
mwhudson_Peng_: bzr annotate http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/bzr/loggerhead/cheezum/serve-branches explodes in an entertaining way :(00:10
Peng_mwhudson_: Huh!00:10
mwhudson_also nosmart+00:11
mwhudson_$ bzr annotate nosmart+http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/bzr/loggerhead/cheezum/serve-branches00:11
mwhudson_bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()00:11
jelmermwhudson_, it's trying to get a lock00:11
Peng_Oh, one of you has IPv6! Awesome! :D00:11
jelmerPeng_, that must be me00:11
mwhudson_it's certainly very unlikely to be me00:12
mwhudson_jelmer: why would it do that?00:12
Peng_jelmer: If there was a prize for "First IPv6 HTTP request that isn't localhost", you'd win it. :D00:12
jelmermwhudson_, not idea00:12
Peng_Unfortunately there's not.00:12
jelmer*no idea00:12
mwhudson_bzr annotate http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/loggerhead/cheezum/serve-branches also fails00:12
mwhudson_in a rather different way though00:12
Peng_I can annotate the file in my local branch.00:12
* mwhudson_ stabs historycache00:13
* jelmer is waiting for bzr to support gopher00:13
Peng_I can do it over HTTP too.00:13
Peng_That file has ugly history, FWIW.00:13
mwhudson_so at some point launchpad's mirroring produced a broken branch00:14
mwhudson_though actually, given that it's bzr+http, that's not so amazingly surprising00:14
jelmerthumper, moin00:22
thumperjelmer: hi00:22
jelmerthumper, you pasted a URL here earlier, what repository was that for?00:23
thumperjelmer: I'm trying to remember...00:23
thumperjelmer: I think it was another bzr-git failure00:23
thumpera different one00:23
jelmerthumper: Yeah, it was00:24
jelmerthumper, it didn't include a URL though, so it was a bit hard to reproduce00:24
thumperheh, oops00:24
* thumper thinks00:24
jelmerthumper, mwhudson_: btw, what's the eta on a new bzr-git on lp? there's a couple of issues now that should be fixed00:25
mwhudson_jelmer: no specific eta, i guess it's not too much work though00:25
thumpermwhudson_: we could land it and roll it out00:25
thumpermwhudson_: it is very contained00:25
mwhudson_even i have privs to roll it out :)00:25
thumperjfdi :)00:25
mwhudson_this is a bad thing though00:26
mwhudson_thumper: i can sudo importd on the relevant boxes00:26
thumperok, I don't want to know then00:26
jelmermoin Ian00:28
igchi jelmer00:32
lifelessjelmer: pong00:45
lifelessjml: yes00:45
jmllifeless: were there any interesting outcomes?00:46
jelmerlifeless, does subunit-stats work for you?00:51
jelmerlifeless, it only recognizes a single test for me in a large stream00:51
lifelessjelmer: checking00:55
lifelessjml: 'even code you don't think will be reused will be reused' is probably the strongest message I took away00:55
lifelessI have an unusual perspective though00:55
lifelessit was broadly:00:56
lifeless - bzr's structure is nice and landscape had a bunch of tools that would benefit being in that structure00:56
lifeless - it was too hard to reuse bzr's structure in situ00:56
lifeless - a 90% version [primarily bzr's ExternalCommand] was fast to TDD up00:57
lifeless - jkakar now wants the rest and is looking at actually reusing bzr's stuff :)00:57
jmllifeless: thanks, that's a helpful summary.00:57
jmllifeless: I guess bzr isn't going to start depending on commandant any time soon00:58
lifelesshappily, for various reasons I'd been cleaning this up, and there is a patch I've done which allows nuking all the builtin bzr commands00:58
lifelessso you can have the infrastructure alone00:58
lifelessjml: the other way is quite likely00:58
jfroyjelmer: new bzr-svn assertion just started happening00:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 383414 in bzr-svn "Assertion in iter_changes on path" [Undecided,New]00:58
jfroyafter I pushed a revision up00:59
lifelessjml: seen my facebook feed for a link to the patch; I promised jkakar I'd link it to him after the talk00:59
lifelessbzr.dev$ ./bzr selftest --no-plugins --subunit selftest | subunit-stats00:59
lifelessTotal tests:     18300:59
lifelessPassed tests:    18200:59
lifelessFailed tests:      000:59
lifelessSkipped tests:     100:59
lifelessjelmer: ^00:59
jmlusing facebook for *patches*00:59
jfroyI can no longer pull, push or branch that svn remote branch00:59
jmlwhat the hell :)00:59
lifelessjml: for links to merge requests actually, but yeh.00:59
lifelessjml: hey, you guys bullied me into it.00:59
jelmerlifeless, also, does it really have to repeat all input to me?01:00
jelmerlifeless, or is that perhaps related?01:00
lifelessjelmer: you have a test that is managing to corrupt the output stream01:00
lifelessjelmer: I've been thinking of changing the control emitters to start their output with \n01:01
lifelessjelmer: which would insulate against this01:01
jmllifeless: anyway, it sounds like commandant and bzr are both proceeding in a direction that will make my script-writing life much better. :)01:01
jelmerlifeless: How can a test do that?01:01
jfroyUrg, and I just ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/38341501:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 383415 in bzr-svn "AttributeError: 'SubversionTags' object has no attribute '_resolve_reverse_tags_fallback'" [Undecided,New]01:01
lifelessjml: commandant's strengths are external commands and minimalism01:02
lifelessjml: Personally, I'd hammer on bzrlib until its perfect for your needs :)01:02
lifelessjelmer: say your stream is on stdout01:02
jelmerjfroy, that one should be fixed now01:02
lifelessjelmer: actually, just capture the first three tests or so01:03
lifelessand pastebin01:03
jelmerlifeless, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/187766/01:04
jfroyjelmer: ok01:06
jfroyBut yeah, that logwalker bug has just killed me dead01:07
jfroycan't operate on the remote branches at all01:07
jfroyI can try reverting bzr-svn revision by revision to try to find the one that introduced the problem01:07
jfroyunless it's a new one...01:07
jelmerjfroy: I doubt this is a regression01:08
jelmerjfroy: I think it's a new problem, just looking at it now01:08
jfroyI think it started happening after I pushed some changes to svn01:08
jfroyand looking at the svn log01:08
jfroyit also pushed a merged branch up01:09
jfroy(I've since disabled that option, it seems to not be quite as well tested as it should be)01:09
jfroyand it was doing "strange" operations, like copying a directory unto itself on svn01:09
lifelessjelmer:  cat /tmp/t | subunit-stats01:09
lifeless... 1 fail01:09
lifelessjelmer: debugging tip - if you see that, run through subunit2pyunit01:10
jfroye.g. copied foo/bar to foo/bar01:10
lifelessERROR: samba4.rpc.samba3.sharesec on ncalrpc with seal,padcheck (dc:local)01:10
lifelessRemoteException: lost connection during test 'samba4.rpc.samba3.sharesec on ncalrpc with seal,padcheck (dc:local)'01:10
jelmerjfroy, I think I see where the problem is01:11
jelmerlifeless, any idea what could cause that?01:11
jelmerlifeless, ah, perhaps explanations of the result arent' allowed for skip?01:12
lifelessshould be01:13
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
jelmerlifeless, yeah, looks like it refuses those:01:14
jelmertest: foo01:14
jelmerskip: foo [ foo ]01:14
jelmerskip: foo01:14
lifelessjelmer: well, subunit itself outputs explanations for skips01:15
lifelessso its something more than 'not supported'01:15
lifelessI don't think subunit knows how to deal with one-line explanations01:16
jfroyjelmer: http://home.devklog.net/~bahamut/12191.xml, http://home.devklog.net/~bahamut/12189.xml01:16
jfroyif that's of any help01:16
jelmerjfroy, revno 3033 should fix it01:17
jelmerjfroy, but thanks for providing such valuable bug reports01:17
lifelessjelmer: its dyin on the fail01:18
lifelessjelmer: the very first one, not the skip01:18
jfroyjelmer: no, thanks for being so awesome :)01:18
jelmerlifeless, Which fail ? :-)01:18
lifelessoh, I was testing something :)01:19
lifelessyou're quoting in a way that subunit doesn't expect01:19
jfroyjelmer: mmm, no joy01:19
jelmerlifeless, what does it expect?01:20
lifelessstatus:? NAME($| [)01:20
jelmerlifeless, fail [\nfoo\n]\n ?01:20
jelmerso I have to have a newline after the [ ?01:20
jfroysame backtrace01:20
jfroythough it seems I can pull existing branches now01:21
lifelessand then a final newline before the ]01:21
jfroycan't branch though01:21
lifelessbut I'll accept a patch to handle your layout too01:21
lifelesssimplest to get you going will be to use the multiple line layout subunit does01:21
jelmerjfroy: Can you paste an updated backtrace ?01:21
jelmerlifeless, ok, I'll see if I can provide a patch for that01:22
jelmerlifeless: We have lots of tests and usually only short explanations, this makes it a bit easier to read "raw" subunit streams01:22
lifelessjelmer: I usually read the pyunit2unit output when debugging, as it has the lot01:24
lifelessjelmer: but sure, room for variation01:24
jfroyjelmer: so in PDB, prefixes is equal to the path that gets printed by the assertion01:29
jfroywhich means it did path = prefixes[0].strip("/")01:30
jfroyprobably not relevant :/01:30
jfroyascending is True01:30
jelmerthe from_revnum / to_revnum tuple is swapped somewhere, I'm trying to find out where01:31
jelmerit usually doesn't matter, only if prefixes is not empty01:31
jfroyit's not01:31
jelmerfrom_revnum should be higher than to_revnum01:31
jfroyfrom_revnum=12189 to_revnum=12191 in repository.py(1114)find_branchpaths01:32
jfroyditto for repository.py(1182)find_fileprop_paths01:33
jelmerI think I've found the place where this is going wrong, just running the testsuite now to check that I didn't break anything else01:33
jfroysame for find_branch_tips01:34
jfroymight be in revids.py(243)get_branch_revnum01:35
jelmeryeah, that's where I've swapped the two atm01:35
jfroy(Pdb) p last_revnum01:36
jfroy(Pdb) p last_checked01:36
jfroyin there01:36
jfroylayout is TrunkLayout(2)01:37
jfroyproject is the prefix01:37
jfroy(same value as prefixes[0] in find_branchpaths)01:38
ddaajelmer: actually, I reverted my quoting hack in my server.01:44
ddaaI had a broken link, apparently related to lack of escaping of "/" for a subdir branch.01:44
lifelessjam: ping02:12
jelmerjfroy, I've got a fix that should also improve performance in some situations02:16
jelmerjfroy, but still one test failing02:16
jelmerwill push when I've fixed that02:16
jfroyjelmer: all good02:16
jelmerlifeless, oh btw, I've asked for a rename of bzr-rebase to bzr-rewrite on Launchpad02:37
lifelessso I've been thinking of doing a ground up recode02:37
lifelessbut not necessarily for good reasons02:37
jelmerrecode of rebase you mean?02:38
jfroypeople will get confused even more02:39
jfroythey're look for "rebase for bazaar"02:39
jfroy*they'll look02:39
jelmerlifeless: There's certainly a couple of improvements that can be made, I don't think there's much to gain in a rewrite from the grounds up rather than just fixing things gradually02:40
lifelessjelmer: I've found it hard to get code that fixes peoples issues into trunk02:41
lifelessjelmer: and there seemed to be a definitional tension02:41
jelmerlifeless, I don't think it's unreasonable for me to refuse patches that break the testsuite.02:41
lifelessjelmer: thats fine :), it was other ones02:42
lifelessby definitional I mean 'rebase vs replay vs ...'02:42
jelmerlifeless: So you're considering doing a rewrite based on a single discussion over an command parameter?02:43
lifelessI have a dream of having a single command that supports all the history rewrite operations we need02:43
lifelessjelmer: did I say 'not necessarily for good reasons'02:43
jelmerlifeless: I don't object to having such a command, and I think bzr-rewrite would be a good place.02:44
jelmerlifeless, I think it should be a different command from "bzr rebase" though, which is one of the reasons I asked for the rename of the plugin02:44
jelmerjfroy, the rebase plugin already includes more than just the rebase command, so I don't think it's unreasonable to have a different name for it02:47
jfroyThat's true02:48
lifelessjelmer: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-search/merge is still empty03:13
jelmerlifeless, it was created using bzr send, I'll see if I can push to it manually03:14
lifelessalso file a bug03:15
jelmerlifeless, pushed now03:15
jelmerjfroy, pushed03:32
jfroyjelmer: checking03:32
jfroyyou can close03:33
jfroyjelmer: you, sir, are awesome03:36
jelmerjfroy, :-)03:36
* igc lunch03:59
lifelessjelmer: so what does lp:~jelmer/subunit/subunitrunner04:11
lifeless do?04:11
lifelessspiv: ping04:42
lifelessspiv: [network deltas, hopefully you're awake now]04:42
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spivlifeless: yes, I'm awake :)04:59
lifelessso for 2.0 we wanted to get network deltas gong05:00
spiv(I don't think my problem is jet lag so much as getting over ubuflu... I'm not having any trouble getting sleep at appropriate times, I just seem to need a lot more sleep than usual.)05:00
lifelessYeah, I'm sleeping 9-10 hours, which is about 40% more than usual05:00
spivPeng_: the UDS plague.05:01
mwhudson_Peng_: the result of uds, where lots of viruses get together and have a party05:01
Peng_And you people wanted to invite me! :P05:01
lifelessits like an uberflu05:01
lifelessbut with a kiwi accent05:01
mwhudson_there are compensations05:02
lifelessinteresting people05:02
spivmwhudson_: true, I don't know how else I'd be able to fill a large bucket of snot...05:02
Peng_Factoring in everybody sleeping 40% more than normal, was UDS really good for productivity? :D05:03
fullermdWell, that explains why I'm getting _less_ sleep than normal...  obviously the cosmic balance is being maintained.05:07
Peng_Wait, I am too. Scary.05:09
* spiv -> food05:38
lifelessspiv: so, are you still blocked onthe question you asked me monday week ago, or jam helped, or EILL06:01
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spivlifeless: I haven't looked at it at all, actually, so not sure if I'm blocked :)06:53
spivlifeless: the UDS sprint was mostly on gc-stacking and nested-trees.06:53
spivThis week has been pretty slow (EILL), but I have caught up on a few things and fixed a regression for jml.06:54
lifelessI'm struggling07:00
vilahi all07:22
vilalifeless, spiv: me too EILL, at least I need far more sleep than usual, so not really ill but...07:23
lifelessabentley: FYI, hg is overhauling forests, 'subrepos' is what they are calling it07:24
bob2is it going to be less silly?07:24
lifelesswho knows07:24
abentleylifeless: I heard "nested repositories": http://bazaar-vcs.org/NestedTreesDesign#mercurial-nested-repositories07:25
lifelessabentley: mpm is talking subrepos in IRC on and off at the moment07:26
lifelessit may be a reference to cleaning up http://www.nabble.com/sub-repository-extension-td20345412.html07:26
lifelessor may be new code; I don't know07:27
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lifelessjust realised the time07:46
Peng_Oh, 06:47, when my logs rotate (but not on this day of the week).07:47
UUnciaWhat's the difference between checkout & branch?08:03
lifelesswhen you commit in a checkout, the commit goes both locally in the checkout, and also in some other branch that the checkout was made of08:05
lifelessits useful for maintainers of a project to all have a checkout of trunk08:05
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Demosthenesi want to start a new repo (tree?) and then import into it single files from multiple other repos while preserving the history for just those files. is that possible?09:17
Demosthenesi'm basically combining a document from three diff repos, but first i want to import the existing ones while preserving the log09:17
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sabdflhi folks - what's the status of initial commit and explicit-file commit with 2.0?09:43
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awilkinslifeless: Ping?11:13
awilkinsPah, Australians. Always 12 hours ago.11:14
balachmarHi, I want to share my code using bzr and sftp. Now I have setup a repo, but on the server there is no code, just the history. How do I set it up in a way, that there is code on my server as well?11:32
awilkinsbalachmar: Pushing via remote protocols does not update the tree11:33
awilkinsbalachmar: There is a plugin that executes a tree update via ssh11:34
balachmarooh, I thought since, I didn't setup the remote tree with no-trees it would actually do it...11:34
awilkinsPushing a tree over SFTP would be more costly than the remote machine writing the tree11:35
balachmaris there a way to automate that? So that when I commit changes, the tree gets regenerated?11:36
awilkinspush-and-update plugin http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins11:38
awilkinsAlthough there are thoughts about implementing it in the smart server rattling around on the mailing list11:38
balachmarok, will just do it manually for now then. Thanks for the info11:47
Peng_Even now, you could probably use a hook in the hpss?11:48
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RockyRoadhi :)13:07
RockyRoadI tried to use uncommit. It work on local copy, but I could not reflect it on launchpad. Is it possible ?13:08
RockyRoadit works*13:09
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luksyou can "push --overwrite" probably13:30
luksbut be careful with that13:30
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cdecarlohi, I've set my authentication.conf to this: http://pastie.org/500323 but when I try to access my home computer with bzr+ssh://, it times out waiting on port 22? is there something wrong with the .conf?13:58
luksI can't help you with authentication.conf, but I'd use ~/.ssh/config for this13:59
vilacdecarlo: as luks said, .ssh/config is more appropriate, especially if you want port 2662 to be used14:00
cdecarloluks: It never occured to me to try that, thanks, I'm always interested in other ways to skin cats ;)14:00
cdecarloout of curiosity then, why then does bzr support those options in it's authentication.conf?14:01
vilacdecarlo: authentication.conf purpose is different, it said: *if* you use port 2662 then user is 'colin', whereas .ssh/config allows you to say *if* connection goes to example.com then *use* port 266214:01
cdecarlovila: ah14:01
vilacdecarlo: the main purspose of authentication.conf is to provide some facilities to protocols *other* than ssh, .ssh/config and ssh agents are not available for all protocols :) But auth.conf doesn't even try to replace them14:03
vilafor ssh14:03
cdecarlothat would make a great note in the user docs, does bzr use trac or something similar?14:04
vilacdecarlo: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#authentication-settings says "SFTP can use either a password or a host key to authenticate. However, ssh agents are a better, more secure solution. So we have chosen to not provide our own less secure method."14:09
vilacdecarlo: but if you can think of a better way to say that or other places where it should be pointed at, feel free to send a patch. The sources are under  the 'doc' directory in bzr14:10
pygi hi folks14:10
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cdecarlovila: thanks, I'll try to think of something14:16
vilapygi: hi14:17
nickoeI can't seem to find out how I should setup a repo on a ftp server.14:35
nickoeCan YOU help me?14:35
vilanickoe: 'bzr init ftp://example.com/path/to/branch' should create a empty branch15:00
nickoevila, how should I then use t correctly?15:21
vilabzr push ftp://example.com/path/to/branch from your local branch15:22
vila'bzr push ftp://example.com/path/to/branch' from your local branch15:22
nickoethat is if I already got a branch on locally, right?15:23
vilanickoe: yes15:23
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nickoevila, then tha same data is locally and on the ftp, right?15:24
vilaexcept for the working tree, yes15:25
vilauncommitted changes are not pushed either15:25
nickoeOkay. But the fact that the working tree is not on ftp, means that you actually can't download a revision from the server?15:26
vilanickoe: no, it means the ftp branch has no working tree, but it can be used to branch or pull from other clients15:27
vilanickoe: if you never login with a shell on the ftp server, you don't care about the working tree15:28
nickoeokay, so antoher user can use bzr checkout ftp://bla.com/path to get the latest revision, or?15:31
nickoeSeems to be working now. vila thank you15:37
vilanickoe: always happy to help (TM)15:37
nickoeBut why do I have to type the ftp password all the time? vila15:38
vilanickoe: because your server requires a password ? :-)15:39
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vilanickoe: what os/version are you using ?15:40
nickoeubuntu 9.0415:40
vilanickoe: so authentication.conf is the way to go15:41
vilanickoe: is sftp an option on the server side ? Or is the server not under your control ?15:41
nickoesftp not an option atm15:41
vilanickoe: too bad, keys and ssh agents are more secure, anyway, have a look at http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#authentication-settings15:42
nickoeyes I know, but not an option atm...15:42
vilanickoe: is that server public or on a private LAN ?15:44
nickoewell it is public, but the information on it is just temporary15:44
vilanickoe: np, I was just trying to better understand your use case15:45
nickoeBut I will thank you once again15:47
jammorning vila15:59
vilajam: hi !15:59
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rbriggsatuiowamy unshelve command failed miserably16:11
rbriggsatuiowabzr: ERROR: exceptions.NotImplementedError: <property object at 0xee8d70>16:11
rbriggsatuiowaI'm not entirely sure what's in my shelf - where can I find what the contents are?16:11
rbriggsatuiowacat .bzr/checkout/shelf/shelf116:12
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jfroyI was wondering if there was a way to have bzr stomp all over my working tree when switching branch.19:10
jamjfroy: ? you mean touch everything?19:24
* garyvdm is trying to catch up on email. I've had no internet since I got back from the sprint.19:30
pygigaryvdm: :p19:36
pygiI've told you not to cut the wires!19:36
jfroyjam: sorry, I got dragged away19:42
jfroyso my problem is that I have some branches which have file foo/bar versioned, and some later branches that do not (they generate foo/bar)19:42
jfroyand when switching from a branch that generates foo/bar to a branch that versions the file, I get a content conflict19:43
jfroyI'd rather just have bzr blow away files it needs to check out from the branch19:43
jfroyI understand it cannot be default behavior, but a flag would be useful19:43
jamjfroy: well, there is always "bzr switch; bzr reverT"19:44
jfroythat's what I do right now, and it works well, but I'm lazy :p19:45
jambzr switch --hard ?19:47
jambzr switch --and-reset19:47
jambzr switch --and-revert19:47
jelmerjam, ping19:58
jamjelmer: pong19:58
jelmerI'm looking at bug 246880 and wondering how it relates to the bug we worked on during UDS19:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246880 in bzr "ghost fetch issue: fail when fetching a text referenced by a live revision introduced by a ghost revision" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24688019:59
jelmerthe original error is different (line delta missing) but the reconcile problem should be fixed now19:59
jelmernevermind, enough other ghost bugs open :-/20:15
garyvdmevening LarstiQ20:23
pygigaryvdm: reviewed my patch yet? :p20:23
LarstiQheya gary20:23
* pygi hides20:23
garyvdmpygi: No :-( - Had no internet. Will do it Now!20:24
pygigaryvdm: xD20:24
jelmerPeng, is there anything that's enabled by --allow-writes atm or is it there in preparation of the smart server support?21:38
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pygiGaryvdM_Windows: !21:49
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SnovaIf I deleted a file in revision 5, and am now at revision 10, what is the best way to get that file again?22:31
jamSnova: bzr revert -r 5 filename22:33
SnovaThank you. :)22:34
unutbujam: thanks22:34
Noldorinhi. i'm trying to create a branch on launchpad but am getting the following error:22:44
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: Target directory "lp:darwindotnet/0.1" already exists.22:44
Noldorinthe branch clearly hasn't been pushed to yet.22:46
Noldorinany ideas?22:46
garyvdmluks: What are your thoughts who copyright is assigned to in the license headers in qbzr?22:51
garyvdmIf someone adds a new file, they should assign the copyright to them selves?22:51
mwhudsonNoldorin: try passing --use-existing-dir to push22:53
Noldorinmwhudson: i'm attempting to branch directly to a separate launchpad branch. is that the wrong way to be doing it?22:53
Noldorin(bzr branch doesn't have the --use-existing-dir option)22:54
mwhudsonwell, i'm certainly not sure that that would work22:54
Noldorini see22:54
Noldorini wanted to do that mainly so i can link the local and master branches in sync22:55
Noldorinbut maybe i can do that another way?22:55
Noldorinmwhudson: i haven't quite figured out how i linked the master and local branches for my devel branch!22:56
mwhudsonwhat do you mean by local ?22:58
mwhudsoni don't see why you'd have two branches with perpetually the same content on launchpad22:58
Noldorinlocal as in on my drive22:58
Noldorinwhat do you mean perpetually the same content?22:58
Noldorinmwhudson: ?22:59
mwhudsonNoldorin: have you come across bzr bind ?22:59
Noldorinand master as in on launchpad22:59
Noldorinmwhudson: no i haven't22:59
mwhudsonNoldorin: i think that's what you want23:00
Noldorinah i think you could be right.23:00
Noldorinmwhudson: right, so i just tried bzr bind. it gives me the following error:23:04
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: xmlrpc protocol error connecting to https://xmlrpc.edge.launchpad.ne23:04
Noldorint/bazaar/: 503 Service Unavailable23:04
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: xmlrpc protocol error connecting to https://xmlrpc.edge.launchpad.net/bazaar/: 503 Service Unavailable23:04
mwhudsonmaybe try again?23:04
mwhudsonthat's definitely not supposed to happen23:04
garyvdmlaunchpad is currently offline.23:05
Noldorinyeah, i've already tried several times23:05
Noldorinoh lol23:05
pygigarry has spoken23:05
Noldorinit must have gone offline just as i have been talking with you23:05
Noldorinnever mind then23:05
Noldoringaryvdm: thanks23:05
Noldorinmwhudson: i think bind is my solution anyway. cheers :)23:05
=== Isaiah1 is now known as Isaiah
garyvdmNoldorin: lp's back up23:24
Noldoringaryvdm: yeah, just noticed. cheers23:28
Noldorinmwhudson: just ran bzr branch, and this error message truly seems to be strange:23:28
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~noldorin/darwindotnet/0.1/".23:28
Noldorinbecause it certainly is a branch23:28
mwhudsonNoldorin: "https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~noldorin/darwindotnet/0.1" says "This branch has not been pushed to yet."23:29
mwhudsonNoldorin: sadly, "registering a branch" in the web ui doesn't actually create a branch that bzr can use23:30
Noldorinbut i want to initiate it by branching to it23:30
mwhudsonNoldorin: push your branch up first23:30
Noldorinmwhudson: ah i see.23:30
Noldorinwill do then23:30
Noldorinmwhudson: thanks. all seems to be working now :)23:31
mwhudsonNoldorin: hooray :)23:32
Noldorinmwhudson: linked branches just seems to be turning BZR into SVN, but oh well...23:33
dashNoldorin: that's the entire point :)23:34
Noldorin(bound branches)23:34
mwhudsonNoldorin: well, a bit, yes23:34
dashyou can treat the results of 'bzr co'  and 'svn co' very similarly :)23:34
Noldorinyeah, not that it's entirely a bad thing.23:34
Noldorinit should work fairly well while i'm the only dev on this project at least23:34
Noldorindash: yeah, i suspected so23:35
tsmithehi - how would i go about using bzrlib to determine the timestamp of the initial commit of a given file? i've looked around in WorkingTree, Branch and Inventory, and haven't really found anything useful. also, weirdly, bzrlib.log.find_touching_revisions(b, w.inventory.path2id(p)) doesn't seem to work, where "b" is the BzrBranch object, w WorkingTree and p the str path.23:38
tsmithe(as in, nothing is returned)23:38
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
garyvdmtsmithe: I would think that find_touching_revisions is the right way to go (or something similar.)23:43
garyvdmtsmithe: can you check that bzr log p gives you what you want?23:45
garyvdmThe last line of the output?23:45
tsmitheyes, yes it does. the last line of the output is the commit message for the first commit.23:46
garyvdmOk - let me go look at bzrlib.log.find_touching_revisions23:47
tsmithei created w with WorkingTree.open, and b with BzrBranch.open; both on the same path.23:47
tsmithegaryvdm: thanks23:47
pygigaryvdm: you managed to review the patch!23:49
garyvdmpygi: :-)23:50
pygicongratulations :p23:50
pygigaryvdm: btw. I found the atl solution ... I think :P23:50
pygijam ^_^23:50
garyvdmpygi: I have not done much work on tbzr - so when I review the patch - I was reading the related code - so that I can also get to know it better.23:51
pygiI still wish I had time to work on that :-/23:52
pygiI think its a bit too complex for no real reason23:52
pygiI might be wrong tho23:52
garyvdmpygi: Cool.23:52
pygigaryvdm: how is that cool? :p23:52
garyvdmPygi - there was a delay - The fact that you may have found a atl fix is cool :)23:53
garyvdmThe fact the you don't have time to work on it is not :(23:54
garyvdmOne day I'll invent a machine to give us more hours in a day...23:55
pygiwell, I've told you I'd use that to guard lambs...23:55
pygienough of technology :P23:55
pygis/take care/guard/23:56
garyvdmtsmithe: you can use BzrDir.open_tree_or_branch to open the tree and branch in one command.23:57
tsmithei'll try that; thanks23:59
garyvdmtsmithe:  Take a look at _filter_revisions_touching_file_id in log.py23:59
tsmitheright, i'll do that too23:59

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