
IHS_interninterested in LTSP, and I have a DHCP server I can't take down(county owns it, not us.) And we have 100mbit ethernet at best, so small labs are best anyways... any way I can setup LTSP and use one NIC to connect to the outside world, and the rest of the lab to use a second NIC?18:23
sbalneavIHS_intern: Yes18:27
sbalneavIn fact, this is the preferred way.18:27
IHS_internWhat would you say the lowest-end hardware that will run LTSP-booting ubuntu well?18:44
IHS_internNot as the server, but as the client. We have some old Pentium MMXs in the back room....18:44
sbalneavHow much ram?18:46
IHS_intern32-128. 64 is common and an easy upgrade, 128 is easy to upgrade to. Able to get ~50 machines to 256.18:49
sbalneavif you can do 128 megs or better, you should be fine.18:50
bencrisfordhighvoltage: What is the process for becoming an ubuntu dev?20:47
bencrisfordedubuntu dev*20:47
bencrisfordI messed that up, ill try again20:48
bencrisfordhighvoltage: What is the process for becoming an edubuntu dev?20:48
bencrisfordstgraber: ?20:49
stgraberyou need to be an edubuntu member then justify that you have a good enough understanding of packaging to get the developer status20:50
bencrisfordoh :/20:50
bencrisfordstgraber: I didn't know sbalneav was an edubuntu member :)20:51
LaserJockhighvoltage: looking for me?20:53
bencrisfordLaserJock: I fixed that bug after all yesterday20:53
bencrisfordI uploaded it as a patch, not sure if it my diff is right though20:54
LaserJockwhat bug #?20:54
highvoltageLaserJock: yep, I'm just about to go to sleep though (pretty much exhausted)20:54
LaserJockhighvoltage: sorry, was/am slammed trying to get a new chapter revision to my advisor20:55
bencrisfordLaserJock: bug 30687620:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306876 in gcompris "Translations not installed with gcompris by default." [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30687620:56
highvoltageLaserJock: no problem, will talk to you tomorrow20:57
LaserJockbencrisford: you actually want to do a debdiff20:57
bencrisfordLaserJock: Ah20:57
LaserJockbencrisford: so do debdiff gcompris_8.4.4-1.1ubuntu4.dsc gcompris_8.4.4-1.1ubuntu5.dsc > gcompris_8.4.4-1.1ubuntu5.debdiff20:58
LaserJockand upload that debdiff20:58
LaserJockhighvoltage: we're doing EC tomorrow?20:58
LaserJockbencrisford: when you have something for me to do assign or at least subscribe me to the bug20:59
bencrisfordLaserJock: I already subscribed the main sponsors20:59
bencrisfordunles you wanna do it all?20:59
bencrisfordbecause gcompris is in main i think20:59
bencrisford!info gcompris20:59
ubottugcompris (source: gcompris): Educational games for small children. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.4-1.1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 457 kB, installed size 1568 kB20:59
LaserJockwell, the Main Sponsors tend to be a bit slow and there's more going on with the package21:00
highvoltageLaserJock: yes21:00
LaserJockI'm unlikely to actually upload your debdiff straight21:00
LaserJockwe need to merge the new version of gcompris in21:00
LaserJockand I'd probably apply your fix at that point21:00
LaserJockbencrisford: anyway, I'm just pointing out that if you'd like me to sponsor something the best way is to assign or subscribe me21:03
bencrisfordLaserJock: Yeah, I guess :)21:03
LaserJockI gotta run now, see y'all tomorrow21:03
bencrisfordLaserJock: How hard is it for one to become an edubuntu developer?21:03
LaserJockshouldn't be horrible21:04
bencrisfordok :)21:04
LaserJockI'm setting the technical requirements to be less than MOTU21:04
bencrisfordill keep fixing bugs ;)21:04
LaserJockbasically something like Contributing Developer with an interest in Edubuntu21:04
bencrisfordi was enquiring about ubuntu universe-contributor21:04
bencrisfordapparently its like 2-3 months visible contribution21:05
LaserJock*however*, that definitely shouldn't turn you away from contributing to Edubuntu packaging21:05
bencrisfordwhat shouldnt?21:05
LaserJockthe ~edubuntu-dev team is for granting write permissions, not an exclusive club of the only people who can work on Edubuntu packages21:05
bencrisfordi know :)21:06
LaserJockif you've got a fix or bzr branch we'll have a look21:06
bencrisfordyeah :), ok21:06
LaserJockbut since it's all gotta go through a MOTU/Core Dev anyway it's really not much of a barrier21:06
LaserJockI don't mind doing a quick check and uploading for people21:07
bencrisfordok :)21:07
LaserJockespecially so that they can get some uploads under their belt for getting Contributing Developer ;-)21:07
LaserJockanyway, gotta run21:07
pygihi asanchez21:50
asanchezhi pygi21:50
bencrisfordHey asanchez, pygi21:50
asanchezpygi, we have discussed today at work about "google summer of code" clon for schools21:52
nubaehola asanchez21:52
asanchezhola nubae21:52
pygiasanchez: what did you conclude?21:52
nubaek tal por alli, empieza hacer calor?21:52
asanchezwe are thinking about "software libre public contest"21:53
asancheznubae, it's so hot here, it's making me less productive21:53
asanchezit's impossible to do nothing until 8pm21:54
nubaeyeah, more air conditioning needed ;-)21:54
asanchezi only have air conditioned in computers room at home :D21:54
pygiasanchez: interesting, can I know more? And can it map in my initiative?21:56
asanchezpygi, here in Andalusia we have one specific formation level about Applications Desing and Coding and another about System Administration21:56
asanchezsorry, phone21:56
asanchezpygi, are you thinking about a global initiative, isn't it?22:07
pygiasanchez:possibly, yes22:08
asanchezWe are thinking about propose some little *free software* projects that people that are finish their formation could use as final project22:11
asanchezother people will have mentor role (could be teacher or anybody interested)22:12
pygiasanchez: that's cool22:16
asanchezpygi, we have to sell the idea to our politician boss22:17

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