbage lines at the top?02:07
cabreyPixels, there are many companion packages for evolution, just uninstall the main one (look at the descriptions)02:07
Pixelsit says "CANNOT REMOVE EVOLUTION"02:07
LinuxNITcabrey, ok thanks thats better :)02:07
Pixelsmaybe it should say "REFUSE TO REMOVE EVOLUTION" lol02:07
HilikusJack_Sparrow thats ok, like i said, i dont backup directly to dvd, i just do a hdd file backup and then i MANUALLY burn the files. i found out the hard way that backing up straight to dvd is a pain02:07
ha1331_is there way to set some application to be "always on visible workspace", permanently?02:07
matt__I am having some trouble with pbbuttonsd on an eMac.  The Xubuntu jaunty LiveCD worked fine with my Apple keyboard's volume and eject keys, but the installation from the same LiveCD session does not seem to recognize them.02:08
cabreyPixels, that's because ubuntu-desktop depends on evolution02:08
Jack_SparrowPixels Please lose the caps02:08
cabreyPixels, you're not allowed to remove it02:08
cabreyPixels, sorry just remembered02:08
Flannelcabrey, Pixels: of course you are.  ubuntu-desktop can be safely removed02:08
matt__I have checked pbbuttonsd.conf and the settings are exactly the same on both the LiveCd and the installation.02:08
Pixelscabrey: I am now allowed? :)  I run an OS that tells me what I must do? lol02:08
cabreyFlannel, there is a possibility that removing ubuntu-desktop will break updates02:09
matt__I have tried various search queries and could not find any answer.02:09
PixelsFlannel: how do I remove evolution then?02:09
Pixels<cabrey> Flannel, there is a possibility that removing ubuntu-desktop will break updates <-- is that a fact, or an assumption?02:09
aaron_Pixels, apt-get --purge remove evolution02:09
losherthreexk: I see a 3 line header, but no garbage...02:09
crash_please help, my internet is disconnecting again and again, how to set it to auto reconnect.02:09
FlannelPixels: Its a fact.02:10
Pixelsis "sudo apt-get --purge remove evolution" Safe?02:10
Lovokdoes the swap partition always have to be at the end of a harddrive?02:10
threexklosher: strange header.  It doesn't seem informative?02:10
Flannelcabrey: No, it won't break updates.02:10
matt__I suspect that it is the keyboard setting.  However, I do not know how to change the global keyboard settings (as opposed to those for X).02:10
aaron_crash, edit /etc/network/interfaces02:10
PixelsFlannel: what about apt-get --purge remove evolution.. will that break anything?02:10
Jack_SparrowLovok no02:10
FlannelPixels: Nope02:10
crash_Lovok: no it's not compulsory02:10
chuck_eightbitz, there is no support for your card in linux you have to use the ndiswrapper driver in the repo's it is a temp fix as far as i am concerned until you can get a linux supported card http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7319.html02:10
FlannelPixels: although, you may also want to remove evolution-common02:11
PixelsFlannel: ok well thats what I will do then... sudo apt-get --purge remove evolution02:11
Lovokcrash_ : but it is necessary, YES?02:11
BedonPixels: OSL2000 ran but when i try to boot from the linux partition with it it does nothing....that mean my grub got messed up?02:11
Lovokcaps :/02:11
PixelsFlannel: ok02:11
losherthreexk: that doesn't make it garbage. This is garbage: wkd984y954ngkrgir49340e2o><M>MLMOP02:11
PixelsBedon: OSL2000 is a boot manager02:11
PixelsBedon: i douth you installed it lol02:11
threexklosher: hehe, OK.  Thanks, at least I know it's not something I have screwed up02:11
PixelsBedon: use SuperGrub boot CD02:11
=== crash_ is now known as crash
Pixelsreplaces Grub02:12
stewLovok: no, it is not necessary02:12
crashNo, it's not. i've configured my hard drive to have 2 NTFS volume in beginning and one after my swap and ext3 partition02:12
PixelsBedon: OSL2000 works like a charm for me02:12
cabreyFlannel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35397302:12
losherthreexk: somewhere there's a man page I'm sure (which I've never read)02:12
cabreyFlannel, that's where I got my info :)02:12
Flannelcabrey: upgrade-manager takes care of all that02:12
Bedonyeah i get to the menu at startup try to boot to the linux drive and just sits there02:12
cabreyFlannel, alright I'll trust you b/c you have more experience :)02:13
PixelsFlannel: ok!  removed evolution-common and evolition.. anything else?02:13
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tightvnc02:13
FlannelPixels: that's all of the big stuff, if not everything02:13
PixelsFlannel: since that, I now get this: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty/free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_jaunty_free_binary-i386_Packages)02:15
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX02:15
bert1if i have an ative compact disc recordable CD-R (52x/700MB/80Min) can i burn a dvd to it, or do i need special DVD cds?02:15
stewcabrey: the way it "breaks upgades" is that, he wants to have "all of gnome except evolution"  without the meta-package, when he upgrades to the next release, where "all of gnome" contains some new app that the current release don't contain, he wont get that application he never had installed automatically installed.02:16
cabreystew, ahh I got ya02:17
Pixelsam I safe to ignore "recommended updates"?02:17
Hilikusis there an app to burn dvds that will take care of splitting files if they don't fit in a disk so that if i have 600MB left in a disk it will split a 1.6GB file into a 600MB file (to fill the old disk) and put the extra 1GB in a new disk??02:17
PixelsFlannel: last removal.. how I remove OO?02:17
FlannelPixels: Same way.02:18
simcop2387anyone have any idea how well SATA hot swapping works?02:18
PixelsFlannel: same as "sudo apt-get remove --purge OO" ?02:18
FlannelPixels: Nah, it's openoffice.org or some variation thereof.  Synaptic will work fine for finding it.02:18
FlannelPixels: (and removing it)02:18
felix_Hilikus, download hacha02:18
PixelsFlannel: ok02:18
Hilikusfelix_ is that just to split or to burn as well?02:19
felix_Hilikus, just to split02:19
fallorei'm using nvidia Twinview and i'd like for windows on the left to show up on a panel on the bottom of the left screen and visa versa. is this possible?02:19
felix_Hilikus, you can pack the files in parts too with zip..02:20
Hilikusoh really? will the unzipper notice that there is a piece missing and ask for the rest?02:20
JoesephHi.  I'm connected to the internet on my desktop via ndiswrapper on a wg111t dongle.   However, I have trouble connecting to my network, and when the network manager does say that I am connected, I am not even connected to my local network. (I can't ping my router.)  This happened after I reinstalled the drivers after I upgraded to Jaunty.   Any ideas?02:20
matt__Is this disk image bootable?02:20
felix_Hilikus, if some part is not present during decompression you won't see any02:21
sereJack_Sparrow: u still there?02:21
losherbert1: you sound a bit confused about the technology. You can burn files to CD-R or to DVD-R if your burner supports both. But a DVD-R will hold about 6 times the amount of data (about 4.3GB) that a CD-R will hold, so they aren't interchangeable and the contents of a DVD simply won't fit on a CD02:21
crusGuys, was getting an error like "EXT4-fs: ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 640 not in group (block 3158584599)" so i ran sudo fsck -fp /dev/sdc1 followed by sudo e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sdc1.. seems to have fixed it.. and df -h is showing the data on the mount but i cant see anything when i do an ls inside the mount02:21
Hilikusfelix_ i wont see any what?02:21
=== Breann is now known as bre
=== bre is now known as Breee
felix_Hilikus, you need all parts to decompress em.02:22
Jack_Sparrowsere Yes.. But not for long02:22
bert1losher: you're right, i'm confused. my question is will the physical round plastic orange disc sitting in front of me that i can throw like a frisbee be able to handle like 6.4 GB if i burn it as a DVD? sorry if i sound ignorant (its bc i am)02:22
huyensisn't there a way to "poll" the best software/hardware on this IRC server in a different channel?02:23
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:23
sereJack_Sparrow: i did what you said and still no luck with granule and others....can i just add 9.04 repos?02:23
PixelsFlannel: can I safely use Ubuntu for netbanking etc, without installing all the "recommended updates"?  All I installed were all the recent "Important updates", Is that enough to keep Ubuntu safe?02:23
JoesephRight now, my network manager tells me I'm connected to the internet, but in reality, I'm not even on my local network.  Any ideas?02:23
Hilikusfelix_ i know, but what im wondering is if the "container" will know that it is a split file, because i was going to split the file with "split" but if i do that there is nothing in the file indicating that it is not a full file but a piece (unless i make the filename mention that)02:24
Jack_Sparrowbert1 a cd is supposed to hold 700 meg single layer dvd at 4.7 or so and I dont know about dbl layer02:24
dj_segfaultJoseph, wired or wireless?02:24
Joesephdj_segfault: It is a wg111t wireless dongle.02:24
Hilikusfelix_ whereas i think with a zip file it will know and actually ask for the rest when unzipping02:24
matt__Dual-layer discs hold 8.5 GB Jack_Sparrow02:24
dj_segfaultJoseph: what does iwconfig say?02:25
Pixelsdid Flannel leave?02:25
PixelsJack_Sparrow: do you know?02:25
bert1Jack_Sparrow - so, like, if you want to burn a DVD and you are at best-buy, do you buy special DVD cds? is there a difference in the size allowed on the CD, or just in the files and way you burn to the CD?02:25
huyensis the HCL list located at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsIntel#miniPCI       a good way to see if your mini-pci-E card will work?02:25
cabreyPixels, he's here02:25
felix_Hilikus, with hacha you get parts from a file and can give a different name. zip parts has partXXX extension (i think). rar has .rar for the first and rXX for next (being XX numbers from 0-9)02:25
Joesephdj_segfault: Hold on, I got "disconnected"  again, let me reconnect....02:25
Pixelscabrey:  would you know? you experienced in ubuntu as much as jack and Flannel ?02:26
Hilikusfelix_ oh cool, but it looks like it is not free, is it?02:26
cabreyPixels, what's your question?02:26
losherbert1: if its a CD blank, the maximum content is about 750M. If it's a DVD blank, the maximum is about 4.3GB. There are dual-layer DVD blanks that will hold about 8.6GB. They are not interchangeable. You must buy the correct kind of blanks, and also your burner must support the kind you buy. To hold 6.4GB you'd need a single DVD-dual, or a pair of DVD-Rs, or about 8 CD-Rs02:26
Jack_Sparrowbert1 cd and dvd are very different.  use the right one for each purpose, cd can be audio or data or bootable etc.02:26
Pixelscabrey: can I safely use Ubuntu for netbanking etc, without installing all the "recommended updates"?  All I installed were all the recent "Important updates", Is that enough to keep Ubuntu safe?02:26
tenderruffianso i went through the pocket guide, and i'm having a very specific issue that he's not really going into detail about...02:26
dj_segfaultHey.  I'm having trouble getting MythTV working, but I think it's an apache configuration issue.  I'm very confused about how Ubuntu has the various apache directories laid out.  Can I ask about that here?02:27
mattgyverDoes anyone have a guide to installing vnc on 9.04?02:27
Jack_Sparrowtenderruffian We are here to help02:27
bert1losher: ah! thank you. exactly what i was asking. Jack_Sparrow: ok, got it, thanks02:27
cabreyPixels, Important Updates are urgent security updates, while recommended updates are usually bug fixes and features02:27
Pixelsdj_segfault: many ppl have trouble with MythTV02:27
felix_Hilikus, im not too deep in other compresions as bzip or tar, etc. dunno if they can split. thats why i recommended zip or rar. you can download the manager from the repositories02:27
tenderruffianwell, i am having problem getting wifi to work on my ubuntu installed laptop02:27
Pixelscabrey: so is that a Yes or a No? lol02:27
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:27
Hilikusfelix_ excellent, thanks02:27
tenderruffianand i'm trying ndiswrapper and i'm not sure how to get it to work.02:27
Jack_Sparrowtenderruffian I dont mean to spam you with factoids , but they do help02:27
Pixelscan I run Ubuntu from Windows? using uwiki or something?>02:28
WormikWhere can I download repository on ISO for 9.04 AMD64?02:28
cabreyPixels, I guess it is a yes, but I don't understand why you don't update everything.02:28
tenderruffianthey are kind of helping, i found out about ndiswrapper from the pocket guide02:28
Kalmi_!wubi | Pixels02:28
ubottuPixels: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.02:28
Pixelscabrey: because im on a monthly quota. only get 6GB per month02:28
tenderruffianjust, when i click the executable, it's not doing anything.02:28
Joesephdj_segfault: Sorry, It's not connecting, I'll restart ....  my usual means of reconnecting without restrting froze on me. (sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper; sudo modprobe ndiswrapper)02:28
Jack_Sparrowtenderruffian see the one on wifi02:28
losherdj_segfault: the webmyth portion is optional. Does all the other stuff work yet via mythfrontend?02:28
WormikOr can I use debpartial script from Windows...02:28
rkymtndave_pixels: use virtual box its free02:28
Pixelsdoes wubi break windows vista or compromise the security of Ubuntu?02:29
dj_segfaultPixels: MythTV is working great.  Problem is MythWeb apache configuration is causing a directory listing when it should be running (I think) mythweb.pl.  I think perl is not working in it.02:29
neopsycheDr_Willis Can you help me regarding squid.. i am wondering how exactly it works02:29
cabreyPixels, then you should be good. Common sense is one of the best tools :)02:29
mr_frosteeI read that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu 9.04.  If anyone here has experience with Mint, is there a big difference good or bad?02:29
Pixelsrkymtndave_: im using virtualbox right now.. Vista is my host and ubuntu guest.. I jus thought wubi would be better, no?02:29
dj_segfaultlosher: Yeah, MythTV proper works fine, but I need MythWeb too.02:29
Jack_Sparrow!mint > mr_frostee02:29
ubottumr_frostee, please see my private message02:29
sproatyI'm having a really annoying problem on 9.04 64bit with flash (which also occurred on 8.10)....Flash works, but say, after 20 mins of having Firefox and viewing flash videos, they just stop loading, leaving me with a blank space where the video should be02:29
earthlander_Anyone know where to get the drivers for creative soundblaster X-Fi?02:29
dj_segfaultJoeseph: Connected or not, iwconfig should output something.02:29
nibsa1242bIn bit pim, what do I have to do to make it see my phone? My phone is compatible, and the Bluetooth Preferences in the taskbar sees my phone just fine.02:29
tenderruffiani was looking at the documentation page before, again02:29
rkymtndave_wubi is prety resource intensive02:29
sproatyI installed flash from the extras repository via apt.02:29
tenderruffiani'm having trouble finding some things in terms of specifics02:30
Pixelsrkymtndave_: im runniung xchat from Ubuntu right now, through virtualbox... so wubi wouldnt be better?02:30
chuck_tenderruffian, try this http://wiki.debian.org/NdisWrapper02:30
felix_mr_frostee, im using gNewSense right now. i like it better than ubuntu02:30
losherdj_segfault: the hard part is over then. What os version?02:30
Kalmi_Pixels, performace-wise... yes... but there are drawbacks... like you can't your ntfs partition from a wubi install02:30
cabreymr_frostee, Mint is basically all codecs, non-free , and other stuff which is a legal grey area to redistribute02:30
tenderruffianwould anyone mind just walking me through one-on-one?02:30
Pixelsrkymtndave_: ok.. and would I need to reboot windows everytime I wanted to load wubi?02:30
rkymtndave_nah vm or dual boot02:30
serepixels ur an idiot02:30
Kalmi_Pixels, you can't *use* your ntfs partition from a wubi install02:30
PixelsKalmi_: can't your ntfs partition from a wubi install?02:30
Jack_Sparrowsere Please dont02:30
rkymtndave_i'm trying to set up mine to dual boot with win 702:30
Wormikearthlander_, it was released some time ago. Download and build newest ALSA. Use Giftwrap program to build DEB02:30
PixelsKalmi_: so what would I use?  A seperate 20GB partiton ok?02:31
Kalmi_Pixels, yes02:31
Joesephdj_segfault: Do you want all of my iwconfig, or just the pertinent info? (as in the wlan0 info)02:31
chuck_tenderruffian, try they link i sent you it is a walk thru02:31
rkymtndave_pixels: not sure about that, dont think so02:31
PixelsKalmi_: when I need to reboot everytime I want to load Ubuntu?02:31
dj_segfaultlosher: I just rebuilt my server, replacing Fedora 8 with Jaunty AMD6402:31
geirhaPixels, Kalmi_: Sure you can use the NTFS partition from wubi, it's mounted at /host02:31
PixelsI think i will stick with Virtualbox then :)02:32
WormikCan I download ISO images with repository of Ubuntu 9.04 AMD64?02:32
cabreyPixels, when using wubi? Yes, you have to reboot into Ubuntu02:32
Pixelsgeirha: how is wubi better than runnung ubuntu as a guest using Virtualbox?02:32
tenderruffiani think i might need something a little more basic than this, hah.02:32
Joesephdj_segfault: If it helps any, I am connected to the internet for about 5 seconds after it initially connects.02:32
dj_segfaultJoeseph: just wlan002:32
Kalmi_Pixels, you can use the nice 3d stuff in wubi02:32
dj_segfaultJoeseph: There's connected, and there02:32
PixelsKalmi_: hehe ok :)02:32
geirhaPixels: I'd recommend installing ubuntu properly rather than wubi.02:33
cabreyKalmi_, actually virtualbox has gained support for 3D02:33
tenderruffiani am a first time linux user with no programming experience..02:33
dj_segfaultJoeseph: There's connected, and there02:33
losherdj_segfault: I have mythweb working on 8.04/32/Intel. I had trouble with the scripts & passwords initially, of course...02:33
cabreyKalmi_, not as good as native tho02:33
nibsa1242bhow do I give Bitpim permission to use my bluetooth adapter to connect to my phone?02:33
Kalmi_cabrey, but compiz still doesn't work in it, does it?02:33
dj_segfaultJoeseph: There's connected, and ther's getting an IP address.  Can you look at your logs for DHCP stuff?02:33
cabreyKalmi_, compiz does work inside virtualbox02:33
Pixelsgeirha: I cannot, as the alternative install wouldnt let me install whilst Vista is on C:02:33
cabreyKalmi_, you have to make sure to install the additions02:33
Kalmi_cabrey, oh... wow... I'm getting outdated :D02:33
matt__Could someone please help me with my pbbuttonsd issue that I mentioned earlier?02:34
Kalmi_cabrey, thx for the info02:34
cabreyKalmi_, of course a virtual machine is still slower than native02:34
Wormiknibsa1242b, add yourself to dip group and read BluetoothDialup manual02:34
geirhaPixels: Haven't tried the alternative for a long while, but I'm guessing that means the alternative can't resize partitions. If that is the case, you can resize the partition from vista, making some free space for ubuntu to use.02:34
Joesephdj_segfault: I had set it up as a static ip....   Let me pastebin my iwconfig... but it'll take a second, since I have no internet on the pc that I used the command on.02:34
nibsa1242bWormik: ok thanks02:34
MrKleanUbuntu 9 detects that I have AC97 audio and seems like it has the drivers setup, but still no audio. Fresh install, any help please?02:34
Pixelswhen I load citibank.com, it says to intall missing plugings.. when I click on "install missing plugins: it then says unable tio find any02:34
dj_segfaultJoeseph: ACK02:35
Pixelswhat can I do?02:35
Wormiknibsa1242b, hcitool scan, hcitool 'your phone adress', sudo 'your favourite text editor' /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf02:35
matt__Type "alsamixer" in a terminal MrKlean.  What appears?02:35
matt__Is the volume turned down or muted?02:35
cabreyPixels, citibank might rely on ActiveX02:35
cabreyPixels, which is a windows only proprietary extension to Internet Explorer02:36
Pixelscabrey: no way.. maybe its flash?02:36
Wormiknibsa1242b, write adress. bind=yes. rfcomm = nubmer of "Dialup networking" rfcomm adress in sdptool02:36
cabreyPixels, have you installed flash?02:36
nibsa1242bWormik: I don't have a dip group!02:36
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dj_segfaultMrKlean: Matt suggested alsamixer because it has controls for volumes that other mixers don't have.  Often one of them is muted or low.02:36
MrKleanfunction snd_ctl _open failed for default: no such file or directory02:36
mr_frosteeAnybody know where to get a Dell v505w driver for Jaunty?  It's driving me crazy that I can't use the wife's new printer with my computer.02:36
Pixelscabrey: not sure, how can I tell?02:36
Wormiknibsa1242b and /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart. Enjoy! create connection to the Net or KMobileTools02:36
cabreyPixels, go to youtube or something02:36
rweaithave a problem after upgrading from intrepid to jaunty.  Boot to single-mode is fine.  normal boot puts garbage on video and makes keyboard / mouse completely frozen.  Can't switch to console.  Can ssh in.02:37
Wormiknibsa1242b, maybe not a dip? 3 letters and d is first...02:37
cabreyrweait, what graphics card do you have?02:37
Pixelscabrey: it says this when I go to tube: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.02:37
Kalmi_!flash | Pixels02:37
ubottuPixels: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:37
rweaitcabrey:  ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AQ [Radeon 9600]02:37
nibsa1242bWormik: don't have anything like that02:37
matt__What card are you using MrKlean?02:38
cabreyrweait, did you have ATI's drivers installed before?02:38
rafase282Is there a way to run .bat files in ubuntu?02:38
nibsa1242bWormik: actually there is a dip group... how do I add it to myself02:38
cabreyrweait, from Hardware Drivers window?02:38
MrKleanmatt__: integrated ac97 on a ECS rs400-a, let me check brand on it02:38
WormikCan I download ISO images with repository of 9.04 AMD64?02:38
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PixelsKalmi_: that link doesnt have flash for 9.0402:38
Mukatunahi all02:38
Joesephdj_segfault: http://pastebin.com/d2fe6b640  there is my iwconfig output.02:38
rweaitcabrey: perhaps from ati install disk?02:38
rweaitcabry: not certain/02:39
Wormiknibsa1242b, I don't remebmer (sitting in Internet cafe in Windows). Watch other groups02:39
nibsa1242bWormik: ok, I'll figure it out thanks02:39
Pixelshow do I install flash on 9.04?02:39
Wormiknibsa1242b, sudo 'your favourite editor' /etc/group , after this read BluetoothDialup manual02:39
MrKleanmatt__: all I can find on it is:  Realtek ALC655 6-Channel audio CODEC Compliant with AC'97 2.3 specification02:39
Kalmi_Pixels, just install the flashplugin-nonfree package02:39
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MrKleanAlso matt__: http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Products/ProductsDetail.aspx?detailid=507&CategoryID=1&DetailName=Specification&MenuID=1&LanID=002:39
cabreyrweait, you don't want ATI's drivers, they aren't supported for your card on Jaunty02:40
cabreyrather use02:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:40
WormikAnybody needs latest flashrom deb for amd64? I have this!02:40
cabreyrweait, you want the open source driver02:40
Wormikflashrom from repository doesn't see my chipset02:40
dj_segfaultJoeseph: Looks good.  You're definitely talking to the hardware.  Do you see any entries when you run  "iwlist wlan0 scanning"02:40
timewriteranyone uses vmware on ubuntu ?02:40
PixelsKalmi_: flashplugin-nonfree, ok, brb02:41
rweaitcabrey: is there an apt-get install I should run to do that?02:41
Joesephdj_segfault: I see three entries with that command.02:41
bartekHi there. I have been monitoring my system for awhile and it seems that instead of using both CPU's (I have a dual core intel), it instead just uses the single CPU and that maxes out, causing my PC to lag.02:41
cabreyrweait, sudo apt-get remove fglrx02:41
bartekIs there any way to fix this ?02:41
PixelsKalmi_: flashplugin-nonfree, worked, cheers02:41
loshertimewriter: yes, workstation 6.0.5 on Ubuntu 8.0402:42
earthlander_bartek what cpu is it?02:42
dj_segfaultJoeseph: Very odd.  You sure it's set up static?  Just for grins, grep -i your logs for dhcp.02:42
cabreyrweait, my mistake it is actually sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx02:42
ajavidhello people02:42
timewriterthanks losher , i managed to install it02:42
rafase282can anyone help me with a .bat file?02:42
timewriterjust chmoded +x the script02:42
rafase282how do i run it on ubuntu?02:42
rweaitcabrey: running it now...02:42
dj_segfaultbartek: How do you know it02:42
dj_segfaultbartek: How do you know it's only using 1 CPU?02:43
stric_i need a little help02:43
dj_segfaultrafase282: dosemu or wine02:43
Joesephdj_segfault: I think I may have been running my DHCP one there...     I'll see if the other works or something.... it just all seems very strange to me.02:43
Pixelsif I run ubuntu as a guest using virtualbox, and Vista is the host. Can anything that infects Vista "jump over" into the guest Ubuntu and compromise my netbanking?02:43
ajavidI need to install ubuntu but I have my 1tb /home as ext4. I'd like to use the LTS ubuntu stable + kde3 + 2.6.28+(for ext4 support) and I have a rt26 wifi02:43
bartekdj_segfault: I'm just looking at what conky is telling me, this is why I am unsure if its actually accurate but it seems silly for this PC to lag using only Firefox, Terminal, and one other app02:43
timewritervlc or smplayer ?02:43
ajavidany ideas if it is possible02:43
tkmrPixels: Maybe, but the it wouldn't work correctly02:44
craigbass1976Anyone yet tried LXDE on an ubuntu box?  I tried a knoppix cd the other day and was surprised; even on a livecd the computer was hammering along02:44
earthlander_anyone know how to set compiz to show a preview window when the window is not selected?02:44
Pixelstkmr: can you say that again using better grammar,, couldnt understand what you said02:44
WormikDo you know where is ISO images of Ubuntu 9.04 AMD64 repository?02:44
Joesephdj_segfault: Hmmm.... it's asking for my WEPKEY when it is clearly correct after I disconnected and reconnected.  Is that a symptom of any problems you know of?02:44
cabreyearthlander_, install ccsm02:44
dj_segfaultbartek: What time was conky's entry?02:45
craigbass1976Wormik, It's not here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download?02:45
rweaitcabrey:  looks good!02:45
tkmrPixels: sorry. It may be able to jump over, but the virus/trojan/whatever is infecting your Vista won't work in Ubuntu02:45
dj_segfault Joeseph: I've never been able to get WEP working.  Sorry.  I just hide my ESSID and block by MAC address in the wireless router.02:45
cabreyrweait: did you reboot yet?02:46
bartekdj_segfault: it's updated every 15 sec02:46
matt__Sorry MrKlean I can't really find anything that could help you.02:46
rweaitcabrey: going across the room to check it now.  Logon window looks awesome!02:46
tkmrPixels: So even if it does jump over, your Ubuntu won't become compromised02:46
Pixelstkmr: ok good, so I can use netbanking etc with confidence02:46
cabreyrweait, sounds good02:46
Joesephdj_segfault: Hmm. okay. well....   I can't really do that.. hahahaha.    Oh well.  I'll do some more trial and error..........02:46
dj_segfaultbartek: heh, I thought conky was a user here who told you something.  Hold...02:46
MrKleanmatt__: It's ok02:46
bartekIt seems silly that my current load is at 0.99 .. and just shot up to 1.07 when I ojnly have firefox and banshee open02:46
earthlander_cabrey i already have that but it wont show preview window unless the window is already up on desktop screen02:47
Pixelstkmr: what about if vista is infected with a keylogger.. will the vista keylogger pick up anything I type in the Virtualbox Ubuntu Firefox?02:47
tkmrPixels: Yes. AFAIK there aren't any "viruses" for Linux, just because there are so many distros and each one is so different, it is difficult to make one that would work across all of the distros02:47
bartekI have tons of memory available, and never really swap. Thinking CPU is the issue here for speed02:47
cabreyearthlander_, ahh i understand you now, I think that is a limitation of compiz02:47
Pixelsunitedpotsmokers: interesting nickname you junkie lol02:47
tkmrPixels: I'm not sure about that. It's possible. I would say likely, as it is reading your keystrokes at a hardware level As far as I know.02:47
rweaitcabrey: thanks so much.  Even dual monitors are working!02:47
earthlander_thats wack02:47
seyfarthCan anyone recommend a NES and SNES emulator?02:47
dj_segfaultbartek: I would verify with another tool.  What does System Monitor say?02:48
timewritervmware process dies for me02:48
Pixelstkmr: so you are uncertain?02:48
mr_frosteeAnybody know where to get a Dell v505w driver for Jaunty?  It's driving me crazy that I can't use the wife's new printer with my computer.02:48
timewriterim using 9.04 64bit02:48
cabreyrweait, :)02:48
craigbass1976seyfarth, nesticle for nes02:48
Wormikcraigbass1976, I don't found02:48
craigbass1976seyfarth, I never had an snes, so I never looked into an emulator.  Stella is cool too if you ever had an atari02:48
bartekdj_segfault: you mean like top? It shows the same thing really, Cpu(s): 14%us, 3%sy02:48
tkmrPixels: Right. I would think that the keylogger would pick up anything in virtual machine, or whatever, because that's software, and is still "running" in vista.02:48
cabreybartek: use htop02:48
bartekBut even at these lower levels, I have slight lag.. maybe it's just the apps I'm using02:48
sagacisetting a printer up on ubuntu 9.04 to a hp laser on xp, any tips?02:49
earthlander_ive heard of people being able to fix that02:49
dj_segfaultbartek: System-> Administration -> System Monitor02:49
bartekcabrey: ok, hmm, htop does show both CPU's being used.02:49
WormikI FOUND!! ftp://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-unofficial-packages-dvd/02:49
dj_segfaultbartek: It shows the two cores separately02:49
Pixelstkmr: I just reading a website.. it says someone tested it and the keylogger didnt pick up the virtualbox linux02:49
bartekI guess I need to find out why my load is so high constantyly02:49
craigbass1976Wormik, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download had links to it.  You pick your mirror, click the dot that says 64 bit, and of you go02:50
tkmrPixels: Hmmm... ok. I would do some additional research just to be sure.02:50
craigbass1976sagaci, eh?  Not sure what you mean about the printer02:50
dj_segfaultbartek: Whether you're using one or two cores, and why your load is so high, are two separate questions.  For my money, Firefox is usually to blame for the latter.  But did you try System Monitor to  test the former?02:50
craigbass1976sagaci, you're sharing out from ub to xp?02:51
alephzerohmm any way to have different wallpapers for different workspaces with gnome / compiz (preferrably one that keeps the desktop useable)02:51
bartekdj_segfault: I did, thanks for the suggestion, I am indeed using two cores .. my overlooking, but now I'm curious on the latter issue :-)02:51
cabreysagaci, you want to connect to a network printer?02:51
matrixbluealephzero, yeah that would rule02:51
bartekAnd yes Firefox is probably to blame, but I haven't been able to find a better alternative on Linux02:51
cabreybartek, Chrome is getting closer and closer :)02:52
craigbass1976bartek, epiphany was no good for you?02:52
dj_segfaultalephzero: I don't believe so.  I tried and failed.  However, I was able to do something cooler, which is rotate wallpapers every 30 minutes in cron02:52
alephzeromatrix> i know theres a way using the desktop cube, but i gotta turn off the gnome desktop for it to work02:52
bartekcabrey: oh I know! I am using Chrome sometimes, but it's not quite there yet02:52
matrixbluebartek, try epiphany02:52
bartekcraigbass1976: epiphany is pretty bad imo02:52
dj_segfaultbartek: top should tell all.02:52
bartekI only use it as secondary02:52
cabreybartek, i use it full time :) i LOVE it02:52
craigbass1976bartek, elinks (harhar)02:52
dennistermy presentation was printing fine this morning, but then oo crashed and now all it prints is gobbleygook...other apps print fine...can someone please help me sort this out?02:52
bartekcabrey: I find it still crashes a bit unfortunately :/02:52
dennisterand yes, i've tried openoffice.org channel...it's dead02:53
cabreybartek; for me the alpha is extremely stable02:53
craigbass1976bartek, whatever happened to regular mozilla.  Became seamonkey, no?  THen what?02:53
Joesephdj_segfault: Hmmm... .I'm back on with my static ip....  I'm currently pinging my router for as long as possible to see when it disconnects.02:53
bartekcabrey: cool, then I guess its getting closer for everyone :-)02:53
craigbass1976dennister, it usually is.  Which channel did you go into?02:53
bartekhmm it seems Banshee is my CPU culprit02:53
Wormikbartek, IceApe02:53
bartekusing 3% CPU threads.. many of them02:53
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WormikTry it. It based on Mozilla 5.002:53
dennistercraigbass1976: openoffice.org02:53
dj_segfault Joeseph: You solved the wep problem?02:53
matrixbluealephzero, possible feature request02:53
dj_segfaultbartek: Bad Banchee, No Biscuit!02:54
bartekdj_segfault: what? :-P02:54
matrixbluebartek, what firefox doing? I thought it was the bread and butter of FOSS02:54
Joesephdj_segfault: Seemed to.   I just restarted.  My router seems to be pingable this time.  Getting closer.02:54
bartekActually I need to look for a new media player since I dont need Ubuntu to sync my ipod anymore02:54
cabreymatrixblue, oh god no02:55
bartekSo I dont need banshees ipod syncing02:55
dsdeizfinally! i got urxvt to have more colors.. hooray!02:55
dennistercraigbass1976: can you help me with this? the presentation is set for tomorrow morning :(02:55
dj_segfaultbartek: I switched to Songbird, which plays, organizes and syncs well.02:55
Joesephdj_segfault: Alright... I'm connected to the internet for now...   I just updated the weather applet and it worked....  next try is firefox...02:55
matrixbluebartek, banshee mostly crashes for me when trying to get album art02:55
mr_frosteebartek....what do you use to sync your iPod?02:55
craigbass1976dennister, gah!  I'm not sure.  Let me think...  Ok to private chat?02:56
bartekmr_frostee: my mac02:56
dj_segfaultOK, gotta go, since I couldn't get *my* problem solved here.  L8R02:56
bartekdj_segfault: Songbird always crashes when I try to load my library (its big), unfortunately. I've given it many attempts and used to use it.02:56
cabreymatrixblue, banshee has been the best experience for me compared to amarok, songbird, rhythmbox, etc02:56
timewriteranyone knows how to install vmware workstation on ubuntu 9 ?02:56
Joesephdj_segfault: It seems to be working this time.  Don't know what I did different... Other than pinging my router as soon as I was connected.... but that would seem like an odd thing to keep me connected.02:56
bartekhttp://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Wiki here's a light weight music player haha :)02:56
dj_segfaultbartek: I have about 3500 songs in Songbird right now.02:56
cabreytimewriter, I have it installed02:57
eremiteAnyone know when Foobar2000 will be coming to Linux?02:57
matrixbluecabrey, I agree. It does need some polishing but overall I like it02:57
dj_segfaultJoeseph: Agreed02:57
maekwhere has /etc/iftab gone in 9.04 please?02:57
bartekeremite: I wish it would02:57
timewritercabrey , can you tell me how ?02:57
bartekbest media player ever02:57
timewriteri installed it too , but it wont start02:57
cabreytimewriter, yes do you have the cdrom (or download)02:57
Kalmi_maek, what is iftab for?02:57
timewriteri downloaded the bundle script02:57
mr_frosteeI use Banshee with my iPod, I tried Amarok but that didn't work so well.  Banshee seems to be good.02:58
cabreytimewriter, can you tell me the file extension?02:58
eremiteDoes anyone know why I would get really bad lag while gaming, but beofre I switched from Wubi to a proper install it worked flawlessly?02:58
mr_frosteeI wish there was a linux version of iTunes though02:58
timewriterjust a sec02:58
timewriterits a script02:58
timewriteri chmoded it +x02:58
maekKalmi_: I just cloned an ubuntu vm and eth0 isnt showing up, I assume its tied to the old mac somewhere and /etc/iftab used to list the device and its mac address02:58
timewriterand ./ ran it02:58
FloodBot3timewriter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
timewriterand it installed vmware02:58
cabreytimewriter, do sudo ./script02:58
timewriteri did02:58
Joesephdj_segfault: If that turns out to be my solution, I suppose I could write a script that pings my router and have it start on startup....02:58
timewritereverything went fine , but vmware doesnt start02:59
cabreytimewriter, any error messages?02:59
Kalmi_dj_segfault, that has very little to do with iftab...02:59
timewriterdidnt checked the log02:59
cabreytimewriter, run vmware from the terminal02:59
dj_segfaultJoeseph: Sounds like a plan.  *really gotta go* and get my problem solved.02:59
cabreythat command02:59
timewriterok , just a sec02:59
Joesephdj_segfault: alright, good luck.02:59
timewriter/usr/bin/vmware: line 31:  6030 Segmentation fault      "$BINDIR"/vmware-modconfig --appname="VMware Workstation" --icon="vmware-workstation"03:00
timewriterand cannot find a lot of modules03:00
maekKalmi_: fyi, its being held by /etc/udev/rules.d/*net.rules03:00
cabreytimewriter, so it did not compile the kernel modules03:00
timewriterwhats to do ?03:00
djk1anyone know how to include af_packet in 9.04 server kernel? modprobe fails03:01
matrixbluetimewriter, how did you install that again?03:01
cabreytimewriter, uninstall it first03:01
timewritermatrixblue , downloaded the script and ran it03:01
timewriterthis are the errors03:01
serecan someone tell me how i can get the latest packages on 8.0403:01
timewriterwhats the best way to uninstall it , cabrey  ?03:02
DethronedI heard that Ubuntu doesn't like AMD processors...is that right?03:02
cabreytimewriter, maybe the script has a uninstall function03:02
davidtwhat was the offtopic ubuntu03:02
matrixbluetimewriter, did you run the script using sudo?03:02
cabreyrun it again03:02
timewritermatrixblue , yes03:02
Kalmi_Dethroned, where did you hear that? :o03:02
timewriterim running ubuntu 9.04 64bit03:02
cabreytimewriter, that could be a problem, is vmware 64 bit?03:03
matrixblueDethroned, that's not true.03:03
DethronedKalmi...I don't remember...it might have been ATI graphics cards...It was some thingy that didn't work well with Ubuntu03:03
loshertimewriter: looks like this: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/19820203:03
ubottudavidt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:03
timewriterthank you losher03:03
WormikWhere can I download ISO repository for Ubuntu 9.04 AMD64?03:03
timewriterchecking it03:03
cabreyDethroned, it's not that Ubuntu doesn't *like* ATI, it's just ATI releases rather low quality drivers03:03
matrixblueDethroned, the processor and graphics cards a different. And it's more accurate to say that ATI doesn't like Ubuntu03:03
Luckst0rGuys, was getting an error like "EXT4-fs: ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 640 not in group (block 3158584599)" so i ran sudo fsck -fp /dev/sdc1 followed by sudo e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sdc1.. seems to have fixed it.. and df -h is showing the data on the mount but i cant see anything when i do an ls inside the mount03:04
Kalmi_Dethroned, ATI dropped support for old cards03:04
matrixblueDethroned, I use ATI graphics on open drivers and they works great for me, compiz and all03:04
DethronedKalmi...lemme guess...compatibility issues?03:04
cabreytimewriter, make sure you install linux-headers03:04
chuck_and some fairly new cards03:04
timewriterthey are already installed03:04
WormikI use ATi now. Works bad... Unreal Tournament 2004 works slower and slower every minute... If it is UT bug, not ATi...03:04
serecan someone tell me how i can get the latest packages on 8.0403:04
cabreytimewriter, then make sure you install build-essential03:05
mr_frosteeAnybody know where to get a Dell v505w driver for Jaunty?  It's driving me crazy that I can't use the wife's new printer with my computer.03:05
Kalmi_sere, would you like to upgrade to jaunty?03:05
timewriteri installed the vmware-package , but i might have been missing something03:05
alephzerodj segfault /matrixblue might have found a solution to get it to work...03:05
timewriterwhat version of linux headers do i need ?03:05
matrixbluesere sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:06
timewriterlinux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic is already the newest version.03:06
Wormiksere, use Synaptic. Mark all repositories. Make update of list. Press "Update all" button03:06
Dethronedmatrixblue:  So you think I would be ok if I got a computer with the ATI Radeon HD 3200?03:06
cabreytimewriter, sudo apt-get install build-essential03:06
timewriterits already there ,  cabrey03:06
timewriterbuild-essential is already the newest version.03:06
loshersere: check out the Ubuntu backports page...03:06
cabreytimewriter, what happens when you run /usr/lib/vmware-config.pl as root?03:07
matrixblueDethroned, check online to see if your card is supported03:07
Kalmi_!upgrade > sere03:07
ubottusere, please see my private message03:07
timewritersudo: /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl: command not found03:07
Dethronedmatrixblue: Know where I could find that?03:08
cabreyDethroned, you can get a HD 320003:08
wadOkay, critical problem. I upgraded this slow computer from an older version of kubuntu to the latest ubuntu, and now my wife can't play bejewled on facebook anymore, because for some reason it's horribly, horrible slow.03:08
matrixblueDethroned, I'd start with google03:08
cabreyand it will be supported by the current ATI drivers and as a result, 9.0403:08
Kalmi_wad, nvidia?03:08
wadI've adjusted the display settings to the lowest, on this computer, but that didn't do it.03:08
wadKalmi_, I don't know, it's whatever's on this slow motherboard. Checking....03:08
timewriteri might just remove it and use virtualbox instead03:09
Kalmi_wad, lspci can tell you03:09
WormikCan latest ATi drivers work in 7.10?03:09
matrixbluewad, did you do a fresh install? or just run the upgrade program?03:09
serelosher: i did but i dont get any new apps :/03:09
cabreytimewriter, try running the install script again03:09
wad00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)03:09
matrixblueWormik, 7.10 is unsupported03:09
wadI did a fresh install, complete with reformat.03:09
wadI actually ran fdisk and nuked the partitions first.03:09
cabreyWormik: what ATI card do you have?03:09
timewriterdownloading it now03:10
chuck_Dethroned, your card is supported but if you want the ati proprietary driver then you  need to stay with ubuntu 8.10 and below as  ati is  behind in updating for the new X server03:10
wadKalmi_, it's an Intel graphics card. All flash apps are super slow... I thought maybe I installed a lame flash player, but I can't figure out how to uninstall whatever I have.03:10
timewritercabrey , can you tell me whats the best way to remove it ?03:10
cabreyThe ATI Radeon HD 3200 is supported by 9.0403:10
wadI think it installed some gnome flash player. I wonder if maybe I should have installed the adobe one.03:11
Wormikcabrey, Radeon HD 3300. I install latest driver and changed xorg.conf from nvidia to fglrx. I see blank screen after starting X, but all works03:11
Pici!intel | wad fyi03:11
ubottuwad fyi: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.03:11
wadAnyone know how to uninstall the flash plugin for firefix?03:11
Kalmi_wad, gnome flash player... um... what? :D03:11
matrixbluewad sudo apt-get remove gnash03:11
cabreytimewriter, because it is not a deb, you have to hope vmware put an uninstallation function03:11
wadKalmi_, exactly. Not used to it.03:11
loshersere: On my 8.04, I edited /etc/apt/sources.list to add backports, did apt-get update (twicee), then ran update manager, and got a bunch of stuff backported from 9.04 e,g, the new brasero03:11
* wad tries matrixblue's idea03:11
Kalmi_!flash > wad03:11
Llewxamhey all quick question: if i upgrade from hardy to intrepid do i lose all the configuration and plugin settings i've done with compiz?03:11
ubottuwad, please see my private message03:11
Kalmi_Llewxam, no03:11
wadPackage gnash is not installed, so not removed03:11
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:12
LlewxamKalmi_, and to um ... 9.04? jaunty is it?03:12
serelosher:  do u mind pasting your sources.list...i would really appreciate it03:12
timewriterthey did03:12
Kalmi_!9.04 | Llewxam03:12
ubottuLlewxam: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents03:12
cabreytimewriter, uninstall it and see if you can reinstall and maybe this time the modules will compile03:12
LlewxamKalmi_, same thing then?03:12
timewritertrying now03:12
cabreytimewriter, what is your kernel version? (uname -r)03:13
loshersere: I added: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse. Actually, it was already there, I just uncommented it...03:13
Dethronedhmm...hopefully this computer will work...8 gigs of ram and the ATI HD 3200...if not then I'll just wait 6 months for the next version of ubuntu03:13
matrixblue!flash > matrixblue03:13
Kalmi_wad, try searching in synaptic for flash to find out what flash have you installed...03:13
ubottumatrixblue, please see my private message03:13
xxuriahxxis dropbox worth the download for 9.04?03:13
Kalmi_!botabuse >  matrixblue03:13
matrixbluexxuriahxx, I think so03:13
Kalmi_xxuriahxx, works fine03:14
timewriteri guess it will work now03:14
wadKalmi_, ok03:14
xxuriahxxthank you03:14
timewriterinstallation was succesful03:14
timewriterit worked03:14
cabreytimewriter, it's running?03:14
timewriterthank you for help03:15
cabreytimewriter, yay! :)03:15
timewriteri guess i had the wrong version03:15
timewriterand grabed 6.5.103:15
timewriterinstead of 6.5.203:15
* cabrey is off to pester vmware to produce a deb03:15
wadGrr, I've got adobe flash downloaded, but it doesn't show up in the firefox plugin management screen.03:15
matrixbluewad, restart firefox first03:16
wadmatrixblue, I've done that 5 times now.03:16
GuiriHowdy - We have a server that multiple people store data on using sftp. Is there a way to limit a certain director in maximum size?03:16
wadMaybe I should uninstall it.03:16
wadThen reinstall.03:16
DethronedI have the Live CD for both Ibex and Jackalope.  Is Jackalope better?03:16
zer0rezhow do i eject my DVD tray, the button on the front seems to have stopped responding, possibly thinking their is a dvd in there when there isn't03:17
cabreyDethroned, depends on your hardware03:17
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cabreyzer0rez, sudo eject /dev/dvdrom03:17
* wad uninstalls firefox, there is no other way to get rid of a plugin apparently.03:17
matrixbluewad, what are you getting when you try to watch a flash video?03:17
* wad tries03:17
cabreywad, install adobe-flashplugin, then uninstall it03:17
Kalmi_wad, uninstalling firefox makes no sense03:17
cabreyinstalling adobe-flashplugin will overwrite what you have now03:18
cabreythen you can uninstall it :)03:18
zer0rezcabrey: thanks03:18
matrixbluecabrey, I thought that package was flashplugin-nonfree03:18
wadmatrixblue, it wants to install a plugin, but the only one it can find is gstreamer-bad.03:18
YashyLooking for help getting ndiswrapper with WPA working on Ubuntu 9.04. iwconfig is showing the device and I can iwlist scan APs including my own. It's not clear how WPA supplicant works now, it seems to be running with -u (dbus) so I can't kill the process?03:19
cabreymatrixblue, theres like 10 different packages that do the same thing for some reason03:19
matrixbluewad sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:19
cabreymatrixblue, aptitude search flash03:19
matrixbluecabrey, point noted03:19
timewriterubuntu 9 is amazing03:20
cabreytimewriter, yea, I used to be a fedora guy03:20
earthenhow do I restart sound driver03:20
zer0rezcabrey: nope(there was no dvdrom in /dev/ but there was dvd and dvdrw, neither worked)03:20
cabreytimewriter, that being said, Fedora 11 might win me back :P03:20
losherGuiri: you can impose quotas, but they are per-user, not per-directory, if I recaall correctly...03:20
zer0reznor cdrom nor cdrw03:20
earthenwithout rebooting03:20
cabreyzer0rez, try sudo eject03:20
timewriteryou cant beat debians package managment03:20
loshercabrey: I used to be a fedora guy too, till it got unstable...03:20
graelinzer0rez: try /dev/sro03:21
wadmatrixblue, looks like it's installing... High hopes! :)03:21
graeliner /dev/sr003:21
cabreytimewriter, idk... rpm 4.7 sounds good03:21
matrixblueearthen, $ sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset03:21
DethronedThanks for your help everyone03:21
* zer0rez shakes fist at stupid optical drives03:21
timewriteri got enough of chasing oss03:21
timewriterill stick with this one03:21
Guirilosher: Cool. Any info on that?03:21
cabreyzer0rez, sudo umount /media/cdrom003:21
cabreythen sudo eject03:21
karnameHi , I have 100mbps connection , when I downloaded 40 gigs of file from one domain in one day , I cann't connect to port 80 of it but I can ping this domain , how can me resolve this problem?03:22
SnowKittyi need help with my sound03:22
JusticeZeroHllo; I read that a number of people recommend having a seperate /boot partition, but I do not know where to find out WHY they do that, or what the /boot partition should be set up as (size, filesystem, position on disk)03:22
SnowKittythe volume control does not work, i can't lower it XD03:22
cabreyJusticeZero, that's only beneficial when you have more than one linux distro installed03:22
graelinkarname: you have a fw? look at the rules03:23
timewriteri dont know why vmware doesnt save the changes i make03:23
zer0rezcabrey: ah03:23
matrixblueSnowKitty, tried rebooting?03:23
zer0rezgood call03:23
ed_debianJusticeZero, You can reinstall the OS without losing your personal data (home partition)03:23
losherGuiri: Thre's tons of stuff under google. See e.g. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2139737,00.asp03:23
cabreyzer0rez, is it out?03:23
karnamegraelin : no , I haven't firewall03:23
Guirilosher: Thanks much03:23
matrixbluekarname, you usre that server has a web service running?03:23
SnowKittyi usually use the volume dial on my speakers, i hadnt noticed that the one in ubuntu isnt working XD03:23
SnowKittyuntil just now03:23
karnamematrixblue : yes , for example rapidshare!03:24
cabreyed_debian, he was just talking about /boot03:24
SnowKittyi dont think rebooting will fix it03:24
zer0rezcabrey: says not mounted :(03:24
graelinkarname: Nothing on the router either? Most routers have some sort of fw, but port 80 shouldn't ever really be an issue03:24
cabreyzer0rez, pesky little bugger eh03:24
ed_debianlol, nevermind03:24
heidihelp ubuntu does not recognize my printer03:24
heidihelp ubuntu does not recognize my printer ?03:24
cabrey!patience | heidi03:24
ubottuheidi: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:24
zer0rezcabrey: yes very much so.03:24
JusticeZeroOK. I was setting up as Extended: 6000 ext3 ( / ), 10000 ext3 ( /usr ), 4000 (linux swap) ; /home; /windows. Anything else you'd recommend changing about that?03:24
zer0rezi could always restart but i'd prefer not to03:25
matrixblueheidi, we need more details03:25
losherJusticeZero: older systems could not boot from a partition that was not at the start of the disk, so people used /boot and placed it first. For newer bioses, it's no longer an issue...03:25
cabreyzer0rez, do you have wine?03:25
heidiim so sorry volunteers :'(03:25
zer0rezi have crossover installed03:25
karnamegraelin : I haven't any limit on network and I have this problem in two server that have separate system , network ,..03:25
ed_debianheidi, That's ok lol03:25
zer0rezand beer ;)03:25
zer0rezcabrey: i have crossover installed and beer ;) (sorry forgot to preface your name)03:26
JusticeZeroS'kay heidi. What kind of printer and what have you tried doing so far?03:26
heidimatrixblue ok my ubuntu is 9.04 my printer is an hp what else do u need to know03:26
anom01yHi I have xubuntu 9.04, and after I used the hibernation mode, the sound doesnt work, I have tried rebooting, tried reinstalling restriced extras. Nothing works03:26
cabreyzer0rez, somebody suggested the odd command wine eject d: lol03:26
SnowKittythis is kind of annoying03:26
matrixblueheidi, what's the model of the ho printer?03:26
JusticeZeroWhat have you tried doing so far? Just plugging it in?03:26
cabreysudo eject -v03:26
SnowKittyi cant firgure out how to get it working03:26
heidiwell i have an hp and i tried to put the installation cd but it does not work  justicezero03:27
cabreyzer0rez, ^^03:27
giffenGreetings. I have a question -- I am trying to setup multiple interfaces (tap1, tap2) bridged (br0) to my network card (eth0). I have managed to get tap1 to work properly, but I'm having trouble getting multiple virtual adapters. Can anyone point me in teh right direction?03:27
ed_debiananom01y, Check out this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29427503:27
zer0rezcabrey: i see it03:27
matrixblueheidi, that installation CD is most likely meant for Windows03:27
cabreyzer0rez, post output if there is anything good03:27
heidihp color laserjet cp121503:27
Mukatuna_heidi the installation cd would have windows drivers on it i guess03:27
JusticeZeroyeah, the CD is foe Windows; I usually don't need the CD even -for- a windows system though.03:27
ed_debiangiffen, What is the benefit of multiple virtual adapters?03:28
zer0rezcabrey: eject: CD-ROM eject command failed03:28
mr_frosteeAnybody know where to get a Dell v505w driver for Jaunty?  It's driving me crazy that I can't use the wife's new printer with my computer.03:28
cabreyzer0rez, soo descriptive03:28
timewritercabrey , did you tried ubuntu 9 64bit ?03:28
Tyrathwould anyone know how to get a Logitech ClearChat Style Headset mic working on jaunty? it worked on intrepid03:28
heidiyeah thats what i think matrixblue so what do u think i should do03:28
matrixblueheidi, I'm looking for the driver for you03:28
JusticeZeroyou probably need to make sure you have "cups" or "ghostprint" installed, or something of the sort..03:28
cabreytimewriter, don't have a 64 system03:28
zer0rezi can pastebin it, but that's about it03:28
heidithanks matrixblue03:28
giffened_debian: I need to do 2 things (althoght my background knowledge is kinda messy here). 1. I need to have my virtualbox instance running in bridged mode so the vm gets its own ip. 2. I'm using uShare to stream to my 360 and I can't seem to get it to connect through eth0. uShare keeps giving me some business about adapter down03:28
zer0rezcabrey:  only other intersting bit was: eject: CD-ROM eject command failed03:29
zer0rezcabrey: eject: trying to eject `/dev/sr0' using CD-ROM eject command03:29
cabreyzer0rez, try rebooting then eject the disk while the computer is at bios screen03:29
MrKleanAnyone name a good CD ripping software for Ubuntu 9? Ripping to 320kb/s mp3's03:29
zer0rezyea was trying to avoid that03:29
lowlycoderi'm running ubuntu on a macbook, i don't have an external mouse; how can I fake right clicking?03:29
cabreyzer0rez, well by the time we figure this out03:29
losherMrKlean: grip is popular I understad03:29
Mukatuna_coder is it running via bootcamp03:30
giffenwrong window :D03:30
JusticeZeroRe heidi Openprinting DB says it likes foo2hp03:30
Mukatuna_or vmware03:30
matrixblueheidi, the drivers for the printers most likely come with ubuntu03:30
cabreylowlycoder, try tapping the trackpad with two fingers03:30
matrixblueheidi, go into System > Administration >Printing03:30
JusticeZeroheidi: so open up Synatic and type 'foo2hp' in the search and see if that is installed would probably be a good start.. lemme finish reading03:31
lowlycoderno luck03:31
Mukatuna_yeh that often works on macs 2 fingers tapped on the trackpad03:31
cabreylowlycoder, try 3 (not kidding)03:31
lowlycoderi'm hoping something along the lines of ctrl+click or somethingj03:31
JusticeZeromatrixblue probably knows this better. =)03:31
matrixblueheidi, then click new03:31
lowlycodernot only does it not work with 3, but i'm getting people to look at me too03:31
cabreylowlycoder, whitebook or alum?03:31
Mukatuna_i've only ever run linux on a mac via vmware so it takes whatever os x is set to03:31
byerleypardon if this is a bad place to ask, but I'm thinking it's related to the way ubuntu installs apache. My html file has a line "<!--#include virtual="./header.html"-->" that isn't being translated into the text in the header.html file and I'm not sure how to debug it?03:31
heidiok matrixblue new and then03:32
lowlycodercabrey: macbook pro, before the unibody03:32
matrixblueheidi, does it have your printer listed there?03:32
heidiyes but it said the drivers are missing matrixblue03:32
Mukatuna_code how you tried ctrl and click03:32
cabreylowlycoder, running 9.04?03:32
timewriteri wish i have a mac03:33
texyyyhey ppl i need to knw how i can access my other profile from this profile cause i deleted tht profile now it says tht it needs a password plz help03:33
matrixblueheidi, is it allowing you to click forward? Ubuntu usually downloads the drivers for you03:33
cabreytimewriter, im on a mac mini right now :)03:33
timewriternot that one :)03:33
timewriteriMac or higher03:33
ed_debiantexyyy, All of a users files are stored in the /home directory03:33
cabreytimewriter, thing thing is pretty amazing03:33
heidiyes is searching for drivers now matrixblue03:33
ed_debiantexyyy, Do you know how to get to /home?03:34
timewriterim sure but im used with my quad core system03:34
timewriteri dont know if i will like tha mac mini03:34
cabreytimewriter, besides, this is an old powerpc03:34
matrixblueheidi, that's a good sign. HP printers normally work very well on Ubuntu from my experience03:34
Mukatuna_i got a unibody macbook here btw. best laptop i ever had03:34
cabreyMukatuna_, i <3 unibody03:35
heidimatrixblue is printing thanks a lot :)03:35
timewriterat least you can get ubuntu on it03:35
timewriterits not fair03:35
matrixblueheidi, anytime :)03:35
Mukatuna_ubuntu is on it via virtualbox03:35
JusticeZeroheidi: Yay!03:35
Mukatuna_its not really cheating in my case. because i likes both OSs running at the same time :)03:35
DethronedIs there such a thing as too much ram?03:36
matrixblueDethroned, NEVER03:36
cabreyDethroned, Never!!03:36
heidimatrixblue but is not printing in colors03:36
temporarytaoquick question, how good would virtualbox work in an MSI Wind netbook?03:36
DethronedGood...cause I found a compy with 8 gigs03:36
Beatlesfanhey all, I was wondering if someone can assist me in setting up my new Nvidia graphics card in Ubuntu?03:36
wadI'm trying to uninstall firefox, but it's all messed up now. I did "apt-get remove --purge firefox" but it's still here!03:36
cabreytemporarytao, not well tbh03:36
matrixblueheidi, not even in test print?03:36
wadAnd when I try to uninstall it from the "Add/remove" feature, it won't let me, complains about branding.03:36
BeatlesfanI'm having a problem, Ubuntu will not boot with the new card ..03:36
Mukatuna_@temp .. it should be ok provided you got enough ram for the OSs03:36
wadIs there a command that will list all the packages installed?03:37
heidino is not in the test print is pure black and white matrixblue03:37
temporarytaocabrey, i knew that...i was hoping to hear an intelligent, dissenting opinion. hehe :D03:37
dj_segfaultwad: "Add/remove..." is the dumbed down lame program.  Use Synamptic and it will deal with all the dependencies for you03:37
cabreytemporarytao, I have the Eee and XP runs modestly at best03:37
cabreytemporarytao, I have 2GB03:37
matrixblueheidi, check to make sure that the right model printer is listen03:37
byerleywad: if you apt-get remove firefox it ought to give you a list of related packages that are no longer used03:37
waddj_segfault, oh, crap. That means I've messed up my dependencies.03:37
temporarytaocabrey, you actually ran virtualbox in it?03:37
wadbyerley, it didn't.03:38
Mukatuna_all i have on my acer one netbook is just netbook remix03:38
cabreytemporarytao, rarely03:38
* wad tries synaptec.03:38
Mukatuna_all it needs03:38
matrixbluewad, what exactly has firefox done to offend you?03:38
temporarytaocabrey, yeah but it's in there?03:38
dj_segfaultwad: No, you're just trying to uninstall something that is a dependency for another package.  Synaptic will take care of it for you.03:38
timewriterim not happy for xp even on a powerful pc03:38
JusticeZeroBeatles: what kind of card?03:38
heidiyes the right model is listed matrixblue03:38
=== unix is now known as Schwag
cabreytemporarytao, XP03:39
wadmatrixblue, it won't let me control the flash player plugin.03:39
cabreylowlycoder, btw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages03:39
byerleydj_segfault: what is synaptic going to do differently?03:39
Schwagguys i cannot seam to install flash, i have copied the libflashplayer.so to every possible directory, and i keep trying to detect new plugins in opera, and it never finds them03:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about MacTel03:40
matrixblueheidi, hmmmmmmmmm check the printer options for something like grayscale03:40
timewriterits the first time i like compiz03:40
wadI needed to use a different one, which was installed, but firefox couldn't figure it out.03:40
Hx63timewriter, Dont know why you arent satisfied with XP since is the best Windows ever. Stability, faster, etc.03:40
Schwagdriving me crazy03:40
temporarytaocabrey, i'm severely tempted right no. i'm just worried the atom processor will deep fry itself03:40
timewriterHx63 , i doubt that03:40
Mukatuna_is the a best version of windows?03:40
Schwagi had version 9 working fine, and now i tried replacing the lib file with the newest one and it doesnt work at all03:40
timewriterbut its my opinion03:40
dj_segfaultbyerley: "Add/Remove:" is a simplified program that intentionally doesn't work with some packages, and doesn't handle dependencies as well.03:40
matrixbluewad type about:plugins and tell me what is listed under shockwave03:40
byerleyHx63: only if you run 32bit03:40
tehlori've broken my package management, anyone have experience with an unruly initramfs-tools install?03:40
timewritertry to copy/paste 500GB of data in Xp03:40
mib_umr6rxi got some some problem at ubuntu03:40
timewriterand you will see what happens03:40
mib_umr6rxcan u all help me?03:40
cabreytemporarytao, it won't, but don't think you're gonna ge the best experience03:41
wadmatrixblue, I've uninstalled it now, and am reinstalling it. :)03:41
byerleydj_segfault: I meant compared to "apt-get remove"03:41
Hx63it is, is the most proved and improved os, like 7 years of user testing. sp3 ... and its built on 2000.03:41
temporarytaocabrey, thanks for the advice03:41
Mukatuna_stopped using windows 2 years ago here. not missed a thing03:41
mib_umr6rx[sudo] password for user:03:41
dj_segfaultbyerley: Oh, apt-get remove would do it too, but I wasn03:41
timewriteron the otherhand , why dont we keep legacy hardware ?03:41
matrixbluewad, I doubt the problem is firefox. I suspect you have swdef installed03:41
dj_segfaultwasn't going to throw him at the command line if he's used to Add/Remove..03:41
cabreyMukatuna_, I went from Win2K -> OS X 10.3 -> 10.4 -> 10.5 -> 8.10 -> 9.0403:41
timewriterHx63 i can agree with a single thing03:42
byerleydj_segfault: ah, just misunderstood you03:42
SnowKittyi poked around and kinda fixed it03:42
timewriterwindows xp is the best gaming platform , yet .03:42
timewriterthats all what xp has03:42
SnowKittyi have to click the speaker thingy to lower it03:42
Hx63timewriter, it will do it without problem, you must have NTFS version. And dont miss the 64 bit version :) . Up to 128 ram.03:42
Hx63128 GIGS.03:42
zer0rezcabrey: sadly reboot fixed it03:42
timewriterwindows xp 64bit ?03:42
timewriterthats a bad joke03:42
SnowKittyif i use the volume buttons on my keyboard it shows a volume bar thingy going down but does nothing to the sound03:42
timewriteri run vista 6403:42
cabreytimewriter, lol 'tis true tho03:42
timewritercabrey , i know :)03:42
cabreyzer0rez, well at least you didnt have to paperclip it03:43
matrixbluewad, swdef is another open source flash player03:43
byerleytimewriter: real gamers use DOS~03:43
Hx63dont mention vista, that was a bad step from microsoft. Take a look at 7. :)03:43
Beatlesfananyone ? nvidia ubuntu boot problem ?03:43
wadmatrixblue, no swdef that I could find.03:43
timewriterbyerley im just an ocassional gamer then :)03:43
Schwagguys i cannot seam to install flash, i have copied the libflashplayer.so to every possible directory, and i keep trying to detect new plugins in opera, and it never finds them03:43
zer0rezcabrey: very true :)03:43
mr_frosteeVista is the reason I'm using Ubuntu now.03:43
matrixbluewad when FF reinstalled lemme know if that fixed it03:43
dj_segfaultBeatlesfan: I have nvidia working on several boxen and lappys.  Did you say what card?03:44
wadOkay, I've got firefox reinstalled, but flash apps still don't work.03:44
JusticeZeroBeatlesfan: What mopdel of card?03:44
timewritermr_frostee you will miss vista :)03:44
wadEgads, this is crazy!03:44
Schwagsame problem wad03:44
* wad finds his Ubuntu install CD03:44
timewriteri will buy an iMac to have them all03:44
wadSchlep, yes.03:44
BeatlesfanJusticeZero: geforce 620003:44
dj_segfaultwad: Crazy like a Firefox!03:44
Beatlesfan512MB PCI03:44
tehlorcpio: ./bin/udevinfo: Cannot stat: No such file or directory03:44
tehlorupdate-initramfs: failed03:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:44
joshua__does compiz hate intel?03:44
matrixbluewad did you try the sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree?03:44
SnowKittycan anyone help me with my audio problem?03:44
cabreyi know im guilty too03:44
Schwagtry opera maybe youll have better luck with it03:44
timewriterBeatlesfan , no problem with my nvidia03:44
Hx63well i have to use windows, since im a developer , and use a lot VS 2005. Also a PC gamer. So. :)03:44
wadmatrixblue, yes indeed.03:44
felix_SnowKitty, whats it?03:45
Schwagim seriously about to uninstall and reinstall win7 just because of this03:45
timewriterjoshua__  , intel gma ?03:45
wadflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.03:45
cabreyjoshua__, wha?03:45
timewriteror the brand itself ?03:45
Beatlesfantimewriter: I get to boot screen, orange bar halfway across, then goes to black...alt-f1 does not bring up console03:45
tkmrSchwag: What's wrong with Win7?03:45
billisniceI install flash in firefox going to www.hulu.com then install missing plugin...03:45
timewriterBeatlesfan , what version of ubuntu ?03:45
joshua__I can't enable visual effects03:45
Beatlesfantimewriter: 9.0403:45
SnowKittyi can lower the volume and mute if i click the speaker icon in the top menu, but if i use the buttons on my keyboard it shows a bar moving but does nothing to sound03:45
Schwagnothing is wrong with win703:45
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cabreySchwag, go to a win7 channel for help03:45
Beatlesfantimewriter: what version are you running?03:45
timewriterBeatlesfan , everything smooth on this machine03:45
timewriter64 bit03:45
Schwagim not using win7 lol03:45
timewriterrunning 8800GTX03:45
Beatlesfantimewriter: 32 bit here03:45
FloodBot3timewriter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
wadAny more ideas? Or shall I reformat the hard drive, and reinstall the OS?03:46
timewriterFloodBot3 just let me be03:46
matrixbluewad try sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree03:46
JusticeZeromaybe the wrong driver is installed?03:46
Schwagi cant install flash on here, some gay bug i'd asume, since half the channel cant as well03:46
tkmroh. I'm confused. lol03:46
Beatlesfantimewriter: my Ubuntu live CD will not boot either03:46
SnowKittyfelix_: any idea what could be wrong?03:46
Beatlesfantimewriter: but my Gentoo Live Cd will boot up03:46
cabreyBeatlesfan, what happens?03:46
joshua__so nobody knows anything?03:46
heidimatrixblue  now im getting only black and red03:46
timewriterBeatlesfan , try another videocard maybe ?03:46
cabreyjoshua__, what is your question?03:46
losherSchwag: please don't use that term perjoritavely....03:46
=== giocordova is now known as egiovani
Beatlesfancabrey: boot screen, orange progress bar gets halfway across then screen goes to black03:46
felix_SnowKitty, what desktop environment are you running? i heard of a key binding application for KDE that supports special keyboard buttons03:46
matrixblueheidi, keep trying. The problem is your settings03:46
timewriterHx63 we all have to use windows , more or less03:47
cabreyBeatlesfan, try the safe graphics mode03:47
Beatlesfancabrey, can't get to console03:47
zer0rezgah, screen, i wish screen would live between reboots03:47
Beatlesfancabrey, got it03:47
wadmatrixblue, I did about:plugins and there are no SWF players active.03:47
joshua__i can't enable compiz on ubuntu 9.04, but IIRC i think it worked with the beta03:47
wadI've got the right adobe flash player, but firefox can't find it.03:47
timewriteri just install xp in vmware03:47
cabreyjoshua__, what is your gfx hardware?03:47
Hx63Shwag i installer flash without problem, but im in kubuntu03:47
matrixbluewad, shockwave?03:47
timewriteri want to run world of warcraft on it03:47
Beatlesfancabrey: how do you envoke safe graphics mode?03:47
SnowKittyfelix_: whatever ubuntu comes with. the keys work fine, its juust that it shows a vulume bar moving up or down (or an X thru a speaker if i mute) but the sound stays the same03:47
Kalmi_wad, I assume you have restarted firefox...03:47
timewriteromg it has sound03:47
joshua__it is intel something or another on my laptop03:47
wadmatrixblue, yes, that is there. I've disabled it under the firefox plugin management dialog.03:47
cabreyBeatlesfan, it is an option in the grub menu03:48
wadKalmi_, twelve times now. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled it.03:48
SchwagHx63 flash 10? as of now i havent gotten it working in ANY distor ive tried03:48
egiovanineed some help, my mouse makes double click when i do a single click03:48
cabreyjoshua__, lspci -nn | grep VGA03:48
matrixblue!gnome | SnowKitty03:48
ubottuSnowKitty: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.03:48
Beatlesfancabrey, ok03:48
gee9043can help me?i got some problem at ubuntu.........03:48
felix_SnowKitty, sorry, i cant help you03:48
dj_segfaultHow do I change Jaunty to boot into text mode (3) instead of X (5)?  No more inittab has me lost03:48
timewriteri cant believe this03:48
PunkxHello, my ubuntu 9:04 always starts with the low resolution of video. The xorg.conf is always being rewritten. How to fix?03:48
matrixbluewad, enable it03:48
Beatlesfancabrey: I know restore console is there and memtest.. don't recall safe graphics mode03:48
bobovskiHas anyone gotten the internal mic to work on an acer aspire one D150 with Netbook Remix 9.04?03:48
Hx63in ubuntu Schwag you must do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras , it will do it automatically. In kubuntu the same just add de K.03:48
timewritervmware seems to run better on ubuntu than on windows03:48
joshua__00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a02] (rev 0c)03:48
ed_debiangee9043, What is your problem (BTW it is common courtesy to just ask and not ask to ask)03:48
SchwagPunkX same problem there too03:48
cabreyBeatlesfan, I believe you must hit F5 or another function key for another menu03:49
Beatlesfancabrey: ok03:49
Schwagalready did Hx6303:49
Alex___egiovani: Have you tried System -> Preferences -> Mouse and raising the double click timeout?03:49
Beatlesfancabrey: I'll try it03:49
gee9043<ed_debian>:user@ubuntu:~$ sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.11-pkg1.run [sudo] password for user:03:49
Hx63whats your system Schwag?03:49
gee9043i cannot install my driver03:49
Schwagubuntu 8.0403:49
egiovaniAlex___ yeah i tried03:49
joshua__did you get that cabrey?03:49
ed_debiangee9043, That is a question?03:49
timewriterat least Creative guys manage to create some drivers for this X-Fi03:49
PunkxSchwag, with which video card?03:49
Hx63timewriter keep dreaming man LOL and thats a big LOL..03:49
Hx63window hater inside...03:50
cabreyjoshua__, yes, here: http://www.rudkin.me.uk/2009/04/22/how-to-get-your-intel-gm965gl960-working-with-compiz-on-ubuntu-jaunty-jackalope/03:50
Schwagnvidia fx5500, i have to reinstall drivers everytime i restart03:50
timewriterHx63 , dreaming about what ?03:50
gee9043i want type the password, but cannot type - -03:50
Hx63thats the problem Schwag03:50
gee9043my password is 12303:50
Alex___egiovani: Sorry, that was my only idea lol03:50
egiovanijajaj ok03:50
Hx63for you to get working03:50
ed_debiangee9043, It is typing.  It doesn't show it for security reasons03:50
ed_debianjust type it faithfully and hit enter03:50
wadmatrixblue, the flash player works, but it's SUPER DUPER SLOW.03:51
ed_debiangee9043, However that command doesn't really make any sense.03:51
Hx63Schwag to get working flash in 8.04 you must first INSTALL all the DAMN freaking updates, after that, restart and then install flash, youll get it working for sure :)03:51
cabreyjoshua__, for reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/compiz/+bug/36382103:51
PunkxSchwag, here I have to select the resolution only by the nvidia-setting03:51
Hx63thats for the latest flash03:51
matrixbluewad, is the rest of the computer slow?03:51
joshua__so it is a bug cabrey?03:51
wadmatrixblue, nope.03:51
timewriteri dont know what to dream about03:51
wadJust flash.03:51
matrixbluewad 32 or 64 bit?03:51
wadAnd it was fast yesterday, when I was running an old version of Kubuntu on it.03:51
cabreyjoshua__, it was disabled for a reason, but you can enable it if you're feeling adventurous03:52
bobovskiSecond, has anyone had any success is getting sound to "come back" after suspend on UNR installed on the Acer ASpire one?03:52
Hx63Schwag, understood right?03:52
SnowKittyi fixed it03:52
wadLast night I installed ubuntu 9.04, and now it sucks.03:52
losherdj_segfault: Somewhere in /etc/event.d/rc-default03:52
gee9043than if i want to install my driver, how to intsall?03:52
SnowKittyi just had to play with some settings03:52
* cabrey will be back in 5 minutes03:52
timewriterlol , sound is perfect03:52
Schwagsame with me punkx, everytime i reinstall it reverts back to the failsafe xorg, i have to killall gdm, then reinstall my gfx drivers, then use the system03:52
matrixbluewad, check the shockwave plugin now03:52
Schwageverytime i restart03:52
* wad checks03:52
Schwagthats why i havent been restarting alot xD03:52
wadShockwave Flash 9.0 r99903:52
xxuriahxx1hello everybody, where is the transmission application folder located in 904 (the actual app)03:53
matrixbluewad ur using an old version03:53
Hx63Schwag, di you understood the stuff of the flash i told you? so i can go with peace in my mind?03:53
ed_debiangee9043, The wonderful people at ubuntu have built a repository of software that is always kept up to do and is easily accessible from the ubuntu os.  All you have to do is search for it.  Do you have a GUI (The method you were attempting is possible I just don't know how to do it and it is silly to do it that way if you don't have to)03:53
dewmanyou shouldnt need to restart..... often that is.....Errr....unless your using doze...03:53
ralmarHey guys, quick question. Do i need to install Privoxy on ubuntu 9.04 in order to use TOR with firefox? The tutorial on the official ubuntu website tells you to install it but another tutorial I saw skips that step? Thanks03:53
vossflash is at version 10 now03:53
matrixbluewad you need to use flash 1003:53
wadmatrixblue, ah, okay!03:53
Schwagyeah, i just think its stupid that everytime theres a flash update ubuntu users have to wait god knows how long to have working flash03:53
PunkxSchwag, that shit!!!03:53
wadDo, shall I uninstall the one I've got?03:53
matrixbluewad yeah to be on the safe side03:54
Hx63Well thats only for the 8.0403:54
SchwagPunkx i know right xD just dont restart alot, apparently theres a bug there too03:54
vossschwag, 32 bit linux is fine someday so will 64 bit linux03:54
dj_segfaultlosher: Thanks.  It looks like it will read /etc/inittab if I put one there.03:54
wadOkay, I did "apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree03:54
Hx63schwag it doesnt happen in 9.04 or 8.10... i believe.03:54
wadSo, I guess I need version 10.03:54
* wad looks under synaptic.03:54
Schwagthe only reason i started this venture was to listen to my song on myspace, sheesh03:55
gee9043cos the Nvidia show thos03:55
Alex___wad: Just go to Adobe's site and download flash player 10...03:55
gee9043The wonderful people at ubuntu have built a repository of software that is always kept up to do and is easily accessible from the ubuntu os. All you have to do is search for it. Do you have a GUI (The method you were attempting is possible I just don't know how to do it and it is silly to do it that way if you don't have to)03:55
FloodBot3gee9043: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
Schwagim jsut gonna format and swithc back to win703:55
Schwagpeace peeps03:55
gee9043Type "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.11-pkg1.run" to install the driver.03:55
losherdj_segfault: interesting. I would never have guessed that...03:55
Alex___wad: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/thankyou/?installer=Flash_Player_10_for_Linux_(.deb)03:55
cabreyAlex___: use the repos to install flash03:55
ed_debiangee9043, Are you saying you want to do it your way?  I will help you do that if you'd like.  As long as you know there is a better alternative.03:56
Alex___cabrey: Why?03:56
dewmanthe repo way is the best way..... ;)03:56
dj_segfaultlosher: Yeah, I'm looking at the script and I don't see any other way of controlling it.03:56
cabreyAlex___, automatic updates & keep track of packages installed easier03:56
Alex___cabrey: Ah03:56
wadAlex___, heh, I've installed that twice already.... doing it again.03:56
* Khisanth doesn't even use the deb :)03:57
timewriterim amazed03:57
ed_debiantimewriter, About what?03:57
zer0rezhow do i get stuff to run at login?03:57
cabreywad, use apt-get or aptitude03:57
losherdj_segfault: I see it in /etc/event.d/rc-default. It explicitly looks for an /etc/inittab file. Backward compatibility I guess...03:57
ArkhalisAnyone able to help with a driver issue? I have new drivers for my ethernet card in ubuntu 9.04, problem is since the previous drivers are incorrect i don't know how to locate and uninstall it to install the new one03:57
gee9043than wat is ur suggest?03:57
timewriterubuntu 9.04 and vmware03:57
wadcabrey, I tried.03:57
matrixbluewad, search snaptic for that flash 9 and remove it03:58
Alex___There has been like 3 things I've wanted that weren't in the most recent repos so and that kinda got me starting not using it03:58
ed_debianzer0rez, You have to know the terminal command.  Go to System -> preferences -> sessions (or startup or something) the new ubuntu has a new name for it03:58
cabreywad, sudo aptitude install adobe-flashplugin03:58
dj_segfaultlosher: True, but how else would you tell it to go to 3?  The rest of the code just tries to guess which to go to with no way to tell it.03:58
Hx63timewriter, lol03:58
matrixbluewad that got installed somehow and is conflicting. Then install flash 10 from the repos and you'll be set03:58
timewriterHx63 yep03:58
timewriterubuntu ownz xp with bare hands03:59
matrixblueI gotta go now. I've put in my hour for the day :D03:59
timewriterfrom here to china , and all over the world03:59
bc_timewriter: lol03:59
wadmatrixblue, that makes sense.03:59
ed_debiangee9043, It is best to search for software in the repos first and then if it isn't there search for a package on the internet.  To search the repos go to System -> Admin -> Synaptic Package...03:59
dj_segfaultzer0rez: Look at /etc/profile.d/03:59
wadmatrixblue, thanks!03:59
matrixbluetimewriter, damn right03:59
timewriteri have to admit ..03:59
zer0rezdj_segfault: thanks03:59
timewriterbut Hx63 ,yes , for my music creation software , i have to use xp03:59
losherdj_segfault: no other way apart from editing the file itself. A number of people have remarked that the Ubuntu replacement for inittab is not all it could be...03:59
TheFunkbombcan any x64 users take a look at this post and tell me what they think?  Too long to explain here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7390974#post739097403:59
cabreyTheFunkbomb, did you install flash 64?04:00
timewriterHx63 , for exemple , guest oss have poor sound quality in vmware , using windows as host04:00
TheFunkbombcabrey, yes.  Read part 204:00
timewriterthis doesnt happens when i use ubuntu as host04:00
timewriterbut yes , xp has better compatibility .04:01
dj_segfaultTheFunkbomb: Adobe's is 32 bit.04:01
cabreyTheFunkbomb, well it is an alpha...04:01
cabreydj_segfault, there is an alpha of flash 64 bit04:01
TheFunkbombdj_segfault, I downloaded the 64bit04:01
ArkhalisAnyone able to help with a driver issue? I have new drivers for my ethernet card in ubuntu 9.04, problem is since the previous drivers are incorrect i don't know how to locate and uninstall it to install the new one04:01
Hx63timewriter yeah tell ubuntu from my part to run the best graphically games on windows. If he can achieve that then i will go personally and kill bill gates.04:01
Hx63If not, then ill still love the damn bill.04:02
mr_frostee_Anybody know where to get a Dell v505w driver for Jaunty?  It's driving me crazy that I can't use the wife's new printer with my computer.04:02
timewriterHx63 , its not about ubuntu and xp , it was about xp being the best os .04:02
timewriteryes , we all love him04:02
gee9043<ed_debian> i need search my driver inside?04:02
timewriterhe brought light to us04:02
stickboyi just did a fresh install of 9.04 and i keep getting wifi disruptions. it shows me as still being connected in the dock icon but i'm not. refreshing the connection fixes it for a bit but then it just happens again.04:02
timewriterbut i consider Vista way better04:02
timewriterand i hope 7 will rule the world04:02
AlexKpowCan anyone help me with with GRUB or Ubuntu hanging after boot?04:03
mr_frostee_Vista sucks04:03
timewritermr_frostee , get a real pc :)))04:03
AlexKpow(I'm not sure which one it is)04:03
ed_debiangee9043, Yes.  Here is some help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:03
ed_debiangee9043, What is the name of your card?04:03
cabreyPlease please please don't start a flame war04:03
timewriterim running vista 64 and i can say it ownz04:03
AlexKpowVista is pretty slow04:03
timewriterno cabrey , we are just kidding04:03
timewriterAlexKpow youre wrong :)04:03
gee9043i din't name card04:04
AlexKpowI have 64-bit installed, and it's slow as shit compared to 7 or Ubuntu04:04
ed_debianI think that people who like vista are almost certainly nazi04:04
wadIt works now!!!04:04
gee9043i am PLT student04:04
ed_debiangee9043, PLT?04:04
wadI have shockwave flash 9 installed.04:04
cabreywad, what does?04:04
timewriterAlexKpow how did you tested it ?04:04
wadGot rid of that, and now flash works.04:04
mr_frostee_I used 95, NT, 2K, XP and Vista.  95 and Vista were both horrible04:04
AlexKpowtimewriter: with my computer...?04:04
mr_frostee_2K was awesome04:04
timewriterAlexKpow , how ?04:04
coz_mr_frostee,  i assume you already tried to get the driver from system/administrationi?04:04
timewriterplaying a movie ?04:04
Hx63timewriter, i personally love more unix and linux based systems. Mac sux (uh uhmm). But have to use windows for my development work (programming projects and medical stuff), and for my gamin :). But i recommend linux and unix almost for all, firewall -> IPCOP linux system, VOIP telephony -> Elastix , Trixbox, asterisk, linux distros, and etc.04:04
gee9043like course ... school..2 year for learn all about computer04:04
outofthemadness1hey guys, does anyone know where I might get some JACK support?04:04
AlexKpowInstalling it, and using it04:05
timewriterHx63 , we all do :)04:05
mr_frostee_coz_ yes I did04:05
timewriterbut i cant afford a mac , and i need windows for some professional software that freeBSD cant run04:05
mr_frostee_and I have Googled until I'm blue in the face04:05
cabreyHx63, the funny thing is that Leopard is actually a certified Unix OS04:05
AlexKpowI have a GTX260, 8gb of RAM, a Q6600 OC'd to 3.2ghz, and it's way slower in comparison04:05
Hx63i know that, but it sux. :)04:05
ed_debiangee9043, No offense, is english not your first language?04:05
timewriterAlexKpow , i asked how did you tested it04:05
AlexKpowtimewriter: by using it on a daily basis04:05
gee9043<ed_debian> and now ... my eng - --04:06
coz_mr_frostee,   ok give me a few minutes here I am installing edubuntu-destop and system is a bit sluggish  hold on  I will try to find out04:06
timewriterthats no proof .04:06
AlexKpowLol, I've been using it since it was released04:06
mr_frostee_coz_ cool, thanks for the help04:06
timewriter8 GB of ram for vista 32 ?04:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:06
AlexKpowVista 6404:06
timewriterand you say its slow ...04:06
ed_debiangee9043, I'm sorry but I just don't really understand you.  Perhaps you should look for a forum that is in your native language?04:06
AlexKpowIt's slow in comparison04:06
timewriterwell , its your opinion and i respect it04:06
AlexKpowObviously it's fast for me04:06
PastorKarrThe only way that I am able to startxfce4 is with sudo, and then I a logged in as root, why could this be? its a fresh install.04:06
timewritercompared with a striped os like 7 rc is ?04:06
rodsif I have two computers on the same lan, running jaunty, can I use one to remotely shut the other one down?04:07
Hx63Yeah we have to admit vista 64 is the GOD xD.04:07
rods(saw the article on this in lifehacker, looked awesome)04:07
AlexKpowWindows 7 has proven to be much faster04:07
=== bc_ is now known as bc
ed_debianrods, Yes!04:07
ed_debianrods, Wanna learn how?04:07
rodsed_debian sure04:07
timewriterAlexKpow , windows 7 is using the same kernel i guess04:07
Khisanthdoesn't even need to be on the same LAN :)04:07
timewriterjust wait for the RTM04:07
timewriteror you can disable all services in vista and you will have a fast os04:07
ed_debianrods, :) awesome.  You need to set up an ssh server on one (the one to be controlled).  Install the package openssh-server.  That might not be the exact name04:07
timewriteri dont know why did you buy new hardware , you obviously dont need it .04:08
rodsed-debian -- k04:08
cabreyed_debian, oh thats old ;)04:08
rodscabrey is there a better method?04:08
ed_debiancabrey, ??  Is there a better SSH server?04:08
timewriterand i bet my stock cpu will beat your oced Q660004:08
AlexKpowAnyways, can anyone help me with UBUNTU? It hangs after booting from GRUB for like 25-30 seconds at the "Starting up..." screen04:08
zaccourwhat does the other side of a pop-up window look like?04:08
PastorKarrThe only way that I am able to startxfce4 is with sudo, and then I a logged in as root, why could this be? its a fresh install.04:08
cabreyed_debian, didnt mean it that way04:09
cabreyjust an old method04:09
timewriterAlexKpow , maybe the GTX260 drivers ?04:09
ed_debiancabrey, What is another method?  I'm curious04:09
AlexKpowWhich drivers should I use then?04:09
CarlFKI paired my bluetooth headset, but I don't see a new audio device04:09
timewriteryou might need to compile them yourself04:09
cabreyed_debian, i don't have one, but lh made it sound like a new feature introduced into 9.0404:09
zaccourwhat does the other side of a pop-up window look like?04:09
ed_debianlh What is cabrey talking about??04:09
AlexKpowLet me disable the Nvidia drivers and reboot04:09
AlexKpowI'll see what that does04:10
ed_debianis lh a user here?04:10
cabreyed_debian, lifehacker04:10
ed_debiancabrey, Can you point me to an article?04:10
Havoc_what up my buntu ppl04:10
cabreyrods said he saw it on lifehacker04:10
PastorKarrany reason why starxfce4 can only be run with sudo? that logs me in as root which I dont want, and I get error when doing it without sudo04:10
timewriteranyone from denmark ?04:11
Arkhaliscan anyone help? trying to install a driver from a tar.gz (source) i have already tried to install it and it errors out04:11
ed_debianrods, Care to comment?04:11
losherAlexKpow: there's an option to get a verbose boot. I forget what it is. Remove the 'quiet' keyword from your menu.lst?04:11
AlexKpowAlright, be right back04:11
cabreyed_debian, http://lifehacker.com/5275652/shut-down-your-windows-pc-remotely-from-linux04:11
AlexKpowOkay, I'll do that, too04:11
coz_mr_frostee,   ok I am finding very little about this other than it should work with ubuntu at least it was reported working with ubuntu 7.0404:11
rodscabrey-- that was using linux to shutdown windows machine04:11
cabreyahhhhh ok04:11
cabreynow I got it04:11
rodsI was curious with ubuntu to ubuntu action ;-)04:11
ed_debianrods, Are you talking about 2 linux machines?04:11
coz_mr_frostee,    when you go to system/administration/printing  and add printer are there no drivers listed there?04:11
cabreyrods, i didnt follow, don't mind my slowness :)04:11
AlexKpowtimewriter: Okay, brb for real04:11
rodsed_debian yes the article made me wonder how to do it with two linux machines04:12
rodscabrey no prob man-  all good04:12
ed_debianrods, Well I don't think there is as clean a solution (that is really cool).  I was just going to set up an ssh server so that you can remotely run the shutdown command.  Do you wanna learn how to do that?04:12
Arkhaliscan anyone help? trying to install a driver from a tar.gz (source) i have already tried to install it and it errors out04:12
red_i need to buy a pci wireless card. any recommendations? I like to not have to use ndiswrapper.04:13
rodsed_debian another time--the moment of pranking has passed ;-)04:13
cabreyArkhalis, what is it04:13
ed_debianrods, It requires access to the computer to be shutdown ahead of time FYI04:13
cabreyed_debian, rods, i feel like i killed it oops04:13
Arkhaliscabrey: i can't copy and paste the error so give me a moment04:14
dotblankHmm I cant seem to be able to hack myself. I recently wrote a c program that has vulnerable functions in it to buffer overflow but because of app Armour (I think thats it) prevents the exploit and stops execution with the message "smash attack detected" anyone know how to turn this off?04:14
AlexKpowtimewriter: Okay, that didn't work04:14
rodsed_debian no problem, I wanted to tease my wife by it. Another day perhaps04:14
ed_debiancabrey, You're a terrible person04:14
AlexKpowNow I just have a gay recolution04:14
rodscabrey, ed_debian, thanks yall!04:14
AlexKpowcommenting quiet didn'tgive me an output, either04:14
kholerabbiis it possible to install a wine application so all user profiles can use it?04:14
timewritersad , AlexKpow04:14
rodsalso, a little note, tomorrows woot's gonna be great04:14
timewriterwhat version of ubuntu ?04:14
* cabrey cries himself to sleep04:14
timewritermotherboard chipset ?04:15
coz_mr_frostee,   are you still here?04:15
Arkhaliscabrey: when I do make install in terminal it goes through all the steps then it errors in two places remove all old versions of the driver (driver location here) :permission denied04:15
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:15
Arkhalisthen again... permission denied04:15
timewriterArkhalis , maybe you need to do that as root04:15
cabreyArkhalis, did you use sudo?04:15
AlexKpowIt's an nVidia i75004:15
cabreyArkhalis, also, what is the driver for?04:15
Arkhalisi tried sudo and it does something entirely different04:16
timewriterthat might be a bit of a problem04:16
jonathanrwallaceis there an equivalent to open suse's svc command for ubuntu?04:16
timewritermaybe ubuntu doesnt love nvidia chipsets04:16
timewriteri dont know man , i had no problem with my pc04:16
timewriterintel motherboard , intel cpu04:16
cabreyArkhalis, can install pastebinit04:16
Arkhaliscabrey: with sudo i get the error cannot write to /var/vache/man/cat7/atlle.7.gz in catman mode04:16
timewritereverything goes fine04:16
Hx63 Ok guys im having the following BIG issue. I have a laptop lenovo with graphics Intel mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller. Kde 4.2.3 draw some bad distortion sometimes, very noticeable with kate and amarock, it happens with desktop effects on or off.. Any ideA? help? suggestion? or comment? will be greatly appreciated. Yeah i know this is ubuntu channel, just in case someone here know the issue. Kubuntu channel isnt responsive as this on04:16
Tortelanyone here know what could cause the built in VNC server to not update the client's screen?04:17
AlexKpowLet me look up how tog et a verbose output04:17
timewriterdisable desktop effects04:17
cabreyArkhalis, sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:17
Arkhalisno because it's on my laptop and the driver i am trying to fix is the ethernet ><04:17
timewriterthat videocard cant handle them04:17
newseris it possible to make a persistent usb drive using unetbootin?04:17
red_Hx63, the intel driver in ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 is bad.04:17
cabreyArkhalis, do you know what kind of wireless device it is?04:17
jonathanrwallacehmm, looks like svc is available in the daemontools package04:17
cabreyred_, not necessarily04:17
Hx63timewriter, the video card can handle vista with all graphics.  So that isnt the problem. Vista certified lap04:17
Hx63red_ ok04:18
timewriteri read geforce 4 lol04:18
JBergthat's a LOT of water man04:18
timewriteryeah , its ok04:18
newseror how can I make a persistetnt usb live version of ubuntu 9.04?04:18
red_cabrey, you are correct. in general it is pretty bad. can lead to tearing and weird glitches.04:18
chiquesI have a built in camera on my notebook. Does anyone recommend a nice GUI to use my camera?04:18
Arkhaliscabrey: it's actually wired ethernet... current driver is attansic corp which is incorrect (done a lot of research) the driver i am trying to install is ar813x   arthos or whatever it is called04:18
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:18
red_chiques, sudo apt-get install cheese04:18
cabreyArkhalis, so wireless works?04:18
Hx63red_ any suggestion? maybe a new driver, i have all updates. and all repo enabled.04:18
chiquesred_, I'll check that out, thank!04:19
Arkhaliscabrey: yes, just no wireless in the house atm04:19
red_Hx63, i havent found anything that solves it. the nest option is to use the 8.04 intel driver as the newer 9.10 is not any better04:19
cabreyArkhalis, do you mean atheros?04:19
cabreyWhat happens when you open System > Administration > Hardware Drivers04:20
red_chiques, cheese ispretty cool injoy it04:20
Hx63red_ understood thank u.04:20
Arkhaliscabrey: it says no proprietary drivers04:20
J-_Is python 2.5 included in the Hardy repos?04:20
red_Hx63, its not horrible but it does do some weird glitches. dont worry im sure it will be better for 9.10. the 9.10 driver i tested and phronoix tested was super alpha04:21
cabreyArkhalis, is this an acer aspire one?04:21
Arkhaliscabrey: this driver was installed as of install... after looking around many people have the problem04:21
whatvnJ-: you can search04:21
J-_I'm trying to compile Sonata 1.6.204:21
J-_whatvn: I have.04:21
Arkhaliscabrey: no, same issue, same hardware, but it's actually an eeepc 1008HA04:21
chiquesOK, thanks again red_04:21
red_i need to buy a pci wireless card. any recommendations? I like to not have to use ndiswrapper.04:21
Hx63OK found a FIX for this distortion errors with intel graphs: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html   red_ take a look.04:21
J-_Ah, it's default04:22
courpse|deadWhere can i configure vino via terminal?04:22
cabreyArkhalis, did you see this: http://quefyx.com/2009/05/23/installing-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-on-asus-eee-pc-1008ha/04:22
m4nquestion: where does the "no paste" plugin of glipper paste the content to? i can't find information on that in the lp pages or on net04:23
ArkhalisAha! must have missed that cause i looked everywhere for something like that lol04:23
Arkhalisoh yeah i saw that04:23
red_Hx63, as you can see on my google group http://groups.google.com/group/UbuntuMini/browse_thread/thread/90c952ee9e59b192/1649a431a7b1bf40?hl=en&lnk=gst&q=intel#1649a431a7b1bf40 not very promising04:23
Arkhalisbut that only fixes wifi  which i have done already04:23
vossred pci?04:23
cabreyArkhalis, ahh I see04:24
Arkhaliscabrey: one moment... i am copy pasting into a txt file to transfer to this computer... then i'll pastebin04:24
cabreyArkhalis, its like a catch 2204:24
courpse|deadWhere can i configure vino via terminal?04:25
cabreyyou need wired to fix the wired04:25
cabreycourpse|dead, sudo aptitude install vino04:25
courpse|deadi have vino04:25
courpse|deadbut need to configure it via terminal.04:25
cabreyim falling asleep04:25
cabreysee if dpkg-reconfigure04:25
cabreyis good enough04:25
courpse|deadfor vino ?04:26
cabreysudo dpkg-reconfigure vino04:26
lukillais there a tool on ubuntu that you can use to "unpack" rar documents04:26
cabreylukilla, unrar04:26
courpse|deadThat doesnt do anything.04:26
TheFunkbombcabrey, I fixed it!04:26
lukillawhere can i find it?04:27
cabreycourpse|dead, I think vino is a gui tbh04:27
cabreylukilla, sudo apt-get install unrar04:27
cabreyTheFunkbomb, i forget, what was wrong lol04:27
lukillathank you04:27
courpse|deadthere is no conf files?04:27
courpse|deadI have ssh to my comp at home, but i'm trying to get vnc working, :/04:27
TheFunkbombcabrey, I'm the dude who had the x64 flash problem04:27
fresh_princeHello, I got a wireless USB adapter, I can see it in iwconfig but cannot see any of the wireless networks in the network-manager, any suggestions ?04:28
chuck_courpse|dead, try this yet? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698104:28
Tortelumm, anyone know where this file is in newer versions of X11/gdm? /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default04:28
courpse|deadIt's listening on ipv6 tcp, and i need it to listen on ipv4 tcp.04:28
Torteldamnit, nvm04:28
TheFunkbombcabrey, here is what I had to do.  There was another folder in /usr/lib/ that was firefox-3.0.10.  I threw the x64 plugin in there.04:29
Arkhaliscabrey, i give up... I seem to have missplaced my flash drive (lost it when i was drunk at the bar actually but whatev)04:29
Arkhalisi just give up either way04:29
vosshttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704003 $13.99 from new egg, red04:29
cabreyArkhalis, maybe if you try a eee specific distro04:30
Mowok say I downloaded this and I want to use it on my system how do I do this04:30
chiquesfresh_prince, unplug and plug the adapter back in and check post your dmesg output04:30
fccf-virtyay - people giving up when I walk in the room - good to see such failure04:30
Arkhaliscabrey: unfortunately I have... two others04:30
cabreyMow, that is a emerald theme04:30
linduxedall my columns in gtk have rediculously small widths as defaults, and it never saves the last state04:30
Mowit is?04:30
cabreyas we told you earlier, emerald has been deprecated04:30
Arkhaliscabrey: this driver fixes the wired ethernet issue as far as #ubuntu-eeepc says and several forums04:30
MowIt says its a compiz theme though04:30
Mowlook it up04:30
cabreyArkhalis, maybe ask someone there to make a deb for you?04:31
Arkhalisi just can't install it ><04:31
fresh_princechiques: newbie here, what should i be looking for in the dmesg04:31
linduxedthis has the unpleasant effect of microcolumns in deluge, and a screwed up view in evolution04:31
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bcvoss: is that card actually stable and supported?!?04:31
Arkhalisyou can mae a .deb from tar.gz?04:31
cabreycompiz uses metacity or emerald04:31
MowA theme For Ubuntu content:04:31
Mow-Dynamic Wallpaper04:31
Mow-Emerald Theme04:31
FloodBot3Mow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
=== default_ is now known as toke
cabrey"-Emerald Theme"04:32
vossbc its an atheros chipset04:32
chiquesfresh_prince, past the last 10 or so lines in http://paste.ubuntu.com and post the link04:32
chiquesfresh_prince, *paste04:32
bcvoss: geez that's a cheap price04:32
cabreyArkhalis, I could try but I don't know if i could get anywhere04:33
fresh_princechiques: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187098/04:33
ArkhalisAnyone here know how to make a deb file from tar.gz? cabrey: NP, thanks for trying to help anyhow ^^04:33
courpse|deadchuck_, Aight i done that, but vino is still listening on tcp6 and not tcp.04:33
vossbc, its newegg.com04:34
glisignoliI have a mail dir with around 44,000 files in it, totalling 11gb or so. Because of this I can no longer view the mail dir in thunderbird. What can I do?04:34
kindofabuzzArkhalis, you compile the source from the tar then use checkinstall instead of make install. checkinstall creates a .deb for future use04:34
chiquesfresh_prince, Paste what lshw -C network shows04:34
MowA theme For Ubuntu content:-gtk2-gdm-icons-Dynamic Wallpaper-Emerald Theme -Cubemodel Theme04:34
Arkhaliskindofabuzz: I'll try that, thanks04:35
cabreyArkhalis, also install fakeroot instead of giving it sudo privledges04:35
vosstp-link is an up and coming chinese brand04:35
bcvoss: looks cheap even for newegg :P04:35
DShepherd!checkinstall > Arkhalis04:35
ubottuArkhalis, please see my private message04:35
linduxedall my columns in gtk have rediculously small widths as defaults, and it never saves the last state04:35
linduxedthis has the unpleasant effect of microcolumns in deluge, and a screwed up view in evolution04:35
losherglisignoli: tried #thunderbird ?04:35
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fresh_princechiques: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187100/04:36
ArkhalisThanks, however since the laptop has no internet... i can't apt-get checkinstall ><04:36
fresh_princechiques: yesterday it was working out of the box, computer crashed overnight and now it does not work anymore, i even re-formatted ubuntu04:37
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vossbc their stuff works04:38
=== Guest46992 is now known as ionstorm
chiquesfresh_prince, do you see available networks when you "left click" on the signal bars on next to the sound and time?04:38
courpse|deadDoes anyone know how i can make vino listen on tcp instead of tcp6 ?04:39
xtagonCan someone just nudge me in the right direction to figure out how to use the sexy new Growl-like notifications in my apps?04:39
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
pgpWish I could, I can't even get any sound out of my system right now04:39
fresh_princechiques: actually I just installe wicd instead of network-manager since when i used to left click it just says networkmmanager not running... although i am conneted to the wired network04:39
chiquesfresh_prince, Are you connected to your ethernet connection while you're trying to connect?04:41
RWings19hey all... could use some help with samba if anyone is willing04:41
fresh_princechiques: now yes, before that i tried to disconnect my ethernet... but shouldn't I be able to see wireless networks while I am connected ?04:42
Arkhaliscabrey: you still there?04:42
Arkhaliscabrey: see if this makes any sense to you http://paste.ubuntu.com/187103/04:42
RWings19trying to access a directory that is shared under WinXP - can't seem to mount the shared folder correctly04:43
chiquesfresh_prince, Yes, it should at least see the network while connected. I was just eliminating other factors while troublshooting.04:43
vossive used two of their pcmcia cards and one of their pci cards they work in linux04:43
fccf-virtRWings19: you will need to assess the NTFS partition as root unless you change fstab04:43
J-_Is msgfmt installed by default in Hardy?04:43
RWings19it's a fat32 drive04:43
fccf-virtRWings19: same diff04:44
cabreyArkhalis, well the sudo made it go further along the install script04:44
RWings19well I tried to set up the share under fstab04:44
cabreybut tbh wtf is catman mode?04:44
RWings19but the UID / GID info was rejected04:44
losherArkhalis: looks ok. The man page didn't install, but the kernel module looks like it did...04:44
fccf-virtRWings19: do ls -d  to /media/winxp04:45
loshercabrey: I believe catman is a cache for man pages so you don't keep reformatting them from source to display them04:45
cabreyArkhalis, see if this exists /var/cache/man/cat7/04:45
fccf-virtRWings19: and pastebin04:45
RWings19fccf:  i was trying to use this page as a reference:  http://www.rizwan-rafique.com/share-folders-between-windows-xpvista7-and-linux-machines#share_windows_folder04:45
courpse|deadDoes anyone know how i can make vino listen on tcp instead of tcp6 ?04:45
cabreylosher, makes sense04:45
mkfortis there a specific irc channel for the ubuntu netbook remix?04:45
chuck_courpse|dead, sorru do not know any thing about vino but did not want you to think i was ignoring you i did find this it seems there is a bug in vino  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/19667504:46
Arkhalislosher: so if i do a lshw it should be installed?04:46
Arkhalislosher: or do i need to do something else?04:46
cabreymkfort, try #easy-peasy04:46
fccf-virtRWings19: that's for sharing over network ... samba04:47
cabreyArkhalis, see if this directory exists: /var/cache/man/cat7/04:47
losherArkhalis: cabrey: I assume your next step is to modprobe the module then see if the hardware looks present...04:47
mkfortcabrey: huh?04:47
cabreylosher, first i want to get the module installed04:47
Arkhalisyes that directory exists cabrey04:47
cabreymkfort, easy peasy is a linux distro for netbooks04:47
cabreyderived from ubuntu04:48
cabreyArkhalis, what are the permissions on that directory04:48
losherArkhalis: cabrey: ok, didn't mean to butt in. One driver at a time...04:48
mkfortcabrey: well that channel doesn't exist but I'll look into it04:48
pgpAs a noob, how can I get ubuntu 9.04 to play sound out of my S/PDIF port on a Gigabyte GA-MAGM-SH2 Motherboard ?04:48
cabreymaybe it is #easypeasy04:48
cabreyyes it is04:49
mkfortah ok04:49
jZedmy dell 530n with single boot ubuntu (recently upgraded to jaunty) now gives grub error 25 "disk read error" any way to fix or get data with a rescue disk?04:49
letalishas anyone else had problems with jaunty randomly crashing on laptops?04:49
Arkhaliscabrey: owner - man access create and delete files -- group - root access files04:49
Arkhaliscabrey: at the bottom it says you are not the owner so you cannot change these permissions04:50
cabreyok Arkhalis, do a sudo modprobe atl1e04:50
Arkhaliscabrey: no response... blank line04:51
cabreyno errors?04:51
cabreythat would be good04:51
=== ro_man is now known as cewek
ceweki'm known as cewek04:51
Arkhalisthat was a lot of text04:52
cabreywhats the bottom chunk say04:52
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.04:52
Arkhaliswell it's not plugged in (rj45 is on this comp right now... complicated i know) but it says ar8132   link is not ready basically04:53
Arkhalisseems installed... now to test04:53
wryeanyone know if I need to do anything fancy to setup a ssh tunnel over a ppp connection?04:53
* cabrey commences drum roll04:53
Arkhalisbe back shortly... hopefully from the laptop04:53
fresh_princechiques: hey ! i was using a USB extension cable, i just tried plugging it in the back of the pc, and now it works (although the signal is pretty low)... thanks for your help :D04:53
wryetunnel won't work for me, but I can scp and use ssh to open a remote terminal... . I'm a little perplexed04:53
timewriteris it a problem if i install amarok on ubuntu ?04:54
mib_e1l8jf1xHi, this is sheila. I just installed ubuntu 9.04, but when I run firefox, it consumes all cpu04:54
coz_hey guys I just did something I have not done in the past  ...install both kubuntu and edubuntu desktops04:54
coz_does the edubuntu desktop overwrite gnome desktop?  I dont see  edubuntu in sessions?04:54
Ryan_Delaneywoot, I got Zsnes working on amd64!04:54
cabreycoz_, keep it all on one line04:54
jZedany tips on troubleshooting grub error 25 disk read error ... can I rescue the disk and or the data?04:54
mib_e1l8jf1xdmesg shows nothing about firefox at all.04:54
cabreycoz_, edubuntu uses the gnome desktop04:55
chiquesfresh_prince, Good to hear!04:55
ArkoldThosRyan_Delaney, nice04:55
cabreycoz_, its a set of extra educational applications04:55
coz_cabrey,  ok cooll what  I thought  but wasnt sure04:55
losherjZed: with a but of luck, you can do both. Start by booting the live cd04:55
steveowilsonhi. i've installed ubuntu 9.04, installed compiz config, but when I go to appearance preferences, under the Visual tab, I can't select Normal or Extra. It tries to do something then pops up with an error msg "Desktop Effects could not be enabled"04:55
J-_Where is the mpd configuration file usually stored?04:55
arkhalis_cabery: SUCCESS!04:55
jZedtried live cd, it can't see the hard disk04:55
losherjZed: is it running now?04:55
arkhalis_thanks a billion lol04:55
cabreyok DO NOT delete that source folder04:56
Ryan_DelaneyArkoldThos: http://www.tolaris.com/apt-repository/ :D04:56
jZedi can get it running on the other computer04:56
arkhalis_... srsly?04:56
arkhalis_i woulda put it in a different location had i known that ><04:56
cabreyeach time the kernel is updated, all modules must be recompiled04:56
ArkoldThosRyan_Delaney, yey, know any nes64 and psone emulator :(?04:56
arkhalis_ooohhh ok04:56
Ryan_DelaneyArkoldThos: Havent looked for that yet :) I mainly just wanted to play FF2 and FF3 :)04:57
losherjZed: I don't understand. Just how many computers are you running, and which one has the boot problem, which one has the data?04:57
arkhalis_good to know04:57
arkhalis_or i can just make a deb file now that i can apt-get checkinstall04:57
ArkoldThosoh =)04:57
arkhalis_save the deb file04:57
jZedum I'm on a spare computer now talking to you, the other computer a dell single-boot ubuntu jaunty is broke, I'm starting a live cd on it as we speak04:57
ArkoldThosi got shocked with FFXIV (for being a MMO) i hope much of it :D04:58
cabreyyou could try04:58
losherjZed: ok, standing by...04:58
cabreytbh i havent had all that much luck with checkinstall04:58
jZedthanks  much04:58
cabreysometimes it works, other times not04:58
ro_mani'm hungry04:58
loshercabrey: checkinstall was broken for a while, but then fixed. The latest one seems to work ok...04:58
arkhalis_well now that i know how to do it from src... i should be alright no?04:58
cabreyarkhalis_, you need to list the module04:59
cabreyso that it is loaded at each boot up04:59
cabreysudo nano /etc/modules04:59
arkhalis_cabrey: good to know04:59
cabreyand put atl1e on a new line in there04:59
arkhalis_just atl1e by itself?05:00
Zimphinhello all05:01
arkhalis_then just exit?05:01
AlexKpowAre there any self-proclaimed linux gurus in the house that could help me out with some boot hangime?05:01
AlexKpowI have cookies05:01
BBishopm00, who b0rke xfmedia ?05:02
losherAlexKpow: Were you the 20-30 sec pause during boot? Did you manage to get verbose output?05:02
AlexKpowNo, but I've got some info from dmesg that might be useful if I knew what it meant05:03
cabreyarkhalis_, reboot to make sure it works05:03
AlexKpowCare to join me in a private chat, losher?05:03
arkhalis_i'm a-scared05:03
cabreylol it'll break sometime05:03
cabreymight as well see if its now05:03
losherAlexKpow: unlikey, but paste it anyway. I can't go private, I promised to wait for jZed to come back...05:03
michal_Package installation / upgrade failed when trying to upgrade "udev 124-9ubuntu0.2" . When reporting the problem, ubuntu collected information about the system and created report which says: "package libgs8 8.63.dfsg.1-0ubuntu6.4 failed to install/upgrade: package libgs8 is already installed and configured" Any ideas?05:04
AlexKpowI went through it, and these are the commands it hangs on, 9 seconds, 16 seconds, and 14 seconds (respectively).05:05
AlexKpow[    1.362492] pci 0000:00:03.0: Disabling HT MSI mapping<6>pci 0000:00:07.0: Disabling HT MSI mapping<6>pci 0000:00:09.0: Disabling HT MSI mapping<4>pci 0000:00:0b.0: OHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) 0000078405:05
AlexKpow[   22.750545] type=1505 audit(1244001237.090:10): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/tcpdump" name2="default" pid=216705:05
AlexKpow[   38.989502] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver05:05
FloodBot3AlexKpow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
arkhalis_here goes05:05
AlexKpowDid that go out?05:05
jZedlosher, TIA, live cd is now booted05:05
julioswhy not install ATI TV 9600 in UBUNTU 9.04 please help05:06
losherAlexKpow: doesn't mean much to me. A bios bug, no idea why tcpdump might be involved. Do you even have a parallel port05:06
AlexKpowNo, I don't have one05:06
losherjZed: ok, open a terminal and type 'dmesg | egrep sd' and we'll see what hard drives the kernel has detected. Do you know about pastebin?05:07
arkhalis_All is well~05:07
AlexKpowlosher: do you know how to disable it checking for a parallel port?05:07
jZedbeen a while since I used pastebin05:07
losherAlexKpow: start googling my friend :-)05:08
RORgasmhey guys i'm trying to run a rails app in dev mode using passenger with apache... when i try to access the app i get an error saying unable to check htaccess file?05:08
losherjZed: nothing to it. Just open a browser window and go to  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/05:08
Mowso I know beryl isnt existant anymore but if I wanted to run a beryl matrix theme is it possable05:09
unopRORgasm, try #rubyonrails or #ruby05:09
dj_segfaultUgh.  Just "completely uninstalled" apache2, and it left *all* the files there.05:09
cabreyRORgasm, see #ubuntu-server05:09
unopdj_segfault, in where?05:09
RORgasmunop, cabrey sorry...lol...i thought i was in the rails irc05:09
jZedwell I can paste the results of dmesg | egrep sd right here between the quotes: " " :-(05:10
losherjZed: redo it, using hd instead of sd05:10
dj_segfaultJaunty AMD64.  Uninstalled apache2, apache2-common, etc.  and /etc/apache2 and all its files stayed there, as well as /var/log/apache2 and /var/www.  I don't think it deleted a single file.05:10
RHorsedj_segfault, use dpkg with the purge option05:11
Lamerioni messed up my gtk installation ='( any remedies?05:11
lstarnesdj_segfault: it would have removed the binaries and libraries not needed by other programs05:11
lstarnesLamerion: how is it messed up?05:11
losherjZed: what kind of hard drive is supposed to be in there?05:11
dj_segfaultRHorse: Better than Synaptic for this?05:11
jZeddell sata 750gb05:11
dj_segfaultOK, next time I'll know.  Thanks.05:12
jZedworked ok up until today (some DRDY errors)05:12
losherjZed: well there's no sign of it in the kernel. Did you touch any of the cabling?05:12
RHorsedj_segfault, I don't use Synaptic, but apt-get and dpkg have a purge option. I think Synaptics is a front end for one or the other05:12
jZednope, haven't opened the box ever05:12
Lamerionlstarnes: i tried to install libgnomeui-common on ubuntu 6.06... somehow it got broken05:13
jZedthe drive shows up in Dell f2 setup menu05:13
lecaosoncan chat with webcam on ubuntu?05:13
lstarnesLamerion: you're still using ubuntu 6.06?05:13
Lamerionyeah =(05:13
michal_Hi guys, My package installation / upgrade failed when trying to upgrade "udev 124-9ubuntu0.2" . When reporting the problem, ubuntu collected information about the system and created report which says: "package libgs8 8.63.dfsg.1-0ubuntu6.4 failed to install/upgrade: package libgs8 is already installed and configured" Any ideas? Running Ubuntu 8.10 on Dell XPS 153005:13
jZedbut gives errors about 9% through Dell's hardware check05:13
lstarnesLamerion: were you using the version of libgnomeui-common for 6.06/dapper?05:13
losherjZed: ok, well if i had to guess, I'd say your hard drive has just failed. Wanna paste all the dmesg into pastebin for completeness?05:14
Nicolas__My Java won't work in firefox on Ubuntu 9.08. It will say Applet Started, security Warnings, and such, I'll accept but it still won't work..help?05:14
Lamerionwas using... i downloaded a deb package from somewhere... i forgot which site.. too much tabs opened..05:14
Lamerionlstarnes: then i started to install the deb packages one by one05:14
jZedok, thanks, that's what I feared, Dell is sending a new one but I hoped I might get my data05:14
jZedit's only 3 months old05:15
Lamerionhow i wish there was a system restore now05:15
darthanubis'system restore" = backup05:15
michal_Hi guys, My package installation / upgrade failed when trying to upgrade "udev 124-9ubuntu0.2" . When reporting the problem, ubuntu collected information about the system and created report which says: "package libgs8 8.63.dfsg.1-0ubuntu6.4 failed to install/upgrade: package libgs8 is already installed and configured" Any ideas? Running Ubuntu 8.10 on Dell XPS 153005:15
WIGGMPkcan anyone recommend a good video format converter with a nice GUI frontend?05:15
losherjZed: it's not unheard of for a disk to fail at 3 months, though it is bad luck. Paste your dmesg...05:16
zortecI really need some help guys.  I just created my partitions and the installation of packages failed so I'm at a cli.  I installed irssi so I could use irc.05:16
darthanubis!patience | michal_05:16
ubottumichal_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:16
RHorseWIGGMPk, there are web sites that will do this, you know.05:16
WIGGMPkRHorse: yes, I am aware of it, but its incredibly large video files05:16
Mowis there any matrix themes out that actualy work?..05:17
rakistaMow: Yes as long as you use  the exact distro and version they were designed for05:17
zortecIs there a way I can search for packages on the cli?05:17
khermansZorix, aptitude search foo05:17
RHorsewigglez, I think VLC *might* do this. Can anyone confirm?05:18
khermanszortec, ^05:18
MowI cant find any of the distros that are available05:18
Nicolas__My Java won't work in firefox on Ubuntu 9.08. It will say Applet Started, security Warnings, and such, I'll accept but it still won't work..help?05:18
MowI found it for emerald and beryl thats it..05:18
lstarnesNicolas__: do you mean 9.04?05:18
Mowand beryl isnt distributed anymore05:18
Nicolas__yes 9.0405:18
losherWIGGMPk: linux doesn't have the best guis. Looked at http://www.videohelp.com/convert ?05:18
losherjZed: still there, or given up?05:19
rakistaJava is fucked on the nightly05:19
ralmarHey guys I just installed tor in ubuntu 9.04 and installed Tor button in firefox and enabled it.. I can still browse the web, but its as if i wasnt using tor. My ip is not concealed.. and i fail the torcheck.xenobite.eu test... what can i do? thanks05:19
zortecWhat is the command to see my partitions?  I would love any help that you can give.05:19
khermansWIGGMPk, losher, ffmpeg -i input.avi output.flv05:19
lstarnesralmar: do you have tor installed and running?05:19
rakistator button does it work in linux ?05:19
ralmarlstarnes, yes both tor and privoxy services are running05:19
khermansralmar, ensure you have privoxy comfigured05:19
rakistaDoes the site say it works05:19
khermansrakista, it works, yes05:20
losherkhermans: not exactly the gui of ones dreams...05:20
WIGGMPklosher khermans Im gonna give Handbrake a go, I specifically want to avoid command line solutions unless I need to05:20
Nicolas__rakista: it is? Is there anyway I can make the Java(I think it is) work?05:20
ralmarand when I enable the tor button i can continue browsing online05:20
NishaKittyweird question, is it possible to burn ubuntu to a dvd and have it boot and install I have no CDs atm x.x ?05:20
khermanslosher, there are GUi frontends for ffmpeg05:20
khermansNishaKitty, yes05:20
NishaKittyk ty khermans ^^05:21
rakistaNicolas: I just went back to 9.04 till they fix it05:21
losherWIGGMPk: I don't think its a good trade off sacrificing the best conversion just because it doesn't have a gui...05:21
jZedlosher: pasted my dmesg, it seets SATA1 I guess05:21
losherkhermans: I didn't know...05:21
losherjZed: what's the url?05:21
ralmarkhermans, yes i believe its configured.05:21
WIGGMPklosher: I dont need the best conversion.. I just need to convert them, easily05:22
khermanslosher, http://www.videohelp.com/tools/ffmpegGUI05:22
Nicolas__rakista: Uh okay, I thought 9.04 was the most recent version05:22
rakistamost recent is 9.0405:23
L3dPlatedLinux9.10 alpha i think05:23
rakistafor stable and 9.10 for nightly05:23
losherkhermans: windows only, isn't it?05:23
Nicolas__oh...I'm on 9.04 and it still isn't working right05:23
jZedlosher: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d3527ba3905:23
khermanslosher, there is something called ffmpegx i think for linux05:23
Kalmihi, I deleted a shared folder... and samba is completly dead... How could I get it back on its feet?05:23
lukillahow can i run an .exe file?05:23
khermanslukilla, wine05:23
Kalmi!wine | lukilla05:23
ubottulukilla: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:23
jZederm no, reports an disk error for ata105:24
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications05:24
Nicolas__uh so, how do I fix the java problem on 9.04?05:25
WIGGMPklosher khermans any suggestions on DVD menu makers?05:25
Surlent777hey, does anyone know if it's possible to disable firefox's overwhelming desire to enmesh itself with your GTK+ themes? Dark themes make it look horrible, and usually make Facebook chat, for one thing, unusable05:25
JeruvySurlent777: use ff themes instead05:25
khermanslosher, yes -- check out dvdee05:25
losherWIGGMPk: Personally, I found all the linux ones suck. I use nero under XP....05:26
Surlent777Jeruvy: The default theme isn't usable or uninstallable, seemingly05:26
fccf-virtkhermans: dont you mean devede05:26
khermanswigglez, devede05:26
WIGGMPklosher: thats the only one I can think of myself.. however I no longer recognize Windows (any version) as a viable operating system for my laptop05:26
losherjZed: Sorry, bad news; this line "ata1.00: failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error, err_mask=0x1)" if fatal I believe.05:27
JeruvySurlent777: I have no idea what that means...any theme I use seems to work fine in Gnome.05:27
Surlent777novato123: #ubuntu-es05:27
L3dPlatedLinuxnero has a linux version05:27
code47hi guys05:27
revilodrawwhen trying to install a tar.gz file i *always* get stuck on the './configure' step... i feel like im missing something obvious... do i need to write something before the ./configure?05:27
losherWIGGMPk: I run XP under vmware on ubuntu for these occasions. Heretical, I know...05:27
code47i want to ask05:27
fccf-virt!ask > code4705:27
code47how to install wifi card driver in xubuntu05:27
ubottucode47, please see my private message05:27
jZedlosher ; so can't get the data?05:28
xcercaanybody have a recommendation for a FPS game native for linux ?05:28
Jeruvyrevilodraw: maybe sudo...but that seems too obvious :)05:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:28
losherL3dPlatedLinux: the linux version of nero is stripped down, nothing like the windows version05:28
lstarnesrevilodraw: check the output of ./configure05:28
WIGGMPklosher: you dont find VMWare to resource consuming? have you tried virtualbox?05:28
Surlent777Jeruvy: I mean, if you go to Add-ons, there's a tango theme listed. I can't seem to choose it or uninstall it. Firefox 3 by default tries (too hard) to blend in with your GTK+ theme05:28
Kalmixcerca, um.... nexuiz...05:28
Nicolas__Java will not work in Firefox on Ubuntu 9.04, help?05:28
fccf-virtxcerca: sauerbraten rocks05:28
khermanswigglez, tovid or devede or mandvd05:28
revilodrawlstarnes: laptop:~/SleekDragon$ sudo ./configure05:28
revilodrawsudo: ./configure: command not found05:28
khermansxcerca, UrbanTerror05:28
JeruvySurlent777: ah yes I've only used 2 or 3 with ubuntu, but you don't have to use gtk themes, ff will override.05:29
lstarnesrevilodraw: do not sudo it05:29
khermansxcerca, http://OpenGamingNow.org05:29
cabreyrevilodraw, never use sudo for configure scripts05:29
lstarnesrevilodraw: the only step that will actually need sudo is usually make install05:29
code47how to install prolink wg-1000 driver in xubuntu.... im noob in linux... thanks05:29
khermansxcerca, http://www.opengamingnow.com/05:29
Surlent777Jeruvy: I think that's what I'm trying to do; I want it to stop using GTK+ so I can get a nice dark theme going05:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:29
xcercathanks , i'll check them out05:29
revilodrawcabrey and lstarnes; ok thank you... but do you need to write something before the ./configure?05:30
lstarnesrevilodraw: no05:30
Jeruvycabrey, lstarnes: that I agree with, but some dumb scripts seem to need it (I won't get into specifics unless called for)05:30
losherjZed: at this point, you have nothing to lose by moving the disk to a different sata port and then a different machine (if you have one). It's just possible the disk is actually ok and its your motherboard or SATA controller that's broken. But Murphy's law says it's the disk. The other thing you might try is downloading the manufacturers diagnostic disk and see if that gives you any joy...05:30
ogexcode47, apt-get install ndiswrapper05:30
timewriteri need a better HDD for the system ..05:30
lstarnesrevilodraw: if it isn't marked executable, you may need to use sh ./configure.  in most cases that is not needed05:30
cabreyJeruvy, all configure scripts made with autoconf do not need sudo05:30
khermansrevilodraw, if you dont know what ./configure is doing you need to do some more research and understand the implications of compiling from source -- ie. you will not get security updates05:30
fccf-virtcode47 then use the windows drivers05:30
revilodrawlstarnes and cabrey; i *always* get this bash:" ./configure: No such file or directory"05:31
jZedthanks losher ... could I put the new Dell hd in as master and this one as slave to see if I can get it?05:31
losherWIGGMPk: I have a quad core. Resource consumption is no longer an issue. VMware runs like a bat out of hell.05:31
cabreyrevilodraw, what are you trying to compile?05:31
lstarnesrevilodraw: check ls05:31
cabreylosher, thats an interesting analogy lol05:31
revilodrawkhermans, lstarnes and cabrey; thank you. im trying to install a new theme to my gnome desktop05:31
Jeruvycabrey: aye, I'm aware, there are some daft contradictions to that.05:31
khermanslosher, virtualbox takes advantage of CPU features too05:31
eseven73losher, must be nice :P05:31
Nicolas__I'm using Firefox 3 with Ubuntu 9.04 and online vNES will not load! I'm suspecting its a Java problem, how do I fix it?05:31
lstarnesrevilodraw: the directory that you're in might lack a configure script05:31
losherjZed: that's exactly what I'd do. If you can mount it, you can get the data off...05:32
WIGGMPklosher: cool, still have the faithful dual core.. I have grown tired of desktops though05:32
cabreyNicolas__, have you installed java?05:32
lstarnesrevilodraw: but it might have something else used for building it05:32
khermansNicolas__, sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin05:32
Nicolas__cabrey: I don't think so, how to?05:32
Surlent777revilodraw: I thought that with most GNOME Themes you just need to drag and drop them into the Theme Chooser window?05:32
revilodrawlstarnes:  it doesnt have any files in it that look like a configure script05:32
losherthe quad core was on sale at Fry's. The last good sale, it seems like...05:32
jZednuts, kripes, gop, fooey, cancel my rhumba lesson ... but thanks losher, you helped me confirm what I feared05:32
cabreywhat khermans said05:32
Nicolas__khermans: okay hold on05:32
revilodrawSurlent777: ok sounds awesome, drag the .tar.gz file?05:32
timewriteris there a way to defragmebt NTFS hdds on ubuntu ?05:32
=== trinity is now known as ok
Surlent777revilodraw: Yes, try that05:32
JeruvySurlent777: shouldn't be too hard.05:32
khermanstimewriter, ntfsprogs05:32
cabreyrevilodraw, drag and drop05:33
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:33
cabreyyou need NTFS-3g also05:33
losherjZed: you were just unlucky, though if I'd seen DRDY errors, I'd have started a backuo right then and there. With modern drives, the first error you see is cause for worry....05:33
jZedyeah, my own fault for not taking the DRDY seriously05:34
timewriterthank you khermans05:34
revilodrawcabrey, Surlent777, lstarnes; doesnt seem to work, when i drag the tar file it says 'not a valid theme'05:34
losherWIGGMPk: vmware has a switch to use up to two cpus. I hear good things about virtualbox though, not least of which is the price...05:34
khermanstimewriter, np05:34
Surlent777revilodraw: what is the name of the theme, and where'd you get it?05:35
cabreyrevilodraw, open up the tarball and make sure there isnt another tarball inside05:35
cabreysometimes people do that for some reason05:35
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revilodrawSurlent777: it's named sleekdragon and i got it here http://www.gnome-look.org/05:36
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:36
``y7how can i tell a program to use eth1 instead of eth0?05:36
Surlent777is that a GDM theme?05:36
loshercabrey: I didn't make the analogy up. Meatloaf had an album in 1977. The phrase itself dates back to 414 BC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_out_of_Hell). There's a wikipedia page for everything nowadays, isn't there...05:37
revilodrawSurlent777: yes05:37
Surlent777revilodraw: Therein lies your problem.05:37
libtechmeatloaf is awesome05:37
cabreylosher: haha i stand corrected05:37
Surlent777revilodraw: That is for the login screen. You need to go to the Login Screen thing under Administration and drag and drop it there05:37
Jeruvy``y7: usually by config, or by default interface...can you be more specific?05:37
revilodrawSurlent777: champion, thank you05:37
=== ScottG is now known as ScottG489
darlek``y7, what program?05:37
=== ScottG489 is now known as ScottG
``y7Jeruvy, i use synergy on my ubuntu machine and it trys to connect to my server with eth0, eth1 is my internal IP, eth0 is my external ip. my startup cmd is: synergyc -f
Surlent777revilodraw: If you want to use the wallpaper, after you install it, you should be able to find it in /usr/share/gdm/themes/sleekdragon or whatever05:39
InfoMoMojoekluse: LOL :D05:39
revilodrawSurlent777: haha thank you very much!05:39
Jeruvy``y7: does it have a parameter for specifying the network interface?  maybe the man page will tell you?05:39
Surlent777revilodraw: no problem05:39
``y7Jeruvy, darlek, it might also be trying to us lo, i had to ifdown lo and eth0 in order for it to use eth105:39
``y7Jeruvy, i don't know, i'll check out the man page once i get the machine back up05:39
Jeruvy``y7: its common for some apps to default to the first working interface...not sure what would help in that case.05:40
darlek``y7, I don't know the program synergyc, but if it has a switch it likely means you can specify the interface directly via another switch ... just guessing05:40
hubarCan anyone recommend a software that captures webcam?05:40
Lartza_I amnot english so I would like to ask one thing about one phrase.05:40
Jeruvyhubar: cheese05:41
``y7roger that guys, thanks for the help. i'll go give it a shot now05:41
Lartza_If I as someone to stop something and he tells me to "Fly at it" it's like he is not going to stop right?05:41
JeruvyLartza_: sorry I did not understand that.05:42
=== arkhalis_ is now known as Arkhalis
darlekLartza_, while english words were used, the sentence made no sense, sorry05:42
cabreyArkhalis, ......05:42
darlek!ask | putri_cantik05:43
ubottuputri_cantik: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:43
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:43
Lartza_I know it's not making sence to me neither05:43
* khermans misses the good old days of #ubuntu in 2004 when old debian devs would actually be present...05:44
JeruvyLartza_: :)05:44
hubarJeruvy, any other choices?05:44
losherLartza_: the right place to ask such a question is http://forum.wordreference.com/, the English only section. Some very knowledgeable people there...05:44
U-b-u-n-t-uwhat is better IPCop Firewall or Fire starter?05:44
Lartza_But it's slower05:44
Jeruvyhubar: sure, for specific apps, say skype...be more specific...05:44
Arkhaliscabrey, .......?05:44
cabreydid it work05:44
Arkhalisoh yeah hehe, said everything seems to be working fine a while ago05:45
darlek!ubottu | darlek05:45
ubottudarlek, please see my private message05:45
hubarJeruvy, oh just do the regular video capturing.05:45
cabreyArkhalis, must have missed that05:45
Arkhalisthanks for all the help cabrey ^^ made my week (been trying to figure this out for 4 days05:45
hubarLike make a home video. (Not that I am gonna use it to make one, just saying...)05:45
Jeruvyhubar: I use cheese for basic stuff ...05:46
bullgard4Has the sound server aRTs been replaced by another sound server?05:46
PuzzledPenguinHey guys, I have a problem.  I have been trying everything I can think of.  Then again I am not super good with computers either so many someone has a simple quick fix for my problem.05:46
losherkhermans: that never lasts. Most devs don't care for support work, particularly when there are lots of newbies. You get sick of answering the same questions over & over. It starts to seem like a form of punishment...05:46
cabreybullgard4, pulseaudio is the sound server for ubuntu05:46
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:46
hubarJeruvy, why is there so few choices when it comes to video?05:46
PuzzledPenguinSo I installed Starcraft, when it starts and loads my monitor refreshes and says "Input Signal Out of Range" and has this annoying box that says that on my screen and it doesn't go away making it impossible to play..  It says "Recommended Setting: 1024x780 60hz"  I have my computer at that but Starcraft you cant change the settings of the video resolution/display and when I set my screen resolution to something lower and tr05:46
bullgard4cabrey: You did not answer my question.05:47
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joeklusehi, I recently loaded ubuntu studio.  On trying to install open office, my destop locks up and I can't find any way to recover other than a power cycle.  Any ideas?05:47
khermanslosher, indeed -- i was actually a speaker at the ubuntu conference in 2007 -- got to meet mdz in person and lots of other cool people05:47
cabreybullgard4, is aRTs a sound server?05:47
c_nickban nickserv nimish05:47
lstarnesbullgard4: the phonon API replaced aRts in KDE 405:47
chuck_bullgard4, it is still used in kde05:47
cabreyahh it is a kde thing05:47
losherkhermans: you're a developer groupie. That's so cute...05:48
hubarJeruvy, I mean so few choices(for softwares) for video functions.05:48
bullgard4lstarnes, chuck_ : Thank you for your information.05:48
steveowilsonwhere does ubuntu 9.04 store update files?? i have downloaded updates on one laptop and want to transfer them to another, fresh installation.05:48
khermanssteveowilson, /var/cache/apt05:49
khermanssteveowilson, you should also investigate apt-proxy05:49
Mowdoes anyone know much about glmatrix05:49
Jeruvyhubar: your bordering on being OT...you have a question/problem?  I'm not here to talk about choices...Google is great for choices :)05:50
PuzzledPenguinDoes anyone know why Starcraft/My Monitor is doing that and how to fix it?05:50
Mowanyone know anything about glmatrix?..05:50
joekluseIs this a good forum for questions about the desktop freezing up????05:51
cabreyPuzzledPenguin, how are you running it?05:51
lstarnesjoekluse: this channel is for any questions about ubuntu05:51
PuzzledPenguinI am running it with Wine.05:51
joekluseI'm using ubuntu.05:51
cabreyPuzzledPenguin, graphics card?05:51
joekluseI just installed it about a week ago.05:51
``y7ok, i have ubuntu setup with 2 nics. eth0 = external IP to my ISP, eth1 = and that's my default gateway. i'm currently online on my windows machine through my firewall (the ubuntu machine) yet i cannot ping    ideas?05:51
Mowjoe it could be alot of things..05:51
Jeruvyjoekluse: check ubuntuforums.org and the bugs on launchpad.net for prior issues05:51
bullgard4cabrey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_server: "List of sound servers: aRts, ..."05:51
Mowy did you try acticating it in your hardware05:52
OrestPuzzledPenguin: does your monitor support 640x480? that's what starcraft is running at.05:53
cabreyPuzzledPenguin, you're saying the game doesn't stay within range of your monitor specs?05:53
cabreyOrest, starcraft runs at 640x480?05:53
cabreymust be old...05:53
Oresti'm pretty sure yes05:53
Orestwell it is very old :)05:53
``y7i have ubuntu setup with 2 nics. eth0 = external IP to my ISP, eth1 = and that's my default gateway. i'm currently online on my windows machine through my firewall (the ubuntu machine) yet i cannot ping    ideas?05:53
ghindoAre the Ubuntu forums down?05:53
Nicolas__I installed SunJava to play games on http://www.nintendo8.com/ and they won't load, I've restarted firefox after installing and it still won't work. What am I missing?05:54
cabreybullgard4, good to know05:54
lstarnesghindo: they appear to be working05:54
PuzzledPenguinI can change the resolution to 640x480, but my monitor will say Input Singal out of range; Recommended Settings blah blah05:54
losherghindo: I'm seeing pages...05:54
PuzzledPenguinIt even does that when I try to play Counter Strike at 640x480.05:54
OrestI think you're monitor might not support it then.05:55
cabreydoes your monitor support 640x480?05:55
darlekNicolas__, try running firefox 3 initially from the command line.  If any errors occur it will echo to the terminal and might give you a clue about what's happening05:55
losher``y7: what does ifconfig -a show?05:55
JeruvyNicolas__: java?05:55
OrestYou can still play starcraft in a window if you use a virtual desktop in wine.05:55
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone here use ipcop?05:55
``y7losher, what part of it are you asking about?05:55
``y7eth1 shows
Nicolas__darlek: how?05:55
Nicolas__jeruvy: I think so..05:55
PuzzledPenguinI can change the resolution to that, but it looks like crap and has that annoying box still.05:55
losher``y7: why not pastebin the output so we can all see?05:55
JeruvyU-b-u-n-t-u: thats a pretty outdated tool...05:55
PuzzledPenguinSorry, I am not very good with computers.05:55
darlekNicolas__, open a terminal, type firefox &05:55
Mowdoes anyone know anything about running glmatrix in the backround05:56
U-b-u-n-t-uJeruvy? they just updated it may 20th05:56
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit05:56
JeruvyMow: typically look for 'daemon mode' to run in the background.05:56
``y7losher: http://pastebin.com/d44ca08d205:56
* dsdeiz stupid fish! run away! lol05:57
U-b-u-n-t-uJeruvy is a firewall I was just wondering if its better than firestarter05:57
OrestPuzzledPenguin: do you mean you can run it at a higher resolution but with a large area of the screen simply black?05:57
Nicolas__oh yay it works now! Thank you guys :D05:57
Mowwhats that mean?05:57
serehow do i add the volume controls for my keyboard in fluxbox....i can get them to work in gnome just not ubuntu05:57
JeruvyNicolas__: cheers :)05:57
aaron_sere, ask in #fluxbox05:57
fornix``y7: what is the ip address of your windows machine and how is it connected to ur eth1? direct wire? switch ? hub?05:58
Mowdont you have to use xwinrap so you can run glmatrix?..05:58
fornix``y7: also what is the subnet mask of ur windows machine05:58
``y7fornix, the ip of my windows machine is and it's connect via gbit switch.05:58
losher``y7: and your setup is: internet - eth0 (ubuntu) eth1: -- windows, and you can't ping from the windows box, right?05:58
sereaaron_: i am on ubuntu ..so i will ask here since it ivolve ubuntus arch05:58
Arkhalisnight all, thanks again for the help cabrey05:58
``y7fornix: direct wire to switch, direct wire to eth105:58
PuzzledPenguinNo, whenever I change my resolution to anything other than 1024x768 it "Auto Refreshes" and sometimes will say "Input Singal out of range; rec. settings 1024x768 60hz."05:58
cabreyi should probably go to sleep also...05:58
Mowthats because your res on your screeen to the sounds of it penguin05:59
``y7losher, i cannot ping machine from my ubuntu box, or ping from my windows machine. yet i'm on the internet through the ubuntu machine05:59
PuzzledPenguinIf I change my screen res to 640x480 that annoying box pops up and says that but will disappear and everything will be all pushed together, and even when I start SC is will keep the box there saying that until I exit.05:59
fornix``y7: does your switch block icmp packets?05:59
darlekPuzzledPenguin, sounds like the video card can't handle 1024 in game mode ..  you might try reducing colours06:00
losher``y7: doesn't windows block icmp?06:00
``y7fornix, i don't believe so. it's the d-link DGS-2208 switch and i've had this working before... i just have to drop eth0, lo to connect eth1, then i can bring eth0 and lo back up06:00
mohan_Does installing an RT kernel make any performace regarding the usage of blender?06:00
PuzzledPenguinHow do I reduce colors?06:00
FunkyDudei m trying to configure  rubycas-server in ubuntu.. it says you donot have permissions to create the config fgile try using sudo.. when i try with sudo it says command not found... whatss wrong?06:00
``y7losher, i have no idea, like i said, it's worked before if i drop eth0 and lo and then bring them back after they connet06:00
lstarnesFunkyDude: using ./configure?06:00
dandersonhi all.06:01
sparrI think I am returning to Gnome after a decade of using KDE :(  The functionality-downgrade from kde 3.6 to 4.x has been exceptionally difficult to deal with, and it seems like neither ubuntu nor debian kde package maintainers have any desire to keep 3.x usable06:01
fccf-virtmohan_: I wouldn't think so ... as blender doesn't render on the fly ... I'd stick with the regular kernel06:01
mohan_fccf-virt: atleast for GLSL graphics?06:01
bosewichtanyone have any luck connect to android adb devices06:02
darlekPuzzledPenguin, it's a wine game right?  so it'll be a setting in WINE.  you might also try changing the emulation mode to windows 2000 instead of XP or Vista06:02
PuzzledPenguindarlek: How do I reduce colors?06:02
Mowdoes anyone know exactly how to run glmatrix in backround do I need xwinwrap?06:02
OrestPuzzledPenguin: in any case you should check the winehq site for starcraft: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14906:02
losher``y7: sorry, out of ideas....06:02
dandersonI'm trying to debug some hal quirks with my machine, and I need to list the hal property 'system.hardware.product' to get the laptop model number. Anyone know how to do that?06:02
``y7losher, could my firewall be blocking it by any chance?06:02
fccf-virtmohan_: depending on your machine ... if you are running 8cores and 16gigs of ram, sure you may notice a slight diff ... but otherwise no06:03
dandersonI've been futzing around with `hal*` commands, but I can't get a reply out of them.06:03
PuzzledPenguinOkay, thanks for the help.  I will try the stuff you guys suggested.06:03
darlekPuzzledPenguin, I'm sorry I don't use WINE myself but I'm aware of what's being handled.  I'd suggest looking at the wine website as it would likely have links or comments on getting it to run06:03
mohan_fccf-virt: oh.. ok..06:03
fornix``y7: if i were you, i'd use nmap06:03
losher``y7: could be. What are you using, iptables?06:03
fornixinstead of ping06:03
``y7losher: firestarter. i just figured it was weird that i can connect to the internet through the machine, but not ping the machine, or vise versa06:04
``y7fornix, nmap
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losher``y7: all that means is that something is deliberately dropping icmp packets. Are you running firewall software on the windows box? Can you plug a unix box in & try it?06:05
``y7losher, there is no firewall software running on the windows machine. there is firewall software running on the ubuntu machine06:05
``y7losher, also, i can ping another windows machine behind the switch. i just can't ping the ubuntu machine and the ubuntu machine can't ping any of the windows machines.06:06
hermanChessAny idea of why synaptic keeps asking for proxy authentification when I have it set up for direct connection, also have it direct in the Ubuntu Proxy Settings??06:06
[T]ankwhat would cause my xorg.conf to change every time i reboot. I have it set up correctly, then save it. I verify that the file is saved... restart X and it still works fine. But if I reboot it goes back to single screen instead of twinview like I had it.06:07
[T]ankany ideas?06:07
[T]ankdidnt always do this. Just started.06:07
fornix``y7: sudo nmap -sS
[T]ankdont know what I could have changed to make that happen.06:07
serehow do i add the volume controls for my keyboard in fluxbox....i can get them to work in gnome just not fluxbox06:07
Jeruvy[T]ank: could be a bug, have you checked?06:07
losher``y7: sorry, dunno. If you're really curious, run tcpdump/etherfind on the ubuntu eth1 and see if it sees the icmp requests...06:07
``y7fornix: nmap: command not found...... apt-get install nmap?06:08
lstarnes``y7: yes06:08
[T]ankJeruvy: anyone else experiencing this? Where do I check the bugs?06:08
darlekhmm.. I just got a box in pink in the upper left corner that says "Uknown".  any idea what that's from?06:08
``y7losher, ok, thank you for your help sir.06:08
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:08
losher``y7: sorry I couldn't solve it for you.06:08
losherdarlek: gotta love those error messages...06:09
Zimphinerror messages are sexy06:09
``y7fornix: http://pastebin.com/m7081297706:09
chuck_darlek, close your screen resolution app06:09
``y7losher, no worries. i appreciate your help06:09
rompI am trying to get some of my digital camera videos onto my computer but Im not sure how to get them on to this program, Im use to windows and when I go under computer and look through the disc drives it is not reading my card. How do I get my videos on to abuntu?06:09
darlekoh my bad... I was checking display settings for colours but didn't close it06:09
manpooleyea ooooh error messages06:09
``y7losher, if i figure it out, i'll let you know what was wrong.06:10
darlekthanks chuck got it ;)06:10
Jeruvy[T]ank: I would search before posting.  but your issue sounds buggy.06:10
losher``y7: I'll be watching. If I'm not online, I'll check the archives...06:10
fornix``y7: wait a minute, u need to scan ur windows ip!06:10
chuck_darlek, np06:10
fornixi believe is ur eth106:10
``y7losher, does that mean you don't want me to pm you?06:10
darlekromp, first ubuntu has to see your data, on a usb key or whatnot, then you can copy it just like any other file06:11
``y7fornix, how do i scan my windows ip?06:11
rompso I need to scan my windows IP?06:11
``y7fornix, eth1 is, windows is
fornix``y7: sudo nmap -sS <ip of ur windows machine>06:11
losher``y7: No need. It's all logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com06:11
hermanChessdo you people know why Synaptic Package Manager keeps asking for proxy authentification even if I have it set to direct connection?06:11
``y7fornix, ok, i did that, but it still doesn't ping back and forth06:12
darlekromp what does your IP have to do with a camera?06:12
fornix``y7: try PN instead of sS06:12
rompIDK Im just trying to figure this out lol Im not good with computers06:13
timewriterwhere do i change the number of workspaces ?06:13
``y7fornix, on my ubuntu firewall, i have ICMP filtering enabled.  are we sure it couldn't be a firewall setting stopping the two machines from pinging each other even though they can connect to each other?06:13
timewriteri forgot ..06:13
timewriterin gnome06:13
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fornix``y7: ooh. that might be the issue. i have never tried the firewall option myself06:14
fornixicmp filtering = no pings06:14
fornixping is an ICMP packet06:14
PuzzledPenguinRunning Starcraft on Vitural Desktop (800x600; which seems to be the biggest I can get it) lets me run Starcraft in a window.06:14
darlekPuzzledPenguin, good.  was that done through Wine or another setting?06:14
rompso how would I go about uploading my videos and pictures off my SD card on to ubuntu?06:14
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darlekromp, first does ubuntu see your sd card?  check df -h to see if it's being read06:15
fornix``y7: just curious. what does "$ sudo nmap -PN" giv u06:15
PuzzledPenguinThrough Wine.  I am going to try and run it 640x480 and see if it will run full screen like that on Virtual Desktop06:15
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Killeroidis anyone else experiencing font degradation/corruption the longer the computer has been running?06:16
``y7fornix: bash: $: command not found..... do i need the $ in there?06:16
lstarnes``y7: no, that is just to show that it is a command06:16
losherKilleroid: never heard anyone mention that before06:16
``y7lstarnes, rgr that, thx06:16
rompdarlek No it does not seem to recognize it06:16
``y7fornix: http://pastebin.com/mb8c8c0206:17
darlekromp, are you reading it from the computer or from a usb reader?06:17
loshertimewriter: just google it06:17
Killeroidlosher: it just started a few updates ago. now, after the computer has been running for a long time, the fonts starts degrading and some characters get corrupted, it goes on till in the end, almost all characters are degraeded/corrupted06:17
fornix``y7: voila! so now you know06:18
darlekromp the sd card I mean.  from a slot or from a usb card reader?06:18
fornix``y7: icmp packets are blocked06:18
timewriterlosher , it has to be around here somewhere06:18
Mowalright last call does anyone know much about making glmatrix as a backround?...06:18
``y7fornix, how did you establish that from the last pastebin link, so i know how to for future reference?06:19
losherKilleroid: are you sure it's not a monitor problem?06:19
rompdarlek I just put my SD card into the built in card reader in the computer like I always did with windows XP only with XP it would allow me to open up the files and it would see my card. Abuntu does not seem to find anything on any of my cards06:19
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darlekKilleroid, I had that once in Breezy Badger a long time ago, I removed some fonts for foreign languages that I  wasn't using and that cleared it up.  don't know if that helps ;)06:19
Killeroidlosher: i'm pretty sure. i just googled and found others having the same problem. apparently, all of us sufferers have the intel xorg driver06:19
froeshi, is anyone having problems with ubuntu x64?? i was with the i386 version and decided to try so i could use 4GB ram. but it just takes too long to boot and it keeps freezing. mostly when comming back from screensaver06:20
losherKilleroid: good find. Is there a solution?06:20
fornix``y7: nmap did know that ur ip was up and it also found out open ports on that machine06:20
Killeroidlosher: i havent found any yet. all i can guess is that the xorg driver is corrupting the font pixmap cache.06:21
fornixbrb. breakfast.06:21
``y7fornix, so my open ports on the are 22 and 5900?06:21
rompdarlek is there any other way to try and find a file in my SD card on abuntu?06:21
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losherKilleroid: nasty. If it's slow to happen, might just wanna live with restarting the server periodically...06:22
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Killeroidlosher: yeah, but i hate doing that. i am using a laptop and i have an average uptime of around 6 days. now i have to restart every couple of hours. its really annoying. jaunty has turned out to be a avery shitty release for us intel video card users06:23
darlekromp; try removing the card, then put the card back in.  Run dmesg | tail to see the last few commands and see if it is detecting the card removal and insertion.  There may be an indication of the driver needed.06:23
simoncpui'm not sure if this is the right channel,06:23
simoncpubut how can i disable vt-x/amd-v in virtualbox?06:23
simoncputhe checkbox is greyed out06:24
losherKilleroid: jaunty was rushed out, it seems. Downgrade?06:24
gartral!language | Killeroid06:24
ubottuKilleroid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu06:24
simoncpu!menu | simoncpu06:24
Killeroidlosher: I am thiking of doing that.06:25
rompdarlek what is dmesg? and how do I run it?06:25
simoncpuromp: sudo dmesg06:25
losherKilleroid: I've been real happy with 8.04 + backports06:25
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.06:25
gladiatorhi .. i upgraded to 9.04 .. and some of my media codecs are not functioning anymore06:25
losher!es | novato106:25
ubottunovato1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:25
gladiatorany solutions?06:26
darlek!dmesg | romp06:26
ubotturomp: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.06:26
Killeroid!restricted | gladiator06:26
ubottugladiator: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:26
gladiatori tried uninstalling and re installing my players .. but no use06:26
gartralanyone know if the 3d acceleration on ATI radeon express 1150 cards works in jaunty, or should i default to intrepid?06:26
darlekromp, open a terminal window and type dmesg | tail , then remove and insert your sd card to see if any messages come up06:26
gladiatorKilleroid: i had already installed the restricted codecs earlier .. when i was on 8.10 .. would they have reverted with an upgrade?06:27
rompdarlek how do I open terminal window?06:27
lstarnesromp: applications > accessories > terminal06:27
Killeroidgladiator: lots of weird things can happen during the upgrade, the codecs might have been removed. try adding installing them again06:28
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darlekgladiator, it's not the players, it's the codecs that need to be redownloaded.  apt-cache search codec06:28
romplstarnes darlek thanks, but now what do I do or look for now that I typed that in? Sorry I know nothing about computers06:29
gladiatordarlek: its also the players .. vlc was totally nuts after the upgrade .. the latest version is so full of bugs .. and the older version is not even in apt06:29
gartralanyone know if the 3d acceleration on ATI radeon express 1150 cards works in jaunty, or should i default to intrepid?06:30
Jeruvygladiator: which ver?06:30
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saprophyte_anybody have experience with tokbox's air client on Ubuntu 9.04?06:30
rompall I get under the dmesg is  Write Protect is off06:32
rompOk some how the SD card just popped up on my desk top, I have no idea why but Ill see what I can do now, Thanks for all the help06:34
darkclown /server Atlanta.ga.us.dal.net06:34
darkclown /server Atlanta.ga.us.dal.net06:34
simoncputoo bad he didn't type his password06:35
anr78how can I prevent Ubuntu from trying to start the applications I used before I booted/logged out? I have unchecked "remember running applications", but it still launches stuff06:36
indusanr78: ya even i have that problem06:36
four2zeroIs there support for Flashplayer content on ubu-64bit?06:36
lstarnesfour2zero: yes06:36
four2zerowow, its a bout darn time.06:36
KD8FYTgood evening, I was wondering if someone could help me with an issue06:36
indusfour2zero: yes an alpha version of flash is available since feb06:36
four2zerotime to install ubuntu 6406:37
anr78indus: could it be some state that's stuck from when it was enabled? maybe some configfile we could clear..06:37
djdavis75anr78: you check System -> Preferences -> Startup Application?06:37
four2zeroindus, where do i find it?06:37
KD8FYTI upgraded to 9.04 about 3 weeks ago from 8.10. before upgrading Linux would mount my LG VU as a mass media storage device no problem. afterward it wont see it06:37
anr78djdavis75: yes, thats not checked06:37
indusanr78: its a bug iam sure06:37
KD8FYToh i know it is06:38
KD8FYTwish they would fix it already. any ideas on a work around?06:38
indusKD8FYT: i wasnt referring to ur issue06:38
metaaaKD8FYT, CU 920 or 915?06:38
KD8FYTwell, how do I tell?06:38
metaaadoes it have a pull out antenna?06:38
``y7does ubuntu have a recyle bin of some sort?06:39
darlekromp, good, looks like removing and adding fixed it then?06:39
indusKD8FYT: have u tried adding usb_storage to /etc/modules06:39
KD8FYTyep, no luck06:39
zortecCan anyone help me out? I'm at a cli with no desktop.  I tried to install packages from the CD but got an error that the installation of packages failed.  The only thing I have installed is irssi which I used apt-get06:39
djdavis75``y7: gnome has a trash can, KDE probably has something similar06:39
metaaaKD8FYT, is it showing up at all as connected hardware?06:39
KD8FYTunder lsusb i can see it06:39
``y7djdavis75, where can i find the trash can?06:39
metaaalike, clearly it's not mounting, but does the OS know something is there06:39
KD8FYTthats it06:39
zortecdarlek: I need to know if there is a way to search for packages06:39
metaaatried mounting it by hand?06:39
zortecSorry, that is not to darlek, but to everyone06:40
KD8FYTim not sure of the mount point.... sda??06:40
darlek``y7, top right side.  If it isn't there you can add it by right clicking on the taskbar06:40
KD8FYTperhaps sda2?06:40
``y7darlek, djdavis75 thx06:40
darlekzortec, sure... apt-cache search packagename06:40
metaaayou know what, i've got a VU too06:40
metaaaim going to try mounting it06:40
rafalhello all06:40
djdavis75``y7: in the bottom right corner of the desktop06:40
darlekzortec can even search for partial names06:40
zortecI also want to know how to see my partitions... I'm still getting use to cli06:40
saprophyte_didn't know flash and 64bit ubuntu was an issue... maybe that is my problem with tokbox lmao...06:40
zortecIt's a bit different not having a gui I'll admit06:41
KD8FYTi cant get it to mount manually either06:41
metaaaKD8FYT, im gonna fire up my dell, then connect my phone06:41
Killeroidzortec: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop06:41
KD8FYThow can i find out which mount point it would use?06:41
metaaasee if the problem is your system or the OS itself06:41
KD8FYTok great, thanks06:41
zortecI got the base system installed on the cd, but it failed to install any packages so I only have a cli06:41
``y7where is a good place to store random files at?06:41
darlekzortec, sudo fdisk -l06:41
Killeroidzortec: that installs a desktop06:41
losherzortec: so were you in the middle of an installation that failed, or what?06:41
indusKD8FYT: try mount -a06:41
rafaljest ktoś z Polski ??06:41
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl06:41
bc``y7: somewhere in ~/ unless you want to backup files from all over the place06:41
zortecI wanted to install multiple desktops just to try them out.  I've set up my partitions such as 100GB for /, and 1GB for swap06:41
superfly420i have a really weird sound problem, it comes out mono only from the left and very distorted06:42
``y7awesome, thx guys06:42
darkdelusionsGuys I am running into an issue when i plug my headset in to my laptop it does auto mute my laptop speaks I have looked all over and tried several differnt thing ranging from upgrade alsa to adding option's to the alsa base config but I am still trikin out anyone have any ideas?06:42
metaaaKD8FYT, what's teh deal with your name anyway?06:42
KD8FYTim a ham radio operator06:42
Flannelmetaaa: That's not really on topic.  But, it's a HAM callsign06:42
djdavis75``y7: yeah, u should store your user file in you home directory06:42
metaaaAH! that makes sense06:42
KD8FYTthe FCC decided it would be a good name06:42
djdavis75make some folder is there06:42
sammyso lets say there's a kernel bug affecting 2.6.28, which is what shipped with jaunty, but the fix is in 2.6.29. i'm trying to install ubuntu on a box that's affected by the bug, which halts the boot process. should I install 8.10, compile my own kernel up to 2.6.29, and then do a dist upgrade, or is there an easier way to install 9.04?06:42
losherzortec: so which desktop do you want next?06:43
djdavis75KD8FYT: ahh fellow ham operator06:43
KD8FYTheh, good morning sir06:43
zorteclosher: I was going to install xfce so xbuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, and kde-desktop but since it wouldn't install off the cd06:43
``y7<3 ubuntu ;)06:43
zortecI had the option to skip that and install the boot loader which is what I did06:43
KD8FYTindus, how should I use it06:43
KD8FYTthe -a that is06:44
hermanChesswhy is Synaptic still asking for proxy?06:44
losherzortec: you should be able to install any of those over the internet instead, if you want06:44
KD8FYTsuch as sudo mount -a /mnt/drive ?06:44
zortecI've created a 100GB partition, so hopefully that will give me plenty of room06:44
indusin terminal type sudo mount -a06:44
superfly420can anybody please toss me some advice?06:44
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.06:44
superfly420i have a really weird sound problem, it comes out mono only from the left and very distorted06:44
dotblankI just discovered mouse gestures... I am completley amazed.. take easy stroke + dasher + wii mote+ projector and you get something very special06:44
AlacardHow do I specify the exact type of monitor on Ubuntu 8.04 with a NVidia card?06:44
darlek9.04 is really just a bunch of packages.  you can run whatever kernel you want and since it's above then that would work fine.  I don't see why you'd need to downgrade.  I ran a two year old kernel with Ibex just to keep my Internet working before Jaunty.  Use grub to point the kernel you want to use or run update grub06:45
zorteclosher: Should I use aptitude or apt-get search cache?  Are there any differences in the two? Sorry I don't know the cli that well06:45
metaaaKD8FYT, doesn't work for me either, somebody needs to make a bug report on this06:45
losherzortec: 100G is plenty. Most ubuntus fit in 5 or 6G06:45
saprophyte_what is the command to list kernel version?06:45
JusticeZeroHi, freakish behavior while installing a dual boot; the LiveCD thinks the hard drive is empty, but Windows is already installed and the disk was partitioned earlier/.06:45
darleksaprophyte_, uname -a would show it I think06:46
KD8FYTno shit metaaa06:46
Titan8990zortec, apt-cache search is generally taught06:46
djdavis75saprophyte_: uname -a will show current one06:46
felix_hi! can anyone recommend me a really good game? no matter oldyes, just they have to be very entertaining06:46
sammydarlek: I can't boot the install cd, if you were talking to me. the kernel included on the 9.04 cd is 2.6.28 which wont boot with the highpoint 366 pata controller.06:46
Alacarduname -r06:46
Titan8990zortec, but both provide the same function06:46
KD8FYTive read about 10 different bug issues on the nets06:46
saprophyte_thank you06:46
zorteclosher: I know it's probably overkill but I had 215GB to work with so I just created 100GB partition06:46
metaaaKD8FYT, do you have any other AT&T LG phones?06:46
JusticeZeroWhat should I do to troubleshoot this?06:46
losherzortec: I don't think it matters. You can use either or go back & forth. People say aptitude is better. I use apt-get/apt-search myself06:46
metaaaknow anybody with a shine?06:47
froeshi, is anyone having problems with ubuntu x64?? i was with the i386 version and decided to try so i could use 4GB ram. but it just takes too long to boot and it keeps freezing. mostly when comming back from screensaver06:47
djdavis75felix_: word of padman and neverputt :D06:47
Titan8990zortec, i once got a full linux install (not ubuntu) in to 120mb06:47
djdavis75world of padman even06:47
saprophyte_im using x6406:47
saprophyte_love it so far06:47
losherzortec: to install xfce you should be able to just type apt-get install xfce & then stand well back...06:47
metaaafroes, what kind of hardware are you on?06:47
saprophyte_about to upgrade kernel though from 2.6.28-11-generic06:47
zortecTitan8990 I wanted to leave a lot of room to play around with06:47
Titan8990losher, xubuntu-desktop is likely the package he wants06:47
froesi'm on a toshiba laptop06:47
Talkradiosaprophyte_ how much ram do you have06:47
KD8FYTthis is a rather frustrating issue i must say06:48
saprophyte_froes me too06:48
darleksammy, okay in this case then you'd use a lesser version 8.10, then update.  Even when it's done the new kernel will suck, but the grub loader can use the older kernel with the newer software.  Also you can download the higher kernel version and tell grub to use that too06:48
saprophyte_lol i dont remember how much this laptop has06:48
metaaafroes, could be your power save settings in bios06:48
Titan8990zortec, linux and its applications don't take hardly any room, only things that will is media such as games, movies, and songs06:48
zortecTitan8990: The last partitions I created were 20GB for /home and 10GB for root, but this time I left the /home out06:48
metaaaKD8FYT, i'm trying to find people with jaunty and LG phones06:48
froesmetaaa, that is disabled06:48
darleksammy, that way you're getting around a kernel issue but still have new software06:48
KD8FYTwell Im one. heh06:48
zortecTitan8990: I ran out of room in /home so I wanted to make this one really big06:48
metaaaKD8FYT, see if we replicate the issue across different models06:48
superfly420froes u have sound issuses?06:48
Talkradiojust wondering if there is an advantage if you don't run more than 4gb06:49
KD8FYTmetaaa, just let me know what you need me to do and Ill help out06:49
losherzortec: just back up anything you can't live without before you start messing around & it won't matter if you mess up...06:49
froesi think my install maybe fucked up, because on my synaptics, even on search it wont show all packages.06:49
sparrI may be moving from KDE to Gnome...  Can anyone recommend a tutorial or guide for a long time linux/kde user who is using gnome for the first time?06:49
JusticeZeroHi, the partitioner on the Live CD does not recognize anything on my hard drive, what can I do?06:49
froeslike i had to install htop ... it wouldnt show06:49
KD8FYTmetaaa, i would really love to get the pictures of the catfish i caught yesterday off the phone, so yeah, im up for helping06:49
Titan8990zortec, a way to keep a multiple partition setup-up AND allow of them to easily expand and be resized is LVM06:49
Titan8990!lvm | zortec06:49
froessuperfly420,  no .. sound works perfectly06:49
ubottuzortec: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:49
djdavis75sparr: gnome is pretty straight forward06:49
zorteclosher, Titan8990: I want to install both the ubuntu desktop and the kde 4.2, but about that should I go with KDE 4 or KDE 3.5 which I heard is more stable?06:50
Titan8990zortec, sort of on the advanced side of things though06:50
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson printers ??06:50
KD8FYTgnome went after my wife the other night, i had to put it in its place.06:50
Titan8990zortec, you don't get to pick....06:50
Titan8990zortec, this isn't gentoo :)06:50
sammydarlek: yes, I'm sorry, I do understand that I can update the kernel in 9.04, I was just wondering if there was some way I'm not thinking of to boot with 2.6.29 and install that. though it seems i might have to make some sort of custom live cd or some such...06:50
sparrdjdavis75: I don't mean the UI so much as the applications.  i use k3b for cd burning now, what's the gnome equivalent?  what file manager will i use instead of konqueror?06:50
zortecTitan8990: I don't consider myself advanced in linux at all, don't you get to pick when you select packages?06:50
froesanother thing i am having is, sometimes net work manager wont connect my mobile, i have to restart the laptop to be able to connect.06:50
Titan8990zortec, versions? in debian package management? don't think so...06:50
zortecTitan8990 Sorry I must have package management all confused in ubuntu06:51
JusticeZeroguess I just have to reformat and start from scratch?06:51
froesand sometimes it boots all fucked up .. another display settings, sound wont work, etc06:51
djdavis75sparr: nautalis is the file manager, brasero or gnome baker are cd burners, there are many06:51
darleksammy, yes the custom cd .  if that's not an option, load 8.10, get the higher kernels, update to 9.04, then switch grub to use the higher kernels instead06:51
Titan8990zortec, you take the newest version in the repo and that it, that is the point of different versions to disto like 9.04 (jaunty)06:51
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson printers ??06:51
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson printers ??06:51
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson printers ??06:51
FloodBot3Shailendra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
Titan8990zortec, you know 9.04 will have things such as KDE 4.206:51
sparrbye Shailendra06:51
sammydarlek: ah, custom cd. I have something to google now! thank you.06:51
timewriteri was talking with a guy but i forgot his name :(06:51
Titan8990zortec, there are distro much more flexible with using different versions but the are advanced "enthusiast" distros06:52
zortecTitan8990: I do know that ubuntu is going to have the latest packages in the repositories, just didn't know if they would offer kde 3.5 though06:52
sparrdjdavis75: I'm going to try reinstalling kubuntu, see how many problems that resolves.  if not many, then ill be moving to gnome06:52
froesall that really pisses me of06:52
Titan8990zortec, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:52
zortecTitan8990: You keep using that word "advanced" that I'm kind of a ltitle intimidated to use linux06:52
Titan8990zortec, load of bloat IMO06:52
sparrwish me luck on a fresh install06:53
Titan8990zortec, I am not recommending it, I am just telling you what it is06:53
JusticeZerono suggestions of things to check/actions to take?06:53
zortecTitan8990: I come from a huge Windows background all the way back to 3.1 that I wanted to see if I could make the switch over to Linux without too many hitches06:53
Titan8990zortec, I have personally found that xfce (with plenty of adjustments) will look as good as KDE/GNOME, provide the same functionality, and do it as a faster speed06:53
Titan8990zortec, linux is not a replacement for windows06:53
superfly420i have a really weird sound problem, it comes out mono only from the left and very distorted06:54
Titan8990zortec, you have to think linux, not think windows06:54
Ryan_Delaneyzortec No, you will have to adjust to the new environment06:54
superfly420is there anything i can do to see if its hardware06:54
zortecTitan8990: Of course, I know that linux is its own operating system just like mac or windows for that matter06:54
Ryan_Delaneyzortec: the design philosophy is very different in a lot of ways06:54
JusticeZerozortec: It took my Windows HD dying a week before finals to switch. After finals were dealt with and I could get the thing fixed, I was used to it and no longer saw the point in a Windows reinstall.06:54
djdavis75superfly420: I would google your sound card model with ubuntu and some short problem description06:54
superfly420i have tried to no avail06:55
djdavis75what model card u have?06:55
superfly420its an says intel hda06:55
losherzortec: Why not make things simple for yourself. Install 8.04 with gnome & play with it for a while. Then branch out...06:55
froessaprophyte_, do you have any issues with intel video drivers? i can never go to console (Ctrl + alt + Fx )06:55
djdavis75lol, ok06:55
JusticeZeroIt's just different at some core levels; it'll be confusing as all heck for a few days, then you'll feel clumsy for a few days, then you'll think it's great.06:55
zorteclosher: I can't use any live cd since my graphics card is the problem here and so I have to use a minimal cd is what I have done with ubuntu 9.0406:56
zorteclosher: That is why I'm here in the first place06:56
superfly420is there anyway to switch it to stereo?06:56
JusticeZeroMy liveCD is giving me issues too..06:56
Rabbitbunnyzortec: no, use the alternate CD, it has a console install, but has X.06:56
kosharizortec you can use an alt dic if you wis06:56
kosharialt disc06:57
darlekzortec, it takes a while to get over the pciture-book-for-kids-style and not be intimidated by the cli.  Once that's done it's on to the next hurdle ;)06:57
zorteclosher: Another issue is that I want to fully test out 3D effects and hardware in linux and I've ran ubuntu in a VM but it doesn't utilize your hardware to the fullest and so we are back to the minimal install06:57
losherzortec: that's an ambitious list to try with what's apparently a non-supported/non-standard graphics card...06:57
zortecRabbitbunny: There is a bug that I guess has been identified in the alternate CD where your cd is not recognized and so it was suggested I go with the minimal CD06:57
superfly420how do i check the exact card i have lspci?06:58
darlekzortec, that's a surprise, I have 9.04 running with a 16mb trident card on a PIII, so I'd be surprised that you're running something slower than mine ;)06:58
metaaawhy do people get so impressed that something would run on a P3?06:58
kanchahere I want some help gyes06:58
metaaai've run vista with glass on a P306:58
darleksuperfly420, you can also try sudo lshw06:58
RabbitbunnyI have 9.04 live on a 400Mhz p1 with 128mb ram, runs fine.06:59
metaaaif ubuntu can't keep up with vista, you're doing it wrong06:59
losher!ask | kancha06:59
darlekRabbitbunny, nice06:59
ubottukancha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:59
zortecThe graphics chipset I have is nvidia nforce 610i/geforce 7300... once I get access to the restricted drivers through the minimal install, my video works fine but I can't do any testing as I have no access to those drivers on the alternate CD or the live CD06:59
lstarnesmetaaa: what kind of graphica card did you have and how much ram did you have?06:59
darlekzortec, gotcha06:59
metaaagig and a 6600GT06:59
Titan8990zortec, are you sure you did a minimal install (CLI only)?07:00
losherzortec: ok, makes more sense now.07:00
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson printers ??07:00
hetthello there07:00
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson LX 300 + printers ??07:00
zortecTitan8990 I did the install off the minimal CD.  There are two options, one is for the regular installer and the other is for a command line install.07:00
hettcan you guys help me with 9.04 ssh lag problem?07:00
metaaaDoes anybody here connect their phone to their ubuntu machine using a USB cable, and do they do this on jaunty, or have the ability to? i need to see what models are effected by this issue, please PM me?07:01
zortecTitan8990: I did the regular installer, but it only works on the minimal install CD which I admit is weird, but it works anyway07:01
OpenPsychohett: whats the problem?07:01
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson LX 300 + printers on ubuntu 8.10 ??07:01
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson LX 300 + printers on ubuntu 8.10 ?? Please help me07:01
zortecTitan8990: I don't have a desktop though.  It failed to install any of the packages I selected so I just have a base system with a command line interface07:01
saprophyte_metaaa haven't got my blackberry to work yet using x64 ubuntu07:01
hettOpenPsycho, when I'm working via ssh on my server I'm getting lagged randomly by 2-10 secs07:01
djdavis75Shailendra: no one here probably has that printer07:01
djdavis75Shailendra: try google ubuntu and the printer model07:02
KD8FYTsaprophyte_, i think 9.04 hates phones in general07:02
metaaasaprophyte_, which model?07:03
djdavis759.04 does see my MING07:03
saprophyte_metaaa: blackberry perl 813007:03
djdavis75Moto A120007:03
JeffFairlighthey anybody here make tracker music?07:03
darlekzortec, if you run the sudo aptitude safe-update or dist-upgrade, does aptitude help add new software?  I'm figuring that's how you get the better nvidia support as well as a desktop07:03
OpenPsychohett: whats the latency to the server?07:03
zortecSo you don't recommend if I want to just test out desktops to install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, and xubuntu-desktop... or any of the other desktops that are available in the package manager07:03
OpenPsychohett: what are the processes .... pastebin the ssh logs07:03
Titan8990zortec, you should try the alternate instead of the minimal07:03
metaaaMaybe a new channel, #ubuntu-phoneissue ?07:04
Rabbitbunnyhett: did you try ping? how far is the server?07:04
saprophyte_whats the easiest way to upgrade to .29 kernel07:04
Titan8990!alternate | zortec07:04
ubottuzortec: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal07:04
hettuh, guys I'm working on my local server07:04
zortecTitan8990: I've tried the alternate.  It didn't recognize my cdrom and was looping so I just burned the minimal iso to a CD and I used that07:04
Titan8990!minimal | zortec07:04
ubottuzortec: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:04
darlekzortec, worry first about getting the ubuntu-desktop up and running first, then you can add and try07:04
hettI mean, on my LAN07:04
=== cristina is now known as felix_2
ShailendraHas anyone get good printing by Epson LX 300 + printers on ubuntu 8.10 ?? Please help me07:04
hettI have wired network here07:04
Rabbitbunnyhett: ah, i've had that happen before i installed openssh and did something with security keys.07:05
metaaasaprophyte_, does it show up using lsusb?07:05
zortecdarlek: Could I not just install all of the desktops and then have it boot into one of them? I have no experience in this07:05
zortecdarlek: I know that apt-get will download all the packages for me07:05
Rabbitbunnyzortec: Yes.07:05
hettRabbitbunny, k, I'll try to install openssh...anyway my ping with the server max is 3ms07:05
saprophyte_metaaa yes it does07:05
hettRabbitbunny, and I have no prblem with 8.10... :-/07:06
metaaadoes it show up as qualcomm when you try to connect as mass storage?07:06
darlekzortec, actually the ubuntu is the main underlying system and kde /xubuntu use and share libraries between them.  When the ubuntu is loaded you can then apt get kde and xubuntu .  On login you would then select the desktop, but the login is running from ubuntu ;)07:06
zortecIs that a known bug with the Minimal CD? I can't get it to run since my cdrom is not recognized07:06
froesdo anyone knows how to install eclipse on 9.04 without the gcj support ??? just with the sun-jdk ??07:07
zortecI also should point out I have no drivers to tell it where my cdrom is located, it should pick that up automatically or so I thought07:07
Rabbitbunnyhett: hmm, might be out of my league, my server is still LTS.07:07
Baixanyone know how i would have it stop asking me whether i want to 'run' 'run in terminal' 'display' or 'cancel' a specific executable text file07:07
JusticeZeroI'd like to know that myself..07:07
zortecdarlek: Oh, ubuntu and kubuntu are not separate desktops from one another?07:08
zortecdarlek: I thought they run independently of each other and do not rely on one to be installed07:08
kosharizortec yes they are07:08
zortecSo I could install kubuntu-desktop and then install ubuntu-desktop later right?07:09
kosharizortec either window manager may be run07:09
kosharizortec or fouxbox, xubuntu and so on07:09
zorteckoshari: fluxbox07:09
kosharifluxbox sorry07:09
zorteckoshari I knew what you mean :)07:09
darlekzortec, each *buntu can be installed as it's own system but mostly ubuntu is installed first, then the others are layered on top.  Thus if you delete one you have the other.  Many programs are not 100% kde or gnome, so it's designed for greatest flexibility07:10
kosharidarlek there not really layered on top, thet are more like peers07:10
zorteckde is not strong enough to run without ubuntu? That is what I'm guessing07:10
froesdo anyone knows why 8.04 will be maintained until April 2011 and 9.04 only until 201007:10
zortecSo you are using ubuntu as a fallback if kde screws up?07:10
Titan8990zortec, each *buntu varies in a degree that they shouldn't be considered seperate distros07:10
kosharizortec kubuntu is pure kde withour gnome,.07:10
Flannelfroes: Because 8.04 is an LTS release, 9.04 is just a regular one.07:10
Titan8990!lts | froes07:11
ubottufroes: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:11
darlekI was thinking of shared libraries or cross scripts07:11
froeshumm thanks guys07:11
Titan8990froes, 8.04 uses a more traditional linux update scheme of patching, not upgrading07:11
zortecSo the recommended way to do this is to install ubuntu and then kde if I want both desktops?07:11
zortecI can't go kde then ubuntu07:11
darlekzortec,  yes07:11
kosharidarlek the librarys are more to do with the developer platform than the WM wad created with07:12
Flannelzortec: You can go Kubuntu then Ubuntu, yes.07:12
Titan8990zortec, you select what which one you want to use from the log-in07:12
darlekkoshari, ah i see07:12
djdavis75froes: 8.04 is a LTS (Long Term Service) release.07:12
zortecWhy am I getting different answers? It's kind of confusing07:12
darlekzortec, either or is fine07:12
Titan8990zortec, you can do it however you want07:12
Myrttizortec: you *SHOULD* be able to do it both ways07:12
zortecI want to do it in such a way that stability is not going to take a hit because of it07:12
kosharizortec: itsnot really confusoing think of 3 different lego sets, they all are built on lego however07:12
Flannelzortec: It will not matter which order you do them in.07:12
zortecIf installing kde first is going to screw everything up, then I don't want to go that way07:13
RHorse!find wmmon > RHorse07:13
dagleesHello, my development machine here at work has 4GB of RAM and sometimes it runs mega slow, I found out it's an Ubuntu install from within Windows XP07:13
kosharizortec each release has a metapackage which basically states what packages that release will use as default,07:13
dagleesCould that be what's slowing down my performance?07:13
zortecWhat does darlek mean when he says that the other window managers are built on top of ubuntu?07:13
dagleescos on Windows 7 it's very responsive07:13
Flannelzortec: "Ubuntu" the distro, not "Ubuntu" the flavor.07:13
djdavis75zortec: kde, gnome, etc... are just different desktop environments for linux, ubuntu ships with and is setup with gnome by default, kubuntu with kde by default, reguardless of what u start with, you can install other desktops07:14
Baixhow do i change the visual effects beyond none/normal/extra?07:14
zortecSo kde does not take anything from gnome and vice-versa?07:14
Flannelzortec: No07:14
darlekzortec, my understanding was later corrected.  Ubuntu like any desktop shares files so that you can run a kde app if you have kubuntu desktop installed even if I'm in gnome.07:14
djdavis75biax: you have to install the compiz config tool07:14
kosharizortec it wont screw anything up, only thing is you will have a lot of packages installed, like possable 3 browsers, and a couple of different file managers ect as teach release has different apps07:14
djdavis75biax: I don't remember the exact name, it's in synaptic07:15
darlekzortec, thus I don't have to switch/logoff first07:15
zortecWhat is the general feeling about kde and gnome? I used gnome to start with and didn't have a problem, but I want to see what kde is like07:15
Slart!ccsm | billybigrigger07:15
ubottubillybigrigger: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:15
kosharidarlek correct providing its dependencies are met and apt WILL take care of that07:15
``y7does ubuntu's OS have something equivalent to windows's DPI setting to where you can make everything bigger?07:15
xtiancrhi, my firefox "eats" my memory.... what can i do?07:15
Slartbah.. sorry billybigrigger, wrong nick07:15
xtiancrhi, my firefox "eats" my memory.... what can i do?07:15
Rabbitbunnythat's normal.07:16
djdavis75zortec: I run ubuntu, with gnome, but I can run KDE apps, it will just install a lot of extra libraries to run them, since ubuntu doesn't have those libraries by default07:16
Rabbitbunnyuse Opera if you don't have enough RAM.07:16
kosharizortec purely comes down to personal opinion, some people like anchvey on pizza , dont make it superior pizza07:16
dagleesyou can switch to Opera07:16
bullgard4``y7: Yes. But not to be recommended.07:16
zortecDoes KDE look a lot like vista or MacOS? I've heard those opinions07:16
kosharixtiancr: use dillo07:16
xtiancrbut is opera have plugins like firefox?07:16
PossiblyTheLongextiancr: Use a different (alternative) browsers.07:17
ActionParsnipdjdavis75: sure but you will install a tonne of qt deps07:17
dagleesGnome + Dust > Aero/KDE07:17
djdavis75 action: yep07:17
kosharizortec they are both havily custimisable, you can make them look pretty much anyway you like,07:17
PossiblyTheLongezortec: It looks more like Vista.  :)07:17
ActionParsnipzortec: you can skin either to look like aero07:17
xtiancris there a good plugins in opera?07:17
JusticeZeroKDE looks a lot like KDE..07:17
``y7zortec, do i have any other options if my setup is too small?07:17
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zortec``y7: Sorry? I didn't see your question07:17
xtiancrsomebody speak spanish??07:18
lstarnes!es | xtiancr07:18
darlekzortec, I've had kubuntu, ubuntu and xubuntu all running at once.  in the end I stuck to ubuntu to save space and reduce package clutter.  Frankly you can add as many as you want.  KDE fonts drove me nuts though.  Some like it however.  Xubuntu loaded quickly and was great on my low memory.  Play around!07:18
ubottuxtiancr: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:18
xtiancrsomebody speak spanish?? alguien habla español?07:18
kosharidjdavis75 if you install ANY quicktime app the librarys will be installed07:18
zortecI did like when I was watching a review on youtube of kde that it's easier to install wallpapers and themes07:18
Rabbitbunny``y7: you mean zoom, it's under accessability.07:18
zortecBut it doesn't make the best use of screen space07:18
saprophyte_metaaa did you see the message that my blackberry pearl 8130 now shows up on 9.04?07:18
``y7Rabbitbunny, i'd rather not have to zoom, i was hoping i could just increase the size of everything. maybe it's the same thing in ubuntu?07:19
ActionParsnipzortec: theres also fluxbox, LXDE< Enlightenment as well as the better known DEs (and more)07:19
RHorsezortec installing wallpapers  on fluxbox is pretty darn easy too07:19
Rabbitbunny``y7: then lower you resolution.07:19
``y7that makes the monitor blurry :(07:19
zortecI've also heard of evilwm and icewm.  what are those like? There seems to be a lot of choice in what you install and what you prefer.  Doesn't this kind of make it more confusing to new users?07:19
darlekzortec, as well each one updates, so as time goes on they all get better eventually ;)07:19
Rabbitbunny``y7: wear reading glasses.07:19
zortecI'd love to hear opinions on that, lol.07:19
PossiblyTheLonge``y7: You're trying to increase font size... or ... ?07:19
RORgasmguys how can i get these permissions for all the files in a folder "drwxr-xr-x"07:20
``y7Rabbitbunny: that makes things blurry too ;)07:20
PossiblyTheLonge!chmod | RORgasm07:20
ubottuRORgasm: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview07:20
``y7PossiblyTheLonge, basically the equivalent of increasing the DPI in windows. I'm just trying to make everything larger.... like decreasing the screen resolution.... but a solution that doesn't involve adding blurryness would be nice07:20
djdavis75zortec: imho, most ppl use gnome or kde if they have a fairly new computer, on smaller systems some of the lighter weight options are nice07:20
ActionParsnipzortec: again, its all config and themes07:20
darlekzortec, pepperoni pizza = Windows, veggie slice = Mac, Linux = Amatos any slice07:20
zortecCan you be certain that if you install apps from the main ubuntu repository that your system is going to be stable? I had a question about that too07:20
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PossiblyTheLonge``y7: Increase the DPI in Ubuntu then. :)07:21
RHorseRORgasm chmod  can do aLL07:21
RHorsechmod rules07:21
``y7PossiblyTheLonge, where can i do that at?07:21
zortecI noticed there are several different repositories including universe/multiverse/restricted/main07:21
ActionParsnipdjdavis75: i use LXDE on nall desktop systems to give max resources to my apps, not just to make the DE exist07:21
PossiblyTheLonge``y7: ALT + F2 --> gconf-editor07:21
RORgasmRHorse, PossiblyTheLonge, thanx but i was wondering if i could just get a direct answer for that... i think it should be something like 'chmod -775 -R foo' where foo is the parent directory07:21
Ryan_DelaneyIs there a bureaucrat in the house?07:21
PossiblyTheLongeSomebody messed around with !chmod factorid? :(07:21
zortecRORgasm: Why not use chmod 777?07:22
Ryan_Delaneysorry, wrong channel07:22
RabbitbunnyRORgasm: no dashes, sudo chmod 755 file07:22
losherzortec: most new users take the defaults, and so use gnome. You could do a lot worse, and the decision isn't irrevocable...07:22
RORgasmRabbitbunny, zortec, would that give me 'drwxr-xr-x'07:22
RHorseRORgasm I dont do direct answers  at 0700Z07:22
Rabbitbunnyzortec: because 777 is a terrible idea.07:22
darlekRORgasm, yes07:22
JusticeZerogrrh, all that trouble with the CD not recognizing Windows, I start from scratch wiping the HD and making all new partitions and it asks if I want to import the settings. :p07:22
mohan_hi.. i have compiled the latest 2.6.29 kernel with rt patch07:22
RabbitbunnyRORgasm: uh, there's some sorta math involved, man chmod.07:22
zortecRabbitbunny: That is what they were suggesting in the ubuntu forums, that you chmod 777 for anything that you don't have execute permissions on07:22
djdavis75ror: chmod 755 * I think would work to do every file07:22
mohan_now its not showing in boot menu07:23
PossiblyTheLongeRORgasm: I think you need to learn chmod.  It's one of the common commands, such as cd, ls, grep, etc.07:23
Rabbitbunnyzortec: yeah, the noobs are on the forums.07:23
mohan_i have done make module_install,07:23
ActionParsnipzortec: 777 gives everyone ever possible access to the data07:23
zortecRabbitbunny: So now you are saying I should try to avoid the advice they give on the forums, lol.07:23
PossiblyTheLonge``y7: I'm using my buddy's laptop at the moment -- Can't help you exactly but DPI is in gconf-editor07:23
AnixxHi.  I'm running Ubuntu-EEE on my Acer Aspire One.  Before I installed that, it had a different version of linux, and everything worked.  Now, everything works except for wifi.  Not sure what steps to take to troubleshoot this?  It's weird though, b/c there is an on/off switch for wifi, with lights, but now it won't even light up.  It light up before with the other version of linux.07:24
``y7roger that PossiblyTheLonge, thanks for the help07:24
RabbitbunnyI normally do.07:24
Flannelzortec: Like any volunteer support, you'll always have people who don't know any better, etc.  Generally, the rest of the people catch inexperience in time, but not always.07:24
PossiblyTheLongeAnixx: Did you check the Ubuntu Community for Acer Aspire?07:24
zortecI'm still a bit fuzzy on the whole swap thing.  I started with 3GB swap but on this install I only did a 1GB swap07:24
djdavis75Rorgo: read is 4, write is 2, and execute is 1, if I remember write, add up the ones u want and u get the number, first number is file owner, second file group, third is everyone else07:25
Anixxyeah, it suggests compability and supported drivers07:25
zortecI was told swap is not really used.  It might not even be used when you suspend.07:25
lstarneszortec: I think hibernation requires it07:25
Rabbitbunnyi use swap a lot, but i only have 1gb ram07:25
darlekAnixx, Acer might have a special kernel that loads and uses the wifi.  If that isn't available in the regular ubuntu upgrade that may be why the wifi is off.  I read that on some forum.  You might google about that07:25
JusticeZeroyeah, i'm hazy on that - all the recommendations are from when computers were tiny.07:25
Anixxand the ubuntu-eee claims it has built in all the drivers and custom kernel needed for Acer Aspire One.07:25
zorteclstarnes: I haven't used hibernation in ages since I've always had problems with it so I just do a suspend/shut down07:26
PossiblyTheLongeAnixx: Easy Peasy Ubuntu?  Is that Ubuntu EEE?07:26
darlekAnixx, you can use the former kernel with the newer software and see if the wifi returns.  I did this with Ibex where I didn't use it's kernel because the wifi sucked.07:26
zortecWhat is a good text based browser? I want to google a few things before I install my desktop07:27
PossiblyTheLongezortec: lynx07:27
darlekzortec, w3m07:27
AnixxUbuntu-EEE is ubuntu with modified kernel/drivers for the asus and acer netbooks07:27
RHorseelinks  is really nice07:27
zortecI've used lynx before, it didn't have a lot of functionality07:27
zortecIt seemed to be really limited07:28
PossiblyTheLongezortec: It's a basic text-based browser.  elinks is the advanced version.07:28
RHorsePossiblyTheLonge it's completely  different from lynx07:28
PossiblyTheLongeAnixx: Did you read this already --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne07:29
Anixxah, thank you, hadn't come across that07:29
PossiblyTheLongeAnixx: Good luck.  I have Aspire One netbook myself.  Although everything seems to be working right out of the box, including wifi.07:30
JulioNetowhere (channel) can I find Evolution's Calendar help?07:31
zortecHow do you use w3m? I guess I'm not at all familiar with text browsers07:31
RHorsezortec w3m is  awful07:32
jamiejacksonlivecd has my soundcard working with a module called "snd_ens1370". how do i get that module in my installation? (which package would it be in?)07:32
Flannelzortec: easiest way is to just start out with "w3m url"07:32
JusticeZerowhat is a good text browser then?07:32
RHorseI like elinks for a terminal and lynx for console07:32
djdavis75jamiejackson: was it not installed automatically?07:32
darlekzortec, lots of tabbing, hitting enter over a box will show text: at the bottom then enter engages in a search etc07:32
manpoolealright im going to install windows 7 real quick brb07:33
Flanneldarlek, zortec: you can use arrow keys too.  Don't need to tab all the time.07:33
darlekI'll try elinks now I hadn't used it07:33
jamiejacksondjdavis75: i added the card just tonight djdavis7507:33
zortecI'm trying lynx now07:33
bullgard4What does 'at' stand for in Configuration Editor > /desktop/gnome/applications/at?07:33
``y7how do i tell a filetype to always open with a specific program in the gnome gui?07:33
unixcan someone help me with nvidia driver install?07:33
jamiejacksonthe install is ~1week old now, djdavis75, and it had a different device enabled then07:34
RHorseelinks supports mouse fully07:34
PossiblyTheLonge!info at | bullgard407:34
unixive tried using envy, the restricted drivers, and the drivers off nvidia, and none work07:34
ubottubullgard4: at (source: at): Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version (jaunty), package size 42 kB, installed size 216 kB07:34
saprophyte_when i try to run kernelcheck it opens and says only root can run script... when i try to run it as root it doesnt' open and exits saying cant create glade object07:34
RHorseincluding scrolling07:34
Valeri4help me plz!07:34
djdavis75``y7: right click the file and go to properties I think07:34
losher!ru | Valeri407:34
ubottuValeri4: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:34
Flannelbullgard4: Looks like assistive technologies07:34
``y7djdavis75, that does it for a specific file, is there a way to do it for every file that is the same filetype?07:35
djdavis75``y7: I think that does it for the entire file type07:35
PossiblyTheLonge``y7: That does it for every filetype.07:35
``y7oh ok, sorry and thank you :)07:35
zortecHow do you get mouse support in elinks?07:36
djdavis75jamiejackson: so you put a different card in the box but it won't work?07:36
jamiejacksondjdavis75: yeah, couldn't get the onboard device to work, so stuck a new card in there07:36
jamiejacksonnew card didn't work, so i booted to livecd to see what would happen, and it worked there07:37
RHorsezortec it comes compiled with it07:37
djdavis75jamiejackson: and the new card work on the live cd but not on the installed version?07:37
unixcan someone help me with nvidia driver install? ive tried using envy, the restricted drivers, and the drivers off nvidia, and none work card is fx550007:37
jamiejacksonyes, djdavis7507:37
djdavis75jamiejackson: hmm, does it use a restricted driver?07:37
djdavis75jamiejackson: try running the Hardware Drivers app07:38
zortecRHorse: I have a usb mouse that is not working in elinks07:38
RHorsezortec in  a console?07:39
djdavis75unix: will the Hard Drivers app not install it?07:39
djdavis75Hardware Drivers07:39
zortecRHorse: Yes07:39
roobot3is anyone knows how in svn i force him to demand from user to lock a file before editing it?07:39
djdavis75unix: does it list it as available?07:39
unixyes, it works as far as resolution does, just not opengl or any 3d usage07:39
Flannelroobot3: Try #svn07:40
darleknice.. elinks a better lynx..07:40
RHorsezortec for console support you need a special mouse driver or you can''t use a mouse in any app in the console. But I don't remember what that driver is called. It's in the repos.07:40
tv7497Pici: hello sir ! openssh server is working too good is there a way for me to monitor what are the file transaction taking place ?07:40
unixand when i try nvidia-settings it says im not using a nvidia gpu, even though the hardware drivers are in use lol07:40
djdavis75unix: did you just try using synaptic to install it, not sure which version supports fx550007:40
zortecCan I search for a mouse driver?07:40
darlektry unplugging and then plugging in the mouse again07:41
unixtried every version of the drivers for nvidia in synaptic07:41
RHorsezortec just google elinks browser console mouse support07:41
djdavis75unix: sound kind of like it's still using the generic nvidia driver with X07:41
RHorsezortec gpm07:42
djdavis75unix: and not the binary nvidia restricted driver07:42
unixwell i d/led the drivers off nvidias site too, which is how i have always gotten it to work with any other distor, and it creates my xorg.conf for me, but it never uses it07:42
bullgard4Flannel: I agree. --  Thank you.07:43
zortecRHorse: Thanks :)07:43
unixand no07:43
djdavis75unix: the xorg.conf in /etc/X11 ?07:43
OrEvAIs it possible to use windows driver in ubuntu 8.0407:44
bullgard4PossiblyTheLonge: Your answer is wrong.07:44
OrEvAunix : how?07:44
zortecHow do I search again using apt-get?07:44
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djdavis75oreva: not generally, i think there are wrapper for some networking drivers, never messed with it07:44
zortecI tried sudo apt-get search cache "package"07:44
joetheoddzortec, apt-get search [regex]07:45
mib_19lvlcucI have serious security issues, i mean my computer is being hacked, help me please07:45
djdavis75mib_19lvlcuc: turn on the firewall07:45
zortecjoetheodd: That option is not even in the help07:45
unixactually whats funny, is i had the drivers working about a week ago, using the same method, installing via nvidias site, i formatted to try slackware, then reinstalled ubuntu, now the same drivers do nothing07:45
RHorsezortec apt-cache search ...07:45
Slartmib_19lvlcuc: why do you think your computer is being hacked?07:45
OrEvAdjdavis75 : I have a tv-card which is not recognised by ubuntu07:45
mib_19lvlcucnot of that kind07:45
fornixjoetheodd: it is apt-cache search [regex]07:46
mib_19lvlcucmy bios is corrupted, and somebody is messing with my low ram07:46
RHorseapt-cache show ...07:46
djdavis75oreva: have u google to see if a native driver exists07:46
joetheoddzortec, sorry, apt-cache.07:46
zortecRHorse: How does that work? I tried sudo apt-cache 'gpm'07:46
mib_19lvlcucplease help me07:46
mib_19lvlcucany one?07:46
RHorseapt-cache show gpm07:46
djdavis75mib_19lvlcuc: unplug ur network cable07:46
OrEvAdjdavis75 : wats a native driver?07:46
fornixzortec: apt-cache search gpm07:47
djdavis75oreva: a driver designed for linux, what tuner card is it07:47
tv7497guys is there a way to monitor what files are uploaded and download from my server well i have a lamp and openssh server , well most of my friends use filezilla sftp protocol to access my server and download files is it possible to monitor these transaction? i use jaunty on a 64bit system07:47
zortecjoetheodd, fornix: Thanks, I had the wrong command07:47
mib_19lvlcucdjdavis75: It's not funny07:47
Slartmib_19lvlcuc: why do you think your computer is being hacked?07:47
mib_19lvlcucmib_19lvicuc: Just watch my booting log07:48
OrEvAdjdavis75 : pinnacle07:48
unixmmmm trying the driver relaease right before the last one i tried, ill give reports in a minute07:48
mib_19lvlcuci am pasting it....07:48
Slart mib_19lvlcuc not here I hope07:48
Slart!pastebin | mib_19lvlcuc07:48
ubottumib_19lvlcuc: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:48
OrEvAdjdavis75 :actually  pinnacle based one07:48
zortecMouse works great now.07:48
mib_or3iov44Andbody use the Chaintech AV-71007:48
mib_19lvlcucun  2 06:19:03 davidx-desktop syslogd 1.5.0#5ubuntu3: restart. Jun  2 06:19:04 davidx-desktop kernel: Inspecting &lt;boot&lt;System.map-2.6.28-11-generic Jun  2 06:19:04 davidx-desktop kernel: Cannot find map file. Jun  2 06:19:04 davidx-desktop kernel: Loaded 75583 symbols from 60 modules. Jun  2 06:19:04 davidx-desktop kernel: [    0.000000] BIOS EBDA&lt;lo07:48
mib_or3iov44Anybody use the Chaintech AV-71007:48
djdavis75unix: some of the older card may not be support by the newest drivers, don't know what else to tell ya, sorry07:49
mib_19lvlcucoops... wait me a second07:49
RHorsezortec ESC brings up menu07:49
mib_19lvlcucubottu: Thanks man, i ll use it ...07:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
zortecRHorse: I figured that one out.  elinks is really nice with mouse support07:49
mib_or3iov44Chaintech AV-710 help? Anybody?07:49
djdavis75oreva: probably just google it, might need to find what chip is on it07:49
REAL1hey guys.07:50
mib_or3iov44Problem is, I hate ALSA07:50
REAL1[09:45] <REAL1> need some help here,07:50
REAL1[09:45] <REAL1> i was install on my home pc the wordpress system07:50
REAL1[09:45] <REAL1> and i got a little problem when people from out site trying to connect the site07:50
REAL1[09:45] <REAL1> the pc run`s ubuntu 9.04 php5 and such07:50
REAL1[09:46] <REAL1> almost sure i got problem in my hosts file.07:50
FloodBot3REAL1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
REAL1[09:46] <REAL1> http://pastebin.ca/144586107:50
RHorsezortec isn't it. doesn't work with every site, but still...07:50
OrEvAdjdavis75 : windows recognises it as pinnacle07:50
zortecSo I have a web browser, irc client, and still no desktop.  Is it possible to run a cli linux without ever having a desktop?07:50
SlartREAL1: ok.. that is really annoying.. don't do that again07:50
zortecIf so, anyone do that?07:51
djdavis75zortec: lol, ur doing it07:51
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REAL1ok. didnt do that on purpose :X07:51
PossiblyTheLongezortec: Sure.  Use screen to switch.07:51
REAL1but in wordpress channel send me to here :\07:51
PossiblyTheLonge!screen | zortec07:51
ubottuzortec: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen07:51
josefigzortec: what's your problem?07:51
zortecdjdavis75, PossiblyTheLonge: Sure, I'm doing it but I mean for years and never install a desktop or will you run into trouble later with trying to do things?07:51
saprophyte_how can I open specific ports in ubuntu 9.0407:51
RHorseThere are good mail and news clients too07:52
Slartsaprophyte_: they are open by default07:52
zortecdjdavis75, PossiblyTheLonge I suppose it's not recommended to run in the cli all the time07:52
mib_19lvlcucI am ready... my log file is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187166/07:52
indussaprophyte_: use gufw from synaptic07:52
saprophyte_i see thank you07:52
indusSlart: open?07:52
djdavis75zortec: for an end user system cli is probably not best, might be fine for a server07:52
PossiblyTheLongezortec: There are no right or wrong.  If you want to use CLI for everything.  That's possible.  finch for pidgin.07:52
PossiblyTheLonge!finch | zortec07:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about finch07:52
jamiejacksondjdavis75: jamiejackson: hmm, does it use a restricted driver? <= no07:52
Nicolas__hi, why won't my hibernate work? I installed Ubuntu 9.04 with Wubi installer inside Windows Vista!07:52
Slartindus: well.. unclosed might be a better word07:52
mib_19lvlcucthis log messages identify that my bios is corrupt.. starting with that... i have more issues07:52
lstarnesmib_19lvlcuc: what in there looks suspicious?07:52
PossiblyTheLonge!info finch | zortec07:52
ubottuzortec: finch (source: pidgin): text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.5-1ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 208 kB, installed size 704 kB07:52
indusSlart: i think applications request a specific port to be opened on request07:53
PossiblyTheLongezortec: I use it sometimes.  The problem is remembering all keyboard shortcuts for every application. ;O07:53
induslike http port 8007:53
Slartindus: or.. well.. they are closed.. but the firewall won't do anything to prevent an app from opening them07:53
REAL1need help in my hosts file.07:53
indusSlart: ya07:53
PossiblyTheLongeLater. ;O07:53
Slartindus: bah.. you know what I mean =)07:53
aaab77hello can some body help me07:53
indusSlart: no rules that is :)07:53
zortecWhat about apps for like programming or virtual emulation software?07:53
sparrwhat's the best tool for creating an xorg.conf with all the right resolution/refresh information for my monitor?07:53
zortecCan you get all those text based?07:54
Nicolas__hi, why won't my hibernate work? I installed Ubuntu 9.04 with Wubi installer inside Windows Vista!07:54
Slartindus: yup.. and policy "accept"07:54
dumbkiwiaaab77: ask a question07:54
mib_19lvlcucAlso, i need to know if loading all that bluetooth stuff is ok or normal, because i think that's how i am being hacked07:54
Titan8990zortec, like IDEs?07:54
WIGGMPkWhen I put a blank CD or DVD in, a dialog box appears and says "Select how to open "Blank DVD+R Disc" but the drop down box is greyed and says No application found despite having Brasero and GnomeBaker installed07:54
indusSlart: probably dangerous  no ? hmm07:54
lstarnesmib_19lvlcuc: having bluetooth loaded is normal07:54
Orestzortec: for programming look into vi and emacs07:54
indusSlart: always install apps from trusted sources :D07:54
lstarnesmib_19lvlcuc: what makes you think you're being hacked?07:54
Titan8990zortec, +1 emacs...07:55
mib_19lvlcucI mean, I have no bluetooth devices installed on my system, yet it loads that stuff....07:55
aaab77I have windows Os in my computer but it can not be login i used ubuntu live cd how to enter to partion for windows07:55
Titan8990zortec, but there are large IDEs too07:55
zortecTitan8990: Yes IDE or programming editors07:55
indusSlart: or you will end up paying through your 'backport' :DD07:55
zortecTitan8990: You can't really call emacs an IDE :)07:55
Titan8990zortec, which language?07:55
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Slartindus: well.. having a computer connected to any kind of network is dangerous.. but I wouldn't lose sleep over haveing a default firewall setup on my desktop07:55
Orestzortec, that's right, emacs is pretty much an OS :)07:55
zortecTitan8990: C++/PHP/Java07:55
bcmib_19lvlcuc: you're just paranoid07:56
djdavis75aaab77: you can use gparted (Partition Editor) to partition07:56
Anixxcan anyone recommend a good, comprehensive, long guide to learning about ubuntu?07:56
Titan8990zortec, eclipse or netbeans07:56
indusSlart: ok07:56
mib_19lvlcucAnd I am being serious when i say that some one has been hacking my system because i 've been having windows closed without apparently reason, closed downloading internet connections and more stuff of that kind07:56
Titan8990zortec, java default, plugins for C++ java python a few others07:56
zortecAnixx, the pocket guide in the absolute beginnner's forum is great.  I'm reading it07:56
aaab77djdavis75: but my file it will not delete07:56
Anixxzortec: perfect, much thanks07:56
indusSlart: also how to check which ports are open07:56
Titan8990zortec, also there is geany and kdevelop for C/C++07:56
mib_19lvlcucbc: How do you know?07:56
lstarnesmib_19lvlcuc: those could just be bugs07:56
zortecI just don't know if I like the look of a cli system without any GUI07:56
djdavis75aaab77: are u trying to install unbuntu and keep Windows too?07:57
Nicolas__hi, why won't my hibernate work? I installed Ubuntu 9.04 with Wubi installer inside Windows Vista!07:57
mib_19lvlcucbc: I mean, you 're saying my log is normal?07:57
zortecThat is kind of like watching all your shows in black and white, lol.07:57
bcmib_19lvlcuc: I don't see too much unusual about that dmesg output07:57
lstarnesmib_19lvlcuc: try checking /var/log/syslog07:57
Titan8990zortec, yeah... atleast some kind of window manager07:57
Slartindus: nmap is nice.. lsof might work if you're interested in your own system07:57
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mib_19lvlcuclstarnes: Ok, i am on my way07:57
zortecAnyone know what a MUD is?  I'm also looking for a decent mud client07:58
Flannel!away > kevor07:58
ubottukevor, please see my private message07:58
josefigzortec: wow, you're like my lord to develop the pacience. ;)07:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nmap07:58
jerroomedoes anyone know why chdir doesn't work when creating an user with useradd07:58
Flannelzortec: Mushclient runs real well in wine07:58
Titan8990zortec, not in years07:58
bcmib_19lvlcuc: the BIOS may be corrupt message appears to have been written by a non-native English speaker07:58
jerroomebut with adduser07:58
aaab77no my windows is coupt it i am trying to enter to my file in window partion  from ubuntu but i can not07:58
jerroomemy problem is that I need to create user with password and without promting for it07:58
zortecjosefig: I'm still trying to understand that line.  Is that a compliment to my patience in the chat room or?07:59
Jeruvyaaab77: can you pastebin your attempt?07:59
jerroomeI want to give it on the command line, but only useradd permits it07:59
Flannelzortec: But, tintin is the traditional "everything is based off of it" client07:59
Titan8990jerroome, doesn't sound like a good idea to me07:59
zortecFlannel: I have the latest zmud on my windows machine which probably would also run in wine I'd imagine07:59
bcmib_19lvlcuc: or could just be cryptic. probably anticipating buggy phoenix bios, but not necessarily a problem07:59
Slartindus: it's a remote port scanner kind of thingy..07:59
djdavis75aaab77: the live cd should be able to read the ntfs partition, unless it's corrupted, in that cause you could try to fix it07:59
WIGGMPkRunning Jaunty amd64 and it doesnt seem to detect any installed applications to set as "Preferred" in File Manager Properties > Media Tab07:59
jerroomeany idea ?07:59
jerroome<Titan8990> why ?08:00
Slartindus: if you install it you can run things like "nmap <your own ip>" and it will check for open ports08:00
Flannelzortec: Nick Gammon (Mushclient guy) has made a number of changes to make sure everything works in Wine.  No idea re: Zugg08:00
zortecYou can learn a lot about linux/ubuntu just by being in this irc room.  Of course I've been in here 3 days now and the community really shines through08:00
aaab77djdavis75 : you mean that there is a probelm with hard disk08:00
indusfirefox seems really slow on my system (unrelated question)08:00
Titan8990jerroome, what are you going to do with these users w/o passwords?08:00
djdavis75aaab77: or corrupt ntfs08:00
zortecOne of these days I wanted to read all of the forum posts but I don't think I'll ever have the time to do that.  It is just a vast number of them08:01
stxinghow can I use the free nv-driver in Ubuntu 9.04?08:01
jerroomeI'm using different users for different apps on a customized ubuntu08:01
aaab77djdavis75: then what is solution08:01
induswhenever i open it, it seems to access harddisk for a long time , it freezes then again everything is normal08:01
zortecstxing: You can download it from the restricted-drivers repository in synaptic08:01
djdavis75aaab77: try fdisk -l to see what partition the windows is, the mount it08:01
jerroomeinstallation of the machines are completely automatic with preseed08:01
djdavis75then mount it08:01
bcmib_19lvlcuc: also, are you sure your system has no bluetooth capability? if not, the kernel built for the desktop might be anticipating future usage, or something like that.08:01
mib_19lvlcucHere is my syslog, at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187169/08:01
jerroomebut I have to do a firstboot for different stuff  where I also want to create my different users08:02
zortecWhat does +i mean in irssi?08:02
zortecIt's next to my username08:02
lstarneszortec: that's your usermode08:02
aaab77djdavis75 : i am beginner  in linux can you give the step how to do mount and fdisk08:02
Flannelzortec: Some of these questions might be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic08:02
dman777can anyone help? my .fdi file is not being read by hal08:02
zortecI also noticed that the words get cut off at the far edge of the screen.  I'm guessing since I don't have my graphics driver08:02
zortecFlannel: Isn't this channel for all ubuntu questions?08:03
djdavis75aaab77: well look in the Places menu, if there are any drives listed in there, then try that first08:03
zortecFlannel: I didn't know about the different irc rooms on irc.freenode.net08:03
djdavis75aaab77: like 160GB Volume08:03
stxingzortec: how can I enable this driver?08:03
RHorsedjdavis75 you have to get used to using man pages. man [app]. Learn by yourself. It's more  fun08:03
aaab77djdavis75: yes08:04
Flannelzortec: This channel is for Ubuntu support questions, yes.  #ubuntu-offtopic is for non-Ubuntu support discussion/questions/etc08:04
zortecWouldn't all questions if someone is on ubuntu be ubuntu related? :)08:04
djdavis75rhorse: I thought it'd be easier to example than fdisk -l, mount -t ntfs /dev/whatever08:04
RHorseaaab77 you have to get used to using man pages. man [app]. Learn by yourself. It's more  fun08:05
jerroome<Titan8990> no more answers ?08:05
zortecstxing: You can get it through Synaptic.08:05
aaab77RHorse: can you clear more08:05
bcmib_19lvlcuc: looks ok to me assuming you are on supposed to be on the 10 network and your DNS server is in fact
simoncpuRHorse: Red Horse?08:05
mib_19lvlcucbc: My mother board is an ASUS model M2NPV-VM, and it does'nt have any mother board bluetooth , and i have no peripherials but a grub hard disk08:05
simoncpuRed Horse is my favorite beer08:06
simoncpured horse, extra strong... ito ang lakas, ito ang tama!08:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:06
zortecIs anyone paid in this irc room?08:06
saprophyte_not for irc :P08:07
djdavis75zortec: I hope not, cause I haven't been getting my checks if they are. :D08:07
zortecI thought there might be official ubuntu developers who were paid for their work on ubuntu08:07
bcmib_19lvlcuc: no worries. i dont have bluetooth and I see the same messages.08:07
stxingzortec: after installation ,how to configure ?08:07
zortecstxing: You need to run the nvidia configure which should be in the gnome menu if that is what you are using08:08
jerroomedoes anyone know how to force the system to chdir the user to it's home folder when logging ?08:08
zortecstxing: I'm not in gnome right now so I can't say what it's called for sure08:08
djdavis75stxing: what are u configuring?08:09
mib_19lvlcucbc: Are you sure?08:09
zortecdjdavis75: He is configuring the nvidia graphics card08:09
bcmib_19lvlcuc: I'm positive about the bluetooth08:09
djdavis75System -> Administration -> NVIDIA X Server Settings?08:09
djdavis75is that what he wants?08:10
zortecdjdavis75: That sounds right08:10
Titan8990jerroome, i know that is know as a chroot jail08:10
jerroome<jerroome> does anyone know how to force the system to chdir the user to his home folder when logging ?08:10
bcmib_19lvlcuc: http://pastebin.com/f74a5d9ff08:10
zortecjerroome: You already asked the question.  Please be patient and let people have time to answer :)08:10
stxingi want to use the  free nv-driver08:10
jerroomeno, chroot isn't meant to be used that way08:10
mib_19lvlcucbc: I mean, is it normal to have an pan0 interface loaded after booting?08:11
jerroomeelse, the user won't be able to use the entire system08:11
bcmib_19lvlcuc: yes08:11
simoncpujerroome: where is the user taken? to /?08:11
Titan8990jerroome, http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/08:11
djdavis75stxing: just don't install the restricted one then08:11
jerroomesorry for double posting ...08:11
* simoncpu forgot the chroot's/jail's exact behaviour08:11
zortecstxing: It should be available to you when you try to turn on compiz effects08:12
zortecstxing: That is how I got mine working08:12
simoncpuin that case, just edit .bashrc (or .cshrc, .shrc, whatever) and add cd /home/myuser08:12
jerroomechroot isn't what I want to do08:12
zortecThere are a lot of packages for KDE.  It's 1.5GB total.  Gnome was not that big08:13
mib_19lvlcucHey guys, does anyone know "bc", i mean the online user08:13
jerroomehhm, I will try, but as .bashrc is located in /home/myuser, I don't think it's executed08:13
jamiejacksoni'm trying to modprobe the "snd_ens1370" module, but i don't have the module. how do i get the native audio card drivers on my system?08:13
stxingi do not need desktop effects08:13
* bc raises his hand08:13
zortecstxing Did you search the repositories to see if you could find the nv drivers?08:13
mib_19lvlcucI am asking if anyone else knows "bc", no ofense, but yo08:14
bcmib_19lvlcuc: none taken08:14
mib_19lvlcuci mean, "bc", no offense but you could be the one hacking my computer08:14
zortecHow do I fix my screen in irssi so it's not cut off at the end?08:14
bcmib_19lvlcuc: say what?08:14
zortecmib_19lvlcuc: That is a crazy accusation08:14
jerroome<simoncpu> as I thought, .bashrc isn't executed as the user doesn't enter his directory08:15
mib_19lvlcucbc: It ain't an accusation....08:15
bczortec: no good deed goes unpunished as it were08:15
mib_19lvlcucits just an assumption08:15
Flanneljerroome: try .profile08:15
zortecmib_19lvlcuc: He is trying to help you, why would you assume that?08:15
djdavis75bc: are you hacking my computer too?08:15
mib_19lvlcuci am no telling anything, i just asked if anyone knew him....08:15
mib_19lvlcucjust to be sure he is trying to help me08:16
zortecmib_19lvlcuc: I don't know anyone in this irc room08:16
Flannelmib_19lvlcuc: Please stay on topic08:16
bcmib_19lvlcuc: okay, I'm going to be going away in a few seconds. but based on what I saw from the pastebin, you look fine to me. good luck.08:16
simoncpujerroome: i think .profile or .bashrc can be put at / or /etc08:16
mib_19lvlcucok thx bc08:16
* simoncpu doesn't know the exact behaviour in ubuntu08:16
zortecWhat can I do to fix my res so all the text fits on the screen? It's cut off right now even when downloading with sudo apt-get?08:17
froeshi .... do anyone uses usb mouse with 7 buttons ? how can i configure it ?08:17
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mib_19lvlcucam i just being paranoid?...08:17
zortecmib_19lvlcuc: I'm afraid you are08:17
OinsHello, i get the following error at amarok while playing a mp3 file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187173/ Any ideas?08:17
stxingi am now using nv-driver in 8.04,i want to upgrade to 9.0408:18
zortecI only have the cli, but is there a file I can edit to change my res even though I don't have a desktop yet? I'd like for all the text to stay on the screen and not get cut off08:18
bluegoonHey guys, the wireless on my notebook is disabled...  ive tried the funciton + wifi button but it wont work, any ideas?08:18
Flannelzortec: irssi should be line wrapping08:19
zortecFlannel: It only line wraps sometimes08:20
zortecFlannel: That is why I was trying to find another solution08:20
froesand also how to disable touchpad when usb mouse connected?08:20
bluegoonAnyone know if this is a possible bug in the 9.04 kernel? the wireless issue?08:20
TheFunkbombHey Flannel do you know anything about the forums?08:20
FlannelTheFunkbomb: "about"?08:20
mib_hgbgmynqok... i am taking it easy, bc i am sorry, can you help me back again?08:21
TheFunkbombyeah, someone is asking for a thread of mine to be deleted.08:21
mib_hgbgmynqbc: please08:21
TheFunkbombbluegoon, what wireless card do you have?08:21
zortecmib_hgbgmynq: I think he is afk08:21
bluegoonTheFunkbomb: hey dude, fairly new laptop, built in wifi capability card.08:21
TheFunkbombbluegoon, yes, but what kind is it?08:21
mib_hgbgmynqzortec: ok08:21
MoheroMorning everyone, I hope you're all well, and problem free, because I'm hungover :)08:21
bluegoonThefunkbomb: going to find out, can I come back to you in about 10 minutes?08:21
mib_hgbgmynqzortec: what about you, could you help me?08:22
mib_hgbgmynqzortec: please08:22
zortecmib_hgbgmynq: What was the problem again?08:22
hipitihopI'm running jaunty and have some nfs mounts from some shares on my NAS. It seems the mounts seem to time out after a while and I have to run 'sudo mount -a' to bring them back up, can someone suggest how to fix please08:22
FlannelTheFunkbomb: Try #ubuntuforums08:22
froesand i think every time i restart it probes agains the hardwares, like display driver among others. is there a way to fix the hardware?08:22
TheFunkbombbluegoon, just go into terminal08:22
TheFunkbombokay Flannel thanks08:22
jamiejacksoni'm trying to modprobe the "snd_ens1370" module, but i don't have the module. how do i get the native audio card drivers on my system? (ubuntu). live cd loads them properly, but i might not have some package that i need on the *installed* system. i don't seem to have any snd_* modules available. i had previously installed the alsa-source package, and subsequently removed it. not sure if that messed up the native st08:22
bluegoonTheFunkbomb, ok, what shouldi do when im in terminal?08:23
mib_hgbgmynqzortec: Please check my syslog and my booting log... i am posting them in a sec...08:23
RaptureI have an eeepc 900 with easy peasy 1.1 and a pc with ubuntu 9.04, now I want to buy an internet key... can you suggest me one compatible?08:23
zortecmib_hgbgmynq: How do you expect met o check your syslog and bootlog?08:23
TheFunkbombbluegoon, try sudo lshw08:23
TheFunkbombthat should list all your hardware08:23
blingoIf someone changed the language to be not English, and now can't log-in it's English user/password? strangely there is no English on root console as well...08:23
mib_hgbgmynqzortec:  My syslog is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/187179/08:23
bluegoonTheFunkbomb, roger that, one sec08:23
MoheroRapture: what do you mean by internet key?08:24
djdavis75jamiejackson: the snd-ens1370 modules is on my system08:24
djdavis75jamiejackson: it's not in /lib/modules/whatever/sound/pci ?08:24
mib_hgbgmynqzortec: Sorry man, i thought you were a though ubuntu user08:24
mib_hgbgmynqhelp please08:25
RaptureMohero: an usb key that you can use for internet (mobile) with notebook....08:25
zortecmib_hgbgmynq: I'm a fairly new user so you would want to ask someone who is experienced :)08:25
zortecmib_hgbgmynq: Sorry I couldn't help you out08:25
hipitihopcan someone tell me how to stop nfs mounts from timing out08:25
MoheroRapture: ok, HSDPA modem? which country are you in?08:25
mib_hgbgmynqzortec: Thanks man :) i will08:25
sopparuscan i do a dist-upgrade WITHOUT upgrading kernel as well?08:26
jamiejacksondjdavis75: i don't have a sound directory in /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic08:26
RaptureMohero: yes HSDPA, I'm in Italy....08:26
sparrsopparus: you could hold the kernel08:26
sopparussparr, how?:)08:26
Flannelsopparus: What do you mean when you say "dist-upgrade"?08:26
djdavis75jamiejackson: /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci ?08:26
sopparusFlannel, apt-get dist-upgrade08:26
zortecI'm going to boot into my desktop now, back in a few minutes.08:27
tesshi, where can i go for help installing ubuntu on imac (g3)08:27
Flannelsopparus: just do apt-get upgrade08:27
MoheroRapture: I have 2, I have an Huawei E160, and another one ( the model number escapes me) both work equally well, the problem is the providers normally, in the UK not many have full speed HSDPA coverage08:27
sopparusFlannel, my kernel then08:27
sopparusi have to hax0r with grub to get the raid to work again08:27
sopparusive completly forgotten how08:27
jamiejacksondjdavis75: no pci dir in /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound08:27
djdavis75is there a command, dpkg or something, to tell me what deb a file belong to?08:27
Flannelsopparus: Oh, right.  They do that stupid don't bump the version thing now, don't they?08:28
Flanneldjdavis75: dpkg -S /path/to/file08:28
djdavis75flannel: thanks08:28
Flannelsopparus: try sudo apt-get --simulate upgrade, does your kernel get upgraded?08:28
sopparusFlannel, who? its just that i have to run all the weird grub commands again after reinstalling the kernel :(08:28
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tesshi, where can i go for help installing ubuntu on imac (g3)08:29
RaptureMohero: for provider, here in Italy, in my small country I have three with HSDPA.... ok, Huawei E160... thank you very very very much!!!!08:29
Flannelsopparus: Eh.  "who" is the devs.  Used to be kernel upgrades only came about with a version change, which was nice, because it'd require a dist-upgrade, because it was a new package.08:29
sidhgreetings everybody08:30
TheFunkbombbluegoon, you still alive there dude?08:30
sopparusso im fucked?08:30
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.08:30
MoheroRapture: no problem, the E156 I think is the other one I have, with Ubuntu, particularly 9.04 I have had no problems, I'm not too keen on EasyPeasy - especially now with Ubuntu Netbook Remix :-D08:30
Flannelsopparus: No, you just have to actually indicate you want it held.08:30
sidhdo you know if libflashsupport flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound are depends of flashplugin-nonfree ?08:30
Flannelsopparus: The easiest way is to do it via synaptic.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages08:31
hipitihopsurely my nfs timeout issue is pretty common, as I have the same problem on two machines08:31
sopparusill try that then08:31
Moherowell, I helped one person, I think that's my morning quota done. time for tea... :)08:32
RaptureMohero: three is provider (3 ITA), vodafone in not ok... Ha ha ha, I hate netook remix... so I use full desktop with desktop switcher in my eeepc 900....08:32
zortecI have my desktop running.  How do I get my video card installed?08:32
MoheroRapture: me too, on the 901 :)08:32
TheFunkbombzortec, what video card do you have?08:32
tessany 1 know anything regarding installing ubuntu on g3 imac?08:32
kabdotinfozortec: Where is your desktop running to?08:32
MoheroRapture: the 2 Dongles I have here are with 3 (great - *IF* you can get a signal) and with o2 barable everywhere - fast in towns08:33
Moheroo2 is effectively telifonica (I beleive) and actually, I prefer them over most here in the UK08:33
zortecTheFunkbomb, kabotinfo: I went with KDE and I want to install compiz effects like I did in gnome and my video card is NVIDIA nForce 610i/NVIDIA GeForce 730008:33
bluegoonTheFunkbomb, barely mate08:33
TheFunkbombzortec, find hardware drivers08:34
bluegoonTheFunkbomb, waiting for the chick with the laptop to bring it to our office, ill let you know.08:34
TheFunkbombI don't know where it is in kde08:34
hermanChesswhat do you people think of linux mint?08:34
TheFunkbombbluegoon, okay08:34
MoherohermanChess: it's OK, some of the extra GUI's are good for people that don't want to know what's going on underneth08:34
Titan8990hermanChess, don't like any spin-off distros...08:34
MoherohermanChess: however, I do prefer Ubuntu08:35
djdavis75what package installs the kernel modules, what deb?08:35
Titan8990djdavis75, depends on the module08:35
MoheroTitan8990: careful, remember Ubuntu is Debian underneath - so it is in itself a spinoff :)08:35
djdavis75jamiejackson: u probably need to reinstall the kernel modules08:35
BoohbahTitan8990: so you don't like ubuntu since it is a debian spin-off?08:35
djdavis75titan: jamie is missing some sound modules08:35
Titan8990Mohero, I don't use ubuntu, but i still help in here08:35
RaptureMohero: O2?! Are you in England or in Ireland....?? Here we have Vodafone leader and the other are not ok, 3 is small but with small and strong network (HSDPA)08:36
* Mohero smiles at Boohbah 08:36
Titan8990Mohero, i started with ubuntu08:36
Moherofair enough08:36
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djdavis75titan: i have the one he is missing, so I assume it's installed by default, but I don't know what package the kernel modules are in08:36
zortecTheFunkbomb: What do you mean install hardware drivers? I need to find the driver for my nvidia nforce 610i/7300 geforce chipset.  I remember that gnome picked it up and asked me to install it automatically when I turned on compiz08:36
wcauchoiswhat package do i have to install to be able to use swing in a java application i'm writing?08:36
bluegoonTheFunkbomb, Dude, what exactly happens when you "switch off" wifi on a notebook via the function switch, what happens inside ubuntu? are the drivers still installed etc?  Is there a way to "enable" the wifi manually?08:36
Titan8990djdavis75, what module is it?08:36
hermanChessI used to use Arch , but after some time of small problems here and there I went back to ubuntu08:36
MoheroRapture: yeah, England, o2 have good coverage, as do Vodafone, 3 definately do _NOT_ :)08:36
TheFunkbombzortec, no, not install it.  Just activate the work around.08:36
wcauchoisi installed sun-java6-*, but it doesn't seem to do the trick08:37
hermanChessit it's much simpler, escpecially confiuring xorgf08:37
zortecTheFunkbomb: What is the workaround?08:37
TheFunkbombbluegoon, I think it just turns it off.  I never did it.08:37
TheFunkbombzortec, you remember in GNOME in System>Admin>Hardware Drivers?08:37
Titan8990hermanChess, gentoo here08:37
zortecTheFunkbomb: It was easy in Gnome... I have no idea how it works in KDE08:38
TheFunkbomblet me look08:38
jamiejacksondjdavis75: which package is that?08:38
djdavis75titan: snd-es137008:38
paoloHi guys! Anyone could explain me why in jaunty (which carries gnome 2.26) gnome-screensaver is still at 2.24 version? and actually it appears not to be working08:38
paav1can someone help me to install vmware08:38
Titan8990djdavis75, that is an alsa module08:38
Titan8990!alsa | djdavis7508:38
ubottudjdavis75: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:38
Blancd01hey guys08:38
hermanChessTitan8990, I imagine gentoo is some sort of archlinux but compiling everything08:38
boss_mc!fine snd-es137008:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fine snd-es137008:38
Blancd01ubuntu wont work for me08:38
TheFunkbombzortec, do you have the full on kubuntu installed?08:38
boss_mc!find snd-es137008:38
Blancd01ubuntu 8.1008:38
ubottuPackage/file snd-es1370 does not exist in jaunty08:39
joetheodd__In monodevelop, is there any way to use the forms components from Windows' .NET?08:39
sidhTitan8990: so you started with a debian spin-off distro isn't it ?08:39
Titan8990djdavis75, you should ensure he has the same sound card as you...08:39
Blancd01ubuntu is installed and ready to go08:39
zortecTheFunkbomb: Yes it is the full kubuntu-desktop08:39
Titan8990hermanChess, basically08:39
Blancd01I logged in08:39
Blancd01and i get a black screen08:39
Titan8990sidh, started with, yes08:39
Blancd01i have NO idea how to get ubuntu to work08:39
joetheodd__Blancd01, you have ubuntu on your PS3?08:39
Blancd01from here08:39
djdavis75Titan8990: no, I have a different one, but I still have the module on my system08:39
hermanChessmy problem is I get too curious about trying new things, so I've tried a lot of distros and DE's08:39
Titan8990sidh, i have used many, just don't prefer them08:39
bluegoonTheFunkbomb, weird, ill try to read up on it a bit.08:39
RaptureMohero: uhahuaha poor 3.... it's everywhere unlucky...08:39
joetheodd__Anyhow, try typing sudo gdm08:39
Blancd01but it wont work any longer08:39
Titan8990djdavis75, why does he need sound drivers for your sound card?08:40
hermanChessIt's that time of the semester when I want to try KDE08:40
Blancd01sudo: gdm: command not found08:40
TheFunkbombzortec, I don't know what to tell you.  This is an Ubuntu support channel.  I think there is a #kubuntu channel08:40
jamiejacksonTitan8990: yeah, snd_ens1370 is an alsa module, but how do i get it? i think a fresh install comes with it, but i lost it somehow08:40
MoheroRapture: they used to piggy-back (Virtual carrier) but they stopped doing that, and went solo - which was a big mistage08:40
Blancd01-- sudo: gdm: command not found08:40
zortecTheFunkbomb: There was no users in the #kubuntu channel08:40
MoheroRapture: ^s/mistage/mistake/08:40
jamiejacksonTitan8990: djdavis75 was trying to helpme get my sound modules back08:40
Titan8990jamiejackson, idk how ubuntu does that these days actually, i know it uses pulseaudio instead of alsa08:40
TheFunkbombdon't know what to tell you.  I hate KDE.08:40
joetheodd__Blancd01: That's really not good. startx?08:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:40
djdavis75titan: he doesn't but I have all sorts of modules for cards other than mine, but he is missing them08:41
Blancd01should i pop the installation disc and try something08:41
Blancd01can it copy files to where i need them08:41
tuhoojabottiIs it possible to see which processes use the sound output, I'm trying to listen to some music but it won't give audio -> totem said that the output is in use08:41
Titan8990djdavis75, like I said, alsa is no longer ubuntu default08:41
Blancd01-bash: startx: command not found08:41
djdavis75titan: and I can't figure out what package provides those modules08:41
jamiejacksoni think pulseaudio leverages alsa, anyway, Titan8990, no?08:41
Titan8990djdavis75, that because you didn't click on the links from the bot08:42
jamiejacksoni mean it leverages alsa *drivers* i think08:42
Titan8990jamiejackson, i think it does08:42
paav1tuhoojabotti osaatko asentaa vmwaren08:42
Blancd01is there a way to copy files from disc to mounted drive08:42
Ububeginwhat software in ubuntu allows to compare whether 2 images are the same... like those apps..which can compare text files08:42
boss_mcdjdavis75: there are no packages in the jaunty repos that supply snd_es1370.ko or snd_ens137008:42
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tuhoojabottipaav1: miksi?08:42
tessubuntu on g3 imac - need help/advice. any one care to help?08:42
sparrI am going to try the Kubuntu Jaunty KDE3 remix, is there a channel specific to that?08:42
paav1ei onnistu multa :(08:42
Blancd01no help guys?08:42
mib_gad0x11tMy computer is making crazy stuff, can anyone tell me if i am being hacked, please?08:42
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat08:42
Blancd01i cant get this damn linux shit to work08:42
Blancd01gonna go with an older version08:42
RaptureMohero: yes understand.... here is the same.... ok, thank youuuuuu!!!08:43
Titan8990sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic08:43
Blancd01ive never gotten linux to run.. bad luck i guess08:43
DdayHow do i update to version 3.5 of firefox and transfer all my bookmarks and add ons?08:43
MoheroRapture: no problem. glad to help :-)08:43
jamiejacksonboss_mc: why would the livecd provide them, boss_mc?08:43
kabdotinfoUbuntu should be the main, and then Gubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.08:43
jerroomethank you guys, I choose to create user without passwd with adduser cmd08:43
mib_gad0x11tNeed help, need a though ubuntu user to ask08:43
boss_mcjamiejackson: no idea, but apt-file search returns 0 results08:43
mib_gad0x11tAny one?08:43
Ububeginwhat software in ubuntu allows to compare whether 2 images are the same... like those apps..which can compare text files08:43
jerroomeand after that I use usermod -p <passwd> to set one08:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:44
jerroomethanks and bye08:44
Blancd01now why cant i get help08:44
Blancd01i just want to get ubuntu to work08:44
Blancd01all is installed08:44
Blancd01i logged in08:44
Blancd01startx and gdm dont work08:44
TheFunkbombBlancd01, what's the problem?08:44
DdayHow do i update to version 3.5 of firefox and transfer all my bookmarks and add ons?08:44
Blancd01i cant use ubuntu08:44
Titan8990Blancd01, sounds like you used the minimal install disc08:44
TheFunkbombBlancd01, what can't you do?08:45
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:45
mib_gad0x11tI checked my log and i found my bios is corrupted, help08:45
Ububeginwhat software in ubuntu allows to compare whether 2 images are the same... like those apps..which can compare text files08:45
Blancd01damn i might have08:45
lukillai tired downloading something that uses wne if it doesnt work does that mean it can't work08:45
Blancd01but it should be the same08:45
mib_gad0x11thelp please08:45
mib_gad0x11tany one reading me?08:45
mib_gad0x11tcome on08:45
TheFunkbombstop flooding08:45
boss_mc!patience | mib_gad0x11t08:45
Blancd01lol thx08:45
ubottumib_gad0x11t: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:45
Blancd01i found out why08:45
Blancd01d loaded the server disc08:46
TheFunkbombthere's your problem08:46
mib_gad0x11thow can i get a list of the available chat rooms?08:46
mib_gad0x11ti mean the text irc command08:46
Titan8990mib_gad0x11t, think that one is client dependant08:46
Ububeginwhat software in ubuntu allows to compare whether 2 images are the same... like those apps..which can compare text files08:47
Slartmib_gad0x11t: just ask a question, on one line, provide lots of details/versions/what you're doing/what happened etc etc.. if you don't get an answer repeat every 15 minutes or so08:47
jamiejacksonTitan8990: sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic <= that first package doesn't seem to exist: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.28-11-generic"08:47
sparrwith KDE 4 being a unusable as it is, I think it's time to give gnome a chance08:47
jussi01!channels | mib_gad0x11t08:48
ubottumib_gad0x11t: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:48
Titan8990jamiejackson, i just pasted that out of the troubleshooting guide08:48
Titan8990jamiejackson, probably outdated08:48
lukillawhen you use wine to download something and it doesnt work does that mean it cant work08:48
boss_mcjamiejackson: linux-modules-`uname -r`08:48
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:48
sparrlukilla: wine does not download things, be more specific08:48
djdavis75jamiejackson: some of the sound modules come from linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic but your specific one does show to be owned by any package08:48
lukillai mean i download a game and used wine to open it and it doesnt work08:49
Blancd019.04 is out anyhow :P08:49
OrestUbubegin: use diff?08:49
lukillait installed08:49
jerroomehi again08:49
DdayHow do i update to version 3.5 of firefox and transfer all my bookmarks and add ons?08:49
rhavenwbetween wine and vmware if you have a strong enough computer can u play most new games on ubuntu?08:49
UbubeginOrest: i was looking at more like GUI-based application.. where I can overlay the images and see what is the difference (in Pixel terms)08:50
Slartlukilla: take 2 seconds.. take a breath.. think about what you want to say.. then write it all on one line.. we will still be here.. there's no rush08:50
marcoSOFAhope someone can help me here. looking for an easy startup manager that will ensure my openbox settings arent overwritten08:50
Oresti see, i can't help you there sorry08:50
joetheodd__tess, ubuntu hasn't supported PPC for awhile. I know, sad, my iMac is now a paperweight.08:50
SlartDday: I don't think the 3.5 beta is available from the repos08:50
joetheodd__Blancd01, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:50
joetheodd__Blancd01, that'll install all the mandatory packages. There's a possibility the installer didn't work out right08:50
Slart!ppc | joetheodd__, tess08:51
ubottujoetheodd__, tess: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ08:51
lukillaok i tried downloading a game that i played on windows i downloaded it it was installed i tried to play the game but i doesnt work08:51
joetheodd__Ububegin, md508:51
djdavis75jamiejackson: I looked in synaptic, that package, linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic contains that module08:51
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:51
djdavis75jamiejackson: I would reinstall that package08:51
Slartlukilla: what is the question?08:51
jerroomeInside my firstboot, I modify /etc/apt/sources.list with echo "deb blablbla" >> /etc/apt/sources.list, after that I'm doing apt-get update, but my entry isn't taken into account, does anyone have an idea why ?08:51
sparrjoetheodd_: there are unofficial PPC ubuntu remixes.  i have an original imac with 8.10 (?) installed on it08:51
jerroomedo I have to wait a certain time ?08:51
lukillahow can i get this game from windows to work?08:52
Slartjerroome: pastebin your sources.list?08:52
Slart!pastebin | jerroome08:52
joetheodd__How'd you get Ubuntu installed on a PS3, with a Cell processor? That's what's boggling my mind.08:52
ubottujerroome: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:52
jamiejacksonokay, is that safe, djdavis75? is there anything i need to be careful of for such a core seeming package?08:52
Ububeginjoetheodd__:  you are funny, dude... I dont mean Ubuntu iso image... but "Real Images" like a cat dancing or a dog jumping.... :D08:52
Slart!details | lukilla08:52
ubottulukilla: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:52
djdavis75jamiejackson: I wouldn't think so, you should be able to safely reinstall the package08:52
jamiejacksonthanks a lot for investigating djdavis75, i'll try now08:53
Slartlukilla: the name of the game will increase your chances enourmously08:53
djdavis75jamiejackson: hopefully it will work08:53
Slartbah.. can't spell today08:53
jerroomemy sources.list file isn't corrupt08:53
zortecIs there a faster way to get support? I can't get any help in the #kubuntu channel or maybe they don't know08:53
jerroomebecause after reboot, I'm able to use that new repo08:53
Slartlukilla: there's also #winehq for wine support.. or the application database http://appdb.winehq.org08:53
joetheodd__Ububegin, oh, lol. Sorry, you stubled upon geek city. The term to us is "picture", or "bitmap"08:54
lukillai have a problem with maple story im running with ubuntu version 9.04when i try to play maple story i get nothing08:55
Slartlukilla: ok, have you checked the application database? they har installation instructions, reports about wether other people has got it to work or not etc08:55
Slart!appdb | lukilla08:55
ubottulukilla: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:55
Blancd01joetheodd_ there is a version written for hte ps308:57
jerroomehere the pastebin link http://paste.ubuntu.com/187195/08:57
jerroomeI'm adding the last line08:57
jerroomebut after reboot, it's working08:58
jerroomemy repository is also ok08:58
Weed37Blancd01,  yes their is08:58
OrEvAMy ubuntu does not recognises my tv tuner card.........how can I use it08:59
djdavis75oreva: what program are u trying to use the tuner card with?08:59
darkdelusionsStupid Question I think I finally figured out my sound issue on my laptop (where jacksensing isnt working) it appears my laptop is not loading the hda_generic alsa driver and for the life if me i can remember how to do it atm08:59
SavagoHello there, good morning.09:00
djdavis75and what is the exact model of tuner card?09:00
SavagoAnyone has have success to activate opengl on the Dell mini 10? (intel gma 500).09:00
RaptureMohero: huawei E160 is 3.6Mbps max... What do you think about huawei E169 7.2 Mbps ???09:01
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
OrEvAdjdavis75 :I am trying with me-tv09:02
Slartjerroome: hmm.. usually changes to sources.list takes effect when you do an apt-get update.. can't really think of a reason why you would have to reboot first09:02
MoheroRapture: not sure I've used the E169... unless that's the one I have with 3... ^o)09:03
Slartjerroome: you're in control of the repository you've added? isn't there a log for it? can you see if it gets contacted at all before doing the reboot?09:04
n2diySlart: updatedb?09:04
MoheroRapture: most of them work very well with Ubuntu now. maybe you can take the Eee into the store and ask if they have one you can plug in and check?09:04
Slartn2diy: isn't that for "locate" and friends?09:04
berkesany more advanced gedit users here? I am looking for a code-folding solution, if any.09:04
MoheroRapture: that's what I did with mine.09:04
djdavis75oreva: go to the mythtv site and see if mythtv supports it09:04
dsabeckyBerkes: Get Notepad++.09:04
Slartdsabecky: notepad++... for windows?09:05
OrEvAdjdavis75 : as i had told u earlier ....... my tv-crad has philips chip on it09:05
Kragnerac :)09:05
dsabeckySlart: Notepad++....for WINE?09:06
RaptureMohero: ok thank, I take it with me.... =)09:06
n2diySlart: don't know? I always run sudo updatedb after DLing anythig, just to be safe.09:06
djdavis75oreva: I would check at mythtv.org and see if it's supported09:06
Moherowhy is anyone advising to use Billware apps on Linux....09:06
Moherouse Vim - it's very powerful, if you can handle it :)09:06
jamiejacksondjdavis75: that reinstall of the linux image (plus a reboot) seems to have done the trick: i heard the ubuntu greet sound on startup :)09:07
Slartdsabecky: I can understand using windows apps when there's no native equivalent .. but a text editor? is notepad++ that good?09:07
MoheroRapture: it's what I did here with 3, they were actually very good - shame I only got a signal in their shop though.09:07
dsabeckySlart: It's delicious.09:07
djdavis75jamiejackson: cool09:07
Flanneldjdavis75, Slart: SciTE is available (which is what notepad++ is based off of), as far as code folding, etc, it's equivalent.09:07
Flanneler, dsabecky ^^09:07
jamiejacksonhave to reinstall restricted video drivers, but i've got sound. not sure what other side effects that might have had, but good so far. tx09:07
Slartmm... I use scite or Editra09:07
dsabeckyFlannel: You're the win.09:07
``y7does ubuntu have a "show desktop" feature or a "minimize all" feature?09:10
n2diyHelping a friend setup his wireless network and I think he has a router config messed up. How can we determine the route to his route to his router, from my computer?09:10
podman99ahey all ... im setting up a PXE server for ubuntu ... and one of my other ubuntu machines with STATIC ip address keeps picking up from DHCP for its IP (network normally static) ... can i stop my DHCP server responding to all machines except "MAC of SERVER i want it to play with"09:10
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Slart``y7: there is an applet for the gnome-panel that does that09:10
``y7Slart, where can i find that at?09:11
djdavis75``y7: in the default gnome config there is an button in the bottom left corner tat does that09:11
Flannel``y7: See the button on the bottom left corner?09:11
Slart``y7: right click on any panel, select "Add to panel".. find it in the list and you're good to go09:11
``y7thx guys09:11
tehbautI'm trying to write files to a mac os extended (journaled) hdd, but even as root, I get "read only file system"09:12
tehbautany ideas on how to get past this?09:12
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RaptureMohero: ok ok, thankssssssss :)09:13
djdavis75tehbaut: not familar with that fs, but is it mounted read/write or read only09:13
tehbautI'm running the live cd if that helps09:13
tehbautcould it be mounted as read only? didn't know that was possible09:14
infidel206odd.. what would cause a module blacklisted in /etc/modules.d/blacklist.conf, to be _loaded_ @ reboot?09:14
infidel206it has no depends btw09:14
=== glicks is now known as glick
n2diytehbaut: the file system needs to be mounted as read/write (rw) ?09:14
tehbautn2diy, can I not do that via the gui?09:14
Slartinfidel206: spelling error in blacklist.conf? I though blacklisting was pretty definitive.. not some kind of suggestion09:15
n2diytehbaut: your running with the live CD?09:15
infidel206nope, its spelled correct09:15
n2diytehbaut: your running with the live CD?09:15
tehbautjust to drop some files onto the drive09:15
djdavis75tehbaut: run mount in terminal and see if it says rw or ro09:16
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gee9043y cannot install Ubuntu 8.10?09:17
gee9043show out could not access the CD09:17
tehbautlooks like it's mounted as rw09:17
djdavis75gee9043: does it boot up to the installer?09:17
gee9043i burn to CD adi09:18
TheFunkbombwho wants to do me a favor?  Go into usr/lib/ and tell me what the name of your firefox folder is called.09:18
error404notfoundwithout using firewall can i allow ssh from only specific hosts?09:18
gee9043i choose install inside window09:18
djdavis75well as long as the fs driver support writing, i don't see why it would write to it as root09:18
tehbautthe folder where I'm trying to drop the files is roor:roor 75509:18
TheFunkbombyou named your folder after a bong?09:18
tehbautroor, lol...09:18
anoophai am totally a beginner in ubuntu can u plz hepl me09:19
djdavis75gee9043: might have a bad cd09:19
glickexcuse me, is the system bell disabled by default in ubuntu?09:19
glickand how can i toggle it09:19
SlartTheFunkbomb: I've got /usr/lib/firefox and /usr/lib/firefox-3.0 which is a symlink to /usr/lib/firefox09:19
gee9043<djdavis75> i can run demo at CD09:20
Slartglick: system, preferences, sound, there's a checkbox with "play alert sound" or something like that09:20
Slartanoop: what is the problem?09:20
glickits checked Slart09:20
djdavis75error404notfound: is ssh fired of by inet?09:20
Slartglick: then I think the system sound should be enabled09:21
error404notfoundits a default ubuntu-server hardy install, lemme check09:21
error404notfounddjdavis75, nope, its nto in there09:21
error404notfoundnot* (damn :()09:22
infidel206error404notfound, /etc/hosts.allow/deny -- but why no firewall?09:22
millertimecan anyone help with a skype mic problem?09:22
djdavis75error404notfound: i was think inetd could restrict acess to services to certain IP09:22
millertimeusing jaunty09:22
SlartTheFunkbomb: sorry.. my bad.. I have /usr/lib/firefox and /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1009:22
anoopooh  ma poblem is actuallly am so much interested in linux and i would like to join in ur development team what are procedures for dat09:22
djdavis75error404notfound: sshd may have a similar feature09:22
error404notfoundinfidel206, its an internal server and there is almost no threat whatsoever, so don't wanna do whats not worth it09:22
Slartanoop: have a look at the ubuntu site... I guess launchpad might be useful too09:23
infidel206error404notfound, "almost" no threat?09:23
anoopoh thanks alot and also i have some problem in ubuntu09:23
mintuxhow can i config and start vnc server from command line ?09:23
millertimeeverytime I test call on skype my voulme controls revert back to muted microphone on preferences/recording tab09:24
error404notfoundinfidel206, yes, except than me :P09:24
mintuxactually how can I enable it ?09:24
error404notfoundinfidel206, actually there is no threat at all..09:24
infidel206error404notfound, iptables is worth it09:24
anoopsometi,es  it gets hanged i dont know wats that problem and after sometime it resume backs09:24
infidel206error404notfound, then why do u need the restriction?09:24
TheFunkbombSlart, thanks man, mine is the same09:24
error404notfoundinfidel206, just poc09:24
xstaticHow do i uninstall an installed .rpm09:25
djdavis75xstatic: Ubuntu uses deb, not rpm09:25
infidel206error404notfound, the thing is if you restrict by other means, you're not stopping the traffic at the gate so to speak09:26
n2diyerror404notfound: how did you install the RPM?09:26
Slartxstatic: you somehow managed to install the .rpm, try using the same tools/method09:26
Mikazexstatic: Use alien09:26
error404notfoundn2diy, rpm? i didn't but you can sue alien to make it a deb09:26
djdavis75xstatic: but "rpm -e package" as I recall09:26
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)09:26
tehbautapparently my issue is due to "journaling" on the mac os extended hfsplus being enabled09:27
anoopplz provide me a valuable answer for am question09:27
tehbautI wonder if there's a workaround09:27
n2diyerror404notfound:, yes I know that, can't you use Alien to remove the program?09:27
error404notfoundn2diy, nope, its the deb that gets install, use dpkg -r09:27
anoopsometimes  ma ubuntu  gets hang up i dont know wats the problem and after sometime it resume backs09:28
n2diyerror404notfound:, umm, I thought you wanted to know how to remove a program installed with Alien, but I guess you know how to do that?09:29
ttyhi all. i have some php files using odbc_connect. i cannt get them working under ubuntu server with lamp. i tried freetds unsuccesfully. any tips? :)09:29
error404notfoundn2diy, yes, i was asking a different thing regarding ssh, and i am using tcpwrapper now09:29
anoophello anybody plz help me09:30
djdavis75anoop: so it work, but hangs sometimes?09:30
MikazeJust make sure non-Ubuntu packages get installed in /usr/local or /opt.09:30
anoopit will work properly but hangs sometimes09:31
``y7where can i find a list of the programs that startup with the OS?09:31
djdavis75anoop: what kind of video card?09:31
djdavis75``y7: System -> Administration -> Services09:31
anoopi hav ati exprees 200 on board card09:31
* Mikaze watches a crapload of sound modules compiling.09:31
djdavis75anoop: hmm, don't know, I had hangs with my nvidia card09:32
mintuxI did from this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=266981 but no vnc port open on remote ?09:32
``y7djdavis75, how can i add to this list?09:32
gee9043who can help me install the dc driver at ubuntu 8.10?09:32
gee9043teach me09:33
djdavis75``y7: most services will add themselves if you install the deb, you can all stuff to rc.local or whatever it's called in /etc09:33
yinlongwho knows how to download a software through wget?09:33
n2diygee9043: google?09:33
anoopi am using ubuntu 9.04 and when i check hardware drivers there wont be any driver for ma card but previously it was der for 8.1009:33
gee9043<n2diy>i found, but cannot solve09:34
djdavis75``y7: /etc/rc.local09:34
xstaticwhats the cmd to remove a dir09:34
Flannelyinlong: You generally don't use wget.  What are you trying to install?09:34
slashdotfxI'm running jaunty, and having problem with random segfaults09:34
slashdotfxalready running with latest 'apt-get upgrade'09:35
n2diy-xstatic, rmdir09:35
djdavis75``y7: unless u are talking about programs that run when you login, for gnome that's System -> Preferences -> Startup Program, and yes u can add to them09:35
slashdotfxanyone experiencing the same?09:35
xstaticn2diy: It says it cant because the dir isnt empty09:35
n2diy-xstatic, rmdir -r09:35
Mikazerm -rf <dir>09:35
yinlongFlannel,no i don't want to installl anything ,but i want to download something useful through terminal,09:35
gee9043<n2diy>i cannot found my driver at hardware driver09:36
anoop<djdavis75>:: i am using ubuntu 9.04 and when i check hardware drivers there wont be any driver for ma card but previously it was der for 8.1009:36
Flannelyinlong: just wget [url]09:36
n2diygee9043: insmod "driver name"09:37
gee9043in terminal?09:37
gee9043<n2diy>in terminal?09:37
yinlongFlannel,wget [url]? what is url?09:37
anoophello can anybody help me??09:37
JusticeZeroOK, is it possible for a defective power supply to make the HD glitch consistantly?09:37
n2diygee9043: yes09:37
n2diygee9043: you'll probably have to sudo it?09:38
xstaticn2diy: Thats not working either for some reason09:38
JusticeZeroBecause that's the only part on this computer I have NOT replaced so far...09:38
gee9043<n2diy>i think no09:38
gee9043<n2diy>i 1st time use ubuntu09:38
fbianconixstatic: do you own all the files below that dir?09:39
xstaticfbianconi: i do09:39
MikazeHave you replaced the spike arrestor?09:39
djdavis75xstatic: "rm -rf directory" should remove an entire directory and it's contents, you may need to be root or use sudo if you don't own it09:39
fbianconixstatic: try  sudo rm -rf <dir>09:39
n2diygee9043: no problem, with linux, everytime is like the first time! :)09:39
JusticeZeroI'm about ready to scream here at this install job. I have no clue; that's just the only part that wasn't replaced.09:40
JusticeZeroI keep getting all sorts of issues with partitions on a brand new SATA2 drive.09:40
gee9043<n2diy>so i  need u teach me le - #_#09:40
* Mikaze once had a spike arrestor that would make the video shrink and made lines across the bottom. Might also affet the hard disks.09:40
JusticeZeroIt replaces the old Seagate 130GB; I was having trouble with random freezeups.09:41
anoopplz help anybody09:41
ikoniaanoop: what's the issue ?09:41
n2diygee9043: no you don't, you can't afford me!09:41
``y7in some instructions, i was told to edit my /etc/sudoers file, that file does not exist, do i create it?09:41
ikonia``y7: what instructions09:41
anoopsometimes  ma ubuntu  gets hang up i dont know wats the problem and after sometime it resume backs09:41
``y7ikonia: it's for my firewall: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php#trayicon09:41
* Mikaze uses arno-iptables-firewall09:42
ikonia``y7: first the command to edit sudoers is "visudo" - and if you don't have an /etc/sudoers file on ubuntu - you are in trouble09:42
``y7ikonia, why wouldn't i have that file?09:42
ikoniaanoop: hello09:42
ikonia``y7: show me the output of "uname -a"09:42
djdavis75``y7: u should have that file09:43
n2diygee9043: And I forgot your question!?09:43
ikoniaanoop: can you define "hang" please09:43
``y7djdavis75, maybe i'm doing something wrong, how can i confirm whether i have the file or not?09:43
ikonia``y7: can you show me the output of unama -e please09:43
ikonia``y7: uname -a sorry09:43
``y7Linux ubuntu 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 20:53:41 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:44
``y7do i have to use sudo to view the sudoers file?09:44
gee9043<n2diy>if i type insmod "driver name" , will need my useraccount password?09:44
ikonia``y7: show me the output of "ls -la /etc/sudoers"09:44
=== Mud|brb is now known as Mud|afk
anoopsuppose if am doing a mulitask like hearin music and as well as reading file suddenly if i move ma mosuse or open a folder ma system get hang09:45
djdavis75``y7: ls /etc/sudoers09:45
``y7ikonia, i figured it out.... i have to use sudo to view the sudoers file09:45
Flannel!away > Mud|afk09:45
ubottuMud|afk, please see my private message09:45
n2diygee9043: Yes09:45
ikonia``y7: no - you use "visudo" command09:45
``y7ikonia: -r--r----- 1 root root 557 2009-04-19 01:54 /etc/sudoers09:45
angelleye34anybody in here?09:45
chalcedonyhi angelleye3409:46
anoopikonia:suppose if am doing a multitask like hearin music and as well as reading file suddenly if i move ma mouse or open a folder ma system get hang09:46
gee9043<n2diy>but i cannot type my password...if i in the terminal09:46
``y7ikonia, so you're saying i do "visudo joe /etc/sudoers" instead of "sudo joe /etc/sudoers"?09:46
n2diyangelleye34: no, it is quitting time, and we are all going home.09:46
ikoniaanoop: can you define "hang"09:46
ikonia``y7: no - thats not how you edit the file09:46
tehbautis there a system profiler?09:46
Flannel``y7: `sudo visudo`09:46
ikonia``y7: "sudo visudo" that it09:47
beruchtigtehi ,how can i stop the gdm in a tty ?09:47
ikonia``y7: you should never need to do "sudo joe"09:47
tehbautI need some data about my board and proc09:47
Flannel``y7: What are you trying to edit sudo to do?09:47
anoophang means whole system get strucked09:47
Piciberuchtigte: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop09:47
n2diygee9043: ok, why can't you type in the terminal?09:47
``y7Flannel, i'm trying to make my firewall startup when i login09:47
``y7i'd actually prefer it started up before i logged in, but this is the only method i could figure out09:47
Flannel``y7: Er, I'm almost certain you won't need to edit sudoers for that.09:47
gee9043<n2diy>i can type the sudo lspci | grep -i nvidia... but cannot type my password09:48
``y7Flannel: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php#trayicon09:48
``y7^those instructions tell me to :(09:48
djdavis75``y7: ur on the wrong track, ufw rules are applied at system boot09:48
``y7djdavis75, i have no idea what that means ;(09:48
Flannel``y7: Well, first of all, those instructions have a syntax error in them.09:48
ikoniaanoop: next time it hangs - press caps lock and see if the light on your eyboard goes on and off09:48
anoopikonia ::hang means whole system get strucked09:48
n2diygee9043: how can you use sudo, and not know your password???!!!09:49
djdavis75``y7: if u are using the built in ufw firewall, once u setup rules, they are applied at boot time09:49
kinja-sheepgee9043: Just type your password.  It won't display any characters.09:49
``y7djdavis75, i don't think i'm using the built in ufw firewall, i'm using firestarter as my firewall.09:49
djdavis75``y7: oh, but firestarter should have script that runs at boot to config the firewall09:50
n2diygee9043: kinja-sheep, yes, good catch\09:50
``y7djdavis75, how do i check whether that is the case or not?09:50
djdavis75``y7: why not just use ufw?09:50
``y7because i know how to use firestarter and i've spent hours learning it :|09:50
henrik__gee9043: When you type your password in the terminal it don't show the password. Just type it and hit enter09:50
anoopi hav tired that ma keyboard will work09:50
edoreldIs there any command I can execute on a machine to tell it to boot using PXE (But not set it to default) ?09:51
TheShahFactorHow can I convert a character for example 'a' into its corresponding keycode( 38 in this case)  on Ubuntu09:51
gee9043<n2diy>won't display any characterss?09:51
ikoniaanoop: ok - so it's not actaully hanging the system, it sounds like a visual "lag"09:51
ikoniaanoop: what video card do you have09:51
chomeBonjour tout le monde09:51
djdavis75``y7: i don't know about firestarter, i messed with it a long time ago, ufw is easy, and if you install the gui config tool for it it's even easier09:51
anoopi have ati xpress 200 onboard chip09:51
n2diygee9043: that is normal, your mom might be looking over your shoulder!09:51
``y7djdavis75, i have firestarter setup perfectly, my only concern is whether it starts up when the OS starts up09:52
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gee9043<n2diy>ok ... when i back i try again09:52
indus__``y7: dont use firestarter09:52
anoopikonia:i have ati xpress 200 onboard chip09:52
``y7indus__: i'm using it..... sorry :(09:53
djdavis75``y7: I don't know how how firestarter works, I remember it put some stuff in the init scripts to start it when I used it09:53
schonehi all im trying to chmod a directory to the following permissions : drwxr-xr-x - how do you translate a chmod number to this combination?09:53
indus__``y7: use gufw instead , firestarter is unmaintained now i hear09:53
``y7djdavis75, how do i view the init to see if there's anything in there?09:53
Harvey8765Does anyone here have tonido ?09:53
djdavis75/etc/init.d and look for firestarter09:53
n2diygee9043: GL, good luck.09:53
kinja-sheep!permission | schone09:53
ubottuschone: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions09:53
PiciHarvey8765: Is that an Ubuntu application?09:54
``y7indus__: you have no idea how long it's taken me to get firestarter working.... i'm not the best with this linux stuff ;(09:54
indus__``y7: ok :)09:54
fbianconianoop: does using totem causes the crash? are you using desktop effects?09:54
Harvey8765its an opens source application that runs on linux09:54
ikoniaanoop: hello09:54
djdavis75``y7: indus is right, I would ditch firestarter and go with ufw + gufw, so easy and built in09:54
indus__``y7: why are u using firestarter btw09:54
gee9043<n2diy>oic....wat name at this channel?09:54
Harvey8765just trying to figure something out09:54
n2diygee9043: Sorry, I don't understand hte question? My nick is n2diy2 and my name is Darrryl.09:55
``y7firestarter shows me every attempt to enter my network and every attempt to leave it. it allows me to right-click and click "allow" to a service or to a source. and everybody's alternatives before were to use iptables09:55
n2diygee9043: Sorry, I don't understand hte question? My nick is n2diy and my name is Darrryl.09:55
anoopfbianconi::yeah am using desktop effects.not only with totem if am using a gedit  application it gets strucked09:56
gee9043<n2diy>en..jus thanks you...where u from?09:56
anoopikonia::am using ati xpress 200 onboard graphics09:56
n2diygee9043: USA, PA, Lansford09:57
=== ubuntu is now known as tiyowan
Myrttin2diy, gee9043: take it somewhere else, please09:57
Harvey8765whats best firestarter or gufw09:57
fbianconianoop: what is the exit of fglrxinfo | grep version09:58
``y7apparently gufw09:58
ikoniaanoop: I suspect that is a good place to start looking at the problem as it sounds like a visual lag rather than a hardware lock up09:58
n2diyMyrtti: where?09:58
kinja-sheepn2diy: Start a private conversation -- would be one good example.09:58
shavinguys i use pidgin as a client to connect to yahoo chat, but unfortunately file sharing as well as photo sharing does not work on it for yahoo. File shaing works at times but not always. Is there any other linux client i can use?10:00
n2diyMyrtti: kinja-sheep, well the sysops aren't complaining, why are you?10:00
nshhow do you  add flags to package installations with apt?10:00
schonekinja-sheep, according to that the permission drwxr-xr-x - equals 751 - but it doesnt work10:00
nshe.g. i want to install berkeley db with the option --enable-compat18510:00
Prankashavin: You might want to try sim-im.10:01
Myrttin2diy: I am a sysop10:01
kinja-sheepschone: I think it is 755 --> rwx (7) r-x (5) r-x (5).10:01
Myrttin2diy: take the personal discussion elsewhere, this is for ubuntu support10:01
``y7what's a sysop?10:02
Prankashavin: Yes, apt-cache search sim-im.10:02
kinja-sheep``y7: Somebody in charge.10:02
Myrtti``y7: I think he means channel operators10:02
shavinthanks for that.10:02
n2diyMyrtti: ok, pleased to meet you. I thought I knew all the sysops!? I'm only a pest.10:02
``y7why do the channel opperators in this channel choose not to keep ops at all times?10:02
J-_Will gtk2-engines-murrine_0.60 work with Hardy? I've installed it, and it seems as though it's not working proper.10:03
Myrttin2diy: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list10:03
Myrtti``y7: freenode policy10:03
nsh``y7, it's a freenode policy10:03
``y7roger that, ty10:03
nshit lowers the degree of lame to some extent10:03
J-_Dust and Dust Extra 0.4 I've tried.10:03
nshanyone have any ideas about installing packages with make options via apt/synaptic?10:04
Flannelnsh: You'd have to download the source debs, modify the build stuffs, compile the debs, then install.10:04
nshoh, i should make a feature request for synaptic to pass options then10:05
Flannelnsh: Synaptic doesn't compile...10:05
tuhoojabottiPlease, tell me which media player can display .wmv?10:05
``y7Flannel, another thing firestarter allows me to do is modify it's settings while it's disabled ;)10:05
anoop_ikoni:but i dont know i have  this problem not only with ubuntu 9.04..also with fedora 810:05
berkesdsabecky: There is absolutely nothing more annoying then people who help on IRC by tellying you to get another tool. Foo> "Hello, I am looking for the exact syntax for mysqlhotcopy over ssh, it seems the argument 'user' refers to a system user and not a mysql user, correct?" Bar> Get PosgreSQL.10:05
Myrttituhoojabotti: none if you don't have the proper codecs10:05
nshno, but it's a sensible place to take the information and pass it to the compiler, surely Flannel10:05
Myrttituhoojabotti: mplayer and vlc are your best bets10:05
anoop_ikoni:plz help me and and i havent installed fglrx driver in ma ubuntu 9.0410:05
tuhoojabottiwhere can I get codecs?10:06
Flannelnsh: debs are already compiled10:06
berkesso. is there codefolding in gedit (not notepad++ or any other IDE, texteditor, editor and so forth, but gedit) :)10:06
nshoh, right10:06
Myrttinsh: source is compiled on the servers, they aren't compiled on demand10:06
Flannelnsh: all the stuff you grab from the repositories is already compiled,etc.10:06
nshof course10:06
* nsh subtracts a cookie from himself10:06
anoop_<tuhoojabotti>have  u used gstreamer plugins10:07
``y7does gufw allow me to block outgoing traffic?10:07
dsabeckyberkes: That wasn't a late response... :P10:07
Flannelberkes: No.10:07
berkesdsabecky: it was, yes :)10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gufw10:08
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist10:08
kinja-sheepberkes: There are extras too in the repo.  Install that and see if it have what you're looking for.10:08
indus__!ufw > ``y710:08
ubottu``y7, please see my private message10:08
kinja-sheep!info gedit-plugins | berkes10:09
ubottuberkes: gedit-plugins (source: gedit-plugins): set of plugins for gedit. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 302 kB, installed size 1820 kB10:09
Flannelberkes, kinja-sheep: No.  Gedit doesn't do folding.  Nor do the plugins provide such.10:09
pamahello, I would like to know the command for getting my distro version.10:10
Flannelpama: lsb_release -a10:11
``y7Flannel: what's uname -a?10:11
berkesFlannel: any projects or plans for plugins that will bring this to gedit? I might have some coding time, or some budget :)10:11
Flannel``y7: kernel versions10:12
Flannelberkes: No idea10:12
``y7roger that, ty10:12
pamaThanks. And how do I request to apt-get in order to know the newer version for instalation (I do not want to update, just to know the newer verions)10:12
kinja-sheepberkes: Use a different text editor (geany?)10:12
pamaabout a package.10:12
berkeskinja-sheep: I really love the various plugins for gedit. It is almost 100% textmate alike. And really speeds up my work a lot. Just the codefolding.... :(10:13
mib_gad0x11tany one here?10:14
Nom-Nobody here but us chickens.10:15
``y7indus__: this was helpful: "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates."    :p10:15
mib_gad0x11they guys, what start up applications are the common for ubuntu?10:15
Nom-start up applications ?10:16
indus``y7: DAMN10:16
mib_gad0x11ti mean, i mean, for checking if i don't have a hacking process running there without knowing10:16
mib_gad0x11tNom: yep10:16
indus!ufw > indus10:16
ubottuindus, please see my private message10:16
mib_gad0x11tnom: System-> preferences->Start up applications10:17
Nom-er... whatever you want to turn on10:17
indus``y7: that page works10:17
``y7indus: this was the link that was pmed to me: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw)?action=edit&template=SlideShowHandOutTemplate10:17
``y7doesn't work for me, dunno what to tell ya ;(10:17
mib_gad0x11tnom: yeah.. but which ones are the pre-installed ones?10:17
Nom-This isn't Windows... just don't be silly and run stuff as root and you'll be fine10:18
Nom-(for the most part)10:18
indus``y7: it works i just clicked it10:18
Nom-Well, let's see... I think I have a 9.04 VM here10:18
``y7indus: does it read at the top: "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates."  ?10:18
mib_gad0x11tNom: Me silly?10:19
``y7well i reclicked it and i get that msg, so i guess i'm broken10:19
indus``y7: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw10:19
indusworks baby10:19
``y7that works10:19
Nom-Or not... I think i've removed VirtualBox from this laptop... too hard on the slow HDD10:19
``y7diff link10:19
indusya its teh same link10:19
``y7negative, yours doesn't have )?action=edit&template=SlideShowHandOutTemplate at the end of it10:20
``y7different URL10:20
``y7either way, thx for the help10:20
Nom-mib_gad0x11t: You'll find that is probably a list of stuff which is loaded by your gnome session... you're unlikely to have anything out of the ordinary in there10:20
indus``y7: welcome , ufw sits on top of iptables for easier config from command line and gufw is a GUI front end to it10:21
indus``y7: i dont use either so dont aks me :P10:21
``y7neither seem to allow me to block outgoing stuff, so i'ma stick with firestarter :)10:21
millertimemy mic won't stop muting itself in volume controls, any help?10:22
mib_gad0x11they guys10:26
supersashohi.. any idea, why my sound suddenly stopped to work? (8.10, pulseaudio) audio was working just fine till know, and i even haven't rebooted the computer10:26
tuhoojabottiTell me which codec should I install to get .wmv audio working?10:26
mib_gad0x11thow can i delete this file?10:26
mib_gad0x11t-rw-r--r-- 1 davidx davidx     62 2009-06-01 21:34 new file~10:26
boss_mcmib sudo rm new\ file~10:27
mib_gad0x11tit appears in my desktop but it is not shown10:27
boss_mcmib_gad0x11t:  sudo rm new\ file~10:27
boss_mcmib_gad0x11t: actually you don't need sudo10:27
mib_gad0x11tok boss10:27
mib_gad0x11tany idea how it got there?10:28
mib_gad0x11tcause i dont remember creating it10:28
boss_mcmib_gad0x11t: ~ files are normally backups (gedit creates them)10:28
mib_gad0x11tthanks boss for helping this newbie10:29
vallhalla81what is the best way to clone my harddrive? So i can put it in to another pc?10:29
aOalibnewt.a can not be statically linked? it always says "undefined reference to `SLtt_Screen_Rows'"10:30
tuhoojabottiaha it's the video that's sound is screwed10:30
mib_yd1morkluse the dd command10:30
tuhoojabottiother ones work10:30
arandvallhalla81: partimage would be one way, You'll need room to store the copy though...10:31
boss_mcaOa: sounds like it need to be {dynamically/statically} linked to some other library10:32
KingKimii need an alternate to this : http://www.mlin.net/Clipomatic.shtml10:32
FloodBot3KingKimi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
KingKimiFloodBot3, ok.. :P10:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partimage10:33
vallhalla81arand: thank you i will look in to it10:33
dyllanHi all. I would like to install a firewall, before my cisco router (IP: All my workstations are configured with the router IP as the gateway so (GW:, but i would like all traffic to be filtered through my linux firewall first, is this possible, if so how? - thanks10:35
mib_gad0x11tboss_mc: is it possible to have multiple logins with the root user?10:35
supersashohi.. any idea, why my sound suddenly stopped to work? (8.10, pulseaudio) audio was working just fine till know, and i even haven't rebooted the computer10:35
mib_gad0x11thow can i prevent logins into my computer, i want to be the only user?10:36
boss_mcsupersasho: check in pavucontrol that pulse can still see the output device10:37
mib_gad0x11thow can i prevent logins into my computer, i want to be the only user?10:37
boss_mcKingKimi: try parcellite10:38
Prankamib_gad0x11t: delete the other users?10:38
boss_mc!info parcellite | KingKimi10:38
ubottuKingKimi: parcellite (source: parcellite): A lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 34 kB, installed size 228 kB10:38
KingKimi i need an alternate to this : http://www.mlin.net/Clipomatic.shtml10:38
KingKimiboss_mc, ok,. thnx10:38
supersashoboss_mc: it says connection failed:connection refused and closes10:39
boss_mcsupersasho: pulseaudio has died10:39
KingKimiboss_mc, will it add to a menu like in that of clipomatic ?10:39
boss_mcsupersasho: close all audio programs and run pulseaudio -D in the terminal10:39
boss_mcKingKimi: no, it runs in the notification area and you paste by clicking on it and then on the thing you want to paste10:40
supersashosupersasho@LOGUX:~$ pulseaudio -D                W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.              E: main.c: daemon startup failed.10:40
KingKimiboss_mc, tHaNk you !!10:41
KingKimihow do i add firefox to startup ?10:42
boss_mcsupersasho: run pulseaudio -vvvv then10:42
boss_mcsupersasho: look for red lines10:42
supersashoboss_mc: http://pastebin.com/d14e0a5a510:42
boss_mcsupersasho: ok, pulseaudio -k then pulseaudio -D10:43
KingKimiboss_mc, how to add firefox to startup ?10:43
supersashoboss_mc: the red ones were these E: pid.c: Daemon already running.                  E: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.10:43
boss_mcsupersasho: it sounds like the deamon was runing but had crashed somehow...10:43
boss_mcsupersasho: pulseaudio -k will kill the old one10:43
supersashoboss_mc: pulseaudio -k did this supersasho@LOGUX:~$ pulseaudio -k               W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.10:43
boss_mcsupersasho: that's fine10:44
geirhaKingKimi: System -> Preferences -> Sessions (in 8.04/8.10), Startup programs in 9.04 I think (barely tested 9.04 yet)10:44
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
boss_mcsupersasho: you'll also want to add yourself and root to the three pulse-* groups (for real-time-scheduling)10:45
supersashoboss_mc: ok.. but after pulseaudio -D it says E: main.c daemon startup failed.10:45
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
g0wdawhat the fuck!!?? I installed Braid Game on wine and tried to exec it... my session logged OUT!@!!!!???10:46
bazhangg0wda, watch the language please10:46
KingKimigeirha, what is the command that could open firefox ?10:47
KingKimigeirha, in that startupapplications10:47
geirhaKingKimi: Just "firefox" :)10:47
boss_mcsupersasho: strange do a pulseaudio -k then a pulseaudio -vvvv10:47
geirhaKingKimi: With lowercase letters that is. It's case-sensitive10:47
KingKimigeirha, without quotes ?10:47
KingKimigeirha, thnx10:47
geirhaKingKimi: Yes without quotes, though it should work with quotes as well I think10:48
supersashoboss_mc: http://pastebin.com/d5e1b5b4710:48
boss_mcsupersasho: are you on intrepid?10:49
mkarnickiKingKimi: just use ---> firefox & (with ampersand it will run in the background, and you can still use the terminal)10:49
supersashoboss_mc: yes10:49
mkarnickior Alt+F2 and type: firefox <Enter>10:49
g0wdabazhang, will you tell me the answer if i watch my language?? is there an alternative for Braid Game on Ubuntu???10:49
boss_mcsupersasho: ha, sorry, then it's runing systemwide, sudo service pulseaudio restart is what you want10:49
geirhamkarnicki: He was adding it to startup programs10:49
mkarnickigeirha: sorry ^_^ *dang, I'll watch it better*10:50
supersashoboss_mc: no errors in console , but no sound either :(10:51
boss_mcsupersasho: does pavucontrol now connect?10:51
bazhangg0wda, checked the appdb yet?10:52
bazhang!appdb > g0wda10:52
ubottug0wda, please see my private message10:52
schoneis it possible to share a samba share from a linux webserver to clients over the internet10:52
mkarnickianybody needs help? I've got few minutes free10:52
geirhamkarnicki: Also, he had left when you answered ;p10:52
OrEvAhow can i install myth-tv in ubuntu 8.04??10:52
hysterixmkarnicki: vpn problems10:52
supersashoboss_mc: nope, still the same error connection failed:connection refused10:52
g0wda\anyone know any game similar to braid?10:53
boss_mcsupersasho: sorry, no idea and I've got to go...10:53
mkarnickigeirha: but you solved his problem, don't worry ;) even if he experiments, He'll be better off ;)10:53
supersashoboss_mc: ok.. thx anyway10:53
boss_mcsupersasho: good luck fixing it...10:53
mkarnickihysterix: in particular, I'm not good at vpn. I myself had a problem once10:53
bazhanghttp://www.mythbuntu.org OrEvA10:53
mkarnickihysterix: what's the issue?10:53
hysterixintrepid + pptp = failure; im able to connect; i have the right credentials10:54
hysterixsyslog just says10:54
hysterixmodem hangup10:54
evlHello there, I've got an old SVN server that's running Gutsy and as I tried to upgrade it right now via apt-get all my sources are 404'd, what should I do to get it up to date?10:54
mkarnickii'm afraid I won't be able to help here though :<10:54
OrEvAbazhang : i downloaded myth-tv but i am unable to install............can i install it through a repo10:54
mkarnickiI tried to use VPN to connect to my university, and the only thing that was missing was one additional package10:55
bazhangOrEvA, sure you can10:55
hysterixya it seems network manager in intrepid has some issues with vpn10:55
mkarnickibut still, I'm sorry, I won't be able to help10:55
mkarnickiyeap, true10:55
hysterixcan anyone recommend another good vpn client10:55
supersashoboss_mc: just one more thing :), these are the errors E: alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hw:0: Device or resource busy                    E: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-sink" (argument: "device_id=0 sink_name=alsa_output.pci_10de_3f0_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0"): initialization failed.10:55
OrEvAbazhang : how10:55
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bazhangevl, you need to check the upgrade fact as gutsy is end of life10:55
hysterixbtw epic room10:56
bazhang!upgrade | evl10:56
ubottuevl: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:56
evlmy box is very much alive :)10:56
hysterix1419 people10:56
hysterixpoor mods10:56
schoneis there any alternative methods to having windows to map to a shared location on a linux box which is a web server10:56
hysterixkeep up the good fight10:56
hysterixdont let the man hold you down and all that10:56
ce_sexsiaku g isa pakek bhs inggris10:56
hysterixi guess i'm going to look for a vpn client10:56
bazhangOrEvA, the same as installing other packages; sudo apt-get install mythtv10:56
hysterixmaybe its network manager being fussy10:57
hysterixlater everyone10:57
hysterixall 1000+ of you10:57
hysterixand mkarnicki of course10:57
geirhaschone: Your question is a bit ambiguous, could you try to rephrase it?10:57
boss_mcsupersasho: sounds like something is using the sound card10:58
boss_mcsupersasho: are you sure all sound programs have been stopped?10:58
boss_mcsupersasho: especially java, mpd, flash video in firefox etc10:59
schonegeirha, i have a linux box which is hosted with slicehost.com (development purposes), I would like to setup a samba share so that all with my windows client i can map this share as a network drive. Is this possible?10:59
schonegeirha, accesing samba shares through the internet and not on a LAN10:59
khaijedoes conduit sync tool require it be installed on both computers?10:59
supersashoboss_mc: firefox, rhytmbox all killed10:59
supersashoboss_mc: i try to restart X maybe that will help11:00
OrEvAbazhang : I installed and uninstalled google desktop today and now i am unable to download anything from a repo....either through aptitude or synaptic11:00
geirhaschone: Do you have administrator rights on the linux box?11:00
schonegeirha, yep11:00
geirhaschone: Then yes, that should be possible11:01
OrEvAI installed and uninstalled google desktop today and now i am unable to download anything from a repo....either through aptitude or synaptic11:01
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areelsWe have a surveillance system which is recording x264 video files with .dvr extension. how can i play or convert these files on ubuntu?  Ubuntu claims that these files are application/x-font-ttf11:01
geirhaschone: Check the server guide for how to set up samba with commandline: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html11:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvr11:02
christopherhas anyone here had any luck with installing the new VirtualBox on an Ubuntu Server?11:02
schonegeirha, thanks!11:02
supersashoboss_mc: X restart did not helped either11:02
areelsi did and it worked well christopher11:02
areelsoh no, not server, desktop11:03
schonegeirha, i have followed these steps before11:03
christopherareels, it works like a BOMB on DTop, but I want to install it with command line on a server :P11:04
supersashohi.. can anyone help me with sound issue probably problem with pulseaudio, if i restart it it gives me this errors:   E: alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hw:0: Device or resource busy                E: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-sink" (argument: "device_id=0 sink_name=alsa_output.pci_10de_3f0_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0"): initialization failed.11:04
schonewhen i go to map it though nothing happens and it times out11:04
geirhaschone: You need to specify the IP or hostname, not the windows name, since it is over the network. \\the.hostname.com\sharename11:05
* Mud|afk slaps ubottu11:05
Mud|afkfreaking bot11:05
Mud|afkI go afk when I want :>11:05
geirhaschone: *over the internet I mean11:05
areelsWe have a surveillance system which is recording x264 video files with .dvr extension. how can i play or convert these files on ubuntu?  Ubuntu claims that these files are application/x-font-ttf11:05
ms_I want to join locoteams11:06
keppchen:( ... mysqld_safe ate up 99% cpu ... killall -9 helped ...11:06
bazhang!loco > ms_11:06
ubottums_, please see my private message11:06
Prankaareels: You might want to try mencoder for converting the file.11:07
oQsdeodiserver irc fullnetwork org11:07
WBdNnSserver irc fullnetwork org11:07
tsItmrFlHOlserver irc fullnetwork org11:07
JlBGpeserver irc fullnetwork org11:07
gbFmCXWhqsrRserver irc fullnetwork org11:07
_nix_what was that?11:09
geirha_nix_: A spammer/script-kiddie having "fun"11:09
PrankaSomeone trying to advertise.11:09
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:09
schonegeirha, none of those work :(11:10
hoohaahi know that ubuntu q's can't be asked in debian, but can most debian q's be asked here?11:10
_nix_For a moment I thought everybody was rallying for something lol11:10
hoohaahapt, dpkg etc?11:10
chiffrehi @all11:10
geirhaschone: Does it ask for username and password or just time out?11:10
bazhanghoohaah, better to read debian documentation as that is offtopic here11:10
bazhanghoohaah, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat11:10
ms_I am new to ubuntu and I want to work in my group11:10
schonegeirha, times out11:11
supersashohi.. can anyone help me with sound issue probably problem with pulseaudio, if i restart it it gives me this errors:   E: alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hw:0: Device or resource busy                E: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-sink" (argument: "device_id=0 sink_name=alsa_output.pci_10de_3f0_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0"): initialization failed.11:11
bazhangms_, read the loco link I sent you11:11
stevecamwhen ubuntu install cd is finished starting up, everything just crashes and i cant do anything11:11
bazhangstevecam, md5 the iso yet?11:11
Prankasupersasho: You don't have to type your question many times.11:11
areelsthank you Pranka11:11
geirhaschone: It's possible the smb port is blocked by the hosting company then11:11
stevecamyeah, twice11:11
czajkowskims_: you can also join the -locoteams channel if you want to talk about loco stuff11:11
bazhangstevecam, then do the disk integrity check and check the bootoptions11:12
lvlefistoi can't see the whole ubuntu installation screen, i just see the second half.11:12
ms_thanks bazhang11:12
schoneis there a way to test it gierha11:12
stevecami did that too11:12
stevecamwhat boot options should i play with11:12
bazhangstevecam, what boot options11:12
stevecami tried to turn acpi off11:12
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supersashoPranka: so what do you advice?11:13
chiffreSomeone found a fix for shutdown won't complete bug?11:13
bazhangstevecam, what about removing quiet and splash from kernel you are booting to see the exact errors11:13
Prankasupersasho: If I knew the way to help you, I would've already suggested it to you.11:14
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions stevecam11:14
geirhaschone: I don't know how to do it from windows, but from linux, you could do: nc -zv the.hostname.com 44511:15
stevecambazhang, will have a mess around11:15
bazhangstevecam, if those fail, consider the alternate cd11:15
bazhang!alternate | stevecam11:16
ubottustevecam: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal11:16
schonegeihra, it says its open11:16
=== Guest98303 is now known as WmmW
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:17
geirhaschone: Did you run that on the server itself, or from across the internet?11:17
schoneanother one over the internet11:17
DaveCohey, can someone tell me where themes are stored in ubuntu 9.04/11:18
hoohaahthemes for what11:18
geirhaschone: Ah, then it sounds like it could be the samba configuration that needs to be adjusted somehow. I'm afraid my knowledge of samba is fairly limited though :/ I avoid it as best I can.11:19
WmmWhello, I've installed the nvidia driver, for use with my 7900GS. I have two issues: First, I'm using multiple monitors. I've managed to configure them to both have different resolutions, and display different desktops, except it's as if everything is running in a separate instance on the secondary monitor. I can't drag windows across, when the mouse goes over, it shows a second pointer. the first pointer stays on the edge of the first screen, th11:19
WmmWe second screen gets a new one. Clicking only affects the 'active' monitor during that. The second issue, is that since installing the driver, all my virtual terminals are blank. No flashing white cursor, just blank. Typing doesn't show up on the page on any of them, either11:19
hoohaahthere isn't a single {ROOT}/windows/resources location11:19
schonegeirha, ah damn!11:19
geirhaschone: BTW, look in /var/log/auth.log and /var/log/daemon.log (on the server) and see if "samba", "smbd" or "nmbd" is reporting your connection attempts.11:20
geirhaschone: If it does, the message might give some clue as to why it's refusing access.11:21
supersashohi.. i've got problem with pulseaudio (sound suddenly stopped working.. i'm using ubuntu 8.10) any ideas?11:22
geirhaschone: Also, there are probably people in here that are more adept in samba configuration, so asking the channel might help11:23
chiffrevolume down? @supersasho11:23
supersashochiffre: nope, also PCM is on 100% up :)11:23
supersashochiffre: i've noticed it on rhytmbox.. it skips tracks and then just freezes.. and i have no sound whatsoever in any application11:25
schoneah cool ill check all of that now11:26
Weed37ok so i am looking for a script that will allow me to show my internet connection speeds in xchat client11:26
schonethanks mate11:26
DeadPandaCan anyone point me in the right direction for mounting partitions from drive images (the image has a partition table, e.g. dd if=/dev/sda, not dd if=/dev/sda1)11:26
HemebondAnyone using 9.04, Firefox and Adobe Flash have problems with the browser hanging regularly and thrashing the disk?11:27
yasasvyHemebond: no11:27
Weed37ok so i am looking for a script that will allow me to show my internet connection speeds in xchat client11:28
geirhaDeadPanda: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100064411:28
yasasvyHemebond: but flash in linux renders slowly than windows11:29
DeadPandageirha, ah, thanks11:29
NorthByNorthWestI know this is a Q for google, but Im in a bit of a hurry so please help. What is a proper line to enter into fstab to automount a smb share to a local folder in media/  ?11:29
Hemebondyasasvy: Yeah, but I'm having more serious issues than that.11:29
schonegeirha, no problems with the logs11:29
Hemebondyasasvy: I restarted Firefox and closed the Hotmail tab before it could load; everything is working now.11:30
yasasvyHemebond: what kinda sites do you viit?11:30
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yasasvyHemebond: ok11:30
Hemebondyasasvy: I still quite regularly have problems with the disk getting thrashed when I have a few Flash videos open as well as VirtualBox.11:30
Randy1can anyone here help me with a wireless card having trouble scanning?11:30
Randy1i have the driver correctly installed11:32
geirhaschone: Hm. Then I'm out of ideas at the moment :/11:33
ms_I'm new and I want to learn more11:34
jamiewancould someone tell me if this is an issue. I get this error after updates_W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26311:35
ms_I'm new and I want to learn more11:35
ms_I want to help11:36
ethan_hi all!11:36
yasasvyjamiewan: u need to update the signature keys for wine11:36
ethan_having some gparted issues here, anyone care to help?11:37
christopherhas anyone here had any luck with installing the new VirtualBox on an Ubuntu Server?11:37
ethan_getting error message:cp: cannot stat `gparted_details.htm': No such file or directory11:37
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jamiewanyasasvy: ok so how can i do that, i'm pretty new to ubuntu11:37
geirha!samba | NorthByNorthWest see the first link11:37
ubottuNorthByNorthWest see the first link: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:37
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yasasvyjamiewan: just a sec11:38
NorthByNorthWestgeirha: excellent! thanks!11:38
bazhang!contribute > ms_11:38
ubottums_, please see my private message11:38
Randy1can anyone at all help me with wireless issues? itd be greatly appreciated11:38
ethan_Randy 1: whats the issue?11:39
jamiewanyasavy i've built a windows / linux duel boot to try out ubuntu and i've had it 2 weeks and wont go back to windows ever again11:39
Randy1it wont scan i think it said11:39
Randy1ive properly installed the driver and whatnot11:39
Randy1but it wont detect my modem11:39
Randy1or any modem for that matter11:40
zirodayRandy1: modem? Do you mean wireless router?11:40
Randy1wireless router yeah haha11:40
zirodayRandy1: okay, what wireless chipset/card is this?11:40
ethan_randy 1: what version of ubuntu are you running>11:40
Randy1a broadcom11:40
Randy19.04 ubuntu11:40
zirodayRandy1: can you pastebin the output of lspci please11:40
yasasvyjamiewan: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb instructionsa re given in that site11:40
jamiewanyasavy: thank muchly will look11:41
DaveCodoes anyone know of a way to make a bootable live usb ubuntu drive, then make changes, and then install from that drive with the changes intact, so i can restore easily?11:42
Randy1cant you copy the ubuntu CD onto the usb drive and alter it?11:43
Randy1nevermind, i re read your post, no clue man.11:43
DaveCoRandy1: ok, thanks11:43
ziroday!pastebin | Randy111:44
ubottuRandy1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:44
zirodayms_: Hi!11:44
Slart!usb | DaveCo11:44
ubottuDaveCo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:44
Randy1ziroday: sorry man im new to the IRC thing.11:44
zirodayRandy1: no worries11:44
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=== symphony is now known as c_nick
c_nicknmsg nickserv identify nimish11:45
ethan_anybody who can point me in the direction of some good gparted info, cant seem to find what i need forum or google style11:45
Randy1ziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187283/11:45
zirodaySlart: that won't reflect the changes made on the USB stick to a new install will it?11:45
Picic_nick: I suggest you change your nickserv password now.11:45
Slartziroday: I have no idea... it would be a good start though11:45
zirodaySlart: sure, just couldn't see anything that would apply when browsing through those :)11:46
zirodayRandy1: and you have installed the drivers? How did you do that?11:46
Randy1ziroday: i ran through a few online tutorials and whatnot, i believe it had me run a few commands in the terminal11:47
zirodayRandy1: hmm okay, are you using ndiswrapper?11:47
c_nickhow to change my nickserv password11:47
zirodayc_nick: ask in #freenode11:47
Randy1ziroday: i have no idea, but the name looks super familiar and i wanna say i am. how do i check?11:47
c_nickok thanks11:48
zirodayRandy1: could you pastebin lsmod please :)11:48
ms_Do you know the one I want to help and learn11:48
yasasvyRandy1:  I have a broadcom wireless card I have had no probs11:48
ziroday!contribute | ms_11:48
ubottums_: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate11:48
Randy1yasavy: your computer is probably newer11:48
kamikazehi, someone there knows a great mounting program for linux, like deamon tools for windows.11:49
Randy1ziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187286/11:49
DaveCoSlart: i want to make a live usb, that i can make changes on, and then when i install it will take the changes with it to the machine that it is installed upon to make restores easy, is that possible?11:49
zirodaykamikaze: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html11:49
gee9043i still cannot install my driver11:50
gee9043ubuntu 8.1011:50
kamikazeziroday:  Thanks a lot !11:50
zirodayRandy1: hmm okay, you appear to be using the b43 driver. Do you have the b43-fwcutter package installed?11:50
Randy1ziroday: i dont believe so, where do i obtain it?11:51
SlartDaveCo: I don't know if you can do it like that.. but I doubt it's impossible...I guess you could almost write a script yourself.. use the information from !clone together with some copying of config files and such11:51
gee9043any ppl can help me?11:51
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zirodayRandy1: hmm, I'm not quite certain if you need it11:51
DaveCoSlart: thanks11:51
zirodayRandy1: can you do sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter please11:51
Randy1ziroday: sure one second.11:52
zirodayRandy1: and then restart11:52
Randy1ziroday: it said it was already the newest version11:52
Randy1ziroday: 0 upgraded 0 installed and 12 unchanged haha11:53
zirodayRandy1: ah right you already have in installed. Can you pastebin ifconfig -a please11:53
schonehi all, im new to samba and im trying to set up a samba share so that i can access it over the internet, i believe my problem is with with smb.conf - http://paste.ubuntu.com/187289/ - I have only added that piece of code to the bottom of the smb.conf should i be adding anything more?11:53
insmodanyone know if there is a way to fix webcam access on youtube and such sites ? it just holds at the allow access pop up11:54
Randy1ziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187290/11:54
yasasvyRandy1: hey, you can try using the proprietary drivers, system -> administration -> hardware drivers?11:54
kamikazeziroday:  Hey again, i got a problem with the guide, when i write the first script in Terminal, it says it cant find dictory .. what am i doing wrong here ?11:54
zirodayschone: samba was never designed to be used over the internet, perhaps sshfs or ftp(s)?11:54
Randy1yasavy: i already have the drivers installed11:54
insmod<kamikaze>what path do you give11:55
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=== c_nick is now known as flower_t
jbianquettischone: why not use webdav?11:55
schonejbianquetti, webdav?11:55
zirodayRandy1: hmm okay, can you do iwlist wlan0 scanning11:55
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kamikazewhat path im giving ? well im not sure, but im using ubuntu 8.1011:55
Randy1ziroday: it said wlan0      no scan results11:56
jbianquettischone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV11:56
jbldhi all! shall I ask in public chat ?11:56
jbianquettibasically is http...11:56
insmod<kamikaze> when i write the first script in Terminal ---  cant find dictory <--- that path is wrong11:56
zirodayRandy1: hmm11:56
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
kamikazeWell, it comes up with this kamikaze@kamikaze-desktop:~$ sudo chmod +x /home/username/mount.sh11:57
kamikazechmod: cannot access `/home/username/mount.sh': No such file or directory11:57
Randy1ziroday: should i try throwing my laptop?11:57
Chousukekamikaze: I doubt there's a user named "username" on your system11:57
schonejbianquetti, ziroday : my problem is i need to use a eclipse ide to access xml files to modify/upload them, there is an ftp plugin but it is limited to just browsing through files. Any ideas?11:57
zirodayRandy1: well b43 should "just work" with your card11:58
insmod<kamikaze> username is your username11:58
Chousukekamikaze: and you don't need sudo for the chmod command11:58
Randy1ziroday: possibly an interference from something else is preventing it to scan?11:58
insmod<kamikaze> eg /home/manson/file.txt11:59
jbldanybody can help me with a jumping audio ?11:59
kamikazeohh .. but it still cant .. it comes up with the same .. cant find thing ..11:59
zirodayRandy1: mm I doubt it, by doing sudo rmmod b43 does ifconfig -a change? Is there a difference between ifconfig and ifconfig -a11:59
kamikazeChousuke: ohh .. but it still cant .. it comes up with the same .. cant find thing ..11:59
insmod<kamikaze> then the file is somewhere else11:59
jbianquettischone: maybe this? http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/plugins/eclipse-webdav-ftp.html11:59
Randy1ziroday: i was sure to use iconfig -a. let me run the sudo you gave me12:00
kamikazeinsmod:  What you mena by that, shall i wrtie it in terminal or ?12:00
zirodayRandy1: woops that came out wrong, after doing rmmod b43 does ifconfig -a change?12:00
Chousukekamikaze: where did you download the file to?12:00
Randy1i ran rmmod b43 and nothing happened12:00
insmod<kamikaze>add place of file12:01
zirodayRandy1: did ifconfig -a change?12:01
kamikazeChousuke: I didnt dowlnoad any file?12:01
Randy1ziroday: what change am i looking for?12:01
Chousukekamikaze: well, where is the mount.sh file then?12:01
Chousukekamikaze: the /home/whatever/mount.sh is a file path, telling where on the disk the file is.12:01
zirodayRandy1: did the wlan0 or wmmaster entries dissapear?12:01
Chousukekamikaze: of course, it actually has to be there for things to work12:01
Randy1ziroday: yeah they did12:02
Chousukekamikaze: the error you get is saying it's not there, so perhaps it's somewhere else. where did you put it?12:02
insmod<kamikaze>cat /home/manson/fart |grep here > /home/manson/files/test12:02
insmod<kamikaze> as an eg12:02
zirodayRandy1: right, and by doing sudo modprobe b43 do they come back?12:02
kamikazeChousuke:  So the ISO file i want to mount shall be in the home folder before it would work ?12:02
Chousukekamikaze: um, no. the _mount.sh_ file is missing12:03
Randy1ziroday: yeah they do12:03
Chousukekamikaze: you need to mount an iso file or something? can't you do that in gnome?12:03
zirodayRandy1: and does sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning show anything?12:03
schonejbianquetti, thanks i have installed that but it needs a project etc to get started - i only want to edit xml files with a plugin (pentaho design studio) ...12:03
insmod<kamikaze> why do you want mount.sh? if cd .. then ls |grep mount.sh is it there12:03
kamikazeChousuke:  Ohh... i think i just need to get the ISO file, i thought it was scripts i was installing by this, but now i know what to do when the iso file is on my Home :)12:04
Randy1ziroday: wlan0     No scan results12:04
areelsWe have a surveillance system which is recording x264 video files with .dvr extension. how can i play or convert these files on ubuntu?  Ubuntu claims that these files are application/x-font-ttf12:04
zirodayRandy1: bah, I have no idea. That card should just work. Tried a reinstall?12:04
Chousukekamikaze: er, how does the .iso file matter? isn't your error with the mount.sh file?12:04
kamikazeinsmod:  i need to mount a ISO file, but i will figure it out, thanks so much for your help :)12:04
Randy1ziroday: this is my second time haha12:04
yasasvyRandy1: I am sry if i am interrupting but have you tried wicd instead of network-manager?12:05
insmod<kamikaze>thats easy12:05
kamikazeChousuke: yes cause the ISO file isnt on my computer yet.12:05
Chousukekamikaze: you can do just "mount -oloop -tiso9660 file.iso /directory/to/mount/to"12:05
Randy1yasavy: nope i have not, do explain?12:05
kamikazeChousuke: Can i mount my ISO file just by writing that ??12:05
insmod<Chousuke>don't loop if it's not ftp12:05
Randy1yasasvy: *yasasvy sorry about the name mess up12:05
yasasvyRandy1: sudo apt-get install wicd12:05
Chousukeinsmod: you need loop for .iso files :/12:05
Randy1yasasvy: its removing and installing a few things12:06
insmod<Chousuke>i don't think so loop is for a dir structure -- eg to mount a dir that can be accessed on ftp12:06
ewsubachi have some files like /etc/passwd- and /etc/group (with the dashes at the end). is this normal?12:06
insmod<Chousuke>i don't think it hurts but not ness12:07
yasasvyRandy1: after it is done applications-> internet -> wicd12:07
kamikazeinsmod:  Alright, didnt kno that, so i just need to write : mount -oloop -tiso9660 SIMS3.iso /directory/to/mount/to/home.  ?12:07
ewsubachinsmod, not the ~, a -. is that still normal?12:07
insmod<ewsubach>they have been writen to and that is the old file12:07
Randy1yasasvy: all done12:08
insmod<ewsubach>it would be from an editor < not comin12:08
yasasvyRandy1: after it is done applications-> internet -> wicd12:09
Chousukeinsmod: I think loop is necessary for iso files.12:09
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Randy1yasasvy: no wireless networks detected12:09
ewsubachinsmod: thanks. for a second i thought my system was compromised12:09
Chousukeinsmod: the loop device makes the file appear as if it were a block device.12:09
yasasvyRandy1: ok.12:10
Randy1yasasvy: i know im in range too, my G1 can pick it up12:10
yasasvyRandy1: were u able to connect using a LAN cable?12:11
Randy1yasasvy: you mean through an ethernet cord?12:11
insmod<Chousuke>that should be default -- hmm maybe no longer12:12
yasasvyRandy1: yes12:12
Randy1yasasvy: yeah i can get an ethernet connection12:13
Randy1ysasvy: thats why i can talk now12:13
yasasvyRandy1: just to make sure. right click on the network-manager applet.. and see of enable wireless is checked??12:15
Randy1yasasvy: what exactly am i clicking?12:17
Picims_: Do you  have a support question? Or are you just going to keep on saying hi like that? If you're just looking to chat, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic12:18
yasasvyRandy1: the network manager applet.. it should be in the notification area.. beside the power button and volume control12:19
Randy1yasasvy: it says enable networking, and that box is checked12:21
insmod<Randy1>WHAT ARE TRING TO DO12:22
insmodsorry caps12:22
Randy1insmod: my wireless card wont scan! nobody can get it to work, so yasasvy had me install a new network manager12:23
Randy1insmod: any ideas?12:23
insmod<Randy1>what does iwconfig say12:23
insmod<Randy1>and ifconfig12:24
Randy1insmod: heres iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/187310/12:24
insmod<Randy1>i will get it going in a sec12:24
harpalI have installed squid and squidGuard, now problem is that when I try to access https site it works fine, but when I block https site I get proxy server refuses connection error on firefox12:26
Randy1insmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187311/12:26
Randy1insmod: thats the iconfig12:26
insmod<Randy1>great and what does iwconfig wlan0 essid cat say12:27
stratovariushi all12:27
stratovariushi all12:27
stratovariushow to remove last gnome panel? im using ubuntu JJ12:27
forceflowstratovarius: just right click, then remove panel ?12:28
Randy1insmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187313/12:28
stratovariusforceflow, this way doesnt work for last panel...12:28
insmod<Randy1>that's the answer12:29
Randy1insmod: i dont speak code, im new to ubuntu haha, so what is the answer?12:29
silly-rabbitstratovarius:  Why do you say that?12:29
insmod<Randy1> your not root12:30
yasasvy1Randy1: add sudo12:30
Randy1insmod, yasasvy: how do i root and sudo what?12:30
insmod<Randy1> sudo iwlist scan wlan012:30
silly-rabbitRandy1: sudo is the better equivalent of Windows's annoying UAC.12:31
stratovariussilly-rabbit, there are 2 panels in gnome desktop...one of both can be deleted throw "right click, then remove panel" ... the other one can be deleted in this way cuz "Remove panel" is hide, cant click on it ...12:31
yasasvy1!sudo | Randy112:31
ubottuRandy1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:31
insmod<silly-rabbit>what is windows - i have read about just never did it12:31
stratovariussilly-rabbit, *cant be deleted in this way12:31
Randy1i know what sudo is! haha i meant me didnt put a code in front of sudo, so i mean as in to continue it, sudo, what? get it?12:31
insmod<Randy1> sudo iwlist scan wlan012:32
insmod<Randy1> trust me12:32
silly-rabbitstratovarius: Meh. I'm not using Ubuntu at the moment.  I think you need to click on the panel, not the applets that are near the panel.12:32
Randy1insmod: it had a problem, it says iwlist: unknown command `wlan0' (check 'iwlist --help'). when running iwlist scan wlan012:32
Randy1 12:32
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insmod<Randy1> then add it to /etc/network/interfaces12:33
Randy1insmod: im so sorry but i dont know how to do that.12:33
insmod<Randy1> or try ifconfig up wlan012:33
zirodayinsmod: you gave him the incorrect syntax for the iwlist command. It should be sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning12:33
zirodayinsmod: and his ifconfig already said wlan0 is up12:33
silly-rabbitinsmod: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up ?12:34
pcamateur[help]Ubuntu 8.04 RTL8111C net is not working,thanks12:34
stratovariussilly-rabbit, if I right click on last panel can't click on "remove this panel"...i knew I gotta modify something in gcconf-editor for removing last panel but i dont remember what to modify12:34
insmod<ziroday> scan works as well\12:34
Randy1insmod: should i still run ifconfig up wlan0?12:35
silly-rabbitziroday: You using Gnome?12:35
insmod<Randy1> try it but i thnk you are missing a pacage12:35
silly-rabbitstratovarius: What are you using to replace the Gnome Panels?12:36
insmod<Randy1> what does cat /etc/network/interfaces say12:36
zirodaysilly-rabbit: yes?12:36
stratovariussilly-rabbit, cairo-dock12:36
Randy1insmod: it said  wlan0: unknown host12:36
silly-rabbitziroday: Does Ubuntu prevent the last gnome-panel from being removed?12:37
insmod<Randy1> what does cat /etc/network/interfaces say12:37
zirodaysilly-rabbit: yes, you need to stop the gnome-panel procoess12:37
voyagiI'm installing ubuntu from the alternate cd in order to get everything encrypted with LVM. When I make a swap partition, should I configure it so that it's used as a swap area or as a physical volume for encryption? I want everything (except for /boot) encrypted.12:37
silly-rabbitstratovarius: Apparently you're right.  I see something in the site.12:37
Randy1auto lo12:37
Randy1iface lo inet loopback12:37
silly-rabbitstratovarius: See what ziroday say.  killall gnome-panel ?12:37
insmod<Randy1> what does ifconfig wlan0 up say12:37
zirodayvoyagi: AFAIK you can't have swap encrypted, there is feature for that yet12:38
insmod<Randy1> i know the answer12:38
voyagiziroday: Really?12:38
stratovariussilly-rabbit, =) ... i already removed last panel...I got to help a friend of mine to remove it but im not able to find the "how to" i followed =(12:38
insmod<Randy1> you never edited the /etc/network/interfaces12:38
Angel-SLhow do I swap gcc for gcc-4.1?12:38
Randy1some weird name then PERMISSION DENIED12:38
zirodayvoyagi: really really :), I do believe its being looked at for karmic. If you're really worried about it you don't have to have a swap partition12:38
silly-rabbitstratovarius: http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=ubuntu%2C+remove+the+last+panel12:38
Randy1insmod: some weird name then PERMISSION DENIED12:39
|ntegra|I'm halfway through installing a set of icons/theme(gnome) ,, where are the icons?12:39
stratovariussilly-rabbit, tnx a lot...i gonna read =)12:39
|ntegra|sorry ,, where are the icons going to go?12:39
insmod<Randy1>some gui do it i never use gui so i can only say edit /etc/network/interfaces12:39
voyagiziroday: If I have 2 gb RAM, it wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have a swap?12:39
ziroday|ntegra|: ~/.icons or /usr/share/icons12:40
Randy1insmod: so what do i gotta do?12:40
|ntegra|oh ok, I'll just hava look12:40
zirodayvoyagi: that depends on your computing needs :), you can create a swap partition and have it turned off by default12:40
insmod<Randy1>you have to tell it the intefaces12:40
silly-rabbitziroday: Jaunty's alternative disc (encryption feature) doesn't encrypt swap?  I thought it does... All but boot ?12:40
|ntegra|ziroday: nice name12:40
voyagiziroday: So how do I turn it off later?12:40
insmod<Randy1>what do you like as an editor12:40
ziroday|ntegra|: thanks :)12:40
Randy1insmod: i have no clue how to do it, would you mind running me through that?12:40
insmod<Randy1> i like mcedit12:40
voyagiziroday: I mean turn it on later?12:40
stratovariussilly-rabbit, thanx a lot ... it seems the "how to" i followed =)12:40
zirodaysilly-rabbit: AFAIK it can't encrypt swap12:40
Randy1insmod: im completely new to linux12:41
silly-rabbitstratovarius: Welcome! :)12:41
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Randy1insmod: ive had it for about 2 weeks, and this is my first time on irc =p haha12:41
|ntegra|ziroday: gotit man thanx12:41
insmod<Randy1> this is my 13th yr12:41
zirodayvoyagi: well you will create a swap partition now, and then after you've installed you'll comment out the swap partition in /etc/fstab or use the swapoff command. When you need it again you can use swapon command12:41
voyagiziroday: Thanks12:42
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zirodayvoyagi: have fun!12:42
Randy1insmod: haha well i only hope to be as good as you in my 13th year, so what do i have to do to edit the network interfaceds?12:42
insmod<Randy1> what editor do you like12:43
silly-rabbitinsmod: Give him the gksudo gedit?  The GUI one? :o12:43
Randy1insmod: any editor will do really because i have no preference.12:43
voyagiNow the alternate installation complains because I don't have any root-partition and I can't define the partitions that are going to be encrypted as root12:43
insmod<Randy1> what gui do you use _ i like fluxbox12:43
voyagiSorry, I found the "Configure encypted volumes"-thing now12:44
silly-rabbitvoyagi: There is a guided encryption partitioning ?12:44
voyagisilly-rabbit: Yes, now I see ;)12:44
Randy1insmod: i dont understand the question12:44
voyagiziroday: The partition program tells that you can encrypt a swap space12:44
insmod<Randy1> anyway sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces12:44
voyagisilly-rabbit: Guided programs are for lamers :P12:45
_L3o0_I receive a msg "There is no support for this operation" when i try to connect a FTP server.. any1 know why?12:45
zirodayvoyagi: oh in that case :)12:45
silly-rabbitinsmod: gksudo!12:45
Randy1insmod: ok it opened up the notepad, what do i need to change?12:45
insmod<silly-rabbit>i hate gnome12:45
insmodwhat does it say12:46
pcgeniushello everyone12:46
silly-rabbit_L3o0_: What do you use to connect to FTP server?  FileZilla ?12:46
Randy1insmod: auto loiface12:46
Randy1insmod: i messed that up one sec12:47
voyagiWhen I'm writing the passphrase every boot, I will have the standard US keyboard layout, right?12:47
Randy1insmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187319/12:47
_L3o0_silly-rabbit: I'm using the "Connect to server" option.. Locals>Connect to server12:47
voyagiEven though I have another layout when the system is booted?12:48
insmod<Randy1> so you havto add the wlan012:48
Randy1insmod: ok and what exactly do i add it to?12:48
Randy1insmod: like which like?12:48
silly-rabbit_L3o0_: Mmm.  You're sure you can connect to FTP Server from other clients you used in the past?12:48
insmod<Randy1>don't make me grab my laptop12:48
Randy1insmod: lolol im sorry i am just not sure which line to enter wlan012:49
_L3o0_silly-rabbit: yup.. it works in terminal..12:49
insmodiface wlan0 inet dhcp12:49
insmodauto wlan012:49
the-erm1how do you manually remove a package?  I have shaperd installed, and apt-get remove shaperd failes.12:49
silly-rabbit_L3o0_: Are you connceting to your Ubutun machine in the local? o.O12:49
insmod<Randy1> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5156112:50
_L3o0_silly-rabbit: I'm connecting to a remote ftp server12:50
Randy1insmod: and after i do that do i just save it?12:50
silly-rabbit_L3o0_: Using port 22.... not 21?12:50
Voodoive made sume fucked up thing with my ubuntu and it wont load, kinda eh12:50
_L3o0_silly-rabbit: default12:50
Slart!language | Voodo12:50
ubottuVoodo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:50
silly-rabbitHmm.  _L3o0_ Perhaps you use the wrong settings.  I recall Nautilus have few options.12:50
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Voodoi have ati radeon x800 pro, open gl didnt work with wine, so i installed this x.org thingy with add/remove programs12:51
Slartthe-erm1: do you get some kind of error message?12:51
insmod<Randy1> yes then restart init.d/network or just reboot12:51
Voodonow im from root console, any idea, how can i remove it from console?12:51
_L3o0_silly-rabbit: wat's ur suggestion? filezilla?12:51
Randy1insmod: ok ill be back, rebooting.12:51
Voodoas a command?12:51
silly-rabbit_L3o0_: That's my preferred client.  However, you should be able to connect in with Nautilus.  You're welcome to use Filezilla. :)12:51
Voodoi cant recall the exact name of the package, only parts12:52
bullgard4When will a change become effective that I have made in /etc/group? Do I need to restart the computer or is it enough to log out and log in?12:52
_L3o0_silly-rabbit: ok, i'll try.. thanks!12:52
silly-rabbit_L3o0_: Let me know how it goes for you. ;)12:52
Voodobrb, going to try synaptic12:52
jbl618anybody can help me with a jumping audio ?12:53
Slartbullgard4: why not try loggin in/out.. if that didn't work, reboot.. then come back and tell us which it was12:53
kamikazeinsmod:  Hey its me again, i got my ISO file in my home folder now, what was it i should write in terminal to mount it to my desktop ?12:53
insmod<jbl618>what does it do12:53
rootok, using synaptic from console seems to be impossible12:53
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silly-rabbit!iso | kamikaze12:53
ubottukamikaze: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:53
Guest69550sry, this didnt change the nick12:54
=== Guest69550 is now known as Voodo-
Voodo-any idea, how can i remove this x.org driver tihngy from console?12:54
tv7497guys is there a way to to log all the sftp transaction in an openssh server well the auth.log in /var/log  doesnt say much about what are the files that are transferred . is there a way to know what files are being downloaded or uploaded ?12:54
Voodo-i really wouldnt like to reinstall ubuntu12:54
insmod<kamikaze>mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/test12:54
ActionParsnip1Voodo-: sudo apt-get --purge remove <thingy's name>12:55
Rods_Tigerwhy is it that the ubuntu versions are irrationally numbered? they go from 7.10 to 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 - will the next one be 9.05?12:55
kamikazeinsmod:  alright thanks12:55
Voodo-yes thats the problem, i cant recall the exact name of the thingy12:55
PiciRods_Tiger: They are numbered after the year and month that they are released.12:55
PiciRods_Tiger: 9.04 = 2009 April12:55
ActionParsnip1Rods_Tiger: its simple, 9 is 2009 and 4 is the 4th month when it was released12:55
ActionParsnip1Rods_Tiger: what can be more logical?12:55
Voodo-is there a way to search for installed packages called xorg or something like that?12:55
tv7497Pici: hello sir thank heaven i found you online12:56
remoteCTRL1is there a special sophtware for hp scanners like hplip for hp printers?12:56
ActionParsnip1Voodo-: dpkg -l | grep xorg12:56
SlartVoodo-: dpkg -l | grep -i xorg12:56
Voodo-thank you12:56
Slartmine is better ;)12:56
ActionParsnip1Slart: well both are equl as allpackages are lower cased ;)12:56
silly-rabbitRods_Tiger: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Releases12:56
Randy1insmod: complete.12:56
tv7497Pici: sir is there a way to get logs on what is actually getting downloaded well the openssh log's only talk about the people getting connected12:57
insmod<Randy1> and12:57
Randy1insmod: no wireless networks detected!12:57
voyagiWhere are all the keyboard layouts located on the ubuntu alternate cd, the *.map.gz-files12:57
insmod<Randy1> so it worked12:57
Rods_Tiger7.10 seems to be the only one that installs on the machines at the college. The others just give blank screens and frozen keyboards/mice12:57
Voodo-brb, will try it12:57
jbld_insmod: I lost my connection :|12:57
silly-rabbittv7497: Why don't you set up a private folder where your friends can download it from there, as in not to your whole system? :o12:57
ActionParsnip1Rods_Tiger: did you md5 the ISO downloaded to install on the systems?12:57
Randy1insmod: re-read it, no wireless networks. haha none. maybe we should run the config commands again to see if i entered the code right12:58
Rods_TigerI downloaded an md5 file12:58
insmod<Randy1> nope it means there is non there12:58
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  Well than it just should be like this : sudo mount -o loop rld-sim3.iso desktop but it aint, it aint workin, what im doing wrong ?12:58
silly-rabbit!iso | silly-rabbit12:58
ubottusilly-rabbit, please see my private message12:58
ActionParsnip1Rods_Tiger: did you check it thhough?12:58
insmod<Randy1> sudo iwlist scan wlan0\12:59
insmod<Randy1> sudo iwlist scan wlan012:59
wwwalkeris there a small bootable iso image i can use with eeepc.12:59
Rods_Tigerit seemed alright12:59
Slart!minimal | wwwalker12:59
ubottuwwwalker: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:59
tv7497silly-rabbit: thats the whole problem those guys started messing with my files , i have no clue whats going on so isnt there a way ?12:59
Slartwwwalker: isn't there an ubuntu version specially for eee12:59
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC12:59
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silly-rabbitkamikaze: You need to create a mount folder.12:59
wwwalkerthat would be nice13:00
ActionParsnip1Rods_Tiger: no such thing. Its either right or wrong13:00
Randy1insmod: iwlist: unknown command13:00
silly-rabbitkamikaze: We'll use desktop for temp.  Okay?13:00
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silly-rabbitkamikaze: mkdir ~/Desktop/Oven13:00
voodothanks for the help guys13:00
voodoit worked :)13:00
silly-rabbitkamikaze: There are a 'Oven' folder on your Desktop now, right?13:01
insmod<Randy1> err13:01
voodoi'd have one more question tho, how can i make OpenGL work, if this ati thingy made it only worse?13:01
Randy1insmod: i think when you had me edit that network thing, i may have done it wrong somehow.13:01
ActionParsnip1voodo: you need the correct driver13:01
voodothis is the only driver i could find :(13:01
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  yes there is :)13:01
silly-rabbitkamikaze: Right.  Now we need a place to put the ISO in.  In this case, we're going to put ISO in Oven.  --> sudo mount -o loop rld-sum3.iso ~/Desktop/Oven13:02
insmod<Randy1> no you don't have pakage13:02
Randy1insmod: how do i get package?13:02
silly-rabbitkamikaze: Generally, we'll put it in /media/<here> --> or /mnt/<here> but I can't check it myself because I'm on friend's Vista laptop. Curse me. :(13:03
ActionParsnip1voodo: can you give the output of: lspci | grep -i vga13:03
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  hehe okay :D ... well it came up with this.. kamikaze@kamikaze-desktop:~$ sudo mount -o loop rld-sim3.iso13:03
kamikazemount: can't find rld-sim3.iso in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab13:03
insmod<Randy1> 1 sec13:03
voodook, last question, honestly, im using ubuntu 9.04, 64 bit version with AMD64 processor13:03
Randy1insmod: ok13:03
voodothe linux x86_64 driver, is good for me or not :)13:04
ActionParsnip1voodo: yes thats the one you want, if you are using 64bit Linux13:04
maverick340since last night everytime i switch on transmission the laptop is hanging after 10 -15 secs of use13:04
silly-rabbitkamikaze: Where is the ISO at?13:04
Marquis-Boyhi folks. anyone any good with video playback issues?13:04
ActionParsnip1voodo: you can check with  uname -a13:04
maverick340programs stop responding slowly and eventually i have to hard reboot13:04
ActionParsnip1voodo: if you see x86_64   its 64bit, if you see i686 its 32bit13:05
voodoye it is, i was just confused of the 86 part :)13:05
Randy1marquis-boy: what version ubuntu do you have?13:05
insmod<Randy1> that's it13:05
voodoand whats with 38613:05
Randy1insmod: whatcha got for me?13:05
ActionParsnip1voodo: its because 64bit chips can run 32bit apps13:05
voodooh ok i see13:05
Marquis-BoyRandy1 -  8.0413:05
ActionParsnip1voodo: 386 is very basic but will work on any cpu13:05
voodothanks and sorry for the stupid questions :)13:05
remoteCTRL1i got a hp scanner here with a document tray, so this can do batch jobs but sane doesn't seem to can do this, anyone know a solution?13:05
kamikazesilly-rabbit: it was in my home folder but i have just moved it to my desktop :)13:05
Marquis-BoyRandy1 - 8.04 AMD6413:05
ActionParsnip1voodo: no worries man, they are all intelligent questions13:05
Randy1marquis-boy: google it, there are plenty of forums discussing it, its usually a simple run through and installation of a few programs.13:06
voodonah im just kinda new to linux, but i like it so far, only bad thing in it is the slow flash playing and thats it13:06
silly-rabbitkamikaze: As long as the terminal is in the current path of your ISO or you can specify where the ISO is --> sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/rld-sum3.iso ~/Desktop/Oven13:06
insmod<Randy1> sudo apt-get install wireless-tools13:06
Randy1marquis-boy: im assuming you meant video playback on the internet?13:06
Randy1insmod: its running it now13:06
ActionParsnip1voodo: you may want to tab complete my name at the start of lines so it highlights (like i am doing for you)13:07
Randy1insmod: its already in its latest version13:07
Marquis-BoyRandy1 - nope. I installed Diablo 2 under wine, and since then VLC exits on playing back any video. Mplayer plays the audio but stutters and throws up some error. I think installing D2 changed some codec or setting, somethign to do with open GL13:07
voodoActionParsnip1: okey13:07
insmod<Randy1> ?13:07
Randy1marquis-boy: well ask one of the experts in here, god knows they're good enough13:07
silly-rabbitkamikaze: Everything okay? ;o13:08
ActionParsnip1voodo: thats the way :)13:08
Randy1insmod: well it says i already have it13:08
homyIs there an alternative to windows movie maker? (That is just as easy to use)?13:08
ActionParsnip1voodo: as you use the system you will get more used to it, at the beginning you will struggle13:08
insmod<Randy1> can ypu use it as sudo13:08
ActionParsnip1homy: kino13:08
tyson__i need help with my desktop effect, eversince i installed Jackalope, it just aint workin13:08
ActionParsnip1homy: avidemux13:08
Marquis-BoyRandy1 - thanks anyway13:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:09
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  nooh .. i have wrote this in terminal .. sudo mount -o loop ~/skrivebord/rld-sum3.iso ~/skrivebord/Oven but it cant find it( skrivebord is desktop in my language and on my computer )13:09
voodoActionParsnip1: one more question, ive downloaded this driver, ati-driver-installer-9-blablabla, how can i run it?13:09
Randy1insmod: what do you mean? i ran your command you said sudo apt...... etc and it said i already have it13:09
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Some topics are controversial and often end in fighting. War, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide regularly upset people. Please be aware and drop a discussion if you are asked. Support for Microsoft in ##windows and Apple in ##apple. To discuss these rules, please see !appeals. Please always adhere to Freenode Policy.13:09
insmod<Randy1> can you use it as sudo13:09
insmod<Randy1> sudo iwlist scan13:10
insmod<Randy1> sudo iwlist scan wlan013:10
EochhcoEso any recommended sites on where to read about applications of fun things to run on Ubuntu?  things like conky, etc?  I like to read peoples reviews and how they use it.13:10
Randy1wlan0 no scan results13:10
Randy1insmod: wlan0 no scan results13:11
silly-rabbitEochhcoE: There isn't much.  People listing their preferred applications and such.  If you're new to Ubuntu, try Gnome-do. :)13:11
Randy1insmod: maybe im somehow out of range? wtf?13:11
ActionParsnip1voodo: you will need   chmod +x ./ati-installer..... then   sudo ./ati-instal....13:11
ActionParsnip1voodo: obviosly finish the filename off with a tab ;)13:11
insmod<Randy1> it works just not getting anything -- so i fixed it just not what you wnat13:12
voodoActionParsnip1:  ok:)13:12
pcgeniusi want to develop something for ubuntu please help me13:12
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  nooh .. i have wrote this in terminal .. sudo mount -o loop ~/skrivebord/rld-sum3.iso ~/skrivebord/Oven but it cant find it( skrivebord is desktop in my language and on my computer )13:12
insmod<Randy1> it works13:12
insmod<Randy1> what driver13:12
Randy1insmod: well i tried moving a little closer and still its not picking it up, could it be a conflict with the router?13:12
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EochhcoEsilly-rabbit I had that installed at one time on 8.10 but seemed like it was just a big box in the center of my window that was always in the way.  One place I found that does reviews of linux and windows stuff is lifehacker.com but I was hoping to find more sites like that.13:12
Randy1insmod: and i dont know how to tell what driver13:12
insmod<Randy1> no13:12
silly-rabbitkamikaze: skrivebord is your user name, right?13:12
_user_plz help how to make the colors of typed letters in terminal differ from color of output data and i need to make the error messages in red and the warning messages in yellow how to do that plz ???13:13
voodoActionParsnip1:  btw, it says that display driver requires POSIX shared memroy to be enabled on the system, is it enabled by default, or i have to install it also?13:13
insmod<Randy1> what card13:13
pcgeniusi want to develop a alert for low disk space13:13
maverick340does transmission need java or anything ?13:13
Randy1insmod: broadcom13:13
insmod<Randy1> is it ndis13:13
maverick340because its been hanging my laptop recently ..13:13
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  No, my computer language is Danish so Desktop is Skrivebord for me (:13:13
Randy1insmod: not sure how do i tell?13:13
maverick340or maybe it has issues with ext4 ?13:13
voyagiNow I have written my passphrases to my encrypted LVM-volumes in the alternate installation, where do I decide which partition should be root etc, when they are encrypted?13:13
silly-rabbitMeh.  I have to go.  I'm about to start working on the roof.  Ask ActionParsnip1 to assist you with iso mounting.  This is an easy task. :)13:14
homyI can't see how to make a video as a (fancy) slideshow of pictures in kino? ActionParsnip113:14
panesar_sandeephow do i get all my downloaded packeges and repositories into a package or iso image, so that it can b transferred from a pen drive?13:14
seithis there a java ver. for ubuntu 9.0413:14
insmod<Randy1> well it works - but it seems the linux driver does not you can use the windows one with ndiswrapper13:14
silly-rabbitkamikaze: You're almost there.  You misspelled the word or the path to your iso is not found, and suhc. ;)13:14
insmod<Randy1> then you are good13:15
Randy1insmod: how do i do that?13:15
_user_plz help how to make the colors of typed letters in terminal differ from color of output data and i need to make the error messages in red and the warning messages in yellow how to do that plz ???13:15
insmod<Randy1> sudo apt-get ndiswrapper13:15
pcgeniusso please tell me where to start13:16
fo3nixHi, I wonder if someone could help me. Before I go out and buy a new-style Apple bluetooth keyboard,13:16
insmod<Randy1> it is easy i am of to bed just google it13:16
Yassine_TnHello, are Ubuntu and Debian package 100 % compatible ? I have debian on my PC, Ubuntu on my Laptop, and I want to put the Laptop software in my PC (With AptOnCd)13:16
fo3nixCan anyone tell me if the Apple bluetooth keyboard works well in ubuntu (and/or xubuntu)13:16
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  OHHHH .... i SEE ! ... Year .. now there are a CD with the name Oven on my desktop :)13:16
MyrttiYassine_Tn: no.13:16
schone_how do u change the root password13:16
Randy1insmod: it said it didnt recognize ndiswrapper13:16
Myrttischone_: you don't13:16
insmod<Randy1> and use man eg man ifconfig13:16
Myrtti!root | schone_13:16
ubottuschone_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:16
panesar_sandeephow do i get all my downloaded packages and repositories into a package or iso image, so that it can b transferred from a pen drive? i don't have a cd/DVD writer.13:17
Yassine_TnMyrtti: Are you sure ? I have to use soft from debian repositories ?13:17
wwwalkerthanks for stuff re eeepc - got mini.iso and unetbootin13:17
schone_i know the root password though13:17
cleptomy firefox is messed up the word spacing in the search bar and on the pages is screwed its like tab is pressed after every word anyone know how to fix this?13:17
schone_i want to change it as an ex user used to know it13:17
Myrttischone_: good luck in your endavours in fixing your system13:17
ActionParsnip1voodo: i believe its default13:17
Myrttiendeavours, even13:17
insmod<Randy1> you have to help yourself http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/13:17
insmodthat will do it13:17
Randy1insmod: thank you so so so much you have been a great help.13:18
voodoActionParsnip1:  bare with me lol, ive got an error while installing the driver, namely13:18
ActionParsnip1homy: you can make animated gif's in gimp. Its not something i've done, you could also use impress to make a slideshow13:18
voodoActionParsnip1:  Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version13:18
voodoActionParsnip1: default:v2:x86_64:lib32::none:2.6.28-11-generic; make sure that the version is being correctly set by --iscurrentdistro13:18
ActionParsnip1voodo: then you'll need to find what that means. I have a meetig in 10 mins13:18
voodook, thanks for the help , have a good meeting :)13:19
ActionParsnip1oh i will zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz13:19
kamikazesilly-rabbit:  but when i run it, then it says that "cannot find autorun program ( its The Sims 3 )13:19
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest52187
sjokkishey guys. for some reason my monitor shuts off after 90 seconds inactivity. the gnome screensaver is set to lock the monitor after ten minutes, and the power manager is set to shut it off after six minutes (with or without ac). is there anywhere else this might be set that causes it to shut off after 90 seconds?13:20
cleptomy firefox is messed up the word spacing in the search bar and on the pages is screwed its like tab is pressed after every word anyone know how to fix this?13:20
cfmHi all, I have a mailserver that is running 6.06 LTS that needs to be upgraded to 7.10+ before I can upgrade its mail software.  Roughly how much downtime can I expect for a complete system upgrade?13:21
sjokkiscfm: how long does a reboot take?13:21
Myrtticfm: you're upgrading straight to 8.04, right?13:21
sjokkisthat's your minimum. your maximum is however long you expect it to take to fix it if you screw up13:21
=== Guest52187 is now known as SirDerigo
Myrtticfm: LTS' can be upgraded to the next LTS13:22
Yassine_TnI have Ubuntu desktop edition, and I need to run an OS without a graphical Interface (PC too old). Can I install Ubuntu Desktop edition and use it like the server edition ?13:22
cfmMyrtti: Ah, I see that the LTS upgrade path is to 8.04 - so yes, you're right!13:22
sjokkiscfm: PROTIP: announce longer downtime than you expect. that way your ass isn't caught in the wind if you run into a snag13:23
voyagiIf I remove the Windows sticker from my laptop, will I loose the guarantee?13:23
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cfmSo it should be just time for a reboot then?13:23
Yassine_TnI have Ubuntu desktop edition, and I need to run an OS without a graphical Interface (PC too old). Can I install Ubuntu Desktop edition and use it like the server edition ?13:23
cfmsjokkis: Nice... :-)13:23
sjokkiscfm: best case. but don't plan for best case. please.13:23
Myrttivoyagi: keep the offtopic elsewhere13:23
_user_plz help how to make the colors of typed letters in terminal differ from color of output data and i need to make the error messages in red and the warning messages in yellow how to do that plz ???13:23
Randy1can anyone help me with some wireless issues?13:24
Myrtti_user_: look up ncurses if you want something fancy13:24
tiyowan!ask | Randy113:24
ubottuRandy1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:24
sjokkisRandy1: just jiggle the tingy and reset the whatsit13:24
mib_i6x4ojh7hi all13:25
Randy1sjokkis: what?13:25
Randy1tiyowan, ubottu: im new to IRC, what is wrong with the way i ask questions?13:25
tiyowanRandy1: This is the Ubuntu support channel. You don't need to ask if anyone can help you with your problem. Just go ahead and say what the problem is. :)13:26
mib_i6x4ojh7i have a question about streaming media on network using vlc on ubuntu. can you help me?13:26
voodoguys, when im trying to install an ati driver (correct one), im getting this error message, any idea?13:26
voodoError: ./default_policy.sh does not support version13:26
voododefault:v2:x86_64:lib32::none:2.6.28-11-generic; make sure that the version is being13:26
schone_Myrtti, thank you13:26
voodocorrectly set by --iscurrentdistro13:26
FloodBot3voodo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
Randy1tiyowan: way to put it in english haha, ill try that.13:26
bullgard4Randy1: Please put here a concrete question. Do not prepend it with a general question: "Can anyone help me with some wireless issues?"13:27
schone_sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk when i run this it tells me it cant find the package?/13:27
mib_i6x4ojh7i have a question about streaming media on network using vlc on ubuntu. can you help me?13:27
Myrttischone_: ie. if you know the root password, read that document on howto *disable* it13:27
mib_i6x4ojh7please help me13:27
Randy1my wireless card will scan but wont pick up my wireless router.13:27
mib_i6x4ojh7please ........13:27
Myrtti!please | mib_i6x4ojh713:27
ubottumib_i6x4ojh7: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:27
Myrttimib_i6x4ojh7: ASK13:27
sjokkisfor some reason my monitor shuts off after 90 seconds inactivity. the gnome screensaver is set to lock the monitor after ten minutes, and the power manager is set to shut it off after six minutes (with or without ac). is there anywhere else this might be set that causes it to shut off after 90 seconds?13:28
voodoive already asked :)13:28
* sjokkis wonders why mib_i6x4ojh7 used pwgen to make his username13:28
mib_i6x4ojh7i have a question about streaming media on network using vlc on ubuntu13:28
sjokkisso ask already13:28
bullgard4Randy1: "wont pick up" is no precise description. What error message do you obtain?13:28
deanywhen using imagemagicks tools, say mogrify, is it better to use -sample or -scale when resizing an image?13:28
Randy1bullguard4: it just says no networks deteced13:29
sjokkisdeany: --resize13:29
tiyowanRandy1: Can you see any wireless networks at all?13:29
Slartsjokkis: hmm.. I guess there is a setting in the monitor itself... but 90 seconds seems a bit.. short13:29
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:29
mib_i6x4ojh7i want to know how to enable rtp on ubuntu13:29
sjokkisSlart: yeah it's super short. and very annoying13:29
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Randy1tiyowan: not on my laptop, but on my G1 i can.13:29
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD13:30
AdvoWorkis there any way to check if ubuntu supports a certain printer? Ho Colour laserjet CP2025n :s13:30
tiyowanRandy1: Okay...go to the terminal, type ifconfig, press enter, copy the results, past them to paste.ubuntu.com, and put up the link here.13:30
acornHi, what can I do if the menus at the top and bottom of the screen aren't there anymore?13:30
mib_i6x4ojh7i want to know how to enable rtp on ubuntu?13:31
sjokkisSlart: i've run `xset dpms 0 0 0`. i'll wait and see if it helps...13:31
Slartsjokkis: mm.. I was just looking at those commands..13:31
kamikaze#ubuntu dansk13:31
ubottuFor at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.13:31
mib_i6x4ojh7i want to know how to enable rtp on ubuntu13:31
klenixcan i save all of package i've downloaded into removable disk instead of cd?13:31
mib_i6x4ojh7i want to know how to enable rtp on ubuntu?13:31
leestablesHey all, just got Ubuntu and I have to say am impressed apart from not been able to connect to the internet wireless13:32
Randy1tiyowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187347/13:32
Myrttimib_i6x4ojh7: thanks, we saw your question on the first time13:32
leestablesCan anyone help me ?13:32
Slartsjokkis: you're not running an intel video chip, are you?13:32
Myrttileestables: you've not asked your real question, so we can't know if we can or not13:33
tiyowanRandy1: What wireless card do you have?13:33
Randy1tiyowan: a broadcom13:33
Randy1tiyowan: and i have the latest driver13:33
acornHi, what can I do if the menus at the top and bottom of the screen aren't there anymore?13:33
leestablesSorry, I have connect to the internet by pluggin in my cable  but I want to connect wireless but I can't seem to do it for whatever reason13:33
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=== Guest37669 is now known as leachim6
Randy1tiyowan: i actually ran through a bunch of stuff with insmod and he was saying id have to connect with ndiswrapper?13:34
tiyowanRandy1: Oh dear. Pastebin the results of lspci please13:34
etfbThere's a program for Windows that finds all the duplicates of every file on your hard disk, so you can cut out the redundant files and save space.  Is there anything like that in Linux?13:35
Myrttileestables: elaborate13:35
Slartetfb: yes.. fdupes I think it's called13:35
Randy1tiyowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187349/13:35
Slartetfb: there are others too.. but they all work in almost the same way13:35
etfbSlart: googling... please wait...13:35
leestablesMyrtti, I can't connect to the internet wireless, but can using the cable to my laptop from my router13:36
tiyowanRandy1: Ok. Now lsmod, please.13:36
etfbSlart: Woohoo!  Thanks!13:36
Slartetfb: wow.. I passed? great..13:36
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:36
areels1which audio player's sound quailty is smilar to windows media player?13:36
sjokkisSlart: after turning off dpms it now waits 120 seconds. this is getting stranger and stranger13:37
Randy1tiyowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187350/13:37
Slartareels1: they are media players.. perhaps it's just me but I think they sound about the same13:37
mib_i6x4ojh7i want to know how to enable rtp on ubuntu?13:37
Slartsjokkis: huh.. I'm starting to think you have gnomes in your computer.. evil gnomes =)13:37
Cheeryis there some alternative for Desktop -directory?13:37
leestablesanyone ?13:37
Myrttileestables: elaborate: tell what make model your card is, how do you try to connect to your wifi, what auth it uses, etc?13:38
Myrttileestables: you're not giving enough information13:38
tiyowanRandy1: Are you using 64-bit 9.04?13:38
Randy1areels1: im pretty sure the sound quality is determined by the file unless the media player is attempting to run an equalizer.13:38
Randy1tiyowan: not sure about the 64 bit but i am running 9.0413:38
areels1media player is correcting output13:38
Randy1areels1: so why not change the settings of the media player?13:39
leestablesSorry I apologise, how do i find this info...? I know it uses WPA auth13:39
subutuxareels1: They all use the same libraries for output, so there won't be any difference13:40
leestablesI try to connect using theconnection icon then adding in the SSID and password but then nothing happens, whereas on Vista I did this and it just picked it up and connected13:40
Randy1tiyowan: im pretty sure though its 64 bit13:40
tiyowanRandy1: Okay, here's the thing. Your driver isn't loaded.13:41
Slartareels1: many players support plugins for stereo expansion, compression, 3d reverb and such.. I have no idea what windows media player does with the sound but I doubt it's just "correcting" it..13:41
jbldhi guys ! I lost my System->Preferences->Session menu ( or i did not even got it :O ) how can i restore it ???13:41
AdvoWorkis there any way to check if ubuntu supports a certain printer? Ho Colour laserjet CP2025n :s13:41
Randy1tiyowan: how do you know? i already installed the driver. what do you mean it isnt 'loaded'?13:41
SlartAdvoWork: look at linuxprinting.org13:42
tiyowanRandy1: The results of lsmod shows that no wireless driver is being used.13:42
tiyowanRandy1: How did you install the driver?13:42
Randy1tiyowan: i ran through some online tutorials.13:43
Mowhow do you open gconf-editor13:43
LoneWlfso, I have an interesting issue... X is hardlocking my machine after an upgrade to 9.0413:43
leestablesMyrtti: did you get that ?13:43
areels1subutux: i'm now trying vlc and audacious they're clearly different13:43
areels1vlc seems better hmm13:43
tiyowanRandy1: Hmmm...could you put up a link to what you did?13:44
Mowcan anyone tell me how to open gconf-editor13:44
shadeslayerLoneWlf: what card??13:44
Randy1tiyowan: it was a while ago, i have no memory.13:44
SlartMow: start a terminal.. type    gconf-editor    Tadaaa! =)13:44
kikinovakMow: yes, type gconf-editor in a terminal13:44
* shadeslayer hopes its not an intel13:44
leestablesAlso I wish to know if you can get all docs, images, music etc you have on Vista and transfer to Ubuntu if I was to use this full stop???13:44
sjokkisSlart: disabling dpms with `xset -dpms` solved the problem, in a way, but now the gnome power manager won't shut it off after its configured time either13:44
Randy1tiyowan: it was a forum or something, and it had boxes to copy the code and such13:44
areels1comparing with eq off, that gives plain sound i gues13:45
subutuxareels1: ok vlc is a special one, it uses its on libs13:45
Mowoh ok I thought it was supose to be in the aplicatoins menu or something thanks13:45
areels1subutux:  then i'm looking for different libs13:45
Randy1tiyowan: an irc user insmod just did some work with me, maybe what work he did with me made my driver unload?13:45
schone_hi all im trying to install the java jre from terminal but i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/187357/ - i have no idea why this is occuring?13:45
areels1vlc is ok but it's gui uglier than gnome13:45
subutuxareels1: to use in vlc?13:46
shadeslayerareels1: use skins then :)13:46
tiyowanRandy1: I'm not sure. Hang on a moment - I'm checking the forums to find out the proper way to get that card working.13:46
Slartsjokkis: hmm... that's not really a good solution then.. I'm still googling around.. haven't found anything useful so far13:46
areels1vlc has skins? oh13:46
Myrttileestables: I will not answer to your pm. Ask your questions here. I'm also having my long overdue lunch in between a lull in my workday, so I'm not available  to your all questions.13:46
sjokkisSlart: is it correct that the power manager changes the dpms settings based on whether you're on ac or battery power?13:46
sjokkisSlart: wouldn't that indicate that it isn't doing that?13:46
tiyowanRandy1: Do you ever remember typing: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter?13:47
leestablesMyrtti: sorry13:47
jbldnobody ?13:47
Slartsjokkis: I don't know enough about what is happening behind the scenes to answer that.. sorry13:47
leestablesapart from myrtti anyone else wanna help me on my issues... ???13:47
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Randy1tiyowan: the b43 is very familiar, i may have with the last guy, should i try installing it anyways?13:47
areels1subutux: i don't know, i'm looking for audio players using different libs, and with gui like winamps13:47
Myrttileestables: do you know how to use pastebin services?13:48
eremiteI need help with a video game.  AssaultCube is lagging really bad, but it worked with the same hardware a few days ago with a Wubi install and in Windows.  Now that i installed Ubuntu, AssaultCube is lagging baaaad.13:48
shadeslayerareels1: also mplayer and amarok13:48
tiyowanRandy: Try it.13:48
areels1ok i'll try them13:48
pantera69hi all13:48
leestablesmyrtti: no, i'm new to Ubuntu and linux, but loving it so far.... :)13:48
Myrtti!pastebin | leestables13:48
eremitexmms or whatever it is loooks like winamp13:48
ubottuleestables: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:48
areels1and any idea how can i play .dvr files ? .dvr is an extension of survelliance recorder software13:48
Myrttileestables: if I tell you to get an output of few commands and put them in a pastebin, could you do that?13:49
shadeslayerareels1: amarok has a sweet UI13:49
Randy1tiyowan: yeah i have it13:49
Slartareels1: run "file blabla.dvr" on one of the files.. see what it says13:49
eremiteI need help with a video game.  AssaultCube is lagging really bad, but it worked with the same hardware a few days ago with a Wubi install and in Windows.  Now that i installed Ubuntu, AssaultCube is lagging baaaad.  Any ideas?13:49
leestablesor yes for sure seems easy enuf13:49
Cheeryeremite: open console13:49
tiyowanRandy1: Restart and see if there's any difference.13:49
eremiteAC console?13:50
Myrttileestables: I want you to open a terminal, do "sudo lshw -C network" and paste the output to a pastebin, giving us the link you get13:50
Cheeryeremite: gnome-terminal13:50
fo3nixAnyone know if the Apple bluetooth keyboard works ok in Jaunty?13:50
eremiteok, done13:50
leestablesmyrtti: will do hang fire ;)13:50
LoneWlfshadeslayer : Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics controller13:50
Cheeryeremite: glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"13:50
Mowdoes anyone know much about running glmatrix as a wallpaper?13:50
shadeslayerLoneWlf: please read the release notes :)13:50
subutuxdon't know about the libs, but xmms is pretty the same as winamp.It supports the old winamp skins13:51
LoneWlfshadeslayer : can you hand me a link?13:51
shadeslayerLoneWlf: read topic13:51
Cheeryeremite: it should say either direct rendering: Yes or No13:51
eremiteIt says YES13:51
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.13:51
Slart!xmms | subutux13:51
ubottusubutux: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.13:51
schone_hi all im trying to install the java jre from terminal but i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/187357/ - i have no idea why this is occuring? Im just rying to install java ?13:51
eremiteCheery: it says yes13:51
leestablesmyrtti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187361/13:52
schone_geirha, are you round?13:52
Cheeryeremite: then it's feeling tricky.13:52
areels1Slart: 09-05-01-00-00-00-13.avi: TrueType font data13:52
eremiteCheery: what do you mean, feeling tricky?13:52
areels1Slart:  09-05-01-00-00-00-13.avi: TrueType font data13:52
Cheeryeremite: well, you have accelerated graphics there, therefore the game must lag because of non-video problem13:53
Randy1tiyowan: no help13:53
Myrttileestables: do you know which version of Ubuntu you're using?13:53
Cheeryeremite: I'd next bet sound problems.13:53
Randy1tiyowan: it still doesnt detect it13:53
leestablesMyrtti: 9.0413:53
leestablesJust downloaded today....13:53
eremiteCheery: why wouldnt it work out of the box, like it did with Wubi?13:54
Myrttileestables: Broadcom's aren't known for their stability, I've got one myself...13:55
shadeslayerMyrtti: second that13:55
Slartareels1: hmm.. well.. that wasn't very helpful..you have any idea what kind of format it is?13:55
Cheeryeremite: well, it may pick up a wrong sound frontend13:55
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo13:55
leestablesMyrtti: How can I solve the problem then to be able to connect wireless ?13:55
Randy1tiyowan: you there?13:55
tiyowanRandy1: Yeah.13:55
areels1Slart:  probably x26413:55
Randy1tiyowan: any clue whats wrong?13:56
Slartareels1: what happens if you open it in .. say .. vlc?13:56
schone_hi all im trying to install the java jre from terminal but i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/187357/ - i have no idea why this is occuring?13:56
eremiteCheery: what does that mean, and how do I remedy it?13:56
tiyowanRandy1: I'm here. I've been going through the documentation.13:56
areels1there is no software even in windows for them, only a unique player named "dvr player" plays them13:56
Cheeryeremite: I don't know, try change game configs13:56
Myrttileestables: the discussion forums seem to have some suggestions on the subject, unfortunately I can't personally recommend any of them as I've not tried any myself13:56
areels1vlc freaks out Slart blinks out too many screens everywhere13:57
Slartareels1: well.. mplayer then?13:57
leestablesMyrtti: Right ok I'll check that out then.....13:57
ActionParsnip1!java > schone_13:57
ubottuschone_, please see my private message13:57
leestablesHow does one get all docs etc from Vista to Ubuntu withoout losing anything ?13:57
Cheeryeremite: try whether any other opengl game works13:58
Myrttileestables: your keyword in your quest is "Broadcom BCM4312"13:58
Cheeryeremite: that way you can yet make it sure13:58
eremiteCheery: I get 24fps with a resolution of 640x400 with all settings at lowest.13:58
ActionParsnip1schone_: if you are silly enough to log in as root, you do not need sudo13:58
shadeslayerleestables: import documents etc while installing13:58
tiyowanRandy1: Okay, this is a huge PITA to setup, but I think here's the way.13:58
ActionParsnip1schone_: are you logged in as root or is it a root prompt using   sudo -i13:58
eremiteI'm sort fo a noob, what are some other opengl games?  Nexus?13:58
Randy1tiyowan: im listening haha13:58
schone_ActionParsnip1, yer i know but doing sudo or not makes no difference13:58
areels1warning: first frame is not keyframe  Slart. and it blinks out everywhere too13:59
ActionParsnip1schone_: thats because its not needed if the console is a root console13:59
tiyowanRandy1: You need to get the windows driver for your card, and then use the bc43 cutter to extract some files out of that to get your card working.13:59
schone_ActionParsnip1, makes no difference to me install java or not13:59
ActionParsnip1eremite: try penumbra, or supertux, or urbanterror13:59
Brettmani need some help installing gnome i get errors and i see on gogle have the same problems but no resolve13:59
leestablesshadeslayer: no I have lots of docs on my HD, for website development clients details site codes etc and want to transfer them over to ubuntu instead of vista14:00
Randy1tiyowan: ok, seems tough14:00
Brettmanhers the pated error msh14:00
Slartareels1: hmm.. not sure what to try.. google doesn't give any good hits what I can see..14:00
AksI need some general help about amarok14:00
tiyowanRandy1: Keep asking in here. Someone's bound to have a solution. Meanwhile, I'll keep looking on the forums.14:00
Aksany one free here ?14:00
ActionParsnip1!info sun-java6-jre14:01
Brettmanand yes i tried installing the packages seperatly that it said wre required and that didnt work14:01
jimqodehello guys/gals. I'm trying to get tv output from my Dell XPS M1330 with a vga to composite adapter cable. I tried playing around with xrandr to no avail. Can somebody help me?14:01
ubottusun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-13-1 (jaunty), package size 6220 kB, installed size 14264 kB14:01
ActionParsnip1schone_: do you have multiverse repos enabled?14:01
areels1Slart: http://www.moviecodec.com/topics/48657p1.html14:01
Akshey ubottu do u know how to install plugins for amarok ?14:01
ActionParsnip1Aks: just ask14:01
AksActionParsnip1: i dont have internet on my pc14:02
Aksbut i cant install plugins for amarok14:02
shadesla1erleestables: got disconnected14:02
=== Exx0r is now known as Extremist
leestablesSo all my files, docs, images, music I want to transfer onto Ubuntu and get rid of windows all together14:02
ActionParsnip1Aks: you can use aptoncd to download debs on another pc14:02
ActionParsnip1Aks: or configure a connection14:03
shadesla1erleestables: ok there is an option in the installer to import everything (in the documents folder etc)14:03
Slartareels1: well.. from that post it sounds like you're out of luck..14:03
leestablesis that when you install the full version, has this version is placed alongside Vista at the moment ?14:04
schone_ActionParsnip1, http://paste.ubuntu.com/187368/14:04
shadesla1erleestables: sorry ?? i cant understand you14:04
tiyowanRandy1: You still there?14:04
areels1oh god14:04
mobi-sheepjimqode: "gksudo nvidia-settings" ?14:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openvz14:05
ActionParsnip1schone_: here's mine (I use jaunty) http://pastebin.com/f5c033b6214:05
areels1Proprietary DVR14:05
leestablesI mean i install ubuntu inside vista so i can still work on vista at the moment but i want everything transferring to ubuntu form vista but do i do a fresh install ?14:05
graelinleestables: Yes.. if you are in liveCD, when you install to disk, one option is to import settings from other oses14:05
jimqodemobi-sheep, my display adapter is an intel GM96514:05
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
jbldanybody can plz help me in installing the "preferences->sessions" menù in gdm ?14:05
mobi-sheepjimqode: You enabled the hardware drivers, right?14:05
ActionParsnip1schone_: add the lines that specify multiverse to your sources.list file14:05
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leestablesgraelin: thanks usefull info, but do i lose anything ?14:06
ActionParsnip1schone_: then run: sudo apt-get update14:06
mobi-sheepjimqode: Well, just run the command and see if you get Nvidia window.14:06
AksActionParsnip1: i thing its not a plugin software or something14:06
leestablesand what's liveCD ?14:06
Akshow do i download them on windows14:06
ActionParsnip1Aks: then whats happening whenyou attempt to play media?14:06
shadeslayerleestables: you can try ubuntu without affecting windows14:06
jimqodemobi-sheep, intel cards come with an open source driver, it doesn't have a propiatery driver. since nvidia drivers are not installed, idon't have the command nvidia-settings14:06
graelinleestables: when you install, you'll need to partition off some space for Ubuntu. You shouldn't lose anything. Windows partition won't be touched14:06
Aksit says u need to install ffmpeg plugins14:06
=== JNSamuel is now known as words
mobi-sheep!livecd | leestables14:07
ubottuleestables: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.14:07
Aksi have 9.04 installed in windows14:07
=== words is now known as JNSamuel
eurythmiaholy crap: http://www.warehousecomic.com/index.php14:07
Aksgot it shipped14:07
leestablescool, but then once i decide to get rid of windows will all my files etc still be on in ubuntu ?14:07
ActionParsnip1Aks: then search the repos for the ffmpeg codec and install it via a deb14:07
leestablesdoes the downloaded version act same as LiveCD then ?14:07
graelinleestables: yes.. the tool just copies files over14:07
Akscan u suggest me any appropriate link if u are free a bit14:08
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leestablescool... thanks all who helped, just need to figure out how to get wireless connection now14:08
schone_ActionParsnip1, THANKS!!! awesome14:08
graelinleestables: I presume that you booted ubuntu from the cd you burned from the file you downloaded.14:08
leestablesgraelin: yes that's right14:09
ActionParsnip1Aks: you need libxine1-ffmpeg libxine-extracodecs and that will sort you out14:09
mobi-sheepIs there a command that will list all MAC address / local IP address on my network?14:09
ActionParsnip1schone_: you're sources sucked basically :) np man :)14:09
subutux<mobi-sheep> yes nbtscan14:10
ActionParsnip1mobi-sheep: you can look in your router, it will tell you there14:10
leestablesI can't understand why I can't connect wireless, I have just connected to my neighbours internet wireless but can't connect to mine!!!14:10
subutux<mobi-sheep> its in the repos14:10
leestablesplus It shows all wireless connections within my street14:10
Aksthanx ActionParsnip1 , u are a life saver man14:10
subutux<mobi-sheep> just use it like this : nbtscan 192.168.X.0/2414:11
subutuxand it scans your network for ip's and MACs14:11
Randy1tiyowan: im sorry! i stepped out but im back14:11
ActionParsnip1Aks: simple websearch, msn knows much :)14:11
mobi-sheepsubutux: 24 --> as in up to 192.168.X.24 ?14:11
subutux<mobi-sheep> note: only MACs from windows pc's are viewable14:11
subutux<mobi-sheep> nope14:12
graelinmobi-sheep: /24 as in a CIassless routing addressing14:12
leestablesgraelin: so i just re-install has the Try option then ?14:12
subutuxsorry was a typo14:12
tiyowanRandy1: Dang it. I closed the browser window. I found something.14:12
leestableshas a pose to inside Windows ?14:12
Mowok. does ubuntu even come with glmatrix package anymore?14:13
ActionParsnip1!info glmatrix14:13
ubottuPackage glmatrix does not exist in jaunty14:13
ActionParsnip1Mow: i think its part of glx-screensavers-extra14:13
Mowis it possable to get it to work on it?14:13
subutux<mobi-sheep> to make it easier for u to understand, use it with a range like this: nbtscan 192.168.X.0-25514:13
Mowno I tried that...14:13
subutux<mobi-sheep>scans from 0 to 25514:14
graelinleestables: You'll need to partition your drive... definately read through an install guide if you are unclear on how to do that/what that is. but yes... booting withthe live cd should have an install icon on the desktop.. run that and it'll ask a few questions, and assist with partitioning14:14
mobi-sheepsubutux, graelin:  Thanks.  I realized the "media center" machine is not plugged in.14:14
=== swiatOFF is now known as Swiatecki
Randy1tiyowan: can you get it back in your history?14:14
leestablesGraelin: your a diamond, so how long you been using Ubuntu ?14:14
eremiteI just did that with a LIVE CD and kept windows, with no hassle.  All files are fine and I can even access my windows files by mounting the drive.14:14
Mowso..there arnt any matrix themes that I can find that work and I cant make my own...14:14
leestablesand what's your views on it14:14
graelinif you screw up the partitioning, you run the risk of blowing away windows so be sure you understand what it is you are doing14:14
PiciMow: glmatrix is in the xscreensaver-gl package14:14
tiyowanRandy1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom - check out BCM4306 (Rev 3)14:15
MowI dont have that package for some reason..14:15
Pici!info xscreensaver-gl14:15
ubottuxscreensaver-gl (source: xscreensaver): GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver. In component main, is optional. Version 5.07-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1908 kB, installed size 4808 kB14:15
ActionParsnip1Mow: try xscreensaver-gl and xscreensaver-gl-extra14:15
ActionParsnip1!find xscreensaver-gl14:15
ubottuFound: xscreensaver-gl, xscreensaver-gl-extra14:15
Mownothing comes up..14:16
ActionParsnip1Mow: how do you mean?14:16
Mowit just says command not found14:16
PiciMow: What are you doing?14:16
tiyowanRandy1: You're using 9.04 right?14:16
ActionParsnip1Mow: sudo apt-get installxscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gl-extra14:16
Mowtrying to run glmatrix as wallpaper14:16
Randy1tiyowan: yeah14:16
ActionParsnip1Mow:  sudo apt-get install xscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gl-extra14:17
Randy1tiyowan: what is it you want me to do with this website?14:17
tiyowanRandy1: Ok. Go to System -> Admin. -> Hardware Drivers.14:17
tiyowanRandy1: Do you see a B43 driver listed?14:17
Mownow it says invalid installxscreensaver-gl..14:17
Mownvm got it14:17
Randy1tiyowan: its says its activated and currently in use14:17
dixsona have a doubt, If a make "sync" all data in the cache-disk is record in the hd ? (sorry for my englihs)14:18
Mowok now what?..14:18
Mowit download that14:18
tiyowanRandy1: Ok. Could you tell me what ndiswrapper -l says?14:18
PiciMow: the screensavers are not in your path, you cannot execute them by name. use the absolute path instead: /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix14:18
Randy1tiyowan: it says ndiswrapper is currently not installed14:19
Mowok see I thought I had to do it by name...14:19
Mowthat works now... thanks14:19
leestablesso hows is everyone feeling about Ubuntu, anyone using it fulltime has a pose to Windows or Mac14:19
=== Swiatecki is now known as swiatOFF
tiyowanRandy1: Okay, what about ls /lib/firmware/b43. Pastebin the results.14:20
mmm4m5mquestion please: how to stop ntpd? Do I need it? My time settings does not use 'update from time server'. Are there other programs which could need ntpd? Thanks in advance.14:20
Guthurboot is hanging with a corrupt display, i had just installed the x-org ati driver and i'm nearly sure thats the issue, any ideas/links to solutions for reverting to software emulation, remember i can't boot in to ubuntu either14:20
augustowebdanyone could teact me how I can save the output "watch free" into the file, ei., output.file?14:20
Randy1tiyowan: it says its not a directory14:20
Randy1tiyowan: i take that back it just says its a directory14:21
mobi-sheepaugustowebd: Use the output command?  watch free > lol.txt14:21
graelinGuthur: boot into live cd.. mount partition with /etc and edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually14:21
tiyowanRandy1: Okay...try these. 1. sudo rmmod b43 2. sudo modprobe b4314:21
graelinGuthur: use vga for a driver14:21
guymanhmm, how do i get into #kubuntu with mibbit?  flood-bot keeps hijacking me and not letting me go to #kubuntu, only here14:21
mobi-sheepaugustowebd: Nevermind.  It's an ongoing process.14:22
Guthur graelin, thanks will give that ago14:22
Piciguyman: Please try again, I have added an exception for you.14:22
graelinGuthur: that should get you back in anyway14:22
Randy1tiyowan: ok i did14:22
Guthuris that the the try ubuntu option on the install menu of the CD14:22
PerryAmrstronghey can anyone tell me how i can extract tar.xz file14:22
Guthuror do i need an different ISO14:22
guymanthanks Pici14:22
mobi-sheep!tar | PerryAmrstrong14:22
ubottuPerryAmrstrong: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:22
karthikehey how to focus on equalizeroption in ubuntu  for better clarity of sound14:23
leestablescan you still adobe reader on ubuntu ?14:23
tiyowanRandy1: Ok. Now iwlist wlan0 scan14:23
rdzis it possible to disable journal for a hfs+ partition on ubuntu?14:23
graelinGuthur: yep.. it'll boot up to ubuntu desktop14:23
augustowebdmobi-sheep: yes I know, but I need to run this process for some time and the end I've to analise it.14:23
PerryAmrstrongmobi-sheep; its tar.xz   ......check properly14:23
mmm4m5manyone, about ntp/ntpd pls?14:23
mobi-sheepPerryAmrstrong: Read the link.14:23
Guthurgraelin or thanks again :)14:23
Randy1tiyowan: no scan results!14:23
Smk666hi, i have a little problem with installing ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix14:23
tiyowanRandy1: Okay. Please pastebin: dmesg | grep b4314:24
rblstcan anyone help me with hp laserjet 1018 in intrepid?14:24
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Picimmm4m5m: If you have no need for syncronizing time, then you do not need it running14:24
resno!ask Smk666:14:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask Smk666:14:24
Smk666i got a fujitsu Stylistic tablet pc, and when entering graphical mode it shows some garbage and that's all14:24
graelinAnyone know a way to speed up rip/encoding dvd's to H.264 OGMRip does the job, but seems slow... 2-3 hours per dvd is gonna take me forever to get through all my dvds14:24
resnoSmk666: ask!14:25
Randy1tiyowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187379/14:25
LoneWlfso, having read the release notes and gone thru the performance fixing steps, my X is still locking on initialization... I'm not sure where to go from here14:25
resnoi suck with the bot commands :(14:25
graelinand I've never actually been able to get into handbrake14:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:25
mobi-sheepgraelin: Encoding is not something you can do in few minutes.14:25
iFakewhere's ubuntuita server?14:25
mobi-sheepiFake: #ubuntu-server ?14:25
mmm4m5mPici: how to stop it? in service settings 'ntp' is NOT checked. But there is 'ntpd' process14:25
karthikehey is there any EQUALIZER option in ubuntu14:25
Slartkarthike: not system wide, no14:26
Smk666I think it's an intel 830 gfx issue14:26
marcielBom Dia Pessoal14:26
Smk666but i don't know how to alter the installer to use different resolution14:27
leestablesgoing back to my wireless connection i have posed this http://paste.ubuntu.com/187381/ to see if this helps anyone help me....14:27
karthikemine mother board is gigabyte 94514:27
Smk666screen is 1024x76814:27
augustowebdmobi-sheep: after, how I can read the output file?14:27
tiyowanRandy1: Everything seems to be all right. 9.04 uses the newer b43 package, and that supports your card. Have you tried rebooting?14:27
mmm4m5mPici: ntpd is not very big problem, but I want to know how to manage such things (I know I have to be careful coz many things are kind of advanced settings)14:27
marcielalguem pode me ajudar com uma rede que não segura a configuração no Ubuntu14:27
Smk666vga=771 switch doesnt work14:27
Randy1tiyowan: just to make everything clear, rebooting means to just restart the computer correct?14:28
tiyowanRandy1: Yeah.14:28
Randy1tiyowan: i havent tried rebooting since you gave me the new commands, shall i try it?14:28
mobi-sheepaugustowebd: I don't know.  You might want to check "watch --help" or "man watch" to find verbose logging or something similar.14:28
rblstcan anyone help me with hp laserjet 1018 in intrepid? it does not print anything although it seems ready14:28
tiyowanRandy1: Would be a good idea.14:29
Randy1tiyowan: ill brb then14:29
augustowebdmobi-sheep: ok man, i'll try again...14:29
Picimmm4m5m: Hm.. I'm not sure whats starting that.14:30
jawaI have an 8gig sd card, 400megs won't get formated.. I tried Gparted to partition and format the entire 8gig to recover all the space, but it only shows 7.46 gigs and won't let me wipe the entire disk.. ideas? Tried gparted14:31
Smk666it's normal14:31
Picimmm4m5m: Its not running here for me, but this is a server, and I've modified my services in the past.14:31
Smk666vendors count 1GB as 8000000000 bytes14:31
graelinjawa: Some space gets used for the partition tables and other inside fs stuff14:32
jawaI see14:32
WhitorUbuntu is awesome. Thanks for the support and such a wonderful os environment. keep up the good work.14:32
Smk666and computers as 2*1024*1024*1024 bytes14:32
jawaso 400 megs just isn't there then...14:32
jawathat is stupid14:32
MaximoWhitor: Wepa @nice14:32
rblstcan anyone help me with hp laserjet 1018 in intrepid? it does not print anything although it seems ready14:32
mmm4m5mPici: thank you anyway. I remember, some program told "ntp required"... now if I mark for uninstall, it does not ask to remove other programs. Anyway, will leave it as is. So "Services settings" is the correct place where I have to manage such things?14:32
Smk666@jawa count: 2*1024^3 - 800000000014:32
mobi-sheepjawa: 8GB sounds better in marketing.  Who would want to  buy 7.46GB card? :o14:33
amirki'm trying to 'apt-get install mysql-server-5.1' but i ran into problems. i get action "start" failed. how can i get more information about the error?14:33
graelinjawa: contrary to popular belief... computers don't work by magic there is a reason for it however stupid it seems14:33
jawa@amirk,, is another version of SQL running?14:33
Randy1tiyowan: nope14:33
Picimmm4m5m: It sounds like you're in the right place.14:34
amirkjawa: no. i stopped and purged mysql-5.014:34
mmm4m5mPici: thank you14:34
tiyowanRandy1: Pastebin ifconfig once again please.14:34
xteejxHey guys, does the USB Startup Disk Creator in Admin allow you to upgrade the USB system install, i.e. upgrade the packages saved on it? If not, how would I do that?14:34
rblst!mysql | amirk14:34
ubottuamirk: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:34
petllamahow would i format the quotes in: su postgres -c 'psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'pass'"' ? im getting syntax errors14:35
win_nux_nethi everyone I have a problem with the resolution reverse dns server in my ubuntu 9.04 server if you have an idea please help Thanks14:35
petllamasomeone mentioned terminating the quotes with / or something, i was too tired to remember :x14:35
mobi-sheep!usb | xteejx14:36
ubottuxteejx: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:36
Mowhow can I run glmatrix as my wallpaper..Ive looked around for awile and tried every command14:36
MowI have it now though..14:36
mobi-sheepxteejx: You're talking about persistent live USB install?14:36
Randy1tiyowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187384/14:36
win_nux_nethi everyone I have a problem with the resolution reverse dns server in my ubuntu 9.04 server if you have an idea please help  me Thanks14:36
xteejxmobi-sheep, I am aware of the persistent install, what I'm asking is, does it allow itself to be upgraded, considering it's basicaly a Live CD?14:36
dhrubaI have configured a server with LDAP. But when I am giving command ldapadduser <user> <group> it is saying - Error adding user <user> to LDAP. What could be the problem?14:36
tiyowanRandy1: And iwlist wlan0 scan lists no results?14:37
amirkok it was because of configuration directive... it works now thanks14:37
mmm4m5mPici: I check ntp and then uncheck it and looks like it is fixed (maybe some config file)14:37
mmm4m5mPici: will see after reboot14:37
Randy1tiyowan: that is correct14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glmatrix14:38
graelindhruba: sudo maybe?14:38
mobi-sheepxteejx: If you're using Ubuntu USB Startup Creator... to install a computer (netbooks specifically) with no cdrom support, the packages may be outdated but it'll be updated upon it's connected to Internet.14:38
win_nux_netsalut tout le monde j ai un probleme avec la resolution inverse de dns dans mon serveur ubuntu server 9.04 si vous avez une idée veillez m aider Merci14:38
dhrubaNo. I am already in sudo14:38
m3nthalI wonder if somebody could help me... In need a shell program, which would allow to lunch some programme only once a day14:38
Jack_SparrowMow please  /msg ubottu querry.. so you dont spam the channel with your own requests.. ty14:38
mobi-sheep!cron | m3nthal14:38
ubottum3nthal: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:38
tiyowanRandy1: Hmmm. Do you know the details of your network? Like it's name/security? We could try connecting through the command-line. And pastebin lshw -C network14:38
xteejxmobi-sheep, basically I want a real Ubuntu install, exactly functional like it, but on a USB drive, saveable, upgradeable, etc ,etc14:38
m3nthalmobi-sheep no no, using only shell language14:39
graelinm3nthal: cron14:39
mobi-sheepxteejx: You want to be able to stick USB in and boot Ubuntu, right?  Yup.  Persistent USB. :O14:39
Mowyes sorry just ive read like every forum I can find on google and like none of them are any help...14:39
Jack_Sparrowm3nthal Please /join #bash or a different channel that does programming14:39
Randy1tiyowan: i do know the details of the wireless router im trying to connect to. lets try connecting through the command line. ill work that pastebin14:39
mobi-sheepxteejx: That goes same for updates.  Everything saveable.14:39
m3nthalJack_Sparrow thx14:39
RomDI used gparted to convert my fat32 disk to ntfs. the conversion took about 3 seconds and was successful, but now my whole disk is empty. is there a way to restore the filetable?14:40
xteejxmobi-sheep, ahh ok thats what i wanted, just intrepid liked messing itself up on usb lol14:40
Jack_Sparrowm3nthal There is also the abs-guide for help with bash14:40
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide14:40
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (jaunty), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB14:40
Randy1tiyowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187389/14:40
mobi-sheepm3nthal: Write all functions in your script.  Use cron to execute the shell script.14:40
BrutusUnixA server will SAS drives.   Will a SATA drive work on the SAS server?14:41
Smk666Does anybody know how to solve my problem?14:41
tiyowanRandy1: One sec.14:41
dhrubaDo anyone has a solution for my problem?14:41
Whitormissed the problem ...14:42
dhrubaI have configured a server with LDAP. But when I am giving command ldapadduser <user> <group> it is saying - Error adding user <user> to LDAP. What could be the problem?14:42
Jack_Sparrowdhruba Smk666 Please repeat the problem every few minutes instead of the Help Me posts, thanks14:42
Smk666On Tablet PC with intel 830 gfx installer shows garbage on screen after entering graphical mode in 9.0414:42
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.14:43
tiyowanRandy1: Is the network you're trying to connect to WEP? Or open?14:43
Whitordhruba, Doesn't sound like an ubuntu prob ... check out #ldap channel14:43
xteejx!bugs | smk66614:43
ubottusmk666: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:43
Randy1it uses a wep or a wpa14:43
Smk666yeah, but i cant even run the installer nor live cd in safe mode14:43
Randy1the password is alpha numerical and 8 digits long.14:44
xteejxsmk666, file it in LP14:44
Jack_SparrowSmk666 Is this a real cd or some usb or iso equal14:44
Randy1tiyowan: the password is alpha numerical and 8 digits long14:44
tiyowanRandy1: Okay. Let's try connecting to the network which has WEP security.14:48
=== jonathan is now known as jonathaN
badguyhow can i rotate my desktop ???14:56
badguycan anyone tell me ???14:56
exodus_msbadguy, ^^14:56
cabreybadguy, can you clairfy?14:56
chris_osxbadguy; rotate your screen14:56
SirStanbadguy: put your left hand on the left sideof your monitor, adn the right andh on the right.14:56
SirStanbadguy: slowly rotate your ahnds in a clockwise fassion14:56
cabreytoo late14:56
SirStanstop when you've hti the appropriate rotation14:56
dani__mobi-sheep: I use aMSN now, but have a awful lots of annoying trouble with it. 1- it keeps disconnecting. 2- 15% of my messages I sent are returned with a red delivery failure error message, so I actually never know for sure if a message I send it getting recieved.14:56
PrankaSirStan: Lol, that's a good advice.14:57
petllamahow would i format the quotes in: su postgres -c 'psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'pass'"' ? im getting syntax errors?14:57
MyrttiSirStan: hint from a long time regular: if you don't have anything worthwhile to say, don't.14:57
SirStandani___: meebo.com14:57
mobi-sheepdani__: What of pidgin?14:57
areels1how can i start computer browser natilius from terminal?14:57
mobi-sheepareels1: nautilus14:57
=== areels1 is now known as areels
Smk666Ok, i'll post comment with the problem. I some of the comments someone wrote that this tablet works with external screen only14:57
SirStanSmk666: what tablet?14:58
cabreydani__, try empathy if you don't like pidgin14:58
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exodus_msuh oh14:58
cobra-the-jokerHey there guys ...how can i update my ubuntu system ?14:58
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ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:58
exodus_mssudo apt-get update14:58
petllamasudo apt-get upgrade14:58
cabreycobra-the-joker, System > Administration > Update Manager14:58
forceflowupdate = bring all the packages up to date in your current distribution14:58
Smk666@ SirStan Fujitsu Stylistic ST412114:58
mobi-sheepdani__: "apt-cache search msn"  will give you a list of packages relating to msn.14:59
forceflowupgrade = upgrade to a possibly newer distributuion14:59
samitheberberhow can I boot live cd from grub?14:59
cabreyforceflow, upgrade = bring all the packages up to date in your current distro14:59
cabreyupdate = update package lits14:59
exodus_mserr distribution? you mean package?14:59
cabreylists *14:59
dani__tiyowan: did not find kopete in synaptic14:59
Myrttiforceflow: you've got your facts wonky14:59
mobi-sheepdani__: Keep in mind -- they support msn -- which does not necessarily mean they have all features you're looking for.  just read the description. ;)14:59
dani__cabrey: did not find smsn in synaptic15:00
Myrttiforceflow: update only updates the package information in your computer, it doesn't update/upgrade any software15:00
cabreydani__, not smsn, empathy :)15:00
Myrttiforceflow: upgrade updates the installed packages to the newest possible version for your release version15:00
Myrttiforceflow: for upgrading to a newer release, different kind of magic is applied.15:00
tiyowandani__: It's the KDE im.15:01
spaceninjawhy does the php package require apache stuff?15:01
cabreyforceflow, dist-upgrade is what you're thinking of15:01
=== funkyHat` is now known as funkyHat
exodus_mscobra-the-joker, why are you asking about updating? is there a package you want and can't find or are you just curious as to how to keep your system up-to-date?15:01
dani__mobi-sheep: pidgin is too undeveloped. It also keeps disconnecting, but besides of that, I misses tons of basic features I like, like webcam, invites and nuke.15:01
SirStanspaceninja: 'php' assumes you want the web-server version of PHP.15:02
cobra-the-jokeri just got the internet at my home ...so i thought that updating would be nice15:02
Myrttidani__: you didn't find amsn?15:02
cabreydani__, I doubt you're going to get a webcam feature on any client, the MSN protocol is closed15:02
n0geardo i need any extra packages to play DVDs in vlc player? now i just did apt-get instal vlc15:02
mobi-sheep!apache | spaceninja15:02
ubottuspaceninja: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:02
SirStanspaceninja: Install 'php5-cli' if you just wan the command line version.15:02
dixsonsomeone knows the difference between rndc reload zone and reload refresh ?15:03
mobi-sheep!info apache2 | spaceninja15:03
Picimobi-sheep: Was that necessary?15:03
ubottuspaceninja: apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 44 kB, installed size 100 kB15:03
Myrttispaceninja: php-cli doesn't need apache, iirc15:03
mobi-sheepPici: Pointing out what apache2 does.15:03
graelinn0gear: You'll probably need the ubuntu-restricted-extras package too.. has all the neat codecs and such15:03
Picimobi-sheep: No one asked.15:03
exodus_mscobra-the-joker, in the terminal type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   it will advise you of any updates out there according to what you have enabled in your sources.list15:03
spaceninjaok thanks15:03
opopgood morning bunters!15:03
cabreyexodus_ms, it is best to point them to a GUI tool15:03
cobra-the-jokerexodus_ms ...nice15:04
JediMasterhi guys, I've got a 9.04 server running on a remote machine, the load is so high that it's stopping web pages from being served, causing a backlog that is making the load go higher. I have an ssh session open but it's so slow that 10 minutes later the "uptime" command has only just told me that the load is at 86.015:04
* SirStan gives cabrey the evil eye15:04
exodus_mscabrey, according to who?15:04
SirStanJediMaster: vps?15:04
JediMasterIs there anything I can do other than a remote hard reset?15:04
cabreyexodus_ms, the ubuntu philsophy, that's who15:04
Paddy_EIREcabrey: no its not15:04
cabreyexodus_ms, Linux for "Human Beings"15:04
Paddy_EIRE!ot | cabrey15:04
ubottucabrey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:04
JediMasterSirStan: no, full machine15:04
exodus_ms!ot > cabrey15:04
MyrttiPaddy_EIRE: akshully... it kinda is... anyway, offtopic, move along!15:05
ubottucabrey, please see my private message15:05
* cabrey facepalms15:05
SirStanJediMaster: kill the offending process?15:05
SirStanJediMaster: and install monit15:05
Paddy_EIREMyrtti: I see nothing about gui's in the ubuntu philosophy.. but meh.. moving along15:05
JediMastersirstan: I can't kill the processes because it's taking too long to get ps up15:05
MyrttiPaddy_EIRE: *kinda*15:05
SirStanJediMaster: then reboot the machine15:05
dani__Myrtti: I have tried aMSN, but its too buggy as I told... I'm trying empathy now.15:05
dani__cabrey: alright, so empathy doesn't even support showing avatars ?15:05
JediMastereven killall -9 apache2 just isn't doing anything 10 min later15:05
cabreydani__, It does for me...15:06
Myrttidani__: I'm pretty sure you will not find anything "as good" as amsn for your msn needs.15:06
opopi haven't seen any updates to device-mapper or libdmraid in a while.  anyone seen any news on upstream fixes?15:06
* exodus_ms is waiting for when cabrey advise someone to "open a terminal by going to..."15:06
SirStanopen a terminal by pressing alt + f2 and typing xtern15:07
JediMasterSirStan: that's what I figured, I'm trying ssh root@hostname "killall -9 apache2" so that less has to get executed before it starts killing stuff, but looks like it's freezing all the same15:07
dani__Myrtti: I have been using aMSN for a while, but have a awful lots of annoying trouble with it. 1- it keeps disconnecting. 2- 15% of my messages I sent are returned with a red delivery failure error message, so I actually never know for sure if a message I send it getting recieved.15:07
SirStanJediMaster: ok?15:07
kohwjhi, is anyone here from menlo college?15:07
Myrttidani__: empathy uses pretty much the same stuff for connecting to msn network as pidgin does, so it wouldn't support webcam for msn - perhaps for google talk, but not msn15:07
JediMasterSirStan: would do if the server wasn't 150 miles away15:07
JediMasterSirStan and no remote KVM15:07
=== sammy is now known as Guest36488
SirStanJediMaster: then I suggest you buy a new dedicated server and jettison the old.15:08
JediMasterSirStan: it's a dual processor dual core xeon15:08
JediMasterit's no small fry15:08
markkuHi, can some1 help to get mirc or xhat messages on g15 lcd screen ?15:09
SirStanJediMaster: great time to upgrade an old server..15:09
Myrttimarkku: huh?!15:09
JediMasterlol, yeah, I've been trying to convince the boss to15:09
SirStanJediMaster: if you cant remotely issue a reboot -- what more do you want me to say?15:09
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
JediMasterI can do a remote reboot15:09
areelshow can i make vlc default player?15:09
markkuyeah u can do it on windows15:09
SirStanJediMaster: is this a dell poweredge?15:09
v3ctorJediMaster: is it getting that high load off apache only or is there some other backend application running behind apache?15:09
JediMasterbut it's my very last option15:09
JediMasterSirStan: not actually sure what brand it is15:09
Myrttimarkku: have you tried asking your question in #ubuntu-fi?15:10
cabreymarkku, System > Preferences > Preferred Applications15:10
SirStanJediMaster: well if it isnt responsive to any commands.. im not sure what else you think we can suggest.15:10
JediMasterv3ctor: I think the problem is that there's also video encoding going on at the same time (mencoder) but the trouble is I can't kill any processes as it just takes too long15:10
dani__Myrtti: okay... Lack of webcam isn't the worst problem, but that it constantly keeps disconnecting, and many of my messages are sent in return with a delivery failure notice. That is the number uno reason I can't stand using aMSN anymore.15:10
dani__Myrtti: pidgin also disconnects more than it should btw.15:10
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
Myrttidani__: have you considered that the error might be with the network, not the client?15:11
SirStandani__: I never get msn disconnects in pidgin/amsn15:11
tiyowanHas anyone used the AWUS036H drivers using ndiswrapper with 9.04?15:12
dani__Myrtti: not impossible. I'm wireless connected, but it doesn't happen when I switch to Windows on the same comp.15:13
god0fgodHello, I came on here wondering if anyone could understand my problem. Whenever gdm loads at the login screen, the login screen constantly restarts (Maybe all of gdm?). I don't get chance to login or anything. I tried to load kdm instead (I changed the default display manager). Kdm doesn't load.15:13
guymandani__: i use pidgin for msn, never had an issue15:13
RomDI used gparted to convert my fat32 disk to ntfs. the conversion took about 3 seconds and was successful, but now my whole disk is empty. is there a way to restore the filetable?15:13
SirStanRomD: .. why on earth did you use gparted to do that15:14
SirStanRomD: and .. why on earth were you playing with partition tools without a full backup15:14
RomDSirStan: because I considered it a good tool15:14
MyrttiRomD: what made you think that *converting* would be anything else than reformatting it - thus erasing the partition?15:14
dani__guyman, SirStan: its probably the wireles connection here in ubuntu then. It must be related to ubuntu, because it works fine in Windows on this same computer15:14
RomDSirStan: my life doesn't depend on the files, but it would be nice to have them back15:14
Prankadani__: Does your wireless connection disconnect or Pidgin?15:15
RomDMyrtti: because I converted countless fat32 disks to ntfs on windows without problems15:15
tiyowanRomD: Converted?15:15
RomDtiyowan: well change the file system15:16
SirStanChange the file system != converted15:16
* tiyowan sighs.15:16
dani__Pranka, pidgin disconnects and reconnects several times/hour. Probably it's because of the wireless connection which probably keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.15:16
Myrttidani__: so the problem is in the wireless, not the clients - what wifi adapter do you have?15:16
Prankadani__: I had the same problem, but that's because of the Wireless connection, not Pidgin.15:16
JediMasterdoes networking come up before drives are mounted (e.g. disk checks)?15:16
JediMasteras I can ping the machine after a hard reset, but no ssh yet15:17
SirStanJediMaster: traditionally yes15:17
JediMasternm, it's come up now, 4 minutes instead of the normal 45 sec reboot15:17
Slart_RomD: gparted only has menu options for "format to".. but that's a bit besides the point.. you can try.. testdisk.. to see if you can recover the parttiion.. or photorec to recover files15:17
tehborizmaybe can someone explain to my why pulseaudio sucks so much? alsa ftw.15:18
dani__Myrtti, 01:06.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g15:18
Myrttitehboriz: this is support channel, not general "this sux, tell me why"-channel15:18
dani__Pranka, how did you make your wireless connection stable ?15:18
Slart_tehboriz: pulseaudio and alsa isn't alternatives to each other15:18
Prankadani__: By sitting next to it.15:18
SirStanRaLink?  Thats a good quality adapter.15:18
diamadiazall: I have a problem with atp-get, because can't connect to security.ubuntu.com, the server it's gutsy (7.10). Any idea15:18
tehborizMyrtti: maybe i'm doing it wrong... because nothing works with pulseaudio15:18
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.15:19
Slart_diamadiaz: see that "end of life" date? that means the repos will close and so on15:19
tehborizSlart_: how come every linux installation i have to change all the config files to alsa to make flash sound work?15:19
RomDSlart_: yeah right, guess I didn't quite pay attention to what it actually said and just assumed that it did the right thing. I tried those tools, but I hoped for an easier solution. I'll check if testdisk manages to restore the partition.15:20
tehborizseriously it can't be that hard, i see some quality programming in my kubuntu, but flash just kills the mood15:20
dani__Pranka, by moving your comp close to the router?15:20
graelintehboriz: Thats not an alsa/pulse thing.. thats a flash on linux sux thing15:20
=== jonathaN- is now known as jonathaN
Prankadani__: I'm using a laptop, so in order to keep a stable connection, I had to move closer to the wireless router.15:20
jonaskoelkerHi all.  Question: I'd like to run a script whenever I plug my TV into my computer.  How do I go about this?15:20
RomDI thought about booting into windows and doing it there. tough luck I decided against it ;)15:20
OEPDoes anyone here use the stock Ubuntu Eclipse package and the Subclipse plugin? I had issues installing it via Eclipse software update and was wondering if others have too.15:20
tehborizgraelin: imho should be preconfigured :) but good answer15:20
teddy_kgbem...the italian chan?  :)15:21
jonaskoelkerIs that an event that's published somewhere (dbus?), or do I poll, or... what?15:21
S33PlusPlusis there a boot flag to suppress IPv6?15:21
Slart_tehboriz: I don't know.. was I supposed to?15:21
dani__Pranka, alrigt, I use a desktop. And it shouldnt be neccessary to move it either, because the connection is stable in Windows on this comp.15:21
dani__Pranka, unless Windows has better networking than ubuntu.15:21
Slart_diamadiaz: yes?15:21
SirStandani__: it does.   we are sorry.15:21
diamadiaz<Slart_>: Where i see this?15:21
here4thegearQuick (I hope) question. I have a live server (that I did not set up) that I have only remote (SSH) access to. I want to make an image of this server that I can install to a local dev system so that everything is matched up. How can I accomplish this?15:21
Prankadani__: I doubt that's the case.15:21
Slart_!7.10 | diamadiaz15:21
ubottudiamadiaz: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.15:21
jonaskoelkerS33PlusPlus: suppress ipv6 where?  If "everywhere", I'd guess not...15:22
OEPhere4thegear: We use clonezilla live at my workplace. I've been pretty satisfied with it.15:22
cabreyS33PlusPlus, not yet, I believe it is coming in 2.6.2915:22
tehboriznvm Slart_ i guess i should give arch a try later15:22
S33PlusPlusnot "everywhere". Just on a single interface.15:22
OEPhere4thegear: Oh but you are talking about without unbooting the server15:23
god0fgodSince, I doubt anyone will ever be able to fix my problem, how can I load into a display manager from a console, properly. Maybe I don't understand how to do it with kdm.15:23
diamadiaz<Slart_> : ok, this mean that i need update the release??15:23
Slart_diamadiaz: if you want updates, yes15:23
here4thegearOEP: Correct. There is no traffic to the server at this point, either.15:23
cabreydiamadiaz, just upgrade to 8.0415:23
=== sammy is now known as Guest18726
OEPhere4thegear: perhaps you could disk dump (command is 'dd') an image15:24
here4thegearOEP: thanks, I will check that out.15:24
cabreyhere4thegear, you would have to dump to another hard drive on the syste15:25
Winkieso, i've been trying to install ubuntu through FAI, but i have come across numerous rather troubling errors15:25
Aliasawhar is aircrack?15:25
OEPyou can dump over network15:25
Winkiedoes anyone here happen to have ubuntu installing with FAI? Jaunty is the only kernel i know of that will boot15:25
diamadiaz<Slart_> : ok, how can change the release with out reinstall Ubuntu?15:25
WinkieI really don't want to have to use debian again because my users get quite confused with 'iceweasel'15:25
cabreyOEP, true, though it would be significantly slower15:26
dsdeizi have already compiled a package from source, can i apply a patch to it still?15:26
Myrttidsdeiz: no15:26
cabreydsdeiz, no, patch and recompile15:26
Slart_diamadiaz: you need to replace your upgrade servers in /etc/apt/sources.lst with old-releases.ubuntu.com .. then follow the howto you get by typing !upgrade15:26
=== IRConan_ is now known as IRConan
dsdeizoh, how can i recompile?15:26
dsdeizare there specific instructions?15:27
here4thegearcabrey: OEP: Great I will keep that in mind. Also, I know my server is an ubuntu server, which I'm new to (comming off of using centos). Since I didn't install it, is there an easy way to find the version and build of ubuntu that I have?15:27
dsdeizor do i simply just compile it again?15:27
diamadiazSlart_: ok, thanks a lot!!! Bye bye15:27
cabreyhere4thegear, cat /etc/lsb-release15:27
jonathanrwallacehow do i determine the filesystem of a partition?15:27
jonathanrwallacewithout checking /etc/fstab15:27
here4thegearcabrey: oerfect15:27
here4thegearer perfect15:27
Winkiejonathanrwallace: what are you trying to accomplish?15:28
v3ctorWinkie: channel #fai on irc.oftc.net15:28
Slart_jonathanrwallace: fdisk -l... gparted.. lots of tools to do it15:28
bauruine_hi, i have a problem with vlans. on 8.10 they work and are displayed with ifconfig on 9.04 they didn't show up. any ideas?15:28
jonathanrwallaceWinkie: i'm writing an init.d script to setup a swap file on an amazone EC2 AMI15:28
here4thegearthanks everyone... snuck some dayjob time to come in, so, I have to get going, but thanks so much for the help, it is much appreciated.15:28
jonathanrwallacei don't want the swap file to be in the AMI as it makes the AMI too large15:29
jonathanrwallaceSlart_: thx15:29
Winkiev3ctor: i'll pop along, i'm expecting this not to work at all though :(15:29
AryaanHi, I compiled Alsa on my own. So if I need to get back the old Alsa, do I just reinstall it from Synaptic?15:29
bauruine_if i configure a ip address they show but i didn't need any ip configurations as i just use them for vmware-server15:29
Slart_Aryaan: I think you would have to remove your own alsa too15:30
AryaanAnd how do I do that? Please tell me15:30
Slart_Aryaan: well.. that's something you need to check the documentation for..sometimes sudo make uninstall works..15:30
cabreyAryaan, sudo make uninstall in your directory but i think if you install from synaptic it will overwrite anny current files15:31
Slart_!checkinstall | Aryaan15:31
ubottuAryaan: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!15:31
AryaanOkay, thanks guys. And do anyone know a fix for the sound problem with Ati Sb400 cards?15:31
Guest52929when i have vuze open and download another torrent it opens another copy of vuze to download the newer torrent i clicked on, any way to stop multiple program openings?15:32
=== lupine_86 is now known as lupine_85
mobi-sheepGuest52929: Look in Vuze's preferences.15:33
AryaanOkay, nevermind. Bye.15:33
junior__gostaria de entra na sala brasileira15:34
junior__como fasso15:34
thebishopi'm getting more full-on X lockups in Jaunty.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Basically, I can still move the mouse but now applications respond15:35
thebishop*no applications15:35
Guest52929mobi-sheep: there is nothing in the preferences about multiple interfaces15:36
spaceninjahow do I start lighttpd?15:36
spaceninjathe rc system in debian is very confusing15:36
Pranka /dis15:36
tv7497guys was trying to patch sftp transaction entries into auth.log well had followed this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241188 and i get like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/187421/  openssh server was working pretty well before this any idea guys ?15:37
viniciuswhere can i get help for bash scripting on irc?15:37
LjLspaceninja: won't "sudo invoke-rc.d lighttpd start" work?15:37
LjLvinicius: #bash15:37
amdfanhi guys iam basically a gamer and i want to use ubuntu for opensource games but does ubuntu 9.04 has proper driver support for ati cards and amd phenom procs??15:38
viniciusLjL, i mean... if is there a bash dedicated server or something15:38
Slart_amdfan: phenom processors are no problem.. ati cards on the other hand can be tricky15:38
spaceninjaLjL: yes it worked thx15:38
tv7497guys any idea ?15:38
LjLvinicius: uh, i don't know, but the #bash channel on *this* network is pretty good.15:38
viniciusLjL, thanks =)15:39
mandihello everyone15:40
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Winkiev3ctor: thanks for the reference, quickly sorted out my issue :D15:43
kamikazeHey er der nogen herinde der kan hjælpe mig ... jeg prøvet ar installere The Sims 3 på min computer ( Linux Ubuntu ) jeg bruger Wine, men den mangler lige en sidste loadings klods, det vil sige den stopper der hver gang jeg prøver at installere det, nogen der hkan hjælpe mig ?15:43
LjL!dk | kamikaze15:44
ubottukamikaze: For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.15:44
u2pianwhy is ubuntu not including cups-config in its distro? its hard to tell via command line the cups version installed..15:44
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gee9043any ppl can help me?15:45
Winkiegee9043: plz just ask your question15:45
gee9043i need add file to root15:45
mweicherthey, I'm evaluating whether I should switch from using winbind to likewise-open. Does likewise-open provide UID-GID mapping like winbind, or do I have to purchase one of likewise's commerical products to do that?15:45
Guest52929when i have vuze open and download another torrent it opens another copy of vuze to download the newer torrent i clicked on, any way to stop multiple program openings?15:46
gee9043how to add ?15:46
cabreyGuest52929, open the torrent from within the current Vuze window15:46
git__hi ya15:47
git__i need a firefox addon that would download youtube videos15:47
cabreygit__, FlashGot15:47
Guest52929and how do i change my nickname?15:47
gee9043how add file to root?15:47
airtonixxchat wants to open links in epiphany... preferred apps is set to firefox. any ideas?15:47
cabreyGuest18726, /nick preferred_nickname_here15:48
mobi-sheepGuest52929: /nick NewNickname15:48
v3ctorgit__: also downloadhelper15:48
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git__is flashgot in apt-get?15:48
testbottugee9043 open terminal and type "sudo nautilus" and then root password. use at own risk15:49
cabreygit__, not that I know of, Firefox > Tools > Addons > Search FlashGot15:49
commandorandohow do i open torrent files in vuze?15:49
cabreycommandorando, File > Open?15:49
humecommandorando, file - open15:49
mobi-sheepcommandorando: Did you check Vuze's preferences / settings to run a single instance??15:49
iamlenekohi everybody15:49
iamlenekoi have some strange issue15:50
cabrey!ask | iamleneko15:50
ubottuiamleneko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:50
fincherwhat's a PPA?15:51
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.15:51
fincherheh.  I love seeing that.15:51
pmratpoisonhello! I need to do the following setup: I want one user to boot with the Netbook Remix interface and the other with the normal composited desktop15:51
pmratpoisonhow do I do this?15:52
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iamlenekoi have some binary on my local ubuntu, located in the var/www/ folder, that won't execute, it have the good right (chmod ugo+x) but when i launch it (./the_binary) it tells me -bash: ./request: No such file or directory:15:52
cabreypmratpoison, the one user with the normal desktop can go to System > Preferences > Switch Desktop Mode15:52
iamlenekois it bash that gone mad, or me15:53
git__download helper is very cool15:53
humeiamleneko, from where do you execute them?15:53
andreri'm trying to remove clamv from a machine, but apt is unable to remove /usr/sbin/clamd (permission denied) ... i've tried renaming the file even as root and it also says perm denied... the permissions are -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root so it should go out... Selinux is NOT enabled ... linux 6.06 box15:53
iamlenekofrom where the binary is :)15:53
v3ctoriamleneko: are you in the directory in which the binary resides?15:53
iamlenekohell yeah :)15:54
cabreyandrer, how did you install it?15:54
iamlenekoi had triple check this15:54
mobi-sheep!ohmy | iamleneko15:54
ubottuiamleneko: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:54
andrercabrey: apt15:54
iamleneko(sorry i didn't mean to be impolite at all)15:54
cabreyandrer, so use apt-get remove15:54
andrercabrey: it doesn't work15:54
mobi-sheepiamleneko: I know.  This is family-friendly channel. :)15:54
humeiamleneko, what does ls -l say?15:54
iamleneko(i am not english native talking, so maybe i could say inapopriate stuff)15:55
pmratpoisoncabrey: thnx a million! I just couldn't find the menu with all the clutter that reside's in gnome's classic menu15:55
humeiamleneko, can you paste it in the pastebin?15:55
Link23Hi, I have a video card with a yellow video plug and everything works when I start up the computer, but when ubuntu starts loading everything goes black on my tv.  Can somebody help?15:55
cabreyandrer, sudo apt-get remove clamav (or whatever package)?15:55
cabreypmratpoison, yea I agree it needs to be cleaned up :)15:55
iamlenekohume okey15:55
andrercabrey: it gets permission denied15:55
pmratpoisoncabrey: mint seems to have the right idea15:55
cabreyandrer, even with sudo?15:56
cabreyandrer, ok do a ls -l /usr/sbin/clamd15:56
tehborizhow do i make x32 apps work on x64 computer? I'm using an i7 but .deb files say wrong architecture15:56
mobi-sheep!chroot | tehboriz15:57
ubottutehboriz: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)15:57
bauruine_hi, i have a problem with vlans. on 8.10 they work and are displayed with ifconfig on 9.04 they didn't show up. any ideas?15:57
LoneWlfcabrey - hey15:57
iamlenekoi wonder if i have messed with my .bashrc conf with this account15:57
cabreymobi-sheep, he wants to run them not compile them15:57
iamlenekoi will try with another user to run it15:57
cabreyLoneWlf, good morning (or whatever time it is in your time zone)15:57
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows15:58
resnojefinc: Why cant cups be more Windows like?15:58
jefincbecause windoze is bad :P15:59
leejongwook$ groups --> leejongwook cdrom id: cannot find name for group ID 116 <-- how do i remove 116, i deleted one of the group and it keep says like that15:59
LoneWlfcabrey - oh its morning15:59
LoneWlfcabrey - no love on my 9.04 booting15:59
mven54  I have a question about my sound card which worked under intrepid ibex but not under jaunty jackalope, do I have the right channel?15:59
fccf-virtresno: cups is easy ... localhost:631 - did you know that trick15:59
ohiriamleneko: seem your binary is cgi and it expects request body from httpd. I hope you do know well who wrote it and what it do15:59
mven54The card is a sound blaster Xfi Extreme PC16:00
cabreyLoneWlf, another round of fun I guess16:00
resnofccf-virt: yes sir/mam16:00
LoneWlfcabrey - I tried everything, but what's documented appears to be locks after a screensaver, and performance issues with 3d stuff, not total loack of love16:00
jefincmven54: what is the problem?16:00
iamlenekoohir it is kind of cgi16:00
LoneWlfcabrey - I'm wondering where I can report this as a bug now16:00
humeiamleneko, can you execute other files with bash?16:00
resnoI just like plug and play.16:00
LoneWlfcabrey - I'm willing to wait for someone else to fix this at this juncture16:00
andrercabrey: sorry i was away16:00
StefanWrayneed help with smart host16:00
fccf-virtresno: sir, normally in irc we don't use gender specific16:00
andrercabrey: 60 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 54076 2009-02-28 02:20 clamd16:01
cabreyLoneWlf, have you searched launchpad?16:01
jefincmven54: have you tried the " Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide"16:01
jefincon the forums16:01
resnofccf-virt: printing always seems so troublesome. i see thanks.16:01
mven54no, enlighten me16:01
iamlenekoohir, but it is supposed to be call from shell interface16:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:01
jefincmven54: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 you are now enlightened16:01
v3ctorleejongwook: what group did you remove?16:01
leejongwookvboxusers :)16:01
cabreyandrer, is clamd running?16:01
ohiriamleneko: so do read how to debug cgis (or run this one in proper way: thru httpd request).16:01
leejongwookv3ctor: vboxusers :)16:01
iamlenekoohir, the problem is that bash tell me nonsense16:02
andrercabrey: killed it16:02
humeiamleneko, can you execute other files with bash?16:02
iamlenekoohir, i can run this piece of software on my desktop ubuntu16:02
ohiriamleneko: thats how plain cgi works, but it sets a plethora of env variables before16:02
iamlenekohume, i check if i have another custom bin16:02
humeiamleneko, try with any file, giving the absoulte path16:03
cabreyandrer, sudo aptitude remove clamav doesn't work?16:03
unixneed some help installing gfx drivers, tried the ones in the repos, off nvidias site, and restrictred hardware drivers, none work and ive never had this problem before, just reinstalled 3 days ago, used the same drivers, and nothing works now16:03
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humeiamleneko, /usr/bin/kate for instance16:03
cabreyandrer, I really am not sure what could deny root16:03
iamlenekohume, no prob16:03
andrercabrey: it stops trying to remove that file16:03
humeiamleneko, if you give absolute path to request/resonse then?16:04
andrercabrey: selinux or apparmor might block access even for root.. but they are not running16:04
iamlenekohume, work with all that come from /usr/bin/16:04
iamlenekohume, same16:04
cabreyandrer, how about sudo rm -rf /usr/sbin/clamd16:04
EvRideI've got a question guys, I can no longer mount a drive cause I edited the mount settings in the file manager16:04
humesame means?16:04
LoneWlfcabrey - I'm in process16:04
andrercabrey: rm: cannot remove `/usr/sbin/clamd': Operation not permitted16:04
screamI think I've screwed up the permissions on /tmp Who "owns" temp, what group does it belong to, and what permissions should it have?16:04
iamlenekohume, wait i'll try with another custom bin, elsewhere16:04
cabreyandrer, the only other thing i can think of is that the file system is preventing you from doing that for some reason16:05
andrercabrey: stracing it gets me: rename("clamd", "clamd2")               = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)16:05
gescapeI am looking for the way to minimize evolution to gnome notification area, any help in this matter?16:05
unixneed some help installing gfx drivers, tried the ones in the repos, off nvidias site, and restrictred hardware drivers, none work and ive never had this problem before, just reinstalled 3 days ago, used the same drivers, and nothing works now16:06
cabreyandrer, run lsattr -l /usr/sbin/clamd16:06
iamlenekohume, okey all bin that isn't in default bin folders won't execute16:06
ohirandrer: do lsmod | grep clam and look if its not blocked by coupled module16:06
fccf-virtscream: temp is owned by root.. with 777 on the directory16:07
volWhich package contains all of the useful documentation for things like libc and system calls?16:07
volbasically chap 2 of the man pages16:07
humeiamleneko, sounds like your bashrc then16:07
ohirfccf-virt: no, it is 01777 on /tmp16:07
iamlenekohume, have same problem with login as root on this server16:07
screamfccf-virt, what command should I issue to fix this, and should I allow executing on that directory?16:07
ohirfccf-virt: sticky bit must be set for /tmp16:07
mobi-sheep!info alltray | gescape16:07
ubottugescape: alltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 252 kB16:07
mobi-sheepgescape: That help?16:07
humeiamleneko, is it ubuntu?16:07
andrerohir: nothing there16:08
iamlenekoyep server version16:08
iamlenekoi have no problem with my local desktop16:08
andrercabrey: /usr/sbin/clamd              Undelete, Immutable, Append_Only16:08
cabreyandrer, did you run lsattr -l?16:08
iamlenekoi log trhrough ssh16:08
andrercabrey: was running it16:08
cabreyandrer there is the problem16:08
ohirandrer: what lsattr said?16:08
Link23Hi, I have an ATI rage 128 graphics card with a yellow video out plug.  I plugged it in to my tv, started it up and it worked perfectly but when ubuntu started I lost all video.  Can somebody help?16:08
fccf-virtscream: sudo chown root:root /tmp and sudo chmod 01777 /tmp16:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Immutable16:08
humeiamleneko, dont know about server version, might be that default basch is set up differently there16:08
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iamlenekohume, what i wonder16:08
cabreyandrer, the file system is not letting you remove it because of immutable16:08
cabreyandrer, it is probably a protection against malicious software16:09
gescapemobi-sheep, ubottu thx so much :)16:09
andrercabrey: but since it was apt that did it.. shouldn't apt handle it?16:09
Llewxamanyone here provide compiz support? ><16:09
ohirandrer: as cabrey said... or its part of rootkit16:09
danorskWindowsVista Uptime: 8hrs 52mins 49secs Best: 1wk 1day 15hrs 25mins 12secs16:09
MudWindowsXP Uptime: 10hrs 1min 6secs Best: 1day 1hr 45mins 33secs16:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime16:09
cabreyandrer, No it seems you have to manually remove the immutable flag16:09
NorthByNorthWestI have mounted a smb share with the following settings:16:10
fincher"Best: 1day 1hr 45mins 33secs" <-- awesome16:10
NorthByNorthWestguest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777  0  016:10
NorthByNorthWestbut i want everything written to that share to have 777-rights... how do I do that?16:10
cabreyandrer, run sudo chattr -i -a /usr/sbin/clamd16:10
andrercabrey: did it ... i'll try to remove it with apt16:10
mobi-sheepgescape: Welcomed. :)16:10
v3ctorNorthByNorthWest: by default your umask limts the permissions on newly created files/directories16:11
sevenseekerXvfb question, how can I enable 32 bit on a headless system?  I have been trying to get help through googling, irc here and xorg, and so far only receiving silence.  I am using 'Xvfb :0 -screen 0 640x480x24+32' but only receiving 24 bit16:11
andrercabrey: sheesh same problem for ./usr/bin/clamdscan ... i'll have to change them all :)16:11
andrercabrey: thank you man!16:11
cabreyandrer, sounds like boatloads of fun16:11
andrerohir: thank you as well16:11
sevenseekerI have also explicitly enabled XFree86-VidModeExtension and GLX with no change16:12
sevenseekerthis could be an opengl problem (mesa) but I am having difficultly determining what the problem is16:12
NorthByNorthWestv3ctor: meaning that it cant be done?16:13
v3ctorNorthByNorthWest: you can change your umask if you want, but this would apply to all files and directoies you create, or you could jst do a recursive chmod on the files in the share16:15
iamlenekoOKEY i found about my problem16:16
iamlenekothese are 32 bit binaries !!!16:16
iamlenekoand my ubunut server is 64 bit16:16
NorthByNorthWestv3ctor: its ok if it applies to all created files and directories in that mounted shared folder!16:16
NorthByNorthWestv3ctor: how do i change umask?16:16
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BadSectorHello, I need to add "modprobe -r snd-bt87x; modprobe snd-bt87x load_all=1" so that it happens on boot.  How do I do this?16:17
iamlenekohume, i have found the problem, the binaries was compiled for 32 bit arch, and my ubuntu is 64bits16:17
sydneyguyHail all16:17
iamlenekohume, i check the internet about how to proceed to run 32 bits binary on 64 bits arch, thanks all for the help16:18
azerterhi everyone16:19
mobi-sheep!boot | BadSector16:19
ubottuBadSector: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:19
humeiamleneko, great..:)16:19
v3ctorNorthByNorthWest: it will apply to all files and folders you create anywhere on the system16:19
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EndlesslyCuriousAny here use Ubuntu on the Dell Mini 10v?  I'm thinking about getting a 10v with the 16GB SSD option, wanted to know that people think of it.  I am mainly looking to surf, email and do some Python programming...16:20
Nilbusis ubuntu released under a specific license?16:20
NorthByNorthWestv3ctor: well... thats actually OK in this case...16:20
xcercaanybody use a blue ray drive to watch blue ray movies ?  is it supported ?16:20
v3ctorNorthByNorthWest: you can add the following command to your .bashrc: umask 00016:23
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v3ctorNorthByNorthWest:  ~/.bashrc16:23
NorthByNorthWestv3ctor: just add it to the bottom? for each user who will need to make commonly used files and folders?16:24
jj_i have a question ....16:24
bidossessiis there a command i can use to track which package a binary belongs to?16:24
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jj_if you compile a program, and something it needs to run is installed but isnt where it can find it installed, how do you set the system to know where a program lies?16:25
Guest38714is there an equalizer or something for banshee?16:25
luthirhey all anyone here using Kubuntu?16:26
mobi-sheepluthir: Probably everybody in #kubuntu16:26
jj_luthir i tried kubuntu its not that bad16:26
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luthirIthink gnome is better for some stuff16:27
jj_so anyone know how to make a program see where another program is it needs?16:27
cabreyluthir, see #kubuntu for KDE help16:27
jj_any way to modify the system to direct to the location16:27
cabreyjj_, what are you trying to do?16:27
iamlenekojj_, i don't get it16:27
cabreyjj_, you can use variables16:27
mephxHello, one of my servers crashed after kswapd was fired up. Cold reboot and everything seems okay. Now i get "file not recognized: File format not recognized collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" errors everywhere. and most services don't start. I can't find any missing libraries with ldd. Can anyone help me?16:28
cabreyjj_, or links16:28
bidossessiis there a command i can use to track which package a binary belongs to?16:28
cabreymephx, /join #ubuntu-server16:28
jj_cabrey im not sure how to use variables or links thought that would be very usefull16:28
iamlenekojj_, you have compile some binaries, but not have success in execute it ?16:28
cabreyjj_, are you writing a script?16:28
mephxcabrey: it's not ubuntu-server it's ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty16:28
hotcatjj_: you can try this in bash: $PATH=$PATH:/your folder16:29
jj_yes i compiled a program which it needs another program which installed but i guess not in the normal path16:29
cabreyjj_, do you know where the program is supposed to be?16:29
iamlenekojj_, you know what path seek this bin ?16:29
jj_umm not sure 1 sec i will give all the info.. i gave up after a while because i didnt know how to direct it just 1 moment16:30
LoneWlfcabrey - the only thing reminiscent of my issue is very old, and abandoned, I am opening a new bug that is specific to my hardware where I can provide the guru's information that may help resolve the issue.16:30
cabreyLoneWlf, good idea, it's possible a regression occured16:30
cabreyjj_, it is very rare that programs would hard code paths to other programs, there might be a config file16:32
jj_cabrey, yes i know ive never encountered this problem im looking for the program i was compiling16:34
=== Jamie is now known as Guest98214
jamiejackson1i had my laptop display displayed at work, where i dual head two external monitors from the dock. now that i resumed at home (laptop display only) i've got a blank laptop screen. how do i enable the display from the cli?16:34
ziciussomeone knoe uex16:34
jj_its a flight sim started with a p16:34
jamiejackson1correction: i had my laptop display *disabled* at work, where i dual head two external monitors from the dock. now that i resumed at home (laptop display only) i've got a blank laptop screen. how do i enable the display from the cli?16:34
felix_anyone please check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7393693#post7393693 (ssh)16:34
=== Guest98214 is now known as Wedgybo
cabreyjj_, the way to make a link is: ln -s /path/to/program/it/requires /where/your/flight/sim/is/looking/for/said/program16:34
jj_aha , cabrey its palomino3d i was trying to get it to work.. and it needed openscenegraph16:35
solarwaris it possible to retreive the kernel configuration file used on a kernel image thats in apt?16:35
jj_cabrey, and i installed that and trying to compile the source it could not locate the openscenegraph it stated may be in a different path16:35
cabreyjj_, do you know where openscenegraph needs to be?16:36
mobi-sheepfelix_: Port forward ?16:36
jj_cabrey in ./configure add ln -s ?16:36
felix_mobi-sheep, could you explain please?16:36
tpresahi, i've used the vmbuilder to build an image to a cloud running eucalyptus, but i can't get to log into it without password (with the keypairs registered)16:37
tpresahow should i build my image to log with the keypars?16:37
cabreyjj_, no after it is installed where does openscenegraph need to be for the simulator to work?16:37
jj_cabrey, not sure where the program actually installed ....16:37
cabreyjj_, look in /opt or /usr/local16:37
jj_ok will do16:37
mobi-sheepfelix_: You might want to set up lease to be longer or just static IPs will do.  Set up port forward on your router that will lead port 2222 to your IP machine.  and when you want a certain device, you just do ssh -p 2222 felix@<ipaddress>16:37
mobi-sheepfelix_: And you want to ssh into another machine, ssh -p 2241 felix@<same-ipaddress>16:38
rashed2020Guys: Bash is ignoring a .bin file I'm trying to run. It says no such file or directory. What's the deal?16:38
mobi-sheepfelix_: The router will know which devices to pass the port to... based on port number.16:38
regeyarashed: ls -l /path/to/the.bin is the executable bit set?16:39
felix_mobi-sheep, cool. but i think i need to open ports on the router right?16:39
_user_plz i use live cd on usb so i can take ubuntu with me anywhere but i need it to mount the flash to desktop when i boot up i get the usb flash in computer but when i double click it dont mount16:39
jj_cabrey need to reinstall it i removed it out of giving up lol16:39
rashed2020regeya: Yes it is. chmod a+x. I just checked it now and the bit is set.16:39
jj_cabrey, thanks for taking the time16:40
cabreyjj_, ah well just create a symlink to openscenegraph where your sim program is expecting it to be16:40
mobi-sheepfelix_: Just set up port forward.  It'll listen on a certain port number.  It does not mean you're opening the ports.16:40
jj_do i set these flags after ./configure ?16:40
jj_the link ...16:40
jj_cabrey never used flags before ha16:41
cabreyjj_, only do ./configure --prefix=/opt16:41
mobi-sheepfelix_: Were you able to test your ssh from external yet?16:41
jj_cabrey then it will prompt me?16:41
Jampiter_How can I add a game controller and use it under WINE?16:42
cabreyjj_, that will install it to /opt folder so you can manage it16:42
jj_ahh ok16:42
te_Jampiter_: I don't know but would assume you'd need to install the appropriate MS Windows driver for it (under wine)16:43
Jampiter_It's plug and play under Windows.. how would I install it in Ubuntu?16:43
jj_cabrey well now i am installing the openscene from apt-get16:43
Jampiter_Oh, never mind :) It works16:44
cridit88hi. ubuntu locks up completly and randomly forcing me to reboot, how would i go abouts finding the cause of this?16:44
cridit88i cant seem to find anything in any logs.16:45
czajkowskicridit88: what version are you running ?16:45
te_Jampiter_: I could be probably wrong.  Was only speculating.16:45
czajkowskicridit88: are you doing someting at that time to cause it to happen,?16:45
mephxHello, one of my servers crashed after kswapd was fired up. Cold reboot and everything seems okay. Now i get "file not recognized: File format not recognized collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" errors everywhere. Even in apt-get when running post-install steps! Most services don't start. I can't find any missing libraries with ldd. Can anyone help me?16:45
Jampiter_te_: It works :p16:46
cridit889.04, sometimes i'd be doing nothing.16:46
Jampiter_How can I zoom into the desktop using Compiz?16:46
cridit88literally, i'd be sitting there starring at the desktop.16:46
czajkowskicridit88: you might have something running in the background16:46
cridit88czajkowski: besides whatever runs default, nothing else. it happend when i ran ibex too.16:47
cridit88i think 8.04 was the last time i had a stable os.16:47
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czajkowskicridit88: hmm, what machine?16:47
cridit88x86 6416:47
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cridit88thinkpad x61.16:48
leejongwookhow do i how do i remove a specific group in registered user group with command line ?16:48
jtajicridit88: intel wireless I presume?16:48
cridit88actually, atheros16:48
leejongwookimeant how do i remove a specific group from registered user group with command line ?16:49
te_leejongwook: groupdel16:49
cridit88i actually switched between two wifi drivers and both times i experience crashing.16:49
leejongwookte_: thanks :)16:49
cridit88i would say my system crashes one out of two days.16:50
sporkboystill trying to get kdenlive working. installed it, it worked for a day or two, then started crashing on startup. purged and reinstalled, now it runs the initial setup and crashes.16:50
sporkboyevery time.16:50
semitonesis it possible to use network manager to connect to a wifi network and an ethernet network at the same time?16:50
te_leejongwook: man groupdel ; man group16:50
leejongwookte_: leejongwook dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev netdev powerdev id: cannot find name for group ID 11616:50
leejongwookte_: i remoeved a group vboxusers with groupdel command and it produce that messesage16:51
jtajicridit88: with intel wireless on my t61, installing linux-backports-modules-jaunty eliminates lock-ups....not sure about atheros16:51
mobi-sheepsemitones: What are you trying to achieve?  Bridge?16:51
cridit88jtaji: what video card do you have btw16:52
semitonesmobi-sheep: I can get the internet through the wifi network, but I can get fast transfer speeds to my laptop with ethernet (I use this computer for backup purposes)16:52
leejongwookte_: how do i remove the message " cannot find name of group id..."16:52
jtajicridit88: intel gm965 (x3100)16:52
semitonesmobi-sheep: I'd like to have both connected at the same time so I can boot up with synergy16:52
te_leejongwook: Are you sure the group exists?  grep vboxusers /etc/group16:52
SandGorgonwhew finally got rid of pulse on thinkpad to make sound work flawlessly16:52
norenis there any way i can get back my default system with going for a freash install16:53
Jampiter_How can I zoom into the desktop using Compiz?16:53
leejongwookte_: i removed it with "$ sudo groupdel vboxuser", and there's no gropu in /etc/group vboxusers16:53
mobi-sheepsemitones: If eth0 (wired) is plugged, the laptop will use eth0.  Otherwise, it falls back to wlan0 (wireless).  I think nm-applet allows you to toggle both on -- only that you'll see eth0 (wired icon) displaying on your panel?16:53
cridit88SandGorgon: what problems did you have with pulseaudio?16:53
te_leejongwook: Well, I guess it's gone now.16:54
leejongwookte_: ah.. ok i think it's ok now, thanks ~16:54
leejongwookte_: thanks a lot :)16:55
semitonesmobi-sheep: network manager doesn't detect it when it's plugged in.I usually have to disable network manager, and then ifconfic eth0, and then ifconfig eth0 up16:56
hbx i need a multi-protocol client alternative to pidgin16:56
semitones(The laptop is a mac, and once I set it up it automatically detects it now when the ubuntu computer is set up)16:57
SandGorgoncridit88, first.. it didnt work with thinkpad r51e. then i had to set up alsa in all the configs, mute the headphone "sense" and surround - then it used to intermittently break and emit a high pitched sound (especially in flashplayer)16:57
Shortguy109Does anyone know how to change your mouse cursor? I googled it and someone said "The 2D graphics tuturial shows you how to change the cursor. Basically you make it invisible then grab its position and put an image there." but where's the 2d graphics tutorial?16:57
mobi-sheepsemitones: Err.  I wouldn't know if using a mac would affect Ubuntu.16:57
djdavis75hbx: there is one called sim or something like that for KDE16:58
hbxhmm ok16:58
semitonesmobi-sheep: the mac part is relatively unimportant -- I'm configing the ubuntu end and I"m not really sure what I'm doing16:58
hbxyea pidgin is crapping out on me16:58
moxfalderAUTO LOGIN how ?16:58
ubuntu_hello world16:59
djdavis75hbx: my system just pulled a pidgin update, if you were having trouble with a certain protocal16:59
SandGorgonShortguy109, System->Pref->Appearances. select customize and then on the pointer tab16:59
hbxlet me do an update16:59
salmonhey so last night i upgraded to 9.04 and when i did, i lost sound, anyone know what is wrong, my sound card is recognized and nothing is muted, but still no sound :[16:59
mobi-sheepsemitones: You can create a script (that fix the network setup) and add it to System --> Preferences --> Startup Applications.16:59
luke_cHello, anyone have any idea on how to install ubuntu on a seperate internal hdd, i have vista on my first hdd and am wanting ubuntu on the other.16:59
mobi-sheep!sound | salmon16:59
hbxyea its segfaulting like crazy16:59
ubottusalmon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:59
rhavenwhbx: Digsby,VoxOx and SIM16:59
ubuntu_co nguoi viet nam o day khong?16:59
jamiejackson1how do i log out of a gnome session from TTY? gnome-session-save won't work because it "cannot open display"16:59
SandGorgonsalmon, check your headphone "sense" and surround options in alsamixer - try muting them16:59
hbxyea digsby is great just no build for linux yet16:59
Shortguy109SandGorgon, can you get like pictures for it or anything? :)17:00
djdavis75luke_c: you just specify the second hard drive and the install area, probably need grub on the first hd17:00
SandGorgonShortguy109, no clue... I suppose u can check out gnome-look.org or kde-look.org (whichever cooks ur goose)17:00
TechnovikingIs there a way to block Evolution calendar from talk to the Gnome Clock applet? Having setting Google Calendar my Clock applet responds SLOWLY17:00
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Shortguy109SandGorgon, thanks :D17:00
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luke_cdjdavis75, and it won't stop me from accesing Vista, when i boot would i get the option to boot into either one?17:01
djdavis75luke_c: grub should see vista and add a entry to boot it, you will choose when u turn your computer on17:01
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djdavis75luke_c: I have XP on my first HD, and Ubuntu on my second, then 3rd HD is my /home17:02
luke_cso, download grub then install ubuntu to the other internal hdd?17:02
sebsebsebluke_c: no17:02
djdavis75luke_c: no, just install ubuntu17:02
djdavis75luke_c: grub is in ubuntu17:02
sebsebsebluke_c: when you install Ubuntu from the CD,  at the end of that proccess you put on Grub17:02
mephxHello, one of my servers crashed after kswapd was fired up. Cold reboot and everything seems okay. Now i get "file not recognized: File format not recognized collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" errors everywhere. Even in apt-get when running post-install steps! Most services don't start. I can't find any missing libraries with ldd. Can anyone help me?17:02
semitonesif I'm setting up a manual connection, what should I use for the netmask?
* mephx is desperate17:03
sebsebsebluke_c: if you go to advanced options you can  choose where to put it,  but by default it will go on the MBR of your Vista hard disk17:03
sebsebsebluke_c: really Grub should be in the MBR of the first/primary hard disk17:03
djdavis75semitones: it depends on ur network17:03
djdavis75semitones: what IP range your network uses17:03
luke_cI want Vista to be the primary hdd17:03
mobi-sheepsemitones: I believe "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" is sufficient.  You might want to test it.17:03
sebsebsebluke_c: only thing with that though, is if you ever re install Vista, it will go over Grub,  but it's not that hard to restore Grub17:04
salmonSandGorgon, i don't think alsa mixer is working correctly, it's not showing my sound card17:04
mzzhi! can someone confirm that a default install of ubuntu 8.04 sets the clock using ntp if the network is available at boot time?17:04
semitonesdjdavis75: one computer is, and the other computer is THere are only 2 computers on this network17:04
nononowhere can I buy arm proccessors that linux runs on17:04
SandGorgonsalmon, try alsamixer -Dhw17:04
sebsebsebluke_c: yes and it will be, I wonder why you want Windows in the first place though17:04
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te_luke_c: Vista will remain primary HDD17:04
sebsebseb!grub | luke_c17:04
ubottuluke_c: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:04
djdavis75semitones: probably then17:04
semitonesmobi-sheep: but if I do it that way I have to disable wifi, or else network manager will reset the ethernet network17:05
SandGorgonnonono, better ask this question in #kernel or #linux17:05
semitonesdjdavis75: thanks17:05
stevecammy ip address is ;-)17:05
mobi-sheepsemitones: Generally your eth0 and wlan0 each have their own IP to work with.17:05
luke_cRight, i'll go do it now, i'll tell you the results later ;P17:06
djdavis75luke_c: install vista first17:06
luke_cVista is installe17:06
sebsebseb!dualboot | luke_c17:06
ubottuluke_c: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:06
semitonesmobi-sheep: yeah, my wifi ip is 192.168.1.something and wired is
djdavis75luke_c: then install ubuntu, put grub on hd017:06
sebsebsebluke_c: if your resizing the partition, you need to let Vista resize itself really, or  dataloss might happen17:06
nowthIs a USB-to-PS/2 adapter with a mouse symbol on it with a keyboard instead? I can't try it, but I've ordered a USB keyboard.17:07
luke_cdjdavis75, How would i put grub on hd0?17:07
``y7how can i choose whether i want to use eth0 or eth1 when i ping something?17:07
semitonesmobi-sheep: but unless I disable nm, "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" doesn't work. I think you can't mix the manual and automatic configs17:07
mobi-sheepsemitones: If you have a router, then your router's IP is too.17:07
sebsebsebluke_c: oh yeah you said a second hard disk, nevermind17:07
Orestis_GHello guys, can someone give me some help with OpenGL apps on Jaunty with a radeon x700 (more specifically Google Earth)?17:07
luke_cyeah, seperate internal17:07
nowthUh, grammar failure. Let's try again: Can I a USB-to-PS/2 adapter with a mouse symbol on it with a keyboard instead?17:07
semitonesmobi-sheep: I don't have a router for the eth network -- the mac acts as router somehow, but it works17:07
nowthCan I USE a... crud, what's wrong with me today17:08
djdavis75luke_c: check out the links above, somewhere during the install there is an advanced button or something, it asks where to install grub, it should be hd0, i think it will default to that anyway, but might check it17:08
redalertHi guys, If I want to install windows AFTER a Ubuntu 8.10 install. Do I have to backup grub or can I just use grub install?17:08
jtajinowth: no, not the little one that comes with some USB mice17:08
sebsebsebredalert: why do you want to put Windows on?17:08
redalertSword of the stars17:08
mobi-sheepsemitones: As long as you know the commands, you can put them in a script and add it to Startup Applicaitons so you wouldn't have to do this manually every time.  That help?17:08
jtajinowth: they do make usb to ps/2 adapters for both keyboards and mice however17:08
sebsebsebredalert: when you put Windows on, it will go over Grub17:08
redalertI know that17:09
brooksgarrettredalert: Unless I'm mistaken, Windows needs to be the first installed OS17:09
nowthjtaji: Ok, then I guess I'll have to go shopping today after all.17:09
redalertbut do I need to backup my existing grub17:09
luke_cInstall Inside Windows, should i choose this install method or demo and Full Installation17:09
redalertor can I just use a new install17:09
sebsebsebredalert: Windows does not play nice with other OS's,  once Grub has been overwrittne well the part in the MBR, you can restore Grub17:09
sebsebseb!grub | redalert17:09
ubotturedalert: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:09
semitonesmobi-sheep: yeah that's a good idea, but the scripts don't work as long as nm is on for some reason17:09
mzzredalert: there are many ways to reinstall grub afterwards, as long as you can boot into some kind of linux. Backing up your current grub and restoring it works, and so does reinstalling, see also ubottu's !grub factoid17:09
``y7how can i choose whether i want to use eth0 or eth1 when i ping something?17:09
redalertYAY :D17:09
mzz``y7: depends on how routes are configured, I'm pretty sure17:10
sebsebsebredalert: so the only reason you want Windows on there, is because of some 3D game?17:10
redalertOne last question will the grub that comes with the 9.04 cd work with 8.10?17:10
fccfredalert: the next option would to be put windows on another HD and use your bios to select17:10
redalertsebseb yah17:10
mobi-sheepsemitones: You can add the "killall nm-applet" too.17:10
redalertseveral 3d games17:10
``y7mzz: configured however ubuntu configures them from the installation :)17:10
mzz``y7: you ping an ip address, and the rules printed by the "route" command determine which network card the packets use to get to that address17:10
redalertand utilities that I can only use with windos17:10
te_``y7: You don't choose, it will just ping where it can.17:10
sebsebsebredalert: well some Windows 3D games can get working with Wine, but  configuring and such17:10
``y7so if i'm connected to the internet and i cannot ping google.com, does that have something to do with my ICMP filters?17:10
te_``y7: Very well could...17:11
``y7i can access google.com but i cannot ping it...17:11
sebsebsebredalert: the Grub on the 9.04 should  would probably work yeah17:11
brooksgarrett``y7: iptables output?17:11
luke_cInstallation drive i set as my seperate internal what about the installation size?17:11
sebsebsebredalert: 9.04 CD17:11
redalertseb, I play most of my games through Wine but this one just refuses to, I spent the last 10 days on itXD17:11
semitonesmobi-sheep: but then I don't have wifi. I thought there might be a way to use nm to configure the wired connection instead of doing it manually, would that be possible?17:11
``y7brooksgarrett, i don't know what you're asking17:11
te_``y7: If you have port 113 blocked, you are correct, you will not be able to ping.17:11
``y7113 incoming or outgoing?17:11
djdavis75luke_c: if you are going to use the entire second HD for Ubuntu I would make a / /home and swap partition17:12
redalertallrighty guys thanks for the help :D17:12
brooksgarrett``y7: out17:12
te_``y7: If ICMP is filtered, that will not allow pinging.17:12
sebsebsebredalert: ok np17:12
luke_cdjdavis75, im not gonna use the whole hdd17:12
``y7te_: isn't it best to have ICMP filtered?17:12
brooksgarrett``y7: depends on your goals.17:12
te_``y7: That is debatable.17:12
mobi-sheepsemitones: Mmm.  I'm not the one to ask as I don't have Mac myself and I do not know to install Ubuntu on Mac so do you use parallel or directly install.  That sort of stuffs.  Generally, Ubuntu will use wired connection first, wifi second.17:13
GeekSquadSFhey guys.. gots a question... virus wise...17:13
semitonesmobi-sheep: I'm not using ubuntu on a mac at all17:13
te_``y7: Are you getting domain name resolution?  (Do you get IP's when you issue command:  host google.com ?)17:13
djdavis75luke_c: my / is only using 13 gig17:13
sebsebseb!virus | GeekSquadSF17:13
ubottuGeekSquadSF: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:13
GeekSquadSFanyone know if that Agent.btz virus affected linux machines?17:13
semitonesmobi-sheep: I have a mac laptop that's connecting to a ubuntu computer17:13
djdavis75luke_c: but I have it sized to 150 gig17:13
``y7te_: no i do not17:14
sebsebsebGeekSquadSF: is that a Windows virus? if so nope Windows viruses won't effect Linux distros17:14
Orestis_GGuys, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 on a Laptop with an Ati mobility x700, using open source drivers. However, when I run google earth, the map window gets drawn in the foreground, in front of ALL existing windows. The same thing happens with glxgears. Any ideas?17:14
te_GeekSquadSF: Agent.btz is a windows virus?17:14
``y7te_: nevermind, i do, sorry.17:14
luke_cBoth HDD's are 250GB what size would you reccomend for the installation?17:14
semitonesmobi-sheep: the problem is I never set up the eth network with nm manager so it never connects automatically17:14
mobi-sheepsemitones: Why not?17:15
sjlkgusing ath5k, how can i enable powersaving on my wireless adapter?17:15
jtajiOrestis_G: they still do not play well together (3d apps and 3d desktop)17:15
mobi-sheepsemitones: If it's set up automatically, then surely, the eth0 will connect automatically.17:15
semitonesmobi-sheep: because there's no router to do dhcp -- it's a manual connection17:15
graeme_Hello everyone how are you doing today17:15
SandGorgonsalmon, sometimes sound cards act funky - for my thinkpad I had to make sure that I muted headphone sense ,mic sense and surround17:15
djdavis75luke_c: I have my /home on a 160 gig drive, and I filled it up, but that depends a lot on what kind of data u have, I had lots of videos on there from my Tivo17:15
te_semitones: If you have your NIC set to dhcp and there is a dhcp server on your lan, it should connect automatically.17:16
salmonSandGorgon, i'll fiddle around with it. thank you17:16
SandGorgonsalmon, if nothing works, consider getting rid of pulse - pm me and i'll send u a pointer17:16
luke_cSo after it's finished installing, reboot and i'll be able to choose which os?17:16
sebsebsebluke_c: yes17:16
djdavis75luke_c: yes17:16
tyler_dsemitones: the service won't start unless you either add it to the startup... or easier way is to specify it within /etc/networking/interfaces ABOVE your manual config17:17
administratorany suggestions?17:17
semitonestyler_d: will it work with nm then? and alongside the wifi network?17:17
sebsebsebluke_c: yeah and then you get a pretty ugly looking Grub, shame Ubuntu dosan't theme it like other distros.   there is a way to make it look a bit more nicer by changing something in the config file though17:17
mobi-sheepsemitones: The choices is that you can create script (or two scripts -- to disable / enable).  Or do it manually.  Or you might want to find out more choices in #ubuntu-server as they heavily regulate with networking.  I don't quite understand everything.17:17
tyler_dsemitones: it should, I had the same problem with dhcp17:18
dakirahow do I change the default locale on a hardy server? Especially: where are the environment variables? If I set it in /etc/environment it gets overwritten somewhere else. the locales themselves are all installed correctly..17:18
mobi-sheepsemitones: Generally, buying a router would solve a problem.17:18
luke_cit can't be /THAT/ bad can it xD17:18
sebsebsebluke_c: well  it works and all, but black and white17:18
GeekSquadSFcraigslist baby.. pop a router on that17:18
luke_cI don't really want colour17:19
luke_cRight, installation completed, reboot required17:19
mobi-sheep!locale | dakira17:19
ubottudakira: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf17:19
luke_cI'll be back in a tick :P17:19
djdavis75luke_c: there is a program called startup manager that lets u easily change grub colors and such, you can install it from in ubuntu, it's in the repos17:19
sebsebsebluke_c: ok  well there's an easy way to make it look more blue :)  ,but whatever17:19
Orestis_G...ok, part two of the question, then...when I install google earth from the repositories, it doesn't draw all the objects, for example the map shows as black with the prefecture borderlines and the zoom in-out controls shows as a white box. If I install the latest version from google, it exits on startup, with a drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22 message17:19
jtajidakira: example, for US English I do... sudo apt-get install language-pack-en && sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-817:19
MikeChelencan i use my bluetooth headset to listen to music or as mic? it has paired successfully17:19
Orestis_Gbtw, thanks for the help17:19
sebsebsebdjdavis75: is there?17:19
djdavis75sebsebseb: yeah, I have it installed17:20
administratorplease..   anyone.. ubuntu 9.04 and got a logitech notebook pro cam to work.. tried everything on the help page but with not much success.. i do see it listed in the lsusb but I dont see it available in apps pleae help!17:20
sjlkghi, how can i enable powersaving on my wireless adapter using ath5k?17:20
sebsebsebdjdavis75:  I have had kubuntu theme for it before, and  I have uncommneted pretty colours in the config file, but that's it17:20
djdavis75it's gtk tool, lives in System -> Administration in GNOME once installed17:20
sebsebsebdjdavis75: yeah yeah sure config programs that can be installed, but it's better when distros come with nice themed stuff by default, I think17:20
administratorif its detectable by lsusb, there must be a way for me ot get it to work :()17:21
djdavis75sebner: yeah, it is kind strange ubuntu has the ugly grub, but fancy boot screen17:21
mobi-sheepadministrator: What apps?  Did you try cheese?17:21
administratoryes cheese doesnt detect it, nor does skype17:21
administratorit just doesnt show up17:22
administratorbut i see it under lsusb17:22
MikeChelenhow can i use bluetooth headset to listen to music or as mic? it has paired successfully17:22
sebsebsebdjdavis75: it's been quite a few releases now where I haven't liked  Ubuntu's booting up screen, because  they removed all the booting up details,  apparnatly there's something that can be changed in  Grub config for this, but I never had any luck with that17:22
astronautecan someone plese help me detect my wifi network ipv6 on my ubuntu ?17:22
astronauteI can't see it at all, and windows can17:22
sebsebsebdjdavis75: and the new GDM screen no thanks,  I'll rather use blubuntu :)  that's in the repo,  rather nice GDM screen indeed17:23
djdavis75astronaute: does it show up in network manager?17:23
astronautedjdavis75 not at all17:24
astronauteI can see others17:24
astronautebut not mine17:24
djdavis75astronaute: is the wifi card working, is the driver loaded17:24
djdavis75oh, ok, so wifi is working17:24
astronautedjdavis75 yes17:24
astronautedjdavis75 and network too from windows17:24
djdavis75astra-x: did you try to manually add it?17:24
astra-xdjdavis75: sorry?17:25
djdavis75astronaute: did you try to manually add it in NM?17:25
astronautedjdavis75 i tried connecting to hidden network, but no luck17:25
djdavis75astra-x: sorry, nick completion error17:25
astra-xoh rogertive17:25
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mobi-sheepadministrator: I don't know the solution.  :|17:25
mobi-sheep!webcam | administrator17:26
ubottuadministrator: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:26
astronautedjdavis75 it is not hidden but can't see it, and it wont accept credentials17:26
administratormaybe someone else may know a workaround or somethign?17:26
mobi-sheepadministrator: Check if your camera is supported and... well, read the links.17:26
djdavis75astronaute: I haven't messed with IPv6, but looks like it would show up at least if it will see other networks17:26
GeekSquadSFhey... admin... might have to update your API... had the same issue..17:26
administratorthe cam was working when the system was 8.0417:26
djdavis75and windows sees it17:26
Mowwere do I downoad steam I have wine and wine tricks17:26
astronautedjdavis75 well i will downgrade to ipv4 lol :)17:26
administratorGeek, api?17:27
GeekSquadSFwould show up under devices.... but none of the programs would see it17:27
ubottuSteam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/17:27
astronautedjdavis75 it works in ipv4 so well, thank you :)17:27
sebsebsebdidn't know therew as that factoid17:27
mattalexxHow do I set up a symbolic link that is read-only?17:27
dakirathanks mobi-sheep and jtaji!17:27
Orestis_GJust for the record, it appears that after fiddling a bit with the fonts an disabling anisotropic filtering, I am beginning to get what I should, in Google Earth...Thanks, anyone!17:28
sjlkgdoes anyone know how can i enable powersaving on my wireless adapter using ath5k?17:28
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te_sjlkg: I've never heard of powersaving a wifi NIC17:29
mobi-sheepmattalexx: I don't think that's possible.  A read-only symbolic link? :|17:30
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sebsebsebdjdavis75: thanks for app i'll install later17:31
qbrixWhat do I use to make a software raid (RAID0) for two disks in Ubuntu?17:31
ikoniaqbrix: mdadm17:31
mobi-sheepmattalexx: That works for you?  --> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/745630/how-can-you-make-a-recursive-symlink-for-folders-files-in-ubuntu17:32
dorimarhi, I have a question: I am using lshw -C disk to see the hardware description. I want to get the line that says: Description: (type) DISK17:32
qbrixikonia: thanks17:32
ikoniaqbrix: keep in mind raid0 - slightest corruption on eithe rdisk and theh whole file system is gone17:32
qbrixya I know17:32
qbrixthis is for testing purposes17:32
dorimarI tried to get the line number ... but the line number vary17:32
administratori get some interesting info from dmesg17:32
GeekSquadSFVMware like a mofo17:32
sjlkgte_: i guess i meant wifi "power management" it can be done under windows, but i haven't fund out how to do it in ubuntu with ath5k17:32
administrator[ 5738.917320] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device <unnamed> (046d:08c3)17:33
administrator[ 5739.916092] uvcvideo: Failed to query (135) UVC control 1 (unit 0) : -110 (exp. 26).17:33
Mowdoes anyone know any matrix themes that will work on kde or gnome settings17:33
djdavis75dorimar: huh? like "lshw -C | grep "DISK"17:33
Mowdoes anyone know any matrix themes that will work on kde or gnome settings17:34
djdavis75Mow: try gnome-look17:34
GeekSquadSFadmin... what model was that logitech again?17:34
te_sjlkg: There may be a patch for ath5k - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2009-April/005665.html17:35
yangohey, is there no rsyncd package in ubuntu?17:35
Slart_yango: you have searched in synaptic, right?17:36
dorimardjdavis75: no ... well its ok17:36
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te_yango: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync17:36
yangoSlart_: apt-cache search rsync gives no rsyncd, just rsync17:36
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dorimardjdavis75: i got it17:37
Slart_yango: hmm..17:37
yangote_: thanks17:37
Mowdjdavis75: they have some matrix themes but I cant get any of them to work most of them are wallpapers or beryl emerald..There is a compiz theme but I cant seem to get it to work17:37
gianfrixhi! do someone know what's the kernel parameter passed in the liveCD to set the language? I created one in my lang with some programs with UCK, and I put it on my USB Pen Drive with unetbootin. Even if the default lang is mine it's not set automatically...17:37
funkyHatyango: see man rsyncd.conf17:37
Slart_yango: could it be that rsync is used witha  config file?17:38
Slart_yango: to make it act as a daemon17:38
funkyHatSlart_: yes17:38
mobi-sheepdorimar: sudo lshw -C disk | grep "description" > /home/dorimar/Desktop/List.txt --> Will print out a list to text. :)17:38
yangoSlart_: te_ already answered the question, there's a single package and you enable the daemon configuration in /etc/default/rsync17:38
djdavis75Mow: I have no idea man, I just know they have lots of themes, I just run Dust :D17:38
dorimardjdavis75: it worked using : sudo lshw -C disk > /tmp/text; cat /tmp/text | grep -n "/dev/sda"17:38
dorimar 17:38
Slart_yango: ah.. I'll have to read up on rsync..17:38
Mowdjdavis75: you know anything about glmatrix wallpaper?17:39
dorimarmobi-sheep: djdavis: thanks17:39
djdavis75Mow: nope, I run an 3D glass ubuntu logo wall paper17:39
Mowalright thanks anyways..17:40
Mowdjdavis75:there isnt any specail irc's for this kind of stuff is there?17:40
djdavis75Mow: special channels?  I have no idea, someone else might know, my try beryl or compiz or something17:41
Slart_Mow: you want a screensaver for background?17:41
Prometheshi, which is better for jaunty: ati or nvidia? Currently i have nvidia 9600gt and i want to change to it to ATI17:41
GeekSquadSFhe wants a moving background17:41
Slart_Mow: google for xwinwrap.. it's not that hard.. gets kind of annoying in the long run though17:42
GeekSquadSFPromethes (don't everone shoot me at once ) go with nvidia17:42
Slart_Promethes: nvidia is still easier to install drivers and such for if you ask me17:42
Mowslart: I have winwrap already..I cant get get anything to work ive tried forums from all over..17:42
djdavis75promethes: there have been some lockup problems with the nvidia 180 drivers, 17x are working alright, and some say the 185 works too, there is an open bug on it, but ubuntu hasn't published the new ones yet17:43
semitonesI just got Synergy working!17:43
MowIf I could just get a full theme it would be alot easyier..but I cant seem to get them to work...17:43
Slart_Mow: hmm.. what have you tried?17:44
GeekSquadSFMow... u tried the mac ubuntu theme?17:44
mobi-sheepsemitones: You use quicksynergy?17:44
Slart_Mow: these? http://swik.net/xwinwrap17:44
PromethesSlart_: and what about stability? I am talking about propertiary drivers17:44
semitonesit's pretty good, no?17:44
Mowwhats the mac ubuntu theme?...im just looking for a full theme that I can put a screensaver for wallpaper17:44
mobi-sheepsemitones: Cool.  I like it too.  Useful when I want to start a VLC on "media center" machine.17:45
mephx/usr/sbin/update-gconf-defaults: file not recognized: File format not recognized17:45
mephxcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status17:45
semitonesyeah -- hey so you figured out a good way of streaming with vlc?17:45
GeekSquadSFnm... you got me on that one17:45
mephxdoes anybody know what may be causing this?17:45
semitonesI was trying to figure that out17:45
mobi-sheepMow: http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-intrepid-into-mac-osx-leopard/2009/01/0817:45
semitonesoh, wait, nvm, I think I get it17:45
Slart_Promethes: I think, once you've got them both up and running, they are pretty much the same.. you might want to skip the very newest cards though.. it usually takes a while for the drivers to become good17:45
MowSlart: yes Ive looked here already and it doesnt work17:46
jfreekao1I have some trouble with my HP officejet 5510 scanner. The printer won't let me scan because it says I don't have any scan options configured. Will someone help me get the scanner working (Using Ubuntu Jaunty Jackal)17:46
eflynnhi folks, i'm having trouble connecting to wireless.  i was given a plaintext password, but every option i've tried in network manager doesn't seem to work.  can i get some help?17:46
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GeekSquadSFyou've tried to build your own theme out of that?17:46
GeekSquadSFsaved it as something else?17:46
yangoeflynn: have you connected that machine to that wireless before?17:46
MowSlart: I have tried most forums with the codes right there to use winwrap for the backround and still no luck none of the codes are working properly17:46
mobi-sheepsemitones: Not really.  I'm able to share using openssh-server -- by doing that, I can ssh in.... connect to server in nautilus, or filezilla to transfer files.17:47
PromethesSlart_: that sounds good for me, i am not affraid to fight with driver installation :)17:47
linuxninjaIs anyone running an OpenFire jabber server? I tried installing it on 8.04. Can't login to the admin account17:47
JfreekaoI have some trouble with my HP officejet 5510 scanner. The printer won't let me scan because it says I don't have any scan options configured. Will someone help me get the scanner working? (Using Ubuntu Jaunty Jackal)17:48
eflynnJfreekao, check if it's supported by ubuntu17:48
JfreekaoIt is17:48
Jfreekaothe printer is17:48
eflynnJfreekao, does it let you print17:48
Slart_Mow: hmm.. I just tried it.. works here17:48
JfreekaoYes, it does17:48
Jfreekaojust not scan17:48
Mowim looking at it ill respond if it works or not17:48
Knoxvilleanyone familiar with POPTOP17:49
Slart_Mow: doesn't this one work for you ? "xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -a -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID"17:49
semitonesmobi-sheep: cool. Yeah I was thinking of creating a shared network directory for musi, and then controling the media center's vlc with the web interface or SSH or something17:49
djdavis75jfreekao: are u sure the scanner is supported, I gnome I have to install seperate drivers for my Brother MFC, one for printer, one for scanner17:49
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JfreekaoI think all of the drivers are17:50
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mobi-sheepsemitones: Cool.  Gotta go.  Have fun. ;)17:50
chaos2fuhow can i show the ip on a computer in my network?17:50
Jfreekaobut I think I have to install a separate driver for the scanner17:50
chaos2fuwithoutn fysically accessing that computr17:50
Jfreekaoand I don't know where to get it17:50
djdavis75jfree: does xsane see it or detect it?17:50
mobi-sheepchaos2fu: Access your router?17:50
chaos2funop, its a switch17:51
semitonesmobi-sheep: see ya17:51
Jfreekao... I'm a n00ber... I dunno what that is...17:51
djdavis75jfree: what program u using to scan?17:51
eflynnI'm trying to connect to wireless and it's a secured network so I have a WEP password.  but i don't know what options to use in the network manager window that pops up17:51
Jfreekaonone. I can't scan17:51
JfreekaoI don't have the drivers17:51
djdavis75jfree: start xsane and see what happens17:51
administratorwhen it says:  add the parameter to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/options:17:51
Knoxvilleanyone used POPTOP before?17:51
administratoruvcvideo trace=15,  and i dont have a file named options, do i need to create that file or did i misread where this setting must go??17:51
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Jfreekaofrom the terminal?17:52
mobi-sheep!info nbtscan | chaos2fu17:52
ubottuchaos2fu: nbtscan (source: nbtscan): A program for scanning networks for NetBIOS name information. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB17:52
djdavis75jfree: if it's installed it should be in Applications -> Graphics17:52
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Crowmanhi, aby ideas to mount SE C702??17:52
JfreekaoGot it17:52
Jfreekaothank you!!!17:52
mobi-sheepchaos2fu: There, you can use to scan. "nbtscan"   I gotta go.  Later.17:52
resnoeflynn: most times they pop up when you go to put the password in.17:52
djdavis75jfree: did it detect the scanner?17:52
resnoeflynn: at that screen.17:53
eflynnresno, yep that's what i get17:53
administratorwhat u guys think?17:53
resnoeflynn: what is your problem?17:53
eflynnresno, but there's a bunch of options: key, wep index, authentication17:53
eflynnresno, i'm not sure what options to use... supposedly this works on windows17:54
resnoeflynn: most times, i just select the network, input the password and in.17:54
administratorsomeone please17:54
Mow__slart: that worked17:55
resnoadministrator: whats your problem?17:55
lubosz1where do i get libpython2.5.so from?17:55
Mow__slart: but I couldnt get it to stop17:55
eflynnresno: what does the window say?17:55
lubosz1there is no libpython2.5 package17:55
Slart_Mow__: ctrl+c?17:55
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resnoeflynn: are you asking about the network manager? knetwork?17:55
Mow__slart: the code you posted17:55
stevecamadministrator, i think it failed, thats what i think17:55
administratorrezno, it says: add the parameter to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/options:  uvcvideo trace=15, and i dont have a file named options, do i need to create that file or did i misread where this setting must go??17:55
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Slart_Mow__: yes? did you try pressing ctrl+c in the window where you started it?17:56
eflynnresno: do you use WPA or WEP?17:56
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administratorthat setting is working to fix my cam so i need to add it to the end of some file, i dont have that file location so i am tryng to figure out where it suppose to go17:56
elli222Can pulseaudio be used systemwide? (IE: One daemon, started by init)17:56
eflynnresno: ah yes, the network manager in Gnome17:56
eflynnresno: or i guess knetworkmanager is fine too17:56
Mow__slart: no it wasnt in a window it was the whole screen17:56
administratorwhat steve??17:57
rabidweezledoes brasero have the same thing as "burn-free" as in, doesn't make coasters when it has a buffer under-run?17:57
Mow__slart: it just poped up I tried everything to close it but nothing worked..17:57
resnoeflynn: :) knetworkmanager is the current hot stuff17:57
Slart_Mow__: are you using compiz?17:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero17:57
Mow__slart: ok yes Ctrl + c works17:57
Slart_Mow__: try this one instead.. xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID17:58
cdecarlodoes ubuntu come with an sftp server?17:58
Mow__but how would I set this as a backround?17:58
cdecarlodo you have to get one from apt?17:58
administratorresno, see what i mean?17:58
Slart_Mow__: switched -a to -b... it should now be behind you windows17:58
linuxninjacdecarlo: Yup! I think it's called sftpd17:58
philsfmy bluetooth mouse worked flawlessly in Hardy, but since upgrading to Jaunty, it doesn't pair anymore. How can I debug it? The following is what appears in daemon.log when I try to pair:  http://pastebin.com/f56f70f8d17:58
rabidweezlewhat the s for?17:58
resnoadministrator: you questions isnt very clear. you could try explainnig what you are doing/using and what you want to do.17:58
Mow__its flashing...17:58
Mow__like its not showing my windows all the way17:59
linuxninjacdecarlo: Oh, whoops... Just use ssh17:59
Mow__omg I cant stop it..17:59
rabidweezleMow__, that's usally caused by a lack of video memory17:59
resnorabidweezle: !ssh17:59
linuxninjacdecarlo: sftp is part of ssh17:59
resnorabidweezle: lame, ssh is to loginto another computer and operate termianl as if you were at it17:59
Mow__I have plenty of video memory I would think..17:59
Mow__im only running this and it..17:59
hcookwhat happens if you use dd to copy one partition to another, and the source partition is larger? The destination partition is big enough to hold all the used space, but not as big as the total capacity of the source...18:00
rabidweezlesorry resno, I meant ssl18:00
rabidweezleI'm a little out of it18:00
cdecarlolinuxninja: I don't think that's 100% correct18:00
bigmbStupid question. I need to install a program, so I downloaded the .gz and 'unzipped' it. Now I have an executable I can't double click. I tried ./prog-name but it didn't work either18:00
resnorabidweezle: is a secure license, used mosly with webservers18:00
linuxninjacdecarlo: I use it now and then18:00
administratorresno, i was having issues getting my camera detected in cheese et other apps.. i ran  sudo rmmod uvcvideo  and sudo modprobe uvcvideo trace=15   and now the camera works.. the doc i read said if it worked to add uvcvideo trace=15  at  end of /etc/modprobe.d/options:      but i got no options file,  so do i create this or did i misread this?18:00
denertem algum brasileiro aí??18:00
* rabidweezle nods, so sftd would be18:00
linuxninjacdecarlo: sftp works fine for me18:00
unophcook, dd would fail .. as dd doesn't differentiate between used and free space18:00
denertem algum brasileiro aí??18:00
unophcook, use some other method of copying the data across e.g. tar or rsync18:01
Slart_!br | dener18:01
ubottudener: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:01
philsf!br | dener18:01
elli222bigmb, Try, chmod +x YOUREXEC18:01
eflynnbigmb, what is the program and what does "not working" mean?18:01
resnoadministrator: my best bet if you dont have is to create it. i have never done that before tho18:01
hcookunop: hmmm. well, the partition in question is a windows volume, so i'd like to keep it as intact as possible....any other methods you might recommend?18:01
Mow__slart: now xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaveglmatrix -root -window-id WID18:02
Mow__ wont do anything18:02
Slart_Mow__: are you using desktop effects?18:02
bigmbelli222: that did it. Doh. Thank you18:02
bigmbeflynn: elli told me what to do and it worked. Thanks :)18:02
Mow__slart:like compiz fancy windows and such?18:02
Slart_Mow__: yes18:03
Mow__slart: just windows effects18:03
rabidweezleMow__, window effects is compiz18:03
Mow__slart:nothing to complicated18:03
Slart_Mow__: graphics card?18:03
unophcook,  something like norton ghost, etc that can differentiate used and free space .. there's a ghost4linux (g4l) but i don't know how well it'd work in this instance.18:03
Mow__slart: sti 358018:03
elli222bigmb, look at manpages for chmod, there are 0ther metods18:03
hcookunop: ok, thanks18:03
Mow__slart: ati 3580 *18:03
philsfmy bluetooth mouse worked flawlessly in Hardy, but since upgrading to Jaunty, it doesn't pair anymore. How can I debug it? The following is what appears in daemon.log when I try to pair:  http://pastebin.com/f56f70f8d18:03
elli222hes gone :(18:03
rabidweezleMow__, is it integrated or does it have dedicated memory?18:04
Slart_Mow__: not sure if it's an ati-thing.. I'm using nvidia.. and I get a nice moving background18:04
rabidweezleSlart_, nvidia drivers rock in linux :D18:04
[t0rc]they do seem to be better than the ati ones18:04
Mow__rabidweezle: um im not sure..does it matter?..And it sounds like it might be a problem with ati?..18:04
Slart_rabidweezle: they work at least.. I had hopes for ati...but no18:05
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wildc4rdafternoon all18:05
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resnowildcard: afternoon18:05
kngharvgreeting all18:05
rabidweezleMow__, is it a laptop?18:05
resnowildc4rd: afternoon , i meant18:05
Mow__slart: so...if I cant run something this simple I cant run a full theme can I?...18:06
kngharvi got a strange problem i don't even know how to describe it in an email.18:06
Mow__rapidweezle: no its a desktop..18:06
Slart_Mow__: what do you mean by a "full theme".. theme usually don't contain moving parts18:06
resnoMow__: i see you are back with issues :) hopefully we can get them squared away today.18:06
Blancd01hmm u guys fam with ps3 ubuntu18:06
rabidweezleMow__, try turning off all desktop effects and see if that helps?18:06
Mow__slart: no I know I cant even get regular themes to work..18:06
ZeZuBlancd01, there is a #ubuntu-ps318:07
Mow__rabidweezle: ill try that18:07
ZeZueh i see your already in there18:07
Mow__resno: more issues hey it gives people something to do xD18:07
deanyhcook, http://drbl.sourceforge.net/faq/fine-print.php?path=./2_System/26_large_disk_to_small_one.faq#26_large_disk_to_small_one.faq18:07
Blancd01i dont have fbset18:07
Blancd01where do u get that at18:07
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Mow__rabidweezle: xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaveglmatrix -root - is the code to do it isnt it?18:10
Cryptic_Donkey configuring abiwiord as the default wordprocesor?18:12
Mow__xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaveglmatrix -root - sets glmatrix as backrond right?18:12
Slartahem.. talking about stability.. a little random reboot there18:13
cactopus15193is this ubuntu18:13
cactopus15193am i in the right channel18:13
Pici!hi  | cactopus1519318:13
cactopus15193seems so18:13
ubottucactopus15193: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:13
Slartcactopus15193: this is just a Sparta! joke waiting to happen, isn't it18:13
cactopus15193oh Pici you're an ubuntu user?18:13
Slartcactopus15193: but yes.. #ubuntu it is18:13
cactopus15193i thought you were a gentoo user18:13
elli222i think most people are ubuntu users here...18:13
SixThreeOhWhich version of the linux kernel does jaunty use? and what would be the recommended way to update from hardy to jaunty? Directly too it?18:14
Slartcactopus15193: it's not compulsary to use ubuntu here18:14
Slart!info linux-image-generic | SixThreeOh18:14
ubottuSixThreeOh: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB18:14
Picicactopus15193: I don't think we've met before. Nor have I ever used Gentoo.18:14
Blancd01do u guys have fbset installed18:14
elli222SixOhThree: Ubuntu comes with a great upgrade mamager18:14
SlartBlancd01: nope18:15
SixThreeOhelli222 and how do I launch it from the command line?18:15
Slart!find fbset18:15
Mow__slart: ok now I cant move any of my windows..18:15
funkjaI have apache and mysql-server installed on my laptop for dev purposes. I don't want these to start up automatically, but I don't want to remove the scripts from init.d because I need an easy way to start them when I go to use them. What should be done?18:15
ubottuFound: fbset18:15
Slart!info fbset18:15
ubottufbset (source: fbset): framebuffer device maintenance program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-23 (jaunty), package size 109 kB, installed size 356 kB18:15
SixThreeOhMy x session is located on another OS and I have ni windows manager as such or gui shell18:16
Blancd01gotta reinstall ubuntu18:16
Mow__I cant do anything with my windows..18:17
Blancd019.04 gives too many issues18:17
Mow__what happend..18:17
fccffunkja: if you go to system>administration>services you can disable servers and they won't start until you recheck18:17
SixThreeOhI hope jaunty works with :)18:17
predatorianbut you'd be able to start and stop them manually through the command line18:17
djdavis75funkja: couldn't u use like service apache start18:17
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djdavis75service apache stop18:17
predatorianlike /etc/init.d/samba restart18:18
funkjadjdavis75: maybe, I have never used that before18:18
fccffunkja: see my note -- it is the easy way18:18
djdavis75funkja: do what fccf said, disable them from auto starting, then use service <whatever> start18:19
Mow__I was messing with my compiz settings now I cant move any windows or right click on them18:19
djdavis75when u want to run it18:19
ruhaanhow can  i monitor temperature on my acer aspire one?18:19
ruhaanhow can  i monitor temperature on my acer aspire one?18:19
ruhaani m using ubuntu 9.0418:19
ruhaanthe netbook remix18:19
funkjadjdavis: how do I find the names of the services. It tells me apache is not a valid service name18:20
djdavis75funkja: and when you're done with them "service <service> stop"18:20
Slartfunkja: it might be apache2?18:20
predatorianyou could do a ps -e18:20
djdavis75funkja: look in /etc/init.d18:20
predatorianand look for the name of the daemon running18:20
fccffunkja: try apache218:20
Blancd01is there an app to look at temperature of system?18:21
SlartBlancd01: lm-sensors18:21
Blancd01is it included18:21
Slart!sensors | Blancd0118:21
Blancd01or do i need to grab it18:21
ubottuBlancd01: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:21
Solarisi'm trying to setup some php forums but i can't get mysql database to connect to it18:21
SlartBlancd01: I don't think it is.. but check out ubottus link18:22
SlartBlancd01: you install one package, run one script and you're good to go18:22
Pici!sensors | ruhaan18:22
ubotturuhaan: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:22
Mow__slart: I turned off some kind of setting in compiz now I cant move anything...?18:22
mart_nAnyone knows how to install a web interface for vsftp?18:23
fccfSolaris: you need to setup the config file in the php forums to use your mysql server18:23
SlartMow__: I don't know of any such settings in compiz.. try rebooting.. or resetting compiz18:23
deanywindow management, move window?18:24
Mow__idk if there is a reset optoin..18:24
Solaristhat's what i'm trying to do but it looks for it but it can't connect to the database18:24
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ruhaanPici: it says Sorry, no sensors were detected.18:24
predatorianyou did the whole ctrl+alt+backspace18:24
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fccfis the mysql database installed and running?18:24
fccfSolaris ^^18:24
deanyMow__,  in CCSM , window management,  make sure Move Window is ticked.  Other than that, you can reset by disabling and enabling compiz thru appearance18:25
Solarisi think its just not visible to the net18:25
ruhaanmart_n: try webmin18:25
fccfSolaris: eer hmm18:25
ruhaanit has a module for vsftpd i think18:25
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.18:25
fccfSolaris: is your mysql server running on localhost - if so point php forums config to localhost18:26
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox18:26
Piciruhaan: Perhaps acpi may be able to help you. I don't remember what the switches are, but it might have temperatures in it.18:26
mart_nruhaan, seem to be a little overkill.... I just need someone to connect to my FTP server via a browser18:26
Solariskk let me try that18:26
ohirmart_n: use ftp:// link then18:27
Mowcompiz is being retarded and now I cant move anything can anyone help? there is no reset button as far as I can tell..18:27
Jack_SparrowMow try /join #compiz18:27
mart_ndoesn't work till now, am I supposer to set something to enable that?18:27
jonohi all, I am the Ubuntu Community Manager and will be doing a live video cast at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon in 30mins and I am happy to answer Ubuntu questions posted in there18:27
ohirmart_n: any contemporary browser understands ftp://18:27
SlartMow: ctrl+alt+f1, metacity --replace   then alt+f7 to get back18:27
SlartMow: dont forget.. alt+f7 to get back.. remember that18:27
mart_nohir, yes but the my vsftp deamondoes not respond...18:28
fccfjono: I think I'll watch that one18:28
jonofccf, :)18:28
deanyMow, it resets for me by setting effects to none , then back to normal/extra.18:28
fccfjono: topic?18:28
ohirmart_n: on console type man vsftpd and read how to set it up18:28
mart_ni'll check things thanks folk18:28
Slartdeany: he can't click..18:28
jonovarious: ubuntu developer summit, loco teams, general community, burnout and more18:28
deanyHe cant move windows, or move the mouse?18:28
Jack_Sparrowjono Which Ubuntu community are you manager of? Sorry, but I have never heard of you18:29
Slartdeany: I think moving the mouse works but not clicking anything..18:29
elli222Can pulseaudio be used systemwide? (IE: One daemon, started by init)18:29
SlartMow: or? can you open menus and stuff?18:29
jonoJack_Sparrow, the wider ubuntu community - I work at Canonical and lead a team that manages community relations18:29
deanywish people would be less vague18:29
Slartdeany: hehe.. yea right.. like that is going to happen ;)18:29
Jack_Sparrowjono Ty, thay is why I asked18:29
predatorianwould any one know if there is a channel for DRBL?18:30
Solarisnow it says: Could not connect to the database, see error message below.18:31
SolarisCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)18:31
whatvnSolaris: check if mysql.sock stored elsewhere18:31
Eternaut4hola, como puedo hacer que un programa se autoejecute al iniciar el sistema?18:31
Eternaut4sorry, wrong place18:31
Jack_Sparrow!es > Eternaut418:31
ubottuEternaut4, please see my private message18:31
Mow__no one is responding on compiz irc what can i do to fix this..?...18:32
bert1i dual boot vista and ubuntu and i'm trying to move my 13 gb ubuntu partition over on my harddrive to make room so i can expand the vista one a bit, but gparted keeps giving me an error when i try to move it. i can move my linux swap file around, but not the main one that ubuntu is on. when i try to move it i get libparted message: input / out error during read of /dev/sda - can anyone help me move my linux partition over???18:32
Jack_SparrowMow__ Try patience, not all channels are as quick to respond as this one18:32
whatvnMow__: problem?18:32
Solarisi think it may not be running now18:32
whatvnSolaris: find / -name mysql.sock18:32
Jack_Sparrowbert1 Are you doing if from livecd or from the install.  Dont try to move or resize a mounted partition18:33
Mow__lol there isnt anyone in this room though lol..18:33
krishmishhi room18:33
bert1Jack_Sparrow: livecd. its unmounted18:33
Jack_Sparrowbert1 ty just checking18:33
Mow__whatvn: problem is that all my windows wont work18:33
deanyMow__, what  EXACTLY cant you move18:33
tiseptiIs there any way to get a list of external usb hard drives? I can think of ways to get lists of hard drives, lists of usb devices - but dont know any way to get a list of both18:33
Jack_Sparrowbert1 if you have an extended partition that complicates the issue18:33
Mow__I cant move anything18:33
whatvnMow__: won't work? your computer freezes?18:34
deanyMow__,  mouse ?18:34
krishmishcan any one help me install a MS JVM equivalent in firefox to wok in ubuntu???18:34
Mow__no just none of my windows will move..18:34
Solarisi got a big list of permission denied18:34
Mow__none of my programs18:34
krishmishcan any one help me install a MS JVM equivalent in firefox to wok in ubuntu???18:34
Slart!repear | krishmish18:34
whatvnSolaris: sudo find / -name mysql.sock18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repear18:34
predatorianwhich version are you using18:34
Slart!repeat | krishmish18:34
ubottukrishmish: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:34
bert1Jack_Sparrow - i think i do. in noob speak... i think my sda3 contains sda3 (swap) and sda5 (main ubuntu space) as well as unallocated space . what should i do?18:34
predatoriankrismish: which version are you using18:34
Jason2gsThe audio in Firefox (or possibly just Flash, can't tell really) stops arbitrarily. I'll have to kill Firefox and restart it, then it'll work until it decides it doesn't want to anymore. Please help.18:34
Slartkrishmish: MS JVM ?18:34
predatorianJava virtual machine18:34
chuck_Mow__, reboot18:35
Jack_Sparrowbert1 Pastebin your sudo fdisk -l   and provide a link please18:35
Slartisn't microsoft and java a big no no?18:35
Solarisok i did it and it just gave me a new command line18:35
predatoriankrismish: you can get a .deb from the sun website for VirtualBox18:35
krishmishpredatorian: ok18:35
Mow__i did18:35
deanyMow__, http://www.duffydack.karoo.net/Screenshot.jpg     ?18:35
Jack_Sparrow!who > Mow__18:35
ubottuMow__, please see my private message18:35
krishmishpredatorian: actually there is a website called www.sharekhan.com18:35
bert1Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/m4edc139918:35
predatoriankrismish: theres a lot more options than the OSE virtualbox too18:35
mmm4m5mquestion please: when I install some package (logwatch), there are docs in /usr/share/doc/logwatch/HOWTO-Customize-LogWatch.gz. Is this the way in linux? I was thinking all is available as man page. How to find the docs I need - to browse the directories or there is some other way?18:36
Jack_Sparrowbert1 ty18:36
fccfSolaris: that means mysql is not running18:36
Mow__yes I have this marked already18:36
krishmishpredatorian: there is a fast trade terminal option which requires MSJVM18:36
Jack_Sparrowbert1 to expand sda1 or 2 you will need to remove 345 etc18:36
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krishmishpredatorian: the issue is that it is suppossed to work in IE18:37
Mow__deany: I have this marked but it wont work for some odd reason..18:37
deanyMow__,  and what happens when you go System/Prefs/Appearance, effects to None, then enable them again18:37
krishmishpredatorian: and thats what i can t digest...18:37
Solarisok brb got a customer18:37
whatvnSolaris: you just installed mysql, did you start it before?18:37
krishmishim more comfy working in ubuntu18:37
mmm4m5mPici: Hi. No one else respect my questions but you :). What do you say?18:37
bert1Jack_Sparrow - so i have to delete all my linux partitions, resize vista, then reinstall ubuntu ?18:38
predatoriankrishmish: what do you mean fast trade terminal?18:38
krishmishSlart: i need to work aroung MS JVM18:38
Jack_Sparrowbert1 you can trhow things onto a diff drive and move them back,18:38
Slartkrishmish: ok18:38
whatvnfccf: that means there is no mysql.sock, so mysql cannot start18:38
predatoriankrishmish: do you mean you are having problems with using online java apps?18:39
predatoriani found your post on ubuntu forums18:39
Picimmm4m5m: zless /usr/share/doc/logwatch/HOWTO-Customize-LogWatch.gz might show you want you want18:39
tiseptikriskmish: are you sure thats a good idea? ms has a legal agreement with sun not to support msjvm - its end of life was 2007 http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/java/faq.mspx18:39
krishmish<Slart> <predatorian> pls see this site first...www.sharekhan.com18:39
Jack_Sparrowbert1 You may be able to umount 345 and try to shrink the ext3  sda3 etc, just not sure that will work right18:39
bert1Jack_sparrow: i can delete this ubuntu partition, i'm fine with that, i have the install cd handy to get it back. i'm just worried about deleting grub and then having windows unable to boot with a grub 22 error. is there anyway to delete this partition but not screw up my MBR ?18:39
mmm4m5mPici: yes, but do I have always to browse the directories... when ever the help is not included fully in man page?18:39
Mow__deany: uh my screen freeze it go's to desktop blank then it goes back to what I was looking at18:40
pietjeHello All, can somebody tell me how to upgrade libqtcore4 to 4.5.1?18:40
fccfwhatvn: so while Solaris is helping his customer ... lemme learn from you how to fix it18:40
Mow__deany: and still windows wont move18:40
mmm4m5mPici: thanks again.18:40
predatoriankrishmish: i am at the site, and it seems to be working fine18:40
Jack_Sparrowbert1 fixing the mbr to get windows isnt hard, but reinstalling ubuntu / grub will fix that anyhow18:40
Picimmm4m5m: I believe so. I'm not aware of an automatic method of getting those expanded,but there may be something available.18:40
krishmishslart / predatorian: in the trade now option, u will find FAST TRADE18:40
bert1ok, thanks Jack_Sparrow. i'm off to tinker, delete things, and pray18:40
mmm4m5mPici: ok, that is ok, just to be sure I am the right way18:40
whatvnfccf: I didn't mean I can solved that prob18:41
Jack_Sparrowbert1 np, good luck18:41
predatorianso, whats this fast trade18:41
fccfwhatvn: then I will18:41
krishmishpredatorian: the site would be fine18:41
whatvnfccf: that's my problem, I wonder how can I restore mysql.sock? you will? help me too :d18:41
predatoriankrishmish, it works for me18:41
predatorianeven in my virtualmachine18:41
Jason2gsThe audio in Firefox (or possibly just Flash, can't tell really) stops arbitrarily. I'll have to kill Firefox and restart it, then it'll work until it decides it doesn't want to anymore. Please help.18:42
deanyMow__, did you try that metacity --replace18:42
Mow__deany: metacity replace?..18:42
krishmishpredatorian: once the fast trade terminal windows opens...and after u submit a username and password, the applets should work18:42
predatorianjust a bump, but does anyone know where i can find a channel for DRBL18:42
Solarisok back how do i make it start18:42
krishmishpredatorian: in order to make the applets work, it requires MS JVM18:42
deanyalt+f2 and type it18:42
predatorianits workign fine for me18:43
pietjeHello All, can somebody tell me how to upgrade libqtcore4 to 4.5.1?18:43
deanyMow__, alt+f2 and type metacity --replac18:43
krishmishpredatorian:  im unable to work it in firefox18:43
krishmishpredatorian: thats the issue18:43
fccfwhatvn: Solaris: firstly what version of ubuntu?18:43
deanyMow__, metacity --replace     i mean18:43
predatoriankrishmish: in firefox's address bar18:43
predatoriantype in about:plugins18:43
Solarislatest release18:43
whatvnfccf: 9.0418:43
predatorianand see waht java plug in your using18:43
krishmishpredatorian: i semm to be having problems with the browser right now, pls lemme relogin...will be back in 2 minutes18:44
krishmishpredatorian: will ping u back18:44
Mow__deany:thanks that worked18:44
UbuntsirrtHello, anyone knows how these are called http://www.nusirasyk.lt/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/8e985f7c0ce7cbbd9ec18627b74437d3.jpg ?18:44
fccfSolaris: whatvn: ouch guys I am really a LTS guy ... and I personally reccommend it - especially for servers - but there are a few things we can try18:45
whatvnSolaris: we do a test18:45
whatvnSolaris: ps -ef | grep mysql18:45
deanyMow__, well thats compiz off..18:45
predatorianwould anyone happen to know real quick how to help me with this problem? E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:46
predatorianE: Unable to lock the download directory18:46
Jack_Sparrowpredatorian shut down synaptic or any other package manager18:46
jussi01predatorian: do you have another synaptic open?18:46
whatvnSolaris: any result?18:46
Mow__deany: ok is there anyway to get it to work again?...18:46
predatorianlet me check18:46
Mow__deany: I can move my windows now but compiz no longer works18:46
whatvnfccf: not depend on distro, man!18:47
whatvnSolaris: show me your results?18:47
predatorianill just restart my VM Jack_Sparrow, i know its the easy way out, but its only a VM18:47
Jack_Sparrow!aptfix > predatorian18:47
ubottupredatorian, please see my private message18:47
krishmishpredatorian: yeah im back18:48
Solaris 19552 18605  0 12:46 pts/0    00:00:00 grep mysql18:48
whatvnSolaris: and?18:48
gartralwhat programs are availible for recording from a modem? (making an answering machine)18:48
Solaristhat's it18:48
Peace-wtf i can't use blender18:48
predatoriankrishmish, whats up18:48
krishmishpredatorian: https://newtrade.sharekhan.com/rmmweb/applet/Login.jsp18:48
Jack_SparrowPeace- Please dont use the rude shorthand18:48
whatvnSolaris: test finished18:49
SlartPeace-: that's quite common.. many people can't use blender.. it's got a weird ui18:49
noonwhen I add my USB hdd to fstab my boot goes a little crazy and says my /home dir does not exist and drops into a root shell. When I uncomment the last line from my fstab boot is fine. have I done something incorrectly? --> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1f9531f218:49
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
krishmishpredatorian: open that link and see the settings requirem=ent18:49
krishmishpredatorian: http://www.sharekhan.com/downloads/help.html18:49
mrwesOMG! I just tried Opera for the first time -- what a screamer18:49
krishmishpredatorian: thats the settings link18:50
predatoriankrishmish, it sounds like the website is just really picky18:50
Peace-Slart: solutions?18:50
predatoriancasue military websites are like that18:50
krishmishpredatorian: yeah18:50
Jason2gsThe audio in Firefox (or possibly just Flash, can't tell really) stops arbitrarily. I'll have to kill Firefox and restart. It'll work, but only for a little while. Please help.18:50
Mow__deany: I can move my windows now but compiz no longer works18:50
SlartPeace-: check graphics drivers.. look for error messages when run from terminal.. try with or without compiz running18:50
predatorianwhat i would do is just find an image of windows, install it in a virtualmachine and use IE18:50
krishmishpredatorian: considering the situation, how do u think i should go about?18:50
Peace-Slart: no compiz here18:50
SmokeyDhey people. I have an lvm enabled disk which doesn't come back after a reboot. The physical disk partitions are present and are reported by fdisk to be LVM partitions18:51
krishmishpredatorian: this is not working with FF18:51
Peace-Slart: the driver works fine with other 3d stuff18:51
SmokeyDbut vgdisplay an pvdisplay show up nothing18:51
SmokeyDdoes anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?18:51
SlartPeace-: what version of blender?18:51
predatoriankrishmish, what i do is use a virtual machine18:52
predatorianthat has windows on it18:52
Peace-Slart: 2.48a and 2.4918:52
predatorianand get on there18:52
whatvnSolaris: sudo mksock /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock18:52
krishmishpredatorian: okay18:52
SlartPeace-: same result in both versions?18:52
whatvnSolaris: sory, sudo mksocket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock18:52
predatoriankrishmish: some websites are just really picky, and they care about what OS you use, and what browser you use18:52
Mow__so I put in metacity --replace in Alt + f2 and now I cant get compiz working but my windows move now..this is just a never ending procsess..18:52
Peace-Slart: well if i wrote ..yea18:52
krishmishpredatorian: hmm18:53
predatoriankrishmish, have you tried opera?18:53
krishmishpredatorian: yeah i tried...18:53
Solarismksock command not found18:53
Jack_SparrowMow__ do the same again but this time compiz --replace18:53
krishmishpredatorian: same issue :-(18:53
predatoriankrishmish: then ild say try a virtualmachine with windows, and just do taht18:53
SlartPeace-: intel graphics card?18:53
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest55720
Peace-Slart: yea18:53
SlartPeace-: not sure if this is the same bug.. worth taking a look at though https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=48690018:54
Peace-Slart: i was on blendercodes channel and they said Peace-, use mesa - blender-static from the tar.bz218:54
krishmishpredatorian: think i hsould go that way alone18:54
krishmishpredatorian: thanx any way18:54
predatoriansorry i couldnt help man18:54
predatorianor woman18:54
Mow__Jack_Sparrow: yeah see it must be compiz its not working properly or something becuase I cannot do anything now..18:54
krishmishpredatorian: no issues, u tried...18:55
gartralwhat programs are availible for recording from a modem? (making an answering machine)18:55
krishmishpredatorian: that s what matters18:55
krishmishpredatorian: thanx18:55
Jack_SparrowMow__ At least you kow where the problem is.18:55
krishmishpredatorian: keep in touch18:55
predatorianJack_Sparrow: i think my problem was i ran DRBL, and it did something to my initrd.img18:55
krishmishpredatorian: i wanna sort out some samba issues too...can u help me tomorrow with that?18:55
predatoriankrishmish: fursure, im a crawler18:55
krishmishpredatorian: cool18:55
Mow__Jack_Sparrow: yea I just cant do anything about it =\18:55
Jack_Sparrowgartral None that I am aware of18:55
SlartPeace-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/36577618:55
predatoriankrishmish, whats your problem with samba18:56
krishmishpredatorian: will ping u tomorrow18:56
SlartPeace-: that one looks more like your screenshot18:56
krishmishpredatorian: gotta go...actually18:56
whatvnSolaris: sory, I can't help18:56
predatoriankrishmish, ight, i might not be on tomorrow18:56
krishmishpredatorian: lets catch up tomoro18:56
krishmishpredatorian:  oh okay18:56
predatoriankrishmish, i got some field operations coming up18:56
whatvnSolaris: it's still my problem18:56
krishmishpredatorian:  can i mail u?18:56
Mow__Jack_Sparrow: yea I fixed it -.-...thanks for the help18:56
predatorianfo sho18:56
predatorianPM me18:57
krishmishor u can send me a test mail at krishmish@yahoo.com18:57
krishmishpredatorian: krishmish@yahoo.com18:57
LjLnot a very good idea posting one's email on a logged channel.18:57
predatoriankrishmish, got ya18:58
krishmishpredatorian: thanx18:58
krishmishpredatorian: bye18:58
Peace-Slart: i have solved xD18:58
Mow__I feel bad for that kid he is guna get like 10000 emails he isnt going to want lol..18:59
whatvnSolaris: try sudo chmod -R 711 /var/run/mysql/19:00
predatorianMow__: you mean that krishmish guy?19:00
whatvnSolaris: it works for me19:00
dekushrubI just went to the Banshee Unstable PPA to get Banshee 1.5 and added the PPA to my repositories but now I can't figure out how to install the newest version from synaptic. Helpy?19:00
whatvnSolaris: try sudo chmod -R 711 /var/run/mysqld/19:00
=== Guest55720 is now known as SirDerigo
Jack_Sparrowdekushrub Start by making sure yo have a backup19:01
crankharderis there a virtual box package for intrepid?19:01
Jack_Sparrowcrankharder yes19:01
predatoriancrankharder: check the sun website19:01
dekushrub@Jack_Sparrow a backup of what?19:01
Mow__yes lol..19:01
Jack_Sparrowdekushrub your system, you never know what an unstable ppa will do for you19:01
predatorianMow__: yaeh, thats why i told him to PM me19:01
crankharderit's not in an ubuntu repo?19:02
whatvncrankharder: aptitude search virtualbox gives you answer19:02
predatorianMow__: cause i knew someone would get stupid19:02
Jack_Sparrowcrankharder yes there is one in our repos as well19:02
predatoriancrankharder: the one in the repos is the OSE verson19:02
Solarisok did that19:02
Mow__predatorian: stupid or bored people do odd things when there bored..I coded video game hacks when i was bored19:02
whatvnSolaris: start mysql19:02
predatoriancrankharder: you just need to find the key for it, and then add the apt/sources.list line19:02
Solarishow forgive me new to unbuntu19:03
predatorianMow__: i wish i had that time, the military gives you zero time to think about that19:03
predatorianim doign this and working on a counseling and also cooking dinner19:03
=== [1]eflynn is now known as eflynn
whatvnSolaris: after sudo chmod -R 711 /var/run/mysqld/ . start mysql using /etc/init.d/mysqld start19:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:03
binarymutantwhat channel offers support for the Ubuntu wiki?19:04
scales11hi all.  i noticed that texmaker has an update on its website including a .deb file.  it is a great program but only the previous version is present in the repos.  how long till that is updated? is there somewhere for me to post an inquery?19:04
Picibinarymutant: For issues with it? #ubuntu-doc19:04
binarymutantPici, not really issues with the wiki itself, but to ask a question regarding syntax and stuff19:04
Picibinarymutant: Because you're adding something?19:05
binarymutantPici, ya19:05
whatvnbinarymutant: here :-p19:05
Picibinarymutant: Then thats the right channel19:05
Piciwhatvn: No, Ubuntu documentation is managed by the docs team.19:05
whatvnPici: yup19:06
binarymutantPici, ty19:06
Solarisok i did /etc/init.d/mysqld start and got no sucj file or directory19:07
rabidweezleok, I got a 2ghz amd athlon x2 64... running ubuntu 9.04 64-bit, and it's registering as 1ghz?19:07
rabidweezleSysInfo: CPU: Dual AMD Athlon Dual-Core QL-62 1000.000 MHz Bogomips: 8000.7519:07
whatvnSolaris: which way you use to install mysql?19:07
Slartrabidweezle: it isn't just some kind of powersaving going on?19:07
rabidweezleI dunno, how can I check?19:08
pietjeHello all, I was already here sometime with the same question, but I couldn't solve it then. The problem is the following: Ubuntu seem to hang verry often, when it does, the screen greys completely out, and I have to wait for it to come back to live.. I tailed the syslog and here's the output of the log when it happens: http://pastebin.ca/1446536 can somebody help me?19:08
whatvnSolaris: /etc/init.d/mysql start19:08
Slartrabidweezle: run something...something that needs processor power19:08
MadClaw I installed ubuntu (inside windows) so then when i load it up, Right after the ubuntu loading screen, it sits there at a black screen with a flashing underscore in the top left screen forever. Any idea's?19:08
=== MadClaw is now known as Guest36476
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:09
Solarisget -apt install19:09
rabidweezleSlart, I know it's running that slow, because the system is acting sluggish19:09
whatvnSolaris: /etc/init.d/mysql start , and apt-get not get-apt :|19:09
binarymutantHow can I create an anchor on a page in the Ubuntu wiki? Is the anchor just a heading, ie === Anchor === ?19:09
Solarisyeah lol19:09
Jack_SparrowSolaris sudo apt-get install applicationname   is the standard format19:09
rabidweezleis there cpu scaling options somewhere in ubuntu?19:10
cabreyrabidweezle, yes19:10
rabidweezleto shut it off specifically19:10
Solarisyeah it siad starting19:10
Slartrabidweezle: try right clicking on a panel ,select Add to panel.. find a cpu speed indicator19:10
Solarisfail :(19:10
whatvnSolaris: :-p, what errors?19:10
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:10
unixanyone know why flash 10 wouldnt install?19:10
Slartrabidweezle: or.. cpu frequency scaling bla bla bla19:11
Solarisnone just says fail19:11
rabidweezleSlart, I see it, and it's running scaled down half19:11
binarymutantunix, are you using the one in the repository? or compiling it yourself?19:11
cabreyrabidweezle, it scales automatically19:11
rabidweezlethere, I just set it to 2ghz19:11
Slartrabidweezle: left click on that applet.. can you change the governor?19:11
whatvnSolaris: sudo killall -9 mysql && /etc/init.d/mysql start19:11
rabidweezlethanks Slart19:11
binarymutantunix, pastebin the error so I can give you a hint as to why it fails19:11
rabidweezlenow we are full speed :D19:12
unixit installs just fine, it just doesnt work19:12
pietjeCan somebody help me with the following: Ubuntu seem to hang verry often, when it does, the screen greys completely out, and I have to wait for it to come back to live.. I tailed the syslog and here's the output of the log when it happens: http://pastebin.ca/1446536 can somebody help me?19:12
Solarisno process killed19:12
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binarymutantunix, what about it doesn't work?19:12
Slartrabidweezle: I usually go with "On demand" for my desktop... it scales down when there's nothing to do and scales up when it's needed19:12
Jack_Sparrowpietje we need datails, like which flavor of ubuntu you are using and if you manually added sources or ran a script that has done so etc19:12
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unixit doesnt work, i go to youtube, the plugin is in the mozilla folder, its not listed in firefox, and doesnt work19:13
whatvnSolaris: then try to check log in /var/log/mysql.log to find what makes error19:13
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rabidweezleSlart, yeah, it's good to conserve battery :)19:14
MadC|awI installed ubuntu (inside windows) so then when i load it up, Right after the ubuntu loading screen, it sits there at a black screen with a flashing underscore in the top left screen forever. Any idea's?19:14
Jack_SparrowMadC|aw please stop19:14
SlartPeace-: oh.. what was the problem?19:14
rabidweezleSlart, or in your case electricity19:14
Solarishow i do that19:14
binarymutant!flash | unix19:14
ubottuunix: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:14
Jack_SparrowMadC|aw    <Guest56904> pff... <MadC|aw> ¬¬.. <MadC|aw> hem?19:15
Slartrabidweezle: not only that.. you'll get a less noisy computer.. more power=more noise19:15
=== Rocktem is now known as sikerim
MadC|awno unicode support heh?19:15
unixugh thats not helping, i already have the package installed it just doesnt work19:15
FloodBot3sikerim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
pietjeJack_Sparrow: I use ubuntu 9.04 jaunty, and I did not mannualy add any sources,in fact it already does this from the beginning after I installed ubuntu19:15
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sikerimwhat what19:16
Imperionhow can I manually set the boot-time ppd launch thing?19:16
sikerimwhat what19:16
binarymutantHow can I create an anchor on a page in the Ubuntu wiki? Is the anchor just a heading, ie === Anchor === ?19:17
LogicFannot sure how to get my webcam working in 9.0419:17
LogicFani have a built-in cam with my dell xps m133019:17
LogicFanekiga doesn't see it19:17
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ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:17
LogicFanMow__, yeah, already read those links19:17
=== elad is now known as elad`
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wait19:18
Mow__Logicfan: built in webcam did you try looking at your hardware devices or drivers19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi19:18
Solariswhatvn how do i go about checking that lof19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about delay19:19
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:19
LogicFanMow__, i dont see anything using lspci19:19
LogicFani'm  just about to try easycam19:20
Mow__Logicfan: im not sure what to say then..19:20
SlartLogicFan: what about lsusb?19:20
pietjeJack_Sparrow: I use ubuntu 9.04 jaunty, and I did not mannualy add any sources,in fact it already does this from the beginning after I installed ubuntu, do you have any idea of what could be causing the problem?19:20
Jack_SparrowLogicFan Make sure easy cam supports your hardware19:20
=== kb is now known as Guest37188
Jack_Sparrowpietje If this is a wubi type of install it is not someting I recommend, use or support19:20
unixis there a way i can use a .deb file to uninstall? like name of .deb --uninstall?19:21
Mow__lol im running on wubi..19:21
Piciunix: Did you use a deb to install the software?19:21
Mow__works fine for me19:21
crankharderin virtual box how do I allow my guest machine to access the network/interwebs?19:21
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/19:21
unixyes, but when i reopen it all it says is reinstall19:21
rabidweezlewubi is that windows installer right?19:21
SmokeyDthis is really weird: there is a symlink from /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uid> to /dev/sdb1 but vol_id /dev/sb1 returns "unkown volume type"19:21
unixand im trying to go back to flash 9 10 obv is not working19:21
Jack_Sparrowrabidweezle yes19:21
pietjeJack_Sparrow: no, it isn't a wubi install, I installed normally19:22
SixThreeOhhttp://pastebin.com/d281e5ddc help?19:22
Mow__its partition kinda program19:22
Piciunix: dpkg --remove packagename19:22
Jack_Sparrowpietje ok..  so the install went through.. livecd or alternate?>19:22
Slartcrankharder: in the machine settings I think you can set the network card to use NAT or similar19:22
LogicFanJack_Sparrow, i dont see a HCL for easycam19:22
Jack_SparrowMow__ wubi is not a partition kinda program19:22
LogicFanand i can't read french :P19:22
Jack_SparrowLogicFan I found one awhile back.. let me look at my notes19:23
RojwanHello, I have an issue regarding GSynaptics Touchpad Settings. When I launch the application, I get the error message "GSynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics." When I do as asked, though, Ubuntu boots with the error message "(EE) Problem parsing the config file" and I have to revert the changes. I'm stuck, what did I miss?19:23
pietjeJack_Sparrow: I inserted the cd and chose install ubuntu, so I didn't run the livecd and installed it from there19:23
Jack_Sparrowpietje k.  see if the livecd boots to a desktop19:24
djdavis75rojwan: are you sure you are puttin it in the right section and using correct x.org syntax?19:24
Jack_Sparrowpietje To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash use the noapic acpi=off options before the "--"19:25
Rojwandjdavis75: Yes, I'm sure about the syntax, because I copied the code from Ubuntu Forums where the solution was successful.19:25
pietjeJack_Sparrow: I don't have the cd anymore, but I installed ubuntu without any problems, is it nescesary to boot livecd?19:25
crankharderSlart: I selected that and still cannot connect19:25
djdavis75Rojwan: not sure then19:26
RojwanOkay, thanks for looking. I'll post my problem in the forums19:26
Jack_Sparrowpietje if it installed without any problems I would expect you to have a working desktop19:26
=== jbutera is now known as one
unixhas anyohne here successfulkly installed flash 10?19:26
Slartcrankharder: then I don't know what to say.. that works for my vm's19:26
pietjeJack_Sparrow: I do, but the problem is that it hangs a lot19:26
xstaticDoes anyone know how i can  mySQL totally off of my system19:27
djdavis75pietje: what hangs a lot, and where?19:27
Jack_Sparrowpietje It could be overheating or not have the right hardware detection etc. it should not hang, but you cal also research your hardware and see if there are known issues with that19:28
cabreyxstatic, synaptic package manager19:28
sphenxes03My external hard drive has fallen on the floor (my son). It looks like it is working fine. How can I check if there any demage to done to the hard drive? Is reformatting is enough? or what should i do?19:28
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:29
xstaticcabrey: where at in the manager19:29
pietjeJack_Sparrow, djdavis75: For instance I'm using Firefox, and doing nothing strange, and firefox hangs for about 10 seconds and comes back to live. But this doesn't only happen using firefox, but It happens with every app. I tailed the syslog, and this is the output: http://pastebin.ca/144653619:29
Slartsphenxes03: try using the s.m.a.r.t tools... those will tell you all kinds of stuff about the drive.. and let you run tests on it19:29
cabreyxstatic, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager19:29
ubottusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager19:29
=== one is now known as jbutera
Mow__sphenxes03: if you can look through the hardrive with no problems it should be alright but you might want to reformat it19:29
Slartbah... wrong factoid19:29
Peace-Slart: i was out have you wrote to me19:29
JenniferB2hi folks :)19:30
JenniferB2is ubuntu server free ?19:30
SlartPeace-: yea, just wondering how you fixed it?19:30
LuciusMarehello,anyone with installed e17?19:30
djdavis75pietje: hmm, but it doesn't lock up, it comes back?19:30
SlartJenniferB2: yes, both as in beer and as in speech19:30
reiviscan I have some help with (VNC server) or similar remote desktop servers?19:30
Peace-Slart: just extract then you can see a script on the tar.gz called blender-static19:30
JenniferB2Start: Great!19:30
Jack_SparrowLuciusMare Yes, once.  found it buggy and lacked support19:30
Peace-Slart: so run that19:30
LuciusMareJack_Sparrow: i totally dont know how to install it :)19:31
SlartPeace-: oh.. that was it?19:31
JenniferB2ah.. it was an l19:31
Peace-Slart: of couse in this way ./blender-static19:31
pietjedjdavis75: yes it comes back after about 10 seconds.  the app greyes out for the time it hangs19:31
Peace-Slart: yea only this19:31
Jack_Sparrowpietje something to look at..  To get live cd to show your missing hard drive this often helps..At start or install press F6 and add all_generic_ide before the "--"19:31
SlartPeace-: ok.. well.. all good then =)19:31
Blancd01http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiYq0v9IeVM&feature=related .. funny shiz19:32
Peace-Slart: yea i was crying19:32
Jack_Sparrowpietje that ata drive seems to be acting up n you19:32
djdavis75pietje: not sure then, something is cause the app to slow way down and not respond19:32
SlartBlancd01: and off-topic.. or?19:32
Mow__Blancd01: post in offtopic19:33
jbarketQuestion. I'm trying to upgrade 7.10->8.04 LTS. I couldn't apt-get update to work, so I changed gusty->hardy in my /etc/apt/sources.list and then updated and followed the normal procedure. However, when I run do-release-upgrade, I get current dist not found in meta-release file. Any ideas?19:33
LuciusMareJack_Sparrow: why can not i pm you?19:33
crankhardermy VirtualBox settings has 4 Adapter Types for network, how do I know which one to use?19:33
pietjeJack_Sparrow: yes I saw that too, but wasn't certain if that was the problem, I tryed to smart check it, but that fails every time19:33
Jack_SparrowLuciusMare Please keep your questions in the channel.19:33
=== L is now known as Guest78141
nod62I installed compiz fusion, however, it does not appear to be working (Has no effect)19:34
djdavis75crankharder: which ever one works for the guest OS19:34
Jack_Sparrowpietje if smartcheck fails then it will end up as a drive / hardware issue19:34
bobohey how do you format a dvd+r? i use ubuntu 9.0419:34
LuciusMareHow can i install e17 on ubuntu?19:34
pietjeJack_Sparrow: But when the live cd finds it, how does that solve the problem?19:34
cabreynod62, what version of ubuntu?19:34
crankharderdjdavis75: none of them seem to work19:34
djdavis75crankharder: what is the guest OS?19:34
Jack_Sparrowpietje It might help or support your ata a bit better19:34
crankharderdjdavis75: XP19:34
nod62cabrey: Jaunty Jackalope Netbook Remix 9.0419:34
Slartbobo: you don't format dvd-r19:34
cabreynod62, are you using the netbook interface?19:34
boboawww :( ok thanks19:34
Slartbobo: you'd need dvd-rw to do that19:35
djdavis75crankharder: hmm, I use the default on for my XP in vbox, and it works fine, i may have installed the vbox extensions though b4 it worked, don't remember19:35
pietjeJack_Sparrow: But if its an drive error, why doesn't a same error occur using other os'es like windows? <- I know it's an ugly word19:35
crankharder...vob extentions?19:35
nod62cabrey: Yeah, at the moment.19:35
cabreynod62, compositing window manager do not work well / at all with the netbook interface19:35
crankharderer, vbox19:36
djdavis75crankharder: boot XP in vbox, and look in the menu, there is a think to install vbox extensions19:36
Jack_Sparrowpietje poor quality drivers or marginally supported hardware19:36
djdavis75crankharder: the vbox menus19:36
crankharder"Guest Additions" -- did that19:36
djdavis75crankharder: guest extensions or something is what it's called19:36
pietjeJack_Sparrow: I'll go download the live cd and try your suggestion19:36
djdavis75crankharder: did you check device manager?19:36
Jack_Sparrowpietje it is about all I have to suggest19:37
crankharderyea, unrecognized network card19:37
pietjeJack_Sparrow: Thanks19:37
djdavis75crankharder: I'm using PCnet-FAST III (NAT)19:37
nod62cabrey: I'm trying to make the menu bar transparent.. But I apparently need compiz to achieve this.19:37
djdavis75crankharder: mine is XP Home SP319:37
sirmdmon1terewww, XP, lol19:38
nod62cabrey: Is there any way to make the menu bar transparent without compiz?19:38
cabreynod62, in the netbook interface i don't think you can adjust the transparency of the top bar19:38
sirmdmon1ternod62: are your talking about the panel19:38
=== xstatic is now known as xstaticelectrici
cabreysirmdmon1ter, he is using netbook remix19:39
mattalexxGedit keeps reporting "The file {FILE} changed on disk, [Reload] or [Cancel]" (SMB share mounted in fstab using smbfs). They are not being changed in reality. Anyone have any idea what might be going on?19:39
RHNI was trying to remove home dir encryption and i read i needed to delete .ecryptfs file. I did that, its still encrypted but i cant decrypt it. Can anyone help ?19:39
LogicFanapparently, my webcam is supported with the linux uvc driver, but my system is not picking it up :(  my kernel is 2.6.28, so UVC should be available19:39
sirmdmon1teroo lol nvm19:39
LogicFanany ideas of what else to try?19:39
LogicFanekiga and skype both don't see a webcam device19:40
Jack_SparrowLogicFan try cheese and see if it does any better19:40
nod62cabrey: Darn.19:40
nod62cabrey: How can I disable this interface then?19:40
cabreynod62, System > Preferences > Switch Desktop Mode19:40
LogicFaninstalling cheese now...19:41
sirmdmon1terwell that's the thing though, I had ubuntu 7.10 on my PS3, which the ps3's linux runs off of frambuffer, even it could have transparent panel's19:42
cabreynod62, oops forgot you're on that interface lol go to the Prefernces panel19:42
Mow__this link is a compiz theme under gnome-look but does it only run with emerald?..19:42
=== danorsk is now known as danorsk[afk]
LuciusMarehow can i install e17 on ubuntu?19:43
nod62cabrey: thanks i'm using desktop mode now... just testing stuff now. xD19:43
JenniferB2what kind of filesystem does ubuntu run ? NTFS ? recommended for a server?19:43
qbrixI have two raid arrays (RAID0) using mdadm, is it possible to merge these two into one?19:43
sebsebsebJenniferB2: Ext3 by default19:43
cabreynod62, now to enable compiz System > Preferences > Appearance > Desktop Effects19:44
sebsebsebJenniferB2: and NTFS is Windows,  not good idea to run that for Linux stuff really19:44
=== xstaticelectrici is now known as xstatik
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sebsebsebJenniferB2: ,but Linux distros can read and write to NTFS nicely, as long as Windows  shut it down properly19:44
=== xstatik is now known as xstatikz
JenniferB2ook.. I have a backup disk on this server.. I was thinking on moving everything to that disk and then install ubuntu over.. I believe ubuintu can read ntfs disks so I can move that information back on the ext3 disks ?19:45
sebsebsebJenniferB2: yeah I guess you can19:45
Jack_SparrowJenniferB2 careful with permissions when you do that.19:45
JenniferB2ooh.. I hate permissions..19:45
LogicFanJack_Sparrow, cheese does not detect my webcam, but i found this error with dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187580/19:46
JenniferB2one of the reasons I am disgusted by windoes server19:46
unixhas anyohne here successfulkly installed flash 10?19:46
Solarisok i just installed mysql and got this message at the end: * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld                                 [ OK ]19:46
Solaris * Reloading AppArmor profiles ...                                       [ OK ]19:46
Solaris * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail]19:46
Solarisinvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.19:46
Solarisdpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure):19:46
FloodBot3Solaris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
Solaris subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 119:46
sebsebsebJenniferB2: oh I see heh19:46
sebsebsebJenniferB2: well that's just security, and Linux/Unix do it better than Windows server19:46
Jack_SparrowJenniferB2 look at the laptop link and see what others have done19:46
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org19:46
JenniferB2yeah.. you can always run things as sudo .. thats great :)19:46
JenniferB2Jack_Sparrow: laptop link?19:47
Jack_Sparrowlook up19:47
JenniferB2aah.. ok19:47
sebsebsebJenniferB2: permissions can be pretty annoying to begin with, but they can also be rather useful when know  how  to use them properly19:48
sebsebseb!permissions | JenniferB219:48
ubottuJenniferB2: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:48
sweetchildofminehey guys, is there a way to get ubuntu to show me all the errors occuring on my system in realtime(the ones being supressed)19:48
maheshjr2000hello this is redalert I tried restoring grub using the recovering ubuntu after installing windows and it says invalid executabe19:49
cabreysweetchildofmine, /var/log19:49
sweetchildofminemy computer is really laggy atm, firefox is making rhythmbox hang and the bookmarks manager pauses 2 seconds inbetween removing each bookmark.19:49
sebsebsebsweetchildofmine: how much RAM?19:49
sweetchildofmine2 gigs.19:49
Jack_Sparrowsweetchildofmine Try disabling all of your addons for a moment19:49
sweetchildofmineon the other hand, pentium m.19:50
JenniferB2sebsebseb: yes.. but windows really sucked on that.. say I move my application over to the server.. if I edit any file, windows will automatically change the owner to the one that changed it.. the program then has no longer right to basically touch it..19:50
sebsebsebsweetchildofmine: something about Ubuntu's Firefox and how it goes bad for some of us, makes our computers go slown,  maybe even barely useable,  this will tend to happen with many tabs open, and Flash can cause it19:50
sweetchildofmineyes, it's buggy.19:50
sebsebsebJenniferB2: ok well Linux/Unix do that stuff properly19:50
sweetchildofmineI'm really annoyed I can't use the color picker thingy.19:51
zet_єсть хто рускамовний?19:51
sweetchildofmineit's so much better than personas.19:51
cabreysweetchildofmine, try using epiphany19:51
JenniferB2yeah.. :)19:51
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:51
deanywhats a command to see what format a partition is?19:51
JenniferB2I hope so.. but I think linux has its own downsides19:51
sweetchildofmineno, I'm sticking with firefox, only it will allow me to use stylish.19:51
sweetchildofmineand stylish is essential.19:51
Jack_Sparrowdeany sudo fdisk -l19:51
sebsebsebsweetchildofmine: how many tabs you have open, when you get issues?19:51
Jack_Sparrowsweetchildofmine Try disabling all of your addons for a moment and seeing if it speeds up19:52
deanyJack_Sparrow,  type 83/Linux doesnt tell me what I wanna know19:52
cabreyzet_, /join #ubuntu-ru19:52
SixThreeOhHow do I instruct ubuntu to use a remote esd server for all sound?19:52
deanyext2/3/4, reiserfs, xfs, jfs etc I meant.19:52
sebsebsebJenniferB2: downsides sure, how most software  that loads of people use, isn't made for it, but that's not  Linux distros fault19:52
Mow__is the cube still available for ubuntu compiz19:52
Jack_Sparrowdeany mount19:53
cabreyMow__, yes install simple ccsm19:53
deanyJack_Sparrow, thats it, thx19:53
JenniferB2Jack_Sparrow: You mentioned that I should watch out moving the files from the windows disks to the linux disks.. will the owner follow ? is that what you mean?19:53
sebsebsebJenniferB2: no OS is perfect, but Linux distros tend to do the technical OS stuff better than Windows19:53
Mow__cabrey: may I ask what is simple ccsm?19:53
Jack_SparrowJenniferB2 yes, I would tar everything into a backup before storing it on ntfs19:54
Zimphinany OS is better than windows19:54
azertersettings manager to compiz19:54
cabreyMow__, instead of getting ccsm, a moster of an app, try simple ccsm which is much easier to understand and use19:54
ZimphinAll microshit employees should be stoned to death19:54
sweetchildofmineis it normal for" Jun  3 13:40:23 Raven NetworkManager: <info>  (eth1): supplicant connection state:  associated -> completed" to appear every eh, two minutes?19:54
Jack_SparrowZimphin please stop19:54
sebsebseb!ot |  Zimphin19:54
ubottuZimphin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:54
sweetchildofmineZimphin, windows xp is the best os ever made. the only reason we don't use it is because it isn't open-source.19:55
SixThreeOhIs it possible to make ubuntu use a remote esd server for all sound?19:55
AhmadSherifhi all, i used on older versions of ubuntu (7.10) when typing the name of some website without www or .com  (e.g. ubuntu), i used that google do search for that name then if it exists then it takes me to it directly (www.ubuntu.com). now in 9.04 and 8.10 this feature didn't exist. it only takes me to some sort of search engine belongs to my ISP. i tested with kubuntu konqueror and it worked...19:55
Mow__cabrey: what is it some kind of app that allows you to set up cube? is it in the add/remove or synt package19:55
AhmadSherif...as i want. on ubuntu tested with konquror, ff and opera. any solutions?19:55
FloodBot3AhmadSherif: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
Solarisi installed mysql and this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/187583/plain/19:55
Picisweetchildofmine: stop19:55
maheshjr2000hello this is redalert I tried restoring grub using the recovering ubuntu after installing windows and it says invalid executabe19:55
cabreyMow__, it allows you to customize compiz19:55
Jack_SparrowMow__ Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse19:55
ubottuMow__,: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:55
ravn1hi guys, I'm to buy a new laptop and I wonder, does anyone have a suggestion of a machine that works well with ubuntu? My correct laptop - a Fuijtsu-Siements lifebook is a catastrophe!19:56
nod62it works, thats for the help. :]19:56
cabreyMow__, sudo aptitude install simple-ccsm19:56
Mow__thanks guys19:56
sebsebsebravn1: good question,  you can buy some that come with Ubuntu pre installed19:56
progre55hi everybody! are there any recommended "chm" reader applications under ubuntu?19:56
sebsebsebravn1: however  certain hardware for certain companies are more likely to work with Ubuntu and other distros, better than others19:56
AhmadSherifwhat a bot you have here :) , here is my problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/187584/19:57
JenniferB2I tried opensuse once.. it took me many many hours to install things and drivers.. is there any good link on getting started with linux.. how things are built up etc.. I have noticed that allot of users know how the system is built up, and what files contain what... like what the usr/ folder contains.. good, easy but yet valuable information19:57
cabreyravn1, look into dell, and system7619:57
progre55maybe gnochm?19:57
sebsebsebravn1: for example Intel tend to have good support,  Nivida has it's propritary graphics card drivers,   and  if you were buying a printer you woudn't buy  Lexmark or Kodek, because they don't support Linux19:57
Jack_SparrowAhmadSherif Please post a brief description of the problem when you post a link19:57
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview19:57
sweetchildofminehey, one other thing.. I'm currently resume from hibernate on an old laptop..19:57
Mow__Jack_Sparrow: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:57
Mow__E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:57
sweetchildofmineI bet that's causing this,19:57
Solarisi installed mysql and this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/187583/plain/19:57
cabreyMow__, you're using apt-get somewhere else19:58
AhmadSherifJack_Sparrow: i tried but the flood bot warned me :)19:58
Jack_SparrowMow__ turn off any other package manager, synaptic, apt-get or aptitude etc19:58
Jack_SparrowAhmadSherif Brief..19:58
kais upgrading from interpid to jaunty recommened ?19:58
ichatprogre55:   -   yes there are,  -  at least i found a few of em ... -  you might just want to try google for  chm and that will show you most of em..19:58
kais upgrading from interpid to jaunty recommened and safe ?19:58
ravn1sebsebseb: actually I have a Lexmark printer that works excellent with linux...19:58
cabreyka, do you know what your hardware?19:58
kacabrey, yes19:58
kacabrey, its intel gpu19:59
sebsebsebravn1: If your from USA or Canada  System76 is an option, and they have some nice pre installed Ubuntu's.   http://www.system76.com   there's also http://www.zareason.com and http://www.dell.com/ubuntu19:59
sjokkishow much of a security risk is it to store a password in clear text, presuming that only the system user that needs the password has access to read the file?19:59
cabreyka, what graphics card do you have? that's the biggest issue.19:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chm19:59
kacabrey, Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML19:59
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.19:59
sebsebsebravn1: ok, but it probably isn't a Lexmark driver,  that gets it working, insted  it's something that  the  Linux community reverse engingered or whatever19:59
AhmadSherifbriefly, i want google to search for the site name if i entered it plainly (just 'ubuntu'). it was working on ubunutu 7.10 but not on 9.04 and 8.1020:00
progre55ichat, thanks :) I've tried "apt-cache search chm | grep chm", and got a list :) but thanks anyways. Just wanted to know if there was the most recommended one..20:00
ichatXCHM for example is quite ok20:00
MowJack_sparrow: system...pref..advanced desktop effects... there is no advanced dekstop effects20:01
razerblkcan brasero b used to make a dvd that will play in a dvd player or does it just burn data ?20:01
ravn1sebsebseb: regarding printing: yes, probably, but it works really nice!20:01
Jack_SparrowMow then you did not follow my instructions20:01
sebsebsebravn1: ok20:01
chuck_sjokkis, a very big one20:01
SlartAhmadSherif: it's a setting in firefox.. about:config might help20:01
xenocampanoliWhere do I go to get help testing and developing a Ubuntu package?20:01
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:01
sjokkischuck_: that's what i thought, too. why are some programs made that way?20:01
Slartrazerblk: I think brasero will do it if you've got the right material.. take a look at devede too..20:02
AhmadSherifSlart: don't think so, i tested with konqueror, FF, Opera20:02
Picixenocampanoli: #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel, depending on where the package is for or what the issue is.20:02
deanyIs this going to work? 8gig drive with 1 partition root, and a swap.  6gig drive freshly formatted, not mounted, but 8gig is mounted and running ubuntu.  dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb ,  replace 8gig with 6gig and boot? (updating the fstab of course) ?20:02
MowJack_Sparrow:I downloaded that and went to preffs..20:02
sjokkischuck_: like, to let mpd update my last.fm account, it needs my last.fm password stores in clear text. isn't this really, really stupid?20:02
fccfSolaris: Missing Dependencies ... Sorry I got called away20:02
progre55ichat, oh, that the answer I was looking for :) thanks man, appreciate!20:02
xenocampanolipici:  thank you20:02
Myrttisjokkis: last.fm hasn't implemented an OAuth or any other sensible way of doing the authentication apart from user/pass method. Complain to them20:03
Jack_SparrowMow I cant help much.  I dont work with any wubi installs20:03
SlartAhmadSherif: eh.. let's start over.. just so I get everything right here.. you want to type "blablabla" in the address bar of your browser and it should go to google and search for "blablabla", correct?20:03
jedi06how do i know if its ok to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.0420:03
AhmadSherifSlart: yes20:03
Jack_Sparrowjedi06 get a live cd and see how it works20:03
ichatdeany -  i usaly use about  3 to 5gigs for ubuntu  - about  1:1 (ram :  swap)  and and all left over space for /home20:03
AhmadSherifSlart: and if there is a site like www.blahblahblah.com it should take me to it20:03
sjokkisMyrtti: yeah, that's probably what i should do20:04
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sjokkisand use a user/pass combo i don't use anywhere else in the meantime20:04
jedi06Jack_Sparrow, is there any issue of losing data or apps?20:04
chuck_sjokkis, I have no idea why they want it that way but it is off topic anyway20:04
SlartAhmadSherif: that is configured in your browser.. it's not a system wide setting20:04
deanyichat, thx, but that wasnt my question. just wanna know if i can dd a larger drive to smaller drive,  source mounted, destination not20:04
sjokkischuck_: yeah, sure. i guess20:04
LaMsAnybody familiar with busybox ?20:04
Jack_Sparrowjedi06 Not running a livecd.  if you have not created a sep /home  I would strongly suggest that you do20:05
AhmadSherifSlart: i tested it on two different machines, and it works just fine in kubuntu20:05
Solarisi installed mysql and this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/187583/plain/20:05
jedi06Jack_Sparrow, I have a spe /home20:05
ichatdeany - i did that once, - but remeber to  NOT coppy empty bytes - if you try20:05
jbarketQuestion. I just tried to upgrade from 7.10->8.04 LTS. At the end, it choked on gcc-3.4-doc. I see that this is a documented bug and that I can fix it by copying another gcc info file to where it expects 3.4 to be, but uh, i don't have another info file in there. Any suggestions on how to fix this damn bug?20:05
inbtwnrthedoorsdoes anyone here know how to upgrade ubuntu to ubuntu studio20:05
korogiannoswhere can I get a general overview (from an end-user perspective) about how sound works in Jaunty.  The mixer, the default sound card, sound system, what apps use what, is there a systemwide default etc...  I've tried google briefly but seems a little too technical to me.20:05
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: you can just install ubuntu studio20:05
marcel__was is das den20:05
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: I think20:05
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org20:06
Mowwhats wubu have to do with it...everything else runs fine..20:06
SlartAhmadSherif: eh.. so?20:06
ferret_deany: Are you copying from your mounted root partition?20:06
MowJack_sparrow: do you mean go into my compiz and go to advanced?20:06
Jack_SparrowMow I avoid getting involved with anyone running a wubi based install20:06
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-desktop20:06
deanyichat,  whats the switch for that then.20:06
AhmadSherifSlart: so there should be something to configure to solve it20:07
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: then you will have standard Ubuntu as well as the studio20:07
deanyferret_, yes.  mounted and running20:07
jedi069.04 is only 697MB?20:07
SlartAhmadSherif: yes.. in firefox's about:config thingy20:07
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: and choose which one to log in to from the log in screen20:07
fccfSolaris: Sorry I have been away from my desk... you have missing dependencies ... open synaptic .. goto edit >fix broken packages20:07
deanythere is more space on the destination than is used on source.20:07
Sugar_Daddyder manni spielt country :)20:07
inbtwnrthedoorssebsebseb oh nice thanks20:07
ferret_deany: That's not a particularly good idea.  It'd be better to boot from an optical disc and do the copy then.20:07
AhmadSherifSlart: suppose there is, what about Opera and Konqueror20:07
fccf!de > Sugar_Daddy20:07
ubottuSugar_Daddy, please see my private message20:07
Solarisok brb20:07
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: you can do   this as well   same command, but  xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop if you want those as well,  and np20:08
SlartAhmadSherif: I have no idea.. they might have settings for these things too. I haven't used them though20:08
=== MadMax is now known as Guest64790
deanyichat, cant do it from a recovery console or someth>20:08
ectospasmanyone here use screen?20:08
inbtwnrthedoorssebsebseb does that give me the studio programs as well20:08
AhmadSherifSlart: just one last thing, is this proplem has anything to do with DNS?20:09
ks3ectospasm, yep20:09
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: should do20:09
ferret_deany: If not, the safest way to copy a partition is to do something like: mkdir /mnt/root; mount -o bind / /mnt/root; cp -av /mnt/root/* /mnt/dest/20:09
SmokeyDhey people. How can the uuid's of disks get messed up in an Ubuntu Xen guest?20:09
isodudeHey guys, I want to remove ia32-libknotificationitem1 from my system, dpkg says it need to be reinstalled and it can't find the deb'file.20:09
SmokeyDvol_id /dev/sdb1 returns "unkown volume type"20:09
SlartAhmadSherif: I don't think so, no.... although you might use dns in some clever way to achieve it20:09
SmokeyDbut /dev/sdb1 is present (according to fdisk -l)20:09
ferret_deany: And if possible, close down things that might write to the disk... otherwise you may end up with inconsistencies in those programs' data20:09
deanyferret_, a simple cp -av will duplicate it?20:09
isodudeI want to remove it from my system but apt/aptitude just won't ( stopping at the error saying it needs to be reinstalled )20:09
ectospasmks3: do you know how to change the screen profile?  When I installed Jaunty over Intrepid, the first time I ran screen it prompted for a profile, I chose Ubuntu, but I can't figure out how to change it to another profile20:09
SmokeyDthere is also a symlink from /dev/disk/by-uuid/ to ../../sdb120:09
ichatdeany - how about a cdboot -  like the normal ubuntu cdrom - ???20:10
AhmadSherifSlart: all right, thanks anyway20:10
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: yes it will since it's all in the repo20:10
mosgra`is there an easy way to try to grab a graphics driver from koala and install it on jaunty?20:10
ferret_deany: coreutils 7+'s cp -a correctly duplicates all kind of files (and does a jolly good job with sparse files)20:10
SmokeyDbut that uuid is the one reported by "vol_id /dev/sdb"20:10
ectospasmks3:  the Ubuntu one is cool, but I just want to know how to change it20:10
=== mosgra` is now known as mosgra
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: those programs you can also use in a standard Ubuntu install20:10
ectospasmThe man page gives no hints20:10
korogiannoswhere can I get a general overview (from an end-user perspective) about how sound works in Jaunty.  The mixer, the default sound card, sound system, what apps use what, is there a systemwide default etc...  I've tried google briefly but seems a little too technical to me.20:10
ferret_deany: Before version 7 it would always expand sparse files20:10
ferret_deany: But you probably don't have any sparse files, in any case20:11
inbtwnrthedoorssebsebseb yea I know that, just wanted to check out studio20:11
inbtwnrthedoorssebsebseb and its less work than getting them one by one :)20:11
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: indeed20:11
keres_Jack_Sparrow, i ended up using GetDataBack to rebuild the partition table. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though ^_^20:12
Jack_Sparrowkeres_ glad it all worked out20:12
ks3ectospasm, it's just a symlink under ~/.screen-profiles. probably an easy way to change it, but worst case would be a) remove .screen-profiles and .screenrc and get reprompted b) manually change the .screen-profiles/profile symlink20:12
Jack_Sparrowkeres_ and thaks for understanding why that was offtopic20:12
fccfkeres... awesome20:12
ectospasmks3: Ah, OK, thanks!20:12
* gvandeweyer wonders how to get a decent TV experience (with sound etc) under linux with his saa7134 card... :-)20:12
keres_Jack_Sparrow, yes indeed. Thanks a bunch man. You got a website? i'd like to link you on my web page.20:12
keres_same with you fccf20:13
sebsebsebgvandeweyer: there's a  Windows Media Centre alternatieve20:13
Jack_Sparrowkeres_ NO website..  but thanks20:13
fccfkeres_: www.fullertonfirstchristian.org20:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:13
razerblkslart: thanks20:13
Slartrazerblk: you're welcome20:14
gvandeweyersebsebseb: I know, but all my media is on a reiser partition, and I will use that also...20:14
keres_fccf, Praise The Lord :)20:14
deanyferret_, id have to install grub on it too?20:14
Welshy-Robhi this is slightly off topic but my dad has a vigor network firewall thing and he's blocked all msn,yahoo,aim Im clients for working and i  was wondering if some one could help me find away around it ?20:14
=== tschaka^ is now known as tschaka
ferret_deany: This would just copy your root partition.  If you want to copy your boot partition also, do it in a separate step20:15
fccfkeres_: indeed ... and do it with stream ... I am in charge of the stream20:15
mosgrawhat is the best way to grab a graphics driver from karmic?20:15
graelinWelshy-Rob: Generally when daddy blocks certain protocols, it's because Daddy doesn't want anyone using them20:15
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:15
keres_fccf, stream?20:15
sebsebsebgvandeweyer: not sure20:15
deanyferret_, its all the same partition20:15
fccfkeres_: Live audio stream 24/720:15
sebsebsebgvandeweyer: ,but the file system shoudn't really matter20:15
Jack_Sparrowmosgra that would be a bad idea20:15
keres_fccf, ah, i see.20:15
ferret_deany: But yes, if it's a new hard disk replacing the old one, you will need to install grub on it20:15
deanyferret_, so its good to go after that.20:15
KhisanthWelshy-Rob: google would much more willing to answer those sort of questions20:15
keres_fccf, sweet. It'll be at keres.satgnu.net when i get the chance :>20:16
haffeHello. I20:16
Welshy-RobKhisanth, i would but he's blocked the keyword "msn"20:16
mosgraJack_Sparrow: why is that?  I only have 800x600 resolution on a 24" monitor20:16
haffeI am experimenting with alternative input methods for computing.20:16
deanyi need reminding.20:16
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:16
mosgraJack_Sparrow: can't get much worse than this20:16
gartralwhat programs are availible for recording from a modem? (making an answering machine)20:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:17
fccfkeres_: avast detects a virus on your website20:17
Jack_Sparrowmosgra You are most likely to break your install.  Get the source and build it if you really want a chance of success20:17
KhisanthWelshy-Rob: wrong keyword anyway20:17
haffeI wonder, have any of you examined algorithms for intepreting motions using a video camera attached to a computer?20:17
ferret_deany: The exact steps you need to use to restore grub differs  depending on whether you plan to move the new hard disk to the old hard disk's slot afterwards20:17
MiddidDoes anyone know the link where i can download winetricks to open mIRC script editor?20:17
Welshy-RobKhisanth, what do you mean?20:17
ferret_deany: If you're not going to do that, the instructions above should be fine20:17
deanyferret_, I will be20:17
keres_fccf, wtf?20:17
mosgraJack_Sparrow: get the source the the graphics driver?20:17
sebsebsebMiddid: Google winetricks?20:17
keres_fccf, really? it may be the chat box20:17
mosgra*to the20:18
wmpHi, i would convert flv to avi. I use mencoder, and i have this error: [flv @ 0x87211e8]Unsupported video codec (7)20:18
gartralMiddid: just use irssi20:18
Middidirssi sucks20:18
s|k`I like irssi20:18
sebsebsebMiddid: mirc in Linux hummm20:18
gartral!wtf | keres_20:18
ubottukeres_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:18
sebsebsebMiddid: how about Xchat or  Konversation20:18
=== s|k` is now known as s|k_
graelingartral: you can set up a whole pbx with asterisk20:18
MiddidI need mIRC20:18
MiddidFor scripts20:18
fccfkeres_:  it is the voip box20:18
sebsebsebMiddid: for scripts???20:19
inbtwnrthedoorssebsebseb: so if i just reboot there will be a menu to select studio from20:19
MiddidYes for scripts20:19
earthlanderCan anyone help with a security issue Please???20:19
Middidi don't know perl python20:19
SlartMiddid: use wine.. mIRC works nicely with wine20:19
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: on the log in screen you should be able to select studio yes20:19
mosgraJack_Sparrow: oh. that's what I'm trying to do.  but now it actually has the git path.  nice20:19
keres_fccf, yeah. stupid chatbox with the voip. i need to replace it, i've been without an sftp client for a couple weeks.20:19
sebsebsebinbtwnrthedoors: change the session20:19
jefincearthlander: just ask the question instead20:19
gartralgraelin: too much overhead, i only have on 1.7ghz box as my workstation, only need to record phones line, not manage20:19
gvandeweyersebsebseb: and the fact that I don't have a legal Windows MCE ? :-)20:19
Middidslart i need to open script editor thogh LOL20:19
Blancd01how well does ubuntu play mkv?20:20
fccfkeres_: still on a live disk?20:20
Blancd01can ubuntu play bluray?20:20
sebsebsebgvandeweyer: ah ha, but I should there's an alternative for Linux20:20
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sebsebsebgvandeweyer: open source20:20
keres_fccf, no, on my other wintoons disk.20:20
sebsebsebgvandeweyer: said not should above20:20
ferret_deany: OK, the important thing to understand is that when you install grub, you need to tell it two things; where to write the bootloader stage1 right now, and where to tell that stage1 to look for more files when it's actually booting20:20
SlartMiddid: and that doesn't work in wine?20:20
gartralSlart: Middid is using wine, he asked for winetricks20:20
axisyshow do I create a ufw profile for passive ftp (port 21 and port 20 allowed) .. reading the man page .. but see any example..20:20
cadman21I can't get my bluetooth mouse to connect to my laptop running 8.1020:20
webmarenmy gnome environment just stopped working for no apparent reason20:20
Slartgartral: oh.. I didn't scroll back that far.. thanks20:21
gartralSlart: np20:21
sebsebsebgvandeweyer: http://www.osalt.com/windows-media-center   http://www.linuxeq.com is a good site to :)20:21
earthlanderWhen I log in i have a default key ring password window for /usr/bin/nm-applet that pops up.   I put the pass in and it keeps popping up.20:21
webmareni can still run in CLI but gnome just loads my background and then gives up20:21
ferret_deany: The second thing is the ''root'' command in the grub shell, so if your old disk is (hd0) and your new disk is (hd1) you'll probably want: root (hd0,0).  The first thing (where to write the bootloader stage1) is the ''setup'' command in the grub shell, and in the example I am giving you would say: setup (hd1)20:21
cadman21is there a way to view what bluetooth devices are connected to a computer?20:22
thiebaudecadman21: network manager20:22
cadman21thiebaude: does that show mice?20:23
thiebaudeim not sure i use windows xp20:23
cabreywebmaren, what happens when you load a failsafe gnome?20:23
Aliasawhat can i do with aircrack?20:23
Slartcadman21: isn't there something like hcitool dev ?20:23
sebsebsebthiebaude: I thought you used the karmic alpha, not XP hum20:23
caryI am new with ubuntu and need help installing software20:23
sebsebsebcary: hi20:24
thiebaudesebsebseb: i use to20:24
cabreycary, You can use Add & Remove Software20:24
Doug8796this fucking sucks20:24
Doug8796where is fbset?20:24
Solarisfccf: i did the fix all packages and i get the same error20:24
webmarencabrey: didn't think about that, one second20:24
cabrey!ohmy | Doug879620:24
ubottuDoug8796: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:24
Jack_SparrowAliasa We include aircrack in the repos, but it is intended for security professionals.  We avoid discussions with people wishing to learn how to use it20:24
caryokay how20:24
gvandeweyersebsebseb: ah thanks, nice overview :-)20:24
sebsebseb!language | Dog879620:24
ubottuDog8796: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:24
SlartAliasa: here's what their website says.. "The aircrack suite is an excellent collection of tools written by Christophe Devine to perform packet capture, packet injection and WEP/WPA cracking."20:24
cadman21does anyone know anything about the hcitool?20:24
Doug8796this is horrible20:24
SlartAliasa: but of course.. you've already seen that.. right?20:24
sebsebsebDoug8796: language see above20:24
Tyler_i need help with ubuntu installation20:24
Doug8796ive burned 4 copieso f ubuntu none work20:24
fccfSolaris: there are still dependencies that haven't been installed ... do you have the universe repositories enabled20:25
cabreycary, Applications Menu then at the bottom Add & Remove20:25
Doug8796sudo apt-get install fbset20:25
Tyler_i mean installing the os itself20:25
Solarisno clue what that means20:25
Jack_SparrowDoug8796 if you look at the cd dir do you see one *.iso of many files20:25
sebsebsebcary: you can use that or the synaptic package manager, or commands even which are quicker and easier, when you know what to install20:25
Doug8796E: Couldn't find package fbset20:25
Slart!info fbset20:25
ubottufbset (source: fbset): framebuffer device maintenance program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-23 (jaunty), package size 109 kB, installed size 356 kB20:25
Tyler_when i try to select the partition, it says the root director is missing and i need to select one20:25
Tyler_but i can't figure out how20:25
Doug8796where is it20:25
fccfSolaris: go to synaptic >settings>repositories20:25
Aliasaso with aircrack i can find the password of other wirelless around me ?20:25
caryyes I see that, but I can't seem to be able to install from disk20:26
Jack_SparrowAliasa Please see your PM20:26
Doug8796i need fbset20:26
webmarencabrey: failsafe just kicked my back to my login manager20:26
Doug8796ive tried 3 versions of ubuntu20:26
cabreycary, what do you want to install?20:26
sebsebsebcary: install from disk oh20:26
pvvniI need apt help. I'm trying to install a specific version of ruby, and it doesnt want to let me.20:26
sebsebsebcary: what are you trying  to install?20:26
fccfSolaris: make sure every thing is checked except source20:26
pvvniI've included the proper sources20:26
maheshjr2000Hello I tried restoring grub after installing windows but it keeps saying invalid executable here is the results.txt from boot info script:http://pastebin.com/d23ef545f20:26
cabreywebmaren, how about the Terminal option in the sessions menu?20:26
=== binarymutant_ is now known as binarymutant
pvvnibut when I go to install the speific version I want, it runs through it and reports it is a success, but ruby -v says otherwise20:26
carysome game programs, some utilities20:26
pvvniAnyone care to help?20:27
SlartDoug8796: does any of your cd's boot at all?20:27
Doug8796Open synaptic, and make sure all the extra repositories are enabled. Then install it 8-)20:27
Doug8796what does that mean20:27
Doug8796i dont have fbset20:27
pvvniI need apt help. I'm trying to install a specific version of ruby, and it doesnt want to let me.20:27
FloodBot3Doug8796: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
pvvniI've included the proper sources20:27
pvvnibut when I go to install the speific version I want, it runs through it and reports it is a success, but ruby -v says otherwise20:27
webmarencabrey: I use kdm as my login manager, there is no terminal option20:27
pvvniAnyone care to help?20:27
SlartDoug8796: so it installs.. but you can't find fbset?20:27
Jack_Sparrow!patience > pvvni20:27
ubottupvvni, please see my private message20:27
jefincDoug8796: fbset shows in the repository list in the package manager20:27
webmarencabrey: i'm using virtual consoles to access irc right now though20:27
cabreyahh hold on20:27
cabreywebmaren, there is no failsafe terminal?20:28
pvvniJack_Sparrow: Er... I asked... once?20:28
webmarencabrey: there is a failsafe option, which didn't work, no terminal option20:28
SlartDoug8796: what version of ubuntu did you install?20:28
cabreywebmaren, ok first kill kdm (/etc/init.d/kdm stop)20:28
cabreywebmaren, with sudo20:28
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Tyler_when i select the partition i want to install ubuntu on, it says that the root directory is missing. i'm just using the second partition of my computers hard drivehow do i fix this?20:29
webmarencabrey: oh i actually found a terminal option in another menu20:29
cabreywebmaren, even better20:29
cadman21I can't get my microsoft bluetooth mouse to connect to my laptop running 8.10 any help would be greatly appreciated20:29
Solarisok everything is checked except source20:29
webmarencabrey: and I have already restarted both kdm and gdm from terminal multiple times20:29
fccfTyler_: the mount point for root is / you will also need a swap partition20:30
cabreywebmaren, can you use the terminal option?20:30
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/20:30
fccfSolaris .. was it before?20:30
Tyler_fccf: how do i do that?20:30
MohShamihey guys, since I installed jaunty some of my AVIs have been choppy, especially the anime with the higher resolution, any idea what I should do?20:30
cabreyMohShami, intel graphics card?20:30
webmarencabrey: all it did was send me over to the virtual consoles I'm already using20:30
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:31
fccfSolaris: hrm... there is something that isn't updating correctly - would you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list20:31
Tomassosome software to record videos from the webcam ?20:31
cabreywebmaren, oh well, and I don't want you to restart kdm, stop it20:31
MohShamicabrey: it's nvidia, everything runs smoothly but the video is annoying20:31
Doug8796why is ubuntu so lame :\20:31
Jack_SparrowTomasso recordmydesktop or something lie that20:31
Doug8796cant even install ubuntu20:31
fccfTyler_: you should go back and use the automatic method20:31
cabreyMohShami, what video player?20:31
Jack_SparrowDoug8796 Please settle down.20:31
OmniHow do you find out what processor you're using?20:32
MohShamicabrey: totem20:32
cabreyMohShami, have you tried VLC?20:32
Doug8796i got advice : Open synaptic, and make sure all the extra repositories are enabled.20:32
jefinc!bluetooth | cadman2120:32
ubottucadman21: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:32
Tyler_fccf: if i do that, should i merge my second partition back into my first? and will this mess with windows at all?20:32
Doug8796ive been trying to get this to work for 24 hrs20:32
Doug8796i just want to install fbset20:32
Doug8796and fix resolution20:32
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist20:32
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Doug879620:32
ubottuDoug8796, please see my private message20:32
cadman21jefinc: thanks20:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about processor20:32
jefincDoug8796: what version of ubuntu?20:32
DefunctProcessquick question, if i have a video feed in one location (analog coming from a coax cable) i need a tv tuner card and zoneminder to watch the feed from the web correct?20:32
MohShamibarey: it uses the same codecs so it shouldn't make a difference, right? totem has been running all my files without a problem, why now?20:33
Doug8796neither work20:33
fccfTyler: just tell the installer to use the empty space ... it will leave windows alone except for the bootloader20:33
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Doug879620:33
ubottuDoug8796, please see my private message20:33
bastid_raZorcadman21; the two links at the bottom of that page are actually more relevant.. be sure to check them out too20:33
pexcreativebuenos dias20:33
Doug8796!enter > Jack_Sparrow20:33
ubottuJack_Sparrow, please see my private message20:33
pexcreativenecesito ayuda20:33
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:33
Solarisok that's gonna be tricky being its in anoter building20:33
jefincDoug8796: you make it really hard for anyone to want to help you by being so rude20:33
Solarisunless i can get the list through the termnal20:33
fccfSolaris: apt-get install pastebinit20:33
Tyler_fccf: if i'm doing automatic, how do i tell it to use empty partition? sorry. i am nubish at this20:33
pexcreativealguien puede ayudarme?20:34
=== soppman is now known as sopparus
pexcreativenecesito instalar apache phpadmin y mysql en ubuntu20:34
pexcreativees posible'20:34
fccfTyler: it will tell you that there is space to install ... use it20:34
SlartDoug8796: nevermind my questions.. I'll leave it to the channel20:34
fccfSolaris: then pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list20:35
jefincDoug8796: why do you feel you need fbset so bad?20:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fbset20:35
maheshjr2000Hello I tried restoring grub after installing windows but it keeps saying invalid executable here is the results.txt from boot info script:http://pastebin.com/d23ef545f20:35
Bam_BamHi people20:35
MohShamihelo Bam_Bam20:35
cabreymaheshjr2000, can you boot into your ubuntu installation using the livecd?20:35
gabriel__Hi everyone20:35
Solarisok i installed pastebin20:36
maheshjr2000I can boot into my installation20:36
maheshjr2000as well20:36
Bam_BamWhat do I need to setup a vpn server on my ubuntu box?20:36
crimsonhi to all!20:36
Bedonwow way to almost get screwed. power decided to flicker enough to turn my desktop off in the middle of trying to move around my partitions.....luckily it was in a read process not moving stuff20:36
cabreymaheshjr2000, and what happens when you run sudo grub --install /dev/sda?20:36
Bam_BamBedon, backups :P20:36
maheshjr2000bedon damn you got lucky20:36
gabriel__I have a Logitech QuickCam Connect on ubuntu 9.04 but it doesnt recognize it, how do I make it work?20:36
maheshjr2000I didnt do that20:36
Bam_BamBedon, and I would wait a while :P20:36
fccfSolaris: sudo pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list -- give me the output20:36
razerblki dont understand how peeps sometimes have a hard time install ubunto .....im not a computer guru at all and it seemed to install just fine .........i love ubuntu runs really really smoothly20:36
mdmBedon thats why UPSs are made20:36
maheshjr2000I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub20:37
eggy_Hello, how can I make swing look like gtk?20:37
sebsebsebBedon: once I was doing an upgrade and  about half way through stupid computer power cable,  came lose or whatever, and  yes my Ubuntu install was rather buggered then20:37
maheshjr2000I have a UPS...its called a laptop battery :D20:37
Slartrazerblk: some hardware makes it more difficult than it should be..20:37
Bam_Bammdm mine only runs for a few minutes so I would be screwed anyways20:37
maheshjr2000(before you flame I know they arent the same)20:37
razerblkah sorry u are right lol didnt think about that20:37
maheshjr2000can I try grub install from inside my mounted installation?20:37
Solarisunable to read from /etc/apt/soucres.list20:37
Bedonyeah my problem is i have so much crap hard to backup, UPS is a good idea tho20:37
Floopsi made a change in my rc.local file and now pc doesn't boot20:38
gabriel__I have a Logitech QuickCam Connect on ubuntu 9.04 but it doesnt recognize it, how do I make it work?20:38
mdmBam_Bam: then get a bigger one.  It should, at a bare minimum, give the system enough time to shut down gravefully20:38
fccfSolaris /etc/apt/sources.list20:38
Slartrazerblk: and sometimes things just don't want to work..20:38
cabreymaheshjr2000, boot into your ubuntu installation (if you haven't already)20:38
Doug8796how do i install intrtrepid20:38
maheshjr2000I am20:38
maheshjr2000in it20:38
Doug8796for fbset20:38
cadman21bastid_raZor: what links?20:38
Floopsjust from me to prompt (initramfs)20:38
Bedonand i think i may be getting a raptor drive for my OS's and then all my data stay on the big drive, then not so may problems20:38
EndlesslyCuriousIs a dell mini 10v netbook with 1.6GHZ cpu, 1GB ram and 16 gb SSD drive going to run Ubuntu fine?  And would the netbook remix be a better choice?  I'm looking to surf and code python on it...20:38
Bam_Bammdm I have that much20:38
earthlanderDoes anyone know about a bug with the system monitor and CPU ?20:38
bastid_raZorcadman21; at the main bottom of the page. they are two forum links from Feb of this year about bluetooth mice not working corretly and a workaround20:39
cabreymaheshjr2000, can it find the stage1?20:39
Tyler_fccf: thank you, i'll go try it again20:39
Slartearthlander: what kind of bug?20:39
sebsebsebEndlesslyCurious: normalley I woudn't recommend netbooks full stop,  and yes the netbook remix would be better on a netbook20:39
maheshjr2000cabrey one sec20:39
fccfEndlesslyCurious: the netbook remix is designed for the dell mini -- works great20:39
razerblktrue i will admitt i did try ubuntu studio and it wouldnt work with the sound card in my laptop so i did have to switch .... now it all works fine ....thank god lol20:39
EndlesslyCurioussebsebseb: Thanks, I'm looking for something I can use on couch :)20:39
earthlanderSLart: my CPU2 is showing that its constantly at 100%20:39
EndlesslyCuriousfccf: Ah right I wasn't sure if it was the mini 9 or mini 10 it was designed for20:39
sebsebsebEndlesslyCurious: sure small  portable  computer netbook will do it, of course you won't be able to do certain things that a normal lap top can do20:39
fccfEndlesslyCurious: Dell actually has an iso for the dell mini's20:40
earthlanderbut i don't see any system lag20:40
Slartearthlander: hmm.. and there's nothing in the process list? an old firefox process running amok or something like that?20:40
maheshjr2000cabrey I found it20:40
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > Doug879620:40
ubottuDoug8796, please see my private message20:40
earthlanderill check20:40
Floopsi made a change in my rc.local file and now pc doesn't boot20:40
TheGodofWineGreetings from Newbieland -- any experts feeling helpful? :)20:40
Floopsjust from me to prompt (initramfs)20:40
mdmdoes anyone here run ubu with only a HDTV monitor?  I need to determine how to get it to resize the console so that it does not cut off the first few columns of text20:40
Slartearthlander: make sure you click the view menu.. and select "All"20:40
cabreymaheshjr2000, what hd comes up?20:40
Floopsanyone know how to get back to desktop/terminal20:40
=== xstatic is now known as xstatikz
SlartTheGodofWine: export.. no.. helpful.. sometimes =).. just ask20:40
EndlesslyCurioussebsebseb: What sort of things can't a netbook do?  Surely it would just do it very very slowly due to pitful hardware?20:41
Solarisok here is list http://pastebin.com/f4038305d20:41
gabriel__Can anybody help me? I have a Logitech QuickCam Connect on ubuntu 9.04 but it doesnt recognize it, how do I make it work?20:41
fccfmdm I have done it before ... use the format button on the tv remote20:41
cabreymaheshjr2000, what is the output?20:41
maheshjr2000of what grub install?20:41
newserare there any search engines such as copernic for ubuntu?20:41
razerblkfccf : never thought of that20:41
sebsebsebEndlesslyCurious: yeah and   well  there are some games and such for Linux that use fancy graphics,  I wonder what those would be like on a netbook.  also  virtual machines on netbooks hum20:41
cabreymaheshjr2000, of the find /boot/grub/stage120:41
mdmfccf if only my tv had that, and if only it had keystone adjustment20:42
sebsebsebnewser: that's not a search enginge,  Copernic is a desktop search program20:42
cadman21bastid_raZor: ok I found them. Thank you20:42
inbtwnrthedoorsdoes anyone know a way to get all the ubuntu studio programs without going one by one through the list20:42
bastid_raZorcadman21; good luck20:42
TheGodofWineOkay -- I am an old DOS-style tech, so I enjoy command lines.  I've got Feisty Fawn 7.04 (I know the SSL encryption isn't, will fix later) -- and I can't get her to use my g.d. wireless card.20:42
EndlesslyCurioussebsebseb:Ah right I have an iMac for games and graphics stuff.  Just mostly looking for something I can run Vim & python on terminal, some x-chat and firefox really20:42
sebsebsebnewser: Google have theres also for Linux,   Ubuntu has a built in search in fact also20:42
Floopsanyone can help ppoint me in direction20:42
maheshjr2000it says file not found20:42
TheGodofWineI've got ndiswrap, I've got the Windows drivers, I've got a beer.  It's still stuck on stupid. :(20:42
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:42
cabreyinbtwnrthedoors, ubuntustudio-desktop20:42
sebsebsebEndlesslyCurious: netbook should be fine for that20:42
Floopsto fix box from just showing (initramfs)20:43
EndlesslyCurioussebsebseb:Cheers for the advice :)20:43
TheGodofWineYeeha.  PCBSD here we come. ;)20:43
SlartTheGodofWine: you might want to upgrade that.. feisty has passed it's "use before" date..20:43
sebsebsebEndlesslyCurious: also those netbook remix's  have a  differnet user interface, which is better for netbooks20:43
maheshjr2000cabrey but thats from the grub terminal20:43
sebsebsebEndlesslyCurious: and some under the hood changes for netbooks,  so yeah you would put that on20:43
SlartTheGodofWine: why not upgrade to either 8.04 or 9.0420:43
inbtwnrthedoorscabrey: ?20:43
cabreymaheshjr2000, yea did you get grub installed?20:43
mdmmy issue, I believe, is the TV cuts off about 35 pixels as they are either hidden under the bezel or not displayed.  Either way it makes about the first 2 lines and the fist 3 columns of text not visable20:43
earthlanderSlart: for some reason i can't access my app places or system files its like they are frozen neither are my open windows showing on the bottom bar20:43
cabreyinbtwnrthedoors, sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-desktop20:43
cabreyinbtwnrthedoors, that will install the ubuntu studio system20:43
Slartearthlander: do you have a terminal open?20:43
fccfSolaris: ok now go to synaptic and in the bottom left click on status ... then top left click on broken20:44
inbtwnrthedoorscabrey that I did but it didnt instal the programs20:44
sebsebsebcabrey: I got him to run that, but he says none of the programs are there20:44
kd5zmcTest 123420:44
earthlanderSlart: and there is 5 python processes20:44
Solarisk brb20:44
Jack_Sparrowkd5zmc Please dont20:44
Slartearthlander: using lots of processor power?20:44
kd5zmcplease dont what20:44
Jack_Sparrowtest etc20:44
kd5zmcand who are you to tell me dont20:44
newsersebsebseb, there is a version of copernic 2001 which is a search engine20:45
SlartTheGodofWine: the newer versions have much better support for wireless things.. you'll make life much easier on yourself by upgrading20:45
earthlanderSlart: no20:45
sebsebsebnewser: ok well most people use let's see,  Google,  Yahoo,  Ask,  and some will still use Altavista20:45
fccfgood call Jack_Sparrow20:45
sebsebsebnewser: and if it's a website, it should just work in Ubuntu20:46
losherfccf: yeah, that was pretty amusing...20:46
sebsebsebnewser: in an Internet browser, unless it's a stupid website only made for Internet Explorer or Windows20:46
bkarnsnetwork-manager-vpnc.........no valid vpn secrets .....ubuntu 9.04......how do I fix this problem20:46
Slartearthlander: anything using more than a couple percent of the cpu?20:46
TheGodofWineBecause 8.04 and 9.04 crash during installation on my Vaio no matter how I diddle with ACPI and etc.  Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Jehovahbuntu -- they don't *work*.20:46
Slartearthlander: you can sort by processor usage20:46
unicumwhat would be the name for an ssh keychain in ubuntu?20:46
fccflosher: the guy is obviously a Amateur radio operator - I think i will contact him and explain20:46
gabriel__Can anybody help me? I have a Logitech QuickCam Connect on ubuntu 9.04 but it doesnt recognize it, how do I make it work?20:47
earthlanderSlart: the gnome panel is toping at 50%20:47
losherfccf: you might mention his attitude also...20:47
SlartTheGodofWine: oh.. I see...well20:47
Solarisfccf: there is no broken just all, installed, not installed20:48
SlartTheGodofWine: not much I can help you with when it comes to wireless.. never messed with it myself.. but perhaps someone else in the channel can help you20:48
cabrey!webcam | gabriel__20:48
ubottugabriel__: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:48
Slartearthlander: hmm.. gnome-panel doesn't usually do that.. try killing it20:48
TheGodofWineThanks Slart, everyone else. =)20:48
fccflosher: I have his home address20:48
earthlanderSlart: but how come the second is flatlining at 100%20:48
eugmanCan anyone suggest a gui program to edit EXIF data? One of my camera got the dates wreong and I want to fix that before putting the pictures into fspot.20:48
jedi06where is the md5 of the  ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso20:48
losherfccf: how come? some kind of amateur radio registry?20:48
MowTheGodofWine:what is your problem?20:49
fccfSolaris: sorry >custom filters > broken20:49
Slartearthlander: well.. if gnome-panel is using 50% of your available processor power.. it is using one whole core out of two, right?20:49
bkarnsnetwork-manager-vpnc.........no valid vpn secrets .....ubuntu 9.04......how do I fix this problem20:49
earthlanderSlart: it worked20:49
Hydrant2Hey... I'm on Jaunty and I'd really like to downgrade to the Linux kernel that was in 8.10... are there backports or anything ?20:49
fccflosher: yes - qrz.com20:49
Solarisk gonna be a little bit got a customer20:49
earthlanderSlart: and YES20:49
Slartearthlander: did gnome-panel restart automatically?20:49
bastid_raZorjedi06; http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/MD5SUMS20:50
earthlanderSlart: i stoped it and the cpu usage droped20:50
jedi06yes i found it20:50
bastid_raZorjedi06; sorry didn't see your second post20:50
dmacxbkarns: think vpnc still works from the command line..20:50
unicumwhat would be the name for an ssh keychain in ubuntu?20:50
bkarnsit does20:50
bkarnsbut I'm trying to set this up to be as user friendly as possible20:51
earthlanderSlart:should i turn down the priority on that process ?20:51
Slartearthlander: it shouldn't really be necessary.. gnome panel should behave20:51
Slartearthlander: without being put in a leach20:51
razerblkif i up grade to ubuntu studio from juanty through sudo will i keep all my drivers20:51
radhoin23rbsalut tt le monde20:52
losher!fr | radhoin23rb20:53
TheGodofWineGuess I'll try Fedora.  93, y'all.20:53
dmacxbkarns: ok well.. I wrote a Python wrapper for vpnc - work in progress though20:53
ubotturadhoin23rb: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:53
FCCHey whats going on20:53
OmniFCC: not much, you? need help with anything?20:53
MkopI'm using xubuntu. There's an option in Power Management for what to do when the computer gets to critical battery, but what determines what is "critical"?20:54
FCCJust wondering what the Talk is about20:54
bkarnsok.....a simple google search says something about bug fixes for this problem.....but i can't seem to find out where to download the actual fix20:54
Jack_Sparrowfcc may I have another word with you20:54
dkgHi. Is there an alternative to notepad++ for ubuntu? specificly the folding/collapsing, unfolding/expanding of tags and brackets (like the list view of directories in nautilus)20:54
cabreyMkop, I think it is 5% but I am not 100% positive20:54
jussi01FCC: this is technical support for ubuntu, if you want to chatter, join #ubuntu-offtopic20:54
en1gmahi all: i just installed ubuntu 9.04 x86 cd version on my hard drive and booted up and did all updates.20:54
en1gmahow do i share my 2nd nic like i did in vista20:55
en1gmaanother computer connects to this computers 2nd lan port and i shared the 1st lan port going to router so 2nd lan port can access the inet20:55
Floopsi made some updates20:55
Floopsand edit my rc.locl file20:56
Floopsand now i cam getting20:56
FCCOK I have an ID its AA3102 and I am authorized to be here for internet security just testing on digital channels20:56
pakal_gsanyone knows how to delete through command line all of the users within a specific group?20:56
fccfFCC: provided you don't interfere20:57
losherfccf: he sounds 12 years old...20:57
fccfHis name is Chris Owen of Texarkana Tx20:58
Floopsi am gettin this error20:58
Floopsanyone know how to get box back to desktop20:58
dkgCould you recomend a text editor for css/html/xml  that has the ability to collapse and expand blocks of text(code) between tags/brackets etc (much like notepadd++ for window)?20:58
razerblkfccf thats near where im at lol20:58
losherfccf: well *I* feel safer....20:58
eflynndkg: emacs?20:59
en1gmacan someone point me to a good guide so i can share one of my nics so another computer can connect to the net also20:59
fccfrazerblk: want his addy20:59
dkgeflynn: I'll give it a go. Thankyou20:59
deanyyou banned the FCC ? lol20:59
razerblkfccf : nope lol21:00
fccfdeany: he is not FCC he is just some kid with a computer and a radio21:00
en1gmaam i even in the right channel21:00
en1gmathis channel is for ubuntu help isnt it21:00
deanyfccf, yeah I guessed he was not legit.  Still..21:00
mdmFloops that isn't an error, its a small shell environment.  It can be used in a variety of ways but in this case it is probably from a recovery console21:00
jussi01en1gma: yes21:00
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
razerblkif thats true its not cool .....im  a ham myself nofyi.....21:01
en1gmacan someone help me enable internet sharing21:01
Floopsthe box does go back to desktop21:01
jussi01en1gma: but if no one know the answer, they wont give you one21:01
en1gmashould be like 2 clicks and its sharing right?21:01
Jack_Sparrowen1gma firestarter21:01
Floopsor terminal to login21:01
jussi01!ics | en1gma21:01
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:01
ubottuen1gma: please see above21:01
Solarisfccf: ok i went to broken and there in nothing there21:01
mdmFloops its called busybox.  Its a very small enviroment with built in shell commands.  Its how the bootloader is loaded for exmaple21:02
Floopshow to i revert the box back to desktop21:02
mdmFloops did you by change compile a kernel and try to install it?21:02
fccfrazorblk: but you don't use your callsign here21:02
Floopsyea i did21:02
Floopsi try to go to recovery console21:03
Floopsdidn't work21:03
Floopstry older kernel that didn't work either21:03
mdmFloops when you did so you did not install the initall boot file properly21:03
fccfSolaris: i am confused - I wish I knew more ..21:03
Floopsbut how do i fix it from busybox21:03
razerblkoh i know this is almost like packed radio ......oh and im still waiting on an answer or suggestions as weather i can upgrade to ubunto studio and keep my current drivers for my hard ware21:04
zekWhat are your favorite 3D and 2D CAD programs21:04
Solarisyeah this thing has been a pain, i gave up trying to get dovecot-postfix to work21:04
Mkophow do I add items to the xfce menu?21:04
Jack_Sparrowrazerblk studio uses a rt kernel if I remember correctly and it can cause issues.21:04
pietjeis it possible to upgrade libqtcore4 from version 4.5.0-0ubuntu4.1 to version 4.5.1? on ubuntu21:04
Jack_Sparrow!best > zek21:05
ubottuzek, please see my private message21:05
mdmFloops its probbly crashing becase something like it cant find a drive.  If you had sata disks and didnt put a sata module in the boot image it can do that.  But I would have to know more about your hardware, what you did, and what is in that image to tell you.  it is quite possible, even likely, there is nothing you can do short of reinstalling a kernel image.21:05
razerblkjack_sparrow.......yikes ....ill bet thats y it wasnt really working before then then ....im sad21:05
fccfrazerblk: you are talking about the amateur radio software ... lock version and you will be fine21:05
zekJack_Sparrow: "favorite"  was supposed to save me from the "best"21:05
Jack_Sparrowrazerblk add the apps to ubuntu,21:05
Jack_Sparrowzek same diff21:05
Floopsit is not sata21:06
Floopsbut scsi21:06
Floopsok... i will rebuild it21:06
Floopsthanks for ur help21:06
razerblkjack sparrow : um ....yeah what apps ?21:06
mdmFloops like I said it *could* be that.  its a borken initrd image to be exact21:06
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org21:06
razerblkand for some reason i cant get jack to work21:06
Floopsbut why wouldn't it use one of the older kernel21:07
Floopsthat work21:07
zekwhat are good 2D and 3D cad programs for ubuntu (free of course)21:07
Floopsand revert21:07
mdmFloops initrd != kernel21:07
Jack_Sparrow!poll > zek21:07
ubottuzek, please see my private message21:07
=== mike is now known as Guest80387
MonkeySpank52713how to i send a message to a user that is currently active on the system, so that they see it in bash21:07
cabreyMonkeySpank52713, aww it's on the tip of my tongue21:08
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide21:09
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (jaunty), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB21:09
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
deany> write ?21:09
Mkophow do I add items to the xfce menu?21:09
cabreyMonkeySpank52713, I give up maybe you could use dbus or something21:09
wadI'd like to run two instances of firefox, with different configurations (one of them with a proxy set, another without). So I created another user on my local machine. From the console, I do "su - wad2" then "firefox &", but it gives me "Error: no display specified". Is there a better way to do this, or a way to make it work?21:09
mdmFloops your box starts by running bios, that loads the first sector off whatever boot media you have (in the case of a CD it emulates a bootable disk).  That loads the boot loader (default is grub).  Grub then loads in the initrd (initial ram disk) which loads the kernel.  This process is known as bootstrapping and is how your box starts up.  The fact it stopped at init rd tells me it could not continue.  Most common reason it can not21:09
mdmcontinue as the kernel loader has no module for the media the kernel is on.  Grub did, initrd did not.21:09
cabreywad, use Firefox profiles21:10
wadcabrey: I'll check into those. Thanks.21:10
cabreywad, http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-use-firefox-profiles21:11
razerblkif only i can get jack app to work21:12
helperhello i want to live maxlogin for user kad only 1 , i try using /etc/security/limits.conf i add kad  hard  maxlogins  1 ( but didn't work i'm trying using ssh login) thx21:12
k3rn3lhi all ...21:12
k3rn3lhow I can disable automounting in xubuntu???21:13
KenBW2how do i revert to kernel 2.6.27-7-generic in Jaunty?21:13
fccfMkop: see this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10175021:13
cabreyk3rn3l, Authorizations21:14
jedi06how do you check the md5 of a cd?21:14
cabreyk3rn3l, not sure if xubuntu includes that app21:14
fccfjedi: there is a plugin in Brasaro21:14
fccfjedi06: ^^21:15
Bergi1first ever visit on irc. Can I ask questions about printing here?21:15
Fzanghalp, can't do ctrl+Q to quit apps even though it clearly says "Ctrl+Q" in the menu, what's wrong with my keyboard?21:15
KenBW2how do i revert to kernel 2.6.27-7-generic in Jaunty?21:15
fccfBergi1: /join #cups21:15
cabreyKenBW2, why?21:15
KenBW2cabrey: since i upgraded from that kernel on Intrepid suspend/hibernate don't work21:16
helperhello i want to live maxlogin for user kad only 1 , i try using /etc/security/limits.conf i add kad  hard  maxlogins  1 ( but didn't work i'm trying using ssh login) thx21:17
cabreyKenBW2, did you upgrade to Jaunty? or fresh install?21:17
KenBW2cabrey: fresh install21:17
Eternaut4hi, does anybody know how to make a program autostart when the system starts up?21:17
KenBW2cabrey: i know that Jaunty has a problem with ome 16GB SD cards, and i have /home on one21:18
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:18
=== diego is now known as Guest92805
wadcabrey, I made a new profile, but I can't run two instances of firefox at the same time.21:18
cabreyyou make launches with the profile specified21:19
wadcabrey, so effectively, I can only have one firefox running with either profile.21:19
wadcabrey: Ah!21:19
=== Guest92805 is now known as diego__
Eternaut4ubottu: I need to do it through the command line21:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:19
Eternaut4because I access to the pc through ssh21:19
Eternaut4it's another pc on my network21:20
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:20
KenBW2anyone here with a dell mini 9 + /home on SD card?21:20
helperhello i want to live maxlogin for user kad only 1 , i try using /etc/security/limits.conf i add kad  hard  maxlogins  1 ( but didn't work i'm trying using ssh login) thx21:20
Eternaut4I'll check it out, thanks21:20
cabreyKenBW2, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline?21:21
wadcabrey, ah, that's it! I just had to specify -no-remote as well. Thanks!21:21
KenBW2cabrey: i add that to my sources.lst?21:21
fccfhelper: 1. be paitent 2. I am having a hard time understanding you21:21
cabreyKenBW2, here is the page I got that from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds21:22
cabreyKenBW2, I don't think you do21:22
LoganhoupDoes anyone know a way to reset a programs config files? ALSA for example.21:23
helperfccf, sorry, just want to limit login for user kad i used /etc/security/limits.conf add kad hard maxlogins 1 (which i mean user kad can have 1 login ) i don't want multiple users ssh the user =) thx21:23
KenBW2cabrey: seems, helpful - thanks21:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:24
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest28568
cabreyMonkeySpank52713, if you're still looking: man dbus-send21:24
swolchokanyone  get the chromium alpha working on 64-bit? it looks like ia32-libs-chromium-browser doesn't actually have libs21:24
=== Guest28568 is now known as SirDerigo
swolchokat least in the jaunty version21:25
maty1hey all, just installed ubuntu 9.04 with the option to install it inside of windows or something aswell as how do i get my files off the windows partition21:25
maty1has it got a mount point21:25
Xamuskso, these days, what's Ubuntu's default desktop search engine?21:26
cabreymatyl, look in /host21:26
maty1:) cheers21:26
cabreyXamusk, I believe tracker21:26
Apollo2366Is there a guide anywhere for first time users of the GCC?21:27
cabreyApollo2366, what do you need to compile?21:27
whileimhereHi. I have an emulator that worked fine with its sound until I opened Firefox and watched a youtube video. now my emulator has no sound. Is there a way to free up my audio besides rebooting/21:27
Xamuskcabrey, ah, ok... same as last time I checked, but I've seen an update-apt-xapian-index process running here and thought maybe it had switched to xapian21:27
cabreyXamusk, I've seen that sometimes too, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm right, I don't use any search tools :)21:28
cabreyApollo2366, did you write your own code or is that from a tarball?21:28
cabreyApollo2366, try man gcc for a sort of quick start21:28
Xamuskcabrey, yes, something runs it periodically, and I also don't have search engines... never found one "good enough"... I guess it's time I do another rundown of desktop search engines21:29
Apollo2366I plan on using it to compile my own code, and thanks, cabrey21:29
cabreyXamusk, gnome-do bliss for me21:29
fccfhelper: maxlogins limits the number of times a user can login ... meaning once they have logged in X number of times they cannot ever login again ever---... PAM auditing allows for what you are talking about21:29
helperfccf, yes i want like this ! where i can modify the PAM then ?21:30
Xamuskcabrey, does it search the contents of code, plaintext and ODF?21:30
maty1Ok, my mp3s dont sound the same as they do in windows, could this be drivers?21:30
cabreyXamusk, no it's just a launcher but it does what i need it to do21:30
Xamuskcabrey, find files?21:30
anurag89I have a prob , My pidgin messenger is not being able to connect to any of account such as gmail and msn other than yahoo21:31
anurag89what can be the prob ??21:31
fccfhelper: patience --- I have to figure it out21:31
helperfccf, in /etc/pam.d ?21:31
cabreyXamusk, sort of, but not on the level of a dedicated search indexer21:31
cabreyXamusk, I've heard beagle was good21:31
Xamuskcabrey, I used to use beagle some time ago... it was better than tracker, but used too much resources21:32
Xamuskspecially RAM21:32
ionutcum se instaleaza dc++21:32
cabreyno idea what language that is21:32
helperfccf, i found it in /etc/pam.d and it's set to : session    required     pam_limits.so21:32
ionutcum instalez linux dcpp ?21:33
hatter243!ro | ionut21:33
Shortguy109does anyone have any experience in making mouse cursors?21:33
ubottuionut: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:34
hatter243Did I guess right?21:34
cabreywhat is language is that?21:34
hatter243If you were right about Romainian I think I'm right about the language channel21:34
cabreygoogle knows all21:34
anurag89My pidgin messenger is not being able to connect to any of account other than yahoo .. please help ??21:34
hatter243cabrey, yeah, his IP turns up a website that ends in .ro21:35
fccfhelper: /etc/security/limits.conf  --- see maxsyslogins21:35
hatter243Good guess!21:35
helperfccf, i try this also , didn't work21:35
cabreyhatter243, thank google not me21:36
fccfhelper: specifying user? and restarting21:36
helperfccf, i want to limit the user i try maxlogin , i try maxsyslogins21:36
helperfccf, yes ofcourse21:36
slveholy fucking shit21:36
helperfccf, it's not forcing to limit via ssh21:36
slve1555 users21:36
maty1erm any help on why my music sounds crackly in ubuntu but fine in windows?21:36
Loganhoup!language | slve21:37
cabrey!ohmy | slve21:37
ubottuslve: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:37
ubottuslve: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:37
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
mimilooni everybody, i'm new to linux and have a problem with virtualbox (ubuntu9.04 host) and that is: when i'm using virtual machine in full screen and after the host goes into screen saver, the keyboard stops working till i shut down the guest OS; does anyone know how to fix this issue?21:40
anurag89please help me out with pidgin21:40
cabreymimiloon, do you have guest additions installed?21:41
mimilooncabrey: yes21:41
tonytraductorhi, I have an everex cloudbook running hardy 8.04, and it is not automounting sd cards or usb keys.  I managed to mount my sd card easily enough (mount /dev/sdb1 /media/canon), but can't seem to mount my usb key21:41
cabreymimiloon, is this only when you are using virtualbox?21:42
iaindaltonHow can I remove Evolution's documentation without removing language-support-en and its dependencies?21:42
timposeySamba has quit working and when I open samba under admin it says some lines could not be understood  49:  enable spoolss = yes21:42
Floops[w]mdm, isn't there a way i can boot from cd and rebuild the kernel without losing anything21:42
mimilooncabrey: as-far-as-i-know, yes21:42
tonytraductorpcmanfm sees the devices, but won't let me mount it.  I don't usually use a gui filemanager, but don't know where to find the usb key, so checked to see if pcmanfm had it.  don't know "where" it is to do mount /dev/wherever /media/usb, and can't seem to figure this out21:42
Floops[w]after te bootbusy21:43
cabreytimposey, you have an extra s in spoolss21:43
mdmyes Floops21:43
helperso fccf ?21:43
timposeycabrey I didn't put it there! lol21:43
cabreymimiloon, what happens when you take the virtual machine out of fullscreen or exit virtualbox altogether?21:43
cabreytimposey, hmm comment it out for now21:43
fccfhelper: patience is a virtue ask again in less than 10 min and I will ignore you21:43
helperfccf, ignore then lol21:44
timposeycabrey do yo think that could stop the program from showing anything on the network21:44
mimilooncabrey: the keyboard starts working21:44
cabreymimiloon, does it start working when virtualbox is quit or the vm is out of fullscreen?21:44
cabreytimposey, no that has to do with printing21:45
mimilooncabrey: in older version of ubuntu, i had no problems with the keyboard and virtalbox21:45
mweichertis it possible to run gvfs outside of X?21:45
cabreymimiloon, what version of virtualbox?21:45
fccfhelper: look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83137221:46
mimilooncabrey: when it quits; i have to shut down the vm using the mouse21:46
mimilooncabrey: version 2.2.4 (latest21:46
tonytraductorhald is running, too, so I can't figure out why these items are not automounting..nonetheless, I solved the sd card, but can't get the usbkey mounted.21:47
cabreymimiloon, http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/389421:47
cabreymimiloon, sound like your issue?21:47
mimilooncabrey: yes21:48
qazavulcan someone help me out21:48
fccf!ask > qazavul21:48
ubottuqazavul, please see my private message21:48
Floops[w]soo mdm... i can use the cd .. but what method would i take to make sure.. i keep everything and don't overwrite box config21:48
Floops[w]files.. that is21:48
cabreymimiloon, there does not seem to be a solution to this quirk -- just a workaround21:49
cabreymimiloon, switch virtual desktops type something, then switch back21:49
TrijntjeHi all. Every time i start azureus/vuze it asks to install update When I accept this I have to restart, but then I get a prompt for the same update. How can i stop this?21:49
mdmFloops boot the cd then use the rescue option to reload the boot loader21:49
Floops[w]got ya21:49
mdmFloops alternatly you can use it to create a new initrd and store that in /boot21:49
fccfTrijntje: start azureus as root21:49
tonytraductori got it...it was /dev/sdc1, but I only figured that out digging int he archives...there must be a way from terminal to determine where thigs are, no?21:49
Floops[w]now.. all i need is the cd21:50
PsyberS`is it possible to boot a live cd and then install onto an NFS mount (so i can use PXE after reboot and set the root to the NFS share)?21:50
tonytraductorI wonder, too, being no expert in such matters, if sdc1 indicates the usb port, itself, and if it is different if I use the other port (there are 2)21:51
Trijntjefccf: hmm, sounds microsoft-like, but ill try that, thanks21:51
Jack_SparrowPsyberS` no21:51
timposeycabrey I commented that error out but still no other networks or computers show up in samba this was working great always has, I can't think of anything that I might have added unless it was a regular update that I installed.21:51
Floops[w]mdm.. one other things is there a command for rescue option mode21:51
cabreytimposey, what do you mean no computers show up?21:51
qazavulcan some one help me with my mp3player21:51
cabreytimposey, are you talking about in nautilus?21:51
mdmFloops your want to use grub-install, and you want to do this AFTER you put in a new initrd21:51
qazavulits a zen mosaic21:51
[t0rc]is ubuntu with ext4 stable? or are a lot of people still having issues with it?21:52
cabrey[t0rc], running it right now21:52
qazavulim have ing a hard time get the program to run and ubuntu to read it21:52
guntbert!enter | qazavul21:52
ubottuqazavul: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:52
fccfTrijintje: azureus needs admin priv to update ... open terminal run sudo azureus(or whatever the command is) run the update restart and you are done21:53
Floops[w]i will try mdm21:53
Floops[w]thanks again for all ur help21:53
qazavulguntbert: wut21:53
Floops[w]if it doesn't work out21:53
Floops[w]i will just be a good thing to redo it21:53
timposeycabrey I have 3 other computers on the network and none show up I'm using smb4k, I am assuming that is samba on 8.1021:53
jwfoxjris there a quick way to kill off all the settings in Network manager and have it rediscover all your interfaces?  My NetworkManager got bork'd after trying to setup OpenVPN21:53
wrektjetanyone very familiar with editing fstab? i need to mount a partition... http://paste.ubuntu.com/187656/21:53
jedi06I'm trying to install updates and i get what would you like to do about menu.lst21:54
timposeycabrey the other computers are windows21:54
mimilooncabrey: thanks for your help21:54
cabreytimposey, smb4? that's just an alpha... anyways see if you have smbclient installed21:54
guntbertqazavul: please ask you question all in *one* line, if you break it up (with <enter>) its much more difficult to read21:54
Blancd01k easy question.. how do u boot into ubuntu21:54
qazavulcan anyone help me21:54
fccfwrektjet: what partition?21:54
Blancd01*from the console (sorry i forgot to add this)21:54
jedi06should i keep local version or maintainer's version21:54
qazavuli need help with my zen mosiac21:55
Jack_Sparrow!patience > qazavul21:55
ubottuqazavul, please see my private message21:55
qazavuli need to be able to runt he program and for ubuntu to read the mp3 so i can add stuff to it21:55
Blancd01*Revised* how do i boot into the gui of ubuntu from the Ctrl+Alt+F1 screen?21:55
tonytraductordoh...alright, something wrong here.  I managed to mount the usbkey with mount /dev/sdc1 /media/usb...then I unmounted (sudo umount /media/usb), unplugged it, plugged it back in, and tried again, just to verify, and now I get "mount special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist21:55
cabreyBlancd01, startx?21:55
tonytraductorso I thought I had it solved, but, apparently not21:56
Jack_SparrowBlancd01 Possibly.. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm21:56
tonytraductorapparently the /dev/* changes each time I plug it in...annoying21:56
Blancd01syntax error missing required parameter21:57
Jack_Sparrowtonytraductor use the uuid instead of the .dev21:57
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:57
Blancd01sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:57
Blancd01i did this option21:57
wrektjetfccf, i have a /dev/sda3 which contains sda5 and sda6 not mounted anywhere. sda32 is mounted at "/"21:57
cabreyBlancd01, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start21:57
wrektjet*sda2 is mounted at "/"21:57
fccfBlancd01: startx or ctrl-alt-f721:57
guntbertBlancd01: the sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start21:57
jwfoxjris there a quick way to kill off all the settings in Network manager and have it rediscover all your interfaces?  My NetworkManager got bork'd after trying to setup OpenVPN21:58
dabukalamhi all i'm having some trouble with packet injection on jaunty with an intel 496521:58
jwfoxjrI'd prefer not to reinstall21:58
qazavulok where can i get help with my problem21:58
Blancd01i have 1080i support in console21:58
Blancd01all systems go21:58
tonytraductorwell, how do I determine what the uuid is, though?21:58
Jack_Sparrowtonytraductor see the link21:59
Blancd01but then i hit ctrl+alt+f7 and its 480 again21:59
tonytraductorand why isn't this stuff automounting int he first place, I'd like to know21:59
tonytraductorwhat link?21:59
Blancd01how do i force gdm to use my resolution?21:59
giikeranyone knows if there is any acript/plugin for irssi to alert me of new msgs within irsii?21:59
cabreyBlancd01, change the resolution21:59
cabreyBlancd01, login21:59
cabreyjwfoxjr, What version of ubuntu?21:59
fccfwrektjet: what format are they i.e. ext3, fat16, fat32, NTFS???21:59
jwfoxjrcabrey: Janunty amd6421:59
cabreyjwfoxjr, Right click nework manager > edit connections22:00
zaccourhow is xpde for regular use? anyone tried it?22:00
wrektjetfccf, well my / is ext3 and sda3 containing 5 and 6 are swap and ext4 respectively22:00
timposeycabrey yes smbclient is installed22:00
cabreytimposey, Places > Network, nothing shows up?22:01
qazavulwhere can i get help ith my problem22:01
=== Sonderblade_ is now known as Sonderblade
jwfoxjrcabrey: I've done that - redefined my wired interface, restarted networking, restarted NetworkManger, but the interface doesn't have the proper address when I do an ifconfig...22:02
zaccourhow is xpde for regular use? anyone tried it?22:02
Trijntjefccf: azureus still keeps asking for the same update. Any other sugestions?22:02
jwfoxjrcabrey: should I just delete all the interfaces and reboot?22:02
cabreyjwfoxjr, just about to suggest that, nm might recreate them22:02
timposeycabrey it says windows network, but when I chick on it, it says unable to mount location22:02
Blancd01where is the option to change resolutions?22:03
Trijntjeqazavul: things scroll fast here, i dont think everybody knows your problem22:03
giikeranyone knows if there is any acript/plugin for irssi to alert me of new msgs within irsii?22:03
cabreytimposey, i might have a solution22:03
phlexonanceI accidentally deleted my wastebin and I can't drag it from nautilus to the bar :D22:03
Jack_Sparrow!coc > dabukalam22:03
cabreytimposey, go to the configuration editor (Alt-F2 > gconf-editor)22:03
ubottudabukalam, please see my private message22:03
Myrttigiiker: noisyquery.pl22:03
Jack_Sparrow!guidelines > dabukalam22:03
phlexonancemeh, found it22:04
Solarisfccf: you think wiping and reinstalling ubuntu would fix it22:04
qazavuli have the ine program but i cant run my program to add stuff to my zen mosaic and it wont read the mp322:04
Slartgiiker: I use a small script that uses the notification in ubuntu.. makes nice popups =)22:04
jwfoxjrcabrey: thanks - going to go home and try that - worst case scenario, I have everything backed up...LOL22:04
Trijntjeqazavul: do you mean the wine program?22:04
Blancd01how do i change resolutions in ubuntu22:04
timposeycabrey  I'm there22:05
Blancd01i did it successfully in c+a+f122:05
cabreytimposey, expand system22:05
timposeycabrey ok22:05
Trijntjeqazavul: did you try putting music on you mp3 player with rhythmbox?22:05
cabreytimposey, click on smb and then edit the workgroup key22:05
qazavulwhats rythm box22:06
giikerphlexonance: I think you might readd it using the properties option by right clicking where it was22:06
cabreyqazavul, that is an audio management app22:06
timposeycabrey there is no value there22:06
giikerphlexonance: I think you might readd it using the properties option by right clicking where it was22:06
qazavuli cant try22:06
cabreytimposey, yes edit it and put your workgroup in there22:06
tonytraductorokay, well, I've successfully managed to mount and umount my sd card and usb key several times, but by hand and as root, only...I'd like them to automount, and be user accessible.  Now, I think I can edit /etc/fstab to do this with the sd card, but for somereason, the location of the usbkey seems to change each time I plug it in, so I don't know how I would manage that in /etc/fstab, unless this uuid remains the same, but I haven't 22:06
qazavuli can try22:06
wrektjetso does anyone know how i can restore my /dev/sda3? fdisk doesnt see it. im out of space on my / partition22:06
Blancd01guys i dont mean to be a bother but can u plz help me change resolutions?22:06
cabreyBlackWolf90, System > Preferecnes > Display22:07
cabreyoops Blancd01 ^^22:07
giikertonytraductor: try to use the LBEL option in fstab22:07
giikerI did with my HD22:07
tonytraductoroddly, I've never heard of the "LBEL option"22:07
giikertonytraductor: I meant LABEL22:07
Jack_Sparrowwrektjet Use livecd and remove stuff from /var/cache/apt/archives22:07
mdmwrektjet: did fdisk ever see the partition 3 on that disk? if so what was it?  did you change it?  if so what to?22:07
tonytraductorI'm still going to have to go google that...22:08
giikerman the fstab, and read it22:08
Jack_Sparrowtonytraductor careful with labels, done wrong will format the partition22:08
Trijntjeqazavul: if you say my name in the chat I can see that you talked to me. Also, I found this link via google: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=731726022:08
timposeycabrey I did that and went back to network and still the same22:08
giikertonytradcutor: just look up the manual inyour shell: man fstab. it gives you also examples22:08
Blancd01doesnt work :\22:08
=== maxdemon is now known as Maxdemon
downracerAnybody know link for manual IP STATIC config in 8.10, which explain the user trick to complain with th e bug.. kind of set and go back into the network manager a second time to keep settings after reboot?22:08
KnoxvilleI'm trying to access the web interface of Nagios and it keeps asking me to download the *.php file any ideas why?22:08
cabreytimposey, you might have to log out and back in for the effect to kick in -- or sometimes even reboot22:09
zaccourwhere can i find all the desktops available for ubuntu with screenshots?22:09
tonytraductorfor the sdcard I'm just going to /dev/sdb1 /media/canon auto noautor,user,exec 0 022:09
Jack_Sparrowzaccour one sec for a link22:09
zaccourJack_Sparrow, ok thanks22:09
Jack_Sparrowzaccour http://xwinman.org/22:09
wrektjetmdm yes it once did i was changing it with someones help on irc and he bailed on me midway thru. we were editing fstab. i was moving the SO files from sda3 to the smaller sda2. so we did that part. but we never got the other partitioon mouinted again22:09
giikertonytraductor: I found my bookmark:>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions22:09
wrektjet*so = os (ubuntu operating system)22:10
giikertonytraductor: and I also used this link:>>>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?&t=28313122:10
Solarisproblems with mysql http://paste.ubuntu.com/187666/plain/22:10
fccfTrijntje: get a better client - ubuntu native like transmission - I cannot support azereus22:10
cabreyTrijntje, also try Deluge22:11
cemunalcan we get 3d with nouveau drivers?22:11
wrektjetmdm the unmounted partition (sda3 containg sda5 and sda6) was at /boot originally22:11
Jack_Sparrowtonytraductor http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313122:11
mdmwrektjet: there is a very small chance, if you know where the partion was, did not change it to spread out another partion, did not extend it, that you can put it back.  Other then that the disk label is just a table to where things are on the disk, there is no backup and if anything changed the info in that space its gone22:11
Solarisfccf: you think i should wipe and go with a fresh install?22:11
giikerJack_Sparrow> apparently we had the same problem before...jeje22:12
sven_oostenbrinkI do an "scp linuxlab:svn.tgz ." which nicely copies the file but then when at 100% gives me the error "svn.tgz: Invalid argument".. what could be causing this?22:12
Jack_Sparrowgiiker I use that page alot22:12
qazavulTrijntje is there a way to make ubuntu read my mp322:12
Trijntjefccf: ok, ill look into that. Transmission is a bit to simple for my needs. Thanks for the tip22:12
wrektjetmdm i dont need any data from the parrtiton22:12
Trijntjecabrey: Ill look into Deluge, thanks22:12
wrektjetmdm i just want to make fstab see it so i can mount it and start using the space22:12
mdmwrektjet: pastebin a fdisk -l22:13
fccfTrijntje: I take it you do alot of seeding22:13
razerblk_anyone know when a newer version of ubunto studio is comming out with the fixed kernal issue ?22:14
stables666I'm trying to run XAMPP (lamp) but getting this error:  lee@laptop:~$ sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz -C /opt22:14
stables666[sudo] password for lee:22:14
stables666tar: xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory22:14
stables666tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now22:14
stables666tar: Child returned status 222:14
FloodBot3stables666: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
Trijntjefccf: correct, bandwith to spare ;)22:14
stables666tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors22:14
Jack_Sparrow!paste > stables66622:14
ubottustables666, please see my private message22:14
wrektjetmdm http://paste.ubuntu.com/187668/22:14
Trijntjeqazavul: have you followed the advice given in the link I gave you?22:14
qazavulTrijntje: srry uts the link again22:14
stables666sorry here's url http://paste.ubuntu.com/187669/22:15
Trijntjeqazavul: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=731726022:15
mdmwrektjet: you cant mount /dev/sda3 I assume you want to mount /dev/sda6?  or did you not care what it was and wanted to extend /dev/sda2 over it?22:15
Jack_Sparrowstables666 ty for using the pastebin22:15
fccfTrijntje: Did you know that by going to right click on a torrnet and details - gives you quite a bit of control on how things get seeded22:15
stables666no probs just need answer now22:15
wrektjetno i wanted to have the os files ona diff partition in case anything went worng in the future22:15
mdmstables666: the answer is easy xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz does not exist in your home directory22:16
wrektjetwhen i say mount sda3 i guess i meant to say mount sda5 and sda6 which are logical drives within sda3 (i think)22:16
qazavulTrijntje ty22:16
stables666its on my desktop so how do iget it working and installed22:16
mdmwrektjet: yes, sda3 is an extended partition, something that is a holdover from IBM DOS22:16
=== henrik} is now known as pik}
floryn90can evrybody hrlp me?22:17
mdmstables666: cd Desktop and do it again22:17
Solarisproblems with mysql http://paste.ubuntu.com/187666/plain/22:17
ralmarHey guys, is there a portable version of firefox for linux?22:17
stables666mdm sorry i dont follow ....22:17
giikeranyone knows if there is any script/plugin for irssi to alert me of new msgs within irsii?22:17
fccfralmar: the portable apps only work in windows...22:18
tonytraductorwhat is meant by a "portable version of firefox for linux"?  I have firefox on my jaunty laptop, and I can take it anywhere22:18
razerblk_same here22:18
giikertonytraductor: good one!!22:18
ralmartonytraductor,  very funny22:18
tonytraductoroh yeah, and I also have firefox on my hardy cloudbook22:18
hacktolivehi all, anyone knows how to create a COW (copy-on-write) for UML? I can't find any info on the internet.... thanks22:18
wrektjetmdm so if u look at this fstab u see that sda6 is identified as /boot --http://paste.ubuntu.com/187656/ id like to get that recognized somehow im not sure what i am lacking22:18
Trijntjefccf: you are right, there are more options than i first thought. Thanks again22:18
helperwhen i make laptop sleep mode , when i resume it the sound go out i need to restart so it come back ! should i mount the sound again to work after resuming from the sleep mode22:18
mdmstables666: do you understand directory structure?  ~ means the home directory or litteraly /home/<user>  your desktop is a directory in that directroy called Desktop.  If you have more then one Desktop2 etc.  The file was downloaded to your Desktop not your home directory22:18
wrektjetmdm sorry here it is again http://paste.ubuntu.com/187656/22:19
giikertonytraductor: cloudbook? what, you load your os or FF from the net?!22:19
stables666so what line would i right in the terminal22:19
isodudeI have a problem with my package-manager, it says there is a package that need to be reinstalled and it can't find the deb-file. What to do?22:19
sbehhi, if i insert my 'sony memorystick card' into my laptop, kernel says: 'tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:1' but i can't find any device-file to mount?22:19
sven_oostenbrinkI do an "scp linuxlab:svn.tgz ." which nicely copies the file but then when at 100% gives me the error "svn.tgz: Invalid argument".. what could be causing this?22:19
mdmwrektjet: do you have /main mounted?22:19
wrektjetmdm no22:20
wrektjetmdm only /22:20
mdmstables666: I already told you, cd Desktop and type the same command, alternately append /home/<user>/Desktop to the filename22:20
tonytraductorhmmm....I can ls /dev/disk/by-uuid and by-id, but not by-label...maybe hardy doesn't support by-label?22:20
mdmwrektjet: type mount -a does it give you an error, or does it mount /main?22:20
stables666mdm: ok I'll try that22:20
tonytraductorno, the cloudbook has hardy herron installed, oem configured even22:20
* isodude hopes that there are some apt-pros here atm :o22:21
wrektjetmdm: mount: mount point /main does not exist22:21
tonytraductorI was going to upgrade to jaunty, but the guy I got it from on ebay recommended against, since this version of hardy was oem configured for the hardware22:21
Slartsven_oostenbrink: is it possible that the current directory isn't writable?22:21
mdmtonytraductor: it supports it fine, you have to HAVE lables for it to be created tho22:21
=== SirDerigo is now known as Guest82371
giikertonytraductor: jaja!!22:21
isodudeOn that certain package I have the flags rHR22:21
mdmwrektjet: sudo mkdir /main22:21
sven_oostenbrinkSlart: 700 with user correct..22:21
tonytraductorok, more googling22:21
Slartsven_oostenbrink: disk full?22:22
stables666am getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187673/22:22
wrektjetmdm oh wow ok so i then do sudo mount -a?22:22
mdmwrektjet: yes22:22
norenhello everyone can any1 here help me get the stocks plasmoid i m unable to do si22:22
sven_oostenbrinkSlart: shit, you nailed it.. :) but why not say something usefull like.. well, say... disk full maybe? :) instead of invalid argument? I spent 15 minutes looking in to the scp documentation to see what by god I was doing wrong.. :)22:22
billybigriggeranyone here have experience with installing ubuntu on old hardware? like a p1 166mhz??? im getting an error from isolinux when i boot from cd that i need to update the bios to continue, but i dont have a single floppy, and havent for about 7 years, to update the bios....any help?22:22
fccfstables666: cd into the directory and do a 'ls'22:23
Slartsven_oostenbrink: well.. I don't really know.. write an email to the authors and ask why they are morons ;)22:23
sven_oostenbrinkSo I will22:23
stables666fccf: cd in what direcory and whats ls22:24
ohirgnite all22:24
wrektjetmdm will this always then be mounted on startup?22:24
wrektjetmdm wow that was pretty easy! i cant beleive i has so much trouble with this22:24
nztalbillybigrigger, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems22:24
wrektjetyou are the man22:24
sven_oostenbrinkSlart: will do :)22:24
mdmyes wrektjet mount -a is what the system does, well its supposed to do, at startup22:25
Rabbit1hey guys22:25
zyeeerhi all22:25
mdmwrektjet: whoever helped you simply forgot the last step, but your welcome22:25
zyeeerI have a hp laptop22:25
wrektjetmdm ha thnx a lot22:25
nztalbillybigrigger, sorry i didn't pay close attention to your problem, i just copied something that might be relevant to you22:25
robert__whats the difference between window managers and desktops?22:25
zyeeerthe suspend mode is broken :(22:26
wrektjeti was spending all my time learning syntax for fstab! crazy. anyway thnx again22:26
zyeeercan you tell me if is possible to fix it?22:26
Rabbit1can anyone maybe assist me in getting my maximum screen resolution correct?22:26
mdmbtw wrektjet what do you plan on using /main for, or did you not want to copy or move data arround?22:26
Slartrobert__: one is a term that is well defined on the wikipedia and the other is a.. oh .. my bad.. they're both well defined on wikipedia ;)22:26
zaccourwhats the difference between window managers and desktops?22:26
Agion1hi, how can I make a program (from wine) startable from comsole by a command?22:26
cabreyzaccour, http://www.downloadsquad.com/2007/12/18/flipping-the-linux-switch-desktop-environments-vs-window-manag/22:27
wrektjetmdm i just wanted to have the operating systemns files on a sperate partition in case of mistakes down the line or upgrades22:27
Blancd01i wish i knew how to do this :\22:27
Prankazyeeer: Please look in this thread found in the UbuntuForums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=287552922:27
mdmwrektjet: I was goign to suggest you make it your home drive given its vast space :)22:27
zaccourcabrey, thanks man22:27
Rabbit1agion1: don't you just type wine and the program name??? not sure but you can man wine22:27
Slartrobert__: search for "desktop enviroment", and "window manager".. those articles are pretty good22:27
isodudesolved it! man is your friend22:27
wrektjetmdm how would i do that?22:27
she_dyedsomebody gave you a tip Blancd01 did you see22:28
wrektjetin gparted?22:28
isoduderan sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq22:28
mdmwrektjet: more like by hand, i dont think gparted can do that22:28
Agion1Rabbit1: yea but I don't want to type wine ~/.wine/Program \Files/bla/bla/bla all the time but instead of it like "Spotify"22:28
=== Guest82371 is now known as SirDerigo
golempjeagion1: make a start script?22:29
Rabbit1agion1: isn't it maybe possible to make a alias for that command?22:29
Agion1golempje: exactly but I'm asking how22:29
Rabbit1agion1: or as said a script?22:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm22:29
lee_ fccf: cd in what direcory and whats ls22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windowmanager22:30
mdmwrektjet: type "cd /home" then "sudo du -sk *" and pastebin it22:30
DragonflyALEheila' come va22:30
fccfcd to the directory where the tar.gz file is -- ls is like dir in dos22:30
Rabbit1so can anyone help me with the incorrect maximum screen resolution???22:31
wrektjetmdm permission denied?22:31
wrektjetdoes that make sense?22:31
mdmX is a graphicsl enviroment, gome is a set of programs that include a window manger.  a window manager does things like give you boarders, buttons and colors.  It also includes a desktop manager, things like menus, settings and such22:31
lee_fccf care to show me the line i would enter22:31
wrektjetmdm du: cannot access `marc/.gvfs': Permission denied22:31
mdmyes wrektjet type sudo before the du22:32
norenis there anyway to get a stock ticker applet22:32
fccflee_: cd Desktop enter ls | pastebinit22:32
wrektjetyes i did22:32
mdmand Gnome is one of MANY window/desktop managers22:32
cabreynoren, right click on the panel > add to panel22:33
Gainis there a good putty alternative in Ubuntu?22:33
fccflee_ are you just trying to install a lamp server?22:33
giikertonytraductor: i didnt catch what you said last?22:33
wrektjetmdm marc@marc:/home$ sudo du -sk22:33
wrektjetdu: cannot access `./marc/.gvfs': Permission denied 1023966822:33
norencabrey: i cant find it whats its name22:33
lee_fccf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187673/22:33
GainRabbit1 sure22:33
Gainas well as sftp22:33
badcloudargggg, pidgin sux22:33
Gainbadcloud, what protocol are you using?22:34
cabreynoren, hmm maybe there isn't one, i swear there was, hold on22:34
_drhow come gnome-terminal will set the cwd to / if i start it via keyboard shortcut?22:34
Rabbit1okay i'll google it.22:34
mdmok wrektjet just wait :) there is probably ALLOT of space used there, wait until the $ prompt comes back22:34
fccflee_ i think I see what Is going on ... one step at a time22:34
fccfcd lampp22:34
badcloudgain, I'm using aim, icq, jabber, facebook, twitter and yahoo22:34
norencabrey: if u can plz direct me where i can find one22:34
lee_fccf: please tell me :)22:34
Gainlol MSN isn't in there haha22:34
badcloudand msn22:34
badcloudforgot that bit22:35
JackB21Is there a program to download music in ubuntu?22:35
cabreynoren, its called invest22:35
badcloudthink I'll switch to centerim22:35
cabreynoren, there is one22:35
Gainfor msn get EMESENE22:35
GainI like it a lot22:35
JackB21like p2p in ubuntu?22:35
badcloudpidgin is seg faulting like a mutha22:35
fccflee_ see my private message22:35
Gainso guys, a good Putty alternative in Ubuntu?22:36
GainI need to ssh into some servers22:36
norencabrey: i am using kde kubuntu will be named differently here22:36
badcloudI think it's twitter that's making it seg, but I'm not sure22:36
mdmJackB21:  your question is very vague, there are MANY programs to download with, and many can be clasified p2p22:36
JackB21Any program to download music?22:36
bastidrazorGain, gnome-terminal22:36
GainJackB21 is that an application?22:36
Rabbit1I think i found one...22:36
cabreynoren, not sure about kde /join #kubuntu22:36
mdmGain your joking right?  putty EMULATES ssh, just type ssh22:36
Gainim a noob22:36
erUSUL!p2p | JackB2122:36
ubottuJackB21: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information22:36
JackB21Gain, yes an app to get music?22:36
fccfJackB21: it is not the general policy to tell people how do do illegal things22:36
Rabbit1told you so22:37
cabreyGain, understandable everybodies been there22:37
mdmits like saying what is the Windows version of wine :)22:37
lee_fccf: private msg22:37
JackB21ubottu, thanks22:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:37
bastidrazor!ssh > Gain22:37
ubottuGain, please see my private message22:37
Blancd01hey guys what are some good ubuntu emulators22:37
mdmgod I need to learn those triggers.  Can I get a list of all things that bot knows?22:38
Jack_SparrowBlancd01 game emulators that run under ubuntu perhaps?22:38
cabreyBlancd01, do you mean virtualation software?22:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:38
mdmJack_Sparrow: thanks22:38
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:38
JackB21fccf, it is not illegal to download free that has no copyright.22:38
Kalmi_!virtualizers | Blancd0122:38
ubottuBlancd01: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:38
Jack_Sparrow!msgthebot > cabrey22:38
ubottucabrey, please see my private message22:38
Rabbit1nobody to help with screen resolution problem? :(22:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:38
Jack_SparrowJackB21 Your question is too vague22:38
fccfJackB21: Be spacific22:39
Jack_Sparrow!msgthebot > mdm22:39
ubottumdm, please see my private message22:39
giiker : you knew that already!22:39
jshriverHow do you connect a serial terminal up to an Ubuntu box? more specifically how to you configure ubuntu to allow serial logins?22:39
wrektjetbah... mdm and anyone else: do you know how to change the permissions on a file called .gvfs?22:39
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.22:39
mdmsorry Jack_Sparrow I was just playing with it :)22:39
jshrivera howto I found suggests agetty which I dont see available in ubuntu22:39
cabreyJack_Sparrow, I meant that for JackB21, since he said emulator. Sorry for confusion22:39
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:39
Jack_Sparrowcabrey np22:39
mdmwrektjet: dont its gnomes virtual file system22:40
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/22:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vdapu22:40
jshriverI know how to use the shell :) I just dont know hot to configure Ubuntu to interface with a dumb terminal over a serial line22:40
cabreyjshriver do you want the main screen on the serial console?22:41
razerblk_jack will not connect with server.....anyone got ideas ?22:41
jshriverjust shell22:41
jshriverusing an old Wyse ANSI terminal22:41
jshriverthought it would be fun to try connecting it upt o my box22:41
cabreyjshriver, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto22:41
codeFiendif I have a 7.04 server sitting around, how likely am I to fubar it by trying to upgrade to 8, and thence to 9?22:42
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:42
codeFiendyeah I read the EOL upgrade guide22:42
wrektjetmdm it seems to be a bug22:42
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend usually depends on how much you added from outside repos.  the more unsupported stuff the less likely it will go smoothly22:42
codeFiendjust wondering if I really need to drive there and make a full backup before I fuck with it, or if it's likely to be ok22:42
jshriverthanks for the link :)22:42
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > codeFiend22:42
ubottucodeFiend, please see my private message22:42
tw3akhey is it possible to boot from floppy and then mount and start the cd?22:43
cabreycodeFiend, I would suggest going to 8.04 as that is a LTS22:43
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: I don't think there was much extra added... hmm.22:43
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend review your sources list22:43
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: ah sorry about the language. slipped out.22:43
helperwhen i make laptop sleep mode , when i resume it the sound go out i need to restart so it come back ! should i mount the sound again to work after resuming from the sleep mode22:43
codeFiendcabrey: no 9.04?22:43
cabreycodeFiend, I would not recommend it for a server22:44
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.22:44
giikertw3ak: yes22:45
fritzIsOnlinehow can i eject disc drive without using it's button22:45
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: all standard sources, plus security, plus a freenx service that I never got to work right so it can be safely removed anyway22:45
cabreyfritzIsOnline, sudo eject22:45
TetracommHow do I load the mouse driver in the terminal?22:45
NationiantTetracomm: Hello22:45
TetracommWith no GUI running?22:45
fritzIsOnlinemerci bien22:45
giikerfritzIsOnline: iwth a paper clip?!22:45
mdmwrektjet: what is the bug the fact that gvfs is hidden from root?22:45
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend 7.04 has reached eol right?22:45
troubledjono: great show :)22:45
NationiantNow I have a problem22:45
cabreyTetracomm, gpm22:45
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: yup22:45
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: there's an EOL upgrade guide on the wiki I was reading the other day22:46
NationiantHow can I (or if I even can) add Ubuntu 9.04 to Windows Vista bootloader?22:46
jonothanks troubled :)22:46
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend if needed, use the old.roeps and go for it.  I assume you have a backup22:46
TetracommThank you, cabrey.22:46
cabreyNationiant, use grub22:46
jshriverneat that works :) kinda nice to see a shell on an old school green terminal lol22:46
troublednow just need to get all this folk listening to the show :)22:46
NationiantI don't like grub22:46
wrektjetmdm i think soemthing like that i did a search and on a forum someone linked to two bugs about it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=547895822:46
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: I think I'm going to drive to datacenter and make one before I do it :)22:46
cabreyjshriver, surf the web using links :P22:46
mdmJack_Sparrow: is there a way to add tags to the bot?22:46
codeFiendbetter safe22:46
Kalmi_Nationiant, you could use wubi22:46
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend make a sep home while you are at it22:46
cabreyKalmi_, wubi is slower compared to native install22:47
NationiantThat's the main reason22:47
Trijntjeis Transmission banned by the ubuntu torrent tracker?22:47
Jack_SparrowFriends dont let friends use wubi22:47
NationiantI want use the native linux format22:47
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: what do you mean separate home?22:47
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend yes22:47
mdmwrektjet: there not bugs they are part of the file system secuity22:47
NationiantSo can I?22:47
Kalmi_Nationiant, what is is that you don't like about grub? :)22:47
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:47
cabreyNationiant, yes22:47
codeFiendoh, an extra partition for it, I see22:47
NationiantI dunno, but how can i22:47
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend that keeps your files sep from os so os can more easlily be updated22:47
giikerlinks rocks, but I once navigated to a website and they banned my IP22:47
codeFiendJack_Sparrow: makes sense.22:48
sburwoodMy EEE PC 900 was updated to 9.04.  On boot, it boots a 8.10 kernel.  Why?22:48
NationiantHow can I add Ubuntu to Vista bootloader, OR recover Grub?22:48
giikerthey said I was  using a web crawler, just  a heads up22:48
cabreysburwood, any other options in grub?22:48
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:48
NationiantI overwrote grub with vista bootloader22:48
Kalmi_!grub | Nationiant22:48
cabreysburwood, uname -r in terminal22:48
ubottuNationiant: please see above22:48
myselfhey whats the best type of ubuntu to install on a laptop, 3.20 ghz, pentium 4, but only 256 mb of ram?22:48
sburwoodI'm using my desktop which is allergic to 9.0422:48
wrektjetmdm well ok. but then how would i change from /main to /home in the file system22:49
Kalmi_myself, ubuntu/xubuntu... xubuntu is more light-weight..22:49
sburwoodcabrey answer to uname -r = 2.6.27-14-generic22:49
Jack_SparrowcodeFiend FYI, I keep a stable and a testing linux on every box22:49
sburwoodon this desktop22:49
cabreysburwood, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:49
cabreysburwood, also post your sources.list to pastebin22:49
helperNo sound after standby / sleeping-mode , how i can fix this issue! thx22:49
mdmwrektjet: I was getting there but first I wanted to see by the output of the du if the pain I was going to inflict upon you us worth the time.22:50
wrektjetmdm i think im back where started :(22:50
sburwoodcabrey, I have two problems.  This desktop is allergic to 2.6.28.  I have to hit escape during boot to get to 2.6.2722:50
wrektjetthe grub files are now in the file "main" with 400+ free gigs22:50
jakehey guys my source list is missing can you give me a link to the list with keys that ship with jaunty?22:50
Kalmi_helper, try switching to ALSA22:50
MowJack_sparrow: If I wanted could I run teamviewer / xfire with wine?22:51
sburwoodI want to eliminate the choice of 2.6.28 on this desktop22:51
Kalmi_!sound | helper22:51
ubottuhelper: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:51
mdmwrektjet: what I had planned was for you to copy everything from home to that parition, wipe our home then mount that partition as home.  Of course you can not do that while it is in use so most of it has to be done in single user mode to be safe22:51
cabreysburwood, i thought it was an Eee22:51
wrektjetmdm i can use the livecd22:51
Jack_SparrowMow No idea, I dont use wine.. see the /msg ubottu !appdb22:51
sburwoodcabrey, there are two computers at the house.  One, a EEE, one a P4 at 2.4G22:51
jakeit just disapeered on me22:51
mdmwrektjet: true22:51
Jack_Sparrowsburwood gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:52
cabreysburwood, does the Eee work?22:52
Rabbit1some help with resolution problem...22:52
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:52
sburwoodyes, but its battery time is very limited22:52
Rabbit1maximum resolution is incorrect22:52
cabreysburwood, how did you upgrade both system? also, for the Eee i would suggest array.org kernel22:52
wrektjetmdm sigh. the whole idea i was trying to get at wa to seperate the grub files from my data. it doesnt look like ive done that22:52
Kalmi_Rabbit1, read the whole factoid, please...22:53
MylesmadnessIs there a program like teamviewer for ubuntu?22:53
jack28who is from peterborough?22:53
Rabbit1okay will do again.22:53
mdmwrektjet: no all you did was make a new partiotn for space, in a directory that really isnt standard for anything22:53
Fohnjake what was your question?22:53
jakemy software sources disapeered22:53
=== kb is now known as Guest71534
jakethey are just gone22:53
jakeI need a link to them and the keys22:54
Jack_Sparrowjake check for typo in path22:54
myselfhey is it okay to install xubuntu on like a 10gb parititon ON A LAPTOP if your hard drive is like 80gb with 23gb free? or what? this person has to be able to access windows partition and stuff22:54
myselfto be able to access ntfs, but have linux22:54
sburwoodcabrey, two problems.  The EEE was updated.  It says that it is 9.04.  When I hit "esc" during boot, I only see a 2.6.27 kernel from 8.1022:54
tagSo if I was going to dual boot an OS-X machine with ubuntu, what would be the benefit of using bootcamp instead of grub, or vise versa?22:54
jakethey are the ones that came with jaunty22:54
mu99ins!info bluez-utils > mu99ins22:54
jakethey are not there at all now22:54
boss_mcjake, go into System->Software sources and check the boxes22:54
sburwoodThe desktop which I'm using refuses to use 9.0422:54
jakeall gone22:54
cabreysburwood, how did you upgrade the system?22:54
mdmwrektjet: what I was guesing, without knowing what you really use your system for is that the majority of the space you used is in fact your home directory.  But that sort of depends on how long you have used your system22:54
sburwoodon the website22:54
jakeoh i see22:55
Fohnseems like you could just google that, or look it up on the website, however...22:55
cabreysburwood, you didnt use update-manager?22:55
erUSULmyself: it is possible... if it is ok or not is up to you (or the person you are talking about )22:55
wrektjetmdm ive been using the systen for a few months22:55
jakewhat happen to my third party ? thats what is gone22:55
Jack_Sparrowjake gedit /etc/apt/sources.list              ctrl-shift-V  to paste into terminal22:55
phil__hey guys does anyone know how to install songbird on ubuntu??????????22:55
sburwoodyes, I was mistaken, I used the update manager with the EEE22:55
myselfErUSUL i am just asking for advice, whats the best size dude22:55
jakeI'm sorry for my ignorance there22:55
mdmwrektjet: did that du ever finish?22:55
wrektjetmdm but i only have like 15 gigs of data22:55
Fohnno problem22:55
thiebaudejake, can you re-enable them?22:55
cabreysburwood, and the desktop, a fresh install or upgrade?22:56
wrektjetmdm nope i told u i am getting that error22:56
erUSULmyself: given that you have only 23 GiB free 10 giB is ok i guess22:56
Fohnjake: Did they dissapear when you upgraded to jaunty, or just "out of the blue"?22:56
myself10gb is okay? okay. cool22:56
myselfthank you22:56
Kalmi_wrektjet, um... Trash?22:56
bastidrazorphil__, the last time i used songbird it still had a memory leak22:56
boss_mcjake: deb (src) http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner22:56
cabreyphil__, check out Banshee22:56
wrektjetkalmi what do u mean trash22:56
boss_mcjake: is the 3rd party source the ubuntu comes with22:56
mdmwrektjet: let it get that error, let it finish too.  Some commands, especially those that walk a file system, take a long time22:56
phil__is there any easy way to install the latest songbird on ubuntu ?22:56
giikerphil: installed sonbird but id didnt run well22:57
sburwoodI had done a upgrade on the desktop, but during boot, I get a sort of error message that prevents me from getting past the POST22:57
sburwoodso I had to revert back to 8.1022:57
cabreysburwood, that doesn't make sense, POST is part of the BIOS22:57
wrektjetmdm but the /home$ pops back up on the next line22:57
bastidrazorphil__, you'll have to download the .tar.gz and install it that way. i don't think their is a deb for it22:57
thiebaudesburwood: sounds like a hardware problem22:57
helperKalmi_, i did as site alsa force-reload , the sound driver remove from the kernal ! how i can reload this again ! thx22:58
mdmwrektjet: it doesnt give you any more lines, like maybe something with hour username and a number?22:58
Jack_Sparrowbastidrazor I sent him a link already22:58
cabreythiebaude, but he is using 8.10 right now22:58
myselfhey, do all ubuntu programs work with xubuntu?22:58
phil__is banshee just the same like songbird????22:58
sburwoodwell, I mean it just posts stuff on the screen like the hard drive etc. and it stuffs a dump of sorts on the screen22:58
boss_mcsburwood: check the mobo POST codes (beeps/flashing lights) in the mobo manual22:58
giikerphil: if Iám not mistaken you can download the pacage in deb and install it from there22:58
cabreyphil__, even better IMHO22:58
sburwoodbut the desktop worked with 8.1022:58
boss_mcsburwood: that'll tell you if it's HW22:58
sburwoodwhere do I find mobo manual?22:58
wrektjetmdm for clarity sake : http://paste.ubuntu.com/187698/22:58
myselfhey, do all ubuntu programs work with xubuntu?22:58
Jack_Sparrowmyself generally, yes22:58
bastidrazorJack_Sparrow, may i have the link also, i don't see it in the scroll back22:59
sburwoodI'm a newbie, though not completely22:59
boss_mcsburwood: maybe from your vendor's website/support site or the mobo manufacturer's site?22:59
bastidrazorthank you Jack_Sparrow22:59
poseidonWhen I do apt-get upgrade it says that "The following packages have been held back" and lists a bunch of packages.  Why does it do this?22:59
sburwoodand the mobo ... what's that? ... web site = ?22:59
myselfJack_sparrow what would not work?22:59
phil__guys i installed the latest ubuntu in a 10 gig partition next to windows 7 rc122:59
boss_mcsburwood: mobo = motherboard22:59
cabreysburwood, motherboard22:59
Kalmi_helper, is it working now?23:00
sburwoodI've a P4S533E23:00
jakeboss_mc they were working then dissapeared out of the blue23:00
Kalmi_helper, force-reload actually reloads it...23:00
boss_mcjake: they disappeared again?23:00
cabreysburwood, are you sure it is a POST problem?23:00
mdmok wrektjet you have 10 240 404K of "stuff" in your home directory, or about 10G that you can free up23:00
cabreysburwood, can you give the exact error?23:00
sburwoodI don't know exactly23:00
boss_mcjake: or just the once?23:00
Jack_Sparrowmyself There are exceptions to every rule so I held back,  but anything specifically for tweaking gnome or kde etc I would not expect to work 100%23:00
sburwoodto do that, I'd need to reboot23:00
jakeno they I tried to add them but it wont connect to the server23:00
myselfif i want someone to be able to run a certain type of cellphone dialup program for their cellphone, lemme see this http://www.bluesoleil.com/ should they install xubuntu?23:00
helperKalmi_, i though it reload too, it remove it , i do now lsmod didn't find it23:00
myselfif they want to run that program23:00
FloodBot3myself: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
mdmwrektjet: if that space is worth your time, Ill tell you how to move your home directory into it23:00
jakeit says connection 111 refused23:00
cabreysburwood, can you use your Eee to stay on here?23:01
phil__can i enlarge the partition space for ubuntu ?23:01
boss_mcsburwood: true... unless you're like me and run the PC with the case open/off23:01
jakeand I cant add them back23:01
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:01
phil__gparted doesnt work23:01
sburwoodthe desktop just refuses to use 2.6.28.  Works fine with 2.6.2723:01
mdmyes phil__ but not while they are in use23:01
Kalmi_phil__, what do you mean gparted doesn't work?23:01
Jack_Sparrowphil__ Use livecd and have the partition UNmounted23:01
phil__it cant resize the partition23:01
cabreysburwood, does the kernel hang or panic?23:01
mdmsburwood: the desktop is not the kernel, far from it and 2.6.28 and 2.6.27 sound like kernel versions23:02
phil__ohh with the live cd it has that option to resize built in????/23:02
Kalmi_phil__, it cannot resize a mounted partition...  :) that's normal23:02
helperKalmi_, also say when i click on volume : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.23:02
sburwoodI'm going to get the EEE23:02
Jack_Sparrowphil__ Livecd has gparted23:02
wrektjetmdm i guess im a bit confused. move from home to home?23:02
mdmwrektjet: no use that /main partition as /home instead23:02
wrektjetmdm yes that would be ideal23:03
mdmwrektjet: thereby freeing ~10G from your root23:03
Jack_Sparrowmdm agreed better use of that partition23:03
phil__ohh so the cd on which i burnet the ubuntu 9,04 it can partition with no additional software?23:03
wrektjeti dont care about the ten giggs in root23:03
wrektjetlet that rot23:03
Jack_Sparrowphil__ yes23:03
phil__ok thanks guys23:03
Kalmi_helper... can you pm me the output of sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload?23:03
boss_mcjake: http://paste.debian.net/37984/23:03
zekwhat is the best 3d modeling/animation tool?23:03
jakeok I will just read more to figure it all out. I'm sure my issues are ignorance on my part23:03
cabreyzek, blender23:03
cabreyzek, keep in mind there is a learning curve23:04
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boss_mcjake: the last two lines are a ppa for VLC... they're not standard23:04
mdmwrektjet: if you load up that live cd can you come back here so I can walk you trough it, also coping that much data will take a significant ammount of time, do you have it to spare?23:04
Guest15460fala ai23:04
Guest15460 brasil ubuntu23:04
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:04
helperKalmi_, http://pastebin.com/m5ca343e523:04
wrektjetmdm i dont really need the data cirruently on my hdd23:04
mdmwrektjet: ANY of it? your using it now, correct?23:05
jakeboss_mc thank you...its my third party I can't get working. I'll read up and see if I can fix it b4 coming back23:05
wrektjetmdm yes the os files23:05
Kalmi_helper, looks ok... are you sure they don't get loaded?23:05
boss_mcjake: ok, good luck23:05
helperKalmi_, also i did modprobe23:05
wrektjetand some music and whatnot but it can stay where it is for now23:05
zekcabrey: thanks, ill check that out23:05
Rabbit1this screen sucks just gonna get a new one....23:05
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helperKalmi_, loaded on lsmod but when i press the volume give error23:06
Kalmi_helper, ok... let's load up alsamixer...23:06
mdmwrektjet: you could wipe it all out and start over, but you would loose any modifications any downloads and all your work from the last 2 months unless you back it up elsewhere?  I purposly partition my home directly seperate from my root so I can do things like wipe out the OS and reinstall (upgrading over and over really is not the ideal way to manage the system)23:06
helperKalmi_, how?23:07
wrektjetmdm I know that was what i was tryoing to do originally23:07
Kalmi_helper, open a terminal and type: alsamixer<enter>23:07
helperKalmi_, when i press alsamixer give me error23:07
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helperKalmi_, error : alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory23:07
wrektjet(if youre wondering this all started bec i made a mistake during install between / and /root)23:07
mdmwrektjet: ok then go boot that live CD and come back here, alternatly I can give you a set of instructions to follow23:08
phil__guys i have the sansa e250 series player v2 and i tried to put rockbox h3mod and everything but nothing works does anyone how to theme the sansa?23:08
ralmarHey guys now whenever i open a link in a new tab, the new tab is opened with the link but it doesnt load, i have to manually refresh or press enter to load it. what could be causing this?thanks23:08
wrektjetmdm i dont want to lose my settings and all that. but the 10 gigs of music and pictures i can just get again i have it backed up. i will be back in 2 minutes on the livecd23:08
Myrttiphil__: this isn't rockbox support channel23:08
Jack_Sparrowralmar Is this in firefox,  if so try disabling all your plugins just for a test23:09
mdmwrektjet: exactly :)23:09
c0cac00lHi (:23:09
ralmarJack_Sparrow,  yeah its in firefox23:09
Jack_Sparrowralmar try the plugins23:09
ralmarJack_Sparrow,  cant believe i forgot to mention my browser23:09
myselfhey how big is xubuntu 9.04 if you were to download it from scratch23:10
ralmarJack_Sparrow, mmm another link i tried seemed to work.. maybe it was just noscript23:10
cabreymyself ~700MB23:10
myselfit is?23:10
myselfthe file is 700mb?23:10
inbtwnrthedoorswhat is the diference between an aternate instal and a regualer on23:10
erUSULinbtwnrthedoors: the instaler23:10
cabreymyself the ISO is about that23:10
deserteaglehello all23:10
Jack_Sparrowinbtwnrthedoors live has desktop test drive alt is text only23:11
Nationiantdeserteagle: hello23:11
MyrttiNationiant: hello23:11
deserteaglemy wusb54gc shows up when i type ifconfig, but not in the auto networking deal23:11
mdmmyself: they are iso images, so abut 650M for the CD, 4G for the DVD23:11
NationiantHow much clock is on people here?23:11
Nationiant1:11 AM here23:11
cabreymyself, actually around 620MB23:11
helperKalmi_,  now alsamixer work, what do i do ?23:12
Mike_lifeguardHow does one update the kernel?23:12
mdmWed Jun  3 22:12:20 UTC 200923:12
myselfi see23:12
cabreyMike_lifeguard, what version of ubuntu?23:12
inbtwnrthedoorsjack_sparrow: i can only find an alternate instal for ubuntu studio its all they have on their website, will it make a diference if I use it23:12
MyrttiNationiant: offtopic muualla, kiitos. Suomeksi jutustelu #ubuntu-fi.23:12
Mike_lifeguardcabrey: jaunty23:12
Kalmi_helper, what did you do to get it working?23:12
cabreyMike_lifeguard, is your system fully up to date?23:12
deserteagleanyone know how to get the auto wireless connection deal working?23:12
Jack_Sparrowibnulislam Studio has a channel I do believe23:12
Mike_lifeguardcabrey: yes, but I've been told to use a newer kernel :)23:12
helperKalmi_, i reload alsa twice :P23:12
deserteagleit shows up in lsusb and ifconfig, but not in network connections23:12
razerblk_in creating a dvd disc.....whats dvd tree structure ?23:13
MyrttiNationiant: jos englanti taipuu, #ubuntu-offtopic23:13
Kalmi_helper, does the volume control applet work now?23:13
cabreyMike_lifeguard, you can manually install never kernels from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/23:13
sburwoodHi, cabrey23:14
helperKalmi_, give me error : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.23:14
cabreysburwood, I assume you're on your eee23:14
mdmmyself: tenichally its MUCH larger, for exaple my apt mirror tells me its 51G, but that is every single package23:14
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sburwoodI had tried to modify /boot/grub/menu.lst previously to repair my desktop without succeeding.  This time, the desktop ignores 2.6.28 AND WORKS23:15
sburwoodyes, I'm on(actually I'm facing it) my EEE23:15
deserteagleit worked flawless in hoary! :(23:15
cabreysburwood, wait, so it still isn't booting 2.6.28?23:15
mdmsburwood: you do know you just changed the config file for the boot loader, right?  The files, everything is still there23:16
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Kalmi_helper, well... try the sound sources at System -> Settings -> Sound and tell me which ones work...23:16
sburwoodmy desktop had refused to use 2.6.2823:16
eternaljoyhow can I send anonymous email on Ubuntu?23:16
mdmsburwood: do you mean X would have a problem loading?  do you by chance have an ATI or nvidia card?23:16
Kalmi_eternaljoy, wth is an anonymous email?23:16
Myrttieternaljoy: that's highly unethical, don't you think?23:17
sburwoodyes, I d had been invited to do so23:17
eternaljoyMyrtti: define ethics23:17
sburwoodon the desktop23:17
Myrttieternaljoy: spamming.23:17
eseven73you assume that's what he wants to do23:17
mdmsburwood: did you install the nvidia drivers again AFTER you upgraded the kenrnel?23:17
Seeker`eseven73: why else would you want to do it?23:17
eternaljoyMyrtti: thats your assumption lol. im sending 1 email you noob lol23:17
helperKalmi_, all errors : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.23:17
cabreymdm, he could never get 28 to boot23:17
deserteagleMyrtti: what if he's a whistle blower? :P23:18
Myrttieternaljoy, deserteagle: I'm not getting into that discussion23:18
eternaljoydeserteagle: you are a very clever man23:18
Kalmi_helper... um... no idea... try restarting alsa a few more times :D23:18
sburwoodI didn't get the opportunity to upgrade anything when I had tried to put 9.04 on the desktop23:18
eseven73Seeker`, security, maybe he/she works for FBI or something lol who knows.23:18
sburwoodnvidia drivers or whatever23:18
mdmeternaljoy: go look up RFC 82123:18
cabreysburwood, is it possible to try a fresh install?23:18
helperKalmi_,  lol seems the sound gone :( wish didn't go to ubuntu forum :P23:18
sburwoodon my desktop?23:18
cabreysburwood, yes23:18
cabreysburwood, it sounds like a upgrade gone horribly wrong23:19
Kalmi_helper, um... why? how did you mess up your sound?23:19
mattfletchermy brother has kubuntu 8.04 and wants to upgrade to 9.04. He's found the instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 and followed them but it is not offering him a "Version Upgrade" button when he hits "Fatch Updates". I'm on GNOME so can't really help him. Any ideas?23:19
sburwoodI believe I had done that, but with the same garbage23:19
Mike_lifeguardmattfletcher: there is #kubuntu I think23:19
helperKalmi_, thry said if after hibernate no sound , reload alsa and i did so and then that's what happen23:19
sburwoodI'm going to let 2.6.28 load on the desktop and get back to you with the EEE on what the screen tells me23:19
cabreysburwood, there is no way you did a fresh install and are booting 2.6.2723:19
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wrektjet_mdm im back23:20
Kalmi_helper, well... nothing you have done so far is permanent...23:20
Kalmi_helper, a restart would fix it :)23:20
eternaljoyMyrtti: for the record it wasnt for spamming, i wanted to send 1 single emai to report to my boss about something I witnesses that was a crime in the organisation.  But I will ask somewhere else, thanks23:20
sburwoodbecause I had to go back on the desktop to 8.1023:20
helperKalmi_, ok thx :)23:20
giikerMyrtti: I had to go to the irc log and found your suggestion, thanks, is there any way that irssi is not showing all msgs?23:20
cabreyeternaljoy, use a temporary email service23:20
Myrttigiiker: /help ignore23:20
eternaljoyMyrtti: ive learned in life to never assume, because assumption leads to wrong conclusion most of the time :)  just think about it plz.23:21
mdmok wrektjet_ I assume your runnig the CD, did it mount two paritions for you already?  they would be under /media as probably sda1 and sda5, you can check with mount or df -k23:21
cabreyeternaljoy, 10minutemail.com23:21
Seeker`!ot | eternaljoy23:21
ubottueternaljoy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:21
sburwoodof the kernels that don't work on the desktop, I've 2.6.28-11 and 2.6.28-3-rt23:21
wrektjet_mdm under places it shows three partitions (one is my windows on)23:21
giikerSlart: thankx 2 but I wanted a script to use within irssi23:21
mdmyes wrektjet_I forgot about that, do you have two linux partitions and are they mounted?23:22
thiebaudeeternaljoy: offtopic but, mailinator.com23:22
legend2440i am going to be installing Debian. i am downloading the netinst iso now. i have a quick question. is Debian like Ubuntu in that you have to wait six months for any significant upgrades to be available as opposed to something like Gentoo or Arch which are " rolling releases"?23:22
zirodaylegend2440: #debian23:22
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 Please ask in #debian23:22
wrektjet_i just mounted them23:23
Myrttieternaljoy: hold on...23:23
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wrektjet_mdm i just mnted them23:23
mdmno legend2440 more like bugs you about once every other day with some damn thing to upgrade :P23:23
mdmwrektjet_: where did you mount them to?23:23
wrektjet_they seem to be in /media23:23
erUSULlegend2440: no debian has way longer cicles than ubuntu23:23
mdmwrektjet_: as /media/sda1 and /media/sda5?23:24
Jack_Sparrowwrektjet_ mounts in /media will show on desktop23:24
sburwoodwhen I boot a 2.6.28 kerne on the desktopl, I get a messageBUG: Int 14: CR2 ffffb0f0 and a lot of crap23:24
wrektjet_as /media/disk and /media/disk-123:24
legend2440erUSUL: ok thanks23:24
cabreysburwood, does it ever finish booting?23:24
wrektjet_true they do show on desktop23:24
mdmok wrektjet_ thats fine, which is which tho?23:24
cabreysburwood, it panics?23:24
wrektjet_disk is the large one23:24
giikerMyrtti: nop, there are no ignores in the lsit, anyway!23:25
eseven73ouch Myrtti wasn't that a bit harsh? He was a bit offtopic yeah, but so are a lot of others.23:25
wrektjet_disk-1 the smaller with some data and the os files23:25
sburwoodit spits out EDI ESI EBP ...and then Stack : c011a26e etc23:25
Lee__fccf: private msg23:25
Jack_Sparroweseven73 He has long history23:25
sburwoodit doesn't say that it panics, it just doesn't do anything else23:25
mdmok wrektjet_open a terminal and type sudo bash (and no this is a dangerous command to use otherwise)23:26
sburwoodon the desktop, I just can't run 2.6.28 at all23:26
wrektjet_yea u can get in trouble in this room for that23:26
cabreysburwood, im stumped, those error messages are jibberish23:26
mvalviarhi i'm getting this error when I try to add the gutsy repo...http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages23:27
mvalviar  404 Not Found [IP: 80]23:27
sburwoodyoupiee, I'm not alone.23:27
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.23:27
mvalviarhow can i fix it?23:27
mdmsburwood: a desktop is the outcome of the window manager running, it is a program that can run on the os, which runs on a kernel version.  In fact I have 3 boxes that don't even have monitors connected to them let alone run X or have desktops.23:27
Kalmi_!upgarde | mvalviar23:27
Jack_Sparrow<ubottu> Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more detail23:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgarde23:27
Kalmi_!upgrade | mvalviar23:28
ubottumvalviar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:28
erUSULmvalviar: gutsy has reached EOL you have to use old-releases23:28
mdmwrektjet_: did you do that and does it now give you a # prompt?23:28
wrektjet_mdm yes23:28
erUSUL!eol | mvalviar23:28
ubottumvalviar: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases23:28
mvalviarwhat i really need to do is to use gutsy's bluez-utils for bluetooth support23:29
Jack_SparrowerUSUL What is the life span of non-lts?23:29
mdmwrektjet_:  ok type cd /dev/disk/by-uuid23:29
cabreymvalviar, they are shutting down the repos23:29
Lee__fccf: private msg dude23:29
mvalviarhardy, intepid and jauny's bluetooth doesn't work23:29
cabreymvalviar, I would suggest upgrading to 8.04, it is supported for two more years still23:29
erUSULJack_Sparrow: 18 months iirc23:29
wrektjet_mdm ok23:29
mdmwrektjet_: no scratch that its already in your fstab, type cd /media/disk23:29
mvalviari'm in jaunty23:29
Jack_Sparrowty I could not remember Myrtti23:29
Myrtti!pm | Lee__23:30
ubottuLee__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:30
mvalviaris there  a way for me ti install gusty bluetooth?23:30
erUSULmvalviar: use the old-releases repo23:30
wrektjet_mdm k23:30
erUSULmvalviar: and where at it upgrade23:30
mvalviarhow to i do that?23:30
Lee__sorry i was chatting to him earlier and he said it was ok to go back to pm23:31
mdmwrektjet_: one last check type ls and see if there are a bunch of directories, then type ls /media/disk-1 and see if its empty23:31
fccfLee_ i am in pm23:31
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mvalviarhow to i add 'old releases to the repo'?23:31
erUSULmvalviar: i think it is enough to change archive to old-releases on the sources.list23:31
Lee__why cant i talk to you then23:31
kazagistarI have a laptop and I would like to perfectly synchronize all the user data on it with my desktop server every time a file changes (dropbox/ubuntu one style), except directly, without using a limited service... any ideas?23:32
Jack_SparrowLee__ you changed nick  one _ or two__23:32
erUSULmvalviar: http://bicosyes.com/tag/old-releases/23:32
cabreykazagistar, you have to use a 3rd party service23:32
wrektjet_mdm no they both have things in them23:33
=== fuego_ is now known as el_fuego
cabreykazagistar, unless you're on the same LAN at all times23:33
mdmwrektjet_: type df -k and pastebin it please23:33
mvalviaryou mean i need to add this deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy main?23:33
Jack_Sparrowmvalviar and the others too23:33
wrektjet_mdm look at this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/187715/23:33
mdmcabrey: someting wrong with rdist? svn? cvs?23:34
wrektjet_mdm result df -k : http://paste.ubuntu.com/187716/23:34
cabreymdm, he can use rsync if he is on the same LAN with the server at all times23:34
mdmwrektjet_: ok one is your / directory the other /boot23:34
cabreyotherwise he needs a 3rd party server to be the middle man23:34
erUSULmvalviar: change the lines you have now with ones pointed to the other server23:35
kazagistarcabrey: why? I have dyndns set up, as well as a secure SSH hole in my firewall, so I can access my desktop from anywhere easily23:35
wrektjet_mdm the smaller one is / ie disk-123:35
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cabreykazagistar, in that case, you can use rsync over ssh23:35
_nix_How do you play a movie with subtitles in Dragon Player?23:36
kazagistarmdm: I would rather not have versioning23:36
cabreykazagistar, i wasn't sure if you had that infrastructure in place23:36
cabreykazagistar, also it wouldn't be immediate23:36
mdmwrektjet_: I see that you have a seperate directory for that boot directory, what was the partition you had before?23:36
kazagistarrsync only runs on demand, right?23:36
cabreykazagistar, it would need to be a cron job23:36
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wrektjet_mdm i think /root23:36
mdmwrektjet_: cat /media/disk/etc/fstab and pastebin that please23:37
zaccourhow do i enable dvd playback in LCDE?23:37
kazagistarcabrey: so there is nothing that responds directly to file changes only? I have used rsync and cron, but it is just not quite as good as dropbox is many cases23:38
cabreyzaccour, libdvdcss23:38
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:38
zaccourcabrey, thanks23:38
dsch04Anyone know how to fix the ssh agent bug on jaunty ?23:39
mdmand wrektjet_if your intent was to make a seperate boot partition you succedded but it looks like you made the wrong partitions boot and root23:39
miguelllllhow do i install a VNC SErver and CLient23:39
miguelllllso i can access a desktop of one computer remotely from another23:39
dsch04ie. where I try to ssh to a host that has my public key on it, but get the message:23:40
SpyCjHi all !23:40
dsch04Agent admitted failure to sign using the key23:40
dsch04And have to use a password23:40
wrektjet_mdm i have the fstab from /disk-1 here (not /disk) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/187717/23:40
mdmwrektjet_: sda6 is your /boot parition and about 400000000 of 478276116 too big23:40
arthusI recently upgraded and had a bunch of data basically disappear.23:40
SpyCjhow can i resize my hard disk !?23:41
martn_cmiI'm trying to configure an FTP server, but there is something in the way blocking ports 20-21...  It's not my router.  In fact it seem to be localhost itsel : $ nmap -PN -p20-22 localhost ->  21/tcp closed ftp23:41
martn_cmiIs there a config to change for that somewhre?!23:41
mvalviardoes rhythmbox support replaygain? as per the latest version?23:41
wrektjet_mdm i really confused the whole drive i guess23:41
zamnedixSo, if I had a TON of archives, of 3 different types....How would I extract them all?23:41
mdmwrektjet_: of I see what you did you acutally dont even use /dev/sda6, even if there are files there.  Do you still want a separate partition to keep your kernel files?23:41
koshari1miguelllll you may have it installed already23:41
thiebaudewrektjet_: i dont know much about it but i see ext3 and then ext4 in the paste23:42
mdmwrektjet_: what you did was to take some space, unfortunatly about 90% of it, and give it to something that needs very little space.  Further you took it from something that needs more23:42
wrektjet_mdm yes23:42
wrektjet_thats what i was trying to reverse23:42
wrektjet_mdm it came from not ralizing the correct mount points during install if you are curious how that happened23:43
mdmwrektjet_: can I convince you to do otherwise? leave the /boot with the / and make that new partition your home?23:43
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk23:44
wrektjet_mdm will i be able to upgrade? i can just wipe out / when the time comes? if it comes?23:44
wrektjet_mdm and yes i do want the new partiton to be my home23:44
mdmwrektjet_: yu can do that now, but what I am suggesting will make that easier23:44
SpyCjHi, can someone help me ?23:44
nod62Hey I'm trying to figure out the shortcut to the notification icons (internet connections)23:44
andrehello all23:45
nod62That allows me to view a list of wireless networks, and LAN.23:45
wrektjet_mdm right... i gotcha. it will be easier moving forward23:45
mdmok pastebin /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst for me I want to be SURE you are not using it23:45
wrektjet_mdm i would like to do that yes23:45
andrehow can i change ubuntu9.04 (in gnome) from UTF8 to ISO8859-15?23:45
andreon console i already have iso8859-1523:45
andrebut if i create a file in natulis, it willbe created as UTF823:46
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mvalviari'm getting this...E: /var/cache/apt/archives/bluez-utils_3.19-0ubuntu3_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/ciptool', which is also in package bluez23:47
wrektjet_mdm i have a copy of the grub kernel on BOTH partitions as of now23:47
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razerblk_122kmh equals how many mph ? anyone ?23:48
graelinI heard the nvidia 180 driver has some random lockup issues.. is this buglisted?23:48
poseidonwhats a good pdf viewer?23:48
mdmwrektjet_: the grub kernel is on the fist secor of the disk, that are just its files and confuration.  A assumed it was on both but wanted to be sure.  Becase the first thing we need to do is clean out /media/disk-1 but before you do make sure you dont need them23:48
wrektjet_75.8072855 mile23:49
graelinposeidon: er evince even23:49
nod62Hey I\m trying to figure out the shortcut to the notification internet shortcut in gnome panel, anybody know it?23:49
wrektjet_mdm media/disk-1 is the smaller partition23:49
wrektjet_mdm thats where i want to boot off of correct? so that has the grub files in the folder "boot"23:50
helloyohey guys, since using 8.04 i've been getting black artifacting on parts of my screen (http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=blackartifacts.png), i have changed video cards, (nvidia to ati) and drivers, with no effect23:50
mdmwrektjet_: yes I was wrong pastebin /media/disk-1/boot/grub/menu.list please23:50
zamnedixSo, if I had a TON of archives, of 3 different types....How would I extract them all?23:50
felix_plz look at this http://pastebin.com/m584c7878 why apache calls aptitude?23:51
lee_fccf has just helped me connect wireless and also install LAMP this guy is a great star and knows exactly what he's doing give this guy a beer23:51
lee_ Python interface unloaded23:51
giikernod62: it is an applet23:51
arthusI'm in gparted... how can I mount a partition I just created?23:51
giikernod62: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/23:51
dsch04How can I downgrade a package?23:52
thiebaudefelix_ its in spanish23:52
dsch04I want to install an older version of gnome-keyring23:52
graelindowngrading is not allowed23:52
razerblk_i agree about fccf !!!!!!!!23:52
wrektjet_mdm that file doesnt exist23:53
felix_thiebaude, im trying to restart apache webserver, butthat command 'summons' aptitude and he fails23:53
graelinubuntu being the wave of the future.. only forward motion is allowed23:53
mdmwrektjet_: so you really are using that big partition as your boot parition?23:53
fccfusing channel 13 --- what was he thinking?? LOL23:53
* graelin is feeling a tad punchy23:53
wrektjet_sighj i guess i am.23:53
dsch04"Downgrading to solves this for me."23:54
nod62Thank you!23:54
wrektjet_mdm what i had started to do with the other fellow was switch to making the smaller one the boot but i guess we didnt suceed23:54
wrektjet_i shoulda just reinstalled sigh23:54
mdmwrektjet_: more like your did it backwards :)  ok cd /media/disk and type mkdir /boot23:54
mdmwrektjet_: sorry no its already there, what is in /dev/disk-1/boot23:55
graelindsch04: I'm not sure if this is correct, but I believe you need to add the backports repo to your sources then just remove the current version and add the downgrade23:56
qbrixIs it possible to install Ubuntu Server onto a software raid?23:56
graelinI've never actually done a downgrade before23:57
mdmqbrix: yes and you can use LVM too23:57
wrektjet_mdm here is ls /media/disk-1/boot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/187732/23:57
andreqbrix, should be run... u should use alternate-cd23:57
mdmok and /media/disk-1/boot/grub/menu.lst? and /media/disk/grub/menu.lst please23:58
andrethere u can define alternate partitions like crypting, LVM and RAID23:58
miguellllli installed Xvnc but when i try to connect with vncviewer localhost:1 i get: "connection reset by peer :("23:58
mdmqbrix: looks like this /dev/mapper/lvm--raid-lvm0   18942416   2738692  15249064  16% /23:58
twistedlndscapesHello. I'm a newb with a question if anyone has a second to assist :)23:59
she_dyed!ask @twistedlnds23:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:59

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